#i will also be dying my hair but I cannot decide on a color
rainybraindays · 6 months
I have come to a conclusion about my hair
The undercut will be making a return
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astralis-ortus · 4 months
beyond forever and eternity
✱ husband!bc x fem!reader
— love cannot survive on luck alone.
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w.count → 0.8k genre → fluff warning → chan referred to as chris, quite the amount of kisses, mild cussing, and the usual very ew-you're-so-in-love behavior. also, reader is addressed as wifey twice! a.n → based on this request! but friends, i think you need to stop me from all this domestic chan thing because i!! am!! dying!! from!! all!! the!! cuteness!!ㅠ /j ⋆ see masterlist
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the past year had felt like the best time of your life.
sure, the first 6 months were filled with one heck of an emotional rollercoaster—a bunch of final wedding preparations, taking care of all the confusing legal papers, making sure your new home with chris was up to both your expectations, and actually having the wedding within the span of 180 days made you wonder if everything was real.
the latter part of the year is when your new reality starts to sink in. some days, it happened when you woke up next to a softly snoring chris—curls as messy as a bird’s nest, yet you couldn’t help but tread your fingers through those dark locks. some others, it happened when you watch his back while he showed off his newly acquired cooking skill, giggling away while chris convinces you—though it sounds more like he’s trying to convince himself—that eveything’s going exactly to plan.
other days, however, it happens simply when you caught a glance of the stack of beautiful silver bands on your ring finger, gleaming softly under the light of your cozy living room. you’d then look at your husband sitting next to you, faint crease decorating his forehead as his gaze focuses on a project he’d been working on for the past hour or so. you’d gently bring your finger to tap on those crease, immediately erasing its existence as chris shifted his focus towards you, gaze softening along the appearance of his dimpled smile.
being married to chris had felt like coming home—like he has always been everything you’ve been looking for and more.
“has it started?”
chris’ soft voice along with the warmth of his arm snaking around your waist swiftly snapped you out of your trance, gaze returning to your husband’s smile. you silently shook your head, instead wrapping your arms around his waist and gave into his warmth while allowing a content sigh to slip past your lips. “wasn’t paying attention, honestly,” you admitted, to which he immediately returned with chuckle.
“you’re sleepy?” he gently planted his lips on your forehead while running his palm on your side. “wanna call it a night?”
“no!” you whined, lips pursing in protest. “i’m not sleepy. besides, it’s only like 2 minutes till new year, and i want to spend the first seconds awake with my husband,” you playfully emphasized—and there it was. the rosy bloom across his face quietly surfaces despite chris’ attempt to play it cool, and it never fails to amuse you.
guess it won’t be hard for you to bet that you’ll never be the only one in love in this relationship.
“gosh, wifey,” looking at you with a scrunched nose, chris finally let the adoration bubbling in his chest win when he playfully ruffles your hair—which, of course, earns a string of protests from you, “do you really love me that much?”
“think so,” you stuck out your tongue, eyes twinkling as you decide to further tease your now-red-as-a-tomato husband. “i think i love you so so so much to the point i might pass out. i mean, how can i not? you’re charming, you’re adorable, you’re handsome, you’re hot as fuck—how do you expect me not to? i’m just—“
you haven’t been paying attention—but again, how could you? your gaze had been fixated on chris’ beautiful features, taking notes on every minuscule scar and freckles painted across his blooming face; but as the plush of his lips shuts off your rambling ones, warm hands cradling your equally warm cheeks,
you could hear the fireworks within you harmonize with the colorful blasts outside the window of your hotel room.
you know you’re lucky—despite believing in the concept of soulmates, you know there are universes where your path with chris’ remains as distant, separated parallel lines. you know that nurturing your relationship with chris will have its ups and downs. you know what you have now with chris will forever be both unbreakable and fragile,
and you’re determined to turn your every day with chris as special as it could be.
“happy new year, wifey,” he mumbled quietly, lips fixed into a smile as it grazed against yours when he finally pulled away. pads of fingers tucking the stray strands off your face, chris followed the kisses across your face—on your forehead, your closed eyelids, your rosy cheeks, your soft jaw, before he returned his lips home onto yours.
“thank you for staying with me—for promising­ your forever to me, and i’m looking forward to spending my eternity with you,” with a smile apparent on his lips, his gaze were soft as he tenderly peered into your glossy ones.
“i love you—more than words could ever explain.”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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under-lok-n-ki · 11 months
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Captain Ava & Captain Lizzie
literally cannot wait until we get more development on this plot bc it’s so so good
also I got around to listening to the Black Rose One-shot and Lizzie was originally blonde??? ik her design was changed a lot during the campaign in general but I’m deciding to play around with that info—I’m thinking she started dying it after joining Shadowbeard’s crew
anyways thoughts I had about Ava/the Ferin’s while designing her (possible spoilers or maybe just incoherent rambling):
gave her a rifle bc I feel like she’d have sharpshooting capabilities on par with Drey, but a pistol just didn’t seem appropriate for her. but I also see her favoring close-range attacks so she also gets a big knife as a treat
I think it’s mentioned in an episode how Jay looks more like their mother, May, so personally I think Ava resembles Jayson much more with certain aspects (specifically height, nose shape, eye color, hair ‘style’— Jay got his more square-ish face shape and broad build; they both have the same eye shape)
expanding on that fiery hair ‘style’ thing— I’m thinking that’s smthn that just kinda comes with the Ferin abilities and I’m thinking those powers need to be unlocked in a way?? there’s no other reason I can think of as to why Jayson has the flaming hair and specific magic skills while Jay doesn’t, so I’m thinking Ava may have been more in-tune with/naturally drawn towards the Ferin magic (esp since we see her using that golden form during the animatic sequence in ep101) while Jay become more influenced by May’s magic (since I think she spent the most time with her esp after Ava’s death). maybe Jay and Drey suppress their Ferin abilities (Drey def intentionally, Jay maybe a bit unintentionally?) and it could kinda explain why Jay has special blood: she’s a mix of two [supposedly] powerful magical heritages
I also have this thought that Ava may have unlocked these powers earlier than most of the Ferin’s, resulting in a fate similar to Gillion’s where she was regarded with pride for this yet constantly pressured and trained into becoming a weapon for the Navy (perhaps by request of Grandma Fey, who seems to be a very controlling character and could be the reason Jayson acts so cold and ruthless). and when she failed to uphold their beliefs that’s when The Order was given (maybe they found out about her & Lizzie???)
BUT in comparison to Jayson who absorbed himself in his work, and Gillion who was forcibly separated from his family, Ava was able to visit home often and had May and Jay to lean on as a support system. that connection alone could’ve helped separate the brutality and violence of her work in the Navy from her actual personality—the one that she became admired for and the one Lizzie was drawn to. it could also be speculated that she had the same ideas as Kira and Jay: that she could make the Navy better from the inside (obv this would be more difficult if she was held to high expectations, but she could’ve been on her way to making it work)
speaking of Jay—I think I remember a moment where someone explains how Jayson didn’t want her to join the Navy at all, and I always thought this was odd considering how it was moreso pointed towards her rather than Ava (as well as the fact that the Ferin’s ostracize those who don’t join, like Drey). this would coincide with my theory that Ava was expected to join bc of ‘unlocking’ her powers early, so maybe Jayson didn’t want Jay joining due to the fact that she hadn’t tapped into her Ferin powers yet, but Jay being Jay decided to enlist anyways and eventually gained a different motivation for her involvement than the rest of the clan [thanks to Kira & Ava]. or there was another thing at play. idk kinda just throwing smthn at the wall with this one bc that little comment stood out to me and I can’t remember if it even happened lol
also do we think the whole ‘sun nightmare’ is like,,, a test to unlock those abilities?? we know Jay and Drey opted to jump into it which kinda resulted in some magic golden eye phenomena (which we’ve seen in action once by Drey), but the issue here is when Jay rejected the heat the first time it just resulted in pain. so what would’ve been the option that leads the Ferin bloodline to become so powerful? do they choose to combat the sun?? do they conjure up heat of their own until they overpower it??? so many questions
gaaahhh I can’t wait until they’re out of the Black Sea so we can delve into this more bc I’m tired of feelin like this:
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millylotus · 2 months
I dyed my hair recently so y'all have to suffer through my ideas on if/how the batfam dies their hair
Ironically in canon he had red hair during his first introduction & dyed it to match Dick as Robin, but that got retconed. I don't really use this but of canon but now I will just for the hell of it.
Jason's hair is like his bio mom Shelia's, a red-ish blonde, kinda strawberry but definitely not. It's a very odd color & recognizable so he starts dyeing it black to avoid suspicion. Post Death & Resurrection he dies it the same shade of black as his mom Catherine's was, refusing to look like the same woman who killed her child.
He bleached his hair once & cursed god, has never done it again.
Has actually never died his hair, & probably never will, prefers just going wild with the cuts because "It'll just grow back", did once frost the tips but didn't like how it looked & just cut them off
When she was younger she dyed some strips purple for the hell of it, but slowed down when she became batgirl to try & keep her identities a bit more separate. Nowadays just dies her grey streaks out [they came in early like the rest of her family's] cause she likes having a full head of ginger.
Bruce secretly actually being a brunette is a lil headcanon of mine. Like his hair was mainly black but the Kane Brown[& Red but he doesn't have the red undertones] started to shine through once he hit like 30 & now his hair is Black & Black-Brown. He didn't really care to dye it until he started getting greys & decided that just wouldn't do & now his hair is Black-Black.
Has never dyed her hair in a proper state of mind, but has bleached her hair blonde just to see if she looked like Beth [she does & it freaked her out, so she buzzed it all off]. Now just has her hair cut short & doesn't mind it going gray, does have the iconic red wig that she treats like her baby.
Was extremely cognizant of her hair as a kid & never dyed it. Mainly cause it was one of her biggest traits & even her dad would notice any changes in it & recognize her on the spot. Now though she like styling it in fun ways & darkened it a bit just to experiment.
Does actually dye her hair, & it's mainly just darker colors & off-blacks cause she likes how it looks in the light. But she has dyed underneath her hair for a two layer look & that's where she hides the neons & such.
He dyes his hair, like to a wild degree. All about side identities & gets fully into character, Alvin is a red head/brunette? he's dying his hair. Carolina has dyed blonde hair b/c she had it as a baby & her mom kept dying it blonde even though her hair went brown at 2? Then that's what Tim has to do. Everything is meticulous & his bathroom is a mess. He does under dye his hair a nice red & has the top dyed an auburny brown/red. Sometimes goes blonde for the underlayer.
He's also completely immune to the burn of bleach now.
Dyes his hair, but not the roots cause he cannot do the burn. He likes to have fun little shapes in his hair, like stars & such. The type of person to use his clippers to shave in shapes on his fade that match the vibe of the color or shapes. Gets away with all this defining stuff because like Cass & Tim he's wearing a full cowl & who's gonna police his swag during the day when he's the only one around.
Doesn't dye his hair, at all but does like to help his siblings with their hair, mainly Cass, Duke & sometimes Tim, also helps Dick & Steph with new hair cuts. Secretly like it because it's basically dress up, & he's still a kid, & kinda sorta wants a cosmetology degree when he's older.
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neymiiie · 8 months
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Eyes of the SEES members ~
I’ve always admired artstyles where every character has super unique and recognizable vibes, so decided to try it with the gang. Super fun, highly recommend!
In the process of designing these I developed headcanons for each of their eyes, kind weird but if you want to read me ranting about why I drew Yukaris pupils a certain way or whatever, feel free to click read more lol.
Makoto: I wanted him to look tired, so a lot of his eyelashes go downward instead of upwards, also eye bags because he has insomnia and you can’t convince me otherwise. I didn’t want his eyes to look hollow/empty, but I didn’t want to put super obvious highlights and I think it works? Idk. Also drew his eyes in a way that reminds me of the ocean at night (Atlus gave me a ocean/water motif and I run with it ok?). His eyebrows are kinda “messy” in comparison to the others but I think it makes his eyes prettier so it is in character to me.
Yukari: I wanted her eyes to look a little more intense and turned them a little to give them a slightly “angry look”. Yukari should have a light case of rbf imo. I feel like Yukari puts a lot of effort into her appearance, and she probably wears more makeup but I cannot draw that to save my life lmao. Her eyebrows are probably the least messy other than Mitsurus, for the same reason as the previous one. Also hard to tell, but I put hearts in her pupils because it’s cute. Really proud of these ones, they read like hers so well to me.
Junpei: Junpeis eyes were so fun to draw! I feel like he’d have pretty short lashes and slightly smaller eyes, but still very vibrant! I really wanted his eyes to look full of life but still pretty simple, and I think I did pretty well! They feel very expressive to me. Also I feel like he’d have naturally very thin eyebrows, so gave him that lol.
Akihiko: idk how I feel about these, but I guess they’re alright? Gave him a kinda intense stare ig. I gave him really long natural eyelashes because I feel like he’d have them (canonical pretty boy that he is) and I’m somewhat proud of them because I stuggle with making longer eyelashes look masculine so guess this is a win. Gave him an eyebrow slit because I was so sure he had one in p4arena only to find out he didn’t even have eyebrows in it. What.
Fuuka: I feel like Fuukas neutral expression would still look slightly confused/concerns so her eyes are a little droopy. Gave her short but thick eyebrows because I thought it would be cute. Her eyes kinda remind me of rain and I like that! Also sidenote love the fact that official art draws fuuka with teal eyebrows. The implication that she was either born with teal hair or is so dedicated to the dye job she even dyed her eyebrows is hilarious to me. I know blue is treated as a normal hair color in persona-universe but Fuuka is literally the only one with teal hair how is it not dyed but yosuke and chies is??
Mitsuru: I wanted Mitsuru to be pretty. I gave her thinner but crisp eyebrows and eyeliner. I was a little worried because before I started shading her eyes looked kinda evil?? Lol but they turned out better in the end. Didn’t do a lot of details in her eyes because it felt like it worked better that way, but gave her bright highlights in her eyes to make up for it.
Aigis: These are my least favorite, and the first ones I did. Not sure if thats awful, because I wanted them to be very different from the rest. I feel like Aigis doesn’t actually have this wide eyes but willingly widens them so you can see the whole iris. I feel like her eyes would look more normal at a distance, and most of her classmates just assume she’s got weird eyes because they’re an uncommon eye color (major “give her brown contacts please” energy). Made her eyes look like does target-thingys and slightly plastic-y.
Ken: I didn’t want his eyes to be to bright, but still lively and childish. I gave him round wide eyes + smaller and thicker eyebrows to give a more childish feel. His eyelashes are pretty short but made them point more downwards since they looked too cheerful when turned upwards.
Shinjiro: dunno how readable these are as shinji, but theyre fine. Made his eyes very dark and put bright highlights cause I thought it looked better than the grey he actually has. Also gave him major eyebags because man has not had a good nights rest since like. Last October (sorry)
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whchenlvr · 7 months
im soooo happy you're back.
I love your writing style.
Could u please do union with so that changed their hair and are now hotter
Like dyed it or cut it
when you change your hair ;
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weak hero union x gn!reader
donald na
➤ when you come home with bleached white-blonde hair like his, donald doubles over in laugher
➤ you’d be shooting pouty glares at him from across the room, causing donald to get up (still laughing, might i add) and wrap his arms around you
➤ “oh, darling. what did you do?” “i thought we could match… stop laughing!”
jake ji
➤ oh. my. god. bro falls head over heels for your new look
➤ you’d been sporting long hair for as long as jake had known you, so when you show up one day with your hair chopped to your shoulders, jake cannot keep his hands to himself
➤ i see him constantly appearing out of nowhere to touch the ends of your short hair. he’d do this so much that you end up snapping at him to leave your head alone, but of course, that doesn’t work
wolf keum
➤ you don’t know why, but the bright lime green dye was calling your name from the second you walked into your salon
➤ when you lifted the back of your hair and showed wolf the neon color underneath, all he could do was blink and say “why does it suit you so well?”
➤ like, wolf (aka the guy with Purple™️ hair) is confused as to why that hideous shade of lime looks amazing on you. the one color he voted to ban from salons everywhere
jimmy bae
➤ you always complained about how much you hated how your outgrown bangs would slip from behind your ears and fall into your eyes
➤ when jimmy suggested for you to get a haircut, he wasn’t entirely serious. he liked those cliche moments where he could tuck your hair behind your ear
➤ imagine his surprise when you come home with your bangs cropped short
➤ you look great, don’t get me wrong, but jimmy will mourn his excuses to getting in your personal space to play with your previously long bangs
jack kang
➤ you’d wanted to cut your hair short for a long time and always told jack you’d do it one day
➤ when you said short, he didn’t think you meant short. your hair was now nearly as short as his, and when jack first saw you, he couldn’t get his jaw off the floor
➤ “y/n… you’re bald!” “shut up, jack, no i’m not!”
➤ still, after the stock settles, your new look grows on your boyfriend. he likes running his fingers over the soft, short hairs above the back of your neck
dean kwon
➤ you decided to get a perm and you loved it. it was older, something you’d never done before, but you hoped your boyfriend dean would find it pretty as well
➤ not only did dean find your new hairstyle “pretty”, but he also couldn’t keep his hands to himself
➤ his fingers often ended up mindlessly tangled in your locks, twirling and twisting your curls as he focused on other work
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broncoburro · 8 months
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Meur (or magic) is a natural force in Vestur. Since the invention of the Andimeur Synthesizer (a device that converts it into a form usable by man), Vestur’s aristocracy has continually found new uses for it. From homes heated by red meur to nutritionally dense food aided by green meur, the Tri-Kingdom has gained the distinction of most scientifically advanced country in the known world.
Children in Vestur sometimes play a clapping game that goes as such:
“Green’s for the beans on my supper plate, Blue’s for the clean water enjoyed while I ate, Red warms my toes when there’s snow on the ground, Yellow’s how a Southern fellow steers his ship around, And if he crashes it upon the shore The Architect alone will decide his score: Black, White, Black, White, Black, White, Black If the man is slack, it’s the work of Black If he avoids the light-- Then thank goodness, it’s White!”
Like all good children’s songs, it ends in giggles about dying a horrible death. But it effectively teaches every child in the Tri-Kingdom about what each of the six meur types, or colors are, and their most common use cases.
Green meur affects the botanical world. While plants cannot be summoned into existence through green meur alone, it can be used to grow plants in conditions that shouldn’t be able to foster them. It may also alter their growth trajectory or physical properties. Almost none the of the plants grown in the Northern Kingdom could survive the nutrient-poor, hard soil without green meur. Specializing in green meur may sound tame or perhaps boring at first (and green meur users are stereotyped as such), but bring domesticated thorny vine seeds onto the battlefield and a competent green meur user will be sending barbed tendrils through an enemy’s torso in seconds.
Blue meur pertains to water. The ability to command water’s flow has several use cases in itself: powering water wheels, irrigation for agriculture, maintenance of sewerways. But this meur type takes on new complexities when you consider water’s other states. Ice can be easily weaponized, and some innovative meur scientists have been doing research into engines powered by steam. Even more mysterious, it seems water’s omnipresence on earth has lent blue meur some properties related to the flow of time. There’s more to blue meur than is currently understood.
Red meur is pure energy in the form of heat. When wielded by man, It’s most commonly seen as fire. Heat is useful for everything from keeping a forge running to warming air in houses. Red meur is (sadly) not a free energy buffet though, and has some major downsides: it’s inherently tiring and energy-intensive on the user. In addition, fine control is difficult. Red meur users have something of a reputation for being none too bright, but many of said users would rebuff this with “easy to use, difficult to master”.
Yellow meur affects air. It’s mainly used to influence wind direction and speed, leading to some of the fastest trade ships in the known world. As a result, yellow meur is an eclectic choice for anyone to specialize in besides Southerners. The current use cases are narrow... but this might be more due to lack of interest in the field than anything else. Who knows, perhaps some sort of yellow meur related discovery is around the corner....?
Green, blue, red, and yellow are the standard meur colors. Upwards of 95% of Vestur's nobility have their specialty in these four. There are two less common meur types though, and they have a lot of mythologizing around them, as well as being less understood.
White meur is usually described by laymen as “the healing one”. Say that to any white practitioner and watch him start pulling his hair out in frustration and screeching through gritted teeth, “its so much deeper than that!”. Those who use white meur must, in addition to finishing standard meur education at Vestur Royal Military Academy, score well on the White College Aptitude Test and be accepted to the College of Divine Healing, where they’ll learn about the human body, pathology, and advanced white meur for an additional two years. Only then can one be certified as a white practitioner. Without knowing what you’re putting back into place and why, it’s horrendously easy to do more harm than good when mending the human body.
All this said, white meur can’t do miracle work. Wound closure or bone refusing is one thing – regrowing a whole arm or bringing someone back from the dead is strictly in the realm of fantasy.
Black meur inflicts death, plain and simple. It is unilaterally outlawed. Its only practical use is in combat, but black meur is considered a dishonorable way to inflict suffering. Any of the standard colors can just as easily be used to kill. Only one nobleman in all of Vestur is registered as a black meur user, and the designation was given as a soft way to say, “you are disallowed from wielding meur of any color”. Though... he really is quite talented at it, as circumstance will soon reveal.
And those are the meur colors! Every noble child in Vestur goes to VRMA and gets educated on the principles of wielding each, but as a graduated nobleman in the service of your community, a person may only specialize in one.
Any given two blue meur users likely have their in very different applications: one might maintain a city’s sewerways, and another might work to provide potable water in an area where there is none. There is a lot of variation and opportunity within any given color.
(The little emblems for the meur types, as with all of Forever Gold's more graphic design-y work, were done by LSDolphin!)
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cherry-pyon · 4 months
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The four seasons of
Mankai Company
Synopsis: Things escalated quicker than you can process but luckily it ended well, for now. The four of you are on a mission to find new members, form the first troupe, and bring it to Furuichi until sunset or else the demolition of your father's agency will continue! Although you and your big sister are sure to find one, or two if you're lucky enough, is it just easier said than done? Or you'll be able to hold the title of 'The Saviour of Mankai Company'?
May contain incorrect grammars (English is not my first language)
Will follow the manga, but there will be a lot of changes
Different flow of story due to two protagonists (you and Izumi)
Reader is 16 while Izumi is 24 (not canon but is considered)
Long ass series so I won't blame you if you get bored the first time you look at it
P.s: A3! Characters are legally and respectfully owned by Liber Entertainment Inc. and I do not claim them. I only own the changes in the plot of the story.
|☆Chapter 1| |☆Chapter 2|
Chapter 111:
Spring is...back?
You're trying to catch your breath. Both of your hands are now gripping tightly in your sling bag as you stand still beside a lamp post where your big sister holds onto for dear life. Your chest huffs and puffs and continues to seek for air to fill your deprived lungs
"Nee-san, are you sure we can find new members here?" It's the first thing you said before she looked up to you. You can see her drained face like the life inside of her has been sucked out, her grip is still on the lamp post as she motioned her other hand to wait for her answer. "I told you to slow down! I almost tripped on my feet earlier, you know!" you scolded your big sister, to which she just laughed off as her way of apologizing between her nonstop pants. The two males had just finished catching their breaths and are now looking concerned at the two of you
"Is she-"
"She's okay, Matsukawa-san, sorry for making the two of you worry" You swiftly turned your whole body to them with a reassuring smile whilst your hands are kept behind your back and bowed respectfully for causing such a ruckus, right now you're trying to distract them from your sister—who's now at the verge of dying but she can't just die yet, you still have a mission to accomplish!
A few minutes had passed, you decide to look behind your shoulder when your big sister finally replies to you, "Trust your big sister on this, (Y/n). I promise you I'll do the best that I can!" She proudly said with her hand pressing on her chest
"Ahhhh, this will save our agency!" Matsukawa cried out of happiness, the other boy couldn't hide his smile while he looked at the two of you
Now that you remember it, haven't the two of you met before arriving at the theater? You were confused as to why he acts as if you weren't there, you felt a pain in your chest as you dramatically closed your eyes while your lips formed a pout, you were lost in your own thoughts until you heard a familiar voice near you
"Hey! I'm sorry I couldn't find the perfect timing to talk to you earlier, but I'm so glad that we met again!!" You heard his cheery voice, the one that held so much passion earlier on stage, you opened your eyes and turned your head to your side, your eyes met his that matched the color of his beautiful dark-pink hair, together with his lovely smile that illuminated an exact replica of how each and every flowers bloom every time spring season arrives. He held so much joy that you can feel yourself hallucinate cherry blossoms blooming around his face, just like the first time you met
"I also couldn't find the perfect timing to talk to you, but I'm also glad to meet you again. I was also surprised to find out that we're actually going to the same location" you curved your lips into a small smile; a gentle one, he chuckled to your reply, "I was really surprised I saw you from the audience! How's my performance?" He was quick to switch the topic as he cannot wait any longer for your comment. "It was good! The talking parrot surprised me for a bit but you're good at acting, I think you just need some more experience and also members" his cheeks slightly turned pink and thanked you upon hearing your personal remark, he didn't know but just hearing it from you makes him feel like he doesn't need anyone's comments anymore; yours is the only acceptable one, but he brushed it off as he thought that's a bit too selfish to think about for someone he just met
Izumi clapped her hands to gain the other three's attention, to which she successfully did. "Come on now, everyone. There's no time for us to feel safe" she starts to walk away and motions her hands to follow her steps, "We have to find new members, we can't let him know we're just lying!"
And with that, you heard the manager scream as if his life was going to end now, actually, you knew this was coming so you covered your ears, you can't help but to look around after that, seeing lots of eyes looking at him weirdly for causing such a scene
"It was more like a street act than a lie" your big sister pouts her lips in pure disappointment as he corrected him, I mean it shattered her heart knowing that thing wasn't considered a top-tier acting even though the first time she acted was in elementary
You averted your eyes from the two males, you know very well you're your big sister's accomplice because this feels more like a crime than a lie
"S-so our agency will actually be demolished?" You turned your head to the dark-pink haired boy-that-you-still-don't- know-the-name-until-now-because-it-kept- slipping-out-of-your-mind as his voice cracked, 'He's about to cry, nee-san! It's all your faulttt' you can see how his eyes attempted to tear up. The manager crouched down as he kept crying, not giving care about the people who came across him in this state
"We have to find new members to cancel it" Your big sister begins to look around for someone who looks interested in acting, "I don't think you can find someone who wants to act just by looking at their clothes and their aura alone, nee-san, that's called being judgemental" your sister tried to ignore your words as she kept her eyes on the lookout and her lips whistling as if to block your voice. "Nee-san!" You shouted as she began to sneak away from you and you caught her in action, "Don't act like you didn't hear me!" She tried to laugh it off but you gave her an unimpressed look
"I don't know what I can do, but please let me help too!" The boy politely interrupted as he openly rests his hand to his chest, 'Well atleast we have another help' you sighed in relief. Your sister, on the other hand, cooed at the boy's offer as she dramatically wiped a non-existent tear from her eyes, her hands clasped together and she approached the said boy
"What a sweet boy!" She unexpectedly ruffled the boys' hair, to which surprised the latter. Then she was quick to switch to pinching both of his cheeks which earned an uncomfortable groan from him, you tried to hide your laugh as the poor boy from your sister's grasp was trying his best to seek help. She stopped as she apologized to the boy who had his cheeks puffed up red and swollen
"Ah! By the way, I'm Tachibana Izumi and this is my little sister Tachibana (Y/n), what's your name?" She asked, atleast it didn't slip through your sister's mind, she saved you from it, you scooted closer to your sister as you mumbled a small, "It's nice to meet you"
"My name is Sakuya Sakuma. "Saku" as in "Bloom" Nice to meet you!" He happily bowed just like you did
Now that everything is settled, in the meantime, and now that you finally know his name, all you can worry about is how you and your big sister will find new members and bring it to Furuichi by sunset. You think that the three of you are depending on your big sister, but you don't want her to take all the responsibility, you're also here for a purpose, and you don't want your sister to take all of the problems and burdens and keep it to herself, you want to prove that she can also depend on you when it comes to situations like this. And with that, you decided that it's time for you to speak up and let them hear your own suggestion
"I think that if we need new members, we need to promote the agency. We need to start by showing them what we can provide and what makes the Mankai Company better than the others!"
"That's a great idea! What can the Mankai Company provide?" Your little sister happily agreed with your idea and turned his attention to Matsukawa, this of course boosts your pride as you can't help but smile so idiotically, you just wished someone won't catch you in the act for this kind of concerning behaviour
"The Mankai Company provides a personal dorm for members, and they get to eat my cooking, two times, day and night!!" Matsukawa proudly replied, atleast now he can show off how good of a cook he is
"Well that doesn't seem too bad now, is it? Let's proceed with that!" Izumi hummed in agreement, feeling really motivated, "Lil sis, you'll be the interviewer and we'll be managers in charge of the auditions, okay?" She added, which horrified you. "What?! Why me?!" You whined as you tried to protest, but to no avail, your big sister doesn't let this one slip out and ignores your childish cavil. You simply just moved on about it as you had no other choice but to do it, it's for the sake of your father's agency, although you're a bit too hesitant to go all the way just for it to be saved, you know your sister's true to her words when she told Furuichi just how persistent she is at cancelling the demolition, and you don't want to crush all of her hardworks. It won't be for too long, so trust your big sister on this
"The recruitment for Mankai Company starts now! And the audition for new members will start" You purposely made your voice a little bit louder than normal so you would successfully gain the attention of random passersby. Although, given this to be your first ever street act, you can't avoid the shakiness and cracks of your voice, making you more embarrassed than you were before, it cringed you honestly, but you're ready to take risks, just for the agency to be in peace
"First! My name is Sakuya Sakuma, 17 years old!" His voice came out shaky too, it seems like no matter how hard he tries to act very confidently, his actions do the opposite effect and he hates it, he wants to show everyone how exciting and how fun performing can be but he guessed maybe now's not the right time, not when he still lacks experience
The street act went smoothly, in your perspective, you know very well the passersby are in complete contrast with your view, about your own story, and even though you get strange looks from random people, you've begun to grow tired of others misjudging you at first glance
"What's that?"
"Oh my, that looks awful"
"Is that supposed to be a street act?"
"Is it a part of a punishment game?"
You can see how your sister's face gloomed, which worsened the supposedly lively and cheerful mood you all had, "Oh...no one even gathered around us" It was like you both could read each other's minds and decided to drop the act right after she saw how ashamed you must have felt while looking around, seeing no one took any interest in your performance (except for one). You risked your dignity and sanity for this and yet no one was there to even watch it longer? Not fair, not fair at all
The streets were back to normal, almost as if nothing had happened. You silently walked out from the rest, looking around to examine the structures of different shops, you noticed a sidewalk, a bit higher than the street you were into so it's clearly above. It was right in front of you in a small alleyway, just between two tall shops. There, you noticed a single person leaning their arms on the sidewalk's pavement fence, is he looking at you? Maybe? But if he's focused on you then, maybe he's interested, it feels like he's been there for a while, but oh well! It won't hurt to try and ask so you let your feet lead your way to the strange guy
'Let's just hope he likes acting'
"Excuse me, are you perhaps interested in acting?" You went in the alleyway on the other side of the road as you raised your head to look up to him, he was startled for a bit when you started talking to him—his cheeks slowly burning and a dust of pink can be seen if you pay close attention
"E-ehh? Uhmmm.." his lips moved a little but his voice can't be heard, it seems like he was mumbling something to himself but you can't really hear it because of the distance between you and him
"Maybe you saw our performance, or maybe not, but right now we're in desperate need of new members-"
"(Y/n)! What are you doing over there?" You were quick to turn your head when you heard your sister call you out, they crossed the road to get to you and were curious to know who you were talking to just now, you are about to explain when Sakuya spoke
"Eh? Masumi-kun? Aren't you Usui Masumi-kun?" He was the first to initiate a conversation with the mysterious guy
"Do you guys know each other?" It was your big sister's turn to ask, and Sakuya was quick to nod in response, also humming with it
"We never talked to each other before, but he is my underclassmen" Sakuya gave out a cheerful smile, while the guy who's named Masumi was much more doing the opposite: he was frowning as he holds the headphones dangling from his neck, attempting to put it back on as he observed us from above
"Masumiiii!" He fake cried, expecting to get Masumi to feel guilty but he felt no remorse at all
"Uhmm..Masumi-kun, if you're interested, why don't you try to join?" Izumi offered, clasping both her hands on the side of her face as she tilted her head to the side, willingly waiting for either his refusal or approval. It went silent for like five seconds before he could muster up the energy for an answer, or rather another question
But before that, he held onto the fence really tight and hopped over it and did a stunt you all didn't expect, you had a mini heart attack from what he did because it was kinda high and it's scary but you're left amazed and impressed at the same time
"Is she also a member?" He was surprisingly calm right after he did that scary stunt. He averted his gaze from everyone else but he kept stealing glances at you every second. Surely, he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable by his eyes slowly burning a hole through you from all of that gazing and glancing. You don't know but your sister can smell something fishy going around, and she's certain that she can't just let it slide
"Eh?? Oh kids these days..." She sighed at herself while clicking her tongue in disapproval, but the only thing that didn't match her overall behaviour was her smile creeping up, you weren't too happy about it, I mean your big sister is back to being that typical aunt that likes to ship you with almost every boy he met, not to mention her being too similar to that one aunt you both have in your hometown
"Nee-san, you're acting way too similar to auntie Rina" you joked, while giving her the 'I'm tired of this stuff, Nee-san' look, she only replied to you with a knowing smile, thinking that you're just acting too shy about it
"I don't know about that Mas-"
"What are you talking about?! She's one of our boss! Both of them are our directors!" Matsukawa interrupted, which was unexpected and it surprised the two of you because he had been real quiet after that horrible street act
'I haven't even agreed to join yet' Izumi thought but she realized it was too late to back out now, she hopes this won't be too hard of a job
"I will join if she's there" He finalized his words with a quick glance at you, which you didn't quite catch but your big sister was quick enough to nudge your shoulder and tease you
"Really? You'll join?!" Sakuya was too happy to care about how harsh Masumi is to him, he was quick on his feet to run towards him
"I don't care about you"
"That's true, but I'm happy!" He tried to hug him but he was quick to dodge and grabbed Sakuya's hair, pushing him down as Sakuya tried to fight back by grasping his arms
"You hear that (Y/n)? He's so sweet, that boy is sweet"
"Nee-san, pleaseee" you whined, not really in the mood for things such as this
Izumi was having fun teasing you about it, Masumi can't stop looking at you, Sakuya and Matsukawa are way too busy celebrating and here you are, trying your best to stay calm and composed
'What should we do? I didn't even decide to join yet' You bit your lip as you felt your anxiety rising up, can you really handle such a big responsibility?
'But he's our newest member, it feels bad deceiving him, but I guess I should keep it in me for now'
"Entry no.2: Masumi Usui, sixteen years old, my hobby is listening to music, and my reason to join Mankai Company is to support the director"
And right after that, girls swooned around him, completely blocking him from the others, you can see how he's trying his best to break free, which he successfully did, but the girls were still busy sticking to him like some leech, squealing and screaming then and there
"Masumi-kun is so cool!!" Sakuya exclaimed in awe, too stunned with how much effect Masumi has on the girls
"He's well composed, and he's incredibly good" you mumbled as Matsukawa hummed in agreement
It was obvious how irritated he is, with the way his eyebrows furrowed as he looked behind him where the girls were, and it was obvious how his mood quickly changed from irritated to head-over-heels. I swear you're starting to think if this was some sort of prank or act
"EEKKK!" You swear you felt your life was sucked out of you when he suddenly popped out in front, he mumbled out a worried "Sorry" before patiently waiting for your reply
"How's my performance?"
"It was good!"
"Did I do well just now?" You can hear how desperate he is for your answer just by his tone
"Your performance was outstanding-" Matsukawa decided to join in, but was quickly cut off by Masumi himself
"I'm not talking to you" He shot a glare to Matsukawa before taking all of his attention back to you
"Yes! Yes! Just continue doing that!" You replied back, feeling too bad about the manager's cries of sorrows. But honestly, you don't know anymore, you exhaled right after he blushed at your comments and left the scene. Right now you're trying to regain who you are the seconds before the incident. Izumi tried to cover her mouth and keep herself from laughing way too loud, you glared at her as you tried to cover your blush from the close proximity with him minutes ago. You're having a hard time differentiating what's true and what's not
"That was a good performance, Masumi-kun" Your big sister clapped her hands to gain the attention of the two boys across the street, Masumi politely thanked your sister, completely ignoring Sakuya who kept complimenting his performance
You were too relaxed knowing that you found another member that the deadline had slipped out of your mind, you reminded everyone as they came to realization except for Masumi who was a bit confused, but you'll explain the rest later and right now, all of you should run right now because time's running as well. You can see the station where you and your sister came from (Ch.1) and you caught a glimpse of a familiar person who just turned
"Nee-san! I know just the right person to find" you ran off, completely ignoring their calls because you might be too late to stop him
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Izumi groaned when you were nowhere to be seen, she began to panic about the thought of you getting lost because both of you are unfamiliar with this place
"Don't worry, I'll follow her" Masumi dashed away which left Izumi fumbling to find the right words to stop him
"Masumi-kun!" Sakuya was next to run. Izumi and Matsukawa— who were both being tagged into this mess had no other choice but to follow and run too
"PLEASE WAIT!" You don't care anymore, you don't care about attracting the attention of everyone who was there, he's the only last hope you have
"E-eh? Oh! It's you!" You were relieved he already recognized you, as you held onto your legs and pant uncontrollably, earning a worried look from the said male. It took you minutes for your breathing to be back to normal, maybe it'd be best if you never ran from the start
"You said you were looking for a dorm, right?!" He was confused at first but nods to your question
As you were about to introduce your agency, you were left astounded when you heard a familiar voice shouting not too far in front of the station
"Meals twice a day?!" It was more than enough for him to turn his head to find the source of this generous offer
'It seems like everyone managed to catch up' you sighed in relief as the blue-ish sky had started to slowly turn orange
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panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
Hey Pretz!! 2, 14, and 25 for the HBO War fandom positivity ask game please 💙
Zim zam, Lou!
2. Who are some of your fav creators/mutuals?
You put me in a situation right here 😭 I hate having to choose because I just love everyone and don't like leaving people out xD BUT, if i do really have to choose i'd go with @next-autopsy and @malarkgirlypop because of their fics! I don't keep up with a lot of reading so I only really know their works, and i absolutely FUCKING LOVE THEM!!!! And @sweetxvanixlla because oh my god. Those moodboards. I get the feelings. Also, @samwinchesterslostshoe because drawings. OH MY GOD THAT IS INSANE. Love my boy Antonio Julian Spiegeon.
I actually just want to tag everyone because I just love them and their stuff, tbh, but decided to go with a top 4 for now. If you are my mutual and is seeing this, I ALSO LOVE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU DO WANT TO HUG YOU AND KISS YOU ON THE FOREHEAD DON'T FEEL LEFT OUT.
14. Your fave underrated character?
Lou why are you so mean to me. W h y. I'm just here like- dying. Cannot choose. Will be letting you down 9n this one xD it's been too long since I last saw BoB and I can't remember right now who's more underrated, so I don't feel in a good enough position to choose from :'].
25. What colors do your mutuals remind you of?
Ok. Starting up with you, @luckynumber4, definetely dark or navy blue. I think it's because of your blog aesthetic but really, the url also fits and I love it.
@next-autopsy is emerald green. It's the color she uses on her fic and I cannot see Nex without thinking of that color anymore.
@xxluckystrike i think you remind me of gold. Like, golden flower fields; your personality definetely makes me think of that.
@malarkgirlypop is seafoam OR pink (that really strong one almost radioactive.) The seafom is because it simply fits her so fucking well??? Goes amazingly with her hair too. And the pink is because of her personality. She's just so radiant and catches your attentionwithouteven trying. Love it.
@land-sh is definetely wine. Yes its because of the blog. Fight me.
@sweetxvanixlla is this color: 🩵. Its an emoji she always uses and I cannot see this color anymore and not think of her; just amazing.
@georgieluz is lavander. That's it. He makes me think of it and I love that.
@footprintsinthesxnd is moss green. Idk but just gives ne the vibes; I think its simply so pretty and a not very appreciated color (yeah this is a call out. Everyone should appreciate Jess a lot. Love her.)
@coco-bean-1218 is light pink. Mostly because of her old pfp, but also because she seems soft and is so very kind! Light pink fits her a lot.
@whollyjoly is orange, mostly because that flower crown in her pfp always catches my eye (i fucking love that holy shit).
@mads-weasley is also orange. Based in vibes alone. Love u.
@iceman-kazansky is ice blue or white, they remind me of winter (i guess its because of the Gene pfp?? Idk) and I simoky love the feels.
@bucky32557038ww2 is salmon. Its a calm and good lookung color; it brings ne good feelings and I think it definetely fits you!
@holdingforgeneralhugs you. You are a hard one?? But like... your name makes me think of violet. That or any shade of purple, really.
@thewayisset is white. Its simple, i know, and its also heavily inspired on the pfp, but I just feel like white suits you.
@samwinchesterslostshoe is gray-ish red, because of the pfp on the discord group. I think its a pretty color that suits you :].
I am sure i forgot about some people but i really tried here xD I got the most my brain would let me and I think that's fair KEKEKEKEK
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padfootastic · 1 year
One of my favorite semi-crack headcanons is that Narcissa actually does look like her relatives, she’s got naturally black hair and gray eyes, but she initially started wearing glamor charms/charms to change the color after the war to avoid the number of people giving her suspicious looks for her resemblance to two notorious Death Eaters and her husband who’d only avoided a conviction through Ministry ineptitude and legit everyone suspects him of lying or also lied but knows the truth, but then she just fell into habit of doing this (and uses relatively permanent charms. They can be undone, but they don’t need to be constantly reapplied). Bella escapes from prison and says “what the hell happened to your hair—and your eyes” straight away, first thing she says to her sister after over a decade; Narcissa shrugs and says looking like her convicted criminal cousin and sister wasn’t winning her any favors, better swing the opposite direction to see if that helps. Andromeda, who looks like Bella’s twin, still got suspicious looks but marrying a Muggleborn and having his kid went a long ways toward making people trust her; she has a scathing commentary on her sister deadass changing her appearance to try to dodge the DE allegations and it is one of the first things she says to Sirius after meeting him again. Draco genuinely cannot recognize younger photos of his mother and fully thinks this is her natural appearance; he gets a nasty shock when he learns otherwise and he only discovers the truth because Rabastan was telling his sort of nephew stories of what they all used to be like and found a photo album that had their old pictures. Rabastan watches the kid stare at 16 year old Narcissa Black with her little cousins at her side—all three looking near identical and laughing together—and wonders if he broke the kid and if so, can he fool Narcissa into thinking he didn’t play a role in this; he sadly decides he can’t and frantically tries to calm Draco down, because if Narcissa doesn’t hex him into next year, she’ll just tell Bella and Bella most certainly will. Sirius once saw a recent photo of Cissy and choked on his breakfast, pre-seeing Andy again, asking who the hell that woman was because it sure isn’t his cousin. Upon the younger lot confirming that’s just how she looks now, he hollers for Tonks to go get her mother, Sirius needs to find out what the hell her sister is up to. This is the first time the younger kids meet Andromeda and she makes a hell of an impression
ok but why is this actually hilarious lmao
i think i’ve seen something adjacent to this in a fic where someone (sirius?) makes a crack ab narcissa partially dying her hair blond a la the movies to try and fit in better w the maggots and the thought is honestly too funny.
some teenage girls get a tattoo of their bfs, some teenage boys carve their crush’ names into their hands, and narcissa black permanently colors her hair blond and staunchly stands by that decision well into her adult years (while resolutely cursing her fair skin for betraying her embarrassed flush)
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fanfoolishness · 2 months
For the fic writer ask game - 8, 16, 23? For the fic you're most proud of!
I'm both happy you sent me questions and also dying because I apparently have 319 stories on AO3 to choose from 💀💀💀
I would say I'm proud of any of my multichapter fics because those are so much harder and come so much more rarely to me. So here's some answers for a few of those!
8. Did you cut something out of the outline or early draft? What was it and why did you decide to cut it?
In A Sickness of the Soul, Cal has to begin to confront the dark side within his heart, after trying to run from the trauma and grief after Jedi: Survivor. He goes to a planet rich in the Force and as usual in Star Wars he is confronted by what he carries with him. I was initially going to have a confrontation with a shadow!Cal, who would taunt him and goad him into fighting. But we'd already seen Inquisitor!Cal in JFO, and we've also seen this trope of fighting the self in Star Wars many times. It just wasn't flowing. So I scrapped that whole concept, and had him confront -- silence. Sitting with his emotions, instead of running from them. Accepting them. It was a quieter, less showy way to take it, but it felt much better for the story.
16. Talk about the fic's biggest moment and how you came up with it.
In Reverberations, funnily enough Din and Grogu visit the same planet I sent Cal to! I created the planet for Din and Grogu first as a place of peace and beauty, though in Cal's story, it's a world of trials because that is what he brings with him. Throughout Reverberations, Din and Grogu have encountered the dark side many times, using reflections of dark or unsettling places I've visited. It's honestly a horror anthology until the end.
But the final chapter sees Grogu leading Din to a place of light, light, light, based on Glendalough Forest in Ireland. As soon as I came up with the idea of Reverberations being a five things fic, I wanted it to be five times Din and Grogu faced the dark side, and once they didn't. I knew they would need a soft ending after their trials, and that I wanted Grogu to grow and start to have a greater awareness as both a child and a student of the Force. The biggest moment in my heart is the ending here, as Grogu understands that Din cannot control the Force, he can still reflect it like a tree, a stone, a lake.
and y'know, this whole section still makes me cry, so here it is.
Grogu knew the gray hair and the lines meant that Buir was getting older, that that meant something different for Buir than it did for him.  Humans shone for such a little time.  He understood that one day, both Buir and Master Luke would fade away, long before he did.  It made him sad.  But he knew that it was natural, and he knew that he was strong and brave. He also knew that he would not be alone, even when Buir and Master Luke were gone.  The Force was eternal.  It was so bright here, living breathing flowing free, a river in a silver-wood, a golden song, a promise.  It streamed through him, immense and ancient, luminous and new. The green moss on the guide-stones unfurled with bell-like flowers in blue and red and yellow, in snowy white and deep jet black, in colors he knew he would never have the words for.  The forest-song bloomed, filled with the voices of the chorus-crickets, the goldthrushes, the land itself.  The Force was here.  Light was here.  Grogu wondered if Buir could understand, at least a little; he gazed up at him hopefully, and studied his face.   Buir was happy.  Buir was crying.  Buir was here with Grogu.
23. How did you come up with the title?
I love A Sickness of the Soul because who doesn't like alliteration, and the title was nearly the first thing I came up with. It came from Merrin's description of her people's understanding of the dark side, and how it could take over a person. Being a Nightsister doesn't automatically consign you to the dark side in my book; it uses dark energy, but I see a way for Nightsisters to let it flow past them instead of through the heart of them. But when you welcome the dark into the heart and feed it with your own darkness, that is when it can overtake you. She tells this to Cal as a fable, of an an understanding of the dark side outside of the bounds of Jedi lore, but it also is an understanding of the depression Cal has sunk into, and has been running from. She tells him he is sick, and the confrontation forces him to finally admit that he needs help.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
aww I'm gonna miss the Cove icon but who's the lady? 030
help i got so confused for a sec i totally forgot i changed my pfp but then I realized n pls I've never closed genshin faster...
the cove icon is such a staple tho!!! I hope yall recognize me without it but I trust my regular horny posts will be all you need anyway LOL
altho it may or may not come back some time after October yk, I was just tryna get in the spooky mood n stuff hehe but we'll see bc I am Crazy over this lovely lady here
well.. ngl she's nameless right now. but she is my 3rd baxter child, yes I'm still on that bc yall ruined me w baxters kids being colorful n shit n now I like to laugh abt his child's fashion choices becoming progressively more colorful n crazier than his....
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BUT TO INTRODUCE MY GIRL A BITTTT (also I'm literally drawing smth else for her n I didn't expect to reveal her like this but... she's everything to me n I cranked this out in like 3-4 hours bc I'm crazy)
anyway, she's Very into gyaru fashion, specifically n mostly kogal and kuro
she's looks like a cinnamon roll, will beat your ass!!!, I'm thinking she does competitive ballroom dancing like baxter or she can at least dance well enough to wear you out n tell you you suck
she's sarcastic, has the worst RBF of the whole family. at least baxter n theo look like they're just smug flirty assholes n aurelia looks more approachable in comparison to this lovely lady here.
also she has a heart shaped freckle. it's faint n you can't even rlly tell here but it's under her eye (I realize all my baxters children have one under their eye but idc. I am ONTO SOMETHING)
anyway.. her n theo are besties and baxter has to check in at night bc they'll be in her room painting each others nails n doing nail extensions or dying her hair (its 2 toned if you havent guessed, ive seen it sm n im obsessed n so she had it okay) like go to SLEEP YOU HAVE SCHOOL TMRW!!!
just thought abt it. she's obsessed w true crime, food, makeup, and stationary videos, and the stardew valley/the sims
also just decided she is soon for the ladies. I'm thinking lesbian n demisexual, mmm
don't ask how, just know that it's true.
hates pickles. she is me. she is my child... omg Aurelia likes pickles. I was gonna say theo but he's a ramble for another time omfg I am thinking SO MUCH
anyway... ik you didn't ask for a ramble abt my oc but I will take this and run w it okay
she is very introverted but when she picks friends you are now 4lifers okay you cannot get rid of her n why would you want to? you life was a mess before her. trust. /j /lh
she's like baxter so much in the way she worries n has insecurities n stuff, honestly I think she inherited the identity crisis thing baxter got going on over there
also is the youngest and very much an accident (just like aurelia, dw they're FINE everyone laughs abt baxters reaction now which I will make a bit of later bc I'm thinking many thoughts abt the boys finding out mc is preg) so she's a bit spoiled bc her siblings were at least 9 n loved her sm when she was born
(imagining theo passing her to you or baxter n running away when she had a dirty diaper... pls thats so funny)
now ik what it's like to jump at any chance to talk abt your ocs n how fucking crazy it makes you.... I am unstoppable now
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Ooh hit me with that oc universe and oc character lore!!
I have two oc universes, one where I know the environment and the religion, but not the characters, and the other one is the opposite. No, they cannot be combined. Different vibes, however similar they may be.
(to everyone that doesn't want to read this it's no problem just look at that nice little break there)
So my universe where I have only really figured out the characters has a bunch of characters. I have written down 25 1/2 characters. the 1/2 is because one character is pregnant, and three of the characters are chickens. there are four families, a few couples, and a few miscellaneous characters. another fairly important thing to know is i started building in a Minecraft superflat world, and the people's personalities all come from the builds. I built most stuff first, then came up with the characters. it's useful to know what their space looks like.
the first two characters I came up with are Bob Smushbottom and Nora Goodstock. Bob is a doctor for the town, and he has a dog. He's about 60. Nora is in her mid forties, and has a partner named Lisa. Nora owns an apothecary, and has almost completely gray hair, and it's probably dyed that way, but no one really knows. spoiler, it is absolutely dyed gray, and she looks good in it. The two "most important" (the ones that I would most likely write a webcomic or book about) are Benji and Maria. Maria lives on a farm just outside the town, and Benji is an apprentice for his father's butcher shop. They are 19 and 20, and it is absolutely a love story + getting out of an abusive situation.
the second OC universe is a lot. The first thing I ever came up with was a huge fantasy library. the second thing was the religion. there are seven deities, and everyone has a specific god that looks over them. to tell who looks over you, there will be a specific mark like a rune on the back of your dominant hand. it kinda looks like if your hand was blushing or if you were lightly pinched in a certain pattern.
there's lucky numbers, some magic, and quite a bit of superstition. they have a separation of church and state, and politicians are always in multiples of five. this is set on an island about half the size of Australia. their main exports are clothes and jewelry, and books. I have just now decided to switch a few names around and call the island Lykar.
librarians are extremely important in this culture because they hold the knowledge to almost everything. the library itself is in a separate dimension, which is accessible by 49 different doors on the island, usually connected to what looks like a tree root. the reason for the different dimension is because early on in their mythology, the god of balance wasn't doing their job very well and accidentally created a rip to another dimension. here is my horrible job of showing who is the head god. the gods below them don't have any particular rank except under the goddess of life. also I thought their pronouns were important as about half use they/them and this isn't a male-dominated society, this is a librarian-and-knowledge-dominated society.
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I think I haven't already mentioned that clothing and hair pieces are very important in this society. so I will get into it! it's my fav part. they live in a very warm place, so they tend to wear very lightweight clothes and light colors so the fabric won't retain heat as much. braids, French braids, and fishtail braids are very common, along with headbands of some kind holding it together. something else they wear is capelets to keep the sun off their chest, shoulders, and part of their neck and arms. tunics/dresses/anything loose like those things are worn across all genders as a base. pants and a shirt are normal enough to see, but they're not the thing most people would reach for.
there is so much more I could say, but the lore of the second universe is very extensive while the characters of the first one aren't quite as extensive but there 22 characters all of whom I know what exactly has happened to them.
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My Very Personal Probably-OOC Headcanon Take on Idril:
She was a sun that didn’t want to be a sun but constantly felt that she was given no other choices than to be the sun
She was the princess of this pure white city that was slowly dying from inside, the daughter of this king who used to be fair and wise but was now slowly being eaten alive by despair
In this wonderful city that caged itself with white bloodied walls against the darkness slowly growing outside, everyone desperately needed a sun, so she gritted her teeth and decided she had to be the Sun, she had to be the Hope, she had to make herself to be a fucking symbol instead of being herself.
In reality she had crippling anxiety because she could just see the doom coming, she did not know how but she knew the end was coming. And people who were actually close to her actually sensed it but they did not understand it. They did not believe her worries not because she was a pretty woman but because they deemed her paranoid and overthinking.
Like, the girl needed some break and go have fun creatively with her very hot husband.
And I cannot believe she would ever be okay with her son becoming saver of the world, no she never wanted her son to be the prophesied hero who sailed the void holding the star of hope. Yes she wanted the world to be saved but she did not want her son to become just ANOTHER FUCKING SYMBOL.
I kind of believe she sailed to the West in the hope that she could somehow convince the Valar to ACT so that HER SON DID NOT NEED TO. Which did not work out the way she wished though.
Even more personal completely-made-up headcanon:
(Inspired by that post from someone else pointing out that many Noldor elves may actually had encountered Morgoth (as Melkor) in very casual, daily circumstances (you know what I sold him lemon flavored cupcakes) before the whole spider drinking trees thing happened)
She was little, she saw this strange Vala named Melkor who was very beautiful (on his way corrupting Noldor) a couple times when she was playing, and she disliked him but she could not explain WHY. However everyone else seemed to welcome this Vala so she thought she should at least be polite. 
So she tolerated this creepy Vala handing her candies, patting her head and praising her very beautiful golden hair. No line was ever crossed, but she was deeply uncomfortable to be touched and praised by this strange Vala. 
(Melkor knew she was upset and enjoyed it, to the point that he would “accidentally” bump into her in public and pat her head with other people around smiling at the scene of friendly Vala being nice to little girl. He enjoyed messing with her, and the interaction was used by him to endear Noldor elves to believe he was so kind and good-with-kids.)
Then the trees thing happened, her grandfather was murdered by this VERY HANDSOME VERY NICE Vala who handed her candy patted her head and she was polite to this fucker. She was disgusted and she wondered if things could change, her grandfather could still be alive HAD HER TOLD HER PARENTS that this Vala was creepy as fuck. But she did not dare to tell this to anyone, and she felt guilty and tainted and disgusted with herself.
Then her parents decided to leave home to fight this creepy fucker, and decided to leave her back home because she was so very young, but she insisted to follow because she had to go with them because it was all HER FAULT.
Then when crossing the ice she and her mother both fell into the icy water and her father was only able to save her. And she regretted, she REGRETTED, if she did not come with her parents probably her mother could be saved. 
Basically she had a severe case of survivor’s guilt. And people just KEPT. DYING. AND. SUFFERING. AROUND. HER. in all her fucking life.
(Valar were really nice to at least let her keep her very hot husband, that’s the fucking silver lining.)
(Also when she saw Maeglin-weird-creepy-child-son-of-evil-father-with-evil-color-palette-actually-just-fucking-traumatized: Okay I AM NOT GOING TO REPEAT MY MISTAKE. I am not going to trust this one NO MATTER HOW. I am going to tell EVERYONE do not fucking trust this FUCKER.)
(I just enjoy headcanonning that all these beloved light-side characters actually had their minds messed-up this-and-that creative ways)
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guytheporn · 2 years
Tryst Escort
I’m almost convinced that escorts are the noblest work of God! These sexy-as-sin seductresses simply enjoy doing what our wives, girlfriends, mistresses, and lovers won’t do and love nothing more than taking you to cloud 9 on the wings of orgasms so rad it feels like you are being torn apart!
    Finding an escort is generally easy, but that depends on where you are at. So, don’t travel to somewhere like North Korea and start looking for an escort, or you risk getting your head forcefully detached from your body!
Speaking by numbers
    So, as you and I are both aware, there are lots of sites that host significant quantities of escorts and little else. One of these is Tryst.link, which I am sure most of you have long bookmarked. It claims to be the numero uno where escorts are concerned and the biggest host of sex workers and escorts this side of the cumming heavens.
    Since I had nothing doing today I thought I should review Tryst.link. Buckle up and read my Tryst.link review.
The Girls Are Cumming!
    There are thousands of escorts on Tryst.link, with the services they offer varying from BDSM to massages that end with your getting massive cum out of your system. If you got deep pockets and want to explore, you can book these high-class babes for just about everything, and see if you can break the record for how much jism you can produce within 24 hours!
    Once you are on the site you get prompted to pick the gender you identify as. Doing this means the site can better present the best escorts for your discerning tastes. Next up is the terms and conditions page and you better click the Agree option or get booted out.
    The site design is a simple affair, and premium looking too. The majority of the page is filled with escort profiles and these are the ultra-sexy babe types whose cunt temperature you have always been dying to take with your long cock. The most recent, BBW escorts and more are right there on the homepage where your eagle eye cannot miss them, while the bottom of the page hosts the About Us section for those who feel like writing a treatise about Tryst.link.
    Also featured is a very extensive list of filtering options. This lets you search for escorts within a hundred kilometers of your location, or filter them by gender, hair/eye color, age, height, body type, rates, ethnicity, services offered, and loads more.
    You can sign up on Tryst.link if you want to or just wander around for free like a eunuch. When signing up you have to decide if you are going to be a provider of escort services or a client. If you have ever wanted to become an escort, this might be the place for you, but only so long as you have a quality body that can offer quality services to your cumming clientele.
The Cumming Girls Of Tryst.link
    Like I said before, there’s plenty of escort profiles on the homepage. Each escort profile list details like place of residence, fees to be paid for whatever you feel like doing, how many photos are available, and if she's in the mood for business. Click a profile thumbnail and you get loads more information, like a comprehensive physical and personal description that lets you know what assets the escort can bring to bear, plus her likes and dislikes and hi-res photos aplenty. Most escorts appear willing to travel to other countries for dick riding and more, though that option does not come cheap.
    Contact details are also available on the profile of all escorts. You get their email and mobile, plus even their social media links. So long as you got the money you can book these girls wherever in the world you might be. Just scroll to the profile of the escort you like and if she is not nearby, simply have her come to you and screw your brains out in the most orgasmic fashion she can manage. Talk about convenience!
What I Think
    Tryst.link is a premium escort site for those who like their escorts clean, heavenly, and always in the mood to give or receive pleasure. It is packed with usable features, but the available escorts are premium cunts that not every Tom, Dick, and Harry can afford.
    Overall, this is one of the best, if not the best premium escort site, and dang if looking at it doesn’t make me feel good!
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[watch me ramble about psych language things]
my psychology of language class is now making spiral into the abyss of how capturing the identity of something in its name is no use.
the quote from r&j "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" kind of is the perfect exmaple for this hmm
taking into account that we have three different things in a term: the meaning, the significant and the symbol. the meaning is what this thing is, the word we use to refer to it (rose, or tree or bird), the significant is what we use to identify that thing (a rose is a flower that -usually- is red and is an specific way and has thorns, a tree is this nature thing that has a bark and then it has some sort of leaves, a bird is an animal that has feathers and wings), and the symbol is the object we use to picture it in our heads (if I saiy tree, you would probably imagine one since we cannot read a word of something we know and not imagine it, or using the terms i've said before, we cannot read a meaning and not see the symbol of said meaning if we know it)
but of course it gets waaay more complex than that, as you can guess, because different symbols and objects have the same word or the same meaning, although their significant is different and their symbol is too. And using a significant for two things does not mean they share meaning. Picture for example the story about Plato, defining a man as a "featherless biped". A man IS a featherless biped, but, as Diogenes proved, a chicken plucked of its wings also shares that significant.
But what about the identity? Because we sure love to use that term and yet, do we know how to define it? The identity is the description of something, the significant; and yet is it? Significants do not change, they are definitions of something, descriptions. The identity is something that, to some point, allows change.
For example, if you take me, Carmen (meaning) and you describe me as a white caucasian young adult girl with ashy blonde hair and grey eyes (significant), you might get more or less a picture of me in your head (symbol. probs not an accurate one since the significant is vague, but a representation of what i described you, nonetheless). Therefore, if I dyed my hair purple and tattoed my whole body and used colored lenses, the description and the symbol you have of me would change.
But not my meaning. Cause I'm still Carmen.
If I decided to change my name, my meaning would change.
But not my behaviour, not my likes and dislikes, not my identity. I would, to some point, still be me.
I guess there's some comfort in knowing that, even if everything about you changes on way or another, you would still be you on the inside.
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