#alternative tarot
friend-crow · 1 year
instructions for alternative tarot meanings and rules
Inspired by @lazywitchling I am hoping I can enlist y'all's help in coming up with a list of alternative tarot card meanings, and perhaps extra instructions (nothing requiring too much effort, please). I will collect these in this separate (nonrebloggable, for version control reasons) post, where contributors will be credited.
Alternative interpretations can be serious or shitpost level, just as long as they aren't completely unrelated to the actual card.
Feel free to include reversed meanings.
Also consider alternative elemental correspondences -- this could be any of the alchemical elements, literary elements, or from the periodic table. I'm sure you can come up with additional types of elements.
Please refer to the linked list before submitting your meanings so that we don't have everyone submitting a version of the magician or something. In instances where multiple meanings are submitted for a card, I will probably add them all (the cards already have multiple meanings, after all), but it would be better to have submissions for more cards, rather than many submissions for a few.
End goal is to collect a full set with which to do silly readings. Maybe if I get motivated I'll try to design some of the cards. I know better than to claim I'll ever get around to all 78.
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passer-fringillidae · 9 months
Tarot of the Elementalist
Do you like Tarot? Have you tried tarot and NOT liked it? Do you like those creative writing prompts that encourage lateral thinking? Do you like queer ND folks remaking their own spirituality? I encourage you to come check out TAROT OF THE ELEMENTALIST
From the Creator of the deck
The Tarot of the Elementalist deck steps away from traditional ideas about tarot and instead uses unique symbology created specifically for this project focused around the classical elements used in spiritual practices all over the world from ancient to modern. This deck contains 77 cards split between the 22 cards of the Major Arcana, 9 cards each in the suits of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, and Metal, and 1 special SYNTHESIS card. Each suit is designed around a meditative journey through the imagery and spirituality of its element, making this deck excellent for personal reflection as well as more typical tarot spreads and other reading practices.
Where to find Tarot of the Elementalist
Twitch Streams (Readings and Sigils)
Mailing List (Card and booklet preview, updates on the funding status)
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witchrealms · 9 months
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daily-spooky · 5 months
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Knight of Swords
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shopwitchvamp · 2 months
Today's restock is live!
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We've got some big fan favorites back this time like Spider Lily Midis, Mystic Flame Skaters, and @vetiverfox's Harlequin Joggers! 🖤witchvamp.com🖤
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happyheidi · 1 year
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heartorbit · 1 year
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i wanna make a prsk major arcana...
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 3 months
Calling Emo/Scene Artists!
I know a few of us are into Paganism, witchcraft, the occult and divination and I just had a thought.
What if a bunch of us worked on a free to print tarot card set with a style similar to the 2000s? Think like;
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What do y’all think? Think it could be a worthwhile idea/project? (If there’s a good level of response, I’ll begin planning/organising.) UPDATE: Project is launched! Check this post here (https://www.tumblr.com/curs3d-d1v1n3/746147431961509888/cursed-divine-artist-sign-up-form?source=share) for more information. Can't wait to work with you all!
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cherrysthemistress · 8 months
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must be the season of the witch 💫
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metakeno · 28 days
(Reworked) My take on the tarot Death card
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Click for better quality :)
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friend-crow · 1 year
alternative tarot meanings and rules
a collaborative project by tumblr (I hope)
0 - the fool Meaning: Do something you meant to but never did. Submitted by @lazywitchling Element: surprise
1 - the magician Rule: look through the deck and put whatever card I want in his place Submitted by @lazywitchling
2 - the high priestess you're going to become a milf or be adopted by one Submitted by @happydayes28
3 - the empress Meaning: You got this! You're the HBIC! Reversed: You don't got this. Maybe take a rest. Submitted by @citrinemystic
4 - the emperor
5 - the heirophant Meaning:
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Submitted by happydayes28
6 - the lovers Meaning: Just make a fucking choice already. Submitted by @upthewitchypunx
7 - the chariot Meaning: You'll get it, but... are you SURE you want it? Are you **reallly** sure? Submitted by @windvexer Meaning: you're going to be in a car chase soon Submitted by @happydayes28
8 - justice Meaning: Whose Justice? Can refer to the law abused or misapplied, seems like a split card, with Justice as an Ideal juxtaposed against how it can be used to harm and oppress. Submitted by @promiseiwillwrite
9 - the hermit Meaning: live your best secret mystic life. You need to go find forbidden magic and hole up in your wizard tower to study it for a little while. Basically, whatever magic, occultism, whatever ur doing, keep researching it, go into the depths of theory if you can. Reversed: maybe you've cast too many spells banned by the wizard council, or made too many deals with the pale folk under the hill. Submitted by @compasswitch Meaning: manipulative or abusive relationships - may indicate an affair in combination with the three of cups. Submitted anonymously
10 - wheel of fortune Meaning: you should listen to more podcasts. maybe find some new music. see what people recommend y’know? Submitted by @musings-on-wisteria Rule: When it comes up, flip all the cards over! Reverse the uprights! Upright the reversals! It's Topsy Turvy Day! Submitted by lazywitchling
11 - strength Meaning: Kindness is a danger to and weapon against the cruel. Take care of yourself and others. What in this situation is threatened by your tenderness? Do you want to piss it off? Reversed: You're so ready to start throwing hands, but did you remember to drink enough water first? Yeah. I thought so. Get that self-care in and then go absolutely go buck-wild. Element: Bismuth. Submitted by @the-wizard-spiderose
12 - the hanged man Meaning: Sometimes it’s time to look at things from another point of view, even if it’s bonkers, upside down and backwards. Reversed: Sometimes that shit looks really fucking weird regardless which way you look at it Submitted by @stormwaterwitch Additional Meaning: "chill the fuck out dude" (give in and let it flow), "swing with the vibes" Submitted by @shrinekeeperatnight
13 - death Meaning: you are trans. Submitted by @jasper-pagan-witch Meaning: have you been a bit broody lately? Maybe it's time to leave that phase behind, reinvent yourself in a bit less "edgy" way. Reversed: Come on man (genderless), let go of the broodiness already. Submitted anonymously.
14 - temperence Meaning: What would happen if we did a little experiment? Think outside of the box! Make mistakes! Get messy! Reversed: Too far out of the box. Maybe take it a step back. Submitted by @citrinemystic
15 - the devil Meaning: bondage Submitted by @jasper-pagan-witch
16 - the tower Meaning: sometimes the universe is just like
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Submitted by @rose-colored-tarot Additional Meaning: the stairs are broken, you'll need to take the lift Submitted by @silverandirontales Additional Meaning: Casting out the old to rebuild the new, a breath of fresh air, renewal of a space. (Declutter and forced Marie Kondo your shit) Submitted by @shrinekeeperatnight
17 - the star Meaning: Never lose your sparkle! Submitted by @fernthewhimsical
18 - the moon - it may be a death star Meaning: Look out for deception or danger, proceed with caution and remember sabotage and subterfuge are your friends. Submitted by @silverandirontales Meaning: hey maybe you’re not for everybody. maybe you’re a bit weird. a bit counterculture. that’s fine! it happens. NOW DONT LET THEM MAKE YOU FEEL BAD ABOUT IT Submitted by @musings-on-wisteria
19 - the sun Meaning: What wild-ass solution would your 7-year old self come up with if they ran into this problem during one of their pretend games on the playground? Start there. Reversed: You should just touch some grass probably. Element: Niobium. Submitted by @the-wizard-spiderose
20 - judgement Meaning: Time for a glow up and
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Reversed: Ooo careful there! You’re too high up there on your horse. Submitted by @stormwaterwitch
21 - the world Meaning:Step forward and recognize how far you’ve come. you have reached apotheosis, and if you look back from the peak you are standing upon, you will see the person you were when you began this journey. Looking forward you can see your future self reaching towards you. They are smiling. they are saying, “you are going to be amazing.” Alternate meaning: you’ve learned about as much as you’re ever gonna on this topic Element: Identity Submitted by @musings-on-wisteria
ace of wands Meaning: big dick energy Submitted by me, Crow Meaning: pretty hair
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Submitted by happydayes28
2 of wands
3 of wands Meaning: Starting journey, get prepared, compass, map, walking stick, check! Submitted by promiseiwillwrite
4 of wands
5 of wands
6 of wands
7 of wands Meaning: Swiftness! The speed of winds and diving falcons! Submitted by promiseiwillwrite
8 of wands Meaning: Travel, but not to somewhere physical. This could be a memory of a vacation/camping trip/adventure. Taking yourself out of the current "place" and breathing a different air. A nice memory and a good head space, maybe some perspective and joy, very content and not desperate. Reversed: Want of a nice memory of travel, but being stuck just ruminating on why you're not able to get back there. Submitted by @s-l-e-e-p-y-p-u-p-p-y
9 of wands
10 of wands Meaning: You got that? Are you sure? There's no shame in asking for help. Submitted by @upthewitchypunx
page of wands Meaning: I got this long ass trip and forgot to pack snacks - unchecked ambition leads to lack of foresight Submitted by @rose-colored-tarot
knight of wands
queen of wands
king of wands Holy shit, you can see everything! Now use those big eyes and that big brain of yours to do something about it, yeah?
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Submitted by @muis-daydreams
ace of swords Meaning: Be confident in yourself; you’ve got a fucking sword Reversed: Bad news bears- It’s double edged. Submitted by @stormwaterwitch
2 of swords Meaning: challenge someone to a duel Submitted by @fernthewhimsical
3 of swords Meaning: polyamorous, throuple. Submitted by @amerwitch
4 of swords Meaning: You've been fighting something, and you need to retreat to take a moment and figure out what to do next. Contemplate what's holding you back. Reversed: Don't listen to your brain. Take a damn break. Do some self-care and self-love, but don't push yourself to fight back. It'll only make it worse. You're burned out Submitted by @severeinternetparadise
5 of swords Meaning: A duel with one person is fine, but duelling 4? You're either mad or some sort of holy warrior. Maybe consider talking it out instead? Submitted by muis-daydreams
6 of swords Meaning: Take yourself on that damn adventure already, stop stalling. Life's too short to wallow in worry or wait until your plan is Perfect™. Submitted by muis-daydreams
7 of swords
8 of swords Meaning: I am looking away. I do not see it. (alternatively: I can't read suddenly. I don't know) Reversed: I am Looking directly at it Element: farsightedness Rule: clean your glasses Submitted by @solarintentions
9 of swords Take a step back. Everything's fine, you're just worrying too much. Time to put down the precautions and cards and just relax. What's gonna happen will happen regardless of your worry. Reversed: Stop overthinking and just make the choice. Submitted by @rue-cimon
10 of swords - fuck your spine forever Meaning: the curse of back pain be upon you Reversed meaning: acupuncture Element: long-suffering Rule: check your posture Submitted by me, Crow
page of swords Meaning: Shifty human, beware. Submitted by promiseiwillwrite
knight of swords
queen of swords
king of swords Meaning: Positive omen for formal dealings, especially in career and spirit work. The king has bargained well, and has the right people in his inner and outer circles. Reversed: Check your deals. Specifically thinking of spirit work here, but the king needs to reconsider his alliances. @compasswitch
ace of cups Meaning: item of mystical power heading your way! Submitted anonymously
2 of cups Meaning: Just make out with them already. But only if you're serious about it! Trust me, they would love you if you were a worm. Submitted by muis-daydreams
3 of cups Meaning: Possible romantic affair, especially in combination with The Hermit Submitted anonymously
4 of cups Meaning: You know that feeling when you want something but you can't decide what or nothing sounds good and no amount of people offering you things will change that? How's that going? Submitted by @cloudselkie
5 of cups Meaning: There's no point crying over spilled beverages. Accept your setbacks or losses and move on. Also, consider whether you really need that much glassware in your cabinet. Is it all dishwasher safe? Reversed: A need for self-acceptance and kindness. Maybe also keep an eye on your hydration. Submitted by @hoochieblues
6 of cups Meaning: Emotional, nostalgic escapism. Submitted by @thatgrungewitch-x
7 of cups Meaning: Consider the options! There are excellent paths you probably haven't considered yet. You should go to a cool bookstore and just, like, *l o o k* at everything. Reversed: You've got too many options. Go through the tabs on your computer and close all the ones you aren't using or aren't going to use today. Element: Gallium Submitted by @the-wizard-spiderose Meaning: you’ve been doing that unhealthy thing with social media again Submitted by @musings-on-wisteria Meaning: Consider learning to juggle. Submitted by @coinandcandle
8 of cups
9 of cups Meaning: The good news is you’re hydrating on life! Reversed: The bad news is you’ve got to take all those cups back to the sink. Submitted by @stormwaterwitch
10 of cups Meaning: Get absolutely smashed. Can also mean other kinds of revelry and pure partying. Dionysus indicator, if the querent worships or is asking about him. Reversed: Drink some water. Vitals check. Have you been ignoring some things that you don't like doing? Maybe go take a nap or look at the important spreadsheet. Submitted by @compasswitch
page of cups
knight of cups Meaning: meant to be a lover, not a fighter. May mean that a person is bad at their job, or not right for it. Submitted by @promiseiwillwrite
queen of cups
king of cups Meaning: Stand the fuck up for yourself and your mental health. Submitted by @musings-on-wisteria
ace of coins Meaning: Lucky! You've found a penny in your path, literally or otherwise Reversed: It was be a fae gift, literally or otherwise. Fuck Submitted by compasswitch
2 of coins Meaning: flip a coin for this decision man, its not a big deal Reversed: DO NOT FLIP A COIN THAT IS A VERY BAD IDEA NO Submitted by compasswitch
3 of coins
4 of coins Meaning: Hold on tight, buckaroo. Reversed: Let go, buckaroo. Element: Screaming Astrological sign: Yes Submitted by coinandcandle
5 of coins Meaning: you're walking on eggshells to get out of uncomfortable situations Submitted by @darlingdearesth
6 of coins
7 of coins Meaning: This card is all about forgetfulness. It asks: is there anything you’re forgetting? Something you’ve be been putting off so long it slipped your mind? Or perhaps someone else forgot to do something and you interpreted it maliciously. Mistakes happen! Submitted by @wariomolly
8 of coins
9 of coins
10 of coins
page of coins
knight of coins
queen of coins Meaning: you’re in the garden when the edible hits and everything is kinda awesome - material success brings joy, but so does sitting back and watching the birds Submitted by @rose-colored-tarot
king of coins
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vaimetanyx · 2 years
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Oh how wonderful, how terrifying, to be loved to destruction
The full quote can be found here
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xsoftsoul · 10 months
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phantazmikfoo · 14 days
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A card made for the tarot card idea called to by @/ Confusion-personified. Featuring my Narrator [Nul1] as The Justice [XI]. This was so incredibly fun to make :D
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Eight of Wands
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