#and I really don't trust Amazon with this
officersnickers · 1 year
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anyone got any online shop recommendations? 😥 (preferable european)
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drjdorr · 1 year
Amazon, if I'm searching "green coat" with a filter saying I want "green" items, half the results shouldn't be brown!
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doodlemancy · 1 month
Hey, so, Patreon is lying to you about Apple forcing their hand.
Patreon is getting rid of 1st-of-the-month/per-creation billing, claiming a new decision by Apple has forced their hand. This will hurt a lot of creatives, and their excuse is bullshit. Allow me to explain.
In 2018, Patreon tried to impose a new ill-considered fee structure on everyone that would have cost creators a lot of smaller pledges. They ended up apologizing for this profusely; they have now deleted this apology from their website and unfortunately I was unable to find it on the Internet Archive. This was shameful, but to their credit they backed off quickly when things got ugly.
Back in 2021, Patreon discussed plans to force all creators into a rolling bill structure and get rid of first-of-the-month/pay-up-front billing. The community once again very decisively shouted them down, and they had to walk it back again. This whole fiasco damaged the already shaky trust between Patreon creators and staff.
This week, Patreon announced that, along with extra fees, Apple's policies were supposedly forcing them to move everyone over to the rolling fee structure that they first tried to get us to agree to in 2021. Patreon will tell you they are not happy about this. As a person who spent a long time watching Patreon make terrible decisions, I can tell you-- they are probably very happy about this, because it's exactly the smokescreen they needed to do what they've been trying to do for years, which is pull ALL Patreon creators away from 1st-of-the-month and per-creation billing.
The spin in the news I've seen so far is "Apple bullies Patreon, boo hoo hoo poor Patreon". This is very obviously not what's happening. Mind you: Apple does suck, and they are doing something bad here. Fuck apple. But Patreon and Apple are BOTH the asshole in this situation; Everyone Sucks Here. Patreon has options: they can make the iOS app a reader app and do billing through the browser to avoid the restrictions and the extra fees (Netflix and Amazon, notably, both do this), or they can allow creators to opt-out of iOS billing if they want to use billing models that don't work with it.
It seems most likely to me that the Apple situation is a real fire that Patreon has chosen to use as a convenient smokescreen to do what they've been wanting to do since at least 2021, and maybe since 2018.
What do we do?:
They have a feedback form specifically about this.
They also have a creator discord.
And they have lots of social media pages where they probably really, really hope that this doesn't blow up again, because they never learn. The incidents I've described here aren't the only two other times Patreon has pissed off their creators. They know if they don't contain the noise it'll be harder to get away with it, so make some noise. They've done a lot of work to spin this cleverly so you'll have sympathy for them and they won't get the kind of backlash they know they deserve.
Please don't misuse these links and make threats or spam or something. All you have to do is give well-reasoned feedback. Patreon hates feedback. Make sure they get a nice heaping helping of their least favorite vegetable.
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anothermonikan · 10 months
Constantly needing advice over HDD replacements. Hardware girlies help. I am put a poor little programmer girl I don't know what I'm doing ^^;
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rosietherivendell · 1 year
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galaxiesinadot · 1 year
Pssst...I saw your tags on the butterfly quilt post. The artist ships worldwide. The link to her website and shop are at the top of her profile, and she's currently accepting commissions.
Thank you!! I didn't even notice that and just assumed, lol! Alrighty, I'll definitely be ordering one soon.
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DPxDC Warlock Batfamily
They're not warlocks in the traditional sense, no fancy spell work or obvious theming. In fact, most anyone less magically attune than John would just assume they were metas like anyone else on the team, but they weren't.
It took a while to notice, just passing off the magical fluctuations around them as the ebb and flow of the natural world, or maybe some residual curse vibes from Gotham (ew). But it was too consistent. When Batman slipped into the shadows it pulsed, and when Oracle seized control of nearby computers it surged. When Nightwing took his inhuman leaps into the air simply trusting that he would reach his lading point it soared and when that nightmare of a Robin brought a room to darkness it rested like a heavy weight on his shoulders.
They weren't individual users, their eclectically cohesive group structure was too uniform for that; but they weren't some family of sorcerers either, being quite obviously unrelated by blood save for a few. The most likely answer was that they were all warlocks in service to some common diety, taking on aspects of its power to enforce it's will upon the mortal world- and John really hoped it was a helpful entity, because they were in deep shit.
Peeling the partially liquefied tentacle off from across his chest, Constantine sat up and brought his hand up to cup his bruised face. He prayed to whatever was least likely to hold a grudge that their little hail Mary there had bought them enough time to perform a summoning.
"Hey Bat, get your patron on the phone, this is getting fucking Eldritch."
"What the hell are you talking about," Hal Jordan pushed himself out of the rubble with a massive green fist construct. "Bats isn't a magic user."
"Hm." Batman grunted as he picked bone shards out of his gauntlets. "I'll need to get something for the ritual."
Everyone present sat up to look at him like he'd grown another head, except Superman and Wonder Woman who seemed a little excited.
"I'm sorry, you're a magician?" The Flash pipes up from behind the ruins of an old altar, only to receive a level glare from his black clad coworker.
Constantine grabbed onto some chains hanging from the precariously damaged ceiling, rising to his feet. "We don't have much time; that thing's off licking its wounds in space or something, but it'll be back. You go off and collect whatever artefact you have from wherever you hid it and I'll start drawing the circle, where are we pulling your Patron from?"
Batman nodded in agreement. "The Infinite Realms."
"Fucking Hell."
The Watch Tower was crowded when Batman returned flanked by two other members for his little hero coven, carrying a small case decorated with constellations and nebulae.
Wonder Woman stepped up to look at the container, obviously curious, but not touching it.
"It will be wonderful to see him again, Batman. After this is dealt with I hope to hear the tales of my sisters from beyond."
"He'll definitely be happy to chat after we're done," Nightwing commented. "I hear he's been training with Pandora."
Red Robin nodded to that, an exasperated look on his face as he likely anticipated a long and drawn out conversation about different kinds of swords. Amazons liked their blades.
John gave that idea some concideration, Amazonian ghosts probably get up to some killer fights without having to worry about, ya know, death. He called out to the Dark Knight, "I've got the circle done, now we just need your call."
The three of them walk over to the summoning circle unceremoniously carved into the watch tower floor, Batman narrowing his eyes at the damaged paneling but saying nothing otherwise. The Dark Knight opens the case in his hands and pulls out what appears to be a small model space station.
The Coven spread themselves evenly around the circumference of the circle and Batman begins the ritual. "Salve patrōnem, egō stellam vocō." He throws the model space station into the circle where it appeared to float as the symbols in the ground lit up.
Slowly, a figure formed in the center, first as hands holding the model and spreading out over its arms and to its body in the shape of a young boy. He seemed to be wearing a black rubber hazmat suit with white accents and green lichtenberg figures crawling up his left arm. White hair appeared and with it piercing green eyes that seemed to be fixed on the toy in his hands. A cape flowed out behind him less like fabric and more like the endless void of space littered with stars and a cold weight settled on the room.
"Damn B, y'all really fucked up the floor this time."
Red Robin snorted, "Nice to see you too, Danny."
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knitmeapony · 3 months
You should donate or subscribe to Consumer Reports
So this was one of those things I thought everyone knew about, and I was very wrong about that.
If you are looking to buy something expensive and don't trust the ratings on Amazon or random websites that make you wonder if they're sponsored by a company, Consumer Reports is your answer.
You can get a one month subscription for $10, and if you're going to be buying a $1000 TV, that's absolutely worth it.
CR is a not-for-profit. They buy everything they test, and are only sponsored by donations and subscriptions to their magazine.
Here's what you get for that $10:
articles on how to decide what kind of thing to buy -- don't know the difference between OLED and LCD and other kinds of TVs? They'll tell you the difference. How big a TV is worthwhile in a space the size of your living room? What is HDR? Is it better to get a streaming box separate, or stream directly through the TV? They have guides for everything.
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Price guides -- they will tell you, for instance, that new TV models tend to get released in the spring, so late spring/early summer is when you get slightly discounted rates on the last year's models
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How to take care of your thing -- what should you use to clean a flat-screen TV? Does it matter if it's antistatic or antidust? Should you shade it from the sun? What features are worth turning off if you don't use live TV?
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And then the big one: their rating guides
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They rate hundreds of products in dozens of categories. You can then filter down. Say you live in an apartment and you can only afford $500 for a TV, and you really care about data privacy.
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Those are your top 3 options for a 52 inch or smaller TV in your price range with better than average privacy. Click that Shop button and it'll show you where to buy it. Want to know how those ratings were created?
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You can then add up to 5 products to a 'compare' grid.
Want to know how many products they've tested and have guides for?
Pet GPS collars. Countertop icemakers. Streaming services. Air travel. Seriously, this should be your first stop before making any big purchase, and if you subscribe it can be your first stop for ANY purchase.
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layce2015 · 6 months
The Boys (Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader)
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(A/n: I wanted to say that writing this fic, I believe is gonna be the most mature, violent and sexual I’m gonna get in this story. If you have not watched this show, go to Amazon Prime and watch the show. If you are under the age of 18, probably do not read this.)
Next Chapter / Masterlist
I was sitting in the waiting room with my husband, waiting for the nurse to call me. Few days ago, I had received a phone call from the doctor's saying that I needed to come in for a visit and it made me nervous as I am usually good on keeping up with my health.
I sighed as my husband, Adam, looks over at me. "You okay, honey?" He asked me in a concerned voice. "Just wondering why I am here." I said. "Did you miss an appointment? Or a shot?" Adam asked me and I shake my head. "No...at least...I don't think so." I said, thinking, then the door to the back of the office opens.
The nurse walks out of the door and looks at her clipboard. "Ms. (L/n)?" She said and I raise my head. "The doctor will see you now." She said and both Adam and I stand up.
​​​​We follow her to one of the back rooms until she stops in front of a room and opens the door. "The doctor will be with you soon." She tells us and Adam and I walk into the room and I sit in one of the chairs, Adam takes the chair next to me. He pats me on the back, soothingly, as I sit there and try to figure out what the hell this could be for.
Eventually, the doctor came I  but the thing was, he didn't look like my normal doctor. My normal doctor was an older, balding man, this doctor was young and with a head full of dark black hair. "Hello, Ms (l/n)." The doctor said and I give him a confused look.
"Um, are you new? I've never seen you before. Where's Doctor Jefferson?" I asked him and I could've sworn I saw Cole give a nervous look at this new doctor. "Doctor Jefferson is on vacation. I'm Doctor Miller. I'll be taking over while he is on vacation." The young man said and I eyed him a bit but gave a reluctant nod.
"Anyway, it seems you are needing a shot for this new disease that's been going around, thanks to this horrible war we got." Doctor Miller said as he goes to the table near him and picks up a syringe with some blue liquid in it.
"New disease? I've never heard of a new disease." I said and Doctor Miller comes up to me, needle in hand. "Trust me, you need this, ma'am." Doctor Miller said but I felt like something was off. "No, I, uh..." I stammered, nervously, as I stand up but then Adam stands up next to me and places his hands on my shoulder.
"Adam?" I said, confused, as he starts to hold me in place as Miller comes at me with a needle. "Sorry, honey, but you need this." He said. "What are you talking about?!" I asked when Miller inserted the needle in my arm and I let out a yelp.
He pulls the needle out of my arm and I look at him. "What the hell did you just put in me?" I asked him just as I started to feel pain all over my body. I yelled then screamed as I doubled over and fall to the ground. I look up at Adam, and through my tears, I asked. "What did you do?" I asked then I screamed again.
"Honey, this will be a great opportunity for us. For you. And this is was the only way." Adam replied. "Why? Why me?" I asked as I felt another wave of pain. "Because Ms (y/n) we need someone like you." Miller replied and the pain subsides but I start to feel light headed then I pass out.
I groan as I slowly open my eyes, my vision was blurry but it seemed all I could see was white. I blink several times before my vision becomes clearer and I could see a figure standing before me.
I gasp and sit up to see Doctor Miller, if that was even his real name, in a white coat with a clipboard in hand, staring at me. "Where am I? Where's Adam? Who are you, really?" I asked, in a quick panicked voice.
​​​​​"As I told you, I am Doctor Miller. You, Ms (y/n), are in the secret lab of Vought Tower. As for your husband, he is having a talk with my boss." Miller informed me. "Vought Tower? Why am I here?" I asked. "Because we have developed a serum, called Compound V. It gives the subject powers beyond our wildest dreams. And you, are among the first people to be injected with this wonderful serum." Miller explained and I raised an eyebrow at this.
”But why me?” I asked and Miller smirks. “Because you are the perfect woman for our idea of a female hero.” Miller said.
Present Day
I gasp, sit up and look at my surroundings, realizing that I was in my living room on my couch. I sighed as I try to shake off the terrible memory I just relived in my dream and looked over at my TV, seeing news coverage about that stupid hero group, The Seven, promoting their new movie Dawn of The Seven.
One of the news reporter had that prick of a leader, Homelander, talking to him and asked him a question, I am sure this guy is tired of hearing. "How could you not know all along that Stormfront was a Nazi?" the reporter asked and I could just tell by the look in his eyes that Homelander was exhausted and annoyed at the question.
But I can't say I blame the reporters for asking this question. It was a huge scandal last year that the newly added female hero, Stormfront, was a Nazi. And, to my surprise, she use to be Liberty who was someone I met years ago and use to work with. "Well, I am just a man who fell for the wrong woman. Uh, but, uh...out of crisis comes change. So I spent the last year really slowing down and reconnecting with myself. And I am very excited for everyone to meet the real me." Homelander replied and something about the look in his eyes made me feel a bit unsettled.
It could be just the pressure this man's under or he is really crazy, what the fuck do I know?
I rub the sleep out of my eyes then get up and head into the kitchen to grab something to drink. After grabbing a can of soda, my cellphone rings and I pull it out to see that my old friend, Bethany, was calling. “Hello.” I said. “Hey, (y/n). Was just checking if we were still up for lunch tomorrow?” Bethany asked me. “Yeah, yeah, I am.” I said, tiredly.
”Oh, did I wake you?” She asked me. “No, I just woke up from a nap…” I said. “Nightmares again?” She asked. “More like revisiting my past.” I said. “Is there a difference?” She asked me and I chuckled. “Well, there was some good.” I said. “I hope meeting me is one of them.” She said. “Hmmm, I don’t know…” I said, thinking. “Bitch, I better be.” Bethany said, in a fake offended tone, and I laugh again.
”Still as spunky as ever at your age.” I remarked as Bethany is in her sixties. “You’re only as old as you feel.” She said. “You got that right.” I said. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” She asked. “Yeah, I’ll see ya.” I said. “Alright have a good night.” Bethany said. “You too.” I said and I hang up then sighed again.
After turning the TV and lights off, I got a shower and started to get ready for bed. I sit on the side of my bed then look over at the bedside table to see a picture of me and Ben, AKA Soldier Boy. It was of me and him at some sort’ve movie premiere, I think it was one of his movies I really can’t remember which one as he did a fair amount of movies. He had his arm around my waist and I was hugged up to his side, both of us smiling for the camera.
You would’ve thought we were the perfect couple, the one people would aspire to be. 
But we were far from perfect.
Ben and I always had our ups and downs over the decades. We always seemed to break up constantly, so much so that I’ve honestly lost count. But we always seem to go back to each other. It’s probably fucked up for me to say, knowing how he was, but he was the best man I’ve ever been with.
Sure, he could be rude and crude, full of himself, a flirt with any woman that had caught his eye, and was violent to people, including to some of our teammates, at times but…I couldn’t help but love him. He had his moments with me where he was honest, caring, and sweet in his own way. 
I stared at the photo then set it on the table then looked up at the wall where I have his shield mounted. “Goodnight, Ben.” I muttered to the shield, as if he can hear me, then I start to get into bed and start to fall asleep.
Miller left me in this godforsaken room after they had tested me on what abilities I can do. I was curled up in the fetal position on my bed when I hear the door to my room opening. I turn my head and see that it’s Adam that came in. I glared at him as my anger was growing.
”Hello, darling.” Adam said, cautiously. “Don’t call me that. Not after what you did to me.” I growled as I turn my head from him. “Oh, honey…” he said as he comes up to me but was pushed back by an invisible force. He looks surprised by this then looks at me. “Oh, I’m guessing this is one of your powers?” He asked me as I glare at him.
“Why? Why did you do this to me?” I asked him, angrily. “Think of it this way, darling, we’ll live that lavish we’ve always hoped for.” He said to me. “I wanted that but do it the proper way!” I exclaimed. “But this way is so much better and you’ll be famous. Everyone will know your name.” Adam said, excitedly.
“You know I hate being in the spotlight. Why the hell would you think I’d want to be famous? Let alone superhero level of famous?!” I spat, angrily. “It won’t be that bad. You’ll see, once you get started, you’ll actually start to like it. You might even make some new friends.” He said, sounding like he was talking to a child, and I begin to shake at this. Then I go to slap him but he was shoved back by an invisible force and he falls back and hits the padded wall.
“What the hell?!” He exclaimed. “Don’t you dare talk to me like I’m a child!!!” I shout as he scrambles back to his feet. “I’m just trying to help you.” Adam said. “Help me?! You’ve completely ruined my life!” I shout, livid. “Don’t be so dramatic, darling.” He said, waving his hand vaguely.
I growled under my breath and bared my teeth. “Get the hell outta my sight. Right now!” I screamed at him. “Oh, come now, (y/n)! Don’t act like a child!” He said and I stare at him. “I want a divorce.” I whispered and he stares at me. “You don’t mean that.” He said and I felt a tear run down my face. “I mean it. I don’t want to see you anymore.” I said then his face turns from concern to determine.
”Well, it’s not gonna happen, my dearest. We made a vow. For better or worse, remember? And also, you being a divorced woman? Your career will be ruined before it even started. People will look down on you.” Adam said and I glare at him again as my eyes begin to fill with unshed tears.
”I hate you.” I growled at him and he gives a small smirk. “You don’t mean that. You’ll see in time, this was what’s best for you.” He said then he leaves the room. Once the door closes behind him, I crumbled to my knees and begin to scream and cry.
Present Day
The Next Day
*3rd Person POV*
“You must be having a fսcking laugh. That little cսոt crawled up a guy's cock and blew him to bits. He almost killed Frenchie, and you're just gonna let him go 'cause Stan Edgar asked nice?” Billy Butcher asked Hughie, angrily. The night before they had captured an out of control Supe that was causing problems and brought him in to this company by Neuman that deals with out of control Supes. “Supe collateral damage is down 60%.” Hughie tried to assure him as Frenchie and Kimiko were sitting off the side into their own desks. “Oh, come off it. That's that twɑt Neuman talking.” Butcher argued.
”She has locked up more Supes this year than every other year combined.” Hughie argued. “Then you're a fսcking twɑt. Hughie, you're working with Vought! I'm...” Butcher argued until Kimiko made a loud, discordant music with her keyboard. “Fuck me. I should've done Termite when I had the chance.” Butcher growls.
“Look, look, look, things are good. We're actually winning.” Hughie said. “Winning, are we? Locking up a couple of nobodies ain't winning. They got all the money and all the power, and they want us dead. We're outmanned and outgunned, and we got to put them cսոts in a box before they do it to us.” Butcher shouts. “If you would just compromise a little bit...” said Hughie and this angers Butcher.
"Compromise? Fսck you. Your whole life's a compromise.” Butcher shouts. “Hey, at least I have a fսcking life!” Hughie shouts but then stops when he realized what he said as Butcher glares at him. “I didn't mean that. Look. Look. Can we just stop dancing around this? I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I left.” Hughie said as Kimiko continues to play her keyboard.
”You think I give a shite?” Butcher asked him. “Yeah, I think you do. I think you're pissed that M.M. and I both left.” Hughie said. “M.M. was a bit of a loss. You not so much.” Butcher said then he chuckled a little. “Butcher...it's been a year. You can stop all this. It's okay to stop. To move on. She would've wanted you to.” Hughie tells him as the keyboard music continues until Butcher couldn’t take it anymore.
”Oi, Stevie fսcking Wonder! Will you knock it off? You're doing me fսcking head in! Jesus fսcking Christ. Everyone's losing their fսcking minds.” Butcher shouts and Kimiko recoils back as Frenchie turns to her. “Hey. Forget it.” He whispers to her. “Or maybe they're just trying to be happy.” Hughie argues and Butcher glares at him again before he walks off.
Then Hughie turns to Kimiko. “I thought it sounded great.” He tells her as the door to the office opens then closes and Kimiko smiles at Hughie before she continues to play on her keyboard.
*(y/n)’s POV*
I laughed at the story Bethany was telling me as we sat at a table in this diner, eating lunch. “I mean, it was terrible! Made a mess everywhere!” She tells me, recounting the chaos her two year old grandson did at her house. “Sounds like tyrant.” I joked. “Oh he is but…he does have his cute moments and then I love him all over again.” She said and she gives a smile at this and I smile back.
”Must be nice.” I muttered. “Well, you could have that! My granddaughter told me about these dating apps people use nowadays to met people.” Bethany said and I groan and roll my eyes. “Beth, no…” I groaned and Bethany gives me a frown. “Oh, c’mon, you should met someone!” She said and I shake my head. “No.” I said. “Why not?” She asked me.
”I said no, Beth. I just…I’m not interested.” I said and Bethany gives me a sympathetic look. “Ben really did steal your heart, didn’t he?” She asked me and I frown and set my cup of coffee down on the table. Then she reaches over and places a hand over my hand. “I’m sorry. I know that it’s coming up on the anniversary of his death and it’s always hard on you. But I just…I just want you to be happy. See you smile again.” She tells me as she pats my hand.
”It’s more than he stole my heart, he was my other half. And I just feel…empty…” I said then I sighed. “Maybe we could do something for him on the anniversary?” Bethany suggests and I look over at him and give a small smile to her. “That does sound nice. I might look into that and let you know.” I tell her and she smiles at this. “Okay….” She said and I feel this overwhelming sadness taking over me.
”Excuse me.” I said, doing everything in my power not to burst into tears, and then I head to the bathroom and walk over to the sink. I take a deep breath then let it out, slowly, and look at myself in the mirror. And the moment I look at myself in the mirror, I start to cry.
After I cried in the bathroom for a bit, I clean my face then head back out and finish with my lunch with Bethany. She leaves and I sighed and run my fingers over my eyes as I hear someone take Bethany’s seat. “You’re early.” I said, plainly. “Well, would’ve been here sooner but your friend kept sticking around.” A female voice said and I raise my head up to see Queen Maeve sitting across me, wearing civilian clothes instead of her hero gear.
"You okay?" Maeve asked me, her eyes narrowed with concern. I raise an eyebrow at this then nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just...didn't have a good night sleep, is all." I said and I pull my bag towards me, dig into it and pull out the file. "Here is all the information I can give you." I said as I hand her the file.
"Whatever it was that killed Soldier Boy. I'm sure it will kill Homelander." I said as Maeve takes the file and opens it to read it. "I’m sure you know the crap Vought put out about his death is bullshit.” I said and Maeve nods. “I had a hunch. But to be sure, you didn’t see anything or how he died, right?” She asked me and I shake my head. “No, I didn’t. All I remember is that I was fighting alongside him then I was knocked out.” I said and Maeve nods as she closes the file and puts it in her own bag.
"Okay, well, I'll give this to Butcher and I'll see what I can do." Maeve said and I nod. "Just tell your friend that I don't want to be bothered by this. I want to be left alone." I said and she nods. "I understand." Maeve said then she stands up, walks up to me and pats my shoulder. "Thank you." She tells me and I smile at her. She smiles back at me then walks out of the diner while I sit there for a moment before I get up and walk out of the building.
“Just follow the answers we gave you and everything will be alright.” Miller tells me as we stand in a back room area. We were in this grand ballroom and Vought wanted to introduce me as the new superhero, so they brought me and Adam into a back room to go over basically my script for questions that the press would ask me.
It had been a couple of months since I got powers and during that time they had to test me and see what kind of powers I would develop. It seems I have strength, the ability to move objects without touching them and some sort’ve shielding powers. They even came up with a name for me, Mystic Shade, and a backstory for me because if they told my real backstory that would make them look bad.
Now my story is I was born with these powers and ever since seeing this awful war that is going on with Germany, I wanted to help out anyway I could. 
Vought came up with this to not only give the men someone to oggle at but someone the women could look up to and maybe have them want to help in the war as much as they could.
I stand there as I fidget with my fingers and looking down at my outfit, which was inspired by the nursing outfit the women wore and knee-high white boots. The little white tiara that adorn my head was slipping forward and I push it back in place.
”Darling?” Adam asked me and I look over at him as he holds my hand. I scoff and yank my hand out of his. I was still angry with him and we haven’t really talked much, only time we got together was when we went to bed but nothing would happen except just sleeping the night away.
I look over at Miller and nodded and he smiles then walks out of the room. “How long are you gonna keep acting like this?” Adam asked me. “Just because I can’t divorce you, doesn’t mean I’m gonna forgive you either.“ I replied. “You can’t stay mad at me forever.” He tells me and I turn to him, lean into him as I stare him into his eyes. “Watch me.” I challenged just as the door opens and a young woman comes in.
”Mystic Shade? You’re needed out there.” She said and I take a deep breath and follow her out of the room, leaving Adam alone in the room.
I walk up to the stage as Doctor Vought was at the microphone, talking. Then he turns to me and holds his arm out to me. “Now please welcome the new hero, Mystic Shade!” He said and I push back all of my negative emotions and smile and wave as I walk up to him while the crowd applauded.
I go to Dr. Vought and he shakes my hand then kisses both of my cheeks then leads me to the microphone. Once I get to the microphone, Dr Vought said. “Now, Mystic Shade, will be taking questions.”
And a flood of voices saying over here, over here chanted out and Vought points to a random person. “Yes, you there!” He calls out. “How does it feel to be selected to join by Dr. Vought?” A male voice called out. “Um, it is an incredible opportunity here. And I’m very excited to join.” I replied then more raised hands and voices. Dr Vought pointed out to a different man. 
“When did you first discover your powers?” The second man asked me. “I was about fifteen or sixteen years old when I found out. I guess I was alway born with them it just didn’t develop until I became a teenager.” I replied. “And what are they? I mean, what can you do?” The man asked. “Well, I’m strong, I can move objects without touching them and I can make shields to protect myself and people around me.” I replied and there was a series of ooh’s and aah’s across the crowd. 
Then another round of hands shooting up in the air and Dr Vought points at another hand. "So, are you gonna help out with the war? If so, how does it feel to be the first woman to be out in the field?" The third man asked. "It is something I never would've imagined but I want to help out not just the country but the people who are involved." I said then another man calls out.
​​​​​​"So what's it feel like to achieve everything you hoped for?" He asked and I paused at this. Truth is I didn't achieve anything, this is all a lie. I wanted to scream that out so badly but I couldn't as I stood there frozen. "I-I, uh..." I stammered then Vought comes up to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sure she feels fantastic. She's being very modest right now. Not being used to this kind of attention can make anyone freeze. So let's give a hand for our new hero!" Vought said and there was applause and I give a small, weak smile.
Minutes later, I walk out on the balcony and took in a deep breath then let it out. Being in that ballroom suffocated me. I lean against the stone railings of the balcony and took in some quick breathes until anger rose in my chest and I slam my fists down on it, making the stone crack. "Whoa-ho, remind me not to make you angry." A male voice said, a bit of a laugh in his tone. 
I jumped at this, not expecting anyone out here, and look to my left to see a man, in a army uniform with a long coat, standing some feet away from me. "I'm not in the mood to talk." I grumbled and I look out on the balcony. "I figured. Saw you up on that stage....and well, here..." he said and I look over at him and see him holding a bottle out to me.​​​​​ "You need this more than me."
"Did you steal that from party?" I asked him. "More like borrowing." He said, shrugging, and I chuckled a bit then take the bottle from him. "Thank you." I said and I begin to drink from it. "I'm guessing rough day?" He asked me. “You could say that.” I muttered and I take another drink from the bottle. 
“These Vought parties are never what the public thinks they are. The only good things here are the food, the booze…and the pretty women.” He said and he gives me a flirtatious smile. I giggled a little and smile, which I just realized is my first genuine smile I’ve made in months. “I’m flattered but…I’m married.” I tell him and he has a surprised look on his face.
”I don’t believe that.” He said and I raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh? And why is that?” I asked him. “No sane man, especially a husband, would leave you out here on your own.”  He said and I laugh a little again. “Maybe, I wanted to be alone.” I said and he shrugs a little. “You may have a point. But, even so, shouldn’t be out here alone. Some stranger could try to chat you up.” He said. “Like you?” I asked him, smiling, and he chuckles.
”Yeah…” he mutters and we share a small laugh then he holds his hand out to me. “I’m Ben.” He introduces and I take his hand. “(Y/n).” I said as we shake hands. “(Y/n), beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” He said and I give a bashful smile to him. “Thank you.” I said then he kisses the back of my hand and I felt my heart leap in my chest.
I haven’t felt this way in a long time, not since I married my husband. 
“So, you happily married?” He asked me and my smile falters. “Judging by that frown, I’m guessing not.” Ben said and I sighed. “Just…going through a tough time right now.” I said. “That’s why I never married, when the tough times come in, there’s nothing to tie you down.” Ben said and I nod at this. “I’m starting to think that’s a good idea.” I said before I drink from the bottle again.
At that moment, we hear the door open behind us and I look over my shoulder to see it was Adam. “There you are.” Adam said as he comes up to me. Then he looks over at Ben and seems surprised. “Oh, I see you’re talking to your teammate.” He said and I furrow my brow. “Huh?” I said and Adam places an arm around my shoulder. “This is Soldier Boy. Your partner in the war.” Adam tells me and I was surprised by this.
I have heard the name Soldier Boy but I didn’t know what he looked like since I was trapped in that lab for the last few months.
I look over at Ben and he gives me a smile. “Surprise?” He asked me. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me for not recognizing you, sir.” I said to him. “It’s fine, just don’t go forgetting my face now.” He said, smiling, and I chuckled. “I most certainly will not.” I said and he nods.
”Well, I’ll leave you two alone. I’m sure I’m needed in there.” Ben said as he gestures to the door. And I felt a little sad about him leaving, I was kinda enjoying his company. “You two have a good evening.” Ben said as he walks over to the door. “And you as well.” Adam said then Adam turns to me as I look out on the balcony.
”I see you already starting the night off.” Adam said, gesturing to the bottle of champagne in my hands, but I don’t respond as I look over my shoulder in time to see Ben go to the door. It seemed he sensed me and he looks over his shoulder at me then smiles and gives me a wink before he walks in.
My heart absolutely fluttered at this and I felt my face go red before I look back out on the balcony
Present Day
*3rd Person POV*
"I heard Termite walked. My lead was good. What happened?" Maeve asked, annoyed, as she walks into Butcher's office. Butcher brings up his glass of whiskey up to his lips, stops as he looks at her then shakes his head. "Don't ask." He grumbles and he drinks from his glass.
"Well, we got to talk. I think I have something, thanks to my informant." Maeve said and she hands him a folder. "Informant?" Butcher asked as he takes the file and opens it to see some pages of information and pictures of Soldier Boy. "Soldier Boy. So what?" Butcher said as he looks up at her.
"Remember how he died?" Maeve asked him. "Stopping a nuclear meltdown in Ohio. '83, '84, I think, got buried beneath a reactor. Always thought it was bollocks." Butcher said. "Yeah, you thought right. Read." She tells him and he reads the file.
"What's B.C.L. RED?" He asked. "If you believe the rumors, it's the thing that killed Soldier Boy. My informant said it's some kind of gun or weapon or something. Had to have been a fսcking H-bomb. He was nearly as strong as..." Maeve said as Butcher looks through the file and looks at some pictures.
"If we can find this...weapon or whatever it is, maybe we can use it to blow Homelander's fսcking brains out." Maeve said. "If it is real, not some fսcking fable." Butcher said then he picks up the team-up picture of Payback. "Payback." Butcher mutters before he scoffs. "What a bunch of fսcking wankеrs." He said as he stares at photo. "When The Seven passed them as the number one super team, Crimson Countess sent me a box of cat shit. But not all of them were bad. She was a close friend of Soldier Boy and his ex-girlfriend." Maeve said as she gestures to the photo and points at the red-haired woman in the red outfit who was standing on the right of Soldier Boy.
"And, uh, Gunpowder was his sidekick." She said as she points at the young teen who was standing at Soldier Boy's left. "If anyone knows what happened to him, they do." Maeve said while Butcher noticed Noir in the photo. "Your mate Noir was in Payback. Why don't you ask him?" He asked her and Maeve scoffs. "Even if that walking tumor could talk, it wouldn't be to me." She said and Butcher looks at the photo again and noticed a woman standing on the other side of Gunpowder.
She looked about in her late twenties, her long (h/c) hair was braided and she was wearing a dark blue body-suit and a gold belt and knee high boots, a matching cape on her shoulders.
"Is that...?" Butcher started to ask and Mavee nodded. "Mystic Shade, yeah." She said. "Haven't heard that name in years." Butcher said and Maeve shrugs. "She retired sometime after Soldier Boy's death. She was fucking Soldier Boy." Maeve said as Butcher flips to another photo and this one was of Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade together. They were both smiling and Mystic Shade was hugging Soldier Boy as he had an arm around her waist.
Butcher then looks at Maeve. "Well then, I should be visiting her, not these two knobs." Butcher said but Maeve shakes her head. "No, Mystic Shade is off limits." She said, firmly, and Butcher gives her a curious look. "And why is that, princess?" Butcher asked and Maeve just glares at him.
Suddenly, it clicks with him. "Mystic Shade is your informant, isn't she?" He asked and Maeve averts his gaze and he smiles, knowing he was right. "Fine! Yes, she was the one that gave me this information. But she told me, specifically, that she didn't want to be questioned because this is all she wanted to give." Maeve said and Butcher watches her. "So, please, don't go bothering her." Maeve demanded.
"Well, well, well, didn't know you had such a soft spot for Mystic Shade." Butcher said and Maeve sighs. "We've been in communication for almost a year. Then when she heard about Homelander and all the fucked up things he's done and how I want him gone, she provided this." Maeve said and Butcher gives her a look that basically said he knew there was more to it.
"Fine, she was one of the heroes I looked up to when I was a kid, okay! Unlike most of these assholes, she actually cares about people." Maeve said. "Oh, I doubt that." Butcher said. "Doubt it all you want but it's the truth." Maeve said as she digs into her purse and pulls out a little bag. "Here." She said and Butcher takes the bag, unzips it and sees small vials of green liquid.
"What's this?" He asked her. "It's Temp V. One shot makes you a Supe for 24 hours. I mean, they think. It's still in R&D." Maeve said and Butcher gives her a look. "Oh, great, so powers, maybe. Maybe my bollocks swell up like footballs. Yeah?" Butcher said, sarcastically. "Payback may be a bunch of fսck holes, but they're strong. And they're dangerous. If you're going against them, you're gonna need it." Maeve warns.
"And what makes you think that me, of all people, would want to turn into one of you?" Butcher asked her as he takes a step closer to her. "This is our best chance to kill Homelander. Don't fսck it up." She said.
*(y/n)’s POV*
I sat at the table of my kitchen, staring at the letter I had received in the mail today. I sighed as I reread this damn letter from an old teammate of mine.
Mystic Shade,
I hope this letter finds you well. I know it has been years since we’ve talked or seen each other but I wanna discuss something with you. I can’t do it over the letter, I want to talk, face to face.
Voughtland is having a in memory of the anniversary of Ben’s death tomorrow and I’m gonna be there as a special guest. I’m hoping you could come and I’ll even tell my agent that you’re coming so you can come backstage for free.
I do hope to see you there.
Crimson Countess
”Shit.” I grumbled as I look at the letter. Countess and I were never really close, so her asking to talk to me is beyond weird. But curiosity did peak my interest so I decided that I’ll go and see what she wants.
@winchestergirl1720 @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @kitsun369 @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @deangirl96
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lunememes · 2 months
🌙 * ― 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐓 ( a collection of sentence starters from season one of amazon's fallout show. feel free to adjust the wording and pronouns as needed! do not add to the list. )
❛  and in that respect, he could be a cannibal or just like, crammed full of tumours. ❜ ❛  flesh is weak but steel endures. ❜ ❛  unless you know what to find and preserve, you're more useful as a corpse. ❜ ❛  how do we know they're not feral? ❜ ❛  well what makes you think i give a good goddamn about that? ❜ ❛  well what the fuck would you know 'bout where i'm from? ❜ ❛  but for me, well, i do this shit for the love of the game. ❜ ❛  you come from a place of rules, of laws. this place is indifferent to all of that. ❜ ❛  question is, will you still want the same things when you have become a different animal altogether? ❜ ❛  you earn the suit through acts of bravery. this is an act of bravery. ❜ ❛  and i'm telling you you're gonna go through a whole lot worse if you stay 'round here. trust me. ❜ ❛  clean hair. nice teeth. and all ten fingers. must be nice. ❜ ❛  the vaults were nothing more than a hole in the ground for rich folks to hide in while the rest of the world burned. ❜ ❛  you know your kind ain't welcome here. ❜ ❛  you gotta be fucking kidding me. ❜ ❛  you'll be lucky if you can make it to fucking breakfast. ❜ ❛  i'm sorry for yellin', been shot in the leg. ❜ ❛  do you have anyone else you can trust in this town? ❜ ❛  do i really have to kill him? ❜ ❛  well, if you like the taste of lavender, why not just drink a bottle of perfume? ❜ ❛  that's the worst thing i've ever put in my mouth. that's horrible. ❜ ❛  do unto others as you would have done unto you. ❜ ❛  thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time. ❜ ❛  water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink. ❜ ❛  where do you think you're going? you ain't going nowhere. ❜ ❛  there you are, you little killer. ❜ ❛  no! what a disgusting idea. i'm simply going to harvest your organs. ❜ ❛  i may end up looking like you, but i'll never be like you. ❜ ❛  i really wanna believe you but practically every person i've met up here has tried to kill me. ❜ ❛  listen, hey. you don't get this medicine, you're gonna pass out, okay? and if you lose consciousness, we're both gonna die. ❜ ❛  i've seen these in old engineering manuals but never in real life. ❜ ❛  now, seeing as everyone on earth seems to be after that thing, i'm guessing that's what you're looking for too? ❜ ❛  and you could've killed me when i collapsed back there and you didn't. ❜ ❛  i get that trust doesn't come easily up here. but you can trust me. ❜ ❛  i hate it up here. ❜ ❛  the things i'm willing to do for you never cease to amaze me. ❜ ❛  hey, hey, hey. come here. i'm sorry. i know you always try to do the right thing. that's what i love about you. ❜ ❛  trust doesn't come easily to those of us with a guilty conscience. ❜ ❛  in my experience, the apple tends not to fall too far from the tree. is that true in your case? ❜ ❛  these people are hiding something from us, and i'm gonna prove it to you, okay? ❜ ❛  there's always some new little faction, ain't there? brand new team of believers with their own dumbass ideas about how they gonna save the world. ❜ ❛  so what d'you think [name]? am i really walking out of here today, or are you gonna try and draw on me for what i did? ❜ ❛  a good bad guy doesn't see themselves as the bad guy. ❜ ❛  and yet power is taken, not given. a lesson you seem to have learned. ❜ ❛  war never changes. ❜ ❛  you look out at this wasteland, looks like chaos. but there's always somebody behind the wheel. and that's who i wanna talk to. ❜ ❛  maybe you can stop them. maybe you can't. maybe all you can do is try. ❜
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hyperfixatedimagines · 7 months
And they were Roommates- Cassie Webb x f!Reader
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Summary: Dating- or trying to at least- Cassie Webb has never been easy. She dislikes almost everything and everyone, but the week after she has a near death experience really tests your devotion to your ice princess of a roommate/girlfriend.
A/N: I just saw this camp masterpiece and had to write a little something for it. Let me know your thoughts!
A frantic call from your roommate/girlfriend asking you to purchase a plane ticket to Peru and drive to a motel on the outskirts of the city was truly the cherry on top of the crazy sundae that life alongside Cassandra Webb had been that week.
Of course you bought the ticket and of course you drove out to the sketchy motel because it was Cassie, your Cassie.
You pulled into the parking lot just as Cassie and three girls came down the motel stairs.
"What the hell is going on Cass," you asked as you got out of the car.
Cassie approached you. "I don't have time to go over it again (y/n). Did you get what I asked for?"
You nodded and handed her a printed out plane ticket.
"One ticket to the Peruvian amazon," you said as you handed it to her.
"Can you just keep them out of sight and safe until I'm back. It shouldn't be more than a day or two," Cassie said as she stuffed the ticket into her backpack.
You looked over at the three young girls. They looked a mixture of scared and bored.
Then you turned back to Cassie.
"Of course I just- Cass I'm worried about you. You've been acting really strange this week I-," you started but Cassie cut you off.
"There's a lot going on (y/n). I promise I'll tell you all about it but later. Right now I need to go." Cassie interrupted then she turned to the three girls behind her. "This is Julia, Mattie, and Anya. Girls, this is (y/n), you'll stay with her while I go to Peru and find answers to what's been going on."
The girls each nodded then turned to you. Mattie looked you up and down.
"How do we know we can trust her? Who is she," asked Mattie.
"Her girlfri-," you replied mindlessly. "My roommate-," Cassie interjected.
You turned to her, "Seriously?"
"Girlfriend? Like friend that's a girl?" Julia asked, head slightly tilted.
"I think she meant girlfriend as in the lesbian kind," Anya replied.
The girls looked at each other then turned to Cassie.
Cassie looked between you and the three girls. She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"That's irrelevant as this is a life or death moment. So please just stay out of trouble while I try to find the answers we need," Cassie replied with an exasperated breath.
The girls said goodbye to Cassie then piled into the back seat of your car.
Cassie walked over to a busted yellow taxi cab and threw her backpack into the back seat.
You walked over to her. "Cass, are you sure about this? On the phone, you sounded kinda..."
"Crazy," Cassie interjected.
"No, I wouldn't ever call you that. I'm just concerned. This week has been a lot for you and I worry," you confessed.
Cassie stepped closer towards you. You longed to reach out and wrap your arms around her but you knew she didn't feel comfortable with such open displays of affection.
"I really appreciate everything you've done for me (y/n). I know you didn't sign up for any of this when we- when you-."
"When I said yes to living with you? Dating you?" You asked with a smile tugging at your lips.
You noticed the light blush that bloomed across Cassie's face.
"Yeah," she replied and sheepishly looked away.
You softened. "I trust you, that's why I bought you the plane ticket. Whatever answers you need I hope you find them."
You reached out and grabbed Cassie's hand. She let you, so you knew it was okay to lace your fingers with hers and give her hand a gentle squeeze.
"Just promise me you'll be safe," you said, your voice thick with worry.
Cassie nodded. "Of course I will."
You sighed and let go of Cassie's hand. You stepped back.
"Okay, you can go."
Cassie smiled then turned and opened the cab door.
You turned around and started to walk back to your car.
But you didn't get more than a few steps away before someone grabbed your hand and spun you around.
Before you could say anything you felt lips crash against yours- familiar lips with a familiar cherry lip balm.
Cassie let go of your hand and wrapped an arm around your waist. You reached up and cupped her face with your hands.
A whistle from behind made you pull apart.
You felt your face get red hot.
The girls giggled from inside the car.
"For the road," Cassie said as she tried to catch her breath.
"Kissing me in public? Now I'm really concerned," you joked.
Cassie shook her head and let you go. Then she walked back to the taxi cab and got inside.
You stood there and waved as you watched the cab pull out of the motel parking lot and drive off.
You sighed then walked to the driver's side of your car and got inside.
The second you sat down the girls leaned forward in their seats.
"We have so many questions," Mattie said.
The other two girls nodded.
You let out a laugh. "I'm sure you do, but first- we eat pie."
Mattie smiled. "Already you're my favorite."
You smiled and put the car in drive. You didn't have a clue what was going on or what Cassie was up to but you knew you'd always be there for her. Even when that meant playing babysitter to a couple of nosy- but well meaning teen girls.
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Am I the asshole for lying to Amazon?
I am chronically ill, I need a specific supplement to be able to function. I'm not comfortable sharing what exactly I've got, but please understand that I do need the pills and I need to take 12 of them a day. They're not exactly cheap, my monthly supply is $87 and I'm buying the cheapest available version of the product. No, my insurance doesn't help at all with it, I've tried. My insurance wants me on a different medication that my doctor doesn't think is a good idea.
Two months ago when I ordered it from Amazon (I usually get them from the manufacturer directly, I just needed the two day shipping to avoid missing a dose) one of the bottles was heavily melted. I took a picture and contacted customer support. They were super helpful and refunded me without needing to see proof.
A few days later I got the refund and noticed that I was refunded for my entire purchase, not just the melted one. I'm not employed and I'm still waiting to hear back about my disability payments so... I just took it and didn't say anything.
This month, the money is even tighter due to having to pay some unexpected bills. I ordered my supplements again and they arrived unharmed. I contacted customer support anyway, and told them the bottle was melted again. I got a full refund again, which will be very helpful to be able to get groceries. They didn't even ask for the proof, so like... I could keep doing it if I needed to.
Why I might be the asshole:
I did just lie and steal from a company. There was nothing wrong with these pills, and they still didn't ask for any proof so... I'm taking advantage of their trust. I really don't feel good about it.
Why I might not be the asshole:
I did check, they're being shipped from Amazon themself. I don't think the company is responsible for the product getting damaged in an Amazon warehouse so hopefully I'm just stealing from Jeff Bezos.
What are these acronyms?
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tiajk · 9 months
Amazon strawhat reader part 2
Warnings; fluff again, slight hints of zosan, the strawhats having a crush on amazon reader again,
A/n; I did a part two because of how much love the fist one got lol
Part 1 Masterlist
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— your lasso of truth makes anyone want to run away from you
— you don't really have to use it on the the crew because you're all honest and truthful with each other
— After the time-skip and they all see how much more you grew stronger they admire you just a little bit more than usual
— Ussop almost cried when you gave him a very rare plant from your home and you trusted him to take care of it
— When Jimbei first joined the crew he warmed up to you the most first
— Robin finds comfort with you because whens she not strong enough your strong enough for her
—If you ever get seriously injured there worried and they won't sleep until they know that your better
— (the person that injured you is dead)
— When you guys get your bounties they always wanna see yours first all having mixed reactions
— Most of the time zoro and you train together (he loves those moments they mean more than anything else in the world)
— Luffy tells ace and sabo about you all the time they love you as much as luffy does and thank you for taking care of him
— Back to the lasso of truth
— Zoro and sanji argue a lot right so you use it on them to so they can actually tell each other how they feel
— Nami has tried to use your lasso a few times on luffy to tie him down but it didn't end well for anyone
— I repeat and I REPEAT don't let luffy tell kid about you kid will kidnap you and take you away from the strawhats
— When its beach day and they see you in a swim suit most (all) of the strawhats faint
— Seeing your muscles flex with out you even trying makes all of the oggle at you without even knowing
— If they ever see you with your crown on they know that your homesick and they try their best to make you feel right at home with your other family them
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goblincow · 2 years
The first ever AMAZON STRIKE in the UK is one week away - and they need your support!
Respectfully asking if I can get a bunch of notes on this so I can show my phone when I go to the rally and let them see how much support they have! ✊
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And here are the Amazon strike fund details to donate if you're able:
Name - GMB Midland & East Coast
Bank - Unity Trust
Sort Code - 60-83-01
A/c No - 33010410
Ref - Amazon
I'm pretty sure I know how this works:
Like to charge, reblog to cast!
Thanks everyone who has responded to show your support, here's a link to an interview with one of the GMB union officials earlier this morning after Amazon workers walked out at 00:00.
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I will update again later today when I visit the picket, but as this is doing numbers here's a link to the official donation page: stick it to Amazon and show your support for the workers! Solidarity ✊
Update 2:
Some great fighting talk from union speakers willing to take on Amazon.
Strikers told me that amazon managers and bosses have been intimidating staff & taking advantage of the fact that many workers are on zero hour contracts & many are immigrants and they speak a lot of different languages, so they've been lining the hallways to watch them as they leave shifts and lying about the union by saying the union is threatening people and beating them up, all to pressure them to stay silent and be too afraid to communicate so they don't go on strike with their colleagues. But they wont win - the strike was national news, from Philip Schofield talking about Jeff Bezos only offering a 50p raise from his billions on This Morning to major news coverage throughout the day. At one point we were live on Channel 4!
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I told workers and union officials that over a thousand people from tumblr who are mostly queer/trans/nonbinary/otherwise lgbtq+ wanted them to know that they support the Amazon strikers.
One striker seemed surprised by this and I got to talk to him about how lgbtq+ people are working class too, how lgbtq+ rights are working class rights, how none of us are free from exploitation until we all are, so no wonder the gay website supports you, and he seemed to really take that on board.
All the workers were grateful for everyone who showed up and thank you all for your support - this is just the start.
Fuck Jeff Bezos
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Sorry this isnt really batman related, but since you've watched the boys, whats your opinion on Black Noir and homenoir? Black noir was my fav from the moment he appeared on screen. At first it was due to him being a batman parody, but gradually he separately grew up on me too. Its really sad that he basically has the mentality of a kid due to the brain damage. ALso I love that amazon describes him as homelander's best friend. With all the homenoir interactions, plus the literal homelander and black noir kissing graffiti in the russia episode, I think they were def referencing to worlds finests/superbat
Also is there sequal to the theboys/dc fanfic in mind? I know the fic itself kinda left it open ended with bruce mentally preparing himself to eventually face black noir, which would be glorious to see, I cant imagine the justice league's reaction to just how different but also similar black noir is to batman
If we read Homelander and Black Noir as analogues to Batman and Superman/Superbat, that makes Homelander killing Black Noir even more sad. He straight up Injustice-punched Black Noir and then held him as he died. I cannot imagine Clark doing that to Bruce -- not like I can't imagine it physically, but I don't want to.
I don't think I have a sequel in mind as of right now. Homelander really grossed me out to write, though I admit Bruce being able to meet his counterparts (Black Noir and Tek Knight) would be really really interesting. I think Homelander will remain forever jealous of Clark and his ability to trust, to have close friends, and to work with a team that actually respects him. I genuinely think their interaction will haunt him.
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silverwolf122 · 2 years
It was an ordinary day in the Watchtower. At least by the standards of the Justice League. Which meant that there was some kind of threat to the Earth. Batman was busy trying to establish contact with the Justice League Dark, which disappeared without a trace. The usual stopped when Wonder Woman in full heavy armor called to the meeting.
"Diana, what happened?" Bruce asked. The "trinity", as they were called, were close and had long ago learned from each other the smallest nuances of body language. It might not have been noticeable to others, but Bruce noticed a slight tremor in her hands.
"I thank you all for being my friends and comrades. But as of today, I am resigning from my post in the Justice League." Batman had contingency plans. Everyone knew that. He was just a man who stood among the Gods because he was prepared for any threat they might face. What made it even more unusual was how unprepared he was for these words. "Diana, talk to us. We can help."
"I hope you will" her tone is steal hard. This is not a Diana, thier friend is talking. It's Wonder Woman. Batman scolds himself how unprepared he is to hearing her like that directed to him he really is. "May this sword serve you instead of me." She takes her sword and stabs it into the wall. "Because when I see it again, it will be with the enemy. Find the Prince, Justice League, or you'll find out what it's like to wage war against the Amazons."
"You don't have to do this." "You're wrong, Batman. When I became Wonder Woman, I took an oath that I would always stand for truth and justice." "Like all of us!" "What if the criminals are the USA, Bruce? Will you stand with me against your government? Will you start a war against your own cities in the name of justice?" Silence reigned in the hall. "Find the Prince, Justice League. You have 72 hours before we start the search. That's all I can give you."
[Wonder Woman A-03] said the computer as Diana left the Watch Tower.
Surprisngly, it's Teen Titans that helped with the next part. Their empath, Raven, was able to sense a huge emotional mystical energy release near Jump-City. They found a well protected base, that was surrendered by agents in white costumes. Per protocol, they called the JL for backup. By their channels, they found that the base belonged to Ghost Investigation Ward, a goverment group to search, study and destroy Ghosts. "Not just ghost, but ghosts of Infinite Realms." said Raven, the only magical expert they currently had. Batman doesn't believe in coincedence. The JLD dissapearence, Diana leaving the JL, the amazons war, a huge base with a lot of magic organised by the goverment. It's all connected. He activates his comm. "Diana, we may have a lead."
Batman and his group are escorted to the ward. What he sees inside caugths him off guard. Batman hates being caught off guard. A 3 meter long blue amazon, with 4 arms, flaming purple hair, fully armored and carrying a spear. Diana and her mother stay around the table, studing maps. "Bow before Pandora, patron of Amazons, queen of Acropolys." They do. "What have you found?" "6 hours ago, was discovered a base of operations, lead by goverment group known as Ghost Investigation Ward. It consist of agents in white suits" This piqued Pandora's interest. He was right, this was connected. If 'the Prince' was not there, then they may find where he really is. "You know about them?"
"If my son is there, then you may just have prevented the war against your realm, mortal. It may depend on how much they harmed him and if we will act fast enough."
"The Justice League will be able to extract him and return him to you safely."
"If you think i will trust you to do it by yourselves, you are mistaken, boy. My son has a lot of allies in the Infinte Realms. I will gather them and will make sure that he is safe. Hippolyta, prepare your forces. No one is allowed to escape."
When the rescue started, Batman was caught off guard once again. When Pandora said they had a lot of allies, he thought it will be a couple of dozens. Instead, a couple of hundreds of ghosts were united to march against GIW forces. Snow Yetis, Greek Soldiers, knights, a big blue dragon, a pharaoh leading mummies, a driad controlled plant, a woman in red suit on a hoverboard with guns, amazons, and the missed the JLD. The problems started from the start, when they heard the loud "STOP!!!" on their comms, belonged to the driad. "What's wrong, Sam?" Pharaoh asked. "Blood Blossoms." "This sick sons of the bitches." Batman heard John Constantine swearing. "What is it?" "The base is surronded by Blood Blossoms. This are anti-magic flowers. If anything mystical gets in, it won't get out. B, they grow only if they are fertilizer with ashes of innocent people burned alive. To have so much to surrend the miles of the base..." Batman now understood what John meant. "What can we do? Should we break the circle?" "To late for that. The only option is to completly destroy every flower. Burn everything." "Flash, Superman, you heard him. Make it quick." "Your assessment is incorrect, Constantine. Demons are not affected by Blood Blossoms," Raven said over the comm. "Raven, the extraction is on you. Get the Prince out of there. J.L. will distract him."
In the end, the united army forces of ghosts and JL was able to capture every GIW agent, even if it was harder than they first anticipated. GIW was able to gather a lot of different weapons, capable to harm even more durable members of the united forces. Once Raven was able to get to the Prince with her emphath and going through walls abilities, both the Prince and Raven dissapeared. Apparently, healed by Raven, the Prince was able to open the portal to Infinite Realms. This satisfied Pandora and amazons, which was a relief. With the promise to punish and disband the GIW and anti-ecto acts, the war was prevented. Ghosts and amazons retreated, leaving only members of thenJL to take care of arrested and wounded. Now was the hard part for them. Make the goverment admit that they fucked up and officialy imprison all GIW agents for good.
A couple of days later, a green portal opened in the Watch Tower. This caused an alarm. The whole JL was ready to fight whoever tried to attack them. Only to meet a white haired teenager. "Uhm, hye". Flash was the first to speak "Uhm, buddy, i hope you won't take it the wrong way, but what are you doing here? It's not exactly an open place." "Uhm, yeah, i get it. I just wanted to say thank you. For helping with Guys in White and stuff." "No problem, bud. We are the Justice League. That's what we do. But how are you connected to it?" This was answered by Batman. "He is Danny Phantom. A small town hero from Amity Park. One of the paranormal heroes, that dissapeared with the kidnapped Prince"
This put a smile on teens face. "Good to know you know about me. Anyway, thanks for GIW. Though, they were just pawns. The Observants used them in an attempt to overthrown me. Thankfully, now i can legally throw them out."
"Wait, you mean, YOU are the Prince?!" Flash exclaimed. "Yeah, but please, just call me Danny. I don't need any pompeus names or anything like that." Batman took initiative. "Apologies, Danny. But we were not aware that we were rescuing a child. We are sorry that we came so late."
Danny stared in his eyes, like he was trying to search his soul, before shrugging off. "Eh, it's fine. I have learned to be content with what I have. Surprisingly, this opens up many opportunities to enjoy what you have, instead of trying to get what is lost." And something about that rubbed Bruce the wrong way. Such lesson couldn't came lightly. "So, now that the GIW is gone, i think it's time to return your friends." On that, Raven and Wonder Woman came from the portal. "Hey, Diana. You call sometimes, since we are apparently cousins, or something like that." "I will Danny, don't fret."
"I think the Titans will be glad to meet you and your friends." said Raven. "Really? Huh, maybe. It's nice to meet the big superheroes." "We are always opened for friends." She said with a small smile.
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