#also it is very late and words are not wording
ham1lton · 3 days
semi charmed kinda life!
pairings: jenson button x driver!reader.
warnings: smut at the end. please don’t say i didn’t warn you.
summary: simple story. girl meets boy. boy is her older brother’s best friend. boy is off limits. then boy sees her all sweaty post race. you know the rest.
author’s note: quick request! i combined two requests into one :) wrote this on the train and i’m home now! hope u all enjoy <3 it’s very long :(
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jenson didn’t consider himself to be easily distracted. when he was younger, absolutely. if a pretty girl winked at him or he saw a gorgeous vintage car, it could easily turn his head. yet, now he was in his forties, he liked to think he was pretty indestructible.
jenson knew you, of course he did. he was best friends with your older brother. they had met as they both karted when they were younger and when your brother had decided he wanted to go to university and have a normal job, they had kept the friendship going.
however, he didn’t interact with you a lot. he only knew you as the determined kid who drove circles around your brother.
that was all he knew, that you were really good and really busy. you lived up to your hype as you eventually became the first female f1 driver to win a championship. you didn’t race at the same time as jenson did, as there was a noticeable age gap between the two of you, and now as you’re nearing your late twenties, you’re also reaching your peak.
you easily land first place as you take off your helmet and shake your hair free. you smile and hug your team as they all encircle you as best they can. you looked radiant, winning looked natural on you.
jenson couldn’t stop looking at you. it was like a switch set off in his brain. y/n was hot? had you always looked like that?
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as the crowd began to disperse, you caught sight of jenson standing off to the side. your smile widened and you made your way over to him. “jenson, hey! it’s been a while,” you said, pulling him into a friendly hug.
“y/n, congrats. that was an incredible race,” he replied, trying to keep his tone cool and casual.
“thanks. it feels surreal, honestly,” you said, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “i never thought i’d get here.”
“you’ve earned it,” jenson said, meaning every word. “you’ve always been talented.”
“coming from you, that means a lot.” you said, your eyes sparkling with gratitude and … something else? but before he can think too hard, it’s gone and your assistant is by your shoulder. you look apologetic as you turn to go.
“say hi to your family for me.” jenson calls out after you. desperate for another second of your attention. you turn around and give him a wink.
“course i will. you’re practically a l/n now jenson.” you laugh, as you head into the garage, leaving him grinning after you like a little kid again.
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later that evening, jenson found himself at the hotel bar, nursing a drink. it wasn’t as strong as he’d usually like it but it was enough.
the place was buzzing with post-race energy, filled with drivers, team members, and fans celebrating the day's events. he glanced around, half-expecting to see you among the revellers. just as he took another sip, you walked in, and he nearly choked on his drink.
you looked incredible. gone was the racing suit, replaced by a sleek dress that hugged your curves perfectly. your hair was styled effortlessly, and the confidence you exuded was even more noticeable now. you scanned the room, your eyes landing on jenson. a smile spread across your face as you made your way over.
"jenson, hi. mind if i join you?" you asked, your voice carrying over the noise of the bar.
"sure, please," he replied, hoping he sounded more composed than he felt.
you took the seat next to him, ordering a drink. he noticed you didn’t get an alcoholic one. "crazy day, huh?"
"definitely. you were amazing out there," jenson said, unable to keep the admiration out of his voice.
"thanks. it still feels like a dream," you said, your eyes meeting his.
for a moment, there was a comfortable silence between you, the kind that speaks volumes. jenson felt a rush of nerves, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. he was used to being in control, but you had a way of making him feel like a teenager with a crush.
"so, what's next for you?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation going. he turns towards you.
"celebrate tonight, then back to training tomorrow," you replied, laughing softly. "no rest for the wicked."
“i don’t miss that part.” he laughs, taking another sip and not ignoring the way your eyes watch him.
“what about you? mr button.” you say, crossing your legs. “what’s next for you?”
“now my racing days are behind me?” you nod. “commentating, business, mentoring and a bunch of other things. trying a bit of everything before i die.”
“sounds like you have your hands full.” you raise an eyebrow. “still, i bet you miss the track.”
“every day,” he admitted. “but it’s also nice to watch the next generation take over. like you.”
“you like watching me?”
“who doesn’t?” jenson smiles ruefully, like a kid who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
you finished your drink quickly, and looked at your watch. you sigh. jenson’s heart sank slightly, wanting to keep the conversation going.
“i suppose i should get some rest. early day tomorrow.”
“oh, yeah, of course. don’t want to keep you up.”
“unless, would you like to join me?”
his pulse quickened as you looked at him. he smiled.
“i’d like that.”
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you kissed as well as you drove. firmly, and in control. weird analogy but jenson’s brain was always in driving mode, even as you slid your hand into his pants. okay, maybe not then.
you grin into the kiss as he holds you tighter. he runs a hand through your hair as your hands encircle him. he breaks the kiss as he stands back for a second and wipes off your smeared lipgloss, he kisses you again enthusiastically as your grip on him tightens.
“god, you’re fucking gorgeous.” he moans as you stroke him.
“yeah?” you break the kiss to help him get undressed and for a moment, you enjoy the contrast of your clothed self versus his nakedness. “you thought about this?”
“maybe.” he has the audacity to look slightly sheepish as if that isn’t the hottest thing he could have said to you. your childhood crush is in front of you, admitting that he thinks you’re hot and that he’s fantasised about you. you drop to your knees as he gently puts your hair in a makeshift ponytail with his hand. the response he gives as you go down on him is more than enough to have your legs pressing together.
“wait! wait.” he says, breathlessly. you stop and look up at him with curious eyes. “i’m gonna cum if you continue. don’t have the same refractory period as i did when i was younger sweetheart. let me return the favour, yeah?”
you smile, all innocence, as your brother’s best friend peels the dress that you were wearing off your body. thank god you had prepared for this opportunity, you had worn your sexiest lingerie in the chance that this happened tonight. jenson kisses you harder, and you know he likes it.
after a moment, he’s between your legs and what’s left of your makeup is smudged. you’re at least seventy percent sure that your mascara has left your eyelashes and moved all over your cheeks. he’s gently pressing kisses to your clit through your panties, which are already wet with your arousal. he starts to lick at you slowly, through the material. he continues for a while, tongue pressed against you as you languidly grind your hips against his face. but it isn’t enough.
“jenson, please do something.” you cry out.
“i am doing something.” he smiles, faux innocence plastered all over his handsome face. he presses a finger against you, and removes it covered in your arousal. “she clearly likes it.”
“do it properly.”
“say the magic word, miss race winner.”
“please.” you sob. “please, please, please! is that good enough for you?”
“i was going to get you off regardless sweetheart.” jenson grins and you want to smack him, but then he peels off your panties and breathes in your arousal. before his face dives into your cunt, pressing his nose against your clit as he gathers your juices with his tongue. he enters a finger to stretch you open as you dig your hands into his greying hair to pull him closer between your thighs.
he adds a second finger, and then a third, and the stretch is delicious. he focuses his tongue on your clit as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. you knew you were close as you could feel the orgasm building in the pit of your stomach. almost like he knew, he started curling his fingers inside of you and letting you grind down even harder on his face.
when you came, you swore you could see stars.
jenson lets you ride his face through the aftershocks, and then he looks up at you, grinning, his chin still wet with your arousal.
“told you you’d cum.”
“yeah, yeah.” you wave him off breathlessly. “let me get you off.”
“i’m an easy man.” jenson shrugs as he moves up on top of you. “anyway you’ll let me have you, i’ll enjoy it.”
“i want you in me.”
the burn of him entering you is a welcome one. you thank god he prepped you well, it had been a while since you’d had sex and you needed the extra wetness. you can’t even focus on what he’s saying as he fucks into you. everything blurs as you watch him, you’re more focused on how sexy he looks and how good it feels. he kisses all over your neck and your lips.
“look at you.” he groans as he fucks into you harder. your back arches as he takes a nipple in his mouth. your heels dig into his lower back.
you can feel your oncoming orgasm as jenson presses a lazy thumb against your clit and when he looks down in wonder at his cock fucking into your messy cunt, your world goes white as you gush all over him. he fucks you through the aftershocks until he finds his own orgasm, body collapsing onto yours as you hold him close, stroking his sweaty hair.
“you okay? was that good for you?” you ask after a moment. he laughs breathlessly.
“you couldn’t be bad for me. i could have gotten off just lookin’ at you.” he turns to grin at you. “you were great. 10/10.”
“thanks,” you smile and press a kiss against his lips. “coming from you, that means a lot.”
his laughter rumbles through his chest and you can feel the vibrations. you can’t help but laugh too.
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liked by bestie, ynswifey and 1,293,902 others.
yourusername: what’s better than one world champion? two.
view all 234,937 comments
user2: I CALLED IT
user3: mommy and daddy.
-> user7: all these bitches are their sons fr
user4: threesome perhaps? :)
-> user9: i need them both carnally.
user12: omggggg bagging her childhood crush AND another championship. yn ur MY goat.
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taglist: @23victoria @c-losur3 @imsiriuslyreal @f1withleire @kamabokogonpachro @sya-skies @dark-night-sky-99 @handsupforamiracle @lichterfee @namgification
427 notes · View notes
Bad for Me — Cassian x Reader
Hi! I found this in my drafts and thought I’d share it while I’m finishing up the next part of Bluebird. I’m not sure why I never posted it 🤔maybe because I don’t think it’s very well written. Also, it seems I was using a prompt list for parts of dialogue in this, but I can’t for the life of me think which one it was 😅but anyway, enjoy an angsty piece with an angsty cliffhanger ending 💅🏻
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: None.
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“What the fuck is this?”
There wasn’t a part of you that didn’t shake with anger as you stormed your way into the sitting room. Anger that had built up and festered as the day had faded into night.
It was late. You’d waited up — waited for the telltale, arrogantly loud footsteps that had announced Cassian’s return. Where he’d been all day, you didn’t know nor care.
Sure enough, you found him in his usual chair by the fireplace, a glass of whiskey rested on the arm and his eyes closed. His fingers rubbed circles into his forehead — a positive sign that he was sporting a particularly gruelling headache.
Good. You would yell into his ear until he launched himself off one of the verandas and flew far, far away.
“What is this?” You repeated, chucking the item you held straight onto his lap.
His eyes slowly opened, and he glanced down impassively. “That’s a piece of paper. It’s useful for writing, or drawing, or—”
“Don’t be a smartass.”
It had surprised you, to say the least, to wake up to the folded note on your bedside table — in Cassian’s rough scrawl.
Find yourself a pretty little dress. Don’t make any plans for Friday next. We’re going dancing. Cassian.
“Explain.” You demanded, your tone clipped. Brash.
You didn’t want to go dancing with Cassian. Or walking, or running, or…anything.
It was bad enough living under the same roof as him. Working in the same circle as him. Bad enough having to be civil in the name of a unified front.
But you were professional. You could pretend to get along in front of people.
That didn’t mean you had to socialise with him, though.
With a sigh, he sat up straighter, brushing his hair back. “Rhys is having me play courtier again.”
Your head cocked to the side. “But you’re so terrible at it.”
The minuscule pause and tick of his jaw told you you’d landed a sure blow. A nervy spot, for Cassian, was certainly his abilities off the battlefield. Why Rhys insisted on sending the General on certain courtier expeditions was beyond your comprehension. And beyond Cassian’s, too, judging by how much he hated it.
You took no small amount of pleasure in that fact. A little payback for all the ways he’d torn you down over the years.
“Hilarious.” He rolled his eyes at you.
“I wasn’t joking.”
“Whatever. Rhys is having me represent him at a fucking ball in the Hewn City and I need a plus-one, so — you’re coming.”
Your shoulders tensed. “Absolutely not. Ask somebody else.”
“There’s no way I’m putting Mor through that. And she’s in Vallahan, anyway.”
“So take Amren with you.”
“Be real, Y/N.”
You stared at him, clenching your jaw. You hated him. Hated him so, so much — loathed him — that you swore your veins turned to ice around him. Ever since you’d met him, and you’d taken one look at him and thought he was the most beautiful male you’d ever seen. 
You’d sworn never to fall in love again, when you’d joined Rhysand’s Inner Circle — and seeing Cassian go through flings like you went through books only solidified that decision.
Hate was a good thing. Hate was something you could pour all your anger into and throw at the person that seeped into your thoughts a little too often.
And dish that hate out you may, but gods Cassian gave it back just as fiercely.
“Ask one of your many lovers.” You spat. “You have your cock in a different female every week. I can’t imagine you’re short on admirers.”
Cassian stretched his arms over his head. “And how many admirers do you have, Y/N?”
You tried your best not to flinch. To let him see the effect his words had on you was as bad as him thrusting a dagger into your gut. You willed yourself to give nothing away.
“Just find somebody else.” You said. “There’s not a fucking chance I’m going anywhere with you, of all people.”
You didn’t give him a chance to respond. You turned on your feet and stalked from the room, leaving the note on his lap and your barbed words hanging heavy in the air.
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Three nights later, your bedroom door burst open so abruptly that you dropped your book on your face.
“Pause your masturbation for five minutes.” Cassian’s deep, arrogant voice filled the room. “I have your dress.”
You sat up, your entire body tensing the way it always did in his presence. “What.”
He kicked the door shut behind him, and even in your considerably-sized bedroom, his domineering figure seemed to take up most of the space. He strode to the foot of your bed — and paused, just for a moment, his eyes drinking in the sight of your nightgown, your unbound hair.
You didn’t have a chance to remark before he straightened himself out and launched a flash of pale pink fabric at you.
“For the ball.” He said. “I checked your size and asked the shopkeeper to pick it out, so…if you don’t like it, I don’t really give a fuck.”
Your eyes fell down to the dress in your lap. Undeniably pretty, with its rosy hue and flaring skirt, thin straps and tiny, beaded jewels. A dress you would probably choose for yourself, if the occasion called for it.
You’d always loved clothes; dresses in particular. The intricacies of certain garments fascinated you, and the thought of creating your own made your heart skip a beat.
You thought you’d feel pretty in this dress; prettier than you usually felt, in your leathers or shirts and breeches. It wasn’t all that often that you had an occasion to dress up for.
But even this gown wouldn’t convince you to accept Cassian’s invitation. Or, rather, his order.
You pushed the dress away from you, though your fingers lingered within the soft fabric. “You’re absolutely fucking insane if you think I’m going to that ball with you.”
Cassian’s eyes fell to where your hands stroked the skirts, before climbing back up to meet yours. The bastard knew what you were feeling. He fucking knew.
“Oh, you so want to.” He smirked. “I can see it in your eyes.”
You shrugged nonchalantly. “So it’s a nice dress. I’m sure one of your many sexual escapades would appreciate it.”
The General’s head tilted, a few strands ripping from the loose knot his hair was tied into. “What is it about my sex life that bothers you so much?”
That you’re free to even have such a sex life without judgement. That you will never know what it’s like to be ostracised just for exploring such things. That you can fuck who you like with no repercussions. That it isn’t me you’re—
“Don’t mistake me for someone who gives a shit about anything you do.” You bit. “I just wouldn’t want such a nice dress to be wasted.”
“It won’t be. Because you’ll be wearing it to the ball on Friday.”
“No.” You threw the dress back at him. Picked your book back up. “I will not.”
“I’m going to hang it on the door.”
“Don’t bother.”
He ignored you, of course. The dress was hung. “We’ll be leaving at seven.”
“No we won’t.”
“We will.”
He pulled your bedroom door open, slipping out.
“Cassian?” You called, and there was a strong pause.
He poked his head back in. “What?”
“I’m not going to that damned ball with you.”
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You were going to that damned ball with him.
High Lord’s orders, your ass. You’d kill Rhys for this.
The dress was a perfect fit, clinging to you like a second skin. And as you stared yourself down in the mirror, smoothing your hands over the fabric, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt this pretty.
A long, long time ago. A night of passion. A night that would ultimately ruin your life.
You shook the past from your thoughts, straightening yourself out. It was imperative that you wore an unbreakable mask to the Hewn City. One that was steeled and sharp and revealed nothing of the person that lay beneath.
A thump fell on your bedroom door. “We’re going to be late.” Cassian barked.
You rolled your eyes, turning away from the mirror. The beads of your dress swished as you moved, and you focused on that, rather than the oaf that was currently trying to break into your room.
Just a few hours, and this would all be over.
“Simmer down, General.” You pulled the door open, stepping out. “I’m ready.”
Cassian stepped back. And stopped.
His hazel eyes slowly traced the length of your body. And despite the fact that he’d griped about being late, he took his sweet time drinking you in.
You waited for the snide remarks. For whatever fault he would surely find with your appearance. But when his eyes landed on your face again, you couldn’t puzzle out his expression.
“Good.” Was all he commented. “Let’s go.”
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“Can you quit your fidgeting?”
Cassian scowled beside you, rolling his shoulders. “The collar on this thing is too tight.”
Your eyes travelled the sculpted length of his body — not for the first time — before you forced them away. He looked…undeniably breathtaking.
His comfort, you knew, was in leathers and body armour. Only on rare occasions like Starfall or Solstice did he swap his usual attire for more casual clothing like button-up shirts and trousers. You couldn’t recall a time you’d actually seen him decked in a tailored suit.
Until now.
The material was of deepest burgundy, outlining — accentuating — every last muscle it possibly could. There was something thrilling about the thought of so many deadly weapons hiding within that dashing attire. Something thrilling about knowing the Lord of Bloodshed walked beside you.
Right now, though, he was the fucking Lord of Complaining and Whining. You rolled your eyes, turning to him.
“What are you doing?” He watched as you pushed up onto the tips of your toes.
“Shutting you up.” You adjusted his collar, ignoring the feel of the backs of your fingers brushing his neck. “Better?”
“Suppose so.” He rolled those shoulders again. He wouldn’t be content until the suit was off him completely.
“Then let’s go.” You currently stood outside the towering gates of the Hewn City, the air always unpleasantly cold in these parts. You took a step forward, your dress swishing along the ground—
A warm, rough hand landed on your arm. Stopped you.
“What?” You glanced at Cassian over your shoulder.
“Rhys is expecting us to represent him.” He said, his hazel eyes strangely fierce. He always got that look when there was a task at hand. “I know we hate each other. And that’s more than fine. But just for tonight, can we pretend that we…don’t?”
You stared back at him pensively. A petty part of you wanted to shrug him off and scoff. To tell him that the unpleasantness with which he’d always approached you had long laid any potential alliance to waste.
But he was right — Rhys was counting on you both. And Rhys had done a lot for you since you’d turned up on his doorstep with barely a coin to your name. For him…for him, you would pretend to enjoy Cassian’s company.
“Whatever.” You shrugged the General’s touch off, turning back around. “Fine.”
It wasn’t going to be easy, though.
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You made sure, in your life, that you never had to spend any extended amount of time with Cassian. You tolerated him when you had to, and avoided him the rest of the time.
But you’d been for nights out in the same group, of course. And you’d forgotten how many females tended to flock to his side and fawn over him.
This ball was a sure reminder of that.
You’d barely stepped into the room and grabbed yourselves a drink before groups of females were glancing over and chatting excitedly, shrill giggles floating over to you. It was a mere five minutes before one of them mustered the nerve to ask him to dance, leaving you standing on your own.
It was during that first dance that you decided — you weren’t just going to be civil with Cassian.
You were going to be so sickeningly over the top that he’d have no chance of skulking off with any of those females and leaving you by yourself while he got his cock sucked. Not a chance. If they thought he’d been claimed by another member of Rhys’s Inner Circle, they’d back off; if a little begrudgingly.
So you watched. Waited for that dance to end. Rhys hadn’t given you any specific orders, besides attending on his behalf and keeping an ear out for any gossip. You drank your wine and enjoyed the music, and the second Cassian had an empty space before him, you dipped in before anybody else could.
It seemed to surprise him. He blinked at you, before straightening himself out. “What are you doing?”
“Dancing with you.” You grabbed his hand, fastening it on your waist.
“Rhys never said we had to dance together.”
“You want us to get along, Cassian?” The music began, tugging you into movement. “Then let’s get along.”
With the other couples beginning to dance around you, it left no other option than to follow suit and avoid causing a scene. Cassian’s jaw ticked, but he grabbed for your other hand and began to pull you around the dance floor with him. He was no seasoned dancer, by any means, but he displayed more skill than you’d expected.
Another thing you loved — dancing. Feeling like your feet were floating. Once you started dancing, you wanted to keep going and going into you fell off the world and tumbled into a blissful beyond. Nothing else mattered besides the music, the moves.
“I didn’t know you could dance.” Cassian commented, echoing the thoughts you’d had about him.
You shrugged, not misstepping once. “I was forced to take lessons as a girl.”
“I didn’t know that, either.”
“Why would you know? It’s not as though we like each other.”
He spun you around. Dipped you in his arms. “And why is that?”
Laughable, that he was the one to ask that question. “You tell me. You never tried.”
“Is that how it went?”
“It is.”
He stared at you, expression unreadable. No other words were exchanged as one dance came to its end, and the music flowed into the next piece. But you didn’t need words to carry out your plan.
The second you caught a glimpse of hopeful, waiting females in your periphery, you pulled Cassian closer to you once more, your bodies flush against each other.
You may have felt a teensy bit ridiculous as you slipped your fingers into the strands of his hair and brushed it out of his face.
“I like your hair like this.” The words were heavy on your tongue. Not untrue, but…painful to say out loud.
Cass stared at you. “…thank you.”
But his thanks was lost in your satisfaction as the awaiting female disappeared from the corner of your eye, skulking off to sulk, no doubt. It was an effort not to smirk. Still, you righted yourself and continued with your plan.
You made certain that yours and Cassian’s bodies met in all the right places. Very close. Very dangerous.
Perfect — because there were still hopeful, simpering females watching. Waiting for you to walk away.
“Dance with me again.” Your breathy tone wasn’t entirely for show — nor was the hand you trailed down his arm for emphasis.
But Cassian frowned at you. “What are you up to?”
“Me?” Your eyes glittered. “Nothing at all.”
He kept his gaze on you, following you into your second dance. You could have sworn you saw the slumping of many shoulders as you spun around the floor, Cassian’s hands like a burning brand on your skin.
You weren’t even really paying attention to him, simply following the steps mindlessly, until he spoke again.
“That isn’t how it went.” He said.
Your brow furrowed as you spun around. “What?”
In one swift move, he was pulling you against him, pressing your fronts together. “You said I never tried to know you. I refute that.”
You shrugged. “You treated me with the same contempt as the bastards I ran away from.”
“You treated me like I was dirt beneath your shoe and I didn’t deserve the time of day.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. That simply was not true. He had always been cocky, and arrogant, and difficult. He acted as though mud wouldn’t stick to him, as though he could do what he liked, when he liked.
Suddenly, you didn’t want to be dancing with him anymore. Didn’t want his hands on you, simpering females or no.
He could go to hell.
“I never thought you didn’t deserve the time of day.” You contested tersely. “I—”
“I know.” He interrupted. Spun you around again. “I worked it out eventually.”
“Excuse me?”
“What your problem is.” Another dip.
You didn’t like this conversation — it’s direction. It would be easier to run away, to avoid it.
Easier, but cowardly.
“Pray, tell, General, what do you believe my problem is?” You stared at him.
He leaned down, just as the music faded. Poised his lips at your ear. “Jealousy.” He murmured, the word seeming deafeningly loud. “Sometimes the way you look at me makes me think that perhaps you don’t hate me that much.”
You knew your body stiffened between you. And as he pulled back and smirked, you also knew that he knew he’d won.
Whatever it was that glittered in his eyes was…knowledge. Knowing. An understanding. And that couldn’t mean anything good for you.
The two of you looked up upon the intrusion, only realising then that the music had stopped, and the dancing with it. A doe-eyed girl stared at the General with bright, sparkling hope in her eyes.
“I was hoping I might have the next dance.” She said.
You didn’t care anymore. You barely spared either of them a glance as you let go of Cassian and pushed out of his arms.
“He’s all yours.” You said.
And then you went to find some fresh air.
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“I’ll be sure to tell Rhys that you spent the evening skulking around on your own whilst I did all the posturing.”
You glanced at Cassian out of the corner of your eye. You weren’t interested in a verbal sparring match right now. The night air was pleasant on your skin, and you allowed it to cool your face, your neck. Allowed it to wash away the tension permanently coiled within your veins, if only for a few stolen moments.
“Go ahead”, was the only reply you offered.
Eyes pierced into you as you bathed yourself in the moonlight. Even with your own shut, you could sense Cassian watching, waiting. But you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of anything beyond vague acknowledgement. Not now.
That seemed to fucking torture him.
“What—no smartass response?” He quipped.
“No, Cassian,” you sighed quietly. “No smartass response.”
He paused — seemed genuinely knocked silent for a moment — before he scoffed. “I don’t believe that for a second. Even in silence, I know you’re up to something. That scheming brain of yours—”
“This scheming brain of mine is exhausted.”
As your eyes flew open, you caught the way he faltered, a slight misstep, the barest ruffling of his wings. For all he was the General of War, the Lord of Bloodshed, you’d also observed him to be a profoundly emotional person. And that emotion sometimes won as he fought to hide it.
This emotion…it was ire. Gone was the sharp-edged teasing. He found issue with your words, and his jaw gave a telltale tick.
“What could you possibly be exhausted by?” he scoffed. “You need only turn up looking like a fucking goddess and people respect you. You’re not some lowly, bastard-born brute. You don’t get sneered at simply for breathing—”
“You believe people respect me?”
“Of course they do!”
“You don’t.”
He stumbled — actually stumbled — and it was only that which alerted you to the way he’d been inching towards you. But his steps faltered, and he gaped at you like your revelation was entirely out of pocket. Like you had no reason to feel that.
“You have never respected me.” You held firm on your point, even if your voice was a tad quieter. “I fled a fucking viper’s den and ran to Rhysand’s court, hoping to find a sense of…of belonging. But you…” A soft, rueful chuckle shuddered out of you. “You have made it your mission to ensure that would not be the case.”
Slowly, Cassian’s brow pinched. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, seeming to search for the right words. “That…isn’t how it went…”
“It is,” you shrugged. “You said I treated you like dirt — perhaps, unintentionally, I did. Perhaps it was a defence mechanism, because I never expected to flee absolute hell and come face-to-face with a male that I immediately wanted.”
There they were — the words out in the open. The truth wedged itself between you like a glaring, unmissable sign. You had never hated Cassian. Quite the opposite.
“I thought that I would never want another male in that way again.” You revealed hoarsely. “I thought I would live a life content with just…being me. With friends and nothing more. But that first day I met you, I walked in and I…I knew. I felt it.”
Cassian blinked, slowly shaking his head. “What…”
“And then you were so hostile, and I thought that maybe that was a good thing. That it would discourage me from feeling things. But I must be a fucking glutton for punishment, because no matter how cold you were towards me, my feelings only grew. And I tried…I tried so hard to shift them into hate, but I couldn’t. I’ve never been able to. I simply…can’t.”
The way he stared at you…so hardened, so severe…you couldn’t get a read on the reaction. But then…had you ever really been able to get a read on him?
“You were right…what you said about me being jealous,” you swallowed. “I was. I am—”
“That was…just a joke…I was just being a dick—”
“No,” you shook your head. “You were right. I was jealous in there, and I’m always jealous when people flirt with you. When I see you smile at them and joke with them and I shouldn’t wish it was me but I do. These feelings are constant. And that, Cassian…that is why I am exhausted. It’s exhausting for me to know you.”
It should have been a relief, to have finally shifted such heavy feelings from your shoulders. But they were like tangible beings, fogging the air around you, wrapping you and Cassian up in a situation that was complicated and ugly and not at all ideal.
You knew he would do nothing with your feelings…except maybe sneer at them, laugh at them, throw them back in your face. You expected nothing from him. And the longer the silence went on, the more you began to wish that you could steal your confessions back. Shove them deep back into that narrow part of your heart that was still capable, somehow, of feeling such things.
You cleared your throat, tweaking the pretty, delicate gloves that covered your hands and forearms. “We should…head back inside.”
You breezed past him, suddenly desperate for the mindless chaos of the throne room. But you’d only managed a few steps forward before Cassian was gripping onto your arm and yanking you back.
Your dress fanned out as he spun you around, and a breath pushed out of you as he slammed you against the nearest wall, the cold brick biting into the fabric of your dress.
Before you could say anything, he was dipping down, his mouth sliding over yours.
Cassian kissed you deeply, punishingly, his lips moulding to yours perfectly. You gasped against him, and his tongue slid into your mouth to dance with yours, his rough, rugged taste invading you.
You’d thought about this moment a ludicrous amount. You’d imagined what the weight of his lips might be like, how perfectly his tongue might duel with yours. Nothing — no amount of imagining — could prepare you for the reality. The sense of rightness as his hand coasted up to clasp the back of your head, his fingers sinking into your hair. He gave a gentle tug, and you moaned in immediate response.
Air, it seemed, was not important. Not as you kissed him back feverishly, gripping at his shirt in an attempt to pull him as close against you as he could possibly get. The press of his hard body against yours was pleasure in itself. You nipped his lip, desperate for more, more, more, and he groaned in response.
This — this could very well spiral out of control, and you would welcome it. You wanted him to tear your clothes off and take you against this wall. You wanted him to make you feel like he wanted you, like it wasn’t exhausting to know him—
But there was suddenly emptiness and coldness. And it took your mind a moment to catch up and realise that he had pulled away.
Not far. Just enough to stare down at you, his deep hazel eyes flaring and furious. His panting breaths sawed out of him, landing directly on your lips and making you desperate for another taste. You tilted your head up—
He shook his head. Stepped back.
“No,” he murmured, voice gruff. “No. You…you are very bad for me.”
Your entire body turned cold at the words. Words that sliced at you, reminiscent of ones you’d heard before. “What?”
“You’re bad for me,” he repeated. “And I am very bad for you.”
“Don’t—don’t even say my name.”
With a swiftness that sent a gust of wind rustling the skirts of your dress, he turned, wings flaring and launching him into the star-speckled sky above you. You gaped at his retreating figure, flying off into the night, leaving you alone not only in that courtyard, but in the fucking Court of Nightmares.
Your mouth had turned dry, your skin cold. You lingered out there long after Cassian had flown off, waiting to see if he would come back. Pathetically hoping he would.
He did not.
And as you conceded, slipping your courtier mask back into place and turning to retreat back inside, his words rang like a deafening klaxon in your head.
You are very bad for me.
425 notes · View notes
weird-is-life · 3 days
hey lovie! what about a remus x reader where he sees her asleep in the back of the library one evening on his prefect rounds and he wakes her up. he is more concerned on how long she’s been studying/asleep since it’s so late…on their walk she just walks with him during his rounds because they are just chatty
they both fancy each other but neither of them think the other thinks the same. he walks her back to gryf tower snd he finally says what he’s wanted to say for years
(i hope that makes sense and if ya hate the idea, no problemo lol)
Hii lovely🥰 ty for the request. I tried my best, hope this is okay. Warnings: fluff, use of y/n, like one swear word, (0.9k)
Remus has seen you many times before. Either in the common room, halls, dining room, and the most in the library.
Remus always sees you in the library. Sitting quietly more at the back of the room. Either reading some book or doing the assignments for the classes.
So it's no surprise to see you here even now. But it definitely catches him off guard seeing you here so so late. Remus was on the last one of his prefect rounds before heading to bed himself, and he wasn't expecting to see you in the library.
Remus, from a shorter distance, notices that you are asleep. Softly exhaling one breath after another. Something stirs in Remus's heart at the sight of you, but he ignores it.
Remus approaches you, and tries to wake you up as nicely as he can. He doesn't want to scare you. He gently shakes you by your shoulder, and whispers your name a few times.
You rouse from sleep, blinking,  completely baffled by Remus's handsome face.
Remus thinks you are even more cute when you are half asleep. It's not doing any favors to his feelings for you. But he wills those thoughts away, and says, "sorry, y/n. You fell asleep in the library, and it's getting pretty late."
The sleep haze quickly dissappears when you realise where you are. You are up on your feet in a matter of seconds, packing your things away.
"Shit. I'm sorry. I was reading, and-and I must have fallen asleep," you explain in a mild panic. You would be in a lot of trouble if it was anybody else other than Remus that had found you here. Students aren't allowed out of their dorms this late at night.
"It's alright," Remus reassures you with a warm smile," I've done that so many times. I can't even count how many times James or Sirius had to walk down here to retrieve me."
"Really?" you giggle quietly, still very much sleepy and a little stressed.
"Yeah, really," Remus chuckles, too. "Now c'mon, let's get you to your dorm. I'll walk you there. Well, that is if you don't mind."
You shake your head. Indicating that you don't mind at all. Your cheeks go pretty pink as Remus and you start to walk towards the dorms.
You've always thought that Remus was so handsome, and so so smart. You'd never done anything about your crush, of course. Too scared to say anything. But that doesn't mean you haven't been admiring him. You have just-........from afar.
"Why were you in the library so late?" Remus asks to fill in the awkward quiet between you. And also he's a bit worried about you staying there until so late.
"Just studying, I couldn't figure out one assignment," you sigh. You still haven't figured it out, even if you stayed in the library for so many hours.
"The one for the potions?"
"Yeah," you admit in defeat," I've read everything I possibly could, but still i didn't find the answer."
Remus gives you a hesitant smile. You two are just a few steps from the dorms. You were walking too long in the awkward silence, and now the flowing conversation is about to end.
"I can give you the answer. I'll give it to you right away if you give me a second to look for it in my room," Remus instantly offers.
He's spent good few hours trying to find the answer too, so he understands how frustrating it can get. So he's very willing to give you the answer just so you don't go to bed with that on your mind. And also because he likes you, like a lot, and he would give you literally anything if you'd asked for it. He's down that bad for you.
"Really? I would really appreciate it, Remus," you say, happy about his help. You can't even think of how you could possibly thank him for it.
"Just give me a second," he turns towards his dorm, but he suddenly freezes halfway to the door.
Remus abruptly gets a better idea or well it depends on how well it goes. He just can't help his feelings for you any longer, and he needs to know what you feel, too. Even if he may get rejected, and end up with a broken heart.
Remus slowly turns around to face you again, a shy smile on his face.
"Or-r," he starts," we could go to Hogsmeade during the weekend, and I could explain it to you there. With something nice to eat and drink." Remus blurts it out in one breath.
Your eyes go very wide. Is Remus Lupin asking you out on a date or are you still very much asleep in the library, dreaming of this moment?
"L-like a date?" you sheepishly ask, blushing, and looking everywhere but him after your question.
"Yes. Exactly like a date." Remus states, looking nervous and hopeful at the same time.
You look up at him with a smile, you can't really believe that this is happening, " I think, I'd love that."
"Really?" Remus questions happily.
"Yes, really," you nod your head, sending a reassuring smile his way.
"Great. I can't wait," he tells you with a visible excitement.
"Me too," you admit bashfully.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. We can sort out the time then. Goodnight, y/n," Remus says, giving you one more soft smile of his.
"Yes, tomorrow then. Goodnight to you too, Remus," you wave him goodbye, and quickly dissappear into your dorm before you can collapse on the spot from the way your legs have turned to jello.
You think you can hear pretty loud cheers of the Marauders as you head to change into your pyjamas. A shy giggle escapes your mouth when you think about Remus telling his best mates about your date, and them being so happy about it.
277 notes · View notes
minswriting · 13 hours
Min!! Congrats on 900 followers! I love your work so so much, you inspire my work, you are so incredible and talented - I love you i love you i love youuuuu!!!
I have come with a dirty request. I would like season 3ish Spencer, being taught by reader how he should touch her since he’s not that experienced and then Spencer flusteredly being like ‘could you show me how you touched me last time so I can remember how to do it myself’ AAAA just like something about TEACHING that SOB that knows everything itches something deep and horny in my brain. Xoxo 🧸
AHHHH THIS IS SUCH A LATE RESPONSE IM SO SORRRYYYY however i love this request so of course i will write it. my apologies for being so slow with stuff lately guys. life be getting in the way 😔😔
nsfw | mdni | spencer reid x reader | fingering (f), squirting
your relationship with spencer was still relatively new. you guys had been dating for about a month or so and have only done a few sexual things to one another. he had watched you get yourself off before, taking in the movements of your fingers at the different parts of your cunt. and he desperately wanted to make you feel good too.
so, one night, after spencer had gotten home from a case, the two of you were sat on his couch, watching some old movie. and he just looks at you randomly and goes “can you teach me how to please you like you do yourself?”
it caught you off guard for a moment. you didn’t comprehend his words right away but the moment you did, you couldn’t help but smile. “is that what’s been on your pretty mind tonight?” you asked, looking at your boyfriend.
spencer simply pressed his lips together in an awkward smile, nodding his head. “uh…yes?” he said, sounding unsure.
“of course i can teach you,” you exclaimed.
which led to the two of you on the couch as you sat in between spencer’s legs, back to his chest, with your pants and panties off. your legs were spread and you held spencer’s hand in yours. “firstly, you take your finger and you spread the wetness around.” you said softly, bringing his hand down to your pussy and guiding his pointer finger up and down your slit, spreading the wetness around. “it’s not a necessity but it helps just lubricate everything.”
“you’re so wet,” spencer whispered in awe as he gently moved his finger up and down you slit.
you let out a breathy laugh, nodding your head. “for you? always.” you replied. you then guided two of his fingers to your clit. “this, this is the-“
“the clitoris, a sensitive area located on top of the vulva. it’s a primary sensory organ of female sexual response,” spencer interrupted, going into factual mode for just a moment. without thinking about it, he began rubbing your clit gently.
you let out a soft moan, your eyes fluttering shut. it never failed to turn you on when spencer spewed random facts. it also very much helped that he was a quick learner because your brain always went to mush when your pussy was being played with. “y-you just keep doing that for a little while,” you stuttered, holding onto spencer’s arm as he rubbed your clit.
spencer didn’t say anything in response as he just looked at you from over your shoulder. tentatively, he leaned his head to your shoulder blade, kissing your skin gently. the action sent shivers down your spine as he began kissing towards your neck.
after a few minutes, you had decided that you needed to be filled, grabbing spencer’s hand and stopping his movements. “now, you’re going to insert a finger,” you brought his fingers to your hole, grabbing his middle finger. “this one,” you exclaimed. “you’re going to insert that finger inside,” you whispered.
“like this?” spencer asked as his digit slowly entered inside of you. your walls fluttered at the intrusion, clenching around his finger. “you’re so tight.”
“mhm,” you said before swallowing. “and now you gently thrust it in and out, slowly at first before adding a second finger. and if you curve your finger,” spencer did just that, causing you to jolt and let out a moan. “that is the g-spot.” you whimpered.
“so if i do this,” he began thrusting his finger in and out of you gently, making sure to make a “come here” motion with his finger inside of you. “it’ll feel good?”
you moaned, nodding your head. “very good,” you replied.
spencer simply moved his finger in and out of you at a slow pace, making sure to graze your sweet spot each time. he couldn’t help but press himself against you, his cock so hard from touching you. after a few minutes, he added a second finger, moving his fingers at the same pace.
“f-faster, please,” you whimpered.
and spencer complied. he began moving his fingers faster, hitting your spongy spot each time. “like this?” he asked hotly into your ear.
“just like that,” you moaned, throwing your head back in pleasure. “oh my god.”
the room was filled with the sound of spencer’s fingers moving in and out of your pussy. the noise just getting wetter as his fingers began squelching. and without any warning, you squirted around his fingers, whining and moaning in his arms. “oh fuck,” you moaned out.
it didn’t take a genius to realize you had squirted for the first time. spencer smirked to himself, unable to help it. “that good, huh?” he asked a bit smugly as he continued finger fucking you so good.
you whined, nodding your head. “so good, spence, oh my god,” you replied. you could feel the heat tightening in your abdomen as your orgasm approached. “so close, so close.”
spencer let out a soft moan as he could feel his cock twitching in his pants from this whole scenario. he continued working his fingers inside of you, determined to make you cum.
and with a choked moan, you began cumming. you arched your back against spencer as your thighs clenched around his hand. you let out a high pitched moan, toes curling as you came. and spencer just watched it all as he fingered you through your orgasm.
without any warning, spencer shuttered as he came in his pants from the sight of you cumming on his fingers. “o-oh,” he moaned, ropes of cum painting his boxers and pants.
and when the both of you came down from your highs, spencer pulled out his fingers and the both of you breathed heavily, leaning back to relax. after a few minutes of silence, you spoke “i have never squirted before,” you said in disbelief.
spencer hummed, smiling goofily at you. “glad to be your first then.” he replied, kissing the back of your head.
“and i can’t believe you came in your pants.” you replied.
“oh shut up.” spencer exclaimed.
it was safe to say that fingering you quickly became spencer’s absolute favorite thing in the world.
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cxffecoupx · 2 days
cheol as a girl dad
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girl dad! seungcheol
fluff, a little smut (i tried)
warnings: reader has a womb (obviously), mentions of pregnancy, body insecurity, sex (only a little)
word count: 747
author's note: a little late but I had to do it for daddy cheol😔✊ very self-indulgent, not proof-read, made very hastily cause again, daddy cheol😔✊
hope you enjoy!! do lemme know what you think of it :)
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girl dad! cheol who absolutely melts in the hospital room when he sees his baby girl. who combusts into a puddle when he gets to hold his beloved baby in his arms. who pats your head and kisses you in your tired, exhausted, post-delivery state, murmuring how proud he is of you and how thankful he is that you gave him his most precious baby.
girl dad! cheol who whenever she cries at night, calmly tells you to go back to sleep and rushes over. you think he's allowing you your rest, and while that's true, it's mostly cause he gets to spend more time with his baby.
girl dad! cheol who spends so much time with his baby, it's concerning. you end up wondering if you even exist, but the simple truth is he just can't get enough of his babygirl.
girl dad! cheol who you find making out with you at the most random of times. when you're in the kitchen, cooking dinner. when you're working from home. when you're folding your baby's clothes. you both end up all over yourselves, he's kissing every inch of your body. the same body you cried over during and after your pregnancy. the same body you'd end up being so insecure about, about the belly, the extra fat, the breasts and hips, the stretch marks and the mood swings.
he kisses you to make up for all the time you couldn't because you both were taking care of your beloved baby. he kisses you to let you know how much he still loves you. he kisses you to tell you how he still finds you attractive, even with the stretch marks and extra fat and the lot. he kisses you, and you feel every emotion and every message of his that's being communicated silently yet surely.
girl dad! cheol who loves and hates it when his little babygirl starts to grow. watching his daughter start crawling, then standing and later walking, it suddenly dawns on him that she's growing up fast and isn't his baby anymore. that doesn't stop him from smothering all his love though.
girl dad! cheol who loves loves LOVES to tie your child's hair in ribbons and dress her up in cute dresses and make her wear sparkly shoes. who accidentally ends up taking away from you the joy of dressing up your child, but you don't mind as long as you get to watch them giggling and joking during those times.
girl dad! cheol who comes up to you at the most randomest of days and continues to thank you for bringing into this world someone who he cherishes so much. and although he apologises for not spending as much time with you, he promises to make sure you realise that there's no one else he'd rather do all this with.
girl dad! cheol who cries when your daughter has to go to school for the first time. probably more than the girl herself. you end up having to kiss his pout away. whether things escalate from there is upto how he feels at the moment.
girl dad! cheol who fucks you dumb some nights, a desparate need to put another baby in you. he moans stupidly about how proud he is of your first pregnancy and how he'd love to see another one too. you definitely don't mind cause the sex is obviously too good.
girl dad! cheol who swears he heard his heart shatter when his babygirl tells him about her crush. sure he understands, but to realise that she now has another man in his life??? he's speechless (and dramatic).
but he's also the one who loves to hear the little tidbits and gossips about her school, and who gets giddy along with her when she tells him how her crush finally noticed her. he's also the one who buys a tub of icecream in the middle of the night, when she's heartbroken. her best friend and her protector, all in one.
girl dad! cheol who's happy whenever he thinks about his two favourite girls. who's thankful for all that him and you went through, and for his little bundle of joy, who made him a thousand times happier, if that was even possible. who's forever proud of you for your struggles and of your daughter for basically everything. who realises with every father's day wish by his daughter and his partner that he wouldn't have this any other way.
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egcdeath · 3 days
making a racket
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pairing: patrick zweig x reader
warnings: social media au, dates aren’t really relevant but are there for formatting purposes, mentions of a sex tape but nothing explicit, drama, no use of y/n, usernames are random, grammar isn’t the best because it’s social media, angst, fluff, more drama, twitter, gossip websites, reddit, text messages, emails, deuxmoi, so many headlines.
summary: as a celebrity, you often can’t control the narrative. you find that out the hard way when you enter a relationship with an infamous retired tennis player.
word count: 5k
author’s note: this fic was inspired by this request and was so fun to write! also, i apologize in advance if i somehow tagged you because of your username!!!
key: DM = deuxmoi (a celebrity gossip account on instagram)
CDAN = crazy days and nights (a website with blind items)
blind items = basically a riddle for celebrity gossip
EGOT = Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony Awards
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
UPDATE: today thee tennis princess herself followed retired tennis player patrick zweig. he has not yet followed her back.
[alt text: screenshot of mother following patrick zweig on instagram]
6:07 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
cleo - @filmsn0b
@popculturelvr9 could it be for that new biopic abt the tennis player?
6:08 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates  - @popculturelvr9
@filmsn0b god i hope so. it’s about time she brought home an oscar. 
6:08 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 @filmsn0b it’s not a biopic fyi but that makes sense. they just started production a few days ago so he’s prob helping her learn how to play
6:10 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9 
@lalalanding @filmsn0b like i said….. the Oscars are not ready for her. 
6:10 PM 8/12/22 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
GUYS you will never guess who i just met
10:30 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@profhater who?
10:32 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
see for yourself
[alt text: me with the queen herself AHHHH]
10:32 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@profhater @popculturelvr9 LOOK
10:34 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9 
@lalalanding @profhater OMG
10:42 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9 
@lalalanding @profhater what did she say to you?
10:42 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
@popculturelvr9 @lalalanding i told her i loved her work then made some random guy she was with take the picture lol 
10:55 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9 
@profhater @lalalanding ugh i wish i was you
10:42 PM 8/22/22 From Earth
@deuxmoi - 9/13/22
let’s see what your favorite celebs have been up to since last week
hi! i served (no pun intended) that former tennis player patrick zweig and that one actress from that one dramedy show that swept the award circuit last year at the country club i work at this weekend. they were super nice and tipped very generously! idk if they’re dating but they were definitely wearing matching outfits. 
not the first time we’ve 
heard she’s a good tipper
@deuxmoi - 9/25/22
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: COURTING her
Subject: award darling and no one’s darling
Message: i work on the set of the production for a very highly anticipated movie for next summer and a leading actress and her “personal trainer” have been getting awfully cozy. we’ve caught him leaving her trailer a number of times. he definitely doesn’t fit her sweet girl persona. 
Blind Item #13 
This newly critically acclaimed TV actress has had her head in the clouds lately. After various reports of spotting her making quite a Racket with a consulting crew member, her publicist has been scrambling to put out fires and advising her to move on, but she insists on seeing him. 
Someone call HR.
October 3, 2022
I know it’s not from DM but does anyone know who this might be?
[alt text: Screenshot of Oct. 3, 2022’s Blind Item #13 from CDAN]
⬆3 ⬇
Racket makes me think of tennis, tennis makes me think of that one upcoming movie, so I’m gonna guess Patrick Zweig is involved somehow. 
⬆15 ⬇
No wayyy is he with the lead actress then?
⬆5 ⬇
I doubt it. Their vibes seem totally mismatched lmao. Besides, she’s in too good of a place in her career to be with a guy whose dick pics are one Google search away.
⬆8 ⬇
did anyone else see that submission to DM a few weeks ago about the production for that movie? it basically said the same thing
⬆3 ⬇
I forgot about that. It’s probably just speculation then.
⬆6 ⬇
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
UPDATE: it looks like the tennis movie has wrapped! this is queen leaving the set today
[alt text: paparazzi picture of a beautiful gorgeous radiant woman getting into her ride tonight]
9:45 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🌸💐🌺 - @floraflorals
@popculturelvr she looks so sad omg who hurt her 😭
9:46 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
@floraflorals idk who did but i need to fight them
9:47 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 @floraflorals girl probably patrick zweig
9:47 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🌸💐🌺 - @floraflorals
@lalalanding ew
9:51 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
@floraflorals @lalalanding she’s probably just sad to be wrapping honestly 
9:52 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 @floraflorals i still blame That Man
9:53 PM 10/15/22 From Earth
Blind Item #7
This highly anticipated movie featuring a highly in-demand prestige actress had a particular crew consultant stay far longer than what was necessary. From consultant, to trainer, to fuckbuddy? With production wrapping, these coworkers are not so sure where they stand. 
Someone should’ve intervened months ago. 
November 16, 2022
Blind Item #4
The holidays are coming around, and this couple who are more like a double still don’t know where they stand. Maybe asking someone allergic to commitment to come to Thanksgiving was a mistake. 
November 24, 2022
@finstalice: holiday photodump!
1 hour ago
@spammmacy: i’m dead why was that tennis guy at your thanksgiving 💀
45 minutes ago
@finstalice: @spammmacy lololol a friend brought him over for friendsgiving
40 minutes ago
@spammmacy: did he do any tennis tricks for yall
37 minutes ago
@finstalice: @spammmacy ik ur joking but after a few drinks he literally did. u should’ve seen the girl who brought him 😭 she was so embarrassed but went right back to smooching him after
33 minutes ago
@spammmacy: how did she not get the ick
31 minutes ago
@finstalice: @spammmacy love is a mysterious thing
22 minutes ago
The Independent 
December 13, 2022
Former tennis star Patrick Zweig and up-and-coming actress cozy up at intimate dinner
On Friday, the pair grabbed Italian at a notoriously hard-to-get-into restaurant. The couple shared dishes and drinks and seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. 
Zweig, 29, recently retired after a season that ended in injury. His retirement came after a series of scandals, most notably being a risqué leak of his camera roll. 
At 29 herself, she is coming off the heels of a very busy award season. Taking home her first Best Actress Emmy and BAFTA awards, she also recently received her second ensemble cast award.
The two seem to be an interesting pair, having finished wrapping a movie they were both working on in late October. The unlikely friendship comes on the heels of murmurs about a potential relationship.
“They’ve been enjoying their newfound friendship. It's rare for her to find someone with similar life experiences that she can genuinely bond with,” an insider told us. 
We have to wonder what they discussed over dinner. 
January 1, 2023
Cheers to the New Year! 5 Celebrity NYE Parties You Wish You Attended. 
1.Forget Kim Kardashian—If you weren’t at this rising star’s NYE party, you weren’t living!
Attendees included fellow co-stars from her critically acclaimed show, cast and crew from her recently wrapped tennis-themed film, and Patrick Zweig, who she’s been spotted with a number of times. Are they our newest OTP? Vote for your favorite speculated couple in this poll here. 
Daily Mail
January 14, 2023
Method Acting? Two-time Emmy winner laughs with friends at Australian Open.
The television star, who hasn’t shown interest in the sport prior to her casting in her upcoming film, appeared to be relaxed and laid back with friends. Former tennis professional and new tennis consultant, Patrick Zweig, appeared to explain the ins and outs to her. The pair seemed particularly close as they shared concessions and laughter. 
Her team declined to comment. 
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
UPDATE: mother was spotted looking absolutely splendiferous at the Australian Open today. 
[alt text: queen with some of her friends and that tennis guy]
10:45 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 awww she’s so cute
10:47 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
@lalalanding @popculturelvr9 and of course he’s just there
10:48 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
💐 - @zweignatorrr
@sagingthetl @lalalanding @popculturelvr9 can we please just be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that they’re together lol
10:51 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
@zweignatorrr @lalalanding @popculturelvr9 i mean yeah obviously they are but i don’t like him
10:55 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
@sagingthetl fair but you have to admit they’re a cute couple 
10:55 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
@popculturelvr9 no i don’t
10:56 AM 1/14/23 From Earth
AITA for shipping Patrick Zweig and that actress???
I just saw a very convincing timeline on Tumblr. They’ve been distracting me at the Open. Kinda cute if they’re actually dating. Really weird if they’re just friends.
⬆-45 ⬇
YTA for not posting about the actual Aus Open during the Aus Open.
⬆48 ⬇
January 15, 2023
Looks like today's Australian Open winners weren’t the only ones who got lucky. 
TMZ obtained an exclusive photo of retired tennis player Patrick Zweig getting hot and bothered in Australia. Though we haven’t identified his mystery woman, there’s speculation around the woman being former fling and fellow retired player Tashi Duncan, who was also spotted at the Open, or a new coworker, who Zweig was spotted sitting next to yesterday.
Zweig’s team declined to comment. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: Hello?
Professional Mess Maker: hi what’s up??
Professional Mess Cleaner: Don’t even what’s up me right now.
Professional Mess Cleaner: Are you serious?
Professional Mess Maker: yes lol what’s wrong
Professional Mess Cleaner: tmz.com/patrick-zweig-and-mystery-girl-spotted-getting-frisky-in-alleyway/02948289339
Professional Mess Cleaner: THIS IS WHAT’S WRONG!!!!!
Professional Mess Maker: shittttt
Professional Mess Cleaner: Is that all you have to say for yourself!!!??? 
Professional Mess Cleaner: I hope for both of our sakes that your stupid boyfriend is cheating on you.
Professional Mess Maker: rude
Professional Mess Cleaner: I’m going to fistfight you.
Professional Mess Cleaner: You’re lucky none of these pictures show your face because it definitely shows his hand up your skirt. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: You couldn’t wait a few hours to go somewhere private?????
Professional Mess Maker: i told him we should wait.
Professional Mess Cleaner: TELL HIM HARDER NEXT TIME
Professional Mess Maker: sorry :,(
Professional Mess Maker: patrick says he’s sorry too
Professional Mess Cleaner: Apology not accepted. Especially not his.
Professional Mess Cleaner: What happened to being an easy client??? Are you getting your rebellious phase now??? Are you gonna be doing drugs on the front page of TMZ next week???
Professional Mess Maker: obviously not???? 
Professional Mess Cleaner: This week then??
Professional Mess Maker: i am not on drugs!!!!!
Professional Mess Cleaner: I wouldn’t know by the way you’ve been acting lately!!!
Professional Mess Maker: you can’t even tell who he’s making out with pls unclench
Professional Mess Cleaner: Please share who else it would be. So someone else’s publicist can deal with it. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: And if you tell me to unclench again I will quit right this minute and let you deal with this yourself. 
Professional Mess Maker: the article does mention tashi duncan by name but not me
Professional Mess Maker: but you’re so right i’m so sorry we will do better next time 😇
Professional Mess Cleaner: You better, or there won’t be a next time.
Professional Mess Cleaner: I’m serious.
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
UNOFFICIAL UPDATE: this is definitely them making out lol
[alt text: patrick zweig making out with we know who]
10:51 AM 1/15/23 From Earth
ZWEIGNATORS - @zweignationupdates
@popculturelvr9 how romantic
10:53 AM 1/15/23 From Earth
💐 - @zweignatorrr
@popculturelvr that’s so invasive pls delete
10:58 AM 1/15/23 From Earth
@deuxmoi - 1/28/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: ace
Subject: DEUCE
Message: this athlete and actress have been giving it their all to stay away from each other. they’re both pap magnets which is a nightmare for people trying to keep their relationship secret! we’ll see if they make it to valentine’s day.
@deuxmoi - 2/14/23
let’s see what your favorite celebs have been up to since last week
i saw patrick zweig in trader joe’s buying a bunch of flowers and chocolates.
anon pls
chivalry is not dead
Blind Item #9
This newly critically acclaimed actress has run into some conflict with her otherwise smooth sailing secret relationship. He’s tired of staying quiet and she’s not ready to come forward. She really believes that bringing him as her plus-one to this major award show will heal all wounds. Only time will tell.
March 13, 2023
March 21, 2023
Our Top 20 Best and Worst Dressed at the 2023 Oscars
Not everyone can be a winner in this prestigious award show. Not everyone can be a winner when it comes to outfits, either. 
9. This beautiful gown, which was worn by the talented Emmy winner, was only made better by the help of friend Patrick Zweig, who helped fix the train a number of times on the red carpet. 
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
[alt text: mother looking resplendent while getting out of a car]
10:51 AM 5/15/23 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
@popculturelvr9 she’s glowing!!!!!
11:00 AM 5/15/23 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 i can’t wait for the first reviews of her movie
11:00 AM 5/15/23 From Earth
🎾 future EGOT winner updates - @popculturelvr9
@lalalanding they’re saying this is gonna get her the oscar and i’m not even being delusional
[alt text: a review posted on instagram that says “she’s a powerhouse in this film and is arguably the emotional core of it. her performance is subtle, but moving. her physicality and delivery is like nothing i’ve ever seen before. definitely a contender for next year’s oscars.” the post was liked by her mom, her stylist, that tennis player, and thousands of others. ]
9:05 PM 5/15/23 From Earth
💐 - @zweignatorrr
@popculturelvr awww patrick is so cute for liking! such a supportive bf 🥹
9:38 PM 5/15/23 From Earth
🎬🎾 - @lalalanding
@popculturelvr9 @zweignatorrr we don’t care about that man
9:44 PM 5/15/23 From Earth
@deuxmoi - 7/19/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: double fault
Subject: pen pals
Message: this athlete-actress couple whose relationship is an open secret are very sad to be parting ways. she’s going on a month long press tour and he’s staying behind. they have plans to meet up at a few locations, but she’d rather be with him than promoting her movie that’s getting SERIOUS oscar buzz.
From: Gone Fishing ([email protected])             June 22
To: FishersPrice ([email protected])
CC: BaitnSwitch ([email protected]
Subject: How many strokes?
Price & Bait, 
Remember how we logged into that tennis guy Patrick Zweig’s iCloud? More specifically, how he wasn’t able to fully kick us out??
You’d never guess what we just found.
From: FishersPrice ([email protected])         June 22
To: GoneFishing ([email protected]), BaitnSwitch ([email protected]
Subject: RE: How many strokes?
Please share.
From: Gone Fishing ([email protected])               June 22
To: FishersPrice ([email protected]), BaitnSwitch ([email protected]
Subject: RE: How many strokes?
See attached. 
From: FishersPrice ([email protected])           June 22
To: GoneFishing ([email protected]), BaitnSwitch ([email protected]
Subject: RE: How many strokes?
Fuck. We’re gonna be millionaires. 
June 23, 2023
Someone hasn’t learned his lesson.
The lengthy video also features a two-time Emmy award winning actress, although it didn’t seem like she was doing much acting (unless she’s better than we thought.)
The pair briefly talk and giggle before getting straight to business. The video is as sweet as it is hot— and though they’ve insisted they’re just friends, their breathy love confessions say otherwise. 
Both parties declined to comment. 
ZWEIGNATORS - @zweignationupdates
was not expecting to see patrick’s racket on my tl first thing in the morning but ok. good morning i guess. 
9:34 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
nasty girl - @matchmyfreqk
@zweignationupdates sorry but like…... link 
9:36 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
ZWEIGNATORS - @zweignationupdates
@matchmyfreqk check dms
9:40 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
nasty girl - @matchmyfreqk
@zweignationupdates why was that kinda beautiful 
10:25 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
ZWEIGNATORS - @zweignationupdates
@matchmyfreqk that’s what i said! like the hand holding?? the love yous?? when he said he was gonna miss her?? i didn’t realize it was like that for them
10:36 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
CLOSED - @popculturelvr9
not an update but please don’t send us or ask us to talk about the tape. it’s a gross violation of privacy and it is honestly none of our business. 
11:23 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
CLOSED - @popculturelvr9
@popculturelvr9 if you bring it up you will be blocked btw! 
11:23 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@popculturelvr9 i swear it’s my whole timeline rn. i feel so bad for her
11:26 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
CLOSED -  @popculturelvr9
@lalalanded for it to happen right before the press tour is so bad. sending so many good vibes her way
11:26 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@popculturelvr9 i’m sure it’ll blow over soon
11:28 AM 6/23/23 From Earth
The tape. Let’s talk about it.
Is it really any of our business? Stuff like this happens all the time and as far as sex scandals go this one’s quite tame
⬆-2 ⬇
Upvote if that was one of the hottest things you’ve ever watched. Downvote if you’re a liar. 
if this showbiz thing doesn’t work out i think they have a solid backup plan 👀
Your Fav Femininity Coach - @putmeincoach
This tape is a perfect example of why I always tell my clients not to mess with men who are above them. Super promising career down the drain over some guy.
12:02 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
User 16363627919 - @user16363627919
@putmeincoach Obviously you don’t know what you’re talking about Patrick Zweig is a fucking tennis legend and that girl is nothing.
12:34 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@putmeincoach @user16363627919 NOTHING???? how many prestigious awards do YOU have, User 16363627919?? i don’t think they give awards out for being a misogynistic loser
12:44 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@putmeincoach this is such a dramatic take lol everyone’s gonna forget about this in a week when something else happens 
12:44 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
Your Fav Femininity Coach - @putmeincoach
@lalalanded We’ll have to see. Still, you shouldn’t settle for someone who makes you act out of character like this
1:08 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@putmeincoach do you know her personally? not everything is so black and white and obviously they both consented and thought this would be private. 
1:41 PM 6/24/23 From Earth
@deuxmoi - 6/25/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: breakup
Subject: Cumming and Going 
Message: Apparently, this former tennis star and actress are going their separate ways after an intimate video leaked. She’s worried about the damage it might do to her career and her ability to be taken seriously. He just wants her to be happy. Her publicist has been letting interviewers know that there will be no questions answered about the tape, but this will not be a fun press tour for her.
Blind Item #2
The damage has already been done for this athlete-actress pair. Still, she insists on suffering through a break up on top of this scandal. 
June 28, 2023
Blind Item #8
This retired athlete has received countless offers from the adult film industry in the last week. This scandal is somehow even more humiliating than his last five. He says he doesn’t care, but he does. A lot. 
June 28, 2023
Blind Item #11
She’s losing brand deals and partnerships left and right. If she makes it through the next week alive, let alone through her press tour, it’ll be a major miracle. 
June 28, 2023
June 30, 2023
Full of Regret: Actress spotted leaving her apartment with red-rimmed eyes
Just days after a scandalous tape was leaked, we’re receiving our first sign of life from the actress. 
According to insider DoorDash drivers, she has been a very frequent customer as of late, ordering comfort food and pints of ice cream and leaving very generous tips. 
She seemed to be waiting for the storm to blow over before reentering the public, but with her and her partner’s name trending on Twitter for the past several days, it seems unlikely that it’ll happen any time soon. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: Just checking in. How are you feeling today?
Professional Mess Maker: even worse than yesterday
Professional Mess Maker: i want to say something but i don’t know what
Professional Mess Cleaner: The gossip cycle has already started to move on, but if you really want to say something, I can draft up a response. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: The ball’s in your court ❤️
Professional Mess Maker: no more mention of balls please 
Professional Mess Cleaner: Sorry. Got it.
Professional Mess Maker: maybe you can just say something about not letting my own decisions impact the cast and crew who worked really hard to make the film happen
Professional Mess Maker: speaking of which, have you heard from patrick?
Professional Mess Cleaner: Do you want the truth or to protect your peace?
Professional Mess Maker: things can’t get any worse just give it to me straight 
Professional Mess Cleaner: I hear from him every few hours. He wants to know how you’re feeling. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: And if you’ll take him back. 
Professional Mess Maker: ugh
Professional Mess Cleaner: You know you don’t have to be separated if you don’t want to. The cat’s already out of the bag. A united front might be better for this kind of thing anyway. 
Professional Mess Cleaner: I know how much you care about him. You don’t have to go through this alone.
Professional Mess Maker: i’m not alone though <3
Professional Mess Cleaner: You know that isn’t what I mean.
Professional Mess Cleaner: He loves you. You should reach out to him.
Professional Mess Maker: i will
Professional Mess Maker: eventually 
Blind Item #6
Rumor has it that this pair, who were previously attached at the hip, haven’t said more than a few words to each other in months. That doesn’t mean the feelings stopped being there. 
September 15, 2023
September 27, 2023
Tension at the world premiere?
This weekend marked the world premiere of a film that has been generating a lot of Oscar buzz. The first reviews have been mostly positive, despite the very large elephant in the room.
The average onlooker couldn’t help but notice the physical distance between Zweig and the principal actress in the film during the premiere. Despite both being there, neither were photographed together throughout the entire event. The distance feels particularly charged, considering the pair made a movie of their own not too long ago. 
October 10, 2023
Late this Thursday, Patrick Zweig was spotted leaving an intimate dinner with a female friend. This is the first time he’s been spotted since the leak of his now notorious sex tape. We would be remiss if we didn’t mention that the woman he was spotted having a romantic dinner with was not the same woman from the tape.
At least she knows what she’s in for.
October 12, 2023
Actress spotted on a date with ex-boyfriend
On Wednesday, the pair were seen holding hands as they walked through the park. 
She has not been spotted with her ex-boyfriend, who she starred in her prestige dramedy television with, for almost two years. Are these two getting back together? Or simply making amends?
@deuxmoi - 10/15/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: rebounder
Subject: kiss and make up already!
Message: this broken-up couple, who have been making headlines for the most innocuous things following a rather romantic scandal, very obviously miss each other. their friends know it, their coworkers know it, even their ‘rebounds’ know it. they think the other person is better off without them in their life, but that’s simply not true. 
@deuxmoi - 11/8/23
Sent via form submission from Deuxmoi
Pseudonyms, please: love
Subject: podcast
Message: i’m friends with a friend who knows the editor of a certain podcast that’s having a very highly anticipated guest do a tell-all about a scandal very soon. here are some of the things she addresses:
there’s nothing wrong with consenting adults doing consenting adult things—but you still need to be cautious
it’s nice to have some things for yourself but when you’re a public figure you don’t always get that
and finally…. she regrets how things played out in her relationship.
this should be a good episode. 
Blind Item #17
This DIY Filmmaker couple are FINALLY reconciling. They won’t be making any more home movies together anytime soon, but it seems like they’re picking right up where they left off. 
November 16, 2023
December 5, 2023
Top 5 Dates to go on in New York City, According to our Favorite Celebs
3. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Following a major scandal and radio silence on the status of their relationship, these two were finally seen together in public at this garden. They both looked genuinely happy for the first time in months. If these two can make their rocky relationship work during a date like this, you can too. 
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
6:35 PM 12/22/23 From Earth 
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
UPDATE: the happy couple were spotted wearing matching ugly christmas sweaters today! i suspect they’re going to the annual christmas party she mentioned on Fallon. i hope they party hard and celebrate her making the shortlist!
8:21 PM 12/22/23 From Earth 
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
@popculturelvr9 ngl he’s growing on me!
8:25 PM 12/22/23 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
@sagingthetl i agree!
8: PM 12/22/23 From Earth
Blind Item #4
This athlete-actress couple have had quite the year. It’s only fitting that he proposed to her at the end of it. Expect to see more pictures of her hiding her hand in her pocket.
January 1, 2024
@deuxmoi - 1/2/24
let’s see what your favorite celebs have been up to since last week
I served Patrick Zweig and his actress girlfriend at the diner I work at yesterday. They both looked very hungover and I’m 97% sure I saw her wearing an engagement ring. They were very sweet and left us a really big tip. 
Has anyone checked up on Patrick Zweig and his girlfriend? I haven’t heard anything about them in kinda a while 
⬆13 ⬇
It’s so funny you say this. I have a friend who works for the production side of one of those really big entertainment magazines who does those roundtable for actors who are in talks for receiving awards. His girlfriend was just in one, and my friend told me that he was there and super supportive the whole time. Like, bringing her coffee the way she likes it, hyping her up during the photoshoot, and everything in between. Obviously we saw the worst of them a few months back, but they’re a pretty cute couple. I also heard somewhere that they’re engaged? But I don’t know if I believe it. 
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
i’m shaking in my boots for the best actress announcement.
10:45 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
@popculturelvr idk i feel it in my bones she’s gonna win.
10:45 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
🎾🎬 - @lalalanded
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
cleo - @filmsn0b
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
tara 🦋🐬 - @profhater
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
10:55 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
sage ❄️ - @sagingthetl
10:56 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
i’m sorry i literally cannot process anything rn did she just say thank you to her FIANCÉ
10:57 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
guys this is way too much. 2 awards left for her EGOT AND she’s engaged??2?3):7.8 i’m malfunctioning
10:58 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
oscar campaign era - @popculturelvr9 
who would’ve thought that a random instagram mutual follow would get us here. omfg. i love love. 
10:59 PM 3/20/24 From Earth
165 notes · View notes
The Scallion (The Surprise, Part 16)
Tumblr media
Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: explicit language, pregnancy times, vague mentions of sex, very vague mentions of past trauma (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 2.3k
Summary: You're almost at the third trimester, and Emily decides to take you on a surprise babymoon. The catch: she absolutely will not reveal where you're going. Road trip fluff ensues.
Week 26: The Scallion
You floated somewhere in between sleeping and waking, reluctant to move, relishing the weight of Emily’s arms around you, the warm solidity of her body pressed into your back. It wasn’t often these last few weeks that you woke up with her next to you. She was early to work and late coming back. You knew she was just trying to get everything in order, so that when she went on parental leave, her team would be okay. But you’d missed this, you’d missed her.
You blinked your eyes open, fighting off a stretch so as not to disturb Emily, but jerked up, throwing the covers off when you saw the time. Emily grabbed your arm instinctively, protectively, bleary with sleep.
“What!?” she called, blinking into the sun that streamed through the curtains. “What is it!?”
“It’s 10:30!” you yelled, waddling as fast as you could toward the closet and fumbling as you pulled on a pair of shorts. “I’m supposed to be at work! You’re supposed to be at work!” You poked your head out of a t-shirt, staring at Emily with a mix of frustration and panic. “Why aren’t you at work!? You always get up first. I know because I get up when you get up.”
“Sweetheart, calm down.” Emily chuckled, standing to squeeze your hands in hers and plant a kiss on your forehead. “I’m not going to work today.”
Your annoyance gave way to a flood of concern.
“Are you sick?” you asked, looking at her a bit more closely and placing the back of your hand on her forehead.
“No,” she said, leading you to the bed, even as you were fidgeting to get to your home office and log on to Slack. “You’re not going to work today either.”
“Oh, but I am,” you argued, trying and failing not to get drawn in by her lips tracing down your neck. “I’ve got important stuff to do. Not, you know, catching-serial-killers important, but a little important. It’s kind of hard to play hooky when you work from home. My boss will kill me.”
“What if I told you I already talked to him?” Emily teased, and you pulled back, taking her face in her hands to see if she was being serious.
“You talked to my boss?” You were incredulous. Emily had only met your boss a handful of times, at the company holiday dinner, where they flew you in and put you up at a hotel.
“I did.” Emily placed a warm kiss on the corner of your mouth and stood, leaving you confused and honestly a little worked up. She disappeared down the hallway, her voice trailing back to you. “And you’re not going to work today. Or tomorrow. Or next week.”
She reemerged, rolling two suitcases behind her, presenting them to you with an expression of such self-satisfaction, such unbridled joy and devotion, that you would have acted thrilled even if she’d said she was taking you on a trip to the laundromat.
“Emily Prentiss,” you exclaimed, standing and tucking her hair behind her ear. “Are you taking me on a surprise vacation?!”
“I’m taking you on a surprise babymoon,” she clarified, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing you.
Emily refused to tell you where you were going, not then, not even as you dug into a box of Cheez-Its she’d packed for the road and watched her merge onto I-95 South.
“South?” you commented, handing her a few Cheez-Its as she held out her hand. She nodded, then shrugged.
“Not too far South, I hope,” you said, staring out the window. “I know you didn’t grow up in the South like me, but I meant it when I said Florida’s not safe for us.”
“I’m not taking you to Florida, Y/N,” she scoffed. “I wouldn’t take you somewhere you didn’t feel safe.”
After a few minutes, she continued. “Also, you know I’ll always keep you safe, no matter where we are. I mean, fuck, I’m packing!”
“You are?” you said suggestively, twirling a finger through the hair at Emily’s nape.
She blushed. “Not that kind of packing. A gun!”
You leaned over the center console to kiss her cheek, massaging her shoulders. “Yes, Emily, love of my life, I know you’ll keep me safe, even in Florida.”
You drove in silence for a while when a horrible thought struck you. “You did bring the stuff for the other kind of packing, right?”
“What is this, amateur hour?” Emily replied. “Of course I did.”
You loved road trips. You were a passenger princess down to your very core. You loved choosing the podcasts and the music and handling the snacks and holding Emily’s hand as she drove. But you weren’t used to being six months pregnant on a road trip. You had a hard time getting comfortable, shifting and squirming in your seat. And you had to pee all the time.
You’d already stopped for lunch and a bathroom break once, but you were starting to feel the pressure yet again. You were passing through Norfolk, Virginia, and the further South you got, the more conscious you were of cities. You’d stopped at enough rural Southern gas stations to know that sometimes it was hard to find ones that felt safe. You knew that’d be doubly true now, as a visibly-queer, pregnant couple. Emily alone could pass as straight, except around other queer people, who clocked her almost immediately. You, on the other hand, looked queer. It was dangerous enough for you in the South, depending on where you were. Pregnant? And with a wife? You knew it’d be worse.
“How much longer?” you asked.
“What are you, six?” Emily teased.
You huffed, pouting. “No, I’m six months pregnant with your baby, and I have to pee all the time and my back is killing me.”
You immediately regretted snapping as you watched Emily’s face fall. “I’m sorry, honey,” you said, rubbing the back of her hand. “I’m so sorry. You’re doing something so nice for us, and all I can think about is my next pee break.”
She cracked a smile and lifted your hand to her lips, planting a kiss on your knuckles. “It’s okay,” she assured you. “I forget the little rapscallion is taking up all your bladder space. We’ve got about two hours left. I’ll find somewhere for us to stop.”
You gasped and pointed out the window to an exit sign. “Emily, look, look, look! Cracker Barrel!”
She gaped at you. “That’s where you feel safe peeing?!”
“They’re LGBTQ-friendly,” you protested. “And they’ve got those candy sticks like Little House on the Prairie.”
As you pulled into the parking lot, she looked apprehensively at the rocking chairs, the old, straight couples making their way in, the several lifted trucks.
You clambered happily out of the passenger seat, Emily trailing behind you, hand lightly grazing her concealed carry holster. She felt nearly assaulted by kitschy Southern goods upon walking in, making sure you’d made it to the bathroom before looking around. So much stuff. All with dumb sayings like, “Bless your biscuits and gravy,” or “All I need is Jesus and coffee.”
It was moments like this that Emily realized just how different your upbringing had been than hers. Of course, Emily’s childhood was anything but normal, but her home environment had been–she thought–rather generically American. But you! You’d expanded her ideas of the South as a racist, bigoted, ignorant monolith because you were none of those things. You were one of the smartest people she knew, the kindest and least judgmental. She hated when people made assumptions about you based on where you were from or on the fact that you said “y’all.” She hated even more that, a decade ago, she would have made those exact same assumptions.
“Hey,” you said, startling her. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Emily breathed, conscious and a little sad to notice how you stopped yourself from looping your arm with hers, from using pet names, from doing anything to suggest that you were more than friends. “Did you get your prairie snacks or whatever?”
“Yep!” You grinned and held up a fistful of colorful, striped candy sticks.
Another hour in the car and you were dutifully sucking on a strawberry lemon candy stick, bouncing your head in time with Salt-N-Pepa’s “Whatta Man.”
“This song makes me think of you,” you observed out of the blue.
Emily cackled. “What!? Why!?”
You grinned. “Because you’re crazy and you make me laugh and I do want to have your baby!”
She laughed, and it made your heart soar. She was so pretty when she laughed, really laughed. It was something not a whole lot of people got to see.
“So I’m the man in this scenario?”
“No!” you argued. “Sometimes I’m Whatta Man. Just depends on how I’m feeling. That’s what’s great about being gay.”
“Mm, I don’t know, I can think of a few better things about being gay,” Emily said, squeezing your thigh.
As the car approached a bridge and a big, blue expanse of water, you sat up straight and craned your neck.
“Water!” you exclaimed, looking for signs to identify it. “The Currituck Sound?” Your heart leapt and your stomach did somersaults.
You turned to Emily, nearly falling on her to lean over the console. “Are we going to the Outer Banks!?” you squealed.
Emily nodded, smiling big.
You were nearly bursting with excitement. “That’s where my family always went! Before…” Well, before your family hadn’t been able to go anymore.
“I know it is,” Emily said, holding your hand. “I got us a little beachfront house with a balcony and a hot tub right down the street from where your family used to stay in Nags Head.”
“How did you know where it was?!” you asked, breathless, bringing Emily’s hand to your lips and kissing it again and again.
“I called your mom,” she smirked.
“God, I love you so much.” You rolled down the window and hung your head out like a dog, much to Emily’s amusement, smelling the salty, briny air that was so familiar and so nostalgic to you.
Half an hour later, you were pulling down a sandy drive on a street that was synonymous with childhood happiness. Your mom had grown up here, and you’d spent your summers as a young child tramping about the marshes, boogie boarding, identifying shells, and building sand castles. You remembered fish fries on the back porch, how you always hid from your grandfather as he cleaned the fresh-caught flounder and red drum. You remembered ice cream cones dripping down your fingers, washing them off in the surf. The fresh, almost sandpapered feeling of emerging from a shower after a day spent outside. The way your body still rocked with the waves when you crawled into bed at night.
You were beyond thrilled to share it with Emily. It was as if you were inviting Emily back in time, to a place you had felt so deeply yourself. You couldn’t wait to be there with her. To show her all the shell shapes and watch the sunrise and tell her about the dunes and how important they are. You couldn’t wait to fall asleep rocked by Emily and by the memory of the waves.
As you stepped out of the car and followed Emily up the stairs and into the house, you both stopped and stared at the wall of sliding glass doors. The perfect ocean, mellowed in the late afternoon light. The sound of the waves crashing was music to your ears. You wrapped your arm around Emily’s and took her hand, planting a kiss on her shoulder and leaning into her. You didn’t know how it’d be possible to be happier.
And then it hit you–you could come back with the baby. You could come back again and again, just like you had when you were little.
“Em,” you said quietly.
“Yeah, baby?” She moved to wrap her arms around you from behind, resting her palms over your baby bump.
“Can we come back here? With the baby?”
You could feel Emily’s breath on your neck.”I booked this week in June for the next three years.”
And the fact that she’d brought you here, that she’d known this is where you’d want to be, where you’d want all of you to be–it brought tears to your eyes. She was starting a tradition. No, she was restarting a tradition, in a new way, that would fit your new family. It was perfect. She was perfect.
“Hey, now,” she said as you sniffled, wiping your eyes. “No tears.” She kissed you softly, lovingly, running her thumbs back and forth along your cheekbones.
When she pulled away, you were smiling, eyes twinkling and mischievous.
“You want to go put your toes in the water, don’t you?” Emily grinned.
You nodded, and grabbed her hand, pulling her after you. Out the back door, across the boardwalk that protected the dunes, running as fast as your little pregnant body could take you until you hit the water. It was cool and salty and strong and you felt happier than perhaps you’d ever been–especially as Emily joined you.
And as she watched you kick around in the water, hair blowing in the salt air, cheeks red with heat and excitement, she knew she’d done good. She’d done good with it all. With the beach house. The Outer Banks. With deciding to have a child with you. With choosing you. You were just right. You were perfect. She could watch you forever, content to bask in your joy. As if you were the sun. And, to Emily, you were.
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bruhnze · 2 days
I hope i didn’t crush you
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Summary: Ona says Lucy is not tall, Lucy didn't like that. Ona finds out there is more to Lucy's insecurity. (Idk actually, but something like that)
Warning: Mature content, sexual content
Please note that this is pure fiction!
Word count: 3522
Since the poll showed everyone likes these stories, i wrote another, idk how these other girlies do it cause i actually feel filthy after writing this, but ok, i like reading them too, i'll admit it, and with the lack of new ones i took it uppon myself to contribute, this is for all my Luna shippers!
I hope i didn’t crush you - Lucy y Ona
It was late in the afternoon, they had just gotten home from a busy day with morning training, treatment, then lunch with the team, in the afternoon they had done some media stuff, the team had to record videos for different companys and deals. After that they also had an meeting with the staff and Jonatan.
Now they were finally back home for siesta time.
‘’Pfft, that was tireing’’ Ona sighed as she flopped onto the couch.
‘’I know’’ Lucy said ‘But you also had some fun right’’.
‘’Yeah i had fun, you too it seemed, what are Lucia and you up too anyways?’’
Lucy laughed ‘’Corrales? .. Oh nothing, i think she is just like me when i was young, i’m trying to teach her some lessons, but today it was just banter really, she is jokes’’
‘’I love how you always involve everyone and make everyone feel at ease’’ Ona smiled ‘’But i haven’t seen you all day’’
Lucy now stopped with the thing she was doing, cleaning up some lost dog toys and putting them in the dog toy bin, and walked to the couch sitting next to Ona who was laying down with her head on a few pillows.
Ona smiled ‘’Hola bebé’’
‘’Puedo besarte?’’ (Can i kiss you?) Lucy said as she came closer.
‘’Mhm, siempre, especialmente si hablas español’’ (Mhm, always, especially when you talk to me in spanish) Ona sighed.
‘’Te gusta cuando te hablo en español?’’ (Do you like it when I speak Spanish to you?) Lucy leaned in to kiss Ona.
Ona grabbed Lucy by her shirt and tried to get Lucy on top of her. Lucy noticed and positioned herself lying between Ona's legs, holding herself up on her hands, still not breaking their kiss.
Lucy licked Ona’s lower lip en pulled it between her teeth, then she gave a few quick kisses on her mouth and went to Ona’s neck, kissing it softly.
Ona closed her eyes from the sensation and groaned while strangeling Lucy with her legs trying to get them closer to eachother.  ‘’Sometimes i feel like i can’t get close enough to you’’ Ona said ‘’I hate that we have to be in public so much, wish we could just stay in the house for a few days, i want to cuddle with you for hours’’
Lucy, who had now stopped with the neck kisses, held her face a bit away so she could look at Ona. ‘’aw baby, i wish that we could, i love cuddling with you also’’.
Lucy lowered herself and now completely laid on top of Ona, nudging her face in Ona’s neck.
They were laying there cuddled up for a while when Lucy started snoring softly, Ona had put her hands under Lucy’s shirt, scratching Lucy’s muscular back.
Ona took her right hand away from Lucys back and scratched Lucys neck now, at the part where her hair starts, below her bun.
Ona loved sleepy Lucy, with her being the supposed tougher more dominant person in the relationship, it was cute when Ona could cuddle Lucy for a change like the occasional moment when she was allowed to be the big spoon. And just like this moment now, where Lucy is completely relaxed and Ona got to play with her hair.
After some time Lucy seemed to wake up, groaning lightly against Ona’s skin.
‘’Good sleep?’’ Ona asked.
‘’Mhm’’ Lucy got a bit more awake, ‘oh, i hope i didn’t crush you’’ pushing herself up.
‘’no, stay’’ Ona hugging her legs tighter around Lucy ‘’you can’t crush me, i’m very sturdy and you’re basically the same size as me anyways’’.
Now Lucy was fully and wide awake. ‘’Pardon’’
‘huh’ Ona said innocently.
‘’Oh i thought i heard a pretty little lady say something completely ridiculous’’ Lucy said, now getting up.
Ona laughed ‘’6 cm is not very much Lucy’’
‘’Oh yeah, for double that i’ve gotten you moaning like there was no tomorrow though’’ Lucy scoffed.
Ona blushed ‘’Luce, im just joking’’ Ona sat up and squeezed Lucy’s bicep. ‘’But i like the sound of that’’.
‘’Yeah i bet you do, don’t know if you deserve it now, do you?’’ Lucy said in a teasing voice.
Ona now got behind Lucy who was sitting on the edge of the sofa and massaged her shoulders, and wispered in Lucy’s ear ‘’My tall strong muscular and beatifull girlfriend doesn’t want to have her way with me?’’
Lucy whimpered. She took Ona’s hands a pulled them infront of her, so Ona’s arms were now around her and Ona put her legs around Lucy instinctively. Lucy stood up easily and walked them too the bedroom.
At the bed she dropped Ona on from her back onto the bed, resulting in a laugh from Ona.
‘’Do you think this is funny?’’ Lucy scoffed
‘’Ah Luce, you’re too easily offended’’ Ona laughed.
‘’Oh yeah, lets see how long you can continue your jokes’’ -Lucy
Lucy pulled her shirt off and got on the ground to do some push-ups, then she did some sit-ups.
Ona stared at the women, what the actual fuck, she thought by herself, what is she doing.
After a few more exercises there were beads of sweat on Lucy’s back.
Ona was enjoying the sight from her place, now sitting up on the bed.
Lucy walked over to the other side of the room, getting up the spin bike, which had actually become more of a decor lately rather than Lucy used it, like she frequently did last year to get some extra cardio in.
Lucy was pedalling fast now, breathing heavy, sweat on her forehead.
Ona had no clue what Lucy was trying to do but she did know that the view of Lucy’s abs was something she didn’t mind at all, she actually got turned on by it. And with the sweat and grunting it was an erotic sight really.
Ona shifted and now sat with her back against the headboard of the bed. Eyes staying on Lucy.
Lucy was sitting in her shorts and sportsbra on the bike, after 15 minutes she thought it was enough and walked to the bathroom, she walked in and left the door completely open, knowing Ona could see into the bathroom from the place she was sitting on the bed.
Lucy discarded of her clothes and leisurely threw them into the laundry basket. She took her time, now naked, to walk back in to the room to grab a towel from the closet, knowing full well there were still some in the cabinet in the bathroom.
She felt Ona’s eyes following her every move but she didn’t budge.
Walking back to the shower she glanced over at the bed, she didn’t know if she was seeing it right, so she stood still and took a good look.
Ona got red, removing her hand from her pants.
‘’No, go on then’’ Lucy said ‘’I don’t want to disturb you’’
‘’Luce’’ Ona said with a husk voice ‘’I need you-‘’
‘’Nah, it seems you have everything under control baby, you don’t need me’’ Lucy said, now getting closer to the bed.
‘’I want you’’ Ona tried again.
Lucy laughed ‘’Yeah, but naughty girls don’t get what they want, do they’’
‘’no’’ Ona admitted ‘’I wanna be a good girl for you Lucy’’
Lucy smiled on the inside, and was satisfied with the state Ona was in now. ‘’undress’’ she said calmly.
Ona quickly did so and sat back again, looking at Lucy with doe eyes, waiting for the next order.
Lucy looked at Ona’s body, she was really beautifull, the freckles, which she had all kissed one by one, the muscles, the veins. Ona was sculpted by the gods, her face was so pretty that even on a bad day Ona looked flawless in every picture that was taken of her.
Lucy’s eyes scanning her body made Ona weak, the lust and also love that she saw in Lucy’s eyes made her wanting Lucy close, she needed Lucy’s touch.
Lucy gathered her thoughts and focussed back on what she was doing. She was still stood next too the bed, naked.
She walked to the empty side of the bed and laid down, prompting her pillow up a bit and putting her hands behind her head, she spoke again ‘’Lets see what that pretty little mouth of you can do then, besides spouting nonsense’’.
Ona got up, this was not a punishment for her, she loved tasting Lucy. She got inbetween Lucy’s legs and kissed the insides of her tighs before slowely working her way to Lucy’s centre.
Lucy looked down at Ona’s head between her legs, seeing Ona’s butt stick up in the air behind it. ‘Damn’ Lucy mumbled.
Ona heard it but didn’t look up, she was orderd to make use of her mouth, so she was gonna do just that.
Licking and sucking Lucy’s sex she felt the woman getting closer, she now entered Lucy with her tongue, resulting her nose to rub against Lucy’s clit.  
Lucy groaned. A bit more stimulance from Ona caused her to climax. She rested her head back on the pillow while Ona lapped a few more times at her folds.
Ona kissed Lucy’s thighs and sat up, now waiting for a next command.
‘’Think i’m going for a shower’’ Lucy spoke up.
Ona looked at her with disbelieve, she put her hands on Lucy’s legs. ‘’No’’.
‘’No what?’’ Lucy smirked ‘’Seemed like you had things covered earlier, i’ll just let you to it’’.
‘’Lucy’’ Ona sounded desperate now ‘’i-
‘’Okay then’’ Lucy said and got up ‘’I’ll help you out, maybe i can fuck some sense into you’’.
Ona nodded, happy she was gonna get something but unsure about what Lucy meant by that. Looking at Lucy going trough their drawer.
Lucy turned back to her now wearing a strapon, Ona got even more wet from the sight, she laid back and parted her legs.
‘’No’’ said Lucy ‘’turn around, get up’’ while lathering up the plastic cock with lube.
Ona did what Lucy said, and got on her hands and knees, with her back turned to Lucy.
Lucy ran her fingers through ona’s folds. ‘’Yeah that’s what i thought’’ she grunted ‘’You’re so wet for me, you love this shit’’.
Ona whimpered and shuffled a bit more towards Lucy, now feeling the strap against her.
Lucy didn’t waste a second and pushed inside, earning a moan from Ona. She put it in completely, her hips now connected with Ona’s butt.
Lucy first thrusted slowely and then graduadly worked to a good rhythm, she slapped Ona’s perfect looking butt, earning another loud moan. She grabbed Ona rough and held her steady whilst fucking her, filthy sounds filling the room.
Ona felt really good but she needed more, she wanted Lucy to reach around and circle her clit for her, but in this mood Lucy would probably not do that for her. She reached down herself.
Lucy noticed and grabbed her wrist, pulling it behind her back, Ona nearly lost her balance, now resting on only one arm.
‘’what do you think you’re doing’’ Lucy said into Ona’s ear, she kissed down Ona’s back and slowly stopped thrusting, then she pulled out. ‘’Do you want to do it yourself again’’ she flopped onto the bed and sat against the headboard.
Ona looked at her trying to get what she should do next.
Lucy patted her lap. ‘’Come on, show me how good you can make yourself get off then’’
Ona smirked and climed up on Lucy, lowering herself on to the strap. She moaned, throwing her head back and closed her eyes.
‘’Look me in my eyes bub’’ Lucy said.
Ona listened and couldn’t help but hear a desperate tone in Lucy’s voice. Was she as riled up as her right now?, Ona asked herself.
Ona was now riding Lucy, holding herself up with her hands on the headboard, Lucy´s had put her hands on Ona´s hips lightly, not helping her, just resting there.
Lucy was loving this view, a moaning Ona grinding on her lap, she saw Ona getting closer ´´touch yourself baby´´
With her right hand Ona reached down to provide just the last bit that pushed her over the edge.
She hid her face in Lucy´s neck and called out ´´Luce´´
Now Lucy held Ona´s hips more firmly, helping her ride her through her high slowly.
´´ Quiero que me folles ahora Ona´´ (I want you to fuck me now Ona) Lucy wispered shyly.
Ona was brought back to reality immediately by those words. This was not usual at all, the strapon was only worn by Lucy until now.
‘’If you would want to do that too ofcourse’’ Lucy added even more quietly then her last words.
Ona crawelled of Lucy and nodded eagerly, ‘’ofcourse Luce, i just didn’t know that was something you were interested in’’
‘’I just hadn’t thought about it really’’ Lucy said ‘’But a few days ago i had a dream about you, where we did that and ever since then i can’t get it out of my head’’.
Ona was now grinning wide ‘’You dream about me huh?’’
Lucy blushed and playfully pushed Ona ‘’Yes sometimes’’ ‘’But it’s your own fault, you’re just too hot’’.
‘’Bueno’’ Ona said, walking to the drawer ‘’maybe we should use this one first then’’ holding up their smallest piece of the collection.
‘’mhm’’ Lucy nodded ‘’have you done this before?’’
‘’Yeah i have, but it was a long time ago so we’ll just go really slow for the both of us’’  ‘’Have you done this before?’’ Ona asked.
Lucy looked away, getting even more embarrassed ‘’No not like this, but.. penetration in general… yes…’’  
Ona laughed, ‘’I know’’ she waved her fingers demonstratively.
Lucy now laughed aswell ‘yeah but i mean with a toy, but that was really long ago and it happend like 3 times’’.
Ona got closer to Lucy, taking of the harness from Lucy, Lucy lifting her butt from the bed. Ona asked Lucy ‘’Why? Didn’t you like it?’’
Lucy anwsered without looking at Ona, ‘’yeah i kinda did, but i felt a bit vulnerable and the person i was with didn’t help with that, so i never tried anymore really’’.
Ona now cupped Lucy’s chin. ‘’I’m sorry baby’’ and kissed Lucy. ‘’We can just have the same rules that we use for me’’.
Because Ona liked it a bith more rough in the bedroom, the couple had spoken about their boundries extensively. For Lucy it had took some getting used to before she fully owned the dominant role with saying the sometimes even degrading comments that really got Ona going.
But in this stage of their relationship they were having a very good dynamic in the bedroom, she had become more confident and all Ona's needs were met, Lucy’s too, but recently these thoughts had started to arise, and only because she felt so comfortable with Ona, Lucy had dared to bring it up.
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy smiled ‘’That is good’’
Ona was putting on the harness and walked to the bathroom were she threw the attached dildo in the sink and now put the smaller one in the harness.
Lucy was watching her every move, feeling nervous but also turned on.
Ona walked back to the bed and asked Lucy ‘’have you thought about how you-
‘’Come here’’ Lucy said streching her hands to Ona. Ona climed up on the bed and kneeled inbetween Lucy’s legs, she reached over Lucy to the nightstand and got the bottle of lube and put some on the rubber dick.
Lucy watched her and parted her legs slightly more.
Ona turned to face Lucy and carefully studied her face, she saw expectation but also a little bit of hesitancy. She kissed Lucy softly and wispered, ‘’Just talk to me baby, if you want to stop, we stop’’
‘’Mhm’’ Lucy nodded ‘’thank you Ona’’ and kissed her back.
Ona guided the strap with her hand between Lucy’s folds, she rubbed a few times up and down. Still looking a Lucy, Lucy gave a small nod. And then Ona slowly put the head in, watching Lucy’s reaction.
Lucy whimpered and closed her eyes.
Ona slowely put it in completely, she lowered herself more to Lucy and started thrusting slowly, her breast now brushing against Lucy with every thrust.
Ona couldn’t say that she hadn’t thought about this happening, but she didn't want to get carried away on this first time, especially not after what Lucy had just told her, so she steadily kept to a nice pace and focussed on making Lucy feel good.
Lucy was moaning now, she’d opened up her legs a bit more so Ona could get closer to her and tried to reach Ona’s hips to pull her closer.
Ona kissed Lucy’s neck, wispering ‘’Do you want try and ride me now?’’
Lucy groaned ‘’mmh’’
Ona smiled softly ‘okay i am gonna pull out now’’
Lucy whimpered at the loss, and got up on her knees. Ona sat in the middele of the bed with her back against the headboard, Lucy already climbing on top of her. She held Lucy’s hips while Lucy guided herself onto the strap again.
Lucy was now in control of the pace herself, going a bit faster she hid her face in Ona’s neck.
Ona reached one of her hand between their bodies and started stimulating Lucy´s clit giving pressure so Lucy was grinding against her thumb.
Lucy was now panting heavily and her rhythm became even faster, Ona could tell she was getting close ´´You´re doing so good Lucia, come for me buba´´
With this praise Lucy got pushed over the edge, with a few more up and downs and she came hard. She cried out a moan in Ona´s neck, after a few seconds she got off the the strap and sat on one of Ona thighs, placing her head in the nook of Ona´s neck again.
Ona positioned them so they were more laying down now, rather than sitting up like before. She started tracing Lucy´s back with her nails lightly and with one hand she went back to the hairs in Lucy´s neck, like she had done earlier this afternoon.
They layed there for a few minutes when Ona felt Lucy kissing her neck.
´’Did- ‘’Tha-
They spoke at the same time and chuckeled.
‘’You talk baby’’ Ona said.
‘’No, you, what did you want to say’’ -Lucy
‘’I wanted to ask, Did you like it, Did it feel good?’’
She felt Lucy smile against her skin ‘’yeah, it felt really good’’
Ona smiled, ‘’ i’m glad Luce, now what did you want to say?’’
‘’Ah nevermind, it was nothing’’ Lucy kissed Ona’s neck and pushed herself up a bit to face Ona ‘’i love you’’.
Ona’s face became soft ‘’Luce, i hope you feel that you can say anything to me’’. Only now she noticed Lucy’s watery eyes. ‘’heyyy baby, what’s up’’ pulling Lucy’s head to her chest ‘’tell me, you don’t have to look at me while telling’’.
Lucy sniffed her nose, ‘’No, it is positive Ona’’ ‘’initialy i wanted to say thank you, but that is maybe a bit weird, but what i mean by it is thanks for making me feel so safe, i felt as though i could let go completely, honestly i have never experienced a orgasm like this one, it was such a different feeling, very nice’’.
Ona caressed Lucy’s head, ‘’i’m glad baby, maybe we can do it more often like this?’’
Lucy looked at Ona, wanting to read her face, ‘’Did you like it aswell?’’
Ona grinned ‘’yes, very much, it was even hotter than i had imagined’’
‘’Did you imagine this?’’ Lucy questioned
Ona spoke softly, ‘’Yeah i did, i mean i love being on the receiving end, but there is something about using the strap on someone else, it’s hot, but i had just assumed you weren’t up for it, we should’ve talked about it, because i had liked to know that you had these bad experiences before Luce, then we could’ve talked about that’’
‘’Not just this’’ Ona said while pointing between her legs ‘’but also other things, trust is very important in the bedroom’’. ‘’I hate that you didn’t always have that’’
Lucy grabbed Ona’s hand and laced their fingers. ‘’I love you’’ she said once more.
‘’Do you want to tell me about it’’ Ona asked
Lucy smiled softly ‘’I actually discussed it with my therapist also, so you don’t have to worry that i was bottling it up, what do want to know, or should i just tell you the whole story’’
‘’Yeah tell me everything’’ Ona pressed a kiss on Lucy’s head that was laying on her chest ‘’tell me it all love’’.
‘’Okay but the subject contains information about exes and i don’t want you to spite them.. , so maybe i’ll leave out the names?’’ -Lucy
‘’Why, i wont do anything, i don’t even know your exes, only one’’ Ona questioned,
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy sighed, ‘’That’s true, okay i’ll start from the beginning….
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wolfish-trickster · 3 days
I'm sorry, I can't choose you
Gojo x fem!reader, Geto x fem!reader
Part 5
Previous part
Word count: 1.8K
Summary: Gojo and you had a talk, he's still hoping you'll go back to him while you are fighting your own battles. Geto found out you knew about his crush and is also fighting a similar battle to yours.
Warnings: bad grammar (possibly), typos, angst, very little comfort
A/N: I'm sorry the update took so long 😭 I was super busy with studying for finals BUT I finally passed all seven of them today so, as promised, here is another chapter. Will start working on another one to release it as soon as possible to make up for the time there wasn't any. Thank you for waiting and enjoy the reading <3
Taglist: @ilovebattinson @catobsessedlady @tqd4455 @nanao4k @abcdefghijklmmopqrstuvwxyz @username23345 @www-kiana-mp3 @wirwirfr @rjt017 @yu-87 @mars-is-here @yozora7154
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To say the atmosphere in Shoko's house was depressing was an understatement. Gojo was paler than his hair, practically no soul behind his eyes. You weren't any better. You were so tired. Mentally and physically drained. This entire situation took a huge toll on you, both of you. The only thing you wished for right now was to get out on the fresh air and not think about any of this anymore, yet you were too scared to even move.
A key scratched against the keyhole. The door handle jiggled. Both of you looked at the front door, awaiting some sort of a judge to close the case and release both of your from this misery.
Geto's huge body nearly blocked the entire door frame. He was breathing heavily as if he sprinted here. Maybe he did. You didn't care why. He was a saviour either way.
"I'm done talking to you Gojo," you whispered while still looking at Geto, hoping he would take him away, to his home or for a drink or somewhere. Didn't matter where. Just gone.
Instead he walked towards the table and stood infront of both of you. "Are you done talking?" he said inbetween heavy breaths.
"I am," you said.
"I'm not."
"Gojo. We. Are. Done."
"That's not just for you to decide!"
"Satoru," Geto interrupted before you could open your mouth, "you talked, that's what you wanted, right? Now, do as you promised and go home. I need to talk with her too."
Gojo's eyes filled with hope behind his shades. His best friend is a true saviour. He will convice you to give him another chance. Suguru always had a way with words, was sophisticated and always knew how to convice others to do his bidding. Besides, Suguru's foolish riding was the reason why the two of you started talking in the first place. Once a matchmaker...
Without a word Gojo stood up from his chair, put it back in its place, took one last sad look at you, your tired face, glassy eyes, hair a mess. He couldn't help but reach out to touch you one last time. He wiped a dried tear from your face. "I'm sorry. I know it's late to say it but I want you to know."
Once his back faced you he looked at his best friend and gave him a grateful smile. Gojo mentally thanked Geto for stepping in and helping him clean up his mess before he walked towards the front door. Once the front door closed Geto sighed and ran a hand through his hair, messing up his manbun.
"Well, I guess you know what I wanted to talk with you."
You genuenly had no idea. It only now downed on you who you were in one room with. Geto Sugur. Also known as the reason behind your break up with your ex boyfriend, a best friend to said ex and also a man who has had a crush on you ever since you met both him AND your afore-mentioned ex. And he wants to talk with you. Yup, the universe has a pretty twisted sense of humor.
"I have few theories..." you said carefully.
"Does any of them involve this?" He said and held his phone infront of your face for you to read. It was the chat from last night. Oh.
You squirmed in your seat and looked away.
Geto smiled more to himself than to you. "I guess you must be pretty uncomfortable right now."
"A little," you admitted.
"Well don't be," he reassured you, " I didn't come here to ask you out." As much as he wanted to.
As soon as he realized it was you talking to him last night his chest swelled with hope. He ran like he never did back to Shoko's house. The closer he got the more excited he felt. Until his conscience woke up. It beat him up internally. How dare you, it said. You try to convice the whole world you're a good person by not wanting to hurt your best friend and yet now you're hoping that girl will fall into your arms because she accidentally found out you love her? How stupid can you be?! Did you even think about how Satoru might feel?
Yes, he did. He thought of it every night when he caught himself daydreaming about you. How a life by your side might look like. He knew he was only hurting himself more but he had no idea how else to deal with all these feelings. Was he really willing to keep his word to not date you even if you and Gojo break up? He wanted to. God he really did. But the temptation to woo you and finally have you in his arms.
You're a cruel monster, his conscience yelled at him again. You don't deserve her, nor Satoru.
He never hated himself more than when he slammed the door open. He saw both of you sitting there looking like a total mess. His conscience screamed at him, he screamed back, but ultimately his voice just wasn't loud enough.
"Can I ask how long?" your soft voice interrupted his stream of thoughts.
"How long what?"
"You know..."
"How long have I had a crush on you?"
You nodded.
"Do you remember when all four of us hung out and we came across a lost kid?"
Nod again. How could you forget. It was the first day your heart sped up when you looked at Gojo.
Geto leaned his lower half against the kitchen table, still not looking at you. "You were so adorable helping that little kid. Reasuring him, wiping his tears, holding his hand while searching for his dad. You were so gentle and I just wanted to protect you in this cruel world. But that role fell on Satoru," his smile vanished, "and as you can see he majorly fucked up."
Your chest hurt. Poor Geto. Even though he was the source of Gojo's absence you now knew he had no idea. He was innocent in this mess and you were wrongfully angry at him for stealing your boyfriend away from you. And after hearing this you felt a huge urge to apologize to him.
So you did.
"I'm so sorry Geto."
"Yeah," he sighed. "Well, at least now you know."
"Did Gojo know?"
Geto gave you a deadpan look. "Would I still be alive if he did?"
You frowned in confusion. "Yeah? I mean, he was never the jealous type."
He chuckled. "Him? Not the jealous type? Please, he got all pouty even when a stray cat responded to my 'pstpstpst' and completely ignored him."
"But," you blinked. This information was new to you. "Whenever I spoke with a male colleague he was super chill. Once I even played a prank on him to see his jealousy level but he had no reaction. None at all."
Geto hummed but didn't say anything. He had some theories about this, one worse than another, but to spare you more wounds on your heart he kept quiet.
He shook his head. "Whether he got rid of his jealousy or not, can you still please keep it to yourself? The man's a mess as it is, if he found out it would crush him."
"Sure," you said and rubbed his arm a little. "I really am sorry."
He smiled and gently shook your hand off of him. Your touch has always been pleasant to him but now that his ugly little secret is out it was more painful than walking barefoot on bunch of blades. "It's okay. You did nothing wrong. I should be the one to apologize."
Your comforting being rejected hurt a little, you weren't even sure why. "Apologize for what? You can't help feeling certain things towards someone," change of subject to take your mind off of him rejecting your touch and possibly going to thoughts you weren't ready for yet.
"True, but," he got quiet for a while. "I'm still sorry."
You smiled at him reassuringly. "I don't know if it will make you feel better but I'm sure you'll find someone much better than me. You're kind, smart, level headed, your heart is in the right place. There will be bunch of girls wanting you in the future."
"Kinda sucks that the only girl I want is the ex of my best friend."
Your heart ached. If only Suguru was someone completely foreign to Gojo you would've- NO. No way. Even if you could see a million green flags in this man when compared to your ex he's still the best and possibly only friend of said ex. You can't even think about getting together with him. Why were you thinking that in the first place?!
"Well," Geto straightened up and looked at you for the first time. You hated how your heart skipped a beat when his purple eyes met yours. "To spare us more heartache and embarassment I'll be going now."
Without thinking you reached out and grabbed onto his sleeve stopping him from leaving.
Nobody dared to move. Both of you had the same question on your mind: why did you do that?
In the end without turning around Geto whispered. "Please," his voiced cracked, "don't give me hope. It hurts so much as it is right now."
Only then you realized in how much more pain he must be right now. His position in all of this was way worse than yours. You let his sleeve go.
"I'm sorry," you whispered. If you spoke any louder your voice would crack too.
Geto didn't respond. All he did was quietly walk out.
Neither of you noticed the crown of white hair outside the opened kitchen window.
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How does transportation in TWST works? Like how do you get back after transporting through a mirror? Also I confess to having used retry tickets
Twisted Wonderland has many modern modes of transportation such as:
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There are also modes of transportation unique to Twisted Wonderland, such as:
“teleporters”/warp pads (which require government approval)
magical wheels/blastcycles (magic motorcycles)
flight (whether with brooms or without; flight magic without a broom seems to be used primarily by fae)
teleportation magic
magic mirrors
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In terms of how students get back to NRC after leaving through a magic mirror, Ace has dialogue in 1-15 of the first Halloween event which implies an explanation. “The school mirrors let us go home and back […]”
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This seems to suggest there must be a mirror on the other side for them to return?? That’s the impression I get from this wording.
Last comment I’ll make isn’t really relevant to the rest of the ask and/or my response; I imagine many players were struggling with passing the battles of later books—a significant amount, given that TWST had to implement the retry tickets at all (they were not always in the game).
I’m sure lots of us resorted to using the try tickets and that has helped them be able to advance and enjoy the main story. No shame in it, really! You’d have to be really grindy, have gotten a very early start in the game, and/or be a whale (big spender) to clear those late game battles easily.
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winedarkthoughts · 2 days
house of addams (6)
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— 🌖 pairing: ot7 x fem.reader
— 🕷️ genre: mystery, angst + fluff + smut
— 🗝️ word count: 5.5k
— 🍄 summary: desperate times call for morally grey measures.
— ☕ content warnings: stalking (but it's mutual??), taking photos without consent (also mutual), slight lore dump, mentions of death/decomposition/missing persons
— 🕸️ a/n: thank you so much to everyone who continues to share their thoughts i love y'all so much!!
previous chapter ← series m.list → next chapter
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chpt. 6: don't stalk, investigate
october 19, 2004
The trees surrounding the university are starting to brown at the edges. Fall has begun its descent.
The click of the camera shutter has become white noise to you. Through the viewfinder, you follow the motion of the mop of black hair.
You've found that that's how he starts almost all of his mornings: messily, sleepily. More often than not, his hair is just-rolled-out-of-bed fluffy, the lower half of his face covered with a black mask so you can only see his cat-like eyes.
He looks good today, wearing a loose white button-up and silver jewelry. He approaches the university with his messenger bag slung over his shoulder, still clearly half-asleep.
Yoongi is not a morning person, you've learned. You know because you've been watching him.
Listen, you never claimed to be a saint. And yes, maybe half the reason that you're a damn good private investigator is because you're willing (and perfectly capable) of doing the things that others would rather not.
So be it. You've witnessed others commit far worse evils than the one you're currently undertaking.
Long story short, your mental blockade with the case (and whatever the fuck happened at the lake) may or may not have caused you to look into some of the strange characters frequenting Farrow's End. Starting with the shy, antisocial botanist.
The fact that he supposedly lived in the Addams house (according to the commentary from the college students) wasn't the thing that made you suspicious, it was the fact that he lied about living in the Addams house. Pretended to know absolutely nothing about it, to boot.
As a human being, you can respect someone keeping their secrets. As a private investigator, your job is to dig up any secrets that prove relevant to your investigation.
Half of you wants to believe that he's nothing but a good guy. You can admit that you like him, that you relate to his aura as the token "weirdo." But the cynical part of you, it whispers in your ear that he shouldn't be trusted.
No one should. Your job has taught you that much.
Therefore, you have to exhaust each point of view until you find out who's guilty, and who's less guilty. Because pure innocence is impractical.
And after what you saw (or think you saw) at the lake, you're going to have to gear your research towards less "scientific" topics. And try to avoid the woods at all costs. For the time being, at least.
On most days, Yoongi begins his days early, and mostly on-campus. It didn't take long to witness him being transported by the same black Mercedes that you saw outside the cafe, the one supposedly belonging to one of the mysterious Jungs.
Though Yoongi never enters the car in heavily populated areas. He usually walks a short distance to a more private spot, and then the car pulls up like clockwork.
You can never get a good look at the driver, thanks to the tinted windows.
So far, the only suspicious thing about the botanist is the fact that he lied about living in the Addams house. He goes to class, goes to his labs, gets coffee, goes home, with very little in-between.
Well, that plus spending a large amount of his time on campus with one specific chemist. And it doesn't take much longer to realize that he lives at the Addams house too.
Jimin, unlike Yoongi, is often late. He gets dropped off by the same sleek car, a short distance away from his destination, then he power walks to wherever he's going, fluffing and preening himself along the way.
Whether it's a hand brushing through his hair, or a knuckle pushing up the bridge of his glasses (which he never leaves the house without), or him adjusting the collar of his shirt, he's almost always fixing himself.
Sometimes, you get the impression that he isn't comfortable in his own skin.
He has a few other signatures: those heeled boots, pants that are almost always too tight for your liking, glasses (either tinted or completely dark), and always a mask covering his mouth. That, or sometimes an oversized scarf pulled up to just under his nose when it's particularly chilly outside, the wind rustling his hair and it's oddly shifting color.
You've taken to wearing one of your smaller cameras around your neck at all times, just in case you run into anything suspicious and need to snap a picture.
The morning mist has deepened into a constant drizzle most mornings, and that leather jacket you bought at Magic Shop has come in particularly handy. The garment is warm and cozy, and it always gives you a feeling of comfort whenever you wear it.
Fine, so maybe following Yoongi and Jimin didn't yield the results you wanted, though you'll admit it was fun. Still, something is telling you that there's something suspicious about that house and those who reside in it.
So you move on to another lead: Kim Taehyung.
He rarely leaves the house, you've found. So you have to conclude that he lives there as well as works there. When he does leave, it's on official business. Either to go to the police station to pick up documents or out of town to examine a body.
He doesn't ride in the Mercedes, though. Rather, he drives a classic black hearse. Again, peak dedication to the aesthetic, which you can appreciate.
And fine, maybe you snapped a few pictures of him on the rare times you caught him out of the house, but it's all for the sake of the investigation.
At first, you were quite hesitant to get too close to the house on the hill, with its looming trees and black birds hovering all about the roof.
But one day, when you creep up the path, the front gate opens on its own to welcome you. You were planning on scraping along the outside of the gate, peering into the yard through the iron bars. You weren't expecting it to actually open for you.
A gust of wind surges through the air, pulling you towards the house. The rustle of the trees practically whispers come closer.
It takes you a little bit aback, but you don't show it. Just in case someone is watching. In fact, you barely react to it, simply sidestepping the gate entrance and continuing along the path as if you were on a morning walk.
You walk along the entire perimeter of the gated yard, which is much, much larger than you anticipated. There are a number of gardens, a small hedge maze, a swamp even, and at the very edge of the property, a graveyard.
The tombstones are dotted throughout the wooded grove, a thick layer of ivy covering the ground like a burial shroud, and an air of calm hangs about the place.
But it isn't until you circle back to the other side of the house that you see something you truly weren't expecting: Jin, your favorite barista, strolling through the garden with a cup and saucer in his hands.
Wearing a turtleneck under a black coat, his hair blowing picturesquely in the chill wind, he meanders past the crumbling stone statues and trickling fountains.
You quickly duck behind a tree, reaching into your jacket to grab the small binoculars that you typically carry when you're in the..."observation" phase of the investigation. No, this isn’t the first time you’ve done this sort of thing.
Jin leisurely walks over the cobblestone pathway, sipping from his cup with a satisfied expression. He'll run a hand through his hair or lean against one of the stone garden walls, looking over his shoulder every once in a while.
And maybe it's just a hunch, but you get the sense that he knows that he's being watched. The weird thing is that he doesn't seem bothered by the fact at all. In fact, it almost looks like he's...posing.
An itch at the back of your neck. A glance back at Jin tells you that he's not looking at you, nor has he realized that you're there. But still, now you feel eyes on you.
You look around but find nothing but white-barked trees. And maybe if you looked a little closer you would've noticed that the knots in said trees look a little too much like eyes, open and alert.
Even if you had noticed such a thing, your conscience would tell you that obviously that's not the case. Trees can't watch people.
You'd be wrong, of course, but how could you have known that then?
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october 23, 2004
He only ever works nights. The graveyard shift, to be specific. His shift always starts after the sun has set, and it ends just before it rises again.
Normally, you'd split your time between the cafe and the bookshop, but recently you've dedicated almost the entirety of your days to watching the barista and learning his habits. And in that time, you've hardly seen him eat.
In all the time you've spent watching him combined, the only things you've seen him eat include: a handful of olives, a few slices of bread and cheese, and the occasional spoonful of honey. Coffee and the offhand glass of red wine (which he pours into a teacup with a charming wink when he catches you watching him) is all you ever see him drink.
The only time he leaves the Addams house, besides to go to work, is on Saturday mornings when the Farmer's Market takes up the town square.
Sporting a checkered coat with the collar turned up to shield the lower half of his face, sunglasses (even though it's utterly cloudy), and an umbrella held over his head (even though it's not even drizzling), Jin scours the aisles, scrutinizing each booth's wares to find only the freshest and best quality produce, meats, and bread. He also procures some fancy cheese and preserves, his tastes expensive and well-refined.
The only other time you see him deviate from his routine is to visit the nearest hospital one afternoon. You're expecting him to enter into the waiting room, but he circles around the back, waiting by a STAFF ONLY door.
That same tickle from somewhere in your brain, the one that makes your eyes a little blurry. You take a moment to refocus them, and then you see the door crack open.
The person behind the door hands Jin an object that he quickly conceals in his coat, and the interaction is too quick for you to see what exactly it is.
But not quick enough for you to miss taking a picture. Because you've learned that it's always best to prioritize the camera before your eyes.
You take it to the dark room that same day. And the film reveals that the object appears to be a plain white box. Your guess is that it's a thermal container, the ones used to transport samples or the like.
It's a bit embarrassing to admit that it takes another day to put two and two together.
You're sitting in the cafe, skimming through the files of the five missing persons, when Jin approaches your booth and silently places a pastry on the table.
It's another one of his habits, you've noticed. Whenever you're in the cafe and have gone a long time without ordering any food, he'll subtly bring you something without a word, and you're usually too focused on your research to notice until some time has passed and it's too late to reject the offer.
You've told him several times that though the gesture is appreciated, he doesn't need to provide you with any freebies just because you're in here all the time. But he just brushes you off and claims that he needs a taste tester for his new recipes.
You let it slide after telling yourself that he probably does the same to a number of other customers given his charming nature (though in all the time you've observed him he's never done it for any other patron, but that you conveniently ignore).
This time it's a little cake, topped with a strawberry and absolutely smothered in fresh cream. When you cut into it, red jam spills from the inside of the cake like blood from a wound.
Then it finally clicks.
Like a slideshow in fast motion, all of the little details spring back into the forefront of your mind. The time when you noticed his shirtsleeve riding up, revealing a faded scar distinctly resembling a bite mark on the inside of his wrist. The time you noticed him drinking from a to-go coffee cup, but with a ring of red surrounding the opening in the lid.
And at the hospital, a thermal container used to transport samples such as blood bags, or even human organs.
You push the dessert away at the realization, scrambling to gather your things and leave the cafe as quickly as possible.
Of course, that means you miss the concerned and slightly disappointed look on Jin's face as he watches you go.
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october 24, 2004
You don't know what makes you more of an idiot, the fact that you're actually close to believing that Jin is some sort of blood-sucking creature of the night, or the fact that it took you this long to consider the fact based on all the warning signs.
Unfortunately, nothing is impossible. And though none of your investigations so far have pointed to something so overtly "supernatural," you have to entertain the possibility.
Because it's possible that something about it could trace back to one or more of the victims, since clearly this case has proven to be far from normal.
Though the internet is a great resource, currently all you can find is blog posts, and you'd prefer not to cite those when it comes to professional matters. So you turn to local folklore, urban legends, and the security of the written word.
When you enter the bookshop the next day, you realize just how broad of a topic it is. There are hundreds, even thousands of mythical creatures across different cultures. It's going to take a long time to factor out one with the right features and track it's roots.
Then you remember the man behind the counter. Namjoon is currently staring at the mass of papers on his desk, looking confused and frustrated.
"What's all that?" you ask as you approach the counter.
"My accounts. Balancing my checkbook," he replies without looking up from the mess.
"Ah," you say in understanding, in pity.
A pause.
"Want a distraction?" you finally ask, and his head whips up almost instantly.
"Dear God, yes."
You chuckle, moving to lean against the desk.
"You're a writer, right?"
"Yes," he answers with a nod.
"What kind of things do you write?"
"Mostly research papers, some articles here and there, a few field guides."
Hmm, so he's more of a scholar, then. Interesting.
"In what area of study?"
Namjoon's mouth twitches like he's trying to find the right words.
"Folklore," he finally answers, but obviously there's a little more to it.
Perfect. You bite back the urge to rock on your toes with excitement.
"Can I ask you a few questions?"
He smiles at that, dimples and all, like nothing would delight him more.
"Of course, anything you want," he answers, voice curling around the edges.
And you don't know it, but he means it sincerely. He would tell you anything and everything about him and his little family if you would only ask.
Any of them would, really. Technically, none of them have ever lied to you, they just haven't share all the information.
And if Namjoon is being honest, all of them are quite eager for you to get a little more invasive and figure them out for yourself.
"What do you know about mythological creatures that feed on life energy?"
You didn't mean for it to come out so specific, so incriminating. But you're getting a little tired of questions without a ghost of an answer.
His eyebrows raise a bit.
"To be honest with you, my knowledge is limited mainly to the folklore of this region," he admits, sounding apologetic.
Even more perfect. You try not to give away too much of your excitement, despite the fact that every time you encounter him he only seems to get better and better.
"Pray tell," you urge, leaning forward slightly with open ears.
A little bashful expression crosses his face as he settles deeper in his chair, all thoughts of taxes abruptly thrust aside.
"Well, vampiric creatures are quite common across folklore in many cultures. They're usually associated with outbreaks of disease, and vampire hunts are mostly accompanied with epidemics..."
You let him talk for as long as he wants, listening eagerly and only looking away to scribble a few notes from time to time. It's clear that he's passionate about what he studies, speaking about it like a lover would.
He tells you that even the word "vampire" is shrouded in mystery, as linguists do not know the precise etymological origin. Apparently, the folklore of this region is steeped in Slavic roots, so that's what he focuses on to narrow it down for you.
From the Old East Slavic language, the term "vampire" hails from the word "upir," which is speculated to translate as "someone who bites" or "the thing at the feast/sacrifice," though the word has no definite origin.
Namjoon tells you that scholars agree that the term was used as a stand-in, since they were too afraid to say the creature's true name.
"An upir needs to feed on life essence to survive. In literature, this is usually represented by drinking blood, since it represents life," Namjoon explains.
He shrugs.
"The "opir" in Ukraine consumes large amounts of fish as their source of sustenance, preferences vary across cultures."
"You speak of it like they're real," you say with a chuckle, watching closely for his reaction.
Another shrug, this one more uncomfortable.
"To the Slavs, they were. The universal belief in supernatural beings was common. Unseen entities were part of the way they understood the world," he says.
"Hmm," you mumble, scanning him up and down. You try not to delight in the way he squirms slightly under your scrutiny.
"Most of the traits attributed to vampires these days are based on myths, or downright misunderstandings," Namjoon blurts out. "Like how the outbreak of rabies in Europe led to the belief that the upir are afraid of light, which is ridiculous. Many of the symptoms of rabies, which is spread through biting, coincide with the supposed traits of vampires, like the fear of light and altered sleep patterns."
He says it all like he's slightly annoyed.
"Or how they assumed that the upir are undead because during decomposition, built up pressure can push the blood into a corpse's mouth," he continues.
"So the upir aren't undead at all?" you probe.
"No, it's just a misconception," Namjoon replies like he's in the throes of a heated debate.
He seems to notice, since the next moment he's clearing his throat awkwardly and slumping in his seat.
There's a moment of silence as you jot down some more notes.
"They're not evil," he blurts out like he can't help it, and the look on his face implores you to believe him.
You look up at him.
"Across the centuries, they've always been used as the scapegoat for things humans can't understand," he adds softly.
Hmm, yes that seems to be a recurrent theme in human history.
You close your notebook and straighten up from leaning on the desk.
"Very interesting. Thank you, Namjoon," you say and mean it.
He smiles and nods as if to say of course, but after your back is turned, his face falls a bit, wondering if he let a little too much slip.
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"Too much? In my opinion, you didn't tell her enough," Jimin quips.
Namjoon rolls his eyes, but he's mainly focused on Jin. The older man only smiles at him, pressing a comforting hand to Namjoon's cheek.
"Don't worry, love. I don't mind at all," he says. Because yes, he too is eager for you to realize just what they all are.
"I just don't want her to think we're the ones behind all this," Namjoon admits.
"If she's as smart as she appears, then she'll figure that out for herself soon enough," Hoseok replies, slowly circling the room with his arms crossed.
He approaches the elegant leather couch that Namjoon and Jin are occupying.
"Joonie," he says, running a hand down the younger man's neck.
"I don't think it would hurt to drop her a few more hints, hm?" And everyone notices the smirk on Hoseok's face.
"I'm tired of waitiiiiing," Jimin whines.
"She's still a skeptic, Minie," Yoongi supplies from where he's watering the plants against the window. "She needs to be eased in."
Jimin just rolls his eyes.
"We could just kidnap her," he suggests.
"No." The reply comes instantly from Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi simultaneously.
Jimin laughs high and bright.
"Come now, Jimin," Hoseok says with a sharp smile of his own. "Everyone knows it's more fun when they consent to it first."
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october 25, 2004
The next time you enter the bookshop, Namjoon immediately mentions that he put together a little collection of texts for you to look over, saying they might be interesting to you. Maybe even aid in the investigation.
You thank him earnestly. And no, your face doesn't heat up at the fact that someone has gone out of their way to make your life easier.
When you slip into your usual nook, you notice that one of the drawers in the desk is adorned with a little pink ribbon around the handle, almost like it's gift-wrapped. And when you open it, you see several books, articles, and newspaper clippings, all of which seem very promising.
Something stirs in your stomach at the sight, but it's quickly set aside as you lock in and dive headfirst into the new research endeavor.
There's the notice for each of the missing persons, all the mentions of them so far in the newspapers, including one article from a publisher you've never heard of.
With the headline simple reading DISAPPEARED, the short snippet describes each missing person and the details of their last eyewitness account. The strange thing is that the article includes far more details than the big-name publishers, making you wonder why you haven't heard of it before.
The Periscope Press. You don't recall seeing it in any of the corner stores around town, but you do recall some of the people you interviewed mentioning details from "the newspaper" that you hadn't heard previously. Maybe this is the publisher they were referring to.
When you ask Namjoon about it though, he is surprisingly unhelpful. He claims that he can't remember where he came across the article, saying that he often picks up stray newspapers for wrapping and packing purposes for the shop.
Well, you suppose you'll have to save it for later then.
Also among the pile of papers in the drawer, there's a short blurb announcing the opening of the Kim Morgue and Crematorium. Taking a closer look at the date tells you that Taehyung's practice has actually been passed down through nearly three generations.
Technically, Taehyung is actually Taehyung III, taking the same name as his father and grandfather and great-grandfather before him.
But it's the photo you stumble upon that really stalls your breath.
A portrait, faded and yellowing, dated almost seventy-five years ago. The subject is a man dressed in a brown suit and tie, his hair dark and curly, except it looks exactly like him. From the Roman slant of his nose, down to the way he positions his shoulders, it looks almost indistinguishable from the Taehyung of today. The family resemblance is apparently very strong.
And again, it's a little embarrassing how long it takes you to reach the conclusion that to others, especially to the supernaturally-inclined, might seem obvious.
But you've already mentioned that you're a bit of a skeptic.
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october 28, 2004
You fear that you may be going a bit crazy.
The dreams are getting worse. They've escalated from simple images and sounds to corporeal sensations. You feel the water so sharply, the cold, the current, even the vibrations. You can see hands reaching towards you, and sometimes you are compelled to reach back. Sometimes you swear you wake up smelling of seawater.
And the itchy feeling of being watched has only gotten stronger. You feel as though you're always looking over your shoulder, always listening for following footsteps.
In the past few days, you've used your research as an effective distraction.
You've found that the Kim family has run the morgue out of the Addams house for almost as long as the Jung family has owned it, Taehyung hailing from a long line of coroners and forensic pathologists rooted in Farrow's End.
With a little digging, you discovered that the Jungs have been business tycoons for decades, buying and selling and trading their vast number of industries to generate a near endless stream of income that they then hand down to their children and children's children.
Unfortunately, most of the knowledge on the Jung family is circulated through the townsfolk, so you have to ask around a bit to get a more solid basis.
The current owner of the Addams house is one Jung Hoseok. Young, beautiful, and filthy rich, according to those you spoke with on the streets. But, apparently he spent most of his youth in a mental hospital. Not only a mental hospital, a high-security facility for the criminally insane.
Now, you're not sure how much of that you believe, but you still have to entertain the possibility.
And one day, you even catch sight of him. A small crowd tends to gather whenever the black Mercedes pulls into town, curious eyes prying into the tinted windows.
You're lingering outside the bookshop one afternoon, making sure you didn't leave anything behind after a four-hour-long research session, when the car rolls through the streets like a slinky black cat.
Whispers immediately fill the air, causing you to look up from your bag, which is bursting at the seams these days from all the papers you have to carry around.
The car stops at the curb in front of the cafe, the driver soon killing the engine. Then, the driver's side door opens, and a black-booted foot steps onto the sidewalk.
The man is handsome, you have to admit, with long black hair that curls at the nape of his neck. His face is sharp and angular, with a softly heart-shaped mouth and surprisingly bright eyes.
He's dressed in pressed pants and jacket, thin and elegant. The man walks into the cafe and picks up a to-go order, gets back into his car, and drives away without so much as a glance at all the people who have stopped to stare at him.
You being one of them, but you're fairly certain that you're the only one who takes a few pictures.
But it wasn't until yesterday that you started to really feel like you were losing your marbles.
As you're asking around town, you breach the subject of the town's forensic pathologist. Everyone you speak to has nothing but good things to say about the young coroner, except for the fact that he isn't as young as you thought he was.
You ask a woman you struck up a conversation with outside the grocery store about the Kim family, and she says that Taehyung did a fantastic job taking care of her nephew for his funeral.
You agree, mentioning your admiration for how educated he is for someone so young.
That's when the woman's face turns puzzled. "Young?" she says, raising an eyebrow. She goes on to say that the most recent Kim Taehyung has been running the morgue for the last twenty years.
"Taehyung III?" you ask. "Thin, dark eyes, looks a bit like a Roman statue?"
"Yes, that's the one. Took over the family business after his father died. But no children, I hear he's training a young apprentice that will likely take over when he retires."
You mention that surely Taehyung has time to have children, but that same confused expression crosses her face.
"Isn't he nearly seventy though?"
A squirmy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You awkwardly brush off the woman, apologizing for the confusion.
You ask almost every other passerby you see on the street that evening about the town coroner, and they all say the same thing. A kind man, very good at his job, and most definitely in his late sixties.
They all insist that there hasn't been a young Kim in the business since Taehyung was a trainee nearly thirty years prior.
So you do a little more digging, and turns out it's true. If you'd have looked a little closer at the dates on all of Taehyung's degrees and certificates, you'd find that he acquired them all between fifteen and twenty-five years ago.
You're tailing him the next morning. You got lucky, today being one of the rare days when he leaves the Addams house to go into town.
He steps out of the hearse in leather shoes and a sweater vest under his trenchcoat. You suppose he dresses like he's older, from the way he tucks in his shirt and cuffs his pants, but he also sports a crossbody bag over his shoulder that others would most likely consider feminine, but he pulls it off effortlessly.
The clouds are letting down a light rain, leaving dewdrops on your jacket and making Taehyung's hair appear just a bit fluffier.
There's that same streak of gray from his hairline. The only indicator that he possibly isn't an attractive man in his late twenties/early thirties.
But that's exactly what you're looking at. Not an older man with aged skin and silver hair, rather more like a bronze god with a mop of black curls. And the only sign of age from knowledge or experience is deep in his eyes.
You begin to follow him down the street, sneaking pictures occasionally, curious what would happen if you were to show said pictures to others. Would they still see an old man? Or would they see the young one you've been seeing from the beginning?
You get the odd sensation that you're being watched, but from a source you can't name, since you're fairly certain Taehyung hasn't noticed you.
It's as you're nearing the end of the sidewalk, slipping in-between a cluster of people, that he suddenly stops dead in his tracks.
You stop too, a cold chill latching onto your spine. He stands there for a moment, perfectly still.
Then, he turns over his shoulder and looks right at you.
There haven't been many times in your career where you're genuinely shocked speechless. And even fewer when your target is not only fully aware of the fact that you're trailing them, but apparently isn't bothered in the slightest by it.
Because then a smirk is creeping onto his face. Those tiger eyes turn a shade darker, and he nods his head slightly as if to greet you.
He knew you were watching him, they all did.
The ice under your skin only intensifies when you hear the click of a camera shutter from behind you.
Whipping around, you see Jung Hoseok standing just a few feet away, a camera held up to his face and the brim of his hat tilted down, but you know it's him.
And the lens is pointed at you.
What's strange is that no one else seems to notice him. Every other time you've seen him in town, everyone stops to stare, but now they slide around him like he isn't even there, their eyes looking right through him.
Something weird is definitely going on.
You dissolve back into the crowd like a ghost.
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october 29, 2004
A letter appears on your doorstep. The stationary is soft and expensive-looking, with your name scrawled on the front in curling script. With no return address.
It's enclosed with a red wax seal, stamped with the image of a crow.
You debate on whether or not to open it for approximately three minutes.
Dearest _______,
We cordially invite you to the Addams House for dinner, dancing, and drinks on October 30 at 6:00 p.m. sharp. Please bring your case notes for discussion.
Dress code: semi-formal.
Jung Hoseok
The back of the paper reads:
How do you accept this invitation?
➳ With enthusiasm
➳ With excitement
You think about it for about thirty seconds. Circling "with enthusiasm," you slip the paper back into the envelope and set it back outside where you found it.
It's gone the next morning.
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a/n: thanks so much for reading!! i would absolutely love to hear any of your thoughts! 👉👈
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biolumien · 24 hours
HELLO!! i dont normally send requests (up to a year in tumblr, i have only sent.. 2. including this one.) but i was wondering if you write platonic stuff? :') im deadly inlove with your works, never fails to disappoint huhuu and i adore them, and if you do, do you mind writing a hoshina x younger sibling reader? maybe they have a bad relationship with him and tries to make it up by joining the third division so that they could get closer, but he's just giving the cold shoulder and ignoring them. in the end the reader gets injured - hopefully this isn't too detailed!! i was also wondering if you take anons.. if you do - could i be 🐾 anon? mentioning this again but i seriously do love your works they're all so well written 🥹
notes: aaaa?!?!? im really honored that you decided to request something from me;; fun fact im actually an only child (lol) so i hope this is something you were looking for!! (i am still a bit sick >_<...
siblings, siblings...
soshiro hoshina & sibling!reader general description of injury and blood on your end. word count: 899
you and soshiro were never really close. as the youngest of the hoshina family and with the best unleashed combat power in guns, you were often lauded as the family’s best chance in the defense force—which put you at odds with soshiro’s utter lack of combat power in the firearms department. you’d tried to reach out—to talk, to do anything—but soichiro and soshiro never had time for you. 
or well, it seemed as if soshiro considered you his number one enemy. the antithesis of his existence—that by the fact you existed, it seemed as if he would be utterly worthless after all. 
when you transferred to the third division, you received no acknowledgement from soichiro or soshiro. 
“i trust you will lay your life down for the cause as effectively as you have in other divisions,” mina said to you on the day you were sworn in, your brother at her side. 
he didn’t look at you. 
“you have quite the impressive resume,” mina had said. “second and first division positions. an easy shoo-in for division leader right after gen narumi. what made you decide to enter the third division?” 
you’d swallowed, watching soshiro very pointedly not looking at you. 
“i… no reasons, in particular,” you’d lied. “just… um… curious in expanding my options. is all.” 
soshiro’s eyes had been cold. 
it was clear where the two of you stood, and soshiro wanted nothing to do with you, even if you’d basically demoted yourself from a cushy spot in the first division for it. the two of you rarely spoke—and if he ever acknowledged you at all, it was with one word responses or an affirmative, very stiff nod, as if it killed him utterly and completely to acknowledge you. 
were the two of you sweet once? had you run around the hoshina estate giggling once? had that been you?
would it ever be you again, even if it had? 
(you remember the taste of konpeito that soshiro would sneak you from soichiro’s collection of sweets, and he would raise a finger to his lips, telling you it was a secret.)
(but then why did you remember the feeling of asphalt against your feet on the days where soshiro seemed to forget to train as he dragged you towards the grass to play chase?)
(then why did you remember the times where you’d have a bad nightmare, but never felt brave enough to go to soichiro, so you’d always gone to soshiro instead? he’d laughed, cocky and brilliant even late at night and told you not to worry because he’d cut up your bad dreams. and you believed him, because he was your big brother and he’d never been wrong, never been cruel the way soichiro was to you and soshiro.)
why did you have to remember all of that?
you cough out a mouthful of blood. 
of course you only remember all of that right now as you bleed out. 
your eyes feel heavy.
what had the attack been, again? a yoju? a honju? you could’ve taken it down on your own, right? did it matter? your gun didn’t do anything—it couldn’t, laying uselessly on the ground next to you as you felt another choking mouthful of blood cloying against your lips. 
you want to scream. 
what was the point, you wanted to ask. what was the point of transferring if your brother wouldn’t acknowledge you—even though all you wanted to do was speak to him again? 
“don’t close your eyes.”
thank god you still have enough energy for your eyes to fly open, staring up at soshiro, who leaned down to haul you to your feet—but really he was putting most of your weight on him, your feet barely scraping the floor. 
“soshiro,” you rasp. “why?” 
“that’s what i should be asking you,” soshiro’s voice was still cold. distant, as he began walking you back towards the other troops—carefully, so as to not upset your wounds. “why did you transfer out of the first division? from what i heard, you were making quite the name for yourself out there. needed to steal my spotlight that badly?” 
“that’s not it,” you snap, wincing in pain. “i just wanted my brother back. is that so much to ask for? i figure it is, because you just randomly stopped talking to me for no goddamn reason!” 
you feel soshiro freeze up. 
“you wouldn’t get it.”
he sounds resentful. 
“fuck no i wouldn’t!” you say. “i don’t know what’s going on because you won’t tell me! but the only thing i do know is that i want to be able to talk to at least one of my big brothers that doesn’t treat me like shit! because as it stands right now, both of you do!” 
you gasp out in pain, coughing up another mouthful of blood. 
soshiro’s body is still tense, his hand tightening where it’s wrapped around your arm. 
“i’m—” soshiro mutters. “sorry. i—i just.” he laughs. “i’m a sorry excuse for an older brother, huh?” 
“you are,” you retort, and soshiro laughs again, and he sounds almost like he did when the two of you were younger. 
“let’s go home,” soshiro says after a moment, his voice less resentful now. 
you feel almost like a kid again in that moment, leaning on soshiro after you’d fallen during tag, having scraped your knee. 
“okay,” you wheeze out. “okay.” 
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itsagoodluckkiss · 19 hours
Hi, I wanted to make a request about Luffy x female reader. The reader is feminine but clumsy, emotionally-reserved, unexperienced and kind-hearted. Smart and funny, with a soft spot for Luffy. . As for the plot, "she fell first, but he fell harder", slice of life with a little angst would be perfect. I'm desperate for fanfiction about first experience in everything kinda stuff. I'm not a minor, so it would be very good to see some sensual and awkward smut. I would be glad to read anything you'll write about Luffy x female!reader and I hope that you liked my request (^o^)/ sorry for bad english
It's Okay ~ Luffy x F!Reader
First of all, thank you for being my first request, you made me really happy and I'm really sorry for the really long wait, we had a really rough couple of months. Also, it's the first smut I've ever written so read this with patience. English is not my first language either and I'm sorry for any mistakes. Anyways, I had fun writing this, I hope you'll like it, lots of love!
Words: +3k
Warnings: hurt/comfort, op spoilers, ptsd, mentions of character death, comfort sex, smut with plot, oral (f!receiving), virginity loss (both), unprotected sex, cockwarming, fluffy ending kinda?, no use of Y/N
Quiet days on The Thousand Sunny were as rare as mythical zoans. Not only because of dangerous encounters but also because of how calm the whole crew was today. Even your walking ray of sunshine captain was not as wild as usual. But you couldn’t really complain as you could focus on your task in silence.
The tailor of the crew, responsible of sewing, stitching and mending every piece of fabric on the ship. And that included the sails. Strong winds the night before managed a large tear and the next island was a couple of days away. So you had a job to do. Standing on a rope ladder, you effortlessly worked through the sails with elegance. Every piece of fabric in your home deserved care, as you’d always say when you mended the torn up clothes of your crew mates.
You were proud you could provide your family with loved and cared clothes and everything else they needed, top priority along with the dream of becoming the best tailor the seas had ever seen. Your mind wandered away to the smile of your captain every time you placed the fixed straw hat you came to love so much on his head, while you automatically repaired the sail. But your gracefulness started and ended at the needle in your hand.
Looking away into the sea for one second resulted in you prickling your finger. The sudden feeling caused you to lose your step and balance and you yelped as you fell from the ladder, expecting a hard fall and a trip to Chopper’s infirmary. But the land never came, arms wrapping around your frame, drawing you to somebody’s embrace. In fear, you wrapped yourself around your savior’s waist like a koala, your flower patterned dress coming up slightly. Your face went to the crook of his neck for one second, immediately recognizing who it was, and you raised your head to look at him in embarrassment.
“Hi there!”
“Luffy, thank you, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s alright. Was on my way to check if you needed help. Guess I was right.” he said laughing.
You smiled and hugged him tightly as he put you down on the deck. You were embarrassed, part of it because of your own clumsiness, another part because of the way Luffy’s hands lingered on your waist before letting you go.
“Are you almost done? Picked up a new card game from the last island and I want to play with you.”
“Oh, ah, I, I still have some, some work to do...?”
You didn’t. You also didn’t know why you said that. You said a lot of stupid stuff lately. You loved spending time with your captain, especially when you knew there wouldn’t be a crazy fight following you in a few hours. Falling in love with his brown eyes, his goofy and brave personality and his loyalty to his friends was the reason you said yes to joining the Straw Hats after you helped them save Robin in Ennies Lobby.
But ever since you returned to Sabaody, it’s gotten harder to contain the feelings for your first love. The other night while you two were keeping watch and talking about things you loved, an “I love you” escaped your lips without thinking, proceeding to an inept attempt to cover it by saying how you loved he is such a loyal friend. You felt the blush rushing to your cheeks as you looked again on his face and noticed something you were seeing more and more these days. His trademark smile was reduced to a small upward line and in his eyes there was a gleam of sadness. You couldn’t have that.
“It’s fine, I’ll see you around later I guess-”
“On another note, I can always finish it later. Let’s go play, Captain!”
And you grabbed his arm, running like a child playing chase across the deck toward Nami’s tangerine trees, laughing as you tripped on your two left feet, Luffy holding you upwards and laughing in the process, always there to catch you.
The ship was in motion, light rain falling from the night sky as Luffy found himself walking aimlessly on the empty deck. His black hair tousled, his straw hat dangling from the string around his neck, his posture slumped, trying to find some sort of relief in the breeze that hit his face. His trembling hands grip the railing, his gaze lost towards the vast ocean, unable to back focus on anything but his most recent nightmare. Memories of Ace's death spreading, like poison in his veins, once again. He tried to steady his breathing but failed as hot tears run down his cheeks, silent sobs leaving his body, trying not to wake up his crew. He hadn’t talked to anyone about Marineford. There was no reason for his friends to see him in that weakened state. He could tell that everyone felt guilty because they weren’t there for him, he didn’t want to feed that ugly feeling inside them.
You felt restless, worry prickling your skin like a hundred needles at once. Sleep wouldn’t do you a favor so you hoped off bed to get some fresh air on the deck and some moments of peace to think. Luffy’s sad eyes lingered in your thoughts. You couldn’t help but think about how much he had changed since you first met. You remembered the scrawny, eager, brave boy he was. Now his hair was longer and spikier, and he looked stronger than ever before, he was almost a man. Despite his carefree looks, a lot had changed about him. Yes, he was still as eager and resilient and determinated as ever, yet more mature, as much as maturity applied to him. And that big scar across his chest was the only testament of the fight he gave alone two years ago, as he hadn't talked to any of you about it. Not that he had to. You all knew you would wholeheartedly give him the support in any form he’d need. You’d do what you knew best. Take care of the people you loved. And from the moment you joined the crew, you knew your heart belonged to the straw hat captain.
You spotted Luffy in the front of the ship. It was unusual for him to be up and alone this late at night. Your eyes filled with concern, you walked closer to him as you noticed the trembling in his form, worry rising in your chest. Your hand caressing his shoulder slightly, you didn’t want to scare him or make him feel worse.
"Luffy?" you asked softly, voice barely audible over the wind.
Luffy wiped his tear streaked face quickly and tried to control his heavy breathing, wanting to be like his usual self, even if he knew it was too late for acting.
He took a deep breath trying to hold it all in. He was the one that was supposed to help people through their crying and problems, to protect them. He couldn’t protect his friends in Sabaody, he couldn’t save his brother. He swore he’d never let anything like those things happen again. He didn’t want to be seen as weak. Not again. Not in front of his crew. Not in front of you.
“It’s okay, Luffy.”
His eyes met yours, a warm and safe gaze, always inviting and full of love, ready to be a place of comfort and joy to anyone that needed it. You wrapped your arms around his shoulder and back, taking him in a comforting embrace. His arms went immediately around you, his face buried in the crook of your neck as silent sobs left him once again. He hugged you tightly, hyperventilating as he let every last feeling of grief and pain out. You felt your eyes well too, the pain your favorite person carried alone enough to make you want to scream.
“It’s okay… you’re okay… it wasn’t your fault…”
“I couldn’t… I thought you… were all dead… and… I was right there… I couldn’t save him… he left… in my arms… it should have been me!”
Your heart ached listening to Luffy's sobs, tears running down your face as well. You pulled back slightly, cupping his face in your hands, and looked into his red, puffy eyes.
“Listen to me! Don’t say that again, ever! We all know you’d never let us down. You did everything you could, Luffy, you always do, and it’s enough for us." You said, voice shaking, carrying all the sincerity in the world. "And you always were there for him. You gave everything you had! He loved you so much and you saved him because you showed him how loved and cherished he was! You're still doing everything you can to keep his memory alive. That's what he would want! Don’t do this to yourself, please.”
You wiped the tears off his face and squeezed his cheeks like you usually did when you shared food and laughs together, managing to drag out a small smile from the boy.
“How about we go grab some tea and biscuits from the kitchen before Sanji comes down from his watch and go to my room?” you suggested, knowing Luffy would never say no to food.
“It’s on!”
Stealth wasn’t your strongest suit as you somehow always managed to hit on something. And with Luffy beside you, havoc was almost always certain. Getting out of the kitchen as fast as you could, before Sanji’s yells could reach you, you run into the ship, down to your handicraft’s room. The warmth of the cabin enveloped Luffy, feeling a little more like his usual self now, as he took in the room. That’s were all your great works laid, with needles, threads and sewing machines all over the place. From clothes and blankets to large embroideries hanging from the walls. You laid a soft, fluffy blanket on the ground to sit on. You sipped your scolding tea as Luffy munched on a cookie, taking in your works.
“I don’t know how you can make beautiful things like these.”
“I’ve practiced it a lot. And I love it. I’m glad you like it, Captain.”
You smiled widely, gaining a toothy grin from him.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For always being here.”
You were thinking your next words for a moment before moving the cups and plate from the blanket, taking his shoulders gently as you both laid on the ground, your eyes looking at each other, taking his hand into yours.
“It's alright to not be fine, you know… I'll always be here for you, no matter what.”
“It’s… I’m not thinking about it most of the time… I just have nightmares… it’s hard sometimes.”
“And that’s completely logical, Luffy, you’ve been through hell! I collapsed when I heard the news and couldn’t be with you. I would have run to you if I could. I love you so much and I’m sorry I wasn’t there and…”
You were the one tearing up now, cheeks red from embarrassment as the words slipped through your mouth without thinking. You knew Luffy would be shattered when you heard about Ace. The only thing you wanted was to hug him until you pulled all his pieces back together. He met your gaze. Luffy was never interested in romance. He didn’t thought he needed it. Until he met you and for the first time, he wanted someone to join his crew not only because he wanted them as a friend and they’d be a great addition, but because he felt something different, something he couldn’t quite understand. The only thing he knew was that he loved you a little differently than the rest of his friends. It was his turn to brush the tears off your face now and you melted from his touch. You tried to speak but before you could, his hand, warm and slightly trembling, cup your cheek. His lips pressed into yours, just for a moment, before drawing back only inches from your face.
“I think I love you too.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, heart pounding against your ribs. Never had you thought you’d hear those words from Luffy. Of course, you knew he loved everyone in the crew, but this felt different. You felt like you would burst into flames as you blushed even more.
“You, you do?!”
“Yeah… you’re sweet and strong… always by my side… you’re very important to me…”
You let out a gasp of surprise as you hugged him tightly and crushed your lips into his clumsily, both of you laughing at your enthusiasm. Small, sweet kisses evolved into longer, more passionately ones and soon you were underneath him, his hands caressing your thigh beneath your dress, your hands slowly pushing his vest off of him.
“Are you okay?”
“I am, you?”
“Me too.”
Soon, your clothes landed somewhere else in the room as you felt him caressing your skin everywhere and you gasped into the kiss, him taking advantage of your parted lips to push his tongue into your mouth, tangling it messily with yours. His lips travelled down your neck and lower, soon to be between your legs. A feeling of self-consciousness crept over you as you closed your legs and he smiled up at you as he caressed your thigh.
“Hey, it’s okay, we can stop if you want.”
“No, I want this, I’ve just… never do this before…”
“Neither do I. We’ll find it together. But I want you to be comfortable. You can stop me if you don’t feel okay.”
You smile down at him and relaxed a bit, allowing him to spread your legs and start kissing the inside of your thighs. It felt so good to share another experience with him, and his touch was gentler than you thought it would be. He positioned your thighs on his shoulders and before you could react, his mouth was on you, his tongue licking a stripe before latching onto your clit. Your head fell back immediately as a choked out moan slipped through your mouth, one hand flying to his hair, pulling on his locks gently as the other grasped the blanket beneath you. His eyes were on you, his look was magnetic and focused on the task of making you feel good. A finger circling your tight hole, it pushed inside you slowly as he sucked on your clit, making you whimper from the pleasurable feeling. The stretching inside you new and welcomed, a combination of his mouth and a second finger breaching in has your orgasm approaching faster than you expected. He curled his fingers upwards, hitting repeatedly a spot you had never reached before on your own and it pushed you over the edge unexpectedly. He smiles against you as small moans left your mouth, your whole body shaking, your head spinning.
Coming down from your high, he crawls back on top of you and kisses you passionately, your tongues intertwining. You can taste yourself through the kiss, and it makes you long for more. He breaks the kiss and smiles down at you.
“How was that?”
“Luffy, it was… amazing. How did you know-”
“Didn’t. Just did what felt right. Are you okay to continue?”
You nodded eagerly and he grinned at you, his lips back on yours again. Your hand sneaks between your bodies to grab his dick, gently pumping him up and down, bringing him close to your folds. He moans into the kiss and swats your hand away, gliding himself between your now soaked pussy, his tip touching your clit every time, sending small jolts of pleasure down your spine. He breaks the kiss, his face only inches apart from yours, staring into your eyes.
“You’re sure?”, he whispered.
“Yes captain, please…”
A shiver run through his body as he hears your plead, and he moves his tip against your entrance, pushing in. A small gasp escape you and a sharp hiss leaves his mouth as he slowly slides into you, his movements awkward but gentle, the feeling of your warmth around him making him slightly tremble as he bottoms out. It felt slightly uncomfortable for you at first but the pain you expected to feel was nowhere to be found. His lips were on your neck, nibbling and sucking gently while his arms roamed your body, trying to make you relax as he stayed still, waiting for you to adjust to him. A few moments passed and your hand cupped his chin, bringing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss.
“Feels better now?”
“Yes, Luffy… please, move…”
He smiled down at you and placed another soft kiss on your lips as he began to move, taking it slow and tender, setting a rhythm that made you gasp, the pleasure spreading over you. One of his hands on yours, intertwining your fingers as the other grabbed your thigh to keep you against him, his forehead on yours, eyes closed as you both relished the feeling of your bodies pressed together. His speed picked up slightly as he finds a steady rhythm and you moan his name, your legs wrapping around his waist to keep him close. He smiles widely and kisses you deeply, his tongue exploring your mouth, your fingers running through his hair, gently tugging at his dark locks.
One hand gripped your thigh rougher now, pushing it upwards, the shift in position allowing him to go deeper, the other sneaking between your bodies to rub at your clit. Your face buries in the crook of his neck, trying to choke down your moans, the knot in your stomach tightening as his thrusts grow faster and sloppier, you feel that he’s close too.
Your lips connect again in a messy kiss and your back arches as you come undone, crying out through the kiss, your nails dragging down his back. He breaks the kiss, his lips trailing down your jaw and neck, his hands grab your hips to drag you to him as he fucks you through your high, his hips stuttering, feeling your walls squeezing him tight, pushing him over the edge with you.
You stay like this for a while, hands wrapped around each other, his face buried in the crook of your neck, savoring the moment. He places a tender kiss on your cheek and turns to face you, his head on your shoulder.
“How do you feel?”
“I feel… wonderful…” you say with a sigh as you smile up at him. His hand caressing you cheek, he placed another sweet kiss before stretching his hand to grab another blanket nearby, covering the both of you. He then lies flat on top of you again, his arms wrapping around you, and closes his eyes, still inside you.
“Luff, we…”
“Can’t move, I feel snuggly right now.”
You laugh softly as you hug him back, feeling his breath slow down as he slowly falls asleep, your eyelids getting heavy as well, a content smile playing on your lips.
“Goodnight dummy…”
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k-ki3rd · 18 hours
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     . . . it will always be you and me !
itadori yuji x fem!reader
✶ : synopses ━━━━ it had been a while since yuji noticed that you were distant from him, you had already been through a lot being a jujutsu sorcerer and he knew very well that it was affecting you, but he wanted you to know that he was there for you, he always would be.
✶ : warnings ━━━━ female pronouns, anguish, sadness, but it's cute in the end.
✶ : notes ━━━━ yuji is my comfort, I was looking at character.ai and I saw this plot, I thought it would be a good idea to develop a story with him. my first language is not English, i apologize if there are any mistakes!
  yuji had made sincere efforts to be a supportive boyfriend, going to great lengths to assist you. your ongoing struggles with mental health made it challenging for you to express gratitude, leaving yuji feeling drained and unappreciated. "i made pancakes." yuji called out from the kitchen. despite not being a skilled cook, he had put in a genuine effort to impress you. carrying a plate of pancakes, he stepped into the living room, holding them out to you. "they not perfect, but i did my best."
you looked at him lightly, feeling a tightness in your chest when you saw him smile so spontaneously, because you thought you didn't deserve any kind of appreciation or care after not being able to help your comrades killed in combat. you give a slight nod of your head thanking him for the food he brought and look away from his.
yuji's warm smile disappeared with your moderate reaction to his efforts to make his girlfriend better, the glow faded from him slightly, he expected a more excited and affectionate reaction. He sits next to you trying to hide the disappointment he had "you're hardly grateful..." he said, there was no anger in his words, but a lot of disappointment.
"i don't think i've been doing that lately", you say, looking at him a little surprised. yuji's expression continues to be one of disappointment, he rests on the couch letting out a sigh "it's not just lately, it's been a while since you showed any gratitude."
you clasp your hands, fearful and sad, because he spoke the truth. how many times did you tell him that you were grateful to have him around despite everything that had happened? You were being selfish with him "i feel like i'm giving my all and it goes unnoticed, [name]" he says finally.
clenching your fists and carrying sadness and irritation, you take a deep breath and say: "what do you want me to do, yuji?" he also takes a deep breath trying to maintain his posture "I'm not asking for much... just a sign of appreciation, that you notice the things i do, you know?" he speaks keeping the frustration in his words.
he looked at you, his expression a mix of sadness and exhaustion. "i'm not saying you have to throw a party or anything, but a simple 'thank you' or... i don't know, just some genuine joy. it would mean a lot."
you swallow hard hearing that, because it's torture to see yuji suffering because of you. He is your support at all times, your strength and above all the one you love most in the world, but every time he looks at you you remember those you lost and felt that you didn't deserve such luck to have an angel like yuji in your life. "i don't know... if i can do it. it's harder than it looks."
yuji's expression softened further upon seeing his struggle. he could feel her difficulty and it touched his heart. "i know it's not easy," he confessed, his voice gentle and understanding. "believe me, i understand..." he paused for a moment, searching for the right words. "but this...it's like you're leaving me out. i feel like i'm pouring out my heart, trying to make you feel better, and it just isn't reaching you. i need you to know that i'm here for you."
you put your hands on your face in an attempt to hide from him "this makes me ashamed, yuji", you take a deep breath and shake your head slightly "because i know i do this to you and you don't deserve to go through this. i swear i don't that's on purpose, but it's hard to even look at you..."
yuji listened to his words, his heart aching with a mixture of sadness and helplessness. he didn't want you to feel guilty; that was never his intention. he gently reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "i... i know, i know," he said softly, his voice full of empathy. "It's not your fault. i understand it's hard. but, just..." he paused, searching for the right words. "can you look at me?"
you look at him scared and shaky and that didn't go unnoticed in yuji's eyes. This only added to his mix of emotions. he walked over, taking your hand. "i don’t want you to feel embarrassed," he said, his voice laced with gentle but firm sincerity. "it's not about guilt. it's about... connection. connection we lost somewhere along the way." he gently squeezed her hand, his touch a silent plea for understanding. "can i ask you something?", you nodded in agreement.
yuji paused again briefly, choosing his words carefully. he wanted to express himself without seeming too confrontational. "why… why is it difficult for you to express gratitude?" he asked, his voice gentle but tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "is there something holding you back? Is there something i'm missing...?"
you try to control the crying that insists on hearing yuji's words "i don't... i don't deserve everything you do for me. i made so many people suffer, so many from the jujutsu school died because of me..." the urge to cry runs through your body again and you feel the tears pooling in your eyes.
yuji's expression softened even more when he saw the tears welling up in his eyes. his heart ached as he watched you struggle with guilt and self-blame. he reached out his hand, gently wiping away a tear that escaped her eyes. "stop it," he said, his voice firm but empathetic. "don't blame yourself for things that are beyond your control. it was never your intention."
"how can you be so understanding?" pats his chest lightly, avoiding looking at him. "why do you stay with me if i only make you suffer, yuji?" he just accepted your blows to the chest without flinching, his heart heavy with your self-deprecating questions. he gently wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer in a protective hug. "because i care about you," he said, his voice gentle but determined. "because i understand that you are not intentionally causing me pain. i stay because... i believe in us. i believe in your ability to heal and overcome despite the challenges." you try to pull away from his embrace, thinking about how much you had made him suffer. "i don't deserve this, yuji. i don't deserve anything from you"
yuji doesn't let you walk away. Instead, he holds you closer, his arms gently but firmly keeping you in the embrace. he will not accept your self-sabotaging tendencies. "you don't decide that," he said, his tone firm but full of love. "you don't decide if you deserve it. i make this choice and i choose to stay because i believe in the person you are behind all this pain."
"why? why are you still like this with me?" you cry into his shoulder.
yuji's heart breaks when you cry on his shoulder. he holds you tighter, his arms wrapping around you with a mix of comfort and strength. "because i love you," he whispers, his voice full of determination. "i love you because i've seen your strength, your resilience. i love you for who you were, for who you are now, and for who you could be. and believe me, i'm not going anywhere." you feel a sense of comfort filling your heart, you knew that yuji would always be there for you, and you loved him even more for the fact that he understood what was going on in your head now.
"i love you, Yuji" you sniffle, hugging him tighter. "i know, i love you too" he says finally, stroking your hair. "i will always be with you, sweetheart".
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russsiangirl · 1 day
art donaldson x reader headcanons ( both young and dilf art.. ) both banners by me!
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starting off strong with young art ( heheh )
i feel like y'all met for a goofy reason
either he asked you for a piece of gum in a class because he ran out
that boy NEEDS his gum he can't live without it ( oral fixation? idk )
OR he saw you on the tennis court when you were meeting up with a friend of yours
you had heard of him of course, he had won the one tournament with his friend
but,, he sadly had his eyes on tashi duncan, not that you could exactly blame him, you've seen her - all lean muscle and tan skin.
that is until tashi starts dating patrick
he's kinda like a kicked puppy , a very jealous one
he's desperate to get his mind off of them, so he finds you
you're perfect for him, you're sweet, pretty, kind. but you're also pliable.
art's seen the way you'd look at him with those pretty eyes when he asked you a question, the way you would slightly stumble over your words
he would wanna laugh sometimes, not in a mean way, more of a 'how cute..' kinda way, yk?
he's a mastermind,, maybe manipulative but that just makes it better
he taps your shoulder one day and is like "hey so would you like,, wanna go out sometime?"
now you thought that he was just gonna ask for help with the assignment, but this- this was unexpected, but good. really good.
you obviously say yes & it goes great! after a couple dates you two start something that resembles a relationship
art is a sweetheart, buying you gifts, treating you to dinner when he can, taking you to his games - model boyfriend!
he loves being romantic and spending quality time with you
also double dates with tashi & patrick ( tension )
you notice the way patrick looks at art and you suspect something. had something happened between them?
you had heard about how tightly-knit the two of them were and something just didn't seem right
so after the date and you two go back to the dorm or wherever y'all are staying you ask him what was up with him and patrick
art shuts down, not saying anything and goes completely silent.
he's not one to talk about things like these or his past
art likes to talk as much as he loves to listen
like if you found a new interest and/or hyperfixation he would listen to you and find so endearing
he loves the way you get so excited and you just beam at him whenever you do something that makes you happy, it makes him just as equally happy
art also loves when you wear his clothes, he finds it funny how they drape over you since he's like six foot.
art does like being praised ( take that as you will ) but when you're reassuring him, especially after his games or practice or anything he just wants to shower you with all the affection he can muster <3
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this is my late fathers day present to y'all.. enjoy
ah yes, art as a father, my favorite
he's not married at this point ( sadly no tashi, they got divorced )
he's a lot more tired than he was back in college, obviously
y'all definitely met at some sort of event, you were a reporter for a sports magazine who had sent you to cover whatever it was that you were there for
you just didn't know it would involve art
when you first see him, you didn't really know what to expect - but not this
art with his short-cropped sandy hair and pretty blue eyes and blonde lashes, he looks ethereal, almost like he doesn't belong here
he was distracted most of the interview, too distracted by you with your sweet voice and nice hands and silly questions
so you two rescheduled, over dinner! win-win, you get to spend more time with him and you get your job done
the two of you connect really easily and you agree to do this again, without the interview part
there's something about the two of you thats so entrancing to each other
like you're 21 - 22 and he's like 32.. it only makes him crave you more, he can show you things you've never seen
you might be a bit skeptical, but art is telling you that you can trust him, he won't push boundaries, none of that and you do trust him
he does let you meet lily eventually and when you do, you're enamored with her, she's so sweet and you could see art in her
you knew about his past relationship with tashi, but you didn't mind
but older!art is also romantic, sure the paparazzi is interested in the two of you - so most of the dates are at home. he likes it better that way
ough,, this was a LOT - late father's day present yk.. i love you guys - enjoy this! like and follow if you enjoyed these hehe
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nipuni · 2 days
Hello! Time for another blog post! I think my last one was two months ago and a lot has happened since 😊
We have been attending a ton of historical recreation events so I still have many photos to share, hope you don't hate those! It's been really fun! We are exhausted and all out of social battery however so we are taking it easy this month. Another thing that's been happening a lot is that even when we are not dressed in historical clothing we keep getting stopped by strangers on the street because of our everyday outfits, it's been like that for a couple of years now so we are no longer startled or nervous about it but it's happening more and more often now and it's so nice! we always end up chatting about the events we go to and our jobs and hobbies and exchanging contacts or they ask for photos and stuff! people are really kind and excited about it and I still find it so surprising in the best way. We grew up in a very hostile city and environment and that makes you paranoid and cynical so these interactions and response has been healing really. I know their words will stick with us for years to come 😭 Sadly the unbearable heat is starting though so that means our outings for the next three months will be limited to the crack of dawn and after sunset 😞 but at least the summer brings a lot of fruit with it so we can sit at home and eat pineapples and strawberries while we wait for autumn.
My family came to visit a few months ago too and we made them watch most of Doctor Who's season one to four and some of our favourite episodes from all the other seasons lmao. And much to our delight they really enjoyed it!! They both loved Ten the most and my step dad is now in love with Martha 🥰
We have also been watching the current season and it's been so fun keeping up with fandom theories in real time and talking about it and speculating with friends in person, it's the first time we get a chance to do it since we got into the series and we are enjoying it a lot!
We also watched season one of Jessica Jones and we loved David's performance as Kilgrave!! He stole the show for real. Kilgrave is such an incredible villain, one of the best I've seen and DT does such an amazing job portraying every aspect of him. He's detestable and volatile and frighteningly powerful and has such an intimidating terrifying presence in the narrative while also being pathetic and vulnerable and ridiculous and childish and so human with all it's worrying implications. It was just so gripping and I wish he had stayed for the rest of the show honestly!! Now we have to pick our next David Tennant series to watch! 😊
Also!! Dragon Age is back!! AHHH I wanted to thank everyone that commented on my last DA pieces, it has made my month to read the comments, I didn't expect so many people to remember my art or my character after so many years and it's so touching and flattering you have no idea 😭💘 I look forward to making more and sharing them with you all, I'm truly grateful for the kindness you've shown me both back then and now I hope you know.
I feel so spoiled lately with all these franchises that I love releasing new content!! I've never been in these many fandoms at once!! I have so many ideas to draw and keep jumping back and forth between drawings from different shows and games AAAAA it's a good and welcome change honestly, keeps me busy and inspired!
Anyway that's all for now I think! I hope you are doing well and this summer/winter is kind to you all ❤️
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