#and 500 comments later someone is threatening the other person's life
skinnypaleangryperson · 10 months
I'm literally cackling like a hyena alone in my living room right now because I've genuinely almost committed unalive in the past 24 hours just because a sitcom came out with a casual joking episode that was so innocent initially that it could have been aired on PBS and 24 hours later the end result has been as someone with autism on the verge of unaliving (before judging, consider the fact that there has been a lot of events that have occurred since then in real life that would justify these intense emotions)
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Are you a request open if so can you do a Jeremy Gilbert one
Yes, my request are open!! Send all your request in Darlin! ❤️
Here’s your request!
I love writing for Jeremy Gilbert. He doesn’t get enough loving!
Summary: Y/n (Kol mikaelson twin sister) hasn’t seen her boyfriend Jeremy Gilbert in 3 months. And now she coming back home, but with a surprise for Jeremy! (I suck at summary’s :| )
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It was well pasted midnight. Jeremy was in bed sleeping soundly, when his phone rang. At first he tried to ignore it, but when it kept run gun he answered it.
Grabbing his phone he slid the green button to answer it. “Hello?” Jeremy grumbled out with a yawn.
“Sorry, Baby. Did I wake you?” Y/n asked her boyfriend with a small giggle.
Y/n had been out of town for about three months, dealing with some family issues with her brothers back home. She really wanted Jeremy to go with her, but he wasn’t able to go. Well, he wanted to go, but Y/ns ass of brother threaten to kill Jeremy. So Jeremy ended up staying in mystic falls while Y/n left. So they always ended up calling and texting each other through out the day.
“Yeah, but it’s fine. Why are you calling so late is everything okay?” Y/ns heart aches as she heard the worry in her boyfriends voice.
“I’m okay, I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you.”
Jeremy smiled as he listened to his girlfriends soft voice.
“I miss you too, when are you coming home?” Jeremy asked desperate to have his love back in his arms.
“Soon, I promise. I know I said I’d only be gone for a little while, but you know how my brothers are.”
“Yes, being a mikaelson has its flaws, but do they really need you as much as I need you?” He could hear Y/ns laughing on the other end of the phone, along with the sound of another person talking.
“Well, without me my brothers would be long gone and most likely sealed into a safe of concrete and dropped to the deepest, darkest part of the ocean. So, I’m pretty sure they need me. But I offered you a chance to come up.” Y/n spoke with a knowing tone in her voice. Jeremy nodded even though Y/n couldn’t see him.
“I do miss you though, Jer. I really do! If I thought I could leave New Orleans without my brother daggering me for leaving him, without helping him do whatever he’s doing. I would leave right now.”
Jeremy sighed and nodded.
“I know baby girl, it’s fine. I love you so much.”
“I love you more then you’ll ever know Jeremy Gilbert.”
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, I gotta go! I love you.” Y/n said quickly. Jeremy could hear a car door slam shut and the sound of a car starting.
“Okay, I love you. Bye.” With that Y/n hung up.
“Your lover boy seems to care deeply for you sister.” Kol said as he sat beside Y/n in her (fav. Color) 1969 Dodge Challenger. Y/n nodded with a smile.
“He loves me and I truly love him. I’ve lived for over a thousand years and I’ve never been in love with someone as I have been with Jeremy.” Y/n declared her love for The youngest Gilbert. Kol looked at his twin sister and smile. He could see the love in her eyes. The way her Y/e/c eyes would light up just at the mention of Jeremys name.
“Well, you were daggered for most of the time. I swear Nik did not like us. He left us daggered for years upon years. I say we take our revenge against Nik dagger him and leave him to rot for half a millennium, just like he did us.” Kol declared with a murderous look on his face.
“I do believe if we tried that he would some how over come us and end our lives. And anyone we ever loved. He does make it seem like he doesn’t care. I mean I truly believe if Nik cared for us he wouldn’t have left us daggered. But that’s my opinion and a subject for another day.” Y/n tried to end the conversation, but she couldn’t help but think about it. Nik daggered her when he would dagger Kol.
Y/n and Kol was always inseparable. They were twins, brother and sister, best friends. The two couldn’t live without the other. When Kol would get daggered Y/n would avenge his “death” by making a mess of things. She would do anything she could to get her twin brother back. Even going as far as threatening the lives of her other siblings. But the rest of the siblings learned so they daggered Y/n putting her into a cold pine box to rot. When Y/n wasn’t daggered her siblings weren’t really there for her. Well, Kol was always there for her when her other siblings weren’t. That is until Jeremy came into the picture.
“Hi, your new here, right? I’m Jeremy Gilbert.” Jeremy introduces himself to the knew girl of the school.
“Y/n, y/n mikaelson. Lovely to meet you.” It was junior year. Everything was starting to get weirder in mystic falls.
“Do you need some help finding your classes?” Jeremy asked the young Y/e/c eyed girl.
“Umm, I have Mr. Saltzman History class. Do you know where I can find his class. Jeremy nodded with a smile.
“Yeah, that’s my next class. We can go there together.” Y/n smiled and followed the doe eyed boy to history class.
“Where are we off to?” Kol asked as he noticed his twin driving out of New Orleans headed north. “I’m going back to mystic falls. Jermey couldn’t go with me back home because Niklaus decided that he would threaten Jeremys life. So he stayed home.” Y/n rambled, Kol chuckled at the quick anger that came to the Y/h/c haired vampire/witch. Just thinking about Nicklaus laying a hand on Jermey sent her on a murderous rampage.
“You know, I think it’s funny how we are the only vampires in creation that can be witches.” Y/n looked over at her brothers random comment with a confused look.
“You are so random. You don’t make sense sometimes.” Y/n said looking over at her childish brother.
“Yes, I am the one who doesn’t make since. I’m not the one going to drive like 500 miles just to be with a boy.” Y/n rolled her eyes at her twin.
“I love him Kol. I truly, truly love him. I couldn’t imagine life without him.” Kol looked over at his sister, seeing her this way -so in love. It made him so happy. Seeing his sister who hadn’t been happy since she was a human was finally happy. She had met someone who made her happy. And that’s all he could ask for.
“Are you going to tell him?” Kol asked looking at his baby sister and then to the small baby bump on her tummy.
Y/n smiled placing her hand absentmindedly on her lower belly.
“That’s one of the reasons I’m going back. Yes, I’m going to tell him..” Y/n said with a nod, smiling widely as she sped on down the highway.
~~ a few hours later~~
It was now about 9 in the morning. Y/n had finally arrived in mystic falls. She was so excited to give Jeremy the news of what they were going to have. They had talked about their future. About their dream wedding. About the family they wanted to have. But this, y/n was just so ecstatic to share the news to Jeremy.
Y/n pulled up to the Paved drive way and took a deep breath before getting out her car. She dropped Kol off at the Mikelsom mansion on the other side of town before coming. She took a nervous breath as she walked up the front door.
She used her special hearing trying to figure out if Jeremy was awake or not. Listening in she could hear his slow steady heart beat. She nodded to herself knowing he was still asleep. Grabbing the hide-away-key from the fake rock on the porch she opened the door. She took her jean jacket off and put it on the coat rack. Silently making her way up the stairs to Jeremys room.
She opened Jeremys door slowly. Making sure she wouldn’t wake him from his peaceful slumber.
She took off her shoes and climbed into the bed beside Jeremy. She smiled taking in the appearance in front of her.
He snored softly, as a little bit of drool was on the side of his cheek. His bed hair unruly making her giggle. Which made him furrow his eyes in his sleep. She softly brushed his hair out of his face. Slowly waking him from his sleep.
Opening his brown eyes he seen Y/n and smiled brightly.
“When did you get here?” He asked pulling her into his arms.
“About 5 minutes ago. I didn’t want to wake you up twice in one night. Well, day now.” Jeremy smiles as he kissed her forehead softly.
“I missed you so freaking much!” He mumbled against her lips as he kissed her. She hummed against his lips, breaking the kiss as she smiled.
“What is it?” Jeremy asked looking down at her confused.
“Do you remember how we talked about our future? You know, like getting married, have kids together?” Y/n asked nervously.
“Yeah, what about it?” He laced his fingers with hers as he spoke.
“Well, who knew we would be having a baby before marriage.” She spoke with a evening smile.
“We’re have a baby?!” Jeremy jumped up with a bright smile on his face.
“I thought you couldn’t have a baby since your a vampire?”
“Well, luckily me being a witch helps in having a baby. I asked my sister Freya and she said that somehow I used my magic and made myself able to get pregnant. Which I have no clue how I did it, but I did.” She rambled quickly only stopping to take a breath.
“Man, this is so exciting! How far along are you?!” Y/n could see the happiness radiating off him in waves.
“3 months according to the doctor. I even got an ultrasound. I just found out the other day. I knew I could not wait too long before I told you. The only other person I told was Freya and Kol. And now you. I didn’t want anyone else to know until I told you.” Jeremy smiled as he kissed Y/n.
“I think this is one of the best day of my life. I love you so, so much!” He exclaimed with a smile. Y/n smiled as she wiped the tears of joy off her face.
“I can’t wait to meet you little baby.” Y/n heard Jeremy whispered as he held Y/n in his arms.
“I love you already. You and your momma.” Y/n smiled as looked into Jeremys eyes.
“I love you so much. I wouldn’t want this with anyone but you.” Y/n admitted. Jeremy smiled as he leaned down and kissed her.
“Well, I guess since you gave me good news I’ll give you some.” He pulled away from Y/n reaching over into his bed side drawer pulling out a velvet box.
“I was going to go down to New Orleans to do this, but your here now and that’s all that matters.” He said as he got off the bed and walked around to stand in front of Y/n. She sat up straight in the bed as she looked at Jeremy.
“Y/n, you are the most beautiful, humble, joyful, silly, courageous, strongest woman I have ever met. I knew when I first saw you that you were going to be in my future. I wasn’t sure if we were going have a relationship like we have now. But I knew we were going to have a friendship. Y/n m/n mikaelson, will you do me the greatest of honors and marry me?”
Y/n smiled as she nodded looking at her boyfriend who was on one knee in front of her.
“Of course I’ll marry you!” She squealed with a smile.
“I can’t wait for our future.” Jeremy whispered against Y/ns lips.
“This is the future. Here and now. Bit worrying about anything. Just enjoying everything we can.” Y/n smiled looking at Jeremy.
“I love you, Jeremy Gilbert.”
“I love you too, Y/n soon-to-be Gilbert.” Y/n smiled as she gave Jeremy another kiss.
* I suck at endings! I hope you like this. I have had baby fever since my aunt had her baby so all I could think about was reader being pregnant with Jeremys baby so. Thanks for requesting and reading this. Request are open.
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weasleydream · 4 years
Operation swan song
Here is my participation for @hp-imagines-07​ writing challenge! Once again congrats love 💜  My prompts were “I don’t care!” “But I do!” and “Is it that bad?” “Yes.” (I’ve taken a bit of liberty and changed them a bit but they are still here... for the little story I had completely forgotten them and I had to put them at the last moment) 
TW: mention of torture 
As usual feel free to like, comment, reblog and enjoy!
(Also I’ve recently reached the 500 followers and I’ve organized a writing challenge that you can find here! Plz don’t let it flop 😂 )
(gif not mine) 
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Everyone is different, everyone acts different. Some people cry while some others laugh, some run while others walk. Some use their head while others use their fists. I liked to think I was the kind of person that was like Remus when I was the complete opposite. He was the head and I was the fists. I was as reckless as Sirius and as impulsive as James, but with a heart as big as Remus’ and a love and an admiration for my friends as unconditional as Peter’s. The only priority I had ever had was to make sure this little group I called my family was safe, whether it was from Filch or a Death Eater. You attacked them, you attacked me; that was something I had made clear since the end of the first period of our first year at Hogwarts. Maybe I wasn’t very convincing at the time - James still used to laugh when remembering the time I had threatened a fourth year who had made fun of Remus, only because with one push from the boy I had ended on the floor - but I had never been afraid to defend them and they had never been afraid to defend me. 
And now that school was definitely over for us, now that we were adults, now that James and Lily were going to be parents, the mission I had decided to complete had taken more sense than ever. In my mind, if someone had to take all the responsibilities for James, Lily and the baby they were awaiting, for Remus, Sirius and Peter, then I would do it without hesitation. I would give my life for all of them, as much as I knew they would do the same for me. And now that the war was here, now that the prophecy had designated James, Lily and the baby as targets for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, I felt more than ever the need to make sure they were safe. Everyone knew this, everyone including Albus Dumbledore. 
_ _ _ 
“Professor Dumbledore, as much as I’m happy to be back here, I believe you didn’t ask me to come only to propose to me some acid pops, am I right?” 
Dumbledore folded his hands on the parchment that was spread out on the desk. His blue eyes were fixing a point on the paper, and he fixed the spot a few seconds before clearing his throat and eventually looking at me. 
“You’re right, miss Y/L/N. It is for a way more grave matter that you’re here today. You probably know the Order is in a delicate position.”
“A delicate position? With all due respect, we’re being killed one by one. I don’t call this a delicate position, I call this being near from the end.”
Dumbledore sighed, a sadness all but habitual emanating from him. 
“I know that, miss Y/L/N, and I believe you would do anything to prevent the Order from reaching its end, right?” I stayed silent, because we both knew the answer and I was beginning to understand where the conversation was going. “You want to protect your friends and their family, right?”
“What if you got to the point?” 
“I need to stay one step ahead of Voldemort, and I need you to help me with that.”
“How- what- how could I help with that?” I stuttered, truly taken aback with what Dumbledore was implying. “Don’t tell me- do you want me to infiltrate the enemies’ camp?”
“That is not exactly what I want. I need you to spy on them, they must not know about you.” 
Dumbledore’s piercing blue eyes were almost burning holes in my forehead as I was looking down, trying to process all that it meant. I had the unpleasant sensation that every word had been carefully chosen and that the old man knew that by insisting on my devotion for my friends, he would ensure that my answer would be positive. But spying on the Death Eaters? Even for me, it was a lot. More than a dangerous move, it was a suicidal mission, and if the thought of dying to protect baby Potter wasn’t scaring me that much, thinking that I would have to leave my friends and more especially Remus was making my heart ache painfully. 
“Is that your plan?” I whispered. “The only thing you’ve come up with to save us all?”
“Who said it is my only idea? And this is not a plan, miss Y/L/N, only a proposition. You don’t have any obligation.” His eyes still on me, Dumbledore slowly raised his hands to fold them underneath his chin. Somewhere behind him, his phoenix moved.
“A plan, a proposition, I don’t care what we call this. You need someone to send among the enemies and you want me to do it, that’s the same thing.” 
“Will you do this, yes or no?”
“Of course I’ll do it.” I muttered before leaving the office with the sensation I had just been manipulated.
It was late at night and the corridors of the school were empty. There were probably a few students out of their dorm - Merlin knew only a few years ago I was part of them - but I didn’t see anyone, and I took the occasion to wander in this familiar place. I stopped in front of a window on the second floor that was overlooking the entrance courtyard. A girl and a boy were sitting next to each other on a bench. They looked like they were looking at the stars. Suddenly, the boy got up and grabbed the girl’s hand and they began to dance to an unheard music, maybe the music of their hearts, I thought bitterly as I looked away. 
Maybe it was the weight of the upcoming mission that would very probably kill me, maybe I was just being sensitive because I was alone in the dark, but I was regretting the days I would be in this girl’s shoes and Remus would be in the boy’s. How many nights had we spent here, on that same bench, looking at the same stars? Our thing wasn’t to dance but to share stories, legends or gossip. We would stay here for hours, only coming back to the dorm when the sky took a delicate orange shade. And we would never talk about these nights, greeting the other in the morning in the same way we did with our friends, we would avoid questions and the other’s eyes for the day before doing exactly the same a few days later. 
I had always thought I would have a lifetime to figure out what my feelings for him were, but only now did I realize my lifetime was desperately short. 
_ _ _
Lily opened the door carefully before smiling broadly. 
“Y/N! I didn’t know you were coming!”
She stepped aside to let me in. As soon as the door was closed, she threw her arms around me. When she let go of me, my eyes fell on her barely visible bump and a whiff of courage invaded me. 
“How is the baby?” I asked. 
Lily’s eyes brightened and she began to babble on about how she wasn’t sick anymore, how James was adorable with her (“But still an idiot.” she stated with a little smirk), and how cute was that little stuffed stag she had found. We were now sitting in the small kitchen, the both of us holding a welcomed cup of tea. We were in January, the air was freezing, the sky was always so dark yet Lily and James’ little house was still so warm it made you feel like home. To be fair, it felt like it was also ours as Sirius, Remus and I used to spend a lot of time here. Peter was a bit less with us, he was working on a personal project which, in my opinion, had something to do with the Order. He seemed more invested than before, and we were all glad to see he had finally been able to fight his fear. 
“Y/N, listen, I didn’t want to tell you but… The boys are worried about you, and I am too. We all agree on the fact that you’ve acted strange last week and- well, you know you can tell us everything, right?”
Lily’s eyes were so full of worry that I felt guilty for making her feel such a negative emotion. 
“Lily, don’t make a big deal out of it, it’s no good for the baby. I swear everything is okay.” I smiled, an expression that looked everything but convincing, which I realized as soon as Lily frowned. 
“Now I know something is definitely wrong.”
“No, really, I told you-”
“Hello there!”
James entered the kitchen, his smile widening when his eyes caught mine. 
“Hey Y/N/N, I didn’t know you were coming!”
I smiled broadly and got up before wrapping my arms around him. When he joined Lily to kiss her, Sirius and Remus appeared at the door, the both of them greeting me in the same way James had done. When Remus’ hands touched my back, the memory of us on this courtyard came back and I shivered. Quickly stepping back, I pretended to be cold and ended up in Remus’ sweater. James had insisted for Lily to stay with us in the living room and had brought more tea, and now we were all squeezed on the two couches, sharing not really pleasant news. 
“Lily, Y/N, did you know about the rumour that’s going about the Order?” suddenly asked Sirius. 
James looked up, and I felt Remus tensing next to me. 
“What rumour?” asked Lily, genuinely confused as to why the three boys looked so grave. 
“It says that Dumbledore would have given a suicidal mission to a member of the Order.” declared James. “As it seems, it would be a spying mission. Not even undercover.”
“I don’t know who has agreed to do this, but they must be crazy.” muttered Sirius. “There’s no way they are coming back.”
“For me, things are different now,” said James while placing his hands on Lily’s little bump, “but even a few months ago I wouldn’t have done something like this.”
“But why not undercover?” asked Lily. “I mean we already have a few members infiltrated, but why not another?”
“I guess that’s because the infiltrated members of the Order aren’t close enough to You-Know-Who.” Remus spoke up. He was frowning and absent-mindedly playing with the end of his shirt’s sleeve. “A spy would be able to hear the most confidential things. If they aren’t killed before, of course.”
I shifted uncomfortably. Of course they were talking about me without knowing it, but the way they were bringing this up was making me realize how insane I had been to accept this. But the worst was that seeing Lily in such a state of worry without knowing for who she was scared, hearing Sirius mumbling that the poor guy would be a hero, yes, but a dead one and James adding he wouldn’t like to be in their shoes, seeing Remus sighing and closing his eyes as if he was already mourning, all of this made me wonder how they would react. 
“Y/N, are you feeling well?”
Sirius’ voice almost made me jump, and I realized all of my friends were now looking at me. I felt my blood becoming ice in my veins while my heart was beating way quicker than it should. 
“Yes- yes, don’t worry.” 
My shaky voice didn’t convince anyone, of course it didn’t, and it only made them suspicious. 
“Y/N,” began slowly Remus, his eyes not leaving mine, “would you happen to know who is going on that mission?”
As soon as the last word left his mouth, I saw in Remus’ eyes that himself had read the answer in mine. His expression didn’t change, but his eyes, usually so clear, were darkening more and more as the realization of what it meant was sinking into him. 
“Y/N?” asked Lily, her voice sounding so far from me I almost missed it. 
“I am. I am going on that mission.” 
The heaviest silence I had ever heard took place, and it stayed here for so long that I began to wonder if I had turned deaf. I was now looking down, I didn’t want to bear Remus’ gaze nor did I want to know how the others were reacting. After what felt like hours, a sob crashed the silence and Lily left her place to throw herself on me. Her tears were soaking my sweater and her hands clenching its back. 
“You can’t do that!” she cried out. “You’ll be killed! You can’t!”
Her hair was all over my face and I couldn’t see the boys, but I had felt Remus leaving the couch. 
“Why the hell did you do that?” exploded Sirius. 
Lily jumped and James put his hands on her shoulders before pulling her in a comforting embrace. If his face was closed, Sirius’ was expressing so many things at the same time that I couldn’t put my finger on what he was really thinking. Anger, fear, disbelief? If he was probably feeling all of this, all I could see was that he was furious. 
“Are you crazy? Y/N, you will be killed! Killed, you get that? Did you even think about it?”
His voice thundered, making me feel the urge to disappear. 
“I knew you were ready to do anything to end this fucking war but this? You’ll never get out of this!”
“I don’t care that much!”
“But I do!”
“Sirius, please-”
“We go to Hogwarts, now. I need a word or two with-”
“I did it for you! Is it that bad?”
Obviously none of them were ready to hear this. Lily stopped crying after something that sounded like a squeal and Sirius stopped dead in his track, his hands having almost reached his jacket. The both of them along with James were looking at me with round eyes, and only at this moment did I realize the door was open and Remus wasn’t here anymore. 
“What the hell does that mean?” murmured James. “Yes it is that bad! We don’t-”
“The Order is losing, James!” I exclaimed, desperate to prove my point. “We need more informations, Remus was right, infiltration isn’t enough!”
“But why you? Y/N, the Order has members stronger than you, trained Aurors! Why did Dumbledore ask you to sacrifice yourself?” 
“Stop talking like I was already dead. Can’t you consider the fact that maybe I’ll get out of this alive?”
In fact, I wasn’t considering it either. I just didn’t want to admit that if Dumbledore had asked me, it was because he knew I would be easy to manipulate. Suddenly realizing I was standing in the middle of the living-room, I sunk back on the couch and put my hands on my face. 
“Listen…” I began, my voice trembling. “You know as well as I do that we’re losing. James, Lily, you are threatened! I can’t let anything happen to you or your baby, not now that you’re reaching the happiness you’ve always wanted. And the both of you, this little baby, Sirius, Remus and Peter, you are my family, I love you all so much and- and I can’t let anything harm my family.”
I looked up to see that Lily had tears streaming down her face. I smiled at her, a very little smile that broke my heart as much as it seemed to break hers. 
“I’m sorry Lily, really.”
“I know.” she nodded quickly before wiping her tears away. “You should go and see Remus.”
With the feeling that my knees were going to give up on me, I got up and crossed the living room under the weight of my friends’ eyes. I pushed the door that was already half open and stepped outside, the freezing air making me almost gasp as I looked for Remus. 
My eyes weren’t tricking me… Remus was nowhere to be seen. 
“Remus!” I screamed. 
Sirius stormed out, closely followed by James and Lily. 
“Where is he? Where did he go?” I cried out, completely panicked as the worst scenarios were playing in my head. 
“Calm down Y/N/N, I’m sure he’s okay.” said James. 
He nodded toward Sirius who disappeared without a word in a soft pop that disturbed the silence of the night. 
“Come on Y/N, let’s get inside before we freeze on the spot.” murmured Lily, both her hands on my shoulders. 
I sighed to give myself an impression of composure and nodded, following the couple inside. My thoughts were all about Remus. What the hell was he doing? And what the hell was he thinking? James and Lily made a point of making me stop thinking about him and asked me about my meeting with Dumbledore. 
“He knows how to do, this old bastard.” muttered James. “I can’t believe you fell for this.”
“I know…” I sighed. “I know but he isn’t completely wrong either. Maybe I’ll be able to catch the information that will save us all.” I added with a bitter chuckle. 
The door opened suddenly, and Sirius’ silhouette appeared. As it seemed he was alone, and he cut our questions short by lifting his hand. 
“He’s outside.”
I immediately got up and stormed out of the house. Remus was sitting on the low wall at the end of the garden, giving his back to me. I slowly approached, my feet making the snow screech and my breath forming a small cloud in front of my face. My eyes were humid and at this point, I didn’t know if it was really because of the cold. However, I saw Remus’ hand moving and patting the wall next to him after a short hesitation. I joined him and we sat in silence. An air stream colder than the others made me shiver. 
“Are you still cold?” asked Remus with a quiet voice. 
I nodded and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 
“Come here.”
I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder, already feeling his warmth radiating between us. The time seemed to have stopped, it was just the both of us and the snow. My mind was haunted by so many thoughts I couldn’t think straight, and all I was conscious of was Remus’ presence next to me. 
“What did I do to end up with such foolish friends?” he finally asked quietly. 
“We aren’t foolish,” I murmured, not wanting to break the little world around us. “We just love each other.”
“So that’s why you accepted? Because you love us?”
I lifted my head and met Remus’ eyes. They were full of pain and of worry, and how I hated seeing those eyes! I looked away, unable to face what I was imposing him. 
“Y/N, please, look at me.”
His hand found my chin and I faced him again. 
“You are my family.” I whispered, and as a single tear was rolling down my cheek, I leaned in his touch. “I love you all too much to let anything happen to you. I- Remus, I love you.”
Remus smiled, a tiny smile that made my heart flutter. I was feeling like a teenager who is breathless because she’s madly in love with a boy. 
“I’ve been to Hogwarts.” he suddenly muttered. “I wanted to make Dumbledore change his mind, but this- well, he refused.”
“I won’t change my mind either.”
Remus grabbed my hand and kept his head down, his eyes locked on our hands. 
“I know that. I just… I don’t know. I asked him to let me go with you-”
“You what?” I exclaimed, my heart suddenly racing in my ribcage. “No! Remus, no! I won’t let you! If I have to tie you myself-”
“He refused.” 
It was a simple statement, but I sighed and closed my eyes, relieved. Another silence took place only to be disturbed by a rumbling coming from the depths of my stomach and a chuckle coming from Remus’ mouth. 
“We should get inside and give you something to eat.”
I precipitately jumped off the wall and rushed toward the door, extremely ashamed as I had just realized I had confessed my feelings and Remus had just ignored them. 
“Hey, Y/N!”
He grabbed my wrist, pulled me against him and crashed his lips on mine. 
“I love you too.” he whispered against my mouth, and at the moment I was so happy I forgot every kind of threat. 
To say the last three days had been weird would be an understatement. Lily had insisted that I shouldn’t stay at my place and Sirius, Remus and I had ended up staying at the Potter’s. We still hadn’t any new of Peter which, more than worrying me, was also saddening me. The atmosphere was tense, it felt like all of us, me included, were already mourning my death. Of course, it wasn’t my friends’ intention, they had done everything to hide their worry, each in their own way. Lily, who had never really been able to cook, had made the most delicious plates I had ever eaten, even better than James’ mother’s, which I had had the chance to try a few years ago. James and Sirius had spent their time looking for informations in files stolen from the Order which had resulted in them not saying anything for hours before resuming their discoveries during the meals. Remus had shared his time between helping them and staying with me, holding my hand or chatting about anything not Order-related. 
We had also received Dumbledore’s visit, who had given me all the instruction for my mission. Except the fact that he was there for what would probably kill me, it was quite funny to see the almost exaggerated glares he had received from everyone, but especially from Sirius and Remus. 
And now, here I was, standing in the living-room, a backpack at my feet and holding back my tears as I was ready to leave. Remus was waiting outside but the others were here, and the first one to come to me - or jump in my arms - was Lily. She tightened me against her and was trying her best to contain her sobs. 
“Promise you’ll do everything to come back, Y/N, do you promise?”
“Of course Lily. I’ll try, I swear I’ll try.”
She nodded and stepped back, sniffling. James nodded toward me before looking away, trying to hide his fear and sadness. Far from being offended, I nodded back. 
“I count on you to take care of them Prongs, yeah?”
He nodded again. 
“Only if you take care of yourself.”
It was my turn to nod.
I had thought Sirius would have the same reaction as James but he proved me wrong when he pulled me in a strong embrace, a bone-crushing hug we had never shared before. 
“You better come back.” he muttered, his voice muffled by my hair. “There will be no place for mistakes. We can’t lose you.” he added in such a small voice that it broke my heart. 
The lump in my throat prevented me from saying anything but we didn’t even need words. At the moment, I could feel their love for me, and I knew deep down that I couldn’t give up on this. I knew I would come back because we still had so much to live all together… 
A whole new courage flooded in my veins and I smiled at them before grabbing my bag and getting out. Remus was sitting on the same wall as the last time and I joined him. This time, he lost no time and pulled me against him. 
“I suppose they have already told you you better come back?”
“It was pretty clear.” I let out a watery chuckle. 
“So I’ll just tell you I love you.”
Remus rested his forehead against mine and we both closed our eyes, enjoying this proximity. Then we shared a passionate kiss, a kiss that held so many emotions it was overwhelming. It was a kiss that meant I love you, I’m scared and See you soon. It was a kiss that meant Goodbye but also a kiss that meant Hello because at this very moment, I felt like I was re-discovering Remus, as if I was seeing and feeling a whole new part of him, and I knew he was feeling the same. 
“Useless to say I don’t want you out of here, right?” I murmured against Remus’ lips. 
“It would put you in danger. No, I’ll stay here, but know that everyday my eyes won’t leave the door. I’ll be waiting for you.”
I grabbed my bag which I had left on the floor and sighed. 
“Guess this is it…” I said. “Time to go.”
“Y/N, please, make sure this is not your swan song.”
It wasn’t my first mission for the Order. I had already fought against so many Death Eaters I had lost count, and I had two infiltration missions under my belt. But I had never been that close to him, to the wizard that was killing my friends one by one and threatening my family. And never in my life had I even suspected such an army. The enemies were everywhere, they were young or old, men or women. Everytime I turned my head, I saw new faces, new enemies, and it was the scariest thing I had ever experienced. Yet I was doing quite well; in fact I had barely been spotted and the few Death Eaters that had found out about me were now dead. For three months, I had managed to stay alive. However, the more the weeks passed, the more I had wondered if that was worth it. I hadn’t heard anything, absolutely anything that an infiltrated member of the Order wouldn’t have heard. 
I knew they were suspicious, all of them knew they were spied on and that was probably why they were being extremely careful when they talked. That’s why, after three months, I began considering the idea that I could try and get in one of their reunion places. However, I had made a promise to Remus, to Sirius, James and Lily, and I wanted to do my best to keep it. I didn’t want to put my life in danger more than necessary and it felt like a suicide to try such a thing. 
What decided me was a conversation that I overheard between two Death Eaters one night, at the corner of a street in the heart of London. 
“-in Malfoy’s manor tomorrow.” said the first. “As it seems, it’s pretty important.”
“More important than interrogating the Auror we’ve had last week?” asked the second. “What can be more important than that?”
“I’ve heard it’s the prophecy.” My heart almost stopped beating. As far as I knew, there was only one prophecy that could interest Voldemort. “The Dark Lord wants to decide on a plan to eradicate this threat.”
Then the Death Eaters disappeared, leaving me trembling in the street. A plan. To eradicate a threat. Which happened to be James and Lily’s baby. There was no way I would let that happen. I had now two choices: going back to Godric’s Hollow and warn them but miss the plan, or staying here and listening to what would be said. Apparating was too dangerous, anyone could follow me and that would threaten my friends. Suddenly, I realized that after all the time that had passed, Lily’s bump was bigger by now, and imagining her taking care of her child, James always fussing over her, Remus and Sirius and maybe even Peter with them made me take my decision. 
_ _ _ 
I thought the plan was good. Not perfect, obviously, but good enough so that it wouldn’t end up with me being killed. Now, after having dodged dozens of green flashes of light blasting toward me, I was forced to admit that I had screwed up. 
I was hiding behind a statue in the corridor, trying to catch my breath as the Death Eaters were getting closer and closer. 
“Find her! She’s Dumbledore's spy, I want her alive!”
Voldemort’s voice thundered and the screams in the manor doubled in intensity. Apparating was impossible and I had to reach the front door to try and maybe - just maybe - hide long enough to leave this hell. 
Suddenly, and that caught me completely off guards, my wand escaped the grip of my hand. I gasped, slowly realizing what it meant, and turned my head only to gasp once more, this time because I couldn’t believe it. 
“Peter?” I whimpered. 
Peter was here, in front of me, one of his hands holding my wand and his own wand pointed on me. 
“You shouldn’t be here!” he squealed before looking above his shoulder, obviously terrified. 
“You- you- Peter, we thought you were- I don’t understand…” I stuttered, unable to process that he was a traitor. 
“Y/N, what are you doing here? You’re complicating everything!” he lamented. 
Then I understood and I felt the urge to strangle him, to kill him because he had betrayed us, his friends. I was going to jump toward him when I felt a burning sensation in my back and everything became black. 
 _ _ _ 
The first thing I felt when gaining back consciousness was agony. It wasn’t even pain anymore, it was a fire in every bone of my body, magma flooding in my veins. It was the urge to rip my skin off and to end it as soon as possible. It was torture. 
“Will you tell us who you are?”
I didn’t answer, and the agony came back. 
“Are you from the Order?”
No answer. Agony. 
“Did Dumbledore send you?”
Nothing. Agony. 
“What informations have you already transmitted?”
“Do you know the Potters?”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Where are they hiding?”
“How did you get in the manor?”
“Y/N, I’m going to help you.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
Peter didn’t listen. I didn’t know what was happening. No one was here except us. He did something and suddenly the ropes around me were on the floor. He tried to grab my arm and I shifted. I fell on the floor. 
“Don’t touch me- you traitor, don’t-” I hissed. 
Peter ignored me. He half carried me. We arrived outside and it was dark. Then the world became black and coloured again and we weren’t in front of the manor anymore. 
“I’m sorry Y/N.”
One last world I didn’t understand, then black.
The old man’s eyes were sad, their usually piercing blue was now shining with contained tears. The young woman in front of him wasn’t containing her tears. She was sobbing in the arms of her husband who was trembling. Then the two other men. One of them fell on his knees, his hands in his hair as if he wanted to yank them out. “Y/N, please, make sure this is not your swan song.” he had said. The other was frozen, his fists so tight his knuckles were white. 
The old man left. A few seconds of shock, then the four of them disappeared. 
Remus couldn’t care less if a muggle saw him. He crossed the barrier and arrived in the hall of St-Mungo’s. Not bothering to ask where she was, he rushed in the stairs and gained her level. 
“Where is she? Y/N? Y/N, where are you?” he screamed. 
Three nurses arrived, begging him to calm down. Remus ignored them and asked where she was. Once, twice. The nurses eventually gave up and indicated a room. 
Sirius was just behind him, James and Lily were still in the stairs, but Remus didn’t care. He had to make sure- he had to see her. This couldn’t be true, obviously Dumbledore was wrong… 
She was sitting on her bed. Her skin was almost as white as the sheets, except for the scars and bruises that seemed to cover her body. When Remus slammed the door open, her head snapped toward him and she smiled brightly, a beautiful smile Remus hadn’t seen in years. 
“Hello!” she said. “Who are you? I was thinking about the swans’ songs. Beautiful, don’t you think?”
Remus’ heart stopped beating, and his world crashed at his feet. 
Dumbledore was right. 
Y/N had lost her memory, and he had lost her. 
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In response to the Jane ask, I totally agree! Her song, as vague as it might be in the newer versions, is very much about emotional abuse and her realizing/reflecting on it. In the other versions this is arguably even clearer! Besides the list in the first verse, there’s a line in the student run version that always get me, in the second verse after “with out my son your love will disappear”. Usually in the lastest version it’s “I know it isn't fair, but I don't care”, which can be a sign of even tho she knows that he has hurt her at this point, her love will still be there for her son. But the student run it’s something like “you’ll let us fall apart, try to break my heart” which I think is much more powerful in showing more of her self awareness at what would happen to her. Also that opening monologue before about if she was really loved or just checked all the boxes on a list before she could make him angry, she knew that he would be willing to destroy her if she didn’t do as he wanted (Cause Anne wasn’t some death that would never happen again and that only happened cause Jane was there, he was to said to have threaten Jane with the same fate cause of the pilgrimage of grace incident (also well it did happened gain two queens later). Also just a slight unrelated thing, I can sorta understand why people blame Jane for Anne’s death but also not really. It was a whole campaign against Anne, and we only know that Jane was yeah trying to be queen due to influence from her family and others trying make sure she was but I don’t think it’s her fault Henry (and others) decided the best course of action would be to kill Anne. Though I am not a big Tudor researcher, this is only from multiple weeks and hours of searching and learning cause of curiosity and someone could fact check me but that’s what i interpreted the history as. Random rant over) Also the fact (and I’m pretty sure this is true in the newest version), she says “loved” most of the time. The past tense is important there, cause yeah maybe she did truly think she “loved” him. And he may have been the only one she ever “loved” but that cause she probably didn’t get a chance to love someone else (when Henry says it’s you, it’s you after all). This is just speculation though, I can’t assume what a 500 year old historical figure was truly feeling but a character in a show is different and ready for analysis. For that I say that maybe she did “love” him but it easily could have been out of fear or wanting to just deal with the cards dealt to her. But at the end she realizes where she wants her love to be directed towards, and that’s her son and in “Six” her new found family.
And fun fact about her part in “Six” (I kinda learned from something on tumblr but can’t remember who but either way here it is.) it’s 200% about the queens as her family, with her pun at the end being the main signifier of this. “You could perhaps call us the Tudor Von Trapps” is a reference to the Trapp Family Singers, an Austrian singing family (if you see the wiki for them, they are apparently the inspiration for sound of music, Neat!). So from that you would think “oh she’s talking about Henry and her kids with him having a band” but then she says “Just kidding! We’re called the Royalling Stones!”. A Rolling Stones references and they were made by friends forming a band, so that can be associated that the queens are said friends in this case but also part of family that has grown! Also Rolling Stones have a song called heart of stone, seriously this is the most clever joke Jane had during the show and it makes me, a pun/joke lover, very happy to see this be such a character trait that it’s in the damn description for her character for an auditioning sheet (check out Citadle Theather and Six the Musical in google, i think you’ll find it.)
Anyway sorry about this long ramble, it’s just that even though I totally can see how people view Jane as “weaker” in terms of some writing choices made, I still think there’s a lot to talk about with not just her current incarnation but also the other ones as well. I wish some changes werent made to her song, but she is a still strong character about the effects of emotional abuse and maternity. There’s nothing bad about talking about those things, your right that it doesn’t make her any less feminist. Anyway ramble over and I hope you have a lovely day :)
Hello hun!
Please don’t apologise for rambling! I’m always so interested in hearing other opinions on the queens and I love the opportunity to discuss any queen at any time! Frankly, I’m just impressed you got the whole essay into one message! Have they gotten rid of the character limit? Sorry, not relevant to the question.
(Also sorry for how long this took to answer! Uni happened sort of happened and I didn’t want to half ass my response to such a well thought out ask)
I adore the older versions of Heart of Stone, especially the student run version! I completely agree that Seymour feels so much more aware of her place in Henry’s life in the older versions. In the older version she knows she wasn’t Henry’s true love (even though she loved him) and she knows her worth is completely dependent on her ability to give Henry a son. She literally says “nothing lasts forever, I’ll fade away”. That is such a powerful statement and I wish that line was still in the song! I still think these themes are in the new version, but they’re nowhere near as explicit. Plus the character development in the student run feels much more explicit, with Seymour saying “soon I’ll have to go, I’ll never see you grow” instead of “him grow” in the new versions. She’s clearly speaking to Edward in the older version, so the last half of HOS in the old versions (at least in my eyes) is actually directly speaking to Edward and not Henry as many people think. I still think this is true for the new versions, illustrating Seymour’s character development as she breaks away from Henry and rather concentrates on her son, but again I don’t think it’s obvious in the new version. The older version just felt so much more powerful and I think it presented Seymour as much more as a victim than the newer version...which I argue is true! Seymour was as much of a victim as any other character in the show and I think she deserves more sympathy than the show gives her, and for as much as I love the newer versions of six, you can’t deny that Seymour is reduced to a joke for half of the show. The student version is such a genuine and earnest version of Seymour, and I can’t help but love her. It’s definitely a testament to the actresses from the student run that their characters are still on parr with professional versions of the show!
(Im so sorry I don’t feel like I’m adding anything to your analysis, but you’ve really summed up my feelings perfectly! )
Weirdly, I think that the student run and studio run play with the idea of having a “heart of stone” better than the modern version. I love the contrast between the material things that Henry can buy versus the natural world. Material things can fade, but the natural world (and Seymour’s love) transcends that. It’s a really nice use of juxtapostion in that song and I just don’t feel like the newer versions play with those images as much as the older version.
I do sort of get why they changed it (I think Seymour spends upwards of 10 just listing different objects, which is powerful in its own way but I do think audience members could get bored of those verses) but I wished they had still somehow managed to keep the theme that Seymour as explicit. I still think it’s there in the newer version of the song, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near as obvious as the older version. It would make HOS more like AYWD in a way, and that would be brilliant. Six shouldn’t be afraid to tackle different forms of abuse.
I personally can’t comment on the whole Anne Boleyn vs Jane Seymour thing because I just don’t know enough about the situation. However I don’t think any of the wives should be burdened with the blame of what happened to their predecessors. It wasn’t their fault.
Also I’d never thought of the tudor von trapps vs the royalling stones indicating that it was a found family rather than a blood family, but it’s actually such a neat little detail and I think it makes complete sense! I have always maintained that Seymour’s “family” doesn’t have to be related by blood. Found family is just as meanigful and as important as a bloof family, and Seymour finding her place with the other queens and calling them her family rather than Henry is very powerful in my opinion. I just don’t think the “my family’s grown” lime has to be as literal as people take it. Thanks for bringing that line to my attention though!
Seymour isn’t a “weak” character, both in term of the writing and in terms of character development. As much as I love the older versions of Seymour, I still like the new versions and appreciate that Toby and Lucy decided to allow Seymour to be a motherly character and have that be treated as an equally empowering thing as the other queens. Some women want to be mothers and that’s okay!
Anyway thank you so much for this ask my love! I really enjoyed thinking about Seymour (since she’s not a character I talk about a lot). Sorry again for taking so long to respond ❤️❤️❤️
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WIP Wednesday 8/11/21
Had a writing stint where I pumped out 7K words in 3 days when I usually manage only..200-500 a week. Here’s some snippets of a WIP with my Gray-Ace Inquisitor Tallin and a very understanding Solas as they navigate her very first romantic/sexual feelings for anyone, ever (24 and never been kissed except that one time in the Fade, baby!!). She is a very nervous person by nature...
Please just a crumb of feedback. A gif. An emoji. Please. I’m on my goddamn knees.
[snippet 1]
"Tell me 'no', and we can resume as we were without enmity. You are also at liberty to tell me to take my leave, in which case I hope to see you in the morning..." He stopped before her, drawn to his full height, head tilted slightly in a manner akin to a wolf intent on ascertaining a curious vision. “But if you choose for me to remain, you must decide once more. At your behest, I will gladly provide the chaste company of which you are so accustomed. We will sit. We will talk. We will read. We will retire in an exhausted fashion to bed. You will cozy up beside me like a nugling to its nestmate, content. But if you say 'yes', if you wish to learn how it is the wolves dance.." 
The light gray of his eyes suddenly darkened and his lips spread wide and sharp, rendering him impish, lupine. Tallin's heart lurched, but to her inner wonder it was not accompanied by a familiar queasy unease.  Her instincts were not screaming for her to bound away like a skittish halla from the man standing before her. Instead, the soft heat in her lower stomach flared like a bonfire given new life, its flames crawling up inside her chest, licking beneath her lungs. In the rare instances where someone looked at her in such a way--like she was something to be snatched up, like she was something edible--she retreated, recognizing that the individual had wordlessly marked her as prey.
Would it be so terrible to have him as her pursuer? That was what he was implying, wasn't he? That he had been observing her in that particular manner far longer than this emergent sense of craving.
What made it so different from the other times? What made his approach far less threatening?
The consideration, she realized. He is considerate.
If she was a halla, then he was a..a..
Her eyes flicked down momentarily in thought, landing on the dark jawbone hanging low over his chest from thin leather cords. 
And here and now, she realized she had always had her answer. He was a wolf. A wolf with a wistful man's soul.
Their method of courting until now, if it could be called that, had not been a simple 'chase'. No, the wolf had deigned not to pursue, for it recognized the halla did not wish to be hunted down. If this particular halla was ever compelled to bolt, it would not do so while also secretly relishing the idea of hot frantic breath on its heels or teeth sinking into its throat.
"..then with your blessing I will take you to your bed and claim everything you are, everything you are willing to give. I will unravel you as easily spun silk, uncover for us both your desires that remain unnamed."
He shifted and out of the corner of Tallin's eye, a shadow moved. His words had coiled her up like an Orlesian spring toy, promises that spoke of capitulation and submission and frightening loss. Her head felt hollow, her skin tight and brittle. The anxious fire in her chest roared in its hearth unabated.
Her breaths shallowed. This was happening. Everything was happening. He was describing the clumsy mental images she had been too cowardly and too embarrassed (and too confused) to acknowledge. All of this, everything, was happening too much and too fast. She knew nothing of his predilections. She knew nothing of what she wanted other than to be with him. Beyond the bare minimum for procreation, the stories of brutal violence inflicted upon elf women by peasants and nobles, and the confusing comments made in passing by the Iron Bull, she didn't know what to expect. 
If you speak it, you will make it real.
He raised his hand. She froze, spine taut. His expression gentled, edges shaved. The backs of his fingers stroked her cheek. "I will have you in the manner that a lover should. Gently. Sweetly."
As if he had woven a spell, Tallin gradually relaxed into the touch. It was not necessarily of her own volition, but she knew this. Nothing frightening ever came of this. This was familiar. Safe.
She heard Solas hum, thoughtful. "Yes, a gentle touch for a gentle girl. Would that please you?"
She swallowed, caught his hand and turned her head to press her lips against his hot palm. The world was silent for several moments. "W-Would you..?" She croaked. A question with many budding branches.
Would you..?
..be gentle?
..do all that you say?
..treat me kindly?
..love me?
Another step, and they were flush together. Her hand found his tunic and scrunched the material in her fist. As a precaution or an anchor she did not know.
He loomed over her fully now, both hands coming to cradle her face as if she were blown glass, gray sky eyes beholding her like Mother. Love. But now, also..
She offered no resistance when he tilted her head just so. He leaned in. His breath was scorching mint against the whorls of her ear.
"Yes. Until you can hardly stand it."
[snippet 2]
"You wish to-? Oh, 'ma'lath.." The tenderness in his voice made her eyes sting for but a moment.  The casual nature in which he extracted her hand from the half-hard presence pressing against breeches could not fully offset the surge of embarrassment she felt. As Solas busied himself with kissing the knuckles of her offending hand, she silently berated herself. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Tallin started. To her chagrin, she found Solas peering at her over her curled hand, his gaze firm and knowing. The internal self-abuse had been playing itself across her face.
She couldn't do this, she realized. She didn't know *how* to do this. He was trying to coach her through it but what if nothing stuck? What if she kept making mistakes, misreading signs? What if this was all a put-on for *her* sake? What if he didn't want her and was doing this to placate her, as he had so many other times? Lovers had to touch each other, she knew that much, and for him to except himself from this exercise, it reeked of...
"Tallin." His voice said through the dull ringing in her ears. "Tallin."
"Ir abelas." This was a mistake, a horrible mistake. She turned away, intent on rolling off the bed and..where would she go? She didn't know. The blood pounding in her ears was making it so difficult to *think*.
An arm wrapped around her waist as firm a steel band, digging into her stomach. She struggled half-heartedly, frustrated tears leaking from her eyes.
"S-Solas.." she protested.
"Tallin. Come back to me, my love." She shook her head and bit her lip to hold back a pathetic whimper. Not to deny him, but to help rid herself of the looming thoughts.
Selfish. This was selfish. 'I desire you, you desire me, but I demand that I take from you and give you nothing back.' That wasn't how it was supposed to go, was it? It didn't sound right.
But she was greedy for comfort. Always craving it.
[snippet 3]
"Shh, shh. No. You are not like most others. You were born with a heart that hungers endlessly for love, but eyes that cannot see that the source from which you drink remains full no matter how often you sip. It is your nature, but it can be tamed with practice. You can learn to ignore these pressing doubts, in time."
"I want to do this. I want to feel this burning, to learn where it might go, but.. I'm still nervous about..you, and where you..fit."
"That is not an uncommon concern, vhenan."
"So I've heard. But what if I never overcome it? What if it still..frightens me? If you accepted it--"
"--I would accept it." His tone was firm, almost indignant.
"--then it would only be me that was benefitting from this. It would only be me that was taking."
Solas barked a laugh, making Tallin jump.
When he finally settled, his grin had not abated--a full one that revealed straight white teeth and sharp canines, crinkled eyes that glowed with pure mirth.
Tallin lay there, confused and a bit put out, by her hahren's strange reaction.
"'Ma'vhenan, there is so much more to sex than that." He chuckled again, the sound decidedly doting. "You see yourself as taking advantage of me, of taking while offering nothing in return until you have used me all up, yes?" A reluctant nod. "But you have never considered to ask how I feel in all this?"
Tallin blinked.
"In matters of state you display exemplary feats of compassion and empathy, but in matters of the heart you are callous to yourself. You believe that sex is a matter of 'taking', but that is far too reductive for what this is.  Pleasure does not solely originate from taking or receiving. Giving is just as lucrative. In giving, I would be receiving your pleasure. The joy in giving a gift is to receive another's happiness, is it not?
"And do you not see that you are a gift to me?"
"I am?"
"Yes. Your trust that I will do right by you in this matter is a precious gift, one I will hold close to my heart. That you offer me the opportunity to teach you despite your lingering reservations is no small gesture."
[snippet 4]
"I love you." She said, muffled. "Ar lath ma."
"Lathan na. Bellanaris. Please understand that this is a request I must refuse. The time to learn of me will come later." At the familiar sight of Tallin's brow furrowing in confusion, he hummed, a serene enigmatic smile on his face as he cupped her inked cheek. He leaned in and planted an affectionate kiss upon her forehead before resting his against hers, peering into her puzzled brown eyes. "Tonight we are learning about you. This is your first experience not just with a man, but with pleasure. I will not risk overwhelming you with my wants when you have yet to determine what it is you yourself desire." Another kiss. "Slowly, 'ma'vhenan, slowly is best."
Sheepishly, "O-Okay, but I only wanted--"
He was quick to silence her with a kiss. "I know, I know, and you are so good to have offered." His voice dropped into a purr. "So good for me.." His mouth was on hers again, hot and surprisingly eager. Tallin's eyes widened, then fell closed at the familiar brush of his tongue against her lips. Thick honey-heat pooled beneath her skin; her hands found his shoulder and nape to instinctively pull him close as she obediently opened her mouth.
They clashed and fed upon each other's taste. She discovered his: sugar and..lemon. Lemon cake? It tasted good, a faint playful zing on her tongue.
Time and sense gradually slipped away with the air in her lungs. At some point he turned them both so she lay on her back. With his knees staked on either side of her, he could hover over her while avoiding making her feel trapped. Considerate, she thought with a burst of love, he is so considerate.
Solas was the first to pull away, and Tallin was only a little surprised that the soft noise of disappointment that she made at their parting didn't inspire any embarrassment in her.
What did make her blush furiously, though, was the show Solas made in how thoughtfully he licked his lips as he paused to catch his breath, grinning the whole time. "..mmh, an intriguing mystery."
Tallin didn't know if it was the lack of air or the wondrous nature of the kiss, but she couldn't connect the dots with what he was saying. "W-What?"
"The taste of you. I wonder what it could be. No, don't tell me." he clarified when she made a move to speak. He hummed to himself as his thumb rubbed the space beneath her lower lip, his grin simplifying into a satisfied smirk. Tallin felt another flare of heat radiate over her cheeks. "I will find out for myself soon enough."
And he descended upon her with his lips and tongue as fervently as before. She soon began to pant as she found herself once again suffocating on his sweet breaths. He seemed intent on fulfilling his promise. She could never have imagined a kiss to be this fierce, this hungry. He was devouring the very taste out of her mouth! And to her surprise she found she..liked it. She liked it as much as the soft and gentle kisses. Where those were affirming his devotion, these were confirmation that the desire she felt for him wasn't one-sided.
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high5nerd · 4 years
Why Sera shouldn’t be a hated character
Omg omg omg I’m so excited, this is my first rant on tumblr! *deep breath*
Okay. Dragon Age. At any point in your game, your Inquisitor is faced with the raspberry blowing, arrow toting Sera that has the mindset of a 12 year old child.
Honestly? I don’t know why people don’t recruit her, but I can understand the struggle to like her. My feelings on her fluctuate throughout the game. I play as Lavellan and I get really angry the more she beats the dead horse by her constant barrage of racist remarks towards the Dalish to either me, Solas, or any other elven NPC in the vicinity.
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She’s toxic as shit. She’s got so much emotional baggage she dumps it on others, and she lives by her prejudices against mages and elves.
At first.
It wasn’t until I reach her personal quest scene where she discovers that asshole noble from Virchel that killed her Red Jenny friends to get to her. The absolute, sheer rage at the loss of her friends was...it left me kind of floored. Because in the beginning up until this point, Sera only makes comments about how she’ll give Red Jenny information to the Inquisition so the sky can be fixed and she can “go back and play.” But at this particular moment? You see she cares about her contacts and even more, the cause of the Red Jennies, than just business usually is. She’s hurt, she’s infuriated, and you can hear her voice break at the end when she realizes how many died at the hands of the Virchel noble without him even feeling remotely guilty.
So of course I let her kill him.
If you continue down a path of good charity work to NPCs throughout the game, Sera approves every time. Sera approves if you help her in aiding the “little people.” Sera also greatly approves if you let Blackwall stay if you banish the Grey Wardens, because she knows a good man when she sees one.
She still can be an asshole. I hate how she talks to Cole, and I hate how disrespectful she is to Solas’ and my inquisitor’s background. But as she slowly opens up, she’s not as bad of a character that she wants to make herself out to be.
But let’s spin this around a bit, at this point I’m just rambling about awesome writing and 3-dimensional character development. You want a character to hate with every fiber of your being? A character that’s extremely toxic and an actual piece of shit? A character that isn’t an obvious villain but sure seems like one at the way she treats others?
You ready for this?
Bianca Davri.
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This. Bitch.
Not only does she keep Varric attached to her on a leash (with his own actions too, not saying she’s 100% doing it), but she’s the reason Corypheus has red lyrium to begin with. She’s the reason Varric has assassins come after him if they’re not 500 leagues apart.
Bianca likes to boast that she’s a better shot than Varric, and a whole lot smarter than everyone else, all behind a very flirty facade. Varric mentions in the game dialogue that the guild was considering making her a Paragon for a machine she made, and she brushes it off. But think about it. If she’s such a genius that she’s not only a better marksman than Varric and the guild is even remotely discussing the idea of a surfacer Paragon (even at her cynicism) and is a brilliant merchant as well, why was she so dumb enough to recruit Lorias, a Grey Warden partnered with Corypheus, without any background checks? She’s on the surface, she would’ve heard by then that the Grey Wardens were banished/joined the Inquisition sooner than later, and she definitely would have heard what happened at Adamant and have been cautious. If she really wanted to study the effects of red lyrium and how it works, she should have contacted the Inquisition.
But she didn’t. 
Not only does she fail in her case and her study, but while knowing the truth of the damage she’s caused, she continues to lie to both the Inquisitor AND Varric, someone she claims she loves, until Varric and/or the Inquisitor catches on. She gets defensive, every step of the way, not even once coming clean about her huge mistake. If she told the truth sooner, the emotional blowout at the end would’ve been lessened.
Despite the rules made against her and Varric, she continues to endanger his life by seeking him out, hence the beginning of Varric’s personal quest. She’s a married woman and is going behind her husband’s back to see him (which like, I get, it was a betrothal that wasn’t made on her end but at the same time like maybe stop putting Varric in danger just because you can’t keep it in your own pants??) Her family constantly sends assassins after Varric, and in some of the dialogue of Varric’s personal quest, you hear that she attended her own wedding, “one that she actually showed up for.” Meaning she LEFT HIM AT THE ALTAR.
So this emotionally abusive woman has now gotten defensive at Varric and the Inquisitor getting angry at her being the leak to Corypheus. Sure, she didn’t DIRECTLY send it to him and his Venatori, but she may as well have, because she continued to lie and put everyone in danger. At being confronted and her half apologies didn’t work, she begins to insult Varric, calling him a coward and weak.
Oh, yeah. Wow. Great apology.
In the end, Varric leaves in the most dignified way telling her Bogdin is probably looking for her, reminding her that they aren’t a thing as much as she likes to pretend they are. Even if your Inquisitor defends her, Varric, or neither of them because of the bickering, she threatens the Inquisitor physical harm before she leaves if “you get Varric killed.”
Wow. What a charmer.
Seriously, I really hope Varric is romanceable in the next game, because Bianca doesn’t deserve him. 
All in all, Sera is just a tough-to-swallow character that needs to have barriers broken down in order to like her, and Bianca is a Mega Bitch we all avoid in real life.
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Submission about past abusive relationship
Im having a hard time getting over my ex boyfriend. Before I explain things, i just want to say the relationship was 4 yrs long and it was a serious relationship we both were in our 20s&30s.
We met in college but years later he found me on a dating site. /// He fell so fast in love with me. It took me some time to fall for him. But as time went on his personality and himself just changed. He got aggressive. He always made comments about me. He picked on me for things. He would flirt/go out with others. He would be a jerk when he was high or drunk. I thought it was a phase or his seasonal depression. /// I stayed.. still. I put my life and mental health last. I just dropped my friends. I just left myself. I focused on fixing him and his issues. He expected me to. He expected me to be his mom,dad, sibling, friend and girlfriend. It honestly sucked./// I got so done with him. He teared me down. Yet he was supportive at times. Sometimes he’d surprise me. Sometimes he tried. Sometimes he loved me a little extra. But the sometimes and the not knowing things killed me. /// I was planning on leaving him for almost a year. I know that’s awful of me. But i wasnt ready to end things. He made me change in things. He still had this possessive aggressive attitude. He didn’t like if he wasnt in the spotlight. He started doing things without telling me ( such as leaving for vacations during our planned days/dates) he’d do him and himself only. I grew tired of this behaviour. /// I gave him too many chances. Yet he grew too comfortable. He acted as if i owed him. He paid for me to finish college ( one class) but even tho he said he didn’t mind and I didnt have to pay him back he acted as he was like a god or something. I owe him a total of $500. /// but i took a break with him and he was like Mia. Acted like everything was good. A month later i left him. Then hell broke loose. He became a jerk. Stalked me. Threatened me. Acted like I abused him. Told people I have personal problems. /// the reason I can’t get over him is because im slowly invested in realizing how awful he truly was. I finally realized we werent meant to be. I finally realized how a real relationship should be. It’s been 6/7 months since I left.
Hey lovely,
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling lately. Getting over an ex can be really tough! It can be a long process and there’s no time limit to it! Some people take less long, others take longer and both are completely fine! 
When it’s a serious relationship, that can also play a part in it being difficult to get over. It also sounds like your relationship had its real tough moments. That can also play a part in it being difficult to get over! In that case it’s not so much getting over the break up, but more coming to terms with everything that happened, processing all of that.
I think it’s really good that you’re realising all this! Yes, it’s hard, but it’s needed and you can get to terms with it and move on from this relationship, it just takes a little more time. It can really help to write things down, so I think it’s good that you sent this submission to us! Another tool you could use is to write some of the things that happened down on paper and then burn that paper or rip it to pieces. That way you’re metaphorically getting rid of it, which can also help with processing it emotionally. And it’s also very helpful to talk to someone about this all. Is there anyone you’re close to who knows about all this? You don’t have to deal with this by yourself! 
You might also want to consider speaking to a counsellor. Having a neutral professional can often be very helpful in gaining insights and processing things that have happened. They can offer a listening ear. It’s entirely up to you of course, but it’s something I would recommend. You can visit your GP / local doctor and explain to them briefly what’s been going on. They can arrange a referral to a counsellor. You can read more about getting help here.
I want you to know that you deserve so much more than what you got from this past relationship. You’re worthy of love and care, you deserve to be treated kindly and with respect. You did not deserve how he treated you, that wasn’t right. 
I hope this helped at least a little bit! Know that we’re always here if you want to write things out and get it off of your chest. Let us know if there’s anything else that we can help out with!
Sometimes what seems impossible, is just hard. Love Pauline
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leonalmalsy · 6 years
Gift of the Magi - A Ryuann fic
Third year student Ann Takamaki couldn't believe what she was reading. Even after a third careful read through, the words almost seem to taunt her.
Shujin Academy Fundraiser
Shujin is raising money to fund our extracurricular activities. Join us May 5th. There will be games and food.
Don't miss our auction, where students can win a date with our third year beauties.
Ann's perfectly manicured nails ripped apart the flyer in a rage.
"How can they do this?" The twin tailed woman huffed. "I never agreed to this." With a stomp of her feet, she resolved to see the principal.
The new principal was a tall and lanky man, unlike their former principal. He had a look of a man struggling to tread water, which wasn’t far off the mark. After the disgrace of Kamoshida and the sudden death of the previous principal Kobayakaba, the new guy was simply overwhelmed by the negative press that Shujin had been receiving. There have been rumors that people have seen him duck into his office any time a police car whizzed by. Clearly, he wasn’t the best person for the job. How could such a man come up with this idea?
Ann knocked on the door of the prinicipal’s office. A meek “Come in” was the response.
“Sir, I’m sorry to bother you.” Ann said in her softest voice, even though she was a torrent of rage on the inside.
“Not at all. My doors are always open to the students of Shujin.” The principal’s words didn’t convince her that he really meant what he said.
“I just read the flyer for the fundraiser.” The blonde acknowledged.
“I am glad that you brought that up.” The principal took out a handkerchief and wiped his brow with it. In Ann’s eyes, it made him look smaller than he actually was. “This school’s reputation has been going downhill since last year. Kamoshida-sensei’s perversions tainted the Volleyball team. Then there is the matter of both Suzui-san’s attempted suicide and my predecessor’s sudden suicide. And there have been rumors that the so-called Phantom Thieves were actually students in this school. The benefactors who helped pay for tuition are threatening to withhold their money. Without them, we may have to seek out alternate sources of income.”
Ann’s rage softened. Being part of the Phantom Thieves last year was the best year of her life. But it did come with some baggage. She remembered having to endure Kamoshida’s perverted advances and Shiho’s attempted suicide. And even though they had nothing to do with it, Principal Kobayakawa was killed in their name. So was Haru’s dad. Shujin had been engrossed in scandal ever since.
“I know I am asking a lot of the third year students but without funding, Shujin may have to close many of its extracurricular activities." He continued, unaware of the guilt bubbling up in Ann. "If we cut them, less money will come from benefactors. It will lead to a downward spiral."
Ann bit her bottom lip. The guilt trip combined with the pathetic sounding voice of the principal created a potent combination that wore on her resolve not to participate in the fundraiser.
"Takamaki-san, I understand your reservation about being auctioned off. But think of the money that you could bring to the school? Would you deprive your fellow students of the funds they need in order to thrive?”
The guilt came in waves now. Ann’s face made a powerful grimace. She knew where this was going. This feeling was just like the time she had to pretend to pose nude for Yusuke’s painting.
“Okay. Fine.” She spat acidly. The new principal didn't bother to read her mood. Instead, he thanked her profusely for agreeing to the auction.
After leaving the office, Ann was more pissed than when she went in. She couldn't get out of this situation because of her guilt. Terrible thoughts swirled in her head. Who was going to win her? Were they going to expect something from her? Would this make the rumors about her and Kamoshida worse?
"I need to find another way out." She thought out loud. "If only I was a Phantom Thief again."
That's when it hit her. There was another way out. She could only hope that he didn't leave for the day.
As it happened, he was behind the school, running. Ryuji Sakamoto, middle school friend, ex-track star, dyed blond, and phantom thief. The two of them had spent an amazing year with an amazing group of people. At times, it all felt like a dream.
Unfortunately, the Phantom Thieves didn't meet up as frequently as they used to. Makoto was accepted by a prestigious college and spent much of her time studying. Haru was working to improve Okumura Food's image. Ren and Morgana moved back to Ren's hometown. Yusuke is still going to Kosei but he'll go days without contacting them and then show up later, hungry. Futaba was going to a different high school than Shujin in order to open herself up to people other than the Phantom Thieves. This left her with Ryuji.
After the Phantom Thieves, Ryuji continued training his body, especially his legs. Although he would never regain his former speed thanks to Kamoshida and he would never rejoin the track team, the bleached blond reasoned that it was still no excuse to break routine. Of late, he made a habit of roping Mishima into his workout. And as he finished his set, there was the blue haired youth, wheezing towards the finish line.
"Sakamoto. I can't anymore." Mishima wheezed out every word as he collapsed on the grass.
"That was a good run, Mishima." Ryuji smiled as he chugged a liter of ice cold water while tossing another to the guy on the floor.
"Good? It was torture." The blue haired youth coughed as he guzzled down the water like he hadn't had it in forever. "And you do this for fun?"
"Com'n." Ryuji laughed. "If you're serious about getting into shape, then you can't do this half-assed."
"You're one to talk, Ryuji." Ann retorted, announcing her presence.
Ryuji grimaced. "Did you come all this way to mock us?" His voice was quite blase. He was used to her comments by now and was too tired to come up with one of his own. Oh...wait. "You know, you could stand to lose a couple of kilograms yourself. Otherwise, that brown haired model is going to take the number one spot."
Watching her flustered face made it all worth it. He cracked up laughing.
"That is never going to happen. Mika-san is going to have to settle for second place." She seethed. "To think I wanted to come to you with my problem."
The dyes blond youth stopped laughing. "Sorry. I'm good. Tell me."
Ann pursed her lips. "Fine. But let's go somewhere else."
"Fine with me." Ryuji shrugged his shoulders. He looked at Mishima's prostrate form. "You gonna be good, Mishima?"
"Chest on fire. Death close." He wheezed out every word.
Ryuji motioned with his head for Ann to follow him. They walked a bit so that they were behind the school.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Have you read the flyers about a fundraiser?" Ann asked.
"What about it?" Ryuji had seen them posting something about a fundraiser. But that didn't really catch his interest. So he paid it no mind.
"Did you read the part about third year girls being auctioned off?" She couldn't keep the rage out of her voice.
"F'real?" He exclaimed. "Why?"
"The principal said that because of the Phantom Thieves, benefactors are not investing in the school." Ann explained. "So the third year girls are going to be auctioned off to date their highest bidder."
A perverted grin started to creep across his face. "Is that how it's going to be?" Ryuji could just imagine it. A date with one of the third year girls. He could almost imagine it. She would have a hot body and call him Sakamoto-sama or Sakamoto-senpai.
"Get your mind out of the gutter, Ryuji." The blonde demanded, stamping on his foot. "This is serious. I'm gonna be on that auction."
"If you don't want to be in the auction, just tell the principal." The dyed blond youth stretched his limbs, only stopping when he heard that satisfying pop. "I heard he's a real pushover."
"That's the thing. He guilt-tripped me into doing it by using our year as Phantom Thieves against me." Ann couldn't keep the frustration out of her voice. "He said that it's thanks to them that benefactors haven't been giving money. The school could go broke."
Ryuji saw the look of desperation on her face. "What do you need me to do?"
"I need you to buy me."
I need you to buy me. That's what she said that day. Ryuji had agreed, mostly because she was his friend. How could he abandon her in her time of need? But he couldn't help but feel weird. Why come to him? He wasn't loaded and he didn't have a high paying job like Ren did. He made enough money to help ease his mom's burden and to have extra on the side. She must have been really desperate.
The auction was taking place in the gym while the rest of the fundraiser was being hosted in the auditorium. In truth, Ryuji wanted to see everything the fundraiser had to offer but he didn't know when Ann's turn was going to be so he had no choice but to stay in the gym.
"Hope I have enough." He grumbled after taking a seat.
Nine girls came and went before Ann came on stage. Unlike the other girls who dolled themselves up, Ann was in her school uniform. She crossed her arms and gave off an aura of "leave me alone".
"Next up is Ann Takamaki," the MC announced in a flourish. “A part-time model whose naturally blonde hair lights up any room.”
Ann blushed. Hearing the announcer describe her like that threw her off-guard.
“How about a twirl, Ann-chan?” The announcer cooed.
Ann set her glare at the MC. He must have caught it because he immediately looked away. “Well, what are my starting bids for Ann?”
500 yen, someone yelled out.
Ann was stunned. The offers steadily rose, easily clearing 2,000 yen. From there, the increments increased by 500. She was barely registering the numbers, instead, trying to find Ryuji in the crowd.
Her eyes scanned the room, looking for bleached blond hair. How difficult could it be to find him? A horrid thought crossed her mind. What if he abandoned her? She clenched her fist. She would make him pay if he did.
“7000 yen-” the announcer cried “-going once”
“8000 yen.”
Ann’s head whipped around sharply to where the voice originated. Sure enough, it was Ryuji, standing on his chair and yelling out his bid.
“Sakamoto’s bidding on Takamaki?” Perhaps that was meant as a whisper but Ann heard it loud and clear.
“Why should a punk like him date a pretty girl like Takamaki?” Another yelled.
“8500″ Ryuji yelled in response.
Ann’s eyes widened. The bidding was much higher than she expected. At first, she was worried that Ryuji wouldn’t help her at all. Now she was worried that Ryuji wouldn’t have enough to win. Something akin to a gut punch made her stomach flip. She got the feeling that if Ryuji didn’t win, he would feel massively guilty, like he would be letting her down. Her eyes began to water. She wanted to tell Ryuji that it was okay, that he didn’t need to waste his money on her. But the words didn’t come,
Back and forth they went in increments of one hundred until
“9500″ Ryuji yelled.
“Going once, going twice,”
“10,000″ the student who Ryuji was in a bidding war with announced triumphantly.
“10,000?” The announcer gasped incredulously. “10,000 going once”
Ann couldn’t bear to look Ryuji in the eye. She didn’t want to see his dismayed face.
“Going twice.”
“12,800.” Ryuji bellowed, holding the money in his hand.
An audible gasp emptied the air in the auditorium.
“12,800. Going once, going twice, sold to the blond guy still standing on his seat.”
Ann nearly burst into tears. It took all her strength to stay on her feet. Ryuji had come through for her.
Ann and Ryuji walked to the train station after the fundraiser was over. Neither said anything. Ann couldn’t express into words just how grateful she was. Ryuji had gone above and beyond to help her out.
“Thanks, Ryuji.” Her voice had cracked a bit due to her gratitude.
“Huh,” Ryuji snapped his attention to his friend. “Oh, it was nothing.”
“It was not nothing,” Ann told him, stamping her foot to get his attention. “I know I kinda sprung that on you last minute but you pulled through for me. So thanks.”
“Come on,” Ryuji scratched the back of his head. His cheeks started to stain pink. “You’re my friend. We’ve been through so much together. Of course, I’d help you if I can.”
That made Ann smile. It was just like Ryuji to make everything so simple. But that’s one of the things she liked about him.
“I have an idea,” The twin tailed girl spoke. “How about you and me hang out this Sunday? I’ll take you to my favorite crepes place.”
Ryuji stretched out his limbs. “Sure. I’ve got no plans that day.”
“Then it’s settled.” Ann pumped her fist in excitement. “You’re gonna love this place. I swear, you’ll be a sweets junkie at first bite.”
Sunday came. Ryuji walked down Central Street, looking for his friend. Thanks to her unique looks, he didn’t have to look hard. She was standing in front of the movie theaters. 
Ryuji waved at the blonde. “Sorry. Were you waiting long?”
Ann shook her head. “I just got here myself. Now let’s go. These crepes are going to rock your world.”
Ryuji faked a grimace as Ann dragged him towards their destination. Inwardly, he smiled. It was great that things haven’t changed that much since their days as Phantom Thieves.
Ann didn’t lie when she said the sweets in this place were out of this world. Even though he wasn’t a sweets person, the crepes were made to perfection. Each bite was a cacophony of flavors that complemented each other. Ryuji could see why Ann loved these things. He was in flavor town. Ann herself had polished off eight of them before they were done.
“Crepes are love. Crepes are life.” Ann sighed as they left.
Ryuji scratched the back of his head. “How can you eat so much sugary sweets and not gain so much weight?”
“Maybe my metabolism is just that great,” the blonde laughed.
A wicked grin crossed the ex-runner’s face. “Or maybe it just goes to your breasts.”
“WHAT?” She screeched.
“I can see it now,” Ryuji leered playfully. “Every crepe adds one centimeter to your bust size.”
Ann took a swipe at him. However, Ryuji had anticipated this and dodged her attack.
“Get back here and take your punishment.” Ann yelled, shaking fist and chasing after her friend.
Ryuji just laughed and ran away from her, watching as she chased him.
Ann and Ryuji spent the day hanging out in Shibuya, enjoying some of the sights and sounds of the city. Ryuji introduced Ann to the joys of the arcade and Ann took Ryuji to the underground mall to window shop. Near the end of the day, their travels led them to a sneaker store. Ryuji had stopped to stare.
“I didn’t know you were that into sneakers,” Ann said.
“You can’t be a good runner if you don’t have good sneakers,” Ryuji explained. “Arch support and cushioning are important for speed.”
Ann didn’t know that. She could understand shoes for fashion and for comfort. But a shoe for speed, that was something else entirely. It was quite eye-opening to step through the looking glass and see Ryuji’s world.
“Ahh, Ryuji-chan” a woman’s voice called to him. “You’ve come.”
A middle-aged woman stepped out of the store and greeted him. She was somewhat plain, a dusting of gray hair and wrinkles here and there. But her overall cheerful demeanor made her shine bright.
“Obaa-san,” Ryuji greeted in a friendly manner. “I didn’t know you were working today.”
 The store owner noticed that Ryuji wasn’t alone. “Oh, hello. Are you Ryuji-chan’s girlfriend?”
Both teenagers blushed at the implication. “N-n-no. We’re just friends,” Ryuji insisted.
The store owner gave them a wan smile. It was almost like she didn’t believe them. However, she let that go for the moment. It wouldn’t do to give her favorite customer the third degree.
“So what brings you in, Ryuji-chan? Are you here to buy the sneakers you’ve put on reserve?” She motioned to sneakers that were out on the display window.
Ann couldn’t stop her eyes from following to where the sneakers were. She read the tag. It was Assassin brand sneakers, a simple pair of white sneakers with red laces and black soles. Apparently they were sneakers popular with runners. Even knowing little about sneakers, she knew that these Assassin sneakers were very good. Then she read the price tag. It was 12,800 yen. The number struck her as familiar but she couldn’t place why it was.
“About that,” Ryuji started. “I don’t have the money this week. Can you hold it in reserve for another week while I scrap together the money?” He ended his request by clasping his hands together in an imploring manner.
The store manager looked at him in sadness. “I’m sorry, Ryuji-chan,” she apologized. “But you know our policy. We can only reserve sneakers for four weeks, no more, even for you. I’m really sorry.”
Ryuji hung his head in defeat. “I understand.”
As the bleached blond walked towards the back to look at other sneakers, a realization came to Ann. She knew now why the price tag was so familiar. It was the same amount of money Ryuji used to win her lot in the auction. It hit her all at once. Ryuji had been saving up enough money to buy a pair of rare sneakers he wanted. And along comes Ann Takamaki, without any consideration of Ryuji’s feelings, and demands that he use his hard-earned money on her. A sickening feeling bubbled in her stomach as it dawned on her. She had used Ryuji in the same way that she herself didn’t liked to be used. And she felt guilty because of it.
“Miss, are you okay,” the shopkeeper asked.
Ann snapped out of her self-loathing party to pay attention to her surroundings. “Sorry. I was out of it.” Her light-blue eyes turned towards Ryuji. He was examining another pair of sneakers, feeling the weight and texture of it.
“I’ve known Ryuji-chan ever since he started doing track,” the shopkeeper told her. “He is brash and impulsive and not so quick on the uptake.” Ann couldn’t help but smile at the words. “But despite all of that, he has a good heart. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yeah, he does,” Ann agreed. The shopkeeper had no idea. Ryuji helped her with Kamoshida, had defended countless times a Phantom Thief. Hell, he nearly died saving them in Shido’s Palace. And now, he spent the money he would have had to buy the sneakers he wanted but instead, he spent it to spare her from being bought by someone else to do gods know what by gods know who.
The two watched Ryuji compare sneakers.
“So, tell me the truth. Are you Ryuji-chan’s girlfriend?”
Ann flushed magnificently. The contrast between her red face, blonde hair, and blue eyes was something to behold. “No,” she squeaked, unable to control the volume of her voice. “We’re just good friends.”
The shopkeeper made a sound, indicating that she wasn’t sure that was the case but she didn’t say anything else beyond that. Thankfully, Ryuji sauntered up to them, preventing things from becoming more awkward.
“Welp, I’m finished. Ann, you ready to go?” He asked.
Ann’s guilt started to double back on her. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
“Thanks for stopping by, Ryuji-chan,” the shopkeeper waved goodbye as the two teens left her store. “Say hello to your mother for me. Please come again.”
The train ride back was quite silent, unbearably so. Ann was in a pool of self-pity for using Ryuji without any consideration. As for Ryuji, he was trying to figure out what was going on with Ann. Finally, they had come to their stop. Ann and Ryuji hopped off the train and headed into the street. This intersection was where they had to go their separate ways.
“Well,” Ryuji turned towards the direction of his apartment, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ann. Today was really fun.”
As Ryuji walked away, Ann couldn’t help but shout at him to wait. Ryuji turned around to see his friend’s face filled with determination, like she wanted to tell him something important.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” Ryuji asked.
“I’m sorry,” Ann cried out.
The bleached blond furrowed his eyebrows. “For what?”
“I didn’t know you were saving your money for something else.” Ann’s guilt came back as a tidal wave. “I bothered you with my problem, never thinking that you had your own thing going on.”
“I used you. And now, you can’t afford to buy the sneakers you wanted, simply because I made you spend your money on me.” Tears had come unbidden and started to stream down her face. Ann bowed her head so that Ryuji didn’t see her crying. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her cry.
“Ann, listen to me.” Before Ann realized it, Ryuji had closed the distance between the two of them. “You didn’t make me spend my money. I spent it to help you.”
“Ann,” he said in a voice that would brook no other rebuttals. “You asked for my help. I helped you. You’re my friend and that’s more important to me than any sneaker that has ever or will ever come out.”
Ann was stunned by his frank admission. He helped her simply because they were friends. It remind her of the shopkeeper’s words. He has a good heart. Truer words were never spoken. The fact that he would lose out on something he wanted just to help her solidify the fact that underneath his headstrong attitude was an amazing person. Sure, she may deride his somewhat perverted nature and may mock his intelligence once in a while, the fact remains that Ann was very lucky to have Ryuji Sakamoto as a friend.
“Ryuji.” Ann whispered. “Thanks. For everything.”
Ryuji grinned. “No problem.”
As Ryuji was about turn away to go home, Ann called out to him once more. “Can you do me one more favor?”
“Hmm, what’s up?”
A dusting of pink tinged her cheeks. “Can you close your eyes for a minute?”
“Huh? Why?” Ryuji didn’t understand why Ann was requesting this.
“Please?” Her voice came out more earnest than she expected.
Ann’s request threw him off. So he did as she asked and closed his eyes.
Years later, if you had asked Ann what compelled her to do what she was about to do now, she wouldn’t be able to give you a clear answer. But her body moved on its own. Lo and behold, Ann’s lips pressed against the corner of Ryuji’s lips. That’s not what she meant to do. It was suppose to be a kiss on the cheek. How did that happen? Did she close her eyes just before the kiss? But she couldn’t take it back now.
As for Ryuji, once he felt the pressure from Ann’s lips, his eyes shot open. Ann was kissing him. ANN. TAKAMAKI. WAS. KISSING. HIM. On the list of things that could happen to him, this was not one of them. And before he could react, she pulled away.
“See you tomorrow,” Ann quickly shot out before she sprinted away.
“Ann, wait.” Ryuji sprinted after her. There was no way that he could let her go away without giving him a chance to speak. Thankfully, he was still much faster than his fellow Phantom Thief so he caught up with her instantly and grabbed her arm.
Ann didn’t turn around but neither did she struggle to break free. “You don’t have to say anything,” she said in an even tone that betrayed nothing. “I just wanted to thank you. That was the best way how.”
“Ann, listen, I.” The kiss flustered Ryuji to the point that he didn’t know what to say. That was a first for him.
Ann wanted to see the look on Ryuji’s face but she was too embarrassed. But she was sure it was rather silly.
“Next week,” the bleached blond started. “If you’re free, you wanna hang out? You know, just you and me.”
Was she hearing right? “Are you asking me out on a date?” Ann still didn’t look at him. She wasn’t sure she could handle it right now.
“It doesn’t have to be a date,” he offered, letting go of her hand and waving his own in a frantic manner. “It could just be two friends hanging out.”
Ann waited a beat. “I’m going to see Shiho next week.”
“Oh.” Ryuji was deflated. He turned to walk away, not wanting to make things more awkward than it was.
“But, I’ll be free the week after that,” she offered. “We can go then.”
Ryuji turned around and saw that Ann was finally looking at him. She was smiling. That made him smile.
“Alright then,” Ryuji grinned. “See you at school tomorrow.”
It was strange. Who would have thought that a school fundraiser could lead to something like this? Neither Ann nor Ryuji expected that this event could bring them closer. And yet, it did. And soon after, the two of them started dating. Who would have guessed? Perhaps it’s not surprising that two former Phantom Thieves still in the same school would deepen their relationship. But it was a welcomed surprise.
More than half a year had passed and their relationship was only getting stronger. Christmas came and the Phantom Thieves got together, spending their holiday at Leblanc. It was a small but wonderful celebration.
A small plastic tree was set up on top of one of the booths. The gang had left their presents for each other under it. Ryuji saw a rectangular box with his name on it. Getting greedy, he grabbed and shook its contents.
“Oooh, I wonder what Santa-san left me,” he chuckled.
“You still believe in Santa? Lame,” Futaba cackled.
“You’re just not into the holiday spirit.” The bleached blond accentuated that statement by sticking out his tongue. “I’m gonna open it.”
With little preamble, Ryuji tore into the present. It was a sneaker box. When he opened it, his mouth stood agape. There it was, the Assassin sneakers that he had wanted from months ago. Only one person knew about that.
“Ann?” He didn’t trust himself to speak. “How did you...”
Ann gave her boyfriend a saucy wink. “You forget that I’m a part-time model. After that day, I got in contact with people to get that pair.” She told him of just how difficult it was to get it. “The hardest part was getting a pair in your size. But the shopkeeper helped me with that.”
Ryuji immediately hugged Ann tightly. “You’re the best girlfriend a guy could ask for.” He kissed her temple to punctuate that.
Ann fake-struggled to get out of his embrace. “Let go. You’re embarrassing me.”
Ryuji just laughed and hugged her tighter.
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asoenews · 4 years
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jonathanalumbaugh · 7 years
Weekly Digest
January 7th, 2018, 6th issue.
A roundup of stuff I consumed this week. Published weekly. All reading is excerpted from the main article unless otherwise noted.
Teen birth rates hit a new low in 2016, Boston has joined other cities in banning single-use plastic bags, Tesla restored electricity to a children's hospital in Puerto Rico after it was hit by hurricanes in September, the FDA cleared an earpiece that may help block symptoms of opioid withdrawal, 13 states saw record-lows of unemployment this year, Support for allowing same-sex marriage is at its highest point in 20 years, Vice President Mike Pence said in October that the U.S. "will return...to the moon not only to leave behind footprints and flags but to build the foundation we need to send Americans to Mars and beyond," a man in North Carolina has started the non-profit ChemoCars, a service that provides cancer patients with free rides to and from their chemo treatments, Uber partnered with the charity Whizz-Kidz to give those who use wheelchairs in the UK free rides to polling places this summer.
— 9 things America is getting right
This is not some “lite” version of Civ stripped down for touchscreen, mobile implementation. It’s the whole game.
— Civilization 6 on iPad is a marvel
First comment in thread: I keep seeing this referred to over and over, even TV Guide is calling the bad Cooper by the name BOB! In my opinion, this is something that people have been confusing for 25 years.
— Clarification: Cooper is not possessed by BOB
I got married two weeks ago. And like most people, I asked some of the older and wiser folks around me for a couple quick words of advice from their own marriage... Almost 1,500 people replied, many of whom sent in responses measured in pages, not paragraphs. It took almost two weeks to comb through them all, but I did. And what I found stunned me…
They were incredibly repetitive.
— Every successful relationship is successful for the same exact reasons
Explaining #Meltdown to non-technical spouse. “You know how we finish each other’s...” “Sandwiches?” “No, sentences. But you guessed ‘sandwiches’ and it was in your mind for an instant. And it was a password. And someone stole it while it was there, fleeting.” “Oh, that IS bad.”
— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)
January 5, 2018
— Explaining Meltdown with parallel worlds, libraries, and a bank heist
TED Video: How to make stress your friend
— How to make stress your friend
A user visits a website, registers an account, and saves the data in the password manager. The tracking script runs on third-party sites. When a user visits the site, login forms are injected in the site invisibly. The browser’s password manager will fill out the data if a matching site is found in the password manager. The script detects the username, hashes it, and sends it to third-party servers to track the user.
— How web trackers exploit password managers
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was negligent in connection with one of the biggest bank failures of the financial crisis, a federal judge has ruled, opening up the Big Four accounting firm to the potential of hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.
— Judge Says PricewaterhouseCoopers Was Negligent In Colonial Bank Failure
Whether we see an LTE version of the Nokia 3310 in the US is still a major question, as is the release date of this phone — not the mention the battery life, which took a major hit when it added 3G support.
— An LTE version of Nokia’s 3310 may be coming
The Big Five... has produced results that can be shown to remain largely consistent across a person’s lifespan and that can be used to predict at least some part of a person’s likely academic achievement, dating choices and even future parenting behavior. It has also been validated cross-culturally to some extent, Soto told me.
— Most Personality Quizzes Are Junk Science. I Found One That Isn’t.
"Neither [Iraq] nor while I was in the military did I actually hear anyone ask whether we should be doing some of the research we were doing. You know, some of it was a little scary -- I don't know that it was necessarily unethical -- but nobody ever asked the question." -General Robert H. Latiff
— Nobody's Ready for the Killer Robot
If you are a low-wage worker who cuts your expenses to the bone in order to sock away $500 a year, on which you earn 8%, you will still not go more than a year in retirement without starving to death.
— Oh Damn, 401(k)s Aren't Magic
Ever stood at an intersection and prodded at, leaned on, elbowed and otherwise palm-slapped the ever-living hell out of a crosswalk button and wondered to yourself if the thing actually does anything at all, really? Well – chances are, it doesn't.
— Placebo buttons do absolutely nothing, and they are everywhere
Meanwhile, Pete is convinced the Log Lady stole his truck. But wait! It wasn’t the Log Lady. It was Windom Earle, says Cooper. How does he know? Well, look at the map up there. Duh. Try and keep up, people.
— Revisiting ‘Twin Peaks’ Season 2 Finale: An Appointment at the End of the World
In an interview with radio host John Catsimatidis in New York, Cohen said that it was clear that President Trump — like former President Obama — did not want to approve a plan to provide the new arms to Ukraine, but decided to do so in an attempt to shirk allegations that he has acted as a "Putin puppet."
— Russia expert: US decision to supply arms to Ukraine a 'mistake'
Scopophilia or scoptophilia (from Greek σκοπέω skopeō, "look to, examine" and φιλία philia, "tendency toward"), is deriving pleasure from looking.
— Scopophilia
The fatal swatting case started Thursday when a man called the 911 center in Wichita, Kansas, and said he'd shot his father and was holding his mother, sister and brother hostage inside a house, authorities said.
— Swatting case poses legal challenges for police, prosecutors
The IRS lets you claim investment-related losses on your tax return as long as you sell the money-losing investment at some point during the year. You can then use the resulting capital losses to offset any capital gains on other investments that you might have.
— Tax Loss Harvesting: Don't Wait Until Year-End to Save Thousands
Tesla was on the cover of Time magazine in 1931 but died a poor man in 1943 after years devoted to projects that did not receive adequate financing. Yet his most significant inventions resonate today.
— Tesla the Car Is a Household Name. Long Ago, So Was Nikola Tesla.
More than a century ago, in New York City, Paul Strand began creating some of the earliest candid street photography. His goal was to capture people as they act in public, unaware of the observing eye.
— Theater of the Streets, Shot On Google Glass
In 2016, psychologist Danielle Gunraj tested how people perceived one-sentence text messages that used a period at the end of the sentence. Participants thought these text messages were more insincere than those that didn’t have a period. But when the researchers then tested the same messages in handwritten notes, they found that the use of a period didn’t influence how the messages were perceived.
— There’s a reason using a period in a text message makes you sound angry
My beach wedding in Diani, Kenya, was supposed to begin at 4 p.m. It started two hours later. The reason: The photographer was late. He shrugged it off, blaming traffic. "I am here now and that is what matters," he said. Grrr, "Kenyan time."
That is what they call it in my homeland.
— Under 'Kenyan Time,' You're Expected To Arrive ... Oh, Whenever
The year 2017 was really successful for Vue.js. Even though the goals are partly fulfilled, I think that most of the goals are somehow achieved or getting more traction. Vue.js is spreading and a lot more companies are using it now, including: Behance, Adobe, Chess.com, GitLab, HERE Technologies, Car2Go, IBM, and many chinese companies like alibaba, ele.me
— Vue.js review of 2017
In 2007, Warren Buffett entered a million-dollar bet with the fund manager Protégé Partners that the S&P 500 would beat a basket of hedge funds over the next decade.
— Warren Buffett has won his $1 million bet against the hedge fund industry
Earlier today, Twitter published a five paragraph answer to the loudly, repeatedly-shouted question: “Why won’t you ban Donald Trump, a man who has actively used your platform to threaten nuclear annihilation against an entire country?”
— What Twitter's New Statement About Not Banning Trump Really Means
In South Carolina, for example, people hoping to buy a Siberian tiger to celebrate the new year are likely to be disappointed: As of Jan. 1, it is illegal in the state for typical residents — that is, if you're not a zoo — to buy or own exotic animals for pets.
— What's New In 2018? Here's A Brief Tour Of State Laws Now In Effect
Why people believe what they believe is a wide topic that many psychology professors investigate. And while Peterson’s lectures certainly do tend to focus on the idea of “pushing back,” the contents of them raise questions about whether the bad ideologies are the ones he’s rejecting or the ones he espouses.
— Why Is Monsanto Inviting This Alt-Right Hero to a Fireside Chat on Farming?
The danger is that such detailed, sensationalized coverage of suicide can prompt copycat behavior — a phenomenon called suicide contagion. “Suicide contagion is real, which is why I’m concerned about it.”
— YouTuber Logan Paul's video of a dead body put his own audience at risk
Then there’s the matter of how Uber treats its drivers. You know it’s not great, but it’s not as though competing services are much better. Before Uber, taxi companies were notoriously terrible employers. Lyft, like Uber, hires its drivers as independent contractors—they don’t get benefits or minimum-wage protection—and has cut their pay to make fares cheaper for riders.
— Are you a bad person if you still take Uber?
Forecasters are warning people to be wary of hypothermia and frostbite from the arctic blast that’s gripping a large swath from the Midwest to the Northeast.
— http://metro.co.uk/2017/12/30/niagara-falls-freezes-sharks-freezing-death-atlantic-7192401/?ito=cbshare
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skepticraven · 7 years
Does Trump have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
In my opinion, yes, yes. A thousand times, yes. However I want to be clear about something before going any further. I am not a psychiatrist. This is entirely my opinion BUT there are a number of doctors who agree with me such as Harvard psychoanalyst Lance Dodes, psychiatrist Dr. Robert Jay Lifton; and   professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University  Dr. John Gartner; and many more. I also don’t want anyone to be under the impression that because Donald Trump seems to be the world’s clearest cut case of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), that this somehow absolves him of responsibility for his actions. It doesn’t. He is not legally insane- even if his actions often seem irrational to most of us. Narcissistic Personality disorder is in the  DSM–5 (a.k.a. the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition) and it is technically a mental illness. HOWEVER, there is a significant and distinct difference between narcissistic personality disorder and other types of mental illnesses like Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder. First, let’s get a general definition of what personality disorders are and aren’t.
Psychology Today defines personality disorders as: “deeply ingrained ways of thinking and behaving that are inflexible and generally lead to impaired relationships with others.” Mental health professionals formally recognize 10 personality disorders that fall into three clusters.  Cluster A includes the ddd or eccentric disorders. Cluster B includes the dramatic or erratic disorders.  (Narcissistic Personality Disorder falls in Cluster B). And Cluster C which includes Anxious or fearful disorders.”
One might say that narcissistic personality disorder is essentially just an abnormal personality. Like with all personalities, biological factors as well as environment and early life experiences form who a person becomes. People with narcissistic personality disorder just possess personalities that are so outside the norm, and so problematic (for the individual and/or for society) that it has been identified as a mental disorder. With mental illnesses like Bipolar Disorder, the primary treatment is medication to treat that chemical imbalance. You could counsel someone with Bipolar Disorder to the ends of the earth, but unless you treat the imbalance with medication, you won’t get much of anywhere. In many cases, if the Bipolar patient find the right meds, it will generally control all or most symptoms. (It can be a struggle finding that right mix though since its essentially trial-and-error). With Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the primary treatment is psychotherapy. Occasionally meds can be used to treat underlying anxiety or depression but no pill can achieve a total 180 degree turn on personality traits that become ingrained over a person’s lifetime. You can’t re-route a narcissists worldview and patterns of interaction with a pill. That would take therapy. Unfortunately NPD has a low recovery rate because it takes someone who is truly willing to heed the perceptions of other people and someone who highly motivated to change narcissistic behaviors. As I go into some of the signs of NPD and how Trump displays them, you will begin to see why most narcissists lack the willingness and motivation to recover. 
1) People with NPD have an inflated sense of their own importance and so CLEARLY does Trump. For example, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Donald Trump claimed he had the largest inauguration crowd in history. He also incorrectly claimed that he had and I quote, “the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan." The reality is that almost every President since Ronald Reagan  won more electoral college votes than Donald Trump. 
2) People with NPD have a deep need for admiration. Trump went on a “thank you tour” after winning the election and has continued to campaign after inauguration. (See video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAQnXnQQCCI) Why is he doing these things? Trump wants, no needs, to be surrounded by his base who will scream and cheer and stroke his ego. 
3) People with NPD lack of empathy for others. A good example of this would be when Trump belittled the parents of a deceased Muslim-American soldier (Captain Humayun Khan). Trump lacks the ability to imagine the pain of losing a child in service to this country. Its the same reason he made that “I prefer people who weren’t captured” remark about John McCain. He has no ability to empathize with someone who spent nearly six years in a North Vietnamese prison. Even if you disagree with someone politically, an empathetic person would still show respect and gratitude for American heroes. This next example speaks both Trump’s need for admiration and his lack of empathy: Trump’s strangely chipper attitude about Hurricane Harvey’s devastation. When speaking to some supporters at a firehouse in Corpus Christi, Trump just couldn’t help himself and he exclaimed, "What a crowd, what a turnout." And if anyone else made this next comment, I’d think nothing of it but since it was Trump? Houston, we have a problem. Trump said in tweets, “ HISTORIC rainfall in Houston, and all over Texas. Floods are unprecedented, and more rain coming... Going to a Cabinet Meeting at 11:00 A.M. on #Harvey. Even experts have said they've never seen one like this!....  Wow - Now experts are calling #Harvey a once in 500 year flood!.... Many people are now saying that this is the worst storm/hurricane they have ever seen.” See the problem is Trump is so transparent and I know where this was going before it went there. Of course Trump would ramble about this was the biggest and the best flood because everything with him is automatically the biggest, record breaking thing that ever happened and he is going to turn this around to talk about how awesome he and his team are. And he does exactly that, “ Great coordination between agencies at all levels of government. Continuing rains and flash floods are being dealt with. Thousands rescued.....  Wonderful coordination between Federal, State and Local Governments in the Great State of Texas - TEAMWORK! Record setting rainfall. “  (;一_一) Harvey is just another episode of the Trump show. Everything somehow is about Trump and his sheer tremendousness at (fill in the blank).
4) People with NPD have a mask of ultra-confidence but behind the mask lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. For example, Trump sued Bill Maher over a joke. Maher got fed up with Trump constantly harping on the Obama birtherism nonsense, so Maher said Trump needs to prove that he isn’t the byproduct of his mother and orangutan. Then Trump threatened to sue The Onion (which in case you don’t know is probably the most famous satirical newspaper currently in print) which published a fake opinion piece pretending to be authored by Trump. It was titled, “When You’re Feeling Low, Just Remember I’ll Be Dead in About 15 or 20 Years.” Trump is the definition of a snowflake.
5) Narcissists are preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, or beauty. His obsession with success and power seem pretty clear. If you haven’t picked up on that, you have been living under a rock. His obsession with beauty is fascinating since its definitely not directed inwards. He seems immune to the reality of his own laughable appearance. However, Trump is obsessed surrounding himself with beautiful women. So obsessed that he keeps replacing his romantic partners will the younger model. Back when George Bush Sr. was President, Trump literally told Esquire magazine: "You know, it doesn't really matter what they (meaning the media) write, as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." And he isn’t just obsessed with his romantic partner’s level of attractiveness. Its everyone around him as well, including his daughters. When Tiffany was 2, Trump made this terrifyingly creepy comment  “I think that she’s got a lot of Marla. She’s really a beautiful baby. She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part (referring to her chest) yet but time will tell.” He held his hands in front of his chest to represent breasts when he said that. During an interview with Howard Stern in 2003, Trump said this about his then 22-year-old daughter Ivanka: "You know who's one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She's 6 feet tall, she's got the best body. She made a lot money as a model—a tremendous amount."  Three years later on a separate visit to the Howard Stern Show, Trump referred to Ivanka as “voluptuous.” That same year on The View, Trump said this about Ivanka, “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” Honestly, who talks about their daughter like that? Trump has carried this vanity straight into the white house. He has often referred to members of his team as coming from "central casting." Its well know that Chris Christie’s weight had a lot to do with the fact that he was not offered a position in Trump’s cabinet.
6) People with NPD are entitled, meaning they believe themselves  to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. A good example of this Trump’s 5th military deferment for bone spurs. (He’d received 4 prior deferments for being in college. As tough as he talks, you’d think he’d be itching to go fight for his country). Trump had a perfect bill of health less than two years prior to these supposed bone spurs being used as an excuse to dodge the draft. That previous physical did not disqualify him for service as we can tell from his 1-A classification in July 1968. But this new physical that supposedly turned up bone spurs conveniently placed him squarely at the bottom of any call-up list, meaning he would only be drafted if there were some of complete and total military catastrophe. Funny, how those bone spurs didn’t impede Trump’s ability to play baseball, tennis and squash in college? He had only just recently graduated when he got the bone spurs deferment so there is weeks- maybe a couple months tops- in between his athletic college activities and this bone spur deferment. (;一_一) Politifact reports, “ Trump failed to mention his medical deferment when he told ABC News on July 19, 2015, that he was never drafted because the draft lottery went into effect and his birthday came with a high number.” Wrong. He got an extremely high number because of a medical deferment. Fun fact, only 5 percent of people with spurs have any pain at all. It would’ve been an extremely rare case to be debilitated by a spur at age 22.” And even more rare, to miraculously recover so quickly and completely- after the war ended of course- not that we ever saw any actually evidence of physical disability. Since people started bringing this up, Trump has magically remembered the bone spurs... sort of. Except, he couldn’t remember which foot or if it was both... Come on. Unless you are an idiot, you know Trump had his daddy pay of a doctor to make up an excuse to get him out of the draft. Then on top of, Trump has the audacity to say John McCain isn’t a war hero and insult the parents of a dead muslim-American soldier who did fight for this country. That ladies and gentleman, is called entitlement. 
7) Narcissists takes advantage of others to reach his or her own goals. Trump has a long, long history of not paying contractors and other employees- lots of them. To quote USA Today, “ During the Atlantic City casino boom in the 1980s, Philadelphia cabinet-builder Edward Friel Jr. landed a contract to build the bases for slot machines, registration desks, bars and other cabinets at Harrah's at Trump Plaza. They finished their work in 1984 and submitted its final bill to the general contractor for the Trump Organization. Edward’s son, Paul, who was the firm’s accountant, still remembers the amount of that bill more than 30 years later: $83,600. The reason: the money never came. A USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found Trump has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past 3 decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them. At least 60 lawsuits, not including the hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings  who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them. Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company. A plumber. Painters. Forty-eight waiters. Dozens of bartenders and other hourly workers at his resorts and clubs, coast to coast. Real estate brokers who sold his properties. And, ironically, several law firms that once represented him in these suits and others.Trump’s companies have also been cited for 24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act since 2005 for failing to pay overtime or minimum wage, according to U.S. Department of Labor data. That includes 21 citations against the defunct Trump Plaza in Atlantic City and three against the also out-of-business Trump Mortgage LLC in New York. There were  more than 200 mechanic’s liens — filed by contractors and employees against Trump, his companies or his properties claiming they were owed money for their work. The liens range from a $75,000 claim by a Plainview, N.Y. air conditioning and heating company to a $1 million claim from the president of a New York City real estate banking firm. “ If you’d like to read the full USA Today article: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/
8) Narcissists apologize extremely rarely and if they do apologize, it’s for self serving reasons, rather than out of remorse. About as close to an apology as Trump has gotten is after the Access Hollywood tapes leaked but it was half assed, at best. He mostly just deflected by bringing up Bill Clinton’s misdeeds and complaining about how long ago this conversation occurred. He tossed in an “I said it, I regret it. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow.” and then didn’t change his attitude towards women an iota. The Access Hollywood tape came out on October 7, 2016 and he issued that bullshit apology the same day. Then 5 days later, after Natasha Stoynoff came out to accuse Trump of doing exactly what he said he does in that video (also known as sexual assault), Trump responds by insinuating she isn’t attractive enough for him to bother assaulting her. Because all innocent people say that.... (See video of Trump’s “deeply remorseful” behavior: www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-sexual-assault_us_57ffc493e4b0162c043aa2a3
9) Narcissists often have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment. For example, when Trump asked James Comey to pledge his loyalty,  "lift the cloud" around him and his administration involving Russia, and essentially wanted Trump to let Flynn go. Same thing when Trump got upset at Jeff Sessions recusing himself in a situation he was ethically obligated to do so. Trump expects people to not do their job and not abide by the law and ethical guidelines- for him. 
10) Many narcissists care little about rules and boundaries so they may engage in behaviors that others find morally objectionable. An example of Trump’s objectionable business decisions, was creating Trump University which engaged in a variety of illegal business practices, ranging from false claims to racketeering. Trump was obviously eventually sued for that, as he should be. The plaintiffs alleged that they paid up to $35,000 in tuition for very little in return. Trump has agreed to pay $25 million to settle lawsuits after claiming he’d never settle because he was “innocent.” The settlement includes a $1 million penalty paid to New York state for violating the state’s education laws by calling the program a “university” despite offering no degrees or traditional education. The worst part is, business settlements are fully tax deductible. An example of an objectionable personal choice was pardoning Sheriff Joe  Arpaio, a man who violated the civil rights of Americans but having his officers actively target anyone who “looked hispanic” including people who hadn’t done so much as a a traffic violation which violates the equal protection clause of the constitution and the 4th amendment which protects against unreasonable search and seizure. Then Arpaio ignored a judge’s order to cease those violations. He also did things like, making male prisoners wear pink underwear and housing them in an outdoor tent city in the Arizona desert where it got so hot that the inmates’ shoes melted. Why did Trump do it? He’d say because Arpaio battled illegal immigration but the truth is, its because Arpaio stroked Trump’s ego by supporting him during the election. Due process goes out the window because he was nice to Trump.  (;一_一)
This person is mentally unfit to lead. Trump has no business with his finger on the nuclear launch code.
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #154 - The Jungle Book (2016)
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Spoilers below.
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes. #419.
Format: Blu-ray
1) The respect for the original 1967 film is established IMMEDIATELY, both by the use of a hand drawn opening logo and by the fact that the opening score for this film is the opening score from the original movie. Right away director Jon Favreu and the rest of the filmmakers let the audience know that they’re aware of just exactly what this film is and the expectations it needs to meet.
2) Neel Sethi as Mowgli.
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When you have a kid as your lead character, it is important that you establish them as an honest character and not just a trope/stereotype. Through the film’s writing and Neel Sethi’s wonderful performance, we get just that. Paired together they make Mowgli smart, funny, crafty, but still someone who has a lot to learn. He is simultaneously someone you should not underestimate and someone who should learn humility. Sethi portrays these things wonderfully, as well as Mowgli’s issue of identity. He’s not a wolf, he’s not really a man cub, he wants to stay in the jungle but he doesn’t know where he belongs yet. Or who he belongs with. This is an interesting conflict which will carry us through until the end of the film.
3) One of the ways this film improves on its predecessor is that it puts more stock into relationships other than Mowgli/Baloo. Bagheera takes more of an active role in Mowgli’s upbringing, meaning it’s harder for him to take him back. Mowgli’s wolf mother - Raksha - is seen as a more important influence in his life. He has wolf brothers, and even his later relationship with Baloo comes about more organically. It’s wonderful way to build off of the original while staying respectful of it.
4) Grey - Mowgli’s younger wolf brother - is a surprise scene stealer for the film.
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(Screenshot grabbed from GIF set posted by @daredvils)
Another instance of a refreshingly honest kid who just warms your heart.
5) This was Garry Shandling’s final film performance as Ikki the porcupine (who’s picture I cannot find), after having worked with director Favreau on Iron Man 2. 
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
Unfortunately Shandling would not live to see the release of this film. But as a final performance it is a nice summation of his humor and heart.
6) This film does a fine job of incorporating elements from the source material which were not in the 1967, which is able to not only make the tone a little darker but also give us a better sense of just how the order of things works. This is most notable with the Law of the Jungle, Peace Rock, and the Water Truce.
7) Idris Elba as Shere Khan.
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Through the writing and his performance, Elba is able to take an already great villain from the original movie and make him even better. From the very first moment this tiger steps on screen you feel the danger he carries with him. His presence is bone chilling, heart stopping, and makes your stomach turn. Most of the original 1967 film went without Khan being seen, with his presence being felt throughout. This film makes it very clear why we should be frightened by this tiger and damn it if they don’t make him scary as hell. He’s a stand out character in a film filled with amazing characters, and I think Elba deserves a lot of the credit for that. His voice is just SO menacing it’s amazing.
8) I see a lot of movies. I’ve almost seen 500 in theaters in the past 8.75 years. I can usually tell when something is a special effect. I can usually see the seams. Yet with The Jungle Book - while I KNOW I’m looking at CG through and through - I don’t see that. I see no seams in this; I can’t tell where real life ends and the studio begins, even after I’ve seen the behind the scenes video. These are honestly some of the most impressive CGI effects I have ever seen and THAT is saying something. It is what helps make the film so effective. It doesn’t feel like a computer generated world. It feels like the jungle.
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9) I think it is a smart choice having Mowgli decide to leave the pack. In the original film he can be a little passive. He just is taken from one situation to the other and rolls with it. In the 2016 version, however, he determines his own fate. He decides to leave the pack, he decides to go back and face Shere Khan, he is not as passive and that makes him more interesting.
10) Lupita Nyong’o as Raksha and is another example of the stronger relationships this film features. She also breaks my heart with what are meant to be her final words to Mowgli:
Raksha: “Never forget this: you’re mine. Mine to me. No matter where you may go or what they may call you...”
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11) Ben Kingsley as Bagheera.
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I discussed earlier how Bagheera's relationship with Mowgli comes off in this film than it did in the original, and Kingsley is able to portray that. Each line of dialogue is permeated with a constant care for Mowgli, expressed trhough a soft yet moving sorrow, the actions he takes for this boy, and at times angry concern. The Academy Award winner shines in the part and I don’t know that anyone else could portray Bagheera quite as well as he does.
12) If you’re not scared of Shere Khan yet, you will be. He is at his most threatening not when he comes barging in, growling and clawing at you. It’s when he’s calm. Collected. When he just sits at the top of the rock with Akeela and talks to him in a calm collected manner without ever actually looking at him. And then...
13) Scarlet Johansson as Kaa.
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While only a brief appearance, Johansson is able to create a character who is chilling, frightening, and slick. It is a memorable character, switching out the humor from the original character to make one that is much more of a threat. The once peaceful “Trust in Me” is now turned into a dark and heart-pounding score as Kaa introduces some very useful exposition about Mowgli’s parentage and why exactly Shere Khan wants him dead. Again, a short scene, but a memorable one.
14) Bill Murray as Baloo.
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As with the original, the life and humor in Baloo’s character are immediate. There is no topping the performance given by Phil Harris in the original, so Murray does the smart thing and doesn’t even try. Instead, he creates a much craftier Baloo than before. One who is defined by Murray’s signature sass and snark to create some incredibly funny moments. But there’s more to him than that. He is the first person to really accept Mowgli for who he is. For while Bagheera has seen it, Baloo is the first one to encourage him to be different. Mowgli has always felt bad about his “tricks” and not fitting in, and here comes Baloo who tells Mowgli he is amazing as is. It is from that solid bedrock that they are able to craft a relationship as strong as the one in the original film, one of respect and love and caring. Murray is able to play both sides of this: the con man and the loving friend. And the film is better for it.
15) This was the hardest I laughed when I saw this film.
Baloo [after three different small critters come up and comment on Mowgli constantly]: “You have never been a more endangered species than you are in this moment.”
16) Jon Favreu and Sam Raimi both cameo in this film as some of the critters which bother Baloo. Raimi is the squirrel and Favreu is the hog:
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17) The inclusion of “The Bare Necessities” in this film is nice, I feel. The movie is not a musical, so Mowgli and Baloo aren’t supposed to be singing like they’re doing a big number. They’re just two friends rocking out to a song they like. Musical purists may find it painful to listen to because it’s clear they’re not classically trained, but I appreciate the honesty to it.
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18) Baloo and Bagheera have a fun conflict which is established quickly in a nice banter. It’s fun then to see this conflict change to a friendship bonded over their shared concern over Mowgli.
19) I think the scene where Mowgli saves the young elephant is maybe the most important to understanding his character. He approaches a herd of elephants huddled around a pit - elephants being established as the most respected and dangerous creatures in the jungle - and after showing their respect he uses his “tricks” to save the child. It shows off Mowgli’s kindness, his ingenuity, and his bravery. And then he just says, “Hey guys,” when he sees that Baloo and Bagheera were watching like it was no big deal. Because to him it wasn’t. Someone was in trouble and he had to help. That’s who Mowgli is.
20) The scene where Baloo pushes Mowgli away breaks my heart. Because he KNOWS Mowgli needs to get away from Shere Khan to be safe, and the only reason Mowgli is sticking around (or at least the key reason) is because he wants to stay with Baloo. So what does Baloo do?
Baloo: “No, we were never friends.”
Baloo: “I don’t want you around anymore.”
And then after Mowgli runs away, he turns to Bagheera.
Baloo; “Well I did it. And that’s about the hardest thing I’ll ever do.”
Bagheera: “I know.”
21) Did I mention Baloo has some of the funniest moments in the film?
Baloo [while climbing a cliff side to get to Mowgli, after seeing a bird, laughing to himself]: “A bird! That can’t be a good sign!”
But the cliffside scene is also nice because Bagheera supports Baloo. He takes the time to let Baloo know he’s doing fine and that there’s not much more left. I love that.
22) Let’s take a second to appreciate this (keeping in mind King Louie is played by Christopher Walken): Mowgli finds a cowbell in Louie’s treasure hoard...
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And then he shakes the cowbell...
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
Only for Christopher Walken to appear.
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23) Christopher Walken as King Louie.
(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
According to IMDb:
In The Jungle Book (1967), King Louie (who was created by Walt Disney_ and his people and not by Rudyard Kipling.) was an orangutan. In this film, he's a Gigantopithecus, an ancestor of the orangutan whose range is believed to have included parts of India. This change in species was made to make the film more fantastic, since it would be a good way to represent him as King of the Monkeys and to show that orangutans are not native to India.
Like Kaa, Louie’s comedy is swapped out to make him more villainous. And it works amazingly. He is more frightening and foreboding, with Walken able to make the villain truly scary. His greed (found in the original film) and desire for power is amplified even greater, and he participates in one of the greatest action set pieces the film has to offer when he chases Mowgli through the ruins (inducing even a jump scare at one point). The one issue I have is that the presence of “I Wan’na Be Like You” always felt off to me. It is one of the most iconic songs from the original, but this is not a musical. Mowgli and Baloo were singing before just as friends do, but Louie pretty much breaks into song. I appreciate it’s presence in the movie but it just feels strange to me HOW it’s included.
24) Mowgli claiming the red flower (fire) is a great way to start off the climax of this film.
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It gives him a choice: he either becomes a “real” man - the kind that lives in the man village and strikes fear into the jungle’s inhabitants - or he choses to belong in the jungle and fight Shere Khan a different way. It ties directly into Mowgli’s conflict of identity and he choses the latter of the two options, throwing the fire into the water.
Shere Khan: “That was the stupidest thing you could have done.”
But it wasn’t, Shere Khan! Because what happens next? Baloo stands up to defend Mowgli first - reciting the Law of the Jungle - and everyone follows suit.
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25) This line.
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(Screenshot taken of a GIF originally posted by @anjelia3)
THIS is Mowgli’s conflict of identity resolved. He’s not a wolf, he’s not a panther, he’s not a bear, he’s not a monkey, he’s not a tiger, and the jungle has rejected man. But Mowgli has learned how to be a man that can live in peace with the jungle and be the best version of himself he can be.
26) The final fight between Mowgli and Shere Khan on the dead tree is a great climax. It is wildly claustrophobic and intense and shows off how Mowgli can beat Shere Khan in a battle of the minds more than a battle of strength.
27) I mentioned in my analysis of the original film I didn’t know how I felt about the ending, that Mowgli fought so hard to stay in the jungle but also had a conflict of identity and it played into the latter not the former. On the contrary, the way this film ends - with Mowgli finding his place in the jungle as a man - is a great way to resolve BOTH of those things. I personally prefer the ending of this film to the 1967 movie because of that.
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The Jungle Book was one of my favorite films last year. I thought it was truly great. I think the effects knock it out of the park, Neel Sethi is incredible as our only human in the film, the voice cast kills it, and the story is just amazing. I love this film and recommend it to everyone, ESPECIALLY fans of Disney and the original book or film. I just love this movie.
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kylegoodmanuca-blog · 5 years
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Meet the Teenager Who's Exposing Celebrities for Their Fake Yeezys
The counterfeit goods industry is worth more than a trillion dollars, and fake sneakers are a big part of that equation. When it comes to bootleg shoes, they’ve morphed from Air Jordans with Spongebob on them to near-identical Adidas Yeezy Boosts that can even fool discerning sneaker enthusiasts. Except for Yeezy Busta, a 19-year-old medical student from Los Angeles who runs an Instagram account that calls out celebrities and regular people.
Yeezy Busta, who prefers to keep his identity hidden due to legal ramifications and to preserve his privacy, first fell in love with Kanye West’s sneakers when Kanye wore them in Keri Hilson’s “Knock You Down” music video. He’s since garnered a social media following of nearly 190k Instagram followers and is viewed as a bona fide expert on whether a pair of Yeezys is real or fake. As expected, his account has become controversial, as he calls out people publicly for wearing bootleg sneakers, which has caused him to make friends and enemies along the way.
His passion for identifying legitimate footwear, however, started when he fell victim to owning a pair of fake sneakers himself. Since then he’s learned the ins and outs of what constitutes a real pair of Yeezys. We spoke to him on what it’s like to be the Internet’s authority on who’s wearing authentic sneakers or not and how to make sure you’re laced in nothing other than pairs straight from an Adidas factory.
How did you create the Yeezy Busta persona? There were a few kids in my high school who always showed off their fake Yeezys, and I thought it was funny. I don’t have a problem with people who want to wear fake shoes, just own it. They’d say, “I spent $1,000 on these. They’re real.” I’d call them out for lying. I was a fan of Fake Watch Busta. I first called out a few of my friends from high school and some random people I found on Instagram. I got a shout out from a big page and got on Complex the same day.
Who’s the most surprising person you’ve seen in fake Yeezys? Teyana Taylor, because she signed to Good Music. She was wearing fake “Turtle Dove” Yeezy Boost 350s. This was before “Fade,” but she’s the star of one of the biggest songs on The Life of Pablo. I caught Jackie Chan, Zac Efron. I caught Soulja Boy and there was a huge beef between me and him on WorldstarHipHop. One of my followers showed me that he posted a fake pair of Yeezys on his Instagram. He took the photo down a few minutes later. I called him out and he commented on my photo, “Nah, my shit’s real. You Photoshopped this photo.” I posted another photo and then he got angry. He ended up deleting the comments. He said he’s got millions on me and all of these followers. I said, “I don’t care you’re still wearing fake shoes.” He got interviewed by WSHH and said, “Fuck Yeezy Busta.” He then went to Flight Club and bought a real pair that day.
Have you had people threaten legal action over you calling them out? That’s why I stay anonymous. I’ve had people threaten to sue me, but they can’t because they don’t know what my name is. I’ve had people threaten me and say they’re going to ruin my life and get my page taken down. The people who unwillingly buy fakes are the ones who say, “I spent a lot of money on these, how can I get my money back?” The ones who willingly bought fakes are the ones who lash out. There was a billionaire from Indonesia who threatened lawsuits against me. He even sent me documents that he’s going to sue me. That’s why I stay anonymous, because if I’m going to be famous, I’d want it for doing something else. I love my fans and supporters, but when I go out in public I want to be myself.
How do you know sneakers are real or fake? I’m really meticulous, I notice the smallest things. I could tell what’s real and what’s fake. I’ve never been wrong, and I don’t call someone out unless I’m 100 percent sure. A fan sent me a pair of good fakes, so I could tell the difference. Ever since then, I’ve been lucky enough to get Yeezys every drop, as well as fake pairs, so I can tell what’s real and what’s fake.
What percentage of Yeezy photos online are real? I’ve seen Hypebeast post fake samples unknowingly. I get tagged 1,000 times a day in their friends or celebrity photos. They’re fake 7/10 times.
Do you have a relationship with Adidas? I’ve made friends over at Adidas and they take care of me, that’s all I’m allowed to say.
What do you think of Kanye supporting Donald Trump? I’m supportive and I’m a fan of his music, designing career, and everything he does. I think everyone’s entitled to their own political views, and if those are his, then so be it. I think he’s going through some sort of midlife crisis. If he is hanging out with Trump for his political views, I think that’s OK. If people don’t like that, I understand it. I think he may be doing it in a superficial way for attention, and it may not be the best idea. Donald Trump might be the most talked about person, but he’s not the most positively talked about person. He needs to spend time with his close friends.
What would you say to people who are getting early pairs? If it’s too good to be true, it’s too good to be true. If someone’s trying to sell you samples. 9/10 times they’re going to be fake. So few people can get their hands on samples. People who work on the Adidas design team would get thrown in jail if they sell the samples. My advice to people who want to be samples: Don’t do it unless you’re getting them from the man himself. If you want to be buy them early, be extremely skeptical. If it’s a week before the release, there’s a bigger chance they’re real. If it’s over a week early, don’t trust it. You have a better chance of getting a better deal on resale than presale. The “Oreos” were going for $2,000 before they came out on Flight Club. Now they’re $600.
What about samples that get posted on Instagram? From the friends I’ve been able to make at Adidas, I can say that 99 percent of them are fake. This might be a conspiracy, but from what I’ve heard the factories in China make a sample pair and someone from a gang or the mafia steal it, reproduce it, and call them “samples.” The fakes are so close to the originals, it’s hard to tell if it’s real unless you have a trained eye.
Have you seen fakes at stores?
I’ve seen fakes at Round Two Hollywood multiple times. I’ve tried to be nice to them about it. I’ve seen StockX posted a pic of really bad fake "Turtle Doves," and it said, “StockX, verified authenticity.” Unless you have a trained eye, you won’t be able to tell the difference.
[Ed. note: StockX's response to the claim of it having fake Yeezys on its site: "This particular shoe was not sold on StockX. A person not associated with StockX posted this picture on their Instagram account with the hashtag #StockX #VerifiedAuthentic. A member of our social media team - not authentication team - reposted that picture without checking to see if there was a StockX Authentication Tag in the picture (there wasn't) or if it had been sold on StockX (it hadn't). It was taken down ten minutes later. We agree with Yeezy Busta as to the ubiquity of fake Yeezys on the market. Since we began authenticating sneakers almost a year ago, we have prevented the resale of more fake Yeezys than any other sneaker brand."]
Have you turned this into a business?
I’ve started a few things that are separate from me. I tried to do $2 legit checks, and I got called an asshole. I got 2,000 DMs a day, so I don’t have time to look through them all. If I was getting paid, maybe I’d have time. I’ve been approached by iPhone applications and stores.
Have you met Kanye?
I’ve interacted with everyone that Kanye knows except him. There’s 10 million people in Los Angeles. There are 500 people who run the entertainment industry, you get to know a lot of people. I met Ibn Jasper through a friend of mine, I met Pusha T, Big Sean, but I haven’t met 2 Chainz. It’s a dream to meet Kanye. I don’t get starstruck, but that would be the one time I’d fan out.
0 notes
aqtagawa · 7 years
A Sight You’ve Never Seen Before
Day 2 - Clothing/Fashion @seungchuchuweek
This was one of the greatest decisions Phichit has ever made, aside from taking up figure skating, getting his hamsters, and opening his Instagram account.
He thought it to be a bit cliché, but when actually witnessing it for himself, Phichit understood the appeal. Standing before him, dressed in Phichit’s clothes, Seunggil looked stunning and the sight did something to the Thai’s heart.
Everything looked as if it naturally belonged on the Korean’s body. Seunggil’s shoes and bottoms were his own: simple black converse that surprisingly didn’t detract from the overall look, along with black jeans that hugged the skater’s legs and highlighted the strong muscles that lay underneath; strength that allowed Seunggil to execute his jumps flawlessly.
However, starting from the waist up was where the fun started. It took a bit of, as Phichit would to call it, gentle persuasion, to get his boyfriend to wear his top. He’d like to think that Seunggil eventually conceded out of his love for Phichit instead of giving up after they wrestled with the shirt for a few minutes, with Phichit attempting to pull the shirt over Seunggil’s head while the latter wiggled about while his arms flailed in the air.
The white fabric complimented his pale complexion and the deep, laced neckline was reminiscent of Seunggil’s disastrous SP outfit, minus the ruffles, vibrant colors, and basically everything else. It allowed for a peek of Seunggil’s toned chest and Phichit wanted to untie the strings and pull them loose—
“Are we almost done here?” Seunggil pouted, looking to the side. For some reason, he refused to look at his reflection and had his back to the full length mirror in Phichit’s room.
The other man snapped out of his thoughts and scrutinized his lover closely. He raked his eyes up and down and sighed dejectedly. Seunggil looked fantastic, but the look didn’t scream perfect to Phichit yet.
“I feel like something’s missing, but I’m not sure exactly what.” Phichit said and held his chin in thought.
Even if it was his own handiwork, Phichit wasn’t afraid to say that the hair and makeup he did for Seunggil was impeccable. Thankful for Seunggil’s longer locks, he shaped them into effortless waves and even had the Korean’s fringe hang slightly over his right eye. Dark, royal purple shadow brought out Seunggil’s brown irises, and the eye makeup was finished off with Phichit’s classic cat-eye liner.
What more could this look possibly need? Think, Phichit, think…
The Thai suddenly sprang from his seat on the bed. “I’ve got it!”
He rushed over to the jewelry box laying on top of his dresser and quickly sorted through the items inside. Once he found what he needed, Phichit turned around with a devilish grin on his face. He slowly advanced toward Seunggil while hiding whatever he was holding behind his back.
“I’m not sure I like what direction this could be going,” Seunggil said with a raised, perfectly plucked eyebrow (courtesy of Phichit).
“Just one last touch and it’ll be over, I promise!” Phichit comforted, and wrapped his arms around the other as he pulled his boyfriend into a gentle embrace and started to rock them back and forth. “Thank you for letting me dress you up, even though I know you’re not much for this kind of stuff.”
Seunggil’s frown gave way to a small smile and he leaned further into Phichit’s arms while returning the hug. How could he possibly ever resist his sunshine? “I’d only do it for you.” He wouldn’t admit that his lover’s puppy dog eyes also have him fighting a losing battle each time.
The Korean was surprised to find something wrapped around his neck after Phichit pulled away. He lifted a hand to touch the unfamiliar object and his fingers were met with cool metal. Seunggil finally turned around to look at himself and was amazed by what he saw. A different person stared back at him, someone that should belong on the cover of a magazine or on stage with flashing lights.
“Like what you see? I certainly do.” Phichit’s head came to rest upon Seunggil’s shoulder as he also drank in the sight. “I knew my shirt would be totally great on you. Plus, the choker is just the magic touch this outfit needed.” Phichit winked in a not so subtle way. “Hey, why do your eyes feel so hot—Seunggil?”
This was why he had avoided the mirror and even putting on the top in the first place. Knowing that he was wearing Phichit’s shirt was hard enough, but having to look at himself doing so made Seunggil’s cheeks heat up. He couldn’t believe that he was getting worked up over something so simple and even through the embarrassment he had to admit, he looked good. Seunggil proceeded to hide his face in his hands.
“Don’t tell me that you’re blushing! Does wearing my clothes really have that much of an effect on you?” Phichit laughed and attempted to pull Seunggil’s arms down to his sides, but to no avail. “Aww come on, don’t be like that!”
Seunggil finally relented and caught his reflection once more and concluded that whenever Phichit decides to retire from figure skating, he would do very well as a personal stylist and a hair/makeup artist. Phichit spun him around and quickly took his phone out from his back pocket.
“Now strike a pose!”
He started snapping pictures without waiting for Seunggil to respond. Bewildered as for what to do, Seunggil decided to imitate something that he saw from a show Yuuri recommended to him the other day.
The camera snaps ceased as Phichit slowly lowered his phone. What, was the pose not cool enough? Seunggil thought.
“Pffft!” Phichit doubled over in laughter. “Ahahaha, don’t tell me—! Are you really copying JoJo right now?”
Seunggil dropped his arms and leaned on one leg awkwardly, gaze shifted downward once more. “I never should have listened to Katsuki…” he grumbled.
“No matter what clothes you may be wearing, it doesn’t hide the fact that you’re a dork Seunggil,” Phichit said after having regained his composure. He approached Seunggil again but this time, placed an affectionate kiss on his nose. “But you’re my dork, so it’s all good.”
Seunggil’s blush threatened to return full-force, but he deigned to ignore the rising heat on his face and laced his fingers with Phichit’s instead. “Now can I change?” he asked. The outfit was definitely nice, but Seunggil longed to be back in his usual attire.
“Someone’s eager to get out his clothes, isn’t he?” That earned Phichit a small smack on the arm. “Just kidding! But yeah, we’re done.”
While Seunggil was in the bathroom washing off his makeup, Phichit was sprawled on the bed flicking through his gallery, wondering which photo he should upload to Instagram. 
“Man, I’m truly doing the gods’ work today.”
After hitting “share,” Phichit discarded his phone to the side and waited for Seunggil to finish.
10.4 likes and 500+ comments later, many people would also surely agree.
If you’re wondering what Seunggil’s outfit would look like in real life, look no further than here. (That choker does things to me....)
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newstechreviews · 4 years
(KENOSHA, Wis.) — Prosecutors on Thursday charged a 17-year-old from Illinois in the fatal shooting of two protesters and the wounding of a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during a night of unrest following the weekend police shooting of Jacob Blake.
Kyle Rittenhouse faces charges of first-degree intentional homicide, one count of first-degree reckless homicide, one count of attempted first-degree intentional homicide and two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment. He would face a mandatory life sentence if convicted of first-degree intentional homicide, the most serious crime in Wisconsin.
The attack late Tuesday — largely caught on cellphone video and posted online — and the shooting by police Sunday of Blake, a 29-year-old Black father of six who was left paralyzed from the waist down, made Kenosha the latest focal point in the fight against racial injustice that has gripped the country since the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.
Kenosha police faced questions about their interactions with the gunman on Tuesday night. According to witness accounts and video footage, police apparently let the gunman walk past them and leave the scene with a rifle over his shoulder and his hands in the air, as members of the crowd yelled for him to be arrested because he had shot people.
As for how the gunman managed to slip away, Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth has described a chaotic, high-stress scene, with lots of radio traffic and people screaming, chanting and running — conditions he said can cause “tunnel vision” among law officers.
Video taken before the shooting shows police tossing bottled water from an armored vehicle and thanking civilians armed with long guns walking the streets. One of them appears to be the gunman.
The national and state chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union on Thursday called for the resignation of Beth and Kenosha Police Chief Dan Miskinis over their handling of Blake’s death and the subsequent protests.
Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, about 15 miles (24 kilometers) from Kenosha, was taken into custody Wednesday in Illinois. He was assigned a public defender in Illinois for a hearing Friday on his transfer to Wisconsin. Under Wisconsin law, anyone 17 or older is treated as an adult in the criminal justice system.
Rittenhouse’s attorney, Lin Wood, said the teenager was acting in self-defense. Cellphone footage shows the shooter being chased into a used car lot by someone before shots are heard and the person lies dead. The shooter then runs down the street where he is chased by several people shouting that he just shot someone. He stumbles after being approached by several more people and fires, killing another man and injuring a third.
“From my standpoint, it’s important that the message be clear to other Americans who are attacked that there will be legal resources available in the event false charges are brought against them,” he said. “Americans should never be deterred from exercising their right of self-defense.”
The two men killed were Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, of Kenosha, and Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, about 15 miles (24 kilometers) west of the city.
A third man was injured. Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, of West Allis, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) northwest of Kenosha is recovering after surgery, said Bethany Crevensten, another activist. She said Grosskreutz was volunteering as a medic when he was shot and called him “a hero.”
Kenosha’s streets were calm Thursday following a night of peaceful protests and no widespread unrest for the first time since Blake’s shooting. There were no groups patrolling Kenosha’s streets with long guns Wednesday night and protesters stayed away from a courthouse that had been the site of standoffs with law enforcement.
During unrest the previous two nights, dozens of fires were set and businesses were ransacked and destroyed.
“Last night was very peaceful,” Beth said during a Thursday news conference during which he and other city leaders refused to answer questions. “Tuesday night, not quite so peaceful, but it wasn’t too bad.”
A sheriff’s department spokesman did not immediately return a message seeking clarity on Beth’s comment.
Kenosha police arrested nine people for disorderly conduct on Wednesday evening after they filled gas cans at a city gas station, the department said Thursday.
Riot Kitchen, a Seattle-based nonprofit that serves food at demonstrations, said its members were filling up gas cans for their vehicles and to power a generator for their food truck, and posted a bystander’s video on Twitter that it said showed the arrests.
In the video, black SUVs converge on a minivan at an intersection near a gas station. Several officers in heavy vests get out pointing guns at the van. Moments later an officer shatters the passenger side window with a baton, unlocks the van and pulls out a person who does not appear to offer any resistance.
Police said they received a tip about “suspicious vehicles” with out-of-state license plates, and arrested the group on the suspicion that they were “preparing for criminal activity.” Police said they found fireworks, gas masks, helmets, heavy vests and “suspected controlled substances” in the vehicles.
Blake was shot in the back seven times Sunday as he leaned into his SUV, in which three of his children were seated.
State authorities have identified the officer who shot Blake as Rusten Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the Kenosha Police Department.
Authorities said Sheskey was among officers who responded to a domestic dispute, though they have not said whether Blake was part of the dispute. Sheskey shot Blake while holding onto his shirt after officers unsuccessfully used a Taser on him, the Wisconsin Justice Department said. State agents later recovered a knife from the floor on the driver’s side of the vehicle, the department said. State authorities did not say Blake threatened anyone with a knife.
Ben Crump, the lawyer for Blake’s family, said Tuesday that it would “take a miracle” for Blake to walk again. He called for the arrest of Sheskey and for the others involved to lose their jobs. State officials have announced no charges.
Blake’s father told the Chicago Sun-Times on Thursday that he was upset to learn his son was handcuffed to the hospital bed.
“He can’t go anywhere. Why do you have him cuffed to the bed?” said his father, also named Jacob Blake.
Online court records indicate Kenosha County prosecutors charged Blake on July 6 with sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse. An arrest warrant was issued the following day. The records contain no further details and do not list an attorney for Blake.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement that all hospitalized patients in police custody are restrained unless undergoing medical procedures, and that it was working “to ensure a safe and humane environment for Mr. Blake.”
At a news conference, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers replied “hell yes,” when asked if he was concerned about Blake being handcuffed. “He paid a horrific price already,” the governor said.
The governor has authorized the deployment of 500 members of the National Guard to Kenosha, doubling the number of troops in the city of 100,000. Guard troops from Arizona, Michigan and Alabama were coming to Wisconsin to assist, Evers said Thursday. He did not say how many.
In Washington, the Justice Department said it was sending in more than 200 federal agents from the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The White House said up to 2,000 National Guard troops would be made available. The Justice Department also announced that the U.S. attorney’s office and FBI would conduct a civil rights investigation into the shooting of Blake, in cooperation with Wisconsin state law enforcement agencies.
Scott Bauer reported from Madison. Associated Press reporters Jake Bleiberg in Dallas, Todd Richmond in Madison, Wisconsin; Don Babwin and Sophia Tareen in Chicago; and Tammy Webber in Fenton, Michigan, contributed, as did news researcher Rhonda Shafner in New York.
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cutsliceddiced · 4 years
New top story from Time: Prosecutors Charge Illinois Teen With Homicide After Fatal Shooting in Kenosha
(KENOSHA, Wis.) — Prosecutors on Thursday charged a 17-year-old from Illinois in the fatal shooting of two protesters and the wounding of a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during a night of unrest following the weekend police shooting of Jacob Blake.
Kyle Rittenhouse faces charges of first-degree intentional homicide, one count of first-degree reckless homicide, one count of attempted first-degree intentional homicide and two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment. He would face a mandatory life sentence if convicted of first-degree intentional homicide, the most serious crime in Wisconsin.
The attack late Tuesday — largely caught on cellphone video and posted online — and the shooting by police Sunday of Blake, a 29-year-old Black father of six who was left paralyzed from the waist down, made Kenosha the latest focal point in the fight against racial injustice that has gripped the country since the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.
Kenosha police faced questions about their interactions with the gunman on Tuesday night. According to witness accounts and video footage, police apparently let the gunman walk past them and leave the scene with a rifle over his shoulder and his hands in the air, as members of the crowd yelled for him to be arrested because he had shot people.
As for how the gunman managed to slip away, Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth has described a chaotic, high-stress scene, with lots of radio traffic and people screaming, chanting and running — conditions he said can cause “tunnel vision” among law officers.
Video taken before the shooting shows police tossing bottled water from an armored vehicle and thanking civilians armed with long guns walking the streets. One of them appears to be the gunman.
The national and state chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union on Thursday called for the resignation of Beth and Kenosha Police Chief Dan Miskinis over their handling of Blake’s death and the subsequent protests.
Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, about 15 miles (24 kilometers) from Kenosha, was taken into custody Wednesday in Illinois. He was assigned a public defender in Illinois for a hearing Friday on his transfer to Wisconsin. Under Wisconsin law, anyone 17 or older is treated as an adult in the criminal justice system.
Rittenhouse’s attorney, Lin Wood, said the teenager was acting in self-defense. Cellphone footage shows the shooter being chased into a used car lot by someone before shots are heard and the person lies dead. The shooter then runs down the street where he is chased by several people shouting that he just shot someone. He stumbles after being approached by several more people and fires, killing another man and injuring a third.
“From my standpoint, it’s important that the message be clear to other Americans who are attacked that there will be legal resources available in the event false charges are brought against them,” he said. “Americans should never be deterred from exercising their right of self-defense.”
The two men killed were Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, of Kenosha, and Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, about 15 miles (24 kilometers) west of the city.
A third man was injured. Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, of West Allis, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) northwest of Kenosha is recovering after surgery, said Bethany Crevensten, another activist. She said Grosskreutz was volunteering as a medic when he was shot and called him “a hero.”
Kenosha’s streets were calm Thursday following a night of peaceful protests and no widespread unrest for the first time since Blake’s shooting. There were no groups patrolling Kenosha’s streets with long guns Wednesday night and protesters stayed away from a courthouse that had been the site of standoffs with law enforcement.
During unrest the previous two nights, dozens of fires were set and businesses were ransacked and destroyed.
“Last night was very peaceful,” Beth said during a Thursday news conference during which he and other city leaders refused to answer questions. “Tuesday night, not quite so peaceful, but it wasn’t too bad.”
A sheriff’s department spokesman did not immediately return a message seeking clarity on Beth’s comment.
Kenosha police arrested nine people for disorderly conduct on Wednesday evening after they filled gas cans at a city gas station, the department said Thursday.
Riot Kitchen, a Seattle-based nonprofit that serves food at demonstrations, said its members were filling up gas cans for their vehicles and to power a generator for their food truck, and posted a bystander’s video on Twitter that it said showed the arrests.
In the video, black SUVs converge on a minivan at an intersection near a gas station. Several officers in heavy vests get out pointing guns at the van. Moments later an officer shatters the passenger side window with a baton, unlocks the van and pulls out a person who does not appear to offer any resistance.
Police said they received a tip about “suspicious vehicles” with out-of-state license plates, and arrested the group on the suspicion that they were “preparing for criminal activity.” Police said they found fireworks, gas masks, helmets, heavy vests and “suspected controlled substances” in the vehicles.
Blake was shot in the back seven times Sunday as he leaned into his SUV, in which three of his children were seated.
State authorities have identified the officer who shot Blake as Rusten Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the Kenosha Police Department.
Authorities said Sheskey was among officers who responded to a domestic dispute, though they have not said whether Blake was part of the dispute. Sheskey shot Blake while holding onto his shirt after officers unsuccessfully used a Taser on him, the Wisconsin Justice Department said. State agents later recovered a knife from the floor on the driver’s side of the vehicle, the department said. State authorities did not say Blake threatened anyone with a knife.
Ben Crump, the lawyer for Blake’s family, said Tuesday that it would “take a miracle” for Blake to walk again. He called for the arrest of Sheskey and for the others involved to lose their jobs. State officials have announced no charges.
Blake’s father told the Chicago Sun-Times on Thursday that he was upset to learn his son was handcuffed to the hospital bed.
“He can’t go anywhere. Why do you have him cuffed to the bed?” said his father, also named Jacob Blake.
Online court records indicate Kenosha County prosecutors charged Blake on July 6 with sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse. An arrest warrant was issued the following day. The records contain no further details and do not list an attorney for Blake.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement that all hospitalized patients in police custody are restrained unless undergoing medical procedures, and that it was working “to ensure a safe and humane environment for Mr. Blake.”
At a news conference, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers replied “hell yes,” when asked if he was concerned about Blake being handcuffed. “He paid a horrific price already,” the governor said.
The governor has authorized the deployment of 500 members of the National Guard to Kenosha, doubling the number of troops in the city of 100,000. Guard troops from Arizona, Michigan and Alabama were coming to Wisconsin to assist, Evers said Thursday. He did not say how many.
In Washington, the Justice Department said it was sending in more than 200 federal agents from the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The White House said up to 2,000 National Guard troops would be made available. The Justice Department also announced that the U.S. attorney’s office and FBI would conduct a civil rights investigation into the shooting of Blake, in cooperation with Wisconsin state law enforcement agencies.
Scott Bauer reported from Madison. Associated Press reporters Jake Bleiberg in Dallas, Todd Richmond in Madison, Wisconsin; Don Babwin and Sophia Tareen in Chicago; and Tammy Webber in Fenton, Michigan, contributed, as did news researcher Rhonda Shafner in New York.
via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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