#anarchy in the kingdom of heaven
Heaven on Earth: The Teachings of Jesus and Bob Marley
Introduction In a world often divided between the sacred and the secular, it can be refreshing—and deeply inspiring—when we find connections between contemporary culture and ancient spiritual wisdom. Bob Marley’s iconic song “Get Up, Stand Up” is more than just an anthem of empowerment; it’s a profound reflection on the nature of heaven, the divine, and our place within it. Surprisingly,…
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myeagleexpert · 1 year
The Silence of the Seven
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The peaceful atmosphere is shattered when Yuu finds one of her friends in a coma of unknown causes. Determined to uncover the truth, Yuu and her friends begin investigating the case and discover a curious pattern that links the victims. But as the investigation progresses, they find themselves in a tangle with powerful enemies, and this time the danger is out of Twisted Wonderland. Yuu and her friends will have to fight against unknown forces to find answers and unravel the mystery before it's too late.
Notes: I won't give many warnings before each chapter, because, you know, the suspense. Yuu is a girl and is around 18 years old. I'm just saying that we will have many platonic and romantic moments in the series, and that you always read until the end of the chapter <3
Chapter I: I'll Get You
Yuu walked through the long corridors of the ancient library, passing them as if he knew every old corner and every forgotten book. Because actually, she does. As soon as she arrived in this strange world, she tried in every way to return to her original dimension, digging through all the books on multi-dimensional travel, mining any and all information about how to return home. But that's not why she's here today and with Riddle much less.
“If you want to survive in this world, you have to learn about it”
It was the purpose Riddle insisted on taking some classes with the foreign student. The leader of Heartslabyul had crimson red hair and the temper of a kindergarten principal, his nostrils always smoked and his mouth recited the 810 questionable laws of the Queen of Hearts. If not for the beautiful blue-gray eyes, Yuu would have joined the chaos of anarchy, but being peaceful she opted for one provocation or another.
"Riddle, I've been wondering, are these laws really necessary?" usually this led to some fun discussions with the grinning Cheshire cat
Today they were at a secluded table in the ancient library, discussing the origin of some figures and mythology.
“According to historians, the Queen of Hearts had a proportionate head, but due to an accident just before the coronation, she suffered an injury that led to swelling of her head.”
“And your ego…” Yuu muttered, he had several things to say about the tyrannical majesty but bit his tongue… today at least
"What did you say?"
“What about the creatures from the Kingdom of Roses?”
“It is said that the creatures are extinct species from the kingdom during the colonization…- he stopped and looked for the page in the book with illustrations- When the settlers tried to explore some unknown lands it was reported that they found flowers so tall that they stopped them from going on, so they decided to cut them down and heard voices from the forest expelling them.” Was that supposed to be scary? An idea flashed through the mind of the magicless student, her eyes glistening with memories and she did the best horror storytelling voice she could muster.
“The legends here are very interesting, but in my world we have a different view of nature”
“Ah, please tell me Yuu.” Riddle leaned forward as Yuu approached, naturally curious and thirsty for knowledge.
“In the era of exploration, a rich farmer wanted to increase his lands and for that, he destroyed the protected lands of the indigenous people. Once he took his foreman to open the forest in a sacred land and on this day, the furious nature sent a creature with a head of fire and feet turned backwards to end man's miserable life.”
Widening his eyes and holding his breath, Riddle silently nodded his head for Yuu to continue "With an animalistic scream the creature drove a fiery stake through the heart of the man who fell 'dead' to the ground-
“Why the quotes? Is he not dead?” Rido questioned the physical quotation marks his friend made, but felt an immediate chill when he saw how much his face darkened.
“However… he was so hideously terrible that both heaven and hell rejected him and earth refused to bury such a devilish soul. The now Dry Corps was cursed eternally into a condition of filthy spirit doomed to roam the cities until the end of time but… it is said that if the Dry Corps finds a host as bad as it is, it will possess it and use the living body to do even worse evils until a stronger entity of nature appears.”
The so stern leader of Heartabull kept his eyes fixed on a specific corner, he felt anesthetized with so much information that he had just heard so much that he didn't even notice that Yuu had gotten up from his chair with the mischievous intentions of scaring him from behind.
“Riddlee~” with a light pat, the red-haired one let out a high-pitched squeal that, yes, the entire library heard.
“Oh by the Seven! Yuu!”
"Riddle-chan, you shouldn't make noise in the library, you know?" teased him
“I wouldn't have yelled if you hadn't—
“Yanoo….cans of tuna…” a darling feline, Grim, was sleeping peacefully with no problems on top of the books when he escaped words in his sleep Such an action, brought to the two leaders childish and innocent giggles, which were muffled by the soft fur of Grimm. A sweet moment few would ever see…
And like all good things come to an end….
"Aaaah Kingyo-chann I know you're there" a very familiar voice of the two echoed through the halls
“Aa-ah Floyd! He can't see me, otherwise I'll be late for the Riding Club" his little antennae flick up in warning and in agitated whispers he turns to Yuu
"I distract him, Grim takes him to the corridor 03 passage" whispered back Yuu and traded a can of tuna for his companion
The girl knew the secret passages of the NRC like the back of her hands, and Riddle trusted them so because Ramshackle's memorable duo were like brothers to him, which was very difficult considering the walls and barriers that had been built since his overblot .
“See you later, thank you.” "Thank you"
A code of signs was exchanged between the two before Riddle entered the dark secret passage on the other side of the library, the language was created little by little, a mix of the sign language of his dear world and Twisted Wonderland that deepened as he went. that the bonds with the other person were deepening.
“Who was Koebi-chann talking to?” The twin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, he was at the table they'd been studying at just now, his posture relaxed with the familiar wide, sharp-toothed smile.
"Floyd, let's play."- determined she started her plan in mind.
“Aaah, I'm not in the mood to play tag with Koebi-chan, I want to play with Kingyo-chan"- Already uninterested Floyd got up with a serious expression
“What if we make a deal?” When Yuu stepped in front of the tallest one, he didn't expect those words from her "If you catch me in 3 minutes, I'll tell you where Riddle is, but if not, I won't tell you anything." Oh that got his attention, already setting the timer on her watch
“Koebi-chan is so creative! Let's play! I count ok: 1…2…3 and that's it! Run fast or I'll catch you~” the twin hummed, lazy voice but a predator's gaze
The two ran wild leaving the library, Yuu was dodging the tables while Floyd, the mermaid, preferred to jump on top of them to annoy the students. Outside, the girl got a good boost down the hall, taking advantage of Floyd trying to get through the door.
2 minutes…
Each on the opposite side of the hall, Floyd showing his sharp teeth and Yuu a playful smile, the laughter of both spread in the hall: loud, uncoordinated and without any concern. As she turned a corner that led to the patio, she lost Floyd and only then did the adrenaline let her remember a little thing: Where there's fire, there's smoke. And the horror twins, as Grim calls them, are a real fire. Floyd is here…where is Jade?
1 minute-she checked her watch
"Ahh I'm so close to getting rid of this crazy guy!"-She thought with her chest rising and falling and breathing heavily. Her eyes searched every possible place to climb or hide, Floyd is faster but if she can stay away from him until time stands still…
"The tree!"
30 seconds
The girl ran with all her might towards the patio tree, her loud footsteps alerted Floyd who was trying to see where she was. The little bug was out of breath and was trying to circle the patio trying to kill time to get to the damn tree just didn't count that—
“Oya oya, what do we have here?”- She didn't see where the voice was coming from, she just felt someone put her foot on her for her to fall, Floyd who is not silly at all, took the opportunity and grabbed the student rolling them both on the floor.
“I got you Koebi-chan!~~~” for a moment they forgot why they were running, laughing until their stomachs hurt, biting each other- hey, that's a sign of trust, right?- “Come on little shrimp…I got you ahead of time. You have to do your part of the bargain!”
“You cheated Floyd! I made the deal with you and not Jade-
“I was just passing by and coincidentally tripped over it just as our dear Yuu was running. Oh, I'm so sorry. What a tragedy.” With her hand on her chest, Jade helped her to get up from the ground, but her smile had nothing innocent about it.
“Don't even come with that Jade-” not here you felaa-” Floyd, it was supposed to be you alone but since I'm in a good mood today let's do this: I'll tell you where Riddle is NOT and you can hug me more…”
“What a good treat Koebii~” Floyd didn't need any more words to convince him, throwing his tall frame on top of Yuu and her brother, taking them to the ground.
But she was used to the twins' unpredictable tendencies. After all, 1 year had passed since his arrival. When she arrived in this strange world, everything was very “strange” for her, so much so that reality only dropped three days later, and when it did, all she could think about was hiding in a dark corner of the abandoned house.
The sun was setting when they got up, after laughing and talking about various topics Yuu would probably regret someday. After so much brutality, Floyd extended a gentle hand for his friend to stand up, his eyes widening as he realized—
“Neee~Koebi-chan, you're getting heavy and meaty too!” happily he comments
“Hunhun, and it looks stronger fufu. It ran a lot further this time and endured my brother's hugs longer” Jade congratulates her, looking at her legs and biceps that were no longer fragile matchsticks
“But if you grow too big, I won't be able to call you little shrimp anymore…ah! Ah! I know! If you grow any bigger I’ll call you the little lobster, okay?”
“Well, get ready, honey, I’m going to be a lobster!” determined Yuu hugs her friends and then says goodbye. She didn't know it, but there were eyes watching her...
A year later adaptation arrived, his body that had lost a lot of weight due to the excessive work of a certain crow and the constant stress that brought it, was weak and thin, but now with the balanced diet that Vil himself had prepared and physical exercises with Vargas she was able to get back to the body she was: strong, toned and curvy, she could keep up with the athletics group with Deuce and go for morning jogs with Jack - when Grim pushed her out of bed she inevitably woke up and by coincidence Jack was passing by Ramcharchle. Killing two with one stone.-
It was at the start of quiet sophomore year that her hair, once a shade of brown with golden, curly strands, was dyed night-black. Her hair was opaque before and didn't reach her chin, as the foreigner used her impulsive cuts as a defense mechanism, saying it was "not to draw attention". A year later, her hair was bust-length, shiny and perfectly brushed and styled.
At first glance, her ties were deepened here, but there was a symbolism behind it that left your mouth bitter. Her natural hair was her memory of home, something that says "I'm not from here, I have a place to go back". Crowley was the one who came up with the idea "Well, if you're going to stay longer, why don't you look like your beloved director who welcomed you as a father figure, my little bird?" Crowley and Crewel became very attached to the girl, always taking care of the puppy with affection but with hugs that didn't allow her to go very far. .
In her second year, she improved her beast taming capabilities. Occasionally, she is seen piloting a great blue dragon through the skies, or combing the fur of a dangerous chimera, or stopping Grim from stuffing his mouth with fish at Scarabia's dinner. The latter, he finds to be the most useful skill.
Not far from there, Riddle had finished his Riding training, saying goodbye elegantly to his colleagues and walking to the Heartstabull...unfortunately he didn't get there.
'Huh? Call from Carter?' - In the middle of her sacred coffee with Grim, Yuu receives a call from her senior, Carter Diamond. What would the magicam star want at a time like this?
-Hello? It's Yuu, all right senpai? -A-ahh Yuu, I need you to come to the dorm now! -Is it really necessary? I put my coffee on now… -What Yuu?? I'm not l-l- istening! Something… interfering… -The toast is warm too…want to have a coffee with me? -I'm serious Yuu! It's- an emergency! Come quickly!
And hung up…
Her precious coffee was already in the cup filled to the top, waiting to be taken and enjoyed by the tired student, but the agitated and trembling voice of the so cheerful Carter made her take only three sips worriedly, leaving quickly with Grim meowing that the toast would get cold. Until a hoarse, frightening scream interrupted her mind and the thousand scenarios of what could be happening.
“How strang-!!!”- Yuu gasps, clutching Grim protectively in her arms, despite being flustered the girl takes a moment to record the image of the sound maker, who was on an old pole near the house.
It was a white bird, a type of owl with a heart-shaped face and eyes like completely black spheres, then a hook-shaped beak. The creature turns 160 degrees and stares at Yuu and Grim, the girl feels a shiver run down her spine and a bad feeling settles in her stomach but….
Yuu decides that with so many fantastical creatures and so many overblots, a white owl is the least of her problems right now and continuing on her way more quickly she thinks back to what could have happened in the dorm, which she considered her second home.
Of all her imagined scenarios none came close to the vision in front of her.
Riddle was lying on the floor. His body pale and icy. His eyes were completely white, without corneas, without irises and without pupils. His red hair was an aged shade of red, as if all of his life had been sucked out of him. Veins, now transparent, pulsing reluctantly to life and bringing a barely existent low breath, no signs of waking up.
“Carter! What's going on? What happened to Riddle?”- one of the clones of the red haired one grabbed Yuu who ran when he saw the scene and tried to calm her down, while Trey covered his fallen friend's body with a jacket.
“Riddle took a long time to come back, 15min late. This has never happened before.”- Trey replied from afar.
“We arrived here and when we saw his state, we called you and the Director”- completed Carter, who was trying to take Yuu to check the body, he himself didn't have the courage- “We cast an invisible barrier spell, and we waited for the director to arrive to take him quickly to the infirmary.” he concluded.
“What do you think it could be?”
“I don't know, I've never seen anything like it. It must have been something really strong to catch him off guard and leave him with…”- swallowing the fear and sadness trapped in his throat, the green-haired one tries to continue, being the responsible senpai ever-”… with that expression. terrified in the face.”
There were no signs of violence on the body, no spell fighting, no signs of poisoning. Grim didn't smell any different, saying it was the same as the one in the library.
“Let's sort this out, guys.”- giving one last look at his friend, Yuu puts his jacket over him again and stands up to look and investigate.
They checked every inch of that area, but the wind blew a small white feather from the enclosure.
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cbk1000 · 3 months
Hey, what are you into right now (movies, books, series)? Or even not right now, but in the past, outside of Merlin? I feel you have wicked taste, and I’m desperate for a new hyperfixation. Please, some recs if you have them!
Hey, anon! Sorry; I spaced on answering this.
I don't generally watch a lot of movies or TV shows, because I prefer reading. TV is generally for when I want to shut my brain off and just be entertained, so I wouldn't call a lot of what I do watch good. But if you haven't seen them yet, Our Flag Means Death and Sense8 are both really good shows. Both were pretty popular on tumblr at one point or another, so you may have already seen them, but if not, I really recommend giving them a go. Also, this is dated now, but it still holds up as a sitcom: I've spent most of my recovery rewatching Frasier, which I saw as a kid when it was first airing in the 90s. Ditto Third Rock from the Sun, which still makes me laugh, no matter how many times I've seen it.
This is a video game, but I've been playing an RPG set in medieval Bohemia that's really scratching my nerd itch; it's called Kingdom Come. It's very immersive and has been keeping me company the last couple of weeks while I get to the point in my recovery where I feel well enough to do more than lay in bed staring at my tablet, but am not quite yet a fully functioning human.
As for books, I'm finishing up a historical mystery series, 'Brother Cadfael' by Ellis Peters, set in medieval England during The Anarchy. I've thoroughly enjoyed it and am sad to have only one book left.
I just started rereading 'The Wolf Hall' trilogy by Hilary Mantel, which follows the rise and fall of Thomas Cromwell during Henry VIII's reign. I found the trilogy very gripping and difficult to put down my first time through, and though I've only just started the first book again, it's having the same effect, even though I just read it a couple of years ago. Definitely check out a preview of this first, though; I love Mantel's unique style, but I know a lot of readers find it difficult.
I read 'Shadowplay' by Joseph O'Connor a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. This follows Bram Stoker during his time as a manager at a London theatre, his struggles with his writing (he didn't really find commercial success until after his death), and the experiences that led to 'Dracula.'
For the last couple of years I've been making my way through most of Guy Gavriel Kay's work, which I recommend if you like poetic, historically-inspired fantasy. I started with 'A Brightness Long Ago', but I recommend picking whatever time period that interests you personally (the Sarantine duology, for instance, is set in an analogue of the Byzantine Empire; 'A Brightness Long Ago' evokes Renaissance Italy, and then 'Under Heaven' and its companion 'River of Stars' imperial China).
Ditto with Terry Pratchett and his Discworld, a hilarious satirical fantasy series. I started with 'Guards Guards' and read the City Watch books and then moved on to the books featuring the witches. Special shout-out to his 'Nation', which is not a Discworld book, but is one of the best novels I've read in years.
I've also been immersed in Arthurian literature and heaps of non-fiction about the Plantagenet reign for the last few years. My favourite work of Arthuriana is probably 'Idylls of the King' by Tennyson. It's gorgeous and haunting. 'The Plantagenets' by Dan Jones is a good, accessible introduction to that period of history if you're at all inclined to non-fiction. He's a historian, but it's not a stodgy, academic text.
I hope there's something here for you!
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Chapter V. Third Period. — Competition.
2. — Subversive effects of competition, and the destruction of liberty thereby.
The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, says the Gospel, and the violent take it by force. These words are the allegory of society. In society regulated by labor, dignity, wealth, and glory are objects of competition; they are the reward of the strong, and competition may be defined as the regime of force. The old economists did not at first perceive this contradiction: the moderns have been forced to recognize it.
“To elevate a State from the lowest degree of barbarism to the highest degree of opulence,” wrote A. Smith, “but three things are necessary, — peace, moderate taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice. All the rest is brought about by the natural course of things.”
On which the last translator of Smith, M. Blanqui, lets fall this gloomy comment:
We have seen the natural course of things produce disastrous effects, and create anarchy in production, war for markets, and piracy in competition. The division of labor and the perfecting of machinery, which should realize for the great working family of the human race the conquest of a certain amount of leisure to the advantage of its dignity, have produced at many points nothing but degradation and misery..... When A. Smith wrote, liberty had not yet come with its embarrassments and its abuses, and the Glasgow professor foresaw only its blessings... Smith would have written like M. de Sismondi, if he had been a witness of the sad condition of Ireland and the manufacturing districts of England in the times in which we live.
Now then, litterateurs, statesmen, daily publicists, believers and half-believers, all you who have taken upon yourselves the mission of indoctrinating men, do you hear these words which one would take for a translation from Jeremiah? Will you tell us at last to what end you pretend to be conducting civilization? What advice do you offer to society, to the country, in alarm?
But to whom do I speak? Ministers, journalists, sextons, and pedants! Do such people trouble themselves about the problems of social economy? Have they ever heard of competition?
A citizen of Lyons, a soul hardened to mercantile war, travelled in Tuscany. He observes that from five to six hundred thousand straw hats are made annually in that country, the aggregate value of which amounts to four or five millions of francs. This industry is almost the sole support of the people of the little State. “How is it,” he says to himself, “that so easily conducted a branch of agriculture and manufactures has not been transported into Provence and Languedoc, where the climate is the same as in Tuscany?” But, thereupon observes an economist, if the industry of the peasants of Tuscany is taken from them, how will they contrive to live?
The manufacture of black silks had become for Florence a specialty the secret of which she guarded preciously.
A shrewd Lyons manufacturer, the tourist notices with satisfaction, has come to set up an establishment in Florence, and has finally got possession of the peculiar processes of dyeing and weaving. Probably this discovery will diminish Florentine exportation. — A Journey in Italy, by M. FULCHIRON.
Formerly the breeding of the silk-worm was abandoned to the peasants of Tuscany; whom it aided to live.
Agricultural societies have been formed; they have represented that the silk-worm, in the peasant’s sleeping-room, did not get sufficient ventilation or sufficient steadiness of temperature, or as good care as it would have if the laborers who breed them made it their sole business. Consequently rich, intelligent, and generous citizens have built, amid the applause of the public, what are called bigattieres (from bigatti, silk-worm). — M. DE SISMONDI.
And then, you ask, will these breeders of silk-worms, these manufacturers of silks and hats, lose their work? Precisely: it will even be proved to them that it is for their interest that they should, since they will be able to buy the same products for less than it costs them to manufacture them. Such is competition.
Competition, with its homicidal instinct, takes away the bread of a whole class of laborers, and sees in it only an improvement, a saving; it steals a secret in a cowardly manner, and glories in it as a discovery; it changes the natural zones of production to the detriment of an entire people, and pretends to have done nothing but utilize the advantages of its climate. Competition overturns all notions of equity and justice; it increases the real cost of production by needlessly multiplying the capital invested, causes by turns the dearness of products and their depreciation, corrupts the public conscience by putting chance in the place of right, and maintains terror and distrust everywhere.
But what! Without this atrocious characteristic, competition would lose its happiest effects; without the arbitrary element in exchange and the panics of the market, labor would not continually build factory against factory, and, not being maintained in such good working order, production would realize none of its marvels. After having caused evil to arise from the very utility of its principle, competition again finds a way to extract good from evil; destruction engenders utility, equilibrium is realized by agitation, and it may be said of competition, as Samson said of the lion which he had slain: De comedente cibus exiit, et de forti dulcedo. Is there anything, in all the spheres of human knowledge, more surprising than political economy?
Let us take care, nevertheless, not to yield to an impulse of irony, which would be on our part only unjust invective. It is characteristic of economic science to find its certainty in its contradictions, and the whole error of the economists consists in not having understood this. Nothing poorer than their criticism, nothing more saddening than their mental confusion, as soon as they touch this question of competition: one would say that they were witnesses forced by torture to confess what their conscience would like to conceal. The reader will take it kindly if I put before his eyes the arguments for laissez-passer, introducing him, so to speak, into the presence of a secret meeting of economists.
M. Dunoyer opens the discussion.
Of all the economists M. Dunoyer has most energetically embraced the positive side of competition, and consequently, as might have been expected, most ineffectually grasped the negative side. M. Dunoyer, with whom nothing can be done when what he calls principles are under discussion, is very far from believing that in matters of political economy yes and no may be true at the same moment and to the same extent; let it be said even to his credit, such a conception is the more repugnant to him because of the frankness and honesty with which he holds his doctrines. What would I not give to gain an entrance into this pure but so obstinate soul for this truth as certain to me as the existence of the sun, — that all the categories of political economy are contradictions! Instead of uselessly exhausting himself in reconciling practice and theory; instead of contenting himself with the ridiculous excuse that everything here below has its advantages and its inconveniences, — M. Dunoyer would seek the synthetic idea which solves all the antinomies, and, instead of the paradoxical conservative which he now is, he would become with us an inexorable and logical revolutionist.
“If competition is a false principle,” says M. Dunoyer, “it follows that for two thousand years humanity has been pursuing the wrong road.”
No, what you say does not follow, and your prejudicial remark is refuted by the very theory of progress. Humanity posits its principles by turns, and sometimes at long intervals: never does it give them up in substance, although it destroys successively their expressions and formulas. This destruction is called negation; because the general reason, ever progressive, continually denies the completeness and sufficiency of its prior ideas. Thus it is that, competition being one of the periods in the constitution of value, one of the elements of the social synthesis, it is true to say at the same time that it is indestructible in its principle, and that nevertheless in its present form it should be abolished, denied. If, then, there is any one here who is in opposition to history, it is you.
I have several remarks to make upon the accusations of which competition has been the object. The first is that this regime, good or bad, ruinous or fruitful, does not really exist as yet; that it is established nowhere except in a partial and most incomplete manner.
This first observation has no sense. Competition kills competition, as we said at the outset; this aphorism may be taken for a definition. How, then, could competition ever be complete? Moreover, though it should be admitted that competition does not yet exist in its integrity, that would simply prove that competition does not act with all the power of elimination that there is in it; but that will not change at all its contradictory nature. What need have we to wait thirty centuries longer to find out that, the more competition develops, the more it tends to reduce the number of competitors?
The second is that the picture drawn of it is unfaithful; and that sufficient heed is not paid to the extension which the general welfare has undergone, including even that of the laboring classes.
If some socialists fail to recognize the useful side of competition, you on your side make no mention of its pernicious effects. The testimony of your opponents coming to complete your own, competition is shown in the fullest light, and from a double falsehood we get the truth as a result. As for the gravity of the evil, we shall see directly what to think about that.
The third is that the evil experienced by the laboring classes is not referred to its real causes.
If there are other causes of poverty than competition, does that prevent it from contributing its share? Though only one manufacturer a year were ruined by competition, if it were admitted that this ruin is the necessary effect of the principle, competition, as a principle, would have to be rejected.
The fourth is that the principal means proposed for obviating it would be inexpedient in the extreme.
Possibly: but from this I conclude that the inadequacy of the remedies proposed imposes a new duty upon you, — precisely that of seeking the most expedient means of preventing the evil of competition.
The fifth, finally, is that the real remedies, in so far as it is possible to remedy the evil by legislation, would be found precisely in the regime which is accused of having produced it, — that is, in a more and more real regime of liberty and competition.
Well! I am willing. The remedy for competition, in your opinion, is to make competition universal. But, in order that competition may be universal, it is necessary to procure for all the means of competing; it is necessary to destroy or modify the predominance of capital over labor, to change the relations between employer and workman, to solve, in a word, the antinomy of division and that of machinery; it is necessary to ORGANIZE LABOR: can you give this solution?
M. Dunoyer then develops, with a courage worthy of a better cause, his own utopia of universal competition: it is a labyrinth in which the author stumbles and contradicts himself at every step.
“Competition,” says M. Dunoyer, “meets a multitude of obstacles.”
In fact, it meets so many and such powerful ones that it becomes impossible itself. For how is triumph possible over obstacles inherent in the constitution of society and consequently inseparable from competition itself?
In addition to the public services, there is a certain number of professions the practice of which the government has seen fit to more or less exclusively reserve; there is a larger number of which legislation has given a monopoly to a restricted number of individuals. Those which are abandoned to competition are subjected to formalities and restrictions, to numberless barriers, which keep many from approaching, and in these consequently competition is far from being unlimited. In short, there are few which are not submitted to varied taxes, necessary doubtless, etc.
What does all this mean? M. Dunoyer doubtless does not intend that society shall dispense with government, administration, police, taxes, universities, in a word, with everything that constitutes a society. Then, inasmuch as society necessarily implies exceptions to competition, the hypothesis of universal competition is chimerical, and we are back again under the regime of caprice, — a result foretold in the definition of competition. Is there anything serious in this reasoning of M. Dunoyer?
Formerly the masters of the science began by putting far away from them every preconceived idea, and devoted themselves to tracing facts back to general laws, without ever altering or concealing them. The researches of Adam Smith, considering the time of their appearance, are a marvel of sagacity and lofty reasoning. The economic picture presented by Quesnay, wholly unintelligible as it appears, gives evidence of a profound sentiment of the general synthesis. The introduction to J. B. Say’s great treatise dwells exclusively upon the scientific characteristics of political economy, and in every line is to be seen how much the author felt the need of absolute ideas. The economists of the last century certainly did not constitute the science, but they sought this constitution ardently and honestly.
How far we are today from these noble thoughts! No longer do they seek a science; they defend the interests of dynasty and caste. The more powerless routine becomes, the more stubbornly they adhere to it; they make use of the most venerated names to stamp abnormal phenomena with a quality of authenticity which they lack; they tax accusing facts with heresy; they calumniate the tendencies of the century; and nothing irritates an economist so much as to pretend to reason with him.
“The peculiar characteristic of the present time,” cries M. Dunoyer, in a tone of keen discontent, “is the agitation of all classes; their anxiety, their inability to ever stop at anything and be contented; the infernal labor performed upon the less fortunate that they may become more and more discontented in proportion to the increased efforts of society to make their lot really less pitiful.”
Indeed! Because the socialists goad political economy, they are incarnate devils! Can there be anything more impious, in fact, than to teach the proletaire that he is wronged in his labor and his wages, and that, in the surroundings in which he lives, his poverty is irremediable?
M. Reybaud repeats, with greater emphasis, the wail of his master, M. Dunoyer: one would think them the two seraphim of Isaiah chanting a Sanctus to competition. In June, 1844, at the time when he published the fourth edition of his “Contemporary Reformers,” M. Reybaud wrote, in the bitterness of his soul:
To socialists we owe the organization of labor, the right to labor; they are the promoters of the regime of surveillance.... The legislative chambers on either side of the channel are gradually succumbing to their influence.... Thus utopia is gaining ground....
And M. Reybaud more and more deplores the secret influence of socialism on the best minds, and stigmatizes — see the malice! — the unperceived contagion with which even those who have broken lances against socialism allow themselves to be inoculated. Then he announces, as a last act of his high justice against the wicked, the approaching publication, under the title of “Laws of Labor,” of a work in which he will prove (unless some new evolution takes place in his ideas) that the laws of labor have nothing in common, either with the right to labor or with the organization of labor, and that the best of reforms is laissez-faire.
“Moreover,” adds M. Reybaud, “the tendency of political economy is no longer to theory, but to practice. The abstract portions of the science seem henceforth fixed. The controversy over definitions is exhausted, or nearly so. The works of the great economists on value, capital, supply and demand, wages, taxes, machinery, farm-rent, increase of population, over-accumulation of products, markets, banks, monopolies, etc., seem to have set the limit of dogmatic researches, and form a body of doctrine beyond which there is little to hope.”
Facility of speech, impotence in argument, — such would have been the conclusion of Montesquieu upon this strange panegyric of the founders of social economy. THE SCIENCE IS COMPLETE! M. Reybaud makes oath to it; and what he proclaims with so much authority is repeated at the Academy, in the professors’ chairs, in the councils of State, in the legislative halls; it is published in the journals; the king is made to say it in his New Year’s addresses; and before the courts the cases of claimants are decided accordingly.
THE SCIENCE IS COMPLETE! What fools we are, then, socialists, to hunt for daylight at noonday, and to protest, with our lanterns in our hands, against the brilliancy of these solar rays!
But, gentlemen, it is with sincere regret and profound distrust of myself that I find myself forced to ask you for further light. If you cannot cure our ills, give us at least kind words, give us evidence, give us resignation.
“It is obvious,” says M. Dunoyer, “that wealth is infinitely better distributed in our day than it ever has been.”
“The equilibrium of pains and pleasures,” promptly continues M. Reybaud, “ever tends to restore itself on earth.”
What, then! What do you say? Wealth better distributed, equilibrium restored! Explain yourselves, please, as to this better distribution. Is equality coming, or inequality going? Is solidarity becoming closer, or competition diminishing? I will not quit you until you have answered me, non missura cutem.... For, whatever the cause of the restoration of equilibrium and of the better distribution which you point out, I embrace it with ardor, and will follow it to its last consequences. Before 1830 — I select the date at random — wealth was not so well distributed: how so? Today, in your opinion, it is better distributed: why? You see what I am coming at: distribution being not yet perfectly equitable and the equilibrium not absolutely perfect, I ask, on the one hand, what obstacle it is that disturbs the equilibrium, and, on the other, by virtue of what principle humanity continually passes from the greater to the less evil and from the good to the better? For, in fact, this secret principle of amelioration can be neither competition, nor machinery, nor division of labor, nor supply and demand: all these principles are but levers which by turns cause value to oscillate, as the Academy of Moral Sciences has very clearly seen. What, then, is the sovereign law of well-being? What is this rule, this measure, this criterion of progress, the violation of which is the perpetual cause of poverty? Speak, and quit your haranguing.
Wealth is better distributed, you say. Show us your proofs.
M. Dunoyer:
According to official documents, taxes are assessed on scarcely less than eleven million separate parcels of landed property. The number of proprietors by whom these taxes are paid is estimated at six millions; so that, assuming four individuals to a family, there must be no less than twenty-four million inhabitants out of thirty-four who participate in the ownership of the soil.
Then, according to the most favorable figures, there must be ten million proletaires in France, or nearly one-third of the population. Now, what have you to say to that? Add to these ten millions half of the twenty-four others, whose property, burdened with mortgages, parcelled out, impoverished, wretched, gives them no support, and still you will not have the number of individuals whose living is precarious.
The number of twenty-four million proprietors perceptibly tends to increase.
I maintain that it perceptibly tends to decrease. Who is the real proprietor, in your opinion, — the nominal holder, assessed, taxed, pawned, mortgaged, or the creditor who collects the rent? Jewish and Swiss money-lenders are today the real proprietors of Alsace; and proof of their excellent judgment is to be found in the fact that they have no thought of acquiring landed estates: they prefer to invest their capital.
To the landed proprietors must be added about fifteen hundred thousand holders of patents and licenses, or, assuming four persons to a family, six million individuals interested as leaders in industrial enterprises.
But, in the first place, a great number of these licensed individuals are landed proprietors, and you count them twice. Further, it may be safely said that, of the whole number of licensed manufacturers and merchants, a fourth at most realize profits, another fourth hold their own, and the rest are constantly running behind in their business. Take, then, half at most of the six million so-called leaders in enterprises, which we will add to the very problematical twelve million landed proprietors, and we shall attain a total of fifteen million Frenchmen in a position, by their education, their industry, their capital, their credit, their property, to engage in competition. For the rest of the nation, or nineteen million souls, competition, like Henri IV.’s pullet in the pot, is a dish which they produce for the class which can pay for it, but which they never touch.
Another difficulty. These nineteen million men, within whose reach competition never comes, are hirelings of the competitors. In the same way formerly the serfs fought for the lords, but without being able themselves to carry a banner or put an army on foot. Now, if competition cannot by itself become the common condition, why should not those for whom it offers nothing but perils, exact guarantees from the barons whom they serve? And if these guarantees can not be denied them, how could they be other than barriers to competition, just as the truce of God, invented by the bishops, was a barrier to feudal wars? By the constitution of society, I said a little while ago, competition is an exceptional matter, a privilege; now I ask how it is possible for this privilege to coexist with equality of rights?
And think you, when I demand for consumers and wage-receivers guarantees against competition, that it is a socialist’s dream? Listen to two of your most illustrious confreres, whom you will not accuse of performing an infernal work.
M. Rossi (Volume I, Lecture 16) recognizes in the State the right to regulate labor, when the danger is too great and the guarantees insufficient, which means always. For the legislator must secure public order by principles and laws: he does not wait for unforeseen facts to arise in order that he may drive them back with an arbitrary hand. Elsewhere (Volume II, pp. 73–77) the same professor points out, as consequences of exaggerated competition, the incessant formation of a financial and landed aristocracy and the approaching downfall of small holders, and he raises the cry of alarm. M. Blanqui, on his side, declares that the organization of labor is recognized by economic science as in the order of the day (he has since retracted the statement), urges the participation of workers in the profits and the advent of the collective laborer, and thunders continually against the monopolies, prohibitions, and tyranny of capital. Qui habet aures audiendi audiat! M. Rossi, as a writer on criminal law, decrees against the robberies of competition; M. Blanqui, as examining magistrate, proclaims the guilty parties: it is the counterpart of the duet sung just now by MM. Reybaud and Dunoyer. When the latter cry Hosanna, the former respond, like the Fathers in the Councils, Anathema.
But, it will be said, MM. Blanqui and Rossi mean to strike only the abuses of competition; they have taken care not to proscribe the principle, and in that they are thoroughly in accord with MM. Reybaud and Dunoyer.
I protest against this distinction, in the interest of the fame of the two professors.
In fact, abuse has invaded everything, and the exception has become the rule. When M. Troplong, defending, with all the economists, the liberty of commerce, admitted that the coalition of the cab companies was one of those facts against which the legislator finds himself absolutely powerless, and which seem to contradict the sanest notions of social economy, he still had the consolation of saying to himself that such a fact was wholly exceptional, and that there was reason to believe that it would not become general. Now, this fact has become general: the most conservative jurisconsult has only to put his head out of his window to see that today absolutely everything has been monopolized through competition, — transportation (by land, rail, and water), wheat and flour, wine and brandy, wood, coal, oil, iron, fabrics, salt, chemical products, etc. It is sad for jurisprudence, that twin sister of political economy, to see its grave anticipations contradicted in less than a lustre, but it is sadder still for a great nation to be led by such poor geniuses and to glean the few ideas which sustain its life from the brushwood of their writings.
In theory we have demonstrated that competition, on its useful side, should be universal and carried to its maximum of intensity; but that, viewed on its negative side, it must be everywhere stifled, even to the last vestige. Are the economists in a position to effect this elimination? Have they foreseen the consequences, calculated the difficulties? If the answer should be affirmative, I should have the boldness to propose the following case to them for solution.
A treaty of coalition, or rather of association, — for the courts would be greatly embarrassed to define either term, — has just united in one company all the coal mines in the basin of the Loire. On complaint of the municipalities of Lyons and Saint Etienne, the ministry has appointed a commission charged with examining the character and tendencies of this frightful society. Well, I ask, what can the intervention of power, with the assistance of civil law and political economy, accomplish here?
They cry out against coalition. But can the proprietors of mines be prevented from associating, from reducing their general expenses and costs of exploitation, and from working their mines to better advantage by a more perfect understanding with each other? Shall they be ordered to begin their old war over again, and ruin themselves by increased expenses, waste, over-production, disorder, and decreased prices? All that is absurd.
Shall they be prevented from increasing their prices so as to recover the interest on their capital? Then let them be protected themselves against any demands for increased wages on the part of the workmen; let the law concerning joint-stock companies be reenacted; let the sale of shares be prohibited; and when all these measures shall have been taken, as the capitalist-proprietors of the basin cannot justly be forced to lose capital invested under a different condition of things, let them be indemnified.
Shall a tariff be imposed upon them? That would be a law of maximum. The State would then have to put itself in the place of the exploiters; keep the accounts of their capital, interest, and office expenses; regulate the wages of the miners, the salaries of the engineers and directors, the price of the wood employed in the extraction of the coal, the expenditure for material; and, finally, determine the normal and legitimate rate of profit. All this cannot be done by ministerial decree: a law is necessary. Will the legislator dare, for the sake of a special industry, to change the public law of the French, and put power in the place of property? Then of two things one: either commerce in coals will fall into the hands of the State, or else the State must find some means of reconciling liberty and order in carrying on the mining industry, in which case the socialists will ask that what has been executed at one point be imitated at all points.
The coalition of the Loire mines has posited the social question in terms which permit no more evasion. Either competition, — that is, monopoly and what follows; or exploitation by the State, — that is, dearness of labor and continuous impoverishment; or else, in short, a solution based upon equality, — in other words, the organization of labor, which involves the negation of political economy and the end of property.
But the economists do not proceed with this abrupt logic: they love to bargain with necessity. M. Dupin (session of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, June 10, 1843) expresses the opinion that, “though competition may be useful within the nation, it must be prevented between nations.”
To prevent or to let alone, — such is the eternal alternative of the economists: beyond it their genius does not go. In vain is it cried out at them that it is not a question of preventing anything or of permitting everything; that what is asked of them, what society expects of them, is a reconciliation: this double idea does not enter their head.
“It is necessary,” M. Dunoyer replies to M. Dupin, “to distinguish theory from practice.”
My God! everybody knows that M. Dunoyer, inflexible as to principles in his works, is very accommodating as to practice in the Council of State. But let him condescend to once ask himself this question: Why am I obliged to continually distinguish practice from theory? Why do they not harmonize?
M. Blanqui, as a lover of peace and harmony, supports the learned M. Dunoyer, — that is, theory. Nevertheless he thinks, with M. Dupin, — that is, with practice, — that competition is not exempt from reproach. So afraid is M. Blanqui of calumniating and stirring up the fire!
M. Dupin is obstinate in his opinion. He cites, as evils for which competition is responsible, fraud, sale by false weights, the exploitation of children. All doubtless in order to prove that competition within the nation may be useful!
M. Passy, with his usual logic, observes that there will always be dishonest people who, etc. Accuse human nature, he cries, but not competition.
At the very outset M. Passy’s logic wanders from the question. Competition is reproached with the inconveniences which result from its nature, not with the frauds of which it is the occasion or pretext. A manufacturer finds a way of replacing a workman who costs him three francs a day by a woman to whom he gives but one franc. This expedient is the only one by which he can meet a falling market and keep his establishment in motion. Soon to the working women he will add children. Then, forced by the necessities of war, he will gradually reduce wages and add to the hours of labor. Where is the guilty party here? This argument may be turned about in a hundred ways and applied to all industries without furnishing any ground for accusing human nature.
M. Passy himself is obliged to admit it when he adds: “As for the compulsory labor of children, the fault is on the parents.” Exactly. And the fault of the parents on whom?
“In Ireland,” continues this orator, “there is no competition, and yet poverty is extreme.”
On this point M. Passy’s ordinary logic has been betrayed by an extraordinary lack of memory. In Ireland there is a complete, universal monopoly of the land, and unlimited, desperate competition for farms. Competition-monopoly are the two balls which unhappy Ireland drags, one after each foot.
When the economists are tired of accusing human nature, the greed of parents, and the turbulence of radicals, they find delectation in picturing the felicity of the proletariat. But there again they cannot agree with each other or with themselves; and nothing better depicts the anarchy of competition than the disorder of their ideas.
Today the wife of the workingman dresses in elegant robes which in a previous century great ladies would not have disdained. — M. Chevalier: Lecture 4.
And this is the same M. Chevalier who, according to his own calculation, estimates that the total national income would give thirteen cents a day to each individual. Some economists even reduce this figure to eleven cents. Now, as all that goes to make up the large fortunes must come out of this sum, we may accept the estimate of M. de Morogues that the daily income of half the French people does not exceed five cents each.
“But,” continues M. Chevalier, with mystical exaltation, “does not happiness consist in the harmony of desires and enjoyments, in the balance of needs and satisfactions? Does it not consist in a certain condition of soul, the conditions of which it is not the function of political economy to prevent, and which it is not its mission to engender? This is the work of religion and philosophy.”
Economist, Horace would say to M: Chevalier, if he were living at the present day, attend simply to my income, and leave me to take care of my soul: Det vitam, det opes; oequum mi animum ipse parabo.
M. Dunoyer again has the floor:
It would be easy, in many cities, on holidays, to confound the working class with the bourgeois class [why are there two classes?], so fine is the dress of the former. No less has been the progress in nourishment. Food is at once more abundant, more substantial, and more varied. Bread is better everywhere. Meat, soup, white bread, have become, in many factory towns, infinitely more common than they used to be. In short, the average duration of life has been raised from thirty-five years to forty.
Farther on M. Dunoyer gives a picture of English fortunes according to Marshall. It appears from this picture that in England two million five hundred thousand families have an income of only two hundred and forty dollars. Now, in England an income of two hundred and forty dollars corresponds to an income of one hundred and forty-six dollars in our country, which, divided between four persons, gives each thirty-six dollars and a half, or ten cents a day. That is not far from the thirteen cents which M. Chevalier allows to each individual in France: the difference in favor of the latter arises from the fact that, the progress of wealth being less advanced in France, poverty is likewise less. What must one think of the economists’ luxuriant descriptions or of their figures?
“Pauperism has increased to such an extent in England,” confesses M. Blanqui, “that the English government has had to seek a refuge in those frightful work-houses”....
As a matter of fact, those pretended work-houses, where the work consists in ridiculous and fruitless occupations, are, whatever may be said, simply torture-houses. For to a reasonable being there is no torture like that of turning a mill without grain and without flour, with the sole purpose of avoiding rest, without thereby escaping idleness.
“This organization [the organization of competition],” continues M. Blanqui, “tends to make all the profits of labor pass into the hands of capital.... It is at Reims, at Mulhouse, at Saint-Quentin, as at Manchester, at Leeds, at Spitalfields, that the existence of the workers is most precarious”....
Then follows a frightful picture of the misery of the work-ers. Men, women, children, young girls, pass before you, starved, blanched, ragged, wan, and wild. The description ends with this stroke:
The workers in the mechanical industries can no longer supply recruits for the army.
It would seem that these do not derive much benefit from M. Dunoyer’s white bread and soup.
M. Villerme regards the licentiousness of young working girls as inevitable. Concubinage is their customary status; they are entirely subsidized by employers, clerks, and students. Although as a general thing marriage is more attractive to the people than to the bourgeoisie, there are many proletaires, Malthusians without knowing it, who fear the family and go with the current. Thus, as workingmen are flesh for cannon, workingwomen are flesh for prostitution: that explains the elegant dressing on Sunday. After all, why should these young women be expected to be more virtuous than their mistresses?
M. Buret, crowned by the Academy:
I affirm that the working class is abandoned body and soul to the good pleasure of industry.
The same writer says elsewhere:
The feeblest efforts of speculation may cause the price of bread to vary a cent a pound and more: which represents $124,100 for thirty-four million men.
I may remark, in passing, that the much-lamented Buret regarded the idea of the existence of monopolists as a popular prejudice. Well, sophist! monopolist or speculator, what matters the name, if you admit the thing?
Such quotations would fill volumes. But the object of this treatise is not to set forth the contradictions of the economists and to wage fruitless war upon persons. Our object is loftier and worthier: it is to unfold the System of Economical Contradictions, which is quite a different matter. Therefore we will end this sad review here; and, before concluding, we will throw a glance at the various means proposed whereby to remedy the inconveniences of competition.
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crosstheveil · 9 months
Anthroposophy: Lucifer, Ahriman, Christ
"Lucifer" is a spiritualizing force of temptation and distraction that brings higher knowledge, freedom, unrestrained creative exploration, and the dissolution of structure. Following him is a path of depersonalization, foregoing personal history and possessions, spiritual bypassing, overindulging in fantasy and mythology, change for the sake of change, anarchy, delusion, false ideologies, seeing the world as an illusion with no real value, retreating from life, hedonistic confusion of what maximizes enjoyment and states of ecstasy or mania with what is divine; the desires, passions, and aspirations that lend to overreaching ambition or hubris. He motivates us to find bliss (lifted from the weight of physical existence) by chasing anything that excites or voices itself from spirit in spite of lacking the ability to discern (regressing into animal nature) where those impulses are coming from, leaving us in a perpetual state of wandering aimlessly with infinite potential.
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"Ahriman" is a materializing force of deception and lies that reduces things into forms and processes of physics that can be preserved in one differentiated state. Following him is a path of developing an overly analytical and mechanistic worldview, scientism, dogma/orthodoxy, reluctance to change, not being able to see beyond genetics, consumerism and commodification, acquisition of wealth, rationalism, weaponized intellectualism, becoming cold and dehumanized with a lack of empathy and compassion or any emotional depth; the fear, doubt, and pessimism rooted in material concerns such as survival, loss, and limitation. He motivates us to keep our essence contained in the physical realm (immortalize the body) by making us more like a machine (transhuman), looking for the solution to every problem through more effective systems of technology and surveillance, developing algorithms to recognize patterns and make predictions on a massive scale (artificial intelligence), and determining your value based solely on social credit. 
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"Christ" is the harmonizing solar force that balances the Luciferic and Ahrimanic impulse. Jesus himself was an advanced soul that carried the essence of Christ to perform a ritual that changed humanity by his sacrifice. When Christ incarnated to serve this purpose, it allowed for humanity to ascend out of matter into the kingdom of Heaven represented by the soul. Through the essence of Christ, we attain a natural sense of morality and we’re able to evolve by working from within ourselves to develop a conscience and see clearly. This Christ consciousness rests in the heart chakra, a center of truth. Unless we are centered in the heart, we’re not truly participating in life. We find balance by grounding spirituality, refining the knowledge received from spirit, aligning our ego with the truth of our soul and using that to serve others in a more meaningful way, realizing our physical body as a temple of the divine.
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Without Christ consciousness, we fall under the influence of Lucifer or Ahriman and worship them as God. These forces then become parasitic and feed on our potential as individuals by draining and misdirecting our essence to serve them.
The names of these entities are ways of identifying forces at play that are higher cosmic impulses which drive and personify through us to greater or lesser extents at different phases of our evolution. Our consciousness is seen as a vessel which carries these impulses but the force itself transcends its personification. We may or may not be aware of the spiritual forces that are acting upon us but it’s only by learning what we can about their essence that we can start using them to transform ourselves.
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dragonmaiden39point5 · 10 months
You don't have to read this to enjoy the story, but here is some background about the set up of my world and the rules that I've set for myself to (try to) abide by as I write. This is for my Professor Shang Tsung story idk if it's written anywhere in here.
💚🐍💀🔥 Locations.
The idea is that magic coexists with the science of this world but, science is more accessible because not everyone has great magical ability. (Reader) is a part of the generation of youth that's been making the two worlds intermingle.
The continents of this world are:
The Netherrealm ☠️is replaced by Otherrealm which is the place that most people go when they die.
Elderrealm/Alterrealm☁️ will stand in place of The Heavens as the place where all deities and pantheons reside. People who abide by their god's rules are allowed into their 'alter-pockets' instead of the standard afterlife in Otherrealm. These are the pocket dimensions owned by the individual deities that have enough power to make them.
Dreamrealm 💤is a plane of the mind.
💚🐍💀🔥 Geography.
Outworld👑 and Earthrealm are connected in a similar fashion like Europe and Asia are, with Earthrealm being the smaller part and connected to Outworld but divided by mountain ranges.
Earthrealm🌍 is like a pangea version of our modern map, Outworld is the map from Deception with the land masses combined.
Sea Realm🌊 is like the Polynesian islands, except the volcanoes from which their islands spawn tend to be massive shield volcanoes.
LightRealm's☄️ continent floats mostly in the sky over open water. There is a mountain range out north west of Earthrealm that you have to climb to reach its lowest floating isles. As the isles get higher up, they get further out, and bigger, until you reach the actual LightRealm mainland/continent. There are 4-7 smaller isles that lead up to it.
ChaosRealm⚔️, also known as the Anarchy Region, is distant from the Earthrealm/Outworld landmass and stationed right on the curve of the globe. Before the times of anarchy, the lands were referred to as Ra's Eye, because its position leaves it in near permanent sunlight. Its shape is as depicted by the Deception map.
Seido ⚙️is a broad flat slab, of raised land in the middle of the ocean, located right on the equator. It always has exactly 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. It also maintains its Deception map format.
Otherrealm, Alterrealm, and Dreamrealm hold no specific physical location or landscape.
💚🐍💀🔥 History.
🌍Earthrealm's history is a very prosperous, well-rounded one. All the continents as we know them are much closer together. There have been many civil wars etc, with everything being so close but it has settled nicely. A multitude of different cultural provinces sprung up according to magical specialties, as with everywhere else. They are home to the Technomagical convergence. Quite a few of the people who wanted to create Seido came from here.
☄️Lightrealm was connected to Earthrealm ages ago, but through some unknown force either natural or magical, the connecting land was destroyed. It is well known that they prefer their privacy and the magic that keeps it in the sky is completely undisclosed and hidden to the masses. Maintained by their oligarchy, the magicians there are bred to live posh, soft lives so that their magic can flourish without any one class of people becoming overwhelmed. They are vacation and relaxation capital of the world and their floating isles have untold luxuries.
☄️Generations ago, Arnyek was located atop the plateau where Seido currently is. The landmass was even bigger, having rolling hills with impressive Kytinn hives. However, after becoming over-populated and attempting to wage war with the Dragon Kingdom of Outworld, the wrath of Great Dragon King Onaga I was provoked. In his fury and a final hail mary to end a war that spanned 3 decades, he summoned all the strength of his life force and struck the landmass with a meteor. Due to the sheer size and power of the meteor Arnyek was leveled and over half was sunken and swallowed by the sea. The Kytinn as a whole were eradicated with the exception of the few who escaped scattering across the globe. All that was left of Arnyek was a barren crescent shape on the ocean. The leading practical magicians and tech moguls of the world came together to use the 'Sea Crescent' as a jumping off point to build the man-made Gear of Seido.
🌊SeaRealm's people are known as some of the oldest living species other than the Dragons and the Edenians. They also have the most vast population. No republic, political entity, or warmonger in any recently recorded history has ever attempted to wage war with or steal their resources. Not only do they keep all water sources across the world in balance, but they also do not sink any sailing or submerged vessels *by choice*. They've always lived a pacifist lifestyle, though there was a single ambiguous incident in the past; An ancient Outworld leader that predates even the first Dragon King took a fleet of 1,000 of his largest vessels with the hopes of plundering the treasures known to be hidden in SeaRealm. Every single one vanished without a trace. The name of the King and his vessels was lost to history, but his stupidity was not. SeaRealm didn't even acknowledge *whatever* happened and never discontinued trade or penalized anyone Outworld. That perhaps, told the world all they needed to know.
⚔️The Anarchy Region, aka ChaosRealm is in a permanent power struggle and civil war. The original Sun Kingdom once lived peacefully and was home to the Osh-Tekk, the Centaurians, the Tarkatans, and the Shokan. Things were thrown into turmoil when insurgents between the four groups began levying for power. As the war worsened, those residents who weren't willing to die for a cause that they had no say in, relocated to Outworld as refugees.
👑Outworld Republic is run by the monarchs of several royal families. They have had a peace covenant that served to keep up the highly lucrative trading agreements in place. They were once similar to ChaosRealm in that their nations lived in permanent turmoil, but due to the rise and reign of Great Dragon King Onaga I, a campaign for peace was enforced instead. Dragon King Onaga I is referred to as 'The Great', because he is the diplomat who spoke to all of Outworld's leaders to initiate peace. His generations have since continued to help maintain peace as respected leaders of the Dragon Nation.
💚🐍💀🔥 Demographics.
🌍Earthrealm: 60% Human, 40% Other. Species come from across the globe to learn about Technology. They have more Kytinn refugees than any other location. Fluctuating population, favoring slow increase.
👑Outworld Republic: Is just a blanket term for the multiple harmonious societies that reside there.
Edenians, Vampires, Naknadan, Osh-Tekk, Tarkatan, Shokan, Dragons, Centaurians, and Saurians all live in multi-cultural regions. Since peace has been in effect, so has open travel. The amount of each group is hard to ascertain. There are also many mixed sub groups; Shaurkan, NaknaVamp, Tark-Oshtekk etc. They are all classed as Outworlder. Like Earthrealm, fluctuating population.
☄️LightRealm: Marriage to a native LightRealmer is mandatory for non-tourist, non-restrictive, residence here, hence the lowered percent of other. The residents of LightRealm refer to LightRealm as Apollus and themselves as Apollites (think Apollo from Greek mythology). 70% Apollite, 20% Oni, Edenian, Human, Geo-Elementals specifically, 10% Other. Stable population.
🌊SeaRealm: They are perhaps the most biodiverse group, but refer to themselves as only one name: the Amanzi. All who go with peace and love in their hearts to live and work there are considered Amanzi as well. Their actual total population is unknown, but they receive anywhere from a quarter to half a million emigrants per year. Increasing population.
⚔️ChaosRealm: Another region that has no confirmed headcount. An estimated 65% percent of the population has either left or died trying. The remaining stubborn warriors and officials are of course Centaurians, Shokan, Osh-Tekk, and Tarkatan. Declining population.
⚙️Seido: Many people work and live here, but it's more of an organized invention and manufacturing haven. Population exactly 1,000,000.
💚🐍💀🔥 Culture.
🌍🌍Earthrealm produces the least amount of magically inclined people and as a result invented technology to grow alongside magic. They have long had inventions of pure technology that leveled the playing field for non-magicals. In the last hundred years or so, people have been advancing in both and making technology that runs off of magic or combination magic and standard supplies (oil, gas, electric etc.) Moving here to learn technology as a skill or trade is gradually becoming more common place. Magical and Non-magicals alike place high value on their lineage and skills. Extremely low divorce rate, and not getting married is in general not ideal unless you are in a *Non-Marital Union. Crime is low because if you commit one, your family as a whole will bear the costs. Every single income within the immediate bloodline will be garnished. Immediate bloodline is considered parents (and their siblings, plus your own brothers and sisters. Too many crimes or too severe a crime and your family will be presented with the option to legally disassociate/disown you. If this happens, they don't have to keep paying but they will be unable to visit you in jail or prison custody once sentencing hearings are over.
👑👑Outworld is the largest and most diverse of all the continents on the planet. Its people live in an ever growing era of prosperity, maintained by the royal families that reside there. House of Dragon, House of Eden, House of Blood, and House of Saurus are the four major royal houses in their part of the world. Their capitals are named Draconus, Edenia, Vaeternus, and Zaterra. Draconus, also known as "Fruit of the Dragon" is home to Onaga X, a descendant and successor of the original Outworld ruler. Edenia is run by Argus, a deity who gave up his godhood to live among mortals and lead the people, and his wife Fire Prophetess Delia the most talented clairvoyant currently living. Vaeternus is matrilineal and run by not one queen but a unit of about 2 dozen. They communicate telepathically and run a tight ship, with the best schools for blood magic being there. Zaterra is run by a sole Queen, but she is very reclusive and only interacts through her trusted proxies. There are several other species that are governed by lower chiefs and leaders. Across Outworld, intermarrying and international travel and schooling are all greatly encouraged. Art, metal work, and craftsmanship are the most valued type of work here. Growth and prosperity, without war means that there is no poverty, low disease, and no homelessness. Wealth is pretty common, but classism and caste systems can definitely cause social conflict.
☄️☄️LightRealm, (known to inhabitants as Apollus) is very different from the other realms due to its geographic anomalies. There are hanging gardens and reverse waterfalls that are controlled by dark magic. Although, known as LightRealm to non-natives, the people of Apollus teach the importance of balance through light and dark magic. It got its name because light magic is its most visible trait, but the mechanics of dark magics such as gravity and atmospheric magic makes it possible for them to live their lives. They prioritize decadence and encourage community sharing responsibilities. That's how everything is maintained; they all live in clusters of farms and clean up together, which makes it easier. Food, water, clothing, and shelter are all free for natives but the tourist locations are extremely costly. They want to keep war and conflict out of their lifestyle, which means to them, limiting how many non-natives can come and live and make decisions as part of their community units. Leisure, such as massages, bath houses, and fine dining are a norm and are the highest paying professions when performed for those foreign to the land. Communal though they may be, when it comes to outsiders they are very guarded. It's not easy to marry into a LightRealm family, which is required for citizenship. It's not frowned upon, but there will be a lot of people to answer to; As they are community driven they don't take kindly to outsiders trying to push into their lifestyles and governing body, especially when marriage is used to do so. If you should violate a LightRealm marriage covenant you could full well be exiled and denied further access to the entire land. With that said, they have no such involvement in the affairs of long-term residents and expats who are from elsewhere.
🌊🌊Most pure-blood SeaRealmers are semi-aquatic and spend a great deal of time under the water, whereas those who are mixed with land faring species populate the coasts and low-lying lands only. Should a volcanic eruption begin to pose a threat, the demi-god Blaze can quell the volcano and keep the people safe. They revere him there, for both the life giving essence and destructive power of the volcano. Any and everyone is welcome and as a result they have the fast growing population anywhere. Because of their peaceful stance on all issues and their water cleaning and waste management initiatives, they are allowed free residence in all parts of the world, even ChaoRealm before it plunged into perpetual war.
⚔️⚔️The Anarchy Region has no culture. A bloody war of who is the strongest of the four legendary warrior species (and a few forgotten sub-species) is all that takes place. Before, When it was the Sun Kingdom, they all grew and ate drought tolerant plants, hunted in the wastelands, and worshipped in the mountains. The presence of a tropical jungles around the coasts provided biodiversity in fruit, veggies, and a fast-multiplying invasive hog species that served as an excellent protein source that prevented over-fishing. The only thing known about the insurgent groups that sprung up, is that they feel that only the strong deserve to rule and hosted/encouraged underground tournaments in which people fought to the death like in the Old Days.
⚙️⚙️The Gear of Seido, aka Orderrealm is a giant techlab that hosts engineers and mathematicians who are dedicated to solving major world mysteries and creating products that enhance people's lives. The finest minds in the world both live and work here, and it is NOT easy to get in. Certain colleges pay for tours and internships here year round but even that doesn't guarantee entry. The entire population is split evenly for each demographic; sex, species, age group, and education level etc. Everyone literally gets the exact same housing and access to resources.
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ginnyzero · 7 months
Just a reminder, I am a published indie author. You can find me on AMAZON as Ginny O. (Alas if I give a link no one will see it.)
Tales of the Heaven's Heathens: (Cozy Werewolf Biker Drama)
Gideon Vonrothe is looking for a new werewolf pack and he finds Heaven's Heathens motorcycle club. The club's main source of income is security work, and in order to prospect in, he's "apprenticed" to the second in command, Savannah Barker; 5'2", can pick her up one handed, and he's not stupid enough to call her cute. (Even if he thinks she's cute.) There's always something going on with the Heathens that ends up with an explosion. And he's got five years to figure out if he wants to make this permanent.
Book 1: Gideon Arrives, his first job rescuing a doctor and aftermath Book 2: Western Style Horse Protection Job goes Wrong Book 3: Savannah's tasked to stop some smugglers with a car chase. Slice of life, found family, adventure, slow burn (I mean it) romance, Sons of Anarchy Meets the Expendables. Thwarting Expectations: (Sword and Sorcery Fractured Fairy Tales)
Dawn Trilogy: Princess Roxana was cursed as a baby, taken by one of the witches and raised to help others with their curses. Now, she wants to get rid of her own before it crashes down on her or kills the entire countryside. She's running out of witches to check in the area and there's one causing trouble just as she needs it. Will this witch be the one? Will she and her dragon sidekick figure this out in time? Will she be able to thwart the curse and still take her expected place as the queen of a new nation?
Fairy tales, Buddy comedy, adventure, intelligent dragons, Mercedes Lackey 500 Kingdoms where the main character carries a sword. More werewolves.
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sevenciircles · 1 year
a new dawn
The sobs wracked through her as she laid against her bed, hair messy and eyes bloodshot.
He had destroyed everything. Everything she had ever worked for. It came in flashes to her even weeks after it had happened. The thunder crackling, the eye appearing in the sky, the smokey haze of red as her hopes and dreams came crumbling down. More than just the Hotel, with the destruction symbolizing just how much she had lost.
The argument between Charlie and her Father had been biblical. The Princess having thrown everything at him in a haze. With her highly emotional state, it was no struggle for the King to defeat the Princess. The Hotel remained destroyed, her friends forbidden from contacting her, her duties as a Princess to come before anything else in her life.
Redemption was supposed to be a phase. An experiment that was doomed to fail. Something to show her that those who came to Hell were truly unredeemable. That she couldn't fix it. That she had to enjoy what she had, the unbridled power she was afforded.
Only, Charlie had succeeded.
One sinner, a newer resident at the Hotel, had been drawn up into the sky in a shining bright light display, demon form shattering like glass to reveal a beautiful angelic one.
It was everything she could have ever hoped for.
When the mortal soul left his realm, Lucifer had been summoned.
Charlie knew that her Father didn't believe in her, in her dream, but what he did...
Destroying her Hotel, forbidding the redemption of souls by Royal Decree. For if Hell became empty of sinners or those who knew that they could go to heaven... there would be anarchy. People would underestimate the Morningstar power. Their absolute authority.
Those who witnessed it...
Snuffed out.
Like a candle that had been pinched between two fingers. What was there, was not.
So Charlie wept, not just for her dream. But for all of Hell. Who lay unaware that redemption was possible, that a better way was possible, but was prevented by something as finite as power.
Charlie hiccuped, wiping her tears as she hyperventilated, not able to catch her breath. But she did manage to quell her sobs into silent tears that stained her cheeks as she rose up.
Looking at herself in the mirror... it really was eerie how much she looked like her Father.
Charlie picked up a hairbrush and threw it at the mirror, the shattering glass feeling like something had broken within her.
Almost as soon as she did it, she regretted it. Anger would never solve anything. She sighed, reaching down to pick up the mirror shards when she sliced her hand on an unseen piece. Dropping the shard, she clenched her wrist as she winced and looked at the black blood that stood out stark against her pale skin.
For some reason, the blood hypnotized her. She had seen her Father bleed once, too. He had been pierced by a weapon, the opposite of a holy weapon, a pure demonic one. One forged from the very depths of Hell. A Fallen Angel was still an Angel after all.
Could she really...?
Charlie crossed over to her window, throwing up the balcony doors and looked out at the streets. She saw so much from her castle window. People starving in the streets, victims piling up, victimizers getting away with it all. This was what her Father was preserving. Protecting. This was what he wanted to rule over. A chaotic den of wickedness that had no hope of redemption. Because the once shaker of the status quo couldn't reject what he had worked for.
Her Father had created a new kingdom, one to spite his Father. God. Something that he had succeeded in. The opposite of Eden, the opposite of Hell. Instead of a place of mercy and love, it was vile and cruelty. Where people were forced to suffer for mistakes they could atone for, where those who were truly awful lived on top.
It was wrong.
As the blood dripped from her hand... Charlie looked at the city that was only representative of the larger problem.
Sometimes there was no changing something that was broken so deeply. There was only creating something better, newer. Less broken. A new era that would be to everyone's benefit.
Charlie was aware that deep down, her Father must have thought the same thing. But where he had fallen into the same trap of those before him, Charlie wouldn't. He sought the subjugation of souls, Charlie would liberate them.
So the blood dripped onto the railing, and Charlie made a promise.
One she would not break.
If the system couldn't exist the way it was, then she'd fix it. She'd do whatever it took for her people, for their souls. They had laughed at her, scorned her, destroyed her. Well, Charlie would show them all. She'd show them all a path to a better life, she'd show them that what they had wasn't all there was.
She'd show them a new dawn.
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In the end, Charlie really did still think they looked alike.
She had his cheeks, his hair, his smile...
His blood.
The Court stood to the sides, too stunned to approach her. The bloody, beaten Princess who had spent a year preparing for this.
Her red eyes stared at what was once her Father as his eyes slowly lost more and more of their light. A blade of pure hatred and sin sticking out of his heart. A blade that Charlie had put there. She had looked into his eyes as he fell, and held his hand as he exhaled his last breath.
Where would he go? Charlie didn't know.
But she knew everyone there was wondering a different question.
What would she do?
Charlie stood up, blood dripping from her mouth, the same blood that painted the floors of the throne room. Her hands seemingly dyed black.
She looked to the Court, to the witnesses who had seen her act of defiance. Her ultimate rebellion.
On the eve of Extermination, King Lucifer and Queen Lilith were no more.
Charlie let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
Between the two bodies of the ones who had given her angelic and demon blood in equal measure. They had birthed their own defeat.
But their act of destruction and hubris had what created their end.
However, there end was Charlie's beginning.
Reaching down, she gripped the cool metal of her Father's crown. Heavy, but not as heavy as it had been when she tried it on as a child.
She placed the crown on her own head, and she wasn't alarmed that it fit her perfectly.
She was born to do this.
Charlie walked towards the throne, and no one attempted to stop her. In fact, as she passed, the Court all bent to one knee. Heads bowed.
Charlie sat down on her Father's throne, no longer feeling his shadow over her or his blood coursing through her veins.
It was her blood. Her kingdom. Her power.
Charlie looked at the red glowing coming in from the stained glass, and she knew that the citizen of Hell would be awakening to an Extermination that would never come.
They would soon echo the words of the Court as she settled onto the throne, still covered in blood.
"All Hail Queen Morningstar! All Hail Queen Charlotte!"
Charlie looked at the sun that was rising, and a smile graced her lips.
It was a new dawn.
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Why It Made Sense for the Dai LI to Follow Azula
One of the major complaints that fans often have about ATLA is the fact that the Dai Li decided to follow Azula, a 14 year old girl whose only allies at the time where her two non-bending friends, when logically they should have either continued to stay loyal to Long Feng or try to ingrain themselves with Kuei while also staying loyal to their country.
But I think if we look past the surface facts and omniscient third person viewpoint that we, the viewers, have, the Dai Li definitely made the right decision to betray their country, their king, and Long Feng in favor of Azula.
For what probably happened was that the Dai Li had long realized that it was a matter of time before the Fire Nation took over Ba Sing Se considering it got breached three times in less than five years: Iroh’s siege, The Drill, and the Dangerous Ladies pretending to be the Kyoshi Warriors.
Not to mention Sozin’s Comet was coming, and so it was likely Ozai, who is just as cruel and evil as Sozin, would have used it to burn down the largest remaining resisting nation.
And combined with the fact that Kuei, with the support of the Gaang, had just started to take back power, they had five options: (1) continue to support Long Feng and attempt to put him on the throne; (2) support the Gaang’s invasion plan before either getting stripped of their power or facing jail time for their crimes; (3) support the Gaang’s invasion plan, and, in the event that the Gaang’s plan fails, watch the Earth Kingdom get burned to the ground by the Fire Nation while they probably get tortured for going against the Fire Princess at a key moment; (4) attempt to jail the Dangerous Ladies and use them as hostages or brainwash them and have them infiltrate the Fire Nation; (5) or join Azula and get to keep power by virtue of being her right-hand goons.
In regards to option 1, even if they manage to eliminate Kuei and the Gaang, or at least make them accept Long Feng as ruler, which is a tall task considering the Gaang’s revulsion towards the Dai Li’s mass mind rape campaign, their combat prowess, and the fact that Long Feng murdered Jet in front of them, Long Feng has no legitimacy, nor will he ever be able to gain it.
For Long Feng is heavily implied to have come from a commoner’s bloodline, and thus can’t appeal to tradition, or the mandate of heaven/the divine right to rule, like Kuei and Azula can, no one outside of the Dai Li or Ba Sing Se’s insular elite knows him, and he lacks popular support due to his relative anonymity, something that will get compounded once his crimes become public knowledge thanks to the Gaang if the Dai Li don’t manage to kill all of them quickly.
Thus, the Earth Kingdom is liable to break out into civil war, and thus become easy pickings for the Fire Nation, with all of them getting tortured for going against the Fire Princess in a key moment.
For even though the circumstances were different, the moment the Earth Queen Hou-Ting was assassinated by the Red Lotus, the Earth Kingdom devolved into a state of anarchy that only ended when Kuvira and her men forcibly brought the warlords and roving bands violently to heel while also using their advanced technology and wealth of resources to provide aid to struggling Earth Kingdomers, thereby gaining their support.
And clearly, Long Feng and Dai Li are incapable of replicating Kuvira’s cult of personality and don’t have access to advanced technology or the resources necessary to bring everyone in the Earth Kingdom under their heel, peacefully or violently.
For if they could, wouldn’t they have already installed Long Feng on the throne and won the Hundred Year War already?
In regards to option 2, even if they rejected both Long Feng and Azula and helped the Gaang successful implement Sokka’s invasion plan, therefore bringing the Hundred Year War to a relatively peaceful end, do you really think that they thought that they would have been able to keep operating as the nigh-all-powerful spy network that they had become under Long Feng and/or that they would have not faced punishment for their myriad of vile crimes?
Or do you think they thought that even if they helped the invasion plan go through smoothly they would have been stripped of their power and/or severely punished?
Especially since Kuei had expressed anger for essentially being lied to his entire life by the Dai Li, and the fact that the Gaang has a reputation of being literal social justice warriors?
(Any spy network worth their salt would have found out about the Gaang’s adventures and good deeds.)
In regards to option 3, even though Sokka’s plan seemed fool-proof, there was always the chance that it could fail.
For even if they managed to get to the palace unimpeded, what is not to say that Ozai wouldn’t have used one of his numerous hidden tunnels/rooms/passages to hide until his firebending returned, or that one of guards in Caldera City after seeing the invasion force wouldn’t have been able to send a messenger hawk to Ozai that would reach him well before the invasion force did (did you see how fast those guards who saw Aang and his arrows during The Beach were able to send a messenger hawk, and how fast said hawk was traveling?), and thus prompt him to hide till his bending returned?
(Any component spy network would realize that any well designed palace would have numerous, quickly accessible hiding spots only known to the royals living in it in the case that the royals needed to hide from any domestic or foreign attackers.)
For I know this is years later, but despite having fully realized Aang and Toph at various times at the palace, there are still numerous hidden tunnels, rooms, and passages that Zuko and his guards are not aware of, with the only real plausible explanations, in my opinion, being that they didn’t think to use their seismic senses to map out the passages and tunnels because they forgot, or because they are unable to.
Therefore, if Aang and Toph behave like the older canon counterparts do, and the Dai Li have no evidence to support the idea that Aang and Toph would not make mistakes in the heat of battle when they have to choose who to follow, it is very easy to see the invasion force not being able to find Ozai before the eclipse ends, and thus they all get slaughtered unless Aang has mastered the Avatar State by that point.
For Ozai is likely able to kill Aang before his reflexive Avatar State kicks in thanks to his quick charge lightning.
Not to mention the Dai Li, at the moment they had to choose between Long Feng, Azula, and Kuei, had no idea that Aang could master the Avatar State like that.
And before someone tries to argue that the invasion force in this timeline would be a lot bigger, and thus it would be impossible for the force to lose once they get inside the palace, I don’t think that would be the case considering the Earth Kingdom has such poor logistics that, despite their larger amount of resources and people, they were losing to an increasingly overspread invading force.
Also, if the invasion force was large enough, the Fire Nation would have seen the suspect naval movements, and therefore would have likely beefed up their security to the point that it would have been hard to send in large amounts of troops to Caldera City, even with their secret weapon, the submarines, being unknown to the Fire Nation.
Not to mention they would not have enough waterbenders to pilot enough submarines to carry all the troops considering the small size of the Foggy Swamp Tribe, and the fact that Sokka did not think his father would be able to convince the Northern Water Tribe to help in the canon timeline, despite Sokka’s invasion plan being the best shot pre-Sozin’s Comet at ending the war .
(The above has to be the explanation of why Sokka didn’t ask for any Northern Water Tribe waterbenders to help the invasion, or else why would Sokka half-ass what is the most important thing he will ever do in his life as far as he knows?)
Thus, either they die in the failed invasion, or, if they live and/or where back home, they can do nothing as the Fire Nation probably uses Sozin Comet to end the war while also retaliating against the Earth Kingdom for supporting the invasion.
And in the very small likelihood they survive all of that, they probably end up getting tortured (ex. being sent to the Boiling Rock) for daring to go against the Fire Nation when they, in the form of its Princess, offered the Dai Li a chance to peacefully join them and their goal of spreading “propensity”.
And before anyone says torture is not Ozai or Azula’s style, Ozai disfigured his own son and had a policy of putting enemy POWs in Fire Nation armor while having them fight in the front lines.
Meanwhile, while this does take place after the coup, Azula made it a point in Suki Alone to taunt Suki about the conditions she would face in the Boiling Rock in an effort to break her. And it would not be crazy to assume that Suki was not the first person Azula personally sent to prison to break considering the active and trusted role Azula had in her father’s regime.
(I personally don’t think Azula's mission to capture Zuko and Iroh was the first time her father trusted her with an important task related to ruling, but that is not the focus of this post).
So the Dai Li would not be wrong in assuming that Ozai and/or Azula would be willing to torture them if they defied the Fire Nation and got their hands on the Dai Li afterwards.
In regards to option 4, while it would be more politically expedient to take down the Dangerous Ladies and use them, especially Princess Azula, as a bargaining chip to sue for peace against the Fire Nation, or brainwash them and turn them into sleeper agents, that only works if you can capture them in the first place.
And that is not really possible considering how Mai and Ty Lee are platoon busters (ex. how easily they took out Terra Team) and Azula is implied to be vastly above the two in terms of combat prowess, meaning that any attempt to capture the Dangerous Ladies would end poorly for the Dai Li.
Also, even in the very unlikely event that they managed to capture the Dangerous Ladies, what would make the Dai Li think that Ozai would care, or, if they brainwashed them and sent them to Fire Nation, he would not kill them all for failing him?
For any component spy network would have found out that Ozai burned and disinherited his loyal son because of Zuko’s “weakness”, or that Ozai has a history of banishing those who fail him (ex. Vachir), so why would Ozai act any differently towards the Dangerous Ladies considering in this timeline they failed to capture Zuko, Iroh, or any Gaang member on top of their failure to protect The Drill, and then ghosting him for a long time due to being mind raped by the Dai Li?
“But what about the Gaang? Or Zuko? Weren’t they able to fight the Dangerous Ladies to a standstill at various times during Season 2?”
Yeah, but doesn’t change my conclusion because Season 2 Gaang are casual platoon busters as well considering how easily they fought through the Earth Kingdom Royal Palace’s defenses, and how Aang was able to take out at least a dozen Fire Nation ships filled with soldiers despite only knowing air and waterbending during The Siege of The North. And in regards to Zuko, he was able to take on a group of professional soldiers almost entirely with just his swords despite starving during Zuko Alone, and yet he is vastly below Azula for most of S2.
And before someone tries to say that the Gaang or the Dangerous Ladies are not meant to be platoon busters, consider the facts that: Rebound!Mai was able to solo a New Ozai hideout with Tom Tom strapped on her back without getting any massive power increases or undergoing heavy training; Azula most likely killed or knocked out everyone in her asylum when she broke the Fire Warriors out; and the fact that Azula fodderized Mai in Smoke & Shadow despite Azula noticing that Mai’s knife throwing skills have gotten better.
So it seems pretty clear that the Dai Li would never been able to take the Dangerous Ladies, and even when Azula finds herself alone with the Dai Li, like when Long Feng tried to have her arrested, it is clear that Azula could have killed them all if came down it, something that must been painfully clear to the Dai Li.
“But Iroh surrendered during the climax of The Crossroads of Destiny.”
He clearly wasn’t exerting himself and probably did not want to kill Zuko, or even Azula (Iroh could have killed Azula several times beforehand but didn’t), since they would have probably fought him to the death as far as he knew. Hence, why he only fought to ensure that Katara got away with Aang’s body so Azula couldn’t double tap, and why he surrendered once that objective was achieved.
Besides, if he really wanted to fight, how come he didn’t use his advanced techniques like breathing fire or shooting quick charge lightning, both of which he used earlier during the day when he and Zuko were escaping from the Dai Li?
So that leaves us with option 5 being the only acceptable option to the Dai Li considering the circumstances and their knowledge at the time.
For the Dai Li is first and foremost a spy bureaucracy with no sense of honor, no fucks about their nation or fellow citizens, and a laser minded focus on keeping their privileges and power. And just before Azula’s coup, it looked like they were going to lose everything that mattered to them.
For a giant ass drill shows up a few days ago and almost penetrates their once thought to be impenetrable walls for the second time in five years; Omashu, one of the last remaining strongholds, is taken like less than a month ago with barely any resistance; and the Avatar not only exposed their mass mind raping campaign, but also is empowering their puppet ruler to actively cut off the strings for good.
Yet, when everything seems lost, not only is the Fire Princess out and about in their city, but also generously offers them to join her with no requirements other than helping her take over Ba Sing Se, and thus end the Hundred Year War with as little bloodshed as possible.
And while Azula’s offer might seem too good to be true, you have to put yourself in the Dai Li’s shoes and remember that the Dai Li are in on the big lie.
For they know about the war, about how the Fire Nation has taken over huge sections of the Earth Kingdom, and how it is only a matter of time before the Fire Nation takes over Ba Sing Se if they don’t use Sozin’s Comet to burn it to the ground in a show of force.
Thus, if the predominant, genocidal superpower of world says that they can avoid getting the shit kicked out of them like literally everyone else in their country, you can see why the Dai Li think it is a no brainer to take the offer.
Especially when by swearing allegiance to the heir, or future puppet master depending if Zuko ever “redeemed” himself, of the most powerful royal family on the planet with an established cult legitimizing their rule (ex. Azula’s “divine right to rule” comment, or how the Fire Nation indoctrinates it citizens, especially young kids, to view the Fire Lord as an infallible figure), they not only get more power over Ba Sing Se due to becoming Princess Azula’s right-hand henchmen, which becomes true since while Azula appoints a Joo Dee to be Supreme Bureaucratic Administrator of Ba Sing Se, the Dai Li control the Joo Dees, but also don’t have to deal with any pesky legitimacy issues that would arise if they tried to assert power directly, or by backing Long Feng.
Thus, the Dai Li made the best decision in regards to their self interest that they could have.
In fact, the only reason why it didn’t completely work out in their favor in the long run was because they probably didn’t expect there to be such strong resistance even after Ba Sing Se fell and Aang was presumed to be dead, or that Azula and Ozai would be so cracked as to genocide their own lands despite the massive loss of life and environmental damage that would ensure.
And of course, no one could have predicted Azula’s Sozin’s Comet meltdown, or the events leading up to it, that ended with them being banished from the Fire Nation.
For example, could anyone other than Iroh predict Zuko turning traitor, or that Mai and Ty Lee would commit high treason in such a fashion that it triggered the onset of Azula’s childhood schizo-??? disorder?
So to sum up, if we take a moment to analyze the situation from the Dai Li’s POV when Long Feng commanded them to arrest Azula, it is easy to understand why they chose Azula since it was the only way they could remain in control of Ba Sing Se.
For if you think about it, the only thing the Dai Li care about is control and power.
And who better to give it to them than Princess Azula, the personification of the Dai Li’s ideals as far as they know?
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sluttyhaecceities · 1 year
A woman is the image of God, just as a male St. Thomas Aquinas (Commentary on 1 Corinthians 11).
This is true actually the stuff about women being the rib of Adam is a mistranslation into greek of the Hebrew word tsela (צלע) which often was used figuratively to mean a side rather than what we would call a rib. This is the only place in the bible were tsela is translated so literally where 39 other places use it to mean and is translated as side.
Bible was so violently fucked in the council of nicaea, the more I hear of bible translation the more I understand that "Don't trust the council of Nicaea" graffiti
the council of nicea is the vanguard which canonised the Catholic order and determined which sects were heretical in order for the militarised forces of the Church to be able to start doing a counter revolutionary red terror against all Christian forces at the time which were against the seizure of the Roman state and centralisation of power
including putting down feminists and Christian sects explicitly stating that the kingdom of heaven can only be built via class struggle and the abolition of the classes and inciting slave rebellion
hence why the Catholic church since then crushed every "heresy" which dared to question the feudal and imperial orders and resulted in peasant rebellions as well as colonial uprisings
this however did not work in Latin America where too many Catholic priests became guilt ridden for their crimes against humanity and invented liberation theology in order to ease their colonial conscience leading to the last millenarian insurrection the world has seen in Brazil during the late 1800's.
first 300 years after Christ were theological anarchy prophecies were happening all over people formed communes and free federations and began to tear the Roman empire apart at the roots they just didn't call them by these modern terms
a similar revolutionary spring which formed a commune arose in Persia around zoroastrainism as the macedonian and empire began its conquests iirc
I think this all ties into augustinian theology, he went on a tirade against heresies such as gnosticism which did not seek to literally capture the Roman state and change all the liveries to Christian ones. Anything which did not preach a militant seizure of the class system in order to have it regulated by the Church (remember, only the pope could directly communicate with God…) was attacked
hence why Catholicism to this day preaches much charity. Its throwing crumbs to keep the class system going and unite all the classes under god, hence why the church supported every fascist government
look at that dumb eagle on your, money or presidential seals or whatever, shits all the same
the roman republic was about as democratic as the American republic in the sense that it absolutely fucking wasn't, and was backed with about just as much military up force pointed at everyone at all times
Law being the code unifying all power still being dictated in latin…
athens was probably the only remotely "democratic" state back then and even then it was democracy only for a certain class of male property owners who ere dominating the slaves, women and peasantry of the countryside and denying them any participation in social life
I was just thinking about the other day how the Romans made so many cultures and languages go extinct. Like white imperialism trial run, that was Alexander, that's why Greece is the ground of "the west". alexander the great was proto hitler
venice was a also democracy only in name tbh it was rabidly capitalistic nightmare and had multiple prole revolts lol
by capitalistic I mean like people kept trying to commodify land and create factory systems to shove proles in, same in florence
roman empire being empire had nothing to do with a monarch and everything to do with going on rabid conquest against every native tribe and culture and submitting them to the roman Legions
They rationalized most wars around the paranoia of eventually being attacked by its neighbours.
faggotry was born from roman/greek fascism as a way of big dudes claiming the little twinky weaklings and honestly every time I remember that I hate the cis fag assimilationists even more
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thoughtportal · 1 year
A kakistocracy (/kækɪˈstɒkrəsi/, /kækɪsˈtɒ-/) is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.[1]: 54 [2][3] The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.[4] Peter Bowler has noted in his book that there is no word for the government run by the best citizens,[a] and that the aristarchy may be the right term, but still, it could conceivably be a kakistocracy disguised as an aristocracy.[a]
The word is derived from two Greek words, kakistos (κάκιστος; worst) and kratos (κράτος; rule), with a literal meaning of government by the worst people.[5]
The earliest use of the word dates to the 17th century, in Paul Gosnold's A sermon Preached at the Publique Fast the ninth day of Aug. 1644 at St. Maries:[4]
Therefore we need not make any scruple of praying against such: against those Sanctimonious Incendiaries, who have fetched fire from heaven to set their Country in combustion, have pretended Religion to raise and maintaine a most wicked rebellion: against those Nero's, who have ripped up the wombe of the mother that bare them, and wounded the breasts that gave them sucke: against those Cannibal's who feed upon the flesh and are drunke with the bloud of their own brethren: against those Catiline's who seeke their private ends in the publicke disturbance, and have set the Kingdome on fire to rost their owne egges: against those tempests of the State, those restlesse spirits who can no longer live, then be stickling and medling; who are stung with a perpetuall itch of changing and innovating, transforming our old Hierarchy into a new Presbytery, and this againe into a newer Independency; and our well-temperd Monarchy into a mad kinde of Kakistocracy. Good Lord![6]
English author Thomas Love Peacock later used the term in his 1829 novel The Misfortunes of Elphin, in which he explains kakistocracy represents the opposite of aristocracy, as aristos (ἄριστος) means "excellent" in Greek.[7] In his 1838 Memoir on Slavery (which he supported), U.S. Senator William Harper compared kakistocracy to anarchy, and said it had seldom occurred:[8]
Anarchy is not so much the absence of government as the government of the worst—not aristocracy but kakistocracy—a state of things, which to the honor of our nature, has seldom obtained amongst men, and which perhaps was only fully exemplified during the worst times of the French revolution, when that horrid hell burnt with its most horrid flame. In such a state of things, to be accused is to be condemned—to protect the innocent is to be guilty; and what perhaps is the worst effect, even men of better nature, to whom their own deeds are abhorrent, are goaded by terror to be forward and emulous in deeds of guilt and violence.
American poet James Russell Lowell used the term in 1876, in a letter to Joel Benton, writing, "What fills me with doubt and dismay is the degradation of the moral tone. Is it or is it not a result of Democracy? Is ours a 'government of the people by the people for the people,' or a Kakistocracy rather, for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools?"[9]
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lumierecharity · 2 months
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Jesus was born into humble circumstances
Jesus was born in a stable. The Son of God experienced life as a refugee child in Egypt. As trade, Jesus learned carpentry from His foster-father Joseph. The life of Jesus unfolded as He faithfully performed the duties of youth at home. The Plan of God offered Jesus opportunity to carry out human tasks, as He engaged the greatest task in all the world - that of Messiah, our Redeemer. 
The Plan of God 
The Plan of God makes provision for us all to perform manifold small tasks of learning, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, humbling of personal pride and development of individual personality within society.  We are blessed with a patient God Who delights in our daily achievements and growth within our individual abilities and according to our personal talents with which the Almighty has gifted us.
When Jesus went to the desert for forty days and forty nights, He spent much time in prayer alone with the Father. Jesus was given the perfection of the fulness of the Law of the Kingdom to teach us. These words of Divine Law and wisdom are laid out in the Sermon on the Munt, and are there to set us spiritually free.
Do not judge, lest you yourself be judged
Jesus explained during the great Sermon that we are not to judge others. The Son of God teaches that we are not to notice a speck of sawdust in another's eye, when we have a full plank in our own. This carpenter's symbol illustrates how we may be alive to the faults of others, and oblivious of our own.
Jesus makes it quite clear that no-one is able to judge another. Only God knows the full facts about the other person, the painful history, the personal difficulties, the joys and tragedies and the mental and physical health problems which affect that individual. 
The person blessed with fine parents does not know the painful burden another with difficulties in heredity carries. The one brought up in a comfortable house, trained in the commandments of God from early youth, knows nothing about the temptations of another brought up parentless in a violent environment.
As we do not know the whole person, so, too, we are never wholly impartial. Only the perfectly faultless has the right to look for faults in others. As Jesus pointed out, none of us is without sin. We have enough to do to rectify our own lives without seeking censoriously to rectify the lives of other people.
The message of Jesus is clear; we must concentrate on remedying our own faults - a full-time job - and leave the faults of others to God. 
We are not the final court
This teaching is dependent upon common sense. Jesus is teaching us not to spend our lives searching out the faults of others, often in a spirit of schadenfreude. If we exercise uncompassionate judgement, we may cause harm to others. We are not the final court - the final court is in Heaven at God's Throne. 
A judge maintains law and order
This does not include the situation where an individual wreaks havoc upon another through crime or assault. From ancient times, a judge appointed to weigh the situation weighs evidence and brings about justice.  Measure of surcease may be taken in order to prevent the possibility of further instances of injustice. The dignity of the ministry of judge is to maintain law and order, as well as to prevent anarchy.
The role of priests
As priests, let us remember that we are others' support towards God; not their judge. The sacrament of confession is meant to bring healing and forgiveness, not further condemnation through insensitive handling of the souls of our brothers and sisters who grapple with the intricacies and suffering of daily life.
The penitent should see the compassion of God the Father within the priest, not condemnation of the individual undertaking the sacred clerical ministry.
The priest helps the person who has transgressed to peace of soul from guilt and inner torment, if such there is. The priest further assists the penitent to make reparation insofar as possible. This is a delicate and godly task, not to be undertaken lightly, and not to be carried out without due training and proven ability to deal with the fabric of the lives of others.
Sift the actions of others through fingers of kindness
Thus the rule of thumb in daily interaction is to sift the actions of others through fingers of kindness. Let the sand of actions or attributes which annoy or dismay us flow through our fingers back to the seashore where God will deal with them, if needed. Retain within our fingers the gold nuggets of the inner beauty which resides within another.
An unknown poet put it well,
"Judge not the workings of his brain,
     And of his heart thou cannot see.
     What looks to thy dim eyes a stain,
     In God's pure light may only be,
     A scar brought from some well-won field
     Where thou wouldst only hint and yield." [1]
[1] Bible Portal. Judge not, that you be not judged. Sept 30, 2022. 
Accessed 5/7/2024. 
With thanks to Youtube
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ughohyoumadeafunny · 4 months
Rewriting 'This is the thanks that I get?' Song
' This is how you saw me, a monster in a tattered rob.
But you only gave me a chance, when I gave you a show.
You asked how you could do the same, and I taught you everything.
But when that thought started the flame, you pointed me for the blame!
Now you'll watch history repet, and you will regret, for what you've done to me~ This is the thanks you will get!
The thanks you will get!
So what you can grant wishes?
I thought I taught you better then that!
That when you have the power, you keep it in your hands!
Look outside now, there raising there brows, wondering why they don't have there fantasy, as a reality!
This isn't a fairytale boy dreams don't come true in a snap, you have to let them know that when you give you get and now is the time for them to pay there dept!
Now you'll watch history repet, and you will regret, that when the farmer doesn't grow he will starve to death! And when your people break down the door, the Gallatin is the thanks you will get!
Don't point the finger at me, when your nothing but a memory! When the town becomes anarchy! When everything goes to the ground!
Unless you grant me my wish, to rule the heavens the sea and the land, all of the kingdom will become dreamless~ And that's the thanks they will get!!!
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almaqead · 6 months
"Twelve Springs." From Surah Seven, Al Araf, "The Heights."
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Ramadan Day 11.
The world continues to perform budget and planning for a decade or two of war with Russia. A turning point in the US Congress, the failure of the Republican Party and its top dog, Donald Trump to respond to the Ukrainian request for humanitarian assistance has cost many their lives. News of anarchy, rape, murder, famine, disease, violence, and war all around the globe is impossible to ignore.
Philosophers and pundits and our saviors, journalists ponder the proper direction the world should take in order to ensure those of who remain untouched do not lose touch with our humane duties to those who are struggling to live another day.
It is too late to wonder how or why the world was set on fire, in many places it is too late put the fires out. But if we still believe in God we know there is a lot we can do.
7: 155-162:
Moses chose seventy men from among his people for Our appointment and, when they were seized by an earthquake,1 he cried, “My Lord! Had You willed, You could have destroyed them long ago, and me as well. Will You destroy us for what the foolish among us have done? This is only a test from You—by which You allow whoever you will to stray and guide whoever You will. You are our Guardian. So forgive us and have mercy on us. You are the best forgiver.
Ordain for us what is good in this life and the next. Indeed, we have turned to You ˹in repentance˺.” Allah replied, “I will inflict My torment on whoever I will. But My mercy encompasses everything. I will ordain mercy for those who shun evil, pay alms-tax, and believe in Our revelations.
“˹They are˺ the ones who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whose description they find in their Torah and the Gospel.1 He commands them to do good and forbids them from evil, permits for them what is lawful and forbids to them what is impure, and relieves them from their burdens and the shackles that bound them. ˹Only˺ those who believe in him, honour and support him, and follow the light sent down to him will be successful.”
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O humanity! I am Allah’s Messenger to you all. To Him ˹alone˺ belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, who believes in Allah and His revelations. And follow him, so you may be ˹rightly˺ guided.
There are some among the people of Moses who guide with the truth and establish justice accordingly.
We divided them into twelve tribes—each as a community. And We revealed to Moses, when his people asked for water, “Strike the rock with your staff.” Then twelve springs gushed out. Each tribe knew its drinking place. We shaded them with clouds and sent down to them manna and quails,1 ˹saying˺, “Eat from the good things We have provided for you.” They ˹certainly˺ did not wrong Us, but wronged themselves.
And ˹remember˺ when it was said to them, “Enter this city ˹of Jerusalem˺ and eat from wherever you please. Say, ‘Absolve us,’ and enter the gate with humility. We will forgive your sins, ˹and˺ We will multiply the reward for the good-doers.”
But the wrongdoers among them changed the words they were commanded to say. So We sent down a punishment from the heavens upon them for their wrongdoing.
All we need to do is enter the Holy City and study the Quran with the belief God gave it to Muhammad precisely for times just like these. God says follow him, and you shall be rightly guided.
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riszellira · 7 months
Reflection: Obedience to God’s Will Is a Must
We tend to downplay the importance of obedience in today’s cultural settings. The rise of individualism and the loss of respect for the wisdom of our elders make us self-sufficient and reliant on our own wisdom and capacity to navigate the many options we face daily. People keep repeating the same mistakes that many others have made before—mistakes that could have easily been avoided if they listened to the experiences of others.
Jesus reminds His disciples that He is not abolishing the Law. In fact, He has come to fulfill the Law—something that the Jews have been unable to do up to that time. Jesus is referring to the Law that instructs us how to manage our relationships with God and one another. Whether we like it or not, we are created to live within a human community—our families, neighborhoods, and both religious and secular organizations. Without rules, there will be chaos and anarchy. There has to be a set of rules that will guide good and wholesome human living.
In His ministry, Jesus makes it clear that belonging to the Kingdom of God depends on how we embrace our humanity and whatever it demands of us. Living the life of His Kingdom begins now. We cannot wait until we die and then expect to be welcomed into eternal life. Elsewhere, Jesus reminds us that those who do the will of His Father in heaven will gain eternal life.
~Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
Are you living your life according to the Word of God? Are you listening to His Word and being guided by it?
Holy Spirit, open my ears to the truth of the Word of God and help me to follow it every day of my life. Amen.
… for a deep and profound respect for life, especially for the unborn. ​
… for the strength and healing of the sick.
… for the healing and peace of all families.
Finally, we pray for one another, for those who have asked our prayers and for those who need our prayers the most.
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ATTENZIONE – ATTENZIONE - ATTENZIONE ***** AND IF YOU DARE TO HIRE THE DANGEROUS ROCK BANDS FOR YOUR MASSIVE EVENTS, YOU WILL DAMAGE THE BRAIN TO ALL THE PUBLIC ATTENDED THE VENUE AND INNOCENT LIKE A BABY IN ARMS BECAUSE MANY THIEVES ALSO GO TO STEAL AMONG THE CROWD, WHILE THEY ARE DISTRACTED LISTENING TO THE SHIT OF MUSIC THESE SEMI MUSICIANS PLAY WHO SHOULD WORK BETTER OF PROSTITUTES TO OFFER THEIR SERVICES ON THE STREETS. ***** AND MUCH LESS TO LAT – RAN – XXX - VES – TRI – ONE THE FIRST AND TROUBLESHOOTING SINGER OF EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock and Band BECAUSE A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO SHE WAS BETATED BY THE INTERNATIONAL MAFIA AND FOR THE BIG TANTRUTTER... … … ***** LAT RAN XXX VES - TRI ONE ***** MADE… HER MENSTRUATION WAS DELAYED CAUSING BIG AWFUL PAINS IN LABOR THAT NOT EVEN YOUR MOM IN FULL SPRING WOULD HOLD BREATH AND FOR THAT REASON LA DIVA WILL NO LONGER PLAY ANYMORE AT YOUR FUCKEN CONCERTS BECAUSE HER MUSICAL PROPOSAL ATTENTS AGAINST EVERYTHING ESTABLISHED BY THE NEW ORDER WORLDWIDE TO THE EXTENT THAT THE SEX PISTOLS LOOK LIKE BEAUTIFUL ANGELS FALLEN FROM HEAVEN COMPARED TO THE AGGRESSIVENESS OF LA-TRANXXX WHO BECAME THE PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE AND THAT'S WHY THE PRETTY GIRL IS NOT A PUNK. ***** Firstable, because LAT – RAN – XXX - VES – TRI - ONE is the firsth singer of EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock and Band as El Caballero Águila, who was born in 1820 and is still so active in the streets of El Distrito Federal México, but since she does not have La Mini Sinfónica to quiet the beasts it was because the fucking musicians abandoned her and went on a political tour to The United Mexican States of the North, formerly called the (usa) and for these reasons she was forced to sing the songs of EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ alone like an-out-of-tune-macaw and I wonder if after these damn recommendations YOU still give the opportunity to The Goddes of Darkness to perform on your stage completely free of charge, but she will never do it, that's why we will never thank you with our hearts in our hands and what do you say ladies and gentlemen, AURRERA (which means YES) or NOPALONG CASSIDY (which means NO) , but for now we wish you a Merry Christmas in 2023 and a Happy New Year in 2024 and thank you very much for your kind attention, sincerely. El Robert M. Sánchez ¡!!! ***** And no one could imagine why LAT – RAN – XXX - VES – TRI - ONE changed an entire male world to become a degenerate woman who suddenly jumped from The Hippie Movement to The Punks Bench only because she realized that at the dawn of the counterculture the protest songs were going to end contaminating themselves with anarchy, something that the proletarian society quickly became frightened of the cock and hugged from the balls seeking refuge in sin and then burning The Divas in green wood, alleging to The Judge more than singing to The Sacramented God it seemed that all the songs of EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock and Band as El Caballero Águila dedicated them to The Devil Himself. ***** And as the last beggar threatens THE BLACK AND WHITE RECORDS tells you that in the immediate future la-tranxxx will never play again in The United Mexican States of The North, nor in The United Mexican States of The South, nor in Europe and much less in The United Kingdom because these three countries are the most unfaithful that the ex former hippie has trampled.
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