#america chavez fic
insomniac-astronomer · 8 months
Strange Situation: Episode 2 - First Morning
Series Masterlist
Description: The young avengers are living in an apartment together. However, they have no idea that each other are superheroes. They begin making ridiculous excuses for their injuries and being out late.
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America's POV
I wake up to the sun shining through the blinds on my new window. My heart feels very accomplished this morning. I got to wake up in my bed in my apartment. I finally have a home.
Running through the metaverse is great, but I'm tried of trying to find the ones with free hotels every night.
Suddenly, something in the sunlight catches my attention. It almost blends right into the brightness, but there is a different way it shimmers.
It is long and a silvery-white see-through wisp of . . . air?
For a moment, I can't look away. My eyes are glued to its strange shine. My whole body feels warm and relaxed.
It starts drifting toward me-
"Ow, shit!" Kate yells from somewhere. My eyes dart to the door, then back to where the wisp was a second ago, but it is gone.
I take a breath and shake my head. I must be imagining things.
Kamala's POV
I am awoken by a loud bang from outside my room. I groan and roll over to my side, but a slit of sun smacks me right in the eyes.
"Ugghh," I turn to the other side, no longer feeling tired.
Cassie's POV
I was in the middle of stashing my Stature suit under a pile of clothes in the closet when I hear a loud bang, causing me to jump backward and slam my head against the closet door.
I blink away the couple of tears that came to my eyes and walk to the kitchen.
"You good?" I ask, seeing Kate with a scattering of trays around her feet.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She angrily kicks a tray. "I was trying to make breakfast for everyone and instead I woke them all up."
"Nah, I was already awake." I give her a comforting smile. She shares one back.
"So . . ." Kate purses her lips and clicks her tongue. "How'd you sleep last night?"
Oh, you know, just vivid dreams of the Quantum Realm, nothing too spectacular. "Pretty alright, you?"
"Yeah, these mattresses are comfy, right?"
"For sure, comfier than the one I had at home actually." I brought my own mattress and traded out the one that came in with the apartment, but she is clearly struggling to find a topic.
"Yeah, it was crazy. Haven't been that comfy since the mattresses as my fifth grade getaway camp." She laughs and almost drops the pan she's trying to fit in a cabinet.
"Yep, great mattresses." Oooookay, this is going well. I don't think I've ever talked about mattresses more in my life. "Sooo, what do you do for a living?"
"What?" She turns around, very alarmed.
"Sorry, if that's . . . not okay to ask."
"Oh, no. No, sorry, just caught me off guard. I, um, just got expelled from college so . . . undecided." Kate awkwardly shuts the cabinet and turns to face me. "You?"
"I work at a little coffee shop a bus ride away." I give her a smile, trying to help her feel more comfortable.
I hear footsteps from behind me and turn to see . . . America, I think, entering the room. She looks lost in thought.
"Good morning!" Kate says brightly.
"Huh?" America snaps back. "Oh, morning."
Great first morning.
Kamala's POV
As I'm struggling to find a matching outfit within the what seems like hundreds of moving bags to go through, I realize I forgot to put my bangle on.
I hop back up on my bed and reach under my second pillow to grab—my bangle? Where is it?
First day and I already lost the one most important thing I needed not to lose. I frantically look through bags until I find it hidden under a box of poptarts in one of my food bags, right where I put it. And then promptly forgot.
I step out of my room with my toothbrush, headed for the bathroom when I hear the front door unlocked. I'm nothing if not nosey so I have to go see who is leaving already.
To my surprise, a confused looking boy is standing in the doorway, holding a backpack.
"Um, maybe I got the wrong apartment?" He mumbles to the four pairs of women's eyes staring him down.
"Yeah, uh, our other roommate is supposed to be a . . . Petra I think." Kate looks around for confirmation.
"Oh, um, okay. Bye." He shuts the door.
We look at each other for a moment.
The door reopens.
"Okay the landlord gave me a key that works on this door. Maybe it was a typo? I'm Peter." He fiddles with the key.
"Oh, okay." Cassie says warmly. "You can come in."
"Well," he freezes, "if you're not comfortable living with a guy . . . I didn't know who I'd be living with . . . it was last minute and—"
"Hey," Cassie smiles. "It's all good. We don't bite."
"Yet." America says from a dark corner of the room.
We look at her.
"Sorry, bad joke." She smiles sheepishly.
". . . Okay then. Um, sorry." Peter walks in. "I'm Peter."
"Hi Peter, I'm Cassie." Cassie is already such the mom of the apartment.
"I'm Kamala." I smile.
"Kate." She awkwardly waves.
"I'm America." She emerges from the shadows and shakes his hand.
"Well." Cassie claps her hands together to get our attention. "Now that we're all here, I propose we go to dinner tonight to get to know each other."
There are a few vague head nods, so I say "yeah, that sounds okay."
"Great!" She smiles. "We'll go a five then."
This is going to be a long lease.
Buy me a coffee?
I need ideas lovely readers. I would love comments on some events you would like to see happen in future episodes!
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olsenmyolsen · 21 days
softly dusting crumbs from their cheeks when eating
R doing that to Kate after Kate's demolished the plate of cookies that R baked for her.
Chocolate Chip Cookies!
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maroon master list . dark master list . request marvel master list . short n’ sweet master list
Post: Hawkeye / The Marvels (Female Reader X Kate Bishop)
Summary: You and Kate talk while baking.
Word Count: 1.4K
Content: Fluff, Comfort, Feelings
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Being the only one on the new team to use the kitchen properly had pros and cons.
Pro: You could make whatever you wanted.
Con: You had to do the dishes after you made your fabulous meals and desserts.
Pro: It made everyone like and appreciate you more!
Con: People then loved to "subtly" drop hints about what they wanted you to make.
Regardless, you still loved to bake and be one with the kitchen, as America Chavez loved to point out!
"Whatcha making?" Kamala asked as she wandered through the kitchen in her pajamas without even looking up from her phone. You glanced up at the sound of her voice before looking at the clock on the microwave, confused. It was 4:13 pm.
Had she crashed at the YA Building??
You tilted your head and continued placing chocolate chip cookie dough balls onto a tray as the oven preheated. "Kamala, did you go to class today?" You asked, knowing how much being the hero of New Jersey affected Kamala's college studies. "Dude, it's Saturday," Kamala said without lifting her eyes from her phone.
You couldn't tell if she was playing a game or texting Bruno about how she needed him to hack into something or other. Either way, you shook your head. "Kamala, it's Friday." You knew precisely what day it was because... Oh man, what was the saying in Germany?
It's Strawberry Week.
Kamla lifted her head. "What?!" She said, eyeing you before looking at her phone. Her mouth dropped open as she scrambled up off the couch. "Oh my god!" She yelled. "I have a paper to turn in!"
And just like that, Kamala was gone.
"Okay." You said to yourself as you removed your gloves and threw them away before moving some dirty dishes into the sink to wash later.
"Oh, cool cookie dough!" The voice of your friend America startled you and made you jump. "Oh fuck!" You yelled as you caught your breath and swung around to view America with her eyes above the remaining cookie dough.
"Can I have?" She only used those three words to ask. You shook your head. "No, America, you'll get sick!" You replied, knowing how America loves to eat.
Dimensional jumping was tiring and made her a bottomless pit.
"Oh, come on, just one lick of the spoon?!" Your friend whined as she followed you to the sink with the bowl of the leftover cookie dough. You sighed. The younger woman would just pester you anyway. "Fine. Just one." You gave her the spoon, and before you could say anything else, she opened a portal and was gone.
You could hear a pin drop.
"That was my favorite wooden spoon..." You whispered as you were now alone in the kitchen. Luckily, the oven had your back and broke you out of your solemn thoughts by beeping to let you know it was now fully heated for cookies. Slowly, you walked over to the tray of cookies and popped them into the oven.
"Okay, we'll check them in about 12 minutes." You said as you spoke to yourself after setting an alarm on your phone and then opening Spotify. Being left alone with your thoughts for too long was hazardous, so why not listen to your favorites while washing some dishes?
About halfway through singing and swaying to a certain pop star's lyrics, you heard the sounds of a golden retriever. You looked up and over in surprise to see Lucky as he barreled towards you. "Pizza Dog!" You shouted with glee as you threw off the soapy gloves and bent down to get kissed attack by the canine after stopping your music.
However, as much as you loved Lucky, you would have to say his owner tops that.
She could top you, too, but that would require being vocal and honest about your crush on Kate Bishop.
So you'll settle for dog kisses.
"Pizza Dog!" Kate exclaimed as she ran into the kitchen from around the corner, dropping her bow and quiver of arrows in the hallway. "Kate, he's fine!" You reassure your friend and fellow teammate as she runs to where you and her pet are on the hardwood floor.
She squats beside you and laughs as Lucky doesn't stop showing you how happy he is to see you.
"Dman, I don't even think I get this much love." You laugh at Kate's claim. "Please, I think he smells the cookie dough on me." Kate makes an "ah" sound and rises up to look at the pile of dishes you were working on. You follow her up.
"Where's your cookie spoon?" Kate asks after seeing it missing. You sighed. "With America. She did her portal thing, so who knows where she and the spoon are." Kate nodded her head and did her best not to let the smile creep on her face.
But she failed as she looked at you.
You and Kate both knew getting sad over a wooden spoon was silly, but seeing how glum you were about it made Kate want to laugh.
Coming from a good place, of course.
"Well, do you need any help?" Kate asked as she went to wash her hands. You shook your head. "No. I got it taken care of." You lifted up your phone. "Thank you, though." You smiled at Kate and averted your eyes before you were caught staring at her striking beauty.
Thank goodness she didn't have any bandages on her face.
Those made you borderline feral.
"Well, I guess I'll just have to be a taste tester," Kate said, bumping shoulders with you after looking you up and down. You started washing your hands and laughed with a slight blush on your cheeks. "Fine by me."
Any reason to be with Kate was good enough for you.
"So, what was your latest mission?" You asked as Pizza Dog went off into another room, and Kate sat at the kitchen bar. Kate looked over your face and smiled as she thought about it. "Stakeout. I was watching some wannabe mafia group. It was boring. I spent most of my time doodling."
"Oh, I have to see those pieces of art!" You said it as a joke, but deep down, you were dead serious. Kate laughed and made a note to show you sometime in the future while she started to play with her fingers. Kate tried to play it cool, but being around you made her nervous. Not because you were scary or anything but because Kate liked you.
Like really liked you!
"So, which cookies did you make today?" Kate said as you finished the dirty dishes and washed your hands. "Chocolate Chip." You replied with a smile back at the archer.
Chocolate Chips weren't Kate's favorite, yet she said: "My favorite!" and lifted her cheeks as you looked happy.
Over the course of the next few minutes, you and Kate talked about anything that came to your mind. Whether it was TikTok trends, gossip about the Old Avengers, or what to do with the upcoming holidays.
Whether you would go with Kate or not to the Barton's farm.
The answer was still in the air as silence surrounded you two until Kate broke it by looking you up and down as you glanced at your phone. "Hey..." Kate started after clearing her throat. You looked towards her. Kate took that as a sign to continue. "So I've been thinking..." Kate's voice wavered as she did her best to be brave. "And I don't know if this is dumb or if I maybe have read it wrong, but..."
You were fully engaged in whatever Kate had to say, but your 12-minute timer for the cookies went off, interrupting Kate. You gave Kate an apologetic smile, who nodded that it was okay as you turned to the oven and pulled out the tray of cookies with your bare hands.
It helped that one of your powers was no pain.
You looked the cookies over and ensured they were baked enough to cool down. When satisfied, you turned off the oven and went back to Kate.
"So you were saying?" You smiled and gave her your full attention. Kate blushed and opened her mouth.
Chocolate Chip cookies ended up being Kate's favorite after that day.
And you couldn't help but laugh at your girlfriend's face as you softly brushed her cheeks after she demolished the plate of cookies you made.
They were for everybody, but after that day, Kate got the first pick for everything.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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airas-story · 3 months
"Are you trying to impress me?"
“What’s going on here?” Tony asked, staring at the mess in his living room. 
Stephen and America looked up from a mess of pieces and parts of… something. America looked frustrated and near tears. “Nothing,” she said. She glared down at the pieces. “It’s just… garbage.”
Tony frowned, then shrugged. “All right, well, I—”
“Tony,” Stephen interrupted, that look in his eyes that said Tony better stay put. “America wanted to try to put together a robot for her science fair project.” 
Tony blinked. He didn’t think America liked robots. Well, beyond DUM-E and U, but everyone like DUM-E and U.
“Good choice,” he said. “Robots are fun.”
America looked up at him, hope in her eyes while Stephen sent him a sharp look that meant Tony was being dense. Except, what was he— Oh.
“Are you trying to impress me?” he asked, unable to stop his surprise. America adored Stephen, but Tony was aware that Tony was the ‘package deal’ in the situation. He got it. He wasn’t about to force his way into her life just because he and Stephen were dating.
America flushed with embarrassment. 
Stephen ran a hand over his face in exasperation.
Was… Was America trying to… bond? With Tony?
He moved into the room, observed the wires and metal strewn about. It was… yeah, not working. “Look,” he said. “I can help you make a robot if you want. Or, we can do whatever you actually want to do.” He wrinkled his nose at Stephen teasingly. “Stephen might be a neuroscientist, beneath all that magic, but if you want to talk real science, I’m obviously the one to go to.”
Stephen rolled his eyes. “Oh, shut up, Tony. You’re an engineer.”
“Scientist,” Tony retorted.
“You’ll help?” America asked, interrupting.
Tony smiled at her. “Absolutely.”
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at4zxx · 6 days
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Improvements within 5 months 😨😨😨
Yall I really need requests rn SOMEONE ASK ME FOR ANYTHING I WILL TAKE IT. (Between yellowjackets, arcane, fallout, miss peregrines peculiar home for children, descendants ROR , ever after high, marvel DSMVOM, etc.)
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hayanwulf · 3 months
Too Naive and Trusting
This is pre-accident.
Stephen stared as the creature — who was now starting to seem more and more like a completely normal human child — devoured his food. For a moment he even wondered if he had hallucinated what had just happened. He would certainly have never believed it had he not seen it with his own eyes.
Five minutes ago, a star-shaped portal had formed dead in the middle of his living room, spitting out a young girl, who had looked like some possessed character straight out of horror movies with those glowing eyes.
Stephen had been terrified and had hid behind the couch, cursing at himself for leaving his phone in the kitchen.
He had half expected the possessed girl to find him and pound on him but she..
She had beelined straight for the kitchen.
Now, she was seated at the kitchen island, eating his Italian takeout fervently as though she hadn’t eaten in days.
She had no awareness of the rest of the world, nevermind the fact that she was basically a trespasser in his house, raiding his stuff. Those warm brown eyes looked.. exhausted and relieved at the same time.
Too soon, all of his takeout was gone. She helped herself to a glass of water, and then, she apparently started looking around for more food. She had no idea that Stephen was even present there. He was sitting on the couch of the living room, peeking at the open kitchen, watching dumbfounded as she went through his cupboards.
In all honesty, he had no idea how to react.
She got her hands on bread and a jar of peanut butter. Stephen watched as she scooped up some peanut butter with bare fingers and tried to spread it clumsily on the slice of bread. She frowned when it didn’t work as she must have expected, then shrugged, then just licked the peanut butter off her hand followed by taking a bite of the bread.
“You do know you’re supposed to use butter knife, right?”
She jumped in surprise and zapped her head to him like a deer caught in headlights. The slice of bread fell from her grip and landed on the floor.
Stephen sighed and got up.
“I’m— I’m sorry!” She spluttered out, taking an unconscious step back. “I’ll leave— I’m sorry!” The last part almost came out in a shriek as Stephen stepped around the couch. She was backing away, cowering.
Stephen paused where he stood.
Her eyes were fixated on him, wide and teary, her hands fidgeting nervously. She looked very much like a cornered animal.
Stephen considered what to say, but his mind didn’t provide him with much except for straightforward facts.
“It’s fine, kid. And you don’t need to leave, I’d hardly be one to kick a starving child out in the streets.”
Yeah, words of comfort were never his strong suit.
The girl blinked up at him, wariness still in her eyes, but otherwise didn’t reply.
Stephen moved. Her eyes traced his every action, but she didn’t flee as she had seemed ready to only moments ago. When he walked past her, she stepped back to give him space, her movements rigid and awkward. Stephen glanced at her sidelong as he grabbed the jam.
He was sure that this was her version of ‘no idea how to react’.
He got the butter knife, moved to the kitchen island with it and the jam, and quickly made a PBJ, holding it out for the girl.
She stared down at the offering, licking her lips. “This is.. is this for me?”
Stephen bit back a sarcastic reply that had been at the tip of his tongue. Don’t, he told himself. She’s just a kid, she’s scared, and is likely starving too.
“Yes,” he said.
The girl immediately snatched the PBJ off his hand and started devouring it. Stephen got to making another one.
When she had finished the first one, he handed her the next one and asked, “What’s your name?”
She took the second PBJ easily from his hand, replying, “America Chavez.”
Stephen watched as the girl — America — contently ate the simple sandwich, all traces of fear and wariness gone from her features, easily leaning herself on the kitchen island not two feet away from Stephen, when only minutes ago she’d been too scared to do anything but utter apologies. The corner of his lips twitched up slightly.
Too naive and easily trusting.
“And what was that portal thing you fell out of?” He asked.
“My powers,” she casually replied, having finished her second sandwich and already demanding the third that Stephen now held. He passed it to her. “They allow me to travel the multiverse.”
Right, the multiverse, and portal powers, Stephen thought with no little amount of skepticism.
But he had seen it happen with his own eyes. And as far as he knew, this was neither a dream nor a hallucination, so it could be the only other thing possible: reality.
It was still.. inconceivable to him. He couldn’t quite bring his mind to come to terms with it.
“And why did you come here?” He asked, if only to stop his mind from spiraling trying to grasp the concept of a goddamn multiverse.
“I can’t control my powers,” she said in between chewing. “Sometimes it activates by itself and throws me to a random place in a random universe.”
Stephen blinked once, then rubbed both hands over his face with a sigh because this was becoming a lot more of his problem that he had intended — or wanted — it to. “So you’re telling me that you can’t go back home?” It wasn’t a question.
She shrugged, focused on her PBJs. “I don’t have one.” 
That gave Stephen a pause, and he stared at the little girl.
She looked to be in her early teen years, though he couldn’t be sure. Why did she have these powers? How long had she been roaming homeless like this? No wonder she was so hungry.
How long had it been since she had last seen her family?
Stephen felt a pang in his chest.
This was stupid. He needed to stop empathizing with this girl. But all he could think about when looking at those young brown eyes was Donna.
“Um, thanks for the food, mister,” America spoke once she was done with the PBJs. “And sorry for, y’know, showing up in your house. I’ll just uh,” she turned her head to look around the living room once, then back at Stephen. “Which one is the exit door?”
This wasn’t his problem. He should get rid of it. He should send her away and forget all about this encounter and they would never see each other again—
Donna would want me to help her.
“Where will you sleep, kid? It’s almost midnight.”
She just shrugged casually. “I’ll find somewhere.”
It had been a rhetorical question, but Stephen felt no little amount of exasperation at the answer he got.
He took a second to calm himself, not wanting his mouth to spit out something that would scare the kid. Then, he spoke.
“Sleep.. here. I have a guest room. It’s unsafe for kids your age to just roam the city at this hour.”
Hope blossomed in her eyes, face brightening. “Can I really!?”
“Yes.” Stephen pointed at one of the doors in the living room. “That’s your room for now.”
“Thank you so much!” She chirped with a smile. “Can I have a look?”
“Go right ahead.”
She scurried over to her new room.
Naive and trusting indeed.
Possibly to her own detriment. It would have been so easy to harm her, had she been found by someone not as well-intentioned as Stephen.
He stared down at the kitchen counter thoughtfully. The empty takeout containers almost seemed to taunt his empty stomach. Next to it sat the empty plate of PBJs. She had inhaled an entire half of a loaf of bread.
“What have I gotten myself into?” He asked the air.
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geeky-politics-46 · 29 days
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader, America Chavez
Summary: You & America watch Kamala's DNC acceptance speech.
Warnings: Not much it’s mostly fluff. Story is political in nature. A little inspiration from Rogue One.
I'm back, baby! This is just a short little blurb, but there will be more & longer new stuff soon.
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You knew you were staring at the future in more ways than one. Your heart was feeling lighter, and the dark storm clouds of what could be receding in your mind. The sunshine warmth of hope once again present as you watched the awe struck look on America's face as she watched Kamala Harris accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.
A woman, and not just any woman, but a woman of color, standing poised and ready to lead the country. You remember watching Hillary accept the nomination in 2016 with a sense of solidarity and the thought of “it's about damn time” planning in your head, but even then, it didn't feel like this. Why was it different this time? Why was the thought of a female president so energizing?
Maybe it's because now you and Stephen essentially had a teenage daughter to raise. Or by New York's phrasing, that you were legal guardians of. Maybe it's because of the fall of Roe and having to once again fight for rights that had been legally protected for nearly half a century. Maybe it's because of all the other rights and freedoms that were now openly under attack from the right and the Supreme Court. Maybe it's because you were technically a childless cat lady, at least by the other parties own wording, and you wanted to make damn certain Vance knew you did in fact have a direct stake in where your country was going. You just wouldn't be going back to the past.
You were both unaware of the sorcerer standing in the doorway, carefully studying both of you. His movements towards the loveseat you were sat in eventually making you turn your attention to him. A soft, sweet smile on his face as his lowered himself to sit next to you. Immediately putting an arm up for you to settle in under. Your body instinctively curling into his as your attention drifted back to the television. 
The sound of applause and cheers erupted from the convention crowd, and balloons came toppling down on both the stage and the crowd. Kamala Harris now stood with her family, her husband, and two step-children on one side of her. On the other side was her vice presidential pick, Tim Walz, and his family. Smiles and laughter filling the screen.
Their joy was palpable, and their smiles were contagious. America wore a matching one, and now so did you. Even Stephen was smirking as he watched you both. 
He leaned in and placed a kiss on the side of your head, brushing your hair back to see your face clearly. Seeing the wheels turning in your mind, he couldn't help but posit a question. A serene smile on your face as you moved to snuggle into Stephen's side.
“What's going on in there?”
Without looking away from your adopted daughter and her elation, you answered. 
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelock @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @namor-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdac @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirl @rmoonstoner @aphroditesdilemma @asgards-princess-of-mischief @aphroditesdilemma
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be-compromised · 9 months
Secret Santa 2024 Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s holiday fic exchange, from writers to beta readers to all you lovely people who leave comments! With an especial shout out to our heroic pinch hitters, Cassie and Caiti <3
All gifts and authors have now been revealed, both on AO3 and on the masterlist (here and on DW). (If any tumblr usernames are incorrect or missing please just let me know any changed you'd like me to make.) You’re now free to post, share, and link to your gifts wherever you like! If you could in some way link back to the exchange or the community, to direct people to all of the other wonderful fics as well, that would be appreciated.
If you feel inspired to fill any other prompts, or create stocking fillers or non-participant fills, please feel free. These just won’t be included as part of the Secret Santa exchange or on the masterlists.
And just to note that this is the first time we’ve run the exchange (mostly) on AO3. Your feedback is very welcome!
From all your be_compromised mods, we hope you have a happy holiday season and wish you all the best for the new year! <3
Beautiful Disasters by Ultra for dreamerfound/fadedwings Teen and Up (help, understanding, baking); Clint Barton & Natasha Romanoff, Natasha Romanoff/James Barnes, minor Clint Barton/Laura Barton Summary: When Natasha needs help, she calls Clint for back up, but this isn't quite the mission he was expecting...
Beyond Binary by Chaed for @iriel3000 Mature (sex, post-apocalypse); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: To Clint, Natasha is everything... she is also the only thing left. (A closer look behind the scenes of What If…Ultron Won? S01E08)
Catastrophe by @firlalaith for @yourlocalalchemistress Teen and Up (nudity, shapeshifting); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff) Summary: Clint gets turned into a cat during a mission.
chaotic calls & familiar feelings by @cassiesinsanity for @paperairplanesopenwindows Teen and Up (mild sexual content); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop Summary: Clint and Natasha just want to enjoy their retirement. The Team has other ideas, especially when their new archer and spy continue to fight like cats & dogs.
Detour to a Christmas Kiss by @cassiesinsanity for @quidnunc-life Teen and Up (fluff); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Somehow, Clint managed not to stare with his mouth hanging open when Natasha emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy white robe. Nor did he make a fool of himself when they met in the small sitting room an hour later. He even managed to be the perfect gentleman throughout dinner. No, the problem started when he asked her to dance between dinner and dessert.
I Bet On You by @iriel3000 for @poppypickle Teen and Up (fluff, protective Natasha, jealous Natasha, bad flirting, attempted seduction, mission fic); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Clint and Natasha make a bet about who can seduce the other one first. Early SHIELD.
I think the pie distracted me by maddestofhatters for @heroofshield Teen and Up; Clint Barton & Natasha Romanoff Summary: “Nat, I’m serious, when you get back, you have to come here.”
“You don’t even remember the name of the place.” She deadpans.
“So what. I’m telling you, this apple pie is the best I’ve ever had.” To prove his point he shoves a large bite in his mouth. “And last time they kept bringing me slices. I honestly think I ate the whole thing.” He continues with a full mouth.
“Clint, please don’t chew in my ear.” Natasha chastises. “And you don’t think that’s a little weird. A random restaurant giving you a whole free pie?” He hears faint gunshots coming from the other line.
“Are you in the field right now? I thought the job was done?” Clint exclaims, completely ignoring Natasha’s question.
-Clint's convinced he's found the best restaurant ever, Natasha is not so sure
it's not christmas til somebody dies by @quidnunc-life for @cassiesinsanity Teen and Up (assassination attempts, but like in a flirty way); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Natasha takes her target’s choice of bar as a personal affront. Of course, there aren’t many options to choose from, being as they’re in Washington, DC’s bizarrely small airport, and it’s three days before Christmas, so most of the actually good places to grab a drink are crammed full of harried parents and idiot Hill interns knocking their expensive square-edges suitcases into people. Also, to be fair, it’s not as though the corrupt senator she’s here to eliminate knows that this drink will be his last.
Lost in Shadows by @caiti-creative-corner for Chaed Teen and Up (drugs, spiked drinks); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Clint planned to spend his evening sprawled on the couch, a game on the television, and maybe some pizza and beer to finish off the stereotypical guy’s night at home theme. That was his plan . . . that was not how his night ended up going.
Mission: Home for Christmas by @caiti-creative-corner for @inkvoices Teen and Up (Christmas fluff); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff/Kate Bishop, Barney Barton/Laura Barton Summary: Clint doesn't think he can make it home for the holidays, but his family and friends decided to do something about that. In other words, what happens when the strays he's collected over the years decide to save him this time around?
Our Flag Means Death & Guns by @heroofshield for @alphaflyer Gen (pirate AU); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: On the high seas, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanov are an odd pair. But so is the crew of the Revenge.
Retreat by @alphaflyer for endlesstwanted Teen and Up (romantic fluff); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Avenging takes its toll. Everybody is tuckered out and cranky; all Clint and Natasha want is a hot tub. Thor has a better answer: A field trip to Asgard.
the comfort that comes by @cloud--atlas for @caiti-creative-corner Teen and Up (werewolf AU, naked cuddling, non-sexual intimacy, possessive behaviour, fluff); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: It hadn’t actually been Clint’s mission that had been the long one. He’d only been away for four days. An Avengers call out; Doctor Doom in Hungary with Doombots and giant wasps and perhaps also sharks with lasers? She’s not entirely sure. As soon as Bruce had told her that the team had it under control, she had, uncharacteristically, stopped paying attention. In her defence, she’d been undercover in Madam Masque’s ludicrous crime syndicate for almost eighteen months with only Sharon and Sam as her non-villainous contacts and she’d really, really needed to just… watch cat videos and not think about anything important for at least three days. She’d missed Christmas – twice! She deserved cat videos.
She’d also needed to see Clint something fierce because it had been eighteen months – but… Doctor Doom. Giant Wasps. Sharks with lasers. And that’s fine! Stopping Doctor Doom is important. She gets that, she does. But… she’d wanted cuddles, okay? She’d really, really wanted cuddles.
the pull of the tide by @yourlocalalchemistress for @firlalaith Teen and Up (choose not to warn); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Kate Bishop/America Chavez, Steve Rogers/James Barnes, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts Summary: as a graduate student, clint met natasha on an island research station on the great barrier reef. when he catches a familiar flash of red hair almost a decade later, he feels bewilderment, nostalgia, and...is that hope? clintasha coral researcher/dolphin whisperer AU. 
Tumblr Dashed by @paperairplanesopenwindows for @cloud--atlas Mature (epistolary, celebrity AU, mentions of RPF shipping); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff/James Barnes, Clint Barton/James Barnes Summary: An archive of tumblr posts after the cult classic television show Avengers (2001-2004) finally became available on Netflix.
Two Hours And A Half by endlesstwanted for Ultra Teen and Up (non-sexual intimacy); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: Two times Natasha walked away from Clint, and one time she stayed by his side.
We’ll Go Dancing With Your Shadows by @poppypickle for maddestofhatters Teen and Up (karaoke); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Summary: “You should come out with us.”
Natasha is halfway out the door of the firing range when Barton says it. It sounds casual, like he’s tossing out an idea that just occurred to him. But there’s something in his tone – some vague undercurrent of purpose – that makes her feel certain this idea did not just occur to him. So she stops short and turns around slowly, one foot still inside the room and one foot out the door.
“Where’s out? And who’s us?”
Or, Clint helps Natasha adjust during her early SHIELD days.
Windows to the Soul by @inkvoices for @lostemotion Teen and Up (magical realism, Red Room); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff/James Barnes Summary:They say that the eyes are windows to the soul. Most people, when they look into someone else’s eyes, can see at least what’s at the surface level.
Natasha learns that she might be turned into her worst fear - a soulless nightmare like the Winter Soldier - and chooses to run. Clint reads her soul on a rooftop in Berlin, sees the worst of her, and doesn't judge her for it.
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avengerslittleone · 2 years
KIᗪᑎᗩᑭᑭᗴᗪ TO ᗷᗴ Tᕼᗴ ᗩᐯᗴᑎᘜᗴᖇᔕ ᗷᗩᗷY
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Warning :cursing,drugged ,humiliation,
Tony :do we have everything to get our baby
Bucky:oh yes we do (smiles)
Natasha:well I got the knockout stuff a syringe and some other stuff and some other drugs to make them limp and some drugs to weaken there muscles
Pepper:ok are we ready
Peggy:Steve you ready
Steve:ready as ever
Dr strange:ok now (opens portal to your universe)
Bucky:(walks by you) Excuse me y/p can you give me directions to the mall
Natasha:(grabs you injects you)I am sorry baby but your mama’s and dada’s can’t have you running
Y/n: Scarlett Johansson , Sebastian Stan , Benedict Cumberbatch (you fell your eyes close)
Dr strange:ok good we got them (closes portal)
Bucky:(carry’s you to med bay)
Bruce:awww they look so cute but now I do my thing so they become ours and our little one alone mine
Natasha:just tell Wanda when your dune she is going to erase there adulthood memories
Bruce:(injects headspace starters in iv and some other stuff)Wanda you can come in now
Wanda:ok (does wiggly woo magic on you)that should be ok
America:are they awake yet I want to meet them
Peter:please I want to
Morgan:please pretty pretty please
Tony:ok but shhh they are asleep
Natasha:(sits by your bad side)
America:awwww there so cute
Tony:shhhh they need there nap time they had a big day
Peggy:there the baby Steve come on
Peter:let’s go (leaves with America and Morgan)
Bucky:jerk so how’s it going
Steve:good she loves it here and we can be happy together same for you and romanoff
Y/n:(rolls over in bed)
Pepper:there waking up
Y/n:(opens eyes looks around) ou are Chw
Bruce:well we are your mommy’s and daddy’s and you are our baby
Y/n:(cry’s) nw you ovie charters you nw weal nw wana be baby
Vision:well you are our baby
Natasha:shhh it’s ok baby (sits in hospital bed with you in her lap)
Bucky:oh see that made them quiet
Y/n:(pulls at Natasha’s top)mama
Natasha:everyone except Bucky out
Natasha:(unbuttoning her top takes nursing bra off let’s you latch on)good baby
Bucky:thank goodness for Wanda
𝗧𝘄𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿
Peggy:(picks you up off of play mat lay’s you on changing table changes you)
Natasha:(takes you from Peggy)say bye bye to ma she is going bye bye of two weeks
Y/n:bye bye ma
Wanda:nat I need to feed our baby
Natasha:ok (carry’s you to dining room put’s you in high chair)
Wanda:(grabs a spoon of baby food)come on baby look mommy likes it see
Y/n:(eats baby food off spoon spits it’s at daddy/tony)
Yelana:hahaha ha you didn't think that was going to happen
Wanda:(looks into your mind the adult part)
Y/n adult part of brain: I hate these ass holes they are some kinky asshats who want to control some now all I eat is baby food and titty milk and some food and shit and piss my self becoming of the fucken avengers I would rather be at hydra and or dead like piedro
Wanda:(does more wiggly woods on your mind)see now we have our baby and the best part is everyone in your universe can’t find your phone or anything on you your our ’s
Natasha:Wanda can I ask what you did
Wanda:someone’s adult self was coming through so I killed it so now we only have our sweet baby (wipes drool from your chin)
𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗽𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁'𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗴𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘆/𝗻 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 years
Strange: why did you two knuckleheads fight a squid at Sea World?
America: you fight squids all the time
Strange: one time!
Y/N: It could’ve been a double agent working for your squid!
Strange face palms…
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For @jacelion
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I Love You In Every Universe Part 2 | Wanda Maximoff
Summary: One year after she dreamwalked into a different universe, Wanda finds herself wanting to make amends for her sins.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of PTSD, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 4K
A/N: This is part 2 of a request from @joewatt111 on Wattpad.  I changed the prompt a little bit to fit the story arc, but I hope you enjoy this sequel!
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“Wanda, I’ve told you a million times.  What part of I’m not giving you the Darkhold so you can dreamwalk again don’t you understand?” Agatha pinched the bridge of her nose, completely exasperated.  They’d had this conversation so many times before, but Wanda wouldn’t give it up.
“But I’m not going to do anything wrong!  I just want to go and apologize to Y/N and the other me for what I did.”
“Sweetheart, you already apologized to him.  And must I remind you that if you dreamwalk you’ll be taking over her body again.  What, do you want to keep up this endless cycle of apologizing and going back and apologizing again for taking over her body yet again?!” It was the same conversation every single day. 
Wanda slumped back into her chair, her small frame sinking into its overstuffed cushions.  Her eyes darted to her lap where she fiddled with the rings that adorned her fingers.  Even though it had been such a long time since the incident, the guilt still gnawed at her.  It worsened once she started dreaming about her multiversal counterpart.  She watched every night as the other Wanda and Y/N lived out their suburban dreams with their young son.  They had everything she wanted: a home, a loving family, a normal life.  Yet here she was, completely alone and struggling to piece her shattered life back together.
“Isn’t there anything I can do?” she begged.  The corners of her eyes filled with tears as she thought of the woman she’d terrorized on the other side of the universe.
“Wanda-” “Please.” Her voice cracked as she choked back a sob.  “Please, Agatha.  I just need to tell her I’m sorry.” Agatha sighed.  Many nights Wanda collapsed onto Agatha’s lap, a sobbing mess.  She held the young witch as sobs wracked her body.  Wanda was in excruciating pain.  It constantly tore at her soul, ripping it into smaller and smaller pieces as she felt herself crumble under the weight of it all.  Agatha was patient with her, constantly reassuring her that in time it would become an easier burden to bear.  Yet she knew that Wanda would always carry those scars with her.  She didn’t have the heart to tell her that.  But there was one thing that might be able to help her.
“Look.  There’s something that might be able to help you.  Well, it’s more of a someone than a something,” Agatha finally relented.  She’d been sitting on this one possible solution for months now, not wanting Wanda to push herself too fast and end up in another obsessive state.
Wanda’s ears perked up at Agatha’s admission.  She looked at her mentor, a desperate look in her eye. “Tell me,” she pleaded.  For months she’d been searching for a way to return to the universe she dreamwalked into.  Agatha made her swear off the Darkhold when she started their lessons, citing the fact she almost destroyed her multiversal self’s house and husband.  This took dreamwalking off the table for her.  So she spent hours poring over spellbooks, searching for everything and anything that would allow her to traverse between universes to no avail.
“There’s a girl.  She has the ability to travel the multiverse.  I’ve never met her, but I’ve heard whisperings of a teenager with such extraordinary powers amongst other witches,” Agatha admitted.
“What’s her name?” Wanda asked.
“America.  America Chavez.  She spends her time jumping from universe to universe.  She doesn’t like to linger in one place too long from what I’ve heard.”  Agatha reached in front of her to pick up her mug of tea from the coffee table.  She took a long sip, wrapping her hands around it to take in its warmth.  “America’s the best chance you’ve got at getting back there.”
Wanda’s mind raced as she pondered endless possibilities.  If she got ahold of this girl, she could go back and make things right.  The biggest challenge would be finding her.  If she could travel the multiverse, who knows where she might be at any given time?  Wanda would have to find a way to lure America into this universe in order to get what she wanted.  She didn’t even know where to start.  
“Earth to Wanda: you still with me?” Agatha waved her hand in front of Wanda’s face.  Wanda blinked harshly as she jolted herself back to reality.  She sat up straight in the chair, glancing off to the side as she continued to mindlessly fidget with her rings.  
“Where is she?  How do I find her?” Agatha shrugged.  “Beats me, kiddo.  I’ve never met her.  I’m just telling you what I’ve heard.”
“Great.  Why tell me if you can’t help me?” Wanda stood up, taking a moment to glare at Agatha before she stormed out of the room.  Agatha started to call out to her but Wanda ignored her.  As she stomped into her bedroom, slamming the door shut with her magic, she began pulling spell book after spell book from the shelf.  One of them had to have the answer.  Wanda flipped through page after page, searching desperately for any answer.  Yet the more time she spent in her books, the louder the whispers of the Darkhold became.  So in the dark of night, Wanda crept into the basement to find the cursed book and began her search for America Chavez.
America Chavez woke to find herself strapped to a chair, red tendrils of magic binding her arms and legs tight against the cold metal.  She was confused, unaware of where she was or how she got there in the first place.  But where was there?  Her heart pounded in her chest as she frantically looked around for something to tell her where she was.  As her eyes strained in the darkness, a red shadow appeared on the floor.  
“America Chavez,” a strangled voice echoed through the dank room.  America watched as a pair of red eyes glowed back at her from the darkness.  They were a deeper crimson than that of the shadowy glow.  They bore into her soul, inciting feelings of terror and anxiety within her.  As she attempted to scream, a shadowy figure looming ever closer, she was silenced with the flick of a ghostly wrist.  
The figure came into focus once America’s eyes adjusted to the lack of light.  She was surprised that it wasn’t a demon at all.  She was young and, except for her red eyes and blackened fingertips, looked like any normal person.  Yet something was…off…about her.  Her face told the story of a woman on the verge of a breakdown.  She looked desperate, pleading almost.  The heavy bags under her bloodshot eyes and the disheveled hair were remnants of an obsessive search for the solution to her problem.
“Please don’t hurt me,” her voice cracked as the magical hold on her vocal cords released.  The woman stared down at America, her brows furrowing as she studied the young girl. She tilted her head slightly, examining her as a predator would once it caught its prey.
“Why would I hurt you?” she puzzled.  “I need you to help me.”
“Help you?  Why would I help you when you literally kidnapped me and tied me to a chair?” she scoffed.
“Are you fucking KIDDING me?  When I told you the best way to get America to help you was to talk to her, I didn’t mean kidnap her!” Agatha Harkness snapped as she kicked the door to the basement open.  “I swear to GOD if you’ve been messing with the Darkhold again I’m going to kill you.”  She stormed into the room, now flooded with bright light from the hallway, making her way over to America.  “So sorry about this, sweetheart.  Wanda tends to be a bit dramatic with her entrances.”  She shot Wanda a glare as she undid the red restraints with embers of purple magic.  Wanda rolled her eyes.
“Can someone tell me what is going on here?  Who are you, who is she, why am I here?” America asked as she rubbed her sore wrists.  The restraints cut into her and raised dark bruises on her flesh.
“Agatha Harkness, dear.  Lovely to finally meet you.  That’s Wanda Maximoff.  She’s been looking for you because she insists she needs your help,” Agatha sighed.  
“Why me?” 
“Because I need to go to another universe,” Wanda said.  She leaned up against the wall, her arms crossed as she stared at the ground.  “I need to go find another me and apologize to her for something I did.  Agatha won’t let me dreamwalk, so you’re my only other option.”
“So why the kidnapping?”  
“Wanda’s impulsive.”
“Shut up.”
“As I was saying,” Agatha began as she ignored Wanda’s protestations from the corner, “Wanda needs to get to another universe and you’re the only one who has the power to do that.  Now since she is completely useless when it comes to this sort of thing, I’m asking you politely if you’ll help her out so she’ll drop the damn subject.”
America looked at Agatha, crossing her arms and cocking her head back as she considered the offer in front of her.  “What’s in it for me?” she asked.
“Anything,” Wanda replied a little too quickly.  She was desperate, willing to give anything to make things right.
“Pizza.  Dominick’s.  Pepperoni.  Every single time I come to this universe.  For the rest of my life.”
“Fine.  Done.”  Agatha threw her hands in the air in defeat.  “Just help her.  Please.”  With that she stormed off, her purple magic slamming the door shut behind her.
“So when do we start?” 
Y/N was sprawled on the couch, his eyes glazed over as he stared blindly at the screen in front of him.  Wanda was upstairs with little Pietro, trying anything and everything to get him to calm down.  He’d been fighting off croup for the better part of a week.  Nothing seemed to help his barky cough, which had been keeping Wanda and Y/N awake most nights.  The lack of sleep, plus the visits to the pediatrician and alternating taking time off from work to stay with Pietro, was catching up with the both of them.  Y/N had been home with him all day, so Wanda offered to take him once she got back from work in order to give him a chance to decompress.
From his half-dazed state he heard soft footsteps echoing down the stairs.  He glanced up as Wanda came down from the nursery looking absolutely worn out.  “He finally went down,” she breathed, pushing a sweaty strand of hair away from her forehead.
“Finally?”  Wanda nodded.  “Good.  Maybe we can relax for a bit then.”  He scooched himself up on the couch, pushing himself up so he fit against the corner.  Wanda smiled wearily as she flopped down.  She snuggled up into him, nuzzling his neck as she wrapped her arms around him.  He kissed the top of her head.  The faint smell of orange blossoms warmed him as he inhaled the sweet scent of her hair.
“I’ve missed this,” Wanda sighed.  “I love Pietro, but I miss the quiet time we used to have.”
“Well, look at it this way.  Only seventeen and a half years and we’ll be empty nesters,” Y/N joked.
 A loud explosion shook the room around them.  The house lurched violently, waking the sleeping baby.  He screamed and coughed as he woke from his fitful slumber.  Wanda flew into the air as she anticipated someone or something to appear.  Y/N fell off the couch, completely jostled by the sudden noise. 
“What the hell was that?!” he yelled through the shaking and crying.  His question was answered by the sudden appearance of a hole that tore through the side of the house.  Except it wasn’t a normal hole.  It was star-shaped, illuminated by jagged blue edges, and led not to the yard outside, but to a dark basement.  Two figures stood in the shadow.  As Y/N struggled to make out what it was he was actually seeing, he was surprised when they stepped out into the living room.
It was Wanda.  Not his Wanda but a different one.  This one had fiery red hair as opposed to his wife’s dark brown locks.  She stared at him with a distinct familiarity, like they’d known each other long ago.  It took him a moment to recognize her for who she was but once he did there was no denying that this must be the Wanda who dreamwalked into his world last year.
“Wanda?” He pushed himself up from the floor, returning her stare with an equal level of intensity.  
“Y/N, what is she doing here?” his wife snapped.  She flexed her wrist, summoning red orbs of magic within her grip as she glared at her multiversal self.  Wanda automatically recognized this other version of herself.  She was the same woman who’d taken over her body and terrorized her husband in a fit of despair.  She dreamt of her regularly, watching as she grieved for her family, learned to better control her powers, and fell into obsessive states over apologizing for the mess she’d made under the control of the Darkhold.  Not all of her dreams were glimpses into this other life.  Sometimes she woke in a cold sweat, screaming as she remembered the feeling of being trapped in her own mind.  The trauma from that day still affected her on an almost daily basis, but she did her best to keep the memories at bay.
“Shit, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to break anything,” Wanda apologized.  The awkward tension in the room was interrupted by Pietro’s cries from the nursery. 
“Great. And I just got him down for the evening,” Y/N’s Wanda grumbled as she dropped to the floor, landing with a gentle thud.  
“Babe, I’ll go put him back down,” Y/N offered.
“What, and leave me here with her?  Absolutely not.”  She stormed up the stairs.  Wanda stared as she watched her variant run to go soothe her son, feeling ashamed at the fact she managed to make things worse once again.
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to upset her,” she apologized as she turned to Y/N.  Still the man she was meant to be with, her heart skipped a beat when she locked eyes with his radiant Y/E/C eyes.  While he seemed more worn and tired than he did in their last encounter, he still had that rugged handsomeness and twinkle in his eye that so drew her to him.
“What are you doing here?”
“I…I wanted to apologize to her.  For what I did last year.  Properly.  Without the Darkhold.”
“Wanda, you can’t be here,” Y/N sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he shook his head in disappointment.  He understood where the witch was coming from.  His Wanda was the same way, always wanting to make things right, but the last thing she needed was to come face-to-face with the variant who terrorized her.  His wife spent many nights reliving the fear and horror of her bodily possession and he spent many nights holding her as she sobbed, hugging and reassuring her that everything was okay as he peppered her body with sweet kisses.
“P-please, I just need a minute with her.”  The witch’s voice cracked as she struggled to choke back tears.
“Y/N please.  I’m sorry.  I know you said you forgive me but I need to talk to her.”
“Do you know what it’s been like for her ever since you dreamwalked into our world?  She wakes up screaming, scared that you’ll come back and take over her body again.  I hold her while she cries, as she sits there reliving that day over and over again.  And now we have a son to take care of. You know what happens when she has those flashbacks?  I have to take care of BOTH of them, on my own, with no help from anyone because no one else understands what she’s been through.  And yes, she’s my wife and I will go to the ends of the earth for her, but she didn’t used to be like this…not until you came.”
Wanda hung her head in shame,  Guilt and grief crashed over her, the waves breaking on her already fragile exterior.  Once again, she’d gone too far.  
Y/N watched a familiar scene unfold in front of him: a variant of his wife, completely broken in every sense of the word, crumpled to the floor in front of him, sobbing into her arms as the world shattered around her again.  He felt bad for her.  She obviously was trying to make amends, but once again she let her emotions get the better of her.  Sighing, he slumped back onto the floor next to her, rubbing circles on the small of her back as tears darkened the sleeves of her light grey shirt.
“Hey.  Wanda.  I’m sorry for getting angry.  It’s just….I’m sorry.  It’s been a long year.  Now Pietro’s sick and I’ve been staying home to take care of him and my boss-”
“You named him Pietro?” she sniffled, her face muffled by her arms.
“Yeah.  Pietro Alexander.  After your brother and my uncle.”
She lifted her head as she repeated the names in her head.  “Pietro Alexander.  I like it,” she smiled.
“It was your, well, her idea.  Much better than the name I came up with.”
“Which was-?”
“Claude.  Claude Leroy.”
Wanda giggled as she brushed a tear from her face.  “That’s an awful name.  Did you want him to get bullied?  Because that’s how you get a kid bullied.”
Y/N rolled his eyes.  “Just make sure that I, well, your universe’s me, that he doesn’t make that same mistake,” he joked.  
Wanda’s eyes cast downward at the mention of the soulmate that was supposed to exist in her universe.  For months she’d been searching for him but to no avail.  She firmly believed that he existed in every universe but her own.  “I don’t think he exists,” she whispered.  “I keep looking for him but I still can’t find him.”
“Did you try the old boat launch?”  Wanda and Y/N looked up to see Wanda walking down the stairs.  The silence that followed her indicated that Pietro went back to sleep with relative ease.
“The what?” Wanda asked her variant.
“The boat launch.  It’s where we first met back in high school,” Y/N explained.  “It was one of those late-night summer parties after our sophomore year.  I was there with my friends and at some point we bumped into each other and I just fell head over heels for her.  Granted we didn’t get together for another year, but that was the night I knew I was going to marry her”
The brunette Wanda smiled as images of a crackling bonfire and fireflies painting a thousand dancing scenes over the moonlight lake raced through her mind, bringing her back to that sweet summer night where she met the boy who changed everything.  “Magic leaves impressions, even in different universes.  That spot means something to every Wanda in every universe.  It’s part of a nexus event, so every version of us has to meet Y/N there somehow.  Try there.”
Wanda stared at her variant.  It was a slightly unnerving experience, looking at another version of herself.  She’d spent her entire life observing her reflection in mirrors, but seeing herself in the flesh was something else.  Was this the way the world saw her?  She suddenly felt conscious about her own appearance, noting the way her black fingertips stood out against her variant’s scarlet nails.  
“Wanda I-” she began, but the words stuck in her throat.  What could she possibly say to this woman, the woman she inadvertently terrorized in her search for love last year?
“I get it.  I get why you decided to dreamwalk last year.  If I was in your position, under the same circumstances, I probably would’ve done the same thing.  I mean, we’re the same person, right?” she smirked.  “Just because I’ve given up the magic for motherhood doesn’t mean I’m all that different from you.”
“I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I hurt you.  I was hurting and it was wrong of me to turn to the Darkhold to help me grieve Vision.”
Her variant sighed, running a hand through her messy brunette hair.  She stood in silence, looking down at her multiversal self sitting next to her husband.  “You hurt me, Wanda.  And I’m trying to deal with it the best I can for the sake of my son.  So I can’t forgive you for that, but I hope that you find love and happiness in your own universe.”
Wanda looked at Y/N, who was still sitting next to her with his hand on her shoulder.  “I can’t come back again, can I?”  He shook his head, smiling weakly as he gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.  “Okay,” she whispered.  As she stood up, she looked back at herself.  This other Wanda, brunette, dressed in pajamas, a body that had birthed a new life, was the type of person she wanted to be.  A reassuring nod told her that everything would turn out okay.  She walked towards the portal America opened, taking one final look back at the life she so desperately wanted, before stepping back into the dark basement of reality. 
The crisp autumn air nipped at Wanda’s nose as she stepped out of the car.  She hugged her jacket closer to her, shivering as the breeze cut through the warmth of the wool garment.  Looking around she noticed that she was the only one at the old boat launch.  Moss covered docks bobbed in the murky water while dry docked boats sank into the earth.  
It wasn’t Wanda’s first time at the boat launch since her last journey through the multiverse.  She went down every day to sit and wait.  Occasionally she’d encounter a fisherman or teenagers looking for a place to smoke, but she never saw Y/N.  Remembering what her variant said about nexus events gave her the strength to sit there day after day.  She sat in silence, often contemplating what she wanted out of life and what she would do once she met Y/N.  Other times she’d meditate on her multiversal self, allowing her subconscious to drift to the universe where baby Pietro was learning to walk much to the amusement of his parents.
Although it was a cool fall day, Wanda sat down at her usual spot at the end of the most solid dock, removing her boots and socks before dipping her toes into the water.  She kicked her legs aimlessly, skimming the lake’s surface as she looked out towards the surrounding woods.  The autumnal hues painted the trees with all different shades of reds and oranges and yellows.  She sighed, disappointed that she was alone once again.  So she sat there and took in the beauty of the world around her.
She spent most of the afternoon on the dock, reflecting on her life.  As she gazed out over the water, she heard footsteps behind her.  Her breath hitched as they grew closer, the sound of hard rubber soles smacking against the dock echoing off the water.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to disturb you.  I was just looking for a quiet place to sit and read.”  
Wanda’s ears perked up when she heard the familiar voice in her ears.  She whipped around at the voice, looking up into the warm Y/E/C eyes that first invaded her consciousness when Agatha cast her spell for the first time.  A smile spread over her face as she looked into the face of the man who was going to change her life.  “Well, you can sit here if you want.  I’m Wanda.”
“I’m Y/N.  Y/N L/N.”
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America Chavez x Reader: Laying in a Park
Description: Reader and America laying in a park.
Gender: neutral! No pronouns used!
WARNINGS: anxiety, depression, numbness, stress all mentioned but not directly shown (this is just comfort)
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*not my gif*
You close your eyes, feeling the wind brush across your face and the warmth radiating from your girlfriend.
America is next to you, her arm around your shoulders as you cuddle into her. She smells like cherry chapstick and cinnamon and vanilla. Her hair is soft, it tickles the side of your neck just enough to send slight shivers down your back.
You don't need to move. You are perfectly comfortable. Perfectly at rest.
You don't need to know how to feel emotion. You just need to be in this moment with America, laying in a park in the dark on top of a soft blanket.
You brush your fingers along the blanket, drawing a heart. You turn your head so it settles in America's neck. You wiggle just slightly to get comfortable.
The warmth from her skin is like resting your head on a cat. Her hand is running gently up and down your arm.
You feels so in the moment. You feel so relaxed. You feel so present in a way your anxiety usually doesn't allow.
You'd been feeling numb for awhile, stuck in a pattern of endless work and responsibilities without a break. You didn't realize how much you needed to take a break.
America's other arm moves to fully wrap you in a hug.
You feel totally safe and secure. Like nothing could hurt you. You move your leg on top of her's, slightly tangling them together. You turn fully onto your side so you can smell nothing but America.
You move your arm up and drape it across her stomach, holding on tightly.
In this moment, nothing can go wrong. In this moment, you are at peace.
You slowly drift off to sleep.
I wrote this with my eyes closed. Idk if it makes any sense, but it was just what I was feeling right now.
Let me know if you guys like this or not. Might start voicing my fics and posting them on YouTube so stuff like this can be more immersive.
Thx for reading, don't steal!
Buy me a coffee?
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hollie47 · 3 months
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Title: Five Times America Chavez Kissed an Avenger and the One Time an Avenger Kissed Her Author: Hollie47 Rating: G Word Count: 3,000 Pairing: America Chavez/Kamala Khan Fandom: MCU Summary: America has a crush and she handles it terribly.
Read Here on AO3
This was written for @marvelfemslashweek. Day 6: Powerful.
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writingfish · 1 day
My headcanon is that after Multiverse of Madness, if America accidentally jumps into a different universe, her first step is to go find that universe's version of Stephen or Wong.
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Fic Title: I Am Not a Monster
Current Chapter Count: 63
Current Word Count: 176k
Last Update: September 23rd
Next Update: September 30th
Summary: What do a scrappy teen, a powerful being capable of spontaneous creation, and a 300-year-old witch have in common? They all need to heal from their pasts, they all need to figure out who they want to be now, and they all might just need each other.
Or: the one where Wanda and Agatha accidentally adopt America.
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness, Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez, America Chavez & Agatha Harkness, America Chavez/Kamala Khan, Agatha Harkness & Nicholas Scratch, Wanda Maximoff & Nicholas Scratch, America Chavez & Nicholas Scratch
Tags: Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Gay Witch Family, Bisexual Wanda Maximoff, Lesbian Agatha Harkness
Chapter 1: Making It Up
Chapter 2: Pizza Balls at The Plaza
Chapter 3: People Like Us
Chapter 4: The Prodigal Witch Returns
Chapter 5: Ladies Who Lunch
Chapter 6: A Strange Visitor
Chapter 7: Magic Kindergarten
Chapter 8: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 9: Shut Down, Open Up
Chapter 10: Shadow Work
Chapter 11: The Sign
Chapter 12: Churros and Champagne
Chapter 13: Fatal Reaction
Chapter 14: Attached
Chapter 15: I'm Loving It
Chapter 16: The Raid
Chapter 17: Report Card
Chapter 18: (Pancake) Batter Up
Chapter 19: Surprise Times Two
Chapter 20: Dining, Drama, and Drives
Chapter 21: Braking Down
Chapter 22: Cat Out of the Bag
Chapter 23: Road Trip
Chapter 24: What's Innside
Chapter 25: Exploring
Chapter 26: The Clearing
Chapter 27: Sick Day
Chapter 28: Spoonful of Cocoa
Chapter 29: For Goodness Saké
Chapter 30: Confronting the Past
Chapter 31: If the Shoe Fits
Chapter 32: 'Til the Clock Strikes 12
Chapter 33: Let's Have a Quince
Chapter 34: No Time Like the Present
Chapter 35: A Spark in the Dark
Chapter 36: Rebel Girl
Chapter 37: Waffling Around
Chapter 38: Dyeing Inside
Chapter 39: Told You So
Chapter 40: The Talk
Chapter 41: Playing with Fire
Chapter 42: Pranks and Plans
Chapter 43: Meet the Parents
Chapter 44: The Proposal
Chapter 45: The Darkest Day
Chapter 46: Helium + Aluminium (HeAl)
Chapter 47: Welcome to New York
Chapter 48: The Past Is Yet to Come
Chapter 49: One Step Forward
Chapter 50: Consolation Prize
Chapter 51: Aftermath
Chapter 52: Love You a Brunch
Chapter 53: Nick
Chapter 54: Dancing on My Own
Chapter 55: Crying in My Prom Dress
Chapter 56: Clean
Chapter 57: Common Ground
Chapter 58: Growing Pains
Chapter 59: Burn, Baby, Burn
Chapter 60: Left Out
Chapter 61: Official
Chapter 62: Happy Accidents
Chapter 63: I Do
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marvelrarepairbingo · 9 months
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The latest Marvel Rare Pair Round Robin story has been posted on AO3! Thanks to all those who participated in this round's round robin:
The Bakery Job: Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo Round Robin-Dec 2023 
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Scott Lang/Matt Murdock, Clint Barton & Scott Lang, Clint Barton & Loki Characters: Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Loki (Marvel), Matt Murdock, America Chavez, Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop, Kaecilius (Marvel), OG Nameless Character Additional Tags: past Matt Murdock/Clint Barton - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Mission Fic, Team Up, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Odd team-up, fake relationship turns real, gender-shifting, Flirting, Fluff, confessions of feelings Summary: Scott Lang and Clint Barton are working together undercover to team up on a mission to take down the ‘Tooth Fairy’, a notorious vandal in the city that targeted owners of some of the smaller shops in the city, namely sweet shops and bakeries across the city. When their mission gets off to a bumpy start, it appears that with a little help from their friends and a touch of a mischievous plan that takes a surprising turn.
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darkkitty1208 · 1 year
Entry for day 12 of Whumptober 2023, prompt no. 12: Insomnia.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Strange (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: America Chavez & Stephen Strange Characters: America Chavez, Stephen Strange, The Cloak of Levitation (Marvel) Additional Tags: Insomnia, Hurt/Comfort, America Chavez Needs A Hug, Stephen Strange has PTSD, Midnight Conversations, Fluff and Angst, Crying, Platonic Relationships, Stephen Strange Acting as America Chavez's Parental Figure, America Chavez Has Trust Issues, I love them so much Series: Part 9 of Whumptober 2023 Summary:
Stephen and America have a midnight conversation. Some things are revealed.
America is afraid of sleeping alone.
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