#also some of these apply to other sentient bosses but
surveillance-0011 · 1 year
I think magician is a bit of a loser.
So consumed with hatred he doesn’t stop to think of his own self preservation.
He waits and waits just to avenge his pain but has never seemed to come around to thinking maybe there’s a better way than revenge and maybe he’s in the wrong for deciding to destroy everything and getting mad when people don’t take kindly to it.
I mean, I bet it hurts. Being left incomplete, being made as a weapon by a broken man, dying over and over….And I bet Goldman and co were there to tell him what to think, how he should feel slighted, how a future with the Emperor would allow for revenge. Maybe he didn’t have any choice in the matter.
Maybe it’s better to just say he is pitiful.
But no matter the firepower, or how smug he acts, he’s played the cards exactly in Thornheart’s favor.In the end he’s just as much a pawn as any agent or any other creature. Perhaps even more so, considering he’s the one of the only ones with “free will” but has somehow turned out to be the most trapped.
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doomed-era · 2 years
Sentient Monsters/Enemies in Zelda
People seemed to enjoy my last list so I'm going to touch on probably one of my favorite topics in LOZ! I'm mostly focusing on monsters and enemies that are shown to be not completely affiliated with any sort of Big Bad or are demonstrably capable of speech or independent thought but I'll also be including other enemies and monsters. I'm not going to really include bosses unless I find it necessary (hence the lack of Maz Koshia, Gohdan, Byrne, Bellumbeck, etc) As usual, I may touch headcanon territory a little, and I'll happily take any corrections/suggestions and reblog them!
...Actually I might just edit the post, not sure.
This contains gameplay spoilers for...a lot of Zelda games, so please proceed with caution!
Batlike enemies from The Adventure of Link. They are usually hostile, and will disguise themselves as villagers, revealing their disguise if spoken to. There is a friendly Ache that can be found in the Town of Nabooru that Link can speak to.
A reformed demon from Skyward Sword who has a secret house on Skyloft. He expresses a desire to become human, and requests that Link bring Gratitude Crystals to him so he can become one.
Namely King Bulblin, but I personally think this applies to regular Bublins as well. Throughout Twilight Princess you fight King Bulblin in various boss fights, but he always retreats before Link can kill him. In your final battle with him, he finally speaks, claiming that he "always follows the strongest side," before leaving and dropping a key to the inside of Hyrule Castle. Bulblins in general are shown to be fairly intelligent, riding on large boars called Bulbos and Twilit Kargaroks, creating structures, and cooking food.
Dark World Creatures
Many of inhabitants of the Dark World in A Link to the Past are heavily implied to be people who sought after the Triforce but were trapped upon entering the Dark World and transformed into monsters according to their true nature. These creatures can be aggressive at the start, seem initially friendly and attack you later, like Blind the thief, or can be completely passive.
Deku Scrub
These are plantlike creatures that spit out seeds to attack. In Ocarina of Time, Deku Scrubs seem to have made an allegiance with the first boss, Gohma. When attacked, they will surrender and either give you information or sell you items. In Majora's Mask, not only can Link transform into a Deku Scrub, but there is a Deku Scrub palace to be explored. Like in Ocarina of Time, Deku Scrubs are hostile to outsiders, and will refuse to let Link into the palace if he is not in Deku Scrub form. In Minish Cap, a sick Deku Scrub blocks the way by sneezing out seeds at Link and Zelda.
The Garo from Majora's Mask are a tribe of undead, ninja-like hooded creatures. They reside in the Kingdom of Ikana, though they're not originally from there, and will only appear to Link if he is wearing the Garo Mask. At some time in the past, the Garo came to Ikana Valley as assassins, but like most Ikana residents they were killed and their ghosts linger around the area.
A slightly more obscure enemy from the original Legend of Zelda, Zelda II, Link's Awakening, and the Oracle Games. Goriya are moblin-like creatures that attack with a boomerang. In the original Legend of Zelda, a hungry Goriya blocks a door in a dungeon. In Link's Awakening, there is a hidden friendly Goriya that can only be seen using the Magnifying Glass, similar to the friendly River Zora.
Iron Knuckle
Armored enemies in Zelda II and Ocarina of Time, serving as minibosses of the Spirit Temple in the latter. In the last room of the Spirit Temple, the Twinrova control Nabooru, the Sage of Spirit, and force her to fight Link as an Iron Knuckle. Looking closely at the ordinary Iron Knuckle model reveals a Gerudo face inside, so many people believe that the other Iron Knuckles Link fights are also possessed or evil Gerudo.
Mad Batter/Li'l Devil
A batlike creature from A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening that lives in an underground cavern. Link can disturb him by tossing Magic Powder at a statue, where he will become angry and "curse" Link by giving him a magic upgrade.
Featured in the original Legend of Zelda, Moblins are one of the quintessential enemies in the Zelda series. They have been shown multiple times to be capable of speech and seem to be able to defect from Ganon's horde in some instances. The original game also contains the first instance of a friendly monster in Zelda, the famous "it's a secret to everyone" Moblin. In the Wind Waker, a girl named Maggie has fallen in love with one of the Moblins in Forsaken Fortress, and sends a letter to him. Moe the Moblin sends a letter back, proving that Moblins are not only capable of speech, but probably writing.
Guardians of the Tower of Spirits in Spirit Tracks and invaders of the Temple of the Ocean King in Phantom Hourglass. Phantoms are highly intelligent enemies that will chase Link down, and are capable of speech. In Spirit Tracks, Phantom Zelda can converse with them to distract them while Link makes his way through the Tower of Spirits.
River Zora
River Zora are featured in the original Legend of Zelda, a Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, A Link Between Worlds, Oracle of Ages, and Phantom Hourglass. River Zora are highly territorial creatures that inhabit bodies of water in most of the games they are featured in. They will usually shoot fireballs at Link and dive under the water if confronted. However, in many games, there are several Zora who will not attack you and may give you helpful items. In A Link to the Past, Link can speak to King Zora to get the Zora Flippers. In Link's Awakening, there is a secret friendly Zora that can be seen after Link has obtained the Magnifying Glass. In A Link Between Worlds, the Zora Queen Oren will give you the Zora Flippers.
Hylian Soldiers have a long history of either getting possessed, turning evil, or being extremely incompetent in the Zelda series, and A Link to the Past is probably what started it. Soldiers are the primary enemy fought in the Light World, and are friendly to Link at the beginning of the game, telling Link to go home to bed on such a rainy night. One soldier mentions that they have noticed something strange about the other soldiers, and expects that they will soon succumb to whatever is possessing them. This is of course Agahnim, an evil magician and Ganon in disguise.
Featured in almost every game in the series, Stalfos are undead skeleton-like enemies. Stalchildren are weaker, more common enemies that are featured in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Ordinarily Stalchildren will attack you in Majora's Mask, however if you wear the Captain's Hat—the hat of their leader, Skull Keeta—they will talk to you, and give you access to secret underground areas each night. Stalchildren, like the Garo, are also one of the undead races from Ikana Valley, and their king can be fought there.
(they get a shoutout cause I love them. mwah)
Featured in Breath of the Wild, the Yiga Clan are an offshoot of the Sheikah Tribe that separated ten thousand years before the events of Breath of the Wild. After Calamity Ganon emerged for the first time and was destroyed with the help of Ancient Sheikah technology, the Royal Family turned their backs on the people who helped them, forcing them to abandon their work. The Sheikah went into hiding, but some of them fought back. This group became known as the Yiga Clan, and they are well known for their affinity to Calamity Ganon and their murderous tendencies. Dorian was originally a member of the Yiga Clan, and served as an informant to them for some time.
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jackobbit · 9 months
[Working for E.V.I.L. Written Lore #1]
The first post of its kind! Introducing, Solar Flare! Below the read more is their personality, backstory, fun facts, dialogue and behavior examples, and other such things!
Hope y’all like them! If you’ve got any questions or comments I’d love to hear it!
[To be shown next: Bloodmoon] [Will be posted in: 2 days]
[Solar Flare]
While the Working for E.V.I.L. Au has no main character, Solar Flare might be the closest thing there is to one due to the fact that they are introduced to the world in tandem with the audience.
As stated prior, Solar Flare was created within one of E.V.I.L.’s many labs following a zero-turn-out hiring event. Eclipse oversaw the project, but did not help directly. Although Eclipse was the one to introduce Solar Flare to the corporation following their completion.
Solar Flare is very goal oriented, determined, logical, blunt, has a flat voice and tends to take things literally. Very ‘I’m a classic no-personality robot’ type ordeal. They also have a tendency to not know what common objects, expressions or sayings are/mean/do. Their programming really honed in on a focus towards following orders to a T and not doing much if nothing else aside from that.
However, against all odds, Solar Flare begins to develop personality with time. They pick up bits and pieces of information as they go, and slowly apply what they think feels right to themself. It takes time but emotional expression, a unique way of speaking and a personality form within them the longer they exist and work with their team.
Unfortunately, some of the things they learn along the way are either skewed or flat out incorrect because of who they learned those behaviors/sayings from. (Cough, Bloodmoon, cough cough)
Dialog examples: “Greetings. I am: Solar Flare. My goal is to: Obtain Stars.” “What purpose does stopping at: Burger King, serve to our mission?” “Eclipse is correct, I am not sentient. I do not have the capacity to make decisions for myself. Thus, I do not know how to spend this money, Bloodmoon.” “I do not understand, what entertainment do you receive from looking at aquatic animals behind glass?” “Apologies for the intrusion, but we will be taking this, have a nice day.” “I think that I would like to do that.”
Very short, straightforward, blunt and too the point!
Behavior examples: Solar Flare tends to speak most through their eyes. They have little to no body language and tend to stand rigid and still, their eyes give away what trace sparks of life and emotion they have. An example being the way in which they dart around following a state of confusion.
Fun facts: One of the first things Solar Flare picks up behavior wise is how to be polite, quickly adding terms such as ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to their lexicon despite doing so not serving any additional purpose to missions.
They can fly! They also have a little star design on their back, which hides away two little bars that can be grabbed to help them transport an additional person. Eclipse refuses to fly with Solar Flare, but with time, Bloodmoon is practically hanging off those bars 24/7.
Solar Flare is the second tallest of the cast, but is still much shorter than The Boss, who they haven’t met.
Solar Flare was not initially programmed with either free thinking or emotion in mind, thus, higher ups are certain that they are not sentient. Whether or not Solar Flare is sentient is something that is argued a lot internally within E.V.I.L., with the only two people being on Solar Flares side being Bloodmoon, but only after the two get to know them.
They can release steam and smoke from the air vents in both their mouth and chest, it helps their internal systems cool faster.
They eventually learn that they like music! Although they have no particular favorite genre.
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georgi-girl · 2 years
Babes and the Beast Tropes Page
I made a tv tropes page for my GF fan-story. Later this month, I’ll be reposting edited chapters.
Adult Fear - Two small children are repeatedly thrown into danger, much to the horror of their grown-up guardians. 
Angry Mob - Somewhat justified. Gideon galvanizes the townspeople into thinking Stan kidnapped and brainwashed the kids.
Baleful Polymorph - Everyone in the castle has been transformed against their will. 
Benevolent Boss - Stan is this to the castle staff; gruff and scary, but also kind and protective.
Big Brother Instinct - Obviously, Dipper and Mabel as well as Stan and Ford have this for each other. 
Big Ball - The Hanukah party in Chapter Nine. 
Cool Big Sister - Wendy is this to Dipper and Mabel. 
Creepy Good - Stan is this to a T. Also applies to Robbie. 
Curse Escape Clause - The curse that transforms everyone at the castle can be broken by Stan loving and being loved by someone who sees his inner beauty. He learn this not from the one who cursed him, but from a good witch in the forest. 
Dead Parents Are the Best - Dipper and Mabel’s parents are missed not just by their children but by the whole town.
Divine Intervention - More like fairy intervention. In the eleventh hour, Jheslbraum the oracle uses her magic to restart Stans’ heart and bring him back to life. Justified in-story by her own inner monologue. 
Dream Visions - Mabel and Dipper have these when they sleep. They’re implied to be sent by Jheslbraum herself.  
Enchanted Forest - Downplayed since most of the forest’s magical aspects are hibernating. 
Fair Folk - All magical creatures either featured or mentioned can be considered Fai beings. 
Filler Episode - Chapter 7, Which is made from scenes I couldn’t fit into other chapters.
Found Family - Dipper and Mabel find this with Stan and the castle staff.
Gaslamp Fantasy - I added some steampunk elements to the story, such as MkGuckets’ inventions and the castle boiler. 
Haunted Castle - The Falls Family castle comes off as this. 
He Cleans Up Nice - Applies to Stan when he bathes and puts on nice clothes. 
Honorary Uncles - Dipper and Mabel refer to Old Man McGucket as “Uncle Fiddle”. They also start calling Stan and Ford Uncle. (I’m intentionally vague as to whether or not they’re actually related.)
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - Ford is a sentient book who can’t speak, move, feel, or even see without someone holding him.
Knight Templar Big Brother - Stan is this for Ford, justified since Ford is helpless and delicate.
Light is Not Good - Monster King Bill Cipher appears as a glowing yellow triangle. Also, Gideon wears white and blue, colors normally associated with heroes. 
Loon with a Heart of Gold- Old Man MkGucket.
Lost Heirs - Stan and Ford are part of the noble Falls family, making them the landlords of Gravity Falls
Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold - Stan is this. So is MkGucket.
Nice Jewish Boy - Dipper Pines is this. My version of the Pines family is more in tune with their Hebrew roots. 
Papa Wolf - Stan is a very protective parental figure. 
Power of Love - Family love specifically. 
Protect this House - In Chapter Ten, the castle staff fights off the angry mob, 
Protective Kids - Dipper and Mabel are this; first to MkGucket, then to Stan and Ford.
Rags to Riches - At the end of the story, Dipper and Mabel are made heirs to Stan and Fords’ castle and the Falls family fortune. 
Shipper on Deck - Mabel tries to set Stan up with Lazy Susan. It doesn’t work out. 
Tearjerker - Stans’ death scene.
Villainous Crush - Gideon has one for Mabel. 
X Meets Y - This story is literally a fairy tale mixed with a cryptidcore cartoon. And it works surprisingly well! 
 I might add to the list in the future. 
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benevolentgodloki · 2 years
🏢 😈 👎🏽
Sex Question Meme
🏢-Most public place they’ve had sex, or would like to have sex?
// Uh, good grief, being the god of mischief I imagine he's done it in a lot of places over the centuries with various people he's met. Balconies, public gardens, tavern backrooms, antechamber with a servant while an important royal meeting is going on that he's supposed to be attending. Most public though would arguably be the few times he's ended up involved in orgies, usually when completely drunk.
😈-Favorite sex position?
Answered here :D
👎🏻-What is an absolute deal breaker in the bedroom?
// I'm sure I've yet to discover more/I won't think of them all, but Loki isn't into being humiliated. There's a bit of a spectrum with that as he might be willing to explore shades of it with a partner, but if he feels belittled or he's called a petname that makes him feel especially like he's being called weak, he will be angy. It's a little different with females as he does like to be bossed about to a certain extent, but even that has its limit. If he feels like someone is rolling their eyes at him and calling him pathetic because of his gender, he'll be out the door. He also isn't into mummy or daddy kink, though in some absolutely exceptional circumstances he can budge on this (e.g. in lady Loki form she'd potentially call Stephen Strange daddy if he asked for it). My Loki doesn't like watersports (the not jet-ski kind). It feels weird to say that considering what he represents, but my version of him has other deviances instead like robots or monsters or exploring sex in other shapes with other sentient beings. Lastly, if we're talking a post-Infinity War survived or resurrected Loki, he is averse to choking kink. He can tolerate the play of someone having their hand at his throat, more so if they can't possibly harm him, but any applied pressure with intent to do the asphyxiation kink on him and at best he'll panic, at worst he'll kick someone clean out of a window.
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Working with Spirits
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In my last post, I talked about different types of spirits that witches may work with. Today, we’re going to discuss how to approach spirits and establish a working relationship.
Keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and every spirit is different. I encourage you to do your own research beyond this post, especially if you plan to work with powerful entities like deities, angels, or fairies.
Remember the Four R’s
It’s important to keep these things in mind when working with spirits:
Respect. The spirits are powerful, and you need to have a healthy respect for that power when working with them. It’s also important to respect them as individual, autonomous beings.
I’m not saying that every interaction you have with the spirits needs to be a full blown ritual with incense and chanting. (In fact, some spirits don’t care for those types of rituals.) But every interaction you have with them should be conducted with an air of respect and reverence.
What this mostly boils down to is good manners. Being polite will get you better results — and it will also keep you from being on the receiving end of spirit mischief. Proper etiquette depends on the type of spirit you’re working with, which is one reason it’s important to do your research. In general, it’s polite to make an offering, use respectful language, and thank the spirits before you leave (unless you’re dealing with fairies — some traditions say you should never thank the fae).
Respecting spirits also means respecting their desires — even if that means respecting their wish not to work with you. Not every spirit you reach out to will want to form a relationship with you, just like not every person you meet in your life will want to be your friend. When a spirit turns you down, respect their decision, politely bid them farewell, and move on.
Reciprocity. The goal of spirit work is to establish a mutually-beneficial partnership — not for one partner to serve the other. On one hand, this means that you can’t just command spirits to do your bidding without giving anything in return. On the other hand, it also means that you won’t be worshiping/honoring them without receiving some kind of boon.
This is why it’s important to make offerings to the spirits you work with. These offerings “feed” the spirits by giving them power, and a good offering will likely make a spirit more willing to work with you. Offerings are not payment for favors from spirits (it’s not quite that simple), but they are a sign that you intent to practice reciprocity in your relationship.
In general, it’s important to make an offering when you first introduce yourself to a spirit and again before you ask them for anything. But you shouldn’t only make offerings when you’re about to ask for something! How would you feel if you had a friend who only did nice things for you when they were about to ask for a favor? You’d probably start avoiding them, right? You might even get angry. To avoid this kind of dynamic in your spirit work, make regular offerings to the spirits you work with. If you’re especially close with a spirit, you may want to offer to them every day.
Relationship. The spirits are not vending machines where you put offerings in and blessings fall out. They are living, sentient beings with feelings, and deserve to be treated as such. Your relationship with the spirits you choose to work with is just that: a relationship. And like any relationship, it requires time, energy, and emotional labor.
If that sounds like more effort than you want to make, there are plenty of ways to do magic without ever working with spirits. You don’t need to do spirit work to be a witch. It may not be your thing, and that’s okay!
But if you choose to work with spirits, it’s important to remember that you are working with them as an equal partner — you’re not their boss, and they are not obligated to like you, help you, or even tolerate you. Relationships with spirits are built over time, through mutual respect and trust.
You wouldn’t drive up to your friend’s house, throw a fast-food burger at them, and then demand a special favor. Likewise, you shouldn’t just dump an offering on your altar and demand something of the spirits. Take the time to sit down with them. Talk to them. Get to know them. Put some thought into your offerings, instead of just offering the same thing every time. Spirit work is, at its core, about building an authentic relationship with the spirits we choose to include in our practice. Enjoy it.
Research. When it comes to spirits, it’s important to know exactly who (and what) you’re dealing with. As previously mentioned, the etiquette for dealing with fairies is very different from other land spirits. Different deities have different standards for their worshipers, which vary from one pantheon to the next. The way you interact with your ancestors will probably be shaped by their personalities, cultures, and values. All this is to say it’s important to know who you’re reaching out to, preferably before you reach out to them.
With deities, this is easy. Most witches who choose to work with deities will feel drawn to a certain pantheon, or even a specific god or goddess. There’s a lot of information out there about most historical pantheons, so researching them is easy. The same goes for angels, saints, demons, and even fairies.
It can be a little more difficult to do your research when you’re dealing with land spirits, spirits of place, or other less well-known figures. In these cases, it’s best to take three steps: 1.) figure out what type of spirit you’re dealing with (land spirit, animal spirit, ancestor, etc.), 2.) find out what this type of spirit is like generally, and 3.) find out how that applies to your specific spirit.
For example: you want to connect with your local land spirits. You do some research to find out how land spirits have been treated in various cultures — you find out that they’re typically benevolent, are closely tied to the natural landscape, and were often given food offerings. Then, you do some research into your local plants and animals — what form might a nature spirit take in your local environment? Would it be a huge moose with snow-covered antlers, or a magnolia tree in full bloom? Is there any local folklore in your area that could be describing a land spirit? Once you have answers to these questions, you’ll have a much better idea of how to approach the spirits and start up a relationship.
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Initiating a Relationship with a Spirit
Begin by identifying who this spirit is. For example, let’s say you choose to reach out to a specific ancestor spirit — maybe a deceased grandparent. Make sure you’re familiar with the etiquette for interacting with this type of spirit so you don’t accidentally do something disrespectful. (If your Grandma hated cussing, try not to drop any f-bombs while communing with her.)
Create a special space to communicate with the spirit. This can be as simple as lighting a candle or as elaborate as setting up a special altar. If you’re reaching out to a grandparent, you might set up a small ritual space with a photo of them, any of their belongings that you have access to, and some things that they enjoyed while they were alive. These items may make the connection easier, but you don’t need them to communicate. What matters is that you’ve taken the time to create a special space for this moment. (Like all ritual spaces, it should be clean and tidy, and it’s a good idea to do an energetic cleanse beforehand.)
Make an offering. Make sure your offering is appropriate for the spirit you’re connecting to. Offerings should be made with an air of reverence — don’t just toss a bag of Doritos on your altar and expect it to be well-received.
Introduce yourself. Speak out loud. State your intention and who you are hoping to connect with.
Wait and listen. You may feel a presence or receive some kind of sign — or you may not. Just because you didn’t get a sign doesn’t mean that your offering wasn’t noticed or that you’re being ignored. You may also receive a sign several hours, days, or weeks after you first reach out. Be patient.
Say your farewells. Express your gratitude for the spirit’s presence, and let them know that you are ending your little ritual. It’s up to you whether to invite them to stick around or politely tell them to leave, but if you’re going to give a spirit permission to linger in your home you better be 1000% sure you know who they are and what their intentions with you are.
Moving Forward
As you work with this spirit, it is important to establish clear boundaries for the relationship. Be clear about what you want to accomplish by working with them, and make sure you understand what they expect from you in return.
You might want to establish a time limit: for example, maybe you’re choosing to work closely with the goddess Brigid from Imbolc to Samhain, at which point you can choose to continue the relationship or to take a step back. Or, you may choose to work with a spirit on a specific task — for example, working with the goddess Aphrodite to get back on your feet and rebuild your self esteem after a breakup. Once this task is accomplished, you may choose to form a more long-term relationship or to take a step back.
Forming a permanent or long-term working relationship with a spirit is a very big, very serious commitment, and should not be taken lightly. This goes double for anything involving a ritual commitment, such as dedication to a deity. When you make these commitments, you are choosing to make a spirit and their energy a permanent part of your life. This decision requires some very serious introspection and consideration, and should not be made impulsively.
Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South by Aaron Oberon
A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Asatru by Patricia M. Lafayllve
Where the Hawthorn Grows and The Morrigan: Meeting the Great Queens by Morgan Daimler
Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin
Azrael Loves Chocolate, Michael’s A Jock: An Insider’s Guide to What Your Angels Are Really Like and The Angel Code by Chantel Lysette
New World Witchery podcast (several episodes, including “Episode 164 — Irish Folklore and Magic,” “Episode 161 — Practicing Safe Hex,” and “Episode 152 — Honoring Ancestors”)
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smile-files · 3 years
okay! another little theory thing about ralsei!!
what if… he’s a dust bunny?
it’s kind of funny - but he isn’t a lightner and so can’t technically be a boss monster, no matter what parallels one could draw. so… what is he? every other darkner has some parallel of some sort in the lightner realm, so if ralsei is the same, what might he be?
now, if he were a dust bunny, a lot of things would be explained - for one thing, why we don’t see any parallel to him in the classroom. if he’s just dust, he could just be hidden in the corner and we wouldn’t see him.
also, if he is dust, then that could possibly explain why he knows so much about the layout of the school - dust is everywhere, really, lining ever nook and cranny. if he, as dust in the lightner realm, were sentient, then surely he’d know the ins and outs of the school. it could also explain how he came to the cyber world - a little bit of dust on kris or susie and there he is, tagging along.
as to why he doesn’t turn to stone in the cyber world, the popular idea about his fountain being one of pure darkness still applies. whatever he is, a dust bunny or otherwise, his fountain being made of pure darkness would mean that there is no dark world that he can’t technically inhabit.
another thing about him being dust - that’s just the type of thing one would find in an old, forgotten closet or on the tops of old library computers - coinciding with the dark worlds we know. and, dust is often found in those dark, neglected corners of a room - explaining the fact that he’s in a dark world (with a fountain of pure darkness) and that he hasn’t interacted with people in so long.
and just look at the fluffy boy… putting aside my theory about his hat and no-hat appearances, he could just be gray dust that could look black or white depending on the lighting. it makes sense! ralsei is a dust bunny!!
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Atlantic Runaways (Part 1)
I’m feeling a bit unmotivated today and sicky, ill do as much as i can today so in case i can’t upload much take this fic i made a while ago.
Also future parts of this au will contain noms! So just be aware of that!
Warnings: Mistreatment (Take this warning seriously please)
Words: 1.8k
When Wilbur was a young Mer, he enjoyed swimming around in the open waters, living with his pod and learning new things. But that wasn’t easy nowadays living within a cramped tank, especially being forced to perform. He was captured several years ago now, he was a full adult now, being raised in what he could barely call his home.
So many people mistreated him here, not to mention the lack of food, he was almost always starving but over the years you get used to that sort of thing, all that matters really is if you do well during your performances you get more food, and he hates it here. He really hates these humans, they’re pitiful.
He hates the crowds and how they applause after doing a single flip, his trainer seems to agree on that. He always scowls whenever he hears those cheers, but it wasn’t like he’s on Wilbur’s good side, he was just as bad as the people who watched his suffering.
He was one of the ones who caused his suffering. Treating as if he were any less than him, paying no kindness or compassion, the lack of food, if he performed one-trick incorrectly, he would not get any dinner, he hated this place.
Back in the ocean, things were so much easier, so much more space, freedom, family and everything. Now he sat at the bottom of the tank, his cave barely fitting half of his body, his hunger craved food, sometimes he even thought of eating humans but if he wanted any chance of escape, it would probably be best not to do so.
He sighed; he couldn’t even see the stars anymore as he was moved to indoors, only going outside for outdoor performances. It just led to even less space, this place for Wilbur was hell, they didn’t even know he resembled a human, being sentient and able to speak.
Meanwhile, with TommyInnit, he was having the best moments of his life. He had recently finished a course on Marine biology and was now on his to becoming an intern for L’manburgs most famous water park!
He would be able to work with sea creatures! He could study them, communicate and understand them! He had applied for the position a while ago and well got accepted!
“Dear Tommy Danger Kraken Innit,
We are happy to announce that you are now a part of the team! Welcome to L’manburg Water Park! With your help, we’ll rescue all sorts of sea creatures, learn new things about them and even perform with them! We hope you’re as excited as we are!
Please come to the park on Monday morning, once you arrive at the receptionist desk, state your name and we’ll show you around the park and how everything works! We hope to see you soon! – Staff”.
Tommy was so excited he yelled at the top of his lungs! Jumping with joy! He would finally accomplish his dream! He could work with sea animals! He was so excited to tell Tubbo! He immediately ran over to his phone to call him.
Once the phone picked up there was groaning on the other side, he had woken up Tubbo. “Pft, Did I wake you, Big man?”. He groaned in response to that, “What do you want, Toms?”. “Well~,” he said dragging out the ‘L’, “I’ve got big news, Big man! I got accepted for the internship!”.
Tubbo woke up at the fact, gasping in excitement “Really man?! Oh, that’s great! I’m so happy for you, man!”.  Tubbo exclaimed. “When do you start?”. “Next Monday, actually! I’m really looking forward to it!”.
The next couple of days went by quickly, and then Tommy’s alarm went off, he rushed downstairs and ate his breakfast as fast as possible. His dad was surprised with how excited he was, insisting that they go immediately, pushing him out the door, it was the most excited he’s seen Tommy in ages, it made him happy.
He soon arrived at the park, he tried to walk calmly towards the reception, but he practically sprinted towards the reception. Many people were lined up to visit the park, but he walked right past them, gaining multiple stares. The busy receptionist looked towards Tommy, smiled sweetly and asked, “How may I help you?”.
“Hey I’m Tommy! I’m here for the internship”. “OH! Of course!”. The receptionist got up from their desk and went towards a draw and pulled out a couple of things, some papers and a wet suit. “Here’s your suit! If the size needs adjustments, please let us know! Just head behind here” They gestured to some doors,
“Just head straight away and at the second turn, the third door to the left will take you to the office where our boss will speak to you!”. He smiled and thanked the receptionist.
He took the receptionist’s directions and knocked on the office door, “Come in!” said a voice on the other side. He entered and there sat a man who looked like he meant business, with his dark brown hair and horns. “I’m Schlatt, nice to meet ya’ Kid!”. He smiled; something seemed a little off about this man, but he seemed friendly enough.
He waved back, “Have a seat”. There the two conversed about the details, safety, rules and regulations of the job. He also had to sign some papers to make the job official but now he was officially an intern! And according to this one paper, he was going to be trained under a person by the name of $*&^£, and he was going to be working with a Mer named Wilbur.
From the details of Wilbur, he was quite the large Mer, being just about over 30 ft in length. He also had a record of being docile when being worked with but wasn’t the friendliest Mer but wasn’t the most dangerous either as he hasn’t had a track record of incidents.
When asked about it, they had said “Oh, Wilbur needs some experience, and every other trainer is currently really busy with their Mers, the only ones available were those two”.
Despite that fact, he was still excited! He was going to be working with a Mer and that was a rare opportunity! He got changed into the suit and went out into the training area. There sat the trainer, he looked shady with his hair and face unkempt, covered in dirt and the strange smell. He looked very strange, with the fact that he was also smoking a cigar which probably wasn’t allowed on the job.
“Ah, you must be the newbie.”. It sounded grumpy, like his face with a scowl but it immediately changed to a cheery and upbeat attitude. “Nice to meet you Kiddo! Name’s $%^&£ and I’m pretty sure you know how to work with Mer right?”. He nodded; he had taken a Marine Biology course.
“Good, I’ll show you the Mer you’ll be working with”. They walked towards the pool, despite Wilbur’s size, it looked quite small to fit a Mer as big as Wilbur. The man then dipped his hand into the water and made a couple of splashing movements. Tommy looked towards the water, and something worked within it. A chirp could be heard in response as water splashed as Wilbur surfaced.
“Wilbur, this is the newbie I told you about, be nice”. To which he left them to be alone, and by that, he left the room entirely. He was trusting a teenager with a dangerous creature, the thought of being alone with a Mer was exciting but all the scarier with how dangerous Mer could be.
After a brief moment of silence, the Mer made eye contact with Tommy, he looked to be scowling in somewhat disgust, not only that but unhappy. “Hey there! I’m Tommy!” he tried his best to smile but the look on Wilbur’s face somewhat scared him. The Mer made a low warning growl with his fins flared and dove back into the water, not even wanting to bother with Tommy.
Tommy stood still for a second in fear but a couple of minutes later nothing besides the stillness of the water, nothing had happened. It appeared Wilbur just went back to his den. He tried calling back Wilbur, but nothing worked. And this went on for days, Wilbur only coming out for training for his upcoming performance or food.
Tommy didn’t like the look of things, his excitement for working there slowly leaving him, every day was just hoping Wilbur would communicate with him, didn’t Mers tend to bond with humans?
 Wilbur found this new human that was around, very annoying. Every day the human would try to touch or talk to him, and he wanted nothing to do with it, every time he was called, he’d just ignore it. Why should he have to communicate with something that wasn’t necessary? He’s never known this human in his life and all humans were all the same, selfish.
 It was finally performance day; he would finally get to perform with Wilbur maybe it was a chance he could bond with him! That wasn’t how the day went, it was amazing! But he just sat around keeping watch on things, he just had to feed Wilbur the occasional treat as %&*£! Did all the work. He knew he couldn’t be too mad, but he thought it would be more exciting than this.
After the show, $%*£! seemed quite pissed off with how Wilbur performed today, but Wilbur did amazing! Why was he yelling at him? Was it not up to standard? But that wasn’t quite the case, £$%!$ smelt like alcohol and his words were slurred and movements clumsily made. Wilbur seemed to notice this himself and was quite pissed off himself.
“WHY CAN’T YOU JUST DO YOUR STUPID JOB YOU STUPID FISH!?”. He then slapped Wilbur in the face, Wilbur raised a claw to where he was hit but didn’t seem too affected by it. Wilbur growled in response, his face in a predatory look but he did not attempt to attack the man.
Tommy was shocked, to say the least, not only that but pissed off. Tommy always had an urge to protect, even those he wasn’t close to, but he’d still protect people who needed it.
“Hey! Who are you to hit him like that?! He didn’t do shit to you!” He yelled. £$%!* looked to Tommy with a face of pure rage, Tommy had badly pissed him off.
Wilbur dove back into the water as the two argued, it was a back-and-forth heated argument. Which eventually lead to the man trying to punch Tommy. Tommy evaded it but then he the man, made a different move, he pushed Tommy into the water.
Water filled Tommy’s lungs, the water dragging him into its depths, he tried swimming back upward but every try he couldn’t swim back up and he continued to sink. As he kept trying, a ‘swoosh’ sound filled his ears and the water moved. In his vision was Wilbur coming towards him as he lost conciseness.
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patchun · 3 years
WBaWC Deep Dive: Part 1/2
Lots of philosophical ideas are presented and explored in this game. In this post I aim to point them out. ZUN stated this in his SCooW interview:
"There isn't any sort of obvious theme to the story this time. It's mainly just an introduction of "there's a world like this out there". There's a variety of things going into that world, particularly satire, but if you ask what the work wants to show you, there isn't much in particular. "Here's this world called the Animal Realm, and here's these various elements spread throughout it."
And after doing a ton of digging... yeah, I think he's right. I was kind of hoping there would be something unintentional, but because the perspectives of the human and beast spirits aren't really shown, and only the spirits of their rulers, taking an actual message away from this game is very difficult. That said, I feel with this game more than any other, it's very easy to identify why certain decisions were made. Why is the first boss a stillborn child? Isn't that pretty random? No, let's look into it.
The story this time is quite complicated, so you may not be able to see the whole picture if you just play as one character. To be fair, you may not be able to do so even if you clear them all. (lol)
This will obviously be based on my own interpretation. Long post ahead.
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Eika Ebisu. The soul of a stillborn child, and a master of stacking stones. Importantly:
She and the rest of the stillborn child spirits at Sai no Kawara stack stones as work every day. They stack stones as work, in Shinto mythology this is as repentance - because they brought sorrow to their parents by dying too early. Kind of morbidly amusing, I guess, but ZUN makes it a point to say this:
She's also a god of fortune who's able to change simple, pointless work into something that's enjoyable and worth doing, and who can make the best out of any bad situation.
Her ever-cheery demeanor, bright intellect, and penchant for constantly holding exciting new events like stone-stacking contests makes her the Sai no Kawara's resident idol, beloved by all the children's spirits there.
With the spirits of stillborns, yes. I feel like it's more hopeful to portray them as having fun in the afterlife, you know?
Being a god of fortune, Eika is able to make stone stacking FUN. The simple labor of stacking stones for these kids is no longer labor for repentance, but a game, thanks to her (NOTE: labor.) For that reason she is the resident "idol". She is probably the most healthy idol in the game, according to the ideology ZUN seems to be presenting, but we'll get into that later. There's more to this character.
In philosophical discussions of animal rights, when we ask "what is it that makes humans worthy of moral rights", we try to find a criteria. Something that humans have that nothing else does. That criteria then needs to be defended as being a good reason for humans to have moral rights. Used to, sentience was the argument made for human uniqueness. Humans are sentient and conscious, while animals are, in Descartes' scummy terms (sorry, I hate Descartes) "mere automata". We worked on this assumption from that idiot for years, but recently it has been scientifically proven that animals, at LEAST mammals, birds, crustaceans, cephalopods, and reptiles, are sentient, and it is summarized in a document called the Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness.
So this proves a problem for those who believe animals aren't worthy of moral rights. So then, what else do humans have that animals don't? Why are we special in deserving moral rights? Well, that would be our intelligence, right! Even the smartest animals are only about as smart as a five year old (this is not actually true but let's just pretend it is, they're smarter). But then, if intelligence is the criteria for moral rights, then what exactly is the system here? Does that mean that children are less worthy of moral rights than adults because they aren't as intelligent? Does this mean that people who mentally disabled and not viewed as "intelligent" by parts of the populace should be less deserving of moral treatment?
This has been a veryyy simplified summary of the discussion, but here's where it gets even more interesting. You see, here, two controversial ethical topics meet - abortion and animal rights. Because if you want to argue that sentience OR intelligence are the criteria for moral rights, then in either case, early fetuses absolutely do not have moral rights! This is a problem for anti-abortion arguers, which is a funny intersection in my opinion. I bring this up because, of course, while Eika is not an aborted fetus as far as I know, she is still a fetus. She is quite out of place in a game where the rest of the opponents up to Keiki are animal spirits, right? But no, the fetus and children in general actually have a very philosophically interesting place in animal rights discussions, because oftentimes to argue that animals are not deserving of moral rights you also have to take away the moral rights of children. In case this whole thing has left you confused, the side I took was that sentience IS the criteria for moral rights, meaning both animals and children have moral rights, while fetuses don't.
Now, what does Eika tell us about this? Well, nothing. Just that ZUN seems to have thought about it, really. But there are two keywords that apply broadly to WBaWC as a whole when talking about Eika:
Moral value
So let's continue.
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Urumi Ushizaki. Seeing a farm animal after a stillborn child really set off some alarms. Her name translates to "moist beauty". Not sure I needed to know that, but I came across it in my research so now you do too.
She carries a stone carving of a baby. Once she gives the baby to someone to hold, she makes it heavier and submerges them in the river. She was an awe-inspiring youkai who took advantage of humans' kindness. However, since she's forbidden to attack humans in Gensokyo, she currently runs a fishery at the Sanzu River.
If one tries to cross the river without a shinigami's permission, they'll be attacked by creatures like extinct giant fish and plesiosaurs. Nowadays, she spends her time domesticating those giant fish, and makes a living wage by sometimes selling them in Gensokyo.
A baby then a cow with a baby. Urumi is the "Parental Guardian of Ancient Fish". She apparently domesticates them and makes a living wage (interesting terminology?) sometimes selling them to Gensokyo. But, it's implied that as a fisher, she actually cares about these fish. In Reimu (Wolf)'s story:
Reimu: I'm fine, thanks. If it's just fish I'll have to deal with, I'll filet 'em no problem.
Urumi: That so? Fine by me, then. I won't hold back when I turn you into food for my beloved ancient fish!
When Reimu threatens her fish, Urumi gets defensive. She refers to her fish as "beloved" and suggests valuing them over the protagonist, even though she isn't supposed to attack humans. In the SCooW interview, ZUN is asked, more or less, what's up with the fish in the Sanzu river? He responds:
It's full of fish that died, or went extinct. They can't go to Hell or the Netherworld after they die, you see... since fish and insects are in a bit of a separate category, the way I think about it.
So, remember that distinction we made earlier when talking about Ebisu? How the animals that have been proven to be sentient are mammals, birds, reptiles (cephalopods, crustaceans)? That excludes fish and insects, and here, ZUN makes that distinction as well. Fish sentience is still pretty up in the air at the moment. But that said, if there's any unintentional message in WBaWC, I suppose it would be here.
The fact that Urumi is able to domesticate these ancient fish in the first place implies a certain degree of sentience, and moreso, even without that, Urumi pretty clearly ascribes moral value to her fish in Reimu (Wolf)! In almost all routes, she defends her fish and suggests she'll feed the protagonist to them, but Reimu(Wolf) makes it the most clear that she actually cares about them. Which, when you think about it, of course you'll care about the things you domesticate.
Also Urumi's design is so cool and yet no one draws her anymore. Justice for Moist Beauty. There is more to be said about the livestock theme of this character, but we'll get back to that when we talk about Yachie's profile.
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Kuwaka Niwatari.
Her true identity is that of Niwatarijin, the god of wild chickens from before they were domesticated. People tend to think of chickens as being sort of weak and cowardly, but she's a polite and just god who values equality and altruism above all. She's quietly considering what she can do to help raise the status of chickens, who've been reduced to a food source for humans.
If you've been following along so far, you probably understand already where this is going. A few words may stand out here. Domestication, equality and altruism above all, status, and "food source for humans."
Kutaka is probably the blatantly nicest character in WBaWC, who tests you because she's worried that if you go further, you'll be hurt (after winning, of course, the protagonists insult her). There's not just a ton to say about Kutaka's character itself, but there is this tidbit in ZUN's interview:
Chickens don't usually have a very positive image attached to them. Calling someone a "chicken" certainly doesn't make them sound strong either, right? And the only other common impression of them is as food, so I tried to give her a dignified feeling.
So, ZUN has deliberately designed Kutaka to be dignified, noted that she is a character who values equality and altruism, and included that one of her motivations is to raise the status of chickens who have been "reduced to a food source for humans." What's fascinating is that by creating Kutaka this way, he has given us a message - ZUN believes, to a degree, that Kutaka's motivation is a just one. Kutaka is intended TO raise the status of chickens. So let me say this. To those of you who made fucking chicken wing jokes after this character was revealed:
If you'd like to repent, you can start by stacking stones. Trust me, it's fun!
Now, all of this is cool, but part 2 is where it's going to get interesting - when we finally get to Yachie's profile, the description of the "Animal Realm" of Hell. I'm excited, but I need to make dinner. Part 2 coming soon.
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Bitty List 3.0
lets gooooo
i copied and pasted so just ignore that im just trying to save time
The list will include every bitty type and variants that they come in, including what sizes and amount of recommended professionalism you need to adopt them, don’t be afraid to ask about bitties that are unheard of, I will be happy to explain and answer any questions you all may have! Warnings will be applied to every bitty when necessary.
Decided to add more extra info so that way its a little easier to decide on who to choose, so this is gonna be lengthy.
Disclaimer: if you have a history of abusing bitties, we, as a shelter, have the right to refuse your attempts to adopt a bitty.
Bitties are not things, they are living beings that love, cry, and get angry, they are sentient, they are basically people, treat them as such. Again, they are not things, nor pets, they are sentient beings, and should have a say in whatever you do, including adoption, if the bitty refuses to sign the adoption papers with you, then you cannot adopt the bitty, they are basically tiny roommates
kudos to you if you get them into collage or get a job.
If you want to know more about our bitties, please do not hesitate to send an ask, we will be overjoyed to answer!
Available bitty types for adoption (Basic Bitty types):
Undertale Sans:
comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia,
perfect for beginners.
Things to note: Undertale sanses do like to prank you through time and space so if you find a seemingly endless baguette or a bunch of cheese wheels, just shrug it off, its often food so enjoy the free food!
Undertale Papyrus:
comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia,
perfect for all types of people and beginner bitty owners
Things to note: Undertale Papyrus bitties can occasionally break te laws of physics if they’re super excited, such as flutter jumps, high speed spinning dispite there being nothing that could possibly cause it, among other things,another thing to note is that you should NEVER let a head injury be unchecked, because they keep their souls in their skulls! Of course this isnt the case with every papy bitty, but its the most common, also if you see faintly glowing eyes in the dark, thats just your papy bitty being up and about, nothing to be worried about.
Underfell Sans (Red Variant):
Comes in BItty and Full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
More suited for more experienced people, as they’re very aggressive at first, basically a tsundere asshole, they will bite if picked up without permission or if they don’t trust you. Very flirty as well, but are easily flustered.
Things to note: these bitties have flaming hoods like the canon underfell sans, though they do like taking naps if they can get away with it.
Underfell Sans (Cherry Variant):
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
While its recommended to be experienced with bitties when adopting these skittish sweethearts, beginners are allowed to adopt them if they appeal to the bitty
Things to note: these bitties vary greatly in style and size, but again, they’re absolute sweeties most of the time. treat them with care.
Underfell Papyrus:
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
It’s recommended you’re experienced to adopt one of these bossy tol boys
Warning: These bitties WILL boss around Red and Cherry bitties, along with others, so it is recommended you set some ground rules with your Fell paps to prevent accidents or hurt bitties. You make the rules or the Fell Paps will do it for you.
Things to note: They lowkey love calm opera music and will occasionally even hum along, and yes, most are decent cooks! The glass in the food is a myth!
Underswap Sans (Original Variant)
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
Perfect for beginners due to friendly nature
Warning: these bitties act exactly like Undertale Papyrus bitties, but with short stature and optimistic, but they are no way in shape or form naïve, they are mature adults, and will act like so if necessary. Cannot get drunk, and coffee can result in a very hyper skeleman, owners beware.
Things to note: often mature bitties for their age if needed, but prefer to stay chipper and are easily exciteable, keep in mind that they follow the same physics defying actions as most papyri!
Underswap Sans (Berry variant, also called baby blue):
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
Good for beginners with high energy, not exactly recommended you leave them unattended
Warning: these guys are tiny, emotional, and are the true embodiment of baby man. They practically don’t even know what a argument is, and are EXTREMELY energetic, entertain them or they will entertain themselves, which can risk them injury or worse. ABSOLUTELY KEEP THEM AWAY FROM SUGAR AND STOVETOPS, DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO COOK FOR YOU.
Things to note: if you’re abusive towards they they might kill you in your sleep, please please for the love of all things holy take your bitty to a therapist if they’re displaying murderous or otherwise yandere tenancies.
Underswap Papyrus (Original Variant):
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
Very good for beginners due to their chill and laid back attitude, if you’re allergic to cigarette smoke, please PLEASE tell your bitty, they will switch to suckers to prevent your allergies from flaring up, don’t ask where they got them, they just seem to have an unlimited supply.
Warning: they are protective of their brothers, which are mostly the original variant of Underswap sans, this is why it is advised that you adopt these guys first before adopting a Underswap Sans so the pap trusts you.
Things to note: communication is key with these bitties, please talk to them if something they’re doing is troubling you.... within reason of course.
Underswap Papyrus (Carrot Variant):
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
Very good for beginners, smoke alot though, and its hard to keep them from smoking. People with allergies beware.
Warning: very protective of the Berry variants of swap bitties, tend to flee from conflict and pun unendingly
Things to note: they uh.... might turn to drugs rather than talking to you, so uh.... please talk to your bitty as often as possible if they seem to be troubled.
Fellswap Red Sans:
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings, no lamia variants as of yet
Warning:  if they find something breakable, there’s a good chance they’ll break it to get a rise out of you if they don’t trust you, they will explore what makes you tic and use those things against you if you turn out to be an abusive owner. These guys have much more frequent LV Flares than their swapfell variants, they can only be delayed, not prevented.
Things to note: might want to secure your wine stash with this one
Fellswap Red Papyrus:
comes in bitty and full-size, no winged variants nor lamia variants
Adept owners, at least, beginners may struggle with their stubborn nature and absolute refusal to step away from electronics.
Warning: These guys are moody, self-deprecating and are more stubborn than a mule when it comes to names that don’t degrade them, or anything really, they will only react to degrading names like Mutt, and will not react to their given names until you manage to convince them. They tend to act indifferent to the world, a resting bitch face and all, they rarely show emotions but when they do, it shows more than a tractor in the middle of a herd of cows. Can actually be quite caring and protective of loved ones, they also have LV Flares, but are normally less violent than Swapfell Red Sanses
Things to note: absolute dorks, wholesome, but will keep a resting bitch face in a public setting, but at home they’re usually the sweetest beans to ever grace existence, assuming you can get their trust first.... that is...
Swapfell Sans:
*Not to be confused with Swapfell Red Sanses*
These purble bois come in bitty and full-size, a few winged variants and lamias, but aren’t as common
Adept owners, these guys sometimes act like brats, so a calm owner is very much needed to have one of these boys in your home
Warning: these guys can have “LV Flares” where they suddenly become extremely aggressive and destructive, and can potentially kill owners or bitties, this is why when this happens, you should keep them in a large, sturdy room with toys and items that are ment to take a beating, daily training and non-fatal fights are recommended to keep the LV Flares at bay.
Things to note: give them some grape juice :)
Swapfell Papyrus:
*Not to be confused with Swapfell Red Papyrus*
This socks and sandals kind of guy comes in bitty and full-size, no winged variants and a few lamias
Owners that have had a bitty or two and know what to do is recommended for these guys, due to the fact they are blind in one eye and smoke so much that their bones are yellow neck down, you can’t cut them from this habit, but you can ask them to at least smoke outside, can be a bit flirty though.
Warning: these guys have no such concept of personal space, they will sleep on your face, your stomach, or even on your bed, right smack dab in the middle so you have to move their nonexistent bums to the side or into their own bed, full-sizes are really heavy too. Be prepared to have a lot of annoying moments, but these guys prove to be amazing when an owner has anxiety or often has panic attacks, they’re just soft boys trying to get by in the world, they can relate to you in most departments. These guys have LV Flares as well, look in the swapfell Sans category for more details.
Things to note: Once you earn their trust (which is hard to achieve), you can give them access to your physical money and they’ll help you spend your money wisely and pay bills, please don’t dare them to bite someone their bites really hurt.
Outertale Sans:
Soft babies come in bitty and full size, can have wings or be a lamia
Beginners are 100% recommended to get one of these good, soft babies
Warning: these guys are a bit TOO chill at times, there have been reports of outertale sans bitties sleeping while on fire (don't worry, they put themselves out before it gets too bad) and often do a float. Loves to go stargazing, or anything space related.
Things to notice: they do sometimes float while they’re awake too, but if you want, you can let them make ice cream for you or your bitties (please supervise your bitties, they could potentially get hurt if they’re using full size equipment), their ice cream is usually very good.
Outertale papyrus:
Tol constellation bois come in bitty and full size, can have wings or be a lamia
Beginners are totally allowed to adopt one of these beans.
Warning: these guys like to make ice cream! It's a specialty in outertale (which is known to have the best ice cream in the multiverse), but while they can make ice cream with ease, their pasta skills still need some work, you can let them cook, just check on them every now and then to help them out.
Things to note: their scarves can have varying constellations, like the big dipper, little dipper, and the zodaics, a few have even been recorded to have constellations from the Elder Scrolls series!
Available Bitties for Adoption (Unique Species):
*These bitties are exclusive to this store*
Strawberry Nightmare:
Comes in bitty and full-size, only lamias are available, wings wouldn’t make much sense seeing as they have tendrils
Perfect for Beginners! Ideal, even.
Warning: Extreme amounts of negativity can hurt a Strawberry Nightmare, and if exposed for long periods of time, they can turn into regular Nightmare bitties, though they will still have flecks of pink in their otherwise black sludge, along with the fact their eye color will remain the same. Very Rarely, Strawberry nightmares are born with a icy light blue eye, these bitties are completely blind, but have more magic than their otherwise normal brethren. They leave messes of goop when agitated or stressed.
Things to note: they do love their strawberry milk, they really do. Fresh strawberries are their favorite snack.
These special little bitties can come in bitty and full-size, they always have wings, they are just hidden and are only visible when being used, lamia Omenerrors don’t exist
Good for those who are new to caring for error bitties
Warning: these bitties can turn into dragons, full-size dragon forms are the size of a tiger, while the bitty dragon forms are the size of an average house cat, full-size Omenerrors actually weigh 18.75 tons due to the fact that their bones are made entirely of lead and gold, but, thanks to magic, they can weigh an actually reasonable and not insane weight of 36 pounds. These guys can grow to be very tol boys, maximum for a full-size is eleven feet exactly and bitties can be a maximum of ten inches tall. They are mildly allergic to store bought chocolate and can only really eat the hand made stuff with natural sugars, artificial sugars will make them suffer.
Things to note: Omenerrors need some very specific things in order to be properly happy and healthy, while this is optional, its recommended, the care package includes everything you need for this. They are a burrowing species of dragon, and thus need a box of sand to burrow in, the sand that comes in the package will hold its shape when burrows are made, and shoeboxes can be buried in the sand for the omenerrors to nest in, clear plastic tubs are for you paranoid owners out there, live cacti are also included, make sure to water the live plants.
These energetic meme and vine inky boys come in bitty and full-size, they always have wings, no lamias exist
Better off with a more experienced owners
Warning: Omeninks need to drink actual ink in order to survive on top of a diet of mostly meat and calcium, they will eat their greens and fruits but it doesn’t really benefit or hinder them. They will draw on your walls if not provided paper or any kind of artistic surface. DO NOT touch their wings when they are wet, they are flimsy and fragile like actual paper and look like origami, omeninks will melt metal items with fire and attach the molten metal to their wings to reinforce them.
Things to note: Omeninks need a pool of extremely clean water with no chlorine, chlorine can cause lasting health issues as they can breathe underwater. A water purifier is included in the care kit along with a inflatable pool, clean water also makes an omenink feel safe enough to actually have children if they happen to have a mate. These inks have souls, very delicate souls, a mere touch can shatter their soul into tiny pieces. They also need a lot of attention and care to thrive, and WILL attempt to help an owner with gardening if they have that as a hobby or profession. They also have dragon forms, sizes are the exact same as the omenerrors, all omen-types have the same size of dragon forms
Omenfellswap Red Sans:
very secretive omen-type variants, often can’t be told apart from swapfell and fellswap sanses, thus, little is known about them, as their availability is quite sporadic, they always have wings however, and it seems that almost all of them are full-sized
If you manage to adopt one, its recommended that you are an adept bitty caretaker
Warning: they can be very violent and protective, don’t EVER touch their precious bass guitar, you will get hit. Other than that, they are pretty tame for a Fell bitty. They can cook perfectly fine, but they tend to experiment with flavors and spices, they will insist to cook meals every day. They also disappear every now and then for some mysterious reason, but they always return within an hour. They can summon weapons, which the sanses bear a sword that doubles as a bladed whip and a shield
Things to note: they are very protective of their brothers, and will stop at nothing to make sure they’re safe from harm, they will spend an extremely long period of time checking every nook and cranny for harmful things that could be used against their brothers, after several weeks or even months of investigation, depending on how big the property is and how difficult it is for them to get into things, they will completely conk out and finally let you be able to carry around their brothers.
Omenfellswap Red Papyrus:
Again, very secretive omen-type variants. both the sans and the papyrus of this type is often disguised as a swapfell, swapfell red, or fellswap sans or papyrus, come exclusively full-sized, with no winged or lamia variants
They come with Omenswapfell Sanses, so adept is needed
Warning: Omenswapfell Papyri are blind, and can only ‘see’ images with sound, if its digital, the ability remains useless, so this guy needs sound in order to get from place to place and not bump into things, they can also spit a highly corrosive venom from their fangs, and their bites CAN kill, the venom is so potent that whoever isn’t given an antidote immediately, they will die a fast and agonizing death. This is a last resort defense mechanism however, so don’t be too afraid and keep a omenswapfell sans close by, as they carry antidotes. Very snuggly boys, get extremely sad and dismal if snuggles or physical affection is refused.
Things to note: They tend to bump into things because the sound it often makes allows them to ‘see’ their surroundings for a brief amount of time, just tap your fingers when they’re around or just make any sort of noise and they’ll stop bumping into things and get around much easier, please don’t just put a bell on them and call it a day, they hate having collars, if you really must, get their brothers.
Plushie Papyrus (Plushyrus)
Only come in bitty size, and do not come in winged or lamia variants
Beginner Friendly!
Warning: these guys are living plushies, and thus, they can mold if put into extremely damp areas, or if they’re not dried off, they stain easily and tear easily, they can repair themselves given they have the proper materials to do so, if they need to be cleaned, use a warm, wet wash cloth and clean them, they tend to get messy when coloring, which is their favorite activity.
Things to note: please do not stuff them in bodies laced with negative emotion, it WILL kill your bitty! This goes for plushy sanses as well!
Plushy Sans (Plans):
only come in bitty size, and do not come in winged or lamia variants
Beginner Friendly!
Warning: like plushyrus’, they are living plushies, and suffer the same issues as plushyrus’ (see above)
Things: again, please do not force them into bodies laced with negative emotion, it will kill your bitty
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mydisasteracademia · 3 years
Random Shigaraki Headcanons
This boi. This grubby boi. I love him so much but at the same time he would probably literally dust me so... (oof this one kinda dragged on and on... lol)
Literally has no idea about real-life relationship dynamics outside of what he’s observed in his own parents, in Sensei, and in Kurogiri. All he thinks in the beginning is that people who claim to love you will stand by and let you be hurt, that villains took care of him better than any damn hero, and that he can only truly rely on himself. (And Sensei.)
It takes a loooooooong time of interacting with other people to break himself out of this mindset, and even then, sometimes it comes creeping back if bad things happen.
Getting into canon territory with this one, but really, really, reeeeeeeeally hates heroes because they didn’t even bother to help him when he was going through a whole mental breakdown. Literally one of the only reasons he hates them so much. I know this is pretty much canon, but I doubt he would ever grasp Stain’s ideology of ‘maybe some are good’ because in his eyes, not even the underground pro heroes even bothered to see if he was okay. Remember the scene from the manga with the old lady when he was a child? Yeah. There were bound to be heroes he bumped into, even off-duty ones, and nobody even gave him another glance.
Has extremely bad abandonment issues. If he likes you, he’s gonna want to keep you because he didn’t really have anything nice to call his own while growing up, and Sensei kept him fairly isolated so he literally tolerates nobody else other than him and Kurogiri at first. Reacts horribly when his friends want to break off the friendship. Goes through a whole depressive episode for a while, his old insecurities pop back up, and he really thinks he’s worse than trash and not worth anyone’s time or attention for a while. Prime time for Sensei to further twist his mind.
On that same note, if you’re dating, for the love of everything still good in this world do not break his heart. He will never forgive you. Literally will go to the grave before he forgives you for doing what you did (whether it be cheating on him or completely dropping him like a hot potato). Although this might also extend to little issues that make him feel like you don’t love him enough, he’ll forgive you if you show him plenty of attention and apologize for whatever he was upset over. If you cannot remain patient through his toxic mindsets, it’s best not to get into a relationship in the first place with him if you want to still remain friends afterward, because breaking it off means instant heartbreak.
Anyway! Back to happier, funnier hcs!!
The whole embodiment of the “Wears black in summer because I look good and am willing to suffer” vine. Will not give up his comfy black shirt and sweats for anything because yes, he does look good in black, and yes, he is willing to suffer. He’ll switch to a v-neck tee though. Even he’s not that masochistic.
Really prone to dry skin. I know that’s canon, but just... this poor man can’t keep moisturized to save his own life. Constantly has to apply a special moisturizer that’s specifically made for ultra-sensitive skin and has no scents whatsoever.
Will gripe about having to spend so much money on ointment and moisturizer for both him and Dabi. It’s one of the very few things they bond over, other than having a shitty father and pushover family... and their hatred of All Might.
Shigaraki 100% would be Dabi’s alibi if he actually managed to kill Endeavor. When it comes to the shitty dad club, he’s a fuckin’ ride-or-die.
Kinda sensitive over the fact that both he and Midoriya have the same sort of red shoes, but he loves his pair too much to throw them out. Purposefully aims for Midoriya’s shoes every single time they meet each other on the off chance that they get ruined enough for him to get different shoes, unknowing that he literally can’t just... get differently-colored shoes due to him being originally Quirkless (yes, The Shoes™ theory strikes again)
Literally never forgets a single thing about people he cares about. He’s the type of person who will remember every single thing you tell him about yourself, and especially birthdays. While he doesn’t exactly show his affection very loudly, he would be the type of person who tell you “happy birthday” on the day of as soon as he first sees you, and would treat you a little nicer all day that day.
This boy just has the biggest, scarred heart for his ‘good crowd’. I cannot stress enough just how much like Midoriya he could’ve turned out if he hadn’t been abandoned by society. This mf would give the green bean a run for his motherfuckin money.
“I really just hate the world and everything in it... except for you, maybe I could make an exception for you because you’re nice to me and I appreciate your company too much”
Even though I hc quite a few League members to be like cats when it comes to affection, Shigaraki’s spirit animal is a cat. Likes to lounge about in off-moments, slow to affection and very quick to remember exactly how people treat him, yet if he likes you he shows affection quietly enough that it’s not obvious at first. Like “oh, you’re in the same room as me. It’s not like I missed you or anything, me sitting right next to you at the bar when it’s totally empty means nothing. The fact that I’m looking right at you when you’re talking doesn’t mean I like you.”
LOVES HUGS. If you hug him and he likes you, you’ve probably made his whole day. Depending on how things are going, probably his whole fucking week. Just please hug him, he needs positive affection so bad
Major tsun-tsun. The most tsun-tsun. Grumpy until you get to know him, and if he likes you he’ll show you in little ways: listening to your ideas more, letting you stay closer for longer, maybe getting you something like food.
AFRAID OF TOUCH. I REPEAT, AFRAID OF TOUCH. Not from anyone he likes, of course; this baby is so touch-starved that he deserves a thousand hugs. But if he likes you, he will not initiate physical affection because he’s so afraid of accidentally dusting you. The memories of his family dying (except for his father, because #FuckKotaro2k21) haunt him almost every time he dreams (and if that doesn’t, then other traumatizing events certainly do), and he absolutely would not forgive himself if he dusted his favorite League member/civilian.
Definitely likens the rest of the League to his MVPs after a while of knowing them. Knowing how he operates, it’s adorable.
Would begrudgingly let Toga play around with his hair. I can just see him sitting blank-faced, staring at the mirror as she talks about whatever while brushing and braiding it into a cute plait. He would be hesitant to undo her hard work afterward, no matter how much he grouches that it “ruins his boss vibe”.
The kind of person to go to McDonalds at 3 AM just because he was craving chicken nuggets and ranch. Yes, ranch. He’s an old-school mf who don’t got no time for no barbecue.
Gets really irritated over Toga mooning over Uraraka and Midoriya, but doesn’t stop her from talking about how much she wants to ‘be’ them. (Encourages homicide. Advises homicide. Spinner has to stop her from actually getting ready to commit homicide.)
G L O A T S about the time he took away Overhaul’s chance to use his Quirk. “Yeah, we would’ve been satisfied with Compress taking his left arm away to be petty, but then Overhaul had to be a sentient piece of dick cheese, and well, y’know I couldn’t let him get away with that”
It’s becoming a problem. The others have learnt to tune him out once he gets going. Compress just smiles under the mask when he remembers it. Nobody knows what he’s really thinking.
His damn crowning moment. His apex point. There’s no going further beyond that (until he finally defeats Midoriya and takes over Japan as the world’s most feared villain of all time).
“Shigaraki, I’mma let you finish, but AFO still holds the record for being the most infamous villain of all time! Of all time!” <-- let the boy dream okay, he’s been waiting for this moment his whole damn life
Can you tell that I’m still horribly salty over Overhaul being an ass? Because I’m still horribly salty over Overhaul being an ass
Chronic emo phase. Hears the G note and just sighs heavily
Has probably seen hentai. Doesn’t really get the appeal of high-pitched feminine screams. Probably more of a tiddy man than an ass man. Just... boobie
His first fictional crush was Aeris/Aerith. Legitimately lost his shit when she died.
Man Crush Monday is Sephiroth all the way. Especially his one-winged angel form. Wanted to cosplay him for Halloween but didn’t because the cosplay was too costly.
Will make “That’s what she said” jokes in the most deadpan voice. At least Mustard kinda snickers at them.
Probably would’ve been pretty patient with Eri. Her traumatic past certainly would’ve pitted her as a kindred spirit with him, and he would think her Quirk would be a powerful asset if used right. Probably would’ve practiced it by destroying something and then telling her to rewind it so that he can break it again.
Shigaraki, holding Eri by her armpits: “I’ve only had her for ten minutes but if anything happened to her I’d dust everyone in the room to make her feel better”
The rest of the League: “???????? Okay?????”
Legitimately holds a powerful grudge against parents who abuse or neglect their children, especially against abusive fathers. Almost as powerful as his hatred for All Might. Will actively go after someone he sees is abusive to their children and will not let them live.
Would probably adopt an orphan after killing their abusive parents. “Oh, that was your dad/mom/parent? Well guess you’re mine now. Let’s go get chicken nuggets, kid”
Might somehow rope Dabi into going abusive-parent-hunting with him during a raid. Takes great pleasure in seeing the guilty party’s horrified, pained look on their face as they slowly dissolve into a pile of ash.
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mysterytickingegos · 4 years
Thanksgiving Break Ficlets: Google
Pairing: Googleplier × Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/comfort? Kinda idk
Word Count: 689
Authors Note: Since we don't have that much to go on for writing Google, I'll be giving him some DBH Android vibes in my stories until I find my footing.
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[Image Description: The Character Google from “Google gets an upgrade” sits on a couch, while a somewhat transparent prompt window shows the progress bar for his software update. End Description.]
It had been decided amongst you and your friends, months before today that you would be the one that hosted thanksgiving this year. With far less people coming than previous years, obviously, you thought it'd be easy. But two separate things happened that changed that.
First, thanks to issues with your landlord, you had to move to a much smaller apartment, with a very small kitchen.
Second, you convinced your friend not to send his homicidal and somewhat sentient android to be dismantled. And that meant that he was your responsibility.
Matt had told you all the things Google had done to his apartment. The torn laundry, the broken dishes, trash strewn all about, coffee table smashed in half, you get the point. But you never wanted to boss Google around anyway, once he settled in it seemed as though you had an understanding. You leave him alone, he'll leave you alone. Or rather, he'll stand around and watch you curiously. Occasionally, he would ask you things, either about yourself or humans in general. Feelings and how they behave and why. Right now though, you needed him to leave you be.
You were about hit the button to get your forgotten groceries delivered when you realized he was right behind you. He seemed unfazed after you were clearly startled by his sudden appearance. "Most supermarkets are extremely busy at the moment, having groceries delivered could take several hours and the recipes you have saved to your bookmarks do not allow time for that."
You took a cautious step to the side. "Well, I'm not going into the store so I'm gonna have to risk it."
"I do not get sick, nor can I get others sick. I could go in for you." He suggested, no expression on his face as far as you could tell.
You narrowed your eyes at him, contemplating the offer before you shook you head and hit the button. "No thanks..."
He had been right. It was 2 hours later that you finally got everything you need, throwing your entire timetable off. You had just got the turkey in the oven and began trying to pull the ingredients for every side dish together when Google popped up again. "You chances of success would increase exponentially if you delegated some of the work to me."
'Why do I doubt that?' You thought, continuing to work on your own. "I'm fine."
He respected your wishes, choosing to flick through channels on your television while you frantically worked on three separate things at once. Eventually your hubris caught up to you though, leading to you spilling hot cranberries all over your hand, the floor, and the turkey you had been trying to baste when it all went down. You were trying desperately to clean it all up when your wrist was snatched and you were being pulled off to the sink.
Google held your hand under cold water for a couple seconds before he wrapped it in damp towel and made you sit down. "Wait, I have to fix the-" Before you could stand up all the way he pushed you back on the couch. You started to argue again but he cut you off.
"Y/n, you have not sat down in 3 hours 19 minutes and 24 seconds." He told you, putting a hand on your knee that might've been meant to be comforting, but was more awkward than anything considering the boundaries between you both beforehand. "Also, you have a 1st degree burn on your right hand and it is recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology that you apply a cool wet compress for 10 minutes. You still have 8 minutes and 44 seconds to go."
You blinked at him for just a moment, trying to process the situation. "Okay...thanks?"
"You are welcome. Now, despite your clear distrust of me, I will ask one more time. Will you let me help you?"
"...yes. Please."
He nodded, and left you alone to do damage control in the kitchen. And thus, Thanksgiving was saved by your not-so-homicidal, most definitely sentient android roommate.
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jeeperso · 3 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Ravenloft, Hazlan Arc, part 5
"It’s cool. They stole it." "And you know this how?" "Magic." “90% of Ravenloft deaths are mysterious vanishings.” "Why does everything come out covered in glitter and … is that …" "Lube. I’ve got a few theories." "Please don’t share them."
OOC: This is a plan that ends with Strahd having fewer brides, his castle is in flames, and he’s lost his cape.
OOC: Our team consists of a horny pyromancer, a gnome who can fillete you in five seconds, an HP lovecraft protagonist with actual magic backing them up, a literal slab of iron with a face, and a guy with a "I went to the eternal city of Ryleth and all I got was PTSD and this lousy T shirt". Gorbash smashing his shield into their face: "Have! You! Considered! Therapy!" OOC: Good news is you guys will no longer be the most conspicuous guys at the masquerade now. Jonni: Challenge accepted! "Nyx, the bounty on stealing his fake mustache is still on."
"Lets see, gonna make Jonni Deathlock six, gonna make the cleric a Huecuva, the Dragonborn a skeleton warrior, make a wight with the gnome.... I don't think I can make an undead with the big guy but pretty sure Hazlik wants him personally." Gorebash is offended. "I beat the shit out of the witch-slaying sentient hammer that was trying to gank you and all I merit is a Skeleton Warrior! That hurts Nima. I expect CR3 or better or I'm taking my corpse business elsewhere." "I'm not powerful enough to make you a death knight, Sorry." Jonni: "Wow, Hazzy, you need better minions. We should kill her." OOC: Point is, if you can make liches or Death knights, Hazlik's already killed you and written his name over your grad thesis.
Jonni: "NOPE! No fey queens. Not after last time! Well… maybe just a few times…"
“Hey, I need to ask for some magic stuff, but also I need an outfit for a royal dinner. Something that says, I’m an ostentatious adventurer visitor to your lands, but also that I plan to spending this dinner in the cloak room with one or more of the serving maids.”
As it is most gauche to appear before a darklord with a warpick sized hole in the middle of one's chest.
"... This place has made green things seem ominous to me."
"A giant beanstalk, this is the most unique wizard's tower I've ever seen."
On that note you also notice behind the Beanstalk is what seems like a huge lagoon of bubbling green ooze. Edmund leans to the side to get a good look... Several zombies are working tossing corpses into it, as the corpses hit the ooze they dissolve into it. Edmund leans back to get a less good look before knocking.
"Since he hopefully can't hear us, Your boss is kind of a self absorbed egomaniac... if he didn't have so power I'm sure someone would have thrown a brick at him by now." “I know where we can find bricks.” "Supply of Bricks is not the issue, Jonni." “Everyone says that until the revolt starts. Pays to be prepared.”
“That explains it. You’re about the research, your boss is about applied power of dickery.”
“I hung around a magic school once to let the grad students study me for their thesis.”
“Oh, good fascist wizards. Why can’t we kill him again?” "Phenomenal cosmic power."
"Oh crud, the ooze someone merged some of the corpses together and brought them back to life as a new being. At least that is my wild guess as to what happened here." Willow blinks. "Um, this is unprecedented." “Nah, but usually you need lighting and some grave robbing.”
"I mean I grew a toe out of corn." Willow says, "Its not that far fetched."
"You think, therefore you are. Freedom is your right." “Weird, that magic red self driving wagon I met once said something similar.”
"The Elder Brain will deal with you eventually. You will never escape it." “Clan chief told me that the day I stole his mammoth after he found me with his daughter. Pretty sure that loser is still freezing his tiny grimbas off on fuck-stick mountain.”
at supper, to Mama: "I am forbidden from your kitchen for good reason, but I may require your assistance with my culinary dark arts for the feast." Mama gives you a dirty look. "Who are you trying to kill?" "Not kill, on purpose anyway, just a severe enough food coma."
"Yes, I already reminded the others we can't fake our deaths again." "Yeah that only works so often," Sergei says. Edmund lost a perfectly good watch that day.
"Plus we owe you for sending the Sullivans our way. That was a well paying job." "Yeah, except I got those fleas on me and hallucinated I was a pawn broker sign. That was a weird afternoon."
As side effect of the dark cookery, Marshal's armor is well-oiled throughout the day, though Mama insists he be kept away from Jonni or pregnant women.
...you can see ominous black clouds of smoke coming from the wagon all that day. The rats and roaches circling it with anticipation. With the occasional black speech of "Double it." Mama comes rushing out after a bit, holding a rag on her face. "That.. is very ominous." “We’re gonna have to cast this back into the fires of its creation eventually.” "Marshal may serve the gods, but when he cooks he's channeling Asmodeus himself." OOC: The meal must be cast into the deep fryers of Mount McDoom. Only there can it be unmade.
Marshal's player: *rolls natural 20 on cooking check* GM: Congradulations, it's edible. Marshal: "It...is done..." "By all that is holy..." The chocolate is so dark, light cannot escape it’s surface. 50 pounds of butter per square inch. OOC: It occurs to me this is basically a more fucked up retelling of Snow White.
“Gor, going with plan C cup. You know what I like if he starts thinking he’s cute by offering choices of rewards.” "Try not to do anything that requires a rescue."
Marshall is clearly trying to spontaneously multiclass into psionics the way he's trying to vaporize Hazlik with his stare.
"I will draw." Hazlik smiles, places the cards before you, then steps the hell back. Jonni pat Edmunds shoulder and shakes his hand. “It’s been okay knowing you. You were one of the least dickish dudes I ever met. And part of a select few I didn’t want to punch in the balls.”
“You will. Briefly. That’s a promise from Jonathana, She Who Makes Torches of Men. Daughter of Eloise Wolf Slayer, outcast of the Mammoth Tribe, and consort of the 37th Princess of Fuck Mountain.“
OOC: Nima is someone we can actively reach to strangle to death. Dark lords are a bit out of choking range.
OOC: But.... and this is important: Will Edmund ever get pants? OOC: Strahd will consider it.
OOC: Like this is the dark powers going "He looked at me crossways, PUT HIM N THE HOLE."
OOC: If Ravenloft is a jail/prison, this is the equivalent of getting thrown in solitary confinement. OOC: Without pants.
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Destiel Trope Collection Day 25: Slow Burn
The difference between living and existing (WIP) | @lucy-is-alive
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6052 Main Tags/Warnings: John Winchester's A+ parenting, College AU, Sexuality crisis, PTSD, Childhood trauma, Recreational drug use, Angst and hurt/comfort Summary: As soon as he got the chance, Dean left his father behind and went to college. However, he never anticipated that the absence of the person who had disrupted his entire life would make it worse. With the help of his friends, he tries to navigate through the emotional hurricane that comes with complex PTSD.
Celestial | @deservetobesaved
Rating: Mature Word Count: 10585 Main Tags/Warnings: slow burn, mutual pining, fluff, emotional affair, bottom!dean Summary: Dean is in a less than stellar marriage, but he assumes things will work themselves out. At the same time, Mr. Castiel Novak becomes his new co-worker at school and Dean has to rethink everything he thought he had figured out.
Welcome to the Badlands (WIP) | @cr-noble-writes
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15386 Main Tags/Warnings: graphic violence, dystopian au, fusion, into the badlands au, slow burn Summary: The wars were so long ago, nobody even remembers. Darkness and fear ruled until the time of the Barons, seven men and women who forged order out of the chaos. People flocked to them for protection. That protection became servitude. They banished guns and trained armies of lethal fighters they called Clippers. This world is built on blood. Nobody is innocent here. Welcome to the Badlands.
Profound Kisses | @verobatto-angelxhunter
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 20700 Main Tags/Warnings: Destiel, post 8x07 canon divergent, mutual pining, explicit sexual content, angst with a happy ending, clueless! Castiel, pining!Dean, Top!Dean, Bottom!Cas, slow burn, love confessions, first kiss, french kiss, Sammy knows. Summary: Dean knows he's screwed. He discovers he is in love with Castiel in Purgatory, and now he can't even have the angel in front of him, because he knows it's a one sided love. It’s Valentine's day and Dean tries very hard to hook up as always, but he can't get Cas out of his mind. So he drives back to the motel, drunk, and he finds Castiel trying to help him. Then, when Dean asks Castiel for some experimental kisses and the angel accepts, Dean starts a very dangerous game… finding in Castiel's kisses the most delicious experiences, but also, his own perdition. Will Castiel fall in love with him? Or will he stay emotionless as always?
Hate me, but love me too | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 23310 Main Tags/Warnings: Virgin!Dean,f hate spell, hate curse, younger!dean, older!sam, Grace Sharing, First Kiss, First Time, Hate Sex, Dubious Consent, Mildly Dubious Consent, Cas is cursed, (not really MCD but Cas isn't alive in the beginning), Castiel has sex with somebody else in the beginning(and Dean sees it), Heartbreakbut I will fix it! Summary: Dean’s whole life changes when his mother tells him that John isn’t his biological father and he needs to save the world from his sibling Adam, who is the King of Hell. But he can’t do that alone, he needs the best Hunter earth had, Castiel Novak.
Starstruck (WIP) | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 40860 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Slow Burn, Actor Dean, Single Parent Castiel, Pining Summary: From the outside Castiel Novak looks like a regular guy: a good job, two teenage kids, a nice house and a crappy car he’s way too attached to. But there’s one thing no one knows about him: that, over twenty years ago, he used to live next to no other than Dean Winchester – back then a brash and loud-mouthed boy and nowadays a huge movie star and Hollywood’s sweetheart. Castiel never bothered to tell anyone about his childhood friend because frankly, who would believe him? Probably even Dean himself already forgot about his former awkward and weird neighbor, so Castiel seriously doesn’t see any point in mentioning the whole thing ever. But then an interview on national TV happens where Dean reveals way more about his past than ever before … and Castiel - as well as the rest of the world - suddenly realizes that he left a much bigger impact on Dean’s life than he originally thought.
Letter to Dean Winchester (WIP) | @castielsangel-blade
Rating: Mature Word Count: 44182 Main Tags/Warnings: Past Lisa/Dean, Past Aaron/Dean, Past Castiel/Dean, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Mentions of Past Cheating, Mentions of Past Toxic Relationship, Gray Romantic Castiel, Asexual Castiel, Epistolary, Bisexual Dean Summary: Castiel writes and sends a letter to Dean Winchester. He wants closure for the toxic relationship they had in high school.
Falling Apart | @cr-noble-writes
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 49204 Main Tags/Warnings: minor character death, sam deceased when fic starts, alcoholism, drug misuse, addiction, rehab au, soulmate au, flashbacks, ptsd Summary: Sword & Cross Resident Rehabilitation is a last-ditch effort for Dean Winchester to move past the drug and drinking problems he developed to bury his guilt over the fire that killed his brother. Not to mention the wild visions and smoky, sentient shadows that have plagued him his entire life. It's supposed to be the best Savannah has to offer, but one look at the crumbling tile floors and dangling crown mouldings, and Dean has his doubts. Enter Castiel Novak. He’s rude, aloof, and a total dick from the moment they lay eyes on each other but Dean can’t help but feel a mysterious connection to the man. Maybe he really has lost his mind. But when Castiel starts making appearances in Dean’s vivid visions of the past, he knows there is more to their link than meets the eye. Even if Cas keeps telling him otherwise. It seems everyone at Sword & Cross knows what’s going on except for Dean. Trying to conquer his mountain of guilt and doubt and figure out the connection he is certain he shares with Castiel is only made harder by the “accidents” that seem to follow him. Not to mention his attraction to Gadreel. Whatever secret Castiel is trying so hard to keep, Dean knows he has to uncover it.
Will you be my ten inch hero? | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 57468 Main Tags/Warnings: Bullying, Homophobic Language, Abusive John Winchester, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, giving a baby to adoption (not between Destiel), Rape/Non-con Elements, John kicked Dean out, Virgin!Dean, surprise guest appereance, Minor Crowley (Supernatural)/Bobby Singer, Minor Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle, Minor Rowena MacLeod/Gabriel, two surprise pairings, not Ketch or Mick Davies friendly Summary: When John Winchester kicks Dean out, after he saw him kissing another boy, and Dean sees that Sam has a perfect life at Stanford without him, Dean starts a new life in Santa Cruz. He works at a tiny shop as a cook, has found some friends there, and is overall happy enough. That changes when Castiel comes into his shop and his Co-worker Azara, who has a different man every night, starts flirting with him right in front of Dean. Not that he would be jealous or anything, but there is something about Castiel that makes him weak in the knees. Only that Castiel would never want him back, right?
Roll With It | @saltnhalo
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 72818 Main Tags/Warnings: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Boss/Employee Relationship, Secretary Dean, Alternate Universe - Not Hunters, The Proposal AU, Alternate Universe, Romantic Comedy, Romance, Editor Castiel, Fluff and Angst, Sam Winchester at Stanford, POV Alternating, Geek Dean, Russian Castiel, Sharing a Bed, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Top Castiel, Bottom Dean, Misunderstandings, Tattooed Castiel, Love Confessions, Slow Burn Summary: For two years, Dean’s been slaving away beneath his boss – many label him a secretary, but he fucking hates that and feels like it only applies to someone wearing a pencil skirt, so he insists on his title of Executive Assistant. And for what? In the vain hope that one day he’ll manage to become an editor for Sandover Publishing, and that he’ll see the manuscript that he’s slaved over since college finally realized in print. That’s the dream, anyway. Right now, he’s fucking late. Dean wants to be an editor. Castiel just wants to stay in the country. ‘The Proposal’ – as you’ve never seen it before.
When the Magnolias bloom (WIP) | @flurryflair
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 92951 Main Tags/Warnings: slow burn, angst with a happy ending, mutual pining, human!Castiel, divorce, infidelity, middle aged destiel, explicit sexual content, top Castiel/bottom Dean Winchester, top Dean Winchester/bottom Castiel, POV alternating, unresolved sexual tension, denial of feelings, porn with feelings, anxiety attacks, manipulative relationship, unhealthy coping mechanisms, canon-typical violence, case fic, bisexual!Dean, demisexual!Castiel, semi-canon, minor Castiel/OMC, minor Dean Winchester/Lisa Braeden Summary: It's been ten years since the Apocalypse. Ten years without talking, without knowing one another. Castiel has a company to handle and a wedding to plan, Dean has a broken marriage and a decision to make. They have separate lives, lovers and families of their own, they aren't supposed to meet again, to mess it all up. And yet they do, when they least expect it, and maybe when they most need it. A story about second chances, about hope and resilience, and a love that feels both doomed and inevitable.
Unsung Melody (WIP) | @toomanyships-sendhelp
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 177617 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Character Death, AU Slaves, Slow Burn Summary: Dean runs a busy bar and grill in Lebanon, Kansas. Semi-retired from hunting, he'll still catch a case when one blows his way or the urge to hunt strikes him again. It isnt until a case that opened decades ago claims another victim and Dean has to get back in the game a little more than he expected.
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firaknight · 4 years
Follow up of Adeleines opinions on the helpers :) (stuff in parenthesis is the ability they have)
Blade Knight (Sword): 7/10 Mysterious little dude:
He’s cool! He’s kinda hard to understand at times (he’s got a thick accent, idk what kind), but he’s very nice! He’s got a lot of standards when it comes to swordsmanship and is very strong! He’s working on showing Adeleine the proper stances for sword fighting (it’s possible for her to emulate that style with her paintbrush, minus the cutting ability of a real sword).
Chilly (Ice): 9/10 Snowed Man!!
Snowed man friend!!!! He’s very serious about things but he’s a good friend! Only problem is he has to stick around Adeleines Ice Dragon drawing to prevent the poor guy from melting (they’re working on finding an eternal ice that won’t melt so he can stay cold!). He likes to make snow cones!!! (Which are hella good btw)
Bio spark (Ninja): 8/10 Speedy!!!
One of the fastest helpers around! They’re speedy, sneaky, and all around a mysterious little dude! They have a habit of showing up so quietly that nobody notices for a good couple minutes before they’re just like “I wasn’t even hiding I’ve been standing here this whole time.” Overall, odd but kind little friend!
Birdon (Wing): 7/10 Soft birdie!!!
They’re just a little birdie!!! Birdons probably the most carefree helper out of the bunch, and they like relaxing really high up (much to Adeleines dismay). They tend to make stuff out of the feathers they shed (and they shed very often), so they’re always giving friends bracelets, headgear, jewelry, and such made out of their feathers. Adeleine actually has a coat lined with their feathers and it’s SUPER warm! They’re a little strange (and Kawasaki keeps trying to cook them [see: Star Allies title screen skits]) but they’re a wonderful buddy!
Wester (Whip): 9/10 Yeehaw man!!!!
Dude is legit just a very small cowboy. He cannot help his smallness... He’s agile and absolutely has an accent when he talks. He’s a little chaotic, but has a good heart. Probably taught Adeleine how to mount and ride a grizzo just for fun. She’s got a cowboy hat he made for her!
Plugg (Plasma): 10/10 Old friend!
She’s known Plugg since Crystal Shards! The two are good friends and Plugg likes to paint with her! He’s got some... interesting ways of painting (sticking his entire face into paint and then running facedown on the canvas), but he’s a lovely friend! He likes to run around a lot tho, probably because he’s constantly generating electricity and needs to burn it off so it doesn’t overload him. Will absolutely charge electrical devices without a second thought.
Como (Spider): 6/10 Spider...
While they’re similar to Taranza, they have a lot more spider tendencies, and therefore kinda scared Adeleine. She’s tolerable of them (more so than Susie), but tries to keep her distance. They’re helpful and are very very very sweet!!! They just tend to do creepy spider things and it freaks her out...
Bugzzy (Suplex): 7/10 Massive bug dude
He’s like... huge. Closer to, if not taller, than Adeleines height. He has very sharp pincers on the front of his face, and they can be painful when used, so he either wraps them in bandaging or puts rubber caps over them! That way he can grab and hold friends without harm! He’s oddly cuddly and likes to carry people around (not neccisarily throwing them) in his pincers. Overall, big doofus bug who has lots of love.
Broom Hatter (Clean): 8/10 Clean freak
Literally cannot handle dirty shit. At all. Has the urge to clean everything. Perks are that they keep the base everyone hangs out in super duper clean! Adeleines taught them to draw and it helps them not want to compulsively clean everything. They make really pretty art!
Poppy Bros Jr. (Bomb): 9/10 Funky lad!
He’s got an older brother of the same name (Poppy Bros Sr.) and he’s a boss in training! One day he hopes to be just as good as his brother! Dude is ultra high energy (which is why he’s always hopping around) and tends to be a little obnoxious. They can’t entirely help it, they’re just energetic! They’ve taught Adeleine how to yeet explosives and she’s genuinely good at it!
Rocky (Stone): 7/10 He is literally just a rock
Sentient rock! He’s a little slow and can’t really talk, but he’s a buddy! He likes to just turn into his stone form and just sit like that. It’s comfy and feels like home to him. Will not hesitate to use himself as a step or a seat for someone if needed. He also gives everyone hes friends with a special rock! Adeleines has marbling to it and looks absolutely beautiful!
Waddle Doo (Beam): 8/10 Funky little man!
He’s got only one eye and therefore has poor eyesight. You’d think one eye would be better, but nope! He wears essentially one huge contact lens to help! They’re buddies with Parasol Dee and Bandee!!! Doo is on the calmer side of the group, and tends to not be so insanely high strung. He’s still a little anxious, but he’s better at covering it than the other. He hangs out with Wester sometimes (whip-like attack squad)
Chef Kawasaki (Cook): 2/10 Hes creepy and I don’t like him.
He has this weird... unsettling energy about him. He’s tried to cook both Coo and Birdon more than once and she genuinely doesn’t like being around him. He makes good food, which has stopped him from being a 0/10 in her book, but thats it. He’s only there because Kirby thought he’d be a nice addition and everyone knows that if Kawasaki crosses the line he will get booted on the spot. (Kirby has standards too!)
Gim (Yo-yo): 7/10 Hes just a robot huh.
He’s kinda strange, and doesn’t appear to have a lot of feeling, but Gims really nice! He likes to show people all the tricks he can do with his yo-yo (which is surprisingly a lot) and gives all his friends a yo-to so they can do the tricks along with him (Adeleines is teal with red and black stripes. It’s also got a couple paint splotches on it that we’re added on purpose).
Burning Leo (Fire): 8/10 Toasty heater child!
They’re small and warm!!! All the time!!! They like to be held and snuggle up to cold stuff because it’s the same feeling as snuggling up to warm stuff for humans. REEEEAAALLLYYY wants to hug Chilly but there is the very real possibility that Chilly will literally melt so he holds off from that. Adeleine tends to be cold and likes to hold Leo like a hot water bottle. He’s learned how to make his head fire harmless so people can hold him and not get burned!!
Driblee (Water): 9/10 Oh my god they’re adorable!
Sothisispartiallyjustmebecauseilovethewaterabilityimsorry They’re a little lizard mermaid! They adore swimming more than you’d think and hold pool parties!! They hang around Chilly because their water tends to be on the colder side and Chilly can use them to reform melted bits of Adeleine can’t get Ice Dragon to do it. They’re actually made entirely out of water! They can literally transform back into water by going into water. This also means that they can conform to spaces not meant for them like bottles and containers. They like to make drinks for people since the water they use for attacking is some of the cleanest water out there! (It also tastes super fucking good)
Bonkers (Hammer): 7/10 Kinda scary...
He’s big, taller than Adeleine (especially if he stands fully upright), and has an intimidating look, but he’s all bark and no bite! Dude is literally just a ball of sunshine! He likes to carry people around and will 100% shield someone from attacks (he’s sturdy!!!). He’s helping Adeleine with her strength because she’s fragile and a little scrawny and he’s all muscle (shes gotten a lot better!). Shes got her own lightweight hammer he lets her use so she can get a little stronger!
Sir Kibble (Cutter): 9/10 Smol knight!
He cannot help his size... but he’s tough! He also has no fucking braincells and does not think but he’s a good boy! He likes to headbutt people but his helmet poses a problem (it literally has a blade attached to it) so he puts a padded pool noodle over it to protect others (the padding is so the noodle doesn’t get chopped from the blade itself when force is applied). He’s just a little dude with no thoughts... head empy...
NESP (ESP): 4/10 They talk too much and know stuff about me that I never told them.
Strange and not very cool :( They have a tendency to read other people’s minds because they purposefully don’t tune their thoughts out and therefore know a lot of stuff they really shouldn’t. They also don’t know how to keep their mouth shut. Thankfully they’re just funky from psychic power and on a good day they’re kinda nice to be around!
Vividria (Artist): 10/10 THATS MY ADOPTED SISTER!!
They’re siblings. Drawcia adopted Adeleine as one of her own and that makes Vividria her sis! They paint together and Vividria kinda sticks up for Adeleine in more dicey fights because of Adeleines low HP. They’re the bestest of friends and are super cool with one another! She’s still growing and is one day gonna reach Drawcias size!! (If we put it into normal heights [Adeleine being 5’3” and Kirby being 1’8”] Drawcia is over double Kirby’s height. Probably closer to 3-4 feet)
Parasol Waddle Dee (Parasol): 9/10 Oh my god they’re just a smol friend...
Dee is literally almost as high strung and anxious as Bandee but they’re so sweet!! They like rain!! They also give parasols to all their friends! (Adeleines is teal with paint splotches!) They tend to nap a lot and will totally join cuddle piles. On hot days they’ll utilize the chumbrella as a big shade for everyone in the nap pile. Just a squishy little dee!!!!!
Knuckle Joe (Fighter): 10/10 Hes super supportive and nice!
He saw how fragile Adeleine was and said “aight so I may not be a master but I’m gonna teach this kid how to fight” and didn’t wait for any objections. Once a week he goes out into the forest with Adeleine and shows her how to fight like him! Physical combat is important!!! She can’t fire off energy blasts or deal lightning speed punches, but she’s getting there! He’s ultra supportive of everyone and loved to teach people stuff!!! He care about everyone!!!!
Beetley (Beetle): 8/10 Why is he so angy!!
Always grumpy. He says it’s because he keeps losing to Bugzzy but it’s just because he’s super small and gets picked up like a burger all the time (if you didn’t wanna be held like a burger don’t be burger shaped idiot). Isn’t aggressive but will headbutt people with the blunt end of his horn when he’s being extra grouchy. Adeleine likes picking him up because he gets all stiff like a ferret (when you pick them up and they stick their feet’s up all stiff).
Jammerjab (Staff): 9/10 Funky but fun!
Was originally really wary of them because of the whole Void Termina thing and their assosciation with the bad guys wasn’t a good thing but they’re super cool! They’re graceful and like to stand on their staff a lot. They also help the smaller helpers get stuff up high (they themselves are small but their staff can extend a lot so they can use that for extra height). They let Adeleine use their staff and she’s not that good at it (she always whacks herself in the face while trying to use it) but it’s a nice gesture! They know a lot about the Jambastion and like to tell people all the wacky secrets it holds (like how Hyness has an entire room full of just robes that all look the exact fucking same or how theres a specific set of hallways that move and change to get trespassers lost in them). Honestly a fun little guy to be around
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wr173r-8l0ck · 4 years
What if My Hero Academia Characters were in Fairy Tail pt. 1: The Students
So yeah, there will be more parts to this one, hope y’all enjoy this series!
The premise of this What If [insert show] Characters were in [insert other show] is to basically explore what each character might be in a different show with different worldbuilding/whatever. Case and point, what if MHA students were Mages in the world of Fairy Tail. In this one, I’m covering the students of 1A and 1B, and also Shinso, primarily what their primary magic would be, and basic comedic traits and quirks of their characters. Enjoy!
Yuga Aoyama: Light Magic: He can fire out high-power bolts of light from any part of his body. For some reason, he likes to use his naval though. Whatever suits him, we have enough stuff to complain about. Mainly his French stereotypes.
Mina Ashido: Acid Magic: she can utilize spells to produce a highly corrosive fluid, which she can manipulate freely. She has such fine control she can select what she can corrode away. Yeah, clothes never last long with her around.
Tsuyu Asui: Animal Takeover: Amphibian: she can turn into a frog-person. Or a toad-person. Or a toadpool-person. Look, it gets confusing, okay, all we know is she can make her tongue super-long, her legs super-strong, and she’s fucking adorable.
Tenya Iida: Thrust Magic: he can propel himself waaay faster that anyone should, in any direction, even up. In straight lines and proper angles only too, for some reason, seriously, his turning radius is so sharp you can literally cut yourself on the afterwind.
Ochako Uraraka: Anti-Gravity Magic: she can reduce the gravitational pull on anyone and anything she touches. And apply it to anyone or anything else. She likes making orbits around people.
Mashirao Ojiro: Animal Takeover: Kangaroo: All he gets is a tail. And kicks powerful enough to break down a reinforced door in a single kick. And abs strong enough to resist a kick powerful enough to break down a reinforced door in a single kick. He’s a pretty chill dude though.
Denki Kaminari: Electricity Magic: Haha, finger-tazer go zip-zip. And channeling/producing lightning and various electromagnetic wavelengths. Including gamma radiation. And also heat. We suspect he might also be a Lightning something-something slayer, but we can’t be sure since his intellect seems to vary between absolute dumbass and strategic genius, seriously, what the fuck is he?!
Eijiro Kirishima: Armor Dragon Slayer: He can make himself unbreakable. Literally, he once survived a point-blank explosion with the power of a Tsar Bomba, only directed in a cylinder half the diameter of a golf ball. To the face. And he lived through that. And somehow he’s still friends with the guy that set off a point-blank explosion in a cylinder half the diameter of a golf ball into his face. Weird fella indeed.
Koji Koda: Voice Command Magic: Yeah, he can communicate with and boss around animals and even motherfucking DRAGONS. And some Dragon Slayers. Don’t try his tricks at home, kids, tigers are fucking ripped, hippos are more aggressive than crocodiles, and Katsuki is a walking grenade with anger issues.
Rikido Sato: Sugar Magic: Like… He eats sugar… To burn as calories… To gain increased strength and speed… That’s it, literally, dump a bag of sugar into his mouth and you have a less angry version of the Hulk with diabetes.
Mezo Shoji: Beast Takeover: He likes multiplying his arms. And making them into tentacles or spider legs. Also other things, but mostly tentacles or spider legs. Sometimes even other things on tentacles or spider legs. Or just tentacles or spider legs on other tentacles or spider legs. He’s a walking man-tree with branches that are various sensory organs growing from a nightmarish living moving mass with tentacles/spider legs as branches, basically. *shudders*
Kyoka Jiro: Sound Magic: Deafeningly deadly tunes! Literally, deafeningly deadly sounds, she can blast sounds so loud they’re basically constant or repetitive explosions. Either she’s immune to it or she likes it, who knows, all we know is that she’s into hardcore death metal and yet still somehow cute. Don’t say it to her face if you value your kneecaps.
Hanta Sero: Tape Magic: exactly what it sounds like. What tape does his magic cover? Yes. Is he ever high? Yes, all the time. Oh, you meant physically.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Shadow Demon Slayer and Demon Takeover: Darkness: he has a semi-sentient demon made of pure shadows and darkness growing out of his stomach! It’s pretty tame and chill normally, yes, but he has a semi-sentient demon made of pure shadows and darkness growing out of his stomach! Let him go on nighttime solo quests alone if you wanna live. Or not shit your pants bc of a prank the semi-sentient shadow demon thing pulled. Mostly the second one.
Shoto Todoroki: Fire/Ice God Slayer and Fire/Ice Make Magic: He can eat ice or fire to gain the ability to control fire and ice to such an extent it can kill demons. Well, verbally too, he once roasted an opponent so hard they just gave up without even fighting and just walked off. Also, are we sure we can’t put Daddy Issues as a form of magic?
Toru Hagakure: Refraction Magic: she can refract light around herself to make herself invisible, or focus and redirect it. She’s the guild’s gem! Literally, she’s like a polished crystal prism but with an active (and often dirty) imagination.
Katsuki Bakugou: Explosion Magic, Explosion Dragon/Demon/God Slayer, also currently studying all types of Fire Magic. He likes it when things he doesn’t like get destroyed by his hands. And when people he doesn’t like get destroyed by his hands. Or words, he can be really mean in a fight. Well, about as mean as a nuclear hedgehog with rabies and enough explosive firepower to take out a building in one shot can get.
Izuku Midoriya: He was given the All-Slayer Lacrima, and can use Strength Dragon/Demon/God, Speed Dragon/Demon/God and Wind Dragon/Demon/God Slayer magic, learning more as he goes. If he uses too much, he risks destroying his own body. Speaking of which, I gotta go get Recovery Girl for his bullshit. Again.
Minoru Mineta: Dead. Not from a quest, his harassment got him killed. How? Well, the last girl he was hitting on was named Lucy Heartfilia. Legally he’s still a missing person, since there’s no body, but the witnesses say there was a massive bonfire where he was last seen.
Momo Yaoyorozu: Memory-Make Magic: she can do various spells as long as she remembers it and has enough Ether in her body, and even combine spells. There’s a damn good reason she’s S-class, and no, it’s not her social awareness.
Yosetsu Awase: Fuse Magic: He can fuse various objects, people and spells to each other. Doesn’t matter what each is. He once fused Katsuki and Midoriya together. Almost destroyed a whole island...
Sen Kaibara: Gyration Magic: He can make himself, parts of himself or anything he touches rotate around a set axis, and he can control the direction and speed of the spin. He’s often invited to schools to demonstrate the dangers of alcohol. Or used as a replacement for the engine to a carousel.
Togaru Kamakiri: Blade Dragon Slayer: He can form various blades sharp and tough enough to cut through dragons. Except Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, since they require so much effort to even crack, anyone more powerful and battle-effective than himself (Katsuki, Shoto etc.) or anyone too cute for him to cut down (Tsuyu and Midoriya primarily)
Shihai Kuroiro: Shadow Dragon Slayer: he can manipulate shadows and melt into them, popping out in any place he wants. Him and Fumikage are good friends for obvious reasons. He’s also very good at pranks, and one of the few people to be able to say he fought Katsuki and lived.
Itsuka Kendo: Enlargement Magic: She can increase the size of herself or her body parts, she uses it mostly on her hands for devastating attacks. Well, attacks or, ahem, bedtime exercises. 
Yui Kodai: Command T: She can manipulate the size of any object she touches. Bigger and smaller. That and shape, somehow, don’t ask how she can do that, no one knows.
Kinoko Komori: Mushroom Magic: She can create, spread and accelerate the growth of various mushrooms and other fungi. She’s also really cute somehow, but also fucking terrifying in a fight.
Ibara Shiozaki: Plant Magic: She has thorny vines growing out of her hair, and can manipulate all plantlife, including her hair vines. Don’t ask how she got vines for hair, magic is weird...
Jurota Shishida: Beast Takeover: he uses his magic to turn into various beasts and monsters, primarily a bipedal bear-boar-dog creature. He’s actually very orderly and the most collected and ‘normal’ of the crowd. Which isn’t a high bar to clear, all things considered.
Nirengeki Shoda: Repeat Magic: he can copy an attack, magic or physical, and trigger it to go off a second time from where it previously hit. Many people don’t like him for that reason.
Pony Tsunotori: Animal Takeover: she likes to use Animal Takeover, specifically Antelope and Kangaroo, both of them often together. She kicks like a fucking kangaroo though.
Kosei Tsuburaba: Air-Make Magic: He can form constructs out of air, and manipulate their density and movement freely. He’s the only one that can tolerate Monoma, and even that’s a bit of a stretch to that word’s definition.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Iron Dragon Slayer: Pretty self-explanatory: he can turn his body into an iron-like substance that is actually waaay tougher than regular iron, and can redirect purely-magic attacks into the ground through his body, and he can form various weapons and attacks. Very manly, a vegetarian, kind to animals, and will eat any spare iron you have.
Setsuna Tokage: Split-Up Magic: She can separate parts of herself and telekinetically and telepathically control them. She can even fly like that, or form her split body parts into mini  versions of herself. Truly annoying to fight, especially with her Requip Magic.
Manga Fukidashi: Various forms of Letter Magic: He can write down anything in any alphabet or language, and it appears like magic! B-because it is magic, like, all of this is magic, nothing is real!
Juzo Honenuki: Liquification Magic: He can disrupt the solidity of any object he touches, and thus makes it intangible or almost a highly-viscous liquid. The only other known person to be able to reliably stop Katsuki whenever he goes berserk. Which happens a lot.
Kojiro Bondo: Glue Magic: He can produce and manipulate adhesives. Any and all types of adhesives. Not tape, apparently it counts as an adhesive-covered object (Laaame!). But still cool, I guess.
Neito Monoma: Ether Copy and Ether Replicate Magic: He can copy virtually any type of ether-based magic, however he can’t replicate magic sourced from a lacrima or a build-up of Ether. He often gets KO’ed by Itsuka for being a prick.
Reiko Yanagi: Telekinesis Magic: She can control any non-living object in her vicinity, however not if it’s too heavy. Her and Ochako are a literally lethal combo, and the most surprisingly terrifying duo.
Hiryu Rin: Reptile Takeover: He can obtain the characteristics of reptiles: tail, scales, armor, jaws, claws, fangs/teeth, even tear projectiles of blood from his eyes! Yeah, he doesn’t use that last one a lot, but he can shoot out his scales like projectiles.
Hitoshi Shinso: Brainwash Magic: he can hypnotize and verbally command anyone that answers his questions, and he can even manipulate his voice to sound like anyone else. The one downside to this is insomnia, but his insomnia can be cured by caffeine, or so he claims. We’ve had to get him from strange sleeping locations on multiple occasions, including rooftops, rafters, clothing lines (yes, he can somehow balance on a tightrope in his sleep), another fucking city one time...
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