#and I love her but I’m TIRED I just need some space PLEASE
ravenofsilver · 1 year
I love my partner I really do but tonight she’s driving me to fucking tears but if I say anything then I know I’m going to be the Bad Guy and I just.
Just wanna scream.
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vroomvroomcircuit · 8 months
Early Risers vs. Night Owls
(A/N): Special thank yous to @foreveralbon and @disneyprincemuke for helping me choose which drivers are morning people and which are more of night owls.
Summary: Some people are night owls, others are morning people. But there is another sort that some drivers learn to fear: Morning Monsters (it's the reader)
Pairings: (All platonic) daniel ricciardo x driver!reader, charles leclerc x driver!reader, carlos sainz x driver!reader, oscar piastry x driver!reader (max and lando get a guest starring)
Word count: 1.2k
It’s difficult, being a night person in a day people’s world. It really is. Especially when you are around morning loving human beings.
“Oh, don’t you look happy?” Carlos comments, when (Y/N) steps into the breakfast room. Coincidentally, several teams are accommodated in the same hotel during this race weekend.
As she lets herself fall in a seat at his table, the young female whispers an annoyed “Don’t”. “I wasn’t saying anything mean?” He genuinely questions. Is his English failing him again?
“Please, just stop talking. It’s only the ass crack of dawn, how can someone be so chatty?” (Y/N) puts her head onto the table, effectively stopping any further conversation with the Spaniard. He looks a little bit lost into his fruit bowl, not sure how to handle this situation adequately. 
“Top of the morning, my sunshines,” a smiling Daniel Ricciardo strolls into the room. The happiness radiating from him reaches (Y/N) even through her closed eyes.
Just as Daniel arrives at their table, she gets up with the most sluggish motions a sober person can muster. “Coffee” is the only thing mumbled, answering to the confused looks around her.
Shortly after, she sits down again with a cup in her hands, not even bothering to try to follow the chatting between Daniel and Carlos. (Y/N) just stares into space, wondering where she went wrong in her life to have to sit in between two morning people. Surely, this is a punishment of some kind.
“Ok, what is up with you? You look like you are about to murder everyone in this room if someone just dares to breathe in the wrong direction,” Daniel observes. (Y/N) takes another sip from her coffee. “Because it’s true.”
Carlos can’t wrap his head around it. “But what happened to the sunshine-in-person-(Y/N)?” “How am I supposed to be a sunshine, when I’m barely a person at this moment?” Well, that is not a lie. She does look pretty rough. Not everyone can wake up and look perfect like Florence Pugh. Some people have to look more like Merida herself in the mornings.
“Why are you talking to this woman during the early hours?” Charles, who just entered the breakfast hall, fears for their lives. “Because this is what people do? They talk when they sit together?” Daniel is confused. What is so bad about making conversations?
Charles steps closer to their table and (Y/N) immediately latches onto him, burying her face into his stomach.
“Don’t you value your life? A tired (Y/N) in the morning needs quiet and some hugs.” The young woman mumbles something, making the Monegasque laugh. “Yes, and coffee. This is the recipe to get the sunshine person you know and love.”
Confused, the other two drivers blink. Did they miss the manual that came with the rookie?
“And you know all of this, because?” Carlos asks the question that popped up in both their heads. “Because (Y/N) and Arthur were together in F2 and he had been ‘chewed out by her like a pack of gum by a class of elementary schoolers’, his words, not mine. She is not all bark and no bite, isn’t that right?” (Y/N) nods, her head still buried into his front.
“Do you want to catch a ride to the paddock with me? I plan on leaving in five minutes.” (Y/N) nods again and quickly gathers her things before waving the other drivers goodbye.
The ride is filled with silence, Charles even leaves the radio turned off. This lets the female drive in and out of a state of half-asleep until they arrive at their destination. At the same time a certain papaya wearing aussie his own car not far away from Charles’ Ferrari.
“Oh, is it still too early?” He asks her with a small smile. Just like Arthur, Oscar is aware how much of a night owl (Y/N) is, having witnessed her outbursts first hand several times during his own career in F2.
The driver nods as she throws herself into his embrace. A tired (Y/N) turns into the most cuddly person. “Let’s get you a cup of coffee, can’t have you go around screaming at people. You will scare everyone off.”
Oscar is pretty much the only smiling person she tolerates in the morning. Whenever another human being dares just grinning in her direction during her own waking up phase, she is ready to jump their throats. But Oscar is different. He doesn't do it out of mocking or pitiness. He is genuinely happy and wants to show and share it. Also, he radiates a nice calm aura, which is the complete opposite to what she experiences during the days of a race weekend.
When Carlos passes (Y/N) by later, he walks up to her with caution, keeping his teammates' warning in mind, “Hey Carlos, have you heard the rumors about the newest Taylor Swift album? Do you think it will feature a song about Nando?”
The woman in front of him has nothing in common with the one he interacted with just an hour ago. She somehow even looks completely different from her. It’s the kind of freshness that doesn’t come with a shower.
“Uhm, no I did not. Are you ok? You seemed… a bit out of it this morning.” There is a hesitation in his voice, not wanting to accidentally offset her.
But (Y/N) just laughs it off. “Oh yeah, that. I’m sorry for being a grump back there. Just like Charlie said, I’m absolutely not a morning person. During the first hour of being awake I’m an absolute monster. Just, don’t talk to me or only when it’s absolutely necessary during that time. I apologize for my behavior, it wasn’t nice. Today was particularly bad, because I do my best work at night and I have been pouring over some data until 2 am. I’ll try to give you a warning next time!”
With that she is off, looking for her partner in crime aka her teammate to start some kind of mischief with the social media team.
Carlos is just flabbergasted. The duality of some people and how a small cup of caffeine can bring that out of them is astonishing.
Just remember to never fuck with night owls during the early hours of the morning.
Bonus Scene
During a free week some drivers set a date to play a private paddle tournament together in Monaco. Daniel enters the court with a big smile. After all, it is a fresh, sunny morning. This day is a promise of having a good time with his friends and colleagues, playing their favorite game and having lunch plans together.
What sets the Australian off are the three frowning faces, sitting on a bench nursing each a can of Red Bull solemnly. “What happened to you?”
Max answers his question first with a grumpy voice. “I had to leave my cats cuddled up in my bed alone.” “My alarm woke me up while the first number on the clock was still a single digit.” Landoo sounds about as tired as (Y/N) next to him looks like.
“Life”, Daniel answers for the young woman already, who just nods and pulls the strings of her hood closed, hindering someone else to make more conversations with her until the caffeine has kicked in.
Desperate times call for desperate measures after all.
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itsjusthockey · 1 year
Boo - Jack Hughes
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I had no idea where this was going but it worked
Please request bitches, I need inspiration
wc:1.088 (credit to gif maker)
To Jack, there is nothing more sexy than a beautiful woman lying in his bed, completely ignoring him. Or maybe it was just you. To be fair, he can’t help it; Jack finds everything about you quite sexy, even when you haven’t paid a single ounce of attention to him in the past fifteen minutes, no matter what he’s done.
He tries everything. First, he calls your name, which you ignore. Then he starts making noises that you hate, which you ignore, and then he starts to remove his clothes, which causes you to flash him a quick glance, roll your eyes, and return to your computer.
He is about to give up when he decides he has one final trick up his sleeve. Removing himself from the chair, Jack puts himself face down on the floor, letting out a huge sigh.
Still nothing. So he goes again.
Three sighs later, you huff indignantly, shutting your computer.
“Whatever could you possibly be sighing about, Jack?”
Bingo. He turns to look at you, throwing you a sheepish smile.
“I’ve got a lot on my shoulders, babe.” Jack takes another deep breath and sighs dramatically. “Being rich, talented, and handsome is incredibly tiring work.” 
You snort. “I bet, baby, it’s so hard being you.”
You give him a fake pout before moving to get off the bed, stepping over him on the way to the bathroom. He watches like a hawk as you grab a few things, pee, and walk back, stepping over him again.
“What do I have to do to get some attention around here?” He finally asks, throwing you a pointed glance as you ponder his question.
“J, I’m sorry, but you know I have to do this. I can give you all the attention in the world once I finish this discussion. Okay?”
He raises his eyebrow. “Promise?”
You nod, and he places his head back down when an idea pops in his head.
“Ballpark, how long until you're done?”
He hears you sigh, and a part of him feels terrible, but he knows it’s worth it.
“Probably 45 minutes to an hour.”
He lets out an okay and gets up, gently pressing a kiss to your cheek, which you barely register him. He makes his way to the bathroom and hops in for a quick shower, using the new fall-scented soap that you got him that both love.
Minutes later, he takes a quick glance at you as he throws on some gray sweats, and he smirks, knowing he still has time. You’re beyond focused with your headphones on, and Jack genuinely believes he could drop dead, and you wouldn’t know.
He makes his way outside into the living space, seeing Luke sprawled across the couch, watching an Avengers movie on the TV.
“What’s up?” Luke questions, watching as he heads to the closet that holds their hockey gear.
“I got some stuff yesterday for a thing I saw on TikTok, and (Y/N) needs a fun night.”
Jack pulls out the various fall items that he won’t lie; he enjoyed picking out. There are snacks, little games, candles, a stuffed pumpkin, and anything else he thought you would like.
He moves into action, putting together the basket and calling for an Uber Eats order. Luke, realizing what is going on, begins to laugh.
“You got her a boo-basket?”
“Shhhh, she’s right In there.” Jack jerks his head toward his bedroom.
Luke throws up his hand in surrender. “Sorry, I just didn’t think this was your thing. You’re not great at the whole romance thing all the time.”
Jack throws him a stern look and gives the pumping a gentle squeeze. “You tell anyone, I’ll kill you.”
Jack finishes putting the basket together and places it on the center island. He then moves to dim the lights and light a candle, nodding at his good work.
“Alright, almost perfect.” He says, eyes landing on Luke. “Just one more thing.”
Luke shoots him a curious look. “What's that?”
“You’re here.” Jack points his finger toward the door. “Out.”
Luke rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue, heading toward the door. He doesn’t get far before stealing a couple of Halloween Oreos and throwing Jack a wink on the way out.
As the door slams shut behind Luke, Jack waits for what feels like an eternity for you to exit the bedroom.
He can hardly contain his excitement and nerves as he watches you walk in confused, taking in the cozy setup. You pause, and he smiles, but that’s wiped away when he sees tears welling up in your eyes.
He’s a second away from panicking when you walk over to him, throwing your arms around him in a bone-crushing hug.
“You did this for me?”
You pull back from him, and he gently pulls your chin up so your lips meet his.
“Actually, for Nico, but he’s running late, so I’ll guess you’ll work.”
You roll your eyes at him again, pulling him in for another sweet kiss.
“This is so sweet, J.”
Jack watches as you look through all the goodies, getting more excited with each item. When you get to the pumpkin plush, you wheeze it so hard to your chest, and he practically melts.
“I love it, Jack, seriously.”
He pulls you back into his arms, relieved that his surprise has had the desired effect.
“Good, you deserve it," he whispers, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
The evening continues as you both enjoy your favorite food that's just arrived. You cozy up on the couch, surrounded by the fall-themed goodies and the warm, dimly lit room. The candles flicker, casting a soft, inviting glow, and the two of you dive into the snacks and games Jack picked out, sharing laughter and watching your favorite Halloween shows.
It’s picture-perfect as the first movie starts to come to a close, and Jack can feel you staring at him.
“You know, you’re the most annoying boyfriend ever, but sometimes.” You pause, popping an Oreo in your mouth. “You do have your moments.”
Jack attacks you for your comment, flipping you both over and ticking your sides. You play fight for a minute before he stops, staring deep into your eyes as you smile.
“So, are you ready to fulfill your promise?” He raises his eyebrow, moving his head down to capture your lips.
You roll your eyes, grabbing his head and pulling him down.
“I’m all yours.”
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sturnioz · 7 days
shy!reader has been pretty much m.i.a all week, and fratboy!chris does not care. no seriously, he doesn’t care.
he’s just kept his eyes peeled every night through crowds of sweaty bodies jammed into his living room, and even through the sluggish crowds of tired students in college hallways, yet he couldn’t find you.
it was on the 6th night when chris was seriously considering showing up at your place — for no reason just he needed your lit notes, of course —when he received a text from nick.
nick, the eldest — and no doubt more mature —triplet. chris’ eyebrows furrowed at the notification, why was nick texting him at 10:30pm on a weeknight? kid cares way too much about being on time for class in the mornings
Nick: *image attached* isn’t this one of your girls?
the somewhat blurry picture was taken from a distance in the old, dusty library on campus. you sat in a corner, a mess of notes, books and your laptop sprawled on the desk in front of you. you looked weak, your hair a mess, bags prominent under your eyes.
before chris could even react, his phone buzzed again
i’m not a total creeper, i’ve just noticed her here every night this week and i’m pretty sure she has not changed her sweatshirt once
or pretty much left this library.
i seriously hope this is actually her and not a complete stranger
you know what, i’m talking to her. don’t change my mind.
chris groaned, the realisation of finals week dawning on him. sometimes chris forgets how much college actually means to you, and how ridiculously sick it makes you.
he did not have time for this, he had customers to please, yet - he didn’t hesitate. he’s huffing and complaining pretty much the whole time, but he’s quick to make his way over to the library he’s really not too familiar with, saving you from the shackles that is a conversation with a redbull fueled nick sturniolo.
you can take it from here, love u pooks mwah
- 🫧
gonna take it from here in shy!readers pov cos i want nick and shy!reader to have some one on one time before fratboy!chris grumpily comes over !!
your back aches with a constant throb, your eyes feel gritty and sore, and a dull headache pulses at your temples, making it difficult for you to concentrate. hunched over in the dimly lit corner of the library, you've spent countless of hours — days — buried in textbooks, scribbles notes and laptop screens, desperately trying to absorb everything before your exams.
the week has been relentless, leaving you physically and emotionally drained, as if the weight of your studies is pressing down on you.
you haven't seen chris in almost a week. the silence has been deafening — no texts lighting up your phone, no calls breaking the quiet, and no facetime calls at late hours. truth be told, you did put your phone on do not disturb, silencing any incoming calls to shield yourself from distractions. it's not that you intended to cut off all communication completely; you simply needed space.
you needed to be alone, to gather your thoughts, and to focus on your studies, to not be distracted by his intense social life.
however, you are distracted when someone slams a stack of textbooks onto the table opposite you, the sound echoing in the quiet space. startled, you lift your tired gaze, and your heart thumps when you recognise a familiar that slumps into the seat across from you.
he runs a hand through his tousled mullet, adjusting the thin-framed glasses that rest on the bridge of his nose before flashing you a friendly grin.
you know who he is. you've seen him in countless pictures and instagram posts with chris and matt. yet, despite your familiarity with his image, you've never met him in person — you never even spoke a word to each other, and you find yourself sliding further down in your seat, a wave of awkwardness and shyness washing over you.
"hello—fuck!" nick curses as he sets his can of red bull down on the wooden table, only for it to topple over and spill a little. flustered and annoyed, he mutters under his breath, hastily dabbing at the tiny droplets on the table with the sleeve of his sweater. his eyes finally meet yours again, and he offers another grin. "hello."
"hi.." you manage to respond, your voice barely above a whisper.
"i've noticed that you're, like, constantly glued to this fucking seat, like you haven't moved the entire week—" nick pauses mid-sentence, his eyes widening as he realises how awful his wording sounds. he quickly holds up his hand, a look of urgency in his expression. "i'm not a creep. i wasn't staring at you. i know you—i think i know you—no, i do know you. you're, like, kinda with my brother. chris. that's you, right? god, tell me that's you, 'cos i'm gonna end up losing my mind—"
"yeah," you cut off his intense rambling, which is probably fuelled by the red bull he keeps fidgeting with. "that... that's me, yeah."
nick blinks at you in silence for a moment before he leans forward, resting his elbows on the table, and he bluntly says. "wow, you really are quiet," you become a little flustered at that, tearing your gaze away from him until he asks incredulously. "the fuck are you doing with chris of all people?"
a subtle smile pulls at your lips at that, especially when you glance back at his face and see the shock etched across it. honestly, you don't even know what you're doing with chris, but it wouldn't exactly be appropriate to go into the details with his brother. so, you simply shrug your shoulders in response.
nick suddenly deadpans. "blink twice if you need my help."
now that makes you laugh — a genuine, unexpected sound that splutters past your lips. you quickly cover your mouth, eyes widening as the sound echoes through the library and you glance around, paranoid that someone might shoot you the dirtiest look and demand you to shut up or leave.
but nick waves it off dismissively when he notices your worries, "they can go fuck themselves."
you remain silent for a moment, considering his words, before stating, "we... are in a library."
"then they can go fuck themselves quietly."
another genuine, but quieter, laugh escapes you. you find yourself relaxing a bit more with him, opening up and feeling more comfortable as nick takes charge of the conversation; showing genuine interest in your major, your studies, and your hobbies.
you do the same, getting to know him better, and even getting a little excited when you realise how many similarities you share. the more you chat, the more your cheeks start to hurt from smiling so much. the tiredness that had once taken over you begins to fade away, replaced by a lightness you haven't felt in days, and your books and notes sit forgotten on the table.
however, your head perks up in surprise when you spot chris walking through the double doors. he's wearing a beanie on top of his head with tuffs of curly hair peeking out, a hoodie that swallows his frame, and his hands are shoved deep in the pockets of his sweatpants.
he glances around the library, his eyes finally zeroing in on you and nick at the far end of the room. you can't quite read his expression — his face stoic as he makes his way over.
he drops down in the chair beside you, and nick immediately pulls a face, shooting you a look that makes you giggle again, and chris huffs at the sound, clearly unimpressed.
"stop botherin' her," chris mutters, his foot hooking comfortably beneath your chair as he settles in.
chris rolls his eyes, ignoring nick's response as he turns his attention to you. he takes you in for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing as he says, "tell him he's botherin' you, kid."
you can't help but smile gently. "he's not bothering me. he's been fun.. i like his company."
"told you," nick muses across from across the table. chris snaps his head towards nick, shooting him a glare as nick lifts the can of red bull to his mouth, a smirk spreading across his lips as he adds, "bitch."
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vinomino · 3 months
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Read Sakaki the Lazybones Shows His Talents at Night and couldn’t stop thinking about Togame….
mdni 18+, unprotected sex, creampie, possessive!reader(?)
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The bed creaks again as you shift, staring at time on the clock sitting on the nightstand. Togame was late and in a few hours the sun would rise.
You chew on your nails anxiously, brows furrowing at every passing minute. If he didn’t show up in the next hour, you would just start crying. You didn’t even remember why the two of you had even fought, it was over something so stupid and you were just having a bad day. Togame usually wouldn’t attend Shishitoren hang outs this late, since he didn’t want to leave you alone at night.
You sit up as the bedroom door opens, revealing your boyfriend. He tosses his jacket onto a nearby chair. “We-Welcome back…” He reaches out to caress your head, “You calmed down now?” He says all low and raspy which sends a jolt down in between your legs. You nod and wrap your arms around his waist before noticing an unfamiliar smell. “What’s wrong?” He wonders if you’re actually still mad since you weren’t saying anything.
“Why is there someone else’s perfume on you.”
“Huh— Oh. One of the guys invited some female acquaintances…one of them kept talking to me. Her perfume was super strong— I kept having to tell her I had a girlfriend…I didn’t cheat on you— I promise.” Togame does his best to reassure you.
“…it off.” His ears pick up a mumble from you. “Huh?”
“Take off your clothes.”
Togame stripped off his shirt somewhere in the room as you begin pulling his pants down. He cups your face as you do, “Y’know you’re my one and only—“ You turn and shove your face into the pillows.
“I know… I’m not doubting you Jo… It’s just….” You trail off starting to feel embarrassed about how childish you sounded right now. “Sorry, I thought I should give you some space, looked like you had a rough day.” The bed dips as he sits down beside you.
“M’ sorry too… I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that…” Your voice is all muffled by the pillow as you hear him chuckle above you. “So…” You turn your head to catch what he was about to say, “Why aren’t you wearing any pants.”
“I-It’s! You were taking so long!” You shriek all embarrassed. “That so…? You need my cock to put you to sleep?” He whispered, his breathe hot against your ear. A shiver runs down your spine as you slowly nod. The sound of fabric hitting the floor and bed creaking as he sits against the headboard. “Here.” He presents his dick to you, resting against his stomach, all veiny with some precum dripping down it. “It’s the cock y’love so much.”
You felt your thighs burning every second more as you rode him to your best effort. A slight smirk on his lips as he lazily watches your hips. You collapse against his toned chest, “Hmm? You tired already?” His palm comes down on your ass, causing you to jerk upright. “Work that ass a little more.”
“D-Don’t tease me…Jo.” You pout at him. He felt a thrill run down his spine as your name left his mouth in a soft murmur of pleasure. “So, you want me to please you?�� Togame slides one hand down to the small of your back, bringing you down onto the bed, underneath him. Your hands fly up to dig into his shoulders as he rocks his hips against yours. “Jo—!” You pant out, eyes twitching every time his cock reaches that spot you loved so much. He softly chuckled looking down at your debauched face.
“Ah, there’s that face…I’ll fuck you as much as you want.” His voice was low, barely above a whisper, but filled with a heated undertone. He picks up the pace, the bed hitting the wall at every thrust. The room filled with the sound of skin hitting, bed creaking, and your moans.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your climax, trembling as he continued his assault on your pussy. The way his cock throbbed in your walls, making it known that he was about to burst his loads. “Jo— inside! Wan’ it inside!” You babble all cockdrunk. He grunts and obliges you. How could he not when you're begging him to fill you up.
“You satisfied?” He drawls, wiping your eyes with his thumbs. Clasping one his hands in yours, “Wan’ more…”
“You have no idea the things you do to me.” His voice is gravelly and lustful.
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wosoamazing · 8 months
Summary: You start the day of slightly sick and during training your Mum gets a migraine so you leave early and some of your teammates take care of both of you.
Warning: Migraines, Minor sickness
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Steph walked into training slightly late, you were perched on her hip, your head rested on her shoulder, checks a little rosier than usual, as you held onto Lobby your plush lobster.
“Oh Steph, hi” Lia said as she rounded the corner, “do you need help?” the English women, who was just behind the Swiss women, said as she took some of the bags off Steph.
“Oh, thank you, sorry it’s just that someone isn’t feeling the best I don’t think, and is very sooky and clingy, which made getting ready this morning almost impossible, and of course she has to get sick while Dean is away,” she paused for a moment “Oh God, why did I even come in, what if she gets everyone sick, I-”
“Steph,” Leah said as she put a hand on her arm “it’s okay, don’t panic, wasn’t Katie sick last week anyway?” Lia nodded “See so it’s Katie’s fault she’s sick anyway, so if anyone gets sick, its actually all on Katie”.
“Yeah, okay, what am I going to do with her? I didn’t even think about that I was just so focused on getting here” Your Mum panicked slightly.
“I’m not training today, I’ll take her, we can hang out.”
“Thank you, Leah, but are you sure, she isn’t going to give you much personal space and she will be in a mood”.
“I’m sure, I’m in need of some Y/N cuddles anyway”.
Steph turned her head to face you, “Hey chook,” you lifted you head up off her shoulder and look up at her, she brushed some hair out of your face before she continued, “I need to go train, but Leah is going to stay with you, okay? And I promise I’ll come visit whenever we get a break.” You nodded slightly before you were passed off to the tall blonde girl, “Love you,” you Mum said as she placed a kiss on your forehead.
“Ready to head out?” Lia asked Steph.
“Yeah, okay” she replied, and they headed out to the training pitch.
The team was playing some fun skill-based games in training today, they were spilt into teams, your Mum was in a team with Beth, Lia and Caitlin. It was when they went over to grab drinks that Beth asked your Mum a question, “Steph, are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just that Dean has gone away, and Y/N is getting sick and-” she stumbles back slightly.
“Woah, Steph, I think you need to sit down,” Lia says as she gently pushes her friend towards the benches.
“No, I can’t, I need to go to check on Y/N and-” she is interrupted by a stabbing pain in her head, she moves her hand up towards her head, with her thumb on her temple and index finger on her forehead she sighed out.
“Shit, I think Katie got you sick,” Caitlin remarked.
“I’ll go get a medic,” Beth said as she walked off.
“Steph, I really do think you need to sit down. Please?” Lia said softly to her friend, gaining concern.
“Yeah okay,” she gave in as she slumped down in a seat, “I can’t be getting sick, I need to look after Y/N” she said before she moved her elbows to rest on her legs, leaning slightly forward, holding her head in her hands, Lia sat herself down next to her and started rubbing her back.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Leah said as the two Women walked in, Lia’s arm was wrapped around Steph’s shoulder’s, the tears in Steph’s eyes indicated that this wasn’t just a visit, but something else.
“Steph just isn’t feeling too well, why are you guys in here?”
“She felt very very hot and kept whimpering in her sleep, so I brought her in here to see if they could do something, and to see if they had children’s medicine which they did, she felt better after that, but is still very tired so we decided to stay here so she could sleep”.
“’m sorry Leah,” your Mum said as she slightly collapsed onto the bed, resting her head back and closing her eyes, you woke up instantly at the sound of your Mum’s voice which made Leah smirked.
“Mama, hug,” you said while making grabby hands in her direction.
“Your Mama’s not feeling well, what if you just stay here with me?”
“No, wan Mama hug” you pouted.
“Leah, its fine just give her here” Leah got up at your Mum’s words and ever so cautiously placed you on her chest, your Mum wrapped her arms around you and a flashed weak smile at the two Women.
As you snuggled into the comfort of your Mum you said, “I love you Mama,”
“I love you too chook,” your Mama gave you a slight squeeze, Leah and Lia frowned at each other when your Mum didn't give you a kiss, she always gave you a kiss if she said I love you, just to really show she did love you, so the fact she didn’t give you one but kept her eyes closed as her head rested back against the bed wasn’t a good sign.
“Hey Steph, where are your keys? We might go and get all your stuff packed up and the car ready and take you both home.” Lia asked your Mum.
“There in my training bag, I think”.
“Okay,” Lia said as she started to stand up “No, don’t go, stay, please”.
“Like mother like daughter I see, it’s okay, you stay, I’ll go get all our stuff and get the car ready, I’ll then come back for little miss, and you can help Steph out.”
It’s now later in the day and Katie and Caitlin have come over to visit, they brought some things for you and your Mum, as they visited your apartment on the way over, they also brought dinner with them. You were sitting in your portable highchair at the table, the girls sitting around you, when you saw a familiar figure appearing.
“Mama,” you call out. “Hey chook” she replies before sitting down in the chair closest to her, resting her head on her arms on the table.
“Feeling any better? I think chook is.” Leah says.
“Worse, that’s good”.
“I’ll get you some more Panadol,” Lia said as she started to stand up.
“Don’t bother Lia, it didn’t help”.
“Bath, Bath” you chime, having now finished your dinner, bath time was quite possibly your favourite part of the day.
“I’ll take her, Wally, you want to come too. I have no clue where anything is” Katie says as she picks you up out of your highchair, Lia nods and starts to walk off, Katie followed her.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Like what actually hurts.” Caitlin asked as she sat herself down on a chair next to Steph and placed a hand on her back.
“My head really hurts, and every time I move everything spins,”
“Is it another migraine?”
“Wait you get migraines, since when Steph? You know you don’t have to hide these things” Leah’s voice was laced with concern; she was uneasy with the fact her friend and teammate hadn’t felt like she could share this.
“Only recently, she’s only ever had 3 and they have all been at Matildas camps, but is it?” Caitlin filled in Leah for Steph, questioning her again.
“I think it might be, but I don’t feel sick,”
“Do you have your meds?”
“No, they’re at home”.
“Are they just strong pain meds,” Caitlin nods “Do you want some of mine? I mean they will be slightly different but like,” Leah offers.
“I don’t know” your Mum’s voice breaks, and her shoulders start shaking, an indication she is crying.
“Hey, it’s okay, maybe we should give them a go,” Caitlin says as she rubs her back trying to comfort her.
“Could I? If that’s okay” “Yeah, sure I’ll just go grab you two and some water.”
“Come on, lets get you to the couch you’ll be more comfortable there,” your Mum nods her head in response and Caitlin helps her get settled on the couch. Shortly after Leah comes back in, handing two pills and a bottle of water to your Mum.
“Thank you Le,” “No problem, anything else I can do for you?”
“No, not currently, I don’t think so. But thank you for looking after both Y/N and I today”.
“She’s okay, she’s just down here, see” Katie says trying to calm you down, you were having fun in your bath until you realised your Mum wasn’t there, you immediately burst into tears at the realisation and kept asking to see her.
“Mama,” you cry out, voice still shaking from your cries, your Mum bolts her body up as an automatic response.
“Fuck,” she sighs out, the sudden movement caused the pain in her head to increase tenfold and sent a wave of nausea through her.
“It’s okay, you moved too fast, just lie back down,” Caitlin says as she helps your Mum lie back down.
“Cait,” “Are you going to be sick? I’ve got a bag here, so if you are its okay.” Caitlin was very good as this by now considering all 3 migraines your Mum had experienced were when she was sharing a room with Caitlin at camp. At camp you benefited from her migraines as you got to have a sleepover with Harper in her Mum’s room.
“No, I think, I’m going to be okay now.”
“Mama,” you say softly as you sniffle.
“I’m okay bubba, I’ve just got a bit of headache, that’s making me feel bad.” Your Mum softly informs you.
“But do you want a hug chook?” You nod eagerly, “Okay come here then,” Katie puts you down and you toddle over to your Mum, Caitlin then helps you up onto the couch and you climb onto your Mum’s chest, snuggling in as she wraps you in a hug. “I love you chook” she says, before kissing you on the top of your head.
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pedrilcvr · 11 days
Heyyyy oh my gosh I love your work so much, I was wondering if I could request a Pedri where he forgets about his plans with her and she was always understanding but with this being the fifth time, she’s over it and confronts him? Angst please!
All I ever asked — Pedri Gonzalez.
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Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Fem!Reader
Summary: He was late. For the fifth time that month. You’d waited in the restaurant for an hour and a half, coming up with flimsy excuses as to why your boyfriend hadn’t arrived, come to find out, he was sitting at home. The whole time. You’d had enough. Arriving home exhausted and upset, you can’t help but ask the question you’d been wondering for a while. “Do you even care?”
Disclaimer/s: angst to comfort , but thats pretty much it! oh and lots of cursing..
A/N: men (forehead slap)
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Leaving the restaurant, you felt embarrassed. Humiliated, even. The waitress had given you the most pitiful look as you excused yourself, leaving her a tip and apologizing profusely.
You’d finally gotten home exhausted and angry. Your heels had dug themselves into your feet, leaving a throbbing ache even as you took them off. Holding them by the tips of your fingers, you trudged your way to your bedroom.
Opening the door, your eyes land on Pedri, who was sitting comfortably in bed on his phone. Was this a sick joke?
“Hey baby—“ his voice trails off, eyes scanning your outfit curiously, “where were you?”
You scoff. This had to be a joke. “Oh, just at the restaurant, waiting for you. Because, well! We had a fucking date tonight.”
Pedri’s smile falls instantly, “oh fuck.” He mumbles, throwing the comforter off him as he moves to stand, but you raise a hand, stopping him. “Shit, i’m sorry—“
“Save your fucking apologies, Pedro.” You snap, tossing your heels off to the side before opening the closet to fish out some pajamas. “This isn’t the first time you’ve done this. Like seriously, five times in one month? Are you actually fucking kidding me.” You begin rambling off, angrily shuffling through the drawers.
Letting out an anger filled noise, you slam the drawer shut. You’d forgotten today was laundry day, so your favorite pajamas, the ones you’d been dying to change into the whole ride home, were in the washer.
Pedri watches nervously as you angrily look through the closet. He’d been so busy lately, every date you’d reminded him off, had slipped his mind. There was no excuse, he knew it. And you’d been so understanding, but tonight he knew he really fucked up.
“And! To make it worse, do you fucking know what day it is? How special of a date this is supposed to be?” You whip around, pointing a finger at him.
Your anniversary.
Pedri groans inwardly. He was such an idiot. “I’m sorry, I don’t how it slipped my mind—“
“Our anniversary, ‘slipped your mind?’” You make air quotes around it, your eyes rolling. “You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”
Eyebrows furrowing, Pedri stands from the bed. “Hey—that’s..” but he stops. He knew you’d need your space, but kicking him out of bed? Seriously?
“That’s what? What Pedro.” Your jaw tightens, using his full name just to show how pissed off you really were.
“Stop calling me that,” he sighs, taking a few steps toward you, “i’ll make it up to you.”
“Good fucking luck.” You laugh, although it’s full of spite, not humor. “You’re a real fucking dick, you know that? Four dates, and our anniversary. All forgotten. For why? I get you are busy, but am I seriously that forgettable? Do you even care?”
You seemed to have struck a nerve, because Pedri’s face hardens. “You know you aren’t, and you know I do. I—“ he closes his eyes, running a hand over it, “I don’t know what you want me to say. I’m sorry, i’m sorry.”
Your lips purse and you grab a T-shirt off the rack, “whatever. I’m tired, I need to shower, and I want to go to bed. We will talk tomorrow.” You laugh, “oh, unless you forget about that too.”
Pedri says your name, almost hisses it. “I know you’re upset, but seriously? I’m trying here. It’s been a busy month, and I know that’s no excuse—but can we just talk about this like adults?”
Eyes widening, your face contorts, eye twitching. “You are such a—a man! You—“ Your voice cracks, but you suck in a long breath. You will not cry. “All I ever asked of you this whole month, is that you take me on a date.”
Pedri’s face softens and he takes the final few steps toward you, pulling you close to his chest with one hand on your lower back, the other holding your head near his heart. “I’m sorry, i’m being a dick—I am a dick.” He murmurs, placing light kisses to the top of your head.
“I love you.” He sighs out, “I love you. I—“
“I fucking get it.” You huff, eyes closing as you listen intently to his heart beat, the soft, rhythmic thumping calming you down. “You owe me big time.”
“Whatever you want, it’s yours.” He smiles, hands coming up to hold your face, “anything you want, i’ll give you. Just know, I am sorry.”
You pout, nodding. “Let’s start with you switching the loads while I shower, you’re on laundry duty for the next two months. And dishes, and cooking, and—“
“Got it! I got it!” Pedri chuckles, leaning down to place a small kiss to your lips, “i,” peck, “love,” peck, “you.” peck.
You try not to smile, you try to stay mad, you deserved to be mad. But you fail. Your cheeks pressing into Pedri’s callused palms with how wide you were smiling. “You make it so hard to be upset.”
He hums, kissing your forehead. “Good for me, honestly.”
“Whatever, i’m still pissed off. You’re lucky I love you.” You grumble, arms wrapping tightly around his waist.
“The luckiest man alive.” He agrees, squeezing you thightly. “So..” He really shouldn’t push this right now.. but he has to ask, “do I still have to sleep on the couch tonight?”
“Oh, well, yes! You’re not getting out of this unpunished.” You pull away, bopping his nose with your finger before skipping toward the bathroom.
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DTS , @halfwayhearted !
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marcsburnerphone · 8 months
Wish to make up
Captain John price x f!reader
Summary:being johns’ wife has been full of security and safety and you never thought he’d be the one to taint that.
Warnings: angst,(hurt/comfort, 141 task force loves you, price is full of guilt, reader is struggling to process her feelings, they makeup
Finally a part three.
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You woke with heavy arms draped around your waist. The memory of falling asleep is nonexistent just like your want to continue to lay here. You’re frustrated and still deprived of sleep and it’s all because of the man laying happily beside you. With dainty hands you carefully lift his arm and slip out of bed setting it right beside him. Tip toeing out of the bedroom without waking him was light work, what wouldn’t be light work is getting into your car and driving to your best friend's house which also happened to be Gaz’s sister. Were you making this a bigger deal than what it should be, maybe? But are you going to manipulate yourself into acting like it doesn’t hurt, no? Time and space is what your mind was chanting. Maybe that’s what it would take cause he apologized already, even left base to do so but still that icky feeling that sticks to your heart like honey is becoming like a second tissue. With keys in your hand and house slippers on, you make your way to the door confident that you’ll be fast enough.
“Where are you going?” Confidence isn’t always key.
“I- I um I’m going to lanes.” You say turning to face him at the end of the hallway.
“Why?” It’s blunt and laced with pure confusion.
“Cause I want to.” Your eyebrows creased at the obvious answer.
“You never leave when I come home.” His eyes don’t look away from yours for a second, you're actually not even sure if he’s blinked in the past two awkward minutes.
“Well John, the circumstances on this arrival are very different.” He hums in response waiting for you to say more but when you don’t he continues.
“What can I do?” He asks exasperated.
“What?” It’s your turn to return that same energy.
“I'm not sure what I can do further than apologize and come home to show you I’m truly sorry for my actions so now I’m asking what more can I do?” He looks more slouchy than usual, actually than ever John usually holds his head high and his shoulder back right now he just looks tired.
“I just need some space John and time cause I too don’t know what you can do.” Those words shred him apart. He finally looks away and to the side door that leads into the patio.
“Just a little till I calm down or something.” You're trying to make it sound a little less heavy.
“Or something? So should I leave then.” He’s anxiously chewing on his lower lip, something you’ve cursed him for in the past.
“If you’d like but this is your home also.” He laughs and it’s absent of humor.
“How long?” He asks.
“How long?” You return his question confused.
“How much time and space are you asking of me?”
“I’m not sure?” Truthfully you weren’t.
“For fucks sake my love.” He whispers and it’s killing him.
“We’ve just never been in this position before so it’s new and confusing and I’m angry but I love you but it hurts and it’s so unlike you to make me feel this way so I’m sorry but this is the consequence of your own actions and I won’t be the one to apologize, now can you please move your car cause I’ve just noticed your blocking me in.” You couldn’t have even left if you wanted. Oh does god have his ways of working.
He silently walks past you grabbing his keys off the rack by the door and swiftly gets into his car, starting it and backs up signaling for you to exit. You’re now sitting in your car starting it wondering if this is how you should be handling this. But nonetheless you leave and he pulls into your spot. When you get home you figure then you’ll have your thoughts pulled together and you’ll work it out like you know you can.
“Lane but you don’t understand he yelled at me like I wasn’t his wife or any respected person.” It’s been an entire hour of you crying then getting angry at the whole situation again to your poor friend.
“And has he ever done it before in the past three-four years?” Her eyebrow is raised but her tone is soft.
“No but that’s not the point; he's done it now.” The sass in your tone makes her smile.
“Did he apologize?”
“Yes.” You say bluntly.
“So you're punishing him for losing his cool, which he is wrong for but then he apologized and if I remember this right he also came to apologize in person and he’s never done this before.” She’s simply stating facts.
“Well when you put it like that.” You whisper looking out of the open window.
“You're not looking at the bigger picture. I’ve been married, divorced and now remarried. And what I’ve learned from it is love and marriage is a gift but hard fucking work.”
“You had a first husband?” You ask surprised.
“Yeah ages before Dan, his name was Lucas and he was my first love. He was an angry man though I was always doing something wrong in his eyes and all hell broke loose when he was upset. I don’t think he ever once apologized for it though, I did though every single time.” You can tell but the creases between her brows still hurt from it.
“I’m so sorry.” Your worries probably look so stupid in her eyes.
“Dan and I have gotten into it before and it was his fault, something similar to your situation. I had accidentally spilled coffee on his work desk one late night when I brought it to him, it soiled some papers and he lost it. I worried that I was dating Lucas number two till I saw the look in his eyes when all was said and done. He looked devastated, I mean absolutely torn. He apologized immediately and cleaned up the mess he apologizes to this day for it. Sometimes all people can do is apologize because words can’t be taken back but trust can be rebuilt and we love them so much that forgiveness is the only option to moving forward.”
You hum and smile at her warm gaze that’s now laid upon you.
“Do you ever get scared he’ll do it again?”
“No and even if he does I know his heart. We’re human for Christ's sake. I've also said some hurtful things to him when I was stressed. But we know each other and don’t take it in vain.”
The pause in silence is carried in like a warm breeze as you sit and let her words soak in.
“Now if John does it again I’ll kick his ass.” It’s sincere.
You laugh with your entire being at that cause Lane has always kept her word.
“Well in that case I guess I can forgive him.”
“He loves you darling. I’ve known John Price since Gaz first introduced me to him maybe 8 years ago and that man has never looked at or loved someone as gently as he loves you.”
“Was I foolish to make such a big deal out of it?”
She laughs
“No, I cried for a whole night non stop when Dan yelled at me and that whole night he was the one to hold and comfort me. I even told him to just leave to pack up and go but he stayed and was patient and caring and that’s when I knew that man is my forever.”
“John held me this evening while I slept. He actually didn’t want me to leave but still moved his car when I asked so I could go.”
“That man wouldn’t stop you from doing what you wanted even if it’d hurt him.”
“I should go home now, Thankyou for listening to me. I'll come by tomorrow and tell you how it went.”
“Okay honey you get home safe.”
On the drive home you just let yourself think. Think of all the times you’ve given John attitude and even the time you’d called him a stupid wanker when he accidentally threw your expensive facial cream that he’d bought away and how he’d taken it with a grain of salt and got you a new one. How the one time you’d scraped the side of his brand new truck and cried to him while explaining what happened and he’d laughed and gotten it repainted the next morning. You’d thought about how so perfect your husband has been, so perfect that you forgot he could be human.
When you pulled into the driveway your heart dropped at the sight of his empty Parking spot. Had he really left? I mean sure your invitation to stay wasn’t so welcoming.
You put your car in park and cried. Cried at how he hurt you and did the only thing he could which was apologize then you cried at how he left all because you basically implied that that is what you wanted and cried about how much you just wanted him to hold you now.
Your car got too cold to sit in so you made your way to the door and inside, unsurprisingly John turned the heater on for you. A cup of tea would surely soothe the hurt.
You sat at the kitchen island sipping from the mug you’d hoped would cure the heavy feeling in your chest. He didn’t even leave a note or a text but then again you told him you needed space.
Lost in thought your forehead pressed to the cold counter, tears slipping mindlessly from your eyes the sound of keys jangling by the door made your head perk up.
Heavy footsteps made their way towards the kitchen when no other than your husband walked in carrying two grocery bags.
“John.” You blinked so heavily relieved at the sight of him.
“Jesus love you scared me.” He doesn’t jump or give any indication that you’d scared him other than the words.
“You didn’t leave.” Your bottom lip quivers and you beg for the tears to stay in your eyeballs.
“Have I ever left without saying goodbye?” He says, setting the bags down and slowly approaching you with caution and softly cupping your face.
You said no more and leant into his strong chest. His arms immediately wrapped around you pulling you in tight. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as a warm scruffy kiss was planted on your temple.
After what felt like forever you parted from him and looked silently into his eyes.
“My love I’m desperately sorry, I’ll say it for the rest of our lives if that’s what it takes I just-”
“I know.” You cut him off and caress his cheek lightly as he turns his head planting a kiss to your palm.
“You don’t have to forgive me.” He assures you.
You pull him towards you urging him to kiss you. He complies with no complaints and when your lips meet it's like every speck of worry in this universe fades to none.
“Lane has a way with words I can assume, just like her brother.” John mutters when you pull apart. You laugh and lean your head onto his chest just a bit below his heart listening to the soothing rhythm of it. He sways the two of you side to side and somehow he makes it feel like the earth spins just for you
The holidays have been rough and oh god am I exhausted but nonetheless I can’t Thankyou enough for reading, commenting and showing me an unbelievable amount of support my heart is with you guys.
Comments and reposts are always appreciated <3
@floffytofu @fictionallifestuff
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justanofficeworker · 2 months
MDNI! NSFW Soft!ghost x y/n First time together
You and Simon had been dating for nearly three years before the topic of sex came up. Between your inexperience and his trepidation towards intimacy things had been taken at an old snail’s pace. You were plain tired of it, experience or lack there of be damned you were going to rock your lover boy’s shit if it was the last thing you did. Which brings you to the present, grinding your hips down on Simon’s lap as he groans into your kisses.
“You’re sure you want to keep going love , you don’t have to prove anything to me” Simon asks breathlessly , his hands gripping your hips to slow your pace. “It’s fine” you say in a huff as you pull your shirt over your head “I’m ready, i want this , i want you. I want you as close as you can get” you finish, hands sliding up Simon’s chest , to his neck to cradle his face.
You can see the shiver as he takes a breath before moving his grip to the backs of your thighs and hauling you up. “Well aren’t you the modern poet” Simon laughs as he walks you to your shared bedroom. He doesn’t even set you down just leans over the bed as to cage you under him. “ if we are doing this , i want to do it right” he whispers into your neck before trailing his lips down your chest, stomach the stopping at the top of your lounge shorts.
“May I?” He waits for your nod before sliding your shorts down along with panties. “Look at her, is this pretty pussy all for me” he whispers in near reverence as he revels you glistening lips and clit. You whine as he blows cool air at it just to watch you twitch. “Just relax for me sweets, i know how to treat a bird right” he promises as he pushes your legs up , resting your calves on his shoulders. Slowly, he licks a stripe up your cunt, from entrance to clit, his warm tongue parting your folds with precision. A small , airy gasp escapes your mouth as he latches on to your clit, sucking softly at first , then harder. He switches between treating your clit like a lollipop and opening you up with his tongue adding fingers to his onslaught when he deems you wet enough.
"You are soaked" he groans as he rises up on his knees , lips catching yours in a blazing kiss that threatens to melt you from the inside out. " God, Simon" you say as you regain you breath. " God has no place in this room, nor between your thighs Love, do you understand me?" he say lowly , almost jealously. you nod dumbly, " good girl" he praises, setting butterflies loose in you stomach. He smirks, gripping his member and dragging it through you slick seam , gathering your pearly essence on it's tip. He meets your eyes before notching his manhood at your entrance.
The first thrust sends both of you hissing at the stretch. While not totally virginal it had been some time since you had had sex and Simon was nowhere near small. Slowly , inch by thick inch Simon pressed on , until he was fully seated inside you , all but pressed against your cervix. "So fu-ucking tight love, just for me. " he groans out slide your hand up his muscular arms to his face, pulling him forward into a searing kiss. You gasp and whine into the kiss, legs tight around his hips. "Please, you can fuck me now. Simon , baby i need you to move." you beg, Simon obliges, slowly pulling out to the tip before sicking back ti the hilt slowly.
With every thrust he picks up speed and strength til he is all but pounding into you. Your whines intermingling with his growls, for a second you hope your neighbors don't complain in the morning , but that thought is swiftly dashed from your mind as Simon slows down a bit. Like a man possessed he only manages one word before gripping the backs of your knees, slipping them from his hips and pushes them up towards your torso. "Deeper" is growled out as he slides back in, the new position unlocking some kind of extra-dimensional space inside you, that Simon will later call 'pussy magic'.
The new space hurts in biblical way, like if you had to cum and also pee at the same time. It burned like sun and yet made you feel as cold as the farthest planet, Simon was faring no better than you. Babbling nonsense, " gonna, gon-naa put a baby in this pussy. Gonna breed this cunt n' make it all mine. Fuuu-ck your all mine baby. Tell me you'r mine, love" . Every promise only serving to tighten the knot in the pit of your belly. you can hear pleas falling from your lips, not even sure what your begging for, the feeling reaching its peak before.
" Simon wait, ahh god Simon. I think I'm going to" you don't even finish the sentence before gush around Simon's cock, wetting you, him, the sheets. Nothing on the bed is spared your torrent. " let go f'me, just like that" Simon hiccups as your climax triggers his own , his thrust don't stop until hes emptied himself into you.
With a sigh, he slowly pulls out and lays his flushed body on top of yours. " you know this means we'll have to do laundry in the morning" he says lowly in your ear making you giggle.
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henneseyhoe · 3 months
Just One More. | 3
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Lewis Hamilton x BLACK!FEM!Reader
WARNINGS: reader isn’t that included in this one since she’s away (srry lolzz), pure FLUFF, short but i’ll probably redo this cause i don’t like the beginning that much.
SUMMARY: just lewis being a softie with your daughter while you’re away ^3^
1 |2|3|4|
It was 8PM at night and your house was louder than a zoo. Granted, you and your three boys weren’t there and instead watching through your phone as your daughter ran rampant through her closet, her father chasing her around with items of clothing. Half naked and hair soaked wet, she was working on getting herself undressed again after a bath.
You could tell she drove poor Lewis up a wall that day.
You and your three boys decided to go on a camping adventure near the lake, your daughter refusing to go and get quote “bit up outside”, end quote. She was only four and as spoiled as ever. When you told her she can’t stay home because everyone was going, she cried for an hour until her father cracked under pressure and agreed to stay back with her, even though Lewis would have loved a dip in the lake and some time away from the city.
You couldn’t do anything but laugh at your phone screen, pressing the record button to capture the moment.
“Darling, please! Daddy is tired and needs his sleep. Please put on your pajamas and get in bed”
He begged her for what seemed like the hundredth time, but the girl was too busy pulling her head out of her shirt and running into a wall. She got back up with no tears to Lewis’s surprise and took a dive into her princess themed bed, closing her canopy to hide from her dad.
Lewis lets out a huff and walks over to the bed sitting down right beside it with a look of defeat on his face. Hearing the presence of her father near her, your daughter erupts into a fit giggles, peaking her head out from the pink curtains.
“You got me, daddy!” She squealed with a smile on her face that was soon replaced with confusion. “what’s wrong?” She asks, wondering why her daddy no longer wanted to play with her, even after most of the days consecutive hours of it.
See, usually Lewis had help to balance out her energetic ways, you taking over whenever Lewis was tired and vice versa. Now that you weren’t here, even one kid alone was tiring when only running on a few hours of sleep.
Layla hadn’t yet understood that her parents weren’t robots that could just keep playing with no breaks. Sometimes she didn’t pick up on the cues when she had gotten a bit much to handle.
Climbing off of the bed, she fits herself into in Lewis’s lap and lays her head on his chest, giving him a hug.
“I’m just a little tired, love. That’s all” He reassured her with a pat on her semi wet braids, already knowing he’d have some serious frizz to tame in the morning if he let it dry that way.
“I’m tired too” Layla replies, thinking of how much she missed her mother now. “Will you read to me please? And the book mama reads, the one I like” Lewis pulls back from the hug to look at his daughter’s face, smiling.
“Yes, I can read to you. But first, let’s get you officially ready for bed”
“And that’s how the cow jumped over the moon, and the stars” Lewis ended off the book with a drowsy toddler cuddled right in his arms. She had begged him just before the story to lay in bed with her also, giggling at how her father’s socked feet stuck out from the end of the bed because of his height.
“I wanna be a star one day” Your daughter confessed sleepily, making Lewis chuckle.
“Like…In space?” He asks to be sure and she nods.
“I dunno about becoming one but…If you reach high enough into the sky, you can catch one” Your little girls eyes brightened at her fathers words, Lewis smiling down at her as he tucks her into her covers.
“Really, daddy? You’re lying…” She says with her eyebrows knitted together, becoming unsure of the possibility that she could go so high that’d she’d capture burning light. Lewis nods and kisses her forehead.
“No lie. I almost did it once”
“Once when?” She squints and makes a face of skepticism, a mannerism she got directly from you.
“Hmmm…Just before you were born, actually. I remember praying while your mom slept, and I looked out the hospital window and saw two shooting stars as bright as your eyes. I reached out to catch them, but they were so hot that I let go. Fast forward an hour later, you and bubby were born” A wide smile grew on the little girls face, her little hands using her beaded braids to hide her blushing.
Lewis laughs and moves her hands and hair from her face before kissing her cheeks.
“So I was a star before I was a baby?” She inquired just after a yawn, Lewis humming at the question.
“Yeah. You and Bubby were stars”
In the morning you would wish you had caught the moment in real time as you slept with your phone placed on your stomach and your three boys lightly snoring by your side, but you’d be grateful you pressed that record button to capture the memory digitally instead.
💌— Yippee! more fluff!!! 🤭
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23victoria · 3 months
Love in the Dark ❀
toxic!charles leclerc x actress!reader
summary: charles and y/n are hollywoods it couple!! they have the most perfect relationship….right?…
warnings: cheating, toxic relationship, cussing, sad, angsty
authors note: i love Adele and was listening to love in the dark and then this happened! not sure if this is good or not but oh well. sorry if your name is emily, jenna, lisa, or alex!! sorry if there’s any typos I’m too tired to check. any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!!
f1 masterlist
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As the flashing lights of the cameras illuminated the grand entrance to the Met Gala, you and Charles stepped onto the red carpet hand in hand. The paparazzi clamored for your attention, shouting your names and urging you and him to pose for the cameras. You smiled gracefully, your arm linked with Charles', as you navigated the crowd with practiced ease.
You paused for a few photos, your faces lit with the glow of the paparazzi's flashes. Then, you were ushered into an interview with Vogue, where you both were asked about your respective careers and your relationship. You spoke eloquently about your latest film projects, while Charles discussed his passion for racing in Formula One.
When the interviewer turned the conversation towards your relationship, your smile faltered slightly. You glanced at Charles, who squeezed your hand reassuringly as he answered questions about your dynamic as a couple. But just as you were about to move on, another reporter interjected.
"Y/N, what's your opinion on the rumors that Charles is sleeping with another woman named Alex?" the reporter asked, her tone accusatory.
Your heart skipped a beat, your smile fading completely. You felt a surge of anger and betrayal, but you managed to maintain your composure. Ignoring the question, you simply brushed past the reporter, your grip on Charles' hand tightening.
As you continued up the steps, the tension between you two was palpable. You could feel the weight of the unspoken accusation hanging in the air, and it was suffocating. Finally reaching the top of the steps, you move to a secluded area, pulling your hand away from Charles, your expression stormy.
"I need a moment," you muttered, your voice tight with emotion, before turning and striding towards the nearest bathroom.
Charles followed after you, concern etched on his face. "Y/N, wait. What's wrong?"
You spun around, your eyes flashing with anger. "Don't you dare play dumb, Charles. I heard what that reporter said. Is it true? Are you sleeping with Alex? Your fucking ex-girlfriend?!"
Charles's eyes widened in shock, his hands reaching out to grasp yours. "Baby, no. I swear, I not in contact with her. I swear. I don't know what they're talking about."
You shook your head, your frustration boiling over. "How can I believe you, Charles? This isn't the first time rumors like this have surfaced. And this wouldn’t be the first fucking time you’ve cheated on me! Or have you forgotten the countless of fucking times you’ve cheated on me? Cause I fucking didn’t! I'm tired of constantly defending our relationship against these “accusations” when I know some of them can be true and probably fucking are, knowing you!"
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you turned away, unable to bear the sight of him. "I need some space, Charles. I need to clear my head."
"Baby, please, Y/N, don't shut me out," Charles pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "I love you. I’m not doing anything with Alex. I promise."
But you were already slipping into the bathroom, the heavy door closing behind you with a resounding thud. Alone in the dimly lit space, you leaned against the sink, your hands trembling with emotion. You didn't know what to believe anymore. All you knew was that your heart felt heavy with doubt and fear, and you weren't sure if it could take much more.
You stood in front of the mirror, adjusting your gown for the premiere. The dress was exquisite, shimmering under the lights of the spacious dressing room. But the excitement of the movie premiere was overshadowed by a dull ache in your chest. You glanced at your phone, hoping for a supportive message from Charles. Instead, there were no new messages, just the last text from him hours ago: "Have fun tonight, babe."
You sighed, trying to push the negative thoughts aside. Tonight was supposed to be a celebration of your hard work, your success. As a movie star, premieres were your chance to shine, but lately, even your brightest moments felt dimmed by the shadow of your relationship with Charles.
Their relationship had started like a whirlwind romance from one of her films. He was charming, attentive, and seemed genuinely in awe of her. She remembered their first date vividly: a moonlit dinner on the beach, where they talked for hours about their dreams and aspirations. He had seemed perfect, too perfect. But as time passed, the cracks began to show.
The first time you caught him cheating was with his ex-girlfriend, Emily. You had been together for about a year then. You had come home early from a shoot, excited to surprise him. Instead, you found Emily's clothes strewn across their living room and the two of them tangled in each other on the couch.
"Charles, what the fuck is this?" You had shouted, your voice trembling with a mix of shock and rage.
He had scrambled to his feet, his face pale. "Y/N, I...I can explain."
Emily had quickly gathered her things and left, leaving the two of them in an awkward silence. He had fallen to his knees, tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. It was a mistake. I was fucking stupid. Please, please forgive me."
You had wanted to walk out right then, but something in his voice, his tear-filled eyes, made you stay. You guys talked for hours, and eventually, you had forgiven him. He promised it would never happen again, and you had believed him. But deep down, a seed of doubt was planted.
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A few years later, it happened again. This time, it was with one of your friends, Jenna. They had been at a party, celebrating the end of finals. You had gone to get drinks, and when you returned, you found them in a secluded corner, kissing passionately.
Your heart sank, and you felt a familiar wave of nausea. You confronted them right there, your voice shaking with anger. "What the fuck, Charles? Again? Jenna? How could you?"
Jenna had pulled away, looking guilty. "Y/N, I'm sorry. It just happened."
Charles had reached for you, but you stepped back. "Don't touch me."
He followed you outside, where you broke down in tears. "Why, Charles? Why the fuck do you keep doing this to me? I haven’t done anything to you?! What did I do to deserve this?! Huh?!? Nothing! I have done nothing but love you!! And this is how you repay me?!"
He had cried again, begging for forgiveness. "I don't know what's wrong with me, Y/N. I love you, I really do. Please, don't leave me."
Against your better judgment, you had forgiven him again. You loved him, or at least you thought you did. You wanted to believe that he could change, that your love was worth fighting for. But the doubts grew stronger.
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As your career took off, the strain on the relationship intensified. You were traveling more, spending long hours on set, and attending glamorous events. Charles seemed supportive at first, proud of your achievements. But then came the night of your first major award show.
He had promised to be there, to celebrate your success. But as the night wore on, there was no sign of him. After accepting your award, you went backstage, your excitement mingling with disappointment. You called him, but there was no answer.
When you finally got home, you found him with another woman, a co-worker named Lisa. This time, it wasn't just kissing. The betrayal was physical, tangible, and it broke something inside her.
You stood in the doorway, your hands trembling. "How could you do this to me, Charles? On the night of my biggest fucking achievement in my career? Why?! Why do you keep fucking doing this?! I don’t understand?! You said you would stop! You said you did stop!! So, why?!"
He had tried to explain, but you couldn't listen. You walked out, spending the night at a hotel, crying herself to sleep. The next morning, he was at your door, looking disheveled and remorseful.
"I fucked up. I fucked up again, Y/N. And I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I don't deserve you, but please, give me another chance. Please baby, don’t leave me. I love you. I need you."
You were exhausted, emotionally drained. But you loved him, or at least you thought you did. You took him back, hoping that this time, he would change. But the pattern was set, and the cycle continued.
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You found herself standing in your shared apartment again with nothing but pain and betrayal coursing through your body. Charles was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. He looked up as you entered, his eyes red and puffy. You found him cheating, again.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you came back. I've been going fucking crazy without you."
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "Charles, we need to talk."
He stood up, walking towards you. "I know, I know. Please, just hear me out."
"No, Charles. This time, you need to listen to me." Your voice was firm, but inside you was trembling.
He nodded, his expression desperate. "Okay, I'm listening."
"I can't do this anymore. This, this toxic fucking cycle of you cheating, apologizing, and me forgiving you—it has to stop. It's tearing me apart. It’s killing me."
Tears welled up in his eyes. "I know I've hurt you, Y/N I know I betrayed you. I know I’ve fucked up your trust in me and I’m sorry. I really am. But I can't lose you. I need you."
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "Charles, you don't need me. You need to fix whatever is broken inside you. I can't, I can’t keep putting myself through this. It’s just pain, never ending pain. And I can’t do it anymore, I can’t, it hurts so much."
He grabbed your hands, holding them tightly. "Baby please. Please, Y/N. I love you. I love you so fucking much. I'm sick. I’m fucked up. I fucked up. And I know. I know I have a problem, but I can't do it alone. Please. If you love me, stay and help me. Please. I need you to help me get better. I need you."
Your heart ached. You had loved him for so long, but you also knew that you had to take care of yourself. "Charles, I can't be your savior. You have to want to change for yourself, not for me."
"I do, Y/N. I swear, I do. If you stay, I'll prove it to you. I'll be fully devoted to you. I'll show you how much I care. Please, mi cheríe, give me one last chance."
Your resolve was crumbling. Seeing him so vulnerable, so desperate, made you question everything. You wanted to believe him, to trust that he could change. You had invested so much of yourself into the relationship, hoping for a better future together.
"Charles, I..." you faltered, tears streaming down your face. "I don't know if I can do this anymore."
He fell to his knees, clutching your hands. "Please, Y/N. Don't give up on us. I know I've messed up, but I love you more than anything. If you stay, it will stop. I'll go to therapy, I'll do whatever it takes. Just please, please, stay with me. Help me become the man you deserve. Please"
Your heart ached at his plea. You had always been a nurturer, someone who wanted to help and heal. And here he was, begging for your support. Could you really turn your back on him when he was finally admitting he had a problem?
You knelt down beside him, your voice trembling. "Okay, Charles. I love you. I don't want to give up on us either. But this is your last chance. You need to get help. We can't keep living like this."
His face lit up with hope. "Thank you, baby. I promise, I'll make it right. I love you so much. I won't let you down again. I promise."
You wrapped your arms around him, both of you crying. It was a mix of relief and fear. You wanted so desperately to believe that this time would be different, that he would change. But a part of you still harbored doubt.
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Tonight, you were going to the premiere alone. Charles had promised to be there, but then he called, saying he had an important meeting with Ferrari. Another excuse, another disappointment. As the car drove you to the theater, you couldn't help but replay the last conversation in your mind.
"Charles, this is important to me," you had said, trying to keep you voice steady.
"I know, babe, and I'm really sorry. But this project at work is huge. I promise I'll make it up to you."
You had nodded, even though he couldn't see you. "Okay. Just...try to be there if you can."
"I will. Love you."
"Love you too," you had replied, but the words felt hollow.
The premiere was a success. Fans cheered, critics applauded, and you put on your best smile for the cameras. But inside, you felt empty. After the event, you decided to go home instead of attending the after-party. You needed to rest, to think.
As the car pulled up to the apartment building, you felt a familiar sense of dread. The feeling that something was wrong. You dismissed it, attributing it to your tiredness. But when you opened the door to the apartment, the sight that greeted you confirmed your worst fears.
Charles was in bed with his ex-girlfriend, Alex. The two of them were wrapped around each other, oblivious to your presence. For a moment, you just stood there, frozen. Then the reality of the situation hit you like a punch to the gut.
"I'm done," you whispered, more to yourself than to them.
Alex scrambled out of bed, grabbing her clothes and muttering apologies as she fled the apartment. Charles stood up, looking panicked. "Y/N, wait. I can explain."
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "No, Charles. I'm done. I can't do this anymore."
"Please, babe, don't leave. I swear, this was the last time. I love you."
But you couldn't listen to his excuses anymore. You walked out of the apartment, ignoring his pleas. You got into your car and drove, not knowing where you were going, just needing to get away. Your phone rang incessantly, but you didn't answer.
Finally, you pulled over to the side of the road, your vision blurred by tears. You answered the call, your voice shaking. "Stop calling me, Charles. I've had enough. I can't do this anymore. You hurt me, over and over again. You break me every time, and you enjoy it. I can't take it anymore."
"No, baby, please. Come back to me. I promise I'll change. I love you."
You hung up, throwing your phone onto the passenger seat. The rain was pouring down, making it hard to see the road. Your tears flowed freely, mixing with the rain on your cheeks. You felt a strange sense of relief, but also a deep sadness. You had finally broken free, but at what cost?
As you drove to your hotel, the rain became a torrential downpour. The night was dark, and you struggled to see through the windshield. Your thoughts were a chaotic mess, filled with years of suppressed pain and broken dreams.
You thought about the countless times Charles had betrayed you , each infidelity chipping away at your spirit. You remembered the first time you caught him with Emily, the gut-wrenching betrayal. Then there was Jenna, a friend who should have known better, and Lisa, a co-worker whose name still made you feel sick. And now Alex—another name added to the list of his indiscretions.
In the early years of their relationship, you had dreamed of marrying Charles, building a life together, and starting a family. Those dreams had felt so real, so within reach. But each betrayal had crushed a piece of your spirit, and with every apology, you had clung to the hope that he would change. The idea of marriage and children, once bright and hopeful, had faded into a distant fantasy.
You couldn't remember the last time you had truly felt happy. When was the last time you had smiled without forcing it, or felt loved without the shadow of doubt hanging over you? It felt like a lifetime ago. The vibrant, hopeful woman you once were had been replaced by someone who was merely surviving, stuck in a cycle of pain and disappointment.
You realized you had been living in the dark, loving him in the dark. You was trapped in a place where you were unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to live. Each day with Charles was a struggle to maintain the facade of happiness, to pretend that everything was okay. But inside, you were breaking.
The memories swirled around you, blurring your vision even more than the rain. The arguments, the tearful reconciliations, the empty promises—it all played out like a tragic film you couldn't turn off. You were exhausted from the constant heartache, the perpetual feeling of betrayal. Your mind was a storm of emotions, and you felt yourself slipping further into the abyss of despair.
Suddenly, you were jolted back to the present by a loud horn. You looked up, but it was too late. The blinding lights of the truck bore down on you. There was no time to react. The last thing you saw was the searing brightness, the last thing you heard was the deafening blare of the horn. Then, everything went black.
✿ .° • ✿ .° • ꨄ • °. ✿• °. ✿
Charles was sitting on the couch in the apartment, staring blankly at the messages he sent to you. The news was on, but he wasn't really watching. His mind was replaying the last conversation he had with you. He had been pleading with you, begging for another chance, but you had left. Now, the silence in the apartment was suffocating.
His phone rang, jolting him out of his thoughts. He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was an unknown number. Reluctantly, he answered.
"Is this Charles Leclerc?" a stern voice asked.
"Yes, this is he," Charles replied, his heart pounding in his chest.
"This is Officer Daniels from the New York Police Department. I’m calling about Y/N L/N."
Charles's breath caught in his throat. "What about her? Is she okay?"
There was a pause on the other end, and Charles felt his stomach drop. "I'm sorry to inform you that Y/N was involved in a car accident tonight. She didn't survive."
The words hit him like a physical blow. "No," he whispered, shaking his head as if he could will the news away. "No, that can't be true. She can't be... she can't be gone."
"I'm very sorry, Mr. Leclerc," the officer said. "We need you to come down to the station to identify her belongings and make arrangements."
Charles's phone slipped from his hand, clattering to the floor. "No, no, no, no!" he screamed, his voice breaking. He buried his face in his hands, his body wracked with sobs. "Please, God, no! I'm sorry, Y/N! I'm so sorry!"
He fell to his knees, clutching his chest as if the pain could be physically removed. "Y/N, please come back! I'm sorry! This is all my fault. If I hadn't hurt you, if I had been better... please, come back to me!"
His cries echoed through the empty apartment. Memories of you flooded his mind: you laughter, you smile, the way you looked at him with so much love and trust. He had destroyed all of that, and now you were gone. The weight of his actions crashed down on him, a tidal wave of regret and guilt.
Charles crawled to the couch, collapsing against it. He clutched a pillow, sobbing uncontrollably. "Y/N, baby, I'm so sorry. I love you. Please, come back. I can't live without you. I'm nothing without you."
The realization that he would never see you again, never hear your voice, never hold you, was unbearable. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of his own making, the pain and sorrow suffocating him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered into the emptiness. "I'm so, so sorry."
He stayed there for what felt like hours, lost in his grief. The world outside continued on, oblivious to his pain. The woman he loved, the one he had hurt so many times, was gone forever. And all he could do was cry and beg for forgiveness that would never come.
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© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own
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aurorawhisperz · 1 year
Golden retriever!Ethan and Black Cat!reader. Like they go to the mall and Ethan pays her whatever she wants or the reader is on her period and Ethan just takes care of her 🤭 I <3 your fics so much
thank youu AHHHH i love golden retriever x black cat
secret moments (e.l.)
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contains: swearing, fluff, mentions of blood, pet names, periods.
ethan landry x fem!reader
a/n: this was kind of short because i rushed 🥲 also based off dress by taylor swift 😋
When Ethan wakes up, the other side of the bed is cold, and he reaches out for you. He groggily rubs his eyes and props himself up on one shoulder.
“Why are you all the way over there?” He asks, voice raspy and tired, he moves over for more space, “Climb in with me?” Ethan stares at you sitting on a beanbag. “Come on, I still have all day for hugs, Eth.” You shake your head.
“Please?” He gives you those stupid puppy eyes that got you head over heels for him in the first place. “Tell me what the problem is, I can help you, (NAME).” And everything stopped.
“It’s embarrassing.” You cover your embarrassed face with your hands, still blushing from the humiliation and now his presence.
“Just tell me, it’s not like I’ll leave you.” He tilts his head and pouts.
..Don’t move, don’t freeze. That’s what you think.
“I’m on my period.” You narrow your eyes at him. His eyebrows raise and his lips part, “Oh!” Ethan then chuckles, but you blink in response. “It’s not that hard to say, babe. Do you need anything?” He pushes himself off the mattress then rubs his hands.
“Whatever you crave, more pillows, water..” He thinks of something to add, “Heat things, pads or tamperings?”
You giggle at his mistake, then correct him. “Tampons.”
Ethan then chuckles and it bears all his teeth, and he asks, “Do you need anything? I’m serious, I can buy some. New shorts?” He searches your face for an answer.
“It’s embarrassing if you’re buying it.” Ethan then walks up to you, kneeling in front of you and takes your hand in his. “Not embarrassing.” He says, then he presses a light kiss to one of your knuckles. “Just tell me what you want, princess.” The light in his eyes makes you blush confusedly—lips parted.
Ethan then leans forward to kiss you and his hypnotizing scent has you kissing him back, he then pulls you closer to him now that you’re chest-to-chest. He moves his bare hand to your waist—and just as you are about to pull away, he gently grabs your cheek and pulls you back—His fingers rub circles on your waist.
Once he’s sure you’re breathless, he pulls away. It was a kiss that made you want another. You do get a second one—a light one on your forehead. Eyes glued to yours.
You let out a weary sigh, then hand out cash. “Here, buy me some chocolates and a heating pad, that’s all.” Ethan rolls his eyes at it, and your eyebrows furrow at his expression. “Babe, it’s fine, I’ll pay.”
He then laces your fingers with his. He scrunches his nose then says, “I’ll go buy you some of that girl stuff too.” Ethan raises a finger then grabs a gray hoodie, putting it on.
Ethan arrives with not one, but two plastic bags—a smile on his face, and dead eyes on yours.
He puts the bags down on the table and grabs a chocolate bar from it, throwing it to you—and you catch it. “Thanks, Eth.” You smile at him, “Anything for you. I wanna see that smile for the rest of my life.” says Ethan.
You raise an eyebrow, “I don’t want you being moody all the time, alright?” He crashes on the bed, then his arms surround you. “Well, being moody is kind of normal during these days.” You shot back.
“When I feel moody, I’m okay once I realize you’re here.” He presses a kiss to the tinted-red tip of your nose.
You take a piece off the bar and feed one to Ethan—He smiles at you. “You look pretty today.” He teases, “I thought you said I was pretty everyday?” You raise an eyebrow. “Nuh-uh, I said you get prettier and prettier everyday.”
“That’s still the same thing.” You chuckle.
Ethan pulls you in for a kiss, his fingers gripping your hips. “Watch the position, I don’t wanna soak through.” You mumble in between kisses, then you run your finger through his dark curls.
“Does that mean we can still make out?” He pulls away and his eyes are once again on you.
You shot him your trademark eye roll, “Duh.” You pull him in for another kiss.
“Next time you need something,” You say against his lips “I’m paying.”, Ethan quickly pulls away and his eyebrows pinch together, “I object to that idea.” He props himself up on his elbow, then tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “We can split it only on dates.”
Your lips curl into a smirk and there were practically hearts in his eyes. “Deal. Now come back here and—” He kisses you with a hint of longing before you get to finish.
Ethan was definitely the one for you, and you were the one for him. (And that’s final.)
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒐 𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏 | 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒄
☁︎ charles leclerc x female reader
☁︎ there is nothing better than carving pumpkins with your husband and your little girl
☁︎ no warnings just very sweet dad! charles content ahead<3
☁︎ i’m really excited for this, i love dad!charles so much you guys have no idea..i love this fall celebration fic idea idk why i didn’t do it before…
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Across the table lay a sheet of fabric to protect the delicate cherrywood underneath from the pumpkin seeds and goop that was about to take up the space. You and Charles had taken your daughter Alia out to get some pumpkins to carve for Halloween. Of course, you had to take a little road trip to find only the best according to your husband, Alia had the time of her life that day.
“Maman is it almost ready!” your little girl shouted from the top of the stairs
“Alia, qu'avons-nous dit sur le fait de crier à l'intérieur”
Charles voice could be heard from the kitchen as little footsteps descended down the stairs, a shy smile on her face
“Qu'il est trop bruyant à l'intérieur…”
You smiled turning to see your daughter coming over to you, Charles leaning down to press a kiss to her head
“Oui c’est ça mon ange”
“To answer your question princess it’s ready now, do you want to pick your pumpkin?”
Alia’s face lit up as she nodded, carefully studying the three big pumpkins in front of her
“The middle please! So I can be between papa and you maman!”
It never failed to make your heart soar at just how much Alia loved both you and Charles, she constantly wanted to do things with the two of you.
“The middle one is yours then my love, Papa can help you clean out your pumpkin too if you’d like”
The little girl nodded, getting up onto her stool so she stood higher so she could reach everything she needed. Charles carved the top off of her pumpkin with a knife, knowing it was too sharp for her to grab
“So do you have your spoon bébé?”
“Oui papa! Can I start?!”
He laughed
“Yes, go ahead”
The three of you began to scoop out your pumpkins, Alia obviously asking for her dad’s or your help when her arms got tired, which seemed to be more often than not. Once they’d been cleaned out, you helped her trace the face she wanted to carve, her eyes watching you carefully, in awe of the soon to be carved pumpkin.
“Papa comment ça s'appelle déjà?”
“C'est un jack-o-lantern mon amour”
She furrowed her brows looking up at her
“Mais pourquoi?”
A smile tugged at your lips at your daughter’s curiosity, she always wanted to know the what, the why and the how, Charles says she takes on after you.
“Pourquoi ne pas demander à ta maman?”
Alia turned to look at you, a soft smile on her face
“Yes baby?”
“Why is it called a jack-o-lantern…?”
You pressed a kiss to her cheeks before thinking for a moment
“I think because it reminds people of a lantern…you know when Papa lights a candle sometimes and the light flickers?”
She nods
“Well I think it reminds people of that..”
“Oh okay maman!”
Alia was quiet for the next while as Charles helped her carve out the shapes she’d asked you to draw in the pumpkin. His was already complete as was yours, both of you going with a traditional triangle eyes and smiley shaped mouth. Honestly you’d argue this was some of your best work to date.
While Alia was busy admiring the now finished pumpkin she had Charles came over pressing a kiss to your cheek
“We’re pretty good no?”
You leaned into his touch
“I think so, some of our best I’d say” you replied to which your husband was quick to agree too.
“Do you think she’s going to ask us to get more..?”
In hindsight maybe you should have picked up more than three pumpkins, this activity seemed to enrapture your little girl, and knowing her, she’d want to keep carving as much as she could.
“Well I might have picked up some extra…they’re out in the backyard”
You tilted your head enough to look at him, a gentle smile on his face
“You think of everything don’t you baby?”
“I just always think of my girls…knew Alia might want to make another one”
Leaning up to kiss him you sighed happily
“Worlds best husband and dad award goes to you, as always Char”
Before Charles could answer you Alia let out a few giggles
“Look at Papa’s pumpkin! It’s so funny!”
Charles feigned hurt
“Hey, it doesn’t look funny!”
“Yes Papa! It looks so funny!”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly along with your daughter as she poked at her father’s pumpkin. When stopped laughing she looked between the two of you, her eyes filled with joy
“Peut-on les allumer maintenant?”
This time you nodded, fixing her hair a little bit
“Oui, allez, petite citrouille, papa apportera les allumettes.”
As she took off towards the front door, you and Charles brought the pumpkins over, happy to get some time to spend all together as a family, especially with Charles being away at races or having other obligations with his sponsors. You had each other, and of course your little pumpkin herself, who now would want to carve as many pumpkins as her arms could handle.
Who were you and Charles to stop her, even if you two ended up being the ones who did most of the work.
Alia, qu'avons-nous dit sur le fait de crier à l'intérieur: Alia, what did we say about shouting inside?
Qu'il est trop bruyant à l'intérieur: that it’s too noisy inside
Oui c’est ça mon ange: yes it is my angel
Papa comment ça s'appelle déjà?: dad, what is it called again?
C'est un jack-o-lantern mon amour: it’s a jack-o-lantern my love
Mais pourquoi?: but why?
Pourquoi ne pas demander à ta maman?: Why don’t your ask your mother
Peut-on les allumer maintenant?: can we light them now?
Oui, allez, petite citrouille, papa apportera les allumettes: yes come on little pumpkin, daddy will bring the matches
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foreingersgod · 5 months
Ok I loveee that you want to write for a country reader because I live in the country!
Can you write a CC x reader based on Beautiful Crazy by Luke combs??
Beautiful Crazy . CC
pairing: country!caitlin clark x country wife!reader
synopsis: life with country caitlin :)
A/N: i’m picturing like very domestic, sapphic farm life. enjoy lovelies !
Her day starts with a coffee…
“good morning, baby” your voice cooed from the door frame of the bedroom. “brought you some coffee, d’you sleep ok?”
caitlin stirred, body entangled in linen sheets. it was incredibly early in the morning, early enough the sun was barely rising over the mountains. perfect time of day to get up and tend to the farm. her eyes fluttered open upon hearing your voice, adjusting to the rays of sunshine that prodded past the curtains.
she sat up, seeing you there. propped up against the door frame, wearing only one of caitlin’s button up flannels and your underwear, holding a mug of steaming coffee. your hair was still messy from when you had woken up, cascading around your face. your skin was glowing from the golden shimmer of the sun, illuminating your features. you looked absolutely irresistible.
“i slept great,” she yawned as you walked over to her, setting down the coffee on her night stand and crawling into bed next to her. “thank you”
you nestled in beside her, pulling the fluffy duvet and hand me down quilts back over you. her arm snaked around your waist quickly, bringing you into her embrace as tightly as possible. her fingers crept down to the space between your hips and thigh, rubbing softly at the hem of your underwear. you hummed at the warmth of her touch. you both laid there for a few minutes, revealing in the tranquility of the morning time, sipping coffee and sitting in silence.
eventually, caitlin sat up, getting out of bed and changing into her work clothes. you whimpered as her weight disappeared from the bed.
“stay a little longer” you implored “please?”
she couldn’t help but smirk, seeing you there. hardly clothed and begging for her to come back to bed. if there wasn’t a farm that needed her constant attention, she would’ve have laid there with you for as long as you wanted.
“you know i would if i could, but those cows need tended to” she countered, pulling up her jeans and buckling her belt “and last i remembered…someone needs to make some bread for the neighbors like she promised”
you groaned, falling back dramatically into the bed.
“and she also needs to help me build the fence” caitlin continued.
“yea, yea, im getting up” you dragged yourself out of bed, starting to get ready.
you began buttoning up your shirt, putting on your cargos and boots, and tying back your hair. eyes tired and fighting sleep still, you managed to finish your routine and follow cait out of the comfort of your shared room.
“love you, baby” cait smiled, kissing you deeply before heading to the barn.
…And ends with a wine
after a long day of work, baking bread and helping caitlin with the fence (which was really just you standing there drooling as you watched her muscles flex with each movement), you were ready to call it a night.
caitlin went to shower so you took advantage of the time and began making dinner, something simple. while you chopped and stirred and fried, you enjoyed the view outside. you couldn’t believe you had such beautiful mountains just outside your home.
caitlin came back down to the kitchen, hair still damp, noticing you finishing up dishes while dinner simmered on the stove. she meandered over behind you, hugging you from behind and rocking back and forth lightly.
“you’re too good t’me” she muttered into your shoulder “helping me with the farm, makin’ me dinner…”
her words lingered on the skin on your neck, lips dragging across the crease of your jaw. she kissed up and down your neck, hands making their way down your torso to tease at the button of your bottoms.
“keep it in your pants, clark” you resisted the urge to moan at her touch “eat dinner and pour me a glass of wine first and then you can do whatever you want to me”
“i’m likin’ the sound of that” she was already pulling out the good wine glasses and the bottle you had stashed away.
you finished dinner, plating it up while she poured the wine. you sat next to each other at the small dinner table in your farmhouse, shoulders almost touching. but you didn’t mind, you liked it intimate this way.
you made simple conversation as you ate, talking about the cows and other critters that control your entire day. when you finished, you put the dishes in the sink and retired to your bedroom, remainders of your glasses of wine still in hand.
you set your glass down, next to the mug of coffee that grew cold from this morning. caitlin was already pressed against you, sliding your shirt off your shoulders and tugging your pants down your legs. and true to your promise, you let her have her way with you.
as the night climbed up behind the mountains, taking over the orange and pink sky, you and caitlin were intertwined beneath the sheets. soft laughs and heavy sighs echoing throughout the bedroom.
Takes forever gettin' ready
So she's never on time for anything
“they’re gonna be askin’ about us if you don’t hurry up!” caitlin called from the bedroom, you were in the conjoined bathroom still getting ready.
you’re neighbors had invited you over for dinner and poker with a few of your mutual friends in the neighborhood. while it was a small, get together, you still took over an hour to get ready.
“i know! i’m almost done, quit your whining” you retorted, putting the finishing touches on your hair and makeup.
you smoothed out your top, your ‘special occasions’ denim jacket and a white tee, and slipped on your shoes. when you exited the bathroom, caitlin was sat at the foot of your bed waiting.
“you take my breathe away every time” she stood up, hands already roaming your body, caressing every curve and dip. her soft lips were inches from yours now.“i think we can spare a few minutes…or 10, don’t ya think?”
it didn’t take much, her strong arms already lifting you up and your legs wrapping around her waist. she carried you over to the bed, setting you down softly and climbing over top of you.
“yea i think they can wait a little longer”
When she gets that come-get-me look in her eyes
Well, it kinda scares me
it was late spring, your favorite time of the year. when the birds began singing in the morning, bees buzzing in the yard, grass and wildflowers thriving in the fields. you loved spending nights outside with your wife. having a drink by the fire with a blanket draped over your lap, horse rides along the backroads of your town, you adored it.
on this particular night, you two were walking along the fields surrounding your farm. you wanted to enjoy the view of the mountains and the smell of the long grasses and primroses as you strolled casually with caitlin. the air smelt woody and crisp, the breeze tickling the hairs of you arm just right.
“wait,” you said, picking one of the wildflowers nearby “come here”
caitlin stopped walking, turning to you. you took the flower, picking off the long stem, and tucked it behind her ear. you brushed the hair out of her face while admiring how cute she looked. she returned your smile, not necessarily caring about the flower in her hair, but how happy you looked because she let you do it.
while she was distracted, completely dazed by your beauty, you snuck in a chaste kiss to the tip of her nose.
“oh i’m gonna get you back for that” she teased as you jogged slightly ahead of her, laughing from the look on her face.
“oh yea?” you quirked an eyebrow and bit your lip, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
your nose was scrunched, eyes furrowed so ingeniously that it made caitlin chuckle under her breath. your lips rubbed together as you tried to hide your smile, she could tell you were close to laughing. the look you gave her, she hoped she’d remember forever. how you were practically saying ‘come get me’ with your eyes and how it made her anxious and eager with desire all at once.
she lunged towards you, and you ran away quickly, trying to escape her. she chased you through the fields and you dodged her past the trees and bushes. but she was too fast, grabbing a hold of you wrist. she spun you towards her and your arms fell onto her shoulder in defeat.
“told ya” she nuzzled her nose against yours. you couldn’t stop laughing.
The way that she drives me wild
And she drives me wild
you were always on caitlin’s mind. when she was feeding the chickens, when she was brushing the horses. even when she was in the shower, she thought of you, imaging you there with her. you were her purpose and the very reason she got up each morning.
she loved every thing about you. from the way you cried during rom coms, to the way you double checked the locks on the door each night. when you would refuse to go to bed unless she kissed you goodnight and how you offered to help her with extra farm chores even when you didn’t have to. you were the epitome of perfection.
there wasn’t a single thing that you could do that would make her stop loving you. even when you did things that rubbed her wrong, like leaving the keys in your truck or leaving your boots outside. she loved every quirk, even if they drove her crazy.
Beautiful, crazy
She can't help but amaze me
A/N: kind hate how this one turned out <\3
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maxislvt · 1 year
I’m thinking of college girl!Wanda x college!reader where R is absolutely railing Wanda and Wanda is just this whiny little slut who just wants R’s cock.
warnings: amab!reader, mentions if unprotected sex
When you and Wanda first started dating, you were shocked to see just how needy she could get. You always thought there had to be some perverse desires hidden behind that seemingly innocent face. Nothing could've prepared you for the full extent of it.
Were you to blame for some of the disgusting thoughts running through your girlfriend's head? Maybe. But that unrelenting libido was all her.
"No no no, please put it back in. I've been so good!" Wanda pleaded. Her hand frantically searched what little space there was between your bodies. Another whine fell from her lips when you smacked her hand away. "Please, I was so close." There was nothing worse than being empty. She needed to be stretched out.
You chuckled at Wanda's whining. "It's a wonder we don't get a noise complaint with all your crying." You said teasingly. Normally, you'd reprimand Wanda for being so needy and impatient but her spectacular educational performance had earned her a reward tonight. "Just relax baby, I'm not denying you. Don't worry." You buried yourself inside of Wanda's aching cunt with ease. The pace you set was brutal. You mercilessly pounded into your girlfriend without restraint.
"Thank you, thank you so much." Wanda practically sobbed. "I'm gonna cum again, please." Her hips pushed back in a sloppy attempt to keep up with you thrusting. She was far from the star pupil all her professors made her out to be. Now she was just your desperate cock slut. Mindless, greedy, and desperate to cum. "Right there, right there! Go faster!." Wanda always wanted more from you, but her stress made her particularly hard to satisfy tonight.
You were always happy to fuck Wanda until the wee hours of the morning, but you were out of condoms. "This has gotta be the last one, little love. There's no more after this." You expected Wanda to whine and throw a fit. "I know baby, but you know the risk."
Your fingers rubbed Wanda's clit to drag out her orgasm. Moans tumbled from her lips as she dragged it out as much as possible. Your orgasm came soon after. It wasn't as satisfying as the orgasms you had previously, but you were too tired to force yourself to continue.
Wanda watched you pull out and dispose of the last condom. The cloudiness in her eyes was a clear indicator of just how worked up she still was. She let you have your break at first. Watching you struggle to catch your breath was enough to stir the pot of lust brewing in her stomach.
Then, she attacked.
Wanda's hand guided your tired fingers to the sopping wet heat between her legs. A shaky moan slipped from her lips."I want you to fill me up," she whispered seductively, "I need you so bad." She whimpered pathetically as your fingers slipped inside of her. "Please? I'll ride you."
You moaned as your fingers slipped into the sloppy heat that was your girlfriend's cunt. You weren't surprised in the slightest. Wanda had confessed her sticky little desire before. You chuckled and tapped your thigh. "I've spoiled you rotten, haven't I?" A grin spread across your face as you guided Wanda on top of you. "Put on a good show for me."
918 notes · View notes
xxnghtclls · 7 months
Flickering Lights
Chapter 2: A Tall, Pink Haired Man
Chapter (1/3)
True Form Sukuna x Reader
For tags and synopsis, please see Chapter 1!
You slam the door shut behind you. Finally you’re home in your small apartment, still thinking about what happened in your office. Sitting down on one of your two chairs, you absentmindedly tap with your key into the surface of your kitchen table.
“Who was that?” you mumble to yourself, while your leg is wiggling nervously. “Where and… why? Four eyes and four arms, too?”
A pause.
Tap. Tap.
“HOW?” you blurt out loudly and distort your face in confusion. Your brain is so tired.
Shaking your head, you decide to get up and get a hot shower.
-Monday me- is going to have a huge problem, leaving the office like this.
“This” meaning a broken window, a crack in the floor and the wall. Your computer is for the trashcan, too. A fucking mess.
You kind of hope it was a dream, a hallucination or a lightning. Monday you will get back to your same old habit, going to work and writing emails, lists and calculations. And then Tuesday. And then Wednesday. Thursday. Friday.
You close the shower curtain in front of your face and turn on the water. Warm steamy drops are tickling your face and calming your nerves. Sleepiness washes over you with the steamy warmth and you’re quick to finish soaping you up. You let out a big yawn, as you turn off the water and step out. 
“Time for bed.” you sigh, before you brush your teeth and dry yourself. Taking your phone with you, you carry yourself up the ladder to your elevated sleeping space. The perks of living in tokyo.
Mini studio apartments.
Crawling onto the futon, you pull the blanket up to your nose. A last time you peek onto your phone, before your eyes shut themselves.
- 01:38 a.m. -
“Goodnight...” you mumble, before you fall asleep. “Stranger.”
♫ Up with the sun, gone with the wind, she always said I was lazy-
“The fuck?” you breathe into the darkness, still half asleep, as you peek onto your phone, trying not to get blind from your display brightness.
- 6:00 a.m. - 
“Ughhh shut up, Bob.” you groan, as you shut your alarm off. You must have forgotten to adjust the settings in your alarm to workweek only, after you had to get up for an out of schedule meeting last saturday. 
But, today is free.
You close your eyes and think about what you want to do today.
Get new earphones perhaps. Get groceries. Find out who…who…  
After a moment, you send another peek to your phone.
- 10:12 a.m. -
“Good morning sunshine.” you grumble to your sleepy self, before you yawn and stretch. “Sorry Bob, now you can sing.” you mumble and put on Bob Seger’s song that ripped you out of sleep earlier. 
“Travelin maan, love when I caan. Turn loose my hand ‘cause I’m goiingg.” you sing, as you’re making yourself some eggs for breakfast, checking your social media inbetween. You roll your eyes, as you read that there’s some unnecessary discourse over something unimportant AGAIN and you swear to yourself, that you’re going to delete that app sooner or later. It just makes you angry. 
Fucking idiots.
Your eggs are ready and you sit down, take a bite and text your bestie Mio. 
Oy. Akiba in 45 mins?
Good. Need new headphones. Mine broke last night.
No wonder. Get some real ones.
You huff at her text.
“No way.” you smile, as you’re putting your phone away and shove the last bite of eggs into your mouth. You need to get dressed quickly, in order to catch the next train to Akihabara. 
On your trainride, you stare out of the window across from you. Listen to the railway and see the houses passing by, the sun shining onto the roofs, before the train goes underground again. Silhouettes and moving lights run along the window.
Moving lights. Flickering lights.
And suddenly you remember last night. 
What happened?
That creature, that… man. 
How unusual he looked and how his eyes pierced through your soul. 
You wonder if you should tell Mio about it. 
Maybe not…
Maybe it was a dream or a hallucination or a lightning after all.
…That rip in space definitely.
But what if he was not?
“Excuse me, is everything alright?” an elderly woman that’s sitting right next to you asks you. 
You must’ve zoned out, looking so concentrated… maybe even, as if you’re constipated or something. 
“No, I’m fine. Sorry- I mean, thank you.” you force a smile at her, before you pull out your phone to look busy at least.
And you start to scroll on your socials. 
And scroll.
And scroll. 
And scroll.
Not thinking anything, just remembering that man’s face. Those tattoos. The nose.
Kinda pretty nose, you think as your lips turn into a pout.
Two slits in his eyebrows.
That mask.
So interesti-
Wait what?
…He is.
You get out at Suehirocho Station and walk to the next 7-eleven, the point where you’re going to meet with Mio. She’s not there yet, so you decide to walk in and buy an Onigiri. 
Only one? 
No, two. 
For later. 
Of course you open the first one immediately and bite into it. The first bite is always the best.
You love it. Closing your eyes, to savour the taste, you stand in front of the store, enjoying the bliss.
“Oy, peanut!” Mio’s voice comes up behind you. You turn around and nudge your head to her, shooting her a look. 
“What’s up?” you say with your mouth full.
“Got one for me, too?” she eyes your Onigiri.
“No.” you bite into it another time.  
She cocks her eyebrows at you, probably already knowing that you bought two and that you don’t want to share, before a little pout cracks upon her lips.
“Get your own!” you complain, before she pokes her finger into your arm. 
“I’ll get you some snacks later!” she coos.
“Fine!” complain and offer her a bite of your last piece. 
“Mwuah hah hah!” she laughs deeply in excitement, before she gulps down the whole remaining Onigiri. “I know you love me.”
“Ehhh.” you sigh, letting your shoulders sink, disappointed that she ate it all.
“Sorry.” she brushes off her hands on her jacket. “Anyway, let’s go, my greedy little peanut.” she says, before she hooks her arm into yours. “Did you cut your hair?” 
You laugh her question off, as you both start to walk into the city.
While on the search for new 5000 yen headphones, you both keep bullying each other lovingly, laugh and talk about the week. No matter how exhausting your workweek is, she always manages to distract your mind, makes you feel not as lonely. She really is the light of your week. 
You don’t really know how it came to this. To feel like this in this city of millions. You used to go out, to dance and fuck a guy every now and then. But maybe it was just the start of how you feel now. The nights of clubbing grew rare, the nights at the computer and phone listening to music grew more frequent. Because nothing could really satisfy it. This hole in your heart. Listening to music helps. Spending time with Mio helps, but only to a degree. Because you wish for a change in your life. More than work and eat and shower and sleep. More than everyday life.
However, you decide not to tell her about what happened last night. Maybe you’ve gone crazy after all. Even if you’re not, you still feel odd about it. Feel, like it might be the change you yearned for, an adventure. 
Feel like it only belongs to you.
Quickly you find some new headphones and earn a mocking joke from the side, while Mio continues to buy herself a new phone case. Huge, pink and with little glittery stones and charms.
So ugly.
“Don’t look at me like that, when you’re the one who walked around with a Hello Kitty phone for the longest time!” she complains.
“At least I wasn’t mistaken for a disco ball.” you sneer at her.
You walk to another store to get your promised snacks and after a while, when the hottest gossip is done being discussed, you catch yourself getting silent inbetween.
Because your mind wanders off.
Because you remember.
Those eyes.
Sometimes she notices and throws you a glance, but you just wave it off, excuse it with sleepless nights because of work. 
And she buys it.
At least you hope she does.
“I need to get home.“ you sigh, as you arrive at the next train-station. “I still need to get some groceries. I’m gonna gonna see you next week?”
She sighs too and stops in her tracks. You turn and look to her, seeing her face turning serious. Suddenly the energy shifts. You halt and frown at her in confusion.
Something’s wrong.
“What?” you ask. 
“I need to tell you something.” she looks to the ground and it makes you worried.
“What is it?” you poke her shoulder. 
She hesitates.
“You’re gonna hate it…” she mumbles and your heart starts pounding. You hate situations like this. Last time she acted like this, she told you she lost the one pair of very expensive headphones you bought in your life. You hated her for it, but you learned your lesson. 
Crossing your arms, you keep staring at her, almost holding your breath, trying to remember what kind of item you possibly could’ve lent her recently.
A pause.
“I’ll be on a work trip.-”
“Jesus.” you complain, as you exhale loudly in relief, rolling your eyes.
“For the next week.” she continues, a smug smirk on her face. So proud, knowing to have you fooled so good. “Coming back on Sunday night.”
You sigh.
“I’ll manage!” you exclaim snobbish into her face, but deep down, you know it’s gonna be hard. You’re not gonna see her for two weeks and you’re gonna miss her. A lot. Next to the fact that you can’t meet up with her next weekend, she’ll be busy too and not be able to text you much during the week either.
She punches your shoulder, before you grab her sleeve.
“Come.” you tug on it. “We gotta wish you a safe travel and return.” you mumble, as you drag her with you.
“Huh?” she exclaims, but gives up and willingly walks down to the underground with you. 
“I didn’t go to the Meiji shrine in a while. Let’s hang up an Ema there.” you fiddle with her sleeve, as you’re both sitting next to each other in the train towards Yoyogi Station.
“Is everything alright?” she asks and you notice real concern in her voice. 
She knows something’s up.
“I think I need to go out more, Mio.” you mumble. “If you’re not here to cheer me up, I need to see someone else then.”
“Sounds as if you’re already have someone in mind.” she jokes and you feel the heat rising in your ears, feel caught.
“Yeah.” you fake-laugh, before you try to change the topic. “Where are you going next week?”
“We’re going to have some meetings in Gifu. But also team-building events, this sort of stuff.” she says, while fiddling with her new phone case and you nod.
“Never went there.” you respond. “Tell me if it’s nice, yes?” 
“Sure, little peanut.” she smiles, before she looks back at you. You smile back before, looking around in the wagon.
“Maybe you should go out while I’m gone.” she says, making you look back at her. “Try to focus less on work and have some fun. Treat yourself.” she punches you in your arm again. 
“It’s just work after all.”
“I shall.” you hiss, while you rub your hand over the soon-to-be bruise, as the train stops at Harajuku-Station.
After a short walk, Mio and you arrive at the entrance of the shrine. It’s busy, just like the last time you visited, but as soon as you walk through the Torii, it grows calmer with each second. You might not believe, that in you’re a city of millions, when you walk through the beautiful area around the shrine. Trees and plants seal yourself off the loud noises of the streets. 
Maybe I need a vacation.
“I’m thirsty.” Mio longingly says, as you walk past the huge Sake barrels. 
You snort at her comment.
“Mio Mio Mioooo.” you squeak like a bird. “You called me greedy.”
“That’s what you are.” she chimes. “I know you still have that second Onigiri in your jacket.”
“Shut your mouth.” you smile, while you look up to see the sunlight shine through the branches of the trees, as a gentle breeze flows against your faces. It’s beautiful at this place, but somehow, a weird feeling grows in your gut. 
After a ten minute walk along the shrines nature, you arrive at the camphor trees where the Emas are hanged upon. Mio steps forward, reading some of the wishes that are already hung up. After purchasing a little wooden plate yourself, you tipple to the desks and start writing. 
For my lovely Mio. 
Please let her have the safest travel, a lot of fun and a more safer return to her little peanut.
You draw a little raccoon in the corner, since that’s her favourite animal and turn around, ready to hang it up, only to notice, that Mio holds a little wooden plate in her own hand as well.
“No! I already got one!” you wiggle it into her direction, before you hang it up. 
She steps into the corner of your eyes, hanging her own plate right next to yours. You’re about to complain that she bought an unnecessary one, as your eyes catch what she wrote.
For my lovely y/n.
Please let her have the most fun, good food and a little adventure, until her Mio returns.
“Is this for me?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Bro, it’s your name right there!” she sneers as if you’re stupid, tapping her knuckle loudly against the plate.
Your heart warms up, before you continue in a serious voice.
“You forgot to draw a cat.” 
“I cannot draw a cat.”
“Bullshit. Everyone can draw a cat.” you wave her off and turn around, only to see-
Oh shit.
You freeze in your spot, as you see that tall man from last night standing in front of the holy praying area of the shrine. His back is turned to you, but his height, his black cloak and the pink spiky hair is proof enough.
A sinister energy reaches your feet and crawls up your legs.
“What’s up?” Mio asks, as she notices how you froze in your spot, tugging at your sleeve.
Your heart starts pounding. 
Badum. Badum. Badum.
In the corner of your eyes, you see Mio catching focus on that man herself.
“I’ve never seen a guy that tall-“
“Me neither.” you mumble, while you keep staring. In the corners of your eye, you see many people walking around the mean, peeking and staring and mumbling about his unusual appearance.
He walks up the stairs, shoving a middle aged woman out of his way. She tipples, looses balance and-
falls down the stairs, while he’s stepping closer to the doors that lead to the praying area. The huge doors, that now don’t seem to tall in comparison anymore.
“Disrespectful asshole!” Mio exclaims in disgust, as an appalled gasp is heard from the by-standing people and the feeling in your gut grows into a huge lump. Others rush to the woman to help her back up, and Mio wants to go forward too, but you grab her sleeve, holding her back. You stay silent, as you keep watching the man intensely, seeing him lay his right hand on the wooden surface of the saisen-bako that’s placed inbetween the doors. People start to talk to him, try to get his attention, but he is ignoring them, concentrated on doing what he came to do. 
Your eyes are fixated on his hand, a tattooed black ring decorating his wrist. The people around him grow louder and louder, but the sound grows mute in your ears. Almost as if you’re hypnotised, you watch how the wooden surface starts to vibrate, the lines between his hand and the wood start to blur. A deep humming starts to vibrate in your ear, just like last night.
Mio notices your trance and calls you, but you hear without hearing. 
Whatever he’s doing, it has you in his grip.
Mio calls you again, louder and snips her fingers in front of your face to wake you from your trance but you keep being fixated on his hand until-
“Hey!” another man loudly exclaims and tugs on his cloak to get his attention. Without even looking, the pink haired man flicks his left hand and suddenly the throat of the other man bursts with blood and his head falls from his shoulders.
Pap.. Pap… pap.
Down the stairs it falls and rolls. Your heart drops and everyone starts to scream, as your eyes widen in horror. Blood splatters everywhere, as the head rolls and comes to a halt next to the woman, coating the holy grounds with red essence.
“Y/N!!” Mio calls your name again, now very loud and clear, making your body finally start moving.
You meet Mio’s eyes and grab her wrist, before you run towards the entrance, already seeing security guards run into the opposite direction. Other people run in panic as well, shoving you out of their way, almost make you stumble. For some reason, shortly before you can run through the huge gate, you need to turn around.
Turn around.
The time slows down.
You look.
And he turns around, too. Making your eyes meet his for the split of a second, before you turn back forward again, running through the gate.
Sirens are already howling in the distance, as Mio and you and many other people run through the shrine grounds in order to get back to the entrance you came from. Your heart is pounding in your throat and your throat is as dry as sand, as you finally reach the streets. A glance to Mio and a nod from her confirm that you will not separate your ways right now. She’ll come with you.
Zschk Zing!
You lock your front door behind you, as Mio sighs loudly, slumping down on one of your kitchen chairs.
“Jesus.” you sigh under your breath, your hands still lingering on the door-lock, your eyes staring into nothing. The image of that mans head rolling down those stairs keeps replaying in your head. 
“Gonna make tea.” Mio says, before she gets up and fills the cattle.
You blink and shake your head, before you turn around and sit down on the other chair on the adjacent corner of the table. 
You have seen some bad stuff on the internet before. Multiple times unfortunately. However it’s still different to see such things in real life.
“The police will get him right?” she asks. 
“Maybe they shot him on sight.” you mumble. “Most probably.” you try to assure her and yourself.
She hums and the kettle starts to whistle.
Louder and louder.
Louder and louder.
Until Mio takes it from the stove and fills your cups with water.
You take a sip and the warmth flows through your body, making you feel better in an instant. 
“I still got no groceries.” you mumble into your cup.
“Let’s just wait a bit. It’ll be safe in a few hours.” she mumbles into hers.
A pause.
And you ponder.
“He wouldn’t have slashed that man, if he let him do his thing in peace.” you sip absentmindedly. “Whatever he was doing.” you add and she glances over to you, cocking an eyebrow.
“If he didn’t shove that woman down the stairs, he wouldn’t have been bothered.” she responds annoyed. “Nothing he was doing can justify this.”
Another pause.
“Doesn’t matter now, they probably shot him.” she sighs. 
Your eyebrows twitch at the thought. Somehow, you don’t feel like it’s true.
A few silent hours go by, sipping tea, trying to calm down. Both of you avoid to read the news, try to distract you from what just happened, talk about anything, except about what happened at the shrine today.
And somehow, it works. They probably shot him after all.
The sun sets and it grows dark outside. Mio taps on her phone.
- 10:13 p.m. - 
“I think I should go now.” she sighs. “Gotta get up early tomorrow.” 
You inhale deeply, knowing it’s the last time you’re gonna see her for at least two weeks.
“Alright.” you exhale, as you stand up and walk her to your door. “Text me when you’re at the station, k?” 
“Sure, peanut. The police is probably still roaming around. And if not they got him.” she smiles at you and leans in for a tight hug. “Gonna miss you.” she whispers in your ear and it almost makes you tear up.
What today happened was a lot for you and now you have to deal with it alone, if the distraction looses its effect. For two whole weeks.
“Gonna miss you, too!” you sniff into her ear and press her against you, before you separate.
“Stop crying, bitch.” she jokes and boops your nose. 
You stick out your tongue and with wet eyes, you unlock your front door. 
“Here you go, your Majesty. Please return safely.” you bow, trying to overact your upcoming crying-session and it makes her giggle. 
“It’ll be fine.” she waves you off and walks down the hallway. “I’m a big girl.”
“Text me!” you yell after her, before you close and lock up the door.
Zschk Zing!
Too silent.
You grab your back and pull out the new headphones you bought. In all the hectic you forgot to properly charge them, but luckily, they always are charged halfway up when you buy them. 
You sit down on your kitchen chair and go to your phone’s settings, to connect it via bluetooth with your headphones. 
It worked.
You put them on and scroll through your music library, not sure what will give you the right mood for now. If you want more distraction or if you want to cry. Already feeling an empty feeling spreading in your heart, you scroll and scroll and your eyes keep watering.
Maybe crying it is. 
Mio didn’t text yet and you hope she’s about to arrive safely at the station. It’s just a short walk anyway. You keep scrolling. Being a person who listens to almost everything, it’s difficult to choose sometimes. Closing your eyes, you tap on shuffle, letting fate decide what song to play.
But right in the moment, when the song is about to start, a loud knocking is heard on your door.
You quickly look to the door.
Maybe she forgot something.
Without turning off the music, you put your headphones on the table and tipple to the front door.
“Mio, is that you?” you call.
No answer.
You frown in suspicion, before looking through the peephole. 
And your heart drops into your socks, as you see a deformed fish-eye version of a stranger.
A tall, pink haired man.
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