#anakin is awesome
fanfictasia · 2 years
Comfortember Day 24
Alt. Frozen 
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The Mandalorian Effect
A quiet noise behind him draws his attention, and he turns around to see a young boy standing in the doorway of the shop, probably having come in from the junk yard around the back. His blonde hair is long, and he’s dirty, but his eyes – his familiar, familiar eyes – are a bright blue. For a moment, Rex feels frozen as he stares at the boy that can be none other than Anakin himself. This – he –
Rex feels a flare of rage that Anakin, his General, went through this, lived like this. He steps forwards, slowly, and Anakin stills, eyes darting around the shop and landing on Watto’s dead body. For the first time, Rex sees a flicker of fear in Anakin, fear of him.
“It’s okay,” Rex promises, pulling off his helmet to let Anakin see his face. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Anakin stares back at him, eyes narrowed, distrusting, and he would be lying if he said that it doesn’t hurt. “What do you want?” he asks, and Force, he sounds so young. He’s a child, but he’s not like most children. He doesn’t have the innocence of childhood, not anymore.
“I was looking for you,” Rex answers slowly, wishing that he knew better what to say. He really didn’t think this through, did he. How should he deal with a child slave? “I wanted to free you.”
Something, that looks very much like a tentative hope, flickers to life in Anakin’s eyes. “Why me?”
“Because you are special, Anakin,” Rex replies, feeling suddenly choked. “You are special, and you should not have to live as you are. You – you deserve better than this. You deserve to be free.” It feels so strange, so surreal to be talking to his once General like this, but then again, this Anakin isn’t his General. He never will be. Rex will make certain of it.
“What about Mom?” Anakin inquires.
Rex’s General never spoke much about his past, but he did, sometimes, mention his mother, if only in passing. From the little Rex knows about her, she had died, somehow, tragically, and the scars of her death were ones his General always carried with him.
“She will be free too,” he assures.
There’s a moment of silence while Anakin regards him before he steps closer, fully into the shop. “Why’d you kill him?” he sounds more curious than anything else, and it hurts, in a strange way, to see how unfazed he is by Watto’s death.
“I thought to buy you, to free you,” Rex admits. “He was unwilling. I am – I am a Mandalorian.” He nearly stumbles over the word; it’s freeing, somehow, to be able to call himself that and not be associated with the Clone Wars or looked down on as lesser, because of his origins. “We are warriors. It is how we live.”
“You’re a real Mandalorian?” Anakin sounds intrigued, almost excited, and he comes closer, suddenly abuzz with energy. “That’s so wizard! I’ve heard stories about Mandalorians and about Jedi at the spaceport from people who come through.”
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galactic-rhea · 4 months
It's ranting hours sunday for me: Y' know, I think when people complain soooo much about Padmé getting with Anakin, they're failing to see a lot of things. BUT ESPECIALLY...That it was her choice, and if speaks a lot of her character and personality.
She was already done dirty by the movies by getting so many deleted scenes, but then if you try to take away the agency she had on marrying a human disaster or her choices, like her forgiveness/understanding, it's actually undermining and flattening her character.
The fact is that she's actually very similar to Anakin, she's stubborn, deeply traumatized, compromises a lot for the sake of others and loves beyond reasoning. We, the audience, know that Anakin will become Darth Vader and one of the most iconic villains of history; so everything he does can be seem as a red flag that really isn't there.
From Padmé's POV, Anakin has done terrible things, but it's capable of incredible acts of love and compassion. They're in circumstances that aren't normal at all, she was queen at 14, and he was born a slave and joined the space wizard monks and his normal is kill or be killed. Our modern and omniscient POV can't be applied onto them because there's no point of comparison in this sci-fi-shakespearen tragedy-soap-opera-fantasy.
Besides...she was actually right in the end, and I don't believe is "feminist" or progressive to take away a big part of her core personality, that actually had repercussions in the whole story, and make her out to be either unaware and naive of marrying a monster, or (the worst one, imo) being jedi-mind-tricked-brainwashed-abused by her husband.
The "right, correct, girlboss and queen" actitude does more damage than help, leave Padmé to be a person. A person who wanted to have a fairytale romance with some guy who would fight for her and makes her laugh.
Also, the hell why you wanna blame her for something Anakin does, come on. That's a whole other can of worms, though. My point is, that trying to avoid or re-work-or re-contextualize the fact that she chose Anakin despite him literally telling her about murdering a whole village, is actually changing a big chunk of her personality traits.
She was a child queen, then a politician at the edge of an inminent war, manipulated by the same guy that groomed Anakin into a massive murderer, saw her people being taken into camps, had assasination attempts weekly and had to rip off of her individualism by becoming a public figure, giving up her sense of being a person by having several almost identical decoys, she had to stop being just Padmé to be Queen and then Senator Amidala and she did all of that showing little to no emotion.
Then Anakin does all what she herself had to rip off of her in order to be a politician: Honest, passionate, and able to show emotions; like love or anger.
She has morals and she represents democracy and justice, in a way. But I fully believe that inside her she had the same passionate anger and love capable of burning the galaxy that we know Anakin had, which makes them different sides of the same coin, and I think she realized that. Anakin perhaps didn't , as he never stopped of seeing himself as a slave and therefore inferior, whereas he held Padmé very highly, but I think Padmé saw them both as equals. She didn't have a "I can fix him" mentality, she had a "We're the same, we're both lonely, confused, hurting and scared of losing everything. And if he's like me, then I know he can do the right thing for love."
In other words: She was as insane as her husband, she only seems normal because she wasn't put into the monk warrior order and groomed by the devil for over a decade. (And I don't mean insane as, 'she's crazy for loving a murderer' harley quinn style, I just meant it on a daring, hopeless romantic and tenacious way)
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incorrectclonewars · 4 months
Padme: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Anakin: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Padme: ...
Padme: You mean ring bearER, right?
Anakin: ...
Padme: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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sadiecoocoo · 3 months
Just saw someone headcanon that Rex was the clone that fell out of the ship with Padmé in AOTC and Anakin found out and made him his captain and i can’t decide if i like it or not
Cuz I ship Rexwalker but that’s a very anidala thing for Anakin to be so grateful to the guy that protected his wife in an active war zone that he gave him a promotion so he would always be by his side
But I’m also a rexanidala shipper and this seems like a beautiful way to start a polyamory. Everyone always depicts it as Anakin being the one to bring up Rex joining their relationship, but now Padmé could have been the one and just have been like “hey this guy was pretty cool, I think we should spend more time with him *wink wink nudge nudge*” and Anakin does spend more time with Rex and makes him his captain and is eventually just “yeah he is a pretty cool guy! We’re practically raising a child together anyway (Ahsoka).” And Rex is very confused throughout all of it cause he’s not really a romantic guy and has no idea what’s happening whenever anyone tries to flirt with him but eventually he realizes “oh shit oh god I have a crush on m my general and his wife wtf do I do???” And eventually Anakin and Padmé find out and are just “FUCKING FINALLLYYYY!!!” And they all live happily ever after and nothing bad happens ever
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toriisasimp · 7 months
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to-proudly-go · 7 months
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These obikin prints and sticker sheet by @kana7o are so beautiful I literally squealed when I finally found them at our local con 😭💛💛💛 AAAHHHHHH I WISH THERE WERE MOREEE
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machetelanding · 1 year
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Concept for a post-Return of the Jedi Anakin Skywalker if he'd lived
Artist: Eamonn McCormick
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simandy · 2 months
i am yet again begging you to show me anakin's fluffy magnificence
Dude!!! Today i looked at him and this little baby was turning orange??
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My baby is changing.... like the autumn leaves....
Also, unfortunately, they have peeled him.
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He's naked. Here's before for comparison:
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Majestic creature.
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anakinskywalkerog · 7 months
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Rosario, Natasha, & Hayden at Awesome Con in Washington DC! ❤️💙
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itsthegirlinthebowtie · 7 months
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hi I am deceased and I want to stare at this picture for the rest of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Fluffbruary Day 10
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Nearsight Shadow
She glances up at Anakin, leaning closer, lightly resting her head on his shoulder. He’s always been… warmer than normal humans, but she leans into it anyway. Never did she realize how much she missed him.
“It feels like yesterday when you were still my padawan,” Anakin murmurs, pulling her close. “We all missed you.” He’s always so… strong. It’s strange to see him emotional, even if Ahsoka knows full well he is, much more so than most people she knows.
She wraps her arms around him, pressing closer, eyes drifting shut. She’s… safe here. This is one place she doesn’t have to worry, even if it won’t last. “I missed you, too.”
She lets herself soak in this warmth, this moment, knowing it won’t last. But still…
“I thought about leaving even after,” Ahsoka continues, “But the one thing I can never regret is that I never left you.”
“And sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if you had,” Anakin replies, “I… know you would have been out there, alone, but at least you wouldn’t have to live like this.” His hand trails down her back, lifting to her lekku. It’s soft, gentle, and she leans closer, right lekku pressed against his neck.
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fangirlforeversthings · 6 months
Qui gon would've been so proud to see his once so impulsive and feisty padawan a menace to his nerves, becoming the orders greatest pride.
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Their most reliable jedi and litteral incarnation of the ultimate jedi. One of the most wise and powerful masters in the entire order at his time and a member of the high council, a victorious war hero and General. Respected and admired, someone the other knights and younglings go to for advice, to hear all his teachings, practics and advices from his experiences, the other masters seeking his opinion on important matters from time to time. The very first jedi to kill a sith in 1000 years. Yes the pure source of the light side of the force itself.
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kckenobi · 1 year
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In Another Life
(50k, Anakin & Obi-Wan; 14 chapters with updates 2-3 times per week. part of the @swbigbang event:)
Eleven years after the rise of the Empire, a favor to a friend sends Obi-Wan traveling through the multiverse. He encounters different versions of the galaxy and of himself—including one in which Anakin never turned to the dark side.
Obi-Wan and this Light Anakin are forced to work together to stop the creation of a disastrous Empire weapon. But as they move through different versions of reality, the timelines become more and more twisted—and the harder it is to distinguish who they are from who they might have been.
And—to find their way home.
Read on ao3 // listen to the fic playlist
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eglerieth · 1 year
All these posts going around saying that by Din’s logic, the Darksaber belongs to Sidious, here’s my take
the Mandalorians are all gathered together in some cave somewhere. Someone realizes that ownership of the Darksaber was decided on the second Death Star. Din summons Luke because someone mentioned that he was the last person to see Sheev alive.
Luke: yes?
Din: Emperor Palpatine was the last person to own an heirloom that makes a person the leader of my people.
Luke: Um… I don’t know much about your people, but… given that you live in this galaxy, I’m assuming the Empire hurt you in some major way. I’m guessing you are averse to his possessing this heirloom.
Mandalorians: *nodding
Luke: also, he was a Sith Lord, so, again, not an ideal king
those scattered Mandalorians that actually know what a dar’jettii is: 😳🤯😳🤯- no wait that makes sense
some random Mandalorian: also, he’s dead, right?
Luke: yup, definitely dead. I watched him get thrown a reactor shaft myself.
Armorer: by whom? The darksaber is won in combat, so whoever killed him gets it
Luke: Darth Vader
Mandalorians: yeah, that’s not much better. And he’s ALSO dead, right? Who killed HIM?
Luke: …The Emperor
Din: if the Emperor killed him, how did he manage to kill the Emperor?
Luke: the Emperor electrocuted him, and then he threw the Emperor down the reactor shaft, and meanwhile the electricity from a few seconds ago was shorting out his life support suit, and then he died in my arms. It was actually very emotional.
Everyone, who thought Luke had managed to walk out of the throne room because he somehow killed the two most powerful people in the galaxy:
Luke: yeah, no, I basically just stood there and got provoked and then electrocuted. I’d be dead if Vader hadn’t died to save me.
Paz: why would he do that?
Luke: because he’s my father.
Mandalorians: 😲
Luke: I don’t let on about it because people might have some things to say about the hero of the Rebellion being the son of the Empire’s worst enforcer.
Armorer: It does not matter who your father is, only what kind of father you will be. This is the Way.
Mandalorians: This is the Way.
Luke: Thanks. I like that.
Paz, who is a Viszla, the House that held the Darksaber for centuries: The Darksaber can also be inherited. Wait- does this make you Mand’alor?!
Luke, with even more horror than Din had in that position: no no no no no. I’m not even Mandalorian, and even if I was, I have enough to do with rebuilding the Jedi order, which isn’t going so great, thanks for asking. The last thing I want is to get involved in any kind of political stuff. That’s my sister’s job.
Mandalorians: you have a sister?
Luke: yeah, Leia Organa
Mandalorians: the Hutt Slayer?!
Luke: I- yeah, the Hutt slayer. Not how she’s usually introduced…
Mandalorians: *agreeing that the renowned Hutt Slayer would be a much better Mand’alor than this jetii twink*
Bo-Katan, who actually knows something about the New Republic: But isn’t Senator Organa a leading member of the New Republic? We don’t want Mandalore to be part of the New Republic.
Luke: Leia is one hundred percent Alderaanian. Her allegiance may be to the New Republic, but her culture and beliefs are her own.
some random Mando: if you’re her brother, are you from Alderaan too?
Luke: no, doofus. I’m from Tatooine.
Din, trying to improve his small talk: I have a friend on Tatooine. Boba Fett? He’s the leader now.
Luke, choking: BOBA FETT’S ALIVE?!
Din: you know him?
Luke: he captured my brother-in-law, froze him in carbonite, and sold him to Jabba. We had to spend a year away from the war effort to rescue him!
Din: *awkward*
Armorer, trying to steer the focus back to the Darksaber: Are you the firstborn, or your sister? The Darksaber passes to the oldest child.
Luke: I don’t actually know. We’re twins, and have no idea who was at our birth who can tell us. Maybe my father would know? I’ll ask him now.
Mandalorians: isn’t he dead?
Luke: yeah, but I can talk to his ghost.
Luke summons Anakin. Grogu whimpers and hides behind Din. To everyone else, Luke is talking to thin air.
Luke: hello father, do you know if me or Leia is older?
Anakin: of course not, idiot. I didn’t even know either of you existed until a few years ago!
Luke: oh, right.
Anakin: Obi-Wan would know. He was the one who stole you from me.
Luke: really, father, we’ve gotta work on your tact.
Anakin: why? Obi-Wan was the kriffing Negotiator, not me.
Luke: he was called the Negotiator?
Bo-Katan, wincing at a million memories and knowing exactly who they’re talking about despite only hearing one side of the conversation: I could never get my sister to shut up about Kenobi. Insufferable jetii, always hanging off her arm.
Luke: Ben was a Mandalorian’s escort?!
Armorer: Ben is a Mandalorian name. Was he Mandalorian?
Luke: 😲
Luke: I don’t think so…?
Bo-Katan, reminiscing: I’m pretty sure my sister gave him that name.
Luke: My nephew was named after him. I can’t believe my nephew has a Mandalorian name.
Mandalorians: nephew?
Luke: yeah, he’s adorable. Here, I have pictures. *starts showing pictures of baby Ben Solo*
The Mandalorians, being Mandalorians, are utterly won over by the smallest Skywalker. The idea of Leia is a leader is growing more popular. Luke summons Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan: hello there, Luke. What the hell are you doing in a cave with a gajillion Mandalorians?
Luke: Hi, Ben, we just wanted to know, was I or Leia born first?
Obi-Wan: You. I’ll never forget it. You were both such beautiful babies.
Luke: …right…
Paz, staring at the wall where he thinks Obi-Wan is but is actually Anakin’s elbow: What did he say?
Luke: I’m older -
Luke: Oh.
Luke: Kriff
Din: Dank Farrik
Everyone else: *thinking the same thing but to polite to say it*
Bo-Katan: although…it could still be won in combat.
Luke, ringing up Leia on his comm: Good evening, dear sister. Would you mind flying out to the location on my transponder and kicking my ^*s?
Leia, all blue and wavy on the comm: I never mind kicking your %#s, Luke, but why?
Luke: if you do that, you can be king of Mandalore!
Luke: 😀
Leia: Are you kriffing kidding me?! Do you know how hard it is to keep the New Republic from collapsing? And raise a force sensitive baby with shady idols? And save my husband’s skin from every criminal he runs afoul of every other day? I most certainly will not become the monarch of some random nation I’ve never been apart of!
Mandalorians: 🙁
Han, over Leia’s shoulder: so we’re not fighting the kid? I was looking forward to that!
Chewbacca, towering over Leia’s head: *wookie noises of agreement *
Armorer: Actually only the challenger would be fight- *comm cuts out*
*a few minutes later
The Falcon is heard overhead. Han, on comms: We came anyway, kid. I was bored today.
Chewie leaps out and tackles Luke with a bear hug, almost breaking his ribs.
Luke: can’t- breathe- chewie-
Chewie releasing him and patting him on the head: *hello in wookie noises*
Chewie, in Shriwook: *what?*
Din silently unclips the Darksaber from his belt and hands it to Chewie.
And that’s the story of how Chewbacca became Mand’alor.
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galactic-rhea · 2 months
I'll admit that the reason why I have been doodling so much super silly things these last two days it's because i saw the most ungodly takes ever that made my eye twitch and it wasn't like just your classic ship war, it was just-
"did we watch the same thing? if so I volunterr for a comparative study between the both of us, I think researchers would find this fascinating"
Is not even a moral thing or anything, is just that I feel gasligthed because I can't see how you ended with that Conclusion(tm) and you keep explaining and I still can't see.
Is like looking at a solved math problem, and you can't just conprehend the steps, that's how it feels. And also I get a bit petty because-...idk, is a children show, is not that complex
Tbh, what makes me eye twitch is actually the,,,hmm,,,the way some people seem to be so unaware of how trauma works, I think. Because I'm quite invested in analizing trauma in fictional characters and Anakin's is like served on a silver tray, so it's baffling when I come across with people that have such a deep misunderstanding of how trauma can affect a brain cuz yeah, is fictional but you're meant to write the characters with logic.
But I'm derailing i don't even know what i'm writting anymore, but no worries, i'm mostly just baffled and confused sdfnkljgnkdjfg
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beeftendergroin · 1 year
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I forgive you Mother I can hear you, and I long to be near you But every road leads to an end Your apparition passes through me, in the willows and five red hens You'll never see us again
-Death with Dignity// Sufjan Stevens
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