#although they'd make a good crack ship
bees-are-my-thing-bro · 11 months
So, I noticed a few of you silly billies were doing a little Q&A thing with your OCs, so I decided to take a crack at it for Rocket! ( Nametag by @bunnymajo , artwork by my good friend WashedZombie on TikTok! ) @sonic-oc-showdown
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✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
It's a funny story, really. For a hot second while I was discussing about their concept with a friend, I had been reminded about a character from a show called Little Einsteins. In the show, there's a sentient rocket ship by the name of, well, Rocket. So that's how they got their name. :]
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Although they don't have a physical age, it's assumed that they'd be mentally around the same age as Shadow. 15.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Nope! They're aroace. :]
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Pickled onions! They love the flavor.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Be creature. Commit atrocities. They have no corporate job. Only the job of being a friend.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Yes! If they're not out hunting small animals ( or sometimes even Mobians. ) for food, they'll often times hang out around their good friend Obscurity ( created by my good friend @sonicattos ! ) and just do what creatures do!
🎯 -What do they do best?
Making blanket nests! They're an expert in the craft, and know just how to make the coziest blanket nest they can for someone!
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
They love getting to know people! Although shy, they're quick to warm up once they know you're a safe person! As for what they hate to do... They honestly just hate it when people don't or refuse to believe that Obscurity is the true Shadow. Rocket knows that it isn't the true Shadow, but they believe that Obscurity is.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Meeting Obscurity. That was when Rocket discoverred for the first time that there were more creatures that looked like them! So they felt alot less lonely after finding another Shadow Android for the first time. :]
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Oh, the scars... Although their scars are well hidden, they have a few of them. There was a wee bit of a situation that had caused Rocket to loose a good chunk of their foot. What had happened was that while they were out in a forest, a badnik invasion had hit the area thanks to Dr. Eggman. And Rocket, being genuinely worried for their safety, attempted to escape the invasion by climbing up a tree. Though just before they could get to the top, a Caterkiller badnik had followed them and bit them RIGHT onto the foot. And, in order to escape being destroyed completely, Rocket had to sacrifice a part of their left foot in order to escape the invasion. They don't like remembering that day. They still get startled by the thought of a caterkiller coming for them.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Yep! My good friend, the one who created Obscurity, was also the one who gave Rocket their iconic design!
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Mostly, it was me looking at my friend's Shadow Android OC and going " Woah :0, I want one. ".
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Agender and aroace! Their pronouns are they/them, it/its!
🙌 - How many siblings does your OC have?
If adopted siblings count... Then just one! That being Obscurity. :]
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Parents? Never heard of them.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Probably their space aesthetic! You can't go wrong with a skrungly bungly with a cute space aesthetic. :]
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Not as often as folks would think! Though, I hope to write for them more soon! I've just been so caught up with writing headcanons and lore for Metal Sonic that Rocket ends up not getting written for as much as they should!
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
If I ever killed Rocket off, I give Moon full permission to come to my house and maul me. /J.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Yeah, they have a little phobia of caterkillers. If they see one, they get VERY hissy and try to hide or escape before the caterkiller can come after them.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
No one, just yet! Unless a swarm of caterkillers came their way. Then they'd be their arch-nemesis for sure.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Just a couple of months! They were created on May 3rd, 2023!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
16. :]
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thatturtleleon · 1 year
OMG I am soooooo sorry!! I meant for tfp Airachnid x arcee x fem human reader! My bad 😅😅😅😅 That was totally on me lol
It's still cool if you can't! And if you can't some genreal fluff hc's with tfp arcee and her human s/o will be fine! Thank you and have a good day/night!!!!!
Note: Lol ur good!! I've never explored this ship before so hopefully these are ok! You have a wonderful day/night as well <3
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TFP Airachnid x Arcee x Fem! Reader hcs:
*cracks knuckles* alright lets get started
first of all, these two bots are definitely more on the reserved "I work alone" side
Airachnid spent most of her life going solo, collecting alien species after she left the Decepticons, and Arcee doesn't do well with people, and is constantly dealing with the trauma of losing her past partners
(In this situation we'll pretend Airachnid wasn't involved in any of Arcee's trauma)
however, when you arrive in the picture, they found themselves drawn to you
they began to enjoy your company more and tagged along side you in missions
Airachnid was offered to join team Prime, but she refused, claiming she wanted to remain solo but was still open to helping out only if the team really needed it
that being said, you and Arcee noticed she "just happened" to be free to assist you guys on a mission, especially when it was going to be just you three
very soon the three of you were together almost all of the time, they felt comfortable around you and each other
you felt comfortable around them as well, every time they let you ride around while they were in one of their vehicle modes, you felt perfectly safe
eventually you all confessed to each other on a mission after being badly injured
that incident made them realize how fragile humans were compared to Cybertronians, and how quickly someone special could be taken away from them
it's safe to say they were more than happy to know that you had feelings for them as well
I imagine the others hearing about the news and making a little sign that said "congrats girlfriends!!" or something cute like that <3
dates include laying down together after a long day and looking up at the stars, each of you taking turns pointing out different constellations and telling stories
Airachnid likes to show you and Arcee around her ship, eagerly explaining all of the different species she's collected over the years
if you have a hobby you really enjoy, they'd nod and listen carefully as you talk about it
although, you could be talking about something as boring as a potato and they'd still be 100% willing to listen
they love your voice and they love hearing all the wonderful human traditions humans do with their partners too (you explained anniversaries to them and they never ever forget to get you something special that day)
on missions, these two show off for you. they try to act like its nothing but secretly (not so secretly) very much enjoy when you tell them how awesome and badass they were
both Arcee and Airachnid "fight" over who gets to drive/fly you around that day
"I believe it is my turn Arcee"
"Really? Cause it looks to me like y/n's eyes are definitely screaming 'motorcycle' right now"
"Her eyes are not screaming such things"
its cute, you let them bicker and love to tease them
cuddling was a bit of a challenge at first because you were so much smaller than them, and they didn't want to squish you or hurt you in any way
eventually you settled on laying on each of them, taking turns leaning on each of their shoulders
if you're really tired, they'll make sure to grab a pillow so you have something a bit more comfortable to rest your head on <3
they're also incredibly protective, of each other and of you
both of them know you can take care of yourself but they want you to know that they've got your back, as well as you got theirs
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mickimomo · 2 years
A Crack Ship 🥴
M'Baku x Ross x Namor
Disclaimer: Don't go taking this idea to heart. I don't want any chaos. 💀 I ship people based off of potential chemistry and existing chemistry. So keep it cute and don't be rude. I know how some people like to tussle. 👀
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Y'all. Back in my Wattpadian days, I was notorious for thinking up crazy ass ships. Like, I managed to write Sirius x Voldemort. And it worked.
Anyways. 🤣 I keep having the most bizarre ideas whenever I write Ross in my The Sun and The Sky AU.
Like he's this small, intelligent man who has somehow managed to befriend Aj K'uk'ulkan and King M'Baku, and they're all to the point that they make bets and mock/joke with each other. Although sometimes those two beefy kings enjoy scaring him when he gets too relaxed.
Is this canon in my series? No. But I cannot sleep until I share this chaos.
Y'all probably got the paramedics on speed dial.
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"Hello? Yes. Our good sis needs sleep and to be treated for dehydration because she's seeing things." 🤣
But hear me out.
Y'all don't ever think about how Ross must feel sitting between those two beefy men? 😮‍💨 Y'all don't think they wouldn't slut him out for the one time, just to say they conquered a colonizer? And maybe it never gets voiced to others. It just stays between them. And maybe they never say it to him, but Ross knows. It was a good time, and he's not going to let that one time thing prevent him from doing his best at advising the council.
It's just a fling.
For fun.
And they all move on.
Y'all looking at me, still unconvinced by my crazy ass idea:
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And then on the other hand, what if it actually holds weight. Like what if they all enjoyed it, but don't wish to go screaming it from the rooftops. It's just something between them, and everyone knows not to be rude to Ross because he's got two kings towering over him at all times.
🥴 My tired brain is spiraling at this, because I can imagine them gifting him scented oils and salves and nice clothes so that he's always looking and smelling good.
M'Baku is always escorting him around because Ross keeps getting lost. And while he's busy, K'uk'ulkan keeps an eye on him.
He's just well taken care for and he's their emotional support after long meetings and the daily tires of ruling.
Yes? No?
Imma go to sleep. 🤣
This idea was spurred while writing, but I can't help but cackle after seeing how much M'Baku used to antagonize Ross in the first movie. It would definitely be a very drunk one-time thing if it ever happened.
ESPECIALLY with Namor. That man respects Ross, but I think 500 years of hating the surface world and colonizers would definitely keep things platonic.
I couldn't imagine how Ross would even get in that situation sober. They'd all be drunkenly discussing dick sizes and fuck around and find out. 💀
Okay. Now I'm actually going to sleep.
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eemamminy-art · 1 year
I saw your response about ships and decided to see what you thought about some of the rare ones I like! I thiiiink you encountered these at one point on the book club but perhaps not.
The Chais/wol
The Chais/Innocence (these here and below literally just occurred to me, but...)
The Chais/Exarch
The Chais/Emet
I'm actually not in the bookclub! But I have heard mention of some of these pairs!!
There's a lot here so I'll do a cut :3
When you say rehydrated I'm assuming you mean like, the more youthful Solus? I think if anything Nero would be way too fascinated by the allagan cloning and it was just irritate Solus gjdsgjds I could see them as like fwb but without the friends part lol colleagues with benefits I guess?? I get the sense Nero has a really hard time being emotionally vulnerable but likes to have fun physically at least
Okay omg... I have to tell you... I had this like cracked AU idea before that like, Nero ended up as the exarch instead?? Like since he was really trying to stay inside the tower at the end of the CT quests I was like hey what if he did... So I don't think it's a stretch to imagine they both ended up in there! Hundreds of years of isolation with just the two of them, I think they'd spend a lot of time deep in their research and work but would eventually develop some sort of codependency. I think that would be interesting to see! :D
I think it would depend on the wol's backstory but I think it could be interesting! Wol/npc stuff is always tricky to navigate because I think where it's great with one wol it doesn't work with another, so I think it's a bit hard to answer since one half of the ship is always going to be up to interpretation since it's an OC. But I think just looking at it from Nero's perspective, I could see it starting as another competitive sort of thing with Cid-- feeling like he's stealing the wol away from him, whether or not Cid had romantic interest in the wol or not, but just wanting to claim something against him in their neverending rivalry. I do like that you specified m!wol too because I can't imagine Nero with a woman personally
So I actually do ship Varis with an OC! Not the wol though, the OC is Zenos' mom although I know technically she does have a name in canon now but I pretend I do not see it lol. It's a really tragic ship the way I do it because it leans into azemet kind of, where she wasn't Azem but was an ancient who was with Emet and is now sundered and married to Varis. To kind of compound their already bad family dynamic and make Emet sadder lol (affectionate).
But speaking of Varis specifically with the wol, I think that could be really interesting too! I think back to that scene in the stormblood patches where he absolutely owns the whole alliance and they're all scrambling like oh shit we actually know next to nothing about this guy what the fuck dsgjsdj iconic scene and one of my favorite parts of the game, but I would want to think that's where there's a turning point for the wol. They're like fascinated with him and feel so conflicted about everything. I think it would be a really good launching point for an AU where the wol switches sides and I would love to see it :D
Well I love Emet/Exarch already so I think adding Nero into the mix would be interesting as well! I feel like it would be a combination of my answers above for Nero/Solus and Nero/Exarch. Possibly brings out the vindictive shitty side of Nero if he was already getting codependent with the Exarch (I could see him acting that way toward the wol as well) and I think it would be a really destructive relationship for the three of them. But that's sort of the appeal of Emet/Exarch anyway imo, that they make each other worse and I think adding Nero to that would just compound it
The Chais/others
I will combine these all into one answer because it is going to be the same (possibly disappointing) one: I love the Chais but I really don't see them having an open relationship. I feel this way about the Leveilleurs too, and I know it's popular with both of them to have it be an open relationship. I am just really passionate about being a monogamous wifeguy and so I absolutely project that onto m/f ships gdsjgjds Extremely weak for the devoted husband who is kind of insufferable otherwise but he's just a gooey sweetheart with his wife 🥺 it's too relatable for me so I can't bring myself to ship it as poly due to it having that personal sort of connection for me. I'm sorry!! 😭
I hadn't thought of this before but it's an interesting thought 👀 Sort of like a bad end scenario, I feel like? The Exarch was ready to throw himself away in that moment so why not let himself be corrupted? Or consumed? My brain immediately goes to body horror type of stuff for them and it's a lovely thought, I will need to ponder this one more ☺
I hope you found my thoughts on these interesting! Thanks for the ask! I definitely hadn't considered a lot of these before!!
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tokimekiinversion · 9 months
gonna do this yumejoshi twitter thread! (not all of them but some of them) (actually wait nevermind i just did all of them)
1. briefly introduce your yume ship! is it romantic, platonic, familial, or something else?
mmm we are so in love it is doki doki love romantic kiss kiss mwah
2. how did you and your comfort character(s) meet?
i watched monogatari!
3. what is the dynamic between you and your comfort character(s)?
they tease me and mess with me a lot and say funny things and i laugh bc they are funny. we do... physical affection i give them kisses all the time. they are also a little mean... and try to get me to fall down a dark path. but its not that serious and probably doesnt work anyway since i just dont do things i dont want to. also, to some extent, this video. im the one on the right. and it would be more like, ougi is reading a book and smiling but yeah.
4. how would you and your comfort character(s) describe each other?
me describe ougi: the best. amazing. wonderful. brilliant. wise. super cool. love of my life. beautiful. adorable. impish. rude. fun. funny. beloved. hot 😳. sinister. scary. creepy. (<- good things) and more!
ougi describe me: cute. foolish. teasable. admirable. bubbly. considerate. thoughtful. kind. pleasant. easy. boobs
5. who is better at cooking?
neither of us are ace chefs but ougi is more swift when following recipes. so i would ask them to make food and then they make it bad on purpose to force me to get faster and better at cooking. grrrr...... annoying 💢......... but i wouldnt mind that much because i'd get to COOK FOR THEM YAAAAAAAAY NOURSHING OUGI and it would probably make me a better more confident cook too
6. who is better at organizing?
ougi. this has no footnotes
7. who is more athletic?
also ougi. they ride that bicycle. i do nothing....
8. who tends to lose track of time more?
probably me more, but i bet ougi would get lost in a good book (prolly mystery novel) and sit up to stretch and its 4 hours later
9. who gets tired faster?
probably also me with my lack of good physical practice.... ugwah.... ougi should take care of me when im tired........... wah....................
10. who gets more excited about special occasions (birthdays, holidays, etc)?
easily me. although i would get more excited for events for them than mine. they wouldnt really get excited for either. but they would make sure to celebrate my birthday and stuff of course.
its like this:
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i am the one who makes their birthday and such a special occasion... because i refuse to let it not be!!!!!!!!!!!! because they are the best and deserve nice things and should be celebrated😌
11. who is better at planning surprises/keeping secrets?
this is also ougi. have you seen that poker face?
also id be good at keeping secrets normally but they would just know anyway and make me tell them. also also if we were playing a prank together i would be the one trying not to crack up like 95% of the time. and the other 5% is we're both trying not to
12. what is something about you that your comfort character(s) don’t know?
mm... not much! probably random details and anecdotes. basically, whatever they don't ask about, or anything not important
13. what is something about you that ONLY your comfort character(s) know?
well if i said it would defeat the point! tryna get me to spill my secrets...
14. what are three ways in which you have changed since meeting your comfort character(s)?
im smarter and happier and much cooler
15. what are three ways in which your comfort character(s) have changed since meeting you?
HOPEFULLY, if they are not being an OBSTINATE LITTLE SHIT some of my love for them will have rubbed off and they like themself more now :) they are also happier, because obviously i don't make them anything but happy 😌✨ also they'd get even more insufferable. i can't not spoil them 😭
16. what is your favourite thing about your comfort character(s)?
everything! well, there's parts i like more. and they shouldnt be so hard on themself but. everything!
17. what is your comfort character(s)’s favourite thing about you?
they'd say boobs to mess with me >:( but it's not true 😇 they like my excitability and my kindness
18. what is your favourite moment featuring your comfort character(s) in the media they come from?
the gweh is just.... its just..... its everytihng
19. do you have alternate universes of your yume ship? tell us more about them!
welll...... unless u count me in naoetsu as au then no...................
20. what nicknames do you and your comfort character(s) have for each other?
i actually was tryna think up nicknames for ougi once but its hard bc their name is short already. i just kinda call em whatever comes to mind. they can be ougi, they can be my beloved, they can be my precious little thing, they can be the oug. the ouger, even. its what it is
ougi doesnt have nicknames for me they just call me by my name tho.
21. if you had to describe your yume ship with one song, which song would it be?
gwah theres a few of these.... hmmmmm.......
invisible touch is too perfect to not include
the bird and the bee - my love
mad head love - kenshi yonezu
and ill even put...
mitski first love late spring
arms tonite mother mother
some of it is describing the relationship more in general and some of its more about my feelings..... well thats okay too
22. where do you want to be with your comfort character(s) in three years?
i want us to be happily married and in love........ and i want to have raised my devotion levels and number of tributes 😌✨
23. if there was a book written about you and your comfort character(s), what would the title be?
going by the series' usual naming convention......... sakumonogatari (錯物語).
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darkpoisonouslove · 2 years
Intrigued with The Lost Magic Dimension. How would the planets of the Magical Dimension work in an AU like that.
When I saw Ready or Not I thought of Valtor and Griffin too!!! Although I also thought about it with a crack ship that I have in Winx.
I haven't much thought of that but the good news is that the sci-fi aspect of the world is still intact. So they'd still have the spaceships and holophones and stuff like that. Although, I was mostly imagining this happening on Magix and they'd probably have to change the name of the planet in that case. There would be many consequences like Solaria's Second Sun not being a thing and Andros not being connected to the other planets through their oceans anymore. The schools of Magix will mostly not exist except for RF with its non-magic users (which btw is part of the story as they are assigned to researching every known trace of magical artifacts and spells. The biggest impact magic's disappearance had was the trauma that such massive changes instilled in people and it is generational trauma so it's been centuries but the impact is still felt.) Basically, the Magic Dimension now shares the fate of Earth from s4 but with more scientific advancements.
Everything makes me think about Griffin and Valtor to be perfectly honest! But that premise (or what I thought was the premise) sounded too good for me to not instantly want to use it with them. Though, to be fair Griffin gets more interaction with the other characters, who are the Company of Light + OC parents of some of those + Erendor and Samara. (I would've included others, too, but I've already gone overboard.)
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redtempestrp · 11 months
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name: tayn the butcher age: 48 gender: cis man pronouns: he/him alignment: lawful neutral time on the ship: 5 years faceclaim: taika waititi mun: kit
the quartermaster is the second in command of the ship. they keep the crew in line and manage the ship while the captain is asleep. should anything happen to the captain, the quartermaster would take over.
+ loyal, determined, ruthless, mysterious - stern, secretive, vengeful, violent
the captain. you were surprised the day they welcomed you onto their ship and even more surprised when they asked you to be their second in command. they've never asked you about your past, and you don't know if that's them respecting your privacy or just being incredibly naive. either way, you're glad for it. they've been a good friend to you over the years and although you don't show it, they're the ones most likely to make you crack a smile. the swabbie. you see this bright-eyed and fresh-faced newcomer to the crew and it makes you sigh. you were never like them, of course, optimism and vim were never your style. but still it breaks your heart to think of how the sea will change them; break them down until they become a jaded, leathery bag of bones like the rest of the crew. you want an excuse to send them away, but they'd probably just find a crueler crew to join. the gunner. you just can't bring yourself to trust them even after all this time. the captain insists that you two are birds of a feather and therefore should flock together, but when you look at the gunner you see your old self and there was a reason you made a change. you don't want them on your crew or in your life, but no matter what you do you can't seem to get rid of them.
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foap-enjoyer · 1 year
Captured (Soap+Rudy)
Rodolfo and Soap are captured by none other than Graves - short unfinished drabble I created for a friend. Not written to be a ship, but can definitely be seen as one.
(I'm so good at finishing works) (I'm so good at lying)
"Rodo'fo." Soap greeted him with half-lidded, drugged eyes. He relaxed against the restraints that bound him, "Good ta see ya, mate." He grinned tiredly, "Been a while."
Rudy huffed out a laugh. Despite their current situation, Soap MacTavish knew no filter. Although he's sure the drugs pumping through his system played a large role in that. "I'd say the same, hermano, but," He shrugged his aching shoulders, the chains of his own jingling a tune in tow. Soap's eyes glanced down slowly at them, blinking, as if he had just recognised that Rudy too, was bound. "I can think of better ways to see you again."
"Where are we an'way?" The Scot leaned his head back awkwardly, eyes trailing around the room. Rudy followed his gaze, biting his lip, "Scratch that, wh' the fuck happ'nd?"
The room was small; bleak and grey. It was old from use too- cracks littered the walls, the plaster falling in clumps to the floor. No one had bothered to clean it up, and so it lay there, limp and dry. "Hell if I know." He really had no clue. The horrible ache across the back of his head gave him reason to believe the information was beaten out of him. "Do you know what they drugged you with?" He pressed Soap, who stared at the ceiling, a tiny smile gracing his lips as his eyes glazed over. "Soap." He urged, "John. Hermano."
The Scot shook his head, tilting his chin down to peer at him. His pupils were blown wide, "Hav'nt a clue," Rudy groaned. 
"Great. Mierda. Okay. Soap," He clicked his fingers when the man's gaze faltered away from him to the floor, the sound hurting his skull, making it throb angrily against the back of his eyes. "I need you to stay focused, okay?"
"Hard to," The sergeant mumbled. Words from the man beneath the haze of drugs. "Tryin',"
"I know." He sighed, closing his eyes against the onslaught of agony seeping into them. He couldn't focus like this for much longer. He was going to pass out if he kept pushing himself to think so hard. "Ale and 141 will come for us." He murmured, grimacing, "They will."
He heard Soap inhale; a shaky sound that crackled in the silent air. "I know."
"Wakey wakey boys!"
Something slammed down onto the floor, startling him awake. Rudy couldn't help but whimper as the sound pierced his brain. His eyes cracked open, squeezing shut when light blared through the once dim room. He could hear Soap groaning, chains twisting as the man shuffled in his seat uncomfortably. 
A hand grabbed his chin, fingers pressed against his mouth. "It's rude not to listen to commands, sergeant." The voice sneered, hot against his face. "Open your eyes, amigo."
He knew that voice. 
Why did he know that voice? 
"Leave him alone, Graves," Soap huffed out quietly. He was clear of the drugs they'd forced him on. His voice no longer slurred, as his words carried coherent meaning. When Graves didn't ease up, Soap snarled, "Get the fuck off of him."
Graves. Phillip Graves. The man Soap had killed - no, that he and Soap had killed. They'd blown him up, he was supposed to be dead-
The hand holding his chin let go, flicking his head to the side sharply. He opened his eyes, blinking rapidly to attempt to combat the nauseating light flooding his vision. It was only light, he'd be okay, he'd dealt with worse, he tried to reason with himself. Rudy recognised the fuzzy outline closing in on where Soap sat, the harsh sound of a familiar fist connecting with the Scot's face a moment later. "You don't get to demand shit, MacTavish, and you know it."
"Leave him alone," Rudy swallowed down a mouthful of bile, gagging at the taste. Graves turned to him. His face was marred with freshly healed burn wounds, deep and scarring. They distorted his face, but Rudy knew who he was. Could never forget those eyes. Eyes that now bore into him with hatred he had never even fathomed before. 
"You two repeat like a broken goddamn record." He stormed over to him, raising a fist to punch right into his face. It connected harshly with his jaw, sending his head snapping backwards, hitting the top of the wooden chair that confined him. When he bounced off and back up, Graves punched him again, knocking him back down, repeating until he could no longer lift his head up from the awkward position. Stars burst through his vision; pain, agony, even, blooming in his jaw, his head, his face. There was no way his jaw wasn't dislocated, it had to be. It felt awkward against his mouth, crooked and out of place, and it hurt so fucking badly. He couldn’t help but let out a choked whimper, scrunching his nose up; his jaw clicking and locking against the movement, sending yet another flare of pain throughout his body. He peered up at the cold eyes staring into his soul. Graves laughed, "That shut you up, huh,"
"They'll find us." Soap warned off behind him, voice low, pained, "and when they do..."
"They'll meet my shotgun. You think they'll save you?" Graves glanced over his shoulder, nose wrinkling in disgust, "You're even stupider than I thought, MacTavish."
The Scot growled, "Whateva ya say, Graves."
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romanadvora · 1 year
Galaxy 4
season 003 : story 018 : episodes 082-085
11 SEP - 02 NOV 1965 || 07 - 08 JUN 2023
This… really should’ve been a three parter.
While this has some interesting moments, funny lines, and the occasional unique narrative framing choice… It’s drawn out- the Chumblies just make me feel a bit lethargic.
Skipping straight to episode 2, because well... lethargy as I said… I like when the Drahvins take a hostage when the Doctor wants to go out again that Steven demands that it be him this time instead of Vicki; not only him in character offering her some personal freedom instead of being stuck in the Drahvin ship for a couple more hours, but meta-textually also allows Vicki to have more scenes acting opposite the Doctor. 
Steven has some good scenes trying to incite mutiny with the Drahvins, with Maaga’s behaviour… foreshadowing (is that foreshadowing or just characterising?) the reveal that she’s the real villain of the story. Although it is frustrating just how thoughtless the regular Drahvins are. Like yes that’s the point, I know, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t tedious to watch too. 
I like Vicki’s moments with the Doctor, especially with the retrospect that this is her last real interaction with Hartnell, other than [not even, really] saying goodbye at the end of The Myth Makers.
“That was no risk. I observed, noted, collated, concluded– then I threw the rock”.
The airlock scene with Steven is pretty good- he's escaped* the ship, and is now stuck between the threat of the Drahvins, and the perceived threat of the Chumbley. And Maaga’s decompressing the airlock compartment itself because she's a bit insane I guess lol. 
The Rills being revealed as peaceful is kinda cliche now, but could've been a good reveal back when it was made- after all cliches become cliches with overuse. Them avoiding showing their face is a decent narrative way to add false suspicion to them, and their justification of it being due to the potential of disturbing "typical humanoid" lifeforms is a fun comment on how a lot of the aliens are… coincidentally bipedal.
The Drahvin assault on the Rill ship is well shot and feels epic (as epic as it can be, being a 3 v 3) in the sense of pacing and camera angles.
The Rill's argument for why they'd let the Doctor leave the planet even if the refuelling effort was unsuccessful was a really great scene; Steven's suspicion is fairly justified after the encounters with the Drahvins.
And the explanation of how the Doctor stands for similar values to the Rills while being able to travel further and affect more people is quite a nice moment; the Rill's trust that even if they're unable to escape, the Doctor getting away would be for their agreed benefit of the universe. Steven’s (warranted) suspicion, after the whole debacle with the Drahvins, is also really appreciated.
Animation really did this favours in terms of the ship's size, and launch at the end of the story; the planet disintegrating and the ground hellishly cracking open is also really good.
As for the story in the real world… apparently all three of the main cast hated this script so much that their complaints resulted in Maureen's contract not being renewed, and Bill being threatened with firing. So that's… a thing that happened. 
At least I think it's got some good stuff. Like it's not incredible, just...
0 notes
hellas-himself · 6 years
Where There Are Shadows pt 32
so. two things. 
I am absolute Elriel trash. But I am also here for Elucien, but since this is Feyrhycien, we’re going with Elriel. 
I’m on and off with Nessian. I eat it up when I read fics on here, but when I read the books I remember how she treats everyone and it irks my soul. But I love her in my own way. 
So with that being said, happy hump day. 
 Elain was a giggling mess as I buttoned up the back of her dress. It was perhaps as Night Court as I would ever see my sister. It was similar to the dress I’d worn the night Rhys and I had invited Lucien to dinner at the House all those months ago, except hers was not backless and wherever there was skin exposed, she’d had it altered to at least a sheer panel of fabric which somehow made it that more alluring.
“You might just give Azriel a heart attack,” I said when I finished and we stared at her reflection in the mirror.
“If he didn’t pass out yesterday, I think he’ll be fine,” she said as she began to fret over her hair. “You’d think they’d announce themselves when they arrive.”
I snorted. Elain and I had been up on the patio sunbathing yesterday morning and when I realized all three males had finally come back from the Steppes, we’d run inside in our towels. Rhys could not have been happier, but Az…
“I can’t believe you walked right up to him and said hello before disappearing into your room.”
“It’s not like he was going to!”
I helped her pin some of her hair back.
“Elain Archeron, where is your modesty!”
She laughed.
“I must have lost it outside in the garden.”
“Maybe Az found it and has it in his pocket.”
“I’ll have to ask him for it, then.”
Gods, this ease in which Elain and I could talk to one another… We had never had this. I hated that Nesta was missing out on it. On seeing Elain break free of her shell and doing things solely because they made her happy, not because they were expected of her. And my goal was to give Elain a night she would never forget.  
All eyes were on Elain when we made it downstairs, Cassian whistling as she walked by. Amren was quick to come admire the gold bracelet inlaid with pink stones while Rhys showered us both with compliments. Varian raised his glass at her from where he sat.
When we sat down, Cassian was kind enough to bring us some wine.
“Shame Az isn’t here for dinner,” Cas said with a sigh, making Rhys roll his eyes.
“Feyre and I are going out today,” Elain declared. I noticed that she searched the room but did not find who she was looking for. If she was disappointed she didn’t say anything.
“You’re all dressed up like that and you’re not even having dinner with us?” Cassian asked, genuinely surprised. Elain blushed.
“No,” I said. Cassian looked disappointed.
“But you and Rhys could walk us to where we’re going,” Elain kindly offered to which Cassian happily accepted. 
“Have you ever been here before?” Rhys asked, looking at Elain as she shook her head.
Cas had his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.
“I’ve never been here before either,” he whispered.
“Mor suggested it,” I replied and he sighed.
“That explains it.”
I poked his side as we approached the two fae standing before a set of double doors. Arm in arm, Rhys led Elain inside, Cas and I following. The owner of the venue greeted us personally before guiding us upstairs to the private area I had requested.
“Feyre!” Elain exclaimed, letting go of Rhys to pull me away from Cas. She led me to a painting that hung on the wall.
“So that’s where Mor put it,” I muttered, feeling my face get warm. It was a painting of Velaris from my point of view up at the House of Wind.  
“It is an honor to have your work here, my Lady,” the owner said.
“Thank you,” was all I could manage to say. Elain laughed at me for it.
Rhysand went to speak with the owner and soon, we were left to our own devices. We walked its gilded halls hand in hand, admiring the paintings and the chandeliers that hung from the ceiling. We’d had this once, even if I did not remember much of it. But what little good I’d had as a child, Elain was there.
“What are you smiling about?” she asked as I held out my hand to continue on.
“I like seeing you happy.”
The sound of music grew louder the closer we got to the doors at the end of the hall.
“It sounds like a ball,” Elain mused, her eyes sparkling with delight.
Cassian and Rhys did us the honors of opening the doors for us.
And it was better than I had imagined.
Standing beneath a canopy of flowers and fae light was Azriel, who looked as if he had just finished decorating the room. My sister gasped, eyes wide. There were two long tables covered in trays of food, and a table solely for drinks. The quartet played from the dais on the far end of the room which was as large as a ball room. It was just as grand as the rest of the building, boasting a large chandelier and floor to ceiling windows that gave us a beautiful view of Velaris.
“Feyre… What did you do?”
“I may have let slip that tonight was very important.”
Her eyes widened.
“Just go to him,” I whispered, giving her a gentle nudge. As she made her way over, a smile blossomed on Azriel’s face that was so devastatingly beautiful I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to capture it perfectly.
“What is all this?” she asked Azriel, bringing her hands to his chest as she admired the detail on his waist coat. He took her hands in his and kissed them.  
“Happy birthday,” he said softly.
Her laughter was melodious.  
“Azriel… It’s beautiful.”
Whatever he said to her was lost on me as everyone walked in, complimenting the room and how both Elain and Azriel were dressed.
“Am I the only one who didn’t know about this?”
Cassian wrapped an arm around me.
“Elain didn’t know.”
“I resent that.”
I leaned into him.
“You’ll forgive me.”
I nodded, watching Elain admire the flowers with Az. Mor looked in awe of the room and was chatting away with Amren while Varian approached them with drinks. Guests from all over arrived, those who had come to know Elain and wanted to share this night with us.
“I’ll be right back,” I said to Cas. “Rhys is looking a little lonely.”
Cassian laughed as I walked off to where Rhysand was standing, taking everything in.
“You pulled it off,” he said with a smile.
“With a lot of help.”
“You look exquisite, Feyre.”
I blushed. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
His laughter warmed my heart. The way he looked at me never ceased to give me butterflies, to make me feel altogether vulnerable and safe. 
Elain danced with nearly everyone, even Rhysand. Those two did nothing but laugh the entire time, especially when they saw me watching. When Azriel swept her off her feet, quite literally, we all tried to pretend we weren’t watching them dance. But I had the feeling they saw no one else but each other.
As the party began to wind down, we found Cassian handing Elain a small glass. She eyed him with a determination that reminded me of Nesta, of me. And she drank the whole thing and held the glass out for more.
And so began their game.
They tried racing one another back to the townhouse, but that ended with Cassian slipping and Elain stopping to laugh at him. Cassian goaded the rest of us into his little game, until we were all drunk. When Elain beat Cas in finishing her drink, we all applauded. Az was watching her with a little smile on his face, not as drunk as the rest of us, but enough to not care that we saw him smiling as he looked at her.
When the time came for presents, she thanked us all individually as we passed them to her. A pair of earrings from Rhys, a set of gardening tools from Cas. Amren and Varian had given her flowers from the Summer Court to be sent to the greenhouse, which left her beaming.
The room went still as Elain opened Azriel’s gift.
“Azriel, this is too much.” She held up the little gold necklace by the blue stone that hung from it. Her eyes met his and then she was smiling as she rose to her feet. “Put it on for me.”
Azriel went to stand behind her, and the way his fingers brushed across her skin reminded me of how Rhys used to be with me, in the beginning. I wasn’t sure why I remembered the first time he’d helped me into fighting leathers but when I looked at Rhys, he was grinning like the insufferable prick that he was. I rolled my eyes, before looking away to find the Elain hugging Az, leaving him blushing.
And then came my gift.
“Just once, Elain. If you hate it, I’ll give you the back up present.”
“A back up present?” she asked, lifting the little top I’d had made for her. It was like every other Night Court outfit Rhys had ever given me, but hers was a deep blue, almost black. Little silver beads hung from the hem of the top. The pants had a silver chain that hung loose on the hips, both pant legs made of the sheer fabric I’d come to cherish in this summer heat. With a giggle, she took Cassian’s drink from his hand and finished it, excusing herself from the room.
When she walked back, I think we all held our breath. These clothes, they were made for a figure like hers. She was blushing as she went to sit between Cassian and Mor again. She’d never shown this much skin before, but I suppose after our little incident yesterday, this was nothing.
And then, Mor passed her a little pink bag, a bag I knew far too well thanks to Rhysand and Lucien. My sister peeked inside and turned red in the face.  
“I think I sent Az the matching set when we got here, but honestly, any of these three might have it on their dresser,” Mor said with a hiccup, pointing to Cassian and Rhys. “Whoever has it, make sure it makes its way to Azriel.”
But Az didn’t even seem bothered, even as we all laughed. If anything, there was a light in his eyes that I had never seen before.
“Az,” Elain said as she held up the scraps of lace long enough that I knew he was able to discern what they were, before she returned them to their bag. “I think I dropped my modesty outside in the garden. Feyre said you may have found it.”
The room went quiet as their eyes met and if this was how Rhys and I made everyone else feel, I almost felt bad.
“You left it on the desk in my office. I’d been waiting for you to come back so that I might return it,” he said so seriously that we all stared at him until he and Elain burst into laughter.
By the end of the night, Az was passed out on the sofa, Elain curled up beside him. Mor was snoring and Rhys was stuck beneath his cousin who had rested her head on his lap.
“I have to do one more thing, then I’ll come save you,” I whispered to him. He smiled, waving me off. He alone had helped me with this last part of the night. But he had felt his brother would not have accepted it from anyone else.
I had expected to find Cassian passed out on the bed, but he was wide awake, eyeing me from where he stood, tying up his hair.
“You finally get the room to yourself,” I said softly. He chuckled.
“He’ll wake up and come push me off.”
I walked in the room and made my way towards him. I knew I looked suspicious, especially with my hands behind my back.
“I doubt it.”
He raised a brow. “What are you up to?”
“Well, I discovered something I felt that the Lord Commander needed to know.”
His sudden seriousness nearly made me laugh.
“I need you to know, Cassian, that you are by far one of the greatest friends I’ve ever had. And I need you to know that I love you.”
I held out the little box to him. He looked too stunned for words.
“I can’t go back in time and grace your life with my presence every year,” I said, which finally made him laugh. “But I’m here now. And no one gets away with hiding their birthday from me. Ever.”
“I know it was a few days ago, but I hadn’t found anything that screamed your name at me.”
“It’s usually a female doing that,” he said as he took the box from my hand.
“Now you know why I never visit your house.”
We both laughed. He undid the ribbon and set the lid aside.
“What’s this?”
“I’m not sure if it fits, but we can fix that if it doesn’t.”
He held up the gold band, the obsidian stone glimmering in the fae light. It was simple, but there was something about it that told me he needed to have it.
“No one’s ever given me anything like this.” His voice was nearly a whisper. Was he going to cry?
“Try it on.”
He let me slide the ring on his finger. It fit perfectly.
“Thank you, Feyre. I don’t really know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I just want you to know that it matters. That you matter. That every year that we get to have you in our lives, is something worth celebrating.”
I wasn’t expecting to see tears in his eyes. But there they were. I pulled him into a hug which made him laugh.
“I love you, Feyre.”
“I know,” I said with a laugh. “I love you, too.”
“I forgive you, by the way.”
I giggled. “Told you.”
By the time I went downstairs to get Rhys, he was already asleep. He didn’t stir until I’d managed to move Mor to the other side.
His eyes fell on me, red and glassy.
“There you are,” he said. “My salvation.”
Rhys got to his feet and chuckled when he almost lost his footing. Once he was ready to walk, I led him up the stairs, but he missed a step and pulled me down with him. We tried not to laugh, but then when I tried to stand up, Rhys pulled me to his lap. His kiss was greedy, and his wandering hands were going to get us in trouble.
“Rhys,” I whispered. “We can’t have sex on the stairs.”
“Why?” he asked as he kissed my neck.
“Everyone is here.” He stopped, and I felt this sudden panic down the bond.
“Not everyone,” he said quietly, looking at me with such sadness, I would have winnowed us right to the Day Court if I knew we’d make it there in one piece. “Lucien isn’t here.”
I kissed Rhysand with as much fervor as he’d kissed me.
“Lucien wouldn’t fuck you on the stairs in front of everyone. He’d wait till everyone was in their room.”
“He would,” Rhys said with a big smile as I pulled him to his feet.
“When he comes back home, we’ll have plenty of new stairwells you two can make use of. For now, we have the bed. Now walk.”
Being hungover was never enjoyable. It was even less so, walking into a small bar in the early hours of morning, wishing that I hadn’t made this arrangement. But I’d already walked out here and I had to get it over with.
Nesta was sitting in the back, as she always did. She looked as bad as I felt. And yet, her eyes still held nothing but resentment when she saw me approach. I knew I probably still had Rhys’ scent all over me, but Lucien’s too, as I was wearing his shirt that I’d found at the bottom of the drawer. And when she sniffed at me when I neared the table, I almost saw red. I would never judge her for the males I knew left her apartment, the one I could scent on her now. It was none of my business, as long as no one hurt her, just like who I slept with was none of her business. Even if her gaze told me exactly what she thought of that.
“I was beginning to think you’d make me walk to your house.”
I sat down, reaching into my pocket to hand her the folded note for the rent. There might have been surprise in her eyes as she took it.
“For this, you could have sent it with the courier.”
“For what? So you could send it back without even bothering to read it?”
I saw the anger in her eyes but I was too tired to let it unsettle me. I was hungry. And I wanted to go back home to be there when Elain woke up to find herself in Azriel’s arms on the sofa beneath the blanket Cassian had so kindly draped over them.
“I don’t see how that was any of your concern.”
“You missed her birthday.”
“I had no reason to be there.”
“You could have gone to the townhouse to see her.” I knew my voice was harsher than I had meant it to be. “You could have written a note. She misses you, Nesta.”
“Your little party was all anyone talked about last night, I’m sure that her evening was perfect without me.”
“You could not be more wrong.”
She glared at me for a time.
“Are we done?”
“No,” I said. “The house is almost finished. We’re inviting everyone over once we’re settled in. I want you to be there.”
“Because you’re my sister. What other reason do I need to want you around?”
She rose to her feet. She was wearing someone else’s shirt and a pair of pants that might have been mine once but it was stained with wine and Mother knew what else.
“Forgive me for not wanting to be subject to the judgement of your family.”
“You are my family, Nesta.”
“Yes. The way mother was.”
@readingismycopingmechanism @fuzdog @gently-say-aha @highladyofherondale @alxanxah @city-of-fae @myfeyrelady @nuggets-and-mouthwash @feysanddotacotar @daeniran @szatti1001 @rhysandshighlady
If you’d like to be tagged, let me know!!​
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strangertheories · 2 years
Hiii!!! if you haven't already answered this, how do you think season 5 will play out?
Especially including Will's whole connection with the UD and it being stuck on November 6th, 1983.
Another long post, folks! I'll be sharing some theories based on what we know so far and stuff in Volume 2 and talk about some characters, ships, plot points and how I think the show will end. This is what we know so far:
It'll be full circle to season 1
It will center Will Byers
It will have a bigger focus on why the Upside Down is frozen on the day Will went missing
We'll see a lot of the groups and pairings from S1, such as Nancy, Johnathan and Steve
It'll take place entirely in Hawkins
It will have a time skip, probably to 1988, after the first few episodes
It will have a conclusive ending and no direct spin offs (ie with the same characters and lore)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but apart from actors saying what they wish for their characters, this is all we know so far. So it's kinda difficult to paint a picture of what I think will happen. I will however share some of my ideas below, although these will be less evidence based.
First of all, Nancy's speech in Volume 2. Nancy says that Vecna shows her the mega gate opening and the sky full of billowing smoke or something along those lines. This all came true. She also says that there is an army of monsters, one of which has a 'big gaping mouth', dead soldiers and the dead bodies of Mike, Holly and Karen. This has not came true yet.
I believe the monsters and soldiers part will happen, but not the last part. In terms of monsters, when Chrissy saw the clock there were four cracks that led to a big crack in the center (like Hawkins) and then we saw a bunch of spiders crawl out. Demo spiders? But that doesn't fit with the big gaping mouth' description given by Nancy, which could indicate a thessalhydra, as referenced previously. In terms of the soldiers, I assume that once monsters start crawling out of the cracks, they'll be the first to go. However, I don't know if they'd give away Mike's death so early nor if Eleven would let that happen in the first place.
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But how does that fit into the time skip? Maybe the season starts with them "sealing in" the monsters and closing the mega gate, however they still don't know where Vecna is so they decide to wait in Hawkins for him to gather back his resources and strike harder. On the other hand, maybe they fully believe he was defeated only for that to be deadly wrong. Another possibility is that the mega gate doesn't close at all and they stay in Hawkins waiting for something to happen, although I don't know what the first two episodes would consist of then.
Next up, our favourite bowl cut, William Jacob Byers. I've spoken a lot about Will's links with Vecna. The way he was taken in S1 combined with the parallels as well as the fact the Upside Down was frozen on the day he got there and his true sight makes me believe there's something more going on with him. As seen by the end of Volume 2, Will can still sense Vecna so that's going to play a major role. The question is whether Vecna is going to want Will to join him. Vecna loves projecting on kids who are bullied for not conforming to social norms based on his past with Eleven.
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I believe that Vecna was testing Will in S1 to see if he was a good enough vessel to bring the Upside Down to Hawkins, so at the end he gave him true sight and planted the demo slug in him. I don't think Vecna wants to kill or hurt Will (don't get me wrong, he would, but he wouldn't want to). In S2 he says he can feel that he wants everyone dead except for Will. I think this is linked to the Upside Down freezing but I can't explain why or how, it just feels too significant not to think about.
In terms of his sexuality, Will is almost certainly going to come out in S5 based on comments from Noah Schnapp saying how we have to wait for his coming out scene and it'll be super special when it happens. Whilst it's annoying we were told it would be clarified in Volume 2, I do think it makes sense for his character to take his time to come out based on the homophobia Will has experienced. I think with family we'll get a quieter and more emotional scene. However, with Mike, I feel like it could be more explosive with him yelling 'because I love you!' in an arguement or something. Bonus points if Will starts apologizing or crying but Mike reciprocates it and we get a super angsty kiss. I don't know if that would actually happen but I feel like it would be cool and would make sense.
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In terms of Max, I think she's going to wake up out of her coma and have no memories or anything like that. The group will read her letters but nothing happens. I think maybe at some point she could become a vessel for Vecna as foreshadowed in the lyrics of Master of Puppets (Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings... Blinded by me you can't see a thing). That or she will be used as a weapon as Dustin in S2 stated zombies are immune from the mind flayer because they have no mind to flay. Either way, I think her memories will return to her once Vecna is defeated. I really hope they don't cure her of her blindness or from being paralyzed because so much disabled rep ends up with the disabled person being cured.
In terms of romantic relationships, I'm fairly certain that Lumax and Jopper are going to be canon. With Lumax, once Max gets her memories back, I think it would be nice to see her finally going to that movie with Lucas with Lucas doing live audio description because she's blind or something like that. And maybe even have Jopper go on that Enzo date. For other relationships, I'm less certain, especially ones involving Mike and Nancy. I hope Mike ends up with Will and Nancy ends up with Robin (or single if not), but I'm not sure how much faith I have in the writers. I also don't really care what's canon and I will keep on shipping Byler and Ronance no matter what happens. No one, not even the show itself, can convince me that they aren't in love with each other. I'm not saying that they're both going to be canon or that they're equally as likely to be canon, I'm just saying that if it's not I'd view it as a missed opportunity if that makes sense.
Now onto the ending. I have a theory that S5 will be a bit like the last season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. For those of you who don't know, in S7 of Buffy, the hell mouth is opened leading to lots of weird supernatural goings on that are impossible to ignore. This leads to people moving away from Sunnydale in order to get away from the supernatural goings on. In the end, in order to destroy the hell mouth, the whole town is destroyed. The whole hell mouth thing is very reminiscent of the mega gate from the end of S4 and I also think the town will probably find out about the Upside Down, leading to them leaving, which would parallel this even more.
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This is similar to the ending of the book It where Pennywise is so intrinsically linked to Derry that Derry starts getting destroyed by itself. I think that because the Upside Down and Vecna are so truly Hawkins-ian (I'm making it a word), in order to destroy it/him, they have to sacrifice their town. I don't have proof for it, it just seems very poetic. Also a loveable character sacrifices themselves which would fit if the show is going full circle to S1. Since Eleven is so linked with Vecna, could this mean she has to die to save her friends?
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I just realized I forgot to include Eddie! I think pre time skip, Eddie is going to be major focus in terms of grieving, especially with Dustin and the Hellfire Club. He'll still be referenced in Volume 2, but it'll be a smaller focus. I think clearing his name is going to be a big motivation for the characters this season. Speaking about the Eddie is Kas theory, I think zombie Eddie or vampire Eddie might work, but I hope they don't bring him back to life. The show needs to commit to character deaths or it's hard to invest yourself in the stakes of the series. If Vecna uses his body as a puppet to manipulate our characters or in a trance like Billy or Barb, I think that could work and be a good way to get Joseph Quinn back on the show. But I don't think they're going to bring him back to life.
None of this is concrete and it's just my theories for now. I have way more thoughts but this is getting a bit long. But I hope this helped!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
I know that your own preferences bring the kind of followers that make this result possible but I'm SO happy that a f/f pair won!! I get so frustrated everytime I get into a new fandom and all the most popular pairings are either canon m/f or m/m (even if it got better with the years, and like there's nothing wrong with those in theory but... the absence of f/f is very noticeable) so this feels very good to see a f/f pair win for once.
Yeah, it's nice! Kate/Yelena are a TOUR DE FORCE, my friend, I haven't gotten clicks or kudos like Kate/Yelena clicks and kudos in Years in Any Fandom. And that's just on drabbles! Which, like, most people don't even read because they're so short! People are INTO Kate/Yelena, and I'm tentatively (stupidly) (naively) hopeful that maaaaaybe they'll really be a canon thing???? Maybe???? Maybe the good lord Disney and his minion Feige will be Kind to us crawling, wriggling creatures for once and we will get a good pairing in canon???? Not that shipping equals wanting it to be canon, but. I do stupidly hope that Kate/Yelena get to hold hands once. Maybe touch foreheads.
I'm honestly cracking up that the Last M/F Pair Standing was Gomez/Morticia, too, because like... they EXIST TO BE the Couple That Scares M/F Couples In Suburbia, you know? The utterly adoring husband who is 1000% submissive to his wife who is none of the things midcentury women were supposed to be (besides married to a man), who completely delight in each other's eccentricities and nurture their personal goals and hobbies while also grossing out everyone in the neighborhood with their overt PDA. They are truly the most acceptable M/F couple, so even if they'd won, I'd've been cackling about it.
Honestly, the whole final four just make me really fucking happy. Stucky, JediStormPilot, Gomez/Morticia, and Kate/Yelena are all objectively great ships that do good things and mean good things to nice people and I'm really happy with how everything turned out. Although I'm still cackling at the Gomez/Morticia because HOW EVEN.
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
A kiss as calm as the unbroken sea
Summary: Something changed in her—them—that day. Meeting and knowing who your soulmate is, it’s a life-altering event. Just that knowledge that the other person who is supposedly meant to bring joy, love and light into your life is here, in front of you, it’s a powerful feeling.
Soulmate AU-- what if Kim and Kevin are soulmates. (I truly believe that if they were they'd be platonic soulmates but for the purpose of this fic... They are not just platonic).
Word Count: 1.7k
Read on AO3
Notes: A romantic shipping Kim/Kevin fic? 😮 I know, I know, whatever has gotten into me?! I go away for a while and I come back with this insane fic? Don't worry, I haven't completely lost my marbles or have decided I ship these two in any other way than platonic.
As y'all may know it is @fighterkimburgess birthday today. A remarkable amazing day, the day that brought us all one of the most incredible and amazing and talented human EVER. A day that must be celebrated, that this incredible human must be celebrated. And this is my humble offering to the celebration.
Months ago, Cíara told me that when they first started watching cpd they briefly shipped burgwater before they discovered the amazingness that is burzek. And since that day I knew that as a bonus gift alongside their actual fic present (which unfortunately I have not written due to health issues) I would write them a burgwater romantic fic for their birthday as a way of saying I know you, let's toast to every part of you, fleeting thoughts or not, and to celebrate the fact that we're absolutely full of love for crack taken seriously.
Also I'm kinda terrible at writing friendship fics as the main focus (although my Sylvie Kim fics are giving me the side eye for saying such things 🤣) which meant my plan of writing a burgwater friendship fic to celebrate the wholesome pureness of our own friendship was out the window.
So, without further ado: Cíara I love you. You're incredible and amazing and make me a better human and you deserve the world and all the love I can give you. You are seriously so special and so important, a true star, and I literally would be lost without you. I hope you love this silly little fic I wrote back in September for you, a move that ended up being good depending all that's happened since and that it will hold up as a reminder of how much I love and appreciate you, partner. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
There are all these stories and expectations about how the first time you meet your soulmate should go, how it should feel. That there should be something inside of you that shifts, that something just feels different.
It wouldn’t always make you clock onto the fact that you’ve met them, that perfect match to your own soul. But on the day you meet them, they’ll be that emotion that just stands out—just something strong, powerful, vibrant inside you.
On the day Kim Burgess met Kevin Atwater, she didn’t feel that.
She didn’t feel that strong, distracting kind of emotion. She didn’t feel insanely happy, or anything overwhelming.
Instead, on the day Kim Burgess met Kevin Atwater, she felt a calm. A peaceful, undisturbed kind of calm that set everything that was ever on edge inside her at ease, a calm that started from the very first moment Kevin smiled at her.
“Atwater, come here. Meet your new partner.” Kim’s desk Sargent Trudy Platt had said in that no nonsense manner of hers as Kim stood next to the desk, bright and early into her new shift. Kevin was in the middle of a conversation with another patrol officer but at the sound of Platt’s commanding voice, he gave no hesitation to end the conversation and to head to the desk himself.
Kevin looked like a decent man, that was the first thing Kim thought when she laid her eyes on him for the very first time. Kim’s training officer was less than, in that subtle kind of way she constantly questioned if she was right to feel uncomfortable, and she was relieved that her new partner didn’t seem to be the same.
“Kevin Atwater, Kim Burgess.” Platt introduced them to each other. Kevin had smiled at her then, holding his hand for her to shake and as she slipped her hand into his, that calm settled over her.
The two got along like a house on fire from almost the very first moment they got into their patrol car. Kevin is an easy going man, and they both appreciated a laugh. Kim quickly learnt that Kevin was kind hearted, had so much love and respect for their city, and had overcome so much at such a young age. Dad in prison, Mom dying and then his grandma dying all by the time he was 21 with two young siblings. And yet he took everything in stride, and Kim had nothing but respect for him.
This appreciation and easy going partnership quickly turned into a friendship and before either of them knew it, Kim had met his siblings and had settled in to the Atwater family well enough to even babysit when Kevin needed to do other things.
It was six months into the partnership when they found out they were soulmates.
It was the weekend, free from their shift. Kevin had something fun planned for his siblings and had invited Kim along, an invitation that she readily accepted. Kim being Kim turned up early, and Jordan had answered the door, telling her his brother was still upstairs.
Kim, being comfortable in the Atwater residence, spared no thought before going up the stairs, calling to Kevin as she opened the door to his bedroom.
The bedroom where Kevin was getting changed, standing only in his boxers as his top lay out on the bed and his jeans held in his hands, ready for him to get into.
Kim let out a squeal, apologising as she covers her eyes. But not before she caught sight of something on the top of his thigh—an intricate marking, one that matched the same one on her thigh.
She had dropped her hands, then, needing to look at it again.
“Burgess! A bit of privacy, please!” Kevin good-humouredly yelled. Kim had blushed.
“Sorry. Uh.. sorry, but uh... That’s my mark.” Kim had stumbled over her words a little, then pointing at the mark as if they’d be any other mark she was talking about.
It only took a second for Kevin to realise what she meant, and Kim would later joke it was the whitest he’s ever been.
Something changed in her—them—that day. Meeting and knowing who your soulmate is, it’s a life-altering event. Just that knowledge that the other person who is supposedly meant to bring joy, love and light into your life is here, in front of you, it’s a powerful feeling.
It wasn’t until later, when his siblings were upstairs asleep or winding down to sleep, that they discussed it. Concentrating on the fun day Kevin had planned was more important, was more needed. But when the house was quiet and the sky was dark, that is when they could talk.
They agreed that this made sense. They already knew they got along well, that there was that inexplicable level of trust between them, that Kim already felt like family to all the Atwaters. They also both agreed they were platonic soulmates. Both could appreciate the other’s attractive features, but neither had been wanting to take this is any other way but platonic, and with how their friendship was, it made sense.
Nothing much changed after, except just having a deeper level of trust and love between them. Jordan and Vinessa was told about them being soulmates—platonic, to Vinessa’s romantic heart’s sadness—but that was it.
Kim could say, hand on heart, that her soulmate was her best friend and nothing made her more happy, more fulfilled.
They supported each other through everything. Vinessa and Jordan’s growing up troubles, navigating work and promotions and dangerous situations. And when Adam Ruzek came to the 21st district, Kevin even supported their relationship—although firmly telling Adam be would kick his ass in an instant if he messed with his soulmate.
For a while, Kim was content. Her romantic and platonic parts of her life was fulfilled, she had her boys—and even Vinessa, who tried not to like Adam as she still wanted Kim and Kevin to be together, warmed up to him.
It helped that Adam and Kevin was close friends too, the three of them able to just hang out all day, comfortably. And it felt right.
But the disconnect set in, and Adam and her broke up. Mutually and nicely, and maybe it would’ve been done without much drama if it wasn’t for Sean Roman. Roman fit in more with Kim’s training officer than with Kevin as far as partners go, and it wasn’t long after her breakup with Adam that he started wearing her down to convince her to be with him.
Kim took time off dating after all that. Time to focus on herself, she had said to Kevin over one of their coffee mornings. Kevin had smiled at her when she said that, his smile brighter than the sun, and said in his very little words way "that sounds like a good idea, Burgess".
She threw herself into her career, focusing on doing her work, going above and beyond to get herself noticed, to be the one to watch, determined to get into intelligence as soon as possible, with Kevin cheering her on. Any down time she got-- and Kevin was right there to make sure she actually allowed herself some, not wanting her to get caught up in work and get burnt out-- she spent with the Atwaters. So much so that between work and that, Kim barely saw the inside of her own apartment.
Things shifted.
Kim doesn't know when they did exactly, just knows that somewhere along the line they did.
The world became brighter, everything becoming sharper and crisper and no matter what happened-- no matter how many times she was overlooked or things went bad-- there was a bounce in her step.
Kevin became brighter, sharper. His smile was not just as bright as the sun but was the universe. There was a breathless giddiness in her whenever he was around and she always ended up grinning not unalike a school girl.
And when he went on dates, no longer did Kim whole heartedly feel the cheer in her voice as she sent him on his way with a "you look great!" Instead she felt like she was dying, a sharp deep pain stabbing her from within and only then did the world seem ever so dark. Kim found herself wanting to monopolise his time, that even when her, Kevin and Adam was spending one of their friendship nights in, Kim found her blood boiling at Adam being around, feeling like he was wrong, that he was a tumour, that he didn't belong and was intruding.
Something had shifted. Her boys were her boys. One was platonic, one was romantic. But no longer was it who it previously was.
Kim would love to say that she realised this. That she realised why the world was brighter, that she realised why other women kissing Kevin felt like tiny sharp needles pricking into her, that she realised why she felt so resentful at one of her best friend's presence.
But love is wonderful, amazing and brilliant, and it is also so incredibly stupid.
She would also love to say that there was that Hollywood moment. That sudden realisation when the stakes were high. That she connected all these dots when she was dying, when she was injured or even when she was promoted. That joy or fear or any emotion huge and big was in the air the day the pieces came together.
But it wasn't like that at all.
It was an ordinary day. Plain, unexpecting. Work had been slow and calm, and Kim was sitting on Kevin's sofa with him beside her, some film on the TV.
It was an ordinary day-- except it wasn't. It never could've been, because it was the day Kevin kissed her for the very first time.
They had laughed at something on the TV-- Kim can't even remember what-- and in their laughter they had looked at each other and… it clicked.
It wasn't even a big, breathless realisation. The world didn't rock, or feel any different. It was just a simple feeling, just one moment the world wasn't quite right and then it was.
"Burgess-- Kim-- I…" Kevin had said and she had just smiled, and nodded.
"Yeah. Me too. I guess we were wrong about being platonic." Kim had said back and Kevin had just hummed, shaking his head.
"Nah, we were right. We were platonic. And now we're not." He had said in that way of his, his simple but so knowledgeable way of his and then-- then he kissed her.
And Kim felt calm.
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pynkhues · 3 years
6 11 35 for gg!!!
6.Favourite f/f ship
Y'know, for a long time it was Annie x Nancy, but I didn't love their energy in s4. I think that Annie needs someone who meets her where she is which is something Nancy's not really capable of, and I think Nancy needs someone who can stand up to her better and not be overcome with guilt in the way Annie is still because of the affair.
I actually didn't even plan it, but I ended up accidentally writing Diane x Nancy into my PALS planning, haha, and at the moment, it's my favourite crack ship. I just feel like they'd be a lot of fun
11. Ship that you would never have wanted in canon but like in fanworks
Rio x Turner! I love the idea of them having a charged monstrous fling together while Rio was recovering, but Good Girls is not that sort of show, and I wouldn't actually want it to be, I don't think.
35.Ship that you have kinda love/hate relationship with
Most of them by the end of the show, haha, although I think Ruby x Stan the most by the end of it. I respect the direction the show took them in as a creative choice, and I really think it did make sense for Stan aas a character, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't bum me out too. I actually loved their s3 arc, but their s4 arc to me felt it retread a lot of the same ground (which I imagine was partially an impact of the covid shutdown) which I think eroded what made them so special as a ship. It was wonderful to see them navigate their moral slide and their new places in each other's lives, but then to see it rehashed in s4 with Stan being more paternalistic and authoritative felt like a less nuanced and compelling relationship.
Ask me about ships!
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oh-roman · 5 years
It's You
 read part five
part VI.
"I hate you," Bill's wife cries, trying to escape Bill’s tickling fingers.
"Mmhm, sure you do," Bill beckoned, watching a smile pull at her lips, before leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. "Atta' girl," He huffs. "Give daddy some sugar," Except she only playfully rolls her eyes and sits up on the bed to pull her laptop onto her thighs.
Bill and Jade were high school sweethearts --and to their knowledge, they'd followed the perfect life plan.
Try not to get teary-eyed; their story's so cute it might make you sad how it ends.
So, it was all so unintentional how they fell in love, because well, Jade was never the type of girl Bill was interesting in, in high school.
He was quite picky about his girls (and still is).
Bill liked them confident, but not too cocky. He had a thing for plaid mini skirts and thigh highs, a fetish for lip gloss and those fishnet stockings the girls wore. Open toed shoes were cute, but only the kind that had a heel and straps. And God, did he love girls with brown eyes - - - the big doe eyes that made your heart swell.
Except Jade wasn't that profile at all. And for some odd reason, it attracted him to her even more. So, one day, mid-sophomore year in History, Bill sits down next to this girl--dressed like someone’s mom--and says. . .well he doesn't say anything. He just stares at her until she waves her hand in front of his face. She made him unbearably nervous and that's the moment, he knew he'd have to stick with her. Thank God for his persistent personality too, because he popped the question just a few questions after they’d graduated high school.
It was quite beautiful actually. They were young and crazy about one another, but young love only does so much. It’s an innocent flame and well, it only flickers for so long. It’s naive and overpoweringly emotional, so when Bill began to fall out of love with her, he didn’t say anything, in hopes of that burning fire coming back.
Although, it never really did and falling for Y/N wasn't much help.
The last thing he wanted to do was hurt his wife, although he couldn't stand the thought of breaking Y/N’s heart either. The more he loved, the more it hurt.
“Baby I've been meaning to ask you," Jade asks.
"Hm," he hums, running a hand through his hair. "What's that,"
"How's it been going with that girl Y/N," And he pauses. Speak of the fucking devil. He swallows thickly and tries to find some sort of composure. He sits up a bit and thumbs over his own bottom lip; a bad habit he has when he's uncomfortable. "Oh, y'know--it's been great--she's. . .smart," Nodding along with him, Jade raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t think much of it.
“That’s good,” She says, moving her laptop out of the way and lying her head on Bill’s bare chest. “Now, c'mere," Resting a hand on his thigh, she taps her fingers a little, gesturing for him to cuddle her.
Bill huffs a little and kisses her forehead. Jade smiles at the feeling. And you can't blame her. The feeling is indescribable--her head against his chest, feeling the steady vibration of his heartbeat, moving in-beat with his fingertips lazily running up her arm. With the dim light peeking through the window drapes, it's wonderful. So good, sometimes she can't see herself ever lying on these sheets without her. "Love you," she exhales, lazily closing her eyes.
He just wishes he felt the same way.
And Jade, she wishes he felt that way too.
He hasn't kissed her lips (and I mean really kissed her) in weeks now, unless the neighbors are watching.
And she just stays quiet, like she always is. She's a romantic and well, it comes with its own heartache, because she sees when he's smiling at phone, or blushing when he's getting all ready for work in the morning and she can't help but wonder why he's wearing his good cuff links (the Gucci ones he wore to his wedding) to go teach a bunch of college students about business management. Or, why he's all of a sudden taken such keen interest in the random girl next door. Or, last week when Jade was taking the trash out, she watched the same girl in his car, leaning awfully close to him.
Jade's cried enough about it. Plus, Bill's a messy eater. Y/N was probably just picking a piece of lettuce of of his shirt (or chin?). Surely that's why. Well, it's the only logical explanation she thinks.
"Not with the girl next door. . .If he ever were to. . .she'd be older," Jade thinks. "Right?"
It's all a pressing matter and Jade has to push those thoughts out if her brain, for the sake of her marriage--or whatever remains from it.
Pressing a longing kiss right under eye, Bill closes his eyes too. He's never been big on religion, but he's praying now. For some sort of revelation; some sort of direction on what he should do.
And he lies there for what feels like forever, contemplating everything. Just as a Jade is, before drifting off to sleep.
Then, Bill understands.
It's scary almost how fast he's realized it and for a moment he snaps his eyes open and blinks a few times. Jade's snoring a little on his chest, arm draped around his stomach.
She's the one. She has to be.
He's careful when he moves her arm out of the way, quietly stepping off toward their bathroom. He's watching Jade from the doorway, slightly moving around a little, probably wondering where his body's gone. It's precious actually. That's why he has to do this--and fast. So, he doesn't hurt anyone too badly.
The light from a Bill's phone lights up a little and he's typing away--deleting and rephrasing almost everything, afraid of what she'll think. Y/N always has him feeling like a teenager. Adrenaline pumping and hand sweating. He's staring at the words on the screen, thinking of everything she could possibly think before finally fuck it pressing send.
He stuffs his phone in the pockets of sweatpants and runs both hands down his face in a tired way, before gripping the bathroom counter and starring himself in the mirror. "Christ," he thinks. "She's gonna kill me,"
"Billy," Jade cries out and his head whips toward their bedroom. Her arm's falling off the mattress. "Come back to bed baby," And he takes one last look at himself before sighing and flicking the light switch off. "I'm comin' sweetheart,"
The story never ends though. Unfortunately, some things just don't work out. Divorce is tricky. Bill's parents are still married. Fifty years going strong and well, a broken family was never what he sought out for himself. So, he makes sure to hold Jade extra close now, breathing in the scent of her vanilla soap on her skin. "Bunny," he whispers.
Her eyes flutter open and she looks up at him with a hint of desperation. "I'm sorry," is all he says and she immediately understands what he's referring to. "I love you too,"
Running his tongue across his bottom lip, Bill, holds her chin, moving it up a little, before caressing her lips with his. "Now," he says, swiping his thumb across the smile on her lips. "Get some sleep,"
The Monday blues are a myth, Y/N thinks.
Because she feels absolutely great.
Class isn't until 11:30am, but she's applying a face masque at 8am, just cause. Some song by LANY is playing through her speaker and she's swaying her hips a little. Craziest thing is, she didn't even wake up this early with an alarm. Her phone died some time before she went to bed, so now she's just waiting for it charge some.
Her body just decided to wake up at the crack of dawn she guesses. Although, her dream was pretty eventful to say the least.
She remembers being in a car. A really old fashion 50's model (maybe a Cadillac) and in the dream she's wearing cat-eye glasses and a silk Chanel scarf around her neck, the tail blowing the wind. And she's in the passenger seat because, Bill's doing all the driving and he's dressed like a proper James Bond.
You know when the dream was so good, your brain won't let you forget it? Well, he kisses her right before she wakes up and somehow, she still feels his lips on her's.
Her thoughts are interrupted by her phone vibrating and she nearly leaps up and down like a child when she sees a message from Bill.
Except. . .
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Oh my god.
@the-lonelyon3 @tinygayfungi @loveforbillskasgard @glxtter-dew @bringmebandimagines @shipping-not-sailing @lmayre17 @bill-istvan @skaryboybill @deathbyarabbit @pennywise-trashcan @guess-what-i-dont-know @skarswhat @hrhduchessofclarence
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mcreyes · 7 years
mcreyes is my favorite, although I don't mind r76, but I really really don't like mchanzo??? I just can't see them actually being anything more than somewhat polite due to possibly working together. They don't seem like they'd actually like each other at all. but hey people wanna ship it, that's fine, I don't have a problem with that.
Okay I used to be really into McH*nzo but the more I thought about it the more it just doesn’t make any sense. It took me a long time to realize and fully accept that mch*nzo is a crack ship, and even longer to realize that the only real reason I liked it in the first place was because it’s highly conventient (10 kazillion fics, even more art, a million playlist I mean, it’s the Dollar Store of Overwatch).
My main problem with it now is that people refuse to acknowledge that it’s a crack ship. People are so deeply invested in a ship between two characters who have never met that they begin tramping all over the other ships as if they’re somehow more legitimate. In my opinion I think it’s fairer for all of us to just admit that none of these ships have a good possibility of happening in canon and move on. 
Now that said, I don’t mind the concept of mchan, but once again fanon actively ruins it for me. There’s a lot of really harmful stereotypes that run rampant in the mchan tag, like people making Hanzo feminine just because he’s Asian or because he needs to look small next to McCree, or people acting like they can somehow fix each other. That last one is a problem in and of itself because romantic love can’t fix deep life problems like the ones McCree and Hanzo have. Those kinds of things take a lot of self reflection and most of the time, fan creators only want to focus on interpersonal influence.
If I’m being real here, Hanzo is 500% more interesting to me as a solitary character than he is as 1/2 of a ship.
Realistically, McCree would be incredibly wary of Hanzo because of their respective pasts with Genji. It’s heavily implied in the lore that Genji and Jesse were really good friends, and idk if it were me, I’d be really pissed off at someone who attempted to murder my friend regardless of whether or not my friend forgave them.
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