#am I still gonna get the 9th book?
nickmarini · 2 months
Hi there!
First of all, I just wanted to say thanks for being an amazing D&D players and a very kind and open person t the many fans like myself who saw you for the first time in Downfall and were amazed. I wish I got to play with people like you when I play and DM.
I was wondering about something. Ayden is a multi classing masterpiece and I wanted to know if you have any tricks for building a solid multi class that is both interesting and has a fair amount of powerful abilities. Every time I have tried my characters end up not good at anything or really good at a single thing thats not relevant.
Okay! That’s all! Thanks for being really cool and I hope you have a great day!
Well firstly thank you. I’m def gonna deep dive Ayden, but for multi-classing in general I will sort of talk my philosophy. When multi classing it is important to start with what you are hoping to achieve. I personally like multiclasses because I think it tells the story of a character. Mechanically though there’s a few things to think about. Is the character strictly martial a mix or a primary spell caster? If you’re a primary spell caster then if you’re heavily multiclassing you are likely trading away access to 9th level spells at minimum or simply grabbing something like spell points or a warlock pact. With Ayden being alongside the Archheart and Matron I felt like we had pretty decent 9th level spell access so I wasn’t too worried on that front and instead could focus on being as good of a support character as I could manage. A full caster multiclass will still get 9th level spells slots so your spells that scale based on level are still going to be powerful.
Martial or mixed spell casters multiclass builds are not as limited by the spell access issues full casters encounter but do encounter the same feat/ability score issues.
In terms of overall philosophy, first level dips can give a character an unusual saving throw proficiency or skills that might compliment a build. I look for abilities that compliment each other so for Ayden having guiding bolt (proficiency times a day from druid) and commanding rally (proficiency times a day from knight of the crows feat) let him shoot a bolt and then have someone follow up with a free attack with advantage 6 times a day. Look for combos that might take 2 separate 1 class builds working together to achieve, that you might be able to do pull off as a single character. Also coming from 3.5 I am a firm believer in feats. Feats allow you to customize your character in unique ways that can really shine when multiclassing.
And finally have fun! I am a huge nerd and enjoy pouring over books trying to find interesting combos or figure out how to make an idea I have work better, but to be honest few campaigns go from 1-20 so if you wanna play around with multi classes just do it!
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ka0ila · 1 year
| Late
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© Ka0ila 2023 — all rights reserved. i do not allow translations, or any kind of distribution on other platforms. this is my only account.
Pairing- Seungmin X Reader [9th member]
Argument, Problematic, Sensitive topic
Genre- Angst
Warnings- Angst, Smut, Degradation, Miscarriage, Sensitive topics [MDI!]
It had been going for days. Him coming back home late, for which i couldn’t care less because i had my own dead lines. I come back in the dorms usually expecting Seungmin to not be home. To my surprise i see him on the sofa on his phone,
“you’re back” he said without glancing at me. To which i simply nodded not caring whether he noticed or not. I was pissed at him, both of us are busy but i still atleast leave him one text a day to which he doesn’t bother to reply to. And him being in my dorm after weeks acting everything’s normal, pissed me off even more.
“you’re late?” Seungmin passed a snarky remark, “and you’re never?” i scoff. I wasn’t in the mood to argue or even talk but now if that’s what he wants, sure. “where were you?” Seungmin asked, “had work.” i simply replied while getting a glass of water for myself. “i searched the entire company, you weren’t there.”
Seungmin finally kept the book down, “what is this about seungmin, be fucking straight.” i look at him, placing the glass harshly on the counter top even before taking my first sip, “you know what i’m talking about” Seungmin said scoffing, “no seungmin, i fucking don’t. i dont know whatever you’re on, maybe i should be the one asking you, what the fuck do you want?” and i finally snapped. i was avoiding it, but it was about time.
nobody in the group ever tried to interfere in out arguments, ever. i looked at chan enter and leave, it was understandable, truly.
“seungmin you fucking don’t bother to even text me and now you’re mad at me? mad at me for what? because i didn’t bother to tell my whereabouts to my boyfriend who doesn’t even bother to see my text? or infact come home? or even tell me he’s gonna be late? sure.” i said chuckling.
“Oh don’t act like it’s my fault here, you would’ve done the same, if you were busy stop this whole blaming game” Seungmin said in his meanest tone.
“Yeah? maybe i should seungmin, fucking fine.” with that, i rush to the door and leave the dorms.
I needed time, it was too fucking much. We’re obviously not how we used to be.
“Stop leaving, (y/n), stop running away.” Seungmin said in a low voice. For some reason, it broke me. I stopped dead on my tracks, looking at the door with blank eyes, “i.. i leave seungmin? leave what? you? are you even there for me to leave you?”
“the world doesn’t revolve around you (y/n) i can’t always be here!”
“when are you? when are you here seungmin?” i said slowly looking back at him.
“i’ve been busy, why can’t you understand?” Seungmin said clenching his teeth.
“and i’m not? i understand you’re busy but the least you could do is atleast see my text? you know how shitty it makes me feel? you know i feel like im clingy and you’re tired of me.” i said,
“oh god, you know what, maybe i am.” with that, he turned away and made his way to his room.
that’s it. that’s fucking it. with that i open the door to leave but suddenly fall on the ground because of the striking pain in my stomach, blood..? why is there blood..? was i.. pregnant? “(y/n)? are you okay?!” i heard Minho and Hyunjin shout, “i.. i don’t..” and i passed out.
i got my consciousness back, but didn’t feel like opening my eyes, i was too tired. i could hear someone talking but wasn’t able to make out who it was. “she’s most likely to wake up soon, i’ll take my leave now, make sure she’s not stressed the moment she wakes up.” with that i heard the door open, where was i? “yes, doctor.” i hear a shaky voice, was it seungmin?
“im so sorry.. i.. it’s all my fucking fault.. i’m sorry (y/n)… we lost our baby, im so, so sorry.”
i was broken, i had killed our baby, it was all my fault.
all my fault.
i couldn’t forgive myself, ever, i had been so.. so ignorant towards her, fuck. what will i do when she wakes up? i’m too ashamed for her to even see me. i get up, i didn’t deserve to be here, “where are you going?” i heard her speak, for some reason, i felt paralysed, unable to speak, move, react.
“are you gonna leave now, too?” no, no, no, how could i.
my head hung low, “i’m so.. so sorry,” something fell down my face, tears? was i crying? i couldn’t bring myself to look at her, at all. “i didn’t know either seungmin, it’s not your fault, i know you would’ve not behaved the way you did if you knew” i heard her speak in a small voice.
how can she say that? it still doesn’t justify what i did, no, not at all.
“it doesn’t justify the fact i was a jerk to you all these weeks (y/n). i feel ashamed that i realised after this happened, i too ashamed to even ask for your forgiveness, i..”
“isn’t it a bit too late seungmin?”
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so, this had been in my drafts for quite a while now. personal opinion, i don’t like it. but i had to post something for yall, i have seriously no motivation these days, im so sorry :(
note: lmk if yall want a part 2 of this.
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corn-fanfiction · 10 months
(Pt. 5)
Rated: M
TAGS: language/past abuse/Mark Hoffman being a c*p/reader is normal and wants a normal life/Mark is protective bc it's his job but he's also problematic/because he's a c*p/Detective Gibson
**NOTE: Hey guys. Thank you so much for interaction with this fic, and I’m seeing a lot of new followers. I love that!! But I really need to stress right now how I do not support/endorse C*stas M*ndylor as a person or his opinions. He’s racist and I enjoy and only enjoy Mark Hoffman’s character. If you are a C*stas Stan, I highly encourage you to maybe cease interacting with this fic. **
Legs bouncing under the table. Hot coffee between your hands. Your makeup is smeared and not for any of the reasons you had hoped.
Ted is dead. The rhyme would be hilarious if you weren’t shitting bricks. You’ve been sitting in this interrogation room for 45 something minutes without a single word. Maybe they’re sweating you out. Can’t imagine why. You couldn’t talk if you wanted to without your nerves shooting up from your stomach.
You have no idea where Mark is. He had taken you back to the station with him but by the time you got there, someone was pulling you in for questioning. You couldn’t help but wonder if Mark’s in the same spot as you one room over.
Finally, finally, the door opens. A plain looking detective enters with a folder, sleeves rolled to his elbows, and takes a seat across from you.
“What time is it?” You ask weakly. He pauses like he wasn’t expecting you to talk first. He checks his watch.
“Uh, 2:37.”
You nod mutely and stare at the mirror over his shoulder.
“Can I ask a question?”
“Why do you guys still do the one way mirror thing?” You nod to over his shoulder. “Everybody knows what it is because of the movies. So why bother?”
The detective just stares at you. You wonder if he’s stupid.
“You gonna tell me your name?”
He blinks, flips open the folder.
“I’m Detective Gibson. Sorry you had to wait so long.”
“Did you have more people to hassle?”
“That’s not fair. None of them were his ex.”
“But I still wasn’t top of the list?”
He digests your comment before chucking. “Alright, you got me. So we wanted you to sit for a little while.”
“A waste of your time and mine,” you mutter.
“Yeah, seems that you had a hot date with Detective Hoffman, is that right?”
“You gonna book me for conflict of interest?”
“Booking? Getting a little ahead of ourselves. I haven’t even had a chance to tell you what’s in the folder.”
“Nothing of substance.”
“No, because there’s nothing there. Let’s just get this first bit out of the way. You don’t intimidate me. Am I here because you think I killed Ted? Is that it? You have a stack of 8 by 10 glossy photos of me with a black eye? How about a broken arm? And yet he never got booked for it.”
“Sounds like a motive.”
You chuckle humorlessly and bury your face in your hands.
“Uh-fucking-believable. Where’s Mark? You shaking him down, too?”
Gibson is quiet again, then shuffles the papers.
“Do you know where you were on July 9th?”
“Last Monday? Depends on the time. Probably work. If not work, home. Hey, you know who you could ask? The person you guys have had tracking my every move for two fucking weeks!”
He’s not smiling but you can tell the fucker is satisfied with your outburst.
“Admissible in court?” You scoff. “I don’t get it. That’s where I was. You don’t have a case. Let me go home so I can mourn and take off my makeup.”
He cocks his head. “Mourn?”
“He was a piece of shit but he was a human being, and I used to love him. I don’t care. No one deserves to die in one of those fucking monstrosities.”
“You draw a pretty clear line, morally.”
“Yes, it’s all a part of my master plan. Can I please go home?”
“Just a few more questions.” He pulls a specific photo. “Take a look at this for me.”
You look, and then grimace at the image. It’s Ted, his arms separated from his body, laying face down in a pool of blood and viscera.
“Jesus,” you groan. Tears start to pool at the corners of your eyes as you force your head over your shoulder.
“You barely looked.”
“I saw enough. Stop fucking with me. I told you all I know. I cut ties with him after his last stint. I don’t do anything. I’m a waitress. I don’t have friends, I don’t leave my apartment. I don’t do anything.” You realize halfway through your memorized spiel that you’re crying. “I don’t know why this shit is following me around but I don’t want it. Any of it. Please just let me go home.”
There’s silence as you shake and let the tears fall from your eyes.
You feel a hand come to yours and you jerk it away like it burned you, suddenly turning back to Gibson with a fury.
“Get the fuck away from me!” You hiss, backing up in your chair. Gibson raises his hands.
“Woah, okay, easy. Alright. I see no reason to keep you any longer. Come on.”
He replaces the papers in his folder and you both stand. You keep your distance but as he holds the door open you realize he’s going to make you pass him. You tense as you do so, feeling his scrutinous eyes on your back. You hate him, he’s an asshole, but you can’t get a read on him. Whatever. You’re exhausted. All you want to do is go home and sleep.
You stumble out of the interrogation room and into the main room of the station, heels in hand. The few people present are watching you. You only have eyes for the door at the end of the hall.
But then a hand is between your shoulder blades and you feel Mark’s heat next to you, smell his cologne. But he doesn’t follow you.
“What the fuck is your problem, Gibson!?”
You turn and Mark has Gibson's collar in a vice grip. Gibson shoves Mark’s hands from him and pushes his chest.
“I’m doing my job, Hoffman. Don’t forget, you’re a suspect too, and in danger of ‘reassignment’. Right?”
“You better keep your nose outta things before something happens to it.”
“Is that a threat?”
You grip Mark’s forearm and spin him around, digging your heels to peel him down the hall.
“Mark, come on, please. Please, let’s just go home. Please.”
Mark’s eyes land on you and they soften. You can’t even imagine what you must look like but you don’t care. You squeeze Mark’s arm.
He turns back to Gibson, straightens out his jacket, runs a hand through his hair, and then he’s walking you out of the station with his hand having returned to your back, content to let it remain there.
The trip back to your place is silent. You don’t even remember the last time you had your shoes on. You go straight for the bathroom and shut the door behind you, locking it. Take off your makeup. Brush out your hair. Stare at yourself in the mirror until your reflection becomes blurry and your knuckles are white as you grip grooves into the sink.
You pee, peel off your panty hose, strip down to your underwear.
Hoffman is leaning against the wall outside the door and he does a very good job hiding his reaction at your bare skin. You sigh anyway.
“Sorry- I wasn’t even thinking…”
“No, don’t worry about it. Come on. You need water?”
You nod and drag your feet to your bedroom. Distantly you can make out the sound of your sink in the kitchen. You manage to take off your bra- some scanty thing you’d picked out for Mark, and slip on a band tee. Mark returns to your side. He’s removed his jacket, rolled up his sleeves. He has a guiding hand taking you to your bed and you run your hands along his thick forearms.
“Alright, come on,” Mark half warns/half suggests you under your covers. If you were any more cognizant, you’d hate the way he’s walking you around like a child. But child or not, you need comfort.
He tries to turn away but you grab his wrist.
“Please, don’t leave. I don’t want to be alone.”
Mark sighs. “I don’t think…”
“No, not that. Just lay down with me, please. Or sit. Just please don’t leave me.”
Mark leaves your vision and you don’t turn your attention from the window that scared you shitless last week. Then you feel the bed dip at your back. Feel Mark’s strong arms slip across your stomach and rubbing circles into your shoulder.
You turn in to face his chest. Fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. Inhale the smell of him. You run your fingers along his jaw and press your nose to his. He doesn't move; in fact, his breathing has all but stopped.
You press wet lips to his but he doesn’t return. Just presses his lips together until you pull away.
“Not right now, sweetheart. Trust me, you’ll thank me in the morning.”
But he does kiss you on the forehead and you settle for curling into him and let his presence send you into sleep.
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illandtired · 4 months
about me<3 (tw)
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Hello, I’m 17 and I’m gonna try to take my life again on my 18th birthday.
(Sorry, this jumps around a lot.)
(And it’s long….)
Also heavy topics, literally almost every trigger warning in the book.
This blog is gonna literally be my diary. I’ve attempted to make me life multiple times in the past for multiple different reasons.
I’m seventeen and I currently live alone in my mother’s house, she lives with her boyfriend. I had my biological dad who left before I was born and two step fathers. The only one I “care” about is my most recent. He entered my life when I was 6 and since then I tried telling my mother about him but for some reason it took until I was 16 for her to divorce him. He abused me severely. When I told him I was suicidal the first time he said he was gonna go get his gun then proceeded to make me beg for my life. I was I believe 12 or 13, a lot of it’s a blur like most of my life.
I don’t want to go too much into my past and make this too long, I started smoking weed in 8th grade. By 9th I was doing lines of random shit I got from kids at school off the bathroom toilets. I have touched most stuff besides heroin. The one drug I promised my mother I would stay away from. Currently I am still hooked on opioids, SSRIs, and I smoke weed/thc carts every day.
I was 6 when I was diagnosed with adhd, severe anxiety and depression. I haven’t seen a doctor since. My mother swears she’s trying to get me in but she always complains about how much my meds cost. She knows my worries about my mental state and I swear it’s impossible to get the help I need.
I’ve always been a paranoid person but it’s getting worse by the day. I’m genuinely too scared to take the trash out because I feel 800 eyes on me. I feel like there’s invisible people constantly around me judging my every move. I don’t feel real some times, and not that life is a simulation shit, I genuinely don’t feel like I’m in my body.
I started self harming in 3rd grade. It started as me being a wrist and head banger but by 5th grade I had started using thumb tacks and scratching myself. I went to my step father and he told me they weren’t Deep enough and I was just looking for attention. By 6th grade I was actually cutting, but only to where I barely saw the blood. By 8th it got to the point where I needed to see the blood run. But I’ve managed to get back to only getting it to bead up, occasionally running. I was clean for quite a few months but the smallest, SMALEST thing can set me back so much.
I’ve struggled my entire life with starving myself, binge eating, then starving myself. I’ve been an unhealthy weight a lot of my life. I’m around 240lbs now, my eating disorder is mainly starving now. My “Binges” are now small.
I have never been able to make a phone call to someone besides friends. Even family calls are hard a lot. I can barely order food at a restaurant, fancy or McDonald’s.
I’ve made money in my life from stealing, I’ve been a kleptomaniac for as long as I can remember. But I also made money doing bakery stuff for my mother, doing mechanical stuff, and babysitting. My only “legal” job was working at McDonald’s. I got fired a year after starting because we had a new manager who fired me over homophobic reasons. I hated going to work. I loved the work itself, but I hated having to be around anyone.
I’ve always been called lazy. And I feel like it’s true, I can barely find the motivation to get up to take a piss most days. I had such a hard time with organization and cleanliness as a kid so I always had a messy room, unless it was right after one of the days I got my stuff thrown away.
I never payed attention in school yet I somehow got straight As until i genuinely didn’t care anymore. I dropped out 10th grade on my 16th birthday. School was so much worse for my mental health. I was self harming almost every day, lying to myself about who I am to fit in.
I actually love learning, I wanted to get into nursing school but I know I’ll never get clean enough. I even study biology, trig, physics, crime scene investigation, all sorts of stuff. I have notebooks and notebooks that I’ve filled with information I’ll never use.
I was 10 when I got my first boyfriend. He was 18, a relationship on discord. It lasted a couple years at least. I was sexually assaulted multiple times growing up and I don’t wanna go into more detail in this post. But due to my sexual trauma i became very hyper sexual very young. I still am to this day, I sell pictures to creepy men online because I know I won’t be able to get any other job. But at the same time it’s basically been implemented in my brain I’m good for sex and nothing more. I feel so utterly disgusted with myself after every sexual experience in my life from sex to just sending nudes.
I grew up a chubby girl with big tits. It was 6th grade i started having boys desperate to touch them. I had Ds by then. I’m a F-G now (depends on the bra). My own step father and his sons who were much older than me started sexualizing me when I was about 13. One of my step brother was creepy since he entered my life.
I’ve had so many important parts of my life taken from me. My Virginity with a man was raped away when I was 14 on Christmas. My self worth was barely existent but it was gone completely by 9th grade. My first “good boyfriend” was when I was 15, he was 18. He filmed us one night after I asked him not to multiple times, but the next day a video of me having my brains fucked out was all over my school. It was a smaller school, but even some of the female teachers sided with him because he was the “king” of the school. I missed my middle school graduation which doesn’t seem like much to most people, but I knew I was going to drop out and never have a high school graduation. I was even selected to write a speech and go up and speak at the podium but due to anxiety from both situations I missed the whole thing entirely because I tried to kill myself that night.
Most of my attempts have been overdose attempts, and that’s for a reason. I couldn’t imagine my mother finding me and my brains splattered on the wall. But out of everything, no it’s not my mother that’s kept me alive. It’s been my best friend. I live in the states and he lives in Scotland. We’ve been friends for years, we met through my ex and were completely like the opposite of each other but we care about each other. And unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be able to meet him. We were going to meet when I turn eighteen because he’ll be turning 21 and can legally drink here, I can legally drink there.
I care about nothing more than him and it pains me that I know he will be disappointed when he realizes I gave up. I don’t plan on telling him anything.. we have a thing where if he’s gone for a month he’s on a mental health break, but two months he’s dead and I have his permission to kill myself. I’m going to tell him he has to wait a year for me because I might be in the mental hospital.
Back to simple things I can’t do, I would rather claw my own eyes out than be alone with a man in a room. But my best friend is the one exception. I haven’t gone on a date since new years. As soon as we got to his house, it wasn’t even 5 minutes before he had a gun pressed in my side.
Yet at the same time I feel like my only purpose is to make men happy in any way I can. Even if it makes me uncomfortable and I don’t want to do it. Because that’s all I’ve ever been good at and praised for.
There was about a week in my life and it was somewhat recent. I told myself I wasn’t going to attempt again because no matter what life won’t suck that bad. Being homeless was the happiest time of my life, sure I can be on the street and cold, no money, but I no longer have responsibilities and I get to walk which I love doing. I used to sneak out at night and go on long ass walks normally from 10pm to 3-5am.
More things about substances, once again I’m sorry for jumping around. I started smoking cigarettes in 6th grade, provided by my step father and girlfriend. I started drinking in 8th grade but now it takes half a bottle of tequila for me to be at a happy level of drunk. Or 4 bottles of cheap wine, or an entire bottle of rum. Anyways I feel like I’m rambling on and on so I’m gonna try to wrap this up.
What’s the main reason I want to kill myself? Because I know I will never be able to live a normal life. But my one goal as a kid was to make it to 18.
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rogloptimist · 2 months
the gears are turning (bad)
okay. picture this for me. canaan house + project lyctorhood but i ruin it by adding rpf
dunno how it ends (or starts honestly because who am i gonna make god…) but uhh tadej and jonas consume each other and achieve partial lyctorhood and are existing in weird ass stasis in which parts of their souls are permanently embedded in the other
9th house necromancer
he don’t got no cav because he’s super special
was born into the ninth as a non adept (non necro) when there were no necromancers left on the ninth except the reverend mother and father
raised with the sole purpose of becoming the 9th house cavalier with the expectation that a necromancer would be conceived due to his talents w rapier (this is the ski jumping btw)
in a last ditch effort to conceive a necro heir, rev. mother and father do The Ritual (they kill a bunch of babies to harness tre death energy to ensure that the child is conceived as a necromancer) with primoz as an anchor of sorts
do y’all remember how john killed everyone? picture that for me. primoz can feel the thanergy (death energy) bloom slipping away because the ritual starts going wrong, and in an act of desperation he grabs it and it basically radioactive spider’s him; the thanergy bloom turns him into a necro
HOWEVER he basically is being electrocuted with death-energy (thanergy) so he reaches out and accidentally puts the entirety of the 9th’s population’s souls in stasis by chucking them out somewhere unknown
freaks the fuck out and assumes position as reverend of the ninth and pretends everything is fine
brief detour he spends some time at the 6th (this is visma!!!) but the collectivist hivemind drives him insane and he wants out. now he’s alone seeking a necromantic solution to basically murdering his whole planet because he needs to prove that it was worth it (switching from ski jumping to cycling but not being able to quite touch the top, he didn’t do this all for nothing etc etc)
crazy crazy crazy relationship with god harrowhark style ! catholic guilt goes crazy
8th house (i know it’s weird but trust) necromancer
adam is his cav- i will talk more about this later
specializes in soul siphoning, i.e. slurping up your cavalier’s soul out of their body and using the vacuum to generate power temporarily (cannibalism metaphors do you get ittt)
weird shit with consumption. he’s obsessed with transcending the limits of the flesh to become closer to god
first time he tried soul siphoning he actually killed the cav because he took it too far!
i also think it would be silly and fun if he consumed his own flesh ianthe/babs style while performing necromancy
sicko catholic (everyone on the 8th thinks he’s a heretic, everyone else think’s he’s a nun, it’s actually a secret third thing somewhat adjacent to a communion kink)
controversial within his house for being too flashy (tl dr the 8th house is basically a cult with their interior design done by mr clean), ambitious and dangerous with his necromantic practices
rest of the necro’s don’t really know who he is? they all know he’s weird for an 8th, but not how or why. he’s also particularly intrigued by jonas
would be fun if he was god’s son like literally gideon style
6th house necromancer
cavalier is matteo (or wout? i’m conflicted. but also i want there to be a scene where matteo tells him you did everything that matters)
specializes in that thing where they read the bones and necromantic remains for death signatures. yeah rhat
born and raised on 6th, unusually high pool in his age group and didn’t show much promise for becoming a warden until recent years. was not expected to be heir to the 6th, people still haven’t gotten used to it (constant underdog narrative we stay winning)
people didn’t like him on 6th for supposed undercompetence, outside of the 6th they all think he’s a boring necro (too by the book)
he starts counting the doors first. just so you know
was friends with primoz while he spent his time on the sixth but grew apart after he went back to the ninth- still is unsure about tf is going on with him, also knew that he defo was not a necromancer before but keeps his mouth shut
tadej finds him particularly interesting, doesn’t buy the calculating librarian look that the 6th house puts forward. thinks he wants something more
4th house necromancer
from the second but family is fourth, was raised in the cohort
struggled with tight restrictions of the second, was hailed as a prodigy in combat as a child and wanted to serve first line w cohort but was sidelined in teens in command structure, returns to his father’s birthplace the fourth
there he learns the fourth specialty of using thanergy spikes to explode shit and gets really good at it very fast
climbs the ranks of the fourth and becomes heir, but is looked down upon by older cohort members for youth and hotheadedness
weird obsession with proving everyone wrong that needs to be studied in a lab
dunno who the cav is sorry 😔 i think it would be kind of hilarious if it was wout (viva la belgium) and he and jonas keep making eyes from across the room wishing to go back to their beehive days
from 3rd house, jasper is necro and mathieu is cavalier
mathieu comes from a long ass line of cavaliers and was expected to become cavalier primary from basically birth. luckily he’s very very good with a sword but his dad is crazy!
jasper is a necro, born into 3rd royal family. is known for sheer power but also infamous for inconsistency
specializes in flesh magic, specifically loves working with muscle and tendons
mathieu+jasper raised together (is it brotherhood or are they just fucking. who knows. not them)
honestly very into bitch wife idiot husband why change the canon. keep jasper stupid 2024
adam not the one and only yates:
8th house cavalier
as per 8th practice was genetically engineered to be a match to a necromancies for soul siphoning
in this case, it was with his twin simon and i am totally so normal about the two of them !
however upon birth it was discovered that simon’s necromancy wasn’t perfectly compatible with adam’s- because he wasn’t heir material they didn’t care
but when tadej started as an adept and started sucking up people’s souls like a vacuum they needed someone capable of holding onto the shore of the river (wack ass spirit world) for longer and adam was found to be compatible
loyal to the end, but people all note that he looks faded when with tadej
will of steel or something
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my various madman ramblings
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silviakundera · 4 months
Joy of Life Season 1 Episode 33 liveblogging
watching for the 1st time, no secrets please ;)
Si Lili is on this trip! 🎉 It's not too late THEY CAN STILL B FRIENDS
Xiao En I am less excited about. But I invite him to prove me wrong. Be interesting!
Lao Fei poisioned his son? Was that on purpose or part of the fuckups?
lol Fan Xian just straight up declaring in front of everyone that Chen Pingping considers him family. I guess the cat's well out of the bag at this point
Taiping Villa..so does his majesty wanna give him advice too?
wait he's proposed to help kill the north qi emperor and xiao en?! that's. alot.
so in the palace he has to be emperor and in the villa he's...... mom's bestie & another uncle? (or bio dad, if we go w the Secret Royal theory)
"come back alive" awwwwwwwwwww all these psychotic men and their attachment issues.
Fan Xian and Jin Ling and their veritable army of uncles
Ok, taking note of our Beiqi antagonists: Shen Zhong (captain of Jinyiwei Guards), Grandmaster Ku He aka Gu He, Haitang Duoduo (Gu He disciple, 9th level master and female saint), General Shang Shanhu (Xiao En's foster son)
we meet Shang Shanhu chewing raw meat. not sure if his eating habits or beard are more disgusting to me
Fan Xian's mission now includes getting Sil Lili and beiqi leader to bang? Lao Fei, this..your assassination tactics are still so sloppy? 😣
the siblings ❤❤❤❤❤
Gao Da the bodyguard appears to be rather adorable. I like his face.
Uncle Wu! !! Investigating mom's villa. The stone in the lake looks both like the key and also a modern dildo. maybe mom just missed the comforts of home.
Uncle Wu is coming !!!!!!!!!!#! nooo he's gonna just fight Gu He off-screen as a plot reason not to intervene when ML is in peril
Xiao En and mom were from the same ice age pod? 🤔🤔🤔 maybe? idk what 'same line' means
I continue to inexplicably like Ga Da. Off to MDL, what residual affection is this? OHHHHHHH from Luoyang!!
Gao Baokun doing his loser shtick. LMAO he hired an assassin trope? oh don't worry he's been reading war books lolololololol
Adorable bodyguard and his fixation on Wang Qinian is gonna get somebody killed. Like I GET IT. I too spent days obsessed with how deeply suspicious this dude is in every way. But let it go my guy. Bigger enemies afoot.
im gonna say it: no matter how badass Xiao En considers himself to be, Wang Qinian is undefeated.
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meimi-haneoka · 7 months
Oh my!!!! Just read your post and the summary of the chapter and lmao, I am perfectly willing to wait for the volume to come out. First of all, congratulations to all of us YunaAki fandom that we actually got our favourite hobo to confess his feelings. Lmao, stuff his mouth with chocomint ice cream, Akiho! It feels a bit embarrassingly cute to finally have them being canon (officially that is!). Second, are we getting hints of a potential future arc that ties up with TRC/xxxHolic, especially since xxxHolic Rei is supposedly going to be revived? That description of Momo's scene makes me think that a book that is capable of rewriting the world would without a doubt be involved in TRC/xxxHolic shenanigans. I don't want to keep my hopes up too high given that CLAMP are ageing and have been working tirelessly for so long but maybe secondary author written light novels with illustrations from Mokona-sensei may be the way to go in the future, at least as far as CCS continuation goes? Given that Light Novels are at their all time popularity high right now and they have done it for CLAMP Academy before, fingers crossed! Although I believe we might take a few years before we get anything concrete on that side. Sigh! At least we have CCS CC anime Season 2 to look forward to now. Third, OMG!!!!! Tomoyo!!! I am now 100 percent certain that Sakura is going to be wearing a "King of Kwa" Qun Kwa, fully designed, hand embroidered and stitched by Tomoyo. There will definitely be two weddings - one at Japan (which will be whatever the couple chooses but I would love it to be a traditional Shinto one at the Tsukimine shrine) and a traditional Cantonese-Chinese one at Hong Kong (ain't no way the Heir of the Clan and his Japanese bride getting away without a "proper" and traditional Chinese wedding). Given that it takes at least a year for even an traditionally experienced embroiderer to create a King of Kwa, maybe Tomoyo mentioning this as they are entering 9th grade means that SS will really get married right out of high school. Like even her brain says whoops, I better begin the wedding planning and bridal dress designing already. Yes! Give us I-am-a-wealthy-Victoria-Peak boy Syaoran and his enormously large family being in sync over Sakura wearing a real gold and silver embroidered on finest silk from Guangdong with it weighing around 10-15 kg and that being the bare minimum because it brings the most fortune and fertility with its Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenixes. Buhahaha. And Sakura just going along with it because she does not really get to dip her feet into her husband's culture much and she is enjoying all the big family time because everyone, legit everyone in the family, is enamoured with her and how cute and absolutely precious she is. Ahahahaha. Sheesh, I am blushing so much. I had headcanons for so many years but these are all of them coming true!!! *shakes my head and arms vigorously in my fangirling heaven*
OMG Aubretiaaaaaaa!! YES!! We finally made it!! WEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIEEEENNNDDDD 😂😂 Ok excuse my silly little moment but yes, can you believe that I would've NEVER imagined they would make him say THAT in canon? I've always thought that they would go "the subtle way", for several reasons (and it also makes sense, character-wise) and leave it at the true name reveal, but nope, they had to SHOCK ME even in the final, definitive special chapter!! 😂 It isn't a shock that Kaito is feeling romantic love for Akiho, not at all: the shock comes from seeing it spelled out "clearly" on paper! 😂 I even imagined that this could happen a couple of years later along the way, but it's perfectly fine like this. We talked about this before, right? The attraction he feels comes from a chemistry between souls, and there isn't anything shady going on. So everything else will still come at the right time (and it's not like CLAMP will portray any of it, so each one of us can imagine it however we like). I'm gonna write another post later about the chocomint ice cream because I realized I forgot to point some things out in my commentary! 😁
About the Holic tie-in, in this specific chapter it doesn't look like there's any hint (the "appropriate price" Momo paid is a concept that exists in CCS too), but it can still totally happen, even in Holic itself. Like a cameo from Kaito and Akiho (since it would be kinda weird to feature Sakura herself, and she would steal the spotlight wherever she goes). I don't know, I won't hope too much for it, but things in Clear Card definitely were left open enough for them to reconnect to it in the future!
And yes, I also am totally convinced that SyaoSaku will have a double wedding! 😁 Tomoyo can still totally create a western-style dress for the celebration in Japan, since usually after the traditional Shinto ceremony, there's the party and that's where the bride changes outfit and can wear the western-style dress! But yeah, I also cannot see them going without a ceremony in Hong Kong too, and I really appreciated the description of the King of Qwa traditional wedding dress, especially cause I looked for it and...YES, I CAN TOTALLY SEE HOW THIS "BEAST" REQUIRES AT LEAST A YEAR OF EMBROIDERY!! If Tomoyo is going to undertake this challenge, SHE REALLY NEEDS TO START NOW 😂 I mean, look at this....pink blossom, it's perfect!
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It is so beautiful!! I can totally see Sakura wearing this! And YES, I agree, I think SyaoSaku will marry right out of high school 🥰 This special chapter really gave us "fuel" for so many future headcanons, right?? I really can't thank CLAMP enough for this!
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gxbbyhoneybadger · 2 years
This is my first Oneshot.
This is a long blog tho, lots of storytelling here folks! 🥹
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Hometown Sweethearts
Pairing: Joel Miller x !F!Reader
Summary: Joel and you have known each other before the apocalypse had broken out, old neighbors, and both single parents. Both talk more on how Y/n became a parent at such a young age as well as Joel. Possibly kindling a new passion between the two of you.
Trigger Warnings: Dark fic, Language, angst, graphic depictions of SA, violence, threats, teen pregnancy, mutual pining, pre-outbreak (Sarah is still alive), neighbors/friends to lovers, sexual tension, fluff, child death, somewhat sad ending?
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Finale)
I am also using Videogame Joel Miller in this
Minors DNI 🔞 18+ below the cut!
May 9th, Friday, 2013, 7 o'clock in the afternoon.
Y/n remained sitting on her couch while reading a book as her son did his homework by the kitchen table. His foot tapping on the floor as he nibbled the end of his pencil while trying to figure out a math problem.
"Hey, mom?" He asked as he scratched the corner of his jaw.
"What is it, Noah?" Y/n answered while turning a page in her book.
"What's three square plus four square?" He muttered, Y/n grinned at the question before turning her head to look at her very focused son.
"You tell me." She chuckled.
"I'm asking you so you can tell me!" He groaned—letting his head fall on the table.
"You're learning the Pythagorean theorem already?" She questioned—standing up and walking over to the table to sit beside him. He nodded his head helplessly as she scooted closer to his side.
"Why is math even important!?" He shrieked in the table, Y/n lifted his head and took the pencil in her own hand.
"Three square is basically asking: what's three times three is?" She explained, "And the answer is what?"
"Nine?" Noah muttered as he looked at her.
"Uh huh," She wrote down nine on his paper before moving to the next number, "What four times four?"
"Yep. Now what's nine plus sixteen?" Y/n questioned him.
". . . Twenty-five."
"Yes, or five squared. You're just timing the squared numbers to themselves before adding the two answers together. Simple math."
"Oh, Mr. Birdy sucks at explaining this crap."
"Hey, it's not crap. It's knowledge, girls like smart boys. And I'm going to have a chat with Mr. Birdy to pick up his slack." Y/n stood and kissed Noah's soft hair before strolling back to the couch to pick up her book.
"It's Friday, isn't it? Why do you even have homework?" She asked him, "For extra credit, I want to hurry and just get done with this extra stuff while get something out of it too."
"That's my boy." She smiled, she picked up a few plates from the coffee table and brought it to the kitchen where she started to wash the dishes. Just as doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" Noah said before scurrying towards the door—checking the peephole before opening, "Oh mom~" He called in a singsong voice, "It's Mr. Miller—Oh crap! And Sarah!" He yelped before unlocking the door quickly and opening it.
Y/n just giggled at his attitude switch before drying her hands, hearing Joel greet her son and Sarah squeezing the life out of him with a bear crushing hug. She put the plate away and walked to the main room where Joel was standing.
"Evenin' Ms. L/n." Joel hummed as he hooked his right thumb on his jean pocket.
"Evenin' Mr. Miller." She said with a little mockery of his southern accent; Noah led Sarah out to the backyard where his treehouse remained.
"Don't forget to finish your homework, young man." She reminded him.
"I will! We're gonna be in the treehouse!!" He yelled as he ran out with Sarah.
Joel chuckled as he scratched the side of his beard. "Oh, you can take a seat, Joel." She offered him, "I'm gonna get some coffee. Would you like any?"
"I'd never pass up a good cup of your coffee." He grinned.
Y/n led him to her kitchen and let him take a seat by the table where Noah somewhat neatly put away his homework.
"How've you been doin' lately?" Joel questioned as he watched Y/n start the coffee machine.
"Same old same old, being a mom and a teacher at the same time. You?" She asked.
"The same, I suppose. Sarah is gonna have another game soon."
"Really? Perhaps me and Noah can show up. He likes yelling at her to run faster anyway." Y/n walked back and set the warm mug on the table beside Joel.
"Yeah, she calls him her own personal cheerleader." He chuckled, "Thank you."
"No problem." She sat down and had her own coffee as she crossed her legs, "So what're you doing here? Just wanted some free coffee?"
"Well, yes, but I wanted to uh—I wanted to ask you something, if that's alright." He inquired.
"Sure, go ahead. You do all sorts of favors for me all the time." She smiled—taking a sip of her drink before setting it down.
"Me, Tommy and Sarah were planning on going on a camping trip later next weekend, and Sarah wouldn't stop bothering me about bringing your son along—"
"You're a terrible liar, dad!!" Sarah yelled from the backdoor window.
"You better get lost!" Joel called back, making Y/n laugh. Noah was heard laughing from the back as well before Sarah ran off to chase him up the treehouse.
"You're inviting my son to a camping trip?" She chuckled out. "If that's okay with you, I'd also like to. . . bring you along, so you're close with your son, that is." He added; Y/n nodded her head and answered.
"I wouldn't mind going along with you and your family, Joel. It sounds fun. I never gone camping before."
"Really? I thought you and Noah had to have gone camping, what about his father, he take him anywhere outside of town?" Joel asked, Y/n shook her head.
"His father's been absent since day one." Y/n replied, taking Joel by surprise as he glanced at Noah's homework folder.
"I didn't know that, I thought he had visitation at least."
"Nope. Never even tried to reach out to his son. It pains me to watch him go through father's day without a father next to him." Y/n sighed while letting her the tip of her middle finger trace the rim of her mug. But she grew a small smile when she looked at Joel, "This might sound a little strange, but Noah sees you as his father figure, told me himself before when he was eleven."
Joel smiled at the confession and started to chuckle, "That's funny, Sarah said the same 'bout you when she was ten. She thought of you as the best mom when you showed up for that mother's day thing at her school."
Y/n blushed and drank her coffee while letting her foot bounce on the floor, similar like her son.
"She's adorable. . . Whoever her mother is sure missed out on a great girl." She commented, which made Joel pause as he thought of Sarah's mother. He sighed and set his cup on the table.
"We never really spoke about our pasts', have we?" He questioned, Y/n shook her head as she remained quiet. Her eyes finding Joel's hazel irises as he sat in silence.
"Let's talk on the couch, it's more comfortable than the chairs." She said as she walked to the living room; Noah and Sarah were busy playing Poker in the treehouse, betting candy and small toys to one another.
Both happily enjoying their time together as the adults enjoyed their moment alone.
"Boom! Three of a kind!" Sarah laughed as she raised her fists up in the air, Noah sighed and dramatically held his hair.
"Oh no! I. . . Won!" He triumphantly roared as he threw his cards down, revealing a straight flush.
"What!?" Sarah gasped, "You cheated!"
"Nope, I just had a poker face was all. I'll be taking these, thank you." He chuckled mischievously as he grabbed the pile of candy.
". . . Do you think our parents will get mad if they catch us gambling?" Sarah asked.
"Just as long as it's candy, then we're totally fine. . . Unless you wanna start using real money." Noah snickered, "Now. . . Wanna watch a scary movie?"
"Yes!" Sarah giggled.
Joel sat on the couch as Y/n sat not too far away from him, she sat back and fixed her loose shirt. Her hair was down and covering her shoulders, her shorts up to her thighs as she wore socks that slid up to her calves.
"Ain't you cold, sweetheart?" Joel chuckled.
"Nah, not with this coffee, I ain't." She smirked, "So, how did you. . . React when you found out you were going to be a dad?"
Joel let out a long exhale as he rested his arm on the arm of the couch, lightly biting the inside of his cheek before he answered, "Petrified the right word?"
"I bet. You're what? Thirty-one now?"
"Going on thirty-two in a few months."
"Damn, Joel, you were twenty when you had Sarah?"
"Yup. Me and her mother were young and we fooled around, we weren't careful and one thing led to another and she was pregnant." He said.
"Was she around your age?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah, she only stuck around for a year before leaving me alone with Sarah." Joel answered, he turned his head and looked at Y/n.
"What about you? You're younger than me, ain't you?"
"I am, I'm twenty-eight."
". . . How old is Noah?" Joel asked.
". . . He's thirteen. . ."
Joel watched Y/n's face as he did his math problem in his head—his eyes widening when he realized just how young she was to become a mother. His mouth slightly agape as Y/n jokingly arched her brow.
"Got your answer, cowboy?" She chuckled.
"You were fifteen!" He said. Y/n nodded her head and laughed as his tone.
"Yeah, unfortunate for me, huh?" She whispered, "Let's just say his father wasn't the type of guy to take no for an answer."
"Christ, Y/n. . . I'm sorry." Joel said to her as he sat closer and held her hand.
"Don't be. It's a very tragic thing, yes, but. . . If it didn't happen, then he wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have met you or your amazing daughter. My mother always told me that things happen for a reason, like a domino effect." Y/n smiled lowly as she looked at Joel's hand, clasping his palm and intertwining her fingers with his.
"If I had a chance to go back and decide whether it should have happened or not, I wouldn't change one thing." She said as she turned her head to look at a picture of Noah at a basketball game he won with his team.
"He's the best thing I've ever had, a little brat sometimes but it's definitely worth it. Wouldn't you say the same about Sarah?" She asked Joel, he nodded and agreed with her question.
"I wouldn't know what it could've been like without her." He muttered.
"I know how you feel. . . My father was strict, especially with me. My brothers and I had a party for my fifteenth birthday in the barn at night, my father was asleep. The only people invited were my brothers friends across our farm, the neighbors oldest son. . . He was the one who didn't take no for an answer."
"It's okay, I need to get it off my chest anyway. . ." She grinned as she squeezed his hand, "His name was Malcolm, and he was eighteen at the time. . . He was drunk, and so was I. I never was interested in the whole dating thing, or getting rid of my virginity like my brothers. . . I didn't like him one bit and neither did my younger brother, Matthew. But. . . When I tried to leave the barn, he caught up with me and made me kiss him at first."
She sighed and continued on, "He started to touch me and tried to pull my dress off; I fought back, but I froze up. My fear got to me, and he did what he wanted. . . I don't remember how I managed to get back into my bed, my knees and legs were sore. Everything stung and I remember crying, feeling disgusted. . . I didn't tell anyone, but after a few weeks, I found out I was pregnant."
She shut her eyes and sighed while letting her head fall back on the back of the couch.
"I told my brothers what happened and about my pregnancy, they were pissed. Then eventually, I told my father. I expected him to blame me, shout at me and even hit me for being promiscuous or something but. . . He did the complete opposite. He got his shotgun and marched out of the house, me and brothers followed so he wouldn't actually kill anyone. . ."
Joel watched her as she withdrew her hand from him and instead scooted closer to rest her head on his shoulder.
". . . This okay?" She muttered.
"Yeah, it's alright." He whispered softly.
". . . He kicked the neighbors door down and held the shotgun at Malcolm's dad, raging at him for raising his son to be a rapist. His parents were confused and shaken by the accusations, but when Malcolm saw my dad's pure fury. . . Ha! I'll never forget his face, his soul left his body when my father punched him in the face before letting my brothers gang up on him while he made his parents watch." Y/n felt Joel's arm gently wrap around her side and pull her closer to his side for comfort.
"My father made sure that Malcolm would step up and pay him money every single week for support. He threatened Malcolm's parents that if he doesn't pay up, he'll blow out their son's guts. They didn't even dare to call the police since even they feared my father, he was a retired marine and a retired officer. Highly respected and highly feared by everyone in my town. And I was his only daughter out of his twelve sons."
Joel listened to every word as she cuddled closer into his embrace without even thinking, his warmth and broad body snuggled close to hers perfectly like a jigsaw piece.
"Can I ask. . . Why you decided to keep him?" Joel murmured beside her ear, his breath gusting over her skin and making her face redden.
"When I was younger, maybe eleven or twelve myself, I was told by the doctors and my mother that I wouldn't be able to have children. There was something wrong with my productive system, my grandmother had it and was lucky to bore one daughter, my mother didn't. . . It skips a generation, I suppose. I was around two months pregnant when I told my father I wanted to keep the baby and raise it. But he wasn't having it. He yelled at me for even going to the party and said that I couldn't handle the responsibility of raising a baby. . . He said once my baby was born, he was going to put it up for adoption and continue life as if nothing happened."
"Then. . . why'd he even get the money out of that bastard anyway?" Joel questioned.
"For his own gain, he was a gambler and an alcoholic during that time. . . I broke down to my older brothers, saying that I didn't want to give away possibly my one and only child that I'll ever have in my life. . . They felt betrayed by our dad, they really wanted to be uncles. . . So we thought of the next best thing: we move away. . . Our oldest brother, Adam was well in his twenties, he was going to leave soon and he decided to take me with him. My brothers didn't want to be left behind so he took them too, eventually after that, we got settled down and moved here to Austin. I gave birth and raised Noah with my brothers, I started to work on my school and graduate, got a job and got this house next to yours. I was twenty-four when I moved in. Noah was nine and Sarah was eight when I met. . . You. . ." She sighed.
Joel let his hand gently touch Y/n's jaw and turn her head to look up at him, her eyes locked on his as they stare in silence. Her eyes glancing at his lips before his again, Joel's irises lingered on her mouth as she leaned into his touch.
"Joel." She muttered out, her hand touched his chest as she leaned towards him. Joel didn't move any further, waiting for her to choose what she wanted herself. And she did, she pressed her lips against his and didn't stop.
Joel whispered something against her lips, she hugged his shoulders and added more to the kiss. His beard perfectly scratching over her skin and adding more to the euphoria as she accepted his tongue. She hugged his shoulders and crawled on his lap, straddling Joel as his hands held the sides of her thighs. Both groaning and moaning as their bodies rocked against one another.
Only for Y/n to open her eyes to a rotted ceiling above her. Groggily sighing and sitting up—she stood and grabbed her gun before heading towards the door.
Remembering everything that happened before. It only lasted for a bitter moment. It was just one month of them being together, and on Joel's birthday during midnight. . . Everything flipped.
And not only did Y/n and Noah accidentally separate from Joel and Sarah. But Noah didn't make it. He was bitten by an infected person and turned, Y/n was the one who mournfully put him to rest.
She was forced to move on or die, no matter how badly she wanted to die. Right there beside her only son; a few months later, she reunited with her brother. Finding out the half of her brothers didn't make it, that her friends were killed, she was shattered. Before she found Joel again, it was five years later and they were both heartbroken still.
They got into an argument, straining the already high tension. It was bad. So much so, Y/n couldn't stand looking at Joel, and he couldn't stand her. Joel and Y/n turned into hunters and their younger siblings beside them.
Closed off and more hostile, Tommy and Mateo both tried to get the two to warm up but both were still mourning and in pain. Y/n knew she was dragging everyone down, so she left herself to be alone.
It had been fifteen years since and she was still on her own. She's had ups and downs, still closed off and never interacting with anyone but herself. She became like someone she always feared.
Her own father.
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cadybear420 · 5 months
So after I finished my 9th playthrough of hss I was planning on finishing DLS, then maybe a couple of other books before I finally start my HSS:CA replay. But then I realized that DLS is gonna be very difficult to get through with the cisheteronormative intercourse smut scenes. So I'm thinking I might just skip that altogether and start HSS:CA.
In all honesty I'm still deciding, but I am gearing up to replay HSS:CA soon. So in the meantime, ask me anything about HSS:CA (and OG HSS). Headcanons, opinions on certain things, MC details, etc.
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kanazawa-division · 11 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Joey Kurusu
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~~ October 9th ~~
“The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.”
Login Lines:
“Oh shit! Oh shit! I’m late for work! Haaah…why didn’t my alarms go off?! I set up six of them! Man, I knew I shouldn’t stayed up all night gaming! Wataru’s gonna have my a-huh?”
“What’s this? A present? And it’s for me!…Oh crap, so that’s why my alarms didn’t go off, it’s my birthday, haha!”
Voice Lines:
“Damn, I’m 24 now. I know it’s not a huge milestone or anything but after all the shit I went through and coming close to death more times than I would like to admit, I’ve come to learn that time is very precious and I’m thankful for every minute, hour, day, and year that I’m alive….wow, that was hella sappy lmao.”
“Everyone at the station sent me a happy birthday! Even the Narcotics Unit and those guys don’t talk to anyone! Man, it feels like yesterday I was just joining the force, I’m glad to make such nice and cool friends.”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I just got a text from my dad, he wished me a happy birthday….’why do I look angry?’ I’m not angry! Really, I’m not! It’s just….this is the first time he’s reached out to me in four years…yeah…I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Hahaha! Oh man, my mom is hilarious! She sent me a book a puns….a book of police puns, hehe. Oh, I am definitely going to use these on Wataru and Kyler, maybe this is the day I finally get a smile out of both of them! Wish me luck!”
“Hey Shanny….I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while, work’s got me in a chokehold right now, especially with all the DRB stuff happening…but I haven’t forgotten you, I would never forget you. I hope you’re doing okay wherever you are, I hope that you’re happy, your big bro is working really hard to find whoever took you away, they’ll get what’s coming to them, I promise.”
“Sorry guys but I’m spending the day with my lovely Mamoru! It’s been a while since we’ve been on a date, I know it’s my birthday but I wanna make this special for him….Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, call me a simp, whatever, I’d gladly be his Tier 3 Sub!….Wait-“
“Wataru! Buddy! You’re here! And here I thought you forgot about little ol’ me!…Ouch! That’s so mean! C’mon man, we’ve known each other for how long?…You’re so cold Wataru, you’re lucky I’m here to thaw that frozen aura of yours, otherwise you’d never have any friends haha, ooooh! A gift! From you! Let’s see what it is!”
“It’s a….a….okay, I’m stumped, what even is this?….Ohhhhh…This is…nice….I guess…Hey! My desk is not messy! Maybe to you but I can easily find whatever I need no problem! It’s called ‘organized chaos’, dude, there’s a method to the madness…Holy fuck, you’re old-“
“Kyler! My dude! Good to see you, man! Feels like it’s been forever since we last hung out…that’s still too long! C’mon dude, not only are we teammates but we’re friends! We should hang out outside of our jobs! Hm? You got something for me? Your bestie? Aw, you shouldn’t have…I’m joking, gimme.”
“Whooooa, sick! A new game! Deadpool huh? This is a character from your American comic books, right? Niiiiiice! I’ve been wanting to play more western games, this is just what I wanted! Thanks Ky! We definitely have to play this together, a game night with the boys! It’ll be awesome!”
Wataru Lines:
“Hello Joey, happy birthday…to be honest, I had completely forgot it was your birthday and even when I remembered, I originally wasn’t going to do anything…*sigh* For the umpteenth time, we are not friends, we are coworkers, I don’t know why that hasn’t clicked for you…Good grief, just take this.”
“It’s a desk organizer, something I noticed that you desperately needed ever since you started working here. It’s irritating to pass by your desk and see all sorts of junk everywhere, I implore you to use it, there is only so many times I can see your Hatsuno Miki pencils and notebooks lying around so haphazardly.”
Kyler Lines:
“Sup Joey, happy birthday, man…we literally just solved a case four days ago, alright, alright, you might have a point. Speaking of, I got something for you, I figured you would like it….fine then, I’ll give it to someone else…yeah, yeah, you’re welcome by the way.”
“It’s the Deadpool video game, I had it imported all the way from America to here so you better enjoy it…Nice, I’m glad you like it, I’ll admit, you do kinda remind me of him sometimes…but without the regeneration abilities, ducked up face, and is somehow more annoying. *Sigh* Y’know what? Sure, just text me when and I’ll be there, happy birthday, Jo.”
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Alright! An update!
For those who are following my Patreon, I know I said I’d release it on the first of this month but uhhh… Yeah, thing kinda got a bit out of hand. More importantly, the scene where you burn Harag’s “house.” You can fully skip it but it’s 9K (Might go to 12-13K as I said, getting outta hand). You’ll also find a lot of things so I suggest you don’t, but then again, I’m giving you so many options because I want your options to matter. Whether it’s burning down someone’s house, or choosing just how loving you want to be towards your rift walkers.
Now, onto the updates!
First off, I just want to thank all my Patreons and Ko-fi (I know there aren't any yet but thank you all future supporters! <3). They’ve been a massive motivation and I may have had an emotional breakdown this week over “OHMIGOSH PEOPLE ARE STILL SUPPORTING ME ” So haha, yeah. Thanks, everyone. You guys are awesome <3 I might also hold a poll there to choose a short story so yeah!
The game is at 44K (Yep, you heard that right. That’s almost 9K words from last week >:3) I’m gonna try to push myself really hard this week because on the 10th or 11th I’m gonna have to go camp at my professor’s house so he doesn’t send us on an unpaid internship. (A lot of reasons for me doing that, but first and foremost would be that I already left my previous job hence why I’m able to write 9K a week, but also cause It’s unpaid and a 9-10/11 job instead of a 9-5 (cause of me learning and such) along with other subjects in Uni, and then tutoring kids as well, it just leaves me no time to spend on the book, even if I pull all-nighters like I used to.). Dunno how long it’ll take for that but I won’t be alone so yeah, I am going to push really hard to release a Patreon version on the 8th or 9th (Imma try to release it on Friday or Saturday but I want this to be as perfec and enjoyable). (I think I might be oversharing, do tell me if I am;-; )
I’m just gonna leave this here cause I’m having way too much fun with the game.
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Three heartfelt moments with Thor and two with Laurel, you can now extort a femboy from Harag (I was thinking of having you send Laurel to extort a femboy from a 12-year-old and also beat him up and take his money cause that’s literally what Pokemon was lmao but then I thought “Hey! This is even better!” As such, you can punch Harag where it hurts the most… well, not between his legs, but you’ll get the time to do that later.
A lot of world-building was done… and by a lot, I mean I referenced to like, 4 or 5 things BUT HEY! PROGRESS IS PROGRESS >:c
Annnddd that’s all folks! Thanks for coming to my TED talk, have an amazing weekday! Remember to sleep well, eat well, and drink well! (Cause I don’t lmao) Love ya’ll
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Dream On
Perhaps a bit of a shorter post than some of my recent/previous ones, but Voiceplay's video for Dream On is certainly far from dull, and the arrangement (a collaboration between Rob Dietz and Geoff) is absolutely killer!
The video for Dream On was released on the 9th of April, 2022, and features Omar Cardona, back again!
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Don't have a ton to say about outfits/costuming in this one (though shoutout to Geoff, who is credited with "costuming look", as well as co-direction and overall video (he's a polymath genius I swear)), but might as well "shine a spotlight" on everyone individually, since I don't expect to have a lot to say for this video otherwise, and the vocalists all start off by themselves in the video before "banding together".
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Hey Geoff isn't the only one with exposed shoulders for once! 😝
Cesar is, yet again, a style icon. And according to an interview he did with Mortius (that was simultaneously a reaction video for Dream On), the little "smoky eye"/eyeliner look he's got going on here was his idea! Love that for him!
(Also shoutout to Rick Underwood for yet again being a makeup whiz!)
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Actually wait I forgot, uncovered shoulders actually outnumber covered shoulders in this one!
(Also this was filmed in some old school I believe? I think maybe Cesar's old school or something?)
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There he is! <3
(Also love the fingerless gloves 👌)
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Random fun fact: I used this shot about a month ago (though for you reading this it'll be more like 2-2.5 months ago) as a pose/proportions reference!
(And peep the little white-grey streak of hair framing his face <3 )
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And of course I haven't forgotten about Layne! (No clue what he's wearing over his shirt, but my brain always thinks of a bulletproof vest, though that's obviously not correct)
(Also it's getting frankly a little embarassing now that back in my This Is Halloween post I was like "hey is that tattoo on Layne's wrist real? I've literally never seen it before", when apparently it has been visible at least a couple of times since, and I'm obviously not always as observant as I like to think I am 😅)
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Fun fact: apparently Omar and Cesar are good friends, stemming from the fact that they used to be roommates? And now one of them is a permanent Voiceplay member, and the other is a frequent Voiceplay collaborator? (And had sung with them before Cesar joined the group, even). What are the odds? Like how freaking close-knit is the singing/acapella community in Florida?
(Btw that is one hell of a mohawk, Cesar! Go off!)
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Group shot! (Also peep the book just behind Eli and Omar (that I only just noticed) - is that the same one Eli was holding/drawing in earlier?)
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(Cesar matching Geoff with the fingerless gloves!)
"So how many lines and textures do you want in your clothes for this one?" "Yes" (No seriously, there is a lot going on with the outfits in this one. I'm not judging or criticising, but I would hate to try and draw them!)
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Very brief but very cool distortion effect!
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Obligatory "he's so pretty" screencap 😁
Screw it, have another Geoff hair study!
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(I'm amassing a fair collection of these now, though I'm contemplating going and doing some more for older videos at some point so I can have a better visual representation of the main stages of growth, before it reached shoulder-length)
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Is Layne in the freaking boiler room or something? (I'm not super familiar with boiler rooms (not super common in Australia, that I know of), but that looks like that would be an example of one!)
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The "tenor trio" absolutely giving this performance their all! (As they always do, of course)
I'm doing this post on the same day (or well, night now) as the post I did for The Dragonborn Comes, so I'm still eagerly awaiting the video for Omar's newest collaboration with Voiceplay, and I can barely wait! It's gonna be amazing, I can feel it!
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rogueshadeaux · 1 year
An update regarding inFAMOUS: Erosion
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Hey there! Rogue here, and I have something regarding inFAMOUS Erosion that I wish to tell you all about so as not to blindside you.
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(Now, stop panicking, first off lol.)
I got married in the height of the pandemic; everyone in my family has autoimmune issues (even my poor cat is asthmatic) and my then-boyfriend at the time and I wanted to cover as many bases as possible, especially since I was pregnant. So our five year plan became a five week one, and we got married. No wedding, no reception, just us on the courthouse steps with a judge (we weren't even allowed in) and then take out after. While neither of us cared about a wedding, we never got to go on a honeymoon, and that was always something we strived for down the line. COVID-19 took so much from so many of us, and my family was no exception.
Well, the parasite that was in my womb is now two years old, the oldest is becoming an adventurous spirit, and we've decided it's time to put that savings account to good use and make this a family affair. We've booked not only two separate trips, but a series of events all throughout July and August so we may 'live it up' in lieu of time and chances missed.
And I plan on going on hiatus while we do so.
I fear I won't be able to keep up with the word count and deliver a quality tale on time, and would rather make sure I don't burn myself out trying to perform on top of everything else we have planned. It's also always healthy to take a break! And I feel I have the perfect midpoint prepared to pause and give you all an 'intermission' of sorts before returning. I know it's always so so scary to hear an author is going on hiatus, because really, that's the preamble to an orphaned fic; so I want to assure you that where I will stop the story before disappearing is 104,404 — and the current fic is at 136k words. There's still passion for the project, and it will probably be worked on in the lull time of my hiatus; but that gap between where I've posted and where I am is closing, and I don't want it to get any closer. And I fear trips and concerts and museums and events and a wild summer is simply the perfect storm to be caught in — and to lose my way in the kicked up dust.
"So then...what does that mean?"
I will be posting up to Chapter Twenty, with a two-chapter 'mid-season finale' as I've been jokingly calling it on the 9th and 10th of July. After that, I will be going on hiatus until September 11th, 2023. Another Monday, per the usual. I am beyond excited for this second half; I finally feel like I can dive into the real meat of the story. Once I hit that midpoint, every piece of foreshadow and worldbuilding is on the table. The big turning point that'll propel the second half of Erosion will be revealed. I'll be moving on from whittling the wood to manipulating the marionette, and you have no idea how hyped I am to really give you the tale I'm trying to spin. The sad thing is, I've still gotta spin it, and I fear I won't be able to dedicate myself as well as I should in order to really give this idea in my head the honor it deserves. And of course, what you deserve too; I'm a freelance editor. If I put anything out there that sucks, I will off myself lol.
"Will you be disappearing too?"
Nah. Probably not. I'm chronically online and legally/medically can't drive, so I gotta do something on the car/plane rides. There are two one shots in my google docs I might push out in the meantime, an art commission planned, and of course, I will always supply memes and share other inFAMOUS pieces that my dear friends are putting out. There's so much newfound chatter in the inFAMOUS fandom that I feel confident I could step back for two months and you wouldn't even miss me! It's truly breathtaking to see this fandom returning like this. If you put things into perspective, while two months seems so goddamn long — that's 4 chapter updates. That's it!! That's all I'm gonna be gone for!!
"What if you finish Erosion while you're gone?"
God, that'd be the day, wouldn't it? I'll definitely freak the fuck out and post nonstop on Tumblr, so if I do, you'll know lol. If by some stroke of a miracle I finish Erosion while I'm gone, I will still be on hiatus until September 11th. I need a goddamn vacation. But upon returning, if I am either done or very close to done, I plan on upping my schedule to a weekly posting system. If not, biweekly until that point.
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So, that's my advance warning for you all: I plan on stepping away, but it will not be permanent. I can't disappear from this fandom the moment it's beginning to return! That'd truly be insane!
While I am gone, check out @conduiitz'/@kraftledare's Shattered, a comic of a Glass Conduit looking for his best friend in a post-apocalyptic wasteland; @codenamehazard's No Man's Land, an Evil Karma Cole MacGrath AU that follows the Beast as he explores the Wildlands of the Great Plains and the society Conduits have created in it; and @cedar990's Equilibrium, where Light Conduit — and DUP Agent — Ezra Sims tries to throttle the plans of the rising Dust Men in Nova City.
And keep an eye out when you read; you might catch a certain pair of Conduit twins playing around in the backgrounds of these stories! They need a break too, after all.
I want to thank you for your understanding and for all the time you've dedicated so far to hearing me tell this story. I've truly enjoyed every second of it, and cannot wait for more. Tsiikohtaahsi'tsihp amohk aohkanoo'p — which in my tribe's language means I'm so happy we've all gathered here; it's given me a chance to tell a tale I never thought anyone would care about, and to watch the embers of this grand video game franchise be fanned enough to reignite. I love this community and will be itching to return the moment I declare official hiatus status, I just know it.
But until then, let's finish the first half of inFAMOUS: Erosion!
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shai-manahan · 2 years
also i have a few theories about our MC if you don't mind-
1. so... as i played through the nightmare scene for the 9th time in a row to fully relish the horror and trauma, i realized that our dear (but unfortunate) MC must have gone through something MUCH MUCH worse than merely watching their father get oofed off by their mother 🤔🤔🤔 because i once read somewhere that if someone experiences like a really bad traumatic experience their brain will instinctively suppress their memories and lock them away to protect the person from getting anymore affected and also to give them a sense of normality? dunno about that our brains can be really mysterious sometimes, which brings me to my second theory
2. OK OK OK i know this may sound crazy and also scientifically inaccurate, but i think MC has some sort of Dissociative disorder? i mean- how do you explain their sudden black out from their home to their journey all the way to Bale's territory and the bar? or maybe im just overthinking it and perhaps its somehow related to the hallucinations and the syringes that have been emphasized over multiples times in the demo
3. why do i feel our MC is being drugged with something 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 or maybe something happened before or after the incident with their father otherwise why would Alex act so sus, Vincent too, YALL TOO SUS
and so ends my theory spree as i have exhausted my remaining two brain cells to make SOME kind of sense and connection through this whole theory thing
which puts me to my next question, i wonder why our MC just offed 11 of their coworkers 🤔 corruption maybe? whatever the case Is, it still doesn't excuse bernard (or whatever his name is, he's a jerk) for acting like the lil piece of poop he is, to both us and finn cause oh boy imma bout to throw hands (you better sleep with one eye open you lil shit)
ALSO ALSO ALSO MORE WESLEY LORE YAY omg now i feel kinda conflicted rn like i still wanna sock that lil bastard for exposing us but i feel kinda pity for him too, also that wholesome moment between them was so cute if not for the current angsty situation, but i guess i'll them off with one good bish slap on the face for the whole expose before listening to their side of the story
and now finally, after going through your whole blog i realized that we have a hidden mental health stat- lol my mc is gonna be one helluva self sabotaging half depressed boi bu the end of this IF 😂
Oh that is long, but don't be sorry! I love seeing long messages like this 😌And I’m so glad you love the story to this extent 😭
First of all, so there'll be no misunderstandings, I want to make it clear that what the MC is going through isn't exactly a dissociative disorder, although there is some degree of disassociation happening. I can't explain further because it's a very huge spoiler, but not everything they've been experiencing can be solely attributed to the level of trauma and other related occurrences that DID patients often went through before being diagnosed. It's a little... different.
This does not mean, however, that the MC has no repressed memories 😔 If you look carefully, there are actually some more hints spread throughout the demo, although some of them are hidden behind certain routes. A lot are in Chapter 2, though. Anyway, the revelations relating to it won’t be the focus of Book 1, but there will be a lot more clues in the future.
And yeah, I'm afraid Alex and Vincent will continue to be sus all the way.
ah but I wouldn’t have done my job right if they’re not sus :)))
why do i feel our MC is being drugged with something 🤔
Well, I suppose that depends on the perspective but Alonzo does believe the MC has wronged them haha which is tbh actually valid.
which puts me to my next question, i wonder why our MC just offed 11 of their coworkers 🤔 corruption maybe?
To be fair, I don't think arresting them counts as offing lmao but yeah there's a heavy corruption occurring within the police force and everybody knows it; it's just that most of the people in Gaile cannot do anything to stop it. And don't worry about Bertrand, he already sleeps with one eye open lmaoooo although he does have kind of a huge role (spoiler: he will always be an asshole).
Wesley's reuinion scene, though... if you all think the flashback scene is already conflicting you, well, the reunion might uh.... actually nevermind, I'm not gonna spoil it.
and now finally, after going through your whole blog i realized that we have a hidden mental health stat- lol my mc is gonna be one helluva self sabotaging half depressed boi bu the end of this IF 😂
There are four types of mental health stats in the demo right now, but I'm arranging all the variables in a spreadsheet to see if I've missed anything. I kinda have a lot of them lmfao.
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Plant Abuse: yay or nay?
an ongoing ‘scientific’ ‘study’ inspired by the hit book and tv series, Good Omens
WARNING: i may sound like an absolute wanker in this, as all of my knowledge of plant care, the scientific method, and other such things are based entirely on 3 things: my 9.5th grade level biology skills (.5 bc did some self studying for funsies), my 9th grade level chemistry skills (i took chem in 10th grade, im just not very good at it), and a fuck ton of googling.
yeah this post is gonna be a beast, so feel free to scroll to the end for a tldr (you will miss out on all of my absolutely hilarious jokes)
ever since i watched Good Omens, i was really curious as to whether or not yellingtalking to plants would actually help them grow. when i took to researching this, the articles were all over the place. one article would say ‘no, talking to your plants has no affect on them’; another article would say ‘yes, but womens voices are more affective than mens’; the article after that would say ‘yes, but you’d have to talk to your plant for hours for the vibrations to have any affect on them’. so, i decided to throw all common sense reminding me good omens is a fantasy story out the window and try this for myself.
now, im probably one of the literal worst people to try this out for many many reasons. one key issue is that i am extremely unintimidating. crowley scaring his plants into growing would definitely be a lot less affective if he was a 5’7 lanky teenager with joint problems. another, albeit more realistic reason, is my innate ability to fuck things up in the most random way possible. im not concerned about forgetting to water the plants or something like that, im concerned about somehow getting the plants so upset with me that they start a plant revolution and subsequent overthrow of my bedroom. obviously im being a bit hyperbolic, but its honestly just a bit. im like the main characters in a nickelodeon sitcom whos plans always go to shit even after they explain them aloud to each other.
however, despite all signs pointing me to put down my plant mister and finish my summer reading, i know what i was put on this earth to do: to be the reason there are ‘do not attempt this at home’ warnings on tv show’ and ‘for external use only’ labels on shampoo bottles. it is in my blood to beat the odds, to do things im extremely unqualified for, and to mirror the (sometimes questionable) things my favorite fictional characters do. It is time to metaphorically drink the apple-scented shampoo, and to finally settle this question.
now it is time to plan my experiment.
(most experiments have some sort of hypothesis, but im not like most scientists (im not one) so im skipping that. ill be leaving the hypothesizing up to you guys.)
once i get paid, im going to go to the nearest garden center to me and buy 3 matching houseplants and label them Plant A, Plant B, and Plant C. not sure what plants ill get, probably whichever ones are cheapest and the fastest growers, however once i have them i will do as much research as i can into how to care for them properly to avoid as many outside factors as possible. each individual plant will be placed in a separate room in my house, and treated nearly identically. I will do my best to keep things like water levels, sunlight levels, and things of that nature as constant variables. obviously, the independent variable will be how i treat the plants
ill be completely silent when watering Plant A (Control). when i water the other the other two plants, ill spend a few minutes chatting with each plant. with Plant B, ill be kind to it, praise it, and other things of that nature; with Plant C, ill ridicule it, insult it, and so on. if the plants dont require daily watering (which i hope they wont), ill still pop in to talk to plants B and C every day. ill repeat this for however long i feel like, but at the end of every week ill take a picture of the plants to mark their growth and current state of wellness.
at this point, i can hear all of you saying ‘what the hell is wrong with this kid’. to that, i say: ‘that is a real loaded question, and im not sure you actually want an answer.’ i get it, just know. is this a stupid idea? yeah. is it the stupidest idea ive had? not by a long shot (see: drinking shampoo ‘joke’ referenced earlier)
TLDR: im going to buy 3 houseplants, keep one as a control, yell at one, and be nice to the other. every week ill take a picture of the plants to track their growth, and at the end ill compare all the photos to see how talking/yelling at your plants can affect their growth.
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ribombeee · 1 year
16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 27 for the ask game? i love you!!! ❣️❣️❣️❣️
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16. the book that made u fall in love with reading?
oh gosh. um. the first series i was every into as like a young young child was the little house on the prairie series but i think the first book/series i ever really liked for like the Themes and Artistry was the gregor the overlander series hot damn those books made me so upset as like an 8 year old child. if u remember i wanted to have my 9th birthday party be gregor the overlander themed. with like giant rats and cockroaches i guess. it would been fucking awesome
20. do u prefer audio books or e-books?
i read a lot of ebooks bc theyre the easiest format to get ahold of but i dont have fond feelings towards them. whereas i am a certified audiobookhead certified freak for audiobooks. bc i like reading while walking around or drawing and i like voice acting
21. hardcovers or paperbacks?
hardcovers for modern books bc im a book cover HATER if a cover is bad it will distract me and most hardcovers u can take the dust cover off and burn it as a sacrifice to Big Graphic Design. however in an ideal world with no hideously ugly covers i would read exclusively paperbacks small enough to fit in a hoodie pocket <3
22. a book that u hated at first but now love it?
this may be kind of a cop out answer but the translation of the odyssey i read in high school english was extremely boring and cliche and the version i read in college (tr. emily wilson) gave me a bit of a diff perspective… i still wouldnt say i love it but i have a healthy respect for it
23. a book u used to love but now hate?
i really dont know if i can think of an answer for this… i feel like even really stupid books i loved as a kid i can appreciate for what they are even if i wouldnt read them now
24. a book genre u haven't read? why?
idk if i have an answer for this one either?? umm i was gonna say i havent read steampunk but i actually totallly have OH i guess i havent read self help books. bc i think theyre stupid and unhelpful
25. a book that had u bawling ur eyes out?
by god. nona the ninth. literally perhaps the book on this earth that has made me the most upset. all 3 locked tomb books made me cry but for weeks after reading nona i would randomly start crying just thinking about how she never got to have her first birthday party and invite all the dogs. poor poor baby nona…… u also already know that i used to be completely unable to read like more than 3 lines into snow and dirty rain from richard siken’s crush without bursting into tears like a maniac that was very normal of me. average 15 year old experience
26. ur fav quote from a book?
many many many!!!! but the first one that comes to mind and the one i’ll go with is this fucking banger of a classic from tlhod thank u miss le guin thank u miss therem harth rem ir estraven
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