#also that shit eating grin vince has
fanaticbitchhh · 1 year
brooklyn baby
modern!nikki sixx x reader
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word count: 512
warnings: swearing and a mention of drug addiction but i think thats all.
lowercase intended!
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you sighed as you got up off the couch, nikki had been gone for a while and you got bored. at first, the only rational decision you made was to watch some netflix but then, as anyone does, you got bored.
you walked into nikki and yours shared bedroom and getting changed for the day, sporting one of nikki’s t-shirts, some shorts with white socks. you walked down the stairs, a portable speaker in hand, ready to start off with mopping the floors.
after roughly twenty minutes, you had finished mopping up your home. then came the more boring part; waiting for it to dry. you paused your music, huffing in response to flopping on the couch and watching some random show you’d probably rewatched a thousand times but nothing could stop nikki from infiltrating your mind.
when’s he coming back? this would be so much better if nikki was here. you groaned, hands covering your face as you roughly brushed them up and down your face, as if you were cleaning the thoughts from your head. you hated thinking about nikki when he was gone, you felt selfish for wanting him all to yourself but also, you were worried.
you had been with nikki since the very start of mötley crüe, i mean sure, you werent in a romantic relationship but you were still there. you had helped him during his heroin addiction and helping him get help for it. you were beyond proud of the man you had stuck around to see become happy, you hated seeing him practically killing himself every day just for some temporary high.
once you had stopped thinking about the memories you had with nikki, smiling at some but tearing up at others, you had realized the floor was dry. you smiled slightly, walking over to the kitchen and cleaning the counter tops. you heard the sound of your favorite song so, giggling a bit, you danced, as any sane person would. the sound of your singing filling the house, mixed with the smell of cleaning products was enough to make nikki smile as he walked through the front door.
he strategically placed his leather coat on the hook and his boots softly by the front door as to not startle you. he walked up to the kitchen, leaning on the doorframe as he did so. he smiled at the sight before him, his wife dancing to her favorite song while cleaning, it was definitely his second most favorite sight. his first being, and i quote ‘the night we met, you were just breathtaking’ he had confessed this the night of your marriage. vince had asked what his favorite sight was and he simply replied with that. lets just say, it was enough to make tears spring to your eyes.
as you spun, you screamed at the sight of nikki, smirking and leaning against the door frame. “hey princess.” he has a shit-eating grin on his face while you start to go red from embarrassment. you walk up to him, turning the music off before kissing his cheek and bringing him into a hug. “im glad your home.” you say, nikki could barely hear it from your face being buried into his shoulder. “me too baby.” he smiles, kissing the top of your head.
he pulls away, catching your lips into a kiss filled with love and passion. just from the kiss alone, you could tell he missed you almost as much as you missed him. “now. lets go get frankie from school and grab some food yeah?” he asks, smiling at you. “lets go” you agree, placing the cloth down and putting some shoes on. you both walk out the door, hand in hand going to pick your daughter up from school.
you couldnt have asked for a better life with the man of your dreams.
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llama-head · 3 years
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Safe Haven Feels
Pairing: Gally x Reader
Rated: mature 18+ only! Smut and fluff!
Requested by: Anon
“Hello:))) just wondering if you could do one with Gally x reader. Maybe with the prompts: 65 and 93? Prehaps were they confess their feelings 7n the safe heaven, so fluff and smut..”
Prompt 65: “How do you think it feels?”
Prompt 93: “I’m glad I have you.”
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We finally made it. All that time running, hiding, and fighting WCKD. We finally took them down and made it to the safe haven Vince has been on about. Honestly the place was beautiful. The most beautiful thing I can ever remember seeing. It was an island surrounded by a white beach and crystal blue water. The once undisturbed sands now had all of the immunes moving around on it. Setting up makeshift huts and bringing the supplies from the boat.
“Watch’s thinking about?” The voice asked next to my ear.
I jumped nearly coming out of my skin. I whipped around to see Gally trying to hold back a laugh as he held a large box of supplies.
“You scared the shit out of me.” I huffed.
“I know that’s what I was going for.” He chuckled.
“You’re an ass” I scolded him but couldn’t help the smile on my face.
“Yea, yea I know. Come on all hands on deck. You can admire the view later.” Gally said nudging me with his arm.
I nodded then followed him back to the ship. With every hand we hand helping it only took one day to get all the supplies off the ship. People were moving onto making the huts and other buildings we would need. When the sun finally set Vince called for a break. We worked hard enough today.
I sat around the fire with Gally on one side and Brenda on the other. I was halfway through my food when Brenda nudged me. I glanced up at her. She nodded for me to move closer.
“I haven’t seen things progress yet.” She said quietly.
I raised a confused brow at her. She smiled then leaned back to look over my shoulder. I followed her eyes to land on Gally. I instantly knew what she meant.
“We just kicked WCKD’s ass and just got to the safe haven. Give me time to settle in.” I whispered.
“Excuses” she whispered back.
“What?” I asked completely stunned.
“You’re just gonna keep giving excuses. After this one it’ll be you’re too busy helping set things up. Then you’ll be too busy with whatever job you’re given. It’ll just keep going on and on.” Brenda rolled her eyes.
“No it won’t I just need to get settled first is all.” I said softly trying not to pout from her words.
“Yea I’m sure” Brenda chuckled dryly and shook her head.
I went back to my original seat then glance beside me at Gally. He was finished with his food and now talking animatedly with Minho and Fry. I knew Brenda was right. I was just making excuses because I’m scared. What if I tell him and he laughs in my face? I don’t really think that will happen but it could. I sighed tilting my head up to look at the sky. I was quickly looking back at the group as someone else nudged me. This time it was Gally.
“You alright?” He asked softly leaning closer.
I felt the heat instantly rise to my cheeks.
“Yea” I squeaked.
I jumped from my seat discarding my food then putting some distance between me and the group of immunes. I’m so ridiculous. For years I was around Gally with no problem then he died, then he was alive, then Brenda had to bring my feelings into the light and now I’m a mess.
“(Y/N)?” Gally’s voice instantly had me frozen.
“You sure you’re alright?” He asked as he slowly walked closer.
“Fine” I cleared my throat.
“I’m fine” I smiled weakly up at him.
“You’re not a very good liar.” He smiled down at me.
“I know” I sighed then fell onto the grass.
I laid back staring up at the sky as I heard Gally chuckle. I kept my eyes on the stars as I felt him laying beside me in the grass.
“This place is beautiful isn’t it?” He asked softly.
“Yes it it” I whispered.
“You going to tell me what’s bothering you?” He asked suddenly keeping his eyes trained upwards.
“It’s not important. We don’t talk about this kinda stuff.” I said softly.
“Why don’t we?” I felt his head turn to look at me.
I kept my eyes on the sky.
“Cause I’m one of the guys right?” I asked a little colder than I intended.
“Well yea but what’s that have to do with anything?” He chuckled lightly.
I finally turned my head to look at him.
“How do you think if feels? To be looked at as just one of the guys when I want to be looked at differently.” I asked him seriously.
He looked taken aback for a moment.
“Differently how?” He asked in confusion.
I groaned feeling completely embarrassed.
“I don’t want you to look at me as one of the guys. I want you to look at me as someone you like.” I said softly.
“I do like you.” He said simply.
“No, I mean someone you see more than a friend.” I corrected.
Gally chuckled turning to lay on his side completely facing me.
“(Y/N), I know what you meant. I’m saying I do like you as more than a friend. I have since day one.” He smiled down at me.
“Wait, what?” I asked propping myself up on my elbows to look down at him.
“I always treated you as I one of the guys because before anything else you’re my friend and a damn good friend at that. But how could I not like a pretty girl who didn’t mind to get her hands dirty and can kick almost anyone’s ass? You may be one of the guys but you’re still the only girl I’ve ever had feelings for.” Gally said softly as he picked at the grass.
I was stunned. I had no words. Did he really mean that? Before I could think of anything to say Gally was getting to his feet. I just laid on the grass in shock looking up at him. He chuckled at the sight of me then grabbed my arms pulling me to my feet as well. He glanced over his shoulder at the group still around the fire. He placed his hand against my back then nodded for me to walk with him.
“Did you really mean all that?” I asked softly as I watched my feet.
“Of course. I’m so glad I have you even if it’s just as a friend. Although I’d love it more if you wanted to be more than friends.” He chuckled softly.
I stopped walking suddenly making Gally stumble slightly then turn to face me.
“That’s all I’ve wanted since I met you in the Glade.” I whispered.
Everything that was happening around us stopped the moment I felt Gally’s lips against mine. The sound of the ocean, the wind through the grass and trees, the loud chatter back at the fire all stopped. My eyes fluttered closed as I gripped the front of his shirt tightly like he might disappear. My back was suddenly against a tree making me realize we had made it to the tree line far from the other immunes.
I pushed Gally back then gestured for him to lay down. Once he was back on the grass I climbed onto his lap. I continued our heated kiss until his hands skimmed under my shirt. Just the feeling of his bare hands against my skin set me on fire. I sat back quickly pulling my shirt over my head. He sat up to do the same not taking his eyes off me. I kissed him again as his hands roamed my back. I felt him fiddle with the clasp of my bra for a moment then it unclipped. He tossed it to the side. I groaned softly as his hands gently caressed me.
I stood up suddenly taking my shorts of quickly. I rid him of his shorts as well before he had the chance to do it himself. My body was on fire and I couldn’t wait any longer. He groaned the moment I grabbed him with my hand. I sat back down then kissed him as I moved to sit back on him. The slow deep groan that left his lips was the most incredible sound I’d ever heard. His hands instantly grabbed my hips as I started to move against him.
“(Y/N)” he whispered as he grabbed my head and pulled me down to him.
He held my body against him as I continued to move. He kissed my lips, my forehead, my cheeks, my temple, and my neck. Anywhere he could reach he would kiss. His grip on me tightened as I moved faster. I could feel the foreign feeling grow in the pit of my stomach. I grasped as I clutched at Gally’s shoulders.
Just as I was about to scream for the mounting pressure Gally captured my lips with his muffling the sound as everything unraveled.
“Fuck” Gally gasped as his body tensed.
I collapsed on top of him breathing heavily. Gally hugged me to him then kissed the top of my head.
“As much as I hate to we should probably get back to the others.” He panted.
“Yea, you’re right.” I breathed out as I slowly got up.
We both got dressed slowly. Gally kept interrupting me by kissing different parts of my exposed flesh. I had to swat him away while chuckling so I could finish putting my clothes on. Once we were both dressed we made our way back to the camp. The first person to notice us was of course Brenda.
“Glad to see you gave up on those excuses.” She said with a mischievous smile.
“Yea, we talked it out.” I said shrugging.
“Mhm, looks like you did more than talk.” She laughed.
“What?” I asked in instant panic.
With a huge shit eating grin Brenda stepped forward picking a few pieces of grass and leaves from both mine and Gally’s hair.
“Your shirt is also on backwards.” She pointed to Gally with her smile still in place.
“Night you two.” She added then walked away.
“How does she do that?” Gally grumbled as he quickly fixed his shirt.
“No clue” I huffed out a laugh.
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
Hii, i saw your requests are open so I guess I could try asking,
Can I ask how would Michael and Jason (and the other slashers if you'd like) react finding out that it's their S/O's birthday. Like they noticed how much food they prepared but s/o didn't mention the occasion because it's not that big of a deal to them but still celebrates it in a way.
Hey, thanks for the request! I love this idea and it was really fun to write.. also added more slashers so I hope you enjoy 🔪💕
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How he finds out: when you left your wallet face open with your drivers license out.. boy was curious
Ever since living out at the camp you just kind of forgot about your birthday, it never really mattered, you were happy just as is with what you had
but he plans it for weeks, Jason can’t give you much in the day to day and he just wants to spoil you and give you the best day after years of looking after him
Waking up in the morning you smelt fresh coffee and sweets, which was more than unusual in the cabin
Rolling over to look at the nightstand you found your favorite mug steaming with hot coffee and Jason had put in your preferred creamer, just the way you liked it. Beside the mug was a small little note sloppily marked with drawn hearts and the words “I love you”
Jason melted your heart on a daily biases but this... it made your heart feel like it oozed right out of your ribcage
Propping yourself up to sip the coffee there was a sudden crash in the kitchen making you jump out of bed... was there an intruder?? was Jason in danger??... grabbing the heavy machete that was resting against the nightstand you faltered to the kitchen, hair dishevelled, barefoot, only wearing one of Jason’s ripped oversized shirts
oh... OH.. it’s just Jason cooking??? flour was everywhere, about 10 different bowls were scattered along the counter, the bacon was smoking and the pancakes? were burnt
Turning around owl-eyed, with flour on his mask and tattered clothes, Jason gives his biggest grin and signs “happy birthday!!”
Once you help him with breakfast he will be glued to your side all day.. more than usual.. Jason wants to give you back rubs, hugs and kisses as much as he can
His gift to you is a bracelet his mom had worn, it is the most meaningful gift Jason could ever give, and it’s beautiful
In the evening he will take you to a new trail you had never been on, old camp lanterns to light your way through the woods and into a large meadow. A large blanket covers the damp grass and there is a small basket with all your fav snacks
A picnic to watch the sunset and stargaze... perfect
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How he finds out: Michael knows everything about you, he had watched you for a solid year before you even knew, but it will take him a long time to get comfortable and trusting with you so it will probably be like the 5th year together before he really does something for you
Now Michael is not affectionate and caring is just not in his nature so your birthday is going to be interesting... to the average human it will seem like it is a shit birthday but knowing Michael the way you do it is the best birthday he can give you
All these years together he had done nothing on your birthday so you expected it to just be another day, but nope
Waking up to the smell of fresh tea or coffee (which ever you prefer) a steaming cup was on the nightstand
Michael was still in bed with you which was unusual but it was even stranger when he was running his large hands all over you.. gently
There will most likely be some morning sex but he is oddly gentle, making your pleasure a priority over his own
Michael will allow you to touch him for however long you want and where you want without protest, but ONLY today so take advantage
Going to the living room you will see a present you had been eyeing for yourself for a while now. It could either be a really nice blanket to clothes to cookware to a laptop. Michael is observant about everything so he will notice the tabs in your phone or that time you walked by a clothing store and almost screamed at how nice the shirt was in the window
of course he stole it and there might be a tiny amount of blood on it but who cares lol
That is honestly about the extent Michael will go with you and that’s more than enough for you
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How he finds out: Bo isn’t exactly a gentleman with a lot of things so he really doesn’t mind just asking how old you are or when your birthday is
Most likely Bo will forget when it is the first 2 years but the 3rd year.. oh baby he’s got it now... with the help of Vincent reminding him
Birthdays have never been big for the Sinclair brothers, especially for Bo, he literally has no idea what to do
One of the only ways Bo knows love is through fast pleasure... aka waking up to him eating you out. Like Michael, he will put your pleasure first today and is going to be gentle with you, so enjoy it
Be careful because he might want to spend your whole birthday in bed if you don’t stop him
Your presents will probably be some lingerie he bought you (which is basically his present) and a night out on the town, going to your favorite restaurant and taking you where ever you want
Even in the truck he will let you pick the music which is honestly a miracle
Bo will try to bite his tongue as much as possible and try to be the best gentlemen he can be until you get home ;)
Going home to Ambrose he takes a different road, up a hill that’s long and twisted, Bo just smiles when you ask where you’re going, man is saying nothing for once and it might freak you out
Getting to the destination, it’s a small walk in the woods until there is a large clearing and a small lake to your right, this is where he used to go swimming as a kid and this is sometimes where Bo will disappear to on bad days
He will lead you to the dock and will lay you down, watching the stars and hearing the splashing of the water mix in with the Louisiana nature... It is pure bliss
Bo cannot help himself and will initiate a heavy make-out session
This is the way of showing you he loves you
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How he finds out: Baby boy is far more observant than his brother thank god, so he will probably check your drivers license if you left your wallet out
Vincent will honestly plan something for weeks if he can
Usually he is a night owl but today Vincent will get up nice and early cooking your favorite breakfast, well at least trying, honestly he can make fantastic omelets
Waking up you will see a small tray of food at the edge of the bed, an omelet, bacon, a glass of juice and some small bouquet of native Louisiana flowers he had picked
Along with a little note card saying “happy birthday” probably with some little doodles on the sides making it fancy
Waking into the room Vincent will have either your coffee or tea, handing it to you with a gentle kiss
It will probably be just a slow, gentle, quiet morning with wandering hands, little kisses and soft words
Today he will let you do whatever the hell you want and will try desperately to get Bo to leave you alone for the day
If you want to go for a walk he’ll go with, if you want to stay inside all day in your sweats watching movies that’s perfect.. whatever you want
Towards the evening Bo will come home with your favorite foods, since Vincent hates leaving town. Dinner will be candle lit with soft music in the background. Vince will try to dress nice and in something that isn’t covered in wax
After dinner he will take you to the theater, watching the old movies you grew up on, even though half of the time you are only paying attention to the tongue down your throat  
For some reason my head kept saying slow dancing in the rain, so I guess when you are coming home it starts to rain and you guys slow dance in the streetlight
Once home he has 2 boxes for you, lovely wrapped. In one box it is your very own knife with a carved handle of your favorite animal to match his blades. In the next box is something you had been looking at getting for a long time, a new pair of boots he watched you look for online
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How they find out: Honestly they’re probably just going to ask you
Stu is probably going to be the more outgoing one and screaming happy birthday to you when you first wake up, Billy would just let you sleep in and drink his coffee beside you, running his hands on you and gently whispering happy birthday to you instead
Stu would make you a big breakfast and even try to make you a cake but something would be so off lol.. he tried
Billy just takes a store bought one from the fridge that he had saved just in case this happened
yes, they want cake for breakfast
Whatever you want to do that day they will make it happen, honestly it’s going to be fun regardless with them
An arcade or bowling or crashing some little kids laser tag party is probably going to be it for your afternoon. Winning silly arcade prizes, stu will get you a stupid whoopie cushion and Billy will probably win a little stuffed bear for you
Driving home Billy will let you play your music and he will just drive around the city, just signing your hearts out and laughing and just making memories, watching the nightlife and city lights
Ending up at the City viewpoint, seeing all the lights in the dark never looked so pretty with your boys, it might even leave Stu speechless
Whenever you are ready to come home a horror movie is defiantly on the list, whatever one you want and they will order pizza
Honestly Stu will probably pass out on the couch from the long hilarious day and Billy will quietly drag you to the bedroom.. really getting to show how much he loves you ;)  
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lovingthereign25 · 4 years
The Chase
Part 10
You and Roman were sitting on your back porch watching the girls play in the yard. 
Briana was playing with her favorite dolls having a "picnic",while Aaliyah was riding her bike she was ready for her training wheels to come off but patiently waited for her dad to come home so they could do it together.
"Daddy, can we take my training wheels off now please?" She asked.
"Of course my sweet girl, you sure you're ready?" He asks following his daughter to her bike. You watch as Roman talks Aaliyah through taking the training wheels off, explaining that now she has to balance herself out on the bike. You absolutely loved seeing Roman interact with his children, one thing no one could take away from him was the fact that he was an amazing father.
*SummerSlam 2018*
Roman vs Brock was happening again. Were you scared? Yes but you were more so pissed that your husband broke his promise again. Granted the Greatest Royal Rumble wasn't his doing but this one was . 
"Baby, come on talk to me, wish me good luck, give me my kiss and let's do our before match ritual" he smiled.
"Good Luck, Hopefully I'll have a husband to go home to after this" you say 
" Well thanks for the confidence babe, I love you. Today. Tomorrow. Forever." He says kissing your wedding rings
" Love you" you say, pecking his lips before walking to the back where you were sitting with Trinity, Lana, and Renee.
Not only did Roman have to worry about beating Brock but he also had to worry about Braun Stroman cashing in on him if he did in fact win.
Roman was on fire at the start of the match. Superman punch after Superman punch. Spear after spear until Brock caught him in his submission move locked it on just waiting for Roman to tap out. But Roman powered out of it twice. As the match continued you grew move nervous especially when Brock took his gloves off again, but then it happened after Brock took Braun he returned to the ring with a chair only to be speared by Roman. 
1..2..3….."and here is your winner and NEW universal champion...Roman Reigns!"
He did it. Just like he said he would. You  ran out to the ring meeting your husband there he was holding his title. He engulfed you in a hug .
"I love you" you say "Congratulations" 
"Thank you baby, this is for you and the kids. Everything I do is for my family" he smiles 
"Our family" you correct him
"Our family he smiles kissing you
You were standing in the huge picture window of your hotel room enjoying the beautiful view of New York.
"Almost as beautiful as you" you hear from behind you turning to see your husband in only his towel, having just got out of the shower.
"Thank you Champ….now whatta say you lose that towel and let me congratulate you the right way?" You smirk walking over to him.
"Come take it off me" he smirked
You undo his towel tossing it next to you, looking down at his growing length your mouth began to water.
"See anything you like sweetheart?" He laughs
"I do….this guy right here" you smile taking him in your hand pumping him.
"Ahhhh, shit Y/n…. Damn baby" he moans throwing his head back
“Wanna show you how proud of you I am, how much I love you. Would you like that baby?” You ask.
"Please" he begs
 You start pumping him faster as you kiss down his neck to his chest, Roman's moans filling your hotel room.
"Jesus, l need to be inside you baby" Roman says
"You wanna be inside me baby? Wanna fill me up nice and full like you always do?" You ask removing your hands off him..walking him to the bed. You push him back on the bed and climb above him straddling his waist.
"You have no idea how sexy you are when you're like this." You can feel his length grazing your centre.
"Oh yeah, well you're gonna love this " you smirk.
You open your robe revealing your see through the lingerie piece underneath. Tossing the robe aside you align yourself with Roman. Letting yourself sink down onto him. Feeling him fill you completely as he always did. You let out a soft moan as you always did each and every time Roman fully entered you 
"6 years together and you still  make that by sexy little moan like you did the first time" he says proudly
" So big Daddy, I love being full of you" you say getting a steady pace
A murmured ‘fuck’ leaves his mouth when he feel how tight you feel around him, filthy sounds filling the room as you go faster and faster riding Roman like no tomorrow.
"Mmmm baby just like that... look at how good you look when you're on top"  he moans his hands coming up to cup your breasts.
"Damn Daddy.. so deep…. I'm so close " you whipper feeling your orgasm building
"I know babygirl me too" he grunts, squeezing your ass as he lifts his hip to meet your thrusts, having him hit your spot just right to send you over the edge.
"Fucking Christ Ro.. that's it" you moan 
"Y/n… shit baby I'm gonna burst" he moans his thrusting getting sloppy
'' Me too…..cum daddy cum for me"  you moan releasing your juices all over him
As you ride out your high you feel Roman's climax hit him, him grabbing into your wait squeezing your hips as he did.
 "Fuck that was incredible baby" he says coming down from his high
"Glad you enjoyed it big guy…. Congratulations again'' you smile kissing him 
You lay side by side cuddled up to Roman catching your breath
"I love you baby" he whispers
'' I love you…. forever' you smile looking up at him.
*Present Day* 
You patiently waited for your husband to come up from the gym, he spent this entire quarantine working out and eating healthy. You were very proud of him. 
He had taken some time off due to the whole Covid-19 thing, being that you had small children to worry about , his health and the fact that you two were trying to have another baby….but after a few negative ampts you decided to stop trying for a while. So when the idea came of him returning at SummerSlam he jumped at it, but under one condition, he wanted to have a heel turn and Vince had and even better idea make Roman a "Paul Heyman Guy'' you which you weren't too thrilled about nothing against Paul you loved him as a person but you didn't want Roman to be anything like Brock Lesnar was. You hear Roman coming up the stairs  breaking you from your thoughts.
"Hey, Good morning... didn't hear you up here. How'd you sleep?" He asks, wrapping his arms around you.
"Slept great. Who wouldn't after a night like we had " you smirk
"Well...we can pick up where we left off if you want..the girls are out to breakfast with Trin and Jon." He grins
" As tempting as that sounds...we need to talk' you say patting his chest
"Are you breaking up with me?" He jokes making you both laugh
" No that you mention it, and I was thinking about it but something changed my mind'' you play along
' oh and that was?" He asks
"I'm pregnant' you say, showing him the test you had just taken.
Before Roman could say anything Trin and the kids busy through the door yelling with excitement about breakfast. You quickly take the test sliding it into the pocket of your robe. Leaving Roman in the kitchen speechless.
Your lingerie:
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Seventy-Four [Pt. 1]
Words: 3k
Warning(s): explicit language, drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1
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I exhale, turning to look at Nikki where he's laying beside me, a sickly pale tone to his skin, his black hair tangled, his hand that is clinging to mine, covered in tracks, the same appearance as his other hand. 
I can't help but wonder if I bathed him if he'd wake up. He reeks, and he's rough looking, only adding to my guilt. 
Fred gave him a sleeping pill to ease him off of his coke high--he's been freebasing again, just cooking it up in the room's microwave. 
I don't know what the hell to do about him. 
I wish I did. 
Turning over to face him, I brush his bangs out of his eyes, my fingertips lightly dusting over his cheeks, dark circles under his eyes. 
They were supposed to play tonight, but said Nikki came down with the flu and added the show to the second round of U.S. tours lined up for early next year. 
The Nikki I knew would have never put drugs over his music, his fans, and especially not his relationship. 
But, the Nikki I knew also wouldn't have cheated on me…
It's been hard to accept the fact that the Nikki I fell in love with six years ago, isn't around anymore. 
I finish getting my church dress back on, grinning at Nikki as he gets his pants laced back up, the both of us glancing at each other in the back of my car. 
"What's mommy and daddy gonna say when I send their girl back home all turned out?" He asks me, smugly, and I put my heels back on, scoffing. 
"Gee, just come home with me and find out." I shrug. 
"I'll pass." He mumbles, pulling his shirt over his head. 
"Oh, c'mon, I'm sure they'd love you." I nudge him with my elbow. 
"Your mom would piss her granny-panties." He argues, wrinkling his nose a little and I just blink at him. 
"Maybe...but I'm pretty sure my dad would like you." I inform him. 
"Like hell he does." He says to himself and I just let out a breath. 
"So…" I say after a few seconds of silence and he nods a little, awkward tension filling the air around us. 
"...Well." He lets out in the same tone. 
"Good freaking night." I go to open the car door, irritated that he doesn't offer up to hangout and do stuff other than fool around, slamming the door shut.
"Hey, what's up?" He asks me, getting out next, standing by the driver's door, blocking my way. 
"Nothing. I'll see you later." I mumble, nudging him out of my way, opening my door but he's quickly shutting it before I can. 
"Viv, what's--" 
"--I'm gonna start charging you to sleep with me." I state blatantly and his hazel eyes widen, a shit eating smirk on his lips as he chuckles out, "what?" 
"You'd think since we have sex with each other so often it'd at least make us friends, but all you wanna do when we hangout is screw around and then go do whatever with the guys." I tell him. "And, no, this isn't me being a 'typical girl' and developing feelings for you just because we've had sex. It's me being tired of feeling like I'm just being used to get you off." 
"I'm being used to get you off so it's a win-win, is it not?" 
"You sound like Vince." I snap. "All that's happening is I screw you, you screw me, we leave, and don't talk until we're both horny again." 
"Is that not how this works?" 
"The least we can do is get food afterwards or something." I suggest. 
"...Like a date?" 
I gag at the thought. 
"Ew, no." I tell him and he looks confused. "Like, um...I don't know. But since I don't hate you enough to not hook up with you, anymore, I think we could at least get to know who we're hooking up with a little better."
"Friends with benefits?" He clarifies. 
"No, no, we're not friends." I point out and he let me get in my car. 
"I'll see you tomorrow night?" He throws out and I nod. "Wear something pretty--we're going to McDonald's." He smugly smiles and I roll my eyes, holding back a laugh. 
I'm shaking the memory away when there's a knock at the door and I slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake Nikki, slipping my hand from his as my feet hit the hotel carpet. 
I open the door, seeing Mick.
"They wanted us to go ahead and start getting our stuff together to leave." He informs me. "Apparently Guns has some solo shows at some clubs nearby so they're staying behind and we'll back up with them tomorrow night." He informs me and I nod, smiling softly, before he lets out a small breath. "I know you're hurt, and you've got every right to be, but would it not make more sense to file for divorce before you move on, as opposed to moving on before you even really know if you're gonna leave or not?" He asks next, under his breath so Nikki has no way of hearing it. 
"Ask your married girlfriend that before you come at me with it, Mick, alright?" I ask him neutrally, shutting the door in his face before stepping back to the bed, hesitant to wake Nikki up but doing it anyway so we won't be late. 
I wasn't shocked when Mick let on that he knew about Duff and I because, like with me and Nikki, he just knew when something was up.
Looking back, Mick had a point, but at that time he was the last person I wanted to hear it from, because Emi wasn't estranged from her husband, or even on bad terms with him. She was just cheating for whatever reason while her husband stayed in the blissful dark. Mick was "the other woman" therefore he had no place to speak to me about my relationship with Duff.
"Nikki, get up, we gotta get packed." I gently shake him and he groans out. 
"Baby, let me sleep." He mumbles, eyes squeezed closed, face scrunching slightly for a second. 
"We gotta be in L.A. in seven hours, c'mon." I nudge at him again, and his red eyes open, disgruntled, taking a moment before sitting up.
"I did it again last night?" He asks me, rubbing the crust from his eyes as I slip my slippers on. 
"Are they pissed?" 
"They're worried." I inform him. "I'm worried, too." I add, stepping to the door. 
"I'm fine." He says after me.
"Glad to hear it." I open the door, taking a moment to add, "and I'm not 'baby' to you anymore," before leaving. 
I get to my room and get my things packed, being interrupted by a knock at the door. 
When I get it open, Duff is on the other side, wearing nothing but his underwear. 
"I think I left my necklace in here." He tells me and I step aside, watching him grab it from the bedside table before he turns to me and says, "so, you guys are leaving tonight?" He asks me.
"Yeah." I nod. "Gotta go watch Vince walk down the aisle." 
He chuckles and I do, too, realizing how ironic the reality of it is. 
"...Is, um...Nikki okay?" He cautiously questions.
"Yeah." I nod. "I'm sorry I didn't go back to your room last night, I just thought it'd be best if he eased off before I went to bed and then I accidentally fell asleep before I could leave so…" 
"No, no, Viv, it's fine. You still care about him, even though he's shitty sometimes he's still the guy you've been with for the past six years. I'm not upset that you're making sure he's okay." He nods reassuringly. 
Before I can say "okay", there's another knock at my door, and I step to it and open it, Tommy and Vince waiting for me. 
"Ya ready?" Tommy asks, him and Vince both wearing sunglasses. 
"Yeah." I reply, going to zip my suitcase, Tommy following in after me to grab it, taking a double take when he notices Duff. 
"Hey, man."
"Hey." Duff replies, rubbing the back of his neck, before looking to Vince. "Vinnie, you ready to walk down that aisle?" He asks him with a smile.
"Yeah, just so Sharise will stop bitching about wedding details." He responds with a groan in his tone and Duff chuckles. "But her and Skylar are coming back with me for a honeymoon so just be on your best behavior--not that you aren't most times." He adds. 
"Nah, I'll give Slash and Stevie the heads up, though." He assures him. 
"Thanks, dude." Vince says back.
"Alright, see you when we get back." Tommy says, patting at Duff's shoulder. 
"See ya." Duff says to them as they head out. 
"I gotta pee and I'll be down." I lie.
Vince looks at me, oddly, with a small bit of hesitance before he shuts the door and I rub my lips and look at Duff, fumbling with my fingers. 
"You're not breaking up with me already, are you?" He repeats what I asked him before and I smile and shake my head.
"No, no." I grab his hand and tug him closer to me and he kisses my hair, wrapping his arms around me, tightly, and I rest my cheek against his skin. 
"Just have a safe flight, try not to kill anyone." He tells me and I nod.
"I love you." I tell him, looking up at him. 
"I love you, too." He leans down and kisses me, pulling away too soon. "I'll see you tomorrow night."
"See you tomorrow night." I agree, taking a mental picture of his soft grin.
The next day was spent scrambling to keep everyone together--especially Nikki--because Sharise deserved one day to be with Vince without a fight...little did I know the only fight that would occur would be between Vince and I, and not him and Nikki, like I feared.
"Okay," I straighten her veil, examining her dress one last time as she hands me my bouquet, "you look beautiful, Sharise." I assure her and she continues nitpicking possible flaws in the mirror. 
"I know we're already married so this is just a vow renewal or whatever but I'm nervous." She admits to me, fanning at herself a little. 
"There's no reason to be." I tell her. 
"Where's Sky?" 
"With your parents." 
"Where's Tansy?" 
"Getting her dress on." 
"Where's Nikki?"
"In the bathroom." 
"In the bathroom or shooting up?" 
"In the bathroom. Tommy's on smack watch." 
"Okay." She lets out a breath, trying to calm down. "Vince...is he--"
"He's ready to walk when you are." As I say this, the door opens and Nikki and Tansy come in.
"Sharise, the wedding party's waiting for you." Tansy tells her a little shakily. 
I think she's beginning to withdrawal. 
"Alright. Okay." Sharise inhales and exhales. 
"You got this." I promise her. 
"You're right." She nods and I help her with her dress as she heads to the door. 
Nikki, Tommy, Mick, and a couple other guys I've never met that are good friends of Sharise and Vince are wearing their tuxes with a hot pink sash, to match the bridesmaids knee length, hot pink dresses with black tull underlying the skirt. 
We file into line, Nikki and getting in front of Sharise since she's appointed me with Matron of honor. 
"You showered." I mumble to Nikki, impressed. 
"Tommy threatened to spray me off with a water hose. I didn't feel like being cold." He mumbles and I scoff as the music starts, the doors opening to lead outside, where we have to walk down stone stairs to meet in a spacious courtyard. 
"I'm getting war flashbacks." He says next once it's our turn to start walking. 
"From our wedding, yeah, me freaking too." I reply in a hiss. 
"I was gonna say from Tommy's wedding but sure." He scoffs bitterly. 
"Just don't leave this one every fifteen minutes to slip into the bathroom and shoot up." I ignore his comment, the arm that my hand is looped through tenses up and I can feel him glaring at me through his sunglasses. 
"Don't be a fucking bitch." He tells me as we step down the stairs and approach the guests, seeing Vince and the other groomsmen and bridesmaids waiting for us. 
"Little late for that." I point out. 
"And our wedding wasn't even that bad, Viv." He randomly cuts back to our initial back and forth and I fake a smile for the crowd, speaking through my teeth to reply, "Wish I could say the same for the months to follow it." 
We separate at the alter, and I push my feelings aside when I look to see Sharise stepping down the stairs, looking stunning as ever. 
When she gets down here, I'm straightening the back of her dress as she takes Vince's hands. 
The ceremony doesn't take very long, and once the reception comes and all the pictures are done with being taken, I'm ready to get out of this dress--but it's not ready for me to get out of it.
I grind my teeth, dreading asking this bastard for help, but I know he's got his knife and the zipper of my dress is stuck. 
"Nikki," I tap at his shoulder as he downs another glass of wine. 
"What?" He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. 
"Can you help me get out of this dress?" I ask him and he suddenly bursts into laughter. 
"I'd rather fuck a pot of boiling hot oil than fuck you." He tells me. 
"No, asshole, I mean literally help me get this off because the zipper is stuck." I explain. 
"Oh." He says, turning me to look at it. "Yeah, I guess." He stands up and I head to the bathroom as he pulls his pocket knife from his pocket.
Once we get to the bathroom, I'm pulling my arms from the sleeves the best I can before I look at him. 
"Just go to sawing away here." I point to the seam that's three-fourths zipped. 
He starts cutting at it, and it soon gets looser and looser to the point there should be plenty of room to finish pushing it down my hips...and I would if his hands weren't steadily holding at my bare sides, his eyes on my back as I look at him in the mirror and wait for him to snap back into reality. 
He never does, and I'm forced to clear my throat to whisk the tension away. 
"Um, I got it from here." I tell him, hinting that his hands on my skin aren't needed.
He just looks at me in the mirror and holds at them tighter, making me go to hit at the tops of his hands, only I realize this is one of the few moments he probably finds peace in because he can pretend, even for a second, that everything isn't screwed sideways. 
I just rest my palms over his hands, making eye contact with him in the mirror, looking us over, and I smile sadly, realizing we won't ever be those people again. 
After his moment is finished, he's gently patting my sides before taking a step back and putting his knife back into his pocket. 
"Thanks, again." I say to him before he goes. "No problem." He mumbles, stepping out. 
I rush back to the bridal suite to avoid being seen half naked, to change into a more comfortable dress.
As soon as I shut the door, I turn around and see Vince nursing a beer, and I jump. 
"Jesus, Vince!" I snap at him, taking a deep breath and he rolls his eyes for a second. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask him, peeling the dress down my legs, not caring that he's getting an eyeful of me in nothing but skimpy panties since he's seen me completely naked in the pictures of me that Nikki's shown off to him. 
"Hiding from my in laws." He replies, taking another sip of beer. 
"You're not supposed to be drinking." I remind him.
"Who's gonna tell them?" He asks me, raising his brows. 
"Doesn't matter if the state doesn't know--God knows. That's who you'll have to answer to in the end." 
"Oh-Oh, my fuck." He chuckles out, his tongue swiping the inside of his bottom lip. 
"What? You think standing before God and being confronted with the fact you're still drinking after killing your friend in a drunk driving accident is funny?" I hiss at him.
 "I think the bible warns against becoming a drunkard but doesn't it also say, "you must not commit adultery'?" 
My heart pounds in my chest, my eyes wide, and he stands up from his spot on the fluffy parlor chair. 
"So you can give me shit about killing Razzle and still drinking, but every time the sweat on Duff's back dries after he's done fucking you, it's just another nail being hammered into Nikki's coffin, once he finds out." He says, pointing at me with the hand holding at his bottle. "And that blood's gonna be on your hands." He adds. "Not mine." 
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She’s My Collar pt. 5
So I was gonna try to upload an update for both fics, but I’m still feeling yucky so have this chapter for now which I’m sorry if it’s not great, the next one will be better I promise lol.
Tag List: @nowhereiswhereibelong​ @littlemisscare-all​
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“Miss did you hear me?” The officer in front of me grunts.
“I’m sorry could you repeat the question for me?” I ask shyly focusing on him and not Kevin shouting and thrashing as the other cops are shoving him into the police car.
“I asked you if you could give me your recount of the events that took place tonight.”
“Oh right. Well…”
The flames are starting the consume the curtains and spread across the carpet as Tommy and I round the corner from my bedroom. I make a beeline for the kitchen to grab the extinguisher I had luckily purchased when Nikki started lighting himself on fire in their apartment. I toss it to Tommy and he gets everything currently on fire doused with the foamy liquid. 
“What the fuck?” He wonders aloud as he reaches down picking up a broken bottle out of the mess. “River who the fuck would throw a moltov cocktail in your apartment?”
It’s like Loki the God of chaos himself is answering him when my door is kicked in and Kevin sways in full of intoxicated rage. He spots me frozen with fear against the fridge and begins to stomp towards me.
“You fucking good for nothing cunt I should’ve killed you when I had the chance” He screams and lunges towards me but is knocked to the ground by Tommy tackling him.
Tommy’s fist is covered in blood by the time I can get him pulled off Kevin and he spits on him as I get him pulled out of there just in time for the police and fire department to be pulling into the parking lot.
���We’ll be in touch.” The man hands me his card with his info on it before getting in his car and leaving.
Tommy is silent as we walk back to my apartment for me to inspect the damage done. My plants near my window scorched and my carpet destroyed is enough to send me over the edge. I collapse in the fetal position and let myself break down for the first time since the chaos began. I feel Tommy lay on the ground next to me and wrap his arms around me letting me have my moment. 
“Thank you.” I hoarsely let out.
“I told you that you were stuck with us guys for the rest of your life especially me.” He pressed a small kiss to my shoulder and butterflies filled my stomach.
“Let's get off the ground.” I sniffle the both of us sitting back up slowly and eventually clambering back into my bed. 
He pulls me against his body and rests his chin on the top of my head, the soft movement of him breathing lulling me to sleep.
“It’s the goddamn principal of the matter.” Nikki ranted as he paced through my living room while I tried to enjoy my morning coffee.
“So tell Vince you’re pissed.”
“No I can’t let him think he won. He needs to think I never wanted Beth in the first place.” He scoffed.
“Did you want Beth?”
“She gives great blowjobs. That’s why I suggested a threesome in the first place.” He plops into one of my chairs looking up at the ceiling.
“Listen Nikki I’m gonna be brutally honest since we’re friends and you would be with me, this is your fault for opening up your girlfriend to Vince Neil.”
“I hate it when you’re right you know that?”
“You’ll find a new groupie to fuck Nikki you’ll be fine. Now we gotta get to the studio you boys have photos for the album we need to take today.”
The boys had finished recording their first album by the grace of God himself. They spent the entire few days in the studio drunk and pissing off their sketchball manager, but by the end of it they had a full blown album that didn’t take much money to produce. They even got to save money on photos for the album since I was their personal photographer, which aforementioned sketchball was thrilled about. His name was Alan, but I didn’t have a good feeling about him so I rarely referred to him by his name, not to his face.
“My hair isn’t going to show!” Vince pouted in front of the (awful) white background Alan had thrown together for their album pictures.
“It’ll be fine Vinnie we’re gonna get them edited by a professional.” He quipped from beside me.
“Excuse me?” I ask unaware he was having somebody else  edit my photos.
“Well yeah sweetheart you expect me to trust the work of an amature to look good enough without editing? You’re out of your mind.” 
“Listen here you sweaty ass-” I’m cut off by Tommy’s hand covering my mouth blocking the next slew of insults I had prepared.
“Let's take 5 for a cigarette break” He says cheerfully and leads me away still covering my mouth.
“You can stop licking my hand thinking that is gonna make me move it from your mouth you know.” Tommy says after dragging me outside the building we were shooting in. I pull away from him and fix him with a death glare that he just chuckles at lighting up a cigarette.
“I don’t want someone else to fuck with my photos Tommy. They’ll ruin it, I just know it.”
“It’ll be fine Riv. Besides if it’s fucked up then next time Alan can pay you more to do the photos and the editing.”
“Yeah that cheap bastard isn’t about to pay me more for jack shit Tommy.” I roll my eyes and pace back and forth in front of him. “Are you guys sure you want him as your manager? He gives me a weird feeling.”
“I think you’re paranoid babe” Tommy pulled me close and placed a kiss on my forehead. “Now lets get through this photoshoot so we can party it up later alright?”
“As much as I hate The Troubadour sometimes, yes I’m willing to get through the rest of the photoshoot so that we can go ‘party it up’ with the boys there” I tease and lean in close to him.
Tommy’s intoxicating scent of leather, cigarettes, and the men’s body wash I’ve been getting him to use pulls me in and I tuck my face into his neck and place a soft kiss there. He hums as his hand plays softly in my hair and he pulls slightly to tilt my head up. Our lips connect in a soft peck and he pulls away to stroke my cheek with his thumb.
When I walk back in Alan was nowhere to be found, which was perfect for me so that I could get my work done faster. Vince it seems has also finished his little temper tantrum as well. The rest of the shoot goes by without a hitch and we get our final shot for the cover of the album, which was just a close up shot of Vince’s crotch. By the time we get done and piled into my car it’s about time to get ready for the party the boys were throwing for completing the album and releasing it themselves on their own record label.
“Are you Nikki Sixx?” A voice off to the side of Nikki calls and he turns from our conversation with a shit eating grin giving her a single “no”  in response.
“Oh well that’s a shame cause I was going to split this quaalude with him.” She shrugs and goes to move on, but Nikki quickly stops her and confirms he in fact is Nikki Sixx and he was just fucking with her.
I watch her smile and bite her drug in half placing the other half onto Nikki’s tongue and he looks like he just might be falling in love for the first time. I look around and see Vince and Beth wrapped up together and Mick nursing his bottle of vodka, but I can’t find Tommy. I make my way through the crowd up to the bar and I don’t spot the tall brunette anywhere. He could just be outside smoking a cigarette, I tell myself feeling the bits of insecurity start to blossom in my head. 
“Two Jack and Cokes please” I say to the bartender when I finally get his attention. I figure if I go to find Tommy with a drink in hand it makes me look less like a crazy person.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing ordering your own drinks?” The man to my left says and I have to put effort into not rolling my eyes.
“Well nothing on me is broken so I’m more than capable of getting my own drinks” I shoot back trying to walk away, but his hand comes up to block me from going forward.
“I’m just saying if you got a man he should be catering to you. What’s your name goddess?” His sickening grin shows teeth all too white against far too tan of skin. 
“Her name is none of your business.” A deep huff comes from behind me and I turn to see Mick casually leaning against the bar.
“What are you her fucking dad?” The overly bronze man snaps.
“I’m trying to help you, but if you don’t want to keep all your fucking teeth that’s your dumbass decision.” Mick chuckles and tips his head to Tommy making his way towards us already sending hate eyes to the man next to me.
“You should listen to the man.” I shrug. “He fights.” I nod toward Tommy for emphasis.
The man looks like he’s about to argue when I feel Tommy slide his arm across my shoulders.
“This guy bothering you babe?” He asks sipping the drink in my hand never breaking eye contact with the strange guy with a look that said ‘one wrong move and I’ll kill you.
I smile like a cat that just caught a mouse and sip my drink as well.
My back hits the back wall of the closet as Tommy tries to find a secure place to hold my body so he can kiss me and grind into me at the same time.
“Fuck can I get this kind of reaction everytime I stick up for you.” Tommy pants breaking away from our kissing to catch his breath.
He hisses as I grind against him while pulling his hair back to expose his neck to me. I take the opportunity to nip at the skin there and feel the rumbling of another groan pass through him. Tommy begins to unlace his pants and suddenly the realization of how public we are hits me. Right as a worker opens the closet door to be exact.
“Ah I’m so sorry!” I yelp climbing off Tommy and rushing out of the closet and out the back door. Tommy is hot on my tail quickly catching up with the help of his long ass legs.
“Come on.” Tommy begins leading me to my car. “We’re going to your apartment to finish this.
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motleycrueroadie · 4 years
Along for the Ride (pt. 7)
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Author’s Note: @sonyawongraven - thank you for reaching out and reminding me about this story. I hope that this update meets your expectations for my writing!
 Previous Chapters: One I Two I Three I Four I Five I Sixx 
When I was a kid, in the rare times that I would read, I had read briefly about a mythological Greek creature called a phoenix. From what I remember, a phoenix cyclically generates itself wherein it combusts and the new phoenix rises from the ashes. In some ways, my music career and myself as a person could be described as phoenix. Frank Feranna Jr. went up in flames and Nikki Sixx rose from the ashes. More recently, the inevitable downfall of London was catalyzed by yours truly in an anger driven resignation by fire and the unnamed band of misfits rose from the ashes. After watching Vince perform at that excuse of a “party”, I knew he was the front man we wanted for the band. However, the silence that came after that realisation was paralyzing and continued to constrict until Vince’s arrival. Despite the fact that we would have found another front man, I was doubtful that he would’ve lived up to the vision I created in my head once I saw Vince play, so I was grateful enough that he had finally shown. Now we had the basic outline of a band but needed a name and a reputation for that name. Of course, in building that name I would also be able to cash in on Janis’ promise to attend our first show. 
Janis’ unwavering presence continued to bewilder me with each passing day. My internal pessimistic voice attempted to convince me that she was simply thrill seeking, sticking around because I was her polar opposite and it attracted her. The juxtaposition between us was especially highlighted at the pool party. If Janis had been separated from us, I would’ve had a hell of a time trying to pick her out of the crowd. However, I had to remind myself that Janis didn’t come looking for me. For all the time that I have been living in this building, she has been right above my head. She knew of my existence and never came knocking on my door, but she freely allowed me to walk straight into her life when I sought her out. So each day, these opposing views struggle to dominate my perception of her, attempting to maintain this enigma status to her. The thing was, I knew she wasn’t an enigma. She has never created a veil of illusion to who she is. When I asked her about her parents, she told me. I came to understand that Janis treated everyone like they were her friend but you only knew her if you had asked.
“Baby? Are you coming with me?” The whine in Vince’s girlfriend’s voice was undeniably the most annoying fucking thing I have had to endure this afternoon. She’d been here since we began at 4:30 and she made me want to bash my head against the fucking wall and leave my corpse for the roaches to eat. Glancing over to the microwave in the kitchen, the time read 8:15 which meant that Janis would be bringing down dinner in fifteen minutes. Apparently Tommy followed my glance at the clock,  I could literally watch the kid’s hamster in his brain pick up speed on the wheel as he realised the implications of the time. Tommy probably only understood the fact that he would be fed and not that this whiny bitch had not taken a liking to Janis earlier. 
“Dude you have to stay, JJ,” Don’t get this bitch started Tommy! 
“WE have things to talk about and we want you to stay for them Vince.” Mick was the one to interrupt, catching Tommy’s inability to remember details. Tommy looked over at me with his mouth still open, obviously confused as to why he had been interrupted so I met his look with a quick shake of my head to indicate for him to drop it. “That is, if you’re willing to leave Rock Candy?” We all looked at Vince expectantly, waiting for his answer. 
“Yeah of course man.” Almost instantly, a genuine smile broke out on my face, Tommy and Mick were donning similar smiles, the latter’s was more subtle in comparison. Sticking out my hand to Vince, he shook it firmly. The smile on my face only continued to grow as his girlfriend took the hint that he would not be joining her and left, slamming the door behind her. 
“What Tommy was about to say before I interrupted him was a reminder that Janis is going to be down in a few minutes with some dinner, but I figured that it was best if that were left unsaid in front of your lovely girl.” Looking over at Tommy, watching his hamster go into overdrive with Mick’s comment was amusing to say the least. Too bad I didn’t know how to play poker because Tommy would be so fucking easy to win against. There was a sudden and uncoordinated knocking at the door and Tommy jumped up from his seat to answer it. Opening the door revealed Janis with a dish in her hands,
“I’m a tad bit early but once I saw that beautiful car leave, I figured this place would be safe for me to enter.” Janis spoke as she crossed the living room to place the dish down on what little counter space there was available. Turning back to face us, she spoke directly to Vince “Your girl has natural guard dog tendencies, but judging by her perception of me as some threat, you” pointing her finger in a mock accusation, “must be the real dog.” Vince, by now sat on the couch, slouched his hips forward and stretched his arms out across the back of the couch.
“You,” Vince imitated her enunciation, “ walked in here wearing very little clothing, all giddy and excited. Can you blame her?” Janis looked quite shocked at this statement, and turned to look at me for support. I for one, knew she had no ill intentions, but knowing that it would get her flustered I shrugged my shoulders slightly to. My intentions of flustering her worked as her cheeks turned rosy and she began playing with the skin of her nails. 
“Holy fuck Janis.” Mick spoke with an air of exasperation at her, “They’re busting your balls. You didn’t come off as an adulterous whore looking to fuck this asshole.” She let out a breath that none of us noticed that she was holding in and I laughed at her frustration to which she began laughing as well while flipping Vince and I off. She looked back over at me, 
“Is it a safe assumption that you don’t have any cutlery or plates for us to eat off of?” She knew the answer to her own question, but had asked it anyways, a habit that annoyed me. The corner of her mouth twitched up in a smirk, and she moved her head in the direction of the door. 
“Someone come help me bring the rest down, and DO NOT,” she whipped around to catch Tommy about to reach under the tinfoil to pick at the dish, “touch the food with your bare hands that have not been washed since god knows when!” She strode over to him grabbing his arm, “In fact you can be the one to come and help me!” Since first meeting her in the diner, Tommy knew not to argue with Janis on the matters of etiquette and manners so he simply allowed himself to be dragged out of the apartment. Placing the bass gently into the stand, I walked into the excuse of a bedroom, which was in fact a mattress on the floor with blankets haphazardly strewn across it, to retrieve some papers for naming the band. As I emerged from the bedroom, Tommy and Janis re-entered carrying what appeared to be plates, cutlery, salad, and buns. 
“Why didn’t we just come up to your apartment? Considering the amount of stuff you’ve brought down, wouldn’t it have made more sense for us to come to you?” I asked her.
“Am I not allowed a change of scenery?” Shaking my head at her, she grinned knowing that once again she had answered my question with another question rather than just giving me an answer. “Anyways, I’ve made baked pasta and Caesar salad for you all.” Tommy of course had his plate ready and his ass back on the couch before she even finished the statement. Grabbing beers from the fridge, I placed them all on the table before glancing expectantly to Janis while holding one in my hand, she nodded back to me. Once we were all seated, I began alternating between eating and shuffling through the papers and notebooks in front of me trying to find what I was looking for. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Janis watching me. 
“So here’s my theory okay?” Speaking up suddenly, I had their attention, “Look, if we want to knock people on their asses then we’ve got to give them a show. The punks? They’re doing the minimalist thing, so let’s take this in the exact opposite direction…” Tommy and Vince were nodding in agreement with me, while Mick remained stoic and difficult to read. However, I was only looking towards Janis at this point, not because she was an integral part of the band that I needed approval from but because I was nervous. Being nervous at this point sounds stupid, but I have been thinking about this band long before these guys were sitting in this room with me. “I’m talking, I’m talking a stadium show in the clubs, man,” unconsciously my hands were talking with me as I grasped at ideas, “Like, like costumes and lights and…”
“Pyro and flames and shit! Explosions.” Tommy exclaimed. Janis glanced over at him and gave a light laugh as she turned back to me, but his enthusiasm only built confidence in me that at least he shared my vision. 
“Exactly! Exactly!” Becoming more focused, I reigned back in the conversation. “Look it’s a fucking war out there and the only way we win is by showing these kids something they’ve never seen before.” 
“So what do we call this thing?” Vince spoke, signaling that he was also on board. Flipping through the notebook pages, I continued “You know it’s all about being fucking larger than life.” Stopping on the page, I looked up to Vince and showed him the pentagram symbol and ‘XMASS’ name. 
“X-MASS?” He questioned. 
“On a scale of 1-10? I think it’s a 1.9.” Spoke Mick. The others gave snorts of laughter while I felt slightly defeated. 
“It’s a play on Christmas. You know? You can use all the Christ imagery and shit. It’ll piss people off and make people think!” My attempts to steer this conversation back into my direction did not appear to be going in my favour. “It’s got shock value.” 
“Yeah, I’m shocked at how much it blows.” Mick stated. Exasperated, I put the notebook down on the table. A business pitch gone astray, I had lost them. Janis glared at Mick before letting out a sigh, and picking up my notebook to flip through some of the pages.
“Not quite sure what religious trauma you went through but I’m sensing a theme here.” Setting the notebook back down on the table, she looked me dead in the eyes and spoke genuinely, “You don’t want to piss the wrong people off and the church are definitely people to steer clear of. Also you’re overestimating the intellectual capacity of the club goers Nikki. They don’t want to think.” She shrugged her shoulders, “They just want to get fucked out of their minds and listen to good music.” 
“Alright then assholes, you give it a shot, but fucking make it big.” Each of them grabbed a notebook off the table, save for Janis who continued eating her dinner while glancing at the clock in the kitchen. I followed her gaze to see it reading 9:00, looking back I caught her eye and she winked at me before looking down at what Tommy was writing. She smacked him on the chest with the back of her hand and he laughed as he turned the notebook around to face us. A crudely drawn dick with the words “The Fourskins” written on it was the best he could come up with. 
“Really Tommy?” I feigned annoyance while I laughed. 
“Yeah cause we’re going to fuck the audience in the face every night dude!”
“But can you see that shit on the marquee above the forum every night?” Again, I had unconsciously talked with my hands, splaying out across a fake marquee. 
“Yeah you’re right. I’m out.” Tommy tossed the notebook back onto the table as Janis gave him a whispered scolding for essentially wasting his breath but I knew she found it funny too. Mick seemed to be deep in thought, so I jutted out my chin at him and he turned the notebook around while speaking, 
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” The paper read Motley Crew. Janis chuckled lightly at this, looking around the group while I took the notebook from his hand to add a few tweaks to it.
“Don’t think I could have thought of a more encompassing word for you lot.” Janis and Mick exchanged a look and she held out her fist to him, he smirked and reached across the table where he sat to return the gesture to her. Turning the notebook back around to the group, it read Mötley Crüe. Despite losing their attention earlier, they all nodded in agreement to this name and the encouragement energized me.
Not long after our name had been decided upon, Janis (with the recruited help of Tommy yet again) packed up the leftovers and made her way back to the apartment. It had almost slipped my mind that it was a Monday night and she would be headed to work. She thanked us for letting her intrude on our band naming session, which I found to be amusing considering that she had been the one to feed us for free. Once Tommy had returned, the drinks were flowing and I was beginning to get a sense of who Vince was and I quite liked it. Over the past few weeks, I had been able to go out with Tommy and Mick. Tommy proved to be someone who I could raise hell with and although Mick wasn’t a complete buzzkill, he did not seem keen on joining in the festivities. He humoured us by dryly laughing at our antics but his heart never seemed to be quite into it. Although, maybe Janis could get him to loosen up a little bit. Mick seemed to tolerate her a bit more than he did Tommy and I for whatever reason. 
“So what’s with that Janis chick, Tommy mentioned her at the party more or less as cherry on top of the offer,” 
“Must not have been why you really came seeing as you showed up with a chick. Also please don’t bring her back here.” Hoping to steer him clear of the topic of Janis, I would rather not listen to him talk about her like I assumed he would. I loved pussy as much as the next person, but Janis wasn’t pussy.
Vince began listing reasons why he kept his girl around, among which was money, something none of us had a lot of. Fuck. If I had known she had access to cash, I would’ve been kissing her ass rather than been at her throat earlier. He briefly apologized for ghosting us on the offer but explained that he had eventually listened to the tape and liked it but also figured that he owed it Tommy to come for helping him out when he was in a tough spot in high school. If he didn’t feel in debt to Tommy, he probably wouldn’t be here. I couldn’t tell whether I should respect him or be annoyed. Doesn’t matter now cause he’s here. 
With enough beers in my system I was beginning to feel cramped in the cluttered and frankly gross apartment and felt I had enough of my company for the time being. It was a bit difficult to shake Tommy off but I told him to stay at the apartment with Vince and Mick so they didn’t feel they had to leave. The Whiskey-a-Go-Go was only down the street from the apartment building and didn’t take long to reach on foot. Staring up at the marquee, I knew that our name was going to look great up there and it was simply a matter of time. Turning the corner, I could see the fluorescent sign of my destination in the distance. Approaching the same window I had seen her in initially, Janis was not visible, but I could hear Jump in the Line by Harry Belafonte playing from the jukebox inside meaning that Janis had acquired some quarters. Opening the door, I reached up and stopped the bell from ringing to maintain a stealthy approach. This one looked quite similar to the one above Janis’ apartment door but newer. It clicked that she must have taken the old when it was replaced. Turning my head left and right I could see a pair of bent sun kissed legs on the ground peeking out from underneath a table with one converse clad shoe tapping along to the beat of the song. Approaching the table, making sure to keep to the side so that she wouldn’t be able to see me, I shifted uncomfortably when I saw that the skirt of her uniform was riding up on Janis’ thighs as she sat on the floor appearing to scrape gum off the bottom of the booth. 
“For someone scraping gum off tables, you look pretty happy.” She jumped slightly at the surprise of my voice and banged her head off the table, cursing and rubbing it while glaring up at me. Holding out my hand to her while laughing at her pain, she smacked it away with the straight edge scraper and made her way off the floor. 
“You want a JC?” She questioned, making her way over to the bar. 
“Of course.” Sliding into the booth, I made my way over to the jukebox that had stopped playing to slip a quarter in and chose a personal favourite. The opening guitar sequence to Dream On by Aerosmith rang throughout the diner and Janis nodded appreciatively as she approached with the JC which I gladly accepted and downed in two gulps. She smirked up at me in what I could only describe as a devilish grin. I smirked back down at her, “What?”
“Did my spit make your drink taste especially good?” The laugh that I loved to hear blended beautifully with the song. I was content being here, even if she had spit in my drink as payback for scaring her. For now, life is good, exceptionally so with Janis by my side. 
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Triple H, Shawn Michaels x Fem Reader- "I Love Men"
December of 1997 would be a transitional time for the World Wrestling Federation.
During that month in that year, WWF CEO Vince McMahon made a speech ushering in a new era of the WWF, an era of antiheroes and edgier content, this era would be known as the Attitude era.
The era that would save the WWF from going out of business, be even more popular than the WWF in the 80's, and introduce us to some of the most iconic wrestling stars of the past 25 years.
This new era was also not like the WWF people were used to in the 1980's and even the 1990's.
No, this new era was a lot edgier, more violent, more oversexualized, and had some shock value.
What was once a kid friendly company that seemed like a live action Saturday morning cartoon and even had its own Saturday morning cartoon during the mid 1980's now wasn't something most parents would want their kids watching.
There were signs the Attitude era was coming about even before Vince McMahon made that speech that ushered in this new era, with Stone Cold Steve Austin being a middle finger throwing brawler, Mankind being a Hannibal Lector-esque psychopath, Brian Pillman pulling a gun out on Stone Cold and turning Goldust's wife into his personal sex slave, Kane being a horror movie villain whose face was burned during his childhood, Sable shedding a potato sack to reveal herself in a bikini that left almost nothing to the imagination and D Generation X being rebellious punks that spraypainted racist graffiti on black wrestler's locker room walls, sticking the Canadian flag up their noses and Triple H making jokes about his penis.
Some have even said the Attitude era began before Vince McMahon made that notorious speech ushering in this new era.
And you were one of the signs the Attitude era was coming about soon.
You were once Hunter Hearst Helmsley's elegantly dressed valet in evening gowns and silky opera gloves, who never said or did anything controversial or shocking.
However, sometimes in 1997, you were caught making out with Hunter in the back of a limo on "Monday Night Raw" as well as looking like you and Hunter were going to get busy as they say, but that was tame in comparison.
By the end of 1997, you ripped off an evening gown the audience was used to you wearing to reveal yourself wearing a skimpier, hooker-like outfit with a miniskirt and tube top, as well as did some moments like bending down and pretending to drop a makeup compact you were holding while you stuck your ass up in the air while Triple H, Shawn Michaels and the New Age Outlaws looked under your skirt and made gestures with their index fingers like they wanted to fingerbang you.
At the end of 1997, you cut a rather seductive and sexy wrestling promo that would lead to the character you'll always be remembered for playing in the WWF/E: a boy-crazy, seductive, slutty nymphomaniac with histrionic personality disorder that seduced wrestlers you thought were sexy.
Basically like a female Val Venis or a wrestling version of Madonna in the early 90's.
This wrestling promo started off by filming your leg covered in a silky red blanket as the camera slowly panned up your body while slow, jazzy music was playing in the background, the camera halting at filming up your body once it reached to you and Triple H's heads.
You and Triple H were snuggling in bed together right next to each other, you were curled up right next to him.
Triple H was shirtless and had his long, flowing blond locks hanging down, not tied with a little ponytail in the back or little braids, and one of his huge arms was wrapped behind you.
You were stark naked under that blanket, but the blanket was covering your nude body below your shoulders.
One of your hands, in particular the tip of your index finger, was horizontally running up and down his bare chest while he was smiling and you were looking at him, grinning from ear to ear.
Your eyes then panned to the camera, introducing yourself to the audience, your voice sounding seductive and sexy, like a phone sex girl.
This promo sounds like and looks more like a phone sex hotline commercial rather than a wrestling promo.
"I lovemen" you gushed, your eyes rolling to the top of your head when you enunciated the word "love".
"Men's bodies produce testosterone; which increase their libido" you explained while the tip of your index finger drew circles on one of Triple H's pecs. "As well as muscle and strength"
Your hands moved to Triple H's massive biceps and squeezed on both of them when you added how testosterone increases muscle and strength.
Though, there's something else that increased Triple H's arms and it ain't testosterone.
Or weightlifting.
You then rolled over, only for the camera to show that you weren't alone in this bed, and lying right next to you was Shawn Michaels.
Shawn, too, was shirtless, and his long brown hair was hanging down, he barely had any facial hair on his face.
The silky blanket was still covering your breasts as well as your naked body.
You snuggled yourself up next to show, nudging him, and one of your hands caressed up and down the middle of his chest, where his chest hair is.
He grinned while you stroked his chest, his chest hair was in between your fingers.
"Some men have chest hair" you explained, "That's not just a sign of masculinity; but perfect to run your fingers through".
The tip of your index finger drew circles in the middle of Shawn's hairy chest while you said that, his chest hair rolling and curling around the tip of your finger, but not enough for his chest hair to wrap around a tight grip on top.
'Tis a shame Scott Hall a.k.a. Razor Ramon is over in WCW (and you don't just mean over in wrestling lingo as something the audience really enjoys), because his chest hair is iconic, and he probably would love this promo.
Scratch that, he would.
Jeff Hardy could've been in this promo as well considering he had chest hair, even back then.
You then rolled your body over and crawled over the silky bed sheets, to where Triple H's genitals are.
When you crawled, you were trying not to show your bare naked breasts, but the tops of your arms were blocking your nipples from being shown.
Your face and head were close to Trips' crotch, covered and shielded by that silky blanket you were sharing with him, you stopped crawling once you were lying right next to his crotch.
"But my favorite thing about men" you started "Is their manhood"
You lifted one of your hands and placed the pad of your index finger over where Triple H's cock is, horizontally running that finger up and down.
Triple H actually was naked in this promo and he and Shawn had massive, blatant boners hiding under those bedsheets for you.
You can see Triple H's erection (or at least a prosthetic) poking and protruding through the silky bed sheets.
Plus, Triple H and Shawn Michaels in general were meant to have erections during this promo considering they play such naughty scamps in the WWF.
"They've got something down there that's hot, tender and juicy" you expressed while you ran your index finger horizontally up and down Triple H's shaft "That's perfect to suck on"
Triple H's hands moved above his crotch where they crossed an "x" shape at the wrist when you said "suck on", your lips grinned and smiled a naughty shit eating grin without showing your teeth.
"And testosterone is also responsible in producing something" you added "That I love as much as I love men"
No, you don't mean pee or worse, poo, because women poo and pee as well.
You mean cum.
When you referenced how testosterone produces something you love as much as men, your fingers grabbed onto Triple H's scrotum covered by a blanket and gently squeezed them.
Your finger was stroking up and down Triple H's penis, but not Shawn Michaels'?
And you're grabbing Triple H's package but not Shawn's?
Ah well, Shawn Michaels took his pants off when he was playing strip poker, but Triple H didn't take his pants off.
And Triple H used to always crack dick jokes but Shawn Michaels didn't, even though women in the audience would shriek like maniacs hearing that.
Triple H in 1997 didn't piss you off as much as Shawn did backstage, though Shawn is sexier than Triple H.
"C'mon boys" you said, your eyes looking at Triple H, "I'm sick of talking"
Triple H and Shawn looked at each other and smiled, where you crawled back into bed with them and one of Trips and Shawn's hands grabbed the covers and pulled them over your ass, shielding your ass from being shown on television, and you slid under the covers, Triple H wrapping one of his huge arms around you and pulling you closer to him while Shawn snuggled up right next to you.
You giggled like a schoolgirl and smiled from ear to ear while Triple H looked like he was leaning his lips into yours.
You sounded like phone sex girl all throughout this promo, which was the intention of it.
Jerry Lawler must be drooling uncontrollably watching this promo, but he can go fuck himself.
Despite that the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras are the 2 most beloved WWF/E eras ever, one thing about those eras that hasn't aged well and has faced criticism is that most of the female roster were treated as sex objects, not as wrestlers.
Even women who were wrestlers like Ivory and Jacqueline were turned into sex objects sometimes.
But your wrestling promo sexually objectifies men and treats them as sex objects; this promo was you gushing over how you love men, but not for their personalities, but when they produce testosterone and what testosterone leads to.
Y'know, women have breasts you can suck on, squeeze and play with, and pussies you can eat, finger and fuck.
I originally planned on typing a fanfic where the fem reader is a ringrat that Hunter Hearst Helmsley introduces to other wrestlers, and eventually the fem reader gets gangbanged by the likes of Hunter, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, Bret Hart, Davey Boy Smith and a wrestler named Avatar (who would later on play Al Snow).
But...I've been afraid this fanfic will be too similar to the one where the fem reader joins the WWF and she gets gangbanged by Hunter, Shawn, Brian Pillman, the New Rockers, etc.
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crue-sixx · 5 years
A Binding Contract
Title: A Binding Contract
Author: tiddly-winx
Fandom: The Dirt
Summary: You are a demon who needs to collect souls in order to stay alive, and three of the filthiest souls you've ever encountered are just ripe for the taking.
Warnings: Swearing, foursome smut, sex with a demon, anal sex
18+ readers
Author's Note: Most possibly the dirtiest smut I've ever written, based on a dream I had.  It was such a good dream that I lit a cigarette after waking up and I don't smoke.
You were just sitting in the second circle of Hell that you called home.  It was where the Lust sinners burned, and you had made a deal with the devil so you wouldn't have to be among the damned.  Rather you were one of the overseers who tempted the inmates with being nude all the time and whipping them whenever they tried to touch you.  You enjoyed this job very much-your circle never having been empty at all. 
In fact, yours was the most full if you could say so yourself.  A feat that you were so proud of.  You even got vacation time, meaning you could go up to the surface to pick out potential future souls to get promised to you upon death.  But if you were to be summoned, you would HAVE to go to wherever you were summoned too.  At this particular moment, you were busy whipping a priest for his lust towards children-much harder that you would any other being when you heard the loud reverberations that was your summoning hymn.
You were teleported to the site- a shitty, dirty apartment unit with three very surprised young men surrounded by music equipment.  The blonde stumbled back and screamed "Who the fuck are you and where did you come from?!"
You were about to give your human name that you assumed when you came up to the surface for some vacation of Y/N L/N, but now you were here on business so you said your real name of "Asmodeus" you stretched your whole body, your tail curling when you were finished.
The drummer couldn't stop staring at you-your tail, horns and hoofed feet creeping him out.  "So are you a...?" he treid to ask, but he couldn't finish.
You laughed and finished "A demon? Yeah.  You all summoned me with music" all of them couldn't stop staring, not only because of your appearance, but you were also naked.  With breasts bigger and firmer than any they'd ever seen before.  You sat down on their couch, crossed your legs and said "So what do you want?"
"Ummmm...what do you mean?" the bassist asked, him being a little more than curious about you being there.
"Well, you summoned me" you explained, you having been summoned on accident before and leaving empty handed "you just played my hymn, so now you all get one of your desires fulfilled, at the price of one soul each" you could see that the bassist was skeptical of your offer.
"What's the catch?" he asked.
"The only catch is that upon your deaths, your souls belong to me, where you will be whipped by me for all eternity in the second circle of Hell.  Anything that happens in your lives that doesn't involve you physically I have nothing to do with.  Like if a loved one passes away, that wasn't me.  I cannot touch anybody except you, and I can only collect your souls on the time of your death.  Do you understand?"
They all nodded, and had a little huddle in the corner to have a talk about it.  You snapped your fingers and produced a nail file to busy  yourself while they discussed what they wanted and even if they wanted to make a deal with you. When they turned around, the singer said "We'll do it...what do we have to do?"
You grinned and said "Well I AM the demon of lust.  So we gotta fuck" they were shocked at the prospect and even more so when you asked "Now which one of you young studs eats pussy the best?"
The drummer blushed harder than he ever did and raised his hand "I can make my girlfriend squirt..."
You smiled, pleased with the prospect "Very good" you spread you legs, your female reproductive anatomy on display.  You could change your appearance as you pleased.  "You two take your dicks out and sit on either side of me..."
The singer and bassist gulped, but did as they were told.  "Now to get the contract ready, you all have to get me going..." you then reached down and stroked the drummers face lovingly, knowing full well that you didn't need to be rough with these young stallions.  "What's your names, boys?" you breathed out, a pink mist breathed out of your mouth and upon breathing it in, the men's blood heating up and popping boners.
The drummer was on his knees in between your legs, he breathed out a ragged, hot breath on your thighs "I'm Tommy..." he began kissing the flesh on your thighs, and when you felt his tongue hit your pussy he gave a few licks, then look up and say "Fuck, you taste like Fireball Whiskey..." he then dove in and your breath hitched, you almost forgetting that there were two other signers next to you.
You touched both their dicks and started stroking them, both of them commenting on how your skin was hotter than anything that they had placed on their skin.  The singer crumbled into the crook of your neck and began kissing it "I'm Vince..." you felt two sets of hands caress your breasts and Tommy really getting into his cunnilingus.
You rolled your head towards the unknown bassist and asked "How about you, baby?  What's your name?" your lips touched his, your tongue searching for his and finding it. 
When you broke it off, he was panting and said "N-nikki...." you all were shivering with pleasure, when Tommy stopped.  You looked down at him in annoyance.  This prick was stopping without being told to.
"Why aren't I getting jerked off?" he whined, you rolled your eyes and your tail circled his dick (which was impressive for a human) and stroked him, him shivering and continuing until that perfect moment came and you finished in his mouth, him licking you clean.
"Jeeze you weren't kidding when you said you were the best pussy licker..."you praised him-a thing you rarely did "Now you get to stick it in there..." you leaned forward and kissed him, tasting yourself on his lips.
You got up and leaned Tommy against the couch on the floor, you motioning Vince to get in front of you and Nikki behind you.  "You get to fuck my face..." and turning to Nikki "and you need to fuck my ass..."
They all got into place and stuck their respective penises into their assigned holes.  "You all need to cum inside me, to get the contract to stick and your desire to come true...what is your desire?"
"To be a famous rock band..." Nikki grunted, your ass being the tightest thing his dick has ever been in.
"Very good" you praised, their greed only sweetening their souls for you.  "Now fuck me senseless, you sexy beasts" they started off slow, Vince taking hold of your horns.  Nikki had started pulling your tail, something that got you going and not everyone did it without being told.  Tommy was hugging you to his body, his face getting lost in your cleavage.
Even you were feeling the pleasure these three were experiencing, something that you NEVER felt and you praised them for it.  For Vince, you wrapped your tongue around him, the feeling that he was being fucked and sucked at the same time was too much for him to last long and when he came, he thrust his entire length to the back of your throat while using your horns to pull you even deeper.    He then flopped down on the couch to lay down "Jesus Christ...." he was spent, him not being up for a round two anytime soon.
You reached up and gently caressed his face "Not quite, baby...you did so well, you need a rest now" you had his genetic signature for the contract, you didn't need him anymore. He closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep.
A few minutes later Tommy finished, you feeling his semen fill you up.  "Shit!" he threw his head back, needing to be able to breathe.  He too flopped over, his dick going limp and slipping out of you.  In that moment you were so glad it was impossible for demons to become pregnant.
When it was just you and Nikki left, he took your arms and pulled them back towards him.  "Fuck your ass is so tight and hot, my dick's about to melt off"  he whispered in your ear before taking a nibble and tugging your tail in all directions.
You were in awe at his performance-he was the longest lasting you'd ever had and showed no signs of finishing soon "You're the longest lasting person who I've ever had, Nikki...you still got some stamina to keep going?" you heard him chuckle.
"I'm flattered" he commented "Does that mean I get a special clause in my part of the contract?"
You were astonished that he was trying to weasel his way out of the contract, so you pushed him down on the floor and started riding him, pinning his arms down with ungodly force.  "Now, now" you cooed in his ear "You don't get to add or subtract anything more than was agreed upon" you weren't expecting him to break your hold (at the cost of him breaking both his wrists) to put his hands on your hips and pound your ass like a jackhammer.
"If I put in more of an effort than anyone else, can I get a pass or two?" he was almost at his limit, but he knew that you needed his cum to complete the contract and he held it back as long as he could.
You were at your limit as well, and if you didn't get his cum soon you wouldn't get his soul.  "YES!  FUCK YES!  PLEASE JUST CUM IN ME!"
He chuckled, and upon your confirmation of his terms he gave two hard thrusts before his hot, thick baby gravy erupted into your bowls.  The both of you were panting messes when you were done, you being surprised that he didn't roll over and go to sleep.  "Wow...." you leaned over him, his dick sliding out of your ass in exhaustion.  "Are you even human?"
"Yep" he laughed, you did too "I'm just a fuckin' pervert."
"I don't think I can move after that" you flopped down next to him "You'd make an excellent demon, if you want..." only Satan himself could turn humans into demons, but if Nikki wanted you to you'd put in a good (or bad?) word for him.
"Nah...I don't want to live forever" he said, rolling on top of you to give you a deep, loving kiss.  Neither one of you had the strength to go another round but you returned the gesture gently.  "So, can you really give me a few passes?"
"Yeah, but I've only done it once before.  Like if you were to be pronounced dead I can take only a portion of your soul and bring you back from death" you explained.
"That's cool" he signed, looking around at the mess you all had made.  "It smells like ass in here..."
"It's better than what it smelled like that when I came here" you joked with him.  "so how'd you learn the music to my hymn?"
"Just something I came up with" he cuddled into your frame, your tail curling around him "I call it 'Shout With The Devil'" you laughed at it, not being all that far from the truth.
"It should be 'Shout AT The Devil'" you suggested "These religious zealots, will shit a chicken at that?"
"Like 'Shout AT the Devil' will be much better?" he raised an eyebrow at you. 
"You got a point there" you complimented.  You had to get back to the second circle of Hell, and you sat up and bid him adieu.  You kept watch over your investment in the three members of Motley Crue you made a contract with, the final member being naturally talented with a guitar so he didn't have to make a deal with a demon.
You saw them go through hardships-Vince accidentally killing a good friend in a car crash and losing his little girl to cancer; Tommy's train wreck of a love life and Nikki's battle with addiction.  You knew that they would all better themselves with age, and true to your word you only collected parts of Nikki's soul when he'd died and been bought back.  You hadn't expected them to turn their lives around as they grew older and wiser and you eventually called off their contracts.
You came to Nikki (now in his late 50's) one night while he was asleep and gave him a soft, warm kiss on the forehead.  With that simple act you gave back the parts of his soul you'd harvested, making him whole.  You knew that there would be more than enough lustful sinners to replace the souls you released and you'd have all your holes ready for future contracts.
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An Ending Within--Ch. 8
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Chapter 8
           The house in Davenport was bursting with noise. I was in the kitchen, pulling a ham from the oven, while Seth pulled plastic plates from the cabinet. The counter was piled high with food—green beans, cooked carrots, mashed potatoes, gravy, roasted corn, biscuits, hot baked apple pies—and cheesecakes waited in the fridge. Our dining table was nowhere near big enough for the group who had joined us for an early Easter dinner. Luckily, the weather was nice and we could eat outside.
           Roman swept through with Sefina on his hip and his daughter JoJo trailing right behind. He plucked a carrot from the pan, blew on it, and held it out to Sefina, who gummed it apprehensively. “Fingers out of the food!” I called over my shoulder when I caught him.
           He laughed and rounded the counter, dropping a kiss on the top of my head. “Aua e te faʻalogo i lou tina faʻamaoni,” Roman cooed to his goddaughter.
           I turned toward him, brows raised. “Did you just tell my daughter not to listen to me?”
           “Maybe,” he replied before snatching a biscuit and dashing out of the room, JoJo on his heels.  
           I rolled my eyes as I basted the ham. “Everything ready?”
           Seth smiled. “Yeah, want me to get everybody?”
           I watched him walk toward our living room. He let out a yell and the noise died away. “Thanks for coming. There’s enough food for an army in there, so eat whatever you want. As much as you want.”
           Leaning against the counter, I watched as friends old and new crowded into the kitchen, forming a haphazard line at the food. Jon and Renee were in the middle of the pile, talking to Roman’s wife, Galina. Jericho was at the front of the line, grinning and making jokes with my brother Bran. The Jacksons were there-Matt and Dana, Nick and Ellen, all their kids—and so were Becky and Alexa. Seth hopped into the back of the line behind Adam and his wife Amanda, easily starting up conversation with both of them.
           “Seriously,” I said as Matt came by, “take as much as you want. Please.”
           “Don’t say that around The Elite unless you mean it,” he replied, lifting one brow. When I nodded, he shrugged and started piling up his plate. I grinned, happy to see my new family fitting almost seamlessly with the old.
           One by one, people passed by and loaded up their plates with food. Seth opened the backyard doors and soon, the party had spilled out onto the stone patio and beyond. The kids made use of a stack of patchwork blankets to have a picnic. The Jackson kids took up spots with JoJo and my nephews. Nick’s wife Ellen, her one-month old baby boy Michael in her arms, kept an eye on them.
           “I’m sorry Kenny and Cody couldn’t make it,” Matt said. He, Roman, my brother Georgie, and I were sitting on the deck steps.
           “Don’t worry about it,” I replied, looking out at the people milling about our backyard. I was happy to see Seth standing with Jon just like old times. For a moment, I was thrown back to the early days of my life in WWE. My adoption into The Shield.
           Roman bumped me in the shoulder. “It’s good to see you again, itiiti.”
           I grinned. “It’s good to see you too, uso.”
           Matt and Georgie had become fast friends. They shared a love of basketball and had quickly devolved into a good-natured argument over which team was better—Carolina or USC. I was also pleasantly surprised to find that Matt got on well with Seth. But I shouldn’t have been surprised based on how much those two loved coffee.
           Seth dragged the metal firepit out of the shed and set it up in the middle of the yard. He and Roman got it burning while Jon went in to grab the pile of marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers from the pantry. Matt, Nick, Bran, and Georgie worked together in a circle to strip some branches for roasting sticks. I sat with my sisters-in-law and Ellen and Dana. Sefina was curled up in my lap, her arms around my neck as she dozed on my shoulder. Baby Michael was cooing in his mother’s arms. The other kids swarmed Jon as soon as he appeared from inside the house, sweets in hand.
           “I’m surprised they’re all getting along,” I said quietly, watching how Roman and Seth slipped into easy conversation with Matt and Nick as they prepped the firepit for the kids. “If only the dirt sheets could see this…”
           Ellen chuckled. “None of them would ever admit it happened.”
           “Of course not. Jericho can’t be seen hanging out with Elite trash,” I replied.
           It had been almost a month since the pay-per-view, and I’d been spending most of my time with AEW running interference for Jericho and the Inner Circle, doing my best to distract Jon whenever I could. I’d attacked Jon from behind twice and, at least once, held his attention long enough for Jake Hager to sneak up from behind and choke him out. I could feel myself settling into my new life, but I missed traveling with my boys. It was strange to have so much time at home.
           Jon started opening packages and created a quick assembly line with Bran, Georgie, and Nick. One by one, they spiked marshmallows and gathered kids around the firepit. Dads and uncles and godfathers and friends kept the kids back far enough that they wouldn’t get hurt, but close enough that they could roast their marshmallows. I grinned as I listened to them. Adam insisted that the marshmallows had be burnt black before they were done. Roman looked like he wanted to throw a punch over that.
           I couldn’t remember the last time I was this happy. When I felt as fully loved and accepted as I’d ever been. I was so grateful that they had all taken the time to come with their families. That they would spend just a little bit of their free time with me.
           “Are you sure you’re not upset?” Seth asked as I packed my new gear into a bag. Dynamite that night was going live from the TaxSlayer Center in Davenport.
           An ache in my chest. Like my heart was being squeezed hard. A faint wishful sensation. The desire for what Jon and Renee had.
           “It’s fine, Seth,” I replied, shouldering the bag and heading down the hallway to kiss Sefina goodbye. She would be asleep by the time I got home. “I know how Vince can be. You don’t want to be seen at the competition’s show.”
           A spike of frustration. Maybe a little anger. I’d watched Britt Baker show up at WWE events with no repercussions on either side. Jon had popped up on an at-home edition of Backstage on FS1, but no one was told off.
           But Seth was… Seth. And he was Vince’s golden boy.
           “Llane… Sophie…” He snatched at my hands, pulling me back. “You know I’ll be watching. I haven’t missed a moment.”
           I forced a smile and leaned up on my toes to kiss him softly. “I know.”
           “Jon… Jon…” I stood at the top of the ramp, surrounded by the Inner Circle. Jericho stood at one shoulder, Hager at the other. “Don’t get too comfortable. You have something that belongs to us.”
           Pacing in the ring, Jon slammed into the ropes, title over one shoulder. He held the mic up to his mouth, eyes wide and wild. “You know what, Leighton, I’m sick of your mouth. And I’m sick of you following Jericho around like a little puppy and doing his dirty work. All because he’s not man enough to face me again.”
           I took a few steps forward. “I should challenge you for that title, Mox. You know as well as I do that there’s only one person in this company who has your number. And it’s not Chris.” I held my arms out, wiggling my fingers in his direction.
           Jericho took the mic from me and, giving that smarmy grin of his, taunted Jon. “What d’you say, Mox? Huh? Are you a champion or a coward?”
           I knew him. I knew the wheels were turning in his head. A little bit of Dean Ambrose slipped into his face. He paced, breathing heavy. He backed away from the ropes, running his free hand over his hair.
           “I guess that’s our answer,” Jericho laughed. We backed toward the entrance tunnel, the entire Inner Circle smirking as Jon stood in the ring looking like a fool.
           “I’m not the one getting a woman to do my dirty work,” Jon spat vehemently.
           The Inner Circle turned as a unit. I took off toward the ramp, only to be caught around the middle by Sammy Guevara. I flailed, actually kicking Sammy in the shin, trying to get to the ring. I knew Jon was only talking shit, but I couldn’t help but feel fire in my veins at the fact that I’d been called just a “woman.” I’d trained with Jon. I trained with Seth and Roman. I could hold my own with any of them even on my worst day.
           Jericho looked back at me and then toward the ring again. “Why don’t you find a partner, Jon. That is… if anyone in that women’s locker room can stand you. I know you have… history… in mixed matches.”
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather Chapter 78: Who Am I Talking To?
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Wednesday, December 20th, 1989 Pittsburgh Civic Arena, Pittsburgh, PA
"Thank you Pittsburgh, we love you!" Vince shouts at the wild crowd chanting Crue.
We run backstage sweating and panting. This was our last show of 89. We are heading home for the holidays.
"Shit I'm so fucking tired." Tommy breathed out while using a cloth to wipe his face.
"Same fuck." Vince huff's as he drops himself on the couch in the change room.
"Here." Mick walks over to us handing each of us a water bottle.
"Hey boys you excited." Doug smiles walking into the room with Fred walking in behind him.
"Excited for what?" Tommy asks.
"For the Christmas break." Fred says with excitment. "I finally get to get away from you fuckers."
"Haha very funny Fred." Vince chuckles sarcastically.
"Man I can't wait to see my family. This tour is exhausting." Doug groans.
"You're exhausted?" I question looking at Doug. "We're the ones playing every night."
"Yeah well still, keeping you guys in check is extremely difficult." Doug says as he walks and sits by Vince. "So what are you guys doing for the holidays?"
"Ugh, I have to spend Christmas with Heather's family." Tommy says dryly.
"Is that a bad thing?" Vince chuckles.
"Well kind of, they can be annoying some times. Especially her mom, her and Heather are always nagging me."
"What about your family?" I ask.
"Her family and my family are coming to our house. Heather wants me to clean up and help her cook. As if I know how to cook." Tommy shrugs.
"I don't know why she would trust you in the kitchen, drummer. I wouldn't eat anything you cooked, I'd rather starve to death." Mick speaks up.
All of us start laughing. Tommy throws his cloth at Mick and he grins and swats it away.
"What about you Vince?" Doug leans back on the couch looking at Vince.
"Me." Vince grunts and leans back on the couch as well. "I'm going to spend Christmas with Sharise's family."
"What about your kids?" Fred asks.
"I'm going to see Neil, but I can't see Beth. Elizabeth won't allow me to see her. She's keeping her away from me. I'm hoping that me and Sharise can have a child togther soon."
Doug patted Vince on the shoulder. I felt bad for Vince. He was always complaining that Beth would on purposely tell Vince to come see Elizabeth on the days that he was out on tour just so he wouldn't be able to see her. She wanted his money but didn't want him around. I hope he gets to have a child with Sharise.
"Well at least Sharise wants kids with you. Heather won't even talk about children with me." Tommy frowns.
"Give her time Tommy she'll come around." Doug says.
"She's had three years now. It's going to be four when we reach May of next year." I point out.
"Exactly." Tommy sighs.
"Well, since we're talking about families. I'm meeting Emi's family for the first time." Mick speaks.
"Good for you Mick." Fred nods. "I'm spending time with Jess's family for the first time."
"Ouuu Fred you and Jess getting serious?" Tommy chuckles.
"He's got googley eyes for her." Vince laughed.
"Yeah, I do." Fred smirks. "It's about time I settle down instead of fucking around like you clowns."
I listened to the guys talk and laugh about spending time with families and loved ones. I felt bad that I didn't have a family to talk about. I was hoping that no one would ask me any questions. It would make me feel worse.
"So what about you Sixx?" Doug looks at me.
"He's obviously going to be with Mani." Vince chuckles.
"Bitch." Tommy sneers under his breath thinking that I didn't hear him.
After he says that, the room goes silent. All the guys look at me with wide eyes and shock.
"Tommy!" Fred growls. "That's not cool."
"Don't speak about her like that." I move from the table and walk towards him. "Seriously Tommy leave it alone."
"What? I'll never forgive or like her for what she did."
"That's fine if you don't wanna forgive her or like her. But fucking respect her Tommy. She's my girl!" I raise my voice.
"Oh I'm sorry Sixx." Tommy touches his heart turning to me. "I didn't mean to disrespect your girl who can't even tell anyone about you guys relationship." He snarled.
"Tommy enough." Mick speaks up.
"Enough of what?" Tommy questions. "We all know that their relationship is in the closet. I feel sorry for you man." Tommy smirked and shook his head. "Can't kiss, hug, or hold hands in public."
"And you can't have children with Heather." I spat. "Cause she probably knows that you're still sticking your dick in different holes."
"Fuck you Nikki!" Tommy yells.
"Alright boys enough!" Fred yelled. "Change and let's get the hell outta here! I'm tired of your shit!"
I back away from Tommy. I walk to the side and grab my bag and walk out the door.
On the jet..
I sat in a seat alone writing in my notebook. I've been writing a lot of poetry and stories since I left rehab. It's been keeping my mind busy, especially from drinking.
"H..hey dude."
I looked up to see Tommy standing by me rubbing his hair. I scoffed and went back to writing completely ignoring him.
"Can I please sit?" He pleads.
I shrug but continue to write, I'm not sure what he wants to talk about. I'm pissed at him after what he said about me and Mani. It's clear that he doesn't support my relationship.
"So uh, what are you writing?" He asks hesitantly.
No response.
"You uh, writing new lyrics." Tommy says nervously as he starts using his fingers to drum on his thigh.
No response.
"Sixx c'mon, please can we talk?" He pleaded.
I sighed and looked up at him then closed my book.
"Ok, well I'm angry at Mani because she shit on something that was special to Heather. And on top of that she nearly killed you Nikki. That was uncalled for."
"Tommy." I leaned forward so I could be face to face with with him. "I am sorry about Heather, ok. I apologized before and I'm still apologizing now. I know Mani feels bad about it too. But you need to let it go."
"It's hard for me to let it go." Tommy huff's leaning back on the couch.
"When you first brought Heather around us. She looked at me like I was shit, and she would always make snide remarks about me and the band. I tolerated it because you loved her."
"Yeah, you did." Tommy frowns.
"Look, I was mad at first when Mani did that to me. But in a way I deserved it. And if I'm being honest, I'm glad it happened. Because it brought us back together and helped us to talk about the things in our past that we never resolved."
He nodded his head and turned away from me.
"Tommy I love her, and I'm trying to stay on this positive path. I'm balancing staying sober, being in a secret relationship with Mani, these new emotions, touring, fighting with Brandi for a divorce, and you."
"Listen, if you can't let it go and forgive her than we can't be friends. Because I can't allow you to speak about her like that. She means a lot to me."
"So what are you saying?" Tommy mumbles and looks at me.
"I'm saying...that I'm choosing her."
It went silent for a long time. I could see it in Tommy's eyes that he was a bit upset. I hate to do this to him because we have been best friends since 81 and he is my terror twin. But this relationship with Mani means a lot to me. She trusts me, she loves me, and makes me feel good about myself. I want things to go further with us and I... actually.. we can only do that by keeping the negative people away.
"You really love her huh?" Tommy looks up at me with a sad face.
"I do Tommy, she means the world to me. She forgave me after everything I put her through, so that has to mean something worth fighting for. I don't want to lose any chance of happiness."
Tommy nodded his head slowly and rubbed his neck.
"Sixx, you're going to get mad at me. But I have to tell you something." Tommy says with a nervous look on his face.
"Please don't tell me you did something stupid." I let out and amused groan.
"Well...it could be considered funny." He shrugged chuckling.
"What is it?"
"I uh..I sent Mani a coke bomb on her birthday when she was in paris." He mumbled lowly.
"Tommy." I groan and slide down in my seat.
"Sorry I was still pissed off." He waved his hands. "But I'm not anymore, I see how happy she makes you and I feel bad for saying rude things about her infront of you."
"It's fine." I sigh and sit back up. "Just from now on I need you to be nice to her. Considering how much I hurt her I want her to feel safe and accepted with all of us."
"Yeah I hear you. We good?" Tommy raises his brows.
"Of course T-bone."
He got up to leave but stopped and turned around.
"Also, another thing Sixx." Tommy's face turns serious. "Remember how you said it wasn't Mani that drugged you. What did you mean by that?"
"I meant that it was her manager. She's not a good person. She tells Mani to do fucked up shit and she's always in her ear whispering bad things to her."
"So Mani always does what her manager tells her to do and say?" Tommy asks with concern.
"Did Mani say something to you?" I furrow my brows.
"N..no..I just wanna know." He chuckled nervously.
I sigh and scratch my head ready to tell him.
"Look Tommy, I use to manipulate Mani when she was younger because she couldn't think for herself. I would tell her what she wanted to hear or call her to make her pity me and feel sorry for me so I could get her to come to me. Then, I would make her do things that she wouldn't normally do. Like running away on tour with me. It was so easy because she was young and raised in a strict house hold and very sheltered. She knew nothing about the real world. She grew up never being able to make decisions for herself. Other people always made descions for her, including me. But I realized how dangerous it is to manipulate someone who can't think for themselves. It means that when someone tells Mani something, it's hard for her not to listen. Especially if that person has been in her life for a long time. Like her manager."
"Shit." Tommy mumbled and rubbed his head. He started biting his fingers tips and looked down at the ground.
"Yeah." I breath out. "Now that I'm sober and able to think properly I try my hardest to sit down and talk to her instead of putting thoughts and words in her ear. Mani's a sweet girl. I want her to make her own decisions. I want her to stand up to Tamara rather than say yes to everything Tamara tells her to do."
"Does she know you use to manipulate her?"
"No." I shake my head. "But I am gonna tell her when the time is right. It's something that she needs to know."
"Fuck." Tommy breathed out.
"Tommy." I called to him. "If she said something to you, you know you can tell me. Right?" I ask with seriousness.
"Oh..uh..no she didn't say anything to me." He studdred. "When I see Mani again I'm going to apologize for how I've been treating her. I want you and her to be happy."
"Thanks T-bone."
Los Angeles's
When the jet landed we all got out and gave each other a hug goodbye. We weren't going to see each other until next year. I got into my limo and reached home. I sigh as I looked around the big empty house. I didn't bother to put my stuff away properly. I sat down on the couch wondering what I would be doing for the break. Before Mani left she said she would call me and we can talk often. She's spending time with her family in Canada for the holidays. Every one has someone except for me. My holidays are going to be very lonely. I guess shit just doesn't change for me. I was lonely in the past, I'm lonely in the present, and chances are I'll be lonely in the future.
After taking a quick nap. I've been speaking to Mani a lot on the phone. I had to pretend like I was ok here. I told her that I was going to be hanging around with my friends for the Christmas break. But I have no friends. The ones that I do are still on drugs or drinking. Robbin called me as well but he was so out of it that I had no clue what he was saying. Tom also called and I spoke to some of my aunts and uncles. I wish I could go to Idaho, but there's not enough time. Plus I don't want to go to Idaho by myself. I got up then headed downstairs with my new base that Mani got for me. I sat there and started strumming but nothing was coming to me. I just felt bored and unmotivated.
Ring Ring Ring
I put my base down and walked to the phone.
"Hi babe."
"Hi princess how are you?" I asked as I walked back to the couch and sat down.
"I'm alright, just checking in on you. I hope you're ok?"
"Babe I'm fine, I keep telling you that. What's that noise in the backround?"
"Oh." She laughs. "It's my mom's church music. She plays it every Christmas. I can't believe you can actually hear it. I'm in my sisters room and the music is downstairs."
"Yeah I can hear it." I chuckled. "So is it just you and your family having a Christmas dinner or are other people going to be at your place?"
"Well we're actually going over to my uncle's house. Him and his wife just had a baby. So the whole family is going to spend Christmas there."
"That's...that's great." I mumble.
I stayed silent for a bit. Family. Something that I have never had. Going over to my girlfriend's house for a Christmas dinner to meet her family is something I wish I could experience. People always groan and complain about not wanting to see their in laws. But that's something I would kill to have.
"Nikki are you still there?"
"Oh ..uh sorry I kind of tuned out a bit. What were you saying?"
"I said so what are you doing today?"
I sighed. I wanted to tell her that I have no plans today or any other day but I didn't want her to pity me. I don't want anyone's pity. And I don't want her to travel all the way down here to come and be with me. I want her to be with her family. She deserves to have happiness. She deserves to smile.
"Oh, I'm going to be hanging with friends." I said with fake excitement. "We're going to go out and eat. You know, do guy stuff."
"Guy stuff?" She questions.
"No strip clubs I promise." I chuckled.
"Are they clean?" She asks with concern.
"Yeah babe they're clean." I assure.
"Nikki I can come after Christmas to see you-"
"Mani I'm fine." I assure. "You came out for my birthday so please spend time with your family as long as you need to."
"Ok." She says casually. "I'll call you later."
"Alright babe."
"I love you."
"Love you too."
We both hang up the phone. I think maybe I'll go out shopping for myself. And buy some Christmas presents for people. I probably won't give them the presents till after Christmas cause everyone will be with their families.
I tied my hair back and put on a baseball cap and sunglasses for my disguise. I grabbed my car keys then locked up and got into my car. It was busy out on the roads. People wanted to do some last minute shopping before Christmas.
I stopped and parked my car and got out then headed into the mall. I grabbed a shopping cart then walked around looking for things to buy. I picked up a couple of things that I thought Mani would like, I also got something for Fred, Jess, Tommy, Vince, and Mick. I got something for Tom as well, I'll have to ship it down to Idaho.
I tensed up hearing that familiar voice.
"Hi Brie." I smiled nervously.
"Hi." She smiled and gave me a hug. "Nice disguise." She chuckled.
"Well it keeps the fans from recognizing me." I shrug. "Uh..well it's nice to see you I have-"
"Nikki you don't have to keep avoiding me." She frowned. "I know you and Brandi are going through some trouble but it doesn't mean that when you see me you have to run away."
"I know." I rub my hair feeling a bit awkward. "It's just Brandi's your daughter and I don't want trouble."
"I understand." She nods. "But also I feel like you should try and work things out with her. I don't feel like you two really tried. You know she really misses you and wants you two to work things out. And well, so do I." She speaks softly.
And you wonder why I avoid you.
"Brie." I sigh. "I don't know if Brandi told you but I'm in a relationship with someone else."
I saw the hurt on Brie's face. I felt really bad for having to tell her this. Ever since me and Brandi have been having problems I haven't spoken to Brie. Last I saw her was when she came over to get Brandi at our Dr. Feelgood release party. Since then I've been avoiding her like the plague.
"So, you marry my daughter and tell her you want to have a family with her. But the moment you two start arguing you want to call it quits and move onto a different woman right away." She said bitterly.
"Brie it's not that." I groaned.
"So what is it?" She furrows her brows and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Brie I'm sober now." I sigh. "I'm not doing drugs, I'm not drinking, I'm not smoking. I'm clean and Brandi's not. So it's a problem for me."
She nods her and looks passed me like she's thinking. "Well problems have solutions. Why don't you come over on Christmas eve to my place and we can sit down all together and talk about all of this. Brandi will be really happy to see you." She pleads. "And honestly I miss you too. I'm sure you don't want to be alone for Christmas. I know you don't have any family here. And Brandi is still your wife."
"Ok I'll think about it." I nod. "I..uh..I gotta go."
I push my cart passed her and speed walked over to the line. I paid and ran out of the store. I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed for some reason. I threw my stuff in the trunk, climbed into my car, and sat there for a bit. Maybe spending time with Brie and Brandi wouldn't be so bad. They both miss me and I do need company. Plus I'm still married to her so it's normal for married people to spend time with each other.
"Fuck Nikki no, you can't." I grumbled to myself. "Fuck."
I drove out of the shopping mall parking lot and found myself down by the sunset strip. I watched all the teens hanging out by the clubs drinking and smoking. The place has calmed down since the early eighties. I looked down at my leg and realized it was bouncing up and down. Why am I feeling anxious and stressed out? I feel like I need a drink.
"Fuck." I groaned.
My problem is loneliness, it always has been. I turn and drive down to the cathouse. I park my car in the lot and climb out. I pull my hat down just a bit more to cover my face as I head into the cathouse. All these guys that never made it as rockstars are still here drugged out and drinking. This was a bad idea, I need to get out of here before I...
"Hey Sixx!"
I turn to the right to see who's calling me.
I ran over to Robbin with open arms. He picked me up and gave me a big bear hug. Wow he looks like complete shit.
"Shit man where have you been?" He slurred.
"I've been on tour bro." I patted his arm. "You uh..you look..good." I lied.
"Thanks dude." He smiled. "Hey come sit." He grabbed my arm and walked me over to the booth he was sitting at.
"Hey Sixx what's up?" Riki walked over to greet me.
"Hey Riki."
He's another one that I tried avoiding. Especially because he introduced me to Brandi.
"I thought you were sober? What brings you here?" Riki asked.
"I was just driving by." I shrug. "It looks like King is doing his afternoon drinking." I point at Robbin.
"He's been here since morning." Riki chuckled.
"Well I have nothing better to do. Steven's pissing me off. He has lead singer syndrome. Thinks he's the shit, he's trying to kick me out of the band."
"He can't do that." I snap.
"Shit that sucks." Riki speaks up. "Hey you and Brandi still together or what?" He looks at me.
"We're married but separated." I say with nervousness.
"She really loves you Sixx, she told me herself."
I breath out and rub my face.
"Hey Riki you're stressing him out. Go get us some whiskey, Sixx needs a drink."
"Alright." Riki walks away.
"Uh no Robbin I can't stay, I'm trying to stay sober." I object.
"Sixx it's one fucking drink, it's not going to kill you like heroin nearly did. Come on bro for old times sake." He laughed and patted my arm.
"Robbin I can't, I promised Mani I would stay sober."
"Mani, Mani, Mani. Come on man, she's not here."
"Robbin-" I groaned.
"Ok, one drink. Just one drink."
"Alright here you go boys." Riki says as he puts the tray of shot glasses down. "I'll do one with you."
I look at the whiskey in the shot glass. My leg starts to shake underneath the table.
Would Iman find out if I had just one drink?
Will I be ok just having one drink?
"Sixx?" Robbin raises a brow.
It's only one drink. It can't lead to anything else.
"Alright, one drink." I smiled.
We pick up our shot glasses and down them. I clear my throat as the delicious taste of alcohol goes down my throat. I've missed this. I miss feeling alive, I miss hanging out with King and being at the cathouse, I miss partying.
"How about another?" Robbin slures.
"Sixx?" Riki looks at me.
"Yeah, I could use one more." I think one more will be fine. It's not like I'm over doing it. I rub my face and breath out.
"Atta boy!" Robbin yells. "Mani's been keeping you on a leash! It's time to free your self! Get the whole bottle Riki!" Robbin cheers.
"Alright, settle down Robbin." Riki chuckles.
Riki came back with two bottles instead of one. We opened them up and finished the whole thing. _____
Thursday, December 21st, 1989
"Oh fuck." I grumbled.
I stird and looked around realizing that I wasn't at home. This looks like Kings house.
"King!" I called out.
My head was fucking throbbing. I rolled out of the bed and stumbled a bit using the dresser to steady myself. Something felt like it was coming up my stomatch. I looked around for the bathroom but couldn't find it. So I had to puke on the rug.
"Uh..shit." I groaned as I finished puking. I wiped my mouth and opened the door to leave the room. "Robbin?"
"He's still sleeping Nikki." Theresa said from downstairs. "Come downstairs and have some breakfast."
I walk downstairs and rub my face. I sat at the table feeling like complete shit for what I did last night. I broke my sobriety.
"Did we drive?"
"No, Riki called you guys a taxi and Robbin brought you here. Your car is still at the cathouse."
"Fuck!" I raised my voice. "Fuck!" I yelled slamming my hand down on the table.
"So." Theresa walks over with cornflakes and milk. "How much did you drink?"
She placed them down on the table then turned around to grab me a bowl.
"Two maybe three bottles." I say with disappointment in my tone. "Thanks." I say as I grab the bowl from her.
"And how does Iman feel?"
Ugh Mani will fucking hate me.
"She doesn't know, Theresa." I get frustrated and grab the cereal box pouring it aggressively into the bowl. "I'm not going to drink again."
"I said I was going to stop injecting heroin two years ago. So I went to rehab, but when I got out and came back home to Robbin. He had it all around the house and was doing it infront of me. So I relapsed." She says sadly.
I watch her as she picks up a cigarette and lights it up. Theresa used to be a beauty. Full figure, long black hair, tanned skin, with white teeth. Now she looks like me when I was on heroin. It's scary to see her like this.
"Have you spoken to Mani since Tamara fired you?"
"No I haven't." She shakes her head. "I don't want her to see me like this. I wanna be clean before I talk to her." She says blowing smoke out.
"She cares about you."
She nods her head and sniffles. "I always cared about her..I just..you and Robbin got me into this shit." She grumbles and points at me. "Now I depend on him for everything." She sniffles again. "My family won't even talk to me cause I married him. I have to spend my Christmas here with Robbin doing drugs." She sobbed.
I sigh and put my spoon down. "Theresa I can hook you up with a specialist. He helped me get sober. I can give you his number."
She snickers and shakes her head then puts the cigarette out in the ash tray. "He must be shit." She chuckles.
"Why do you say that?" I furrow my brows taken aback at what she said.
She gets up and leans close to my face placing her hands on the table for balance. "Cause you- are not-sober." She grins smugly and leans back. "Finish your cereal and get fuck out." She sneered and walked away.
I rubbed my face knowing that she got to this point because of me and Robbin. I introduced her to drugs the same why I introduced Mani to my life of decadence. The only difference between Iman and Theresa, is that Iman had her morals and was strong willed to never touch drugs where as Theresa gave in. I'll just finish my cereal and..
"Nikki!" Theresa shouted from upstairs. "You pouta! You puked on my carpet!"
I think I'll just leave now.
Nikki's house..
I picked up my car from the cathouse but before coming home I stopped to buy two bottles of jack. I might need them for later, you never know who's going to come over for a visit. I showered then brushed and laid down in bed. My head was hurting and I still felt like shit. I felt angry at my self for drinking. I swore to Mani that I wouldn't drink, but I did. And I had more than one bottle. The phone started ringing and I didn't feel like talking to anyone, including Mani. I was so angry at myself that I drank. But then again I can't ignore her, I love her too much.
"Hey baby boy." Mani said in a seductive voice.
"Hey princess." I chuckled. "Better not let your mom hear you talking like that." I joked.
"She's not home, and uh, neither are my sisters."
I sat up on my bed and leaned back on the head board. "Mmm so what does that mean?" I breathed out smiling to myself.
"It means your hand needs to be inside your pants and my finger is going to be underneath my skirt." She chuckled.
I stopped smiling and sighed and stayed quiet.
"Nikki? Nikki, you there?"
"Is it..is it always going to be like this?" I ask sadly.
She sighs. "No it won't, and I'm so sorry for making you feel like this."
"It's ok babe, I put us in this situation. I know if anyone finds out about us it will be a problem for you."
"I'm sorry Nik."
"I just...it's frustrating sometimes when I see couples out walking together hand and hand or kissing and touching. And I can't do that." I say with agitation.
It goes silent on her end. I don't mean to bring up all these things before Christmas because I don't want her feeling bad for leaving. But all these emotions are just coming in and I feel like I'm about to drown in them.
"Do you want me to come back?" She mumbles.
Yes baby I do, I really need you here with me cause I feel lonely. Is what I want to say.
"No babe, I want you with your family." I lie.
"I love you baby boy." She whispers.
Nikki you have to tell her you drank.
"Mani." I said with nervousness.
"I um.."
"Nik, you sure you're ok?"
I can't do it.
"I love you too princess." I whisper back feeling very guilty.
"Aww baby." She chirped. "So how about that hand?" She asks seductively.
I woke up after a nap. I really fucking needed it. I huffed when I heard my phone ring.
"Hey Sixx it's Robbin, what's up dude?"
"Hey King, I'm good." I say
"Hey listen sorry about Theresa this morning. She's been in a bad mood since yesterday. That's why I went out to drink. Had to get away from her." He laughed.
"Nah, it was my fault." I chuckle. "I puked on your carpet."
"So, any plans today?"
"Mm, no not really. I'm going to be here alone." I respond trying not to feel sad.
"Where's Mani? I thought she was with you, that's why I brought you back to my place."
"She's with her family in Canada spending the break with them."
"Wow, so Christmas came early for you huh." He chuckled humorously.
"Yeah...I guess." I frown a bit.
"So, can I come over? We can chill like old times. We haven't really hung out in a while."
A part of me wanted to say no because Robbin is still snorting, drinking, and injecting. And I am trying to stay sober. But a big part of me wants to say yes because I don't have anyone to hang out with. Last night we had a lot of fun hanging out. It was like old times.
"Uh..no I'm waiting on Mani's call and we're going to have phone sex. So I don't want you to hear that." I lie.
"Alright Sixx, well I'll let you go then. Call me if you change your mind."
"Yeah sure no problem."
I hung up the phone and rubbed my face. I got up and walked around my mansion. What's the point of having a big mansion with six bedrooms, four bathrooms, three living rooms, a huge backyard with a pool if I don't have a fucking family. Does that make sense?
I walked outside and walked around my pool. I then came back in and looked in my fridge for something to eat but I didn't feel like eating. I then sat back down on the couch and turned the TV on. I watched MTV but I felt a little bored after watching it for some time.
I went upstairs to my office to see if I could find a book to read or find something to do so I could pass the time, but there was nothing. I walked into my bedroom and looked at the two bottles of Jack Daniels sitting on the drawer. There an was ich that was starting to form in my body. I bit my fingertips and started twitching my toes.
"Fuck Nikki no." I growled turning around and walking out of the room. I stopped infront of the stairs and started pacing. "Fuck." I rubbed my face over and over again.
The feeling wasn't going away. I needed something to do to get the feeling to just leave me. Maybe one drink can help get rid of the loneliness. Yeah one drink will be fine. This time I'm not around Robbin or Riki so I can control how much I drink. Maybe I can call Tommy and see what he's up to. We're both in the same boat staying sober, we can both look out for each other so that we drink only a little. I walked back into my room and dialed Tommy's number. My leg was still bouncing up and down. I hope he answers.
This is a two part chapter. Couldn't fit everything in one.
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
Life is a Sick Joke pt 13
Pairing: Mick Mars x Reader
Would like to start from the beginning? Here you go Part 1!  
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13. “He is Such a Good Boy.”
It was great to have Isabelle with you. You did together pretty much everything and it was like back in the old days, just with the difference that you went to concerts every other day and got backstage as well. The boys treated her quite well, well when not? Tommy's attitude towards her was a bit odd. He became nervous whenever she was around and he hardly said a word.
Currently, you were at a studio where you were helping to set the background up for the new clip 'Too Young to Fall in Love'. You quite loved this song and you were present when they discussed what would be in the video and you must say that it will be pretty badass.
"You can still be in the video if you want." Vince offered and winked.
"I've told you many times that no thanks. I will be okay here." You rejected the offer for the 100th time now, while eating your food.
"If you say so. But you will regret it." He added walking backward, a devilish smile on his face.
"What do you mean? Vince!" You put down your bowl and tried to shout through the now-going music.
"We made a few changes in the intro...girls and all." He turned his back to you and went over to the others. Goddamn it. And if there will be girls? They are constantly around them. These few minutes won't bother you Anyway, trust, as you discussed many times with Mick. You just need to put a believable smile on your face and everything is gonna be alright.
"What is on your mind?" Isabelle asked as she took a seat beside you on one of the tables. "Vinnie told you something?"
"No...well yes. But it's nothing." You didn't know why it bothered you this much. Mick hasn't given you any reason to act like this. You felt dumb and ridiculous.
"Okaaay." She said while scanning your face. "Look, they start now." You fixed your eyes on the boys, especially on Mick and then you saw what Vince was talking about. You immediately relieved since they all wore clothes and did pretty much nothing. At first, you didn't understand these Asian culture things, though Doc made an excellent concept of it.
"Yeah, kick some fucking ass boys!" You shouted while Isabelle whistled. They filmed the scenes three or four times, but there was one particular which was a tough one. In one of the last scenes, when Tommy had to beat down a man when they leave the building. After failing it over and over again, Doc declared a break. You went over to the boys while crossing your path with Tommy who was approaching Isabelle.
"Yo, (Y/N), how did you like it?" Vinnie was grinning like a mad man. You stood in front of him, he in his chair. You stepped closer and smacked his head in the back. You were smiling at him when Nikki burst into laughing and also Mick snickered.
"Hey! Why did you do that?" Vince asked rubbing his head.
"You got it for your little teasing. Anyway, does it matter?" You laughed but stopped when he jumped up from the chair and started to chase you.
"Ahhh! Vinnie, leave me alone!" Mick was just eyeing the both of you when you ran behind him to hide from Vince. You looked over Mick's shoulder to see him.
"Okay, kids, I'm not a playground. Go annoy Nikki!" He muttered trying to relax a bit.
"Mick noo. Please don't be like this. Be happy and enjoy life." You placed a soft kiss on his shoulder.
"Firstly I need to find the will to live then I will enjoy it, too." He stated.
"Ohh, I love you, my grumpy man." You hugged him from the back and managed to earn a chuckle from him. Vince already sat back and was watching you. Mick turned around to face you.
"I thought you would be upset about the video." He said after a few minutes.
"Why would I?" You asked but then realized, still let him finish what he started.
"About the beginning, you know what I am talking about. The girls and all..." He ran his thumb on your cheeks.
"Well, I won't lie...Vince already told me before filming so I was prepared but they didn't do anything that bothered me so I'm not upset. I know that you weren't the one whose idea it was." You glared at his bandmates.
"I'm happy you think that." He leaned closer and kissed your forehead. You almost melted right there when Doc appeared and announced the end of the break. You walked back to Isabelle and were about to finish your food when you saw that it was missing.
"Umm, Isabelle. Did you eat my rice?" You asked looking under the table and everywhere nearby.
"That's not a kind of question you should answer with another question. Damn, I'm hungry." You pouted.
"More like hangry as I see." She said with a smirk before handing you her food.
"Woah. Can I get it? You are the best sis ever!! Love you." You placed a kiss on her cheek. She knew you too well how you behaved when you were hungry.
"Umm, (Y/N)." She patted your shoulder.
"Yeah?" You mumbled with a full mouth.
"Just look." You put down the bowl and glared on the table Tommy stood beside. That was your fucking food. Your poor rice landed in the dust. When they finished the scene and the whole video you waited until Tommy came back to Isabelle.
"Dude we are finally free!" Tommy yelled as he and her high-fived. You just crossed your arms and were sending him death glares. "Why is she staring at me like that?" He asked from Iz.
"You eat her food, man. I would run if I were you." She mumbled. He looked at you with a scare in his eyes.
"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. Please don't kill me." He apologized but was backing off.
"Hey, T-Bone, what is wrong with you?" Nikki asked from his terror twin.
"I'm a dead man, Nikki! She will totally kill me." Tommy pointed at you and ran away screaming.
"What did he do this time?" Nikki inquired still following Tommy with his eyes.
"Ohh he just ruined my food and he thinks I'm going to end him which is...
"Speaking of food, I could eat a horse."
"You two have a really weird taste." Mick stated while watching Isabelle and you eating the Nutella bacon combo.
"Yeah, man. Also, that rice tasted like shit." Tommy said and sat closer to your sister thinking it wasn't noticeable. But it was and you couldn't decide how to feel about it. You loved both of them and Tommy was the only person you would've allowed to be with your sister.
"You still owe me for that." You barked.
"I will pay for your food this time if this pleases you, (Y/N). Anyway, since it's almost Christmas and all, how are you going to spend it?" Tommy asked rather from Isabelle.
"Well, I'm spending at the college, I guess. There will be parties and concerts." She cajoled with a bright smile. Your eyes googled and were staring at her hoping she didn't think that seriously. You could see the same reaction in Tommy's eyes who immediately sat a bit farther from her. You felt Mick's eyes on you waiting for your verbal reaction. You quickly reset your face back to normal and tried not to show any emotion but you couldn't help it.
"Be right back." You stood up and left the table. You walked as fast as you could to the restroom. You looked in the mirror which was a pretty bad idea since you were almost scared of yourself. You sprinkled some cold water to calm down. You thought, at least she would stay with you for the holidays since it was supposed to be about family. And since Dylan is in jail it would only be the both of you.
When you thought you were calm enough you left the restroom and headed back to your table. You closed the door behind yourself before you bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry." You apologized just when you saw who it was. Mick looked down at you and put his finger under your chin since you weren't willing to look in his eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked trying to look into your eyes.
"Nothing. Why would be?" You sniffed, tears waiting at bay.
"Cause you were quite upset when you left the table and you spent pretty much time in here." He gestured towards the restroom. "Is it your sister?"
"I hate that you can read my face like this. Of course, it is her. I just don't know why she is doing this. Christmas supposed to be about family, no?"
"Listen here. I totally understand what you are talking about, but she is now a grown-up and she has every right to do whatever she wants to. You need to let her go soon, you know that." You exhaled still not prepared enough to let her go. She was your little sister, you raised her and it was too hard.
"Yeah, I know. And I feel like a monster not letting her go." You muttered into Mick's chest while he was rubbing your back.
"You are not a monster. You took care of her since she birth, it's quite understandable." He said while hugging you tightly. "But can we talk about it later? They are all looking at us." You nodded and glanced at your table. They immediately turned their attention back to their food and continued eating it.
"What did you do there for this long?" Vince asked.
"None of your business." You answered with a lack of any emotion.
"You are on your period or what? I just asked an innocent question."
"Shut it, blondie." Mick snapped. You glanced over to Isabelle who was just casually consuming her french fries. "So Isabelle what kind of concerts?" Mick asked trying to draw their attention from you.
"Mostly bands from the school. Tribute and cover bands, etc. I will also perform with my band." She added while smiling from ear-to-ear proudly.
"What band?" Nikki showed some interest to her immediately.
"Well, we are a cover band, we play the latest if not the best songs of the last decade so ACDC, Queen, Black Sabbath, and your music, guys." She said shyly, running her fingers through her hair. Vince was smirking at her, his eyes never leaving hers.
"I guess you are the lead singer." He said while touching her hand on the table. She quickly drew it back and was glaring at him. Everybody burst into laughter but Vince crossed his arms and pouted.
"See, Vinnie? This family isn't very fond of you." Nikki stated still laughing.
"Yeah, I can see it." He was drumming on the table with his fingers.
"Then what are you doing in the band?" Nikki asked.
"I play bass." Nikki's eyes grew and turned to you.
"Well, (Y/N) if you are not willing to accept my offer about the position of Mrs. Sixx then I will have to offer for someone else." He declared. You sighed and pretended to be sad about it.
"Oh dear Satan, what will I do after this?" You played drama queen again. It was your specialty.
"Anyway, this young lady beside me can..." Luckily you managed to cover her mouth with your hand just in time. You were fuming. You shook your head and drew your hand back.
"She can what?" Tommy asked drawing his brows together.
"She can piss people off really easily." Vince answered instead of you and Isabelle.
"Sure." Izzy muttered.
"I will miss you so much." She said giving you the biggest hug ever. You hardly spoke to her since the restaurant. The taxi honked again which was about to drive her to the university. "Shut up, man. I will pay for it, don't worry!" She yelled at him.
"I will miss you, too. Take care and keep harassing your roommate." You chuckled.
"I promise." She snickered but then sighed. "I wish Dylan was here. I miss him, too."
You just hummed as an answer. You visited him several times in the hospital. He was in good hands so you didn't worry that much; Sharon spoke to him a lot and Dr. Prince Charming took good care of him physically.
"Call me as soon as you arrive, okay?" You hugged her one last time before she did the same to Mick who gave him some money for the taxi, Nikki who span her around in the air and messed with her hair, and Tommy who wasn't really happy. He adored her but she didn't feel the same. You felt sorry for him, he was such a hopeless romantic. Mick walked over to you and placed her hands on your hips from behind and pulled closer to him, resting his chin on the top of your head. When the taxi left your sight, you sighed and glanced at Tommy. He was desperate and looked miserable, you guessed you looked pretty much the same.
"Hey, Mrs. Lee I'm here!" You waved to Tommy's parents as they arrived at your invitation in the stadium. He was so sad after Isabelle left, you thought it would do good for him to see his family. He always talked about them so much. "Good morning and thanks for coming. Anyway, I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." You shook hands with his parents as you showed them the way backstage where Tommy was.
"Thank you for inviting us here. So he doesn't know about this, right?" Her mother asked while following you.
"No, Mrs. Lee, it's a surprise. I hope he will happy and not murder me." You snickered nervously.
"I'm sure he won't, he is such a good boy." If she was aware of what his good boy was doing, she wouldn't be so happy about it. But it wasn't your business.
"Hey, Tommy!" You yelled when you saw him behind his drumset. He looked up and turned to you. His lips immediately curved into the biggest smile which you haven't seen in a long time. He quickly stood up and approached you, hugging his parents tightly. He started to talk and talk, not letting his parents spoke a word. He showed them all the sets and everything in the whole stadium. After seeing he was in good hands you went to the gates to see how many fans have arrived so far. When the guards opened the doors and saw the crowd your mouth dropped. You quickly went back.
"Please, be careful." You informed the guards who just nodded silently. After that shooting, Doc hired much more guards for everyone's safety but you still felt a bit tensed after seeing big crowds. When you got back, Tommy and his parents were on the stage with a groupie who was wearing a red leather dress. Nikki also showed up and when you stepped closer you saw red marks on his neck. You leaned closer to him. "I would hide my neck if I want to live." You advised to Nikki who quickly did as told.
"This my fiancé, Roxxy." Tommy introduced her to his family. She held her hand up to shake hands. Her mother hesitated first thinking about something when Roxxy left them upset. Tommy scolded his mom and went after her. 
"What the hell?" You raised a brow and glanced at Nikki to see his reaction. "Are you high?!" You inquired wiping his hair away from his face.
"Who are you to tell me what to do, huh?!" He snapped and left you there speechless. What is wrong with these guys?
"He is so talented." Tommy's mother admired his son, watching the concert from the back.
"Indeed he is. By the way, how is Tommy? Did he behaved well?" You asked worryingly.
"Of course. He was so happy to see us." You smiled just from the thought he is being happy.
"Glad to hear that." You added.
After the concert, Tommy was jumping like a mad man again and was goofy. Well, for a moment.
You were on the road again, finally leaving that hotel with that weird guy Thomas. You were sleeping in the back, more precisely you tried to sleep because you could only hear this groupie's screaming. You got out of bed angrily and were about to beat the shit out of her.
"What is not clear about 'I'm going to sleep'?" You inquired with closed eyes leaning on the wall when the shouting stopped. You opened one of your eyes so you could see the quickly approaching Tommy who almost made you fell off. Vince's and Mick's eyes were attached to the girl. She was leaning on a seat, her hand wiping her bleeding lips. "What the fuck? Tommy did that to her?" You asked into nowhere cause no one answered. Mick cleared his throat and went to search for the first-aid bag which he gave to you after he found it.
"Please stop at the next gas station if it is possible." You asked the driver who nodded as a response. You made her sit down on the couch opening a water bottle from the fridge.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked while you started to wipe the blood with a piece of cloth.
"Cause I don't want to let you home with a face like that. It will still leave a mark but at least it won't be as visible." You answered dealing with the wound.
"What? I'm not going home. I'm gonna marry him and..." She started.
"You think that he will marry you after he hit you?" You asked curiously looking into her eyes. The boys were staring at you.
"Nikki, go talk with him." He did as told and went in the back to support his terror twin. After stopping at the station, you called a taxi for the girl and gave the taxi driver all the money you had with yourself.
"Please don't call the police if that's possible." You told to her. She was still in shock so she gave you a slight nod, before closing the door.
"Will she be okay?" Tommy asked desperately, biting his lip down after you were back on the road.
"Of course, Lee. Don't worry about her." You saw the relief in his eyes, though he was still worried and was angry at himself. You stood on your tip-toe and hugged him tightly.
"Don't blame yourself, please." You said, running your hand in his hair trying to calm him down.
On that day, something happened to Mötley Crüe.
Tag: @cmft-jr-winchester ❤️
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gothpanda · 5 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch. 13: Not Getting Rid of Me
A/N: I went to HEB yesterday at 7am & I wanted to die. Practice Social Distancing & read my story! Also, the date is my bday lol
WARNINGS: Language. Vince trying to be nice. Sammi getting annoyed
Read On Ao3 
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The California sun rose slowly rose high, changing the colors of the sunrise pink and orange. An echo of little bird chirps made noise in the morning with the sound cars driving down the street. A scent of coffee filled the downstairs of the condo made by Sammi. In her room, she placed her empty coffee mug on her desk, finishing the last steps of her morning routine. Opening the closet door, the brunette stood in front of a full-length mirror to take a hold on her hair. She parted the locks into equal halves, braiding the sections as fast and pretty as she could. Sammi tied the end of her long black Aerosmith shirt, just above the button of her jean shorts.  
She bent down to the closet floor, grabbing her black messenger bag to toss onto the wooden desk chair. Standing in front, she gathered her pencil bag and textbooks that were scattered on her desk. As she checked off her mental notepad, the distanced sound of a car door shut caught the attention of Sammi’s ears. She glanced out her window for a quick second only to fully look outside with confusion. In the parking lot, Sammi could see Vince wide awake as he walked over to her car right out front. He sat on the black hood, drinking out of a McDonald’s coffee cup with a cigarette between his fingers. Sammi scrunched her eyebrows hard as she swung the bag over her shoulder, sprinting downstairs. She ignored the shout from one of her roommates in the kitchen, heading straight for outside.
Stumbling out the front door, Sammi stomped up to Vince who had a bright smile on his face hiding his eyes behind sunglasses.
“Good morning!” Vince said, holding up his cup of coffee “Want some?”
Sammi crossed her arms, unable to think of words at this exact moment. “No! Why are you at my house?”
“I’m going to take you to school,” Vince said, sipping on his coffee and exchanging for a puff of his cigarette.
“Again, why?” Sammi asked, the space between her eyebrows wrinkling more
“Because I wanted to hang out with you without booze around for once. Or drugs around. And in actual daylight!” Vince said pointing up at the sky above him.
Sammi shook her head, “That doesn’t mean you have to come to school with me at 9 in the morning,”
“Maybe I want to start my college career, have you thought about that? Being a singer may not last long,” Sammi only looked at Vince longer, wanting more than jokes.
“Don’t you need your GED before stepping into college?” Sammi asked, sarcasm being her only language in the morning.
Vince huffed as he takes his sunglasses off, “Alright fine, I just want one day where we hang out and it doesn't end up in shit. Just one normal Sammi day of not partying. Okay?”
Sammi softened her shoulders, uncrossing her arms as she looked at her feet. She pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. “Fine, you can come with me to school. Clearly saying no isn’t going to work on you,” Sammi said, walking to the drivers' side of her car. Vince smiles proudly to himself, hopping off the hood as he jogged to the other side of the Impala, sliding into the passenger seat. Sammi rubbed the middle of her eyebrows, trying to relax in hopes for normalcy.
Vince hadn’t stepped a foot into a place of education since his junior year of high school, never thinking he would be exactly on a college campus. California State University was just wide fields of grass and giant buildings spread in between. He could see some seating areas where people were reading so early in the day.  The congested parking lots only made Sammi and Vince get a workout on their legs, aiming for the science building. Vince glanced down Sammi’s butt and legs, seeing how toned they were as she walked a bit ahead of him. He only stayed quiet, following the younger girl.
Stepping foot into the classroom was nothing like Vince thought it would be. A small auditorium had five rows of long tables with ten chairs cascading down to the board where the Professor stood behind a podium, pulling out papers in their briefcase. They began writing down on the giant green chalkboard, hearing the chalk clash. Sammi dropped her bag onto the last table at the very back of the room, sitting down as others piled into the room. The room almost filled up, leaving only a handful of seats out of the 50. Vince slowly sat next to Sammi, seeing her pull out a thick textbook with the words ‘Cell Biology’ in bold white front on the front. Vince looked at the pages Sammi flipped through, raising an eyebrow then looking at the board. Others followed the same steps, getting comfortable in their seats with their supplies out. The blonde rested in his seat, tapping away on the table.
“You can still leave you know,” Sammi whispered to Vince. Vince scuffed and raised an eyebrow, “You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” Sammi only looked ahead from her, seeing the professor stand ready.
“Now last Friday we talked about the most commonly known structures in biology such as fatty acids. To dive in further we know molecules are what becomes more visible for the structures, is that correct?” the Professor asks, stopping their pace to face the class. A quiet unison of yes echoes in the class, just as Vince is barely trying to read what is on the board.
“Well then if you read up to the chapters, let me ask you all this. In the system, there is an arrangement of two molecules one of which has fatty acid chains connected to make the molecule. These form a cell membrane. With this little information, does anyone know what exactly I am describing?” The Professor asked, crossing their arms behind their backs as they scanned the class.
Many students stayed quiet, looking at each other for an answer but not knowing what to say. Vince rested his chin in the palm of his hands, yawning as he saw everyone think. Girls he saw looked his way almost as if they forgot they were in class. He tried his hardest to pay no attention to them, looking at the Professor like a good student.
“Phospholipid bilayer,” Sammi mumbled, chewing on the edge of her pen as she was slouching over the table. She looked at her notes, then at the people below her. Vince wrinkled his nose, hearing Sammi mumble next to him. Switching glances between Sammi and the Professor, Vince raised his hand high in the air quickly gaining the attention fast of the Professor. The Professor tilted their head, confused to see a new face in the class.
“Yes sir, you have the answer?” The Professor asked, squinting their eyes at Vince.
“No, but she does,” Vince said pointing right at Sammi next to him. Sammi whipped her head to Vince, looking at him with wide eyes and a frown. Vince only gave Sammi a smile of encouragement. She looked at the Professor, straightening up in her seat.
“Ms. Bass? Do you have the answer?” The Professor asked.
“You’re describing a phospholipid bilayer,” Sammi said, shaking her leg from under the table as everyone in class turned back to see her talk. Sammi pinched her lips together, averting eye contact with anyone.
“Can you please give the full bases of what I am asking?” The Professor asked again.
“The pho-phospholipid bilayer consists of phosphate and lipid molecules on top of one another that forms the cell membrane,” said Sammi, playing with the end of one of her braids.
“Correct Ms. Bass. Good to see you have a boyfriend who encourages your known smarts,” The Professor said, walking to the board to erase any chalk marks for something new. Sammi’s eyes grew wide as she smiled awkwardly at her classmates looking back at her and Vince. She notices girls give her a certain look, only making her more uncomfortable.
“Also good to see someone read when they are told to,” The professor said with a raised voice. She giggled forcefully, looking at Vince “Yeah, my boyfriend,” she mumbled. Vince smirks at Sammi, leaning back in his chair as he hears the rest of the lecture. Sammi scratched her head, looking down at her notes feeling Vince's eyes.
“How the hell do you remember all that shit?” Vince asked Sammi as the two walked out of the building with a herd of students around them. He began grabbing the notebook and textbook from Sammi’s hands, gaining a raised eyebrow from Sammi with a quizzical smirk. “I barely remembered having to go to class when I was in high school,”
Sammi chuckled at Vince as the two walked past the clocktower in the middle of campus. “You just have to read until you forget what you read and then read it again until you remember it,” said Sammi.
Vince shook his head, looking through the scribbled pages of notes that contained organized equations. “Like the hell are these numbers for?” Vince asks, confused even more from spending a few hours in college.
“Calculus. Math still exists after geometry, you know?” Sammi says as the two got closer to the parking lot, seeing her car from a short distance.
“Hate to break it to ya, Sammi but I didn’t take geometry,” Vince said shrugging his shoulders with a tight-lipped smile. Sammi continued to giggle, grabbing the books from Vince in exchange for her car keys. Vince held up the keys in between them, raising an eyebrow to Sammi. “Take me somewhere to eat, Blondie,” Sammi said, walking over to the passenger seat.
“You trust me enough to drive your car?” Vince said, a smirk growing to Sammi. She nodded, leaning against the car.
“As long as you don’t fucking speed like Tommy, then yeah I trust you,” Sammi said, “Now unlock the car!”
Vince flashed a broad grin, unlocking the car for the both of them as Sammi slid into the passenger seat. The two drove away from the campus parking lot, heading straight for the middle of Los Angeles.
“When was the last time you got up in the morning for an early day,” Sammi asked, dipped a long french fry into a honey mustard sauce. Vince sipped on his vanilla milkshake, looking out at the pedestrians as he thought for a moment.
“I was going to say last week but we freaking started late,” Vince said, licking his lips, looking at Sammi as he relaxed in his seat. Sammi only shook her head, taking a bite of her cheeseburger. Vince gazed at Sammi, rubbing his palms on his jeans feeling them begin to sweat. Sammi twirled the straw from her soda, feeling Vince’s stare burn on her. It became a habit for the blonde to just look at Sammi while she wasn’t looking, yet having her feel it.
“Have you spoken to Tommy? Because I haven’t at all,” Vince asked, taking a tater tot from his plate in front of him. Sammi took a sip of her soda, straightening up in the seat to think on what to say.
“To me personally, he hasn’t talked to me. But I do know he told my parents he broke up with Roxie. They just reacted like normal,” Sammi said, biting her nails.
“What do you mean they reacted normally?” Vince asked, with scrunched eyebrows.
Sammi shrugged, “I mean we’re all used to Tommy announcing he’s in love with someone then it ending in a matter of minutes. Of course, they don’t know the full freaking story. My parents would probably kill him if they saw what happened,”
Vince nodded slowly, “And Athena?”
Sammi rolled her eyes wide, “Now she was going to kill Tommy. She told me she met Roxie for 5 minutes and didn’t even fucking tell me. She hated Roxie immediately,” Vince held a snicker at Sammi, grabbing another tater tot. “Didn’t tell her about Nikki though,”
“Eh would just make her hate him more than she already does,” Vince said, sipping his milkshake.
Sammi tilted her head at Vince, “You really think she hates him?”
Vince nodded, “Pretty sure all Athena thinks of Nikki is ‘guy who gave his little sister too much coke’,”
“Athena snorts coke too,” Sammi mumbled
Vince shot a look at Sammi, “Entirely different, Sam. Just listen and admit I’m sort of right,” Sammi pouted, taking a fry from her plate.
“I’m just saying Athena can’t get mad at Nikki really,”
“Why are you defending Nikki? I thought you were mad at him?”
“I’m not defending him! Nikki didn’t force me to do coke, I was the one that wanted to do it the times I saw,” Sammi said
Vince shook his head as he looked outside. “Well, then you probably did coke again during the U.S Festival. You act cuddly when you’re high especially to Nikki,” Vince mumbled
Sammi glared at Vince, kicking him in the shin from the under the table having the blonde wince at the slight pain. Vince rubbed his leg, scowling at Sammi with annoyance. The two gave cold stares to one another, not saying a word for a moment.
“And then you wonder why I try to get rid of you,” Sammi said, crossing her arms. Vince smirked at Sammi, sitting up straight in his booth. His eyes gave a bit of sparkle to the younger girl.
“Yet it’s almost 2 in the afternoon and you’re still here with me,” Vince grabbing Sammi’s leg to rest on his lap. Sammi only looked down at her food with a growing smile. “Remember I’m an encouraging boyfriend,”
Sammi rolled her eyes with a giggle, shaking her head as well. “Yeah who knows about my known smarts,”
“Hey, I knew you were smart. I just didn’t think you were extremely smart,” Vince said, lightly gliding his fingers down Sammi’s ankle. A chill went down Sammi’s back from the feather-like touch. Sammi pressed her lips together, taking a look at what was in front of her.
“How did you even know I had school today? I only told my parents my schedule,” Sammi asked, grabbing a tater tot from Vince’s half-empty plate.
“A little birdy named Britney. I called up your place and she answered, she thought it would be easier for me by ambushing you so early in the morning,” said Vince.
Sammi shook her head at the thought of Britney helping Vince. It was sweet in her mind but had the bug of the U.S Festival hit her again. The memory of hearing the muffled moans of her friend and the person she’s known from the age of 13.
“Also I didn’t know you were still kinda shy?” Vince asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m not shy, I would rather just not talk at all in class,” Sammi said with a pout, looking at Vince with big eyes. Vince nodded slowly at Sammi, playing with the laces of her shoes.
“So you’re still shy then,” Vince smirked
“Careful what you say, I have my foot pretty close to your dick,” Sammi said, flashing a smirk to the blonde.
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say,” said Vince. The two smiled at each for a moment before Sammi set out her gaze on the passing people.
“So what is it going to take for you to go on tour with us in January,” Vince asked Sammi as the two walked down a wide farmers market. Tents left and right, each having different fruits and vegetables to buy. A few other tents had handmade bracelets and necklaces to buy, some to personalize for the person. Sammi looked up for a moment, thinking about the idea of staying with the guys for a long period. Going on tour sounded fun to Sammi, but she couldn’t help to think of the chaos that follows. Everything had a good and a bad outcome with Motley Crue. If something felt good on one side, something became increasingly bad. Sammi could admit that it was her fault in some cases. It was like the angel and the devil whispering in the ear of someone.
“What exactly would I be doing if I was Doc’s assistant?” Sammi asked, undoing the braids in her hair. Her eyes followed the tent of the elderly couple, organizing bouquets.
“Well that I can think of, on the top of my head, you would make sure we got ready for shows on time,” Vince said, running his hand through Sammi’s loose hair.
“So basically I’d be your guy's babysitter?” Sammi side-eyed Vince, only to get a shrug from Vince.
“I mean pretty sure you’d get paid way better to be our babysitter than fold clothes all day,” Vince said, stopping in front of a tent where many bracelets laid out in different colors. Sammi looked down at the display in front of them, her eyes falling on a leather braid bracelet that had the color pink in the mix. Vince took notice at the same bracelet, looking to see Sammi. An older man walked up to the ‘couple’ with a carved wooden cane in his right hand.
“What can I do for you two?” the old man asked, running a hand through his long white beard.
“How much for that pink bracelet?” Vince asked, pointing at the handmade piece of jewelry.
“That sir costs you 5 dollars exactly,” The older man said, holding the bracelet up to Vince. Pulling out his wallet, Vince handed the man a perfect five in exchange for the piece of jewelry. Vince gently took hold of Sammi’s wrist, tying the two ends together.
“Don’t say I never get you anything,” Vince said, playfully pinching one of Sammi’s cheeks as he heard the older man chuckled. Sammi just shook her head and wrapped an arm around Vince’s waist.
“Yeah whatever,” said Sammi, looking fondly down at her wrist.
“You two remind me of me and my wife back in the 60s. Keep that young love going strong. It’ll help down the line,” The older man said, walking away from the front of the tent. He disappeared behind the tent, leaving the ‘couple’ thinking for a moment. Sammi looked at Vince with wide eyes, letting her arm fall off of Vince. Slowly walking away, Sammi heard Vince catching up to her. Vince felt the hesitant urge to swing his arm around Sammi, almost like all the girls he hangs around with. Instead, he only stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jean jacket.
“Thanks for the bracelet. I appreciate the random act of kindness,” Sammi said, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. Vince scratched the back of his head, looking around at the other tents. Hearing chatter of vendors and customers, passing along their products. The day remained bright and peaceful, something Vince hadn’t felt in a while.
“You’re welcome. Hopefully, it can bribe you into coming on tour with us,” Vince said, raising his eyebrows quickly to Sammi. Sammi only chuckled, aiming towards a picnic bench. The two sat next to each other, arms and legs almost touching.
“Alright, if I was to accept being Doc’s ‘assistant’, what would make it better than quitting my retail job and a semester of school?” Sammi asked, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.
“Well, you’d get paid like 8 bucks an hour. Which I know for a fact is way higher than minimum wage! Plus you wouldn’t have to pay for a majority of your stuff. Free plane tickets, free food, almost free booze. You get to bond with your brother a lot more. Maybe bond with me if you like me that day,” Vince said shooting his classic smirk at Sammi. Sammi bit her lips as she thought about just thinking of a bigger paycheck.
“8 bucks an hour sounds way better than $4.50. And if you say most shit is free, I can save that up,” said Sammi pushing her lips out as if she were to give a kiss. Again it felt like a devil and angel on her shoulders telling her what she should do. One telling her to keep being responsible while the other whispering to jump into the deep end. “I’ll think about it more, but I am leaning more towards a yes. I still need to see how much I have to save up for rent if I go,” said Sammi, getting a smile from Vince.
“You got until December to tell Doc, but I like what I am hearing so far,” Vince said, dashing a finger under Sammi’s chin. “And the offer still stands of me being your sugar daddy and helping you out!”
Sammi rolled her eyes, lightly hitting Vince in the arm. “Thank you, but I would rather go into debt than have you as my sugar daddy! You can be a sugar daddy to some mud wrestler when you hit the bank,” Sammi said, running a hand through her hair. Vince bit the nail of his thumb, looking away from Sammi. Her comment wasn’t supposed to hurt, but it did sting a little for Vince. He also knew he couldn’t say anything, for Vince knew he wasn’t a saint. He knew he would see a mud wrestler and draw towards them. The two stayed in comfortable silence, hearing live music playing in the distance of the farmers market. Vince set a gaze onto Sammi, seeing the wind lightly breeze through her hair. He rested his cheek into the palm of his hands, eye wandering around the young girl.
“When I get my riches I’ll still try to take care of you,” Vince said in an almost whisper. Sammi only blinked a few times, looking straight ahead.
“Whatever you say, Vince,”
In a small apartment almost all the way near Pasadena, the Bass sisters laid spread out on Athena's couch as they watched The Exorcist on VHS. Athena slowly took a bite from the red licorice that hung from her mouth. Sammi stuffed popcorn in her mouth, wrinkling her nose at the sight of Regan projectile vomit everywhere. The girls groaned in disgust, covering the TV from their eyesight.
“How the fuck did they make her vomit like that?” Sammi asked, sneering at the movie play in front of her.
“My bet is pea soup mixed with some other shit,” replied Athena. She ate her candy as normal once the scene turned less explicit.
“This movie is way too creepy. I 100% believe they could’ve summoned an actual demon while making this movie,” said Sammi.
“You really believe in that shit?” Athena giggled at Sammi, getting popcorn thrown at her.
“Ask Nikki. Tommy told me he got freaked out by demons not too long ago,”
“No thanks. Never feel like talking to Nikki. Hey speaking of Tommy, have you talked to him?” Athena asked.
Sammi shook her head, throwing a piece of popcorn into her mouth. “He hasn’t spoken to Vince either. Only told him what I got from eavesdropping on Mama and Dad at lunch,”
“How did you end up having a day with Vince? I thought you were mad at him for something he did a while ago?” Athena asked, biting off the long licorice rope.
“Britney told him I had a class in the morning. He didn’t really budge on leaving me alone,” Sammi said looking at the TV in disgust from another scary scene. “Tried to get on my good side for everything,”
“And you were mad at him because….?” Athena asks, turning to see Sammi who still watched the movie.
Sammi looked down into the bowl of popcorn in her lap. She wouldn’t always keep things from Athena, having her as a best friend and sister. But from the domino effect of the guys, Sammi wanted to keep some things a secret. Sammi huffed out a breath of frustration, finally meeting Athena’s stare.
“I found him and Amanda having sex at the U.S Festival. I didn’t see it but I heard through the door on their bus,” Sammi said biting her lip, looking away from her sister. Athena jaw dropped, raising her eyebrows high with wide eyes. Athena looked at Sammi then at the floor, exchanging these looks a couple of times.
“That makes so much fucking sense. Holy shit,” Sammi nodded to Athena, staring down at her hands. “How come you haven’t told me? And how have you just been dealing with Amanda this whole time?”
“Because you get angry and want to hurt people really fast. She said Vince didn’t care about me and wanted to fuck her. Better I find out through her than see him with a new ‘girlfriend’,”
Athena gave a frown, wrinkling deep 11’s between her eyebrows. “Sam I’m pretty sure that’s a fucking lie. Especially if you say Vince wants to get on your good side,”
“Yeah because Doc offered me a job to be his assistant for the Ozzy tour. How Vince described it, I’d be like their babysitters and I don’t want that,” Sammi said, sinking into the sofa.
“Honestly that sounds way better than being stuck here,” Athena said, reaching over to the coffee table to grab a cigarette. With a quick light and a huff, Athena blew out the smoke in front of her as she tapped off some ash. “Get to live a little. Not just work all the time like you’re a mom of two kids,”
“I’ve lived before and it’s gotten me in trouble,” Sammi mumbled.
Athena shook her head, “That was different. That was the first time you let loose and made a mistake. Now you know from that mistake, you’ll be able to live without causing trouble. No one is telling you to do coke,”
“I’m just going to give my sisterly advice and tell you, you should go on tour and leave. I rather you be around Nikki than fucking Amanda. Who by the way isn’t your friend? Friends don’t fuck you over like that,” Athena said almost finishing the cigarette. Sammi blinked fast for a moment as she rested her head on the sofa.
“I know you think I like Vince but I don’t. Amanda helped me out in the end,” whispered Sammi.
Athena rolled her eyes all the way to the back of her head. She put out the small bud on the clear ashtray, pondering for a moment. “Amanda is nothing but a bitch, Sammi. She knew what she was doing and it wasn’t to help you out. If you’re going to choose between two people, choose Vince. When he fucks up it’s by accident,” Athena said, turning off the TV as the credits rolled out. Sammi stared down at the bowl on her lap, lazily picking up pieces one by one to toss back. Her thoughts fought with her, often feeling as if she couldn’t say what was truly up there.
She rubbed her eyes for a moment with a groan as she heard Athena light another cigarette. Sammi wanted a clear answer in her mind, she wanted to just hear everyone in her life say yes or no. Maybe Vince was right about her being shy? So far it felt as if someone would be mad or make Sammi annoyed. Nothing was smooth sailing for the past year to Sammi. Between Nikki and Vince, the thought of being on a bus with them all didn’t sound good to Sammi.
“You really think it’d be fun to go?” Sammi asked.
Athena nodded, “Even if you’re mad at one of the guys, you’re still going to be doing something that outweighs it. Watching free shows and seeing new places even if it’s for a minute. Plus maybe you’ll actually keep them in somewhat order,” Sammi chuckled at the idea of being in charge of them. It would be hell, but Athena could be right.
“That’s a cute bracelet by the way,” Athena said, grabbing Sammi’s wrist to take a closer look.
“Thanks, Vince got it for me today. We stumbled into a farmers market,” Sammi mumbled, twisting the bracelet around her wrist.
Athena rolled her eyes with a smile, “Just fucking be nice to him and go on tour with them. Also maybe talk to him about the Amanda thing while you’re there,”
Sammi bit her lip, remembering to be honest with her sister. “Okay also I didn’t tell you so you don’t kill him, but I caught Nikki fucking Roxie at the music video shoot,” Athena dropped her head into the palm of her hand, hearing a slap.
“Please don’t ever fuck with him again. Promise?” Athena asks, frowning with a pout to Sammi.
“I promise. I will never touch that with a ten-foot pole,” Sammi said. Athena nodded, getting the junk food from the sofa as Sammi stretched out her arms. She fully laid her back on the comfortable sofa, closing her eyes. She felt Athena throw a blanket on top of her, patting her head as a goodnight kiss.
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
take me to your heart
Summary: Lola's never had a proper Christmas, and after this one, she still hasn't, but Tommy's a surprisingly good gift giver. Set during the tour with Roxie, but well after she's departed.
A/N: Written on my phone, v Christmas. Warning: Lola n Nikki give each other dirty gifts but the fic is sfw. Tommy-centric. Also idk if he's genuinely greek orthodox, he might not be idk
[run to paradise]
"Sharise wants to do something for Christmas," Vince sighs, his heels resting on the table of the tour bus. Lola, at least, looks up from her magazine with a frown, though she seems to be the only one paying attention.
"She's in LA."
"We'll be in Phoenix by then, its not that long of a flight," Vince answers quickly, and Lola goes back to her magazine. "I don't know what to get her."
"A six-pack and edible panties," comes Nikki's answer, half distracted where he was trying to write lyrics. Vince's expression, however, wrinkles.
"Have you ever bought a present for a lady who wasn't Lola?" He snaps, crossing his arms, and though he can't see Lola's amused expression, he hears her snort of laughter.
"Yes," Nikki responds flatly, finally looking up, "but incase you haven't noticed," he gestured around to the bus, which was filled only with the band, as well as Doc and Lola, "none of them are still here."
"That's correlation, man, not causation -"
"You know what? Fuck your five dollar words, man, I was trying to help." Nikki snapped, picking up his notebook in a huff and heading to the back of the bus. Silence fills the air, Vince sulking a little, Tommy just looking between Lola and Vince. Mick, who was trying to nap, sighs deeply and shifts in his uncomfortable seat.
"Is that all you've ever gotten for Christmas?" Tommy asks and Lola's response is surprisingly honest.
"Zero expectationsl, zero disappointments; drink, eat, fuck, like any other day." She does give pause there, the magazine rustling as her grip tightens just a little, and when she lowers it, there's amusement in her eyes. "Also, grape is the best flavour."
"For edible panties."
"You guys are absolutely no help." Vince declares. Mick just laughs at that.
Lola's never been too bothered by not having a proper Christmas, she and Nikki live a pretty secular life when they weren't dabbling in Satanism, and the others were usually too busy doing their own things around the holidays to notice the pair's lack of any sort of traditions. Usually they'll buy each other booze, or some sort of joke present, but its never been a particularly sentimental time for Lola, not that anyone had really noticed her apathy enough to care.
Until now.
The holidays have always been a sentimental time for Tommy, and though he'd strayed from his Greek Orthodox roots, he still took it as a chance to show his family how much they meant to him, and now he was feeling like a fool for leaving his band-family out for so long.
What the hell could he get them that they didn't already have?
Nikki was easy, as it turned out. One quick phonecall home, his father spends about twenty minutes rifling through the junk Tommy had left from hia teenage years, and a poster, heavily creased and golden with age, is waiting at their next hotel, express shipped. Nikki didn't want or need any fancy packaging, so Tommy bought a big, yellow envelope and put the poster inside, along with a lighter he'd bought at a gas station. It looked cheap, a bit rough around the edges, but he was pretty sure Nikki would appreciate it all the same.
Mick was a little more difficult, seeing as he was almost guaranteed to throw out any joke gifts, or amything he didn't want. It feels like a cop-out, to just give him booze - expensive booze, mind you - instead of something sentimental. As luck would have it, Tommy finds himself scoring blow in an alley beside a pawn shop, and once the deal's done, he spots an iridescent alien-head keychain. He tapes the charm to the bottle of booze, amd slaps a bow on it, and is satisfied.
He and Vince have been exchanging Christmas presents since high school, as long as they were in the same town. Mostly they're joke presents. Tommy's had this year's picked out for months; a Malibu Barbie he'd repainted himself with Vince's stage make-up. Vince he didn't need to worry about.
Lola was a different story. She lived her life in the shadow of the band's, her existence, her belongings, were a patchwork of their leftovers; her creature comforts were consumables, and while she always took whatever she could wherever she was, it was because she could, not because she wanted things. What can you get for the girl who seems to want nothing, and still gets everything?
"Lola doesn't want things, she wants experiences, opportunities," Vince is the one who Tommy finally goes to for advice, and was the only one who Tommy knew would be actually helpful. They're in Vince's dressing room now, Tommy polishing off a bottle of Jack while Vince touches up his own eyeliner. Tommy's frowning, still at a loss, and he lowers the bottle. Their eyes meet in the reflection of the mirror, and Vince visibly hesitates before speaking again.
"Have you ever heard her play piano?"
Christmas rolls around and they're stuck in a hotel in Arizona. They're finishing the tour in LA just days before New Years Eve; the end is so close they can all almost taste it.
Sharise invites them all to dinner, well, she invites Lola when she learns that Lola's never had a proper Christmas dinner and 'the rest of them can come too if they want'. Tommy feels like Santa, laden with gifts, as he gets to the private room they had booked at the nicest resturant in town that was still open. He'd spent the morning organising Lola's gift, and was glad to have a break to eat before he gave it to her, or more accurately, took her to it.
"We were meant to bring presents?" Lola looks immediately panicked when he steps inside with a rather full backpack. She starts patting down her pockets as if hoping to magically find a pile of gifts there. "I didn't- I mean like I didn't bring them- its just drinks- nice drinks -" she clarified, but Tommy grins brightly.
"It's chill, Lols, I just saw this stuff around and thought it would be nice, its not a big deal," with that he laughed a little self consciously, "and dude, I'm sorry but I don't even have a thing to give you."
Lola can't help but be a little put out by that, still strangely childish in ways that continue to baffle Tommy, but he hopes she'll appreciate his gift, even if he can't give it to her with the others.
They do exhange gifts; Tommy gives Sharise champagne, and she seems more amused by his gift to Vince than Vince is. Vince, for his part, gives Tommy an ornate fountain pen, which has Tommy confused at first, while Nikki roars with laughter, pulling out an incredibly cheap ballpoint with a bow on it.
"You guys are fucking assholes," Tommy scowls once he realises, though by now even Lola's snickering. The scar from where Roxie had stabbed him several months ago begins to ache, just a little.
Mick, like Lola, doesn't have any gifts either, but he passes her a lighter and gruffly tells her he found it on the bus, that it was her's and that this isn't a gift. He does, however, smile at the keychain Tommy gives him, and in a few days, Tommy will see it looped around the handle of one of his guitar cases.
To no ones surprise, Nikki puts a six-pack and a pair of cheap, grape flavoured, edible panties on the table, and slides it gracelessly across the table to Lola wearing a shiteating grin. Mirroring his smile, Lola reaches into the inner pocket of her jacket, and flicks him a little cardboard package. Its unmarked, nondescript, and absolutely no-one at that table trusted Lola to have put something appropriate in that box. Everyone waits with a sort of morbid curiosity as Nikki shakes the box, giving pause before opening it.
"It vibrates." Is all Lola says as he holds up the bright purple cockring, smile on his face giving away how genuinely amused he was with it.
"Presents are cancelled," Sharise declared with faux exasperation, but Tommy's already protesting, holding out his own gift to Nikki.
Sharise hands Lola a small present as Nikki unwraps his. For Lola, its new black lipstick and eyeliner, and for Nikki, its an old poster of his band, London, and a cheap lighter. Nikki's expression is unreadable, blinking slowly at the poster, the room's gone quiet enough that everyone can hear it crinkle in his hands as he looks up at Tommy's smile.
"It's the one I used to have on my wall, man; my folks kept all my old posters, I thought you might wanna burn the shit out of this one." He gestures to the lighter, nervousness bubbling in his stomach, unsure of how Nikki feels about it, his face still a little shocked.
Little by little, Nikki's lips turn to a smile, a bright, beaming, genuine grin. He practically launches himself across Mick to wrap Tommy in a hug, fierce and bright. Mick grumbles, but Nikki just crows about how weirdly cool it was.
"Yeah, i figured arson and petty revenge are like, two of your favourite things," Tommy babbles, hugging Nikki back, quietly pleased with himself. Its a strangely endearing moment, and when Tommy looks over at her, he catches Lola's adoring smile as she watches them, but its gone quickly.
Dinner is fun, between the bottles of rum they finish off between them and the lines of coke they have for dessert, which Sharise mostly abstains from, they don't really get out of line. Except for when Nikki sets the poster on fire with the candle in the middle of the table, and he ends up getting kicked out.
Whatever, he was mostly done anyways.
After dinner they all go their separate ways, but Tommy catches Lola before she gets too far. She's tipsy, grinning in the cold night air, happy to let Tommy lead her where he may. Lacing her finger with his, her free hand swings the six-pack Nikki had gotten her, while she hums a tune Tommy recognises but can't place.
They come to a stop outside of the Hall where the band were due to perform the following night, their equipment bus parked and quiet beside the building.
"Nothing's in there yet; we're bumping in tomorrow morning," Lola says, her hamd still in his. Tommy just grins, pulling a set of keys from his pocket, jangling them enticingly.
"So we've got the whole night."
Inside, in the middle of the stage, lit by a single warm, golden spotlight, sits a grand piano. The whole building is empty, save for the two of them, and Lola's grip on his hand tightens. All words leave her, eyes going wide and surprised.
Walking forward, she heads towards the piano, but she doesn't let go of his hand, gently tugging him along with her. His name leaves her lips, a disbelieving, reverential utterance. The lid is already lifted and she carresses the keys with her free hand.
"You didn't have to-" she turns to him, expression awed, but he gives her hand a squeeze.
"Merry Christmas, Lols."
Stepping up to him, her hand is gentle on his cheek, far more gentle, more tender than he was used to her being. Leaning in, they kiss softly, in sync, fitting together as they always had, as they were always meant to. Pulling away, Tommy's grin is fond as he kisses the tip of her nose. Untangling their fingers, he gestures wordlessly to the piano.
Lola sits, hesitates, listening to Tommy's retreating footsteps.
"Where are you going?" She asks quietly, fingers dancing across the keys as she plays a quick scale.
"Vince told me-"
"That snitch." Lola laughs softly, before adding, "'told you I don't like an audience, didn't he?" Tommy agrees, still paused halfway to the door. Lola is quiet for a moment, and she stops in her movements, but then she starts up again, and Tommy's heart is in his throat as he hears thw opwning bars of the song he'd been working on for almost a month amd a half now. The song's not yet finished, but he'd know the opening to Home Sweet Home anywhere.
"Can you stay?" Lola's voice is barely audible above the music. "If you want to, I'd like you to stay." And she doesn't know the lyrics, so she keeps playing what she's heard him play a hundred times over.
"I didn't know you knew this that well," Tommy finds himself smiling, walking back to the piano, to sit down beside Lola where she's shifted over to make room for him. She's smiling too, genuine, actually a little bashful, and she's still playing when she admits her thoughts.
"It's shaping up to be one of my favourites."
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Dr. Feelgood Companion Piece
So, the amazing @smokeandmirrorz inspired me to write this, and convinced me to post it. It kinda goes along with their’s, but not exactly. Also, it’s got Steven x Duff because I’m trash.
Setting: Dr. Feelgood’s Asylum for the Criminally Insane
Summary: The Rose gang was doomed the minute Axl got caught. They scattered, Slash and Izzy going one way, Duff and Steven going another. Until Duff is caught.
Nikki had just left Dr. Stanley’s office when he heard the hushed rumors from some of the more coherent people. A new resident of the asylum. Nikki smirked to himself as he found a seat next to Vince, who was trying to sunbathe through a dirty window.
“You hear?” Nikki asked, nudging the blond.
“I hear a lot of things. You have to be more specific,” Vince didn’t even have his eyes open as he relaxed.
“We got a newcomer,” Nikki said. “Wanna take bets on what got them jailed up like us?” Vince opened one eye.
“What are we betting?” Vince asked.
“You can have my dessert for a week if you get the closest,” Nikki told him. “And you know with Mick cooking, it’s good.” Vince sat there for a moment, contemplating, before he nodded in agreement. “Okay, what’s your guess?”
“Why do I have to go first?” Vince asked. He sighed and looked out over the yard, where he could see Tommy bouncing around. “Well, I don’t hear any laughter, so it’s not another Tommy. Maybe he murdered his whole family?”
“Ouch,” Nikki laughed. “Okay, I guess he’s a war vet like Mickey. Too many explosions too close to the ear?”
“Can’t wait to meet him,” Vince laughed. “I heard Mick is making chocolate cake next week.”
Michael McKagan sat in his room, a look of pure anger on his face. He hated people calling him Michael, his name was Duff. He hated people poking and prodding him like he was a fucking cow. And, worse off, he hated that they took him away from Steven. When the police showed up to get him, he told Steven to run, thankful that he had. And they kept asking him where he was. Duff wasn’t going to tell them.
“Michael,” The doctor in the corner spoke up.
“My name. Is Duff,” He growled. The doctor sighed.
“Right, right. Duff, do you know why you’re here?” Dr. Frehley asked.
“Because this country hates scum like me,” Duff gave him a small smirk.
“You were hanging out with the wrong crowd and you got caught,” Dr. Frehley told him. “With some rehabilitation, we can get you back to being a fine, upstanding citizen…”
“I don’t need rehabilitation!” Duff snapped, jumping up. The only other person Dr. Frehley had seen with such a short fuse was Vince Wharton.
“Duff, you were hanging out with a gang of bank robbers. You almost killed three police officers. The only reason you aren’t in a jail cell right now is…”
“I know, I know,” Duff crossed his arms over his chest.
“Now, are you going to tell us where the other members of the gang are? Saul Hudson? Jeffrey Isbell? Michael Coletti?” He noticed the way Duff’s hands balled into a fist at the mention of the last name.
“He doesn’t go by that name,” Duff hissed. “That name was given to him by an evil man. Don’t you ever call him that name ever again.”
“You know that William Rose is already here. And it’s believed that we have Mr. Hudson and Mr. Isbell on the way. We’re just waiting on Mr. Coletti…”
“Don’t call him that!” Duff screamed. Before he could launch himself at the doctor, one of his aids was through the door, holding Duff down. “Get off me!”
“You need to calm down Mr. McKagan,” Dr. Frehley told him. “This will help you.” Duff felt the prick of a needle in his arm and his body started to relax. “When you wake up, maybe you’ll be more willing to talk.” The aid rolled Duff onto his side, so he was looking at the brick wall.
Tommy’s laugh could be heard across the common room as Mick, Vince, and Nikki were allowed in the next day. He was sitting by a redhead who was staring up at the ceiling. The three made their way over.
“Fuck, it’s Rose,” Vince grumbled as he saw who Tommy was hanging out with. “I hate him.”
“You hate everyone who looks better than you,” Nikki smirked. Vince swung to hit him, but he had already expected that and moved. 
“Did you hear we have a new guy?” Tommy asked. “Axl said he might know him.”
“Did he now?” Nikki asked, siding up to the redhead. “Wanna help me win a bet?” Axl was about to open his mouth when a new face, dressed in the patient garb, made his way into the common room with two aids at his side. “That him?”
“Duff?” Axl asked. He jumped up and made his way towards the blond. “Duff!”
“Axl!” Duff pulled away from the aids. They watched from the sidelines as the two met.
“They got you?” Axl asked. “Where are the others?”
“I don’t know,” Duff admitted. “Izzy and Slash left. Steven was sick so we hid and the cops came and I told him to run…”
“Shit,” Axl sighed. “This is not how I had this planned Duff.”
“I know,” Duff nodded. “The doctor who’s been interrogating me, he said they’ve got Izzy and Slash…”
“I haven’t seen them yet, but we’ll keep our eyes open,” Axl motioned for Duff to follow him. “This is Mick, Tommy, Nikki...and Vince.” Axl rolled his eyes slightly. “This is Duff. One of my gang.”
“You weren’t lying about robbing that bank then?” Vince asked. Axl shook his head. “Damn.”
“Let’s hope they’re wrong,” Axl told Duff. “This place ain’t someplace for them.”
A few days later, Jeffrey Isbell, AKA Izzy Stradlin, was brought in. He had a shit eating grin when they led him out of the ambulance and into the asylum. And a few days after that, Saul Hudson, AKA Slash, joined them with a mass amount of curly hair shielding him from the rest of the world. Nikki, Vince, Tommy, Mick, Axl, and Duff greeted them.
“Izzy here is a master lock picker,” Axl explained. “Duff’s the muscle. Slash is great at a knife and well, other weapons.”
“No wonder you ended up in here,” Nikki nodded.
“What about Steven?” Mick asked. “You don’t talk about him much.”
“Steven was usually the face we sent in to get the money,” Duff explained. “And he was really good as explosives.”
“Oh, I like that,” Tommy laughed.
“That must make you the mastermind,” Vince looked at Axl. “My apologies to your gang.” Slash chuckled, causing the redhead to glare at him.
“I can’t wait to get out of here,” Axl sighed. “I hate you guys.”
It had been several weeks since Duff had been brought in, and every day, they asked him and the others for Steven’s location. And every time, Duff would laugh right in their faces.
That was until the night that an unconscious man was brought into the asylum. Mick saw it through the window as they brought him in on a stretcher. He could hear their whispered voices as they deposited him in a room, talking about how Dr. Criss or Dr. Carr would be by the next morning to assess him.
“Got a name?” One aid asked.
“Uh, Michael Coletti,” the other one responded as they got the file ready. “Alias, Steven Adler.”
“I see,” The first one replied. Mick stared at the door. He couldn’t wait to see Duff in the morning.
Duff shuffled along for breakfast. He had kept his temper in check, so the meds weren’t a requirement. He looked up at Mick, who was making the eggs.
“Anything new?” Duff asked. Mick gave him a smirk and leaned over to give him his eggs.
“Someone new was brought in last night,” Mick told him. “Completely in the dark. He was unconscious too.”
“Why does this matter to me?” Duff asked.
“They said his name was Steven Adler.”
Duff nearly dropped his plate when he heard the name. He ran out of the line, out of the cafeteria, with the aids following him. He rushed down one hall, trying to find what empty room they would’ve put him in.
“Steven!” Duff yelled. “Steven!” The few patients that had to eat in their rooms looked out the small windows in their doors, including Vince, who had gotten into a fight with a man named Sebastian the day before.
“Duff!” Vince called out. “Three doors down on the left.”
“Thanks Vince!” Duff rushed down the hall to Steven’s room. Looking in the window, he saw him on the bed, asleep, with Dr. Carr standing over him. “Steven!” Dr. Carr turned to look at Duff as the aids grabbed him. “Let me go! Steven!”
Duff was dragged back to his room, two away from Steven’s, where he was sedated and thrown on the bed.
Later that afternoon, Duff was released and he immediately went to Steven’s room. But looking through the window, he didn’t see him anywhere. The aids urged him along, sending him outside for some air with everyone else. The whole time, Duff kept his eyes peeled. He spied the group he hung out with standing together, talking to someone. Slash looked over and smiled, motioning him over.
“Duff, look who’s here,” Slash told him. Tommy was laughing and joking around with whoever it was, and as Duff got closer, he felt his heart stop. There was a black eye and split lip, but he knew who it was.
“Steven,” Duff breathed. The other blond smiled at him.
“Hey Duff,” Steven replied. Before anyone could do anything, Duff was pushing his way past them and wrapping his arms around Steven. He kissed him deeply before burying his face in his hair.
“Oh, that’s...okay.” Vince laughed a bit. Axl wanted to hit him, but he didn’t want to take a nap yet.
“You’re okay,” Duff whispered, holding onto Steven.
“I’m okay,” Steven nodded. Duff pulled back to look at the black eye. “Went down with a fight. You would’ve been proud of me.”
“Always am,” Duff smiled. He looked over at Axl. “So, got a plan?”
“A plan?”
“We got our explosions expert. And Mick works in the kitchen, and I know that Tommy is in the infirmary enough that he has the nurses wrapped around his finger,” Duff explained. “I think that we could bust out of here.”
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