#and a friendly environment.
mearchy · 3 months
The best fics are the ones that recognize that although Luke Skywalker may APPEAR on the outside to be a normal friendly twink who happens to have cool powers, especially when contrasted with such ship partners as Boba or Din or even Han, he is arguably the scariest person alive in the galaxy around the prequel era. AND, crucially, he is also a fundamentally weird guy. This man was homeschooled on a rural farm his entire life and then apprenticed to a swamp gremlin who showed him how to tap into the cosmic power of the universe. He blew up the death star age 19, killing approx 2 million-ish Imperials. He is a vortex of Force power that can communicate with the ghosts of dead Jedi. He’s staring into the distance and mumbling to himself and doing Yoda aphorisms and casually pulling out the “yeah I could crush that guy into a paste with my mind (:” and nobody around him knows what to do with that. I think he is a character who has very little frame of reference for how a Jedi or a person in general is supposed to act and there is some thing about him that is by necessity really fucking weird and a little scary but he’s so nice that it can throw you off the scent a little bit. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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uniabroad · 2 years
What is the best city in Germany to study in? Yours 👇 Queries What is the best city in Germany to study in? What is the cheapest city in Germany for international students? Where do most students live in Germany? Which city in Germany has more job opportunities? Which is the cheapest city to live in Germany? Which city in Germany has more job opportunities for international students? When it comes to international education, Germany has a lot to offer. If you're an international student looking to broaden your horizons, look no further than these 5 cities in Germany that offer diversity, culture, and a friendly environment.
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emostudent · 11 months
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no way! this is totally something we have never done before!
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different cultures around the world
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using the power of the wind
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to move across the ocean!
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it's so innovative you guys!
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totally not something we have been doing for thousands of years!
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marzipanandminutiae · 11 months
Re: the lack of demand for wool thanks to propaganda causing more waste; my parents live part-time in a small village in Ireland that is about half populated by sheep farmers. ALL those farmers have had to pivot away from wool production to mutton production, because they can't survive off selling the wool anymore. So now they are killing exponentially more sheep than they were killing before, since. You know. You don't have to kill the sheep to harvest the wool!
God, this is incredibly sad
all that wool that could become, not just winter/cold-weather fabric, but summer-weight wool that's excellent for temperature regulation!
and of course, the irony of killing more sheep because P*TA told you the non-lethal sheep product was evil
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
Tips for Creating Sensory Friendly Environments
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Mrs Speechie p
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tamapalace · 17 days
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Kuchipatchi is teaching others how to be eco-friendly. ♻️
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zerofuckingwaste · 10 months
Easy zero waste tip no. 3: Know your R's
Refuse: If you don't acquire the thing that will become waste in the first place, it won't produce further waste. Simple enough. Refuse that which you do not need. Example: All that cute stuff on that Buzzfeed article? You don't need it. Don't even click the link.
Reduce: If you need something, get the minimum. Note that this doesn't mean the cheapest option- it means the most effective and environmentally friendly option. Example: Instead of buying disposable razors, or a razor with changeable heads, try out a safety razor. Instead of using plastic toothbrushes, try out bamboo, and instead of toothpaste in disposable tubes, try out some toothpaste bits. Instead of buying chicken breasts for one thing and chicken broth for another, get a whole chicken and learn to butcher its meat, and make broth from the skin and bones.
Reuse: This means both being mindful of purchases, so you're only buying things that are reusable whenever possible (Example: use beeswax wrap instead of saran wrap), and repurposing things you've already bought (Example: use those little Oui yogurt containers to start seeds for your garden).
Recycle: Find out what your local recycling program actually recycles, and be mindful. Aluminum is a safe bet most of the time, as is paper/cardboard; but plastics, most of the time, are a dud, so try to refuse, reduce, and reuse plastic whenever possible so you don't even need to worry about recycling it. This also refers to donation- that's another valid way to recycle things!
Rot: If you have a yard, start a compost pile! Just try to get a 50/50 balance of food scraps to brown matter (paper, dry leaves, etc). If you have a freezer, you can stick a container in there to act as a compost thing until you can bring it to a compost facility, such as a local garden, or farm. If you don't have the ability to do either of these things, then you can see if there's a subscription compost service in your area (I used CompostNow for ages, they're great).
Understanding these five principles, and looking at them in this order, can make things easier. Next time you're buying something, or about to throw something away, consider which of these might allow you to reduce your waste output in the future.
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i hope liam hemsworth goes absolutely wild on the season 4 promo. i hope he just sits there and says stuff like "i think that yennefer pegs geralt actually" or "i always thought geralt and jaskier should kiss" i hope he goes into detail about geralt yennefer and the unicorn i hope he advocates for geraskefer
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mostly-natm · 17 days
Tng where everything is the same but one thing is changed, what would that one thing be?
Lore redemption arc.
Maybe it’s just because I’ve gotten really attached to him as a character. But I think we missed out on a lot just having him be the evil twin brother! Can you imagine more Data and Lore interactions where they talk through their perceptions of humanity and why they think that way? Lore talking about the trauma of being rejected and isolated and Data talking about how much there is to love despite that? I think they could find common ground. Lore wouldn’t have to end up loving humans or wanting to be one like Data. He would just have to grow to respect biological life as flawed but still deserving of basic respect. And maybe Data could use some of that "being an android is actually pretty awesome, why would you want to be different? Why do you think there's anything wrong with you?" from Lore!
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pinkblondie · 7 months
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I heard some of you freaks like bruises🩹
⁽ᶠᵃⁱʳ ʷᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍ: ʷʰᵉⁿ ᵖᵒˡᵉ ᵈᵃⁿᶜⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵒˡᵉ ʷⁱˡˡ ᶠⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵇᵉᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵘᵖ⁾
Paypal ♡ Wishtender ♡
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A lot of stuff I hear in sustainability circles is oh, I still live at home what can I do?
Besties there is so much you can do.
You got chores? Dishes one of them?
You can fill up the sink with water and wash with just that. Less water than constantly running
I find that gross but my grandma does it. When I do dishes I use a jar with a drop of soap, fill it with water, and dip my scrub brush in that so I'm not wasting soap.
Dry dishes with a towel
Air dry your dishes
You can also ask if you can keep a potted plant (edible plants are bonus points) or a garden
Also bonus points if you use food scraps for a garden. That's a whole topic for another post another day but seriously look into it
Or you can trade plants with friends and neighbors
Or steal cuttings
You can wash your clothes on cold, ask if you can hang dry your clothes
You can use eco friendly laundry detergent, or just start using the actual amount needed. That stuff is so concentrated it isn't even funny
Use reusables whenever you can
Try to eat less processed foods
Try to eat more plant based
Try to limit your car trips
Take walks and pick up litter
Go to the beach and pick up litter
Bonus points for separating recyclables
Learn to repair your clothes, a basic sewing kit should be all you need for simple mends
Shop at yard sales, thrift shops, second hand, or local
Shampoo bars
Soap bars
Yes including hand soap
Weave baskets out of toilet paper rolls. No idea how you do it but I've seen it and they look pretty cool
Learn an "old fashioned" skill, like spinning yarn, canning, gardening, basket weaving, wood carving, etc
Try to be creative!! So much about Solarpunk and sustainability is about being creative with your solutions
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i-like-rocks22 · 8 months
You do not need to advertise using the train to me. You do not need to encourage me to use public transport. I already want to. I am desperate.
You DO need to make it so that the train is not 3-5x as expensive as driving. You do need to make it so I can get to the train station without driving and paying a zillion quid for parking. You do need to make it so that trains arrive regularly and at sensible times with connections. You do need to make journeys not take 6 times as long. You do need to make them accessible for those with disabilities. You need to pay your staff and drivers.
I don't know how I can be clearer. LET ME GET THE BUS AND TRAIN.
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khaosritual · 30 days
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envirogoth · 2 years
  I already own fast fashion/I can only afford to buy fast fashion, now what?
>Sustain what you buy-sewing, washing, and an attitude that cares about the garment
>Fast fashion can break or wear out easily, you can upcycle the fabric
cut out prints for other projects
use fabric for patches
use fabric to repair other clothes
cut off sleeves/collars/make into crop top
t-shirt bags (an option- but inconvenient to use from personal experience)
other non-clothing crafts
>If you won’t use the clothing item and want to give it away, ask people you know before donating to a thrift store. Thrift stores are already overrun with fast fashion as it is, try not to give them more. But if the only other option is throwing it away, it’s fine to donate it.
>Don't buy excess to what you need. yes you can keep up with trends and accessories but hauls or multiple of an item with the same purpose isn't necessary (ex. more t-shirts than what you can cycle regularly)
>Reduce future fast fashion purchases
If possible consider alternatives such as thrifting, rummage sale shopping, and diy. 
Thrift stores and rummage sales support local economics! Your money is going to your neighbors instead of a company.
Rummage sales are preferable to places such as depop, becasue it involves local neighbors who want to get rid of clothes (that will possibly be thrown out otherwise) They can be much cheaper for much higher quality.
>There’s a difference between not being able to afford any other clothes, and buying hauls of fast fashion to wear for a short period of time only to donate immediately or throw away. Influencers who make hundreds of dollars worth of hauls aren’t the type of people who can say “i can’t afford anything else”. hauls aren’t sustainable. 
>Don’t feel guilty if you truly can’t afford anything else, but please consider your options and sustain what you already own before buying more.
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laufire · 10 days
outside of tumblr, where I mostly see my italian mutuals having a blast, the offline reactions I've seen about popegate come from queer catholics who feel betrayed, disappointed, hurt by the pope being homophobic and. I'm begging you to cut ties with the catholic church. I'm serious. I'm not telling you what to believe and what not to as an individual, in your personal life, but that institution is never, ever going to be on your side. emotionally investing in it, trying to assimilate in the vain hope it'll eventually embrace you, financing it in any way... that's a mistake and you need to stop it. for your sake, if not for the sake of everyone else the church screws over.
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zerofuckingwaste · 10 months
Remember, if everyone does a little bit, it'll make a big difference! Reblog to remind everybody that they can do their part. :)
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