#also she normally wears a hat as you might’ve seen. but i didn’t feel like drawing that lol
goldensunset · 2 years
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trainersona be upon ye! i don’t presently have a name for her yet but i have plenty of personality thoughts. i think from the moment i created her i thought ‘she looks like she’s really genuinely trying her best to be friendly but accidentally always comes off as kind of snobbish because she’s never had any normal interactions with people her age’. lol. she’s deeply caring but also definitely very blunt with her words. (i am firmly convinced that in canon the protag of this game is actually the most bizarre person in paldea btw)
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razorblade180 · 4 years
interdimensional dads 5 (Finale)
Orange, Blue, and Purple all make a drum roll on the table as they stare at Red, who is sipping coffee and trying not to laugh at the lunacy that is quite literally, himself.
Jaune: Y’all dome?
*drum roll stops*
Jaune:Yep, your turn. You have to be the buffest for a reason right?
Jaune:And look like you’ve seen shit?
Jaune:We’ve all been through shit. We’re us!
Jaune:Yeah, but you’re you.
Jaune:How- I’m not arguing with that one. Okay, my turn. Since you brought it up, we, I gained weight for a little bit and eventually got back into a workout routine. I might’ve went a little overboard but no one complains.
Jaune:Alright, now we can back this story up and start from wherever you like.
Jaune:Aight, I guess I start with my universe beating Salem. By that point, Ruby and I had been together for awhile. I think we were always together to a degree ever since RNJR formed. We obviously didn’t actually say anything but the time we spent felt different. At least for me it did. Maybe mourning Pyrrha had something to do with it but by the time Yang and Weiss showed up at Haven, Ruby and I were definitely on “friendly terms”
Jaune:You two are too much. Haha, let him continue.
Jaune:We were trying to keep it lowkey but I’m sure everyone knew. Back to Salem, that was insane. If you were to tell me I’d help save the world when I was only 19 then I’d laugh.
Jaune:Wait...19? I was twenty.
Jaune: I was 21! Are you saying Ruby beat Salem at 17!? That’s insane! Which one of us has the strongest versions of our friends? I never thought about it until now.
They all got silent and thought about it for a moment. That was a very good question.
Jaune:Ummm mysterious voice? Do you have an answer to that?
[Each person varies, but a majority is between Orange and Red. For example, Orange has the strongest Blake, while Red has the strongest Sun.]
Jaune:What about in terms of team RWBY?
[The feats in all universes make that a close race. Red, Orange, and Blue have extremely powerful Yangs that would most likely in a brutal draw. Collectively, the strongest team RWBY would be a tie between Red and Orange]
Jaune:Makes sense, my worlds peaceful.
Jaune:And mine doesn’t have any organized threat against it, just the dangers of living in a world trying to grasp the concept magic and gods again.
Jaune:Well we might not have a concrete answer but I’m sure my wife beats your Ruby. After beating Salem we continued traveling the world to thin out grimm threats, just the two of us. Not that the others didn’t want to but they needed a moment to breathe. Ruby and I however, we were kinda on a high of being the heroes we always dreamed of.
Jaune:Your victory lap was more adventure? Yeah you’re definitely built different from me. My Ruby went on missions but even she took a minute just to breathe. It was a very short minute, but the minute none the less.
[Comparing the two is like comparing an lone apex wolf to a jaguar.]
Jaune:Well then....all of that sounds scary.
Jaune:It wasn’t long before we got a house together. Built it actually, in Vacou. It’s a nice little spot over looking the town and another one in the distance. When Ruby was 19 she had really gotten into her stride and was only getting started. Also, I married her. I had known for awhile that she was the one so why wait? I wanted to go on all of her adventures and create new ones with her.
Jaune:Things were like walking on sunshine. All of Remnant knew about Ruby Rose, the huntress that saved the world with her friends. Then at 21, I got her pregnant. *scratches head*
Jaune:I know that scratch. That’s the “My bad” scratch!
Jaune:Okay, it wasn’t exactly planned. I was thrilled when I found out since I did want kids with her. I learned a month after she knew though because she wasn’t sure what to think at first. Ruby was perfectly happy being the hero, she hadn’t even hit her prime yet technically. When she told me though, it was after she had talked about it with Tai and thought about it. I think she might’ve been happier than me.
Jaune:My Ruby would give anything to have a kid.
Jaune:Mine would give anything for her husband back...
The mood suddenly got a little less cheery with that statement.
Jaune:Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring the mood down.
Jaune:It’s fine...this next part....isn’t happy. It’s the reason I fell out of shape, and partly the reason why I look like I’ve gone through shit.
Jaune:You lost the baby?
Jaune:Yeah but uhhh, not the way you’re thinking. The pregnancy was fine, the birth was a little rough but it was fine. A little baby boy, Dustin Arc-Rose. I saw him for about five minutes and then he was stolen, by Neo and Cinder. I must’ve ran the fastest I’ve ever had that day. Faster than even Ruby can move on a good day, and yet they got away. Yang, Weiss, and I stood on the roof of that hospital and watched the airship fade into the sunset. I must’ve stayed up there for hours, screaming. Yang and Weiss kept it together for my sake but not by much.
Jaune:Dude I am....I am so sorry that you went through that.
Jaune:We showed mercy to Cinder the day we beat Salem. It came back to bite us. Things fell apart after that. I shutdown, the others felt guilty, especially Yang. As for Ruby, she broke a little. She looked longer than anyone else for a lead and drowned herself in work for about a year. In that time we didn’t talk, I never knew where she was, if she’d come back. Tai ended up taking me to live with him and unfortunately, time wasn’t gonna wait for anyone. Lives had to be lived, Yang and Blake still had to get married. It just didn’t happen with Ruby.
Jaune:How did you even find the strength to keep going after that?
Jaune:In my world, Yang is my closet friend. Thick as thieves, the two of us always try to pick each other up. She never hesitated to be by my sad whenever I asked. I don’t think I could’ve made it without her since Ruby was gone. One day however, the two of them showed up out of the blue. Ozpin had decided to confront Ruby. For once I was glad he meddling in our lives. He got her to start moving on and come back to me. That day I realized how special my friends are. Most people would’ve looked down on me for failing, not going after Ruby, breaking down, but not them. They wanted me back on my feet for my own sake. Just like they wanted for her. I’m really blessed.
Jaune:That’s good. Friendships that you want to live for, I’m glad we wall have that in common.
Jaune:Yeah. Ruby and I took some time to be together after that. No work, no leads, just healing. In that year she was gone, Ruby had become a juggernaut in the huntsman community. Even got a nickname, The Storyteller. Keeping up with someone like that meant getting back into shape. Those months we spent together gave us a slither of the joy we had missed. Eventually, thanks to Yang having her child, we found the courage to try having another one. Her name is Carmine and she’s my gorgeous daughter. We even have another son much later named Garnet.
The other three Jaune’s clap happily.
Jaune:Yeah, that’s definitely a lot of shit to go through.
Jaune:Hats off to ya.
Jaune:How’s Carmine?
Jaune:*puts head on the table* Uuuugggghhh!
Jaune:Yeah, that’s sound you make when you have a headstrong daughter. Who does she take after?
Jaune:That’s just it, she doesn’t really. Not in personality anyways. Carmine is a bit weird socially. She can be pretty blunt, making her sound rude. She doesn’t mind having friends but at the same time keeps them at arms reach. She says they would slow her down. Not to mention her and Ruby’s vision of what a huntress should be doesn’t match up perfectly so they end up butting heads on occasion. Still, Carmine is sweet if you know how to talk to her and understand her words.
Jaune:She gifted?
Jaune:*inhales*....Carmine is genius in battle. We taught her ourselves and sent her to regular school so she gained a bit of social skills. No one outside of selected few knows she has silver eyes. Carmine wears red contacts typically. New types of grimm pop up regularly so Cinder is obviously alive and well. Can’t be too careful.
Jaune:Sounds stressful. I’d rather deal with cult and my world’s grimm problem than Cinder. How old is Carmine?
Jaune: She’s 17 and more impressive than Ruby was at that age if I’m being honest. Though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. We’ve done our best to give her a normal childhood as much as possible. I think what we gave was an odd mix of normal and insanity.
Jaune:Honestly, same.
Jaune:What do you mean Carmine is more impressive? Ruby was awesome since day zero at Beacon.
Jaune:Silver eye use, age five.
Red took a sip of his coffee while everyone tried to wrap that around their head.
Jaune:Since a young age, I knew Carmine was special. She has a difficult time showing up but she loves the Remnant we’re trying to build and the people in it that want to do good. I’ve seen her look out over cities before and I could feel the immense desire she had to preserve it. That girl has a strength I don’t think I could take credit for. That stern look, height, hair, and guitar skills though, That’s me. The tipsy of her hair are red though. She’s like a half ripe strawberry, hahaha.
Jaune:Sounds like an incredible girl. Must be pretty popular.
Jaune:If she could come off a bit nicer she would! I’d give up Pumpkin Pete’s for life if this kid could learn to work well with others. I’m glad people like her cousin and a couple of others that can deal with her. It’s not all bad. They know to bring out the normal teenager with her.
Jaune:Is she like Ruby and panics at rats?
Jaune:No, but she can’t deal with spiders. We have grimm spiders that are actually terrifying and that ruined normal spiders with her too.
Jaune:Grimm spiders? How big? A boot size?
Jaune:SUV....one spun her in a web. It was really bad.
Jaune:Fuuuuuuck that! I’d hate spiders too!
Jaune:Yeah but she has fun. Ballet, sleep, horses, etc. You just have to get her to work up to it.
Jaune:What about your son?
Jaune:Garnet? He’s five, has fat cheeks, and is probably eating some dry cereal right about now. He’s Ruby’s little teddy bear and is chillin. He’s probably the only thing that makes Carmine a big softie at the drop of a hat.
Jaune:Sounds like you’re doing pretty well for yourself? That’s good.
Jaune:We have struggles but we make things work somehow.
Jaune:I still can’t believe Cinder killed your kid. I don’t think I’d ever recover.
Jaune:Lost....we lost a kid. Killed wouldn’t be the right word. Dustin...just isn’t....it’s complicated. I don’t wanna talk about it.
Jaune:It’s fine. That aside, I think most things life throws at us, we’ll handle just fine.
Jaune:What do you think Carmine is up to right now?
Jaune:Good question. I don’t think she’s on any mission or working with local authorities currently. If it’s morning then she’s in the garden. Playing with Garnet if it’s the afternoon so he’ll tired out. If it’s night time then.....
“STAY AWAY!!!” A man screamed, shooting four bullets down a dark alley in the middle of the night. His target, a pair of shimmering red eyes that patiently stalked him from the shadows as he sprinted away. Each bullet seem to go right by his target so he continued running for his life, making a sharp right turn around a corner.
“You know eventually I’m going to catch you right?” Carmine said as she walked. “I’d rather you not make this longer than it has to be Tommy. We could be done by now if you just spoke to me.”
The only response the girl received was the sound of footsteps getting further away and a chain link fence being shook. Carmine sighed and looked around her before picking up a trash lid. She hurled it against a wall to her left and that was ahead in front of her, making it bounce off towards the right. The hunk of metal made its way around the corner with a whack! Followed by a heavy thump that hit the ground. Carmine continued walking until she turned the corner and found her target on the ground. He was rubbing his back in pain and groaning.
“Come on, I know I didn’t hit you that hard. The new head of crime orginization wouldn’t go down so-”
Suddenly the brute lunged at her, revealing a previously concealed dagger. Carmine was quick to react however, and grabbed his wrist before the blade could make contact with her exposed stomach. Carmine then twisted his hand down word and forced his entire arm slam down to the groun; the blade pierced the ground at her feet. Thick yellow liquid secreted from blade and soaked the ground.
Tommy felt his stomach dropped as he looked up to see the young girl staring down at him unimpressed. He went to reach for the knife but Carmine placed her boot on his hand, hard.
“See? Now that’s what I was expecting. Too bad you’re not so good with knives. I guess you figured you didn’t have to be when it had Deathstalker venom in it huh? Now... let’s talk.”
Carmine rubbed her foot into the ground, causing Tommy to grit his teeth in pain.
“Stop!” He pleaded. “You’ll break it!”
“It won’t break if you talk fast enough. Tell me what I want to hear. A month ago you weren’t in charge. A tubby guy was and he always kept crates of his equipment in a warehouse outside of town. Then someone apparently shows up to have a meeting, tubby is enraged and kicks them out. Now he’s dead and you’re in charge, moving all of his stuff after you had a meeting. Are you getting the picture I’m painting?”
Tommy’s face goes pale. He starts struggling harder to free himself but it’s not working. Carmine can see the man start to sweat as if he got caught in the rain.
“Now I know what you’re thinking, if you tell me who obviously threatened you to move the crates, then they’ll kill you. But that’s the thing about the future Tommy...”
Carmine lifts her foot and swings it right into his face. She watches Tommy hold is face in pain before rolling him over and putting her knee on his back. Carmine grabs the knife and spooks him by stabbing it beside his face.
“It happens later. Focus on the present. Focus on what I could do to you right now and how to prevent that. Then you can think about your future.” Carmine said, not an ounce of playfulness in her voice.
“I....I....w-well I-”
“Before you try lying to me, I know how Deathstalker venom works. Only the babies are venomous and those are extremely hard to find here. Admittedly I don’t know you well but I know your men. They don’t have the patience or brains to find any here, because there aren’t many. So you either got the venom for this knife by being very diligent, going to a different continent, or someone got you the critters.”
Carmine leaned in close, barely away from his ear. “Or should I say made you some, instead of gathering them? Tommy, where is Cinder Fall?”
Tommy felt like he could vomit at any second. He couldn’t let intel leak. He sold his soul to a witch and now he has to live with it. “I....I can’t say.” He whispered, his lip trembling.
“I see. The fear is too much for you. Should’ve chose a different line of work. Maybe you’ll change your tune if you learn to fear me more?” Carmine grabbed the knife. “This won’t kill you but I doubt it’ll feel good either.”
Carmine lifted the knife and held is hand in place. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. She tried asking nicely. “Sorry....”
“CARMINE!” A loud voice echoed through the alleyways and made the people in it freeze. Tommy tilted his head up and got goosebumps. On the roof was a person everyone knew and criminals wish to avoid. Ruby Rose, he hadn’t seen her in person before. The woman’s cloak covered the area as she jumped down gracefully.
With no noise, her heels hit the ground and stood before the pinned man. Her piercing silver eyes borrowed into him and her long hair blew out of her face by the alley draft. Tommy’s back freed of Carmine’s knee and the young girl raised him to his feet. While Ruby’s expression was calm and oddly inviting, Carmine still looked at the man annoyed. Time was valuable and he was wasting hers. He might’ve escaped the knife but now he was stuck between two women that could all but erase him.
“Y...You’re Ruby Ro-”
“I had this under control by the way.” Carmine cut him off. “Don’t see why you intervened.
“You had him terrified and about to wet his pants. That’s a bit much don’t you think?” Ruby put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “No need to be so intense.”
Carmine mimicked her mother’s gesture. “And we care about the state of people like him why? Lackeys and gang bangers with too much ego have no right to be coddled when they’re rotting the city away from the underbelly. People like that might as well disappear.”
“Carmine that’s not how....” Ruby let out a long sigh and looked at Tommy. He was clearly trying his best to remain calm. “Sorry about her. You know teenagers, always intense in one way or another.” She let out an embarrassed chuckle.
Tommy flinched again when suddenly a burst of red petals spun around him. Next thing he knew, handcuffs were on him and his back was against the fence he tried to climb earlier. The pair of red and silver eyes stared him down from just out of the shadows. Yet he could still see Ruby’s more positive demeanor.
“I’m going to jail?” He groaned.
Ruby stepped towards him. “Depends, Tommy.” She reached out and grabbed his shoulder. “The thing is if you go to jail and I bring you in, Cinder will no doubt send someone to try and kill you. Truthfully, it’s not a bad outcome, for me. I’ll just attack your killer and get more info out of them then you most likely.”
“But...you’d stop them before they kill me, right?”
Ruby shrugged, “I can only go so fast. Who knows what could happen, Tommy. Can you take that chance, knowing you will be at the mercy of circumstances around you for gods know how long?”
“N...no” Tommy gulped.
“I mean I could let you run away right now like nothing happened, but any more meetings with Cinder would be absolute hell on your nerves because there’s no way you can keep this from her. What’s worse, you could fuck up and give us information accidentally overtime and then she’d really be mad because we’ll keep an eye on you as long as you’re doing things we don’t like; an unwilling pawn for both sides until someone knocks you off the board. How does that sound to you?” Ruby’s grip got a little tighter.
“Pr...Pretty bad-
“PRETTY BAD!?” Ruby shouted. “Tommy, you will not come out of this well. You’ll probably be dead within the month if I let you leave right now. So my question is what are you gonna do to save your own skin? Because I know what I would ask for in your situation.”
“What’s that?” He asked, almost desperate for his freedom
“I would spill my guts out to the hero because they would at least try to keep you safe if you behaved. Tell me what you know and I will personally take somewhere where you’ll have a fresh start with a new name, a new life that isn’t Illegal. You’ll still sleep with one eye open just to watch your own back but you also know there’s someone who is actively stopping the person who’d want you dead in the first place. Get off the chessboard Tommy. It sucks to be an expendable pawn.”
Tommy could feel her hand trembling. Was she...nervous? No, she was sympathetic. The way Ruby looked at him wasn’t to scare him. She was stating facts and didn’t want him being another statistic. This was the huntress everyone talked about. The one that gives lifelines and creates new endings where they shouldn’t be possible. The was Ruby Rose, the storyteller.
Ruby holds up an envelope to the light before facing Carmine, the sound of waves rocking a boat behind them with Tommy in it. Ruby was a woman of her word. She’d take him somewhere safe.
“Here” she held out the envelop for Carmine. “Take it home, no need for me to lug it across the sea.” She waited for Carmine to say something, anything. The girl only nodded and took the thin piece of paper.
Carmine started to walk off but heard Ruby take a step towards her before stopping. She looked back to see her mother frowning, an expression they were both sharing. Ruby looked at her daughter with her emotions clear as day. It was weird to be eye level with her. Without heels, Ruby would be looking up. Carmine had gotten so big the last few years. It was hard not see her as still little.
“I...I know we don’t agree on certain things, and I also know you feel like I helicopter over you. I don’t do it because I don’t trust you or anything like that. Fact of the matter is...I’m your mother. If I can find a way to solve a problem without you doing something drastic, even if you’re willing to do it, then I’m gonna step in. Just because you’re willing to make the tough calls, doesn’t mean I won’t try to keep them away from you. They weigh people down and I don’t want that for you. You’re my daughter, I love you...”
Ruby always hated their fights. It’s why they don’t do missions together. No matter how strong Carmine is, she’ll always be Jaune and Ruby’s little girl. Truthfully, she didn’t hate it at all. Carmine hated arguing too, if not more.
“I get it mom, I do. Perhaps...I was a tad hasty tonight. Thanks for...showing up.” Carmine scratched her head in embarrassment. Since when did talking to her own mom get so rough. “I love you too.” There, she said it.
Ruby gave her daughter a gentle smile and opened her arms, hoping for a hug. She knew she might be getting a bit too mushy right now but unexpectedly, Carmine walked over and embraced it without question. Ruby wasn’t about to complain. Any affection was welcomed at all times when it came from Carmine. Ruby finally let her go and got one more look at her daughter. Time sure does fly.
“My beautiful girl. I saw the trash lid truck by the way, that was pretty badass.”
Carmine playfully rolled her eyes and opened the evelope. Ruby watched the girl read over the paper several times before handing it back. “Got it.”
Ruby’s eyebrows perked up in surprise. A shocked smile came soon after. “You’re-”
“Of course.” Carmine cut her off. She put her hands together and made a glowing red rose form between them. She placed the thing right behind her mother’s ear and smiled. “See you at home?”
“Yeah, I should be back before morning.”
“Good, I’ll have breakfast waiting for you then.” Ruby watch her daughter start to walk off before Carmine slowly blew away into red and yellowish rose petals.
“My oh my, that daughter of mine.” Ruby chuckled. “I can’t wait.”
“Done.” Carmine said, rewriting the information down as she layed on the couch. On top of her was her adorable baby brother, fast asleep like he should be. She reached for a candle that lit the room and blew it out. All in all, not a bad night in the slightest. One step closer to their goal. One step closer to the end.
Part 4
Wanna start Rosebud < Part one is a click away.
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cloversweets · 4 years
Your Wooper has run off somewhere in Hulbury, and you're going crazy looking for him. Luckily, a certain especially lovely Gym Leader is there to keep an eye on him.
pairing: nessa x reader
genre: flirty fluff!
a/n: read on ao3! this is a request for a wonderful anon (who requested ‘a small drabble where the reader is visiting Hulbury and her Wooper escapes (again) and they end up running into Nessa who catches the slippery little guy as well as the reader’s heart?’) <3 enjoy!
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You have no idea how your Wooper manages to run so fast without any arms. Really, you don’t, but you suppose you’ll have to figure it out quickly so he’ll stop sprinting away from you at any opportunity he gets.
You’d decided to take a day trip to Hulbury with your little Wooper to check out the markets and treat yourself to the calming sea air and a nice walk along the promenade. You’d also made the mistake of mentioning to Wooper that maybe, maybe, you could take some time to check out the Stadium and do some training along Route 5, so you suppose that’s where your ultimate mistake lies. Wooper, usually fairly mellow, had been suspiciously excitable since, and - through especially wishful thinking, you suppose - you’d somehow convinced yourself that it was just his excitement at some nice salty air and perhaps a little vial of nice-smelling incense to carry.
Obviously, you were wrong. You should’ve remembered that your Wooper, as sweet as he may be, has a tendency every now and then to become inexplicably hyper about random things he’s never particularly cared about before. Either way, now you’re chasing him around Hulbury as he aimlessly zooms around town, trying your best to apologise for the havoc caused in his wake. To be fair, nobody seems particularly bothered by the sight of you jogging around cluelessly, but still.
You stop for a breather for a moment, leaning against the metal railings that overlook the ocean and boats surrounding the little port town. You have no idea where he is, and though you know there’s no real reason to panic - realistically, someone will see the little tag around his neck with your name and address and send him home - you’re starting to feel the anxiety well up inside of you.
A pleasant voice coming from behind you interrupts your thoughts. “Excuse me, love?” they say, and you turn to see a fisherwoman smiling at you, her rod hanging over her shoulder. “Sorry, but are you the one looking for the little Wooper?”
Oh, Arceus. Is this what infamy feels like?
“I am!” you say, smiling ruefully. The cool breeze from the ocean blows the wind in your direction, and you feel yourself relaxing a little as it soothes your frazzled nerves. “Do you know where he is? He’s very excitable - I shouldn’t have let him out of his Ball, I think.”
The lady chuckles, patting your arm. “Don’t worry, darling, we’ve all been there.” She turns around to face the direction of the promenade you were so excited to walk down before Wooper went all Free Wailmer. “I’ve heard he’s currently running around near that lighthouse over there - do you see it?” You nod along, and she smiles brightly. “Head towards the Stadium and keep walking right until you get to the stairs. If you get a bit lost, just follow the road.”
“Thank you so much!” you tell her, a little overcome with emotion, but she waves a hand at you, still smiling.
“I’ll hear nothing of it, love,” she tells you. “And you don’t need to worry yourself, alright? I’m sure Nessa will have it under control.”
Nessa? You don’t know much about her, to be fair; what you do know she’s the Gym Leader of Hulbury - but also an especially famous, busy model. You wouldn’t be surprised if some of the staff from the Stadium had come out to get your Wooper under wraps, but Nessa? Hm.
You smile at the fisherwoman regardless. “Thank you again, really,” you tell her, hoisting your bag up your shoulder a little. “You’re so kind. I appreciate it!”
She shakes her head, giving you a little wave as she takes this as her cue to get back to - well, fishing, you’d assume. “My pleasure, hon!”
With that, you head in the opposite direction of her, following the road like she suggested. It’s really not a long trip, but you make it in quiet trepidation. You know the Wooper line can be a bit dangerous - they’re covered in a slimy, sticky protective layer you can’t see until you touch them and realise oh, actually, that really hurts - but that’s not really common knowledge. And though this is home of the Water Gym, it’s also surrounded by saltwater - and the Wooper line aren’t freshwater Pokémon. With your nerves forming a knot in your stomach, you pick up the pace a little. Regardless of what happens, Wooper certainly isn’t getting any incense now.
To your surprise, the calm atmosphere doesn’t change into absolute chaos as you walk past the Stadium and make your way down the stairs to the promenade; it’s still quiet and serene, with distant waves crashing along the shoreline as the only thing working to disturb the peace. You peer around as you reach the bottom of the stairs, but you don’t see anything until a tall, slender figure stands from a bench near the lighthouse.
You take a few nervous steps closer before you realise who it is, and you almost stop dead in your tracks when you realise it’s Nessa herself. Nessa isn’t dressed in the Gym outfit you’ve seen her in before; instead, she’s in a pretty white shirred top and a pair of blue skinny jeans, the black bucket hat on her head doing nothing to stop her long hair from blowing in the wind. With one hand, she holds the bucket hat to her head against the wind, and with the other, she raises a hand to greet you. The gold bracelets on her wrists glint in the light.
You’re so mesmerised by her, it takes a second longer than it maybe should have to notice Wooper leaping off the bench and running over to you so quickly he almost tilts over.
“Oh!” you exclaim as he stands on the tips of his little feet, his tail thwacking the floor excitedly. “Wooper, I can’t believe you would run away like that!”
“I’ve found Water-types always get more excited than they think they will whenever they visit Hulbury,” a smooth voice says, and you look back up to see Nessa strolling towards you. She’s prettier up close. Oh, no.
You clear your throat, managing a smile you think looks normal enough. “I should’ve known better,” you admit. “Wooper can get excited. I mentioned training on Route 5, and he’s been hyper ever since.” It’s a second before realisation hits. “Oh - I hope you didn’t touch him! If you did, we’ll have to wash it off quickly, it-”
Nessa chuckles, crouching a little to look down at Wooper. “He’s got that sticky film on him, I know. Don’t worry.” You sigh in relief. Wooper is already peering up at her in excitement, and he makes a bubbly noise when she smiles at him. Looks like Nessa has the same effect on people and Pokémon. “I suppose you’re just as special as your trainer, hm?” she asks him, and glances up at you with a smile. Your face flushes so hot so quickly, you think you might pass out.
Straightening back up, she reaches out a hand. Reaching out to shake her hand, you notice that her nails are painted a pretty, shiny nude brown, and the jewelled rings on her fingers shine. “Today is my day off, actually,” she says, shaking your hand briskly. Thank Arceus your palms aren’t sweating. “I was gonna take a walk along the seafront to pass the time, but I heard about this mischievous little boy causing havoc around my hometown, hm?”
Wooper, completely unashamed, hops excitedly.
“I suppose it’s a good job that I did,” she continues, watching you with a smile playing at the corners of her lips. If you’re honest, you’re struggling to break eye contact with her; her blue eyes are so lovely, and she’s wearing shimmery eyeshadow that only serves to make her eyes sparkle even brighter. “Otherwise, he might’ve been halfway across to the Isle of Armor right now.”
You laugh, rubbing your arms a little sheepishly. “I’m so sorry for the trouble,” you tell her, finally breaking eye contact to watch Wooper carefully as he toddles off to peer around the pier. “Honestly, we only came to have a look at the markets and maybe have a nice dinner at, um, that really famous restaurant.”
Nessa’s smiling when you meet her eyes again. “Can I be honest with you?”
You nod, and hope she can’t see the tips of your ears from beneath your hair. She’s so gorgeous.
“That restaurant isn’t very good,” she says quietly, leaning in close as though she’s sharing a secret. You feel like a weirdo for noticing how nice she smells - sweet yet musky and a little salty from the sea. “Just because the Chairman used to eat there and sometimes bring Leon doesn’t mean it’s good.”
You raise your eyebrows, and she gives you a wink. She has this way of looking at you that makes you feel like you’re in on something together, and - it feels dangerous, to be honest. 
You’re just about to make up an excuse for why you have to catch your train right now immediately before you take the final step and fall in love with her forever when she turns to stand beside you in comfortable silence, joining you in watching Wooper crouching to peer at the ocean crashing into the pier.
“That being said,” she says after a long pause, and you turn to look at her. She’s still watching Wooper, but she still has a look. “I know better places to eat.”
“Oh,” you say, nerves bubbling up inside you. “I’d love a recommendation.”
“How about I show you?”
Your brain blips out of existence for a long second. You can’t even hear the noise of the waves or the cries of the Wingulls from where they’re perched upon the roof of the lighthouse. After a long, long second, it reboots, and you’re almost choking on air to respond.
“I- I- Of course!” you stutter, watching that smile grow on the corner of Nessa’s mouth again. “Only if you’re free, and I’m not interrupting, of course. I know you’re busy, and I’m sure you had plans-”
Nessa turns to you fluidly, giving you a broad smile for the first time. “I have new plans now,” she tells you, and you’re dazzled. Turning her head, she whistles to catch Wooper’s attention. He waddles around and peers at her - he looks just as shocked as you do, and you find yourself giggling at the expression on his face. 
“Woopy,” you call, and he glances curiously between you and Nessa. “We’re going to eat. Come on!” He pauses for another moment before bumbling along towards you, the curious look still on his face. 
“You suit one another,” Nessa tells you as you begin to walk together, meandering along the promenade. You almost choke on an inhale when you feel her sliding her arm around yours, linking them together loosely. She’s so friendly towards you already that if you weren’t barely managing to keep it together, it would probably go to your head. “I can understand why he’s your partner.”
You turn your head to peer at her quizzically, and she catches your eyes a moment later. “Is that because you’re a Water trainer?” you ask, and she shakes her head with a laugh.
“Not at all,” she tells you. “It’s because you’re both cute.”
You flush so hard from your neck to your scalp that even Nessa hides a giggle against the back of her hand. You don’t even know what to say - ‘So are you’? She obviously knows it, in the best way possible. ‘You’re too kind’? That goes without saying. “Maybe I should let Wooper wreak havoc around here more often,” you offer after a long stretch of silence, and Nessa giggles again.
“I’d like that.”
“You would?” you ask, and Nessa shrugs.
“I mean, let’s get this date out of the way first before we make any more plans,” she tells you, and - date? You won’t question it - you need to start acting like you’re cool at some point, after all, but��� a date. Wow. “But yeah. I think I’d like that very much.”
You look away before her smile makes you any dizzier than you already are, and settle your eyes on watching Wooper waddle ahead, enjoying the sea breeze. “I’d like that very much.”
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sdottkrames · 4 years
The World was Wide Enough
@comfortember prompt 8: lashing out 
Summary: Peter finds out about Siberia. He’s not very happy about the way Captain America treated his dad mentor. So when he gets hurt on patrol and it’s Cap who comes to help him? Some words are said.
Notes: I’ve had this idea in my head for a long long time, and finally worked up the nerve to do it. I hope y’all like it! 
Also, I do NOT hate Steve. I hated Civil War and how they portrayed Tony with a passion, but I adore Steve Rogers with all my heart. Mkay?
Read on AO3: Here
Peter hadn’t meant to hear. He was simply walking by and heard Tony’s voice. He sounded agitated and Peter had just wanted to see if he was okay.
“Listen, guys, I appreciate you apologizing, but what’s done is done. Give it a rest.” Tony said.
“I just...I’m sorry, Tony.” That was Steve. What were they talking about?
“I am as well. Tony, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know they were your parents,” Bucky said.
Now Peter was feeling guilty standing there. He definitely wasn’t supposed to hear this conversation. But like a train wreck, he couldn’t look away.
“Barnes, it was mind control. I’m not saying we’re going to be best friends, but I don’t want to kill you anymore, so it’s a start, alright? Here.” Tony pressed a button and a video pulled onto screen. It played for a second, the sounds of fighting filling Peter’s ears. It took a moment to register that it was Tony and Steve and Bucky fighting. Tony paused the video and clicked delete, but not before it showed Steve drive his shield into Tony’s chest. “There. I’ve been meaning to do that. It’s cathartic, you know. Miracle of forgiveness and all that. Now go. And stop apologizing. We’re cool.”
But Peter was anything but.
His ears were still ringing with the clank of a shield slamming into an arc realtor, his eyes so full of Tony’s scarred, crumpled body, too similar to another scarred, crumpled body from years earlier. 
Steve and Bucky turned towards the door, meeting Peter’s eyes, and realizing for the first time that he was there. They’d never seen the normally mild, kind boy look so angry. Their hearts dropped as they realized just what he had seen, how it looked, how it had made him feel.
“How. Dare. You,” Peter spit out before turning on his heel without a second glance behind him at the others who were staring at his retreating back in shock.
Peter flipped over the gate at the front of the school, and rushed into a nearby alleyway to change into his Spider-Man suit. The feeling of the suit instantly calmed his anxious energy.
Gosh, he loved being Spider-Man, especially when it allowed him to avoid thinking.
Peter had been avoiding Captain America ever since accidentally seeing the video a few weeks ago, when his world had been shattered. The kind Cap who had taught him how to cook and made him laugh with funny stories had morphed into a cold, heartless man who had nearly killed Tony. Tony might’ve forgiven Cap, but he’d had five years to work that out. Peter was still angry.
Realizing he had worked himself up again with his train of thought, Peter firmly yanked his mask over his head to focus on being Spider-Man.
“Good afternoon, Peter.”
“Hey Karen,” Peter said, grateful for the distraction and friendly voice. “Whatcha got for me today?”
“There’s a robbery happening at that electronics store on 69th street,” she answered.
“Lead the way!” Peter shot a web and followed the route Karen projected to him. 
It was a routine, even simple job. Two shots of his web, a couple trademark snappy one-liners, and Peter was out of there. He’d even gotten some free headphones from the store owner.
Then he’d helped a young girl find her mom, rescued a dog that had fallen down a storm drain (the dog’s name was Mina, and she was very cute. Mina’s owner had been beyond grateful), and stopped three different muggings. Overall, it had been a pretty awesome night. Peter was just about to head home when everything went south.
“Peter, there appears to be a lady in distress in an alleyway between 75 and 76th streets,” Karen said. “Would you like me to direct you there?”
“Yeah. I’ll go help, then let the police handle any more situations.”
He should’ve just gone home.
Peter got a few good webs in. He surprised the two muggers, and the lady used his entrance as a chance to grab her purse and run away. 
“I’d say see you around, but I honestly hope I won’t,” he quipped to the men stuck on the wall. He was about to shoot a web to swing out and let the police take care of the two criminals, but stopped as a tingle raced down his spine. It was too late. Before he could move, a gunshot tore through the alleyway.
Instantly, pain exploded in Peter’s right shoulder. He turned to see the gunman, a nondescript man wearing a hat to shadow his face. Peter forced back the nausea and pain to web him up next to his friends. 
“Shooting people in the back? Not cool man,” he said, gritting his teeth and swinging to the top of a nearby building before collapsing against the wall. “Karen,” he gasped. “Call Tony!”
Peter was starting to see spots. He could feel the blood coming from his shoulder and the pain was radiating all over.
“Pete!” Friday must have alerted him already, because Tony's voice was frantic. “Hang on, buddy. I’m coming, okay? Just sit tight. I’m on my way!”
“It hurts.”
“I know. I know. Just hang on.”
Tony's panicked voice was interrupted by another one, equally as panicked. 
“Peter?” Steve Rogers stood on the rooftop, staring in shock and worry at the boy slumped against the wall.
“Is that Steve?” Tony asked.
“Yeah. I’ll see you soon.” 
“Wait, no, Pete!” Tony called, but Peter had already hung up.
“What’re you doing here?” Peter glared at Steve, the anger seeping in and turning his voice into daggers.
“I was out following a lead on a hydra base when I got a notification from Friday saying you were hurt and I-“
“You what?” Peter asked harshly. “Thought that you’d play hero and I’d just forget about the fact that you never cared about me, or about Tony!” Peter was crying now, and he thoughtlessly tried to wipe the tears away, but cried out as the movement made a sharp stab of pain shoot through his whole body. The pain became too much, and Peter started slipping into darkness. Steve’s frantic face was the last thing he saw before he was totally unconscious.
“-wouldn’t let me anywhere near him. Tony, I need you to know that I’m sorry. I never meant for a rift like that to happen.”
Peter heard Tony sigh, heard the rustle as he ran his hands through his hair. “Listen, capsicle, I know. We’ve put that behind us. I’ll talk to the kid. He just...he lost his dad and his uncle before, and I think he’s a little protective. He’ll come around, though. He won’t admit it cause he’s nearly as stubborn as I was at his age, but I can tell he misses you.”
“Okay.” Steve sounded dejected, and Peter’s head and heart declared war. 
On the one hand, it killed Peter to hear the man he’d admired for so long sound so dejected and to know that he was the cause of Steve’s distress. He never wanted to hurt anybody, let alone one of his heroes who had become family. 
On the other, Peter’s head was holding tenaciously to his absolute loyalty to Tony, and the anger and hurt he felt that Steve, his “uncle” Steve, his hero had nearly killed his dad. Because, honestly, wasn’t that what Tony was at this point? There was no use denying it anymore. And Peter just couldn’t lose another father.
As he battled within himself, he heard Steve leave, and Tony came and sat in the chair beside his bed. 
“I know you’re awake.”
“Playing dead isn’t going to stop this conversation from happening, Peter.”
He opened his eyes.
“Yeah, hi. First off, how are you feeling?” Tony's voice softened.
“Hurts, but I’m feeling better,” Peter said, wincing as he shifted into a more upright position.
“Careful there,” Tony fussed. “Don’t pop a stitch. Cho says you are incredibly lucky. The bullet hit just the right spot to miss the bones and arteries, so you should be alright in, oh, a day or two.”
“Second, that's for scaring me!” Tony hit the back of Peter's head gently. “And third,” Peter looked away, but Tony gently pulled his face back to look into his eyes. His voice was incredibly gentle. “You need to let it go with Cap, okay? The guy’s apologized about 30 times to me, and i know he’s only refrained from apologizing to you because he doesn’t have a phone and you’ve been avoiding him like the plague.”
Peter couldn’t deny it. 
“I’ve forgiven him, okay?” Tony continued. “Now, and I know it’ll take some time, and you are entitled to that time, but now you need to forgive him, too. I wasted too much time holding onto anger and grudges. I don’t want you to go through that.”
Peter felt the tears running down his cheeks, leaving a scalding trail, and Tony gently wiped them. Peter gave a small nod. 
“Okay, Tony.”
A noise from the doorway made both of them look up. Steve was standing there, looking unsure of himself as he shuffled from one foot to the other.
Shooting Peter a look, Tony stood up. “I’m going to go get some coffee. I’ll be back in a little bit.” He patted Steve’s shoulder as he left, and gently pushed him towards the bed.
Peter was suddenly very interested in the plain blue hospital sheets that had been there for years, and he picked at them for a couple heavy seconds before taking a breath.
“You can come in and sit down, Steve,” he said softly.
The chair squeaked as Steve sat down, and for some reason, it made Peter smile. He looked at Steve and saw a matching smile forming in response on the older hero’s face. At the small, mundane moment, something unlocked inside Peter.
It’s said that a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, or that forever is made up of tiny moments. That tiny moment was the first step, and Peter took a breath as he began to let go of the anger he’d been holding on to for weeks and let himself face it.
“Listen, Steve, I should’ve come and talked to you before. I was just so angry, and afraid.”
“I understand.” Steve’s voice was so soft and gentle, and Peter felt the last of the fight leave him. “I know that you lost your father and your uncle, and it kills me to know that I was almost the reason you lost another one. I’m so sorry.”
Peter measured his next words carefully, searching himself to make sure he really meant them. “I forgive you. I forgive you, Steve. If you and Tony are good, then we’re good.” Peter hesitated. “Or we will be. I mean, I’d like to try. If you can forgive me, too?”
Steve didn’t hesitate. “Of course I do, Pete. And I’d like to try, as well. I’ve missed our cooking classes.” 
Peter smiled, and ever so carefully moved over a little. He patted the bed next to him and Steve, eyes as big as saucers, climbed in slowly, mindful not to jostle Peter’s wound. Peter leaned into his side.
“I’ve missed you, too, Uncle Steve.”
Tears filled Steve’s eyes at the name, which he hadn’t heard for weeks. His heart swelled, knowing they really were on the way to forgiveness. 
Soon, Peter was snoring softly, the pain and medication dragging him back into unconsciousness quickly. Steve was trapped, immobilized by the common knowledge that one does not move when a puppy (or would Peter be more of a kitten?) falls asleep on you. But Steve didn’t mind. He was just grateful to have his nephew back again.
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Ghost Kid Chapter Twenty: Reunion
It was time for Mu to go, she couldn’t risk waiting any longer. She was still a bit weak from extended bedrest but her injuries were healed and was doing better than ever. Venturing into Subcon Forest wasn’t ideal but peck it, she didn’t have a choice. If the Snatcher decided he wanted to bother her, she’d tell him to fuck right off because she wasn’t afraid of some dumb noodle ghost in a dumb cliché haunted forest. Once she had all the Time Pieces, she’d have more power than him anyway.
She waited until night before sneaking out. Of course she left a note, thanking the Doctor for everything and apologizing for leaving and promising to pay her back one day if she could. It hurt to go but Mu needed to do this. And things would be better for everyone if her plan succeeded so it was more than worth it.
Luckily the town was small so the number of people up and about past midnight was even less than Mu was used to from the Mafia. She only encountered one guy who didn’t even see her because she was being sneaky – she didn’t want word getting back that she’d gone into Subcon because then people would think she was dead and she didn’t want to put people through that, especially the Doctor.
She hesitated when she reached the edge of the forest. There wasn’t a gate despite the overgrown path leading in. Instead there were more ‘KEEP OUT’ signs nailed to the old rotting fence. Whoever put it up really didn’t want people going in. It wasn’t going to stop her though; she had a mission to complete. So up and over she went, dropping down to the other side.
It was like stepping into a whole new world. Suddenly much darker, the night sounds were different: no more crickets chirping or owls hooting but instead the rustle of dead branches and the whistle of the wind around them, making for a rather spooky sound. Even the sky looked different, clouded and dark, only the full moon shone through – she could’ve sworn it had been a crescent before, was she going insane? And there were nooses hanging from the trees a bit further in, all empty, thank goodness but the sight still wasn’t pleasant.
Mu wasn’t afraid though. It was all cliché spooky haunted forest stuff, she’d seen such places in movies all the time. … Bad, horrible, awful things always happened to the people who ventured in though, often going against the audience yelling at them not to because it was obviously a dumb idea, only a moron wouldn’t realize that. And this place was very real; the tale told of the Ice Queen and the Soul Snatcher, resulting in the deaths of an entire kingdom, was a true one. Meaning this was not a nice place at all and was without a doubt the most haunted place on the planet and was often listed as one of if not the most dangerous too. So, maybe Mu was a little afraid. But she sure as hell wasn’t going to show it. She squared up her shoulders and lifted her head as started down the path, striding confidently.
She’d been walking for a while when she heard something off to her right. She glanced over but saw nothing. It was too dark. She felt like she was being watched though, not the kind of feeling one wanted to have in the middle of the night in a haunted forest. Great, just what she needed after finally almost banishing her fear.
She was just about to look away when something exited the shadows. A small ghost, wearing a top hat and look rather angry. “You!” she shouted, her voice shrill with anger as she pointed at Mu. “What peck are you doing here?”
Mu took a step back. That was voice was familiar other than the slight echo to it, so was the face despite its ghostliness. And the top hat and cloak with decorative zipper brought to mind… “Hat Kid?” she whispered. “B-but you’re a ghost. H-how?” There as no way it was actually her, right? It was ghost child that just looked and sounded an awful lot like her… right? Because it couldn’t be her because she couldn’t be dead.
“Because you killed me you pecking bitch.” Hat Kid, if it really was her, ‘stepped’ closer and shoved Mu.
Mu stumbled and would’ve fallen if she hadn’t caught a tree branch hanging over the path. Normally she would’ve been mad but… it was Hat Kid and she was a ghost. A very angry ghost because… she’d died in the ship crash? The ship crash that was at least partially Mu’s fault.
“I… I didn’t mean for you to… for that happen… I…”
“I’m going kill you.” Somehow despite Hat Kid’s eyes now being nothing but light, they still managed to be filled with hate and killing intent. Enough to break Mu’s shocked paralysis.
She turned and run into the forest, heedless of the branches in the way, scratching at her clothes and face as she hurried to get away. Both to save herself but also to get away in general because it simply couldn’t be true. Hat Kid couldn’t be dead. This was just a bad dream; Mu hadn’t gotten anyone killed. She’d never even actually killed any of the Mafia despite actively wanting them dead so there was no way she’d killed someone she didn’t want dead. So she’d run away from all this until the nightmare ended and she woke up.
“Wow kiddo, I knew you’d probably fail securing your first soul contract but even I didn’t think you’d fail quite that badly. You didn’t even wait for her to get caught in the trap or try to be spooky like you were supposed to.”
Hat Kid turned to look at Snatcher as he came out of hiding too, her boiling rage shimmering down a bit now that Mu was out of sight. “I don’t care,” she said. She would’ve given chase but the look of pure terror and disbelief on Mu’s face had given her enough pause that she was now out of Hat Kid’s limited range of being able to sense living beings. Snatcher should know where she was though so it wasn’t an issue. “I hate her, she got me killed.” She was used to be a ghost now and kind of enjoying some aspects of it so she wouldn’t have thought the sight of Mu would enrage her so much but it did.
“I know,” Snatcher said as he patted Hat Kid on the head which was surprising enough to calm her down even more because he’d never done that before. “And I understand. Hating the person who’s fault it is that you’re dead is very normal, I’d say it’s even healthy. Her soul’s all yours when we catch her.”
“Good! Now where is she?”
Snatcher opened his mouth to respond but paused. “Uh… I actually don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know? Can’t you sense everything living in the forest?”
“Normally yes but… I don’t sense anything in that direction anymore. She might’ve tripped and broke her neck. With how fast she was going it’s certainly possible.” That would be the most anti-climatic sucky thing ever if so. But his tone suggested he didn’t believe that to be the case.
“Well… I’m going to go find her because I want her soul. If I have to do that the old-fashioned way than so be it.”
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photochoco · 5 years
The Protagonist
Leon’s lil bro has a best friend. She’s...too good at Pokemon. She’s never lost a battle, and the normal rules of raising them doesn’t seem to apply to her. It’s a phenomenon Leon himself is all too familiar with, and he will NOT let her feel alone like he did.
--- Leon looked around restlessly. Oh boy. He really was pants with directions, even he could admit that, but he was certain she would be around here, Hop had said as much. He heard a sniffle come from behind a large pile of rocks. 
He peeked around it and saw a familiar beret-topped wave of brunette hair. He silently thanked the Poke’ Gods that his lil bro knew how much his best friend loved to wear berets. The last few times he had seen her, she seemed just as chipper as Hop. But right now she was curled up against the stone, her knees drawn up to her chest and her face buried in her arms. Not at all chipper. 
He knelt down in front of her, cape swishing. “Gloria?”
The young girl’s head shot up, revealing a blotchy face and watering eyes. She sniffled again and hurriedly wiped her cheeks. Leon offered a comforting smile. 
“Hey kiddo. What’s got ya down? Did you lose a battle?” he asked.
Gloria looked away, and Leon wasn’t sure if that was confirmation or not. His worries made him hope it was the case.
“Don’t let it get you down, even the best Trainers have to lose a couple. The important thing is--” “I didn’t,” a tiny voice interrupted the Champion.
“Ah- oh?” “I won. Hope challenged me to a battle again, and I won. Again,” Gloria mumbled.
Leon cocked his head in visible confusion, but his insides were already starting to squirm with long-harbored suspicions. Even still, he played the unwitting one.
“Huh. Well, I wouldn’t think that’d be a reason for tears now,” he said. 
Gloria’s grip on her arms tightened and her brow furrowed. She looked like she was struggling to decide if she wanted to say something.
“...Can you keep a secret?” she finally asked.
“Of course I can,” Leon replied immediately. “I may be garbage with directions, but I can keep a secret.” Gloria took a breath. 
“I think there’s something wrong with me. I don’t think I’m normal. Or maybe my...maybe my Pokemon aren’t normal? Every person I come across who challenges me to a battle, I beat them easily. My Pokemon are always several levels higher than anyone else’s, and they...they level up faster, too. People are always telling me how hard it can be to raise a Pokemon, and how it’s even harder to balance raising a full team of 6. I had a full team of 6 by the first Gym, and I never had any trouble with it! And Hop...every time he fights me, I beat him so easily, even though I know he trains as hard as, if not harder than me. So why am I so far ahead of him? Why am I so far ahead of everybody?”
Her eyes start to water, threatening to spill over. 
“Hop, and two other Challengers, B-Bede and M-Marnie...they all decided to be my rivals so they could beat me someday. And they all have something to gain and lose in this tournament. Marnie wants to help her hometown. Bede was endorsed by Mr. Rose, apparently. He wants to prove Mr. Rose’s faith was well placed. And Hop…” she trailed off, like she didn’t want to say the reason. Leon knew, but he didn’t say anything. He’d known for a while.
“But they haven’t beaten me yet, none of them have ever come close. And I...I d-don’t-- think they ever will. I like my rivals, they’re my friends, battling them is fun. But every time I win, I can see them grow a little more frustrated. Every time I win and they lose, they wonder what they’re doing wrong. I don’t want-- I don’t--”
The tears started to flow now, as fast as the words from the young girl’s mouth.
“W-Wh-hat if they--wh-at i-f they h-h-hate me? What if they d-d-don’t like m-me an-nymore because I-- because I alw-ways win? What if Hop starts to hate me? What if--” “Hey hey hey kiddo, slow down. Take a deep breath c’mon now, you’re gonna make yourself silly. Here.” Leon offered the edge of his cape, and Gloria dabbed at her swollen watery eyes, sniffling. 
“Am I a-- a b-bad person for always wh-wh-winning?” Gloria whispered. Leon sighed.
“No. You’re not a bad person Gloria. But unfortunately, your unusual talent for Pokemon training and battling isn’t normal.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “You might’ve figured this out already but I think you’re a Protagonist.”
Gloria stiffened. “How did you- how do you know about--” Leon chuckled. “Why do you think I’m the Unbeatable Champion, kid? My battle style of not holding back is because I’m literally incapable of it. Even if I try to hold back, I still win. And lemme tell ya, it has been a blessing and a curse.”
“So...so you knew? About this, about me, being a...Protagonist?” Gloria asked. “Weeelllll...I had an inkling. When I saw all your Gym matches so far, and how easily you won...it reminded me of myself when I was doing the Gym Challenge. At first I thought I just had a talent, but when I started hearing about how other Trainers more skilled than me had lost matches while I hadn’t, I started to wonder if I was more than just talented. And just like you, Raihan and Sonia, my own rivals, never beat me.” Leon seated himself next to Gloria, leaning against the rock. “I understand how difficult this must be for you, Gloria. When I was your age, I sometimes squabbled with my rivals because they grew frustrated they couldn’t beat me, especially Sonia. I think Raihan was just as frustrated, but he’s never really shown it.” He caught Gloria’s distraught look and quickly held up his hands. “W-We’re all still really good friends though, don’t worry! It’s good to have rivals, but we all found other things to strive for other than beating each other in battles. Though her gran initially pushed her into it, I think Sonia really enjoys the work she does now. She was always the smartest of the three of us. The point is,” Leon continued, putting a comforting arm around Gloria’s shoulders, “It’s true, you didn’t ask for this. And it’ll be up to you what you do with this ability, it can be both a blessing and a curse. A double-edged sword, if you will. You can’t lose if you try, but if you don’t try, are you really respecting your abilities and those of your opponents?” “But! If I don’t hold back, they’ll never beat me! It doesn’t matter because I’ll always win, no matter how skilled they get!” Gloria nearly shouted in her protest.
Leon’s mouth twisted and he closed his eyes, clearly thinking hard about his reply. “I’m no good at fancy talk, but think about it like this. You may not think it matters, but your rivals probably look up to you as something to attain. Even if it’s impossible for them, it pushes them far beyond what they would normally be capable of. Even in the world of Pokemon training, like any other craft, perfection is impossible, but something all people strive towards. It’s what we do as humans. People like you and I are just...a little closer than everyone else. But we aren’t perfect either. Think about what you want to use your gift for. After a lot of thought, I decided I wanted to maintain my status as an unbeatable Champion after seeing how inspired it made people.” Gloria’s eyes were still watering and she looked up at him, tearful. Even though she was Hop’s age and less than half Leon’s, she looked very small. 
“...Am I a bad person for feeling so ungrateful like this?” she asked in a tiny voice. “No,” Leon answered immediately. “You’re just a kid, Gloria. I was just a kid, too. And looking back, I wish I had someone to help me understand why I was too good at Pokemon. You’ll always have your mom, and you’ll always have Hop, too. You two rascals grew up together; even when he acts frustrated after losing, he cares about you too much to let this get in the way of your friendship. So chin up, okay kiddo?” 
Leon draped part of his cape over Gloria’s head and offered another grin, this one much wider. Gloria returned it with a watery one of her own. Leon opened his arm out. “C’mere squirt.” Gloria practically fell into Leon’s side, burying her face in the fluffy fringe of his cape and hugging him tightly. 
“You’ll be fine, Gloria. You got your Pokemon, you got Hop, and now you got me, too. If you ever want someone to talk to about this, give me a ring. I’ll always try to make time if you need it.”
Gloria let go and sat up, wiping away the last of her tears. “Think you might have some time to eat some curry? I got some new ingredients,” she said. “Now that sounds like a champion idea! Howsabout you call Hop too, and we can all cook together. The more fans and ladles in the cauldron, the tastier!”
A friend and I had this inside joke that all player characters in Pokemon are probably REALLY weird to all the NPC’s because they have BPE (Big Protagonist Energy), like running around wildly, standing in one place for a long time, never emoting, and being ridiculously OP compared to everyone else. It’s often said by NPC’s that raising a team of 6 Pokemon is super hard but as the protag it’s super easy, you also usually don’t lose battles ever if you train enough. (I’ve only lost a battle once to an NPC in all my years of playing.) I then realized that a lot of the qualities of The Protagonist also apply to Leon from SWSH, and I fell in love with the idea of him realizing there’s another Protagonist in Galar, and how he reacts, as detailed in this post here. In my own playthrough I felt pretty bad about constantly beating my rivals with absolutely minimal effort cuz they were really trying and had something to prove from beating me.
So then of course I had to write about him confronting a very conflicted Gloria and comforting her and offering advice, gaining a Baby Sister in the process.  That being said do NOT tag this as LeonxGloria or LeonxYuumi or whatever, this is NOT a ship fic and in this iteration Gloria is a literal kid and Leon is an adult. 
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karliesbuzzcut · 5 years
When art really speaks to you, pt. 2: probably just a coincidence but idk
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Disclaimer: all these theories are rabbit holes on their own, so trying to explain them in a couple of paragraphs is, automatically, doing them a disservice. Especially since I’m only going to be primarily addressing the part of the theory that focuses on the artist communicating with their public through their work.
Since I’ve already dedicated paragraphs to the introduction in part 1, let’s just jump into it.
Leonardo Da Vinci’s fuckton of theories.
Let’s start with the daddy of all conspiracies. After all, not many can gloat about their reachings becoming a movie starring Tom Hanks.
The thing with Da Vinci’s conspiracies is that there are so many of them, and they range from “maybe this is also a painting made by Da Vinci but he wasn’t credited because of reasons” to ALIENS. Which, I think, shows how different our interpretations of art can be, and how much it depends on an already established worldview.
But the most interesting part isn’t the conclusions, but how people look for clues. For example, just like people say Taylor Swift is obsessed with numbers or oranges (depending who you ask, I guess), Da Vinci was supposedly a big fan of reflections. So, if you want to decode his paintings you must mirror them... and then move then a little bit... there you go, you’ve just found yourself an alien...! Or a daemon...! Or someone wearing a funny hat! And that’s totally what he wanted us to find, right? Why else would he had shown any sort of interest in reflections if he didn’t want us to reflect everything!!
Shakespeare is an illusion... kinda, but yeah.
Personally, I think Kaylors would love to dig into this one. Sure, it doesn’t have many lesbians playing political spies. But it does involve a lot of literature analysis. Just like Kaylors don’t think a heterosexual woman could’ve written Taylor’s songs; some people (referred as anti-Stratfordians, thank you very much) don’t think someone from a lower class could’ve written Shakespeare’s plays. 
Here’s the tea... the very cold tea: because Shakespeare was the son of a glover, anti-Stratfordians say he couldn’t have had the knowledge to write his plays. They, instead, come up with a list of “more suitable” writers that could’ve worked together. But they decided to keep their identities a secret because being a play writer, at that time, wasn’t respectable. Here, we will start noticing a trend with Conspiracy Theories: society, as a whole, can’t handle the truth, only a selected few. That’s where Francis Bacon comes in.
Francis Bacon was a very smart dude. He, also, worked for the state - giving him the credentials to be worthy of writing Shakespeare calibre plays. And also, also, he developed a method to conceal messages in the presentation of a text. To be able to do this, you would need to use two typefaces. Guess what has more than one typeface? Shakespeare’s plays.
I have to say - while I don’t believe either theory we have seen, they are somewhat understandable. We barely know anything about Shakespeare and Da Vinci beyond their work, so it’s normal that people are trying to figure out who they were; what did they believed in; where did they get all of their knowledge. We like theorising about the answers to these questions, knowing we’ll never get a confirmed truth. Not so the case with our next conspiracy...
Lewis Carroll was Jack the Ripper - someone had to be, right?
Now, allow me to fangirl all over this one. It combines my interests for conspiracy theories, true crime and pop-culture.
I’m assuming everyone here knows about Jack the Ripper: a serial killer who murdered at least 5 people (mainly prostitutes) in London, between the years 1888 and 1891. Well, someone looked at this and thought “you know what this murder-mystery is missing? Famous people”. Well, this theory says that the author of Alice in Wonderland did it He was the only celebrity living nearby at the time of the killings, so... 🤷‍♀️
This becomes a case of “I have already made up my mind about this issue, so I’m going to go ahead and search for proof that confirms it”. Authors and, now, internet sleuths went through his books, selected this random-ass excerpt from the nursery version of Alice and decided it was an anagram. And a crappy one at that. Supposedly, if you arrange the letters you get a detailed and gruesome confession. You, however, have to take away some letter and add others. Listen, I’m not an English major, but I’ve heard that’s cheating.
This theory also has that characteristic we mentioned: the “I don’t want to admit it out loud, so I’m going to come up with convoluted ways for my audience to figure it out” - which almost borders on psychotic behaviour. But at least it, somewhat, works with the serial killer narrative, you know? Not very much with Taylor, a woman who simply wants to chill with her girlfriend.
The moon landing was fake and directed by Stanley Kubrick.
I’m not going to dig into the moon landing conspiracy, this post is going to be long enough already. Just know that, when the USA government was planning to fake the whole thing, they had just watched ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ and they were all like “that’s so cool! That’s how we want our fake moon landing to look!” So they contacted its director, Kubrick.
According to the theory, Kubrick felt really guilty afterwards but he couldn’t say anything about it because he signed an NDA? it would be dangerous, I guess. So he did the same thing Taylor would do decades later: he “spelled it out” for us on his work, under the excuse of “I didn’t explicitly said it, did I? My most intelligent and attractive fans just happened to figure it out for themselves”. 
The movie ‘The Shinning’ has been analysed to shreds. Think ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ music video, but 2 hours and 26 minutes instead. There are many theories about its underlying theme, but we’re only focusing on the moon landing one. The biggest piece of evidence, according to believers, comes from that famous scene in the hallway. Basically, the kid, Danny, is on the floor playing and wearing an Apollo 11 sweater. He stands up = the rocket launches. He walks to Room N.237. Which is almost an anagram for MOON - but actually, a perfect anagram for MORON - I didn’t come up with that joke, I’m just sharing it. Anyway. In the book, the room number is 217 but Kubrick changed it to 237 because there are 237,000 miles between the Earth and the Moon... except that’s not exactly true, but this is their Kissgate, you see? 
“Paul is Dead” aka “the granddaddy of Kaylor is Real”
Now, this is THE conspiracy theory. Kaylors would love to have the amount of evidence this theory has. Give them 50 years, they’ll get there. 
Our story starts in 1966, Paul McCartney dies in a car accident. The British Government panics, “this will drive our teenagers into a massive suicide!” So they cover it up. They find this guy who looks like Paul and hire him to replace the original. 
You might’ve only heard about those stores where pop-stars get their beards. But there’s also a branch that focuses on celebrity look-a-likes.
The rest of The Beatles went along with it (because that’s how these artists seem to operate, they’re always the victims of their circumstances) but they did not like it. So - you guessed it - they used their music, artwork, photo-shoots, etc. to communicate the truth. Faux-Paul might’ve felt a bit awkward about it, but he’s a nice chap and let the other guys work through their grief. 
Kaylors might have agreed on blue being the colour of breaks up and yellow is for Karlie-Sunshine; but the Paul-truthers concluded white is the colour of heaven, jeans are for gravediggers and black for morticians... oh! And not wearing shoes means you’re dead. Taylor being near a door symbolises her leaving the closet; Paul being near an open trunk symbolises him being in a coffin. Is the letter K, for Karlie, surrounding Taylor? Well, there’s a 28IF in the plaques of a car, for Paul being 28 IF he hadn’t died. People hear a phantasmagorical “she” in ‘Call It What You Want’; just like people heard “I buried Paul” in ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’.
If you have never looked up this theory, I seriously recommend it. There are so many parallels with Kaylor. Here’s a 30 minute video, if you’re interested. It summarises the theory neatly while discussing the effects that these, seemingly innocent, conspiracies have on the way we absorb information.
Paul might be dead but 2pac is very much alive.
If I haven’t made it clear by now, I think it’s very deceptive to use a musician’s lyrics to back up your alternate version of events. As confessional as these verses can be, they’re still a form of art. Which, in terms of music lyrics, they need to follow certain parameters, as well as a desired sound. And, as many other forms of art, they might focus a bit more on transmitting a feeling, rather than an accurate portrayal of reality.
Why am I stopping to say all of this now? Well, because this specific theory relies a lot on Tupac’s lyrics.
A bit of context: In 1996, Tupac Shakur was shot 4 times while at a stoplight. He died from his injuries days later. While there are theories, to this day, no one knows who killed him. Unless you believe one of those theories, which claims no one did.
The believers of this theory cite Tupac’s lyrics to argue that he was explicitly telling his fans that he was going to fake his own death. Here are two examples:
I’ve been shot and murdered, can’t tell you how it happened word for word but best believe that n*****’ gonna get what they deserve. - Richie Rich’s N***** Done Change
I heard rumours that I died murdered in cold blood, traumatised pictures of me in my final states — you know mama cried. But that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted - Aint’ Hard 2 Find
Just like anti-Kaylors don’t necessarily oppose the idea of Taylor being gay; I bet the “antis” of this theory aren’t happy Tupac died and weren’t against his existence on the first place. It’s more of an argument about confusing your feelings with facts, just because they can be more comforting or exciting.
“Avril Lavigne is dead”... or “every artist you think is alive is, actually, dead and, the ones you think are dead, aren’t” I guess.
After everything we have seen, this one isn’t that interesting. The real Avril died in 2003, right after her first album. Her record label bought a new one. Proof? She says ‘dead’ in ‘My Happy Ending’, blah, blah. A poor man’s “Paul is Dead”.
I added it, mainly for the lulz, after the last entry, I needed them. But also because it all started with a blog. What’s hilarious is that the guy who created it admitted he only did it to show how gullible people are but, at that point, he had already convinced people about. The conspirators didn’t need him anymore. So they discarded him but not the Theory... which just reminds me a little too much of how TCG, HBH, Jennyboom &co. have been excommunicated from the Church of Kaylor.
Beyonce and Jay Z are members of the sexy sexy Illuminati.
I did not save the best for last. But maybe I’m just biased because the Illuminati theory bores me to death. However, if you allow me a bit of social criticism... remember how the Shakespeare Conspiracy started because a bunch of classicist people didn’t believe a lower class citizen could write such good plays? I think this one has a bit of that. I’d bet my life that this one started when a bunch of white dudes got super uncomfortable by black people being so talented and earning their successful.
What this Conspiracy shows, too, is the amplifying effect the internet has had on the proliferation of such theories. Most of the conspiracies I’ve mentioned were huge... but how were you supposed to communicate your ideas and add to the old ones, before the internet? You could publish a book. Talk about it at parties. And, at some point, there were internet forums but, still, you can’t compare that to how widespread Social Media is nowadays. 
Today, we can watch someone ramble for 2 hours on YouTube about how Beyonce looks like a robot if you watch Single Ladies in reverse; read someone’s dissertation of ‘Apeshit’; or spend all night looking at those pictures where someone has drawn a red circle around anything that resembles a triangle. 
It might look like a lot of evidence but that’s only because there are a lot of people very attached to this theory. Wanting - for whatever reason - for it to be true (perhaps because it would confirm that their fears about the world were well founded). And all those dozens or hundredths of people were working together to form as many patterns as possible.
Unfortunately we are going to keep talking about the Illuminati in Part 3 but also about Taylor, so that should be nice. Because - to the surprise of absolutely no one - there’s a bunch of people who also think they understand Taylor better than the rest. That they have figured out her secret codes and her ultimate message. Only, not all of those theories involve lesbian supermodels, so they aren’t as popular on Tumblr.
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The Grinch Who Stole New Year
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You no longer like Christmas, you love Christmas. But perhaps it was still your heart that grew three sizes before the end of the year.
guardiandemon!Jimin x reader
genre: slice of life, supernatural, fluff, comedy
word count: 4.4k
A/n: You know me, I never get stuff out on time LOLL But to make up for it, I tried to do a mash up of the two big holiday/season into this one drabble. Hope everyone’s had a great holiday and a happy New Year! 2019, let’s get this bread. Forewarning; it’s half unedited so....asfsdkgh
 December 31st
 “You look awfully happy.” Jaehee comments from the kitchen threshold. You glance up only briefly, not bothering to hide the dopey, wide smile you currently have. It makes Jaehee laugh before she asks, “Is it the guy you told me about?”
 You sputter, nearly knocking out the lone ear bud you’re wearing with how you jostle your laptop to indignantly squawk, “As if!” You take a hold of your laptop and turn it just slightly to show her your paused screen, cooing affectionately as you say, “It’s my boys.”
 “Oh.” She drags out the sound and rolls her eyes playfully, “Should’ve known.”
 You grin back at her before continuing where you left off. Curled up on the sofa with the fluffiest blanket, sipping one of your favourite white wines, you’re watching your copy of BTS’ Seasons’ Greetings 2019 on your laptop. Sure buying it might’ve put a rather large dent in your wallet but in your defense, it was deemed to be your Christmas present to yourself. Plus, in your opinion, it’s worth every penny. 
 “So what happened to the guy then? Did you ghost him or something?” Jaehee calls out again, coming to settle on the other end of the sofa where your feet haven’t reached.
 “Oh… him.” You reply offhandedly, paying more attention to the conversation the group was having on screen but at the thought of…. him, you can’t help the snort that comes out of your mouth that isn’t entirely because of BTS’ antics.
 Oh, Jimin…. Well, your demon version of Jimin…. 
 You can’t say you feel completely sorry for him because ever since the season to be jolly had crept closer and closer, he had become more and more like a mixture between the Grinch and Grumpy Cat and while it should’ve made you a little apprehensive of his temper, you were absolutely loving it.
 12 days before Christmas
 “On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” You find yourself singing as you work on stringing the Christmas lights up so that they frame your living room windows. You stand back to admire your handy work, still humming the song and you can’t help the giddy wiggle when you see how perfectly the lights twinkle in rhythm.
 “You bought more lights?” A begrudging voice sounds from within the darkened depths of your room. You turn and the grouchy mood your room invader has does nothing to dampen your own high-spirited one. In fact, his appearance looks too much like a certain grumpy house cat that even his glowing ruby eyes doesn’t detract the image. It makes you choke back a giggle, which seems to make him bristle (much to your delight).
 “Don’t you know that you can never have enough lights?” You make show of reprimanding him as if you’re an over-enthusiastic grade school teacher, hands on either side of your hip and head slightly tilted. He glares harder at you and you think this is the perfect chance to rub it in his face more. “And guess what else I got?”
 You whirl around to reach into your shopping bag and pull out your two additional purchases, shaking them excessively in both hands with excitement and a shit-eating grin stretching so wide you feel your cheeks starting to hurt. “Santa hats!” And they’re not just any old, normal looking ones. They’re red sequined and they jingled.
 “You’re disgusting.” is your only response before he promptly slams the door shut to your room. But you can’t be bothered, too busy cackling to yourself from his reaction. You’re honestly living for how much your demon guardian is loathing the holiday season. Before, you can barely get him to stop popping up at the most inconvenient times, claiming it to be ‘watch duty’ (when really it’s just to annoy you and give you a heart attack for his own amusement) but ever since Christmas started to loom around the corner, he’s gone reclusive, avoiding the outside world like the black plague was on the loose. 
 Needless to say, you were ecstatic. You could finally meet up with your friends without having to look over your shoulder or become too distracted because he thinks it’s funny to do outrageous things under the invisibility spell (you’ll never forget the time he decided to make balloon animals two seats away from you, all the while keeping the most stoic face you’ve ever seen). 
 So it’s no surprise that you’ve decided to take full advantage of this new discovery, going to lengths you never had before in a way to get back at him. To be honest, you weren’t even that big on Christmas, doing the bare minimum in the past to celebrate the holiday but thanks to him, you’ve gone all out in the decorating department and it only seems to fuel your enthusiasm (so no, you wouldn’t call it being completely petty; just more festive).
 A most wonderful time of the year indeed.
 You toss the Santa hats onto the couch, taking the moment to step back and admire your entire setup. The tree was up and filled with ornaments on nearly every branch you can hook, standing in a corner by the sofa, blinking prettily with it’s many lights, complete with a faux fur lined tree skirt. More lights were pinned just above the sofa and along the small bookshelf while garlands and wreaths were placed on your front door, above the kitchen threshold and the railing outside of your entryway. The magazines on your coffee table were tucked underneath in favour of the poinsettia candle-holder centrepiece, complete with faux self-lit candles.
 And although you don’t have a fireplace, it didn’t deter you from buying stockings to hang just below the TV stand (I mean, if you turn on the fireplace channel, it could still work right?)
 Overall, you’re quite happy with your little home makeover. Your place looks exceptionally decorative and you get a kick out of annoying your demon house cat for once. Two birds with one stone.
 2 days before Christmas
 “What is that?”
 “What’s what?” You ask innocently, biting your lip to hold back a snicker as you pretend to busy yourself in fixing the holly you’ve got in your hands. You can practically feel the temperature drop behind you from the sofa but you’re perfectly warm in your oversized ugly Christmas sweater.
 “That!” He hisses. You spare him a glance but his gaze is so fixated on the little ceramic figurine on the coffee table that you actually think he might set it aflame.
 “It’s Mary and Joseph and the newborn king, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; gosh I thought you of all beings would know them?” You flippantly reply, having to turn away again to hide the smile that’s starting to creep up on your lips. 
 “I do but I also know for a fact that you’re not even Christian. So why do you have this here!?" 
 “Jesus loves everybody and it’s not exactly them, it’s a very abstract depiction of them. And besides, it’s a nice candle holder that says Noel so calm down.” 
 You hear angry muttering and then a huff, making you sneak a peek only to nearly burst out laughing at the pout he’s sporting. You have to admit, it’s adorable but only because he looks like Jimin. He turns to you and you can’t help the corner of your mouth from twitching. Your Jimin clone raises a finger, pointing at you as his expression turns accusatory, comically so.
 “You did this on purpose.” 
 “Did what?” Your voice comes out in a higher pitch because you’re trying so hard not to laugh but also because you’re clearly lying through your teeth.
 “All of this!” He finally exclaims, like his week long pent up frustration is coming to head. “I can’t believe you would go along with the capitalism of this holiday, just to get back at me!” 
 “You’re a demon! I thought you’re supposed to encourage this sort of thing?”
 “There are many things I encourage…and this is definitely not one of them!” 
 “Oh c’mon, don’t act like you totally hate the holiday season; I’m not the one sneaking gingerbread cookies at two in the morning."
 A pause.
 And you smirk; gotcha.
 Yeah, there was no way you wouldn’t have noticed that every time you decided to bake some holiday treats (for the household and your workplace), the portion left for home would mysteriously disappear at an alarming rate. You knew for sure you didn’t eat any because you literally had your fill when they were fresh out of the oven. Jaehee didn’t really like gingerbread cookies nor sweets for that matter but she indulged you and had the bare minimum.
 So doing the math for that wasn’t too hard and if the deep crimson blush Jimin had on was anything to go by….
 “So what? I had like two…” He says defensively, crossing his arms. You let a snort go, turning back around to fiddle with the fake holly berries. 
 “Sure…whatever helps you sleep at night.”
 “Demons don’t really sleep.”
 “Ugh, you know what I mean.” You roll your eyes, finishing up and stalking back towards the kitchen again. “Anyways, I’m gonna go make some cookies since someone keeps eating all of them before I can leave any out for Santa.”
 “He’s not even real!”
 “I don’t want to hear it!”
 Safe to say that your chewy chocolate chip cookies turned out fantastically, you think they’re good enough to open your own bakery even. Once the tray cooled, you take three for yourself and a glass of milk, heading back into your room. You take a quick a glance in the living and find that your demon guardian has vanished. You shrug, kicking open your door and get settled in for a little movie night in bed.
 The next morning, you find the tray more than half empty.
 “Oh wow, chocolate chip cookies. You should really open up a shop, Y/N. You’ve got a knack for baking.” Jaehee comes up from behind you, peering over your shoulder. “Why’d you make so little? Just had a craving last night?”
 “Yeah…” was the only thing you can say in utter disbelief.
 That bastard.
 He could’ve saved you some to last the week.
 Christmas Day
 Oh boy, you probably should not have drank that much. You’re regretting it deeply now as you stumble up the stairs after thanking your Uber driver and wishing them a happy holiday. The Christmas party your friend held was super fun, something that wasn’t too rambunctious like a frat party even though you're totally sloshed right now. It was a gathering of close friends and their dates but friends who definitely know how to party. The night started off rather tamed with the exchange of presents and pleasantries in catching up, eating and light drinking before the games started. 
 That’s when the drinks started pouring because games are fun but they’re even more fun when alcohol is involved (and anything can be turned into a drinking game if you tried hard enough). Coupled that with your fairly low tolerance and it’s no surprise that you’re about ready to fall asleep in the closest corner you can find. But no, you’re a trooper and you held on, even when Jaehee (who was no less sober than you), insists on going home with you. So after ordering you an Uber she deemed trustful (cancelling around five of them), she saw you off, not without demanding that you text her when you’ve arrived safely at home.
 You’re almost inside, fumbling with your keys and checking thrice to make sure it’s the right one before slotting it into the keyhole. As the door opens, you let out a loud noise of relief like you’ve just finished a marathon.
 “Goddammit….” You slur to yourself as you shut your door and nearly topple over in removing your boots. You fling them off after finding your balance on the wall, heaving yourself to the living room where you promptly collapse onto the couch, energy spent. Your head is pounding already as if your hangover is beginning to form even before your body has a chance to sleep it off but you still have so much to do; take off your jacket, text Jaehee, change your clothes, wash your makeup off, brush your teeth, drink some water, the list was endless but all your body and inebriated mind wants to do is to close your eyes and just rest here for a bit because this couch was so comfy…man, investing in those throw pillows and blankets sure was a good ide—
 “I don’t remember letting in a hobo.” 
 Through your curtain of hair, you blearily make out a shadow looming over you. Tossing your head back a bit more, you find an infuriatingly handsome face staring down at you, one that you want to punch but kiss at the same time.
 “Yes, but not quite darling.”
 You frown, muddled mind sifting through information like dial up Internet before you make a noise of affirmation. “Not Jimin…English too good.” 
 You hear a breathy laugh as your heavy head lops to one side, too tired to hold it up any longer. A clicking sound, the kissing of teeth in a way you can only imagine a mother would do when scolding her child.
 “Someone’s indulged a little too much in the blood of Christ.” 
 In your head, you think you’ve formed words that sound something like ‘You don’t even like Christmas’ but in reality, it comes out half way before dying in a mumbling, incoherent mess. Your head continues to pound to the rhythm of your heart and as you close your eyes, trying to will it to go away, you very nearly drift off when you feel a tug at your arm. You make an attempt to swat at it but fail miserably, giving up because you don’t have the energy to care.
 “I don’t get paid enough for this….” You faintly hear as you’re suddenly lifted into strong arms and the familiar scent of vanilla and lavender invades your nose.
 “Mm…So strong…” You giggle drunkenly, head burying against the soft cashmere sweater he’s wearing. A groan rumbles against your ear before you’re unceremoniously dumped onto the fluffy comforter of your bed. You whine loudly at being jostled, blindly rolling to your side in an attempt to sit up. A firm hand stops you from straight up falling out of bed.
 “Where do you think you’re going?”
 “Mm’face is dirty…”
 “Don’t worry, you rubbed half of it off on my sweater anyways.”
 “Jimin…!” You whine petulantly, a hand stretched out as if you could summon a cleansing wipe if you thought hard enough. Even drunk you refuses to go to bed with makeup still on your face; imagine the mess it’ll leave on your pillows!
 A loud sigh and before you know it, you feel the dampness of one of your cleansing wipes in your outstretched hand. You take it with a grunt of appreciation before slapping it onto your face and begin rubbing it in the best way you think you can get the makeup off. You try to be strategic about it, going by sections of your face but eventually, you keep forgetting if you’ve went over the area or not. You end up wiping your face for a good fifteen minute straight.
 “I think you missed a spot.”
 You let out another grunt, loudly, tossing the wipe in the direction you hear his voice coming from, “Shuddup.”
 The wipe doesn’t come close to reaching his stupid handsome face like you wanted it to, it lands rather pathetically at the edge of his knee, right where the rip in his jeans were. Still, he takes it and effortlessly sends it flying to your trashcan.
 “Mm.” You hum, snuggling into your pillows before letting out a content sigh through your nose. You feel the covers tuck a little closer to you, the weight lifting from your bed and your hair being brushed out of the way. 
 “Now stay, and sleep.” 
 “Mm…Merry Chris…Nn—Merry Holiday, Jimin.” You mumble sleepily, drifting off finally though for a split second, you could’ve sworn you heard a “Merry Holiday” in return.
 The next morning, you wake up with a splitting headache that renders you incapacitated for half the day. When you did have enough strength to get up, you’re pleasantly greeted with a steaming mug of peppermint tea (the one with cute little snowflakes on it) and a pack of painkillers.
 Jaehee’s door was still shut, no doubt she’s either still passed out in sleep or she might’ve spent the night with her date so it’s with a half-hearted reluctance that you accept who could’ve done this. Nevertheless, you gratefully take the tea, cradling it in your hands as you make your way over to the couch. Settling down on the plush seat, you go to reach for the remote on the coffee table, only to notice one minor detail.
 Your little Noel candle holder was missing.
 You could only let out a sigh. In truth, you’re not even mad.
 Present day
 “You sure you don’t want to head over to Jisoo’s? We can stay only until the countdown is over.” Jaehee asks once again as she straightens her sequin dress.
 “Nah, I think I’ve maxed out my social metre for the year in just this past week alone.” You laugh, stretching your arms over your head before settling back down again, cradling the laptop perched on your knees. You’re halfway done the season’s greeting DVD and you’re thoroughly enjoying yourself where you are.
 Jaehee acquiesces, adding a couple of finishing touches to her look, giving you a twirl and you giving her your seal of approval in return. She throws on her jacket just as her phone goes off, signaling her dates’ arrival to pick her up. Jaehee bids you farewell, wishing you a happy new year beforehand as she slips through the door. You brief chill from outside reaches you and you bring the throw over blanket closer to you, resuming your video.
 Throughout the entire time, you’ve got a smile stretched wide across your face. You can’t help it; BTS does that to you. Even when the DVD comes to a finish, you’re still left with the faint feeling of happiness and utter adoration for them and honestly, it kind of makes you care even less that you’re spending your New Year by yourself.
 So with a content sigh, you eagerly fill your glass again, wiggling happily as you settle further into the cushions to continue perusing the Internet. Now this is what you call self-care.
 “You look crazy.”
 You resist the urge to groan aloud.
 “Well, look who decided to crawl out of their bat cave.” You decide to shoot back sarcastically as you glance up just in time to see him emerge from the darkness beyond your living room. The way he strides towards you makes it look like the shadows had melded to his form and given shape to his clothing as well; all black but looking rather cozy to your surprise; a simple black hoodie and sweatpants, the comfiest and most casual you’ve seen him. The change is startling and makes your heart palpitate a little, though you brush it off as the wine working its way into your system.
 “And I see you still have those obnoxious decorations up.” He looks disdainfully at the numerous Christmas lights still strung up and around the space, crinkling his nose a bit. “When are you gonna take it down?”
 “When I feel like it.” You deadpan, going back to search up the latest performance video.
 “Do you want me to burn it down for you?”
 That causes you to snap your gaze up, eyes narrowing in warning. “Don’t you dare.”
 All you’re met is a devilish smirk, eyes challenging before he turns and seats himself on the opposite side of the couch, preening. You only puff up in annoyance but then forgo getting worked up over the light bantering. It’s a common occurrence between the two of you now; a strange, love-hate, dynamic that though you may yell and complain about how much you find him absolutely irritable, a very, very, very deep part of you admits that he’s grown on you…. like a rash.
 “So are you really just going to spend the remaining part of your year binge watching BTS related content, drinking wine?” You hear him ask. You spare him a glance over the top of your laptop, finding him doing the same except he’s scrolling through his iPhone X (which you have no idea how he even got). He’s got the judge-y eyes but you see the underlying teasing glint in them that only causes you to roll your own.
 “We’ve been over this; the only thing that can melt my glacial heart now is seven beautiful and talented Korean men whom one of which, might I reiterate numerous times now, you stole their identities to.” 
 “Details, details.” He says unconcernedly, making show of stretching his neck and working out the kinks. “Ever heard of how there are actually at least six people in the world that look almost exactly like you? So it’s not that big of a deal.” 
 You could only shake your head (because low-key yes, he’s right but you won’t admit it), opting take a generous gulp of your wine.
 “Careful darling; wouldn’t want a repeat of six days ago.”
 “Hey at least I didn’t throw up on you.” You say defensively, cheeks heating up slightly when you recall what he said you did after getting home from the Christmas party (as payback, he made you hand-wash his sweater). You set down your glass to pour yourself more wine, feeling him watching with eyes piercing though that does not deter you at all (you will assert your dominance here). He scoffs but does nothing to stop you from filling your glass three-quarters of the way and taking another sip so you take it as a small victory in proving that you’re right. 
 It continues on like this; a comment made here and there, some back and forth before you both settle rather comfortably, just sat across from each other in actual companionable silence. You’re halfway through your bottle before you had the conscious to stop, feeling the buzz hitting you in growing waves. By then, you’ve settled onto browsing through your phone, much like how he’s doing right now but even after a few minutes, you had to rest your head against the back of the couch, too tired to keep it up. The strength in your hands is the next to go and soon, you had to resort to taking mini breaks in between. 
 It gives you the chance to really look at Jimin, or more like this entity that has taken the form of Jimin. You take in the way the lights bounce off of his face; all soft yet sharp angles at the same time, the way his lashes flutter at the tops of his cheeks when he blinks, and the dainty mole right at the edge. You see how the dangling silver earring catches the light at the slightest movement of his head, but also notice the helix stud that is shining as well. It’s such a small detail, however one that you find most profound; the real Jimin doesn’t have a helix piercing anymore.
 Now, as the more you look, you’re starting to find other things that the real Jimin would have that the one in front of your doesn’t; like the faint dusting of freckles you would see when real Jimin isn’t wearing makeup and when the Jimin in front of you brushes his hair back from his forehead, you don’t see the moles that should’ve been there. 
 Half of you thinks that this shouldn’t be that big of a deal, given that a major difference between this Jimin and the real one is that he’s fluent in English (and you have a sneaking suspicion other languages too), but there’s just something about actually seeing the differences physically now with your own eyes makes you feel….
 “Your eyes are going vacant darling; is it way past your bedtime?”
 His voice snaps you from your thought and the familiarity of it in contrast to what you have discovered seems all the more jarring. You blink to focus, the spitting image of the idol coming back into your view.
 “I’m not old enough to start falling asleep before the countdown happens.” 
 “But you are old enough to miss it completely.” Jimin’s voice is laced with hints of laughter bubbling at the edges but his remark makes you whip your phone up to your face, checking the time to see that indeed it’s 12:01. 
 Well, damn.
 The laugh he’s no doubt been holding back finally bursts out, a raspy sound that’s just the slightest bit airy. It’s probably from the look of utter disbelief on your face but you don’t really care, eyes too transfixed on the way he’s thrown his head back, Adam’s apple bobbing and after he calms down to just grinning do you see— 
 That his teeth are perfectly straight.
 “I guess we should say, 'Happy New Year’ yes?”
 He’s smiling at you so brilliantly, eyes almost turning into crescents as they twinkle at you with this boyish charm, cheeks rounding a little more the same way that Jimin had made your heart stutter. It makes your own smile tug onto your lips, and you have half the mind to marvel at how easily swayed you are by him.
 This Jimin, that is so like him—
 Yet not at the same time….
 The feelings tug at your heart again, except this time you think you might be able to pin what it is.
 You feel…. relieved.
 But for what?
 Your smile falters for a split second at the revelation, but you swiftly pull yourself together, covering up by reaching for your forgotten wine glass. It’s empty, however you raise it all the same to him.
 “Happy New Year.” You breathe out softly as if you’re afraid to disturb the peaceful atmosphere between you two, all the while the words have you feeling like a small weight has been lifted from your shoulder.
 He smiles in response and for a split second; his face softens almost endearingly as he replies to you with an equal softness in his voice, “Happy New Year.”
 In the quiet of your living room, with only the twinkling lights of Christmas past, you find you're less alone than you would be welcoming in the New Year.
 And somehow, you don’t quite mind that it’s thanks to him.
 “You owe me a new Jesus candle holder.”
 “…How about no?”
New Year, and he’s still insufferable. It was worth a shot.
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trade-baby-blues · 6 years
Champagne Dreaming
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Word Count: 1905
Warnings: slight violence, minor car crash, swearing
A/N: An anon requested Prompt 18 (” Character A and Character B have to save Christmas.”) I might’ve taken some liberties with the prompt, but I had fun writing it!! Tony is....really not in it much lol. But hopefully I wrote him well enough for the parts that he is in. Also, I continue to suck at endings so sorry 
Working for Stark Industries was a dream come true. More than that - it was a privilege. It's an absolute privilege to work for Mr. Stark and fetch his dry cleaning and his coffee and his lunch and keep his schedule and
“And it's a privilege,” you hissed at yourself, hitting your palm against the steering wheel in frustration. “It's a privilege to be sitting here in traffic on Christmas Eve.” You leaned back in your seat with a sigh, stretching your spine as best you could in your small car.
It wasn't all bad, if you were being honest. It wasn't even mostly bad. Tony Stark didn’t let many people into his inner circle. Still, it would have been nice to spend Christmas Eve curled up with a book in your loft at Stark Tower instead of stuck in your car with three crates of champagne.
This was the latest in a string of “emergencies” Mr. Stark had leading up to the holiday season. The first was buying gifts for the Avengers team. Then, he'd asked you to stay at the Tower for Christmas to help organize the decorating team then the holiday party then  your phone went off at 5 in the morning.
By now you were used to Mr. Stark waking you up at ungodly hours, but you'd been hoping he might make an exception on Christmas Eve. You toyed with the idea of ignoring it, already feeling the pull of sleep when your phone buzzed again.
Emergency down in the lab.         5:08 a.m.
Did I mention it was an emergency?      5:09 a.m.
You shot out of bed, telling FRIDAY to call the elevator. The only sounds in the hall were your bare feet hitting the floor and the creaking of the elevator doors. You slid inside, jamming the button for the lab and inputting your security clearance. The elevator whirred to life and you wrung your hands, not sure if it would be better to ask what to expect or go in blind. Before you made up your mind, the doors to the lab were opening.
“Mr. Stark,” you called, not seeing him or his emergency.
He popped his head out from his office before rushing back in. You heard him laugh, followed by a brief crashing of metal against the concrete floors. He emerged again, leaning against the doorframe, not even trying to hide the smile on his face. “It's about time. Nice pajamas. Are those dogs wearing Santa hats?”
“Yes,” you said, crossing your arms in a feeble attempt to cover the holiday dachshund print. “You said it was an emergency. I didn't think I had time to change.”
“Right. Emergency,” Mr. Stark said, pushing off the door frame and walking towards you. “I forgot to order champagne for the party tonight, so I need you to get some.” He fished through his wallet before handing you a bank card.
“You said it was an emergency,” you dead-panned, staring at the card in your hand.
“It is. What kind of Christmas party would it be without champagne?” Mr. Stark headed back for the office, sending you another glance. “You might want to change first. It's cold outside.”
You could've slapped the grin right off his face but chose to keep your cool (and your job), and headed back up to your room. You spent the next few hours searching the Internet and making calls to find a store that was actually open and had enough champagne. As luck would have it, you found a store an hour away, so you threw on some clothes and begged them to hold the champagne for you.
Now, you couldn't help but wonder if it would’ve just been easier to tell Mr. Stark you couldn't find any. The party was due to start in a few hours and traffic had barely moved an inch. You genuinely considered ditching the car and calling someone to help you haul the crates when your car jerked forward.
The sound of crunching metal broke your train of thought as your whole body snapped towards the windshield. Your eyes shot to the rear view mirror, locking eyes with the driver behind you. In a similar situation, Dr. Banner would probably be seeing green right now, but you only saw red as you got out of the car.
The man behind you was sending a stream of curses your way, but you hardly payed attention. Your brain was focused on one thing: connecting your fist to his face. With a satisfying crack, the man fell backwards onto the hood of his car, cradling his jaw. He looked up at you, stunned.
“Merry fucking Christmas,” you spat. Before you could turn around, a pair of police lights flashed on not two cars away. You watched an officer get out of the car and approach you. God, you were so gonna get fired.
You were still trying to decide who to call when who else but Mr. Stark himself showed up in front of the holding cell. You stood with your arms crossed, hoping that if you looked confident maybe you could keep yourself from crying.
“Come here often,” Mr. Stark joked.
“It's my winter home.”
Mr. Stark nodded. “Mm, remind me to give you a raise. It looks like you could use some new furniture.”
“Go to hell,” you snapped before you could stop yourself.  You slapped your hands over mouth in horror. “I’m so sorry Mr. Stark. I-” He held a hand up to stop you.
“I’ll send you a postcard, and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Tony? Mr. Stark makes me feel old. So tell me, how did this,” he said, gesturing at the cell, “happen?”
You pressed your forehead against the cool bars in an attempt to hide the blush creeping up your face. “I may have briefly gotten swept up in some road rage and punched someone.”
“Told you self defense classes would come in handy.”
“As much as I appreciate your sense of humor, Mr. Stark-”
“Tony,” he interrupted.
“Tony,” you sighed. “How did you know I was here? You should be getting ready for the party.”
“Oh, I was. Then, I got an interesting call from the police station saying a woman had stolen my credit card, bought a ton of champagne, and started attacking people in the street.”
You groaned. “You told them I didn't steal your card, right?”
“I told them I've never seen you in my life.” Tony’s usual poker face cracked into a smile as your eyes shot up to him. His laugh echoed through the holding cell.
“You're so lucky there are bars between us right now.”
“Did you hear that, officer,” Tony asked, turning to the cop standing behind him. “I think she's threatening me. Maybe we should extend her stay.”
“Tony,” you warned, exasperation clear in your voice.
“All right, all right. Come on. Can't have a party with the guest of honor.” Tony stepped aside so the officer could unlock the cell.
“Guest of honor?”
“Yeah, me. Did you think I meant you? Because that would be embarrassing.” You rolled your eyes, not missing the teasing note in Tony's voice as he led you out of the precinct to the car parked out front. You nodded awkwardly at Happy, who held the door for you as you clambered in. A black garment bag hung from a handle in the backseat.
“That's for you, by the way. An early Christmas present,” Tony said, sliding into the seat next to you. “Well, that and bailing you out of jail.”
“Thank you, Tony, but you really didn't have to.”
“Yeah, well, I needed the champagne so I figured I’d get you too.” He shrugged, smile still firmly on his face. “Go ahead and put it on.”
“Yeah. Party’s already starting so you should be dressed when we get there. Happy?” Happy pressed a button and an opaque partition slid up, hiding you from his view but not Tony’s. You stared at him expectantly, but he only smiled back at you, eager to see how the dress looked. “Is there a problem?”
“Are you gonna watch?”
“I bailed you out of jail, and I don't get a show?” You felt your cheeks heat up again but couldn't come up with a witty response. “Fine. Nothing I haven't seen in my dreams anyway.” He gave you a wink before turning in his seat and slipping his sunglasses back on.
You went back to unzipping the garment bag, freezing when your brain finally processed what Tony said. No. There was no way you heard him right, you thought, biting your bottom lip. You shook your head, trying to get a grip as you finally slipped the dress out of the bag.
Say what you will about Tony Stark, the man had good taste. The dress was absolutely breathtaking: deep red silk with a sweetheart neckline and sleeves made from nude netting laced with crystals. It sparkled even in the dim lighting of the car. The skirt fell out of the bag in waves, and you sucked in a breath, wondering how the hell you were supposed to get this on.
Somehow you managed to change clothes and only accidentally hit Tony twice. By the time it was on and Tony helped you zip it up, you were almost as red as the dress.
“There are shoes under the seat. Do you want me to turn around while you put those on, too?”
“Shut up,” you smiled, reaching forward for the box.
“Ouch. That hurts. Is that really any way to treat the man who bailed you out?”
You pinched your eyes shut and groaned. “You're really not gonna let me live this down are you?”
“You might be able to convince me. On one condition.”
“God, anything,” you said as you pulled the heels on. Tony didn't respond right away, and you looked up at him. His normal smile was gone, replaced by something softer, something more intimate. A smile just for you.
“Be my date tonight.” You searched for any hint he was joking.
“Yeah, okay,” you said. And just like that, all the tension slipped away and the air snapped back to playful banter.
“Yeah, okay,” Tony said, doing his best imitation of you. “Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your spot?”
You shrugged as Happy opened the door for you, milking the last few shreds of confidence you had. “So invite them.”
Tony stepped out of the car behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “I bailed you out of jail.”
“I thought you said you’d let that go if I was your date.”
“I said I might be convinced to let it go, but frankly I’m not convinced yet.”
“And what will it take to convince you, Mr. Stark,” you smiled innocently, straightening his lapel. You ran your hands down his chest, relishing the feel of his muscles tensing under your touch.
Tony sucked in a breath. “Say my name like that after I have a few glasses of champagne, and I think that’ll do the trick.”  You stifled a laugh as Tony pulled the door open for you. He slipped his arm around your waist again, and for the first time today, you finally felt the tension leave your body.
I don’t have a Marvel tag list, so if you ever want to be tagged in Marvel stuff lmk!! I think I’ve only written for Bucky in the past, but I’ve got some Steve stuff coming up!!
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elliearchive · 5 years
TAGGING ➝ Donovan Smythe, Rylan St. James.
LOCATION ➝ Aquarium, followed by Don’s car.
TIME FRAME ➝ 5/19, evening.
NOTES ➝ Rylan and Don think they can be platonic, but it turns into a date.
Had Rylan wanted to kiss Donovan as soon as he’d picked her up for their trip to the aquarium? Of course she had. But she’d stopped herself, because the point of today wasn’t to be all over each other like they had been as of late, it was to prove that they could still be friends, they could still hang out like they normally did. It was important to her, and she figured he felt the same way. However, she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as she’d awaited his arrival, and Rylan had admittedly changed her outfit multiple times before finally deciding on floral printed pants and a black shirt tucked into them, leather jacket over the top. Maybe she looked a little dressy for a day at the aquarium with her friend, but she could ignore that, and assumed he would, too. It wasn’t like Donovan ever took notice of her appearance, she was pretty sure of it. She tried to make herself ignore his once she’d climbed into his car, though it was easier said than done, but she at least chose not to comment, and somehow managed to keep the conversation light and friendly the whole way there. “Has Tiger been missing me?” She asked, glancing over at her friend as they pulled into the parking lot, a frown settling onto her face as she mentally scolded herself for only now thinking about her cat. She’d been too focused on not checking out Donovan before. “I’m gonna come over once we’re done here today, work has just been kind of crazy lately. My cousin’s girlfriend wants to set up some kind of trauma program through SafeHouse for her patients, it’s actually really cool. But it’s been keeping my from my guys.” She pouted, unbuckling her seatbelt once they’d parked up. “Are you both managing to keep yourselves fed and taken care of without me?”
This was not a date. That was a lot easier for Donovan to believe when it was still just him in the car. This was just the two of them hanging out. Never mind the fact that he’d decided to put on a button up and a nice pair of jeans, and he wasn’t wearing a hat. He almost always wore a hat whenever he and Rylan hung out together because it was usually casual. This was supposed to be casual, but for some reason it didn’t feel that way this time. His eyes stayed fixed on her as she climbed into the car. She looked great. Was he allowed to tell her that? He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t really feel comfortable letting the moment slip away from him. “You look nice,” he smirked, glancing over at her. He let out a small chuckle and started driving them in the direction of the aquarium. “Your pants look nice. They’re fun. I like the floral print.” He assumed that was a good way to cover the fact that he had obviously been checking her out. That should not have been a surprise to her though. Not after the other night. Even if this was supposed to be just friends hanging out, it didn’t mean he was all of a sudden not attracted to her. He smiled as they pulled into the parking lot, nodding his head at her question. “He totally misses you. He’s been stuck with me and I’ve been ignoring him to hang out with the sheep.” The idea of her coming over made him happy, but it also made him nervous. He was certain if the two of them ended up alone at his place then it was going to ruin their plan of having a day of just platonic friendship. But he wasn’t going to complain. He reached over and unbuckled his seat belt, opening the car door and pulling himself out of the car. “That’s really awesome. I know you’re pumped to help more people.” He nodded his head as he made his way over to her car door, instinctively swinging it open. He shook his head and let out a small laugh, silently kicking himself for the gesture.“I’m one of your guys?” He grinned, leaning against the car door as he waited for her climb out. Alright, so that was flirting. But it was innocent and could be brushed over. “What do you want to check out first? I’ve never treated a penguin, so I’m leaning more toward checking out the polar exhibit.”
Okay, so maybe she’d been wrong, maybe Donovan did take notice of her appearance every now and then. But Rylan chose not to think too deeply into the compliment, and instead just looked down at her pants, shrugging a shoulder. “They are pretty fun,” she agreed, “You look really good too, by the way.” The words had just kind of flowed out, like Don had opened a gate and she’d followed suit. She figured if he wasn’t worried, though, then maybe she shouldn’t be either. But she wasn’t trying to make a habit of it, at least not today. Rylan refused to admit that they couldn’t just be their usual selves with one another. She pouted over at him when he spoke. “Hey, don’t neglect my cat. It’s not like he can even hang out with Becca.” She paused, wrinkling her nose. “Or I mean, he can, but he won’t. I really don’t get why he hates her so much.” She knew, or at least hoped that he was kidding about ignoring him, of course. Don could pretend all he wanted, but he was a sucker for animals, that included Tiger. She’d been about to climb out of the car too, but had fumbled a little with the strap of her bag as she picked it up from where she’d tossed it down by her feet when she’d first climbed in, and by the time she’d positioned it across her body, the door had been opened for her. Rylan tried not to think anything of it, but she small, appreciative smile she flashed Donovan was kind of bashful somehow as she climbed out to join him. She decided to implement a little damage control, shaking her head in response. “No, not you. I meant Tiger and the sheep,” she teased, nudging him playfully with her elbow, before leading him toward the building. “Mm, I don’t mind. Penguins are fun, we can do that first. Are you planning on treating them while we’re here?” She questioned, nose wrinkling again. It wasn’t intentional, the way she stopped at the door to wait for Don to open it for her. She didn’t even think about it, she just did it. It might’ve concerned her if she’d realized.
Rylan didn’t compliment him very often. At least not before they’d crossed the point of no return with each other. Even before, whenever she did throw him a compliment, it didn’t mean anything. It was usually coated with sarcasm and the general playfulness they had with each other. This felt a little different. He was hopeful that she wasn’t looking at him because if she was then she would have seen the slight tint of red that crept onto his cheeks. “It’s because you’ve spoiled him and no other woman means anything to him. He only wants you,” Don joked. The relationship between Tiger and Becca was actually kind of hilarious. He felt sorry for the girl. He wouldn’t know what to do if any of his animals hated him. As much as he joked, he really did love Tiger and all of the animals he surrounded himself with. That should have been obvious by his choice in profession. “I think we both know I’m somewhere on that list,” he joked, making sure to shut her car door after she was done climbing out. They had always done this with each other. Just joked around. There was definitely a hint of flirtatiousness that wasn’t there before. It was obvious why, but they were both going to ignore that and try to have their fun day as friends. He followed her toward the door and stepped slightly ahead of her to open the door for the two of them, pausing to let her walk through it first. It was strange. They didn’t have to communicate that. And really, it should not have been happening. They were just friends. But somehow it still felt incredibly natural. “Maybe I am,” he said with a shrug. “Maybe I want to impress all of the aquarium patrons with my vet skills. Or maybe I just want to impress you,” he mumbled, letting out an uneasy laugh. He stared up at the signs, finding the direction of the polar exhibit that he wanted to see first. “Come on. It’s this way,” he said with a nod of his head. He reached out for her hand and started moving them in the correct direction.
Normally, when they were in Don’s car together, Rylan would be busy flicking through one of their many Spotify playlists and changing songs before they’d ended in that annoying way she always did. She would rarely be focusing on her friend, at least not in the sense that she’d be looking at him. She caught herself stealing glances now, though. It felt wrong, like she wasn’t supposed to be looking at him, but she could swear his cheeks had flushed a slight shade of pink following her compliment. She wasn’t going to point it out, though; hers had definitely done the same when he’d complimented her. “Well, he’s my baby. Of course I spoil him,” she agreed, shrugging a shoulder. If she was home enough, or had other animals around the house like Donovan did, she would’ve brought Tiger home with her. But it made more sense for him to be with Don, and Rylan knew he was taken care of with him. Besides, she was over there most of the time anyway. She shot him a look, smirking softly. “Somewhere. After the cat and the sheep.” Why she had the urge to kiss his cheek after teasing him was something she wasn’t trying to question, but she refrained, instead smiling gratefully as he opened the door for her. Her gaze landed on him as he joked — at least she thought it was a joke — about impressing her. “You always impress me,” she admitted, unable to bite back the words. He was impressing her now, holding doors for her, complimenting her outfit. It was nice. It was different, maybe even kind of weird, but it was impressive, and Rylan wasn’t afraid to tell him so. Nor did she question how easily her hand held onto his, their fingers lacing as he led her in the right direction. For a moment, she walked in silence, almost biting her tongue, before that forward, filterless side of her took over.“Best friends don’t hold hands, you know?” She laughed softly, but had no intention of letting go. In fact, she tightened her hold on him slightly, watching him through her lashes. “No getting ahead of yourself here, buddy.” She almost stopped herself, she really almost did. But that wasn’t Rylan, she didn’t keep her thoughts to herself, so she was continuing shortly after, stopping in her tracks and tugging him closer. “But don’t let go, okay? It might break my heart if you did.”
All of this should have felt weird. The way they were teetering between being just friends and this being some sort of date. But it didn’t feel weird for Donovan. He was already enjoying himself, despite the small amount of nervousness bubbling around in his stomach. “I spoil him a little bit too,” Don admitted with a shrug. He definitely spoiled all of his animals, but it was the worst with Tiger. Probably because he shared him with Rylan and he knew whenever she was around, the cat was being pampered, so Don wanted to offer him the same thing. His eyes didn’t leave her as she stepped out of the car. He felt like there was a moment, like there was something she was slightly holding back from. “I always impress you?” He questioned, his grin never leaving his lips. “That’s a lot to live up to. It’s a good thing I don’t have any plans to start disappointing you now.” Grabbing her hand was an instinct. They were walking together. He just wanted to make sure they were moving in the right direction. At least, that was how his mind justified the act. In reality, he just wanted to hold her hand. He just wanted to feel close to her. Even if it wasn’t really the right thing to do on their platonic outing. He just could not help himself. Finally, she spoke up. His eyes glanced over at her, a small awkward chuckle leaving his lips. She was correct. Best friends didn’t hold hands as they walked through the aquarium together. Even more nervousness was building up inside of him as he waited for her to tell him to let go. Or for her to just retract her hand and not hold onto his anymore. It would break his heart, but he was breaking the rules and boundaries they’d set for the evening. He could feel his thumb instinctively rubbing softly against the skin on her hand as he listened to her speak, a small smile spreading across his face.“I don’t want to let go,” he spoke up, glancing over at her. “Holding hands with you is really just the start of what I’ve wanted to do since I picked you up.” The words left his mouth before he could really think about them. He let out another small awkward chuckle before finally pulling his eyes away from her and back to the exhibit. “Do you want me to go full on nerd tonight and talk about every animal? Or would you prefer to just take it all in yourself?”
This wasn’t just like the two of them hanging out the way they usually did, Rylan couldn’t even pretend to herself that it was. It was supposed to be, but it wasn’t. She normally didn’t have to question her behavior, nor stop herself from looking his way. But that was exactly what she was doing right now, and no matter how normal she tried to act, it was really very forced. “Of course you do,” she teased, “You’re a major softie. Especially when it comes to the animals. And to me.” He always had been, even before they’d hooked up and begun doing whatever they were currently trying to pretend they weren’t doing, Donovan had always seemed to have a soft spot for Rylan, even only platonically. It was definitely the same vice versa. “You do always impress me. But don’t let it go to your head too much.” That felt forced, the part where she was telling him not to let it go to his head, even though that was something she usually would’ve said without thought. Maybe this was stupid, trying to push aside any deeper feelings, but Rylan was going to keep trying. She refused to lose Don’s friendship, it seemed necessary to her that they make this work. Even if the feeling of his hand in hers was as natural as it was, and definitely not something they’d do platonically while walking around an aquarium together. Evidently, she wasn’t the only one who’d realized it, and as vulnerable as she felt telling him not to let go, she couldn’t help the small smile his words brought to her lips, her cheeks heating up slightly. Rylan chose not to respond, even though she definitely agreed. “You can go full on nerd. You’re nerdy with your animals, I’d be sad if you held that back,” she laughed, shrugging a shoulder. Her hand held comfortably onto his as they continued to walk, and she found herself looking up at him, just eyeing him for a moment. “What else have you wanted to do?” She finally asked, apparently no longer holding back. “Since you picked me up.”
“What can I say? I have a soft spot for the things I care about,” Don muttered out, glancing over at her. Tonight was weird. He found himself saying the things he promised himself he wouldn’t. This was supposed to be an evening between friends, but friends didn’t say the things he was saying to her and friends didn’t have to stop themselves from looking over at her. He knew how badly he wanted to stare over at her, but he was fearful about what would really transpire if the two of them made eye contact for too long. A soft chuckle left his lips in response to her joke. He loved joking around with her, but it felt weird. It felt like they were both trying too hard. They didn’t want to be teasing each other like this. At least Donovan didn’t. He wanted to kiss her. He always wanted to kiss her. Maybe he didn’t notice it before they’d taken that plunge together, but he was very aware of it now. He liked her and whenever they were together, he was thinking about kissing her. It was impossible for him not to. Holding her hand was easy. Because it was something he wanted. It felt natural. And having her confirm that she didn’t want him to let go made it feel even better. He would hold her hand for the rest of their trip if that was what she wanted. It was definitely what he wanted. But he could see why this was all so complicated. Their friendship was so important, but this connection they had to the two of each other was clearly too much for the two of them to ignore. “Full on nerd it is. You don’t have to ask me twice,” he said with a small laugh. He turned his gaze straight ahead as they kept walking, her words pulling him out of his thoughts and back on her. He sent her a small smile as he looked over at her, shrugging his shoulders. “I’ve wanted to kiss you,” he mumbled out, his eyes glancing at her lips for a moment. “But I know we’re not doing that tonight,” he said, his voice getting softer. “Right?”
It was so hard not to find herself smiling and blushing at the things Don said. She could try to be conscious to wipe away her smile, but the blush? She couldn’t do anything about that, so Rylan was hopeful he would just ignore it. It was just nice to hear that he cared about her, despite her of course knowing that already. They were being dumb really, by trying to change what was naturally occurring. If only Rylan wasn’t so damn stubborn, she’d let down her guard, but it just wasn’t that easy, so instead she just quietly enjoyed the feeling of Don’s fingers laced with her own, and of just being in his company. It wasn’t like she suddenly couldn’t be herself, she definitely felt comfortable with him, despite the act, and the mention of him also being his nerdy self and geeking out about the sea life had her grinning in response. “That’s what I was hoping. It’s fun when you know all of your facts. Impressive, even,” she winked. It was dangerous territory, joking around with him. Because it wasn’t just joking anymore, it felt like flirting now. Asking him what he wanted was dangerous too, but she couldn’t help herself. Mostly because she knew that whatever it was, she wanted it, too. He confirmed that for her when he spoke. “Right,” she nodded, voice as soft as his. The same way Don’s gaze drifted down to her lips, Rylan’s moved to his, but she shook it off quickly, looking back at his eyes again. That was maybe an even worse idea; she was finding they were easy to get lost in. She could feel her heart beginning to race, and her voice quietened further as she continued. “So how come that’s all I can think about, Don? Kissing you.”
Donovan hadn’t stopped smiling since he’d picked her up. That wasn’t anything unusual. They always had fun together, but this smile was a little different. For all intents and purposes, this was a date. He could try to deny it all he wanted, but the way he was trying to make her smile, how he was holding doors open for her, and even with the way they were unapologetically holding onto each others’ hands. It was clear that this was something. At least for him. He’d given up on trying to read Rylan. Although, it was becoming more evident that he didn’t have to read her. She was opening up to him all on her own. For some reason, she was able to be more vulnerable with him and admit things he really never saw coming. “Impressive, huh? I was hoping for cute,” he teased. This was definitely flirting. It could not be mistaken for anything else. He was flirting with her. And it seemed like she was enjoying it and was definitely flirting back. He didn’t know what was wrong with them. Why couldn’t they just be friends? Why was there this undertone of sexual chemistry every time they were in a room together now? He didn’t really know why. All he knew was that it was there now. They were attracted to each other and it didn’t seem like it was going to go away anytime soon. Hearing her confirm that they weren’t going to kiss tonight was somehow relieving and disappointing at the same time. He could tell by the tone of her voice and the way her eyes met his that maybe she was not so sure that they weren’t going to kiss. He knew he wasn’t. “I know why it’s all I can think about,” he mumbled out, finally stopping their walk in the direction of the penguins. “I can’t speak for you, but I can speak for myself. I like you. My heart’s about to fall out of my chest and all we’re doing right now is looking at each other. I think you like me too,” he mumbled out, his voice getting softer. He took a step closer to her as he continued to hold onto her hand, staring down at her. “Am I right?”
Unless in a sarcastic or patronizing way, Rylan had never called Donovan cute. But the moment he said it, it was really all she could think about, how freaking cute he was. When he got all passionate and nerdy about anything, especially animals, he was just so damn cute, and she couldn’t even deny it. So, she didn’t. Nor did she agree, but the look on her face definitely did the talking for her. Honestly, she hated this. She hated how weird it was to be together right now, and she hated that the way she was acting, pretending like this wasn’t what it was, was making it weird. Maybe that was why she’d dropped her barrier and finally asked the question they were both thinking. She focused entirely on Donovan again as he stopped walking. Her hand held a little more tightly onto his, using him as comfort, and when he stepped forward, her gaze lowered to his lips once again. He was right, they both knew he was, even without her confirming so. “I just wanted us to be able to hang out, just like we usually do,” she spoke softly, meeting his gaze. There was a small smile on her lips, her expression almost a little defeated. “But I don’t think we can do that anymore, you know? Because I don’t think we are what we used to be. But I also don’t think that has to be a bad thing.” Where all of this was coming from was anyone’s guess, but it was clear that it needed to be said, and with her hand in Don’s, taking that protection from him, it was easier to do that. “You’re right,” she nodded her head, voice softer still. “I think we’re stupid pretending like this is just two friends hanging out, huh? I think I want more than that.” She paused, shaking her head. “No, I know I do.”
They were masters at communicating without words to each other. Donovan didn’t need to hear her say anything to really know what she was thinking. He didn’t have to hear her say the words that she thought he was cute, he could tell by the look on her face that she was holding back. He knew her too well. And he knew that she knew him too well also. Things between them were so awkward and so natural at the same time. Things were awkward because they were clearly trying to hide the fact that something was going on between them. They were trying to force themselves back into the friend zone when they had really outgrown that relationship. They couldn’t go backwards. It just didn’t seem to be working. That was what had possessed him to be so open and honest with her. He couldn’t hold back anymore. It was starting to become painful really. He needed her to know how he felt. He couldn’t deal with more awkward encounters with her where he head to pretend like he didn’t want to kiss her. He wanted to lay everything out on the line. He needed to see how she felt. Because he clearly had strong feelings for her. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing either,” he spoke up, his voice still quiet. He didn’t really know where these feelings had come from. Well, he did. It all started when they were back in Rhode Island, but he didn’t know it was all going to make him feel like this. She made his heart race in a way he didn’t really think was possible. A few weeks ago, she was still just his best friend. Now? He didn’t know what they were, but he knew he wanted more. “I want more than that, too.” He didn’t really know what he meant by that. If he wanted them to use certain labels or anything like that. He just knew he wanted to be able to kiss her when he wanted to. He took another step closer to her, closing whatever gap was left between the two of them as he took in a deep breath. “So is this a date now?”
Whether this was supposed to be happening or not, it was, and Rylan could spend time trying to deny it like she had been after their initial hookup, and like she had been trying to do so far today, but where was it going to get them? It was just going to push them further apart, if things continued like this, so talking things out seemed to make the most sense. Rylan really wasn’t one to hold back in general, though feelings were a little harder for her to talk about. This wasn’t just some random person, though. This was Donovan Smythe, the man she trusted the most in the world. If she couldn’t talk to him, who could she? It helped that he was contributing too, and as usual, they seemed to be on the same page. The way he agreed with her caused her smile to widen a little bit, and while Rylan didn’t know exactly what either of them meant about wanting more, she knew that something was changing for them in that moment, and it wasn’t something she was going to fight. Nor was the way he stepped toward her, her heart beating harder as her eyes fixed up on his face. Finally, she let go of his hand, but only so she could raise her arms to wrap both around his neck, instantly tightening them to draw him as close as possible. PDA wasn’t really her thing, but it wasn’t like the place was exactly crowded, so it was okay. “It’s a date,” she confirmed quietly, standing up on her tiptoes to press her lips softly to Don’s, the way she’d wanted to this whole time. Something had been missing, and it became clear to her instantly that that’s what it was, that feeling of his lips against her own. However, she made sure not to linger too long, and pulled back to look at him again, arms still around him. “I don’t want you to hold back anymore, okay? And I’m not going to either. This is a date… It’s a first date.” Finally, she unwrapped her arms from around him, holding out her hand for him to take again. “Let’s start our date.”
Don knew that pretending like all of this wasn’t happening would have been the easier choice. Actually, it clearly wasn’t the easier choice. Neither one of them had actually been good at keeping things platonic. They both cared a great deal about their friendship, but holding back and pretending like they didn’t have any sort of romantic feelings for each other seemed absolutely impossible. It was more work than just being vulnerable and coming out with everything. It was exhausting. He wasn’t allowing himself to really look at her or really say all of the things he wanted to say. It was relief to know that they were both on the same page. That wasn’t working. His eyes stayed on her as she dropped his hand, wanting to know exactly what she was going to do next. The smirk on his face grew wider as she wrapped her arms around him. PDA was definitely not his thing. That’s why it was so surprising that his body just needed to hold her hand earlier. And it was definitely surprising that he wasn’t pulling away from her. He couldn’t. He’d wanted to be this close to her the entire night. Just because they were in public, he was not going to miss his chance to hold her. Then he felt her lips against his, and he realized that was the real closeness he’d wanted the entire night. Since the moment he’d picked her up, it just felt like they were both holding back. He was glad that was not a thing anymore. They were done stifling their feelings. “No more holding back,” he mumbled out in agreement with a nod of his head. He took in a deep breath as he took ahold of her hand, the grin on his face becoming even more obvious. “I need to say something. I told you that you looked nice earlier and you do… But you look beautiful, Ry,” he said, staring over at her once they’d started walking again. “Check it out. We’re at the penguins. Fun fact. There are eighteen different types of penguins,” he explained with a small laugh. “You said you wanted full nerd.”
It really shouldn’t have been, considering they’d been best friends their entire lives, but this, with her arms around Don’s neck, her lips pressed against his, was the most comfortable Rylan had felt this whole evening. Clearly, just friends wasn’t working for them anymore. This was what they were supposed to be doing, there was no denying how right it felt. She could finally relax, in spite of how fast her heart was racing. Because this was how things were supposed to be, and Rylan was glad that Don seemed to agree, too. “Good,” she breathed, glad that they were on the same page. Though that wasn’t all too surprising; they generally were. Her hand slipped easily into his own, and she made sure to walk closely by his side, looking up at him he began to speak. The compliment caused her cheeks to heat up once more. “And you look the most handsome I’ve ever seen you looking,” she agreed, her thumb brushing softly over the back of his knuckles. “Well, actually, you did look really good in that suit at the party the other week.” Her lips curved into a small smirk, the fact that she could actually say what was on her mind making her feel much more free, much more comfortable with their situation. She’d been so focused on Don that she hadn’t even been paying attention to where they were walking, but looked up as he motioned to the exhibit, unable to hold back her soft laugh. “I did want full on nerd, you’re right. You’re very cute when you’re going full on nerd.” She grinned up at him, allowing her gaze to drift down his body. “Did you dress like this specially for me, by the way?” Her free hand moved up to gently touch his chest over his sweater. “You’re kind of dressy for an aquarium. Then again, I can’t really say much. I was kind of trying to impress you, too.”
Don could feel the tension leave his body the moment their lips met. He had been waiting for that moment the entire night, but it was never a guarantee. Quite the opposite actually. They weren’t supposed to do anything like this. But he was glad they’d both let their guards down and they ended up how they were actually supposed to. It was a good thing that they usually agreed with each other, but it was even better that they agreed on how they were feeling. They both wanted this to be a date. They didn’t want to hide what they were feeling and pretend like they were game for being just friends. And that was good. As worrisome as it was to be on a first date, the fact that he was on a first date with his best friend, somehow made him feel calmer than it should have. “I don’t even compare to you,” he replied with a shrug of his shoulders. The smirk on his face only grew wider when she complimented him. He could still remember how amazing she’d looked when they were back in Rhode Island. His outfit still didn’t compare either. If you were to ask him, he would definitely say she was the better looking one in their pair. “You looked really hot that night. I’d never forget that dress.” And that was true. He would never forget that dress. How great she looked in it, or how he’d pushed it up her thighs when they were together in that bathroom. Those were images he was never going to forget. Thinking about her made his eyes light up. Reaching the penguin exhibit had a similar effect on him, but it definitely was not as bright. “Well, if you think I’m cute even when I’m talking about penguins then I must be doing something right,” he said with a smirk. He glanced down as her hand rested on his chest, a grin appearing on his face in response to her question. “I changed five times,” he admitted with a small chuckle. “I was nervous,” he said with a small sigh. “I know everything about you and you know everything about me, but somehow you can still make me nervous.”
In the short amount of time since they’d hooked up back in their home state, they’d come a pretty long way. Rylan had dealt with that internal struggle of whether to even admit anything had happened or not, and they’d both done their best to put on an act around one another. Maybe they could’ve fought harder to keep pretending, but as the tension between them seemed to instantly dissipate with the touch of their lips, it became clear that this was the right move for them, and Rylan was already enjoying herself and their time together more. She was also very interested to see how Donovan Smythe acted on a date, but she’d keep that to herself. She wasn’t trying to make him nervous; if he felt anything like her, he would be already. “We’re so not having a who looks the best fight right now,” she chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes. “We’re both super hot, how about we leave it at that?” Of course, Rylan was never going to forget that dress either. Not after Don had slid it up her thighs the way he had, or how he’d peeled it off of her body in the hotel room and kissed along her back as more skin had been revealed. There were many things she wouldn’t forget about that night, just like she was sure there would be tonight, too. Even more so now that she could truly enjoy it. “Can I tell you a secret?” She quirked a brow up at him, her smile almost a little smug. “I always think you’re cute. I did even before now. But the penguin facts are just adding to it.” He could really talk about anything right now and she’d probably find it adorable, though. Like the idea of all of his outfit changes. Rylan bit her lip gently in response. “I may have done the same thing,” she admitted, laughing quietly at the thought, before she found herself shaking her head. “We’re such idiots, aren’t we?” She teased, squeezing his hand. “This was always going to be a date, you know? Whether we realized it or not.”Maybe on some level, she meant it in a general sense. Even before any of this had started, maybe they really were always going to end up here. “You make me nervous too,” she admitted in a softer voice, “But the good kind of nervous. Does that make sense?”
Don was glad they were not pretending anymore. It took way too much effort. It was a lot easier to just let himself enjoy being around her the way he truly wanted to. He liked being able to hold her hand without feeling guilty that he was ruining their friendship. He figured they both had realized that keeping everything bottled up wasn’t exactly helping their friendship either. It was just leading to moments of intense sex where they had to release all of the tension that had built up between them. Not that he was complaining about the sex, it just wasn’t practical. “We don’t have to have the fight. Because I know the truth,” he said playfully. He liked things between them. How it still felt like a night out with his best friend, but it was also clearly a date. A date that they both had agreed to. There was definite nervousness. He wanted to make a good impression. He wanted there to be a second date. He wanted the chemistry that they clearly had in bed to translate into actually dating one another. He didn’t have any fear of that though. They were already meshing well together. The smile on his face hadn’t gone anywhere since he’d picked her up. He raised a curious eyebrow at her when she proposed that she tell him a secret. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” He asked with a smirk. It was probably for the same reason he never really complimented her before now. That just wasn’t what they were like before hooking up at the party. They were both clearly in just friends mode before then. “Did you know that some penguin ancestors survived the extinction of dinosaurs?” He said with a smirk. “Sorry. I’m just trying to make sure you see just how cute I am.” He knew he probably didn’t have to try so hard. It was the same with her. She was effortlessly beautiful to him. There wasn’t a single thing she had to say or do to make him see that. “It was?” He questioned, looking over at her. A certain phrase played over in his mind.Something she’d say when they’d hooked up. It should’ve always been him. Deep down, he knew that was the truth. “It does make sense. It’s like riding a rollercoaster. I’m nervous, but I know I’m going to have fun and enjoy every single second of it.”
It was kind of funny to think about a time now where this really would’ve just been a platonic day out for them. Where they wouldn’t be holding hands, and maybe Don would be texting Tramp Stamp to figure out a hookup for later that night or something. Because this was just so normal, holding hands and walking closely side by side. To anyone who saw them, they wouldn’t think anything of it. They wouldn’t think they were just friends before, or that this was only a first date. They would think they’d been together forever. It was nice to know that they could still tease each other, and Rylan rolled her eyes again as Don pushed. “You’re such a dork sometimes,” she teased, pausing for a moment as she pretended to think. “Wait. I know why you think I look so good today.” She glanced down at her floral pants. “I’m dressed like Robin.” Had she considered for half a second dyeing her hair back to her natural blonde again when Don had joked about thinking her sister was the hottest? Maybe. But it had been a fleeting thought, one she hadn’t understood or allowed herself to question. She kind of wanted to see now if he’d still keep up that joke. “People don’t tell their best friend they’re cute,” she responded with a small shrug of her shoulder. “But I can tell you that now, because you may still be my best friend, but we’re also on a date, so it’s allowed.” She hadn’t been lying, his penguin facts really were cute, and she listened intently as he spouted off more, responding with a small laugh. “You don’t have to do anything to make sure I see it, Don. I see it, trust me.” Rylan nodded her head. “Did you know baby penguins are fluffy?” She glanced up at him, biting back a smile. “I mean, I think they are anyway. They are in Happy Feet. Does my penguin knowledge impress you, too?” Her brows rose and fell playfully. If he was going to try to be cute, then so was she. Not that either of them needed to do anything in particular, she already knew that.“It was,” she nodded, offering him a genuine smile. Her thumb continued to brush soothingly over the back of his hand. “It’ll be the best rollercoaster. I mean, you’ve already ridden it, so you know you like it.” She paused, bringing her free hand up to cover her eyes and letting out an awkward laugh. “God. That was terrible wording, wasn’t it?”
There wasn’t anyone Don would have rather have been there with on a date. Not Tramp Stamp or any of the other girls he’d dated over the years. He wanted to be there with Rylan and he was glad that he was. Everything between them felt good. Even if she was teasing him about the many times he’d joked about his crush on her sister. “You figured me out. This is all a ploy to steal your pregnant sister from her intimidating basketball playing boyfriend.” A soft chuckle left his lips as he shook his head. Clearly, his thing about Robin had always been a joke. He wasn’t interested in any of her family members. Until very recently, it hadn’t really hit him that he was interested in her, but he was. Robin, Regan, and Roman were like his sisters. But Rylan was something different. He’d always felt differently about her and he never really knew why. He just figured it was because they were best friends. He was closest to her. Their bond was something different. “I’ve only ever had a crush on one St. James sister,” he muttered out with a small smirk. “I’ve wanted to tell you that you’re hot for years, but you can’t say that to your best friend,” he agreed with a shrug. It was nice to know that she had similar thoughts about him. As much as he loved being able to spout off penguin facts, he liked the fact that she thought it was cute even more. No one was really all that interested in his nerdy facts, but she seemed to like them. And it didn’t seem like an act. It always felt like Rylan liked his nerdy side. “Your penguin knowledge is amazing. Instant boner, actually,” he teased, letting out a laugh. He could not help but laugh at how adorably awkward she was. It was pretty damn funny to witness it. “You’re such a nerd,” he joked, shaking his head. “It’s cute. You being so awkward. I’ve seen you be a lot of things, but nervous on a first date is not one of them.”
If she didn’t know Don well enough to know when he was teasing, she would’ve maybe been a little jealous. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case. “That’s okay, I’m using you to get to Liz anyway,” she shrugged a shoulder, her expression smug as she looked up at him. “Fiancé. Don’t let her hear you calling him her boyfriend, she flips out.” Rylan chuckled at the thought; her sister and Grant were ridiculous. The same could probably be said for her and Don, though. “Ugh, I knew you had a thing for Regan,” she teased, bumping him gently with her hip. Her smile became a little less playful and a little more bashful as he complimented her again, though. “You think I’m hot?” She questioned, something she never thought she’d like hearing so much. Rylan knew she was hot, but it was even better hearing it from Don. He was hot, too. But also cute, especially with his facts, and she really was interested in hearing them. Even if she did think it made him even more dorky. That definitely wasn’t a bad thing. She grinned at his response. “I knew it. Just wait until you start telling me things about sharks. Panty dropper material,” she winked, barely even thinking about it as she lifted their clasped hands to pull his arm around her shoulders. Her fingers remained intertwined with his as she walked comfortably beside him. Her cheeks had flushed a shade darker at her own poor wording, but she could at least laugh about it, and squeezed his hand playfully when he did the same. “I’m not nervous. Or not super nervous anyway. Just adjusting,” she explained, looking over at the exhibit, then focused on Don again. “I know we’ve been wanting to do this for a while, the whole aquarium thing, but now that it’s a date I kind of just want to focus on us. You maybe wanna go grab a burger or something?”
“You’ll never get Liz. I think I might be the Smythe you’re stuck with.” The laughter falling from his lips probably made it incredibly obvious that he knew she was kidding. Although, the idea of Rylan being interested in someone that wasn’t him almost made his stomach hurt. He knew it was too early to think like that. This was their first date, but deep down, he’d sort of always been a little jealous of the people she’d date. And he never really knew why. It was painfully obvious now why the idea of her spending her time with someone else, having their hands all over her, it wasn’t something he liked picturing. He could not help, but chuckle at the thought of him having a crush on Regan. Clearly, that would never be the case. The girl next to him was clearly the St. James sister he had a big crush on. It was obvious. And it was becoming more and more obvious that she felt the same way about him. The way it was evident that she had become a little more bashful after he complimented her on how hot she was. “You are incredibly hot,” he said with a smirk. That wasn’t news to him. He always thought Rylan was hot. He would have been blind not to notice how hot his best friend was before. “Oh yeah?” He spoke up, raising one of his eyebrows. “Did you know that sharks don’t have bones?” He questioned, leaning closer to her to whisper into her ear. “Those panties ready to drop yet?” He teased. He smirked as he felt his arm wrap around her, enjoying the feeling of being close to her. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of her head, placing a small kiss on it as she spoke. “Well, you’re still cute. Nervous or not,” he grinned. He nodded his head at her suggestion. It didn’t really matter where they were, he just wanted to spend time with her. And actually sitting down with her sounded like a good idea. “Sounds great, Ry,” he agreed with a smile. He motioned up ahead of them at an exit door. “I don’t really care what we do. I just want to be with you.”
“I don’t know about that. Once she sees how charming I am with you, she’ll leave her husband and she’ll fall right into these arms,” Rylan smirked, lifting her arm as if to welcome his sister in. Of course, the hand holding onto Donovan’s tightened its grip a little, because even though they were clearly joking, she also wanted to remind him that she was there with him. He was who she wanted to be with. His sister definitely wouldn’t have gotten the reaction from her that Don did after telling her that she was hot. “And you’re winning yourself first date points here already, babe,” she grinned up at him, glad that even if she was blushing at the compliment, she could still be her regular old playful self with him. Although she was serious, he was totally winning points. The same way Don’s brow raised, so did Rylan’s as she listened to his shark fact. “Really?” She questioned, genuinely intrigued. Then he was leaning in, and the way he whispered in her ear caused goosebumps to rise on the back of her neck. “Not yet, but get that close to me again and they’ll be coming right off,” she smirked, only kind of joking. Rylan really didn’t want this to only be a sexual thing between them, but she couldn’t deny that that was definitely a factor for them. It wasn’t concerning, though, considering he could then do something as sweet as pressing a kiss to the top of her head, and she was back to melting over how adorable he was. “I like that,” she said softly, turning to reach up and press her own lips gently to his cheek, “I like being able to kiss each other whenever we want to.” Like him, she just wanted them to be together, so nodded in agreement as she looked up at him, before heading off toward the door and back out to his car. “How needy does it make me sound if I say we should eat whatever we get in your car so it can just be us? Because I don’t know if you know this or not, but I don’t really want to share you right now.”
Don could not help but smirk down at his date as he nodded his head at her joke. “You are pretty irresistible,” he grinned. He wasn’t threatened at all about their teasing, but he was thankful for the tightening of the hold she had on his hand. He liked that she wanted him to know that she was there with him. That it didn’t matter how much they joked around. They were really just interested in each other. There really wasn’t a single person he would have rather have been holding hands with. Rylan was always the person he wanted to spend time with anyway. Now that there were these confusing feelings involved, it just made that even more prevalent. He could feel his cheeks heat up at her calling him babe. It wasn’t the first time she’d called him a term of endearment, but it was always nice to hear. “How many points am I already up to, babe?” He questioned, not being able to wipe the grin off his face. He was a naturally goofy, happy-go-lucky kind of guy, but the amount of smiling he’d done since he picked her up was even making his face hurt. “I guess I’ll save that move for later in the night,” he teased. Not that he even really needed any moves. She didn't need any moves with him. He was fully attracted to her no matter what. He wasn’t really worried that their relationship was only going to be rooted in sex. They were best friends. They were always going to have a connection beyond wanting to see each other naked. It was just that the sex part of it all was so new. It had been completely uncharted territory before, and it was obvious that they both enjoyed it. It felt nice to feel her lips press against his cheek. And he completely agreed with her. Being able to kiss each other whenever they wanted to was definitely something he was interested in. “We can totally drive through it,” he chuckled as they made their way to his car.“Just don’t brag to people that I took you out for our first date to a Sonic,” he joked. He slid in front of her, pulling himself away from her to open her car door for her once they’d approached his car. “You don’t have to worry about sharing me,” he said with a smirk as he waited for her to climb in. “I’m all yours tonight.”
Playfully, Rylan let her brows rise and fall suggestively, rather than verbally agree. Evidently, he did find her kind of irresistible, otherwise they wouldn’t be here right now, they wouldn’t be doing this. She was definitely happy that they were, and it was clear that she found Don pretty damn irresistible, too. She pretended to think. “Mm… Well, you get one for calling me hot, and one for how good you’re looking. Oh and a third for that kiss back there. Make it all the way up to ten and maybe you’ll get a reward,” she smirked, although she was joking; it was probably inevitable that they were going to end up all over each other when they were alone later whether he racked up his points or not. “You won’t need any special moves then.” It was nice to know that they were on the same page here, and that Donovan wanted the alone time just as much as she did. The aquarium was fun, and normally she’d love to walk around it and hear Don spouting off fish facts, but this wasn’t just a day out anymore. She liked the idea of it just being the two of them now. “Deal,” she grinned, holding out her pinky to lace with his. “But you’re paying. A gentleman always pays on the first date.” Rylan offered him a smile as he opened the door for her, sliding into the passenger seat and buckling up as she waited for him to get in, too. “That’s total bullshit, by the way. About the guy having to pay. I just like reminding us both that we’re on a date.” It was still weird, but a good kind of weird, and she had to keep reminding herself that she didn’t have to hold back. So, leaning across the center console, she placed her hand delicately against his cheek, guiding his face toward her and pressing her lips against his, a little more firmly than she had done in the aquarium. “All mine, right?” She asked as she pulled back, eyes scanning his.
A reward sounded extremely tempting, but Don was sure they were going to end up having their hands all over each other at some point tonight anyway. It was a hard enough struggle keeping his hands off her while they were just walking around the aquarium. And he definitely wanted to be alone with her. Not because he was motivated by hooking up with her again, even though that was definitely a plus. He just wanted to spend more time with her. It was a first date. They were best friends, so the idea of getting to know her better was kind of laughable, but he didn’t really know her like this. He’d never met date Rylan before. He’d only heard about it, or picked her up from a terrible date she’d been on. This was different. He was the one actually on the date with her now. He reached his hand up and linked his pinky with hers, agreeing to her deal with a wink. “It’s a date, but stick to the dollar menu,” he joked, letting out a chuckle. Making a dollar menu joke on a date with anyone else would have been a disaster, but this was different. They were about to go to a fast food restaurant and eat burgers in his car. That was not something he would have done on a date with anyone else before. He closed the door to her side of the car before making his way over to the driver’s side and climbing in. He buckled his own seatbelt and shut his door, placing the key in the ignition. He looked over at her as he felt her hand resting against his cheek, immediately following her lead and kissing her back after feeling her lips against his. He didn’t want to pull away as quickly as she did, but her words brought another grin to his lips. “All yours,” he repeated with a smirk. He leaned forward and pressed another kiss against her lips, lingering there for a second before pulling away.He turned back to face forward as he turned the key in the ignition, finally starting the car. “Ry, I’m exactly where I want to be tonight. I’m with who I want to be with. I’m yours.” He mumbled out as he placed his hand on the wheels and heading out of the parking lot.
Before now, Rylan would’ve been confident that she knew everything there was to know about Donovan. And she did know a lot about him; they’d been best friends since they were babies. But she didn’t know the romantic side of him, not yet. She was excited to learn more about it, and admittedly loved that he was doing things like opening the car door for her. He’d always been a gentleman, he’d always opened doors for her to walk through, but it had never really meant anything super deep. It did now, and Rylan wasn’t letting any of it go unnoticed. “If I get ten things from the dollar menu, does that still count?” She teased, knowing full well that if she’d asked him to take her to some fancy, expensive restaurant, he likely would’ve done. She really didn’t care about any of that, though. She was hungry, she wanted food, and she wanted to spend time alone with her date. If her stomach wasn’t growling at her she would’ve forgone the food, especially once they’d had their lips against one another’s. She didn’t really want to stop kissing him, but she could hold herself back if she really had to. The thought that they would be all over each other later was enough to keep her going for now. “You are,” she agreed in a soft voice, returning the second kiss easily, “You’re mine.” He’d always been her person, it just went much deeper now, that was all. She settled back comfortably into the passenger seat, not wanting to distract him as he drove. “You know, I normally have this whole set of questions I fire out at people on a first date, but I already know all of the answers for you,” she laughed softly, tilting her head to the side. “Maybe I should ask you things about me instead, see how well you know me… Or I could ask your favorite thing about me. Do you have one?”
“Baby, you can get fifty things from the dollar menu,” Don joked. He could feel his heart racing with anticipation over where the night was going to go. He was excited. They’d never done anything like this before. Well, they’d gone through a drive through and picked up food together before, but it was never a date. They never held hands the way they were earlier and he’d never wanted her this much. They were best friends, so they knew almost everything about each other, but they were both going to see more of each other tonight. He was on a date he never thought he’d be on, but was incredibly happy to be there. If someone would have told him a few months, or even a few years ago, that he was going to be on a date with Rylan St. James, he would have laughed hysterically. He never pictured it, but ever since their first hookup in Rhode Island, it was really the only thing he could ever think about. Ending their kiss was devastating, but he was hungry. And he knew that it would not be their last kiss of the night. They were definitely going to do that again. And hearing her say that he was hers sealed the deal for him. This was going to be an amazing night. As much as he wanted to keep his eyes on the road, he really wanted to look at her and caught himself glancing over a few times in her direction. “I usually don’t talk a lot on first dates. I’m actually sort of shy sometimes.” He knew that wasn’t the Donovan Rylan would know. He was never shy with her. He always felt comfortable enough to talk about just about anything with her. “Okay, so Donovan, your friend, really likes how funny you are. You always make me laugh. Without even trying.” A small nervous chuckle left his lips as he paused, keeping his focus on the road ahead. “But Donovan, the guy you’re on a date with, thinks you have a great body. I noticed it before, but I think I had best friend blinders on or something,” he laughed, shaking his head. “What about you What’s your favorite thing about me?”
“Damn, you’re going to spend fifty dollars on me?” Rylan’s mouth hung open, though it was of course forced. “Don’t I feel special.” The fact that he’d called her baby, whether he was joking or not, had made her feel pretty special, too. But she chose not to comment. An easy way to make things awkward between them during this transition from best friends to something more would be to consistently point out the sweeter things they each did for and said to each other, and the last thing Rylan wanted was any awkwardness for them. So far, she had no complaints. “Shy?” She questioned, brow raising. If she really thought about it, though, she could kind of picture it. “That’s interesting. I guess first dates come along with a lot of nerves. I like that you don’t seem shy with me, though.” She didn’t want either of them to have to feel that way. She still wanted them to be able to be themselves with each other, just like they always had been. Then again, as Don responded to her question and in turn begun firing out compliments, Rylan could definitely feel her cheeks flushing slightly, almost feeling a little shy herself. But in a good way, and she was sure her smile showed him that. “I understand that. I always had those on with you, but now I can definitely appreciate how attractive you are,” she admitted, not even having to think about his question. “Best friend Rylan likes how you’re always there. Always, even if it’s the middle of the night, or you’re tired after a long day at work. You’re always there.” There were many things she liked about him, of course, but that had always been a favorite. “And date Rylan thinks you’re an awesome kisser,” she paused, biting gently onto her bottom lip, “And she kind of wants you to pull over so we can do that some more now.”
Calling her baby had been an easy slip of the tongue. It was a term of endearment that had so easily slipped out of his mouth that he hadn’t even noticed it. Don was glad she didn’t tease him about it. He had already blushed enough on this date. It was weird to think of him as being shy ever, especially around her, so he was glad that this first date was not like any other he had ever been on. “I could never be shy around you,” he admitted with a shrug. It was the truth. He didn’t have to worry about saying or doing the wrong thing around her. Sure, he was slightly nervous that their friendship was going to be changed forever, but he was mostly excited about all of the good things to come. He was excited about where all of this could go. She made him nervous, but it was a good kind of nervous. Like the rollercoaster he had described before. He was enjoying every single second of being with her, so he didn’t have to be shy. He was with his best friend. His eyes glanced over at her for a second, trying to gauge her reaction to what he was saying. He definitely liked that it was obvious she was blushing because of his comments. A grin spread across his face when she called him attractive, clearly unable to hide just how much he liked that she was complimenting him. Don could have kept going. There were a million things he could say he liked about Rylan, but going on and on probably would have just scared her off. She didn’t need to know that she already had him wrapped around her finger. He swallowed hard at her words, his mind immediately going over the possibilities of what would happen if he followed her suggestion. If he just pulled over. His eyes fell on her again for a moment, he could tell that she was serious. He found an exit to take, and smirked when he found a spot to pullover in.“Aren’t you hungry?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow at her. He unbuckled his seat belt quickly before reaching over and unbuckling hers as well. “Kiss me,” he breathed out, ducking his head, so his lips were hovering over hers.
His words made her smile, they were comforting, and Rylan nodded her head in agreement. “Same here.” She had a habit of making herself comfortable, no matter where she was or who she was with, but Donovan was that person for her, the one who she could always be entirely herself around without judgment, just like he could around her. It wasn’t something she would ever want to change for them, though she wasn’t worried. In spite of everything, they were still Rylan and Donovan. They always would be. She appreciated him not pointing out the darker shade of her cheeks, even if it was clear that he’d seen; he’d been looking right at her. “You know, I really like your smile,” she admitted, her gaze having drifted down toward his lips. Of course, she was thinking about kissing him, and it occurred to her quickly that that wasn’t something she had to hold back from doing anymore. Not now, hopefully not ever again. So as he pulled over at her request, she found herself growing excited, her lips aching to feel his against them. “I am hungry,” she nodded, watching as he unbuckled both of their seatbelts. Rylan’s eyes locked with Don’s as he began to lean over. “But I just want to make out with you a little bit first, that’s all.” She’d barely finished her sentence when his lips were on hers, and she found herself smiling into the kiss, her eyes immediately fluttering shut. She didn’t even think about it as she began to move from the passenger seat, lips still against Don’s as she climbed over to straddle his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck. Before now, when they’d hooked up or made out, it had generally been the result of them fighting. But this wasn’t, this was just total desire, and Rylan was sure that, as she deepened the kiss, lips parting slightly to move her tongue against his, arms tightening around his neck, he’d be able to feel just that.
It wasn’t that Donovan didn’t know dating his best friend could be tricky. He knew that it could be. It just seemed like they were over their biggest hurdle. They had gotten over the idea that they were going to ruin their friendship. Their biggest hurdle had been themselves. Thankfully, it seemed like they had reached a turning point. They weren’t so worried about the consequences anymore. From the way they kept arguing when they were trying to hide their feelings, it seemed like pretending was more likely to hurt their friendship than just acting on their feelings. He was glad they were just going for it now. “You do?” He asked, after she complimented his smile. He didn’t know that getting compliments from his best friend would ever make him blush so hard, but it was. He could feel her eyes on his lips, so he knew exactly what she was thinking about. And he was thinking about it too. He really wanted to kiss her, but that wasn’t a new feeling for him. Ever since their first kiss, he hadn’t wanted to stop kissing her. It was scary to think about. He didn’t let himself dwell on what it could mean for too long. Why she had so much power over him already? Thinking about it would just make him realize just how deep his feelings were for her and he wasn’t sure he was ready for all of that. He smirked as their lips met, immediately enjoying the feeling of kissing her, but he knew he wanted to be closer to her. It was a good thing she felt the same way because it didn’t take long for her to straddle his lap. He rested his hands against her back as he kissed her back, knowing he did not want to stop anytime soon. It was obvious how badly they just wanted each other. It was a little different than the other kisses they’d shared. This one felt normal.There was no arguing involved. It was like he was just making out with his girlfriend in his car. He could feel himself getting more and more worked up as their kiss deepened, his arms instinctively wrapping around her and pulling her as close as possible. “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he mumbled against her lips.
Noticing things like Donovan’s smile would’ve been weird before. It definitely wouldn’t have been a best friend thing, but as she looked at him now, admiring that adorable look on his face, she wondered if maybe she’d seen it all along, she’d just chosen to block it out. Regardless, there was no denying how she felt now, and she nodded her head in confirmation when he questioned her. “I do, it’s a nice smile.” The way he blushed didn’t go unnoticed, but he hadn’t pointed it out when her cheeks had darkened only a moment ago, so she wasn’t going to either. There was no point in them beating themselves up over wasted time before now, they needed to just enjoy the present, but it was definitely hard for Rylan to see why they hadn’t been doing this all along as she straddled Don’s lap, her lips pressing eagerly to his. She kneeled up, higher up than him, but tilted her head down to keep her lips against his, her hands finding their way to his cheeks. “You can call me that again,” she mumbled against his lips, one hand moving to begin instinctively trailing down his body, her fingertips hooking under the top of his jeans. She wasn’t trying to let herself get too carried away, but all of their kisses before now, especially deep ones like this, had led to more than just kissing, so it was kind of just habit. By the time she’d finally forced herself to pull away, the hand that had still been on his cheek had slipped back to run her fingers through the side of his hair, her other hand still settled on top of his pants, and Rylan was definitely a little breathless as she looked at him, her lips curved into a small smirk. “Sorry,” she laughed softly, bringing her hand back up to wipe away her lipgloss from around his mouth with her thumb. “I didn’t realize that was going to make me want you so badly. What are you doing to me, Donovan Smythe?”
Donovan always thought of himself a fun date. He always kept things light and breezy, and usually showed whatever girl he was out with a good time. He didn’t see things being any different with Rylan. He hadn’t stopped smiling since he picked her up and it seemed like he was having a similar effect on her. Which was a good thing, since she remarked that she liked his smile. It was easy to get lost in the moment with her. Whether it was just her complimenting him or if it was the way she was straddling his lap. It was impossible for him to think about anything else other than the woman on top of him. He didn’t want to stop anytime soon. “You’re a really good kisser, baby,” he breathed out against her lips, letting the last word stretch out a little longer than it needed to. But she seemed to like it when he called her by that pet name and he wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. Feeling her hands all over him was definitely having an effect on him and he knew she could totally feel it once her hand was tucked on top of his pants. That may have been embarrassing for someone else on a first date, but he didn’t care that Rylan knew just how much she turned him on. This wasn’t the first time they’d been in a situation like this with one another. “Don’t apologize,” he mumbled out breathlessly as she pulled her lips away from his. He could feel his still practically swollen even after the loss of of contact. He missed her lips. A lot. “I want you too,” he spoke up, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek. He pulled her back to him, connecting their lips one more time before he pulled away with a light chuckle. “You might want to climb back into your seat. I mean, it’s probably clear that certain parts of me don’t want you to, but you should,” he muttered, shaking his head.“It’s our first date. I want to do this right. I want to buy you dinner and hold your hand. I want to kiss you goodnight and maybe kiss you good morning tomorrow. I think we could be good together. We’ve made up a lot of cute fake date stories for our parents. I want a real one.”
On any other first date, it was highly unlikely Rylan would be straddling the other person’s lap and making out with them in their car before they’d even made it to dinner, but Don wasn’t just any other person, he was her person. And everything was different with him. In the best way possible. Still, she had to tell herself not to get too carried away, despite the soft whimper she let out against his lips as he used the pet name a second time. Rylan usually hated that, she hated when people called her things like baby and honey, but again, it was different with Donovan. It was like a reminder that she was his, and again in the best way possible, it drove her crazy. She didn’t mean to grind down on him the way she did, it was just instinct, especially when she could feel how excited he was getting, but that was also why she needed to pull back. They couldn’t let this go too far, at least not here. She nodded as she looked down at him, tilting her face slightly into the touch of his hand. “There are plenty of parts of me that don’t want to either,” she laughed quietly, turning her face so she could press her lips to his fingers where his hand had been on her cheek, but she kept her eyes on him. “But you’re right, I want all of that,” she agreed, leaning down to press her lips gently to his forehead, before climbing back over into the passenger seat. Rylan ran her fingers through her hair, then pulled her seatbelt back into place, reaching out to settle her hand on his thigh briefly. “Go ahead, handsome, take me to dinner.” She gently squeezed his thigh, then let go, but kept her eyes on him as she waited for him to drive. She was allowed to look at him now, so she was going to do just that.
As far as first dates went, Don was sure this was the best first date he had ever been on. And they hadn’t really done anything yet. They’d just walked around an aquarium for a few minutes and now they were making out in his car. Still, it was better than anything he’d ever done on a date because he was with her. It was obvious they had a connection, they were best friends. She was always the most important person in his life, but it was definitely amplified now that they were on a date together. It wasn’t a bad thing though. Being on a date with the most important person in his life should have been more stressful, but it wasn’t. It made his heart race, but for different reasons. And he could have stayed like that all night with her arms wrapped around him, straddling his waist, but he wanted more for the two of them. He didn’t think they would get the warped sense that this was all about a physical connection. It had been clear that neither of them wanted that. Their constant bickering after hooking up made it clear that there were feelings involved. But he wanted to treat her right. The idea that he’d turned her on just as much as she had him was definitely distracting. “Well, don’t tell me that,” he teased, keeping his eyes on hers. He sighed as she climbed back over into her seat, happy that they were going to continue their, but definitely a little disappointed in himself for ending their makeout session. He shook his head and let out a small nervous chuckle as he clicked his seatbelt back on and started up the car. He started up the car and started heading the direction of the restaurant, trying to calm his body down after the loss of contact from her lips. “You can’t look at me like that,” he joked, glancing over at her for a second. “It’s very distracting.” A soft chuckle left his lips as they finally started to approach the restaurant.He pulled into the drive-through behind a few other cars. “I’ve never gone on a date before and already known the girl’s burger order, but I think I know what you want. I mean, other than me.”
First dates could be awkward, even for someone as outgoing as Rylan, but that was never going to be the case here. If it had been, it would’ve probably meant they shouldn’t continue this, because they’d never been awkward with one another before, so it would be a bad sign if they started now. Fortunately, everything was flowing perfectly, and even if Rylan was feeling a little overwhelmed from their kiss, it wasn’t a bad thing. She’d just gotten a little carried away, that was all. “Why shouldn’t I tell you that? You told me that,” she laughed, raising a brow over at him. They were in agreement that this was going to be more than just physical, though, and Rylan figured that once they went back to whoever’s house they were staying at tonight, they’d probably get the mood right back again. For now, she wanted to enjoy first date Donovan, and looking at him was definitely enjoyable. “You’re driving, your eyes have to be on the road. I’m not. I can look wherever I want to,” she teased, though turned to face forward, not wanting to make him feel uneasy. She was sure that wouldn’t be the case anyway, of course. She hadn’t even had to tell him where she wanted to get their burgers, considering they just knew each other, which meant Don knew exactly where she wanted to go, and exactly what she’d want to eat. She smirked over at him when he spoke. “I don’t know, it’s our first date. Aren’t I supposed to order a salad or whatever’s cheapest so I don’t look too high maintenance?” She joked, though quickly shook her head. “You know what I want. Same as usual. Wanna split a milkshake, too?” She glanced over at him. “I also know exactly where I want to go and eat it, by the way. See if you can guess.”
Donovan was definitely enjoying first date Rylan. He had been enjoying first date Rylan a little too much when she was straddling his lap, but he knew she didn’t have any complaints about that. It was easy for the two of them to get a little too carried away because it was obvious that they had loads of chemistry. He’d never really had that with someone before. Sure, there had been chemistry in his past relationships, but not this much. This was very different. He could barely stop himself from wanting her. It was impossible. And it took every piece of willpower he had to suggest that she climb back into the passenger seat. “When you say things like that, it makes me want to pullover again,” he teased. The transition from just friends to whatever they were now, hadn’t been particularly hard, but it wasn’t what he would have called seamless either. The bickering they did when they were still trying to figure everything out definitely wasn’t easy and he hated it, but he was glad that it seemed they both had come to terms with all of this. They were going to figure out all of this together. “I get very distracted when pretty girls stare at me,” he sighed, sending a smile in her direction. So, he probably should have focused on the road more, but they were pulling into the drive through, so he was certain he could handle it while also turning to look at his date once more. He definitely knew what to order the two of them. He’d never been on a first date like this before, but still, there were no complaints. “I already know just how high maintenance you are. A salad isn’t going to fool me,” he teased, shaking his head. He smirked as they pulled up to the speaker, leaning forward to order their food, along with the milkshake they were going to share. After he was done, he pulled up to the window and paid, grabbing their food from the worker before pulling off into the parking lot.“I know you want to end up at my place, so you can see Tiger, but I doubt you want to eat there. Our food would get cold…” He trailed off, trying to think of where she’d want to eat as he grabbed two fries out of the bag, handing one to her before popping the other into his mouth. “I give up. Where do you want me to take us?”
If this was anybody else, Rylan would be holding back at least a little bit, but not with Donovan. She could tease him and he could tease her, and that was fine, that was the way they operated, so she smirked over at him, shrugging a shoulder. “Listen, if all you want here is my body then what can I do about it?” She shrugged, though she was of course joking, and reached out to squeeze his thigh again to back it up. She knew he wanted more than just sex from her, they would never be doing this if it was just physical. They would never be able to be just physical, anyway; they were best friends, they’d always had a deep connection. “And you think I’m a pretty girl, huh?” She questioned, her smile softening some. She knew it already, he’d told her she was beautiful a few times by now, but it was always nice to hear it from him. Don made her feel as pretty as he told her she was. “You know that you’re distractingly handsome too, right? Why do you think I’m looking at you? But I won’t distract you anymore.” Rylan promised as she faced forward, though she could feel his eyes on her once they’d pulled into the drive-through. Her lips curved up at the corners. “If I can’t stare, you can’t either.” She’d never liked the idea of being predictable, but she didn’t mind it with Don. In fact, she liked that he knew her order by heart, and just sat back as she waited for him to order their food, though she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t tempted to watch him the whole time. It was just new territory, something she was still getting used to. Fortunately, they didn’t have to wait too long for their food, and she was more than ready once Don parked up and handed some over to her, immediately popping it into her mouth. She eyed him as she chewed, playfully scowling. “Wow, I thought you knew everything about me… You can’t read my mind?” She teased, reaching over to his lap to grab another fry.“Ideally, I’d want to go to the park. You know the one in Rhode Island, where we used to hide from our parents in the woods during the summer whenever one of us was in trouble? Those evenings were always some of my favorite memories with you.” She held the fry out to him to feed him. “But since we can’t, let’s find a park here and we’ll make that our spot instead. How’s that sound?”
“You crawled on top of me. If anybody is being used for their body here, it’s me.” Don let out a soft chuckle, enjoying the way they teased each other. It came naturally. It was what they did. And just because they were figuring out their feelings for each other, it did not mean anything between them had really changed. “You’re alright,” he teased with a small shrug. He was clearly joking. He had called Rylan beautiful enough just that night, so it was obvious that he thought she was more than just alright. She was absolutely beautiful. It was something he’d always noticed. He had a good looking best friend. It wasn’t something he focused on too hard or even really thought about, but he always knew she was hot, but she was his best friend. It really wasn’t a thing he should have noticed. He was just glad it was okay that he noticed it now. And he could finally call her beautiful whenever he wanted to. He liked being distracted by her. As much as he jokingly complained about it. He liked knowing she was looking at him. He liked knowing that she found him attractive. He actually missed her eyes on him as he ordered. There was a special feeling behind knowing she was staring at him. He couldn’t really put his finger on it, but it made him feel good. He was happy once they got their food and he was able to park the car for a second, so they could focus on each other. He missed having his eyes on her. “I can’t read your mind yet… Give it another decade,” he joked, chewing the fry he’d popped into his mouth. He nodded his head as she spoke, leaning forward to bite the fry she offered out to him. “I think there’s a few close by,” he mumbled with a smirk. He passed the bag of food over to her and started up the car, heading out of the parking lot. “You know that park was apparently a big makeout spot,” he said with a small laugh. “I never made out with anyone there.It always felt weird because that’s was where we hung out.” He let out a small sigh as he kept his eyes on the road ahead. It was difficult because he wanted to stare at her, but he made it work. “How about the one up here?” He offered up, motioning toward a park sign. “There’s a nice creek we can park next to.”
“Eh, you have a nice body, babe,” Rylan shrugged, and although she was playing along with teasing him, she obviously meant it; he really did have a nice body. Something she’d noticed plenty before, but never actually appreciated until now. She faked a shocked look. “Hey! I was about to be really sweet and tell you that your personality makes you the whole package, but for that, fuck it.” It was pretty obvious she thought it anyway, of course. She wouldn’t be here if not. She wouldn’t risk their friendship for a good body. Because that’s what this was, it was a risk, but Rylan was willing to take it for Donovan. She’d always been willing to do just about anything for him, in fact. That really wasn’t anything new. “You’re planning on keeping me around a whole decade longer?” She quirked a brow, small smirk on her lips. “I mean, I’m not going anywhere, but just checking.” She wasn’t going to get ahead of herself about what could happen in that next decade, but whether it was as best friends or something more, she had no doubt they’d be in each other’s lives. They always had been, they were always going to be. They had way more memories left to make together. Taking the bag of food from him, she set it down in her lap, nodding her head. “I did know that. Maybe the next time we’re home, we head out there and make out like all of the cool kids did, hm?” Since Don was driving, Rylan reached into the bag to pull out two fries, one of them going in her mouth and the other then held out to feed Don. “Open,” she instructed, popping the fry in his mouth. “That works for me. We can be super cheesy and sit under the stars by the creek with our burgers,” she grinned, the idea of a makeshift picnic with their takeout food definitely inviting. Then again, anything with Don sounded like a great idea to her, so it wasn’t surprising.
Hearing Rylan compliment his body definitely felt good. Not that it was something he was insecure about. He wasn’t. He was in pretty good shape. He had just never thought she noticed before. And maybe she hadn’t, but it was obvious that she noticed now. “You think I’m the whole package?” He teased, glancing over at her with a smirk. “Your crush is getting out of hand.” If anything, his crush was the one that was growing every second they spent together. He was the one that was so adamant that they couldn’t just forget their hookup ever happened. He wanted to explore what it all meant because he knew he felt something for her. And this date was just making it more obvious for him. He was completely wrapped up in Rylan St. James. “Well, I haven’t been able to get rid of you yet, so I figured you’re gonna stick around for a while longer,” he joked. They were always going to be in each others’ lives. That was something he knew. He didn’t know in what capacity and he didn’t want to get ahead of himself and assume anything, but she was always going to be his best friend. No matter how all of this ended up, he knew that neither one of them was ever going to give up their friendship without a fight. “Once we got into our twenties, our parents figured that’s what we were doing at the park anyway,” he shrugged, letting out a small laugh. The thought of going back to Rhode Island and making out with her was definitely a good one. The idea of making out with her anywhere was good. It was just funny that their parents had seen all of this coming for years, but the two of them were so painfully oblivious for decades. He followed her instructions and opened his mouth, taking in and chewing the fry she offered out to him. He nodded his head as she spoke and took the turn onto the road that led to the park, finding a prime parking spot near the lake. Unbuckling his seat belt, he gestured to the back of his SUV and grinned.“I have an idea,” he smirked, climbing out of the car and making his way back to the trunk. He popped it open and pushed the back seats down, so they could have room to sit back there. Making his way back over to her side of the car, he opened her car door for her and smiled. “I don’t have a blanket for us to actually picnic, but cuddling in my trunk while watching the stars seemed just as good.” He definitely wanted to be able to put his arm around her and feel close to her, which would have been less comfortable staying in the front seat. He took his seat in the back and held his hand out to her to help her up there next to him.
There was a playful scowl on her face as she looked over at him. “Not that you deserve to hear it now, but yes, I do think you’re the whole package.” She could’ve listed off what that meant, but she was busy pretending to be mad at him. Again playfully, she rolled her eyes at his comment, laughing to herself. “I mean, it is a pretty wild crush, I can’t deny it. It kind of just snuck up on me, and now here we are.” That was how it had happened, it seemed to have just hit both of them from nowhere, which Rylan couldn’t help but think was actually pretty great. Not everybody had that luxury. Her smirk returned quickly; even pretending to be mad at him wasn’t working out for her. She was way too happy to be here with him. “You wouldn’t want rid of me though, would you?” She questioned, already knowing the answer. Apparently, she liked hearing Don say nice things to her these days, though. Their parents being as insistent as they always had been that there was something going on between the two of them had been annoying, but by now Rylan just found it funny, mostly because they were right. They’d known it before she and Don even had. “I bet they never thought our first date would be drive-through fast food,” she laughed, feeding him the fry, then reaching for another for herself as he found them a parking spot. Rylan glanced toward the backseat when he motioned, brow raising slightly. Unbuckling her seatbelt and picking up the bag of food, she turned around to watch what he was doing, a smile easing onto her lips once she realized.“We don’t need a blanket,” she shook her head, her smile almost dreamy as she looked up at him from the passenger seat once he’d gone to open her door, quickly climbing out to join him. “You’re so cheesy,” she teased as they made their way around to the back of the car, handing over the food and then climbing up next to him. It was a natural instinct for her to scoot right beside him, leaning against him a little bit as she made herself comfortable. “I like this,” she sighed contentedly, “This was one of your better ideas for sure.” She glanced up at him, just watching him for a moment, her smile never having left her lips. Her voice had softened a little bit, though. “You’re gorgeous,” she finally said softly, “You’re smart, you’re sweet, you’re hilarious, you’re the person I feel the safest with in the whole world. That’s how I know you’re the whole package.”
Rylan was his favorite person. There was no doubt about that. And his favorite person complimenting him was becoming something he could definitely get used to, even if it was hidden by her playfully pretending to be mad at him. He knew she really wasn’t. It was becoming clearer to him that she was just as into him as he was into her. The idea that this had just come out of nowhere was pretty wild. Having romantic feelings for Rylan was never something that had seriously crossed his mind. Their parents were always pushing the idea into their heads, but he never took it seriously. They were just best friends, but now that they had crossed that line, he wasn’t sure if he could ever go back. “Wild crush, huh? I’ve gone through every crush you’ve ever had with you and I don’t remember you ever blushing this hard with someone else,” he grinned. He knew that his feelings for her were completely obvious to her. Not only because he’d expressed them, but because Rylan had known him for so long and she’d seen him with girls before, so she had to know how he acted when he really liked someone. “I never want to get rid of you,” he mumbled with a wink. If their parents could see them now, they would probably think they were ridiculous. Don was setting up the trunk of his car for the two of them to sit in and watch the stars together. He knew his parents would have loved that they were out together, but they’d probably laugh at the date the two of them had set up for themselves, but it was all very Rylan and Donovan. He grabbed the food from her and smirked as she climbed into the back with him. “You clearly like it when I’m cheesy,” he teased, already enjoying the feeling of her lying against him. He wrapped his arm around her as he reached down with his free hand to get the food out. He took a small sip of their milkshake before handing it over to her with a smile.“I like having my arm around you,” he said with a small sigh of content. He took a bite of one of his fries as he listened to her talk, chewing on it softly as he failed to hide the smile on his face. “I like you,” he breathed out, shaking his head. “It’s not a crush. I mean, it is, but it’s more than that. It’s not like when I had a crush on my bio professor in college. It’s more than that. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we were in Rhode Island,” he admitted. “I can barely focus on our food or the stars tonight. I’m only thinking about you.”
She probably wouldn’t have appreciated her date pointing out the fact that she was blushing so much if it was anybody else. But it wasn’t anybody else, it was Donovan, and while him making a big deal out of it made her cheeks grow only more red, she couldn’t help but laugh. “You really suck. I was being considerate when you were blushing, I didn’t point it out. I’m going to next time, though.” There had been plenty of times over the past thirty years where Don had winked at her, but it had never had the effect this one did. It didn’t make her want to reach over and kiss him, but that was exactly what she wanted now. Not that she would, not until they were parked up, anyway. Once they were, Rylan really had no desire to get back in the car; she liked the idea of curling up under the stars with her date a little too much. Obviously they’d have to leave at some point, but for now, she was more than content, and laying against Donovan made her feel safe, just like she’d told him. “I do,” she admitted, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his chest once his arm was wrapped around her. “And that’s so weird, because usually I hate that. But not with you. You’re different, you know?” She glanced up at him, taking the milkshake once he’d offered it out to her. She took a small sip, then set it down between them. They were sharing, so they could both grab it whenever. The food was all but forgotten about on Rylan’s part already, because she’d gotten caught up in Don again as she listed off the things she liked about him, the things that made him the whole package, and then he was spilling his thoughts to her too, and how was she supposed to focus on food now? Her teeth sank gently into her bottom lip, because even though she knew he liked her, it was nice to hear it, and Rylan’s hand lifted to settle delicately against Donovan’s opposite cheek.“It’s more than that for me, too,” she agreed, voice still soft. Her fingertips brushed gently against his cheek as she leaned up to press her lips to his for just a moment, using her hand to turn his face toward her. Although she pulled back, she kept her hand where it was, eyes up on him. “What are you thinking about? Tell me.”
It was no secret that Rylan had made him blush more than once on this date, and even though it would have been slightly embarrassing for her to call him out, he could not resist the urge to call her out for her blushing. Sexual tension had sort of been lingering between them for most of the night, and it definitely moved in waves. He could read from the expression on her face after the wink he sent her, that the apparent sexual tension wasn’t going away anytime soon. “I’m not embarrassed about blushing in front of you. You make me blush,” he laughed with a shrug. Maybe he was slightly embarrassed about it, but he was ready to own it. Rylan was hot and whenever she threw him a compliment, it made his cheek turn a little pink. Well, maybe it was a little darker than that. He wasn’t ready to admit to all of that yet. It was very easy to get lost in the moment with her. With their bodies pressed together in the back of his car, he didn’t have to worry about anything that could go wrong. He liked that she felt comfortable with him. Donovan knew everything about Rylan and he knew they both had their issues with relationships, so he liked that she felt completely safe around him. And he definitely liked that she didn’t mind his cheesiness. “Different?” He questioned, trying to gauge what she meant from her expression and her tone. “Different good? Different bad?” It didn’t take long for it to become obvious that it was all the good kind of different. Their entire friendship was becoming something different, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Actually, it was a really good thing. He could not have cared less about the food they were supposed to be eating or the fact that it was fast food and would probably get cold pretty quickly. He was telling the truth when he said she was the only thing he could focus on. He smiled softly as he felt her lips connect with his, a small sigh leaving his mouth once he felt her pull away.“It’s more than that for you too, huh? So. You’re saying you like me too?” He asked, already knowing the answer. They were on a date. A date where they could barely keep their hands off each other. Clearly, they liked each other. “I’m thinking about how easy this is. And how scary that is. It’s like we should have always been doing this.”
There was basically nothing Rylan would feel embarrassed about when it came to Donovan, so she really was just giving him a hard time. Her guard had never been up around him, and she was sure it never would be. Well, maybe the morning after their first hookup back at the hotel, but that had been fleeting. She was pretty sure he could read her like an open book, the same way she could him, so the fact that he was questioning her, asking her whether things were good different or bad different with him, it made her think that maybe he liked hearing her say nice things to him, too. She liked that, and flashed him a small smile. “Good different. The best different,” she confirmed with a nod of her head. “I’ve never felt as comfortable on a first date before.” It was easy for her to joke around with Don and to playfully tease him, but she liked that they could be serious, too. Especially when it was about something as big as their newfound feelings for one another. She had no desire to joke with her lips pressed to his, all she could think about was how right it felt, how they really should’ve been doing this all along. It was easy for her to make eye contact with him once they’d both pulled back, her fingertips gently stroking his cheek. Her lips curved into a smile. “You know I like you, Don.” Rylan’s gaze fixed itself with his. “I do, I like you.” She finally moved her hand away, though settled it on his chest, just enjoying being able to touch him, and nodded her head in agreement with everything he had to say. “Do I really scare you?” She questioned, her gaze falling to his lips for a moment, though she forced herself to look back up at him again. “How much does it scare you if I say we should make out right here in your trunk? I mean, our food is definitely going to be cold, but you’re kind of making my heart race, and I just want to kiss you.”
It may have been because Rylan had pretended like things between them had never happened, but for some reason, Donovan craved hearing her confirm that she was enjoying things between them. He didn’t know why. It could have been because of her history, but he just liked knowing that all of this was fun for her too. He clearly had feelings for her, but hearing that all of this was different and exciting for her too made his heart race. “I don’t even usually kiss on the first date,” he joked, letting out a small laugh. That was slightly true. He was usually a little more reserved on a first date, but he didn’t have to be that way with her. There wasn’t anything to be nervous about. And they had already gone way past kissing. Multiple times. So, there was no need to hold back in that regard either. They were both so good about staring into each other's’ eyes. He liked looking forward at her beautiful blue eyes as she confirmed that she liked him too. He knew it, but once again, just like he enjoyed hearing her say his name when they were in bed together, he liked hearing her reassure him that she liked him. “You can tell me that again whenever you want,” he breathed out, keeping his eyes on hers. He never thought that hearing Rylan St. James tell him that she liked him would cause his heart to beat out of his chest, but it was. He nodded his head at her question, the way she was staring at him scared him a lot more than he was even willing to admit to himself. “It scares me how much I want you,” he admitted, his eyes following her lead and glancing down at her lips now. He kept his eyes on her as he reached down to grab the bag of food they had, shoving it, along with their milkshake, out of the way further into his backseat.He didn’t care if it spilled or made a mess. He really only cared about the woman next to him. He ducked his head down slightly, so that his lips could meet hers as his arms wrapped around her. Pulling her body as close as he could to his, he deepened their kiss, sliding his tongue in between the gap of her lips. “Say it again,” he breathed out, mumbling against her lips. “Tell me you like me again.”
It wasn’t uncommon for Rylan to be the more confident one whenever she was out on a date. She’d never had any problems with that, she’d never been shy or even very reserved. She wasn’t exactly Robin level out there, but she was pretty close. It almost surprised her a little bit that she seemed to be the one more sure of things between she and Donovan, though. She’d always thought of him as the protective one, so she kind of liked that he needed reassurance from her right now. She liked being able to give him that and making him feel better. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she laughed softly, but made a mental note to do just that. If Don liked hearing it, she would say it as many times as he wanted. “I like it too, just so you know. I like knowing how you feel about me.” It should’ve probably been weirder than it was, but it wasn’t. And that definitely wasn’t a bad thing. Nor was the fact that he wanted her, because Rylan definitely wanted Don, too. That had been obvious the whole night, but now she was struggling to even keep her hands to herself. “Don’t let it scare you,” she shook her head, voice soft and reassuring. She could see from the corner of her eye that he was moving their food out of the way, but her gaze was still on him. “I want you, too. And you have me, Don. I’m right here.” As he began to lean in, so did she, and it almost felt like a relief once their lips were pressed together again. The hand on his chest slid up and over his shoulder, her arm eventually wrapping around his neck. The other came up to join it, and as he pulled her body closer, she scooted over to climb up onto his lap again, straddling his thighs once more, her lips never leaving his. “I like you,” she mumbled into the kiss, her arms tightening around him as her tongue began to move against his, eyes closed.
Dates didn’t usually make him this nervous. Don was always quiet on dates. Usually, because he chose to do the gentlemanly thing and let the woman do most of the talking, but he was never nervous. His heart never raced like this. He never craved the other person as much as he was right now. A date with Rylan was something he’d never experienced before and he was certain that he wanted another date. They weren’t even done with their first, but he was already planning a second in his head. Hell, he could already see the two of them going on a third date together. He wasn’t going to mention any of that to her just yet, but he could see it, and it made him happy. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he echoed with a grin. It was nice to know that it wasn’t just him that liked getting that verbal confirmation. And he liked being able to admit to her that this was all a little scary. He had never wanted someone this much. Especially not a first date, but it made sense. They were best friends. Things between them were going to be intense, even if it was just their first date. It wasn’t like this was the first time they were meeting. They were on a date with someone that knew just about everything about each other. This wasn’t like any other relationship just starting out. Everything she said to him just made his heart race even more. He had her. Even if she just meant for that moment, or even if it was just for the night, it didn’t matter because he had her. She was his. The amount of time didn’t matter. He slid his hands up her back and moved them to her shoulders, pushing her jacket off, so he could feel even closer to her. “I like you too,” he muttered out, moving his arms back around her waist. He didn’t want to stop kissing her. He didn’t care that he was getting all worked up again the same way he had earlier, all he cared about was being as close to her as possible.
Rylan wouldn’t consider herself needy, but she really did like the idea of hearing Donovan tell her he liked her. She liked hearing they were on the same page, even though she knew it already. So, if that made her seem a little needy, she was fine with it. She knew Don would never judge her. He never had, he was never going to, and the same could be said vice versa. Any other guy she randomly made out with in the trunk of their car on the first date would probably judge her, they’d probably get the wrong impression. But like she’d said already, it was different with them. They knew each other, they were comfortable with each other. They knew that this wasn’t just physical, but they also didn’t have to pretend like that part wasn’t there, and Rylan had no plans to stop once she’d started kissing him again. She unwrapped her arms from around him to shake off her jacket as she felt him pushing it down, then her hands were settling on his shoulders, though they began to trail down his body almost automatically as she kneeled up, her head ducked down to keep pressing her lips to his. She didn’t want to break their kiss, but she did like hearing him tell her he liked her too. It made her feel kind of possessive, like she needed to be even closer to him. “We don’t have to stop,” she mumbled against his lips, before finally forcing herself to pull back. Her hands were still settled on his shoulders, and her chest was rising and falling faster as she looked at him, already worked up. “I mean, we can. This doesn’t have to go any further. But if you don’t want to stop this then don’t feel like you have to, okay?” Before now, whenever they’d hooked up, although it had happened naturally, it had generally been preceded by a fight. She wanted to make sure he knew that if things progressed here, it was okay.
They were ridiculous. This was not where Don had seen the night going when he was getting dressed back at his place. He hadn’t really known what to expect before he picked her up. He had just wanted to look nice for her, he never thought they were going to end up making out in his trunk. He didn’t have any complaints. It was probably the furthest he had ever gone on a first date. He didn’t even like to kiss because he never really felt comfortable with the other person, but he didn’t have that problem with Rylan. He felt completely comfortable with her. Sliding off her jacket seemed like a necessity. In his opinion, they were both wearing too much clothes. As good as he probably looked in his sweater, he would have preferred to be wearing a little less layers. He wanted to be pressed up against her. All he needed was to know that she was okay with continuing. He sighed as she pulled back from him, his lips swollen and painful from the loss of contact with hers. He bit down on his bottom lip as she spoke. They didn’t have to stop. He was having trouble catching his breath, but he was on the same page as she was. He didn’t want to stop either. He wasn’t used to this. Well, he was used to not being able to keep his hands off her, but usually they were yelling at each other or not speaking to each other and that always led to them ripping each others’ clothes off. This was different. The passion was still there, but it didn’t stem from arguing. He pulled his body away from hers as he reached up to find the latch to his trunk door, he grabbed a hold of it and lowered the door until it shut. He brought his hands behind his head and pulled off his sweater, wanting to get rid of some of those layers. He returned to her and reached for her hands, bringing them back to rest on his shoulders. His lips reconnected with hers as he found her hands once again, bringing them down to the buttons on his shirt. “You can take it off.”
Don knew Rylan’s past. It wasn’t like she was exactly secretive about it; she’d literally opened a center for victims of sexual assault, she was pretty public with her story. But because he knew it as well as he did, she knew how respectful he was going to be. She appreciated it, but definitely wanted him to know that it was okay. With her, he had her full consent, and it seemed that he knew that once they’d parted. She watched as he reached out to close them in, grateful for the privacy. She wanted all of their focus to be on each other, not on worrying that somebody was going to walk by while they were doing… whatever this led to. Rylan had a pretty good idea, given how badly they both wanted each other. How badly she’d wanted Don since she’d climbed onto his lap earlier, in fact. It was nice to know she didn’t have to move away now, and watched from her spot on his lap as he reached down to tug off his sweater. There’d been a ton of passion behind their previous hookups, maybe in part because they’d been so angry beforehand, but it didn’t compare to the air surrounding them now. She needed her hands on him, he definitely didn’t need to tell her twice to take off his shirt. “But you look so sexy in it,” she mumbled against his lips once they’d reconnected, her fingers working on the buttons in spite of her words. She wasn’t lying, he did look really good this evening, but she also wasn’t complaining about removing the layers between them, and once all of the buttons were unfastened, she slipped the shirt off easily, dropping it down beside them. Rylan pulled back from the kiss, but only to look down at his now shirtless body, small smirk rising to her lips. “You look even sexier now,” she admitted, ducking her head to press her lips to the side of his neck. She parted them slightly, trailing open mouthed kisses right the way to his jaw.
There were absolutely no expectations here. If Rylan wanted to stop right there and head home then he would have done just that. If she wanted to keep going then Donovan was game for that as well. This was about the both of them. He wanted to make sure they were both having fun and enjoying themselves. Closing the trunk door seemed like a necessity for their comfort as well. He didn’t want anyone to walk past and see everything that was going on in the back of his car. Not that he was ashamed to be making out with his hot date. He just wasn’t sure how far things were going to go, but he did have some idea. It was clear they both had problems when it came to resisting each other and controlling themselves.  This felt so different to the past times they’d hooked up. Clearly, they weren’t arguing, but the way their lips were connecting and the way they looked at each other when they peeled their lips apart. It was filled with an amount of passion that he’d never really experienced before. His hand found its way into her hair as she worked at the buttons on his shirt, a smirk spreading across his face once she called him sexy. They’d only hooked up a few times, but it was obvious that she knew how to get him worked up. He pushed his shoulders back in an effort to help her slide his shirt off. He instinctively leaned his head back as he felt her mouth peppering kisses against his neck. His hands found their way underneath her shirt, his fingers sliding against the skin on her stomach as he started to lift shirt up. “Can you feel how much you turn me on, baby?” He breathed out, as he finally pulled her shirt off over her head.“You’re so fucking beautiful.” No one had ever really been able to get Donovan so worked up so quickly before, but he wanted Rylan with every part of his body. And it was even harder to hold himself back now that they were both shirtless. Leaning back, his slid her further onto his lap, his fingers finding the hooks of her bra. He brought his lips back to hers, pecking a small kiss against it before pulling back to make eye contact with her. “Not so scared anymore,” he whispered.
If someone had told Rylan she would crave and need Donovan Smythe this badly only a month ago, she would’ve laughed and rolled her eyes. But here she was, sitting on top of him, pushing his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders, and all she wanted was to be as close to him as possible. She wanted her lips against his, but then she also wanted to trail them all over his body. She just needed him, and it was safe to say she was getting incredibly worked up once her hands were on his bare skin, trailing downward towards the top of his pants. “I can,” she mumbled against his neck, softly sucking against the skin, though not enough to leave a mark. Rylan didn’t want to pull away, but as he begun to lift her shirt, she knew she had to at least for a second or two. She used the time to catch her breath, her eyes unashamedly scanning his body as she lifted her arms out of her shirt with his help. As desperate as she was for him, and as much urgency was behind all of this, she couldn’t help the way he made her heart flutter when he told her she was beautiful, nor the small smile she shot down at him in response. She let her hips grind down against him as he pulled her further onto his lap, really able to feel how turned on he was. She felt exactly the same way, and she wanted Don’s hands on her as soon as he’d unhooked her bra. “Not scared,” she whispered in response against his lips, looking down at him once she’d pulled back again. “Just really turned on.” There was a small smirk on her lips as she popped the button on his pants, her eyes still on his face, then her hand was dipping inside, rubbing him over his boxers. “You’re so hard already,” she breathed, hand sliding under the fabric now to wrap her fingers around him. “Is that how bad you want me, babe?” Her hand began to move against him, just slowly for now. “You’re already that hard for me?”
Things had escalated quickly between the two of them and not just in the last ten minutes or so. Things had taken a turn in the last few weeks. He never thought they’d end up ripping each other’s clothes off in the back of his car. If you would have told Donovan a few months ago that’s where they would have ended up, he would have been completely surprised. But this is where they were. And he could not keep his hands off her and he really didn’t want to. He had no complaints about where the night had gone. He just knew he didn’t want any of this to end anytime soon. A few soft moans left his lips as he felt her mouth against his neck. He hated feeling her move away from him, but he wanted her shirt off. He wanted to feel the two of them pressed up against one another with nothing in between them. The way he needed her was something he tried not to think about. Pursuing understanding why he craved her the way he did was going to make him have to process his growing feelings for her in a way he wasn’t really ready to do. He was happy to feel her back with him, enjoying the feeling of her grinding against them as their lips met again. It was true. He really wasn’t scared anymore. He just needed her. He raised an eyebrow at her as she dropped her hand to the button on his pants, smirking as he felt the button pop open. He could not help but bite down on his bottom lip as he stared at her, taking in every movement of her hand. “Fuck,” he breathed out as he felt her rubbing his through his boxers. She knew exactly what to do to him. “It’s all for you, baby,” he moaned as she wrapped her hand around his shaft. He leaned forward, burying his head into her chest as he began to pepper kisses against his skin, distracting himself from the feeling for her hand on him.He threw his head back as he exhaled, staring up at the roof of his car. “It’s all yours, baby. I’m all yours.” He brought his hand to the button on her jeans, opening it as he pulled his head up, meeting her gaze with a smirk. “I need you,” he moaned.
If she’d walked by his room and heard him hooking up with someone before, Rylan would’ve probably been grossed out, but now she could appreciate just how sexy he sounded when he was getting worked up. When he was moaning softly as her lips pressed to his neck. “God, you’re so hot,” she mumbled, already knowing she wanted more. Then again, it seemed she always wanted more where Don was concerned these days, and she wasn’t complaining at all. Her feelings for him were progressing quickly, and if she really let herself think about it, she’d likely freak out. But somehow she was managing to just enjoy it, the same way she was enjoying the position they were in now. The bulge in his pants felt good against her as she rocked into him, but she definitely wanted that barrier between them gone, even if they were in a less convenient than usual place. Fortunately, Rylan’s short height had its advantages, and being able to sit up on top of him in such a small space was one of them. She liked looking down at him as she worked her hand against him, she liked taking in that look on his face as she felt him growing harder in her hand. “You’re all mine,” she agreed, unsure of how deeply she actually meant it, but she wasn’t trying to question it, not in that moment. Her focus was on making him feel good, and on how good it felt to have his lips pressing to her chest. She wasn’t trying to get him too close just yet, so she made herself stop, pulling her hand back from inside of his boxers and peeling off her unclasped bra. “You’re so good with your mouth,” she breathed, her hips instinctively rising a little as he popped open her button. “Yeah?” She glanced down at him, her own smirk mirroring his. Rylan knelt up to begin pushing down her pants, a little more slowly than she usually would’ve for his benefit. “What do you need? Tell me. Tell me exactly what you want, baby. I’m all yours.”
Don tried his hardest not to think about what all of this could mean. They’d admitted they liked each other, but there was something deeper there. Something he knew he wasn’t ready to investigate just yet. It was a lot safer to just ignore the reasoning why they wanted each other so badly. Why they could barely keep their hands off of each other for most of the night. Why they had ended up in the back of his car tearing each others’ clothes off. There was no part of Donovan that was ready to answer those questions and he knew Rylan extremely well, so he knew she probably wasn’t ready to delve into what those questions meant either. He couldn’t even care that they were squeezed into an uncomfortable space. His date’s height was coming in handy when it came to making sure they weren’t too uncomfortable, but his mind really wasn’t on anything other than the woman stroking her hand along his hardness. He was throbbing in her hand, the need of being inside of her growing with every movement of her hand. A groan escaped from his lips as she pulled her hand away from him. Although, he was thankful because he knew if she had kept working her hand like that for too much longer then he would have reached his breaking point, he still missed the feeling. “I think we both know I can do a lot more with my mouth,” he warned with a smirk. They were in too tight of a space for him to make her feel as good as he wanted to, but he was hopeful that they would end up at his place eventually and that all of this would happen again. He kept his eyes on her as he watched her pull down her pants, taking in every movement. “You,” he whispered out, bringing his gaze to hers. “I just need you.”He brought his hands to the waistband of his boxers, pushing them along with his jeans further down his legs. He reached forward, sliding his fingers under the fabric of her panties, wanting to feel just how wet she was for him. “Fuck,” he moaned out as he started making circles around her clit with his index finger. “I need to fuck you, baby.” His breath was a little hitched as he spoke. The feeling of how turned on she was for him was already driving him wild. “I need you to make me come.”
Sex was sex. Rylan’s unfortunate past had conditioned her into thinking of it as such, and she’d never really cared enough about an ex partner that her mind had been changed. But already, there was more passion behind this with Don than she’d ever experienced with anybody else before. She didn’t want to get into that, though. Sure, she was okay with admitting that she liked him, but too much too fast was going to cause her to run, and they didn’t need that. Fortunately, focusing on what they were doing right now was easy, especially with the way his body reacted to the touch of her hand. His lips on her were distracting too, and Rylan smirked down at him when he spoke. “We do know that.” She ducked her head, lips ghosting against his ear as she whispered out, “You can taste me later.” She had a feeling this wasn’t going to be their only hookup of the day. As much as she liked giving him his own little show, she really did want to feel him inside of her. She wanted him to touch her, so she had no complaints as his hand slipped inside of her panties, her hips instinctively rocking slightly as her teeth sank into her bottom lip. “You feel how wet you make me?” She mumbled, breath catching in her throat. His finger felt so good, so much so that she could’ve gotten lost in that moment, but she wanted more of him, and he evidently wanted more of her, too. So, she found herself reaching down to move his hand away, pushing her pants and panties all the way off. Next came his jeans and boxers, until the two of them were completely naked in the back of his car. They’d probably laugh about that later, but for now it was honestly just incredibly hot, filled with a ton of passion. Climbing back onto his lap, Rylan reached down between them to take ahold of him again, hand rubbing against his length briefly until she was helping to guide him inside of her, her hips lowering.Her gaze locked with his as she brought her hand up to his chest, pushing him back so that he could lay down while she stayed upright on top of him. “You always feel so good,” she breathed, hips beginning to rock, slowly at first, though the pace quickened as she looked down at him, a small whimper rising in her throat.
Donovan never thought that the two of them would be this good together. Well, in reality, he had never thought about the two of them together at all. They were just friends. There were no underlying romantic notions that were pulling the two of them together. At least, not that they knew of. Their parents thought otherwise. Somehow their parents had known all along that they would have been great together. And they hadn’t been wrong. Don sort of regretted that they hadn’t done this sooner, but he couldn’t let himself think like that. He couldn’t let himself get lost in his feelings for Rylan. Not this early in their relationship. The way she whispered against his ear just turned him on even more. He liked that they were both on the same page. After this, they weren’t done. There was no way they were going to release all of the passion between the two of them in just one time. They both needed more. She felt amazing. Having in his fingers inside of her, feeling just how much he had turned her on, that felt amazing. He could have felt his fingers there for a while, working against her hips, but soon she was reaching down for his wrist and she was pulling him away from her. He loved making her feel good, but he needed her. He had made that pretty clear when the words dripped from his tongue. He really needed her. It should have been a laughable image. The two of them completely naked in the back of his car, but there was no laughter coming from either one of them. They were engulfed in each other. As she lowered herself and guided him inside of her, he let out a deep moan, the feeling of finally being inside of her was definitely worth the wait. “Fuck,” he breathed out, not really able to control his breaths or the moans already leaving his lips. He began to buck his hips slightly, moving in rhythm with Rylan. His eyes locked with her as she sped up a little, making sure he was still moving along with her. “Shit,” he cursed out. “You’re so amazing. You’re so sexy.”
This was definitely not the most conventional first date. First dates didn’t typically consist of fast food and sex in the back of a car, but it was pretty fitting for them, because they weren’t the average, typical couple. Things were different, good different, and Rylan really wouldn’t have changed anything about the way their date was playing out so far. Now that her hands were on him, though, she really didn’t want to move them away, so she was confident they would spend the night together now. They could take their time later, too. Right now, they were in Donovan’s car, they were kind of limited for what they could do, but that didn’t make it any less special, nor any less passionate. Maybe even more so, in fact. Don’s instant reaction caused her to clench around him. He already felt so good inside of her, and he sounded so good when he’d moan and curse under his breath. “I fucking love feeling you inside of me,” she breathed, her hips still moving at a good rhythm with his as she leaned her body down towards him, her lips easily finding his. She placed one hand down behind him, while she brought the other over to find his hand, lifting it up and setting it on her breast. Hand still held over the top of his, she began to squeeze, showing him how hard she wanted him to touch, before moving her hand away to leave Don to take over. She was kind of a leader, she couldn’t help it, even in situations like this. “God, you feel so good,” she moaned against his lips, her hips rolling to grind harder against his. “You’re so big, babe. You feel so good.”
Donovan knew once their hands were all over each other again that they were not going to be able to stop themselves. He was barely able to stop himself when she first crawled onto his lap earlier in the evening, but he didn’t want her to think this was just about something physical for him. That wasn’t a problem anymore. They had both made it clear that this wasn’t just sex. It couldn’t be. There were always going to be feelings there between them because they were best friends. And the reasons why they couldn’t keep their hands off each other were a lot deeper than just sex. Everything about this was perfect. It didn’t matter that they were in a car. The way her walls clenched around him was perfect, and the way their bodies moved in rhythm was even more perfect. He could not control himself around her and hearing her say just how good it felt having him inside of her caused another moan to leave his lips. Only she could make him moan like this. No one had ever had this effect on him before. It should have worried him. That she could already make him lose control like this, but it didn’t. It just made him want her even more. He followed her lead and gripped tightly at her breast, loving that she was showing him exactly what she wanted. Donovan usually had a dominant personality, but there was something sexy about letting her take the lead, letting her ride him and call the shots. His other hand found its way to her ass, grasping at it tightly as he leaned his head back in ecstasy. “Ry,” he breathed out, unable to control the way his breath was hitching in his chest. “I love it when you ride my dick,” he moaned. “You feel so fucking good.” As the words left his lips, he could feel himself drawing closer to his release, his breathing getting more and more stagnant as time passed. “I”m close, baby.”
It really said something when someone could get Rylan this worked up with very little foreplay, but here she was, feeling herself nearing her edge more and more by the second as she rode him, the way he filled her causing him to hit all of the right places with each thrust of their hips. Don really did make the hottest sounds, and they only made Rylan moan louder, they only turned her on even more. It wasn’t as if it was a subtle hint when she’d lifted his hand where she wanted it, so luckily he took it, and the feeling of his hands on her only gave her the motivation to move faster, to try to make him feel as good as he was making her feel. Her own hands found their way to his shoulders, with her gripping onto him as she arched her body over the top of his, hips rolling fast against his. She wasn’t going to last much longer, which was maybe a little pathetic considering they hadn’t been going very long, but she’d wanted him since she’d climbed into his lap before, she couldn’t help how ready she’d been for him. Plus, this wasn’t just sex, it wasn’t just something to do. There were feelings behind it, and somehow, that made it even better. “Yeah?” She looked down at him, breathing faster as her eyes scanned his face. Even his expression was sexy, and it caused Rylan to smirk slightly as she quickened the pace of her hips. “Come for me, Don. Come for the girl that likes you.” Her fingers trailed down toward his chest, her nails leaving light marks in their path, as the other hand remained tightly gripping onto his shoulder to keep herself upright, loud, repetitive moans falling from her lips as she felt herself climbing closer and closer to the edge. She didn’t exactly need to quieten herself, but her lips found their way to Don’s as she finally came undone, desperate moans drowned out slightly by their kiss.
Donovan was hopeful that some poor soul didn’t walk past his truck and hear every sound leaving their lips. Neither one of them was being particularly quiet. It was quite the opposite actually. Every time he would moan loudly, she would moan even louder. They were clearly making each other feel very good. But every time a moan would leave her lips, he could feel himself pulling closer and closer to his breaking point. He knew he would not last for much longer. She had some power over him that he just could not describe, but it did not take much for her to turn him on. As their pace quickened, his gripped tighter at her breast, his breath hitching more and more. There were feeling behind every single thrust of his hips. Feelings he wasn’t really ready to focus on too much, but they were still there. He was always a sexual person, but when there were feelings involved, it just made everything even better. As the words fell from her lips, he knew it would not take long for him to follow her instructions. He was ready to release. He let out a moan as their lips pressed together, his body going stiff as he finally reaching his breaking point. He didn’t want to move immediately. He just wanted to keep her as close to him as possible, even if they were kind of cramped in the back of his car. He kept his lips on hers, deepening their kiss as he moved his arms to wrap around her. “You’re gorgeous,” he mumbled out as he pulled away slightly from her. He brought his hand up and pushed some of the disheveled hair out of her eyes. “I messed up your hair a little bit, babe,” he joked, letting out a soft chuckle. He brought his eyes to hers, sending a grin in her direction. “This is the best first date I’ve ever been on.”
Rylan couldn’t really think of a time where she’d finished up having sex with someone and needed to stay so close to them. She’d been conditioned into sex being meaningless, and once they were both done, that was that. But not now, not with Donovan. They’d both finished, yet she had no desire to move away from him, and pressed her lips back more firmly to his, trying to calm the pace of her breathing. Although she eventually pulled back, she remained in place, hovering over the top of him, her eyes meeting his. She couldn’t help but laugh softly as he pushed her hair back for her, gently shrugging a shoulder. “That’s okay,” she whispered, bringing a hand up to run her fingers through his hair as she looked down at him, just studying his face. “You’re worth it.” Rylan didn’t want to pull away, but they also couldn’t stay like this the whole night, so she reluctantly sat herself up, climbing off of him and searching around them for various items of clothing. “It’s the best first date I’ve been on, too,” she agreed, holding his shirt out to him. She paused before releasing it, though, and leaned forward to press her lips gently to his once more. “This isn’t just sex,” she promised, gaze searching his again. Her voice was soft, she wanted him to know she meant every word. “I don’t know how to keep my hands off of you, but it’s not just sex. I like you, Don. My feelings for you are deeper than just ripping off your clothes in the back of your car.” There was a small, almost smug smile on her lips. “I mean, I do like doing that, too. But just know that this is more than that, okay? You’re more than that.”
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daveyjacobss · 7 years
unbelievable : part two
reader x racetrack higgins
previously: “I caught Kath’s eye and she winked at me. No way. Absolutely no way. I sprint away while they’re talking about a girl secretly being a newsie and they still don’t figure it out?
a/n: guess who’s making this a series (whoops?) tbh i just found it really unrealistic that race and the reader would get together so quickly and since the idea has a lot of potential i’ve decided to continue and make it several parts. i can’t guarantee how long it’ll be, but i’m excited for it (i also can’t tell you how often it’ll be updated because i have no idea)
I watched as all four boys’ jaws dropped and Katherine’s eyes widened.
“But you - you….. you can’t - you said you couldn’t - ” Race spluttered.
“I didn’t say anything, you idiots. And you know what? You’re all stupid. Like, insanely stupid. And I’m so sick of not saying anything, because there have been so many times when I just wanted to scream because you were all being so miraculously stupid. And, another thing? I’m so sick of wearing this hat.” I took off the cap and threw it down, yanking out the pins Katherine had used to tame my hair and letting it fall down. I’d forgotten how nice it was to not have my hair tucked away.
“I cannot believe you just did that, I spent so much time putting your hair up like that!” Katherine pouted a little, earning an eye roll from me.
“You knew about this?” Jack turned to face her. Her eyes went wide once more as she tried to stutter out an explanation. I let out a small laugh at the frightened look on her face.
“A little help here?” She asked me, eyes going back and forth between me and Jack.
“Nope. If I’m going down, so are you,” I crossed my arms as she let out a breath.
“Fair enough,” she mumbled.
“I’m sorry, but could we please address the fact that I’ve been selling papes with a girl?!” Race was in an obvious state of distress, and as cute as he looked I couldn’t help but be offended.
“You got a problem with girls?” I questioned, glaring at him, as I put my hands on hips. His face went red and he looked away sheepishly. Oh, okay, that was new. I’d never been the one to make him nervous before, it had always been the other way around. Interesting.
“So you’ve been lying to us this whole time?” Davey spoke up. He looked slightly confused, but not angry. If anything, he appeared to be amused.
“I mean, like I said before, I never said anything, so technically I didn’t lie.” Davey let out a small noise that resembled a laugh while Jack gave an exasperated grunt.
“Y/N,” Katherine started.
“Your name’s Y/N?” Jack asked incredulously.
“What, did you think it was actually Mute?” He opened and closed his mouth, but no words came out. Eventually he just stopped trying. He turned to Davey and Race and they all started to talk quietly (except not really all that quiet, because it was them after all). They were arguing, and Katherine sent me a troubled glance. I looked over to find Crutchie sitting on one of the beds, grinning while he watched his friends bicker.,
“Crutchie, what do you think about all of this?” Davey asked, turning all attention towards him. Crutchie shook his head, smiling.
“I think it’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks.” He looked at me and gave me a smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back. Race may have been the ‘you’re so attractive please marry me’ kind of cute, but Crutchie was the ‘you’re like my adorably pure little brother’ kind of cute.
“See?” Davey grinned with us, “it’s not that bad. She did what she had to do to support herself, just like all of us do every day.” I mouthed a thank you to him and he nodded at me. 
“Well, I say we let her stay,” Race said, addressing Jack.
“Oh yeah? And why do you say that?” Jack raised an eyebrow at his friend and Race gave me one of those smirks that made my knees feel weak.
“Because, she’s kinda cute.” Oh dear lord this boy will be the death of me. Who the hell gave him the right to say something like that? Katherine gives me a knowing look, and I roll my eyes to mask the fact that I am quite literally screaming inside. Jack lets out a loud laugh, but nods, agreeing that I should stay.
Eventually, we had discussed the terms of me continuing to be a newsie. This included me keeping up the charade of being a mute boy in public, but being able to talk with the boys with all of them knowing that I was a girl. This obviously meant that the rest of the newsies would have to find out. Since we all agreed that I wouldn’t be selling papes for the day, I headed back to Katherine’s place and promised that I would return towards the end of the day when all the boys would be done selling.
Kath insisted that I leave my hair down and wear one of her dresses, which I really didn’t mind at all. It felt normal and comfortable. Looking in her mirror I could almost convince myself that I was still the girl I was a little over a year ago. I wonder if any of the boys would put it together if they heard my full name - it had to have been one hell of a headline. Memorable, to say the least.
We walked back to the lodge, talking the whole way. Mostly, we talked about the fact that Race had called me cute and that if he pulled something like that again I was going to punch him or kiss him. When we arrived we were laughing and I felt ready to go in and face the boys, but we’d been told to wait outside. After a few minutes, Jack came out, smiling at us.
“C’mon in,” he said, motioning for us to follow him. As we walked through the crowd of newsies I could tell that a lot of the attention was on me. I had expected that though, it’s not every day some girl waltzes into the lodge. Plus, Katherine had said that I looked good in the dress, and these boys could flirt with a wall. “Alright, quiet down!” 
Everybody quickly hushed, gathering around where me, Kath, and Jack were standing. I found Davey and Crutchie in the crowd and they smiled reassuringly at me. I smiled back, glancing around once more, but not seeing Race.
“As you all know, we had a little run in with the Delancey brudders this morning.” Shouts followed Jack’s words and he hushed them swiftly. “They scared Mute real bad, putting their hands on ‘im and talkin’ ‘bout us hidin’ a girl.” People were starting to whisper and I felt my stomach knot, suddenly nervous. Subconsciously, I swept over the crowd again. This time, though, I spotted Race in the back, leaning against the wall. He must’ve seen how nervous I was becoming, because he gave me a quick nod and mouthed ‘breathe.’ I took a deep breath and nodded back at him.
“Well, boys, I’d like to introduce you to Y/N,” he motioned for me to step forward and I moved so I was standing directly beside him. There were a few wolf whistles and catcalls. “Or, as you know her, Mute.” The noises died down as all the boys stood in shock, trying to process.
“Ya mean she’s been sleeping two bunks away from me and I didn’t know it? I’ve been missing the opportunity of a lifetime!” The boys went crazy at Romeo’s words all laughing and cheering.
“Imagine if you’d met them on the street instead of becoming a newsie, you might’ve ended up with Romeo,” Katherine whispered in my ear. I let out a loud laugh, slapping a hand over my mouth to muffle it. She giggled relentlessly beside me and it took me a minute to realize that the noise had stopped again.
“You can talk?” Albert called out incredulously.
“Oh, yeah, that too,” Jack said, half smiling. I rolled my eyes at him, brushing my hair out of my face.
“Hi,” I said simply, giving a little wave. 
“I need some sleep,” Elmer groaned, collapsing onto one of the bunks. His remark was followed by laughter, and soon everyone was joking around with me the same as they had when they thought I was a boy, except this time I could actually join in. As I was walking to get to Davey and Crutchie at some point during the festivities Mike and Ike had decided to start in my honor (though mostly it was an excuse for the boys to stay up and fool around), I bumped into Race.
“Sorry, Y/N,” he mumbled. I tried to stop it but it was no use, I started blushing. That was the first time he had ever said my name and, wow, did it sound good when he said it. He took notice of my slightly red face and smirked.
“Little warm in here, yeah?” He asked. I just nodded in response, looking away quickly. When I glanced back he was staring directly at me, eyeing me up and down and - oh god the way he was looking at me. It felt like he was undressing me with his eyes and I was starting to think that Katherine had been very, very right when she said her dress looked good on me. By the time he made it back up to my face he licked his lips and smirked at me again. I was pretty sure that if I tried to move I would just fall on my face, so I stayed put.
“Seeya tomorrow, partner.” He grinned, walking away. I took a few moments to compose myself before going to join Davey and Crutchie, all the while thinking of the way he’d been looking at me.
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jess-the-vampire · 7 years
Tom Vs The Forces Of Evil (Au), Chapter 3
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One of the most unusual things about earth for Tom, was school. Mewni didn't have schools, or classes, or tests. So being introduced to Math, science, and earth history was a huge struggle combined with the fact that he didn't know how schools worked or how to even succeed in class. Tom honestly didn't know why he should care, why did all of this matter when he'd be going back home someday? Well according to Marco, him not going to school and being educated would look bad or something. When Monday came back round, Tom wasn't eager to start his second week of school, if it wasn't for Marco he was sure he'd have either blown up the school already, or been lost forever. Despite him being mildly popular for being foreign and for catching the attention by quite a few girls in the school, Tom also didn't feel too comfortable around a lot of the students. Between his pink-bunny backpack, his hat, and his clothing style he seemed to be an easy target for some students to pick on. Marco usually stepped in before Tom did something he'd regret with his magic wand. Thank god for Marco Ubaldo Diaz.
"-So how is your dad gonna do magic without a wand now anyway?" Marco asked Tom, as they wandered around the halls on their way to class. Marco munched on an apple, and Tom snaked on a fruit bar so they could get some more energy before class. "Oh, he doesn't need it...."Tom explained, "By the time you've passed the wand to your child you should be magically skilled enough to not require a wand to do any spells...". He kept droning on and on, "I guess he can do them through his hands and junk? I don't really know...i've never seen him in-" ACK Tom crashed into Marco, who had stopped in his tracks. Marco wasn't looking at Tom, he was staring down the hall in fact. "Marco? What the heck?" Tom grumbled, before waving his hand in front of his friend's face, "Are you like? Under a spell or something?" Then Tom felt someone skate past them, a girl with short blonde hair and wearing a seashell necklace.. It didn't take long for him to put two and two together. She waved at Tom as she rode by, "Hey Tom!!" He waved back and elbowed Marco to wake him from his trance and say something, but instead Marco stumbled where he stood and turned bright red. Jackie lynn Thomas, Marco's crush. She didn't seem to have seen him stumble, and she turned the corner. Marco sorted himself out, he dropped his apple, and threw it into the trash can in his embarrassed state. Only to turn around to a smirking alien, Tom's knowing grin only make Marco more and more embarrassed, Marco stumbled over his words. "Uh...I-I Uh..." "You think she's cute? Don't you Marco.." Tom laughed, "It's cool, Jackie seems nice, she's like one of the only girls here who isn't bothered by my style or isn't trying to ask me out..". If Marco wasn't so red, he might've laughed, a lot of the girls at their school seemed to be crushing on Tom, guess being an alien didn't bother them. Tom was wearing new earth clothes today along with his usual horned hat, a loose purple shirt on top of a black tank top, wearing a cross necklace, jeans, and dark boots. He seemed to think this blended him in a bit more but Marco honestly thought he looked pretty similar even in mewni clothes. "I think your style is cool..." Marco said, trying to calm down, "A-and um...well, I've liked her since we were kids..." Tom took note of Marco's tone. "You've never asked her out..have you?" Marco rubbed the back of his head, "Well no, but we also haven't really talked before...or-" He thought Tom would laugh, but he didn't and bit his lip. "t's ok, my love life hasn't been any better.." Tom laughed to himself, "But that's totally cool, I Can use my experience in love to maybe help you get a date..". He patted Marco on the back, "And don't worry, I won't use magic and stuff...just my dating skills.." Marco didn't think that'd be any better. "Tom, it's fine...you don't have to-" Marco started, assuring his friend. "Yeah, but don't you want to...y'know, date her?" Tom asked, "I mean you can't wait here forever for her to say something, you have to go and get her....". "I-I Don't know..." Marco didn't want to sound weak in front of Tom, but he wasn't sure if Tom was the best person to be a matchmaker. Tom, the guy who thought the best way to settle a despute was simply battle to the death. Tom took his arm gently, "Marco, Jackie seems cool, what are you afraid of?" "Rejection...humiliation.." Marco mumbled, feeling sick to his stomach. Tom bit his lip, he'd dated before, he understood what this felt like....although then again his circumstances were very different. "Well, she seems to think i'm cool, I could be your wing-man!!" He suggested, making Marco's eye widen in panic. Marco steeped in front of Tom before he could move and put his hands out in front of him, "T-Tom, that's very sweet of you...but I really don't need your help." But Tom was stubborn, and walked past Marco, "C'mon Marco, I've dated before and Lilacia's used me as a wingman before when she needed a date, I can totally handle it..". Tom gave Marco a toothy smile, and Marco could tell he was begging with his eyes. He gave in too easily. "Fine, just...don't embarrass me, and do it after class..." Marco mumbled, he didn't mean to make it sound rude, but he wasn't sure what to expect out of Tom and his "Dating skills". Tom hugged him quickly. "Thanks Marco, trust me, by the end of today...Jackie and you will be an item.." ----- Well, Tom wasn't wrong about one thing. He was a pretty darn good wing man, but just not the best for Marco.. Tom eagerly let his math class to catch up to the skater girl, who was about to ride off to her next class. "Hey Jackie!!", Tom called out, running to catch up to her. "Oh, hey Tom!!" She grinned, "What's up little dude?!" "Oh, I wanted to talk to you...", Tom crossed his arms and gave a smug grin, "So Jackie, you seeing anyone currently? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Whatever you're into?". From behind a trashcan, Marco face palmed, he should've known better then to get the alien prince to set him up on dates. But ugh, it was hard to say no to Tom. "Uhhhh....no?" Jackie answered. "Well, I know someone who thinks you're really cute, he's been watching you for awhile now, and he'd love to get to know you better..." Tom said, Marco started to wonder if Tom was a ladies man back home, he was never like this normally. Normally Tom was shy, sad, and emotional, he seemed to be quite the charmer when he wanted to be. Jackie crossed her own arms, and raised an eyebrow, smirking herself. "Oh, is there now?" "Yep, and he told me to tell you he thinks you're the coolest girl he knows.." Tom exclaimed back, proudly. Marco raised an eyebrow himself from his spot, was it working? Jackie laughed. "So what do you say, will you give my friend a chance tonight?" Tom said. Jackie finished laughing and set a hand on Tom's shoulder, "Tom, that's very sweet of you, but i'm not into you like that....but if you ever wanna hang out and chill as pals, i'm super cool with that..". It took Tom a few seconds to realize what happened and his smirk faded, "W-Wait jackie I-" The Jackie checked the clock on the wall, "Aw shoot dude, looks like class is starting soon...I'll catch you later dude!!", and before Tom could say anything else she rode off. Leaving an awkward Tom in the dust. Marco ran up to the boy, "Uhh...What happened?" Tom bit his lower lip. "Well, I guess i'm not as great with matchmaking as I thought.." ---- "I'm so sorry Marco..." Tom said guiltily on their way home, "I screwed up....I really did..." Marco sighed, "Tom, it's ok....you tried your best.." Tom remained silent on their walk home, it was common for him to feel guilty about things like this, even if he shouldn't be guilty. When they got to Marco's house Marco dropped his backpack on the couch, but Tom made his way upstairs, producing a concerned look on Marco's face. "Tom?" Marco followed him upstairs, he must've been in his bedroom. Marco politely knocked on the door, "Tom? Hey, is everything ok?" No answer. "Tom? I'm coming in..." Marco opened the door to the boy's room to find him on his bed face first, and with his movements it wasn't hard to tell what was up. He was crying. "Tom?!", Marco made his way to his bedside and pat Tom's shoulder, "Hey, it's ok...it's not a big deal, there will be other times I can talk to jackie...I think?". He was talking calmly to the boy and rubbing his back, "I'm not mad....please don't cry.." Tom sniffled and looked up, trying to keep himself from angrily snapping at the human,  "T-That's not why I-I'm upset Marco....." He sat up, hugging his legs close to his chest and holding them tight. "I stink at this earth stuff...I-I can't figure out school, I can't find you a date...I-I can't even dress right.." He pulled off his hat and threw it to the side, his pink hair sticking up now. He felt hot tears stream down his face and thank goodness he wasn't holding his wand right now or he might've set the entire house on fire. "I wasn't this bad on Mewni......." He felt so angry. "I suck at this earth stuff, just like i suck back home..." He mumbled into his jeans, "How am I ever gonna live here if i can't do any normal earth stuff?" Marco sat down next to his friend, "Hey.....you wanna know something cool?" Tom didn't reply so Marco continued. "My Dad isn't from america...he moved here when he was a teen.." Marco admitted, "It took awhile for him to adjust too....but even though he lived in a new place he didn't have to change who he was, he adapted to new customs...but he didn't have to give up on who he was or where he came from..." Tom looked at his friend, he stopped crying. Marco smiled at him, "Being on earth, learning all these things...i'm sure it's overwhelming, but don't pressure yourself to adapt...you got to take it at your own pace and besides...I like how weird you are.". Marco stood up and grabbed Tom's hat from off the floor, bring it back to his friend and placing it on his head for him. "You do?" Tom asked, not really looking at Marco. "Of course I do, you're definitely the most interesting and fun exchange student we've taken In and if you think i'd replace you in a heartbeat your solely mistaken..." Marco lightly hit Tom in a playful manner and Tom smiled instantly. "That's...really cool of you Marco..", He said softly. "Earth will take some getting used to, but you're not a failure....you'll see, a few weeks from now.....you're gonna be great in school and nobody will care how you look....". "Are you really sure? I mean, i'm always going to be an outcast here...I'm an alien Marco..." Tom muttered, he was awfully good at putting himself down, but put both hands of the boy's shoulder. "Nothing wrong with that....we can both be outcasts together...", Marco grinned goofy, making the prince laugh. "Heh...yeah....together..." Tom smiled, imagining the two of them forming a group and travelling together. "That sounds kinda fun actually...." Tom smiled wide and hugged Marco, "Sorry I freaked out.....but...thanks, I guess I needed to hear that..." Marco hugged him back, "I can always help with homework....if you need any..? I know Math kinda sucks for you..." "Yeah...that might be cool..." Tom pulled away from him, then he laughed awkwardly, "You don't have to babysit me so much..." "You like it.." Marco teased. he bit his lip, maybe Tom needed a break to relax, Marco lit up with an idea, "You wanna play a game of ping pong?". He nodded to the table in the center of the room and Tom stood up. "Yeah...that sounds nice.." - Tom had no problem warning Marco about him being a ping pong champion back home before they started playing. But Marco still stated he could take him. Tom liked a good challenge. Tom put his wand away to play, promising to use no magic, only his skills. With his skills he might as well have used magic. Marco was losing..HARD. He could've sworn Tom was cheating, but there was nothing Marco could see that told him so. But at least Tom was smiling again, even if it was a malicious one. The ball went sailing past Marco, and the boy shook his head and laughed. "You know it's awful hard to play when I can't get a single hit in....." he said as he retrieved the ball. "Awww, but this is fun!!" , Tom said, making a fake pout, "Not many people back home wanna play with me..." 'I wonder why' , thought Marco. Marco served and Tom hit it back, flaying right past Marco once again, "So...what are we going to do about Jackie?". Tom froze, "Well....what do you mean?" "She thinks you like her....and..." He trailed off, clearly referring to the fact that she knew nothing about his crush on her. Tom felt guilty, and he bit his lip. "I'll take care of it...." "Really?" "Yeah..", He promised, "After I handle some things, and figure out what to say....I'll talk to her..." Marco smiled in gratitude, "Thanks Tom...." Then he served the ball suddenly and and it flew past a distracted Tom. "HEY!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" Tom muttered. "Oops..." Marco said, shrugging and with his own malicious smile. - By the time the week ended, Tom forgot about his previous worries. All the monster fighting, wand practice, and fun times with Marco helped make every day so much better. Marco was a decent tutor, despite Tom sometimes losing focus. The bullying died down a bit, although Marco suspected Tom might've done something himself to solve that. Tom denied it, but Marco was sure he did something considering how scared those kids were when they saw him now. But they didn't seem to be hurt in any way so whatever Tom might've done, just seemed to scare them rather then hurt them. There was just one thing Tom needed to take care of. By Friday, Tom took a deep breath and made his way to Jackie, who was talking to her friends in the hallway. He waved to her and Jackie's friends left as he approached. "Hey dude!" She said cheerfully. "Hey.." He said, taking another breath before continuing, "I know it's been a few days, but i wanted to apologize for what happened on Monday..." "What? No, it's fine Tom..." Jackie replied, "I'm not upset with you or anything-" "No, it's just, i wasn't trying to ask you out.." Tom got out, "I was trying to ask you out for a friend....and I'm sorry that it came out that way by accident." He was worried Jackie would be upset but she smiled and nodded, understanding. "Dude, it's fine, thanks for letting me know about that...", She patted his shoulder, "Are we cool?" "Yeah, we're cool.." Tom replied, smiling. "Cool, i'll see you around then..." She waved him off before skating away and Tom relaxed. He caught up with Marco shortly, who was ready to to head to lunch. "I can understand why you like her..." Tom said, twirling his wand in his hands "She's nice..." Marco grinned and playfully bumped against Tom as they kept walking together. "Yeah, well...you're pretty cool too..." Tom bit his lip and chuckled, "Hey, have I ever thanked you for taking me in and making this new life easier for me?" "Only about a dozen times In fact..." Marco shot back, "If we ever go to mewni, i'd appreciate if if you showed me around..." "Yeah, I think you'd like mewni, i mean we're kinda boring sometimes, but you seem to like monsters and magic stuff....so i guess it could be kinda fun..." Tom suggested, "Just...stay close to me ok? I'm sure your parents would kill me if I really put you in serious danger..." Marco nodded, "Yeah, i'd probably not wanna get eaten either...". "I didn't tell her about your crush..." Tom mumbled, "But maybe we can try again after all this blows over..." "It's fine Tom, maybe next time.....I'll try to tell her? I don't wanna put you in that position again...." "Yeah, but...are you sure?" Tom looked a bit worried, "I mean, you were worried about what she would say an-" "Yeah but like you said....if I want to date her, I can't wait around forever..."Marco sighed, "I'll tell her...someday...." Tom gave the human a toothy grin, "Well, I think you two will make a cute pair...." "Shut up.." Marco said, bumping against Tom. Tom laughed and bumped right back. The two bumped against each other as they walked down the hall together. School might not really be so bad after all.
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Future Plot: Project Titanomachy - Chapter 15
(( Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Nebula Blueshift and depiction of Agent 2/Marie belong to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Emerald belongs to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune
Celeste and Willow belong to @alpinesquid
Arsenic belongs to @a-demo-of-a-hero
The rest either belong to me or Nintendo ))
Nebula and Justinian managed to find out what made the sound, but it brought panic to those on the planet.
Coast, Kepler-542B - Time Unspecified (Night)
Nebula, who was already in her Olympian form, stops the chariot at a rocky ledge where she can see a glowing coral feel in the shores. They glowed like the stars in the sky, and it helped detect an unknown creature lurking in the waters.
Justinian stood beside her and prepare Persephone's Staff of Demeter, but he isn't in his Olympian form just yet.
"Man, it's like seeing a galaxy's reflection over here." Justinian is amazed to see the glowing coral reefs.
"It's beautiful," Nebula agreed, "but the sound was coming from this part of the coast."
"Should we assume it to be a titan, Nebula?" Justinian asked.
"Not sure, but I think Camille and the others would assume it is." Nebula was looking down at the glowing coral reefs. "At least my cousin managed to deliver the warning to us."
Nebula's Agent Headgear is currently earrings while she's in her Olympian form, and they glowed and made a tune, informing her of a call. Nebula taps one of the earrings and responds.
"Hello?" Nebula wonders who it is.
"You think you were going to fight the titan alone with Justinian, Sweetie?" Agent 2 asked through the coms.  
"Don't worry, Nebula, we got your back." Blueshift was also there.
"Mom? Dad?" Nebula wasn't really surprised, but she is glad they're there to help.
"Well, of course it's me," Agent 2 giggled.
"I know you're Agent 2, but--" Nebula was interrupted.
"Omega, Beta, is there a titan there?" Telemachus was on his communication device.
"No, not yet, Neo-Agent 3," Justinian respond through his communications device.
"We're on our way. Just keep the titan where it is." Telemachus hangs up.
Minutes later, Oceanus rises from the sea and approaches Nebula and Justinian.
".....Nebula?" Agent 2 was already terrified.
Nebula twirls her trident and pushes him away with one wave made by her. Oceanus was pushed back, but not far away. He makes the ocean split for two red lightning to strike the exposed earth. Tethys and Phoebe appeared afterward.
Tethys is the fish-woman with a cloak adorned in scales; her seaweed hair covered her eyes and her mouth has fanged teeth. Phoebe is the light-blue haired Titaness wearing a dark visor in a strange magicians hat and a large blue cloak.
Tethys quickly moved to stand beside Oceanus, and Phoebe walks towards Nebula and Justinian. She floats to the rocky ledge, shrinking to a normal size. She took out a book and adjusts her visor.
"Champion of Poseidon and Triton, Champion of Persephone and Demeter," Phoebe bow, "Stands aside."
"No," Nebula simply replied.
"I said step aside," Phoebe demanded.
"We're not letting you take this planet." Justinian gets into his Olympian form.
While they were stalling them, my party met up with Celeste, Willow, Arsenic, the rest of Sea Angel Splatoon, Agent M, and Agent C in the middle of Ogetsu Square. Trouble was already stirring in the capital.
Ghost ships arrived with an army.
Dance Festival, Ogetsu Square, Kepler-542B - Time Unspecified (Night)
The citizens were already running in terror, most had a good sense to either hide or defend themselves. Ink katanas and bamboozlers were already out and ink-shots were fired at the oncoming enemies.
The ghost ships arrived, deploying an army of mutated beings, most being minotaurs and nagas. The newly eldritch beings fought under the moonlight with hagfishes and sea slugs infesting their bodies. However, they were exposed to feeling pain from ink-based weapons.
Camille, Emerald, Chaodis, and Hera meet up with Celeste, Willow, Arsenic, Marcus, Theodora, Agent M and Agent C at a well where it was a safe zone for unarmed civilians.
"We have to meet up with Nebby and Justinian," Camille ordered.
"What about the fight here? Can't we just call them over here?" Celeste questioned.
"She's right, but they might've encountered Titans over at that coast." Chaodis points to the direction.
"Just leave this situation to me." Hera twirls the Olympic Queen's Sceptre and switched to her Olympian form. "The rest of Sea Angel Splatoon will help these people fight them back. Agent M, Agent C, find my mom and tell her to prepare evacuations on this planet."
"You sure you want to do this?" Agent M asked.
"There's no time to question now, Emma!" Agent C grabs her arm and they take off.
"Cecil!" Agent M was being dragged away.
"Alright, we'll go on ahead then." Camille continues heading to the coast with Emerald, Chaodis, Celeste, Willow, Telemachus, and Arsenic following her.
They switched their ink weapons with the Olympian Artifacts, raising them up and transforming into their Olympian forms. On the way, some minotaurs managed to chase after them to be slowed down by Emerald's arrows and Chaodis's distractions.
When they arrive, Oceanus can be seen trapped in a massive glacier made by Nebula, Phoebe was floating in midair and still in Inkling size. Tethys was already transforming into something. Justinian had an unconscious Nebula in his arms trapped in a barrier made of trees and vines.
Tethys was screeching until her jaws and skull started morphing into the shape of a serpent's; a forked tongue hangs out of the mouth. Her teeth were completely sea-glass and her sea-weed hair becomes a mane. The scaled cloak is shredded to reveal the torso extending to form a serpent's body. The chest remained only to form into a ribcage-like stomach with a blue-glowing heart. Barnacles with hagfish popping out covered the newly formed scales. Her legs became the legs of a dragon with talons of a hawk. Her eyes were revealed to be lidless and glowing yellow. The ears became fins of the sea serpent.
Agent 2 and Blueshift were behind some rocks and bushes, hesitating to go in and save Justinian and Nebula.
"What's going on? We need to save Nebby and Justinian!" Camille was about to go in.
"Camille! Wait!" Agent 2 warned.
Phoebe detected Camille and tosses what appears to be a clay splat bomb. When it make an impact, a puddle of ink forms, burning like fire. Camille steps back.
"We can't get to Nebula and Justinian without getting away from that Titan's attack," Blueshift pointed out.
"That's titan doesn't look huge." Emerald noticed Phoebe's size.
"No time to explain, there must be some way to get past those two." Agent 2 was concerned about what Tethys would do.
Camille looks to Chaodis. "You know what to do." She looks to Telemachus. "You help Chaodis out." She then looks to Celeste and Willow. "Willow, go and help Justinian and Nebby, Celly will provide protection with the help of Hestia's heart." She looked at Emerald." Once they get those two out of there, you and I will try to make them retreat. We'll take out one of them down if we can." She then looks to Arsenic. "You...you just stand by..."
"What about me and Blueshift," Agent 2 asked.
Camille can see through her disguise. "Tia Marie, Uncle Blue, return to the capital to help in case of evacuation."
"We'll meet you back there then." Blueshift can count on Camille. He pats' Agent 2's shoulder. "Come on. We got to help the civilians."
Agent 2 nods and follows Blueshift to the capital.
Telemachus puts on Hades's helmet and starts entering Phoebe's firing range. Chaodis did the same, splitting his gold apple and splitting up into 16 duplicates; they run in like mice and ants.
Phoebe detects Chaodis, but not Telemachus. She started throwing clay splat bombs and ink shots of a charger only to miss the targets. Telemachus gets close enough to takes off his helmet and whistle, summoning a screech owl that screeches so loud that it leaves Tethys and Phoebe disoriented at the moment.
Celeste makes a trail of brick tunnels that Willow crosses through, and when they reach the barrier or trees and vines, Celeste uses Hestia's heart to burn an opening.
"Justinian, come on!" Celeste ordered.
Justinian looked terrified at first, but then he looked relieved when Celeste arrived with Willow. Justinian gets out of the barrier and follows Celeste back to safety. Willow also followed, using Asclepius's staff to mend Nebula's minor injuries.
Once to safety, Chaodis and Telemachus switch out with Camille and Emerald. Emerald began firing her light arrows at Tethys; Camille sprouts her owl wings again and takes off to charge and struggle with Phoebe.
The arrows of light coming from Apollo's Bow strike at Tethys, but they didn't pierce through. The scales were like armor compared to Oceanus's scaled armor.
Camille was throwing mostly punches and kicks with her fists and legs instead of stabs and slashes with her spear. Phoebe looked defenseless at the moment as she was never the close-combat type, making her spells and ink-based magic useless.
Chaodis and Telemachus decided to help Emerald out and figure out a way to strip Tethys of her scale armor.
Celeste and Willow stayed with where they are, taking care of Justinian and Nebula. As Nebula gains consciousness minutes later, Justinian hugs her.
Soon, Phoebe pushes Camille away and floats off, retreating from the fight.
"That's right, coward! You better float away!" Camille shouted. She then turns her eyes to Tethys. "That just leaves her --" She then looks at Oceanus who's still trapped in the glacier. "-- and him."
Nebula recovers, but has to stay back and watch the fight. Willow and Celeste still remain with her while Justinian goes to help support Chaodis and Telemachus.
Camille flew back to send lightning striking down at Tethys, but there was no effect. She lands and stands by her party. She observed the anatomy of the eldritch Typhon form of Tethys.
"Anyone got an idea to get rid of her scales?" Camille asked.
"No," Chaodis answered.
"Not even Emerald's glass arrows of light can pierce through it," Telemachus informed.
"Who else is available?" Camille looked at Telemachus.
"There's Justinian," Telemachus replied, "but all he can do is--"
"I know what he does, so let's just bring him in here," Camille ordered.
"Alright." Telemachus puts on his helmet and vanishes.
Seconds later, Justinian joins in Olympian form. "What do you want me to do?"  He seemed real eager to fight back against Tethys.
"We don't know what to do yet, but we need to come up with something quick while Emerald is keeping this titan busy."
"Titan--!" Justinian blurted.
"Don't even try to do that!" Camille threatened.
"You're no fun!" Justinian responded.
"She's right, moron." Telemachus rolls his eyes before getting an idea. "Just have a vine grab Camille and Chaodis so that they can be catapulted at Tethys."
"What!?!" Camille found that idea is ridiculous.
Justinian didn't hesitate to follow through with the plan, so he grabs two saplings from his satchel and plants two vines. He uses Persephone's staff of Demeter and makes the vines grow quickly and grab Camille and Chaodis.
Chaodis didn't really mind, and he knew where this plan was going.
The vines throw Camille and Chaodis towards Tethys, and Chaodis was already having fun, spreading his wings and plucking one black feather that forms into an obsidian blade.
"I am a cat!" Chaodis yelled. "I am an agile cat!"
Camille spreads her wings and puts her spear away to switch out with a short sword.
They land on the serpent body part of the Titan and Chaodis and Camille impaled their swords through the scales and into the skin. They started flying around and leaving a huge gash trail. They pull their swords out and fly away.
Those massive cuts actually left Tethys unable to stand straight, and she collapses into the water. Emerald takes this chance to use one more arrow of light and fire it into the cut. Once inside, it glows bright and causes an explosion, separating the upper body from the rest of the serpent tail.
This should leave Tethys immobile, but she was able to use her arms to drag herself a climb up the rocky ledge. Camille can now look to Arsenic to help.
"Want to fry some fish for us?" Camille asked with a smile.
"Heck yeah!" Arsenic walks over to the edge. "On Titanic Fish Fillet coming right up!"
Arsenic pulls out Hephaestus's Hammer and Tongs. She grabs a hunk of coal from her pouch and lights it on fire. She looks down to see Tethys's serpent face with the jaws wide open. Arsenic keeps the coal burning bigger and brighter to the point she has to let go and drop it. She then throws it down where it enters Tethys's mouth.
Tethys tried to resist what she just ate and keeps climbing only to burn from the inside and turn into nothing but a skeleton of ashes and burnt wood.
Oceanus can see this and struggles in rage.  Red lightning strikes him and he disappears, making the glacier break apart.
"Well, what a night." Arsenic puts the hammer and tongs away and cleans her hands.
"Uhm, guys...," Celeste called to them, "It doesn't look like it's over just yet.”
I guess it wasn’t enough.
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shakesonaplane · 7 years
Throwback Blog Post: “Top 5 Airplane Personalities”
Season’s greetings my intrepid band of misfits. I hope the coming weeks bring some sort of wonderful holiday cheer and joyous good times. If you’re like me, you’re huddled around something warm right now as the Northern Hemisphere plunges into the cold abyss that is the winter (#brr). In my meandering on the internet and my old archives, I somehow stumbled upon a blog I wrote from back in College / University. In reading through my realized how frightfully embarrassing that whole thing is (not that this is any less embarrassing mind you), but I did find a gem that really brought a smile to my day.
So instead of some trip recap (and because I’m lazy), I’d like to offer you a throwback post from 2008 where I decided to tell the world that I’m a pathological liar when I travel. Given the upcoming increase in your travel plans, I figure what better time to remind everyone that airplanes are sincerely a fun place to make some new friends. So, without much further ado, I present an “anshubhaiyya” special from 9 years ago on how much I enjoyed messing with people on airplanes as a young adult.
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In case you’re wondering what I looked like in 2008 when I wrote all of this insanity (only things that haven’t changed are the hairy arms)
Hi I’m Ken Adams - Top 5 Airplane Personalities
I love airports…well, I take that back, I don’t like being in them when I’m in a rush or when I’ve just had my fourth cavity search, but I love to people watch. When you go to an airport, everyone is so busy and so hustled that people’s real, unfriendly selves come out. Whether its the angry mother with her four kids being rowdy, who she normally handles well but given the lack of Sesame Street or toys, she’s stuck keeping them occupied…or the busy business person who doesn’t seem to notice there are other people in lines or on escalators and always has a damn bluetooth headset attached (btw its funny to talk as the other part of their conversations and watch their reactions)…or the harassed traveler who is stuck in a place they don’t want to be because of weather and they’re either yelling or sleeping due to exhaustion from too much yelling…
But, when you get on that plane, you’re forced to sit and be nice to a person who is far too close for comfort…and if you’re like me you’re usually alone in traveling so you don’t know this woman/man and have to be cordial and polite for any amount of flight time while all you wish was that you could land and do something mildly interesting…..the best, though, is how people tend to strike up conversations with each other in order to make the time fly….maybe even asking thought provoking questions but usually just trying to keep the conversation going because, let’s face it…if you start and stop abruptly it’s just awkward
So, this guy sitting next to you on the flight, they don’t know you and chances are you’ll never meet them again….so what do I do? I lie….I make up who I am and where I’ve come from and what I’m doing because, to me, that’s more interesting…the more exciting you are the more fun you can have with people and in turn, the more fun they have….it’s fun to meet someone interesting, so much so that you feel better about your trip given a fun tidbit of information or a cool personality (see Fight Club)…
1) The Child Prodigy
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A lot of us like to travel as comfortable as possible, and in doing so we tend to wear shirts, hoodies or hats that have our school’s name on them….so usually a good way to start a conversation with this person is to see their age and ask, “oh do you go to school there?”…to which one can simply reply…”oh no, I actually teach”…the cover story I used was that I was a child prodigy and graduated high school at age 14, college at age 17 and got my Ph. D. last year (usually I’m about 21 or 22)…people are usually astounded and I say “no, it’s not that great, I don’t have tenure yet, just an assistant professor” and when asked about what you teach, make up some information about the last final or test you took and run with it….whether you’re an economics guru or a biological whiz or whatever…this one is always fun because the first look you get is the “what the hell?” look to which you can laugh and say “I know, sounds crazy…”
2) The identical twin
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This particular way doesn’t usually work, unless you sit next to someone who barely recognizes you (someone from school or an extracurricular or someone that hardly knows who you are)….this is actually what started, for me, the lying on airplanes…One day when I met a girl I recognized from high school debate (nerdy, yes), she ended up sitting next to me in the small hometown airport….she was a HUGE ass kisser/gunner/bitch/etc. but wanted to befriend me on the plane….she led with a “have we met”…so I countered with the “no, I’m sorry” and when she said I looked familiar and had I done debate I said, “oh, no that was my twin brother Abhishek….yeah my name is Neil, I didn’t do all that…he did”….after which I spoke about myself in the third person to her and just basically made up whatever I liked…where I went to school, how I was doing, what I had said about debate/her/Harvard (where she went)….sometimes talking about yourself as someone else to someone else who actually thinks they know your original self can be fun…write that down
3) The Arranged Marriage-er
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This one always kills because of the ethnic card I have…see being a young Indian man flying to and from random cities can get really annoying…people tend to glare at you, almost afraid you’re a ticking bomb…so when you sit down next to your John/Jane Doe…you start to fidget, act uncomfortable, and ultimately ask them if they’re married (it usually helps if they are)…when they reply, you start asking interesting, thought provoking questions about married life in America (accented is a plus), and ultimately end the line of questioning with…”well that was probably easier bc you met your spouse well before”…after they try to figure it out….you start with the ethnic barbaric nature so many people think exists….I’m only 22 but it’s a good marriage age…my parents found a wonderful person from India who is our caste and all the stars and signs agree we’re a great match…I’ve met her a few times but I’m on this plane to go to my wedding…they live in ______ (insert town) and basically I’m going to be married in a few days….then just sit back and watch as they ponder the crazy arrangements, they congratulate you, or they are shocked….my ultimate goal is to have a champagne toast or something with the cabin after several people hear about it…but yes, this is one of my favorite airplane personalities bc marriage makes people happy
4) The Professional Dancer
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This tends to work best if you’re flying to and from a major city….I first used this on a trip from LAX to Chicago…sometimes when people ask you what you’re doing in a certain city, this is a good way to go….it’s hard to be a professional singer or actor or athlete because more people will attempt to look for you or even know if you’ve been in certain things (unless you want to be totally aspiring but that’s no fun)…so I went the dancer route…you’re traveling from your home in City A to a concert in City B for _______ (insert obscure musician) in which you’re a backup dancer….you can start talking about influences, styles and even tell the person of where they might’ve seen you (“If you ever see a video with a group called N’Sync…called Pop, I was in the background of the ____ scene)…then you can start talking about the business, people you know, potential sexualities….it’s always quite fun
5) The Young Entreprenuer
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Sometimes you find yourself sitting on flights and you’re dressed better than you should….you might be wearing a suit or just a nicer outfit than most and we all tend to own nice electronics like iPods and things…so this one I’ve devised on a trip back from NYC when I changed into my only clean (but very dressy) clothing…go with what you like but I tend to start my young millionaire personality as an online store that sells something really random…chairs are a good one, also random software, designer kitchenware, video gamer sites…basically anything that most people wouldn’t look at as millionaire making….when people ask what you do you say, oh well I’m just outta college but I’m working on my company, which I started in HS…right now we’re private but we’re getting enough buzz to warrant publicly selling to google/ebay/apple, whatever…basically running with the idea that you’re set for life and all you want to do is make more money…it’s always a good idea to have a company name in mind in case, but usually you can be small enough to be under the radar of most people….being a young millionaire can be fun too, because you can talk about the dream cars you own, the trips you’ve taken and, if you have an elderly person, it’ll melt their heart if you say you’ve made it so you’re parents don’t have to work anymore…
…Just to let you know, I don’t think lying is a great thing to do…the idea is that having fun is important and this person who you’ll never see again will only understand you as that interesting person they met on a plane….in a way you’ll brighten their day…people usually live their lives in such an ordinary, routine and mundane fashion that a little spark is always fun….so if you get away with your personality, you’ve made someone’s day more interesting and made yours more fun…it’s a win-win….
Well, that was generally an odd experience to re-read :) Hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane and have some fun ideas for what you’d like to do on your next holiday travel flight. Next year I’ll be back with loads more travel and hopefully some great stories to go along with them. Till then, Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever it is you celebrate!
Cheers (and, for the throwback, jsk)! Abhishek
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