#am so sorry i am taking so long to answer them i kept putting them off cause of work n stuff and now i have break and have more asks and A
smokbeast · 9 months
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swordsandholly · 3 months
Cherry Bomb - tattoo parlor anthology
MDNI | poly 141 x fem fat reader | masterlist
cw: menstruation (not graphic), afab anatomy
Part 4: “Girl Problems”
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You shift in the office chair, stomach lurching uncomfortably. It’s been bothering you today - groaning and moaning nonstop. So far you blamed it on the suspicious chicken salad you got from the discount grocery store. You took every stomach soother you could, all the way down to chugging tea on the hottest day of spring so far.
With a rather pathetic groan you stand to meander your way to the bathroom. Surely sitting on the pot will help - at least as a placebo. Just as you do, though, a very distinct wet feeling makes itself known. You freeze, briefly, as if it will go away if you stand still enough.
“Ah, fuck!” You gasp, grabbing your purse and jogging down the hall to the single bath stall and popping the lock shut.
As soon as you sit, you let out a small sigh of relief. At least you caught it before you turned your underwear into a total crime scene. You’d rather not have to explain to John why you need to go home and change. You dig through your bag to your usual pocket of various supplies. From lotion to a sewing kit. It never hurts to be prepared.
Except, as you rifle around, you’re not finding your usual stash. There should be at least three in here… when did-?
The very loud, distinct memory of a girl at a bar stopping you while canvassing for some sanitary products hits you like a train.
“Whatever you’ve got I’ll take.” She practically begged. So, you handed them all over because got forbid someone get stranded during the most hellish week of the month. Like you are now.
You make a deep, frustrated noise in your throat and bury your face in your hands. You’ve been meaning to put a basket of backup wipes, pads, and tampons in the little bathroom cabinet - not just for you but for customers, too. It just kept getting pushed off when you got busy with other things.
Shit. What are you gonna do? If you put your pants back on you’ll just bleed through them in ten minutes. Cursed with a heavy flow (or blessed with a strong connection to the moon, as your former hippie roommate insisted.) Less time than that, probably, based on the vicious cramp that travels from your lower back to pelvis. You won’t be able to get to the corner store with out leaving a war crime in your path.
John’s the only person in the studio right now. He doesn’t have a client for another hour or so but you’d rather die than tell your hot boss you’re bleeding everywhere. For a few, quiet moments, you violently bounce your knee and go through every possibility. Maybe you’ll suddenly turn into the flash and you can get home before anyone even notices. You don’t really have much of a choice, do you?
With another groan you pull your phone from your pocket, thumb hovering over his contact for just a few beats too long while you work up the courage.
>> ok so this is terrible
>> im so sorry
>> but im having girl problems and am stuck in the bathroom
>> im so sorry this is so unprofessional
Girl problems? What are you? In fucking middle school? Before you can send yet another in a long string of planned apologies, John answers.
J >> How can I help?
>> i dont have any products on me
>> meant to stock the bathroom
>> sorry
J >> Stop apologizing
J >> What kind do you use? I’ll go to the corner store up the street
You breathe out a sigh of relief, still nervously gnawing at your lip as you send him what you need with an example picture (just in case) and profusely insist you’ll pay him back. John refuses. You’ll just have to sneak the cash in his tips or something.
It isn’t long before you hear the front doorbell ring, heavy footsteps, then a gentle tap on the bathroom door. “Y’alright, love?”
You perk up. “John, I’m so sorry-“
“Didn’t ask if you were sorry. Asked if you were alright.”
You snort. “Yeah…”
“I’m goin’ to unlock the door to slide these in. No lookin’ I swear.” John says. As if you were worried about that. You trust John. More than maybe any other man you’ve known (not that the bar is very high.) It’s nice of him to say, though. The door barely cracks open, just enough for him to toss the box to you across the floor and shut it immediately. You barely even see his arm. “That all you need?”
“Yeah. Thanks.” You murmur, bending awkwardly and snatching up the box. “I’m really sorry. I know it’s not really… appropriate.”
“Love, it’s normal. It happens. Just get y’self situated.” John taps the door once before you hear his footsteps drift down the hall toward the front.
You feel a bit skittish the rest of the day. You know it’s stupid. John’s a grown man and it’s a natural thing that happens and it’s fine. He said it’s fine. If it wasn’t fine you probably wouldn’t still look up to him the way that you do - the way that you have since you came here. The way everyone else seems to. Even so, you step around him a little wider than usual on your way out - keeping your head hung low and both hands tightly gripping your purse.
You chew your lip, shifting in place as he locks the front door. “Look, John, I-“
“If you apologize again I’m gonna fire you.” John mutters, pulling on the door to make sure it’s properly secured. There’s humor in it, though, the corners of his lips quirked up slightly.
You scoff, still not quite able to meet his eye.
“Sweetheart, look at me.” When you don’t move fast enough, apparently, he tilts your head up with a light touch. His eyes are so warm despite their icy blue shade. Sparkly in the setting sun. “Any man worth his breath wouldn’t give a shite. I’m sorry if that hasn’t been your experience, but really, it’s fine. I’ll help you out a thousand times over if y’need.”
“Okay…” You murmur, suddenly very distracted by the feeling of his fingers touching your chin, light as is it. You pull away and clear your throat, hoping he doesn’t notice the growing heat in your cheeks. “Well, uh, see you tomorrow, then.”
John nods, still smiling. “Sleep well, dove.”
When you come in the next day, you expect to get teased. A snide comment or a sideways look. You would have at any other job you’d worked - especially one with all men. All giggling and poking at you like a bear they know can’t bite back. No one says a thing outside of their usual greetings when you make your way to the front desk, though. Johnny pinches your hip like normal, Simon greets you with his new pun of the day, Kyle gives you a distracted wave over the hum of his practice gun. John doesn’t bat an eye when he says hello and checks in about the plan for the day.
You open the bottom drawer that you usually tuck your purse into, pausing before you set it inside. At the bottom, neatly tied together with a piece of twine, sits a king size chocolate bar and a pack of Midol.
If John notices the way you become extra smiley after that discovery, he doesn’t comment.
A/N: This was very self-indulgent but I’m having a bad time over here and need to be saved.
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cjjohansson · 12 days
what if love isn't enough?
natasha romanoff x reader // part 1...
angst? yes. sad? yes. am i sorry? no x x x
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“Were you going to tell me?” you breathe out into the room, Natasha stills when she hears your voice. 
“Tell you what?” She tries to act innocent but you know better. You won’t fall into her games right now. 
“That you're seeing some girl, some doctor in the medbay?” Natasha stays quiet, and part of you feels like you can hear your heart break. 
“Ha, ok, nice. See you around Natasha.” And now it is her turn to feel like she can hear her own heart break too. 
You and Natasha have a long history. Years of flirting turned into a one night stand, which led to multiple dates. Which then turned into a relationship that floated naturally, without one another having to say a thing, without actually having to verbalize it. You shared a bedroom; well not for about 3 months now, that’s how long it has been since you two separated over a stupid argument about how she didn't want you to go on a solo mission. Nights spent in that room worshiping each other, treating each other's wounds after a bad mission, comforting each other after horrible nightmares, sharing i love you’s…
How can you be with someone for 5 years and claim you love them so much that it hurts, to then start seeing someone only 2 weeks after breaking up? 
Because according to a conversation you overheard in medbay, they’ve been seeing each other for just under 3 months. 
You mindlessly drift through the compound, ignoring everyone who tries to speak to you, you can’t do this right now. 
How can you do this when only 5 days ago, she was in your bed breathlessly moaning your name after you both needed some comfort after a bad mission?
How could she do this? That’s all that was running through your head as you approached the punching bag in the corner of the gym. 
How could she start seeing someone so quickly after you broke up? How could she then sleep with you while seeing someone else and not even tell you? How could she rip your heart out all over again? 
You hated it. You hated how much emotional power she held over you. 
But you guessed that’s what you get for falling in love right?
“Fuck off.” You huff to Bucky as he approaches the bag and holds it still, taking the force from your punches like they're nothing to him at all.
“You know…” That makes you stop. Your hands falling to your sides as you stare at him confused.
“I know what Buck?” You watch his eyes widen as he takes a step back, putting some distance between you. 
“I was going to tell you, I was, I promise you. We both just got caught up in missions and when I was here you weren't, and vice versa you know?”
“I know what James? Do not make me ask a third time!” Your anger is building, you already know the answer.
“About Nat and Dr-”
“Fuck you.” 
“Calm down, let me talk!” 
“No, you don't get to talk to me. You’ve been my best friend since we were 3 years old! You kept this from me! How could you! How could you…” You sob as you turn and walk out the room. You can’t be here. Your own best friend knew? Who else knew? Everyone most likely if Bucky did. 
You find yourself mindlessly drifting back through the compound, only this time no one stops to try and talk to you. You can’t imagine you look good right now, you're so close to exploding. 
You end up in your bedroom, walking into your closet to grab a suitcase from the top, dragging it to your bed as you work your way through your drawers and closet, grabbing everything and anything you could get your hands on. 
You need to leave, it is the only thing that you can actually think straight on. If you stay, you won’t survive. It’s been hard enough the past 3 months let alone knowing she is with someone new. 
“Babe…” You don't stop grabbing clothes. You don't bother to fold them, you just throw them straight into the suitcase as quickly as you can.
“Can you let me talk, let me explain.” You stay silent. You can’t even look at her right now. 
“I’m not, ugh, I’m not seeing her. I don’t know what you heard, but you know how rumors spread around here. I’m not seeing her.” You lose it. 
“You're fucking her though, right?” You turn to face her, keeping the distance between you. You're so angry, you're hurt, this is ruining you. 
“Y/n… We broke up.”
“Oh so that just makes it okay to go fuck someone days after we break up? 5 years of my life wasted for what? Did you actually ever even love me? Or did you just love the attention I gave you?” 
“That is not fair. You know I love you, I love you so deeply that it hurts, it aches. But you were the one to walk away, don't try and act like a victim here. YOU LEFT ME! You broke my heart. So you do not have the right to stand here and be upset and angry with me for doing that, when you were the one who walked away first.” That isn’t fair, that isn’t what happened at all. 
“I did NOT walk away. You gave me an ultimatum. I had to go on that mission, you knew I did-”
“YOU DIDN’T! Bucky said he would go instead! The lead up to that mission was driving you crazy, for months you had nightmares, you worked yourself to exhaustion. I tried to be there for you and you pushed me away! I stayed until I couldn't anymore! I couldn't stand by and let you ruin yourself. I left because in return it was ruining me too. Because if I stayed you would have hated me anyway.” Both of you are breathing deeply, the tension flowing around the room. How can any of this be happening? How is any of this fair to either of you?
“I love you. But you didn't love me enough to stay. So I walked away and every step I took, it fucking killed me. I stripped myself bare to you! I gave you so many parts of myself that I have never given to another person before, that I will never give to another person ever again! So yes! I slept with someone, I can hold my hands up and admit that I did. It was soon, and that was a shitting thing to do but you leaving was really fucking shitty too Y/n. I do not owe you an explanation or an apology for how I deal with my own pain, not anymore.” Natasha’s breathing picks up, tears flowing down her cheeks with no intent of stopping any time soon. 
“I am not seeing her. I slept with her once. And I have regretted it every single day since it happened. Because she isn’t you, but no one is going to be you, ever. And that’s my burden to carry.” Natasha turns to leave the room but you find yourself rushing towards the door and holding it closed before she can exit. Her back is pressed against your front and all you can smell is the perfume you bought her for valentines day. 
“How can you expect me to stay when you wouldn’t?” Her forehead rests on the door as she continues to breathe deeply. Her words completely throw you. Because she is right.
“I know that mission drove me crazy, but I need you to understand that I needed to do what I had to do tasha or it would have ruined me even more. They…they ruined me, they took me apart and put me back together wrong over and over as they saw fit, day after day. I was the one who needed to finish it. Not anyone else. Because if I didn’t finish it, it would have eaten me alive for the rest of my life. That night, when I left, all I felt and saw was rage. They stole everything from me, I needed it to be over, and I’m sorry that it meant I had to leave you to be able to do that. But I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to ruin you too. I never meant for any of this Natasha. Believe me when I say that, please.” Your voice cracks as you rest your forehead on the back of her head. Your tears falling into her hair, you can feel her body moving from her own sobs. 
“I know you didn’t. I didn’t either but we both did. How can we even move forward from this Y/n?” She turns in your hold, your forehead now resting on hers and you stare into each other's red eyes. 
“I love you. After all this time, I still love you. It’s always been you, it was you yesterday, it was you 2 months ago, a year ago. It is you today, it will be you tomorrow and for the rest of my life it will be you, I love you Natasha.” 
Her hand moves to your face, your own head leaning into her palm as she takes the weight of it. 
“But what if love isn’t enough y/n?”
part 2
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iheartmapi · 29 days
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: After Spain’s match against Germany, Alexia injuries her knee. Having to take a health break from playing irritates her, Y/n tries to cheer her girlfriend up to no avail, they fight and Alexia leaves…she’s gone for a long time so you go looking for her.
Angst with happy ending.
TW: crude language, degrading language about oneself, ACL injury
Word count: 1,691
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The sun was setting slowly behind the city landscape, the warm tones slowly turning into various shades of violet and dark blue almost reminded you of the way Alexia’s mood drastically changed after her ACL injury.
You stood in the kitchen of your shared house, occasionally looking behind you to see your moody girlfriend sitting on the couch in the living room, her injured leg perched up on a small stool, you were making some tea, the electric kettle buzzing, two cups were on the counter, for Alexia’s tea you had went with a blend of chamomile and lavender, it was advertised as “calming” and that’s one thing she definitely wanted right now.
As the kettle got done with heating the water up you swiftly poured it into the cups. You carefully put them on the coffee table and finally sat down next to your girlfriend. The silence went on for maybe like two minutes..during the few past days it felt as if you were walking on eggshells around her, you turned your head to look at her and smiled even though she wasn’t even glancing in your direction, only looking into emptiness with her brows furrowed and arms crossed almost like a small child that didn’t get its candy. “Hey, don’t worry so much I’m sure you’ll heal quickly, why don’t you drink some tea-“ You were about to finish your sentence but Alexia opted to cut it short “I don’t want tea right now” Well that was rude…but you shouldn’t be so hard on her, after all you knew how difficult dealing with this injury was for her, so you kept on trying, trying to cheer her up. “Oh…well how about we see what they’re playing on the TV? We can always watch some show or movie or anything really-“ Alexia sat up straighter, irritation clear in her eyes “Can you quit it with the tea and TV? Or better, just quit trying to cheer me up, it’s annoying” she barked at you, “Alright, Jesus…sorry for wanting to be nice” you answered calmly but it was evident that you were offended and perhaps getting annoyed with how unapproachable she was being lately.
“”Nice”? For fucks sake Y/n! Do you see my leg? I’m useless, and I’m supposed to be a ball of sunshine just because you want it?!” She waved her hands around like a maniac “But why would I expect you to get it” she scoffed, you turned to look at her again your eyes narrowing “Seriously? Am I some subtype then or something?“ Alexia looked away, running away from your gaze that was demanding an explanation “I didn’t say that” she answered more quietly now “You kind of did though” you argued, “Oh my god can’t I just live in peace for one goddamn minute?! Here you go again, making a problem out of nothing, it’s like this every time something isn’t in tip top shape…it’s tiring Y/n, I swear you’re so difficult for no reason” that kind of hurt, you were appalled by her outburst “It’s not my fault, don’t you think it’s hard for me as well? Especially when-“ You bit your tongue before you could finish that sentence, maybe it was true and you were really making a problem out of nothing..but you had your emotions too, and Alexia shouldn’t be expecting you to be fine every time she gets enraged like this.
“Especially when what?” She repeated your words, her tone sharp, you took a breath not wanting to answer that, “Especially when what Y/n!” She said once again, this time nearly yelling, “Especially when you’re such a vicious bitch everytime you’re mad!” Quietness fell upon the both of you, before Alexia suddenly got up from the couch, slowly though as to not make her leg worse..but even for her it was clear how hasty she was trying to be with her moves.
“Where are you going?” Your eyes were trying to run after her, she waddled towards the front door “Doesn’t matter” she fumed, you didn’t follow her at first, but as you heard the sound of jingling keys you stood up as well and rushed to the front door, surely Alexia was leaving.
“Alexia?” Confusion crossed your face, and then worry and regret for your earlier words “Alexia come on! I’m sorry I didn’t mean it!” She didn’t answer your pleas, and just left…you sighed as the door closed.
She was a grown woman, you couldn’t just stop her from leaving the house if she wanted to..you sulked onto the carpet beneath you, hands covering your face, why the hell did you say that? You were definitely too rough on her..but at the same time what were you supposed to do? There was nothing you could do now, you were just going to wait for her to come back home, after all she couldn’t be out for too long, especially with a leg like that.
So here you were now, sipping on your tea as you sat and welled in your own sadness, eyes glancing at the empty cup on the coffee table that was supposed to be Alexia’s..It’s been probably three hours now, and there were no signs of life from Alexia, you picked up your phone; the lack of messages or missed calls from your girlfriend was no surprise to you, you picked your best friends number, Mapi, you had to talk to someone when there was no one in this empty house filled with bitter tension.
“¡Hola, tía!” Mapi’s voice echoed from the other side, “Hey” you answered, a small smile on your face, which was heard in your tone but the overwhelming sadness took it over, Mapi could easily recognise that, “Is everything alright? You sound very down in the dumps” you weren’t sure how to answer, eventually you just sighed and told Mapi about what happened earlier with Alexia.
“And then…she just left the house, it’s been three hours I’m starting to worry, I mean- what if she like fell down and hurt herself even more or something?” You said “You know how she can be, I’m sure she’s fine, she can’t stay mad at you forever Y’know?…especially not you” Mapi said with her cheery voice “I have to go and look for her” you answered seriously “Have you seen her? Do you know where she can be?” You then added, looking for any kind of answer for someone in reasonable humour “Nah…sorry, just be careful ok?” The girl attested “Yeah..I promise I’ll be” the two of you said your goodbye’s and you hanged up..you grouched, trying to think of ANY place Alexia could be right now.
Then one thought came rushing to you like an arrow, what about a specific football pitch she always went to after lost matches? You figured; if she was gone for so long, and you didn’t know where she was then it wouldn’t hurt to drive there and see for yourself.
You literally bolted to your car, and just drove…fifteen minutes passed and you arrived at the spot, the football pitch was set in the outskirts of the town, here it was quiet for a change, the sky was now dark since so much time has passed…as you looked around the place you could understand why this place brought a sense of comfort to Alexia.
Through the tall fence you noticed a figure sulking on one of the benches, as you entered the pitch, it became apparent to you that it was Alexia..thank god you thought first, at least you knew she was safe.
You sauntered over to the bench, the melancholy, regret and anger all mixed together into one confusing combination hanging in the air.
The two of you didn’t say anything for now, instead you just sat yourself next to her on the bench, once again Alexia’s gaze was far and blurry she was just simply staring nowhere. “Alexia…” you kept it quiet not wanting to cause any more arguments today. Finally, your girlfriend looked at you with something else than annoyance and silent resentment.
“Please, let’s go back home” you asked half-whispering, her chest rose as she took a deep breath, it’s like she wanted to but didn’t at the same time, maybe going straight to the point wasn’t the first option, there we’re definitely some things the two of you needed to say to each other. “I’m sorry…I know it’s hard, I know how useless you must feel right now..I really just wanted to make you happy, I hate seeing you like that..that- that I’m just willing to try anything to make it better” you started, Alexia turned to you at once her eyes almost glassy “I’m..I’m sorry too Y/n I just don’t know what came over me..I guess the irritation took over me, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you” she answered “I don’t know why I did that, but I just…I don’t know, it’s my whole life, and now with this stupid knee I’m just stuck home, and I just feel like I’ve got no other purpose” she almost teared up, you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her into an embrace “Alexia…you know that’s not true” you whispered “Injuries happen, you’ll get back to playing in no time I’m sure” you added, a quiet sob was heard, it was unlike her to be so vulnerable…but you appreciated that she was able to show that side of herself with you.
Pulling away, you placed a kiss on her temple, “You’re right, let’s go back home” she said wiping the traces left behind by some tears with her sleeve.
You got up and offered her your arm, she took it and the two of you slowly made your way towards the exit of the pitch.
“I’m sorry I called you a vicious bitch”
“No, don’t apologize, you were right then…I guess I was a bit of a bitch” she smiled
“I’m sorry for calling you annoying” she then added more seriously
“You were being honest then too” you grinned as well and the two of you chuckled.
“I guess we’re a good match together”
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(Thanks to @kshvue099)
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lymtw · 5 months
"Hey, it's, uh, Toji from... Fuck, why am I telling you this? You already know. Well, you said I could hit you up if I ever needed a gym buddy... So, how 'bout it? Maybe in an hour or so? Alright, let me know."
You laugh as you listen to the voicemail for the third time in a row. He sounds dumber and dumber, but in the most adorable way, every time you play it again. You're tempted to get back to him, but it's been two hours since he left that voicemail. You weren't able to answer when he called because you had just gotten home from work and you left your phone on the couch while you went to change into comfy clothes. Maybe he'll answer if you shoot him a text message.
Hey, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier
Just got home from work
He didn't answer fast at all. You figured maybe the window of opportunity had closed and he went to sleep or something. So, you went to your kitchen cabinet and grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass. You put some popcorn in the microwave and transfered it into a bowl once it was ready. You set everything down on your coffee table, and picked up the TV remote, but before you could turn the TV on, you heard a buzz.
Don't sweat it, unless you're doing it at the gym with me ;)
I'm still down if you are. Want me to pick you up?
You giggle at the corny first message.
I could go for an hour or so.
Are you sure you're fine picking me up?
Just send the address. I'll be there soon.
Toji shows up at your place fifteen minutes later, honking twice to let you know he's there. You open the blinds to peek through the window, and he greets you with a raise of his hand above the steering wheel. Why you felt your heartbeat pick up after that, you're not sure.
You grabbed your things, turning off all the lights except for the porch light. You've stumbled on the stairs once, stumbled even twice, but you will not stumble a third time, so the light stays on.
Toji unlocks the car, looking around to make sure there's nothing in the way for when you get in.
"Hey," you smile, inspecting the passenger seat to make sure you don't sit on any of his stuff. "Thanks for picking me up." You enter the car, everything sinking in when the door shuts.
You look at the man beside you, taking in his appearance. He looks the same as last time, but for some reason you don't recall him being so handsome. Perhaps, it was your adrenaline getting in the way when you first met him, and the fact that he was pushing the hell out of you when your arms started shaking at the pullup bar.
"Don't worry about it. I know it's a little scarier to travel alone at night, so what kind of man would I be if I let you leave your house alone at this time?"
You laugh, putting on your seatbelt while he backs the car out of the parking spot. You kept yourself in check by declaring that he was only objectively attractive for now. You don't know him well enough to say he's a good man, or that you trust him entirely, but he's gaining some of your trust, given this is only the second time you've seen him, and he already knows where you live.
Throughout the drive to the gym, you and Toji talked about yourselves. How long you both lived in the area, hobbies, whether you were in school or working, or both. It was a conversation that scratched the surface off, allowing you both to dig deeper and make room for friendship.
Toji told you stretching is always a must, especially if he's working out with someone else. He doesn't want them to get hurt once the workouts got more intense, and he won't be held responsible for any muscle damage. He's being especially pushy with you, though.
"We're not moving on until you stretch, so get on the stupid mat."
He watches you pace around, turning to avoid his intense gaze. You sigh, bored and ready to start the more rigorous stuff. "I never do this. I usually start out with a run and go from there." You plop down onto the mat, just sitting there.
His brows furrow, the information not processing in his head. For someone who claims to go to the gym enough, you don't take the correct precautions necessary to avoid damaging your body. "That's a perfect way to develop shin splints, dummy." In his mind, his eyes are rolling straight out of his head. "Alright, just follow my lead. Mirror me."
He had you doing leg stretches, lunges, calf stretches, quads, the whole nine yards. There were times when he stopped to watch you, to make sure you were doing it correctly. When you got to the supine stretches, his eyes went low on your body. You felt like you were being torn with all the stretching. This made you gain a new level of respect for Toji starting all his workouts this way.
Toji kept his eyes on you, unable to ignore the groans and hisses you let out. He didn't know what compelled him to stand so close over your head, but he ended up helping you out. With his hand locked around your ankle, he pulled your leg back just a little more.
"Huh?" You tilt your head up to look at Toji. You weren't sure if you had missed something he said and he went on to the next stretch, but his touch had you shaking.
"You should be feeling more pressure in your hamstring. You're not pulling your leg back enough."
You could feel your face getting warm. You were unsure if it was the pressure of the stretching or if it was the touch his warm hand on your ankle, but in all that confusion, you still managed to mock him under your breath. "You're not pulling your leg back enough..."
He chuckles, hearing a good amount of that impression. "I got you, don't worry." He releases your ankle, the cool air from the ceiling vent hitting it as it dropped to the floor. "Switch." His hand beckons for your other leg, and he does the same for that one. He grabs onto your ankle, and pulls your leg back slowly until you tap the floor. "See how far you can actually go? You're more flexible than you think."
Toji was really enjoying watching the way your leg quivered with its unaccustomed use of certain muscles. He looks down at your uncomfortable facial features. Your nose is slightly scrunched, your lips are tucked, and your brows are pinched. It's cute, but he can't help but picture it in a more vulgar scenario.
He pats your leg before releasing it. "Good girl. Have some water."
Your eyes widened at the praise, something you had to let go of quickly because Toji was ready to move on to the next thing. That didn't stop your stomach from flipping around as you took a quick water break.
"Arms? Legs? Back? What do you wanna work on tonight?" His voice snaps you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, um... your choice. I'm following your lead, aren't I?" You smile.
"Alright, then. You're gonna spot me." He picks up his water flask and walks ahead, assuming you'll follow. Your heart starts racing. He's joking, right? Right?
He puts his flask down, sitting on the bench in front of the huge shared mirror. "How much can you lift?" He asks, looking at your timid frame through the mirror.
"Um... well... I-"
"You don't, do you?" You see the hint of a smirk forming on his lips.
"Yeah, not really. I don't," you say, feeling a little embarrassed. You didn't know this was a good thing for him know. There was no challenge meaning he was going to take this opportunity to show off for you. Toji knew that any amount of weight he lifted that was over one hundred pounds would impress the hell out of you. This was Toji's equivalent of the bird mating dance. His muscles were the colorful feathers and him lifting a lot of weight was the attention grabbing dance.
"Wanna help me put the weights on?" He points at the rack with varying weight plates.
"Okay," you agree.
"How about ninety to start?" That is absolutely nothing to him, but he really wanted to you to believe that you would be spotting him.
"Sure," you confirm, following him to the weight rack after. You grabbed a forty-five pound plate with both hands while he grabbed another, holding it with just one hand. He laughed at the slight change in posture for your walk, from carrying the weight. You returned to the bench, putting the metal bar through the plate while Toji did the same on the other side.
He sat down on the bench, watching you through the mirror. "You ready?" He asks. "If I start struggling, you're gonna pull the bar up, yeah?" His serious expression really sells his little joke on you.
"Mhm," you mumble, with little certainty. Your hands shake as you near the head of the bench.
Toji lays down, looking straight up at your nervous expression with a sly grin. The sound of the bar coming off the ramps makes you jolt, something that Toji breathily chuckles at as he brings the bar down low then pushes back up. You lose focus by the fifth time he does this, narrowing your eyes on the veins bulging out on his biceps. He can see you staring, and it only fuels his motivation to do more reps. But then your eyes start wandering. You see the way his chest inflates and deflates as he continues to push, you notice the shape of his abs bulging through his shirt, and then you find yourself looking all the way down south. You start wondering if he could bench press you. Maybe at his place, with a lot less clothes on.
He whistles, green eyes absorbing the flustered reaction on your face. "Eyes up here. Could've been crushed over here and you wouldn't have even noticed, doll."
"Sorry... fuck, i'm so sorry."
He laughs at how awkward you got after getting caught. He finished up a couple more reps before securing the bar back in it's spot. He sits up, only able to see your back through the mirror.
"What's up with you?" He asks, standing up from the bench.
"I don't think i'm the best person to spot you. Maybe someone else could do it. I could ask this guy if you want. Hey-"
"No, no. Nope. It's all good." He pulls you away from the guy doing squats next to you guys. "I was just messing with you." His hand rests on your shoulder. "You really think i'm not capable of lifting ninety pounds without struggling?" You still can't look him in the eyes after what happened earlier without going red, but that's fine 'cause he can look at you. "Sweetheart, I can lift you up so easily. I'm talking featherlight easy."
"I knew you could lift ninety pounds alone. You just like to make me feel dumb." You glance at him and hold back a laugh.
"Guess you're too smart. Is that why you let yourself get distracted so easily?"
You groan, the embarrassment from before flooding you again.
"It's water under the bridge, but listen, I'm gonna stay and do a couple more sets. You can chill here and watch me, or you can go to some of the other equipment, or... you can be the sweetest girl and do squats right next to me. You know, to keep me motivated."
"Toji, you dog." You smack his arm, giggling to yourself. Toji finds it really amusing when he makes you blush. You turn away or cover your face every time, like it'll hide the reason for why you're acting that way. "I'll pass on being a sweet girl, just this once."
Toji smirks, crisp green eyes raking up and down your body.
"I'm going on a run. I've got too much energy to just stand here or, you know, squat for you."
"That's too bad. Was really hoping you'd be my prize for finishing my sets." He watches your tongue dart out to lick your lips, completely mesmerized by how the gesture transitions to you nibbling on your lip. "Go on, but you're showing me your pull up game when I come get you."
You playfully roll your eyes. "Yeah, yeah. See you in a bit."
You ran a mile and a half to rid yourself of those lust filled thoughts that formed in your mind when Toji was around. You thought the lack of breath would be enough to cloud your mind and discard all thoughts in general, but you still found yourself looking for him on the other side of the gym.
"Looking for someone?" Toji asks, scaring the life out of your already racing heart. You gasp, turning the treadmill off. It slows you down at a good pace, eventually stilling you.
"Almost two miles. That's really good." He grabs onto the sidebar, watching you lean forward onto the control panel in an attempt to regain your breath. "Heh, you look like a tomato," he jokes, poking your cheek. "Come on, clean yourself up and drink some water. We've got one more stop and then we can head out."
He offers you his towel, seeing that you didn't bring one with you. Your legs feel like they're buzzing, and you feel incredibly sluggish, but still you pick your head up and have some water.
Toji watches your throat movement as you swallow the water. He notices how fast it's going, and he wants to tell you to slow down, but instead becomes distracted when some of it seeps down your chin and lands on your shirt. You really are a pretty picture in that moment. Your neck is glowing with a layer of sweat, your baby hairs on the back of your neck curl and stick to your skin, and your cheeks are flushed with color.
"I'm tired," you sigh. You use the towel to dab at your forehead lightly, handing it back to Toji afterwards. "Ready," you huff. You cleaned up the treadmill and waited for Toji to lead again. He seemed to be buffering though. "Hey, aren't you the leader here? Come on. I wanna go home."
"Yeah, my bad. Let's see those pull ups."
Reaching the bar has always been your biggest issue. It's like the starting height for some of the equipment is six feet. You stand beneath the bar, your arms stretched upwards, and you jump, barely grazing the metal.
"Too short?" Toji asks, ready to assist you.
"No. I'm gonna get it." Your arms go up again, your knees bend and you put all your remaining strength into your jump, still missing the bar. "Fuck. Yeah, i'm too short."
"Need a hand?" He asks, stepping towards you.
"Let me borrow your thigh, please. I'll dust my footprints off aft-"
His hands are on your waist, lifting you off the ground with ease. You freeze in shock of his gesture. "Grab the bar when you're ready. No rush." He chuckles.
His fingers are poking into your sides, leaving a ticklish sensation behind that snaps you out of your thoughts and pushes you to grab the bar.
You huff, your hands tightening on the bar as you hang for a few seconds before pulling up, slowly.
"One," Toji starts counting, watching you dip down again. Your shoulder blades flex as you bring yourself up, then down again. "Mhm, there you go. Got another one in you?" Toji asks, watching you look up. You exhale, and with slightly shaky arms, you pull yourself up, letting yourself hang for a couple seconds after.
"My hands hurt. Two more and i'm tapping out."
"I'll give you some of the salve I use for my calluses. Now, go."
You grunt, knowing how much harder it is when you pause in between. Your arms are worn just from hanging, but then having to pull yourself up again? It's a task and a half.
"You got it. Up, up, up!" Toji drills. The fact that you were able to do two was impressive enough to him, but you were a trooper for pushing yourself to do more.
Toji paces around you, supposedly taking note of your form, but really he's peeking at the exposed skin that is revealed by your shirt raising up. Your stomach, your lower back, your waist, it's all eye candy. He gives your ass a good stare down once he's behind you again, but something that unexpectedly got him was you doing the final pull up cross-legged.
You groaned at the burn in your muscles, the force of your arms having to pull your weight up one more time. Even though your arms were shaking and your hands were in agony, you pulled up. Your chin made it slightly above the bar before you quickly dropped to the ground.
"That was good. I'm done. I'm out," you blurt, exhausted beyond belief.
Toji grabs your hands, examining your palms. "Gnarly," he mutters, running his thumb across the thickened, rough skin. "I've got just the thing for these in my car. Come on."
"Just a little bit of this will do the trick." He grabs a blue tub of hand salve from his glove compartment, twisting the lid off to reveal a faded pink colored substance. "Let me see," he says, after dipping his index finger into the tub. You put your hand in his, and watch as he distributes the medication across the bumps on the upper part of your palm. "Your hands are way too pretty to have any type of damage on them," he murmurs as he rubs your palm until the salve is properly smoothed in. He does it for your other hand as well, his excuse being that he can't just start something without finishing it. "Good to go," he says, before releasing your hand.
"Thanks," you respond. Thank god he turned the light of immediately, because it would have been mortifying if he saw the furious blush on your face.
"Don't mention it, doll." He inspects his own hands, and though his have calluses as well, he doesn't want to hold you up any longer, so he puts the lid back on the blue tub and stores it in his glove compartment. "Let's get you back home."
You felt tension throughout the whole drive back to your house. There wasn't as much conversation going on as before, but there was something. You felt something. You kept trading glances with him, occasionally meeting eyes. He could take turns, looking into your eyes and watching the road, but you wouldn't let it happen. As soon as he made eye contact with you, you turned to look out the window.
The tension was driving you insane, but at last, you made it home.
Toji turned the car off, his headlights dimming down until they lacked brilliance. You unbuckled your seatbelt, and made sure you had everything you brought with you.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Toji breaks the silence, one hand resting on the steering wheel, the other on the compartment between your seats.
"I wouldn't do it more than three times a week," you joke, grinning at him.
"Hey, that's better than nothing. That's three days out of my week that I expect to see you... at the gym." Toji realizes the pause in his sentence was very much noticeable, so he chooses to elaborate. "You know, you can hit me up whenever. For the gym, a random food run, whatever. I have a pretty open schedule."
You laugh, nervously. "I don't. I work five days a week. I don't really have time unless I force it."
This doesn't discourage Toji. Rather, it raises the stakes for him.
"How about forcing some time out for me?" He sees the hesitant look on your face and decides to double up. "What do you have to lose? A boyfriend?"
Your jaw drops. You don't know if he's assuming you have a partner or if he's foreshadowing himself in your life.
"Is that your way if asking if i'm single...?"
"Maybe." He chuckles. "Only if it's not offensive to you."
"It's not. I'm not hiding it or anything like that, but yeah, i'm single."
Toji nods in acknowledgment, a content grin on his face. "Good to know. I won't be limiting my calls or text messages anymore, so pick up, will you?"
You smile. "I'll do my best." You take one more look at the floor to make sure nothing is left behind, before opening the door and stepping out.
"I'll stay until you make it inside your house. Need to make sure no one hops out of the bushes and drags you away."
"Stop, i'll have nightmares." You look at the bush next to your staircase and sigh. "Goodnight, Toji. Thanks for the ride," you say, slightly unsettled by the scary thought planted in your head.
"'Night, doll."
You shut the door and go up the stairs, carefully so that you don't stumble like you did the last two times. This time would be really embarrassing, considering Toji is still there waiting for you to make it home safely.
You unlock your door and shut it behind you, quickly, locking up for the night. You fast walk to the window, hoping Toji is still there, and thankfully he is. You wave goodbye to him as he's reversing his car, and he reciprocates with a hand raised above his steering wheel like before. You watch him drive off, his taillights being the only things visible in the dark street, until they're gone.
You turn the porch light off and secure your home, shutting the windows and closing the blinds. Once everything is closed, you carelessly throw yourself on the couch and allow yourself to melt—fully dissolve, at the thought of your time spent with Toji.
Inspo Credit: @nottorureadz
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withwritersblock · 4 months
More Hearts Than Mine-Her Hometown Friends Visit
~More Hearts Than Mine by Ingrid Andress~ Author's Note: back to my fav series Summary: Her hometown friends visit and meet Luke for the first time Warnings: swearing Word Count: 2,871 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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She wanted everything to be perfect. This was the first time her childhood best friends would be meeting Luke and their apartment. Usually Y/N would go home to visit them but they wanted to meet Luke. And it just so happened to be a weekend where Luke would be home because he had games Friday and Sunday at home. 
She kept trying to tell her friends that it would be too hard to have them visit on such a crazy weekend for Luke. But Luke convinced her otherwise. They were no longer in the fight for a playoff spot, all he wanted to do was finish the season strong. He didn’t care that they could be a distraction, maybe he needed one.
She was vigorously wiping the kitchen counter for the fifth time that morning as she waited for her friends to show up. They were driving up from their hometown and it was early. Luke was unloading the dishwasher as he watched her frantically spray the counter again.
“My love, I don’t think it can get any cleaner,” he mumbled as he placed the last of the mugs into the cabinet. She let out a groan as she walked away from the counter towards the bathroom. Luke watched her walk away as he pursed his lips forward. “Okay,” he murmured as he closed the dishwasher. He took a deep breath as he wandered away from the kitchen.
“Baby?” he called out as he followed her towards the bathroom. She didn’t reply. He walked up to the door as he watched her scrub the bathroom counter for the fifth time. “You’ve cleaned that four times already,”
“Well, you should’ve said this weekend was a bad time for them to come visit,” she mumbled as she lifted her head to meet her own gaze in the mirror. He leaned against the door frame as he looked towards her through the mirror.
“You put me on the spot, what was I supposed to say?” he asked softly. She took a deep breath. 
“Sorry, they’re just overwhelming sometimes with their ‘we’re so perfect, we’re so in love. Our lives are so perfect’,” she mumbled as she rested the cleaning bottle and the rag onto the counter as she turned towards Luke.
“You don’t need to impress them, they’re your friends,” he explained. She took in a long breath as she nodded.
“You’re right,” she mumbled. 
“Of course I am,” he teased as he scanned her frame.
“When are they supposed to be here?” he asked as he stepped into the bathroom, forcing her to step backwards. She met his gaze, watching his eyes squint slightly. His cheeks flushed slightly as he slowly shut the door behind him. 
“Maybe another thirty minutes,” she mumbled. He nodded as he quickly took a hold of the end of his shirt and threw it over his head. “Oh,” she mumbled as he quickly took a hold of her cheeks, kissing her urgently. She ran her fingers through his hair as he slowly guided her back towards the shower. 
She pulled away, reaching behind her to turn on the shower. “I actually have to shower too,” she mumbled as she pulled the shirt off of her frame, he simply hummed as he quickly began to take off the rest of his clothes. Giggles falling from their lips as they stumble into the shower together.
Another thirty minutes passed as she hopped out of the shower before Luke, she wrapped her towel around her body as she walked out of the bathroom. She began walking towards the bedroom, when there were loud knocks against her front door. “Shit,” she mumbled as she quickly walked into her room. 
She reached towards her phone that was ringing on her bed. She took a hold of her phone seeing her friend, Delilah, calling her. She pulled the phone towards her ear as she answered. “Hey, give me a couple minutes,” she mumbled into the phone.
“Door’s unlocked, can we just walk in?” she asked.
“No, I’ll be there in a second, promise,” she mumbled as she quickly slid a pair of jeans up her frame. She hopped slightly as she pulled the phone away from her ear. She ended the call as she dropped the phone onto the bed. She pulled a cropped t-shirt as she covered her frame. 
She brushed a piece of wet hair away from her face before she left the bedroom quickly. She banged her hand against the door, “They’re here!” she shouted into the bathroom. Luke shouted something back but she didn’t hear him as she jogged towards the front door of her apartment. 
She took a deep breath as she swung the door open. She smiled widely as she saw Delilah and Parker. They were her neighbors and Y/N had spent her whole life watching Delilah and Parker fall in love. They didn’t end up getting together until they were seventeen but the three of them have always been inseparable. 
Well, until Delilah and Parker got into a relationship. It became the two of them and sometimes Y/N. So it was always exhausting being around them. 
“Come on in!” Y/N forced out as she stepped aside letting the pair step inside. Their eyes quickly danced around the apartment as they walked inside. Scanning each corner and each piece of furniture. 
“This place is-” Delilah paused, “It’s cute!” she cheered excitedly, Y/N couldn’t tell if she was genuine or not. She delicately placed her bag onto the kitchen counter. Y/N watched a small piece of dirt fall onto the counter. 
“Hi Y/N,” Parker mumbled as he walked towards Y/N. He bear hugged her. Y/N smiled softly as she returned the hug excitedly. “This place is genuinely a lot nicer than some of the places I’ve seen in the city,” he explained. She nodded.
“Well that’s because she has that fancy NHL boyfriend, where is he anyway?” Delilah asked as she continued looking around the apartment, looking at the photo frame on the wall. It was a photo collage on the wall. It was a handful of photos of them with their families. One specific photo stood out. It was a photo of them together at her family’s house. Delilah’s smile faltered slightly at the sight. 
“Hey, sorry,” Luke jogged out of the bedroom, a t-shirt and jeans on his frame. His curls dripped water as he reached the living room. Parker glanced towards Luke, a smirk toying to his lips as he looked towards Y/N’s wet hair.
“Nice to meet you, man,” Parker held out his hand for Luke. Luke smiled as he shook his hand. 
“Nice to meet you too,” Luke mumbled as he protectively walked towards Y/N. Loosely wrapping his arm around her waist. He shifted his gaze towards Delilah, she had a small scowl on her face. “I’m the one that actually moved into this place, Y/N lived here first,” Luke said as he pointed his attention towards Delilah, already deciding he wasn’t a huge fan of her.
Delilah had a smile form to her lips once she met Luke’s gaze, “Well, look at that,” Delilah mumbled. Parker took a hold of Delilah and the sinister smirk on her lips fell as her gaze softened. 
“So Luke’s playing tonight, and we got some lower bowl seats for us tonight,” Y/N offered as she met Luke’s gaze. Parker perked up as his eyes widened.
“Okay, I was trying to be all cool but dude I’m a huge fan of you and your team,” Parker let out while laughing. Luke smiled shyly as he dropped his head. 
“Thanks, that’s-that’s great,” he muttered. Y/N delicately ran her hand up and down Luke’s back soothingly. Knowing that he always feels awkward when situations like this happen. He took a deep breath, “I gotta start getting ready in a couple hours, but we can get some lunch if you guys want,” Luke offered, wanting to change the subject.
“That’d be great! I just want to get changed and ready, Y/N why don’t you help me get dressed and put on makeup?” Delilah offered as she looped her arm around Y/N’s and forced her to where she thought the bedroom was. Y/N glanced towards Luke desperately. Parker dropped his head while hiding his laughter.
Luke looked towards Parker. “Want to sit?” Luke asked, pointing towards the couch as the girls disappeared. Parker nodded as he followed Luke towards the couch. They sat down on the opposite sides, awkward tension filled the air. 
“I’m sorry about D,” Parker mumbled as he shifted his gaze towards Luke. Luke clenched his jaw as he met Parker’s gaze, “Her and Y/N have always had a complicated friendship,” Parker expressed.
Luke furrowed his eyebrows as he pressed his lips together. “Delilah has always thought there was competition over everything but especially me,” Luke leaned back against the couch, “Y/N and I were friends first, she’s practically my sister. I never even looked at her that way but Delilah’s always had some jealousy towards Y/N,” he explained. 
Luke clenched his jaw, picturing Y/N hugging Parker, suddenly analyzing every touch and glance the pair shared. Parker’s eyes widened, “Y/N never liked me like that, practically my sister, man,” 
“I believe you, I do. Just confused as to why Delilah thinks it’s a competition,” Luke explained while crossing his arms over his chest. 
“I’m not even sure but she’s always asking me why I picked her over Y/N when there wasn’t even a choice.” Parker explained, “I’m just giving you a heads up, it’s gonna be a long weekend.”
Luke let out a sigh as he stared towards the ceiling.
“Do you remember that time at Frankie’s party when you got into his hot tub withou-” Delilah started when Y/N kicked her from under the table. “What? You don’t want Luke to find out your secrets from high school,” she teased.
Y/N forced a smile as she panicky took a hold of Luke’s hand from beneath the table. He squeezed her hand a few times as he shoved a dramatic bite of salad into his mouth. “It’s not a secret, just not a story I’m fond of,” she mumbled. 
“Oh come on, Parker, you remember! She got that dare from Frankie to get into the hot tub naked with Henry and she did!” Delilah tilted her head back laughing. No one else at the table was laughing. 
Y/N took in a sharp breath as she glanced towards Luke and Parker. “I only did that because you told me that is the only way Henry would’ve liked me,” she explained, a small smirk on her lips. “And then we dated for two years. So I guess you were right,” she clenched her jaw as she dropped her gaze back down towards her salad. 
“No wonder why your dad didn’t like the guy,” Luke muttered. Y/N rolled her eyes as she squeezed his hand. She hasn’t spoken to her dad since Luke moved in, neither of them have made an effort to speak. He still doesn’t approve of Y/N and Luke living together. 
“Yeah, well, my dad doesn’t like you very much right now, so you have no room to talk,” she muttered as she pulled her hand away from his. She reluctantly pushed her chair back away from the table. “I need to use the bathroom,” she muttered. 
“I’ll join you,” Delilah offered. 
“No, I’m good alone,” she forced out as she walked towards the bathroom.
Luke leaned back in his chair as he let out a long drawn out breath. He pursed his lips forward as he reached up and adjusted the snapback on his head. Delilah shook her head as she mocked the few words that Y/N spoke. 
“Why is she so cold?” Delilah offered while clenching her jaw. Luke rolled his eyes as he tilted his head to the side.
“I mean, you could ease up on the mean comments,” Luke let out while meeting her gaze.
“Dude,” Parker warned. 
“No, dude, I’m tired of hearing y'all make fun of my girl all the time. Just because you guys have been friends forever doesn’t mean you get to be rude,” 
“That’s just how we’ve always been!” she chuckled, “We always make fun of each other,” she smiled. Parker frowned slightly as he tilted his head back. 
“That’s funny because I have only heard you make fun of her. Y/N hasn’t even made one rude comment to you,” Luke said while he continued staring down Delilah. Parker took in a shaky breath as he cautiously shook his head.
“Who do you think you are?” Delilah started. Luke rolled his eyes, “You’ve been with her for all of five minutes and you think you know what’s good for her? I’ve known her for forteen years, I think I know how to talk to my best friend,” 
Luke took in a sharp breath as he tilted his head back as he watched Y/N walk back from the bathroom, he watched her eyes blink rapidly; forcing the tears away from her eyes. He clenched his jaw. She sat down beside him as she rested her hand onto his thigh, He tilted his head to meet her gaze. 
“I’m sorry, that was unfair of me,” she muttered. He smiled softly as he leaned towards her, kissing her briefly. 
“It’s okay,” he whispered before he kissed her one more time before he shifted his gaze towards Parker. 
Parker looked down towards his lap as he took in a shaky breath. “How the hell did you guys just do that,” Parker asked, a dry chuckle leaving his throat. Delilah furiously shifted her gaze towards Parker, scolding him. “I mean seriously, Baby, we never get over an argument that fast,”
“It wasn’t an argument,” Y/N said while smiling. 
“I mean it looked like the start of one,” Parker offered. Luke took a hold of her thigh, running his hand soothingly. “Luke, why didn’t you try to defend yourself?” Delilah scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Nothing to defend, I knew it wasn’t personal,” Luke said as he squeezed her thigh.
“See, if I said that she would’ve yelled at me,” Parker muttered as he ran his hand across his chin. 
“I am about to yell at you, if you keep dishing our fucking business to Miss Perfect,” she muttered as she stood up. “You know what, I don’t need this. I’m done trying. Let’s go Parker,” she forced out as she began walking away. Parker reluctantly stood up. 
“I’m sorry guys,” he mumbled, he met Y/N’s gaze, “I’m really sorry,” Parker followed after her. 
After Luke and Y/N walked back into their apartment, Parker and Delilah’s bags were gone. Y/N was more sad that Parker went with Delilah than standing up for himself. Over the last year, their relationship seemed to hit a rock, as Delilah's insecurities in the relationship took over. 
Y/N sat in her seat, waiting for the first period to start. Luke and the rest of the Devils were in the locker room as the zamboni cleaned the ice. She felt someone tap her shoulder, she lifted her gaze to see Parker waiting for her to move so he could sit beside her. She smiled widely. “Parker?” she offered as she stood up. She quickly hugged him. “Where’s D?” she asked. He clenched his jaw as he quickly sat down beside her. 
“Gone, she drove home, we’re done,” he muttered as he adjusted the Hischer jersey on his body. Y/N’s eyes widened. “I mean I’ve spent the last decade trying to impress her and make her happy. I’m tired, Y/N,” he mumbled. “You and Luke have been together for what, a year? You guys communicate better than Delilah and I do after five years together. I’m so tired of every little thing I say getting twisted,”
“I’m sorry Parker, I truly thought you guys would’ve ended up together,” she expressed.
He tilted his head back as the introduction to the game began, “Me too,” he slowly licked his lips as he watched the Devils get ready to jump back on the ice for the first period. “Maybe I’ll find her in the city,” he tilted his head to the side, meeting her gaze. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. 
“I’m going to move here and start over. I need a break from that place,” he explained, “And please drop your ego, I wasn’t implying you,” he said while laughing. She tilted her head back while chuckling.
“Like I would pick you over my handsome sweet boyfriend over there,” she teased as she pointed towards forty-three on the ice. Parker rolled his eyes. 
“He’s definitely good for you, I’m happy for you,” he said as he switched his gaze back on the ice, “And how could I say no to free Devils games?” he chuckled. 
“I’m glad you stayed, Parker,” she offered as she met his gaze. Parker smiled softly.
“Me too,”
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itz-mfkn-de · 7 days
could you do a theo nott x ravenclaw!reader where he helps her study for a big test? but he ends up just "distracting" her ??
Yes yes yes yes yes I love u and ur brain this is amazing.
Warnings- sex, kissing, cussing, Italian, yah that’s it
TY FOR THE REQUEST ALSO IM WORKING ON THE OTHERS SORRY FOR TAKING FORVER IVE BEEN SO BUSY😭 but i love you all and i promise i am working on them.
You sat in your dorm room, the books around you swallowing your surroundings. You had been studying for the past couple hours and you had no intentions of stopping. This test determined if you passed the class or not, you couldn’t let yourself fall behind, not after you’d worked so hard to get to the top.
Your brows furrowed while you re read over the chapter info, trying your best to imbed it into your brain.
Your intense focus was broken by the light knocks on your door, and you knew exactly who it was.
You sighed softly and got up from your desk. You unlocked the door and slowly opened it, making eye contact with a certain brunette not long after.
“Theo, I thought you had plans with friends?” You said with a soft smile.
He walked past you and planted a kiss on your forehead, his hands tracing your waist.
“ I did, but I missed my girl,” he mumbled as his body flopped on your bed “Missed you, bella.”
“I missed you too Theo,” you walked up to him to give him a soft kiss, just wanting to feel his lips against your own for a quick moment.
He moaned once he felt the warmth of your mouth meet his, hands roaming slowly under your shirt.
You pulled back and grabbed his hands before they travelled and lower.
“No, i have to study, Theodore,” you said strictly “I can’t fail this test.”
He let out a groan.
“Amore, when have you ever failed a test? Not once, and I don’t think this is any different from before.” He replied while putting your hands on his chest and continuing.
His lips ghosted along the Side of your neck leaving you breathless.
“Theodore..I really need to study.” You grumbled as you made little attempt to push him back.
He left soft sloppy kisses where his warm breath had resided.
“Mmm, but you’re so smart already, bambina..my smart girl.” He smiled into your neck, loving how flustered you had become.
He knew exactly what he was doing. Every word that left his mouth was meticulously chosen just to make your knees weak, and Salazar save you, it was working.
“Nuh uh, I’m not letting you sweet talk me.” You stated while completely pulling yourself away from Theodore, much to his dismay.
“I have to study,” you looked at him with a glare and went back to your desk.
Every part of your body was currently on fire. You needed him in every sense of the word, but you knew you needed to finish studying first.
You tried your best to focus on your book infront of you but your mind kept wandering else where.
You heard a couple footsteps but paid no mind to whatever Theodore had decided to occupy himself with.
A couple seconds passed before you turned your head to see Theodore pulling up a chair and sitting next to you.
“Theodore, what are you doing?” You asked with a tinge of annoyance, but you couldn’t stay mad at him, not when he looked at you like that.
“ I want to help you study,” he stated while noticing your doubtful glare “I really do, no games I promise, principessa.” He assured you.
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes at his boyish grin he let slip across his face.
You began reading the questions out loud, allowing him to help you answer a few of them aswell.
“Let’s make it fun, yeah?” He asked after another handful of questions had been answered.
“How do you mean?” You asked while writing a few things down with your quill.
“I’ll worry about that, you keep reading.” He ordered softly, his hands moving the hair away from the side of your neck he was facing.
You did your best to ignore him and went back to the book, focusing on the words instead of your very needy boyfriend’s hand creeping up your thigh.
His lips continued where’d they’d left off from earlier , finding specific spots that got you squirming and focusing on them.
“Theodore.. I t—I told you I need to study..” you managed to get out in between your harsh breaths.
“Mm, you work so hard, can’t have my Bella ragazza overworked…” he groaned, his hands tracking under your skirt.
“I—i” you tried to to get a complaint out, but Theodore was quick to shut you up once his hands reached your already wet core.
He let out a gutteral moan at the feeling of your wetness coating his fingers.
“See how wet you are baby? Let your self relax…let me help you.” He whispered in your ear as he pulled his hands back and lifted you from the chair.
You yelled as your back hit the bed, him finding his place on top of you not too long after.
His lips wasted no time in connecting to yours, tongue and teeth clashing against eachother with raw need being their motivation.
His hands slipped back down to your core, pulling your skirt above your hips.
Every one of your nerves felt as if it were being set on fire, the arsonist being Theodore not and his Godsend hands.
He gently rubbed your clit and discard of your panties somewhere in the room, not giving much mind to the thin layer of fabric that blocked him from what he wanted.
You shivered as his long slender fingers played with your clit, teasing you to no end.
“Bel bambino, all worked up, I’m sorry I didn’t help you sooner.” He cooed at your flustered face.
“Theo..please.” You moaned once his mouth made contact with your neck again.
“Please what, Bella, let me hear you say what you want.” He grunted through his clenched jaw as he slipped two finger into your dripping hole.
“Mio dio, sei così bagnato.” He mumbled under his breath.
You gasped at the feeling of his fingers stretching you out.
You arched your back off the bed as he continued his ministrations.
“I want you too fuck me…please.” You begged while your nails dug into his shoulders.
“Salazar fucking save me, well when you beg like that, how could I say no, Amore?” Theodore teased as he pulled his hands away from you to undo his pants.
You whined at the absence of his fingers but he was quick to pull down his boxers and push his tip against you.
He looked at you through his long eyelashes, as if asking for permission.
“Please.” Was all you could muster out before he started to slowly push into you with a hiss leaving his lips.
Your head lulled back as you felt the stretch of his thick cock set in. No matter how many times you to had fucked, you’d never get sued to when he fist pushes in.
“Santa merda, you’re so fucking tight..” he growled into your ear as he slowly pulled back only to push in a little harder than before.
You let out a moan, one louder than intended, but Theodore was quick to shut you up with his mouth on yours.
The kiss was sloppy, teeth and tongue met in a harsh collision, as his thrusts began to pick up pace.
Your hands gripped the sheets, trying to resurface yourself. Theos thrust became relentless, giving you no time to catch your breath at all.
His grip on your chin was replaced by wet sloppy kisses. His hands found their place next to your head.
“Theo I c— oh my fuck.” You whimpered out.
“Cmon, Bella, let go f’me.” He slurred out through his gritted teeth while whispering some Italian curses under his breath.
Your back arched from the bed as you sucked in a harsh breath of air, feeling everything in your body set on fire.
Your head spun as you rode out your high through theos thrust.
He quickly pulled out and came on your stomach, flopping down next to you.
You stared at the ceiling while you caught your breath.
“You are never allowed to study with me again.” You joked at Theodore, turning your body on its side to face him.
He gave you his signature grin, kissing you like you were the only girl in the world.
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c-m-stuff · 1 year
Wedding Ring
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are married. When you forgot to put your wedding ring back on, Spencer panicked.
-Warnings: Fluffiness, angst
-Word count: 656
-Note: It's finally summer vacation! I hope you are all enjoying the sun and this little story. Have fun! You deserve it! Also, thank you so much for 100 followers! It means a lot to me and to celebrate it, I made a summer party! Join here. :)
-Credits: @radiant-reid
-Tag list: @reid-ingandweeping
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Spencer's POV:
Fear was the first thing I felt when I came home to my wife, noticing she wasn't wearing our wedding ring. She always wears it, so why not now? Immediately my head was spinning with thousands of thoughts. Why isn't she wearing our wedding ring? Does she want to divorce? Did I do something wrong? Fell she out of love? How long is she feeling this way? Is there-
'Spence? Are you alright?' she pulled me out of my thoughts, or rather the chaos in my head, as I looked dumbfounded at her.
'Y-yeah.' I was quick in discarding my coat and satchel, walking towards the love of my life and giving her a quick pack on the lips, before disappearing into our shared bedroom.
I wasn't ready yet to confront her, wanting to clear everything out by myself first. Maybe I did do something that upset her? Or maybe she really fell out of love? This thought made me start to panic. I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her. A single tear, escaping my eye, as I heard a soft knock on the door.
'Spence? Can I come in?' It didn't take a profiler to hear the worry in her voice.
But yet, I couldn't answer. I was too busy keeping up with my own thoughts, it was like I couldn't do something else.
'I'm coming in.' and just like she said, she opened the door.
In the meanwhile, the panic and fear had set in so fiercely, that tears were now fully streaming down my cheeks. The moment (Y/N) saw me, she ran into my arms, hugging me tightly, while drawing circles on my back, in attempt to comfort me.
'Shhh, it's okay. Everything is okay now. You're safe, I'm here.'
I kept her in my arms for a few more minutes, before my tears finally lessened. I slowly pulled away, facing her worried figure. She took my hands in hers, rubbing them softly.
'What's wrong, love?'
I no longer was able to hold myself in. I needed to know. Knowing deeply that her answer could break down my whole world.
'Do you- do you want to divorce?' she looked at me with widen eyes, filled with disbelief and shock.
'Wh-what? No, no of course not! Why in the world would you think that?' relief flooded over my body, while releasing a sigh I didn't know I was holding.
'You're not wearing your wedding ring. You always wear your wedding ring.'
'No, no, honey. You completely misunderstood. When you went to see Ethan, I decided to do something I hadn't done in a while. Painting. I took the ring off because, knowing me, I can't paint without having my hands full of it. I just didn't want it to get dirty, and forgot putting it back on.' I began to relax more, hearing now the logical explanation, while feeling a little shame for getting to such a conclusion.
'It's right-' she disappeared out of the room for a moment, returning quickly back.
'here.' she continued, holding the ring and putting it back on.
'I'm sorry, I thought that. I just panicked because you never not wear it. I'm sorry.'
'It's alright, love. Don't worry about it. You just need to remember that I love you very much and that I am still happily married.' I felt her soft lips on mine, kissing me passionately. I kissed her back, both chuckling in the process.
'I love you. You are my whole world, you know that?'
'I do.' she smiled.
'As long as you know that you are my whole universe.'
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soapsilly · 9 months
Cardio - Roronoa Zoro Imagine
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Spoilers for One Piece (?), also kinda NSFW?
Summary: Ever since she joined the crew flirting with a certain green-haired swordsman has been (Y/N)'s favourite past time - even though she was told to not get her hopes up. Zoro doesn't do romance... or relationships... or situashionships. But what harm could a little harmless flirting do?
Requests are closed
"So, (Y/N)-san, are you single?", the cook asked her during dinner. (Y/N) enjoyed that the crew ate dinner together every evening. It felt like family. Ever since she joined the Straw Hats the whole crew embraced her with open arms.
"Well, yes I am, but I'm hoping not for long", she answered the blonde but kept her eyes firmly trained on a certain green-haired swordsman that sat at the other end of the table, sending him a playful smile. It was no secret that the girl had cast an eye on the man know as the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro, who, at the moment, didn't even seem to notice her advances.
"Oooh (Y/N)-swaaaan I humbly volunteer myself as your boyfriend and partner!~", Sanji exclaimed.
The newest member couldn't hold back her giggles, "And I would be honoured, Sanji. Truly! But what would poor Robin and Nami do if you were taken?"
"Oh but of course, how could I forget? (Y/N)-san, you are so thoughtful~ ! But don't worry. I have enough love for all three of you, Ladies~"
(Y/N) giggled at his sing-song voice. She really liked the whole crew - all of them - but there was one person she took an instant liking to.
"Oi, Marimo! It's your turn to do the dishes! Don't you think you can weasel yourself out of it again", Sanji's sing-song was quickly replaced by a harsh holler.
"Oh, I'll help!", (Y/N) exclaimed. She was almost shocked at herself being so excited at the prospect of doing the dishes but spending time with Zoro didn't seem so bad.
"No, no, no. (Y/N)-san, -", Sanji tried to protest but the girl insisted. And so, shortly after, she found herself standing next to the mosshead rinsing the dishes.
"Soooo, what are you plans for the evening?", she asked the man standing next to her.
"Training", he hummed.
"You do that alot"
"Comes with the goal of being the strongest"
"I admire that", she smiles at him. It was quiet in the kitchen. The only things to be heard were the clinking of the plates and the occasional swooshing of the water in the sink, "Can you teach me some?"
The swordsman let out a laugh, "That would take years"
"I mean, just the basics", she shrugged.
"As I said, that would take years"
"You're being difficult on purpose", she grew frustrated, "I'm just trying to get to know you a little, y'know? Spend some time with you..."
The kitchen fell silent for a few moments before she came up with another idea.
"Would you like some company then?"
He looked at her for a few seconds but then decided to send her a nod anyways - maybe because she helped him with the dishes or maybe because he truly didn't care.
"Great! That's far better anyways, I get to sit back and enjoy a nice cold iced tea while watching a hot guy exercise", she nudged him in the side but didn't get a smile back, "You know you're no fun, right?"
Just a little later the two of them found themselves on the deck - Zoro practicing his form and (Y/N) off to the side shouting over some things here and there.
"Wait, so you trained with Mihawk? That Dracule Mihawk? One of the seven warlords of the sea?", she was shocked. She knew Zoro was good - in fact the whole crew was known to be extremely strong especially for how young they were compared to other crews - but this really put into perspective how strong he probably was.
"You talk a lot, you know?", his voice was gruff.
"Oh... Sorry", she didn't mean to annoy him, "I just wanted to get to know you a little..."
When the fighter noticed how quiet she had become he sighed, "Yes, he trained me for two years"
Her eyes lit up at his answer, "How is he like??"
"You're doing it again, woman!!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!"
It was early in the evening. The sun was set low on the sky, painting it in an aray of reds and oranges. Like usual Zoro was on deck training his skills like everyday. Most evenings (Y/N) would join him but tonight she wasn't there. The green-haired man didn't give it much thought though and just continued as usual until the girl entered the deck wrapped in a towel, her hair still damp.
"You shouldn't run around like this", he told her once she noticed her scantily dressed form, "Do you want the waiter to get a seizure?"
"Well, good thing we have a great doctor on the ship then", she answered, "But don't worry. This isn't for Sanji anyways"
Zoro raised his brows.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. It's not for you either", she paused for a second, squinting her eyes, "I mean... unless it's working?"
When he stayed quiet, she continued.
"I put my clothes out here. I like it when my clothes are warm and cozy after a shower"
When he looked over her shirt and shorts were indeed hanging over the railing.
"As much as I'd like to ge there someday, I don't think we're there yet sooo... Would you kindly turn around?"
Zoro scrambled to avert his eyes. Is she really getting dressed here on deck? He didn't get to think about it for long as he was smacked at the back of his head with her towel.
"Done", he heard her voice, "C'mon. Let's get some snacks"
She grabbed him by his sleeve and pulled him with her towards the kitchen.
"So, I'll go shopping, Sanji-kun is going to accompany me to look for supplies. Franky decided to stay on the Sunny for maintenance, so all you others have free time to explore the island for yourselves. Get your allowances before you leave or I will add yours to mine", Nami anounced.
"Great, I'll go with Zoro", (Y/N) immediately looped her arm into the swordman's. Her exclamation was merely a formality at this point as the last times they explored different islands weren't any different. Looking for firewood, hunting, exploring the wildlife to make sure there wasn't any threat around them - (Y/N) teamed up with Zoro. The pirate hunter never objected, much to the girl's delight. Having some free time now, however, was a welcome change for the whole crew though.
Just as they were about to leave Nami stopped the other woman.
"Hey (Y/N), wait I need to talk to you for a sec"
"Sure, what's up, Nami?", (Y/N) beamed at the navigator.
"Oi, if the two of you want to have your chit chat either have it quick or have it later, I'm not waiting for you, (Y/N)!", Zoro shouted at his companion from where he was standing a few feet ahead already.
"Without my help, you wouldn't even find the bar! You have no choice but to wait for me!", she hollered back but then quickly turned to Nami, "But seriously, if he wanders off without me, he's probably lost forever, so we should be quick before I lose sight of him", she giggled.
"Yeah, about that... I wanted to talk to you about Zoro", Nami awkwardly scratched the back of her neck.
"Why what about him?", (Y/N) was still smiling brightly.
"I noticed you flirting with him... like a lot-"
"Oh... Is he-? Are you? Are the two of you- ?", (Y/N) could feel her cheeks heat up. That would explain why Zoro never really went for any of her flirts...
"Are we what? Oh... OH! Oh god no! Zoro and me? God forbid!", Nami looked shocked.
"Thank god", (Y/N) let out a relieved laugh, "but what is the problem then?"
"Well, Zoro doesn't really do romance or relationships. He never goes for it whenever girls try to flirt with him. He probably doesn't even notice it to be perfectly honest", Nami continued, "I don't want you to get your hopes up just to get disappointed in the end"
"Oh that", (Y/N) made a dismissive hand gesture, "I noticed already. It's fine though. I mean, as long as it doesn't bother him it doesn't bother me either. I like spending time with him", she shrugged but then hugged her friend, "thanks for looking out for me though"
Nami was a little confused but hugged her friend back. She didn't understand how she could be happily having a crush on someone with no sign of reciprocation but as long as she was happy Nami was happy.
"Oh shit. Where is that mosshead gone?? Sorry, Nami! I gotta run. Who know's where that idiot wandered off to?", (Y/N) laughed happily whilst already running in the direction she suspected the swordsman to have disappeared into.
"You're buying", she grumbled.
"What, why?"
"Why? Are you serious? Because of you, we had to make a half-hour detour! My feet hurt... If you had just waited for me, we would've just taken a road straight into town but you had to wander into the forrest"
"I didn't force you to come with me, you know?"
She just huffed. It was quiet for a few moments then she heard a sigh.
"What do you drink?"
"You're the best!", she side-hugged the mosshead.
For the next hour, the two of them sat in the bar drinking and occasionally even joking around.
"Oof, I need some fresh air...", (Y/N) stumbled down from her bar stool.
"You're such a light-weight, it's a shame", Zoro let out a bark like laugh.
"And you're an alcoholic", she stuck out her tongue at him but then made her way out of the stuffy bar. Once outside she leaned against the wall to steady herself. She let a few deep breaths fill her lungs and thought about Nami's words from earlier once again. It really didn't matter if Zoro liked her back... did it? Nah...
She enjoyed spending time with him - be it as friends or as lovers. Eventhough, she much rather preferred one thing over the other. She knew Zoro never flirted back or even gave an indication that he even took notice of her attempts of gaining his affection but she knew that he at least enjoyed spending time with her, which was good enough for the girl. Maybe someday they could be something more than friends though...
It got chilly outside so she decided to enter the bar again. Once inside she saw Zoro sorrounded by a group of girls. (Y/N) furrowed her brows.
"You're the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro!", one of the girls gushed.
"So?", he huffed.
"We heard that you and your crew challenged the world goventment", another girl continued.
"I'm trying to have a drink here...", Zoro tried to tell them. Unfortunately, those poor girls took this as an invitation to join him.
"Ah yes! A drink would sound lovely! I'd like a -"
"That seat is taken", the mosshead put his hand over the empty bar stool, where (Y/N) had just sat a few minutes prior. (Y/N) felt like her heart skipped a beat. Maybe he did indeed like he at least a little bit.
"Oh really? I don't see anybody", the girl that just tried to take (Y/N)'s seat demanded to know why she couldn't sit next to the swordsman.
(Y/N) took this as her sign to take action.
"Thaaaaank you, love, for keeping my seat safe", she threw her arms around the man, "and who are your friends here?", she asked sweetly. (Y/N) didn't have a problem with the group of women sorrounding Zoro - not at all. She just decided to help him out here.
"I don't know them", he grumbled.
The group awkwardly shuffled away, mumbling something about being fans but needing to get going now.
(Y/N) turned to the pirate hunter with a wide grin on her face.
"For real though, thanks for saving my seat"
"I just want to have my drink in peace. They seemed annoying", he shrugged, "Why is your face all red?", he asked her.
Her face fell, "I'm drunk... idiot"
It was right after a fight. Most of the Straw Hats were unharmed - a few scatches here and a few bruises there. Nothing Dr. Chopper couldn't fix.
"That's going to be a scar, I'm sure of it", Nami complained about a cut she had suffered on her thigh.
"Don't worry, Nami!", (Y/N) yelled over from where she was sitting on the floor, "I think scars are sexy!"
"Oh really? Then why do I remember you almost having a mental breakdown after needing stitches on your forearm?", the red-head wasn't having it.
"First of all, that was my pretty arm! The other one already had blemishes...", (Y/N) rolled her eyes, "and second of all, I obviously wasn't talking about myself but rather on other people, isn't that right Zoro?" The girl sent the mosshead a shameless wink clearly alluding to the numerous scars that decorated the fighter's body.
Before Zoro had the chance to react, Sanji chimed in, "How come the stupid marimo is now somehow getting praise for sucking at fighting and always getting hit? Some of us are good enough to come out of a fight unharmed, you know?"
"What? WHAT? It's not my fault I'm actually fighting actual opponents! The only thing you are fighting are your eybrows", Zoro immediately shot back. It didn't take long for the two of them to be at each other's throats. Usually it would be Nami to separate them but everybody was too tired, so they just let them have at it.
(Y/N) had only heard of the massive feasts the Straw Hat pirates had after every fight - Luffy baited her with them to lure her into joining the crew, but this was far bigger then she had anticipated. There was more food than she could ever eat, enough alcohol for the whole island - and some more just for Zoro - and Brook played his most popular tunes.
(Y/N) was pleasantly buzzed already when she decided to join Zoro where he was sitting in the corner of the room. On her way there she grabber herself a cup and a big bottle of rum, once she plopped down next to him she poured herself a cup and then handed him the rest of the bottle, knowing he'd empty any cup she could've given him in an instant anyways. He didn't complain and gladly took it.
"Are you having fun?", she yelled over the music.
"As long as I have a drink I'm always having fun", he answered her and indeed, he did look like he loosened up for a change.
She sent him a smile and raised her glass at him before taking a deep swig. For a while the two of them just sat in comfortable silence. She knew flirting with him was kind of her thing by now but at the moment she just wanted to enjoy spending time with her friend. If things would always stay the way they were right now - things wouldn't be half bad.
"You did good today", Zoro was talking about the battle they had earlier.
"Am I hearing right? I must've bumped my head... A compliment! By the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro! I feel honored", she feigned shock.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. I meant you did good for your standards", he added with his lopsided grin that always made her heart skip a beat. To conceal an upcoming squeal she took another drink out of her cup. Okay, maybe staying friends wouldn't be as easy as she had hoped for - at least not with the adrenaline from the fight and the alcohol from the party still rushing through her veins.
"Why is your face all red?"
"You're not usually that observant, are you?", she grimaced.
"You'd be surprised", he smiled goofily before taking another big gulp of his drink.
Before (Y/N) had the chance to even think about what the swordsman was saying there, the song changed and so did the expression on the girl's face. A wide smile lit up her features and she excitedly turned to her friend next to her, who had no idea yet what she was about to propose to him.
"I know that song!", she sounded like a little child in a candy shop, "Do you dance?"
"Never", he barked out a laugh but made sure that she knew that he was aboslutely serious.
She pouted for a second but didn't want to waist any time before the song was over.
"Your loss", she shrugged and then skipped over to where Luffy, Usopp and Chopper where already dancing together arm in arm, joining them and singing at the top of her lungs.
"Okay you know how it is! We need a team for supplies, a team for guard duty, a team for hunting... you know the drill", Nami announced. The Straw Hats had just arrived on a new island neither of them knew personally. Robin had read about it in one of her books but other than that none of them knew what they would find there. Robin already decided that she would explore the ruins that were supposed to be hidden deep in the woods - the island was supposed to be abandoned - but the others had to divide the remaining tasks among themselves.
(Y/N) was just about to announce that she was gonna team up with Zoro when the swordfighter himself interrupted her.
"(Y/N) and I take guard duty", he spoke up.
"No surprise there", Nami commented.
It was true that the two of them, (Y/N) and Zoro, usually teamed up - today would have been no exception. What was different though, was that it was usually always (Y/N) that would just decide for them to be a team - Zoro most of the time had no choice but to simply go along with it. Today - though - today was different and nobody but (Y/N) caught on. She was so busy with her thoughts that she didn't notice the other guys leave until it was suddenly just her and Zoro all alone on that big ship they called their home.
"So, guess it's just you and me, huh?"
"We don't have to talk, you know?", Zoro stated matter of factly, already preparing himself for a nice long nap.
"I know a few things we could do instead of talking, you know?", she repeated his statement, "In fact, it's gonna be a good few hours before any of them come back... a lot of things one could do in that time... instead of talking I mean", she pursed her lips as if she was really thinking about different possibilities instead of clearly alluding to one thing, before sending the fighter a grin.
"You keep flirting with me" - it was more of a statement than a question. There was no emotion in Zoro's voice that would have given the girl any indication as to how he felt about the fact. She felt her heart drop. And the others would only return in a couple of hours... this was gonna be uncomfortable.
"You - you noticed?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I?"
"Nami said something along those lines a while back..."
"Nami always thinks she knows everything" - there was still no reaction on his face.
"Does it bother you? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable", (Y/N) could feel her face heat up. She felt bad and embarrassed at the same time.
"Bother me?", he let out a dry laugh - finally a sign of emotion, but now (Y/N) still didn't know what to make of it - "There's worse things in life than a pretty girl flirting with you"
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relieve. She would've been mortified if she made her friend uncomfortable in any way. The compliment didn't even register until a few moments later.
"Oh is that so?", a devious smile lit up her face but as fast as it appeared it disappeared again when she realized something, "Wait but why did you never flirt back? I mean, not even with me... but also with all those girls that always try to get with you... like those girls in the bar a few months back"
"Do I look like the ero-cook or what?", he truly looked insulted but (Y/N) didn't settle for that cheap of an answer. When she stayed quiet he continued, "Girls like these are always annoying. Idolizing you and wanting you to share your drinks with them. I mean not that you're not also annoying but looks like I'm not getting rid of you anytime soon", he shrugged.
When the girl heard that she squinted her eyes, "You know, I'll choose to take that as a compliment". A wide smile lit up her face as she made her way over to the mosshead, "You liiiike meeee", she teased him as she almost was chest to chest with the taller man.
"I liked the you from two minutes ago... You know? When you were too shocked to even form a sentence"
"And I liked the you that just called me pretty", she tried to look serious as she looked up at him, their faces only a few inches apart, before her face split into a grin again as she got on her tippy toes and pecked the swordfighter on his lips.
When she tried to pull back Zoro however had already cupped her face with both of his hands, going in for another kiss. (Y/N) hands almost automatically found their way into the pirate hunter's green hair and for a while the two of them just stood there as if the world stood still until Zoro parted from her lips.
"You know, I think you were right", his voice was low, barely more than a growl, "we do have the ship to ourselves for at least another two or so hours..."
"I'm a fucking genius", she mumbled agains his lips breathing heavily already.
"Jump", he commanded.
She knew exactly what he wanted from her, so without parting from his lips she did as she was told. He caught her with ease as she wrapped her legs around his waist, carrying her into the sleeping quarters of the Sunny. Once inside he laid her onto her matress, only breaking the kiss to basically tear the clothes off of her body.
"Fuck", he took the time to admire the woman in front of him. The cold air from suddenly being exposed had led to goosebumps forming on her body.
"Zoro" - when he heard her impatient whining it was his time to tease her now, taking his time with undressing himself before finally crawling on top of her again. Every touch felt electric, his skin felt hot against hers as she arched her back into him. Anything to get closer to him.
"Is that what you've been thinking about all this time, huh?", his voice was hoarse as he leaned down nibbling on her earlobe. Instead of an answer he earned himself a breathless moan, which in turn seemed to have it's effect on him.
"Zoro, please...", she whined. The swordfighter enjoyed seeing her like this. For months now he had grown to like the overly confident young woman - eventhough her big mouth could become exhausting after a while - but now there was no more sassy banter anymore. Right now all that counted was how good her body felt against his and how perfectly his name sounded when she moaned it.
He leaned down for another kiss, which she eagerly returned. His hands found their way into her hair tuggin at the strands, making the girl underneath him gasp from the sudden sensation. He isn't know to be a patient man but he thought to himself that he was gonna take his sweet time with this - partly to tease her, partly because he wanted to savour every moment of it - but (Y/N) had other plans. As they parted she looked up at him, lips swollen from the make out session and she looked to damn perfect. And then he felt her hand wandering down his torso and between his legs. To hell with taking it slow - they could always squeeze in a round two, he thought, as he pinned the girl's hand over her head and started kissing down between the valley of her breasts.
"Well, that was a failure", Nami complained to Sanji as they walked up the gangway to the Sunny. This island was puny. There way nothing interesting there. Not only were there indeed no people left, but there was also no sign of human life at all. No abandoned shops. No ghost town. Nothing. And even the trees in the forrest barely held enough fruit to top up their food supplies for the next part of the journey, so that they definitely would have to make a stop at yet another island before going on to their actual destiny.
"At least Robin-chwan had luck with her ruins", the cook babbled along, delighted at the thought of at least one of the women having had a good time. Most of the crew had found their way back to the Sunny again - all of them with similar news - except for Nico Robin, who indeed had found what she was looking for.
"Hey guys we're... back? Where are they?", the navigator was just about to announce their early arrival when she noticed that neither (Y/N) nor Zoro were anywhere to be found on the deck.
"They're not in the crow's nest either", Sanji confirmed, "What if something terrible happend to (Y/N)-san? I know it was a mistake leaving her here with that second class sword-clown"
"Calm down, Sanji", Chopper assured him, "Zoro probably wandered off again and (Y/N) now has to make sure he isn't lost or something. The island is abandoned. Nobody attacked them"
"That's just as bad, that stupid marimo", Sanji swore under his breath.
Nami was just about to answer the cook when a loud crash followed by a "fuck" interrupted her train of thought.
Zoro and (Y/N) just laid there at the moment, the sheets lazily draped over their exposed bodies. Zoro was just about to propose a round two when they heard the voices of Nami and that ero-cook outside of the cabin coming continuously closer.
"What are they doing back already?", (Y/N) looked panicked, scrambling out of bed trying to gather her clothing but only so far finding her bra, "Where the fuck are my clothes?"
Zoro couldn't help but laugh at the sight of her running around like a headless chicken. He was in no rush to get dressed - he much rather enjoyed the show that unfolded before his eyes.
"Stop laughing, Zoro, and help me", she whined. He noticed that her whining wasn't as annoying anymore... endearing rather.
"And what do you want me to do?", he laughed but actually got out of bed and gathered his clothes along with some of hers.
"Here", he handed her her panties, which she gladly took and tried to hastily put on. In the rush, however, she wobbled on one leg and then stumbled backwards into a dresser.
"Good job... I'm sure they won't be coming straight in here now", Zoro sarcastically commented. How did he already get his pants and shoes on???
Unfortunately though, Zoro was right. The once muffled voices of their crew mates were coming closer and closer. As much as he enjoyed seeing her struggle, time was running out now and the swordsman was not about to let (Y/N) be exposed like that, so he held out his green robe for her.
For a moment she hesitated.
"Are you sure?"
"It's wide. Easier to slip into than those tight clothes of yours", he shrugged - that was one reason, sure, another reason was, that he really wanted to see the waiters face when he saw (Y/N) in his clothes.
"That's nice", she smiled at him, "smells like you"
When he saw her in his clothes, there was a feeling in his chest he couldn't quite place. It was too big for her, the sleeves hanging over her hand and one side of the collar falling off of her shoulder exposing the naked skin underneath. He grabbed her jaw with one of his hands, making her cheeks puff out adorably and pressed a firm kiss on her lips.
"We should do this more often"
(Y/N) was just about to answer when the door to the sleeping rooms flew open. The girl tried to step away from Zoro as soon as she noticed that they weren't alone anymore but apparently not soon enough.
"Here you are! You know guard duty means guard duty and not nap time...", Nami's voice trailed off once she processed the image that presented itself infront of her.
Once she did, she began shrieking, "What do you two think you're doing???"
(Y/N) slipped out of the room squeezing past the red-head, closely followed by Zoro but to her horror outside most of the crew already stood and waited aswell.
"We - we were...", (Y/N) was usually quick-witted but right now her mind drew a blank.
"Doing cardio", Zoro chimed in from behind her, still shirtless and seemingly not bothered by the situation at all.
"Yep", (Y/N) went along with it, "Cardio"
Robin, who of course caught on to the situation, snickered behind her hand but refused to enlighten Dr. Chopper as to why that was funny, not wanting to tarnish the gullible reindeer's innocence.
Sanji however found nothing humorous in the situation - almost in shock he turned to (Y/N), "(Y/N)-san! I'm sorry I left you alone on this ship with this pervert! I promise I'll make it up to you"
"What did you just call me, ero-cook?"
"You heard me! If you just as much as put a single finger on (Y/N)-san I'll make you regret it"
"Sorry, to disappoint you, but I did a little more than that", Zoro laughed.
That was enough for the cook to lunge for the swordsman, "You are not good enough for her! You dirty bastard!"
Nami massaged the bridge of her nose. First, the island turned out to be a total failure and now this.
"Look what you've done. No more guard duty for the both of you", she deadpanned.
"Sick! I hate guard duty", (Y/N) grinned.
"I meant together", the navigator pressed out between her teeth.
"Oh! Yeah. I can't promise that", the other woman nodded thoughtfully and then turned to leave but then remembered one last thing.
"Oi, Nami!", the red-head looked up to where the voice was coming from. From behind her, (Y/N) could see Usopp furiously signaling for her to shut up - and (Y/N) knew she really should listen to him - but there was this little voice in the back of her head telling her to poke the bear, so she continued, "by the way... you were wrong!"
The last thing (Y/N) saw, before a furious Nami was chasing after her was a facepalming Usopp but she didn't have the time to justify her decision because the navigator was hot on her heels, with a raised hand. A punishment she usually only reserved for Luffy and sometimes Zoro whenever they were being stupid but (Y/N) guessed that the stress from today paired with the reminder of her error about the advice she gave (Y/N) about Zoro, was too much for the red-head.
"Sanjiiiiii, help! Nami's gone crazy and is trying to kill meeeee", she screamed at the top of her lungs as she was fully sprinting away in order to not get hit.
"I'm coming, (Y/N)-saaaaaan~", the cook sing-songed.
And as Nami was chasing after (Y/N) and Sanji was chasing after the two of them, she couldn't help but think about how she wouldn't wanna be anywhere else at the moment than on this ship with those idiots. Especially a certain green-haired swordsman that she had liked for a while and - as she now just found out - wasn't as clueless as she thought.
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pretty-red-garnet · 10 months
Daryl Dixon x fem! Reader • Quarry • Fluff
This took so long and I am not happy with it at all. I am so sorry to the anon who requested this! I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I just could not figure out what to write for this request. Again, so sorry. I hope to get back into writing more soon!
Part 2
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     Chaos. Everything was complete chaos. Gunshots, groans of walkers, the kids screaming in panic, Shane shouting orders. A rifle thrown in your hands, fingers trembling as you took shots, walkers falling to the ground. Lori, Carol, and the two kids were hustled into the RV, and you stood guard by the door.
     Rick and the group came back from Atlanta suddenly, yelling and shouting and putting more guns in more people hands. Your eyes kept flicking to your brother, Shane, as he took down geeks. Everything was going so fast and your head was spinning.
     And then, silence. It was eerie, how so much panic and chaos could turn quiet so shortly. The once bustling camp enjoying a fish fry now was now nearly half the size. The earth beneath your feet was covered in blood, some red and fresh from the people, some was almost back, the walker blood.
     Andrea dropped down to her sister and let out a cry, and that's when you finally turned away, opening the door to the RV and letting them know it was clear. A hand dropped to your shoulder and you flinched, the tips of your fingers brushed the knife at your waist before you realized.
     "You good?" Shane asks, and you give him a jerky nod. He pats your shoulder once more and parts from you. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and survey the camp.
     There's bodies everywhere, both human and undead. You can't stand looking at it, you can't stand Andrea's cries as the background noise. You turn on your heel and begin walking away, towards the woods. Maybe it wasn't safest, but you needed a breather away from everything. They were beginning to stab the brains of the dead, and you couldn't watch them put down the people you once considered friends.
     You sit heavily on a overturned tree, the rifle you swung on your back makes a metallic noise when it hits the wood. You sigh, bringing your elbows to rest on your knees as you bury your face in your hands.
     You're only alone for a moment before you hear footsteps and you shoot your head up, heart racing and eyes glancing about before you spot Daryl. You huff out a breath and take your eyes off him, hastily brushing a stray tear from your cheek.
     "You're getting sloppy, heard you from a mile away," you tease, your voice teary. Daryl scoffs and plunks himself down on the trunk beside you.
     "Didn't wanna scare you." You nod, because you knew he had purposely made himself known. You'd been hunting with the archer enough times to know he was never sloppy.
     "Did my brother send you?" You ask, still staring down at your shoes out of embarrassment that he'd seen you like this. All teary eyed and pathetic looking.
     "Nah, too busy starin' at Lori and Rick," he says. It's your turn to scoff now. "You alright?"
     "Yeah," you answer, risking a little glance at the man beside you. He was biting his lip in a way that made you believe he was worried, so you force a little smile. He doesn't look convinced.
     "No Merle?" You ask. Daryl shakes his head, breaking his gaze from yours. "I'm sorry." Daryl throws you a little glare out the corner of his eye, but it lacks any sort of real anger. "I am."
     "Sure," he says, sarcastically. You narrow your eyes and bump his shoulder with yours.
     "Ok, I know me and him weren't exactly besties," your emphasis on the word makes Daryl give you an exasperated look. You just smile. "But I can still be sorry, I know how much you care about him." Daryl hums. "Besides, I don't think anything will take down that man. I'm sure he's fine."
     "Yeah, probably," he says with a huff of air escaping his lips. You're both quiet for a moment, and Daryl eyes you worriedly. "You sure you're alright?"
     "Yeah," you say with a shrug. "Just... worried. About everything."
     "I get that." You get silent again, and Daryl starts to bite and pick at the skin on his thumb. "But you don't gotta be."
     "I don't?" You ask, brows pulled forward and looking at Daryl intently. "Why's that?" Daryl shrugs and decides that the ground is more interesting than looking at you.
     "'Cause I'll always look out for you," he answers, quietly. You smile and place your hand on Daryl's shoulder in a gentle manner. He flinches just a bit before turning his blue eyes to you. He has a soft expression on his face, the one that's reserved for only you
     "Thank you," you say, in a sincere and soft way Daryl's never heard directed at him before. He nods, shakily. "I'll always look out for you, too."
     "I know," he answers, standing up. "Come on, ain't safe out here."
     You aren't completely sure when the unlikely friendship of you and Daryl began. A cop and a loud, brash redneck wasn't exactly an expected duo. Although, you do know a much different Daryl than most. A much kinder, softer version of himself, one he keeps locked behind a very tall, very solid wall.
     You're sure the only reason Daryl has shown this side of himself to you was because you're the only one to treat him like a person, not like some ticking time bomb. Not like some untamed animal or uncontrollable being, just a person. You had shown him a kindness he wasn't used to, and even after a few attempts at keeping you at arms length, you're closer than ever with the man.
You’d admit that maybe your feelings for the man weren’t completely platonic. But that’s to be expected considering you spend so much time with him. He’d taught you some hunting tips, so you hunted with him most days. All that time together, it wasn’t a complete surprise that a little crush would form.
Daryl leads you back to your tent, avoiding the mess of the dead loved ones. It seems most have agreed major cleanup can wait until morning, and have returned to their reserved tents. Dale stayed on watch, mostly for Andrea's sake, just incase she wouldn't be strong enough to take out Amy, you assume.
Daryl lingers at the opening of your tent. You have a unsure, nervous look to you. Your hands wring and fumble with themselves, and your bottom lip in firmly in place between your teeth. He's not fond of your anxious presence.
"I don't want to be alone," you whisper. You grimace, eyes screwing shut briefly before they open again. "Sorry, that makes me sound so pathetic." You let out a breath of air that's supposed to resemble a laugh, but it falls short. "I'll be ok, I'm not even really alone anyway. Shane's tent is right next to mine—"
"Wanna stay with me?" Daryl asks, before he can even think. The words just escape him, embarrass him, and he's about to take it back before you answer.
"Would you mind?" Daryl wants to say absolutely not, of course he doesn't, but what comes out is a grunt and a shake of his head accompanied by a shrug. Daryl turns towards his tent and juts his chin at it.
"Come on." You follow behind him to his tent. His and Merle's are beside each other, both farther from everyone else's tents. They have their own small fire pit and some tree stumps for chairs. Not far behind is a string of cans, a perimeter for the campsite.
Daryl leads you into his tent, holding the flap open for you to climb in behind him. It's small inside, some clothes and spare bolts for his crossbow laying about. A thick blanket is splayed out to act as a barrier from the hard ground. It's Daryl's turn to be nervous and fumbling, watching you take in the small space.
"Cozy," you say with a smile, laying down on the blanket. Daryl hesitates, sitting near the closed entrance and as far as possible from you. You frown. "Lay down. There's room for both of us." You pat the spot on the blanket beside you.
Daryl's eyes flick from yours to the space beside you. He eventually obeys after seeing your unrelenting gaze and lays down beside you, kicking off his boots and keeping them close.
You watch as Daryl does so. His muscles are tense, even as he lays down. He's stiff as a board, arms crossed on his chest as he stares up at the ceiling of the tent. He's ridged, and you feel the tension radiate off his body in waves.
"Am I making you nervous?" You ask, a teasing tone to your voice. It’s mostly to cover up your own anxiety over being so close to him. Daryl scoffs and turns his face away from you.
"Yeah, right." You laugh softly, and Daryl feels a smile twitch at his own lips at the sound. "Just ain't used to sharin' the covers, better not be a blanket hog."
"I'm not, I promise."
It gets quiet, both just laying beside each other, sleep not catching up with either. The gears in your head spin at a million miles a minute, and Daryl glances at you every few minutes, his own thoughts racing, until finally, you speak.
"Do you ever think..." you pause, and Daryl watches you carefully. "That you just aren't good enough? No matter what you do?" Daryl's brows furrow. Where did that come from?
"Plenty," he replies. "Have I ever thought you weren't good enough? Nah, never." Daryl adjusts so his arm is resting behind his head, he keeps his gaze straight to the ceiling even as he feels your eyes burn into him. "Where's this comin' from?"
"I don't know." You shrug. "Been thinking about it a lot lately. About if something happens and I can't save Shane, or Carl. You." Daryl's heart flips.
     "Took out a lot of walkers today," Daryl says. "I think you'd be right there if anyone needs your help."
     "I'm not strong enough."
     "Stop," Daryl snaps, he whips his eyes to yours.
     "I'm not. I'm not my brother, and I'm not like you or Rick. I'm not strong, I'm not meant for this." Your voice grows weaker as you go on.
     "You're a cop, you helped people, right? You took out, what? Ten walkers all on your own? I saw you." You let out a humorless laugh, tears spring at your eyes.
     "The only reason I became a cop was because Shane did," you admit. "I felt like I had to follow him, to do something."
     "Don't matter." Daryl's brows furrow. He isn't sure where this is all coming from. Sure, he'd seen you seemed to always be behind Shane, following whatever he said to do. It bugged him a little, how he always bosses you around. He didn't think it ever bothered you.
     "It does matter," you say with a scoff and sit up. Daryl follows, slowly sitting up next to you. "I was never meant for it. I could barely even take statements sometimes without wanting to cry."
     "Just means you care 'bout people." You shrug.
     "It means I'm weak." Daryl shakes his head and nudges you with his elbow.
     "Ain't weak. And you ain't pathetic, neither." You hang your head.
     "I wish I was like Shane, he's strong, he helps people."
     "Yeah, well I like you just like this," Daryl admits, even as he feels his face heat up.
     "Yeah?" You finally smile, shyly, turning your head just slightly to peek at Daryl. Daryl clears his throat and lays down, turning his back to you.
     "Ain't saying it again. Go to sleep." You laugh, actually laugh, and lay down.
     "I like you just how you are too, Daryl," you mumble, before sleep finally overtakes you.
Everyone is up early the next morning, you suspect nobody really slept. You had kept waking up every hour, and Daryl was still up staring at the ceiling when you'd glance at him. Footsteps and movement around the camp began right when the sun came up, and you and Daryl followed right after.
Everyone is bustling around now, burning the walkers and burying the dead, as Glenn had insisted. It isn't long before panic shouting is heard from Jacqui.
"Jim got bit! Jim's bit!"
Even more panic, angry shouting from Daryl, and arguing ensues. Daryl wants to kill Jim right then and there— which earned him quite the glare form you— thankfully it quieted him down a little. Rick wants to head to the CDC for a potential cure, and your brother is adamant Fort Benning would be the best bet. You were little ways away from their discussion, chatting with Carl.
"Y/N, what do you think?" Shane asks, suddenly. You sigh and take a few steps closer, away from Carl. You were hoping they would just figure it out and leave you out of it.
"Well," you begin, and Shane's slight narrow of his eyes doesn't go unnoticed. He wants you to go along with him. "I'm sure if there's a cure, Fort Benning would know. They are military, must have doctors."
Daryl scoffs, and you glance to him in surprise. He holds your gaze, but you can't place his expression. Your brows knit in confusion.
"There you have it, Rick," Shane says cockily, breaking you from your trance. You look away from Daryl.
You walk away, leaving the boys to argue further. You honestly don't care where you end up. From the looks of the city, there's nowhere safe, not the CDC, and not Fort Benning. It doesn't matter to you where they decide to go.
"Hey," Shane says, approaching you where you're taking down your tent. You drop the pole you're holding and stand up straight. Shane has a pissed off look on his face.
"CDC then?" You ask. His expression darkens.
"You could've had my back a little," he whispers angrily, getting closer to you. You turn away to hide your rolling eyes. You return to your task.
"I don't care where we go, Shane. It's all the same to me." He grabs your upper arm, not tight enough to hurt, but it's enough to pull your attention back to him.
"Yeah, as long as you get to follow your boyfriend, right?" You narrow your eyes, reeling away from Shane slightly out of shock. His face is close to yours. "Saw you come out of Dixon's tent this morning."
"So what, Shane," you say, yanking your arm from his grasp. "You aren't my father." He exhales heavily through his nose.
"Stay the hell away from that guy," Shane demands, his finger coming up to point at your face. You set your jaw, a fist balls at your side, and you smack his hand away from you. And then, for maybe the first time ever, you don't just do whatever your big brother tells you to.
"Leave me the fuck alone, Shane."
You drop down heavily into the truck's car seat. Daryl glimpses at you from the drivers seat, and he looks at you questionably. You don't say anything, instead glaring out the passenger window so viscously, Daryl's surprised it doesn't shatter.
"You ain't goin' with Shane?" He asks. You scoff.
"No," you answer, shortly. Daryl shrugs, mumbling an 'ok' and starting the engine. He takes off towards the CDC, and you continue your angered glare.
"So, you got your own opinion on this whole thing, or do you always just follow along with whatever your brother says?" Daryl suddenly asks, making you whip your eyes to him. He's staring straight to the road, and you scoff loudly.
"Oh, that's really something coming from you," you say sarcastically, letting out a sharp laugh. "You followed your brother around like a lost puppy, but I'm the one always going along with my brother? Bullshit."
You regret bringing up Merle as soon as you finished your sentence, but anger is clouding your judgment. Your frustration at Shane mixed with Daryl's unwarranted comment is just about too much to handle.
     Although you feel a twinge of guilt, Daryl's comment was ridiculous coming from him. He always would follow his brother around, do whatever he said to do. He never even seemed to care whenever Merle went on racist, sexist, something just plain mean tangents, even if Daryl never agreed or joined.
     But still, Merle was his brother, no matter how awful, that you understood more than anything. Shane was one to ruffle a few feathers too, and you understand better than anyone how oppressive it can be to forever be in the shadow of an older brother. Never getting your own opinion, or word in, forever just following along.
     "You're right," Daryl says. You turn your head to him quickly in surprise. He doesn't face you, his eyes looking at the road in front of him. "I've always gone along with Merle, no matter how shitty he was, or what trouble I'd get in."
     "You're right, too," you admit with a loud sigh, your anger fizzling at Daryl’s sincere tone. "I've never really done, hell, even said what I've wanted. I always just followed what Shane's doing."
“Think it’s about damn time we do what we wanna do,” Daryl says, after a few moments pause.
“Yeah, yeah you’re right!” You exclaim, smiling brightly. “Screw Shane!” Daryl laughs, and you turn your head to fully look at him.
He’s biting at the skin on his thumb, and he gives you a small, crooked grin when he notices your eyes on him. The sun cascading through the window of the truck makes him glow, and you can’t help but think that he looks just beautiful. His bright blue eyes sparking, how his light brown hair looks almost blonde in the yellow light. You’d never noticed just how handsome he is.
“The hell you starin’ at?” He asks suddenly. Your face flushes violently at being caught ogling, and you whip your face towards the window.
“Nothing,” you fumble out, he just hums an unconvinced noise of acknowledgment.
You bite your lip harshly to stop the grin that threatens to split your lips. You sneakily take another glimpse at Daryl, taking in his calm expression, the way his eyes narrow to block out the brightness from the sun.
Maybe it was just a crush, or maybe you’re head over heels in love with him. It doesn’t matter now. All you know is that Daryl understands you like no one ever has, and you aren’t letting that go any time soon.
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soxcietyy · 7 months
hii, can i req a older bf + soft dom yuuta please?
Biker Yuta
Age gap, soft dom, Yuta being fine af in general
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It was almost every night, the exact time at 1:30 am where a loud bike would pass by your house. It was so loud that it would wake you up from the deep slumber you where in.
At first you didn't think much about it when you first moved into your new house but now its been months and you kept hearing that loud bike zoom by. At some point you grew tired of it and decided tonight was the night you would confront whoever this selfish individual was. There was tones of roads that person could go on and he decided your street was the one to travel on every night? Did this person not have a job?
Grabbing your coat you slip it on and walk out in your pajama’s that consisted on small shorts and a tanktop. Checking the time on your phone you noticed it was five minutes till one. Walking out the door you stand by the mailbox with your arms crossed. The passing cars probably thinking that you weren't fully right in the head. After a few minutes of standing there you could hear the loud bike from a distance.
How where you supposed to get this person attention? you had no clue but decided to find out once it was time. As the bike got louder you step into the middle of the road. When the vehicle came into view you had to shut your eyes from how bright there headlights. Using your hand to cover your eyes from the light you could feel two hands grab you and pulled you to the side. With a gasp you turn around to see them?!
What was the biker doing here? shouldn't he be the one...
before you could finish that though a car zoomed by extremely fast. Then it hit you, you could of almost died mistaking that car for the biker.
"what are you doing in the middle of the road like that? you could of gotten hurt." A male voice said from behind that helmet.
"I thought it was you!" you say grabbing you heart that almost popped out of your chest
"Me? either way you shouldnt be doing that. Arnt you supposed to be in bed at this time?" He asks as he sat you down on his bike.
"yea i actually am but a loud bike likes to go through my neighborhood, waking me and everyone else up! Do you know how much sleep iv lost because of you?" you say angrily.
grabbing his helmet with both hands he slowly takes it off and shakes his helmet hair before looking at you. "Im sorry I didn't know i was bothering people with my late night rides." he says. "Im usually coming out of work at that time and well this is the way I go to make it home.
"Well how about being more quiet? I would hate for us to have issues." You put your hand on your hip.
"Issues? Now I don’t think that’s necessary. How about I make it up to you?" He mocks you by putting his hand on his hip too.
"How will you make it up to me? Do you know how much beauty sleep iv lost because of you?" You quirk your brow.
"Well before I even give you an answer I need to know about you such as name and age."
"My name is y/n and I’m nineteen." You answer.
"Seven years apart mmh, well how about you let me relieve all that stress you got pent up? If you know what I mean. My name is Yuta by the way." He places his helmet under his arm.
27 and he looks young? He’s also not bad looking at all. It wouldn’t hurt to try something with someone more experienced than you. "Sure but I would hate for your back to give out in the middle of it." You hum
"Hey I’m not that old, let’s see who’s back gives out first huh?" He chuckled as he followed you back to your shared house.
Your roommate was luckily out of town for the week so you had the whole house to yourself. It didn’t take long until he was over you. Smothering you with kisses and the string cologne he wore that smelled rich of leather. His bangs touching your forehead as they dangled over you. He still held his helmet in his hand before he dropped it so he could get a better hold of you.
The kisses were fast but deep. It was almost as if he was so desperate to get a taste of you. As he continued to kiss you his gloved hands snaked under your shirt and fondled your breast. You couldn’t lie and say he didn’t look fine with his blacked out gear. If you knew he looked like this you would have confronted him long ago.
Pulling you closer to him he removed your bottoms and his right hand glove. "Want me to teach you how a real grown man should treat a lady?" He whispers in your ear before sliding his fingers in you.
He long fingers bend and move around inside of you. He made sure to touch every spot causing you to throw your head back in pleasure. Biting your bottom lip you shake your head unconsciously. You didn’t even noticed when he crouched down and began to eat you out. That was until your legs began to shake uncontrollably.
"Yuta" you moan
Hmm? He Hums causing you to jolt from the sudden vibration. Why was he so good at this? Could it be his years of experience? Whatever it was you wanted to thank everything that made it possible for him to be with you tonight. He was eating you out so sloppily that the noises echoed in the room. His tongue glided side to side on your clit as his fingers moved in and out of you. You gripped his hair as you got closer to your orgasm. His other hand grabbed your thigh so you wound the able to escape his grasp.
When you started orgasming you moaned his name once again. Tears rolling down your face from how good it was.
Turning you over on your stomach you could hear him unbuckling his belt. Tilting your head back you could see him adjusting himself to your entrance.
"Arnt you going to take your clothes off?" You ask him wondering why he was fully clothed.
"Wouldn’t want to distract you from the main event." He smacks his hard member on your behind.
He then leaned over you and grabbed your face directing you to look at your pile of stuffed animals in a corner.
"Arnt you too old for those things?" He says amused.
"You can never be too old for stuffed animals" you mumble.
Without saying another word he slammed right into you. Your eyes widen at the feeling of being filled up. You don’t think you’ve ever had something this big inside of you. Squeezing your eyes shut you feel how he slides in and out of you smoothly.
"There you go, you’re taking me so well. Thought you would have been crying for me to stop." He says as he quickens his pace. You grip onto your blankets as he slams in and out of you. Each thrust getting deeper and harder. You could hear him breathing heavily next to you ear. You could also heard how the necklaces and chain that he wore cling together with every move. His non gloved hand moved under you and began to pull on your nipple as he continued with his pace.
"You just so cute." He says as he kisses your head, your cheek and your shoulder. "I think I’m gonna start bothering you even more if it mean we get to do this everytime." He mumbles. "Not going to lie I was having second thought about this but I’m so glad I went along. You feel so fucking perfect around my cock." He wraps his arms around your body and slams you all the way into him until he reached places you never thought were possible.
Your jaw drops as he doesn’t let go. Your eyes rolling back at this new painful yet pleasurable feeling. "Yuu" you cry out trying to catch your breath but him hearing you say his name like that turned a switch on for him. He fucked you while you were still being lifted up. Your feet not being able to touch the ground as he used you like his personal cock sleeve. You squirm in his arms being overwhelmed by everything but he held a tight grip on you. At some point you stopped trying and gave in. Your toes curling as you orgasmed once again coating his member in white.
"Easy now, just bear with me for a minute I’m almost there." He groans.
After a few more slams he finally finished inside of you.
He placed you back down slowly and collapsed on top of you. Breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath.
"Fuck, are you On birth control? Or do you need me to get you a plan B?"
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jeongheart · 1 year
03:45 am
summary: late night snack run with chan.
w.c: 1.2k
tags: established relationship, fluff.
a.n: chan in the newest code ruined my brain, he's just so boyfriend coded.
as always, english is not my first language so sorry in advance for any mistakes. leave your thoughts if you like, it means a lot.
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You've tossed and turned more times than you can count in the last half hour, the clock impassively marking 03:45 am with its big red numbers. You sigh tired and put the device back on the nightstand to turn around once more; the bed was warm on your side because you been lying in the same spot for hours. You touched Chan's side, it was frozen and with the sheets in place.
With a slight groan due to the sudden movement of your muscles you got out of bed, you didn't bother to wrap yourself up and you dragged your feet across the room towards the living room, you knew exactly where your partner was at this time and, after drinking water, you went in search of him.
The study door was locked, so as not to disturb and not be disturbed. The house was completely silent, except for the faint sound of keys being pressed and papers falling to the floor from time to time.
You gently knocked the door to announce your presence, and a few seconds later, you made yourself present in the room. Chan was hunched in front of the computer, his nose was so close to the monitor that for a second you feared that the fluorescent colors would end up engulfing him, taking him to a world of musical tracks to be arranged.
Around him was all kinds of garbage, except for food wrappers, you could imagine that it had been a long time since he eaten anything and you shook your head as you approached his figure. He always had that bad habit, nothing else existed when he worked; no matter how many times you told him it seemed like your words went in one ear and out the other.
When you were almost two centimeters away, you realized that he had his headphones at full volume, an unreleased song was playing loudly and surrounding everything around him, that's why he hadn't heard the door before and hadn't greeted you when you walked in. Between the darkness of the room, the loud music and his concentration he almost seemed to be absent.
Not wanting to scare him, you put your hand on his shoulder, he didn't flinch from your touch until you put a little more force in your grip. Finally returning to the real world, he took off his headphones to leave them on the table in front of him and looked you straight in the eye.
His eyes were a little red after so many hours of watching screens, and his expression danced between confusion and exhaustion.
"What are you doing?" He asks you in a whisper.
Taking your hand off his shoulder, you moved it up to his face, caressing his cheek gently. Chan unconsciously relaxed and placed all the weight of his body on your hand, still looking at you.
"I couldn't sleep" You answer simply.
Chan laughed softly, a clear sign of his exhaustion, and with his right hand he took yours (which you weren't using to caress his face) and guided you to his lap, you let out a little cry of surprise at the sudden change of position but you let him accommodate you to his liking.
When you were comfortably seated, Chan hugged your waist with both arms and rested his head on the space between your neck and your shoulder, where upon feeling the smell of your shampoo and your perfume he sighed happily and finally closed his eyes. You kept busy those seconds playing with his hands that were still tightly gripping the lower part of your body.
You could feel his breath against your neck, he was freezing and you still had the heat of the sheets on you.
"Let's go out for a little bit" You told him when you felt his breathing become heavier. Chan let out something similar to a growl, you didn't know if he heard you or had already fallen asleep.
"It's late" You almost couldn't understand what he said, his lips were so close to your skin that the sound was almost lost.
You moved your head a little to make him pay attention to you, your heart sank a little when you saw how a small hint of sadness crossed Chan's expression for taking him out of his comfortable position against you. "I'm hungry and you need to stretch your legs, besides, how long has it been since you've eaten something?"
Chan looked away at the question, and there you got your answer. "I have to finish, love" He made a gesture to lift you from his lap and return the chair to its place in front of the computer to resume his work.
"Ten minutes, a bit of fresh air will do you good" You grabbed his face with both hands so he couldn't look away or question you, you were like this for few seconds; just staring into each other's eyes. You could feel how Chan's face was starting to heat up from the closeness and, letting out a nervous giggle, he nodded his head.
You laughed and kissed him on the tip of the nose "Don't forget to bundle up".
The walk to the convenience store was relatively short, Chan was telling you details about the work he been doing so far and how proud he was of how everything was turning out. You listened attentively, excited by his happiness and without letting go of his hand in the ten blocks it took to get to the store.
The automatic door greeted you with its characteristic sound, as did the worker behind the counter who offered you a warm smile despite the late hour and the cold January air that swept in with you. "What do you want to eat?" Chan began to drag you through the corridors of the place in search of whatever and anything to fill his stomach.
You followed him closely as he went through each shelf with the initiative of a small child, showing you package after package full of colors no matter what it was (salty, sweet, bittersweet), unable to decide what to finally buy. You laughed when you saw that he placed each package that caught his attention in the cart you were pushing, his work and the deadlines already forgotten by the promise of eating delicious things.
After a few more minutes of indecision, you finally made it to the checkout to pay for the items. The cashier laughed seeing the various items you carried (from spicy noodles to coconut ice cream to cheese sticks). Chan ended up paying for the purchases even though you insisted that you could separate the bill, he simply ignored your speech and took the three bags full of food while you followed him out of the store, reproaching him for his actions.
"I'm not listening, I'm made of wood, I have fish ears~" Your partner crooned as he began the walk back to the apartment, you rolled your eyes and decided that it was a hopeless case so you had to accept your defeat.
"Next time I'll pay" You told him as you took one of the bags he was carrying to take his hand instead, you didn't know what time it was but you didn't care at that moment. Chan was laughing out loud (so much that you were afraid that he would wake up the people who were sleeping in the houses on the side of the road) and he looked more relaxed; a fond smile appeared on your face and you squeezed your partner's hand tightly.
"Thank you for getting me out of the house, and from my own head, love. You were right, I needed it" Chan stopped walking to press you against his body and envelop you in a warm hug, you breathed in his aroma and let his presence envelop you completely.
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weneeya · 4 months
don't push me away w/ gray m.list | rules
note. hiiii i'm finally back i'm sorry omg it's been so long ANYWAY fairy tail brain rot is going on sooo i hope you're ready for it <3
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It wasn’t so rare for you to go on quests with Gray, as you two were a pretty good match with your magics. It worked pretty well, and even more as you had a pretty good relationship. At least, it was the case until your last quest. Gray had been kind of weird all the time and you couldn’t take it anymore when he almost snapped by yelling at you. 
Since you came back, you were clearly avoiding him. Mirajane tried to talk to you about it but you were stuck on your positions and not ready to talk to him again. Everyone noticed it because you were spending a lot more time on your own than with Gray, Natsu and everyone else. It was difficult to make you this angry, so they all thought that Gray must have gone too far this time. 
You were currently looking for a quest on the board, alone. Until Gray approached you, clearing his throat and gathering all of his strength. He looked at you, and you didn’t even glance at him. A small sigh left his lips before he crossed his arms on his chest. 
“You’re really going to leave for this quest alone?” He asked, and you simply turned your head to him. It almost broke his heart to see how cold your gaze was towards him. He was sure he never saw you look at anyone in the guild like this before. He looked away, still hoping to get an answer from you. 
But all you did was to take the paper on the board. You showed it to Mira before turning away, ready to leave the guild. At least, you were about to when Gray grabbed your wrist to guide you out of here with him. He only stopped a few meters away, now facing you, your wrist in his hand. You looked at him with a frown, quickly taking back your hand from his grip. 
“What’s your problem?” You almost yelled at him and he looked away, his jaw slightly clenching. He quickly looked back in your direction, obviously angry but mostly hurt. You could see it in his eyes. 
“You plan on ignoring me for the rest of your life?” He finally asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. “I can’t do it anymore. I’m sorry, I told you that already. Please, stop it.” 
You kept your gaze locked in his eyes, a little frown over your face. As you were going to forgive him this easily. He tried to grab your hand but you brushed him away quickly. His lips slightly parted before he looked away, another sigh escaping his mouth. 
“I shouldn’t have acted this way with you, I really am sorry. It’s just… you.” Your eyes widened a little, realizing what he was trying to say. “Oh so it’s my fault now?” You slowly raised your eyebrows and he looked back at you in a second. 
“What? No! It’s me, but it’s because of what you’re doing to me!” There was clearly a misunderstanding but you didn't seem to get what he was trying to tell you right now. In fact, it was only making you even angrier. 
“Stop trying to put the blame on me, would you!” He couldn’t believe that things were really turning this way. He put his hands on his eyes, rubbing them for a moment, before meeting your gaze. “I love you! This is the problem!” He finally admitted, and it made you go silent almost immediately. 
You were looking at him without saying anything, trying to process the words he had just said to you. You blinked a few times, before your voice left your mouth almost in a murmur. “You… what?” He sighed loudly, not able to assume your gaze anymore. “I said what I said.” A slight blush was running across his face, and it hit you hard. 
“Gray, I…” He shook his head, not letting you finish your sentence. “It’s okay, you don’t need to take pity on me,” he said, and it made you frown once more. You took a step closer, and your hand quickly found its way to his cheek, forcing him to look back at you. He caught him off guard, as he was waiting for you to say anything. 
“I wasn’t done,” you started, and he didn’t know how to answer this. When he was about to finally say something, you didn’t give him the opportunity to. Your lips met his for a few seconds, before you looked back into his eyes, your hand leaving his face. “Now I am.” 
He must look so dumb right now, but he was looking at you with a confused expression and a blush at the same time. His mind was a mess, screaming at the alert. It made you laugh a little, which brought him back to Earth. He cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. 
“I guess we’re fine then,’ he said and you rolled your eyes, with an amused smile over your lips. You took his hand in yours, nodding slowly. “Guess we are. Now come on, we have a quest to do.” He followed you without saying anything more, still trying to process all the events that just happened. 
Maybe making you angry wasn’t the worst thing he ever did in the end.
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thank you for reading!
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halsteadlover · 11 months
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
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*Gif and pic not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: your life is amazing. You have everything you wished for, a caring and beautiful husband, a satisfying job, an amazing house. What if in a matter of seconds, your incredible fairy tale is about to take a tragic twist?
• Warnings: angst, mention of car crash, blood, wounds, curse words, death.
• Word count: 7580.
• A/N: Please don’t kill me. Y’ALL BETTER EAT THIS FIC UP BECAUSE I PUT MY BLOOD AND SWEAT AND TEARS (always pretty please). I hope you’ll like this piece I know I was heartbroken writing it. Drop a like, a comment and reblog if you want, it’d be amazing and so helpful. I apologize for any mistake or grammar error. Thank you so much as always for your support, looking forward for your opinion. ❤️
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“You hear me? Please answer me”.
“Please hold on, everything will be okay I promise. Please… Don't leave me.”
What was going on?
Why did you feel so weak?
Where was Spencer?
Your breathing was heavy, cold shivers ran through your body but despite this you couldn't move a single muscle even if you could feel your body waving to an unknown motion, like you were floating.
Am I moving?
You felt your eyelids fighting not to stay closed even if you tried with every fiber of your body to fight against that tiredness that wanted so badly to suck you into the darkness.
You were so afraid.
You managed to slightly open your eyes, only for a fraction of a second, and all you saw was a blinding white light that forced you to close your eyes right after. It was so strong you couldn't open them again.
What it was?
Was it heaven?
Were you dead?
“Please baby hold on, if you hear me please fight, I know you’re so strong. I’m begging you… Stay with me…”
Yes, there was no doubt that it was him even if his voice carried in the distance, each word fading further and further. You wanted so badly to answer him, to shout you were okay, that you could hear him, that you were there with him.
But were you really okay?
No, I’m not.
And the more you fought against the darkness, the more it sucked you into its heavy vortex.
You fought, you really tried, but you didn't have the strength. You were too weak, too tired.
You just wanted to rest for a bit.
God please let me okay.
You eventually gave up, stopped fighting and let yourself be lulled by that darkness.
It was so peaceful.
There wasn’t any more pain. Any suffering.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad.
Five hours earlier
“I really don't feel like going to work this morning,” your husband kept complaining. You were both still in your bedroom, you were sitting while Spencer was lying next to you, his arm around your hips and his head on your lap.
“Hotch will kill you if you take a day off without warning,” you giggled, running your fingers through his fluffy hair. “I also wish you could stay here love, I feel so lonely here without you. But unfortunately you can’t.”
Spencer huffed, holding you even tighter. “I know I'm so sorry baby, I hate leaving you alone. I'm always so worried.”
“Oh yeah I know, the three thousand texts you send me always asking me if I'm okay prove it.” You teased him and even though you couldn't see him you knew full well he rolled his eyes.
“Ah, ah, keep making fun of me,” he retorted. “Is it really weird I want to keep you safe?”.
“No baby, I was joking. You know very well I love you're so protective of me and besides, I’m okay, you don’t have to worry about me.”
He kept caressing your side, leaving a kiss on it at the level of your scar, a gesture that made your heart melt. He looked up at you and smiled before propping himself up on his elbows, resting his free hand on your face and pressing his lips on yours. A flock of butterflies exploded in your stomach.
It didn't matter how long you two were together, you felt the same butterflies, the same feeling as in the early days, he still managed to make your heart skip a beat with just a kiss.
God I love this man so much.
“What will I do without you?” Spencer pouted, already missing you before he even got out of bed and got dressed. “I just hope we won’t have any case.”
Spencer had left for work, but not before recommending you to call and text him if you needed anything. You reassured him, telling him not to worry, that everything would be fine and of course you wouldn't hesitate to call him.
You settled on the couch and spent the morning watching episodes of your favorite TV show which, although you loved it, was getting tiresome.
Three weeks earlier you had been injured on duty while chasing a serial killer who had shot you as he tried to escape.
You were fine but Spencer, being his overprotective self, refused to let you do anything that involved physical effort and prevented you in any way from returning back to work before the five weeks of rest recommended by the doctor. And it didn't help that Hotch agreed with him.
Spencer did nothing but text you all morning when he could, asking how you were as if you were in a hospital bed. You reassured him, sending him selfies of you lying on the couch, asking him how things were going at the unit.
You loved Spencer so much, you loved the way he always protected you, the way he was so thoughtful of you, the way he always put you first in any moment and situation.
The morning was rather boring so you decided to keep yourself busy with cooking something for lunch, that you wanted to bring to Spencer too since you missed him and didn't want to wait until the evening to see him again. But you also wanted to see the rest of the team again. You hated to say it, but you missed those assholes.
As you packed your and Spencer's lunch, your phone vibrated on the table.
From: Spence 💍, 12.47 AM Is it weird I miss you so terribly? I'll never get used to not seeing you here.
You smiled like an idiot, knowing how much Spencer wasn't a fan of technology but despite this being committed to use it since you couldn't live without it.
To: Spence 💍, 12:50 AM Have I ever told you I’m so madly in love with you Doctor Reid? I miss you so much more xx
You placed your phone on the table and continued putting away your lunch. When you finished, you grabbed some clean cutlery and paper napkins and then looked at your phone, noticing he didn’t answer your text yet.
You left the house after making sure you locked the door, you went to your car, pulling your phone out of your purse to send an audio message to Spencer.
“Baby don’t eat anything because I'm coming with your favorite food. It's a little burnt I have to admit, but in my defense I was distracted watching TV,” you let out a small laugh. “If you know what's best for you, you'll better say it's delicious or you'll sleep on the couch tonight. I love you so much, see you soon!”.
You got into your car and placed the two lunch boxes on the passenger seat. While driving, you were careful not to brake suddenly to avoid all the food spilling into your car.
You stopped at a red light and you took you phone to see if Spencer had texted you back but he didn’t.
The light turned green after almost thirty seconds and you placed your phone in your purse again before starting to drive again. You were at an intersection and you just drove few meters before your saw out of the corner of your eye a car speeding towards you.
You turned your head towards it and tried to brake but you weren't very fast.
Everything happened quickly.
A sudden, deafening thud made your ears ring and time seemed to stop for an instant.
You didn't have time to react, to even let out a scream or do anything else before that car hit you full force on the side.
If someone had asked you to describe what had happened in that moment, you wouldn’t have been able to do it because you didn’t even know what had happened in the first place, having lost consciousness before you could realize you had just been involved in a car crash.
Spencer was unaware in the meantime his whole life was about to undergo something he’d never, ever want to face, something he continually lived in fear of happening.
He and the rest of the team were in the meeting room, investigating on a case of a serial killer that the police in a nearby town had asked for help with. It was a simple case, so it wasn't even necessary for the whole team to go there.
“Reid focus.” Hotch had warned him several times when during the morning he caught him on his cell phone, the small smile shadowed his lips making it obvious who he was talking to. So he had put his cell phone in his pocket although his mind always went towards you.
He wondered what you were doing although knowing you, you were probably watching some TV show and the thought of you lying on the sofa, curled up under the blanket made him smile, earning you a small pat on the back of the head from Morgan.
“Focus pretty boy, I know you miss your beautiful wife but we have a case to solve.”
This had started a series of jokes and teasing towards Reid who in response would gave everyone the middle finger.
The truth was that he missed you deeply, he missed looking up and seeing you sitting at your desk filling out some case report with your pen between your lips and the wedding ring shining on your finger, he missed flirting with you in a not-so-subtle way and being made fun of by the whole team, even Hotch. He missed traveling from city to city and working with you to catch ruthless killers, he missed seeing you sitting in your chair around the meeting room table.
He couldn't wait for those two more weeks to pass, although the worry you still hadn't fully recovered didn't leave his mind.
His phone suddenly started ringing and he muttered an 'excuse me' before taking it out of his pocket and reading your name on the screen.
He moved away from the others so he could answer the call.
“Hi baby! What...-” He started but stopped immediately after when a voice that didn't belong to you interrupted him, making the smile he had on his lips instantly disappear.
“Do you happen to know Y/n Y/Ln? We found this number among the emergency contacts.”
Spencer frowned, his heart already eating wildly and anxiety twisting his guts. “Y-yes. She’s my wife… What's going on? Who am I talking to? Where’s she? Is she okay?”.
“I'm sorry to inform you that your wife was involved in a car accident, she’s in serious conditions…”
Spencer froze in place, the man's words echoing in his head while he couldn't process them.
What the fuck?
“C-can you repeat that?” He stammered, hoping it was just a misunderstanding, that the man had gotten the wrong person. “There must be a mistake m-my wife… She’s… She’s at home…”
“I’m very sorry sir…”
Spencer Reid, who had always been a quiet, calm and collected person, completely lost his mind.
After getting the address of the car crash site he ran at lightning speed out of the unit, ignoring the voices of Derek and the rest of the team who called him worriedly.
His mind wasn't focused on anyone else but you and as he sped through the streets he couldn't help but think about what the hell had happened.
You were supposed to be home, on the couch watching TV. Why did you went out? Why didn't you text him?
His stomach clenched with anxiety, an emotion he wasn't familiar with but since he'd met you he often seemed to feel because of the constant and devastating fear something bad might happen to you.
He wasn't good with feelings, everyone knew it, but thanks to you he had learned to give voice to what he felt, he had learned to embrace those sensations and emotions he struggled to show from an early age and that for so long he wanted to suppress.
A lump kept pressing on his throat, almost suffocating him. He continued to murmur and hope you were okay but when he arrived at the scene his heart almost stopped again.
The car crash scene was a disaster.
Various passers-by had gathered in shock from a distance to watch curiously as the fire fighters and paramedics worked on those piles of scrap metal that were the cars.
They were completely destroyed and no one believed the two drivers had made it given the catastrophic impact.
Various emotions had passed through Reid, emotions that he could group into one word: dying. That’s how he felt, dying.
He pushed through the crowd of people, pushing them aside and ignoring those who complained in response. After identifying himself with the cops he ran towards the wreckage where the rescuers and firefighters had just pulled you out of the destroyed car.
“Let me go! That's my wife right there!” He continued to exclaim loudly while two cops struggled to restrain him. His gaze was fixed on you, on your unconscious body while the rescuers carried you on the stretcher.
“Sir you need to let the paramedics do their job! I know it's a horrible situation but this will only hinder them!”.
Spencer was a guy who didn't like conflicts but at that precise moment he was willing to kill those cops with his bare hands.
He snorted loudly, pulling out his badge. “I'm an FBI agent and if you don't let me go to my wife right now I will make your life a living hell and have your badges on my desk before tomorrow.”
It only happened very few times he’d threatened someone, and most of them were to extort information or to make a killer to confess, but the way his wild and desperate eyes were glaring at the two cops, made them understand he wasn't bluffing at all.
They eventually let him pass and he ran towards you.
You lay unconscious on the stretcher, your body covered in your own blood. You had an oxygen mask on your face, a collar around your neck to stabilize it and Spencer had to rely on all the strength he had in his body not to collapse there in front of everyone.
He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe it was true.
He grabbed your hand with his, the diamond of your ring pressing against his palm. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, not wanting to let his emotions overwhelm him. He couldn't be weak, not now, not when you needed him.
He called your name, desperation clear in his voice. His eyes scanned your face, always beautiful as the sun even if dotted with scratches and bruises.
He called your name again, with even more urgency and desperation, hoping that hearing his voice would wake you up.
“You hear me? Please answer me.”
“Sir we have to go to the hospital immediately. We have no time to waste.” The paramedic's voice brought him back to reality and Spencer nodded, never taking his eyes off you.
“Please hold on, everything will be okay I promise. Please… Don’t leave me,” he whispered to you before turning to the paramedics. “I’m coming with you.”
The journey to the hospital was the longest and most painful ride Reid had ever made in his entire life.
He never let go of your hand, occasionally kissing your knuckles as he carefully watched every little movement the paramedics made.
At a certain point his heart rekindled with hope when he saw your eyelids move and open slightly.
“Y/n baby! Can you hear me? Y/n!” He exclaimed but his hope faded when he saw your eyelids close a second later and you lose consciousness again.
“Please baby hold on, if you hear me please fight,” His eyes filled with tears but he tried to fight them back, this wasn’t the time to cry. “I know you’re so strong, I’m begging you… Stay with me… I'm here, I'm here, and I’m not leaving you. Everything will be fine, you’ll be okay.”
You had a cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital but they managed to revive you and needless to say, this freaked out Spencer even more than he already was.
You died in front of him.
For a few moments your heart had stopped beating and the terror Spencer felt was a sensation he had never felt before. Maybe only when something happened to you during the job. He had always told you that you’d give him a heart attack sooner or later.
When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Spencer barely had time to say anything before the doctors rushed you to the OR, leaving him helpless.
He passed his hands on his face, then fingers in his hair as he tried to figure out what the fuck was going on.
He had heard the police say the driver that hit you had lost control of his car after feeling dizzy, failing to stop at the red light and hitting you while you had just started driving again after the green light.
You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It had all been a stupid twist of fate and now you had to fight to live.
Spencer didn't believe in fate, he didn't believe there was some superior being or entity, he believed in science, in empirical data, in theories proven by hypotheses and theses, but then why did this happen? Why was the love of his life fighting between life and death?
Why did it seem like someone or something wanted to snatch his happiness away when he was finally happy?
He walked back and forth across the floor of the waiting room for what seemed an infinite amount of time, almost digging a ditch in the wake of his footsteps.
He had called Hotch, told him about the car crash and that you were in surgery and he reassured him the whole team would be there in no time.
It wasn't until after you ended the call with Hotch that Spencer saw your last messages, including the audio text you'd sent him.
His fingers were shaking and he sat down, fearing his knees would give out sooner or later.
His eyes filled with tears again as they read the message and the chasm inside his heart opened even more. But it was when he listened to your audio message the air was completely sucked out of his lungs and it became difficult to continue breathing.
“Baby don’t eat anything because I'm coming with your favorite food. It's a little burnt I have to admit, but in my defense I was distracted watching TV,” He heard you giggle while in the background he heard the car door open and close shortly after, a sign that you had just gotten into the car. “If you know what's best for you, you'll better say it's delicious or you'll sleep on the couch tonight. I love you so much, see you soon!”.
Your audio cut out and Spencer only realized he was crying when tears fell from his eyes onto his phone screen.
He was completely devastated.
It was his fault.
You went out because you were going to bring him food.
He couldn't process what was happening, he couldn't conceive it.
How did you go from hugging in bed that morning to you in the OR? For what kind of fucked up reason did this happen to you? Among the many people who could’ve been at that damned intersection, why did it have to be you?
Spencer knew it wasn't right to hope it happened to someone else but he didn’t care, fuck, he wished it’d happened to himself.
For the first time in his whole life Spencer prayed.
He prayed with every fiber of his being to whoever was up there to make you survive, he prayed to be able to see you again, hug you, kiss you again. He prayed to hear your laugh again, your awful jokes, to see your smile and your eyes shining when you saw him, he prayed to be able to sleep with you again, to wake up in the morning and smell the scent of your skin and hair, of feeling your fingers run through his messy hair while you were watching a movie and he had his head resting on your lap.
He prayed to still have time with you. He prayed to start a family with you even though the thought of it terrified him because he had no idea how to be a parent, but at the same time knowing there was no other person he’d want to do it if not you. He begged to tease you when the first wrinkles would appear on your beautiful face but to console you at the same time saying you were still the most beautiful and breathtaking woman he had ever met in his life.
He prayed to see your hair turn white, to see your children have kids of their own, he prayed to hold your hand until the end of your days.
He couldn't imagine a place on the planet where you didn't exist, where you weren't with him.
You two just got married, you had just started your life together, it couldn't all just vanish like that, in the blink of an eye, it just couldn't end.
You were strong. This was one of the many qualities Spencer admired about you, you were much stronger than you wanted to show and if there was anyone who could overcome that obstacle it was you.
The rest of the BAU had arrived after about fifteen minutes, both with worried and heartbroken expressions on their faces except Penelope, who was crying almost as many tears as she had.
JJ's voice made Spencer snap his head up from his phone, not realizing he had been mesmerized by looking at the picture he had as his background. It was a photo of you he took during a picnic during one of your first dates after you got together, Spencer had told a horrible joke and you had burst out laughing.
Spencer was so hypnotized by you, by the sound of your laugh, by your smile, by the small wrinkles at the corners of your eyes that he couldn't resist taking a photo and since then it had become his wallpaper and one of his favorite photos of you ever.
Everyone could notice the swelling of Spencer's eyes, evidence of the crying.
“Come here pretty boy.”
Morgan was the first to approach Spencer, pulling him in a brotherly hug, squeezing him with all the strength he had in his body, as if wanting to convey to him some of that strength he knew he tremendously needed.
“She's gonna make it okay? We know Y/n, that woman is a force of nature. She’ll make it.” He whispered in his ear, trying to hold back his emotions.
Everyone tried to appear as strong as possible but the truth was they too felt a boulder pressing on their stomach. Before being Spencer's wife, his partner, you were a colleague, a friend to all of them.
Nobody said anything else.
There were no need for words, everyone knew it’d be of no use.
They all tried to comfort each other, Emily was holding Garcia's hand the entire time, JJ and Morgan were sitting next to Spencer while Hotch and Rossi were standing not far from the others, all silently praying for you wellbeing.
Reid's body was sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by his friends and colleagues, yet his mind was completely elsewhere. His thoughts ran and ran, without stopping, so fast he didn't know which ones to listen to first.
Spencer and the team spent hours sitting in the waiting room, waiting for some doctor to come and update them on your health. He hoped the longer they took it meant there was a better chance of you getting through the surgery.
When he saw a doctor approaching where they were sitting, it was as if a vision manifested in front of him. His heart was beating wildly, so loudly he thought everyone around him could hear it while anxiety twisted his stomach so much he feared he’d throw up on the doctor's feet.
“Are you Y/n Y/Ln's family?” the doctor asked.
“I'm her husband. How is she? Please tell me she's okay. When can I see her?” Spencer blathered once he jumped up and approached doctor - he read the card - Miller.
He looked skeptically at the rest of the team, and then Spencer spoke. “It’s okay, we’re all colleagues, a family. How is Y/n? She made it right?”.
Spencer observed the micro-expressions on Dr. Miller's face. He noticed how his eyebrows furrowed slightly, how his chest rose slightly and fell, how his lips pressed together, how his neck stiffened and his posture tensed.
He knew that expression, unfortunately he knew it too well because of the job he did. It was the same expression with which he looked at the victims’ families when he was about to give them the worst and most devastating news of their lives.
Spencer saw that but decided to ignore it, he decided not to listen to his guts.
“The patient suffered much more serious damage than we imagined…”
“And what are you doing here? Go help her!” Spencer exclaimed, abruptly interrupting the doctor.
“Due to the violent trauma and along with broken bones, the ruptured spleen, the liver damage as well as the amount of blood she lost, she had also suffered a dissection of the ascending aorta.”
Spencer's heart stopped.
“W-what? What does that mean doctor?” It was Penelope who asked.
“It’s the tearing of the aorta’s wall, the largest vessel in our body. It has weakened due to the trauma and it’s no longer able to pump blood towards the other blood vessels and consequently the entire body can’t receive enough blood. Trying to repair it’s practically impossible, as her heart has already stopped once, she’s too weak to face a surgery, and the dissection further aggravates the situation. She would die on the OR table before we can even get to the aorta,” Dr. Miller explained, trying to be as clear as possible.
“Dissection of the ascending aorta is unfortunately one of the most serious vascular conditions and… There is no easy way to say it, we have done everything we can but she does't have much time left. It's a matter of hours…”
A deafening silence fell in the waiting room.
Almost everyone put their hands to their mouths to try to cover the gasps and sobs, Hotch stared at his shoes while shaking his head in disbelief. No one could believe what they had just heard.
Spencer couldn't hear a word Dr. Miller said. His brain refused to process them, because it couldn't be true, there must have been some misunderstanding.
Maybe he had confused patient, maybe he had talked to the wrong family.
“No, no, no!” Spencer exclaimed loudly. Morgan put a hand on his shoulder but he shook it violently. “Don’t touch me!” Then he went on to point a finger at Dr. Miller.
“Say it again.”
“Reid…” Rossi whispered.
“Say it again!” He shouted, his voice shaking. “Say it! Because there is no way on earth I just heard my wife is fucking dying! Say it again!”.
Spencer's voice cracked at the end and he burst into tears, bending to the ground as he felt his legs gave out.
Dr. Miller looked at Spencer with sadness while he was in the throes of disbelief and despair. Nobody dared to say anything, they too had to process that mourning, but they all knew that Spencer needed time more than anyone.
How do you react calmly when someone tells you that your partner, the love of your life, is about to die?
And it wasn't just any person, someone he just met, but you. You were dying.
Doctor Miller knelt in front of Spencer, placing a hand on his shoulder as he continued to cry all the tears he had in his body. “I'm so sorry, if there had been anything, anything we could’ve done to save her we would’ve done please trust me. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now but she's in the ICU now and she's awake, we gave her morphine so she doesn't feel any pain. Go and say goodbye to her, okay?”.
The world was collapsing on him, everything was disintegrating around him and he couldn't do anything to stop it.
How the fuck did this happen? How the fuck was that possible?
He couldn't believe it, he couldn't process what was happening.
It shouldn't have happened, not to you, you didn't deserve it.
He was terrified, more than he had ever been in his entire life, not even when he had been kidnapped and tortured by a ruthless killer.
Images after images of moments with you continued to flood his mind while a sense of anguish gripped his stomach, so strong he couldn't stop crying.
He cried.
Everyone cried with him in that waiting room, hugging each other.
All his dreams had been shattered, they had all vanished in the blink of an eye, flown away like a grain of sand in the sea.
Where did his ‘forever’ go?
His forever was in the ICU and was about to die. The only person he had ever loved, the only person who had ever understood him without trying to fix him, the only person who had ever made him happy, who had made him understand the meaning of the word love, who had made him believe that even if he came from a dysfunctional family that didn't mean the same fate would happen to him, the only person for whom he lived, breathed, for whom he committed himself every single day to fight his demons and ghosts was about to walk away forever.
How do you survive something like that?
What would he have done without you?
Spencer couldn't live without you.
He couldn't even imagine waking up in the morning and not finding you. He couldn't imagine coming home at night and knowing you’d be dead. He couldn’t imagine going in the kitchen and not smelling your food. He couldn’t imagine watch a romantic movie and not seeing you cry your eyes out.
No, no, no, fuck, that couldn't be true.
One by one they all came to you to say goodbye but no one spoke to each other. Spencer didn’t have the strength to walk into that room, he hoped till the last minute it was just a nightmare and he’d soon wake up.
There was only desperation and so many, many tears. Even Hotchner, always so serious and impeccable, couldn't stop the tears when he left your room, moving away from the others so as not to be seen.
The last one was him.
When it was Spencer's turn he was terrified.
His fingers trembled as they were about to open the door. He didn't have the courage to enter that room, look you in the eyes, say goodbye to his love.
With what strength would he have hugged you knowing it would be the last time? How would he be able to say goodbye? How would he be able to tell you he loved you knowing it was the last time? How could he let you go?
Every step he took was heavy, leaving a piece of his tormented soul behind each one.
Seeing you was like a punch in the stomach, like every time his eyes rested on you but that time what he felt wasn't happiness but only sadness, desperation, anguish and helplessness.
Oh my everlasting love. You didn't deserve all of this.
You lay in bed, a nasal cannula supplying you with oxygen, electrodes connecting your body to monitors that marked a low blood pressure and a below-normal heart rate.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, trying to rely on what little strength he had to not collapse to the floor and burst into desperate tears again. But the shine of his eyes, their swelling and redness showed how intensely he had cried in the last few hours.
You looked at him and he felt breathless.
How will I live without those eyes?
“Hi baby.”
His voice trembled, smiling slightly as he moved closer to you. He couldn't conceive the idea that the last time he had seen you was that same morning and you were fine, while at that moment you were on a hospital bed dying.
He pulled up a chair and sat next to you. He took one of your hands in his, intertwining your fingers and leaving a kiss on the back of it. All it took was for your skin to come in contact with his for him to burst into inconsolable and suffocating tears again.
He wrapped his arms around your hips, his head resting on your abdomen as you stroked his hair. It was a projection from that same morning but the difference was that this time would be the last.
He would no longer hug you, he would no longer be lulled by the warmth of your arms, feel your fingers run through his messy and tangled hair.
Silence reigned in the room, interrupted only by Spencer's sobs as he continued to cry desperately. He held you like he had never done before, as if in that way he hoped you would stay.
“It's okay…” you barely whispered, weakened and groggy from the morphine.
You felt… Apathetic.
You couldn't describe the emotions you felt at that moment, ever since the doctor told you didn’t have much time you felt anesthetized.
It was as if you were seeing everything from an external perspective, as if it wasn't really you lying on the bed, as if it wasn't you who was going to die in a few hours.
Not a tear had rolled down yours, not even when the rest of your team had come to say their final goodbyes.
You didn't want to feel like this, you didn't want to be apathetic, so numb. You wanted to feel anger, pain, helplessness, anguish, anxiety, anything, you wanted to cry, scream, but the more you tried, the more you couldn't.
“Don’t leave me please…” Spencer's sobs interrupted him. He continued to cling to you, to hold onto you as if his life depended on it.
“Baby, look at me.” Your voice was hoarse, thick with sleep and tiredness.
“No, no, no, I know what you want to tell me… No…” He held you even tighter than before. “You can't leave me…”
He turned his head towards you, his vision completely blurred with tears, his face wet. He brought his hands to your face, caressed your cheeks, your hair and tried as much as possible to imprint every detail of your skin in his memory.
“You're so beautiful baby,” he whispered, “It's not fair…”
“I know,” you whispered back weakly, “I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. But it's so unpredictable, isn't it?”.
“No, life sucks.”
You placed a hand on his still on your face, closing your eyes for a moment and enjoying the feeling of warmth that only he could give you.
“I know everything seems bad right now, I know you'll think this long after I'm gone but it's not like that love, life doesn't suck. It’s the most beautiful gift we could ever have...” you murmured with no small effort, your breathing heavy and difficult.
He shook his head. “Bullshit. You are my life, baby...” He cried. “I can't live without you. I can't... I can't go home and not find you there, I can't sleep without you next to me, I can't go to work and look up and not find you sitting there at your desk… I can’t…”
“Of course you can you’re the strongest person I know baby, even if you don't recognize it. You’ll be happy again...” You placed a hand on his cheek, drying with your fingers his tears that never stopped coming out. “Promise me one thing.”
“No, no, no, I can't, don't do this to me please… Don't make me promise something I can't keep baby…”
“Spencer, please. I can't leave knowing you won't be happy, please, I need to know you’ll at least try... Promise me...”
A solitary tear rolled down your face, even though you didn't even realize it at the time.
He shook his head, looking down as he continued to cry. He sat down on the bed next to you, pulling you into a hug you tried to return with the little strength you had left.
He left a long kiss on your head, inhaling deeply that beautiful scent he’d never be able to smell again in his life. He rested his cheek on you, letting your hair tickle his skin.
“I can't… I can't…” he repeated, feeling the air disappear more and more from his lungs. “You’re the first person who made me understand what it means to be happy baby… I don’t how to do it without you… D-don't… You can't ask me… I’m begging you…”
You slightly pulled away from him, cupping your hands on his face and smiling slightly through the tears you hadn't even realized you were shedding.
You were crying.
“I wouldn't ask you if I knew you couldn't Spence. I know it’ll be hard but life is beautiful baby, so damn beautiful and deserves to be lived to the full. Plus, I'm not really leaving okay? My body may no longer be here but my soul will always be with you, I’ll always be here when you need me, I will never leave you.” You spoke softly, your breathing heavy with each word. You placed a hand at his heart level which was beating wildly at that moment.
He shook his head again, still crying as desperation enveloped him more and more. “But I-I want you here…”
“Shh, listen to me love, please…” You stopped due to a cough. Spencer rushed to get you a glass of water from the bedside table, helping you drink and stroking your back in the meantime. “Thanks baby.”
Despite the morphine you still felt a weight on your chest, your lungs couldn't expand and everything hurt.
But it wasn't physical pain.
It was your soul that was hurting.
“Listen to me…” You started speaking feebly again, looking Spencer in his eyes, losing yourself in those two beautiful wells. “I need to know you’ll move on baby, that you’ll find someone you’ll love again and who will love you so deeply like I did, with whom you’ll build a beautiful family, with whom you’ll have children, a beautiful house and a dog if you want. This doesn’t mean you’ll forget about me, I’ll always be by your side at every step you take, I promise you, I’ll watch over you and if you need anything you just have to talk to me... Maybe not in front of other people or they’ll think you’re crazy.”
He chuckled through his tears and your heart skipped a beat. “That’s it. That’s the beautiful smile I always want to see, God you make me so happy.”
“There will be no one after you baby.”
“Spence please…-”
“No, no, you can't ask me that,” he murmured, his tone of voice so melancholy and sorrowful it made your gut wrench. “When I married you I never thought for a second there could be an ‘after you’, never, even though I knew the risks we both ran because of our jobs. There will never be anyone after you Y/n, there will never be anyone who can ever make me happy like you do, there will never be anyone I will ever love as much as I love you. It… It wouldn't be right...” He let out a deep sigh “It wouldn't be right for her, for... For the children because I wouldn't love them as much as I love you, because I would look at them and only think I could’ve had all that with you and I don't want that…”
He stroked your hair, looking at you with so much love it made your heart melt.
You didn’t want your time to end. You wanted to be with him, forever.
“Spencer… I-I'm terrified…” You managed to murmur before bursting into desperate, heartbreaking tears. Spencer hugged you while you sobbed into his sweater.
“I know… I know…”
Terrified didn't even come close to describing how you felt at that moment.
I'm dying.
Soon I won't be here anymore.
You couldn't conceive it, realize it, you couldn't accept it. But then again, how could you? Who would ever accept a death sentence?
You weren't ready.
You didn't want to leave Spencer, God, you had so many dreams to achieve together and it wasn't fucking right, it wasn't.
You just wanted to bring lunch and eat with your beloved husband, spend some time with him, why did this have to happen to you? What did you do wrong? You hadn't died from a bullet three weeks earlier but you were about to die for wanting to see your husband.
Why didn't you just stay home? If you had done it you would’ve been fine, you would’ve just had to wait for Spencer to come home that evening so you could hug him again. If you had done it you would’ve slept in the same bed, together that night, perhaps after making love, the next morning you would’ve woken up with his scent and his warmth, you would’ve had breakfast together.
You both cried until you couldn't breathe, holding on to each other as if you were both each other's lifelines.
You felt weak, every moment that passed breathing was like a punch in the stomach even though the oxygen flow had been turned up to maximum.
Hours passed and every minute that passed the fear paralyzed you more and more.
Spencer stayed next to you the entire time, hugging you and tightly holding your hand. You’d think he had shed all the tears he had in his body but instead he had never stopped, he continued to cling to you, to hold you in the hope that a miracle would happen.
He didn't believe in miracles, he thought there was a reason for everything, but in that moment he prayed for one to happen with every fiber of his being.
Your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to keep your eyes open.
You were tired, so fucking tired, just wanting to rest for a bit but knowing if you definitely close your eyes you wouldn’t be able to open them again.
“Do you think heaven exists?” You whispered in a small, thin voice. Spencer kissed your forehead, continuing to stroke your hair as his salty tears kept running down his cheeks.
“Of course it exists, all the angels are just waiting for you. I'm pretty sure you’ll be the most beautiful angel of all, dressed in white and with the light surrounding you.”
You giggled, only to be interrupted by yet another cough. You were so grateful to have Spencer, that even though he didn't believe in an afterlife, in heaven, in angels, still tried to make you feel better.
“I'm so tired baby…” you murmured, closing your eyes for a few seconds before opening them again.
He held you tighter, feeling more tears streak down his face. “I know my love, but you can rest, I’ll always be here I promise, I’ll never leave you.”
“Spencer, you are the greatest and most beautiful love I have ever had in life, you made me the happiest I've ever been and I want to thank you for everything, for everything you have done for me, for teaching me the truth meaning of love…” You took a deep breath. “I will love you forever, I hope you know that, in this world and wherever else I’ll go. I know we’ll meet again, even if not in this life, we’ll meet in next one.”
He shook his head in despair as he continued to sob and cry. He wasn't ready to say goodbye, he wasn't ready to let you go, but who he was kidding, he never would be.
“I love you so much my darling, I will always love you until my last breath.”
He kissed your forehead softly again, pressing his lips to your skin longer than expected as he tried to make the most of those last moments with you.
“You’re the best and most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, always and forever,” he kept whispered, hugging you. But you couldn't hug him back.
You had closed your eyes and fallen asleep, in the arms of the person you loved most in the world where you always wished your last moments would be.
The room was filled with sounds from the monitor connected to your heart, which had started to slow down.
Your heartbeat had slowed.
More and more.
Until it stopped and all that was left was a flat line.
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chris-prank · 27 days
I am absolutely obsessed with Esteban. Can you please do him with a darling who is just as obsessed with him as he is with them?
Also if you're accepting anons I'd love to be one :)
I’m so happy that you like Esteban 😭 idk why, but at first I was convinced that people wouldn’t like him as much as my other yandere ocs. And yes, I totally accept anons, I think it’s a nice way to recognize you guys! 😆
A yandere reader would be the perfect match for Esteban. You mean to tell him that you want to be with him all the time willingly?? Just put a ring on his finger already! 
Esteban walked through the corridors with a grim look on his face. The meeting he had been promised to only last thirty minutes ended up taking almost two hours. It had to happen on the very day he was supposed to have dinner with you. The worst part is that he had forgotten his phone in his office and no matter how many times he asked his secretary to call you on the company phone after his meeting you weren’t answering. 
On his way he had dismissed every employees that had tried to come up to him, despite the fact that it looked important. As he opened his office door, he was presented with a sight he never in his life expected to see. You were there, in front of him, sitting in his chair, tapping your finger on the desk. Logic was thrown out the window as a large smile formed on his lips.
“Love!” He exclaimed happily, running up to you with open arms.
You stopped him in his tracks, putting your hand on his chest. He could see now that you had a disappointed look on your face. Esteban figured the reason why and before you could say a word, he dropped to his knees, trapping both of your hands in his. 
“I’m so so so sorry! The stupid businessman I had a meeting with had to drag that thing on and on, I never thought it would be this long!” Between his explanations he kept kissing your fingers, “and I-I forgot my phone here, in the office, that’s why I couldn’t tell you! Please f-forgive me!” 
You leaned down, leveling up your face with his. “No need to justify yourself, I already checked the camera feeds silly. Now what about that dinner?” You whispered with a lovesick smile. 
The man let out a sigh of relief. “I should have known, you’re so resourceful my love.”
I just love the idea of Esteban being perfectly fine with the craziness of yandere reader (and them also being fine with his). 
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
[18TRIP] Ten Murakumo | [SSR] Crow Under The Full Moon | Two/Faced
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Characters: ☁️ Ten Murakumo
Location: HAMA Tours - Office Floor
Momiji: Alright, finally done…!
Momiji: (I know it was a bad idea to work overtime, but it just didn’t sit right with me to rest with paperwork left to do.)
Momiji: Now I can just take it easy tomorrow…
Ten: Good work, Chief.
Momiji: Oh, Ten-kun. I thought you left already… Did you forget something?
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Ten: Well, I guess you could say that. More importantly, are you done working?
Ten: Want to go out for a drink now? I’d love to treat you to a good drink as a reward for working so hard this late.
Ten: Sound good? Let’s go.
Momiji: (...This is a little suspicious. Since when has Ten-kun been the type to say something so admirable like that?)
Momiji: (But since he’s gone through the trouble of asking me…)
Momiji: Alright, but just one drink.
Ten: That’s the answer I was looking for. Miss, if you’d like to follow me.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Location: Bar
Momiji: It’s so quiet in here…
Ten: Have you been here before by any chance? Right. This is Kuguri-san’s favorite bar.
Ten: Last time he brought me here as a “reward”, I got totally hooked.
Bartender: Sorry for the wait. Here’s your Hungarian wine and Klondike Highball.
Momiji: Thank you very much.
Ten: Alright, a toast to all the hard work and effort done by you, Chief… Cheers.
Momiji: C-Cheers.
*Glasses clink*
Ten: Must be a lot having to deal with so many different types of members. Now’s a good opportunity, so if you want to complain about any of them, I’m all ears.
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Ten: I am always on your side, after all.
Momiji: I know and I thank you for that.
Momiji: (Ten-kun feels a little closer today than he usually is… He’s a lot more touchy-feely than usual too.)
Momiji: (He even playfully hugged my shoulders on the way here… Just what is up with him?)
Momiji: …Mhm, the wine is really good.
Ten: Right? You don’t have to keep it to one glass, you know. Drink as much as you want.
Ten: It’s on me today, so don’t hold yourself back.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: (Yikes… I feel a little dizzy.)
Momiji: (I think I ended up drinking too much because Ten-kun kept encouraging me. Thank God I have the day off tomorrow…)
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Ten: Are you drunk? Your face is so red. Cute.
Momiji: (Isn’t he way too close? I can really see how long his eyelashes are like this…)
Momiji: (Huh? Did he just glance at someone behind me?)
Momiji: (Nobody’s there… Maybe I just imagined it.)
Ten: …Ah.
Momiji: What’s wrong?
Ten: I think I’m a little bit drunk too…
Ten: Why don’t we go outside and get some fresh air?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Location: Wharf
Momiji: Alright, keep steady. Just walk straight ahead.
Ten: Haha, you’re sooo warm, Momiji-san.
Ten: I just want to borrow your shoulder and keep walking like this forever…
*Fabric rustles*
Momiji: Uwhoa!?
Ten: Since there’s no one to disturb us, that means I’m allowed to indulge myself at least for today, riiiight?
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Ten: Let me hug youuu.
Momiji: Hold on, you’re all over the place…! Be careful! I’m going to go get you some water, so just go and sit on that bench over there, and—.
Momiji: (Footsteps? Someone’s coming up to us…!)
Unknown Woman: Haah, haah… Ten…!
Ten: …You’re finally here. Took you long enough.
Momiji: Huh? W-What do you mean…?
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Unknown Woman: Ten… Who is that? Is she…!?
Momiji: (S-She’s glaring at me really intensely!)
Momiji: Who is this woman…?
Ten: My ex-girlfriend.
Momiji: What?
Ten: I’m going to let you in on a “little secret”, so just listen to me for a moment, okay?
Ten: She started stalking me after we broke up. She’d always be following me around, whether I was going to campus or working part-time for HAMA Tours.
Ten: I really wish she’d just give it a rest already~. Maybe if she sees I have a new partner, it’ll snap her back to reality.
Momiji: …I see. So you’ve been putting on a show for her.
Momiji: Does that mean your drunkenness was just an act too? Did you really have to go that far?
Ten: It’s gotta be realistic. Doing stuff like that is important. Please keep up the good work for me~, Chief.
Ten: Even though I just work part-time, I’m still a member of HAMA Tours. Isn’t caring for my mental health part of the job?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: Play along with Ten’s act.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: (I’m really curious to know about the kind of breakup that would lead to this kind of thing happening, and I’m really curious about his relationships too, so…)
Momiji: There’s no avoiding it… If you’re in trouble, I’ll help you, Ten-kun.
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Ten: That’s what I was hoping to hear. That’s what I love about you, Chief.
Ten: Alright, follow my lead. I’m going to hug your shoulders, so cling to me with everything you’ve got, okay?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: It’s better to be honest.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Momiji: …If that’s your plan, then I can’t help you. You should just be honest and talk to her properly.
Ten: I thought you’d say that.
Ten: So that’s the kind of person you are, Chief. You’re one of those people who think they can understand almost everyone if you just talk to them.
Momiji: I didn’t mean to sound that naive, I just…
Ten: I’m not so sure about that~. You’ve always been so carefully protected, so you probably wouldn’t understand…
Ten: Don’t you know that there are some things in this world that can’t be solved with lip service?
Ten: And that’s why I’ve got to reject your opinion, Chief. The show must go on.
Momiji: (H-He put his hand on my waist…!!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Hey, stop being so secretive and say something already! Who is she!?
Ten: Do you really not get it unless I spell it out for you? You’ve been watching us all this time, so you should get it by now.
Ten: She’s my new partner.
Momiji: (He’s nuzzling his cheek against mine. Isn’t this a bit much…!?)
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Ten: That’s why you need to just give up and move on to someone else.
Momiji: Be careful with what you say! You don’t want to provoke her too much…!
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: …Y-You don’t have any clue how I was feeling…!!
Momiji: (This is bad, she’s rushing at us…!)
Momiji: Watch out, get away from—.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Ughh, you should’ve just said so from the beginning~!! As long as you’re happy, Ten, then everything’s okay!
Momiji: (She’s smiling happily and giving us a thumbs up!?)
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Ah, I’m so sorry for misunderstanding. I—.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: I was just so, so worried about whether or not you were happy after we broke up. I guess I just ended up following you around by accident.
Momiji: Huh?
Momiji: What!?
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: This one here’s got a nice face, but he’s kind of a mess, isn’t he? And on top of that, he’s got no real life skills, he’s like the epitome of a sugar baby.
Momiji: (That sure is a whole lot something that she’s saying…)
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: But. He was really kind to someone like me. I just wanted him to be happy.
Ten: …Huh.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: Looks like everything’s okay. I’m glad. I’ll never follow you around again, don’t worry.
Ten’s Ex-Girlfriend: I… Hope things last between you and her for a long time. I wish you both the best!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Ten: …Haah. That’s finally over with.
Momiji: Having a stalker like that is hard to believe. But I’m glad there’s someone who cares about you that much.
Ten: I didn’t ask for that, though.
Momiji: Even so, you should be more happy to see such a wonderful person, Ten-kun.
Ten: Ohoho, giving me advice, are we? So you’re talkative when you’re drunk, huh~? If you keep on talking, I might have to shut that mouth of yours myself.
Momiji: How can you even do that?
Ten: …
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Ten: It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. It’s not fun when drunk people take things so seriously.
Ten: Good work, Chief-san. Let’s call it here for today.
Ten: I’ll repay you for this eventually.
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