#and I'm normally fine with hairspray
crystalisopod · 2 months
I'm so grateful that my autism has sort of mellowed out as I aged, and that I'm less sensitive sensory-wise. because it's just so... I don't know, embarrassing? to think back on every meltdown.
it's embarrassing because everything hurt so badly, but it's not something I could talk about because it was all just mountains out of molehills. it's like having a breakdown and screaming over a paper cut, it's hard to even talk about without it sounding incredibly silly or making myself sound oversensitive and pathetic.
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htttg · 9 months
Argument - Alessia Russo x Reader
Summary: You spend a day getting ignored by your girlfriend until she realises...
1.3k words
"Babe!" I heard Less call from the bedroom and I paused my show to go and check on her. She was standing in our room, holding her hairspray in her hand.
"Have you been using my hairspray?" she asked
"No, why?"
"Are you sure?"
"Very sure, yeah, Less you know I don't ever really use hairspray, and I would ask you anyway,"
"I don't remember finishing it, that's all,"
I had the feeling she didn't really believe me, but I genuinely hadn't touched her hairspray, so I guessed she'd just forget it eventually.
"Okay, you wanna come watch a film together?"
"I might join you in a little bit,"
I went back down to the tv, expecting Less to join me at some point, but she never did. I could hear her rummaging around the bathroom and bedroom, opening all the cupboards and going through the drawers.
I would usually have helped her find for what she was looing for, but my muscles were aching at the moment after a particularly hard workout this morning.
Eventually, Less came backdown stairs and grabbed sat in the kitchen to eat something. I felt like I hadn't seen her much today, so I went and joined her.
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, kissing her cheek as I hugged me. To my genuine surprise, she drew away from me.
"I'm trying to eat," she muttered, her voice flat, sounding annoyed.
"Sorry," I apologised sheepishly, and backed off, deciding to get something to eat as well seeing as it was almost dinner time, "are you going somewhere?" I asked, noticing she was wearing her nice perfume and a little more makeup than normal
"Yeah, I'm going round to Tooney's, I'm leaving in like an hour,"
"Were you going to tell me?" I asked, feeling a little out of the loop and dejected.
"At some point, yeah course,"
"I can give you a lift-"
"No, that's fine Ella said she'd come get me,"
"Alright then, have fun,"
I put my salad together, and sat down next to her, expecting a conversation to start soon after like it normally did. Something felt a little off, a little cold. I took my salad and finished it in front of the tv.
She went out soon after that, she didn't say goodbye to me or anything. No goodbye kiss or hug like normal. The house felt so empty after she'd gone, so quiet.
I got restless sitting on the sofa, and decided to go on a walk. I went upstairs to grab a jacket. I slid on one of Lessi's jackets, and was about to leave the bedroom when the bin caught my eye. I stared at the empty hairspray can in the bin, remembering the conversation we'd had earlier.
Is that why she was being weird? She thought I'd used her hairspray?
Anger and hurt stung my insides. There's no way she thought I'd just lie to her face like that, right?
I pulled her jacket off, hanging it back up in the wardrobe and grabbed one of my own.
I didn't want to give her another reason to ice me out.
I expected the walk to clear my head, but my emotions just sort of multiplied. I was hurt that she'd been so cold, and I was angry that she hadn't believed me. I mean, she didn't even talk to me about it, she just ran off to Ella.
I wondered if she was talking to Ella about it now, telling her I'd lied to her face. I tried to push away the anger, begging some more understanding feelings to take over, but I couldn't seem to manage to understand her.
I got back home about half an hour later, mind fogged. I tried to forget it, and instead texted Less asking what time she'd be home.
Me: any idea what time you'll be back? Should I wait up?
I took a while for her to reply, but an hour later she texted back
Less: not after midnight - dont wait up
I watched to clock tick over to midnight, no Less. I watched as the time turned 1, no Less. I wanted to text, to make sure she was alright, but I knew she was. Either she'd lost track of the time, or she wasn't planning on coming back anytime soon. There was no text saying she'd be out later than expected, which she'd normally do even before she was due to get back.
I could text Tooney, but I figured I was a hot topic for them today, and just couldn't be bothered. I sighed, and just got into bed and tried to sleep.
The next morning, she still wasn't back. I couldn't really focus on my day, couldn't really be bothered to get out of bed or get changed, but I wasn't about to ruin my mood just because my girlfriend couldn't trust me not to use her hairspray.
I texted Leah, hoping she was free.
Me: ru free today I need a reason to get up cl
Leah: sure, shopping?
Me: perf, I'll pick u up in an hr
I forced myself out of bed, and into a cute outfit. I did some light makeup and had a cereal bar before leaving to house.
I got back before Less did, which hurt a little bit, but I just decided to do some baking or something to keep myself busy.
Less got back as I was sifted in the flour. She didn't call out a hello like she normally would. I left the baking and went to see her.
"I didn't realise when you said midnight you meant the next day," I muttered to her, watching her untie her laces
"Sorry, we had a bit to drink and lost track of time, Tooney said I could stay over and I didn't think you'd want to deal with me drunk,"
"A text would've been nice. I was worried,"
I hadn't been worried, I knew she was blanking me, but she didn't have to know that.
"Well, I told you not to wait up,"
"Alright," I answered, going back to my cookies
She followed me into the kitchen a few moments later, and I saw her stop short at the shopping on the side. I knew what she'd seen. I didn't look at her, instead focusing on my cookies as she processed it.
I scooped them onto a baking tray, and turned around, jumping back when she was right behind me, a new can of hairspray in her hands.
"You- you bought me a new one?"
"Well yeah," I shrugged, "I was out anyway and you mentioned you ran out, so I grabbed another can,"
I tried to walk away, put she took my hand and pulled me back, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, hugging me tightly.
It took me a second to process the action, but once she'd nestled her head into the crook of my neck, I returned the hug, my arms snaking around her waist.
I relaxed into the hug, pulling her closer and breathing into her gently. The familiar feeling washed over me, and a smile tugged at my lips.
"I was such a bitch," she mumbled into the hug, "I'm sorry,"
I pulled away, and pressed a kiss into her cheek.
"It's okay," I mumbled
She shook her head.
"I knew you were telling the truth, I just-"
"It's okay, really,"
It was a bit of a lie, but I could tell she was really hating herself for it, so I nodded reassuringly.
"You're too perfect for me,"
I chuckled softly.
"That might be true,"
She hit my arm softly, a small smile on her face.
"I buy you hairspray and you hit me, wow I feel appreciated,"
"Oh shut up. Can we have the rest of the day in? I fancy watching that film now," 
I nodded, "course Less,"
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starsandhughes · 7 months
Penalty Box Series— High School Edition: Prom
General Masterlist
y’all asked, and i delivered <3 (just way later) p.s the cringe is on purpose because who wasn't cringey in high school?
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liked by trevorzegras, colecaufield, and 577 others
yourusername BREAKING NEWS: the gang went to prom!
pic one: sexy girl is swooned by her boyfriend
pic two: two kids happily in love on their way to the dance <3
pic three: mom takes marvelous picture of her favorite child!
pic four: five loser boys refuse to take a normal picture
pic five: sexy girl makes her twin brother carry her (for the first time ever)
pic six: two losers (lexi and spencey) photobomb a picture of some hot girls
pic seven: sexy girl gets tired of her shoes
pic eight : sexy girl and her brother’s date run away from sexy girl’s boyfriend and brother because they were being annoying
pic nine: sexy girl’s sexy boyfriend goes a little crazy at the after party
thanks for a wild night, boys❤️
tagged trevorzegras, jackhughes, colecaufield, _alexturcotte, slknight35, and others
view all 47 comments
trevorzegras god i love my sexy girlfriend (forever)
yourusername god i love my sexy boyfriend (always)
jackhughes @/yourusername @/trevorzegras could you two stop calling each other sexy? i’m trying to have a good time
trevorzegras @/jackhughes you should’ve thought about that before you brought her into my life
yourusername @/jackhughes you've been rooting for us since day one stop being a dick
jackhughes @/yourusername i was not rooting for you two to be nasty online!
yourusername @/jackhughes i could be saying MUCH worse and you know it
jackhughes @/yourusername *insert curse word here*
trevorzegras i’m surrounded by basket cases
colecaufield @/trevorzegras entertaining basket cases!
yourusername @/colecaufield ty best friend number two! i live to entertain
jacksdate GORGEOUS
jacksdate let's ditch our boyfriends and get married
yourusername i like your thinking! i’ll get the rings
jackhughes @/trevorzegras i think we just got dumped
trevorzegras @/jackhughes we could get married
jackhughes @/trevorzegras hard pass
slknight35 i'm not a loser, loser!
_alexturcotte what he said
yourusername @/slknight35 @_alexturcotte you literally are?? you guys saw IT one time and took the losers club to heart
slknight35 @/yourusername that makes you beverly who is also a loser
jackhughes @/slknight35 don't flatter her. she's the pyro.
yourusername @/jackhughes patrick hockstetter???? who dies towards the beginning of the movie????
jackhughes @/yourusername exactly! when's your death scene coming?
yourusername @/jackhughes after i play with hairspray and a lighter apparently
trevorzegras @/jackhughes DON'T GIVE HER HAIRSPRAY AND A LIGHTER
_alexturcotte @/jackhughes GIVE HER HAIRSPRAY AND A LIGHTER
slknight35 @/jackhughes i fear for your safety
yourusername @/slknight35 he's fine
slknight35 @/yourusername you responding for him does not look good for you
friend1 pop off, sis!😍
yourusername staappp you're gonna make me blush!🤭
alexsdate things i learned tonight: you party HARD
yourusername thank you! it's a talent of mine!
trevorzegras @/yourusername a concerning talent
yourusername @/trevorzegras that sounds like a you problem, my love
colecaufield sissy quotes that preceded unfortunate events: "the moon wants me to swim to her"
yourusername just admit that ur lame
colecaufield my wallet got soaked!
yourusername but did you die?
colecaufield no?
yourusername then you're fine <3
_alexturcotte @/colecaufield wym? you getting shoved into a lake was the highlight of the night
colecaufield @_alexturcotte YOU DIDN'T GET SHOVED
yourusername @/colecaufield because he dove in willingly!
trevorzegras @/colecaufield somebody always gets shoved into the lake every time we're near it so i feel like this is on you, bud
jackhughes @/colecaufield 100% on you
slknight35 @/colecaufield at least it wasn't your phone!
colecaufield i'm being attacked
yourusername @/colecaufield great observation! you're so smart!
_quinnhughes now why are you lying in your caption?
yourusername i told the truth and nothing but the truth, judge quintin
_quinnhughes you frequently make jack and i carry you!
lhughes_06 and me!
jackhughes lying in court is illegal, sissy
yourusername @/jackhughes i didn't swear on a book so technically this is quinn's fault! he raised a liar
_quinnhughes @/yourusername i didn't raise you!
yourusername @_quinnhughes i see how it is... smh
_quinnhughes @/yourusername i quit, i rule you innocent
colesdate did mama hughes get any normal pics of the guys?
yourusername just one because we yelled at them
colesdate you yelled at them too? queen shit
jackhughes @/colesdate she tends to
colecaufield @/colesdate she's really good at it
slknight35 @/colesdate she's a bit crazy
_alexturcotte @/colesdate we live in constant fear
yourusername @/colesdate don't listen to them, they love me
trevorzegras @/colesdate i love her the most!
colesdate y'all are something else😂
yourusername thank you! we take pride in that
friend2 may i take your hand in marriage?
yourusername of course! but you might have to duel with trevor first
friend2 i can take him
trevorzegras @/friend2 i’ll show no mercy
yourusername @/friend2 you could take him
elblue6 i'm glad you kids had fun! you looked absolutely beautiful, sissy❤️
yourusername thank you, mom❤️
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zippidi-dooda · 10 days
Had a sudden idea I had to quickly write down, might transfer it to digital when I get the time
Best Jeanist's Daughter/Assistant meets Bakugou
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Jeanist *to Bakugou*: First, you need to clean up. I'll leave that to my assistant
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Bakugou *thoughts*: Seriously? I think I chose the wrong agency ...
Jeanist: Give him the special, and Bakugou ... behave
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MC *gesturing to salon chair*: This way, oh and you'll need to remove your mask
Bakugou *thoughts*: Fine. Maybe after this we'll finally get to training
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Bakugou: *removes Clark Kent glasses*
MC: *star struck*
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MC: Let's get started
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MC *thoughts*: He's even cuter in person
MC: *triming/styling his hair*
MC *uses hairspray*: Last touch and ... done!
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Bakugou *looking in mirror, thoughts*: I definitely picked the wrong agency
Bakugou: *hair explosion to normal*
MC 100% encouraged Jeanist to offer Bakugou an intership after the Sports Festival and was ecstatic to learn he's accepted it
Crush at first sight
She knows her feelings are akin to a celebrity crush with him, so she tries to avoid flirting or acting too forward with him during the intership, she will blatantly compliment and gush over him though.
But after getting to know him and personally seeing him in action, her crush transforms into deeper feelings
Here's her character design
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I kinda want to expand this idea into it's own story, probably not in manga format, but I'm not sure what her quirk is yet
So, if you have any suggestions for her quirk feel free to share with me. And should she be Jeanist's adoptive or biological daughter?
Also share any traits you think would be interesting for her if you want (I want her to be more "reader inserty/friendly").
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iantimony · 3 months
BIG tuesday
i skipped last tuesday because i was working on a take-home exam and simply did not have the time nor the inclination, so: beefy tuesdaypost today!
listening: my brother recommended 'dead magic' by anna von hausswolff and boy what an album. gothic, punchy, very vibey. the kind of album you let wash over you like an ocean wave.
pulled 'mostly kosher' from my to-listen list. fun, funky, very jewish, good vibes. ikh hob dikh tsufil lib
i've continued to mainline borodin symphonies 1 & 2. idk they're just hitting right.
and the new pieces for the orchestra i'm in - very french this time round: debussy's fêtes: kinda spooky and ominous and also fluid in a fun way! lots of buildup that seems to resolve into nothingness. horn parts for this are pretty good, not too difficult but are definitely Heard. chabrier's españa: really bumpin horn parts. fun bouncy motifs. what's not to like.
pocasting-wise, i'm up to partizan 38. 10 episodes left!!! the home stretch!!!!! it's so good but things are definitely amping up in the end-of-fatt-season way.
i've also listened to my friend b's gotham tv show podcast 'jim gordon must die'. very good and funny. i laughed out loud at some of the episode 3 descriptions.
reading: i was stuck in Bad Airport Times this past saturday (flight delayed 3 hours, then sat for an hour on the tarmac, arrived at 10pm when i was originally supposed to arrive at like 630) so i blasted through all ~150k words of 'freefall' by Kunoichi21 and xoTsundoku. bog-standard mafia au, but with a fun little circus arts twist; fun background fengqing; i do not like that they made beefleaf wholesome. give me my toxic beefleaf god damn it. but otherwise it was a fun read, sappy romcom-style. the fic itself isn't quite done but it's in endgame. the author notes have peak fanfic culture energy of "hey guys! sorry i didn't update, i started nursing school and my dad died" bro .... ;___; goddamn. please take care of urselves
watching: we are almost done with kill la kill! last two eps!!! so tonight we're doing that and also watching last week's dunmeshi together.
friend and i finished comrade detective. incredible. no notes. so funny. we started 'endeavour' which is a detective morse prequel thing and goddd the british-isms, and also started serial experiments lain. i don't know what i was expecting but god it was not this. i literally thought this was a cute fun hacker mystery show in the energy of cowboy bebop. it is Not That. not even close. it's good though i'm enjoying it. currently staggering through life going uhhhhh like lain does in the first few eps.
playing: fallow. i am re-installing disco elysium on my computer though. ive been wondering if i should try to keep going on the save file from last year or if i should just start over because i barely got in there at all.
making: many things. pottery!! some good some not as good.
so this design came out SO nice but the underglaze is so gd streaky! i hate it !!! i don't think it's really fixable either, i tried the hairspray trick to put new solid glaze over top the inside so at least that would look less like shit but i could not get it to work. maybe sanding it down? idk. it's ugly. it was supposed to be a bright teal but the woman who runs the studio mixed the batch up wrong so it's like. a really drab gray and not in a fun or intentional way. idk.
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some new bisque:
teacups came out! still mismatched but cute nonetheless! gonna do them in a sort of celadon-type color with white flowers to match the teapot that my SO has :)
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i don't feel like adding more photos for these lol they're very boring. the pot for my mom came out fine i think. gonna go in with normal white glaze over top to paint in some trees or other botanical designs. i sponged the underglaze on so hopefully the final result won't be streaky. sponged red on my seder plate to hopefully accomplish the same thing. mugs came through the bisque with no issues but i didn't do anything fun with underglaze on one of them so no new pics of that, but the other i did this tree thing again:
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i KNOW it'll be streaky as hell. i just know. so i'm considering how i want to do it. perhaps putting some slightly transparent green over the top of it all to meld it together? unsure.
some new stuff: made a citrus juicer, this was attempt number 2 and just barely got it to work, attempt 1 was a total disaster. also made another mug type object, hopefully it'll still be wet enough this weekend to slap a handle on.
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two mugs with red clay, i really loved the lascaux mugs that jessica bartram put up for sale last year but i didnt snag one in time so i was like. fuck it. i will make my own. gonna let them dry to leather hard before going in with black underglaze.
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i've been trying to draw again but. idk. i just feel very uninspired. i start drawing and it's like :| :| :|
eating: i was on my own food-wise for much of the last week because my roommate was babysitting for the rabbi, so i did not eat nearly as extravagantly as i normally do, LOL. i made a lo mein recipe that was kinda just a stir fry. this could have been my fault because i added a bunch of extra shit like bok choy and mushrooms. i also didn't use the correct type of noodle, and i didnt have oyster sauce so i used worcestershire, etc. many substitutions so it's probably not fair for me to say it was Just Fine. will have to try again at some later date actually following the recipe. herb and radish salad with feta and walnuts: delicious. 10/10. i tossed in some extra arugula and that was also good. and i made the tofu brussel sprouts tahini/hoisin sauce thing again because it's easy and tasty.
misc: visiting my grandma right now ...... entrenched in the ennui .............. spring break ........................
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missingmalfoy1 · 7 months
Okay, so i’ve never actually written a fic before but this little idea would NOT leave me alone. So i wrote this in like 3 hours, the idea got away from me very quickly i did not mean for it to be this long lol. please be nice I'm sensitive lol.
Tags: established relationship, PWP, there is literally no plot, shameless smut, steddie, bottom!eddie, top!steve, dom!eddie, sub!steve, anal sex, oral sex, throat-fucking (kinda) (you’ll see), spanking (it only happens once i think but i thought i’d include it anyways)
*2,963 words
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‘I wanna try something,’ said Eddie. 
‘Hm?’ Steve had been focused on reading a book Robin lent him; if he was being honest he had been going a little cross-eyed after reading for an hour. 
Eddie rolled over so he was facing Steve properly - they had been laying in bed for a couple hours now and Eddie had meant to fall asleep approximately 48 minutes ago, but when Eddie had an idea…said idea must be seen through or else Eddie would be thinking about it every waking minute until it was done. 
Eddie leaned over, proceeded to straddle Steve’s lap, and plucked the book out of Steve’s hands, marking the page, and setting it on the nightstand. Then he took off Steve’s glasses and placed them on top of the book to make sure they didn’t get bent and fucked up like the last pair did. 
‘I said I wanna try something,’ Eddie repeated. 
‘Okay, uh what does something mean?’ Steve was starting to get a little nervous - Eddie’s ideas could be as normal as ‘I wanna try using mousse instead of hairspray, would that work Steve?’ to ‘I want you to tattoo your name on me Steve, why are you looking at me like that’s a crazy request?’
Eddie put both of his hands on Steve’s cheeks, leaning forward so their noses were slotted next to each other. Then he whispered, ‘I wanna lean my head over the side of the bed and suck your cock, but you’re not allowed to move or touch me unless I say so. Do you think you could do that for me, pretty boy? Could you be good for me?’
Steve hadn’t been anywhere near horny 2 minutes ago, now his whole face was burning, he was panting, and his cock was leaking a little into his boxers. Steve nodded enthusiastically and whispered quickly, ‘yeah yeah I could do that I can be good.’ 
‘Okay, get naked for me baby,’ said Eddie, patting Steve on the cheek, and then he rolled off of Steve so he could strip down to his own boxers. His own cock was getting very hard, but he wasn’t going to let Steve touch him anytime soon, he wanted to see how long Steve could hold out before he was crying and slipping into subspace, begging Eddie to sit on his cock. 
Steve scrambled off of the bed to quickly rip his shirt off and take his pajama pants and boxers down, he was going so fast he stumbled and almost face-planted onto the floor. Eddie chuckled quietly to himself, pleased that Steve was so excited - this was a fantasy that had always lived in the back of his mind, but most guys who wanted to top also wanted to Dom, which was fine, it just wasn’t fully what he wanted. Thus, he had never brought it up to any previous partners - but Steve, who liked being the top and bottom just the same, loved being submissive. 
’Stand at the foot of the bed, put your hands behind your back,’ said Eddie. Steve complied quickly, moving to the foot of the bed and putting his hands behind his back so that he was gripping his opposite elbows - he had learned that it was easier to do that since it allowed him to grip harder onto something when he started getting desperate. 
Eddie crawled forward on his hands and knees from the top of the bed, enjoying how Steve’s eyes were starting to already get glassy. He flipped over onto his back, scooting so that his head dangled over the foot of the bed, which brought himself right up to Steve’s thick cock which was already leaking with pre-cum. Eddie reached up and took Steve in hand to spread the pre-cum down his cock. 
Steve moaned softly, looking down at Eddie with something akin to wonder in his eyes. Eddie continued to jack Steve off while reaching with his other hand to fondle Steve’s sac. After a couple of minutes Steve started to whine softly, he was trying so hard to not thrust forward and Eddie hadn’t even gotten his mouth on him yet. 
’Take a step forward baby,’ Eddie said softly, while he tugged on Steve’s cock to direct him forward and into his mouth. Eddie latched onto the tip, suckling softly, licking over the frenulum while he used his right hand to move up and down the shaft, and his left to cup Steve’s sac. 
‘Fucking Christ,’ Steve whimpered. Eddie continued to lick at the head, until he was satisfied with how slick Steve’s cock was. Eddie reached around with his left hand to grip Steve’s ass, urging him forward until Eddie could bob his head back and forth on his cock. 
Steve could feel sweat drip down his spine, he was practically shaking with how hard he was trying to stay still. He kept reminding himself that he could be good for Eddie, how much Eddie would praise him. Maybe Eddie would let him suck him off, if he was really good Eddie might put him on his knees and cum all over his face. 
‘Oh god!’ Steve practically screamed when Eddie started sucking harder, moving his head faster, he always did this thing with his tongue where he would swirl it around the head before he went back down and god it never failed to bring Steve close to his orgasm. He was panting and his eyes were watering, he needed to look away for a second before he came too early, he didn’t wanna cum like this. Steve tilted his head back to look at the ceiling for a moment and Eddie cracked his palm across Steve’s cheek startling a yelp out of him. 
Eddie pulled all the way off and continued stroking Steve while he said, voice raspy, ‘Eyes on me, sweetheart. You’re doing so good, baby, don’t you wanna get your reward?’ Eddie fluttered his eyelashes, looking up at Steve innocently. 
‘Reward?’ Steve asked breathlessly. He had forgotten for a second that Eddie might give him a prize. 
‘Yeah, baby your reward. Don’t you want me to sit on your cock?’ Eddie asked, grinning when Steve moaned loudly and a spurt of pre-cum came out of his cock. Steve hadn’t even considered the idea that Eddie might let Steve fuck him. 
Steve started nodding enthusiastically, but then he paused, ‘Baby I don’t know if I’ll be able to prep you if I’m already under.’ Steve was starting to feel very light and he knew that it wouldn’t take much longer for him to reach subspace, and when he did he normally was very excited for any activity or position, but it was hard for him to determine whether or not Eddie was stretched out enough to take his cock without it hurting. 
Eddie looked up at him with a coy smile, ‘Don’t worry about that big boy, I already took care of it.’ Then Eddie reached down over his boxers, passing his cock and reaching in between his legs to tap through the cloth on the plug that was currently sitting in his ass. He hadn’t wanted to worry about the whole prepping process, so he had taken time while he was in the shower earlier to finger himself open and lube up a plug to keep him nice and loose. He had had to fuck into his own fist before he got out of the shower because his cock had gotten so hard. 
Steve heard the little tap of Eddie’s nail hitting the glass of the plug and the whine that came out of the back of his throat was a noise he had never heard himself make before. He had to close his eyes and take a breath so he didn’t blow his load right then and there. 
Eddie leaned back down and guided Steve back into his mouth to continue sucking with a renewed vigor. Steve whimpered so loudly that Eddie moaned a little in the back of his throat, making Steve’s cock vibrate a little. 
‘Oh god oh god, Eddie please, I don’t-I can’t…’ Steve started pleading and blabbering, hoping Eddie would have mercy on him. He should’ve known better, Eddie never had mercy on him. Tears were starting to stream down his face, his thighs were starting to burn with the amount of effort he was using to stay still. 
Eddie started to suck harder, and then he took his hand and gripped Steve’s ass to pull him forward to shove Steve’s cock as far as it would go til his lips were all the way to the base. Steve tried to back away, but Eddie took his other hand so he was holding both his ass cheeks to keep Steve in place and he just stayed there for a solid seven seconds, wiggling his tongue a little the whole time. 
Steve was shaking his head back and forth, babbling the whole time, begging and pleading going ‘please please Eddie please just fuck me baby please!’ 
When Eddie finally let up and let Steve back all the way out of his throat and mouth, Eddie was gasping for breath and fully sat up on the bed. ‘Baby are you okay?’ Steve asked, and he was starting to reach out for Eddie’s face, before he remembered that Eddie said he couldn’t touch, so he put his hands back behind him. 
Eddie could’ve cried. Steve was so sweet and wanted to comfort him and check up on him, but he also wanted to be good. He reached up and held Steve’s face in his hands, smiling a little at how Steve nuzzled into his palm. ‘Yeah baby I’m okay, just needed to take a second breathe again,’ he said, chuckling a little. 
‘Eddie?’ Steve looked at him pleadingly. 
‘Yeah?’ Eddie asked with a smirk. 
‘Can you ride my cock now please? I don’t think I can keep going and not cum.’ Steve tried to make his eyes big and wet, hoping that if he looked pathetic enough Eddie would agree. 
Eddie kneeled up so he and Steve were eye level, pulling Steve’s face closer. ‘Yeah? You want me to sit on your big, fat cock, baby?’ 
He didn’t let Steve answer before he was turning around to crawl back up the bed. Once he was near the pillows he kneeled up, rolling his boxers down to lean forward to take them all the way off. He heard Steve moan from where he was still standing - he wouldn’t move an inch til Eddie said it was okay - and knew he had seen the glass plug that was nestled in his ass. Just to be a little shit, Eddie leaned forward, arching his back a little to give Steve a better view. He reached behind himself to grip onto the plug, pulling on it and pushing it back in, moaning breathily when he felt how sensitive he really was. Steve was whimpering behind him, so Eddie looked over his shoulder and saw how glassy Steve’s eyes were, how red his cock was and knew that he was under. 
’Stevie baby,’ Eddie whispered. Steve’s eyes snapped back up to Eddie’s. ‘Get over here baby, I wanna fuck you.’ 
Steve practically pounced onto the bed, making Eddie bounce a little with the force of how hard he leapt onto the mattress. Steve scrambled forward to sit up against the headboard next to Eddie, focusing on what his hand was doing with the plug. Eddie crawled so he was in between Steve’s legs, facing away from him. Then he leaned forward, so he was on all fours. Looking over his shoulder he locked eyes with Steve. ‘Do you wanna do the honors and take the plug out for me baby?’ 
Steve grinned, leaning forward to grip onto the plug, pulling it out slowly in case it was too dry. Thankfully, it was not, it seemed that Eddie had lubed it up very thoroughly. Both of them moaned, Steve just because he was looking at Eddie’s puffy hole; Eddie because he was significantly more sensitive than he had thought - he had tried not to touch it while Steve was down his throat. Once it was out, Steve put it onto the nightstand to wash later, and Eddie turned around to properly straddle Steve’s lap. 
Steve was looking very dazed, so Eddie cupped his face, nuzzling his nose. ‘How you feeling, baby?’ Eddie whispered. ‘Good, really good, floaty, feels good,’ Steve murmured, ‘Still want you to sit on my cock baby.’ Eddie laughed at that and nodded, ‘Can do, just give me a second.’
Eddie leaned back to get the lube that was sitting on the bed, squeezing some out onto his palm, reaching down to slick Steve’s cock. It was still pretty wet from Eddie’s mouth, but just to be safe. He squeezed out a little more lube onto his fingertips, and reached behind himself to rub a little around his rim, before capping the lube and tossing it onto the nightstand. Then he reached down, and gripped Steve’s cock, holding it still while he kneeled up, his eyes fluttering a little while he notched the tip inside his hole. 
Sinking down a little, he gripped Steve’s shoulders in both hands before he slammed all the way down. Steve let out a deep moan while tilting his head back, knocking it against the headboard. Eddie leaned forward to lick up Steve’s throat pausing to nip at his jaw, before he fully captured Steve’s lips moaning into his mouth while he started to rock back and forth a little. 
Steve was still pretty dazed, so he couldn’t really kiss Eddie back, just settling to rest their foreheads together to moan in each other’s mouths, their lips brushing. Eddie started pressing up and slamming back down. Steve’s cock was just brushing up against Eddie’s prostate, causing Eddie to start whining a little into Steve’s mouth. Eddie’s own cock was pressed in between their stomachs, spreading pre-cum on both of them. 
Steve was moaning loudly and gripping onto the sheets next to his hips. ‘Baby can I touch you now?’ Steve hadn’t wanted to put his hands on Eddie yet, lest Eddie stop what he was doing. Eddie just reached down, and gripped Steve’s hands in his own, placing them on his hips so that Steve could hold onto him while he started bouncing on his cock faster. ‘Yeah baby you can touch me now, you can touch me as much as you want. I’m so proud of you, you’ve been so good for me.’ 
Steve’s eyes rolled back a little and he groaned as he felt his orgasm approaching. ‘Eddie, baby I’m gonna cum soon, can I cum inside you please?’ Steve whined, prying his eyes open to look at Eddie. Eddie started nodding, ‘Yeah Stevie, I want you to cum in me. You don’t have to ask permission today to cum baby, just go ahead and cum when you feel it.’ 
Steve nodded, felt his orgasm quickly approaching, so he reached down between them to grip Eddie’s cock. Eddie moaned loudly, his cock hadn’t been touched this entire time, it was wet with pre-cum and incredibly sensitive at the head. It didn’t take long before Eddie could feel his orgasm approaching. 
‘Baby I’m gonna cum, I want you to cum with me okay?’ Eddie grunted, knew it would only be a few more strokes before he was spilling all over Steve’s fist. 
Steve nodded enthusiastically, ‘yeah, holy fuck Eddie I’m gonna cum - baby I’m gonna cum, oh god Eddie I’m cumming I’m cumming fuck!’ Steve came with a grunt, unconsciously thrusting his hips up into Eddie. 
He worked his hand and in one, two strokes Eddie was cumming all over both of them, ‘Fuck baby I’m cumming, shit I’m making a mess.’ 
Eddie leaned forward and rested his forehead against Steve’s while they both caught their breath, both of them panting from the force of their orgasms and sweaty around the hairline. 
Steve’s cock softened and slipped out of Eddie’s hole, Eddie groaned when he felt Steve’s spend leaking out of him. 
‘Hold on, let me get a washcloth from the bathroom,’ Eddie pecked Steve on the lips, before swinging his legs to get up and out of the bed, walking kinda funny on his way to the bathroom. 
Steve watched him go, closing his eyes and tipping his head back against the headboard, taking deep breaths. He still felt really floaty, felt warm in his chest knowing that Eddie was proud of how he did. Maybe next time he could be the one to hang his head off the side of the bed and Eddie could fuck his throat. His cock gave a valiant little twitch at that thought. 
Steve felt the bed dip and the warm, wet washcloth that Eddie had wiping the cum off of his chest and hand, before moving on to wiping down his cock so the cum didn’t dry in his pubic hair. He opened his eyes and saw Eddie doing the same to himself before tossing the washcloth into the laundry hamper. Eddie then leaned over to coax Steve into laying down so they could lay facing each other, their legs tangled together. 
Eddie was caressing Steve’s face when he started praising him, as he always did after Steve went under. ‘You did so well baby, I’m so proud of you. You were such a good boy Stevie, you were so good for me.’ On and on he went for a few minutes, just whispering while Steve felt his face flush and he tried to turn away a little, nuzzling into Eddie’s palm. 
‘I love you’
‘I love you too, Ed’
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fandoms-in-law · 6 months
The Shooting Range
Yeah my St Trinians fics are basically me looking at small scenes from the films and wondering how does that chaos work
Summary: Miss Cleaver's shooting range finds the girls to where the clay duck hats in a couple of ways.
One thing which no visitors actually knew about, or ever had much of a clue about unless they're a parent curious over their daughters unexpected knowledge of weapons, was Cleaver's shooting range. The sign was covered as soon as any visitors were sighted on the drive and the ducks set out as if they were props for a school prank.
The only time it wasn't was when a new teacher was joining the school and even then the girls would ensure it's covered until Miss Fritton has started the tour. Then Miss Cleaver opens the shooting range again with business as usual.
Currently the sign said:
Welcome to Cleaver's Anger Management Shooting!
If you just need to shoot something, we've got a range of options from clay duck to mannikins dressed in your enemies clothes.
For dart boards with photos of your enemies please see Miss Fritton.
It wouldn't be long before it was changed again, likely to ask for the clay duck volunteers, or people to make more of those hats.
“Got another kid for the clay duck hats.” Andrea commented, looking out the window disinterestedly.
Zoe glanced out as well, rolling her eyes at the sight. “If it'll shut them up, I'm all for it. That laugh was piercing my skull.”
“Maybe Tallulah should accelerate to see if it'd shut her up.” Andrea nodded. “We'll get Kelly or someone to do a family check before Cleaver realises.”
A smirk was directed over to her then, “Maybe we can be ghosts this time. Scare them out of their wits to treating us right.”
“Plan made.”
Chelsea couldn't get her hair right. Normally all of the posh totties helped each other, but for some reason Bella had vanished that morning.
Kelly leant around the door of their dressing room after the panic over Chelsea's hair had been going on for a while. “It's AA Forfeit day. Your hair looks fine as it is.”
“Bella has to do a forfeit again? Does she get one vodka a month just to be put in the forfeits?” Chelsea exclaimed, grabbing a comb to do another adjustment to her hair.
Saffy moved to finish her own hair with a few grips to hairs that weren't staying in place with hairspray alone. “I think she misses getting shot at regularly. Nobody threatens pretty girls around here any more.”
“Actually I had a guy last weekend ask how long I'd been at St Trinians. He seemed ready and willing to threaten me until I mentioned it's my final year. The guys in the area know we get more dangerous with time.” Chelsea sighed, straightening her stockings. “And Cleaver should just waive that stupid height restriction.”
Saffy smiled at her, “Why? So we don't have to listen to Bella making the worst comments ever all accurate to how guns work?”
“Those are some conversations I pretend never happened. Who knew the wealthy have such weird things they're into.” Chelsea pretended to wretch, immediately checking her lipstick was okay.
“Chat line woes. Have you spoken to Lucy about getting the options and which of us callers get through to expanded?” Saffy commented. “Maybe letting a few princesses from Cheltenham call us would help plot their schools downfall.”
Chelsea shook her head at her, “If you want to hook up with guys from there we'd need other methods.”
“Right Girls! You know why you're here, and better know the rules. Heads down, keep in time, duck out at the end to get your duck replaced, never walk in the shooting area. It's crawling or nothing for you older girls. The matron and first aid cadets are ready for when the shrapnel grazes you.” Miss Cleaver stated, looking over the group pulling on the clay duck hats as well as some knee pads to help reduce pain kneeling and crawling on unpadded flooring.
Bella frowned up at her still. “Have you even reminded the girls that you're opening the range today?”
Usually the targets for the day would have an audience of girls ready to shoot them, checking the equipment while they got ready. None had shown up yet that day.
Cleaver glanced around seemingly noticing this for the first time. “Must have forgot.” She muttered, before bellowing out the door “The Range is open.”
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WRITING ADVENT CALENDAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 25
Prompt: A past Christmas taking place in someone's childhood
Aka: Sunshine and Moonshine Christmas flashback
Read on ao3 in the link about or under the cut
Christmas meant magic, happiness and cozy times. That's at least what they had seen on TV.
For Ámbar and Luna, Christmas was everything but those things. It started with Sharon waking them up at 6 in the morning and getting them to the biggest bathroom in the house. In there, she showered them, brushed their hair and clothed them.
Right now, Luna was sitting on a chair with a towel around her body, watching her wet hair drip. Meanwhile, Ámbar was sitting in the bathtub as Sharon showered her hair. When they were younger, this was okay, but now Luna was almost 9 and Ámbar had just turned 10. At this age, they normally were showering themselves, but for Christmas, Sharon insisted.
"I normally let you have the freedom, but frankly, you're not doing a good job and on Christmas you need to look more than presentable."
She then turned off the water and handed Ámbar a towel. Ámbar hugged it tightly around her body, wanting to cover up as much as possible. Sharon scoffed at this, as it "wasn't anything they hadn't seen before", but Ámbar wanted less and less to expose much of anything. She sat down next to Luna, who Sharon now had started to brush the hair on.
"Ow! Ow!"
"Stop making noises, Luna."
"But it hurts!"
"Nonsense, you're just being overdramatic."
Sharon was always very harsh with the brushing. It always felt like she was gonna pull off all of their hair. Sometimes, the girls wished she did pull off their hairs so she learned to brush gentler.
After brushing, Sharon tied Luna's hair up in a ponytail, making a bow holding it up. She tied it rather tightly so it would stick, but Luna felt like her head was thumping. Then Sharon did the same procedure on Ámbar, brushing and setting up her hair in a ponytail with a bow. Ámbar scrunched her face up getting brushed, but tried to keep it together.
Then the girls noticed Sharon picking up a hairspray. They took each other's hands, closed their eyes and inhaled deeply as she started spraying their hairs.
After that, they got their clothes. Luna got a green dress and Ámbar a red. They also got white nylon stockings, which Luna found to be very itchy, but she couldn't complain.
Next up was Christmas breakfast. Usually this was fun. The food was good and the girls got ginger bread to eat afterwards, something Sharon didn't like because they left crumbs everywhere. But the girls ate it carefully. 
After breakfast, it was time to open gifts. If you'd think the girls got a mountain of gifts just because they were rich, you'd be wrong, They got one gift each from Sharon and it was never something they wished for.
Luna got a porcelain doll with giant, staring eyes. Sure, she liked playing with dolls, but her favorites were the soft, stuffed raggy dolls. This doll she found really creepy and it felt like it was going to murder her.
Ámbar got a diary, which was fine, but she knew there wasn't that of a good intention behind it. Sharon had commented during the past year that she found Ámbar to "be much quieter than before" and that she "seemed to hide things". This diary wasn't to write out her thoughts and emotions, it was for Sharon to secretly read when Ámbar wasn't around. Ámbar swore to never write in it.
Yet, the girls smiled and thanked her for their gifts.
"Occupy yourselves," Sharon said, "I need a drink."
As soon as she left, the girls let out breaths they unintentionally had held in.
"I'm never gonna write in this diary," Ámbar said, "She's just gonna read it."
"But if you don't write in it, she'll wonder why you haven't," Luna pointed out.
"True. Maybe I could write subliminal messages to mess with her."
"And I could use this doll as a villain when I'm playing. Or leave it around the house, occasionally moving it, like an elf on the shelf. Just to scare people."
The girls giggled as they pictured someone getting scared, like Sharon. But most of all, Rey. Sure, they wanted to scare Sharon, but she still had an authority and the girls still felt like they wanted her to not be mad at them. However, they loved teasing and bullying Rey. They just needed something in their lives to have control over.
"Here you go, girls!" Amanda said as she walked in with two glasses of coca cola, "My treat!"
Amanda is anyone knew how Christmas could be for the girls, and decided to do the little she could to lighten it.
"Amanda, wait!" Luna said. She walked up with a piece of folded paper. "We wanted to buy you something, but we aren't allowed to go to the city. So, we drew something."
"I drew, Luna colored," Ámbar explained.
Amanda opened the folded paper and looked at their drawing. She smiled. "Wow! You two did this for me?"
"Yep!" the two said in unison.
"Thank you very much!"
Until dinner, the girls were allowed to do whatever they wanted, as long as they weren't too disruptive. Since dinner was so big, they only had sandwiches for lunch, which they ate in the kitchen without Sharon's knowledge. Everyone in the staff (except for Rey, maybe) wanted to make the girls feel happy at Christmas, so the chef happily let them be in the kitchen.
They then watched some Christmas specials on TV. Though, all of a sudden, Luna felt like she needed to stand up and dance. She was quite an active child and sitting down for more than half an hour was an accomplishment for her. In fact, sometimes she didn't properly listen to people because she was so focused on sitting still. But now, she wanted to get up and dance. She went over to the stereo, putting on a Christmas CD.
As the music started, she started flapping her hands and smiled. Then she started dancing.
Ámbar grinned as she watched her. She was bopping along to the song where she sat.
Though, just as Luna was in the happiest mood, spinning and jumping around, she bumped into Sharon.
"What is the meaning of this?!" She instantly turned off the stereo as Luna's smile disappeared and she now felt guilt and anxiety.
"I was just dancing..." she said.
"The music was way too loud and you looked ridiculous! And your ponytail almost got loose!"
Her ponytail was not even near getting loose with how tightly Sharon made it, but Luna couldn't know that.
"I hope you'll behave. Now it's dinner."
Christmas dinner was always very silent. Sharon didn't allow for any small talk, unless it was to ask to pass something across the table. 
Luna sat in shame and guilt, thinking a lot about not talking. Do not talk, it's not allowed. We are quiet at dinner. Do not speak. No one wants you to speak.
She focused so hard on this that she barely ate anything.
Ámbar knew that now when Sharon already had become mad at Luna, it was best for her to lay low. A tiny mistake could mean that hell broke loose.
The dinner was tedious and tense and the girls were so relieved when Sharon finally said they could be dismissed. Now they decided to do something fun. It was a sunny day out, so they had decided to go out and roller skate. They knew that it was a good way to relieve some stress.
The only problem was that they couldn't use their helmets while wearing these ponytails. So, they either had to skate without helmets or take out the ponytail. Ámbar decided on the second option.
She sat on the porch, getting ready to get her skates on, as she felt the freedom of her hair no longer held up. Now it was just to put the helmet on.
Oh no.
"Ámbar, look at me when I'm speaking to you!"
No, I don't want to look at you.
Ámbar did not want to see Sharon's angry face. When she turned around, she only saw Luna, who was a little slower getting her skates, and still hadn't taken out her ponytail. She stood by the front door and watched the scene that was playing out.
"Why did you ruin your hair?" Sharon asked.
"I didn't ruin it. I couldn't wear a helmet when I had a ponytail. Do you want me to not have a helmet?"
"I don't like your attitude!"
That answer was supposed to just be affirmative. Ámbar didn't know what to answer, so she took the one she saw as the "I heard what you said and I confirm I heard". However, Sharon did not take it like that. Instantly, she snatched Ámbar's roller skates.
"Yes, Miss Benson?"
"Go put these in the trash, please."
"No!" Ámbar cried. 
"Yes, Miss Benson." Amanda said and walked away. At the same time, Luna ran upstairs, in case Sharon decided to throw away her skates too just because she was there.
"You're not going out today," Sharon hissed, "You're going to bed."
"What? But it's 18:30."
"Maybe you can think about your behavior after sleeping."
Ámbar lied in bed, her tears streaming down her face. She couldn't go to sleep. She hated everything. She hated how things had turned out. 
Then there was a knock on the door. 
Luna came in. She was now wearing a pajamas.
"I just wanted to say I put my doll in Sharon's closet."
Ámbar smiled slightly, "Good." Sharon deserved to be startled by a doll when she opened her closet. Then she got an idea. "Hey Luna, do you wanna sleep together tonight?"
Luna nodded, and in a few seconds she joined Ámbar in bed. Ámbar felt like they both needed some comfort.
Then someone else knocked on the door. Luna hid under the blanket, in case it was Sharon.
It wasn't Sharon. It was Amanda.
"Ámbar... I just wanted to say..." She held up her skates, "...I couldn't throw them away."
Ámbar lit up. "Thank you...!"
"Sch... don't tell your godmother, ok?"
"I won't."
"Good. Good night, Ámbar."
"Good night."
"And good night, Luna."
Luna curiously peeked up from the covers.
"Good night."
Ámbar then turned off the light on her nightstand. 
Maybe Christmas wasn't very fun, but it was good that she and Luna had each other. They could always give each other comfort when things get dark.
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omishu · 11 months
Ask meme: 1, 3, 9, 18, 21, 24, 33, 42, 44 (you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to), 46
Phew, boy howdy! there's a lot going on here, but ily, boo *gen-z style finger hearts* Thank you for the asks, m'buddy *tips hand-steamed ten-gallon hat at you*
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club, Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the Pokemon eevee, Rapunzel from Tangled, Elsa from Frozen, Baymax from Big Hero 6. Yes, a lot of these are Disney; it was my hyperfixation for at least a decade, don't @ me.
3. do you leave the window open at night?
As much as possible, yes. BUT my parents don’t like me having my bedroom door and window open at the same time. So if I want Lewis to be able to freely come and go from my room, I have to keep the window closed. If I really want it open, then Lewis gets locked either in or out, which is kind of a bummer since his litterbox and food/water are in the laundry room across the hall. He also likes it being open, though, because it's about as close to being outside as he cares to get, even with a leash and harness; it makes him feel adventurous to hear the waterfalls, rustling trees, and various wildlife outside from the comfort of my ultraplush bed lol he can also smell things and feel the breeze/heat, but more on a sample/trial basis.
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
I guess if I HAD to pick a form to drink coffee, it'd be cold. As you know, I really don't care for the stuff, but I get a shit-ton of Starbucks giftcards and their frapps are basically milkshakes.
18. what hair products do you use?
Oh boy, I have QUITE the repertoire, but I barely use any of it. A lot of it is for specific styles for specific events, so I just have all kinds of pins, mouses, gels, sprays, combs/brushes, heat tools, etc, etc. My sister got my whole family on Monat, but I'm broke af so I buy a normalizing shampoo from my stylist because my thin, fine, flat, straight-ass hair gets oily af unless I use that. I like to use a leave-in conditioner spray too, because it isn't too heavy and also keeps the oils under control better. If I blowdry or curl my hair (with a straightening iron), I like to use some strong-hold hairspray (no particular brand) that I brush out, just so it stays looking nice longer.
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
I have a little teddy bear in a flower hat and dress that my mother's mother gave me ages ago. It's probably the only plushie to survive all of my purges and definitely the only gift I've kept from any of my grandparents, besides like ... heirloom jewelry. My oldest sister used to always call me her dolly-bear because she loved cuddling me and dressing me up (my autistic tomboy ass hated that shit sm istg). The nickname has kinda grown on me, now that I've embraced my gender non comformity, because I 1) think it's funny to imagine an actual bear wearing a dress and 2) have reclaimed my own sense of femininity in a way that wields it as a weapon in my own arsenal rather than against me while also embracing my somewhat aggressive/rough-around-the-edges approach to. Lot of things. But during a senior trip with my highschool church youth group, we went to a flee market and were given a $2 bill with some change (to match our grad year) and told to pick something to represent ourselves, and then over the course of the weekend had to give it away to a stranger we met at one of our activities and explain it. I found a similar bear and had a hard time finding anyone or working up the nerve to give it away, so I carried it around everywhere - amusement park, Wal-Mart runs, hiking, etc. The day we headed back to our town, we visited a church for their service, and a little girl there got upset that she lost her toy. I gave her my dolly-bear, and she looked so awestruck. That was a pretty cool moment for me, because giving her basically myself (metaphorically) brought her so much joy and comfort. I still think about that sometimes. You've probably seen the bear from my Grandmother because I had it in my dorm.
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Gosh, right now? Probably sweating and getting sunburned lol maybe jumping into my family's in-ground pool if it was closer to the actual house haha but fr maybe have my beach umbrella set up in a stand with beach towels under us and electric fans blowing on us, drinking beer and eating ice cream bars, laughing and reminiscing and dreaming and commiserating. God, I miss you so much.
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
Gotta check my calendar fr because work has been insane lately. I do have a lot of adventures planned for the next few months though. Hopefully one or more involves you visiting! *eyes* hm been doing a lot of pool party cookouts for family birthdays lately and been to a few special screenings for films in cosplay. But my last legit adventure was probably last month when I took my friend to her first ever RenFaire. Or maybe my city's annual Bee Festival. Idk ask me again around Thanksgiving because by then I'll have a ton under my belt for the year. The first half of this year has severely lacked any quality adventures.
42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again!! Ni no Kuni: Crossworlds is my favorite mobile game ever!!! I mean c'mon it's got Ghibli art, and even Joe Hisaishi does the freaking music! The story is cool, the characters are cool, the monsters/fighting are cool. I freaking love this game. It has a lot going on, so I only do like the dailies/weeklies, but they have regular events going, like, all the time. I love it so much, and I want all my friends to play with me, so we can have our own Kingdom and do party dungeons together. It's a fantasy MMORPG, which is my fave genre, and is also an isekai.
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
[SoundCloud Rapper voice] YOU ALREADY KNOW WHO IT IS: my mother.
46. favorite holiday film?
Which holiday are we talking about? If you mean like ... winter holidays, then ... idk there're a lot of Christmas movies I try to watch every year; Elf, The Nativity Story, White Christmas, KLAUS, Jingle Jangle, etc. Idk if I really have a true favorite though (Klaus, probably)
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simplyotometrash · 3 years
Cosplayer MC
Brothers with a cosplayer MC~! Mostly because I like to cosplay, casually :D
The first time your very serious, work-oriented boyfriend sees you in cosplay he doesn't really blink.
He's seen Levi in cosplay before.
It's nothing he isn't used to.
You do look pretty cute in that outfit. The wig looks pretty good, too.
"Are you going out like that?"
"Yeah! Levi and I are going to a convention! He helped me make this outfit and showed me the best place to order wigs in the Devildom!"
Oh my. You were so happy about dressing up in, what was the word? Cosplay?
"Well, my dear, I do hope you have a good time."
"Maybe you should come sometime, Luci!"
Well that was abrupt. He wasn't going to dress up and go to some big event with you. It wasn't really his style.
He's an old man, what did you expect?
"You don't gotta get dressed up to go to cons, silly. You can come and support me next time instead! Call it a date?"
Oh no. Don't give him that look. Don't say that to him.
"Fine, perhaps I will consider it."
He's going to invest in your hobby and buy you things you mention needing or wanting for cosplays. He just won't dress up with you.
"Oi, MC, let's go on down to-"
"Woah, what are you wearing?"
He barged into your room, as per usual, and you were in cosplay. You were mostly just testing out your new outfit and wig.
You needed to know what fit, what needed to be adjusted, and to see what you had to work with when it came to your wig.
Nothing was styled, you hadn't even done makeup.
"Oh, I'm just testing out a cosplay that just came in. I have to adjust a few things and style my wig, but I wanted to see what it all looked like together!"
Heart attack on standby.
You were so cute and happy. He loved seeing you smiling.
But this was one of Levi's weird hobbies, wasn't it? Why did you like it?
"Whatever, I guess I'll sit in here and watch then." He puffed his cheeks, averting his eyes to avoid looking you up and down.
You were quickly changing back into your normal clothes after marking pinning your new cosplay.
"Wanna watch me style the wig? Maybe I can teach you how to do it!"
"Nuh-uh, I don't wanna learn how to do this...but I will watch."
It was actually pretty fascinating to watch you work. You took limp, fake hair and turned into something styled and actually pretty cool.
He could do without the hairspray fumes though.
Oh. My. Diavolo!!!!
You cosplay too???
Levi is queuing up questions and pictures at the same time.
He's so excited that there's someone he knows that is into cosplay.
Yeah, you're dating and like anime and video games, but he never thought to ask you if you liked to cosplay!
"Who are you trying to cosplay? If you don't have the clothes yet then you should give me your measurements and I-"
Blush alert.
Did he really just say "give me your measurements"? Aaaaahhh! He had to have sounded like a pervert!
He was ready to shame himself when he saw you looking at him practically with hearts in your eyes.
This was just like in an anime.
"You'd make me a cosplay? Levi, you are amazing! Maybe you can teach me how to do it!"
Has he died and reascended to the Celestial Realm?
"I-I-I can teach you....but I'd also like to m-make your cosplays for you myself. If you don't mind!"
"I don't mind! Oh, Levi, we should cosplay together! There's an upcoming convention, right? We could go as Henry and the Lord of Shadows!"
That's it. He's dead and gone. You're too amazing for words.
Maybe you'd cosplay Ruri-chan if he asked....
Huh, so you're into cosplay just like his brother?
"I know it's a very popular hobby. There are people who make a living doing it professionally, right?"
He asked you plenty of questions to learn more about your hobby.
You MIGHT be able to sway him into wearing a cosplay. Especially a detective cosplay.
If he's gonna do it then he's gonna do it as a detective from his favorite series.
He's not going to become a hardcore cosplayer, but he'll go to cons with you and be in costume.
"Satan, look what I got!"
You came running into his room with something behind your back.
You were wearing....a maid costume? What character wore that?
Then you showed him what was in your hands.
A cat tail belt, a pair of ears, and cat paw gloves.
He needs to see this...force research purposes.
"Why did you decide to dress as a cat maid?"
"Oh, well, I thought you would like it! Cat maids are extremely popular back home. Plus I just thought I looked cute."
He's trying so hard not to blush.
"Yes...you look very cute."
He saw you dressed up and thought you looked absolutely adorable!
"I can see that you're playing dress-up!"
"I'm cosplaying a character from an anime Levi showed me."
"Isn't that the same thing?"
Okay, he had you there. It was kinda the same thing.
"Your wig needs a bit of help though, darling. Where did you get this sorry thing?"
"Akuzon. I know, it looks pretty bad. It's not great quality. I thought I'd be able to salvage it."
"Nope. Honey, I can take you to the best wig shop in Devildom! You can even get custom wigs made! They come styled and unstyled, too."
"Really? But that must be pretty expensive..."
"MC, my love, I would be more than happy to buy you all the wigs you want!"
Asmo has now aided in fueling your cosplay hobby.
He buys you uncut, unstyled wigs and the two of you work on them together.
You make your cosplays and he helps you pick the best fabric to match what it looks like the character is wearing.
You two have little fashion shows in his room. He shows off his new clothing purchases and you get to show off your finished cosplays.
You look pretty cute.
Beel doesn't really think a lot about it at first.
But he recognizes it as something Levi does which gets him interested in the fact that you do it, too.
"So, why do you do it? Levi does it because he does everything related to...what is it? Otaku culture?"
"I think it's a lot of fun to take characters from something I like and bring them to life."
He nods in understanding, looking at the source material for what you're wearing.
"It's a great way to connect with other people, too. You can put your own spin on characters to make them unique."
Beel isn't going to cosplay with you but he'll certainly be your hype man!
You show him your newest cosplays as you get them done and he compliments you.
He likes seeing you happy. If this makes you happy then he is happy.
He walks around conventions with you, watching you make new friends and take pictures with other people who share your interests.
A lot of people are intimidated by the fact that the Avatar of Gluttony is strolling around with you but you actually help him make new friends, too.
It takes him a long while to actually notice that you cosplay.
It isn't that he doesn't care about what you do, he just never really noticed. He's either sleeping or not around when you're in cosplay.
And you didn't want to bother him.
"How long have you been doing this?"
"Oh, Belphie, I thought you had a student council meeting?"
"I ditched, now answer the question."
"I've been cosplaying since before I came here to the Devildom. I cosplay here a lot but you're usually sleeping or gone."
"Did you not want to show me?"
"No, no! I just didn't want to bother you and wake you up to show you-"
"Stop that. You're never a bother to me. Nothing you do could be a bother."
You're blushing and nodding at him.
"Next time I'll wake you up.."
"Good. Don't be dumb and think you're a pest or something. I'd tell you."
Belphie is surprsingly interested in your hobby now that he knows.
No, you'll never get him to dress up, but he pays attention. He knows when you're wanting to cosplay a new character and he remembers what they're from when you make it happen.
He's very supportive in his own way.
You get him to go to one convention. Never again. He loves you but that shit is exhausting.
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Halloween party
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Summary: it's Halloween you,alex and miles decided to have matching costumes for the Halloween party
Word count/631
❥┈┈┈•˼͝ʹ͜ ˓̇͜∙͡∘ ∘͡∙̇͜˓ ͜ʹ͝˼•┈┈┈❥
Halloween my favourite time of the year you can dress up like whatever you want and party the night away
Me and my boyfriend Alex got invited to a Halloween party that one of our friends were holding at this club They owned
They invite us every year last year we dressed as cat woman and the riddler and the year before Alex was Walter white and I was the day of the dead
"Babeh" Alex called from the living room
"What" i asked making my way to him he was on the laptop probably looking at Halloween costumes
"Weh need teh figure out Wha' weh gunna dress as for this parteh" he said once I sat beside him
"Let's have a look then" I said
We were googling couple ideas and we couldn't find any we liked then I idea came into my head
"Oh I know what we can be" I said loudly making Alex jump
"Wha'" he laughed
"Chucky and Tiffany" I said Alex nodded
"Brilliant oh I get another idea for miles" he chuckled
"And" I said
"He can me glen or Glenda" he said laughing I laughed aswell
"Perfect" I said
We ordered the Costumes I decided on wearing a normal white dress instead of the big dress Tiffany wears
I grabbed my phone and text Miles
Miles I got an idea for what you can dress up as
And what's that
Glen from the seed of Chucky 😂
I take it Alex is Chucky and your Tiffany 😂
Fine I'll order the costume
And now it's Halloween Alex's hair was all over the place and since we sprayed orange hairspray over his hair and a few fake scars on his face with a joke knife that Miles bought from the joke shop he looked hot dressed as Chucky 
And for my costume I wore a short white dress my black doc martins and Alex's leather jacket my dark eye makeup with my brownie colour lipgloss and my heart Chucky fake tattoo on my chest I even had the wig to complete the look
Me and Alex arrived to the party the same time as Miles who was dressed as glen from the seed of Chucky
"Yeh look amazing son"Alex joked
"Thanks dad" Miles played along
We walked into the party making our way to the bar "what are you meant to be" a girl dressed as poison Ivy asked us
"I'm Chucky" Alex said
"Tiffany" I answered
"And glen" Miles added
"Glen?" The girl looked confused
"Their kid from the seed of Chucky" Miles explained earning an "oh"
After a few hours of dancing and singing drinking and whatnot
There was a contest who wins best solo costume best couples costume and best trio costume and our mate Chris who is hosting the party announced the winners
The winner for best solo costume was someone dressed as the mystery machine from scooby doo
And winner for best couples costume was a couple dresses as riff raff and magenta from the Rocky horror picture show
The winner for best trio was me alex and miles
We all got a bottle of champagne each and to be honest I was chuffed
We danced longer drinking the champagne out the bottle until we were shitfaced
I began into feel sleepy
"Al can we go home I'm tired" I mumbled nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck
"Yeah come on let's get yeh home" Alex chuckled
Once we were home I collapsed onto the bed not bothering to change or even take my shoes off Alex did that for me even taking off my makeup
"Goodnight babeh"he whispered placing a kiss on top of my head
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ramune-raven-art · 2 years
greetings mortals!!! my name is Ramune raven, I draw things!
and you can pay me to draw things too!:
you can also join a discord server where you get to see drawings before they're posted/drawings that I don't post like silly lil doodles.
also!!! check out my fan species !!!!
Homestuck /hiveswap
camp camp
animes like bleach soul eater ext
Gregory horror show
ranting, it's a good way to let off steam.
normal things people hate, homophobes, racists, yadda yadda you all suck dni.
being alone/bored
people using my designs/art without credit
random dm's! please tell me why you wanna talk to me in your intro message, please don't just message "hi :)" and try to make friends. ((friends who I already know obv are good to message me hi :)))
info on me:
I'm Ramune raven! I like to draw dragons and make dragon aus. I am not kidding if you look through my blog you'll find my FNAF dragon au. I am a feral dragon harnessing beast of which even god fears himself.
I'm ok with:
420, weed friendly. smoke it myself.
18+ depending on context ((no Homestuck or most fandoms I'm in. they're 13 >:(//
arguments depending on context
I'm ok with people using my species and designs with direct credit ((reblog, @, or link. nothing else I'm ok with))
not ok with:
NSFW involving almost all fandoms I'm in due to characters age.
dsmp for the most part. on ponytown I get harassed by dsmp Stan's as urahara from bleach, plus my only other experience with them is stories of them vandalizing important memorials, doxxing people, and even worse, I get most dsmp fans aren't like this, but all I've met are. I'd prefer if you are a dsmp fan you don't discuss anything dream with me. that's about it, I'm fine with you guys otherwise
real excessive gore/really bad body horror. thinks like Akira, repo the genetic opera, and happy farms are good for me, real excessive gore isn't traumatic for me, it's just gross.
uncanny horror, I'm ok with it if I'm the one scaring myself.
current fandoms im in/has been in
soul eater
camp camp
horror in general
bleach anime
indie music ig??? late night drive home, foster the people, ext
goth music
music in general
family guy
south park
a lot of musicals, Les mis, repo, rocky horror, little shop, grease hairspray sweeney ext ext
lol I'll list more later
tags and their meanings on my blog!
#reblog: what it says!
#not art: not my art, doesn't mean the post itself isn't art, just not my art
#ramune raven art: my art tag! all my current art is posted under this tag
#raven talks: just talking posts that aren't art centric, sometimes my writings will be considered raven talks!
#draw later: expect fanart soon!
#art inspo: I look up to your art!
#inactivity notice: I don't have any posts lined up in que/am in art block or overall busy!
that's about it!
thanks for reading this long ass post, and I hope y'all enjoy your stay in my blog!
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Emotions (pt. 4)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy gets sick, and y/n goes to his house for a surprise visit.
Word Count: 1920
Chapter 1 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 5
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Over the next few weeks, the two of you had done many things together and had gotten even closer. You two went to the movies, a carnival, and even drove over an hour to a beach, where he teased you about your sloppy sand castle making skills. Most of the time he was at your house, eating with your family or just hanging out. There were even times where Hopper found Billy while driving and invited him to his house for dinner.
Because of that late beach night though, Billy ended up getting sick. Although he told you over the phone that he'd be fine, you secretly made a plan to visit him at his home. He always dodged your request to go to his house, but you made a plan to make him soup after school and deliver it to him.
Going to school without Billy felt weird and different. It felt lonely again, which became a foreign feeling. People began to treat you the way they treated you before Billy. Especially in biology.
One girl sat in Billy's seat and leaned into your space. "So how's it been being Billy's little whore?"
You didn't like that. Usually you didn't care about what people said about you, but her putting down Billy's name made you mad, something you didn't really ever have to deal with.
"I'm his friend, but maybe you don't know the difference." You tried to keep your voice calm, though it was surprisingly hard. You didn't want to look at her face, you were afraid that it'd get you angrier.
"Excuse me? You really think you can speak to me like that?!" You kept your eyes focused on the window. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
You looked at her. Her hair was full of hairspray, and you could tell that her hair is naturally straight, but she curled it. She wore heavy make up, and her hair was tied up high in a scrunchie. "Okay, what am I supposed to be looking at?"
She scoffed. "Someone who's way hotter than you." She glanced at a group of girls speculating, who nodded for her to go on. "Maybe you should leave it to the pretty girls to be with the guys like Billy. You probably aren't ready to give them what they really want."
You watched her smile at the group of girls. Your anger began to disappear. You understood now. She was just a girl, trying to fit in with bad people that control other people by bullying.
You looked in her eyes. "That's the wrong mentality. If someone isn't giving you attention, then you shouldn't try to give them your attention. You should just find someone who treats you the way you want to be treated."
She had her mouth open with something to say, but nothing came out. The bell then rang, and everybody went back to their seats.
After school when Hopper picked you up he also picked up Max so she could tell you where they lived. You first went to your home to make him soup and warm tea. When you finished, you told Hopper that you and El were spending the night with Max. So he dropped the three of you off.
"Crap." Max said. "Billy's dad is home. I don't know how he'll react to you giving Billy the soup and tea."
"El might have physical powers, but I have emotional powers. It'll be fine." That caused Max to crack a small smile, with the thought of that asshole of a stepdad losing to someone for once.
The three of you stepped inside, immediately causing Neil Hargrove to stand up from the couch. He eyed you, since you seemed around Billy's age. He stuck out his hand, to which you shook. "Hello sir. It's nice to meet you." You offered him a smile.
"Hey. Mind telling me what your doing here?" You saw him glancing down your body once more, with the snug clothes that Billy had bought you on.
"Oh, my sister and I are spending the night with Max. We just wanted to make sure that she goes to school safely tomorrow in case her brother isn't well enough to take her."
"Billy's always been a lazy ass kid. He can take her to school tomorrow, and you–"
You put a hand on his shoulder, sending exhausted emotions into him. "Sir, you look beat. You should probably go to bed."
"I... No, I–" You sent stronger emotions through him. "Yeah, yeah I'll go to bed now."
As he left for his room, you unzipped your backpack to take out the dinner you made for Billy. Max knocked on the door, and you heard Billy croak out a what?! "I have a surprise for you." Max said. "I'm coming in, so you better have clothes on!"
"What the fuck is the point of knocking when you just invite yourself in?!" He sat up angrily, but then saw you. His facial expression went from annoyed to shocked.
"Hi Billy."
"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" You calmly walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "My dad–"
"Is in bed right now." You said. "He agreed to let me and El sleep over for Max before he went to bed." At this point Max showed El to her room, leaving the two of you alone.
"No, that can't be–" He cut himself off with a coughing fit.
"Billy." You said. "I have a way with people. Just trust me. Please?" You asked him, in a teasingly innocent way. He nodded, his face becoming more relaxed. You handed him the soup and tea. "I made these for you, so you can get better. I hope you like them."
He set them down on his dresser and scooted closer to you. He hooked his finger under your chin and raised your head. "You're too good for me doll."
You smiled gently and put your hand over the one that had your chin. As you put his hand down, you gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You should give yourself more credit."
He stared at you, his face beginning to feel hot. "What was that for?" He quietly asked.
You looked down in embarrassment. "Um, I saw somewhere that a kiss on the cheek was a term of endearment between someone important to you. Maybe I misinterpreted the meaning. Sorry."
He quickly put a hand on your cheek in a slight panic. "No no, sweetheart! That did mean something! I was just a little surprised, is all." You smiled and nodded, leaning into his hand. He gave you one of his charming, cheeky smiles. "Can I get another one on the lips?"
You chuckled. "No, that's different."
"It's to help me feeling better." He began to crawl closer to you.
"That's not what it means." You covered his mouth with your hand as he laid you down, trying to nuzzle his way into a kiss. "Billy!" You giggled. "Your going to get me sick!"
Max made a loud cough, stopping the two of you. "So, maybe you should put on your pajamas."
You sat up and ran your fingers through your hair. "Right! I forgot to bring something to sleep in."
"Maybe you could use one of Billy's shirts."
You looked at Billy, who nodded his head. You then grabbed a Led Zeppelin shirt while Billy stared at Max's smug face. Max did always say that he was a horny ass who would get what he deserves. He guessed that this will be that time; the thought of you in only his shirt and your underwear just sounded so hot to him, and Max was just eating it up.
As Max left, you were about to follow her before you left Billy grab your wrist. "Wait," he said, his voice low. "Can I have another kiss? Please?"
You leaned down and brushed a piece of hair from his face before kissing his forehead. "Good night Billy." You then walked out, leaving Billy to push his face into the pillow, his face burning and smiling.
"Ugh, what do even see in him?" Max asked as you put on the shirt.
You chuckled. "He's a good friend to me Max. Besides you, he's one of the people I know who treat me like a normal person."
She let out a sigh. "Whatever."
"Good morning." You said as Billy watched you put up your hair in the open bathroom. Instead of leaving your hair completely down after taking your morning shower, you put up your bed head in a half bun. "How are you feeling?"
He leaned in the door frame. "Better, thanks to you."
You smiled at him before playing with his hair and getting an idea. "Can I do something with your hair? It'll be discreet, I promise."
He wanted to say the hell you can, but looking into your eager eyes caused him to be reluctant. The two of you went to the dining room for Billy to sit down. He felt your fingers play with the lower part of his hair, and he secretly liked it.
As you finished and tied it together, Max came up and let out a chuckle. "Looks good, which is weird since you always look like crap." She smiled at him, knowing that he wouldn't say anything in front of you.
He then got up to look in the bathroom mirror, and smiled. You made a small hidden braid. It looked good. "I like it." He said as he came back.
"Really?" You beamed as he nodded. You all then ate cereal together whilst talking to each other. Billy thought of you in adoration. You somehow managed to make his shithole house into a normal one by just being there. You truly are that amazing.
As you and the two younger girls got into the car, Billy grabbed his backpack and walked out of his room to see his father standing in the door frame and looking at you. "She's pretty fine looking, don't you think?"
Billy felt disgusted at Neil thinking of you in that way. He mumbled out a yeah to please him.
"She isn't like the usual sluts you have, so you probably don't have a shot with her. I think you should go for someone a little more easy." Billy said nothing as his father walked away after that.
As Billy sat into the car, you put your hand on his thigh as the two girls were talking amongst themselves. You gave him a look, silently asking if he's okay. He gave you a small smile and a little nod. You gently squeezed his thigh before bringing your hand back and contently looking out the window. You knew that just asking was enough to make him feel a bit better.
By next week you got sick, to which Billy was at your house every night after school; you had Hopper make sure he was at school instead of with you. He tried his best to take care of you, and it made you feel a different kind of happiness. You still don't know what it is, but it makes your face burn up from the things he says and does.
One day El opened the door while you and Mike were playing a card game, and Billy sat on the ground next to you, scooping you up and putting you on his lap. He handed you a piece of paper. A flyer for prom. "Guess where we're going."
Tag List:
@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear
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sirius17black · 4 years
Okay... so I'm casually watching "larry proofs after 1D broke-up" vids on youtube. They were talking about Eroda and sbb so like okay... but then I noticed something...
Before I start.
I also don't approve the idea of pushing babygate theory to others because I feel like it will become a little disrespectful towards Louis and Freddie, if he is really Louis' son. But please hear me out on this one.
And if this was already noticed by the others before, then nvm. But please bear with me. It's the first time I noticed this after YEARS and Idk what to do with this info so like I went straight gay here to tumblr to share it.
So here is the photo that was once shared by RBB and SBB, years ago.
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Now, many of us had theories about Judy Garland and Hairspray in that photo.
Exibit A:
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Exibit B:
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But what really caught my attention was THE ENTIRE STACK OF BOOKS on the right side of the photo
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Okay. When Rbb and Sbb was still active, we still didn't know about what will be the name of Louis' son. There was even an article in where it was rumored that he will have a daughter, back then. But like... is it really just a coincidence that if you read the stack of books in one context you will get this...
Hotel BABYlon
Not to mention that RBB and SBB referred to them a lot of times? Even the bears themselves look like Freddie Mercury...
Idk... but what if the real reason why they introduced us to the bears is to let us know that babygate is really a thing...
Okay bye. Not much sleeping will happen tonight.
Im shookt
I think i'm going mad. How will I live normally from now on? And to think that the only thing I found funny back then is how he named his son after a famous larry youtube account (freddieismyqueen). Hahahaha im not fine.
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
Diamante d’Italia: Chapter 1
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After his Father "generously gave" the teenager a whopping amount of money Josuke finds himself vacationing in beautiful southern Italy.
However, being the trouble magnet he is, he ends up getting caught in Famiglia affairs.
Being so far from his home and his friends, Josuke needs to make some powerful allies to help him out of this mess...
(Chapter 1: Culture shock)
"--and remember to-"
"Yes Mom. I know." Josuke sighed into the phone, rolling his eyes. "I've got everything on me. You know I can protect myself."
They'd had this exact same phone conversation at every other airport he had called from so far. By now the teenager had memorized it all and knew exactly what his Mother was going to say.
Standing in the airport of Naples Italy wouldn't make a difference.
"Ok. But just be careful Josuke. Italy is so far from here." She said over the background clatter. "And you don't even know any Italian."
There was a crackle over the phone as she sighed, he could hear the sounds of dishes clinking in the background followed by running water.
He almost had to plug his other ear to drown out the loud voice on the intercom so he could hear her talking.
"...I know Tonio."
"That joke was horrible, Josuke."
If there wasn't the sound of dishes still being done, he would've been sure his Mother had hung up on him.
There were no words exchanged for at least a full 10 seconds and with each passing second the teenager tried harder and harder to contain every giggle that tried to escape his lips, waiting with baited breath on her reaction.
The teenager couldn't hold in his laughter anymore, wheezing a little as he leaned on the glass wall of the phonebooth.
"I know." He cackled. "But it's kinda true. Tonio told me so much about Italy! It can't be that bad here..."
A change of scenery would do him good. Especially after all he had been through in the past little while with all that serial killer mess.
He had been daydreaming about this trip, this place, but most importantly; the cuisine, for almost a month now.
After his Father so generously "gave" him his wallet upon departure of Morioh, Josuke Higashikata decided it was time for him to see some of the world.
It was definitely time for a vacation and what better place to visit than the country with food that made Okuyasu and him squabble over every single morsel cooked and served to them by Tonio.
He earned a punch to the shoulder however from Okuyasu after telling him the news. His friend wasn't spiteful however and laughed, telling him that he could finally have Tonio and his fine chef skills all to himself while he was away.
Neither of them had really looked at "normal" food that same way after tasting fine Italian food so he couldn't think of a better place to go for some rest and relaxation.
He had also heard that Italy held some beautiful sights.
Josuke promised to bring him home a shitload of souvenirs anyways. He was also considering getting something for Koichi and his Mom back home.
There was another crackle over the phone along with the running water in the background suddenly being turned off, making it a little easier to hear the woman as she spoke.
"If you say so..."
It also made it easier to hear the undeniable concern lacing her tone however.
"Say, what time is it over there anyways Mom?" He questioned, mostly out of curiosity, but also for the sake of taking his Mothers mind off of any worries she held for him.
"Just after 5." She answered with a hum, the sound of a plug being pulled and a draining sink accompanying it.
"Oh wow!" He blinked, peering out off the glass booth to squint at the overly large clock of the airport terminal. "It's only 10AM over here."
"If you're going to call home, please do it around this time Josuke." She told him, a laugh lacing her voice as she spoke. "I wouldn't appreciate being woken up by the phone at 3AM."
The Highschooler laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. He should probably write that down just in case he forgot, the last thing he wanted was to be screamed at by his Mother over the phone for waking her up in the middle of the night.
"Right..." he murmured. "Anyways. I should probably go now Mom. I'll call you from a Hotel or something tomorrow."
"Ok Josuke."
He could hear her hesitation to let him go in her voice alone.
"I'll be fine. I love you Mom. Talk soon!"
"I love you too."
He hung up the phone at last, a small smile gracing his lips.
Gripping the handle of his luggage tightly, he stepped out of the booth with his head held high.
He was worried about his Mother too of course. She was going through a lot too, especially when she was still grieving for his Grandfather.
However, once he was in possession of his newly aquired money (not stolen! Where would you get that idea?) He had given her a good portion of it and told her to spend the time he was away getting her nails done or treating herself in anyway she saw fit. She needed this little break as much as he did.
"Time to find a cab."
Easier said than done.
Here he was on a sidewalk, finally into the City after nearly 2 hours of waiting for an open taxi to take him from the airport to the city, his pompador all in a stressful ruffle over the whole ordeal.
His eyes darted back and forth between the outstretched hand of the driver and the meter on the dashboard.
"120 000 Lira?!" He squawked at the cab driver, his aquamarine eyes going wide in their sockets as the man held out his hand before him.
Josuke wasn't exactly a mathematician, but he knew enough to know that amount was absurd! "Th-there's gotta be some mistake, sir! You only drove me to the edge of the city."
This was highway robbery (no pun intended), there was no way it could've been that much!
The taxi driver had rolled his eyes at him and told him otherwise, demanding he pay up or he'd drag him straight to the Police Officers who were standing idle near the Cab on the streetcorner.
Josuke peered into his wallet with a sigh from where he sat on the curb. Damnit. He'd have to think twice about taking another cab. He only had so much money to blow, necessary expenses like food and hotelrooms were his main priority, and he still needed a ticket home to Japan when all of this was over.
He'd just have to settle for walking the entire time he was here.
He tucked his wallet away safely, flicking out a comb and began to straighten out the poof of hair he so adored. He'd have to put some more hairspray in it later if things kept going like this, good thing he packed 8 whole cans.
His Lunchhour.
He stood up, grabbing his suitcase once more and keeping it close to his side.
"Well... I guess it's time to find a hotel." He mused. His thoughts were interrupted however by a punctuating growl of his stomach. He hadn't eaten much on the plane at all and from the position of the overhead sun, he could tell it was noontime.
"Ooh." He breathed, a hand moving to his stomach in surprise. "I'm running on empty..."
However, maybe it was better to ask for directions.
He supposed a Hotel would have to wait. What he really needed right now was a restaurant.
From all the stories Tonio told him about Italian cuisine and the entire culture behind it, he was sure it wouldn't be too hard to find one of those around here.
"Um- excuse me--" he tried to grab the attention of a passing man. The guy kept on walking without even giving him a side glance.
Another man approached him from behind and Josuke turned, stepping in front of him somewhat to gain his attention.
"Er... oh! Sir! A moment please, I'm--"
There went another one, very much like the first.
"Excuse me sir, could you tell me--" he started again. The man stopped in his tracks, nearly bumping right into Josuke.
"Ey! What gives?!"
"Outta my way, bastardo!"
The Highschool student barely had a chance to blink before the guy was right in his face, a fierce scowl pulling on his face.
If looks could kill, Josuke would be getting murdered in that moment.
The man grunted and shoved him further out of his way, balling his fists and grumbling to himself, too low for Josuke to hear, but the teen knew it was all in fluent Italian.
He held up his free hand in surrender, backing up and out of the way of the angry stranger.
"S-Sorry sir!" He practically squeaked. "I... I didn't mean to bother you!"
He rubbed his arm, a frown found its way to his face as he watched the furious mans back.
Sheesh. And here he thought he had been in a rough town back in Japan.
Maybe he should just start walking...
He was starting to wish he took some language courses with Koichi in this years last term.
Or maybe he could've learned some basic words and stuff from Tonio, the man always seemed eager to share in the wonders of his culture after all.
Or maybe he could've not been an absolute dumbass and bought an Italian to English dictionary to use.
Or worse.
Josuke had been walking up and down the streets for nearly an hour, passing by buildings and signs galore, none of which he could read.
He was tempted to stop another stranger to ask what any of them meant, or even just plain ask where the nearest restaurant was, but he didn't want to get screamed at again.
Staring at the signs like a toddler who didn't know how to read but was trying made it all the worse.
"This is hopeless..." he grumbled, kicking at the sidewalk, sending a small stone bouncing down the white concrete.
He was actually contemplating calling his Mother again to ask her what he should do.
Maybe he could even call Tonio. Or Koichi. Or Okuyasu. Or his Nephew. Or fuck, ANYONE at this point.
Maybe he shouldn't have traveled alone and brought one of them along...
He had a feeling this was going to be a long day and he dug in his coat, whipping out his comb again. His pompadour was getting all ruffled again.
"Ei, tu."
He paused. Did someone... speak to him?
"Um... Hello?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did you say something?"
Frowning, he turned to locate the voice, finding himself facing an alleyway that lead off the street.
A figure stood there, leaned against the brick wall of a building, their eyes gleaming at him. There were others too, just two others, all of them looking at him.
The one closest to the alley entrance, a tall thinner male, looked him up and down, "Sei il ragazzo?" A question of some sort.
The one who spoke sported disheveled brown hair and clothes that were even more so, with strange sunken in eyes that seemed to hold a never ending stare. His two friends were not much different, they all had that same stare and it was locked firmly onto him.
Josuke frowned a little deeper, he didn't really understand what the man wad saying. Did he want something? Or maybe... was he trying to help him?
The Highschool student looked around before stepping into the alley, closing the distance between him and the group.
"Um... I'm sorry I don't understand." He flashed an awkward smile, looking between the three men hoping that someone could understand him or at least translate. "Can any of you help...?"
It sort of reminded Josuke of when he ate his Lunch at the neighborhood park back in Morioh.
The dogs that hung out around there would all approach him, then sit and watch, with their ears up and their backs straight, unblinking and expecting him to give them a piece of his sandwich.
He always thought it was a little creepy, but it was even creepier somehow to see it in a person.
The brown haired one pointed to the suitcase he held, "É questo?" That sounded like another question to him.
This was getting nowhere. He heaved out a sigh, throwing his hands up as he began to back away. "Sorry. I have no idea what you're saying... I-I really got to go."
The more he backed up, the more the blankness of stares seemed to disolve into... anger?
Yeah, suddenly these guys were looking pissed. All three of them were staring even more intensely into him, most especially the brown haired one.
"Prendetelo!" One of the others barked.
"Dacci le maledette droghe, cazzone!" The brunet man screeched and Josuke realized there was a fist coming for him. He stepped back quickly, the closed hand swooping loudly through the air, barely gracing his chest.
What was happening? Why were these men suddenly after him? Josuke barely had the time to consider the options of running away or trying to talk his way out of all of this mess before he was suddenly on the ground.
"Darlo a noi!"
They tried to pull the leather bag from his grasp and he pulled back harder, now full on clutching it to his chest as the fists now rained down on him.
Josuke couldn't even cry out. Everything was happening all at once. His thoughts were loud and his heartbeat was louder. The noise around him had gone to nothing but whitenoise. His only thought was to not let them take his suitcase.
And then... it all stopped. Just as quickly as it happened.
The teenager opened his eyes to find that all the kicking and punching had ceased on him. One of the men was on the ground and there was another person standing over them, yelling into his face.
But here he was. Defending a fucking stranger from a group of junkies.
Leone Abbacchio hated getting involved with common street fights. He hated it especially more when he was supposed to NOT be fighting someone today.
It was his day off after all. Bucciarati told him he could spend his time how he wanted it and he wanted some alone time.
All the Mafioso wanted to do was listen to his damn music and get some lunch when he noticed this damn idiot (obviously a tourist) trying to converse with the men.
'Just keep walking.' He tried to tell himself over and over, trying to pacify the unease building in him.
It wasn't his affair.
This was their problem.
He was a bystander.
He wasn't even in the alley.
He was on his way somewhere.
He shouldn't even give it a passing glance....
And then he watched the punk get knocked to the ground.
Now here he was, kicking the shit out of a damn dirty junkie.
Josuke winced at he the sound of a fist hitting hard against a nose, the crackle of bone filling his ears.
One of the men who had been attacking him came up behind the silver haired figure and threw his arms around him in an attempt to pull him down.
Abbacchio didn't even flinch and hauled the man forward, bending so he came right over his head and smacked into the brunet who was holding the nose that was gushing with red blood.
He definitely owned up to his name then and there because to Josuke his gruff and booming voice was like the roar of a powerful Lion.
That was all it took. All three of them were clamoring to their feet and booking it down towards the other end of the alley.
It sort of reminded Josuke of that time he broke that seniors nose.
Thank God his hair was still ok though, after checking quickly he sighed in pure relief. That was truly what mattered to him, along with his luggage.
His eyes turned to his savior and he slowly got up from the hard ground, wincing as he did.
He was definitely going to hurt in the morning. He could already feel a bruise spotting on the center of his back.
"Th... Thank you." He spoke at last watching as the new stranger turned to face him at last. "I just wanted to ask for directions but I didn't know what they wanted..."
The duel coloured eyes of the man burned into him as he looked over him, making the high schooler start to sweat under the penetrating gaze.
"You... seem familiar." Abbacchio said at length. He had seen someone before with the same kinda face, he was sure of it. He squinted at the Highschool student as he wracked his brain for answers.
The teenager was sure of that. He was sure he would've remembered this man purely by the way he looked, let alone the strong and intimidating presence that radiated off him, if he had even glanced in his direction before.
Josuke blinked, his expression not unlike a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming car.
"Um... we've never met before."
Abbacchio rolled his eyes. "Tch. No shit." He spat. "I've never seen you before either stronzo. You just seem kinda familiar."
Josuke winced slightly, averting his eyes to the ground lamely.
He really hoped this guy could take a joke. He just got off the ground and didn't want to be thrown back down onto it.
He really was. For what exactly, he wasn't sure, but apologies always spilled from your lips in these kind of situations, regardless of whether you did something or not.
He broke off into an awkward laugh, shrugging as he struggled to meet the mans gaze. "I'm the only one I know who has such stylish hair like this so I don't know what would seem familiar to you."
"Whatever." The Goth finally said, shaking his head. "Judging by what just happened I can tell you're not from around here. You a tourist or something kid?"
Abbacchio folded his arms, looking him up and down again, making him painfully aware of more sweat beading on his neck.
This man was so hard to read to Josuke, kind of like his nephew in that way, he had no idea what the hell he was thinking.
"Oh sure am!" Josuke smiled brightly, a little more at ease. This guy was making some small talk with him, which was usually a step in a good direction.
A direction where he hoped he wouldn't get beat up and almost mugged again...
"I'm kinda on a vacation. I got some money and decided I wanted to see the world..." He rocked on his heels a little, studying the man before him just as much as he was him. "You live around here?"
"You could say that..." Abbacchio hummed, glancing back towards the street. "I don't exactly have a home but I live here."
"Oh!" Josuke had to refrain himself from covering his mouth after letting out that noise in surprise. He averted his gaze, absentmindedly scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh." He said, much softer this time, feeling very awkward. If only he had the ability to make the ground swallow him up. "I'm sorry...."
Leone offered no response.
"Do you like... have a place to sleep at least? Like at nights?"
"Yeah. I tend to move around a lot though." He answered vaguely. Best to keep all that extra information to himself. This brat didn't need to know the ins and outs of his life.
He nodded this time, because he did. He mostly slept at Bucciarati's house, whether upstairs in one of the guestrooms or on the mans couch downstairs.
Sometimes when out on missions, whether alone or with the others, he checked into a hotel (sometimes a Motel) and stayed there.
Other times he slept in the back of a van while on the road to or from said missions.
At least he wasn't drinking himself to death somewhere in the gutter anymore...
He turned his gaze back to Josuke who seemed a little more at ease hearing his words. He narrowed his eyes, "You're not.... in the Famiglia? Are you?"
Josuke blinked a few times. The.... what?
That alone answered his question.
Who the hell other than a Mafioso sported a fucking pompadour?!
Raising one pointed eyebrow, he looked the kid over again. He never would've guessed he wasn't associated because he certainly dressed like a Mafioso.
What with that black coat adorned with those shiny golden hearts, not to mention the peace sign and the anchor as well, and that hair...
This twerp apparently...
Abbacchio huffed, waving a hand dismissively. "Nevermind. Just... watch yourself Kid. More importantly, watch your wallet."
Oh Christ! His wallet! He might've dropped it in that scuffle! Those bastards might've took it!
Josuke panicked, hands instinctively slapping his pockets in a frantic search. Ah! It was there! As soon as his hand found the bulge in his pocket, he let out a breath as relief washed over him like a warm tidalwave on the beach.
"Oh- yeah, yeah... of course." He breathed. "Th-Thanks for reminding me-" here he paused, his pale blue eyes blinking. "I never... got your name."
To his own surprise, Abbacchio complied.
"Abbacchio." He said. "Leone Abbacchio."
"Abbacchio..." Josuke tested the name out, bobbing his head as he idly scratched his chin. "Ha! Cool name. I'm Josuke Higashikata, I actually come from Japan."
The dawny eyed mans frown deepened as he contemplated telling him that his last name literally just meant "lambchop", a far cry from "cool" if you asked him, but he thought better of it.
Yeah. There was no way in Hell Abbacchio was going to try and take a crack at repeating that last name. He'd be there all day.
Just "Josuke" would have to do.
"Japan, huh?" He said aloud, more to himself than Josuke, stroking his chin in thought. "I hear the streets are much nicer there..."
The events of the past couple of months suddenly came flooding back all at once to Josuke. How he and his friends had been attacked left and right, going against all odds, all on a search to hunt down their towns serial killer.
The blaring siren of that Ambulance still haunted him in his sleep and he woke up in a cold sweat each time there came the sound of a head being popped each time it replayed in his head.
He laughed a little, forcing a smile on his face as a hand swept through his hair. "Yeah... you could say that."
Now desperate to change the subject, he decided to steer the conversation to something much lighter. Something that didn't make him remember a massacre.
Or a hand-fetishing serial killer getting his head squashed like a grape.
"You've... got quite the fashion sense." He commented, pointing to the mans open coat lined with laces and purple lipstick maybe a little rudely. "I like your eyeliner."
Leone hardly batted an eye (a well lined eye at that) at his words. If anything, he was surprised the kid didn't outright say anything like "ARE YOU A GOTH?!"
He was quite used to that one, even if the answer was yes it was still irritating.
Besides... that one little girl on the bus that time told him he looked pretty. And that was enough for him.
Or there was always the "Why are you wearing makeup? You're a MAN!"
Now that one always made him fucking furious. Just because he was "a man" didn't make any damn difference. Makeup was to make you look good so it was for everyone.
"Thanks." He huffed. Though his voice hadn't lost any of that gruffness, he truly was thankful for a genuine compliment. "I like your coat."
He wasn't quite like Koichi however. The silver haired teenager thst only came up to his hip wore his heart on his sleeve everywhere he went.
Josuke, very unlike Abbacchio who seemed indifferent to it all, blushed at the praise. His friends always told him he was very expressive and that was true.
When he was happy he walked with bounce in his step, when he was sad it all came out in tears and when he was angry... oh... he was told the sight wasn't very pretty.
"Ah, thanks. It's my school uniform, I really like it."
Here Abbacchios eyebrows shot right up, a frown twinging at the corners of his mouth. A school uniform? This kid must have been living some kind of high life, or maybe at least went to a pretty decent school, if this was just a plain old uniform.
He pursed his lips, the punk kind of reminded him of a stand-user. He had a hunch.
"I see..." he hummed, folding his arms across his chest. "You really are still just a kid then."
Bucciarati often said that stand-users (natural or otherwise) tended to gravitate towards one another. Like "strings of fate" or some cliché sounding shit.
But maybe it was possible. This kid wasn't a Mafioso... but he could very well have powers.
Like lightning striking, Josukes expression changed again. His eyebrows went together and his lips into a sort of a pout.
"I'm 16." He told the man, trying to sound as rough and tough at least as half as this stranger was (Abbacchio quirked an eyebrow, looking completely unfazed at his attempt however, probably because he just watched him get beat up). "Besides. I think I'm pretty mature..."
"I won't call you a kid if you don't call me an old man. Deal?"
This kid was starting to kinda sound like Mista. However if the punk started spewing shit about how the number 4 was unlucky, he would get as far away as possible.
He half chuckled (it was more of an exhale), coloured lips quirking somewhat into a smirk.
Josuke shrugged, uncrossing his arms as his lips pulled into a smirk of their own, cocking an eyebrow at the other.
"Hmm, depends. How old are you?" He questioned, almost playfully. The man must have been at least approaching his 30's but he wasn't sure.
"Well into my 20's." Abbacchio grunted, keeping his exact age number vague to the young teen. "But I've seen more shit than other people do in a lifetime."
For all he know he really could be an old man. He had white hair after all and certainly had the gruffness of an older man.
Maybe he was hiding some wrinkles under that makeup or something?
Only in his 20's? Jeeze... he believed that last part. Most especially when the dawny eyes suddenly locked onto his, staring at him with all seriousness.
"Listen to me, I don't really care what the Hell you do, but when you get out of school... stay away from the bad stuff. You hear me?"
Josuke swallowed, his mouth now felt way too dry, and he nodded to the man almost knowingly. He had been through some bads too... however, he couldn't help but wonder how much similarities there were between him and Abbacchio.
Leone huffed quietly, giving the kid one more solemn nod, before turning on his heel and quietly going on his way down the alley, out towards the street.
The teenager watched him go, feeling painfully out of place all of a sudden, like a puzzle piece that had been jammed into the wrong spot.
"Uh- hey!"
He didn't even realize that he had called out until Abbacchio halted in his tracks, turning to look at him with a deep frown.
Josuke fidgeted on the spot, stuffing his hands in his pockets to avoid fumbling with them out in the open and look somewhat composed under the older mans stare.
Once again, Leone Abbacchio found himself feeling surprised.
"Uhh..." he cleared his throat, trying to focus his thoughts clear enough to speak without stuttering.
"This might sound kinda weird but -uh... you wanna... like grab a coffee or something?" He smiled sheepishly at the man whose expression didn't change. "I mean, you just kinda saved my skin back there and you seem pretty cool. I don't have anybody traveling with me and... we could like... talk more? Ah- only if you don't mind!"
Ah, fuck it. He had already gone out of his way.
Normally when he was out and about and people were forced to interact with him in any way, shape or form, they tended to want to get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible.
Hell, he had people practically jump out of his way sometimes when he was just walking down the street.
Plus, he was getting hungry.
He nodded to Josuke.
Josuke was now jogging up to him, the man swore he saw stars in the teens eyes to match his bright smile.
Tonio definitely didn't tell him that part about Italy...
He wasn't even sure if he had even been that long here in Italy.
Josuke did his best to keep up, Abbacchios steps were long and deliberate making him quite fast for a man who was just taking a stroll, keeping just a little behind him to avoid bumping shoulders with the people on the streets.
Abbacchio started down the alley again, waving him to follow.
"Comrades, huh?" He laughed a little. "What? You in a gang or something?"
It was meant to be a joke. Something to get his newest companion to roll his eyes and give a half-hearted chuckle. Josuke felt his stomach become as heavy as a brick when Abbacchio swiveled his head to look at him, his white hair flinging slightly over his shoulder as he stared him in the face.
The teen wondered briefly if his new ally would suddenly beat him up like those dealers tried to do and he gulped, preparing to turn tail and run as fast as he could down the street.
The former policeman frowned deeply. Did this stronzo know nothing about the mean Italian streets? The Mafia? Of fucking course he was in a Gang, did he think he was just a streetwalking freak that kicked the shit out of druggies and junkies alike for fun?
Abbacchio leaned closer, his expression radiating all seriousness.
"S-Sorry..." he muttered somewhat lamely, his voice so quiet Abbacchio probably wouldn't have heard him if he weren't so close.
Any idiot would know the true meaning to that answer and Josuke didn't consider himself an idiot.
The man grunted in response and simply kept walking, no more was said as Josuke continued to followed him down the street to this supposed spot.
On the bright side of things... he now reminded him even more of his nephew Jotaro.
Even if it wasn't in a good way...
More importantly, he was finally going to get something to eat.
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Overgrown Metal
Chapter 2: Camping
Summary of fic:
Almost two decades ago, the fae rose up from beyond the realm with technology far surpassing the human race, quickly taking over after laying waste to nearly everything in their wake. Virgil and Roman, Society escapees and hunters, run into an uncertain future while fleeing from their pasts. Remy and Remus stare their only chance straight in the face as they teeter on the edge of reluctant adventure. Emile is left his cousins engineering palace and is given the tools to change the world. Logan, a lone researcher and outcast is found by an old friend who offers him a chance of the century. Hyden (deciet), can shift into anything he so chooses, but staying true to his form as his heritage slaps him sideways proves harder than he thought. Patton mourns the loss of his son as he slowly uncovers secrets he wishes aren't related.
Or less wordy:
Eight idiots with trust issues fumble around each other and try to save the world from killer mechanical beasts and fairies that will snap your neck without taking their hands from their wine glasses.
Warnings: Violence, fight scenes, dark fantasy, apocalypse setting, some gore, blood
TW for this chapter: spiraling thoughts, mentions of anxiety. If you see more you want mentioned, please say something.
Ships: Remy (sleep) x Remus. Brotherly Roman and Virgil. Platonic Logan and Hyden (Deciet)
Wrapping his cloak tighter around himself, the young man grumbled quietly to himself as he scooted closer to the small fire. Two cans of mini raviolis sat nearby, cracked open slightly and heating up just a foot away from the flames. He let out a quiet curse as his stomach grumbled loudly, making more noise in a couple seconds than he had in a week.
'What the hell is taking you so long?' he thought at his still absent companion. The water of the nearby river was freezing, it shouldn't be taking this long to clean. He would had heard if the other was attacked. Even if the attacker was silent Roman typically wasn't, their overly dramatic battle cries carrying over fields if they so chose them too. Maybe they fell in? Again, he would have heard the yell...unless the shock from the cold rendered them nonverbal. Or something had dragged them in. Maybe while cleaning off their weapons their hand had slipped and they had sliced themself open and was currently bleeding out and he wouldn't know because he was being too stubborn to leave the warmth of the fire. What if they fell and cracked their head open on a rock? What if-
Cruching footsteps interrupting his racing thoughts and he breathed a quiet sigh of relief. While he was getting better at not having to check on Roman every few minutes to make sure they were still around, it didn't stop his thoughts from quickly spiraling when the thought of him being alone again filled his head. Roman plopped down beside him having deposited their pack with their other belongings nearby, leaning forward to carefully take the cans away from the fire and depositing one in front of each of them before procuring spoons from God-knows-where but he was hungry so it didn't matter.
He growled low as he snatched the utensil, ripping the lid the rest of the way off and shoveling the ravioli with essence of tin in his mouth regardless of the heat.
"Slow down, dark and stormy gremlin, you're gonna choke!" He didn't even spare a glance at the scandalized face as the last of the sauce was scraped up and eaten in less than a minute.
"Was hungry." He mumbled out, hands disappearing back into the cloak as he burrowed further into its warmth.
The other eyed him fondly. "Honestly, Virgil I can't take you anywhere. I get a spot at the nicest pasta joint in town and this is how you behave? I really can't take you anywhere."
They frowned as they only recieved a soft huff in response. "Are you alright? I'm sorry I was gone for so long, that oil takes a while to work out in cold water."
Virgil shook his head. "....that."
Catching only half the mumble, Roman set their own empty can down and scooted closer. "Can I ask you to repeat that or is it a signing day?"
Virgil squeezed himself tighter in the fabric and lifted his head up towards the other. Roman's eyes shone with concern even in the dim light of their small campfire, the effect only slightly ruined by the dark curls drying in the humid air making them puff out in a fluffy halo around their head. The image made him smile lightly and duck his head back down to suppress his giggles.
"Hairs messy."
He only giggled harder at the offended gasp. "I'm offering you a damn heart to heart here and I get insulted!" Roman grimaced as they felt what state their hair was in, ruing their days as a traveler if only for the fact that hairstyles were rendered useless on an adventure. They were still bitter over The Great Hairspray Debacle of 2015, having to give the space up in their pack for "actual necessary supplies, Roman".
Virgils laughter died down as the nervous feeling began to creep back into his thoughts. Roman noticed the sobering mood and sat back slightly, willing to wait for the young nervous wreck to gather his thoughts.
"Town's coming up."
Roman nodded. They knew there was a town with an underground market a few days travel away from the last time they had come through this way. They hadn't had time to stop before, but this time around they needed to empty out their packs of the items that had been piling up for a few weeks now and their supplies were getting low enough that they would have needed to stop to stock up anyway. They gestured for Virgil to continue even though they knew what the source of anxiety was going to be.
"What if..." Virgil growled in frustration as the words stuck in his throat, the rolling anxiety in his stomach and mind making him struggle to not shut down. Long, pale fingers twisted and bunched the fabric around him until with a frustrated huff they darted out and flipped out a quick gesture.
Roman nodded in understanding and he sighed in relief. He knew not being able to speak most of the time had to be annoying for his companion but thankfully they never seemed to mind, only waiting patiently for either words to be forced out or hands to jerkedly spell out what little bit of sign language he knew. He made up a lot along the way and most of the time he was able to be understood. With no internet to look up the language, books being a Society priviledge and a general distrust of people making it difficult to ask anyone for lessons, even though they never stayed in one place for long, official sign wasn't something either of them were good at.
"That's why we have the cloaks and hoods and even the masks if we feel like we need them. We're pretty far away though, I doubt anyone we would know would be around." Roman took up a stick and poked around the fire a bit, stirring it as the embers began to die down for the night. "Nothing has ever happened at any of the towns we've been in, and I've heard this one is particularly...underground, so to speak. No one who would recognize us would be caught dead near there. We'll go in, sell our parts, grab supplies and get out. Next stop after that will be that abandoned city-town-place wherever that we heard about a while back. It'll be fine, Anx."
Virgil smiled at the old nickname, something Roman had taken to calling him when he refused to reveal his name the first few months they began traveling together. His shoulders relaxed the tiniest bit as the name ironically released some of the pent up anxiety, fingers releasing the cloak and instead splaying on his ripped black jeans to try and wipe off the accumulated sweat.
They both sat in silence for a while after that, watching the fire die down completely as the late evening faded into complete darkness, the clear sky allowing the stars to be on full display with no threat of light pollution to obscure their giddy twinkling. Crickets chirped quietly in the long grass, fireflies answering back their call with lazy winks of light. Even the river was hushed, water seeming to lap quieter at the shore for fear of breaking the rare tranquility the nearby travelers were soaking in.
With the world this soft and still, Virgil could pretend for a moment that this was merely an extended camping trip. Maybe they were on their summer break and were hiking for the fun of it. Tomorrow they could trek through a forest like it was nothing, sunlight streaming through normal tree branches as untouched wildlife teemed around them. All of their gear and supplies could be innocent in nature, the heaviest thing in their packs could be a small camping stove rather than their extensive collection of foreign trading parts. Their supplies were running low, so they'd soon start heading back the way they came, finding their car and laughing at some dumb play argument they had on the way back while they reloaded everything and climbed in the front, laughter turning to more bickering as they fought over what music they'd listen to first. Roman would drive first since Virgil only had his permit and wouldn't feel comfortable taking the wheel until he recognized the roads they were on. They'd get to Virgils house and it would be coming onto late evening so he'd let Roman stay the night, knowing his dad-
Virgil furiously scrubbed at his eyes, snapping back from his thoughts. His dad wouldn't care of a friend stayed over. He didn't care about anything. He didn't even care when - no. Nope, not tonight. Rubbing absentmindedly at his arms he scooted backwards away from the now dead fire and laid back to watch the sky, Roman following soon after. They didn't say anything as he turned and wrapped himself around the other tightly, for which he was grateful. He smiled as he felt lips touch the top of his head and careful arms lay themselves across his back. Surrounded by safety and warmth it wasn't hard for sleep to find him.
"Come on, Ro....."
"Princey, get up!"
Roman shot up, blinking rapidly to clear the lingering sleep from their eyes and shaking their head to try and whip the tangled curls away. Glaring in response to their brothers shit-eating grin, they settled for flipping him off while they rubbed at their eyes, getting a water bottle thrown at them in retaliation.
"Too early." They mumbled as they fumbled with the lid.
Virgil laughed. "Try again, Sleeping Ugly, it's almost noon. I've had camp packed up for hours now."
Offended at the nickname but grinning nonetheless, they downed half the bottle in one go and dragged their pack over lazily. Virgil was always the early riser in their party of two, despite the late nights he often kept as a sleeping schedule. Roman however, was happy to spend the day hitting the metaphorical snooze button unless they had actual plans. Which, unless another Mech Beast was spotted this close to a town, which was highly unlikely, this was supposed to be a day of resting.
Looking over at the other however, their irritation softened as the ball of anxious energy went from task to already done task trying to keep himself busy. Though it seemed he'd be more talkative today than he had been that didn't mean his nerves weren't soaring to the sky with how close they were to people again. They knew they should both take a break today, but if moving would help...
Mind made up they stood, swinging the pack around to rest on their shoulder and picking up another to carry first for the time being. Different peices of metal and containers holding strange substances clanked together inside, securely wrapped in paper and fabric to prevent them from breaking or getting scratched. They'd make Virgil carry it later on but they figured since they got extra sleep it would only be fair to carry the heavier pack first.
Trying one last time to fix their hair back into a reasonable shape Roman turned towards Virgil with a smile.
Hoisting up his own pack he nodded and kicked at the already severely scuffed dirt, rising up on his tip toes as he began to walk.
"As I'll ever be."
This is also available on AO3 if you're interested. I can't promise regular updates but I really like this story so I'll be picking at it for a while.
And we're another chapter in! I didnt think about this before, but if you'd like to be tagged for story updated feel free to ask. If you want to read it on here but can't find the first chapter, search overgrown metal in the tags and it'll come up.
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