#and 2) i may be cooking all thursday
cumikering · 2 months
F1 John Price x reader 2
3.1k | fluff, suggestive Nights in London were warmer with you (part 1) (part 3)
“I’m going back home Thursday,” John said after you placed your orders at another quiet restaurant.
“That’s nice. I’m going home closer to the holidays. Need to keep the shop open.” You beamed. “Apparently a few weeks ago, a racer posted the cookies on Instagram and people started piling up.”
His heart skipped a beat. It must have been Kyle. The lad couldn’t stay away from social media, always posting something - a far cry from him who only had an account strictly for business, as part of most brand deals.
Including McLaren. John was to post at least a photo every week. Unlike his teammate, his page consisted mostly of professional photos, usually taken from races, or the skyline of the cities where his races took place in.
Did you know who he was? “Who was it?”
“I don’t know. I probably should have asked. Christy - one of my girls - found out from a customer, but I’m just so, so grateful. We got so many orders for Christmas gift this year.”
“That’s wonderful, love.” He squeezed your hand. “Let me get a box to take home. My parents would love them. Can you squeeze me in?”
John pulled up at your apartment and brought your hand to his lips. “Hope I’m not too forward, love, but how soon can I see you again?”
You smiled. “Tomorrow? Dinner’s on me. You pick the place.”
The Japanese near your shop caught his eye (he loved his salmon teriyaki), and when he dropped you off the next night, again, he asked who was picking dinner the night after.
“My groceries aren’t going to last much longer, I’m afraid. I need to cook tomorrow.”
“Right,” he muttered.
He had pushed his luck. His cheeks heated from his presumption. He was seeing you too often at such an early stage even that it would have been his last night before leaving for three weeks.
“You’re welcome to join me.”
“I’d love that.”
John didn’t remember the last time anyone cooked for or with him like this. He didn’t realise how much he craved spending a quiet night in enjoying your company without having to worry about being conspicuous in the privacy of your own home.
He didn’t get to date much, but it was pathetic how none of the women he was seeing, not even the one he was with for a year, wanted to stay home much at all.
When he met her at a bar, he was an F1 rookie, an up and coming driver still struggling to establish his footing on the grid. Things kept going wrong, and he was constantly on edge about his contract being terminated, beating himself up over any mistake lest it costed him his career that had barely taken off.
She was a breath of fresh air. While he had been uptight, all up in his head, forgetting to be grateful of how far he’d gone, she was untroubled. He had the money, and she knew how to spend it. Overnight, his life swirled around luxury and status. She taught him how to live good, and he did.
The stunt she pulled boosted his career. Sponsors and deals poured in and he worried less. The cruelty of his mind mellowed and it allowed him to breathe. He finished 6th that season.
On your couch, John fumbled with his long-empty beer bottle. Despite not wanting the night to end yet, it had to as your bedtime inched closer.
“Thank you for dinner, love. It was grand.” He placed the bottle on the side table.
“We can do that again next time.”
He swallowed and looked up at you. “May I kiss you?”
A sweet smile bloomed on your pretty face and you scooted closer to him. He let out a shaky breath when your soft lips pressed against his. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you cupped his face. Your fingertips slid down his neck before you pulled away, much to his chagrin.
You looked away, biting your lip. “I’m sorry, this is such an odd thing to say, but you’ve got a really muscular neck.”
“Do you like it?” he asked, slightly breathless, his heart beating out of his chest.
You leaned back in. He almost whimpered at the way your kisses seared the sensitive skin of his neck, his grip tightening on your hips as he guided you over his lap.
When you pulled away again for a breath, you bit back a grin while John and his hooded eyes weren’t all there.
“You’re falling asleep.”
“No, I’m not.” He buried his face in the crook of your neck as the high coursed through his veins before chuckling to himself.
He needed a moment to recover from the heady fact that he’d just kissed you. That your hot, wet tongue swiped over his lower lip before brushing against his own as he held you flush to him with greedy hands.
You cradled his face. “Promise you’ll get home safe.”
John gave you another peck at the door. Despite the uncomfortable throb against his jeans, he left with a grin.
The next morning was freezing, but the comforting smell of coffee and cookies baking welcomed him into your warm shop as John wheeled his luggage behind him.
“Mornin’, love,” he greeted, making you look up from the register.
“Hi- Oh no, you’re early. The cookies are still cooling.” You glanced at the clock. “Have you got 15 minutes?”
“No worries. I’ve got time to kill.” He pulled out his phone. “Ring me up, love.”
“No, no. It’s on the house. My Christmas gift for the Sloanes.”
You were too beautiful smiling up at him with such bright eyes. “Thank you.”
“Why don’t you sit? I’ll make you a drink.”
Moments later, you set a paper cup in front of him.
“What’s this?” He chuckled at the doodle on the side, picking up the cup to inspect it closer. It was a man in a cap, a cookie on the side. “S’that me?”
You nodded with a small smile.
He wanted to kiss you right then, but reached for your hand instead. “That’s real sweet, love.”
When you disappeared into the kitchen, he took a picture of the cup, heart fluttering at the gesture. He knew just what to post that week.
“You have a safe trip, John. Enjoy your holiday.” You gave him a squeeze in front of his ride.
He couldn’t help pulling his mask down and leaning in for a peck, your gift with the large bow in hand. You smiled against his lips.
On the way to the train station, just minutes after he posted the photo, Gaz sent him the eyes emoji. He snickered. Kyle Garrick was chronically online.
He replied with a quick snap of the box of cookies.
Shite, should have got some for Birmingham too. Get me some when I’m back!
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John’s mum gave him a bear hug at the door of the house before announcing his arrival to his dad. He placed your gift on the coffee table and his mum poured them tea – she always had some ready whenever he visited.
He sat back on the couch, looking out the window at the backyard. It was bleak, barren from winter, but it made him fuzzy all the same. He’d missed home.
The next few days, you were busier than ever at work cranking out orders with your girls. You went home and slept straight away, and rinsed and repeated the next day. John, meanwhile, spent his time visiting cousins and relatives around the city.
That Sunday when you finally had some time off, he was out the whole day while the very thing he wanted to do was to talk to you. When he got back home and cleaned up, it was past your bedtime, but you’d insisted on waiting up for his call.
“John,” you muttered sleepily. It was the first time he heard you since he left.
The voice he’d missed so much send a shiver straight down his spine. “H- hi.”
“I don’t suppose you’ve got baby photos to show me?”
He chuckled. “We’ve got some in the living room, but it’s so bloody cold right now and I don’t want to leave my bed.”
“It’s freezing here too, but it must be even colder up there.”
Cuddling with you sounds perfect right now. “I might have other photos on my phone if you want to see?”
“Of course,” you said, but it sounded more like purring in his ears.
He bit his lip, going through his gallery before sending you a photo of him grinning ear to ear in a go-kart next to his parents in front of their house.
“Look at you,” you cooed. “You were so adorable.”
He smiled. “They got me my own kart for my 8th birthday. It was so early, I was still in my pyjamas.”
John Price didn’t come from money, nor did he have any speck of racing in his lineage, but when a friend of his celebrated his 7th birthday at a karting track, his life was forever changed. A lap in, and the adrenaline bug sank its fangs deep into his skin and never let go.
“Been into cars since a kid, huh?“
“Huge fan.”
For the next 5 years, his dad juggled multiple jobs, sometimes even 4 at a time, while his mum worked odd ones to get by between taking care of the house. Despite the efforts, they still needed to let go of the family house to support him.
Having to constantly move around from relative to relative, they had to drop most of their belongings, but never John’s hard-earned trophies even when it meant less living space.
“This was my first time in London.” He sent you another photo of his family, Big Ben in the background. “It was the best day ever.”
He didn’t understand why his parents sacrificed so much for him, put so much on the line. He didn’t know what they saw in him. But at 13, on that fateful day that altered the trajectory of his life, he was signed into the McLaren driver development programme. Sent to a boarding school, he called London home ever since.
“You had such chubby cheeks! I love it.”
“And this… I’m not there, but this is another one of my favourites.” It was his parents in front of their current home.
“The house got renovated?”
When John secured his F1 seat at 20, the first thing he did was buy the house back. Over the years, the previous owner had made many changes that left his childhood home barely recognisable, but his parents loved it all the same. It was where it all started after all.
“Yeah. The heater always works now.” He laughed. “Except tonight. Something is bloody wrong with the cold tonight. I’ve cranked the heat up but it’s still freezing.”
“When I was young, we had a dog called Rosie. She was my personal heater.”
“What was she like?”
“She was huge, an impossibly fluffy black Newfoundland. Loved to cuddle.”
He smiled. “That sounds wonderful. We never had a pet.”
“Would you want one?”
“A dog, yes, in the future.” His mind drifted to the family pets of his childhood friends. “I like knowing that as long as I love him, he’ll love me back. That I’ll always be enough.”
“That’s true. One of my favourite memories is coming home from school and having her accidentally smack me with her tail because she was so happy to see me.” You paused. “When she passed, I cried for days. My parents said she was from Canada, so I always said I wanted to go there and adopt one of her siblings.” You laughed. “Well, that never happened.”
“I’m sorry.” He could only imagine what it felt to lose your best friend and his heart ached for you. He wanted to wrap you in his arms.
“Have you been to Canada?”
“I have, for work. It’s beautiful there, gorgeous lakes. You’d love it.”
“Yeah? Maybe one day I’d get to see for myself.”
I’ll take you there, he almost promised out loud. He chewed on his lip. He’d love to take you to the next Canadian Grand Prix. In fact, he’d love it if you could come to each race, but it was something too distant in the future for him to even have the guts to picture.
You yawned. “I should sleep.”
No, no. He still missed you. “Can I stay a bit longer? I’ll hang up later.”
“Yeah, alright.”
There was rustling on your end, he imagined you tucked yourself under the covers and rolled over.
You let out a long, content sigh. “Goodnight, John.”
“Goodnight, love,” he muttered.
How was he going to survive the rest of his trip? His chest was going to explode.
It didn’t take long for your breathing to slow and eventually deepened. He swallowed, ashamed of the images your sleepy voice had roused that resulted in the situation in his sweats.
John never hung up because he fell asleep listening to you.
In the next three weeks, distance didn’t deter John from getting to know you. While you were busy at work during the day, you found the time to call every night, no matter how short. When you’ve gone back home, in turn, you showed him photos of your hometown and your family. But your selfies were his favourite. He loved looking at them throughout the day.
He counted down the days he’d be back in London. When initial connections were prone to fizzing out with space, it made each chance to see you even more precious to him. It was all he wanted to do.
That Saturday, once more, he headed straight to yours from the airport, always in a black mask and a cap.
“John!” You swung the door open in a cosy oversized shirt and pulled him for a hug.
He wrapped his arms tight around you, grinning into your hair. He didn’t realise he missed you this much, your warmth, your smell.
He followed you in, wheeling his luggage behind him. “I got you this,” he said, holding out a bag.
“What’s this?” You peeked into it.
“It’s my favourite blueberry loaf from the bakery we always went to, ever since I was a kid. Thought you’d like it too.”
“Thank you.” You squeezed his forearm.
With your eyes bright and smile sweet, he couldn’t help himself anymore. He yanked his mask down and pulled you in by the waist. Against his lips, you giggled, arms wrapping around his neck.
“Didn’t realise you’ve got a beard now.” You pulled away, giving it a once over. “It tickles, but I like it.”
During the season, he never grew out more than a stubble because of how uncomfortable it was under the balaclava and helmet, so he always liked to grow it out each chance he had. Especially now that he didn’t want to be recognised in public with you.
“I’m making you dinner.” You helped him take his coat off and hung it behind the door.
He blinked. “What?”
“You haven’t eaten, have you?”
Constantly out to expensive spots wearing designer brands, jetting all over the world with champagne in hand, John’s previous relationship was beautiful. On the outside at least.
As exhilarating as it all was, to him, it grew old and tiring too fast. While she thrived in the buzz of the media, always picture-perfect as the pretty girlfriend of a rising star, he was barely alive from his work commitments and catering to her whims.
She had been more interested in picking trending outfits to wear to the swanky restaurants regardless how tired he was at the end of the day. Countless arguments inevitably stemmed from him not bothering to wear anything more than a plain t-shirt for a weekday dinner. Still, he plastered a smile on as he was dragged to these places, too bright and loud. It was the woman he loved.
It was a fleeting thought at first, but he started missing the quiet life he had, when he didn’t have to be hounded by what people thought of him. About why he wasn’t at the grand opening of some bar with the foreign name, why he was still rocking a 4 year-old phone, if John Price wore the same hoodie two days in a row.
She was too eager to smile at the cameras, basking in the limelight. She wasn’t unkind or ill-meaning, but the affection that once drew him to her was long gone leaving him feeling alone and unwanted in his own relationship. It took him too long to accept she was there for John Price the F1 driver, not the bloke from Liverpool anymore, if she even ever was.
When he finally ended it, it barely took a month before she was on some footballer’s arm. Betrayal scorched his stomach. It hurt more than words, but perhaps it was the price to pay for being where he was. He never knew who to trust.
“It’s salmon with broccoli and rice. I don’t cook a lot of fish, but I tried this marinate I thought you’d like,” you rambled. “I hope it tastes alright even if I mess it up the temperature.”
“No, it would be perfect. Thank you so much.”
You cooking for him, his favourite food at that, meant so much more than you could imagine. You brought warmth to his chest.
After dinner, you snuggled with him on the couch. The chatter of the TV melted away. He let his longing for you dissipate as he inhaled the comforting scent of your hair as you traced his long fingers.
You turned to him, holding his gaze for a moment before you mumbled, “Would you like to stay the night?”
Was it not evident in the way he couldn’t let you out of his sight that he didn’t want to part?
John climbed in your bed and pressed his chest against your back, curling up around you, an arm around your waist. He let out a long, content sigh as he basked in the sensation of your soft body on him.
“You said Liverpool was bloody cold, but you run so warm.” You laughed. “That means I won’t even survive.”
He smiled into your hair. “You won’t have to worry about that when I’m around.”
He had two months before the next season started. If he was lucky – and he really wished he was, it meant more nights like this with you, many nights, he hoped. Just like this.
Masterlist Ex bf John Price
@tiredmetalenthusiast @le16erc @kyletogaz @kechiwrites @mikichko
@secretsynthetic @foo1ishs3renity @juicyjujuuu @ladydevilofhell @rowanyaboats
@hungrycrazy @readreblogfics @nocturnalreader106 @panda-b0s @stickerguts
@strong-bronze-or-regal-black @sadcowboyhours
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
(Ignore this if this isn’t your thing)
I think about sugar daddy Yan jing yuan- man got money I know it I know he also prob has more then 2 black cards and lives in a nice home. He be such a sweet sugar daddy but also manipulative and sneaky too honesty. Yan sugar daddy jing yuan pays for EVERYTHING and I mean everything- bills? Done, high education degree?, paid for all the years you take, food? Done, shopping?- just know you can buy whatever you want with daddy money but you also have to get him a nice and cute pair of lingerie for him to see on you UwU.
And it’s not even thag hard for him too- he has the money and the status I mean- if the great general makes dinner reservation I just know the owner will literally be the one to physically be the host, take your orders, cook the meal themselves with their best chief, and serve it with the best personality and smile. Honestly it be no suprised you get the best views or the entire place is slightly empty bc of his status
Shops will absolutely bend over back for him when he walks around, if he ask if there’s a specific peice of lingerie set that they say it was out of stock- suddnly it’s there-
Always he makes sure your given the best in life UwU
He does all this with a few conditions that you have to follow. Each day 8 kisses, always hold him when in public, sit on lap when he’s in his office reading documents, and most importantly take his cock every hour 7 days a week. Yan sugar daddy jing is essentially molding you to a pretty wife for him.
don’t even think about ending this with him because you may see him as a only cash and sugar daddy but to him- your practically his girlfriend soon to be bride to soon to wife. If you do try all that money he given you will just be gone all of a sudden and your left with practically nothing. You’ll have to come back to jing since he always provides you so well.
Once you crawl back he’ll go UwU ofc baby one thing. And that one thing is he gonna fuking you Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday week- every hour, every minute, every second night after night sevens days a week (totally not a song reference 🫢) because after all that it so your too fucked to ever think you could just end things with him like that
You be play and be his pretty little wife and he will absolutely spoil you beyond your dreams. (Ik those dinner dates he takes you have to be SO NICE and these are def just mt extremes dreams to be his wife)
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Thank you for writing such length of thoughts, it was a pleasure to read, sugar daddy jing yuan is something I have never thought of before because I was not interested... but 🫣 But this one is good, I added some background stories 😚💖
CW: yandere, non-con/dub-con, manipulation, abuse of power, fem! reader
You need money, really, you need this. You need to pay your bills, maybe it's an accident, maybe it's medical bills for your important person/pet, maybe you're too exhausted to meet those credit requirements, or some other reason. You move into smaller apartments again and again, eat fast food, and sigh while watching space TV. You need to move to a planet with more opportunities, but how? As you swipe your phone screen, a dating social media ad appears in front of you.
You hesitated for a while, but you still signed up, feeling a little nervous and apprehensive. You simply filled in the information. This application should be very popular. There are users from some cosmic species you have never heard of. The photo only shows a blurry profile of you. Out of place among all the pretty, confident headshots. The introduction simply states your hobbies, you… just want to do things like kissing, cuddling, and dating. Sex is the last step. You don’t think much about it for the moment.
A few days later. You're still going about your life, only getting messages from weirdos saying things like, "I want to cum on your face," "Can you give me a clear picture of your thighs?", "It's mating season on our planet. you can come here”. You always delete and block them directly, which is a bit frustrating. And you get another new message, but this time it's a little special.
Anonymous: hi
Anonymous: want to see a picture of my little lion? 🥺 she is adorable.
You: …?
And then you do receive so many adorable photos of his pet lion that your heart melts. You open a series of topics with this user. His profile picture isn't a real person either, but a picture of a kitten showing her belly to invite pampering. You gradually learned more about him and you felt relaxed talking to him, but of course he didn't forget to discuss...intimate things with you.
Then, the user invites you to meet to discuss more details, and even the cost of traveling through space is prepared for you. That is an electronic certification of a VIP ticket. The stewards of those spaceships bow to you and are concerned about your needs, preparing exquisite meals, blankets and pillows for you. You've never been so far away from your own planet and treated so considerately.
The arrival place written on the ticket is Xianzhou Luofu...?
You quietly search for information about this space civilization, and shyly imagine what kind of person "he" would be. After you got off the spacecraft, you thought about finding public transportation, but someone was waiting for you there and took you to the General's Mansion.
You: Wait...did you take me to the wrong place...
The assistant smiled slightly and left, leaving you standing helpless in the garden of the General's Mansion. The one you've been chatting with for months (the one who was even sending you uwu and kitten love memes last night)...is - one of the seven Arbiter-Generals of the Xianzhou Alliance. General Jing Yuan?
But you knew it was him as soon as the burly, majestic man with long white hair opened his mouth. When he caught a glimpse of you, his eyes like the golden sun lit up, and he rushed directly in front of you. He put his right hand on your soft hip and took you off the ground. "Baby, I finally meet you…" You squirmed, feeling overwhelmed and embarrassed, "You-you put me down first..."
"Oh… sure, my bad." After being reminded, Jing Yuan carefully put you down so that your legs could stand balanced on the ground. “We can’t kiss while I’m holding you like this,” he said before kissing your lips deeply. Your heart felt like a lightning strike, and you were frightened by such a meeting.
Is this normal? Is it developing too fast…?
The words and topics you prepared have no effect at all. After a luxurious dinner and confession (?), Jing Yuan carried you in his arms, entered the room and started caressing and breeding. You wrap your hands around his neck and stare at his sculptured, delicate face, his eyes flashing with some unknown desire. Those long white strands of his hair fell on your chest and tickled. Your legs were stretched out and were sore from being pressed by his balls and cock. The white seed kept flowing out unbearably, but you were required to keep your legs clamped around his waist to better receive the seed. Your lips parted, tears kept flowing down your cheeks, moans and cries were faintly heard in your throat, and your lower body was filled with sticky and loud pounding. The previous agreement (only kisses, hugs and dates) was ignored.
You have been living in the General's Mansion since then and have no plans to return to your planet. Once you have such a plan, Jing Yuan will plead with you with puppy eyes to stay, even though he has no intention of allowing this. Then as you describe, the general pays for all your expenses, even before you ask for them. There are no credit points in your bank account (you don’t know why it became 0, and the account was even canceled later…). You can only use the two cards he gave you. Now, even though you are thirsty while shopping, you use his card to buy drinks instead of your own money. He pampers you and you can buy any beautiful clothes, shoes, whatever you want. Of course, you must also carefully select a set of underwear before you finish shopping, spread your legs on the bed and wait for him, otherwise Jing Yuan will not reimburse you for those expenses.
Kissing him at least 8 times a day and holding his hand are still required, but asking you to be by his side all the time is a bit too much, even though Jing Yuan wants that too. He is considerate and knows that you need some time to yourself, enjoy your hobbies and rest. If you want to listen to music, read a book, have a party, exercise, shop, watch a movie, just do it. As long as you don't take too long and can come back to him every night, Jing Yuan won't mind. Sitting on his lap while he reads papers is a perfect plus. You need to warm his cock, comfort him, or hide under his desk and service him for hours. Once Jing Yuan returns to the General's Mansion, it will be the beginning of a long night.
You've tried to change and leave him, but that ultimately failed. After all, you can't open a new bank account right now, and no bank in the galaxy would. There is no way to buy a return ticket...
If you do try to leave in a situation like this, you will only find that returning to him is the only way. Jing Yuan has to punish you a little and put you on the bed to start the sex marathon. When the general had to go to work, you were placed with an electric dildo the same size as him, bouncing and squirting until you learned your lesson and married him. You will be trained to be a pretty little wife, snuggling in his arms, forgetting that you just wanted to pay the bills.
Maybe you should ask him about the purpose of downloading this app in the first place. Jing Yuan is smart, but he won't lie about this. He wants you, wants to love you, and wants you to be his spouse for the rest of his life.
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blacktabbygames · 5 months
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LudoNarraCon starts this Thursday, and we've got a JAM PACKED schedule for you. For those of you not in the know, LNC is a digital-only Steam festival celebrating narrative games of all types. More info here: https://www.ludonarracon.com/ So here's what we've got cooking.
Starting at 1pm Eastern on Thursday May 9th, both Slay the Princess and Scarlet Hollow are each going to be 20% off. So if you've been itching to pick one of them up, hold off for a couple of days and save a couple of bucks.
At 7pm Eastern on Thursday May 9th, we'll be doing a retrospctive twitch Stream where we'll play through the ORIGINAL demo cut of Slay the Princess as well as the first episode of Scarlet Hollow. This'll be broadcast on http://twitch.tv/black_tabby_games/
On Friday May 10th, we've got 2 panels that will be broadcast on the LudoNarraCon Steam page.
At 1pm Eastern, I'll be doing a fireside chat with Meredith Gran where we talk about narrative design. At 5pm Eastern on the 10th, Abby and I are on a panel moderated by Patrick Klepek (formerly Vice, now Remap Radio) alongside Ben Gelinas (Times * Galaxy, formerly Bioware + Remedy) and Gareth Damian Martin (Citizen Sleeper.) The topic of this panel is balancing storytelling with player choice. On Sunday, May 12th, at 1pm Eastern, we'll be doing an art stream, specifically going through some of the process of how Abby makes assets for our games! Again, on our Twitch channel!
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Roommates (stucky x reader)
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3767 words
A/N: i'm writing this fic for...almost 6 months, i dreamed many times of stucky and their roommate. it was always hard to write i had seen in my dreams and to translate all i felt during those dreams. But here we are.
It's gonna be in idk many parts.
This one is a little introduction, and with slight angst.
TW: fluff, light angst, polyamourous relationship. Steve and Bucky (they're a warning...) <...>= texting
Don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
magnificient moodboard by the amazing @christywantspizza
divider by the talentuous : @firefly-graphics
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own.
Part 1 | Part 2 | part 3
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When you had to find an apartment. You never thought to find yourself with two gentle giants for roommates. But here you are, one year later with Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers in a nice and homely appartement.
You knew them from college, they were friends of friends and when your last roommate kicked you out because she wanted to be alone with her boyfriend… the two big guys were nice enough to propose you to come and live with them for a while. “Yeah, don’t need to pressure yourself, doll, take your time to get back on your feet. We have enough rooms for three.”, told you Bucky. “And when you find a studio or something else, we’ll help you to move out and in, sweetheart.”, said Steve.
But one year later, you don’t want to move out. You like to be here with these two. Monday is Buck’s night for cooking. Tuesday, yours, Wednesday is Steve turns, Thursday is movie night with take outs or leftovers and Friday to Sunday is more like “who’s there, who’s eating at home, who wants to go out?” vibes.
Life is easy, and you were surprised to see that…they clean, like ALL the time. Steve is the tidiest of all of you. Buck tries to keep is mess in his bedroom and ask for help when he has too much “trash”.  Sunday is almost always the day where you all clean the appartement. You cook pancakes or waffles and then it’s time to give the appartement a little bit of a makeover. It’s always full of giggles and pinning. Like the time you found a boxer under the couch. Bucky was a blushing mess, saying it was from like two weeks ago when this girl came home with him after a night out. “But I respected the rules, we didn’t do anything on the couch”. Or the time, Steve found your vibrator under the bathroom cabinet, you just took it back and gave him an innocent smile and told him to forget about it. Spoiler alert: Steve didn’t forget that and was impatient to finally have the guts to ask you if you wanted to use it with him one day.
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Today, it’s Friday. It’s the first slow day you have in weeks.  Steve is out with some friends and Bucky didn’t answer yet to tell you if he’ll be home tonight.
You decide to eat some leftovers and to watch for the hundredth time your favourite movie. Thirty minutes in, you hear the keys and then the door opens with a loud thud. An angry Bucky storms in the living room and lay on you without saying a word. He pushes his head between your breasts and groans. “Ok, hello to you too grumpy man. Can you tell me why you invade my space and doesn’t ask for my consent before shoving your head here?” Bucky starts to mumble fast, and you don’t understand anything.  You slap him gently on the back of his head. He stops and lifts his head to look at you. “Shitty day, shitty people. Need a stress relief. May I, doll, please?” he pouts and makes his best puppy eye.
Since you arrived, you realised that the two giants you lived with were very into physical touch. Bucky likes to lay on you meanwhile Steve likes to play with your hair during movie night or offers you little massages during them.
You never complain, you’re most of the time cold so this two are your personals heaters.
You start to massage Bucky’s head and this lovely idiot starts to act like a cat and purrs. “Did you eat?” he asks you.
“Yup, leftovers, there’s still some if you want.”
“The lasagna?”.
The evening goes on. But you can feel that Bucky wants to ask you something. He’s fidgeting, more than usual, and can’t seem to stop touching you. He’s currently massaging your calf. “What is it, Buck?”.
He sighs, and sighs again before sitting up and looking you dead in the eye. “Can I kiss you, doll?”. First, you think he’s joking, but then his expression is too serious for your liking. “Like kiss me on the lips?”, you ask him.
 “WHY?” you almost scream in shock.
He blushes and whispers “because you look beautiful, and I want to kiss you”.
“that’s a cheesy pick-up line, Barnes.”
He looks at you again and asks, “but does it work?” shyly you nod. You won’t lie, you already thought of what it would feel like to kiss Bucky, but you never really asked him, too scared to make thing awkward with your roommates. “So can I kiss you, doll face?” when you don’t say anything he gets closer, when his lips are almost touching yours, he murmurs “I need words, Y/N”.
You swallow loudly before saying “yes, you can, Bucky”.
Then his lips are on yours. The kiss is tender, lovely and your fingers grab his hair. His hands get under your shirt, and you shiver. You feel his tongue caresses your lower lips and you parted them. When both or your tongues meet, the kiss gets more and more passionate. Your legs circle instinctively his waist to bring him closer. When you need to breath you break the kiss and Bucky is panting above you. Pupils blown out and lips swollen. He’s more beautiful than ever. You smile, a little bit uncomfortable. You tap his cheek gently and whisper “gonna go to toilets, sorry”. He nods and lets you go.
Bucky can’t wait to tell Steve what happened.
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Two weeks later, Bucky has never once talk about the kiss… at least with you. You didn’t either. You felt weird. Not in a bad way, you wanted to start again, to try again and see if the kiss made you feel again all dizzy and warm.
But for now, you are alone with Steve. Bucky went home to see his family.
“Truth or dare, sweets?” asks Steve from the kitchen.
“Really, aren’t we like to old or outnumbered to play this game?” he snorts and come back with your cocktail and his beer.
“Nope, it’ll be fun”.
“If you say so, truth” you reply.
After maybe twenty minutes, you have to say that he is right, you’re having fun. You told secrets that both of you had never tell and you did some fun dares. But now, Steve wanted to ask you to kiss him.
He spoke with Bucky, and he was jealous. He’s best friend had the guts to kiss you, when he was too afraid to be rejected. But tonight, with the alcohol in his system he feels powerful.
“I dare you to kiss me…with tongues!”, he declares. You laugh because he made a move with his tongue, but you accept the dare. Why not try and see if your attraction for Steve is the same as for Bucky?
When your lips touch his. You feel sparkles down your spine. When you lick his lips with your tongue and he part his, you feel hot all over. His hands go to your waist, and he places you on his lap.  And like with Bucky it gets heated pretty fast. And like with Bucky, you end the kiss and excuse yourself to go to the toilets
&lt;Stevie: I did it, buck.
Bucky: how does that feel, punk?
Stevie: like a dream came true, but I don’t want to scare her. We are not playing fair.
Bucky: I know, we must discuss that the three of us when I get back.
Stevie: what if she says no. What if she wants to be just with you.
Bucky: or you…
Stevie: I am sure she likes you more.
Bucky: stop, Steve. We don’t know what she feels. Did she kiss you back? Like really kiss you.
Stevie: yup…that was so hot. She did the thing with her tongue you told me about.>
“Stevie?” you say when you come back in the living room.
“I-I think I’ll go to bed. See you tomorrow?” you ask shyly.
“Sleep well, sweetheart, brunch is on me!”. You kiss his cheek and retrieve to your bedroom.
&lt;Y/N: I kissed Steve.
Y/N: we were playing truth or dare. He dared me to kiss him. (with tongues, his words, not mine)
Nat: and ?
Y/N: I don’t know what I am supposed to do now. I felt the exact same thing with Bucky and Steve. And you know I don’t feel much when I kissed guys until I am pretty attached to them.
Nat: yeah I know…you and your demi-sexual thing.
Y/N: scuse you bisexual girl who dates only nerds guy. How’s Bruce?
Nat: currently massagin’ my feet so perfect. But you need to talk to them. I am sure they’re planning something.
Y/N: planning smth?
Nat: ask them. Good night, babe.>
What you didn’t know, it’s that before you join them in the appartement. Bucky and Steve had a thing, that only Natasha knows. They are best friends, sure, but they’re also lovers. They only tend to be like that when you are not around, since you moved in.
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You are not going to lie to yourself, you are feeling bad to have kiss your two roommates. And you are feeling worse to have like it, both time and even considering doing it again.
This Saturday, you come back from a little walk with Natasha. When you arrive, the appartement is quiet, a little bit to quiet. No one is in the living room and the door from Bucky’s room is wide open and empty, but the room from Steve is closed. You wait to hear something, like Steve has a girl around, but nothing.
You go there and knock. Steve’s voice comes to you in a grumble “yeah?”, “Hello, just to let you know I am home. “, you say.
 “Oh hey, little one, ok, we’ll be there soon for dinner.”
You can’t stop your question “We?”. You hear Steve chuckles and then he invites you in.
“Buck and I, sweets, who else?” he says when you open the door.
Steve is on his back with Bucky curled onto his side, sound asleep. You saw them bro cuddling now and then, but never like that. You raise an eyebrow but don’t say anything. Bucky has hard days and seems to find comfort in cuddling. “I have an empty space right here” teases Steve and tapping the other side of him. You hesitate and decide to go and join the cuddle. You lay down beside Steve, his arm goes around your waist. You put your hand on his chest, just beside Bucky’s hand.
 “He’s ok?” you ask quietly.
“Bad day, really bad one.”, answers Steve.  Automatically, you caress Bucky’s cheek and pass your finger in his hair. “How was your day with Natty?”.
“Good, really nice.”, you smile at Steve.
In your walk with Nat, you arrived at this conclusion: no need to put words for now, just enjoy the feeling of being close to those two wonderful men. So, you enjoy the cuddle and to pass your fingers in Bucky hair, while Steve caress your hip. You’re at peace. You’ve never felt like this with any of your ex’s.
Maybe they talked to each other, and they know that you have kissed each of them, maybe you can tell Steve now and Bucky when he wakes up. Maybe, just maybe you are, and they are into polyamorous relationship. Maybe…
“Stevie?” you murmur in his neck, he smells divine as always, citrus and pine. He hums in response. “I…I kissed Bucky before I kissed you.” His hand still on your waist and he squeezes it.
“Yeah, same Sweetheart, I kissed him before I kissed you.” You sit up, not sure to have truly heard what he said.
“Wait, what?”. Steve grins at you, then he turns his head to Bucky and kisses him on his forehead. Buck sighs in his sleep and get more comfortable on Steve. His leg goes on his thighs, and he tightens his grip around the waist. He looks peaceful. “You’ve kissed?”, Steve shrugs but his smile tells you everything you need.
You weren’t expecting that, of course not, but why are you not more shocked or disturbed? You look at them and it’s like the missing piece of the puzzle in your head. Everything starts to make sense, or you have more questions that need answers. “I always thought that your friendship was more than that”, you think out loud. Steve chuckles while Bucky stirs in his sleep. He tucks himself more onto Steve and his hand, who was on his stomach, goes right to Steve’s crotch. And the blond does nothing to stop him, well not exactly nothing, he’s looking at you and when he sees your expression, he gently takes bucky hand et brings it back to his sternum.
“I think we need to talk the three of us, Sweets” he whispers to you. You can only nod and keep staring at their interlaced hands. “We don’t want to scare you away, you know?”,
“Scare me away?”, you ask intrigue.
“Yeah, by telling you our little secret.” You stay silent, not sure you want to acknowledge the truth just yet…because it doesn’t scare you at all, it turns you on more and that’s what scares you, you almost feel like a creep.
“I would have never judged you. You can love who you want” you finally say. Steve smiles and brings you closed once again. You put your hand on top of theirs. For the first time in a long time, you feel complete and that stress you out.
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The next day, you all decide to have THE discussion. It’s just after your usual Sunday brunch. The guys are doing the dishes and you just looking in the void. Your mind is racing. What if it just a dream, what if they pranked you?
“Dollface? You’re with us?” calls you Bucky. You blink twice to focus on them again. They are smiling, and you get butterflies.
“Yeah, I am” you whisper.
“Good, good, so…” starts Steve. And then he explains everything, his relationship with Bucky, their attraction for you since they met you. You listen, stunned by their revelations. Bucky points out some details and makes you giggle. You feel shy and powerful. The more they talk, the more they stare at you with love and lust. You have the last word; you are the one who has to say yes or no.  You take a big breath and ask, “How would it works?”.
They are taken aback; Bucky takes Steve’s hand under the table and squeeze it hard. “If we try this throuple, we have to make rules, right?” You sound so confident; Steve’s heart is beating fast.
“Yeah, we need rules for the start, to try and navigate in this together” states Bucky. You nod and smile. Then you get up and round the table to go to their side. You see their hands and chuckle.
 “No more hiding now, show me those hands, guys”. They laugh and put their hands on the table, you place both of your hand on their neck. It feels good, you like that they don’t have the same texture, but they both soft. They lean against you and close their eyes.
 “I feel like I just solved a puzzle” murmurs Bucky. “Is it weird?” he asks.
 “I don’t know, don’t feel weird. “, you answer. Steve is the first to move, he stands up and takes your hand and Bucky’s and goes on the couch. He sits down and puts you on his laps. Bucky takes your calf and cuddle against Steve. One of Steve’s arms is around your waist and the other is around Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky has one arm around Steve waist and the other on your legs. You put your hand on each one of them that touches you.
 After a moment of silence, you ask” Can we kiss again?”.
 “Yes, please” they said in unison. “I want to see you kiss” you murmur.  They don’t move, Steve’s blushing, while Bucky is looking at you. You put your hands on their chins and turn their faces, so they face each other. “Please, can I see you kiss?”. Your gentle command makes them move. Slowly they approach each other lips. When they start kissing, it’s sensual, loving and you get flustered. It’s hot, you never thought that looking at two people kissing would be this sexy. Then Bucky does something that makes Steve moans. You did once or twice hear him having someone around, but he has never moaned like that. Steve’s hand on your hip squeezes your flesh. Steve breaks the kiss first; Bucky bites his lower lip.
 “You turn, doll face”, growls Bucky. You expect him to kiss you, but he does the same as you did, take your chin between his fingers, and make you face Steve. You kiss the blond; you try some of your trick to make him moan like Bucky and when you succeed you break the kiss and turn your intention on Buck. He smiles at you, and you smile back, before going to kiss him. With Bucky, each of you fight for dominance. You move on Steve’s lap and after a while, you feel him getting hard under you. Suddenly the reality of the situation strikes, and you start to panic.
You get up and say, “I’m going to the toilets”. Bucky and Steve watch you go, and they try not to laugh, because they recognise a pattern there.
Your room is next to the toilets and when you go out, you look at your bed and you really want to hide yourself. But why would you hide? You take a deep breath before going back in the living room.
They are whispering to each other, Bucky seems unhappy, while Steve tries to calm him down. “hey, guys!”, they turn their heads so fast, you’re sure they’re going to bump into each other and you giggle. “ehm, sorry to ran away, could we…could we go in my room? For more privacy?”
Steve is the first to get up, Bucky looks at you strangely “privacy of what? we are the only one here” he says in a cold voice.
“Bucky” warns Steve.
 You sigh and smile “No he’s right Steve. Bucky, I know that we are alone, but I would feel better and safer in my room…because it’s new to me and I need to navigate around all of that…around this new us. If that makes sense?”
Bucky relaxes and nods, standing up, “makes sense, sorry.” You wait for them to come close to you before you take each of their hand and guide them into your room.
“Where do we sleep?”, you ask.
“Let’s just say, that we can sleep on our own or together, but no pressure” answers Steve. You smile and walk into your room, sitting on your bed facing them.
Bucky is the first to go lay and waits for Steve and you. “Doll, in the middle” he commands. You giggle and do as he say, loving the few times you find yourself engulf between those two sweet giants.
Steve follows you and sighs. “Love the smell of your sheets, sweetheart”. You smile at him and blushes.
“I use the same wash as you…”, he laughs softly and kisses your cheek.
“But it still smells like you.” He boops your nose and you giggle shyly. Bucky brings you close to him, and he kisses your neck, making you shudder.
“When did you know?”, he asks you.
“When I did know what, bucky?”
“That you liked both of us”.
This question, you’ve been asking it to yourself for weeks now. But honestly, it just came along the way. The fact that they opened their home for you, that they’ve always been there since. Always have a shoulder to lay on, someone to rely on. You’ve never felt alone since you moved in here. You tell them that and they both smile, Steve strokes your cheeks and Bucky your hip. You feel safe, understood, and complete.
Then, they both lean in and kiss you. A three-way kiss, that left you breathless and panting. You look at them and you smile, stroking their chin with your thumb, loving the difference of texture. Steve is shaved, while bucky always have a three-day beard. You pass your thumb on their lips and bucky groans, pupils wide, the blue of his eyes almost inexistant.
“You’ve freed the beast”, chuckles Steve, who’s biting his lip.  
“Y/N, Sweetheart?”, whispers Steve. You try to focus on him, but flashback holds you in your terror.
You look between them, and you take a shaky breath. “Oh, yeah?”. Bucky nods and starts to pempers kisses on your cheek and neck.
“Can I kiss you doll?”. You nod and he kisses you tenderly, deeply, you let him have the dominance in that kiss. It feels good, but then his hands wonder on your body, and you start to panic. Bad memories coming back to you. You try to tell him to stop, but then Steve joins him and you freeze, panic taking hold of you, and you feel hopeless, unable to tell them to stop. You whimper and they stop everything they do and look at you. Your eyes are tearing up and you’re heaving, fright written on your face.
Bucky looks at Steve and he’s panicking; the blond understands he must be stronger for both of you. “Buck, it’s okay, she must have…”, they look at each other and remembered the time you came home totally shaking and afraid. It was just before you dump your last friend with benefits.
“Rumlow”, growls Bucky. “I’m gonna end him”.
You take bucky hand and holds it tight. “don’t leave me.”
“I’m not, I’m here doll.” You nod and looks at Steve.
“I won’t either, sweetheart, I’ll stay here with you. Just take a deep breath for us?”. You nod and do some breathing exercise, following what Steve does and then Bucky when he joins in.
“So-sorry”, you murmur, unable to look at them, fiddling with your nails. One hand goes on yours and then another.
“No need to be sorry”, they said in unison, their soothing voice calming you even more.
“it’s a lot.”
“Then we take our time.”, says Steve softly.
“Yeah, you’re stuck with us now”, jokes gently Bucky and that makes you smile.  
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part 2
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒘𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 3 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔...
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In my opinion the world overworks certain groups of people and we barely have time to do what we want and what we love. I believe life should be spent doing what you want. But we have evolved to something totally different. I think once people realize this. This will be a small step to gaining back power and actually living a fulfilling life instead of surviving. It's kinda absurd to think if you work 4 or 5 days a week 2 days should be enough to rest. And let's not forget the busy people out there who have children and a whole family half the time they don't actually get to rest on those days. It's OK to work hard but don't work on E because then there's no substance to your work.
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☀ Sunday- Sun day:
This is the first day of the week, look at how the planets align in the cosmos.... sun rules leo. So this is about self care. Sun represents shine so you know how people say put on your Sundays best yea this is it. You express yourself and let it all out. This is the day you truly rest and start to go inwards. This may be a day where you just do what you want and your favorite hobbies!
🌕 Monday - Moon Day:
Sounds pretty similar huh?? I think Moon day is a day where you get your home back in order. You rest & reflect. You drink water & plan out the rest of the week.
Why? Because Moon is represented by cancer. This is not a working day to me. I feel like this is when you should be cooking, self care, taking care of the home, and nurturing yourself/family!
♂ Tuesday - Mars Day:
This is pretty self explanatory. Mars is energetic! Moon Day gave you all the list of things you need to do & mars day you'll be ready to do them! You are usually doing things you usually don't have the energy for. I consider this a work day!
☿ Wednesday - Mercury:
This is air energy and we know our gemini's love to start mutiple projects. They love to learn and be on the go. I also think this is a great day for kids to go to school along with Thursday.
♃ Thursday- Jupiter:
Jupiter rules over education & expansion. This planet holds a large mass of energy and people are usually just ready to push everything out and wrap projects up from Mercury day. This is the best energy to end the work week/ school week off on. Your brain can take on a lot more and you still have the capacity to get work done. This is why I say mercury & Jupiter day are good days for kids. Maybe these should be the days where you actually teach kids and let them read and study.
♀ Friday - Venus Day:
Venus day might just be my favorite day of the week! This is when we usually get our paycheck. You want to get cute. You know some businesses let you have a free dress day or wear jeans ya know stuff like that. Your just chilling on Fridays like it's not much to do. Your in this self care energy. Getting your nails & hair done. Venus is all about self love, beauty, your style, shopping, luxury, money etc. So this day is perfect to kick start. Also a good day to go shopping! Whether that be grocery or just clothing. Venus is love as well so dates are good on this day as well.
♄ Saturday - Saturn Day:
This day you really should be taking it slow. You should be doing things that take time & patience. Idk if people notice but usually on Saturn days a lot of bad stuff happens espicially at night. So that's why I think you should stay in the house and take it slow. You should be reflecting on your week and taking time to do persistent growth. Start new healthy habits. Saturn is ruled by Capricorn. I think this is sabbath day as the religious people would say.
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It's very useful to use this method in order to plan your days out and distribute your energy for a successful week! The number of the day can also give you insight for what energy is at play.
Ex: Thursday October.25,2020
This is a number 3 day. The number 3 can represent a day where there is a abundance of energy. These are venusian & jupiterian energies at play. You may have be heavily in the energy of socializing and talking other people. There may be a lot of Joy on this day and spending a lot of money since. This is number seven day (25 = 7) this is all represented by Jupiter so there may be a lot of knowledge that you're accumulating a lot of spiritual attainment and luck.
Ps: Depending on the day you should also use your planet placement
ex: Sunday - Kayla has her Sun in Taurus 3rd house. So she should be talking to friends and resting. She should be studying/reading things that bring her joy & comfort. Or maybe your a leo rising and your sun falls in the 5th house. You should spend this day doing fun activities & hobbies. This persons sun might be in Sag so maybe they are researching or doing workouts this could be calming & apart of self care for them!
Also I say Mercury & Jupiter day should be days where kids are reading/ study because their brain and ability to concentrate will be more activated. Now mars day is the start of the week for them so they should be outside in nature and let all their lil energy out.
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I would love to make a post on numerology, I have a different pov when it comes to what the numbers mean! Let me know if you guys would like to see that & your thoughts on this post! Catch ya later lovelies! Til' next time....
~𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 xx🤎💋
𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮 (masterlist)
©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 (Do not copy or steal my work)
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August Week 2 - Magic in the Mundane
This weeks prompts are all about the connection between magic and the mundane in all aspects of our lives. How to find them within each other and to understand their connections and how they influence each other. Let’s dive in!
Monday - In the house
Introspection/ Research - it’s not so hard to see some of the magic in your immediate surroundings. The herbs in your kitchen. The tools you use on a daily basis. The tasks you complete within your home. In a metaphorical sense if nothing else, where in your home do you see and feel magic? In your cooking? In the ingredients you use? In the way you decorate? In the way you clean and organize? How do these things and actions and spaces translate magically and spiritually for you? Do you do things a certain way for a certain reason? Do you use certain ingredients for certain reasons? Interweave the study patterns for other prompts onto this one and see how much magic you can find within your home.
Research/ New Page - herbal research. Pick yet another herb from your list and research it and its magical properties and associations. What is its history? Where and how does it grow? Are there myths of legends about it? Learn everything!
Tuesday - In the world around you
Introspection/ research - just like above, think outside the home. In your yard, in the places you go, in the things you do outside of your personal space. What do you do? Why do you do it? How do you do it? Are there certain places you avoid? A road or business you avoid? People you avoid? Why? Is it their energy? Or something tangible? How do these normal mundane actions and people and places influence and effect your spiritual and magical practice if at all?
Research/ new page- gemstone research. Pick a gemstone from your list and research all you can about it! Magical and mundane uses and associations. Myths and history. Where does it come from and its chemical constituents.
Wednesday - in your work
Introspection/ research - again, use the same basic prompt for today as well. What in your work, in your job, in your profession can translate from the mundane to the magical. Actions you take, tools you use, methods you use and so on, how do they interlay with your magical practice if at all? Does the work itself (what it is) translate? For example, I’m a metalworker and I do in fact incorporate a certain amount of metalwork and my knowledge of that into my craft.
Practical - do some magic! Pick a spell or make a spell and perform it. Record the details of the spell, its steps tools and ingredients in your lab notebook so you can revisit it later after you’ve seen results!
Thursday - in your life
Introspection/ research - now use that prompt on a broader scope looking over your entire life. The people you let in and keep out. The activities you do. Your hobbies and location. The holidays your celebrate and the aspects of your life that may seem unimportant all the way to the most important facets of your life. How do these things translate to your magical practice? How do they influence it and how does your magical practice influence them in return?
Friday - The Inverse
Research/ introspection - while finding magic in the mundane can be wonderful, if taxing at times, we also have to do the reverse and understand the mundane within the magical. Why do you perform things the way you do? Why do you use the tools and ingredients you do? Why do you practice where you do? What are the historical and logical reasons for using and doing these things? What is the simple practical purpose of the magic? What is the myth and legend and history behind the things you do? It’s important to know the balance between the magic and the mundane.
We made it through another week everyone!! :D congrats and thank you all, as always, for participating!
-Mod Hazel
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hetalia-club · 5 months
Stardew Mod Part 2: Jones House Hold- Canada (Matthew Jones)
Summary of Town & Buildings you should read this first if you haven't so you're not confused.
(Note: all characters have had their personalities slightly altered to fit into the Stardew universe. I tried to keep them as true to their cannon selves as possible and giving them pizazz so they fit in with the rest of the world.)
Matthew breakdown: Matthew loves Grind ball & Nature. His roommate and brother is Alfred (America). He is friends with the bear who appears by the sewers and will mention feeding him in conversation and allude that you should to. He is shy and does not really want to talk to the player until you gain 2 hearts. Then his dialog will be more that a simple “…”. Matthew was raised by a rich family on a very productive ranch. He may say some tone deaf things every now and again but don’t fault him for it. therefore he has little concept of how money should be spent. He is drawn to nature and if he is not working he will be found outside enjoying himself even if it’s raining. He likes trees & anything to do with them. Matthew is friends with the bear who lives in the Secret woods. Who has now been recolored white. Matthew is very intune with nature and will say some cryptic things from time to time. But don’t think about it too hard. He’s just obsessed with bears and trees.
The Nursery- Matthew & Alfred’s house which doubles as a shop. On Tuesdays & Thursdays Matthew will man the counter at he and Alfred’s shop. On Matthew’s days the shop will operate as a tree nursery. He will sell tappers, maple syrup, pine, oak & maple seeds + a selection of fruit tree saplings.
Bakery Contribution- Matthew delivers his shipment of Sugar Pie to the bakery every Monday Morning. He will stay for about an hour and then head out to the river to stand awhile.
More under cut>>>
Birthday- Summer 1 Loves- Pancakes, Ginger Ale, Maple bar, Raw Salmon, & Sugar Pie Likes- All universal likes all forgeable food Neutrals- All universal neutrals and all raw fish Dislikes- All universal dislikes All varieties of cooked fish. Hates- Cave carrots, Moss Soup & Pale Broth & Universal hates Gift receiving lines - (Until you reach 2 hearts with him he will give no response but “…” To gifts regardless if he liked it or not. But with hate and loved gifts the <3 or dust icons will appear above is head) Loves- This is my favorite Thank you! Likes- This is great, thanks Neutrals- A gift? Dislike- Oh, You sure this was for me? Hate- Thanks, I hate it Birthday Gift Line- You remembered my birthday? I feel like everyone always forgets. Thank you!
Unique Festival Dialog: Egg Festival- Marnie didn’t even notice me this morning when I was watching her hide all the eggs. I can tell you where they are hidden if you want. Desert Festival- It’s really hot out here.I’m not built for this weather. Flower Dance- The air here smells sweet. Not as sweet as my nursery though. Ask to dance? If yes- I was planning on just being a wall flower. But of course I’ll dance with you.   If no- *Matthew turns his back to you seeming to be pretending like he didn’t hear you* Firework Festival (New Event)- My brother always acts like these fireworks are for him. He can be so conceded sometimes. Luau- Hello (Player). Oh what did I add? It’s a secret. I’ll give you a hint it’s sticky and sweet. Trout Derby- Don’t distract me right now. Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies- Alfred has been pouting all night. It’s hilarious. Stardew Valley Fair- (Has a stand with Alfred where they are selling dairy products and tree products). We’re totally going to win this year we’ve been stowing away our best products all year. Brew Fest (New Event)- What would make this cup of coffee even better is a stack of pancakes covered in maple syrup. Spirits Eve- Arthur gets really into this festival. He and that strange guy in the tower were setting it up all day. Festival Of Ice-  This is my favorite festival. I wonder what the prize is this year. Squidfest- Don’t distract me right now. Night Market- My brother makes me watch the mermaid show every year.Have you figured out the puzzle yet? Feast Of The Winter Star-  Another year completed. Winter is over and Spring is just around the corner. Just the thought of the pollen is already making my nose itchy. 
Friendship letters after befriending Matthew
2 Heart Letter: Sorry I was so cold to you before. It takes me a minute to warm up to new people. Hopefully this makes up for it. I’ll be sure to talk to you in town from now on. Letter contains maple syrup. 4 Heart letter: I saw you running around town the other day. I was going to say something to you but you seemed really busy. I stole this from my brother’s supplies. I’m sure he won’t miss it (hopefully you look in your mail box before this expires. Letter contains milk. 6 Heart Letter: We’ve become pretty close for not meeting too long ago don’t you think? You’ve become a really good friend to me. I wanted to share with you my top secret recipe. My dad’s Sugar Pie Recipe. (PS. Be sure not to overcook it. If you think it’s not done, it probably is!) Sugar Pie- 2 Maple Syrup 1 Wheat flour 1 Egg H+ 65 E+200 (Letter contains recipe for Sugar Pie) 8 Heart Letter: I’m so glad I get to call you my friend. People in down don’t talk to me much. I always feel invisible, well unless it’s my brother. But when you came everything changed. You brought me out of my shell and I’m grateful for that. Next time you are in Cindersnap Forest meet me in the Secret Woods, you’ve been there right? There is someone I want you to meet. (Letter has no gift and is an invite to Matthew’s 8 heart event)
Romance Dialog
Receiving a Bouquet- You…you’re sure? Wow okay, I would love to.
Mermaid Pendent- I thought you would never ask! I was starting to get worried. I’ll pay for the whole thing don’t even worry about it.
Married Life With Matthew Jones:
When married to Matthew his corner of the farm will be two maple trees with tappers on them. Occasional gifts from Matthew will be a bottle of Maple syrup. Three days after marrying Matthew you will get a letter in the mail from ‘In-laws’ with 10k gold congratulating you and apologizing for not being at the wedding. Matthew will still leave the house every Tuesday & Thursday to tend his shop. Due to the time it takes him to walk there he will warp there and back and cannot be followed. Matthew will hardly ever be home and continue his schedule as usual. Replacing his house with yours. He will still go visit his bear friend by the river and his brother from time to time. He will not become a husk of his former self. Matthew will have coded in ‘grumpy’ days where he will be grumpy and not feel like talking. He may say ‘my brother and I had an argument’ or ‘the bears are mad at me’ don’t worry too much about it and he’ll be back to his regular self by morning.
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nighthoundsworld · 6 months
WE BACK ! told you I wouldn’t be consistent. Anyway Part 2 ! Of my Head canons that are 1000% true for the Next Avengers and with everyone either getting on Spring Break or getting off of it. Today’s topic will be about ✨Morning routines✨
Even though James usually acts like his Mother. His hard work and dedication is from his father. He’s an early bird like him. He takes his morning routines very seriously as he’s always the first one up. Nothing like A mere 100 handstand pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull ups and an easy 13 mile run to start the morning
But nothing beats his breakfast protein shake he makes from scratch that always leaves the others wondering just how he functions in the morning
Whenever Torunn wakes up she never forgets to pray to Odin and her Father. She prays that The all father is watching over her and her family and that when the time is ready she has secured her place in Valhalla. Once she’s done praying Torunn always presses a kiss to her fingers before placing those fingers on the framed picture of her Father and smiling
Torunn’s usually second in the kitchen behind Pym. And thanks to him he’s categorized everyone’s meal plans in separate sections. Torunn’s favorite breakfast always being Honey Nut Cheerios
If it wasn’t for James Pym would easily be the first one up. He only looses to James by 30 minutes as his alarm is set to 6:00 am while James naturally wakes up at 5:30. Pym wakes up at the same time every day on the hour and immediately the first thing he does is play an entire game of speed chess that takes a grand total of 1 minute and 30 seconds against the automated robot he designed. Whoever wins he tally’s up and not to brag but he has a current streak of 180-0. Pym is sully out the door in 10 minutes but not before he glances at the portrait of his parents hung up in his wall
He may not be able to beat James in first one up but Pym’s always the first one in the kitchen as he gets straight to work making his listed meal depending on what day it is
Monday-Bacon and Eggs
Weekends-try James Protein Shakes
He always cleans up before the others get there but trust him before they do it looks like a cooking show was being hosted beforehand
Out of everyone Azari has what people would call the most normal schedule. He wakes up at a fair time and the most he’ll do is splash some water on his face to wake himself up. Always smiling at the two separate pictures of his parents before he begins to start his day
Now even though he’s the most normal in waking up his kitchen skills need the most work as he for some reason refuses to use a glass to drink his morning beverage. Weather it be Orange Juice or Milk everyone immediately groans his name when they see him drink from the carton or jug. Added with Pym’s “and at least put a shirt on” as he has a knack for not putting ok a shirt until 11. We get it, you have fancy tattoos that light up, cool. At least he has the decency to make his own batch of waffles in the morning and he’s not scared of sharing
We’re lucky if Francis even wakes up in a single digit time span. He’s the master at hitting snooze before the alarm even has time to go off. And usually when he does get up he just rolls out of bed and lands on the floor before taking another 15 minutes of shut eye
Every single day Francis is the last one to make it in the Kitchen and every single day he asks the same question whilst he scratches his Platinum Blonde hair “Hey what’s there to eat !” As I’m pretty sure you can guess his sanctioned eating area is usually empty
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thinkpink212 · 2 years
How to effectively plan your week by using Astrology
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☾ I have been using astrology for the past 2 years to not only help my manifestations but also just better structure my months and better avoid burnouts through prioritization. ☾ The weekdays and hours all have rulers that can help point to where it is most beneficial to place our focus and efforts.
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☽ The Day of the Moon - Monday ☾ This is the best day for you to take care of your emotional and mental wellbeing. Seek to get more rest, meditate, journal, avoid stressful people and situations. This is also a great time to handle lighter domestic tasks such as laundry, cooking, light cleaning and other essentials that help improve your space. Lastly, this is a great day to check in on your emotions and indulge in nostalgia. 
♂The Day of Mars - Tuesday ♂ This is a day with a higher and faster pace, so you may find yourself with more energy and bravado. You should therefore seek to move your body more, follow that ambitious energy and even allow yourself to be more bold. 
☿ The Day of Mercury - Wednesday ☿ On this day communication, creativity and coming together is made easy. This makes this an optimal day for learning, studying (especially in groups), solving problems and organizing your life/space. A day such as this is also great for further developing your ideas, answer emails and resolve conflicts
 ♃ The Day of Jupiter - Thursday ♃ A day like this is meant for expanding and exploring. So, do more research, learn something new, go on adventure and delve deeper into your spiritual or religious practice(s). On days like this, we may find ourselves having more unique and out of this world experiences that feel perfectly planned yet so random. Lastly, this is a perfect day to try your luck and trust the process
♀The Day of Venus - Friday ♀ For the day of love and beauty, you may find yourself enjoying it best by spreading love to yourself and others. Take this time to book your beauty appointments (hair, nails, teeth, waxing etc.), spoil yourself, indulge in good food, art and company. And lastly, wear your cutests most favorite clothes and treat the day like it belongs to you. 
 ♄ The Day of Saturn - Saturday ♄ This is a more serious day where the things that have been put off or need special attention should and most likely will be done. This is a day where you may find yourself being more able to hold yourself accountable, refocusing on your goals and re-establishing any structures that may have been broken throughout the /month. So on this day, take care of longer and more grueling tasks, and plan for the upcoming week. Lastly, this is also a day most seem to shine brighter at work, so take advantage of that energy.
☉ The Day Of the Sun - Sunday ☉ This is a day to spend the day focused on ourselves and enjoy the slowness of it all. If the sun is bright, sit under it and recharge. On this day, connecting with our ego can feel easier, so, journal, get your thoughts out, write down your gratitudes, wishes, wants, disappointments and remind yourself of who you are and recenter.  This is a day of choosing you first! 
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What Now? Look at your life and to your best abilities, schedule everything according to what fits your wants & needs with the rulerships of each day. Mondays are for moon-thingz, so even if you can’t get off on Monday, attempt to still rest, recharge and take care of your environment. We live within a very structured world, where many of us start on Monday, so attempt to do what you can with what you have. Many joke that they  hate monday, and that may be because the energies of that day do not align with having to begin a long week of working. And oppositely, Friday is loved because it is Venus – we want to be social, seek beauty and love. With the end of the long workweek being Friday, it fulfills Venusian desires, so it tends to be a day that goes much smoother for many. We live within a very structured world, where many of us start on Monday, so attempt to do what you can with what you have. Many joke that they  hate monday, and that may be because the energies of that day do not align with having to begin a long week of working. And oppositely, Friday is loved because it is Venus – we want to be social, seek beauty and love. With the end of the long workweek being Friday, it fulfills Venusian desires, so it tends to be a day that goes much smoother for many 🌸
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ophexis · 8 months
I've returned from my supply run earlier and I'm happy to say I shall be making not one, but TWO whole recipes from the neopets cookbook! Mostly it's just that the one I really wanted to make was very simple, and would have left me over with ingredients that the second recipe uses, so it works out perfectly lmao.
Anyway I shall now speak of the Neopets Cookbook and what I think of it in between two rounds of Sakhmet Solitaire.
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The Neopets Cookbook came out last year and it was one of those things I: 1) never expected to happen 2) didnt even consider being a possibility 3) makes so much sense
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They only tell you how to make like 3-4 omelettes but it's really just omelette+toppings so you can be creative.
Neopets has a gajillion food items, and while a good chunk of it is questionnable, theres a lot I wanted to eat irl as a kid lmao. I'm happy that all recipes in the book are actual neopets food items rather than just like, neopets-shaped cookies or whatever. I do kinda wish the book was bigger to have more recipes in it. The recipes for main meals are a bit sparse and you will mostly find snacks and desserts.
This cookbook does expect that kids will be picking it up, so the recipes are on the simpler side, and there are several warnings throughout the book about being careful with knives and to not burn yourself. If you're an experienced cook, you're not gonna learn much or discover anything new in this book, but if you've just started cooking on your own (or have kids) this could be a really good starter book! The recipes mostly count on the presentation to be fun rather than the use of unique ingredients and techniques and stuff.
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You go you funky little gay neopets
There are many many recipes that include tips on how to make meaty recipes vegetarian or vegan, on how to make vegetarian recipes vegan, or how to make a lot of the recipes gluten-free.
It's super colorful, has a TON of photos of the foods, and specifically at least one photo for EVERY recipe! Which you may discover through my journey with these books is, for some gods forsaken reason, not always a given! So the Neopets cookbook gets a gold star for the beautiful giant photos of the food on every page, and the cute neopets art spread throughout. There's also some templates you can photocopy at the end to decorate with.
The two recipes I'm gonna make this week are the Hot Dog Burrito, which I might do tomorrow and the Space Quesadilla, which I will do……either wednesday or thursday depending on my mood lmao.
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GOOD: Great for beginners! Photos on every recipe! SUPER colorful! Really fun presentation! Fun for the whole family! Great party food ideas!
LESS GOOD: Recipes on the simpler side! Tends to depend on store-bought items! (which is fine but less stuff is made from scratch) The food might not be mindblowing but it'll be fun as heck!
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"Let's get cooking!"
If you want to have another look at this book I suggest watching Misohungrie's review of it where he cooks 3 meals from the book and shares his thoughts!
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Ohh I've always wanted to start mealprepping but I get so demotivated finding what I want to eat for a whole week, do you maybe have any tips on how to get into it?
you, my friend, have just opened pandora's fridge
soooo i started meal prepping in march of this year at the same time as switching to an office job from retail and starting to go the gym. these decisions were for weight loss reasons (and have been very successful! i look and feel so good!) but i am immediately going to emphasize that there are a lot of benefits to meal prepping besides intentional weight loss. so much of what i've been doing would be the same if you were not trying to lose weight, you just wouldn't be thinking about like calorie deficits when choosing recipes (and if you're interested in weight loss, calories in calories out is your friend. set a reasonable number per day and pay attention to your body. if you're hungry, you're lowballing it. slow progress that sticks is better than fast progress that doesn't).
meal prepping can be really advantageous financially (and could be done less expensively than i do it tbh, i'm a sucker for the farmer's market), and as someone with adhd who lives alone it's incredible for my mental health. the way i meal prep is very structured around 1) my 8-4 weekday job and 2) the gym, so you'll need to figure out how to tailor that based on your schedule and interests.
all that aside, i'm super passionate about this and i've been learning so much these past months! i'm no expert and i was awful at cooking before (only ate frozen meals, snacks, and takeout honestly) but i feel like my relationship with food is the best it's even been in my life. food is GOOD. food that you've made with your own hands, that you've invested your time and effort in, is sosososo special. and if it sucks, at least you're learning what NOT to do! i have like a 85% success rate, and maybe 50-60% recipes are good enough to repeat.
i really treasure this entire ritual, even though it may seem overwhelming to do every single week. in terms of weight loss, i was never going to be someone who got healthy from heavy restriction or prescribed diets that are meant to distance a person from food. and it's funny because like, i would binge, but also HATE food so much for the hold it had over my body and mind. if you have a shitty relationship with food this might really help. i feel obligated to say that i do see a nutritionist, but she's not doing the cooking or recipe hunting or working out for me.
so my weekly meal prep calendar looks like this:
sunday - cooking day. like, for hours. i don't have a dishwasher so i'm doing a full sink of dishes at least three times. i sometimes have plans and can work around them, but i prefer to keep the day free. i imagine this would be trickier if you live with people, but then again i manage in a studio apartment with a kitchen the size of a grocery store checkout line, soooo
tuesday-thursday - research and making the shopping list! can be done on any or all of these days. i use justtherecipe and recommend it highly. it saves recipes from websites while cutting out ads and, like, blogging. you can also edit the recipes and add notes--i always add the calories and maybe nutrition information. if those are not provided and you care, you can use a nutrition calculator to figure it out. if you get nervous about calories i ENCOURAGE you to try this. a lot of recipes that you might shy away from can totally be goal-supportive. pasta can be your friend, i promise.
so what i do during the week is find recipes i want to cook or repeat (using pinterest or websites of previously enjoyed recipes) and add them to justtherecipe. every week i choose a breakfast, a lunch to eat at work, a pre-gym snack, and dinner. if you don't have a lot of physical activity you don't need the same kind of protein-heavy snack, but you could always prep something so you don't snack mindlessly. some weeks i also just cook something sweet for fun, especially if the calories for the whole day are a little low. this could be half-homemade apple cider, baked goods, purchased popsicles, etc. this is most often where i'll just buy something and pre-portion it, rather than prepare it myself. no shame in that at all, in fact, sometimes it would be stupid not to go with the easier/cheaper solution.
so yeah. i figure out what i'm cooking for each "meal," add the recipes to the cookbook in justtherecipe, and then scale the recipes as needed. i usually make 6 servings for a week, which is convenient because most recipes are written in multiples of 2. this is a great recipe converter you can use to resize recipes. justtherecipe devs are also planning to add a feature that does this on the site eventually.
last thing i do during the week is take the recipes, resized as needed, and make a shopping list. if there are things i know already have i leave them out, and if i'm unsure i put a question mark and check my kitchen whenever i'm home. i will say while this sounds kindaaaaaaa expensive at first, the more you repeat this weekly process the more nonperishable things you'll already have stocked, especially if you tend to cook with similar spices and types of oil/flour/etc. at this point, sixish months in, i rarely need to buy nonperishable stuff, unless i've literally run out. and you can find affordable ways to buy perishables, and if you compare what you're spending to frozen meals, snacks, and takeout, i think it's likely it would be at the worst equal, if that makes sense. i know this is a sweeping generalization and i'm sorry. this might not work for some people but i can only share what i'm fortunate enough to be able to do.
friday - this is the day i go shopping, after work! with my list that i already made! i know the layout of the supermarket super well at this point so i order the items accordingly. it goes pretty fast and people have asked me several times if i was doing instacart which i took as a huge compliment.
so that's my schedule, but you can switch it around based on what your work week looks like. i would definitely say that you should try to shop no more than 3 days before cooking, and maybe freeze certain ingredients in the meantime. freezing is HUGE in meal prep.
speaking of storage, storage!
depending on the kinds of meals, you have to be smart about storage if you want them to last 5-6 days. pay attention to what the recipe says about fridge vs. freezer life (justtherecipe does NOT save this, so make sure you check the website). for most meals, i freeze some or all on sunday and defrost in the fridge a day ahead as the week goes by. obviously you might need to split up more complex things (for a salad freeze the chicken but not the greens, for a soup freeze the broth and noodles but not the veggies, etc.). the highest-maintenance thing i've done so far is an udon soup with frozen broth and chicken but fresh prepped ingredients, which i needed to actually combine and boil on the stove every night (also did an egg drop because i think it's funny. like that egg really did just drop). still, pretty easy and low maintenance! the soup in question (oh god i hope my food isn't ugly and i'm actually delusional) will be pictured at the bottom of this post!!
plastic meal prep containers are less expensive, but glass are far superior especially if you're really into chilis, soups, and very garlicky-oniony foods. and especially ESPECIALLY if you're like me and you don't have a dishwasher. plastic tends to not do great with hot liquids and it holds onto strong smells.
i started out with plastic for the first few months, but asked for glass for my birthday. now i have 10 glass containers, 5 for lunch and 5 for dinner, and supplement with plastic during weeks where i make 6 servings. i think these are the glass ones i use, or at least made by the same company, and for plastic you can't beat target's price for what it includes. most supermarkets and big stores tend to sell both glass and plastic, if you don't want to commit to glass financially, plastic is still great. you'll definitely find a use for them if you upgrade eventually!
for the breakfast and pre-gym snacks, i use disposable stuff like baggies or the tinier plastic containers that often come in sets. i'm sorry, planet :( there's just a point where i know i can't create too many dishes, especially with no dishwasher. the whole point of this entire ritual is to create a process i have no problem repeating indefinitely, so sometimes i have accept that i'm not going to be able to do it perfectly.
in terms of breakfasts, i personally don't like savory flavors early in the morning. i'm a big fan of the frozen smoothie bag and baked goods like muffins and bread.
there is a kitchen in my office with a toaster oven and microwave, so i have some flexibility with what i can bring in and eat. lots of soups and salads!
pre-gym snacks are always about protein. protein muffins, hummus and veggies, peanut butter.
dinner can be a lot of things, but for me personally the focus is on making it hearty so i am FULL when i go to sleep. the overall rule of thumb with all of this is to make food you're EXCITED to eat, so you don't feel like you're unsatisfied or missing out. especially when starting out, i benefitted from learning how to prepare meat in appealing ways. i hate handling raw meat and there are some shortcuts you can take to avoid it, like making patties or meatballs with ground chicken or turkey. personally i only eat chicken and sometimes turkey, every once in a while turkey bacon. so no steak recipes here i'm afraid :( i'm a big fan of my grill pan but also have to be very careful with stovetop pan-cooking because my postage stamp of an apartment has no kitchen fan and i don't keep windows open. if you're in a similar situation and hate the idea of straight up baked chicken, you can bake it in the oven and then pan-fry or grill for a few minutes just to get that exterior texture without worrying about undercooking. oh yeah, also get a meat thermometer. a great part of acquiring recipes like pokemon is that you'll start adding kitchen items to your collection as needed just like your spices.
other misc. meal prep tips include: ALWAYS buy more broth than the recipe requires (like, twice as much); try to buy exact portions of perishable ingredients because unfortunately food waste can be a problem when you're alone; and cooking for several hours is a really good time to listen to audiobooks or video essays.
also i do want to point out that i occasionally eat food i didn't prepare. i just typically plan ahead and get SUPER excited to do so. i'm never eating takeout or restaurant food or frozen meals because i don't have it in me to make something; it's because i like the special food or i'm somewhere cool with people i care about. it's a treat, but so is all the food i make.
okay, last thing, here are some recipes i've repeated and really enjoy! notice that they're not all like spinach salads, i love when recipes find clever ways to emulate "unhealthy" food while having nutritious ingredients. the website skinnytaste is my favorite for stuff like that and she has a massive backlog of free recipes with nutrition info. also i very obviously favor certain ingredients (feta cheese my love), these are just things i like, there is so much out there for you to find for yourself! even if the recipe isn't your thing, these blogs and websites are great places to start!
- https://kristineskitchenblog.com/healthy-apple-muffins/
- a smoothie with 1/2 frozen banana, ~10 frozen strawberries, handful frozen spinach, 3/4 tbsp peanut butter (you can get a little scooper to make this easier), 3/4 tbsp strawberry preserves, and as much soy milk as it takes to smoothify it (around 1.25 cups)
- lunch and/or dinner:
- https://www.mealswithmaggie.com/chicken-corn-chowder/
- https://easychickenrecipes.com/chicken-tortellini-soup-recipe/
- https://www.mamagourmand.com/braised-butternut-squash-bacon-penne-bake/
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/baked-chicken-parmesan/
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/coconut-chicken-salad-with-warm-honey/
- https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/farmers-market-veggie-pasta/
- https://healthylittlepeach.com/feta-and-spinach-chicken-patties/
- https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/grilled-bruschetta-chicken/
- https://pinchofyum.com/honey-chicken-salad-with-grapes-and-feta
- https://www.skinnytaste.com/turkey-pumpkin-chili/
- pre-gym:
- https://thehonoursystem.com/maple-vanilla-protein-fudge/
- various protein muffins. they're not as fluffy as normal ones but can still be good!
- other:
- https://ifoodreal.com/healthy-key-lime-pie-bars/
- https://www.asweetpeachef.com/hot-apple-cider/
aaaaaand i'll close with food photos. because i'm proud. even if they don't look gorgeous, each is special to me, and i just think that's neat
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abednadirsgf · 2 years
midnight icecream together!!! they're all in their pjs (troy and abed got annie a set of pjs for their first christmas/notchristmas/notpresent/hanukkah/holidayday/gift not gift that matched theirs but in purple :)) they eat icecream with sprinkles, with chocolate syrup, with marshmallows, with chopped nuts on top, with multiple flakes, with m&ms - the whole shebang. they might have some inspector spacetime in the background whilst they talk and giggle and make funny faces at each other. they leave the dishes in the sink for later that morning and probably end up sleeping and cuddling together on cushions or on the sofa for the rest of the night.
annie has lots of pillows and bears and plushies etc, a whole collection. so, troy and abed decide to get her a new plush every birthday/not Christmas Christmas holiday day or just when they see one that looks cool and so her whole bed is just filled with different animals or weirdly shaped cushions they found in charity shops or drugstores or furniture stores or ebay or something lol (they make sure they clean them beforehand obviously so they smell of nice lavender fabric conditioner) and annie allows them to name some of them too ;)
Annie listens to Mitski, she a mitski gal like me, and she tends to listen to 'bury me at make out creek' or 'lush' albums when she's sad or feels overwhelmed with emotions or feeling insecure :// so when Troy hears the familiar sound of Francis Forever through her door when he goes to ask if she wants takeout tonight, he knocks on the door before entering and seeing her on her bed with a tear stricken face :( he gives her a big big hug, turns the music off and just holds her and tells her the things that happened in his day, like how he saw a cat with one eye outside the apartment building and tried to feed it the leftover chips he had at lunch but it might have scratched him and the cut on his hand don't look so good and then annie bursts into laughter and slaps troy's chest calling him an idiot and fixes up his hand so it doesn't get infected
abed and annie watch the xfiles together, they go through s1-s9 and even dress up as fox mulder and dana scully respectively for one Halloween!!! they watch the movies together and think up of their own conspiracies about the show or real life government. and it's partially what pushed Annie to pursue forensics and the fbi further and Abed 100% backed her and encouraged her (also got her to promise to give him a special fbi hq tour and may or may not write his own spin off special episode take on Annie working at the fbi hehe and also makes sure she reports back all the tales she has for script inspo) when the latter seasons of 10&11 come out whilst they're apart, they Skype each other and do watch parties and britta might pitch in too.
Abed loves his buttered noodles and Troy loves eating pizza all the time and as much as Annie loves takeout and easy eating, she knows its not healthy to have it all the time (and its expensive!!!) so they have a day of the week (I'm feeling Thursday) when they cook a proper homecooked meal together like lasagna or chili con carne and save leftovers for lunch the next day too. Annie also makes sure they eat some fruit so sometimes when they study she makes them all fruit cups and adds a little bit of sprinkled sugar ontop of strawberries ;)
Troy loves to bake. he loves it. he loves making a mess of flour and sugar and having his friends and family tasting his creations. he learnt a lot from Shirley and makes a realllll good pumpkin pie for thanksgiving every year. he loves making apple crumble bc of the texture and he loves decorating cakes and cupcakes (though he does like drawing dicks with icing and makes jokes whenever someone eats one lol) and although he doesn't celebrate birthdays, he still makes abed and annie a cake and he gets them to decorate it with him so it has a some of the flair of the not birthday person. I feel like baking is one of his love languages and he just loves to feed his family the delicious treats and gets super happy when they like them or bake with him :)))
obviously movie nights!! binging tv show nights!! movie marathons!! popcorn galore!! they all know each others comfort movie/show and just watch and cuddle on the sofa when they need it
pillow and blanket forts <33 they might have little studies sessions in them or troy and abed just go to Annie's room and sit in her bed on the many pillows she has hehe
they just love each other and are always there for each other <3 I love them and they're my fave trio <3
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leitch · 3 months
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When your kid gets braces, the least you can do is take him to see Messi to make up for it.
Here are this week's stories:
MONDAY This Week's Power Rankings (MLB.com) Emma Stone Movies, Ranked (Vulture)
TUESDAY Why the USMNT Lost Its Juice (New York)
WEDNESDAY Your Biggest Second-Half Questions (MLB.com)
THURSDAY My Weekly Five Fascinations (MLB.com)
Grierson & Leitch (subscribe in iTunes) We discuss “Inside Out 2,“ "Tuesday” and “Fruitvale Station.”
Seeing Red (subscribe in iTunes) Bernie Miklasz and I find it hilarious that the Cardinals keep winning.
Morning Lineup (subscribe in iTunes) I did Monday and Thursday mornings this week.
This has been a good sports summer so far, I like good sports summers after I file my book by Memorial Day. Have a great weekend, all, and remember: Joe May has just been released from Cook County Hospital after a siege of pneumonia that nearly killed him. Before he goes home, he goes to a bar. "Jeez, I thought you was dead," the bartender says. Nothing about how he's glad to see Joe is alive.
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misplacedmidlanders · 4 months
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Thursday, 23rd May 2024. Tongariro National Park > Te Kuiti.
I began today with the World's Nicest Shower (TM) at our campsite before switching to the less glamorous side of camping: emptying the waste we had so far been driving around with us (yes including 'that' type of waste too, don't ever tell me I don't things for love). 
The weather Gods looked kindly on us today as we expected rain and instead had a bright crisp morning in which to hike. Jake and I took the Taranaki Falls Track, which takes you from Whakapapa Village all the way up to Mt Tongariro, should be so inclined. We were not so inclined and I bowed out around the 2 hour mark to instead walk back to the campsite (Jake went all the way to Mangatepopo Hut, which means he'll have walked almost six hours today, so I'll definitely need my ear plugs tonight). 
We didn't see a single other person on this pathway (I assume because it's a saner decision to do a shorter trail) but the scenery was predictably incredible, and we got the full Frodo and Sam experience climbing muddy hills, going through marshes and bogs, across wooden steps and down sandy pathways. There were a few Mario Kart-esque shortcuts along the way but these seemed a bit risky, however it's fair to say you could easily spend a couple of weeks here walking the various trails they have available. The Skyrim soundtrack may have also made a return at one point too...
Upon returning back to the campsite I downed a pair of pot noodles and had a nap, before Jake came back from his mega-mega-walk, cooked his own noodles and we made our way to the KiwiCamp at Te Kuiti (which required us to buy a fob from BP, download an app to book onto the campsite, sign up and buy a balance of $20 to pay for a booking, to then be able to use the fob to actually get inside the campsite. Dad, if you're reading this, it wasn't an experience that would make you any fonder of apps).
Tomorrow we'll continue our Nathan Drake/Indiana Jones portion of the trip by visiting the Waitomo Caves where we'll be donning wetsuits and potentially find a treasure or two (which we'll take back to the UK and claim that these are now British artefacts).
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assarivanguard · 5 months
wip wednesday but it's thursday because timezones
@optiwashere tagged me once again, and now i get to inflict everyone with my pre-edited half-done wips
i've had a few cooking since i actually have brain gremlins now so i just let ideas happen instead of focusing on one at a time. if this backfires i'll just go back to writing one at a time lmao
anyway enjoy
wip 1: wild west karivan (karlach/rivan) (working title) i just wanted to do something history related ngl
“Storm's brewin’.” The wind picked up, black-grey hair carried along with it. The rider adjusted her weather-worn flat-brimmed hat to block out as much sun as possible, her burn-scarred skin already reddened from the heat and wind. Her striped poncho lifted up in the breeze briefly, but she paid no mind. All she could do was watch the horizon, watch how the rolling clouds darkened further. Rivan Tavares readjusted herself again on her saddle. Her trusty steed, a lazy as sin paint horse named Calle, gnawed at a tumbleweed that had blown between her hooves. “Going to be a nasty one, I fear,” Wyll added. He had re-doffed his own Derby hat after shaking out some dust. While Calle was lazy as they came, his brilliantly white steed was pawing at the loose dirt, eager to sprint. Shamshir may not be the smartest horse, but what it lacked in intelligence it made up for in will and loyalty.
wip 2: untitled (future karlach/rivan) i began writing this when horribly depressed. it is what it is. also someone's gotta do monk lore and i will be the one to do it so help me god
The first time she felt something was when the nomads had passed down the street leading into Baldur’s Gate proper. A troupe of monks that were travel weary and mud splattered, but all so so beautiful. Muscles as far as her little eyes could see, women of all shapes and sizes of all races. Rivan’s heart fluttered, heat rising up her cheeks. With most of the hostels booked for the night, the monks had chose to stay at her family’s brothel. Most people would leer and grab and jeer at the flesh on display, she’d seen loads of travellers doing it, but the monks remained calm, almost at peace with the world, and little Rivan was fascinated.
also cooking is a wip about karlach meeting rivan's family and monk stuff, some lae'zel/minthara stuff, maybe some aylin/isobel stuff. i'm just being gay. and kinky.
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smilingformoney · 1 year
To Dad, From Abbie: Part 2/3
Summary: Dad Snape | Father's Day 1999.
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Read on Ao3 or below the cut:
Sunday, 20 June 1999
The twins were five days shy of six months, and a routine had formed; Severus would attend to them when they woke on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Persephone would do so Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and on Sundays, Abbie took over to allow her parents a morning off.
It was strange, then, that Severus woke to an empty bed. Even when he wasn’t attending to the twins, he usually woke earlier than Persephone anyway. And yet, although the clock read half past five, she wasn’t there.
She had slept, he was certain of that. She’d fallen asleep in his arms, sweaty and exhausted from the multiple orgasms he had elicited from her, and he too had drifted off after lifting the silencing charm from their room.
As he dressed, Severus listened carefully. He could hear movement downstairs, although it seemed he could hear only one set of footsteps.
He was halfway down the stairs when he bumped into Persephone.
“Severus!” she exclaimed, as if surprised to see her own husband in the house they had shared for a little over a year. “You’re up.”
Severus raised an eyebrow as he examined Persephone’s body language. She may be the Ministry’s greatest spy, but any idiot could see she was intentionally blocking his passage.
“As are you,” he commented. “Is it not Sunday? I was disappointed to wake and find you gone, sweetling. I thought some great emergency may have pulled you from my arms.”
“You’re right, we should go back to bed -”
She stepped towards him, but he placed a gentle hand on her chest, stopping her in her tracks.
“No, no, no,” he murmured. “Whatever you are hiding from me - out with it. Now.”
“I’m not hiding anything, Sev -”
“Oh? Then you wouldn’t mind telling me why you’re downstairs, fully dressed, at half past five in the morning, when you should be under the bed covers, sliding your knickers aside to allow me to feast on you.”
Just over Persephone’s shoulder, Abbie appeared at the bottom of the stairs, and Severus thanked Merlin he had spoken so softly - he would probably have to obliviate all three of them if Abbie had caught any of what he had just said.
“Hey, Dad, will you come into the study for totally innocent reasons?”
Severus narrowed his eyes. “Why?”
“Because you love me and will do anything I ask?”
…Well, she had him there.
With a sigh, Severus moved down the stairs - Persephone finally allowing him past - and followed Abbie into the study.
It took him a moment to realise what he was seeing. The kitchen table had been moved into the study, and at each place sat a plate of food - full English for each of the adults, and for the twins, a bowl of mashed baby food.
Severus turned back towards Abbie and Persephone, then burst into laughter when he realised what they’d done.
They were each holding one of the twins, who were dressed in tiny replicas of his teaching robes.
“You are both complete imbeciles,” he sighed, although the smile on his face betrayed him.
“We thought we’d celebrate Father’s Day by reminding you how wonderful it is that you have three mini Snapes,” Persephone said. “Abbie didn’t need to dress up, of course, but I couldn’t resist shrinking your robes and putting the girls in them.”
“You shrank my robes?” Severus repeated.
“Oh, please, you never wear them anymore,” Persephone replied. “Besides, they look much cuter on these two beans. Don’t they, April?”
April smiled when her mother looked at her, her big silver eyes widening with amusement.
“Ahh-ah!” Ariadne said, her tiny hand reaching out towards the table.
“Ari’s right, let’s eat,” Abbie agreed.
They placed the girls in their high chairs and sat down to breakfast, expertly made as always by Abbie. It had become something of a Father’s Day tradition for Abbie to cook one of her delicious breakfasts, although Severus has thought she would forgo it this year as it was her turn to look after the girls. But if Persephone had woken early to dress the twins up as him, then they must have shared the load.
They all chatted amicably as they ate - although they often ate dinner together, it was rare for all five of them to share breakfast with their busy schedules. Persephone still had work some mornings, Abbie usually had school, and any one of them could be occupied with the twins.
Once they had finished eating, Persephone waved her wand to clear the plates away, then lifted the girls from their high chairs to change their nappies. Severus moved to stand and assist her, but Abbie’s hand on his arm stopped him.
“One more Father’s Day tradition,” she reminded him.
He looked down to see see held an envelope in her hand. He smiled.
Every year, without fail, she had brought him another card.
At age fourteen, although they were unable to see each other due to Wormtail’s presence in his house, he had awoken that Sunday morning to find a card sitting on his bedside cabinet.
At sixteen, there had been no card, as she believed him a Death Eater and a traitor - but she had made up for it the following year by providing a card that was comically overlarge, and Severus had proudly displayed it on his shelf until the following year’s card came.
Now, at eighteen, she handed him what would be his fifteenth Father’s Day card. The previous year’s card currently sat on the shelf, and once this year’s was displayed, it would join the previous thirteen in their place of honour within his desk drawer.
Severus pulled the card from its envelope. He chuckled to see that she had returned to a handmade card - this one adorned with two tiny handprints made of paint.
Inside, the card read:
To Dad, You deserve all the good things you have. Love, Abbie (18), Ariadne (½) and April (½)
The handwriting was clearly Abbie’s, but the handprints, he realised, were from the twins. 
“Eighteen,” Severus sighed. “How in Merlin’s name are you eighteen, Abbie?”
“I’ll be nineteen soon enough.”
Yes, and then you’ll leave me.
He smirked. “‘All the good things I have.’ I suppose that’s you, is it?”
“It’s whatever you think it is. Which includes me, obviously.”
How did she know? How could she possibly know that that was the thought that kept him up at night, the guilt that ate away at him, the fear that he deserved nothing of the life he had, not compared to those who had lost their lives in the war?
He wrapped an arm around Abbie’s shoulder and pulled her into an embrace. She slid her arms around his torso in response, savouring the moment; she too, it seemed, was all too aware that their remaining time together was running short.
“You are the best thing I have,” Severus said softly. “You always will be, even when you’re no longer mine to keep.”
Abbie chuckled. “I’ll always be your daughter, Dad,” she reminded him. “Distance won’t change that. And whatever happens, I promise… you’ll always be my best friend.”
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