#and a fuck you to 2020
Pin-Lee suggesting that Murderbot start reacting to its injuries more to let humans know it’s been injured after realizing that it’s been casually walking around after a fight leaving a trail of Fluids. It’s like “I could.. probably write some code for that I guess.” and Dr. Mensah is like “don’t worry about it if it would be distracting to you. Just.... tell us afterwards. We want to know how you’re doing” and it’s like “i can give status reports yes.”
Pin-Lee is like “I still like the idea of you giving an indication you’ve been hit. For example.” she points finger guns. “Bang oh no I have definitely hit you with a projectile. Indicate that somehow.”
Murderbot, with extremely flat inflection which would not immediately seem like a distress call to nearby humans: “Ouch. I Have Been Injured.”
Pin-Lee is like “hm no there’s gotta be some sort of. I don’t know, you don’t have to verbalize if you don’t want to, maybe there’s like an alarm noise you could make? or an “AAA!” sound? Okay let’s try again BANG”
There is a brief delay (less then a second) and then Murderbot responds with damage vocalization option 2.
“File:Wilhelm_Scream.ogg” blasts through the station.
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rocketonthemoon · 15 days
I'm kinda new to the fandom and you seem to rec fics that I don't see around a lot. Any older SC fics I should look up?
Well I dunno how much I can vouch for my taste but SC fics I really like that are more than a few years old:
Where Lamps Go to Die by WastedOn - Kara pretends to be in a relationship with Supergirl and Lena gets jealous (probably my absolute favorite SC fic. One of the first I read and genuinely a lot of fun)
lena dies on a wednesday by @karalovesallthegirls - Lena is trapped in a loop, reliving the day she dies over and over again. She just doesn’t know it. (I think this was one of the first SC fics I ever read? absolutely fantastic)
in the shadow of that green light also by @karalovesallthegirls - Kara wakes from an accident with no memory and a mysterious caretaker who creates more questions than she answers. (I'm not normally one for horror but this is SO good and makes me want to rattle the bars of my enclosure it's so good)
1,370,911 by @pippytmi - Soulmate AND Singer/Songwriter AU (I reread this on the regular you don't understand the grip it has on me)
We Deserve Only Good Things by @thornedrose44 - Kara and Lena are working through how to be friends again and an alien has them meet the younger versions of each other (yeah this one wrecks me in the best ways honestly)
quiet when i'm coming home (i'm on my way) by @valkyrieskwad - Kara's a retired smoke jumper and has to figure out life afterwards (Kara learns how to fucking heal and I'm in love with this honestly)
and of course I gotta plug @i-am-robie's you're gunna find yourself someway, somehow - Morning Glory AU aka one of my favorite Kara fics ever
And then of course I gotta plug my own work.
These are only a small handful of course. This fandom is so talented there's so many good one's to choose! So like just go through my bookmarks and have a good time. Don't forget to leave comments!!!
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Despite how possessive Mammon can be, when it actually comes down to it, he's so laid back? Like, it's always MC's choice. He's so not forceful.
Mammon & Levi are both script writers/directors in the Film Festival Event. Both are tasked with deciding whose love interest MC will be. Levi writes them as his love interest without consulting the others and states that the director's word is law. Mammon doesn't write who the love interest is and instead leaves the script open ended, expecting MC to ad lib it at the end.
In S2, he's the only one that doesn't ask MC to the dance. He very vaguely hints at wanting to go with MC & then waits for them to ask, if they don't take the hint, he drops it & doesn't ask them.
In S2, when he sees MC making the move and kissing Lucifer, he looks upset but doesn't say a word about it. He stays silent and lets them have their moment.
In S2, after he gets cursed and comes, extremely strongly, on to MC he apologizes to them later despite it being in no way his fault
Even when they finally sleep together (in s2) he asks MC to take the lead and tell him what to do.
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People on this website really trying to downplay the specific role of destiel in the events of November 5th 2020 ‘it could have been any other ship that went canon at that time and had the same effect’ no.
Nothing else is destiel.
Nothing else is 12 years and hundreds of episodes of extremely obvious and deliberate queerbaiting that was Vehemently denied by the production team. Nothing else is the ship about characters whose larger overarching plot is literally fighting against their own pre-determined narrative to attain free will. Nothing else proved in the 11th hour Just before the show ended that the meta narrative and queer reading by fans who insisted there was something there and who were constantly called crazy by the production and by other fans and by the rest of the internet were RIGHT.
The CW did market research! About whether to make it canon! In a show they always pretended was aimed primarily at middle (conservative) America!!!
The queer subtext was so Fucking Strong by the end of the show, because the writers constantly wrote themselves into corners that could Only be explained away by destiel, that they HAD to admit defeat and canonize it.
And THEN even after they made it canon, they denied it some more and tried to downplay it! But it happened! The angel is fucking gay!!!!
Destiel is THE great American queerbait and had been a staple of the culture of this site for over a decade before November 5 2020. There is a REASON it is the most popular ship on AO3. ‘The same thing would have happened if johnlock became canon or spirk or whatever else’ no it simply would not have because crucially CRUCIALLY those ships Never Became Canon! The fact that Destiel of all the popular queerbait slash ships of the past few decades somehow at long last DID, and in a way that Still refused to just let the shippers have it and allow any implication of full reciprocation and that the final two episodes and the entire cast absolutely refused to acknowledge in any way, is why the canonization of destiel is one of the wildest things to happen to fandom culture as a whole in recent memory, and you cannot theoretically remove the destiel of it all and have it be the same kind of event.
The reason november 5 happened like it did, why people started making jokes at all, is because the fandom cultural juggernaut that is destiel becoming canon is the only thing that could have possibly managed to trend above the U.S. election. BECAUSE it’s destiel.
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smeltbracket · 10 months
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old tervo sketches i never posted sorry i was like feverishly pacing around all day
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
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pinkza and tallulah pinkza and tallulah pinkza and tallulah pinkza and tallu-
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hella1975 · 3 months
nothing to see here! (in the taob doc) (it's hell in here) (wtf was i chatting these notes are UNSALVAGABLE) (i want a detailed plot outline of ch44 done by the end of the day) (we are so back)
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tonypostt · 3 months
logan would stab ANYONE who misgenders morph
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actual-changeling · 8 months
one single hot take from me before i go rewatch the reunion scene ten times and then go tf to bed.
we have a show full of queer people. every single person we encounter with the exception of the british probably is QUEER. ALL OF THEM. let that fucking sink in for a second.
and the queerness is so multi faceted and well done and reflects the realities of so many people watching it.
so if you sit down after this finale and type a post that in any shape or form calls izzy's death homophobic, "bury your gays", or anything in that direction? i need you to go outside for real. i need you to fucking log off and look at the news. maybe look at some nice queer media statistics from 2014-2016. maybe turn on the fucking tv and scroll through the programs and THEN you can come back and tell me how many queer people you saw. how many shows that are unashamedly about queerness.
yeah that's what i fucking thought you absolute twat.
if you are harassing creators over their writing choices when they are out there risking their careers to create queer media you are a vile person and i want nothing to do with you.
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astraltrickster · 8 months
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happy third anniversary to....this
i've tried to recreate the Vibes to the best extent that i can
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kkoct-ik · 16 days
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another rendering practice with a silly guy
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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By Holly Black
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From the itch.io page: "A setting and tone-agnostic d12-based ttrpg about how the Moon fucking hates you and wants you dead. By that I mean this is a gonzo game designed to be low-prep and easily-enjoyable, allowing everyone to "Yes, And" each other happily. Hate the moon back so hard you come back to live, invent a sword that's poisonous to fight Moonmen. Whether you want your game to be horror, action, comedy or some strange grindhouse disaster film, I want TMFHY to provide you enough framework to take it and run."
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agir1ukn0w · 8 months
listen up freaks, I will enjoy my interpretations of Dracula as a truly monstrous creature representing disease and abuse and terror AND as a cunning, drop-dead gorgeous, bitchy sex god
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chelseajackarmy · 3 months
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wifiwuxians · 4 months
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collection of jin guangyao birthday art from 2020 to 2023! (and jin zixuan got one last year too LOL) these are all reposts because i'm on an art hiatus, but i still adore these boys.
2020's little xuanli bonus
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