#also orange an like a peachy color
rainybraindays · 2 months
I have come to a conclusion about my hair
The undercut will be making a return
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miraculan-draws · 4 months
I love putting Gale in blue and gold!! He looks amazing in it and I love separating him a little more from Mystra's colors. He also looks stunning in dark green and rich browns—its very flattering on his neutral but lightly tanned complexion. So does the peachy light orange color.
I love putting Astarion in muted colors and pastels!! I tend to leave his cloaks dark for Sneaky Vibes but he is, of course, The Pale Elf. He's our star. Putting him in sort of greige-y tones flatters his silvery dead undertone instead of washing it out. It looks very fairytale on him, like a fey prince.
I love putting Wyll in really RICH jewel tones!! Warmer reds, like a brick red or a deep orange make him look so COZY and REGAL at the same time!! I also like Wyll in black or dark brown, something that COULD be utilitarian/plain on anyone else, but on him it just looks sharp and tidy and purposeful and just totally steals the attention of the room.
And I think ALL THREE of these boys are absolute peacocks and they WILL discuss these qualities amongst themselves because I firmly believe they would be the ones taking a shopping trip because one must look their best for the apocalypse. They get mimosas and everything.
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sorialice · 1 year
Onceler x Reader Fluff (makeup time!!)
Gender Neutral Reader :D
for @arson-n-barf !
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You’re sitting in your room, trying to get ready to go out into Thneedville for some groceries and maybe casual walking around. Sitting on the floor in front of a mirror the Onceler keeps around, your makeup is positioned on your lap or on the floor around you. You start by putting concealer under your eyes, and then-
There’s humming in the distance…
“Hey Y/N!”
“Hey Oncie.”
“Whatcha got there?”
“I’m just putting on my makeup, getting ready to go out today.”
“Oooo can I try, Y/N?”
You’re a bit taken aback by this, but eager to see the Onceler all fancied up. Maybe you can even force him to go to work in a super cute look… with sparkly green eyeshadow? The possibilities are endless…. This is gonna be so silly…
“Yeah, sure. Here. You need help right?”
You reach for a box of makeup you’re not using so you can still get your own done, and shove it towards him. It should have everything he needs.
“Nahhhh how hard could it possibly-”
He sees the box full of makeup and his eyes widen.
“Everything okay, Oncie?”
“I knew there was mascara and uhh… bloosh? But what is all this? I feel like I underestimated the amount of makeup people use…”
He’s even more stupid than I first thought.
You dig through the box and pick up some extra concealer and foundation you got in a free-bie once that looks like it could match his tone.
“Alright, here. This is concealer, and this is foundation. I think we’ll just use a little concealer for you since your skin is pretty clear already.”
“It… isn’t it the same thing?”
The Onceler blushes a little, feeling a bit dumb for not understanding something he thought would be so simple. You apply some concealer to his under eyes and blend it out. You then use a brush to powder his face and put the “bloosh” on his cheeks and nose.
“What color eyeshadow do you want? Any? There’s green like your suit… or pink like a thneed? Orange like the Lorax?
“I would never wanna match that furry meatloaf… Let’s do green.”
You apply a little bit of sparkly green eyeshadow to his lids and back up some to look at it.
“Cute! Okay, you already wear mascara don’t you?”
“Your eyelashes are naturally that curled and dark? That’s so unfair…”
You hold the mascara wand up to his eyelashes, and he scoots away dramatically.
“Woah woah woah woah don’t stick that in my eyes! Are you crazy???”
“It’s not going in your eyes! I do this for myself every morning, calm down you scaredy pants!!”
The Onceler winces a little, but lets you put the mascara on him.
“There, that wasn’t so bad. Do you wanna do the eyeliner yourself then?”
“Eyeliner? You’re gonna put lines in my eyes???”
“NO oh my- alright here. I’ll do it, but you can’t move okay? No moving at all, got that?”
The Onceler does his best to sit still as you put very minimal eyeliner on him.
“Thank goodness that’s over with. Now, do you want pink lipstick, or something crazier? I can also do lip gloss.”
“What’s the difference?”
“Lip gloss is shiny, and, well, a gloss. Lip stick is… a stick? I can layer them if you want.”
“Yes, that would be fine. I think pink is fine.”
You put a peachy pink lipstick on him and some shiny clear gloss with little glitters over top.
“That’s so cute! Oncie, you look adorable!”
You reach over to get some highlighter to put on his inner corners and nose, when suddenly someone busts in.
“Hey beanpole, you-”
It’s the Lorax! His cute fuzzy butt just broke in and is now looking upon a super fabulous Onceler.
“Y/N. What is this.”
“Oh the Onceler just wanted to try some m-”
“No, I see that. I can see that he tried. This is horrendous, kid. Let me show you how it’s done.”
The Lorax grabs some of your makeup with his little orange fist and faces the mirror, putting it all on faster than you knew was possible. He turns around and…
Oh. Oh my.
The Lorax has on a super fierce look. He has bold pink and orange eyeshadow, fading out into a smokey eye. His eyeliner is black and thick, but somehow perfectly symmetrical. His cheeks are perfectly blushed with an orangey pink, his lips perfectly over-lined… He’s… He’s…
(You and the Onceler say this in unison.)
The Onceler grabs the fluffy pumpkin butt and squeezes him.
“Oh I didn’t think you could get any cuter! Oh this is so unexpected but so so perfect.”
“Yeah and I didn’t think you could get any more annoying. Put me down, I demand you!”
You stand back and giggle at these two now very sparkly and beautiful guys.
alright that’s it! hope that’s all you wanted it to be 😻😻
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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oh baby I finally played Smile For Me like two years after everyone told me I would really enjoy Smile For Me! turns out, I really enjoyed Smile For Me!! get ready to see a lot of Habit drawings about it
(detailed image descriptions below the cut!)
[Image 1: A black-and-white drawing of Kamal and Habit. Kamal is standing in front, smiling nervously with sweat dripping down his face. He is waving with his left hand and holding a clipboard under his right arm. An arrow pointing to him reads, "Looks like he is currently having a breakdown". Habit is standing behind him, smiling placidly, eyes slightly unfocused, hands in his pockets in a relaxed posture. An arrow pointing to him reads, "is actually currently having a breakdown".]
[Image 2: A colored drawing of Habit and Kamal recreating the "twink boutta pounce" meme. The camera angle is slightly above and to the side of the two. Habit is sitting down, in the middle of speaking, with a relaxed, smiling expression. He has his left hand up, gesticulating. Kamal is lying on the ground beside him, propped up slightly on his left arm, with the right arm folded and resting on top of his right thigh. His head is tilted back and he has an admiring, flirtatious expression with a little kitty smile.]
[Image 3: A colored drawing of Kamal based on an Aqua Teen Hunger Force meme. He is staring at the ground looking frustrated, with a caption reading "I am 20 or 30 years old and I do not need this."]
[Image 4: A colored drawing of Kamal, looking exhausted, holding up a flailing Putunia by the scruff with his right hand, and a flailing puppet-Habit in similar fashion with his left. The art was done in response to a piece of art by JJclownery on Twitter.]
[Image 5: A colored drawing of Habit and Kamal. Habit is shirtless and wearing pink fleece pajama pants with a light blue star pattern, and his hair tied up in a big, sloppy bun, held back with both an orange scrunchy and a pink cloth headband with a blue flower pattern, tied in a bow. He has top surgery scars and an extremely hairy chest, tummy and forearms. He is in the middle of brushing his teeth, with a toothbrush held up in his right hand. His eyes are closed tiredly and his mouth is open, toothpaste-covered tongue sticking out with a "hblehh" sound effect. An arrow pointing to him reads "mostly asleep". Behind him is Kamal, wearing a forest green t-shirt and blue-and-yellow checkered pajama pants, standing hunched over a grey laundry basket, retrieving a nondescript teal-blue piece of clothing with both hands. He is visibly ogling Habit, wide-eyed and blushing furiously, sweat dripping down his face. An arrow pointing to him reads "feeling so normal".]
[Image 6: A black-and-white drawing of Habit and Kamal. Both are wearing t-shirts with rolled-up sleeves, overalls, and gardening gloves; Habit also has his hair tied back in a ponytail. Habit is smiling warmly, eyes closed, placing a straw sunhat gently on Kamal's head with a "POF" sound effect. Kamal looks slightly embarrassed at the attention, and he is holding several packets of seeds in both hands. An arrow pointing at Kamal reads "agreed to help garden", while an arrow pointing at Habit reads "Thriving (trademark symbol)".]
[Image 7: Two colored drawings of Habit. In the first, in the top-left corner, he is drawn from the shoulders up, wearing a pink turtleneck sweater. He is smiling nervously and scratching his chin; he has his natural teeth with several visible gaps. In the second, in the bottom-right corner, he is wearing a peachy-orange ringer t-shirt with a flower graphic drawn on the chest, looking slightly worried with his mouth open, his teeth visibly chipped and with gaps between them. He has his right hand lifted nervously and the left on Kamal's back; Kamal stands in front of him with one hand on his chest and the other reaching up to caress his cheek, and he is smiling warmly. Habit says, "you're sure they don't look bad", and Kamal replies, "positive, big guy".]
[Image 8: A colored drawing of Habit, Putunia and Kamal respectively dressed as Dr. Teeth, Animal and Zoot from the Muppets. Habit is standing in the back, grinning widely with one of his teeth colored in gold, doing a double-thumbs up. He is wearing a fluffy pink top hat with a light-blue feather in the front, a fake bright-orange beard, a fluffy vest colored with maroon, light purple, pink, and pale orange stripes, a long-sleeve red-and-navy striped shirt, and blue jeans. Kamal is in front and slightly to the side of Habit, grinning slightly nervously and holding an orange toy saxophone. He is wearing a navy blue bucket hat, round blue sunglasses, and a loose, low-v-cut yellow blouse with a navy-blue design around the collar, with a light blue tank top underneath. Putunia is directly in front of Habit, smiling widely and holding up a drumstick in each hand. She is wearing a puffy yellow blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and an M-shaped red collar, a pale orange shirt underneath that, brown pants tied with a beige rope, and a metallic collar with a chain coming off of it.]
[Image 9: A four-panel, colored comic based on a Dr. Habit tweet, which is screenshotted throughout to serve as dialogue. In the first panel, Habit, wearing a frilly pink pajama top with a floral pattern, is looking very serious and thoughtful as he uses his left pointer finger to count off on his right hand. He is saying, as represented by a tweet screenshot behind him (in Habitspeak mispellings) "PSA: I DO NOT sleep talk, I DO NOT snore." In the second panel, he looks behind him to see Kamal, wearing a blue-striped robe and looking exhausted and frazzled, baggy eyes narrowed and hair a mess, glowering at Habit. The third panel flashes back to the two in bed, Habit in his PJs and Kamal in a green TWIN PEAKS t-shirt. Habit, lying on his stomach with one arm thrown over Kamal, is snoring extremely loudly. Kamal, lying on his back with one arm over Habit's and the other lying up over his head, stares into the middle distance. The fourth panel returns to the present where Kamal is glaring and grabbing the front of Habit's shirt with both hands. Habit, shrugging and looking away sheepishly, says (as represented by a tweet screenshot behind him) "Hee hee okay maybe just a 'little'"]
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pinkhairswagtourney · 8 months
Not-Pink-Enough Tourney, Round One
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Pearl Propaganda: 1.): “Some people view it as more of a pink color, and some view it as more orange-y? It also looks different in different episodes, it seems to have been more pink in her past forms. Most of the tags under your poll that included her was people saying her hair isn't pink :[“ 2.): “it's kind of a peachy color, some fans interpret it as pink and some as orange” 3.): “It looks like a light orange or peach color, but it's described as pink in one of the guidebooks (at least I'm pretty sure). Also several other characters have very bright and clearly pink clothing or hair that makes Pearl's hair look much more orange in comparison. To top it all off, there's literally another pearl with extremely cotton-candy-pink hair since she was the pearl of Pink Diamond once.” Sylvie Propaganda: 1.): “bitchass           salmon hair” 2.): “He's kinda pink? More of a peach or a salmon colour.” 3.): “I consider salmon to be pink but when Giovanni is literally right there, Sylvie doesn’t look pink at all”
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kawaiichibiart · 4 months
....PRSK April Fool's Events I'd like to see happen:
Y'all had to have know this was coming: we play with the NPCs.
Everything is literally the same (visually), the VAs just switch who they play.
This is another obvious one: Sekai Swap
Again everything is (roughly) the same (visually), but the siblings have switched roles. So: Tsukasa is the one who ended up in the hospital and Saki is the one who forgot why she decided to pursue her dreams (in this case it was becoming a pianist). Shiho is the one who was part of a group before joining her current one (Leo/need), who was assigned a role and got bullied for things she couldn't control, and Shizuku's the one who wants to go pro (as an idol of course), so she finds jobs that could help with that (honestly the Hinomoris are giving me the hardest time to figure out a good swap for). Ena is the one who pushes herself too much and compares herself to her friends, while Akito is the one who seeks validation for his singing and gets disappointed when people prefer his selfies and OOTD posts over his singing ones.
The School Sekai, Stage Sekai, and Street Sekai are all created by one person (personal vote goes towards: Saki, Minori, and An, I will also accept Toya because I honestly think that'd be fucking hilarious), the Wonderland Sekai and the Empty Sekai are both created by a group.
Personality swap but the characters keep their....quirks (? I don't know what else to call it). Like, Tsukasa could have Kanade's personality but he'd still be loud as fuck. Ena could have Saki's but still be a bitch (I say that affectionately). Etc., etc.
...we need more kid designs and thus kid 2d models, but SEKAIs were created when they were kids. Saki would visit the School Sekai whenever she was out of the hospital but still unable to see her friends. Minori got to meet Haruka, Airi and Shizuku earlier and they all decided to become idols together. An and Akito are guiding these two, scared, lost, kids around the Street Sekai and introducing them to street music earlier. Tsukasa and Mafuyu are both the only ones who start off alone. Tsukasa goes into the Wonderland Sekai whenever Saki is at the hospital and their parents stay with her. He doesn't like being alone, so the Sekai brings him comfort and it was hard for him to accept that someone else could enter his Sekai. Mafuyu would go to the Empty Sekai to find comfort in Miku. She's a lot more like Len, hiding behind Miku, shy, absolute baby. She also has a hard time accepting others can enter her Sekai. For those two, Sekai was a safe haven, a place to ease themselves and find comfort. So when other people start showing up (not the VS), they're upset.
...this is a sign I've read too many groupchat fanfics: they're all part of a Nightcord (because I'm pretty sure we've all agreed Nightcord = Discord) group chat and all the area conversations are about shit that has been brought up in the chat. Bonus points if all of the convos are mixed units. Extra bonus points if they have no idea who started it in the first place.
I'd love a subtle fuckery where, again, everything is pretty much the same, but certain characters have had their colors swapped. Tsukasa and Saki, Shiho and Nene, Minori and Honami, Shizuku and Kanade...
Unit Shuffle 2: Electric Boogaloo
There's a world where rather than Tsukasa saving Toya, Toya saves Tsukasa. Where Kohane is the one who chooses An as her partner. Where Airi, Haruka and Shizuku are the ones who put on a show for Minori and pull her up on stage in their Sekai because they want her to see as the lights become a pale peachy/orange color for her. Where Mafuyu is the one doing the saving and not being saved.
Different childhood friends. That's it. Potentially could go along with number 10.
Once again, visually, everything is the same, but the last names are all over the place. Meet the Kamishiros: Ichika and Ena. Oh, the Aoyagis? You mean Aoyagi Shiho, Aoyagi Emu and Aoyagi Rui? It's strange how Saki Hinomori and Tsukasa Yoisaki look so alike.
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boxbusiness · 1 year
It occurs to me if I draw Dad!Beel with his kiddos I’ve gotta draw some kiddos. Now long time ago it did cross my mind to make a BarBeel love child kinda like Addy *wink-wink* I don’t have a design thought up but I did think beel’s orange hair and a sprig of green hair would look like an orange lol. I’ve also been recently thinking about a kiddo with my own MC and I have ideas for Parent!Valen so I guess I need to draw that first. And I think Orange and Pink hair would make some peachy colors ^3^
Idk ramblin my thoughts here~
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
Mantine evo line review?
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Mantyke exists. There's nothing wrong with it, but like most babies it lacks what makes the evo interesting (in this case, the Remoraid) without bringing much to the table itself. That said, the design itself is fine, with black-rimmed eyes and small fins. It also has a built-in fake smiley face on its back, which doesn't have to do with anything but does look neat. The orange adds a nice bit of color as well.
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The other thing Mantyke does, and probably the main reason for its inclusion, is that it makes the symbiosis with Remoraid more gameplay-oriented by requiring a Remoraid in the party while leveling up, which is a really neat mechanic that I wish they'd use more (not naming names) (Slowking).
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And Mantine itself is pretty good. It's nothing overly fancy, but the Remoraid attached to its fin gives it something to remember it by, and it has a nice elegant design for a manta ray. It has a lot of dark black accents along areas like its eyes and gills to make those pop, which are accented with a nice peachy color. The darker blue on top is separated with a zig-zag line and it has similar eye markings as Mantyke on top, just without the face or the orange accents. Finally, a long, flowing tail adds a bit of grace to the design.
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My only issues with the design are that I wish the Remoraid was more color-coordinated, though arguably that's more of an issues with Remoraid's design than Mantine's. Also, the tail would've made more sense as the peach color instead of introducing white out of nowhere. Still, a good design overall.
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As a whole, Mantyke is fairly basic but does allow for a unique evolutionary mechanic, while Mantine has an interesting symbiosis element to it and a nice, elegant design. Nothing too crazy, but a good line overall.
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Check out the magnificent 1877 Walnut Hills, Ohio mansion that just dropped and is priced at $830K. That is a bargain. Check this beauty out.
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As soon as you enter the front door, there’s a fireplace with a small sitting area, which is unusual.
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Not only is it in pristine condition with stunning wood work, but it also has those wonderful wallpapered ceilings.
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The only disturbing thing is the linoleum in the entrance hall. I can’t imagine that anyone would put that over wood. 
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The sitting room is just lovely with it’s large marble fireplace, soft peachy walls and ceiling.
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The wallpaper border and ceiling are  just beautiful and I love the pink pocket doors.
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The library has an Egyptian flair. Look at the wall of bookshelves and there’s a also a built-in mirror which is also a unique feature.
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From the entrance hall you can see the dining room done in bright orange and blue. Notice how ornate fireplace in here is.
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The kitchen remodel is okay, but modern cooktop on the island really stands out. 
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In this bright orange room, they’re got a little bar. 
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Small pantry with a fabulous stained glass window. May have been a bar or liquor cabinet.
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It looks like the family hangs out a lot in this pink room. This fireplace also seems to be working. I wonder why they have so many throw rugs- I think they’re hiding the outdated wll-to-wall carpeting.
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These are the rear, or servant’s stairs with a landing. Are those steps that they have covered with fabric?
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And, this is the main staircase with a beautiful curved railing.
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Apparently, the family doesn’t need all the bedrooms, so they’re got this one set up as a sitting room. It must be the main bdm., b/c it has a sink and there’s also an en suite.
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The home does need some TLC, which probably why the price is lower. This bdm. is also a sitting room, which is why they probably decided to sell, no longer needing all this space.
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This is a lovely room. At least it’s a colorful home.
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Isn’t the exterior trim pretty? Cute little rear porch.
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There doesn’t to be much of a yard, but there’re a couple of porches. Love the door that enclosed porch.
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It’s a huge home for the price and if the new owner has the funds to fix it up, it will be fabulous.
via Victorian house lovers
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boggy-frogariel · 9 months
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I just thought I’d make my own little Mentopolis PC, because why not! Her name is Delia Votion, and she represents Devotion.
I was thinking about how people become devoted to things, to causes, to people.
“Oh, why is she dressed like that?”
Thank you for asking! Her dress is based off of a 1930s peach colored wedding dress. I then decided to add some other colors while keeping her mainly peachy orange. She has rings that surround her, like wedding rings that signify your devotion to your partner. A complete circle for complete devotion :)
She doesn’t just represent the devotion to a romantic partner, she is also the devotion to a cause, an object, or something of the sort.
For example, Elias is devoted to his job, so there’s that.
Edit: I’m totally drawing an alternate version of Delia in a lab coat
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Hello yes hi I’m not dead. Sorry, I got tangled up in playing Kingdom Hearts III and my birthday along with the usual mental struggles… But I got a new story. It’s longer than the others, and it also dabbles in another ship that I’m quite fond of along with Funnybunny. I enjoy Buttonblossom as well, I’ve always been of the opinion Pomni is bisexual. Not me projecting… anyway, this one is a little bit more dramatic. But I like it, even if it’s got a ton of ellipses, but it’s also got a big snake in it. Big snakes are cool. Enjoy, hopefully.
Jealousy, Thy Name is Rabbit
Today was a game of capture the flag set in a virtual jungle, girls against boys (boys and Zooble, just so it was 3 on 3). On the girl’s side, Ragatha was elected flag guard on account of being the tallest and widest, not that she had much in the way of competition from either of her teammates. Pomni and Gangle were the scouts sent to find the boys’ (And Zooble’s) flag. Pomni had spent the last half hour on all fours, clambering through some cartoony underbrush. The various brambles may have been gaudy shades of orange and purple, but their thorns still hurt to climb through. Caine really needed to focus less on hazards and more on… well, fun.
Pomni: OW! F@&$! *Pomni covers her right eye as a stick jabs into it* Urgh… Gangle? Where are you?
Pomni poked her head cautiously out of the canopy of plants. Her teammate was nowhere to be found. Had they already gotten separated?
Pomni: Peachy…
Pomni ducked back down into the underbrush and continued to crawl forward as best she could. Her coxcomb hat kept getting tangled in the briars, and leaves and bits of twig stuck to her hair. Caine had even gone to the effort of including irritating little bugs the size of pinpricks that crawled on her face and buzzed in her ear, which she routinely had to stop and swat. Thank god she had no nose or one of them definitely would have crawled up it by now. She peeked out from the underbrush again, spotting a small clearing up ahead. It looked like it could be the entrance to the enemy base. If she crawled, she could get there in about 10 minutes. Then it was a matter of getting past whoever they had guarding it, then getting back to her base and ending the game so they could go home. Apparently there was some sort of reward for whatever team won the round… Knowing Caine it would probably suck hard.
Pomni took a deep breath and dove back into the brush. If Jax was the flag guard, maybe she could convince him to give up the flag peacefully in exchange for some extra “alone time” that night. It was surreal to think that she had gone from hating the rabbit’s guts to him being one of her closest friends… just friends. Just friends that kissed and hugged and cuddled. Friends could do that. It had been Jax’s idea to not use any words like “relationship” or “romance” or “love” to describe what… whatever they had going on, in case of disaster. And they were both free to have “alone time” with other performers… at least that’s what she assumed. Not like Jax was close with anyone else.
Pomni came to a large, fallen tree, black and flecked with neon colors. There was no way around it without adding several minutes to her already onerous trek, so she rolled her eyes, stretched, and began to clamber over the tree. The trunk was oddly squishy, it must have gotten soft from the moisture of the jungle floor. That was a pretty impressive detail for Caine to add… As she slid over to the opposite side, her bare legs touched the trunk. The texture was odd as well, smooth and oddly bumpy… no… scaly?
Pomni: Oh sweet f$&@.
The “tree” slid forward on its own, a good twenty feet of shiny, technicolor-on-obsidian mass emerging from the underbrush, a stone’s throw from where Pomni was just crawling. The snake turned its refrigerator-sized head to look at Pomni. Its fishbowl eyes were different colors, each appearing to slowly change hues, its left eye yellow shifting green and its right eye purple shifting brown. It flicked out its tongue, pink with electric blue stripes and thick as Bubble Tape.
Pomni: Nonononononono-
Pomni took off running towards the clearing, but found herself hopelessly slowed down by the overgrown floor of the jungle, brambles snagging her legs and tripping her to her knees every few steps. The giant snake slithered up beside her before lazily, yet gracefully gliding in front of her and cutting her off, forming a loop around her with its body.
Pomni: -nonononononoNONONO! NO! NO! NONONONO!
Pomni tried to climb over the snake as it began to pull right around her, but only succeeded in sticking one arm out before the rest of her puny body was squeezed into immobility by the black rainbow serpent. She was so small that the snake barely needed to wrap around her once before she was trapped.
Pomni screamed blue murder. The panic of being cornered by a large predator and her phobia of being touched formed a cocktail of primal terror she hadn’t experienced since first arriving at the circus. She shrieked and pounded on the snake’s body with her one free hand, even trying to bite into its flesh, anything to get it to stop squeezing and let go. The snake’s scales were far too hard to bite through, even chipping one of her teeth, and the reptile continued to squeeze tighter and tighter and tighter. Pomni felt her body begin to flare with pain as it was constricted to its limit… if she still had bones they probably would have been crushed into splinters by now. She didn’t even have enough room left to scream, only managing a choked rasp…
And then there was a reverberating crack.
Voice: Let her go! I said let her go!
Another smack against the snake, and it hissed irritatedly this time. Pomni saw a faint purple and red outline out of the corner of her watery eyes, coming into clearer view as it strafed around the serpent.
Ragatha: Y-You want to lose an eye, Jafar?! Let her go, I said!
Ragatha had a sturdy tree branch in her hands, twigs sticking out of her hair and her dress stained with dirt. She took on the stance of a major league player and swung her makeshift bat with all her strength, cracking the snake on the chin. The reptile hissed, revealing fangs of all colors, and struck at Ragatha, who managed to stumble out of the way with a hair’s breadth between her arms and the snake’s teeth. Ragatha put one hand at the top of her branch and the other in the middle and wound back.
Ragatha: I’m sorry-!
Ragatha drove the branch into the snake’s right eye, and it snarled, thrashing about in pain. Its coils loosened enough for Pomni to squirm free, landing on the jungle floor with a dry plop and scrambling backwards. The snake threw its head about a few more times before hastily slithering away into the jungle, frustrated but trounced.
Ragatha: Yeah! Get out of here! I’m sorry, but get out of here! *much quieter* I’m sorry… *she stiffens* Pomni! *She looks about before finding Pomni seated on the ground, and she hurries over to her* Pomni, hun- are you okay?!
Ragatha crouched down to Pomni’s level and looked her over. The jester was breathing rapid, shallow breaths, her usual red and blue roulette eyes replaced with black squiggles.
Ragatha: Pomni…! *she puts her hand on Pomni’s shoulder, but the jester reacts like she’s been shocked and slaps her hand away*
Pomni: NO!
Ragatha: Woah heyheyhey! Pomni, it’s me, it’s Ragatha! It’s gone, the snake is gone! You’re safe..!
Pomni: Do-Do-Dooo-Don’t touch me, don’t… don’t touch me…
Ragatha: Okay sweetie, I won’t touch you, but are you hurt? Did it bite you?
Pomni: N…..No….
Pomni’s eyes, though now back to their usual colors, soon swam with tears and she buried her face in her gloves, beginning to sob. Ragatha, resisting the urge to hug the poor girl, took a moment to check on herself.
Ragatha: *examining her arm* Ohhh, I must’ve popped half my stitches… I hope I don’t lose any stuffing… *she turns back to Pomni* I can’t imagine how scary that must have been for you… are you afraid of snakes?
Pomni: *in between sobs N-N-No… I… I uh… I… I don’t… I-I-I-I-I-
Ragatha: Hey… hey… match my breathing. Are you ready? In. *Ragatha takes a long, deep breath in* Out, like you’re blowing on a dandelion. *she lets her breath out.* Not too hard, right? Try it with me.
Pomni managed to slow down her sobs long enough to match Ragatha’s breathing exercise. It didn’t make her feel any better, but it at least helped her get her words out
Pomni: Thank you… *sniffle* You-You… I’m sorry I didn’t… save you…
Ragatha: Save me?
Pomni: On my first day… w-when Kaufmo…
Ragatha: *smiles* Oh, hun. It’s okay. It was your first day. I would have done the exact same thing in your shoes.
Pomni’s eyes welled up with new tears.
Pomni: I-I’m sorry… I was so… I didn’t… I didn’t deserve to get… saved…
Ragatha: Nooo, no, Pomni, don’t say that! We’re all we’ve got… I wouldn’t let you or anyone else get eaten, okay..?
Ragatha placed a hand on Pomni’s shoulder unconsciously, and the jester girl flinched.
Ragatha: Oh shoot, I’m sorry! *she takes her hand away* I forgot-!
Pomni: …N-No… if it’s just… I-I calmed down… I can… handle it… I-I just I wasn’t… I wasn’t expecting it, I… I… I’m sorry…
Ragatha: …Can you handle a hug? It’s okay if you can’t, but- OOF!l
Pomni threw herself into Ragatha, wrapping her arms around the ragdoll woman and hiding her face in her chest. Ragatha smiled and hugged the newcomer back, rubbing the back of her head.
Ragatha: Don’t worry now…
They remained like that for a while. Pomni had never actually touched Ragatha before, and it was… odd, but pleasant. She felt much the same as a cloth doll, dense and tightly-knit fabric wrapped around a soft filling like cotton or polyester. But she was unmistakably warm, the same way Jax was. Although Pomni still felt sick with fear, the sensation of a friend holding her helped ease the churning in her belly.
Pomni: …Thank you, Ragatha.
Ragatha: What are friends for, right…?
The two performers locked eyes. Both of them became acutely aware of a not-unpleasant heat glowing on their cheeks. Ragatha broke the pregnant silence by chuckling nervously.
Ragatha: Hahaha… soooo…
Out of nowhere, Caine exploded onto the scene, a neon-marquee sign emerging above him that wanted to spell out “congratulations” but appeared to malfunction and sputter, spelling out “crodulates” instead.
Ragatha: Oh no, the flag… I completely forgot!
Pomni: *automatically* Who gives a s#%@…
Pomni: It has a name…?!
Ragatha: Uh yeah, Caine, about that snake-
Caine snapped his fingers, and all of a sudden, the six performers were back in the tent. Zooble, Jax and Kinger looked about the same despite some odd leaves and sticks stuck to their clothes. Gangle landed with a wet slap beside Pomni and Ragatha, groaning and dripping wet.
Ragatha: Gangle, there you are… where’ve you been?
Gangle: I-I fell in the river and got washed downstream…
There was a drumroll that went on for far too long. Pomni made eye contact with Jax, but neither of them smiled. She was still getting over the encounter with the Rainboa Constrictor… but what was wrong with him?
Zooble: Yippee-skippee. Not like we haven’t gotten that prize at least three times before. Can I go now?
Ragatha: Yeah, Caine, I ripped some stitches, can I go back to my room…?
Pomni: *to Ragatha* Are you okay?
Jax: Oh yeah, I’m sure she’s fine. You got a pretty close look back in the jungle, didn’t you?
Jax’s usual brand of sarcasm came out as oddly venomous, not even sporting his typical snarky grin.
Pomni: What are you talking about..?
Jax: I don’t know. You tell me. Anyway, f@&$ you all. I’m going back to my room.
Jax walked away from the group, stunning even Caine into silence. Jax almost never swore.
Caine: Boy, you give a guy a pass to an amusement park and he thanks you like that.
Bubble emerged from Caine’s hat with a toilet brush
Bubble: We should wash his mouth out, Caine!
Zooble: Whatever, dinner without Jax sounds good to me.
Gangle: Uh… h-has anyone seen Pomni..?
Pomni marched down the hallway to Jax’s room, pounding on his door.
Pomni: Jax! Open up!
Pomni: …Oh for… *deep breath, gentler tone of voice* Jax, it’s Pomni. Can we talk?
Pomni: …You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you? Fine. “Oh great Jax, may I please enter your…” *cringes* “…your humble abode.” Eugh… *she glances around to make sure nobody heard that*
Still more silence.
Pomni: Okay, he must be somewhere else if he’s not responding to that…
A voice came from behind the door
Jax: It’s unlocked.
Pomni: Oh. Then why the h@&$ am I knocking? *she opens the door* Jax! What was… that…
Pomni’s anger trailed off as she saw Jax laying in bed, covers pulled all the way up to his chin. He faced away from Pomni, looking at nothing in particular.
Jax: Come on in.
Pomni: …What… Why did you blow up like that back there?
Jax: You really don’t know?
Pomni: No..?
Jax: …That’s fine. I guess I’m being the irrational one.
Pomni: Yeah, you are. I was attacked by a snake… A huge f@&$-off snake that almost squeezed me to death!
Jax: What?
Pomni: Oh, did you miss that part?! Lemme say it again. *shouting* A! BIG! SNAKE! NEARLY!-
Jax: *shouting right back* ALRIGHT! I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT THAT, BUT- I saw you with Ragatha.
Pomni: *genuine confusion* What?!
Jax: In the jungle, stupid! I saw you and Ragatha!
Pomni: …She saved me from the snake. You heard Caine talking about it… she saved me!
Jax: …You were blushing.
Pomni: Who cares?! I- wait you were watching us for that long?
Jax: You were right outside our base.
Pomni: …Oh my god. You’re jealous.
Jax: What..?
Pomni: You’re jealous! You thought me and Ragatha were- OH MY GOD.
Pomni laughed incredulously, which made Jax shoot up in bed like a snapped wire.
Jax: Don’t you laugh at me!!!
Pomni: I’m not-! I never thought you’d take it seriously!
Jax: What, my first relationship?! Yeah, I can see how that would be HARD to take seriously?!
Pomni: What are you- wait. I’m your first?
Jax: …
There was a long period of silence before Pomni swallowed.
Pomni: Well… look, you said you didn’t want a relationship, so… I mean… I didn’t mean to make you mad, but I was attacked. So I’m not going to apologize for hugging Ragatha… she helped me.
Jax: Okay.
Pomni: …Um. But… it’s… it’s okay. To be mad… I guess? I don’t know. I guess you thought I was cheating…? Right?
Jax: I guess.
Pomni: Well, I wasn’t.
Jax: You were blushing, though.
Pomni: Yeah, so what? She’s… *swallows and turns slightly pink despite herself* She’s pretty. For a ragdoll. It doesn’t mean you’re any less… nice to be around. Or look at. For a rabbit.
Jax: …What are you, gay?
Pomni’s words caught in her throat as she looked at Jax, who had finally managed his usual toothy smirk.
Pomni: *small snort* God, shut up…
Jax: …I’m sorry though. I didn’t know about the snake.
Pomni: You didn’t hear me scream?
Jax: You scream a lot.
Pomni: …Yeah. I guess so. So… this is more than just a… “friends who kiss” thing, now? It’s a…
Jax: Nah. We’re still just “friends that kiss.” But if you want to go be “friends that kiss” with Ragatha… at least tell me before you do, okay?
Pomni: I will. I’m sorry.
Jax: Relax. You didn’t do anything. Apart from almost being snake food. …Do… you want a hug? Or something?
Pomni: …Uh… honestly, not really? I-I’m kinda iffy on being touched anyway and the snake squeezing me like that… it really screwed with me. But uh…
Pomni closed the distance between them and planted a kiss on Jax’s lips, having to lean on his knees and stand on her tiptoes to reach the lankier rabbit’s face.
Pomni: *blushing* It’s really sweet to know you take this seriously. I’ll see you later, okay..?
Pomni headed back to her room, shutting Jax’s door behind her. The rabbit licked his lips. He then laid back down on the bed, staring at the door.
Jax: You hugged Ragatha.
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aquagirl1978 · 7 months
Undressed - Kicho x Reader (Ikemen Sengoku)
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A/N: My first entry for Ikemen Prompts Week 1 hosted by @ikemenprompts. Also part of Falling For You Content Creator Challenge hosted by @judejazza and @nightghoul381.
Pairing: Kicho x Reader
Prompt: Mirror/Love/Color Palette (Ikemen Prompts Week 1) and Coloured in Fire (falling4uccc)
Word Count: 628
Tags: fluff with some spice
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“Kicho…it’s beautiful.”
Beautiful was an inadequate word for the fabric that rested in your hands. Exquisite. Luxurious. Opulent. But even those words couldn’t fully describe the beauty of this material. The rich rouge silk was thick yet soft, perfect for the cooler weather. Embroidered gingko leaves were sparsely scattered in shades of rose pink and peachy orange. 
Smiling like a kid in a candy store, you held the fabric in outstretched arms, admiring how the smooth silk draped over your fingers, the colors of autumn dancing before your eyes.
He cupped your cheek in his hand, his pleased smile crinkling his hazel-green eyes. “I thought you could use this to make a dress for the party.”
Your eyes widened in a panic. The party. His party. That he was hosting.
“But that’s only in a few days!”
Kicho’s green eyes glittered as he offered you a sly smirk. “Then you better get started.”
Standing before the mirror, you preened yourself like a parrot as you fixed your hair. It was definitely a rush to finish, but you completed your task just in the nick of time. 
Gazing into the mirror, you admired your finished product - an exquisite kimono in all the shades of autumn. The thick fabric draped elegantly over your body, the soft silk caressing your curves.
You were thrilled to have found some leftover fabric in a rose pink shade that complemented the kimono to make the perfect obi. Picking up a delicate gold and garnet hairpin, another gift from Kicho, you tucked the finishing touch behind your ear.
Kicho was silent as he entered the room, his steps as quiet as a cat’s. You didn’t notice him until you felt his arms around your waist, his warm lips brushing against your cheek in a chaste kiss.
“You look radiant,” he whispered, his breath warm against your ear. “Like you’re coloured in fire.”
Your face flushed with heat at his words. And Kicho was right – the overlapping fan-shaped leaves flickered like flames across your body.
“I knew as soon as I saw this fabric that it was perfect for you.”  He ran his palms down your sides as he gazed adoringly at your reflection in the mirror. “Do you know what ginkgo leaves symbolize?” he murmured as he guided you towards the bed.
You shook your head, his body leaning over yours, words escaping you as he lightly traced the outline of a leaf right above your beating heart. “Longevity. Endurance.” As he placed his palm over your heart, his lidded eyes sultry as he gazed into yours. “That is my love for you,” he whispered before his lips met yours in a passionate kiss.
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you deepened the kiss, a muffled sigh leaving your lips as he pulled your hips tight against his. His hands left your waist, a soft groan filled the air as his palm slid down your thigh. 
Forget the party, your body wanted to scream. Take me now. 
But you had to attend. You both did, as it wasn’t just any party, but a  celebration for Kicho’s birthday.
Pressing your hands upon his chest, his heart pounding in his chest, you broke the kiss with a quiet whimper, knowing full well that if you kissed any longer, you would both soon end up undressed. 
Not now, not yet, he said with his eyes, his soft smile stoking the fire inside you.
“I nearly forgot…” Turning back to the vanity, you picked up a small square of fabric. “I made this for you,” you said, handing Kicho the handkerchief you made of the same silk of your kimono. 
Tagging: @redheadkittys @lordsisterxotome @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260 @scorchieart @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @judejazza @xbalayage @xenokiryu @randonauticrap @oda-princess
“Happy Birthday, Kicho,” you said as your fingers lingered on his. “Let’s go now, before we’re late for your party.”
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lemon-slushie · 7 months
Your art always has this yellow/orange tint (is what it looks like at least) do you put a layer of a certain color over the normal colors or is that just how you color? (Asking bc I suck at doing that😭 also I love your art)
I dont, but that can definitely work if ur struggling with color picking! I prefer warm tones so if that’s what ur going for I’d recommend a peachy tone over top and set it to multiply and turn the opacity down!
For me personally I don’t like super bright colors so when I pick mine I tend to stay in the middle and avoid harsh saturations, like instead of white or black I always use an off white and dark red color
And if a color is more cool like blue or purple I’ll make it more grayish so the color doesn’t look awkward with the warmer colors
Some examples
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And here the drawing with a peach overlay!
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Hope these helped!
And thank u! I’m glad u like my art so much
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plantanarchy · 1 month
hiya! i work in/manage a greenhouse too (maybe half the size of yours i think?) i was wondering if you had any favorite basket or planter combos you made up this year!
i did a few combos i really loved- antique double salmon geranium with a fern and baby tears pilea
peachy keen verbena, double orange superbells, salmon sunpatiens, vista bubblegum petunia, and silver falls dichondra
really im just a sucker for everything in the peach/salmon/coral/pinks
Yeah!! It's hard to remember to take pictures but this year my favorites have been pinks-blue-yellow but also purples with silver.
In total I designed uhhhhh ~350 cone hanging baskets, ~450 planters of varying sizes, 140 big coco fiber baskets, and 50 big moss baskets. Most of those had 10 of each design. So??? Almost 1000 different designs.
So it is tough to choose a favorite lol or remember which was which.
I really like Salvia Icon Blue as a central thriller, then Petunia Miss Marvelous and Dekko Lavender Eye and Lobularia Stream Lavender as fillers, plus Dichondra.
Also I used Big Eeze Geraniums with Dekko petunias again for the big combos and that worked very nicely! Dekkos are a little smaller so resemble Callies but are more vigorous and less aphid-prone. A combo of those with trailing coleus fills in a huge basket well. Also Diamond frost as a filler. Lysimachia sunburst as a trailer.
Bridal Veil and swedish ivy as shade trailers! Spider plants as well! We have stock plants of all three and they grow super wonderfully. For smaller planters, wire vine, though I didn't use much this year.
And my classic and best selling mix is just. Dragonwing begonia, mixed seed impatiens, and ipomea or trailing coleus. I've found that most customers prioritize lots of colors and flowers over anything else in terms of planter design so impatiens mixes are a big seller even though they're pretty basic
Also, I went heavy on the double impatiens this year. I hate them so much they are so messy and dramatic once it gets hot in the greenhouse but they grow fast and fill in so nicely.
If I could get begonias to grow quickly enough, I'd use them, because I feel like they're the real mvp of summer baskets for longevity but unfortunately, I'm growing for looking good pre-Mother's Day. Anything but dragonwings just can't compete in a mixed basket in early spring.
Anyway lol
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what-if-nct · 7 months
to me yangyang is a natural pink, while yuta is a natural dark red
Yes! Yangyang looks so natural with pink hair. And Red hair just makes so much sense for Yuta. Like how you can't tell me Blonde hair doesnt grow directly out of Felix's scalp. That's his natural hair color.
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It suits him so well. I also like the orange but ooh a peachy pink would also look so good him.
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This is just the color his hair was always meant to be.
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Blonde just looks so natural and in place on him and when his freckles aren't covered he looks like a little elf.
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pinkhairswagtourney · 7 months
Not-Pink-Enough Tourney, Round Three
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Chiaki Propaganda: 1.): “i think it is pink but it is too desaturated/brown for some people to consider it so” 2.): “HER HAIR IS PINK! IT’S JUST A DULL PINK!! YOU CAN LITERALLY COLOR DROP HER HAIR AND IT’S A VERY DESATURATED PINK!!!” 3.): “if her hair isn’t pink then idefk what color it is” 4.): “Chiaki's hair is fucking grey and this is definitely a colour theory thing with the surrounding pallette but.     thats grey.    maybe a twinge of some pinkish warm tone to make it look..not even strawberry blondish?? it looks more like if you saturated it, it would be a blonde if anything” Pearl Propaganda: 1.): “Some people view it as more of a pink color, and some view it as more orange-y? It also looks different in different episodes, it seems to have been more pink in her past forms. Most of the tags under your poll that included her was people saying her hair isn't pink :[“ 2.): “it's kind of a peachy color, some fans interpret it as pink and some as orange” 3.): “It looks like a light orange or peach color, but it's described as pink in one of the guidebooks (at least I'm pretty sure). Also several other characters have very bright and clearly pink clothing or hair that makes Pearl's hair look much more orange in comparison. To top it all off, there's literally another pearl with extremely cotton-candy-pink hair since she was the pearl of Pink Diamond once.” 4.): “idk pearls hair is legally pink but its like. peach. blonde even. not actually blonde more like power csm pink-blonde-vague color”
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