#also... hi I finally got around to replying to this xDD
fiercexkfc · 1 year
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SEND ME YOUR MUSE’S HEIGHT, AND I’LL COMPARE IT TO MY OWN’S! (accepting) || @strawberrywings asked:
For the compare muses height, my Kei is only 5'1, and that's honestly pushing it the boots she wares. Tbh honestly, the only time she gets any height is when she's wearing high heels 👠
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A red wing rested on top of the female's head, "Hey there, short stack!"
(image under cut;; so it doesn't take up a lot of the dash)
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Life of a Pirate Chpt 2
Welp here’s another chapter for you all! XDD  Hope you enjoy and sorry if the grammer is wonky.
Preview: https://at.tumblr.com/lootsofathousandsworld/life-of-a-pirate/1lwut1bs2x36 
Next: https://at.tumblr.com/lootsofathousandsworld/life-of-a-pirate-chpt-3/iznev36laj9z
I felt ice-cold water splash on my face.
"Wake up!" I gasped with a start at how cold it felt on my skin. I coughed and saw I was in a different place. And found myself tied to a chair with both hands behind it.
"Now, what are you be doing sneaking around on my planet, lass?" I looked up sharply and saw Captain Flint sitting on his golden throne with his long nails tapping his desk. I was inside his cabin, not knowing how long I'd passed out.
But I let it slide off because right now I'm speaking the front of a living legend. The one who was supposed to be dead! Dead in his own trove. All of this is not adding up.
He wasn't alone as B.E.N was beside him. And Billy, who was also here, is in the corner of the room, keeping eye at me making sure I didn't try anything. I swallowed with my heart pounding hard while Flint was giving me his cold glare.
"Well?" I felt overwhelmed and my mind was racing as he waited for his answer.
"I-I don't know," I manage to reply.
"Don't know?" He questions. "What do ya mean ye don't know?"
"I don't know how I got here," I repeated. "Honest." He raises all his right-side eyebrows and growls lowly.
"And I see you tend to be a spy from anyone I assume?"
"No," I answered fast. No, I travel alone."
"Lies," Billy confirmed and pulls out a cigar from his coat pocket and lit it. "Yer from that scurvy navy that is seeking out the captain's treasure."
I shook my head. "No, I swear!" I protest. "I didn't know this planet has people. I thought it was abandoned."
"S-sir, she might be telling the truth," B.E.N pipes in. I saw he was trying to help me.
"Quiet," Flint snarled. "If you bring this intruder to me, ye would not be in trouble." The robot hung his head, having a shameful look.
Then he turns to me and clasps his both bony hands together. "Then tell me how you get here," I breathed to see I was in a situation where if I tell him the truth, he'll murder me without hesitation. He only does it to keep his treasure safe.
So with no choice, I made a lie. "Actually, I crashed landed here,"
"So you did have a longboat?" B.E.N gasped.
"Used to." I corrected. "But not anymore." The Captain hums lowly and asks this.
"And ye set to believe my planet was deserted yes?"
I gulped. "Y-Yes, sir. " Then he asks another question.
"Then where is your long boat at?"
"I don't remember where it is at." I lied more. "But it's all broken and the pieces are all scattered." He was looking at me long as I was praying he's not seen the hidden lies behind my eyes.
He asked this final question. "And you be one of the people who are after my treasure?"
Again I shook my head, "As I told you no. I'm not.." I felt my blood freeze when B.E.N spoke out.
"But she told me she wanted to see them," About a second, he clasps his mouth with his robotic hands, realizing he shouldn't say those words. I saw the captain's eyes filled with rage.
So you are after my treasure!" He stood up fast and took his pistol out from his coat belt. My face went pale when I saw he was going to shoot me.
"Time to say goodbye, lass," He aimed it at my forehead and I shut my eyes in terror. Right before he pulls the trigger I yelled the word.
I panted heavily, shut my eyes, and waited for a loud bang noise. But I didn't hear it.
Trembling, I peeked my eyes and saw flint glance at me, now puzzled.
"What did you say?"
"P-paraly," I gasped. "You do paralys right? Where I'm protected until this bargain is complete?" I felt relieved when he begins to sit back down, lowering his pistol.
"Aye, there is a code for that."
"So if I used it I will not be harmed until the deal is done right?"
"You're correct but it only works if you have to speak to one of my crew. Still though," He turns to Billy and finishes," I guess him here counts," I felt more relief as I watched him put his pistol back and sat back down.
"What is it you want, lass?" After he asked this, I did not think for a second and answered quickly.
"I want to be set free when this ship comes across the merchant, and I don't want the merchant ships to be raided when I come aboard." Right when I said my wanting, he let out a dark chuckle.
'That's it? You wish to be dropped off when we plunder?"
"Yes?" I reply.
He then gives me his smirk with those nasty crooked fangs. "That I'm afraid I have to decline that lass,"
I breathed to see him refusing my want. With no other choice, I decide to play smart as I shrug my shoulder.
"Alright, either that or let me live to find my longboat pieces, and who knows, I might stumble upon your secret trove." I saw his face turning slowly from amusing to a scowl.
"You won't find it,"
"I'll only find it by accident." I corrected. "So which one is going to be? That or dropping me off. You're choice," I saw the Captain's nostril flare' almost baring his fangs like a Lion in irritation.
Wasn't sure if I was making a stupid life risk, but at least so far, that paraly worked out well.
Thank you Pirates of the Caribbean for existing!
"Cap'n, I suggest have her stay on this planet," Billy suggested.
I heard B.E.N gasp. "But she won't survive living here,"
"That is the point." He replied. "It be long for her to rebuild her longboat. And before we knew she be starving to death."
"Enough Billy," Flint silenced him. He looks at me, and my breath was quiet while he was studying my facial and felt nervous about what decision he was going to take. And of course, Billy was right.
I won't be able to survive staying on this planet. I would be dead probably by the next week or two. Then after a long silent treatment, Flint exhales in exasperation.
"Very well. You have my permission to stay on my ship until the merchant ship comes, and we release you and will not raid it.
I almost let out another relief sigh, "Yes thank you.."
"But on one condition," He holds his finger up, interrupting me. "You will be serving me as a new cabin girl. You do as you are told under my order without any complaints."
He then finishes. "And you will address me as Captain or sir, do I make myself clear?"
I slowly nodded. "Yes sir, do we have a deal?" Answering my question, he nods towards Billy, and the old turtle walks to me and pulls out his dagger.
He got behind me and cut my tied rope, releasing me. I got up while rubbing my wrist from the rope burning.
"You have a name? Miss?" Flint questions.
I bite my lips and answered. "It Ash, just Ash,"
"Hmm quite an odd name for a young woman," He stands up and holds out his hand. "Well, Miss Ash, it'll be accord to us,"
Knowing this was no going back and my chance of living, I took his hand to shake. All of sudden, I couldn't help to make a soft gasp at how his large hand was warm against mine.
Shaking this feeling off, I reply. "Alright, glad we settle this," He lets go of my hand and clears his throat.
The robot yelped. "Yes?"
"Take her to find some suitable clothing. Billy will be with you shortly,"
"Aye aye, Captain!" B.E.N saluted. He hurried over to me and grabs my wrist while giving me a friendly smile.
"Come on I'll show you some clothing we have, you're going to love them We got the best ones!"
With that, he leads me out of the cabin, and without anyone seeing, I made a small smile. Feeling I was going to get my wish fixed soon after my paraly is all done.
Third's person POV
After the woman and B.E.N left, the captain hums.
"Billy, have ye noticed something odd about this girl?"
"No?" The turtle questions after letting out a cloud of smoke."
Flint glanced at his first mate and snorted. "Did you not see how she was looking at me? The way she sees me as if I was some kind of ghost."
Billy blinked. "It is pretty odd for a woman, but so what? Everyone in the entherium is afraid of ya." He inhales his cigar and blows out a few more smoke.
"Each of them has a different approach to ye appearance."
Flint tsks, "True, and still, none of them has ever caught my interest on why they fear me. And this woman is without a question," As he was talking, he pulled something out from his coat pocket.
It was a golden sphere with odd marks around it. He looks at his reflection in his clawed hand.
"She'd be hiding something from me,"
"And what are you gonna do with her then Cap'n?"
After Billy asked, Flint smirked. "Simple, keep her until I found out her little secret. Even if I have to break her pathetic paraly."
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Kanene’s note: Okay, I’m- aaaaa
I’m very proud of this one because it’s a little different of what I use to write and it was cool to try a new something. I didn’t even wrote the laughter because I was writing this next to my family and I didn’t wanted any of them asking why my characters were laughing so much xDD.
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* Switch!Émile and Switch!Remy (It is def romantic. They are married and very gay and there is a lot of kisses in it-)
* Hmmm… This is a Tickle-Fanfic! If you don’t like this kind of stuff, please look for another blog, there are plenty of amazing art in this site!! ‘u’).
* Something around 2700 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! I didn’t proofread that one very well, so I will probably be correcting a few things later. Any advice is always very, very welcome!
* Just two silly and very mean boyos being two silly, teasy and ticklish boyos. xDD
* A versão em português brasileiro irá ser escrita, ainda! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Watch a fun video, take a good rest, talk with the one that you love and drink water! Byeioo!~
- Émile ~
 He didn’t know from where this came from. In a second they were on the couch, smiling and watching Steven Universe, and in the other a cold shiver ran across his body, making him turn to his husband, just in the exact moment to see he taking off his sunglasses, locking his glare on him with those sweet, dangerously warm eyes and grin. Just like that. It took a heartbeat before Émile realized what was about to happen, a wobbly smile beginning to control his features as he felt himself almost paralyzed, Remy starting to tap his fingers on the lenses of his own glasses, his malefic smirk never fading.
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
 They stared each other, Émile’s gaze finally changing to his fingers, another round of goose bumps spreading across his spine, the adrenaline taking over his veins and giving him the enough strength to dash in full speed through the hall.
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Which leaded the poor, almost giggling, adult to his current state: hiding behind his room’s door and wishing with all his will power that this plan would really worked as well as it had when he watched in the cartoons.
 (He tried to ignore the voice in his mind reminding him how all that chases usually ended up in the end, the thought only being enough to heat his face.)
 - Émile ~ - It was in days like this that one wearing glasses could swear that Remy was a witch. Because there wasn’t any other realistic, rational and plausible explanation about how much the giggles trapped in his throat got louder, bouncier and even more difficult to control just with the slight sound of his voice, obligating their owner to press his hand further around his mouth, lightly biting the tip of his tongue. – You had better hide well, because you know what is gonna to happen when I find you, don’t you?
 Émile shook his head, his back forcing itself on the cold wall.
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
 - Oh, gurl, maybe you don’t even remember anymore… Now, we can’t fusion like this, can we? Let’s me remind you, then. ~ - The chased hold a pouty whine when heard these words, already feeling the beginning of a blush spread in his neck. Remy knew very well how teases could be as unbearable and unnerving as the tic… I mean, The Thing. – First, I will carry you aaaaall the way back to the couch and maybe my fingers will slip in tweaks and squeezes all over your hips, who really knows, ya know? But you better don’t squirm that much, because then I will have no escape but be obligated to bring my other hand to better hold you and just hope that this one is not more slippy then the first, right?
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
 - And then: The couch. Nothing different will happen there, really. I will just lay down with my extremely ticklish, helpless husband to take a nap, and, if my glorious lips will be random blessing your incredibly sensitive neck with a lot of Goodnight Kisses and my hands will keep lightly scratching, squeezing and poking all the length of your sides, sometimes even giving a little attention to your hips, because no way in hell I will be sleeping in a hard pillow, it’s none of your business, giggly boi. – Émile couldn’t help nor stop the pitched squeal that escaped from his mouth, eyes widening and breathing immediately stopping, the others giggles also begging to escape. - Oh, and, by the way, better keep your mouth very shushed while this. We don’t want the Tickler Master waking up, am I right?
 Remy’s nonchalant tune still full filling the air, which didn’t carried the sound of his steps anymore. The cartoon lover knew there was no way for him to save himself and, in a surrender act, just let his high, excited giggles run happily across the room hiding his face in flames behind his tremble hands. Seconds later, he heard the sound of his door being closed and his hide spot exposed.
 - But we both know that you just can’t contain yourself, my so poor, so defenseless lee. – Émile playfully screamed as he was lifted up in the air, quickly being carried in bridal style. He opened his eyes enough to see Remy in a bat of eyes deviating his glare from his form, the tender smile taking pieces of seconds before changing to an evil grin, fingers suddenly tweaking his kneecaps and hips, leading the carried to jump, a squeal signaling the flow of giggles that followed it.
 - Please, Remy, please!! – Each new squeeze was a snort interrupting his words, making him try to start again only to get the same result and repeat the cycle all over, resulting in a more helpless babbling than anything else. The said stopped, adjusting his hold in order to sneak his thumb in that damn spot right between his shoulder blades, switching between kneading and prodding while leading to an even more no-understandable sentence. - No there, no there, no there!!! Pleasepleaseplease-
 - Huh? Whatcha you are trying to say, hun? That I’m the most handsome husband in the entire world? That you are so sensitive that only a few squeezing and prodding are enough to transform you in a blushy, laughing mess? – The one being held felt his laughter increasing, the words spreading tingles in all his others ticklish spots, even the ones which weren’t being attacked. He shakes head, denying. – Is that you love all these teases and specially when I tickle tickle tickle you? Huh? Use your words, babe.
  – Nonononono! – Émile arched his back just to find another attack to his hips, bucking the said as Remy buzzed his fingers in the exact point where his sides and hips connected, and generating loud crackling as response. – You a- nah! You are mean mean mean!! – His arms danced to a place to another, too much occupied with the crazy sensation to really focus in stopping it, Remy increasing his efforts in order to make the snorts start to bloom amongst his laughter and squeals, no needing too much to succeed. – Remy!!!
 - Yes, gurl? Geez, you should love my name. It seems like you can’t even spent a whole real minute without saying it! – His tune was still nonchalant. However, he leaned down for a heartbeat in order to steal a peck from his beauty, giggly and cute as fuck, husband, who obtained a new shade of red creeping down his neck. Nooooice. – Anyway, what did you wanna tell me? Be quick, I still having a lot of places to knead, scratch, scribble, wriggle… This whole ‘Tickle your extremely ticklish husband, like, really, reeeeeally ticklish, like seriously, this guy is a whole tickle spot himself, a alive version of Tickle Me Elmo, and, when he became a helpless mess just tease him more and more until the big, rational, Émile Picani turns in just a poor, so poor, blushy lee.
 - REMY!!
 - What? Can’t handle the truth? Boo-hoo, then.
 Émile didn’t answered, unless you considered his fast, absolutely incoherent, stumbling words a kind of response, choosing to clench is hands in his shirt and hide his face in flames, instead. His laughing being so strong that reverberate through the attacker’s chest, who couldn’t stop feel like a villain as he stared with a gigantic grin adorning his lips the ribs that such act let defenseless. Well, he internally shrugged as he took a deep breathe, suit himself. His arms were growing tired anyway.
 Émile thought he was going to melt in any moment, the teases still heating his sensitive skin and increasing the tickles in a way that should be definitely illegal, but in the moment he felt the raspberry, spreading, taking over his nerves and T I C K L I N G he died.
 And screamed, for sure. Oh, and also gripped something while kicked and trashed as if Mabble’s life was depending on it (not his own life, of course, since he was already dead). Some part of his desperate brain noticed he was falling, but the laughter exploding from his mouth and the impossible to ignore feeling quickly expelled any other thing.
 He opened his eyes, breathless as his watery vision focused in the form mostly layed onto him, their giggles flying and filling the entire room. After some heartbeats, Remy finally got up, his hands resting on the floor and sustained the weight of his body. Their eyes met.
 - I’ve forgot how much of a kicker you are. – Émile just curled up a little more, pulling his tongue out in a very mature and hard to win, statement
 - ‘s not my fault your arms are weaken than Deadly Arms’ ones.
 - Excuse you?
 - Nuh.
 - I beg your heck pardon?
 - No, you let me fall for you. Twice. In love and on the floor. I’m ignoring you until the end of ours married days.
 - Oh, is that so? – Remy replied, adjusting his position so his hands would lay each one in the sides of his husband’s head, who immediately recognized the smile beginning to shine and exploded one more time in a flow of giggles, his arms in front of his body, attempting to conjure a kind of shield.
 - Wait wait waitwaitwait!! Nonono! – A yelp cut his sentence when a hand tweaked his thigh. - I’m sorry, I’m sorry!
 - Yep, gurl, you will b- And his threat was interrupted when Émile pushed his shirt and connected their lips, stealing his words, breath and any and every coherent thought from his head, his giggles still floating from his mouth, which leaded, if that was even possible, to the coffee lover melt further, allowing himself to be carried away by the tenderness and love, sighing and deepening the kiss.
 …Until that dirty, evil, nasty cheater digs his fucker fingers in his damn stomach, which ruined the romantic moment and absolutely did NOT made Remy Tough Picani release a half shriek half snort that DIDN’T resulted in the only one wearing glasses coos softly, excuse you.
 - Awww. – Émile gave him an innocent smile, quick turning the tables and sitting on Remy’s legs, his fingers swinging in a dance that consisted in craving his thumbs right above his waistline and vibrating his others fingers in his torso, the maddening sensations culminating to free, belly laughter escape from the ‘victim’s’ mouth. Eyes tightly closed, wrinkled nose. – What is the matter, my dear? The cool, bad boy Remy can’t take some ti-tickly tickle tickling in his tummy-yummy-yummy? Huh? Huh? Can’t he? Because he is super hype dyper sensitive, aren’t you? Yes, you are! You are!
 - OH MY GOD, SHUT UP!! – Remy could feel his face, against his own will power and threats, melt in flames. His laughter being replaced by hysterical giggling as his husband changed his technique to spidering, slowly walking his fingers up before quickly drag his nails in random patterns the way down, going up and down one time more and after that a couple more of times, always managing to catch four or five snorts. – THIS IS SO DUMB, FUCK.
 - Now, now, Mister Ticklish Master. Let’s not be a Squidward to the Tickle Monster, alright? He just wanna to hear aaaaaaall that adorably, lovely, helpless giggles of yours!! – Émile lowered down and touched their noses, his smile increasing as he felt the other’s laugh hitting his cheeks, his tune now in flying in joyful whispers. – And what a cute laughter you have! Definitely the most lovely, sweet and favorite lee of the Tickle Monster!
 - ‘m not- ‘m not cuteyourbi-nOPLEASENOTTHERE- His words stumbled in each other, specially when his shirt was lifted and a finger began to squirm and scratches his bellybutton, his legs now kicking while his hands tried to get enough strength to stop the marvelous move. However, exemplary falling as the attacker focused some quick prodding in the exposed axillaries, receiving what was suppose to be an angry snort. Émile couldn’t help but coo one more time. – I’M. NOT. – He couldn’t help the squealing cutting his sentence. - CUTE. FUCK OFF!
 Émile made a soft sound of sadness, pouting even if his husband was still with his eyes tightly closed, unable to see it.
 - Now, it’s a pity that you don’t believe in the words of your own husband. – He switched to lightly scribbles and pokes at his sides and lower ribs, making sure to rub circles in each one of them while also gave his ‘victim’ some room to breathe and understand his words.
 - Well… maybe, maybe he would… – Remy tried, really tried to frown and looks angry, but that was really hard with the giggles still interrupting his words. His body melting in the gentle, good touch. Totally against his will, for sure. - ... if his husband wasn’t being a jerk and tickling him.
 He stared directly at Émile, therefore he didn’t lose the slightest which red freckled his cheeks, smirking, wobbly that is true, but also proudly in being the only between both who managed to say ‘tickle’ without shuttering. Sadly, though, he also didn’t lose the way his eyes and smile widened, showing that the other had an idea.
 Butterflies started to panic in his stomach, especially when Émile’s gaze focused there with a ratter crazy gleam, his next phrase coming out as a soft, dangerous purring.
 - You know… all of this made the Tickle Monster a bit hungry… and he heard that some lil lil lee has a very yummy yummy tummy right here. – His hands squeezed his belly, as if to prove his point. Remy jumped, the adrenaline running all speed across his body as the words starting to weight in his brain.
 - Wait, WAIT! Émile!!! – The one being called slowly moved towards his target, ignoring the squirm and pleas from his husband, who grew more and more desperate as his attacker innocently smiled and looked at him, his head gradually lowering to his most ticklish spot. – Émile, Émile, please, I’m actually begging you. I’m begging you!! I’m cute, see? I said it!!! Émile!!!!
 - I’m listening. ~
 - No, you’re not! – His euphoric, hysteric giggles already began to take over his sentences. – No! Fuck!!
 - No? – Émile’s lips already were resting on his belly, the word sending shivers across his nerves, which was not helped by the fact that the other absently shook his head, demonstrating his saying.
 - No! No!
 - A no to ‘no’? So that is a yes?
 - nO.
 - No? But what about the ‘yes’?
 - Stop it! Oh my gosh, I’m gonna to get a bitching divorce!! It’s a no to your yes!
 - Got it! It’s a ‘no’, then?
 - Yes!
 - A yes? Okay!
 Before any other protest could fly from his mouth, a shriek did it first. And again. And again. And one more time, almost as fast as the nuzzled raspberries buzzing and the nibbles, together with the ‘nhom nhom nhom’s’ sounds, spread and madly tickled in a total oblivion to his kicks, pushes and loud, thunderous laughter painting the air.
 It didn’t took too much before the cartoon lover stopped, already aware of the other’s limits, and touched their foreheads again, Remy’s breathing and reminiscent giggles being the only thing breaking the silence which involved them in a calm, cozy, warm feeling.
 - You don’t look at me like that, your traitor. – His tune was free of any harm, his bright gaze and blushed cheeks locking his attention. Émile couldn’t help himself but kiss the pout out of his face. – And don’t you dare to kiss me. – Quick kiss. - I don’t trust in your sweet lips anymore. – Soft kiss. – They are a hell of a trap. – Giggly kiss.
 - I love you.
 Their eyes met, one more time, and Remy finally gave up, swimming in that deep, caring moment. Their hands intertwined themselves.
 - I love you, too. – He lightly poked Émile’s ribs, winning a yelp before receiving the same treatment. – But only sometimes.
 - Uh huh.
 - What? It’s the truth!
 - Sure it is, dear.
 Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
 Their heart did, beating in unison.
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jennyellie · 4 years
Red Riding Hood AU
[Chapter 5: Big Ears]
When the wolf arrived at the house, it knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
A few coughs was heard and a small voice asked.
"Who is it?"
For the wolf was so slick and clever, imitated the tone of the little boy.
"It's me grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood. I brought you a basket of goodies, open the door!"
"You know, your grandson! The one with the red hood."
"Oh, Walter it's you..I'm much too weak to get up, dear. Just lift the latch." said the grandmother.
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The wolf complied and opened the door. When the creature crept inside, it looked around the dimly lighted house and saw the bed in the next room hidden behind the drapes.
"What a relief that you came.
Come here, my child. I want to see my grandson's face." said the old woman in bed while putting on her glasses.
"I'll be right there." said the wolf with his voice disguised.
The grandmother was all ready in bed waiting for his one and only grandchild to come and greet her.
But what she saw wasn't her grandchild, but a dark figure with glowing eyes with long, sharp claw for the left hand.
Her eyes opened wide with fear and chills went down her spine.
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"W, what are you?! You're not my grandson...!!"
"No personal feelings, but I'll need to eat you up."
"H, how do you even know here? What did you do to my grandchild..!!" screamed the old woman.
The wolf without any answers, walked in and swallowed her down in one gulp.
During the voring, could feel it sliding down his throat and into his stomach.
It was a bit stringy, but it wasn't bad than it thought.
To prepare for the next meal, it closed all the curtains on the windows, and blew off the candle to make the house completely dark.
Then it lay on the bed and hid itself by covering the sheets up to its head, and waited.
Meanwhile, Red Riding Hood went back to the main path and saw the familiar red-roofed house far ahead.
He was delighted to see his grandmother but also worried about her getting a cold, so went faster along the road.
As he arrived, he knocked the door and heard a voice calling him.
"Who is it?"
"Grandmother, It's me! I brought some food for you, open the door!" he replied.
"I'm too weak to open the door, dear. Just lift the latch and come on in."
As Red Riding Hood came in, he put down his basket on the table and his bouquet of flowers in an empty vase.
"Poor grandmother..
I brought you bread, honey, a bottle of wine and an apple. I also got some flowers from a wide meadow on the way."
"How thoughtful of you, my dear." replied the creature.
The boy noticed that the whole house was pretty dark by the closed curtians.
"It's awfully dark in here... I'll light the candle for you."
"No thanks, dear. I'd like to keep it a little dark. You could come to bed and keep me warm."
So Red Riding Hood came up to the bedroom, which was much darker than the kitchen and heard some rough coughs from the bed.
"You must be very sick. Your voice sounds terrible." said the boy being worried.
"I'm freezing, my child. Come to bed with me and I'll probably feel better."
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Red Riding Hood hopped into bed and looked right next him.
When he looked closer, something was strange. A big, pointy ear popped out from under the sheets.
So the boy asked.
"Grandmother..? What big ears you have."
"The better to hear your voice my dear."
And right after, he saw two huge pair of eyes hiding under the sheets.
"Grandmother? And what big eyes you have."
"The better to see your pretty face, my dear."
Red Riding Hood being puzzled, saw a long, black hand on his lap.
"Grandmother..?? What giant hands you have..."
"Better to hold you with my dear."
And finally, he saw the wolf's long, sharp teeth and asked.
"Grandmother..?? Why are your teeth so big?"
"That is...."
There was some silence after Red Riding Hood asked him.
And suddenly, it jumped out from under the sheets and answered while showing its horrifying form.
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Red Riding Hood fell out of the bed and started to shake and cry in terror as he saw the distorted monster.
He tried to run, but couldn't move an inch by the overwhelming fear suffocating him.
The wolf then grabbed him and swallowed down as he heard the young boy screaming to the top of his lungs.
As the creature finally ate the two of them, felt satisfied for having a full stomach.
Instead of falling asleep, he waited in the bed again, waiting for its final hunt.
Man, Walter must have been traumatized for that unexpected moment...
Drawing Killian with sharp teeth was actually a lot of fun XDD
@rachi-roo @honeypandonze @xxstar-bluesxx @onefiercefox @ohziland @thesmoothpudding
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⚘ Head Pats (Koushi Sugawara)
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Genre: Angst, Drama, Slice of Life, Fluff ☁
Word Count: 4,335 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Sugawara ☁
World: Haikyuu ☁
Prompt(s): A fell down while gaping at B after seeing them for the first time. / “I caught your cold.” / Single Parent AU ☁
Author’s Note: So, this started off pretty nice I think but it kinda just spiraled into a trainwreck of a fic xDD Ahem, anyway. This was written for the weekly-prompt (07/29/20) over on @hqbookclub​ ‘s discord server – you should check it out if you haven’t 😉 Also, people are probably gonna say Suga is OOC in the middle but meh. I warned you that it was a train wreck pft
“You have to come!” Kageyama demanded, his hand clasped tightly around your wrist as he pulled you toward Karasuno’s gym.
“Not like you’re giving me much choice here,” you sweatdropped.
The two of you had been friends since you were both in diapers and, even though you didn’t really like him at first, your mothers forced the two of you to play together so they could watch their shows and fawn over the handsome actors. He soon became like a brother to you, but you ended up moving away at the start of middle school, leaving him to become the lonely king. Now, you were attending the same high school as him and he was determined not to let you slip away again.
“Go wait at the gym,” he pointed across the way. “I have to get changed.”
“Sure~” You headed toward the large gymnasium, cautiously peeking around the open doors. Several boys were already inside practicing and, while you had seen a couple of them around the school, you didn’t know any of their names.
A large hand rested on your head, ruffling your hair. “Why are you here?”
You scowled, shoving Tsukishima’s hand away. He knew you hated it when people touched your head, which is why he did it every time he saw you. “Tobio wanted me to watch him practice.”
“Who?” He deadpanned before smirking, his eyes shining. “Oh, right. The blueberry.”
You rolled your eyes. “Nice playground insult, Tsuki.”
“Thanks, shorty.” He reached for your head again but you stepped away from him, sticking out your tongue.
“We can’t all be string beans!”
The sudden yell caught the attention of Sugawara who worried that a fight was about to take place. When his eyes landed on you, though, he felt his heart blossom. He was a strong believer in love at first sight and when he looked upon you, he could picture spending the rest of his life at your side. He needed to know your name, to hear your voice again, but when he started toward you, he was far too preoccupied to notice the ball directly in his path.
His foot landed on the ball and with a yelp, his other foot slipped out from beneath him, sending his thin body crumbling to the gym floor in a heap of embarrassment. Witnessing this event, you rushed over to him, eyes filled with worry. “Are you okay?”
As he looked up at you, the bright lights shined down over your body and he wondered if you were actually an angel that had been placed on earth just for him. Your voice was like music to his ears and your concern made warmth spread throughout his body. He almost didn’t feel the throbbing at the back of his skull.
You frowned when he didn’t reply, glancing up at the other boys as they gathered around to check on him. “I think he hit his head, senpai. He might have a concussion.”
Sugawara took a breath, forcing a smile as he pulled himself into a sitting position. “No, I’m okay. Sorry for the commotion.”
“Are you sure, Suga?” Daichi wondered, not missing the faraway look in the setter’s eyes.
“I can take him to the nurse,” you offered just as Kageyama stepped into the gym, his mood darkening when he heard the comment. You huffed, sending him a glare. “He’s hurt, Tobio, don’t you give me that look!”
“Oooooh! You got told!” Tanaka laughed obnoxiously, pointing at the first-year.
You gently took the fallen boy by the arm, helping him up to his feet. He swayed a bit, nose wrinkling as the world around him spun. “Just put your weight on me, okay?” You moved his arm so it was around your shoulders before holding him by the waist, guiding him out of the gym.
Feeling your body so close to his made his heart race, pale cheeks lighting up like a rose in freshly fallen snow. It was hard to focus on anything with his head throbbing so painfully, but having you at his side helped to keep him grounded. “Are you a first-year?”
“I am!” You chirped happily. “My name’s Y/N, it’s nice to meet you, senpai.”
He loved your cheerful attitude, reminding him of the sun on a warm, summer afternoon. “Koushi Sugawara, third-year. It’s nice to meet you, too, Y/N.” Your name was like pure honey on his tongue and he doubted he would ever grow tired of saying it. “You should come watch practice more often.”
You hummed, sending him a playful smile. “Only if you promise to be more careful.”
His hand lifted to rest on your head before he could stop himself. “It’s a deal,”
Normally, you would have smacked away the hand of anyone that touched your head because you just hated the feeling, but it was different when he did it and you weren’t sure why. Instead of feeling annoyed, you felt calm and comfortable, as if you were completely safe from the darkness of the world. You would never admit it, but you really enjoyed it when he rested his hand on your head.
When your alarm went off, you had to struggle to pull yourself out of the bed. Your entire body felt sore, your nose so stuffed up that no air could flow through, and your throat was burning. You knew you had caught a cold, you’d been feeling the symptoms for a couple of days now, but you just couldn’t stay home. Karasuno was finally going against Nekoma and you had promised both Kageyama and Suga that you would be there cheering them on.
As you stumbled down the stairs, clothes on backward and ruffled beyond repair, your mother knew you were not okay. One look and he was ordering you back to your room without even listening to your pleas. You were given no choice but to crawl back under the covers, but you grabbed your phone and brought up Tobio’s name, typing a simple message to him: ‘Sick, can’t leave house, sorry :(‘
Your eyes were starting to droop despite how hard you tried to fight against it, a yawn breaking through your lips. Just as you clicked on Suga’s name, sleep claimed you, the phone falling from your grasp and onto the mattress.
Sugawara was feeling nervous, but it wasn’t because of the game against Nekoma. He had been up most of the night trying to work up his nerve to finally ask you out and today, after the match ended, he fully intended to do so. The problem? The game was about to start but you were nowhere to be found. He checked his phone in case you messaged him, but there were no missed calls or messages. Had something happened to you? Were you just not interested in watching the match?
As the battle between the two teams wore on, he found it harder and harder to focus. He was worried that you had gotten hurt or lost and, as much as he hated the idea, he finally decided to approach Kageyama after the matches concluded. “Have you heard from Y/N?”
Kageyama’s eyes met his, narrowed with annoyance because of the match results and because you hadn’t shown up. “They’re sick,”
“Oh. I see, thank you.” Suga smiled, but he was feeling hurt. Why hadn’t you messaged him, as well? He thought the two of you had gotten pretty close since first meeting each other, but maybe he was wrong. Even so, he headed straight to the store so he could buy some medicine, vitamins, orange juice, and some chocolate before heading over to your house.
The sound of the doorbell cleared your sleep and you pushed yourself up with a yawn. You still felt like absolute trash, but at least you could partially breathe through your nose now. Had your brother gone out? Should you get up and check who was at the door? A gentle knock at your bedroom door broke your train of though.
“Come in,”
The door pushed inward, revealing Sugawara with a soft smile and a plastic bag full of items. Despite the small smile that graced your lips, he could tell how bad you felt and it made his heart squeeze painfully. “Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?”
“Suga~” You chirped happily, your voice slightly hoarse. “I’m okay, it’s just a cold, I think.”
He settled himself on the side of the bed, turning his body to face you as he set the bag down in front of him. “I got you some things to help you recover quickly.”
“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you, senpai.” Warmth flooded your cheeks as he pulled out a small beanie baby – a tiger with blue fur clutching a volleyball between its paws. You took it with renewed vigor, holding it to your chest. “It’s so cute!”
“I’m glad you like it!” His eyes shimmered with happiness as he watched you. Even sick, you were so beautiful to him. It wasn’t the ideal circumstance, but he needed to tell you before he lost his nerve. “Y/N, I need to talk to you about something.”
You frowned at his serious expression. “Is it about missing the game? I’m sorry! I really wanted to go, but my brother wouldn’t let me.”
“No,” he chuckled, resting his hand on top of your head to calm you down. “I need to tell you something important, Y/N, so please listen closely.” He took a deep breath. “I lo -”
The door slammed open and a tall blonde came sauntering into the room with a lit cigarette between his lips. Sugawara recognized him instantly because the boy had been kicked out of Karasuno high at the start of the year for headbutting the teacher and breaking her nose.
He smirked at you, his body plopping down onto the beanbag chair placed on the floor across from your bed. “Hey, babe. You well enough to bang, yet?”
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment, making you feel a bit dizzy. “T-Tohru! Don’t just say things like that! And you know my brother doesn’t allow smoking in the house.”
“That a no?”
“It’s a no!”
Sugawara could not express the sheer amount of anger coursing through his body at that moment. You had a boyfriend? Not just that, but seemed like a complete tool and he had been proven to be violent. He wanted to be happy for you, he truly did, but how could he? He didn’t know whether he wanted to scream or cry.
You glanced at the grey-haired boy, frowning at the way his hands curled tightly into fists. “I’m really sorry, senpai. Tohru is just… eccentric.”
“I-It’s okay,” he forced a smile, having to remind himself to breathe.
“Hah? Who’s this skinny loser?” Tohru exhaled a cloud of smoke, eyeing the other male. “Trying to weasel in on my bitch while they’re sick?”
Suga’s eyes flashed with anger. “How can you talk like that about your partner? I was checking on them because I care, but if I were trying to take them, you can bet that I would treat Y/N the way they deserve to be treated!”
Tohru stood up, eyes flashing with amusement as he crushed the cigarette into the carpet. “Oh, did I strike a nerve? Haha.”
Suga also stood up, chest to chest with the male as he stared him down without fear, despite the blonde having bigger muscles than himself. His mind was being fueled by pure emotion at this point and he didn’t even stop to think about the words leaving his lips. “Y/N, you need to make a choice – me or this delinquent.”
“Oh no, he called me a delinquent.” Tohru mocked with a laugh. “I’ve been called a lot worse!”
Your body had started to shake as the stress got to you and you were terrified that they were about to start exchanging blows. Tears stung at your eyes, easily overwhelmed due to your current illness. “Please leave…”
Tohru laughed again. “You heard ’em. Get lost, loser.”
“They were talking to you.” Suga spat. “Right, Y/N?”
“Get out,” you sobbed, clutching at your throbbing skull. “Get out, both of you!!”
Suga’s eyes widened in surprise, snapping to your shivering form. As he came to realize what kind of state you were currently in, guilt flooded him, easily overtaking the annoyance he felt toward the blonde. What was wrong with me? He never acted this way, so why now? He took a step toward you, his voice soft. “Y/N -”
“Just leave!”
Hearing the commotion, your brother came rushing into the room. Upon seeing the state of his younger sibling, he instantly switched into big brother mode, an angry expression overtaking his face. “What the hell is wrong with you two?! Upsetting a sick person like this, you should be ashamed! Get out, now!”
Tohru scoffed, sending you a glare as he stuffed his hands into his baggy jeans, muttering under his breath. “You were a shitty lay, anyway.”
Suga narrowed his eyes at the retreating blonde, gritting his teeth to keep his temper under control. How could he say such a thing about you? Was that all you were to him? Just someone to sleep with?
He wanted to say something to you, anything, but his vocal cords had given up on him. Suga could only send you an apologetic bow before leaving the house without a word.
After escorting the two from the house, your brother returned to your side, pulling you into his chest as he tried to calm you down.
A couple of days had passed and Sugawara found himself bedridden, having somehow caught your cold. He believed it was karma for what he had put you through. How could he have been stupid enough to let his emotions take control of him? Whether he approved of Tohru or not, you were dating him and Suga had verbally assaulted him and even went so far as to make you choose between the two. He felt so disappointed in himself.
A knock sounded on his bedroom door and he shot up, his heart racing. Had you come to visit him? “Come in!”
The door shot open, revealing Tanaka and Noya who ran toward the bed as they cried dramatically about how badly they missed the setter. Daichi and Asahi weren’t far behind, closing the door behind them so the second-year’s wailing wouldn’t disturb the rest of the household.
“How are you feeling, Suga?” Asahi asked kindly.
“I’m fine,” he responded, lips tugging down. “Have you talked to Y/N?”
A tense aura settled over the four boys as they exchanged looks with one another. Daichi cleared his throat, taking a seat at the desk. “Y/N… left Karasuno yesterday.”
“W-What? Why?!” Suga demanded, eyes wide as his hands clenched the comforter tightly within his fist.
“No idea,” Noya huffed in annoyance, folding his arms over his chest. “We only found out because the first-years were ganging up on Kageyama, demanding to know why they left and where they went. He refused to answer!”
“I tried calling them, but their number is disconnected,” Tanaka added with a frown.
Daichi watched the sick boy closely and with concern. He was the only one that knew about what had happened at your house and he knew Sugawara would be blaming himself for you leaving. He cleared his throat, trying to lighten up the mood. “I’m sure it’s just a family issue. Maybe they’ll be back!”
And Suga held onto that hope for a while, but as months passed by without a word, he knew you had no intention of returning. He was left feeling like a piece of him was missing, as if you had taken a chunk of his heart when you left.
It’s been about six years since Sugawara last saw you, but never stopped thinking about you, wondering what you were up to and if you were doing okay in life. He wished he could see you again just to know that you were doing okay, but Kageyama refused to tell anyone where you were and refused to give out your number. Still, the grey-haired boy never gave up on trying to find you.
He had the day off today, so he decided to head down to the street market to restock his fridge for the coming week. As he walked down the street, examining the various stalls, he felt something hit the back of his legs and, when he glanced down, he found a small, blonde boy that couldn’t be more than four or five-years-old. He glanced around, but no one seemed to be looking for the boy.
“I’m sowwy, mwister.” The boy apologized, looking up at him with wide eyes.
Suga smiled kindly as he kneeled down in front of the boy. “Ne, where are your parents? You shouldn’t be walking around alone, it’s dangerous.”
The boy pointed a pudgy finger in the direction he had come from. As if on queue, you pushed through the throng of people, breathing heavily as your eyes frantically scanned the area. When you finally found the boy, you rushed forward, pulling him into your arms before your knees even hit the pavement.
“Kousuke, I told you to stop running off!” You scolded, feeling relief flood you as you rested your hand on the back of his head. “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.”
“Sowwy, mama.” His fingers curled around your sweater.
Sugawara couldn’t believe his eyes. You had clearly gotten older, but it was most definitely you, even more beautiful than you had been in high school. His voice was breathy, “Y/N?”
You knew that voice well, even after all of these years. Your head shot up, eyes locking with his olive-colored ones in disbelief. “Suga-senpai?”
He chuckled. “I’m not your senpai anymore~”
“Ah, right.”
“Mama, I’m hungry!” Kousuke pouted, tugging on your sweater.
You tightened your grip on him so he wouldn’t fall as you stood up, holding the boy against your hip. “What would you like to eat, darling?”
“Okay~ We can get cheeseburgers.” You chuckled, turning your attention back to Sugawara. “Would you… like to join us?”
“Sure!” His heart picked up speed and his mind was running wild as he followed you down the street toward the burger place. There were so many things he wanted to ask, so many things he wanted to say, but he knew he had to wait. This was his second chance to connect with you and he didn’t want to do anything to ruin it.
After getting the food, the two of you took a seat outside in the play area so Kousuke could run around and play while eating at his own pace. You smiled as you watched him, sipping on your soda. “It’s been so long since I last saw you, it feels kind of awkward.”
Suga nodded, shifting in his seat. “Yeah, it goes. How have you been?”
“Um, I’m doing okay, living life day-to-day.” You smiled softly. “What about you?”
“I’m doing well. I’m working as an elementary teacher.”
“Really? That’s so cool,” you smiled. “I guess my son will be seeing you soon, then~”
His smile dropped a bit at the mention. So he was your son. Did that mean you were married? Happy with some other man? “I’m surprised… that you have a child.”
“Yeah…” You breathed out, playing with the fries in its paper holder. “It was pretty… unexpected.”
Sugawara’s brain was working in overdrive, the pieces clicking into place. It was all starting to make sense to him now. With wide eyes, he asked, “That’s why you left school… you were pregnant.”
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and you nodded. “I was really stupid and I made a mistake… but I don’t regret it because I love my son.”
“Are you still with the father?”
Your mood suddenly shifted as you leaned back in your chair, huffing out in annoyance. “No. As soon as he found out I was pregnant, he disappeared. He won’t even talk to his son!”
You nodded, your mood shifting again as you calmed down. “You were right about what you said. I just wish I had heard that before letting him talk me into sleeping with him. I was so stupid.”
A comfortable silence settled over the two of you as you watched Kousuke running around with the other kids, squealing happily. Every few minutes, he’d come to the table to get a bite of his burger before dancing on the spot as he chewed. Once he swallowed, he would run off to rejoin the others.
“Senp – ah, Sugawara-san, can I ask you something?”
“You can call me Koushi,” he smiled softly. “And yes, you can ask me anything.”
“Koushi-san,” you tested his first name on your lips and smiled at the warmth you felt. “That day when you came to visit me… you said you wanted to tell me something. You probably don’t even remember, but I think about it sometimes. Do you remember what it was?”
Of course, he did. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. It’s not every day that you try to confess to your first love, after all. “Yeah, I remember.”
“Will you tell me?” You glanced at him through your lashes, chewing on your bottom lip nervously. You weren’t sure why you were feeling so nervous, but you just assumed that it was because so much time had passed since you last met.
He debated with himself for a moment, wondering if he should. His feelings certainly hadn’t changed – he was very much still in love with you, but what would you think? Would you see it as creepy for him to have harbored these feelings all these years? You weren’t married, but what if you were seeing someone or interested in someone? He didn’t want to ruin that.
“Mama!” Kousuke appeared at your side, tugging on your sweater with one hand and rubbing his eyes with the other. “I’m tired,”
You glanced at your watch. “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s past your nap time!”
Sugawara cleaned up the table as you picked up your son and, together, the three of you left the burger place, heading toward your apartment building. It wasn’t long before Kousuke was asleep against your shoulder, making Suga giggle quietly.
“He’s so cute,”
“I know, right? Thankfully, the only thing he got from his father was the hair.”
“He definitely favors you.” He couldn’t help wondering if you were that cute when you were a child and his hand reached up, resting on the top of your head. Nostalgia filled you as you thought back to the simple times of high school and you briefly wondered where it had all gone so wrong, but then he removed his hand and you were brought back to reality.
Your apartment was located on the second floor and Suga had to take your keys so you didn’t wake up Kousuke. “Make yourself at home, I’ll be right back.”
Suga watched you disappear down the hallway before looking around the apartment with a frown. The furniture was worn and looked old as if it had been owned a few times before finding you. The place itself was pretty small and the neighborhood wasn’t the best. Were you struggling to live? If you were a single mother, it made sense. Were you working as well as raising your son?
“Would you like something to drink?” You inquired, heading toward the fridge.
“Ah, no thank you. I’m okay.” He took a seat on the couch, noting how it dipped lower than it should have, indicating that it lacked support.
You nodded, closing the fridge as you sat on the wooden chair that sat diagonal from the couch. “Sorry, I know it’s not much…” You rubbed the back of your head, embarrassed. “It’s all I could afford.”
“Are you struggling with money?” He frowned.
“Ah, no! I mean, money is kind of tight, but it’s okay.” You smiled. “I just got hired for another job today, so I’ll have more income coming in.”
“Another job? How many do you have?”
“Three now!” There was pride in your tone because you were working hard to provide for yourself and your son.
Sugawara didn’t like what he was hearing. Yes, you were working hard to get by, but he worried that you were working too hard. If you spent all your time working three jobs, how could you spend time with Kousuke? His eyes met yours as he shifted his body to face you. “Move in with me,”
You were surprised by the request and the determination within his eyes. “T-That’s really not necessary…”
“You wanted to know what I was going to tell you that day, right?”
“Yes?” Your brow furrowed. Why was he changing the subject?
His hand found yours, fingers lacing together. “I was going to confess to you.”
Blood rushed to your face, but you couldn’t look away from his intense gaze. “You… liked me?”
“I love you,” he confessed softly. “I’ve loved you since the moment I met you and that hasn’t changed. You don’t have to return my feelings, but will you consider moving in with me? I want to provide for you and Kousuke.”
You swallowed hard, taking a breath to calm your racing heart. “I don’t love you, Koushi.” His lips parted but you held your hand up to stop him. “But I did have a crush on you back then and I… I think I could fall in love with you, if you want to take that chance?”
“It would be my pleasure, Y/N.” Sugawara’s face brightened as he stood up, pulling you into a hug. You returned it without hesitation, unable to suppress a smile as his hand found its spot on the top of your head.
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luci-cunt · 5 years
Hi @moonsandstarsaregay​ here’s just a list of perfect Geralt and Dandelion interactions in ONE (1) chapter [btw this is basically ep 2: the one with the Devil of Posada]
(this ended up being longer than I thought because they’re too iconic, I didn’t even make it through the whole chapter XDD maybe I’ll do a part two but I’m gonna get some food and let these dumbasses rest. 
But, spoiler: they’re literally so in love + feral/ insanely smart Jaskier is 100% canon)
[G+D leaving a pub where a bunch of people moaned about the galactic fuck-ton of monsters around them but then Geralt’s like, bye we’re leaving and Dandelion’s like ‘why?? monsters?? that’s your whole job??’]
"None of the creatures they mentioned exist.”
“You’re joking!” Dandelion spat a pip and threw the apple core at a patched mongrel [side note I have no idea what any of this sentince means]. “No, it’s impossible. I was watching them carefully, and I know people. They weren’t lying.”
“No,” the witcher agreed. “they weren’t lying, they firmly believed it all. Which doesn’t change the facts.”
The poet was silent for a while.
“None of those monsters... none? it can’t be. something of what they listed must be here. At least one! Admit it.”
“All right. I admit it. One does exist for sure.”
“Ha! What?”
“A bat.”
[You don’t even need context]
“...Eh, famous witcher? Haven’t you wondered why?”
“I have, famous poet. And I know why.”
[Riding on the road]
“Someone’s following us,” [Dandelion] said, excited. “In a cart!”
“Incredible,” scoffed the witcher without looking around. “In a cart? And I thought that the locals rode on bats.”
“Do you know what?” growled the troubadour. “The closer we get to the edge of the world, the sharper your wit. I dread to think what it will come too!”
[the afore mentioned cart catches up and suddenly the driver wants to talk, interrupting G+D bonding time]
“The gods be praised, noble sirs!”
“We, too,” replied Dandelion, familiar with the custom, “praise them.”
“If we want to,” murmured the witcher.
[and then later in the same scene]
“...I marked your expression and ‘twas nae strange to me. In a long time now I’ve nae heard such balderdash and lies.”
Dandelion laughed.
Geralt was looking at the peasant attentively, silently. 
[Still later the guy asks if they want to stop by his house cause they’re going the same way and Geralt’s like ‘hOw Do YoU kNoW wHeRe We’Er GoInG?’]
“As ‘cos ye have nae other way here, and yer horses’ noses be turned in that direction, not their butts.”
Dandelion laughed again. “What do you say to that, Geralt?”
[Dandelion talking about how gorgeous the land they’re traveling through is, Geralt teasing him like ‘oh so you know about agriculture?’ ‘Duh, poets know everything my dear fellow and agriculture is v important--’]
[Geralt] “you’ve exaggerated a bit with the [significance of agriculture in] entertainment and art.”
[Dandelion] “And booze, what’s that made of?”
“I get it.”
“Not very much, you don’t. Learn. Look at those purple flowers. They’re lupins.”
“They’s be vetch, to be true,” interrupted Nettly [the other carriage driver].
[Then Geralt zones out because now Nettly’s talking]
“The Valley of Flowers, that’s Dol Blathanna.” Dandelion nudged the witcher [...] “You paying attention?”
[They get to Nettly’s house and meet the village elder Dhun who want to hire Geralt]
The elder of the village nodded and cleared his throat. “Well, it be like this,” he said. “There be this field hereabouts–” 
Geralt kicked Dandelion–who was preparing to make a spiteful comment–under the table.
[Dhun’s explaining the situation more and then--]
“...stretches right up to the forest–”
“And what?” The poet couldn’t help himself. “What’s on that field there?”
“Well.” Dhun raised his head and scratched himself behind the ear. “Well, there be a deovel prowls there.”
“What?” snorted Dandelion. “A what?”
“I tell ye: a deovel.”
“What deovel?”
“What can he be? A deovel and that be it.”
“Devils don’t exist!”
“Don’t interrupt, Dandelion,” said Geralt in a calm voice. “And go on, honorable Dhun.” 
“I tell ye: it’s a deovel.”
“I heard you.” Geralt could be incredibly patient when he chose.
[Oh and, might I just add: this is Dandelion’s perspective–he’s the one pointing out how patient Geralt can be. I stg, TV!Geralt is quaking.
And, lmao, this whole scene feels like Dandelion was teasing Geralt for not wanting to deal with other company but now that there’s a job and Geralt’s attention is more on that he’s all pissy and that’s just hilarious]
[Dandelion goes on to interupt the story about 2 more times and Geralt tells him to be quiet both times and now he’s sulking]
Dandelion cackled again, then flicked a beer-drenched fly at a cat sleeping by the hearth. The cat opened one eye and glanced at the bard reproachfully. 
[Geralt takes the job even tho devils don’t exist, Dandelion is pissed, ‘why take the job if you know it doesn’t exist!?’]
“...I take it you haven’t abased yourself so as to get us bed board and lodging, have you?”
“Indeed,” Geralt grimaced. “It does look as if you know me a little, singer.”
“In that case, I don’t understand.”
“What is there to understand?”
“There’s no such thing as devils!” yelled the poet, shaking the cat from sleep once and for all. “No such thing! To the devil with it, devils don’t exist!”
“True.” Geralt smiled. “But, Dandelion, I could never resist the temptation of having a look at something that doesn’t exist.”
[alkjdf;klasdfjkdsafl LITERALLY k;aldsjflsd WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS???]
[They finally manage to hunt down the devil and feral bard is 100% canon]
“Uk! Uk!” Barked the monster, stamping his hooves. “What do you want here? Leave or I’ll ram you down. Uk! Uk!”
“Has anyone ever kicked your arse, little goat?” Dandelion couldn’t stop himself. 
“Uk! Uk! Beeeee!” Bleated the goathorn in agreement, or denial, or simply bleating for the sake of it. 
“Shut up, Dandelion,” growled the witcher. “Not a word.”
“Blebleblebeeeeee!” The creature gurgled furiously, his lips parting wide to expose yellow horse-like teeth. “Uk! Uk! Bleubeeeeubleuuuubleeee!”
“Most certainly”–nodded Dandelion–“you can take the barrel-organ and bell when you go home–”
[this goes on for a while. btw yes, those are the noises the book describes the ‘devil’ making aksdjf;alk]
[then they have to run away because Geralt didn’t bring his sword and they get back to the house--]
“Well, well, Geralt.” Dandelion held a horseshoe he’d cooled in a bucket to his forehead. [you really can’t make this stuff up he’s such a disaster] “that’s not what I expected. A horned freak with a goatee like a shaggy billy goat, and he chased you away like some upstart. And I got it in the head. Look at that bump!”
“That’s the sixth time you’ve shown it to me. And it’s no more interesting than it was the first time.” 
“How charming. And I thought I’d be safe with you!”
[Then Nettly and Dhun give Geralt some old book that’s supposed to tell you how to deal with every monster ever]
He lay the book down on the table and turned its heavy wooden cover. “Take a loook at this, Dandelion.”
“the first Runes,” the bard worked out, peering over his shoulder, the horseshoe still pressed to his forehead. “The writing used before the modern alphabet. Still based on elfin runes and dwarves’ ideograms. A funny sentice construction, but that’s how they spoke then [...like a whole page of Dandelion being brilliant..]”
[^^^ that book is also unreadable but there’s a really old lady who has it almost completely memorized so Geralt flips through it to prove it and lands on this page--]
The etching showed a disheveled monstrosity with enormous eyes and even larger teeth, riding a horse. In its right hand, the monstrous being wielded a substantial sword, in its left, a bag of money. 
“A witchman,” mumbled the woman. “Called by some a witcher. To summon him is most dangerous , albeit one must; for when against the monster and vermin there be no aid, the witchman can contrive. But be careful one must be–”
“Enough,” muttered Geralt. “Enough, Grandma. Thank you.”
“No, no,” protested Dandelion with a malicious smile. “how does it go on? What a greatly interesting book! Go on, Granny, go on.”
“eee... But careful one must be to touch not the witchman, for thus the mange can one acquire. And lasses do from him hide away, for lustful the witchman is above all measure–”
“Quite correct, spot on,” laughed the poet.
[This moment--]
[Geralt] “...This time ‘tis grateful I’d be to heareth more, for too learn the ways and meanes ye did use to deal with him most curious am I.”
“Careful, Geralt,” chuckled Dandelion. “You’re starting to fall into their jargon. It’s an infectious mannerism.”
[And just over a page later--]
[Dandelion] “...ye furnished him with ammunition for two years, the fools ye be!”
“careful.” The witcher smiled. “You’re starting to fall into their jargon. It’s infectious.” 
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seekingthestars · 5 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part thirty the untamed boys
(aka: oh ho ho you thought we were done, did you? [she did too.])
uhhhh. yeah. oops? no one will care about these but i.love.them. so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the untamed boys, ep 1:
ji li complaining about waiting forever lol
and cyc complaining about being hungry bc he had to wait so long for ji li XD
fanxing is like…not even paying attention, he’s just playing on his phone HAHAHA
ji li “how about THIS i’ll cut yu bin’s hair doing a handstand, i want to cut his yellow hair” he is truly chaos
yu bin and fanxing just lounging all over each other is adorable, i love this uncle and nephew
bowen LOL “bring it on, who cares.”
fanxing pouting and clinging onto yu bin and yu bin just letting him and hugging him back, fanxing is a koala and stupidly adorable
ji li sliiiiiiding around XDD
“This is our cultivation process” JI LI ILU
jiyang’s FACE when he says he’s lost a lot of hair already fjeaoiwfjw
[ it’s time for Ji Li’s nonsense ] OH GOOD :D :D :D
“can you control your child please?!” NO BOWEN, NO ONE CAN CONTAN JI LI
jiyang in this pink and white striped sweater is Peak Softness
the choreographer being grumpy at fanxing makes me ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yu bin going to pat him makes me ;u;
zfx saying he wanted to give up and pull out so he would stop dragging the rest down makes me ;AAAA;
when fanxing goes “i forgot my actions just now” and puts his hands to his head it is VERY cute but also i just wanna wrap him up in fifteen blankets and tuck him in bed and give him his preferred bedtime drink and tell him he’s doing amazing TINY BABY ;;
AWWWW they got a Halloween cake!!
you’re ALL doing great my lil beans, i proud of youuuu
the untamed boys, episode 2:
dammit all, xiao zhan is so pretty
cyc with his hair all pinned up out of his face so he can get his makeup done is freaking adorable
zheng fanxing is so small and cute i will protect this bean
i appreciate that ji li’s jacket says “Maniac” on the back bc.....yeah. i know it’s part of the brand, but STILL. appropriate. such a good boy though, saying he wants to walk around and put everyone in good spirits for the show
fanxing eating his banana CUTIE
i love xiao zhan’s little hat omg
wyb “I don’t think you have ever beaten me before” LOL SASSY
xz talking about how hard his solo song is to sing but he does such a great job of it, i love his solo song ;~~~~;
good god yu bin saying they rehearsed for 13 hours and slept for like 1-2, how the heck were any of them alive enough to do the show dang
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ji li in the audience cute cute
yibo 😭❤️
jiyang’s fan dance!!!! i love jiyang’s fan dance!!!!
FANXING T______T he’s crying so much he’s shaking omg baby omg now i’m gonna cry ;;;;;;;;;;
cyc is so pretty ugh
god every time fanxing cries i just want to wrap him up in a million blankets and rub his back until he feels better
them all saying goodbye to their characters is so EMOTIONAL, and they’re all emotional and xz’s voice cracked and i lost it ;AAAAAAA;
xz and wyb closing it out, my heart ;~~~~~~;
the untamed boys, episode 3: I’m so freaking excited about this chaos oh my god
THE LITTLE FOX PIN THING ON ZANJIN’S SWEATER. CUUUUUTE. also i like that sweater, do want
they get in the van and ji li IMMEDIATELY starting his chaos by yelling at zanjin omg i am living
them pretending to see Disney omg they’re all so dumb
they look so COOOOLD little penguins
fanxing shielding zanjin’s eyes from the sun like the sweet little bb he is
yu bin with his famous poem he’s such a DORK
fanxing time! “i think the boxes are where our staff is” LOL big brain energy from the small boy
ji li and zzj together!
Bowen’s little baby hop to reach the box fjewiaofawe he’s so TALL
“Why!!!!” omg he’s found two and can’t get anything open XDDD
YU BIN’S CACKLE WHEN HE FOUND THE BOX HAHAHAHA and he got it open! such an easy question, he’s so pleased hahaha
“Wow this game really makes people confused” poor Bowen with the empty brain XD “WHAT.” “HOW MANY CHICKENS DID HE STEAL.” i’m dying HAHAHAHA
fanxing found a box!! so smart, this one, he has much knowledge
oh my god cyc and he peng tormenting ji li and zanjin is hysterical, they’re so chaotic
ji li changing what was in the box L O L and STUFFING THE CLUE IN HIS SHOE L O L
bowen is so sweet “i need to hurry up and find a box for fanxing!!!!!” but fanXING ALREADY HAS ONE XD
oh nooo zanjin found a box but it’s the one fanxing already opened XDD
FANXING’S VOICE IS SO SOFT every time he speaks i’m just like FJEWIOF WAIT
he is a BABY
calling fanxing “little a-yuan” look i am weak and i am soft
i love how so far everyone’s been eliminated for just attacking the wrong person lol their web of lies and deception is so deep
why is yu bin stroking bowen’s face lol
omg it’s yu bin’s gross marshmallow time
did they just stick entire unpeeled bananas on the grill 
ji li singing XDDD
yu bin using the eggplant as a mic for bowen XD
cute bunch of boys c:
the untamed boys, episode 4:
(How drop-dead gorgeous they are!) -- Correct caption is very correct
“Can we have something to eat inside?” “Or anything to drink~?” PLS JIYANG AND FANXING TOO CUTE
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cyc: “HE LIKES SLEEPING NAKED” fanxing: slowly covers ears  XDDDDD
yu bin’s guess of “he talks with a doll before going to sleep” omg i’m dying
jiyang’s like “when did i act cute” and then poUTS AT THE CAMERA fjewioafjawe
them guessing all of jiyang’s before he can even pick a person LOLOL
ji li going “yu bin sent me a message once and i replied 14 days later” LOL I RELATE i have legit done that, not on purpose, i just forget, i’m really bad at forgetting to reply if i don’t see the message/notification constantly, i have goldfish memory
ji li “I quit, I don’t wanna compliment him anymore” XDDDD
fanxing is so small and cute pls he’s like four someone get him a juice box
jiyang, bowen, yu bin VS fanxing, ji li, yuchen!
YUCHEN DANG but also fanxing going “OHHH!!!” and clapping and hopping along in excitement jfeiowafw
fanxing with the big paw gloves omg
yuchen is so good at this
ji li: “it hurts!!” fanxing: runs up to him and cups ji li’s cheeks in his giant paw gloves all concerned SO. CUTE.
them all being dumb and dancing around during halftime fjeiowaf
fanxing sneaking a snack in XD
fanxing trying to grab the ball and just falling over with it PLS SOMEONE PROTECT HIM HE IS SO SMALL
cyc and ji li are both surprisingly good at this, esp. cyc
and then he whacked ji li in the face feioawjfawe POOR JI LI
yu bin’s hat falls off “THIS IS MY LIFE WHICH CAN’T BE LOST” XD
the untamed boys, episode 5: dinner party time! /chants WZC WZC WZC :D :D :D
WZC WZC!!!!!! “I’m just hungry” LOL
nom nom eat up hungry boys!!
ohhhh everyone got hidden tasks oh fun!
yu bin just singing omg fjiewoafjwaeo; XDD
everyone in this cast in their own brand of chaotic, it’s so great 
the interview part with cyc in that suit and those glasses HEART EYES
jiyang’s drawing is cute!
wzc about yu bin: “he’s the fish who loves singing in my heart!” XDDD
yu bin’s scribbles of ji li BLESS IT “I usually don’t get what he means, just like this drawing that’s not understandable.”
“what about the lost arm????” “HE DID LOSE IT AT THE END!!!!!!” ilovejili
omg they’re gonna be baristas omg so CUTE, the coffee shop AU of everyone’s dreams thank you 🙏
ji li’s face when he tries the drink HE made XDDD and fanxing consistently refusing to try it XD
fanxing and yu bin duo is the CUTEST and fanxing’s constant little pouty faces when they can’t get anyone to agree to coffee jfieowajfawe
ji li and yi zhou are doing no better XDD 
bowen seeing the puppy and immediately stopping what he’s doing to run after it screaming “OHHHH!!!!!” is such a mood
bowen is so chaotic, chasing puppies, screaming at people in boats XD
fanxing chasing down the foreigner omg lol
they made such a mess of the cup lol but they’re so CUTE i would forgive them if they were my baristas
nie bros got a customer!
“I’m the wiiiiiinner, sorry!” JI LI THAT WAS STUPIDLY CUTE SHUT UP
“What winner, you’re the waiter.” LOLOLOL YU BIN
literally the coffee shop of my dreams, pls, all the cute waiters
yu bin just swooping over and shoving ji li out of the way to talk to the lady XDD
fanxing talking to the lady washing dishes and about his mom and all the part time jobs he had and he is such a soft sweet little bean
and we did it! that’s a wrap on The Untamed Boys! (er, the show anyway lol) that was fun, I enjoyed myself and laughed a lot bc they’re dumb and adorable :’)
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anony-phangirl · 6 years
Not Gonna Fall For You
Chapter Summary: Virgil is heartbroken after finding out that his boyfriend had cheated on him. And Roman goes back to comfort his best friend.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 616  + 126 (for chapter description) = 742 in total
Warnings: Swearing, subtle mention of cheating - for this chapter
A/N: Finally have a story! :3 This is also partly based off of my first trip to Japan! We stayed at Nagoya, so that’ll probably be where they stay rather than Tokyo. Don’t worry tho! They still go to Universal Studios and Disneyland & sea (Even tho I never got to go to Disney…)! And they definitely go out to see the cherry blossoms! Also they go there on spring! About the same few days as me! ^-^
Also! Vi’s family is very rich, alright? XDD
First | Previous | Next | Masterlist
—– —– —– —– —–
“I’m sorry Virgil… I just don’t love you anymore…”
I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I heard his voice in my head. It was stupid of me to believe that he did actually love me in the first place. And even more so that I fell for him.
“Virgil?” I heard someone from out my door say, as a knock followed. It was my mom.
“Go away…” I firmly said, attempting to hide the sorrow in my voice.
“Virgil please, if you don’t wanna talk to us then at least open the door? You have a visitor.” Mom said, her voice full of sympathy.
“Well, whoever it is tell them to leave!” I exclaimed. “I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone!”
Then silence followed, before a few whispers were exchanged outside my door. It went on for a few minutes before I heard my mom sigh in defeat saying fine as footsteps followed. My guess is she left.
But then, I heard a knock my door again, making me second guess my decision, until a different voice said, “Virgil?”
I recognized it immediately, it was my best friend’s voice, Roman. But, what was he doing here? Wasn’t he supposed to be in London, spending time with his family?
“R- Ro?” I said, my voice breaking, hardly believing that my friend’s back.
“Yeah, it’s me Virge, I came back as soon as your parents told me what happened. May I come in?” He asked, voice filled with determination.
I hesitated before replying, “Fine…”
Roman opened the door slowly, a small creak sounding from it. Once he was in, I heard the door close before hearing his footsteps get closer. Then I felt the bed dip, and I knew he was there, and just his presence made me feel calmer…
He didn’t speak, he didn’t do anything because he knew that I’d say something when I’m ready, which was something I admired about him.
After a moment of silence, that’s when he decided to speak up, “Would you like a hug?”
I looked up at him to see his arms spread, an invitation. And I could only nod before I felt his arms around me, and that’s when I broke, tears continuously falling from my eyes as he reminded me to breath.
It was a pattern that I’d grown used to throughout these past few years that we’ve been friends.
Once I felt calmer, I finally pushed him back a bit, looking into his golden brown eyes.
“Th- Thanks for the comfort Ro.” I whispered. “You’re always there when I need you.”
“Of course, that’s what best friends are for.” He said, playfully bumping my shoulder. “So, you mind telling me what happened?”
I nodded my head, before reminiscing as I told him about the messy break-up. And the more I looked back on it, the more pain I felt in my chest. And I hated the feeling, I hate being the only one who got hurt. I hate him, and I hate this feeling.
After I finished explaining, Roman pulled me in for a hug again.
“I am so sorry you had to endure through all that.” He said, rubbing my back as a calming gesture. I hadn’t even realized I was shaking until he did that.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, so you don’t have the right to apologize.” I replied, slowly calming down. After a moment of silence I spoke up again. “I never want to fall in love again…”
Roman didn’t respond, only nodding in what I could only think of as a silent agreement.
And with that, I swore to myself that I’m never gonna fall again.
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otabekskitten · 7 years
152 for the prompts :3c
ohoho thank you vilm darling for the ask ^^ 
prompts ask~ 
152: “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ”
so I managed to think of two different situations lolol
Option 1:Otayuri are at home and are literally laying down next to each other Yuri is laying down on his stomach feet at the headrest on his phone looking at cat pictures x3 and Beka just finished up reading his bookBeka a bit pouty now wants his Yura babe’s attention so he starts to boop Yuri’s butt with his foot and Yuri just waves him off. Yuri assumes Beka is still reading his book and he’s just too caught up in the cat pictures to notice he’s done already xD
Beka went a bit more pouty now and is like hmmm I have an idea he finds some cute cat pictures and then some random pictures throughout as well to slowly spam and blow up Yuri’s phone because of course that mean Yuri could ignore him then right?Yuri’s phone vibrates like crazy as Beka sent all the pics and Yuri is like sighs and checks his phone and is like omg wait cute cats and glues his eyes even more at the lovely spam and then at the very end he just sees a random bunch of crap xD including a pic of Beka’s abs for the first half but the next pic is like something like maybe frog legs? haha (im like whats something weird but like beka is perfect so idk xDD just go with it) and it finishes the pic spam 
Yuri laughs and turns around is like Beka okay I get it now can you stop texting me weird stuff so late at night now. Beka also chuckles as he sends another picture and Yuri is like side eyeing Beka being like boy I just told you to stop what is it now. 
Beka is just like open it and Yuri opens it to see a cute little text I just wanted to say Hi and that I love you and he included a gif of a cute kittens cuddling and Yuri is like aww Beka and showers Beka in kisses. 
Beka thinks hehe that was the plan all along yes and he knows what to do from now on if this happens again ;)))
Option 2:Otayuri are separated for both are back at their respective home towns to see their families and will be meeting up in a few days. The boys text each other at night to catch up with their days. Beka got a little drunk one night though as his family was celebrating and having a good time that they just gotttt a bit too drunk.
Yuri is getting ready for bed and is towel drying his long luscious hair when he sees his phone has quite a bit of texts from Beka and is almost worried since he usually doesn’t text that much so out of the blue.
So Yuri checks his phone and sees just a bunch of random photos zoomed in blurry photos of what he assumes were the festivities that happened, a few memes, random photos galore, and then a text that had many typos. 
(name saved in Yuri’s phone)
Beka Love: “soryr im drukn rn the party got a bit mor than i dexpedted” 
Yuri laughs seeing at how Beka is still thinking of texting Yuri at their usual time though to catch up. So Yuri says
Yuri: beka baby im happy you’re still trying to catch up tonight as we normally do but maybe you should put the phone down. mostly so you can rest up but also so you can stop texting me so much weird stuff at night haha 
Beka Love: but i want to tsyr and keep talkding with u my lovea 
Yuri: haha you are too cute for me my darling. okay but just for a little big longer and then its off to bed for you mister, you hear me!!
Beka Love: yayaysu sir yeas sir *kiss face emoji*
and they texted about for another hour and beka baby ended up falling asleep on Yuri and Yuri caught on and laughed at his precious best boy and said goodnight my love
“Mini” XD Side Option to Option 2 Beka’s sibling(s) had Beka’s phone and they texted random words and saw pictures and were like ooo we want to show Yuri xD and Yuri is like hmmm is Beka alright?? but didn’t get a chance to reply just yet so he checks back later. 
Beka finally figures out his sibling(s) had his phone and see all the messages they sent to Yuri and sighs but he can’t be too angry with his precious siblings so he’s like please don’t do that again okay and theyre like okay we’re sorry we just wanted to have some fun >Beka tellls them that he will tell Yuri they send you their love and they kiss Beka’s cheeks and they go off and play somewhere else a bit longer before their bed time.
Beka is like hmmm and laughs at what they sent to Yuri this whole time xD and is curious as to what Yuri would say to all this so he waits and sees. 
Yuri is like Beka are you alright?? Did you get drunk or something lol I’d like to have an actual convo sometime if you’re not xD so if you could please stop sending me weird stuff this late at night that’d be great lolol 
Beka just laughs at this whole thing and then finally explains the situation and they have a great convo of just going over what they sent and how Yuri was just imagining if Beka actually sent these himself and so on and they have another great memory to look back on
welp I rambled for a lifetime haha xD but I really hope you enjoy these
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x-avantgarde · 7 years
SHINee World V - Hong Kong Experience!
So hello everyone owo I went to Shinee's World V, Hong Kong stop's concert!! (This is a Kpop post, I know but I will be back for vkei in the future! So please stay tuned!!) :D I bought the tickets really late orz and so before I start, I would like to apologize because I don't really know SHINee that well (I know them but I wasn’t a Shawol or anything) and I went because my mom likes Taemin (and SHINee) a lot XDD  (beware of this long ass post haha (it’s 2000+ words orz)
So we arrived at the venue at around 2pm? The merchandise opens at noon but I had this lesson that ends at noon so... We had lunch before we went to the venue (and the place is super far lol, but it's super close to the airport). Me and my mom took the airport express line from Kowloon (Elements?) to Asia World Expo and it was actually pretty quick (~20mins?). But the fare was super expensive OTL (though you get a discount if you show them your concert ticket).
There were A LOT of people lining up for the merch when I got there, but I wanted to get the light stick so badly (because I don't have one? XD) so I just lined up (like whatever haha). The line was super long, the merch was outside but the lines looped into the area where the standing went and waited. Around 30mins in the line I met people from my school lmao XD (so awkward bc we're actually not close?).
There were these people who approached us and asked us when we were in the line about whether we wanted light sticks or not (because they had "a bunch"). It was super fishy so I didn't get any, there were many cases in Kpop concerts where people sold fake light sticks :/// The official ones sold at 80HKD each but those people sold it at 60HKD each :////
After approximately two hours and fifteen minutes, I finally managed to get the merchandise :D Around halfway through the line, the staff gave us this sheet to write down what we wanted. In the end, I spent around 500HKD lmAO. I told myself I would only get the light stick and that was it, but you know what? I ended up getting an Onew fan, Onew key chain and these postcards (rip my money haha but it was so worth it). The Onew key chain is super duper cute!! owo (and yes my favourite member is Onew ouo)
It was around 4pm when we finished getting our merch, so me and my mom decided to go into this (kinda bad) cafe / restaurant place to sit down and eat something. I didn't eat anything because I literally just ate lunch three hours ago X"D Around 4:15, people were starting to line up. There are two places where you can go into the venue, one is on the ground floor, (for people in standing (who already got in) and people from the seating (block 5-13 (aka every block)) in the first rows. (A-M)). I was in block 10 row L so I had to get in on the ground floor.
Around 5:00 we went to line up and get ready to get in. The security was super strict and there were these Japanese girls in front of me who got cut off because they found a camera (but the girl said she went to disneyland and that's why she bought it). They took super long T___T until they finally managed to check my god damn bag. I bought a small-ish backpack but they literally took out everything T______T I understand that they didn't want any cameras inside the venue and stuff, but... uhhh really???
Me and my mom managed to get in, and we walked up the stairs (finally) and found our seats!! :))) On our seats, there was a pack, which included an balloon, a fan (double sided with a member's face) and this banner in Korean //orz what does it mean haha//. I got Key's fan so it's okay /but ugly sobbing because I didn't get Onew T_T/.
It was supposed to start at 6pm but they were super late (because Taemin had this earpiece problem so he kept apologizing during the introduction / first MC T___T (like CHILD ITS OK (let me give you a hug lmao). When the fans sat down, it felt super unreal, and it all felt like a dream. When the lights dimmed and we started screaming and chanting, "SHINEE! SHINEE! SHINEE!" They played a video (to our disappointment haha).
After that Shinee cAME OUT :DD They started with the song Sherlock and it's super good XD But I didn't warm up yet so I was kinda stiff and I didn't scream and all. (For some reason, I felt super awkward). But I was waving my light stick, just enjoying Shinee performing :))
The next song was Married To The Music and I was starting to get more hyped :) I lowkey sang along XDD I think they came out in suits or something (i forgot orz). Then the next song was Juliet (and the chorus is so catchy?!?!) After these three songs, it was MC timeeee! ^^ they started talking about how they haven't been to Hong Kong for a long time (around four years??) so they were really happy to be back. Key mentioned about how HK food was really good or something haha.
(Starting from this part, the order of the songs are going to be all messed up). They changed clothes somewhere after the MC or something like that (they changed way too often!!). I got more warmed up as Reply came up :DD Everyone sang along to it (and dude it's so good hahaha). You know how people would scream when a member's part comes up? That was me when Onew's part came up XD But it felt like I was the only Onew fan in my section because when Onew sings there were nearly NO ONE screaming T__T (It felt lowkey awkward because I would only be hearing my screams hahaha).
Then midway they changed into casual and I swear, Key looks SO GOOD in real life. During Lucifer, I was so hyped hahahaha. Key took off his white jacket because it was "too stiff and too hard to dance in it", and also he was like, "I look better without it". OMG XDD And guess what was underneath his jacket? A grey sleeveless shirt. SLEEVELESS. HE LOOKED SO GOOOD OMG. XD In the middle of the setlist /forgot which song orz/ he made the hand heart and it got onto the mini screen on the side. I got /shot/ in the heart owo.
In the middle of the setlist, (ESPECIALLY DURING Everybody), I got super duper hyped and screamed like crazy whenever it was Onew's part X"D (and also when their choreography was super cool). LIKE WHO CARES, I'M HERE TO HAVE FUN BITCHES XD During Everybody, these Japanese girls (again XD ikr, they have a lot of Japanese fans haha), also got super hyped XDDD Even though we weren't supposed to film, no one honestly gives a shit? (including me lmao). I filmed for around 30s in total XD (just to document the hype and it's the only thing I can hold onto after the concert T_T (other than the merch)).
They also performed Why So Serious, 1 of 1, So Amazing, View (that was aWESOME), Ring ding dong (the crowd was so high XD (including me hahaha)), Prism, Feel Good (CLIMAX OF THE CRAZINESS HAHA), Shift (don't really remember anything XD (except the fact they performed this song). The atmosphere was so awesome!! :))
In around the first quarter? Two members changed first, then the others went. Key, Minho and Taemin stayed first X"D Minho or Key was like, "I'm wondering if any of the members off stage are eating right now (referring to Onew and Jonghyun)" XD Then Onew and Jonghyun came back, wearing silk material / soft / shiny fabric clothes :DD it was so cool haha. (I think they also performed Dream Girl but I don't remember what happened T_T).
(I'm listening to SHINee's songs while typing this up so ahahahahaha) They sang a lot of the slower songs during that silk material clothing part XD (whatever you call it haha). Onew and Jonghyun also sang a duet-- Please Don't Go. This song was so touching and T_T //feels// Onew's voice was so sweet <333 /melts/ (Jonghyun's voice is also good <33) Hopefully Jonghyun's not sick or anything because he struggled a lot with hitting the high notes T___T especially during the duet and Replay QAQ
During Feel Good, oh my... oh my... The lyrics in the chorus, "I can make you feel good" X"D Everyone sang along in that part and I was kind of hesitant but I GAVE UP. So I also sang along and that was sooooo fun. This was one of the songs I like hahahaha. Though I wished they performed Tell Me What To Do because Jonghyun's voice in that song is GREAT.
There were a lot of Key and Taemin fans hahaha. Whenever it would be Key or Taemin's part, girls in my section would be screaming ahahah (like me in Onew's part X"D). And Onew's smile just melts my heart ouo Taemin also did a solo performance, he performed Sayonara Hitori (in Korean). His costume was so cool (there were these ribbons(?) that are sewn onto his sleeves, so whenever he spreads his arms it would look kind of like wings :D There were also these long stripes of red fabric hanging from the ceiling. There were also smoke(?) in the floor to make it even more dreamy <33 When my mom heard that song, she shook my arm excitedly and said, "This is my favourite song from Taemin!!" /lmao/ It was super cool and I enjoyed every single second of it /and I lowkey sang along because it's so good hahaha/
Skipping to Aside!! It was actually when we were supposed to blow up the balloons (which had led lights inside of them). I struggled a lot (because honestly I've never successfully blown a balloon before... until now XD) but the crowd looked super good because of the flashy balloons :DD Even Jonghyun was thankful for what the fans had prepared :DD (because he mentioned it in the ending speech).
Skip skip skip, time for chanting the encore! The fans actually started singing happy birthday (in Korean) to Shinee (as it's nearly their 9th anniversary!) ^_^ Every time we want to start over again (by singing happy birthday), we would all laugh as we don't know when we should start singing again haahaha (if it makes any sense XD). They came out in the moving carts (LIKE FINALLY?!) and the crew played So Amazing in the background. I really wanted to get one of their signed balls (that sounds wrong LMFAO /i'm sorry/) but I didn't manage to get one T_T because Onew and Jonghyun actually tried throwing some to my section but they didn't manage to throw it pass the crew (bc the crew was sandwiched between my section + the moving carts) OTL
/HIGHLIGHT NUMBER 2/ Since Minho was the only one on his cart, he actually stopped in front of my section (directly in front of me) and did the hand heart (like the one you make the heart with your arms + head??) towards my section XD I cried ahaha, and you know what? Before I knew it, MY HANDS AUTOMATICALLY DID AN ARM/HAND HEART BACK TO HIM. HE WAS SMILING SO BRIGHTLY OH MY GOSH. (No one in front of me did a heart back so it's actually possible he might have seen me in the corner of his eyes /dies from happiness/ /but it's okay if he didn't actually see me because giving a heart towards my section is already good enough <333/)
They did the ending speech and they reminded us to support Key's new drama <33 Shinee also told us that they will be back soon (isn't that what all the overseas idols say lmao). And it ended! I was so sad T___T they played a video (or some MV /i forgot/) and in the end the screen said "Thank you and love you" XD It was really touching but my mom had to ruin the moment and said, "Yeah, more like thank you and love your money" LMAO.
It was such a great experience and I have definitely fell in love with Shinee :D (who wouldn't if they attended Shinee's concert haha). It was so different from Visual Kei's lives and I might be doing a comparison in the future so please stay in touch with me! <3
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tetsookie · 7 years
short 1k BokuAka drabble where Kuroo helps Bokuto classically condition Akaashi to salivate whenever he sees him (idea by @genjishimemeda from this post about how Akaashi will do anything for food XDD)
"Akaashi, toss for mee~!!"
Akaashi sighed, zipping up his sports bag and looking back at his upperclassman, fatigue clearly etched in his features. "Bokuto-san, we've been practicing for over two hours now... Everyone else has already left."
"I... I know, but I can keep going!"
"I have a test tomorrow, Bokuto-san," Akaashi responded with an air of finality. The first-year slugged his bag around his shoulders and took a key out of the front pocket. "We should lock up."
Bokuto stammered, the adrenaline still running wild through his head. "I... I'll treat you out to eat somewhere!"
Akaashi stopped, clutching the keys in his hands. He stared at Bokuto, his expression unreadable.
"Uh? I, uh, anywhere? Anywhere you want, Akaashi!"
Akaashi's fingers tapped on the keys. "...how about that new teriyaki place downtown?"
"Oh, um, yeah, yeah, sure! That's fine!"
Akaashi seemed lost in thought for a moment before he set his bag back down on the gymnasium bench. "Just 30 more minutes."
Bokuto perked up. "An hour!"
Akaashi gave the upperclassman a look before focusing his attention on tying his shoes again. "20 minutes."
"Ah, just kidding! 30 sounds good!" Bokuto laughed, grabbing a volleyball off the floor and running back onto the court. "Ready when you are, Akaashi!"
Akaashi hummed, getting up and following Bokuto, looking a lot less tired than when they had first started.
"Does... does your setter always eat that much?"
Bokuto looked up from his plate of barbecue to glance in Akaashi's direction. The underclassman was shoveling food down his mouth at an incredible rate, his cheeks resembling a hamster's. Nekoma and Fukurodani had just finished a pracitce match and their couches pitched in to give them an outdoor barbecue. Bokuto looked back at Kuroo.
"Yeah, he eats a lot. Probably more than me."
Bokuto thought he saw a sliver of a smile on Kuroo's face, but didn't think much of it as he continued eating his own food.
Kuroo was smart. He was also somewhat of a jerk from time to time, but that was besides the point. Most of the time, the guy knew what he was doing and he was also a pretty great friend. At least, that was Bokuto's personal opinion.
So when Kuroo called Bokuto that Saturday afternoon about a "brilliant plan" concerning Akaashi, of course, the Fukurodani ace was a little bit intrigued.
Just a little.
"So what I'm saying is--keep a snack on you at all times and always offer him one when you see him."
"I don't know... this sounds a bit mean... what did you say it was? Something you learned in psychology?"
"Hey, don't sweat the small stuff... just think of it as doing Akaashi a favor! C'mon, I'm sure he'll love you for it!"
Bokuto ran a free hand through his hair. "You think so?"
"Positive, man."
Bokuto eyes lit up and he clutched his cell phone a bit more tightly. "Well, if you say so!"
"Oh, and one more thing."
"Don't let him know you're doing it intentionally."
Bokuto furrowed his brows in confusion. "Why?"
"Just trust me on this. You'll thank me later."
Akaashi still felt a bit sore from the training camp last week so he was glad that they had the weekend to recuperate and get prepared to attend classes again come Monday. He set off on his usual path to school, watching as more and more students began to congregate near him as he got closer to reaching campus. The weather seemed nice enough and there was some kind of pleasantry in the air that he couldn't get enough of. He sighed contentedly. Summer was coming to an end.
Akaashi braced himself for what he knew was coming as a thick arm wrapped its way around his shoulders, resting snugly behind his neck. "How was your weekend??"
"Hello, Bokuto-san." Akaashi responded, giving a polite nod in acknowledgement. "It was fine."
"Oh, really, that's good to hear! Well, um, mine was... here, I got you something!"
Akaashi blinked as Bokuto withdrew from the underclassman to pull a pack of salted rice crackers out of his bag. The upperclassman thrust it in Akaashi's direction. "Here you go!"
Akaashi gingerly took the package, mouthing a small thank you. "What's the occasion?"
"No reason!" Bokuto grinned, zipping up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Since you like this stuff.. You should eat it!"
If Bokuto was the type of person to prank Akaashi, Akaashi would definitely have thought more carefully about the entire situation, but as Bokuto was a good guy, Akaashi had no reason to hold back. He popped the pack open and walked briskly to keep up with Bokuto who was now red-eared.
What a kind gesture, Akaashi thought as he munched on a few crackers.
"Thank you Bokuto-san."
"Uh.. mm!" Bokuto replied, looking everywhere but at Akaashi.
"Akaashi, Bokuto is looking for you."
Akaashi looked up from his desk and felt his stomach growl. He glanced at the clock on the wall. Was it lunch already?
10:22am. Break time.
Huh. He must have had a light breakfast.
Getting up from his chair, Akaashi made his way to the hallway to meet his upperclassman. He found Bokuto near the window, looking out across the baseball field.
"Ah, Akaashi!"
Akaashi nodded. "Hello, Bokuto-san."
"Are you going to stay after practice today?"
"Are you giving me a chance to escape?"
"Akaaasshi..." Bokuto whined, squaring his shoulders in indignation.
"I'm just kidding, Bokuto-san," Akaashi teased, feeling an unusually large amount of saliva in his mouth. He fiddled with his fingers behind his back and swallowed thickly before continuing. "I'll see you then."
Bokuto beamed as the bell rang signaling the end of break. The upperclassman squeaked, running off towards his classroom with a loud "I'm late!!"
Akaashi watched him run off and ran his hand around his throat. He wondered if he just needed to drink more water.
Akaashi had always known he respected Bokuto Koutarou. Maybe even revered him as someone he wanted to replicate. The team ace, the stronghold of Fukurodani's volleyball, someone who was reliable when everyone needed him the most, but also someone who was wild and unpredictable like a storm. For someone who was as calm, collected, and organized as Akaashi, Bokuto was definitely an remarkable enigma.
And yet, despite all the adoration Akaashi felt for Bokuto, he never knew he could view the upperclassman like this. Akaashi wasn't sure why, but something about the older teen was... delectable. Somehow.
"You're thirsty for him."
"Honestly, I could just eat his abs up."
Akaashi heard two girls say outside of his classroom, talking about some basketball player in their class. He couldn't help but relate that to his relationship with Bokuto as of the current moment. He wasn't sure why, but whenever the upperclassman came to greet him or was mentioned in a conversation, Akaashi felt himself salivating.
He respected Bokuto. He cared for Bokuto. The two had come far since Akaashi had first joined the volleyball team earlier in the year. They had gotten close and bonded easily, but something had happened after the training camp with Nekoma. Something had changed.
How did he like Bokuto, anyways? Did he like the upperclassman as a friend? As a teammate? Or was it something else?
He had wanted to keep their relationship strictly professional. As the year progressed, he found himself wanting more of Bokuto's touch, more of his presence in Akaashi's life. He had grown accustomed to the upperclassman's shouts of enthusiasm, his ups and downs, his golden eyes and spiky hair. But, before the training camp, Akaashi had resolved that he would not let his feelings breach any unsteady territory because that would most likely jeopardize not only his career, but Bokuto's as well. Though despite his best efforts, sometimes he found himself wondering what it'd be like to run his fingers through the upperclassman's hair and look deeply into the teen's shining eyes.
Akaashi sighed, shoving his belongings into his bag and swallowing another collection of saliva. Maybe he was just getting hungrier as his muscles were developing. That must be it. He had been working out twice as hard since summer ended. An image of Bokuto flashed through his mind. Akaashi grimaced as another wave of spit formed in his mouth.
Or maybe he was just going crazy.
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fluffandlove · 7 years
Shoujo Life Update~
Cuddles, tickles, kisses and a liiiiittle bit of angst oooh boy 
Imma type this real quick without rereading it cause it’s almost 2:30 in the morning oh god I need to sleep x’D 
This week was very chaotic as we’re getting used to this new lifestyle and trying to get settled and shit --> reason why I’m so inactive I am so sorry buuuut as soon as school starts, we’ll probably get settled for real 
Trying to settle means walking around Japan, practicing our Japanese (I am legit so proud every time I manage to squeak out an entire sentence, it’s unreal), getting to know each other and all that shizzle. Crush friend and girlfriend and I have been my best mates so far and we’ve been together pretty much everyday, planning together and eating together and I’ve noticed that crush friend is getting overly touchy with me huuuueeee 
So our homeroom teacher showed us our school and once we got showed around and got back in the elevator to go back to the first floor, I suddenly felt two hands cupping my waist from behind, fingers reeeaal gently stroking my stomach, so I freaked the fuck out and started screeching lol 
Crush friend chuckled behind me as he continued to caress and tickle me at the same time while one of my new friends yelled out, “Omg, she’s ticklish!” aND EVERYONE STARTED POKING AND SQUEEZING ME I FUCKING SHIT YOU NOT. IN THE ELEVATOR. I couldn’t even get away bc crush friend kept holding my waist and pulled me against his chest, laughing against my neck and it was really bad hahhahahahahhahaa help  That same day we went to hang out in our shared lobby and I was really cold at some point and I said so out loud so new guy friend, crush friend and new girl friend went, “Let’s warm her up!” 
and they all went to sit/lie on top of me LOOOOL I started laughing so hard because on one hand I was being squished to death but it was also really warm and cozy. Crush friend had his nose buried in my neck, grinning like a little shit, new girl friend was sitting on my legs, and new guy friend was kinda half leaning/lying against me. 
“Hey Jo... your knees are really pretty...” new girl friend randomly said and started tracing them with her nails. I was wearing shorts sooooo I yeah rip I flipped and burst out laughing. “Like, they’re not too prominent and shit... oooh and they’re sensitive, tooo...”
Crush friend casually wrapped his hand around my torso, fingers resting on my ribs, just letting them sit there but it was enough to make me jump and squeak more. He was still breathing/chuckling against my neck, which tickled as well, and I couldn’t fucking move because of all the weight so I was pretty much trapped, only able to kick my legs x’DDD 
Afterwards we went to the ping pong table and played a little bit. I was putting up a fight as he was pretty good and he went, “Ugh, doesn’t she ever give up?” Girl friend, the fucking traitor, called out, “Just pull up your shirt! That’s her weak spot!”
There’s also this one part where him and me were waiting for girl friend to get ready and we were standing in her tiny hallway. We were goofing around a bit until he narrowed his eyes, pushed me against the wall and tickled my sides for a bit heeelpppp ad=asfiuasdjfksd I’m so weak for this nGH and he’s been hugging me from behind from time to time and ugh gOD this guy 
and noooow for the drama part...  Both of us were super tired and irritated bc one girl in our group that’s constantly annoying everyone, particularly him  (they srsly hate each other’s guts) and he’s real homesick as I found out today so that was probably also a part of it, buuuut we had a small fight. In front of a few people, things got kinda out of hand and I left the scene to go to my room to cry my eyes out. Now that I think about it, this happens in every fucking shoujo whenever things go too well, I mean, we were being so overly touchy and flirty that something had to go wrong, right? x’) 
I cried a lot bc I hadn’t cried this entire trip yet, really wanted to but didn’t have time/patience so I guess it was a combination of exhaustion, homesickness, shock from the fight, etc. Girl friend came over to calm me down and comfort me, and eventually left after inviting me over to go get breakfast the next morning. One tiiiiny problem: crush friend was gonna be there as well
“Isn’t that gonna be a problem?” I asked “Eeeeh, not sure? I guess we’ll see.” 
BOIIIII it was awkward. The next morning I woke up with swollen eyes, like, I had literally cried so much that I couldn’t see straight and the three of us left to go get food. Girl friend was trying to play peacekeeper, making conversation and trying to get us to talk, but crush friend simply refused to even look at me, which resulted in me not looking at him. He even fucking walked around me and made sure not to get near me.  After a good fucking 20 minutes, I ran out of patience and while girl friend was busy with her umbrella, I looked up at him with watery eyes and mumbled, “Dude, are you so mad at me that you’re gonna ignore me?” 
And then he finally looked at me. He blinked, then looked away and sighed. “Not mad... just, irritated I guess.” I didn’t really know how to reply to that so we just looked at each other. My eyes were filling up with tears once again upon realizing that this was the only thing he was gonna say, so I nodded. “Okay.” and walked past him but then 
I felt his two large hands on my shoulders, keeping me in place. I was really confused and sort of tried to move, but he wouldn’t let me. He was pushing me so gently that I didn’t know what he wanted from me until he turned me around, again super gently, and pulled me in for a hug. I hadn’t noticed that I was shaking yet because when I felt his chest against my face, I felt my hands trembling and the tears pricking in my eyes. 
His hand was on the back of my head, holding me. We didn’t say anything and just stood there in the middle of the store. On one hand I felt like we were the only two people there but then again not? Idk, it was definitely something and he wasn’t about to pull back soon, until I mumbled, “Okay,” again and then he let go. The rest of our breakfast trip went pretty smoothly because, at last, we were talking again 
On that same day I walked up to his room and we talked about it, he apologized, I apologized and he ended it by saying, “I’m glad you were the one to break the ice. I probs would’ve done so eventually, too, but it was you this time. Let’s just forget it happened, okay? I don’t wanna ruin this trip. Wanna go grab dinner together?” 
And so we did. I noticed his change in behavior a bit as he was less touchy and more careful with me. I also noticed that he was being overly nice and quiet, which made me smile because this is probably his way of making it up to me. 
AND THEN THERE’S TODAAAAAY.  Once again we were hanging out in the shared lobby but this time with alcohol and oh boy I got tipsy. It doesn’t take much alcohol to get me drunk so I was tipsy after like 4 sips and already giggling uncontrollably. Everyone else laughed along with me, tickled me because they thought it was cute and playfully made fun of me 
Crush friend was still keeping his distance and it was irritating me trololol I’m such an attention whoooore. The more I drank, the more I kept looking at his lips fuuuuu It was still a lot of fun though, holy shit, at some point everyone was pissing their pants from laughter and having a great time. We ran out of alcohol though, so crush friend suggested we get some more 
I was preeeetttty tipsy at this point. Like, I couldn’t walk straight anymore and new tiny girl friend (she’s even smaller than me and I’m 5′4 LOL) was pretty much drunk. Crush friend had to throw me over his shoulder in order to get me to sit back on the couch without falling and it was pretty fun but also scary x’D And this was after he had to pick me up two times because I kept falling to the floor bc I was laughing so hard pffff 
On our way to the convenience store, I had to make sure that new tiny girl friend didn’t bump into anyone or a pole for that matter, so we stuck together while she babbled about everything. Other new girl friend looked at me, smiled and asked, “Is it okay if I hug you? You’re so funny.”  “omg yeeess, sureee!” I slurred and she laughed, hugging me close it was just... yes 
And now... dun dun duuuun Crush friend, tiny new girl friend and I were waiting outside while everyone else got drinks and I kept saying that I already had too much to drink. I had lost at least 80% of my filter and was more daring and kinda drowsy --> alert alert alert 
“naaah, you’re fine,” crush friend chuckled and I shook my head  “Nooooo, I’m not. I shouldn’t get more drinks,” I said while I twirled a bit on the spot. He had taken a seat on a small bench and was looking at me with a semi scolding look. “Seriously.” “Why? You’ve been worse.”  “No, cause I really wanna do this.” and fuck I walked over to him, held his face and kissed him real quick. I’m not sure if he turned his head or that I was simply so tipsy that I couldn’t coordinate, but I think I kissed the corner of his mouth, or like... half his lips???? xDD I felt them but not entirely, idk, it was stupid of me 
I pulled back and immediately covered my face. “Crap. Sorry.” “What’re you apologizing for?” he said, totally confused “Ishouldn’thavedonethatIshouldn’thavedonethaaaaat,” I mumbled against my hands and looked back up at him, flustered 
He tsk’ed, shook his head and patted the spot next to him. I hesitantly took a seat and he wrapped an arm around my waist, gently cupping it.  “Idiot,” he whispered and stroked my side with his thumb, looking away 
The rest of the night is kinda blurry but it was a lot of fun and holy shit this took me almost an hour to write 
HELLOOOOOO sorry for this messy af post I’m still alive just all over the place godddddd
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bubblepop-32 · 8 years
Skyfall - Angoscia [A KHR Fanfic] Chapter 2: The Pillars of Vongola
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Tis Bubblesss! XDD Welcome to the second chapter of Skyfall – Angoscia! 
KHR does not belong to me; it belongs to the awesome Akira Amano!
- Beta'd by chewybillabong~~
Now snuggle up and enjoy!
Tsuna's heart thumped uncontrollably in his chest like a jackhammer on steroids. Tsuna swore he heard a crack from one of his ribs directly in front of his racing heart. "R-Reborn?!" He gasped in utter surprise. He did not expect him to answer his hails at all, and yet there he was, joining in the group screen meeting. Well, not exactly because he was audio only.
Both Takeshi and Hayato shared similar reactions, but their hearts were beating more like rubber hammers rather than jackhammers against their ribs. Their eyes expanded double their size, mouth agape with surprise and shock. Tsuna hoped that their eyeballs wouldn't suddenly roll out.
And then another voice came through; "Uncle? How does this game work?" a feminine voice asked, most likely asking Reborn.
Tsuna immediately recognised the voice, the voice of a girl that produces the same sky flames as him, the Decimo of the Giglio Nero Famiglia, the girl that sacrificed her life in order to revive the deceased Arcobalenos in a parallel world. "Y-Yuni-chan?!" Tsuna gaped at the audio.
"Hmm? Is that Tsuna?" There was the sound of a faint ruffle, and miraculously it could be heard over the brain-rattling background noise. "Uncle, are you calling Tsuna right now?" Yuni asked, piqued with curiosity when she heard a small voice from her Uncle's earpiece.
Reborn spoke up. "Yes, we are." He answered lightly. "I was hoping to keep our promise today, but a troublesome ex-student decided to hold an important meeting."
'After all the other meetings that I asked - pleaded you to attended, you finally decided to join!' Tsuna huffed internally. He was very annoyed and slightly angry at Reborn for ignoring all his previous calls, where all of them were as important as the one he's holding now.
Yuni's voice travelled out from the speakers again. "It's okay Uncle, you can always teach me how to gamble another time. Plus, gambling doesn't seem like my kind of thing, but it is pretty fun." She replied, completely happy to let Reborn participate in the Vongola meeting. "You've already made this a great birthday, Uncle!"
Tsuna was already shocked enough that Reborn finally decided to partake in this, and now, from what he's heard, he's introducing gambling to this little angel?! As if Gamma would allow that to happen! But then again…he hasn't heard Gamma's voice from the audio just yet.
"Reborn! Why are you letting her gamble?!" His voice rose whilst he fussed. "We all know gambling can turn into an addiction and is she even old enough-"
"Maa maa Tsuna, I'm sure they have their reasons." Takeshi cut in before they all got an earful of Tsuna's complaints about mental health and all sorts, probably moving onto something off topic along the way. He gave a quick smile for effect. He was relieved that Tsuna was still awfully wary about everyone's health, even after all these years of being in the cold and ruthless mafia world, and he was thankful for that. He hoped that his caring and kind nature won't disappear… "But teaching Yuni gambling sure is peculiar."
"Oi, shut up baseball idiot. Juudaime's right." Hayato retaliated, defending his dear boss, in which he (thinks) already wrongly offended today. He wanted to somehow compensate for his shameful actions, and keeping a sword freak quiet was one way of compensating.
A small giggle chimed from Yuni as she listened. "Tsuna-san, I'm eighteen already, and don't worry," she informed, "I'm only trying gambling because I am finally old enough to do these things." She purposely left out the fact that she's already tried a small glass alcohol earlier on too, just in case Tsuna doesn't start worrying his head off.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry Yuni-chan! I forgot that today was your eighteenth birthday." Tsuna exhaled. He pressed his right hand to his forehead and rubbed it slowly. "I guess my memory's starting to degrade too." –'I need to now shake the rust off both my HDWM and my memory.' He was going to say that he should retire, but remembering Hayato and his little episode of drama beforehand, he decided to keep quiet.
Tsuna's phone, which was placed on the table, vibrated. The screen displayed a text message from Lambo. Tsuna had previously told him that if he had any tests for school during the designated time for the meeting, education should always be his priority.
Coincidentally, being at the nostalgic age of twelve, he had many grading tests, and toady was one of those days where almost every period had a goddamn test.
Lambo: frikkin test day today. Can't join. Whatever you're thinking, go with your gut. Don't worry, I'm not texting u during a test, it's 5 min break rn.
Tsuna exerted a small sigh and placed his phone aside. "Lambo's busy." He announced to his group. 'Go with my gut feeling, huh?'
"Stupid cow." Hayato muttered in distaste. 'Idiot! Juudaime's rarely holds a meeting with all his guardians, and you don't attend!'
Before Hayato could go on a rant about how lazy and idiotic Lambo is for not joining the meeting, Tsuna averted to another topic whilst they waited for the others to appear-
Just on cue, another part of the screen flickered on, sparing Tsuna from probably going off topic. A serene scenery appeared, and a very familiar yellow bird flew from somewhere outside of the screen and landed on a shoulder.
Who's shoulder?
A voice, cold and toneless, slithered ominously out from the speakers. "Herbivore, I will bite you to death when I come back." It growled dangerously low. The person, who's wearing a black yukata, glared murderously through the screen and right through Tsuna's soul.
Tsuna felt a shiver run down his spine. "Hibari!" Tsuna exclaimed in surprise.
Indeed, it was the one and only tenth generation cloud guardian of the Vongola Famiglia.
'Does Hibari usually introduce himself with a threat?' Tsuna questioned himself. He has long grown out of shaking in fear whenever Hibari appeared. This was possibly due to the fact that Hibari has already lost countless times to Tsuna when sparring with him, maybe also because he's already been with him for more than seven years. During those years, he's seen a lot of his guardian's raw emotions, including Hibari's (which Tsuna promised not to tell anyone).
Though a certain storm guardian was not going to take that threat lightly. "Bastard! Did you just threaten Juudaime!?" Hayato vexed with anger. "How dare you!" He clenched his fists tightly and took a firm step towards Hibari's screen.
Takeshi overlooked the situation with slight amusement. He always does. "Gokudera, calm down." He called, but Hayato refused to listen. Hayato continued the glaring competition with the independent cloud.
Hibari glared death at Hayato's advancing figure. "I will bite you to death after I bite that herbivore to death." He seethed with vicious threat.
"Like hell that's going to hap-" Hayato was going to shoot back a sharp reply, but immediately fell silent after Tsuna commanded him to stop, almost like an obedient puppy.
"Gokudera! Shh!" Tsuna hissed, but gently. 'Why is my family still so hard to manage, even after all these years?' sighing, he thought about how synchronised Dino's men are compared to his. His guardians are like barbaric animals compared to them. "Ah, um… Hibari, why do you want to bite me to death…Do you not like the mission I gave you to go to Japan?" He asked, voice ending higher to signify that he was diffident about his question.
Tsuna swore he heard Reborn stifle a laugh. He was missing something important.
There was no reply, so instead, he continued elaborating. "Did something happen? Did I forget something-" That seemed to strike something. The muscle under Hibari's right eye twitched slightly with annoyance.
Takeshi observed the background to Hibari's screen carefully, then gave a small laugh as he figured something out; possibly why Hibari wanted to bite Tsuna to death. His lifted his eyebrows in amusement. "Ahahaaa~!" He laughed heartily, "It's been so long since then Hibari-san! Are you still-"
Hibari's now frightening gaze immediately snapped towards the rain guardian, as if telling him to shut up or else things were going to happen. And those things would be painful.
Sad thing is that this is a video conference and each of them were in different places around the globe, so he couldn't slip out his tonfas and start beating some proper discipline into those disobedient herbivores. But since screen travel isn't in fully working order yet (Giannini's actually inventing the device – though it's probably going to be very dodgy), he spared one last murderous look towards Takeshi.
Never did the group know that a pair of secretive mists were already watching all this action from the very start. "Ara ara~ never knew this skylark still cowers from Cherry Blossoms~" A tall, lean person with the signature midnight blue pineapple hair-do gracefully emerged from a purple mist behind Tsuna's seat and stepped into the open. He trailed a hand possessively around Tsuna's shoulder and under his chin, smoothly skimming his neck with brisk fingers. "Heh~"
All Gokudera could see was a long whisk of dark blue hair that trailed from a figure dressed in black, before finally realising that his dear boss was taken hostage by a damned old pineapple. "What the fuck!" He unintentionally swore from shock.
Tsuna wasn't exactly surprised that his mist guardians travelled back from Russia via their handy mist travel, in fact he already knew they were in the room through his Hyper Intuition. But for Mukuro to suddenly wrap his arms around him almost like a protective python? Oh hell no.
"M-Mukuro!" Tsuna gasped because of the hand that was touching his neck, then his mind wondered off to what Mukuro mentioned- 'Hibari doesn't like Cherry Blossoms?-' Then he remembered the time when Mukuro was still their enemy and how Hibari got injected with Cherryitis. 'Oh…I forgot…and it's April too…Oops.' He grimaced, 'But I'll deal with that later!'
His eyes flickered down and saw a trident's tip advancing towards the exposed skin on his neck, dangerously accurate. Without hesitation, he grabbed the hand with a firm hold and smashed it harder than anticipated on the table in front. If his hand didn't immediately pin Mukuro's other hand against the table, he would have been pricked by his small trident, which would mean that Mukuro would've successfully possessed him.
"Oya~ I thought I was going to succeed this time." The mist guardian purred. "You're getting stronger, young Vongola, and that just makes me want your body more~" He gave a satisfied smirk and hopped back, freeing his arm in the process.
Hayato's fuse finally broke. He failed. He was a failure as the right hand man to the world's boss of the strongest mafia Famiglia. "YOU BASTARDDD!" He broke into a run, charging with pure hatred and rage towards the idiot that dared to touch his boss, and he didn't care if he was the mist guardian or not.
The room wasn't that big, and with the speed of a professional Mafioso, he could've tackled Mukuro in less than a second. But Tsuna was definitely not going to let that happen, considering how much of a pacifist he is. And he simply hated his guardians hurting each other. He never really liked this mafia business from the very beginning, but since Primo's blood was flowing through his veins, it made him awfully good at all this even if he didn't like it.
Tsuna kicked back in his leather chair so that it wheeled right between raging Hayato and smirking Mukuro. Hayato, of course, couldn't react fast enough to stop, but Tsuna expected that.
Just as the silverette was going to ram into Tsuna who was calmly sitting down in his chair, the brunette grasped the other's arm with soft precision. Using his other hand, he gently palmed Hayato's stomach which, adding to the momentum of him charging, caused him to flip into the air, his legs forming a graceful arc. In a split second later, Hayato changed from a raging storm that was going to beat the crap out of Mukuro, to a stunned octopus standing upright on the other side of Tsuna's office chair.
Hayato blinked. He was sure he was going to bang right into Tsuna, yet he was standing still, completely balanced, next to him. "Gah." He felt as if he went to heaven and back for a moment. 'JUUDAIME JUST DID SOMETHING AMAZING! A-and…woah…' He swayed on his legs before staggering forwards, slumping against the wall next to the loathed pineapple. His resentment for him hasn't ebbed away just yet.
"Juudaime, why do you still trust this guy? He might turn out like Daemon." He fumed. "He's going to grab your body and betray us." Hayato has been extremely touchy about this subject ever since Daemon's 'visit', and no one really blamed him for suspecting Mukuro, but that doesn't mean they agree with him either.
Tsuna glanced at Hayato, unhanding Hayato's arm as he previously staggered away, and smiled slightly. "Gokudera, it's ok. Mukuro isn't Daemon." He stated firmly. "I trust him, like I do with all of you too."
Hayato side-glanced with minor embarrassment, forming a small pout on his lips. He was Tsuna's all-knowing right hand man yet his boss was indirectly pointing out his flaws. He pressed his brows down, forming a flustered frown. Instead of wallowing in his discomfiture, he averted his attention to Mukuro. "Tch, If only I can punch you in the face for what you've done."
"Please, no violence." Tsuna exclaimed wryly, "Hibari, I'm sorry for making you go to Japan. So please calm down." He wheeled himself back to his table and rested his elbows on top, a boss-like posture.
Hibari indeed did look like he was going murder the entire population of pineapples, face twisted into a ruthless growl, mouth pulled into a line as taught as a drawn bow. But the hunter instincts in him clicked, telling him that if he doesn't settle down he will be the one hunted instead.
Tsuna held the video conference as a meeting, not a simple gathering and he's about had enough of the drama. As nice and caring as he is, his years as boss made him somehow relentless.
"Chrome, we'll discuss your trip to Russia later on, but for now, please come out. I need your opinion on this matter too." - 'Because we're a family, after all. I can't leave you out even if Mukuro's already here.'
Reborn gave an impressed grunt, and Yuni could be heard 'wowing' in the background at how boss-like Tsuna acted just then. It was like Tsuna had finally turned into a decent boss. They seemed to have moved from the noisy casino to a place without all the interfering cacophony.
A female appeared out from a cluster purple mist, similar to Mukuro's, and nodded her head with acknowledgement towards everyone. "Bossu…we're back. The information we received was odd." She informed briefly. Chrome, dressed in her light purple spring casual wear, took her respective place next Mukuro.
A few seconds of impregnable silence passed, but Takeshi broke it. "Hmm," he hummed, leaning back in his comfy and spacious first-class seat. "I guess it's only Sasagawa senpai now." He indicated unobtrusively.
"Tch, stupid turf-top." Hayato rested a leg across the other and crossed his arms. "Keeping us waiting." He muttered.
"Well, he is the busiest out of all of us, being the 'healer' and all. He's been travelling to places to people in desperate need of being healed." Tsuna defended his sun guardian righteously. Ryohei was indeed the busiest out of all of them, excluding Tsuna of course. Tsuna was busy, but just not in a way where he used his flames excessively until his body gave out.
As if coincidences have graced the Vongola for the day, Tsuna's phone rang, buzzing obnoxiously loud on the table. He instinctively reached out for his phone, thinking, 'whoever is calling my personal number…something must've happened to them.' He nearly dropped it when he saw that it was Ryohei calling.
This meant something bad. His guardians would only call him in the case of extreme situations, and when he means extreme, he means fractured bones, internal and external bleeding, things aren't going as planned, war or possibly even a kidnapper bantering for something in exchange for a hostage – i.e, one of his guardians.
He was almost afraid to pick up, but if he didn't he would possibly be putting a life in danger. Ryohei's life. Tsuna would rather jump off a cliff all chained up rather than putting his guardians in danger.
His family is everything to him, his treasure, his pride, his hope, his life.
Before the phone would fully slip out his hand due to how weak and shaky it got all of a sudden, he pushed his finger resolutely down on the big, fat, green button, almost like the judgement swing of a gavel. He brought his hand up hesitantly, pressing the phone lightly against his ear.
The guardians may seem completely uncaring towards each other's wellbeing and hardhearted, not considerate and being complete assholes when someone did something they didn't like (excluding Tsuna himself, Ryohei and Takeshi; they were always cool with each other), they were quite similar to Tsunderes. They may look constantly pissed on the outside, but inside, they really do care.
Despite everyone's stern expression, each of them fidgeted slightly in some way when Tsuna reached for his ringing phone.
Tsuna opened his mouth, hesitating and taking in a breath before shakily breathing out, introducing himself over the phone. "H-hello, Sawada Tsunayoshi spea-" But before he could finish it, a voice erupted from the phone, cutting in.
"Ah! Good afternoon to the EXTREME Sawada!..." A belated, flamboyant and loud voice shouted louder than needed. "I apologise for calling you instead of EXTREMELY finding my laptop-" a stifled loud yawn rang through, breaking the sentence. "I'm feeling too EXTREMELY tired right now…to even keep my eyes open."
Hearing the voice of his energetic sun guardian being completely fine (only a little tired – actually, maybe very tired), and not writhing in pain, lifted ten tonnes from his shoulders and heart. He sighed, eyes fluttering to a close in pure relief.
Though, he wasn't particularly glad that Ryohei was tired to the point where he can't even keep his eyes open, considering how much of a lively and energetic person he is.
"It's…it's fine. Oh god Ryohei, you gave me a huge scare just then." Tsuna let your breath out of relief. He slouched back into his chair, shaking subsiding a little. "I'll connect you to the interface, give me a sec…"
With great effort, he heaved himself from his seat and walked over to a slick black box with cables protruding from it. He found the cable that could connect with his phone and plugged it in. Within a few milliseconds, the link was secured and an audio-only interface appeared on one of the monitors.
The guardians calmed down too; Hayato took in a slow breath, then exhaling just as slowly, body relaxing against the wall. Hibari leant back and propped back a hand, looking his usual 'Don't annoy me' resting face though his gaze was still sending death threats to the idiotic long-haired pineapple. Mukuro only smirked, as mysterious as ever. Takeshi gave a distinct sigh before putting on a smile again.
"Ahh…Sorry for being late guys, I just arrived at the hotel EXTREMELY tired." Ryohei exclaimed stridently, though obviously sounding very weary. There was a faint ruffle, the sound of a wooden chair being dragged then a 'plop'.
"Ok, well then." Tsuna returned to his seat, gracefully sitting down and finally taking out the envelope after nearly half an hour of waiting in his inner breast pocket. "Gokudera. Come here." He called imperatively, holding out the letter out to him. "The meeting is now starting."
Hayato pushed himself from the wall and uncrossed his arms, slipping out his reading glasses. He stood sternly next his boss and took the letter, briskly taking out the letter from the envelope. The room was no longer filled with its previous clatter of triviality, instead, the atmosphere did a 180 and it was now saturated with formality.
And Hayato started reading.
It was around 6 PM when Ryohei woke up again, and by then the meeting had finished ages ago. Streaks of elongated light which had found its way past the curtains marred the carpet, almost like fresh scars against skin. The sun guardian found himself slumped on top of the roll-top desk which he sat at just after he called Tsuna.
Ryohei uttered a small groan as he lifted his head up, and it felt like lead. "Ahh…I must have EXTREMELY fallen asleep during the meeting..." he pointed out to himself. He could feel himself dozing off again, back to the wonderful realm of sleep, but he wasn't going to let that happen just yet, not until he checks his phone for important messages.
Slapping his bandaged hands to his face with force, he made sure his cheeks stung enough to keep him awake. Tiredly reaching out a hand, he slowly reached out for his phone and reeled it back in as if his hand was a fishing rod that has caught a big and adamant fish.
He sluggishly manoeuvred his fingers around the edge, searching for the power button, and when he finally found it, he pushed. The screen immediately burst on, streaming with blinding light.
"Gah! Too bright!"
He squinted and indeed, there were messages. Quite a few messages from Hayato about the content of the meeting which he missed half of, and surprisingly, one from Takeshi.
Takeshi never texts. He usually doesn't have much to say, and if so, he would use some other sort of media.
'Well, this better be something EXTREMELY interesting…'
He selected Takeshi's message, inputted his million letter long password, and then read.
I have a bad feeling about Tsuna going to the meeting. Get back to the Vongola mansion as soon as possible. I think we need a doctor on site just in case…
'We need a doctor.' Was the first thing Ryohei noticed. He was definitely confused. But over the years, he's learnt that Takeshi had the potential as a hitman, possibly even as strong as Reborn, and he's possibly even more observant than an eagle.
Touché! I get that organised early tom morn.
Before his eyelids' muscles were going to give out, he put one last effort into pressing 'send' and as he did, his head helplessly clashed with the table top, returning to his long, tiresome journey of replenishing his flames.
Depending on how much I write, next chapter will be quite eventful ;P It will take about 2 – 3 weeks, as assignments are drowning me.
Shoutout #2
- Human Burrito buddies for life!
Have a shoutout? Pls add it to the end of your comment.
Fanart…? Nah…I'm asking too much from you guys '/3/' Please do email them to me at [email protected] ! Anything is fine (Maybe a depiction of me…actually nah, for some reason I imagine me as a bubble popping and meeting the end of my short bubble life DX)
Comments and thoughts on this would be absolutely great! 
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momorabu · 7 years
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Viidog Code Event Story - ホラーハウス・パニック / Horror House . Panic
It’s a new month and I realised I haven’t post my monthly Viidog Code story yet for the last month... so here is it~! This story happens in the summer, which maybe abit late now considering we’re approaching Autumn, but it’s alright~ Let’s get chilling with a haunted theme story~! It’s great to write about light and funny stories (though abit creepy) after the difficult and complex storyline in the main story ^^
As always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Chapter 1: 異人館街の幽霊屋敷 / The Haunted House at The Strange Street
One day, Shiro found “me” at the database room and realised that “I’m” reading up on a search report from our last case. “I” told him that “I’m” revising to learn more about detective work, but Shiro asked “me” to return him his reflection report since “I” have no need to read them. (It just sound to me that he’s embarrassed though ^^;)
Since “I” want to work so much, Shiro asked “me to head to the office with him, as it seems that Kuki had gotten himself involved in yet another case. Shiro didn’t know what case it was as he was also just being called down to the detective agency, and was also requested that he find “me” and bring “me” along to the office.
(Just want to say... Shiro looks good in summer wear~ ^///^ Hoodie~ >////<)
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We headed to the office to find that Tsubasa and Kuki were already there. Kuki was glad that Shiro had managed to find “me” and brought “me” here, since he was worried that he won’t be able to do it. Shiro rebutted at him that Kuki is just treating him as a slave XD 
With everyone in Class 7 gathered together, Kuki told Shu and Senri to start off the meeting to inform them the new case that they’ll be working on. Senri briefed us that someone had sent in a request to the agency to investigate a haunted house. Both Tsubasa and “me” showed a shock reaction, and Shiro told us that we’re overreacting. Tsubasa answered that it’s normal to be shocked about a haunted house, to which Kuki happily replied that he had taken on this case just because he wanted to see our reactions to it. 
Senri continued on talking about the case, saying that this request was sent in by people who had lived around the haunted house. Even though currently there isn’t anyone living in that house at the moment, the neighbors had heard some eerie sound and voices from it, and thus wished to get someone to investigate it. Tsubasa wondered whether it was called as “the haunted house” due to the eerie sound and voices, but the main reason was because the owner of the house had passed away, thus making it an empty residence currently. 
Rui joined us and informed that other than the person who had sent in the request, multiple people around the neighbourhood had also seen some shadows that moved and voices in the haunted house, and was sure that there must be “something” in that house. Thinking that since this was a haunted house we’re investigating anyway, Kuki announced that Class 7 shall also help to get rid of the ghosts as an add-on to the case. (Erm... how exactly are you going to do that, Kuki?)
Tsubasa, on the other hand, wanted to make friends with the ghost, as long as it is not an evil ghost, which Kuki agreed with him and even proposed bringing it back to the agency to make the agency a “unique” agency.... ^^; (It’s meant to be a joke and ”I” just smiled weakly along with them like “I’m” forced to ^^; Even Senri dissed Kuki about it that Kuki felt that Senri was just adding salt to his wound.)
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Shu finished off the briefing by telling Kuki that he hoped that he doesn’t cause any unfortunate incident in this investigation. In summary, the case this time was to investigate a haunted house, and Kuki told us that it’s going to be a very fun case. Shiro denied and remarked that it sounds like it’s going to be a very boring case, but Tsubasa told him that it’s actually rare that they might meet a ghost actually. (Tsubsa sounds very excited ^^;) 
Shiro claimed that he doesn’t believe in ghost and deemed the case to be cause by some children’s mischief definitely, but Kuki thinks otherwise and felt that Shiro actually believe in ghosts even if he claimed that he doesn’t. (i guess he already knew that Shiro was actually quite afraid of ghosts.) Shiro said that he’s not going to investigate the haunted house, and told the rest of us to investigate instead before he left the room. In the end, it was decided that we shall just take a look at the haunted house tonight, (the official operation shall start tomorrow) as Kuki told us to gather in the living room at night time.
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However, at night time, Shiro was pulled to join us in the investigation as much he rejected to join. He ultimately conceded to investigate the haunted house, but stated that he would investigate it alone and told us not to follow him along. Kuki was surprised with Shiro’s change in attitude and asked him whether he secretly wanted to meet the ghost very much. 
Kuki asked Shiro to bring “me” along with him for the investigation, to which Shiro denied and said once again that he had planned on heading there alone and that it would be hard to escape from the place if he had to bring “me” along if anything were to happen. However, Kuki stated that as the class leader he would not allow anyone to perform an investigation by himself and even offered that he shall follow Shiro himself if he doesn’t like “me” to go along with him. In the end, Shiro agreed to bring “me” along to investigate the haunted house, and Kuki told us to be careful while he sent us off.
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Chapter 2: 開かない扉 / The Door That Can’t Be Opened
After we had head off, Tsubasa worried for “me” as he’s afraid that Shiro might leave “me” unattended, but Kuki was being very positive, suggesting that perhaps we might even ended up being friends with the ghost and bring it back here. Tsubasa noticed that Kuki still seems hung up about his joke regarding the ghost just now, but Kuki just answered him not to open his old wounds instead XDD
The two started talking about ghosts, where Tsubasa said that he’s actually looking forward to meeting one since he had never met one before, and asked Kuki whether he believe in ghosts. As Kuki was one who would only believe in something if he had seen it, he found ghosts to be very unrealistic since he had never seen one. He assured Tsubasa that we’ll be alright since unlike his appearance, Shiro was actually someone who would take good care others, and thought that he’s actually quite suitable in training and teaching newbies ^^ (Shiro Sensei? XD) He also remarked that Tsubasa was suitable too since he’s someone who could have a good relationship with anyone, to which Tsubasa commented that he’s the latest newbie in the agency (before “me”), and thus he understood the feeling of being a newbie the most in all of the members in the agency. (So I guess Shiro entered the agency earlier than Tsubasa~)
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In the meanwhile, Shiro and “I” had arrived at the street where the haunted house was located. As there were many empty houses nearby, Shiro told “me” that there’s nothing much to look at even if “I” was looking around at the area. The place we’re at was pretty dark, that Shiro complained that it’s hard to go around the streets at night. Thankfully he had brought along a torch light and told “me” that we’re just going to quickly investigate this place and head back to the agency. (Shiro seems that he just wanted to get it over and done with it =w=“) He told “me” to be careful since anything could fly out at us when we’re inside the building, and to also refrain from making a loud noise too. 
When we entered the house though, the doors just shut behind us suddenly.... or what Shiro had thought so, since “I” was the one who had shut the doors actually, and Shiro told “me” to do it more quietly. (Since I guess it gave him a scare when he heard the doors closed that loudly ^^; But he claimed that he’s not scared but just abit shocked by the closing of the doors...) Shiro got yet another scare again when he walked straight into a spider web, but felt that they seems to be some mischief done by a child, and told “me” to be careful not to trip over anything. (Though he claimed that he’s not worried for “me”, just that he would found it troublesome if “I” had fallen.. ^^;)
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“I” was scared when “I” saw an arm hanging in the mid air, but Shiro investigated and realised that it was just a mannequin’s arm being hung up by some red threads. We walked down the long corridor, and didn’t opened any of the doors since the door knobs were untouched over the years. Finally, at the end of the corridor was another door, which was locked and since the knob looks clean, Shiro guessed that perhaps there was something behind that door. (The door knob being clean was an evidence that someone actually opened the door recently +W+) 
Shiro was glad that as it meant that it wasn’t the work of a ghost that had made this place haunted, as ghosts would be able to go through doors without even opening it. He guessed that perhaps the person who had cause these eerie happenings was behind that door and decided to keep a look out at the door to see if anyone would come out from the room. In the end, we decided to hide in a room next to the corridor which offers a view that we can keep a look out at the door. Shiro was sure that he would catch the “ghost” and reveal his real identity, blaming that ghost that it was because of it that he had to do such a job right now. 
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Just then, we heard the sound of doors opening, but Shiro guessed that it was just the wind that had opened the doors and he didn’t sense the presence of any humans either, claiming that it’s definitely not ghosts who had made the doors to open. We waited for awhile, but it doesn’t seems that anybody was going to open the door and come out from the room, Shiro decided that we shall head back for tonight and write our report instead.
However, suddenly there was the sound of the door from the entrance closing, along with the sound of it locking! Shiro started to get worried that we might get locked into the house, and thus hurried “me” to run along with him back to the entrance. Just as what he had expected, the door to the entrance was locked when we arrived there...
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Chapter 3: 超自然的なもの? / The Supernatural?
Even though the door looks old, it was actually strong, and Shiro guessed that it would be hard to break it down in order to escape from the house (besides he doesn’t want to destroy the house actually). He was pissed that “I” was in the mood to laugh and confirmed once again that regardless what Kuki had said, Shiro himself wasn’t scared of ghosts AT ALL, and claimed that he had no interests in such area either. (okay... if you say so... =w=“)
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However, the thing was... it wasn’t “me” who was laughing. Shiro thought that “I” had used ventriloquism, but since obviously “I” do not have such a skill, Shiro guessed that it may be coming from the person who had locked us in this house. It started to get spookier when the plates started to move by themselves, and Shiro, feeling unable to stay in this house anymore, quickly asked “me” to get away from the door as he broke down the door. As he left the place with “me”, Shiro bellowed back at the “ghost” that he’s not leaving because he’s scared, he’s going back to think of a plan and would be coming back to defeat it next time XD
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We ran for a long while after we’ve escaped from the haunted house, and finally stopped at somewhere along the street, which Shiro commented that the ghost won’t be coming out from the house to chase after us since we’re now quite far away from it. He warned “me” not to mention anything about him facing the ghost to Kuki and Tsubasa. 
Back at the agency, Kuki and Tsubasa were still continuing their conversations about the ghost, where Kuki asked Tsubasa what games he would want to play with the ghost if he had befriend it, and even suggested playing a test of courage with it. But Tsubasa felt that it would be very boring since the ghost would be the one in charge of scaring people instead like usual, and suggested hide and seek instead. Kuki felt that hide and seek would be hard since the ghost would have an advantage since it could hide in places that are hard to find for them.
Suddently, Kuki got a shock when he realised that both Shiro and “I” had returned from our investigation. Noticing that our faces looked green, Kuki asked us what had happened over at the haunted house. Shiro answered that we’re fine, but he’s sure that there’s something at that house, and that he had felt digusted that something was getting close to him even though he could not see what was it.
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Even though Kuki was worried about it, he decided to give it a rest for now and told Tsubasa that he can be happy now that it seems like there’s really a ghost over there ^^; Kuki asked Shiro that whether he had heard any sound of the water in the house, since he had read that in the report which was passed to him by Senri. Shiro remarked that he indeed heard something that resembles the sound of water, and thus Kuki decided that they should investigate more about the house.
Tsubasa was too excited and wanted to go straight away though XD Kuki had to tell him that it was too late and that they would go there tomorrow instead.
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(Shiro was too tired from the investigation today that he had fallen asleep while sitting on the sofa~ Aww~ So cute~ ^////^)
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Taking out a map, Kuki asked “me” whether it was the same as the layout of the house since “I’ve” went inside it. “I” reported to him that the map actually showed rooms that we had not seen at the house and that made Kuki quite interested about it...
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Chapter 4: 1班の推察 / The Investigations by Class 1
The next morning, Shu was quite happy to receive a new case, as it was case that was requested by their own species - Kenrouzoku. Shu was glad that they finally had a chance to help out their comrades, and that made Senri happy for him too, and guessed that the other “Kenrouzoku” who had lived in the town must have seen Shu as someone reliable to request him for help.
Shu decided that this new case from Kenrouzoku would be handled by Class 7 and told “me” (who was there) that this would be my first time in handling a case by “Kenrouzoku”, and thus thought that it would be a learning experience for “me”. However, Senri mentioned that Class 7 was working on the case regarding the haunted house currently, and the two of them started talking about that case instead.
Shiro had not handed in his report for yesterday night, to which Shu thought that he’s facing difficulty in writing it since writing report was always not Shiro’s forte. Senri explained that it seems that quite alot happened during the investigation yesterday that Shiro was burned out when he had returned. He made a guess that perhaps we had really met a ghost over there, but Shu started to get really worried about Shiro and mentioned that perhaps he would pay a visit to him later on. (Shu was actually really nice to his comrades and cares about them~ +////+)
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Rui entered the room and told them that he had compiled the reports from Class 7′s investigation at the haunted house yesterday, and from the reports... it seems that the two of us had been in contact with the “other party”. We’ve heard the weird laughter and the sound of water just like what was written by the person who had requested this case to be investigated, however, we could not know what had cause those sound to happen. The laughter was determined to be coming from a young male who was in his 10s-20s, and there’s still information lacking to know what had been making the sound of the water. Rui also reported that in the midst of our investigation, we were locked up in the house and got into trouble over there. Sensing that there might be further danger, Shiro broke through the door and we escaped from there. The culprit had not shown himself throughout the investigation and had not chased after us after we had escaped from the house.
Rui guessed that even though there’s a possibility that the sound of the laughter and water could be caused by supernatural, he thought that there’s a higher possibility that they were made by a person. It was also found that there were traces of a room being used by someone in the house, and thus Rui guessed that someone must have layed these “traps” to trigger those sound. Shu then deduced that other than the owner of the house, it seems that somebody else also had a key to the haunted house.
Continuing on his report, Rui mentioned that even for someone who was alert like Shiro didn’t sense any presence of a human, and though this also meant that even though the “other party” had no evil intentions in dealing with us, these “traps” in the house also meant that the “other party” doesn’t want anybody to bother him/her/it. 
Shu decided that we shall put the case of the haunted house on hold first and work on this new case instead.
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Chapter 5: 雛守と都市伝説 / Hinamori and the City Legends 
At night, Class 7 had gathered in the living room. Kuki talked about the seven mysteries in D.O.G agency, with Tsubasa commenting that the city legends told by Kuki were really interesting that it had gotten him into “occult mode”, since it was regarding werewolves and thus Kuki remarked that as “Kenrouzoku” themselves, they’re definitely very interested in such topics. 
However, Tsubasa noticed that “I” hardly spoke anything throughout the night, and wondered that perhaps “I” had felt bored by them chatting. Back to the case regarding the haunted house, Kuki decided to tidy the information they’ve gathered so far, and head to the house again tomorrow for more investigation. He noticed that Shiro doesn’t seems very enthusiastic to which Shiro denied it, since he wanted to catch the culprit whom had locked us in the house. 
Just then, Hinamori appeared, as he had heard about the word “city legends” and was really interested about it. Tsubasa told him that the old man from the “Kenrouzoku” who had requested our help today had told us alot of interesting city legends after we’ve finished their case for the day. One of the city legends was regarding werewolves, which Hinamori had heard of it before and mentioned that he really like it due to how bloody it was. Kuki was scared by it though Hinamori likes that it was scary since he was a huge fan of the horror genre. He likes the feeling of being scared and thus the werewolves legend was one that he would not forget about it.
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Since Hinamori was a fan of horror, Tsubasa asked him whether he had heard about the “haunted house”. Seeing that all of us were really interested in the haunted house, Hinamori decided to reveal to us what he had knew about it... He mentioned that there would always be gossips about this house at this period of time usually, but after a period of time people would forget about it and thought that those gossips were just being made up in the end. However, even though it was just a gossip, Tsubasa felt that this had been going for quite a long while, as it had been a month that the house was being rumored as a haunted house and this time, there seems to be more witness than as per usual. Hinamori felt that perhaps it had escalate past the level of a child’s mischief and may become a real legend in the end...
(Tsubasa got even more excited about heading there after listening to what Hinamori had said though XD)
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Chapter 6: 7班始動前夜 / The Eve Before Class 7′s Operations
Shiro wanted to go to the haunted house by himself again, and got nagged by Kuki that the last time he went there, he had slept straight away after returning and skipped out on writing his report ^^; Kuki felt that Shiro had just went around the house once and didn’t delve into anything much before returning the last time, though he guessed that there must be a reason why Shiro had done that. 
He agreed to let Shiro head to the haunted house by himself though, but on one condition, this time he had carry a video camera on himself so that the rest of Class 7 could monitor what had happened in the haunted house, and could also relay information to him. Shiro rejected that idea, to which Kuki felt that it wasnt’ a ridiculous request since they’ve always put on a camera on each other during investigation. He started talking about how Shiro had to lit up a little light to brighten up the room when he’s asleep, and also seems to have taken the salt from the kitchen... (He’s trying to hint that Shiro was actually afraid of the dark and ghosts, that he had to get salt from the kitchen to ward them off ^^;)
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Since Shio doesn’t agree to the condition Kuki had set and thus unable to head to the haunted house by himself, Kuki told him to just give up and let all 4 of them to head to the haunted house and investigate together. He remarked that it was the basics in detective work that more people investigating would get a better result than just one sole person investigating. He wondered perhaps than being concerned in the investigation, Shiro was more concerned in his own pride and even guessed that perhaps the person who was here wasn’t even Shiro at all.
Tsubasa was very excited about investigating, and told Shiro that he would try his best, and even if he failed, the others would be around to aid him. Since everyone insisted on tagging along, Shiro had no choice but to concede to them ^^;
Tsubasa was curious in why Shiro had denied to put on a camera when he’s heading to the haunted house by himself, but guessed that perhaps Shiro had felt that he doesn’t look good on camera and complimented that he’s good-looking actually~~ XDD
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It was decided that we shall head to the haunted house the next day instead, and thus Kuki asked us to rest up well, and not to stay up later tonight. He also told us to prepare for the investigation, and Tsubasa asked whether the ghost would be able to eat some candies, since he wanted to bring some as a present XDD (This guy... is so adorable >////<) Kuki smiled weakly and guessed that it might be impossible for them to eat, so Tsubasa wondered that pehaps he sould bring something inedible instead.
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Chapter 7: 謎のベールに包まれた屋敷 / The House That Was Surrounded By Mysterious Veil
Shu was drinking tea at the office when he realised that the taste of tea has changed. He initially thought that Rui had used a different set of tea leaves, but Rui guessed that perhaps his way of preparing tea was different to how Senri does it usually, and that changes the taste of the tea in the end. 
The two started talking about their research about the haunted house, which they’ve found out that it was a building that was a hundred years old. This was out of Shu’s expectation, and he remarked that doing research on this house made him feel like they’re archaeologist. Just then, Senri came into the room and showed them something that he had found in his research just now. It was a document regarding the ownership of the house, where the last remaining owner of the house had not transferred his ownership to anyone before he passed away. As it had been a long period of time since he had passed away. there isn’t much information that they could find out about the him. There isn’t anybody around the town who knew him, and there’s no lead in finding who might have inherit the house either. 
Rui mentioned that this was around the time when Class 7 was heading towards the haunted house for an investigation once again, and prayed that nothing would happen to them when they were there.
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As Class 7 and “I” were nearing the haunted house, Tsubasa asked “me” whether “I’ll” feel afraid of the place. However, “I” wasn’t really afraid as “I’ve” been to the house before once. Nearing the entrance, Kuki spotted the door which was broken down by Shiro, as the part where the door knob had spoiled could be seen clearly.
Heading into the house, Kuki remarked that it felt chilly in here. Tsubasa also noticed that there were some spider webs around, which Kuki remarked that it wasn’t that extraordinary since the house had been really old and untouched for years. Wanting to give a thorough investigation of the house tonight, Kuki started giving out instructions to the members. As there were three routes which they had yet to explore in the house, Kuki proposed that we split into three different teams, with Kuki himself investigating the middle route. Tsubasa would investigate the route on the left, and Shiro would take the route on the right.
However, once investigation starts, Shiro noticed that Kuki was following him and asked him wasn’t he the one who told them to split up and investigate the house. But Kuki mentioned that he had realised that there seems to more rooms that were showed in the floor plan of the house than what they could see in the house, and made a guess that perhaps there’s some hidden rooms in this house. He wondered whether they should all split up and look for the hidden rooms, or stay and wait for the eerie scenarios that we had encountered the last time to take place. 
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Kuki started teasing about Shiro that he had headed back halfway through the investigation, hinting him that he’s a scaredy cat. This pissed off Shiro that he ended up destroying the walls of the house... and exposed a secret corridor that way OWO Turns out that Kuki had actually deduced that there’s another path behind the walls and purposely angered Shiro to make him destroy the wall ^^; Heading into the corridor, they also found a wall that could turn and reveal a secret room, which Kuki remarked that they’re lucky to have spotted the secret room by chance.
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Chapter 8: いにしえの扉 / The Ancient Door 
Back at the detective agency, Senri had compiled all of the information which Class 1 had gathered regarding the haunted house. He hoped that in these information, there may lie a hint which would lead them to solve the mystery behind the haunted house. Rui remarked that the information was hard for them to read and decipher as there were parts that were hard to understand due to how old the information were. They then started talking about the times where this country was just being developed, and guess that the house might have been built at that time period. The people who had lived around the house were mostly old citizens who had viewed how the country and town had prospered throughout the year.
Looking at one of the information, Rui realised that the way of the name of the owner was written was different to how names were wrote now in the modern days. He deduced that they might have gotten the name of the owner wrong due to mistaking the way his name was written. Now that they had the correct name of the owner, Shu told them to quickly start researching for more information of the owner using the the correct name.
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Back at the haunted house, Kuki started commenting that he could smell a really strong smell from the other side of the room and guessed that it must be very dusty on that side. He told Shiro and “me” to head to the secret room and take a look at it. When Shiro asked him why doesn’t he want to go along with us in the secret room, Kuki explained that if everyone were to go together, there might be the possibility that we were all end up missing. Besides, if anything were to happen in the secret room, Kuki was confident that Shiro would be able to escape together with “me”. He told us that he would be staying behind as back up and would definitely help us if we called out for help, so we should head there without worrying too much. 
In the end, both Shiro and “me” decided to head into the secret room by ourselves. (Shiro is unexpectedly kind of sweet here asking “me’ to stay by his side and not leave him ^///^)
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Heading into the secret room, Shiro commented that the room was indeed really dusty, the dust had stacked up on the floor like a layer of snow, and our footprints could be seen clearly as we stepped into the room OWO Kuki told us to be careful as we head our way inside the room, and that he would be joining us later as soon as he found a way to make sure that the hidden door (part of the wall) stays home without anyone supporting it. 
Shiro looked around the room and remarked that bed and wallpapers of the room were really worn out and seems that they’ve been moved to this room from the other parts of the house a long time ago. He soon reached to a dead end at the end of the room, but found that there’s a big wall over there that looks really suspicious, and thus deduced that perhaps there’s something over there...
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Chapter 9: 不審な影 / The Suspicious Shadow
Suddenly, a shadow appeared and escaped from Shiro’s side. Shiro started to chase after the shadow, asking “me” to follow him but try not to fall and hurt myself along the way. (So cute that he actually called “me” assistant-chan! O/////O)
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As we chased down the shadow down the corridor, Shiro realised that the path was getting larger. He wondered whether the shadow was really a ghost but thought that a ghost won’t be able to move at such a high speed. Deducing that if the shadow was really a ghost, it doesn’t have to escape from them, Shiro guessed that it wasn’t a ghost at all and decided to chase up to it.
He noticed that the shadow had went through a door crack, he told “me” to quietly opened the door to aid him in catching it. Shiro planned to catch this “ghost” before Kuki arrived to finish this “boring / lame” case (as said by Shiro), though he was abit afraid of the mice in there ^^;
However, just when he dashed into the room, someone called out to him not to step forward! It was actually Tsubasa (who had went off investigating the house himself earlier on), and he told us that there’s a cat by Shiro’s feet and he’s afraid that Shiro was going to step onto it. Turns out that the black shadow that we’re chasing after was actually a black cat, and Shiro remarked that his heart almost stopped just now due to what had happened. Tsubasa apologised for his actions, as he didn’t thought that he would have scared Shiro non-intentionally ^^; (Aww~ This CG of Tsubasa pleading with Shiro is really adorable~ >////<)
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Shiro was confused on why Tsubasa was here as he had head towards the left corridor to investigate the house. Tsubasa answered that he guessed that the left corridor was connected to the right and created a loop in the end, and thus we would meet each other halfway along the corridor.
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Back at the detective agency again, Senri and the others had finally found out the truth regarding the haunted house. Rui guessed that this might be a trick set up in the past that made it hard to be discovered by them Kenrouzoku, but Senri replied that he guessed that even the humans themselves who had lived in this town might not have known about this “truth”. They had also researched about the person who had requested them to investigate this haunted house, and was able to find out about his identity. However, Shu wondered about the reason why the person had decided to hide his identity, to which Senri and Rui unexpectedly had the same deduction towards the reason behind it. 
They guessed that somebody might be inside that house, but it definitely can’t be the owner of the house, since according to the information that they had found, the owner had already passed away. 
However, according to Kuki’s investigation earler on, there were traces of items around the house which Senri deduced that they might have belonged to someone who has some sort of relationship with the owner of the house. But the person was not someone who was related to the owner, as Rui’s research showed that none of the owner’s relatives were staying here, nor were there any traces of them having visited the house at all.
(This entire part sounds really confusing to me actually. I tried my best to write down what I could understand and translate from the screenshots I had ><” Sorry if it ended up really confusing Orz)
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Chapter 10: そして,真相の扉 / And... Towards the Door of Truth
Shiro asked why was there a black cat doing here and who was the person who had brought it here. Tsubasa answered that he had came across the black cat during his investigation, and while following it, he realised that the black cat actually had a whole family staying in the haunted house. Shiro then wondered why Kuki had not followed us even though he told us that he would be catching up earlier on. (Hmmm... I wonder where is he exactly....?)
Tsubasa was worried whether “I” was injured, and heaved a sigh of relieve when he knew that Shiro had been protecting “me” very well all this time ^^ He was also glad that Shiro had paced himself to my speed of running when chasing after the black cat just now (even though Tsubasa commented that it was still very fast), and praised him that he’s really behaving like a good senpai taking care of me ^^
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Talking about Kuki, Tsubasa suddenly remembered that he mentioned that he had found a key when they were searching around the house in the afternoon. Shiro guessed that Kuki must be trying to use that key to open the locked door that Shiro had came across just now, and was pissed off when he realised that Kuki had lured him off into investigating the right side of the house, and mentioned that he’s going to beat Kuki off to the sky when he returned XD
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The two went back to the topic about the cats again, where Shiro asked Tsubasa that the cats were being reared in this house. (So perhaps someone is taking care of them...?) Tsubasa mentioned that there’s even more cats than the ones that were here currently, and asked Shiro whether he had came across any of them. Unfortunately, the only cat we had seen was the one that Shiro and “I” ended up chasing.
Just then, even more cats appeared (up to 5 of them), with Tsubasa mentioning that he had also came here while chasing after one of them. Shiro deduced that perhaps the sound of items banging into each other and the laughter might be caused by these cats, while Tsubasa guessed that it could be the wind too, since it had been blowing ever since they had stepped into this house. Shiro decided that they shall now have to the owner of the cats, who could be the culprit that was behind the haunted house.
Suddenly, laughter could be heard in the house, and Tsubasa who was hearing it for the first time, asked Shiro whether this was the laughter which we had heard the last time. It was then Shiro realised that one of the doors near them seems to be connected to the room with the locked door that we had came across the last time. We heard voices coming from behind it, and thus Shiro decided to open the door slowly to hear more of the conversations, as the voices currently sound really muffled and hard to listen.
However, the door creaked as Shiro complained about it, but Tsubasa was very excited, saying that his heart was racing and remarked that he was actually quite afraid of this reverse situation of being in pressure. (But... Tsubasa you look really happy though? ^^:)
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Shiro in the end decided to open the door forcefully and shouted at the people inside to show themselves (or say show their true selves). However it was too dark in the room that Tsubasa had to diss that he can’t see the “culprits” true selves due to how dark it was XD
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Just then, Kuki appeared and told us “That’s it!” He decided to reveal the culprit and that would be.... himself! (Ku...Kuki?!)
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Chapter 11: 最奥の部屋 / The Innermost Room
Shiro was confused and demanded Kuki to give an explanation about it. But, Kuki told us that he was actually joking when he said he was the culprit, and assured us that the culprit wasn’t really a ghost actually ^^; He reminded us again that he had mentioned that he's someone who would only believe in whatever he had seen, and revealed to us the “real” culprit - Hinamori!
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Kuki asked Hinamori what was he doing here, laying out all the grotesque objects out of the floor. Hinamori answered that they should be called as horror goods instead of grotesque goods and explained that he was actually laying out his collection and deciding what body organ to be put next to the heart. (In other words, I think he’s just rearranging his collection in a way.) Surprised by us who had came here, Hinamori asked us if we’re here to look at his collection ^^; (So cute that he’s asking this naively but... Hina~ Nobody would come here for no reason and visit your collection ><”)
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Kuki answered that unfortunately we aren’t here to look at his collection, instead we’re here due to our work, which is to investigate this house, as there were spotting that people had heard laughter and water sounds from this house, and also poltergeist happenings in this house. Hinamori revealed the reason behind these sounds and happenings, they were caused by the traps that were layed out by him. He further on explained that reason behind why the mannequins hand would float in the air (controlled by fibre threads), and the origin of the water sounds (water coming out by itself from the tap - probably leakage?) As for the laughter, it was coming from Hinamori himself when he was in glee whenever he had gotten blood from Suzu-kun when he was preparing the chicken... ^^: 
The key which Kuki had picked up actually belonged to Hinamori. He had lost it recently but turns out Kuki had found it in the end. Hinamori happily showed us the chicken blood which he had gotten, but ended up dropping it by accident. In the end, even Kuki doesn’t understand whether Hinamori was laughing or crying when he remarked that it’s a waste of the blood and the world is going to end. (Just because of spilled chicken blood...? o.O)
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Tsubasa offered to clean up while getting Hinamori to calm down, comforting him that he would definitely get his hands on some beautiful blood again. Hinamori calmed down, but he was in low spirits that Kuki remarked that he seems scarier like than when compared to when he was laughing or crying just now. “I” also tried to help to comfort Hinamori by handing him a handkerchief to wipe his tears. This seems to cheer him up a little as he complimented that “I’m” really a person with beautiful blood. (Erm... Thanks... I guess? ^^;) "I" even rolled up “my” sleeves to show “my” arm to Hinamori and that seems to be cheer Hinamori alot~ (Or say... was too much as he totally got too excited over seeing “my” blood pumping in the arteries O////O) There was also blood on the handkerchief actually so Hinamori got even more excited... Kuki and the others quickly tried to clamHianmori down once again, before he gets too excited to the point he collapsed =w=“
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Shiro was pissed as he realised that this was all Hinamori’s fault in the end, though Hinamori was more interested in asking “me” whether he could have “my” handkerchief and add it into his collection. (Tsubasa was quite worried whether it was alright for “me” to give the handkerchief stained with blood away to Hinamori... ^^;)
Regarding Hinamori’s key which Kuki had picked up, he explained that he had actually borrowed it from the owner of this house. This came as a shock to us as we were told that the owner of the house had been dead since a long time ago?! Hinamori wondered whether the person he had saw was actually a ghost in that case, and apparently this pissed off Shiro too much that he almost beat Hinamori up. (Violence is not good Shiro!) In the end, Kuki decided that we head back to the detective agency to talk about this incident and get Hinamori to follow us back too.
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Chapter 12: 幽霊屋敷の主 / The Owner of the Haunted House 
Back at the detective agency, Kuki told Shu that as what he had earlier text him about, they had managed to solve this “mystery” behind the haunted house. He remembered that Hinamori had behaved quite weirdly when he was talking about the city legends the last time they were discussing about that topic, and realised now that it was Hinamori himself behind it. Tsubasa was impressed that Kuki had already suspected Hinamori back then, to which Kuki answered that he had found out that Hinamori was usually out and came back later in the nights when the eerie spotting were encountered as well. 
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Hinamori apologised to everyone for causing inconvenience to us, and Senri comforted him that it wasn’t anything to apologise about actually. However, he was curious why Hinamori had specifically went to that house to layout his horror collection. Hinamori explained that his room were already full of horror items, and thus he initially wanted to display the rest of them in the laboratory.  But Naoto had found the items to be obstructing and demanded Hinamori to take it away. He was pondering what should he do with his horror collection when he unexpectedly met the owner of the haunted house, who had told him that if he had made the house to have the legend of it being a haunted house, no one would dare to come near to it, and allowed Hinamori to put his collection there.
Shiro changed the target that he should be pissed off to Naoto instead, saying that Naoto should the real culprit XD (If Naoto hasn’t demand Hinamori to move his stuff away, all these won’t have happened ^^;)
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Now what they found puzzling was that the owner of the house was known to have already passed away in the information given to them, so Kuki asked Shu if he had knew whether the owner was still alive or was really dead. Shu answered that the owner was indeed still alive, as the owner’s name was written in another way as he was born in another era different from them, and thus led to Shu and the others to read his name wrongly initially. Therefore, the person that they had found to be dead in their initial research turns out to be another person instead. Senri added on that other than the fact that the owner was still alive, he had also become the head of a really huge company. The person who Hinamori had met wasn’t a ghost, since there were records of the owner returning to the country within this month. 
However, Shu realised that there was still one mysterious part that he couldn’t understand. The person who had sent in the request to investigate the haunted house was actually someone who doesn’t exist in this world. Shu and the rest of Class 1 had searched for the name, address and age of this person to find out about his identity, but they could not find there’s such a person and thus deduced that this person was someone who doesn’t exist in this world. Kuki guessed that it’s most probably a prank set up by someone, (someone made up a fake identity =w=“) whereas Hinamori felt that it’s something more like an occult / supernatural case that he’s a fan of~ 
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Class 1 had also asked Class 5 to do a fingerprint test on the letter they had received regarding the request to investigate this case. Other than the fingerprints of the detectives in the agency, they had located a new fingerprint. However, comparing with the fingerprints in their database, the fingerprint doesn’t belong to anyone in the database either. Kuki deduced that the fingerprints might belong to a criminal and suggested to them that they check with the “secret” (or say hidden) database as well, which Senri answered that they did check using some underhanded methods, but the results ended up to be the same. Therefore, Senri came to the conclusion that the fingerprint doesn’t belong to anyone in this world, but according to Class 5, they were sure that the fingerprint belonged to a human, and definitely not a fingerprint that was made up. Even if the fingerprint was in fact something that was made up to such a high quality, Senri guessed that the person must have a large database of fingerprints and had the sick hobby to collect them =w=“ Even though the power of science had allowed them to be able to analyze fingerprint, it’s hard to create one to mimic the look of human’s skin and the little injuries as seen on the fingerprint.. 
Senri made a little joke at the end, saying that there’s a possibility that the real identity of the person who had sent in this request was actually the ghost who had stayed at that haunted house. However, he realised that he might have taken the joke too far when he saw that he had scared Shiro instead XD
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Kuki just thought of the case as being a weird case overall and just wanted to close the case, even though he knew everyone would have felt spooked and intrigued by the mysterious part behind the case. (Kuki you sound you just want to get it over and done with ^^;) He lectured Shiro to write his report this time round (since he skipped out the last time) and was glad that this case was closed in the end~
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And that was it for this spooky mystery~ It’s actually kind of interesting in the end, especially that last part of that was yet to be solved in the end~ Nobody would knew who was it who sent in the letter I guess ^^;
As this case focused mainly on Class 7 (and of course Class 1 as the support), it satisified me greatly seeing that I’m a fan of Class 7 ^^ Hinamori also get some chance to shine since he usually doesn’t appear much as compared to Suzu-kun or Naoto~
Next case would also be a happy case~! I hope I’ll be able to write about it next week, so please look forward to it~! ^^
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