#also yes i made them swap their clothes again
caramelmochacrow · 2 years
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the kaomisas and the kaorus :)
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henry7931 · 4 months
Beach Trip As My Friend’s Uncle
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This is by far the best idea Zach and I have ever had! A few weeks ago, my best bud Zach begged his parents to let me come on their family beach trip but unfortunately they wanted to keep it a family trip.
That’s when Zach and I got a little creative. We decided to ask his cool Uncle Derek if I could swap bodies with him for a week. Now Derek isn’t your ordinary uncle, he’s pretty adventurous, single, likes to party, and is always down for some shenanigans. So when we asked if he’s willing to swap with me, he immediately said yes! He seemed to be just as excited to be me since he’s getting out of the family trip all together.
So we all met up that morning at Derek’s place. Zach already told his parents that he’s riding down with Derek. And when I arrived Derek already had a bag packed for me.
We quickly swapped bodies and it felt so cool being so much bigger.
I grinned at Derek in my body who also looked super happy. He pulled me in for a hug which felt so weird, I could have easily picked my body up like it was nothing.
As I hop into Derek’s nice truck, he says to us, “You boys have fun! And doing anything too crazy in my body!”
“Thanks Uncle Derek!” said Zach.
“Yes thanks again Derek, I’ll take good care of your body I promise!”
“Good and hey I packed condoms just in case things get too crazy. Don’t need my body coming back with anything.”
Zach rolls his eyes while I felt a warm sensation in my stomach. It just hit me that not only do I have Derek’s body for a week but I also have control of his massive package.
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We get on the road and I pull off Derek’s shirt just to show off his tattooed pecs.
Zach’s sitting next to me so excited and says, “God this is so crazy! I mean look at you dude you’re inside my uncle right now.”
“I know man, this is about to be the best trip ever!”
When we arrive to the resort, Zach and I head to check in. We run into his family. We say our hellos to everyone and I’m surprised by how good of a job I’m doing at pretending to be Derek.
We get our room keys and head up. The room is huge! We even have our own bathrooms along with a balcony.
I put Derek’s bags on the bed and open them up to see what clothes Derek packed for me. But when I get to the bathing suits only two of them are normal ones— the rest are all speedos.
Zach pops in already in his bathing suit and says, “you about ready?”
“Uh no not yet give me a few,” I say to him.
“No rush bro! I’m gonna head down, I’ll see you in a few.”
As soon as Zach walked out of the room, I immediately got naked.
I look at Derek’s nude body, that’s when my eyes focus on the thick long dick that I now control.
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I try my best to control my eager to touch it, laying back on the hotel bed. I didn’t want to risk Zach walking but I feel like I only have so much alone time with it.
I look down at Derek’s sexy size 11 feet, they’re beautiful and manly. I trace his fingers along his chest down to his cock and balls.
His dick is already hard, I start to stroke it and it feels amazing. It’s my first I’ve ever jerked off in someone else’s body. And it’s so different from mine.
I sit up and bring Derek’s big foot to my face smelling his toes as I wiggle them. I start licking his foot, still jerking his dick with my other hand.
I feel so close, I knew I was going to bust any minute. I let out a loud powerful grunt, inhaling his sole before cum bursts out all over.
I look over the mess I just made, damn that felt great. I whip some off of his chest and taste it. It taste’s so good.
I clean off his chest with a shower towel and grab one of his speedos.
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I take a pic of myself to send to Derek and say, “you only packed speedos?”
I get a response a few minutes later, “well you look sexy in them. Send me more pics 😜”
I feel Derek’s cock start to get hard again from his text. Is he flirting with me?
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rifari2037 · 3 months
When , did you , Start Paring Aang and Toph and why do you pair them, Together are there similarities between the Two .?
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"Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?"
Unlike Zutara that I remember well when I started ship them, I don't really remember when I started ship Taang (and Sukka). But, it was long time ago because I found them so cute together.
Taang have potential, but it needs time or another season to develop their feeling. Because, while Zutara had some romantic moments, Taang didn't have moments like that so it would be forced if they ended up together in season 3 (just like canon).
Then, how could they have potential if they didn't have romantic moments?
Their connection
Aang had connection with all his master bending. Katara was there to saved him, Zuko was there to captured him. Their connection with Aang makes these two characters always face each other and had their own development.
Meanwhile, Toph wasn't in the connection between Aang with Zuko and Katara. She had her own connection to Aang. In the swaps episode, Sokka and Katara saw a vision of their past, but Aang saw a vision of Toph before even meeting her in person.
There's an interesting theory that Aang not only saw a vision of his future, but also his past. Because in Nightmares and Daydreams episode, Toph has no face in his dream. It was parallel with Avatar Kuruk's lover that her face stolen by Koh.
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Instead of water, Aang was connected to earth, Toph's element. Even though earth was a difficult element for Aang at first, but it was element that Aang often used in battle after mastering it.
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In final battle, earth was the element that re-opened his chakra and made him enter the avatar state.
They compliment each other
Just like fire and water, air is the opposite of earth. They are different, but compliment each other.
Air is the element of freedom. Aang is free person. He is Toph's first friend and also the one who offered her freedom, something she really wants and needs.
Earth is the element of substance. Toph is persistent person. She is the one who taught Aang to be tougher and stand his ground, something he really needs to get out of his comfort zone.
They have same vibes
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Toph and Aang are still kids and they act like kids. They like to have fun. That isn't something wrong. In fact, they have the same vibe so that neither one is having fun, while the other is taking care of him.
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Yes, Aang is the one who makes Katara child again, but still they don't have the same vibe. Katara has a motherly nature, so Aang's childish nature makes their relationship like mother and son.
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It's different when Katara with Zuko. Zuko is more mature, so when Katara is with him, she doesn't have to act motherly. Instead, it's Zuko who look after her, brings her things, and reminds her to rest.
Their Culture
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Believe me or not, I found this from Aang/Kataang stand and it made me wonder. If Katara and Aang's cultures are different, then what makes them suitable to be together?
Cultural differences actually don't matter if they can respect each other, but this is Aang's expression of water tribe culture.
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Katara : Bato, it looks like home! Sokka : Everything's here, even the pelts! Aang : [Sarcastically.] Yeah, nothing's cozier than dead animal skins.
And this is Aang's expression of water tribe food
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Hama : I wanted to surprise you! I bought all this food today so I could fix you a big Water Tribe dinner. Of course, I can't get all the ingredients I need here, but ocean kumquats are a lot like sea prunes if you stew them long enough. Aang : [Sticking his tongue out in disgust.] Great!
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According to the post I got, Aang can wear Earth Kingdom clothing because it doesn't use animal materials. He can also wear fire nation clothing, but I don't think all types of fire nation clothing, because there are fire nation clothing made of leather.
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The people of Earth Kingdom aren't vegetarian, but not all of their food from animal based. Aang doesn't seem to have a problem with their food.
Btw, Aang has problem with Fire Nation food too.
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Aang : [Looking at a meat display. Disappointedly.] Oh, we're going to a meat place? Sokka : Come on, Aang, everyone here eats meat. Even the meat! [Points at a hippo cow eating a piece of meat swarming with flies.]
So, yeah, for me Aang and Toph not only have potential in the story, but also have chemistry with each other.
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cheezeybread · 3 months
The clothes swapping headcanons for Jamil made me smile today and now I sense the comedy potential. Lets say Jamil is keeping the relationship private from his family but Najma has noticed that some of the clothes he brought back with him aren't his usual style. Jamil manages to dodge all questions and Najma is determined to figure out what is going on. Cut to a school event where families are allowed to visit and Najma gets her parents to let her go "check up on her dear big brother". Skip ahead and Najma is looking through all of Jamil's stuff and finding more inconsistant clothes. Then she spots our dear MC wearing one of Jamil's old shirts. Cue chaos and Jamil vowing her to secrecy in exchange for being besties with MC.
Could I get a one-shot of this please?
Sorry this sucks and is so short, I'm having to type on my phone right now! XD Also, if Najma is ooc, that's a my bad, I haven't seen her in the story yet 💀
"Well, well, well!" Najma cried out in delight, her hands gripping at the shirt laying out on Jamil's bed that was most definitely NOT his.
There was the sound of pounding feet on carpet out in the hallway, and the door to the room burst open, a very flustered, very annoyed Jamil standing in the doorway, his chest heaving in rugged breaths.
"Oh, hello, brother!" Najma said in her innocent way, tilting her head to look at him. She hummed under her breath, continuing her examination of the shirt in her hands.
Jamil said nothing for a moment, trying to catch his breath "....what- what are you...doing here?" He asked, still gasping for air. Geez, he must have really been running if he was so out of it.
The girl flashed him a wide smile, holding up the shirt as she shrugged "Oh, I just wanted to look through the Scarabia dorm while we were here! I was oh, so excited to see what sort of living conditions were here, since, you know, it's an all-boys school that I'd never have a chance of entering....and wouldn't you know it, I just so happened to stumble into your room!"
"...And mother and father?" Jamil asked, taking a cautious step into the room, his gaze fixed on the shirt.
"Oh, they're out on the campus lawn, being entertained by...oh, what was their name again? Y/N, that's right, yes, they're out with Y/N." Seeing Jamil's face twist into a look of nervousness, Najma giggled "Alright, alright, the jig is up, brother. I know that you're dating them."
"But-" he started
"But how?" His sister grinned "Well, after you started showing up in strange attire that didn't match what you normally wore, then I noticed a certain someone wearing an outfit I bought you for your birthday a few years back..."
"It's really not that hard," Najma finished, proud of her own conclusion. "Now, how would mother and father feel about this news..."
"Don't. Tell. Them." Jamil whispered, closing the door to his room behind him after peering out in the hall to make sure there were no eavesdroppers "What do you want, Najma?"
"I want their phone number." She said simply, Jamil raising a brow in confusion "Oh, come on, my brother's finally dating! Let me be friends with them, please? I won't tell our parents, I promise. Just let me be friends with them, alright? Deeeeeal~?" She held out a hand, smiling coyly.
Jamil huffed, taking her hand with a glare "Fine, deal."
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latteandjacks · 6 months
Good morning [Proceeds to post]
So swap aus amirite?
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FORCOM HOTEL, Tried to look for an opposite of Haz-bin, am I aware of all the jokes that could be made with that name? Yes, which part of why it's staying
Adam, the first man, first soul in hell and prince of the mentioned, opens an hotel to help his descendants to go to heaven so he doesn't have to watch them fucking die again every year He may look bubbly but he is still kind of a bitch, however he just wants to help, believes everyone can be redeemed as long as they want to Not as naive as Charlie
Lute is very dedicated to protect Adam since, despite being more powerful than any other human soul, is still essentially a sinner Loosed her arm after getting into a fight with Agatha, she spared a couple and Agatha was just going to take her wings and halo, but as she fought back, she cut her arm to keep her at bay As determined as Adam, also all up for singing
Charlotte, she's normally referred with her full name but Charlie is okay too Younger Seraphin, not the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith but still close to them both to consider them as such Considers exterminations a mercy as she doesn't believe there's another option and thinks it's better than let them suffer an eternity on hell, thinks Adam's plan is giving sinners false hope Wdym her clothes looks like Saint Peter? Definitly no
Agatha, since Adam never named her after Vagina it just made sense for Charlotte to give her a normal name Since Charlotte is supporting her, she never had any doubts about what they were doing, convinced that this was mercy and that, anyway, sinners were in hell for a reason Tries to keep Charlotte from doing stupid things, but she normall doesn't listen
Adam and Lute are dating, Charlotte and Agatha are also dating, so not much changes
I designed the excorcist uniform with clowns and Charlie's full demon form as a reference and I really like them, imagine that thing coming down to kill ya I'm just now realizing I gave them the same mouths, but like that works Who is the Sin of Lust in here? Still figuring that one out sorry
FUCK I kind of changed the au again, not too much tho it's basically still the same thing Once I finish it all you will be able to see it here once I link it
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lucauali · 1 year
bob the builder - eustass “captain” kidd
warning: kinda suggestive, making out, groping, female bodied!reader (is wearing a skirt and revealing top), modern AU
I couldn’t think of a title LMAOO but it's subject to change, also I'm fs gonna write for ace next bc I'm on the alabasta arc rn which is also why I'm writing Kidd in a modern AU. Please ignore the fact that idk how to end these drabbles
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"I'm home!" You were met with silence as you softly shut the front door of your new apartment closed. The numerous bags in your arms dropped since the weight of them had been straining you all day. After gently pushing them to the wall with your foot, you ventured towards the hallway. The open door to the bedroom you shared with Kidd remained empty with only the bare necessities inside.
The sudden sound made you turn your head towards the spare room at the end of the hall. The door was closed, but it didn't keep Kidd's muffled groans and shouts of frustration shut in the room. You giggled as you turned the doorknob and opened the door.
"Eustass! I'm home!" Said man was hunched over something that was blocked from your sight. He whipped his head around and looked you up and down.
"Hey there, sweetheart. Didn't hear you come in." He got up and walked over towards you. Once he stood tall in front of you, he suddenly gripped you by the hips and pulled you flush to his body.
His eyes raked over the cropped denim top and white mini skirt that adorned your body. The plunging neckline and short cut of the clothing did wonders for your curves.
"You went out shopping for decorations like this? I'm going with you next time, then." He grumbled as his grip traveled all around your body. You let out a squeal when his hand smacked your ass in a teasing manner.
"I asked you to, but you said you were 'too busy' so I just went on my own. What were you so busy with anyways?" You pouted up at him as you started to rub your hands on his bare chest. The light sheen of sweat on his body and the fact that he swapped his usual grey sweats out with some shorts made you think he was getting around to setting up his at-home workshop.
Kidd smirked down at your hands and then at you, "take a look behind me, sweetcheeks. Hope you like it." With that, you peeked around his build and gasped.
Behind Kidd was a completed vanity. The white vanity came with two columns of drawers, along with the pull out drawer under the table top. The table top had crystal-clear glass that showcased the drawer beneath. The best part was the huge mirror with LED lights on the border.
You ditched the redhead behind you to closely inspect the brand new piece of furniture. The mirror even connected to your phone for music!
Suddenly, you felt Kidd press up behind you and circle his hands over your lower stomach. He hid his face in the crook of your neck as he mumbled, "I take it you like it?"
"I love it! Thank you so much, Eustass!" In the middle of checking the storage space, you remembered what room you're in.
"Wait, but baby, isn't this your workshop room? Where are you gonna put your table and all your stuff?" The room wasn't as big as the bedroom, but it could fit a few more larger pieces of furniture.
"Don't worry about it. I'm putting my stuff against one of the other walls. Thinking about putting a curtain or something so that the your side doesn't get messy." You looked up at him with a sweet smile that can make Kidd say yes to anything you ask.
"Thank you, I really mean it. It means a lot to me that you would gift me something like this." With that, you planted a sweet kiss on his lips, which he happily reciprocated.
Kidd hummed against your lips with a smug smirk, "yeah? Wanna show me how thankful you are?" A gasp ripped past your lips as he smacked your ass again.
"Mmm, I knew you would like this outfit. But no! I need to show you the decor I got first!"
"Babe, c'mon! That can wait." Kidd groaned as he tried to reach for you, but you simply walked past him and out the door.
"Nope! You're gonna fall asleep if I don't show you now, so come here!" Your voice echoed down the hallway while Kidd groaned.
Even though he can't take you to bed yet he still wouldn't trade moments like these for anything else.
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monbons · 2 months
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Stitch Sunday
Thanks for the recent tags @whatevertheweather, @run-for-chamo-miles, and @shrekgogurt!
It seems like a quiet day, but I'm too proud of my DeNiall dolls (lovingly made to celebrate @mooncello's more than a footnote) to let the finished version go uncelebrated. If you are on Discord you may have already seen them. For everyone else, look at these beauties!
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One of the best things about this particular ship from this particular fic is just how rich and vivid Heath's descriptions of each character and every outfit have been. I was very committed to representing all of Dev's piercings, so you can see he has tiny gauges, a tongue "barbell," and an orbital piercing. Harder to see but also present---his Watford sweatshirt is distressed! (Sadly, not with magic--just plain old Xacto knives and a pumice stone.) You can see the perfect hole by the collar and his cuffs are torn up too.
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In the fic, Niall has gorgeous brown/ginger hair, so he is the first doll with two kinds of yarn to get the right shading. He will wear a polo/rugby inspired collared shirt in a future chapter. When Heath sent the inspo pic, I explained how hard it is to produce anything with a collar. With that said, my love for this fic knows no bounds, so I went to the fabric store and was sorely disappointed that they did not carry the right kind of stripe. Ever the problem-solver, I dug through my kids' torn/stained clothing, found the perfect shade of blue in my daughter's tees, made my OWN striped fabric, and put a fussy little collar on it. I think Ni might be the cutest doll I have ever made as a result.
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Another fun thing this round? Hightops for all with functional laces. Yes, Niall and Dev can swap shoes. Or pants. Unfortunately not tops since I had to sew Niall into his because of the collar...but if Dev wants to wander around topless, he can...
In other news, I realized late last week that my summer vacation is almost over and I'll be running Camp Mom again until school starts for all. This means I'll be taking a break from doll-making ... or at least significantly slowing down production moving forward.
I have only one more fic on my list of planned dolls, but I probably won't start them for a while because I'm taking some time to write and maybe (finally!) make a set I get to keep. (I'm trying for WS SnowBaz and found the PERFECT material for the PERFECT suit...)
In any case, hellos, high-fives, and sleepy Sunday vibes from the doll factory: @thewholelemon, @cutestkilla, @bookish-bogwitch, @raenestee, @roomwithanopenfire
@emeryhall, @rimeswithpurple, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold, @talentpiper11
@brilla-brilla-estrellita, @beastmonstertitan, @best--dress, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @larkral
@drowninginships, @valeffelees, @messofthejess, @iamamythologicalcreature, @aristocratic-otter
@blackberrysummerblog, @orange-peony, @facewithoutheart, @ic3-que3n, @rbkzz
@supercutedinosaurs, @skeedelvee, @arthurkko, @fiend-for-culture, @hushed-chorus
@martsonmars, @katatsumuli, @comesitintheclover, @fatalfangirl, @stitchyqueer
@onepintobean, @palimpsessed, @moodandmist, @ileadacharmedlife, @theimpossibledemon
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walrus150915 · 9 months
Nimona headcanons part 3 bc I'm insane (out of order and disorganized so like- be ready) and bc it's my new year gift for y'all
• Nimona mostly talks like a normal teen but sometimes she'd use words that show her real age. "Sonorous", "vapidity" n stuff like that. Her vocabulary is INSANELY huge
• Ambrosius tries not to swear so he uses a lot of silly replacements instead. "HOLY S- golly!!", "You son of a b- bishop". Like I'm sorry but he's the type of guy to say fricking instead of, yknow, the intended word. Ballister finds it endearing; Nimona finds it stupid
• Yes yes he does replace sex with lovemaking. Yes he purely refers to him and Bal going at it as "making love". Yes he's a fellow like that
• Ballister doesn't drink alcohol. I know that's implied in the movie that he drinks (although I thought he drank, like, soda?? On the other hand he is a wholeass thirty years old man who's seen some shit so I wouldn't be surprised) but idk he strikes me as a type to refuse drinking out of moral code. He doesn't eat pork for the same reasons (pushing my cultural Muslim Ballister agenda)
• Ambrosius drinks only during celebrations or parties. Not much because he's a light drinker😭 one cup and he's already lying on the floor, crying and hyperanalyzing his life
• after Nimona came back Ambrosius was not safe from her jokes. Neither of them despised each other (not after Nimona saved the whole Kingdom and not after Ambrosius proved he really isn't a jerk) but boy does Nimona make fun of him on any given occasion. Ambrosius was taken aback by this at first but then he just got used to it
• Ambrosius is being kinda petty and jealous when Ballister spends more time with Nimona than him ("Although now apparently he's got a new best friend, what's that about?!"), not in a way that'd make it unhealthy ofc but still😭. Him and Ballister were tied to the hip for like the most of their lives and now there's someone ELSE Ballister likes to hang out with? Ugh🙄
• Ambrosius had a diary when he was a teen, he didn't write much there (one or two sentences a day). Once he became an adult he kind of forgot about it but after the whole... Hunting stuff started happening he found himself writing a ton of sentences there again
• when him and Bal started dating Ambrosius had a whole page in that diary filled with "Ambrosius Boldheart" HE'S A GUY LIKE THAT OKAY
• Ambrosius likes to attack Ballister's face with quick little kisses. If he pecked his forehead he must peck his cheeks and nose and eyelids and cheekbones etc etc
• Nimona sometimes speaks in rhymes. She doesn't know how she's doing it but her tongue just does it on its own. ("Let's go dunk on the punk in the trunk")
• Ballister has actually been a year older than everyone in his class, another reason why he was the black sheep™
• Ambrosius can play the flute and the piano due to his noble upbringing he HATES whenever someone brings it up tho
• Nimona and Ballister have those nights where they recall historical facts and situations and Nimona shows her perspective of the things. "The guy claimed to be a war criminal was the biggest sweetheart in the world what are you onnn". Ballister wrecks his brain trying to understand if she's serious or not
• Ballister doesn't get a lot of the jokes, they just fly over his head. Only after some time he starts getting them, like in the middle of the night randomly going "ohhhh that's what she meant"
• first time Ambrosius and Ballister made out Ambrosius threw his hands in the air and said "yayy :D"
• Ballister's haircare routine is better than you think it is he's just casual about it. Yes he uses coconut oil like his life depends on it
• Ambrosius's complexion is leaner but Bal's is broader. So when they exchange clothes it doesn't fit because Bal's shirts are too loose on Ambrosius but also kinda short and Ambrosius's are kinda long but too tight in the shoulders for Bal. They still think it's sweet to swap their clothes sometimes
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thehomophobe · 2 months
More Random Human/Humanoid! AU Headcanons
Chica is an advocate of all kinds of weird food combinations, especially pineapple on pizza. The only one she hates is milk before cereal. “The cereal would get soggy faster.”(PREACH!!!)
In my AU, Sun and Moon were the same animatronic. Yes, same mechanic with one transforming into the other via light exposure. Besides the clothes changing color, Sun’s skin would turn paler and the freckles would disappear as he turned into Moon. The coolest thing was the hair would also grow longer and change color as well. Though when Moon reverts back to Sun, the excess hair would fall off, leaving Sun to clean it. Another thing was that it hurt like hell. Swapping really cause both brothers lots of pain. Every time Sun had to switch for nap time, he had to go to his room and scream into a pillow in agony while transforming into Moon to not scare the kids. And vice versa.
When you made the twins separate bodies, the two would bicker about who’s the “older” twin. Even though they were technically born the same day. 
“I’m obviously the older one.”
“Nuh uh! I woke up before you did, so that’s means I’m older.” Sun woke up during the separation process but you forced him back to sleep.
”I don’t that counts.”
I like to think that each animatronic has a lot of random facts or knowledge about some topics. Like Chica knows about what stretches and exercises help what muscles. Monty, obviously, has knowledge about golf, but also fun facts about rock bands over the years. Roxy has knowledge about mechanical engineering, cars, and fashion history. DJ has music history. Freddy, Sun and Moon all just have general knowledge that they just say randomly. 
“Did you know that your brain is constantly eating itself?”
”Freddy…of all that fun facts…” You were scarred that day.
Monty may not have a good relationship with Moon, but he does with Sun. Which is strange considering the childish behavior Sun emits sometimes would’ve steered him away. It was one day when Monty needed a place to stay since he trashed his room again. The daycare doors were opened as the lights were on. Monty kinda waltz in there before Sun properly welcomed him. After that they chatted for a bit, which made Monty surprised by how mature Sun is. He really thought he wasn’t gonna understand anything he ranted about but Sun took it in emphatically. In the end, Monty left with a new friend and an origami frog made out of a ten dollar bill. 
Chica’s great at both rollerskating and skateboarding. Idk why she just is. 
Monty was jealous of Bonnie back then. Actually, he was jealous of the whole band. When he was born (built created idk), the Glamrocks were the hottest thing in the plex. Gator golf had very little people coming in even though it was a new attraction. He really did want the attention they had. 
The thing is…Bonnie’s known to be aggressive. So him coming to Gator Golf with an aura like that, Monty had to defend himself one way or another.
To this day he’s still mad about the rumors floating around about his “murder”, how he decommissioned a beloved animatronic because of “primal rage” and “envy”. Only one of those things were true, but wasn’t the motive behind it.
Foxy and Roxy shared a father-daughter relationship when he was around. Sure the main three mourned over his decommissioning, but Roxy was incredibly hurt. Foxy made her loved children the way she does now and set her straight when those doubts kicked in. On that day, she lost the one person who motivated her to be kinder. Sometimes she recites the words Foxy used to say to her to herself silently. 
Now truly, I believe Eclipse was the first daycare attendant before Sun and Moon were even theater bots. Eclipse did the standard things for the daycare; lunch time, naptime, etc. while Sun and Moon, who came later on after the company realized how many children come to the daycare, would entertain them when they would go to the theater. A little thing they had were anger issues, or rather, just little anger spurts, usually formed from abusive parents child live with or careless human attendants who really don’t care. And when they’re angry, ooo boy…they’re angry. Angry enough to snap a broom in half. Twice. 
I also believe Eclipse wanted to be decommissioned via due to knowing the horrible secrets of the missing children and not wanting to live with that. Sun and Moon didn’t know them well enough, but it was already too late...
DJ was kinda oblivious to romantic advances. The moment you told him he was hot was when he realized it. 
A bit self-indulgent, but you, reader/(y/n), have entomophobia. One day you were hanging out with DJ in the tunnels, literally hanging around, when suddenly you felt something crawl on you. Screaming and panicking, you thought it was a bug. You were right! Kinda…it was a music man. Though your fight-or-flight response was to curl up to DJ and tell him to kill it. 
“Woah relax (Y/N), he’s cool.”
And that was how DJ introduced you to the music men.
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yoshirage · 1 year
Body swap diaries: PETER’s CYOC
After months of training and studying, I stood there proudly with fellow agents and superiors in the lower levels of Area 51 awaiting for my first mission as a full fledge secret service agent. It was a grueling time to the point that out of 50 candidates, only 3 of us actually made it.
We hear a gruff raspy voice from the intercom. “Welcome new agents and congratulations. You all are now officially part of the secret service which; as you all know, deals with more covert missions regarding this country. So please meet up with your superiors to discuss your first mission.”
All of the agents dispersed and so did I, and made it to Mr. Carlson’s office. I open the door and see a half naked man with curly hair frantically trying to put his clothes on.
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“Ahh dammit looks like i forgot to close that damn door again. Lock it for me will you Peter.” I locked the door behind and sat at one of the office chairs trying not to look and stare at my supervisor’s body. “Hahaha come on now Peter, don’t be so shy. This isn’t the first you’ve seen me in another body.” He was right, but the usual bodies he’s in are the bigger hairy daddy types.
“So i guess you took my advice huh”
“ yeah. Went with someone younger and chose this guy named Jon to take for my time off. Gotta say its a different feeling.” He flexes his arms.
“You look great sir”
“Hahaha thanks Peter. Now since you were the highest achieving agent we have, i decided to assign you as a personal guard for a past president. As may know, any two term US president that finishes their service gets assigned a lifetime agent to help with safety and security, and they are also enrolled with the ‘reincarnation program’ which…
“Gives the ex president and their partner, a choice to have their consciousness transferred to another person’s body.”
“Very good Peter!” He claps his hands “now of course they can opt out of it if they choose to, but we at least wanna give them a taste of it and see if its for them.”
“Isnt it too early for Mr Obama to be in this program?”
“Yes you’re right which is why I’m assigning you to George W bush.”
“Wait isnt there someone already assigned to Mr. Bush?”
“There was, but we are reassigning Gary to a much more… lets just covert mission.” I just nod my head knowing exactly what he means.
“Now Mr Bush has been living in his current body Bruno for almost a year in Brazil.”
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“How about the real Bruno.”
“He’s living life as Mr. Bush. We programmed him to practically BE George Bush… memories and all” i nod my head. “ now Mr Bush has been alerted of the change in staff but I would like you to travel to Brazil and introduce yourself”
“No problem sir. Will do”
“I also gave the guys at the lab the Ok to swap you with someone else for this mission, of course you don’t have to.”
I thought about it for a short while and decided to swap. “ Thank you sir. I will go right now.”
“Sounds good. Here is a catalog of the guys that are available.”
I look over it and saw Jon’s body with the amount of $10,000 right by his name. “Damn! I cant believe this kid is getting paid $10,000 to swap bodies with an agent” i thought to myself.
“now if you’ll excuse me. I think its officially time for me to start my Time off.”
“Have fun sir and Ill see you when you get back.”
I leave his office and made my way towards the all the while looking at the catalog.
“Hey Peter!” I waved at Vinh “ Mr Carlson told me all about your mission. So have you thought about which body you want.”
I looked over the catalog one last time…. “This one” I said
(Which of these guys should Peter switch with. From top to bottom: Joey, Christian, Larry, Leon).
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panspy-draws · 11 months
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hello and welcome to my attempt at fixing whatever it is they gave us for reverse adrien and marinette aka the bare minimum of alternative fashion.
for those not familiar, the first pic is the canon character designs for the miraculous world paris special.
details and changes under cut!
it was really hard to come up with something for adrien bc what they gave us is............... lacking. the hair, the white leather jacket, the jeans, the stripes on his turtle neck are not doing it for me. if adrien was alt he would 100% be altering his own clothes and leaving behind the expensive shit (also his father) to be punk. he wouldn't wear such pristine clothes (back again at the WHITE LEATHER JACKET). i did give him a version where i swapped the white jacket/black turtleneck to be a black jacket/gray turtleneck. i also made the jacket a bit less form fitting and gave him some accessories like the belt chains and the unnecessary belts on the jacket arms. the hair was hard cause i did like the side shave, but wanted it to be a bit messier. lastly i pretty much just tweaked the eye makeup a bit.
marinette was easier bc i do like her and outfit, but the helmet bangs and regular pigtails combined with the saturation of her blue/pink hair was throwing me. i think if she comes from a world where she looks this angry, she wouldn't have made the character growth to move from a bun to pigtails like Socqueline. So ofc I had to make two versions with pigtail braids, and a braided bun.
i also changed her eye makeup a tad bc i thought it made her eyes a bit too oval (and gave her another eye to begin with. I elongated her jacket and oversized it a bit, as well as added some more tears to her shirt (i noticed just 1 at her collar) and gave her a chain belt. Her shoes looked too much like rain-boots so i painstakingly turned them into creepers with little roses and thorns on them (the rose motif is really cool i think). lastly i changed the saturation of her hair to be more black than blue....... and YES i did fix her head shape it was just too tall.
im still upset they went with just vague alternative rather than a specific subset(i want punk/grunge adrien and pastel goth/scene marinette), but honestly why would we expect any different
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
Your fic "Shut Up and Fish" got me thinking... are you implying that Grian's snail is a spark?
"Shut Up and Fish"
"That's hard," Grian concedes, not looking up. The pink snail's watching, its tail patting the dirt. Grian cradles the turquoise snail's limp eyestalk in his hand. Snails are tricky creatures… They don't signal their injuries with the crook of their tails like dogs do, and they're not immune to fall damage like cats. Gingerly, easily, he brings the snail's neck to his chest and gives it a little hug. He makes a little noise. This world is beautiful if you know where to look. "Please," begs the voice in the wrinkles of his damp and dripping clothes. "You'd be a better dad to Tim. You'd be a better husband- I want what YOU have… That's MY life. Give me back my body!" Grian ignores this, peppering sloppy kisses on the snail's sweet head. It nudges into him, cuddly and sloppy and alive. Beautiful, sparked son of a thing. He'll tell Grumbot sometime, but Grumbot might not love to know he's got a snail for a younger brother now. And he laughs again, because it's stupid. It's just… It's really stupid. But he nuzzles the snail and the snail nuzzles back, and the voice in his head wails and scratches at him in the strain of Gem's boat anchor against the pebbles and sand.
In the Pixels Imperfect canon, a creature or build that is portrayed as having sentience beyond that of its basic mob AI (if applicable) needs an AI spark. Grumbot and Jrumbot are perfect examples of "portrayed as sentient" vs. "offhand joke about the build being a child, but not followed through with." Jrumbot is a non-sentient build and Grumbot is a sentient one.
Grian's snail is played as sentient - Grian even makes a huge deal about Scar "not playing the game right and making the snails do things they wouldn't do" - so in the Pixels canon, the snail is a sparked build.
Sparks don't have to be perceived as offspring- they simply embody whatever the intended roleplay was. Grumbot initially referred to Grian and Mumbo as Creator 1 and Creator 2 in Hermitcraft canon, then swapped to addressing them as dads after a certain point (to their surprise), which underscores the idea that in-universe, he is sentient and making his own decisions.
That said, Grian considers the snail his biological son, yes. His baby boy who does crime.
I have some news about Box from Double Life, wheeze...... BigB made it VERY clear in canon that Box is sentient enough to "say its first word," and Ren jumped up and down all giddy exclaiming that he was "such a proud papa," confirming that he sees it as his child.
When they're in couple's therapy, BigB explains that he "knew Ren would like it if Box had a hand so it could reach out and give him a hug." Also, special spotlight on BigB bragging about how "Box is going to need to find a soulmate" because that's so funny. I like how after BigB goes red, he invites Martyn to Box, he says "We look forward to seeing you. That's 'we' as in me and Box."
Shout-out to Martyn and Cleo getting "We will take care of Box in your absence" signed and agreed by Ren and BigB "by law and by will." Sorry you two are horribly broken up, but congrats on ur giant son. They will not nurture it, but they will definitely look at it and go "... Huh."
Guess who has one thumb, canonically wears a monocle and walks around looking like it's been "punched in the face," is technically in the Clocker family tree via Martyn, rocks he/it pronouns, and is heir apparent to Dogwarts in the Neighborhood Watch AU.
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We’ll Keep Each Other Warm
Summary: Sebastian wants to swap scarves with MC. Also kissing. (Sebastian Sallow x Hufflepuff f!MC)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None!
Word count: 500
A/N: inspired by this post by @witchywriter18, I combined the scarf bit with another idea I had. I think they’re stronger together just like Sebastian and MC. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Their empty butter beer glasses clinked as MC and Sebastian set them down on the table. They were celebrating the end of a rather lovely Christmas break, like all the other students that had crowded into the Three Broomsticks, and had spent the better part of the day talking about, well, everything.
“Back to Hogwarts, then?” Sebastian nodded to the darkening sky outside the window.
“Probably best.”
MC reached across the table and picked up her scarf. She almost had it halfway on when she realized the colors were wrong. “Sorry Sebastian, I-“
She looked up to find that Sebastian had taken her Hufflepuff scarf, and already settled it around his neck. He grinned at her over the stripes of black and yellow. “Go on then, wear it.”
Grinning despite herself, MC wound the green and silver scarf around her neck, draping it over her shoulders. She breathed in, letting his Slytherin scent fill her nose. A mixture of Feldcroft pine, library books, and dittany. It made her wonder what Sebastian was smelling on her scarf now… probably niffler.
Snow covered the roofs and lanes of Hogsmeade. More fell around them now, though it had slowed a great deal. The fresh powder was hiding patches of ice, which MC discovered quite by accident. One misplaced step sent her reeling, but she righted herself before she could fall into the snowbank beside the path.
Sebastian took her arm, laughing. “I think someone had one butterbeer too many tonight.”
“Nonsense! I just slipped on some ice.”
“That delightful flush on your cheeks says otherwise. Rather a good look on you.” The lightness in his tone and mischief in his eyes made MC’s stomach flip.
Or maybe she did have one too many butterbeers.
Sebastian cupped her face in his gloved hands, thumbs tracing the curves of her cheeks. They leaned closer, lips about to touch, when one of them found the icy patch again. With nothing to grab onto but each other, Sebastian and MC tumbled into the drift of snow. MC grunted as Sebastian’s weight pressed her into the ground, and he quickly raised himself up on his arms.
“Sorry,” he said, the flush in his cheeks matching hers.
MC grabbed him by the scarf - her scarf - and pulled him into a kiss. For a moment she thought they might melt the snow piled around them. When their lips finally parted, icy flakes still surrounded them, clinging to their hair and clothes.
“Yes, MC?”
“It’s really cold down here.”
“That it is.” A little reluctantly, he stood and offered her a hand up.
They were more careful of the road as they trekked back to Hogwarts. That wasn’t the only thing that kept their arms linked and their shoulders huddled close, though.
Sebastian insisted on walking her back to the Hufflepuff common room, even though his joke about her overindulgence in butterbeer was long forgotten. They stopped to say goodnight at the top of the staircase that led down to the kitchens.
“Don’t you want your scarf back?” MC asked, fingering the wool at her throat.
“Nope,” said Sebastian, grinning. “I’m keeping yours. We’ll switch for a while.”
“We can keep each other warm even when we’re apart.”
Speechless and blushing, MC noted the satisfied grin at her reaction. He turned and headed toward the Slytherin common room, calling over his shoulder in a singsong voice, “Good night, MC.”
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 month
Hiya! It’s me again. I wanna know what you think the explanation behind the clothes is.
I have a few explanations myself:
Like some are a bit different, so they might just have a really similar style.
Their stylists ship them and want them to wear the same clothes.
There are (were?) married and share(d) a closet.
Also that one comic con with Sebastian wearing the same shirt Chris wore the day before, what was that?! My mind is saying the fucked. Like in that one fanfic were they got come on Sebastian’s shirt and they overslept. But they could also have been hanging out in Chris’ room, drinking and falling asleep, just to pick up the wrong shirt. But they were too happy for that. I know I’m a bitch when I drank the day before.
Anyways thanks for listening to me rambling!
related to this
I think a few different things, like, okay, obviously the most fun 😏 explanation is that they're boyfriends who share closets and sometimes who have quickies in hotel rooms, too, with all their clothes ending up in a pile, and thus forgetting who's shirt is who's and swapping. But, the first point you made is probably most likely because... men's fashion is like that. Often plain and repeatable. But I also would believe the second, too, lol. I don't know about Ilaria Urbinati (Chris' stylist), but Michael Fisher has done some pretty ship-ish shit over the years, lmao. And I love that he has. It's so entertaining every time. It makes me lose my mind.
Here's a few examples:
Sharing pants
Comparing outfits
This is just... what the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.
And I can't find the exact post 😫 but I'm pretty sure I remember Michael Fisher roasted this shirt of Chris'? I recall him posting an Instagram story where he compared the tan patch around his stomach to looking like... someone's stomach
So, if he doesn't ship it, he at least is very aware of Chris and his fashion choices 👀
But, yes! Whatever the reason, it's fucked up!! Oof, yeah, I assume you're talking about either
"Room 427" by musette22 and paperstorm
Or, possibly,
"sweet disposition (never too soon)" by luninosity
Either way, yes!! I will always be a sucker for the accidently-swapping-clothes-after-a-hurried-fuck. It's so good
I appreciate your rambles, haha. Thanks!
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the-travelling-witch · 7 months
May I ask how would your ocs react to their partner needing attention? Cuddles etc! Or possibly just annoying them until they stop what their doing to focus on them *cough cough a certain streamer bird demon*
yes you may!! though i think i accidentally went on a side quest and wrote drabbles instead, sorry ^^;
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summary: coming to them for affection and attention
pairings: dantalion :: valefar :: stolas x gn! reader
obey me masterlist
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You turned to your left. You turned to your right. You cursed Belphie.
Stretching your hand out towards the cold side of Dantalion’s big bed, patting around for good measure, you sighed when you found it just as empty as when you went to bed.
You sat up at the resignation that sleep wouldn’t find you anyway and detangled yourself from the silky blankets. Just as you had guessed, light was still filtering in from underneath the door and when you padded along the pristine hallways of the demon’s home, you found Dantalion sitting in a plush armchair, his normal clothes already swapped for a luxurious robe as he pored over the upcoming issue of “Devil Style”.
“You’re still working?” Rubbing the nonexistent sleepiness from your eyes, you watched him tilt his head up, bright eyes trailing from what he was reading to your figure in the doorway. “Aren’t you going to sleep?”
“I could be asking you the same thing, darling,” he mused, already extending a hand towards you and inviting you to join him.
“I can’t sleep without you there,” you admitted as you slipped your fingers into his slender ones.
“My apologies,” the blond murmured, lifting your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles in an effort to make it up to you. “Unfortunately, this review can’t wait. But you are welcome to join me as I wrap up, I’m nearly done anyway.”
“Sure,” you agreed and slipped into his lap, your back supported by his chest as you studied the magazine in front of you. “Oh, I saw a lot of demons wearing something like that recently.”
“Hmm, it seems to be very popular lately, especially on Devilgram. I believe we have Asmo to thank for that,” Dantalion offered and as always you were in awe that he just knew these things off the top of his head. “Perhaps you should come and try on some of the new arrivals. I believe the style would suit you well.”
The two of you kept going through the magazine together, Talion taking notes here and there. The scratch of his pen combined with the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest and his arms loosely curled around you, enveloping you like the scent of his body wash, weighed heavy on your eyelids. Soon thereafter, your breathing evened out and your head fell against his shoulder, your cheek pressing into the silken material of his robe.
Careful not to wake you, Dantalion closed the magazine after reviewing his notes again, then whisked it away with magic. Gently tracing a finger over your cheekbone, the demon smiled to himself at how peaceful you looked before placing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
Lifting you up, he made his way over to the bedroom so you could finally get some rest, already looking forward to waking up next to you in the morning.
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The door to Valefar’s private office creaked open as you poked your head in, looking around the room before your eyes locked onto the demon’s figure at his desk. His focus was entirely on the documents in front of him, so you decided not to disturb him and slowly went to close the door again.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Val still hadn’t looked up from his paperwork, yet you could tell one of his eyebrows was raised in that typical way of his.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to bother you,” you mumbled into the quiet room, heat rising to your cheeks at your own fumbling. “You’re busy right now, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I can also be busy later,” he said, finally lifting his gaze to meet yours. His dark hair was tousled as if he had run his hand through it a couple of times, his suit jacket and tie slung over the back of his chair. “So, you’re gonna tell me why you’re here?”
“It’s nothing important, really. I can just come back later–”
While you were trying to backtrack, Valefar had crossed the room to stand in front of you, arms crossed and expression unimpressed as he towered over you. With measured strength, he pulled you fully into his office and shut the door, his hand resting beside your head.
“Now, let’s try this one more time, little lamb,” the demon said, head lowered so you could look straight into his amber eyes. “Is there something you need from me?”
“I– It’s really dumb,” you sighed. “I just wanted to see you because I missed you.”
There was a beat of silence in which the thought you had angered him crossed your mind. Then, Valefar’s amused chuckle filled the room before you felt weightless, your demon’s nails digging into the fat of your thighs as he lifted you up.
“How did a sweet little thing like you fall into my claws, hm?” There was a smug glint in his feline eyes at the squeal you let out when he dropped backwards onto one of the couches, pulling you down on top of him. 
When you tried to sit up, his arms wrapped around your torso, keeping you flush against his chest and making you inhale his cologne. There was a rumble in his chest as he lazily drawled his question. “Weren’t you the one who asked for this? Then also stay still.”
“But is it really alright for you to skip work?” You wondered, not wanting to get him in trouble because of you.
“Don’t sweat it, I’m my own boss, remember?” One of his arms was propped up under his head while his other hand had settled on your waist, tracing his pointer finger over your skin. “Besides, you’re much more important than some paperwork anyway.”  
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Stolas had been streaming for a while already, just getting around to wrapping up the stream by talking to chat when he received your text asking how much longer he’d be live. Near immediately, he excused himself and waved chat goodbye saying something important came up.
This was by far no uncommon phenomenon. And at first, you had felt pretty guilty when he quickly ended his stream when you actually just wanted to ask if you could still hang out afterwards. But Stolas had very adamantly assured you that it was alright and that his audience was used to him timing lives based on his mood anyway.
Considering you caught most of his streams, you could estimate pretty precisely how long it would take the winged demon to make his way to the House of Lamentation. So when Stolas took longer than usual, you were growing a little worried. Maybe he was more upset over you interrupting his streams than you thought?
There wasn’t much time for you to get into your head though, a familiar knocking pattern against your window ripping you out of your thoughts. Waving at you from outside the glass was Stolas, the dark strands of his hair askew from the angle in which he was cocking his head.
The night air grazed your cheeks as you opened the window to greet him, only to be immediately swept up into his arms and twirled around, flashes of blue darting in and out of your vision as his wings steadily carried you.
“I missed you!” Stolas exclaimed, pressing an excited kiss to your temple. “C’mon, let’s get out of here before your guard dog catches us.”
“By now I think Luci has caught on, to be honest,” you snorted, locking the handle from outside with a handy magic trick Asmodeus had taught you.
“I was talking about Mammon, actually,” the demon grinned back before whirling the two of you high into the Devildom night sky.
As always, the adrenaline was racing through your veins at the playful dips and turns Stolas made while you took in the scenery underneath you. Nightlife was always bustling in the streets here and it was fun watching the demons bustling around the illuminated paths.
You landed on the small balcony outside of Stolas’s apartment, which has become as much of a safe haven to you as the House of Lamentation. Offering you his hand, the demon helped you into his living room, only to pull you towards the couch immediately.
It was only after the dimmed lights were flicked on that you realised the couch had become a cushioned landscape of pillows and blankets, your favourite snacks and drinks sitting on the coffee table.
“C’mon, get comfy,” Stolas encouraged you, one hand in the dip of your back. “We need to catch up on the series we’re watching. Plus I know the game you wanted to play just came out. Chat was begging me to stream it but I wanted to play it with you first.”
“Looks like we’ll be busy then,” you mused, dropping onto the cushions, waiting for Stolas to crowd into your space as he always did.
And no sooner had he pressed play on the latest episode of the show he swore he wouldn’t get invested in, he was already lying between your legs with his head on your chest and arms wrapped around your middle.
“Sorry for being so busy lately,” he mumbled halfway into your shirt. “I didn’t mean to skip out on our time together.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” you smiled down at him, twirling his dual-coloured strands between your fingers. “Besides, Satan ran me through a military-style study routine for the exams anyway, so I wasn’t any less busy. Guess we just have to make up for lost time then, huh?”
Stolas hummed, before grabbing the hand that was close to his face and turning his head so he could flutter a lingering kiss against the skin of your wrist.
“Oh, I fully intend to, if you haven’t noticed.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2024 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit; do not copy into an ai
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httpiastri · 2 months
pt 1
based on pepe's off the track ig stories he travels and takes a lot of aesthetic pics hence..... 🍯
whenever it's off season or summer break, you take a leave and travel around pepe to unwind yourselves. pepe with travelling as his second nature, plans out the itinerary, having a balance of relaxation and thrills that you might hate him for later on (a kiss would solved that anyways)
pepe is always the adventurous one when it comes to travelling, he'd never force you if you don't want to, but he highly encourages you to step out of your comfort zone to try out some of their cuisines, picking ones from the menu that he thinks suits your palate, or to go try activities like scuba diving or hiking to make your trip worth it.
but pepe doesn't always push you to your limits, he'd be down to anything that you want to do. he'd take your pictures, helping you pose and capturing you in your best angles, hyping you up while doing so since you tend to get shy especially when you are taking pictures in a crowded area.
he'd also be down to your pub hopping around the town. getting different drinks since you want to try all of them (even though you'd switch with pepe at the end since you always choose the hard drinks at first) and you'd talk about what's ahead of both of your careers, and as time goes by, gets into more serious ones like settling down together and starting out a family.
at the end of the day, you'd be so tired with the shenanigans pepe put you through that you'd be magnetized to the bed. pepe would helo you with your clothes and remove your makeup before the both of you ending up in a spooning position, reminding you how he's lucky to have a partner and travel buddy like you for a lifetime, and in the end, promising you that in every universe the both of you are in, he would travel the world just to find you again and again.
pt 2
OMG OMG IT POPPED UP IN MY HEAD 🍯 MOREOVER pepe knows you're a fashionista at heart whenever you travel and he always tries to match up with your outfits, he even asks you beforehand what would you wear so he can pack up clothes that would pair with them. he also has things prepared in his backpack just it case the fashionista in you won't last a day: a bandaid for your blisters, a pair of sandals when your feet decides to give up, an extra hair tie when the wind is too much for your laid down hair to handle, and a cardigan if it gets too cold or something spilled on you. when you are almost at your hotel and your feet decided to kill themself, he won't hesitate to carry you bridal style to your bed.
is it a lot to carry all of those in his backpack, and even more when your weight is added when needed? definitely, but he thinks it is all worth it just to hear your sigh of relief when he brings it out of his backpack or when he's carrying you, pecking his cheeks, because you as well, is lucky to have a attentive travel buddy and partner like, and you promise as well to meet him halfway when he comes to find you in every universe.
(im answering this ask instead of the separate ones, hope that's okay 🥰)
i'm about 100 years late and im SO SORRYYYY!!! but omg you really cooked with this 😭
gosh i think traveling with him would be so so cozy :(( he would definitely be up for planning and taking care of stuff, but also involving you a lot? but just making sure everything is as comfortable as possible for you because he knows how important it is for you to just relax during your break (bcs school/work is so exhausting & you deserve time to recover)
but yes, he definitely tries to push you out of your comfort zone, but little by little !!!! you mentioning cuisine made me tear up a little ngl because i'm super sensitive when it comes to food and just... this made me think of other traveling/food thoughts i have had about pepe... like the fact that if he orders new stuff for you from the menu, and you end up not liking it, he definitely offers to swap your meals and eats it for you (so you don't feel embarrassed about not finishing your food)... or if he tastes something new that he really thinks you would like, he will suggest that you have a little taste and if you don't like it then he'll just smile and think no more of it... anddddddd my #1 thought, he definitely orders for you if ordering food is something that bothers you (like it does to me) 🥺 especially in spain when you come with him, he has no issues placing all of your orders in one go in spanish, all while holding your hand on top of the table and secretly asking the waitress about stuff he knows about your food preferences (like, "are there a lot of carrots in this one or is that just on the side?" or "is the sauce very spicy?")
pepe as your personal photographer >>>> !!!! god he would be so good at that, and he definitely has an eye for taking good candid pictures... and he also takes a lot of pictures of the scenery, especially ones where you're subtly in them, just to fill out your pretty instagram carousel for later <33
and pls drinks with pepe? help??? im not very good with drinks but if i were to sit next to him at a bar, i would try any drink he offered to me (and i would watch in awe as he drank everything i didn't like) <33 and pls having talks about your future together? and just knowing you two have each other until forever, and the fact that it doesn't really matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as you're together?? 🥺
aaaaa pepe would lowkey act like he wasnt sure about the idea of matching outfits at first, but he grows very fond to the idea really quickly.... and soon it's him initiating it 🥺 and him being so prepared with his backpack is soooo true!!! some snacks for whenever you both need some energy, a little polaroid camera that he bought as a surprise just to get some extra memories from the trip, tons of water to make sure you don't get dehydrated.... and it all just comes so naturally to him that when you point it out one day he's just like "?? am i not supposed to do this? what else is my job??" :(( he doesn't mind it at all, because any opportunity to make you happy is a win for him <3
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