#alternate civilization
noneatnonedotcom · 2 years
The most knightly culture possible
basic idea i had for some world building that I'm sharing with all of you. for this we will use the arc family as a basis and really focus on what life specifically under these lords would be like.
court type: Scholarly. main advantage increase learning speed of family members by 10% for each level of court grandure up to a max of level 10 meaning 100% traditions:
Storytellers: Guardians of this culture teach more skill points This culture has a strong and persistent oral tradition. The past is preserved through ritualistic storytelling, where the heroes and legends of the past are passed down through generations.
Refined Poetry: +20 Court Poet Aptitude +0.5% Monthly Prestige for Poets +10% Personal Scheme Success Chance for Poets, The Poet trait is more common Poetry is considered a noble art in this culture, and many spend their time piecing words together with meaning and thought.
Chivalry: Can use Sparring duels, characters are more likely to start Romance Schemes +50 Renown per successful Romance Scheme +10% Heavy Cavalry Damage +10% Heavy Cavalry Toughness +30% Romance Scheme Power if Gallant +15 Romance Scheme Power if Poet +15 Attraction Opinion if Poet +50% Tyranny Gain +40% Stress per failed Romance Scheme This culture has embraced chivalry and chivalric codes of conduct as a social method of regulating behavior. Martial prowess, duty, honor and morality are prized, as is bad poetry and romantic literature.
Monogamous: Characters can only have one Spouse +30% Romance Scheme Success Chance towards Spouses +10 Spouse Opinion In this culture one keeps a single spouse, regardless of faith.
Mystical Ancestors: +10 Dynasty Opinion +50 Renown for granting a County to a House Member  +75 Renown for granting a Duchy to a House Member +150 Renown for granting a Kingdom to a House Member +250 Renown for granting an Empire to a House Member −100 Piety for revoking a County from a Close Family Member  −250 Piety for revoking a Duchy from a Close Family Member −500 Piety for revoking a Kingdom from a Close Family Member Cannot Disinherit Dynasty Members Lineage is very important to this culture, to the point where ancestors have become mythical and legendary beings with many who claim to be their descendants.
Chanson de Geste: Enables the Valets innovation, Can use Single Combat duels, The Poet trait is more common, +2 Number of Knights, +5 Injury Resistance for Prowess, +1 Same Culture Opinion per Martial or Prowess Education trait level +2 Attraction Opinion per Martial Education trait level +0.1 Monthly Prestige per Prowess Education trait level +1 Same Culture Opinion per Prowess Education trait level +5 Attraction Opinion per Blademaster trait level +0.5% Monthly Prestige for Poets +10% Personal Scheme Success Chance for Poets −15 Same Culture Opinion for Cravens and Contents +5 Knight Injury Chance This culture values the heroic deeds of long gone ancestors. The romantic retelling of the lives of knights such as Guillaume, or Roland, will inspire generations to come. so for those of us that don't speak numbers what does this mean. the arc family had a very unique way of looking at the world. for them the fact that legends weren't real was simply a matter of people not trying hard enough. their entire culture was devoted to becoming as legendary as their ancestors and expanding through a decentralized method of conquering land from the grimm and then granting it to a family member. that family member would then marry, and doe their level best to romance their marriage partner. all of this is recorded through poetry which is recited throughout the land and keeps their histories alive through verbal storytelling. their descendants then gain all the lessons of their forefathers before likely being granted land by a relative who recently conquered something from the grimm repeating the cycle.
this has a major advantage, the main family never grows weak because they are always expanding even if they themselves will not benefit. their relationships are rock solid with pretty much every marriage resulting in them being soulmates with the person because they've mastered the art of love knowing through the poetic legends that it takes constant attention and effort to maintain a romance worthy of legend.
essentially the arc family never reaches decadence because the arc family is aware they are but one part of a grander story being told. they never take the easy option and in fact are brought up from birth to look out for the wellbeing of their family above all else. this in turn leads to them never really relaxing and thus never declining like many other families do.
the downside is that any actions by the family reflect on them all and every family has an asshole no one likes. now expand that over several Arc-dutchies and you have a case of people constantly losing standing in society because they have to deal with their relatives. you also have increased stress from the scrutiny of the society and it's a lot easier to be called a tyrant.
but the arcs are by far the most renowned family in remnant. if you say you're an arc people immediately know you and your family and have the greatest of impressions of you. you're a scion of heroes and that opens doors otherwise thought closed. their dynasty also brings in people with good genetic traits like genius or beautiful or herculian strength. sometimes these people marry in, sometimes they simply help out the court. other bonuses from the Arc dynasty are
+10% Fertility
+5 Attraction Opinion
+10 Child Opinion
+2-3 Education Score
+10 Spouse Opinion
-25% Pregnancy Complication Chance
Medium Disease Resistance Health Boost
+10 Close Family Opinion
+5 Dynasty Opinion
+30% Personal Scheme Success with Dynasty members
At age 30 and every 5 years after, gain +1 Random skill point
No Prowess Loss from Age
Dynasty members visibly age at a slower rate
+30 Marriage Acceptance
+10% Monthly Prestige
+1 Number of Knights
-10% Mercenary Hire Cost
+100% Monthly Court Grandeur Change
+10% Monthly Diplomacy Experience
+25% Personal Scheme Power
+2 Prowess
+15% Knight Effectiveness
+15% Pursuit Efficiency
-15% Retreat Losses
+10% Monthly Martial Experience
+50% Chance to gain Prowess as Knight
-25% Chance to die in battle
-25% Chance to get wounded in battle
as you can see there's a lot of advantages to being an arc... or there were while they were still nobles. nowadays while the culture of the arcs still provides its bonuses to the members of the family being able to call upon the entire history of the family for guidance and their dynasty traits still remain. the advantages of having a court (people with good traits and skills seeking them out to join the family and their greater ability to learn skills thanks to the way their courts were set up) are now gone.
still all these advantages are things you could reasonably extrapolate jaune having. he does learn fast, he is naturally strong and talented at being a huntsman. his family is well known for being heroes. his main issue is that he didn't learn from his family's past and instead focused on gaining glory without really having the skills to do so.
but i have faith in our noodly knight. we see that with time he becomes buff and skilled. and I have no doubt he could be an amazing poet if he was willing to simply listen to his family's tales as what they should be.
also papa arc should have 100% trained that boy. even if he didn't want jaune to be a huntsman remnant is not a world where you can get away with being weak. it's a death world, teach your son to fight and then tell him to get a job as a farmer or something well away from where he'll ever need to use the skills. but it's better to have the skills and never need them than to need the skills and never have them
so with all that said. please let me know what you think of the potential for stories and world-building this culture holds. seriously anyone who reads this leave a comment in a reblog.
also @weatherman667 @howlingday @thatorigamiguy
curious how you three would write a version of jaune coming from a culture like this.
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whereserpentswalk · 15 days
They say there's a documentary out there. It's titled by most as "the mammoth hunter". Very few people have seen it, very few people are allowed to. It's the oldest documentary made on earth.
Alien anthropologists, these strange mantis like organisms, came to earth around when homosapiens were just making their way into Europe, to film a documentary on the local culture. They were there for a broader research project but the only thing they left was the documentary.
They weren't there to do anything special. They didn't share any technology with us. Didn't build any great monuments or start any civilizations. They really just wanted to learn more about our culture. It took them awhile to get our ansestors to be ok with interacting with them, but eventually they did, and spent a few years with one tribe.
The documentary is amazing from a modern lense. There is footage of tribesmen, the ansestors of modern humanity, living their lives. There's film of a huntsman taking down a wooly rino, of women hiding from now long dead Saber tooth tigers. And there's footage of them just existing, singing songs, playing with their children, showing the documentary crew how they make stone tools or how they make their art. One of the longest scenes is just of one of them telling on of their people's stories, thousands of years before any of their descendents will have a chance to write a story in stone.
And they were freindly with the crew. Whatever culture was making the documentary they didn't seem like the type to want to colonize or exploit them, or at least that wasn't the goal of the scientists, even if others on their planet would have. They just wanted to learn. And though the tribesmen were scared of them at first, eventually they befriended eachother, and knew eachothers names. The humans let them into their homes, and let them eat their food, and partake in their rituals.
From what we know the second expedition had to leave early. That's actually why we have a copy of the documentary, because they left it there. From scattered notes and things some of the scientists said in the film, we know it's quite possible that the aliens were on the brink of some sort of war on their homeworlds. Many of the scientists seemed to fear that weapons of mass destruction would be used, and reset their civilization to something as primitive as what ours was at the time. Mabye that's part why they thought to make the documentary when they did. A lot of people think they wanted to come back, but they just couldn't.
We don't know where they are now, but we've grown a lot since we last saw that civilization, let's hope we get a chance to see them again, even if our roles have to be reversed, let's hope we can still be freinds after so long.
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 months
much of tumblr is
"theoretically I agree with this post but it was written in an unnecessarily confrontational way so I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole"
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squigglysquidd · 28 days
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
Ok so the director's commentary over Mr. Pax au
And ⭐start⭐
Half half on both
Love you!
Mr. Pax AU
I don't even remember what exactly sparked this AU, but I do know I fully intended for it to end up being more of a "Everyone and their dog thinks Op is some sort of fae". But it turned into "Everyone loves Mr. Pax because he is the best teacher ever and does not tolerate child abuse of any kind." Honestly I am not even upset about it.
The whole AU was intended to be comedic and then largely remained so but gained a bit of an undertone of loss. I mean, Optimus is teaching the tales of his people largely because a part of him fears that Cybertronians will exterminate themselves and all that will remain are the tales he tells. Yeah, depressing. A bit of a tidbit for that AU:
Bumblebee comes in every now and then to teach alongside Optimus as a teacher aid. He tells the kids he is part of the army, and he tells them the scary stories he was told when he was young to learn how to survive while keeping his sparkling self engaged. It has taken the kids a rather long time to figure it out, but they have indeed uncovered the dark truth. The stories and games Bumblebee shows to them are most certainly designed to get a child used to conflict at a young age.
Random Ramble
For my Cybertronian Civil Warfare fic, I originally intended for it to be a rather short smack down of Optimus specifically. It was intended to showcase how fragged the older bots were and how much the functionalism everyone tried to shake off still clung to them despite the whole conflict. But somewhere along the line, I decided it would be far better for the fic to turn into something a little more complicated. Optimus isn't an idiot, he is not the kind of mech to lash out without reason. When he makes a move, he is calculating. He was an archivist and lived in a very precarious political situation prior to the war.
To me it made more sense for Optimus to lash out in... quieter ways. An action more befitting of pre-war Orion Pax. This way he can still show how functionalism has lingered in him while also using his political power to benefit the world as a whole. The game is indeed a way to legally mop the floor with a bunch of kids, but it is also a way to give the people of Cybertron a harsh wakeup call. Essentially I decided that the kids are going to get dragged through hell but for everyone's benefit in the long run.
“You all fought in a war. So what? I’ve fought Cons and they weren’t even all that bad!”
This line was the turning point. Writing it really made me think about the fact that these idiot kids really haven't faced the worst. They've been STUPIDLY lucky. Now its time to change that.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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No. 18 ALTERNATE : Protective
The Umbrella Academy 2x10 | Outlander 4x13 | Captain America: Civil War | The Magicians 2x03 | Merlin 2x04 | Lucifer 3x24 | Game of Thrones 3x07 | Prodigal Son 1x12 | The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 2 | Teen Wolf 3x19 | Hawkeye 1x04 | Inkheart | The Witcher 2x07 | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1x07 | Superman & Lois 2x14
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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sunnysideprincess · 11 months
Thinking about an AU for Civil war with bucky and tony on one side because both agree that they need accountability out of (misplaced or forced) guilt? Bucky could have been approached by someone, anyone of his victim's family the same way tony had been?
The absolute betrayal steve would feel at that? Tony and Bucky bonding over science? Bucky having a last minute change of heart and letting steve and sam go? Going on the run himself while tony and nat are the ones left behind to clean up the mess? No one's parents being murdered and no one hiding the truth about it. Just Zemo manipilating a bunch of scenarios to turn the public against the very idea of a super hero, so tony is forced to let iron man rest (as if) and Nat decides to answer to yelena's call for help and goes off grid. Rhodey recovering. Steve breaking the kids out of prison. Wanda Vision run away together. Tony's alone trying to deal with everything when bucky contacts him, tries to mend their broken friendship. Bucky being in trouble and tony swooping with the nanotech suit. Them becoming a thing. Steve being devasted that he missed his chance with both of them (he hasn't he hasn't)
Just—I'm having thoughts
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mikesapienza · 3 months
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My "Civil War" film poster.
Now available in my shop:
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likealittleheartbeat · 6 months
"Scholars often dismiss physique references to ancient Greece as a mere ruse or rhetorical framework--a "classical alibi" or "discourse of validation"--to avoid censorship. But an examination of the lives of the founders, contributors, and members of the [physique studio and pictorial] Grecian Guild [1955-1968] tells a different story. The Grecian Guild was instrumental in helping a community of men struggling to find a discourse to explain and valorize their sense of themselves, particularly men outside of urban gay enclaves. Benson and Bullock [the founders of the Grecian Guild] took a discourse about ancient Greece that gay men had been using for nearly a hundred years and gave it mass distribution. They used it like gay men used reference to "the Greeks" or Mary Renault novels--as a way to signal their homosexuality. It was a rallying cry that brought in customers and helped them imagine a better world. As historian and biographer Benjamin Wise argues about the way Alexander Percy used the language of Hellenism, it was "a way of speaking out and covering up at the same time."
Invoking classical traditions in order to make an argument for gay rights has been largely forgotten in the twenty-first century, as such a line of argumentation has become politically and historiographically problematic. Indeed, much of modern LGBT historical scholarship and queer theory has asserted that a homosexual identity is a creation of a modern, capitalist world--that homosexual behavior in ancient cultures was understood in very different terms from the way it is today. Invoking classical antiquity also smacks of a Western bias that privileges European ancestry over other cultural and historical influences. Such arguments also raise the specter of pederasty and pedophilia--or at least age-discordant relationships--that play into the hands of gay rights opponents who relentlessly use the argument that gays recruit children to fight gay rights measures...
Despite these changes in cultural understandings and sensibilities, the use of the classical Greek trope to name gay organizations, periodicals, and commercial ventures continued for decades, even when the need for an alibi had eroded if not disappeared. The lambda or lowercase Greek "L" became one of the primary symbols of the 1970s gay liberation movement. During this same period Seattle's largest gay organization was the Dorian Group, and a Jacksonville, Florida-based gay magazine called itself David--a reference to Michelangelo's Renaissance statue--an indirect link to the classical tradition. Like the Grecian Guild, David offered membership in a fraternal organization with features such as a book club, a travel service, conventions, and even legal aid. As an online website, it continues to serve as one of Atlanta's premier LGBT news and entertainment sources.
While severely limited by the forces of censorship, the desire to create opportunities for customers to correspond, meet, and get acquainted attests to the palpable wish of gay men to connect with each other during this period. If few members attended a Grecian Guild convention, the possibility of doing so resonated widely. As a teenage Grecian Guild subscriber in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Michael Denneny read the articles so carefully that he underlined the important parts. "That was proto-political organization, the agenda was very clear to me, and I think to everybody else who joined," Denneny remembered..."These magazines were really important to me," Denneny recalled. "They brought this whole possible world into being, which I'm not sure I could have visualized otherwise."
David K. Johnson, Buying Gay: How Physique Entrepreneurs Sparked a Movement
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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If the secessionist movements during the Russian Civil War succeeded
by u/Aofen
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tygerland · 2 years
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Germs' Darby Crash, June 1977, Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, California
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femsanzo291 · 9 months
So I've got a cannon rewrite in the planning phases that is me going what if Juno was old enough to be drafted into the Galactic Civil War before it ended. And in that eventually he gets picked up by Buddy and Vespa and works with them for most of the time that they are thieves together. And While I was planning some of it Out I went, wait Juno is going to be someone Peter knows of due to having followed Buddy and Vespa. . . . Which will make the rime on the Carte Blanche even better then in canon bc Peter will sit there just going you are the third person that was with Buddy and Vespa?? and all Juno can do is nod/shrug.
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maiyren · 2 months
Civilization is a made up construct by this society, which is continued by children born into it living on by that very envision.
So never assume that there is a right or wrong way to live your life.
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bedlamsbard · 3 months
running through plot ideas for The Next Big Fic in a "well everyone ELSE did this ten years ago but I haven't done it yet" *shows up ten years late with Starbucks* kind of way
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muensterfucker · 1 year
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autumn, 1863 - ( 1 / 4 )
+ click & zoom for details
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fortunaestalta · 6 months
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