#amazing short haircut for women
reinacrbers · 2 years
hottest undercut very short haircut buzzed - short hairstyles for women - Barbershop Women 2022 Home&Women
hottest undercut very short haircut buzzed – short hairstyles for women – Barbershop Women 2022 Home&Women
hottest undercut very short haircut buzzed – short hairstyles for women – Barbershop Women 2022 Home&Women #short #tenuedujour #jean #hairstyles #hairfashion #hairdo #hairoftheday #instahair #hairofinstagram #haircolor #hairdye #haircolour #hairideas #coolhair #braid #haircut #hairstyle #curly #longhair #perfectcurls #straighthair #hairstylist #straight #braidideas #brown #hairvideos…
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echidnana · 1 year
also there are so many butches here it's wild
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gatheringbones · 11 months
[“It was only after I came out as a dyke that, for the first time in my life, I felt ready to celebrate being a girl, and I did. Actually, I overdid. Armed with Esther Newton’s Mother Camp, Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble, and Joan Nestle’s A Restricted Country, I embraced femme. I dressed up in short flowery dresses, pushup bras, satin panties, and lacy stockings. I paid great attention to my long, curly, perfectly-coiffed hair, my glamorous makeup, and especially my pouty lips. I spritzed Lola’s smell on my skin—Estee Lauder’s Private Collection—and painted my nails. I wore all of it with black combat boots and a brilliant sense of irony. I reveled in my girliness, went over the top, learned how to tweeze my eyebrows and line my lips with a lip pencil.
My gender presentation was unmistakable: blatant female sexuality. I was a proud, in-your-face, take-no-prisoners, uppity, don’t-assume-I’m-straight-because-I-wear-lipstick-and-dresses femme dyke. Because femmes are always assumed to be straight or sleeping with men, and I do sleep with men, I made sure to always have a butch on my arm so I’d be read as femme. Even though I was sure I’d be mistaken for straight, the boys took one look at me and steered clear. It was as if I was too much of a woman for them to handle, like I was a handful, and I was. But butch girls love a handful—a handful of tits, a handful of ass, a girl who needs to be handled, a girl who can handle herself.
How I figured out I was a femme had a lot to do with the women I was attracted to and the dynamic between us. When I was in junior high, I used to mess around with a friend of mine named Angela. Angela was one of those girls who developed early; I remember she had big breasts in like sixth grade. We mostly kissed and touched over clothes, and we played out various boy-girl scenarios. I was always the girl—my early femme roots. My favorite of all our little scenes was the one where she was my male boss and I was the secretary. The boss made me have sex with him and told me if I didn’t I would get fired. Now this was all before Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill and the media awareness/obsession with sexual harassment. I remember she’d tell me to suck her dick and push my face unmercifully into her crotch, which smelled amazing,. The drama of it all—the force, the degradation, the power games—really got me off. After that, there was no going back to simplicity. I was hooked on the power.
Jen really epitomized all the girls I was attracted to then and still am. Being with a butch girl, I was valued for my combination of strength and vulnerability, for dressing up, for wanting an arm to hold onto, hips to wrap my legs around, being able to give my body over to her and say, I trust you, I’m yours. My butch loved me in low-cut dresses, appreciated my sexual voraciousness, worshipped my inner slut. I reveled in the fact that I could be strong and submissive all at once. Surrender and still be a feminist. Being a dyke is not just about who I fuck and love, it’s about being a girl who doesn’t play by the rules.
Butch girls don’t play by the rules either, and I love butch girls. Girls with hair so short you can barely slide it between two fingers to hold on. Girls with slick, shiny, barbershop haircuts and shirts that button the other way. Girls that swagger. Girls who have dicks made of flesh and silicone and latex and magic. Girls who get stared at in the ladies room, girls who shop in the boy’s department, girls who live every moment looking like they weren’t supposed to. Girls with hands that touch me like they have been touching my body their entire lives. Girls who have big cocks, love blow-jobs, and like to fuck girls hard. Every day, it is the girls that get called Sir that make me catch my breath, the girls with strong jaws that buckle my knees, the girls who are a different gender that make me want to lie down for them.
Someone else said it about me recently and it’s right on target: “She gets off on all different sorts of people sexually, but she falls for butches.” Like the poet who bought her first strap-on with me and then wanted to sleep with it on. The shrink-in-training who got harassed every time she drove down South. She did look so much like a fifteen-year-old boy: blue button-down shirts, neatly-combed blond hair. The ad exec who had names for her dildos and used to love for me to spit-shine her wingtips. The photographer whose face was so mannish she could pass almost anywhere. The writer who wanted a body like Loren Cameron’s. The telephone repairwoman who drove a truck. The cook who had a boy’s name. The academic who got cruised by gay men on Castro Street. The cornfed farmboy from the Heartland with arms so hard and strong you swear they’ve been working the land, not the iron at the gym.
And there’s the one who’s got the James Dean stare down, and dresses like a clean-cut fag, and looks at me like she could look at me forever and never blink or grow tired or move from the spot she’s in. She’s a girl who loves girls like me—girls in velvet bras, girls who want to surrender to her mouth. She’s a girl who isn’t afraid to throw a femme down on the bed and fuck her. Possess her. My kind of girl. This girl is different.”]
tristan taormino, from this girl is different, from a woman like that: lesbian and bisexual writers tell their coming out stories, 2000
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reaper2187 · 5 months
Renee rapp x fem reader
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As the sun streamed through the window of the cozy salon, you nervously fidgeted in your seat. You had been contemplating getting a haircut for weeks, but the thought of drastically changing your appearance was enough to make your stomach churn. Despite your fears, you couldn't deny that your long hair, once luscious and silky, had now become unruly and unmanageable. It was time for a change.
As you anxiously waited for your turn, you caught a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror. Your heart sank as you noticed the split ends and frizziness that had taken over your once beautiful mane. You couldn't bear the thought of losing all your length, but something had to be done. You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that it was just hair, it would grow back.
Finally, the stylist called your name and you followed her to the chair. You explained to her your hesitation and she reassured you with a warm smile. She suggested a popular haircut among her clients, the 'wolfcut'. It was a short, layered style with bangs that swept across the forehead. You had never heard of it before, but you trusted her expertise and gave her the go-ahead.
As she snipped away, you could feel the weight of your hair being lifted off your head. It was a strange sensation, but also a freeing one. When she was done, she spun you around to face the mirror. You couldn't believe what you saw. You had never had short hair before and it was a shock to see yourself with a completely new look.
Feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, you paid the stylist and stepped out of the salon. As you made your way back to your house, you couldn't resist running your fingers through your shorter locks. It felt so light and different, but you couldn't help but wonder what Renee would think.
Renee had been your girlfriend for a little over a year now. She had always loved your long hair and you were afraid she might be disappointed with your drastic change. But you also knew that she loved you no matter what and would support you in your decisions.
As you walked through the front door, Renee looked up from her book and her eyes widened in shock. You could tell she was trying to process your new hairstyle as she motioned for you to come closer. You hesitantly walked over and stood in front of her, waiting for her reaction.
'Oh my god, you got a haircut!' Renee exclaimed, reaching out to run her fingers through your shorter hair. 'You look amazing, I love it!'
You let out a sigh of relief and smiled at her enthusiasm. She pulled you down for a quick kiss, completely unfazed by your new appearance. As you sat down next to her, she asked you about your experience at the salon and how you were feeling about the change.
'I was so nervous, but I'm happy with how it turned out,' you said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
'I can tell, you look so confident and beautiful,' Renee replied, her eyes filled with admiration.
As the day went on, Renee couldn't stop admiring your new haircut. She constantly ran her fingers through your hair and planted kisses on your forehead. She couldn't get over how different you looked, but how it somehow made you even more attractive to her.
That night, as you cuddled up in bed, Renee looked at you with a serious expression. 'I have a secret to tell you,' she said, taking your hand in hers.
You sat up, wondering what was going on. 'What is it?' you asked, feeling a little anxious.
'I've always had a thing for women with short hair, especially wolfcuts,' she admitted, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. 'I never thought I would have a chance to date someone with that hairstyle, but then you went and surprised me.'
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. All this time, Renee had been secretly dreaming of being with someone like you. You couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence and happiness wash over you.
'Really? I had no idea,' you said, feeling a smile spread across your face.
'It's true, you look so fierce and sexy with this haircut,' she replied, pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
As the night went on, Renee couldn't keep her hands off of you. She kept saying how much she loved your new look and how it made her want you even more. This was a side of Renee you had never seen before, and you were loving it.
As the days went on, Renee continued to show her appreciation for your wolfcut. She would take you out on dates and introduce you to her friends, proudly showing you off as her badass girlfriend. You couldn't believe how much a simple haircut had changed not only your appearance, but also your relationship.
Looking back, you were grateful for the push you had to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. It had not only boosted your confidence, but it also brought you and Renee closer together. Who knew a little wolfcut could have such a big impact?
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luveline · 1 year
first of all CONGRATS ON YOUR AMAZING MILESTONE!!! Wowwwwwww I’m so happy for u 🥺💘💘💘 you deserve all the love and praise in the world!
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 + 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞
plsss I beg 🥺 either for tasm!peter or miguel o’hara or even joel miller 😭😭😭 I’d think about idiots in love… both pinning for each other but too oblivious to the others feelings. everyone can see it but them. if you can make it super fluffy I’d dieeeeee. I’m obsessed with all 3 of them but tasm!peter will always have my heart <3
hope u have the loveliest of days sweet ! 💘💘💘
luveline's 40k party ☆ thank you so much baby!! have a good day too ♡ shy fat fem!reader
"I look weird," Peter says. 
You bite your lip in surprise. Peter reaches for you like he might take your face into his hand, but you bow out of his touch. "No," you say, hissing at the sudden pain, "you look nice, you don't look weird." 
"A haircut was a bad idea. Now you're injured," he says with a laugh. 
You bring your hand away from your lip and find it unsullied. Peter wants to look anyhow, fighting you for a hand on your cheek. A couple of months ago you would've squirmed away from him, worried he'd feel the soft line of your jaw and drop his hand in disgust, but these days you let him do whatever he wants. 
"Pout at me," he demands. 
You, reluctant, poke your lip out. Peter has the gall to touch it with his thumb, seemingly unaware of the shiver it prompts. He smells like cherry gum today, a little wedge of it between his molars as he strokes your face and pushes you gently back into your chair. He's a sick individual, he doesn't even know what he's doing. Peter's joking and doting is done as your friend. 
"What inspired the haircut?" you ask. He hasn't gone too short with it since his first year of college, but the cute little flicks under his ears have been chopped. 
"Kept getting stuck in my hat." 
"What hat?" you ask. 
"My baseball cap." 
"Since when do you wear a baseball cap?" 
"Wouldn't you like to know," Peter croons, to the outrage of the women sitting across from you. They shush simultaneously, two pit vipers. 
You put your head down, sheepish. Peter rolls his desk chair closer to yours as he chuckles under his breath, to copy your notes no doubt, which is ridiculous. He's the smarter of the two of you. He speaks in mathematics like it's English, chemistry something innate. 
You knock your pencil into his hand, "Do your own work." 
"But you've already done it for me." Peter moves your hand aside, his naked arm rubbing up against yours, rigid cord against softer fat. "Thanks, beautiful." 
You roll your eyes at him but let him copy your work. After a few minutes you swear you can feel eyes on you, glancing up to find the pit vipers talking behind a laptop screen. They look at you at the same time and then quickly look away, spelling out for you what it is that's so interesting. People do this all the time, puzzling at you and Pete like it's insanity. The majority of people aren't as judgemental, but you can guess exactly what it is that they're thinking. Why is he spending his time with her? Handsome, muscled Peter and meek, chubby you. 
It's not the most important thing in your life, but it is a constant. Some people think fat is unlovable, and the rest love without qualm. Peter hasn't ever once been mean to you since he met you; your weight can't bother him. If anything, you'd think he quite likes the way you look. Peter's always calling you beautiful, pretty girl, telling you to get changed before you put other girls out. 
It's a shame he doesn't like you as anything more than a friend.
"I think those girls are looking at us," Peter whispers, pulling you toward him by the shoulder. It's not unlike him to touch you suddenly. "Is the haircut that bad?" 
"It looks nice, Pete!" you insist. 
He wraps his arm around your shoulder, rubbing his cheek against yours quickly. You choke through a laugh. "Daww," he says, "you're just saying that." 
He giggles as you push him away, "Get off me, you loon," you say. 
"You're the loon, loon," he says back. His cheeks are pinking. His sweater must be hotter than it looks.
"Can you just accept it, Peter? Your hair looks nice, you look great, stop worrying about what people think." You look away as you say it, startled by your own brazenness.
He gasps at you. "Hypocrite! You're the worst hypocrite ever, you're always worrying about what people think, and it's stupid because you're so pretty." He shakes his from side to side, eyes dramatically downcast. "Breaks my heart. A babe in denial." 
"Stop kidding around, we have too many assignments for this," you beg, tapping your pencil under the remaining questions you've yet to answer.
"A babe in denial and distress." 
You give up. He's overwhelmingly affectionate, homework sucks, and you're ashamed to know that if you flop down in defeat, he'll hug your arm. He always does. Diving into your space, Peter breathes cool cherry at your cheek as he says, "You know I'm gonna explain them to you until you get them, sweetheart. Don't stress." 
You put yourself in this position, but his closeness has your heart skipping. "I'm not stressed." 
"You're too cute to stress." 
"Sorry, I'll stop, I'm stopping. Pass your notebook, I'll fix your equation." 
You pass him your notebook without looking up. You need a few seconds to collect yourself. "Thank you, Peter." 
He sounds dangerously fond, the kind of tone that feeds your delusion, as though he could like you as you like him, "You're welcome." 
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transsexula · 5 months
Hate seeing people say that Transandrophobia isn't real because, in their words, the "androphobia" isn't something people in real life face.
Now. Maybe this is because when I see this opinion, it's attached to someone who is either transfem, AMAB, or who has only ever lived in incredibly liberal areas.
Meaning: They do not have the life experience to speak on that.
It's simple, I can use myself as an easy example: I grew up on the west side of the US. My extended family and parents were very Christian, very conservative. The community I grew up in was in turn the same- very conservative, very Christian, very fundamentalist. Certain Disney movies were banned from the house for featuring witchcraft, or other "morally reprehensible" things. DISNEY MOVIES.
With this background, I'm sure you can tell where this was headed: I can clearly remember being in the pharmacy with my mother. I was small. I saw a lady with what I now know is a pixie cut- incredibly short hair, bright bold pink. Her girlfriend was there, and her own hair was incredibly butch- like they went to a sports clips and asked for what the guy next to them was getting. I was amazed- I'd never seen a woman that looked like that before. I voiced so with awe and wonder to my mother. I was supposed to get a haircut in an hour. "I want that! She looks so pretty and nice"
Who was visibly disgusted. Grabbing me, yanking me away, muttering "no. You don't want to look like that. Let's go."
Fast forward a few years. I'm too young to be drinking a beer, my uncle has stayed up late. We are watching music videos and sharing interests, when we see a rather masc looking woman in a video. He's disgusted. He makes an offhand joke about how she needs to be reminded of her feminine ways. I know what violations he's implying so vividly. He opens up about his fantasy of hatecriming two butch "women" he saw. I'm too afraid to speak.
There's a debate in church. Should women be allowed to wear above the knee shorts? We really didn't like that they can wear pants. Really, the pastor says in his sermon- it's the woman's job to maintain her feminine nature, in opposition to her husband's masculine nature. These blurring lines aren't good for people.
And- I don't want to get into the people I've known who've been hurt, abused, forcefully feminized, beaten for being masculine- the men that feel entitled to their bodies, because they feel entitled to a say in how they present.
The reason you don't see the abuse for being masculine, is because you come from a world where it's widely accepted in ways that not every culture, not every state or country has.
Gnc women, trans men, transmasc nonbinary people- if you're in the wrong place, born to the wrong family, you may never be safe enough to wear pants. You may not be able to cut your hair. Or be anything less than the perfect, ideal woman.
You get punished for not being what you have been assigned. For the act of defiance against others perception, you can be killed.
So, yeah. There's a lot of androphobia. There's a LOT of fear of the masculine. It just comes out in ways you aren't expecting, as someone who hasn't had to experience it. You don't know what to look for. Where to look. It's everywhere but you can be blind to it if you're insulated enough.
Hell- even terfs are falling into severe androphobia. It's their whole motto. What am I, if not a failed woman to them? Mutilating my perfect feminine form? Being a man is the ultimate crime to these people. Are you really telling me JKRs very public campaign hasn't made life hell for ALL of us? We are all losing healthcare due to this.
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reiderwriter · 1 year
I'm curious to hear your thoughts about the dom/sub debate when it comes to mr Spencer Reid.I personally lean towards believing he is more of a soft/rough dom depending on the day.And especially since your dom spencer fanfictions are some of my absolute favorites of all time (the margaritas part 2 had me weak on the knees),I would love to hear you profile my favorite profiler as to if he is a dom or a sub,which you believe is more true.(I know which one is like to believe to be more true😂)I would love to read your insight to his brain and how you understand him!Have a great day!! :)
Oh I would LOVE to get into it, and this is going to be a season by season break down so please bare with me lmao
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Spoilers (kinda) for season 1-15 of Criminal Minds under the cut, only read up to where you are in the show!
Season One
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You may be thinking "surely that is a sub" and you would be right, if he was having sex, which he is very clearly not. He graduated from his third PhD and then immediately joined the BAU, that is a virgin, your honor.
Season Two
At some point in season one, he loses his virginity. Probably to Lila Archer, maybe to Elle (no further questions, there are some amazing fanfictions that fill in this). But whoever he is doing it with is absolutely dominating him, he just doesn't know it.
Season Two Spencer is curious about BDSM, but having what he assumes is Vanilla sex (just because he isn't calling women Mommy yet, he thinks that he is having normal sex, when in reality he's like pathetically whining asking for release).
During his ongoing addiction days, I think he'd be more than happy to just switch off his brain during sex and just follow orders, do what he's told.
Season Three
A sub and he knows it. Still feels unconfident enough to not be in charge in the relationship, he likes switching his brain off when he fucks. But something does start to switch and he's suddenly a little bit more confident this season, so I can see him being a bit of a brat - talks back, doesn't follow rules, really very mouthy in front of other.
((The majority of my sub Spencer smut is set at around this time - I ❤️ whiny brats lmao))
Season Four
This is where I can see him becoming a bit more confident but I don't think he's a dom yet. I do think he's absolutely taking advantage of his leg injury and absolutely loving being ridden, not having to put in any work. I think after all this he decides he really likes the look on the other person's face when they're on the edge of ecstasy and he wants to explore drawing that out a bit.
Season Five
I think we're experimenting here. So many things have happened in his life by this point that I think he needs to gain control in some part of his life, and his sex life is just the easiest option. He's still giving switch energy, but that sudden short haircut? The brattier energy? He's suddenly coming into himself again, and he's definitely comfortable being a little more dominant now. But he's not an experienced dom yet, so I think he's just taking charge and telling his partners what to do, he's not into choking/ punishment/ degradation yet.
I can't remember if its season five or six where he points out he isn't a typical "alpha male." A lot of people take this to mean that he's calling himself a sub, which could definitely be the case, but also, I think he likes being underestimated sexually, because it makes it more exciting for him when he does get the upper hand in the relationship, which he does in that episode (he interviews the wife and then tells her that her husband killed the actual father of her child and makes her stare at their faces until she cracks and breaks down into tears. He offers her no comfort is all I'm saying... 👀)
Season Six
This is controversial, but I think from this point on, Spencer is fully a dom. He has that scare where he thinks he's "developing" Schizophrenia, and his constant headaches, he just needs release and I think he finds it in multiple beds, lmao. He does have that moment of vulnerability at the end of the season when everything happens with Emily, so I think if he's having sex it's back to Vanilla, but like really passionate, and I'm not saying that he'd fall in love with everyone who's bed he falls into but I'm just saying he needs companionship at the end of this season.
Season Seven
This season starts with him literally cutting off the board of directors at the FBI to correct them and standing by his decisions and if that isn't the biggest dick energy ever idk what is. He's angry, and he's frustrated, and he thinks the team overlooks him a little bit, so you know what he's going to do? He's going to dominate whoever he's in bed with to regain some of that control. I can see this as the time that Spencer finally really gets into more aspects of BDSM. He let's demeaning words slip out of his mouth during sex and then notes the positive reaction they get, so he keeps doing it until he can make the other person cum.
((The majority of my dom smut with Spencer is set at around this time.))
Season Eight
This isn't a Dom, this is a dumbass. I'm pretty confident that for the first half of the season, he's not having sex, because he's committed to Maeve and he never meets her. Then after she dies he's too depressed and busy to get out there. I think if he did go out and find someone to keep him company, it'd probably back to the post-Emily-Doyle arc where he just needs to feel someone close to him someone wrapped around him, someone holding him tight, so it's slow. It's passionate and it's loving, but he's still pretty detached about it. He literally doesn't care about finding a release, he'd rather just have the physical touch for a while.
Season Nine
Straight up dom. Will choke a bitch, regularly does. I can see him getting a little bit rougher now, probably gets asked to spank one of his partners and then does NOT want to stop ever doing that. Grows to lightly slapping in the face. He does literally tell Garcia that he has a dominant side, and she straight up ignores him, though, so I think he's pretty comfortable in people "underestimating" him, I guess?
When he gets shot in the last few episodes, he's literally ready to get back out there as soon as possible, and I think that applies to sexual encounters as well. When some of his other "traumatic events" happen, I can see him taking a break for a while, but with this one, he gets medical clearance and is immediately burying his head between someone's legs.
Season Ten
I am only on season 9 of my rewatch, and to be completely honest, nothing of merit really happens to Spencer in Season 10 from my memory, so I'm just going to assume that he's basically the same.
The only thing that really can be cause for concern is Gideon's death, and I think that does truly fuck him up for a while, but that's anger and grief mixed together, so I can see him moving between rough fucks and slow passionate needy sex for a few months while he works through all of that.
Season Eleven
Spencer Reid vs Cat Adams is literally dom on dom crime, the entirety of Entropy is just them trying to be the one topping one another. And we know who wins that battle, so...
Definitely into pet names and calling his partners little sluts, whores, bitches etc. I don't want to say that Morgan babied him, because their relationship really developed a lot over the seasons and deserves it's own non-horny post lmao, but I think Morgan leaving really allowed the writers to let Spencer take more of a dominant role in interrogations, investigations and the like. And he's the last person who really considers Spencer a "kid" (apart from Rossi who literally thinks of them all as children) so he no longer has to, I guess justify? his sexual behavior. He's just all-in on it now.
Season Twelve
Pre-prison Spencer Reid in season twelve is a bad lover. He's inattentive, literally just chasing his own needs, probably pumping and dumping and now really paying attention to the aspects of a role that a dominant really should - the after care and looking after the person who is submitting to him. Then he goes to prison.
When he gets out, I can absolutely see the man suddenly having a breeding kink, wanting to be so close to someone, for someone to have such absolute confidence in him that he can fuck them raw and neither of them will care about the consequences. He's still a little damaged though, so I can see him oscillating between needing slow comforting sex, and harsh sex, really leaning into punishment/reward play and experimenting with different kinks, and maybe even public sex.
After he starts working at the University, I think role-playing and calling him "sir" would also really turn him on, and for a while he'd think it's a little gross as he's literally a teacher, but after a while he doesn't care anymore because it makes him feel so good.
Season 13-15
It's the same as above. He's dominant, but he still needs taking care of, but at this point he's so closed off from the world that he'll never be able to submit to someone again. So slow, sloppy, passionate sex, lasting for hours and hours is probably his way to go. I can see him being the type of soft! Dom that is just asking for "just one more" orgasm, over and over again, and then just overwhelming his partner with aftercare - running them a bath, cleaning them up, making them food or a hot drink, propping some pillows up behind them. He's a real gentleman, and I think his emotional distance could probably break a lot of hearts.
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He goes from the whiniest virgin-sub to a bratty switch, all the way to a rough dom and then settles into being a very soft caring dom in his later years.
That's just my opinion though, and I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks!! I really didn't look too much into what happens in each of these seasons because I put approximately 0% research and 100% opinion and what I would want to see (lmao) into this, so if there's something specific that happens that has you thinking that he'd have a certain preference in any season then PLEASE tell me.
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adoremexxs · 1 year
Modern Hantengu Clone Headcanons
I’m procrastinating writing and I have SO many headcanons of these clones so I’m just going to share them. See if you can spot my favorite.
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Oh boy
I love him so much
He’s definitely the oldest of the “brothers” and I think everyone has honestly agreed with this
He’s 6’4
So, for facial features
I think Sekido has very sharp features
His jawline is as sharp as a knife
I think that his nose is more narrow and straight than his brothers
He has a mole under his right eye and a mole by his lips on the left side of his face
Perfect teeth
Takes great pride in his appearance because “first impressions matter” so he always dresses up when meeting someone important
sensitive skin, has to use expensive skin care brands and it makes him mad
Chest hair.
He doesn’t have a lot but he gets it waxed or if he doesn’t have time for a wax, he shaves it
Hates, hates smelling bad
If someone smells like B.O., he is offering deodorant to them
no shame at all
Keeps everything short besides his hair on his head
He considered cutting it once
Zohakuten’s haircut almost convinced him
He loves his beautiful locks though
He definitely is good at math and is majoring for business
If not business, he would become a politician
He likes cracking open a white claw and watching debates on the TV
In high school, he was on the debate team and in honors
He played football and did archery for his last two years
He also played soccer
Karaku and Urogi piss him off so much so he regularly goes to rage rooms
He smokes weed to calm down
Karaku introduced him to it
He goes to the gym regularly
He has an absolute dumptruck
Like it’s a level 3 gyatt
And huge thighs
He does not skip leg day
Meal preps
Can cook a 5 star meal
This makes Karaku and Urogi go over to his place to eat more than they should
He has a soft spot for cats
And Aizetsu
Aizetsu is his favorite sibling because he listens
Him and Karaku don’t get along because Karaku used to bring home slutty women and men and they would trash their house
Listens to rock
Def loves Three Days Grace and Slipknot
Doesn’t mind Odetari
Karaku made him listen
He loves GMFU by Odetari
Goes to cat cafes whenever stressed sometimes
He struggles with making friends, this showed in high school
He struggled a lot in making friends but Urogi and Karaku were extremely popular so they took him to events
Struggles with love life too
He’s so intimidating looking that he scared off most suitors
He’s just really shy and hoping to be loved
But at the same time, hates the idea of relationships
He doesn’t like being vulnerable
He just wants to be loved and not get hurt in the end
Wants 2-3 kids
Wants a daughter so he can spoil her
If he had a S/O, they would definitely get spoiled with gifts
Just please don’t break his heart
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Karaku, Karaku.
The second oldest
Also is 6’4
His facial features are a bit more feminine, his jawline is still sharp but his eyes are a bit softer
His nose is also perkier
LOVES spoiling himself
Invests in expensive hair products and skincare products
Has a morning and night routine
He also has little moles all over his body
Karaku’s face has 2 by his left eye and a 3 on his neck and one by his right ear
Gets a facial once a month
Absolutely no body hair anywhere
Besides legs and armpits
Had braces in high school and had to wear a retainer
Complained so much that Sekido whooped him
He likes taking care of his appearance but not the same way Sekido does
“It’s for the ladies and the men that want me!”
He models
Has been modeling since he was 17
Loves the attention he gets and the fans he has
Tried to convince the others to model too
It didn’t work
He takes amazing care of his body and works out with Sekido on the regular
Makes a competition on who can bench the most or squat the most
Spoiler, it’s Sekido
He played football in High School for his first two years
He partied a lot
And I mean a lot
Even hosted some
Sekido wasn’t happy
Him and Sekido have gotten into multiple fist fights and one time Karaku accidentally got so mad that he smashed a vodka bottle over Sekido’s head
Sekido had to go to the hospital after beating Karaku’s ass
Is in a lot of clubs and he honestly just shows up randomly to them
Listens to Odetari
“Look, don’t touch” is his anthem and as well as “Let me see ya move” by Lumi Athena
Loves Odetari and The Weeknd
Listens to Usher and Jacquees, literally any rapper known to man
He still partied and drinks a lot
It’s insane
If he spoils himself, he is spoiling his S/O with everything and as well as physical affection
They are his pfp on everything
Posts them regularly
He used to be a serial man whore and cheater
But they broke him out of it
Wants 3 kids
His favorite brother is Urogi
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Our precious boy, Aizetsu
6’3 and shy
He’s like a gentle giant
His nose is perky like Karaku’s and he has some freckles on his face
He doesn’t have that many moles
In fact
His skin is perfect
He has no moles on him
Aizetsu’s skin has a flare up during the summer sometimes and breaks out in the winter
So he has special skin care products
Karaku and Urogi tried to set Aizetsu up on many blind dates
Dated a popular cheerleader girl
She wanted to get with Karaku and Sekido
He was sad for days
Him and Urogi got matching hair cuts, they have short hair with their bangs in front
Doesn’t know how to take care of his hair
Karaku spoiled him for a month one time and bought him a facial, mani, pedi and took him to get his hair done
Aizetsu wears sweaters half the time
He has some muscle to him but his body is more lean and he gets bruised a lot
He has an lil dumpy too though
It’s all natural, baby
Sekido would worry about him all the time because Aizetsu doesn’t eat a lot
He cooks for his brothers sometimes and that’s it
Once Sekido yelled at him for not eating enough, he ate a bit more
Listens to Indie music, loves Steve Lacy and Faye Webster
Cries to “I know you” by Faye Webster
Me too tho king
In high school, he played soccer and he was in the reading club
Like Sekido, he is an introvert
He struggles with making friends
His toxic high school girlfriend crushed his self esteem
Everyone used him to get to his brothers
So he is often excluded
He is also the middle child and the quietest out of all of them
Majoring in psychology
He suffers from depression
He doesn’t break down in front of his brothers
He cries late at night or in the shower
His S/O would have to be able to help him with his depression
Just give him physical affection and reassure him that you aren’t going to leave him
He wants 1-2 kids
He can’t handle dealing with his brothers all over again
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Youngest of the quadruplets
His nose is wider and perkier than the others and he has a mole by his left brow, left side of his face is a mole by his lips and then one of the other side of his lips
His body has them as well
Now he is jacked
He works out every day
He also is just insanely strong already
Loves, loves bird
He’s studying to be a veterinarian
He stands at 6’5, the tallest of the brothers
His birthday is actually a day later
He also almost died before he was born because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck
Party kid
He parties so much
Adrenaline junkie
“Life is too fun to be sitting on your butt and crying, Aizetsu!”
Loves, loves the zoo
He doesn’t know much about appearances
He doesn’t know how to take care of his hair
His teeth are absolutely perfect
His skin is somehow clear although he didn’t use anything
He uses St. Ives face wash
His skin never breaks out or flares up
Always had perfect skin
He doesn’t have chest hair but has a lot and I mean a lot of leg hair
He can’t cook
That’s why he goes over to Sekido’s
Him and Karaku are insanely close because they are alike
He did wrestling and soccer in highschool and still continues it in his college days
He did cut his hair
The long hair got in the way of wrestling so he cut it
It’s really wavy and his bangs are parted in the middle
He rarely ever ever gets mad
He’s really protective over Aizetsu, despite him being younger
gives his brothers bird facts all the time
Compares them to birds
Sekido is a cardinal and Aizetsu a blue jay
Karaku is a peacock and Urogi compares himself to a falcon
Has a lot of followers on tiktok and instagram because he posts bird videos and animal videos in general
The followers love them
has always been a ladies man
All the girls love him
It’s the charming personality of his and how sweet he is with animals
is supposed to be Karaku’s and Aizetsu’s wingman
He never talks bad about anyone unless they wronged his brothers
100% listens to Odetari with Karaku but mainly listens to hyper pop and rap and kpop
He loves his family a lot and is a big family oriented person
His S/O would have a lot of fun with him
He goes clubbing a lot but he won’t go without them
Its more fun with them there
He would also take them to work to show them his job
He books vacations to Africa to go on safaris
He’s a very fun and lovable partner
He wants 4 kids, he is praying quadruplets like him and his brothers
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Zohakuten is the youngest of the brothers obviously
He is 16
He’s 5’3, the shortest of them all
He’s intimidating to others and also really shy and reserved so no one really talks to him
Besides his bestie, Rui
Zohakuten is in band
He plays the drums
Has a drum set at home
Him and Rui are extremely close due to the fact that no one else likes to talk to him because he’s scary
Zohakuten is really into art too and draws on the regularly
Is known as the “Quiet Scary Kid”
He cut his hair short so he has his hair like Urogi’s and Aizetsu’s
His bangs parted in the middle and the rest of it being messy because he can’t take care of his hair either
Spends a lot of time drawing and drumming
He gets into fights regularly at school and it’s a surprise that he isn’t kicked out of band yet
He also plays soccer and it absolutely works in his favor because he scares people
He sometimes has brotherly bonding time with his brothers and go to the gym with them
He’s incredibly strong and it makes Karaku jealous because he had noodle arms when he was younger
Listens to Indie, Odetari, Hyperpop, Metal and basically everything
Depends on his mood
When he’s mad, he is blasting Metal
Has to use dermatologist products for his face
His favorite brothers are Sekido and Aizetsu
He sometimes plays minecraft and roblox with Urogi and Karaku
Karaku and Urogi sneak him into frat parties when they are not supposed to
He wears feathered purple earrings
He also wears a gold chain, he wears gold rings too
He loves gold
Like Urogi, his nose is wider and perky
It’s a bit more upturned than his brothers
Karaku has tried to wax Zohakuten’s eyebrows
Karaku got his ass beat
Karaku and Urogi come up with nicknames for Zohakuten
“Zo, Z, Zozo, Zoha, Zohaku, Haku, Ten, Zobo-“
“Shut the fuck up, you imbeciles.”
Rui is with him 95% of the time
He takes him everywhere because it’s basically his only friend
On Christmas, Karaku and Urogi got Zohakuten to dress up as an elf by promising to buy him a new dragon figure
Hates dating
Hates those cheesy couples in school that kiss each other in the hallways and basically have sex
Him and Senjuro lowkey hate each other
But that’s between them and stays between them because Senjuro is also Rui’s friend
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blackcurlsgreeneyes · 4 months
RP: The Sun Will Come Out // Closed RP
continued from thread with @fidelixcorde
Harry couldn't remember the last time he had felt this happy, in recent years. It would have also been credit to Taylor or the Weasleys, no doubt....but this was just a perfect moment. He was surrounded by people he cared about, a large family that was expanding, and he had Taylor, Ron, and Hermione beside him. It was the perfect way to celebrate reaching wizarding legal adulthood.
Taylor's purred promise made him blush, trying not to let his imagination get away from him. Though judging by the knowing smirk on George's face, he might not be too far off.... And that proved true, as he was sneakily led away from Charlie's haircut doom and upstairs.
Now that was how to celebrate a birthday.
His hair was unapologetically ruffled and he had to switch shirts to something with a higher collar to cover a particularly gorgeous bite left on his collarbone, and Harry was grinning helplessly as they rejoined the family downstairs. Hermione took one look at him, then Taylor, then went pink and giggled, and George gave him a passing high five that confirmed his suspicion of who had been on keep everyone downstairs duty.
Their dinner guests began arriving, and Harry found himself seated at the head of the table in the garden as they feasted, and then Molly brought out truly the most breathtaking culinary creation he had ever seen. He had to leap up and hug her again, tears in his eyes as he thanked her.
"First day of the best start of my life," Harry said fondly, beaming back at Hagrid. "I mean, having Taylor growing up was grand, but finding out we were headed for Hogwarts....life got good." He examined the small bag Hagrid handed him, and its explanation made him smile, hopping up to give Hagrid the closest to a hug that he could manage. "Thank you! This is amazing." Oh, it would come in handy as they traveled, he was sure of that.
“S’nothin’,” Hagrid laughed. “An’ there’s Charlie! Always liked him—hey! Charlie!” Charlie approached, running his hand slightly ruefully over his new, brutally short haircut. He was shorter than Ron, thickset, with a number of burns and scratches up his muscly arms. “Hi, Hagrid, how’s it going?” “Bin meanin’ ter write fer ages. How’s Norbert doin’” “Norbert?” Charlie laughed. “The Norwegian Ridgeback? We call her Norberta now.” “Wha—Norbert’s a girl?”
“How can you tell?” Hermione asked with intrigue.
“They’re a lot more vicious.” Charlie grinned knowingly. "Can't say that's unusual, though, I've always thought women are scarier by far. He looked over his shoulder and dropped his voice. “Wish Dad would hurry up and get here. Mum’s getting edgy."
Harry looked over; Molly was talking to Madame Delacour, while glancing repeatedly at the gate. “I think we’d better start without Arthur,” she called to the garden at large after a moment or two. “He must have been held up at—oh!”
A streak of light that came flying across the yard and onto the table, where it resolved itself into a bright silver weasel, which stood on its hind legs and spoke with Mr. Weasley’s voice. “Minister of Magic coming with me.”
The Patronus vanished, leaving Mrs. Weasley looked bewildered. “The Minister—but why—? I don’t understand...."
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ash-the-fluffy-cat · 7 months
I PASS IN MY SNOWSUIT!!! I have had four people say dude and mister to me when I was in my ski pants and jacket (which was from the men’s section because all the jackets in the women’s section were thin) and it has been amazing. I think most just go off my haircut if I’m not wearing a hat or helmet because I have short hair, but it’s been amazing either way. Then I have to speak then they’re like “oh sorry ma’am”
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misterxsamsa · 1 month
Part One
Will write more if you want!
Okay so this is what I’m thinking: JV has used Johnny as a way to vent/tell his truths and gaslit everyone into thinking it wasn’t about him.
There are many things similar between the two: the way they look/dress (90’s mall goth), the haircut, being a cinephile, his viewpoints on humanity, his personality, etc. What I’ve gathered from posts on the internet about people who’ve met him in the 90’s, he was considered to be toxic. Which considering he was still in his teenage years/early adulthood it’s understandable. He literally looks like Johnny!
On the Johnny Twitter account, there are SO many tweets that are just JV venting or talking about things he likes. Short haired girls, talking about women all being insane (which he’s done on livestreams), his views on people, even down to just random bullshit like eating snacks and avoiding sleeping. All of those tweets are just JV. Johnny is a puppet for him to speak and vent through. And you might be going, “well, he HAS to come up with things for Johnny to say”…so why make him completely similar to himself? Surely a creative mind could come up with more.
Think about it, many panels are totally just artwork based on real life with a modification here and there. For example, Johnny laughing at a sitcom/not killing himself because he has something to watch to distract him. If that isn’t JV I don’t know what is. And if you’ve ever been there when he had literal breakdowns on stream, you’d know 1.) he used media as a distraction, clearly and 2.) he’s suicidal. Even though everyone brushes it off as a joke.
There are so many interviews and things JV has said himself that would indicate he: has a sleep disorder/is afraid of sleep, he doesn’t understand people (which Johnny doesn’t either) arrogance and hypocrisy, among other things that also indicate paranoid ideation. Which…I can’t even blame him because some of his fans are…interesting. Seriously, he fathered that whole “zomg I’m so random xD” school of thought. Disorganized thinking but make it funny and marketable I guess.
There are even interviews and I think one of them is on YouTube where an interviewer called it a joke and he looked SO pissed. If JTHM TRULY wasn’t about him, or a joke…why would he selling get angry if an interviewer said it was?
Even observing him in his livestreams, you can totally pinpoint things that make you go “Johnny would totally say that”, and “this is a symptom of [insert mental illness here], and the breakdowns everyone has already witnessed. Now, people brush it off as “everything he does is a joke”, but do you REALLY think that’s the case?
The thing about JV is that he’s the ultimate hipster: he clearly doesn’t care about being understood and wants to be seen as completely original and “too good” for things everyone else likes. He has amazing tastes sure, but *many* people do whether they like the same things or not. Hence why he also has stated he can’t stand being copied before. (Forgot where I saw that on the internet, sorry.) This is why he also hates when anyone relates to his work…because it no longer becomes personal or special. Not even because people read JTHM wrong/think it’s edgy humor/is a phase to them. And think about it…why would you care if people only use your work to LARP if you’re getting paid and it’s just a joke to you anyway? Why would you WANT them to actually get it…if it isn’t something that’s clearly important to you?
Mostly, JTHM is FULL of intrusive thoughts. Most people have them, but to an artist that gives them ideas for their artwork.
This is just SOME stuff I have written but let me know if you want more.
Anon, I will be thinking about this forever.
For my own Jhonen-esque reasons I'm allergic to getting too personal on my blogs typically, but I'm making an exception here because of the work put into this...
I've been JTHM since my formative years, and it's always been a big inspiration towards my art, writing, and interests. You can tie a good 75% of my interests back to JTHM, or the things referenced within it somehow. I've also struggled with a fuckload of mental illness since forever. So, for the longest time, I've accidentally looked towards Jhonen Vasquez as this weird litmus test standard for normalcy? He made my struggles look artistic and interesting, instead of just lame and debilitating. All while being a SEEMINGLY normal-passing dude, despite clearly having some issues. It's been hard, you know, kinda grappling with the fact that I'll probably never be able to maintain that level of presentation and seeming stability. See, I'm not a livestream kinda guy, so my exposure to him is all panels and interviews. So! Imagine my reaction upon you telling me that this guy, at fifty something, is apparently a complete dork who has suicidal breakdowns on livestream! I'm finally free!
Everybody I look up to is just as lame as I am, and I never have to worry about this ever again! ANYWAYS, ONTO THE ACTUAL ASK! I'm pulling a Jhonen and officially declaring everything I just said as an elaborate exercise in brilliant irony!
Yeah, you're right about all of this and you should say it. I've always seen Johnny as being Jhonen's borderline self-insert slash power fantasy. It's done so obviously, that his continous attempts to deny it just make it seem more obvious. Though, I'll say that before reading this I thought Johnny was perhaps a more exagerrated depiction of his personality, but maybe not as much so as I originally thought? In regards to him being perceived as rude in the 90s, I've never been able to pinpoint if he was as callous as everybody said, or just unaccustomed to interacting with people who looked up to him so much. When MCR was on its last leg as a band, I know people used to really tear into Gerard Way on forums for not having his usual energy, when he was just depressed, lol. It's probably a mix of both.
I'd love to see more of what you've written. Please never be shy about sending large essays! I love them, and that's why I write them, and subject everyone on Tumblr to my longwinded opinions.
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"The denial of erotic categories, coupled with the mythology that we could all get into bed together, served to foster profound doubts in many of us about our ability to be sexual at all. Further, when the internal conflicts got too great and, in an attempt to salvage a vestige of self-esteem, we removed ourselves from the arena of “political correctness,” what we managed to rediscover was so truncated, caricatured, and pejorative that claiming it involved yet another struggle for self-worth. I might wish for a butch lover like Beebo Brinker, but butch in the seventies was a cartoon. Mighty Mo from Rubyfruit Jungle is a “diesel dyke” whose approach is to “barrel down… slam on her breaks… and bellow.” By the 1980s, femmes were named “sellouts” who reclaimed heterosexual privilege and used it to oppress butch lesbians.
            Finding the lived reality of butch-femme beneath the stereotypes is difficult. The predominance of lesbian-feminist preconceptions, and their remarkable similarity to the heterosexual myths, means everyone “knows” how to tell who’s butch and who’s femme. Who can fix a car? Who does the dishes? Who makes the first move in bed? Who looks more believable in a skirt? Whose hair is shortest? Butch-femme is a simultaneously both a straight image we apply to ourselves as a joke and a visible part of the lives of historical lesbians (Gertrude and Alice) whose fame we used to justify our existence. As such, it is easy to assume that “real” butch-femme always exists elsewhere. From Rusty Millington, in Word is Out, who is clearly butch but denies it by comparing herself to someone else who is really butch, to everyone who told me I couldn’t be a real femme because I was “too tall/too intellectual/too small breasted/too rarely seen in a skirt,” the message is that one might get away with being “into roles” as long as one doesn’t call them that. I am reminded, ironically, of Joana Russ’s litany of the requirements for “real lesbians,” and her conclusion: “There are no real lesbians; real lesbians have horns.” The speed with which women who reclaimed the words lesbian and dyke say they “can’t relate to labels” never fails to amaze me.
            In the past, butch-femme appears to have been an admixture of heterosexual expectations and genuine challenges to the traditional construction of female gender; the shape it takes in the 1990s, one hopes, might break free of the former if lesbian-feminists would stop naming us an imitation. What is most difficult in claiming butch-femme in a “postliberation” era, however, is untangling both the homophobia that defined “real lesbian” as butch and butch-femme’s association, like that Del and Phyl make, with only a heterosexual portrait. Sally Gearhart remembers:
I think the pressure was from society, which made me feel that, if I was not a woman in the sense that the society said a woman should be, then I must be a butch. I don’t think I understood that there could be femme lesbians. I didn’t think I understood that there could be femme lesbians. I didn’t want to do the things ordinary women did, so therefore I must be like a man, and therefore, I think I dressed and acted more butch than I probably was.
Under this equation, femme is not quite a “real lesbian.” Pat Bond recalls: There was a lot of pressure to look butch if you were [butch]. And, of course, you wanted to, ‘cause you wanted to be identified as a dyke. I was never too good at it. I looked really funny trying to look like a man. Men’s pants look funny because I’m very short waisted and big busted. Trying to wear the short haircut with sideburns shaved over the ears, I looked like the missing link.
The standard of lesbian-feminist androgyny are equally intolerant. I’ve heard from more than one younger lesbian reluctance to claim the name “lesbian” because the movement conveys “it means having to give up being a girl” because the movement conveys “it means having to give up being a girl.” For a long time, I thought I couldn’t be femme because I had never been straight. Lesbian-feminism seems determined to portray butch-femme as rigid, even though butch and femme characteristics can be interchangeable, subtle, and allow for more variation than do heterosexual sex roles. Degrees of butchness and femmeness- stone butch, butchy femme, femmy butch, ki-ki- are named points on a spectrum that is shortchanged when portrayed as masculine-feminine extremes. It is difficult to imagine heterosexual patriarchy allowing women to experiment with and choose sexual roles or no role at all. Yet, it is from feminists that I still hear that I can’t wear a skirt, whereas my butch lover Jo never thought knowing how to rebuild an engine made me less femme.
            As an issue, butch-femme is fraught with ambivalence and denial. When Jo Ann Loulan asked lesbian audiences around the United States if they had ever rated themselves or been rated by others on a butch-femme scale, 95% acknowledged they had. Yet the same percentage also affirmed that they “did not consider butch-femme to be an important concept in their lives.” Loulan points that this is a statistical anomaly; rarely does a group insist that a universal experience is universally unimportant. In a separate but related survey, Loulan found that one-third of her respondents identified themselves as either butch or femme, but that fully three-quarters of those who did so claimed not to demonstrate that identity in obvious ways within the lesbian community. If Loulan’s data is valid, a substantial proportion of one-third of the community is “in the closet” about a butch-femme identity."
"Recollecting History, Renaming Lives: Femme Stigma and the feminist seventies and eighties" by Lyndall MacCowan, The Persistent Desire, (edited by Joan Nestle) (1992)
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Man I wish it was like this in my case me and my sister were forced to keep military haircut well to alteast we turned 11, then I rebelled but she didn't so she had to keep a super short Bob cut till she was 15. No it was not consensual we were forced to keep that haircut and I would cry everything at barber, we dressed like boys till 12. I guess it was there dire need of wanting a boy or maybe some astrological placement but I don't know my parents chart. I the problem child andblack sheep of family is saturnian and my sister the golden child is lunar. And this year I shaved my head and my parents cussed at me and now they don't like me with short hair. Make it make sense 😭😭
im so sorry to hear that 😔 i hope both you and your sister are in a better place 🥺🫶🏼 you're healing your inner child now 💛
idk why some parents are so contrarian for no reason 💀😪
Saturnian blacksheep and Lunar golden child, but both lowkey abused is soooo on brand
Saturnians know what they're going through and are fully aware of its injustice, Lunars kind of get lost in the mind games and brainwashing and kind of fully surrender to their circumstances (which is why so many Lunar women find themselves in abusive relationships)
I remember when I was a kid, I was besties with 2 sisters (who had 2 more younger sisters) and their dad was super trad and conservative and wouldn't let them get their hair cut short ?? bc he thought girls should have long hair?? and they're just like 9 and 11 with like hair past their butt and it's super knotted and tangled and they didn't care for it properly 🤧 and this guy also had a rule that they should never leave their hair open at home bc open hair = attracting the devil 🤡and one day the younger sister had her hair open and he dragged her to the bathroom and chopped all her hair off,, i remember how she came to school with a very weird looking pixie cut and when she told me what happened I was so scared bc wtf 😭 anyways that friend of mine had Anuradha & Vishaka placements 👀 so she had Saturnian influence too 🧐 I'll have to look more into why some parents are excessively authoritarian with their Saturnian children 🤔
My mom always wanted me to keep my bangs as a kid even tho I outgrew it by like 5th grade,, and yk what she did??? She cut my bangs when i slept😭😭and I remember feeling like something was off but couldn't figure out why for like weeeeks and then my uncle visited us and he was like "aww u got bangs again so cute" and then it was like everything clicked and I lost my mind 🥲😤 tbh i should've just listened to her bc her styling was always on point and she always made me look amazing but I guess I had to find my own identity 😪
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horsefreek151 · 5 months
Hair Dye is Part of My Gender (or lack there of)
This is gonna sound wild, but Hair Dye is probably part of my gender expression that I feel wrong without.
I started dyeing my hair on and off in 2018 before I knew I was Agender and started with blue but moved on to greens and even to reds. I'm a natural ginger, so I soon figured out what worked for me. I cut it in Jan 2020 for a work position I moved across the country for and then got fired for being autistic. I crashed. It was two years before I dyed it again, this time professionally for the first time, it was just after I came out.
I remember manically giggling with my boyfriend (now husband) about how now that I had my undercut/side shave I felt Gender. I was giggling with the styles about how much this was gender. She was so kind I went back to her two years later to get my hair done for my wedding. I got an ombre from dark red to orange to light yellow like FIRE and it was so GOOD. I felt amazing. I had waist-length FIRE-colored hair like ginger! I looked awesome. I felt awesome.
My health had majorly declined over these last few years, particularly physically, and I was struggling to keep up with that hair, now past my bum. I was in loads of pain and couldn't keep it up, so I kept it all braided up, but it was a mess and so hard to care for. I was washing as little as once a month. It was too much to keep up. I had to cut it. It is now shoulder-length in the back, sweeping forward an inch or two longer in the front. It reminds me of the second usher kid who died in the fall of usher in style. It was causing me some brian issues because all the colors had been cut off. It was starting to cause me some real distress so I decided to look into hair dye again. Cant get it dyed professionally (Im disabled and poor), and I cant get more dye until I'm payed so I decided to just grab my leftover dye, Ill probably have a muted brown green tinted with my blondest hairs (ginger tends to vary between dark red brown and light pale blond, from hair to hair) being the bright green. Even tho it will probably look trash I imidately felt releaf when dyeing it. Its the first time I've felt what I can consider gender dysphoria. I have had body dysmorphia, I bloat so bad I look like I'm nearly 6 months pregnant 90% of the time, but never gender dysphoria that I could pin down. It was one of the moments where I realized that for me, as an agender person, I only felt (lack there of)gender conformation when I dyed it. Without it I felt too much cis fem presenting, not only do I look more like my abusive mother, but I just looked too..... before I was out. Too different than how I feel. I also hate swimming in fem-bodied swimsuits unless I'm particularly trying to look cute rather than swim. I would rather just swim in practical cloths of shorts and a swim shirt (again, I'm ginger, I burn sitting in the window). I use boxers 99.9% of the time unless I want to look cute or have an ouch that makes it uncomfortable. I know that I don't really identify with gender, Women, or Man. That's why I ID as Agender. But that doesn't mean that things can't be gender comforting. I've found over the years how much what I wear or what I'm forced to wear. I have a wacky haircut cause I'm modifying my undercut, but I feel very uncomfortable if my shave part is longer than an inch. I do strive towards things that help represent my lack of gender, point towards somewhere in between, at least, let alone the cave in the mountain of gender that I sit in. Its very interesting to me how that has changed as I have found more of my identity and what I truly feel about myself. Gender how you want and let yourself trust your feelings.
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g0rechan · 1 year
Yaoi between Dentaku and Masamitsu
Aight lets go
Calculator x Short Bitch Crack fic
Dentaku is sad bc he realized he has no one and all the other members are either taken or doing there own thing. Zera and Jaibo were fucking each other while Niko cried in a corner. Tamiya, Kaneda, and Dafu jerked off to women in magazines cuz unlike Dentaku they had somewhat more simple minded outlets for their sexual frustrations.
Raizou and Jacob are probably doing shit to each other idk. To make matters worse the only girl they know is a weirdo who wants to fuck a robot.
Dentaku concluded that he will be a virgin until he dies and will kill himaelf tommorrow.
Suddenly he and the boys saw a flier about a traveling circus named “Mr. Arashi’s amazing freak show” coming into town, and all the boys decide to go bc reasons.
So timeskip to later and all the boys are at the circus.
Wonder Masamitsu appears on stage.
“Hey how y’all doin. Listen, I just beat the shit out of my wife/assistant after she tried fucking around w/ some directory guys so she’s not performing tonight. Do any of y’all wanna be my assistant?”
Dentaku realizing he’ll finally be able to get some action for the first time in his 14 miserable years of being alive, he agrees to be Masa’s assistant.
*so yeah Masa does his thing and now timeskip to after the show*
Calculator and Short bitch were making out in bed bc they’re both ugly and no one will ever want them.
Suddenly that bitch with the stupid haircut and obnoxious ass bow on it comes in and freaks the fuck out.
“OMg wut r u doin wit my husband you four eyed piece of shit” Midori yells.
“Stfu bitch ur moms coochie smells like rats and u get bullied by a guy with no arms. Fucking loser lol” Dentaku remarks
“Midori gtfo or you’re really gonna find out what ‘you’ll never know happiness as a human being’ really means” Masamitsu threatens
Midori leaves the room and Dentaku and Masa continue in their love making.
“Oooohhh Masamitsu, I never want to leave you” Dentaku says
“You won’t” Masamitsu replies
“Or what?”
Dentakus body rips in half
“That’s why” Masamistu says
It turns out his body didn’t actually rip in half and Masa used his powers to make dentaku see shit.
Dentaku was still traumatized for life afterwards.
Then Masa wonders why he cant pull anybody.
The end
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kittygamer429 · 1 year
I think a lot of adults (at least around me) don’t realize how much a simple haircut can mean to someone.
I was born female but grew up a tomboy. When I started learning about the lgbt+ community I never really clicked with a lot of the terms I learned. I didn’t hate being a girl. I didn’t prefer “girly” things but I didn’t feel like a guy. The sexuality side was a little easier (even if I don’t have quite the right labels for myself yet, I don’t really need them rn either).
For my sophomore year I was invited to prom by my jr friend. I wore a dress and loved the way it flowed around me. I liked the way the blush and lipstick looked on me. I felt pretty. Two years later and missing my jr prom to lockdown, senior year came around and I wore a skirt and wore a tailcoat tux for the top. I loved the vest and tie, and the way it fit my personality. I felt amazing.
Not long after the lock down I convinced my mom to help me shave a section of my hair, a small part above my right ear to where my hair parted to the left. My uncle shaved it and I loved it. I liked the way the shave part felt, I liked the freedom of it. My hair was still long everywhere else.
Senior year I cut most of my hair off. I got a what the internet calls a “lesbian” hair cut. All but a section in the middle of my head was shaved off and that section when brushed down reached just enough to tuck behind my ear. I almost cried from joy.
A good 7 inches or so of hair was on the floor, some of my family complained my hair was too short, but I was so happy. It was as if it felt right. Even now, 2 years later I still have lost of my hair shaved down with the long part varying in length. My sister even told me this is how she’s always pictured me, that I looked good with long hair, but that the short style I now have fit me too.
It’s have the same haircut as my brother in law but I don’t care because I love it. My grandma may always complain when I have to shave my hair every two weeks to keep it short, but I don’t care.
I still identify as a girl, and my hair didn’t change that. In the end my hair is an extension of myself but it doesn’t define me. I’ve always told my family if my hair got messed up bad, I would care if I had to shave it off and start over.
I know not every is indifferent about the hair like that, but I think part of my own experience speaks volumes for people who think that hair can change someones sexuality or gender identity. It doesn’t. Hair is an expression. Weather it makes someone feel more comfortable is subjective. Some straight men like having longer hair, some straight women like short hair.
I think I’m the end everyone should experiment with there hair, in whatever way they feel comfortable. I know some cultures hair is sacred or otherwise important. But if someone wants to try a shorter hair cut, or grow out their hair or otherwise try something non conventional, let them. Worst case it grows back or can be cut.
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