#and a lot of Cassandra/Varric from Dragon Age
biowho · 1 day
i saw screenshot from veilguard's cc and it said you can only customise your choices from inquisition and not dao and da2 and idk how that's gonna workout since morrigan and varric are literally in the game? are they just never going to mention hawke or the hof?
Ooo interesting! If you (or somebody reading this can link the screenshot I'd love to see it)
They might not mention Hawke or the Warden at all since I think Veilguard is a continuation of Inquisition's Solas' actions. I know Cassandra will be in the game so it stands to reason other past party members will be there too...
Personally I'm not a fan of dropping the Keep but it has been 10 years and BW wants to attract new players and there would be a lot of branching paths they'd have to take into account...though that feature is what makes Dragon Age (and Mass Effect) so special
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The Importance of Banter: Varric Tethras
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So one of the more interesting takes I've gotten on my breakdowns of Dragon Age characters is the argument that Varric in terms of character development is one of the lesser characters in the game.
He stays the same, doesn't change much from beginning to end, and while enjoyable, his inclusion doesn't add nearly as much as some of the other characters in the game, and relies way too much on the goodwill from da2 to do most of the legwork for his inclusion in the game.
Now this isn't an argument without merit, I might agree a lot with this take... If it wasn't for the inclusion of one Dragon Age's staples, and one of the aspects that Inquisition arguably does better than ether ADO or DA2.
Character Banter.
Character Banter is extremely important because it gives us an insight into how characters think, how they interact, and showcases the more subtle elements that aren't always on display in the game itself.
Compared to the rest of the Characters, Varric is a bit different in that because he was a companion in the previous game, we can see how he's changed since the previous game.
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Cassandra Pentaghast
So it's not an exaggeration to say that Cassandra and Varric has what is easily the most dynamic relationahip between any of the companions, having far and away the most interactions together out of party(And thats not even including the fact that all of DA2 is technically them talking to each other.
And this is reflected in their banter as well, where the two of them go back and forth like a married couple.
The thing that most be understood about Cassandra and Varric's banter though, is the fact that Varric is way, way smarter than Cassandra, who isn't dumb, but is not a genius by any stretch, which is reflected in the Dwarf's tendency to run rings around her all the time.
Cassandra: Have you heard from any of your Kirkwall associates Varric?
Varric: You're asking me? So you don't read my letters?
Cassandra: You're no longer my prisoner, much as you like to act like it.
Varric: Yet I still get all the suspicion.
Cassandra: I am not without sympathy, especially given recent events.
Varric: Why, Seeker, I would never accuse you of having sympathy! By the way I tend to refer to my "associates" as "friends". Maybe you're not familiar with the concept.
Cassandra: (sigh)
Varric: You know, Seeker, for someone with your tact and charisma you assembled a... pretty good little Inquisition. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you didn't drag them all here by force.
Cassandra: How kind of you.
Varric: I mean, you never know, you could have kidnapped Ruffles and she'd be too polite to say anything.
Cassandra: Leliana recruited Josephine. They're... friends.
Varric: So there's a rational explanation after all. Just when I thought you had layers.
Varric: It makes sense that Leliana did the recruiting when the Inquisition started. Not everyone can be intimidated into signing up after all.
Cassandra: I recruited Commander Cullen.
Varric: Lucky him.
Cassandra: He has made no complaints about my manners.
Varric: His last boss was a raving lunatic who turned into a statue. That's not a high bar.
All of these three bits of banter is from early in their shared chain, and illustrates their dynamic very, very well. Varric reads Cassandra like an open book, and is able to completely take control over a situation just by playing the role of the ass who is just sniping at her because he feels like it, when what he's actually doing is maneuvering the conversation so it can end on him having the last words by playing on the things Cassandra knows she cannot refute without lying.
That takes a lot of sponanous wit and an ability to think on the spot, something cassandra does not possess, but Varric has in plenty.
Of course this dynamic is only at the start as they have plenty more as the story develops. One innparticular is their relationship regarding Varric's liturature, which is one of the more entertaining side quests in the game, but it does tell us more about them in the followup banter.
Varric: Seriously? Swords and Shields? How did you find that serial? Scrape it off the bottom of a barrel in Dust Town?
Cassandra: It was research! I thought I might learn more about the Champion.
Varric: I did write a book about the Champion. You might remember it. Had your knife stuck through it last I saw.
Cassandra: I already read that one. Twice.
Here we learn how much Cassandra actually loves to read Varric's work, but more importantly we get something we rarely see in Varric. Him talking about his own failures.
Varric likes to pretend he's this amazing writer who always produce masterpieces, as he himself says to Bianca, as if he'd write about his own failures and mistakes...
And yet there is swords and shields, a book that Varric has deemed an abyssmal failure. A joke, a mediocre piece of trash not worth the paper it was printed on... And yet it has it's fans. This work that varric despises still managed to find an audience, and despite how much satisfaction he had smugly giving it to Cassandra, that still grinds his gears.
People shouldn't like his bad work. It should be forgotten in favor of his masterpieces. A very dwarven way of thinking.
Varric: I can't believe you picked the absolute worst of my books to read. Why not Hard in Hightown?
Cassandra: I have enough mysteries and investigations of my own.
Varric: What? You don't want to solve more in your spare time?
Cassandra: Then you killed my favorite character in Chapter 3, so I threw the book across the room.
Varric: Ah, a critic. Say no more.
In this one, we get Varric both genuinely questioning Cassandra, as he seems to have assumed she actually does like investigating mysteries(she does not), but also tries to nudge her over to read High in Hightown instead.
Cassandra: Varric, how could you let the Knight-Captain be framed for murder?
Varric: Well, I did spent three entire chapters setting it up.
Cassandra: But she didn't deserve it! You'd already put her through more than enough!
Varric: Look, Seeker, if you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. Maybe even throw in a heroic death.
Cassandra: That makes no sense!
Varric: You care enough to argue. If she had a nice afternoon and took a nap, you'd stop reading.
I could deconstruct this, but basically it's just a bit of meta commentary on what makes a good story. Not only will it not be the last, but it's not even the most blatant. After all, this one could apply to other people besides Hawke.
Cassandra: What made you write about Hawke? All your other books are complete fiction.
Varric: Someone had to set the record straight about the Champion.
Cassandra: Yet your book is still full of lies.
Varric: But true ones. That's important.
Varric loves stories... But he understands what stories are at their heart. The difference between a Recounting, and a Tale. That's what history is after all, the Tales everyone passed down.
And what good tale doesn't have a bit of exaggerated bullshit?
Cassandra: Why is the second Hard in Hightown so completely different from the first?
Varric: (sigh) Because I didn't write it. Shit, did you pay actual coin for that book? One of these days, I'm going to find the duster who wrote that garbage and introduce him to my editor.
Cassandra: By "editor," do you mean your crossbow?
Varric: No, my actual editor. Best in the business. She runs half the��Coterie in Kirkwall. Stickler for grammar. She once killed a man over a semicolon. I'd never print anything without her.
This one is more meta commentary, but it does have a bit more meat to it. Varric's whole spiel about his editor being super powerful in the Coterie could be the truth, it could be complete bullshit. Or it could be something in between.
That's not the important part. The important part is that he wants Cassandra to guess, to assume, to speculate, because that is far more powerful than just laying it all out could ever be.
Cole: She has to reach the other side of the hill.
Cassandra: Who does?
Cole: The Knight-Captain. But she's injured.
Varric: (sigh) Good job, Kid.
Cassandra: Is she alright? Is that how the book ends?
Varric: Not anymore.
Cassandra: Cole, what happens to her?
Cole: I don't know. The hill went away.
So here we see that Varric is one of THOSE authors. You know the kind, the ones who will rewrite an entire storyline because the big twists was leaked ahead of time.
It's not that important in the grand scheme of things, but it's interesting how through the game we see a very consistent picture of how Varric likes to write. He's a gardner variety writer, but unlike GRRM he's not the kind thst sticks to what he had in mind and sets up if the big twist is learned before it's finished.
As for His banter with Cassandra related to Hawke, it's entertaining, but not exactly that enlightening. Except for one.
If you chose in DA2 to save carver or Bethany by making them grey wardens, you get this bit when Cassandra Questions him about them.
Varric: Aveline took him off somewhere when the Calling started going nuts, but he'll tag along. He always does.
Varric: Aveline took her off somewhere when the Calling started going nuts, but she'll try to keep Hawke out of trouble.
Cassandra misses the obvious, but you probably didn't.
Varric knew about the calling from the start. Oh he didn't know the details, and he didn't know why... But he knew there was something up with the calling from the very start, and probably figured out this was the key reason from day one.
And he didn't share it. At all.
That speaks volumes of where his true loyalties lies, and it's something a lot of people miss.
Cassandra is right. Varric's heart will never truly belong to the Inquisition so long as Hawke and his Kirkwall friends exists outside of it.
There is also a turning point in their conversations, starting around the point where Varric's personal quest with Bianca happened.
Cassandra: Am I to understand your Bianca is married?
Varric: Oh, have we reached the stage where we gossip about each other's love lives?
Varric: Did you hear that, boss? Don't worry, I'll tell you whatever she says.
Cassandra: Forget I mentioned anything. It was a simple question, Varric.
Varric: There was nothing simple about it.
Varric actually blatantly questions wheter they've reached the point where they are now talking about each others love with each other. The truth is though, they actually have.
Varric: You brought up Bianca, Seeker. Does that mean I can ask about your conquests?
Cassandra: I would rather you didn't.
Varric: No tantalizing secrets to divulge?
Cassandra: None.
(If the Inquisitor is in a relationship with Cassandra)
Varric: So no one within, say, a five foot radius has caught your eye?
Inquisitor: Really? No one at all?
Cassandra: This... is not a discussion I want to have here.
Varric: (laughs) Are you blushing, Seeker? Maker, the world really is coming to an end.
Inquisitor: Perhaps Cassandra—and her conquest—would rather not discuss this in public.
Varric: Spoilsport.
Varric: Nothing? You do know he's standing right there...
Cassandra: I... have no conquests.
Varric: How about dalliances? Liaisons? Illicit affairs?
Cassandra: No.
Sera: Enough poking, Varric.
Varric: Is it, Buttercup? Is it?
It a rather humorous affair, but it does show that Varric at this point is comfortable prodding Cassandra's love life, figuring out how far he can push.
Which speaks for itself at how close these two have gotten at this point.
Cassandra: Very well, Varric. If you wish to know about men I have known, I will tell you.
Varric: Look, Seeker. I was only...
Cassandra: You are right. I pried first, and fair is fair. Years ago, I knew a young mage named Regalyan. He was dashing, unlike any man I'd met. He died at the Conclave.
Varric: Oh.
Cassandra: What we had was fleeting. And years had passed. Still, it saddens me to think he's gone.
Varric: I'm sorry.
Nothing to add here, just that Varric sorta gets sad when he realizes that was friendly prodding touched a very bitter and sad point from Cassandra's pain.
For which he apologizes.
Varric: Look, Seeker, I didn't mean to make you talk about your mage friend.
Cassandra: I know. I was not trying to make you speak of Bianca. If I was, you would know. I would yell, books would be stabbed.
Varric: (Chuckles.) I'll keep that in mind.
Also as the game reaches the end section, Varric and Cassandra begin to really banter in a much more friendly way.
Cassandra: I still don't understand how drakes take that hand.
Varric: ...Hmm. Maybe we should start you on Shepherd's Six.
Cassandra: Isn't that a children's game?
Varric: Yeah.
When trying to teach Cassandra card games at this point in the story, Varric has the perfect set up for a punchline like he did in the early game, but he doesn't use it, because he isn't mocking cassandra here, he's genuinely trying to teach her how to play cards.
And so he suggest starting her off with something simple, like a card game for children, cause he understands thats where she has to start at her level.
There are plenty more, but most of it is just well written, engaging or funny back and forths. But before moving on, i wanna highlight two of them.
Varric: Did you really think the Conclave had a chance of making peace, Seeker?
Cassandra: You do not?
Varric: What was the Divine's plan? Bring everyone together and hope really hard that they would all get along?
Cassandra: Most Holy did not confide her plan to me. Perhaps she thought they were tired of death and conflict.
Varric: Oh, when is that ever been true? For Templars or mages.
Cassandra: I will not mock a dead woman, Varric. She did what she could, and that is more than most.
This conversation is very important for one simple reason. It showcases how much Varric has changed since DA2. Varric used to be one of the big believers in compromise in that game. He didn't come out and say it out right, because in that game the Templar far and away were the more evil faction, and so there was way more chances for Varric to stick up for mages, but Varric really, REALLY didn't want the mages and Templars to go to war.
He had so many friends in both factions, friends he knew would die if it ever did come to true blows.
I would say that varric was probably the best example of what neutrality in such a situation should have been. Someone who is neutral because he understood thst fundamentally, both sides even at their worst, were people. Not demons, not monsters, but human beings or elves. But unlike many others who clamor for neutrality, Varric wasn't stuck up his own ass about it.
If he saw one side go over the ljne, regardless of which it was, he would not just stand by wheter it was power hungry necromantic blood mages, or Templars like Ser Alrik.
But here, he mocks the very idea of neutrality. He has completely given up on it, and he's accepted that the only solution here, is for one side or the other will have to decisively crush the opposition.
Of course he doesnt come out and say it like that, but that's the message to take away here. So long as there is a templar or mage on the field, this war will continue. He doesn't like that fact, but he has accepted it.
Cassandra: I hear reconstruction is progressing well in Kirkwall.
Varric: I know things are bad there.
Cassandra: I wasn't trying to...
Varric: You weren't trying to remind me how bad is it in Kirkwall? So you decided to talk about it?
Cassandra: About its recovery!
Varric: What you're talking about are the buildings, and even that will take years. People don't recover so easily.
Kirkwall, that is to say, the Kirkwall Varric was born in, grew up in, and spent the happiest years of his life(When he was running there with Hawke), is dead and gone, and never coming back.
He is never getting it back.
Which will be very important for the next companion's banter.
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Blackwall is different than the rest of the crew in that he's utterly reliant on the Banter to have any sort of presence. He has no charisma in the actual game, but he does showcase a much more entertaining character in banter.
In regards to Varric though, his mian purpose is to showcase aspects of Varric we don't often see.
One of the most important comes very, very early into their relationship.
Blackwall: I once met a dwarf who made the best home-brewed ale.
Varric: I once met a Grey Warden who got possessed by a spirit and then blew up a Chantry and killed a hundred people. What makes people think you want to hear what others of "your kind" have done, anyway?
This is a moment that is:
1. Very uncharacteristic of Varric, who usually loves talking about other people if he gets any excuse to do so, and will be demonstrated in a very similar moment in his banter with the Iron Bull, only with a different reaction.
2. It's here to showcase Varric's hatred for Anders. Other than Sebastian, Varric misses pretty much the entire DA2 cast, his true best friends... Except for Anders.
Varric LOATHES Anders for his actions, for kickstarting the Mage Templar War and getting lots of his friends killed, but also for destroying his home and making his own worst fear come true.
Varric's biggest fear as shown in the fade is becoming his parents... And that's exactly what he has become in DAI. The depressed exile from a home city that he can never return to, and if he does, it won't be the same life they miss so dearly. Varric misses Kirkwall. He misses it's people, the Hanged man, and always thinking back on the glory days of his life.
And he misses Hawke.
All lost to him and never coming back, all thanks to Anders. Varric can never return back to that time, that place, that era, that friend group that was the highpoint of Varric's life, because the city of Champion Hawke and Varric the sidekick is as dead and gone as his parents.
The hanged man will never be the same, Hawke will never be the revered Hero they were after act 2, and every single one of the countless friends that Varric misses will not come back.
And so he hates Anders with a level of hatred he reserves for very, very few people.
The rest of Varric's starting relationship with Blackwall is about him trying to figure out what makes him tick, innitially pegging him as another Sebastian. Boring, safe, droll.
He also has more banter where he shows how depressed he actually is about Kirkwall.
Blackwall: I've been to Kirkwall. The Hanged Man, actually, probably been twenty years now. It was a dive if I remember correctly.
Varric: It's the dive. Filled with the best and worst people in the world.
Blackwall: Yes, I heard it was a haunt of yours.
Varric: Haunt? It was home.
He finally clicks with Blackwall, as they get into a shared passion nobody else in the party has. Jousting. The sport consistent of knocking people of horses with pointy sticks.
As a Free Marcher Varric has grown up with the Grand Tourney as a focal point of his identity, and loves the sport, so he and Blackwall bonds and argues over the sport, with the most notable part being their disagreements over who is the better jousting knight, where he also gives his own cents in the form of a meta commentary between who is the better protagonist, the Hero of Ferelden or Hawke.
Blackwall: You can't really think Reeve Asa is a better knight than Honorine Chastain. Her record's flawless. Four hundred jousts, never unseated. No one's ever come close to it.
Varric: Oh, she's easily the most skilled. That's a fact. It's just "scrappy" is better than "flawless." I like heroes who try their damnedest, even if they fail a lot. It's easy to be valiant when you always win and everything goes your way. There's nothing great in that.
The rather unsubtle meta message here, is comparing the protagonists of the first games.
The warden is the stronger, more skilled and more competent protagonist who ultimately always triumphed, changed the world, and became heralded far and wide as the greatest hero of her age.
Meanwhile Hawke is the scrappy underdog hero who always gets back on their feet regardless of how hard they fall, and never actually suceeds in anything. Hawke is a failure Hero who couldn't save their mother, their city, at least one of their siblings, maybe two, Ketojan, couldn't prevent the Qunari attack, and constantly failed to save the day through DA2.
Now i don't really agree with this rather simplistic reading of the Warden, but it's a good scene, because it shows that Varric is more than capable of overlooking all the work, effort and time it takes to produce a "perfect" result, as well as show that Varric has a very hard preference for underdogs, and the stories they produce.
Which leads into his reaction when Blackwall confesses his sins.
Varric: Maybe I've been too hard on you.
Blackwall: Oh, so you don't think I'm dreadful now.
Varric: Actually, I thought you were boring before. Completely different. We're all dreadful. Every one of us, fundamentally flawed in a hundred different ways. That's why we're here, isn't it? Take all the risks, so the good people stay home where it's safe. With the whole "Blackwall" thing, you told a story so compelling even you started to believe it.
Blackwall: That's much nicer than saying "You're a dirty liar.", I'll take it.
Varric: A story-teller's got to believe his own story, or no one will.
Here we can gleam a sad fact. Varric very pointedly notes "we're all dreadfull", as Us, as in, him included.
Varric doesn't really consider himself a good person anymore, if he ever did.
It's not like the Varric of Yesteryear considered hinself a saint or some knight in shining armor, but there was a sense that he was happy with himself during that game, in a way he is not in DAI.
Something has changed, and that something is guilt over unleashing the red lyrium on the world, and probably guilt over killing his own friends.
It's not really focused on as much as it should be, but Varric had plenty of friends amongst both the mages and Templars... Which meant that when Anders blew up the chantry, regardless of which side you picked, Varric was forced to kill people who genuinely mattered to him.
Hence why he's so quick to forgive Blackwall for his lies.
For the most part this generally manifests itself in regards to Red Lyrium, which he blames himself for bringing into the world. I would argue that the more subtle parts you get to see in Banter though, is far, far more interesting and better told than the stuff in the main quest.
Because despite his flaws he "takes all the risks, so the good people won't have to.", just like Varric and Hawke.
This is in large amount what Varric in Inquisition is for the most part all about. Guilt, self loathing, and wanting to be a better person.
He just masks it with his usual wit, charm and charisma.
Kinda like Blackwall, only he doesn't really have much charisma or wit to hide behind. Hence why he is so accepting of, and willing to give him another chance without question.
On a final note before we move on from Blackwall, we also get to see varric try to play matchmaker between Blackwall and Josephine which is cute, but not exactly surprising, or give us further insight into Varric's character.
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Now, I'm not going to cover Cole here, not because the banter isn't interesting, or we don't learn anything, but that's all from the way we learn about the world, or Cole himself.
Varric's side of these banters can be summed up in one sentence, for pretty much every single banter.
Varric is Cole's dad.
Rinse, repeat.
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Similarily, I will not be covering the banter with dorian, not because it's bad, far from it, it's some of the most entertaining in the game, but it doesn't exactly add much beyond the fact that both Varric and Dorian love to gamble, and share witty banter.
Also nugs has some creepy ass feet. The stuff of nightmares.
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The Iron Bull
Far more to be dissected, can be found in Varric's banter with the Iron Bull.
There is so much to learn from this banter, from Spy work to how the Antaam is viewed by the other Qunari and so on, but we'll focus on the stuff relating to varric, as he and bull talk about a lot of things.
Varric: You're not the first Ben-Hassrath I've run across. Hawke and I went on a caper with one named Tallis.
Iron Bull: You don't say.
Varric: She caused us no end of trouble. You wouldn't know her by any chance?
Iron Bull: Hey, one time I ran into this dwarf on the road. Short, grouchy. You think you might know him?
Varric: I'm in the Merchant Guild. Ten royals says I not only know him—he owes me money.
Iron Bull: Oh. Well... no. I don't know Tallis. Sorry.
In stark contrast to his talk with Iron bull, when not involving Anders or other people he hates, Varric loves to talk about people. To the point that in his comeback to Iron Bull, there is an invitation here for Bull to specify who this random dwarf was, because chances are, he actually might know him, and could elaborate on the guy.
Varric: How could you possibly be a spy?
Iron Bull: Well, it's a pretty easy job. I do some fighting, and drinking, and then once in a while I tell Par Vollen about it.
Varric: Heh. Where's the sneaking, the plotting, the subtle machinations?
Iron Bull: If you do that, everyone knows you're a spy. Drinking, fighting, writing notes, that's all it really takes.
Varric: Shit. You're either the worst qunari ever, or the best. I can't decide.
He also showcases great frustration with the way Iron Bull pokes holes in his Bond like spy writing, in favor of the mundane realities of Cloak and Dagger stuff.
Because for all that he prides himself on tall tales, varric does like his writing to somewhat be plausible. Its why he gets pissy at the inquisitor when he tells him how stupid so many parts of DA2 were writing wise, cause Varric wrote it how it happened, and while embelishing it, it was mostly true.
And if his spy writing isn't realistic enough that it might plausibly happen... Then it's not as good as it could be.
Iron Bull: By the way, Varric, you write some nice fight scenes.
Varric: Well, thank you. I'm surprised you think so. They're not exactly realistic.
Iron Bull: I figured that out when the good guy did a backflip while wearing a chain mail shirt.
Varric: And that didn't bother you?
Iron Bull: Back in Seheron, I fell on a guy who tried to stab me in the gut. I felt the blade chip as it went through my gut and hit my back ribs. But I was alive, and on top. I sawed through the armor on the rebel's neck, back and forth, until it went red. I don't need a book to remind me that the world is full of horrible crap.
Varric: Impossible swashbuckling it is.
Meanwhile, this bit is surprisingly layered.
First off, there is Bull's retelling and describing the way he dealt with the Vint while bing impaled as "realistic". If this was not a world with magical healing such as potions or poultices he'd had died from this incident, due to infection if nothing else. That's meant as a bit of meta irony.
But the actual meat of this, is that Varric is just letting Bull rant.
The whole "Backflip while wearing chainmail armor" is something Hawke can literarily do in DA2, Provided you are a rogue Hawke and has high enough stats. If so, when hit by a trap, Hawke will simply backflip out of the way, even if wearing chainmail armor.
It is the kind of shit that for a long was normal for Varric, and he writes it into his fight scenes(Which he has a self dig at calling them not realistic, despite having seen shit like that for himself all the time).
But he doesnt say any of that.
Instead he just lets Bull rant, get it out there how shitty he really feels, because varric knows when to talk, and when to listen, and here is a time to listen.
Varric: So, Bull. You and Dorian?
Iron Bull: Mm-hmm.
Varric: "Two worlds tearing them apart, Tevinter and Qunari, with only love to keep them together."
Dorian: I don't see how this is even remotely your business, Varric.
Iron Bull: Could you make it sound angrier? "Love" is a bit soft.
Dorian: Please stop helping the dwarf.
Varric: How about passion?
Iron Bull: Yes, that's better. Love is all starlight and gentle blushes. Passion leaves your fingers sore from clawing the sheets.
Dorian: You could at least have had the courtesy to use the bedposts.
Iron Bull: Hey, don't top from the bottom.
Varric: Passion it is, then.
Also, i wanna highlight his banter with bull, if he and dorian hook up, and if both are with him in the party. It's really the only bit of Dorian varric banter with real character meat to it, as it puts Dorian's rarely seen tsundere side on full display, and why he makes such a good match with the easy going, yet equally passionate iron bull.
Iron Bull: Hey, Varric, I was reading your stuff... Where do your bad guys come from?
Varric: Well, some of them come from Tevinter and some are Ben-Hassrath spies... but I like the stories where the villain was the man beside you the whole time. The best villains don't see themselves as evil. They're fighting for a good cause, willing to get their hands dirty.
Iron Bull: All right, that's really deep and all, but I meant where do the bad guys come from literally? The way you write it, it's like they just fall from the sky and land on top on the hero.
Varric: I like to leave some things to the reader's imagination.
Also, final bit i'll cover of these two here. It's both a meta hit of writing in that it's supposed to be about solas, but can also apply to Iron bull, and is a self depreciating dig on the single worst gameplay mechanic from DA2.
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So, as with Cole and Dorian, im not covering this sequence of banter as it doesn't really reveal much about Varric as a character. Its generally just Sera trying her usual bullshit, and Varric taking the piss out of her, much to her frustration.
Im not exactly a big fan of Sera, and even here, where most of their dialogue is about Varric basicaly running rings around her, don't really makes me smile.
There is one bit of banter though, that i do want to highlight.
Sera: (sing-song) La la la la la, Sentinals are shits.
Varric: Like it or not, Buttercup, that’s where you come from.
Sera: Says the undwarfiest dwarf ever!
Varric: Fair enough. Paragons can be shits too.
So, this one i feel is extremely important, for the reason that it goes to showcase that 1. Sera doesn't understand Varric in the slightest, and 2. Really goes to showcase Sera's complete and total lack of self awareness, and just how out of touch she is, raiding other people's homes, and calling them shits for defending themselves.
But that second one i'll save for Sera's banter review.
For this one, I want to highlight how Varric, just like Dorian understands and more importantly loves the Culture he originates from. He knows how shitty dwarven culture can be, and will never avoid taking the piss out of it for all it's flaws, but he also admires it. He admires their ability to create marvels, their grit and determination that has seen them take on the Darkspawn for a hundred years and still stand, and the individuals that stood up and above the rest to serve as legends, just like Hawke and the Inquisitor.
There is a reason his hangouts in both games are decorated full of very traditional dwarven furniture. Because he wants to live in a home that looks dwarven.
Because the past is important.
It's a bit of wisdom he tries, and fails to impart to Sera, that you simply trying to pretend your roots don't exists never works. And he's right. Even though Sera never admits wrong on her own part, she fully admits she burnt out on this spiteful hatred in Tresspasser.
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Solas and Varric's banter though, is far, far more interesting.
Both of them are tricksters, both value the past greatly in their own way, both understands the power of a story, both of them lie to the Inquisitor, and both would rather remain the side character than step up to take the spotlight.
And yet they are different. Opposites almost.
One of Varric's defining feature as a person is that he cares about all his friends and how those friendships transcends the chains of status, having become friends with dwarves, Qunari, kossiths, humans, elves, templars, mages, seekers, antivans, fereldens, kirkwallers, orlesians, tevinters, anders, revains, avvar, and so on.
Solas single defining feature is how he sees everyone he does not knows except for his own, very small list of what he considers countrymen, as not things, and is willing to destroy the world for them to prosper.
Varric stays out of the spotlight cause he likes being the power behind the throne. Solas does it because as the Herald's Judas, he doesn't want anyone to question the many, many questions about him further than they have to.
Varric lives in the present, but respects the past. Solas in the past, and is terrified of the present.
Which leads to some of the most interesting banter in the game.
Solas: By the end of Hard in Hightown, almost every character is revealed as a spy or a traitor.
Varric: Wait, you read my book?
Solas: It was in the Inquisition library. Everyone but Donnen turned out to be in disguise. Is that common?
Varric: Are we still talking about books or are you asking if everyone I know is a secret agent?
Solas: Are there many tricksters in dwarven literature?
Varric: A handful, but they're the exception. Mostly they're just honoring the ancestors. It's very dull stuff. Human literature? Now there's where you'll find the tricky, clever, really deceptive types.
Solas: Curious.
Varric: Not really. Dwarves write how they want things to be. Humans write to figure out how things are.
Solas questions Varric about the to him, alien Dwarven liturature, trying to figure out what the new, "lesser" dwarves might write about when no longer part of a hivemind.
Varric gives it to him straight, but there is a deeper bit of character here.
Varric is able to explain this to Solas, because as a man who understands Dwarven culture, strengths, flaws, and weaknesses, and how it ticks, as well as undoubtedly having read a lot of dwarven literature, Varric is able to point out all it's shortcomings, or more accurately the way Human and Dwarven literature trends differentiate due to different cultural values.
Varric: You really spend most of your time in the Fade?
Solas: As much as is possible. The Fade contains a wealth of knowledge for those who know where to look.
Varric: Sure, but I don't know how you dream, let alone wander around in there.
Varric: Especially when the shit that comes out of the Fade generally seems pretty cranky.
Solas: So are humans, but we continue to interact with them... when we must.
Here Varric pries a bit into a topic he(If you took him with you in night terrors) only has experienced once before for himself, from someone who knows more about the fade and the veil than anyone.
Solas ends it on a much darker note than Varric assumes though, as what he means is, we have to tolerate them "for now."
Solas: Is it true that the entire dwarven economy relies upon lyrium?
Varric: Mostly. We've got the nug market cornered as well.
Solas: And the dwarves of Orzammar have never studied lyrium?
Varric: If they have, they certainly haven't shared anything up here. Why?
Solas: It is the source of all magic, save that which mages bring themselves.
Solas: Dwarves alone have the ability to mine it safely. I wondered if they had sought to learn more.
Varric: The folks back in Orzammar don't care much about anything but tradition.
So here we have Varric flat out bullshit Solas in several ways. He knows way more about lyrium than most, having studied red lyrium himself, and yet he does not give that information to Soals, the way he does with the Herald, showing that deep down, Varric trusts you far more than Solas, if not as much as Hawke.
He also knows that both surface and underground Dwarves have deeper knowledge of lyrium than any human, being it's the source of all the enchantments and magic, and that while they might not know it's origins, they understand how it works, and how to use it, transport it, store it, and so on.
If there is one thing Orzammar is good at, and not stuck in tradition, it's exploiting Lyrium to the hilt.
And yet he bullshits Solas about it completely. Because this is an early banter, the likely reason is simply that he does not trust him.
Which given his other important lies is not surprising.
And solas later recognizes this.
Solas: I find the fall of the dwarven lands confusing.
Varric: What's so confusing about endless darkspawn?
Solas: A great deal, although that is a different matter. Dwarves control the flow of lyrium. They could tighten their grip on it.
Varric: It's hard to get the attention of the humans when the darkspawn aren't up here messing with their stuff.
Solas: You're active in the Carta. You know your people could tug the purse strings. You could claim sovereign land on the surface, or demand help restoring the dwarven kingdom, but you don't.
Varric: You're not saying anything I haven't said myself, Chuckles. Orzammar is what it is
Solas Attacks Varric's arguments from adifferent angle here, without directly calling him a liar from the banter before, as he points out just how much power Orzammar has through it's economic might, how even if they know how to use Lyrium so effectively, they haven't been wielding that might to effecrively hammer out an anti Darkspawn coalition to crush the darkspawn in their own dens and wipe them out from the source.
Realistically, the dwarves are rhe only ones who could see it done, and yet they havent. Because before Bhelen, there was never a king willing to upend the entire system to get results.
Varric doesn't actually give his direct thoughts in this bit of banter, but it goes into future ones. Before that though, im gonna quickly cover another bit of banter.
Solas: Do you ever miss life beneath the earth? The call of the Stone?
Varric: Nah. Whatever the Stone - capital S - is, it was gone by the time my parents had me.
Solas: But... do you miss it?
Varric: How could I miss what I never had?
Varric: But say I did have that sense, that connection to the Stone. What would it cost me?
Varric: Would I lose my friends up here? Would I stop telling stories?
Varric: I like who I am. If I want to hear songs, I'll go to the tavern.
Solas: You are wiser than most.
Solas worships the past, to such a degree that he thinks being part of a hivemind under the titans, must have been better for the Dwarves, because of what it allowed them to accomplish by magic, and more importantly that it's what they used to be.
And what they used to be, must be better than what they are now, because the past is better.
Meanwhile Varric is content with the present. He never had stone sense, so why worry about it? Why dream of it, why become his parents? That would be absolutely awful, so why not embrace what you have now.
Though Solas doesn't know it, his backhanded praise here is actually even moreso than he knows.
Its backhanded by intention, because he acknowledges that varric is wiser than those who would wail about their lost glory... But as we'll see in the following banter, he regards all Dwarves, regardless of wheter they are like Varric, as lessers and fools. So varric is better... But he is still a fool.
Meanwhile, on Varric's part, it's even more backhanded than Solas intends because Varric is doing exactly what he's saying he isn't here.
Dreaming of glory days when all was simplier and he was a happier man. He's not dreaming of stone sense itself, but the sentiment is the same.
And he knows it. That's one of the saddest things about Varric in DAI. He became his parents, his worst fear, but he's very much aware of that fact.
Solas: Is there at least a movement to reunite Orzammar and Kal-Sharok?
Varric: What is it with you, Chuckles? Why do you care so much about the dwarves?
Solas: Once, in the Fade, I saw the memory of a man who lived alone on an island. Most of his tribe had fallen to beasts or disease. His wife had died in childbirth. He was the only one left. He could have struck out on his own to find a new land, new people. But he stayed. He spent every day catching fish in a little boat, every night drinking fermented fruit juice and watching the stars.
Varric: I can think of worse lives.
Solas: How can you be happy surrendering, knowing it will all end with you? How can you not fight?
Varric: I suppose it depends on the quality of the fermented fruit juice.
Solas: So it seems.
Solas:: I am sorry to have bothered you with my questions about your people Varric. I see so much of this world in dreams. Humans, my own people, even qunari. Dwarves alone were lost to me, save scattered fragments of memory where some spirit cared to watch. Now I know why I see so little.
Varric: And why is that?
Solas:: Dwarves are the severed arm of a once mighty hero, lying in a pool of blood. Undirected. Whatever skill of arms it had, gone forever. Although it might twitch to give the appearance of life, it will never dream.
Varric: I'd avoid mentioning that to any Carta, Chuckles. They might not take it the right way.
Varric: What's with you and the doom stuff? Are you always this cheery or is the hole in the sky getting to you?
Solas: I've no idea what you mean.
Varric: All the "fallen empire" crap you go on about. What's so great about empires anyway?
Varric: So we lost the Deep Roads, and Orzammar is too proud to ask for help. So what? We're not Orzammar and we're not our empire.
Varric: There are tens of thousands of us living up here in the sunlight now, and it's not that bad.
Varric: Life goes on. It's just different than it used to be.
Solas: And you have no concept of what that difference cost you.
Varric: I know what it didn't cost me. I'm still here, even after all those thaigs fell.
Solas: You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could've been, never fighting back.
Varric: Ha, you've got it all wrong, Chuckles. This is fighting back.
Solas: How does passively accepting your fate constitute a fight?
Varric: In that story of yours—-the fisherman watching the stars, dying alone. You thought he gave up, right?
Solas: Yes.
Varric: But he went on living. He lost everyone, but he still got up every morning. He made a life, even if it was alone.
Varric: That's the world. Everything you build, it tears down. Everything you've got, it takes. And it's gone forever.
Varric: The only choices you get are to lie down and die or keep going. He kept going. That's as close to beating the world as anyone gets.
Solas: Well said. Perhaps I was mistaken
This entire banter line is about Varric and Solas.
On solas part it's about his very well spoken and articulated racist opinions on the modern dwarves compared to those who came before and trying to rack his brian around them not going to the lengths he himself would have gone to save their race.
Also the fact they are no longer part of the Titan hivemind. He's really stuck on that for reasons we don't really fully understand.
However, far, far more importantly this is about Varric's entire storyline in DAI.
Varric talks about Orzammar, about the loss of the deep roads, and yet they are all still there, still fighting, still marching on, rather than laying down and dying.
That is the true strength of the Dwarven race.
The ability to keep going even after losing everything. The original dwarves lost the titans and their magic. They marched on.
The dwarven empire lost the deep roads, and all but two thaigs. They marched on.
The surface dwarves lost their caste the last remains of their magic, and their status in dwarven society. They marched on.
Varric lost kirkwall. He lost his entire friend group that was the people who he loved more than any other group of people he has ever know. He lost his home that he grew up in and loved. He lost his parents and he lost Barthrand, the only remaining family he had, and who despite it all deeply, deeply loved. He lost Bianca, a teenage infatuation he never was able to get over.
And he lost Hawke. Either to Anders kickstsrting the war, or to the fade.
He lost everything he loved.
And yet He. Marched. On.
Varric's story in DAI is an understated one, one that isn't really given story focus, but unlike all the rest of the attempts at telling a more subtle story with the companions, this one actually worked.
Varric's story, is about his march onwards.
He lost everything due to Anders actions, and yet here he is. Marching forward through life. He hasn't laid down and died. He's still here. He's still fighting.
He still has hope.
And so he marches on through the twilight of his life, and keeps going, even if he loses Hawke forever... He keeps going, and he makes it through his depression, and grief to make a new life for himself in Kirkwall.
A new Kirkwall, but Kirkwall nonetheless.
Solas: That crossbow is remarkable, Varric. I am surprised the dwarves have not made more of them.
Varric: The woman who made Bianca would rather that not happen. Wars are bloody enough as it is.
Varric: A crossbow that fires this far and this quickly with so little training? Every battle would be a massacre.
Solas: Indeed. I am surprised, not disappointed.
Here we get a lot of insight into Varric... But also a moment of great moral ambiguity.
Everything Varric says here is true... But it would also mean his people finally, finally being able to destroy the darkspawn for good and all. Such a tech advantage would allow them to wipe the blighted Creatures from existence with ease.
Varric is more than brilliant enough to understand this... But he chooses not to think about it, or wheter it's a good course of actions, because he is shackled to Bianca even now, even still.
Bianca wants this crossbow not to be on the market, so he doesn't put it on the market, regardless of good or bad.
Varric: Hey Chuckles, do you ever play Wicked Grace?
Solas: I'm not much of a gambler anymore.
Varric: You don't have to play for real coin, that's just for keeping score.
Solas: What do you play for?
Varric: Conversation mostly. That way I win no matter how the cards fall.
This is a followup to Varric's original introductionary short story from way back in the day.
From that one we learn that Varric doesn't actually drink anything served at the Hanged man, he just orders a wine glass or beer mug, because he knows people get nervous if you don't drink in a bar, so he crafts an illusion to aid him in his rogue life.
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So like a number of these I'm not gonna cover them in full, as while good, and well written, and paints a very clear picture of Vivienne, they're not exactly deep character pieces for Varrix... But I do wanna cover a few.
Vivienne: Am I to understand, Varric, that you knew the apostate who destroyed Kirkwall's chantry?
Varric: Unfortunately, yes.
Vivienne: What could he possibly have hoped to accomplish with such madness?
Varric: Exactly what he got: a whole lot of innocent people killing each other.
Vivienne: I take it he's no longer on your Wintersend gift list.
Varric: Depends. Does a flaming sack of bronto dung count as a gift?
Vivienne: Only if you tie it with a silk ribbon, my dear.
More Varric hating Anders, and laying all the blame of the Mage Templar Wars and ruining his life on him.
Vivienne: Tell me, Varric, who is the protagonist of this serial?
Varric: You know, we're so far into spoiler territory right now, I think I better stop talking.
Vivienne: Come now, darling. You can tell me.
Varric: Not on your life, Iron Lady. The best way to ensure a book's nevered finish is to tell someone your entire plot.
More Varric showcasing he cannot stand spoilers coming out, and it destroys his entire ability to write.
Vivienne: You know, Varric darling, I read your Hard in Hightown.
Varric: You did? Seriously?
Vivienne: Most of the Imperial Court did. It was in fashion a few winters ago.
Varric: Just how much gold is my publisher stealing from me?
One detail i really like about Varric, is that he tries to create this image of himself as always bring in control and all that... And then he has moments like this where his regular ass publisher swindles him for a shit ton of money.
Vivienne: How many chapters will this book be, Varric dear?
Varric: Well, the first one will come out in twelve chapters.
Vivienne: The first one?
Varric: I've read enough Orlesian fictions to know you never tell a story there in fewer than three complete books. They think you're just warming up after one.
Vivienne: And what happens to the scheming duchess in the first book?
Varric: Are you asking for spoilers, Madame De Fer?
Vivienne: Hints, darling. Not spoilers.
More Varric showcasing he understands other cultures and how they write stories.
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exhausted-archivist · 11 months
All Lore from the Dragon Age: Official Cookbook: Taste of Thedas
This is going to be a long post with all the lore from the cookbook collected in one post. This is only going to be counting the lore in the "blurbs" so to speak as the actual recipes themselves, which are not meant to be set in-world.
Additionally, it should be noted that I am unable to say one way or the other if the props used in the photos or the etching art shown on some recipes are to be taken as reflecting the canon the cookbook narrator is in. For the sake of completeness, I have included the less conclusive elements.
Shoving everything below the cut for length as well as to help people avoid spoilers. Think I got everything... There is a lot in this book honestly.
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Cookbook Lore
World State
Cassandra is Divine.
The Hero of Ferelden is a Cousland Warden.
The Warden gave Leliana Schmooples.
Hawke is a non-mage, as Varric knows Bethany.
Hawke is diplomatic in personality.
Bull's Chargers, Krem, and Bull are all alive.
Cullen stayed off lyrium.
Celene is empress; Briala and Gaspard are still alive.
Alistair is king.
Varric is viscount.
Uncertain aspects of the world state:
The suggested lore based on the art, props used in photos, and vague wording in blurbs. These are not for certain this is the canon.
Briala is described as a spymaster and lover, implying she was possibly reunited with Celene.
Celene, Briala, and Gaspard are possibly working together in the truce. But the wording is vague it could simply be Celene ruling alone while Briala and Gaspard live.
Cole was encouraged to be more human and is traveling with Maryden Halewell.
Cullen got his mabari.
Josephine was romanced by the Inquisitor.
Morrigan has Keiran.
The Hero of Ferelden romanced King Alistair.
Food Lore
Lentils and onions are common ingredients to find in pantries across Thedas.
Ferelden has reliable access to tomatoes that allows them to use them regularly in their food.
Fereldans are known for their love of soups, stews, pickled eggs, and turnips that it is regularly joked about and seen as a stereotype. Devon regularly comments on the known expectations.
Turnip and Mutton Pie is a classic Fereldan dish served in taverns across the nation.
Nevarra food culture holds that food is suppose to be a feast for the eyes and mouth. Leading to their plating to be dazzling and seen as works of art.
The Jade Ham, is a smoked Anderfels ham with a particular glaze made from wildflowers and turns the ham as hard as jade.
The Anderfels are hostile and often considered inhospitible in certain areas. But despite the harsh environment, pigs farm well there and as a result are much larger than elsewhere in Thedas.
There are custard connoisseurs across Thedas.
Lichen ale is toxic, though most dwarves are able to handle it. However, non-dwarves can only tolerate a few sips of the drink.
Isabela has a drinking game based on how many enemies you have, it has killed at least one person.
The Rivaini tea blend is said to have healing properties such as helping alleviate headaches.
Dwarves underground raise giant spiders like people on the surface raise cattle and goats.
Orzammar has a contest where one is crowned as Orzammar's Best Sauce, the competition is so fierce people get underhanded in their attempts to acquire recipes. This has led to eateries, and in general people of Orzammar, to guard their recipes from others.
Orzammar also farms various mushrooms for eating.
Rice is commonly found in Antiva and Rivain, however it is not a large export for Antiva so it is a rare grain for folks in Ferelden. Due to it not being exported, rice is a cheap food item in Antiva and is very common in the more mundane foods of commoners.
Wyvern, like phoenix, can become deadly poisonous if eaten when they aren't prepared properly.
A jam maker lives in Orzammar, importing individual ingredients so they can make the jam themselves and hopefully sell it cheaper than imported jam.
Mentioned through out the cookbook, not necessarily as ingredients themselves but sources for other food items.
Ayesleigh gulabi goat - Rivain
Cave Beetles - Underground
Giant Spider
Additional Lore
The golden nug statues do exist in Thedas, Devon mentions seeing one in Haven and hearing rumors of there being more.
Fereldans who worked for the Inquisition would leave Commander Cullen pickled eggs on his desk while he was going through the worst of his lyrium withdrawal symptoms.
Spring time is gurgut mating season, and travelers are advised to keep their distance.
Starkhaven is oval in shape, shaped by rings of tall, grey stone walls, is filled with lavish estates, fountains, and sits on the Minanter River.
Makes reference to the ambient events of where Cole dumped a bushel of turnips onto a fire.
Food: Dishes, Ingredients, and More
These are mentioned, referenced, and/or introduced in the cookbook description of the food, these aren't including the ingredients or foods mentioned in the recipes.
If the item is marked with **, it means there are multiple cultures with the same dish but the cookbook is offering specifically that as the reference point.
Apple Grenade - Antiva
Bark Bread - suggested alternative to black lichen
Biscuit, sweets
Black Lichen Bread - Orzammar
Blancmange - a white pudding dish from Orlais
Blood Orange Salad - Nevarra
Boiled Turnip
Bun, sweet - a pastry served as dessert
Cabbage Soup - Ferelden
Cacio e Pepe
Cherry Sauce
Cherry Cupcakes - Tevinter
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Cream
Cinnamon Rolls
Couscous Salad - Rivain
Crab Cakes - Kirkwall
Croissant - Orlais
Crow Feed - Antiva
Dark Bread
Eggs à la Val Foret - Orlais
Fish Chowder - Antiva
Fish Wraps/Fish Pockets - Seheron
Flat Bread - Nevarra
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding - Ferelden
Forest Fruit Cobbler - Dalish
Found Cake - Ferelden
Fried Crab Legs - a substitute version of fried young giant spiders
Fried Young Giant Spiders - Orzammar
Gnocchi - Antiva
Goat Custard - Rivain **
Grilled Poussin - Chasind
Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce - Avvar
Hearth Cakes - Dalish
Hearty Scones - Ferelden
Honey Carrots - Orlais **
Jade Ham - More suited for a weapon, stated to not be suited for eating.
Lamprey Cake - not made of real lamprey, just a cake modeled after it.
Lentil Soup - City Elf **
Llomerryn Red - Rivain
Mashed Turnip
Merrill's Blood Soup - Dalish
Mushroom Sauce
Nettle Soup - origins unclear
Nug Bacon and Egg Pie - Ferelden
Paella - Antiva
Pastry Pockets - recipe originates with the Grey Wardens, cookbook provides the Orlesian Grey Warden variation **
Peasant Bread - Orlais
Pickled Eggs - Ferelden
Pickled Lamprey - Free Marches
Poached Egg
Poison Stings - Chocolate-coated orange peels from Tevinter
Potato and Leek Soup - Ferelden
Pumpkin Bread - Tevinter
Red Grape Compote
Rice Pudding - Tevinter
Roasted Fig
Roasted Cave Beetles - Orzammar
Roasted Prawns - a substitute prawns for cave beetles
Roasted Turnip
Roll, pastry
Snail and Watercress Salad - Avvar
Sour Cherries in Cream - Orlais
Spiced Jerky - Dalish
Steamed Turnip
Stir-fried Turnip
Strawberry and Rhubarb Cobbler - Ferelden
Stuffed Cabbage - Ferelden
Stuffed Deep Mushrooms - Orzammar
Stuffed Vine Leaves - Tevinter
Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup - Ferelden
Toasted Almonds
Traviso Energy Balls - Antiva
Tzatziki - Tevinter
Turnip and Mutton Pie - Ferelden
Unidentified Meat - a common tavern food in Tevinter
Yogurt Dip - Nevarra
Chasind Sack Mead
Chasind Wildwine
The Emerald Valley
The Golden Nug
The Hissing Drake
Hot Chocolate
Lichen Ale
Pomegranate Juice
Rivaini Tea Blend
West Hill Brandy
White Seleney wine
These are only listed in the lore entries and not the actual recipes themselves as whether or not they are canon is questionable as the recipes recommend store bought items as well as ingredients that have unique Thedosian counterpart names.
Antivan Pasta
Bacon, Nug
Bell Pepper, red
Bitter Greens - this is a class of salad greens known for their bitter flavor.
Black Lichen - Underground
Blood Orange - Nevarra
Butter, Halla
Cave Beetles
Cherry, black
Cherry, sweet
Chickpea - Rivain
Cocoa Powder
Corn, yellow
Corn, checkered
Couscous - Rivain
Deep Mushroom, various varieties
Dracolisk - The narrator suggests it being a potential meat in a recipe in Tevinter.
Dried Fruit
Flour, semolina - Rivain
Giant - Suggested that Tevinter might serve giant
Giant Spiders - Underground
Grape, red
Grape Leaves/Vine Leaves
Guimauves - Orlesian
Gurgut - Avvar
Heavy Cream
Lemon Juice
Lemon Verbena
Licorice Root
Lurker - Avvar
Pastry Dough
Peanut Butter
Peppers, Hot
Prawn - said to have the same texture and flavor as cave beetles.
Puff Pastry - Orlais
Rice - Antiva and Rivain
Semolina Flour - Rivain
Snail - Avvar
Watercress - Avvar
Whipped Cream
White Chocolate
Wyvern - Avvar, Orlais
Charts and Stats
Because I love a good visual rep of data, I collected some stats of the types of food, how many recipes are from where, and the amount of time a character was mentioned.
Types of Food
I did percentages for the course of food as well as the portion of options that are vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free, meat based, and alcoholic.
Food Types Stats
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These charts show the ingredient percentage in the actual recipes and not the lore blurbs themselves. This is out of 72 recipes with the amount they were used in (-) after their percentage.
Left Hand Chart
Alcohol: 14.6% (27)
Dairy-free: 15.7% (29)
Egg-free: 25.4% (47)
Meat based: 16.2% (30)
Nuts: 3.1% (6)
Shellfish: 2.6% (5)
Vegan: 4.2% (8)
Vegetarian: 20.4% (39)
Top Right Chart
Alcohol: 37.5% (27)
Alcohol-free: 62.5% (45)
Bottom Right Chart
Beef: 11.4% (4)
Chicken: 17.1% (6)
Fish: 17.1% (6)
Lamb: 5.7% (2)
Pork: 28.6% (10)
Shellfish: 14.3% (5)
Turkey: 5.7% (2)
Percentage of Recipe Origins
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Anderfels: 1.4%
Antiva: 11%
Avvar: 6.8%
Chasind: 2.7%
City Elves: 2.7%
Dalish: 6.8%
Ferelden: 15.1%
Free Marches: 5.5% Kirkwall: 2.7% Starkhaven: 2.7%
Grey Wardens: 1.4%
Nevarra: 2.7%
Orlais: 13.7%
Orzammar: 9.6%
Rivain: 4.1%
Seheron: 1.4%
Tevinter: 9.6%
Character Mentions
I organized the chart by game and the characters in alphabetical order.
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DAO Alistair: 2 Dog: 2 Hero of Ferelden (Cousland): 6 Leliana: 1 Loghain: 1 Morrigan: 1 Sten: 1 Zevran Arainai: 2
DA2 Anders: 2 Bethany: 1 Fenris: 3 Hawke: 1 Isabela: 1 Merrill: 2 Sebastian Vael: 1 Varric: 3
DAI Briala: 1 Bull's Chargers: 2 Cassandra: 2 Celene Valmont: 1 Cole: 2 Cullen: 3 Dorian: 2 Friends of Red Jenny: 1 Gaspard: 1 Josephine: 3 Krem: 2 Sera: 1 Solas: 4 The Iron Bull: 4 Vivienne: 2
Food Courses
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I thought it would be interesting to see how the recipe groups totaled out in how much of the book they made.
Drinks: 12.5%
Baked Goods: 13.9%
Sweets: 11.1%
Sides: 5.6%
Starters and Refreshments: 12.5%
Travel Food: 13.9%
Soup and Stew: 11.1%
Main Course: 19.4%
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If nothing else, Dragon Age 2 is a story being told by Varric Tethras (pulp novelist, businessman, and self professed liar), while being interrogated by the Chantry secret police, while also trying to exonerate himself and the best friend he loves...
It could be true, some of it could be true, none of it could be true. Likely it is only half of the picture and the story and its players are Varric's Cassandra friendly version. There's room for so many interpretations of DA2 that I wonder how anyone comes to a single truth about the story and its characters at all?
Anyway, I've been thinking about a post that said taking a side strictly for or against Anders misses the point and I agree. However, I think because DA2 is too structuralist in its approach to the characters, players clung more to a humanistic reading of them. Ideally a story balances both but it didn't in DA2 and so the characters feel puppeted by a thesis that could be alienating at times. I mean, Anders isn't 'right' but he is more right then the story and the general response to his character allows him to be and so anyone with a grasp on the metaphors the DA mages represent, from religious and political persecution of queerness to authoritarian imprisonment, are going to see any attempt to justify the continued abuse of them as awful. They'll also cling harder to the character who represents resistance to *gestures at all that narrative mess*. Same with Fenris. Who is the bluntest fictional embodying of slavery ever. Right to the heart, really. Of course people cling to Fenris. Especially in an American story. (And then they pitted them against each other...)
As for characterization, though, they're assholes. I love them. I get them. I'd like them even if they were worse (and the criticism does tend to exaggerate how bad they are). They are in pain and have a lot of room for growth but they are assholes. Yet they're also flawless to me and that there's my point. The story didn't utilise them as it should, didn't think about them as much beyond being a blunt tool for the plot and so the players who felt the metaphors, who identified with their pain, plucked them away, filled them in, and shielded them from a narrative and public they felt misused or misunderstood them and by extension the people and issues they represent.
We're always saying here that representation is important but this is the reason why. This is the power it has and the pain it can cause when fumbled. This is why there was such a strongly divisive response to Anders— you had one side gleefully feeling justified killing him and all he represents and the other side feeling horror at how all he represents was handled and wanting to save him. This is why there's still Anders vs. Fenris drama years later despite them being mirrors, the story reduced them to being a mouthpiece for and against mages when the plot itself is about the rights of mages. It's a bit impossible to talk about the narrative of DA2 without talking about Anders and Fenris.
So I get it but on the other hand DA2 is a story being told under duress by an unreliable narrator. All the characters could be the way they are because Varric needs them to be in order to satisfy the magic fearing religious government. I think that could be a really interesting conversation to have too.
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ragingtempests · 3 months
"Dragon Age has gone woke! Dragon Age: Veilguard looks too goofy to be Dragon Age!"
My brother in Christ, Dragon Age had bisexual romances in 2009 even after Fox News freaked out about the lesbian sex scene in Mass Effect. The series also had a trans character in 2014 in which the fandom's biggest critique of that character was that he was not voiced by a transman. Dragon Age has been "woke" and that's how a majority of the fandom likes it. It's 2024. Grow up.
As for goofiness, in Origins... not only is some of the companion banter goofy as hell, but you can find two dead hobbits with a note that says, "Should have taken the eagles." There's also an easter egg reference to Superman in which a farmer and his wife find a baby in a meteor crater and decide to raise him. Both instances do not affect your game whatsoever. They are just there to be jokes.
Also, in DA2 Hawke "stepped in the poopy" and there's kind of a DLC that is just the elf Felicia Day DLC. The Mark of the Assassin is so not serious. Ofc, there's goofy companion banter. That's for all the games, frankly.
And then there's Inquisition. The beginning of Trespasser is goofy as hell. Varric is giving out keys to Kirkwall's harbor. Sera's pranking everyone. Random weddings are happening. Small wheels of cheese are being placed on eyelids in a spa bc it's in fashion in Orlais. Whoever is the Divine has to wear the stupid lady pope outfit. Josephine takes you to the worst opera, apparently. And the rest of the DLC still has a lot of dark/serious things going on.
In the main game, during the siege of Adamant, you can find a note on a payload that says, "Stick this up your taint." There's the dude who threw a goat at Skyhold. Varric writes smut based off of Aveline from DA2 for Cassandra.
Do I think Veilguard is going to be amazing? Probably not. There were mass layoffs and it took ten years to produce. We're not looking at another BG3. I'm not delusional, but I do think a lot of critiques are coming from people who are casual Dragon Age players who probably haven't touched any of these games (or even thought about Thedas) since 2014.
I'm all for being critical and worried about how this game is going to turn out, but let's not be disingenuous. A black Grey Warden (the first black romanceable companion character in all four games) and a bit of humor in a trailer aren't genuine critiques. C'mon guys.
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dippedinmelancholy · 8 days
TW for spoliers for Dragon Age Inquistion (I guess????? It't been 10+ years guys) I keep seeing a lot of people talking about Solas and how horrible he is ( keep my wife's name out of your mouth, I love him your honor) but like, honestly as someone who fell in love Dragon Age Inquisition, it triggered my entire love for the whole series . . . people are missing something huge. Literally all of the main companions, and honestly all of the Advisors, are morally grey, fucked up people. Cole - Literally a spirit/demon. Kills people to 'help'. Varric - Bro is in a long term affair with a woman he can't/won't commit to, is constantly running from responsibility. Sera - Claims to be on the side of the small and helpless, could not give two fucks about the elves at all. Is obscenely racist and cruel, especially if you're playing Dalish. Doesn't seem to give any fucks for how her actions make others feel. Cassandra - Seeker/Templar. Thedas cop. Doesn't care that the mages are regularly abused and violated. Blindly believes in the Chantry, and even after she is given evidence of their fucks ups, cannot pull herself away. Iron Bull - Once again, massively dangerous, worse than a cop. Warrior/master spy. Openly infiltrates your group, sees no sin in how the Qunari operate or stripping people entirely of rights. Blackwall - War criminal????? Fucks you in a barn and leaves???? Takes on the identity of a Warden all in hopes that he can pretend hard enough to be a decent person. Again, dude fucks you in a barn. Jail. Gross. Vivenne - Hungrily plays the politics of Orlais. Believes in keeping the mages in Circles, regardless of the abuse, and is constantly out for her own gain. Her reasonings are wholly selfish. Dorian - Bro defends slavery like five minutes after meeting you. The need for gay rights doesn't fix that my guy. Solas - Doesn't see anyone in the world as people unless/until you change his mind. Sees the Iquisition as a means to an end, and your Inquisitor as someone to manipulate to get to his end goals. Cullen - Reformed Templar, fighting addiction and his past crimes. Abused, violated, he didn't believe mages were people. Josephine - Was a Bard in Orlais. Sounds nice, actually murderous. Killed a friend, is haunted by the act. Though sweet, plays the Game as ruthlessly as anyone else. Leliana - Assassin, murderer, has no problems with being brutal and manipulating everyone for her end goals. Every single one of them are terrible. They are people who have done terrible things, brutalized others, and yet have chosen to stay with the Inquisition. From all corners of Thedas, and yet dedicated to protect the world. Even Solas. His goal to tear down the veil isn't a desire to destroy the world. It's to save the very crumb of his people that remains. And in all of these characters, YOU shape them. You help them choose to be better or worse. That is the beauty of Inquisition. When the world is falling to shit, the sky is literally caving in and a would be god is trying to destroy you all out of spite, PEOPLE come together. They want to protect the world. If you're going to apply a cold, unmoving and non-understanding moral compass to Solas, you better be prepared to do it to every single one of them.
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lazysload · 3 months
Developers of past installments of Dragon Age have compared characters to dishes in the kitchen. Here's what I found from the forums and descriptions: ⁕ Sheryl Chee says "Alistair is an apricot. Cute, sweet and just a little fuzzy." Cori May said that Alistair was most comparable to "strawberries and cream, sweet and wholesome and delicious, and a little goofy." ⁕ Cori May said that Wynne was most comparable to "oatmeal with raisins and honey, and lots of them" ⁕ David Gaider described Zevran as "deceptively spicy salsa." ⁕ Leliana: Sheryl Chee described her as, "a macaroon; very French and very girly." Mary Kirby described Leliana as "A sticky cinnamon bun. No question." ⁕ Cori May described Morrigan as "the darkest of dark chocolates; bitter but rich." ⁕ Solas: Mary Kirby described it as "scotch bonnet candies." ⁕ Blackwall: Cheryl Chee described it as “roast if you're gravy.” ⁕ Varric: "Mary Kirby described it as beef bourguignon." ⁕ Vivienne: Mary Kirby describes it as “ortolan bunting,” the garden bunting. This bird was once considered a delicacy in France. It was fed to the slaughter, kept in the dark so that the bird would eat without interruption. ⁕ Cole: It has been described as “waxy fruit”. ⁕ Sera: "tequila and skittles". ⁕ Cassandra Pentaghast: David Gaider described she as "crispy baguettes". Unfortunately, I haven't found any information on what Ogren (gosh, maybe I don't want to know), Shale, Sten, Loghain, and the companions to Dragon Age: Awakening, Witch Hunt, Dragon Age 2, and сounselors in Dragon Age: Inquisition. If you've tried them, tell us about it. :D
And now I'm wondering what to compare companions to in Dragon Age: Veilguard.
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servantofclio · 3 months
Dragon Age OCs: Branwen Lavellan
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Elf, Rogue (two-weapon style), Tempest specialization
Branwen was approximately 30 and one of the chief scouts for her clan when her Keeper sent her to observe the Conclave. She had a healthy distrust of humans, and navigated her first days after the Conclave very carefully, trying hard not to alienate the powerful humans who now seemed to be depending on her. She felt more drawn to the non-humans in the group, though, and became friendly with Varric and Solas quickly. Branwen has a deeply ingrained desire to protect people she considers under her care, which served her well as more and more authority became attached to her. Her patience and steadfastness in the face of the Inquisition’s challenges won her a lot of loyalty. Her clan was attacked, scattered, and lost in her absence, though, a mistake which still haunts her.
Over time, she developed good relationships with just about everyone in the Inquisition. She and Cassandra took quite a while to get past their very different belief systems, as did Branwen and Sera, but in both cases they developed solid friendships.
Branwen had never had a deep romantic relationship before, but her relationship with Solas quickly became complicated. From her point of view, they would frequently have intimate, vulnerable moments, and then he’d suddenly pull back and become more distant. She knew there were things he wasn’t saying, but chose not to push for more information. Even so, they became steadily closer:
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Branwen thought that Solas must have suffered some harm from a group of Dalish in the past, and regularly (gently) argued with him about his perspective on the Dalish. They were in love, she thought, and they didn’t talk about the future, but she still had hopes.
Then she drank from the Well of Sorrows, over Solas’s objections, and the gulf between their views and positions became incredibly obvious. She kept her vallaslin, thank you very much, and let him go, and wondered what he might be doing while she nursed her broken heart. Even after the events of Trespasser, she still hopes that she can persuade Solas away from his current course – she has seen him act with compassion and reason, and she kind of thinks he’s avoiding her so that she doesn’t get a chance to talk to him directly.
I’m not totally sure what she’s been up to since Trespasser, beyond looking for survivors from her clan. Officially, the Inquisition is dissolved, but she’s clearly still working with allies in a less public way.
Branwen-related fics are gathered here, for the most part: https://archiveofourown.org/series/209984. Some favorites include this one, set just after she learned about her clan, and these snippets. There’s a multi-chapter fic set after the main game but before Trespasser here, which features cameos from Merrill and most of the Awakening gang.
(Searching her tag on my tumblr should also turn up assorted headcanons about her, but feel free to ask questions if there's anything you'd like to know!)
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Why do you think Varric made the Inquisitor a Comte? Wouldn’t that make them outrank him? Dumar seemed pretty powerless and I always thought that Varric got shoved in the rule to make him in charge of the recovery of Kirkwall but not actually of Kirkwall?
Sweet gentle anon, I know it was not your intention but you have stumbled into one of my favorite conversational topics and I hope you are ready for the fall out.
Welcome, children, to Fereldone talks about Thedas' Geo/Theopolitical bullshit!
(tl:dr at the bottom)
So, very important things to know going in: Kirkwall's political history is weird. Founded by the Tevinter Imperium in -620 Ancient (which is DA equivalent of BC/BCE, or the time before the ages ascribed to history by the chantry), it was a mining city. After a slave tried to kill the Archon the Magisterium decided they needed to start importing- and presumably breaking the will of- slaves farther from the heart of the imperium and thus the City of Chains gained purpose.
I could throw a lot of facts and names at you, but here's the basics-- it housed millions of slaves over hundreds of years, at the end of the ancient age they rebelled and overthrew it. Kirk means black in Alamarri, the stone they mined there was jet black, and so Kirkwall (black walls) becomes a Free city. It suffered during the fourth blight in the Exalted Age (fifth age, for those keeping score at home), was conquered by the Qunari in the Storm Age (seventh age) and was then conquered by the Orlesians. Orlais was on a roll with the whole 'we own everything whoops killed your ancestral leaders', but in the Blessed age (eighth age) the people retaliate and overthrow the empire to regain independence.
For reasons I can only assume are laziness and a desire not to change all the paperwork, the leader of Kirkwall is still referred to by the Orlesian word Viscount/Viscomte. Bear with me, this is important later.
We are now in the early dragon age (9th age, and when Inquisition happens). The first two rulers of free Kirkwall sucked. Basically they blockaded their own port and made people pay a fortune to get in and trade. This didn't sit well with the Chantry, who would much rather do that themselves, and in 9:14 Divine Beatrix II (later saved by Cassandra!) tells the Templars to strong arm him into submission talk some sense into the viscount.
The knight commander is killed in the exchange, and so his second command Meredith Stannard steps up to try her hand at negotiations. It goes poorly, so she arrests and jails the Viscount and essentially takes control of the city with full Chantry approval. Now the Templars are essentially in control of the city, and so they appoint a puppet leader (Dumar) to play act in control. But Meredith is actually in charge, and everyone knows it.
Including Elthina, who named her Knight Commander. This is why the Chantry never actually does anything about templar abuses.
So! If you are still with me, this is where Viscount becomes important. There are some wibbly bits about how you treat Sebastian Vael in DA2, but essentially Kirkwall decides that it's time to be an actual city state and not a poorly run Theocracy. As the only man with a plan (and the money and influence to do it), Varric steps in to help his home town. Ecstatic at not being responsible for that, the nobles (comtes) band together and put him in charge.
So while yes, in Orlais Viscount be beneath comte, Kirkwall has been so broken up and conquered and messed with over the years that names and titles are meaningless. In my personal opinion, Varric ennobles the inquisitor so that they will always have a staunch ally amongst the backbiting Kirkwaller nobles. It's also a nice and generous a decent thing to do, of course, but Varric is very good at making something do a lot of things for him all at once.
(Also, Varric knows exactly what that key does. He just ensured that someone smart enough and invested enough in peace will always be able to either open or close the harbor--making sure that the people who depend on him will be safe no matter what.)
Personally, the Trespasser epilouge is useless. It's the result of not having a head writer to review things, and the sweet but misguided attempt to give us closure if DA4 never happened. Hawke doesn't come back to Kirkwall. They are in Weisshaupt (if not in the Fade), and that plotIine will likely be in the final game. The Inquisition in whatever form it still has will be heading north, possibly with Kirkwall as an operating base, and this way the Inquisitor (who is confirmed to not be playabe in DA4) will have a reason to be there and not in Tevinter.
That's my read, anyway.
tl;dr Kirkwall has weird history that led to odd ways of organizing their nobility, Varric wants friends in places almost as high as him, shit's going down in the north and I think the inquisitor will be in Kirkwall so the writers needed a reason to put them there.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Mod Fereldone
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an-excellent-choice · 7 months
I was recently gushing at a friend about bg3 but didn't want to spoil her in the romance and the characters backstory.
So, I started comparing everybody with Dragon Age companions to give her an idea on everybody's personality.
Now I need to complete this list just for the sake of it.
Astarion: Zevran, Isabela, Morrigan
I know a lot of people compare Astarion and Fenris but honestly, I personally don't see them being similar enough( yes even with the slavery and white hair) they are just two different flavors especially in personality. They are similar in broad strokes but in the details not really.
Now with Zevran and Isabela, I can see. These two very sexual characters both use their sexualities and their daggers to manipulate those around them.
They both cope with their trauma with putting a mask of light heartedness and sexual freedom. The main difference of between Zevran and Isabela to Astarion is that Astarion is more upfront with his trauma.
The Morrigan aspect is his pragmatism. Astarion's killed or killed is similar to Morrigan. They both hate helping people as they don't see anything beneficial it. They are so used to the absence of kindness that any they see from the protag is seen as naivety or even fakeness because if there truly kindness in the world why did they never experienced themselves.
Gale: Anders, Merril, Solas
So the common trait I established from these characters that I see in Gale is them being blinded by their goals. These 3 all kind and mean well but they think their way is the only way to fix things. All these three are self serving to their selfish desires to the point it overwrites any kindness they have. They want to do something drastic to help others. Solas with elves, Merril her missing friends and Anders with mages but in the price of themselves.
Personality wise,Merril is also similar to Gale with her akwardness and naivety. Gale has a tendency to do akward moments in his enthusiasm and lackk experience in socializing. While the Solas is love information and informing others, he's very welcoming in sharing experiences.
Now, Anders. Specifically Anders dao and da2 Act 1-2 because Gale would never justify the means justifies the end mentality in act3 of da2. The basics commonalities: cat dad, mage, time bomb but the most damning similarity is that both Gale and Anders thought that they know better even though they were already warned. Gale with the piece of weave and Anders with Justice. They both essentially shot themselves in the foot by ignoring the warning signs.
(I'm not including Merril in the shooting of foot because her ritual was tampered she knew her risks and had actually prepared a kill switch just in case)
Wyll: Cassandra, Merril, Varric
The main thing I focused on this trio is responsibility. All these 3 has certain responsibility or expectations set upon them with a main conflict of whether they should just follow expectations or do their own will even at the price of losing support or their people
Wyll has heavy expectations on him and he himself always tries to put the well being of others before him even at the price of his soul.
Now personality-wise, Cassandra is an old romantic. Just like Wyll they both enjoy poetry and wooing. They both live for the romance even though they try hard to focus on only their duty they cant hide their soft squishy hearts.
Merril is kind and is always torn with her abandoning her duty to do what she thinks is needed to be done. She loves her people so much she will bear being seen as a monster to try to help them. *cough* wyll is the same*cough
Varric is charming as fuck but he also is kindaa running away from his responsibility until finally he was forced to take a stand. He accidentally helped start aspects of the mess but he will be damned if he doesnt try to help.
Okay, I'm running out of steam now. I'll do a part 2 for the ladies as this is also too long now.
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animezinglife · 2 months
Happy Headcanons
Because my Sunday Scaries are through the roof and I'm thoroughly depressed about my life.
I get the sense that Dragon Age is a, "nothing that gets fixed stays fixed because someone always has to f- it up" kind of series, so I'm electing to ignore this for the sake of my Inquisitor.
Even if Solas goes off the rails, the rest of the Inquisition stays friends and occasionally reunite. They find themselves talking about/reliving the glory days and their time together.
(In my game): Mira and Cullen get married and end up living in Ferelden in a house near the water not far from where he grew up. They both continue to heal together and she and Mia immediately love each other. They gang up on Cullen regularly (but in an endearing way). He doesn't mind it--he loves seeing them both happy.
He helps her through her night terrors just like she's helped him. It's ugly sometimes, but over time, they eventually are able to sleep more peacefully. Cullen at one point asks if Cole can help (he knows how it feels and can't stand seeing her like that), but Mira insists on working through it.
They live near an older couple who are either King and Queen of Minding Their Own Business or endearingly clueless (and they don't find out it's actually the former until later on). The old man's a veteran and loves to invite Cullen to go fishing with him, where they swap stories (and is how Cullen finds out they do in fact know who he and the Inquisitor are). The old woman has made it her life's ambition to feed them both more pies than they can eat and to fatten them up. They have no choice. They are her children now. She delights in flustering Cullen (and Mira loves it).
They eventually decide to live pretty quiet lives but will provide advice when asked to whatever monstrosity of an issue is going on at the time.
Varric often stays with them when he's in Ferelden and gets some of his best writing done out on their dock. He and Mira in particular enjoy sitting together and sometimes, the heavy conversation about Solas comes up. She continues to confide in her friend and he continues to give solid life advice.
Varric the one who tells her Thom Rainier's reformed the Grey Wardens (because let me have this) and has become a respected leader considered to have atoned for his sins.
Varric also shares that he sends Cassandra ARCs of Swords and Shields, which has strangely taken off in popularity in the last few years. Neither he nor Mira are immediately aware that Josephine quietly worked her magic in Orlais to spike sales. Those masked women live by the trashy spice. Josie lets this slip to Mira during one of the latter's visits to Antiva.
Dorian visits often, too. It's not unusual for Cullen to walk in and find him sitting at their table unannounced with his wife catching her up on everything she wanted to know and other things she didn't.
Josephine also invites them to visit her in Antiva. The sea air does them both a lot of good, and Mira and Josie spend a lot of time together catching up and exploring. There ends up being a Wicked Grace rematch, and Cullen goes in confident that he'll fare better this time.
He does not.
What HEAs (realistic for canon or not) would you love to see your Inquisitor have?
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felassan · 2 years
Some thoughts on the Dragon Age: Dreadwolf leak on Reddit which included screenshots & a gif along with text, under a cut due to potential spoilers for DA:D -
first: the usual set of disclaimers that accompany all leaks apply - might not be real, unable to verify at present, games change a fair bit between development phases and final release, take with grain of salt etc
Weisshaupt, headquarters of the Grey Wardens, as a location which we will travel to irl and not in the Fade.. ngl I have been dreaming of this since 2010 [yelling]. really hyped. we previously speculated these concepts were of Weisshaupt. (compare the blue-ish domes in those with the blue-ish dome structures in the screenshots.) in some of the screenshots, Weisshaupt looked badly damaged.
Weisshaupt Library is extensive and was noted in Last Flight to contain a glass sarcophagus decorated with the horns of Andoral that contains the arms and armor of Garahel. BioWare pls.. Iet's see it :D and what if by 9:52 the Library or Weisshaupt also contains some relics of or references to the Hero of Ferelden.. 🥺👉👈 or that there are some references to Hawke's presence in Weisshaupt at one time kicking around in codex or notes or something..
Seems to confirm that Davrin ("Nobody dies on my watch! For the Wardens!") is a companion who can join us in the field. I wonder if we start out with him or get him early in the game, like Alistair/Morrigan, Cassandra/Varric etc. obviously for later game missions you can choose anyone to come with you usually so it could just be that, but perhaps this storybeat we're seeing here is set near the start of the game? and with darkspawn attacking Weisshaupt (confirmed as well in the text), the very heart of the order, imagine how Davrin's feeling (since he seems to be a rather heroic or knightly Warden).. :[
The other named and voiced character from that previous trailer was Bellara. if Davrin is a companion like we may be seeing here, it wouldn't be wild to suggest that maybe Bellara is too, given they were both featured similarly at the time.
"There's worse than darkspawn on the way" / "And the walls won't hold it back" likely refers to the dragon said in the text to also be attacking Weisshaupt? it some of the screenshots in the background there looks to be the silhouette of a great beast, maybe the dragon. their head certainly looks draconic.
ROOK? :D NOW WHO ARE THEY? another companion like Davrin? this makes three new named DA:D characters (as in appearing in the game itself) that we know of. Davrin, Bellara and Rook. the other possibility is what if Rook is the PC? is "Rook" a surname, title or codename? it's catchy, cool/badass, snappy, short, Hawke-like.
"Rook" imagery (brought up by the name): birds (Hawke had a bird motif), corvids (Antivan Crows..), the Skyhold Rookery (what if they were an agent or former agent of Leliana's? "Rook" would be a good spy codename and it would fit in with stuff like 'Rector' and 'Charter'.. plus it seems we'll have some link to the Inquisition remnants going forwards per TN etc), chess pieces (games of strategy, tactics, trying to outwit Solas, Solas manipulating events), the Tower tarot card and its meanings, and most interestingly [yodels]: the Red Book, the front of which shows a wolf aflame above a rook/tower. the Red Book link makes me lean towards "Rook is the PC"
What on earth is a "Spawn Boil"? darkspawn-associated, and "boil" carries both unpleasant + dangerous/unhealthy imagery, it doesn't sound good at all.. the Children in Awakening spent time in cocoons, they had hatchlings, and there are fleshy sacks of the Taint in previous games.. maybe the pulsing red dark thing we saw previously is a Spawn Boil (a pulsing or cocoon-like thing always gives me the impression that something might hatch or burst out of it, and boils can burst or pop..), and red lyrium has something to do with it, especially considering the following point
Lots of red in some images. not good. not good at all (as in, I'm in-universe worried. u know). the text refers to red lyrium. Varric, don't look 😭 in the image which includes "Destroy the Spawn Boils", the darkspawn are fuzzy so I'm squinting and could just be seeing things but they remind me a lot of these guys. hello, red lyrium darkspawn creatures! (also confirmed in the text) I guess that could be why we need to hurry and destroy the Spawn Boils, because red lyrium darkspawn come out of them or are powered up by them or trying to spread them or somesuch
UI may change between now and release (UI is often one of the last things done or tweaked in a game iirc) I think so I'm leaving off focusing overmuch on it just now. I like the purple though
seems like this playtest was being done on a console?
menus and similar: Map, Character, Companions, Skills, Collections (what's Collections, stuff like mosaic pieces?). an inventory 'bag'. equipment slots. accessory slots. skill slots. currency. are the bits next to the money going to be resource piles, like for crafting? the Grappling Chain warrior skill returns. considering this character is a Warrior, maybe the punching arm icon is for Mighty Blow? the Guard mechanic returns. Items can't be changed during combat. looks like there's multiple slots on the shield itself (for runes and upgrades?)
Item description: "A shield emblazoned with the Templar's symbol. It's particularly effective at absorbing impacts. This one has been enchanted by the Mournwatch" [!!!] "to grant additional resistance against Spirits".
"Level [x] Grey Warden"? Is that this character's background/origin, class, spec? Can the PC become a Grey Warden? Any relation to the 'factions background' fan-theory? Also this character is an elf! in the text the leaker seemed to say that this was who they played. So the PC is an elf, or race selection returns?
The armor and equipment etc looks cool
Also what's with the crumbling stuff in the background on the character menu, do you see that? :D It's like the crumbling of the Dreadwolf logo and promo art assets on the website. Fadey stuff and realitywarping-theories senses tingling..
in the image where there's a character who isn't wearing a helmet, the hair looks decent. that's something which is also mentioned in the text.
also in that image, what's with the purpley fire[?] stuff? purple lyrium? (red+blue=....) purple roots? also there is a green tint to the lighting outside in this image. I think this whole segment we're seeing (darkspawn attack Weisshaupt and something?? is going on) is this scene from concept art being played out on-screen.
very Wardenny doors with the griffons and the chalice. the closing door scene reminds me of the 'party closes the doors to the Temple of Mythal' scene in DA:I. also like the variety of characters holding the door shut & shown in the level scene. humans, dwarves, elves, someone who looks like they're a Qunari. does one of the dwarves look like Harding to anyone else, or am I tripping?
hhh the Grey Wardens put griffon decorations on their big lever.
Warriors seem to have have a kicking skill or move, as shown by the foot skill icon and move executed by the character (text describes this as being like a drop kick)
Dead bodies on the ground which don't yet have their textures (that's normal)
More darkspawn
More purple stuff
It looks or 'feels' like the snippet we saw from the trailer (Grey Warden-armor character doing Shield Wall)
Hard to judge ofc from a very short snippet that we ourselves aren't playing, but yeah the combat looks action-y (action RPG) and from this snippet at least I don't personally see why I wouldn't enjoy it or find it fine (everyone's different tho ofc ^^)
Text (body of post):
"I was honestly shocked when we got no gameplay reveal at TGA, as I was sure we'd get something considering the timing this video was shared with me" - this is interesting
OP notes that what the playtester played was early Alpha. DA:D completed its Alpha milestone in October 2022
Some elements missing textures, missing audio etc tracks with what was said in Insider Gaming's report
Story details: the segment was set within Weisshaupt. the PC being played here is an elf (this was apparent from the screenshots but reading "the player character was an elf" sent me to another planet with hype ok). ((I hope this means race selection returns)) I could be wrong but I'd guess that "Knight" was like, general fantasy world language the playtester was using to try and describe what the character they played was like to their contact, rather than in-game text for the character (in the same way as how "mirrored portal" may be eluvians)? A warrior, armed and armored in gray/silver with a sword, shield and helmet, you know? I'd guess the "knight dude" party member is Davrin (Davin - Grey Warden warrior, confirmed?). Lady dwarf companion confirmed?? (Harding? or Bellara?)
I do hope three squadmates as in DAO, DAII and DA:I hasn't been reduced to only two as this suggests. It's like that in ME so it's not the end of the world, but three friends is always going to be more fun and engaging, especially in a series in which the companions are always the high point
More story details: Darkspawn attacking Weisshaupt (as we see in the screenshots) is a big deal hello?? This is the famous Warden stronghold, their very HQ, being attacked by the thing they exist to destroy/protect the world from. explains why Weisshaupt looks wrecked. Wtf is going on??? scared.. Where is the First Warden in all of this? this is so not good. Especially given the red lyrium spreading and the red lyrium darkspawn. That isn't a surprise as we saw something to that effect in concept art and a trailer, but still. we in danger. "some have red lyrium attacks" omg. is there any connection between this attack on Weisshaupt and whatever weird stuff was implied to be going on at Weisshaupt in the DA:I epilogue?
The dragon is also Concerning.. like. Darkspawn attacking, with a dragon involved. That sounds like a Blight and an Archdemon. Is this the Sixth Blight? is it a Red Lyrium Blight? I'm reminded of this concept art. also HELLO?
"The objective is to fight through the Darkspawn to get to the library, but as you are doing so there is also a big ass dragon attacking from above. And the dragon creates occasional environmental and traversal hazards. It ends once you reach the library, close the gates," [this will be the door shutting scene surely] "and then come face to face with the dragon. It appears you are then supposed to try and chain the dragon up, but it ends before the player completes that." I guess the big lever we see has something to do with trying to chain the dragon up. Why chain it up?? I'm reminded of Ataashi in Trespasser, the dragon in Dark Fortress and the dragon in Absolution. I guess if it was a normal Archdemon, why would we be chaining it up? so it's not or there's something weird or something else going on
"Basically, buildings and whatnot are all modeled and textured but the skybox itself is very dark and makes it seem as though the entire fortress is underground, although it is clearly not. I suspect the skybox could contain some giant world event, similar to the Breach, they hadn't finished." - this is interesting and I'm once again reminded of this piece of concept art where there's something wild going on in the sky or air outside Weisshaupt
OP was told about the God of War (2018) thing, which is what was said on ResetEra. they also mention about little to no party control (or none currently), which is what was said in the Insider Gaming article and iirc was said on ResetEra
Does "completely in real-time" imply no pause button or tactical cam in this build?
Since there's an 'Armor' bar, maybe 'Guard' is actually the special bar that builds up allowing you to pull off a musou special move?
"I don't really understand the comparison to FF15's wheel. It's standard Dragon Age ability wheel." - this contrasts with the bit about this in the Insider Gaming article
Animation quality has drastically improved, jumping returns, warriors can parry and counter
Player's hair "looked glorious", "flowing and bouncing" omg. don't need to say anything here other than [yodels]
Text (comments from OP):
OP elaborates in a comment that the screenshots/gif footage is from an "early build, years old", and that the game is now "way past this state"
On the dragon's environmental hazards, OP expands: "Like the dragon spews fire on the ground requiring you to go around an intended path or blocks off a path so you gotta go up a ladder"
OP describes the level shown as linear
OP mentions in a comment that "Red Templars" are what's invading Weisshaupt, but given the darkspawn they mention elsewhere and in the screenshot text, I'm assuming they meant "red lyrium darkspawn" here and got mixed up?
More references to the devs looking at Gears of War (2018) as a guide when making DA:D, in terms of things like combat/inspiration (it sounds like that anyway)
general feel/thoughts: no way of knowing for sure but looks/feels real/legit to me. also I like the look and feel of it, am excited :)
also I rambled in places in this post sry. :'>
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imakemywings · 2 years
Dragon Age Femslash Recs
Happy February 2nd! For Femslash February, some fanfic recommendations! Asteriks by particular favs (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Comfort by RipplesOfAqua - Josephine/Vivienne - In tired moments, they find comfort from one another.
Counting by klickitats - Josephine/Leliana - Leliana and Josephine meet for the first time, despite Leliana's best efforts to the contrary.
duet for two Hands in six baths by thereinafter -  Cassandra/Leliana - Six different times Leliana and Cassandra ended up in a bathing-type situation together.          
* To Feel, Still Seeing by hornkerling - Josephine/Vivienne -  “Were you aware-? ...Oh, I don’t know if I should tell you.” Josephine taps her pen against the top of the desk a couple of thoughtful times and looks at Vivienne, eyes filled with giggly mirth. “At my finishing school in Val Royeaux, the girls had a habit of choosing prominent persons who figured in the societé as idols. To… dream about. Entertain girly fantasies. You, Madame, were one of them.”
A First Encounter by amarmeme - f!Hawke/Cassandra - Hawke knows little about the woman who's after her, beyond what Varric tells her. Cassandra knows a lot about the Champion, but is any of it real?
Late, Late Nights and Early Starts by hibernate - f!Cadash/Cassandra, Leliana/Vivienne -  Sleep is for those with less to do.
A Most Edible Thistle by @chocochipbiscuit​ - Josephine/Vivienne - Artichokes, assassins, and the schoolgirl crush that Josephine never outgrew.
Nevarran Steel by bioticbootyshaker - Cassandra/Vivienne - Endangering her life needlessly, Cassandra realizes that the vow she made to Vivienne -- to be her Chevalier and to serve her -- is more than just some silly promise.
No Home For You Here by withpractice - f!Hawke/Merrill - Nothing could have possibly prepared her for what came next.
* The Other Side of Terror by superfluouskeys - f!Hawke/Cassandra -  Hawke would just like everyone to know that she has shown remarkable restraint.  Did she fall in love at first sight with the angry muscly templar lady?  Maybe!  But has she so much as gone near her, so much as glanced in her terrifyingly beautiful direction since her arrival at Skyhold?
A Piece of Sunset by madamebadger - Josephine/Leliana - "Flatterer." But there was a curl of enjoyment in Josie's voice, so Leliana persisted.
* pretend this isn’t bleeding by ghost_teeth - f!Trevelyan/Vivienne -  For the first time in perhaps ten years, Vivienne considers withdrawing from a party for a breath of fresh air.
pride, and the hurt the followed it by Anonymous - f!Hawke/Merrill - While trying to save Feynriel from his own nightmares, Merrill falls victim to the persuasive words of a pride demon, and turns on Hawke in the Fade. When she wakes up and realises what she's done, she hides away, certain that Hawke will want nothing to do with her. But Hawke is nothing if not surprising.
* The Rain it Raineth Every Day by Glaukobiblion - f!Hawke/Merrill -  The summer before Hawke goes to college, Leandra hires a new gardener.  Pining, parties, and poor decisions ensue.    
The Spice of Life by Anthologyofwhat - f!Hawke/Merrill - The tale of Merrill's illicit search for inappropriate uses of magic. No sex, just talking.
Small Comforts by thereinafter - Leliana knows when Cassandra has a frustrating day, and vice versa.
This Dangerous Game We Play by kaijuburgers - f!Aeducan/Anora - After Trian's death, Sereda knows it's only a matter of time before she too is returned to the Stone. When she's given an easy out, she takes it.
* Unconquered by ChocoChipBiscuit - Svarah Sun-hair/Vivienne - “Madame Vivienne, I thought—if you were Avvar, a respected warrior of another Hold who bested me in combat, it would have been simple. I would have asked if you wanted company in the bedroll and we would have had it out, one way or another. But by the Lady…” Svarah’s voice trailed, rueful. “You lowlanders distract and divert like fish in a stream.”
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croik · 3 days
I finished my first ever playthrough of Dragon Age Inquisition + Inquisition a while ago! I logged about 90 hours so I can say that I liked it, lol. I didn't know anything about the series before hand. Made an elven mage, and because I did not realize the game would assign me a surname, he bears the unfortunate name of Iorallin Lavellan (orz). BUT in the end I was very happy with him and I had a fun time with the game.
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I romanced Dorian, I made Leiliana pope despite my best efforts. I ultimate decided to keep the Inquisition but I wasn't happy that the epilogue was basically "and then everyone left you except for fuckin Cullen" so if I play Veilguard I'll probably change that, if it's a choice you get to make. I'd rather imagine my lil dude bopping around each team member's pad from time to time rather than the Chantry's toothless dog.
Ultimately though, I think what I enjoyed most about the game were all the things I simply made up for myself while playing.
I didn't know any of the world building going in, so I didn't realize that "elf mage" was a significant choice for this story, but I'm really glad it worked out that way. All my favorite things while playing had to do with the elvish history and significance (I'm a basic elf bitch, sue me). I really like the argument I had with Dorian at one point about elves in slavery vs those in the slums. The extra layer of "this is a bad idea" to their relationship spiced it up even more. I made Levallan's ears as big as I possibly could and then decided that they are super sensitive, so much so that his favorite thing is to suck Dorian off while they get fondled. Which led to the natural conclusion that other elves view ears as huge and rounded as his as being an indication of promiscuity >:D. Personality wise I made Levallan as mild-mannered as I could, but I decided that Dorian was basically how he coped with all the pressure of being the Inquisitor, to an almost unhealthy degree. And now they're SEPARATED ;_;
I almost lost Sera fairly early on because I was too uptight for her (and also an elf), so after that I made it my mission to keep her happy. Which wasn't easy! But I really liked the idea of what their relationship was like in and around the cutscenes, and the careful balance my Inquisitor had to keep between wanting to bond with her as an elf, wanting HER to want to bond as an elf, and respecting that she's entitled to all her own opinions. It was an interesting project.
I liked Cassandra, Josephine, Vivienne, and Varric well enough. Didn't particularly care for Bull, Blackwall, Cullen, or Cole. But then of course there is SOLAS.
Solas was a lot of fun. Again I was really glad to be playing an elf, because of the insulting hilarity of Solas, the elf, telling me, the DALISH elf, "wow I thought you people all sucked but you're really cool and I have to adjust my perspective!" Thanks you piece of shit! lol. But I really did enjoy their relationship, the power dynamic of my character thinking they're approaching Solas with more knowledge of elvish culture than him, and then knowing already how wrong he was. I even accidentally gave Lavellan the Mythall mark. The thought of Solas meeting this dalish elf, proudly wearing HER mark of all things, growing to respect him but not enough to confide in him, was good fun. I can see why people really ship it, but I think I prefer the platonic relationship if he's the big bad now.
Honestly... that part was very underwhelming for me. I thought Tresspasser did a really awful job of setting that up, ultimately. Rando Qunari says "btw Solas is a bad guy, did you know?" and immediately all your dialogue options include "FUCK that guy he is a TRAITOR FOREVER." It did not explain his intentions or his villainy well at all, even as someone who knew it was coming. But maybe I missed stuff.
I'm not sure yet if I'll be getting Veilguard day one. None of the new companions look that compelling to me, but I did, again, play 90 hours of this game, so I can be reasonably confident I'll at least like the next one...? I'm kinda spoiled though and I want to hear what the optimum race/class choice for Rook is though, hahaha. Qunari female sounds pretty tasty since it's Tevinter but I dunno yet. I'll have to read up.
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sesshy380 · 15 days
Your ask fed the brainworm soooo nice, so I'm returning the favor! No pressure if you don't want to answer all of them tho!
1, 2, 4-8, 12, 15, 28, 29, 41, 42, 49, 64, 101
Yay! Lot's of DA questions!
1- How did you get into Dragon Age?
I honestly don’t remember. I vaguely recall looking through the games section at Walmart and seeing it. Don’t remember if I’d heard about it before that, or if it just looked interesting so I decided to give it a go. I don’t even remember if I had it for PC or Xbox originally (though I have a feeling it was for PC for some reason). All I know is I somehow decided to buy the game and fell in love with it.
2- Have you finished all three games?
Technically, yes. I finished all of what was available for Inquisition prior to the DLC releases. I think that’s the only one I haven’t played the DLC’s for (though I do own them).
4- What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)?
First Warden, oh boy. I want to say Female Dalish Rogue? As far as personality, I could not tell you. I played it when it first came out, and I’ve replayed that game more times than I can count.
5- What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)?
This one I do remember. I am very much a Purple Hawke person (is there any other?). And Rogue ofc, bc I like collecting all the things, which means I don’t like depending on others to (unsuccessfully) open chests.
6- First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)?
Another Dalish Rogue (I really like the Dalish, okay). I did one thing different though, this one was a MALE Dalish Rogue. His personality was very ‘I’m here, this sucks, but going to make the best of it, because wtf else am I supposed to do?’.
7- Favorite DA:O backstory?
All? I honestly have a really hard time starting new DA:O playthroughs simply because the origins are my favorite part. Especially when you come across all the little easter eggs later on from not only the origin you choose, but also the others that you don’t.
8- Preferred class overall?
So, I usually do my 1st playthrough of a new game as a rogue because I like the ability to open chests, but I actually like playing as a mage.
12- Do you prefer DA:O, DA2, or DA:I most?
Unpopular opinion time. I like DA2 the best. The day/night cycle thing is annoying, but unlike a lot of people, I don’t have a problem with reused maps. It makes it easier to find those nooks and crannies that have things hidden in them. The story though…it is one of those angsty ones that I just can’t tear myself away from. Like, I know what’s coming, and each time it still manages to just rip my heart out for poor Hawke.
15- Favorite DA:O companion overall?
It’s a close tie between Zevran and Shale. Zevran is…well…he’s called the Antivan Sex Pest for a reason lol. Shale is pretty much the Hulk. Point at something/someone you want destroyed, and I swear they rush over, kicking their feet like a giddy school girl lol.
28- Inquisitor’s feelings on being the Herald of Andraste?
I’ve only played one Inquisitor that took the role seriously. The rest were like ‘Ummm…this isn’t even my religion? I don’t even believe in the Maker? WTF???’. I even had one human Inquisitor that was very much atheist (he was my Dorian romance), and he absolutely hated the title.
29- What are your feelings on the Chantry?
I am torn between ‘Anders’ solution was a bit extreme’ and ‘Anders did nothing wrong’, and leave it at that.
41- Who did you romance in your first playthrough for each game?
Origins- Alistair
DA2- Anders
Inquisition- Cassandra (hardest romance imo and will never do it again)
42- Who do you wish you could romance that you can’t?
Varric. Fuck you Bianca (The bitch that dared threaten me, not the crossbow. The crossbow stays during sex lol)
49- Something you do in EVERY DA playthrough, no matter what?
I’m a completionist, so I have to recruit and make friends with all the companions. I failed to become friendly enough with Fenris on one playthrough where I was a mage and romancing Anders. I had to fight Fenris in the final battle. I wanted to cry.
64- Favorite achievement?
As much of a completionist as I am, I don’t pay attention to the achievements lol. I honestly can’t name a single one off the top of my head.
101- If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say?
Warden- Don’t trust Zevran when he says he can disable a trap/open a lock. He lies.
Hawk- To hell with buying your mother’s old home. Use that Deep Roads coin and move somewhere that isn’t Kirkwall.
Inquisitor- (Specifically Lavallan) Don’t trust Solas. Stab him in the heart before he stabs you in yours.
101 Dragon Age Questions
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isk4649 · 9 months
FFN Link
Picking up Honor and Will where I left off...
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Male Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Cullen Rutherford/Male Trevelyan
Characters: Male Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Male Trevelyan (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford, Cassandra Pentaghast, Varric Tethras
Additional Tags: Bisexual Cullen Rutherford, Established Relationship, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Redemption, Boyfriends Sleeping on the Same Bed, Corypheus is Dead (Dragon Age), Pre-Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser DLC
Series: Part 3 of Honor and Will
Taking place between Part IV and V of Honor and Will. Inspired by a writing prompt from incorrect-cullen-quotes on Tumblr:
Varric: Ever wonder if you’re the bad guy in someone’s story?
Cullen: Varric, I’m the bad guy in my story.
Varric writes. Cassandra fumes. Tharin ponders. And Cullen repents. Again.
Varric is... harsh?
Now, Commander Cullen, formerly Kirkwall’s Knight-Captain, was a serious man known for the roguish scar above his lips, a head of hair groomed to death, and a face permanently creased with disapproval about some matter, big or small. Back in Kirkwall, the mages derided him as Meredith’s lap dog, and it was an apt description. Until the very last moment of Knight-Commander Meredith’s reign of terror, he faithfully executed her harsh policies. Those gave Hawke and us quite a lot of grief. Though it was usually cured by a pint or two from the Hanged Man at the end of the day.
Imagine my surprise to find him at the helm of the Inquisition forces, his dour face now part of the group that would decide Thedas’s future.
I must admit, I was awfully worried. And the apprehension was more than a pint or two could help.
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