#and a lot of people were making playful bets as to how long the marriage would last and the consensus was: not long
rosetterer · 5 months
how could tommy have said no?
free food, free cake AND a cute boy?
like... i wanna go
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writergirl2011 · 1 year
Regarding Hyle Hunt
There's been a little discourse regarding the role one Ser Hyle Hunt will play in Lady Brienne of Tarth's storyline going forward. Some people seem to think that he is her perfect match because they hate the idea that Brienne deserves to have a romance with the man she wants--aka one Ser Jaime Lannister--because that messes with the narrative they want to push, whatever that narrative may be.
Some people think that Ser Hyle Hunt is a more interesting and more remarkable man than he truly is, when nothing he's said or done to this point has shown him to be anything of the sort. Personally, I'm not impressed with a man who set up a bet with his buddies over a young noblewoman's virginity--which was essentially the kiss of death to said young woman, who didn't have much going for her on the marriage mart in the first place. (Don't give me the "men will be men" explanation. That makes you no better than Randyll Tarly.) And his proposal of marriage boils down to: "Hey, baby, you've got an island and a lot of money, I've got a functional dick that's already proven to be fertile. I can close my eyes and blow out the candle. Let's do it." How romantic.
There has been absolutely no indication that Brienne will ever love this man, or even care the slightest for him. Threatening to turn someone into a eunuch isn't playful banter, especially not when said man once bet on her virginity and the last time she confronted someone(s) in that bet, she beat the living shit out of them. She hasn't forgotten, and she really hasn't forgiven. And when it comes to Hyle, she never really will, because in her eyes, what he did was the worst of all of them. He came the closest to winning by doing the one thing none of the others did--he made her feel included, like she might be earning a little bit of respect in that camp. Then she found out it was all a lie.
"But she hated Jaime at first!" Yeah, but that was before Jaime: told a lie about Tarth's wealth to save her from rape; shouted "sapphires" and risked a beating to save her from rape again; risked his own life to save hers by jumping unarmed into a bear pit (with only one hand to boot), and revealed the truth about why he killed Aerys, thus revealing that rather than it being a callous act, he'd saved an entire city of innocents--a noble act. THEN he put his trust in her to find Sansa, gifting her with a horse, armor, and a priceless sword. He gave her the respect Hyle only pretended to give her, expecting nothing in return.
What has Hyle done on their road trip? When Brienne kills the three former Bloody Mummers, I'm curious: how long was Hyle there? At least long enough to see her and Pod burying Nimble Dick, but the way he's described sitting there casually makes me think he'd been there longer. Watching. Sitting back doing nothing while she might've been killed. And we don't know what his true motives are in following her. If she finds Sansa, is he going to help her get Sansa to safety--or is he going to betray her and try to turn Sansa in to the Crown for the reward?
If you want any further proof that she doesn't care about Hyle, think about who she tried to bargain for when Lady Stoneheart was about to hang them all. Not herself, and certainly not Hyle. Podrick, the boy. And when they were hanging, as she was dying. the only person she had eyes for was Pod.
And who did she presumably agree to kill Jaime for? Podrick.
Yeah. She's really going to come around on Hyle.
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Smoke and Mirrors ~ Sesshomaru x Reader
(( You’ll have to excuse me if I make any lore mistakes. I watched/read InuYasha 7 years ago and I forgot a lot of stuff, but I’ve been thinking about this story idea for a while...So here we are. ))
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“Father? Why are we here?” a young Sesshomaru asked his father, Toga, the Lord of the Western Japan, Leader of the Dog Demon clan. “You are my son, Sesshomaru, and some day, when I will be no more, you will be the new ruler of this place. Everything you see with your eyes, and far beyond the horizon, every living being and every inch of land, will be under your rule.” Inu no Taisho began his explanation to his young son, who resembled him so much. “That is a lot of responsibility you are putting on my shoulders, father.” the boy spoke in a calm voice. “Such is the burden that a Lord must bare, and for that, I apologise. However, this is our duty, and our people must live in peace.” the older man nodded, putting his hand oh his son’s shoulder. “What is it that you want to say, father? I can sense there is something bothering you.” his father smiled softly at how perceptive and witty his flesh and blood is. “Yes, you are right. What I wanted to inform you is that, as you know already, soon enough, you will have to marry, and I have found you a suitable bride. She is the daughter of the Lord of the Northern Japan, the Leader of the Fox Demon clan, and the man I trust the most in my life. He is a brilliant Warlord and his people are thriving, his land has not seen War in centuries, and we agree that together, this country will be much safer.” Toga explained his reasoning and it seemed that the young one sketched no expression on his deadpan face. “I see. When are we going to see her?” was the simple reply he uttered, which left his father with wide eyes, clearly not having expected that. “In a week. She is very young, and the marriage won’t happen for a long time, but we believe getting to know each other would prove to be beneficial...And we truly hope you will get along as well as I and her father do.” the Dog Demon lord smiled down at his son, who could only nod and hum in agreement. “We shall see.” Sesshomaru muttered, before turning around and leaving back inside his home.
A week passed by faster than the breeze of Spring, and so, Inu no Taisho took his son, Sesshomaru, on a journey that lead to the Northern Kingdom, to the Clan of the Fox Demons, and much to the young one’s surprise, there were a ton of unbelievable phenomena happening all around him, that made him get ready to strike, but his father could only chuckle in amusement, clearly unphased by all the trickery.
By the time they stepped up in front of the Castle, they were greeted by a tall man with long, red hair like the blazing fire and striking green eyes that would rival the beauty of a forest. And on his face, there was a very annoying and mischievous smirk that seemed to greatly irritate the young Dog Demon for his smugness and aloof aura he radiated.
“Toga, my old friend, marvelous seeing you again! It’s always such a great pleasure having your companionship, and now, you brought your mini-you!” the man took a long drag of his pipe, letting out a puff that oddly resembled a fox jumping around playfully, before the nine tails, long and red, spread open like a fan of fire behind him, and stepped down the stairs to greet them. “Kasai, it is as you say, always great seeing you. This is Sesshomaru, my son. Sesshomaru, this is Kasai, the Fox Demon Lord I told you about.” the white haired man grinned at his best friend, who gave of a sly grin and bent down from the waist, looking into the boy’s amber eyes. “My, Toga, I believe this young one is going to surpass you in looks, strength and maybe even wit too. I bet Y/N is going to love you in no time. Maybe even put a smile on this cold face of yours...” Kasai hummed teasingly as he pinched the boy’s cheek, which made him glare and slap his hand away. “Sesshomaru, be more courteous!” his father warned, but the red haired man only laughed in amusement, shaking his head and putting his hands inside the opposite sleeves. “Worry not, my friend, he was right to do as he did! Now, if you wouldn’t mind, follow me to the tea room. Y/N is a bit shy so she is still with her mother, doing her hair.” he started walking ahead, only to be greeted by two red haired beings, one mature while the other much younger, yet both wearing rich, pink kimonos with intricate embellishments of gold, their hair mostly let loose, to fly with the wind, but the upper part was held with gorgeous flower ornaments.
Unlike the man in cause, however, their skin was much paler and had natural red markings, fit for being the Nine Tailed Kitsunes from humans’ tails and paintings and their eyes, as green as Kasai’s, yet much more piercing and richer than his.
It was clear to Sesshomaru that women of this clan, perhaps only the nobles, or maybe all of them, had much more delicate and beautiful features than men did, and now, he could understand why humans seemed to fear yet adore the Nine Tailed Foxes so much.
The look they gave you with those jade-like eyes seemed to go right into your soul, leaving you naked, exposed, to the whole world to see and read, only for you to want to beg for more of this seducing charm of their.
It was no secret power, it was just beauty, and they knew how to glorify it, from young to old.
“Ah, look who we have here! My darling, you look radiant! Here, here, this is Toga, my dear old friend, and this little one is his son, Sesshomaru.” the man planted a soft kiss on his daughter’s forehead, before putting his hand on her back, encouraging her to step in front of the two new men. “It’s great finally meeting the man who accompanied my papa on so many adventures. I am Y/N, it’s a pleasure.” the young one smiled shyly, bowing her head slightly to show her respect for the two visitors. “My, she’s so adorable! And she has such an angelic voice! She truly resembles her mother more than you, Kasai!” Inu no Taisho gave a mirthful laugh that strongly throughout the forest. “Toga, Toga, always so nice with everyone! How is Inukimi, I haven’t heard from her in a while! Is she a bit jealous that cute, little Sesshomaru looks more like you than her?” Moeru put her hand to her mouth, humming in amusement. “Moeru, darling, let’s get Toga inside for tea and let the children get to know each other and have fun. I’m sure they couldn’t care less about our adult conversations.” Kasai suggested, putting his arms around both his wife and best friend, guiding them inside.
After a few silent seconds between the fox and dog demons, the girl cleared her throat and raised her head slightly, to meet to boy’s golden eyes, giving him a playful smile.
“I heard you will be staying over for the night. Is that true?” she asked, already knowing the answer, and yet, wanting to play coy. “It is.” he answered in a monotonous voice. “Twilight is going to appear...Come on, let me show you something.” Y/N extended her hand for him to take. “Where are you taking me?” the silver haired boy asked, his brows furrowed in confusion. “Shh, wait and see! It’s a secret place.” she giggled, before running even faster than before, which surprised the older boy who could barely keep up with her. “It’s a secret no more if you tell it.” he pointed out, as soon as they arrived at a lake. “I keep no secrets from my fiance.” she chuckled, before sitting down at the base of the willow, dipping her feet in the warm water. “I see.” he looked down at her, a tad uncomfortable and unsure, as he sat down next to her. “Do you want to know what makes this place so special?” she asked him, with a soft smile on her face. “Sure.” he replied, as more of a mutter. “This is a human tale, and it goes as follows - Every Twilight, the Lake of the Princess is graced by the presence of a maiden, the nymph of the lake, Limnades, more beautiful than any man has ever witnessed in his life, and she comes here to bathe, for the water is magical and it sparkles like diamonds, making her skin flawless and delicate, just like a flower. At midnight, she emerges from the water, as fairies come to robe her, and she walks upon the sheen of the mirror water, dancing in the moonlight, to the tune of a flute and the wind rustling and dancing with the falling leaves and cherry blossom petals. Some call her Sakura, while some say she is a Will’o’Wisp, and yet, nobody knows the truth.” she told him the story that has been passed down from generation to generation, only in her clan. “Are all mortal tales so absurd?” Sesshomaru scoffed at the girl’s story. “Yes, they are, but don’t you think they hold a grain of romanticism to it?” she chuckled at his apathetic reaction. “What is the real story behind it, then?” he faced the girl. “Well...It’s all much simpler, really. The truth is that the only magical thing about this place, is its beauty. The moonlight is so powerful here that, since the lake is surrounded by big trees, it looks like a silver mirror...And the fairies are just ordinary fireflies...We have plenty of those, thankfully.” she grinned at him in amusement, as he nodded in understanding. “And that maiden, nymph or whatever she is?” he asked, wanting to know the whole truth. “About that...” she giggled mischievously, before springing up and taking a leap towards the middle of the lake, which startled the boy...Only to see her floating.  “How...?” he asked as he jumped to his feet, looking at her in wonder. “It’s one of our many tricks, Sesshomaru. This Lake is the place where the Princesses of the Fox clan bathe. We all have a love for fun, art and beauty, so of course we use our illusions to make everything as perfect as possible. We know a variety of dances, we all wear luxurious clothes, no matter our ranks or titles, and of course, we all know how to play at least one instrument. We have so many festivals, so we all have a lot of fun!” she explained, twirling around, letting her nine tails spread around in a fan of fire, just like her father did, greeting them. “So humans can’t differentiate between a Kitsune and a Naiad. Clearly, one cannot expect much from them.” calming down, he leaned back on the old tree, watching her with a certain sparkle of curiosity in his eyes. “That is not wrong...However, I find this naivite and innocence quite...Silly and amusing...If not, easily exploitable. Humans are creative and superstitious, therefore, we have all these silly stories, rituals and myths about ever little thing.” she said, getting back on the ground, sitting where she did just before. “You and I have very different views on these mortals, clearly.” he scoffed once again, looking away. “Mayhaps you just have too many emotions stored up inside your heart. Take some time from the world, focus on yourself, and relax. Look at the sky, appreciate the myriads of shades and colours it is painted with, and listen to the lullabies and hymns the nature is singing to you. Come on, Sessh. Sit down, breathe and enjoy life.” Y/N looked up at him with a sweet smile, as she held his hand and urged him to sit down next to her once again. “Does anyone in your clan take themselves seriously?” he gritted his teeth for a second, before sitting down next to the girl, only sparing her a glance with the corner of his eyes. “Only when necessary. Life is beautiful and it’s meant to be lived and enjoyed, and sometimes, it’s the little, insignificant details that matter - Those that are often overlooked...For example, were you born with your markings? I noticed you your father doesn’t have the same crescent moon on his forehead as you do...And your side lines are different in number and colours.” she asked, leaning on his side, putting her chin on his shoulder. “I was. All nobles have different markings...And the crescent moon is from my mother. You?” he felt himself warming up a bit to the girl, that he asked about her without even realising. “We aren’t born with them, they start appearing, only to girls, with years going. As you see, mine are still pale, but my mother’s are a brilliant shade of red. They reach that colour when we reach maturity, which is a sign we can marry. And...They are always different, depending on our personality. My mama is more gentle and soft...I’m more playful and mischievous.” she closed her eyes for a few seconds, before turning them on again. “That much is obvious.” the silver haired boy nodded, as if he already realised that long ago.
Giggling in amusement, she took out a leaf, and with a poof of smoke, Sesshomaru found himself with another version of himself leaning on his side, which made him look at the fox demon with an unphased look on his face.
“Fascinating power...If only you would not forget the leaf on your head.” he smirked, taking off the leaf from her head. “What?!” she gasped, which only made her turn back to herself, her green eyes widening like a little, surprised fawn. “It is rather weird seeing myself in front of me...It would be rather entertaining to see a successful trick like this, without forgetting the leaf. A very deadly weapon as well.” he informed, giving her the leaf back. “Is this how you do your tricks?” “Yes...I have a ton of leaves with me at all times...Ahh, I was sure I took out the leaf this time, how miserable!” she sighed, pouting, which earned a soft chuckle from the boy. “You are young, Y/N. Much younger than me still. There is enough time for you to stop forgetting that leaf...And to show me when you’ve perfected it.” he put his hand on her head, patting it. “Ehhh~? So that means you can’t wait to see me again! What a pleasant coincidence~!” she grinned teasingly, leaning o him. “Don’t push your luck.” he shot her a look of warning, but she obviously didn’t care.
Instead of replying, she got her hand inside of her kimono, taking out a flute and she began playing a magical melody that she learnt from her mother, that has been passed down through generations from her grandmother and so on, yet nobody knows who created it and how long has it been since someone was first taught it.
Sesshomaru closed his eyes, letting the back of his head rest on the bark of the Willow, allowing the song to create an atmosphere of complete bliss and serenity, and as the Sun set down, disappearing so that the Moon could take its place. The Moonlight was creating the illusion of diamonds floating, dazzling on the sheen of the mirror-like water, while the fire flies were flying around like small Will’o’Wisps dancing together in the gentle Spring breeze.
For the first time, so far, the silver haired Dog Demon princeling understood what it’s like to relax and take in the beauty of the moment, and for the next 500 years, he has been courting her, in his own way...Albeit not too often, for they were both very busy with their training and life in general, for they will be Lords, after all.
Unfortunately, this serendipity didn’t last too long for either of them, for Sesshomaru’s father went to another woman, a human that he loved and even had a child with...A half-demon...And in return, to keep them safe, Toga died, and with that, Kasai’s heart as well, for his best friend perished in vain.
As soon as Inu no Taisho died, Sesshomaru couldn’t be the Lord and reign with an iron fist, for he was still too young and inexperienced, despite the fighting he had done by his father’s side, which lead to a riot in both the Northern and the Western parts of Japan...
And Kasai died protecting his people.
From fear, Moeru ran away with her daughter, away from the mess, from the enemies, from the ill-will, from the bittersweet memories, from all the danger that wound cause her little Y/N any harm, so they took refuge to the Southern Lord, who gracefully welcomed them and offered his condolences.
It all went down in a flash, but her mother died from suffering so much over her husband’s death, leaving the poor girl all alone in this world, a young maiden out there, fighting to regain her birth right and take down the people who took away her lovely family from her, and killing them with no mercy or second thoughts, she managed to get the throne back, and now, she was the Lord of the Northern Japan and nobody dared go against her again.
She wasn’t sure how many centuries passed since she had a normal day, back when things were so much easier and when she could properly enjoy the beauty and art that her people had ingrained in their blood since the beginning of their making.
Nobody dared get on her territory without her consent, knowing they would get crushed by her and her blazing Fox Fire...
That is, until a silver haired boy with fluffy ears and a few companions come by, seeking shelter, and cause a commotion, as expected of them, and as they started fighting the intimidating guardians of the land, a luxurious woman with long hair, burning like the Twilight Sun, her long, nine tails spreading around her just like the flaming sky, her jade-like eyes piercing them like the harshest wind blade. Her face, despite the seductive, almost Geisha-like look, given by her pale skin and red markings, held a cold ruthlessness that seemed to drain the blood from the humans’ faces.
As soon as the half-demon took out his large sword and did a wind attack, the girl jumped on it, crouching down on the other end of the blade, her hands inside the opposite sleeves, looking at him with a taunting smirk.
“What’s your name, kid? What kind of animal demon are you? I have seen no half-demons in a very long while...Or, well, one that looks as cute as you, that is.” she giggled mysteriously, earning an angry growl from him. “What’s it to you, huh?! Why do you care about us?! They attacked us first!” he swung his blade again, only to get burnt by her fire, his sword kicked out of his hand, far away, and him, flat on his back, with her foot on his neck. “You are on my territory. My kingdom. Without permission. State your business and I will decide whether or not to forgive your intrusion...For your crew doesn’t seem to be harmful.” her voice became much darker and harsher, putting pressure on his neck. “We are sorry for the intrusion, miss! We are looking for shelter, we didn’t know this was your land. We are all human here, clueless about most of the demon business. My name is Kagome, this is Miroku, Sango...That is Inuyasha, and these are Shippo and Kirara.” the brunette girl in a weird attire spoke with feign confidence, making Y/N’s eyes widen slightly, leaving the half-demon and going to her, bending down slightly to get to her eye-level. “Kagome, Kagome...Who is behind you, bird in the cage? Yes, I always told him, humans are interesting indeed...And you look at that, you have a little Fox demon with you, how adorable...But you’re so tiny...Can you even transform, little one?” she asked the kid who stood with a shy expression on the brunet’s shoulder. “O-Of course I can! Look, I can be even you!” he tried to sound mature, transforming into the woman in front of him...Only for her to start laughing mirthfully. “Perfect transformation! ...Except for the leaf.” she grinned, picking the leaf from his head. “Ah...! Damn it, I was sure I took it off! I always forget to do take it away!” he whined in disbelief. “Don’t worry, little Shippo. When I was young like you, I used to forget the leaf all the time. Well... Stopped after meeting someone...But that doesn’t matter now.” she chuckled, letting the kid jump in her arms. “When you are so many centuries old, you tend to forget about the little mistakes you used to do when you were just a little snowdrop.” Y/N’s voice was so much calmer and gentler now, soothing like a mother’s lullaby to her child, and her voice seemed to ease everyone in the crew as well. “Tsk...Maybe you’re not such a bad chick. Since you asked, I am a Dog Demon. Why are you so interested in that?” he scoffed, still glaring at the woman as he got up on his feet. “You...Are a...Well, that explains it, you look so much like him...” she muttered, looking away into the horizon with a nostalgic smile. “Him? Someone who looks like InuYasha...?” Kagome’s eyes widened in realisation. “The only one who comes in mind would be...Sesshomaru...?” Sango questioned, unsure of herself. “I wouldn’t have expected humans to know someone like Sesshomaru. I haven’t seen him since before InuYasha was born and I was just a child. How long has it been...800 years ago maybe?” Y/N gave a satisfied, kitten-like smile, earning shocked gasps from everyone. “Well, we know him because he attacked InuYasha...But how do you know him for so long?” Kagome asked, blinking in curiosity. “Oh, well...I am his fiance.” she laughed, very amused at them falling to the ground in shock. “When we were both children, our fathers wanted us to marry, so from our marriage, the Northern and Western Japan would be united and peaceful. They wanted no more wars and disputes, so this was the perfect idea. They were best friends, so they had absolute faith in each other...” she explained, guiding them towards her castle. “Wait, so...What happened?” Shippo asked from her shoulder. “...Inuyasha was born.” she muttered, looking down for a few seconds, then back up ahead. “Huh?! What the hell do I have to do with that?!” he spit out in annoyance. “Your father died to protect you and your mother. Because of that, there was no more Lord in the West, so Sesshomaru had to do something about it, and with that, wars and riots started happening in the West, trying to overthrow my Clan...And my father died to protect us...Which means I haven’t seen him in over 200 years. I’m not blaming you, obviously, but I use some things as year bornes to remember things chronologically. Immortality can get confusing and tedious sometimes.” she laughed, a natural, mirthful laugh, just like her father used to, as she showed them inside the castle. “Woaw...So, that means you are the Leader of the West?” Kagome asked, very excited. “Yes, I suppose I am, and have been for quite a while. Took a while to take back my throne from those usurpers, but...None is alive to tell the tale of betrayal. Anyway, if you want to stay over, you will have to join me for a cup of tea and tell me the reason of your journey together and your personal stories. You are all incredibly different and unique...There must be something that brought you together.” she flashed them a mischievous smirk, before welcoming them inside.
They told the Kitsune about the destruction of the Shikon no Tama, which shocked her, until she found out about this Naraku who is creating chaos everywhere and destroying the peace and harmony of the world, that was already in shambles enough as if was.
Easily agreeing to help them with anything they needed, she made plans on how to aid them while also taking care of her kingdom, which was her priority, first and foremost.
She thought awhile on what the best course of action would be, and protecting the West from threats like Naraku was the best course of action, and thus, despite going on an aimless journey, she found a treasure that she would have never expected to stumble upon.
A little girl, brunet, wearing an orange kimono and walking barefoot, humming a cute little tune and picking berries, while a green gremlin, half her height, was nagging her with a greatly annoying voice that she paid no mind to.
Y/N leaned on a tree, watching the scene with a smile, realising that he was no harm to her - surprisingly, that is - Until their peace was destroyed by a numerous gang of large and fearsome demons ran towards them, growling, clearly wanting to mangle and eat them.
Tsk-ing in annoyance realising that the little demon was close to useless, despite the fire-breathing staff he had as a weapon, he was trembling even more than the frightened young girl, which lead Y/N to take action. With a speed that could barely be caught with the human eye, she made her claws elongate and easily slashed through the enemies without even the littlest effort.
When she was done with the group of thugs, Y/N stepped in front of the scared little girl, crouched down to her level, and pet her long brunette hair, giving her a gentle smile.
“Don’t worry, they are gone now.” she spoke in a soothing voice, making the girl quickly wipe the tears brimmed in her eyes, and returning a sweet smile. “Miss, you were amazing, you saved us! Thank you so much!” her voice was so adorable and filled with glee and gratitude. “I’m glad I was here when needed. What were you doing here? There is no human village around. You saw what happened just now, and that this gremlin here is rather useless, as you saw. Not to mention, staying around a demon is pretty dangerous in itself.” she giggled with a shady smirk, making the girl laugh as well. “Oh, but I’m not alone, and I’m not afraid of demons! Lord Sesshomaru saved me and took care of me! He always protects me, but now, he was away to investigate, so he let Jaken take care of me.” as soon as the girl mentioned that familiar name with such leisure, the Fox girl’s jaw dropped to the ground in shock, her green eyes widened as never before. “You...You said...Sesshomaru...? He’s here? Really?!” the woman jumped to her feet, as if electrified, which made the green gremlin shriek at her. “It’s LORD Sesshomaru for you, you filthy wench! How dare you address him with such disrespect?!” his voice was grating her brain so bad that she was barely stopping herself from kicking him into the horizon. “I will speak to him however I please. I gained that right long ago. About five centuries ago, in fact.” she spoke in a smug voice, crossing her arms, digging her claws into the material of her kimono, clearly waiting for the Dog Demon to return.
And return he did, and much faster then she expected, descending from the sky gracefully, his amber eyes holding the same harsh and cold gaze, as he hurried and examined the woman that seemed to hold no hostile will.
“Lord Sesshomaru, you’re back! This lady saved us from a bunch of ugly demons that tried to eat us!” the little girl ran to the man with a wide grin, which made the Fox Demon put her hand to her mouth, stifling a chuckle. “I see. I thank you for saving Rin’s life, despite being a demon yourself.” he walked in front of her, obviously trying to analyse her. “Lord Sesshomaru...Is that what they call you, even now? And what are you, Lord over nothingness? Wandering the world for two centuries in a journey to find yourself, while I had to fight with blood, fire and tears to regain my throne from the usurpers. If I didn’t know better, Sessh, I would say you have become rather...Lazy?” Y/N she gave him a mocking, seductive look, letting her nine tails spread around her, circling him and occasionally turning around. “I don’t quite appreciate the greeting you are giving me, Y/N.” he spoke in a deadpan voice, although she knew he was anything but annoyed as he wanted to be seen. “I did not quite appreciate you not coming to see me in the last two hundred years, you know? You weren’t there to see my markings turning red, either. And on many other occasions. And now...No hugs, no kisses, no affection? That is rather pitiful from you, my darling.” she chuckled, jabbing at him to see how far she could push him. “D-Darling?! Who do you think you are?! What gives you the RIGHT to speak like that to Lord Sesshomaru?! I will make you pay for your impudence!” Jaken ran to hit the woman with her staff, but using on of her tails, she tripped him, making Rin laugh at his misfortune. “She is Y/N, Lord of the Fox Demon clan, ruler of the West. She has earned the right to speak so freely with me.” the silver haired man informed the two, not taking his eyes away from her green eyes that enticed him as always. “You are forgetting another very important title~.” she stepped forward, leaning her elbow on his shoulder, reaching her other hand up to boop his nose. “...And my fiancee.” he grumbled, catching her wrist before she could do what she pleased. “WHAAAAAAAT?! L-Lord Sesshomaru...Why have you never told me you were married...?!” Jacked started crying rivers, while Rin was cheering, extra happy. “I did. Many years ago, when I was trying to escape the pressure of the Lord of the East to marry his daughter.” Sesshomaru spoke, barely bothering with his lackey. “Awww, so you thought of me, how adorable! I am flattered.” she chuckled, hooking her arm to the man, who didn’t seem to protest...Too much.
They started walking, looking for a place to camp for the night, Y/N putting the wood on fire for Rin to roast the food, so when the Twilight started creeping, she started looking around for a lake to bathe, and thankfully, she did. Discarding her outfit, she stepped in the cool water, shivering a bit at the temperature difference, before relaxing and taking out her flute to play.
She hasn’t played since the last night she saw him, and now that she has him close to her again, she can feel at ease playing again. Without even realising, she played the tune she played for Sesshomaru when they first met each other.
The lake wasn’t as beautiful as the one back home, but the moonlight was just as silver, the water was just as crystalline and the fireflies were glowing like little fairies...Just like home.
In the middle of her song, she heard the ruffling of bushes, which made her jump to her feet in full alert, her tails wrapping around her to hide her naked body. Easing her fears, glowing from the light of Mother Moon, Sesshomaru walked towards her, not sparing her a glance until he got to the water to his waist, approaching her, as she stepped back, looking away with a blush.
“Uhm...Sesshomaru, hello. What...Are you doing here?” she gave a nervous chuckle, pulling her tails closer to her body. “I came to bathe, just like you. Do you have anything against me being here?” he pushed her with his words, looking at her with that intimidating gaze of his. “No, of course not! You can bathe here too, obviously.” she flashed a quick, embarrassed smile that disappeared as fast as it came. “You are blushing. Are you...Flustered, by chance? Is my presence here making a Fox like you nervous, per chance?” he teased her, barely able to contain his smirk of amusement. “...A bit.” she muttered, taking another step back. “You act completely different from earlier. Not very Fox-like of you, is it?” he teased her, getting in front of her, lifting her chin up to look at him. “We are indecent...And you are my fiance. We haven’t...Seen each other before. You can’t blame me for feeling nervous.” she muttered, averting her gaze from his. “You worry too much.” Sesshomaru let out an amused breathe, before leaning in, brushing his lips to hers. “I missed you.” he ushered, as he kissed her softly.
It felt like the time stopped for the girl, she felt like lightning struck her and the energy was surging through her bloodstream, blushing even more as she melted into the kiss and let herself feel, kissing back with more passion and fire, resting her hands on his shoulder to bring him closer to her. Her tails seemed to have a will of their own, slowly uncoiling themselves from her body, and wrapping around his, staying glued together, skin to skin, feeling ablaze with every touch.
“How did you end up so far away from home?” he asked, brushing his fingers through her long, fire hair. “Your brother and his little group of friends found their way in my territory. They told me about this Naraku foe they must defeat, and the destroyed Jewel...And I I thought that if I killed him, he would be a threat to my people no more...Moreover, they mentioned seeing you a few times, so it was worth trying to find you...I missed you as well, dearly.” she sighed, looking down, resting her head on his chest, enjoying the warmth she was feeling from his embrace, after so long. “You don’t have to worry anymore, I’m not going to disappear again. They are right, Naraku is a threat...That we will eliminate. When this is all done, we will be able to fulfill our parents’ wishes. We will have peace, and...You will be the most beautiful bride.” his voice was soft, just as back then, many years ago, when he was courting her. “I will wear a pink kimono, not the boring white one. I have style, clearly...Although I’m not sure pink suits me too much, considering what an intense shade of red my hair is. There’s no contrast.” she smiled, purring softly as he started playing with her hair. “It suits you very much...Although I am curious why you always chose this particular colour...Even now, and back then, when I first laid my eyes upon you and your shyness was just as it is now.” he asked, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Because it has always been my mum’s favourite colour since she was little...And she also married in a pink kimono. I guess I felt connected with this, just like I was with her.” she grinned nostalgically, which in turn, earned a soft smile from him as well. “I see. Then we will do as you wish.” he nodded, putting his hand or the back of her head, pulling her closer to him. “Sessh...?” Y/N looked up at him, her eyes glossy and warm, like that of a fawn. “Yes, Y/N?” he muttered, looking down at her. “I love you.” her voice was so soft and gentle, yet filled with so many emotions. “I love you as well, Y/N.” after a brief silence, Sesshomaru answered, ignoring the wall of coldness and properness that he instilled in himself. “Let’s defeat this Naraku and go home.” she leaned her head back on his chest, looking as relaxed and content, just like back then, when they first visited the lake. “That, we will. I promise.”
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granddaughterogg · 3 years
What’s death’s reaction to his s/o referring to him as their husband? Like maybe they go out somewhere and s/o has to introduce death to a friend they ran into in public and the first thing that comes to mind while they’re all frazzled is “Oh! This is my /husband/!”
It was Friday afternoon - the worst possible time for a grocery haul.
You've tried to communicate this to your Nephilim a few times before, but the message bounced off them. The Horsemen were perceptive people, but they've spent most of their lives under very different stars (or sometimes under no stars at all.) Never before had they to fit their undertakings within a 24-hour timetable. The intricate ways in which human society works were also all but lost on them. Repeated explanations that certain stuff has to be done at certain hours probably hacked a few good years off your lifespan.
 Maybe one day they'll finally learn, you thought, slowly and tenderly losing your shit. Until then - your shared home life was a path full of organizational hiccups. Chaos often took over.
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Anyway, you lived with four oversized individuals who didn't really have to eat, but they sure enjoyed it - and three of them consumed heaps. This week it just so happened that Strife went MIA (as he often would), Fury was having a Hair Maintenance Day and War really needed some bonding time with his steed. Or something.
Thankfully Death remained the reliable one. He grabbed you, summoned Despair from his pocket dimension (Death really wasn't the man for cars) and off to the supermarket you two went.
What you faced was a typical Friday after hours stampede. Tired, frustrated consumers teemed the aisles, filling their enormous shopping carts, crashing their carts into other people's backsides and running them over other people's feet. The air was stuffy, filled with maniacally upbeat music and high-pitched wailing of children. 
It was sheer hell.
"Let's make this quick", you pleaded into your companion's ashy ear. "I don't know how long I can take it. Can we split the shopping list? I'll grab the groceries, you go get all the cleaning stuff and we'll meet here, okay, love?"
Death nodded, straightened himself to his whole impressive height and stalked away. You watched his wide frame part the sea of busy heads. No matter how thick the crowd, people always seemed to just naturally skip out of Death's way. A sensible instinct. Many heads have turned, the expression on their faces something between dumbfoundedness and awe. You've heard quite a few stifled "Damn!"s.
You reached for packaged rice, smirking. Your man was seven and a half feet tall, his skin the shade of bone, and no, he wasn't wearing a shirt.
You managed to persuade him to leave all his jangly ironmongery at home. That's enough Fitting In for one trip.
Death's dark head finally disappeared behind the shelves and your thoughts refocused on filling the cart. You were picking up some broccoli in the produce aisle when a high-pitched voice uttered your name.
You jumped.
"No way!!!" Something big and bright filled your field of vision. You picked up the dropped broccoli, blinked a few times, and the yellow shape refocused into a head of hair - a shiny lob dyed sunny blonde. Not one hair stuck out of place.
"It really is you!!!" squealed the head in glee. It belonged to a rather attractive woman in big rectangular sunglasses, her lips very finely painted fuchsia pink. She always looked like those ladies portrayed in the so-called ladies' magazines. Thin and poreless, exuding easy confidence that comes from not being broke even once in her whole life.
"Hi, Julianne", you groaned. There was no escaping it now.
"Honey!!! So glad to see you!!" professed the woman, eyeing you shrewdly from head to toe. She probably calculated the price of your whole outfit in her head right now - and the contents of your cart while she was at it. Drawing conclusions. Always have been good with maths. Fucking Julianne.
"I wrote to you on Facebook so many times!!" Multiple exclamation points have been her thing; apparently, this hasn't changed since high school. "Why did you never answer, silly? We had so much fun during our class reunion..."
"Uh, I bet", you murmured. You wouldn't step back within your old school walls even if they paid you. "Sorry for going no contact. I've had a lot on my plate recently, you know -"
"Like what?" the woman tilted her shapely head, her attitude playful, but also slightly accusatory.
It made you angry. 
Remember the Apocalypse, Julianne? Remember when you slipped into non-existence among most of the human race? I bet you don't. I bet you decided to forget this ever happened. Like so many others did. Well, I didn't die, so I can't forget. Someone saved me and I got to traverse many different realms side by side with a Horseman of the fucking Apocalypse. And then he gave his life away, and later got brought back to life by his brother, who is also a Horseman - and we've been living together ever since...
Of course, you didn't say any of that out loud. You stood there, fondling the lush green broccoli in your hands. What even was the point?
"Oh, you know. I got into a relationship..." 
"You did?"
You looked her dead in the eye - blue and suddenly wide under the swanky shades - and could tell that this was a direct hit.
"Well, yeah." You smiled at Julianne. "Those things happen, you know."
"Sure, sure!! But frankly, out of all of us, I'd never suspect you to settle with a man and all..." 
"Excuse me?"
Julianne held at a strand of her perfect, shiny hair and then let go. "You were always quite the feminist after all..."
"What does this have to do with - " you blurted out and stopped mid-sentence because Death emerged from behind the shelves. His arms were full of various cleaning stuff.
"I've got everything from the list", he said. "I've also got at least partially deaf. Are we done here?"
A wide smile upturned the corners of your mouth - this time a genuine one because Julianne looked like a startled fish. She stared at you, then at the ashy, muscular, hulking giant at your side, then back at your beaming face.
Pettiness is the dish of the gods. 
"Death, love, meet Julianne", you said gracefully. "Julianne, this is Death. My husband."
The words slipped out of you on their own.
You tossed him a panicked, beseeching look, but your Nephilim was game. Maybe his eyebrow quivered a little; it happened so fast that Julianne would never notice. She was too busy ogling rocky abs of this man you've settled with.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance", said Death in his most velvety, bordering-on-indecent tone. Julianne just nodded back stiffly, as if submerged in a trance.
You left the supermarket soon after that.
A strange, playful little smile twirled your Horseman's lips while he loaded all the groceries into Despair's saddlebags. Thankfully those operated on the principle of magic, not physics, or the horse's spectral back would break.
"I assume that wasn't a friend." You spent all the way to the parking lot trying not to look him in the face. The words startled you.
"Hell no. She's a bitch."
"Ah." That was his whole answer. Finally, all the groceries have been stuffed into the magic pocket space. Death turned around, clasped his hands to your waist and lifted you onto the saddle. His movements bore such effortless grace. It happened so many times and you still weren't over how inhumanely strong this man is.
He sat right behind you. You clasped both hands on the saddle's horn, discreetly basking in this soothing feeling that being surrounded by Death's powerful physique gave you. 
His torso pressed into your back, his strong thighs almost touching yours. This bliss would never get old.
"You know, I can't help but wonder." Death's deep voice was like a silky needle, injected into your frayed nerves. "Why did you call me this word?"
"It...just felt right", you said, staring at Despair's pointy ears, wreathed with spectral discharge. The horse turned his humongous head as if asking: Can we go now? But your companion wasn't done yet.
"Do you wish for me to take your hand in marriage?"
You almost keeled over.
"Damn, D! Well...I...I don't want to force any more human stuff on you, you know?"
He leaned over; long, black strands of hair grazed your mouth. Death looked you in the face. You'd rather he didn't.
"Do you or do you not?"
"Damn, I do. I'd absolutely love to. But you have to live in this human world with me and you're constantly surrounded by alien stuff and alien customs which don't hold much meaning to you, and that would just be...another one of those things, right?" you murmured, lowering your head.
"I'm surrounded by alien stuff wherever I go", said Death softly. "I don't have a place I'd call home."
"I know! But it's hard!" you admitted. "You're always asking me what is it that I want. But marriage is one of those things that have to be desired by both people equally, or it means nothing..."
You suddenly felt very small and rather sad.
"I don't want you to get entangled in something that you have no use for", you whispered, pinning your eyes to the worn-off leather of the saddle. "Not just for me."
Death didn't answer for a good while. Then his big hand covered yours and squeezed it slightly.
Before you've met him, you always imagined that Death's touch must be freezing cold. That was not true.
"I understand", he said, "and I am grateful for your candour."
He nudged the horse and off you went, both unusually quiet.
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shini--chan · 4 years
I saw you did yandere sfw and nsfw for Claude and Sebastian, could you maybe do that for Charles Grey and Prince Soma? If possible?
Yes of course :P
Yandere Charles Grey
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So, first things first, lets get one thing straight: Charles doesn’t want somebody that is plain. He is a restless man and would, in no way, get invested in somebody that is a white wall. If you’re a well-spring of peace and tranquillity? That’s good, just don’t be stupid. Have a range of interests and have a strong will. Are you quirky and flashy? Good, just have some depth and don’t let all your confidence be skin-deep. Nobody likes braggarts.
For Earl Grey to become obsessed with you, you would probably be very adept on some level. Be it with words or with swords or even just having an attention to detail. Something that makes you multi-layered and interesting. He’d start becoming intrigued by you, and like a curious cat, start to study you. If he wouldn’t lose interest after a few days, then you’re staying on his scope for longer.
In terms of getting you as a lover in relation to how others would react Charles would have it relatively easy. If you’re a woman, then your parents would gladly give him their blessing and urge you to marry him. Due to his status he would be very appealing of a spouse. So much so that you could overlook all the red flags in favour of climbing up the social ladder. If you are intelligent, then it would be a miracle that somebody would ask for your hand in marriage and you would be pressured to accept him. Too intelligent women were shipped off to India in the Victorian age.
If you’re a man, he would be frustrated that he couldn’t have a public relationship with you. However, it would also mean that you couldn’t confined anybody in about the dark aspects of the “loving” relationship and his obsession. In the case that some malice gossip would come out, the Queen would vouch for one of her best and trusted servants, even if she wouldn’t approve of the relationship.
Charles is a very sore loser, so if you would have the skills to trump him in any field, then he’ll do his best to catch up. Or hind you or even forbid you from doing that thing/exercising your expertise. This would also extend to you being right. Charles always want to be right; he wants to be your lord and saviour and that doesn’t allow room for much error. Resulting from this mindset and these tendencies is the fact that should he fall out of “love” with you, then he would still retrieve should you escape – he doesn’t want to stand there as a loser.
Despite his very playful attitude, the Earl is a very astute person. Should you dare try to escape or plot against him, then you would have to be very careful as in to ensure that they’re aren’t any changes in your behaviour that might rouse your paranoia. When he would catch wind of your schemes, he wouldn’t set out to thwart you immediately. Instead, he’d make sure that you would believe victory to be secure before shattering the illusion and your hope. Don’t push him, you don’t want to be the victim of his wrath
 Charles would be the teasing type, drawing out every encounter until it would be unbearable. No toys, that would be very indecent after all. He wants you just to desire him and not use anybody or anything.
Sometimes he would even be mocking, dragging your through the mud for your wants and desires. He doesn’t care if he would hurt your feelings that way. In his mind, you would even deserve it.
Since he has his duties to Queen and Country. There would be long periods where he would be gone. Once coming home, he would desire you greatly. The intercourse would span over the course of hours since he would also want to make up for his absence. 
Yandere Prince Soma
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He is a rich spoilt brat and isn’t shy about acting like that in front of you. He needs you to cater to him and entertain him daily. The prince is a very clingy person and wouldn’t allow you to go to far out of his sight. In a way, he would see himself as being gracious to allow you in his presence. Additionally, he would view himself entitled for your devoted care and nurture.
Soma is rather self-absorbed and even though his intentions usually lean to the good side rather than the bad side, he would be rather disinterested in much of your emotional world. The man simply can’t handle the negative emotions of other people and immediately bar himself off should you come forward with any of your woes. If anything, he would want to make sure you’re pleasant and warm to him unconditionally, despite the position you would be in.
In that sense, he would also only tolerate positive emotions from you. Even if you would have to force yourself to smile daily. He wouldn’t notice that your grins would be too shallow to be genuine, as long as he can delude himself that everything is ok then he’ll be happy as well. Should he be particularly frustrated by it, he might even punish you.
While he’d come across of awfully naïve, he is in possession of a degree of paranoia that makes him keep a close eye on you. Out of all people, he can’t afford to lose you. Still, should you come free there would be a lot of tears and heartbreak on his part.
If you think you could ever truly escape him, then think again. As royalty, he has a lot of resources at his disposal and would scour the ends of the earth to recover you. And he is very persistent, a good fighter and fixated on you.
He’d also pull a lot at your heart strings to keep you by him and should you try to shut yourself off from him or flee from him, then he’d go on to spill tears and sob about how heartless you are. 
He’d rather be free about sexuality and very passionate about it. I bet that he has read a copy of the Kama sutra somewhere and would be anxious to try out such stuff with you. Soma would also like to experiment with you.
While he would respect your boundaries to an extent, he’d often push them with his over eagerness and youthful desire to have sex. Just hope that he never gets really drunk.
The prince also wouldn’t be stuffy and wouldn’t shy away from taking you in front of servants or also outside in the gardens or on a balcony.
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kireii-writes · 4 years
headcanons for the hxh adult trio with a fem s/o that’s more powerful than them? (each with their own s/o!) ty in advance !
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- hisoka would be thrilled to say the least. he’s come across strong people like chrollo or ilumi, but a lover that is stronger than him? hisoka’s going to enjoy the thrill of it. 
- he’s going to pick fights with you, just to see the angry look on your face as you threaten to kill him, and then take the opportunity to propose a fight between the both of you as a show of power.
- you could be sitting and watching a movie with him and he’ll switch of the television at the climax, just to see the angry look on your face which he adores to death. 
- lots and lots of play fights. hisoka’s not going to seriously kill you, but he’s going to constantly play fighting with you, like tackling you onto the bed or just showcasing his skills and taunting you. 
- “what’s wrong, y/n?” hisoka taunts as he releases his bloodlust. “scared?” 
- “i swear, hisoka, i am going to kill you one day.”
- “oh? so you don’t want to kill me now?” he continues. 
- hisoka’s going to make you join the heavens arena with him, just so he can challenge you later on since he’s sure that you’re capable of becoming a floor master.
- if you agree, hisoka would eagerly count down the days when he’ll finally be able to fight you, his darling, in front of so many people. if you don’t want to join heavens arena, hisoka’s going to pester you about it, but will eventually give up if you stand firm. 
- you’ll have to constantly be prepared from any surprise attacks from your lover. for all you know, the both of you could be making dinner together when he’ll attach his bungee gum to a pot or pan and throw it at you. 
- hisoka loves to get under your skin and make you snap so you’ll give him what he wants- a fight with you. 
- mans gets absolutely turned on the minute you glare at him and/or threaten to kill him. he’s going to stand there right in front of you with a smile on his face.
- “hmm, i adore that look on your face, my beautiful y/n.” 
- being stronger than hisoka also means there would be a lot of fighting for dominance. this includes in bed and outside of it. whatever the both of you do, it’ll always result in a fight for dominance, and hisoka is going to make it worse. 
- “if i win, you’ll have to obey me and do anything i want for a day.” hisoka smiles eerily at you. 
- and he’s going to do whatever it takes for you to lose. 
- as much of a playful lover he is, hisoka would be put at ease knowing that you can protect yourself from danger and threats whenever there is a need to. that way, he can run off to somewhere else for a longer period of time without having to worry about his precious darling. 
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- illumi’s going to be okay with you being stronger or weaker than him, although he’ll be a little surprised to know that he’s seeing someone that can overpower him. 
- once he knows how strong you are, he’s going to ask for your hand in marriage- and then proceed to start a family with you as soon as possible in order to raise future assassins worthy to continue the Zoldyck family line and reputation. 
- if you aren’t sure that you want to marry illumi, he’ll still inform kikyo and silva to get rid of any potential partners as he’s already found one.
- illumi is well aware that a gem like you is a one in a million, so he’s going to obsessively keep track of you and whatever you’re doing. he knows that you can protect yourself, but he’s still going to watch over you and get rid of anyone that might jeopardize his relationship with yours. 
- not only that, he’ll also bring you over to the Zoldyck estate for dinner at any chance gets. that way, his parents can get to know you better, and at the same time, he’s going to use his little siblings to get close to you and make you feel attached. 
- in addition, Killua and Kalluto would no doubt love having you around during dinner times, and would stick close to you and ask you or sorts of questions as you stroll around the estate or spend the night there with illumi. 
- Killua would take this chance to tease the hell out of his oldest brother. 
- “how does it feel being stronger than the oldest child of the Zoldyck family, y/n?”
- “i bet you can kill illumi, right?how about sticking one of his own needles into him?” Killua teased, earning an annoyed look from his oldest brother. 
- kalluto would be the one that would be the most attached to you, especially if you’re kindhearted and gentle towards him. as a Zoldyck, he and his brothers have never experienced affection before, so if you show him any, the young boy would stick to you like glue, either observing you or asking you tons of questions, much to illumi’s annoyance. poor illumi planned to spend the time with you, but his adorable brothers would end up stealing you away from him.
- on the rare occasion that Milluki does come out of his room, he’s going to stick to your side like Killua and Kalluto does, and would invite you into his room and proudly showcase his different figurines and cut-out boards of his favorite character, or he’ll take up your attention at the dinner table to show you his latest invention. 
- even though you know nobody is allowed to visit Alluka, if you manage to convince silva and illumi, you’ll be able to get a limited time with Alluka. She would no doubt be surprised to see a foreign face, since the butlers were the only ones to go into her room to bring her food at meal times. Alluka would be her usual self, cheerful and adorable around you. like the rest of her siblings, she’ll want you to be around as you play with her. however, you usually don’t stick around for more than 5 minutes, and illumi would be near the door, stiffening every time Alluka asks you a question. Illumi knows how dangerous it can get, so he’ll pick you up and carry you out of the room before you can even react. 
- likewise, his parents would adore you. they’re going to ask you lots of questions like how typical parents do, and would do their best to have you as their daughter-in-law. with someone strong like you getting together with the oldest Zoldyck son, the next generation of Zoldycks would no doubt be better than before, and the world isn’t- and will never be ready for it. 
- being stronger than illumi would also give him the excuse to ask you to train with him, and sometimes he would bring you along to one or two of his jobs, so he can spend time with you afterwards without his younger siblings that would snatch you away from illumi the minute they know that you’re visiting. 
- no matter what, illumi would be at ease, knowing that he has such a strong and independent woman by his side, and he’ll be sure to never let you slip through his hands.
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- chrollo doesn’t really mind if you’re weaker or stronger than him. if you manage to catch the eye of the leader of the most notorious gang of thieves, it is already considered impressive.
- however, no matter how strong you are, chrollo would manipulate you into joining the phantom troupe and using you to carry out missions along with the rest of the troupe. chrollo has no remorse or whatsoever for using you for his benefit as he knows you can protect yourself, but he would sometimes stop you from going on missions that could even put your life in danger. 
- chrollo knows that you’re able to take care of yourself, so he’ll allow you to roam around without him. however, he’s going to sent one or two spiders to secretly follow you to make sure you are’t being put in the slightest danger. chrollo simply cannot have someone like you being swayed or hurt by anyone else, whether intentionally or not. 
- you may be stronger than chrollo, but that doesn’t mean that he’s going to let you do as you please- he’s still going to have you wrapped around his finger, and the only time you get to dominate him is in bed. but still, he wouldn’t let you be on top unless he’s in a good mood and sees you begging. 
- you’re a valuable asset to both chrollo and the troupe, so chrollo’s going to pamper you at any chance and make sure nothing happens to you. 
- once he introduces you to the phantom troupe, get ready for a ton of questions from some of the members. where are you from? how did you and chrollo meet? how long have the both of you been together?
- chrollo would make sure to keep an eye on you whenever you’re with the other troupe members. he knows how members like nobunaga, uvogin, or phinks would often challenge you to a duel. one look from him and they’re back to timid little cats. 
- chrollo would also make you submit to him completely, no matter what he must do to make it happen. if it means having to cut you off from everyone else in order for you to submit to him, chrollo would do it in a heartbeat. 
 - although he may not feel anything when it comes to manipulating and using you, there’s a reason why chrollo chose to be with you despite not knowing that you’re stronger than him at first. chrollo would take the time to listen to you as you speak, or hold you close as you sit on his lap and read together with him, all to make you feel closer to him, so that you won’t have any thoughts about leaving him. no matter how mentally strong you are, chrollo would be able to crack down on you. he isn’t the master of deception for no reason at all. 
- even if you do realize he’s using you, chrollo wouldn’t hesitate to guilt trip you into thinking otherwise. 
- “is this what you think of me, y/n?” he asked, feigning hurt.
- “how could you think that of me, even after i’ve given you all my love?” 
- likewise with illumi, chrollo would want to have a child with you, just to pass down the combined powers from the both of you so the child can grow up and continue their father’s ‘legacy’. of course, chrollo’s not going to tell you that. and unless you desperately want a child, he’s not going to say anything or suggest anything to you. after all, he already has the phantom troupe and you, whom he treats like a family. 
- all in all, you sometimes can’t be sure if chrollo’s keeping you around because he loves you or he’s just using you. you just have to make sure that you don’t disobey him and make him mad. nobody knows what an angry chrollo can do. for all you know, angry chrollo might be stronger than you. 
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residentanchor · 5 years
When the Mask Falls
Word count: 10k+
Ships: Sleepxiety
Summary: Virgil has worked as a messenger for pretty much all of his life to make ends meet. It worked well, he hardly had to talk and he did enjoy the quiet time on the road, but he was always excited to make it back home. He mostly delivered letters for the rich family in town, the Dormir’s, as they tried to find a person to marry their son.
He was glad Remy Dormir was as particular as he was. Remy spoke his mind and turned down every marriage offer before it could begin before running off to the pubs behind his parent’s back to party. He was Virgil’s best friend and long time crush, but he was okay with pining from the sidelines. He didn’t want to become the next person Remy chased out of town... and their friendship was more than enough for him. 
Warnings: unsympathetic Deceit, angst, cursing, kidnapping, happy ending
Note: This was a writing commission for /@theeternalspace! Thanks so much, I appreciate it!
Virgil wrapped his cloak around him a bit closer as he made his way up the path. He was tired from running around all day despite the fact it was a regular occurrence for him. Whenever he was traveling home, he pushed himself a bit harder than normal. He didn’t dislike nights camping in the woods, but he always missed the comfort of his own bed. However, a job was a job and he was quick on his feet. When the Dormir’s, the richest family in the town, decided to hire him, he couldn’t say no. Running around delivering packages and letters wasn’t glorious, but it paid well enough for him.
Though, he was finishing his last job for them right now. The big house that loomed in front of him was a familiar and welcoming sight. The home of the richest people around, the Dormir’s, along with his best friend, Remington. As Virgil climbed the stairs and knocked on the door to deliver his final letter, he looked up towards the sky and saw the sun at its peak. It was almost midday, still too early for Remy to be awake most likely. Virgil had gotten back home faster than he had thought.
The door creaked open and a familiar face answered. “Virgil, good to see you again. Are you here for master Remington?”
Virgil reached into his bag and pulled out the crisp letter. “I can wake him for you if you need. I’m just dropping this off.”
The servant nodded and took the letter. “Excellent. Shall I expect you to deliver a response for us once again?”
The servant moved and made room for Virgil to enter. With a nod, he accepted and stepped into the home. “I don’t think so, he didn’t wait around this time.”
“Very well. I suppose I shall deliver this and prepare to have guests.”
“I’ll go wake Remy up before his parents find out he was probably out all night again.”
Virgil quickly made his way up the stairs and to his best friend’s bedroom door. He hardly gave it a knock before he opened it, slipping quietly inside. The room was dark, curtains blocking out the morning sun as best they could. Remy was nothing more than a lump of blankets on the bed and Virgil rolled his eyes.
“Come on, Rem, it’s almost midday!” He leaned over and nudged the lump, earning a groan from his friend. “Your parents are going to be looking for you soon. You sure you want to still be in bed when they get here?”
“Ugh, fine. I’ll get up.” Remy sat up and ran a hand through his hair. Virgil thought it wasn’t fair how nice his bed head looked in comparison to his own. Remy took almost no time to prepare claiming that his beauty just came so naturally. Virgil always huffed at that but couldn’t deny how useful it could be sometimes. “What do they want now?”
“I just came back with a response letter again.”
Remy rolled his eyes and stretched, letting out a yawn. “Hate to break this to you, but you’re always bringing back letters. It’s kind of your job?” Remy slipped out from underneath the blankets and headed for his armoire to get an outfit for the day.
“From the people they’ve been talking to, smart ass. They didn’t seem like they were expecting a response back this time. Which can only mean one of two things.”
“My parents changed their mind or someone from the Darvin family is coming to visit. Joy...”
Virgil scoffed and turned away to let his friend get changed. “I still don’t think it’s a good idea to just invite them over like you’ve been friends for years. You don’t know them!”
“True, but my parents have been exchanging letters for weeks now. You know this, you are their messenger.” Virgil flushed a bit as he heard the sound of ruffling clothes fall. “Which means they’re probably gonna try to set me up with their son or something.”
“Charles. I already don’t like him, I bet he’s more stuck up than you are.”
“Aww, Virgil, you jealous?”
“Excuse me--jealous of what?!”
“The idea of me in another man’s arms? Come on, Virgil, you’re my best friend and I am cute.”
Virgil ducked his head away, glad his back was to his friend. He could feel the blush growing on his face. “Yuck, no thanks. He can have you.”
“A lot of people want me, it happens when you’re rich and beautiful. Besides,” Remy’s footsteps sounded a bit closer as he walked up to Virgil. He stepped into view, fully dressed and presentable. “He doesn’t go by Charles. He goes by his middle name.”
“Charles D. Darvin. What’s his middle name anyway?”
Remy snickered a bit. “The D. stands for Dee, actually.”
“How original.” Virgil looked unamused. “They couldn’t afford a full name, really? I thought your parents tried pairing you off with every rich family they came across?”
Remy moved toward the door and threw it open. “They have money, trust me. Their family has been wealthy for generations. Probably why my parents want to get us to meet so quickly.”
“So they’re gonna sell you off to moneybags? Good, get you out of my hair finally.” Virgil couldn’t hide the playful smile on his face from Remy if he tried.
Remy scoffed as he started down the hallway with Virgil trailing after him. “I will not hesitate to drop his ass if he tries anything, you know that. I don’t care what my parents say, I’m not going to marry the first person they throw at me.”
“Yeah, that’s what you said the last three times they tried to marry you off.” Remy turned and glared at his best friend as Virgil just smirked back. “Hasn’t worked yet.”
“I am a treasure that is only worthy of someone I choose.” 
“Yeah, good luck with that.” Remy looked over to his friend and sighed dramatically. “What?”
“How are you so ignorant? I’m irresistible, Virge! No one can keep away from me for long! It’s just a matter of me picking who I want.”
“Whatever you say, Rem.”
Virgil had a bit more free time now that he wasn’t delivering letters for the Dormir’s once more. It usually didn’t last very long. Remy had a streak of chasing away his parent’s latest attempt at having their son settle down. Then they hired Virgil to deliver more letters as they continued to look. It wasn’t perfect but it worked well enough for Virgil and let him stay close to Remy. He felt like the Dormir’s didn’t approve of their friendship but let Remy get away with practically anything, even having a friend they thought wasn’t worthy enough. Virgil was just glad they were too busy to realize the hopeless gaze he had for their son. Virgil was smitten but he would never admit it or act upon it. It was obvious enough that Remy didn’t return his feelings, but their friendship was something he’d always treasure. For now, he’d wait while Remy played with his newest guest.
Unfortunately, that meant that they were busy preparing for their visitors so he wasn’t exactly welcomed at the moment. He’d simply be in the way while ‘actual important people’ were there. The Darvin’s were sending their eldest son in hopes of doing what other families had failed to do--marry the only Dormir heir there was. Remy’s family was rich and owned quite a bit of land and everyone around knew it. Marrying Remington Dormir would give them power, something everyone seemed to be after. Remy was going to inherit everything himself which made him the perfect target for money hungry families to try and pair their children off with him, gender be damned. The whole idea sounded stupid and upsetting to Virgil, and not just because of his unrequited crush. He hated seeing people try to win over his best friend with promises of money and power that Remy obviously didn’t care about. Something good came of it, he supposed. If he could sit back and enjoy Remy calling out all these families and putting them in their place, it made dealing with it almost worth it.
Though, that part hasn’t happened yet. They were still waiting for this ‘Charles’ to arrive and that left Virgil incredibly bored with no one to talk to until the ordeal had passed. If they didn’t infuriate Remy by the first day, he’d keep them around for a bit to entertain himself, which means Virgil might meet them before they ultimately left. If there was one thing Virgil didn’t like, it was having to deal with new people. Shoving letters at them and taking new ones before walking away? Fine. Actually having a conversation? Just plain cruel.
There was one thing that Virgil held no doubts about. Remy wasn’t the type to settle or like anyone, really. Remy didn’t just swoon and fall in love. The fact he got along so well with him was so strange, it’s the only reason the Dormir’s allow Virgil to talk to their son at all he feels. Well, besides it being something Remy wanted himself. They never denied their only child whatever he wanted. Remy had chased everyone else in his life away after a while. Virgil was the only one to break through the tough exterior that was Remington Dormir’s personality and stay. Virgil took pride in that. He knew, no matter who they were, no one would ‘woo’ Remy and sweep him off his feet. Certainly not enough to chase Virgil off after so many years. 
Finally, a few days after delivering the final letter, the mysterious suitor came into town. He was traveling alone and sat atop a horse, but everyone figured out who he was. He was wrapped in a heavy wool traveler's cloak, embroidered around the seams and far too elaborate and expensive for a simple traveler. He didn’t ask for directions, heading straight for the massive building that peeked through the trees at the edge of town. He didn’t look at or greet anyone as he silently made his way through. Virgil watched him ride by, his perfectly quaffed hair and cleanly shaven face infuriating him to his core. Who did this guy think he was? He hoped Remy was smart enough not to fall for a pretty face.
Virgil was too anxious to follow after him, though. He’d leave them to their fate with Remy, the fear of being caught greater than his need to see how they interacted as they first met. This guy could be gone in a matter of hours, so what did it matter?
Remy sat at home listening to his parents fuss over how it was important he made such a good first impression before the suitor appeared, Remy not really caring what happened. All previous suitors were flops, surely this one would be as well. Their speech had been said so many times, he was sure it was rehearsed by this point.
The knock on the door was enough to have his mother take a step back and smile at him. “You’re such a handsome man, you’ll sweep Charles off his feet in no time!”
“Duh,” Remy mumbled under his breath. “It’s the other way around that’s the problem. I am a catch.”
Remy cleared his throat and looked uninterested as his butler brought a man into the room. The stranger took off his cloak and smiled at Remy as if he was genuinely happy to meet him. Remy couldn’t deny he was attractive, but that didn’t mean anything. So were all the others.
“Charles Dee Darvin, but you can call me Dee,” he offered his hand in greeting and Remy took it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Remington Dormir, you may call me Remy.” 
“We’ll leave you two alone,” Remy’s mother called out before shooting her son a glare. “Be nice, Remington!”
Remy waited until the footsteps trailed off and pulled his hand back from the handshake. “Okay, look, ‘Dee’, I’m not looking to get married anytime soon. My parents don’t listen to me when it comes to this stuff. They think shoving every rich person my way will suddenly make me ‘fall in love’ or whatever.”
“Oh thank goodness!” Dee let out a sigh. “Me neither! Truth be told, my parents have recently passed away from illness and, no offense, I’m not really interested either! There’s still so much more I want to do before I get married and take over the family business, you know? Your parents just seemed so excited, I figured I could at least stop by to meet you.”
Remy blinked in surprise before snickering. “Well, then we might just get along great! We can stage a whole fight and get you out of here in no time, but I can at least show you around first!” Dee nodded as Remy strutted by. “I can even show you the town, but we will have to be careful. Everyone around here loves me, of course. How could they not? The only one who isn’t aware of how much they’re in love with me is my best friend, Virgil. He’s in complete denial.”
“Oh? Is he now? How are you so sure of that?”
“Oh, pshh, he’s always coming over and hanging out and checking on these ‘suitors’ my parents send. I mean, I don’t blame him, really. My charm is irresistible!”
“Well,” Dee fell in pace with Remy and smirked devilishly. “How about before I go, I get him to admit he had feelings for you?”
“Oh? Sounds intriguing. And what do you have planned?”
“Well, we pretend we’re falling for each other. We do a bit of flirting and get him to admit he’s jealous. You haven’t had a successful suitor yet, correct? If he thinks this might work, he might slip.” Dee glanced over at Remy as he smirked, proud of his plan. “What do you think?”
“Ohh, how evil! I like it, this could be quite fun! A masterful performance from us and have the whole town be the stage!” Remy threw back his head and laughed. “I think we’ll actually get along rather well!”
“Well, let the flirting begin, shall we?”
“Virgil!” The sudden voice startled the man as he jumped, turning toward the source. “I heard you were back in town!” An older man waved and walked over and Virgil resisted a sigh. He was not one for casual conversation.
“Yeah, hey.” Virgil shifted a bit awkwardly, not used to talking to people around town. Most folks just left him alone unless they had work for him. “Did you need something delivered?”
“What? No, I just wanted to say hi!” Virgil tried to believe that, but there was no reason to talk to him unless they wanted something. “Haven’t seen you around! Have you been to Dormir manor?”
Ahh, so that’s what they wanted from him, information. “Yes, I was doing business for them for a while but that’s ended. I haven’t been there recently if that’s what you mean.”
“Oh, so you haven’t seen their newest visitor, then! Quite a handsome young man, this one.”
Virgil had not. It was always exciting news when anyone traveled to their town. They very rarely got random travelers so most people came by for the Dormir’s. When the man on horseback rode through, Virgil tucked away and waited for him to ride by as he always had. He did not want to see the face of the latest person trying to marry his best friend. Not unless they were actually going to stick around this time.
Virgil shook his head and glanced away. “Nah. I know Remy. If they’re just after money and flattery, he’ll have them out of town before sundown.”
“Oh? I thought you’d care about the people trying to marry young Remington.” Virgil looked up at the old man who smiled back. Something about the look he was giving Virgil spoke more than words could. Virgil couldn’t help but blush before he ducked his head away again. “Come now, boy. When are you going to say something about this? You care for that young man, you should step in and--”
“Look.” Virgil took a harsh tone as he glared up at the old man. “Remington Dormir is a brilliant man who can marry whomever he chooses. No suitor will be able to waltz in here and change that.” Virgil took a moment and held his breath. “No matter who that person will be, I will respect his choice because he’s my best friend. Whatever makes him happy.”
The old man let out a sigh as his shoulders dropped. “Boy… What about what will make you happy?”
Virgil closed his eyes and shook his head. “If Remy is happy, then I’ll be happy too. No need to have someone important get mixed up with a peasant boy and become the biggest laughing stock this side of the kingdom.”
“I hope you have a nice day, sir.” Virgil quickly spun on his heel and marched away, his tattered cloak billowing around him. The old man called out for him once more but gave up once Virgil didn’t respond.
Remington Dormir. From the day they met as kids, he didn’t care about Virgil’s ‘lower status’. When Virgil didn’t treat him special like everyone else in his life, he was interested in what Virgil had to say. For the first time in Virgil’s life, someone cared about what Virgil thought. As they grew up, Remy lost more of his filter and spoke his mind. He chased off suitors that tried to get rid of Virgil for being ‘lesser’. He scared away anyone who was after him for his money or status. Virgil respected how he kept his values and would stick by the man to keep him safe. Remy was ignorant to peasant life and would sneak out to the pub to try and rebel against his parents. Virgil was afraid someone would want to take advantage of him or his parents or try to get money from him because of his name so Virgil was there every night to keep him safe. Remy never asked, but he always thanked him at the end of the night. If that’s all Virgil got as payment for it, then it was more than enough for him. Seeing Remy safe and still wanting him around was more than he could ask for.
So how could he let him know that he’d been harboring these feelings? It would ruin their friendship, something Virgil treasured more than anything in the world.
Virgil floated around town for a while after that. His home was nothing too cozy. He spent so much time traveling that it was a small place he never wanted to spend any time at alone. It was old and drafty but sturdy and a perfectly good shelter for anyone. He didn’t own much besides the essentials and a decent suit Remy had convinced him to get tailored just in case. However, he mostly was avoiding going home in case he missed their newest guest storm out of town. 
Though, a short time later, he heard the townsfolk start to happily greet someone in town square. It was enough of a change to pique his interest, though it didn’t sound like someone storming out of town like he had hoped. He made his way closer into the square and found the crowd, standing on the edge and listening in.
“Did you have to travel far?”
“Will you be staying long?”
“You two seem friendly already!”
“It’s nice to see young Remington behaving for once…”
Eventually, someone turned and saw Virgil, smiling and stepping out of his way to allow him to get closer. Soon, others followed and Virgil ducked his head, wrapping his arms around himself under his cloak. He never was a fan of attention, what were these people looking at?
“Oh, Virge! Perfect timing, come here!” Virgil looked through the crowd and barely made out Remy standing with someone else. Remy seemed oblivious to all the tension around them, waving Virgil over excitedly. “I want you to meet Charles!”
“Please, Remington, you may certainly call me Dee.”
“I will when you start calling me Remy, darling. Virgil!”
Making his way through, Virgil finally got a good look at ‘Dee’. He was tall, his hair was natural and wavy and god, why was his jawline so sharp? Even Virgil couldn’t deny he was attractive and his smile seemed genuine and friendly which only made Virgil hesitant to dislike him. Something screamed at Virgil to be on edge and Virgil tried to shove it down. Jealousy would get him nowhere right now.
He held out a hand, wearing a pair of silk gloves, and smiled. “My friends call me Dee and any friend of Remy’s is a friend of mine!”
“Oh, good! Because Virgil is sticking around, no exceptions! He’s my closest friend and my confidant! We’re a packaged deal!”
“Of course,” Dee let go of Virgil’s hand and smiled. “I could never come between your friends. I do hope we get along as well.”
“Especially if he wants to stay, right Virgil?” Remy walked up and placed his hand on Virgil’s shoulder. “No one comes between me and my best friend! No matter how cute he is.” Virgil watched Remy look over at Dee and wink, confused by the display in front of him. Was he… flirting? Remy flirts, yes, but usually not with the suitors picked out for him. 
“Oh, Remy, you flatter me so! Such high compliments of someone of your beauty, you must be careful. I may grow an ego at this rate and you have enough for both of us.” Virgil couldn’t help but chuckle, staring back and forth between the two. They seemed like… good friends already. Remy smiled and looked at Dee a bit and Virgil felt his stomach twist. Was… was this real? For the first time, did Remy meet someone who could match him? Someone he was actually interested in? Virgil hadn’t seen him give any of the other suitors the time of day. But this guy… handsome and charming and funny, everything Virgil could dream to be. Of course someone so perfect would finally catch his attention.
‘I’ll respect his choice because he is my best friend.’
It was still too early to say, they had only just met a few hours ago, but Virgil had never seen a suitor get this far before, especially so quickly. 
“W-wow, Remy. You two seem to get along great already.” Virgil smiled and turned to Dee. “Just remember, buddy. I’m the best friend and no matter what happens, that doesn’t change.”
Remy seemed to frown at Virgil’s words, not that his friend had seen. Dee most certainly did, however. “I would never take your place intentionally. However, I do see a bright future ahead of us. Just have to see where it takes us, right Remy?”
“Oh, yes! Absolutely! If you’re in my future then I guess it’s looking pretty good.” Remy smiled and glanced at Virgil again. He was still smiling. Why was he still smiling? “Well! Sorry to leave so suddenly, but we have dinner plans, right Dee?”
“Of course,” Dee held out his arm for Remy to take. “We should make our way back  before it gets too late, my dear.” 
‘It’s still early! You have plenty of time!’ Virgil wanted to shout it for everyone to hear, but he kept his mouth closed. “Well, I hope to see you soon! I’d like to get a bit more acquainted with your new friend if he’s going to be staying.”
‘You’re not supposed to be happy about this! Say something!’ Remy nodded and waved. “Of course, I’ll see you around, Virgil!”
Virgil watched the two make their way back to Dormir manor for a bit before glancing around. He jumped, realizing dozens of eyes were on him, each giving him a look of pity. He shrugged it off and spun around, retreating to his home finally. The day was still early, but he felt exhausted enough to sleep through the night.
“That didn’t work at all!” Remy huffed, pacing back and forth. “He was just… all nice and supportive!” Dee sat in a chair with his legs crossed, watching the other each time he walked by. “He was supposed to be mad!”
“Is it really a bad thing he was supportive?”
“Yes!” Remy stopped and stomped his foot. “He has to be jealous! He has to like me!”
“Why?” Dee tilted his head and leaned against the armrest. “Why does it matter that one person in the world doesn’t see how enchanting you truly are?”
Remy waved him off and turned away, a scowl forming on his face. “Because! It just does!” After Dee didn’t give any sort of response, he turned back and saw Dee staring at him in surprise. “What?”
“Nothing, I apologize.” Dee folded his hands in front of him. “We can try again tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but what if that doesn’t work? We’re gonna need a plan if we’re going to get this to work!”
Dee scrunched his nose in distaste. “You want to keep trying?” He frowned a bit before a thought came to mind. “You want me to help you?”
“No one else is going to and you’re almost perfect. Handsome, smart, rich. I’d call you absolutely perfect but I’m standing right here.”
“Yeah,” Dee leaned on his hand and smiled up at Remy. “I’ll agree to that.”
Remy held up his hand and silenced the other. “Save it for when we see Virgil!”
Virgil couldn’t believe it. 
This new guy has lasted longer than any other suitor by a long shot. He’s not only still hanging around, but Remy was practically draped all over him. The Dormir’s were thrilled and basically picking out flowers for the wedding. Dee didn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon.
“Remy, meeting you has been such a pleasure. You’re far more enchanting in person than I had been told.”
“Oh, Dee, you flatter me so. Keep going.”
Virgil hated all of it.
The worst part? Remy kept inviting Virgil over, wanting him and Dee to get along as much as possible. So he had to watch Remy flirt with the man while Dee stared at Remy with gooey eyes like he was in love and it hurt. Virgil kept smiling and hiding his pain and Remy seemed to be falling for it. Dee, however?
“I know you like him.”
Remy had invited Virgil over for dinner, something he didn’t normally do when suitors were still visiting. He had accepted out of courtesy and had been dreading the night ever since. Even Remy’s parents seemed a bit surprised at how well he was getting along with Dee.
“What?” Virgil responded before Dee’s words sunk in. “I mean, duh. Of course I do. We’re best friends.” Virgil chuckled nervously for a bit before noticing Dee wasn’t buying it. He stopped and looked away, trying not to panic. “What does it matter?”
“It doesn’t, not really.” Virgil looked up at Dee who smirked back. He looked cocky and it was enough for Virgil to throw out everything he felt about the guy and just loathe him. His initial distaste when they had met floated back up to the top once more. “Remy had a chance to pick you and oh, look. He picked me instead. You can like him all you want, I can certainly see why, but that doesn’t change a thing.”
“I know that.” Virgil glared back, not backing down. “My feelings don’t matter, as long as Remy is happy.”
“Oh, sure, of course, but why stick around if you know you’ve lost?”
“Lost?” Shaking his head, the messenger actually felt a bit confident for once. “Lost what? Remy? He’s not some--some prize to win, I get to be his friend. I get to see him happy. We get to spend our lives with one another. Where in any of that have I ‘lost’? He doesn’t return my feelings, so what? He doesn’t have to and I can’t make him. I’m certainly not losing out on my end.” Dee stood stoic as Virgil went off on his tangent. “You know that you can’t get rid of me, so don’t even try. So, fine. Get married. Be the love of his life or whatever. I’ll still be here for him.”
“Oh, you foolish boy.” Dee chuckled and shook his head. “You underestimate me.” Dee leaned in a bit closer. “Good. Makes my job easier.”
Dee walked away to try and find Remy who had left the room a few minutes before. 
Virgil stood back and thought about everything that Dee had said. Sure, he didn’t explicitly say that he was going to drive Virgil away, but shouldn’t he warn Remy? Dee was trying to break the first rule that he put down… but does that mean that if he tried to explain, he’d make Remy pick between him and Dee? He was sure he would be picked but… Did he really want to chance that and find out the true answer?
Virgil had gone back and forth about it all afternoon. As it grew closer to the end of the day, it was almost time for the dinner he had already accepted before the talk with Dee. Virgil spent every moment since then figuring out how to back out of it. That was, until the moment that Remy’s parents had called Dee away for something, leaving the two of them alone.
“Alright, girl, spill it.” Virgil looked to his best friend who was unamused. Remy crossed his arms in front of him and huffed. “What’s with you this afternoon? You’ve been acting super weird.”
“Oh, it’s--”
“No, none of that.” Waving his hand away, Remy walked closer and pointed at Virgil accusingly. “You are not about to lie and tell me it’s nothing. Babe. We’re best friends. I know you better than that.”
Virgil felt his face flush in embarrassment. “It’s… just… something Dee said bothered me, I guess. I’ll get over it.”
“Oh? What did he say?” Virgil remained silent and Remy let out a huff. “Vee! Just tell me, you can talk to me about anything. You know that, right?”
“He talked like he was going to get rid of me. Like, not those exact words, but he asked why I hung out with you and no one else. Like he was accusing me of something.”
“Something?” Virgil looked at Remy and felt his stomach drop. Why was he smiling? This was serious! “What do you think he was accusing you of?”
“I dunno… Maybe he felt I was going to chase him away so he wants to do it first?”
“Virgil,” The serious tone in Remy’s voice put Virgil on edge. “Are you… jealous?”
“Of what, Dee? Gosh, no. You can have him!” He shook his head and his face twisted like he had tasted something sour.
Remy nodded and tried to hide his smile. “If not Dee, then… Me?” Virgil froze and Remy felt his heart soar. Yes. Yes! This was it! This is what he had wanted to hear for all these weeks. All of his and Dee’s efforts were finally paying off. “Virgil, do you like me?”
“I’ve gotta go-” Virgil turned to run.
“No, Virge, let’s talk about this! Virgil!!” Remy chased after him but it was no use. Virgil was lithe, agile and much faster than Remy could hope to be. He was out the front door and down the road before Remy had a chance of catching him. “Oh, Vee…”
“What’s with all the commotion?” Dee walked out of the other room, Remy’s mother trailing close behind.
Remy shifted on his feet while trying to think of an answer. “Oh, Virgil was feeling a bit upset! Ran right out the door! I don’t think he’ll be back for dinner.”
“What a shame, I hope he will be alright” he watched his mother wave off the closest person in Remy’s life without a second thought before turning to Dee. “Well, you can check on him later. Dinner is almost ready.”
Dee walked up and smiled, raising a brow. “Everything alright, my dear?”
“Yes!” Remy squealed excitedly. “Dee, our plan worked! He’s been totally super jealous this whole time!”
“Yeah, that much was obvious, you just figure it out yourself?” Dee wrapped an arm around Remy and directed him toward the kitchen. “You two have it bad for each other, I figured that out on my first day.”
Remy tensed and waited until they got to the door of the dining room before taking Dee’s hand and removing his arm from him. “Right, well, thanks for sharing earlier. Now that I’ve heard it, we can finally call this whole thing off.”
Remy strode into the dining room, leaving Dee to watch him as he sat down. Dee scowled and glared for a moment before collecting himself and painting the smile back on his face. 
Remy heard a loud bang and shot awake, blinking and trying to make out the shapes of his room. Even with his curtains drawn, he could tell it was still pitch black outside. Usually he was dead to the world but something had put him on edge, his heart racing and short of breath. He adjusted to the dark and glanced around, sitting silently on his bed as he listened for any unusual noises.
Just as he was about to give up and lay back down, he heard creaking outside his bedroom door before it slowly started to open. He reached over to his end table to grab a dagger he had on display. He wasn’t sure if it was actually sharp but he wasn’t willing to take the chance.
He let out a sigh of relief when he was able to make out Dee slipping into his room, fully clothed and ready for… Remy wasn’t exactly sure.
“Dee, what the shit are you doing in my room? I need sleep to stay this beautiful!” Dee slipped quietly over to the bed as Remy placed the dagger back down on the table. “Nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Wouldn’t want that.” He spoke softly, his deep voice could send shivers down someone’s spine with the way he spoke. “Now, get dressed. We’re leaving.”
Remy sat for a moment before chuckling. “The hell are you talking about? It’s the middle of the night, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Yes you are. You’re going to write a little letter to your parents about how excited you were after I told you the news and just couldn’t wait so we left as soon as possible.” Dee leaned one hand on the bed, getting closer to Remy as he backed away. “They’ll think we left last night.”
Remy pushed back against his mountain of pillows and started to turn away. “What news? What are you talking about?”
“Oh, have I forgotten to mention?” Dee smiled and crawled onto the bed. “I talked to your mother last night. She said if I had your approval, we were to be wed. Just as Virgil ran away, how perfect.”
Remy pulled his knees to his chest to make a barrier between him and Dee. “Yeah, no. Sorry, hun, not interested. You do not have my approval, remember? I was doing this to make Virgil jealous.” Dee reached out and grabbed Remy’s arm. “Let go of me!”
“Or what? You’ll run to that peasant boy? The same one who ran away from you today?” Remy pulled his arm free and glared at the other intensely. “What do you think will happen? You’ll be whisked away to live with him and everyone will be okay with it? He doesn’t even have to guts to admit he likes you. Hell, you can’t even admit to yourself that you like him, you had to use me to do it!”
“The hell should I listen to whatever you have to say?” Remy’s voice wavered, suddenly realizing his hands were shaking as they gripped his sheets tighter.
Dee smirked and crossed his arms. “Because I now know your biggest weakness now. So,” Dee pushed himself off of the bed and glared back at the other. “Get up. Get dressed. Pack your things, and I won’t have to use every ounce of influence I have to ruin that low life into a shallow grave where you’ll never see him again.”
Remy sat there for a moment as he watched Dee waiting impatiently by his bedside. “No.”
“No?” “I’m not going to allow you to threaten me in my own home so you can get your way!”
Dee stood there a moment before letting out a sigh. “Then we will do this the hard way. Guess my note is going to do.”
Dee moved in an instant, launching himself across the bed. Remy held up his hands and pushed him away, but not before Dee reached out with something in his hand. Remy wasn’t sure what it was, but it smelled sweet and was overpowering. That’s all he could make out before everything turned dark.
Virgil hardly slept that night. He kept thinking of ways to convince Remy that he was just imagining things again. He had a tendency to get ahead of himself and go overboard with very little context and Virgil knew that, but usually he wasn’t so… accurate. Remy had been ignorant of his feelings for years and yet the slightest bit of hesitation and he was able to guess what was going on?
Virgil knew that he just had to wait for sunrise and head over like he did every day and pretend things were normal. Say he ran away because he didn’t want the Dormir’s to think he was getting in between Remy and Dee. The two had grown close exceptionally fast and Virgil’s feelings finally coming to light would only make Remy’s parents more suspicious of him then he already was.
“He what?!”
“Left last night! Poor boy must have been so excited that he couldn’t wait! Should have talked to us first but you know how he can be.” Remy’s mother smiled as she turned to her husband. Virgil glanced behind them and noticed the butler loading up a coach to the side. He made no comment of it when he arrived, hoping it was Dee finally leaving. “We’re on our way to follow them now! Charles had told me he wanted to make the announcement at a social gathering!”
Virgil looked up at her confused. “You mean… like a party?”
She scoffed and waved him off. “Someone of your social status would make that assumption, but it’s much more high class than a party. They’re going to announce their engagement to anyone who is anyone!”
“Oh, right. I guess that’s what he meant, then.” Virgil bit his lip and glanced away as everything pieced together. Charles was right, Virgil did underestimate him a bit and now Remy was gone.
“Who are you talking about?” Mrs. Dormir asked, curious to Virgil’s mumblings.
“Dee, sorry, Charles mentioned something to me last night.”
“He told you about the engagement?!” Virgil looked up to the surprised look on her face and froze. “I know he talked to me about it, but he told you? And you actually gave your approval?”
Virgil felt a fluttering of panic in his chest for a brief moment before he got an idea and smirked. “Yeah, I mean, we got along pretty well and it’s Remy’s decision anyway. It’s kinda why I ran off. Charles asked me to keep it a secret but I’m terrible at keeping secrets. Remy knows me well enough that he could tell something was off so I ran away to keep the secret. I was just a bit surprised that he took off last night, but it makes sense. It’s a very Remy thing to do after all.”
Waiting with baited breath, Virgil hoped that they took the bait and half baked story he came up with on the spot. Mrs. Dormir smiled and turned to her husband with a chuckle. “It is like him to just run on ahead like that, isn’t it? Our little fire crackle!” She turned back to Virgil with a genuine smile on her face. “Would you like to come with us?” Virgil visibly tensed and she waved him off. “Oh, none of that! You’ve been more than welcome in our home and you and Remington are the closest of friends! It would be a shame you miss his engagement! He’d want you to be there and I know you would want to be there for him.”
Mr. Dormir nodded in agreement. “We will be leaving shortly. Do you have a nice suit of some sort? Can’t have you going to the masquerade like that!”
Virgil nodded and pointed over his shoulder to the pathway. “Yeah, Remy told me I should have a nice outfit just in case so I got one tailored at that shop when I was doing a delivery for you once.” Both of them seemed a bit surprised at that. “It was a bit pricey but I don’t really spend the money I make on anything other than the essentials and you never know when you’ll need to dress up, right? Looks like he was right and I’ll get some use out of it after all.”
“Good, we can pick up masks for all of us once we arrive! Surely after word gets out, there will be plenty for sale!”
Virgil let them talk before they walked off, excited about the plans for the future. Finding out that Remy left in the middle of the night? He had underestimated Dee but he had also been underestimated. He was going to show up and find Remy and discover the truth and get some answers. 
Virgil spun and ran off to his home to pack for the trip. Leaving in the middle of the night? Holding a huge party to announce the marriage? That all sounded like Remy, that was undeniable, but something kept him on edge. Something wasn’t sitting right and had the warning bells ringing in his head like crazy. 
“Virgil, do you like me?”
Why did Remy seem so… happy? He was smiling! Virgil had thought he was plotting something, but what if--?
What if, for once in his life, he didn’t just shrug it off and believed it to be true? Remy always made him welcome, always defended him. Always thanked him after a crazy night at the bar and always said he would never leave him behind. So maybe it was his heart being hopeful, but Virgil decided to take a page from Remy’s book. 
He was going to face him and find out before he lost his chance forever, even if nothing has changed. Even if Virgil was wrong, he couldn’t let this just go by. Not knowing would eat away at him for the rest of his life.
“Don’t look so glum! Guests will be arriving shortly!” Dee walked over and placed his hands on Remy’s shoulders. “And please put your mask on. Don’t want everyone falling at your feet before I can even make the announcement! Your beauty knows no bounds, my darling.”
“You mean hide me away in plain sight so I can’t try to escape?”
Dee scoffed and rubbed Remy’s arms, which he decided he had deeply hated at that moment. It was an action meant to comfort someone but instead it simply made his skin crawl. “Not like it would matter, my dear. You’re in my home now, not yours, and I’ve got friends who can keep it that way. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, don’t want your parents having an accident on their way home, now do we?” Dee patted Remy on the back and walked out, a grin across his face. 
Remy waited for the door to close before he turned to the dresser where his masquerade mask sat. Of course he would pull something so elaborate that also worked so well in his favor. Hide him away in a sea of people until the announcement was made. Then anyone who was anyone wouldn’t let him break the engagement due to social bullshit. He was trying to think of a way out of this whole situation and this stupid party was his best bet, not to mention also his last chance. However, his parents wouldn’t understand he was being used before he would get caught trying to escape. If he just had someone to help him out, if only he had someone who would listen, if only Virgil were here.
Remy picked up the silver and golden trimmed mask and looked back to the mirror, holding it up to his face. He frowned, upset at how good he looked. I mean, of course he looked good, but he didn’t want to look good for Charles. He didn’t want to wear anything that man and picked out for him. Sure, the guy was charming enough, but the whole ‘kidnapping and blackmailing you to marry me’ thing kind of killed any chance he would have had, not that he had any to begin with.
Come to think of it, it was Dee’s plan to flirt together to make Virgil jealous. As soon as Remy had mentioned Virgil was probably hopelessly in love with him, Dee had immediately offered the idea! Was it to get him to flirt back? Was that just a coincidence or… Had he really planned this from the beginning?
“That son of a bitch.”
That had him plummeting down a mental spiral as he thought back to their previous conversations. Dee’s encouraging words to take it a step further to try and get a reaction from Virgil. They kept up the charade in front of his parents so it didn't seem suspicious. Dee did not want to plan the break up until Virgil finally caved… everything that made sense in the moment seemed to only lead up to what inevitably happened.
Kidnapping and blackmail? That's what Dee's plan was if he didn't go along willingly? Threatening him and his family so he would agree to marry him? Remy needed to come up with a plan to get away from this psycho and fast, he only had a few hours left.
Virgil scoffed at the price of the cheap black and purple mask he had picked up and handed over the gold. It was necessary to get in and not immediately be noticed by Charles Darvin. Mr. Dormir helped style Virgil’s hair, slicking it back instead of having it fall in his face like it normally did. Virgil stood up and squared his shoulders instead of his slight hunch. He looked completely different than he normally would and even Mrs. Dormir made a noise of approval. He knew he’d at least blend in well enough that he may sneak by Dee but finding Remy would prove difficult.
The Dormir’s led the way into the manor, greeting the butlers at the door as they made their way in. The entryway was larger than Virgil had ever seen and it led to the front room which was packed full of people in masks. Virgil felt his heart plummet, unsure of how he would find Remy in this mess.
After a while, he had excused himself from the Dormir’s to mingle with the guests and try to get away from some of the noise to assess the room. Unfortunately, every corner had someone chatting away and laughter all around, celebrating whatever news Charles had planned to announce. As the night dragged on, Virgil felt no closer to finding Remy. Was he even here? Would he find him too late?
He was in a full blown silent panic when someone reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the side. Virgil turned and looked up at the man in the silvery mask as he started to collect himself.
“What?” Virgil’s eyes lit up as he started to collect himself. He looked exhausted and not nearly as confident as he usually did but this was, without a doubt, his best friend.
“Sorry,” Remy pulled his hand back as he apologized. “You just almost looked like someone I knew. The masks have been throwing me off all night, I do apologize.”
“Remy,” Virgil reached out and smiled, gently placing his hands on Remy’s shoulders. He watched Remy tense up and rubbed his arms to try to relax him. It worked and Remy smiled before launching himself at the other. “Woah, okay! Hello to you, too!”
“Oh goodness, Virgil! It’s really you! I thought I recognized that suit, you look so good, babe!” Virgil laughed and Remy pulled back. “Oh, it’s the absolute worst! Charles planned this whole thing from the beginning and he’s threatening my parents into getting me to agree to this engagement and it’s the worst!”
Virgil frowned and grit his teeth as he tried to contain his anger. “I knew something felt off about this whole thing.”
“Girl, you know I’d have taken you with me if I was doing anything fun, you always have my back.” Remy sounded genuinely sincere as he spoke, not an ounce of his usual sass in his tone. “I don’t know how to get out of this one.”
“Do you trust me?” Virgil spoke low enough that Remy barely was able to hear. He nodded without hesitation and Virgil smiled. “Keep him distracted long enough before he makes the announcement. I have a plan, okay? Just play along.”
Virgil then wrinkled his nose in disgust and took a step back, dusting himself off. Remy looked confused before an arm fell over his shoulders. He looked over to see a mask that mimicked his own with gold and black, piercing eyes glancing down at him. “Everything alright, my dear?” The voice asked and Remy tensed, recognizing Dee’s voice anywhere. 
“Is he with you?” Virgil spoke in a deeper tone to hide his own. “Seemed to think I was someone else. Does he not understand what a masquerade is?” Virgil let out a ‘hmph!’ and stormed off, fixing his vest and not looking back at all. His heart was pounding, hoping Dee wouldn’t pick up on the fact that it was him in the least. Even Remy wasn’t sure it was him at first which was a good sign. Once he was far enough away, he glared over to where they were before finding them missing. He ran a hand over his hair, reflexively wanting to push it out of his face like he normally would, and walked away.
“And whom did you think that could have been, my dear?”
Remy shoved the arm off his shoulder and spun around, staring Dee down. “I don’t care if you succeed, I will make you regret ever messing with me until the day you die, is that understood?”
Dee chuckled and shook his head. “You’ll come to love it here as soon as you get out of your head that your messenger boy is not coming for you. However, if it makes you feel better, I’d be more than happy to hire him myself. I’m sure he could help me keep tabs on your parents.”
Remy felt his face burning with anger. “So you can keep a tab on him as well?”
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do to make you safe and happy here, so yes. Now,” Dee held out his hand with a smile. “Let us give our special announcement, shall we?”
Remy glared at the hand and crossed his arms, refusing the offer. Dee chuckled and shook his head as if enjoying the little rebellion. He reached out and cupped Remy’s face with his hand, gently brushing his cheek with his thumb. Remy smacked it away immediately, leaving Dee open to grab it in return. Refusing to let go, he pulled Remy along toward the staircase where they could get to higher ground and make their announcement.
As they broke away from the crowd and climbed the steps, Dee turned and smiled. “Remember, your parents will be watching and I have made sure they won’t leave without my say. Don’t you want them to make it back safely?”
“Go choke on a turkey leg.”
Dee smiled and turned on the stairs, facing the crowd. He waited for Remy to turn to the crowd and look back at him reluctantly. “Well? Can’t make the announcement without you.”
“Right now? Are you sure you don’t want to wait?”
“Why? Nothing will change between now and later. Don’t you want to celebrate?” Dee smiled and held out his hand once more. Remy ignored it and took the last final steps to be level with him, pushing the hand away. “A little better, you’re already learning. Don’t forget, we still have to sell it.”
Remy huffed and turned away, searching the crowd as best he could.
“Could I get everyone’s attention?” The roar of chatter quieted down as everyone turned toward the stairs. “Thank you. My name is Charles D. Darvin and I welcome you all to Darvin Manor. As you all may know, I have returned from a trip a few towns over to meet the lovely Remington Dormir.” Remy took the opportunity to remove his mask, hating how much it was made to reflect Dee’s. “Since my parents passed, I’ve been hoping to meet someone to help me take over the family business.”
Which was contradictory to what he had told Remy when they had met. He had said he wasn’t looking to be married anytime soon. Now he’s finding out it was the opposite and he went to Remy with that specifically in mind, just like he had thought.
“When we had met,” Remy spoke up, cutting off Dee. “Charles assured me we didn’t have to simply be married.”
“We had clicked right away, however, and things changed.” Dee challenged back. “As the weeks grew on, there was one thing that we both became aware of. We were in love.”
The crowd gasped and Remy felt his heart skip a beat. “Dee was in love with me, and I-”
A man pushed through the crowd and approached the stairs. “Was in love with me.”
Everyone in the room watched as Dee turned red, glaring at the figure as he advanced up the stairs. He slowly took off his purple mask, a few strands of his hair falling out of place and into his face. “Virgil,” Remy smiled, reaching out for him. Dee wrapped his arm around his shoulders and forcefully pulled him in. 
“Remy, we talked about this,” he hissed under his breath.
“Yes, we did.” Remy looked at him and smiled. “When you came to me, I told you my best friend was in love with me, something you admitted you noticed when you met him immediately. Together, we decided to flirt to make him jealous and admit his feelings.”
“What you both forgot,” Virgil approached slowly, one step at a time. “Was that I was willing to do anything for Remington’s happiness, even if that meant stepping aside. I am a messenger, not one fit to be with someone as high class as a Dormir. Until that final night, when you approached me about your plan.” Virgil turned around to face the crowd. “A gathering to allow me to prove to the Dormir’s and anyone else who had any objections see how far I was willing to go for Remy to prove my love.”
Remy shoved Dee off and took a step down, reaching back out for Virgil. “Dee explained it to me and we came up with a plan and now here we are.” He heard Dee make a noise of discontent behind him, but his eyes never left Virgil’s. “He came after me and I happily accept his affections, regardless of what anyone has to say.”
“Remington--!” Dee bit out before turning back to the crowd. “Surely, someone here would have objections to you being with a peasant when you could be with me?”
Virgil took the final step, meeting up with Remy, and wrapped his arms around him carefully. Remy had realized that it wasn’t the actions that made his skin crawl earlier. When Virgil had rubbed his arms to soothe him, it did. As Virgil held him in his arms, he felt at ease. His heart fluttered as it had with Dee, but not in panic. This whole time, he wanted to prove Virgil was in love with him. How ironic that it was Remy who was in love but completely unaware of his own feelings. 
“Remington Dormir!” Remy and Virgil looked to the figure at the bottom of the stairs and saw Mrs. Dormir looking furious. “You planned this whole thing to try to convince us to let you be with Virgil?!” She let out a sigh as Mr. Dormir walked up behind her, placing a hand on her back. “You stupid boy!”
“Mother, just listen!” Remy called out. “Virgil is-”
“That is enough, Remington, you listen to me!” She yelled back. “Did you think we were stupid? That you had to go and make a big show of all of this and make us look like fools?” Remy leaned back as if her words physically hurt. “We know you like Virgil, sweetie. Anyone who has seen you two together can figure that out. We were just waiting for you to do something about it!”
“What?” Virgil and Remy spoke at the same time before looking at one another in confusion.
“Son, why do you think we hired Virgil in the first place?” Mr. Dormir asked. “We knew Virgil wouldn’t speak up himself, it’s just his nature. We knew out of the two of you, it would be you who would say something against anyone who would have objected. Who cares if he’s a messenger boy if you two love each other? We were so worried when you ran off, we thought you were acting a bit brash and acting out because of a little misunderstanding you two may have had. We came here to talk to you and set it straight, but it was a masquerade and we couldn’t find you.”
“We would never have let you marry Charles, sweetie. We knew it wasn’t real.”
“What?!” Dee called out, marching down the stairs. “How dare you tell me what I can and can not do!”
“That is enough out of you, young man!” Mrs. Dormir shouted. “That is my son you’re playing with. I don’t care how rich the Darvin name makes you, you are outnumbered. We have respect for others!”
The crowd began to murmur as they glanced Dee’s way, frowns on their faces. “Wait, hold on just a moment!”
“It’s okay, mother.” Remy descended the steps, Virgil following close behind. “Virgil and I forgive him, he tried and failed. No need to tear him down too much.”
“I’m okay with it.” Remy elbowed Virgil in the side and sent him a glare. “Ow! Okay, no tearing him down. I mean, he is still grieving, isn’t he?”
“Anyone else have an issue with Virgil and I?” Remy challenged the audience, staring down the many faces in the crowd. The room remained silent as he turned, sending glances in every direction. “No one? Good. Now if you shall excuse me, we have things to discuss.” Remy reached behind him and grabbed Virgil’s hand, pulling him out of Darvin Manor. They marched down the pathway and into the town. Night had fallen and it was quieter by far, the crickets unable to be as loud as the chatter from earlier. 
“Remy, are you okay?”
“You are an idiot!” Remy spun around, tears in his eyes. “You were really just watching as my parents threw suitors at me and you weren’t going to say anything?!”
Virgil hunched over, more of his hair naturally falling back into place. “I just wanted you to be happy with whomever you choose.”
“You mean my parents, whomever my parents choose.”
Virgil stood up and scrunched his nose. “No! You didn’t seem to return my feelings and I wasn’t going to force you to!”
Remy blinked and a tear ran down his face. He cursed under his breath and wiped it away, angry it had even fallen in the first place. “My goodness, we are a pair of idiots!”
“I’ll agree to that.” Virgil stepped closer, grabbing Remy’s wrist as he rubbed away at his eyes. “You really return my-”
“Virgil, I swear if you finish that sentence, I will hit you. Hard.” He looked up at Virgil, squinting his eyes. “Got it, babe?”
“Got it, babe.” Remy blinked and flushed before he turned and hid his face. “Oh, what’s this? Can’t take your own nicknames when they’re thrown back at you?”
“Shut up!”
“Anything for you, babe.” Remy whined as Virgil reached out and pulled him close. “Anything.”
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My notes on Lethal White episode 3
As usual, my poorly sorted and not-really-filtered thoughts on “Lethal White”, episode 3. Continued under the cut because ALL THE SPOILERS!
We’re back with Robin and cling-wrapped Chiswell. Holliday plays Robin’s tenuously controlled panic very well. The subtle trembling, the tears she forces back. She’s so good. 👏🏼
A two-week jump. These always jar me. Did that happen in the book?🤨
Another mention of Strike talking with Wardle, and again we don’t get to see him. Dang. I really miss his leather-jacketed wry humour. 😔
Of course they’re meeting at “The White Horse”. Where else? *Rosmersholm vibes*
The reveal about the bones was a bit anti-climactic, wasn’t it? It had a better effect with the skull, in the book. And how do you “accidentally” shoot a horse, even when it’s a small one? How much more are we supposed to hate Freddie? (This episode is just full of terribly behaving men)
Who are the kids playing with the dog? Pringle and Pong? Were those their ridiculous nicknames?
And here comes the “Knives Out” scene. 🔪The Chiswell family is such a loving bunch. *coughs*
Did you see the playful tension between Raff and Robin? And that little disconcerted look Cormoran casts them? Bit jealous, Corm? 😏
Raff’s sarcastic little throw-in remarks are really making this scene more fun. Gotta give him that: he adds a bit of “black sheep” dash to the family!
“KEYS!” 😁 Cormoran is like the adult stepping between a bunch of fist-throwing kids.
Cormoran and Robin are staring at the Chiswell’s bickering as if waiting for one of them to actually start spitting and biting.
Raff: “I’m sure our charming hostess means to offer you tea at some point.” 🤣
Cormoran: “I’m thinking it might be suicide after all. He couldn’t face another family gathering.” 😂
*grunts* We’ve all been there, haven’t we? (And I don’t even want to start thinking about Cormoran’s family gatherings…)
Hah! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I guessed right from the leaked stills: it is the hospital Billy’s in! (Cookie points for me!)
That staff woman gives off very sensible and caring vibes. They picked the actress well.
And, god, Billy carved the horse into his own chest? 😟 Good god…
Vanessa! And she looks good! And - unlike in the first series - she smiles! And is really NICE! (Wow, what a beautiful woman.) 😍
That little lounge corner in Cormoran’s office is new, isn’t it? Very cozy. ☕️🍪
Goth Robin! She looks awesome! 😍 (Excuse me, but have we traveled back into the 80s? She looks like half the people in my school back then.) And look at Holliday playing her: she even moves differently! This season must have been a lot of fun for her as an actress.
I love the Wiccan shop. I had one of those salt lamps (and a lava lamp too), but don’t tell anybody… ☺️
Cormoran’s FACE when he sees goth Robin! 🥰The double take, the pleased surprise, that touch of awe… He is so proud of her! (What a contrast to Matt the Twat’s derogatory reactions to her disguises).
Cormoran: “You liking Raff then?” Are we a teensy bit jealous again, Corm? ☺️
When he asked Robin what she was doing this evening, I held my breath. WAS HE GOING TO ASK HER OUT? 🤗 He wasn’t. 😔 Everybody calm down. It’s not happening yet. Unfortunately. And probably never will. *very long sigh*
It’s so cute how he can’t stop looking at her! 🥰I love her confidence. And his twinkle-eyed, soft grin that doesn’t seem to want to fade. He truly admires her, for her competence AND for her looks. ASK HER OUT YOU FOOL! *headdesk*
Lorelei. With coffee. Apologizing for saying “I love you”. Ack. And then Corm says “I was gonna call you.” (You weren’t, admit it!). I didn’t know what to feel when seeing this scene for the first time: shocked that they were still together? Sympathy for Lorelei? Mad at Cormoran’s lackluster ‘yeah, alright, whatever’ attitude? Very mixed emotions.
Cormoran following Aamir along the South Bank. Watch me pointing excitedly at the screen because I’ve strolled down that same boardwalk way back when traveling was still a thing. *flails* *misses London*
Aamir’s place. Why is Cormoran talking about food again? Robin hasn’t fed him biscuits today yet, has she?
Cormoran’s always a bit unnerving when interrogating someone. He uses friendly words, but there is that tiny bit of menace about him, an intensity and pressure… SIB Corm. Tom does that so well. 😎
“You gonna butter me?” Smooth moves, ex-Sergeant Strike! 🥋 Oh, I love seeing him in action! 🤗
Robin hides the phone, and I am a nervous wreck worrying someone’s going to call and her phone isn’t in silent mode! (enneagram type 6 here, hello…) 😬
I was waiting for Matt to be an absolute prick when he sees goth Robin, but he’s actually not. And he’s had the Green Dress mended. I like how the show gives him a few shades and doesn’t paint him as outrageously hateful as the book does. (jftr, we all still hate you, Matt!)
But then, the way he rushes at her with his “That’s not true” - why does it somehow feel like a physical threat? And wow, Robin is COLD. Dude, your marriage is over. You just haven’t been notified yet.
So we’re ignoring Lorelei’s calls again, Cormoran? *eyebrow lift* Is that what we do as a gentleman? And then he calls off dinner and has no more than a lame “Sounds good, I’ll call you” when she mentions breakfast? If he’s not invested at the mention of food, something is clearly wrong…
Della Winn, and they picked a blind actress for the role. Good for them! ✔️
So, help me out here, native speakers: Della says she can hear the West Country in Cormoran’s vowels, but to me he doesn’t sound Cornish. Am I wrong? To my ears, Tom is speaking in some sort of self-made accent that I can’t place, but it doesn’t sound anything like the Cornish burr Robert Glenister gives him in the audiobooks. Opinions? 🤔
Rhiannon’s story touched me in the book, and it touches me deeply here. A revenge murder would’ve made perfect sense to me.
The party. We’ve apparently time-traveled again.
“What’s ‘Becca’ short for?” 🙄
Ah! The note was hidden in the maxipads box! I seem to recall that, in the book, Robin hid the Houses of Parliament bugging device in a tampon box. Cool parallel.
The chase. Good thing this goth girl wears sensible shoes! Nice trick with the crouching and tripping. Take THAT, Jimmy! Robin’s learned from past experience, and I love the addition of the chase that wasn’t in the book. Robin’s no longer a helpless victim. She is a FIGHTER! And - BAM! Perfect timing, patrol car! 🚔
Cormoran: “How did you guess where she hid it?” (Because that’s where girls hide stuff, darling. ONE good thing all the menstruating is good for at least.)
Quick shout-out to Tom Burke’s freckles. They really should be credited as supporting actors. 🥰
Btw, the navy jumper is not a jumper but a cardigan! I bet Tom was pleased. (And my shippy brain can imagine him wrapping a freezing Robin in it 💙)
Enter Lorelei. Here be dragons.
“You know, if you want a hot meal and a shag with no human emotions involved, there are restaurants. And brothels.”
Oooohhhh... 😳
Need ointment for that burn, Corm?
And she’s entitled! Cormoran’s old school gallantry seems to have gone MIA when it comes to treating Lorelei with the respect she deserved. Especially since he had his chance at ending it decently and respectfully at their earlier little talk over coffee. I still don’t think he meant to hurt her. It was thoughtlessness. Which is no redeeming factor at all. He deserved this, even in front of Robin. #TeamLorelei
Well, at least he didn’t get smacked with an ashtray this time.
I LOLed when Robin simply went straight back to business without commenting. A real pro. 😎
Cormoran: “That was a bit awkward.” Was it, Corm? We barely noticed. *snorts*
And although Robin defends him a little bit, her suppressed smirk and her work-life balance remark tell us she’s enjoyed this a bit. And not just because Cormoran is single again.
Matthew calls: “Sorry, it’s a work thing.” (NO IT ISN’T AND YOU’RE A LYING, CHEATING [REDACTED] !!!) 🤬
Robin steps on Sarah Shaglock’s earring, and now starts a scene that makes me want to shower Holliday in BAFTAs. 🏆🏆🏆 Heart wrenching, painful, powerful. And Matthew finally shows his true colours. (And Kerr Logan deserves a nod for his acting too).
On a completely irrelevant side note: Matt stole that coat from Darius Tanz, only that Santi looked hot as hell in it whereas Matt just looks like an accountant who pretends to look hot. (Go and watch “Salvation” if you have no clue what I’m talking about)
Robin is so bravely holding it together, and - wow - her coldness towards Matt is pretty impressive, and at the same time she’s forcing herself not to cry and fights down a panic attack. It’s amazing how she puts every emotion and train of thought from the books onto the table and we can read it in her face and in her voice and body language. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Best scene of the season, if you ask me. (Not that anyone ever asks me, but here it is.)
“I’m not gonna let you fail again!” 😡 Aaaand Matt tries to put her down again. To make her feel weak and in need of help. BUT IT’S NO LONGER WORKING. She’s got this. Oh, she’s got this!
They left out Robin saying that he “doesn’t even have a knife”, and I’m actually glad they did. This didn’t need to be about physical assault again. Matt wouldn’t go that far, and it wasn’t necessary to go there. They clearly showed how manipulative he is and how strong Robin has to be to walk away from him, and that is enough.
The minicab driver. I remember the actress as Mrs. Fitz from “Outlander”, and she’s the perfect motherly tough love type to crack that marriage joke. And to get our girl out of there with no further fuss.
Whoa. I had high expectations. And they were met 10/10.
What did you guys think?
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lifblogs · 4 years
Since I watched Frozen again, and remembered how much I love it, I thought I’d post this here.
WARNINGS: Some light almost-smut
Anna had invited Kristoff into her room. Sven wasn’t allowed in the castle, and was probably happily munching on carrots hand-delivered to him by their new royal reindeer caregiver. Anna had made the title official. It didn’t take much to convince Elsa; just another thing for her to stamp her seal on in her large pile of paperwork she had to deal with as queen.
Olaf, on the other hand, didn’t understand that he hadn’t been invited to this little social event. He wandered in after Kristoff, eyes bright with wonder, and plopped down on Anna’s bed, stick hands waving back and forth as he felt the blankets.
“So this is your room?” he squeaked, voice going higher on the last word.
Anna clasped her hands together, blushing. “Uh… yeah. Yeah.” She spread her arms out to do a ta da motion, which ended knocking over a dress on a stand she had by her wardrobe; it was for a dinner function she had later with a French nobleman. It crashed into the wardrobe, and immediately she busied herself with trying to catch it before it fell to the floor. Kristoff rushed to help her.
“Yes, it is,” she announced as Kristoff took over the work for her. “And uh…” She cleared her throat, tilting her head at the door, even as Olaf wandered about, snow cloud following him. He was looking out the window now. “Mm-mm!”
“Whoa,” he exclaimed, gazing at the view she had.
Kristoff put a hand on her shoulder, murmuring, “Let me handle this.”
Anna laughed, the sound quiet, not fully coming out of her mouth. Nervous. Oh gosh, was she nervous? She must’ve been.
“Olaf,” Kristoff began, “Anna and I would like it if you left.”
He jumped from the cushions by the window seat, different globs of snow following at different times, and  he soon rearranged himself in front of them.
“Ooh, is this a summer game?”
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s—“
Kristoff put a hand over her mouth, and she grabbed it, just now realizing how large it was, studying his fingers as he continued talking.
“Yes, Olaf, we’re going to play hide and seek.”
Anna, catching onto what he was doing now, exclaimed, “Yes! Mm-hmm!”
“Ooh, I love hide and seek!” His face fell. “What’s hide and seek?”
Kristoff took his hand back, and started gently nudging Olaf out the door, explaining, “You go hide anywhere in the castle you’d like, or maybe even all of Arendelle, and then...!”
Olaf’s eyes widened as he gasped. “And then?”
“And then we’ll try to find you.”
“Ooh!” He waved his little stick arm, and yelled, “Bye, guys!” The door slammed in his face.
Anna was giggling as she came over to Kristoff, and slapped him lightly on the chest. “That was mean.”
“What, we’ll go find him after… after uh…”
They broke apart now, faces going red.
He rubbed the back of his head, and Anna felt a hint of a smile growing on her face from the mess of himself he was making. “You wanted to show me something?”
She came forward, flattened down his hair, and he leaned into her, a noise coming from him that might’ve been a giggle. Gosh, he was tall, and pretty. Strong, rugged features, hair like gold, and so not unmanly like his family had suggested. And wow, his eyes were… dreamy. Amber. They were amber.
“Hmm?” She realized she was still caressing his hair, and staring. She lowered her hand, and he clasped it in one of his. “Oh! Oh, sorry.”
He laughed, more confidence in it this time.
“You don’t have to show me now. It’s okay.”
“It was a book. I—I read a lot. It was just me for a long time, so I read.”
She turned and went over to her chest, digging around for it.
“Where is it? Where is it?”
Stupid, she told herself, as Kristoff drew closer, towering over her. Stupid, stupid. A book. He doesn’t want to look at a stupid book. But what book is it? What book?
For the life of her she couldn’t remember with him standing so close.
She’d been excited about it, wanting to share where she’d gotten her ideas of love, and—
She found it, saw that the man painted on the cover looked a tad like Hans with the sideburns and the dark hair.
Anna dropped it, and shuffled back, tripping on her skirts.
Best not to show him that.
Or for her to see it.
She hadn’t known what love was then, and the book hadn’t helped.
“Oh, hey, hey. It’s okay,” Kristoff told her, kneeling down, and cradling her with his legs, bringing her up into his arms. “What is it?”
“Nothing. I just…” She looked up into his face, wanting him to know she was telling the truth. “I guess I didn’t have the best life growing up, and seeing my things again… It was a bit much. Can we just…? Um…”
“Whatever you want.”
Kristoff helped her up and over to her bed, and they sat there for awhile, hand in hand, but Anna wasn’t content with it. She started shuffling back and forth, tapping her feet, then humming.
“This is nice,” she eventually said.
But what was there past the true love’s kiss? She wasn’t sure she really knew. Marriage? Babies? Anna didn’t know a whole lot about the baby part, and knew it was too soon, but were there other things? The way Kristoff was looking at her, eyes big, hopeful, but warm, a tantalizing smile on his face, she was beginning to think there were.
Growing up alone hadn’t taught her much about these things, and the stories always skipped after the kiss. Anna wanted to see what was after.
She let Kristoff caress her cheek and pull her closer, and then their lips came together.
Oh gosh, this was nice. This was love. Oh yes, it was.
And maybe something else because after their lips kept meeting, stronger and stronger, she climbed on top of him and he sidled down the bed, now lying back against the pillows.
Anna pulled back, giggling, seeing his lips were a tad rosier than before.
“What are we doing?” she asked.
“Something the love experts would be okay with,” he murmured, pulling her close again. He grabbed one of her hands, intertwining their fingers.
Mm, he was so warm. And he was sturdy too. The ice business really gave him a lot of muscle. Princes were supposed to have that, right? And here he was, not a prince, but her love, just the way she wanted him.
His hips rose up into her, spreading her legs wider around him, and she’d been leaning down to kiss him, but her forehead bumped into his chin. She giggled into his neck. Anna had never done something like this before.
“Anna, are you going to laugh the entire time?”
“Are you going to be weird the entire time?”
“It is weird,” he admitted.
Then she rose up, kissed his cheek, and let out a sigh against him. “Then yes.”
“Alright. You ready for this?”
“Not as ready as you are.”
“You don’t even know what we’re doing.”
“Fine. You teach me along the way. I’m ready to go.”
“Ha, I bet you are. So… Clothes are going to come off.”
“Mm, are we going to the sauna?”
Kristoff rolled, getting on top, settling in between her legs more, and it sent strange heat up through where he was and into Anna’s stomach. She gasped, pressing her hands to his chest.
“No,” he murmured gently.
“Oh? What are we doing then?”
“Making love.”
She leaned her head way back, and threw an arm out. “Making love. Sounds dreamy.”
Kristoff gave a small laugh and then his mouth found her neck.
“Ooh!” Anna exclaimed in surprise. She’d had no idea she was sensitive there. And his mouth was nice and hot. And he was sucking now.
Anna hadn’t spent enough time around people to learn to be shy around them, and she certainly didn’t know how to be shy around Kristoff, so she widened her legs for him, and did what he had been doing, brushing her hips up against his. Oh, that felt good. Anna knew where too. Growing up alone she’d gotten bored with herself sometimes. She had two hands, a curious mind, lots of free time, no one around. So why not?
“You know what you’re doing?” he asked.
“Not sure I do either.”
“You?” she tapped his cheek till it almost turned into playful slapping and he caught her hand and showered her palm in wet kisses. “You got this.” 
His tongue came out. 
“Ew, give me my hand back!” she shrieked.
Instead of doing that, he trapped it above her head, and then licked over her face.
“Agh! Reindeer King kisses!”
Anna uncurled her legs from around him, and rolled onto her stomach, and he kept going after her face, landing big, open-mouthed kisses on her cheek. She ended up closing her eyes, and Kristoff kept coming.
Anna found herself laughing, and tried to wriggle out from under him, her bottom up against him.
She did it again.
Ooh, hmm...
Yeah, there was something there.
Anna turned around, and shoved him away. He lay there, chest rising and falling evenly as she got up on her knees before him.
Anna leaned over, staring at his fur and leather pants.
She put one hand over him, and the other she held to her mouth, laughing.
“Kristoff, are you turning into a troll on me?”
He’d been shifting up into her hand, but then pulled away. “Wait, what?”
She tapped him, and he gave a slight grunt.
“Like a little half-troll man. My true love is part rock.”
She kept poking at him, and he pulled her hands away, making her laugh more.
“No, no. Anna, it’s, uh… I’m supposed to do that.”
She made a disbelieving sound. “No, you’re not. I’ve been in saunas with my father, and I can tell you right now he was not part troll.”
“I’m not part troll.”
She reached out, grabbed the thick and hard part of him that was poking out at her.
“Then explain this.”
He gnashed his teeth at her, and pushed her back down. Anna laughed, thinking he was being ridiculous.
“Tro-oll!” she sang.
“It happens to all men.”
“Mm-hmm,” she teased, looking up at him through her lashes.
“It means…” He got off of her, and sat back, grabbing a pillow and putting it between his legs. He hugged it, resting his chin down over the  tassles. “It means I like you.”
Anna sat up, and went over to him, leaning on his shoulder. “Well, I’m likeable.”
“No, no. Like, I like you. I really like you, and I… I think you’re pretty, and beautiful, and-and attractive. And I want to do more than kiss.”
“So you’re turning into a troll because I’m pretty,” Anna teased, though she still didn’t quite get it.
Kristoff flopped down onto his back, and let out a long, frustrated groan. Anna laughed some more.
“It’s what a man’s body does, okay?” he shouted, arms going up into the air in defeat now. “Can we just get past that? I like you, my body likes you. It— I… would like to be inside of you. Got it?”
“Ohhhhhh,” Anna said, dragging it out as it finally hit her. She flopped down next to him. “So that’s making love.” She punched his shoulder. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I thought you’d be scared.”
“Pfft! Scared? Who’s scared?”
“You’re not? It’s… a lot.”
“How would you know, mister Reindeer King. You ever done it before?”
“Okay, what’s with the Reindeer King stuff? And no, I haven’t done it before.”
“Olaf called you it. Not my idea.” They breathed in and out together, staring upwards. “So… first time, then.”
“First time.” He sat up, and Anna looked and realized he didn’t have that bulge anymore. Oh no, had she done something wrong? “Look, maybe we started off wrong. How about” — he grabbed his lute he’d placed by the bed and began tuning one of the strings — “we start over a different way?”
“Sure. I’d like that.”
Kristoff cleared his throat, sang a few notes till they sounded clear, and then began strumming. “Reindeers are better than people! Anna, don’t you think that’s true?”
His voice went into a much higher register, a falsetto of her, and he leaned his head against her cheek, saying, “No, Kristoff, there’s you and there’s me, and to some great degree a whole lotta new love.” In his own voice now, he commented, “Oh, you’re right.” He went on singing, voice as beautiful as ever, “So I could be wrong, with all except you. Anna, let’s call it a night! Let my arms hold you tight. Tight…”
Anna leaned in close to him now, and felt none of that urge to tease him out of some unknown anxiety when they kissed, and it was gone from him too. Kristoff gently placed the lute aside, and she found herself in his lap again.
“This is nice,” she told him when they pulled apart, noses brushing together. She meant it this time, felt completely relaxed in his arms.
“Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
They kissed again, and Anna didn’t entirely know what was coming next, but she and Kristoff could figure it out together.
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garyrennell · 5 years
hi beautiful people💕 i’m doing the fluff alphabet challenge by @ravena-dottir, in collab with awesome @mrsgaryrennell✨ we really took our time to analyze crane boi’s personality here, to give the most accurate responses posible💖 aaaand this is a long one, as everything i write😂 i hope you like it.
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
physically, he is drawn to a girl’s eyes and smile, as he compliments MC for those in the game. he also is a butt and thigh guy👀 personality wise, he appreciates curiosity, intellectuality and overall kindness.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
absolutely YES. he wants to have children of his own to take care of and to prove himself that he can be the best dad ever, the father he never had. he dreams of taking his little boy to football practice and teach him mechanics💙 you bet he’ll be there for this children whenever they need him and will be extra protective and such a cool dad🥺 and if he finds a girl with the same love and care inside of her, there’s no doubt he’d be eager to start a family asap.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
in canon, he’s always giving cuddles or asking for them, so crane boi here is a cuddle fan💖 @mrsgaryrennell and i came to the conclusion that Gary’s love language is mainly physical, because cuddling is his type of intimacy and his way to show affection, rather than words for example. he likes bed cuddles with his girl lying on his chest and his bigs arms around her, especially in the morning. even if his girl is not close, he’ll pull her into a cozy cuddle or simply ask for one✨
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
he prefers very casual dates and if he gets to plan it, he’ll put thought into it. for example, he plans a simple picnic date and makes sure he brings good food and takes his girl to a nice place; or a movie date and makes sure to buy popcorn and get really good seats. overall, Gary transforms simple dates into something especial without going over the top💕 during the date, expect a “top quality banter and an absolute gent” lmao, especially the gent part because he’s basically proud of his nan educating him like that.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
he’ll probably turn this phrase into a joke because he doesn’t like being a melt😂 it would ruin his lad image. in joking mode, he’d say something along the lines of “you’re the loaf of my life” while holding a piece of bread lmao, but in a serious occasion he’d say “you’re my happiness” or “you’re my favourite”.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
in the game, we think he realized he had fallen for MC while the girls were away in CA. he found himself missing her big time and thinking about her all the goddamn time, wishing she was there with him. also the idea of having a domestic life with MC is what made him sure that she was the one💖
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
gentle is basically Gary’s middle name lmao, that boi is full of gentleness. he’s gentle when he holds his girl, when he kisses her, in his wording even when he’s not very good at expressing himself with words. everything he does, he makes sure he does it with care and tenderness🙈
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
as most of his way to show affection is through physical contact, he often reaches for his girl’s hand. Gary is a simple guy, so he doesn’t really care if he’s holding the back of her hand, her palm, if his fingers are intertwined or not— he doesn’t really care as long as their hands are together💕 he’s also the type to caress the back of her hand with his thumb in a soothing manner.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
oh boy oh boy, when it comes to first impressions, Gary comes across as handsome, confident, cheeky and flirty, which can result into him looking like a laddy lad type of guy💪🏻 it’s not far fetched lol but in the first impression of him you miss a lot of the depth of his character and personality.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
not👏🏻at👏🏻all. he doesn’t mind if a guy approaches his girl and flirts a little, because he likes to see that others appreciate her too. when he would definitely get jealous is when the person hitting on his girl is really bold and obvious. Gary is a “silent jealous”, which means that he will not be confrontational about it but will throw deadly glances, frown and mutter under his breath. he will just stand at one side trying not to look bothered, arms crossed and grumbling to himself lmao. and then, when asked, he’ll deny to death that he’s jealous💀
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
we all know the guy has experience, so he is definitely an expert kisser. he really enjoys slow kisses and likes to take his time, he doesn’t rush and is also very gentle. basically, he knows what to do, when to do it and how to do it😉 he likes playful and sneaky kisses too, everything that comes along with some cheekiness. in the game, MC always initiates the kisses, so there’s that🤷🏻‍♀️ but it fits his personality more for him to be the one initiating the kisses.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
him, and it’s canon. Gary is an open book, so as soon as he is sure that he’s in love, he’ll try to let his girl know in the most intimate way posible. he’ll say it in private and will make sure he picks the right moment.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
in the game, the final date, when he asks MC to be his girlfriend. outside of the Villa, definitely the shipyard date, because it’s the first time a girl accepts to go watch the lights of the cranes with him🥺💕
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
crane boi doesn’t spoil, less with expensive things🤷🏻‍♀️ but, he will treat his girl with everyday, simple and casual details. she likes a certain type of tea? he will make sure to buy it whenever he can. she likes chocolate? he’ll buy some whenever he goes grocery shopping. maybe will even buy her a flower if he wants to come home with a surprise. in general, he buys small, meaningful things that will come to usage for her.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
for MC, he reminds her of navy blue and the color red. the first one is partially influenced by his eyes and the second is because of his cozy flannel💕
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
in canon, he uses “love, babe, cutie, darling and poppet” when referring to MC. he also uses “mate” as kind of a pet name too😂 we recently noticed that Gary is all down for melty pet names and even makes them up himself, so he surely will have a personalized and creative nickname for his girl💕
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
he likes old and vintage appliances, especially ones that are broken so he can fix them. @mrsgaryrennell has a cute headcanon in which Gary likes to fix old stuff (e.g radios) for elderly people or for donating them to charity😢💙
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Gary loves rainy days, it’s canon. he either is down to go dancing in the rain or to spend it at home, cuddling next to a window with his head lying on his girl’s lap as she plays with his hair💖 and drinking a warm cuppa, of course.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
this is a heavy one. we all know Gary’s struggles with mental health, so even after his therapy his first option is going to the gym. he thinks it helps with sadness when it doesn’t, but at least he feels less stressed out afterwards. after that, if he is really down, he’ll go talk to his nan about it🥺 to find comfort and support in her.
when cheering others up, he is all about company and being reassuring. he tries to get people to talk about their feelings because, through therapy, he has learned that it works. when the other person is well enough, he will try to make a joke to lighten the mood✨ as my girl @mrsgaryrennell said: even though he’s a little broken himself, he still tries to make others feel better.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
cRAnEs🏗 aND hiS nAn👵🏻😂 he’s a Star Wars fan, so he would be very chatty about it, or about science in general. he also likes to share funny stories lol.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
again, the gym thing, sadly😔 but apart from that, he likes to fix broken stuff when he is stressed, or build things for other people.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
his killer pecs and huge arms💪🏻😂 crane boi is very proud of who he is, so he mostly shows off his thicc body. we also have this headcanon in where Gary likes to show off his girl, to let the world know how amazing she is. he never shuts up about her💕🙈
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
he would propose after a 3-4 year relationship, to make sure the time is right, and wouldn’t do it without talking about the idea of marriage with his girl first. he would propose in a very intimate and private way, just the two of them in a especial place for both💙
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys and Stone by Jaymes Young🎶
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
he’d say “you’re the levers to my crane” lmao or “you’re the safety to my worksite”💀
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
he wants a big, energetic dog (just like him lol) so probably he would own a fluffy golden retriever🐾
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lotusglass · 4 years
So about the ships, is it okay if I ask about headcanons about the ships and how they got together? Thank you!! The ocs are really intresting and I love the ships so I’m very intrigued lolol
 Absolutely! I live for questions like this <333 this is very long so I’ll be putting it under read more. Small warning: a little spicy in some parts ouo;;; and I do apologize if they seem out of character
Leona and Anyu 
They met during a maglift(magical shift? please correct me if I’m wrong;;) practice match, NRC against DCA(Belongs to Phoenix-Manga/phnxart!).  One of the Savanaclaw students on Leona’s team were cheating and Anyu was REALLY not having it;; so of course he confronted him about it, but afterwards it kept happening and then everything went uh...downhill;;;
Since then they became rivals and Anyu swore that she’d beat him in maglift fair and square! The again, she managed to beat him a few times when they spar?? //sigh this girl asks for too much;;;
Though, she can’t help but appeal to his cunning and arrogant behavior, but does her best to deny it when someone brings it up. Like yeah, she thinks he’s cute, but he’s mean!
no chance, no way, I won’t say I’m in love
Even if they’re not dating, they bicker a lot and argue A LOT, but they still care about each other nonetheless, it’s a matter of patience and loyalty mostly patience though
Considering how witty they both are, they subconsciously flirt each other whether it’s one the mag lift field or in their respective dorms, they always have something to say to each other. Even Ruggie can feel the tension before calling them out on it.
Anyu likes to run her hands through his hair when they cuddle, or rather whenever Leona drags her away from studying to go AND cuddle. 
Like a lot people, he calls her herbivore, but also princess while Anyu calls him a fur bag or kitty~ 
He carries her like a fucking potato sack, it makes Anyu Angry, but Leona still does it to push her buttons. 
There’s a decent amount of PDA, but behind closed doors, it’s more...ravenous ouo;;; just don’t be surprised if Leona has hickeys on him or anything 
They playfight A LOT especially after a fight and Anyu is always the one starting it
neither of them know this but their older siblings are already planning their arranged marriage due to politics 
Overall, it’s push and pull between these two!
Azul and Pearl
Ah yes Ursula and Ariel 
Pearl was actually childhood friends with Jade and Floyd so when they visited each other in their first year, she was introduced to Azul.
At first she was pretty neutral about him, but after she heard about his contracts, she had to distance herself a bit, but still remained good friends!
Out of kindness, she dotes on him lot, but Azul’s expecting something out of it, and Pearl always gets upset whenever he asks her
Although she does her best to be more understanding oh him, and ever since his overblot, she’s more doting and more open with him.
Their love is playful, tender, and surprisingly conniving! Being that Pearl is a matchmaker, she likes to ask her octo-baby for some help in pairing couples(aka getting Floyd and Jade to intervene), but in exchange she has to help him out as well whether it’s finding gems to see or sing at the mostro lounge. It’s an equal share between the two!
She lets Azul pull out scams and sometimes gets involved with them, although she pretends that she doesn’t know what’s going on when really, she KNOWS what’s going on, girl wants to make Azul look like an idiot for scamming her one time!
Pearl loves ballroom dancing and sometimes she would get Azul to dance with her, even though he tends to trip on his feet a lot hahaaaa!
They like to make inside jokes and they flirt with each other, although Pearl has a bad habit of getting too friendly with her male clients, which leads Azul having to lecture her about personal space. If it’s the male clients getting too friendly, it’s a whole different story, a scary one actually;;;
Azul tried to kiss her once in the VIP room, but alas Floyd and Jade ALWAYS cockblock him which then leads to Azul lecturing them, and Pearl scolding him for being rude to the twins. he just a kiss from his gf that’s all he asks
shalalala my oh my it’s like the boy’s too shy he’s gonna kiss the girl
Pearl knows what it’s like to be ostracized and bullied. Every so often, she pampers Azul after a hard days work and when he’s upset, she’s very patient and listens to his woe constantly, even if he doesn’t say anything, she’s there
Trey and Clarice
Met during a visit from NRC! Clarice was in the middle of sewing up her gowns on a mannequin and Trey and Cater walked in on her. Trey and her talk a lot about their crafts and of course Cater was just there to take pictures of it, not that Clarice didn’t mind!
Literally husband and wife  
Trey is the kind of guy who’s an ideal boyfriend, constantly helping her with designs and encourages her. While Clarice helps him in the kitchen and whatnot!
But most importantly. she pulls him back from overworking, being vice dorm leader is never easy. Of course she’s no better, Trey can tell when Clarice hasn’t had enough sleep, or when he fingers are sore. Thus, Trey would have to pry her hands off the sewing machine and into a comfy chair
They play around in the kitchen a lot! She purposely puts icing on his face and he chases her around for it. There was also an incident where they played around too roughly and Clarice knocked a bag of flour onto the floor. Needless to say, Riddle was NOT happy when he saw the whole mess
They tend to feed each other sometimes and go as far doing the pocky game. Of course Ace ruins the moment by telling them to get a ROOM.
PDA? They always have their hands somewhere on each other, Trey’s arm over her shoulder, and Clarice’s hand on the small of his back hood boy
Kingsley and Riddle
Kingsley met Riddle when he was a wee first year! He always so obedient and being the dick the Kingsley was, he REALLY tried to influence him. However, Riddle was stronger than that and didn’t buy into his shenanigans like the good boy he is!
Before I go on, I headcanon that Riddle is bisexual or pansexual.
As mentioned, Kinglsey does flirt a lot with Riddle, and it goes as far as calling him pet names and compliments. 
The result it either Riddle storming off with rosy cheeks, or “OFF WITH YOUR HEAD”.
He does care about Riddle’s well-being and has to remind him to take breaks. When there’s a fight going on and Riddle is too busy, he takes care of it for him. He treats his queen like no other.
If they were dating, I’d say he’s one for PDA and will deliberately fluster him in front of other people
Promised himself to tone down his playboy attitude for the sake of his beloved. The last thing he wants to upset Riddle.
They tend hedgehogs and paint teacups together, sometimes have private tea time when they get the chance!
Kingsley is also very much down to punch the daylights out of anyone who dares to hurt his Riddle, not on his watch!
Jamil and Elena
I feel they met during the school festival at DCA. She’s part of cultural dance club and happened to be performing with her dorm leader. Kalim and Jamil were both intrigued and after the performance they managed to talk to her
Elena knows when Jamil is pulling back and she LOATHES that, so often times she pushes Jamil to the point where he’s really showing his bets efforts and only then would Elena be satisfied.
Elena may be a tough girl and rougher than most, but she can be just caring as the next. She would always check on Jamil after he takes acre of Kalim, he works so hard has no acknowledged this??
They have this habit of dancing together during the more quiet hours of the dorm, whether it’s in Scarabia or Magiaoasis(Phoenix-manga/phnxart), they’re moving together. However, Kalim tends them about it, so before they do anything like that, they have to make sure the coast is all clear.
If it’s not Kalim, then Elena is always the first to taste his cooking. Also she’s a horrible cook so sometimes Jamil would help her out, even if it gets a little frustrating
PDA? It’s more private, they only hold hands or Jamil has an arm around her, nothing more or less. But in private? You can bet that Elena is showering him with lovebites and hickeys. Occasional praises, but nothing too far from it. Unless Jamil says, well you know how it goes 👀
The tension between those time is thick enough to cut through. Even if they walk past each other in the halls, their eyes says it all when they gaze at each other.
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@polyfacetious big ass Christmas Drabble Extravagaza: Day Twenty Three
“You know, I didn’t expect retirement to be this good.” Jack can feel the sway of the dock beneath him, the slow and steady slosh of the waves where it hits the wood. The sun is just starting to peak over the horizon, painting the sky in shades of blushing pink and soft yellows. It’s paradise, plain and simple. 
Even the breeze was gentle, soft and sweet and scented with the salt of the ocean without that heavy fish smell that came with being too close to the dock. 
And the only reason he’s here is sitting beside him in a matching folding chair, a little streak of aluminum white sunscreen still visible on his nose, just below where his glasses have slid. Jack doesn’t make any effort to look down at the book in Daniel’s lap, he knows he wouldn’t get it, even on the off chance it was written in English. 
Knowing Danny, it was probably in Aramaic or something. 
For all the overflowing bookshelves in their little condo, if Jack had to guess how many of them were in English, he’d guess twenty five percent or less. There were German fairy tales and Polish fantasy novels, and even some Russian crime novels shoved on the far end of the shelf. Jack picked them up when he saw something interesting in the book store. It was a game, trying to see if there was something Danny couldn’t read. 
And on those few times he found something Daniel wasn’t fluent in, the stubborn bastard would sit there with a dual language dictionary and a notebook and puzzle his way through the whole thing. Then he’d flop down on Jack in bed and give him a smug review of whatever it was.
Jack just hoped Daniel never cottoned on to the fact that Jack liked those smug book reviews more than any he’d ever read in the paper. All that skin against his skin while he was listening to Daniel talk didn’t hurt either.
“I thought...frozen dinners and too many days in a row in front of the TV watching the game.” Any game. Hell, Jack had stooped so low a time or two that he sat there and watched things like shuffleboard and darts. Because that’s what his retirement had been the first time around, after Charlie died. The silence of an empty house, his marriage bed cold and his son’s old bedroom a mausoleum. The only sound that ever broke the silence was the sound of the tv. Jack hadn’t turned it off for two years.
He’d gone through the motions while the divorce finalized, and even got in touch with a lawyer. Jack had a decent pension from his time in the service, and a nice sized life insurance policy. He’d just been waiting to make sure that putting a gun in his mouth wasn’t going to take all those things from Sarah.
After what he took from her, the least he could do was make sure she was taken care of financially when he was gone.
More than a few nights had been spent with the same sidearm that took his kid from him sitting on the arm of his recliner. Just in case he was ready. 
Jack never could work up the nerve to be ready.
It’s not a story he’s ever going to tell Daniel. Some things were just meant to be kept to yourself. But he thinks about it now, about how much he would have missed out on if he let his grief pull him over the edge and into the darkness.
Sarah had told him once, long after the divorce and with tears in her eyes, that Charlie wouldn’t have wanted this for him. That he wouldn’t have wanted his dad to be miserable for the rest of his life. That he could grieve their boy but at some point, he would have to move on with his life. (Sarah was a saint of a woman. She never blamed him for something that was his fault. That was alright, Jack would blame himself enough for the both of them, for the rest of his life.)
It was her words in his head that made him even pick up the phone when Hammond called. Jack had ignored a whole lot of calls from a whole lot of people before then. He and Hammond had  been in the Air Force together, and even worked a couple of missions on the back end when Hammond was riding the pine pony and before Jack’s forced retirement took him out of the service altogether.
It was Hammond who said he had a security company that he was starting up, and that he could use a fresh pair of eyes to make sure he was covering all his bases. Jack didn’t manage to have that conversation without asking Hammond if Sarah called him. He was too raw, too pissed off at the idea of being forgiven to leave it alone.
Hammond, God bless him and rest his soul, had deadpanned all the way through the phone wire. ‘Son, whether she did or not doesn’t change the fact that I’m asking you to do me a favor here.’ 
So Jack let words like favor and friendship coax him back out of his deathly silent house in Colorado and halfway across the world. Rich folks always needed someone to look after them, regardless of if they actually needed someone watching their backs at night. It was easy pay, most of the time. 
And then Jack got saddled with a sarcastic archaeologist who got a bodyguard courtesy of the university, after one of his failed students tried to put a hit out on him on the internet. (Jack always wondered how you even started looking for someone to kill another person. Did you type ‘hitman for hire’ in a search engine or something?)
The rest was long, complicated history. A whole lot of time and miles and sitting in on lectures until Jack stopped zoning out and started listening. Dr. Daniel Jackson was smart, that was never up for debate. Jack knew that the second he laid eyes on him. But listening to him talk, Jack started to realize how much more than just an egghead that Daniel was. 
He was clever, and he was funny. God, Daniel has a whip smart sense of humor and Jack enjoys it just as much now as he did when he first started seeing it unleashed on poor and unsuspecting entitled assholes at colleges where Daniel was going to speak. Dr. Jackson took no shit, but he did it with a smile on his face and left a lot of confused people in his wake. 
And how was a guy like Jack supposed to turn a blind eye to that? He’d settled down with Sarah, sure, and he loved the hell out of her. (He loved her so much that he was pretty sure he’d never be able to fall in love with a woman again.) But he’d had more than his fair share of foxhole fornication with the boys before he and Sarah got married. 
So spending his days shadowing a smart mouthed professor started being an exercise in repression. Because above all else, Jack was a professional. He wasn’t going to let his slow slide from respect to fondness to Feeling get in the way of doing his job. Hammond deserved better than that. 
Daniel did too. 
“You don’t have the best long view on the world, Jack. You’ve been known to be a little short sighted.” It’s sharp, and a little wry, and Jack loves the way that Daniel puts his index finger right on the line that he was reading so that he won’t lose his spot while he shoots a playful, loving look at Jack. 
“Yeah yeah, rub it in why don’t you.” Jack gestures around him, encompassing the blue skies and the white sand beaches and the handsome fella sitting next to him all with a wave of the hand that would do Vanna White proud. “This is all here because of you.”
Because Jack might have had decades worth of practice when it came to repressing the things in life he couldn’t deal with at the time, Daniel Jackson had never met a puzzle that he couldn’t solve. And Daniel had looked at Jack and seen a Gordian knot that he was itching to get his fingers on, convinced that if he could find the right string and tug, that he could unravel him. 
Smug bastard was right, too. Jack came apart like a house of cards in a hurricane the first time that Daniel cornered him in an elevator, a hand pressed flat against his chest and the smell of his cologne in Jack’s nose. ‘I want you.’ Daniel said, in that same knowing way he talked about the pyramids and the ancient Egyptians. ‘And I know you want me too. So why don’t we stop circling each other like some kind of alpha predator and actually do something about it?’ 
That had been peak Daniel. An argument rushed out on excitable words that Jack couldn’t think of a good excuse to argue back with. It didn’t hurt that they were coming to the end of Daniel’s contract, and his shit for brains ex-student hadn’t so much as sent a threatening email since the cops got involved. 
And in true Daniel fashion, he dug and he dug and he dusted off all the broken vase pieces of Jack’s heart and he treasured them just as they were. No need to be glued back together, or polished. Daniel loved him as much academically as he did emotionally, and Jack loves the son of a bitch so much for it that it keeps him up at night sometimes. 
Just the other night, Jack had lain there, tipped over onto his side because Daniel slept like the damn dead, and watched the way the filtered light from the street outside played against Daniel’s cheekbone, and felt that knot in his chest go taut. Daniel was the reason Jack got out of bed every day. 
(And in the morning, while Daniel was shoveling oatmeal into his mouth without looking away from the translation in front of him, Jack had let slip ‘Charlie would have liked you’. And he meant it, too. Charlie had been whip smart, too. He would have loved Daniel.)
“No short jokes from you, junior.” It’s a lazy back and forth, and Jack digs at his own thoughts for a second until he can find the words that Daniel had used for it in one of his lectures last week. Call and response. 
Jack wasn’t getting paid to sit in on the lectures now. But he still liked to take up a spot in the back row and do the crossword with the ebb and flow of Daniel’s voice washing over him, the same way the sound of the sea was washing over him now. 
“I would never.” But Daniel’s voice trails off, the same way that his attention is fading, already shifting back to the book in his hand. If Jack was a betting man, he’d bet that tonight would be one of those nights that he’d have to roll out of bed with creaking knees and crackling ankles at two in the morning and usher Daniel into bed. He was close to a breakthrough, and Jack knew that getting much else out of him today when his brain was in Translation Mode wasn’t going to happen. 
“Yeah yeah.” Jack repeats, his own kind of absent as he reaches over to squeeze Daniel’s knee, careful not to bump the book where it sits in his lap. He turns his own attention back to the rod and reel he’s been ignoring through this stroll down memory lane, giving it a little tug on the line. 
Nothing was biting at the moment, but that was alright. Jack had nothing else to do, and there was nowhere else in the world he’d rather be. 
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wapwetasspirates · 4 years
SO SFW AZ (Treasure)
A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Very affectionate. The trouble is that she is very clingy but also that she is that way with everyone. It is near impossible to tell when or who she is dating as there is little difference in her affections between them all. It is best to set boundaries with her and let her know what you are comfortable with or Treasure will take the affection with everyone as far as they and you allow. It's not that she doesn’t love you especially but affection is a very freely given thing in her world and she has a hard time catching herself and saying no.
B: Breath (What can their s/o do to take their breath away?)
Compliments on her personality as opposed to her looks surprise her. She knows she is gorgeous but hears it so often it’s lost value. Telling her she did well or said something particularly funny, etc always melts her inside and will put a silly grin on her face. But also wear a particularly flattering outfit and she won’t be able to look away or speak for several moments, just be prepared to not leave your room for the next several hours.
C: Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Always. Silly cuddles, comfort cuddles, you name it she is always down to cuddle. She has no preference on position and just enjoys being able to touch you though she has a particular fondness for human hair and her fingers are forever combing through it during cuddles. 
D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)  
Thrill seekers, hunters of mystery. She wants adventure and to take in everything she can with you beside her, exploring everything and everyone. 
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
Both a lot and none at all. Her care is rather evenly given so it can seem like less and any s/o will have a hard time competing for attention with Coffer. That is not to say she puts none in but the gestures and effort can ring hollow when she would do the same for anyone. This goes back to needing to discuss boundaries.
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
Treasure often uses humor to turn everything into a joke and try to remove the fear from it, this can be helpful and annoying at times. If that doesn’t work she turns to more physical means, whether cuddles or, ehem, more distracting physical fun. 
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
She is shamelessly materialistic and adores being given trinkets and loves dressing up her s/o’s. Expect 99% of your gifts to be things she’d like to see you in. 
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
She basically drapes herself all over you all the time, it doesn’t really count as a hug but she is something like a leech so good luck getting space from her. If you want a real, comforting hug you’d probably have to ask her.
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Treasure knows exactly how to play the part of the romantic but she has little interest in it herself. She does it if her partner enjoys it but otherwise doesn’t bother. As for intimacy, you might end up wishing she had an off switch.
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Not even slightly. She is open to all forms of relationship and trusts her s/o but if you don’t at least give her a heads up she can be very petty and expect more than a few sharp words from Coffer that will remind you exactly why you don’t want to do that. 
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?) 
One of the best in wap and no that isn’t just her pride boasting, it’s fact. Her and Coffer have regular competitions much to everyone's amusement. She loves kissing, any and all types and everywhere. She is very fond of giving and receiving shoulder kisses especially and loves surprise kisses. Especially dramatic, running across a street to leap into each other's arms dramatics. She is extra, what can I say.
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say it or show it?) 
Surprisingly she is very careful about saying it but once she does she’ll say it often and shamelessly. She’ll shout it from rooftops just because she can. Her showing it, much like her affection, can seem too similar to everyone else so she tends to rely on her words in this case. 
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so what kind of ceremony?)
She isn't actually that fond of that type of commitment. Not that she isn’t committed but she idea of a piece of paper proving she cares for you doesn’t sit well with her. If she ever were to get married though, you can bet she would demand the most ridiculously extravagant wedding possibly and she wouldn’t pay a dime to get it either. 
N: Night Out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?) 
Date night is every night. She has no preference; she just enjoys wining and dining her s/o and the same being done in return. If you let her everyday will end up being the most ridiculous date until it blurs into one endless date of madness.
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do for/with their s/o?) 
Settling down. It isn’t really in her nature but with an s/o she is more willing to have calm, “domestic” days if asked. 
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
When is she not? If she’s not teasing you, flirting, or generally being a pain in everyones ass. You’ll have a much harder time getting her to not make light of everything and take things seriously than you will dragging her into a game play wrestling or prank war.. 
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
She doesn’t. It doesn’t mean she won’t take advice but she usually is the type to do first and ask later. However, she has no problems voicing her thoughts on everything under the sun and then some. 
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
Very. It's highly debatable that Treasure even knows what a plan is let along can plan something. Everything is done on a whim and in the spur of the moment with whatever strikes her fancy and she loves dragging her s/o along for the ride. 
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
Whenever she wants and frequently. As much as she is the type to go everywhere and do everything she enjoys her “beauty rest” and will kidnap you no matter how inconvenient for naps and sleep, she never sleeps alone and it is something she will argue with you about. She is twice as clingy in her sleep as she is awake. 
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
Completely. Entirely. And also not at all. She knows people far better than they know themselves at times and if she doesn’t trust you she probably never will, if she does trust you it's nigh impossible to have that trust broken. 
U: Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)  
Sexy brothel pirate lady. She’ll swindle your heart.
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
Immediately. She is shameless and not afraid of being vulnerable but this has burned her many times. There isn’t a real difference in behavior because with Treasure the version you get is the version you will always get in a sense. If she trusts you enough to be vulnerable she is so from the start, if she doesn’t you’ll never see it. 
W: Wild Card (Random domestic headcanon)
Wearing each other's clothes. Her favorite to see you in is something of hers and vice versa. She is a bit of a dork and loves the scent of you around her, surprisingly lazy days inside in the most ridiculous outfits are something that will happen more often than you’d think.
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
As if she’d let any around you long enough for that to happen. And if it did Coffer will have it taken care of so quickly you’ll wonder if it ever happened at all. If it's a minor physical mishap she will mock you endlessly even as she teasingly offers to kiss it better. Serious injuries will have you ported to Coffer and healed before you even feel the sting of an injury. 
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
Not really, Treasure is all about doing you (ha, see what I did there?). And if something does bother her she’ll just ignore it, she’s very good at that. And if it's something that really upsets Treasure you’ll suddenly find Coffer has somehow trained you out of it. 
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
Very. But she’s passionate about everything and everyone, its both hard to match and almost seems false but she does enjoy when people try to keep up, especially her adorable s/o.
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][Valentine's Day Alphabet for Morde][ A || B || C || D || E || F || G || I || J || K || L || N || P || Q || R || S || T || U || Y || Z
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Morde often shows it though making stuff out of clay and talking a lot. He doesn't have much to offer someone so really all he can do is talk and learn stuff about people so he can remember and truly know the person he loves.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
He doesn't see them as big gestures, seeing that as the farm has plenty of flowers during the spring and summer but it he knows that they're expensive or gotten especially then he has a small smitten moment about the effort put into it.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
He likes it for the calorie factors and personally thinks that chocolate is a bit overly sweet. He likes that really dark chocolate that's bitter to most people and he can't afford it much so he rarely eats it.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Mordecai really wants to be able to see larger structures and art galleries to know how he can improve his own art. He wants to go somewhere busy where he can look into people's heads and be able to experience memories of nice dates. He wants Abby to take him places so he can know more and have good memories with Abby that he can get heated cheeks about later on while arguing over why he insisted on coming to look at paintings.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
He loves hugs since he's so unused to the touches and Mordecai's hugs are always a hesitant dance of dingers up Abby's arms before he finally gets pulled into the hug more and resting his face into Abby's chest. He likes it when Abby holds him close and baby just sighs contentedly when he's swayed.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
He's so awful at first because he's blunt and dances about it for a little bit before he picks up his partner's particular flirting style. Most of the time it's a pat at Abby's chest, a red face and "Huh-hugs. I luh-liked it ah-and...and I w-want muh-more of it." And Morde just happily leaving a shoulder bare and not minding the fact that Abby can see more skin than usual because that should entice him, right?
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Mordecai is good at giving stuff but that's down to the fact that he simply looks into Abby's head and searches for what he may want. He doesn't take notice if certain gifts may have a deeper impact than what would be expected, he just wants to treat Abby. Sometimes he gets it wrong and then he just wants to know why he couldn't get it right.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
He finds it hard to say, mostly because why or when is he supposed to say it? Has Morde ever said it before? How does he know if it's right? He shows it a lot in longing looks and lasting touches. Sometimes he grabs at Abby and gives a small squeeze to his hand or when Abby's leaving for a bit he clutches the side of the barn and quietly tells him to hurry back home. Screams it in the mind though and Mordecai is searching for a chance to be able to scream it out loud but it just never feels right yet.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Oh yeah. Mordecai knows that he shouldn't get jealous because he would know if someone cheated on him, but it doesn't get any easier when he feels lingering stares on what's supposed to be Morde's. Gets red faced and scowls deeply when he sees it in minds and then Morde just possesive grabs and holds Abby for an hour or so before he makes himself reel back. Gets straight back into enticing flirt to make what's his, his again.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
It's a lot like the flirting honestly. Morde is always stiff and silent at first because blocked away memories have taught him that staying still and letting what's happening to him just happen, but Morde has slowly learnt to give it back! How much of a good kisser he is depends on his partner really because Mordecai tends to try the tricks that are being done on him back at Abby, but soon he gets some of his own tricks!
Morde really enjoys being able to simply hold Abby and enjoy the feeling of lips against his own. He likes to bite and suck on Abby's lips and fully throw himself into the sensation. So, yes, Mordecai is a good kisser.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
He loves the animals he's collected and he knows that he has people who he loves deeply, even if he can't exactly remember familiar red hair or dark freckles that change constantly. But Abby is a good person to love. Yes, he's annoying and a sex-fiend, but Morde finds himself longing for conversation with him and to see the amusement on Abby's face that turns to filthy flirting when Mordecai pokes about his interesting body. He likes the excitement Abby brings that's also so incredibly safe and Morde is pretty sure that this is love because what else could it be that makes him cry when Abby is gone for too long or clutch and sob so loudly when Abby calls their sex "lovemaking"?
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Morde is a filthy boy who enjoys the rough demon stuff Abby is able to do to him. He wants to be bitten and marked, forced into humiliating positions before Abby laughs at what a wanton slut he is when he yanks his hair back. But now that he's kinda in love with Abby? Wants to still be forced into humiliating positions, but now he wants Abby to call him cute things or make him wear "cute" outfits that obviously have so much thought put into them and makes Morde feel like Abby's pretty little silly thing. Who's loved and is going to be loved even more when he's being kissed exactly where Abby spanked him teasingly.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Morde likes someone who can surprise him in a conversation and keep up, even if he makes things difficult. He likes someone who can surprise him and small meaningless acts of kindness often get to Mordecai easily. He's easy to please deep down. He also likes people who are more different from the norm so Abby?? Once Morde gets over his initial dislike then he's up close and basically feeling Abby up. Definitely makes a surprisingly pleased "oh!" When he sees how strong Abby is and a lingering look. He's too easily impressed, like I said.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
Well last night I actually cackled out loud at the idea of Morde and Abby doing something real kinky with cock rings and Abby just "bet you expected a different ring, huh?" Y'know, all sexy and playful. But then Morde is so confused because what other ring??? And then Abby having a moment of (surprised pikachu face) when he realises that Mordecai really expects fucking in a semi-shitty barn to be his life now.
I'm mostly snorting over the mental image of Abby doing some soul searching over whether or not he wants to take the step and get married to this wonderful forest man meanwhile Morde's just getting his back door blown out harder than usual and wondering what the hell is making Abby do so. But yeah, Morde wouldn't expect Abby to ask it or ask it himself because he doesn't know what marriage is.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
Morde says that he's a cynical but really he just gets anxious over the idea that maybe he's too eager for romantics. Especially with someone like Abby since that meant at first that Morde didn't exactly know what gestures were to get in his pants and which were truly sweet. He's a secret romantic and that shows a lot when he casts wandering eyes towards big glassy valentines displays.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
He did actually! Mordecai had a thing with Iris and Merajo's child, Adonai. They had a lot of secret moments together whenever they could and neither of them knew what exactly was love but at the time they simply knew they had large affections for each other. Doe liked the stuff Morde could create and always thought he was so much more and different compared to his clone lineage. It ended when Iris published Morde and sent him away, also taking the time to properly punish and wipe Doe's mind too.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
He doesn't. Abby loves the idea of loving someone and being loved forever, but he doesn't think that such a thing exists. It just seems to wild to actually believe that some people think that this is something that was always meant to be. If true love is real, does that mean the pain he's endured was always meant to be for this moment too?
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
He has, but not in the exact romantic sense. Morde was heartbroken every time he and Doe had to split apart until they were wiped clean again. He had his heart broken plenty of times when people flirted with him, only to show sudden disgusts when they saw the missing limbs with what looked like diamond shards on the missing arm. Most of all, he was shattered into pieces when he woke up alone and without anything in his mind except knowing the fact that it was wrong and he did something wrong that he could never make right again.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Mordecai never wants to lose anyone else again so he is very protective of Abby. Yeah, maybe its laughable when you want to protect a demon but that doesn't stop Morde from getting a tight face when Abby talks about people who have hurt him or flicking over minds of anyone near to make sure they haven't got intentions of hitting his Sweetabus. Over time he woimd visibly get panicked at Abby leaving and honestly? Maybe try to insist on coming on mercenary stuff with him because its obvious he did it once, why can't they be like that movie "Mr and Mrs Smith" and do it together? Where Morde can watch Abby and keep him safe?
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
He's slept with at 15-25 people over the course of being undercover or being owned by someone who has wanted to touch him. But the highest ones in his book are the brief memories of rolling in bed and giggling at heart shaped pupils, licking freckles that have shifted across a dark skinned body as well as caressing blue skin and moaning as he tries to look away from bright gold eyes before sobbing that he loves the way Abby's teeth kiss and bite him.
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Marriage Alphabet | K.L.M.T.W | Kaminari & Aizawa
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❤️ Kiss, how often would you two kiss? Do you still have that spark?
⚡️Denki loves to kiss you whenever the opportunity presents itself. Honestly, he just likes to show off your relationship a little bit.
⚡️You’ll be doing your homework and hear, “Hey, babe, come here a second!” You won’t have time to ask what he needs before he randomly kisses you.
⚡️If there is no opportunity to kiss you, you better bet he’s going to create one. Kaminari’s kisses are always playful and come right after a flirty gesture.
⚡️Kaminari is extremely good at mixing things up and finding new ways to surprise you, some good…some not so good, but all of them come together to keep your life interesting.
❤️Live, were would you two settle down at?
⚡️Kaminari likes excitement; and if you do too, you’re going to settle down in the city.
⚡️There’s a lot of bustling night life not too far away, and you never really get a chance to sit still for too long because you’re both always on the move.
⚡️Kaminari does ultimately get too antsy if settled in one place for too long. As long as there are no kids in the picture that could be stressed by relocating, you’ll probably move around a few times before settling in one place.
⚡️Ultimately, you’ll settle down in a place with a pretty dense population or at least where you can easily make a lot of friends to hang out with.
❤️Make, do they still make your heart flutter after years of marriage?
⚡️Kaminari is going to make your heart flutter, but mainly because he’s going to make you embarrassed in front of others through his constant talk about you.
⚡️He would constantly make you feel attractive, because he just loves to lay the compliments on thick and touch you any chance he gets.  
⚡️He’s pretty handsy when it comes to you, liking to place his hands in your back pockets or rub your arms and shoulders. Your best seat is still in his lap where he can hold you.
❤️Teenagers, do you still act like teens when you’re older?
⚡️Denki is probably the one who is most like his teenage self. He’s still playful and laidback, and he knows more about memes than some teenagers.
⚡️His confidence has skyrocketed even more, although he’s still pretty ditsy at times.
⚡️You’d have to still be the same in that you’re going to have to be the one to look out for him and make sure he doesn’t get in too much trouble.
❤️Wedding, what was your wedding like?
⚡️You’re going to have a loud and rambunctious wedding, and one that is more modern rather than traditional, with a lot of friends and acquaintances.
⚡️If you’re wearing a dress, you won’t have to go for the traditional white or dressy styles at all for him. He just wants you to wear what you’d like.
⚡️Denki is going to try to be extra serious at first, and he does take this day seriously when it comes to your vows, putting the ring on each other, and kissing you, but you ultimately give him the go ahead to just let loose afterwards.
⚡️Kaminari is the type to want a theme to the wedding, but it has to be something exciting with maybe dancers or other live entertainment.
⚡️Your wedding will have a lot of games and events that gets everyone involved, and his friends will probably set up a few joke gifts or pranks for the two of you.
⚡️The two of you would be the type to smash your slices of cake into each other’s faces rather than using a fork when you first cut it.
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❤️Kiss, how often would you two kiss? Do you still have that spark?
💤You two kiss very often, but most of your kisses aren’t a huge romantic show for the two of you or a way to initiate something more. Most of the time your kisses are just a way to greet each other. You tend to kiss his cheek while he likes to pull you in to kiss you on the forehead and stroke your hair.
💤Around other people or students, Aizawa doesn’t tend to show his affection as much because he wants to keep things private. So, you’ll be the one handing out kisses to him, and he may not respond much on the outside (and this may cause some odd looks from other people about how mutual your relationship is), but he’d never really ask you to stop doing it. He’ll just repay you later when you’re alone.
💤Aizawa is actually a romantic type of person when it comes to doing anything physical with his partner, slow and sensual is usually how he prefers it.
💤However, Aizawa is really good at reading your cues, so he often adjusts accordingly to what you want, what you need, and how to give it to you, so you will be pretty thoroughly taken care of and satisfied at the end of the day when the two of you do decide to get intimate.
❤️Live, where would you two settle down at?
💤The two of you would settle down in Musutafu. Aizawa still has to work at the school and then there’s his hero career to think about, and the two of you already have a pretty settled life in the city.
💤The main difference is that you two would have to find a bigger place for yourselves and any future family you’d like to start. This would be the best time to find a safer/quieter neighborhood to stay in.
❤️Make, do they still make your heart flutter after years of marriage?
💤Your relationship doesn’t have many heart-fluttering moments. Chances are if you’re together, you already have a good grasp on the other’s behavior and don’t need flashy statements to know that you care about each other.
💤The two of you have built up a trust and comfort with each other over the years. So it’s just as satisfying to come home and cuddle up together as it is to go out.
💤Just knowing the other is safe can go far for you in this type of life, especially after Aizawa was wounded so badly after the USJ Incident.
💤The best moments for you though is seeing him in a fight and watching his skills at work. Watching your husband be dominant over someone is a quick way to get a reaction out of you along with the days he has to clean up in order to give a speech or go to an event for the school.
💤Everybody digs the manbun.
❤️Teenagers, do you still act like teens when you’re older?
💤Aizawa has always been a bit of a grump ever since High School. It hasn’t changed when he’s graduated, didn’t change when he became a hero, when he became a teacher, and it definitely isn’t about to change now besides for his tactic to deal with annoying people being a little more hands-on now and again.
💤In fact due to the craziness coming from his current students, he’s become a little more outspoken and his “take-no-bs” attitude has increased. He’s like a concentrated version of his younger self now!
💤If you’re married to Aizawa, you’re going to have to be able to keep up with his mood changes and have a pretty thick skin as well no matter whether you’re happy-go-lucky, feisty, or quieter in personality like him. Most likely, you were always this way since Aizawa is fairly the same personality wise.
❤️Wedding, what was your wedding like?
Ms. Joke will cry but wish you two good luck.
💤Your wedding won’t be really big, definitely only for people and colleagues close to you. It’s going to be your pretty straight-forward traditional type of wedding unless you want otherwise.
💤Aizawa is going to clean up real nice, and people are more impressed about him than you on this day (not that they’ll say that to your face, except maybe Yamada).
💤Today is the day you’ll be able to get him to do anything you’d like, he wants this day to be the best you’ve had in your life so you can take this chance to get him in a few embarrassing situations.
💤You’ll be able to convince him to sneak off to start your honeymoon a little early. He’ll reject the idea a few times but give in if you’re persistent and a little extra flirty.
💤The ceremony is fairly short, and most of the time the two of you are around each other. The music is going to be mostly slow so you can lean your head against him as the two of you dance. Aizawa is a surprisingly good dancer.
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iwritethat · 6 years
Fantasy AU
Dick Grayson: Forbidden
A/N: The final one albeit late! My apologies but here you go.
Warnings: None???
Being a noble maiden of the kingdom was strenuous, being the Princess of Ravaryn made it even more so. With aspects of being the 'perfect' daughter and influential figure added to your shoulders it was no wonder you had phases of rebellion.
If anything the King should be grateful you even showed up to the ball, the congregation of available Princesses and Duchesses also looking for a husband in their expensive flowing gowns and beautiful features maintained the fleeting attention of various suitable noblemen. The amount of suitors that had tried their luck was credit to your beauty enough, but you were not naive, it was the title they desired and they'd probably have the women they'd flirted with prior as mistresses during your union anyway. Alas, to appease the masses you played nice and observed almost all guests throw themselves at members of the Wayne family, Dick Grayson in particular. Admittedly you found him attractive, but he could have a flock of women with simply a smile - it's been that way since you were young. Although in your previous brief encounters, he was always so genuine - you recalled him informing the young ladies that he was from the circus, hoping that'd rid him of the crushing admiration they 'apparently' held for his handsome features and it worked, all lost interest except you who only grew more intrigued. That's why you associated so often despite your father forbidding such a union, his past and lack of true royal blood didn't change how you viewed him unlike other monarchs. Even as you matured, it was difficult to keep your distance from one another, carefully avoiding your families informants and suspicion of other Nobles when doing so. Though currently, you'd managed to sneak out of the ball undetected opting to change into clothing more fitting of your disapproving destination.
It wasn't uncommon for you to be seen wandering the streets and many of the townsfolk favoured you because of your friendly attitude toward all beings regardless of species or wealth. So when you burst into your local bar, a wave of cheers and greetings sounded from friends that were deemed unworthy to attend the Palace event.
"Hit me with my usual~" You sung once reaching the ancient oak bar, the Faun bartender pleased with your regular business automatically slid over your favourite alcoholic beverage and proudly leaned over the counter to talk to you like always.
"I saved some for you Princess, knew you'd be in tonight or at least I sure hoped so. And by the way, Happy Birthday!" At his last sentence, the whole pub sparked to life with 'Merlin' the mage illuminating the warmly lit area in an array of morphing sparks and colours that delighted the senses, the iconic noir grand piano of the Inn belted upbeat music accompanied by the rest of the jazzy band which set rhythm into people's feet with your friends and locals dancing together. Laughter surrounded you with occasionally out of tune vocals echoing over the music as everyone enjoyed the surprise party as well as some humorous shenanigans encouraged by the constant serving of alcoholic beverages.
"Hah - bet our celebration is a lot better than that fancy pants gig you came from huh your highness?" The young Blacksmith grinned, offering you a tastefully crafted dagger by his own hand as a gift.
"You- you all remembered? I thought-" You couldn't even expressed your gratitude properly but they understood.
"Of course we did, as mates of yours we weren't distracted with getting you a husband like those nobles are. Now c'mon, enjoy your birthday your Majesty!" The faun enticed, lightly herding you off of your barstool before a handsome villager pulled you into the fray, you danced with them, next being spun into a witch coven who wished you well, your feet were non stop, being met with the paces of werewolves to vampires to townsfolk each twirling, dancing and offering you their blessings and suddenly the music halted with your new partner.
You turned into him, the man who caught you by the waist thus silencing all surrounding you by appearance alone. By the rich texture of his clothing and the golden medals adorning his chest you knew he wasn't local.
"So you thought you could leave all by yourself? Not very smart of you my Queen." His voice was smooth, tone knowing that he had one over on you with a playful spunk to it.
The accurate nickname was the giveaway but you gazed into the sparking sapphires of Dick Grayson anyway, taking the time to remove your hands from his chest.
"Don't call me that yet - shouldn't you be looking for a wife or something?"
"Oi oi your Majesty! The mans' calling you his Queen, don't that mean you're his wife?!" Instantly, one of the ale mugs was shot across the Inn courtesy of your favourite Faun, hitting the Blacksmith square on the skull thus knocking him out cold much to your relief.
"Well... I knew you were strange (Y/n) but I didn't expect to see you in a place like this." Dick commented, overlooking the less than regal scenery.
"Oh really? What's wrong with it? Aside from drunkards jumping to conclusions obviously..." The last part was muttered in a sheepish manner but the defensiveness in your tone was admired by your friends.
"Nothing, it's awesome!" The pure happiness in his voice surprised you somewhat, as well as the rest of the guests but you could tell they’d already accepted him.
"...You're not like the others are you Dick Grayson?"
"It takes one to know one (Y/n) (L/n). Anyway I saw you disappear and I couldn't exactly let you leave without me so..." He trailed off, almost embarrassed as he spoke which indicated he was hiding something and with an expectant look he would tell you.
"Okay to be honest the Ball was super boring and I only attended to hang out with you but you disappeared, plus this party seemed pretty sweet."
"What I can I say? My friends know how to entertain." You laughed, guiding him to a quiet secluded corner booth where drinks were served as you sat down to catch your breath.
"I agree, but you're not going to find any approved suitors here."
"Ah yes, I'm missing out on the blissful marriage to some aristocrat I may not even like in hopes of making the rich richer. He'll probably only cheat on me anyway, and so I doubt I'm missing out on much.” You offhandedly shrugged, taking a sip of your beverage.
"Ah you might be right but we're not all bad, for the record if I were allowed to marry you, it wouldn't be for my Kingdom, nor for the Royal Courts. They would matter but those duties would fall second to you, you'd be my one and only - forget mistresses or whatever they'd expect me to indulge in." It was reassuring to know that you both agreed with one another, despite this opinion most likely being frowned upon by the King.
"It would be the same for me if I were to ever have the pleasure of marrying you, you'd be the one thing I'd truly love more than anything. You'd come first."
"Maybe that's the real reason we're forbidden to marry, because it would be for love and not power." The male spoke truthfully, sheepishly running a hand through his raven hair.
"Are you saying you love me?" Your voice held a degree of mischievous merit, amused at the position you found yourselves in.
"That depends, are you saying you'd want to marry me?" Dick matched your tone, equally pleased with your wit.
Instantly you were on your feet, conversation long forgotten and curious glare directed at the Royal Guards situated at the Bar entrance.
“You’re with - It matters not, your father has ordered your return but under these circumstances, we are to place you both under arrest.” At his statement, the bar fell into silence and you knew that your friends would be willing to fight the Guards for you with no hesitation - you lowly raised your hand, a respectful nod sent to the Faun who immediately understood, they were not to involve themselves in this, those were your orders.
“You can’t, I forbid it!”
“I regret to inform you that the Kings commands outrank yours. By far.”
Your expression hardened at their honest explanation despite a majority of the group watching over you since birth, Dick placed a careful palm on your waist leaning to whisper in your ear.
“I can take them, all you must do is ask.”
Instantly your gaze softened as it locked with his crystal ones, you knew he was perfectly capable but that would only make the situation worse.
“No, I won’t let you get in more trouble.”
“Step away from the Princess immediately!” The lead Guard demanded due to your close proximity, sword pointed in your general direction. You were aware how your father hated the bonds you shared with an ‘unworthy’ suitor but this was ridiculous.
However, Dick obeyed albeit reluctantly - on the other hand, you weren’t as disciplined when it came to your fathers orders. As a result you pulled him toward you, hands placed on his chest before gently reaching one to his neck to bring his lips to meet yours with more passion than there should have been. You pulled away, both of you exchanging meaningful looks before turning your attention back to your loyal guards.
“What if I want him as close as possible?” Your words held mischief, playing with idea of taunting your father through the guards who no doubt would diverse the event in full detail.
“Then we shall arrest you... My apologies your majesty.” And they did just that, separating the two of you with their weapons before escorting you out of the bar with little resistance as you laughed under the flurry of witty remarks courtesy of Dick Grayson.
“So my Queen, I’ll take our current situation as a yes to my previous question?” His time was charming yet held underlying sincerity.
“Yes! Of course it is, how could I say no to a man like you my love?” Yours more sarcastic but truthful none the less as the Guard urged you toward the carriage.
“Then I promise I’ll do it properly once we’re out of this mess (Y/n).”
“I look forward to it.” You gave him a wink as you we’re seated opposite one another in the carriage - no doubt on the way to face the wrath of your father.
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