#american nationality
Yuuki Maisaka Icons
943 icons, fairly complete set! (may be missing an awkward expression or two, all chapters iconed. contains variant icons)
 Series:  Otome Danshi  (series tw: Androphobia/child abuse, Crossdressing/sexism, suggestive teen content [light nsfw, age range appropriate. no genitals mentioned iirc, only in the context of changing clothes.], light Misgendering [played for laughs but taken seriously, victims correct the misgendering consistently.], Xenophobia/racism [faceclaim is mixed race/ethnicity, reference to past bullying.], pedophilia/attempted assault) genre: romance/feel good/abuse reconciliation Faceclaim age: 16/17 (as an fyi/guideline. feel free to use for adult muses, but anyone sexualizing minor muses, including the faceclaim himself, will be blocked!)
Free to use, Please Like/Reblog, and credit if you edit! (please try to keep visually accessible). Originally made for my self-insert muse!
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artfilmfan · 7 months
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Lakota Nation vs. United States (Jesse Short Bull & Laura Tomaselli, 2022)
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tlatollotl · 1 year
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Cultures/periods: Chimu (?) Chancay (?)
Production date: 900-1430
Made in: Peru
Provenience unknown, possibly looted
Textile fragment; cotton plain weave ground with paired warps; camelid supplementary weft patterning; feline figure; cream and black.
British Museum
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lazarusemma · 1 year
It doesn't matter if American Christians in power are "doing it wrong" or if actually, Jesus said things that contradict their proclaimed values. What matters is that religious groups should not be in a position to legislate their religious beliefs such that it applies to people not beholden to that religion.
In other words, the argument that "Jesus would hate White Christian Nationalism because the Bible shows he was a radical etc etc" doesn't matter because you are meeting them on their terms. If the Bible did say that Jesus hated abortion/poor people/socialism, it still would not be acceptable for Christians to legislate on that basis.
And yet cultural Christianity has brought us to a point where we'd rather pin the problem on a new subset of Christianity whose issue is that they're misinterpreting original doctrine. Y'all have been saying, “Well, they're not Real Christians” for centuries. This is not a problem of a new sect's formation. This is an issue of separation of church & state. In political/legal contexts, it should not matter what the Bible says or doesn't say, or how anyone interprets it, because the Bible has no place in a courtroom. It's literally that simple.
Edited to add: This "The Bible actually says" tactic can have its use in deprogramming individuals who may genuinely benefit from some recognition of their own cognitive dissonance. However, using this strategy as a "gotcha" against the phenomenon as a whole has negligible practical value.
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
"The Yurok will be the first Tribal nation to co-manage land with the National Park Service under a historic memorandum of understanding signed on Tuesday [March 19, 2024] by the tribe, Redwood national and state parks, and the non-profit Save the Redwoods League, according to news reports.
The Yurok tribe has seen a wave of successes in recent years, successfully campaigning for the removal of a series of dams on the Klamath River, where salmon once ran up to their territory, and with the signing of a new memorandum of understanding, the Yurok are set to reclaim more of what was theirs.
Save the Redwoods League bought a property containing these remarkable trees in 2013, and began working with the tribe to restore it, planting 50,000 native plants in the process. The location was within lands the Yurok once owned but were taken during the Gold Rush period.
Centuries passed, and by the time it was purchased it had been used as a lumber operation for 50 years, and the nearby Prairie Creek where the Yurok once harvested salmon had been buried.
Currently located on the fringe of Redwoods National and State Parks which receive over 1 million visitors every year and is a UNESCO Natural Heritage Site, the property has been renamed ‘O Rew, a Yurok word for the area.
“Today we acknowledge and celebrate the opportunity to return Indigenous guardianship to ‘O Rew and reimagine how millions of visitors from around the world experience the redwoods,” said Sam Hodder, president and CEO of Save the Redwoods League.
Having restored Prarie Creek and filled it with chinook and coho salmon, red-legged frogs, northwestern salamanders, waterfowl, and other species, the tribe has said they will build a traditional village site to showcase their culture, including redwood-plank huts, a sweat house, and a museum to contain many of the tribal artifacts they’ve recovered from museum collections.
Believing the giant trees sacred, they only use fallen trees to build their lodges.
“As the original stewards of this land, we look forward to working together with the Redwood national and state parks to manage it,” said Rosie Clayburn, the tribe’s cultural resources director.
It will add an additional mile of trails to the park system, and connect them with popular redwood groves as well as new interactive exhibits.
“This is a first-of-its-kind arrangement, where Tribal land is co-stewarded with a national park as its gateway to millions of visitors. This action will deepen the relationship between Tribes and the National Park Service,” said Redwoods National Park Superintendent Steve Mietz, adding that it would “heal the land while healing the relationships among all the people who inhabit this magnificent forest.”"
-via Good News Network, March 25, 2024
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dilfcontent · 6 months
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JASON KELCE (and Eagles) naked for ESPN Body Issue (2019).
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madamepestilence · 4 months
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Just as a reminder as I've just noticed myself - arab.org has more pages to support on
In case you're unfamiliar with how this site works, it confirms ad revenue via your clicks, which allows them to donate money to various funds
These go to:
Children -> UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)
Fight Poverty -> UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Environment -> Greenpeace MENA (Middle East and North Africa)
Palestine -> UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency [for Palestine Refugees in the Near East])
Refugees -> UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
Women -> UN Women
Do more with your daily clicks! You can help each one once per individual (perhaps per IP address?) per day, letting you help out with six things at once?
US-specific advice for helping Palestine below cut.
Side note I'm keeping beneath the cut since it's relevant to US folks only: if you're really determined to help Palestine, vote for Dr. Cornel West, Ph.D. for President of the United States.
He's the most openly vocal about a free Palestine and is the only candidate who has demonstrably shown he is the most committed and prepared to immediately cease US support to Israel.
Joe Biden isn't going to cave if he gets re-elected. We all know that. Voting third party is a lot less risky than you've been taught - the two party system can replace one or both parties with new parties if they lose public favour.
We have both the people and the ability to unseat the Democratic party and install Socialism, and between Socialism and Republicans, Socialism is going to lock in place immediately and become the dominant political force in America.
Cornel West's Platform
Cornel West's Volunteer Events
Cornel West's Ballot Access Tracker and Ballot Access Plans
Tumblr thread I have of Primary/Caucus polling dates in the US (includes US territories)
Not on your Primary/Caucus ballot? Write-in, "Cornel West," on your ballot, or urge your Caucus representatives to do the same.
In a state where it's difficult for Independent candidates to get ballot access? Dr. Cornel West, Ph.D. thought ahead and has created a new party for those states called the Justice for All Party.
(Addendum: Claudia de la Cruz is not a viable alternative. The Party for Socialism and Liberation has a Conservative 5th Column and has frequent issues with discrimination.)
Free Palestine. Vote for Cornel West.
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neechees · 9 months
Colors of Native American cinema (from a tiktok trend~) edited by me.
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karinyosa · 8 months
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a tweet by azadeh shahshahani (@ashahshahani) that says, "anticipate heightened targeting of palestinian and muslim community members by the fbi in the coming weeks.
if you live in the u.s. south and are contacted by the fbi for questioning, contact us at project south.
the national lawyers guild has a national hotline: (212) 679-2811"
end id.
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frunkcastle · 7 months
When indigenous and formally colonized people from ALL OVER THE GLOBE are showing solidarity with Palestine, ask yourself why you chose to stand with the occupation
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thehealingsystem · 7 months
hey this thanksgiving I ask people to please please please please don't forget about indigenous americans. celebrate all you want, eat turkey, spend time with family, idc, but please do so in respect to the actual meaning behind the holiday and the atrocities committed against natives. your day of thankfulness for all that you have, the things you only have because of colonialism, is a day of mourning for us
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sher-ee · 1 month
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On the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation west of Brandon, Man., schoolchildren are throwing pumpkins into a bison pen, a ceremony and sign of respect to an animal that has deep spiritual significance for Indigenous culture and identity. Community leaders are also educating a new generation about how the bison, known in these parts as buffalo, has important implications for the future of the Prairies – rehabilitating natural grasslands and conserving water in a time of climate change. "The significance of the buffalo goes back hundreds of years. These animals have saved our lives," said Anthony Tacan, a band councillor whose family is the keeper of this herd. "They provided food and weapons out of the bones, tools, the hides for clothing, the teepees. It did everything for us. So going forward, we decided it's our turn to give back. It's our turn to look after them."
Continue Reading
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Cody Two Bears, a member of the Sioux tribe in North Dakota, founded Indigenized Energy, a native-led energy company with a unique mission — installing solar farms for tribal nations in the United States.
This initiative arises from the historical reliance of Native Americans on the U.S. government for power, a paradigm that is gradually shifting.
The spark for Two Bears' vision ignited during the Standing Rock protests in 2016, where he witnessed the arrest of a fellow protester during efforts to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline on sacred tribal land.
Disturbed by the status quo, Two Bears decided to channel his activism into action and create tangible change.
His company, Indigenized Energy, addresses a critical issue faced by many reservations: poverty and lack of access to basic power.
Reservations are among the poorest communities in the country, and in some, like the Navajo Nation, many homes lack electricity.
Even in regions where the land has been exploited for coal and uranium, residents face obstacles to accessing power.
Renewable energy, specifically solar power, is a beacon of hope for tribes seeking to overcome these challenges.
Not only does it present an environmentally sustainable option, but it has become the most cost-effective form of energy globally, thanks in part to incentives like the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Tribal nations can receive tax subsidies of up to 30% for solar and wind farms, along with grants for electrification, climate resiliency, and energy generation.
And Indigenized Energy is not focused solely on installing solar farms — it also emphasizes community empowerment through education and skill development.
In collaboration with organizations like Red Cloud Renewable, efforts are underway to train Indigenous tribal members for jobs in the renewable energy sector.
The program provides free training to individuals, with a focus on solar installation skills.
Graduates, ranging from late teens to late 50s, receive pre-apprenticeship certification, and the organization is planning to launch additional programs to support graduates with career services such as resume building and interview coaching...
The adoption of solar power by Native communities signifies progress toward sustainable development, cultural preservation, and economic self-determination, contributing to a more equitable and environmentally conscious future.
These initiatives are part of a broader movement toward "energy sovereignty," wherein tribes strive to have control over their own power sources.
This movement represents not only an economic opportunity and a source of jobs for these communities but also a means of reclaiming control over their land and resources, signifying a departure from historical exploitation and an embrace of sustainable practices deeply rooted in Indigenous cultures."
-via Good Good Good, December 10, 2023
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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rotzaprachim · 2 months
im shaking every single student organizer and screaming that they need to separate a demand to divest from arms funding from the demand for a university to cut off all contact with Israeli and Israeli-American scholars and students, a demand which no university will agree to because implementing it would in many cases be very illegal
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