#also the human is a y/n type deal
vshushmshu · 24 days
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chat is this gay
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diejager · 6 months
Hi! In your Only Human AU what would happen if TF 141 + König and Horangi go into a something like a “rut”? Or is that possible in this universe? If it is would they ask Y/N for help? If possible can it be in the form of a Drabble🥺?
Rut Cw: rut/heat cycles, mention of sex, possessive behaviour, obsessiveness, mention of knotting, implied smut, tell me if I missed any.
Ruts were odd phenomenons, it reduced hybrids and monsters to desperate and horny men, clinging onto the person they considered their mate for relief and pleasure. Some hybrids had ruts, like canid and felid shifters or shifters in general, a monthly cycle that incapacitated them. Others were luckier, having a few ruts per year, sometimes once every few month or once a year; these could range from a dragon to a harpie or from a percht to a gorgon. There, however, were some exceptions, spectral beings and the undead were without ruts, their body long dead and able to function without it, yet they could impregnate and be impregnated as any other hybrid and monster could. They suffered from bouts of occasional arousal, little flares of pleasure when faced with a situation that turned them on or by strong emotions towards someone or something.
You were unfortunately enough to be thrown into a group of rutting hybrids - with the sole exception of Ghost - unprepared and without a forewarning on how to deal with them. You had to deal with a clingy werewolf, howling at the moon and whining in utter heartbreak because you told him off for humping your leg in the rec room, huffing and gasping down your neck. A hissing and possessive tiger, stalking you down the halls and jumping you whenever you were alone to ravage you against the wall, mouthing and nipping at your neck, making sure his scent would stick over the wolf and nagual musk. And a protective nagual, looming over you like a shadow, arm slung around your shoulder and ready to start a fight with the other shifters if they tried masking his scent.
Luckily, their ruts never overlapped, it might’ve been a fortunate coincidence, but one that you wouldn’t take for granted. You had a schedule drawn up in the first year after they accepted you into their pack, Soap’s was always after the full moon, the silver disk being the catalyst to his urge; Horangi had his in the later days of each month, oftentimes beginning on the last day of the werewolf’s rut; and Alejandro took the first week of the month, starting slowly on the third or fourth day and ramping up on the following day.
Unfortunately, you hadn’t put in consideration for the others. Price, Gaz and König also had their moments in the yearly cycle, falling victim to the throes of instinctual need. You thanked your lucky star that Gaz rutted once or twice a year - thrice on rare accounts - with little to no change in his character. He might’ve been more hands, wanting to keep a hand around your waist, to give you soft and loving kisses on your lips as much as he did on your cheek, nose and forehead.
Price and König were a handful, one hoarded you to his office and had you follow him wherever he went, and the other was deathly possessive and deep into his instincts. König was on the extreme side of his type, breaking out nearly six to seven times a year, stuck mid shift with broader shoulders, red eyes and a monstrous appearance, and he had half the mind to stay considerate to other. A danger stumbling on two feet. Price was the medium, a perfect balance with three or four ruts yearly and a the self control to let you go if the situation demanded it. Despite his self-control, he was still a dragon, controlling and possessive, ordering you to come straight back to him whether or not you were knotted to Soap or Rudy was balls deep inside of you.
Despite Rudolfo being considered a monster, he was simply a human with the ability to control cadejos, as vulnerable and as resilient as one. And being human meant that he got aroused, coaxing you into his room for the night and taking care of the heat brewing between your legs. Much like Rudy, Ghost retained his bodily function - human wise - and came back as a monster, but he was a stranger to ruts, scoffing at the neediness and vulnerability of one. That, however, never stopped him from indulging in his sexual kinks and dark fetishes, having you as the subject of his exploration if no one else hit their cycles.
They were a handful, from Soap’s mutt-like character to Rudy’s calm demeanour, they had you exhausted, wringing you dry and panting, always ending up face down or backed against the wall. You were grateful - truly - that the others would willingly jump in and take over for you, helping whoever it was spend his rut. Now, you’d have to redraw your calendar, tired and clinging to your bed to stand up.
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @yeetusspagheetus @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @havoc973 @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @ki-cant-spel @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @mul-pi @danielle143 @virginalsacrifice @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo
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kimberly-spirits13 · 8 months
Dating Jason Todd General Headcannons
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warnings: nothing graphic but there are a few bed preferences in there without being descriptive
He's a very veryyyy touchy person
There is not a time in your entire relationship where he doesn't have his hands on you somehow
he wants you to sit in his lap and be cuddled up against his chest, wants his hand on your thigh, pinkies linked, holding your hand, touching shoulders while standing close together, literally anything
He's a total big spoon almost always
He likes to engulf you and it makes him feel like you're safe
Also likes it when you use his chest or stomach as a pillow
"Don't you have a pillow to sleep on Y/N/N?" "yea, I'm using it doofus."
He likes to sleep on top of you and have you scratch his scalp or run your fingers through his hair
has him out like a light
Jason is a heavy sleeper so if you move around a lot, it won't bother him
That being said, it's hard to wake him up from a nightmare
sometimes you can't wake him up and have to let him ride it out and wake up on his own
He HATES waking up alone and will tightly wrap his arms and legs around you when he sleeps
He likes being able to do things separately but in the same room
maybe you're working on a case and he's reading Jane Austin or something
He really prefers a vigilante S/O because he knows they can take care of themselves
it's one less thing for him to worry about if you can roundhouse someone three times your size
He really thinks that it's hot when you get aggressive on patrol or missions
gets hot and bothered very easily
he's not one to say anything degrading while you two are in the sheets
he's more like a really sweet and attentive type that can also get aggressive but never mean
he's not into choking, sorry but no- you two have been choked to near death enough and he doesn't find anything attractive about it
He also isn't the type to immediately want to get it on the moment you're in shorts or have your shirt off or something
Like he'll tell you that you're fine as hell but he's not immediately a dog towards you unless you want to do anything
He's the kind of person that you can be very very comfortable around
Likes to ride his motorcycle with you since it's another chance for you two to be close
is a hype man and is the kind of person that you take shopping with you
He'll always be bias towards red though
I don't know that I'd say that Jason is the type of person that is sleeping around with everyone
I think that he's had a few relationships before (maybe like 2 or 3, 4 at most) but he's not going around the neighborhood
Is extremely protective and loyal
Like would not even think about doing ANYTHING that could hinder your trust towards him
He is the type to open your car doors and open the door into a building and order for you if you want and walk closest to the road
if scary dog privileges were a human
Jason is the sweetest little thing but he looks like he can snap anyone like a twig with his pinky
He likes being held
Please wrap this man in your arms for a few hours
that's ultimately all he wants
He doesn't have a boobs or butt preference and generally just loves everything about you
There's no being insecure in this house y'all
"What'd you say about yourself?" "Jason it's really not a big deal, I just don't like this scar from that sword fight a few years back." "You know what Y/N, no, uh uh, sit down and let me tell you something you literal angel"
goes on and on and on and on about how perfect you are
Sticks his head under your shirt
It's a common occurrence
ultimately, Jason just wants love
that's it, that's all the puppy wants
He really likes to cook for you since it's very domestic
He likes anything domestic, even cleaning the house or doing something mundane like the dishes
it makes him feel at home with you
he's the one that buys the candles in the house since I think he would secretly have really good taste in things like that
takes care of himself really well after he was resurrected in the Lazarus Pit
uses nice shampoo, conditioner, washes his face and moisturizes, shaves often, he's down to do face and hair masks with you at any point
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
hellooo!! I've been reading your stuff and oml I am OBSESSED!! You are such an amazing writer my dear human!! Thx for just being here to fulfill my hobie obsession lol
I don't often request so idk what u need but here goes nothing ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯ Could you do a hobie x fem! reader where the reader is super quiet until you start to talk to her?? Like she's nice but has a bit of an rbf and is just rlly silent until someone strikes up a conversation w her type thing. Maybe a story like she and hobie were assigned a job or smth together but they didn't talk for like the first few days cuz she can't hold a conversation (and it doesn't help that the man she's tryna talk to is literally so fine) but then eventually hobie's like "what is your deal why won't u talk to me?" Idk idk it's kinda a bad idea but it's stuck in my noggin
Anywayss thanks for considering/writing this!! Much love ♡♡⁠♡
I love!! Thank you and I’m glad you like my stuff (: also I js watched the little mermaid and seeing that made me so inspired to write sum like this 😭
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“Okay… Hobie and Y/n.” Miguel called you both up first, telling you the mission.
You didn’t know too much about Hobie, and you don’t know why you were being paired together. You usually worked alone.
“Uh, Miguel, sir.” You mumbled after he explained it.
“If you’re gonna ask if you can work alone, the answer is no.”
You mumbled something under your breath, looking at Hobie as he set a portal.
“So… I’m Hobie.”
You didn’t say anything.
“Y/n, right?”
You just looked at him.
“Alright then..” he muttered, thinking you were just being rude. You both started to swing.
You weren’t used to being teamed with people, and he was attractive. Like insanely attractive.
You focused on the mission, completing it easily.
But that one day of teaming up with Hobie turned into two, then three.
“Hey, Y’Know do you not like me or something? I’ve known you for three days and all I’ve gotten was stares.”
“It’s not you.” You croaked.
“Oh she talks.” He said.
“I just don’t like talking… to anyone.”
“Got it. Well, glad that’s cleared up.”
After a week, you had started to get more comfortable and talking more. Hobie was glad, because he liked hearing your voice.
“So, yeah, no it doesn’t make sense but it does if you know what I mean.”
“Nah, it definitely makes sense.” He said as you dragged the guy across the floor, webbing him up against the wall.
“Good job.” He said, nodding to the passed out man.
“It was light work.” You shrugged.
“So, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout with a few of some other friends I got..? They’re cool, and I think you’ll like them.”
You sighed and thought.
“I guess..”
He smiled at that. An I guess was the best answer he’s gotten out of you.
“Quit smiling.” You said, but smiled as you did so.
“You just smiled!” He put his arm around your shoulders, and messed with your hair.
“Knew I could do it.” He smirked to himself.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 10 months
almonds, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: You're having a really shitty day and it ends with Jeon Jungkook cumming on your ass. Oh, some stuff happens in the middle. You eat some almonds. Yeah.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; acquaintances-to-lovers; mentions of fasting (restricted eating for the day); reader is the hot girl bro of her friend group (yup); so much TENSION; JK is def a shy mess and reader teases him just because he's cute; smut w/o penetration (fem reader, semi-public sex in a rented photo studio space, m-receiving oral, handjob, fingering, forearm kink, nipple play, m-masturbation, cum-eating, multiple orgasms, overstimulation); non-idol!BTS – hobbyist photographer!Jungkook x model?reader
“You seem annoyed.”
“Just had to tell someone I didn’t want to date them and then had to deal with a grown man’s hissy fit. Well, I guess that doesn’t make him grown, does it? Hmph. Anyway.”
You threw your jacket aside with too much force and exasperation. It flew off the chair and shot into Jeon Jungkook’s legs.
“Sorry,” you muttered, hurrying over and yanking your black-and-scarlet leather bomber off the ground, dumping it firmly on the seat of the foldable chair. “Sorry. It wasn’t that serious. It was simply unnecessary and a waste of time. I also hate being late. Sorry, again.”
“N-No, I mean… we don’t have to do this today. If it’s too much trouble for you.”
You didn’t know Jeon Jungkook that well and yet here you were. You knew of him. He was friends with a lot of your friends, but both he and you were introverted and were the type to be in own your own worlds. There wasn’t much chance to interact with him and you didn’t think to. Also, your male friends got a little weird if other guys approached you too readily, even if they personally knew them. Some macho man shit or something. You didn’t know.
“It’s no trouble. Really.”
You rubbed your forehead and placed your backpack on the table. Maybe you needed a snack. No, now was not the time. You hadn’t eaten at all today. Specifically, for this. You didn’t know Jungkook well, but you did know he was helping another of your friends who was a tattoo artist. He had a photography hobby and he had tattoos done by said friend, so they asked him to take some artsy shots for their tattoo and piercing studio. Your forward helix was done by the same guy on a drunk night (not that the customers were going to know that… also the piercer was the drunk one and you were the sober one, so, honestly, who was the problem), and so were your double helix piercings (sober day and you paid him like a responsible human being), all on your right ear. Since you didn’t have tattoos, you didn’t think you would be asked, but.
As your friend put it, “I don’t want to look at only dudes on my walls. I’m sure my customers don’t either. I need at least one hot girl. Be a bro.”
Okay, bro.
“I was only trying to buy some almonds and I got accosted by this guy I was talking to, then I had to stand there through this guy’s sobbing as the register was malfunctioning and it was all very annoying,” you sighed, then put a pin in the (literal) sob story. It (he) was irrelevant anyway. “But I am free of him.... hopefully… and I’m sorry I’m late. I didn’t expect that to happen today, hah, I simply wanted some fuckin’ almonds.”
You had bowed with your apology. Upon finishing your last remark, you yanked the small packet of almonds out of your bag and slapped them on the black canvas accusingly as if they were the ones that caused you a lot of trouble. As if it was the almonds’ fault, not some dude that couldn’t take the hint and comprehend that you didn’t want a relationship with him.
Maybe you male friends getting a little weird were on the right track.
Also, maybe you should stop trying to sneak behind their backs and meeting guys through apps.
The silence lasted a few seconds.
A very tentative, “You like nuts?”
You suddenly remembered Jeon Jungkook was standing next to you. Oh, right. “Ah, I heard models eat raw almonds on shoots to curb their hunger,” you chuckled sheepishly, looking up at him and realizing, once again, that there was a lack of closeness preventing you from being too comfortable. He was taller than you and was gazing at you with big, round eyes and a curious expression. You cleared your throat before speaking again. “Since I’m wearing a crop top, I didn’t want to…” You trailed off, hoping he understood.
He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, mussing up his hair. “Oh, yeah, I’ve been doing intermittent fasting so I would…”
Your eyes connected with Jungkook’s and you both stopped talking.
It was only then that you fully processed the man in front of you.
He was wearing a ribbed white tank top that very much showed off his built frame. Whenever Jungkook happened to be at the friend gatherings, he was the type to always wear baggy shirts and loose pants. You had heard before that he worked out a lot, but you had never really thought about it because he preferred to be a fabric mountain in public. Understandable that he enjoyed being comfortable. But now you were taken aback by the close-fitted top and his tapered, straight-leg, dark blue jeans, complete with messy black hair falling over his forehead and grazing the nape of his neck. He typically wore beanies and baseball caps at the get-togethers, probably to avoid styling his hair. All that to say that you weren’t prepared for Jeon Jungkook to look…
Like a model.
He seemed to sense your visual analysis and started, placing his arms over his chest awkwardly as if that was going to block anything. His arms were muscular too. There were no tattoos on his left arm – for now (you knew his type). His entire right arm was a sleeve of them. Deep black and vibrant color, lively tattoos that spread all the way up to his shoulder, ending with crowning petals resembling a floral mandala reaching almost to his collarbone. His hand even had a few small tattoos, the most notable being the sheepish emoji with the squiggly smile.
“Oh, y-yeah, I t-thought… er…”
You didn’t interrupt.
You simply stared at him.
It was unnerving him and it was beginning to greatly amuse you.
“I mean, to take photos of my sleeve and stuff… and you’re so… uh.”
You looked down at yourself. “You said I should wear black and white if I could.” Tight white cropped tank with a thicker, more rigid construction so you didn’t have to wear a bra. Exposed midriff and mid-rise black jeans with a slight flare to accommodate your high-heeled black ankle boots with silver buckles suggestively coffin-shaped.
Hey, you had to have some personality even in a bland outfit.
Jungkook was malfunctioning a little.
“Y… Yeah…”
He also had two rings pierced on the right side of his lip now. He only had one when you saw him last. When had he gotten the second? Your eyes tracked the silver hoops interestedly as Jungkook gulped, revealing the little mole underneath his lips. He had another one on his nose, several on his right cheek, and one on his neck. Hmmmm.
“I was thinking the m-majority of the photos would be black and white… and I would just take some shots of my arm in color later.,” he was saying, backing away from you and into the rented studio space, to the white backdrop and bright lights. There was a camera tripod and monitors set up already. In the center of the white background was a rectangular white pedestal. Probably to sit on to aid with posing. Everything was going to be torso up it seemed.
You followed him, scanning the room. “Oh, I should check my make-up, huh,” you thought out loud.
Sudden heat.
“No, I mean, it’s better if it’s natural, there’s a little–”
You were still standing absolutely motionless as Jungkook brushed his thumb against your left cheek, leaving a trail of prickling skin and a hot sensation pouring down your spine. When did he–? And what was with this earnest, concerned expression? Not quite making eye contact yet, but suddenly realizing what he had done as the silent seconds ticked by. His shaking irises slid towards you, immediately apologetic, but too embarrassed to speak.
Jaw completely slack, mouth open, completely frozen.
“I, um,” you coughed, waving a hand loosely. “It’s a mole. Next to my lip.”
It seemed, to the shock of neither party, that Jungkook had understood that way before you even said it out loud. Probably because he had attempted to wipe your moles away with his finger. Awkward. His thumb was still lingering by your ear.
“O… Oh.”
Yeah. Oh.
“I don’t really wear foundation,” you tried to clarify. “Only on special occasions.”
Jungkook’s face was quite close to yours. He had to bend down a little to be eye-to-eye. He was really staring, similarly to how you were analyzing his body earlier. It wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable and you didn’t view it as invasive since you had partaken in the same act earlier.
It was just…
Giving you a racing feeling throughout your veins.
“Your skin is so smooth and pretty already,” he murmured in that deep, dreamy voice of his, almost inaudibly, like he hadn’t meant to say it.
The tops of your ears were abruptly on fire. You had to force the word out.
“T… Thanks.”
You were still clutching the packet of almonds as if they were life support.
The sharp crackle of the plastic cut through the silence. Jungkook jerked, pulling his hand back, and you let out a silent breath, surprised at the suspension of the unpredicted moment. Both looking away from each other, and you didn’t dare look back to check how he was doing because you were internally scolding yourself. It was only the current circumstances. The way the chips fell today was throwing you off your game. You weren’t being professional, not that this was an overly professional setting, but you expected yourself to be professional or at least not intimidate the shit out of someone you were about to work with.
Wouldn’t want weird vibes the entire time.
You wanted to say you were sorry again, but it seemed unnecessary and you would rather show your apologies with action. You shoved the packet of almonds in your pocket.
Damn almonds.
“So, um, what would you like me to do? I’m not a model, but I can follow instructions.”
You forced yourself to face him and not make it weird. It wasn’t a shameful moment and there was no reason to act ashamed about it. At first, Jungkook didn’t move, big peepers and all, but you firmly walked over to the white background and stood there in front of the camera lens, seeing one of the monitors was facing you. You weren’t in focus. You backed up to the rectangular pedestal and now you were, skin glowing under the bright lights, looking inquisitive at the arrangement. Raised a hand. The image was flipped rather than mirrored. Ah, okay. You played with your reflection for a moment while Jungkook hurriedly went behind the camera and fiddled with the settings.
Neither of you said anything about the…
You left the spot for a moment to hurry back to your backpack. Water, extra clothes in case an outfit change was needed, pocket hand sanitizer for the bus, another package of almonds. You fished out your makeup bag and felt around, taking out the two black hair clips inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Lotus flowers. After a moment of consideration, you unhooked your white gold hoop earrings on your lower lobe piercing and put on the pearl lotus flower earrings you had brought with you. They were tiered and dangled on thin silver chains, waterfalling against your neck. You placed your other earring set in a small black velvet pouch and pocketed them in your right jeans pocket, just in case Jungkook thought the dangling ones were too distracting. As a last thought, you plucked the hand sanitizer from your bag and squirted some on your hands, rubbing them together swiftly.
You had messed with your piercings, after all.
You hurried back, pulling your hair away from your right ear, peering at the monitor. Tucked your hair behind your show ear and placed the hair clips accordingly so all your ear piercings were on display.
“I thought it would be good to show off a little,” you mentioned absentmindedly, frowning as you noticed the chain connecting one of your helixes to your higher lobe piercing was tangled. You carefully pulled the strand of hair away and swept it back. Hadn’t thought of bringing hairspray, shit. Hopefully–
You froze, your hands framing your ear.
Looked up and Jungkook was gawking at your narcissistic use of the monitor.
“Ah, it’s just… there’s no mirror…” Your eyes shifted, rueful in your vanity. “I could go to the bathroom and…”
“N-No, it’s totally fine,” he sputtered. You sensed movement and looked back to see him waving his arms frantically. “I didn’t even think of any of these things, like accessories and hair and stuff… I was kind of hoping that you already knew what you liked… and stuff…”
Even though you weren’t originally close with Jungkook, there were parts of your personality that you just couldn’t hold back.
Like teasing.
“You said and stuff twice,” you snickered.
Immediately, Jungkook gave you this look of puffed cheeks and indignation. “Hey!” Then he seemed to realize his childlike outburst and flushed, shaking his head quickly. “Argh…”
You laughed, dropping your hands and relaxing your shoulders. Better to move along with this newfound tension than the previous one. You straightened and turned your body, right side with all your piercings facing the camera, the ornate earrings catching the light.
“Come on. Let’s start.”
You had thought it would be weird, modeling like this, but it was much easier since you weren’t supposed to look at the camera. With a purpose and your willingness to continue, Jungkook instructed you to tilt your head and move your body. It was quick considering it was primarily your right profile. He asked for movement of your hair and head so there was some life to the photos rather than just the stills. Once you sat on the pedestal and moved your head, he brought the camera tripod closer and stepped around it, holding the small remote in his left hand.
“I did a few solo shots before you arrived,” he was saying, concentrated on the task at hand. “Just to test lighting and stuff. Do you want to review? Or should we move on?”
“Do you like at least one of them?” you chuckled, turning your head back.
Jungkook was bent over the table, bringing the wireless mouse over so he could change the window and scroll through what was taken. You had a brief moment of looking at his shoulder blades and back muscles before ripping your gaze away, seeing your own face in a filter of black and white. Oh. It hadn’t really sunk in that this was photography until this moment. You almost didn’t recognize yourself.
Was that you?
“This one is good. And this one.”
Lips. Jawline. Lowered lashes. Hair curling along the other shoulder, creating that kind of wild devil-may-care fantasy. The choice of mother-of-pearl shone even in the black-and-white. For some reason you had thought of your role in this as quite small – Jungkook was the tattooed one, after all – but there was a mood created here. Calm yet definitive. On the edge of rebellious.
Maybe you had been chosen for more than just being the bro hot girl.
“Do you think we need more?” you asked, not knowing the answer.
Jungkook chewed on the left side of his lower lip, puffing his cheek cutely. A thinking face. “I don’t think so? There’s going to be mostly drawn art and finished tattoo photos on the walls. As far as I know, our full-body pictures are going to be blown up but used very sparingly. We’re just there to be pretty.”
You didn’t miss a beat. “So, you think you’re pretty.”
You saw his shoulders flinch. “T-T-That’s just what I was told,” he stammered, tongue-tied.
“It’s okay, I think you’re pretty,” you casually interrupted. “Then this is probably enough. How do you want to pose for the couple photos?”
You took a second to stare at yourself for another moment and turned your head, lifting your gaze. Not trying to make it weird. Round, dark brown eyes with curls of black hair over his brows. Lips parted and quickly shutting as you made eye contact. Someone was silently telling themselves to get a grip.
You were about to get close.
It was already weird just standing in the frame with him. Deep breath. It would be no good to stand here like self-made scarecrows. Come on. It wasn’t like you would be forced to interact with him every day after this. Plus, you already started with a bad impression. The sooner you finished, the sooner you would be able to go home and treat this like any other day.
“What about…”
You backed up. Jungkook squeaked but you ignored it, taking his right arm and placing his hand on your left shoulder so it crossed over your body and he held you against his torso. Again, you didn’t have to look at him or the camera. You only took a moment to adjust his forearm and not think about how solid it was before turning your head to the left and pulling back your shoulders to lift your chest.
Your ass touched the front of his pants.
You tapped his thigh impatiently.
“Ah, r-right…”
You tried not to think about how deep his voice was or how you could feel his chest vibrate from the tops of your shoulder blades against his pecs. Nope. You heard the sound of the camera and tilted your head again, raising your chin, and did not think about how nice he smelled. Like fresh laundry detergent but not overpowering. You swept your hair back so your collarbones were bare, putting your hair between him and you.
Jungkook angled his body so he wasn’t chest-to-back anymore.
Then you attempted not to stiffen as his arm slid across so that his elbow was above your breasts, no, pressed against them, the grip on your shoulder tightening and suddenly his bicep and forearm were pushing your tits together through your crop top.
The right side of his body pressed against your back and you felt his breath against the crown of your head, his chin resting on you, um, but still you didn’t say anything, his leg shifting forward and now his thigh was pressed to your ass and the back of your leg, UM?!, and Jungkook exhaled, slow and with a shudder.
You did not interrupt.
Stood shock still.
It didn’t so much bother you as it confirmed some things.
“Ah, s-sorry, I should have as–”
“It’s fine,” you replied automatically, not wanting to get into it, glancing at the monitor. The preview was small but even at this distance it was effective. Worth it. “Do whatever you think would give a good result. We have to try things,” you muttered, untangling yourself a little. “Let’s…”
Fuck it.
You turned around.
For a brief glimpse, you spotted Jungkook’s shocked expression, but you avoided it, planting your hands on his waist. No, that wouldn’t do. Your arms felt like they were in the way. You slid them back, over his sides and up, fanning your fingers out. Centimeters between your body and his. His right arm was now along your back, but only loosely, and with his musculature it wasn’t laying quite right if you kept this current distance between each other. You could tell from the way his upper arm was positioned against your shoulder.
You pressed to him.
Chest to chest.
Angled your head so your cheek faced his face and your eyes fixated to the side, not looking at him. But you could feel him. Feel the shallowing of his breath against your cheekbone. Feel the solidness of his body in your arms. Feel his shoulder muscles under your fingertips tense. Like you were really hugging him, except you weren’t.
Not really.
“Put your arm around me,” you said softly but firmly.
“With your thumb in my right back belt loop.”
You felt Jungkook’s entire body stiffen.
Your eyes darted to the side and you glared at him from your peripheral vision, seeing beautiful expressive eyes far too close but never mind that. “Come on. It’s a tattoo and piercing shop. Provocative, remember?” You looked away again, to your right. Steeled your voice and sharpened it. You could feel the damn almonds in your left jeans front pocket. You should have put them in your bag.
For fuck’s sake.
“Do it.”
You had asked him to do it but you still weren’t prepared for his fingertips to brush the top of your ass and his palm rest against your hip. You lifted your pelvis away from him, pressing more into his torso, involuntarily closing your eyes. Too weird to stare out wide-eyed anyway.
“Just tell me when you’ve taken it.”
Seconds that felt like hours.
You could tell he was taking the photos. You felt his arm shift. Tilt. Another. His hand moved up and you managed not to shiver. Nudging your head with his nose. You followed the movement obediently. You weren’t going to make this any weirder than it already was. His touch barely on your hot skin. Held your breath.
“O… Okay.”
You moved back and you felt Jungkook also release a tense exhale. He didn’t back away from you though. You tried to think of another pose. Maybe if you just laid your hand on his shoulder as if you were about to walk past him and.
You jerked back as Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest and yanked his white tank top up and over his head. Arms flexed, tan skin and inked patterns. You bit back the surprised sound that threatened to escape, looking away quickly and snapping your jaw tight.
“Wha–What are you doing?” you forced out as evenly as you could, snapping your head as Jungkook flung the article of clothing aside like it was goddamn litter. Um, hello? You gawked after it as it skidded across the floor, missing the table just so.
“Shit, I missed–”
You whipped your head back and Jungkook froze, as if he only now noticed you were real human being and not a prop. Now you were aimlessly standing there with a shirtless Jeon Jungkook that you had been getting closer to, but wasn’t this too close, he was too fit and attractive to…
Oh, fuck.
You really hoped he hadn’t noticed your glance at his hard dark nipples and toned abs. It wasn’t exactly something you could ignore. You weren’t curious. Really. His pecs were right in front of your face. Still, you didn’t want to be seen as disrespectful or creepy.
Your jaw was slack.
On cue, an inappropriate thought popped into your head.
And you said it, because, well, you never missed an opportunity to tease.
“This is exactly how all porno vids start, Jungkook.”
Oh, come on. Not that casual tone. And why did you add his name with familiarity like that? That was so unnecessary. Now he was turning fifty shades of red. Great. None of that helped. Of course not. And you chose the crass term over adult films. Maybe you were too much of a bro. You cleared your throat and looked away, trying to break the tension with a soft chuckle.
And, of course, you both spoke at once.
“Ah, why did you…?”
“I mean, you said provocative, so,” Jungkook blurted out way too fast. “I had fasted because I thought it would be good to take off my… uh…” And now you witnessed the processing of that idea in real time. Hm, taking off your shirt for a photoshoot? Great idea. Taking it off in front of a woman you only kind of knew? Er. And in front of a woman that he…
You looked at him.
Jungkook immediately shut up.
You could see he was mildly regretting yeeting his tank top so far.
This couldn’t end if you didn’t get a grip. So, you got a grip and stepped up, half of your body covering his chest, your left side to his left side. You saw him stiffen, but you ignored it, looking straight ahead to the white paper backdrop behind him. Told yourself to breathe. Then you turned your head and you were staring at Jungkook’s left ear. He had three earrings on this side, but they were plainer compared to the five thicker huggies on his left. He stood shock-still, unsure of what to do even though this was his idea.
“Turn your arm so it shows the tiger lily.”
His head jerked and suddenly Jungkook was looking back at you.
You were so close that you could see his moles clearly, especially the one underneath his soft parted lips.
“You… You noticed the tiger lily?”
It was on the inside of his forearm. You had seen the vibrant orange under your lashes and immediately recognized the distinctive shape. You stared into those chocolate irises, barely moving your lips.
“You like them?” you whispered.
Your breath and his breath, mixing.
“It’s… It’s my birth flower…” Jungkook mumbled, dream-like.
He was both a striking and adorable man.
You smiled.
Not breaking eye contact.
“Take the photo.���
A second of hesitation.
“Ah, r-right.”
But Jungkok didn’t look away.
You felt his left hand by the bulge in your jeans pocket. Those damn almonds. Felt him press the button and wondered why the fuck you were still carrying deez nuts, but those thoughts came and went, not dawdling because you were under Jungkook’s gaze. Not overbearing, not trying to feel you out, but, rather, relaxing as you watched him, curious. That was the word.
You leaned in closer, pressing your hip to his.
These goddamn almonds.
Placed your fingertips on his collarbone, casting shadows over his neck and jaw.
His chin tilted down, and now your lashes were lowering and so were his. Heavy with a mood. Acting. Just acting, you reminded yourself. Your brow barely touched his. Nearly nose-to-nose. You felt his hand shift a little, but at this point that was his job to press the button and your job to pretend like this chemistry was natural. His scent really was lovely. His sheets must smell just like him. Must be nice to lay in them and wake up with him beside you.
You whispered into the still air between you and him.
“I don’t really like this side of my face,” you murmured.
Those dark eyes flickered to yours.
“Looks good to me,” Jungkook said delicately.
Your fingertips slipped over the curve of his muscle.
He gasped under you and he tried to hide it, letting his eyelids slide shut. He couldn’t see you now. Couldn’t see you tilt your head just a little more. The faintest movement. His hair brushed against your forehead and temples. The distance between your lips and his was so narrow that you could feel the metal of the silver rings as you spoke once more.
“You can’t hide from me just because you close your eyes.”
A moment of closed lids.
Those brown irises rising beneath coy lashes.
A second.
You took a step back, mid-smile.
Jungkook’s right hand shot out and gripped your waist, pulling you back.
It happened all at once. The wispy exhale leaving your lungs. The warmth of his touch and strength of his tug making you collide with his body. Your hand stopping yourself, pressed against his sternum, molding to the curves. Your face suddenly centimeters from his, a soft gasp falling from your lips, and those round brown eyes went wide as if he only now realized that actions have consequences, as if this wasn’t the expected result, as if his bold move wouldn’t be met by a bolder one.
The movement had been so fast that strands of his black hair were still falling back onto his forehead.
You angled your head and kissed him.
Not the quick flitting peck that toyed with emotions but the press-to-heart, inhale-and-caress kiss, your hand sliding down, the pad of your middle finger stopping on his nipple. Not moving it, but he shivered against your touch, muffled whine under your lips, and your other hand grazed his hip, fingers dancing along the waistband of his jeans. No hesitation. Mature and sensual, his hair against your temples, yours whisking over his arm, your crotch to his hip.
You moved your left thigh forward.
Jungkook yelped into your mouth and drew back, his cheeks flushing pink.
Your hand slid across his bare back and pulled him back against you. You and him now entangled in a ying-yang embrace, no one able to escape. Traced a circle around his hard nipple and you could feel the trembling against your chest, hear the sharp inhale, watch him bite back a whimper. Your lips and breath followed his jaw as you spoke.
“Now, where do you think you’re going?”
His hand on your waist tightened.
You raised an eyebrow to his stunned expression that seemed more like a cover-up than it was honest. Not a cover-up for ill intentions, no. He was trying to hide something else. Excitement. Ah, that wasn’t it either. You stared into those expressive eyes. Read him like a book. He was…
You smiled.
Pressed your thigh against the hard bulge between his legs.
Jeon Jungkook was horny.
“I…” He completely paused with his mouth open. You waited, dancing your nails over his spine. “I was… I was going to…” His face was getting redder. He was still clutching you, his expression telling you that he couldn’t believe that you had taken that last moment from him. You ticked your head.
“Go on then. Kiss me like you mean it.”
You wouldn’t have held it against him if he didn’t. Wouldn’t have been salty about it. You could be wrong, after all. Could be, but weren’t, because Jungkook’s brows furrowed, a spark of annoyance flaring through his expression. Flint to flame. You tilted your head back. Making him reach for it.
A sliding clatter.
Your head whipped to follow the sound. The small camera remote shot behind your bodies, hitting the backdrop, stark black against white, and then you felt strong fingers slide into your hair, turning you back to a playful smirk adorned with two silver lip rings.
Jungkook kissed you.
A little bit of desperation, a lot of defiance, and the electric taste of uncertainty, the fear of coming on too strong, but you did him one better, rolling your body into his and pressing back to him. Breathing in his scent, running your fingertips over his skin. Hooking two fingers on his belt loop and pulling him closer even though he couldn’t be any physically closer. It wasn’t enough. The tip of your tongue flitting between his lips, gently asking for more.
His sweet gasp addictive, saturated with the wind of the butterflies in his heart.
You ran your thumb along the top of the waistband, stroking his hot skin, and slipped your tongue into his mouth. His tongue brushed up against yours, sending a delicious wave of shivers through your chest, and you exhaled into his throat, low and slow, tasting him, savoring his quivering whimper, trapped in the heat under bright lights and electric tension. His left hand cupped your head, deepening the kiss, more, another, tongue against tongue, body against body, pulse beating in harmony.
You broke the kiss, but only to breathe and cross your arms.
Pulled up, inside out, stripping off your top and casting it out of the way, your hands already taking Jungkook’s wrists before it hit the ground. He stared down, wide-eyed, sputtering, and you pressed his palms to your sides, shivering at the contact of another. Guided him up, up, gliding your fingers over his and closing them around your breasts.
Jungkook gawked at you, jaw completely slack.
You smirked. “Wanna take a photo like this?”
His eyes narrowed. A touch possessive. It made your smirk grow.
“Fuck no.”
Your chuckle was cut off by another one of his kisses, respectively hard and soft from his piercings and his lips, insistent and heated. His hands squeezing, and you sighed approvingly, letting go so he could explore, running his fingers over your hard nipples. Moaning with you, kiss after kiss, breaking the chain to look down and awe at the way his hands framed your breasts, following the curve, pushing your large nipples with his index fingers, and he groaned, his eyes hazy, kissing you again, harder, hips to hips, that hard bulge fitting between the space of your thighs. Rolling his body into yours, chasing your lips despite you not moving away. Pleas hidden in his thin breath. You hooked a leg around his thigh and you saw his eyelashes flutter, moaning into your mouth, needy and wanting.
“What’s wrong?” you purred.
Grinded against him, lightly thrusting, way past suggestion at this point, stings of pleasure racing through you as his fingers flicked at your nipples, those brown irises glassy and unfocused, struggling to get his bearings.
“O-Oh… fuck…”
You fanned your fingers over his sides, sliding down his shapely back, your touch slipping under the top of his jeans.
“Don’t you wish?”
A shadow of confusion, but you simply rocked his hips into yours, digging your nails into the top of his ass and making him gasp, pressing up against you. Your lips hovering over that trembling mole under his lips, placing a single chaste kiss on his skin.
Airy chuckle.
“I didn’t plan to fuck you, so I didn’t bring protection or anything,” you explained, bouncing your breasts into his muscular chest. “I’m sorry but I can’t take that risk just because you’re cute and I like the way you taste.”
His defeated whine was too delicious to resist.
You wanted to feel this heat a little more. Stare into those eyes a little longer. Too fast, other people would say. Fuck off, you would say. Those large brown eyes, that dreamy curious expression, that racing feeling from two electric hearts entangled with lustful friction down below, and you couldn’t ignore it any longer.
“I have some ideas of things we can do.”
You led him back, making him lean against the rectangular pedestal.
“Poses, if you will.”
The way Jungkook smiled make the world sparkle with mirth.
“You cool with that?” you asked, not wanting to continue if there was no desire. His erection threatened to rip his damn jeans, and yet you wanted to hear him say it. Took his hands from your chest and placed them behind him, helping him catch the corners so he didn’t topple over. Placed your hands over his, stroking his knuckles. You lifted your head and Jungkook caught your gaze.
Biting the side of his lower lip and wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
“I’m cool with you.”
Couldn’t help but smirk, leaning in. Lips and tongue and the slow fuck of his soft mouth, devouring his whines as you traced his body lines. His thighs. His sides. Down the center of his chest, your fingertips grazing, your lips leaving his and feathering down his neck. The tremble of his pecs now under your kisses, even the raging beat of his heart, his shallow breath skipping as your tongue tasted him, intoxicated by his scent and the way his body followed your every touch, wordlessly begging for more.
His moan was low and throaty, tapering to a whimper as you unbuttoned his jeans.
Unzipped them, breathing hot over his clothed section, pressing your lips to the strained fabric.
Even here, he smelled intentionally clean. Pure. Physically, anyway. Mentally, you doubted it, mostly because Jungkook was practically humping your face in impatience as you wiggled the top of his jeans down his tense thighs.
“Please… anything you want… please, please, do it…”
You pushed his black boxer briefs down.
Washing a burning hot exhale over taut skin and straining veins, making sure to look up at him to see Jungkook checking to see if you were satisfied with what you discovered, then immediately turning red when you caught him, tucking his chin against his shoulder to avoid your gaze. Black hair falling over his eyes. Biting his lip hard, trying to keep his cool.
You licked the dark red head expectantly.
His hips bucked. Gasp torn from his lips. The strong taste spread over your tongue, pre-cum and lust, and you cocked an eyebrow as Jungkook carefully ticked his head back, looking down at you from his peripheral vision, the left side of his lower lip caught between his teeth. He was a sizeable length and girth. Nothing you couldn’t handle and dismantle.
You closed your lips around the swollen head and teased the slit.
Tongue swirling, taking him deeper. Slow, wet, running wet muscle up and down from tip to base, rubbing that thin skin just under the head with persistent pressure and then all the way down to flick out against his balls. Hard then soft. Fuck. That prickling sensation sliding down your back was not a good sign. Molding your tongue to his cock, taking him deep, digging your own grave in the way that everyone hoped for when touching someone for the first time.
The taste, the scent, the lust.
The earnestness of him trying to hold himself back, wanting to succumb to your tight mouth and persistent desire rather than heedlessly chase his own pleasure. Trusting you and trusting that you could get him there.
You wanted to hiss, have some common sense, but your mouth was full of his dick so that wasn’t happening.
“You’re so hot, oh, fuck… fuck…”
Glanced up and saw Jungkook was staring down at you, your face, your tits, your knees planted down firmly. Your hands were on his thighs, keeping him steady as you took him in your mouth, deep to hit your throat and squeeze around the head, up across the roof of your mouth with your tongue rubbing against the underside, your lips catching at the base of the tip and brushing against the throbbing skin, his moan hitching, so sexy, so dreamy, so sublime in its rawness, unfiltered and untainted by expectation.
You hadn’t expected to suck off Jeon Jungkook in the middle of the photoshoot either.
Life finds a way.
There wasn’t room or time to laugh at your inappropriate thoughts so you went back to focusing on keeping that pressure, that building pace, pulling your shoulders back and driving them forward to diffuse the impact of the force you were exerting. Close, hearing it in his rough voice. Seeing his head tilting back, black hair and tan skin glimmering with sweat. His toned chest flexed, his shoulders strained, and suddenly you realized that it was your name in that needy, desperate tone. Your name falling out of shaking lips, followed by so good, fuck, you’re so good. Your name melting into his moan, filling his lungs, each breath drenched with potent, carnal desire. You were used to that.
What you weren’t used to was this sudden unbearable craving to hear Jungkook say it again.
And again.
Him, specifically.
He came with a groan, his head falling so far back that you could barely see his face, his hips thrusting up and your lips closing in. Thick spurts, messy spasms, squishing saliva and cum into the back of your throat. Strong and surprisingly delicious. An obvious tingle dispersing up the insides of your spread thighs, the pulse of his shuddering length mirroring your lower body.
Want me more.
Licking all around, swallowing, gripping his shaking hips so he couldn’t escape you, encouraged by his delicate but still compliant whimpers. There was an undertone here. How long? How long had he felt these sparks? How long had he dreamed for them to become fire? Was it after your bodies had touched or after you walked in and took off your jacket?
Before that?
You pulled back, your tongue lingering, swirling around his stiff, twitching length.
Those glassy brown eyes would tell you anything right now.
“I don’t want to stop here,” you murmured, staring into the windows of his soul.
“Please, d-don’t…” Breathless, panting, erotic. “I–”
Your fingers wrapped around his girth and pumped him.
Calmly leaned in and curled your tongue around his balls, scooping them into your mouth, all while twisting your hand. Base to tip, creating a tight seal with the residual saliva. He wasn’t prepared. You could visibly watch the ecstasy ripple up from his core to his shocked expression, his eyes rolling back and his head falling, flushed lips quivering, hardly breathing as you held both with his balls with your lips and danced your tongue over them. Rapid strokes. Wet slick. Switching from one and then the other, humming to provide a strumming vibration. Changing the direction of your tongue and the pressure of your lips before switching again, from left to right, all the while keeping a firm, steady pace on his cock.
“Oh, s-shit, what, a-aaah… Your m-mouth is insane, wha…?”
Chasing a feeling.
His high and maybe it could be your pride, your ego, whatever. Sin. The immense satisfaction of watching someone unravel. Jungkook made it beautiful, surreal with his deep but clear voice, dreamy with his hard body lines and soft trembling against you, trying so hard to be so good and not disturb your hard work so he could get the most out of it.
So he could savor your desire for him.
So he could bask in it.
So he could want it more.
“I-I, ah, I’m gonna cum again, please, please, please let me cum in your mouth, ple–”
The fuck was Jeon Jungkook so stupid hot for?
The slight irritation must have shown on your face and it did nothing to stop him, his head snapping back and suddenly he was burning under your gaze. You popped your mouth off and left a trail of spit down his legs, sliding your tongue out to hover under the dark purple-red head of his throbbing cock, pushing him to the edge, hard, fast, racing, I’m so close, you’re so sexy, oh, fuck, that racing prickling down your spine and a heady haze invading all your thoughts, the kind of haze that made you forget common sense, forget the earlier events of the day, and forget even the previous apprehension of being so close to someone you didn’t know too well.
Now you knew a lot.
He could see it and you could feel it, the warm streak streaming across your tongue, another splattering before you pressed the flinching head to your mouth, hearing his ragged moan and hiking whimpers, oversensitive and overstimulated and willfully drowning in it, feels so fucking good, your lips are so soft, a-ah, swallowing and grazing your lips over him, faint but so wet, sucking off your saliva and replacing the wetness with kisses, making his body twist and writhe, unable to take it all but wanting to, needing to so damn bad that he thrust into your face, smearing your cheek with leaking cum and spit.
Jungkook moaned so fucking loud that you swore security was about to walk into the rented studio space and catch you pinning him down.
“Hey, hey,” you chided, crawling back up his body, gripping his shoulders. “Don’t lose your mind–”
His lips collided with yours and silenced your words, lip piercings electrifying the contact, kissing you again and again, surely tasting himself but you had no time to warn or complain, suddenly feeling hurried hands fumbling with your jeans, slipping, stumbling, too much haste and too much lust, mumbling against your lips.
“Stop me, stop me if you don’t want it,” he was saying and there was no need, but you appreciated him saying it all the same, fighting with his grasp to undo the fastenings yourself, and then his fingertips found your hot skin. You sucked in a tight breath. Jeans heavy enough to fall down your thighs, and then two fingers hooking on each side of your barely-there, bikini-cut black panties, a second and then gone, now shivering at the rush of cool air on your damp heat.
The moment before he touched you.
Your gaze caught his under lashes, and his eyes shifted back up to you, his lips brushing against yours.
“I don’t think I’ve ever wanted someone this fast and this bad,” he gasped.
Honestly, you couldn’t really think about anyone else but Jeon Jungkook right now.
“Me neither.”
You grabbed his right hand and shoved two of his fingers into your pussy.
Middle and ring finger, gasping at the full feeling and the slick ease, pushing him up to his knuckles right away. The response was immediate. His eyes widening, your inner walls closing in around them, your juices dripping onto the silver ring on his index finger, hoping he was okay with that. Thankfully, it was a plain band so there wasn’t much irritating friction when you began to roll your hips into his hand. He thrust upwards, shooting a wave of pleasure through you, and you snapped your head up, exhale laced with the sting of hunger.
“S-Sorry, I got excit–”
You grabbed his head and shut him up, driving his fingers into you to indicate the deep and intense pace you desired before diving into his lips, catching his tongue and sucking on it. You had expected him to be strong and he did not disappoint. It was a rough ride and you rode it with ease, with wild greed, with commitment of your full body, hips and back and teasing his tongue, one hand tangled in his hair and the other gripping his hard forearm just in case you needed to tell him to adjust or stop.
His muscle was like iron.
You glanced down, seeing ink shadowed by your vicious grip. He must work out. Had to with this amount of control and how hard he was flexing right now. Looked back up and Jungkook was watching you, curious of your attention shift, and then you felt his forearm pulse.
Teasing you.
A flash of mischief in those dark brown orbs.
You narrowed your eyes and nipped at his lower lip.
Still felt him smirk though.
But there was no time, inhaling sharply as you came in violent pulses, your pussy molding around his fingers and squeezing tightly. Your slick juices sticking to the inside of your thighs despite his hand being there, your skin tingling hot even with the aggressive air conditioning, your lips pressing into his. Shuddering, eyes closing, heartbeat pounding in your throat, alive.
“F… Fuck…”
Jungkook didn’t scold you about your unladylike language, at least.
“Can I…?”
He asked you something but the afterglow was leaving you lust-drunk, simply agreeing and turning around. His wet fingers trailed over your hip, your thigh, and then back to where they had been between your legs. His other hand on your lower abdomen, pressing your ass back and you finally understood, half-smiling when you felt his semi-hard cock sliding between the dip in your ass. His whimpering gasp, letting go of your torso to adjust himself behind you. Now the wet head was tucked in the space just under your tailbone. An obscene scene, his two fingers sliding back into your pussy, ah, so full, and his hand returned to your chest, pinching your nipples. His forehead hit your shoulder, forcing you to arch your back.
His moan heated your shoulder blades, desperation pitching as he rolled his hips into your ass.
“F-Feels so good, your skin is so soft–”
You reached back and pushed the sides of your ass together, creating a deeper channel.
“A-Ah, oh, fuck, fuuuuuuuck…”
You were about to say something but then you realized the camera was still on.
The remote was meters away so no photos were being taken. The monitor was still on though, and you could clearly see yourself with Jungkook’s left hand all over your breasts, your hard nipples pinched and tugged at, his tattooed forearm over your lower belly and crotch while you held your ass in position for his hardening cock to rut behind you.
Your hair was a gotten mess, leaving your face in tangled shadow.
The top of his black hair was balanced on your shoulder.
His forehead was pretty damn sweaty but you didn’t even care.
His hand between your legs slipping, the two fingers now atop your swollen clit, rubbing softly, harder, your voice hoarse with exertion, and he did exactly as you asked, building up the pace, your nipples stiffening even more at his actions and causing sparks to dance in your blood, your breath shallowing, falling into it, letting go, your hair tumbling back onto his shoulder and closing your eyes, diving into the pleasure, wave after wave, feeling him harden against you, his strong thighs behind yours, somehow holding you up through sheer willpower.
You gasped his name, delicate and breathless, and Jungkook moaned behind you.
Slick becoming slicker, the scent of sweet-sour lust saturating the air, sticking to the insides of your thighs.
Should have brought a damn condom.
His hand left your tingling chest and you felt the head of his cock throb, smearing even more pre-cum between your ass. The aftershocks of orgasm stung through you, leaving you faint and woozy. He kept rubbing against your skin, rock-hard, whimpering, mumbling under his ragged breath.
It took you a moment to realize he was talking to you.
“Can I… Can I cum on your ass? Please? Please, I…”
Was it possible to fall in love with someone for being an insatiable horndog?
You had to laugh. It sounded more like an airless wheeze. Nice. If that didn’t lock him down, you next words had to be the ticket.
“Are you a freak?”
You turned around to face him and Jungkook shrugged, chewing on his lower lip.
“I am now?” he admitted in uncertain question.
You grinned. “Lucky you, ‘cause so am I.”
Then you pointed to the active monitor to remind him that the camera was, in fact, still on, enjoying every second of his face turning shades of deeper and deeper pink with his hand still around his hard dick. He had such adorable wide-eyed shock. You yanked him up, both of you still entangled with your pants down your shins, and yet it was just a fun obstacle at the time (although much later you would wonder why you hadn’t simply kicked them off). Shuffled to switch places, balancing your lower abdomen and crotch on the top of the rectangular pedestal, bending over with your ass in the air.
This was probably the best action this studio was getting in its entire existence.
Blessed, truly.
You turned your head to make sure you were in frame, not putting much pressure but just enough to not fall over, arching your back to have your breasts look their best, exposing their full perky shape, reaching back to spread your pussy lips for Jungkook to look at as he jacked off.
You were, as they say, a generous sex goddess.
You smirked as his attention was completely diverted from the equipment, forgetting to be embarrassed, his jaw dropping as you flexed your opening, letting out a shaky breath as you heard the wetness echo in the silence. Tightening your core, releasing, and you could see his grip tense, moving, his lashes lowering. The pleasure was palpable from the heavy scent of sex to the sound of hand on taut skin. Jungkook was standing slightly beside your legs, every so often grazing the dripping, tender head to the top of your ass, moaning wantonly at the contact. You could clearly see the rapid movement of his arm, could sense the speed and power and desperation, fiercely chasing orgasm with his eyes roaming over your back, ass, pussy, back up to the monitor to stare at your obviously hard nipples, and if someone walked in right now you would most certainly snarl at them to wait for Jungkook to finish.
They would probably be too shell-shocked at this literal porno-vid-to-real-life to even say anything but never mind that.
You stiffened reflexively as you felt his searching fingers glide over your slit. Checked and his eyes were rolling back, groaning as he felt your muscle control, mumbling something about wanting to put his cock in your pussy so bad, not right now, I can’t, I can’t, I w-wouldn’t last, a-ah, I have to be good for you, shivers racing through your body at the suggestion, a craving created, and you gave in, sighing dreamily, his finger circling your sensitive clit, the pulse thudding under his touch, and you moaned for him, asking for it.
Which was how you ended up orgasming again with Jungkook stroking your clit and shooting out a stream of hot cum over your ass, pitching forward and smearing it up your back.
Dripping all over you.
“D-Don’t stop…” you gasped out.
Not shying away from the overwhelm and instead aching for it.
His fingers pumped in and out of your wet tightness, your walls spasming at the extended pleasure, barely registering him lifting himself up so he didn’t crush you into the pedestal, rocking your hips back so he struck deeper, harder, and then you yelped, hazy vision clearing suddenly at the feeling of hot tongue to your back.
The surprise made you freeze as you spotted Jungkook in the monitor.
His dark eyes followed yours as he licked his cum off your ass, devious mouth trailing kisses.
An intense high bolted through you and you gasped, knees buckling, pussy clenching around his fingers and throwing your head back, drawn-out moan bursting out of your lungs, clutching the corners for balance and perhaps just to orient to reality, the impossibility and sinfulness of the situation blossoming into a vicious orgasm that crawled up your legs, your arms, chewing throughout your lungs, mounting pleasure as Jungkook pulled a finger out to press against your clit.
He must have felt it.
His warm moan heating your lower back, the delicate pad of his fingertip sensing the brutality of the throbs ransacking you. Even you were witness, the camera monitor revealing everything, seeing the tendons of your neck pop and your collarbones prominent. Lashes low, pink tongue sliding out of your flushed lips, the memory of his unique kiss lingering and making you dream of him already.
You had run out of witty things to say.
Thoughts in general currently obsolete.
Your hands slid down, still shaking from the fallout of the afterglow.
“L-Let me… Let me go to the bathroom and get you something to c-clean up,” Jungkook panted, attempting to get to his feet very unsteadily. You made a noise of agreement, breathing hard although not very loudly, pushing your hair back. It was doomed. You were hunched over and the tousled wave simply fell back, but you let it be because at the moment post-nut clarity was setting in.
You just fucked Jeon Jungkook in the middle of the photoshoot.
Pushing off, standing on legs that had the structural integrity of soft tofu, wondering why you also had brains of soft tofu as well. For fuck’s sake. What happened to getting a grip? You yanked at your jeans, not quite pulling them all the way up yet. How old were you now? Surely true adults aren’t this deranged. Surely over the years you would have learned to not fuck a guy you barely knew. And completely sober!
Your stomach growled.
The hunger was not only sexual, it seemed.
Your hand hit the left pocket of your jeans. The crunch of plastic. You frowned, reaching in and pulling out a small package of almonds. You stared at it. Wow. Seriously. The mascot on the almonds looked way too jovial for how disheveled you were right now. You stomach clawed at your insides upon seeing the food.
Fuck it.
Jungkook came back to you holding the handful of almonds and chomping away.
The plastic was on the ground. Actual litter. You would pick it up later. Eat first. He was still shirtless. You wondered if he ran into anyone. You found that you didn’t really care as long as he only thought about you. Seemed like he did, because he skidded to a stop, looking terribly concerned.
You popped another almond in your mouth.
Shit, you really liked him.
His brows knitted together. “I got some tissues. And paper towels, in case your back…”
You took the tissues and wiped between your legs, still holding the unsalted nuts with your left hand. “I probably need a shower. No one is gonna know you came on me anyway.” Chew, chew. Damn, you super liked him. Shit. Jungkook hovered next to you, not wanting to leave. You usually hated that but not with him. Oh, no. You pretended that you weren’t going to give up all responsibilities to fuck him seven days a week even though you barely knew him. Well, you knew what he was like in bed.
Really fuckin’ good.
Technically not in a bed yet, but, eh, semantics.
“I’m really hungry,” you remarked.
“Me too,” Jungkook nodded, but he was still stuck to you, as close as he could be without clinging onto you. Trying to be cool about it. You glanced at him and he looked away quickly, feigning like he hadn’t been staring. Your jeans weren’t buttoned, but they were hanging off your hips. Ah, that explained it. You hadn’t handed him the wad of used tissues despite him clearly showing that he would help you with that gladly.
You fisted the rest of the almonds.
No, not actually.
Fine, you dumped the remainder into your mouth. Chewed thoughtfully. “I have a question and I want a truthful answer,” you mused, directing your gaze at him. Jungkook peeked back through his curls of mostly dry black hair. Must have wiped off his sweat. “Did you plan this?”
He shook his head very quickly and straightforwardly. “No, I didn’t. I swear.”
You believed him. “Never thought about it?”
His hesitation was glaringly obvious.
You waited.
“Y-Yeah… but it was hard to approach you… and I didn’t even think you remembered me.”
You frowned. “Of course, I remember you. I’ve seen you often. You’re not easy to miss.”
His ears were bright red. “O… Oh…”
You thought about it. There weren’t many opportunities for Jeon Jungkook and you to be alone. Then… The cheerful trickster face of the tattoo artist popped into your head.
You frowned slightly. “Did he plan this?”
The possibility seemed to have dawned on Jungkook. He looked surprised and then confused. “I never said… was it that night, when we were drinking at four in the morning…?” His dark brows furrowed. “I don’t remember what happened that night…”
You stared at him.
He slowly slipped from his thoughts and looked back at you, somewhat terrified at your intensity.
You told him exactly what you thought.
“You’re an idiot.”
He sputtered. “H-Hey!”
You shrugged. “Still wanna fuck you though. With condoms. Wanna come back to mine?”
“Actually, we should grab something to eat first because I can’t live off only almonds. I’ll die.”
It wasn’t until you were fully dressed and Jungkook was yanking his tank top back on did you look more closely at the monitor screen. After clean up and kisses and light teasing (much to Jungkook’s dismay but he better get used to it if he wanted to be around you), you peered at the narrow column of previews on the side, tilting your head at the last one taken.
He was scrambling around behind you, snatching something off the ground. Oh, right, the camera remote he threw. “Huh? Ah!” You heard a thud and swearing. Must have run into the pedestal in his haste to get to you. You ignored his chaotic grumbling and used the mouse to click on the preview, expanding it.
Oh, you know.
Just you and Jeon Jungkook kissing for the first time in high definition.
You raised your eyebrows as he bounded up behind you, what, what, what, then skidding to a dead stop, centimeters from your crouched form. You stuck your tongue in your cheek. He must have pressed the button when it happened.
Turned your head to look at him.
Those big peepers shifted awkwardly.
You blinked again, agonizingly slow.
“Uh… Yeah…?” he cautiously answered.
You straightened and crossed your arms, giving him a look. Thoroughly intimidating. Jungkook blinked very fast and looked like he was trying not to enjoy it, which did not help you in maintaining the front. This fucking little shit. Or, rather, tall and muscular – never mind. You clicked your tongue and ticked your head to the screen.
“What were you gonna do with it? Frame it?”
He shrugged veeeery slowly. Raising his hands with his shrug as he replied.
You tried not to snort in laughter. It was very difficult. Sigh. He was so freaking annoying. And what was worse was that you liked it. Fuck. Maybe you hit delirium. Damn almonds. You wouldn’t have been so weak for Jeon Jungkook if it wasn’t for those fuckin’ almonds creating your aggravating morning.
That had to have been the fattest lie you have ever told yourself.
“Can you just have a meal with me so I don’t have to tell everyone the reason we’re dating is because we fucked during the photoshoot?”
He started speaking very fast and stumbling on his words, Busan satoori slipping out. “Oh! We’re dating? Yes! I mean… yes, please! Wait… are we going to your place too, I mean, I would like to but I understa–”
You should remember you got yourself into this, bro.
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Being drunk and complaining how you think your bf is prettier than you (genshin men x fem reader) PART 2
anyways my bad for delaying this for so long lmaoooooooo
in my defense i am lazy so
ALSO...i kinda um derived from the main like 'complaining how hes prettier than u' and its more like 'ur so fucking pretty' BUT its still good pls read it plspls i beg u
Characters:(seperate) Harbinger Scaramouche era, Wanderer Scaramouche era, Gorou, Xiao, Baizhu, Kaveh
Let me feed u again with some gorgeous men
Scaramouche was a bit annoyed. After all, as a harbinger, he had no time to deal with such idiotic things. But when he found out you overheard some unsightly humans whispering about this, he was furious. Especially because you had to be drunk to admit this to him. Did he not give you all of his heart? So why do you still not trust me? And how dare someone make you feel so insecure. "No, no," you shook your head, solemn. "I-I didn't want to bother you about such things, its alright Love, I'm fine." you cupped his face with your hands and smiled at him, assuring him it'd be ok. "E-erm.." he stuttered, flustered by you holding his face. I mean, someone as pretty as you is his girlfriend. His! "If you'd like, I do have some spare time.." he paused, looking for a reaction. Your face lit up. Drunk you was quite bold and honest. "Really?! Does that mean i have you all to myself?!" you jumped up in glee. You pulled him out your home in Snezhnaya, going to who knows where and doing god knows what. After you exhausted yourself and fell asleep in his secure arms, it was time to punish. Those foul beings never walked the entirety of Teyvat again. Waking up, you had no recollection about what you did when you were black out drunk, but your lover's public display of affection grew, from shyly holding hands and sneaking his arms around your waist to kissing you in front of everyone, and also calling you pretty, beautiful, etc.
(down below is before the Wanderer gains his memories)
The Wanderer was the equivalent to a dandelion seed that never stopped floating. But when he found you, it was like finding firm ground to grow and blossom. You made him feel things that made him whole. You showed him all sorts of emotion. One day you came home (he moved in your home) drunk, tripping over yourself. Wanderer rushed to support you as you leaned against the wall. "hehehe!" You giggled, wrapping you arms around your neck. "Y/n!" he stammered. "Gosh," You sighed, staring lovingly into your lover's eyes. "How did i get such a beautiful boyfriend?.." He was flustered, face red and all. "You're so much prettier than me and everyone...what if someone snatches you away from me!?!" you started to worry. "Y/n my love, it should be i who is afraid, you're so kind to everyone and unintentionally charismatic...theres even a fan club of you..." (he totally didnt start a fan club about you)
"Gorou baby, why are you just so cute?.." you held his face and leaned in, staring deeply at his features admiring them. Gorou wasn't accustomed to this type of affection, or affection in general. "W-what? Cute?! I-I'm not!" He was very red, closing his eyes in embarrassment after noticing his tail wagging. "My cute little general...I just wanna keep you all to myself!" You laughed, holding Gorou by the waist in one arm and holding a cup of beer in the other. "Y/nnnnnn...." he covered his face with his hands, he didn't want you to see him like this...you'd just call him cute again!
"Ohhhhhhhhh Xiaooooo over hereeee! Hehehe" you laughed, waving your arms drunkenly at Xiao as you clutched a whole bottle of dandelion wine given to you by a bard who was your friend. Xiao sighed as he walked over to you. "I didn't know an immortal would have such low alcohol tolerance...that damn bard.." He sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose annoyed. "You're so gorgeous Xiao...my gorgeous boyfriend. So so pretty...hmmm" you collapsed forward, but fortunately, a blushing mess of a Xiao caught you and carried you bridal style (heheeh) to your home. "What nonsense are you spouting...I'm not...gorgeous or pretty..." Affection and love were new to him. make sure you give him lots of it in the future!
Baizhu, as someone who is ill, did not drink any form of alcohol that night. You however...drank both shares of alcohol given. Thus you were very, very drunk. "Baizhuuuu...." you slurred. "Yes dear?" He replied softly, smiling. "You're just...toooo pretty. Prettier than everyone hehehe!" you giggled like some high school girl in love as you looked up at his rather stunning face as you laid on his lap. "Oh my... getting flirty now are we? I think you're the most stunning and intelligent woman i've ever met!" Changsheng grimaced. "You guys are so lovey-dovey it's going to make me vomit!"
As a rather broke architect, Kaveh usually wasn't able to drink such a high-quality wine. And you, a rather wealthy individual who practically ran the fruit industry in Teyvat, travelled a lot. So this fancy dinner kaveh had cooked up and the luxurious wine you had brought back as a souvenir made a perfect romantic time at your house. I forgot to mention. The two of you were really, REALLY drunk. "God that awful man! I can't believe I have to be his roommate!" You laughed. "You could always stay with me you know. Ah but i suppose you'd get lonely...whatever! Anything my pretty boyfriend says I'll agree hehe" You stared at his face, admiring his beauty. "I mean, gosh smart and pretty?! I got soooooooooo luckyyy" Kaveh was very bashful towards your flattering comments. "I'm not pretty! I'm handsome!" He argued. "Right, right...you're handsome! Super duper handsome!" You laughed. "Stop teasing me!" He was practically a tomato! "Awwww is someone shy? I should do this more often!~" The teasing went on for a record breaking one and a half hours! I wonder if you can break the record again next time?
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
Ok so
We know the typical reader being hated by the sullys, and in this request she's neteyam's twin sister but looks sky people or whatever, Jake cares more about her siblings more than her and neytiri is basically blind to all the hate reader gets from the clan and neglect from her dad and siblings, and her dad making go on missions even though she's scared of sky people, buuuuttt.......plot twist, reader gets tired do she trains in the forest alone, spying on sky people way of fighting to play fire with fire, she becomes buff and tall with scars since she decided to live in the middle of the forest in the most forbidden place of it, where no na'vi survived except her apparently, and because of that she deals and hunts bigger, stronger and faster predators than the normal ones, and sooo, she has better reflex and hates the family except neytiri cause she's her mama and tuk because she's too young to comprehend what's going on. She does visit spider once in a while but never reveals where she lives, appearing as an unknown warrior only when the raids are happening and then disappearing in the shadows, hell not even Kiri with her Pandora Jesus powers can track her
You can take something off if you want and the rest you can choose what you want to do
sully family x daughter/sister reader
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Ewya blessed child
part 2
When neytiri and Jake had found out they were going to be parents they were overjoyed with the new, it had been one of the many good news to come since the end of the war between the navi and RDA. Twins will soon enter this world and join the omatacayia clan, their son neteyam was born first his birth had brought everyone great joy then there was his sister you. Your birth was seen as a bad omen to many has you had inherited your father human DNA born with five finger and toes and different shade of blue and different markings then everyone else. Even your hair was seen as something horrible it was white color very know to the navi, you were seen as demon child. She was also seen as the failure as well she was no like other navi child, and never seem to fit in with her clan or even her own family.
Y/n " dad I'm ......"
Jake " young lady I'm not going over this again with you" once again you are in trouble with you dad, training classes had happened and your had completely failed tsu'tey the mentor had brought you to Jake. As all the other mentor had competely giving up on your and deemed your a failure.
netyeam " dad she getting good it not easy for everyone"
Jake " stay out of this son I'm speaking to your sister she need to take accountability"
lo'ak " well dad if you most know there are others to blame for this, the blame is not all her"
Jake " I said enough you two now stop"
y/n " dad I have been trying my best to get better in class but I don't think I'm the warrior type"
Jake " don't pull this stunt on me young lady all the other kids can do combat but you, even te children younger then you can do better"
y/n " dad I'm sorry but I don't think I have it in me for war or to hurt others, I'm scared of going to battle I'm scared dad" you are scared of going to battle as you didn't wish to kill anyone. You wish to study some of these new humans which was not liked by anyone. You always seem to do things in a way that your understood but was not the navi way.
tsu'tey " brother she can't keep up with the other trainees if this keeps up she will be holding back everyone"
y/n " I didn't mean for that to happen I can get better"
Jake " you always say that you don't mean it or to now look what is happing no one else will wish to teach you"
Jake " that times I'm cleaning up your mess and speaking to others because you means we lost more of our people and home, all of this because you are scared ... stop being childish and selfish y/n and act your age because you selfish ways are causing this all"
y/n " I'm sorry dad I not mean anything of this I don't wish to be selfish"
Jake " I don't have the this I'm the leader I have our people and your brothers training to deal with neteyam has to be ready you are wasting my time and his"
y/n " what about mom I can help her maybe I can prove my self there and maybe grandma as well"
Jake " she busy with your baby sister tuk still a child and needs all her attention, and she has her stuff to deal with and your other siblings"
Jake " leave mo'at out of this matter she has your sisters to take after you she doesn't need you"
y/n " well maybe I can help your or the humans I can be helpful dad, give me a chance I know I have mess up but maybe if you hear me out"
Jake " I don't have time for now just go elsewhere and stay away from the warriors and everyone until future notice once again, I will be apologizing for you mistakes"
y/n " I can go say sorry to the class and my mentors"
Jake " just stopp y/n you have done enough today just go else" you said nothing else everyone knew your dad loves your sibling more, then you because when they messed up it was okay but when you messed up it was bad. He will defend them more than he will defend you and that was true.
y/n " yes sir" you soon walked away it seems like everyone was listening to the conversation, you soon reached your mom and sister as they sat outside of the home with, some other mother and children by them having a good time.
y/n " hey"
tuk " sis you are home"
y/n " yes lesson got done early"
kiri " did they or did you mess up again come on sister you have to start thinking more, before you act"
y/n " I did my best"
y/n " umm can I help you all with the weaving I got better" neytiri and kiri looked at each other and soon looked at you.
kiri " sister I and mom have been working on this for months and we have to make sure the style stays good, and it and project me and mom have been trying to keep a secret for dad"
y/n " oh what is it for"
neytiri " a gift for you father is has all the families ikran on it"
tuk " all but mine"
kiri " hush once you get your ikran we will add it" you were looking over the project it had everything special about everyone, in the family well expect you.
y/n "I think you are all missing something"
kiri " no we are not everything on there"
y/n " no you are missing...." you had taken a step not trying to ruin anything but there was soon a loud rip sound.
kiri " no y/n " you soon looked down to see the image of your parents and family had been ripped in half.
y/n " I'm sorry I was making sure I didn't step on anything wrong, here I can help" you had moved out of the way trying to clean up the mess you had made accidentally, but tuk and some other kids were running around not paying attention and trip over you bow that you placed away safely, but one kid had tossed it down hoping to win the game but it was seen like you had done it. sending them falling into the ground, hurting themselves as cries let out.
neytiri " tuk"
y/n " oh tuk I'm so sorry I didn't see you"
neytiri " enough"
y/n " here let me help I can take tuk and take care of her"
kiri " enough sister please move ... move I need to attend to our sister you had hurt while not looking where you are going"
y/n " umm sure is there anything I can do"
kiri " no juts stop"
y/n " tuk I'm sorry so sorry"
tuk " it hurts"
y/n " oh tuk I'm so sorry when you are better I will make it up to you, hey hey don't we go for flight or you can have my desert at dinner"
tuk " can a hug help"
y/n " oh tuk"
neytiri " just leave you sister alone just go away for a bit, we can deal with her"
y/n " okay mom is there anything I can do while I'm gone I can get dinner or collect new materials for the project anything name it"
neytiri " become a better daughter and sister, and one of the people" you looked at you mom hurt and it seems like your sister heard it as well, but soon went back to attend to tuk who was still hurt because of you.
navi mother " you have no shame ruining your mom and sister work and not hurting children even your own sister"
y/n " I didn't mean to if there anything I can do"
neytiri " just go away y/n please just leave and don't come back" neytiri was now looking at you in the eyes and she was mad, it seems like she didn't see you as her daughter anymore. You didn't say anything else as you soon left, feeling all eyes on you getting dirty looks from the mothers and their kids. Once you were out of the view of the clan you soon started running as fast and far you legs can take you. You kept on running until you could no longer run anymore feeling the pain in your legs and feet.
y/n " I'm even a failure to my family" you didn't know where you ran to but you just wish to sit down and relax.
y/n " I can't be a warrior like the rest of my family and I will never be a healer like kiri ... I always mess up and can never do everything everyone else wants me to do it like .... I'm no true navi I'm a demon in false body"
y/n " even I'm bring my sibling into this when it not their problem"
y/n " now because of me we are losing this warrior and more lives will be lost, and now I rude dad gift he would of like so much I rude everything .... I'm selfish and childlish as well" tears were falling down your face as your felt like a complete failure as daughter, sister, and navi altogether. You even thought the human hate you as well as they will rush away and cover stuff when you came by, you were unwanted by everyone. expect your sibling, your grandmother, and spider they always love you and wanted to spend time with you.
y/n " I just wanted to be helpful and keep everyone alive and well" you soon felt something touch your forehead. You soon open your eyes to see a wood spirt you had gotten up and look at it.
y/n " hello little one are you lost" you reach out your hand as the spirt start floating over it making you laugh and smile, soon more spirts had shown up getting your attention.
y/n " well it look like you are not alone" the wood spirt had float down towards your feet and start making it way up, soon followed by other doing the same as well as the other float around you. A smile had grown on your face as this happen it was so beautiful and wonderful.
y/n " huh" it seems like the woods spirt were leading you towards something so you decide to follow them, going deep and deeper into the forest until you reached a grand spitter tree.
y/n " wow' you follow the spirts towards the grains tree as all the other trees started to glowing brighter and brighter. you soon reach the tree truck.
y/n " I have never been here what is here anyways where I'm" the spirt from earlier was floating near you, as one the tree branch was hanging low.
y/n " I'm going with you want me to grab and see what happens right, well I'm trusting you spirt and all your friends ... oh please great mother given me strength to be strong and helpful ... I just want to be there for my family and people as I feel lost and useless" you had closed your eyes and made the connection, soon open your eyes.
y/n " huh" you soon saw Thanator was trapped one of rda traps, you remember this day as you soon saw a child version of you. Who was walking slowing towards the creatures holding your blade as you walked towards the creature. the Thanator was looking at young you made and growling, as you raised up your blade looking like you were making a hunter blow when you cut off the trap from the creatures and removed and tracking device.
younger you " there you go see I mean you no harm" younger you had broken the tracking device in many piece and soon tossed it over a cliff.
young you " see all good now you are all better they will not find you" the Thanator soon looked at you and soon bowed towards you and your bow back, the creatures soon ran off into the woods. The Thanator was not the last creatures you saved from hunter traps.
y/n " I remember that day I was so proud of myself" soon another memory started playing it was other version of you from years ago . You had come across some rda scientists and one solider .
Scientist " leave us alone we mean you no harm"
younger you " I mean no harm as well"
Scientist 2 " then why are you here anyways"
younger you " I saw your fire and came to see if you need help ... you r friend is sick" you had seen the other humans laying down sweating badly and sick.
Scientist 3 " no please don't him he our friend he mean no harm, he has a family"
younger you " I'm here to help no cause anymore harm" you soon saw flower that could help and some herbs, you grabbed them and soon of metal cups starting cursing them.
solider "what going one ... she one of them what is is doing"
Scientist 3 " don't worry she her to help you"
younger you " the hot water can I use it"
Scientist " yes give her what she said" the forth scientist had grabbed the water and gave it to you, and you soon poured the water into the cup and soon walked to the man.
younger you " drink it and you will feel better" You were kneeling down towards the man as he looked at you, he soon took the cup his friend.
solider " it ever sweet"
Scientist " what did you give him"
younger you " a herbal tea that will help heal you friend he will feel better soon"
solider ' thank you"
younger you " you are welcome now you all most head back to your home, before the scouting party see you"
Scientist 2 " why are you helping us"
younger you " because I care and you all seem like you mean no harm"
scientist " are you well enough to move"
solider " yes ready to go"
younger you " here some advice the rda higher up are using you all I know you all came here for some reason, but once the rda has had it use with you they will leave you all behind"
Scientist " thank you child we will always remember this"
younger you " if you use this way you will be home befroe dark and avoid any hunters out there, the warriors and brave and will defend our homes ... I have show your kindness today where other wouldn't dont make me regret my choices" the human had looked at you soon clearing thier stuff and soon leave the area, you made sure their tracks were not followed.
y/n " I still wonder whatever happen to them after that day" you had shown kindness and help your so called enemies will others would not. You even shown kindness toward you clan members and humans even due they didn't like it most of the time. soon the memories ended and you back in the real world.
???? " you are not selfish or childish" you soon got scared when you heard a deep voice speaking to you, making you looked around to see tshaik standing near you but she seemed different.
y/n " hello have you called me here"
????? " yes I have called you here today as I have been sneaking you out since the day you open your eyes"
y/n " huh"
????? " you think you are useless, selfish, and childlish, failure I'm right" the women was walking around you as you following her every movement.
y/n " yes"
???? " that is false I have seen what you have done in the past showing kindness towards the creatures here and face the most dangerous ones, and being there for enemies you wish to understand verse hate them"
y/n " yes"
????? " you are not useless, selfish, childlish, and failure you are perfect my child as I have a dynasty made for you and you will discover more as you grow"
y/n " huh what do you mean"
???? " you have come to place that thsaik once they are in elders years can come and you are still young, that speak volumes you will be great tshaik one day"
y/n " no that is for my sister I can't take that away"
????" still caring for your family that why you will be perfect my child, you will be good tshaik and show everyone what you can do" the women was soon standing in front of you and soon tapped your forehead as wood spirts soon started circle around you, as the women disappeared as the tree starting glowing bright and brighter. The wind was blowing as well and you could hear this sweet song and soon everything had felt like it stopped.
???? " now go live your life with wonder and beauty it will not be easy, but you will do great things my child great things" soon it felt like everything had ended.
y/n " thank you" It was night time and you realized it was far to late to be away from home, your family might be worried for you. You soon raced home with a smile one your face as the spirts followed you, as the ground glowing under your feet as your feet hit the ground. While everything else glowed when you fingers touched them, you felt some happy once you reached home you were alone.
y/n " I'm home but it seems like no came looking for me ... it okay at least they are all okay that all the matters" you soon reached your home to hear and see you family having a good time eating dinner and talking, you wish to join them but you didn't after today you felt it was wrong.
y/n " I should leave it will be bad if they see me" you soon went to place you had made with your siblings and spider, you soon climbed all the way up there it was tree house that what Jake called it. You had picked some fruit while eating it, watching some the light turn. You looked out onto pandora wondering what will happen next and what was your dynasty. You had fallen asleep that night not feeling alone like past nights you felt like you were not alone. anymore and just maybe there was some others here and with the great mother that are on your side.
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squishytenya · 2 months
Hey Do you remeber your Tenya and Aizawa ask, with y/n Crying? What about some of the other casts like Katsuki or Ejiro?
if you dont mind please and thank you
They Make You Cry Headcanons
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I lowkey had to search my own blog for this but I found it! thanks for the request <3
Pairings - Bakugou x gn!reader, Kirishima x gn!reader + Kaminari x gn!reader
Warnings - arguments, cursing, crying
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Katsuki Bakugou
▹part of being in a relationship with Katsuki is dealing with his harsh personality. Even if he does calm down the older he gets, it's still probably not to the same extent of a normal human being.
▹he probably would be completely speechless the moment you started crying after an argument - straight up would not know how to respond to that.
▹his eyes would go wide and he would go to take a step towards you and then bring himself back, holding his arm to himself.
▹"hey... don't do that"
▹for all his faults Katsuki is, deep inside, a good person and he knows this is the kind of shit you lose relationships from and he really really doesn't want to lose you.
▹ but he does know he can be a bit much and he probably takes a while to come down from whatever he's feeling so he just kinda leaves for a few minutes
▹ he comes back with a cup of tea and perches gently on the bed next to you, avoiding eye contact
▹he would do his best to spit out an apology, but it's not something that would come naturally to him. Seeing your face crumple like it did is still replaying in his mind and he knows he has to fix this somehow - so he does his best to explain himself
▹eventually he would just stop rambling and take your hand in his, squeezing it gently.
▹"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you"
▹ he'd just sit by you, hand in his until you were ready to talk to him and talk over what had led to the argument in the first place and he really does take your words to heart about what upset you
▹he'd try to cut down on raising his voice and try to cut out teasing nicknames entirely, unless he knew you were okay with them already
▹a sweet guy really
Eijirou Kirishima
▹I cannot see Kiri upsetting you on purpose, even during an argument he isn't the type to yell or get super angry with you
▹him making you cry is most likely a complete accident on his part, or even him accidentally playing into an insecurity you have without properly thinking about it
▹when your relationship first started out, I think he probably didn't understand you might not be comfortable with the things he's comfortable with, especially during social situations
▹ also probably doesn't understand others might read his kindness as flirting, so when you two are invited to a hero party to socialise and he pretty much ignored you the whole night, he had no idea why you began tearing up on the way home
▹obviously, he's worried about why you're crying and what he did! and how he can fix it is at the forefront of his mind almost immediately after noticing
▹and when you explain it to him, he pretty much crumbles straight away - he is in disbelief that he made you feel that way
▹he falls over himself explaining that he didn't mean to make you feel that way, he was just overwhelmed by the pressure of hero society and got caught up
▹Kiri is very good at admitting when he is wrong, and puts a lot of effort into having healthy communication in his relationships - platonic or otherwise
▹pulls over the car literally just so he can hold both of your hands in his and make eye contact as he explains his actions, specifically so you understand he's being genuine
▹"I'd never do that to you on purpose, you're the most important person to me"
▹after your sniffles have subsided, he pulls you into a hug and promises never to do something like that again - and you bet he keeps his promise!!!
▹takes you to get food too, just as an extra apology and you sit in the car park eating ice cream together - he makes sure you're the center of his attention the entire time <3
Denki Kaminari
▹oh he's so stupid. he's so lovely, but so, so stupid.
▹honestly he probably says something insanely embarrassing in front of your friends and pays no attention to how that might make you feel, especially if you're close to these people
▹doesn't even notice when the room goes completely silent and nobody is talking but him, it takes one of his friends clearing their throat for him to notice your eyes filling with tears
▹in his defense, he does try to explain himself straight away and takes you into another room to have the conversation (at the very least) but it takes a little bit more explaining to him why his actions would upset you
▹doesn't really get it at first but you explaining, and your face as you cry, makes his heart hurt and he tries to rectify his actions as soon as he can
▹the first thing he thinks to do in that moment is bundle you up in his arms and rock the both of you back and forth to calm you down, which works a little more than you'd like to admit
▹runs his hands over your back, up and down, until your breathing evens out - does not give a shit about anyone outside of you two in that moment
▹once you've stopped crying, full on apology - hands and knees!
▹he seems genuinely heartbroken to have embarrassed you and takes full responsibility for what he did
▹ kicks everyone else out of the house and spends the rest of the evening making it up to you and reminding you of how important you are to him and just how sorry he is
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I hope these were good! I haven't written in ages so this'll be the first comeback headcanons, hope you guys enjoyed it <3
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
You Abstracting in Front of Them
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TW: Abstraction/death (basically)/going insane, self-blame, bullying, mental health, angst no comfort, pleading/screaming, abstraction body mutation stuff
Type: Headcanons; ambiguous.
A/N: "Circus crew react to finding the reader in the process of abstracting." Spoilers. Use of Y/N. As of posting, only the pilot episode has come out.
If you're just a human he's not close with, he just chucks you in the cellar. Never before has someone come back from abstraction, so he's just putting you down there before things get any worse and you start attacking people. This means you're still semi-aware of what's going on, which makes it so much worse and makes the abstraction quicker. He'll send you down there with you kicking and screaming and pleading if he has to.
If he is close with you, he is pretty upset. He considered the two of you friends (or more, up to you), and seeing you half-abstracted is pretty bad. You probably hid your abstracted parts of your body as best you could, but it was no use. He had almost complete control over the world and wasn't about to let a risk get loose in the digital circus. So, off to the cellar you go.
"[Y/N]'s abstracting?! Where?!"
"Well, off to the cellar you go!"
Bubble usually hangs out with Caine when it's not being popped and sent to wherever it goes then. So, either it'd alert Caine to the situation by being there close to him or it'd just go to find him. Bubble's an AI programmed to be able to deal with abstracted people. So, no matter how much you try and plead with it to not tell him and to get someone like Ragatha to help you calm down, it'll just go an get Caine anyway.
"Boss, [Y/N] abstracted!"
Pomni freaking loses it. She had just sort of adjusted to living in the digital world being the newest member, and you were her rock. You kept her sane while also sharing her need to find the exit and searching for it with her. So, when you disappeared to search around for the exit somewhere else, she didn't think much of it. She assumed that since you never showed signs of slipping like Ragatha or Kinger, you certainly wouldn't be having trouble now, right?
Little did she know--and soon was she to find out--you had left to try and calm down somewhere. Your thoughts were getting to you due to all this exit-searching, and by the time you had found somewhere private to try and cool it, it was too late. Pomni found you almost completely abstracted hiding behind a curtain.
She immediately freaked out, and while she wanted to stay with you and help you, she was also scared of ending up like Ragatha did after Kaufmo abstracted. So, she decided to go off an search for help instead. Only, when she finally found someone, she found Caine dropping you into the cellar anyway.
Pomni instantly blames herself the moment she sees you. She knows it was the exit talk that was sending you over the edge. She starts scream-crying and pleads with Caine to try and fix you. Caine, of course, knows this is out of his control--as does everyone else--and has to explain to her that you're not coming back. This only makes her worse.
"Ragatha! [Y/N]'s abstracting!"
"Oh my God, this is all my fault. Oh my f-%$@!#-ing God, this is all my fault!"
You had been there about as long as Ragatha had. Your arrivals were only weeks apart, and through that time you kept each other sane. Growing used to the new world beside each other, you got to share the same experiences together. But you also had to watch the other members abstract and how that affected everyone else. So, it was no surprise it took a toll on you.
Ragatha knew her own mind was slipping, but she had faith in you. You never seemed too bothered with it all. Not to say you weren't having crises either, but you made do. You even managed to stick through Kaufmo's abstraction--though it was only for a short while.
Ragatha had noticed the signs of you going downhill and had tried to talk to you about it. But you always pushed her away, insisting you were fine. But deep down, she knew what was coming, even if she tried to ignore it. So, when you did what all the others had done and didn't show up for the morning performance, her heart dropped.
She booked it to your room as fast as she could. Ringing your doorbell nearly a thousand times, she could feel herself getting more and more anxious. So focused was she on you that she didn't notice Jax walk up behind her and shove your bedroom key into the lock. Opening the door, you were found lying in your bed facing away from everyone. Ragatha walked towards you hesitantly and slowly she turned you over to find the front of your body covered in darkness and eyes.
Ragatha blames herself heavily for your abstraction. She saw the signs, and although she did what she could, she still blames herself. Maybe if she just checked up on your more--or maybe if she was just a better listener--you'd still be here. No matter what, she'll always find a way to blame herself.
"[Y/N]! [Y/N], listen to me! Please, listen to me!"
"Is everything alright? You seem really different lately."
Jax is smart. How do you think he pulls off all those complicated pranks? But he's also bad with emotions, and has trouble recognising them properly sometimes. He knew something was wrong, but he also didn't know how to talk to you about it. So, he just put it off. Never did he think it'd get this bad.
He sauntered over to your room one day when you hadn't shown up for a while. Having stolen your key long ago, he shoved it into the lock and opened the door. Only, while he expected to find you moping in your bed or at your desk, he instead found you sitting in the middle of the room drawing scribbles on paper, nearly a hundred already stacked up on the side.
Jax was properly freaked out, to say the least. He knew you were reaching some point in your downfall that was critical, but he didn't want to consider what he was seeing what that. Yet, when he called out to you, you didn't answer. So, mustering up all his courage, he walked over to look you in the eye--only to find your face gone.
He freaked the hell out. Nobody was around for him to put up a front for, so he just panicked. He doesn't know what to do. He tried to slap you out of it, but when he does his hand gets glitched. Unlucky for him, though, Caine appears to check up on you, only to find you in your current state. He immediately sends you off to the cellar while Jax can only watch.
After you're gone, he's a lot more of a jerk. Poor Gangle gets it the worst, being the easiest target. She might just abstract herself. He's also just a lot quieter, not making the usual snappy comebacks, instead choosing to just give an "mhm" and roll his eyes. He doesn't blame himself per se (because I bet he struggles with accepting the blame for anything), but he's still depressed you're gone. No more making jokes with or teasing you, or having somebody to confide in. No more of anything.
"[Y/N]! Hey! Snap out of it! HEY!"
"Yeah, whatever you say."
Hoo boy. How do I start.
Well, Kinger knows all too well what abstraction looks like. Hell, his closest person (and possible lover) abstracted. He knows the signs better than anyone else. If anyone should be able to stop someone from abstracting, it would be him.
But you were just too good, weren't you? You were too good at hiding it. You knew what was going on, but you were better than everyone at keeping your cool on the outside. Even better than Zooble, and you had been there way longer than them! He honestly thought you were doing alright. Better than him, at least.
But he was wrong. After the morning's intro performance, you walked off without talking to anybody. You were clutching your wrist with your hand. Following you, Kinger found you curled up backstage looking down at the wrist you had covered with your hand. Where your usual skin colour was was instead an ink-black splotch. And it was quickly spreading.
Kinger freaked out, but tried to keep his cool. The last thing he wanted to do was alert Caine to the situation. He'd always been too late before, but maybe if he just tried this time he'd be able to help you. He tried talking you through your emotions, letting you vent, and distracting you with silly nonsense, but nothing worked. The abstraction was showing up on more parts of your body and spreading.
Kinger does not bother running away once you're fully abstracted. He just stands there and tries to plead with you. He's having flashbacks to his experience with Queener and all the other abstracted people he knew, and it's horrible. Once you're caught by Caine, he pleads and pleads for you to not be kept in the cellar. Even if you're kept in an impenetrable fortress made of glass above ground just so he could see and talk to you, that would be enough. But he never got it.
Once you're gone, Kinger blames himself for your "death" of sorts. He becomes genuinely extremely paranoid (because I know there are theories where he's faking it), and also very depressed. He spends most of his time in his pillow fort moping. If anything was going to drive him over the edge himself, it'd be that.
"Caine, please, you need to listen to me, please!"
Gangle's a very lonely person. All throughout her time in the real world, she assumed people didn't like her and pushed them away. She was never really popular in general, either, being into "cringe" interests like anime. So, having you as a friend meant a lot to her. Never did she expect to see you abstracted.
Gangle didn't know what an abstracted person looked like before Kaufmo, so it's still pretty new to her. When she sees you take your food away from the dining table after the day's activity, she's scared to follow you. She doesn't want to intrude on your privacy after all. But after some worried words from Ragatha and Pomni, she decides to investigate.
Turning the corner to the bedroom hallway, she expects to see it empty. However, instead she sees you crouched over yourself on the ground outside your door. The food has been dropped, and your holding your head in your hands and scream-crying. Gangle sees almost all of your body is abstract black lumps covered in eyes. She runs over to try and help you, but is barely holding it together herself--or not at all. You're her best friend is this digital hellhole, and she doesn't know what to do without you.
Gangle tries to calm you down herself, but it's no use. You just keep abstracting, which sends her into a panic attack. It's likely she doesn't run when you're fully abstracted, instead too deep in her anxiety to move. So, she gets bashed about the hallway and thrown aside in favour of finding over people or things to attack. Gangle wants to run after you and stop you, but she can't get herself to move.
Gangle's very quiet about the whole situation after. She's in a state of shock. Watching you disappear into the cellar is traumatising on its own. It's like watching you get an unceremonious burial. She, of course, blames herself for it. She thinks it's her fault for not "trusting her gut" and going to look for you. There's a chance she'll abandon fixing her comedy mask once Jax breaks it next. She's just given up.
"[Y/N]! No!"
"Why did they have to go?"
Zooble's shocked, that's for sure. They expected you out of all people to have a grip on reality. You always seemed so hopeful; no matter how many times you were tortured with trauma or bullied, you always got back up on your feet. It was exhausting work, of course, and no dainty task, so it was bound to drag you down. He just didn't expect it to be so soon.
You and Zooble had been hanging out in her room. You'd been talking about random things when the topic turned to Pomni and the exit. Zooble said they thought she should just give up, but you suddenly startled rambling about what if there was an exit and how to get out. Quickly, it turned to you having shortened, quicker breaths and rambling fast and faster. Zooble tried to calm you down with reason and logic, but it was no use. You were just snowballing downhill.
If he wasn't already freaked out and worried by this, he was when you started mutating. Your body shifted to be larger and lumpier with sharp corners. Everything was turning pitch black, and eyes were opening all over your new skin. She kept trying to calm you down, but by the time you were almost fully abstracted they knew they had to run.
Watching you get put in the cellar was hard. You were Zooble's closest friend and confidant (possibly more). It was weird without you there anymore. Zooble knows they did everything she could, but it's still difficult not to blame himself. If only you were still here; you'd know what to say.
"[Y/N]! Hey! Look at me, alright? Look at me! I need you to focus!"
"This feels...Weird."
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echobx · 2 months
not my type - Rafe Cameron x plus size!fem!reader
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summary: you meet Rafe at a bar and he starts flirting with you. little do you know that he's also the reason you are in the obx at all because you are taking care of a business deal for your dad
warnings: swearing, smut (p in v (protected), face sitting, dirty talk)
word count: 3k
author's note: for my wifey @notdxbya <3 also, I'm aware that Rafe is a little ooc here, that's because I pictured him after Ward is dead, and he has gotten clean and is healthy and taking care of business. that's all. this is my first time actually writing Rafe and I'm lowkey scared lol
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You are sitting at a bar and the guy a few seats over keeps looking at you. Usually when guys looked at you, they did it with a kind of disgust, but he looked more intrigued than anything.  “What's your issue, asshat,” you scoff without looking at him, downing your drink.  “Nothing, just looking,” he shrugs his shoulders, a smirk playing on his pink lips.  “You're not my type,” you say, eyeing him carefully. The short light blonde hair, muscles covered by a flimsy linen button down, gold rings bejeweling his long fingers.  “Shame. You aren't mine either,” he replies, but he licks his lips; his eyes darting down to your cleavage. Boobs pressed together in a red corset.  “That why you keep looking?” you laugh and gesture at the bartender to get you another drink. 
“Where are you from?” the guy asks while getting up and walking over to you, taking the seat next to yours. He’s tall, taller than any guy you'd ever been with.  “Not from here,” you smile cheekily and take a sip from your drink.  “I figured,” he laughs, and it sounds genuine. “I'm Rafe, by the way.”  “Y/n,” you reply, taking his hand that he's holding out for you to shake.  “So, what are you doing here?” he asks.  “I don't know if I should share such information with a stranger,” you whisper.  “Stranger? We're on a first name basis already, sugar.”  “Sugar?” you lift an eyebrow, and he rubs his jaw, maybe to show defeat, but you're not sure.  “Guess, I'm too cocky for you.”  “No, I like it when guys know what they want. But as we've already established, we're not each other's type,” you remind him. 
“And what is your type?” he asks, leaning against the bar and looking at you through his blue eyes.  “I'm not into blonde guys,” you say and take another drink. “I know why I'm not your type, not even hard to figure that one out. It's always the same with guys like you.”  “Guys like me?” He seems offended by your assumption, but you elaborate anyway.  “Guys who live off daddy's money, who spent their whole days golfing or fucking; preferably a different skinny bitch every single day. Guys who think they are the epitome of humanity,” you say, not really paying as much attention to his wonder struck face as you should. “Guys like you would never go out with a girl like me, because social standards are the only thing you ever believed in.”  “Interesting. Are you always this shallow or do I have to go dye my hair?” he jokes.  “I speak from experience,” you look at him, and he purses his lips for a moment before emptying his glass.  “Just a year earlier and you might've been spot on there, sugar.” “I'm rarely wrong,” you whisper. “What changed?”  “My dad died.”  “My condolences.”  “It's okay, I'm over it by now,” he shakes his head lightly.  “I see,” you look away and let the uncomfortable silence settle between the two of you. 
“Are you gonna tell me where you're from?” he asks.  “You can guess. Got a free pass on it after my half right assumptions,” you smile, and he reciprocates it, adding a little huff.  “All right. You're on vacation, no boyfriend, and you're just looking for a little fun.”  You laugh loudly. “You just described literally every girl in this bar. Try a little harder, darling.”  “Okay, fine. You're from the city. You know what you want and are not afraid to take it.”  “Warmer, but still not there,” you wink at him.  “Okay, help me out here, sugar,” he sighs defeated.  “Just give me one weirdly specific one, doesn't have to be correct, just try it,” you search his eyes for a second before looking away again.  “You made a completely wrong assumption about a stranger based on your insecurities.” His words hit you hard and raw, but you didn't let it show.  “Enlighten me, then,” you challenge him, and he leans in to whisper in your ear. “You don't think I think you're hot, when the opposite is the case.”  Your heart starts pounding in your chest, and you feel the all too familiar heat rise in your cheeks and stomach.  Clearing your throat, you down your drink, immediately asking for another one.  “Didn't expect that one, did’ya,” he taunts.  “Shame that you're not my type,” you flip your hair to the side, running your fingertips over the edge of the glass in front of you.  “I could change your mind on that,” he suggests.  “I'm not keeping you from trying,” you chuckle, and the next few hours are spent with shameless flirting and drinking. 
The next day you get yourself ready for a meeting. You are supposed to meet with some rich asshole and work out a deal that will benefit both his and your dad's company.  You get to the meeting early, making sure that your suit fits and checking your makeup in the restroom before letting the receptionist lead you to the conference room.  “Mr. Cameron will be with you in a bit,” she tells you, eyeing you wearily before stepping away.  You set up your laptop and the paperwork, but the man is late, something you have always hated. You walk to look out the window and onto the sea when you hear the door open and someone walks in.  “Thank you for taking some time and waiting for me, there was an incident in the office that I needed to take care of,” he says and sits down without looking at you and not seeing the shocked expression on your face. Rafe looks even hotter in the suit than he had the night before, and you hate that you even think of him like that.  “No problem,” you smile and walk behind him to your seat when his head perks up.  “You-” the words seem to be stuck in his throat.  “I'm supposed to take care of this deal since my father has an important appointment in New York that came in just yesterday,” you explain.  “I see. We should get to it then,” he nods and after three hours of extensive discussion you have finally come to a mutual agreement that you know will be to your father's liking. 
“Why didn't you mention any of this last night?” he asks.  “If I had known your last name, I would've. But also, you should update your website. I was prepared to meet with someone else, your dead father, I presume.” “Yes, I should,” he mumbles.  “Good,” you nod and pack your things together, wanting to leave and get back home as quickly as possible.  “Do you like dinner?” he blurts out just as you are about to step out of the room.  “Who doesn't?” you smirk.  “Would you go out with me?” Rafe asks more directly, and you bite your cheek before nodding.  “Good, I'll pick you up later. You're staying at the Country Club, right?” he asks and you nod again.  “Perfect. 8pm, I won't be late,” he smiles, and you laugh a little while stepping out and walking. 
The evening came quicker than you expected, and you found yourself sitting opposite Rafe at a fancy restaurant.  “Are you always trying this hard for a hookup?” you ask bluntly, and he nearly chokes on his steak.  “Excuse me?”  “You heard me pretty well,” you say and take a bite of your food. “I usually don't, no,” he finally answers, nipping on his wine. “You're very direct.”  “That something bad?” you cock an eyebrow and he shakes his head.  “No. It's nice, like a fresh breath even. Dating is rather boring when you've lived in the same spot your whole life.”  “Never had any issues with it to be honest, at least when it comes to the diversity of it.”  “Hardly comparable, New York and Kildare,” he notes.  “So, this is a date?” you question, and he smiles to hide the light blush that creeps on his cheeks.  “Would your dad be okay with you dating a business partner?”  “My dad isn't here, and we don't know if this is a date yet,” you counter, and he puts his hands up in defense.  “I'm not about to ruin a good deal is all I'm saying.”  “Well, you're still not my type, so it's probably better anyway.”  “Right,” he mumbles and gets back to eating. 
After some time you find back to a more easy-going manner, just like you had the night before. But the more he flirts with you, the less you can remember why you had initially not had any interest in him. 
“I just have one question,” you say as you stand next to him in the elevator that leads you down to the garage where he had parked.  “And?”  “Have you ever even been with anyone like me?” you eye him wearily as he's towering next to you.  “No, but there's always a first time round, right?”  In a split second decision you pull him down by his collar and kiss him. His lips are soft and warm and his tongue is dancing with your own, his hands are grabbing your ass harshly.  You would continue to make out with him if the elevator doors didn't open to let in a few more people. It was unnecessary to pretend like nothing had happened because he has your lipstick all over his face, and you put your hand in front of your mouth to hide your wide grin. 
Rafe drives like a maniac, but you don't mind it while his hand is holding onto your thigh, squeezing harshly.  “I don't think that's the right way,” you tell him, but he just smiles at you and keeps driving without saying anything.  You come up to a mansion, and he parks out front and helps you out, like a true gentleman.  “That your place?” you ask and he nods.  “Thought you might want a little more privacy,” he says and leads you inside. 
The marble floors are pretty but nothing compared to the ones in your apartment on the Upper East Side.  “Cute,” you note. “Wanna show me around a little?” You are aware that he wants nothing more than to just drag you upstairs, but you like how desperate he looks, and you'd like to keep looking at it even if just for a few more minutes.  “Uh, sure,” he sighs and leads you around, showing you the kitchen and living room before going upstairs.  “That's the office and over there's the-” “Bedroom?” you interrupt him and he smirks.  “Yes, unless you'd rather see the whole estate and the boats and-” You cut him off with a kiss, feeling him smile against your lips. 
The two of you stumble backwards into the room, helping him take off his shirt before pushing him onto the bed.  “I don't like selfish assholes,” you state firmly, slowly opening the buttons of your blouse.  “Understood.” He props himself up on his elbows and admires you as you strip for him, leaving nothing but your lingerie on your body.  “You still think you can handle this?” You straddle him in his seat and he gulps but nods. His hands rub over your body, over every single curve that you had once been insecure about.  “God you're hot,” he hums and starts kissing your tits, sucking on the nipple while his hand is kneading the other. You start rutting against him, his dick twitching under you. 
“Can I sit on your face, darling?” you ask a little unsure about his answer but the enthusiastic yes he gives you makes you even more aroused than you already were.  You stand, and he pulls your slip down, starting to kiss your stomach and thighs.  “Take your pants off, please,” you order and he does it before lying down. 
You climb on top, and he harshly pulls you up to his face. Your weight rests on your thighs next to his head as you hover over him. “I’m not going to sit down completely if you don't want that. I'm not gonna be responsible for your death, darling.”  “I'm gonna be all right, sugar,” he smirks and starts kissing your wet cunt.  “God, you're wet for me, baby,” he moans desperately and pulls you down, thrusting his tongue into you and eating you out as if his life was dependent on it. With every lap of his tongue your orgasm grew closer, and you fell forward against the headboard, holding yourself up with your arms as you moaned and gasped. He sucks your clit into his mouth, making you scream with pleasure, and instinctively grind your pussy over his face as soon as he lets go again. He grabs your ass, practically forcing you to roll your hips into him and making his nose repeatedly nudge against your clit until you come undone on top of him. He keeps on eating you out until he has licked every last bit of your release from your sensitive cunt. 
“Yeah, you're definitely not into blonde guys,” he laughs as you lie next to him, heavily panting.  “Definitely.”  You watch him grab a condom from the nightstand and a few moments later he's balls deep inside of you, filling you out like no one ever had. 
“Jesus, fuck, you feel so good, sugar,” Rafe praises you.  “Don't you fucking dare,” you moan as he hits your cervix, making you squirm under him.  “Shit, you want me to be mean to you? I can do that,” he laughs and pulls out again, manhandling you onto your stomach and pulling your ass in the air. “That's the best ass in the fucking world, sugar,” he moans while pushing into you again.  “Fuck, Rafe,” you scream because his thrusts hit even deeper in this position and his balls keep slapping against your clit.  “You wanna act like a bitch, you gotta be able to take it,” he grunts, slapping your ass and making you whine.  “More,” you beg, and he leans down to bite your waist.  “Won't be able to wear anything revealing unless you want everyone to know how much of a slut you are being for me,” he growls and wraps your hair around his hand in a makeshift ponytail to pull your back flush to his chest. “What would your daddy say if he knew how we finalized his deal? If he knew that the only reason I went easy was because I wanted to rail his darling daughter. If he knew that I got to defile you.” 
“Rafe,” you have tears in your eyes, but he’s nowhere close to stopping, and you really don't want him to ever stop. You love how full of him you feel.  Rafe takes his hand and starts playing with your tits while the other comes down to rub your clit. “You wanna cum on my dick, sugar? Wanna make daddy proud?”  You whine in response, and he stops touching you, pushing you back down and lying down on top of you. His thrusts are relentless and harsh while your make-up runs down your face.  “Such a good slut for me. Might just keep you here as my personal sex slave. Would you like that, sugar?” His hot breath is on your ear, and you cry out as he goes to slap your thigh. “Answer me.”  “Yes, Rafe. Am your slut. Only yours.”  “Wasn't that hard, was it,” he groans and sits back up, pulling your ass back up with him. 
He's still not stopping, and you don't know where he got that much stamina from because every time you try to crawl away from his dick he keeps pulling you back. "Tststs, don't you dare,” he admonishes and slaps you harsher each time.  You're so close to cumming, but he won't let you, no matter how much you whine and beg.  “I know you can take it. I'm not gonna let you cum until I'm done with you. A deal's a deal,” he laughs and fucks you even faster.
Your throat has gone sore from all the screaming and moaning when he finally starts playing with your clit again.  “C’mon now, baby. Let go for me,” he hums and kisses your back softly and the band inside you snaps. You can't remember ever having had an orgasm like the one he had just given you and as soon as it was over you craved more.  “God, you're tight, sugar,” Rafe groans, his hips stutter as he tried to keep fucking you through it but the grip your pussy has on him is too much, and he lets go too. His head falling to your back while he groans and cums. 
“Solid 8.5,” you say just to tease him once he's lying next to you, the sheets pulled over his sweaty body.  “Guess I'll have to try even better next time,” he smirks.  “I'm not gonna be your sex slave, just to be clear on that.”  “Shit, and I've already let the help prepare the dungeon,” he fakes a gasp.  “Stop making me like you,” you laugh, and he looks at you, almost dreamy.  “What?” you ask slowly, furrowing your brows.  “Nothing, just- No, nothing at all,” he shakes his head.  “Okay, weirdo,” you roll your eyes and go to stand up. searching for your slip and putting it back on.  “What are you doing?” Rafe asks, watching you meticulously; how you pull your skirt up and tug your blouse into it after buttoning it up.  You run your hand through your hair while pulling your heels back on. “I'm leaving. Have to catch my flight tomorrow morning and my shit is still at the hotel,” you remind him.  “So, that's it? One night to remember?”  “Yeah, wasn't that the plan all along?” you laugh, and he mirrors it slightly uncomfortable.  “Yeah. Definitely.”  “Besides, I'm responsible for this deal, and I'm not gonna let it go to shits, not even for a good fuck.”  “A real businesswoman,” he mumbles.  “Maybe you find your way to New York one day,” you smile at him before stepping out of the door, just to lean back and look back at him. “Oh, and you’re still not my type.” 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @drwstarkeyy
part 2
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evangelic-echo · 2 months
ℭ𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔞𝔩 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱
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Part 1:
Teaser< >Part 2
Walking down the streets of heaven, sipping on a cold drink through the straw as you held a folder filled with boring paperwork you had filled out only just this morning. For the past week you've been dealing with all types of bullshit from the humans that you're trying to repair since your absence from Earth. Ever since Lucifer decided to give mankind the “gift” of free will, your job has become a lot more difficult than before.
“Thanks for the Luci”
Sera requested a meeting with you which isn’t too surprising. As the high Seraphim she was your supervisor, and she always seemed to want to bitch about one thing or another to you with her new found authority. Taking a final sip from your drink before throwing it away in a near by bin, you moved the huge folder from one hand to the next as you walked into the huge, pearlescent building in front of you.
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“It’s nice to see you’re not late for once Y/N.”
You looked up at the huge Seraphim before you as you simply replied with a hum. After the whole ‘Lucifer making Eve eat the apple incident,’ Sera made sure to keep her distain towards you evident. Obviously making it clear that she blames you for the whole ordeal.
“I called you up here today to review a certain case l’m having trouble with-”
As sera was Talking the office door behinds you slams shut, interrupting the Angel before you. You look behind to see Emily, cringing as she looks back at the source of the loud noise, then look back in your direction and she smiles and waves at you.
“Sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to overlay the massage that everything’s ready”
She beats her wings to fly closer to her sister, quickly whispering something in her ear. Furrowing your eyebrows as you look back and forth between them. Sure, Sera has always has some sort is stigma towards you and always makes it a point to tell you things last minute, or hell never tell you things at all. But you could tell there was a lot more to this meeting as she was letting on, honestly making you a little more nervous than you’d like to admit.
Turning back to face you Sera gives Emily another glance before resuming to what she was saying.
“Y/N, as you may of heard. The princess of Hell was up here in heaven as Lucifer, her father demanded that she pitch a certain idea of hers”
Sera pauses as to see your possible reaction to her bringing up an old friend of yours, acting as though his name curses whoever’s tongue dare speaks his name. You raise your eyebrows in response, signalling that she should continue.
“She has some sort of idea that sinners down in hell can be redeemed through the means of this ‘Hazbin Hotel’ she’s been building. We discussed it in court but it was decided that sinners in fact, can’t be redeemed and with that she was sent back down to hell.”
“Hm, you mean the same heavenly court where it was revealed that Adam’s Exorcist go down to hell once a year to exterminate sinners? I’m also assuming you mean the same court I wasn’t invited to but yet, l’m possibly the best person who could of been there as I work with those human souls 24/7 and know the most about these kind of things more than anyone else in that court? Yes I think I know exactly which one you’re talking about.”
You keep making eye contact with the Seraphim in front of you even after finishing your rant. She glares back at you, looking down then back up to your face as you still keep that same glare towards her.
“I think we both know why you weren’t welcome to sit in that court session, who knows how you’d react. Especially when you allow your emotions to drive you so.”
Your wings ruffle behind you, signalling you were fed up with Sera’s constant condescension towards you. You slightly fidget in your seat as your glare doesn’t budge from her face.
“I would’ve loved to meet the daughter of an old friend of mine. I’m not surprised you think of me so low and pathetic that you think I’ll have a tantrum by every little thing associated with him.”
“I also think it’s pathetic that you still think of him as a friend of yours, after everything he’s still done you see him as a pure little angel who’s done nothing wrong”
Leaning further back on the chair you were sat on, you crossed your leg on top of the other as you grinned up at the unnecessarily tall woman in front of you.
“If anything Sera, that proves I’ve moved on. I don’t allow hatred to control my feelings anymore, I suggest you don’t either.”
You had to admit that you were slightly lying to the Angel as you spoke those words, as you’d be a hypocrite if you weren’t, but it was worth it for that look on her face. Finally humbling her from that high horse of hers.
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“Hellooo, I am the great Ssir Pentious~ It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance~”
You looked down at the weird snake man before you as he bowed his head towards the ground, tilting your head to the side in confusion. This is what Sera was so worried about? Looking back to the Seraphim’s who lead you here to try and get a little bit more information.
“Sir Pentious here is a ‘former’ demon from hell, who has apparently been redeemed through Charlie’s Hotel and has now, been sent up here in heaven.”
Your demeanour completely changes from one of uninterested to one of astonishment. Looking between the two sisters however, the totally different attitudes upon their faces told two very different stories. Sera of course couldn’t have looked more unamused with the situation even if she tried, Emily however looked ecstatic about the evidence of redemption, her hands clasping together in front of her chest as her wide smile and bulging eyes take over her features.
“This is a great day for Heaven and for Hell! We finally have evidence that redemption is indeed possible and now reason to stop those brutal exterminations, right Sera?”
Sera looks at her sister with a completely different demeanour than before, making herself seem for hopeful about the situation at hand.
“Of course Emily! Me and Y/N here will deal with it immediately, but I suggest for now you handle matters that your assistance a lot more than this one.”
You frowned while looking at the younger Seraphim, though her smile never fading from her features. She must be too excited of the news that she couldn’t hear the dishonesty in her older sisters voice.
With Emily now out of the room, Sera went back to looking uninterested as she did before, her focus now landing back on you and the former sinner besides you.
“Watching you lie to your poor sister is honestly disheartening Sera, dear Emily has a point. If redemption is now indeed possible, there is no need for the exterminations to continue-”
“That absolutely is not an option in this situation. Yes we now have proof that redemption is possible but that doesn’t differ us from the fact that hell may be planning an uproar against us, against heaven.”
Taken aback by the interruption, you turn your focus over to the former sinner beside you, noticing the awkward feeling he’s emitting from himself.
“If I may I assure you-”
“No you may not”
Sera now all riled up and irritated, springs her wings out from behind her as her angelic form starts to poke through from her annoyance. In response the man yelps and he steps behind you for safety from that death piercing gaze of hers, which then travel over to you.
Her wings retract back in towards her but the eyes now littered across her body remain where they are.
“I except you to deal with this matter Y/N, you constantly complain I do not give you the benefit of the doubt, you can use this as an opportunity to prove me wrong and maybe make up for your wrong doings from the past.”
Now you knew you absolutely had no choice in the matter, saying no wasn’t an option at all. But knowing the fact that all she wanted to do was just push all her mistakes onto you to fix was absolutely aggravating. However, keeping yourself calm was best for right now.
Nodding back to the woman as your response, she took that as her cue to leave, not seeing anymore reason to stay in this helpless situation.
As the door closed shut, the serpent who had been holding onto your shoulder for safeguarding had finally found it appropriate to let go after muttering an apology.
At least he was well mannered.
You turned to him offering a comforting smile. He’s probably been so confused for the past hour he’s been in heaven, and by God could you say he hasn’t gotten the normal, outgoing introduction normal new residents are greeted with when spawning at heavens great golden gates. Though you can admit his situation is quite different than others, you can sense his soul is worthy than every other soul up here in heaven among him.
You extend your arms, motioning him to sit at the table near by. He follows your direction and sits as you sat along side him, summoning a pen and notebook with your magic.
“Now if you don’t mind, I have some questions.”
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A/N: AAAA THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE LIKES AND FOLLOWS FROM THE LAST POST🫶🫶🫶 You don’t know how much it means to me knowing that even just 50 people liked this new idea I’m exploring and I am so very grateful 🙏 .
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yandereforme · 3 months
Damian wayne? nah, Damian AL GHUL.
(in my perspective his al ghul blood is where he gets his yandare shii from cause yk..the al ghuls..it just fits right..)
(imagine if damian stayed in Nanda parbat)
so imagine damian going on an assasin mission in gotham and crosses paths with vigilante!reader(Female if possible xx) on the gotham rooftops where they get into a fight and for the first time, Damian loses, to a girl/woman and now he's obsessed interested in her, now I see him purposely taking missions that's from gotham just to see reader then just one night he plans a kidnapping, think several other assasins on standby so the kidnapping will be perfect and..idk anymore, I ran out of brain juice.(I'm gonna be honest this was my dream last night, and I woke up 💔)
also, me personally, Damian al ghul>damian wayne
I wanna ask without anon but I'm EMBARRASSED CAUSE IDK WHAT I TYPED SOUNDS LIKE WHEN SOMEBODY READS IT!! (and ik my grammar suckz ass cause English ain't my first language. far from that💔💔)
oh no I'm yapping again I'm so sorry
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You are not a bother at all! I love this idea, and you don’t need to be embarrassed, that’s how I write most things lol.
Damian Al Ghul x Vigilante! Reader
I’m thinking he went to Gotham to scout out his father and his subordinates (they aren’t a focus in the post)
He completely forgets about them after he meets (and gets his butt kicked by you)
You are an independent vigilante, and you have always been that way. You avoid Batman and his birds, preferring to take care of things like human traffickers, muggings, abusers, etc.
That being said, you knew enough about the big stuff that the boy in ninja gear set off alarm bells. You were prepared for his attacks, and had your weapons at the ready
You were a badass, and wiped the floor with Damian, even pinning him down before other ninjas came out of the darkness, hellbent on you.
He yells at the others in Arabic and you take your chance to slip away. This was above your pay grade, and the Bat could deal with them. You needed to continue your patrol.
Damian was expecting an easy fight, but you surprised him. When you glared down at this boy, blood streaked across your face, eyes alight with hatred as you held him down, Damian fell hard.(I headcanon that Al Ghuls fall for/become yandere for strong fighters or general badasses, while Wayne’s tends to become yandere/protective over kindness/innocence due to their trauma)
Those idiots who interrupted his fight with his beloved were killed immediately, and he immediately set his sights on finding you again.
He found your vigilante work a worthy endeavor, but your civilian life was not up to par. You worked two jobs, both of which were meant to be taken on by peasants, not by important people like you. He admired and hated the fact you survived on your own, admiring your strength but despising what you had to do to survive.
This man will fight tooth and nail to get to go to Gotham at every opportunity. He prefers to watch you on patrol, and privately dispose of the simpletons you were surrounded by
After a while, when your room and all the supplies were prepared, only then did he set up your kidnapping. He approached you late at night, outside of your suit. You gave him another worthy fight, but this time he wasn’t going to let you get away, and knocked you out quickly.
When you wake, it will be to Damian sitting across from your bed, reading one of your favorite novels (he doesn’t like this kind of book, but as his beloved enjoys it, he will be learned on the subject).
Be prepared to have a life of being Damian’s Queen, Y/n Al Ghul. By the time you wake up, he will have already removed all traces of your past from the rest of the world, making sure you had nothing to go back to, if you were ever able to escape, so your best bet is to stay as his queen, and hopefully figure out a way out(you won’t escape.)
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noroi1000 · 1 year
could i request a gojo x yn where yn is a famous supermodel while gojo is like businessman mafia and she meets him in a part for influential ppl and some rival of gojo attack the party to catch gojo but can't do it and to save y/n gojo takes her with him in a hurry to make sure she's fine ( bro fell in love at first sight while y/n doesn't really care bcs yk very hard to be impressed type of lady ) but a plot twist in this setting sort of is that there has been cases of many murders recently and the serial killer is impossible to catch ( the killer is y/- ok yes u get it but she killed them bcs she ruined her family or sum like that so our baddie is taking revenge ) well this is a dark theme dark romance request so yep ofc there's dark content and no one knows abt y/n's past at all despite her status no matter how hard they try and gojo after taking her makes her stay with him bcs she's one of the few ppl who saw his face so for privacy purposes and gojo barely finds out abt y/n's "dark deeds" when she throws hints playfully ( she's kinda devious morally grey sort of woman ) and idk what to add much more honestly but yea a smexy romantic love story ( SUB GOJO PLEASE 🙏😍😩 ) and gojo brings her a person to kill every year on her bday bcs she feels "stabby" ( mindfuck book series ref if ykyk ) also ofc y/n continues her career as a supermodel bcs 💅🏼👠. as another personal preference don't make y/n younger as it's uncomfy to me so yeah jsjdndbdnfn
whew this was quite a lot
have a good day !
Beautiful Vengeance
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cover by @blvckryx my advisor and friend
paring: Mafia boss Gojo x model reader (killer)
words: 4,7k
warnings: murders, violence, guns, some kidnaping, smut (sub Gojo/dom reader)
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Your mother always wanted you to have a good life. That's why when you told her you wanted to be a model when you grow up, she supported you as much as she could. To give you what you might need to make your dreams come true.
Your career took off when you were a teenager. When you were 16, you won a modeling contest, and your name made headlines.
And because you took the victory from one person, your life was about to end...
You competing with a girl whose family was more important than yours. You won anyway thanks to your innate charm, which made you stand in the first place and people considered you a beautiful, future model.
Thanks to this, your career could continue to roll and grow. And you couldn't take that chance.
You've worked so hard. You were the pride of your parents.
But your only opponent was a spoiled female dog who after losing to you all she wanted was to get rid of you.
She was the niece of mob boss Q. A man going by the name Q, who made his living by killing people for hire, dealing drugs and weapons. Even human trafficking. His mafia teams were everywhere.
You didn't know about it until you saw a group of people enter your house.
You were in your room then, and you heard screams and sounds of fighting.
As you quickly made your way down to your parents' living room, all you saw was pools of blood covering the soft carpet.
And three people dressed in black with black masks on their faces. In their hands bloody knives that they used to make your parents lie on the floor with open but dead eyes.
You were sad. You were afraid. You lost your parents. You wanted to cry over their loss. They were everything to you. They loved you, you loved them. You could have lived with them 16 years of your life. And now... It's all over.
Or you die and join them. To shorten your suffering.
But something else popped into your mind. To make them suffer.
You could have died at their hands, or you could have gotten revenge for your parents by killing them.
And you want revenge for the destruction of your life...
So you silently walked over to the cupboard until the opponents saw you, and unscrewing the bottle you let the water flow out of the plastic, soaking the entire floor where one of the people was standing.
You smashed a nearby lamp on his head and stabbed him with the sharpened glass at the end. Throwing the damaged item onto the wet floor, you jumped back quickly, letting his body quiver with the current coursing through him.
You hit the other's neck with your elbow, pulling his head back until you heard a crack.
Such easy ways to kill someone...
You've already killed two people with your own hands. Even if the metallic, disgusting smell of blood was nauseating.
Before you were stabbed by the last man, you took the knife from the dead body, and plunged the bloody blade into his chest.
While his body was still moving, he managed to scratch your head with the tip of the knife, just above the ear. Cutting off some of your shiny hair. Making your ear and the side of your neck covered in drops of blood.
The man in front of you writhed in pain as you pushed the knife hilt towards him, holding the knife in it. Stuck in his sternum in the chest.
Even though you saw the fear of death in his eyes, you felt no regret. Even if he cried and looked at you pleadingly, you showed no mercy.
Just like they had no mercy for your parents.
As he fell to the floor, the knife fell out of his chest, staying in your hand. Covering your hands in scarlet liquid.
When he was twitching and moving away with the last strength, you just walked over to him, and sitting on his stomach, you drove the knife into his heart, slowly watching the life fade from his eyes.
You felt your pajamas soaking in warm sticky blood. However, you didn't let go of the blade as you walked over to your parents and hugged them, not caring how dirty and bloody you were. You slowly and gently closed your eyes and left the house. Heading to a place where you know where a girl used to live surrounding herself with people with "Q" marks on their clothes.
There was a calm expression on your face as you walked straight down the runway, focusing on going perfect. The flashes of the flash bouncing off your eyes. The outfit you're wearing looks so good on you. One of the collections of one of the most famous fashion designers has been selected for you. Alternating with two other models, you go out there, showing the clothes on your body for less than a minute. A then you go back to change into your next outfit, and leave when it's your next turn.
It was your job.
You like it. You are a famous model.
And you don't mind that people only look at what your body looks like.
You go to clothes exhibitions, you take part in advertisements for clothes, cosmetics, nail polishes, jewelry. You are the face of many advertisements.
A lot of people who hire you choose you because you're sexy. And there is mystery in you. And your eyes show killer sexiness.
Your pose is flawless, sophisticated.
Everyone who knew you talked about this mystery in photos and videos. Something obtained without photomontage and without any additional make-up.
And Dark Beauty when you're seen in the ads for the blood red collection. Everything from lips to nails was a rich red.
That color just reminded you of what had happened over the years of your life. You don't care as long as no one knows about it.
Besides, your revenge isn't quite complete yet.
When you were 16, you swore revenge on those who hurt your family and you. You are 23 now. You are a famous model that neither the media nor anyone knows the whole truth about.
Nobody knows anything about your childhood, nobody knows anything about your past.
"Our killer only kills those from Q? Pretty good..." the white-haired man muttered, looking at the lists of names killed by one person this month. Three people. He couldn't feel sorry for these people. Each of them had the symbol of the Q family. How could he worry about the death of his enemies?
"Gojo-san, there's going to be a fashion show party soon with Q's boss."
He looked at the man who had spoken to him.
He stood up, adjusting his white shirt, adjusting the collar. He put on a black jacket and black glasses hiding his face.
"I couldn't miss it. Let's get together, guys. Time to bust some Q's heads."
Upon arrival, Gojo sat in a chosen spot next to the raised stage for models.
Soon after, the lights all around went out. The stage was lit.
This made it difficult for them to find their target.
So they decided to wait until the main banquet and party started to catch their enemies then.
Those who hinder his mafia cannot exist. Creating a business is a daily routine for the great "Six Eyes. And when people who have contracts with him are suddenly found dead with a "Q" burned into their skin, he can't sit idly by.
When he watched the fashion show, he thought it was everything he had seen before. All models the same, with fake smiles, with everything to make them even more attractive to the viewer. In none of them, in his opinion, was one whose eyes reflected the soul. And Six Eyes draws attention to human eyes. He knows people's eyes when they show fear or anger. When they show emotion. According to him, there was nothing interesting in the eyes of these women.
Until you came out from behind the curtain, walking calmly ahead. In an elegant black dress.
Your face showed a certain coldness, but warm at the same time. Your eyes were so mysterious.
White hair caught your attention, and you looked at him once.
And then, the mysterious darkness in your eyes made his heart beat faster.
Despite your emanating true model face, coupled with a nice façade, he felt your beauty was deadly. And he liked it very much. Mysterious danger.
A beautiful cat that can scratch her claws at any time. Even to death.
His eyes sparkled behind his glasses as he felt a little blush appear on his cheeks.
It was the first time he fell in love with someone at first sight.
No... It was the first time he truly fell in love. And he didn't want to lose this chance.
That's why he memorized as many details of your face as possible to catch you at the party after the fashion show. Because he sincerely hoped you'd be there.
Even if this party here may be bloody and trashed tonight.
But the moment everyone heard a few shots and one man fell to the floor lifeless, Gojo knew that this was no time for love or fun for him.
After all, he came here to get rid of enemies in an easy way.
And the orders to anyone who came with him said only: "If you see someone from Q, shoot without hesitation. They're definitely here."
All the people panicked and started to run.
And then each of them took out a gun and started shooting at the enemies.
When the white-haired man saw that you were standing behind the curtain on the stage, without a moment's thought he ran ahead, jumped on the platform and pulled you on his shoulder, to sit behind a meter high and shoot to protect you. His goal in sight has already killed three opponents today.
"What're you-?!" You screamed as you pulled away from him.
You already had a plan to approach one of the Q's from behind and slit his throat!
And he interrupted you.
"Don't be afraid, you won't die." He said to you.
You couldn't see his eyes clearly through his glasses. But you know he's not a cop.
You are in the middle of a fight between mafias.
Arrows started raining in your direction and he then quickly pulled you in front of him, making you kneel in front of him, and he lowered your head to his chest as he bent down so they wouldn't shoot him.
As he knelt, leaning forward, you were underneath his body. That's how he protected you.
You don't know why he did it. But you guess there's a deeper meaning to it.
It was the first time anyone protected you. It was nice of him. Because that man didn't even know you. You only looked at each other once during the show. Few minutes ago!
When there were fewer shots in your direction, you crawled out from under his chest, heading around the narrow stage.
And you, too, reached into your thigh and pulled out a folding knife.
Ignoring the screams of the white-haired man behind you and the shots, you kept walking. Until you finally saw a man with a "Q" tattoo on his neck.
You literally felt the knife sharpening in your hand and you quickly walked over to him without making a sound and smashed the knife into his neck. And then to the side of the head.
You quickly pulled away and sheathed the knife to check for blood. Fortunately not.
You were pulled to your feet by the same man who tried to save you right after all the shots had stopped.
You looked at his face without glasses.
You noticed the beauty and unique vigor of the eyes.
You heard another shot.
You looked to the side to see a dark haired man firing a gun at a man who was sitting with his back against the stage to make sure he was dead. With his head on the side. Because of this, no one could see the hole in his temple and neck, which is why he died.
"That's everyone. None of them managed to escape." He said, addressing the white-haired man. "What about her? Shoot? You don't have glasses."
He pointed the barrel of the gun at you.
You'd love to fight. If only that guy's hands weren't on your shoulders.
"She saw my face, huh... It's okay. We're taking her with us." He said with a smile.
"What?!" you shouted pissed off.
"Baby, you couldn't see my face. It's not against the rules of my Mafia. No one except those closest to me has seen my face or knows my real name. According to the rules, I should kill you or lock you up so you don't tell anyone. However, killing you would be a great loss. You're so beautiful and you got me curious... I don't want to kill someone I fell in love with."
"...Hold on!" You screamed as you pushed him, but he only held you tighter.
"Come on. I just have to admit there's something mysterious about your eyes. What you show on stage is not the real you, is it?"
"Fuck off!"
"Aw, honey..." he mumbled sadly.
He started to drag you by the wrist to the car. And even though you kept leaning against you, when the other man helped him to immobilize your arms, you were put in the car and he got in right behind you. The door was closed.
You noticed the black window in front of you, separating you from the driver.
That's good. Maybe you can kill him.
When he looked away for a moment, you put your hand under your dress, pulling your knife from the belt on your thigh, and suddenly jumped into his lap, putting the blade to his throat.
"Hey, baby, this is how you repay me for helping me? Understand that these are the rules we have." He said with a smile, hands raised in front of you.
"I could handle myself." You growled.
"Such a dangerous, beautiful woman. What part is the real you?"
"Who are you?! Someone from Q?!"
"Slow down a bit. Actually, it's like I'm taking you, so I should be the one asking the questions. But okay. I'm Six Eyes. Mafia boss. And when it comes to Q, I'm their biggest adversary."
You wondered if you should trust him. He didn't seem threatening now. Also, there was no Q anywhere here.
Holding the knife to his throat, you hesitated for a moment on what to do.
This caused his hands to quickly pull you down to the seat. His both hands held your wrists while his hips touched your ass as you lay on your stomach.
"If I was from Q, I'd rather kill myself than be there. And besides, everyone from Q would pay no attention to anything. They would just tie you up, rape you, kill you, and then dump your body in a ditch. Did I do that?"
"If you tried, I'd castrate you." You growled.
"Dangerous. I like it. However..." he let go of your wrists and sat in his place, giving you space. "I don't know if you could do something for me. I must admit your ferocity and hostility is strong. But let's say I'm the Mafia boss and you're the model."
"Do not underestimate me..."
"So tell me, (y/n) (l/n), why shouldn't I underestimate you? Tell me something about you. Because you are famous, but your biography is not known by anyone."
You were locked up in the large villa that was his home for several days. Why? Because he didn't want to lock you up in your old garages. He didn't want you gagged and bound while you sat there for who knows how long.
Your relationship was closer because you liked him. However, there was still some tension between the two of you.
Him, the annoying, selfish asshole and egotist who spoke to you the way he wanted to, and always came in when you least expected it.
He was able to come to you in the bathroom while you were taking a bath.
And he joined you.
That's why things became intimate between the two of you quickly, even though you weren't even a couple. You could just be considered friends now.
And you both liked the relationship you already had.
Nothing changed for the next two weeks.
It doesn't matter how many times you hit him with a pan until he finally let you go.
Of course he didn't because he acted like a child after being hit on the head with a pan. He pretended to cry.
You took good care of him and checked him for any head injury. Everything was fine. So you didn't have to worry.
And then he wouldn't let you get out of bed, wanting to make you feel guilty for doing it.
He was lying on your stomach, making you rub and stroke his head because it hurt. And it was your fault.
You apologized to him, and what else were you supposed to do?
It was your revenge for him locking you in here. And for skipping one of the most important performances where you were supposed to show clothes on stage. However, you couldn't complain, because as compensation for your lost money, you received from him a wardrobe worth half a year of your work. Or even more.
If only he was still good at sex, then you wouldn't complain so much. Because your partners were terrible. It's as if they couldn't do anything.
Besides, you've also been given a luxurious house that you have to live with him anyway.
"Come on. I already apologized to you..." you said, running your fingers through his white hair.
"But it hurt..." he said, pretending to cry.
"You don't even have a trace of it. There isn't even a bump on your head."
"But it still hurt...
"You've probably watched the ball through your opponents more than once, right?"
"Not at all..."
"You're in the mafia, Satoru..."
So yes, he told you his real name with the idea that you can't leave him and leave his house anyway. So your names were used by you on a daily basis.
"I've been in the mafia since my mother gave birth to me. I took it from my father... Besides, nobody ever shot me. Because I shot faster and more accurately than they did. When I was 15 I killed a spy who was looking for our weak point in our defense." He laughed, purring as your fingers swirled in his hair.
"So you had a bloody childhood too?"
"I doubt you shot anyone when you were a teenager." He laughed. "How old are you anyway?"
"I'm 23." You replied.
"Same as me! You see? We are made for each other!" He stood up suddenly, looking at you with sparkles in his eyes.
"Apparently you have a headache." You laughed as you saw him quickly lay down on top of you again. "Come on. Come, let me stroke you a little more."
"Which means you had a bloody childhood?"
"Do you really want to know? Don't you prefer that I leave my mysterious eyes?"
"You're smart and cold, or so you think. At fashion shows and commercials, you change it to a mysterious and sensual façade. However, you can care for someone else."
"I hit you with a pan. Is this supposed to be taking care of someone?"
He laughed slightly.
"It was different. Because I don't forbid you to be aggressive. I understand that you hate me. But now you're stroking and hugging me. You wash me while I wash you. We are not such enemies. Can you say we're lovers?"
"I don't know. But when I was 16, I also did something that probably no other model has ever done." You laughed.
He looked at you for a moment, analyzing what you said.
And 7 years ago, almost 10 people were murdered. And from that moment on, the murders of everyone in the Q group and family began. Starting with some of the closest ones from the family of the boss himself.
And these murders continue to this day. The murderer is impossible to catch because no one knows who he is. The gender of this person is unknown. No one knows what his goals are in these murders.
"This knife... You..." He looked at you questioningly.
"I have a knife scar under my hair. And the blood stains are washing off the skin." You said softly. "You can beat me if you know the truth now. If you think I'll be in the way or I shouldn't kill people like them. But remember that if you try, I will try to protect myself."
"You know it doesn't matter to me We may even be partners in crime. Because this is the woman I fell in love with at first sight." He hugged you, holding you tight.
Your actions for revenge are not ridiculed by him. On the contrary. He supports it.
And he promises that everyone from Q will die.
Because he fell in love with mysterious dark eyes. Eyes that from the beginning hid something murderous. So beautiful.
Just like all of you.
Your relationship was like lovers and enemies at the same time.
Or was it more like partners in crime now?
Dark lovers who don't care about the lives of their enemies. You has a mafia boss, the famous Six Eyes, wrapped around your little finger.
You guided him. His heart.
Such a powerful man was so small and sweet to you. So submissive.
That's why you could give that big little boy what he wanted.
You were still riding his cock until you were out of breath that night.
Or rather, his breath.
When you wonder if he's good at sex, you thought he was going to be average.
However, it is different.
He has a big nice dick.
It really stretches you out. It goes so deep. It hits all the best places.
You could barely feel the thin condom against his thick length as your pussy slid over him, lovingly inviting him into your tight warmth every time you lowered your hips.
His arms were bound with the string you found. It felt so good in his muscles.
He couldn't move while you scratched his arms and bit his neck.
You were riding him, making him moan. His hips pushed upward to meet your warmth. Your hand on the back was catching his balls and you were squeezing the skin in your palm. You pinched his thighs. You ran your hands over his lower abdomen, running your fingers along the veins running down his pubic bone.
Your fingernails ran over his chest, occasionally grazing his nipples.
While riding him, you massaged your clitoris to make you come faster. And you smiled as you watched as his head was thrown back as he red-faced moaned at the feeling of your pussy sucking him. His chest heaved rapidly.
His cock twitched inside you.
And then you pulled it out of you, leaving it out in the air. Only with a thin condom on it.
He moaned as your fingers tightened on the base of him, not allowing him to come.
It was his first ruined orgasm you gave him.
And you think he was always driving during sex. He was downstairs now, but he didn't protest. This guy just needed someone to dominate him the right way.
Very slowly and unbearably, you took the condom off him as the precum began to form a transparent puddle in the sperm reservoir.
Leaning down to his red cock, you kissed his head, listening as he moaned, his hips jumping as he felt a sudden touch against a sensitive part of his body.
He was so red and sensitive from a ruined orgasm. It was so cute.
You sat on his hips, and rubbed your pussy against his length, pressing his shaft against his muscular belly.
At the same time, you pulled his face down to your chest, doing something he always did when he saw you shirtless. You put his head in your breasts and he immediately started sucking on your nipples. Feeling the softness of your skin.
Soon after, he started moaning again and you stopped touching his cock again. If he wasn't tied up now, he would grab the length of it and start stroking himself to feel relieved. But alas, his hands were tied. There was nothing he could do and he was at your mercy.
You pressed your fingers against it again. Ensuring not one drop of his cum will come out of his tip. He couldn't come yet.
You want to see him throw his head back and moan when he wants to cum so much.
You sat on his cock when he didn't have a condom on, and he hissed through his teeth at the hot and tight feeling when he had nothing to separate your insides from his sensitive skin.
You grabbed the second condom and ripped open the wrapper. Only then did you get off of him, watching his wet tip drool.
You put the rubber all the way down his length, and then you sat on him again.
Warming his cock until his eyes were glassy and hazy and his face was so red.
As he threw his head back and his shoulders and hips trembled, wanting to start thrusting into you to come, you gave him some mercy.
You started jumping on top of him, smiling as you watched his heavy breathing and closed eyes.
The mighty mafia boss began to moan beneath you. And his ragged moans coupled with light sobs were the cause of his intense orgasm which was a combination of the three he was about to get. His thighs trembled as he came filling the condom inside you, the heat from his fluids pushing his sensitivity to the limit.
As you pulled him out of you, his cock fell soft against his stomach. You took the filled condom off him and tied it, putting the sticky rubber on his abs.
You lay down next to him, untying his hands, letting him pull your body against his.
Your nights together made him unable to resist you. So when you wanted to go back to your dream job, he had to agree.
Two people followed you across the city.
Even if he trusted you not to tell anyone.
He had your secret and you had his.
Little cameras in people's suits let him see what you were doing.
Well, he knew what you would do with those two.
Besides, he didn't feel sorry for them. They were two deserters who ran away from Q to join his mafia.
And he promised you that everyone who is or even was with Q will die.
That's why when he suddenly saw a pool of blood on the other side, he wasn't surprised and didn't even feel sorry for the two people.
Then he saw your face as you held the camera in one hand and your knife in the other.
"Not nice, Six Eyes ~. I don't like being followed. And we'll keep your punishment for that for later, Okay?"
When you said that, he felt a pleasant shiver that passed over his spine. And he couldn't wait for you to come home.
You were his dark queen.
His dark, beautiful queen will have her beautiful vengeance.
Because you will get everything.
Every year, on your birthday, he would take you to one place where the dirty work of killing was often done.
As a surprise, you got one or two high-ranking Q people.
Because his beautiful queen will always get what she wants.
So if you want revenge, you'll get it. In the best way for you.
You are his killer beauty. His deadly love.
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
I hope that's ok, but could you write about the Upper Moons and their partner, who is their opposite? I just love the couple dynamic where "opposites attract". If you don't want to write about it, it's okay, in any case, have a nice day and mood!💞
Thank you 💞, I hope you like what I wrote. Since I didn't know if you wanted any specific Uppermoon... I did all of them (the adults), lol. Sorry if it's not what you wanted and that it took me some time. If asked something more specific I can go into more detail, but I hope this will be enough for the moment. Opposites attract is a lovely dynamic if done correctly so here is my attempt.
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Opposited attract, human gn reader.
Warnings: A bit of Manga spoilers, Power imbalance and Mentions of cannibalism (both are mostly them refering of how they have to be careful with you), Some erotic themes implied, Kokushibou's and Gyutaro's insecurities, Akaza's angst, and Karaku will moan to annoy you (like the moaning while the other is on the phone type of context).
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You are such a free-spirited and free-minded person.
Kokushibou can't forget how fragile you actually are, being a human, so he never acts upon it, but he can't help but envy you. "Koku-kun, calm down. The world won't die if the hierarchy does for a few minutes. Don't worry that pretty head of yours." He is so cold, but you warm him up as you are patient with him and try to get him to stop getting frustrated over the smallest things, like Akaza and Douma fighting or remembering his human life. "Don't call me that." He protests, but still lets you do as you please.
You are patient, tolerant and understanding, you don't hold yourself. He wishes he could be more like that and less like himself. There are times he just wants to push you away, for you to disappear, to stop reminding him what he isn't. But at the same time he craves having you by his side, to chase after you.
In the end he just stays by your side in silent, watching you be that beautiful self. "C'mon Koku, just relax. We are ok."
You are very mature, specially in emotional intelligence.
Douma can't help but notice you know how to respond to everyone's feelings. You are very empathic and can easily deal with yourself without hurting others, not that Douma would know anything about being hurt. Still, you are very weird to him. Even when he teases you (and he can be cruel at doing so) you only take a deep breath. "Douma, please stop. I'm not standing those comments, they are hurtful and I will leave if you don't stop."
"Alright, alright. I will stop." It's not that he could not stop you from leaving, but it's weird how you handle the matter. You don't just barely tolerate unlike his followers and Gyokko, nor ignore him like Kokushibou and Muzan, much less attack him like Akaza, the Hashira and technically her. But this is not about her. It's about you. "Thank you for listening." You are honest but willing to compromise at the same time you stand for yourself in a respectful way.
You are just a human, like any other he could just eat you, but he doesn't want to. He wants to understand first. How? Why? That makes him always want stick around you. "Hey, Y/N. How about we go to my place? That would be lovely!" But he doesn't show it besides acting like he does with everyone else. Because Douma is bad with feelings.
You are always growing, not only physically, but mentally.
It scares Akaza, to be honest, how you are constantly transitioning and changing. "I just decided to try a new hobbie, might like it more than what I do in my free time now." If he looks away a more than a month you already changed your rutine, already have a different favorite things, and learned so much it changed your worldview. And for Akaza is a bit hard to keep up with it. "I have buyed a few more books, I will read them whenever I have time." Not also this, but you are aging, like the human you are.
"Become a demon, Y/N." He always tells you, afraid that one day you will not be there. Or worse, that you will but he won't be able to recognize you. Because you are always moving on, and he is stuck. Stuck as the third Uppermoon, stuck as a demon, stuck as a servant of Muzan, stuck in his hatred, stuck in the feeling someone something should be here but it's not, stuck in the need to bring up medicine something, stuck in his desesperation to get stronger to save them. But you don't become a demon, you will die, you will leave him behind too.
You always comfort him, and he stays close 24/7. He's afraid and can't let you go. "Please don't leave me behind." It's hard to convince him you won't, but still, besides you he is very happy. Sometimes he wishes you could get stuck with him, but he won't force to anything. "I'm here, Akaza." For now.
You are a humble sunshine! No, really, you smile as if both your wallet and mind were empty.
Nakime doesn't know what the heck she likes about you. You are lovely, she can easily admit that, but that's it? Still, she lets you around, you watch with awe her castle, wanting to touch everything, to explore everything. "Nakime-chan! Your house is the one of an empress!" You always compliment her for everything.
"You are also very impressive." She tries to answer that good vibes, it's bit hard to her. You don't mind it, you are fine with how little she gives. There is also the fact that you talk a lot and she can't keep up with that. "Nakime-chan, it's not necesary for you to compliment me. I know it doesn't come naturally to you. Just being around and you teaching me all this greatness make me so happy already."
But she loves being around you, she lets you explore but keeps an eye on you to make sure you are not hurt. She relaxes against the positive energy you bring to her home as you wander around or join her to talk to her. This is fine.
You are brave and honest, always facing upfront everything. A natural leader.
Hantengu admires you a lot, but he also finds you quite intimidating. Everytime you are around he hides and covers himself, which is a bit cute with how nervious en embarrassed he is, but you always manage to find him to talk. You share yout thoughts and feelings easily and try to reach solutions. "I really think you should find a way to depend a bit less on the clones. They can't always be around."
"Al right, I will see into it. I promise. Just let me be, please. I'm very tired." He lies, he always lies. It's hard to not lie. To lie is to protect himself, and he's just so afraid. He knows you can deal with the situations but he is too paranoid to not lie. Still, you are patient with him, and he trusts you enough to rely on you. He really likes you because he can actually do that.
It's hard to be so afraid of everything, to not being able to trust himself. He didn't ask to be like this. You are a stable safespace. You are trying to communicate, no idea if there will ever be results. But you try.
You are a hyped disaster who just wants to have fun!
Sekido wants to die. What was going on with him falling in love with the perfect mix of Karaku and Urogi?! What the hell?! "C'mon Sweet-Cherry, let's just have fun!" You pull him into doing a reckless and useless activity that would probably get you both killed if he wasn't a demon. "DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT!" He screams blushing, you are nothing more than trouble. You start laughing and keep teasing him and he just trembles of embarrassment and rage. "HOW DARE YOU?!"
He never does anything to you, how could he? Not only you are too precious, but you would die from an attack of his. Why must you be so infuriating?! Always being in the best mood?! "Ohhhh, are you mad? You look cute at mad, but you know what would be even more cute? A smile!" He really can't stand you... and that is why he just stays still as he lets you have your way with him, huh? There are times he is just amused and watches you be.
There are even times you got him to laugh "*gasp* Is that a smile? That's so cute!" He will always deny "NO, leave me alone!" He gets used to your teasing, and you know you've won when he starts teasing you back. "I stop looking at you and you almost kill yourself. Are you that needy?" He asked once amused. "Oh hell yeah, I am. You should always look at me!" He does.
You are a concentrated person with great ambitions.
Honestly? Karaku is always just chasing a good time, that includes chasing you at times. You, on the other hand, don't do anything without having actually thought about it, analyze the results, pro's and con's. "C'mon, Hot-stuff! Pay attention to me!" He is always trying to distract you when you are working.
You want more than what you have, you want to get big things, be big things, that you work hard for it. "Give me 15 more minutes and I'l spoil you, Karaku. But I'm working." He doesn't want to wait, so he puts himself on your ear and "Argh~ ohh fuck~ ahh, Y/N~ it feels- mnph!" You blush and cover his mouth with you hand, and he starts to lick it and suck it.
You always have to redo your schedule for him, he is greedy for attention and likes to mess around. He thinks it's funny both how you resist to his charms but also give in to them. He is supportive of you, so he will help if you tell him to do something in specific, but still. Karaku is a distraction, a pleasurable one, and you are addicted to it. It's only human to procrastinate. "Y/N! Let's have fun together!"
You are classy and collected, almost having a zen presence.
Urogi likes you a lot, "You are like, shiny but without glowing or reflecting light, if that makes sense" it doesn't, but you understand what Urogi wants to say. He is always moving and acting like an animal, he likes grabbing things with his feet, chew all his food together inside his mouth filling it until parts slip off his lips, destroy things and draw attention. But you also attrack people's attention.
"Behave a little Urogi, watch your manners." You wipe softly and kindly some dirt in his cheek with a piece of cloth, being patient and tender. Ever so calm, like a Buddha! And you are elegant as well, and Urogi only wants to play and mess with you. He wants to snach you away because he likes you. "Mine!"
He is always or moving around you or all over you, sometimes he kidnaps you before flying away. As he is careful to not hurt you, you are forever impossible to perturb. That only makes him crazier about you, hyped by only having you near. "Y/N, call me Baby-bird! I like it when you call me petnames! Call me something cute!" You only chuckle calmly before nodding and speaking gently. "Is this ok, my Baby-bird?" "Yay! Call me that again!"
You are loud and strong-willed [You are Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! Okno 🤣 sorry.]
Aizetsu looks up to you, you have a very strong character and a determined personality. You are not afraid to draw everyone's attention to yourself and to stand up for what you believe. "Sekido, stop scolding Aizetsu! He is trying his best! Aizetsu, baby, don't let him talk to you like that!" He really likes you and can't help himself but shy away.
"Thank you for defending me, Y/N. I'm sorry for being a bother." You lunge fowar to grab his shoulders with your arm and press him against you, making him blush. "You are not a bother, just... stop letting others talk and walk over you. And stop being so cute!" It's easy to forget who is the more powerful between you two, since you always take the lead and he lets you be fondly.
He likes when you hold him and cuddle him, loving that you just go for what you want and that you go for him. Most of the time you are physically touching somehow, he passive and letting you do whatever you are, blushing at most. And you all over him showering him with love. "You are my baby, Aizetsu! Don't forget it, I will always be there for you!"
You are lazy, always looking tired, but very generous and kind.
Gyokko wants to scream everytime he sees you looking as if you just woke up. He actually does scream at times, horrified, really. "AHHHHHHHHH! Oh gods, oh gods, you look TERRIBLE! What happened?!" You just look at him, not really caring of your appereance, before smiling softly to him. "I stayed up late, that's all. Don't worry about me, Gyokko." That only frustrates him more "I'M NOT WORRIED! I'M DISGUSTED! GO BACK TO SLEEP!"
Honestly, there are times he thinks just eating you and get over with it would be easier, but he doesn't want to risk it. As a human, anything that happens to you might be your last breath. He doesn't want you gone, and it's easier to blame how fragile your body your state instead of the fact thatcyou don't take that much care of yourself. Specially because you care a lot for others, always helping around, giving others your time, energy and resources.
And while that is the reason he loves you, he feels you should focus more on yourself at times. But you spend a lot of time together. Sometimes you watch him from afar while he makes pots, other times he watches you help others. You watch him with kindness and awe, he watches whoever is with you with anger and frustration. "Stop wasting so much on others! Come with me right now, I'm taking you away!" You are the most patient and understanding, you you mend the problems you both have. "Let me finish this favor I promised someone and I will go out with you. Don't be impatient." He is impatient, but you both manage.
Well-born, you are very healthy in every sense possible.
Gyutaro doesn't even know what is that you like from him, he's poor, ugly, sounds ill, has low self-steem, can't say no to Daki, has enough envy to fill the district's money if he was paid for it, and you can keep listing. And you still stay around. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what is going on."
He has so much envy of you. You are reliable with your emotions, you have a body you clearly take care of, a well developed brain and skills, you are socially apt, and you were born in a family with money. You are everything he hates and yet you are so good... "I really just want... something, ne. I don't know. Give me something from you, ne." You give him a hug and he burries his face into you.
You know how to treat yourself and others without getting hurt, without being anything like him. He really would love to be more like you, just like he loves to have you around to help him. Because he loves his sister, but he also wants somwhere he can heal, and you are good health personificated for him "Let's keep this a bit, ne." He tells you. "Alright, and you're welcome." He thanks you softly as he follows your lead and trust you to help him with whatche needs, even when he doesn't want ir or disagrees.... he thinks you could fix him.
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wandabear · 4 months
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Summary: Your duty is to watch her 'till Chton comes for her, even if you hate it, but do you really hate it? Especially when you start to get to know Wanda. The bond begins to torment you. But, oh Lord, you've never been so in love. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five chapter six
tw: angst, violence, mentions of death, fluff, angst with a happy ending.
Jules/Stolas is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤchapter two
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Almost four months have passed since Wanda and Y/N met. Even if the progress was slow, the Sokovian looked less sad, every time she left her room it was to go see Y/N or spar with Natasha.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Although they sometimes had dinner with the Avengers, they always had a special moment together. Wednesdays and Fridays were their 'special days just for two'.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Missions have been difficult but nothing that endangered her friends. Friends, this is how Wanda was beginning to see the people around her. They were no longer the 'avengers', Nat, Kate, Y/N, Jules, Yelena, Clint, each and every one of them cared about her.  And she cared about them too.
Slowly the brunette began to come out of that bubble, feeling less hurt and finally accepting the loss to begin to heal.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Unlike Wanda, the one who was beginning to have serious trouble was Y/N, whose confusion and guilt was slowly devouring her from the inside.
How could she have a friendship with someone she had to betray sooner or later? How many times had Abaddon say that she shouldn't come near Wanda?
Thousands of times in thousands of years Y/N ran away from this type of relationship and now, as if it was like magic, Wanda made her feel so… comfortable. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Wanda made her smile genuinely. Wanda made her try harder, Wanda worried her. Wanda. Wanda. Wanda. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ  It was disgusting!
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Now she not only had to deal with lying to Abaddon, saying that the Sokovian was getting closer and closer to breaking down, but she had to lie to Wanda who was beginning to blindly trust her. Just like the other Avengers, who already trusted her.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Steve did it, the man was honest and always repeated that Y/N was a great agent. Bucky said the same thing, maybe he was closer to Y/N than Steve.  He was trying to make amends for his past too, so he understood how to trust but also how to understand other people's mistakes. Natasha and Yelena trusted her enough to have her as their right hand on missions. Kate seemed to be glued all day to Jules, looking like two dumb twins separated at birth.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ Everything was starting to get too personal and that tormented Y/N.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Good! But you have to improve more in your defense, okay?” Natasha said as she took Jules hand, helping  get up from the mat.The brunette smiled and just nodded quickly and walked over to Y/N, who was looking at her in confusion. Totally surprised that Natasha was the winner.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ “Did you let her win? There's no way she could beat you that way.” Y/N whispered, looking at Jules who was still blushing and smiling.  How was it possible for a demon to be defeated by a simple powerless agent?
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ Jules smiled mischievously and wiped the sweat with a towel. “Dude, I had Natasha Romanoff top on me for a few seconds, that's enough gain. I don’t mind losing.” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N's face said it all.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Maybe it wasn't just her who was getting too involved in all of this. Jules seemed to quickly get used to them, to… being an agent.  Just a ‘human being’.
How could Stolas forget where she came from? She was an ancient demon, respected as a Prince of Hell.  Demon Prince of the Day.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ Now she let herself be beaten and rubbed by a simple human.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
The bile rose as high as the anger, perhaps because she was projecting her own frustrations and fears onto Jules. But those thoughts disappeared when the Russian caught their attention again.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Wanda and Y/N.”  Nat pointed at them. “Let's see what you have.” ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Sighing, Y/N watched as Wanda nodded and stood on the mat. The demon did the same, perhaps a little embarrassed knowing that she was going to defeat Wanda in the blink of an eye.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Come on, go first.” Y/N said perhaps too smug, as if she were doing the girl a favor. The demon threw a punch into the air so slowly that she knew Wanda could easily dodge it, but instead of dodging it, the Sokovian grabbed her arm, forcing Y/N to fall to the ground hard.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Y/N stood up from the mat and looked at her in surprise.
She tried to go for her one more time but Wanda made her fall again, not just once but twice more. She wasn't even using her powers.
In the third time, the Sokovian ended up sitting on her belly preventing Y/N from moving in a key aikido technique.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I’m sorry.” Wanda asked worriedly, blushing quite a bit as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face.  “Are you okay?”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I-I’m fine. Yeah.” Surprised, agitated and a little blushing too, Y/N nodded trying to catch her breath. Noticing the position they were in, Wanda quickly stood up.
“That was great, Wanda!” Natasha clapped her hands proudly, quite surprised that the Sokovian finally fought back. 
Somewhat embarrassed, Y/N walked away towards Jules who was waiting for her with a bottle of water and a towel.
“You let her win too?” Jules asked curiously but Y/N just threw the towel at her face.
“Shut up!” Y/N growled and walked away from the gym so she could clear her head. Of course Wanda noticed Y/N's annoyance but she didn't say anything. Perhaps she blamed the agent’s damaged ego.
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After about two or three  hours running around the lake, Y/N decided to come back and take a long shower. All afternoon trying to think of something else, but Wanda seemed to remain, like a curse, not letting her go.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
The demon tried to avoid the places where the sokovian usually was, she finally entered her room and leaned against the door, sighing.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Are you OK? I've noticed that you're a little upset.” Jules' voice made her jump.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
The brunette was in bed, with a towel on her head, watching some kind of animated series and eating some chips.
It was pretty funny, and Y/N would laugh all night if she weren't so upset.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Frowning, she asked herself what could be worse? She had to talk to someone to understand what was happening, right? Couldn't tell anyone that she was a demon, feeling confused about a girl. Talking to Stolas was better than nothing.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Yeah… it’s just… Can we talk?” Y/N licked her lips and sat on the bed, next to Jules.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Sure, about what?”  The dark haired girl sat down, leaving the chips aside so Y/N could take some.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Taking a moment to think through her words, Y/N fixed her gaze on her friend's brown eyes. “What are you doing? I mean, what are we doing here?” 
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
What was she doing in this place? Making friends, eating, doing missions to save people.
She had been making the work of people like the Avengers worse for millennia, and now she was working for them. And she did it gladly.
She was watching Wanda’s back when she hated that girl her entire life, having to 'protect' her, now Y/N was beginning to feel affection for Wanda even though she always avoided it.
Everything was so confusing!
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Of course that's what she meant, but Jules simply smiled tenderly and pointed to her Stark tablet.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“What am I doing? I'm watching this thing… I’m really into this anime called 'Demon Slayer'. It’s so good! Do you wanna watch it with me?”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Oh, awfully innocent. Silence. A tense silence formed between them.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Blinking in complete shock, Y/N stared at the brunette trying to understand if it was a joke. She was trying to talk about something important and Stolas was just... talking about watching TV.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I don't mean that… Wait, you’re watching this… ‘anime’ about how they hunt demons… And you are a demon?” Y/N narrowed her eyes trying to understand it, and of course trying not to sound sarcastic. Seeing how Jules nodded excitedly, Y/N just shook her head. “You’re really something…”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Oh! Thank you.” Jules smiled proudly, thinking it was a real compliment.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
She couldn't even tell the difference between damn sarcasm, Y/N just got even angrier.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Ugh, I can’t talk to you!”  Y/N exclaimed in annoyance and stood up to leave the room, leaving her friend confused, but Jules just shrugged.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Walking with some haste and enough annoyance to make many agents walk away when they saw her, Y/N arrived at the dining room where she saw Kate Bishop sitting in front of the window enjoying a pizza with her dog, Lucky.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Bishop!” Y/N exclaimed loudly, pointing at her. “I have to talk to you!” 
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Sitting in front of Kate, the demon surprised the archer who opened her eyes wide, stammering. “Umh, I thought you hated me but okay!”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“We need to talk.” Y/N sighed. “You look like an irresponsible child who takes risks and puts yourself in danger, but trustworthy enough to hear what I have to say.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Wow… Okay! Sharp but sincere, tell me what you want to talk about.” Kate looked at her curiously, inviting her to have a slice of pizza but Y/N shook her head.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Lucky watched the demon for a long time, as if he knew she was up to no good, but never attacked or growled at her. Maybe because she hadn't done anything wrong yet, but even so, he remained alert.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
 “I've been feeling... strange.”  Y/N started a little awkwardly, she cleared her throat without knowing how to express herself very well.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Like what…?” The archer narrowed her eyes, Lucky decided to go to sleep on the couch, leaving them alone.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“About Wanda…” Y/N gulped, a little nervously.  “I've been feeling different when I’m with her. I wanted to talk to Jules about it but she's not... she's not THE person... she's not even a person most of the time.” She complained, pinching the bridge of her nose.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Wanda? Oh!” Kate's eyes widened, realizing what it was all about.  “About love, well I'm not an expert...”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“It's not about love, of course not!” The demon cut her off, shaking her head. How could it be about love? Maybe this girl perhaps wasn't as insightful as she seemed. Maybe she should have talked to Barnes.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“What do you feel specifically?” The brunette asked as she drank some soda, noting that it was the first time she had seen Y/N so nervous and worried. The woman always seemed so tough and badass.  “Without you looking at me as if you wanted to kill me with your gaze.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Frowning, Y/N thought about getting up and leaving but little by little that hard and serious expression began to relax. Kate was just trying to help her.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“Today, when we spar together, she made me fall… And at first I felt so angry. Ugh!” She clenched her jaw, couldn't believe it. Just remembering it made her blood boil.  “I mean, no one has ever brought me down in my life. And it is a very long life, Kate!”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
She stood up from her seat, slamming the table and making Kate jump.
The archer didn't say anything, just watched as Y/N paced back and forth like a caged beast.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“But she managed to make me stumble and fall easily, that made me feel so upset.” Y/N shook her head.  “But then that went away fast and I felt so proud… then I felt worried. So many feelings! How can you get them all at once?!”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
She stared out the glass window. The colors in the sky were fascinating and disturbing.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I could have hurt her.” Y/N murmured worriedly. She finally blurted out what was really worrying her.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Kate sighed. “But you didn’t.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“But I could.” Suddenly Y/N turned to see Kate, who was looking at her with some tenderness. Why was the archer looking at her with that tender look?
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“She’s enhanced.”  Kate tried to calm her down and make her understand, not realizing there was something deeper going on.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“And I am-…” Y/N was going to keep going but stopped. A demon.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
She was a demon, she was much more powerful, but Kate couldn't know that. How could Y/N be so stupid to almost let it out?   “A simple agent, I know.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Y/N looked down.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
“I didn't mean that.” Kate quickly apologized, embarrassed. She didn't want to break the progress she finally had with Y/N.
“I know.”  Y/N she sighed deeply, sitting back down. “But I worry… and that’s the deal, I never worry about anyone. She's my friend, but I don't feel like... a friend.”
Kate was about to say something and paused for a few seconds, wondering if it was the right thing to say, but Y/N sought her out because of her sincerity, she had to honor that.
“Maybe you're falling in love... What's wrong with that?”  The archer shrugged, noticing how Y/N opened her eyes so wide that she thought they would pop out of their place.
“You don't get it, can’t be ‘love’. That's not possible!” The demon exclaimed in fear. That would be the worst thing that could happen to her.
“Why not?” Kate looked at her confused. “It's not bad to feel love for someone. Are you homophobic or something?”
Those words made Y/N laugh so bad and so real that Kate was even more surprised. How could she be homophobic? She was a demon! She had always been with women, she had always preferred them but not to love.
“Of course not!” Y/N quickly defended herself.  “I love women, I just…”
Y/N swallowed, noticing how Kate was waiting to hear more.
“I just… can’t.” Y/N mumbled. “I didn't think I could be capable. That's going against everything I know, It's dangerous… you don't understand. It's not like you and Yelena. I wasn't made for this.”
After that, both of them were silent for a moment. Kate considered it necessary because Y/N seemed quite shocked at that news.
“What am I going to do now?” Y/N whispered to herself. “If I am in love with her…”
“You should tell her.” Kate pursed her lips, but when Y/N stood up from her seat she did the same. “Thank you for trusting me with this. I didn't think you liked me…”
“I do.” Y/N was trying to deal with everything at once. She sighed deeply, trying to focus on Kate.  “I'm not used to being grateful or being close to people.”
‘You're a good person and I'm not, not even a person. I just wanted to use you to go unnoticed.’ She thought.
Y/N gulped, after an awkward silence she was brave enough to break it. “Thank you, Kate.”
Y/N extended her hand to shake it with the archer's. Surprised, Kate nodded and shook her hand.  
“Would you like to jog with us? Tomorrow. Jules and I we used to do it, then we'll go get some lunch, maybe pizza.”
Kate giggled, but was grateful for the invitation. “Is that healthy?” 
“Does it matter?” Finally Y/N smiled and shrugged, for the first time she was genuine with her.
“Yeah, I- I'd like to.” Feeling endless emotions, Kate recognized that she felt happy and excited to share something with 'new friends' like Y/N and Jules. She didn't know anyone but her girlfriend Yelena in that place, and Clint was always with his family. It was normal for the archer to feel alone.
“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/N nodded and turned to leave, now she needed some time to think about everything.
Once she got far enough away, her face changed from a happy one to a worried one.
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But even though Kate advised her to tell Wanda about those feelings, Y/N decided it was best to walk away.
Her job was to ‘watch’ her and nothing more, she didn't have to interfere in the sokovian’s life and change everything. Why didn't she listen to Abaddon?
The demon complained over and over again, especially when she felt that strange anguished feeling in her chest when she missed Wanda. Thinking about her or avoiding her was driving Y/N crazy. Is this how humans felt?
Y/N looked at her watch and then quickened the pace. Didn't have much time if she wanted to get to the gym before Wanda did, maybe she could spar with Jules or Kate before the Sokovian arrived.
But when she turned into the hallway, ended up colliding with a brunette who seemed to be waiting for her.
‘Fuck’ Y/N thought.
Well, she knew that was going to happen at some point, but didn't expect it to be so soon. The woman was evading Wanda for so many days and she was lucky, but she wasn't going to be able to evade her forever.
Y/N stopped attending their dinners, besides not sparring at the same time. Even signed up for more missions just to not see her but she was just there.
“Hey.” Wanda whispered, looking up.  She started playing with her rings a little nervously.
“Hey.” Y/N murmured, scratching her neck, thinking of some quick excuse to run away.
“Are you going to spar?” Wanda asked just to make some small talk, since the moment seemed pretty awkward. Y/N was going to answer but Wanda stopped her:  “I haven't seen you for some nights. I feel like you're avoiding me.”
‘Tell her the truth, don't gaslight her.’
“Did I do something to upset you, Y/N?” The sokovian gulped at Y/N's guilty silence.  “Have I done something wrong?”
But Y/N stayed quiet, not knowing what to say or do.
‘Say something, say it’s not true!’ Y/N thought.
“No, Wanda, of course not.” Her lips began to move but she couldn't say anything coherent.  She had never felt so uncomfortable and sad. “It’s just…”
‘It's just that I'm made to make you suffer.’ She thought again.
Smiling sadly, Wanda just looked down. “I’m boring, right?” 
‘Oh, don't be such an idiot to make her believe that!’
“What? No! Of course not!” Y/N exclaimed quickly, begging for Wanda to believe her, to look up and see her eyes to notice that she was telling the truth. “It's not your fault, Wands, it's actually my fault…”
Without understanding what she meant, Wanda tilted her head.
Y/N just sighed and took Wanda’s hand to lead her to a more intimate place, leaving together to the nearest terrace.
“I just haven't been feeling well lately.” Y/N licked her lips nervously, wondering if it was really a good time to tell the truth.
“What's going on? What is it? I’m worried.” Wanda put her sadness aside to feel worried, even taking a step forward to look into Y/N’s eyes.
“I don't want to make things worse.” Y/N pursed her lips, not knowing how to begin.
‘Too late, you already have since you got involved with her.’
“Please, maybe I can help you.” Wanda tried, taking her hand.
That adorable and simple gesture just made Y/N open her eyes big in surprise. Feeling the warmth of Wanda's fingers intertwined with hers, it was so new, overwhelming and welcoming. A gesture so gentle, she could have sworn her eyes watered.
“I’ve been feeling a little different around you.” The demon finally opened up, leaving her ‘head’ aside and speaking from 'the heart'. One that she never had, one that had been dry for so long but apparently was beginning to beat.  
Wanda frowned, still not understanding.
“Wanda… I think… I like you, a little. I do… like you.” Y/N whispered. Despite her babbling, it felt so much better to be able to let go. “And that is causing this big confusion inside me.”
The demon looked for some answer in Wanda's eyes, trying to see if she was angry, or if maybe if she reciprocated those feelings.
Maybe expecting the witch to smile and say something cute but Wanda just opened those huge eyes, surprised.
“Oh.”  That was all that left Wanda’s lips.  Y/N wasn't ready to hear what was next.
“I thought we were just friends.” Wanda finished not only those words, but also the demon's dry heart.
Quiet and sorrowful, Y/N didn't know how to proceed. Her head was beginning to scream so loud; escape, scream at her, kill her, run away, say everything is fine.
“You didn't… You don't feel the same.” Y/N frowned at her in confusion, feeling like a complete idiot. “I thought that-”
Wanda's look so embarrassed only caused Y/N's heart to be engulfed by a huge invisible awful beast.
She didn't say anything, just looked down at those rings. Y/N could hear her heart racing, possibly because of the shame the witch felt.
How could she have confused everything? Fucking Kate! She said that-
No, she didn't say anything. It was all coming from Y/N's head. It was all Y/N’s own fault, and it weighed heavily on her chest. Anguish was beginning to close her throat, never felt so stupid.
The demon broke something so important to both of them, without even meaning to.  Anyway, she was meant to hurt her, right?
“Okay. This is awkward.” Y/N laughed wryly, shaking her head. She took a few steps back, not even able to see Wanda.
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Wanda, who seemed totally shocked and surprised. Who didn't know how to react to such a confession, much less from someone she considered a friend. Y/N dared to break their bond, one that was not easy to build.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I-I'm sorry, I-. I have to go.” Wanda murmured nervously and turned to leave quickly, without even hearing the last words of who she considered her friend.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Yeah, sure.” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The demon stood there, simply staring into nothingness. So many mixed feelings, that she didn't even know which one to follow.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Get angry. Go get her. Burn it all down. Don’t let her go. Tell her you care. Kill them all.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Any other time, you would have done it, you would have killed everyone. But Y/N just sighed and decided to go back to her room.
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“So, how is she doing?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ Abaddon's voice brought Y/N back to her senses.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
They both walked through the red and warm soil of that place, a beautiful as well as dangerous place. Tanzania was an amazing, beautiful, wild place.
Sometimes it was nice to have those powers, to be able to appear wherever you want. Only the fallen could use them as they pleased, of course. Wings weren't for everyone.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Abaddon invited Y/N to follow her, she was wearing the outfit of a Serengeti National Park worker, possibly stolen from what must now be a corpse.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
 “Our lucky girl. I've seen some videos on the internet about her, she’s powerful, not as much as I expected but that's good.” The redhead sighed as she searched for something in the grass.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“She’s okay.” Y/N sighed watching the sunset in that reserve, she had never seen a sunset like that. This world kept surprising her in incredible ways.  “I mean, she's grieving her loss but nothing-”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The sound of birds flapping their wings made Y/N blink, now showing her demon eyes.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“...that indicates it's time.” Abaddon cut her off, turning to look at her. Her eyes stopped being blue and turned an angry red, dangerous and deadly. Like those of the black mamba that watched them furiously from a rock. “I've heard you say it before,  I'm tired of that excuse. You have to make sure she suffers!” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N swallowed.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
As the sun set, the warmth of the place faded and the cold began to be felt, which neither of them was affected by.
The crickets stopped, as if they knew a more dangerous predator was nearby.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Why are we here?” Y/N tried to avoid that talk, looking around.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Every twenty-three years I like to visit this place. I like to spill some blood.” Abaddon smiled in a creepy way, walking straight towards the Black Mamba who looked furious. “A little chat with a warlord, a little of this, a little of that… I'm not the Horseman of War but I like to make trouble.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The snake positioned itself ready to attack but the demon was faster, grabbing its neck tightly. The black mamba opened her mouth, trying to free itself but it was impossible. It was next to another more powerful predator, a much more cruel and vengeful one.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“But I also like to make certain friends like this one, then I visit some people… we play a bit. I love wicked games.”  She hissed naughtily.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N pursed her lips when she heard that.
She knew that Abbadon was much more perverse and evil, possibly what she would do with that snake was much darker than she imagined.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“So, Leviathan, I need you to do your job and MAKE HER SUFFER! Kill her best friend, kill her fucking dog, get rid of everything Maximoff loves!”  Abaddon screamed and squeezed the snake so hard that Y/N was afraid she would kill it. But Y/N knew that the redhead was doing it on purpose. Y/N was a snake, she knew how much she respected them. It was a clear offense and if ‘Leviathan’ reacted, everything would get worse. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Maybe another demon would ‘take care’ of Wanda, and make even more chaos.
Through clenched teeth, the higher demon hissed: “I want to see her desolate and collapsed!”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Don’t say anything. Don't react. Don't think about the snake.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I will.” barely said with a thin voice.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Good girl!” Abaddon smiled and finally released the snake, letting it go. That black mamba escaped, sliding quickly through the grass. “The girl is a caterpillar under our shoes, right now of course, but when she finally hatches… she will break free like a butterfly. A very powerful, hurt and naive one… one that we can manipulate.” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N nodded, like a good soldier. “And that's when our victory will be guaranteed.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Pleased to see that Y/N understood, the redhead tilted her head to play with her a little.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“We never told you but we found the book thanks to you, so many years ago. Thanks to you we found the Darkhold.” Abaddon narrowed her eyes. “It was buried in the darkest depths of this Earth, much deeper than the Mariana Trench. And you brought us that information thirty years ago...”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Oh no. It couldn't be true. That couldn't mean anything more than… everything that would happen from now on was her fault, everything they decided to do with Wanda… It was thanks to her.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Without you... she couldn't have that destiny. You‘re her savior and her executioner.” Abaddon finished clicking her tongue.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The best Y/N could do was smile, trying to look proud but terror could be seen in her eyes even though she didn't want to. She had to think of something, she had to pick a side.
Well, Wanda rejected her. Maybe thinking about it the decision could be easier, thinking about the anger she felt and the frustration of being rejected as a simple vermin.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Be sure to let me know if there are any changes. Chton is very pleased with your work.” She slowly approached Y/N, watching her a bit flirtatiously but only squeezed her cheek, as if she were a wild child.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
She was just humiliating the snake, once again.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Can I really know what you need her for?” Y/N asked in a low voice, hoping the redhead wouldn't take her question the wrong way. Abaddon was too explosive, she could take a simple question the wrong way.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The stinging silence and sharp gaze from the knight of Hell made Y/N shift uncomfortably. Seconds in which the demon thought it could end badly, until Abaddon spoke.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“The Scarlet Witch will be in charge of destroying all our enemies, unleashing her chaos magic... finally freeing Chton and tying this entire world and every reality to her whim. Not just one world, but all of them will be ours.”  The demon's eyes lit up just thinking about it. A glorious plan for their entire species that would eventually dominate not just one but all realities.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Although a genuine smile was born on Y/N's lips just thinking about it, she couldn't deny that her instincts were still there, she was a chaos demon and always would be.  But slowly that smile faded as she thought about how awful that could be for humans. Or rather, for those she considered worthy of saving.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Suddenly in her mind came the image of Natasha, Kate, Yelena and everyone she considered 'good'.
Where would they go? What would happen to them?
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Gulping, Y/N felt guilty.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Do you think they will allow it?” She looked up for a moment, referring to the tenth realm. Angels.  “They are warriors trained to stop that, they will come for her first if they find out. They wouldn't let anything happen to humans, now they have help from other realms, like Asgard. They act stupid with big threats but this is… much bigger.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I wouldn't worry about that.” Abaddon arched an eyebrow. “We have someone inside, they're busy with something else. They are waiting for the moment, it is inevitable. It’s them or us, and the truth is that they don't care in the least about all these monkeys. Gods would sacrifice this world without hesitation to save others.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Both began to walk together through the grass, Y/N couldn't believe what she heard. Everything was ready and at the same time no one had any idea what was happening around them.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“So this Earth-” Y/N sighed, looking around, thinking how beautiful and dangerous that night was and could disappear someday. The animals that sought refuge in the night, and the macabre and charming laughter of the hyenas. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Will be doomed, like the rest.” The red eyed demon nodded.  “You see, all these heroes like 'avengers vs villains' efforts… it's just halftime at the Superbowl. They're just wasting their time, they're all doomed from the moment the Earth started spinning around.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The redhead looked at a bonfire in the distance, happy to finally get to where she needed to be.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I see.” Y/N murmured, stopping and watching as Abaddon kept walking.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“You are one of the few who knows.” Abaddon turned to look at her, this time it wasn't just a threat. “Don't let him down.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The demon didn't say anything other than nod her head, watching as the redhead walked away slowly.
A few minutes later, Y/N heard in the distance screams of pain and terror as well as gunshots. Several people were screaming in horror, some begging for mercy and others simply dying with honor.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N disappeared from that place to appear on the outskirts of the Compound. Perhaps the best thing that could have happened to her is that Wanda walked away from her, but it had to be so painful?
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
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“What? You like Wanda?!” Surprised, Jules was still at her side carrying some bags as they walked towards the hangar. The mission before them did not seem to be easy at all, but there was nothing better than a good deadly mission to forget about everything.  “You told her that you liked her and she did what?!” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Smacking Jules on the back of the head, Y/N glared at her in a deadly way to make her shut up. Although it was understandable, the brunette couldn't even begin to comprehend the magnitude of it all.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Yes. Don't say anything, I have enough with myself.” Y/N muttered, quite annoyed, could see on her face that she hadn't rested well, especially after everything Abaddon said.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Now she was forced to make Wanda suffer, even if it hurt her deeply.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I'm going to kill the bitch.” Jules grunted, dropping the bags into the quinjet.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“You can’t do that.”  Y/N wrinkled her nose.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I can't do that but I would if it made you feel better.”  The brunette demon pouted a little and then shrugged. Y/N smiled slightly, felt some tenderness that Stolas tried to 'defend' her. She left her bag on the quinjet, heading back out of the plane.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“And then Abaddon asked you to hurt her deeply.” She sighed, noticing the worry on Y/N's face. “Well, at least your job will be less difficult now.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N snorted. “You think?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Jules sighed, despite her evil nature, she had to be honest with her. “No, I think it will be worse, and I don't even know why.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
None of them could say anything more than accept the harsh reality, they were made for that. It was their mission, although they began to doubt in silence. But a voice out of nowhere  made them both turn around quickly, surprised to see that person in front of them.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Hi.” Wanda said with a small awkward smile as she played with her fingers. For days Wanda had been completely avoiding Y/N and now she was just there. “Can we talk?” 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Hey.” Y/N frowned so confused.  Those big green eyes left her speechless, Wanda looked like an adorable puppy.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Oh! yeah! I remembered that I have to find Kate for... something… can’t remember what… bye!” Smiling widely, Jules quickly left, leaving them alone.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The awkward silence and nervous glances reigned for a few seconds until one of the two was brave enough to end it.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I'm sorry.” Y/N began, sighing heavily. The demon just  looked around, noticing that Nat was approaching the Quinjet but after seeing them, she decided to quickly walk away, meeting Jules and taking her hand to leave the place.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N thought of a million things to say, telling her that she didn't even want to see her anymore,  thought of telling Wanda that she had never cared about her anyway.
But she decided to speak with what she least expected. Her old, inexperienced heart. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I shouldn't have gone further, I shouldn't have broken our friendship. I know what it meant to you, because it meant something important to me too.” Swallowing, Y/N felt an enormous weight leave her body and that was being able to tell the truth. Felt incredibly liberating.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“To be honest? I don't know what I'm doing.”  They both began to walk together, away from the hangar. The smell of the freshly cut grass and the beautiful sunset on the horizon was enchanting. The sun and the moon so near and so far; like that little bit of light sinking into the darkness of the night.  “I've never felt like this.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Wanda didn't say anything, just watched her thoughtfully, allowing Y/N to express herself first.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Wanda, it's the first time it happened to me.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
That made the sokovian frown curiously, looking at her gaze to see the truth. Oh, she wished she could read Y/N’s mind right now but she was also grateful she couldn't.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Have you never been attracted to anyone?” The brunette asked, that thick sokovian accent showing through, making it more charming. Making the demon fall in love a little more.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“No.” Y/N answered honestly, one of the few times in her life admitting something so important. Something impossible. “Never.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Unable to believe it, a small smile tried to form at the corner of those lips. “Why me?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I wish I knew that.” Smiling tenderly, Y/N put her hands in the pockets of the jacket. “I mean, I know why. I just don't know... why it's my first time, I know very well why it's you... You’re the one.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Her heart beat so hard in that confusion, was she doing the right thing? After everything Abaddon said, wasn't it better to let her go?
She couldn't even think anymore after Wanda broke the distance between them and cupped Y/N’s face, ending every doubt, finally kissing those lips that generated so much expectation.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Enjoying those soft lips, Y/N closed her eyes not believing what she was experiencing. As if her brain sent a blow to her entire body, her arms quickly wrapped around Wanda’s waist to pull her against her body.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Their first kiss, their first kiss leaving the pain behind and experiencing love for the first time.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
After a few seconds and the need for air, they both slowly separated without still being able to believe it. Y/N couldn't help but smile widely especially when she saw Wanda all blushing and smiling. Just two silly giggling girls.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I like you too.” Wanda said after gaining some courage, what did it matter? She had to finally leave the pain and fear behind. All those doubts in her head disappeared when she saw Y/N's sincere look.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I'm sorry I ran away like that, it's just…” The brunette sighed, trying to be honest with her and finally explain. “Everything is so hard after losing Pietro. I couldn't afford any more suffering.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Oh darling, if you only knew.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N gulped at those words.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I don't want to lose anyone else. Everyone around me… dies.” The Sokovian looked down, feeling deep sadness as she realized that tragedy always surrounded her life like a wild animal. In some way or another, she never managed to be happy until she arrived at the Compound. “It terrified me to think that if we had a stronger bond, I could lose you. I’m cursed.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“You won't.” Y/N said quickly, reaching out to cradle Wanda's face in her hands and gently caress her cheek. Her gaze fixed on those green eyes, letting herself be carried away by passion. “I'll do everything I can to make sure you don't.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
The demon knew that those words were going to cost her so much, that was a very difficult and impossible promise to keep but the feeling was much deeper. She didn't know what was possessing her at that moment, something she couldn't control.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
With a hopeful look and smile, the witch felt her heart skip a beat at that oath. She was ready to let herself go with whatever they had. Whether momentary passion or real love, she didn't care. She just wanted to live again.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Maybe we could…” Wanda bit her bottom lip, looking up at her. The height difference between the two was charming. “I don't know… try?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N's lips moved, about to give her an answer to that but Natasha's voice interrupted them as she approached carrying some bags. Next to her was Jules, smiling knowingly.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“It's time to goooo! ” Nat exclaimed, walking over to the Quinjet. “Move, lovebirds!”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N cursed the bad timing they were in right now. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“We'll talk when I get back, okay? Can you wait for me?” Y/N turned her gaze to Wanda, seemed a little sad to see the demon leave, but knew perfectly well that it was necessary. The Sokovian nodded, eagerly waiting for the moment to see her again.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Sure.” Wanda looked down shily, watching as Jules watched them smiling like a fangirl, some agents passed by her. Overcoming her fear, she dared to take Y/N's hand and intertwine their fingers for a few seconds. “Take care, Y/N.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Biting her lip for a moment, Y/N took the opportunity to get lost in those beautiful eyes before leaning down to kiss Wanda's lips once more.
This time it was a short and more chaste kiss, but definitely hopeful. 
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“See you later, Wands.” The 'agent' whispered before leaning down to pick up her bag and walk towards the Quinjet while being watched by the witch, who prayed with all her heart that the time to see each other again would be soon.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
She entered the plane and found her seat next to Jules, who pursed her lips tightly to keep from smiling, especially when Y/N looked at her with a deadly 'if you say anything I'll kill you' look.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
About twenty seconds passed until the brunette couldn't take it anymore. She quickly turned to look at Y/N, who closed her eyes and sighed knowing what was coming.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“She kissed you.” Jules wiggled her eyebrows excitedly. “Your heart is pounding even now, I can feel hers from a distance. She's into you!”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Turning to look at her, Y/N didn't say anything. Despite the seriousness of her face, she just leaned back on her seat.  “It felt like I was back in heaven again.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Surprised, Jules opened her eyes wide. She couldn't believe what she heard. “What?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“It felt like that…” Y/N swallowed, somewhat worried, somewhat happy, somewhat confused.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
She touched her lips, caressing it gently as if she wanted to feel that feeling again. “It felt like I was in heaven again, remember? When I was happy there.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Unable to believe what she was saying or feeling, Y/N looked at Jules with a confidence never seen before in her gaze. “We need to think about what to do. There's no going back.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“We'll see what to do.” Nodding quickly, Jules leaned back in her seat as well. Staying somewhat thoughtful.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I’m doomed.” But Y/N's gaze was lost in a fixed point on that plane, while the rest of the agents took their places, she couldn't stop thinking about those green eyes that now gave life to her heart.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
And then she smiled.
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here goes some amazing and lovely people tags   ✨  :  @wandanatfan @get-the-fuck-outta-here @idontknow-llol
Thank you so much for reading me! ✨ Really means a lot. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm starting the next one.
If you want me to tag you in the next chapters, just comment and I will. Thank you very much for reading me, honeybee! It means a lot! 🐝 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Do you want to help me? Wow, that's adorable and means a lot. You can buy me a coffee here!
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wishuroses · 1 year
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.⠀ ݁ ⸜⸜ 𓂃 𓇼 make a wish, spider soccoro.
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✶ pairings: spider x sully!reader
✶ warnings: fluff, lovesick fools, confessions, reader is a cutiepie and spider agrees wholeheartedly, you fell first he fell harder type deal, uppercase intended!
✶ word count: 854
✶ na’vi glossary: tawtute – human.
✶ a/n: i remember seeing a post asking for more spider fics, so i thought why not feed all my spider lovers out there? i’ve also been breathing down jack champions neck a lot recently (he is so fine) happy reading! :-)
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“C’mon Spi, keep up!”
“Ugh. I’m trying, your legs are too long!”
The forest glowed beautifully beneath your feet with every step you took, pointed ears fluttering from the echoed sounds of chittering flora and fauna. You and Spider had fallen into the steady, yet risky rhythm of sneaking out past eclipse; disregarding the fact that your mother would skin him and then knot your tail right after if she ever caught both of you out, alone for that matter. Yet you–stubborn and hardheaded– never listened to what your mother had to say, easily blocking out her irritated hisses of frustration when you openly expressed your interest in the little tawtute.
Little did you know, that little tawtute also took interest in you. Much more than you did him, for that matter.
You giggled at his exasperated comment, looking over your shoulder and flicking your eyes downward to find that he is, indeed, struggling to catch up with you. Spider was, for a fact, small compared to your lithe 7ft frame, but if you plopped him next to the rest of the sky people, he beats at least a handful of them in the height department.
“Want me to carry you?” You asked genuinely, coming to a complete halt as you watched him trail beside you carefully. Spider scoffed at your silly question, not missing the way his heart rattled in his chest at the fact that you cared for him, looking up at you with mirth and adoration shining in his eyes. “No need for that, not yet at least. We’re here anyway.”
At his words, you craned your neck to look around, beads thudding together in a chorus at the sudden movement, a smile blooming on your face as quick as it came. The familiar stream of crystal clear water and shroud of colorful flora confirming that you both were here. Your secret spot.
“Look Spider, look!” You stretched your arm and pointed a strong finger towards the darkened sky, tracing over the rushing streak of light that ran across the horizon. “Make a wish!”
He turned his full attention to you with a furrowed brow, tilting his head. “Make a what?” Like a moth to a flame, he leaned into you, happily taking in your presence.
“A wish! It’s just.. something you really want that you don’t already have. Something you long for. Dad said it was a tawtute tradition! Make one, quickly!” Spider hummed in understanding, watching you with a lovesick expression etched on his face. His eyes traced over your wide eyes filled with astonishment, twinkling stars reflecting off adored pools of honey.
“Well..” Spider paused and licked his chapped lips, “What if it’s.. someone I long for?” His palpating heart only increased violently when you locked eyes with him, the pretty smile on your face only widening further, gasping softly at his bashful confession.
You shuffled closer to the boy, warm thighs pressed against each other. “Spider,” You cooed, proud of him for finding a person to give his heart to, “You like someone? Who, who!” You wrapped your four-fingered hand around his forearm, tugging at it with excitement. “You must tell me!” He flushed strawberry pink, dipping his chin down to shy away from the intensity of your gaze–making a pout form on your face.
“C’mon, I won’t tell! Swear it!”
Spider then looked at you with a playful grin, heart soaring like a multitude of shooting stars when you quickly reciprocated his grin. He exhaled, and with a random surge of confidence, he intertwined his hand with yours, the obvious difference in size making it quite tricky–but he made it work.
You wonder how much he needed to hype himself up to go through with going so far as to hold your hand–he’s never been this bold, up until now, at least.
You looked at your entangled hands with raised eyebrows, wide, curious eyes flickering back to stare into his softened brown ones. Spider nodded briskly, answering your wordless question with a nervous look on his face. In your eyes, he looked slightly constipated–like he was worried about what your reaction would be– and if you two weren’t tangled up in each other, you would’ve laughed at him.
But realistically, in your eyes, he was the prettiest he could ever be. You smiled, eyes forming crescent moons.
As if you two hadn’t already popped your personal space bubbles, you scooted even closer, leaning your forehead over the sleek glass of his exopack. Spider never wanted to kiss you more than he did now–to press his lips against your face, trailing down to your neck, and onto the expanse of your striped tummy, all while thumbing gentle circles into the jut of your hips. He found you so beautiful, no words could ever suffice.
“My wish..” Spider started breathlessly after a long beat of silence. Your ears flicked forward to selfishly take in his next words, watching as his pupils dilate the more he took in your appearance, eyes already so brown that if you didn’t have such good eyesight–you would’ve missed it.
“My wish is you.”
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