#also that's not to pressure you to keep sending them. just saying it's appreciated when you do!
athenamikaelson · 3 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 5
Word Count- 3.3k
Warnings- Swearing, violence, slight SA, Elijah being a simp.
A/N- This chapter wasn’t much but I wanted to get something out to you guys. NEXT CHAPTER though, there will be a lot of Elijah and reader. I am very excited to write that. And most likely the chapter after that will be the intro of our favorite Hybrid, which I know many of you have been itching for. 
ALSO, I want to thank you all for your support. It means so much to me that so many of you love this series as much as I do.
“Wait, so Rose is dead, werewolves are roaming the streets of Mystic Falls, and some bitch kidnapped you? All in a span of a week. ”
I look up to Caroline who is sitting behind me braiding my hair. She solemnly nods and frowns. 
“Ya, thankfully though Elijah’s witches came in clutch and helped save the day,” Caroline says as she moves my head forward to go back to braiding my hair. 
“Elijah helped,” I question Elena, who sits before me with Bonnie as they paint each other’s nails. Elena had called me an hour ago saying we were having a sleepover at Careoline’s but she never explained why. 
She nods, “Ya, I guess he is keeping his side of the deal.
Bonnie chimes into the conversation but I tone them out. Ever since that night in Elena’s room, my mind has been plagued by thoughts of the suited original vampire. His dark eyes haunt my dreams and when I’m awake I feel as if he’s not far away. I know I’m being delusional but I have these moments where I think I’m going to turn around and he’s going to be standing right behind me. 
“He’s kind of cute,” Caroline’s words bring me back to the conversation at hand. 
“Have you not been listening,” She asks me, to which I just shrug my shoulders embarrassedly. Caroline and I have started to have an interesting friendship. Unlike my friendship with Elena in which we both have somewhat trauma bonded, my friendship with Caroline is more her talking my ear off and me enjoying not having to talk. I had originally thought that Caroline and I wouldn’t mesh well since I kind of hate people who don’t know when to shut up. But oddly enough we work well together. I don’t pressure her to stop talking and she doesn’t pressure me to talk. 
Bonnie and I on the other hand both talk much so when we’re together it’s mostly in peaceful silence. I think we both appreciate that though with all the hectic things we’ve had to deal with. 
“Elijah. I was talking about Elijah. He’s got that suave gentleman look to him, but he also looks like he’d be a freak in the sheets if you know what I mean,” She jokingly shoves me but for some reason hearing her talk about him that way makes an odd feeling rise in my gut, “He seems like your type Y/N.”
My eyebrows furrow, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Caroline shrugs her shoulder, “I don’t know, just an inference.”
“How about we order food,” Elena pipes up, I’m guessing she noticed the embarrassed look I had on my face and decided to rescue me from that awkward conversation. I send her a small smile as Caroline instantly agrees and Bonnie nods. 
Thirty minutes later, Bonnie, Elena, Caroline, and I are sitting on the floor of Caroline’s bedroom eating Chinese food. I watch silently as Bonnie and Caroline argue if we should watch The Notebook or Pride and Prejudice. Elena sits next to me watching and giggling at them. As I sit there silently watching all my new friends, I find myself smiling to myself. For the first time in years, I actually feel as if I belong. As if I’m a part of something. And I like it. I really like it. 
I jolt awake at the ringing of a cell phone and groan as the morning light pierces my eyes. I’m not the only one annoyed from being awoken because I hear Caroline and Bonnie growling at Elena for answering her phone so early in the morning. I can hear some of what she and Stefan are talking about from her position outside the door but decide listening to them flirt isn’t how I want to spend my morning so I throw my pillow over my head and try to suffocate myself. I’m about to doze off when my pillow is ripped off my face. 
“First of all, suffocation really,” Elena glances down at me from her standing position, “Second of all you’re getting a call.” She hands me my phone. I glance down at the unknown number on the screen and groan as I answer it, already annoyed with the caller.
“What do you want Damon?” I asked annoyed as I waited for the vampire to respond. 
“I’m picking you up from your house in an hour you better be dressed to impress Mystic Falls’ elite.”
“What the hell are you talking about Demon?”
“Listen Pukey, I got word that our favorite original is going to be at the Mayor’s tea party and you’re going as my plus one.”
I frown at Damon’s mention of Elijah, “Why me?” 
I hear Damon groan from his end as if all my questions are annoying him, “For some reason, the suited one has a soft spot for you so I’m guessing he would be less inclined to kill me with you at my side. So get your ass ready and be ready or I’ll drag you to the party in your PJs,” Damon pauses for a moment, “You know what, feel free to wear what you’re wearing now. I'm interested to know what you wear to sleep. If anything at all.”
I loudly gag and Damon laughs and then ends our call. I groan and sit up. I turn over my shoulder to see Caroline and Bonnie cuddling together and sleeping. I slightly smile at the sight but freeze up. Elijah. I’m seeing Elijah today. 
“Well, don’t you look darling,” Damon smirks at me as I get into the passenger seat of his Mustang, “Elijah’s going to eat you right up.” 
I visibly shake at his words and shoot him a glare.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Elijah doesn’t have a soft spot for me.”
Damon just hums to himself, “Sure. Whatever you say Pukerella.”
As we climb the stairs of the Mayor’s house I nervously fiddle with the hem of my dress. I tried my best to find something suitable for the Mayor’s tea party but unfortunately, I didn’t have the funds for expensive beautiful dresses like my peers so I had to settle for a simple white sundress that stops at my mid-thigh. There is dark red lacing that lines the hem. I matched the red thread to a hair ribbon I had and used that to put my hair up. What is making me the most uncomfortable though is that I got this dress a long time ago, so I’ve filled it out in places that are quite visible. 
“Stop fiddling,” Damon says as he grabs my arm in his and holds it to his chest like we’re some cute couple and he’s a gentleman. Both are very much false. I try to shake away from him but his grip only tightens. He leads us up the steps and through the door where classical music fills the room. Many old women converse together as we pass.
“Damon and Y/N, what are you guys doing here?” Jenna questions him as she walks over to us, she notices me and a look of confusion contorts her face as she notices our interlocked hands.
“Hi, you came,” Some blonde woman comes up to Damon and kisses him deeply on the lips resulting in a gag from me. Thankfully the distraction made Damon unlatch his arm from mine so I squeezed past them and go to stand behind Jenna. This doesn’t last long as Damon thanks Jenna for introducing him and his “friend,” as he walks back over to me grabbing my arm and leading me away from them. I almost trip when I see where Damon is leading us. Right towards Ms. Lockwood and Elijah who is unsurprisingly wearing a suit that looks like it was made just for him, which I’m guessing it was. I lock eyes with him and his lips turn upwards into a small smile but it slightly drops as his gaze drops down to my dress. 
Damon and Ms. Lockwood achieve pleasantries and she introduces Damon to Elijah, who still has his eyes locked on me. Damon pulls me closer to him which catches Elijah’s attention. His once soft eyes darken as he stares at the arm Damon has wrapped around my waist.
“Such a pleasure to meet you,” Damon extends a hand to Elijah and I feel as if I’ve lost all the air in my lungs as Elijah reaches his hand up to Damon’s.
“No. Pleasure’s mine,” Elijah claims but as I notice the grimace on Damon’s face as he contracts his now-redden hand from Elijah’s I’m guessing he’s not being entirely truthful. 
“And oh! Y/N, I didn’t know you were going to be joining us today,” Carol finally notices me as she gives me a once over, “This doesn’t really seem like your crowd.”
I bite back the urge to tell her I’d rather be sticking pin-needles in my eye sockets than have to listen to any of the pompous bitches, but just politely smile at her. 
“Oh, Miss. Y/L/N here is my plus one,” Damon chimes up. Carol looks at me suspiciously as if I shouldn’t be here. 
“I didn’t know you and Y/N were friends.”
Damon throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him, “Oh, yes. We’re great friends. Practically best friends if you will.” Carol just nods her head as if she doesn’t completely believe it but relents as she turns to Elijah who hasn’t moved his eyes from Damon’s hand. With all the attention my skin starts to crawl and I raise my left foot slightly and kick it down onto Damon’s right one resulting in a painful hiss to escape his lips. His hand instantly drops from my shoulder and within a moment I feel another hand lightly grab my wrist and pull me away from Damon. I’m almost happy until I see the hand that has grabbed me belongs to no other than Elijah. For some reason though as soon as he has pulled me away from Damon he drops my wrist and lets me stand on my own. I know I shouldn’t but I send him an appreciative smile. For a moment Elijah just stares at me blankly before nodding his head, he quickly turns his attention back to Ms. Lockwood but before he’s fully turned away from me I could’ve sworn I saw a light pink hue on his cheeks. Was he blushing? Wait. can vampires even blush?
“This is a bad idea, why are you trying to provoke an old ass vampire who could quite literally kill everyone in this building within a blink of an eye,” I frantically ask Damon as he leads me into an empty office in the Mayor’s house. 
“He’s not going to kill us, he made a deal,” Damon responds nonchalantly but from the look in his eyes, I don’t think he truly believes himself either. 
“You’re quite right Damon, I did make a deal,” I whip around to see Elijah coming into the office and shutting the door behind him, “But, I made a deal with Elena, not you. So tell me, what can I help you with?”
“I was hoping we could have a word,” Damon smirks at him.
“Where is Elena?”
“Safe with Stefan. Laying low, you know bit of a werewolf problem,” Damon answers his question. Elijah nods his head. And my eyes watch as his fingers draw circles on the chair he’s leaning on. 
“Oh, yeah. I heard about that,” Elijah responds and I glance up from his hands to see him staring at me with a small smirk on his face. Fuck, please god tell me he didn’t see me ogling his fucking fingers. He taps his index and pointer finger twice on the leather seat in front of him once more as if he knows that’ll answer the question I just asked myself. I whip my view from him to the wall beside me as Damon and Elijah keep talking. Although I can't see him I can still feel Elijah’s eyes burning holes onto the side of my head. 
“I’m sure you did since it was your witch who saved the day.”
“You are welcome.”
“Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you’re here,” Damon stop fucking questioning him before he rips your throat out!
“Why don’t you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me,” Elijah turns like he’s about to leave and I release a breath but Damon speeds in front of him stopping him.
“Not good enough.”
I sit there holding my breath, as Elijah stands there still looking at Damon.
“Elskan,” Elijah turns his head to glance at me, “Please turn back to the wall.” 
I don’t fight him on this as I whip back around and continue staring at the wall I had previously stared at. I flinch when I hear Damon hit the wall by the desk. I almost gag when I hear the sound of bones cracking and Damon grunting in pain. 
“You young vampires, so arrogant. How dare you come in here and challenge me?”
“You can’t kill me, man. It’s not part of the deal.”
“Silence,” Within another second a squelching sound hits my ears and Damon starts grunting in pain. I’m glad Elijah gave me the heads up or I’d be throwing up right now. 
“I’m an original. Show a little respect. The moment you cease to be of use to me, you’re dead. So, you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe.”
I hear Elijah’s footsteps retreat towards to door but I hold my breath as they stop.
“Elskan,” I slowly turn and quickly avert my gaze from the bloody Damon and look up at Elijah who is standing at the door, “I will be seeing you shortly.” He stares at me momentarily before speeding away. What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
“Why am I here again,” I question Damon as he leads me and Alaric into his mansion of a house. 
“Because I needed a drink asap,” He turns over his shoulder to look at me, “Unless you’re offering?” 
I cringe in disgust as Alaric comes to stand in front of me. 
“Leave her alone Damon,” Damon just rolls his eyes and makes his way to the couch, and pours himself a drink.
“Let me talk to him for a few minutes then I’ll take you home myself,” Alaric sends me a small smile, and even though I know there are no bad intentions in his proposition being alone with an older man I barely know unsettles me. But since it’s getting dark outside and I live on the outskirts of town, I need a ride. Better a history teacher than an alcoholic vampire. 
“Ok, thanks,” I send him a small smile and then turn to Damon, “Where’s your bathroom?” I glance down the neverending hallway.
Damon throws his hand up and waves it around nonchalantly, “There’s like 30 of them, go hunting.” Alaric sends me a sad smile and gestures towards the hallway to our right. I nod and walk away from the men 
After five minutes of walking down hallways and opening up random doors, I find myself in a bathroom bigger than my entire living room. Fucking rich people. After using the bathroom and wiping my face with water to try to wake myself up I start walking back towards where I think the living room was. I freeze though when I notice I don’t hear Damon’s annoying voice, matter of fact I don’t hear anything at all. I get a bad feeling in my gut so I go to turn back around but something smashes into my skull and the world goes black. 
“Ah, there she is. Morning sweetheart,” I frown as an unfamiliar voice grates my eardrums. Mixed with the pounding headache I have I think I’m going to be sick. God, I have got to start taking Tums. I try to move but something cold and heavy is holding me back. I slowly open my eyes to see chains wrapped around me holding me in place in a chair. No matter how hard I try they won’t budge. 
“Aren’t you a pretty little thing,” A man’s voice registers as I look up to see an ugly-looking man staring down at me. The look in his eyes makes my heart drop to my ass. I flinch back as he drags his finger down my face and fight the urge to cry as the finger makes its descent down toward to center of my chest. 
“Leave her alone,” Damon, who I’ve now realized is sitting next to me chained up and bloody, yells at the man. The man only laughs sickly but thankfully lifts his hands away from me.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt her,” He claims but the look in his eyes has me thinking otherwise. Damon must think this as well because he lets out a low growl. 
“He might not hurt her but I will,” I woman’s voice chimes in but before I can find where it’s coming from a sharp pain slashes into my leg and I scream out as waves of agony wash over me. Damon’s yells are all I hear as I look down to my thigh which now has a small dagger in it. Tears involuntarily spill out of my eyes as my blurry vision looks up to see my assailant. A blonde woman stares down at me with a smile, but nothing about it is friendly and warm. Her smile deepens as she reaches her hand back down and within another moment I’m screaming again as she pulls the knife from my leg. 
“You fucking bitch,” I cry out, resulting in a deep laugh from her. 
“Hey, fleabag! Leave her alone alright, I’m the one who pissed all over your kibble, come stab me.” Damon tries to coax the woman. 
She just smiles again, “We want the moonstone. Where is it?”
“Get over it, honey. You’re never going to get it.”
I verbally groan at Damon’s response and try to fight back against the waves of tiredness of feeling. I know with the amount of blood I’m losing that if I go to sleep now I’m most likely not waking up. And there’s no way I’m letting this bitch with dead ends be the reason I meet my demise. 
“Looking for this,” I almost let out a cry of relief as I looked up to see Elijah leaning against a wooden pillar. His nonchalant attitude instantly changes as I catch his eye. His dark eyes furiously move over my face, his nose crinkles (almost cutely), and his eyes look down to my bleeding thigh. My once-white dress is now as red as the ribbon in my hair. 
I try to stay awake as Elijah makes his way down the staircase with the stone in his hands. My eyes keep opening and shutting though as my vision keeps blurring. I hear bits and pieces of screams and bones cracking before I feel the weight of the chains around me disappear and a warm hand raises to my lips. 
“That’s my girl, come now Elskan. Drink.”
I wake up in my bed with a loud groan. My hands stretch out beside me as I feel the white fabric of the comforter. Wait. White? I quickly sit up and instantly regret it as a wash-up pain flows through my body. But the fear that I had just awoken in a bed that is not my trumps that pain. What the fuck happened last night? “You’re awake, wonderful,” A deep voice comes from the edge of the room, “We have much to discuss, Elskan.”
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ds9anonkinkmeme · 2 months
Interest check
Hi, just doing an interest check for an idea we have about making a DS9 anon kink meme! A kink meme is an ongoing prompt event where people can anonymously request fics and others can choose to anonymously fill any prompts they feel inspired by.
See below the poll for our initial thoughts on pros and cons and considerations.
On ao3 we could very easily set up a prompt collection open for anyone to add prompts or fill prompts anonymously. But we don’t know how easy it is to maintain momentum on an ao3 prompt collection. Maybe that doesn’t matter and it can be an ephemeral thing until people forget about it and it becomes inactive, and then the next generation of folks in the fandom can start up their own new one in a few years haha. If we do it on ao3, should we make subcollections for individual “seasons” or “rounds” (there would likely be no actual deadlines, it would just be whatever length of time it takes for the list of prompts to get too long and unwieldy to be usable), or should we have people put all the prompts into a single collection that just grows and grows and grows?
On dreamwidth there would be comment threads so there would be a way to anonymously register enthusiasm for a prompt even before it gets written, which seems really good for encouragement and feeding off of each other’s hype. (Dreamwidth might also tell you when new comments are added to the community, unlike prompt collections on ao3?) But we are less familiar with dreamwidth so we aren’t sure there’s enough ds9 fandom hanging out there (or willing to make an account there) to sustain it over there.
Tumblr doesn't seem like an option for a number of reasons (can't post fully anonymously to tumblr except via asks, and having everything be done via asks would make it difficult to organize and connect prompts with fills because to keep them both anon they'd have to be separated, and tumblr is a website with a famously terrible search function).
If a DS9-focused kink meme already exists, we’d love to hear about it! We’ve found a few seemingly inactive ones in our research. But if there’s an active one out there, we could absolutely just pivot to supporting/participating in that, instead of making our own thing and dividing up the fandom’s energies. (Another question we don’t know the answer to: Is it possible/desirable to work on reviving one of those inactive ones, just by encouraging a collective effort to start participating in one again? Or do we think the mods of these inactive ones have abandoned them and might be stressed out to suddenly see new activity?)
If you have something to say but don’t want to say it publicly, we also have an anonymous, slightly expanded google form version (that can be found in our pinned post) with space to leave freeform feedback. You can vote in one or both forms of this poll, depending on what you feel like.
We’d very much appreciate reblogs to spread this poll around since we just made this account, but no pressure to do so. We still want your vote in the poll if you’re interested in this idea, even if you don’t want to reblog a post about it. <3
Anyway, if you have any thoughts on this DS9 kink meme idea (or messages of encouragement!!!), please feel free to send them in! <3
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bitchin-beskar · 2 years
Rating: Explicit Pairing: College!Athlete!Roommate!Paz Vizsla x Fem!Reader (Bunny) Warnings: Cockwarming!!! That's it that's the fic! ... jk theres a little more to it. Paz has a huge dick we all know it, and boy does he know how to use it. mentioned oral (f) receiving, mentioned fingering, overstim, big dick, dirty talk, mentions of continued overstim, dick so good u wanna cry, free use arrangement. AGAIN. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT FREE USE OR ANY OF THE OTHER THINGS ARE, YOU ARE TOO DAMN YOUNG. DO NOT READ. DO NOT INTERACT. GO AWAY. Literally Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. Exactly what it says on the package. Word Count: 2.1k A/N: Here is another oneshot in the CAR!Paz au! This came about due to an ask sent in by @catsnkooks during this fun lil sleepover weekend! Feel free to send things to my inbox this weekend (or really any time!) This was intended to be a drabble and ended up being just over 2k, so uh, yeah. It's fine. I'm fine. I just wanna thank @catsnkooks, @tailorvizsla, @firstofficerwiggles, @mysticalgalaxysalad, and all the anons who have been encouraging the thirst for this wonderful au! Also thanks to @maybege whom without I likely wouldn't have even created this au, and I'm also gonna tag @ronnieiswriting, bc they sent me a lovely little dm about this au and I finished this tonight instead of waiting as a lil treat for them! Please lemme know what you think, I appreciate all the love y'all have given this au so far!!
Gods, he was gonna split you in half.
You stood completely naked, on shaky legs, in front of Paz where he was sitting on the couch, his chest bare and his sweatpants tugged down just enough for his cock to spring free, resting against the taut skin of his stomach, flushed and weeping. He looked far too composed for a man who’d just spent the better part of an hour fucking you on his fingers and his tongue to prepare you for what he wanted you to do.
It was fucking infuriating.
It was also hot as hell.
His lips curled into a cocky smirk, as if he could read your mind. You were very pointedly trying to keep your eyes trained on his face, which was made all the more difficult when he wrapped his hand around his cock, slowly stroking himself. You couldn’t help yourself as your gaze flickered down to where his hand was wrapped around himself. Even with his own hand, he still looked disproportionately large, and not for the first time, you wondered how exactly your poor pussy was going to survive this... exercise.
“What’s wrong, bunny?” Even his voice was cocky, and even though Paz was your best friend, you felt a very strong urge to strangle him. Still, there was that little voice in the back of your head that was salivaiting at the mere thought of getting him inside you.
You were unreasonably proud at how steady you managed to keep your voice, given what your body had been subjected to and the looks he was leveling you with. “You’re not gonna fit, Paz.”
He didn’t answer right away, instead holding the hand not wrapped around his cock out to you, a silent request. You didn’t hesitate to step forwards and place your own hand in his, letting him tug you forward until you were standing inbetween his legs. Even like this, with him seated and you standing, you were looking him in the eyes. Paz was just that big.
“Don’t worry about that, bunny,” Paz said as he used his grip on your hand to encourage you to turn around, his hand moving to grasp your hip as he pulled you closer to him. You let him guide you, fingers clenching and unclenching in anticipation. He paused for a brief moment to swipe his fingers through your folds, an approving hum leaving him when he deemed you were still wet enough, before returning those fingers to his cock, slicking himself up with your release. Then, he was pulling you down, letting your weight rest mostly against his chest as he notched the head of his cock at your entrance. You sucked in a breath at the sudden pressure, but made an effort to relax.
He made a soft shushing noise, his hand helping to steady you as he began to lower you down, the pressure increasing slowly until the head of his cock was suddenly inside you. You gasped slightly at the intrusion, your thighs tensing at the unfamiliar sensation. You’d had sex before, certainly, but your ex was a much smaller man. Even your toys had never been quite this large.
“P-Paz?” You breathed, voice shaking.
He immediately paused, and you could feel as he kissed the back of your bare shoulder briefly. “Yeah, bunny?”
“W-What if… what if you… d-don’t… what if you don’t…” You trailed off, suddenly embarrased. You were likely far less experienced than his previous partners, and you wondered-not for the first time-how exactly this arrangement was going to affect your relationship with Paz.
But Paz seemed to know what you were trying to say. He tutted softly, brushing his lips against the length of your throat, his smile soft against your skin. “Don’t worry, bunny,” he murmured, starting to work you down again, his cock slowly sliding further and further into you as your mouth fell open at the stretch.
“I’ll make it fit.”
The cocksure tone of his voice made you clench, and he immediately shushed you again, placing both hands on your waist and sitting up from where he’d been lounged against the couch cushions. You made a concerted effort at relaxing again, and you slipped a little further down his length.
The sensation of being slowly stuffed full of Paz’s cock was something you honestly had never imagined you’d get to experience. It was currently defying all expectation, and you weren’t entirely sure you’d make it to being fully seated on his cock without passing out from the pleasure.
He eventually got you about halfway impaled on his cock when he seemed to hit a barrier, and you immediately winced at the uncomfortable feeling. Paz once again stopped immediately, his hands tightening slightly around your waist. You felt a keen sense of disappointment, and you suddenly felt the slight urge to cry. You’d known you weren’t going to be able to take all of him, and he was going to be so disappointed-
“I wanna try something,” he suddenly said, his tone not disappointed like you’d expected, but contemplative. “Trust me?”
You blinked, unsure as to where that was coming from, but nodded nonetheless. You probably should’ve been a bit more cautious with answering, because Paz suddenly slid his hands down from where they’d been resting on your waist to wrap his fingers around the backs of your thighs, and lifted.
A squeal of shock escaped your mouth and your hands flailed as you were suddenly supported only by his grip on your thighs and half of his cock in your cunt. He pulled your thighs apart, so your legs were no longer between his own, but dangling on the outsides of his own thighs. Pulling your legs apart like this surprisingly eased the pressure in your cunt, and he slowly began to lower you more, and your pussy greedily sucked him in.
He was completely supporting your weight with just his hands and forearms, and your brain could not comprehend the strength he must be using to hold you like this. But you couldn’t deny, it was far easier for you to take him in this position, and before you’d quite processed that, the backs of your thighs were resting on the tops of his, and his cock was completely buried in your pussy.
You sucked in a sharp breath, leaning back so your upper body was supported by his chest and you could rest your head against his shoulder. Paz stroked his hands up and down your thighs, humming appreciatively. Your own legs were trembling from the strain and effort it had taken for you to take him.
For a few moments, the two of you just sat there, adjusting to the sensations. You were honestly shocked that you’d managed to take all of him, and you felt a not insignificant amount of pride. Still, it was overwhelming to be that full, and you couldn’t help but brush your hand over your abdomen, feeling like he was in your stomach he was that deep inside you.
Paz chuckled, the vibrations jolting you slightly and shifting his cock slightly inside you, making you whimper quietly. One of his hands came up to cover yours, the size of his hand dwarfing your own.
“Can you feel me here, bunny?” At your nod, Paz pressed down slightly, and you gasped as the change in pressure made sparks of pleasure light up your nerves. “Yeah, you can. How does it feel?”
It took you a few tries to reply, your throat dry and your tongue heavy in your mouth. “I-I feel s-s-so full.” There was truly no other way to describe it, the sensation so unfamiliar but also one you were quickly coming to love.
“Hmm, I bet,” he responded, sounding far too smug and full of himself. He slowly spread his thighs, forcing your own legs further open.
With the way your legs were hooked over his thighs, and the way you were impaled on his cock, you had no choice but to let him move your body the way he wanted to. You felt your cheeks warm at how exposed you were like this, naked and spread open on his lap, even in the emptiness of your shared apartment. You tried to squirm a bit to get more comfortable, and he shifted underneath you, tilting his hips up further into yours somehow, but also easing some of the strain in your lower back as he did so.
The fullness inside of you had you clenching and unclenching, your muscles unused to this position and trying in vain to adjust. Paz didn’t seem to react, although he did wrap his arm more fully around your waist and brough his other hand up to stroke at where the two of you were joined together. Your eyes rolled back in your head as his fingers found your swollen clit, rubbing at it gently.
“P-P-Paz,” you stuttered, voice shaking violently. “P-Paz, s-so much, t-t-too m-mph!”
He’d jerked his hips slightly, just enough to barely count as pulling out before he settled back deep inside you, cutting your protests off with ease. He sped up his fingers, and you thought he might be enjoying the way you trembled uncontrollably on his lap.
“Jus’ need you to come one more time for me, bunny,” he slurred, voice low and thick in your ear. “It’ll help you take me a bit easier, don’t worry. Just gimme one more, okay? I promise it’ll help, it’ll feel so good bunny. You trust me, don’cha?”
You nodded shakily, turning your head to press your sweaty forehead against the side of Paz’s neck. “O-O-Okay, Paz.”
He pressed a kiss against the top of your head, and his fingers sped up again. You’d been on the edge since he began to fuck you onto his cock, and you honestly didn’t need much more stimulation before you were coming again with a low moan and weak twitches of your hips.
Paz hummed appreciatively, his fingers sliding through the mess you’d made between your legs and around his cock. You were tingling with overstimulation, feeling flushed and sweaty and you probably looked a mess, but it was only Paz here to judge you, and you got the feeling he didn’t mind, especially when he was directly responsible for your wrecked state.
“You did such a good job, bunny.” You preened at the words, feeling a sense of accomplishment. “Such a good girl for me, giving me another. You feel so good coming around me like that.” He paused, the silence heavy, and you abruptly felt very much like prey, like the nickname Paz had bestowed upon you implied. You didn’t have the time to contemplate it before he continued.
“I lied, bunny. I’m sorry, but you just felt so good.” His fingers trailed back up to your throbbing clit. “I wanna feel that again. Wanna feel your lil’ pussy trembling around my cock. I wanna feel you gush around me.”
You mouth fell open, and your hands tried to reach down to pull him away but he was quicker, the arm that had been around your waist coming up to grip your wrists in one huge hand, bringing them up so your restricted hands were pressed into your sternum. He tutted softly, spreading his legs just a little further and restricting your movement just that little bit more.
“We agreed on the rule, bunny. You let me do whatever I want, whenever I want. Isn’t that right?” He didn’t wait for an answer before continuing to whisper in your ear, tormenting you.
“And I wanna feel this pretty lil’ pussy absolutely strangle my cock again. I wanna feel you come and come and come until you can’t anymore. And then I wanna fill you up, wanna fill you up so full you’ll feel me dripping down your thighs for weeks. I wanna see you on campus and know you can still feel me in your fucking guts. I want you to sit with your friends and all you can think about is how I feel inside you right now. Any time a guy even fucking looks at you I want you to remember how this feels. I want you to remember how hard you came with my cock in your lil’ cunt.”
He stopped for a moment, breathing harshly in your ear as he quickly worked you towards another orgasm, and you almost couldn’t hear his next words over the uncontrollable whimpers and moans that escaped your throat as he abused your poor cunt.
“You’ll never be able to fuck anyone else and not think of me, bunny. I’m gonna fucking wreck you.”
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Hallo! You know who is someone I don’t see many people appreciating? Ganyu! Imagine a neurodivergent creator reader who is the one that finds her when she’s going through one of her crises when she doesn’t know if she belongs with the humans or Adepti and reader can understand her because that’s how they feel as well about life?? And about their old world and sometimes this one??
I feel that they could potentially bond over that and maybe even realize Ganyu is also somewhat neurodivergent in some way?? Or she’s very socially inept in some ways and reader can relate and share in those worries so the two just sometimes sit together shoulder to shoulder and just not say anything and just relax and everyone is confused??? Anyways that’s all for me, keep up the great work! :D
-Bonk anon
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Ahhh, look at her... I would die for her, kill for her... either way, what bliss ✨️
also fuCK mihoyo, she’s fat and beautiful and so thats how she gonna be written. 😤
saw this in my mailbox forever ago and as i was workng thru them, was just like, “damn that Ganyu ask is so close im so excited to write abt her <33”
Sun: Neurodivergent!Reader, Gender Neutral (they/them)
Orbit: tiny scenario +headcanons
Stars: Ganyu, my dearest.
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: talk of low self-esteem & Trigger Warnings: talk of low self-esteem, neurodivergent struggles, talk of missing meals (ganyu wants to schedule out her lunch-breaks).
when you’d initially explained to the (actually scarily strong irl) genshin characters who’d been claiming all kinds of wild stuff about you (”The Last Descender! The World Player!”)
you’d been in Liyue at the time, and out of everyone, the first you could see believed you were a mortal on Earth before (and not ruling it 💀) was Ganyu.
She’d looked shocked, like the others, but you could quickly see her get more and mire visibly twitchy and excited as you explained further
(rlly unlike the just,, utter confusion on Xiao’s, Zhongli’s, Shenhe’s, and Cloud Retainer’s faces, so convinced of your divinity there’s no way you could be human- even just acting like one-)
but you did, and Ganyu loved it.
you actually didn’t interact much for the first month you were stuck in a gacha video game (the other alloegenes, gods, adepti, and citizens, including international, pulling you around for opinions on this and that)
But one night you couldn’t sleep (the Qixing provided amble spacious housing in a temple already apparently dedicated to you, one you’d never seen in game)
It’d been… a rough day.
Everywhere you went, miscommunications followed, and you still didn’t really know how to mask properly around these just- well, since they were real, aliens
sure, they mimicked stuff about humans, but not the people/culture you’d mostly been around, (and the adepti had their own code of behavior, which was so complex you’re sure they should’ve made an actual social behavior manual by now)
but you just couldn’t escape the endless cycle, not only that, but your executive function had apparently forgotten to keep up with some important appointments or otherwise things you had needed to get done earlier, so you were scrambling to send a late letter to Fontaine inventors who needed to get the project started in 3 days, which is how long the letter takes to get there, oh gods, and you needed to check on Inazuma, apparently Seirai island is getting lightningy again and the Raiden Shogun wants you in person as soon as possible to aid her with it, but you need to attend a Knights of Favonius meeting in 2 days-
Yeah. You were stressed, and honestly? crumbling under the pressure.
So you’d snuck out of your rooms (dodging the patrolling guards) and went to the office of the one person who knew who’d understand
Ganyu. Scribbling and mumbling in her office to herself, late into the night
She’d jumped at you slipping in without knocking (avoid the Milieth at all costs, even tho ur literally god and you’ve been told you can do whatever you want mostly)
and knocked a whooooollleee stack of papers to the floor, scattering it everywhere 😭
you’d scrambled to start picking them up,, but then she stops you frantically saying “No, no, it’s okay, it’s not a big deal I promise, there’s no need to cry over these silly papers, heaven-sent!”
oh no.
it’d just been one more thing you’d messed up on top of all of today (and tbh this whole month whirlwind of becoming some kind of god of the continent)
and Ganyu was, Ganyu <3
she was sweet and kind and so overwhelmingly helpful, how could you make a mess of her life too-
“Emperor? Huangdi?”
you’re just sitting on the floor now, but you startle when she gently holds your upper arms, calling your name very softly, so soft if she wasn’t saying you actual name you’d think she was talking to something else, something precious to her
the qilin guides you up, easily supporting your weight, she directs you to her couch, and manuvers you into laying your head across her plush thighs, the half-adepti’s pants aren’t as skin-tight like in-game, they’re actually the cosiest fabric you’ve ever laid on (or maybe that’s just a combination of your fragileness and her thick thighs)
she rubs your shoulder and back, offering a tissue (when did she get that-)
and that’s when you know you’ve chosen your first friend in Teyvat perfectly :)
you sneak out nearly every night for those first few months in Liyue (not including travel, which you tried to limit or you’d both make an excuse why she needed to come with lol)
just to sneak into her office, and you’d nearly cried a second time on her when she offered some notes about both standard human and adepti behaviors (after all, she’s had to study them both to fit into both)
Ganyu learns to do your hair and you do hers 🥺 she can’t bring herself to trust anyone to cut her hair but you, and you always try to do styles that don’t get in her way <3
like buns with a braid wrapped around it, or two space buns (Keqing didn’t say anything but Ganyu gossiped to you about how she could see a little smile on her face whenever she ran into Ganyu that week, obviously cutely thinking how they matched)
While of course the first thing Ganyu did was propose to help you schedule/manage your time so you wouldn’t have to rely on your non-existent executive function-
you’d also made sure to literally plop ur chin over her shoulder to make sure you saw “break” AT LEAST once a day, now that she was incorporating herself a little into ur schedule too (Ganyu fought tooth and nail to get rid of that lunch-break, but then you threatened to also not eat, and she caved so fast LMAO)
(bc she’s a die-hard workaholic ofc she wants this, after you heard abt her schedule in-game you’d thought it was lucky she was not fully human or she would’ve dropped dead, but now even moreso watching that horror in real time 💀)
which!! she!! is so!! (at this point you usually just squeeze her round cheeks a little too hard before then wrapping your arms as far as they can go around her torso and squeezing even harder-)
After a couple of “your trauma 🤝 my trauma” nights, she honestly understood really well where your limits were so to speak, what you could and simply couldn’t do
and was the first one willing to explain to people you have executive dysfunction (and was quick to cut off any “just try harder/pull yourself up by your bootstraps/just believe in yourself” nonsense when if came to your disabilities, even tho those were few and far between moments if any)
afterall, people had expected the same from her, and she frequently fell into that thinking herself (it also didn’t help that as you tried to give her a normal schedule at first, which benefitted her human side more, it felt like the Qixing was stumbling to keep up with the supernatural workload now being distributed)
Ganyu knew it had been your influence originally that helped her when she’d had her workload lightened/then followed by the traveler when she ran off
(and regardless of the truth too, when you’d finally gotten the courage to tell her how you actually interacted with Teyvat, unable to steer actions from what the plot dictated)
she’d still attributed it to you, (”well, you could’ve always just picked up your things and left, yes? But even if it was ‘pre-planned’ like you say, you still wanted to follow through and were… ahem, h-happy for m-me, right?” you’d smacked right into her you stimmed so relieved)
You didn’t exactly know how to explain it, bc everyone was really accepting,
from citizens to nobles, officials and guards, to vision-users, gods and other supernatural beings that inhabited Teyvat
no one judged you for unmasking/stimming, but in that way that meant they didn’t really understand what was different about you, they just knew you were and they’d still decided to treat you with the same adoration anyway
but Ganyu,
she treated you the same but knew what stims you did when you were happy or excited, what ones comforted you, what your latest verbal stims were, and what your “classics” were (u never had to tell her, she just learned them quick and all on her own, bless this woman 🛐 )
Ganyu understood all the good and all the bad and saw you unmasked and still laughed so hard at your jokes she fell into your side and always asked another question about your hyperfixations/interests
you’d quickly realized there were a lot of neurodivergent overlaps between stuff Ganyu did and what you did
(whether or not she herself was, you just assumed yes based on what you researched, but there wasn’t any official testing in teyvat)
it makes more sense to you after applying the neurospicy filter to all her actions why she’s so obsessed with work (she hyperfixates on certain projects the Qixing has going, and has a long-term passive fixation on scheduling/stationary/related office work stuff)
but this also meant you understood why she was always asking for more about you, your mortal world, your time here, where you wanted to go in teyvat, what you wanted to do, how’d you feel when the game did this to someone, what about-?
needless to say you couldn’t (and didn’t have to 🥲) contain your stims at knowing you became a slight hyperfixation for her
she got all embarassed and blushy about it!!! <333😩 (and did that cute thing where she just kinda sways in place holding her hands together when bashful or nervous ✨💔✨)
unrelated to above, but your favorite thing (besides sightseeing or eating at yet another new restaurant in liyue) to do together is go do something childish
like playing children’s games (hopscotch, or hill sliding in ganyus case) from both ur childhoods
u thought itd be a good idea to get Ganyu to relax a little more and have more fun outside her job!
(again, unrelated bc idk im scattered with these headcanons, the cryo user loves when you help her pick new outfits at stores not bc she wants to impress u what)
ok last unrelated headcanon i promise,
Ganyu wasn’t overly affectionate before, honestly she was always going too fast to stop for those kind of casual touches (and when was there time in her old scedule)
but after a month of getting comfortable around each other, she subconciously gets up from her desk (mid-reading a file/carrying it with her lmao)
and sits on her office couch, making room for you to lay on her (and she is the perfect pillow)
(you dont point it out, you know she’ll get too embarassed, and you refuse to lose Ganyu cuddles <3)
im so glad im not the only one who took one look at Ganyu’s problems in life and was like, “damn im neurospicy, ur so right, blue-frosty-magical-half-deer-secretary-woman”
btw it’s on the masterlist “turn on the background music?” but here’s really long playlist I made for sagau stuff!
mostly game music but also other fun songs i hope fit, mostly based of my blog so it’s not dark (as the other playlists under SAGAU search on spotify looked dark too lmao)
Safe Travels Bonk Anon,
I mentioned making a kofi before, but I think I’ll start including it in posts too if u guys dont mind!
An iced coffee? For me?? :O
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Hiiii cate can I please have a blurb where Spence is giving reader a massage on her back and one thing leads to another… with smut please? 💜💜
"Come on, you're stressed." Spencer reminds you like you don't already know. "Lay down."
You sigh deeply, agreeing and laying on the bed. "Thank you." You say appreciatively.
Spencer moves your hair off your back, leaning down to kiss your shoulder. "Just letting you know, my hands are magical, and you're going to be hooked."
You giggle at him, shaking your head. "I already know your hands are magical, or your fingers at least."
"Oh, true." He agrees. "That's why you're so obsessed with staring at them."
You can't refute that. You'd probably have a photo framed on the wall if he'd let you. He's not lying when he promised magic, each time he touches your skin, you melt further into the mattress. He's not just good at reading emotions, he's good at reading bodies, and every time he uses the perfect pressure on you, it's blissful.
"You were not kidding, Spence." You compliment him like your little moans and whimpers weren't enough.
He continues to work the knots out of your skin, and you feel much better. Once you're back is less tight, all you can think about is his perfect fingers. How they look and feel.
He knows what you're thinking about when the goosebumps break out, and if there's one thing he's going to do, it's tease.
His hands creep further down toward your ass, massaging the top of your butt. Like he knows when you're about to question his intentions, he switches his focus to back where his fingers wrap around to your side boob.
"This is not exactly professional, masseuse Reid." You tell him, ready to get down to business.
"What can I say? I want to give you as much pleasure as I can by any means necessary." He assures you.
You turn over, holding your towel to your chest, so you're not entirely naked. "How do you plan to do that?" You ask him.
Spencer grins, placing a knee between your thighs as he leans down to kiss around your ear. "Fuck the stress out of you." He answers. "Going to let me take care of you?"
"Yes, please." You agree, spreading your legs further and leaning up to kiss him. You've missed him during your stressful day at work. "Please, Spencer. I need you."
That always gets him going, and you grin as he rips the towel off you, starting his trail of kisses at your tits. His soft lips massage your sensitive skin, sending heat straight down.
Your fingers curl in his hair as your hips jerk toward him. "Spencer, please, I need more."
"Then I'll give you more, baby." He assures you, sitting back to lower his pants enough to take his cock out. "Just lay back and enjoy."
You gasp as he pushes into you lightly, his thick cock stretching you out. There's no feeling like it. Getting to look up at your beautiful boyfriend is also wonderful. He leaves down to kiss the frown between your eyebrows when he's fully inside you.
"It feels better already, Spence." You tell him, locking your ankles behind him.
"I agree." He says. "Want me to keep going?"
You nod eagerly. "I think I might die if you don't."
"I can't have that." He tells you, shallowly starting to move inside you.
He keeps that same pace, keeping you filled with pleasure. The rhythmic thrusts are relaxing, making all your stress slip away. He definitely knows what he's doing.
His hands move all over you, squeezing gently. "I love you." You mumble, pulling his face closer so you can kiss him as you get closer.
"I love you, too." He tells you. "Are you going to cum for me, sweet girl?"
You nod, tightening your legs around him as you spill over the edge, waves of pleasure taking over you. "Fuck, Spencer."
He stops in you, pumping his cum into you, the warm sensation filling you. "Mhm." He agrees with what you're feeling. "You okay?"
"Happy and content." You tell him. "And I'm going to sleep amazingly."
He kisses your forehead again. "Do that, baby."
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crezz-star · 1 year
( do not reblog. this is just a pinned post.... )
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20 + | Cancer | Artist | INFJ | Devil May Cry ( Nerologist ) | ONE PIECE ( Zorologist ) | ENGLISH / FILIPINO / (bits of basic) JAPANESE
Greetings! I'm Crezz! I DRAW WHAT I WANT and what I love and give me inspiration. I found myself drawn to Isekai fantasy genres lately! I also love sparkles, color gold/yellow, cats and DMC's NERO, very very much! ✨✨✨✨
I like games / manga / anime / comic though I do have my favorites that will be stated below:
✨ Devil May Cry series ✨
✨ Final Fantasy XIV ✨
✨ Detective Conan ✨
Hazbin Hotel
Final Fantasy VII Crisiscore
Kingdom Hearts series
Final Fantasy XV
Tate No Yuusha no nariagari
I like to draw on my own pace as i do not like pressure nor being hired with a deadline. I work best when i'm taking my time because I find inspirations to fuel me to make the piece exquisite.
>> Also NOTE: I like a chill environment and time so I am very much the fiction is and only remains fiction type of person, meaning i'm PROFICTION / PROSHIP, and thus can tell the difference, and DOES separate IRL from fiction. Meaning I can handle seeing most dark themes as well. Although If there's things I do not like, I tend to ignore / mute or block it to avoid it. So i'd recommend you do the same if there's things you don't like that i draw / like / make or plainly of me being proship. Because I am not anyone's online babysitter. This is my blog and YOU came here. Don't act like you own me or control what I make. You don't, so don't go acting entitled.
>> Also 2nd NOTE: Pairings / shipping wise I have top / bottom positionals preference for very few particular characters. That being firstly DMC Nero (top only) and Roronoa Zoro (top only). While there may be times I like art that depicts them as the opposite, its more of appreciation to the art and skills of the artist itself. Nothing more.
>> Also 3rd NOTE: anywhere I go, which ever social media account. I block people. It can be the stuff they make (fanart of pairings i don't like) /say makes me uncomfortable or I see them agreeing or even doing cyberbullying and doxxing of others themselves. It's nothing personal. I just want to vibe and have a good time and avoid terrible people so I use block ( or mute ) . Especially on X where I go on blocking spree sometimes, block chain, to keep my timeline peaceful and thus peace of mind.
>> Also 4th NOTE: any anons planning to send hate in my ask box. don't even think about it. You will only make yourself look like really terrible laughable ( in a bad way ) clown because I will just delete your ask and block you. ( yes even when you are anonymous, there's an option to block, which if i recall correctly, it's your ip that tumblr blocks instead. ) save your energy. Because AGAIN in case you missed it. I DO NOT HOLD BACK IN BLOCKING. Use your energy on things that makes you happy rather than hating on people.
I hope you enjoy your stay! May the stars shine your path to a sparkling future!
Gank ( with monthly art rewards )
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facebook page
pixiv🔞 🪦🕊🔞
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ficmashup · 9 months
half request??
just got into work and found out one of my patients died an hour after i left my last shift. and i’m kinda taking it a bit rough. how do you think price or simon would comfort medic! reader after a terrible day like this. obviously no pressure and pls ignore this if you’d like, im just in need of some comfort/angst/fluff🫤
A Bad Day
A/N: Oh, Anon, I'm so sorry that happened. That's incredibly hard to go through. Hope this short and sweet fic gives you a little comfort. <3 I tried to keep the situation pretty vague, so take it as you will. (Also thanks for being the first to send me an ask!) I personally pictured my OC G for this, but this can really just be Price x medic!reader.
Warnings: Language, moodiness, clear implication of something bad having happened.
Word Count: 1.1k
Nothing else exists outside the paperwork I’m filling out.
There are a few desks offered in the back of the medical tent and I claim one of them as my own rather than going back to my room to be alone. The shuffling of feet and soft voices keeps me from my own thoughts as I bury myself in the monotony of filling out information. The boys stop by throughout the day. Soap tries to tease me and make a few jokes, but all he gets from me is a few hums. Gaz comes by next and leaves a small pile of hard candies without saying much. I don’t touch any of them.
Simon comes by and he just drags a stool over, sitting beside my desk within my eyeline. After a handful of minutes, I sigh and let my pencil pause even though I still don’t look at him. “Fuck off.” I tell him under my breath and go back to work.
“Why don’t you come to the training ring with me for a while?” He offers and my eyes shut a moment.
“Don’t treat me gently right now.” My voice is low and holds a warning.
He leans an elbow on my desk and my eyes snap to his. He stills. “Didn’t know me offering to go a few rounds was gentle.”
“It is. You’re trying to be nice and sometime in the future, I’m sure that I’ll be grateful for the effort. But not today and not now.” I get back to work and take a deep breath to keep myself steady. “I just need to do something successfully right now. Be productive. And I don’t need a chaperone.” A few beats pass before Ghost sighs and gets up, his fingers tapping twice on my desk before he walks out.
I’m left alone for the rest of the day and I finish all my work along with a dozen useless tasks to simply fill my time. Night falls and I rub my eyes as they ache before rising from the desk. A deep breath leaves me before I turn towards the exit to find Price waiting with his arms crossed. My body laxes at the sight of him, tiredness catching up with me along with the weight of the day. I walk over slowly and stop in front of him, letting him read my expression as I barely manage to give him a weak smile. “I have food waiting in your room.” He says softly as we begin walking down the hall. I appreciate the little touch of his fingers to the inside of my arm as we turn and the feeling of his hand hovering over my lower back. It’s all we allow ourselves while still in a public place.
“I don’t feel much like eating.” I murmur and he hums.
“I know.”
It’s that quiet acceptance that makes me swallow as emotions crowd my throat. I focus on Price’s steady presence and the faint scent of cigars that always seems to linger on him. When we get to my room, I walk in and sit on the end of my bed while Price steps in after me to shut the door. I set my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands. A second passes before John sighs as he gets onto his knees in front of me with his hands gently sliding up and down my arms.
“I’m here if you want to talk and I’m here if you want to be silent. Either way, I’m here.” His voice rumbles through me and I open myself up a bit more to make room for him to press closer. My arms rest on his shoulders while his rest over my thighs, his fingers skimming up and down my sides.
“Pretty bad day.” I whisper and he hums while I press my temple against his. “I keep replaying it. Debating if there was something else that I could have done—”
“Don’t do that.” He pulls back just enough so that I can see his pretty blue eyes. His hat gets discarded onto the bed beside me. “You did everything you could have at the time. After that, it’s out of your hands.” I nod and reach up to idly run my fingers through his beard as we simply share space for a while. Breathe the same air. Soak in the comfort of simply being with someone who understands.
Eventually he tempts me up to my desk to eat something and he even slips me a bar of chocolate that makes me feel a little lighter. He pulls my feet into his lap and fondness fills my heart as he removes my boots and socks. His fingers slide under my pants, kneading my calves one by one as I eat and even feed him a bite or two of chocolate as payment for the attention.
“Hope I didn’t upset the boys too much today.” I say when I’m finished and I’m just watching him touch me with such gentle care that it makes everything seem a little better.
He chuckles. “We’re all still learning what each other needs. They won’t hold it against you.”
“How many came to complain to you today?” I risk asking and hum a laugh when he gives me a smile. All of them, then. “That’s sweet.”
“You don’t have to worry about them today, sugar. Let me take care of you.” He gives my legs a little tug and I melt a bit more in my chair, letting him.
My lips press together as I think for a few moments and Price stays quiet as he lets me. “It’s going to take me a while to get past this one.” My voice is hushed.
Price’s expression doesn’t change as he nods. “Sometimes it does. That’s fine. As long as you don’t let it stop you.” I take this in, storing his words away for when I might need them before easing up from my seat and sliding onto his knee. He instantly wraps an arm around my waist to pull my body against his while my fingers gently scratch the baby hairs on the back of his neck.
“Mind if I do something terribly unprofessional?” I ask and soak in the humor glittering in his eyes.
“I’m clearly a stickler for professionalism.” His hand squeezes my hip while my head tilts to get closer to him, our lips a fraction apart.
“Clearly.” I give him a sweet kiss. “Thank you.” I murmur against his lips and rest my forehead against his.
“Always.” He whispers back. For the first time today, I feel steady with him under me and his arms around me.
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hello!!!! i love your writing style so much, and your characterization of the M6 is fantastic!!! i was wondering about a headcanon for an MC that plays an instrument?
The Arcana HCs: When MC plays a musical instrument
~ honestly I don't know why I haven't done this one already. thank you for the appreciation anon, it's always good to know I'm on track! enjoy - brainrot ~
He thinks it's the most romantic thing, which regularly sends him into a "I'm too attracted to MC to function" spiral
He plays the vielle himself, and is determined to perform a beautiful duet with you regardless of how well they pair with each other
If you have the kind of instrument naturally suited to his vielle, wonderful!
If you don't, never fear. He's never composed a musical piece before, but he'll take a crack at it with varied success
He can also sing along if that doesn't work out
Heaps you with compliments whenever you play and always encourages you to pursue your skills as far as you want to
More than ready to gather the entire South End to listen to you play if you so much as mention a semi-public performance
You're hesitant to do this because you've known him to get worked up from watching you perform and the roguish grin he gave you when he promised to behave doesn't convince you at all
Malak, being a crow, can and will imitate your music. This annoys Julian immensely
Loves it when you play. Wherever and whenever it happens, they'll pause whatever they're doing and watch you with the most adoring, enchanted gaze
Canonically the best dancer of the M6, if you get him in the right mood he might dance along
This is very rare because it means they have to get up from their pillow pile, but it's possible because they like feeling your eyes on them
One time, he danced while his parents were over. Salim joined him and it became the funkiest performance you've ever seen
Very curious about what kind of magic you could do with this
Summoning? Enhancing? Hypnotizing?
More than willing to be your test subject, even for the less advisable ideas. Sometimes you think they might have a little too much faith in your abilities
Will take you to concerts if you're traveling together to broaden your horizons
If they're by themself, they'll keep any eye out for any unusual music written for your instrument and bring it home
Faust likes to bop, wriggle, and blep along
Is very content to sit and watch you play during her down time
She loves studying the way your music affects you - how your facial expressions shift with the tone of the music, the subtle changes in posture, your nimble hands
Jumps at any opportunity to play her organ along with you
If it's an uncommon pairing she will interview any traveling musicians for well-written duets
If you prefer to keep music as a hobby, she will respect that
But if you want to develop your skills, she'll have a list of tutors for you to choose from on her desk. You have talent! It's good to pursue that!
In a similar vein, she'll never pressure you to practice, but she'll bring it up frequently
It's really a covert way of requesting that you play for her
It goes without saying that any and all of your musical needs will be met. New sheet music? Cleaning supplies? A whole new instrument? Say the word and it's yours
Chandra has been known to subtly perch nearby to listen in
He's not used to this much noise in the woods
Why is there so much noise in the woods
Oh, it's you. This is kind of ... nice, actually. Maybe he can get used to some extra noise in the woods
He eventually finds that work goes more smoothly when there's something to listen to
He might bring it up once or twice that he doesn't mind you practicing in the same clearing as him while he chops wood, or clears part of a path, or works on a charm
If he doesn't have that excuse he'll just pull your instrument and music out and leave it somewhere visible in case you feel prompted to play it
Listening to you play will remind him of some of the sounds he has vague memories of hearing from his early childhood. He'll start trying to collect information on Kokhuri instruments and music
Very willing to involve you in that project, but only if you're interested
You don't know how, you don't know why, but regardless of the instrument you play, it always puts Inanna to sleep
She thinks it's fantastic
Being an ambassador means lots of time on the boat between countries. This is a great way to pass it
She doesn't play an instrument herself, but she can and will sing along as loudly as she has to to be heard
Which means that, between learning pieces that work with a human voice, and being on a ship, you learn to play for a lot of sea shanties and ballads
You're quite popular with the sailors for the free entertainment as well (whether that's your talent, or Portia's squeaky high notes)
Some of them play as well, and will pick out tunes with you by ear so you can play the same piece together
Anytime Portia hears a new style of music on your travels, she'll ask if you can play it too with the utmost confidence in your abilities
She also invites you to play at formal gatherings. She doesn't necessarily expect you to say yes every time, she just thinks anyone would be lucky to hear it
It always gives Pepi the most intense zoomies
At this point, your musical skills are just another item on the list of why you are The Best
Hearing music of any kind is a little bittersweet for him. Where he grew up, it was a frivolous past time when you could be hunting something instead
As Count, he always had music playing, but it was grand, complex pieces with massive orchestras and opera singers
Now the music he hears you play is just one instrument, because you want to, and because it makes you happy
Will request at least one song from you every single night
Especially enjoys it on the nights you spend by a campfire under the stars, after you've finished a job. It's like a reward
He tried singing along, once, but it didn't really work because he's canonically tone deaf and it threw you off
The first few times you played he nearly threw a fit because Mercedes and Melchior kept trying to howl along
They shut up when they're eating, so now he keeps an eye out on the road for a deer or rabbit carcass to distract them with later
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✨️Bienvenido, everyone! Thank you all for your patience with this event, we are so excited to share this with you! ✨️
To start, we are your lovely hosts for the Encanto OC Appreciation Event:
Amanda @overly-dramatic-artist & Pena @dororoxpenana!
You may recognize us in the Encanto OC community already with our OCs Angela Morales Estrada (Amanda) and María Madrigal (Pena), but you’ll find out more about them during the event! 💖
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♡ The main goal and drive of this event is to spread some much needed love and appreciation to our fellow OC creators! You are all such a gift to this fandom, and it’s more than time to recognize each other! While we will be reblogging everyone’s creations on to this blog, this event will only work as intended if you all interact with each other! We can speak for almost everyone when we say that it is entirely welcome for you to go feral in the tags and comments. Share your enthusiasm. Go wild. If someone says something kind to you, you are legally required to pass that on ten-fold (Just kidding, but please please interact with each other!). ♡
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✨️The Prompts!✨️
👋🏼 Week One (October 1-7) : Introduction. Time to share the lore of your OC! For this week, we are looking for your OC’s backstory, what connects them to canon, and who they are as a person! This can include detailed character sheets, a written backstory, drawings of them through stages of life, how you developed this character, even a ‘slide show’ of their background; literally anything pertaining to who they are.
❤️ Week Two (October 8-14) : Relationships. Let’s take a deep dive into the interpersonal relationships of your OC! Family, friends, lovers…enemies? For this week, share any works that give us a look into who your OC is connected to; it can be a family tree, drawings of them with friends, their wedding; as long as there is some form of connection, you’re golden!
🌟 Week Three (October 15-21) : Extras and Add-Ons. Have an AU? Or two? Or ten? All you full of bits of information and side stories? Share it all! This week is for you to share anything and everything you want. Any sort of obscure alternate timeline, a detailed overview of their sense of fashion, pieces of trivia like their favorite food or weather, what their handwriting looks like, comics you’ve been wanting to share. Anything and everything is game!
🫂 Week Four and a Half (October 22-31) : Share the Love. Spread around the appreciation for your fellow artists and writers! Send head-canons or thoughts about someone else’s OC, or maybe some artwork or a one-shot! Or even express your delight for another person’s creativity. We highly encourage you to engage with people you may not be super familiar with.
You are more than welcome to use older material for this event, especially for the first three weeks, but we just ask that you make a new post with this blog tagged so we know to reblog it! New creations are greatly encouraged, but we understand that making art and writing is time consuming 💖 You can also make multiple posts for each week if you have a lot to share, don’t feel pressured to cram everything into one post!
‼️Rules regarding the event:‼️
🔴Please refrain from comparing OCs against each other or to canon characters in a negative manner. This event is meant to appreciate everyone’s efforts, we’ve all dealt with enough negativity already. Be kind.
🔴We want to keep this event friendly for all ages in the fandom, so we will not be reblogging any blatant NSFW content on to the blog. You are welcome to share things of adult-theme, but just know we won’t be sharing it from our platform (we’ll drop a like though).
🔴Any content of incestuous nature will not be allowed whatsoever. This is a one strike policy. Don’t do it.
🔴No tracing or stealing works from other artists/writers. If you have commissions or artwork made by other people for you, that is more than welcome, but do not steal someone else’s work.
🔴No content made using AI
🔴Keep in mind this is not a contest or a competition; please be kind to other artists and writers. We are all on equal ground here.
✨️Please tag our event blog (this one!) as well as using the hashtag ‘encanto oc appreciation’ & 'encanto oc event' as we want everyone’s work to be shared on our blog like an archive of love!✨️
💖If you have any questions, please feel more than welcome to reach out! We want this event to be as fun as possible! 💖
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jagibee · 1 year
Call Me Luna Info
Hello dear readers, Mari speaking!
I just wanted to lay down some basic info about my story so that things are clear
- This story will probably not include super explicit smut unless or until I become more comfortable writing it, but due to heavy discussion of sex and suggestive scenes, this is an 18+ work, so it please respect that and MDNI
- The reader has an AFAB body and uses she/her pronouns and I think at some point I will have her wear skirts/dresses, and I decided to divide SKZ in half in regards to how old everyone is compared to the reader for the purpose of honorifics, but I looped Hyunjin in with the younger half since they were born in the same year. I also might have a background for character motivation purposes, so just oc family members and their secondary genders. Other than that, I try to keep it pretty neutral including race, religion, etc. Unfortunately I am limited to my own experiences, so if you feel like I’m not keeping it neutral or I am portraying something incorrectly or problematically, feel free to say something!
- I have ADHD and will deadass forget this story exists unless I have people interacting with me, so please do!
- My chapters will probably be over 1,000 words but I’m really inconsistent other than that so good luck
- This isn’t meant to be an exact biography of Stray Kids obviously so I’m not putting pressure on them or forcing them to be together or anything, also they have less managers and choreographers and sound people just because I don’t really feel like including all of that
- I’ll update when I want
- This is my story, so if you don’t like it, you can just leave without reading anymore!
- This story will deal with physical, verbal, and psychological abuse, as well as slight substance abuse, eating disorders, and mental health issues so please don’t read this if any of these affect you negatively
- Again, I can only go off of my experience so the way the characters in this story deal with things is not meant to be the “correct way” and it may not be relatable to everyone
- If you guys have any theories or ideas for what will happen next, let me know! It’s fun to see how people interpret writing (and maybe I’ll get my next plot point idea😁)
- I really don’t know what direction this will take so I’ll be adding trigger warnings as needed for individual chapters, and if there’s something that I haven’t tagged properly, please tell me! I want everyone to have a good experience with this story
- This story will have cursing, that’s just the way I think and write (and I think we all know the kids curse off camera)
- When any character uses English, I’ll show it like “‘“this”’”
- I’m shit at titles so….. we’re doing chapter numbers, but I might add chapter names later
- Tag list is open! You can send in an ask or message me if you want in! My tumblr is a bit fucked up so I can’t really respond to replies, but I always add you even if I don’t answer
- However, being on my taglist and being able to read my work is ultimately up to me, so if you do or say something that I dislike, I have no problem with blocking you
- I am fine with comments like “can’t wait for the next chapter!” but if it’s something more like “when’s the next part😡” consider it an automatic block, sorry not sorry!
- Liking and reblogging are always appreciated!
- Really, just have fun, stay positive, and (hopefully) enjoy the ride!
Info Regarding ABO
- omegas have heats three times a year for 7-10 days
- alphas have ruts twice a year for 3-6 days
- betas have slips once a year for 4-5 days
- heats include abdomen cramping, change of the omega’s scent, a need to nest, slick, and horniness for most
- heat suppressants are common, they don’t completely take away everything, there is still usually mild cramping, change of the omega’s scent and a need to nest, though they are pretty moderate
- ruts include a stronger scent of the alpha, possessiveness, need to mark their partner or partners, aggression, headaches, and horniness for most
- rut suppressants aren’t nearly as common as heat suppressants but they can tone down a rut to only include headaches, slightly stronger scent, and a bit of aggression
- slips include betas getting a stronger sense of smell and touch and they become very sensitive both physically and emotionally
- slip suppressants are very rare and only tone down a slip by about 20% while making the beta emotionally numb so many don’t like taking suppressants even when they have access
- there are no specific alpha scents or beta scents or omega scents, but in this universe, people can still identify someone’s secondary gender based on their scent
- scent glands are on the wrists and neck but if you put blockers on the neck, the body automatically stops releasing scents from the wrist gland
- scent blockers also lessen the wearer’s sense of smell
- wrist to wrist scentings are for acquaintances, neck to wrists are for good friends, and neck to necks are basically the equivalent of saying “I want you in my life forever” which can be platonic, familial, or romantic
And now onto the masterlist!
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officialtayley · 4 months
So... Plot twist 
Hi everyone, is Emily/em/Sparks9397, make yourselves a snack this one’s long. 
I have a lot I'd like to say, but think a good place to start would be that yes, I’m very sorry for how this played out and for what I did, though, the pics were about as far as the lie went, guess doesn’t matter either way but yes, I am a lawyer, yes I live in Australia, yes that’s my dog, yes I have a boyfriend, etc. 
Honestly, I'm not mad at the anon in fact I was kinda expecting it? (someone was bound to get that’s not my pic), but you did caught me off guard last night and I panicked cause I thought better disappear and leave no trace behind, they all hate you anyways (you guys have been way too nice and fic gate is kinda funny), but I do like to twist the knife and did go back to it in the morning to check how badly i'd fucked up, is why i'm sending this.
if you want me to explain myself, well I was in a bad bad place last year when I started writing, the writing really help me through lots of stuff and for personal reasons i thought it was better not to add my pic, stupid me thought it was a good idea to share another person’s photo, who kinda looks like me if you want to believe that or not, but seems way happier, more stylish, more fun, etc and well you know how that ended... 
Was it necessary to keep posting more pics that weren’t mine, no obv not, yet believe it or not somehow in the past year my life got way better and I made it out of that dark place and was excited to share more of my life, my mistake to not just come clean instead of keep pretending I was someone else. 
Anyways, I could keep going with the apology but I don’t think it matters very much now, does it? 
So I’ll just use this time to say I'm realy really sorry Meike @paramorewillbelegends  and I’m really so so sorry Reese @dnd21, you both were really good friends to me and I'm so grateful to you both for being there for me when I had no one to talk to, sorry I couldn’t reciprocate and be a better friend to you. 
Ps. A03 was more leveled headed than myself during this time and though I deleted everything and didn’t have backup they sent me a copy of everything which I can repost if that’s what you want, but yeahh guess that's it for me, and thanks to Ash if you end up posting this (no pressure). 
i think your apology matters. you've obviously seen what i've said about what you did so i won't say anything more, but if you mean this then it's something people can forgive you for and move past.
i think it's better to do this than to do something drastic. as you can see, no one hates you, even any of us that may have sounded quite harsh, that's not hatred either. anyway, i appreciate that you sent this and i'm sure everyone else will appreciate it, especially your friends, so i'll post it because i think it's important and you didn't have to send it at all but you did, so again, i think it'll be very appreciated.
also you do whatever you feel is right with the fics. a lot of people may still want them but ultimately it's up to you and if you feel comfortable doing so.
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theflyindutchwoman · 1 year
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The airplane bathroom. Your apartment. Look, I-I don't know. Call me crazy, but it just doesn't feel like pretend. Uh… It's an intimate act. I mean, we'd have to be dead inside for it to not trigger something, right? It -- It's basic biology. Okay, so… So you're saying it's not a big deal? Doesn't mean anything? Right? I...
That first (practice) kiss changed everything, affecting them both in ways they weren't ready to admit out loud, let alone to themselves, at the time. But they couldn't put off that conversation for much longer either. Or at least, Tim couldn't. Not after everything that happened in the plane…  And with that comes the beginning of their misunderstanding and pining era… They are usually so good at reading the other that it makes this miscommunication a bit more tragic. But there lies the difference : unlike before, there is the possibility of losing the other, of changing fundamentally their relationship… And this is scary. So even though this trope usually feels contrived, in this particular case, it actually makes sense. They're in the middle of an op, they've just found out about Rosalind's escape… In other words : this isn't the best setting for a confession.
Lucy immediately turning the TV on, trying to catch any news regarding Rosalind, just shows how far from alright she is. It may not be affecting her skills in the field but it's still weighing her down emotionally. Tim snatching the remote control right back, knowing that this is only going to increase her anxiety, is such a quintessential Tim-move. He's watching over her, being the fierce protector. He's doing everything to distract her… and how meaningful and sweet is it, that the first thing that comes to his mind is to compliment her on her undercover skills, trying to boost her confidence at the same time. He's come a long way since the time he openly doubted her skills. Despite his efforts, Lucy remains a bit out of sorts, her mind understandably occupied elsewhere. But it also looks like she pauses for a second, as if wondering whether this is truly meant as a compliment. It's really once he smiles that she visibly softens and appreciates it for what it is. It's a small detail, but the fact that she keeps massaging her head, as if trying to release the pressure, is a good indication on how all the spinning and tension is catching up to her, giving her a headache. She did it earlier in the private jet as well. Her decision to take a shower to help her unwind and relax, with no hesitation whatsoever, while Tim is present in the room, is incredibly vulnerable and intimate… It's all about the implicit trust they have in each other.
And Tim… who was finally regaining his equilibrium after that kiss… who was trying to order Lucy's favorite comfort food to make her feel better… only for his brain to short-circuit all over again when he catches a glimpse of her in the bathroom (and what is it with them and bathrooms)… The man spends this whole mission being knocked off his feet and barely has time to recover. This shows how gone he is that a mere glimpse of her bared back sends him reeling this hard. He's so flustered that he has to sit, trying to look everywhere but at the bathroom - though he can't fully tear his eyes away either. You know he's completely shooketh when even a game can't hold his attention for long. And to be fair, Lucy being a vision with her curly wet hair and dressed in only a robe is not helping him one bit. The fact that he decided to address the elephant in the room right away is so surprising, but commendable. It may have taken him a while to finally figure out - and admit to himself - that he sees Lucy as more than a colleague or even a friend… But now that he has, he's willing to discuss it, to take the plunge. It also doesn't completely come out of nowhere : there were already hints of this, like when he was on the verge on bringing it up to Lucy before he chickened out, the morning after their kiss. And while she might have been the one dreaming about it, it was clearly still on Tim's mind too. So much so that he had to confide in Angela, which was unusual in itself. This time, he can't hold back.
Unfortunately, the timing is less than ideal… Not to mention the way he approaches the conversation. He's naturally trying to keep his cards close to the vest but he unintentionally ends up sounding more accusing than anything. It's how he slowly gets closer to her, practically towering over her, listing their two kisses (that she initiated), saying that 'it just doesn't feel like pretend'… Combined with his earlier compliment about how good she is at that and it could easily be misconstrued as a call out. And judging by Lucy's deer in the headlights expression, this might be exactly what she's thinking. He looks so hopeful for a moment, with his shy little smile, waiting for her answer, for a sign that it's not just him feeling this way. Her using biology and psychology as a crutch sounds so much like she's panicking and trying to think of an excuse… It's something she'll do again for her breakup with Chris. But the interesting thing is that she doesn't completely deny it either. She is genuinely confused and conflicted. About where he is going with this. They're both being careful and that's what leads to this misunderstanding. A part of her is visibly scared and vulnerable. They both are. Still, she's trying to check in with him : her little 'right' at the end of her sentences is her way of trying to check if this is what he meant, giving him the option to correct her, whereas he understands it as a firm confirmation (as an aside, she will do the same in The Collar, after she blurts out her feelings for him : 'So we should just keep going the way we have been, right?'). Only here, Tim doesn't understand what she's doing. He looks so crushed when she claims that it doesn't mean anything. All the while, she's intently looking at him, searching for a clue about what he truly thinks… Their emotions mirror each other so well, they're just too busy playing it safe to realise it. Miscommunication in all its glory… There's a second where Lucy hesitates though, as if she's realising that there might be more to this but they're interrupted by Angela… who unfortunately piles on with her innuendos, further shutting Tim down. And Lucy finds refuge in the bathroom, using an excuse to compose herself behind a door...
Like I said earlier… The timing couldn't be worse. Tim told Lucy that she needed to get her head in the game, otherwise it would get her killed… And that's almost what happens here - only he's the one too preoccupied that he doesn't recognise the bad guys' trap. Something that will happen again in Going Under : he was so distracted by Lucy getting shot that it affected his concentration and could have cost him his life. Thankfully, she has caught on to what was happening here and takes advantage of being underestimated to get the drop on the bad guys. Such a badass. The way she stays by his side, worried… Her lack of filter is killing Tim a little bit more though… The kiss and the sight of her bared back was enough to break his brain, he doesn't need any more images in his head. His little head shake, like she's driving him crazy… he wouldn't have it any other way.
And what's even more telling is that, despite the awkwardness that could have resulted from this moment, they were both able to get past it for a little bit longer, to be around the other and still feel completely comfortable… That's how strong their connection is. And why this angsty era won't last too long either.
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gojoest · 11 days
OMFGGG I MISSED YOU SM ☹️🤍 I didn’t know what happened and didn’t ask bc I didn’t think it would be a good idea to put that pressure on you. I just read some of your replies to other people and I’m glad you’re doing okay now. People on this stupid site are so insane when it comes to dc supporters/ enjoyers. I remember when I first made a pinned post and put a warning about creating and enhancement with dc - the next day I woke up to hundreds of the most disgusting paragraphs like—even a dc writer wouldn’t have thought of such nasty ideas that the haters were fully typing out 😭 a specific one that I will never forget bc it caught me so off guard was “how attractive is the cocomelon baby to you” and this one wasn’t even bad compared to the many others I got 🫡 They eventually get bored when you block them and never snap back. I hope you feel better and don’t let them be the reason for a bad day - they are bored and have nothing better to do than harass and bully because they think they’re better than others.
LU I MISSED YOU TOO 🥹🤍 thank you for being considerate and for reaching out, i appreciate it sm !! i hope all’s been well with you beloved 🤍
tw: threats, suicide, sexual assault, pedophilia mention, doxxing below the cut, so pls take care of yourself if you proceed
you figured what sorts of stuff i was getting… 🫠 i am being told to kms, to get raped by a family member, threatened to get doxxed, being called a pedophile (WTH 😭) etc etc and all are insane INSANE things to say to someone all bc they support DC. this person keeps changing their IP to send me those stuff so blocking rly isn’t doing much. turning anons off isn’t doing much either bc the min i did i got a blank blog in my asks threatening to get their hands on my personal info and leak it. like legit this sick individual is waiting around the corner for me lmfao, maybe one day they’ll get bored of it who knows
sorry for bringing all this up, i didn’t want to talk about it at all but i also wanted to show how ugly and disturbing this place can get + i am at my limit rn nsjejs
i hope everyone takes care of themselves, and i hope you all stay safe and never ever experience such harassment or any of the things mentioned above
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caustinen · 3 months
omfg love love loving the new additions to the hollywood au!! i love how it just keeps growing and getting better with every new thing you say about them 🖤🤍 (the b&w hearts are reserved for the clegan hollywood au now)
just have to say the way they’re actually so in character and so madly in love already even before the first time they say i love you (that drabble gave me sm life btw thank you :)) ) is so insane AHH and the hcs are out of this world amazing too THANK YOU
and YES YES YES can totally see the potential for a singer john & songwriter gale already. imagine buck writing all these songs with bucky as his muse but bucky thinks buck’s writing all this with someone else in mind (he thinks there’s no way anyone would be able to write such beautiful lyrics unless they really are in love) because every time he asks gale about it he manages to avoid the question/change the topic (& blushes slightly) and john just gets jealous/upset. cue all the intense pining & miscommunication because these two are oblivious idiots in love but obviously they get together in the most dramatic way possible & become even more insufferable to everyone around them. everyone around thinks that it’ll get better once they stop hopelessly pining for each other and once they get together but it’s somehow even worse cause now they go from oblivious idiots in love to obvious idiots in love (but everyone’s obviously so so happy for them and there are definitely bets placed about the two of them getting together)
and also YES YES would love to see more ig posts, but definitely no pressure though <33
im soso sorry this got super rambly but i had to get it out and you are literally my favourite person on this app right now so sending you loads and loads of love and hope you have a lovely day 🩵🩵🩵
oh you’re my favorite person on this app too this really made my day 😭🤍🖤 (<- and yes for these being officially their hearts now 🥰)
THAT SINGER-SONGWRITER AU 🧎‍♀️ that would be so amazing, the potential of delicious miscommunication & pining is making me shiver because i could also see how bucky would then sing the songs so emotionally, so filled with feeling that gale would also be like goddamnit he must be in love with someone and it would be this endless cycle until it gets absolutely ridiculous 😭 like gale could hand bucky a song literally called ”in love with my best friend (but he doesn’t get it)” and bucky would be like sigh if only you understood your own work 😪 and then when they get together the music they’d write together would be so cheesy, so sweet, so disgustingly romantic that even the label is like… maybe it was better when we were just releasing a million sad singles about pining? but also they’re like absolute bangers and bucky would fit the confident lover boy era just as well as the sad pining boi era 😌 and gale would write the masterpiece of his life with john as his muse, like the kind of love anthem that would stand time and become a classic that everyone knows 🥹
also wanted to say that i reallt appreciate you saying these have been in charachter, that’s always my biggest stress!! so ty and hope you’ve had the best day 💘
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mags-writes · 1 year
Sunlight || Part VIII
Summary: frank comes over for dinner
Series Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical swearing, first time writing x reader, no use of y/n, no beta readers we die like ray nadeem, 18+ MINORS DNI, 🧿I will not be held responsible for what you choose to read🧿, not smut but this one is steamy
Pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
Authors Note: last chapter omg guys
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Dinah is away the weekend I'm getting the
all clear for the doctor. Come around so I
can cook you dinner.
I miss you.
You and Frank had made sure to keep in touch in the following months of your recovery in Dinah's apartment. Most of the time you were bragging about how you finally had a room and bed all to yourself, sending him a message in the morning about how you were waking up in the softest sheets on the most comfortable bed.
It put a smile on his face and he never wanted you to stop.
You had just put the pasta sauce on simmer when you heard loud knocking on the door over your loud music. You frowned, double-checking the time before turning the music down slightly and going over to the door. When you opened it, there was Frank. Standing there with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.
"Frankie!" You squealed, launching yourself into his awaiting arms. He laughed, catching you mid-air and taking a step back so he didn't fall over. "You're early!"
"Well," He put you down and smiled down at you. "You're either early or late. No in-between."
You properly looked at him, appreciating how good he looked in the black jeans and dark blue button-down with the sleeves rolled up. It was so simple but had your mouth watering at the slutty veins on his forearms that were on display for you. His beard had also grown out making you weak in the knees, with the little, hardly there streaks of grey perfectly positioned making you want to sit directly on his face. Wordlessly you took one of his arms and led him into the apartment, leaving him to close the door with this foot.
You suppose you weren't doing him any favours. Due to not expecting him so early you were in your usual stay-at-home uniform of an oversized shirt and underwear. He was used to it but it didn't stop his eyes from trailing up from your bare feet up your legs and settling on your thighs. Something about you comfortably rustling around a kitchen in this had his blood rushing.
"Well, you get to see me roll out the pasta." You told him, going into the kitchen to busy your hands before turning to him with a slight frown. "I might need your help with that."
"I don't know the first thing about pasta making, doll." You got lost in his low voice, smiling at finally being able to hear it in person again.
"Once I roll it out, I'll need help with how it feels." You explained, pulling out the very, very long mattarello from the lower cupboard making Frank's eyebrows raise. "Doc said I'm not gonna have some feeling in my hands until the nerves that were severed heal again. Might take years with how bad it was."
"I thought you said they were healin' good?" He put down the flowers and wine on the countertop and took a seat on one of the stools.
"They did!" You say, holding your hands up to show him the fresh scarring with a bright smile that had his insides flipping. "The nerves are just a bitch."
He motioned you to come closer and you did. He took hold of both of your hands and gently ran his thumbs over the scars.
"Nothin'?" He asks, bringing them down but still stroking your palms as he sets you with a frown.
You lose your voice for a second, just shaking your head to answer him before finding your voice.
"I can feel a pressure but otherwise..." You trailed off, looking down and squeezing his hands to gain some control over yourself. You swallowed thickly, looking away when you felt a heat blossoming on your cheeks, especially when you caught him with a small smirk.
You both catch up while you roll the pasta out, both of you behaving yourselves not knowing you were both at the end of your tethers. Frank hid it better, like he always did, right up until you started dropping the pasta in the boiling water. He came up from behind you, pressing against your back and lightly taking your hips in his hands as he leaned down and put his chin on your shoulder.
"You're not gonna be able to stay there for long." You remarked with a smile in your voice, turning your head to lay a smooch on his cheek.
"Oh yeah?" He replied.
"I need to go get dressed." You went to move out of his grip when he tightened it and pressed you further into his front.
"What do ya need to do that for? Hm, pretty girl?" He mumbled, turning his head and pressing his nose behind your ear, breathing you in. "Dressed just fine."
Your breathing gets heavier as his hands begin to wander, splaying across your lower tummy and pressing you closer still. The other hand went higher, wrapping around to the other side and locking in by your ribs as his head ducked into your neck. You snap, turning quickly on the spot and grabbing his face. He eagerly meets you halfway, his hands sliding up your back to pull you closer to him again while you push him back. He hits the counter with a laugh against your lips that you eat up, bringing a hand up into your hair and pulling it to control the tilt of your head.
You moan, embarrassingly loud, and in retaliation you slide your hands from his face to his hair and tug. It drives him wild, the hand not in your hair coming up and gripping your jaw makes your knees weak. You rake your fingers through his hair, scratching them downwards until they reach his beard when you groan. You pull back suddenly, hearing a slight sizzling in the background, and to snuff any temptation on your side, you put a hand over his mouth and close your eyes.
"You need to go set the table." You pant, craning your head upwards and giving it a little shake, not believing what you were doing. "Yeah... You... You need to go set the table."
You can feel Frank grinning under your hand and you open your eyes to see his eyes crinkling at your state. His hands settle high up on your waist, just about gripping your ribs in a tight hold as if he didn't believe you. You frown in concentration, willing yourself not to give in and instead let out a whine. You move your hand, going back to his soft lips and sinful tongue for a few quick seconds before getting a hold of yourself.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" You forcefully push at his chest, making him bark out a laugh and hold his hands up as you go back to the stove. "I did not spend hours working on this pasta for your dick to distract me." You stir the pasta, clenching your thighs when he laughs again. He comes up behind you again, making your eyes close when his big hands burn imprints on your waist and he lays a single, searing kiss on your neck.
"Yes ma'am." Is all he says before you hear him dutifully rummage through the draws to find the cutlery.
He, thank the holy father, son, and spirit, behaves himself during dinner. He pretends like nothing happened, asking you questions about the difference between working as a research assistant for Karen at the newspaper and as a PA for Dinah at Homeland. You answer all his questions, even including how you apparently already have a reputation in the office for supposedly killing an entire squad of hitmen. He smirks at that, a look of pride blooming on his face.
Before long, you're both sprawled out on the couch with a glass of wine each. You with your back to the armrest, and your legs in his lap, and him with a leg propped up to make room for yours as he leans against the back of the couch with his head against his fist. There's a comfortable buzz about you both as he slowly but surely trails his hand higher up your leg once he finishes his wine.
"Frank." You say, eyes half-lidded and his fixated on his hand high up on your inner thigh. He hums in response, making you smile. "Stay the night."
Frank gives you a smirk before leaning down and laying soft kisses to the tops of your thighs that aren't covered by your oversized shirt.
"Ask me nicely." He slowly trails them up until he reaches your hips, turning his head with the intent to go higher up to your waist.
"Frankie, baby." You nearly wine with a smirk of your own. He sits back up again, leaning his weight on his hands beside your hips on the couch. "Please, please, stay with me tonight."
"And do what, doll?" He was playing with you, the bastard.
In all honesty, you wanted Frank Castle to use you as his personal fleshlight. But saying that would be impolite.
"Whatever the fuck you want." You settle for with a breathy voice, growing impatient and cupping his face again.
"Oh, well, when you put it like that." He teases, making you dive in for another kiss.
Tagged: @danzer8705
ya'll want an epilogue for the morning after??
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mischiefmaker615 · 2 months
Ghost (Loki Love Story) Ch.15
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Arrival at the tower went better than expected.. considering the circumstances. Most members were out on long term assignments, so it only left Bruce, Tony and Steve, and Natasha. They greeted you with cheer, as did you to see your old comrades again- before you had left to pay attention more to New Asgard. Tony was already at the bar when you all arrived, Steve sticking close to your side as if you had your own personal body guard.
Loki, however wasn’t exactly greeted with the same happiness as Bruce and Natasha stiffened, as if he had done something wrong. Which.. New York yes, but that was years ago. Upon coming back to life, you think you’d have a do over right?- assuming he won’t try taking over again. They made it seem like he would and gave him a nod with their eyes practically studying him.
‘’well lets not all stiffen up, Loki’s been a huge help when I had an injured arm, I’m sure he’ll be plenty of help around here’’ you tried lightening the mood with a smile, Natasha looking back at you with narrowed eyes.
‘’I suppose due to the circumstances.. two spare rooms won’t be needed?’’ it wasn’t much of a question but Nat almost seemed to hide disgust at the thought of you and him sharing a bed.
‘’it would be physically impossible right now, I appreciate you all helping to prepare. We’ll get settled and I’ll show him around..’’ you declare, wanting to get out of the thick vibe growing in the room as Bruce avoided eye contact with Loki, as if making little eye contact would piss him off to Hulk-out.
With that, you took Loki’s hand and pulled him along to prevent just that. ‘’we’ll be around, thank you-‘’
Loki followed you towards the hall, sending Steve a smirk over his shoulder before he turned his attention back to you as you led him by the hand. ‘’with your quick wish to leave the room and to the spares, one would assume you are eager to-‘’
‘’they can assume all they want, you’ll just have to ignore them while they adjust to your presence.’’ You said dryly, keeping your eyes forward as you clutched still at his hand. ‘’they didn’t have to be so cold towards you-‘’
‘’a not so surprising reaction from them darling, the only presence I care about being around, is yours. I suppose this curse of ours could be seen as a blessing’’ he winked and your cheeks reddened as you stopped at the elevator and pressed the button.
‘’..don’t you.. care about independence?’’ you asked without really thinking much into it while your mouth beat your brain. ‘’you aren’t bothered by being stuck like this? Surely you’d want some privacy-‘’
‘’I’m stuck with the utmost glorious woman I have laid eyes on, which speaks volumes because I have literally been in the presence of goddesses.’’ He lightly teased, a hand at the small of your back at he led you first into the elevator before he joined your side. ‘’I have high feelings for you Y/N,.. I’m not saying we need to rush into anything because we’ve kisses but.. even if we weren’t stuck together, I most likely would have been finding myself at your side the entire time anyway..’’ he confessed and you hesitantly clicked the button for your floor.
Cheeks red, you glance over at him while you rubbed your arm shyly. ‘’your very poetic when you speak’’
Loki gave a hard laugh as the elevator began rising, taking hold of your hand in his as he brought your knuckled up to his lips with a grin. ‘’and I also enjoy doting on you darling. Request it and I shall do my utmost ability to get it done if it is to please you. I’ve spent to much of my life feeling alone..’’ his smile faded ever so slightly at the sudden confession, moving his eyes forward now once the elevator stopped. ‘’..i do not wish the chance to feel that again.’’
Your eyes traveled down, knowing you would never abandon him, but having the pressure of possibly having him fall back into his upbringing trauma was difficult to think on. You stayed silent the rest of the way, leading him down a few halls before you stopped at a door.
‘’..this was always mine when I occasionally stayed here, it should be spacious enough’’
‘’I think I prefer less spacious.’’ Loki smirked and you lightly shook your head with an eye roll while you opened the door.
The sight had you stop in your tracks, a light gasp leaving your lips as you took in the room. It was almost exactly the way you left it! It wasn’t terribly long since you’ve been here, but you knew there should be a good amount of dust on the surface. Running a finger across the desk, there was none. Your weapons were still mounted on the wall, your sheets and blankets seemed to have been washed and a few trinkets here and there, amongst your books were organized and accounted for.
‘’I kept everything the same encase you returned..’’
The voice behind you both got you turning, Loki making eye contact before he rolled them with a distasteful groan. ‘’can we not have a moments piece Rogers?”
‘’I gotta make sure the settling in part is.. settled.’’ Steve says dryly, his tone dramatically changing when he looks over at you. ‘’I��ve only added a few other essentials, though I know you brought some from home. Apparently, Tony is throwing a party tonight to celebrate your arrival.’’
‘’he throws parties practically every night.’’ You sigh.
‘’I know, but he says he’ll be keeping it small, pretty much just all of us.’’ Steve shrugged, keeping himself leaning on the doorframe with his arms crossed.
‘’yes yes we’ll be there, is that all?’’ Loki waves off as his body noticeably stiffens by his very presence, taking a hold of your hand while Steve’s eyes flick down to it before back at yours.
‘’we’ll be around if you need anything.’’
‘’of course, thank you and..’’ you waved around the room with a content smile at feeling a bit more at home. ‘’..thank you.’’
‘’your welco-‘’ the door closed on it’s own with a mild slam, making you quickly turn to catch the brief flash of green in Loki’s eyes.
‘’you really need to lighten up.’’ You warn, knowing he had used magic to slam the door.
‘’I will not light up darling.’’ Loki said, awkward at the Midgardian terms as he almost says it with distaste. ‘’he’s only trying to ward you away from me.’’
‘’I’m yours?” you asked carefully, your eyes falling down at the grip on his hand tightens ever so slightly.
‘’we’re soul mates Y/N-‘’
‘’Loki.. I won’t be destiny’s puppet.. we know it but it doesn’t mean we need to follow it just because we got a bit of a.. spoiler alert through magic. We could do whatever we want with this information not everyone gets the chance to get, to rewrite-‘’
‘’I don’t wish to rewrite anything darling, nor is it possible to change it.’’ He cut you off, seeming to remind you how tall he was as he faced you with barely a step apart. ‘’surely I’m sure you have learned from the Midgardian films; what future cannot be changed. If you so much as try to adjust things, most likely doing so it what will make it happen anyway.’’ He said and placed a finger at your chin, a shiver running down your spine as he tilted your head up so you were paying closer attention.
‘’like it or not Y/N, you cant get rid of me.’’
‘’like a cockroach.’’
The voice had both your eyes move to the door as Tony’s voice stayed muffled behind it.
‘’hard to kill, hard to get rid of.’’
‘’is privacy going to be a constant issue around-‘’ Loki fumed as he made for the door but in a huff, ready to practically break it open to probably kill Stark before he was suddenly teleported back, ramming into you as you both stumbled and fell onto the bed, Loki on top while the door opened itself.
‘’usually there’s a lot less dialog when your doing it Reindeer Games’’ Tony noted casually as he leaned against the door frame.
Your cheeks heated up, Loki’s hands on either side of your head while yours spread out above it. His body struggled to hold itself above yours, slight strain barely shaking the mattress as he fought not to lower himself in that instant but what could be felt was his erection, causing his own cheeks to redden upon his realization.
‘’Stark, you have about two seconds to tell me what business you have here before I make a perfectly good reason for you heroes to call SHIELD and get me-‘’ Loki gritted out, pushing himself off the bed- as much as he would have loved to stay and turned to glare at him. his anger mildly defused with a smirk when Tony poorly hid his reaction at seeing how much he was.. packing.
‘’so I lied, I may have invited a bit more people than just us but I figured since you just got here and still may need a few things, Pepper said you could help yourself to her wardrobe.’’ Tony explained quickly, his eyes staying on Y/N as you sat yourself up awkwardly with still a light hue on your cheeks.
‘’thank you-‘’
‘’no need Stark. I have it handled.’’ Loki snapped, raising your curiosity you would note later as Tony smirked.
‘’why? Want the dresses all to yourself?’’
‘’I’m absolutely sure you wouldn’t wish to be thrown from that window a second time-‘’ Loki snapped, a step towards him having you grasp his arm so you both wouldn’t get teleported again.
‘’thank you Tony, we’ll be getting ready and see you out there.’’
‘’cool’’ Tony smiled with a small wave, clearly less annoying with you than with any interactions with Loki as he headed off, leaving the door open as you sighed.
‘’how long will we be stuck here?’’ Loki groaned and laid back on the bed, his arms spread out to his sides as he looked thoroughly annoyed.
‘’just until we figure this thing out.’’ you said gently as you sat beside him.
Upon feeling your presence beside him, he moved a hand to rest on your thigh, his thumb stroking as if you were his own personal stress reliever. ‘’or, we could just stay stuck together and go back to your place like none of this ever happened..’’
You gave him a gentle look, a look of hesitation that seemed to speak for you that you were still unsure of your decision.
Loki sighed and patted your leg, giving you a silent okay fine before he sat up. ‘’alright darling, I suppose we should get ready for this not-so-rare event Stark is hosting. I think I shall have the perfect remedy for your outfit.’’ He smirked, as if the thought alone had lifted his spirts as he stood, taking your hand to pull you up and placed you in the middle of the room.
‘’I have a few things of my own, there’s really no need-‘’
‘’darling, none sense’’ he smiled and began eyeing you up and down while begiving to move around you in circles. ‘’it would up my spirits considering how the beginning of this stay went and I promise to make it stunning.’’ He beamed before his eyes flashed that light, green hue and your skin began to tingle.
Looking down at yourself, you felt your clothes begin to stretch and move, as if he was using that fabric to help with the main ingredient to his magic. With a small flash that had your eyes closed for a moment, you reopened them to find that you were wearing a flood length, skin tight, emerald dress with a gold trim around your waist. The main thing that got your attention was the draft and noticed how much cleavage you were showing, making you hug yourself with your eyes widening.
‘’this is beautiful Loki- but perhaps something less.. fancy?’’ you asked but he knew the fanciness wasn’t your main issue as he tilted his head as if to try to see behind your arms.
‘’darling you look gorgeous-‘’ he encouraged, noticing how he even made it so your back was exposed to not have any discomfort to your wings.
‘’t-thank you but.. perhaps something that matches the occasion..’’ you plead behind your words and he sighed, waving his hand and the process begins all over again as the fabric morphed and revealed you into a more single dress, a black cloth that looked more like a chambermaid would wear at some royal castle.
‘’what’s this?” you raise a brow, it looking plain and simple with a little less cleavage but you covered none the less.
‘’I can’t have gawkers left and right while we attend, it is uncomfortable enough with Roger’s existence here.’’ Loki mumbled, straining his neck to look behind you as your ass and you quickly used your wings to block him.
‘’than what was the first option you formulated??”
Loki’s eyes flicked back to yours and smirked. ‘’that was merely for me.’’
‘’Loki!’’ you almost whined and he placed his hands up in a surrender position. ‘’alright darling, alright. One moment,’’ and with the flick of his wrist, you now wore a black cocktail dress.
It was mid-thigh high, a mild dip but not to much chest tricking out, you noticed your height was different and noticed the gold heels you now wore and a slightly low back just enough for your wings. With a relaxed sigh, you smiled and lowered your arms.
‘’thank you.’’
‘’your welcome darling.’’ He said proudly, his eyes everywhere else but your eyes as you snapped his fingers at him to get his attention before he noticed your growing concern.
‘’you are using your magic to do this.. won’t I be naked if you accidently drop the spell? Let alone exhaust yourself-‘’
‘’darling I assure you, as much of a sight you will be,’’ he smirked before getting serious. ‘’I shall be absolutely fine. There is no effort in such a simple spell so there is nothing to worry about.’’ And with that, he waved a hand over himself and his glow consumed him, revealing himself to be wearing an all-black suit.
Your cheeks reddened as you unknowingly drank him in, a chuckle snapping you out of it as you adverted your eyes and shifted in place. ‘’..you look nice..’’
‘’why thank you darling, I dare say with confidence that we will look like the hottest couple in New York.’’ He said with a grin, having attempted an American accent, not necessarily failing miserably but enough to have you laugh and relax.
‘’stick to your poetic vibes.’’ You tell him with a smile and go over to his side, taking his arm for him to lead you.
‘’very well darling,’’ he grins, his voice almost taking on a purr as he leads you forward.
‘’let us get this over with.’’
Tag List: @violethaze @fire-in-her-veinz
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