#also tagging ppl who wanted to be tagged or who expressed interest in reading in my tags šŸ‘€
wikiangela Ā· 1 year
what a mighty good man
the whatta man fic is finally here! it's really corny and kinda cringe by the end, but let's ignore that lmao I've been writing it way too long and it's finally done haha
words: 3.4k
[read more on Ao3]
Buck loses his phone, and Eddie calls him to help him find it - but he does not expect the ringtone Buck has set for him.
Buck has been running around the firehouse, frantically looking through every nook and cranny, since they came back from their last call, looking for his lost phone. Eddie offered to help him look, but Buck declined, claiming that he remembers what and where he was doing today, so heā€™ll just check those places real quick. And right now heā€™s getting more annoyed and panicked, as he finally finds his way upstairs, where Eddieā€™s sitting in the kitchen, drinking tea with Hen.
ā€œI checked everywhere, the engine, the locker room, threw everything out of my locker, and itā€™s nowhere to be seen.ā€ he complains, starting to open up cupboards in the kitchen, as if heā€™d somehow put his phone away with the plates. Eddie and Hen exchange amused looks.
ā€œDid you lose something?ā€ Hen asks, teasing, and Buck shoots her an annoyed look.
ā€œItā€™s not funny, I have everything on there.ā€ he whines, and almost stomps his foot, and Eddie shouldnā€™t find him and this adorable. ā€œI was gonna develop the pictures we took with Chris at the zoo last time we went. Itā€™s all gone now.ā€ he sits heavily in a chair next to Eddie.
ā€œRelax, Buck.ā€ Eddie rolls his eyes. ā€œItā€™s probably around here somewhere. Do you want help looking?ā€ he asks again, always ready to help his friend with anything, even if it means turning the whole firehouse upside down.
ā€œWhatā€™s the point? It's gone, probably fell out when we were on a call or something.ā€ he shrugs and pouts. Eddieā€™s pretty sure itā€™s mostly about the pictures, since recently theyā€™ve started making more family photo albums ā€“ mainly because Christopher found his baby album and asked why they donā€™t keep any recent ones, aside from the one with very few pictures, so now Buck documents everything. Eddie loves it, because it feels so much like family, and it makes him feel some type of way to see Buck so involved this way.
ā€œWhere do you remember seeing it last?ā€ Hen asks, taking a sip of her tea.
ā€œI donā€™t know. I had it in the engine earlier, and I was something looking up- But, actually, I think I had it later, too.ā€ he frowns, trying to remember.
ā€œYou did.ā€ Eddie assures, also racking his brain, trying to recall every time heā€™s seen Buck with his phone today. It shouldnā€™t be difficult, Eddieā€™s always looking at Buck, noticing every little thing he does ā€“ which, okay, might sound creepy, but heā€™s justā€¦ infatuated might be a good word. Maybe attracted. Maybe a little bit in love. Okay, maybe head over heels, completely, irrevocably in love. Anyway, the point is, his eyes almost always are drawn to Buck, observing, appreciating, taking in every expression, every smile, every gesture. But a phone is so insignificant, he just canā€™t remember. ā€œAnd then we were looking through the pictures, here at the table, but that was still early, right after our first call today. I donā€™t know what you did with it later.ā€
ā€œIā€™m never gonna find it.ā€ he groans.
ā€œHey, maybe I should call you, if itā€™s anywhere nearby, weā€™ll hear it.ā€ Eddie suggests, a little surprised no one thought about it yet.Ā 
ā€œYeah, thatā€™d-ā€ Buck starts, but then he freezes, and something passes through his face, something like realization, then panic or fear, until he schools his features back to a frown. ā€œUh, Iā€™m pretty sure my phone is on silent?ā€ he says instead, but it sounds more like a question. ā€œSo, no, I guess I have to keep looking.ā€ he chuckles nervously and blushes, and Eddieā€™s confused. Of course he gets having his phone on silent, thatā€™s not the confusing part ā€“ itā€™s Buckā€™s reaction and clearly lying or hiding something. And Buck is not a good liar.
ā€œOkay?ā€ Eddie says slowly, with a frown, watching Buckā€™s face get red. Huh. Heā€™s really curious now, especially since as far as he knows, thereā€™s no secrets between them. Besides, what can it be about a phone?Ā 
A few minutes later, when Eddie gets up to wash his cup, he gets even more confused. Because while Buck whispers and tries not to let Eddie hear, heā€™s not far enough, and with how deep his voice is, it carries.
So Eddie hears him try to whisper, as quietly as possible:
ā€œHen, can you call my phone when Eddie leaves?ā€
ā€œWhat? You just said-ā€ Hen asks, confused, and loud, and Buck shushes her. Eddieā€™s standing with his back to them, hands holding the cup under the running water, and heā€™s listening. Heā€™s just curious, and Buckā€™s making less sense than normally.
But then, suddenly, Eddieā€™s brain connects the dots. He turns around, and looks at Buck with a raised eyebrow, amused and confused, and really curious, as he asks:
ā€œWhatā€™s your ringtone for me?ā€
ā€œWhat?ā€ Buck asks way too quickly, head turning so fast to look at Eddie, it almost looks like it hurts. His eyes are wide and panicked, and it confirms that this is what itā€™s about.Ā 
ā€œBuck, I know you have custom ringtones for everyone. So whatā€™s mine, that makes you so worried about me hearing it?ā€ he canā€™t contain a smile, weirdly enjoying watching as Buck gets more panicked, fingers fidgeting on the table, his eyes wandering anywhere but at Eddie, looking to Hen for help, who also looks amused. Eddieā€™s just now realizing heā€™s never heard the ringtone Buck set for him, since there has never been a need to call Buck when heā€™s right next to him. And itā€™s not like itā€™s a big deal ā€“ except, judging by Buckā€™s expression, apparently it is.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s nothing bad.ā€ Buck murmurs, now looking down at the table. ā€œHen, please call me.ā€ he adds even quieter. Hen looks back at Eddie, and they both can barely contain laughter.
ā€œOh, I don't think so. Now I so wanna know what Eddieā€™s ringtone is, too.ā€ she says, smiling, leaning her chin on her hand and looking at Buck, who looks like heā€™s about to get up and run away.
ā€œHen, please.ā€ he hisses, and Eddieā€™s curiosity finally takes over. Itā€™s very quick, he fishes his phone out of his pocket, goes into his contacts, and Buck is the last person he called, anyway, since they talked while they were both driving to work this morning. So before Buck can say another thing, he presses his number and listens intently, hoping the phone is somewhere around. Buck gets up and tries to grab Eddieā€™s phone, but heā€™s too late. Everyone freezes in place, as music comes from between the couch cushions ā€“ which is one of the first places Buck shouldā€™ve checked upstairs, by the way.Ā Eddie has no idea why he didn't.
Buck looks mortified, bright red, avoiding Eddieā€™s eyes, and finally covers his face with his hands and goans. Eddie and Hen share another look and laugh. Well, Hen laughs, Eddieā€™s is more of a surprised and confused chuckle. Because what the hell?
He knows that Buck likes to choose songs he associates with people for ringtones, just so he immediately knows whoā€™s calling, and heā€™s very particular and selective about it. Eddieā€™s not sure what song heā€™s been expecting for himself, but it certainly wasnā€™t ā€œWhatta manā€ by Salt-n-Pepa. Why the hell this one?
When his eyes meet Buckā€™s again, they both freeze, and they stare at each other until the music stops, the last ā€œwhat a mighty good manā€ fading away, while Henā€™s still laughing.
ā€œUh. Iā€™m- Iā€™m just gonna-ā€ Buck stammers, pointing his thumb behind himself, as he runs to the couch and starts digging through the cushions to get his phone. Once he does, he bolts out of there, down the stairs, so fast he almost trips numerous times.Ā 
Eddieā€™s not sure how he feels. Heā€™s confused, and also weirdly flattered, as heā€™s trying to think of all the lyrics he can remember, and his face is burning, and he desperately needs to know what Buckā€™s reasoning was.Ā 
ā€œYou should probably go talk to him.ā€ Hen suggests gently, having stopped laughing, but still amused. ā€œYou mighty good man.ā€ she teases and laughs again, and Eddie really wishes he and Buck were alone for this. ā€œPoor Buckaroo is probably dying of embarrassment right now.ā€
ā€œYeah.ā€ he tries to say, but his throat is so dry. He needs to go to Buck, ask why, if itā€™s a joke, why this song, why does he associate it with Eddie ā€“ heā€™s so curious. And if it meansā€¦ if it means that maybe, possibly Buck might reciprocate his feelings in some wayā€¦ But itā€™s just a stupid song, and Eddie is getting worked up over nothing. It means nothing. And the fact that Buck basically ran away means nothing either. Itā€™s fine.Ā 
Without a word or a look back, Eddie leaves Hen at the table, and goes downstairs to look for Buck. It doesnā€™t take him long, Buckā€™s pacing the locker room, still red in the face, looking like heā€™s regretting all his life choices. Eddie feels like heā€™s making it a bigger deal in his head than it actually is. Itā€™s a silly song. It doesnā€™t mean anything (but it might, and he has no idea what to do with that, and he hates that he feels hopeful).
ā€œHey.ā€ he knocks on the glass, not knowing what to do with his hands.
ā€œOh, hi, I, um-ā€ Buck stammers, getting even redder. Eddie presses his lips together to avoid laughing.
ā€œSo, can we talk about what that whole thing was?ā€ he raises an eyebrow. Buck sighs heavily and runs his hand over his face.
ā€œIā€™m an idiot. Thatā€™s what it was.ā€
ā€œSo why this song?ā€ Eddie asks, genuinely curious, because he knows that Buckā€™s particular with the song choices. Eddie wonders if itā€™s just a joke, or maybeā€¦ not. Buck could play it off easily. But, again, he really canā€™t lie.
So when Buck opens his mouth again, words pour out so quickly Eddie barely catches anything, and he looks like he canā€™t stop himself from saying all that:
ā€œWhen I first saw you, this song immediately popped into my head, because you were all gorgeous and hot, and then I got to know you and it became even more accurate, and youā€™re just amazing, and Iā€™m in love with you-ā€ Eddieā€™s heart explodes in fireworks. Or it feels like it does. And he really needs to say it back.
ā€œBuck.ā€ Eddie tries to cut in, but Buckā€™s not stopping for even a millisecond.
ā€œ-and I find you really attractive, and letā€™s not make it weird if you donā€™t feel the same way, itā€™s fine, whatever, letā€™s forget it, but I just canā€™t help but think of this song whenever I see you, because look at you-ā€ he takes a breath, and Eddie thinks nowā€™s his chance to say something, but before he can, Buck continues, ā€œ-so thatā€™s why this song, and you were never gonna find out, or I was gonna change it, but then never really got around to it, and who cares if youā€™re never gonna hear it, except you did, and-ā€ heā€™s rambling, and Eddie still canā€™t get a word in, despite trying to cut in a couple more times.Ā 
So, to shut him up, Eddie puts his hands on Buckā€™s cheeks and kisses him.Ā 
Buck freezes. For quite a while theyā€™re just standing there, lips pressed together, and Eddie would start to get nervous if he wasnā€™t still on the high from hearing Buck say heā€™s in love with Eddie. It feels like eternity before Buck finally gets with the program and kisses back, his hands hesitantly settling on Eddieā€™s hips. Itā€™s fairly sweet and gentle, just a glide of lips, conveying all the love and certainty about this thing between them ā€“ besides, they are still at work, so they really should not be doing any of this right now.
Eddieā€™s smiling into the kiss. He tries to resist a huge grin, because he absolutely does not want to stop kissing Buck. But, well, he does need to tell him heā€™s in love with him, too. So he starts to reluctantly pull away, Buck chasing after him, and is about to speak, when he hears cheering and whistling, and he feels his face heat up. When he looks to the side, to the glass fucking wall of the locker room (really, who designed this?), Chimney and Ravi are standing right there, looking at them with smirks on their faces. Because of course Buck and Eddie couldnā€™t have kissed for the first time anywhere private.
ā€œFuck off, creeps.ā€ Eddie shouts, but heā€™s too happy to be actually mad about it. But his hands are still on Buckā€™s cheeks, that suddenly feel so much hotter.Ā 
Chim just snickers, but before he can say anything back, Hen walks up to them to see what the noise was about. She takes in the pose theyā€™re in, still clasped together, standing incredibly close, andā€¦ she starts singing the ā€œWhatta Manā€ chorus. Buck groans and hides his face in the crook of Eddieā€™s neck, as Eddieā€™s hands fall to his back. Eddie laughs, but also feels Buckā€™s embarrassment, especially once Hen starts explaining to Chim and Ravi what just happened.
ā€œHey, Buck.ā€ Eddie whispers, deciding to ignore their friends ā€“ besides, he can see that they got their share of teasing in, but they have to see how big of a deal it actually is, since they start walking away, giving them some privacy. ā€œLook at me please?ā€
ā€œWhat?ā€ he raises his head and pouts adorably, and Eddie canā€™t help it, he leans in to kiss him again, leaving him with a dazed expression.
ā€œIn case that wasn't clear, I love you, too. Iā€™m in love with you.ā€ he says quietly but with feeling, wanting Buck to really get it. ā€œIā€™ve loved you for so long, and-ā€ he laughs. ā€œI couldā€™ve never imagined that this would happen because of a song.ā€ he shakes his head with a smile.
ā€œItā€™s a good song. And very accurateā€ Buck shrugs, a smile on his face. He puts a hand on Eddieā€™s cheek, caressing it, as his eyes scan Eddieā€™s face with the most amazed, loving expression. ā€œWhat a man you are, indeed.ā€ he whispers adoringly, and Eddieā€™s pretty sure heā€™s at least as red as the engine right now. ā€œAnd all mine. I mean, I hope?ā€ he adds, suddenly shy.
ā€œAll yours.ā€ Eddie confirms with a nod, kissing him again. ā€œIā€™ve been yours, and I will always be yours.ā€
ā€œI canā€™t believe this is happening.ā€ Buck beams so brightly itā€™s almost blinding. Eddie doesnā€™t think heā€™s seen him this happy before. ā€œYou really are a God-sent original, the man of my dreams, you know?ā€ he adds quietly with a growing smile, and it sounds familiar. ā€œAnd every time I need you, you always have my back, and-ā€ It takes Eddie a few seconds to catch up, and when he does, he bursts out laughing. Buck is not about to quote the entire song to him. Which he knows he could. Because if thereā€™s anyone who would memorize all the lyrics to any song, and somehow never forget it, itā€™s Buck.Ā 
ā€œShut up.ā€ Eddie shakes his head.
ā€œMake me.ā€ Buck grins, giving Eddie a challenging look. And, well, Eddie got a taste of Buck now, and he thinks he immediately got hooked, so he doesnā€™t need to be told twice, as he leans in and kisses Buck again, and itā€™s already as easy as breathing. This time a little more passionate, getting their tongues involved, and kind of rushed and impatient, teeth clashing making them chuckle into it.
ā€œHey.ā€ Eddie whispers, once he pulls away again, a teasing smirk on his face, thinking that if Buckā€™s gonna quote the lyrics, he can, too. Well, he mostly remembers the first verse and the chorus, so it has to be enough. ā€œThe song applies to you, too, you know?ā€ he runs his thumb across Buckā€™s cheekbone, looking into those blue eyes. ā€œYou made the biggest difference in my world, for so much better, and, uh- how did it go-ā€ he pauses and Buck chuckles.
ā€œEddie, you donā€™t have to-ā€
ā€œWait, I know.ā€ Eddie interrupts stubbornly, and sees Buck look at him with amusement, but also so much fondness, it almost takes Eddieā€™s breath away. ā€œI know that- that ain't nobody perfect- um, something, who deserve it,ā€ they both laugh as Eddie remembers only a few random lines, and thatā€™s only because he heard this verse a few minutes ago when Buckā€™s phone rang. ā€œAnd- and believe me y'all, he's worth it. Heā€™s more than worth it.ā€ he whispers, grinning, and sees a wonderful bashful, yet amused, smile on Buckā€™s face that makes him want to lean in and kiss him again, which he does. ā€œYouā€™re so amazing, and I love you so fucking much, and I canā€™t believe you feel the same way. I really thought Iā€™d have to hide my feelings for the rest of our lives.ā€ he admits, and Buck pulls him closer, and kisses him again.
ā€œI did, too. But now we know, and now we can- we can spend the rest of our lives together.ā€ he says nervously, eyes drifting all over Eddieā€™s face. ā€œIf you think you can stand me for that long.ā€ he adds, his tone joking, but with an underlying worry there, too.
ā€œWe really need to work on you believing that you might be wanted.ā€ Eddie shakes his head a bit, then looks straight into Buckā€™s eyes again, and very seriously says: ā€œI want you. Forever. Chris and I want you. Youā€™re our family, and our favorite person, and my partner, and- and having a future without you isnā€™t even an option Iā€™m willing to consider. Youā€™re stuck with us, whether you like it or not.ā€ he ends a little teasingly, because of course if Buck wanted out, he wouldnā€™t keep him by his side by force. But, well, heā€™s not planning to let go as long as he knows Buck wants him, too.Ā 
ā€œI guess Iā€™m cool with that.ā€ he tries to joke, but his voice cracks, and he chuckles quietly. ā€œIā€™ve never wanted anything more than to spend my life with you, both of you. This just feels so surreal. I feel like Iā€™m dreaming.ā€ he laughs breathlessly.
ā€œMe too.ā€ Eddie admits. ā€œBut itā€™s real, and itā€™s all thanks to your ridiculous ringtone choices.ā€ he grins.
ā€œHey, I have great taste. Clearly.ā€ his smile is so wide and happy. ā€œAnd look at us now, turns out my ridiculousness is a good thing, though.ā€ Buckā€™s nose bumps Eddieā€™s, as he gets closer again. Theyā€™ve kissed a lot in the last few minutes, and apparently canā€™t stop.
ā€œYeah, thatā€™s true. I love all your silliness and ridiculousness.ā€ Eddie laughs, as Buck rolls his eyes, bright red, and joins their lips again. ā€œI love you.ā€ Eddie adds into the kiss, because he just canā€™t stop doing this, either, he wants to just keep saying those words to Buck over and over again, hell, he wants to shout from the rooftops that heā€™s in love with his best friend, thatā€™s how happy he is.
They stay in the locker room, just making out, for a good few minutes, until the bell rings and they have to go. No one says anything, but they do get knowing looks. Especially with how Eddieā€™s struggling to keep a goofy grin off his face the entire ride there, before he switches to professional again. Buck doesnā€™t even try, he looks like heā€™s on cloud nine, like heā€™s floating somewhere happy and joyful, and he hasnā€™t come back to Earth yet. Eddie canā€™t keep his eyes away from his bright smile. He feels the same happiness thatā€™s visible on Buckā€™s face ā€“ Buck is his best friend in the world, and the best person he knows ā€“ heā€™s an amazing partner and parent, and Eddie canā€™t wait to tell their kid, and to spend the rest of his life by Buckā€™s side. Buck might think the song is accurate to Eddie, but Eddie knows whoā€™s really the mighty good man here. And heā€™s Eddieā€™s man now. Eddieā€™s been in love with him for so long, and now being able to actually be with him really seems so surreal, but itā€™s really happening. Heā€™s so happy he feels like his chest might burst with it. Yeah, heā€™s got a good man, and heā€™ll spend the rest of his life trying to live up to how Buck sees him, as well.
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gold-rhine Ā· 2 years
sub! Albedo x Dom! GN! Reader
Warnings: not sfw, edging, first time, fingering, anal sex, long dialogs discussing metaphysics of human connection. Cock stands for cock\strap as usual.
A\N: Repost bc my previous blog got shadowbanned. very soft, almost didnā€™t want to tag as as dom! reader, but the dynamic is specifically pronounced. but give it a try even if youā€™re just into bottom Albedo.
Wordcount: 3k
Albedo might seem like cold and disaffected, but thatā€™s mostly Neurodivergency (TM)
Heā€™s extremely introverted and demi, heā€™s usually not interested in people at all and so comes off as curt and rude
But rarely, if he does form a connection, he very much quietly and intensely hyperfixates on it
ā€œI used to think interaction with others was a waste of time. But after meeting you, I'd rather spend my time on you than other matters.ā€
As you can tell from the quote and his general interaction with the traveler, heā€™s pretty open about his interest. Albedo has a mix of very quiet, shy social awkwardness in some situations, and almost clinically shameless directness in others.
Heā€™s lonely, but he wants very specifically someone who can see and understand him for what he is without flinching, and the people for whom the nature of his artificial creation would not change their demeanor towards him is who he tends to latch on.
While normally very precise and methodical, he can throw logic and principles out of the window when it comes to the person he really likes.
Like remember the last dragonspine event where he turned into an absolute spineless mush in order to fix traveler's ugly doodle without actually admitting that it's ugly.
They even specifically spelled out his thoughts to show that he does think it's ugly, while he's muttering out loud "no, its uh great, i mean i can maybe add a few embellishments if you would like me too".
He becomes clingy, but in an extremely introverted way. He would not initiate contact, but heā€™d aggressively, though in a very roundabout-way hint that he would like your presence (his story quests, esp the last scene of the latest dragonspine event)
And when you do choose to spend time with him, heā€™s very open about how he doesnā€™t really care what you do, as long as youā€™re together, and that he would like to prolong that time.
Heā€™s also very straightforward about letting you decide and following the lead after heā€™s already realized heā€™s into you
ā€œWould you like to have a chat with me?
Albedo: Certainly. Uh... I will let you decide the topic of our conversation.ā€
(again, the fucking second-hand embarrassment horror of the last dragospine eventā€™s painting lesson)
ā€œHeh, where should I begin...? In your company, I never lack inspirationā€
ā€œBy the way, after we're done. may I have the pleasure of inviting you to dessert with me? To continue our time together, and to thank you for your company.ā€
Albedo is not an easy, quick fun type, he's a long time, deep investment only. But in return, heā€™s very curious and open to experiments, doesnā€™t have any societal prejudices, very accepting of other pplā€™s oddities, artistic, deep-feeling, imaginative, with a quiet, but intense need for acceptance and praise.
He obviously wonā€™t be loud and expressive, but if heā€™s your type, effort spent on him can be very rewarding, he is the case where you can give the lightest touch and see it ripple through him like a hurricane.
It happens on a seemingly normal evening while you two are drinking tea with desserts in your room. Albedo tells you about his latest research project, or, if more precisely, about how Cyrus from the Adventurers Guild keeps interrupting it with his inane training activities on Dragonspine. For someone who doesnā€™t know him, heā€™d sound just politely dry, but you can read sarcastic exasperation in his tone, so you laugh and sympathetically pat his arm. Itā€™s a fairly innocuous gesture, but he suddenly freezes. You immediately take your hand away and apologize, remembering that he isnā€™t a very physical person, but he shakes his head, says that itā€™s okay. But when he tries to get back to his story, heā€™s clearly distracted and still thrown off balance, so you try to clear the air by promising to not do it again.
ā€œNo, Iā€™m not displeased. On the contrary,ā€ he says, throwing you an inquisitive glance askew. ā€œItā€™s a somewhat interesting development on aā€¦ matter thatā€™s been perplexing me for some time.ā€
ā€œHuh? And what is this matter?ā€ you ask, grinning, and are surprised to see Albedo, who is usually very straightforward even with the most direct questions when his curiosity is peaked, frown hesitantly.
ā€œWell, itā€¦ depends. Do you see me strictly inā€¦ ah, platonic capacity? Because in that case, I would prefer to not endanger our friendship and move on from the subject.ā€
ā€œOh?ā€ you smirk, raising an eyebrow and watch his pale sculpted cheeks color slightly as he avoids your gaze. ā€œNo, Iā€™d be interested in your otherā€¦ capacities.ā€
ā€œWell, in that case I think itā€™s fairly obvious that Iā€™m attracted to you.ā€
ā€œI wouldnā€™t call it fairly obvious, but do go on.ā€
ā€œThe attraction itself does not surprise me, of course. What I find perplexing is how disproportionately strongly my body reacts. If youā€™re not averse to the idea of physical interaction, I would like to see what direct skin to skin contact would feel like.ā€
You look over him, a slight blush on his cheeks, but bright blue eyes watching you intensely, and grin.
ā€œAnything for science, my prince.ā€
He nods seriously, starts unbuckling the clasps on the elbow-long glove on his right hand, but you donā€™t wait for him to finish, slide your fingers into the gap on his thigh between his high boots and shorts. He startles, almost jumping up, looks at you with wide opened eyes like a deer in headlights, and you lean in and kiss him. He makes a tiny surprised noise, but answers, a little awkwardly, leans into you.
When you move away, he sits there in stunned silence, blushing, one glove half-taken off, and shorts-pant rolled up, really looking like a prince who tries to find an etiquette- appropriate response to being ravished.
ā€œAre you okay?ā€ you ask softly.
ā€œYes. But I feel a little dizzy, Iā€™m not sure why.ā€
You smirk.
ā€œItā€™s probably a sudden redirect of a bloodflow.ā€
He looks down at his crotch, blushes brighter, but says calmly.
ā€œOh. That makes sense, I suppose.ā€
ā€œI guess this makes an experiment a success, huh?ā€ ā€œDo you want to go on?ā€
ā€œYes,ā€ he says without hesitation. ā€œBut I would like to have some time to prepare.ā€
You think that this ā€œtime to prepareā€ is just to mentally catch his breath, but when you walk back into the room after some time, you find him by the bed, completely naked, clothes folded neatly on the nearby chair.
You walk up to him slowly, smile, not wanting to spook him.
ā€œHey, are you sure youā€™re not moving too fast?ā€
ā€œDo not patronize me,ā€ he says firmly, narrowing his eyes. ā€œI am more than 400 hundred years old, I know biology, I know how sex works. The process itself is not complicated at all, itā€™s simply a matter of stimulating the appropriate organs and zones.ā€
ā€œOh, such a romantic,ā€ you smirk, moving to stand close to him, and he looks at you sternly, an interesting contrast to his stark naked body.
ā€œI didnā€™t involve other people because it seemed too much of a hussle to satisfy basic needs of the body when I can do it myself.ā€
ā€œThen why make an effort now?ā€
ā€œBecauseā€¦ā€ he pauses, looks away briefly and continues more slowly, measurely. ā€œOf the inappropriate reaction of my body to your touch. And because when I touched myself imagining you it felt much better than when I did without thinking of you.ā€
You raise your eyebrows at his admission, but he goes on, his voice frustrated.
ā€œIt makes no sense! It was the same hand and the same gesture, and yet it felt so much stronger. Why? The same stimulation should produce the same results, but it didnā€™t. And now your touch, even over the gloved hand, which should not even be a desired zone for stimulation, feels that much intense!ā€
You canā€™t keep away for longer, lean down, catching his mouth in a kiss. He moans, leans against you, his naked slender body trembling, arching when you run your hands down his spine, his cock already getting hard against your thigh. You push him down on the bed and he lets you, looks up at you with hazy, wide open blue eyes, wet lips half open, pink tongue showing, cheeks blushing, and heā€™s trying to hide his hard dick behind the half-closed pulled up knees. For a moment youā€™re tempted to take him right there, spread his legs and ram into him roughly, until he screams and loses his senses.
But itā€™s much more fun to play with him slowly, so you prop yourself on the bed next to him, catch his cheek in your hand, looking down at him with a smile.
ā€œYou have a theory on why, surely.ā€
He blinks a few times, swallows harshly and licks his lips, trying to stay in control..
ā€œYes, but Iā€™m not sure I should say it right now. I wouldnā€™t want to ruin the mood.ā€
ā€œThe mood we started with was experimental biology, I donā€™t know how you can ruin that,ā€ you smirk, but as he still looks anxious, soften your voice. ā€œBaby, if I didnā€™t want someone weirdly over-analytical, I wouldnā€™t go after you at all, donā€™t worry, you can talk.ā€
ā€œWell, itā€™s not directly correlated, but I think it works on similar principles. See, thereā€™s a difference between just a rendering of something, no matter how accurate, and art including the same object. In fact, an art piece does not have to be accurate at all. Iā€™ve struggled to identify it, but it is undeniable once you feel it. You may call it an inspiration in art, but itā€™s also that ephemeral and unspoken thing that separates home from the house, an acquaintance from friend, a string of words from poetry.ā€
ā€œOh, you *are* a romantic, huh,ā€ you smile and stroke his cheek. He makes a small noise and leans into your palm. You run your fingers slowly, lightly down his neck, over the curve of his collarbones to the beating pulse in the delicate hollow of his throat, and he shivers, arches under your touch, his breath catching. His body, pristine, touch-starved, reacts so strongly to the smallest stimulation, but even as affected as he is, he still watches you sharply.
ā€œDo you enjoy it, seeing the power you have over me now, how disproportionately I canā€™t help, but react?ā€
ā€œOf course. It makes playing with you so delicious. Donā€™t you like it?ā€ you slide your hand down his chest, thumb at the tender pink peak of the nipple and watch him squirm, his cock twitches against his belly and starts to leak.
ā€œIt's complicated,ā€ he says quietly, pressing his head against your shoulder. ā€œI enjoy the sensations, I feel excited and anxious about whatā€™s to come, but Iā€™m also acutely afraid to disappoint.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t worry, baby.ā€ you draw your hand down over his ribs, tensed up stomach, stroke teasingly at the lovely hipbones instead of finally touching his pulsing dick. Heā€™s just such a fun, responsive canvas to explore. ā€œYou canā€™t disappoint.ā€
ā€œOf course I can,ā€ he says incredulously, but then you slide your free hand into his fluffy, soft Ā hair, grip at the flaxen blond locks and pull, making him arch his throat with a helpless whine. You kiss the golden diamond on his neck and feel him tremble and swallow harshly under your lips.
ā€œThis mark is not more sensitive than the rest of my skin, and yet when I know you caress my imperfection, it wrecks me,ā€ heā€™s shaking in your arms, and yet his voice is calm, almost distant.
ā€œAlbedo, baby, the absolute most of humans would not look at this mark and think of it as ā€œimperfection.ā€ They would just think itā€™s cute.ā€
ā€œIs it a sign of how deep my differences run then if it feels important to me?ā€
ā€œBeing anxious about perceived flaws that no one else cares about is the most human thing imaginable,ā€ you answer softly and he chuckles, leans against you.
ā€œI canā€™t argue with that, Iā€™ve seen it too often. I suppose thereā€™s no such thing as perfection for a human.ā€
ā€œNo, there is.ā€
He watches you with a raised eyebrow, and you grin, lean down, finally covering his cock with your hand, catch a tiny, strangled sigh from his parted lips.
ā€œDonā€™t worry, youā€™ll get it. Iā€™ll make sure of that.ā€
You stroke him slowly, trying to prolong the pleasure, but he was too understimulated for far too long, too high-strung, he throws his arms around your shoulders, his hips rocking into your hand involuntarily, eyelashes fluttering over the glazed over eyes, and he comes with a short breezy moan.
You kiss him lightly, stroke him through it until his body relaxes under you, frantic breath slowing down.
ā€œAre you okay, little prince?ā€
He opens his eyes, and you can see him coming to his senses, the focus coming back into his gaze like a bright sharp edge of a scalpel.
ā€œYes. A little dizzy, but Iā€™m fine. You can go on.ā€
ā€œAre you sure youā€™re not too overwhelmed?ā€
His fingers dig into your shoulders just a little deeper.
ā€œNo. And I think Iā€™m forming a theory.ā€
ā€œOh? I have to hear this,ā€ you smirk, slide your hand between his legs to circle at his entrance.
ā€œAt first, I thought interaction with others was a waste of time, but now I realize I was wrong. Art canā€™t be created without inspiration, and inspiration has to come from interaction with the outside world,ā€ he whispers, quietly, but with conviction. When you slide your fingers inside him, he presses his cheek against yours, his quick breaths damp and hot against your skin, his disheveled soft hair tickling at your temple. ā€œA transformation can only be achieved through a reaction with a new reagent, and so the same with humans, a person can only change through the experiences obtained.ā€
You bury your fingers deeper, scissor and massage his walls until he opens up, his hips bucking up and cock getting hard again.
ā€œSee, baby, but if that reagent reacts like a human, then what does the origin of it matter?ā€
He looks up at you with a small, surprised smile, the sweetest and shiest youā€™ve ever seen on him, despite his trembling nakedness under you, the shameless spread of his legs, your fingers fucking into him and his pretty swollen dick twitching on his belly.
ā€œYou really think so?ā€
ā€œOf course, my prince.ā€
He arches to press an awkward, fervent kiss against your lips and moans when you slide your tongue against his.
ā€œPlease,ā€ he whines when you break up to catch the air. ā€œI need to feel this, pleaseā€¦ā€
You take your fingers out and slide your cock\strap into him, pressing into him slowly, giving him time to adjust, but even so, he feels so full. He moans, throws his arms over his head to grip at the bedsheets. When you start fucking him, it feels so good, but also like too much, like his body is too small to contain it, and so he instinctively tries to let out the excess of energy, the crystalline flower blooming under his fingers. But itā€™s not his usual, perfectly structured symmetrical construct, the delicate amber petals sprout wildly, disproportionately at all sides, shutter and form again like waves with every thrust. Soon the pulsing gold flower is covering the rest of the room with a helplessly writhing form of Albedo in the center, and the outside layers start losing the definition, turn into flickering white wings of the crystalflies. He shudders with each movement, small, breathless ā€œoh-oh-ohā€¦ā€ escaping his half-bitten lips, but he never takes his eyes off you, the bright aquamarine of the high, cloudless noon of the Dragonspine skies, sharp glow reflected off the untouched snow and the deep-glimmering ice.
ā€œI canā€™t take it anymore,ā€ he whispers weakly, barely audible, while the gold and white pulse of his flowers throw the flashing reflections on his body. ā€œItā€™s too much, maybe I was never meantā€¦ to feelā€¦ā€
ā€œShh, baby, itā€™s okay,ā€ you lean down, press the gentlest kiss to the corner of his open mouth, while fucking harshly into him, and he watches you hepleslly, intently. ā€œYouā€™re so beautiful and youā€™re doing so good for me. Just let go.ā€
He sees the way you look at him, the way you touch him, and finally he gets it, his body overripe, tension rippling on the cusp of revelation. When does a human feel perfect? Oh, but when someone sees them as such.
He arches in your arms and comes with a chocked scream, crystalized petals blooming all at once around you, and just for an endless moment, the chalk under his skin turns into gold.
891 notes Ā· View notes
rhine-gold-archive Ā· 2 years
sub! Albedo x Dom! GN! Reader
Warnings: not sfw, edging, first time, fingering, anal sex, long dialogs discussing metaphysics of human connection. Cock stands for cock\strap as usual.
A\N: very soft, almost didnā€™t want to tag as as dom! reader, but the dynamic is specifically pronounced. but give it a try even if youā€™re just into bottom Albedo.
Wordcount: 3k
Albedo might seem like cold and disaffected, but thatā€™s mostly Neurodivergency (TM)
Heā€™s extremely introverted and demi, heā€™s usually not interested in people at all and so comes off as curt and rude
But rarely, if he does form a connection, he very much quietly and intensely hyperfixates on it
ā€œI used to think interaction with others was a waste of time. But after meeting you, I'd rather spend my time on you than other matters.ā€
As you can tell from the quote and his general interaction with the traveler, heā€™s pretty open about his interest. Albedo has a mix of very quiet, shy social awkwardness in some situations, and almost clinically shameless directness in others.
Heā€™s lonely, but he wants very specifically someone who can see and understand him for what he is without flinching, and the people for whom the nature of his artificial creation would not change their demeanor towards him is who he tends to latch on.
While normally very precise and methodical, he can throw logic and principles out of the window when it comes to the person he really likes.Ā 
Like remember the last dragonspine event where he turned into an absolute spineless mush in order to fix traveler's ugly doodle without actually admitting that it's ugly.Ā 
They even specifically spelled out his thoughts to show that he does think it's ugly, while he's muttering out loud "no, its uh great, i mean i can maybe add a few embellishments if you would like me too".Ā 
He becomes clingy, but in an extremely introverted way. He would not initiate contact, but heā€™d aggressively, though in a very roundabout-way hint that he would like your presence (his story quests, esp the last scene of the latest dragonspine event)
And when you do choose to spend time with him, heā€™s very open about how he doesnā€™t really care what you do, as long as youā€™re together, and that he would like to prolong that time.
Heā€™s also very straightforward about letting you decide and following the lead after heā€™s already realized heā€™s into you
ā€œWould you like to have a chat with me?
Ā Albedo: Certainly. Uh... I will let you decide the topic of our conversation.ā€
(again, the fucking second-hand embarrassment horror of the last dragospine eventā€™s painting lesson)Ā 
ā€œHeh, where should I begin...? In your company, I never lack inspirationā€
ā€œBy the way, after we're done. may I have the pleasure of inviting you to dessert with me? To continue our time together, and to thank you for your company.ā€
Albedo is not an easy, quick fun type, he's a long time, deep investment only. But in return, heā€™s very curious and open to experiments, doesnā€™t have any societal prejudices, very accepting of other pplā€™s oddities, artistic, deep-feeling, imaginative, with a quiet, but intense need for acceptance and praise.
He obviously wonā€™t be loud and expressive, but if heā€™s your type, effort spent on him can be very rewarding, he is the case where you can give the lightest touch and see it ripple through him like a hurricane.Ā 
It happens on a seemingly normal evening while you two are drinking tea with desserts in your room. Albedo tells you about his latest research project, or, if more precisely, about how Cyrus from the Adventurers Guild keeps interrupting it with his inane training activities on Dragonspine. For someone who doesnā€™t know him, heā€™d sound just politely dry, but you can read sarcastic exasperation in his tone, so you laugh and sympathetically pat his arm. Itā€™s a fairly innocuous gesture, but he suddenly freezes. You immediately take your hand away and apologize, remembering that he isnā€™t a very physical person, but he shakes his head, says that itā€™s okay. But when he tries to get back to his story, heā€™s clearly distracted and still thrown off balance, so you try to clear the air by promising to not do it again.
ā€œNo, Iā€™m not displeased. On the contrary,ā€ he says, throwing you an inquisitive glance askew. ā€œItā€™s a somewhat interesting development on aā€¦ matter thatā€™s been perplexing me for some time.ā€
ā€œHuh? And what is this matter?ā€ you ask, grinning, and are surprised to see Albedo, who is usually very straightforward even with the most direct questions when his curiosity is peaked, frown hesitantly.
ā€œWell, itā€¦ depends. Do you see me strictly inā€¦ ah, platonic capacity? Because in that case, I would prefer to not endanger our friendship and move on from the subject.ā€
ā€œOh?ā€ you smirk, raising an eyebrow and watch his pale sculpted cheeks color slightly as he avoids your gaze. ā€œNo, Iā€™d be interested in your otherā€¦ capacities.ā€
ā€œWell, in that case I think itā€™s fairly obvious that Iā€™m attracted to you.ā€
ā€œI wouldnā€™t call it fairly obvious, but do go on.ā€
ā€œThe attraction itself does not surprise me, of course. What I find perplexing is how disproportionately strongly my body reacts. If youā€™re not averse to the idea of physical interaction, I would like to see what direct skin to skin contact would feel like.ā€
You look over him, a slight blush on his cheeks, but bright blue eyes watching you intensely, and grin.
ā€œAnything for science, my prince.ā€
He nods seriously, starts unbuckling the clasps on the elbow-long glove on his right hand, but you donā€™t wait for him to finish, slide your fingers into the gap on his thigh between his high boots and shorts. He startles, almost jumping up, looks at you with wide opened eyes like a deer in headlights, and you lean in and kiss him. He makes a tiny surprised noise, but answers, a little awkwardly, leans into you.Ā 
When you move away, he sits there in stunned silence, blushing, one glove half-taken off, and shorts-pant rolled up, really looking like a prince who tries to find an etiquette- appropriate response to being ravished.
ā€œAre you okay?ā€ you ask softly.
ā€œYes. But I feel a little dizzy, Iā€™m not sure why.ā€
You smirk.
ā€œItā€™s probably a sudden redirect of a bloodflow.ā€
He looks down at his crotch, blushes brighter, but says calmly.
ā€œOh. That makes sense, I suppose.ā€
ā€œI guess this makes an experiment a success, huh?ā€ ā€œDo you want to go on?ā€
ā€œYes,ā€ he says without hesitation. ā€œBut I would like to have some time to prepare.ā€
You think that this ā€œtime to prepareā€ is just to mentally catch his breath, but when you walk back into the room after some time, you find him by the bed, completely naked, clothes folded neatly on the nearby chair.
You walk up to him slowly, smile, not wanting to spook him.
ā€œHey, are you sure youā€™re not moving too fast?ā€
ā€œDo not patronize me,ā€ he says firmly, narrowing his eyes. ā€œI am more than 400 hundred years old, I know biology, I know how sex works. The process itself is not complicated at all, itā€™s simply a matter of stimulating the appropriate organs and zones.ā€
ā€œOh, such a romantic,ā€ you smirk, moving to stand close to him, and he looks at you sternly, an interesting contrast to his stark naked body.
ā€œI didnā€™t involve other people because it seemed too much of a hussle to satisfy basic needs of the body when I can do it myself.ā€
ā€œThen why make an effort now?ā€
ā€œBecauseā€¦ā€ he pauses, looks away briefly and continues more slowly, measurely. ā€œOf the inappropriate reaction of my body to your touch. And because when I touched myself imagining you it felt much better than when I did without thinking of you.ā€
You raise your eyebrows at his admission, but he goes on, his voice frustrated.
ā€œIt makes no sense! It was the same hand and the same gesture, and yet it felt so much stronger. Why? The same stimulation should produce the same results, but it didnā€™t. And now your touch, even over the gloved hand, which should not even be a desired zone for stimulation, feels that much intense!ā€
You canā€™t keep away for longer, lean down, catching his mouth in a kiss. He moans, leans against you, his naked slender body trembling, arching when you run your hands down his spine, his cock already getting hard against your thigh. You push him down on the bed and he lets you, looks up at you with hazy, wide open blue eyes, wet lips half open, pink tongue showing, cheeks blushing, and heā€™s trying to hide his hard dick behind the half-closed pulled up knees. For a moment youā€™re tempted to take him right there, spread his legs and ram into him roughly, until he screams and loses his senses.
But itā€™s much more fun to play with him slowly, so you prop yourself on the bed next to him, catch his cheek in your hand, looking down at him with a smile.
ā€œYou have a theory on why, surely.ā€
He blinks a few times, swallows harshly and licks his lips, trying to stay in control..
ā€œYes, but Iā€™m not sure I should say it right now. I wouldnā€™t want to ruin the mood.ā€
ā€œThe mood we started with was experimental biology, I donā€™t know how you can ruin that,ā€ you smirk, but as he still looks anxious, soften your voice. ā€œBaby, if I didnā€™t want someone weirdly over-analytical, I wouldnā€™t go after you at all, donā€™t worry, you can talk.ā€
ā€œWell, itā€™s not directly correlated, but I think it works on similar principles. See, thereā€™s a difference between just a rendering of something, no matter how accurate, and art including the same object. In fact, an art piece does not have to be accurate at all. Iā€™ve struggled to identify it, but it is undeniable once you feel it. You may call it an inspiration in art, but itā€™s also that ephemeral and unspoken thing that separates home from the house, an acquaintance from friend, a string of words from poetry.ā€
ā€œOh, you *are* a romantic, huh,ā€ you smile and stroke his cheek. He makes a small noise and leans into your palm. You run your fingers slowly, lightly down his neck, over the curve of his collarbones to the beating pulse in the delicate hollow of his throat, and he shivers, arches under your touch, his breath catching. His body, pristine, touch-starved, reacts so strongly to the smallest stimulation, but even as affected as he is, he still watches you sharply.
ā€œDo you enjoy it, seeing the power you have over me now, how disproportionately I canā€™t help, but react?ā€
Ā ā€œOf course. It makes playing with you so delicious. Donā€™t you like it?ā€ you slide your hand down his chest, thumb at the tender pink peak of the nipple and watch him squirm, his cock twitches against his belly and starts to leak.
ā€œIt's complicated,ā€ he says quietly, pressing his head against your shoulder. ā€œI enjoy the sensations, I feel excited and anxious about whatā€™s to come, but Iā€™m also acutely afraid to disappoint.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t worry, baby.ā€ you draw your hand down over his ribs, tensed up stomach, stroke teasingly at the lovely hipbones instead of finally touching his pulsing dick. Heā€™s just such a fun, responsive canvas to explore. ā€œYou canā€™t disappoint.ā€
ā€œOf course I can,ā€ he says incredulously, but then you slide your free hand into his fluffy, softĀ  hair, grip at the flaxen blond locks and pull, making him arch his throat with a helpless whine. You kiss the golden diamond on his neck and feel him tremble and swallow harshly under your lips.
ā€œThis mark is not more sensitive than the rest of my skin, and yet when I know you caress my imperfection, it wrecks me,ā€ heā€™s shaking in your arms, and yet his voice is calm, almost distant.
ā€œAlbedo, baby, the absolute most of humans would not look at this mark and think of it as ā€œimperfection.ā€ They would just think itā€™s cute.ā€
ā€œIs it a sign of how deep my differences run then if it feels important to me?ā€
ā€œBeing anxious about perceived flaws that no one else cares about is the most human thing imaginable,ā€ you answer softly and he chuckles, leans against you.
ā€œI canā€™t argue with that, Iā€™ve seen it too often. I suppose thereā€™s no such thing as perfection for a human.ā€
ā€œNo, there is.ā€
He watches you with a raised eyebrow, and you grin, lean down, finally covering his cock with your hand, catch a tiny, strangled sigh from his parted lips.Ā 
ā€œDonā€™t worry, youā€™ll get it. Iā€™ll make sure of that.ā€
You stroke him slowly, trying to prolong the pleasure, but he was too understimulated for far too long, too high-strung, he throws his arms around your shoulders, his hips rocking into your hand involuntarily, eyelashes fluttering over the glazed over eyes, and he comes with a short breezy moan.
You kiss him lightly, stroke him through it until his body relaxes under you, frantic breath slowing down.
ā€œAre you okay, little prince?ā€
He opens his eyes, and you can see him coming to his senses, the focus coming back into his gaze like a bright sharp edge of a scalpel.
ā€œYes. A little dizzy, but Iā€™m fine. You can go on.ā€
ā€œAre you sure youā€™re not too overwhelmed?ā€
His fingers dig into your shoulders just a little deeper.
ā€œNo. And I think Iā€™m forming a theory.ā€
ā€œOh? I have to hear this,ā€ you smirk, slide your hand between his legs to circle at his entrance.
ā€œAt first, I thought interaction with others was a waste of time, but now I realize I was wrong. Art canā€™t be created without inspiration, and inspiration has to come from interaction with the outside world,ā€ he whispers, quietly, but with conviction. When you slide your fingers inside him, he presses his cheek against yours, his quick breaths damp and hot against your skin, his disheveled soft hair tickling at your temple. ā€œA transformation can only be achieved through a reaction with a new reagent, and so the same with humans, a person can only change through the experiences obtained.ā€
You bury your fingers deeper, scissor and massage his walls until he opens up, his hips bucking up and cock getting hard again.
ā€œSee, baby, but if that reagent reacts like a human, then what does the origin of it matter?ā€
He looks up at you with a small, surprised smile, the sweetest and shiest youā€™ve ever seen on him, despite his trembling nakedness under you, the shameless spread of his legs, your fingers fucking into him and his pretty swollen dick twitching on his belly.
ā€œYou really think so?ā€
ā€œOf course, my prince.ā€
He arches to press an awkward, fervent kiss against your lips and moans when you slide your tongue against his.
ā€œPlease,ā€ he whines when you break up to catch the air. ā€œI need to feel this, pleaseā€¦ā€
You take your fingers out and slide your cock\strap into him, pressing into him slowly, giving him time to adjust, but even so, he feels so full. He moans, throws his arms over his head to grip at the bedsheets. When you start fucking him, it feels so good, but also like too much, like his body is too small to contain it, and so he instinctively tries to let out the excess of energy, the crystalline flower blooming under his fingers. But itā€™s not his usual, perfectly structured symmetrical construct, the delicate amber petals sprout wildly, disproportionately at all sides, shutter and form again like waves with every thrust. Soon the pulsing gold flower is covering the rest of the room with a helplessly writhing form of Albedo in the center, and the outside layers start losing the definition, turn into flickering white wings of the crystalflies. He shudders with each movement, small, breathless ā€œoh-oh-ohā€¦ā€ escaping his half-bitten lips, but he never takes his eyes off you, the bright aquamarine of the high, cloudless noon of the Dragonspine skies, sharp glow reflected off the untouched snow and the deep-glimmering ice.
ā€œI canā€™t take it anymore,ā€ he whispers weakly, barely audible, while the gold and white pulse of his flowers throw the flashing reflections on his body. ā€œItā€™s too much, maybe I was never meantā€¦ to feelā€¦ā€
ā€œShh, baby, itā€™s okay,ā€ you lean down, press the gentlest kiss to the corner of his open mouth, while fucking harshly into him, and he watches you hepleslly, intently. ā€œYouā€™re so beautiful and youā€™re doing so good for me. Just let go.ā€
He sees the way you look at him, the way you touch him, and finally he gets it, his body overripe, tension rippling on the cusp of revelation. When does a human feel perfect? Oh, but when someone sees them as such.
He arches in your arms and comes with a chocked scream, crystalized petals blooming all at once around you, and just for an endless moment, the chalk under his skin turns into gold.
753 notes Ā· View notes
fismoll7secinv Ā· 2 months
15 questions, 15 people:
I was tagged by dear @a-very-fond-farewell šŸ’šI hope you get your lobster sanctuary! šŸ’š
1. are you named after anyone?
2. when was the last time you cried?
I don't know, I don't really cry
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeah, quite casually in everyday life, but I try to tone it down
5. whatā€™s the first thing you notice about people?
I'm bad with faces, I might not recognise someone who's new to me after interacting with them every day for 2 weeks (based on a true story) xdd so what I notice at first is the overall vibe they present, which is a combination of their posture and body language, clothes and accessories, facial expressions etc. This doesn't tell absolutely accurately who they are, but it shows how they want to be perceived mixed with some unconscious elements they might not notice themselves, which is interesting to me
6. whatā€™s your eye color?
eh idk, people say they're blue when I'm in a blue pool, green when I'm among greenery, grey when it's a bit dark. I guess they're a subtle mixture that looks like nothing until there's something external that brings out one of the colors. it's a bit annoying tbh, so I usually just say grey
7. scary movies or happy endings?
i love horror, very high on my list of fav genres, but I also love happy endings, just not necessarily in horrors. In media other than horror I need HE or I feel down. So i'd say: both
8. any special talents?
I've had a music talent since I was little, couldn't understand how other kids didn't know how to play the flute or keep the rhythm. I've also heard various ppl say that I somehow know how to arrange things to be aesthetically pleasing, but I could never explain how to do it, it just looks better a certain way. A bit for drawing, considering how fast I improved compared to some other people, but I haven't pursued it farther than sketching. Sport comes pretty smoothly to me and my body, I've always been "the athletic girl"
I may sound like i'm bragging but i try to be objective for my own self. After all "talent" means nothing and is just bitterly wasted if you're not practising, so for me it can be more of a shameful thing that I let rot rather than something to be proud of. It's also so useless when teaching others, because you don't know how to explain shit when you do it intuitively, which tripped me a lot of times while trying to teach someone. Very annoying and sometimes isolating in a sense that you just vibe with yourself instead of sharing the experience with others
9. where are you born?
in a hospital
10. what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, taking care of plants, pen & paper rpgs, collecting weird trinkets and paintings, drawing, horror movies, detective stories, listening to podcasts
11. do you have any pets?
we have a dog but I moved out of my family home recently and the doggo stayed there, I still visit often and walk him, but it doesn't feel like he's really mine anymore :(
12. what sports do you/have you played?
I did gymnastics and horse-riding for a few years as a kid, used to jog in middle/high school, I also go on a trip to the mountains at least once a year to hike bc I'm obsessed with it. Recently I like to do yoga and fitness to bring my body to its limit and stretch all the pains that keep accumulating. I almost didn't move from my desk for over a year some time ago because i was too busy with uni, work and a few other big things, and it ended up in a neck injury that escalated to a few months of rehab. Now I move a lot so those nightmarish pain and several contusions don't repeat
13. how tall are you?
taller than most women and many guys
14. favourite subject in school?
all languages, math, biology
15. dream job?
neuroscientist, astronaut or pilot of small planes
I have no idea who did this already, feel free to ignore as always. Tagging @prommethium @miyakuli @still-gathering-roses @carmine-sunlight @wikipedie
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chiyoso Ā· 11 months
seeing other writers/mutuals who are so skilled at what they do talk about not getting support in their sfw, fluff and angst fics just piss me the fuck off, i'm genuinely so heated at the amount of old and new writers struggling because of new tumblr users
ik a lot of you readers like to read our smut fics/porn fics, but those writers, also talking abt only getting likes, instead of reblogs n interactions from those types of works as well is just so depressing that im starting to have this growing idea of what some to most readers are in tumblr
ill be the voice that other writers are hesitant and afraid to express:
LIKES are like a quick glance for us writers.
LIKES are like people who pass by us when we walk anywhere and everywhere.
LIKING is like telling us writers who take our time to write FREE shit for you; ā€œwe see it, we like it, but we will not do anything about itā€
LIKES will NOT get us writers anywhere in this app.
LIKES is like deafening SILENCE for us writers, crickets, ghosts, an eerie dark night.
LIKES arent similar to instagram, tiktok and other platforms. it is DIFFERENT in this platform. they dont mean jack shit.
LIKES are like a hit and dip shit scenario. one night stand, loveless sex, meaningless encounters.
i've seen so much amazing fics, nsfw or sfw have over almost 9k interactions, then i look to the reblogs count and see only a whopping 500 or so like THE FUCK? SCUSE ME? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RATIO?
if you're apart of the "ooh! i genuinely like this!" then only press likeā€”thank you, truly. we're glad you like our work, to gain your interest and your silent support, but i want to inform you simply liking doesn't help us in a technical sense, it doesn't help our blog, our reach, it doesn't help our blog grow.
and if you're one of the blogs who only likes, i genuinely don't know what's so trifling and difficult about reblogging and adding the pre-made tags for you to spam and get it over with. i do it and its so, so fucking easy.
i genuinely, genuinely don't understand the analogy as to why you can't just... press that helpful ass button beside the heart. please, someone, enlighten me behind the reasoning.
if you're a bot, fuck you.
will at least (without tags/comments) be seen by your following and increase our significance only slightly.
REBLOGS with # tags INCREASE our chances of being discovered by a fuck ton.
REBLOGS with tags MIXED with your comments HEAVILY motivate us, your thoughts about our WORK motivates us.
REBLOGS are so, so fucking relieving for us, and that relief has been addictive to those starved from support, especially to writers who are struggling OUTSIDE of their work/hobby/blog.
REBLOGS in a literal sense, mean so much more to us than likes. especially with your damn thoughts. the mere thought of taking your time into writing something FOR US and OUR CREATION is so fucking motivating, every positive input from you will be CHERISHED no matter what.
and the fact we have to beg for it, to speak out about it as of late...
god, i remember in full detail the day where i wrote my first story, it had only 200 interactions max, and most of them were only likes and a few reblogs, but my inbox was full of positivity, mixed in with a few shitty ones, but i pressed on because of SAID INTERACTIONS AND MY LOVE FOR WRITING.
to my mutuals and other writers; i fucking love you and your stories so much, sfw or not, the writing community has done so much for me mentally, and lots of fics have been healing me. god its my first time releasing such emotions into this blog, but yea, ive just had it from the amount of turmoil ppl have been causing into all of you, outside tumblr or not.
hhh fuck im so pissed ill stop it right here, stay safe and may your favorite characters kiss you goodnight
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sweetblossoms Ā· 2 years
saw your post abt rapunzel manipulating tim in their convo and god hard agree it Is concerning that so many ppl didn't see it. also crazy to me that ppl are mad at tim and defending rapunzel, saying that they would have taken the book too because tim was being rude etc. to me it seemed that both tim the character and ally the player Wanted to believe that rapunzel wasn't part of the plan and was good but just kind of strange, and both are successfully fooled. tim absolutely fumbles the interaction and ally could have played things better, but rapunzel was so clearly in charge of the conversation, leading him into saying worse and worse things and putting his foot in his mouth while tim was genuinely trying to be nice. tim is awkward and blunt and eccentric with Everyone, it's weird that ppl are saying he was being singularly rude to her or patronizing her or that he deserved to get the book taken. that interaction was clumsy as hell and so many words could have been chosen better but tim so clearly was trying so hard to fix his initial fuck up and be friendly w her in the same weird way he talks to everyone. I don't see how ppl came out of that scene on her side even if tim was a little rude and unfortunate w his word choice, and it's concerning to see ppl being like "ha take that stupid old man!!" abt the book being taken + in defense of a character we met an episode and a half ago and who we have been told outright is an expert at deceiving people. the princesses are so so interesting as characters and the morals going on are complex and that's a whole different conversation, but I feel like no matter whether you love rapunzel or not, ppl should be able to recognize that she was manipulating tim in that moment and taking advantage of his trusting disposition. not trying to start discourse in your ask box ofc!!! I've just seen No One Else express discomfort w rapunzel in that scene
anon this ask has been living in my head rent free since you sent it, i've been stewing over how to respond because y e s. for context, check out this post to save discourse on main (this is about to be a long one of fan critic analysis, get your popcorn and settle in if you wanna read, this is the longest post i've ever made), im gonna put my thoughts and response under a read more, sososo many spoilers under the cut read at your own risk
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These were all in the replies and tags and I want to reply to all of them bc they're all worthy of being talked about bc i feel like the majority of the fandom is almost scared to critique?? So like let's talk about it since nobody else seems to be taking this approach from what I can tell (thank you to you anon for being on my side as well as the rest of you who are screaming with me) I will begin by saying that my original post is not critiquing ally the player, or any of the other players. i understand that they were in that dome, filming a session of dungeons and dragons, and improv acting and roleplaying for many hours on end with back to back episodes. i kind of get ally and the rest of the table maybe just wanting to "hope for the best", especially ally as they are quite a "hope for the good in others" type of person. it's frustrating from a viewer perspective sure, but i totally dont blame anyone ever for making a "wrong" or "non-optimal" choice while playing a ttrpg, they just have the misfortune of being filmed while doing so. i myself have made tons of bag fumbles while playing dnd, even when i thought everything through ten times over. so anything i have said or will say forward isn't to put any shouldering on to the people playing these silly storybook characters, like, i Get It
What i do want to critique is the fan response, which is the more worrying one!!! like i said in my original post, i was surprised by my d20 watch buddy having a similar response to ally. the total "oh, maybe she's just quirky bc of the self isolation, maybe she's autism rep" approach. my friend, love her to death, is also one of those "sees the best in others and hope everyone is always aiming to be their best selves" type of person, very similar to ally. i came online after that episode expecting everybody on the fanbase level to be screaming with me in a "i told you so!!" way
instead. i came online and saw people just on the attack and the defense in absolutely skewed ways!! out of NOWHERE, all these fans have come on to post about how "tim was patronizing her, and thats why she stole the book" "wow i would have hated being called girly and honey as well" "wow these conversations really didnt go their way why was tim so mean to her :(" or the opposite of "rapunzel is the evilest person to ever exist bc xyz these princesses are evil villains" or "we need to protect these princesses bc they just didnt know any better uwu"
i feel like, on a fan level, me and you anon (+all these lovely folks in the notes of that post) were the only ones screaming "hold on, that is literally not the same media i just watched"
i've seen before a lot of people be like "wow, media literacy is at an all time low" and i never really understood that until i saw the reactions after that episode. as a fan or viewer watching any media, we have the privilege of seeing more about the media than the people who are creating it. that's the best joy of being a viewer, we get to sit back and spot those foreshadowing moments and bite our nails in suspense when the music goes creepy and see the artwork and overall, we have the privilege of catching vibes that maybe those acting in it do not. this leads to those bonding moments of "i told you so" "wow im biting my nails and pacing" "oh they're gonna REGRET that". and, an "oh my god no no no do not hug her she wants to take your book god now she's feeling you up with her hair she's looking for the book ROLL INITIATIVE!!!!". it leads to glorious moments of ~dramatic irony~, a literary term for literally when something is happening in a story and the readers can catch it, but the protagonist probably didnt bc they're not seeing the full picture. While watching, from my perspective, yeah it was frustrating to watch the player bag fumble turn after turn, but it's a game of dnd, they film so many back to back, they don't get the same experience as us. however.
brennan did a great job at dropping the foreshadowing, to the point of not even so much subtly foreshadowing, he DIRECTLY TOLD THEM rapunzel was a liar and uses her words as knives. like someone pointed out, the players even PAID for that information, with the golden bridle. by the time they met these princesses, they probably knew the most about rapunzel's true nature over all the other princesses, that she uses her charisma to her advantage. the players made their choice to do the diplomatic route, to split up and chat. ally did the right thing for picking rapunzel with tim's 19 charisma stat, it would have been charisma against charisma, and an even playing field for someone they have been explicitly told is a master of words and deceit.
as fans, we've seen these episodes edited and put back to back. clues are lined up in a row. was it frustrating to see ally playing tim in a naĆÆve way? sure. but tim's been pretty naĆÆve this whole time, so you could stack it up to a character choice. what's more frustrating is seeing the responses of viewers being blindsided by the book thieving and chalking it all up to "evil vs good" and rapunzel's choice shaking them to their cores.
by this point in the story, by the time you get to that episode, rapunzel already gave enough bad vibes with the talk of her charismatic deceits and with her hair everywhere spying on them. maybe that last one wasn't explicitly stated, but it was heavily implied to the point of gerard writing the plans on a note instead of wanting them said out loud by elody, a scene that happened way before tim's. by the time we see rapunzel get to the kitchen, she is INSTANTLY catty. someone described her on the post as "eldritch regina george" and. yes. exactly. eldritch regina george. from our privileged spot as a viewer, rapunzel comes in, puts on the fake smile, puts on her fake tone, and says "what are you doing in here? :)". she was already ready to fight timothy. that first sentence was hostile. she was OFFENDED and checking on tim to make sure mother goose wasn't counter-spying. i honestly didnt think that would have to have been explicitly stated, she was in attack mode and plastered the fake smile for a show so that she had the upperhand in the conversation that was about to happen. this is something that fans should have at least caught on to right off the bat, we've been explicitly told that she is fake more than she is honest for the sake of being a "performative person"
the conversation happens, and she starts becoming more verbally hostile. "i dont know, what SHOULD we do hehe. it's ruined now :)" "no use in crying over spilt milk *pours milk with hair on the floor with a smile* oh no :)" "...or if it was on purpose :/ :)" "why dont you go get a mop :)" "i chose to be charming :)"
every sentence she replied with was carefully chosen. as viewers, we can watch brennan's face in full clarity of intimidation. we can have the knowledge that has been provided to not trust rapunzel as she is a charismatic spy who has words for knives. in my opinion, even without those clues before now, her show that she put on in the kitchen should have been enough as is to show that she is acting maliciously and with hostility. the smile is there as to not incite physical violence on tim's part bc then it would make TIM look like the bad guy if he attacked first. by the time she goes in for the hug. im sorry. but ally the player should have caught that, the whole table should have caught that, and-more importantly-the fans should have caught that. we all watched the same thing. we have all been told the same information. to purposefully ignore all of the red flags just to pull a "well tim was kind of mean and patronizing, and rapunzel doesnt have social skills from being locked in a tower, i forgive her, wow i didnt see that coming" is absolutely *batshit*
the lack of people catching on is what concerns me. i've met TONS of people growing up (sorry here, im all for women's wrongs, but mainly cis-girls tbh) who act like rapunzel does. from middle school and high school bullies/mean girls. mean girls at college. from parents or teachers or bosses. from normal adults in my life. they always have the same tone and inflections in the same places. the same faces with the wrinkled nose. the same sickly sweet smile. brennan played rapunzel, a known manipulator, perfectly. to a T. he embodied it fully. people JUST LIKE RAPUNZEL walk amongst us every day. i can guarantee you that even these fans that didnt catch it have met people like rapunzel in their own lives.
rapunzel is a character yes, but she is a character that mimics a masterclass manipulator. she IS the mean girl, the regina george. it leaked out of her every word, tone, and inflection. every single thing told about her and shown was, in no world, some "uwu the sweet bean was locked in a tower and doesnt have social skills". that was her origin, her start point. just like sleeping beauty locked in a castle, snow locked in her coffin. rapunzel directly says "i chose to be charming. :)." she had her origin of no social skills, her sad origin of being locked in isolation in her tower, and said "this is my greatest flaw, so i am going to dedicate my life to improving this skill bc it's what stopping me from achieving my goals." she trained her social skills to be good. too good. so good that she hopes nobody will catch her sweet charming self in the act of malicious intentions. this. was. directly. stated.
it worries me on a psychological level of the fans. yes it shows a lack of media literacy, something is frustrating on a fan-to-fan level. it shows a lack of ability of critical thinking. it shows a lack of ability to participate in dramatic irony, a necessary literary device to instill tension into a horror campaign. but also, and to what is probably my main point in this novel long hot take: it has real world implications. mean girls like rapunzel are a guarantee in life. i'm sorry, but it's true. maybe the person acts differently, maybe they aren't as obvious or more obvious. but these people walk amongst us. they use the same tone and same cadence to their words. these manipulators see what they want, and devise a way to convince the person into giving them what they want. rapunzel did not use the Charm Person spell, or the Friendship spell. She used. her words. like a normal human being. and by doing so, we as the fans were able to catch on and should have had a moment of "RUN GOOSE, RUN AWAY, NO DONT LET HER HUG YOU". but instead, a lot of people turn a blind eye to these manipulators in their lives. they pull a "aw but they have a tragic backstory, they're just confused and need love :/" "they cant be THAT bad..." they see a sweet little smile on the face and an upticked tone of voice, and go "well, they're playing nice, so now i have to play nice bc otherwise im the bad guy here" which!!! you do not!!
this is exactly how manipulators worm their ways in, this is what ALLOWS manipulation to work in its various forms. it's how people get trapped in abusive relationships. it's how people get scammed. on a personal end, i lived a narcissistic manipulator for a long time growing up, and it was exhausting. once you could put down the rose colored glasses and see right through the act, you notice how every inch of their mannerisms are performative. everything they say and do comes with the caveat of them wanting something from you and are trying to butter you up in the meantime. if you catch and call onto it, they IMMEDIATELY turn on you, they sneer and retreat to their next target who it will fool. the cycle continues, the next target is selected.
on a fan level, if we as fans cannot play into dramatic irony as a practice, if we cannot exit our seats of mind to catch on to those "eldritch regina george" quirks at the bud in a piece of fictional media where the puzzle has been handed on a silver platter, then there is a l o t more work to be done on 1) general media literacy 2) ANY fandom perception on media and 3) general awareness of how to spot and deal with manipulators in real life. if you can't catch on to it in a silly fictional ttrpg media, how do you expect to catch on to it in real life? how many of these same fans are trapped in manipulative relationships around them? how many more will they fall for bc of the "oh no but they have tragic backstory so it's forgiven uwu"? as fans, you cant sit there in the same breath saying that tim was condescending to rapunzel and then follow it up with not noticing what was ACTUALLY happening in real time. if you wanna say that rapunzel was ALLOWED to be a manipulator because of her origin, what other manipulators are you defending in your real life? how many of these manipulators continue their tricks BECAUSE they know naĆÆve people exist and will fall for it? how many have been enabled in the same cycle bc it worked on one so it'll work on the next?
i wish i had a fun way to conclude this absolutely massive chunk of fandom critique gibberish, but i just dont. i wish i could find a more comprehensive way to scream about this, so take this post as me SCREAMING about this, anon my dm's are open if we wanna rant some more
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l0v3lett3rs4u Ā· 2 months
Ee- sorry for buggin tryna get used to tumby and meet new ppl! Hi I'm ivory! Tryna get used to people here haha- My fwb recommended me this app.. any tips please?
Yes, yes of course!! Don't hesitate to pop into my asks, I appreciate questions!!
Blog tips:
Have a welcome/intro post pinned to your blog! Your bio is good for explaining things in small details and giving a small run over, but your intro will go more in depth about yourself, your blog, and anything you might want to cover! (Ex: pronouns, gender, sexuality, fandoms, hobbies, links to your websites/accounts, etc etc!) There are plenty of things you can do with your profile, like using a website for cool symbols (type: kawaii emoticons into a search engine!), adding pretty gifs to your posts, coloring the text, and some blogs make banners to use in your own posts!
This is a 'me' thing, but I like to have the colors of my profile picture, banner, and blog (background and accent) to match, it pulls the aesthetic you're going for together, whether that be chaotic neons or easy in the eyes pastels. (Or anything, really!)
Random posts about your day, rambles, or even just small tidbits about your interests are also fun to look at, and read! I find myself drawn to blogs who share 'what ifs', or head canons about their fandoms. (I'm a sucker for head canons and AU's!)
Find what you're wanting to post. Do you want to post art? Writing? Random thoughts at three in the morning? You most definitely don't have to stick to one thing or medium, experiment a little with what you want to do! Adding tags to your posts will get it more traction than without, don't be nervous to add some fun tags!
Interacting tips:
I tend to leave likes rather than comments, unless I have any questions or just want to point something out! Other than that, I'll reblog things I relate to, and sometimes add my own comments onto them as final thoughts or just agreeing with the original poster!
Mutuals!! While not being a necessity, I find having people to interact with and talk to daily fun! People--i will admit--are scary. But go express yourself, comment, reblog, you might find yourself a group of people you click with! Remember: we are all just people online disregarding the 'stranger danger' rule.
Checking out someone's profile before you follow them is how you should usually go about things, they might have an intro post of their own that states boundaries. There might be certain things they don't want others to do, or don't want certain people to interact.
I think that this is it? Maybe I went a little overboard lmao, if you have any other questions about the tips above, comment on this, send in another ask, or my DMs are open! Welcome to Tumblr!
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br1ghtestlight Ā· 1 year
Hi hello, I just wanted to say how much I adore your account because all of your Bob's Burgers opinions are completely correct. Yes. You are wonderful. ALSO, YOU ARE THE AMAZING PERSON WHO WROTE THE GENDERFLUID GENE FANFICTION YES. IT IS SO ADORABLE AND MADE ME SQUEAL, DEFINITELY ONE OF MY FAVORITES.
Thank you for bringing the Autistic Bob headcanon to my attention šŸ‘šŸ¼
Do you perhaps have any headcanons about Autistic Bob, because it makes me absolutely feral šŸ‘€
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! :D this actually means a lot bcuz i always feel like im annoying people by posting so much on this account and spamming the tag im just very passionate about. burgers (and thank u for reading my genderfluid gene fanfiction i poured my entire heart and soul into it haha)
he is so bad at talking to ppl its very stressful because he doesn't understand social cues and people always assume he hates them?? bcuz he isnt very expressive and his words get misinterpreted so people he's talked to like once think that he hates them and he's an asshole so they treat him like garbage, but in reality he's a very loving and passionate and kind person he just doesnt express that very well :(
he wasn't very good at making friends when he was in school (and still isnt) like obviously socializing was hard bcuz of the restaurant and his mom but even outside of that he just Didn't understand other kids and they knew something was weird/different about him and treated him badly even if he didnt understand why, he was very trusting as a kid and fell for people's jokes and tricks a lot of the time bcuz he didnt question them which lead to him being pretty cynical as an adult
bob being autistic is 100% a genetic thing he inherented from big bob but neither of them would ever admit this and they both just think its a personality quirk, it is not
his special interest is cooking and he absolutely LOVES talking abt different recipes and ingredients he uses, he's usually good at controlling himself but if you get him talking about cooking he will not ever stop (linda actually loves this and actively encourages it by asking him questions especially when they first started dating bcuz she thought he was cute and otherwise he didnt talk about himself very much)
bob gets stressed out very easily and likes having control of things in his kitchen especially when he first started his restaurant bcuz he had a specific routine for everything, then he had kids and linda running around everywhere and he got a lot better at dealing with last-minute changes and stress LOL he still prefers cooking by himself though and his control freak tendencies tend to come out around the holidays (he definitely tries not to be Like That because he doesnt want to turn out like his father)
sometimes when the restaurant is busy bob will get overwhelmed and linda will tell him to take a break and go to the employee bathroom to calm down while she handles everything, he's very lucky that he married someone who thrives off chaos and craziness bcuz he would not survive without her
bob is the only person in their family who actually reads books its not very often, but he enjoys reading books about the cooking process and memiors written by professional chefs :) linda thinks that its extremely nerdy but she loves him and she thinks its cute when he reads before bed she calls him her little professor
bob doesn't stim very often bcuz he's good at masking (kinda) and he isnt very expressive in general but if he's really excited about something he'll start bouncing on his feet when he talks until he notices what he's doing and then he's embarrassed, he also mostly does vocal stims when he's anxious/upset lots of groaning just like tina and he repeats things somethings (especially recipes that he has memorized)
when bob has meltdowns (not very often) they usually come out as anger and he starts screaming at everybody and just being annoyed by everything and he's kinda awful to be around until he calms down, everyone in his family knows that he didnt mean it and that he was just stressed out and they're more worried about him than anything bcuz he doesn't typically lash out like that
bob learned the napkin trick he used with gene in the laser show episode when he was a kid bcuz he used to get stressed out while working at his dad's restaurant and the loud noise did not help, his dad wasnt totally understanding but he would let bob take a break if he needed it especially during busy days he would typically work in the kitchen
this is just canon but bob is awful with talking to customers which is why linda and the kids are usually the servers LOL he has absolutely no social skills and he feels like he always says the wrong thing and misses social cues and he comes off as cold and antisocial, if a customer comes back often enough like teddy he'll be more open to talking to them bcuz he knows them but otherwise he usually stays in the back of the restaurant and cooks (this is also why tina wasn't allowed to serve the customers when she was younger but after she asked her dad about it he said that she was allowed as long as she didn't try too hard to make conversation with them)
bob sees a lot of his younger self in tina which is something he absolutely refuses to look deeper into but she's a lot more social and confident than he ever was and she has way more friends than he did at her age (this is almost certainly something she got from her mom)
bob is usually okay around linda and the kids bcuz they're his family and he's used to them and doesnt feel as stressed out or anxious when he's around them, but sometimes he just cant deal with anyone and the kids annoy him with constant questions and loud noises so linda takes the kids out for the day and bob gets to relax at home and watch old western movies idk (this was a lot more common when the kids were younger bcuz now he can just ask them to leave him alone and they'll go to their rooms or whatever) but he's always happy when his family comes home <3
linda will occasionally drag bob out to social events or parties (especially when they were younger amd had more energy/no kids) but she also knows his limits and will come up with the perfect excuse to leave right as he's getting overwhelmed, he doesnt mind going to parties with her because of his (except family parties because they are a lot. he usually just stays home with the kids)
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deathfavor Ā· 7 months
@deiscension said: holding a mic out for the commentary you mentioned in the tags of your last reblog
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You are opening a can of worms. A bucket in fact. But i shall take them and go fishing and chatter away to the wind. ( And break it down muse wise so ppl can skip muses they don't care about. )
So by FAR, those who relate to that the strongest are Lamia, Ling Wen, and Seiroku
He Xuan and Earl are more middle
Izana is the least but not for the reasons you might think. And as a bonus I'll mention Sekhmet bc she's interesting for why she ISN'T despite being vengeful.
I'll put this under a read more because this is turning out very long, way longer than I anticipated.
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LAMIA does NOT forgive. She is the epitome of resent and remember if you've done wrong to her. She WILL hate you and she WILL enjoy your suffering. In fact, she probably purposefully has made your suffering worse. Go to hell might be too nice of a way out. Why not suffer here and THEN go suffer in hell for all eternity? She'll make sure she makes you suffer more when she gets to hell too. ( She's under no illusion she'd end up anywhere else if there is an afterlife. )
LING WEN also is very vindictive. It's beating a point to a pulp but we SAW what she did with annihilating Jing Wen's existence. ( And with help from Pei Ming in the process of destroying + her terrorizing his followers. ) Ling Wen.....does not forgive. Granted, those around her never would apologize. Not really. Pei Ming and Shi Wudu are probably the only exceptions and SOLELY because she knows if they did something, it was not on purpose and their apology would be sincere. Anyone else though?? Absolutely not. They can go through the agonies of feeling their very souls destroyed and she will sit with a cold, uncaring expression even if she does greatly enjoy seeing those who've wronged her or made her suffer now suffering.
AT THE SAME TIME !! Ling Wen has a hard time with herself after book 5 (or 8 or whatever the official is listen i follow the pre-official release versions okay) but when she essentially keeps her job because......literally no one else can run the Heavenly Realm and all the paperwork and such. Truly success is a burden. But in all seriousness, especially with Pei Ming......his forgiveness to her is a bitter pill. She never wanted HIM to suffer, she even invited him to their side in the final battle just to ensure he'd be safe. He forgives her and moves past it, but I think Ling Wen has a hard time. She never hurt him, she never wanted to hurt him, but being on opposing sides was hard. Mercy & Forgiveness can be HARD to swallow. ( Tbh i can ramble forever about this but i think this makes my point. Her rejection of forgiveness also is a sword over her own head. )
SEIROKU is interesting because in general, this only applies to Bushi. He can never forgive the Bushi as a whole, as a group. A lot of this comes from his personal experience, and it cemented itself as a core part of his personality. Especially after he died and his heart was replaced with the Black Hearts that amplify desires ; his is revenge and death to all Bushi. As a whole, Seiroku will always hate Bushi. The Date clan is the EXCEPTION, not the rule. When it comes to someone who isn't a Bushi though, Seiroku can be forgiving. He's not often in a situation where he needs to, but anyone else - a farmer, a seamstress, whoever, he is more inclined to forgive. So Brittney, why is he on the strongest? Because Seiroku's held this hatred and unforgiving attitude to the Bushi for over 100 years now. He WON'T let it go, at this point, he CAN'T let that intense hatred go.
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HE XUAN is in the middle because if you are important to him, he can forgive. He might remember, he might put distance, but he CAN forgive. Especially when he cares about you. It might take time, he needs to think about it and mull it over, and the person needs to put in effort to show they genuinely are apologetic and deserve his forgiveness. His forgiveness comes in incriments. The potential is there. But he DOES lean heavily towards strongly relating.
He Xuan cannot forgive the crimes against him, his family, his fiancƩe. All who suffered not because of their fortune, not because THEY did anything wrong, but because HE XUAN'S fate was stolen. And their fates were tied with his. In truth? This is one of the most painful and intense sources of pain from He Xuan. He could have endured prison, an agonizing death, being broke, he could have endured countless sufferings. He might have been angry, but he wouldn't have been as powerful of a ghost as he ended up becoming. But BECAUSE the fact is that all of the people he loved suffered EXCRUCIATING fates because of his fate being stolen, his anger grew into something extremely intense. It didn't JUST effect him. It affected the people he cared about most. He became entirely hellbent on revenge despite having no clues for a long time. He can never forgive Shi Wudu.
And I think a part of him will always resent Shi Qingxuan. Despite it not being SQX's fault, there's a bitterness because, theoretically, had SQX's family listened, SWD and SQX would have still lived good lives because of family wealth. He Xuan was born into extreme poverty even BEFORE the fate switching. And it's not SQX fault but how can he not suffer and subconsciously resent knowing this person having HIS fate is why those he's loved perished in horrible ways? That SQX gets to laugh and enjoy life while blissfully unaware none of it is deserved? He genuinely does intend to never cross paths again if he can help it by the end.
EARL also is heavily towards the strongly agreeing side. He is a very distrustful person as it is, everyone around him knows it. It's important; his wariness and distrust has helped keep Legion powerful and ahead of all the other gangs and groups. He's always steps ahead of everyone else for this very reason. He gives his trust to very few. And if he gives it and you break it? It's over. He will not give it again. Earl may trust in someone's SKILL or an ABILITY or TALENT, but he will not trust THEM as a person. Go to hell indeed, he's never letting them close.
There are very few exceptions to this. Horo and Zoya are primarily the only two that he could change this. Because ultimately, he cares for them more than most other things. Horo is, genuinely, what Earl cares about above all else. Above Legion, above Zoya, he might not seem like it and people might never guess it, but Earl would do anything for his little sister. He really is a good big brother like that. If she did something....Earl could forgive her. He might be upset, but he could and would forgive. And the same goes for Zoya. He is more likely to express his anger or displeasure, but there's very few things she could do that would make him not be able to forgive her. Anyone else would be very heavily dynamic dependent. Earl can trust and care a lot, but he can also turn cold and abandon it if the trust break truly is something severe. ( Something silly however he might be annoyed but not care about. He WILL remember it though if you try to prank him. Few have ever succeeded. )
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IZANA KUROKAWA is the least in agreement with this, but not for the reasons you think. Simply put? Izana doesn't trust people to begin with. There are VERY, VERY, VERY few people he genuinely trusts, and even that can fluctuate with how stable his mental state it. I would say MAYBE two at most are who he trusts. So if you fuck up? It's over. Izana will ANNIHILATE you - there won't be anything left to grant forgiveness to. Izana genuinely has no comprehension for people's limits. At 12 he hurt people so bad they were permanently disabled - kids and adults - as revenge. Not to mention what Izana drove the ringleader of the group that attacked him to do. He'll send you to hell personally. He's the least in agreement solely because you wouldn't be around TO be forgiven. He doesn't want you around and no one is going to disobey him.
SEKHMET is the most interesting to me tbh. Because as a goddess, if you piss her off, she WILL curse your entire bloodline for the entire length of its existence. Changing names doesn't change your blood, it will follow you and she will make sure the curse is effective thousands of years later. She's a VERY vengeful goddess if you earn her wrath. You will pray for oblivion because everything truly will be suffering.
But Brittney, then why is she not included?
For the same reason: Because she's a goddess. If you give enough quality offerings to her, if you do great feats in her honor or attribute them to her, if you celebrate immensely, beg and plead and praise her above others - she will forgive you. Maybe not YOU, but she will remove the curse from the rest of your bloodline, so your children and grandchildren and so on will not suffer because of you. THAT is mercy from a god. If you TRULY dedicate everything to her, if you are skilled enough, she might remove a curse from you herself, turn you into a champion for her and ensure glory to you and her name. This is mercy from a god. Sekhmet's wrath is on a WHOLE different level from humans or even from someone like He Xuan's wrath, but she ultimately can be appeased and grant a god's definition of forgiveness. Remember; she is a goddess. A god and a mortal's definition of forgiveness may not be the same, but it is still forgiveness.
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cringelordofchaos Ā· 10 months
You asked Berry this so I am asking YOU out of spite for not asking ME
uhmm ill be my own attorney in the court; in my defense, your honour, i saw berry reblog a post specifically about sonic sexuality headcanons and berry shared their hcs in the tags but also put in the tags abt how their 'headcanons may change'. and i wanted to see if their headcanons changed so i asked them
uhh these r all pretty much identity + nd hcs so sorry if u were lookin for more
(edit:wait actually im gonna sort this into two parts:: queer + nd headcanons and then like. backstory and personality hcs)
SONIC: adhd, used to hc him as bi ace but fuck it hes romance repulsed oriented aroace, also me likes the idea of him being genderqueer in some way, moreso specifically either transmasc nonbiney or transmasc trigender. also adhd (side note i heard someone sayhe couldnt possibly have adhd cuz "he can focus on missions" and. wjhat.) also maybe ptsd from thecountless traumatic experiences hess had to endure
AMY: sappho. i have also adhd'ed her in the past but im not so sure npw. i also saw someone hc her as bipolar and thas valid
TAILS: i know he can definitely represent as an autistic stereotypce but look at him :(( (but i genuinely think his backstory is sort of a metaphor for the nd experience. and also i think theres a lot of things that may make him autistic codedthough albeit many of them r stereotypical). special interest in engineering
KNUCKLES: bisexual as ffffff, though he doesnt give a shi abt labels
and ofc STTICKS:: demirose lesbiian. . also female but she rlly doesnt care abt gender. also autistci mayhaps
now for the more interesting hcs:
SONIC: something traumatic happened to him that made him scared of water in the first place, thas for sure methinks. he also just doesnt really show his negative emotions and he moreso just tries to 'dealw it' instead. i have headcanoned this for years as many others have and it appears to be somewhat canon in frontiers which is pretty great. he plays the electric guitar and is a pretty skilled singer and yeah. chilli dawgs r his comfort food....... loves rock electric and heavy metal and sometimes listens to it on his runs. pretty comfortable w being independent . also this is not a headcanon but i dont think his idw iteration is that out of character. he sees pretty much everyone (rivals and frenemiesalike) as friendos
AMY: has some form of abandonment issues which is what makes her as clingy as she is. generally used to feel left out and misunderstood from sonic n others in games like adventure and adventure2 but their relationshipsget better. listen. listen i heard someone on tumblr hc amy having abandonment issues and it hasnt left my miind since. she used to feel embarrassed by herself and her personality but became much more expressive of herself as time went on bc she starrted feeling more accepted. DEFINITELY writes fanfiction and fancomics and draws fanart and likes theatre(this is canoon actually). has meetings w the girlsTM where she just reads their fortune n everything. she also said in one game that she aspires to BE LIKE sonic and i have hcs abt that as well. can b mischievious and sneaky. has a tarot card reading BUSINESS this girl earns money for this !! shes very magiical girl bc she can pull her hammer out there, tell the future, turn invisible, has a 'sonic snese' but this is not a headcanon this is canon. plays the violin. loves to create fun outfits. into knitting and crocheting. . yeah i have more
TAILS: he can get pretty insecure of himself at times, heholds high expactations of himself and feels like if he doesnt meet them he might as well be a failure. ooopslol. he also hates when ppl misinterperets who he is as a person and when they undermine how skilled he is. he sometimes doesnt really let others know how he feels and hides it w a positive attitude. his gizmo is his comfort item. sonic was his first friend. the reason why he acted cocky in lost world and constantly pointed out how they shouldnt trust eggman (although it was super ooc) is bc of how insecure he was and he felt like sonic didnt trust himenough. and he feels bad abt it. hm. he also likes to draw sometimes and is generally skilled and precise, partly bc he has to draw blueprints for his creeations. one of them orphans. wags his tails/unintentionally starts flying when hes excited (stimming woag). hes not really SCARED of thunderstorms but they ARE a sensory nightmare for hiim (loud, bright/0). sonic sort of 'taught him how to make friends'. he still has cosmo in the form of a plant inside his house. he has many bunkers/ Sometimes he has a hard time accepting help (inherited from his older brotherlol). his tails are an nd allegoryOK ILL SHUT UP NOW
KNUCLES: icoud rambllea lot about him whenever im in the mood especially when i seeppl misinterperet him but i dont really have much HEADcanons bc everything i say abt him is canon
STICKS: ok this is gonna sound wild and its definitely not original but. she has abandonment/truusst issues relatedto her former parents that have something to do w the government which is one of the reasons she became so hateful of th egovenrment. dont ask (actually do if you want to). generally feels free to be herself but there are times when she feels ashamed of her wild side ig you couldcall it. very creative.
the reason why theres not shadow even though hes one of the more popular ones is bc im just not obsessed w him at the moment sorry :(
I HAVE MORE but these are all FOR NOW
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ohgodimafraud Ā· 1 year
snzfet discourse/setting boundaries
This has been bothering me for such a long time, but I havenā€™t had the time to sit down and write it out, so if youā€™re not interested in snzfet discourse pls move on. Thatā€™s also the theme of this post.
Last month (I think?) I saw a thread about hot takes being taken down by a few people who were saying itā€™s ruining their safe space. The replies on the thread were like ā€œhot take I like mess.ā€Ā ā€œHot take I hate mess.ā€Ā ā€œHot take, I hate baby talk in fics.ā€Ā ā€œHot take I like stifles or hate them.ā€Ā ā€œHOT TAKE I LIKE THE CHOO BETTER TTHAN THE AHHHā€Ā 
It was people literally expressing their opinions and personal preferences. And people became angry and personally offended.
We are all adults here. If you have problems setting boundaries for yourselves, that is a YOU problem. You donā€™t get to harass others into taking down a harmless post about general preferences and possibly unpopular opinions. Two people saying they donā€™t prefer a long buildup or some shit when 60+ other ppl like it should not cause extreme drama. I donā€™t know who these people think they are likeĀ ā€œI feel upset by a topic bc of my own personal issues so YOU and EVERYONE ELSE are the problem.ā€Ā 
Itā€™s one thing to say hey can we please tag emet in this community since itā€™s a big trigger for many ppl. Thatā€™s so reasonable. Can we tag mental health stuff. Can we tag the panorama discussion. Whatā€™s not okay is to say, hey can you not say your personal opinion on Ah Choo bc it makes me feel sad :/ Thatā€™s called like scroll past.
I think people donā€™t understand what setting boundaries is. Itā€™s not telling people what to post. Itā€™s saying to yourself, this upsets me and I will scroll past. I will mute these tags. Maybe I will block this blog for a week. It is your responsibility as a fully grown adult to do this, and if you canā€™t, then probably you should seek help. iā€™m in therapy it does gr8 things. I literally hear family members talking about the most queerphobic things constantly and have to set my boundaries by leaving the space or putting in headphones. I donā€™t want to hear that someone saying i like cough sneezes makes you feel icky inside and the person who said they like it is EVIL
This is tumblr. Everyone is entitled to having their own blog with their own posts, thoughts, stories, and opinions.This is not the sneeze fetish forum. (Also even the sneeze fetish forum had a snake pit for venting and objectively I have never seen anything like that happen on snzblr.) If you want a moderated space, go to the forum. I was a mod for like 5+ years, and there has always been some sort of preference topic, likes/dislikes, turn ons/off topic on the forum. This is nothing new. I swear to god my brain cells were killing themselves reading the discourse around such a mundane topic. Literally go touch grass.
You make your own safe space by following people you like, by contributing positively to the community, by blocking content you donā€™t like. You make this space unsafe for others when you dogpile them into deleting their content.
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ki-flor Ā· 1 year
Hi I just wanted to say I have no connection to either side of this war and itā€™s awful what is happening to both sides and judging by your posts you do have a personal connection to this (? Correct me if Iā€™m wrong pls!) Iā€™ll be honest and say Iā€™ve filtered tags and phrases to do with everything bc quite honestly I donā€™t understand all the fine, complicated details and also I come to tumblr to chill and not constantly see all this pain but I understand how that isnā€™t as easy to do for others who are more connected with this. Iā€™m absolutely all for free Palestine what theyā€™ve endured is awful and of course anyone with one brain cell can understand thereā€™s a difference between the innocent civilians and the actual terrorists/government making this worse. Same for Israel. Thereā€™s tons of innocent civilians who have done nothing wrong but be part of a generation born in Israel and again the Israeli government is not its innocent people. To me personally, I read Noahā€™s post as one of frustration that what is being lost here is the innocent lives being taken. He has family and friends there and itā€™s people of his faith who are being murdered - ofc heā€™s going to be upset and worried. I also personally didnā€™t read it as him calling all Palestinians terrorists.. he differentiates between the innocent and the not. To me he wants peace on both sides and probably would express that more clearly if given another opportunity. I do agree what he said could have been more clear and I hope he does express himself clearer in future. Like I said to me it sounded like he was mad that ppl were being so cruel over an innocent woman who lost her life (who he possibly knew). I do feel like perhaps he shouldā€™ve stayed more silent or just thought about things more before just posting stories constantly but in that respect I canā€™t say I blame him for being upset that his people are being killed. Some of what heā€™s said to me does come across a littleā€¦ brainwashy(?) though.. like heā€™s young and impressionable and maybe his trip to israel to learn about his culture (which heā€™s allowed to do!) right before this all happened hasnā€™t helped just how pro-israel no matter what he comes across.
Itā€™s actually so interesting to see both sides being discussed on here bc I have mutuals who are against Noah and those who are for him bc they themselves are Jewish and seeing all the anti-Semitic things that are being said to himā€¦ it just goes to show (to me anyway) how complicated and tricky this is. And as someone who isnā€™t connected to this personally at all will never truly understand.
Anyway if you read this far thank you for reading my ramblings! This was never intended to be a dig at you and if itā€™s come across that way I truly apologise, I thought you just seemed like someone who would be mature enough to express this thought to!
I honestly don't believe he has bad intentions but it is the impact that matters most. A couple of contradicting statements in what he said. I do think it was worded poorly. You cannot truly support Palestinians if you stand with their terrorists(Israel). The very statement of him saying "stand with Israel or stand with terrorism" is offensively stupid. Perhaps he doesn't believe that all Palestinians are terrorists but you know who might? The Israeli government. That retorhic has been used in American history before such as the aftermath of pearl harbor and post 9/11. What do those things have common? They both led to people being racist to Japanese people and Muslims. To the point where Japanese people were put into internment camps and all Muslims were viewed as terrorists. You think Israel is going to clear up that when they say terrorists they mean hamas or Palestinians in general? When they don't even allow them to return to the land that belongs to them. They don't see Palestinians as human. So yeah people will interpret it as him saying "all Palestinians are terrorists"
I can try and sympathize with his stance on Israel as it's such a close subject to him but there's a lack of care and urgency that he and many celebrities who have spoken in support of Israel show to Palestinians. I do think it's brainwash because there's propaganda coming from Israel that gets played all over news/media. You got people claiming anyone who supports free Palestine is Anti-Semitic which is not the case. You have people believing all Palestinians are in support of hamas. Everyone gets to say their versions of events but Palestinians are struggling to even get their stories out with the cut off of their electricity. They are the ones who have been suffering for years under oppression but you didn't see celebrities chiming in by the masses like now. It's scary how easy they will turn a blind eye to the crimes and treatment Palestinians have faced. It's scary because they support the oppressor since they see stories of innocent people dying but where is that same empathy for all the thousands of Palestinians who die? It's all very selective.
People want to play like there's a way to end this peacefully when the reality is Palestinians have tried doing that to no avail. It's dangerous to take the side of pascifism when you look at the power imbalance between Israel and Hamas. At the end of the day Palestinians with no help from anyone will still be under the occupation of Israeli forces and they will continue to be dehumanized and killed. This to me isn't tricky even without a personal connection. No one should be complicit of this treatment of any human and that's something to be concise about.
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hoseokmoons Ā· 2 years
jeon jeongguk, demisexual, cismale + he/him ā€• hey look, itā€™s moon hoseok! he's twenty-four years old, he's lived in shrike heights for three years, and he's currently working at a new chapter. i heard he's pretty isolated, but i think he's so creative at the same time. can he make it out alive?
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so this kid is very close to my heart, like more than most of my other muses that i have ever written. i bully him, but heā€™s my precious boy and i will fight for him, okay? fghjk
this is to keep you guys busy until i finish writing up his bio (i will leave out anything that would warrant a tw from this one for those who just want a more casual overview)
> in this house we only wear black. he looks heā€™s up to no good - almost exclusively wears black hoodies, so people might think he never changes outfits, but he just always looks the same tbh fghjk. fashion is effort he does not have the energy for. heā€™s also got a bunch of piercings in his ears and has recently started getting tattoos on his arms. so he looks a little intimidating to most people at first, especially because his general expression is pretty stoic and he can sit still for way too long, so ppl who donā€™t know him might get uncomfortable around him.
> in reality tho heā€™s a soft boy who has struggled with depression for at least 10 years. heā€™s got ASD as well as an avoidant personality disorder, so socializing with strangers is a very rough task for him. heā€™s on meds to help with his anxiety, but they make him slightly numb as a side effect, hence him being a little expressionless sometimes. > he was adopted at the age of 13, after his father was sent to prison and his mother was unable to take care of him due to her own issues. though he originally grew up in busan in south korea, he was adopted by a family in the states. adapting to this wasnā€™t any easier or harder than anything else heā€™s ever had to push himself to do, but losing both his parents in such a short amount of time has been quite traumatic.
> ever since he was young, reading has been his favorite hobby. he would be up all night, secretly finishing the latest book he had found himself invested in. other major interests of his are movies (especially scary ones) and music (primarily rock and metal). fantasy has always been a welcome escape for him and he prefers it over the real world, almost to an unhealthy degree where he will neglect himself or his friends if he gets sucked in too far. > at the age of 4 he suddenly stopped talking and was a full mute for almost 2 years. after that he gradually started speaking again but only to very select people. nowadays heā€™s a little better at answering peopleā€™s questions as long as his anxiety doesnā€™t make him completely shut down. he still has a stutter when speaking to people he doesnā€™t fully trust and sometimes accidentally throws korean words into his sentences when heā€™s nervous rambling and his brain canā€™t keep up. this also happens when he gets too enthusiastic about things.
> demisexual & panromantic - heā€™s very closed off and not the biggest fan of intimacy in general. he likes holding hands and hugs, but there needs to be an insane amount of trust to get more out of him. > heā€™s smart, even though he wonā€™t ever admit it. heā€™s pretty funny too, once heā€™s comfortable enough to show that side of himself. the best version you can get is when youā€™re one on one with him tbh
thereā€™s a pinterest board HERE but please do keep in mind that this has some of the tw stuff in here, they are tagged in the board description, although the last one isnā€™t super present, itā€™s kinda referenced/implied so itā€™s tagged just in case!!
ahem anyway pls mssg me if you want more info or wanna plot stuff xx
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a-wild-things-rambles Ā· 2 years
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so, this collection of pieces are all heavily inspired by @finalgirljasontodd 's amazing fic red shift abut the cosmic mistakes trio. these pieces are most heavily inspired by the third paragraph:
"In the bathroom, Kyle is hunched over the sink. A red line of saliva is drawn between his lip and the porcelain. He spits. Blood splats into the basin. He cups his hand under the faucet and drinks until he can't taste metal anymore."
under the cut are non yellow versions and some notes as well as a bonus drawing
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so i understand the yellow is off putting and was artistic license on my part, i used the yellow as i wanted to show how kyle is still haunted by the after math of his time as paralax, but he is turned away from it [he is always facing away from the yellow light] he is also tuned towards the green [the dark green shadows] but he is still in the middle [gray/white for ion] affected by both. his linework is sketchy- especially compared to the water, sink, tap or tiles- he is unsure of himself. but he is a green lantern at core- the neon green linework.
also bonus from the line "His notebookā€™s still on the kitchen counterā€”as he collects a pair of bowls and opens up the cereal box, he notices the broken pencilā€™s still sitting on top of it. Only now someone has taken a knife and shaved the splintered edge to a gentle, neat point."
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yes i sharpened one of my pencils w a knife to a nice point to use for a reference in a piece that you cant really tell if its knife sharpened.
my tags which i think are important- its strange to be on the other side of analysis, with the ability to know what the intentions of the piece were, so when using my analysts eye i can pick up on meanings i dint mean to happen, whether they go against or with the intentions. also how different perspectives can read different ideas- leading to different conclusions. idk this shit is cool and i love hearing ppls interpretations of my work so leave it in the tags! [you win my undying gratitude]
#i have just realized i could have don the highlights red. cause red-shift#and it would contrast better w the green#but it would make the blood stand out less#the blood is an important part#especially with it contrasting the gods not bleeding idea#something something expression of mortality#also the yellow green are ajasent not contrasting#so it shows how it can be easy to slip between the two#especialy given the amount of gl who have become yl and vice versa#not especially happy with the fact i colured the water yellow#it makes sense- yellow lighting#but makes it look like hes accepting the yellow[parallax]#i feel it gives of the wrong connotations#but you could say the worry he has about god/his place means he is feeling fear#but it can be hard to have prefect ideas#we are human and our minds will always find patterns that were not intended#some of wich may go against the original idea#but are valid and interesting interpretations that are not wrong#just different from intended
ok i swaer im gonna stop adding to this but i went in more depth[and sense] in a post i just wrote here
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weeja-bored Ā· 17 days
Appreciation post to the "yappers" who talk/write passionately about things they love.
I struggle with words sometimes so i draw to express my ideas and feelings.
Reading comments that just get it, it's beautiful šŸ’ž
It's heart warming to find people with the same interests understand what i'm trying to portray with an image.
might also tell how good i got at visualizing thoughts and emotions which is very flattering to me as an artist (,,u.u,,)
Some even explain it better, I could just forward that if someone wants an answer to why i like a character or pairing so much haha
I'd just go "they are sooo (incoherent noises) i love em so muchh (screams)"
Tho seeing ppl just going feral in the tags are fun too šŸ˜‚ more of that pls
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viviane-lefay Ā· 7 months
Fandom Meme III
Procrastination can make one surprisingly productive - just not in the things one ā€œshouldā€ do, apparently. ^^;;
Hereā€™s that one part of the meme that I definitely wanted to post separately, because the content is quite dicey.
You know, there happen to be some subjects that have been grinding my gears for quite a long time by now - and, frankly, I felt the need to vent.
And no, I really couldnā€™t be arsed to dial down my manner of expression this time, just to keep up apprearances - so this might be moderately to very offensive to some, especially since some of the expressed views might be considered ā€œcontroversialā€, at least according to Tumblr standards.
Not my problem, though! You donā€™t need to read this, you know.
Hey, there arenā€™t even tags here (as ppl are wont to do when they post stuff that is intended as more ā€œprivateā€ type of content), so I guess if you do happen to read this anyway, you are either someone that happens to know me on a more personal level, are simply curious, or you just want to be offended (as so many on this hellsite) - in the case of which: Youā€™re welcome!
If you, however, want to waste your time being a cheeky little brat about it, then I might suggest you to please consider a variety of far more productive activities, such as choosing an actually interested audience for your diatribe, like your potted plant, for instance.
Thank you very much!
P.S.: Tags are as usual - @mikeilo & @aikoiya (but pls do not reblog this post ^^;;)
Basically, itā€™s this formula that makes me really dislike a pairing:
*insert OTP character* / any other character than the one I ship him / her with
Quite frankly, Iā€™m allergic to any of these!
Iā€™m prone to jealousy irl, so you can't expect that trait to magically vanish when it comes to fiction.
Anyway, there are some pairings, though, that I harbour a special hatred for, such as:
Ozai / Zuko / Azula,Ā Ā  Ursa / Zuko / Azula, or Zuko / AzulaĀ  - This is disgusting - wtf is wrong with you!?
Snape / Harry aka ā€œsnarryā€ - Because nothingā€™s as ā€œromanticā€ as a grown-ass man making out with an underage boy, amirite!? Perhaps, your local priest might agree!?
Snape / Hermione - Same reasons as above. And no, both being studious bookworms is no excuse. Pedo!
James Potter / Lily Evans - other than being a rival to my OTP, I really, really canā€™t stand the Potter dude
Frodo / Sam - What is this mysterious concept of friendship amongst men!? And who is this Rosie Cotton the Gamgee chap keeps talking about!?
Mairon / Celebrimbor - *rolls eyes*
Mairon / Melkor - or ā€œAngbangā€, as this abomination is called. I. Just. LOATHE. this. ship!!!
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By all means, whenever I come across any of the above-mentioned ones, Iā€™d really like to call the pest control ā€¦
Ah, here we goā€¦
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Sad / Tragic Endings
Thanks, but no thanks! (also see next point)
Post-apocalyptic worlds and Dystopias (aka the ā€œcurrent affairsā€ topic)
I have grown really averse to these themes over the past years.
Sorry, but there is so. much. shit. going on in real life, so much pain and darkness millions of people are subjected to every day - humanity most certainly does not need further depressing scenarios to be dragged down by (looking at you, George R. R. Martin), but rather desperately needs uplifting things to help it imagine a better future. Sadly, the latter is a terribly rare thing nowadays - especially in Sci-Fi.
Folks, you can do better than that!
Elitist propaganda - e.g. anything pro-monarchy / aristocracy / classism / hierarchy / social darwinism
Unfortunately, fandom is basically an elitist circle jerk, so there is hardly any avoiding of that particular kind of crap.
There is no such thing as aĀ ā€œlegitimate king / queenā€ - no one is inherently better than the rest, let alone has a ā€œrightā€ to rule over anyone - especially if weā€™re talking about completely unwarranted and ludicrous reasons such as fucking bloodlines! Is that so hard to grasp!?
The concept of the so-called ā€œChosen Oneā€ is every bit as ridiculous, imho!
Pushing your idiotic PC ideology on characters, as well as other fans (such as unnecessary racebending, uglifying characters, etc.)
I hate this in general - like, a lot ā€¦ especially if itā€™s done for ā€œwokeā€, pseudo-moralistic purposes.
How many boxes did you tick today? Did you fulfill the quota? Yes!?
Your status has now been upgraded to Good Personā„¢, and a glittering, rainbow-coloured halo has been given to you as a reward.
the Fridging Trope
Overused and annoying is very mildly putā€¦
Femininity itself, and female gender roles being portrayed as ā€œwrongā€, ā€œinferiorā€, and something no woman can EVER possibly, genuinely want for herself.
Ugh, this shit drives me up the fucking wall!
So, you think women like this are brainwashed!?
Well, then let me assure you that the sentiment is definitely mutual ā€¦ because same goes for you - at least for assuming such nonsense!
See, the difference between us is that I, for one, wouldnā€™t even dare to make such presumtions about your personal choices in the first place - because I actually do believe that people are smart enough to figure out for themselves what they want, and what is good for them - instead of this condescending and patronizing shite. And yes, even if it is something I, personally, canā€™t understand, or disagree with!
Because, you know, itā€™s not my life. I couldnā€™t care less what you do with yours, as long as you leave others tf alone.
People hating on female characters that are very feminine (in looks and nature).
I distinctly remember the sheer amount of hate Arwen got back in the day when LotR came out - amongst others for not being as ā€œbadassā€ as Eowyn (despite her assuming Glorfindelā€™s role in the rescue of Frodo in ā€œFellowshipā€ - as opposed to the book).
Guess what, there are different types of strength that people can have - other than the physical and fighting variety. Hers was an indomitable heart - a type of strength commonly associated with femininity, so Iā€™m not surprised this gets overlooked (especially by the likes of you).
Today, itā€™s even worse, as this has, unfortunately, become the dominant mindset.
Female characters being shown as inferior to, or dominated by the male ones - or vice versa, which has become a trend of late.
Again, is the concept of equality so hard to comprehend!?
Not sameness, mind you, but being of equal worth - with all their gender-specific and individual traits.
The assumtion that a pairing that contains a villain (male or female, doesnā€™t matter) must have an abusive relationship pattern
So much for the complexity of human beings & relationships ā€¦
Too great emphasis on the sexual aspect of the relationship
This is not about the healthy expression of affection, mind you, ā€¦ but love isnā€™t just about coital activities, you know.
Some things are best left being alluded to, and not shown in too great detail. Just my two cents.
Threesomes / Love Triangles / Polyamory / Cheating
Definitely not my cuppa ā€¦
S&M, kinks and other forms of sexual degeneracy
Do whatever you like - itā€™s your life, but I still find the very thought revolting.
It also disturbs me that the so-called daddy kink has become so prevalent amongst people in fandom nowadays, that it has even informed the common vernacular.
There are so many posts about a male character that someone finds hot, where said character is referred to as ā€œDaddyā€ - and, even worse, some cases where others are exposed to some diligently described DDLG fantasies on top.
I really donā€™t mind, if someone means this in the sense of ā€œfuture father of my childrenā€, if theyā€™re so inclined, but to portray this as a father-daughter sort of dynamic ā€¦ Fucking gross! What are you!? The lost hellspawn of Aerys Targaryen!? And if weā€™re already at it - the Lannisters send their regards, too.
Which brings me toā€¦
Pedophilia (such as shotacon and lolicon), incest, m-preg, bestiality
Thatā€™s. Just. Plain. SICK!
Please get help!
yaoi / shonen-ai / slashĀ  -Ā  as well as ā€œZwangsverschwulungā€
i.e. the German expression for an especially insufferable breed of fangirls turning virtually every character into an object of their ā€œgayā€ fetish.
Unfortunately, there are some really skilled artists amongst these pests - Iā€™ll give ā€˜em that. What a waste of talent, though!
Then, there is the compulsive need to shove it down the throat of absolutely anyone (under the pretense of ā€œactivismā€, at that), and the insults and far-fetched accusations that ensue if someone dares to dislike their precious yaoi ā€¦ when in truth theyā€™re nothing but sanctimonious and self-congratulatory little cunts that confuse tolerance & support with their urge to get off to the above-mentioned fetish.
Fun Fact ā†’ not liking these thingsĀ  ā‰ Ā  homophobia
And now on to the, perhaps, most unpopular opinion on that matter:
Even if there wasā€¦ So fucking what!?
You cannot dictate people how they have to feel about something. That is THEIR responsibility, and theirs alone - NOT yours!
The actions are what is truly of importance here - not how someone privately feels about the subject in question!
Someone can, on a personal level, think these things are problematic, or even wrong - due to religious belief, or whatever(and they are allowed to do so) - and still be respectful and, yes, supportive about other peoplesā€™ right to live their lives the way they feel is right.
After all, that is what tolerance is really about, isnā€™t it!? Itā€™s not about the forcible coordination of feelings, thoughts, and (expressed) opinions.
But, I guess, itā€™s a waste of effort trying to explain this to the kind of ppl here on this website, who are so keen on achieving ā€œGleichschaltungā€ (or elseā€¦).
People on here just love to blow things out of proportion, make them appear worse than they actually are, or even misconstrue them entirely - and they especially love to play the fucking Internet Gestapo.
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