#also three houses yippee
shadowaj · 7 months
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Pumpkin Spice Lysithea
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
seventeen days :D
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honestlyvan · 5 months
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Hi! It’s me and @drdarling again! We wrote the Alan Wake 2 annotation for Ahti’s dialogue! I’m aware there’s been guides like this out for like three years but also I wanted to do it myself in the style of the previous guide, mostly out of curiosity to see how the style of his dialogue has changed because it’s… definitely different :’D
Once again thanks to Saikku and RH for the help with the translations, and once again Finnish is very regional and my translations are just one Finnish reading on what the fuck he is saying. The point here is to demonstrate that Ahti isn’t cryptic, he’s quite comprehensible but he’s also definitely just saying shit to mess with people.
Spoilers for all of Control past this point.
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Ahti intro, points Jesse to the elevator:
There you are! You are here about the job. Janitor’s assistant. You need to go to the interview. Go that way to the elevator. Very good. I’m Ahti, the janitor, by the way. You’ll work for me. You can say I sent you. If they don’t hire you, niin johan on helvetti. There be work for the axe, take them behind the sauna, jumalauta.
“niin johan on helvetti” – cursing. “it (sure is/will be) hell” translates broadly to “there will be hell to pay”
“There be work for the axe” – “olla kirveelle töitä”, open-ended threat; something needs rectifying, with force if necessary
“take them behind the sauna” – “viedä saunan taakse”, “put someone out of their misery”, to execute someone. Saunas are usually built away from the house, so anything happening behind them would not be visible to the main house and yard.
Jesse: Ahti the janitor is a friendly face in my book.
Better than somebody with no face at all. Think about it, no face.
Jesse makes her way down to Ahti’s office in Maintenance:
Well done. You got the job. It’s place for congratulations. Jippii, saatana. (note from Autumn: Very deadpan delivery on this one that makes me lose it every time.) It happened in the last drop. I truly need an assistant.
“Jippii, saatana.” – “Yippee, (saatana)”, loanword from English.
“in the last drop” – “viime tipassa”, common idiom, “in the nick of time”
Jesse asks for help getting to the override to get the lockdown lifted:
Yes, yes. Easy peasy. It’s just around the corner. But first we need to get you working! Very small couple of hours job.
“just around the corner” – interesting case of Ahti using the correct English idiom rather than saying “behind the corner” as we’d say in Finnish.
“Very small couple of hours job.” – not an idiom, but a very common part of ESL English from a Finnish speaker, dropping verbs and particles.
Jesse inner monologues, “Something tells me it’s gonna be more than that.”:
Jahaa, jaa-a, you think there’s a dog buried in this? I can tell you are not a yesterday’s grouse’s son. That’s why you’ll make a great assistant. Very well, I’ll hit the facts on the table. Mä kyllä sanon perkele suoraan että this house has a vermin problem, a bad one. They’ve already messed up the cooling pumps and the power generators of power plant, perkele. And the pensioner inside is starting to feel the band around his head tighten. The situation needs to be fixed before the plant blows up and we all disappear like a fart in Sahara, perkele. But don’t you worry, I’ve left you clear instructions. You’ll catch the end of the thread before I go to my vacation. The works on the task board here you can do later when you have time.
“there’s a dog buried in this” – “koira haudattuna”, common idiom meaning that the situation is not what it seems, or there is a hidden (negative) side to the story being told.
“a yesterday’s grouse’s son” – “eilisen teeren poika”, common idiom, “born yesterday”
“Mä kyllä sanon perkele suoraan että” – “Perkele, I’ll say it (straight, directly), that”
“feel the band around his head tighten” – “vanne pään ympärillä kiristyy”, growing more agitated as the situation gets more serious. Sometimes you also hear “feel the band around the barrel tighten”, about situations that get more stressful before they resolve.
“like a fart in Sahara” – “kuin pieru Saharaan”, common turn of phrase, “into thin air”
“catch the end of the thread” – “langan päästä kiinni”, common saying, understanding the situation, “getting up to speed”
Jesse inner monologues, “Vacation? Right.”:
Yes. No-one's gonna cancel my holiday, or sheaths gonna rattle. But don’t worry at all. You’ll take care of it, and soon this crisis gonna be last winter’s snow. You better go now so you don’t have to run with your head as your third leg. The door in the back leads to the plant.
“sheaths gonna rattle” – “tulee tupenrapinat”, common idiom meaning that there’s going to be an argument or a fight. “The knives will be drawn”.
“last winter’s snow” – “menneen talven lumia”, water under the bridge.
“run with your head as your third leg” – “juosta pää kolmantena jalkana”, common idiom, to be in a rush.
Incidental dialogue hanging around in Ahti’s office throughout:
It’s time for a coffee break soon. Aah, kaffea.
“kaffe” – “coffee”, a Swedicism
Pensioner, yes. Northmoor, mister director. Starting to climb on the walls in his bachelor pad.
“to climb on the walls” – “kiipeillä seinille”, idiom, to act nervous and jumpy, “going spare”
Tango is a window into a Finn’s soul. It came from Suomi Finland. Anyone who says anything else is a lying goat. Perkele.
“a lying goat.” – “valepukki”, idiomatic. What it says on the tin.
(Translator’s note: Ahti is 100% lying when he says this. Autumn confirmed that this is a reference to the Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki talking about Finns inventing tango and sailors taking it to Argentina with them, but unlike Ahti we know he was joking.)
The Bureau is trying to dig a hole in their own cellar, looking for gold. Greedy will have a shitty end.
“dig a hole in their own cellar, looking for gold” – “kaivaa kultaa omasta kellarista”. As far as we can tell, this is not a saying anywhere in Finland, but as always this means it might just be an obscure one.
“Greedy will have a shitty end.” – “Ahneella on paskainen loppu”, a common saying. Exactly what it says on the tin.
Where did I leave my mop again? Pirulauta. Burnout, cosmonaut. I really need a holiday.
“Pirulauta” – “Devil, help me”, more commonly in the form “jumalauta” (god help me). The “devil” referenced in this is not a capital-letter Devil, but rather a folk devil/evil spirit.
“Burnout, cosmonaut” – Not directly a saying in Finnish. “Kosmonautti” gets used the same way “space case” does in English, he is berating himself for his attention slipping.                                             
The Containment Sector has blown to pussy’s splinters. The work won’t end even if you keep doing it.
“pussy’s splinters” – “vitun päreiksi.” “Vittu” is more properly translated as “cunt”, it’s the most common swear in modern Finnish. (Note from Saikku: In Ostrobothnia folks also say "pillun päreiksi", with "pillu" translating literally to "pussy".)
When the time comes, I’m gonna go on my vacation, like dad went into mom.
“like dad went into mom” – “kuin isä äitiin.” Exactly what it says on the tin. (Also not a saying, Ahti is just making a dirty joke.)
You know what’s the worst thing about this vermin? Saatana! The noise! They don’t appreciate good music. And that’s the reason they can go as far as pepper grows.
“go as far as pepper grows.” – “mennä niin kauas kuin pippuri kasvaa”, a common idiom. In essence, “fuck all the way off.”
The first thing I’m gonna do when I get to my vacation is to get drunk. Anyone who doesn’t respect that can go to hell’s spruce tree. Sausages on eyes. A drop won’t kill you and you can’t drown in a bucket.
“hell’s spruce tree” – “helvetin kuuseen”. This is a mistranslation from Ahti, since the more appropriate translation would be “to the backforests of hell”. Also, in essence, “fuck all the way off”.
“Sausages on eyes.” – “nakit silmillä”, common idiom, “extremely drunk”
“A drop won’t kill you and you can’t drown in a bucket.” – “Ei tippa tapa ja ämpäriin ei huku”, a reference to a pop song by Irwin Goodman of the same name about drinking lots of booze.
The Research Sector is the worst. The doctors don’t know how to clean after themselves. That Arish fellow is not a useless guy. Respects his elders. Makes good coffee. Yep yep. The janitor is the one who makes everything running and under control.
What A Mess: Burn The Trash dialogue:
Yep. Burn the trash. Throw it in the fire. Burn it all. Burn it into a reindeer, not into a moose.
“Burn it into a reindeer, not into a moose.” – (Translator’s note: *drags hands over face*) The word for ashes/cinders, “poro”, is a homonym with the word for reindeer, also “poro”. It’s a play on words.
Ahti dialogue on The Clog:
My old enemy, the Clog, is blocking the pipes. You need to deal with that shit. He’s my very old enemy, the clog, Paska.
“Paska” = shit
He’s very clever, he’s trying to sneak in. We got him caught with his hand in the fish trap. Get rid of him.
“caught with his hand in the fish trap” – “jäädä rysän päältä kiinni”, a common idiom. “Get caught with your pants down”.
It’s back. What would kill a bad thing? Paska mikä paska.
“What would kill a bad thing?” – “Mikä pahan tappaisi”, a common turn of phrase. What it says on the tin.
“Paska mikä paska” – “The shit is what it is.”
Ahti dialogue while fixing the power plant:
Broke. Gone to shit. Fix it fast. If the plant goes boom, we can throw the spoon in the corner.
“Gone to shit.” – “mennyt paskaksi”, translates directly.
“throw the spoon in the corner” – “heittää lusikka nurkkaan”, idiomatic, “buy the farm.” (This is a slightly odd translation to me, as it is being used more in the same sense as “throw in the towel”, creating the implication that dying in huge explosions is voluntary.)
It’s fried up. You need to fix it before the old twig-pants inside the plant has a shit-fit.
“the old twig-pants” – “vanha vihtahousu”, idiomatic. Broadly “that old devil”, in Finnish it’s common to have many names for evil or just strong spirits, because calling them by their proper name invites them to come bother you. (“Vihtahousu” gets translated in AW2 as “Ol’ Scratch”)
“shit-fit” – “paskahalvaus”, interesting case of a missed opportunity for a funny Finnicism in the form of “shit-stroke/shit-arrest”
Ahti dialogue while clearing darkness:
Darkness everywhere. New day, same old bloody shit, said the old lady. Like tar, but good for nothing. Get rid of it!
“New day, same old bloody shit, said the old lady.” – “Uusi päivä, samaa vanhaa paskaa, sanoi vanha täti.” This is not an idiom, but the “x, said y” format is a common one for proverbs, and a common way for people to quote wisdom from their family.
Ah, tar. Sauna, tar and booze, they’ll get you through anything! Like the winters in Finland. Long dark winters. As dark as in a sack, perkele.
“Sauna, tar and booze, they’ll get you through anything!” – this is a paraphrase of a saying that goes “if sauna, tar and booze doesn’t cure it, the disease is lethal”.
“As dark as in a sack” – “pimeää kuin säkissä”, common turn of phrase, what it says on the tin.
Ahti dialogue while cleaning up Mold:
The air in here is getting bad. The vents, they are full of mold-shit. It’s no good for you! Headache, nausea, mold-lung... Depression, but how can you tell when you’re a Finn? Helvetin home, eikö siitä nyt saatana pääse eroon.
“Helvetin home, eikö siitä nyt saatana pääse eroon.” – “(Helvetin) mold, is there really no way to get rid of it, (saatana)!” The sentence is in passive voice (“Can it not be gotten rid of”) which gets used in Finnish a lot to refer to ongoing problems.
You need to scrub that clean or there goes my reputation and honor. And then the good won’t swing.
“reputation and honor” – “maine ja kunnia”, common turn of phrase. The “honour” here does not mean personal honour, but rather community reputation.
“the good won’t swing” – “ei hyvät heilu”, common turn of phrase, usually used to threaten someone akin to “you’ll be sorry.”
More of it! This thing is completely leaving from the mitten. Perkele, saatana, helvetin helvetti. Loma tulossa ja tällästä paskaa.
“leaving from the mitten” – “lähteä lapasesta”, common idiom, “get out of hand”.
“Loma tulossa ja tällästä paskaa.” – “The holidays are coming and (we have to deal with) this kind of shit.”
Ahti dialogue while taking care of the plants:
They are very good listeners, you can tell them anything. Or you can sing to them. They like that.
For the plants in Investigations:
The plants in here have died standing up. Piruparat. Lighten them up!
“died standing up” – “kuolleet pystyyn”, common turn of phrase that gets used about neglected plants a lot.
“piruparat” – “poor devils”, again with the small first letter, referencing folk devils and evil spirits.
Ahti tells Jesse to take a break:
Hurry is not good for you. And the contract says you can take a break. Ten points and a parrot patch. Now you know what this job is all about. Could be worse. There are good benefits.
“Ten points and a parrot patch” – “kymmenen pistettä ja papukaijamerkki”, common turn of phrase, “ten points and a gold star”. Comes from an old children’s show called “Sirkus Papukaija” (“Circus Parrot”)
When you’re done with all the tasks:
Tattis! A crazy person works hard, and a wise person gets away with less. Happy vacation to me!
“Tattis” – “thank you”, a Swedicism
“A crazy person works hard, and a wise person gets away with less.” – “hullu huhkii, viisas pääsee vähemmällä”, a proverb about working smarter, not harder.
Here, have a little knick-knack as a thanks from me. Not too owly at all!
“Not too owly at all!” – “ei pöllömpi”, idiomatic, here meaning “impressive” or “well done”.
Ahti goes on vacation:
Now this boy left, said the son of Annikki Tähti. My assistant will keep work in the glove and the house standing. Lomille lomps, holiday homps.
“Now this boy left, said the son of Annikki Tähti.” – (Translator’s notes: *long pained groan*) This is a strange half-pun, half reference. The phrase usually shows up in Finnish as “nyt meikä lähti, sanoi Annikki Tähti” (“I’m leaving now, said Annikki Tähti”, a famous Finnish iskelmä singer who is not relevant to the phrase other than to create alliteration). Ahti is doubling up on the alliteration and saying complete nonsense as a result.
“keep work in the glove and the house standing” – “homma hanskassa ja tupa pystyssä”, common idiom, what it says on the tin.
“Lomille lomps, holiday homps.” – “Lomille lomps/lompsis” is a persistent popculture reference that lives on among Finnish conscripts and the rest of the culture. Ahti’s translation is quite accurate, although “lomps/lompsis” can be used as an onomatopoeia for stepping into a puddle/swamp, while “homps” means nothing. Alliterative jokes like this are common in Finnish.
Dialogue during Finnish Tango when you first enter the Ashtray Maze:
Broke. There is no way through. Badly made. Wolf shit. Somebody cut costs in the wrong place. Contact the janitor if you need to get through.
“Wolf shit” – “susipaska”. The word for wolf, “susi” is idiomatically used to mean broken, flawed or unusable, and is here a modifier for “paska” rather meaning the droppings of the animal.
Jesse contacts Ahti in The Foundation:
Aah. Aijai. Vikingit saatana. Ei kestänyt ruottalaisen veljekset kunnon löylyjä.
“Aijai” – Filler phrase. Literally means “ouch/ouchie”, but can be used to signal appreciation.
“Vikingit saatana. Ei kestänyt ruottalaisen veljekset kunnon löylyjä.” – “(Saatana), them vikings. The Swedish brothers couldn’t stand a proper löyly.” “Löyly” is both the steam from throwing water on the stove in a sauna, and the humid warmth that follows from “throwing löyly”. Ahti is making fun of the Andersons for not tolerating a hot sauna. It’s a very common shot across the border for Finns to say Swedes don’t tolerate “real” löyly. (Translator’s note: Ahti is using “ruottalaisen” rather than “ruotsalaiset”, as is typical of the Ostrobothnian dialect)
Hey, girl. For a Finn, holiday is holy, perkele.
“holiday is holy” – The word for any nationally mandated day off (+ Sundays) is “pyhäpäivä”, literally “holy day”. Extended national holidays, such as the three days around Christmas, and even long weekends can be called “pyhät”, the holies.
Did you miss me? Did you have piss in your sock? Yes. Now now now now. Bark don’t make a wound. You did good. Take my cassette player. You can borrow it. The song is a present from my friends to you. It will get you through the maze so you can do your job.
“piss in your sock” – “kusi sukassa”, common idiom, meaning “frozen with fear”
“Bark don’t make a wound.” – “ei haukku haavaa tee”, common proverb, “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me”
Ahti in Jesse’s Hiss nightmare:
Are you sure you are not lost? Maybe you can find yourself in the Director’s Office. You should keep trying. You are getting closer. Welcome back. I knew I chose a good assistant.
Closing notes: Despite Ahti having significantly less dialogue in Control than he does in AW2, this document ended up nearly as long as the other one. All the way through working on this I’ve been commenting on how his English is both weirdly better and worse in AW2, like, his use of English overall is a lot less stumbling and his vocabulary seems larger, but at the same time he uses less English, relies on just directly saying in Finnish what he’s thinking, using a lot more filler Finnish… It’s an interesting choice overall.
I’m not sure it’s relevant to the character, but having seen it I’m now gonna be very interested to hear what he sounds like if he shows up in Control 2 or other relevant RCU projects :3c Hope you had fun, and maybe learned something new.
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callsignfangs · 4 months
141 + Fangs with the reader who has a paper star making addiction. (Platonic) /nf
You feed me so well pooks 😇
For context: Fangs is also a CoD oc sorta thingy of mine 😚 I’ll add theirs at the end for anyone who’s interested 💟💟
141 + Fangs & Paper star addicted reader <3
• Really doesn’t get it. He adores how often you gift them to him but has absolutely no clue what to do with them.
• Ended up repurposing one of his desk drawers to fill them with. Also generally always has some laying around.
• Is irrationally pissy whenever someone insults them. Think they’re weird? At least his partner loves him enough to spend their time making things for him instead of shitty storebought gifts every other month, Samantha.
• Is absolutely giddy about them.
• Learns to make them with you so you two can make a collection together 😇
• Came up with the idea of making them out of sugar paper and incorporating them into food as well, bc why not??
• Puts them literally everywhere. He has little tupperware boxes and mugs full of them placed all over his room.
• Secretly loves sitting and watching you make them. Seeing your fingers curl around the paper with each other fold, it’s just mesmerising to him.
• Can’t get the hang of it himself, though. Poor lad’s fumbling, catching his fingers on every other corner, his hands are just too big.
• Has at least one on him at all times. On a mission? Scattered across his vest pockets. Out running errands? One on the specially made keychain his house keys are on.
• Gets surprisingly upset if any of them get ripped/damaged. Still has a few on his floor because god knows this man has knocked over piles or containers of them, and/or used them as extra ammo during pillow fights.
�� Similar to Gaz, also very happy about them 😇
• Incorporates them into random things in his life. Definitely shaved a few stars into his mohawk. Maybe even got a star-related tattoo.
• Has them literally everywhere. Whenever he cleans up or redecorates his room, he’ll find at least a dozen just strewn about.
• Can’t exactly get the hang of tiny paper stars either, so whenever he makes them with you he gets big strips of paper so he can actually fold them.
• Always complains about how disarming explosives/tinkering with the tiny, intricate little bits in his snipers is somehow easier than folding those stupid bloody bits of paper.
• Angst warning ahead - Have you lot seen that tiktok video of the person who’s father hid rubber ducks around their house, and after he passed they found one in the console of their car? Yeah. That’s what you’re met with after MW3. You’re welcome 😇 (edit: found it on reddit instead of tt 😚)
• A little confused at first, but eventually catches up with it.
• Will get deeply upset if they lose one you’ve gifted them. Yeah, they have at least three hundred others, but it was a gift from you!!
• Like Soap, starts bringing them into projects. Impulsively starts a full art project based completely around them, and has to shamefully slink over and ask you to make them more 😇
• Sorta gets the hang of them. To say they’re a bit wonky is an understatement, but they’re trying their best, and they don’t really mind as long as they’re having fun (silently raged for at least half an hour over them).
• Paints a star on their favourite rifle. Price wasn’t very happy when they went on a night mission and he spotted a little painted star glowing in the dark, and they very reluctantly peeled of the paint and replaced it with a less noticeable colour.
Giggle donee 😇 My brains been kinda rotting over this lately and I have a Farah ask that I’m going a liiil feral over so yippee 🎉 (if ur seeing this i love u farah anon(s?) /p 😋)
Okok yaya but thanks pooks this dragged me out of my like writing hole very happy 💪
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teecupangel · 1 month
As someone who very recently came into possession of a labradoodle who is more poodle than lab, how about that for dog!des? Specifically the fact that their fur is a fucking nightmare to deal with if not brushed regularly. Like twice a day regularly.
(We’ve been making fun of Malik for a while now so let’s change things up)
Shaun was an awful owner.
He should never be in charge of any pet at all.
Desmond felt like his second life as a labradoodle is his own personal hell than a chance for a second life.
Forget about his plans to become the most awesome Assassin dog once he grew bigger.
He wasn’t going to survive his life as a puppy because the new mentor (some dude named Elijah) ordered Shaun and Rebecca to take care of him.
Rebecca was awesome.
She never forgot his meal time. She walk him around the little suburban compound they were staying at the moment every morning and every afternoon. She let him run around the house and threw balls for him to chase (look, Desmond learned early on that he cannot fight certain canine urge, it was part of the whole “I got reincarnated into a dog” deal).
But she was, and Desmond could not stress this enough, nine months pregnant since last week.
Desmond couldn’t even wrap his head around the whole “yeah, Shaun and Rebecca are now married and soon will have their first kid” thing.
Rebecca was ordered by a doctor named Chewy to rest and to not do any stressful and/or strenuous activities.
And, according to Shaun, Desmond was a stressful and strenuous activity.
First of all, fuck Shaun.
Second of all, Chewy also told Rebecca to try and move around the house and Desmond accompanied her whenever she did and, not once, did Rebecca call him a stress fur ball (like Shaun).
Third of all, Desmond knew that Shaun was actually the most stressed among the three of them. He was worried about Rebecca and he was still doing work for the Brotherhood.
But still…
“What happened to you? Why is your fur like this?”
He was so awful at taking care of Desmond.
He didn’t forget meal time (thank god) but that was because they timed his meal time at the same time as their meal time. Rebecca reminded Shaun to eat with her each time and Shaun automatically prepares Desmond’s food during that time (according to Rebecca, the mentor told them that Desmond cannot eat dog food so Desmond’s food is usually rice, some kind of meat and a bit of vegetables that are okay for him to eat, all… not seasoned at all but Desmond can deal with that)
Walk though… Desmond had to bark at Shaun just to remind him to walk him. One time, Shaun was in the middle of a debate (via messenger) with one of Erudito’s hackers and Desmond just gave up and peed on his leg.
Desmond was not embarrassed. He lost all semblance of human embarrassment when he first had to shit on the grass while Rebecca was watching.
Now, all he felt was smugness whenever Shaun would sigh but grab his jacket so they could take a walk.
But Shaun’s worst offense was his inability to remember Rebecca telling him that Desmond needs to be brushed often.
At least twice a day.
Thrice would be better.
Rebecca usually brushed him after every meal and after their walk.
Because she knew how much of a nightmare his fur would become if it wasn’t properly cared.
But Shaun.
Shaun kept forgetting it and Desmond had to sit still while Shaun grumbled as he brushed his fur.
Desmond was honestly worried that Shaun would have this much trouble caring for their future baby.
Desmond would probably have to step up as the dog nanny.
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shaunashoochiebae · 2 months
Write something about a locked door or something? I don’t know (I too have no motivation but have two things I gotta write)
Locked Out
Word count: 1290 (my longest fic thing yet yippee!!)
Warnings: none just cutesy stuff kinda idk?? kinda Shauna x reader idfk yall also modern au.. GUYS IDK HOW TO LABEL THIS
a/n: so sorry this took me so long i was procrastinating so hard my bad ahhh also didn’t really know how to like.. finish it so it’s kinda shit but okay!!
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You pulled into your driveway, the worries of the school day rushing out of you as quickly as they came. You grabbed your backpack from the passanger seat and got out of the car. Making your way up to your front door, you checked your pockets for your house key. Fuck. They weren’t there. You groaned in annoyance as you got to the door, dropping your backpack onto the ground and looking through it for your keys, but with no luck.
You pulled out your phone and called your mom. After a good five rings, she picked up. “Hello, I’m in work, what’s wrong?” You sighed into the phone, rubbing your forehead in exhaustion, “Uh, I forgot my keys. Is there like a spare under a plant pot or something?” You could practically hear your mom rolling her eyes on the other end, “No, there isn’t. Call your dad, he might be around,” she said just before she hung up. Alright then.
You took your moms advice and called your dad who picked up immediately, “Yes, hello, what’s wrong?” You huffed and explained to your dad what was going on, with a bit more drama. “Okay, so I had a shit day and I just wanted to get home and relax, right? Okay, so I got out of the car, checked my pockets. No keys! Just my luck. Called mom, no spare key apparently, so she told me to call you. Are you around or are you grocery shopping or something?” You could hear your dad sigh, which obviously meant “I’m about 34478 miles away.” You groaned and nodded to yourself, “Alright. I’ll see you later,” and you hung up.
You took a deep breath and decided to call your best friend, Shauna. Surely she could help you in some way? You dialed her phone number and it rang. No answer, no bother. Try again. You rang her again. No answer, fuck. Okay, third times a charm. Surely she wouldn’t leave you outside looking absolutely hideous and drenched in sweat after soccer practice. On the third try, she finally picked up, “Hello?” “Shauna, hey. Can you do me a favour?” You could hear from the noises around her she was still driving home, and lucky for you, she didn’t live too far from your house. “I could, sure. What’s up?” Chances are, she would most definitely do what you asked. You never asked her for much, really. This was nothing in the grand scheme of things.
“I forgot my house key, so I can’t get into my house. Could you take me back to yours? Just until my mom or dad gets home.” You dropped the bomb. Okay, maybe not a bomb but a hard boiled egg. “Uh, yeah, sure. I’ll come pick you up. I’m about fifteen minutes from your house. Just stay put.” A grin spread across your face. Success! Now all you had to do was wait outside for a good fifteen to twenty minutes, taking traffic into account, and no more worries.
You spent the next thirteen minutes scrolling on your phone and moaning to Van in your texts; “feel so stupid”, “forgot my keys”, “shauna my lord and saviour is picking me up!!!!:!:!2&/!:!” and Van would respond, “u are quite the interesting specimen”, “have fun with with the wifey”
After the excruciatingly long time of sixteen minutes, the last three minutes spent by counting the amount of leaves on the tree in your front lawn, your lord and saviour, Shauna, finally arrived outside your house. You waved at her quickly and picked up your backpack, swinging it over your shoulder. You ran over to her car and got into the passenger seat.
“Ugh, thank you, Shauna. I forgot my key, my dad’s out and my mom’s at work, so thanks,” you explained as she nodded along. “Why didn’t you just drive up to my house yourself?” She asked you, an eyebrow raised. You hadn’t thought about that. Fuck. “Uh, I didn’t want to take up too much space in your driveway..” you answered with a shrug. Sure, what you said made sense, but a shit excuse. Shauna just nodded, not really listening to your excuse, more so flattered you decided to call her out of all people.
“I hope your mom doesn’t mind, y’know. That I’m coming over and whatever,” you said, glancing away from the road for a moment. “Oh, no,” Shauna shook her head, “She doesn’t mind at all. She loves you.” That shocked you a little bit, usually when you came over to her house, her mom would give you looks, snarky smiles, the whole lot. But apparently she loved you? Weird. Your eyebrows creased together and, of course, Shauna noticed this.
“What? You don’t believe me?” she chuckled out, punching you softly in the shoulder. “I mean, usually she looks like a starving animal, watching its prey. Me, obviously, being the prey.” Shauna laughed, eyes widening in shock a little, “Really? That’s what she told me. She said, ‘You know your friend? The one who’s always over here, comes into the kitchen when I’m makin’ dinner? Actually a really sweet kid. I was iffy about ‘em at first, but,’ and then she shrugged. She does like you, trust me.” You listened intently to what her mom had told her, clearly interested in what she really thought of you behind all of the bitterness she showed you.
Shauna braked at a red light and handed you her unlocked phone, “Plug in the aux, Ms. Roan, if you please.” You smiled at her, opening her Spotify and playing her top playlist, whose name was “queen but like in a cunty way”, interesting. You picked up the aux wire, plugged it into her phone and pressed play on the playlist. The first song that came on was Red Wind Supernova by Chappell Roan. She looked back over at you as she continued to drive, humming along to the opening lyrics, whilst you sang, “She was a playboy, Brigitte Bardot. She showed me things, I didn’t know.” Shauna loudly sang after you, “Put her canine teeth in the side of my neck!”
You both chuckled at your equally horrible and loud voices, “So mad we didn’t get tickets,” you said with a frown. She groaned, “Ugh, I know. I would literally be screaming the entire way through. Got her CD, though..” She said in a sing-song voice. You shrugged, not satisfied with the outcome, “Not the same, is it?” She frowned, “Guess not.”
You pulled into her driveway and she parked the car, she got out after grabbing her backpack from the back seat and you followed. “Is your mom making dinner or is it too early for that?” You asked her as she unlocked her front door. “Uh, I dunno. It’s kinda early, so probably not yet?” You gave a nod as you walked into her house. “Mom, we’re home!” Shauna called out to her mom who was presumably in her bedroom. She kicked off her shoes and threw her backpack onto the floor near the door.
You walked into her living room and took a seat on the couch with a heavy sigh. Shauna came over and sat beside you, grabbing the remote from the tv off the coffee table. You pulled out your phone to see one new text message from your mom.
You unlocked your phone and read the message to yourself, “I’m almost at Shauna’s, I’m coming to pick you up in 10 minutes.” Sent 7 minutes ago. Damn. You huffed and showed your phone to Shauna who was flicking through channels, “Ugh, seriously? You just got here.” You shrugged, a guilty frown playing on your lips, “Sorry, man.”
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peemil · 2 months
i'm supposed to tag nine people for this YAHOO YIPPEE but idk if i'm gonna actually tag that many. We'll See
i was tagged by @figbian THANK YOU i love doing these sorts of things, especially when i'm stressed out!
three ships: wow this sure is tumblr dot com narumitsu/wrightworth, sylvix (i'm sorry women), aaaaaaaand for the sake of #feminism, my ride-or-die femslash rarepair: asuhika ❤️
first ship: if we want to go all the way back i was a hardcore may/ash (advancedshipping) stan back in the day. i made something like 7 amvs in the span of maybe a month and a half and then BURNED THEM ONTO A DVD. AND GAVE IT TO PEOPLE.
last song i listened to: when i first attempted to answer this a few days ago, it was fucking "sissy that walk." i regret to inform everyone that, by complete coincidence, the answer once again is "sissy that walk."
currently reading: i honestly am so bad at finishing things i've started reading. i also generally don't like reading books for pleasure? people will come after me for that but i like the feeling of having finished something, which is why i tend to read a lot more essays and papers and the like, as opposed to novels.
currently watching: *sigh* vanderpump rules... though i do still need to finish part 6 of jojo as well!
relationship status: discord moderator
current obsessions: fire emblem three houses As Well. i've also recently started to seriously try to learn chess again. and as always i'm playing a lot of splatoon!
currently craving: oh man i went on a whole thing about the stuff i wanted to eat last night but i really want a melon cream soda so bad it makes me look fucking STUPID
fave color: bright teal
tagging: @sweetfloatapartment @nitroplusofficial @humhallelujah @thewrongtrouser @squimp @toasttheinkling @cow-inthe-closet @reikomakoto aaaaaand i guess that's only 8. sorry! there are some more people i want to tag but i'm so shy...
no pressure to do this obviously! but i am thinking of all of you and sending my love
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yellowocaballero · 3 days
In which Claude starts his new game plus.
THANKS FOR READING. GLAD THIS IS FINALLY 100% PUBLISHED. WHEW. THAT IS OVER WITH. YIPPEE. If you'll excuse me, I need to return to, in order, a) my life, b) JJK fic, c) Naruto fic [good], and d) Naruto fic [insane].
There's plenty more stuff for this AU I might throw up on here sometime, btw, so keep an eye out for that if I do upload it. I will also....update the masterpost...which I have not done in So Long.
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weewooooweew · 26 days
what type of game is fe3h?
please rant as much as you want im verh curious cuz of all your posts
Fire Emblem: Three Houses, or fe3h is a part of the Fire Emblem game franchise thing. You play as Byleth (you can change the name) who goes to this monastery thing that is also a school and becomes a professor there. You’ve gotta choose from 1 of 3 houses to preside over, The Black Eagles, The Blue Lions, or the Golden Deer. House leaders are, respectively, Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude (the manwhore bisexual twink) and there’s also a fourth route, hidden in the Black Eagles route. That one’s the shortest route, and the Golden Deer route is the longest. You’ve gotta fight monsters and shit, turn based fighting, build characters, snatch characters from other houses, commit sacrilege, all that fun stuff. Also Lady Rhea is the church’s leader she’s like 20+ years older than you (Byleth) and yet for reasons I’m not going to explain you are also her mom or something
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antiendovents · 2 months
- 🌌🩷
🩷 - do you have any subsystems?
Yes, we have a lot actually, I think the current number is 11-12? They're mostly grouped subsystems that are connected for all different reasons (the one that runs this account is connected because of our roles + the reason we split in the first place), he do have an alter in alter subsystem that's in layer two.
📺 - do you make/buy gifts to other alters in the systems?
We don't do it very often, but we do like to get notebooks, apps, jewellery and stuff for certain alters. Though almost always another alter ends up using them anyways— but it was the thought that counts, right? :p
🌱 - do you have a headspace? if yes, describe it! if no, do you want one?
Yes! It's a really big headspace. Basically the headspace is one big void with different floating islands, each island is a layer. We have four (known) layers. Layer one is the "main" layer and it's made up of a giant forest with different clearings and patches, we have different "areas" in this layer that range from safe to very dangerous. Layer two is made up of fields and hills, it's mostly foggy and is considered the "secondary" layer, here I believe most of the areas are safe with the exception of one area. Layer three is the second smallest layer, it's a little village of cottages, this layer is completely safe with the small exception of the alters themselves, they could chose to attack but most if them are friendly. Layer four is the smallest layer by far, made up of a singular abandoned house that holds a few fragments known as the "trauma kids". Most of layer four is considered dangerous all around, with only the fragments that reside there able to travel throughout the house and its garden unharmed.
🪴 - did you have to build your headspace over time, or was it just there?
As far as we're aware it was just there, but we do have an architect who does make some "edits" to some places in headspace. He used to fix up the alters homes, but he went dormant at some point and now that he's back he doesn't seem very motivated to do anything like that anymore.
🍪 - do you have a collective name/identity/orientation? if yes, how did your system make those decisions?
We do have a collective identity, but it's sort of merged with a singletsona, which is also a bit separate? It's complicated. Collectively we go by many names, but mostly critter or bug, we use he/they/it/xe as collective pronouns since they're the most common ones we have. These were decided among the "admin team". But we have no collective gender or sexuality, that's where the singletsona comes in. We won't say it's name since it's out legal name, but our singletsona is a he/they trans-masc non-binary who is aceflux and omnisexual. This is based of the "main" hosts Identity before they figured out we were a system. They fought very hard to be seen as a boy and we didn't want to ruin that, so we kept their identity mostly.
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bentosandbox · 1 year
better late than never amirite
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i think i haven't posted july (cause I thought global would have released TBC by now...) or october (commission) on here/twitter hopefully i remember to sometime this year
bonus chen edition because well i guess she is my cringefail girlboss blorbo
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bonus chenswire edition
bonus bonus extremely boring stuff
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films i watched in 2022 (tragedy of macbeth out of picture because it was on the next row)
top 10 (in watched order not a 1-10 ranking)
Marketa Lazarova (1967) Friend was streaming it, liked the script so much I asked my friend for the srt file after Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) Rocks Petite Maman (2021) Personal Attack Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000) :) My Life as a Zucchini (2016) Celine Sciamma truly don't miss Saturday Fiction (2019) It's not a 5/5 movie but...the soul... the period noir... Nope (2022) The Spectacle dot jpg Hands Over The City (1963) yes i watched this just before il siracusano Decision To Leave (2022) yuriyaoi straight romance can't elaborate Puss In Boots (2022) i'm so glad i didn't watch this as a kid i would have nightmares, but as an adult i got to see my traumas on the big screen yippee!!!
missed a local screening of My Broken Mariko because it only happened for ONE DAY fucking insane (I recommend reading the original manga it's so good)
Speaking of books hmm
Swordspoint yuriyaoi... Invisible Ink reread. and I think I need to reread again Fire & Blood read it after watching hotd ep 1 pretty good series btw dare i say even ...the best on-screen yaoiyuri of the year... Eagle Shooting/Condor Heroes Book 1 Not bad Water Margin Didn't I write a angry rant on this. rite of passage i guess...... How to Keep House While Drowning its funny because i WILL do chores......still good though What My Bones Know - insane how trauma can be so isolating yet universal lol A Wizard of Earthsea if only i read this instead of harry potter back then lmao wow
you can now basically psychoanalyse my issues from the last three books I think
Uhhhhhhh what else am I missing - oh yeah I did 3 gamejams this year (Art/Design and a liiiiiitle bit of trying to do the UI in Unity myself instead of giving the pngs to my friends)
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my abysmal steam stats told me i only played 5 games this year so I need to get back my gamer license, backlog is like 75% VNs though what's up with that (there's only 4 games but. well)
had a really long blogpost (basically a 'look at all the things you did this year you didnt waste it' thing thus the above lists) but i think i'll just keep it to my notion notes lest this post becomes a traumadumping ground ecks dee tl;dr failed a Very Important (to me) Thing early 2022 that kind of shattered any crumb of self-esteem i had and made me question everything i did onwards (especially in regards to doujin stuff) and then basically physical health issues affecting mental health and vice versa which is fun but fuck it we ball.....(try)
don't really have any solid 'resolutions' (that i would remember to do) other than to 'live' more than just 'survive' as edgy as that sounds 🥴oh wait oc zine yea yea and go into illustration full time h-haha........... should really get around to making a patreon/fanbox but i really hate the idea of paywalling
also signed up for a AK doujin event in Nagoya in March so I now have a very heavy motivation to finish the second half of my LGD doujin and hopefully I get to table at AX too dot dot dot
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millsissmosy · 1 year
I've decided this is gonna be the blog where we put our fic recommendations :D
this will be organized by fandom, ships will be attached to links!!
Monkie Kid
"Parent Trap" by LoZfanchick. ShadowPeach AU based off the movie Parent Trap!! WIP
"Smoke and Mirrors" by poetoutofthebeast. AU where Macaque chills with the party during Season 3 instead of,,, yk, stalking them. WIP
"Scatterd Cicadas" by Inkweaver22. Tang-centric where bro travels through dimensions n stuff, its so good guys fjkdsjfakas. Has some elements of the Dad Squad (pigsy, tang, mac, and wukong) shipping at some points. WIP
"you, me (and him!)" by Rinxchka. Human AU with MK as Wukong's little brother and Macaque as the nuisance that keeps showing up at their house. WIP
"His Lost Master" by tigerseye46 (along with its sister fic, "His Lost Disciple", also by tigers eye). Pigsy is Zhu Baije, and is searching for the reincarnation of his long lost love and master, Tripitaka.
Burning like embers, falling, tender by jambo_bini. Wukong and Mac are essentially put in a "get along shirt" in the form of a cursed artifact where they get stuck together.
"Green Carnations and Acacias" by Roxy_theArtist. Glamrock Fronnie College AU where Freddy asks Bonnie to pretend to be his "girlfriend" for his visit home for thanksgiving. WIP
Think about Things by Stardust_Speedway. As cuttletavio lovers, we appreciate seeing *any* cuttletavio fic so sdkjfksj. One-Shot
Animal Crossing
Someone to Wed by pajama_cats. ReddNook fic where Redd and Nook get married so Nook doesn't loose Timmy and Tommy to the world of social workers.
Friends' Stuff!!
Outrunning Karma by the wonderful Lava/Ember!! KingDings fic which i can't even begin to describe.,,,, its just ,l,skf oso good.
Two Red Strings by Stinky_PVC_Pipe!! Sincerely Three soulmate AU made by a wonderful person. we read this on Wattpad originally and if you go to the wattpad version 99% of the comments. are just. us.
and that's about it for now!! I'll ttyl!!
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bug-oc · 1 year
Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 1
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Ditto (it/he) from @jayjar100
Ditto is a fun-loving enboy (enby + boy) who currently lives in Ant City in Bugaria. Its house is made of a few acorns, and is very roomy. Ditto works at the Dead End Bar (location that belongs to a friend of mine) as a part-time job. Aside from that, he mainly spends its time at home. Also he loves hugs :3
The two rings on his horns are what power its magic that allows it to shapeshift and conjure up stuff. It does have a limit, though. Ditto does have ASD, which does affect its abilities in social situations sometimes :(
His favorite foods are cheese pizza and spaghetti, and it likes to cook! He wants to open his own pizza place sometime.
Corduroy (they/vi) and Xipy (they/it) from @wabbitears
I actually got a two in one deal right here. Corduroy is a orchard mason bee from out yonder that stumbled into snakemouth den, caught some spores, and yeah poor guy got cordyceps bad. Now they are reduced to a rabid feral mess of fungus. But they got a friend!
Xipy is just some wild centipede (based on Scolopendra viridis) Its not even awakened or anything they just vibin. But it just so happens to stumble across this weird bee wandering around. Instead of eating vir or something. Xipy basically decided ‘im hanging out with you now’ and Corduroy is just !!!!!!!! So they got a centipede friend now, yippee!!!!! They even ride it often! So if you see a big fucking florida blue centipede with a raving mad blue bee on the back thats just them being silly.
Oh and Corduroy also has a pet rubber ducky isopod. I lied. Theres three of them.
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sunnibearr · 11 months
CHAPTER EIGHT — it isn't a date
— coffees and books | written chapter wc: 671
— warnings: typos, mostly not proofread sorry, lmk if there's anything else! :)
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A week passed since Changbin confronted you about the fact you had been avoiding him. It has also been a week since the two of you made plans to hang out, just the two of you. The period of time was far too long and dreadful for you to function normally. Your brain was constantly on high alert, oh but thus is due next week this and I'll need to ask someone to cover my shift that. You couldn't stop yourself from coming up with reason to bail on your friend, even after recruiting the help of Momo and - her instagram famous -, fashionista friend to pick your outfit. You definitely couldn't back out now, especially when they were on their way over.
So, with as much strength as you could muster, you pushed yourself off of your sofa - the indent in the plush seat a telltale sign of just how long you'd really spent agonizing over the situation. With stiff legs and an aching back you made your way to the snacks littering your kitchen counter, grabbing bowls from the cabinets and pouring the contents of russling bags into clanking dishes. It almost muffled the one sound you had been dreading, staccato knocks against the door of your apartment. You're just glad Minho is at her boyfriend's house and not witnessing the absolute mess that you are.
Another set of sharp knocks ring out through the apartment, this time louder and more insistent than the last. "Yn?" You groan, sauntering over to meet your fate with a bag of sweets in hand. Maybe some sugar will placate your nerves.
"Hi, sorry, didn't hear over the- uh- things," You say as you liok at the pair on the other side of the door, allowing them to enter as you gesture to all of the snacks and their empty packets scattered around the kitchen.
You almost forget that it isn't just Momo who had come to visit, a deeper voice vibrating through the floor as your set various plates ands bottles on your coffee table. "It's nice to meet you, by the way! I'm Felix." You whipped your head around, voice caught in your throat. Wide eyes staring at the man who, now that you have taken the time to look at closer, didn't seem to be all that fashionable. You guess his outfit was definitely flattering on him but it was simple - a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Though, you shouldn't judge him yet, most of the guys you know would put on a week old, stained tshirt and worn out, old sweatpants and call it 'fashion' so, Felix's outfit is definitely a lot better. Okay, perhaps you can see how he's good at fashion and stuff but he still has the incredibly difficult challenge of helping you. Helping the person that Yeji once called "unhelpable" because you had rejected all of her outfit ideas for a date.
"It isn't a date." You repeated, a playfully annoyed look settling on your face. Felix is, well, an angel to put it simply. The three of you spent a couple hours chilling, just talking and eating and, occasionally, watching a movie that someone had clicked on in the background. Then, of course, you moved to the bedroom where Felix got talking about all of his technical fashion terms.
"Can I look through your wardrobe?" He asked so nicely before bombarding you with brutally honest comments about your clothes. He made sure you understood which articles of clothing were unflattering on you and "would make you look like a whale" but he also announced all of the pieces that made you look good. He really had skills at this because, in less than three hours, he had two outfits laid out on the bed for you. Two outfits that you were absolutely in love with and, of course, he had convinced you to have mini photoshoots in both of them, to help you decide which one you felt the most comfortable and confident in.
“ previous | next „
— author's note: hmmm, Felix guest role!! yippee!! fashion major Lix is such a yummy concept i had to do it 🙏
— taglist (open): @septicrebel @moon-320 @ameliesaysshoo @mynameisnotlaura @amara-mars @smoltika @qveenbibi @amara-mars @neohyxn @luxurystark-jackson @ghogsy-com
* unable to tag names in red & bold please check your settings or let me know if you've changed your username!!
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beantothemax · 8 months
Hi Bean! I will now also be following along with your three houses playthrough, so I wanted to know who you have on your team? Like the ones you use the most
ok so! picked the black eagles house, so I’ve got all those fellas on the team. as for characters I recruited, I have Marianne, Lysethia, and Sylvain. (I got sylvain for free because I picked the female protag). aiming to get Mercedes, Ashe, Lorenz, and Shamir all on my team soon!
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moncey-imagines · 9 months
Disneyland Trip Headcanons | Sans x GN!Reader
no warnings here hehe, this is part two of this fic.
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* Really? I mean, yeah! Of course papyrus can come!
* Ah- Were you standing there the whole time?
* Why?
* i told him to.
* But why?
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After Papyrus’ excited and frantic observations and questions the whole trip there, you were excited to have your skeleton boyfriend and his brother experience the park.
* Sleeping Beauty castle?
* Um…no, that would be dangerous to guests I think…
* bummer.
* what was that, bro? sorry, i took a quick nap.
The questions from Papyrus, as silly some of them could be, really tested your knowledge in a really fun way.
* That’s the Hatbox Ghost, he’s just standing there but there is a theory and a book supporting evidence that says that he’s scaring you out the window, where you fall to your death in the graveyard, and that’s why all the ghosts after are dancing and celebrating.
* Well, it’s nothing personal against specific guests, he just kind of…wants another ghost in the house, I guess?
* this is probably a personal attack against my bro. we gotta destroy him.
* Papyrus is right, we could even be arrested…
* shame. guys already dead, and we would get arrested for killin’ him again? Society.
* Society…
Despite his questions being fun, Papyrus easily wore you out. Thankfully, he, somehow, had a very weak bladder, leaving you and Sans alone waiting for him often. It was a nice change of pace, even for just a moment.
* Here’s our snacks…
* what’d ya get?
* Well, I got beignets and mint juleps, enough for all three of us.
* mmm, those smell good…
* They’re the same things Tiana made in the beginning of Princess and the Frog! Due to both the beignets and the proximity to Critter Country, they turned this place into Tiana’s restaurant from the movie.
* oh, yeah. the one at the end that looked like a big boat, right?
* Yeah…have you been watching Disney movies?
* yeah, paps really wanted to marathon them. I also watched a few extra just to keep up with your facts.
* Aw…Sans, that’s so sweet…
* it’s no skin off my nose.
* Hehehe…bonehead…
During particularly long lines, Sans chose to ride your back. He’s not very heavy at all, really just the weight of clothes and bones, so he wasn’t much of a hassle to hold.
* It’s okay, Papyrus, he’s really light…and it’s nice to be so close to him…
* romantic, huh? consider me a certified heart throb then.
* Already considered. You make my knees weak…
* you send shivers up my spine.
* You rush my blood to my cheeks…
After a while, you heard Papyrus crying, muttering about how beautiful your love was. You also realized he was handed a lollipop by some random kid and had begun eating it.
* Papyrus, where did you get that?
* Huh?
* That…child?
* aw, i wanted to eat those later.
* It’s okay, I have more.
* where?
* Secret…
* secret…
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* i think he’s passed out. Shame he didn’t get to see the fireworks.
* It’s okay, we’ll come back sometime.
* today was really nice.
* It was…
* oh, here, i bought this for you.
* Wow…is this…
* yeah, you said it was your favorite ride…i saw the plush and thought you should add it to your collection.
* When..?
* when we were walking, i saw it…i snuck away at some point to shortcut over and get it for you.
* Aw…thank you, Sans…I love you so much…
* i love you too.
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