#also my mom: hmmm what should we name our daughter. how about a name that has been in the top 100 most common names for years now
Having an incredibly generic name is both a blessing and a curse because on one hand it's always confusing when people have the same name and there's always jokes about how I must be in the witness projection program or something but on the other hand in the increasing loss of privacy via the internet and the worrying lack of anonymity for people online anymore means that I am near impossible to find online.
I could post my full legal name online (I wouldn't I'm not an idiot) and no one could dox me because there are thousands of people with my exact name. Hell I could even give a general location to where I live and people would still struggle to find me because it's a major metropolitan area with millions of people living there. There's been a moderately famous person in the last 2 decades with my exact same first and last name (I've had people get confused and think my middle name is the same as the famous person's. It's not. It's another generic name.) Any future employer running a scan on me online better hire a private investigator because I'm near impossible to find. Not because I'm super off the grid or anything, but mainly because my legal name is one of the most generic placeholder names available and to try to find me through all of the other random people is a Herculean task
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just-absolutely-super · 6 months
Mini crack
Sonet: daddy! If auntie and uncle can pick out names for my Navi before my birthday, does that mean me and her will share a birthday?
Lan: no sweetheart. That was just the deadline I put for your aunt and uncle to pick out names. You and your cousin will each have their own birthdays
Sonet: then when is my cousin's birthday?
Lan: it would be a couple of weeks after yours. She's almost done, but I need to tweak her programming just a little when she gets her names. Also I don't want your birthdays to be too close to each other either
Sonet: okay daddy
Lan: you should go and play now sweetie
Patch: they're even worse with picking names this time around
Lan: I know, but they'll never admit to us
Remix: Mom, Dad, are you guys still thinking about names?
Mega: Well, we found a human name...
Roll: But...still thinking about the Navi one
Remix: Well, better hurry it up, Uncle Lan practically has a countdown timer for Sonet's birthday
Mega: Ugh! Why are we so bad at this! Remix's name eventually came to us, why can't this come any faster?
Roll: Maybe we need to stop overthinking it. How about we clear our head?
Mega: That sounds fine. What would you suggest?
Roll: I think Mayl is giving Sonet a piano lesson. Wanna listen in?
Mega: Sure!
Mayl: That's it. You're doing very well, sweetie!
Sonet: Thank you, Mommy. Can we play your and Daddy's song, now?
Mayl: Hehe, it's not really "our" song, it's just a song I taught him to play with me when we were kids. It's the only song he knows
Sonet: That makes it your song!
Mayl: If you say so... Now go up to that octave and I'll start us off okay?
They start playing a famous Netopian duet
Roll: Oh I love this song! Remember when we first heard it?
Mega: Yeah, Mayl was trying to teach it to Lan and it took him forever to get it right despite his part being simple...
Mayl: Sonet, you're going too fast now!
Sonet: Oops, sorry!
Mayl: Don't be like your Dad now and leave me to keep up his pace. Stick with the right tempo, okay?
Sonet: Okay!
Mega: Oh yeah, that's right, Lan always wanted to play faster than Mayl could keep up. This is why he doesn't do music...
Roll: Hmmm
Mega: What's wrong?
Roll: That word...I like it
Mega: Huh? What word? Which one?
Roll: Tempo... I wanna name our daughter that
Mega: Tempo, huh... I think that's a great name. I think it's fitting too, she may have to set the pace to get the rest of her chaotic family in line!
Roll: Haha, we can only hope! Oh Mega, I'm so happy! Let's go and tell Lan now!
Mega: Alright! Hahaha, this is exciting, it's finally happening!
Roll: Yes! We're gonna have a daughter, Mega!
They hug and cheer
Sonet: What are Uncle Hub and Auntie Roll doing?
Mayl: Looks like they're celebrating something...and I think I know why
Sonet: Really?
Mayl: Yeah, looks like we may need to clear some space for a new addition *wink*
Sonet: ???
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twinklecheeks · 4 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 11
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there is any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
Side note: Sorry it took me over a week to post this! I just started my last semester of college and I also have a part time job, so I’ve been super tired. I’ll try to be more consistent.
Warnings! Pregnancy, Smut 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Word Count: 2k
Christmas Eve 12/24/2019
Y/n: *Wakes up and stares at Jeff peacefully sleeping*
Jeff: *moans*
Y/n: *looks down and notices Jeff has a boner* Hmmm *gently rubs the swollen tip of Jeff’s cock*
Jeff: *thrusts into y/n’s hand*
Y/n: *Smirks and quietly gets out of bed to lock the door* *Pulls Jeff’s boxer’s down and sees his cock slap against his abs* *Softly licks the base of his Jeff’s cock all the way to the tip and sucks the head*
Jeff: *moans* mmm fuck.
Y/n: *You use the entirety of your palms and fingers with just how big and long he is. You hum greedily as you do this*
Jeff: *wakes up and smirks* I guess it’s a very Merry Christmas to me.
Y/n: I can suck on your cock all day daddy *winks*
Jeff: *groaning at how fast you’re going* F-fuck baby the way you’re moaning. You’re gonna kill me *bucks his hips*
Y/n: Shhh, I don't want them to know I’m sucking your cock ;) *continues to deepthroat feeling him twitch*
Jeff: Oh my fucking god baby yesss. Fuck me, fuck me, over and over. I swear I’d be fucking you every nigh- JESUS FUCK *cums inside her mouth*
Y/n: *swallows and sucks his cock clean* That was a great way to start Christmas.
Jeff: *laughs* Me cumming in you?
Y/n: *smirks* Mhmmm, I love it when you’re in me ;)
Jeff: What time is it?
Y/n: It’s 7:42am. I think your mom is already up cooking.
Jeff: Well if you want to see the Christmas parade at 11 w/ Jonah’s family, round 2 in the shower has to be a quickie.
Y/n: *looks down at his cock* You’re still hard? You just came a bunch in my mouth.
Jeff: I’m always hard for you babe *winks*
*After the Christmas Parade*
Suzie: I loved the parade! New York is so pretty during Christmas.
Vardon: Christmas is also more fun w/ snow.
Jonah: Guys it was fucking freezing outside.
Y/n: It was only 38 degrees.
Jeff’s mom: Oh good you guys are back. Marie (Jonah’s mom) and I are almost done with the food.
Jeff: Ma you’ve been cooking since like 6am. Have you had a break?
Jeff’s mom: We also did some last minute shopping/ gift wrapping. Everybody gets to open one present today and the rest tomorrow.
Y/n: You guys open presents tomorrow?
Jeff’s dad: Yeah, doesn’t everybody?
Y/n: Well in the Hispanic/ Latinx community, we call today Hispanic Christmas. So we open our presents today and then we spend the 25th stuffing our faces in left overs. We open on the 24th cause we’re too impatient and yes, we know Jesus was born on the 25th.
Jeff: Maybe we can do that w/ the girls next year.
Jeff’s mom: *tears up* Oh god you’re going to have daughter’s next year.
Jeff: Maaaa don’t cry again.
Y/n: Oh we are definitely doing hispanic christmas. If my sister comes over, she’d want to open the presents like a week before. She’s the most impatient. One year, she opened presents at like 3-4pm.
Jeff’s mom: I’m such a cry baby. Now help me set up the table!
*everybody helps set the plates and food*
Jeff’s dad: does anybody want to start the prayer?
Jeff: I’ll do it.
Karyn: Really? The last time you did it was Easter 2005 and you couldn’t stop laughing.
Jeff’s mom: Karyn.
*everybody holds hands*
Jeff: oh Heavenly Father, thank you for all that you’ve brought us. I know that Christmas is about you but I’d like to say thanks. Thank you for keeping everybody here in good health because I don’t know where I’d be w/ out them. I’m grateful for the supportive family and friends you have given me and most importantly, y/n. I know we were very rocky until recently but you brought her into my life for a reason. She was changing me into a better person and I was too stubborn to accept it. Now she’s going to be the mother of my 2 amazing daughters. Those babies already have me wrapped around their fingers and they’re not even here yet. I can’t wait for the day y/n and I get married and have however many babies you give us but don’t make it twins each time cause that’s gonna make my hair gray fast
Jeff’s mom: Jeffrey-
Jeff: okay I’m just kidding… kind of but you know what I mean. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and the rest of my family. Amen.
Everybody: Amen
Jeff’s dad: Hun are you crying?
Y/n: *sniffles her nose* NO. Maybe…. I wouldn't have thought Jeff was religious.
Karyn: Only during Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
Jeff’s Dad: Karyn stop teasing your brother. Now that the prayer is over with, let’s eat!
Jeff’s mom: Marie and I spent all morning cooking. Also, since this is y/n’s first Christmas w/ us, I wanted to bring some of the food she eats during the holidays.
Y/n: What food?
Jeff’s mom: *shows the Pernil* (pernil is pork shoulder)
Y/n: NO YOU DIDN’T *tastes the food* AND IT TASTES JUST LIKE OUT MY DAD MAKES IT. How did you make it?!
Jeff: She asked me a couple of days ago what you eat during the holidays and I found your sister on instagram. I got the recipe from her.
Jeff’s mom: I saw that it was a Puerto Rican dish so I asked one of my friends who knows how to make it to show me the steps.
Y/n: Oooo imma try not to cry again but THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Jonah: Can we eat now
After Dinner
Y/n: I ate so much, I think I’m having triplets. But thank you once again. I was pretty nervous to come here because I didn’t know how y’all would react to me.
Karyn: Just know that when we get mad, it’s at Jeff cause he’s always the one that somehow messes up.
Jeff: What time is it?
Suzie: It’s 7pm. Should we watch Christmas movies and then open presents before bed?
Vardon: Let’s watch the Grinch
Jonah: *ignores Vardon* Any other suggestions? Please. ANY OTHER.
Karyn: Y/n what do you watch for Christmas.
Y/n: Well, my personal favorite is Jingle all the Way but the Christmas Line up in my family is usually Home Alone 2, A Diva’s Christmas Carol, A Very Brady Christmas, the I Love Lucy Christmas episode and other’s I can’t remember.
Jeff: I mean, we are in New York. Home Alone 2?
Everybody: Sure.
*After watching Christmas movies*
Jeff’s mom: It’s 9:45pm. I think we should be opening our one present before we go to bed.
Jeff: Youngest to oldest! So my niece goes first, then Vardon, Y/n, Suzie, Jonah, etc.
*Jeff’s nieces and Vardon opens their gifts*
Vardon: No way. Jeff got me airpods! Thank you *Hugs Jeff*
Jeff: You’re welcome. Now time for y/n to open her gift from me.
Y/n: Oooo okay. *opens gift and sees two little gold bracelets* what are these for?
Jeff: I always see babies w/ the small little charm bracelet. You mentioned your sister and you never got that from your parents but your older brother did. I wanted to do that for our girls even though they're not here yet. So once we pick out the names, we’ll get the charms.
Y/n: *sniffles* Dammit why do you keep making me cry.
Jeff: Cause I don’t want you to ever forget how much I love you.
Jonah: Can we move on from this sappy shit so I can open my gift.
Everybody: JONAH.
*After everybody opens their presents*
Y/n: Thank you so much for accepting me on such short notice.
Jeff’s mom: Hun we’re family now. You’ll always be a part of us. Same for the Antonyans. We know how much Jeff misses having us around since he’s been living in LA and y’all have been a family to him.
Jonah’s mom: I love Jeff like he my own son. He help us so much.
Jeff’s Dad: Y’all just have to make sure to visit us often. Get’s kind of lonely here w/ Karyn living in Kentucky, Jeff living in LA. I mean Steven lives in the city w/ his kids but we miss having all of you together here.
Jeff: I’m starting to think that having girls runs in the family. Karyn has a daughter, Steven has twin girls and now I’m gonna have twin girls.
Jeff’s mom: I mean you never know if the nurse made a mistake. They thought your brother was a girl for half my pregnancy. Then they did the last ultrasound a week before I gave birth to him and they said he was a boy.
Y/n: Oh god I don’t even want to think about that. I’m already stressed out about the babies possibly being deaf now I gotta be worried if the nurse misgendered them….
Karyn: The babies are gonna be deaf?
Y/n: Hmm?
Jeff’s dad: You just said there’s a possibility the twins will be born deaf.
Y/n: Fuck. I did say that, didn't I… Jeff, you wanna help me out here?
Jeff: Ummm. Damn we weren’t planning on telling anybody this for a couple of weeks. We got a call a couple of days ago after we did some genetic testing and the doctor said the babies have a high chance of being born hard of hearing/ deaf.
Karyn: My doctors told me the same thing. Luckily my daughter turned out fine
Steven: I wasn’t a carrier for the gene…
Jeff’s mom: We’ll love those babies no matter what. If we have to learn sign language for them, then we’d do it. I’ll fly out to LA once it gets close to the due date to help out.
Jeff: Thanks ma. Means a lot.
Y/n: Thank you so much. I don’t know if my own parents would forgive me by then to be there for the birth.
Jeff’s mom: Anytime sweetheart. My god look at the time, It’s 10:15, we have to go to bed before Santa comes.
Jonah: Haha, but santa isn-
Jeff: Jonah you better better not finish that sentence cause my nieces are here and I don’t wanna see the magic ruined for them.
Jonah: What I was saying was, isn't Santa a little late?… He should’ve been here by now…
Going to bed
Y/n: I am so stuffed. Christmas turned out a lot better than I thought.
Jeff: See, you had nothing to be afraid about. Also, good job on keeping the deaf thing a secret haha.
Y/n: Hey! It’s been on my mind since we found out. WAIT. Jonah and Suzie.
Jeff: What about them?
Y/n: they were there…. What if they tell everybody else.
Jeff: Suzie would never… Jonah on the other hand… I have little faith in him.
Y/n: I’m afraid to check my phone.
Jeff: Same. I haven't looked at it all day. On the count of 3…
Y/n: One….
Jeff: Two.
Y/n & Jeff: Three. *looks at phones*
Y/n’s phone: 82 text messages & 24 missed calls
Jeff’s phone: 77 text messages & 21 missed calls
Vlog Squad GC
David: Was what Jonah said true?
Natalie: Is it serious?
Jason: Y’all I’m so sorry
Zane: There has to be a way to fix it. My babies will be okay right?
Erin: I’ll postpone my wedding until the babies are okay
Carly: Oh no Carly and Erin jr :(
Corinna: The babies are gonna be deaf?
Mariah: Is it confirmed?
Heath: Have y’all seen other doctors?
Matt: Guys they’re busy. I don’t think we should be spamming them on Christmas.
Toddy: We’ll stop one they answer us!
David: I’ll put in whatever money you need for surgeries or anything.
Jason: Guys stop. They’ll tell us everything once they’re ready.
(end of conversation)
Jeff: I’m gonna kill Jonah.
Y/n: Oh hun, so will I…
The next chapter might take a bit because I’m still thinking what will be in it. You guys can give be suggestions and I can give you credit for it!
Comment if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @elvlogsquad​ @siemprestan​ @zavidzobrik​ @galxydefender​ @iminlovewithenchilidadas​ @ilsolee​ @ranprivate @one-sweet-gubler  @sunwardsss @shamalamashams @michellemxndes
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writingbywatson · 3 years
My Flower (F!Reader x Ushijima Wakatoshi)
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Summary: Every morning he wakes up hoping she was still there but in reality the only thing left is a voice recording of her. Warning: mention of death
“Toshi! Hi! How are you?
You might be surprised after hearing my voice, I hope you are though! That statement is going to sound silly if you weren’t. (a giggle)
You might be wondering why did I leave you a recording of my voice? Well! Truth be told it wasn’t supposed to be a recording, I wanted to leave you a letter but I can barely lift my hands at this point so I asked Semi if he could find me an old recorder that I can use!
I told them about this you know and surpassingly everyone was helpful with it. Tendo actually has a few copies of this because he doesn’t want us to have only one copy, jokes on him I made everyone small voice messages as well.
Oh right! What was I talking about? Sorry I got distracted! (a weak laugh)
Right, Ushijima Wakatoshi, I’m so sorry that you fell in love with me. You’re probably hurting until now aren’t you? You never showed it to me but I see your eyes Toshi every time you visit me and you bring me different flowers. I have long given up on myself but you… you… there was this light of hope in your eyes every time you looked at me and seeing that I just… Toshi, despite telling god not to wake me up anymore when I see your eyes I just tell him to please wake me up tomorrow because I still want to be with you. God was probably annoyed by me as well (a chuckle) I was bargaining every day for him to take me and for him to extend my life.
I’m sorry that you fell in love with me Toshi. The moment that we first met, do you remember that? Behind the school? At the secret garden? I was carrying a heavy sack and you ended up helping me. Honestly, you were intimidating because you were looming over me like a giant! A day before that I went to the doctors and they told me I didn’t have much to live. Probably three years they told me. They were wrong though! I have lived here for eight years! (a weak laugh followed by a cough)
I’m still so confused though… that was the day that god gave me you. A man that I gave my everything too. Was he compensating for the weak body that he gave me? Who knows but if it was I was thankful for you.
Earlier on the day that we meant, did you know I promised that I would never fall in love because I didn’t want to hurt them when I’m gone and that no matter how I feel about that person I would never cave into that feeling… that… that didn’t really end well did it. I’m sorry.
Tendo told me that it was kinda of a weird sight to see you holding a small flower in your hand every time you went to practice. He told me that you would hold it in such a delicate manner and looked at it with endearment— that you probably fell in love with me earlier on and you were just late in realizing it.
Right… speaking of flowers, I hope my flowers didn’t bother you! You always helped out in my secret garden that I didn’t know what to give you back so I was just giving you flowers. Oh! Here’s a fun memory! Remember when you were so surprised that I know who you were that you forgot to ask me my name and instead doing it normally you went and bought me Iris seeds and ask me what my name was? (a laugh) You could have just asked me! (laughter continues)
You told me that Irises means friendship right? Did you search for that or did the shop owner tell you? (a giggle) either way, they also mean dedication and you surely met that didn’t you? (another giggle) you were always by my side and you never missed a doctor’s appointment except when you had games though.
Speaking of! Hey! Did I ever tell you that I liked seeing you play? Like the way that you jump and just smash the ball into the ground was a sight to behold! I never get to play sports but every time I had the chance to see you play I always wished that I could. Oh! You know I have a crazy idea! What if, in another life I was a libero? Wouldn’t that be cool? We can practice together! (a laugh) no wait that’s silly, boys and girls never practice together, hmmm… But you get what I mean right?!
Ow, my chest started to hurt because I started to get excited. Funny thing about cancer is that overtime your body starts to hurt a lot even doing the smallest things. (her voice sounding sad but she quickly recovers) Which is why! I love it when you massage my shoulders or my head! Or when we could just cuddle you know? I wasn’t allowed to stay alone in the Shiratorizawa dorms and I had to go home every day which was tiring but when we get to cuddle that makes it worthy!
I’m trying to remember happy memories of us but why is it that there’s sad memories as well?
(a long pause than a sharp inhale)
I wanted to break up with you so badly especially when I felt my condition worsening, my body was rejecting the medication and I was just giving up on life. I didn’t go to school for two weeks all the while thinking during those times that I would never wake up again and I felt bad because I won’t be able to properly end things with you and you know… tell you what happening. When I saw you at school I thought you were going to get angry at me because I was ignoring you… but you didn't, instead you asked me what was wrong and seeing you so hurt because of me, I couldn’t bear it and I told you everything.
And looking back you told me about your family and how you didn’t want that to happen to us but here I am leaving you with twins. I think that the kids were a way of god’s compensating again but it just hurts a little bit more because I’ll be leaving the three of you.
You know… I think you should get married again and if it feels like you're betraying me, don’t feel that way. I— You're still young! And a great person I’m sure anyone who gets to know is going to end up loving you! Besides, taking care of twins is hard to do on your own. Don’t worry about me, okay? It’s okay! I’ll wait for you wherever life takes me next.
Truth be told, I’m not worried about the kids because I know you can take care of them, I’m more worried about you. Do you remember how many times I had to drag you away from the court because you were overworking yourself? (a laugh) Oddly, I can’t carry a sack of dirt but I can somehow drag you away from the court.
Don’t sleep late, okay? Always go to bed early after tucking the kids.
Every morning when you get up, make yourself a cup of hot coffee to get yourself going. If you don’t have time to make breakfast, go and eat at a fast food with the kids. I wouldn’t mind, besides they need to be kids anyway and you should relive that little boy inside you as well. If my garden keeps on bringing up sad memories about me, destroy it, don’t dwell on the past and if going to my grave takes a lot of time for you, don’t worry about it! I’ll wait! Small request though, if I may? (a giggle) Can you bring me irises? I would like that. Oh and tell the kids stories about me, okay? Not embarrassing once though! Make me look cool in your stories!
Don’t worry about things Toshi, you’ll do great. I ask our friends to look after you as well and of course! I will be looking after you as well! (a yawn)
I’m getting sleepy, I hope this isn’t my last… I still want to spend more time with you and the kids. Anyway, I’m going to bed.
I love you so much!
Your flower, Y/N.
(a pause)
Oh! By the way! Do you remember when I told you to stop calling me that? (a laugh) I’m glad you didn’t, your cringe nickname grew on me! (another laugh) That’s it. Bye-bye! I love you!”
“Dad? Are you up?” a male voice called out after a knock from the bedroom door.
Ushijima placed the recorder back on top of the nightstand and stood up, “yes,” he answered grabbing a few pillows and rearranging them. “You can come in,” he added.
The door opens and a young man in his teens, who looks so much as Ushijima enters the room. “Sis made breakfast, we should get going so we can visit mom beside she’s super excited to show mom her trophy,” his son informed him.
Ushijima nodded, “I’ll just take a shower and I’ll be right out.”
“Is dad awake?” A cheerful feminine voice can be heard shouting before footsteps and from the doorway, her daughter peek inside the room. “Good morning dad!” she greeted smiling, in her daughter the only trace of Ushijima was his eye color and hair color but everything else belonged to her. “Go get dressed dad! I wanna show mom the trophy and this idiot over here,” she pointed at her brother, “already made a flower crown made of irises just like how mom likes it!”
“Don’t call me an idiot when you just asked me if it’s true that Australia is upside down,” he retorted while rolling his eyes.
The two bickered back and forth and Ushijima couldn’t help but to smile to himself.
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searchingwardrobes · 3 years
The Christmas Wish: 2/4
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This fic is first and foremost a gift for @snowbellewells​, so of course it has to include a few of her favorite things. Chapter one had Captain Cobra, Daddy Charming, and Emma naming her son Graham. This chapter includes more of the first two and a favorite character of Marta’s in a way I hope she enjoys. Merry Christmas, my fandom twin! And many thanks to my beta, @kmomof4​ !
I also should warn that this is a bit of a slow burn, so don’t get too comfortable with the end of this chapter ;)
Summary: Emma leaned forward, closed her eyes, and a wish bubbled up unbidden from the depths of her heart. “I wish I could just have a simple, domestic life. Is that even in the cards for me?” Breath left her on an exhale just as the wish floated through her mind, and the candle blew out. The “answer” to her wish had to be some kind of trick, however. After all, it wasn’t as if anything in the vision she received could ever in a million years be real. It was ridiculous. Captain Hook, the father of three driving a minivan? Impossible.
Rated G for Hallmark movie levels of fluff and Christmas feels
Also on Ao3
Tagging the usuals:  @teamhook​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @bethacaciakay​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​ @welllpthisishappening​​ @optomisticgirl​​ @hookedonapirate​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​ @itsfabianadocarmo​​ @spartanguard​​ @let-it-raines​​ @tiganasummertree​​ @vvbooklady1256​​ @scientificapricot​​ @superchocovian​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​ @hollyethecurious​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​ @jrob64​​ @wellhellotragic​​ @winterbythesea​​ @winterbaby89​​ @lfh1226-linda​​ @carpedzem​​ @thesschesthair​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @cutieodonoghue​​ @justbecauseyoubelievesomething​​ @juliakaze​​  @thisonesatellite​​ @therealstartraveller776​​ @thislassishooked​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​ @killian-whump​
Chapter Two: Hope
“You’re being awfully quiet.”
Emma barely registered her father’s words as he drove them back to Granny’s. Her mind was still reeling from what she had seen.
“I mean, I’m glad your vision is back,” David continued, his words trailing off.
Emma turned in her seat to look at him. “It is, and I’m fine. Really.”
He glanced at her with concern in his eyes. “What did that doctor do? You seemed pretty upset.”
Emma rubbed at her temple wearily. “She gave me some drops, and my vision cleared. That’s all. It was just so sudden, it sort of freaked me out.”
“But that doesn’t make sense. What caused it to begin with? Did she have you make a follow up appointment?”
She started to open her mouth to protest again that everything was fine, but then she quickly changed her tactic. “Yeah, actually, she did. I’m going back in a few days.”
David’s shoulders relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief. Emma rested her hand in the crook of his elbow and gave him an affectionate squeeze.
“It was just stress, lack of sleep, and probably the shock my system got when my memories came back.” She forced herself to chuckle, and David managed to smile.
“In that case, you need to rest.”
She started to protest as he turned the truck towards Granny’s instead of towards the sheriff’s station, but the words died on her lips. Partly from her father’s stern glare and partly with the thought that time off to rest also meant time with Henry. She still worried about where the witch was hiding out, who cast this new curse, and a dozen other fairy tale related problems, but in this moment, worry for her son and their relationship won out. After all, it was Christmas. Emma pulled out her phone to call him.
“Mom! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, kid, everything’s fine. I can see again.”
“Thank God,” Henry sighed. He turned away from the phone to talk to Hook, then came back on the line. “Killian is happy too.”
A vivid image of the way he smiled at her in that vision floated across her mind, but Emma shook it away.
“Tell him thanks,” she said, her voice strained, “for everything, and that we’re pulling into Granny’s as I speak.”
“Oh, um . . . about that. We went out.”
“You did? Where?”
“Come on, Mom, it’s Christmas. I gotta have some secrets.”
Emma couldn’t help the smile that curled her lips. “Shopping already? I haven’t even started yet.”
Come to think of it, she’d better get on that. Did Amazon deliver to Storybrooke? Because unless Henry wanted a gift that was vintage, online shopping would be her only option.
“Um, you could say that,” Henry answered cryptically. “Killian says to call before you head back to our room, okay?”
Hmmm, that was suspicious. “Okay, whatever you say.” She hung up and looked back at her father with a grin. “Well, looks like I’m on my own for a bit. Have you had breakfast yet?”
David smiled back. “No, I was too worried about my daughter.”
“Well, your daughter’s fine, so how about some of Granny’s pancakes?”
“You’re on.”
Emma had lingered over pancakes with David for an hour before Henry called her back. Now she was heading upstairs to their rooms, her curiosity mounting with each step. She could hear Henry’s voice and Hook’s as she reached for the doorknob, but she didn’t announce her presence. They didn’t notice her when she first entered the room, and she froze near the door at the sight before her eyes. Killian saw her first.
“Surprise!” he exclaimed as a beaming smile filled his face. He was wedged between the window and a slender douglas fir. Needles littered the carpet and boxes were stacked haphazardly all around her son and the pirate, boxes of brand new ornaments - balls of red, green, and gold. A strand of colored lights encircled the tree, and Killian’s hook was adjusting a golden star that sat upon the highest bough.
“Mom!” Henry exclaimed. “Isn’t it awesome? I was telling Killian about what I missed about Christmas in New York, so we decided to surprise you. I mean, we can’t have Christmas without a tree.”
Emma was positively speechless, and she knew her mouth was hanging open. Henry’s eyes narrowed with concern.
“I mean, you are surprised, right Mom?”
Emma shook her head and smiled at her son. “Of course I’m surprised. Thrilled.”
“Well,” Killian said brightly, “you’re just in time for the big moment.”
Henry came to stand beside her, slipping his arm around her waist. Killian bent and picked up the end of the cord of lights and plugged it into the nearest outlet. For a moment, the big colored bulbs flickered to light, but then there was a loud pop, sparks flashed from the outlet, and the bottom branches of the tree were suddenly orange with flames. All three of them shouted, and Emma dashed for the mini fridge to grab a bottle of water while Killian yanked the cord out of the wall. He swore loudly as a shock went through his hand. Emma threw the water at the tree. Luckily, only one branch had sparked and the water was enough to put out the flames. Unfortunately, it was enough to trigger the room’s smoke alarm.
Emma tossed aside the water bottle and leapt onto the sofa nearest the alarm. She grabbed her scarf from where she’d discarded it when she came in, and waved it at the alarm. Killian opened the window while Henry tried to wave the smoke outside.
And that was how Granny found them.
“What the hell are you doing to my inn?”
They all answered her simultaneously, shouting over the alarm that was still blaring.
“It’s nothing.”
“The fire’s been doused.”
“It was these old lights!”
Granny crossed her arms to glare at them just as the smoke alarm finally ceased its screeching. Emma dropped the scarf, but she was still on top of the sofa. With her boots on. Killian and Henry still stood sheepishly in front of the window, and a frigid breeze blew through the room.
“I told Killian these lights didn’t look good,” Henry finally spoke up, “but it’s all the drug store had. I mean look at these things, they look like they’ve been sitting on the shelf since 1983.”
They probably had.
“Did I say you could have a tree in here?” Granny demanded.
Hook scratched behind his ear while tossing his most charming grin Granny’s way. “I didn’t think you would deny the boy a proper Christmas.”
Granny deflated at that, then rolled her eyes. “Fine. But no lights, okay. It’s a fire hazard.”
They all mumbled their agreement to the conditions as Granny left, shutting the door firmly behind her. Then they all glanced at one another tentatively. Emma looked at poor Henry’s and Hook’s pitiful expressions, then at the charred bottom corner of the tree, and she suddenly burst into hysterical laughter. It took them a minute, but Henry and Killian joined her merriment. Henry collapsed next to her on the couch, laughing, as Killian shut the window.
“Well,” he told them, a chuckle coloring his voice as he took in the tree, “It’s not too bad, considering we burned half of it.”
Emma wiped away tears of laughter. “You didn’t burn half of it, only about . . . a fifth of it?”
“Not even,” Henry disagreed, “maybe a tenth of it.”
They all dissolved into laughter again, but when Killian joined them on the sofa, Emma sobered. She suddenly remembered the words of the little girl in her vision.
Mama did Daddy really almost burn down Granny’s when he got you a Christmas tree?
Oh, shit.
“You okay, Swan?” Killian asked.
“Uh, yeah.”
It’s okay, Emma, calm down. So he got you a Christmas tree. That caught on fire. At Granny’s. It means nothing. I mean you’d never in a million years buy an ugly Christmas sweater, much less wear one . . . .
Emma couldn’t shake the feeling that the other shoe was about to drop. Things had been way too calm the past week, and Emma highly doubted that the Wicked Witch of the West was simply feeling the holiday spirit.
“We’re going to find her, love.”
Emma’s head snapped up at Killian’s words, and he arched a brow at her over the rim of his coffee mug. After taking a sip, he set his coffee down and studied her with an open expression.
“And when we do,” he continued, “you will defeat her.”
Emma snorted. “Why? Because I’m the Savior?”
“No. Because you’re tough and brilliant, and as I said in Neverland, I have yet to see you fail.”
Emma couldn’t help the blush that rose to her cheeks at his praise, and she ran the tines of her fork through the syrup on her breakfast plate. Regina and Robin were taking Roland ice skating, and had asked if Henry wanted to come. Emma was relieved when he had jumped at the invitation. She had never seen such a vulnerable expression on the Evil Queen’s face.
She and Killian were lingering over breakfast in Henry’s absence, nursing their second cups of coffee, and while Emma was slightly surprised at how comfortable it was to be here with him like this, tension still wouldn’t leave the set of her shoulders. It was that damn other shoe - hovering over their heads like a storm cloud.
“I just feel like we should be doing something,” she grumbled, dropping her fork with a clatter.
“We’ve done all we can,” Killian tried to encourage her. “We’ve searched every inch of the forest and found nothing.”
“Then maybe we should interview everyone in town who’s new . . . “ She trailed off as she thought about the mysterious triplets who had already messed with her mind.
“Just enjoy the season, Emma.”
“You’re starting to sound like my parents.”
“Well, you hero types are rubbing off on me I suppose,” he said with a self-deprecating shrug.
“Hey, don’t say that. You’re a hero now, too.”
He lowered his gaze into his cup of coffee. “I’m not so sure about that, love.”
“You came to find me in New York, didn’t you?”
Before he could respond to that fact, Granny appeared in front of their booth holding two Christmas packages in her hands. Emma and Killian exchanged nervous glances, unsure if the woman was still pissed at them over the Christmas tree fiasco.
“I just wanted to say no hard feelings,” Granny told them in her no-nonsense way. “I know you were just trying to give Henry a decent Christmas, and it’s Hooks first in this realm, so . . . Anyway, I got you both something.”
She thrust a rectangular package into Emma’s arms and a square one into Killian’s. Both were wrapped in bright paper and decorated with ribbons and bows. The smile on Killian’s face was filled with childlike wonder as he eagerly made quick work of the wrapping with his hook.
“Did you make this for me, Mrs. Lucas?” Killian exclaimed when he saw the contents of the box.
“Of course I made it. I noticed you didn’t have one, and Maine winters can get mighty cold.”
Emma almost spit her next sip of coffee across the table when Killian pulled a gray wool beanie out of the box. Her jaw almost hit the formica when he actually plopped the beanie onto his head and pulled it down over the tips of his ears. His dark hair curled around the edges of it, and Emma was surprised to find herself thinking how cute he was. Captain Hook was cute. He really, really was, especially with that goofy smile on his face that cut wide dimples into his cheeks. Emma hugged her own gift to her chest.
“Thank you,” Killian humbly told Granny.
The women glanced at Emma, who was almost crushing her gift and didn’t seem to plan on relinquishing it anytime soon. She just couldn’t stop staring at the man across from her.
“Well,” Granny said briskly, “I’ve got things to see to in the kitchen.”
“What do you think?” Killian asked her. “How do I look?”
“It . . . um . . . it covers your ears.”
Killian tugged gently at one side of the hat and then the other. “Well, those tend to get cold the quickest.”
“I like your ears.” Why was she whispering?
She expected him to get cocky and toss some innuendo her way, but instead, he blushed and scratched behind one of those adorable ears of his. “Well, uh, you would be the first.”
“But why? They’re cute!”
“They’re pointed.”
“That’s what makes them cute.”
He was blushing and she loved it. “I got teased as a boy for them.”
“Kids can be mean. Are you part elf by any chance?”
“Not that I am aware of.”
She shrugged. “Around here, you never know.”
“True.” He cleared his throat as he removed the hat. His hair stuck up in all directions, and that was cute too. He gestured towards her gift. “Open yours, love.”
“Oh, right.” She tore off the paper and ribbons, then set the box down on the table. When she lifted the lid, she froze.
“Okay, so that’s . . . interesting,” Killian murmured as he leaned over to see.
Lying there in the box in front of Emma was an ugly Christmas sweater. Of a Christmas tree. With pom pom balls decorating it. Just like in her vision.
“Oh you opened it!” Granny exclaimed as she suddenly appeared at Emma’s side. “I heard they’re all the rage right now.”
“They are?” Killian asked hesitantly. Emma could understand his confusion.
“It’s an ugly Christmas sweater,” she explained.
Killian blanched. “Emma, that’s rude.”
Granny laughed. “No, it’s ugly on purpose, Captain.”
“So this is another tradition of this holiday? To clothe oneself in ugly garments?”
Emma couldn’t help giggling at his confused expression and the way he so eloquently expressed it. “I know it sounds weird, but Granny’s right. People buy the ugliest Christmas sweater they can find, then they go to a party where everyone votes on which one is the ugliest.”
“And Snow and Ruby and I have decided to throw an ugly Christmas sweater party here in the diner on Christmas Eve!” Granny announced with obvious excitement.
“Well, Swan,” Killian told her with a crooked smile, “you might just be a shoe-in for the grand prize.”
Emma’s hands shook and her smile wobbled as she ran her fingers over the green wool. Mama, you have to wear the tree shirt to get the tree. Its ta-dition! Emma remembered her swollen belly straining against the very sweater in front of her, and suddenly the diner felt claustrophobic.
“Excuse me,” she apologized as she leapt up, practically shoved Granny out of the way, and took off down the hall towards the inn. She ignored the cries of concern from both Killian and Granny, not slowing down until she was in her rooms on the third floor. As the door shut behind her, she was glad Henry was gone. She slid to the floor, her legs unable to hold her. First the tree, now the beanie and the ugly Christmas sweater? What the hell was going on?
The other shoe had dropped. Emma would have said I told you so, but that seemed a little cruel when they had discovered that The Wicked Witch was her mother’s midwife and had some creepy plans for her baby brother.
She, Regina, and Killian were at the library where Belle was helping them research spells that involved babies. Not Emma’s preferred way to spend the 18th of December. Most people would be attending an office party or caroling or baking cookies, not reading up on creepy things witches like to do to innocent babies.
“I can’t do this anymore,” Emma announced, slamming shut yet another dusty tome. “I want to go back to the inn and watch A Charlie Brown Christmas with Henry while drinking hot cocoa. The exact opposite of this.”
“I agree,” Regina concurred, rubbing wearily at her forehead. “Let’s take a break and reconvene in the morning.”
“Thank God,” Killian added, pushing back from the table and standing up.
They marked their places and stacked the books on a cart for the morning. Then they all donned their winter gear and headed for the door so Belle could lock up. Regina hurried down the snowy sidewalk to her car, but Emma paused as she watched Belle searching for the right key.
“You coming, Swan?” Killian asked, turning as he stepped out on the sidewalk.
“Just a minute. I need to ask Belle something. Can you help Henry get the cocoa and I’ll be there in a bit?”
“As you wish,” he told her softly with a slight bow of his head.
She smiled as he walked away, that phrase never ceasing to make her heart flutter. Then she turned back to Belle.
“Um, could I ask you to look up something for me?” She asked the librarian hesitantly.
“Something else about the witch?”
“Uh, no, this is . . . private.”
“Okay,” Belle said, curiosity coloring her tone.
“There are these triplets,” Emma began, “who came with the new curse, and I need to figure out who they are in the Enchanted Forest. You know, who their . . . fairy tale personas are?”
Belle smiled. “Not everyone is a famous character you know.”
“Believe me, these women are somebody . . . magical. I’ve seen their powers for myself.”
“Is everything alright?” Belle asked with concern.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. They think they’re helping me, I guess. I mean, I think. It’s complicated.”
Her face burned as she stammered, and Emma prayed that Belle wouldn’t press her further.
“Alright, well, who are they? Here in Storybrooke, I mean.”
“Felicity Clotho who owns the new cupcakery, Liv Lachesis the new optometrist, and Avery Atropos, the optometrist’s receptionist.”
Belle’s face broke into a beaming grin. “Why Emma, it’s obvious! Their last names tell us everything: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, the three fates.”
“As in Greek mythology? You mean that stuff’s all real too?”
Belle laughed. “It sure is. I beat Killian has plenty of stories about run-ins with Poseidon.”
“Great,” Emma muttered with a roll of her eyes, “so we have to deal with Percy Jackson crap too. So what do these fates do?”
“Well, legend says that Clotho spins the thread of each of our lives, Lachesis maintains it, and Atropos cuts the thread when our lives end.”
“I guess I should be glad Avery didn’t cast the spell,” Emma muttered.
“Emma,” Belle said softly, gently touching her arm, “what’s going on? Are you okay?”
For some reason, the librarian's words caused tears to well in Emma’s eyes, and before she knew it, it was all pouring out of her: the cupcake, the candle, waking up without her sight, and what happened at the optometrist’s office. It was embarrassing word vomit, right there in front of the library on the snowy sidewalk, and by the end of it, Belle had her arm around her.
“And it all seemed insane, you know?” Emma finished. “I mean, none of it seemed plausible, but then the tree caught on fire, and Granny gave us those ridiculous gifts, and I don’t know, I’m so confused!”
“Are you?”
Emma choked out a strangled laugh. “I mean, there’s always been this attraction between us, and the man can kiss -” Emma raised a hand when she saw Belle’s eyebrows raise “but attraction and a passionate kiss is one thing. That vision . . . . it’s . . . .”
“A happy ending?” Belle supplied.
“Yeah,” Emma said softly, “and I just don’t know that I believe in that. Happy endings and true love. At least not for me.”
Emma waited for the true love speech from the Disney princess turned town librarian, but instead, Belle pulled her close in a tight hug. For a moment, she didn’t speak, then she pulled back and gave Emma a gentle look.
“I know your early years were full of loneliness and pain, Emma, but those years are in the past. Maybe that’s why Felicity Clothos, the spinner, got involved. Maybe she - and her sister Dr. Lachesis - wanted to give you the gift of hope. If anyone deserves it, Emma, it’s you.”
In some ways, it sounded like something Emma’s mother would say, but it was different coming from Belle. This was from a woman who had suffered so much heartbreak. Heartbreak caused by a man who, in Emma’s opinion, didn’t deserve the love of someone as kind and generous as Belle. Yet here Belle was, encouraging Emma to take hold of the happy ending in front of her.
“You’re a wonderful friend, Belle.”
“So are you, Emma.”
The two women hugged again, and when they stepped apart, Emma crinkled her nose and squinted her eyes with worry.
“Being a good friend means you’ll keep this a secret, right? Especially from my mom?”
Belle threw back her head and laughed. “My lips are sealed.” Then Belle winked at Emma. “Now hurry off to enjoy that cocoa and the man making it.”
“Belle!” Emma exclaimed, her cheeks heating.
She did hurry, though.
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 4 Recap: Group B once again with a wildcard (Commentary & Guesses)
Hi everybody! Welcome or welcome back to Ana’s Masked Singer recap where I, Ana, recap every single episode of The Masked Singer. We’re back with Group B and this time we have a surprise wildcard which stay tuned until the end for that one. So yeah let’s get into that, starting with the *sigh* eliminated contestant (oof this one is gonna be um interesting to say the least because I have a lot of opinions and probably so do you so here we are... let’s do this)
The contestant who was eliminated this round was...
Grandpa Monster 👹 👴🏻
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Commentary: Am I surprised? Not in the slightest bit. He was honestly the weakest link of Group B, even though he didn’t suck, he was actually pretty ok (I am not gonna say good, ok is the best word I will use) , but he really ruined it with this performance of Bad Reputation by Joan Jett. It was like he was thinking who cares if I sound good, I am just gonna throw caution into the wind (is that how the saying goes? Idk). It kind of had the same energy as Sarah Pailin aka the bear in season 3 singing Baby Got Back. It wasn’t awful, just meh at best.
So yeah, he was revealed to be (as I unfortunately expected/guessed)...
Logan Paul
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Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know he be controversial and I am honestly not his fan by any means because those Paul brothers are the spawn of Satan especially the other one (that name is cursed, we don’t say it here), but you know what, I don’t think he’s the ABSOLUTE worst anymore, so I guess that’s a markup in his favor. He has stopped sucking, I gotta give him that, but I feel indifferent towards him right now, even though there are things that he has said that I am like hmmm why am I agreeing with you dude, stop being sensible. I know a lot of people were mad about this one and rightfully so, I wasn’t too thrilled either seeing him under the mask, but just think he’s gone so we won’t see him anymore. This was one of the only times where I wanted to be wrong, but here we are, 3rd correct guess of the season yay!
Anyways, let’s move on to the remaining 4 (yup wildcard included baby!):
1. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: He sang Good to be Alive by Andy Grammar and I really enjoyed it ngl even though it wasn’t my favorite of the night nor was it as good as his first one. He started off a bit shaky and then he really got into the groove of the song, I really liked it a lot. His voice is really smooth and sounds familiar *wink wink* 😉
Having said that, I am gonna double down on my guess of:
Nick Lachey
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Football clues and don’t be a ball hog= brooo get this... this man got kicked out of a football game for starting a fight with fans of the other team (like excuse me sir... what?! These celebs are crazy)
oh and in the first clue package he says how he falls so fast that he said I love you on the 2nd date= which is something that he did say to his wife Vanessa
Oh and Piglet can stay cool even in the heat= 98 degrees reference baby!
2. Black Swan 🦢🖤
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Performance: OMG I KNEW THAT SHE WAS GONNA PICK A BETTER SONG AND THEN SMASH IT.... which she absolutely did omg best performance of the night. She sang In My Blood by Shawn Mendes and wow is all I have to say. She really redeemed herself with song choice, THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING AB... it suited her voice so well. It started out so pretty and sweet and then BAM STRONG AF VOCALS BABY! Like wow wow wow... she is so a contender for the finals!
Having said that, I know (again doubling down) that this has to be:
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Globe = she has a tattoo of a world map
Red X= She was a guest judge on X Factor
Castle= she was offered the role of Hannah Montana but she turned it down
Scales= she had a lot of legal problems with her record labels
3. Chameleon 🦎
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Commentary: So he sang (or should I say rapped) 21 Questions by 50 Cent ft Nate Dogg and hells yeah this man is a pro. He’s so on the pocket with the song, you can tell that he does this for a living, like it’s not like them athletes who rap, he’s in tune with the music and very much a performer not an athlete even tho he is tall. Even though, to me, he is the weakest amongst the ones still standing, he is still a really strong performer.
I know exactly who this is and I am pleased to double down on my guess of:
Wiz Khalifa
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Rainbow Paint Brush= this is a mention of his sister who is trans and passed away a couple of years ago in 2017 (also when he says he helps others shine & the someone special he helped lift up, it refers to how he helped his sister be herself)
Peaches= his mom’s name is Peachie
Taxi= reference to his infamous song Black and Yellow
History with precious gemstones= he dated AMBER Rose and u could say Amber is a precious gemstone and his song with Charlie Puth, See You Again, is certified DIAMOND wow
Now our wildcard baby! Let’s give it up for.... The Crab! 🦀
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Commentary: He sang Ain’t No Sunshine by Bill Withers and I am gonna be honest: I was pleasantly surprised. Last week’s wildcard was meh to say the least so I didn’t expect anything grand this time and wow what a raspy wonderful tone I heard in this crab. There was this one note that he kept repeating and holding that I was like woah baby this man can sing! It was absolutely wonderful of a performance, I really enjoyed it.
Ok, now for my guess:
Bobby Brown
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Tragedy & darkness endured in his family= the death of Whitney Houston, their daughter Bobby Christina, and his son
Butterfly and Bee= BB aka his initials
2+3= he was born February 5th and his band New Edition had 5 members
That’s all folks! Sorry for the delay in posting this but tonight is the next show and apparently we are gonna see this group one more time for the Group B finals, so I will see you then, I can’t wait! Bye guys! Don’t forget to like, comment, and do all the social media things.
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adg1115 · 3 years
I Need Your Help Ronnie
"Veronica, you better get up now or you are going to be late for school."
"Ummph," I mumbled into my pillow as I turned my head towards where my dad's voice came. I didn't get much sleep last night. Every time I closed my eyes, Lilly would come visit me. This is not the first time she came to give me some afterlife guidance. The first time she appeared to me, I cried for three hours straight. Now, I have gotten used to seeing her face in my dreams and usually it is comforting. She always looks so peaceful in my dreams - like an angel.
Lilly tried to remind me of the good times I had with Logan. Like the time my mom was so drunk she forgot to come pick me up from pep squad practice. Lilly and Duncan were out of town and my dad was still at work. When Logan picked me up he could tell how upset I was so he took me to the boardwalk and filled me full of junk food. We stayed out until my legs couldn't move anymore then drove home in silence. Before I headed into my house, he told me that anytime I needed another day at the boardwalk he would gladly oblige. Every time my mother drunk herself into a stupor, he was always a phone call away. We never had to talk about why he was there.
"Veronica get up now!"
"I'm up!" I yelled dragging myself out of bed and into the kitchen. "I don't smell bacon."
"Did you not sleep well dear?" My dad asked completely ignoring my need for bacon. He stepped closer to me to exam the dark circles under my eyes.
"Eh, what is this sleep you speak of?"
"What's going on Veronica?" Dad asked in his fatherly tone.
"Ahh the usual-late night out with Chico and Tyrone. Hmmm, those boys," I said trying to distract dad. Yeah I know I should probably tell him. Oh nothing is going on dad except being visited by my dead best friend's ghost who is trying to convince me to ease up on the guy who made the last year of my life a living hell and take his case of the missing offspring. Yeah, I don't think so.
"Seriously, it's nothing dad. I was just up late studying last night." Which wasn't a total lie, I did read a page from my English assignment.
"Whatever you say honey," dad said as he kissed the top of my head. "I got a lead on a bail jumper in Nevada and I will be heading out after I run by the office. Or I could stay…"
"No. Go. I'm fine," I said as I shooed dad out the house. I really didn't want to be alone but I also really really didn't want to talk about my feelings.
I had done my best to find Logan the next day at school. If he himself wouldn't have come to me begging for help, I would have thought he wanted nothing to do with me. I knew how much this would mean to Logan. He used to talk to about how he would marry Lilly and have several children causing their own chaos out in the world.
On my way to my locker after lunch I spotted him. Maybe I could take longer at my locker than usual and corner him before the tardy bell rung for next period. Or I could cowboy up and just talk to him, since he does need my help.
"Hey. Can I talk to you?" I asked Logan. I'm sure he and his toadies were discussing what 'bitchin' party they were going to this weekend or what 'gnarly' waves they were going to surf. I could honestly care less. And the fact that I had to breathe in the same air as those uptight '09ers made this interaction even less appealing.
He turned towards me with an evil smirk on his face. Oh shit. "I just can't take the begging. I'll relent, just once - but no cuddling after, and I won't call you in the morning." Oh and there he is ladies and gentlemen! Logan Echolls, jackass extraordinaire. I know it's his defense mechanism and I shouldn't probably bring this up in front of his groupies but his avoiding me wouldn't bring his kid home any faster.
"Smooth Echolls. Just forget about it, I can't believe I was actually feeling sorry for you." I didn't give him time to respond as I headed to my next class. If he wanted to act like he didn't need my help, I would play right along with him.
Once school let out I headed to dad's office to print out a billing sheet stating exactly what the cost of my services would be. Ha Logan would get a kick out of that! I put all the paperwork in a manila envelope and headed over to the Echolls estate. The sooner I started this the sooner it would be over.
The last time I was at Logan's house was the day of Lilly's funeral. Logan and I just sat around stuffing our faces with junk food and watching movies. Neither one of us spoke about the fact we just lowered my best friend or the love of his life down in the ground. It was all surreal walking back to the pool house where Mrs. Navarro said Logan would be. And of course there he was wasting all his brain cells on a mindless video game. His stupidity made so much sense now.
"I love the smell of testosterone in the evening."
"This is why I suggested attack dogs. But no, my mother wanted an alpaca." I could tell he was mad at me but at this point I really didn't care.
"I brought some paperwork dealing with your case. If we could just go over a couple of points, I will begin the search for your daughter."
That sure got his attention and he was across the room in a second grabbing the top of my arm leading me further into the pool house slamming the door behind us.
"God Veronica, do you know what my dad will do if he hears about this? Or do you just not care anymore?"
"I wasn't trying to get you in trouble Logan but until you talk to me about this, there is nothing I can do for you. I seem to recall trying in school but that didn't work either." I gave him my best 'innocent' face. "Can we please just talk about this so I can get back to work and you can get back to whatever it is you are doing?"
He led me over to where a poker table was set up and took a seat right next to mine. You could cut the tension with a knife and I honestly hated that but I didn't know how to act around him anymore. He wasn't the Logan that was my best friend. He was damaged. Hell, we both are.
Besides the occasional head nod and grunt of agreement there was hardly any response from Logan. He shut down on me and I was glad for that. It would make my job so much easier.
"This is a list of my cost depending on which services you are looking for." That brought a small smile to his face. "Since its obvious you don't want to be seen with me at school or in public, I think it will best if we don't contact each other unless we have something of importance to share."
"Ronnie it wasn't like that."
"Logan this is for the best. We will keep it professional."
His face fell a little and I almost wanted to apologize – almost.
"Fine Veronica, just let me know as soon as you find something out." And with that he was up and showing me to the door.
That night I had trouble sleeping again. I hated the fact Logan got himself into this situation and came to me for help but what I hated the most was that I wasn't there for him when he needed someone. He couldn't turn to his parents and his friends were only his friends because of his status and money. His only real friend left is Duncan but he was lost somewhere inside his head and never came out to play.
Since I wouldn't be getting any sleep, I figured it wouldn't hurt to start on his case. As I guessed, not much came back on his summer lover, Amanda Washington. He was unsure of her father's name but knew her mother's name was something like Cindy or Candy or Bambi, your typical trophy wife name. I would get my dad to run Amanda's cell phone number tomorrow and see what came of that.
"You look rough, supafly." Along with trying to solve the case of the missing Echolls, I also was helping my dad with some of his cases he got backed up on, studying for upcoming first semester midterms, and trying to prove that the best teacher in school did, in fact, not have sex with that skank Carrie Bishop. Sleep was only something I could wish for.
"Thanks." I mumbled out to my best friend.
"Hey, listen I'm not going to be around at lunch but maybe we can hang out later. I know you are missing you some bff time."
"Yeah that sounds good Wallace," I said as Wallace practically skipped down the hall. That boy was much too happy for it being as early as it was. When I opened my locker, I noticed a folded piece of paper stuck between my books. A love note perhaps? More like hate mail.
Meet me in your office fourth period. That's all the mystery note said. Three guesses as to who the note was from the first two don't count.
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oki-writes · 4 years
Health Class
Okay so I’m back with another Zuko x reader. I’m just going to say this one made me cry. I used some real life experience (not that’s it’s as bad as this it just my mom went though something similar) but just a heads up not everyone is suitable to read this one cover some heavy topics.
Tiggers: Angst and abortion (let me know if I missed something).
Word count: 1.3k
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“Okay class today we have a new project that’ll last for two weeks” your teacher boomed across the room.
The teacher started stating some basic information about the project. You weren’t paying attention until she said something that caught your attention.
“Okay now to know your exact project is called the BABY PROJECT”.
Everyone in the room, which included you, Katara, Sokka, Suki, Zuko, Aang, and Toph. Why only you guys, well that’s because fighting in the war doesn’t actually gain you the information you need in the world. For instance basic math skills or how to write an important document. So Iroh and Hakoda decided that you guys will go to school for however long until all of you were caught up to speed. Okay now back to why that caught your attention was because while you lived with Zuko on the boat searching for Aang something horrible happened. You fell pregnant at the age of 15. You and Zuko didn’t know what to do, on one hand you wanted to keep the baby and the other lose it.
You and Zuko were pacing around the small compact room.
“Zuko there’s a war going on and we’re looking for the Avatar that’s not a healthy environment to raise a baby. Also your Father would be furious if he founded out”
“Like I don’t know that, but that’s are CHILD we created I’m already attached to them, I know it’s for the best but it pains my heart to never meet them”
Later that same day the boat docked and the pair of teens secretly walked to the small hut located at the village they docked at. A small cloud over their heads. Occasionally stopping to look at the small bump on the female's stomach. The male resting his hand on top.
“What should we name our first child, even though we’ll never meet them? I want our first child to have a name so they know we love them and wish it didn’t have to be like this.”
“Kazuto'' means first . I think it fits perfectly for our child”.
So with that you guys finally reached the small hut. Walking inside you tried to hold back tears, but couldn’t, neither could the boy by you.
“Dear what can I do for you?” the old woman said with a kind smile. After explaining the situation to her, she led both the young teens into a back room. She left to get her supplies and for the teens to say their goodbyes to their unborn child.
After a while of being there the teens left, three people entered, but one would never leave. The two walked around town looking at the pasting scenery. Good thing for them that this was a small Fire Nation community that allowed the Prince to dock here. So they found a lonely tree in the outskirts of the village and built a small memorial there for their unborn child. Tying a small yellow ribbon on it so others know to not mess with it.
“At least this village allows me here, so each year we can come back and see our child” Zuko hummed to you with his arms around you.
The rest of the day leading into night you and Zuko laid by the tree where your son's memory will live on. Just talking about what life would have been like if they were able to have their child. Eventually falling asleep by each other. Never hearing the soft steps of Iroh walking over to them with a blanket.
“I wish you guys would have to experience losing a child, but this will only bring you closer and teach you a life lesson. Please little one if you hear me, please protect your parents. Know that they love you tremendously and want to hold you more than anything in this whole world. Hmmm...your name is Kazuto fitting. I bet my nephew picked that out. Well I’m your great uncle Iroh or you can call me Grandpa if you want.”
If people were to walk by they'd think a crazy old man was talkng to a tree with two teens asleep by him. But, little did they know he could see the spirits and right now he was talking to the boy that never got to make it into the real world. After a few hours passed and the sun was rising.
“Well young one if you ever need to talk to me, just appear. But, best if I get your parents back to the dock and we keep on with our journey.”
Soon the group of three made it back to the boat and continued with their mission. Never forgetting the person they’ll have to leave behind for now.
A year later right after the encounter with General Zhao. A boat pulled back to the small village they came to last year. Only a group of people knew why.
“We’re close, baby. We’re doing this for you. Happy first Birthday our baby boy”
End of Flashback:
After explaining everything, the teacher paired everyone up.
Y/N and Zuko
Katara and Aang
Sokka, Suki, and Toph
After the school day ended the teacher called over you and Zuko. They apparently knew about what happened and told you guys if you didn’t feel comfortable doing it you didn’t need to. Surprisingly you both were on board with the project. Sharing the same thought “we can see now it would have been like if Kazuto was born.” The two week project was started.
“Hey Zuko let’s names them Kazuto”
At first you and Zuko were so into it. Until nighttime.
Laying down on the bed with the fake baby in between them, a silent sob was heard.
“Why do I think I could do this, it feels like he’s right here with us. I miss him so much. Zuko, Zuko I don’t think I can do this anymore. I didn’t even last a day.”
“Honey I feel the same way, but it does feel nice to act as though this baby right here is Kazuto right now. He is three right now though and not a newborn”. Zuko let put a pained chuckle
These two week were going to be hard. Fortunately the whole gaang knew about what happened so they were a big help. By the end you knew if Kazuto was born we would have been a good mother, also Zuko. Today was the last day and you were already missing acting like a mother.
“Zuko after we’re done with school, let’s make Kazuto a new sibling. I’m ready to have a baby. We live in a healthy environment so it’ll be perfect” you whisper to Zuko while running your hands through his hair during lunch.
“I've been thinking the same thing, I've been wanting to try again, even though they’ll never replace our Kazuto.”
Fast forward four years…
“Izumi stop running down the halls. Would your big brother like to know you got hurt”
“No mommy, I’m sorry...anyways can we go visit him”
After agreeing with the small child. You guys arrived at the shrine that was built in the palace for Kazuto. Izumi was just chatting away to her brother about her day. It was just like he was right next to you. Little did you know he was sitting in front of you just listening to his baby sister while watching his mother content. A smile never leaving his face.
“I can’t wait to actually meet you guys. I always been watching over you like grandpa asked. So keep waiting and tell papa I love him too. I love you guys”.
As you were sitting with your daughter you heard a distance voice. One you've been hearing for years now, the voice of your son.
“I will Kazuto” your daughter hearing you say that and asking if you heard her brother also. You nodded making the young girl run away yelling ”I love you” back to her dear brother.
“I can’t wait”
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Okay so now time for Spanish word of the day: primero (first)
Also some sad news didn’t make the soccer team...because of my injury that I have
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jimlingss · 5 years
The President’s Son [3]
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
➜ Words: 3.5k
➜ Genres: 100% Fluff, Slice of Life, Bodyguard!AU
➜ Summary: Kim Taehyung is the President’s son, mischievous and playful, and infamous for being a troublemaker. When everyone’s given up, they call for you to be his personal guard. There’s no other choice when your dad’s assigned you to it and surprisingly Taehyung doesn’t mind either. Maybe because you happened to grow up with that brat.
➜ Warnings: Slowburn.....
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Taehyung’s pouting. Again.   He’s staring at the way you peel back the plastic cover of your small cheese and crackers snack and he licks his lips before huffing again, shoulders slumping in their spot. He looks down to his chip bag, gets up from his spot and comes tottling over. “Hey.”   Silence. You continue watching the television and try to follow along with the story — it’s hard when you’re not used to watching. But Taehyung is unimpressed with you ignoring him again and he plops down in front of you, forcing you to look at him.    “Hey, I said!” He’s loud. “Pay attention to me! I was asking if you wanted to trade snacks!”   The seven year old haughtily shoves his bag of chips into your shoulder. “You can have these. If I get those cheese crackers of yours. I like them….”    You stare at Taehyung before looking down to the blue rectangular bag held in his tiny fists. Then your eyes stray to your cheese and crackers, the one snack you chose with your allowance.   He sighs. “Please. Pretty please?! Can I have them or not?!”   You hand them over.   He snatches your cheese and crackers with a triumphant smile, grinning from ear to ear as laughter fills the air. Taehyung drops his bag of chips into your lap as he leaps over the table and runs down the hall, his bedroom door slamming shut a second later. You’re alone in the living room. And as you peek into the chip bag he gave you…..   There’s nothing inside. Empty.   He already ate them all.
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[Present Day]   Bam!   The man comes at you with a forefist, knuckles prepared to come into contact with your mouth, but on muscle memory alone, your body ducks. Your back turns slightly, your leg comes out at an angle and it’s brought back in a fluid spinning hook kick. Your foot collides with the side of his helmet and he’s too caught off guard to catch balance.   Seokjin allows himself to fall back onto the mats.    He laughs breathlessly, not in shame but because he’s impressed. “You’re still good, aren’t you, chickpea?”   Your arm extends, helping him get onto his feet again. A small smile decorates your lips. “You didn’t have to let me win. You know my feelings won’t get hurt.”   Seokjin shakes his head, running a hand through his hair and moving the sweaty strands away from his face. “I’m not letting you win, chickpea. You crushed me. Gave me a run for my money. Are you sure you’ve gotten out of shape? Or did you just use that excuse to demolish me?”   He grins and another smile, more genuine, tickles up your visage. “We should call it even then since you always won back when we were in the same class together.”   “Okay.” He drops a hand on top of your head, making you jolt from the sudden affection, but his arm returns to his side too soon before you can get used to it. “We’re even then. But I want a rematch, Miss Y/N. I’m not letting myself be beat by a black belt when I’m a black belt too. I have a name to live up to around here, y’know.”   The memory is fresh in your mind — every time Jin was able to kick you, hit you, pin you on the mat in front of other kids. While the tables have turned and you’re now able to beat him, the achievement isn’t pleasant.    Rather, you remember how humiliating it was. Not because Seokjin always claimed victories, but because of your father’s clear disappointed expression that came each time you fell, because you would’ve rather been wearing a dress and making chocolates to give to Jin, not trying to hit and kick him and beat him in a match. You wanted to be pretty, not sweaty and gross...and—   “That was so cool!”   There’s a shrill voice that interrupts your thoughts, coming from across the gymnasium.   Kim Taehyung is standing there with his eyes wide, baby blue bike rolled along by his side.   “Can you teach me?!” He leans his bike against the wall, throws his bag to the ground and comes running over, a grin spreading through his face. “How’d you do that?!”   Seokjin bows his head. “Mr. Kim.”   But Taehyung completely ignores him. His eyes are plastered on your face.    Before he can open his mouth and say something else, someone else comes running in, out of breath, blonde hair in disarray, sweat clinging to his forehead.   “Taehyung!” His eyes are full of fear, brows knitted together — you recognize him as Park Jimin, having read his file considering you were essentially taking his job.   The poor boy can barely keep up with Taehyung.   “I-I told you not to go without me!”   “If you can’t keep up with me on my bike then too bad.”   “I-uh…” Jimin glances at Seokjin who’s watching and then at you and then back at Taehyung.   The latter continues, “Plus, I just really wanted to see my new bodyguard. As soon as possible.” He smiles at you and your expression remains blank.   “You’ve gotten sloppy,” a familiar voice sounds near the main doors and you turn to find your dad. “You’re using too much force when you don’t need to. You’re wasting your own efforts.”   You nod. “I’ll work on it.”   Your father hums a low note and looks away from you. “Seokjin, come with me.”   “Yes, sir.” The dark-haired man flashes you a discreet smile as goodbye and he walks off the mats to grab his belongings.   “And you, go with Jimin. He’ll show you the ropes. You begin your assignment tomorrow.”   “Yes, sir.”   He walks out with Seokjin in tow and when they’re completely gone from sight, Taehyung lets out the breath he was holding. “Your dad’s still scary, huh?”   “Dad…?” Jimin’s eyes are comically large as he gawks at you. “You’re Chief’s daughter?”   You pick up your bag, walking past the two of them. “Didn’t you have things to show me?”   Taehyung grins, quickening his pace as he follows you out, practically with a skip in his step. Jimin, on the other hand, is more unprepared and is delayed, struggling to keep up as he runs.   “I don’t live at the Blue House,” Taehyung tells as all three of you cut through the grounds. “I have a place near here, but I visit a lot since this place is actually pretty nice….minus the actual people. Like my step-mom. She’s alright, but I’m not a fan. Personally.”   He’s gazing at your profile with a smile that fails to be repressed, eyes all too intense and endeared like a hyperactive child meeting his hero in the flesh. In the meanwhile, Jimin is still jogging to keep up.   “W-wait, can you guys slow down?”   “It’s not our fault that you’re slow, Chimothy. You gotta keep up! We don’t wait for anyone.”   You stop, feet halting on the grass. Finally, you look at Taehyung. “What time does your classes start tomorrow?”   “Nine a.m.” He grins. “But I like waking up earlier to grab breakfast, so you should be there hmmm….at least seven? Since I can’t go out by myself.”   “What?” Jimin’s inhaling and exhaling, finally caught up. “You don’t get out of bed until at least ten—”   “Chimothy, maybe you should just go. I got this.”   “W-what?”   Taehyung pats Jimin aggressively on the back, enough to leave him coughing and spluttering. “I can show Y/N around. Wouldn’t want to hold you up when I’m sure you have better things to do. I can handle it. Trust me.”   “B-but Chief told me to show Y/N around.”   “Don’t worry about it, okay? I won’t tell, you won’t tell, Y/N won’t either. It’s a secret between us, alright? I know you’re tired. Didn’t you say you haven’t been sleeping well?”   “Y-yeah…?”   “Well now’s a perfect opportunity. South wing, down the hall, take a left and then a right, there’s a secret spare bedroom and a mattress that has your name on it. Go for it!”   Jimin looks at Taehyung and then at you. He reads your blank expression as a sign of confirmation when in reality, you know that no matter what you say or do, there’s no going against Taehyung’s will.    After a beat, Jimin gives in, nods and slowly begins to walk backwards before turning around and walking towards the house. Through telepathy, he wishes you a tearful good luck, saluting you as a comrade about to go into battle.   You’re left alone with Taehyung.   “Now where was I? Right. Breakfast. So you better be there by seven in the morning. And I don’t go to bed until midnight. So I hope you’re prepared to spend at least seventeen hours with me every single day. And also—”   If there’s one thing that’s different from the Taehyung from years ago, it’s that he’s evolved. He doesn’t demand your attention or for you to say anything back. He doesn’t need you to speak at all.   //   Taehyung’s school is large, with different faces constantly leaving and entering campus. But rather than being impressed with the fancy institution, you’re staying alert with the potential threats that could come at any angle at any time.   “Usually I have class in those theatres. Just a heads up, it’s super boring. Like super. Won’t blame you if you fell asleep.”   “I’m taking political science cause dad wants me to go into government — it’s a good job or whatever with decent pension. But it makes me want to blow my brains out. I rather draw. Anyways, that building over there is—”   “You liked to colour.” You stop, interrupting but finally speaking for the first time since he began showing you the campus despite you already having memorized the map.   “Yeah.” His smile becomes sheepish, maybe even happy that you remembered the small detail. “But I don’t just colour.”   You nod before glancing at your watch. “Don’t you have Public Policy Analysis in Hall C in five minutes?”   “H-how did you know that?”   “I have your schedule.”   “Oh. Well it’s fine, I skip anyway. C’mon, let me show you where the dining hall is. They have the best hot chocolate and a buy one get one half off deal…”   But your feet stay rooted in the ground. “I insist that we go. It’s one of my responsibilities to make sure you attend all classes.”   Taehyung’s mouth opens and closes, brows furrowing and his lips pouting when he’s obviously not getting his way with you. “You’re worse than Chimothy. Listen, I don’t need to go. I’m doing fine without attending the stupid lecture—”   “Then I’d like to go.”   Your feet turn, walking away. His sigh is audibly heard, exhaling for the dramatics as his shoulders slump, exactly like a petulant child being dragged off to do chores.   “You’re going the wrong way. That’s the Social Sciences building.” With the new information, you do a hundred eighty turn, going towards the other building. A grin pulls on Taehyung’s mouth and he picks up the pace to join your side. “Not so good at memorizing maps, are you?”   You don’t respond.   Taehyung ends up sitting at the back of the class, the row he’s at and the one before it is completely empty. Maybe other students are aware that he’s the President’s son and they’ve steered clear, especially after witnessing a horde of bodyguards chasing him. Maybe it’s because he just has an overwhelming personality that’s difficult to handle. Or maybe it could be in the way you’re in a suit, hands clasped on the table, intense stare darted straight ahead at the projector screen that’s made everyone steer clear of Taehyung.   Either way, you make it perfectly clear that you’re his bodyguard and anyone who dares to attack him will meet your hands.   On the other hand, Taehyung doesn’t seem particularly disheartened that a class of three hundred have avoided him like the plague. Rather, he appears bored out of his mind as the professor drones on and on. His arm is propped on the table, chin in his hand, leaning over, and his head is turned to stare at you as if your face are the handles of the clock and he’s waiting for time to pass.   “Hey, Y/N…”   Silence.   Taehyung doesn’t force you to talk. Instead, he continues, “Think you can teach me how to kick and punch like that? It was...really hot. If you don’t want to teach me, maybe you can do it to me. What do you say? Hmm? Wanna kick my ass and step all over me? I welcome it completely.”   Silence.   He pokes your shoulder. “Y/N.”   More silence.   He does it again. “Y/N.”   Except this time, Taehyung is loud enough that the students two rows away turn around, frowning at the disturbance. In order to not draw any unnecessary attention, your neck cranes towards him. He smiles at how you’ve given in.   “No.”   Taehyung pouts. “You’re no fun. Still a goody-goody, huh?”   “Pay attention.”   “But this is so boring. I’d rather pay attention to you. At least you’re prettier than the professor.”   There’s no more comments made from you. Nothing is said and as usual, you let him do whatever he wants — he’ll get bored of you anyways. But you underestimate Taehyung.   For the entire hour, he stares at you with an infuriating smile. And when class is over, he’s still staring as the pair of you march across campus together. “You look good in a suit. But aren’t you hot in that?”   “No.”   “Well, you stick out like a sore thumb, Y/N. I wanted someone discreet, and not like I’m with an extra from James Bond or the Matrix.”   “This is the official uniform,” you tell him shortly.   He smiles to himself, glad that you’re saying more than one word to him. “Yeah, I know. By the way, are we actually going to another class of mine? Can we just stop for a second? Maybe you can teach me how to do that kick or throw that punch? I think that’s a much better way to spend our time.”   You stop, feet halting on the grass. Knowing him, he won’t let it go...ever. The easier way to deal with Taehyung is to appease him. So you bend your knees, halfheartedly, arms lifting to lightly punch the air. “There. Like that.”   An enormous grin spreads across his face. “Wait, wait. I have to bend my knees, okay. Elbows in….like this?” He tries it, but then quickly slumps in his spot, lips downturning.    “Not bad.”   He shakes his head. “You don’t have to compliment me. I know I’m not doing it right. It doesn’t feel right. How about you punch me.” Taehyung turns, patting his chest before you can say a hard ‘no’. “Do it. I only learn through real demonstration. You have my full consent. My full permission. Hit me. Pound me, Y/N. Please.”   You stare at him. He stares at you.   Your sigh is held in, released only internally and you prepare your stance, knees bent, arms up. As light as possible, you come at the middle of his chest with a forefist, knuckles smacking into the middle of the target. And Taehyung’s left to inhale a sharp breath, stumbling back on impact and wheezing.   You didn’t even hit that hard.    “G-Goddamn. Holy hell…..” He clutches his wound, bending over as he coughs a storm. The chance to apologize never comes. “That was so fucking hot!”   Taehyung is smitten. You’re disgusted.   “Can you do that again?! Please, Y/N?! I’m begging yo— hey! Where are you going? Don’t just walk away from me! Don’t you know that’s rude?”   You continue walking, quickening your pace. Taehyung’s teasing you and while you don’t particularly appreciate it, it’s especially hard to say anything when he’s so happy about it. Not a lot has changed since when you were both young.   “You know, you became pretty cool, Y/N. You’re not much of a cute twerp anymore. You have this whole cold, hardcore image going on. It’s mysterious. I admire that. Reminds me of your dad. Is that where you got your inspiration from?”   “You’re late for class.”   “I’m always late.” He shrugs. “Dumbo, maybe I should upgrade your name to bulldozer. You seem to just bulldoze ahead in life without stopping. Nothing affects you. Like a wall. I can appreciate that.” Taehyung’s arm moves to sling around your shoulder and you immediately jolt, not used to physical affection. It makes you hyper aware of his presence, but he notices and instantly drops his arm from you. “You alright?”   “I’m fine.”   “You’re cool, Y/N,” Taehyung says again, but more passingly, perhaps geared towards himself than praise meant to be heard.   You remind, “We’re late.”   “I know. But everyone’s always late. It’s fine, trust me.” Taehyung brushes it off. “Didn’t you ever go to university or college?”   “No. I went to the academy.”   “Academy?”   “Police academy.”    You went for six months before working as an officer for three years. While you’re relatively content with your decisions, you’re slightly curious about the university lifestyle you could never afford and what it would’ve been like had you went anyway. Although things so far don’t seem particularly impressive.   “Really?” Taehyung’s surprised, eyes wide on the news. “Did you fight crime or track down serial killers?”   “No.”   “Then what did you do?”   “Police stuff.”   “Like?”   “Patrolling the streets. Responding to calls.”   The man stares at you for an extended moment before smiling and nodding. “That’s so cool.” But there’s another curious question poking at the back of his brain. “Why’d you quit?”   “Is that the engineering building?” You point off, pace quickening once more. In the meanwhile, he continues to yap about how you always leave him behind, always ignore him when he’s speaking.   The next class of Taehyung’s is even more boring than the last one. In this one, he actually dozes off and when you nudge him awake, he whines. He tries to rest his head on your shoulder, but you move backwards, not allowing him to get close and he’s left to shake himself awake.   You try to pay attention too, to set a good example, but even you have to admit it’s rather dull.   The cycle repeats one more time before he’s done for the day and ready to head home. The simple idea of being able to leave has his eyes being brought back to life. Taehyung happily bounces his way to the bike rack outside the dining hall, grabbing his infamous, baby blue bike and jumping on without a helmet.    The metal rear seat is open and he waits for you to get on it.   “I won’t leave you behind,” he promises with a mischievous grin, telling you to hop on.   But your hand plops on the handles instead. “I’ll steer.”   “What?”   “You don’t have a helmet. It’s dangerous. And I can’t react if someone attacks us.”   Taehyung is left sputtering, absolutely baffled. “No one’s going to attack us—”   “Last I checked you almost got into an accident last time.”   He remembers the special encounter, when neither of you knew of each other and were merely passing strangers. A sly smile moves across Taehyung’s face. “But you saved me.”   “Your safety is my priority.” Your head moves, signalling for him to get to the back seat. You give in and appease him on a lot of matters, but this is the hill you choose to die on.   The pair of you stare down at each other.   It lasts thirty seconds.   Then Taehyung huffs out and gets off his precious bike seat, sitting on the back. Maybe he relented as an excuse to wrap his arms around your abdomen. The college boy ends up gripping you tight, leaning his head on your back and it’s uncomfortable, but bearable.   “How are you going to ride a bike in a suit?”   To answer his question, you start pedalling and it works, even in spite of being in restrictive attire.   “You should wear normal clothes,” he tells you in a murmur and above the warm breeze, you hear him perfectly well. “It’s not like I don’t like you in a suit, how can I when you look so hot, but I want you to blend in with me. I just….want us to be normal. Can’t you wear a cute skirt or dress or something?”   “Cute things don’t match me.”   “That’s not true,” Taehyung says. “You’ve always been cute. Even now.”   Nothing is spoken out of your mouth. Instead, you focus on pedalling across campus as he holds onto you. It might be a comical sight, but you don’t care. You remain cold, distant, professional. Awake and always alert.   This is your job now.
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Rebel Hours (4/18)
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Kwon Jieun always fit her parents’ image of the “perfect” daughter… at least to their knowledge. Away from prying eyes she was like any other girl living life to the fullest doing what she wants. When a little someone named Bang Chan comes into her life priorities are changed, mistakes are made, and her life finally becomes her own.
w.c: 2k
      This past month, although busy as ever being a criminal justice major, has been like walking on cloud nine and it’s all thanks to a certain rapper. We’ve met up a few times for little study “dates” either at a coffee shop or wherever Chan decides to drag me to and text daily. By passing my feelings, because god knows what they are right now, I truly enjoy the time spent with Chan. He is the first person outside of my friend circle that has made me feel safe with being myself. I even told him my name… kind of. I got tired of feeling the heat rush to my cheeks every time he called me “princess” in crowded places so I told him to call me “Eun.” I didn’t want any association with my family when it came to him, plus this is supposed to be a casual thing so a little white lie won’t hurt anyone. It is a nickname… just one no one uses on me except him. 
      The only hard part was changing from "Congressman Kwon’s daughter Jieun" and her prep school looking clothes to “Eun’s” cute edgy outfits. I know it would’ve been easier to just live my life looking and acting like a proper lady like my parents wanted but that wasn’t me. Although the quick changes were because of Chan, I liked being able to breathe and be who I wanted to be. I was currently in a stall in one of the campus bathrooms adjusting my tied black crop top I just changed into before topping it off with a red plaid button up. Thank god my mom didn’t find skinny jeans “inappropriate” or this would have been a bit harder but the price you pay for freedom right? I finally took off the wig and tucked it neatly into my bag before leaving the stall. It was exhilarating to go out on campus knowing people wouldn’t recognize me, only a sliver of a chance that I could get caught. I spotted Chan sitting under a tree in the park with a smile. He was sitting on his jacket with his back to the tree, his laptop resting on his lap. I plopped next to him, placing my plaid down so I could sit on it, and took a glance at his screen.
“What are you working on?”
      He gave me a secretive smile as he turned his laptop away from me, slightly closing the screen so I couldn’t see it.
“A new track for 3racha.”
“Do I get a peek?”
“Not for free no. What would you do to get a special preview?”
"Hmmm, depends on the price. How about paying for lunch today?"
"But is lunch really worth a personal first listen to an unreleased song?" He teased.
"I mean food is life and it should, but fine. What will it cost?"
"Well they do say an eye for an eye so how about a secret for a secret?"
"I don't think this is the right context to use that saying but I'll bite," I laughed.
      I thought for a moment at what secret I could possibly tell him as I looked into his eyes. I don’t know if it’s the sincerity in his eyes or the tenderness behind his smiles but I’ve been quite honest with him about myself… give or take a few major details.
“Okay I can’t think of something on the spot like this. What kind of secret do you want to know?”
“Let’s see, what is the baddest thing you’ve done? You seem like someone who bends the rules to get your way.”
“I do make a few loop holes but the baddest thing I’ve done? Probably getting my tattoo behind my parents’ backs. Wait, no! The worst was helping you steal that plushie.”
      I laughed while taking out my notes as he gasped in mock surprise. He threw his hand over his heart and leaned into the tree, earning him a playful glare from me at his theatrics.
“Who knew you were a goody-two-shoes.”
“ I hate to break it to you but you’re the bad apple of us two, I think there will be trouble ahead for me if I keep hanging around bad company,” I teased.
“Or you’re a natural who just hasn’t woken to their true calling and don’t tell me you don’t like my company, no matter how bad I may be.”
      He gave me that playful smirk that I couldn’t help but return as we eyed each other for a moment. I made the first move, placing my back onto the trunk of the tree next to him and nudging him as I eyed the laptop expectantly. A soft chuckle fell from his lips before I felt the soft cushion of headphones on my ears. After a few moments my ears were greeted with a powerful track with a slight rock vibe. My lips naturally curled up in a pleased smile as I listened. Once it ended I gingerly took off the headphones and handed it back to him as my initial thought escaped my mouth.
“Well you went hard didn’t you?”
“I mean I can go hard on other things too if you want to find out,” he raised his eyebrows teasingly.
“CHAN! You’re so annoying, shut up,” I laugh.
“Hey you’re the one that said it.”
“And you know what I meant.”
      I playfully shoved his arm and we both laughed. We talked a bit more about the track before we fell into a comfortable silence working on our respective projects. We continued like this for an hour with the occasional conversation or joking in between before we grabbed a quick lunch and I had to head back to campus for my next class. Chan dropped me off at the front gate with a quick peck on the forehead before he had to leave to make it to his own class on time. On my way to change back I felt my phone ringing in my back pocket. Pulling it out my chipper mood soured because whenever she calls it's never good.
"Hi mom, I have to go to class soon but what's the matter?"
"You need to come home for two weeks. We are in the last stretch of the campaign and we need the whole family together."
"Two weeks? Mom that's too much, I'm already busy with all my assignments can't I just meet you at the events?"
"No! We have to arrive as a family and there will be a lot of events back to back so it's unlikely you'll make it back for class on time most days."
"Okay, I'll go to the main office after class and deal with the paperwork," I sigh.
"... Yes mom…"
      Once the call ended a sigh escaped my lips as I pinched the bridge of my nose. It was as if God was reminding me of the risks if I continue down this path because no matter how much I tried to ignore my feelings, they were there and very clear. I like Chan. I moved off to the side of the walkway and just stood still with my eye closed. There was something calming about allowing the world to move around you as you stay still… A deep breath then I opened my eyes and was about to continue on my way when something caught my eye. A bright splash of color amongst the monotonous posters on the notice board I happen to be standing in front of. It was a flyer for a dance competition that spanned across quite a few campuses. There was a campus aside from my own that my eyes had recognized and the pit I got from the phone call sank deeper into the depths of my stomach.
      I forced myself away to change back and go to class but my mind wasn’t quite there anymore. It wasn’t until one of my classmates had nudged me that I realized class was over. Immediately I headed to the admission office to file for my two weeks leave. On the way to the office I felt a familiar buzz and pulled out my phone. Chan had just gotten out of class and had sent a cute text checking on me. I would’ve been all smiles and butterflies right now but the whirlwind of my thoughts had overpowered any giddy emotion that tried to surface. I swiped it off my screen and shoved it back into my pocket. Back at the apartment I started to pack and along the way Seungmin drifted in to check in with me. He laid in my bed on his phone while I was moving around my room and he casually talked with me.
“Can you survive staying with your parents?” 
“Not really but I just gotta fake it till I make it.”
“How are you going to explain to lover-boy? Seunghee said you didn’t tell him who you were.”
      For a second I froze in front of my closet, the unread text still floating in the back of my mind. I shook it from my thoughts as I continued to grab things and pile them into my suitcase. I was just glad that it was Seungmin with me right now and not his sister, she would have caught on to my behavior. 
“I’ll just tell him some relative got sick and it’s severe so my whole family is checking on them.”
“Do you plan on ever being honest with him?”
“I don’t know, maybe? I’m not really sure how I feel about him,” I lied.
      I let out an unsure laugh and he narrowed his eyes at me before shaking his head. All the boys probably know how much I like Chan by now but I couldn’t let any of them know of what I plan to do. It’s dumb I know but I feel like I have no other choice. I made a promise within myself that I will not let what happened to Minhyuk happen again and if that means breaking both our hearts then so be it. A broken heart is a small price to pay… right?
      One agonizing week passed and I hated it. In the beginning I had told Chan the lie as planned and he was very understanding but “understanding” can only last so long when I’m so obviously avoiding him. Partly I was trying to put distance between us two but also I couldn’t really answer even if I wanted to when there were various events to attend and lots of people I had to pretend to care about. In moments of weakness, where I was run ragged both physically and mental with the show I had to put on, I did text back but even I could tell he was catching a hint. My thoughts were interrupted by my mom calling me down to greet a guest. When I saw who it was I didn’t know if it was heaven or hell sent when I greeted Seunghee. I’ve been trying to avoid her when I heard she was back, using my parents as an excuse but spending so much time with just my parents was driving me insane. Judging from the glare she was giving me behind my mother’s back, I knew I was in for it. Sadly being best friends for so long she could tell when I’m lying so I could only tell the truth. I mentally prepared myself to be ripped to shreds as we went up to my room. 
“How come your home Seunghee? You didn’t tell me you’d be back. We haven’t caught up in awhile, how are you?”
“You would’ve known if you ever answered my calls or messages. My parents need me to attend that one gala for charity or whatever but that’s not the point. Are you going to do this the easy way or the hard way?”
“Hard way?” She gave me a pointed glare and I sighed, “you’re gonna be mad...”
“God Jieun, what did you do? It has to do with Chan doesn’t it? I swear you better not have done what I think you did.”
      I can see the exasperation in her eyes as I nervously fiddle with my pillow as I hug it to my chest. From her perch on my desk and how she crossed her arms she already guessed what I did but she still wanted to hear it from my own mouth.
“I mean… not completely?”
“Explain,” she ordered.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Rosebud prep 5
[Tai’s home, evening]
Everyone is gathered around the table for an early dinner.
Yang:What!? You’re already trying to leave!?
Ruby:Yeah sorry about that, we only showed up for the opening event because we were invited.
Weiss:And then didn’t even do a speech because you were a crying mess. Everybody here owes me by the way. Glynda would’ve been furious without me and Tai around.
Blake:Not our fault things got really emotional. Life just happened to pull a fast one.
Yang:I bet if Neptune showed up with a ring and an apology you’d ruin your entire foundation.
Weiss:First of all, I don’t wear makeup; this face never needed it. Second, let’s not bring him up while I’m in a good mood. Things might be better between us when we’re not trying to get serious.
Blake:Give him time, he’s just scarred of falling in love and how emotionally vulnerable it makes him. Sun and Ilia say he talks about you often still.
Weiss:*red*.........God he’s such a handful sometimes.
Yang:Anyways, you’re really trying to leave tonight? I miss my beautiful baby sister. I still can’t believe you’re going to be a mom. *sniffling* I know this kid is gonna be tough as nails with a kind heart.
Ruby:Please don’t make me ball my eyes out again. I wish Uncle Qrow was here so I could tell him the good news. When’s the last anyone’s heard from him?
Tai:He’s fine, probably found Raven and the tribe by now again. That guy never did know how to stay still.
Yang:I still can’t believe he’s trying to reconnect. To be honest I’m not sure there’s a point anymore. *slumps*
Tai:.....You know she’ll be at your wedding right?
Yang:She’ll show up. It doesn’t matter what’s going on or how far out it is. The moment she learns you’re getting married she’s gonna show up. I mean she showed up for Ruby’s.
Ruby:That’s true, her and Qrow were the ones that were spreading petals in the air remember.
Tai:Like it or not, Raven can’t stay away from this family. She’s the only one who would be upset with herself for trying to be apart of it after so long.
Yang:Hmmm........Well, I hope you’re right. I....it would actually mean the world to me honestly.
Blake:*holds her hand* I’m sure she will. The unexpected always happens around you.
Yang:Pfft, like you’re one to talk.
Jaune:Aw man, our house was almost completely done and now I have to think about what the babies room is going to look like. Hopefully she’s into red like you because the paint-
Ruby:She? So a daughter is on your mind?
Jaune:I have a pretty good hunch it’s gonna be a girl. I mean both of our family trees definitely favor them.
Ruby:Hmmmm I’m thinking boy; call it intuition.
Jaune:Either way it’s ours and I’ll smother it with affection. *hugging her* I wonder which one of us will they look like more. Oh, I guess we should make a list of names.
Ruby:*blushing* You’re already losing your head over this kid.
Weiss:He has a point. Let’s just throw out some names while we’re here. Nothing with “O” just imagine one day if the professor and them merged.
Ruby:Gee I wonder what he could be doing right now. Making the world a kinder place is probably boring alone.
Jaune:He’s the one that wanted to give us a life to live after beating Salem.
Yang:*Ozpin impression* “You children have done more than enough to last any of my lifetimes. Laugh, love, and live your life; I shall press on.” How was that?
Tai:Like he was in the room. *chuckles*
Weiss:It’s not like we’re not still helping. Building Vale back up, Ren and Nora are making orphanages, Schnee Dust Company and Menagerie trade..... this world is getting pretty damn peaceful. It’s a little bit unbelievable.
Yang:Especially with people like Cinder still out and about. I mean who knows what she could be doing; probably burning down those orph- *nudged* hmm?
Blake:*points to Ruby*
Yang:Crap, my bad. Didn’t mean to sound like I was ridiculing you or anything.
Ruby:It’s fine, till this day letting Cinder go is probably my biggest gamble. Ever since she ran off with Neo after we killed Salem I haven’t heard a word about them. Maybe they’re not around anymore or actually settled down.
Jaune:Gotta say the two of them screwing over Salem was probably the only reason we all made it out alive. Still it was a little shocking to just let them run off.
Blake:Beaten, betrayed, no aura, and truly terrified as we all stared them down. Can’t say I would’ve been proud of ourselves or okay with taking them out like that.
Ruby:Exactly why I let them go. Maria still chews me out for having such a big heart in such a dire moment.
Jaune:*kisses her cheek* It’s that big heart that keeps all of us together. There’s no huntress alive like Ruby Rose. You’re already legendary to us.
Ruby:*flustered* Stop being all cute in front of my team and family. I have an image to maintain.
WBYT:Of what? You eating cookies and being wild.
Ruby:You guys are the worst. If we’re going back to names then how about.....Dustin?
Tai:No color name?
Ruby:I’ve never been too good with that. Also it feels a bit limiting but if you all have any.
Yang:Garnet if it’s a boy, and you know.....Summer is always an option.
Ruby:I......think I’d have to decide that in the moment. That’s a lot of weight for a kid to carry.
Blake:When in doubt, go Scarlet. It can go either way.
Weiss:Personally a name like Winery sounds really nice. Jack was also a name that I always found pretty good.
Ruby:That doesn’t sound bad at all. Got anything in that brain of yours dad?
Tai:I think I used up all my brilliance naming Yang.
Yang:A wise decision.
Jaune:I’m really into Garnet like Yang said. If I had to pick a girl name though then.....Carmine.
Ruby:*eyes widened* That’s.....pretty good. It’s red, a common name, and not hard to mess up. Carmine Arc-Rose...... *sniffling*
Weiss:Are you crying?
Ruby:Shut up! I’m pregnant and I love all of you very much okay!? Always reminding me how lucky I am. Gosh my kid is gonna think I’m a wimp!
Everyone gets up and hugs her gently.
Everyone:We love you Ruby.
Ruby:*crying* I love you guys too.
Part 4
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fairlylocaldreamer · 4 years
Truce (Tommy Conlon one shot)
Warning: mentions of self harm, suicide
Darkness... This one and only word perfectly described his world for last two years. Even though his room was whole white and bright, in his mind everything was dark, full of misery and chaos. They kept saying, that their order and timetable might keep his mind occupied, that he might forget and start over... Again. No, not this time. This time he got too far, he felt the end so close to him. He felt it, just few more seconds and it could all be over. But damn, that stupid annoying nurse had to ruin it all.
It all started with the death of his mother when he was just a little baby. Then the endless argues and fighting with his father, all because he wanted to be different, he wanted to be himself. So he left, not only his father, but also his brother. His brother, who couldn't simply say no to their dad.
"Hello, Tommy," voice interrupted him from thinking, "it is time for your time in the gardens." Nurse in white clothes stood in his room. That damn white colour, that was driving him crazy. He had to chuckle - driving me crazy. He wouldn't even think, it was possible to be more crazy, than he already was.
"I don't want to go outside," Tommy whispered.
"I wasn't asking, Tom. It was an annoucement," she said and literally pulled him out of his bed, put his shoes on and got him out of his room like a little child. Sun burnt to his eyes immediately, he covered his face and went toward the huge tree in the middle of the garden. He sat there everyday, dreaming, how he could hang himself there. He never mentioned it, he's never shared this with his doctor. He had feeling, that he wasn't listening anyway. He looked around, watched another patients. All dressed in white clothes... Damn, that cursed painful white. He realized, that a voice is coming to him from distance.
"Tommy, did you hear, what I told you?" nurse asked, standing next to him.
"No," he closed his eyes and stopped listening again. He hated her annoying face, her eyes watching him, like he was a burden. You shouldn't save me, when you found me that night. In a pool of my own blood... I loved that deep red colour, it was so comforting, so calming as I watched it running out of my veins, killing the white devil around me.
"Why are you smiling?" smooth unfamiliar woman's voice echoed in his ears and goosebumps appeared on his skin. He opened his eyes and looked next to him.
"Hi," woman smiled at him. Pale skin, eyes green and shining, brown long hair messily flying in the soft wind around her face and shoulders. 
"Hi," he said quietly and gazed at her.
"Why were you smiling?" she repeated her question.
"I... I don...  Did I?" he asked.
"Yes," she chuckled. "It was half crazy, half sobber smile. So I just want to know, what did you think about?"
"Are... Are you real?" Tom asked and covered his face with hands.
"I don't know," she frowned, "you tell me," and she pinched him in his arm.
"Ouch!" he looked at her in disbelief, eyes widely open.
"So, am I?"
"I think you are," he said and smirked.
Sitting next to him, leaning against the tree same way he was... For next few minutes in silence. "This spot is the best in the whole garden," she said looking around.
"Yes, I like it here..." Tommy smiled and tore one daisy from the ground.
"Don't throw it away," she stopped him, when she saw, he wanted to throw it back on ground.
"Do you want it?"
He gave it to her and she put it in her hair.
"How do I look?" she smiled and her eyes sparkled.
"Beautiful," he whispered dreamily, surprised that he still had this word in his vocabulary. "Great," he rolled his eyes, when his nurse appeared. 
"It is time to go back, Tommy" she said and he stood up.
"Hmmm, so Tommy," he heard woman's voice repeating his name. 
"And you are?" he just whispered almost timidly, maybe because he wasn't absolutely sure, that someone was actually sitting there.
"Alycia," she smiled, "see you tomorrow, Tommy."
Her voice caresssed his broken soul like a warm scarf in the cold winter. "You saw her too.... right?" He asked his nurse anyway. 
"Yes, don't worry," she sighed.
Alycia didn't come... He was waiting under the mighty tree, he hoped and he felt betrayed. I wish, you were just in my mind, he thought and his eyes watched garden with all the patients and nurses dressed in that damn burning white clothes. Back at his room, hidden under the blanket, he began to cry, silently so no one knew, no one heard. But suddenly door of his room opened. Oh, come on, leave me be for fuck's sake, you old ugly witch - he thought and hid even more under the blanket.
"I can see you, you know that, right?" velvet voice said, laughing.
"Alycia?" he sat on his bed, watched her surprised.
"Shhh," she put her finger on her lips, "I am here secretly. Move a little, please," she said and sat next to him on his bed. "Hi," she smiled.
"Hey," he frowned and chuckled at the same time.
"What?" she smirked.
"I thought, you won't come, but I certainly didn't expect this," he whispered and his eyes were brighter.
"Well, I had to take care about something during the day. And now I went to main nurse and I asked her, if I can see you, and she was like... No, visitors can see our patients only during visitors hours and that ended two hours ago," she said and Tommy had to laugh, she imitated voice of main nurse perfectly.
"So how did you get here?"
"I waited and when she left, I found number of your room in card file."
"Why?" he suddenly asked serious.
"Because I promised you..." she looked at him with look in her eyes, like there was absolutely no reason to not believe, she would ever break her promises. "Do you want to talk or do you want to sit here in silence?" she leaned against the cold headboard.
"I want to be silent," he said, "but I would like you to tell me something. Anything..."
"Okay, so..." Next hour she spent talking and telling him everything, that came to her mind. Maybe she was all dressed in black, but she had the most colourfull mind from all the peole he has ever met. Wearing black, it was some sort of self - defense. She was hurt few times, mentaly absused and one day she realized, that people are afraid of the black colour. So she began to wear it, everyday. She loved to play to piano and singing, she loved reading and sitting in the meadow full of flowers. She loved listening to the sound of silence, too. Because in the silence her deepest thoughts were appearing and she truly could recognise herself. He listened to her and he found himself in her. He found him in her stories, in her descriptions.
"Shit," her eyes got wide suddenly, when she heard someone coming to his room. She got from his bed and ran to hide herself next to the doorway - so when Tommy's nurse appeared in his room, she stood silently behind it.
"How do you feel, Tommy?" nurse asked him.
"Great," he smiled and her jaw dropped from surprise.
"Uhmmm, what? What did you just say?"
"I said, I feel great," he smiled and took pills from her hand and ate them.
"Okay, you have no idea, how glad I am, that you said something like that," she winked and walked away.
"Oh, do you want me to switch off the lights?" she asked.
"Yes, please," he said.
"I almost began to giggle," Alycia stood there and watched him. Even though there was dark in his room now, he could tell, that her eyes sparkled. Her long dress made her look like a ghost from a horror story - standign in his room, watching him and slowly coming back to him.
"Why ar you even here? I mean... You know..." 
"My mom," she said. "She has no idea, that I'm her daughter, she doesn't recognize me anymore. She found my dad lying in a bed, gun in his hand. He shot himself in their bedroom... And she lost her mind, when she was lying there with his corpse for next two days."
"I am so sorry," Tom was breathing heavily. "Who found her?"
"Me," she whispered and that was the last word she told him for long. They didn't sleep, they just layed beside each other and looked in the eyes. "I have to go, before some nurse finds me here," she whispered, when the sun sent its first rays in his room. "I will join you in the garden, okay?"
"Why me?" he asked.
"Because I saw the light in your smile, even thought there was a lot of darkness. And because you didn't run away, when you saw me," she chuckled.
"Alycia," tears suddenly appeared in his eyes, "I don't think we should see each other again. You don't deserve being near someone like me. I can't do this to you. You deserve much better. You saw the light? I was thinking about all the blood that leaked from me, when I tried to killed myself last time. That is why I was smiling, because I was thinking about that feeling, that I had, when the life was slowly leaving my body. I just want to be alone... I should be alone..."
"I deserve you as much you deserve me," she took his hands and put them in hers. She had tiny small hands compared to his big ones, but to him it felt, like she hugged him. "Don't you try to scare me away. Please..."
"But what if I... I don't want you to come here one day and find out, that I..."
"Then don't..." she suddenly pressed her lips to his and kissed him gently. "For me," she whispered and locked her green eyes with his. "Aren't you curious how do I look without make-up? How does my voice sound in the morning? Don't you wanna see me playing the piano, hear singing your favourite song? Don't you wish to hold me naked in your arms, make love to me, kiss my body?" He watched her, hugged her, pushed her closer to him, breathed in her scent. She felt his heartbeat on her chest, his hot breath on her neck. "Let's be alone together. For the rest of rest of our lifes. I am not afraid. I can beat those demons inside you, I can silence them, I can drown them, burn them with my light. Just give me a chance..."
She spent next half year visiting him, creeping secretly into his room. Sometimes they sat in silence, other days they talked for hours. And the day he was leaving the hospital, she was wearing beautiful red dress and red lipstick. Standing in front of the gate, leaning against black car. "That's yours?" Tommy asked with impressed voice and she nodded and came to kiss him. They left hospital and she drove to her flat. And he stayed. Because he was curious, how does her voice sound in the morning, he wanted to find out, how does she look naked, without make-up. He wanted to hear her singing and playing his favourite song. Her fingers moved so fluently, so lightly. Daisy flower behind her ear, he put it there in the morning, when they were lying in the middle of flowery meadow. She was playing his song, singing. He watched her red nail-polish on her pale hands. Covered just in blanket, her shoulders surrounded by her long brown hair.
His demons have never left completely. Sometimes they appeared and tried to break him down. But she always saw it and realized it sooner than him. And she always fought and silenced them. Whenever he had bad feeling, she let him forget by drowning in her green eyes and her whispering voice. 
And when she gave a birth to a beautiful girl, he promised, that he will always keep fighting and he will never betray them. 
And he kept that promise.
He stayed alive...
For them...
For himself...
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 4 years
Hybrid Verse : Bandmate(KTH)
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Author POV.
Another lonely night again for the boy who wander the street with his saxophone in the case which he bring with him.Inside the case,he only get a few cashes and coins.He hopes it’s enough for him 2 or 3 days ahead.
Then he stop and take a seat.The wooden bench under the lamp post feel so cold when he sit on it.He opens his case and bring out his buddy.Starting playing off the melody in his head,the sound fills the empty silence air.
“Hey! stop.” He immediately put his saxophone down in the box and collect everything.Chasing a man who grab the cash out of his case.
He runs and runs until he finally catches up with that man.He tries to get back his money and that’s the starter of fist fight.Each of them throwing fist against each other.Unfortunate for the boy,he didn’t get the money back.
“How am I suppose to eat tomorrow?” His head hang low from the defeat.He wanders around again.His fragile body tense and his eyes little by little close themselves shut.
“Aye boy...boy!” The last thing he hear before he shuts down.
2 days later
“Huh..where..am I?”
“You already awake.”
“No..no need to rush.Sip this first.” The girl runs toward him and helps him sit on the bed properly.She then offer him the glass of water.
The body who already leaning foward take the glass from her.He sips the water and puts down on the table near him.He thanks her.
“I’m Lilly,how about you brother?” She asks with smile plaster his face.
“Taehyung...Kim Taehyung.” He smiles back in return.They talk for awhile and get to know each other.
“I think you should go here!” The little girl runs across the room and gets a paper out of her closet.She hands to him.
“The owner of this place is nice.My mom also work here too”
Taehyung gets high hope from what the girl said.He hopes that this world will stop being cruel toward him once.Lilly then take Taehyung to downstairs and eat break fast together with her mom.Talking about the work as well.
“If this isn’t our mama herself...” 
The bartender call Lilly’s mother who walk in with Taehyung.Taehyung look around the place.It isn’t that huge and fancy like what he imagine but,the vibe inside here make him feel like he’s welcome to come in here.
“You don’t have to attend today’s work mama,why are you here?”
“I come here to send this boy.”
Her hand tighten around Taehyung which make him feel safe.He really need his mother figure in life;however,he didn’t have chance since birth.He never has a family to begin with anyway.
“Y/N isn’t here yet.Just leave him here with us,we’ll take care of him.”
“If you can’t,you won’t get a treat from mama tomorrow.” The boys accept the order and she leave the place.Leaving nervous Taehyung with bunch of strangers.
“Hello boy,I’m Clark.Bartender.”
“We’re Collins twins,he’s grey and I’m greg.We need to say we really impress that we’ll have another hybrid worker in this house.What’s you name dude?”
“I’m Taehyung...Kim Taehyug.” He reply shyly in return.
They talk to each other.Taehyung gets less nervous around them and finally smile.This place is indeed heart warming.He can manage working here without problems.
“So you’re snow leopard hybrid.What you want to work in here?”
“Umm at least,do you have like band?”
“And what you could play?” Another mysterious figure join in their converstion. Everyone look back and see a woman wearing a coat.The boys around Taehyung bow.
“Boss,you arrive.” Clark speaks.
“Answer me,what can you play?” 
The voice that sound gentle yet powerful makes Taehyung feel chill a bit.He hang his head.Although he is a predator species,his life gives him a lot of lesson and pushes him down until he feels like a prey.
“A saxophone.” He answer.
“Interesting.Meet me in my office.” And that’s when she walks away.Leaving Taehyung stand still in his place.Questions run in his heead like crazy.
“That’s our boss,Y/N.She seems cold but get to know here and you’ll see that she’s a kind person.” Greg speak and grey nod in agreement.
“You’ll work here as a waiter for awhile.I need to see if you really want to work here with us.I’ll assign Minhyung as your trainer.You’ll listen to him.If you can prove me,you’ll get place to perform in a band.”
“Hmmm...miss?” Taehyung look at her with his eyes widen.He supposes to cll her boss rather than miss since she isn’t his owner and an actual boss for him.
“I’m reall-”
“No need to apologize,dismiss to work Tae.”With that,he leaves the room.Her voice call out his nickname makes him feels shy.He is blushing while he try to find the guy called ‘Minhyung”.
“There he is.” Clark point at him while speak with someone.The guy show his face and stare at him for awhile.
“Hi buddy,I’m Minhyung,your senior.You must be Taehyung.Nice to meet you,I’m a husky hybrid.You’re snow leopard right?That must be amazing.Now I’ll show you what to do and don’t be afraid.This place is nice.”
Minhyung grab Taehyung with him and rant some more.Minhyung is a hybrid who work the longest in this house.He is a goof ball.Taehyung can see his lively aura coming out of the guy.
A year later
Who knows that’s been a year when he first working in this house.He is really enjoy working with all the worker.Y/N isn’t cold toward him anymore.Perhaps she isn’t that kind of person since the begining.Living with Lilly family is also great for him.He feels like home,a real home he never have before.
“Tae,table 2 is waiting.” 
“Min,get the order from table 6 as well.”
They both work with each other without problems.The house is getting famous more and more.People love how cozy this place was and the vibe is great. There’ll always be the mini events inside the house when there are special days or occassions.
“Tae tae,where are you?” Taehyung rush toward Lilly when he hear her voice. She’s sobbing and calls for him.He wonders what happen.
“Breath Lilly.What happened dear?”
“Mom..hospital...” Those two words make his hard skip a beat.What’s wrong with her.He carry Lily and start leaving.
“We need a car.” The little girl whisper.
Taehyung mind think of one person immediately.He can’t think of anyone else nor can rely on other workers who still working.This is the one he really sure that he can ask for help.
“Miss,can you come with me?”
“Huh what happen wi- Lilly?” Y/N look at the little girl who is sobbing and clench herself in Taehyung embrace.
“Her mom is in the hospital.We need to go miss.” His voice is now begging Y/N. She doesn’t know what to reply.She quickly grabs her car key and leaves the building.
Lilly keeps crying until she falls asleep.Leaving Taehyung and Y/N sitting in the car silently.The silence continue when none of them would like to interrupt.The car finally arrive the hospital.
“How was she?” Y/N ask.
“Her condition get worse again.I thought medication would help.” Her husband reply while staring at the ICU room.Taehyung hand him Lilly and he embrace her.
“Doctor,how was her?” Taehyung notice doctor coming out of the room.He runs toward him while bombards many question.
“I won’t lie that her condition is worse.I’ll make sure to do the best.” 
Taehyung enter the room and the others follow him.The lady who take care of him like mother is now lying on the matress.Her face drain all the color like a white sheet of the hospital.She looks lifeless.
“I’ll be here.You can go back with Lilly,uncle.”
“Thanks Taehyung,I’ll be here soon.” With his daughter in his embrace,he leaves the room.Leaving Taehyung and Y/N inside the room.
Taehyung POV.
I’m sitting in silence while grabing her hand.I’m so afraid to lost her.How about Lilly?How about uncle and lastly how about me? I cry out silently.I hate this world.Can’t it just stop being cruel to me?
“She’ll be alright.Mama always strong.” Y/N gently pat my back.Speaking with her soft voice like feather to comfort me.
“She’s like a mom to me.I’ve never had that in my life,her with the family is a family to me.I don’t want to lose anyone.Not her,not uncle or Lilly.Why?”I sob.
Y/N still caress my back.I cry and clench on auntie hand.He grab it tightly like my fear in my mind.Fear of losing her.The rest of the night continue like that,me sitting on a chair while Y/N prepare the sofa as a bed.
Her condition was steady since then.I couldn’t say she gets better but it isn’t worse either.I got the permission from Y/N to take care off her until she get better.Y/N come and visit us everyday.
“Auntie you awake!” I exclaim when I feel her hand gently rub my cold dead-like hand.I jump up with joy and rush out the room.Asking nurses and doctor to come in and check her.
“Lilly,auntie is now awaking.” Lilly who just arrive the place with uncle run into the room.Uncle follow behind while carrying the grocery bags.I help him with a few and follow into the room.
“In a few weeks,she can go back home.However I need her to check at least once or twice a month at the hospital.”
When the doctor finish,he leaves the room.Lilly who settle herself in auntie arms start talking about everything she missed.Uncle prepare a plate for himself and Lilly meal since I already eat in hospital cafeteria.
“I see you already awake mama.”
“As if this isn’t my lovely daughter...” Auntie reply when Y/N enter the room.She gives the old lady a big hug before having a little chit chat with Lilly.I pick Lilly up and go to the kitchen area,helping each other to prepare some fruits for Y/N.
“You really want that?” I hear her voice a little.They must talking about some serious stuff.I sense it from the air which start to tense and full of worry.
“This is for you.”
“Thank you little one.”
Lilly bring the plate and hand toward Y/N.She accept them and start eating pice by piece from the plate.I follow behind and take a seat at the sofa.That’s when auntie speak.
“Tae-ah com’ere please.”
“Yes auntie”
“Can you do me a favour?” I nod and continue to listen.
“I know you love us and this is your home.I also love as a son,Taehyung. However,now my condition is getting worse and I really can’t control it.Do me a favour son,be a good boy for Y/N.You’ll go with her and she’ll be your master from now on.”
Y/N look at me with the eyes full of worry.Lilly also grab me and cling on my leg while start crying.Without realize myself,tear already escape my eyes.I nod as a sign of promise.Picking up the little girl,I start speaking to her.
“Promise me you’ll take care of her.”
“Bro..ther..I promise.You should visit us sometimes to,promise?”
“Pinky promise,sis.”
I know this is hard for him.Although I am his boss,he still didn’t quiet open up with me.After that day,everything seemed akward for a week.I need to remind him that now he live with me,he can treat me as a friend.He didn’t get back to work yet and I don’t push him to.I want him to get familiar with new environment and the fact that he’s living with me.
“Tae would you like something for dinner?”
“Depend on you,master.”
“How many time I tell you,just call me Y/N.” I speak with my gentle voice.I don’t want to sound like I scold him.
“Well I think how about we go shopping and eating today,sound good?” He isn’t speaking but nodding as a reply.I go grab my car key while he waits me outside. The next moment both of us hop into the car and arrive the mall in no time.
It’s actually a good idea to bring him here.I get to know him more by observing his action silently.He’s like a kid,running to the shelf full of plushies and toys,drag me into arcade eventhough he has no idea how to play and surprising loves kids so much.
In the arcade,he play the game for plushy.When he get it and see the kid next to him crying to get but fail.He just give it to him.Telling me there’ll be next time and give it away just like that.
While walking toward the clothes store,we walk pass the instruments and gadget store.I walk pass it without realize that Taehyung who follow behind me already disappear in the shop.I need to look back and see him wander around in there.
“I like this.” Taehyung hold up the saxophone.He stare at it.
“....you can test mister,if you want to.” The clerk explain for a moment before tell him that he could play.
The soft melody start filling the air.Taehyung is putting a whole attention into his song.The clerk is a bit shock.Who wouldn’t be when he plays like he has live as a saxophonist for a whole life.
“Wow that’s beautiful.”
“Thank you.” When he finishes,he puts it back into its place.He asks the clerk whether they will accept the old saxophone and get it fix or not.
I let him talk with the clerk.When I roam around the shop by myself,I notice a paino in the corner.It’s an old dusty paino.Well,the older the paino,the better the sound will be.I put my fingers on and start tapping the black and white keys.
“I want to be a saxophonist.” After we arrive home,he tells me about everything. Now we’re talking about our dreams.
“Then be it.”
“I don’t have a budget to do that.Also who will accept a poor hybrid like me into a band or even do the solo.”
“What if I can grant you that wish?”
After our conversation,I try my best tofind a school for him.I think putting him in the class will be the first step of his dream.When I find one,I sign up for him.He is really happy about th news.A little worry about the fee but I insist to pay everything for the boy.I officially become a gaurdian of him.
Months pass,me and him seems to be closer.We are living like friends and both of us enjoy every single moment.However,I keep a secret from him.Secret of my feeling that intend to not talk about it just yet.
“Y/N.....I have a good news.”
“What is it snowy?” I ask him by the nick name I gave.
“I get a scholar to study in a camp.”
“Good for you snowy..but your face look sad.” That’s the cue for him to walk to me.Arms and tail wrapping around my body.Bury his face into the crook of my neck.
“I need to go.” He whisper.He continue to hug me tight and sniff in my scent.I feel stupid,I feel like I’m an idiot that didn’t tell my feeling.
“When and how long?”
“3 years,by the end of this week.”
Finally the day comes,I feel your step get heavier and heavier when I get closer to the gate.‘I need to stay strong and happy for him.’Reminding that in my head.
“Time to go snowy,safe flight.” I wave at him and immediately turn around.Tears run from my eyes.
“Y/N” He calls my name.The next thing is when the arms embrace me.
“I will leave final question before I go.”
“What is it?” I turn around.
“I promise to contact back and update about my life.I won’t left you here and feeel lonely.But after I come back,Will you be mine?”
“Come back to me first and get the answer yourself.” I smile.
Author POV.
In 3 years time,Taehyung become famous.His life is growing with success.After graduate,he gets the chance to become a member of an opera house.His saxophone skill impress his professor.He decide to give oppotunity to the boy.In a year,his name become famous among artists and idols;eventhough,he is just a saxophonist for the opera.
Meanwhile,Y/N continue to work in the bar which now become popular as well. Not only for locals,foreigners also interested in here.Her place get in the list and often publish in the magazines and blogs.Gaining 3 stars in no time.
“Thank you ladies and gentlemen for you to come here and celebrate our house today.We wouldn’t reach here if we didn’t have...” Tonight is her celebration. Since the house become famous,she need to renovate to have larger area.
“Well let invite our owner to give us a little speech,miss Y/N”
When the MC,Clark,announce your name,you get onto the stage.You give a little thanks toward guests as well as some sponsore and critics that help her place become famous.
“What a beautiful speech.And now I would like to invite our special guest.He insist to come to us and prepare a little gift for everyone.This is a special opening performance from Kim Taehyung.” Your eyes widen while everyone applause after hearing the name.
The melody which you familiar appear in the air.The mood in the place turn into a soft yet warm and classy.The melody that scream to you that this is Taehyung. You watch him standing there in the spot light.Wearing a royal blue suite while playing his saxophone.He is far better then the last time you heard.
“Thank you mr.Kim for attending.Any speech for us today?”
“Well I didn’t prepare anything for today which I’m really sorry.I just arrive from the flight.Actually I come here to get the answer.”
“What answer if I may ask?” 
“Before I left here,I once asked a question with this girl.Well she is the one who really push me into the spotlight like you see right now.That day when I left,I didn’t really want to.However,I wanted her to be proud and knew that I love everything she does to support me.”
“So what is the question,maybe she already forget.” Clark still continue.
“I ask her whether she sould like to be mine?” He leaves the stage when the mic is still in his hand.He step closer and closer with the spotlight that follow him.
“Y/N,Will you be mine?”
The crowd cheer.He is now infront of you,kneeling down with a ring in his hand. Awaiting for your answer patiently down there.You want to cry,really want to.You don’t dare to utter a word out.The voice might betray you.You nod as a respond instead.
The event continue.You get drag by Taehyung from the crowd.You get the chance,slap on his shoulder.He startle and turn around to face you.
“What’s that?”
“You idiot,why don’t you tell meyou’re here.”
“I just arrive from my flight really.Shouldn’t I be the one who get upset by the fact that you have this event without inviting me?”
“I heard you was busy with the opera tour.”
“Seems like someone stalk me.” He reply with tease.I slap him for the second time.
“Ouch! ok,I’m sorry.It’s my fault.I’m the one who plan this with them.” He points somewhere which your gaze follow.You then see Clark,Minhyung and the twins see them through the glass window.
“So everyone know except me?” You pout.
“Umm yeah well,it’s a surprise.You shouldn’t know.”
“You,snowy is a meanie.” You tease him and start walking away.He grab you and kiss you on the lips.Grab on your waist tight along with his tail,he kiss until you both out of a breathe.
“What’s that for?”
“Making up with you and beside that’s the thank for your answer.”
“Still remember the first time you arrived here?”
“Clearly,I want to become a bandmate in your house.I told you I could play saxophone but you resist it.You let me work as a waiter.”
“I still remember how hype you were when we were in the music store that day. Your eyes glowed up.”
“Yeah,I thought I wouldn’t be it.So that time even you let me learn saxophone again,that was enough for me.Who really know I’ll be saxophonist for real.”
“You know I believe in you right?”
“Yeah but still sad though.I didn’t get to be your bandmate and play with you.Not a big deal now since you already made itup for me awhile ago.”
“By being your bride?”
“It’s not just that.Being my bride,it also mean being the mother of my cubs in the future.You’re my mate.” With that,my face turn into bright red.I didn’t know he really plan like to have kids with me already.
“I thought we’ll take it slow.”
“No,I wait for 3 years.3 years are the time I let you prepare and you say yes. Now your’ll be my mate and stuck with me for the rest of your life.”
“Then it’s a pleasure.” I smile and peck him.His lip turn into a smirk before carry me up from ground in a bridal way.Rushing toward the car and put me in.When he gets in,he start the engine ready to go.
“I hope you’re well prepare to recieve my gift after 3 years.Also I wanna open the welcome back gift as well.
“Arrive the house first and we’ll see about that,snowy.” His ears perk up.Turning around and smushing his lip on yours one more time before drive off to your house.  
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Little Bear (2/2)
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Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Hello! I’d like to thank everyone who read the first part of this!
Ps: I didn’t know the name of Tom’s niece, so I called her Samantha because it suits her...
Warnings: nothing much in this chapter. Pregnancy, of course. A little more angst...
Like 2.3k words
You spent the rest of the night in the bedroom. You said you didn't feel well, but everyone knew you just wanted to let people calm down before you tried to do another friendly introduction.
But Tom spent the night downstairs with the others and everyone seemed fine, you thought you heard laughs at some points. You enjoyed he was away to talk to Alex. Part of you hated yourself for that, but the other part was still trying to convince you it would be better like this.
After you exposed your conditions, and they weren't only a few, you accepted to give him a second chance. You even told him you would think about marrying him, as he asked while you were still together.
You woke up the next morning and saw Tom already awake and dressed up. You looked at the clock and realized it was almost 12:00.
"Oh my god." You rubbed your eyes. "This bed is so comfortable."
"So is the mattress, thanks for asking." He joked.
"I wasn't going to ask." You replied. "What if you wanted to switch places?"
"I'm a gentleman." He pretended to be offended. "How do you feel about going downstairs with me?"
"I can't keep hiding here." You shrugged.
"Yes." He smiled politely. "I also want you to meet my niece. She arrived this morning."
You got ready in 15 minutes and went downstairs, finding the ones you already knew, a man and a little girl in the living room.
"Good morning." You said timidly.
Everyone replied. You couldn't say they replied as they were happy to see you there, but at least no one ignored you.
The man was introduced to you as Sarah's husband, and the little girl was her daughter, Samantha. You found her absolutely adorable, and she loved Tom more than anyone in that house, which made you smile.
"I'm going to cook lunch for us." Diana announced.
"Can I help with anything?" You offered.
"I want to help too!" The little girl joined your side.
So the three of you went to the kitchen. Tom's niece was proudly pressing a small fork on a plate of mashed potatoes, while you helped Tom's mom with the pie.
You were talking to her, when Sam excitedly interrupted you.
"Y/N, my mom was telling my dad that you and uncle Tom are going to have a baby." She said. "Is that true?"
You looked at Diana, who only laughed at you, didn't save you.
"Hmmm... Yes." You blushed. "What do you think about this?"
"I'm very happy!" She gave little jumps on her chair. "I'm going to have a cousin to play with. It's soooo boring because there are only adults here!"
"What about uncle Tom?" You laughed, if he heard that he would do something really immature to prove he's not a child.
"Uncle Tom is fun." She said, focusing on the potatoes again. "But he's very tall."
You agreed.
The lunch went pretty well. You tried to be quiet and avoid eye contact, mostly with Sarah, but her daughter seemed to like you very much, so she kept asking you questions.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" She asked.
"We don't know yet." You smiled at her.
"If you're not married, how are you going to have a baby?"
"Samantha." Her mom called her while her father and Tom laughed. "Stop bothering her."
"It's fine." You laughed, but you were actually worried she would ask more things like that.
You offered to do the dishes, but everyone insisted you should rest. So Sarah helped with the dishes and the rest of the family, now including you, went to the living room.
Eveyone started to tell stories about the last family reunions they had. It was a little boring, Tom's family was too "perfect", there weren't embarrasing stories, drama or big adventures. So you were paying more attention to Sam, who was on the corner of room sulking, because her parents said she could only play after she finished her homework. She seemed to be struggling a little, so you sneaked out and sat beside her.
"Is there something wrong?" You smiled at her.
"I'm never going to learn maths." She sighed and dropped her pencil angrily.
"Don't say that, honey." You picked the pencil up and looked at her book. "You can learn anything you want. You just need a little patience. See, I'm not very good at maths, but maybe I can help you. Stay calm, okay? Now let's read this part."
The girl still had the angriest expression, but she paid attention as you read the excercise she was struggling with.
"First of all." You told her. "Write down what you know, so you can organize your ideas."
You gave her the pencil and she did as you said. So you started to give her instructions and her mood started to change. Soon enough, you weren't saying anything, she was doing everything on her own.
"Good job!" You gave her a high five. "I knew you could do it."
When you looked back, you saw everyone looking at you. They all immediatly pretended they weren't looking. Except for Tom. He was looking at you like you were the most beautiful human being alive. You blushed. You just wanted to get up, sit beside him, hold his hand, kiss his face, make plans about your baby... But that's when the sadness took over again. You couldn't do that, he wasn't yours. You were with Alex now.
"Now that I finished my homework, I can play." Sam called you back to reality. "Do you want to play with me?"
"Of course!" You forced a smile. "Just give me a moment, I'll be right back!"
You needed to get those ideas out of your head, but with him looking at you like that, you couldn't.
So you started to go upstairs, but you were stopped by a voice calling you from behind. You turned around to find Sarah standing there.
"Can I talk to you?" She asked.
"Sure." You followed her to the kitchen, so you would have some privacy.
"I'm sorry about the way I talked about you yesterday." She said.
"It's okay." You replied. "I know you are just trying to protect Tom. I wouldn't be able to trust someone this quick either. But I promise you, I will never hurt him on purpose. I'll always be thankful for everything he's done to me."
"After you went to bed last night" She continued. "We talked better. I don't think you have an idea of how much you mean to him."
"Well, I'm the mother of his child."
"No, Y/N." She laughed. "It's so much more than that."
You didn't say anything.
"Also..." She broke the silence. "Thank you for helping my daughter earlier. I'm sure you're going to be a great mom."
"I'm..." You started to cry. "I'm sorry, it's the hormones."
She laughed and patted your back. Maybe you would get along someday.
"Y/N?" Tom arrived at the kitchen and his eyes widened when he saw you with sister. "Oh, sorry I was looking for you, I..."
"No, I'm glad you're here." Sarah said standing up to leave you two alone. "You have to deal with these hormones, you're the one who did this to her."
"Are you okay, darling?" He seemed really worried. "Why are you crying?"
"Pregnant feels. Don't worry about it." You explained. "Tommy..."
"Please don't call me Tommy with that crying voice, I could do anything for you right now." He grabbed your hands and you stood up in front of him. He was so close... God, how you wanted to kiss him.
"I want to show you something." You whispered, cause he was close enough to hear.
You went upstairs, but didn't stop holding hands until you told him to sit in bed and went to your bag to look for something.
"Here." You gave him a little package. "I bought this the day you went after me. I know it's a little silly, but it's special. It's our baby's first clothes. I wanted you to see it."
He opened it excitedly. At first, when he saw the tiny bear costume, he smiled widely. Then he held it in his hands and looked at it like he was holding his baby inside of it.
"I loved it." He said. "I can't wait to see our little bear wearing it."
"Me neither." You smiled at him.
"That day..." He started, not really knowing how to say it. "When I saw you with Alex... I... I was so afraid you would do what he asked and not let me be a father."
"Tom..." You felt your heart break. You had to tell him now. "Doesn't matter what kind of relationship I have with Alex, you'll always be the father of my child. I'll never push you away."
"What do you mean?" He asked confused. "Why would you have any kind of relationship with him?"
"I know it's complicated." You admited. "But he asked me to marry him."
"When?" He said emotionless.
"Well, a while before I left him. But last night he asked again."
"Have you been keeping in touch with him all this time?"
"No." You explained. "He would text me eventually, but I ignored. Then yesterday I..."
"You realized you still loved him?"
His lack of expression was killing you.
"I don't love him." You admited.
"Y/N, you just told me you're going to marry him." He seemed angry now.
"What choice do I have?" You shugged.
He stood up and started walking aroung the room.
"I'm not going to let you go back to that monster." He said with the saddest voice. "He tortured you. He is not going to change. What do you mean you have no choice? Did he threat you?"
"No." You watched as he walked and it started to make you nervous too. "I just... I'm just stupid, okay? But I got terrified when you said you were in love with me. I didn't want you to say that because I knew it would ruin everything as soon as you did. Now look at us!"
"Did you hear it?" He stopped and looked at you with panic in his eyes.
"Why did you pretend you didn't? You don't have to feel the same way, just don't play with my feelings for you." He said, looking you deeply in the eyes. "Because they are real. And they never changed."
"It doesn't matter." He smiled sadly.
Calling him like that absolutely broke him. You knew he was about to cry. You stood up and walked towards him to give him a hug. But when you were close enough, he turned around quickly to face you, and you found yourself in the same situation as earlier in the kitchen. The difference is that this time you couldn't contain yourselves. All that desire you weren't able to resist when you met came back at once, and at the moment there wasn't right or wrong, there was only what you had to do. So you kissed him passionately.
"I love you, Tom" You whispered against his lips. "I love you so much it scares me."
"Don't be afraid." He cupped your face and rested his forehead on yours. "Can't you see that all the times we hurt each other were whenever you tried to run away from me? If you stay, there will be no more pain."
"I will stay. I promise."
"You're not going to marry anyone because you're afraid." He brought you to his chest in a tight hug. "You won't have to be afraid anymore. I'll always be here for you. And for our little bear."
"Please, Tom!" You begged. "It's important. Promise me you won't look?"
"I already promised that." He laughed and covered his eyes with his hand. "Go get him."
It was the moment you waited more than an year for. But now your 5-month-old baby finally fitted on the bear costume.
You dressed him up and waited for Tom to come home and see it. It seemed like something too small to be this excited for. But after the day you admited your feelings for Tom, you started to refer to your baby as little bear. You even decorated his bedroom with a bear theme.
You picked little Gael up and went back to where Tom waited for you, with eyes still covered.
"Okay." You announced when you were standing beside him. "You can open your eyes now."
"Oh my God!" He smiled so much when he saw it.
Your baby laughed at his dad's reaction and threw his arms in his direction. Tom picked him up and hugged tightly.
"We couldn't wait for him to wear it." You said, watching the scene with the biggest smile on. "Now I want him to stop growing so he can wear it forever."
"Don't worry, darling." Tom tickled your son, who was just as smiley as his father. "He will always be our little bear."
"I know." You sighed. "But I still want him to wear this forever."
"But can you imagine him in a little suit for our wedding?" Tom said excitedly. You were getting married in less than a month.
"I don't think I can handle it, to be honest." You felt a wave of happiness hit you like never before.
"So Bobby is no longer the cutest boy in this house?" He smirked.
"CAN WE GET BOBBY A BEAR COSTUME?" You almost screamed.
"The poor dog..."
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aurodontdoit · 4 years
Sabo X Reader: Chapter 2:
The next day, Y/n woke up to the sound of her mother putting more herbs in a jar, placing yet another medicine basket together. 
"Hmmm where did I put the- oh good morning, Y/n." She warmly greeted her. 
"Morning, mum. Whatcha doin'?" Y/n chirped happily. 
"Oh just putting another basket together for Dadan. She's been needing a lot of medicine as of late. I hope everything's okay." She stated concerned. 
Y/n felt a wave of panic wash over her. "What happened when I parted ways from Sabo and Ace? Did they get hurt? " She shook her head out of it and smiled. 
"Could you deliver this basket for me? I'd ask Rhi, but they're sick today." She asked softly. 
"Absolutely." She agreed with a determined smile. 
"You're a love!" She smiled while squeezing Y/n in a hug and kissing her temple. "thank you, so much sweetheart. If you could deliver the goods before noon, that would be awesome." She smiled. Y/n nodded once again before going into her room, and putting on a pair of blue shorts, and a simple tank top, she did her hair tied back into a ponytail as she slipped her sandals on and grabbed the basket before running out to Dadans hut. 
Once Y/n arrived, she knocked on the door of the hut.
Y/n could hear rustling and shouting from the other side before a tall woman with long curly red hair opened the door. 
"What do you- oh hello there what can I help you with?" She asked nicely. 
The smaller girl gulped "hello miss Dadan… My name is Y/n, and I'm Keely's daughter… I was asked to bring you some medicine." She spoke. 
Dadan smiled "thank you sweetheart, tell Keely I say hi, and-"
"Whoa! is that Y/n?" Sabo asked while smiling and peeking from behind Dadan. 
Ace smiled too "hey! Y/n good to see you! You look different!" 
"Yeah she's not wearing that frilly dress her aunt makes her wear." Sabo grinned. 
Y/n blushed at this and began to feel a little insecure. 
"Oh god does Sabo think I look weird like this? Wait, what? Why do I care?" 
"She doesn't need to be bothered by you right now, little brats." Dadan barked. 
"Please do come in. Your mom has told me much about you and Rhi. It's been a while, I haven't seen her since our glory days as the mountain bandits. I guess marrying and settling down does that, huh?." She spoke sweetly to me. 
Y/n nodded, not questioning it before stepping in, and handing her the basket. 
Upon stepping inside, she saw a third boy sitting at a table, eating copious amounts of meat. 
"Oh ghhj mmvhjmmbhj!" He spoke with his mouth full. 
"Luffy! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Dadan scolded. 
Luffy swallowed his food and smiled "shishishi my bad! Hi there! I'm Monkey D. Luffy!" He smiled. 
Upon seeing the small child Y/n smiled happily 
"Hello there you precious angel bean, I will now die for you!"  
"nice to meet you, Luffy. My name is Y/n." She introduced politely with a sweet smile.
"So Y/n.. your mom tells me you're a healer and herbalist intraining is that true?" Dadan asked. 
"I sure am. I'm hoping to become a medic someday." She smiled proudly. 
Dadan chuckled "big dreams. Keep at it, kiddo. So how old are you now?" She asked. 
"I'm 12. Gonna be 13 soon." She stated before hearing the boys practically spit out their drinks. 
"You're 12!?!" Ace and Sabo stated in unison. 
"Whoa you're practically an adult." Luffy blinked. 
"Wait does that mean you're super strong like my brothers?!" Luffy asked excitedly. 
"Well-" Y/n started only to be cut off by Ace
"Hardly! She needed our help yesterday!" Ace scoffed. 
"Ease up on her Ace. They had knives, she was unarmed." Sabo justified. 
"Sabo you're a freaking saint!" 
"So? We've beaten bigger men with bigger swords! Being so weak where you need help from two 10 year olds? Pathetic!" Ace shook his head. 
"Oh you're that motherfucker." 
Before Y/n could say anything, Dadan thumped Ace across the head "be nice!" 
"Ow why the hell should I be nice?!?" 
"Because she brought medicine for you guys since you three little Fuckheads always come back injured!" 
Sabo blinked before looking at Y/n "you brought this for us?" 
Y/n blushed softly before gulping and holding the basket to him "y-yes… p-please accept this as a token of my gratitude for saving me!" She stammered nervously, holding the basket out while bowing slightly to hide her rosy cheeks. 
Sabo blinked and blushed before smiling and accepting the basket "thanks, Y/n! That's really kind of you." He chuckled. 
She looked up and blushed before smiling. 
Ace watched in annoyance "geez it's like watching a love confession." He groaned while his pinky was knuckle deep up his nose, digging for gold.
"So Y/n, would you like to stay for dinner? I invited your family too for a get together since it's been a while." Dadan asked. 
She smiled up at the lady "is that really okay? I don't wanna impose or nothin'" 
Dadan smiled softly "absolutely! You're such a sweet kid!" She then pulled the smaller girl into a bone crushing hug. 
She laughed while being hugged tightly. "Okay!" 
"Yay!!! New Nakama!!!" Luffy cheered. 
"Yeah…. Whoohoo…. " Ace groaned. 
"So in order for dinner to happen, you guys need to hunt. Got it?" 
Ace, Sabo, and Luffy smiled and nodded. 
"We're on it!" the trio cheered in unison.
"Take Y/n with you, too." Dadan requested. 
Ace sighed and frowned. 
Luffy smiled happily while cheering and proceeded to latch himself onto me. 
"What are you doing, little Monkey?" I giggled.
"Piggyback ride!" He smiled. 
"Alright but I gotta warn you… I go pretty fast!" She then proceeded to quickly Sprint outside as Luffy laughed. "WHOOOOHOOO!" he cheered. 
"You gotta admit, it's kinda nice how she brought us medicine and is getting along with Luffy." Sabo smiled with a dreamy look in his eyes. 
"Yeah I know. She's awesome." Ace stated. 
"Then why are you annoyed?" Sabo asked. 
"Because since you met her yesterday, you've been acting like a lovesick boob!" Ace defended. 
"I have not!" Sabo defended and blushed
"Oh yeah?" Ace challenged before proceeding to imitate Sabo in a mocking fashion. 
"She was so cool! Her hair was so pretty! I feel weird when she smiles! I hope I see her again! Ohhh Y/n, marry me~" Ace mocked. 
Sabo frowned while blushing "okay dude! Not cool! I never said marry me!" 
"You might as well have said that, with how obsessively you've been talking about her! And I bet you're just so excited to show off your manly hunting skills!" Ace retorted with a smirk. 
Sabo rolled his eyes "whatever bro, let's just go catch up before they get lost or worse." 
Ace nodded and shrugged while smirking "you're right… oh wait do you hear that?" Ace asked before stopping in his tracks. 
"What?" Sabo questioned also proceeding to halt his stroll.  
"Y/n and Sabo sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Ace sang teasingly before Sabo began stomping off. 
"What? I'm just messing with you! Isn't she like the first girl you like?" 
"Yeah and what about it?" 
"....how's it feel to have the hots for an older woman?" Ace smirked. 
Sabos' eye twitched 
"How's it feel to have no teeth?" the blonde sneered
"I dunno." Ace shrugged
"Keep talking and you'll find out, brother dearest." Sabo sneered. 
"Whoa! Easy killer! I was just playing." Ace raised his arms defensively. 
"I'm sorry… I just.. I dunno.." Sabo sighed. 
"It's fine, bro. I know you like her, and that's fine. I mean dude, you practically begged me to help you save her from those goons." He smiled. 
"I know those guys… their parents allow them to run around hurting people… I couldn't let her get-" 
"Hey guys, everything okay?" 
"Ack! Y/n, how long have you been standing there?!?" Sabo practically shrieked with shock. 
She blinked at his odd behavior before giggling "not too long. Why? Did ya' miss me?" She asked with a slight teasing tone and a smirk. 
Sabo blushed harder before stepping back "uhh n-no, I mean yes- wait why are you teasing me, and where's Luffy?" He changed the subject. 
Real smooth, Sabo.
"Here I am!" Luffy cheered before tackling Sabo with a hug. Sabo caught him. "Sabo! Y/n's amazing! She found a bunch of herbs we can use for dinner! Plus, she's super fast too!" Luffy grinned. 
I smiled and held up the herbs with a grin. "So about the hunt… what do you guys normally look for?" I ask. 
"Usually whatever is around, not really anything-" 
"We ate a huge boar once!" Luffy interrupted Ace. 
Her eyes widened "whoa! Really? That's so cool!" I smiled. 
"Shishishi! Ace and Sabo helped me kill it. They're super strong, and brave! I'm gonna be just like them when I'm 10!" Luffy smiled 
"I'm sure they are, they gotta protect such a sweet little brother. I'm sure you'll be just as strong as them." Y/n smiled. 
Ace groaned "oh brother give me a break…" 
"Sabo beat up this big tiger that attacked me!" Luffy bragged again. 
"Oh wow! That's so cool." I smiled. 
Sabo blushed. "Luffy what are you-" 
"He also took care of me when I got hurt! He shares food with me too. He's really strong and nice!" Luffy continued. 
I giggled at his eagerness to boast about his amazing brothers. 
"Well, I don't know them very well, but I can say this. They are by far the kindest boys I've met…" Y/n smiled warmly at them. 
"Aww what about me?" Luffy whined. 
"What do you mean what about you? You're first on that list, silly!" I giggled and hugged him. 
Sabo watched as Luffy hugged Y/n It was like watching a big sister hugging her precious little brother. 
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blossom862 · 5 years
They call her “Rogue”
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Warning(s): Violence, cursing, and a small tiny bit of smut (if you want to call it that) Word Count: 1,650
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Y/N: Your Name
Y/H/T: Your Hair type
Everybody knows about the infamous “Baba Yaga”. They fear him and they want to be him. And of course, they want to be him! He is the best of the best in the business. That man killed three men with a freaking pencil without blinking. That is a record that no one can pass. But, EVERYONE knows about “Rogue” the young assassin who can whip out an entire town in less than 24 hours. Unlike the “Baba Yaga,” she has fun with her prey, make them beg for their miserable life’s, and lastly, their deaths are the most gruesome and cold-hearted deaths that an assassin could imagine.
“Please, I beg you! D-don’t do this.” shivered the man who was standing just a couple of feet away from the dock.
A loud and sinister laugh was heard all around the empty dock. Out of the corner of his scare eyes, the individual could spot a figure…..no, he could see a female figure. She was about 5’4, with beautiful y/h/t, and for what he could also see, she has a killer body.
“You’ll see, no matter what you say or how much you beg there’s no way you are getting out of here.” Responded the woman while approaching him and finally letting herself seen.
The poor guy was having a heart attack with just looking at her. Both for fear of what his destiny would be and also, for having a gorgeous woman right in front of him.
With great determination, the young woman took her pocketknife in her right hand and approached him.
“I can pay you double of what your employer is going to. I-I have a lot of money. For fuck sake, let me go a-and you’ll be receiving the money right away.” Rambled the guy while putting both of his hands together.
“I’m not doing this for money. I’m doing this because is fun. You’ve been a bad boy Ciax. Did you think you could escape me? Because you are so wrong.” Without thinking the small woman took Ciax by the arm and punched him in the face.
The man growled and struggle to get out of her grasp but even though he was bigger and taller than her, no matter how much he tried to get out he couldn’t
.“Yes!!! STRUGGLE!! I love when my preys do that. It makes this game ten times better. Hmmm is so sad that all of this is going to be eaten alive.” The woman whispered in his ear while caressing him through his pants. Kissing his left cheek the woman slide her right hand under his pants.
“Or maybe we could have some fun before the final show. Would you like to have some fun with me?” The poor guy shivered but did not say anything. Taking the hint that he was not going to answer her question, the beautiful woman stabbed the man in the abdomen.
“AGH, please! STOP. I-I told Carson that…I was going to pay h-him back. H-” Not wasting any more time, the small assassin stabbed her victim three more times before taking his face in his delicate but deadly hands. Twisting the knife she made Ciax take four steps back and reached the edge of the dock.
“I don’t care what deal you guys made. What I care about is waking up in the morning and seeing my bank account full with big fat zeroes.” Whispered the woman while rolling her eyes. She was getting irritated by the man.
“Okay, enough playing and more action. Should we?” Tired of playing with her prey, the short assassin decided to finish him already.
Turning him around the man came face to face with the woman. Sweat was running down his forehead and neck. The cold weather was making Ciax arm hairs stand up. He knew that he was a dead man.
Grabbing him by the neck, the woman looked at the man. “Any last words before I feed you to the hungry shark’s bellow?”
“What?! Sharks? What kind of sick game is this? Who are yo-” Before Ciax had the opportunity to finish, the woman stabbed him three more times in the abdomen and one-time on his genitals (because why not?). The poor man had never experienced anything like that. Of course, he knew that he was a dead man long before he made a deal with Carson, but he never imagined that a woman would be the reason for his gruesome death.
“Who I am? They call me Rogue” and with that said, the woman delivered a kick to the man's chest that sent him straight to the water where five hungry and eager sharks were waiting for their next meal.
“HELP…..SOMEBODY…..P—please help.” Screamed with agony the individual while the sharks sank their teeth into his flesh. Laughing at the horrifying scene Rogue took her phone and facetime Carson.
“I expect my reward first thing in the morning. Also, you better pay me double for it. No excuses!” And with that said she ended the call.
“I hope you guys enjoyed the show.” The woman shouted without turning around. She could feel two individuals making their way towards her. She had senses their presence long before entering the dock.
“Y/N. Is been a long time. I see you haven’t changed at all.” A woman's voice was heard from behind her.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N slowly turned around to face the two assassins.
“Sofia? What do I owe the pleasure?” Replied Y/N with a surprise but confused expression on her delicate face.
Crossing her arms she notices the man next to Sofia. The small assassin knew who that man was. She was standing just four feet away from the infamous “Baba Yaga”.
Sofia approached the woman with a small smile on her lips. Wrapping her arms around Y/N she gave the younger woman a big and long hug.
“I’ve missed you. I know we haven’t seen each other since what happened in Paris but just so you know, you had been the only thing in my mind. After all, I was the one who trained you all those years ago.” Whispered Sofia while giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.
Taking a glance over the older woman's shoulder, she could see how the “Baba Yaga” was watching closely the scene that was happening in front of him.
Clearing her throat the younger woman lightly pushed the older woman away from her. Giving her a sad smile, Sofia turned around to introduce the man that was standing a couple of feet from them.
“This is John Wick and he needs our help.” Explained Sofia with a serious expression on her face.
“I know who he is. The famous “Baba Yaga”. Everybody knows who he is. You look hotter than what they described you. Are you single by any chance? Or if you don’t do that we can have sex. No strings attached. I haven’t had a proper dick in like forever. So I’m hoping you can help me with that.”
“No thank you. I’m not interested.” John replied with a dark expression on his face. Leaning against him, Y/N wrapped her arms around him making sure to press her breast against his chest.
“You will be interested in soon enough. I’m going to make you forget about everything. I promise you will have the best orgasm in history. And that is a fact!” Without waiting for him to reply, Y/N gave him a quick kiss on the lips before quickly taking a step back.
“Y/N! Really? Apologize to John. I did not raise you like that.” Exclaimed Sofia while taking the young woman by the arm and giving her a disappointed look.
Looking at the man, Rogue started to apologize. She could see how John was trying to not lose his patience.
“I’m sorry. But remember, one day I will call you daddy. You are so damn hot is insane.” With that said, she turned around and made her way back to her motorcycle. The girl took her helmet from the back compartment and put it on. Her beautiful and smooth Y/H/T was neatly secure inside the helmet.
“Where do you think you are going? We still need to discuss some important things with you. Y/N/N, we need your help. You are the only one that can help us. Do it for your mom.”
Hearing what the older woman said, Y/N turned around and came face to face with her. Pointing a finger to her face she started to raise her voice to her.
“Just because you trained me doesn’t mean you raised me. Where were you when they did what they did to me? How could you let them take me away from you? If you call yourself my mom you wouldn’t have left me.”
“I still hate myself for it and I’m sorry. You don’t have any idea how many times I’ve been feeling like shit. I know I’m not your biological mother but I love you like one. Please, I beg you. Help us. Don’t do it for me. Do it for him.” Sofia pleaded Y/N while pointing towards John's direction. After all, Y/N was their only hope.
Taking a big breath, Y/N looked both of them dead in the eyes and went back to her motorcycle. Climbing and turning on the bike, she turned around and gave them a quick nod with her head.
“Do you guys have a ride?”
“Yes, why?” They both asked at the same time.
“Because you guys need it. Follow me. We need to talk somewhere private.”
And with that said, the small assassin took off not before dropping a small piece of paper in the cold and wet pavement.
“She is something else,” John informed the woman standing next to him while picking up the small paper and examined it.
“She is. After all, she’s my daughter”
Whoa!! That was something.
What do you guys think? Should I make another part or not? Let me know in the comments below if I should turn this into a mini-series.
P.S: Sorry for any grammar errors.
*This story is mine, I don’t give permission to post it on another social media. I spend a lot of time on it.
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