#and also him reluctantly accepting people into his inner circle
cocomere · 1 year
One of my favorite Daz lines is from a wild tangent I went on with a friend (Juice, aka Chime from the askblog) in which an emperor Tommy variant accidentally befriends Daz and Raine. He does this via being the exact amount of sus and nice to create a situation in which Daz feels that it's safest to confess what his deal is. He's not sure how long it will take for him and Raine to get tracked down by the T3-- the pair of them just kinda Appeared in emperor Tommy's world and have to just Deal With That.
Emperor Tommy gets a nickname of Pav (part of the name for the emperor butterfly!) and is quasi "adopted" by the Council. He also gives them titles and land, leading to a scenario in which fucking Daz is a landed duke, Day is another duke, and Lee has a special title because (as a mod training to become an admin) he's essentially the heir to Sanctuary.
There's actually a lot of really fun things that stemmed from it-- Aster + Raine + Theo's hobbies, incredibly heartfelt gifts, the Was-Taken sons and also Day taking exactly zero shit from anyone, etc.
But this makes me cackle.
Daz: that's what makes this so fun! I'm either your mind eating itself or a nightmarish blend of Tommy and you, and you're not sure which is worse!
Daz gets the local Dream thrown in prison (a normal one, not the Vault) in part because he fucking gaslights him into thinking Daz is a hallucination.
Daz does not let up on this, even after getting him thrown in prison. Daz wants to grind this man's mind beyond dust and into atoms.
It's a very silly crossover AU, and then we one-upped the silliness with the one I affectionately call Shrimp Color Kaleidoscope. It's a more normal royalty AU, and then Dream is there as the leader of a group of mercenaries. He's chill, and also has a sixth sense for danger/vibes that's caused by the equivalent of having no spiritual firewall.
I love him dearly, because he's smart enough to go "ooh something feels weird over this way" when he randomly appears in Pav's world (alongside the prince!Tommy from his world, who he's like 'oh that's a brother' about) but not smart enough to follow it up with "maybe I shouldn't go snooping around a bunch of scary people!"
And thus he accidentally discovers the Council, but it's fine because he actually thinks Lee is adorable and should ABSOLUTELY be protected.
...and also that Daz is scary. Like, he thinks Daz is awesome, but definitely not someone to cross under ANY circumstances.
The name is a joke because that Dream gets The Vibes(tm) of stuff from the universe, or shrimp colors/emotions. The downside to that is that in the event of anything along the lines of the Egg, he has ZERO defense. Spiritual firewall is there for a reason.
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sun-stricken · 9 months
More protective dragon slayers please? 🙏
Gray watching the slayers hang out and go on jobs together: :(
Gray after being ‘adopted’: :| (secretly loving it)
Sting considering putting a gps chip on Gray only to find Juvia’s one already there and getting mad.
Sting: How dare she!
Gray: how dare you!
Wendy being the most protective.
Slayers getting jealous of Gray hanging out with Lyon. (Just wait until Natsu tells them about Galuna island).
Rogue uses Frosch to trick Gray into therapy
Someone comments on Gray’s nudity/makes suggestive comments and Wendy gets mad. Wendy: He’s too young!
My personal headcannon is that memento mori made Gray more demon so he’s got a bit of a taste for blood. He was going to keep it secret but after defeating Avatar one of the members were like ‘they’ll never accept you. You’re a monster!’.
Also that Avatar messed Gray up. He just casually mentions his initiation (ie torture) or Briar and Jerome being a bit too friendly, or not being able to get out a blood stain. And everyone is just wtf?
Sorry for the ramble! It’s just nice to get these ideas out
don’t apologize! i love seeing other peoples hcs!
i refer to the dragon slayers dragon as it or they bc i classify it as kind of a separate entity? same with grays demon
More dragon slayers beinng protective of gray for the soul! (these are more just them and gray hcs i have, but the protectiveness is implied)
its a lot so vv
Gray gets sick a lot, and its never just a simple cold or small fever, its always smth vaguely serious
and the dragons absolutely despise it, they also despise that its not something they can just destroy
Every time Gray gets sick all their inner dragons are immediately running in circles with the need to make him feel better
He sniffles once or gets a tiny scrape and theres a multitude of crashes and yelling to find blankets, med kits, and trying to find the best spot for him to sit down at
Wendy is extra feral and protective during these times
(which is saying a lot bc her dragon is definitely the most protective normally, whether bc its young or bc theyre a healer so thats their job to protect doesnt matter, it just is)
she has bitten people for getting too close (ie. within 40 ft) to them, even if theyre in a public place
Shes also forgotten shes a healer multiple times bc her dragon was so hellbent on the good old fashioned hands on approach
During one of the times he was bedridden at home, they found an book with Isvan style recipes in it, then proceeded to try and make something from it
they failed, they are complicated recipes and they probably wouldve failed home ec
but its the thought that counts and count it did bc Gray practically threw himself at them in a hug when they told him what they tried to do
GOING OFF THE HC OF DEVIL SLAYERS SLEEPING A LOT THING LIKE CATS (ty @bluneko91 for the idea) i think Gray in general has always been the type to sleep anywhere and everywhere
but now he can actually easily get to those hard to reach places and nap, and hes a menace with it
a weekly occurrence at the Fairy Tail guild is half the dragon slayers frantically searching for their demon slayer, looking in his past usual haunts (at the bar, on a table, under a table, makarovs office, on the stairs somewhere, the more random the more likely)
only for him to be found on the rafters 100 ft off the ground
when they find him they have about a good 7 seconds of peace before they verge yet another cardiac event bc holy shit oh god hes gonna fall!!
another common scene is Gray sleeping (in less dangerous places) and having various token dragon slayer clothes covering him
The dragons asking Gray if he wants to go on a job with them, only for him to (reluctantly) decline bc Lyon is in town and they have plans
then proceeding to sulk the whole job
Natsu was sulking the most, and spilt what happened on Galuna
and suddenly Lyon and Gray had 5 fuming dragons following them
(and if Lyon got graphic threats if he ever fucked up again he never said anything)
Gray is a hit of a wanderer, not in a ‘getting lost/bad at directions’ way, but in a ‘likes to see the scenery/has a feeling and doesnt voice it, just goes with it’ kinda way
Hes done this enough times and is quiet enough about it the others dont realize till hes gone
On one of the jobs he took with Rogue & Sting they half jokingly and half seriously threaten him with a tracker
and Gray says that Juvia probably already has one of him
Rogue and Sting not having a whole lot of context on that asks what he means, and then gets a disturbing account of some of the things shes done
Lets just say the feelings they harbor for her and for the people who let it continue are neither kind nor pretty
they probably ripped the other slayers a new one when they got back
Contrary to popular belief, ice mages can get cold, it takes a hell of a lot more than an average person but it does happen.
Gray probs mentioned this once and now when it rains or snows-
Laxus throws his coat at Gray, Natsu offers to share his scarf and using his fire to warm him up, Rogue drapes his cloak around him
its a very soft image and i needed to share it
Gray starting to push the other slayers away bc hes struggling with his demon instincts and because hes scared hes going to become a monster and hurt them
them not taking any of that shit
reassuring him that he would never become something cruel and evil
hes becoming a demon, hes not a monster, not a murderer
Ppl are frequently gross about Grays stripping habit
its one of the only things that made him genuinely try to stop
People tend to think since hes so obviously confident in his body that its okay to touch him whenever and however they want
the dragon slayers are inclined to disagree
Gajeel breaking some guys arm after he wouldnt keep his hands to himself
Laxus spilling water on someone whose personal dictionary didnt include ‘No’ then repeatedly shocked them until they werent in reach
Wendy having to be (reluctantly, they just dont want her to get in trouble tbh) held back when someone keeps making comments on his body after he told them to fuck off
that did not stop her from giving them the worst insults and threats anybody has ever heard
[if she went back to find them again nobody would know, i mean, and they were perfectly intact! not a scratch on them! and who was gonna believe that a sweet girl like her would harm anybody?:)]
Gray has been threatened with being wrapped in bubble wrap after being injured so many times, which is crazy considering its Natsu of all people who says it
They have gotten really comfortable with eachother
and i mentioned once smth abt the slayers having little private hang outs (jobs or normal get together or ‘meeting’ type things at guilds)
during one of these he casually mentioned what he had to endure to be accepted into Avatar
“yeah, they locked me in a kiln like room for hours every couple days”
jaw drops galore
“i beg your fucking pardon.”
“oh yeah, dw tho, it usually overlapped with the deprivations days so i wasnt fully aware of what was going on, didnt even hurt”
*increasing volume of worried and angry sounds*
I think Natsu is also a total cat magnet, so when Gray is having an off day he’ll go in search for a cat
when they approach him, he picks them up and drops them in Grays lap and waits
it always helps him feel better
im trying to imagine Gray getting a date and them all trying to discreetly spy on it
“Gaj, the pole doesnt exactly hide y—“
sorry this took a minute!! i have a lot to say but not enough words
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spocktheestallion · 2 years
so i’ve been reading about elisabeth vigee le brun, who was marie antoinettes favorite portrait painter….. yeah this woman was GAY. gay asl. known far and wide for overwhelmingly painting women, famous for giving said women seductive, sensual smiles…. also famous for painting NUDE women and women in revealing clothes all the time and a lot of ppl might interpret that as “oh she wasn’t allowed to paint nude men so she fought back by painting nude women! it was a feminist thing!” yeah that was probably a factor but she did not have to give every woman she painted bedroom eyes either that woman was just HORNY. she was marie antoinettes favorite painter and marie reportedly loved her company and was always inviting her to her private apartments (🧐) and to hang out with her inner circles. elisabeth’s work was considered scandalous but one of her big ones was when she showed a portrait of the queen in a super casual simple muslin dress (which marie antoinette was famous for, given the circumstances of her birth she was relatively down to earth and wasn’t a fan of all the wanton spending but ppl hated her cause she was foreign and wasn’t great w french customs so it was very easy for the french nobility to shift the blame blame her whenever the peasants were pissed about starving) and it caused such a scandal that the queen was depicted so casually that they made her take it down and paint a copy but w the queen in a fancier dress. also before this marie adored elisabeth so much that she nagged her husband (THE KING) to pressure the royal academy of art to accept her. only married once to an art dealer to advance her career and escape her abusive stepfather, only had one kid with him and hated his ass cause he kept pocketing her fees and losing all her money, and he’s barely mentioned in any bios of her life/career except as the dick who kept gambling all her money away. she also said she was not physically attracted to him in plain terms and that she hated the idea of marrying (and losing her independence) but she very very reluctantly decided to do it so she could get away from her step father and make some business connections. she took her daughter (and her daughters governess?🤭😳) and skipped france and her deadbeat sperm donor once the revolution started and went to different royal courts continuing to paint sexy ass portraits of elite ladies all across europe and got famous and rich off doing so. the pope tried to get her to paint his picture but asked her to wear a veil for modesty reasons so she told him to go fuck himself she told the pope to go fuck himself and REFUSED the fuckung pope which was a big ass deal back then. it seems like she never forgot marie sugar mommy antoinette though bc she eventually returned back to france and settled in a country home near versailles w her daughter. and a year after she escaped from france she painted a portrait of herself painting marie antoinette. and while most of the court artists of her time were two faced bitches who immediately flipped to the side of the revolution (and the french monarchy was fucking monstrous but they didn’t care about that they were just happy to turn their backs on people they’d called friends to save their asses) elisabeth at least stuck to her guns and defended marie the whole time she was a RIDE OR DIE for marie antoinette (who again i gotta stress actually a pretty cool lady who got fucked over by the french and despite having few real options in her life did her best to be a devoted mother and a kind person to those around her and encouraged the arts and learning). anyway all this to say elisabeth vigee lebrun sounds a lil fruity on paper not to mention she spent at least a page of her memoirs describing how perfect and beautiful and kind and regal marie anoinette was like i’m not kidding there’s a whole paragraph of her waxing poetic on how marie antoinette had such perfect skin that no colors existed with which to capture their freshness and how she’d never seen such beauty in any other woman like miss lizzie was SMITTEN
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akaluan · 3 years
Erich/Kisuke/Alexis: Soulmate AU + Character in Peril Part 19
((Warning for violence and POV char major injury at the end, but I promise everyone we care about is still alive))
Erich wakes abruptly, hand going immediately to his pistol, and listens—
“Morning, sir,” Degurechaff greets him as she stalks closer, her spiritual presence prickly with exhaustion-annoyance-exasperation as she comes to a stop a bare foot from his head. “I have the troops breaking camp already after a cold breakfast. Here’s yours. Major Schwarz will be along in a moment with theirs.”
Erich grunts and forces himself up, shaking off both Alexis’ and Urahara’s arms in the process and pointedly not thinking about… about anything related to how he was being held. By a Shinigami.
(Not now.)
(Not yet.)
He fumbles for his glasses with one hand while scrubbing the grit from his eyes with the other, then accepts the two mugs from Degurechaff and squints into them. “Trying to poison me, Degurechaff?” he asks dryly as he takes a drink of the lukewarm not-coffee that she’s presented to him, then blinks and frowns into the mug. “I still have no idea how Serebryakov does it, but this isn’t half bad.”
Degurechaff shrugs and says, “I’ve given up trying to figure it out and just enjoy the result.” She takes a step back and settles, arms behind her back and her gaze drifting between the three of them for a moment before she finally seems to make a decision. “Last night was peaceful,” she starts to report. “Watchmen say they didn’t hear or see anything of note, and the couple of scouts I sent out this morning haven’t found any tracks beyond what little of our own were missed in the dark. I sent a team out to erase what evidence they could, and to follow us to continue doing so as we move.”
“Thank you, Colonel,” Erich says, mind already turning over plans for the day as he downs the barely appetizing food in the second mug and washes it down with the better-than-usual ersatz coffee.
(Real food is definitely on the list of things he’s looking forward to.)
Schwarz nods a greeting as he approaches them, four mugs held carefully in his hands, and passes them over to both Alexis and Urahara. “Sorry about the food,” he apologizes as Alexis gives the mugs a dubious look. “Not really much I can do about it, ma’am.”
“It’s fine,” she says with a shrug, then quickly downs what he gave her, grimacing at the taste. “Not much you can honestly do about it out here.”
Urahara just wrinkles his nose and stares at the food in disbelief, then casts a sidelong look at Erich and asks, “You’ve been living on this?”
“What other choice do I have?” Erich asks in amusement, then nods at the forest around them and says, “Armies make animals run. We do what we have to.”
Degurechaff makes a slightly amused sound and adds, “Can you imagine any of us trying to hunt for our own food? That lot wouldn’t survive a day if that was a requirement.” She watches him a moment longer, waiting for Urahara to make a move, before huffing in exasperation and saying, “You’ll get used to it after a while. Now eat your food so we can all get moving again.”
Urahara gives her a flat stare at that, then reluctantly lifts the mug to his lips and takes a sip, face scrunching up in disgust. “This is terrible,” he mutters, before tipping it back and quickly swallowing the whole thing. “Yuck,” he declares in Imperial as he hands the mug back to Schwarz, much to the man’s clear amusement.
“Going to drink your coffee?” Erich asks with a tiny smirk, indicating the second mug that Urahara had been handed.
“No,” Urahara declares after giving it a sniff, then offers it to Erich. “You have.”
“You can have it,” Erich repeats absently as he accepts the mug with a shrug. “Thanks.”
“I don’t blame him in the slightest,” Alexis grumbles as she finishes off hers, hands it back, then rises to her feet and begins to pack away the bedroll she’d been using. “I haven’t had real coffee in forever, but this stuff is positively vile.”
Erich snorts and mumbles, “This is better than usual,” before he drains Urahara’s mug without a second’s hesitation; it might not actually have the benefits of real coffee, but he can usually manage to trick himself into thinking it does if he downs enough of it.
(Sometimes, that’s the only thing keeping him going.)
(That and pure stubbornness.)
With a sigh he pushes himself to his feet, hands the mugs back to Schwarz, and sets about helping Alexis clear their little campsite up. There’s no way they can hide that a large group camped in the area, but the more they can muddle the signs the better.
“Let’s get moving,” Erich orders as soon as the area is put back to rights. He pulls on his pack, shoulders his rifle, settles Benihime at his waist, and steps over to Degurechaff as he waits for Alexis and Urahara to finish getting ready as well. “You will let me help you,” he says to Urahara as the man gets closer.
Urahara huffs but nods slightly. “So long as it doesn’t stress you.”
Degurechaff looks between them with narrowed eyes, then scowls when Erich gives a small shake of his head; still, she at least stops looking like she wants to question both of them. “Ready to go, sir?”
“Yes. Let’s get moving before we burn any more daylight,” Erich says, glancing up at the thick canopy overhead; there’s only barely enough light to see by at the moment, but it’s getting lighter with every minute that passes.
Time is wasting.
They set out, marching through the forest at a steady, ground-eating pace for the second day in a row.
(This time, he won’t let Urahara exhaust himself.)
(This time he’ll actually pay attention.)
(He swears it.)
For as tiring as the march is, it’s also boring, especially the longer they go without any indication of pursuit. There’s nothing but trees all around them, gigantic trunks rising up into a vast canopy that shades them from the sky, with only the occasional beam of sunlight to indicate that the sun is still out. And the more they march, the more it all stays the same: trees and trees and yet more trees, occasionally broken by rocky areas they need to circle around.
Each time they stop to rest, Erich settles beside Alexis and Urahara and uses the chance to center himself and help Urahara refill his reserves; it’s obvious that even with his help the man is beginning to flag — truthfully, even Alexis is beginning to flag — and that’s… he can’t do anything about that, no matter how much he might wish to.
(Marching is not a skill that anyone but an army needs.)
(And these two have never needed those skills before.)
(It’s only because of their inner strength that they’ve kept up so far.)
There’s little he needs to personally see to in the middle of a march — Degurechaff and Schwarz are some of the best officers a General could wish for — which unfortunately means that he has plenty of time to stew in his worries.
With every kilometer they cross, they come closer to Rerugen lands — to Quincy lands — and to the confrontation that he just knows is going to happen. The border guards won’t dare to confront them, not an entire Living World army marching directly at them, but they will send word ahead. Word that will mean that there will be a ‘welcoming’ party waiting for them. Word that will mean everyone on high alert.
(Word that will mean a confrontation as soon as they spot Urahara.)
(He’s leading danger right to their doorstep.)
(Not just the Republic’s army, but a Reaper as well—!)
A stir in the line drags Erich’s thoughts from their circling, and he quickly brings a hand up to signal a halt.
(Have they been spotted?)
(Have they been caught?!)
Degurechaff leaves her men and hurries to his side, her gaze hard as she glances back. “This doesn’t bode well,” she murmurs as soon as she draws even with him.
“Everything was going a bit too well, wasn’t it?” Erich can’t help but ask, before wincing internally at how exhausted he sounds.
Degurechaff huffs in agreement, and Erich fights back a grimace at the way Alexis and Urahara give them concerned looks and then exchange worried glances; while it’s nice that his two soulmates are agreeing on something, he really wishes it was anything but concern for him.
(He’s fine.)
(He doesn’t need their concern.)
(He just… he just needs some time to rest is all.)
A scout hurries towards them with Schwarz at his side, his mouth a thin slash and his presence bleeding concern-worry-despair into the air. “There’s a hamlet burning just to the north of us,” he reports as soon as he reaches Erich and Degurechaff. “My team didn’t spot whoever did it, but it looks recent.”
Degurechaff grimaces and looks up at him. “We should check it out, sir. If it’s the Republic…”
“Then they’re closer than we anticipated,” Erich agrees, then casts a glance at his exhausted men. He’d prefer to do anything but confront the Republic so close to Rerugen lands — so close to safety — but they can’t just leave it to chance. There’s also the possibility that it’s a feint meant to draw his men out into the open, but…
He can’t just leave it be.
“Colonel Degurechaff, gather a squad of your men and meet me back here in ten. We’re going to investigate,” Erich decides, then fixes Schwarz with a look when the man stiffens in realization. “Get me a small squad that’s up for a swift sweep of the area.”
“Sir,” Schwarz grits out, a wealth of meaning in the single word.
“You and Major Weiss will be in command here,” Erich says before Schawrz can protest further. “Be ready to get the men moving, but don’t waste your time trying for a rescue if things go wrong and we’re outnumbered.”
Schwarz’s lips thin, but he nods and turns away, striding down the line with his shoulders straight and his back stiff.
Erich holds up a hand, cutting off Alexis’ attempt to speak, and says, “No. I need to see to this. If something happens, get the men settled in Rerugen lands and then send some of our people out—”
“I’m going with you,” Urahara declares firmly, something dark-stubborn-vicious about him that sends a shiver down Erich’s spine. “You are not my superior,” Urahara adds before Erich can try to reason with him. “And I don’t have anything else to do. You and Degurechaff-san are the only two who speak my language.” He pauses, hesitates a moment, then bows his head and whispers, “Please, I just found you. Don’t… don’t make me stand aside while you throw yourself into danger.”
Erich swallows, mind whirling as he tries to come up with something, anything, to get Urahara to stay behind, but— but he can’t. Not in the face of Urahara’s obvious distress. Not when he knows how capable Urahara is—
“You will stay at his side at all times,” Degurechaff orders, making Erich twitch at the suddenness of her arrival. “If you come with us, you will do everything in your power to keep General Rerugen safe. Understand?”
“Yes, of course,” Urahara answers as he straightens up and squares his shoulders. “I won’t let anything happen to him, I swear.”
Erich grits his teeth and spits, “I do not need watching,” before turns away and takes a breath, trying to pull his fury under control; he knows what Degurechaff is doing and he even understands it — if it was one of his superiors declaring they were going into a hostile situation with only a small squad, he’d leverage their soulmate’s presence as well — but that doesn’t mean he likes it.
(He doesn’t need to be babysat!)
Luckily, he can see Schwarz returning with the squad he requested, which means he can just… ignore the whole thing — especially Urahara’s watchful-wary-uncertain expression — and move on.
(Urahara will follow him no matter what.)
(Better to just save his energy for a fight he can win.)
Erich shrugs off his pack and hands it to Schwarz as the man reaches them, then hesitates, hand over Benihime’s hilt, and slowly forces himself to release the blade from his side. “Since I can’t make you stay behind,” Erich murmurs as he offers the blade back to Urahara.
“Thank you,” Urahara whispers, voice choked with something that Erich doesn’t want to understand, doesn’t want to face, because— because no one should be so damn thankful to be handed back their own weapon before heading into danger.
So instead of acknowledging it, he turns away. Shoves his tangled sorrow-frustration-fury deep into his soul and buries it beneath his mission mindset.
(If he ever meets the people who engraved such lessons into his soulmate’s mind—)
(Well, it certainly won’t be a very polite meeting.)
“Lead the way,” Erich orders the scout as he gestures sharply for Degurechaff and the others to fall in.
“Yes, sir,” the scout replies with a quick, sloppy salute, then turns and heads off into the forest.
Erich follows the scout through the trees, trying to place exactly where they are on his mental map; it is a bit further into Imperial territory than he expected the Republic to have already ventured, but if it’s a squad of mages…
(Don’t assume.)
Urahara stays at Erich’s side as they hurry on, the connection between them humming with resolve-focus-determination as they fall into harmony, both of them preparing for a fight at the end of the march.
(Maybe this wasn’t a mistake.)
(Maybe they’ll be able to win.)
The scout waves them to a stop and gestures Erich forward: they’ve reached a small break in the trees, leading down into a shallow valley, and the air is thick with the scent of smoke.
Erich scans the area with a frown, disturbed by the lack of visible enemies, though there does seem to be some movement down in the hamlet itself. “Anything?” he asks Degurechaff as she joins him.
“Nothing,” she confirms with a scowl. “I don’t sense any magic emanation, either. If the Republic is here, they’re hiding in the village itself.”
“I don’t like this,” Urahara murmurs as he steps a bit closer to Erich’s side, body loose and prepared for combat. “It’s sloppy,” he adds as he tips his chin towards one edge of the village, where only a few scattered houses are on fire. “I’ve seen how your people work, and if your enemies act similarly, this seems…”
“This is someone looting,” Degurechaff breathes in horrified realization, then spins back towards their squads and barks, “Senses sharp and weapons up! This isn’t the Republic, this is—”
Degurechaff yelps as Urahara darts in and shoves, sending her toppling to the ground, and Erich stiffens. Draws his pistol and turns—
Bark explodes from the tree behind Degurechaff. A gunshot cracks. Voices rise from the trees to their left, figures in familiar uniform darting towards them—
“Shit,” Degurechaff spits, scrambling to her feet. “Go, go, go! Ignore their uniforms and fight!”
Urahara launches himself forward, blade drawn and expression grim, and takes out a fake Imperial soldier with a single blow.
Erich ducks behind a tree. Levels his pistol and cracks off a shot. Switches aim to another. Fires again. Switches. Fires. Again. Again. Ducks away to another tree, mind blank and hands steady and aim focused. Cracks off another shot. Another. Reloads and darts a look—
The enemy is charging them. Knives and bayonets and blades and everything but guns but that makes no sense, why would they charge, why not keep firing, why give up their advantage—
His soldiers are good. Degurechaff is good. Urahara is good. Charging makes no sense—
“Bastard!” a voice to his left spits. “Officer over here! Take him down!”
Erich jerks his attention towards the newcomer. Swings himself around, pistol firing, but it’s too late, the man is too close, face contorted in fury and knife poised and Erich twists aside, praying it’s enough, praying he can escape—
He stumbles, pistol falling from nerveless hands as the man staggers against his side and then collapses, the knife skittering across his ribs and then down, a line of vicious ice that ends when it jars against his hip and tumbles free.
He staggers back. Presses a hand to his side. Swallows a cry as ice becomes fire, wild-furious-consuming, and tries to think, tries to gather himself—
Strong-warm-steady hands grasp him. Tug him against a broad chest. Words in his ear that he can’t parse, should be able to, can’t—
Power crashes down, hate-rage-fury, and it’s like drowning, air stripped from his lungs and body unresponsive and darkness with no light, no direction, no hope— he scrabbles for air, for freedom, claws at whatever has him, every motion like wading through magma but he needs to escape, needs to get away, to get safe—
More words in his ear. A hand against his chest. Power sinking beneath his skin.
It’s cold. Cold enough to burn, cold enough to freeze, except it feels good. Feels safe. Feels like trust-home-loyalty.
Feels like a promise.
Erich slumps. Gasps for breath.
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jasmine-bailey · 3 years
Tumblr media
FULL NAME: Jasmine Elizabeth Davenport - Bailey
NICKNAME: Jasmine, Jazz
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 52 (July 14, 1969)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Westminster, London, UK
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cisfemale - she/her
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
HAIR COLOR: Dark brown
EYES: Hazel
HEIGHT: 5 feet, 5 inches
FAMILY: Richard Bailey (husband); Aslihan Deniz Bailey (adoptive daughter); Adoptive Son
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (University of Liverpool); Master of Research in Marine Biology (University of Plymouth); Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology (James Cook University; Australian Institute of Marine Science)
OCCUPATION: Marine Biologist; Adjunct Professor of Biology at Providence Peak University
( I will be adding more things in here soon. I will be editing her biography soon too.)
the smell of sea water,
the stillness of the library,
coffee stains on paper,
family photos on the walls,
the gentle strains of classical music over hushed conversations in an elegant ballroom,
the sound of children laughing,
muddy but sturdy boots under elegant dresses,
a well-worn ring
Jasmine loves being surrounded by children. Having grown up an only child but with a myriad of cousins, she always longed to have a large family of her own. She was devastated at first when she and Richard couldn't seem to have a child of their own, but she's happy now with her adopted children, and her granddaughter.
Jasmine likes to dabble with painting and drawing in her spare time. She finds the activity relaxing. When her children were younger, she'd sometimes let them borrow her paints and pencils, and let them "express themselves". Whatever "masterpieces" they made, she framed them and displayed proudly in their home. As the children grew older, they were taken down, but she still has them kept tucked away in a spare room.
Jasmine's career as a marine biologist was at first frowned upon by her ultra conservative and old-fashioned mother, who was grooming her to be a high-class lady that could perhaps catch the eye of some nobility or any other rich man. Her father, on the other hand, was supportive of her. Her mother finally reluctantly agreed to her being a "career woman" when she was eventually involved with Richard, after her mother knew of Richard's family's background. Her mother found Richard a "rather peculiar fellow" though, but didn't object to their relationship and then eventual marriage.
Jasmine and Richard makes donations to the Wolf Wild Rescue. They do it anonymously, but somehow, some people already figured it out. They don't mind it though.
(tw: mention of miscarriage)
Jasmine Elizabeth Davenport was born into a somewhat privileged life. Her family came from relatively new money, but somehow managed to interject themselves into the inner high social circles of England. Jasmine's father was a businessman, and didn't mind high society so much, focusing more on his business and the prospect of making more money. Her mother, on the other hand, loved the notion of being in high society. And she wanted even more. So when Jasmine was born, her mother saw an opportunity to climb even higher. Her mother wasted no expense at grooming Jasmine into becoming the perfect lady - perhaps someone perfect enough to catch the eye of someone richer, or perhaps even from nobility. Young Jasmine didn't mind it at first, as it meant more attention from her mother than she could ever want for. Also, it meant that she got to spend much time studying and reading, as she soon found out that she loved accumulating all sorts of tidbits of knowledge she could find. While her mother wasn't all too pleased at the notion of her being "bookish", Jasmine somehow found herself retreating more and more into the library and their gardens - soaking up all the knowledge they could give her.
However, as she grew older, and saw how her many cousins weren't as rigid in their upbringing as hers, she began wanting to rebel. She knew that there was more to life than what her mother had in plan for her. She wanted to visit different places - exotic places she only somehow read in her books. So, she concocted a plan of her freedom. At first, she hoped that more siblings would detract her mother's attention from her. Alas, her parents weren't able to give her any. Jasmine was devastated at first, as she somehow envied her cousins and often wondered what having siblings would have been like. It also dashed her hope that perhaps having siblings would make her life at home...less colder and restricted.
Now determined more than ever to somehow break free from her gilded cage, she then sought to seek her freedom somewhere else -- through the very high society circles she and her family were part of. Her plan was to somehow snare a rich-enough man that would please both her parents (most especially her mother) and would also somehow not care about her enough to just leave her alone to her own biddings. She didn't, however, count on meeting Richard Bailey.
Everyone in their circles knew the Baileys. They were an old, old family and were well-respected among their peers, and within the academic circles as well. Jasmine only saw Richard Bailey once when she was younger, and it was only for a short introduction. After all, they were only both children at that time. However, years later, during one of those society parties her mother so loved to be a part of, she saw him once again. She wasn't entirely charmed with him at first, but he was a persistent man. She soon found herself spending more and more time with him, and getting to know him better. And somehow, she fell in love with him. And to her delight, he loved her right back. And it was in that instant that Jasmine knew that her life would definitely be changed.
Richard wasn't ideally the man her mother wanted for her. He was a scholar and an archeologist, preferring his books and his tools and not squirming at the notion of getting dirty and sweaty. But he was the heir to the Bailey name and fortune, and that was something that her mother could not say no to. Jasmine was thrilled at her mother's (conditional) acceptance of Richard, as it also allowed her to finally pursue her dreams of going into the academic field, after much nudging from Richard. Her parents allowed her to take up Marine Biology during her university years, in which she finally found her calling.
Her life with Richard at first was exhilarating and fun. She got to travel alongside with him to many different places. And while it was great at first, Jasmine suddenly found herself wanting something - a child. When she and Richard first started trying for one, they were giddy with excitement. And when she finally found herself pregnant, they were both brimming with happiness. Alas, it was not meant to be. A month after her positive pregnancy result, while accompanying her husband to South Africa, she found herself bleeding profusely. A trip to the doctor confirmed their worst fear. The baby was lost, and both she and Richard were heartbroken. The two of them were never the same after that. Though they both had each other for comfort, Jasmine also found constant solace in her studies. Sure, they tried, but a child was never conceived again. Jasmine's hopes for a large family was crushed. So, she and Richard buried themselves in studies, research and in exploration.
Hope sprang again when a friend of theirs suggested they adopt. They didn't really explore that option before, but now, they were willing to give it a try. And as soon as they laid eyes on their soon-to-be adoptive son, they knew that they were going to be parents. They didn't stop at one though. During a visit to Turkey, they met Little Deniz, fell in love with her, and adopted her as well.
Jasmine found herself loving becoming a mother. She and Richard brought the children along with them wherever they went, teaching them what they know, and allowing them to explore and learn more about the world and their surroundings. Their love for knowledge and the world were somehow passed on to them, and Jasmine is rather proud that she and Richard were able to raise their children into the fine adults they are now.
While Jasmine still loves to travel, now that both she and Richard were getting older, she found herself looking forward to a cozy home life more. They settled into the manor house Richard inherited from his parents, situated right outside of London, while their now-grown children traveled the world without them.
Both she and Richard are highly respected in the academic world, him in the circles of archeology and history, while her in the biological and marine sciences. Jasmine, after settling in England, found herself spending some of her time teaching at a nearby university, while also diving back into the high society world of her younger years -- attending parties, appearances at charity balls, and doing philanthropic work.
She had a rather routine life, when one day, her daughter, Deniz (who has changed her name to Aslihan, or Asli for short) arrived home pregnant. Of course Jasmine was shocked at first, but she welcomed Asli back with open arms. She took care of Asli during the rest of her pregnancy, and was curious about the baby's father, but didn't push Asli for more information about him other than what their daughter told them. When Alexandra was born and Jasmine had the chance to hold her in her arms, she knew that even if she had no blood connection to the little child, Alexandra was her granddaughter. And no one could say otherwise.
Having Alexandra and Asli around brought a much-needed life to their manor house in London, and Jasmine loved having them around. However, she sensed that Asli was somehow restless and perhaps was looking for something else. So when her daughter announced that she was moving to Colorado in the United States, it was to no surprise to Jasmine. Still, Jasmine was all teary-eyed when she and Richard dropped both Asli and Alexandra off at the airport.
Jasmine missed her daughter terribly, of course, but she was grateful for technology nowadays, as it allowed her to call them every now and then. However, when news arrived to them that their daughter was hospitalized because of an attack, she and Richard knew that it was best to pack their bags and go to Providence Peak.
They decided to stay in Providence Peak, even after Asli's recovery, knowing that their lives were better off with family nearby. Nowadays, they live in Summit Lake, with Jasmine's time spent between being a marine biologist and an adjunct professor at the university, and spending time with people around town. Jasmine loves opening her home to children, and most days can be seen either holding impromptu art classes to them in their lawn, or taking them down to the lakeside, playing with them.
Providence Peak has now become more and more like home to Jasmine, and looking back at her life, she wouldn't have guessed it. Spending her days with her family nearby, Jasmine wouldn't ask for anything more.
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padfootagain · 4 years
A Very Rose Mistake (V)
Part 5 : How Jealousy Gets Denied
 Here we go with a new chapter! I am back, people! Sorry for the long pause, but depression is kicking my arse these days, so writing is a little hard at times. Plus, this turned out longer than I thought it would be.
No warning to be applied here, except for a little bit of jealousy **demonical laughter**
Troubles are starting. It's coming folks!
I hope you like this part! Please, tell me what you think about it!
Also, if you want to explore more the area where the hike described in this chapter takes place in the Trossachs, here is a very nice website where you have a view from Ben A'an!
Word count: 4686
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Holmes Chapel
 Harry was late.
Third time in a week, and it was beginning to seriously get on your nerves. You repeatedly tapped your pen on your desk, while looking outside your window towards Harry's in the house next to yours. His curtains were closed, you hesitated to use the red piece of glass to signal him that you needed him, but neither of you had used it in a long time. So, you didn't really dare to reach for the drawer of your desk.
You didn't want to seem childish in front of him these days. And maybe it was because of his girlfriend. Maybe it was because he had a girlfriend when you had never had a boyfriend yourself. And maybe you were also getting more and more pissed because Harry was ignoring you these days.
You didn't want to be that friend, the one who called on him and acted clingy and asked for time to be spent with. You understood that Harry was infatuated. You understood that he liked his girlfriend and wanted to spend time with her, and it was normal. But that didn't mean that he had the right to simply cancel all your plans. You were okay with the fact that you couldn't just drop by to his house anymore unannounced, in case Felicia would be there with him. But you had planned this evening to work on your essay for your English class. You had checked with him if he was free, and he had promised to come by 5 pm. It was almost 6 now.
You checked your cellphone one more time, but once again, were met with no text messages or missed calls. He hadn't even warned you that he'd be late, which he used to do before Felicia got into the picture.
You didn't want to be that kind of friend who acted almost possessive, and couldn't manage to accept the arrival of his girlfriend in your inner circle of friends. But on the other hand, you reckoned that Harry was being that kind of friend too. The kind who abandoned his friends to spend all his time with his girlfriend. The kind who got so engulfed in his relationship that he simply dropped everything else the second she asked for him. It was excessive, you reckoned, but then, you weren't altogether surprised. Harry was passionate, and loyal to a fault. He was forgiving and too kind for his own good sometimes. You didn't doubt that in a relationship, he would be a huge romantic. Maybe he had an idea of love that was a little too idealistic, a little too naïve, with too many rainbows and unicorns involved and not enough heartbreak, but you couldn't really hold it against him. You could, however, hold against him that it was the third time in five days that he wasn't meeting you when you planned to spend a couple of hours working together, and it was driving you crazy.
It was a strange mixture of feelings that you experienced, between anger and aching and something a little cold that you couldn't really describe. It felt painful, that was for sure, but more than sad, it was painted red with annoyance and fear. A little voice in your head that screamed 'danger'. You weren't sure of what the feeling meant, but you knew for certain that you didn't like it all the same.
Lost in your thought, you jumped as your mother's voice rang through the house, calling for you.
"Y/N! Harry's here!"
You barely had the time to turn to your door before Harry was stumbling in the room, clearly out of breath.
"Hi, Y/N!" he grinned, staggering in the room and throwing his backpack on your bed.
"Hi," you tried to give him a smile, but it was hard to brush the irritating feeling away as it lingered despite Harry's presence.
"Okay, so… what do we start with?"
You tried to answer his question, you really did. But you were too angry at him for behaving like this for weeks now. So, instead, you answered his question with one of your own.
"Where were you?"
"What?" he asked back with a perplexed frown.
"I've been waiting for you for more than an hour. Where were you?"
He heaved a sigh, letting himself fall onto your bed.
"I know, I'm sorry I'm late. Felicia wanted to hang out a little after my shift at the bakery."
You stared at him for a moment, before standing up to go close the door. Harry watched you with an eyebrow raised in surprise, but he didn't speak nor did he try to interrupt you.
You heaved a sigh, nervously twisting your hands together.
"Harry… You've got to stop doing that," you told him, your voice slow yet he could hear in the way it trembled that you were angry and were trying to keep your voice down. "You can't just… tell me you're gonna study with me and then disappear to go snog your girlfriend instead."
"No, let me finish! You're not being fair! I haven't seen you outside of school in weeks. You're either late or you don't show at all."
"What do you want me to do? She's my girlfriend…"
"And I'm your best friend."
"I've got to make time for her."
"I get that. I'm not blaming you for seeing her."
"That's exactly what you're doing though."
Your expression saddened, the crease between your brows fading to reveal a fragility that wasn't there before instead.
"I get it that you want to spend time with her, but we had planned to study together. You can't just cancel everything for her either, you need a balance between the two. It can't be all about her. I get it that you want to spend time with her, and that's alright. But when we agree on a time to spend with each other, you can't bail out."
"I'm not making it all about her."
"You are though."
"If you had a boyfriend, you'd understand."
You cringed at that, wincing and glowering at him. You weren't good either at hiding how his words hurt you.
"What? I'm right," he shrugged.
"You're being a dick."
"You're overreacting."
"If I promised you that I would do something for you, and I didn't do it to spend some time with my boyfriend, wouldn't you be mad at me?"
Harry tried to deny your statement, but he would have been lying. And he didn't want to lie to you. So, instead, he heaved a sigh, and it was his time to wince.
"I guess…"
"Well, that's what you've been doing ever since you started being with her!"
You were starting to raise your voice, and Harry hated it. Not only was he annoyed, but he also simply hated seeing you upset, no matter the reason behind your emotion.
He felt his own anger rising, a mere reflex to hearing your acidic tone. But he knew that it wouldn't do anything good, and he didn't mean to upset you even more. He couldn’t deny either that you were right. He had been neglecting your friendship lately, and he could see now that it was hurting you. So, he heaved a sigh.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled under his breath, pushing the words out reluctantly. "I guess you're right."
He reached in his backpack, grabbing a bag of pastries he had gotten from the bakery he worked at.
"I bought these for you, by the way."
You cautiously took the bag he was handing you, as if it were a trick of his. You peered inside to reveal a couple of chocolate muffins.
"These are my favourite," you breathed, hating the way your anger simply melted away.
He always had this effect on you. Harry always managed to do something so kind, no matter how big the gesture, that you couldn't stay mad at him.
Because you had never asked him for these cakes. He just saw them and thought of you.
For a moment, you were envious, almost, of his girlfriend. Because it had to be wonderful to be with someone who truly paid attention to people and wanted to make them happy as a reflex.
You knew that he hadn't bought the cakes for any particular reason. That he hadn't thought of anything besides the fact that you liked this flavour and it would make you happy to munch on these as you studied with him.
Your heart was beating faster, and you weren't sure why. You knew though that, as you thought of Harry's girlfriend again, you were bitter, and not only because how annoyed you were at Harry for being late.
"I know," he answered with the ghost of a smile, as if you had said the dumbest and most obvious thing.
You heaved a sigh, sitting by his side on your bed.
"I'll make sure not to be late next time."
"Thank you."
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his embrace.
"Are we good?"
"Yeah… we're good," you nodded, relaxing in his arms.
"Good, cause you need to help me with this history thing. It's so boring!"
"History is not boring! You're boring," you replied, your voice shushed by his jumper as you pressed your face in his shoulder.
Loud footsteps echoed throughout the hallway by your door, but you didn't pay much attention to them, way too comfortable in your best friend's arms to be bothered.
Until your door was swung opened, making both you and Harry jump and break away in a hurry. Your father appeared, seeming infuriated, and when he spoke, his voice was shaking with wrath.
"I told both of you to always keep this door open!"
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Loch Lomond
 For the first day with the entire family in Loch Lomond, Cassie and Amy took a day without any planning and proposed to go explore the shores and the wilderness around the lodge. Some members of your family were eager for a quiet day along the shores, but you wanted to go explore other parts of the region, which was why you were now sitting around the breakfast table with a guide book and your phone set on your laps, focused on finding the perfect spot for a hike.
"You've spent half an hour looking at maps, darling… just… choose a path and go there," your mother sighed, annoyed.
"What do you care? You're gonna stay here all day anyway. I want a nice spot. I want to climb and have a nice view, but I also want some forest."
Your mother rolled her eyes at you again, but chose to not say a word this time.
"I think I'm gonna go to the Trossachs and try to go to… Ben A'an. It has a nice spot, it should give us a nice view," you mumbled under your breath, talking more to yourself than to anyone else in particular. "But it's not too high so it shouldn't be too hard."
By your side, Harry was finishing to eat his pancake and drinking his cup of coffee, reading the newspaper. If he was attending your cousin's wedding, he also took this week as a well-deserved holiday. He had been particularly busy these past few months, and would enjoy to spend a calmer week. And if he usually never refused a hike or any activity outdoor, he longed for a good nap. So, when asked, he had chosen to stay around the loch for the day. Amy's grandfather was organizing an expedition to go fishing, and Harry was most likely going to join the activity. Cassie was up for the hike and was on her way to convincing Amy to join her (after all, a lot of kisses always go a long way and are hard to resist), so you wouldn't be going on your own, he could sit this one out and just enjoy a lazy day.
He was sitting next to you around the long table. He had been eyeing your hand for the past ten minutes, but hadn't dared to reach for it. Giving his usually affectionate way to display friendship, it shouldn't have been a worry for him to add a sprinkle of touches here and there for your family to better buy your dating alibi.
But the thing was, it was you. And things were different with you. And touching your hand wasn't the same as reaching for any other of his friends' or acquaintances'. He couldn't say why, didn't dare to, but it wasn't the same, so he read for the third time in a row the same line of his article while he silently weighed the pros and the cons of reaching out and taking your hand in his.
Meanwhile, Patrick was listening to your conversation while munching on his eggs.
"Would you mind if I joined you?" he asked, studying the picture on the guide book of the spot you had found from across the table, craning his neck a little to see the picture better. "It really does look like it has an incredible view."
"Sure!" you answered with an enthusiastic smile. "The more the merrier!"
You didn't notice the frown that settled on Harry's brow. You didn't notice his gaze abandoning the article to settle on you.
"Great! That sounds like a lot of fun. I love hiking. It's soothing, to be closer to nature."
"Yeah, me too. I try to go out as much as I can to take long walks or go hiking around L.A."
"I've joined a group actually last year. We organize hikes almost every weekend. It's nice to have people to walk with."
"Oh, that's so nice! Where do you go hiking?"
Harry studied the way you leaned towards Patrick, and the way he reciprocated your gesture, the open conversation closing around only the two of you. And he wished you were leaning towards him instead.
He shook himself out of this thought, though. What was wrong with him? You were just talking about hiking…
"Just around Glasgow, but I don't think we've been to this spot yet, I'd really like to try this trail."
"Well, then, you're welcome to join us!"
You reached across the table to take a piece of bread, and Patrick accidentally did the same thing as you at the same time, your hands meeting across the table.
You pulled away in a hurry, shying away and mumbling an apology under your breath. And Harry didn't miss a bit of the interaction. He didn't miss the way you wiggled on your chair, and the way you looked away, and the way your fingers struggled a little to wrap around your cup of tea.
And he didn't miss the way Patrick struggled to hide a smile, and the way he stared at you too intensely, and the way his eyes stopped on your lips for a moment before settling on his plate again.
Harry rolled his eyes in response, annoyed. He didn't sign up to play third wheel…
"Who else is supposed to come?" Patrick asked, bringing the conversation back to life.
"Cassie and Amy! I reckon that everybody else is having a lazy day today."
"Your boyfriend isn't coming either?" he asked, turning to Harry, who was still mostly hidden behind his newspaper.
"No, he said he'd go fishing…"
"Actually, I think I've changed my mind," your fake boyfriend jumped into the conversation, folding his newspaper to place it on the table next to his plate. "A hike sounds great!"
"You're sure? You said you were tired," you asked, surprised.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Breakfast gave me a boost, actually. I'd love to go hiking."
This time, he didn't hesitate, and he did reach for your hand that rested on the white tablecloth, wrapping his long fingers around yours and giving them a gentle squeeze. You gave him a grin.
"Great! Then, it'll be just the five of us! It's gonna be amazing!"
You turned towards your food to hurry to finish so you could get ready. Meanwhile, Harry and Patrick's gazes met, and if no words were exchanged, the way that Patrick looked down at his plate after only a handful of seconds spoke volumes all the same.
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"Okay, you said it would not be too hard…"
You couldn't answer to Cassie through your panting. You had barely started and you were already out of breath, a sharp jolt of pain stinging your side. The path was steep, making your muscles ache already and your breath catch in your throat. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all…
"Well, it didn't seem so hard on the internet…" you replied, stopping to catch your breath.
The sky was clear and blue, with only a handful of lazy clouds drifting before the sun once in a while. Bosquets around the path clothed the high grass on each sides, while evergreen pine trees mingled their green foliage with the orange, red and yellow ones of deciduous trees. It created a strange and yet beautiful mix of colours that painted the slopes of the mountains, forming a forest across the lower parts of the rocky sides. The path in itself was clear and there was no fear of getting lost, and for as long as you were careful to not twist your ankle on a random piece of rock, you reckoned that the road was quite safe. Except for its slope, that was much steeper than what you had anticipated. You expected an easy hike, and were met with a pretty difficult one instead so far.
By your side, Harry was panting as well, and you were suddenly worried about his asthma.
"You alright?" you asked him with concern painted all over your features.
But Harry gave you a reassuring smile.
"I'm fine. Not ever trusting… you again with… planning a hike… but… besides that… I'm fine," he answered, his words cut by deep breaths he was forced to take in an attempt to calm his burning lungs.
"It'll get easier soon, look," you reassured him, nodding towards the path that stretched before you, and seemed to be less steep further on.
Patrick seemed to struggle less than the rest of your party, and he turned to you as he visibly held back on his speed to stay with the group instead of going further on his own.
"I'll take your bag if you want," he offered you, nodding at your little backpack where you had your bottle of water and some cookies that would be your prize for when you would reach the top.
But you shook your head.
"I'll be fine."
"Are you sure? It's no bother. I'm used to hiking in this kind of terrain, it's easier for me."
Harry rolled his eyes at the comment, but remained silent, merely trying to catch his breath himself.
Despite having some steep moments, the path was pleasant and the fresh air was doing wonders on your moral. For once, you were able to forget about the stress of your PhD, and spending some time with your friends put an unwavering smile on your lips.
The wind of autumn was chilly and on the less protected spots of the trail, it bit down on your cheeks, but it was vivifying too, in a way that gave you energy to go on and continue further up the path. Without your parents around, both you and Harry were more relaxed, and you fell back into your usual banter, acting more like friends than fake lovers again. And it was comfortable. A known territory you had been exploring for decades, familiar and safe. You were in a comfort zone that the two of you had built along the years, and it felt reassuring to fall back in this old safe area of your relationship for a few hours.
As you finally reached the top after more than an hour of climbing up the rocky path, your breath was taken away not only by the physical effort you had been through, but by the sight before your eyes. The top of Ben A'an offered almost a 360°C sight over the loch and the mountains all around, a perfect mix of peaceful water, blue sky, rocky mountains and slopes painted in green, orange, yellow and red by trees in fall. A couple of ravens croaked a few meters away, perched on mossy rocks and breaking the quiet of the place. The wind, strong and howling, seemed to punch your cheeks with each ghast of air. Facing you, Ben Venue stood taller, its sloops colourful, as if the work of a painter more than of nature. Loch Katrine stretched as a long patch of water, glimmering under the vivid sun, on your right. On the other side of a forest, laid the calm waters of Loch Achray, situated on your left. You rested your back against one of the rocks behind you as you took in the view, your feet safely set against the pebbles and dirt on the ground, the grassy area, punctuated with bushes, only starting close to the edge of the slope. The top of Ben A'an, that you had now reached, was rather levelled, and all over a perfect spot for a break.
"It's gorgeous," you breathed.
"Yeah," Harry nodded by your side, still out of breath after the last push that had been needed to reach the top.
You turned a worried face towards him.
"Are you sure you're alright? You're breathing funny."
He coughed a couple of times, but rolled his eyes at you.
"I'm fine, mum. Just out of breath because I've finished climbing up a mountain just now, you know?"
It was your time to roll your eyes at him.
"Well, sorry to get worried about your malfunctioning lungs."
"They're not malfunctioning!"
"You're asthmatic! They are malfunctioning."
"You're out of breath too."
"I don't sound like I'm about to die."
"I don't either. You've clearly never heard someone dying. That's not how it sounds."
You exchanged a playful smile, while he joined you, resting his back against the rock and enjoying the view.
"In all seriousness though," he went on, still struggling to ease out his breathing. "I might let you choose another hike after this one. It's a very nice view."
"Ha! I knew it!" you cheered, giggling.
Cassie and Amy were admiring the view over the loch as well, holding onto each other. Patrick was drinking some water a couple of steps away from you. But as you felt your body cooling down, you decided to use the last remnants of adrenaline of your long walk to climb on top of the rock you were resting upon, thus reaching the true top of the mountain. There would truly be nothing above you then but the blue sky and the occasional crows flying by. It wasn't a very elegant endeavour, as you struggled to climb up the rock. Harry hurried to grab your waist to steady you, scolding you as you slipped.
"What are you doing?" he asked with a deep frown, worry oozing from his deep voice.
"Y/N, it's not a good idea, it's slippery."
"Shut up and help me up!"
He rolled his eyes but helped you anyway. Because he could never say no to you anyway. Never had been able to since you were five years old and you asked to play with his favourite toy. So, he secured his hold on your waist, helping your movements to secure your climb, ready to catch you if you were to fall. But you didn't fall, instead reaching the top of the last rock to climb. You took a couple of steps on the top, to reach the highest part, now enjoying a view of both sides of the mountain, water and forests and steep sloops of mountains seeming to lay at your feet just for you. The wind was even more violent at the top, almost deafening, but you didn't mind. You felt so confident for some reason, your usual problems seeming millions of miles away. Standing there, at the top of Ben A'an, it felt like you had reached the top of the world itself. You let out a laugh as you opened your arms wide, letting the wind blow against you with all its strength, turning your face up towards the sun to let its warmth bloom across your cheeks.
And down the rock, still on the path, Harry was looking up at you, listening to your laugh carried across the sky by the strong wind. He took in your dishevelled looks after your climb, and the way the wind caught in your jacket, blowing it away from your body. The way the sun got caught on your skin, and the way your lips split in a glowing smile. A thin layer of sweat glistened on your face, illuminated by the sun. And your carefree stance made you look absolutely unreal.
There was a deep rumble in his heart. A bright, luminous kind of aching that he had been trying hard to forget for years. And he had succeeded. After years of trying, he had made the feeling go away.
So why did he feel like this again now?
Looking at you with arms spread, embracing the world, it seemed, with a happy and free expression written on your features, he just couldn't stop the feeling from settling in his heart once more.
You were beautiful. Radiant. Something about you made him unable to look away. And he hated it. He hated the fact that he felt like this about you. But he couldn't help it. So, he stared at you as you laughed away in the wind, an uncontrollable yet fond smile on his face.
Sometimes he wondered how you could even be real.
And for a moment, he was so entranced in you that he didn't notice that Patrick was staring at you as well.
Harry helped you climb back down, a safe hold securing your movements, and you held onto his shoulders too for leverage. Landing in his arms, so close to him, made him fiercely blush, but he reckoned that if anyone noticed, he could always blame the wind.
But then he was your fake boyfriend for this week. Which meant that he was allowed to be this close to you. He was allowed to hold you for a moment longer than what was needed, and he could always claim that it was to keep up appearances, instead of him simply longing to have you close. And if he repeated this excuse enough times in his head, maybe, just maybe, he might believe in it himself too.
As your gazes met though, it was impossible for him to pretend, and reflexes came rushing back as Harry stepped away from you, an embarrassed blush blooming all the way up to the tip of his ears. You were distracted from his reaction though as Patrick handed you a bottle of water.
This time though, Harry didn't miss the way Patrick looked at you as you thanked him, accepting the water bottle. He didn't miss the way his gaze lingered for too long on your fingers wrapping around the plastic, nor the way he glimpsed at your lips as you brought the bottle to your lips.
When he felt his blood boiling in his veins, Harry attributed the symptom to mere annoyance. Because he hadn't travelled all the way from LA to Scotland for a week, lied to your parents, gotten dragged in all that mess, taken the risk to face his own mother's judgement about the whole ordeal too as your parents were close friends… to end up playing third wheel for you and Patrick. And that was all there was to it.
Maybe the way his heart stomped in his chest was a bit too violent for mere annoyance, but it wasn't a safe choice to call the feeling jealousy, after all.
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Opinion on ACOTAR's Azriel
As stated in my previous post, this will be my opinion on what I believe should happen to AZ if he ever gets a book mainly focusing on the relationship side since so many people think he should be paired with someone. So in this post, I will remove all personal feelings I have on the series and characters, so this can be unbiased. In a later post, I will discuss my thoughts on the books.
Now that that is over, here is a recap of the last post before I go into what I am going to add for those who haven’t been able to see my other post:
Ok, ok, I know this will probably be an unpopular opinion, but...
I think if a book is made about Azriel, it shouldn't be about him magically finding his "mate" or there being the main love interest for him, or honestly him being with anyone at all. He deserves all the happiness; I agree that only leads me to encourage me more, hear me out...
· Azriel has gone through a lot of suffering emotionally, physically, and mentally (outside of emotional). As a result, it would be harder for him to express who he is, let alone try to open up to someone"new" that he would surprisingly learn is his mate.
· If he was to get a book, I think it should focus on how he went through his difficulties and what he does in the shadows outside of the knowledge already shared of his job. We already know he plays a large part in what goes on in the background of the Night Court, so it should be foremost in what he has seen, which no one shall know.
· Another point is maybe if SJM wants to introduce a love interest, it is done not through a sudden crush but slow-building of perhaps the love interest being caused through a mission which he ends up being forced to get closer without want and reluctantly develops feelings.
· Also, like Nesta, along with implied multiple times in the story, he releases his emotions through one-night stands, and we readers just need to accept he isn't a relationship man but not wanting a long-term thing. He has always been represented as closed off, along with never being implied as someone who actively wants a commitment yet to be left to his own, so maybe it should be shown as so.
Now, I want to add evidence to support what I am trying to communicate with everyone.
In the books A Court of Mist and Fury, A Court of Wings and Ruin, A Court of Frost and Starlight, and A Court of Silver Flames, they slowly pull information about what Azriel had to deal with what his job was in the stories. Unfortunately, as the books progress mainly in ACOWAR and ACOSF, people started to try and ship him with many people, not considering what he has gone through with his past, which would only lead to issues if a relationship were to develop at some point in the series.
That is where I will be starting, about how if he does get a book, what should happen with his past, then we will go through how his “relationships” should proceed throughout the series.
In ACOMAF, the author SJM introduces him as part of the inner circle, consisting of Mor, Amren, and Cassian. He is the spy of the Night Court who is constantly working with the shadows to gather information for the High Lord Rhysand. Even when Feyre first met him, she was off-put about how he acted with the shadows. “With approval as the shadows seemed to wrap tighter around him. As if he were the dark have from which they flew from.” This only shows more into the beginning of how powerful he could probably be, like foretelling, which is introduced more and more throughout the series.
Azriel is very quiet and keeps to himself most of the time, even to those he loves and cares about profoundly, unless something has him become protective. For example, in the meeting in ACOWAR, he jumps to attack Eris because he insulted Mor. Another example was when Feyre was being offended by Tamlin, he said, “Be careful how you speak about my high lady.” This line shows that even when he is quiet, he contains anger that has not been explained about how far it runs. He is considered a very mysterious character when described throughout the story because none of his past has entirely been told mainly. After all, no one knows what happened to him.
Taking this information into careful consideration implies more going on behind the scenes with him and his powers of controlling the shadows, which have not been introduced. The information provided through the stories about him being a captive song with abused for a while also gives insight into how much pent-up anger and emotion he carries with him that could affect him dearly, leading him to possibly do things behind the Lord’s back even as friends. The latest book states that he has been dealing with a lot to the point Rhys gave some work to Cassian. What was the work, though? What work was so much that it forced Rhysand to split the trade with Cassian?
Going into the idea of his book, if it was to be created, it should bring in the information about what he has gone through and what he has to do as a shadowslinger. It should also include information on his job as a spy because honestly, does anyone know? If he gets a book it should be about his career and how his past has affected the way he is. So many aren’t focusing on the fact he has gone through many difficult times, always forced into positions where he has risked everything because many people only focus on how he acts with the others or how the others interact, not him. Because of all the emotions most likely pent up and the distraction of constantly running around, it has probably only affected him more.
Now finally going into relationship side. Many people are shipping Az with Gwen or Elain and even arguing over it, which is ridiculous because first off, let everyone have their ships stick to your own belief don’t belittle others. Back to the point, when shipping him with all these people, no one realizes there is no solid development of the two characters of the chosen ship together in any book. Even if nothing leads Azriel to be emotionally available for him, even to realizes he can get in a proper relationship.
If he were to be in a relationship, he would need to be able to sort out his emotions more, being able to be at least able to open up slightly to heal instead of hiding from his mind, which he has been doing, or at least what has been implied of him doing. When in a relationship, someone must openly communicate and stick to the other if something happens. With his past crush, Mor (who still hasn’t shown if he is completely over her), he never showed much emotion or opened up much with his claim to love her. If SJM established anything in the book, it shouldn’t be a relationship but just him having one-night stands that honestly shouldn’t be needed if it is written well enough.
Another reason why he shouldn’t have a mate because mates are considered rare in that world, meaning if he has a mate, how would that be rare considering that he would be the 4th person in that group to have a mate that randomly appears. It wouldn’t make sense.
All in all, I think Az shouldn’t end with someone, and the book should main on him growing mentally, so he becomes stronger. Please ask any questions; if you think otherwise, please I’d love to hear it, I’m always open to listening to others’ opinions on matters considering them.
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bluewhale52 · 4 years
The History of Us - Ch. 16
Synopsis: You have built your career and you have 2 rising hip hop superstars as your besties. Life is pretty good, until one drunken night that derails your life plan. How would you survive?
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Pairing: ?? x OC , main characters are mostly Namjoon, Yoongi and Tae, but all 7 are present now
Fic type: social media au + text 
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, fluff, angst.
Rated: R
Warning: swearing, talk about sex and unplanned pregnancy
Disclaimer: photos are not mine, and of course characterization and scenarios of the boys are purely of my imagination
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Ch. 16 - 3some
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10 March, 20:15
You and Taehyung sit nervously across from Seokjin. He still has not said anything since you broke the news that you are in fact, carrying Kim Seokjin’s baby, and not Kim Taehyung’s. There are probably a million questions that will need to be answered, but Seokjin has not shown any indication that he has processed the jawdropping news. 
“Maybe you should wait in the bedroom,” you whisper to Taehyung. At the raise of his eyebrows, you pat his cheek lovingly. “It’s OK, Tae. It might be easier for him to talk to me alone.”
Your heart aches with the way Taehyung looks at you. A flash of jealousy, possessiveness then understanding, one quickly replaces another. He kisses the top of your head and gently rubs your belly, before excusing himself and heading to your bedroom.  Watching him leave, you immediately blush at the memories of what you did last night and this morning.
You and Taehyung had not talked in a month, since you  told him about the identity of your baby’s father. All the frustration and anger finally boiled over last night at Yoongi’s birthday dinner. Annoyed at Taehyung’s cold demeanour towards you, you openly started flirting with Seokjin all night, which resulted in you and Taehyung shouting at each other across the table. 
When a particular barb Taehyung threw at you finally broke the dam of tears you had been holding back, Namjoon dragged you out of the restaurant and held you as your cried into his chest. Minutes later, however, Taehyung came out to pull you from Namjoon’s arm, flagged a taxi down, and you both ended up going back to your place together. 
The taxi ride was quiet, but once you both entered  your apartment, you were anything but. Lips smacking, skin slapping, pants and moans filled your living room then your bedroom. And it was at your fourth orgasm of the night, when you screamed his name over and over again, that he claimed you as his, and you gladly accepted it.
This morning was no different, instead of talking, the two of you were going at it again, and you both apologised, cried and promised to be honest and to communicate better, all said between orgasms. Spent, a decision was then made that Kim Seokjin needed to know- that the baby growing in your belly is his. Which led you to inviting him to your place for dinner, to break the news.
You turn to the man in front of you, wondering how long more you need to wait before Seokjin is able to say anything at all.
“Seokjin,” you reach out and rub his knee, “are you OK?”
He blinks at your touch, and clears his throat. “Uh, let me just get the facts straight.” 
You nod, silently encouraging him to talk. In the short amount of time you have known him, you realise he has a habit of talking his thoughts out loud.
“So, we met that night, at the Halloween party, then we came here, and you know, and somehow our protection was faulty..” his hands are flapping and you nod at him, “and you’re pregnant.”
“Yes, that’s correct.”
“And i was the one night stand guy whose identity you didn’t know, until the whole partnership thing with Namjoon and Yoongi.” You nod again.
“But you told me last week that Taehyung was the father.”
You shrug your shoulders a little. “Well you caught me off guard, I panicked and just said the first name that came to mind.”
This time it is Seokjin who nods. then he chuckles, “You know I thought you were going to offer me a proposition, like for a threesome.”
You choke on your own saliva at his blunt confession. “Excuse me?”
Seokjin laughs loudly, his shoulders shaking. “Turns out I’m going to be a father.”
You stare at him wondering how his mind could go from ten to 200kph in an instant. “Yeah well, no threesome. I think we have enough spice in our lives as it is now.”
You wait till Seokjin stops laughing, and when he buries his face in his hands, you start to worry. He must be going through a hell of a rollercoaster of emotions right now.
“So... what now?” he finally looks up at you and asks.
“I don’t know, really,” you helplessly answer, “Tae and I agreed to tell you because all eight of us will be working closely. And not only that, you’re becoming friends with Joon and Yoongi too. And then Hoseok and Tae seem to be forming this bond over fashion, I just didn’t want to ruin any of these relationships you guys are building.”
You take a deep breath. “I didn’t want to tell you, but Tae insisted that you need to know,” you confess reluctantly.
“I see.”
Seokjin and you  awkwardly stare at each other. Something seems to hold him back from saying anything, so you continue talking.
“I don’t want your money. I swear, this is not why I told you about the baby. Before Tae was even in the picture, I was ready to have this baby and raise them on my own. My relationship with Tae just happened, and I’m grateful for it.  And he was planning to move in here so he can help, you know he loves children, and I know he’d be an amazing fath- I mean, he’s amazing with kids...”
You stop talking when you see Seokjin tilts his head at your almost referring Tae as the baby’s father. 
“So it’s like a parenting threesome.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “What?”
“You know, two dads, one mom. Is that what’s going on here?”
You sputter, lost for an answer, and Seokjin feels agitated by your lack of response.
“Are you expecting me not to be involved? Do you want me not to be involved?” he asks, voice firmer now.
Your heart is beating faster. “I’m not... it’s up to you Seokjin, I-”
“Jin.” he says firmly, interrupting you. “You’re carrying my baby so call me Jin.”
You swallow, getting nervous now. “Jin,” you repeat his name, “it’s up to you. It’s your choice how much you want to be involved. I’m not expecting anything from y-”
Jin abruptly stands up, startling you. “Well I’m telling you now I’m not expecting to be a third wheel in this, it’s my child!”
He runs his fingers through his head in annoyance. “You can’t just tell me and expect me not to be involved.”
“That’s not what I’m saying,” you speak gently, trying to ease down the tension. “I’m just saying it’s entirely up to you. If you want to be involved, that’s great. If you don’t, that’s fine too. I don’t want you to feel obligated.”
“Because you have that knight in shining armour, right?” he gestures towards your bedroom. You groan inwardly, praying Taehyung is not eavesdropping. You stand up and grab Jin’s arms and direct him back to his seat.
“What do you want then, Jin?” you ask, forcing your voice to stay calm.
“I want to be involved, and I want the baby to call me dad. The baby can call Taehyung whatever you guys want, but the baby will call me dad.”
“OK, that’s absolutely fine.”
“And I will pay for the baby.” He shushes you as you shake your head. “50% of the baby is me, so whatever medical costs of this pregnancy, and when you give birth, and whatever the baby needs later in life, I’m also responsible for it.”
“OK, if that’s what you want.” 
“If you don’t mind, I will start a fund for the baby. For financial security. My parents did it for me, and I want to do it for my child too.” Jin continues, “there’ll be paperwork involved, to ensure the money goes to the child and the child alone.”
You nod, it makes sense. He has money and he wants to ensure his child’s well being. As an expectant mother you feel somewhat relieved, and as a CPA, you know it’s the right arrangement if one can afford it. “OK, that’s a good plan and I’m really grateful for it. But Jin, do you want people to know you’re the father?”
Jin stares at you blankly. You have thought about this question long and hard. You are fine admitting your child is fatherless, or when an answer is needed and you can’t circle around it, you know Taehyung is ready to step in. Your inner circle knows who the real father is, and that’s all that matters.
But if Jin wants to be openly involved with the child, it would be his reputation on the line. He is too much of a public figure now- the whole situation will definitely be seen as a scandal, tainting his name and very likely will cost you your job too.
Jin seems to understand the dilemma. “If your firm finds out...”
“... I’ll probably lose my job.” You finish his train of thought.
“So we’ll be discreet. We’ll just tell those who need to know. Wait, does everyone in Bulletproof know I’m the father?”
“Just the guys, and you know we can trust them completely.” You assure him, and yourself.
Jin nods. “So your job should be safe then. As long as no one from outside finds out. Though you know, most first borns tend to look exactly like their fathers. One day people will put two and two together.”
“Well then,” you chuckle, “let’s hope our child is going to be a boring accountant like me, and not famous like you.”
At that Jin smiles at you, a real genuine smile, and you feel hopeful that this strange arrangement- this parenting threesome as Jin puts it- may just work out. 
Jin and you both whip your head at the sound of Taehyung clearing his throat. You freeze, wondering when Taehyung came out of your bedroom, and how much has he heard? Then you realise you are sitting very close to Jin, and you start to worry if Taehyung misreads it. The fight you had is still fresh in your mind and heart.
“Sorry to disturb you, and to burst your happiness bubble,” Taehyung walks closer to you and Jin, “but you need to see this.”
Taehyung holds out his phone, and Jin and you quickly read what is on the screen. Jin groans, and you grab the phone from Taehyung’s hand, reading the screen over and over again. Taehyung bites his lower lip nervously.
And then you let out a blood curling scream.
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warsmith-38 · 3 years
How I would do RWBY pt.6
Season Six.
RWBY and JNR (and Ozpin, Qrow, and Ilia) on route to Atlas.
SSSN and CFVY have responsibilities in Mistral so they stay back. IE: Ozpin now doubts their loyalty due to their headmaster being compromised.
RWBY and co. get stopped at SDC border checkpoint.
Almost get detained for questioning.
Blake remembers the last time a friend of hers was ‘detained for questioning’.
Winter intervenes, using the authority of the military. Allows RWBY and co. into Atlas.
As soon as they get a moment away from the grunts Winter embraces her sister and admonishes her for not even leaving a note when she left.
She understands why she left, but still.
Blake ribs her a little.
Yang points out to everyone that she’s the only one who’s never ran off without telling anyone.
Winter takes them all to Ironwood.
Ironwood explains that the Atlas military has been doing everything they can to keep the peace short of using scorched earth tactics.
The SDC and the White Fang have armed patrols going through the streets, are having regular firefights in the streets, harassing civilians, and blowing shit up, but almost always peace out when the military shows up.
Jacques is incommunicado and Sienna hasn’t been publicly seen in Atlas for over a decade.
The Atlas government is a bunch of corrupt fuckwits taking bribes from both sides (and Salem too).
Ironwood is doing all he can, but he’s being forced to do it with his hands tied behind his back.
Ruby wants to know if anyone’s seen Cinder.
Ironwood tells her that they’ve been busy with more pressing matters.
Winter says that she has encountered and even fought CEMN.
She lost half of her unit and CEMN got away.
No sign since then and no agents to spare to chase them anyway.
Ruby’s disappointment is curbed by being reunited with rebuilt Penny.
Aren’t data backups a beautiful thing?
She lucked out that her memory core wasn’t destroyed with the rest of her old body.
Her new body, to make room for newer and better features, had to do away with the data backup thing.
If she dies now, she’s dead for good. She only had the one extra life.
Both are beyond overjoyed to see each other again.
Both thought the other was dead until Penny saw Ruby on a news broadcast from Mistral.
Ruby cries while saying that she never thought she’d be able to hold Penny in a hug ever again.
Ciel is there too, not that anyone in or out of universe really cares. (…I care)
She is Penny’s supervisor as well as both Ironwood’s and Winter’s aide.
If she was old enough, she’d take up every vice there is due to how crappy her jobs are.
Everyone notices that Ironwood’s forces are almost equal parts human and faunus.
They cite that they’re sick of the SDC’s many abuses, the White Fang’s lies and broken promises, and the self-righteous indignation of the both of them.
Both sides suck and they have chosen option three.
Option three being telling both sides to go fuck themselves.
Ilia starts to think about things.
Weiss and Winter go to try to talk to Jacques to get whatever intel they can and/or stop the fighting.
Blake and Ilia try the same with Sienna, following whatever dead drop signs they can.
SDC secretary tries to wave Weiss and Winter off.
Jacques hears that his daughters are here and drops everything to talk to them.
W+W try and get Jacques to de-escalate.
He says he’s stuck in a stalemate and can’t even if he wanted to.
If he de-escalates then the White Fang will go wild at the sign of weakness.
He also admits that he’s ready to do the same should the White Fang try to de-escalate.
W+W tell him there’s a good chance that most of the more recent problems are Cinder and co. operating as accelerationists.
Willow enters the picture and sides with her daughters.
Eventually browbeat him into agreeing to a negotiation with Sienna if she also agrees.
Weiss has moment with her mother, finally addressing family problems.
Willow tells her that Jacques was contacted long ago by someone willing to give him an extra monetary and military edge in the fight.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that that someone was Salem.
Weiss is considerably less optimistic about the peace talks now.
Blake and Ilia manage to track down Sienna.
They get sneers and threatening looks from the White Fang members at her hideout.
Blake gets a ‘I’m sorry you had to kill your ex-boyfriend’ hug from aunty Sienna.
Blake accepts the hug in the name of diplomacy.
Doesn’t mention that a good chunk of Adam’s problems were made worse by Sienna’s actions and prompting or were just straight up her fault.
Blake and Ilia try to get Sienna to de-escalate.
Yeah, talking, that’s how you stop violent terrorists, totally. That’s a thing that works.
Sienna tells them that she will only de-escalate if Jacques does so first.
Until she gets a token gesture, it’s business as usual.
Blake tells Sienna about Cinder and that she’s probably causing most of the recent issues for Salem.
Ilia corroborates.
Sienna says she already knows and doesn’t care as long as it might give her an edge.
Damn the ever increasing body count.
Besides, Salem herself has been bankrolling a good chunk of the White Fang’s efforts for a while now.
Blake leaves in a huff and Ilia goes with her, both now entirely disillusioned with Sienna’s leadership as well as Sienna herself.
Ruby, Penny, and Ciel are hunting for signs of Cinder.
Get minimal results but it’s a nice opportunity for them to reconnect.
Penny is more than a little worried at how starved for vengeance Ruby is.
Ciel is skeptical as to if it’s a good idea to leave Penny alone with Ruby.
Yang is with Ironwood, trying to help however she can. Mostly kicking the ass of anyone who slacks off.
Yang is a pretty damn good XO.
She may not have the head for direct leadership, but is good at making troops do their best.
She has gained experience in such things since working with RWB.
Jaune is strategizing circles around Ironwood’s upper echelon.
Hasn’t acted this smug since wargaming night.
Ren and Nora are helping the boots on the ground, even managing to catch a good amount of both SDC militia and White Fang members.
Easier to legally prosecute people if you can catch them. Looks better in the papers and such.
Ozpin is conspiring with his inner circle as to what Salem might be planning in Atlas.
Interfering with the WF-SDC conflict to this degree isn’t Salem’s style.
She didn’t start this one, but it is her style to start a war and bankroll one or both sides.
However, she would leave it at that and let the two sides kill each other as they naturally would.
Come to the conclusion that Cinder is operating as a rogue element from Salem. That makes her less predictable and, as such, all the more dangerous.
That still leaves them in the dark as to what Salem is planning in Atlas or if she even has an active plan in Atlas for that matter.
Ruby meets Penny’s ‘father,’ a weird mad scientist who has a lot of projects ranging in levels of insanity.
Projects include but aren’t limited to: Super lasers, ICBMs, logging the genealogy of most of the planet (this one is important), Penny, making good tasting fruits taste like cat fur, pineapple on pizza, and so many more horrifying crimes against decency.
Atlas higher ups would get rid of him for being insane, but he has tenure.
Some of his projects are rather useful, too.
Ruby makes her excuses and leaves with Penny as the scientist tries to reveal certain revelations.
Yang discovers a little criminal element in the city.
That little criminal is Neo.
Yang learned her lesson from last time, takes her time to take Neo down.
Neo, surprised at how badly she’s losing, escapes with a tracker that Yang plants on her.
Weiss and Blake meet up to touch base on whatever progress they’ve made in peace talks.
Frustratingly little.
They’re both about to return to their contacts and relay plans when Sienna herself shows up with a sizable entourage.
Says that Weiss is coming with her as a bargaining chip against Jacques and asks Blake to stay out of it.
She ain’t gonna.
Ilia takes care of Sienna’s entourage.
WB vs Sienna.
Fight is cut off when SDC forces come to detain as much of RWBY as they can ‘for their own good’.
Goes about as well as expected.
Willow shows up to kick the crap out of them while Blake and Weiss cheese it.
Weiss and Winter had to get it from somewhere and they sure as shit didn’t get it from Jacques.
RWBY reconvenes.
Peace talk plan failed because both sides are led by lying douchebags more concerned about winning than the actual reasons why the fighting started.
Both sides are also being prompted to keep fighting by the same ancient witch-bitch and are too ignorantly angry to even consider the idea.
Fighting ain’t stopping but they can at least see if they can nab the people making things worse.
Ruby is eager to see if she can find and murder Cinder.
Weiss calls for an intervention on Ruby’s vengeance fetish.
Tries to tell her that this is ridiculously unhealthy and taking Cinder alive could infinitely be more useful.
Ruby lashes back at her, citing that Cinder killed Penny in front of all of them.
Penny then comes in to say salutations to everyone.
Ruby then cites that Cinder killed Ozpin.
Ozpin tells them that he’s been ‘killed’ plenty of times, Cinder ain’t special.
Ruby then cites that Cinder killed Pyrrha.
JNR point out that Ruby said less than a dozen words directly to Pyrrha during their time at Beacon and are very offended that Ruby would try and use Pyrrha’s death as a justification for her vendetta.
Ruby refuses to not go after Cinder but does reluctantly agree to try and calm down about it.
Weiss gives her a hug and says that she’s an idiot but she’s still her best friend.
Penny befriends JNR because she’s Penny.
RWBY sets off right as newest round of street skirmishes happens.
Both sides have tanks, explosives, and things that you’d need a really damn good lawyer to justify usage for ‘security’ purposes.
The latest delivery of bribes has arrived so the Atlas government orders that the military stands down and stays out of the conflict entirely.
Ironwood (with Ozpin’s prompting and despite Qrow’s objections) decides fuck that noise.
Orders that any and all SDC or White Fang combatants are to be met with extreme prejudice (the shooting kind of prejudice, not the racism kind).
What’s the government going to do, he’s the one with all the guns.
The monkey with the biggest stick makes the rules.
Peace through power! Peace through power! Peace through power!
JN(P)R work to help maintain order and minimize collateral damage in the warfare.
The P now stands for Penny.
RWBY maneuver through a warzone to where the tracker leads them.
Tracker is leading them to SDC headquarters.
CEMN are planting a big stupid bomb with a big stupid White Fang symbol on it.
CEMN season/arc final boss fight.
The plan was B fights C, Y fights N, R fights M, and Y fights E.
But we all know that was never actually going to happen.
W+Y fight E+M.
B-level 2v2 rival match. Go!
Countdown ‘til boom-boom starts.
Blake gets to work on the bomb. (She’s already had her decisive rival fight)
CEMN did their homework. It’s the exact kind of bomb that the White Fang would have used.
That also means she knows exactly how to disarm it.
Ruby chases Cinder and Neo further up the building.
Corners them and prepares for a fight.
Cinder points out that it took an insane rage state for Ruby to stand a chance and now not only does she not have that, it’s two on one.
Neo then cheap shots Cinder.
Neo reveals that she doesn’t even hate Ruby.
Ruby vs Roman was just business. Live by the sword, die by the sword. No hard feelings.
Her involvement with CEMN was just a ploy to fuck over Cinder, whom she blames for Roman’s death.
Cinder roped him into this crap, not to mention she was the one that set off the bomb that killed him.
Neo’s been subtly fucking up Cinder’s plans as much as possible without being noticeable.
If not for her, Atlas would have exploded while RWBY was chilling in Haven.
Neo’s plan was that Ruby would go berserk again and tear Cinder to pieces with Neo providing the extra edge to Ruby so that another draw doesn’t occur.
All she needed was the three of them alone together.
Is a little disappointed at Ruby’s level headedness, but is fine with helping non-berserk Ruby beat the ever-loving shit out of Cinder.
And yes, she manages to communicate all of this without speaking a word.
Cinder goes all out but so do Ruby and Neo.
Fire vs White fire with illusion bullshit.
Cinder’s grimm arm is an even greater liability than the last fight due to Ruby’s growing skill with the white fire.
Still a very dangerous opponent.
Neo gets her shit kicked in, but due to her help, Cinder is weakened.
Ruby gains a close victory.
Now comes the moment of truth.
Cinder cowers away as Ruby approaches with the scythe raised.
Neo is enjoying what she’s seeing.
Ruby cuts off the grimm arm, burning it afterwards, and cauterizes Cinder’s stump.
Neo feels gypped but shuts up (ha) when Ruby glares at her.
Says that the both of them are under arrest, but she’ll say something nice about Neo helping.
Neo is both annoyed and not willing to argue with the girl who can shoot white fire out of her eyes.
Emerald uses Willow as hostage, seemingly kills her (hallucination).
Weiss awakens her second semblance. Summoning. Summons the knight from the white trailer.
Kicks the ever-loving crap out of Emerald who then reveals that it was just her semblance and Willow is just unconscious.
Weiss still punches her and knocks her out.
Speaking of punches, Yang overpowers Mercury and knocks him out too.
Team CEMN is down like Frazier.
The bomb’s defused too.
Everyone’s proud of Ruby for resisting the urge to do brutal murder. ‘Cept Neo, that is.
Oh wait, the war is still happening.
Oh wait, no it isn’t.
SDC and White Fang stand down.
Willow and Ilia assumed command of their respective organizations, exposing all the accelerationist false-flags, and the fact that both sides were being led by members of the same Cabal.
Both sides de-escalated, stopped fighting, and detained their respective leaders to make them sit down to peace talks.
Ciel even manages to convince Ironwood to not have all of both sides lined up against a wall and shot.
Blake and Weiss give speech about togetherness and neighborliness and sunshine and you get the idea.
Jacques and Sienna both agree that ‘yeah, we could have handled all of this better, huh?’ and accept jail time while people try to fix relations that they came very close to permanently ruining.
They would have both gone to jail anyway but it sounds better to say that they ‘accepted’ the penalties.
CEMN is now also in custody. (This is seen by a motherfucker that looks like a black armored Myrmidon).
Ironwood officially crosses the Rubicon (RWBYcon, A-hey~) and deposes the corrupt fuckwits in the Atlas government and puts himself in charge as military governor.
Makes a point to emphasize to Ozpin that his position is very much temporary.
He’ll set up a new government after they’ve made Salem calm down for a century.
Ozpin ignores him and reminds everyone that this whole thing had shockingly little to do with Salem’s current masterplan.
They still have work to do.
But they did just finish taking out every meaningful member of The Cabal.
So for now they’ve earned a little party to blow off some steam.
Season six done.
World Travel arc done.
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lady-sapphire · 4 years
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Sapphire's WiP Wednesday OC Introduction - Part II
New Wednesday, a new part of my OC introduction! Did I mention that all of my Dragon Age stories have their own World State? So, today's Fanfic is technically an AU to Light and Shield. Yes, I've written an AU to my own Fanfic. Yes, I'm crazy. Yes, I'm riding the polyamory trope in this one. Sorry not sorry. :D
The Commander's Ruby (orig. title: "Der Rubin des Kommandanten")< (main idea: I wanted to write porn/smut and BDSM with Mina as a Sub. But my Light and Shield!Cullen didn't fit for that role. On AO3 is a fantastic BDSM-series with a guest appearance of Knight-Captain Rylen (look here!) and I couldn't get this idea out of my head. And now here we are!)
Oh, TW rape and PTSD for the following, people!
Mina Russelton
Regarding appearance, background and personality, Mina is mostly the same person as in Light and Shield. The differences are: she has more scars on her skin because of Ser Albert's brutality, some really special quirks (e.g. avoiding taking things in her mouth, don't like being touched or feeling wood in her back) and her PTSD has a far more impact on her character at the beginning of the story. She has nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks and tends to self-harm under pressure. Also, she sometimes shows small cognitive impairments. She was made violently infertile at the age of twenty-three and healers told her she would never have children of her own.
The Inquisitor sides with the templars and disbands the order. Her fate would be to become a slave of Tevinter. Instead, she flees from Redcliffe to the Inquisition where she meets Cullen.  (my headcanon) Cullen is much more sexually experienced and also more self-confident, he is dominant and his character development is more advanced than canon as well. He knows the failures of the Templar-Order, the Chantry and himself and wants to do better with the Inquisition. As commander, he is determined to protect the mages that have already joined the Inquisition, which means he has to find the mage hating and guilty templars in his army and render them harmless. He also suffers from his own PTSD and the lyrium withdrawal. 
When Mina arrives in Haven, he recognizes her and takes on the task of protecting her. She remembers the friendship they had back in her childhood and starts trusting him. She becomes battle mage of the Inquisition. Cullen falls in love with her. However, he hides it because of her past in the Circle. He is sure she will never reciprocate it just as never having sex at all. In particular, considering his special kinks in bed. But their relationship grows deeper and deeper. When the Inquisition settles in Skyhold he publicly announces that they are romantically involved, primarily to keep Mina safe and unmolested. He is truly surprised when she confesses she developed romantic feelings for him. So, their relationship is general knowledge. Not everyone takes this well at first.  Cullen works a lot for her sex education and she slowly starts discovering her own sexuality and battling her trauma. She is submissive (and quite kinky actually) and becomes Cullen's pet.  The discipline as a Sub helps her a lot in controlling her magical power. Cullen arranges for her a (secret) short time affair with his best friend and second-in-command Rylen, which leads to them falling in love with each other and ends up in a triangle relationship.
Because of her openly known romance with Cullen Mina has a close connection to the inner circle of the Inquisition. She hates the attention she receives as Cullen's partner and tries to avoid it. Nevertheless, she has to deal with the responsibility for the mages, which she reluctantly accepts.  In Halamshiral she gets announced as "Lady Commander Mina Russelton, former member of Fereldan Circle and battlemage of the Inquisition". She will never get rid of the title of Lady Commander.
Cullen calls her Love, his pet name for her is Kitten. Rylen names her Sweety (I'm still indecisive about the translation of Rylens german nickname for her). In the barracks, they call her Commander's Ruby because of her red hair, his protectiveness (and the fact, that she sometimes smooth Cullen's mood with sex, so he is a little more lenient with the recruits). She has a fondness for Starkhaven whisky and likes to snack nuts because they're small and easy to eat.   Thanks to Cassandra and Cullen Mina is well trained and a real horror on the battlefield for enemies. Besides fighting with her staff and staff blade, she is later able to handle small daggers. Varric mentions she is good at breaking noses of cheeky soldiers.
And again, important supporting characters under the cut! :)
2. Ser Raphael
Look here!
3. Telven Lavellan
Herald of Andraste and later Inquisitor in The Commander's Ruby. He is an archer rouge, Tempest specialisation and romances Josephine (after having a crush on Solas who rejects him). His plan to bring the Templar-Order under the control of the Inquisition and then offer an alliance to the mages fails because of Corypheus and the Venatori. He is allergic to injustice and oppression (and bullshit), judges Cullen's past at Kirkwall's Circle harshly but supports him in becoming a better man and getting trough his lyrium withdrawal.  Telven likes Solas but can't stand his ancient elven-superiority-shit.  He makes softened Leliana Divine. Varric calls him sometimes Tree Cuddler.
4. Bella Thornten
She is a mage from Ostwick and spirit healer. She becomes responsible for Mina's health after she arrives at Haven and is one of her very first friends. 
5. Flora
Flora is a middle-aged mage from Starkhaven and Mina's roommate in Haven. She is one of the Inquisition researchers, lesbian and keeps an eye on Mina. Later she teaches her a bit of Starhaven accent and culture. Flora is often Mina's first point of contact for questions of all kinds.
6. Ser Albert Dubois
For his character and background look here!  He is part of the templars that get committed by the Inquisition. He can hide at first, but Mina recognizes him at Haven and panics. She decides with Cullen’s help to do a testimony about his crimes which leads to some mages follow suit and a lot of arrests. The Inquisitor later judges and executes him. 
7. Lillith Mahariel
Hero of Ferelden and Warden-Commander of Fereldan Grey Wardens, in a relationship with Leliana and currently on the search for the cure of the Taint. Two-Weapon-Rouge who is completely oblivious to the fact that Alistair felt hopeless in love with her (he never said anything as he didn't want to bother the luck of his friends. Leliana knows anyway.) Named her mabari Pumpkin. Sometimes luckier than wits but has a good heart. 
Thoughts, ideas and questions are highly welcomed! :)
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threadofdestiny · 4 years
The opportunities we may take
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(The Picture was a comission I odered from a friend. Check her out -> Fantasiamind_art)
Part 2
Sinbad x OC
Soukmate AU
Reaching out to him
---- Sacred Island of Dalmasca----
Calmly, Salome listened as the waves continued to hit the stony cliffs underneath her. There she sat bathing in the warm sunlight, her legs tucked next to her body. She looked aimlessly across the sea, waiting for a sign that told her what to do next. The Rukh flew in circles around her body, never to drift too far away from her. They were silent at the moment, just like the girl they were constantly following. Her hands rested in her lap as she clutched a small round object. After playing carefully with the small ball for a few moments, she lifted it towards the sun and let the rays break on the smooth, glassy surface. It's turquoise color shone softly in the light, while the breaking rays made rainbow-colored spots dancing on her soft rose colored skin.
"Tell me, Alexander, what should I do?", Salome asked softly, her gaze briefly scurrying to her wrist. The golden bangle shimmered in the midday sun, but there was no reaction from the djinn inside said object. Salome frowned as she turned her gaze back to the small ball in her fingers.
"A few days ago the rukh said, that he had decided against it again, that he is on his way to build a kingdom. I wish I could just take a boat, sail to him and ask him why he is such a coward. Or why he doesn't care as much about this link as I do", she continued, speaking to the bracelet.Slowly she lowered the round shiny object in her hands to her lips, placing them softly on the smooth glass. "I'm sure he feels it too", She murmured, eyes closed, while she let her arms sink into her lap again. Her heart, which was heavy in her chest, pulled painfully together. "I- I know, I know... Maybe I should just accept it. He had the opportunity to come. Maybe it shouldn't have been. But maybe...", she broke off the sentence in order to let her gaze wander over the sea again thoughtfully.
Maybe she could take the chance once to reach out for him.
Absent, Salome raised her free hand and reluctantly stretched it out in front of her, as if she were trying to reach for something invisible that was there on the vastness of the sea. The golden little birds made motivating noises as they danced wildly around her outstretched fingers, making the girl smile.
"I finally came to a decision, Alexander! The waiting has come to an end. I will send it to him. Perhaps this is how I can at least tell him those few sentences, which I would like to give him on  his way", She explained to herself, throwing the little round crystal up in the air and catching it contentedly with both hands. Motivated, Salome got up and turned around herself once. The wide white skirt of her simple dress was playfully fanning out as she moved.
"And then, you and I will try to save as many as we can. I'm counting on you, Alexander, I'll need your help soon", she declared in a determined tone. "You are going to help as well, right?", she asked the rukh, which flew undeterred around her. With a searching view, she turned her back to the sea and sadly looked at the small town that was located down in the valley of the island. "The priests and blessed ones have already begun to evacuate the citizens. But some do not want to leave their country. We need to protect them at all costs, do you here me?", she muttered as her gaze glided over the ships, which were carefully loaded. From her high position, the people looked like little bustling ants as they went about their day's work. To her left, the holy temple of Solomon towered over the small land like a dormant watchman. Its walls integrated into the white stone of the sleeping volcano that makes up the middle of the small island. In the distance, she could see some people moving in her direction leaving the temple, but she did not pay them any further attention because they were still too far away.
Yes, she decided, she will do her best
Determined, she nodded to herself, turned to the cliffs again and approached the edge carefully. Deeply inhaling, she raised her arms to fold her fingers in front of her chest, the small glass ball tightly enclosed within both hands. "Please, make sure that my last words reach him", she whispered quietly while she kept her eyes closed in concentration. As if acting on command, Solomons rukh danced around her in an euphoric rhythm, confirming that they would comply to her wish. Happy with their answer, she stretched her hands over the edge of the cliff and slowly opened her fingers. With shiny turquoise-green eyes, she watched as the round crystal slowly slipped out of her fingers, only to witness how it plummet and then sink into the deep blue sea.
"Fare well!"
A strong gust of wind shot around Salome and tugged at her dress as she stepped back to eventually turn away, when suddenly the sky darkened over her. The rukh now in panic, warning her to get away, she heart screaming from behind her.
"Salome, watch out"
Before she could react, two magical projectiles hit each other. The pressure that came from it caused her to lose her balance and make her fall to the ground. As she raised her gaze, she stared into a cloud of black-colored Rukh, swirling around a person wrapped in equally black fabrics.
They were far too early. How had he been able to overcome the barriers?
Looking to the sky, it confirmed that the protection had not been breached. So how could that be? She struggled to stand up while keeping her eyes firmly on the dark figure. Her thoughts raced for miles per second as she pondered what to do. She had to protect the people in the valley, so much was clear to her, but how? Carefully Salome got up as her friend's steps behind her grew louder and louder, signaling her, that they were getting closer. Determined, she firmed her stand as her trembling fingers snaked around the metal vessel on her wrist.
"You are not welcome here! Go away!"
"You are strong. You have courage, intelligence and power more than anyone else!"
"You can never truly become a king"
"Marry me"
Like a mantra, the rose haired princess's words echoed in his head, tortured him hours later, after the day slowly tilted to its end. For an eternity he had been lying in bed and licking his wounds like an injured animal. Uneasy, Sinbad rolled from one side to the other until he finally lay on his back, an arm placed over his throbbing eyes. The pillow, actually pleasantly soft, felt like a brick against his neck, while the soft hotel bed didn't provide him any rest. Despite the fact that it wasn't very late, the room was already shrouded in complete darkness. He hadn't bothered to turn on a lamp when he entered the room some time ago. Even the tray of food that Ja'far had brought him before, he had left untouched on the table in the corner of the room. Sinbad didn't want to eat anything. He just wanted to sleep, but he seemed to be unable to find some rest.
He had failed. This little pampered princess had twisted his words in his mouth and made him look stupid in the end. She actually snatched the djinn away from him right under his nose.
"Marry me!", she said.
Angry, he snorted as the words reverberated again in his memory. No! Definitely not! Unnerved, Sinbad groaned as he abruptly sat up and let his face sink into his callused hands. Hot, with every passing second he got hotter as the frustration within him rose. As if he were marrying someone just to get his Kingdom. No, he didn't need a princess from any scarred country to achieve his goals. It felt wrong just to think about marrying someone to get power. He was a free man. He wouldn't give it up, not if he could see that he didn't need it.
At that very moment, another person's silhouette appeared before his inner eye. Her brown hair pulled in a long braid resting gently on her back. Her face was hidden by some loose strands that fell into her face, while her folded fingers touched the contouring of her lips. Slowly she shook her head and muttered something he couldn't hear.
The heat formed beads of sweat on his neck, which became so unpleasant that he began to pull at his collar. He opened his eyes and stared uneasily into the empty room as he tried to scare away the images in his head. He needed fresh air, it was far too stuffy in his room. Hastily, he got out of bed while quickly opening the buttons of his tunic to free himself from it. Taking a deep breath, he dropped the garment to the ground when he finally pulled it off his body. With quick steps, he approached the only window in the room and ripped it open. His airways filled with cooled desert air as he rested his hands on the window sill, while he let the pleasant air glide over his sweaty torso.
"Damn it!", he growled, as his fingers cramped over the wood. "I'm not the right man for a romantic relationship. Leave me alone", as if he wanted to convince not only himself, but also the two women who haunted his consciousness. Serendine's voice fell silent and left him at peace, but it was as if the girl unknown to him was shrugging before his inner eye as if he had beaten her. It was as if these words had actually reached her. He directly regretted them, but why? It wasn't real! She wasn't here. Exhausted, he raised his eyes to the dark sky as he wiped his arm over his damp forehead. A bitter taste spread to his taste buds as he pondered why his thoughts kept wandering over to that one particular girl. Was it because it would be an inaccurate variable in his life? Was he intrigued by that fact? Or was it something else? Not wanting to pursue those thoughts, fearing what these feelings might trigger in him, he concentrated, looking out into the night without registering his actual surroundings. No, he had to be sure that he was still on his right track. Serendine was not the way to reach his goals, he could see that. She would accompany him for some time, cross his paths occasionally, but at some point she would no longer play a role in his life. He stared crampedly at the lines that emerged before his eyes. Everything was as it should be. Today was an unpleasant failure, but it did not distract him from his actual path. Everything was in good order.
So why did he catch himself looking for the path that leads him to that brown haired girl, then?
But, wait! Where was she? Sharply, he breathed in the cool night air, his wild gaze drove over the individual lines, while he searched for that specific one. "W-What?", he breathed, panic spreading in his chest. It wasn't there. Where was she? Why could he not discover her path. Breathing heavily, he leaned further out of the window, as if he could catch a closer look at the waves in front of him. Nothing. Gone. Shocked, he felt his heart beating heavily, when he realized what this would have mean. He felt the blood in his veins froze as a suffocated sound escaped his lips. What was that? Why did he feel like he had lost something important? Trembling, he closed his eyes and tried to imagine the girl figuratively. But when he did, he could only observe how she dissolved right in front of him into thousands of small golden birds. "No...don't leave. I come and get you. I swear", he whispered hoarsely, When he realized that he couldn't reach her anymore. His hands shot forward and grabbing into the void, catching nothing but cold air. He had not taken his opportunity and now he is going to pay the price for it.
That was the night he vowed that he would never going to marry someone else
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thewhumpstuff · 4 years
You and I, Me and You [14]
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@badthingshappenbingo​ [Original characters and content for ‘Burns’]
[TW: Non/Dub-Con, NSFW, cigarettes and scalpels, psychological manipulation. Vivianne (Vivi-Anne/a) presents with a constellation of personality traits and identity-defining choices/compulsions that are unique to her and this world. (Attributed to her past and involving experiments with sci-fi drugs) She does NOT represent any disorders or conditions] [Teaser and Master List] [Archives of our Own] (On their turf: Chapter 5)
[<– Previous] ~ [Next –>]
Scalpels and Cigarettes. 
The hospital bed was flush against a corner. Akira’s left leg—the one that was shot—was grateful for the extra support and protection the wall provided. About a foot above her shin, the windowsill began. It overlooked the driveway. Vivi had cracked it open, to allow the smoke that curled from her cigarette to escape… and perhaps to hear the processions below. She could not make out the words, but the wind carried sounds sometimes and Vivi was grateful.
Aki had flexed her good leg to let Vivi find her perch. She’d been watching the processions with rapt fascination as she stitched. “It looks bad. I’ve never seen Tariq like this.” She ducked to finish the final knot. “All done! Gotta say, I didn’t think you’d be so still… Well done.” Vivi rested her hand on Akira’s good knee casually and patted.
Akira had dipped in and out of consciousness as Alcyone guided a distracted Vivi to perform stitches. Akira’s bullet gouge was going to scar. The stitches were uneven. Some knots were too tight, others not tight enough. Anne—Anna, part of Vivianne was decidedly better at medical procedures.
This archaic process of stitching wounds itself had been abandoned though. Technology and advancements in the field of biology had made so many alternatives readily available. Akira was nothing more than a fascinating test subject to be toyed with. Alcyone hummed as they walked by and idly squirted some of the shealing (sealing-healing) gel onto the surface in a miserly manner… Like an afterthought. They walked away briskly. “Oh boy. This is not looking good.” Vivi’s emphatic word contradicted the lascivious intrigue painted on her face. She spoke at Akira, speaking to her was not really an option, since she was still rather pain addled.
Akira’s breathing was uneven. She had received serum to aid with the wound healing process, but barely anything to help with her pain. This was a reminder, that on some level, she was considered disposable. She had not earned her right to comfort. She wondered if Alcyone and the others had just wanted her to die in the bus. They must hate me for stubbornly living on then. If fate had given her a chance, maybe they decided to as well? The administration of the gel made things a little better.
“He’s got Jared pinned under his boot.” Vivi twittered. She had folded her legs and was bobbing with excitement. It was no secret that Vivianne enjoyed her share of raw violence. Akira stirred and opened her eyes a crack at the mention of Jared. No one had bothered to dress Akira up again. She was in her solid black underclothes, with a flimsy sheet that Alcyone had thrown clumsily onto her, they were around but interrupted nothing. “Jared?” Akira wanted to know more, she tried to sit up. Vivi put her foot against Akira’s shoulder and pushed her back down. Aki had no strength to resist and fell back against her pillow. Vivi’s gaze hardened when she heard the way Akira inquired about the man. The information Ezekiel shared may be accurate after all. Vivi wanted it not to be.
“You know… You must be in a lot of pain… I’m going to help…” Vivi took her promise seriously and worked on braiding her bubble-gum pink hair, it was blonde at the roots. Something about the scene outside kept drawing her away. So, as she fixed her sleek tresses, she peeked outside again. She winced. “I don’t like having only one leg to work with…” Vivi muttered absently as she made idle circles on Akira’s ankle, then began her slow ascent upwards, sliding her hand under the sheet, tracing patterns against the inner thigh. Akira stirred. She groaned and stilled again. Something was tickling her, it felt nice, but also uncomfortable. She flattened her leg against the bed and kicked Vivi gently in the process. Vivi grabbed Akira’s ankle.
“Now see, that’s not very nice- Fuck.” She let something distract her again, something that was happening beneath them. She watched as Jared stood up to face the baton flourishing men. “Tariq is playing a dangerous game. I don’t think he should be making the call to mess Jared up...” Aki blinked her eyes open this time and licked her lips. Her thoughts came to her slow, they were scattered and bleary, but they were there. She connected the dots of what Vivi’s words. Mess him up?
“Aww.” Vivi cooed as she noticed the flick of Akira’s tongue and assumed it to be a come-hither cue. Akira recognized that look on Vivi’s face, the one that emphasized her desire, and, in the moment, she decided to use it. “Pull me up… I want to feel closer to you.” Akira could be an excellent liar when she wanted and right now, she needed help so she could peek out of the window herself. Vivi looked around sheepishly, then readily obliged. Wedging herself between Akira’s legs, she hoisted her up and set her leaning against the window. She stole a soft kiss for her troubles. Akira did not pout. She did not lean into the kiss and did not return it. Vivi’s eyes narrowed as she pulled away, her fingers tenderly climbed the ladder of scars she had left against Akira’s ribs… The cuts she had willingly accepted. She did not accept the kiss like that today. Vivi was more perceptive than people gave her credit for. She could see that there was some attachment between Akira and Jared. The way her breath hitched ever so slightly with each blow he endured.
Akira hadn’t even realised that Vivi’s fingers were tugging at the waistband of her panties. Her mind was trained on what she had heard, and her heart was in her throat. Akira could now glimpse at the act through the corner of her eyes. It was more than enough, especially if supplemented with Vivi’s commentary. They’re going to kill him. She tried to hold her breath, it felt like the easiest way to steady it. Akira’s eyes were glassy, unfocused and clear, till she closed them again.
Vivi could see the tears that never fell. She shook her head and pulled her fingers off the elastic. She resorted to using her scalpel to make a dangerous slit in the fabric that covered Akira, instead. The cold metal teased the exposed flesh carefully, and fingers quickly replaced it. “You know endorphins and aphrodisiacs are natural analgesics.” Akira looked at her vacantly and her body stiffened. Vivi teased Akira’s folds with expertise. After all, this was not the first time they were doing this. “Controlled pain and fear with sex equals Painkiller. So… I’m just trying to help.” She took another puff of smoke and blew it against Akira. As she re-emerged from the plume and the smoke dissipated, Vivi searched the outline of the slender neck, for the faint scar of that cigarette burn. She pulled her fingers out and pulled the blanket off Akira. Vivi held the scalpel in one hand and the other held the cigarette.
“You know, Nova told Eze some things about a certain man… and cigarettes… and you…” Akira didn’t respond. So, this is theme of my life. Everyone knows everything, but me. Everyone around her, seemed to have it all figured out. And she was the last one to find out that her cover may be blown. “Now, you know I am very jealous when others mark you, right? I’ll forgive it, because it was before my time…” The scalpel rested against the old burn scar. Vivi made a soft cut into it. Marring the mark and the memory. She kissed the cut sloppily. They locked eyes and Akira glared, but she could not fight, not in this state. Vivi ran the handle of the scalpel against the slit in the solid black panties again, using the tool to widen the tear, the fabric split with an agonizingly slow ripping sound.
“You had poor Tariq like a puppy on a leash… You had me too. You led us on, but you always wanted him, right?” She ran the glowing tip of the cigarette across Akira’s inner thigh. Akira’s lips trembled, she inhaled quietly and deeply. She held her breath again. She was not going to give Vivi the satisfaction of seeing any reactions. The scalpel warmed, nestled inside Akira. It certainly was not satisfying. It was not meant to be. Vivi pulled it out and pressed the sharp end into Akira’s cheekbone, forcing her to turn towards the window and watch, or sport a rather deep cut. Akira let the gash cry blood defiantly. Reluctantly she eventually turned.
Jared had fallen to his knees again. Distant grunts were occasionally loud enough to be heard. Akira clenched her eyes shut. Her jaw was set. She shook, frustrated and angry. Vivi placed the scalpel against Akira’s crinkled eyelids. “Open your eyes, or I won’t hesitate to take your sight forever. No Tariq to save you this time, he is busy… you see. Well, you don’t, but you should.” Akira opened her eyes and instantly found them squinting towards the blade in front of them. She shuddered again. Vivi took another puff and ran it higher up Akira’s thigh and let the scalpel’s handle bury itself once more. Akira did respond to fear... Among other things. The steel tool collected the evidence. She held the glistening handle in front of Akira. Jared had fallen to the ground.
“Can you tell me with certainty, what’s arousing you, Kira?” Another puff, another streak of the cigarette across her flesh. Much like Vivi’s climbing fingers, the cigarette certainly had a final destination. Just the idea made Akira want to throw up. They both noticed Ezekiel and his voice rang loud enough for them to know where Jared was headed, especially when he mentioned Alcyone.
Vivi was contemplating something. She set the scalpel aside and continued her puffing and streaking, erratically now. Akira’s inner thigh sported a mesh of ash. “You’re not going to get to remember this as some valiant sufferer, Kira. You do not get to play hero.” She threw her arms around Akira and whispered softly in her ear. “No, I’m going to ruin you. When they haul Jared in here, you best wish he isn’t conscious…” Vivi was cruel when she wanted to be. And she truly was a sniper. She really knew which shot to take, to make this truly hurt. Unfortunately for Akira, Vivi also had a lot of experience with women. Now that Aki’s arousal had betrayed her. All Vivi had to do, was push her over the edge. Almost with clinical precision, Vivi’s fingers pinched and pulled, teased and taunted… fluttered and fucked.
Akira tensed, she remained as still as a statue and hated the fact that not rolling her hips… took effort. As Vivi promised, when the men dragged Jared into the hospital wing, Akira was silently and unwillingly experiencing the throes of several small deaths. She absently recognized the bloody and bruised body that disappeared behind the partition. He was out cold. She did not like the flood of relief that washed over her, amidst other sensations. She collapsed against Vivi. Tears rolled down Aki’s cheek in thick rivulets. Vivi lapped at them and kissed Akira’s cheek. She pulled away and beamed up at Akira, as if nothing had happened and held the cigarette against the torn fabric till it charred.
She let it teeter there for a bit, but Akira did not respond with fear anymore, she did not respond at all. A bored, Vivi pressed the stub into the crease of Akira’s thigh. “I’d say we’re even now.” Aki drew a ragged breath, the burn of hatred, felt so much worse than the final stab of the cigarette. Hatred, towards Vivi, towards Ezekiel… towards the whole world. But mostly, towards herself.
A few BioHackers streamed in to work on the unconscious man. Her eyes darted towards the shadows they made on the screen between her bed and Jared’s. Ezekiel walked in soon after. “Alcy, I need everybody fixed up soon. Use whatever you need to use. Do whatever you need to do. I’ll send Nova to help.” Alcyone didn’t acknowledge Ezekiel words as they busied themselves with Jared. The ruby-eyed man knew his request was heard and that was enough. Actions were following his words. A cursory glance around the room allowed the blonde to spot the girls. “Vivi… Anna. Kira.” He acknowledged politely. Before turning on his heel to leave.
[Category - 1/2]
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wheelofmeta · 5 years
The secret of Elayne's potential
It’s pretty clear from the outset that Elayne’s ability to channel and strength are not known outside the Tower. The only evidence otherwise is how freely the matter is discussed in front of Rand (and the guards under Tallanvor who brought him before Morgase & Elaida), but it’s also clear from the infodumping by everyone in the palace, and Elayne’s reaction to Gawyn’s inappropriate topics of discussion, that this is not normal and in hindsight, it’s a ta'veren high tide, like when Rand met with Harine. 
Anyway, they say that Elayne will be the first queen, post-Hawkwing, in a position to admit that she’s an Aes Sedai.  So it follows that this is something that needs some work and doubtless a lot of behind the scenes political dealmaking and lining up support before the reveal. 
With that in mind, it stands to reason that they wouldn’t say anything until they were ready for the world to know that Elayne is a full sister, and a lot of the timing for that would depend on Morgase’s longevity and political position when the time comes around. What if Elayne earns the shawl in a more typical period, say in five years (given her strength, she can be expected to have her training expedited, but not too much, since they want to be sure she’s groomed as the Tower wants), in which case Morgase will still be under fifty, and unlikely to die of natural causes for a good long time.  Eventually Elayne’s ageless face will make her status apparent, and Andor will have to cope with the possibility of a sister inheriting the throne. Or maybe what actually happens, happens, and Morgase dies before Elayne is raised, but she can’t come running home from the Tower as Morgase did when Modrellein & Maighdin both died.
I don’t think that scenario in normal times would present a problem with Elayne’s Succession, since it’s the Tower that has her in hand, and can say so, whereas Elaida clearly could not in OTL.  If the assembled nobles of Andor can accept an Aes Sedai giving permission for a foreign army to pass through Andor’s territory, even when they are inclined to oppose the specific sister personally, they aren’t going to do much when the late queen’s Aes Sedai advisor says “She will be coming home, just not yet. The Tower is very interested in seeing the Daughter-Heir to take her mother’s throne (with an implicit "so don’t even think about throwing your own hats into the ring”).“
On the other hand, a lot of other things can happen between Elayne being entered into the novice book and swearing the Three Oaths, including fatal failures in either test, or doing something that leaves them no choice but to put her out of the Tower, like refusing to continue the Accepted test.  Not that I think she would be put out if that happened.  What would probably happen is that she is kept under the Tower’s thumb perhaps with the specious justification of making sure she won’t do any harm with the Power, and then being sent to a farm under the supervision of the most hardcore disciplinarians until she is beaten into line and becomes the most obediant puppet queen in the history of Andor, with a group of Aes Sedai "advisors” whose job is as much to make sure she doesn’t perform any unauthorized or public channeling (not to mention keeping her shielded with permission to touch saidar as a reward for good behavior would probably be a very effective means of controlling a channeling monarch).
But in the event of some sort of mischance eliminating their Aes Sedai queen, it is definitely in the Tower’s M.O. to deny attempting something, rather than admit to failure, so why let anyone know ahead of time.  Aes Sedai heir or no, Morgase is, for all intents and purposes, a White Tower operative, given her “more Catholic than the Pope” mentality Moiraine & Anaiya perceive as resulting from her failure to learn to channel and earn the shawl herself.  There is no need to weaken her political position by first announcing that her Daughter-Heir is going to be Aes Sedai one day, and then admitting that she died failing the tests.  Not to mention, something as publicly known as the Daughter-Heir’s fate might give potential initiates second thoughts or cause other people to reconsider letting their own daughters test 
What I always found interesting about the whole issue was how they say Elayne will be the first queen to be out of the closet, as it were, with her shawl. First of all, why? They suggest it is a matter of strength, but I can’t see how her strength in the Power matters at all to her holding a throne, unless they mean that stronger sisters will use their standing to force her to rule as they wish, but that has nothing to do with openly admitting she is a sister. Or maybe the Tower has a hard and fast rule (which would predate the Trolloc Wars) that unless a sister is an 8(+5), she is not allowed to reveal her status and hold a throne.  Maybe they think people will expect too much of an Aes Sedai queen that a weaker channeler cannot deliver? Or the public spotlight on her means that her weaker channeling will bring discredit to the Tower.
The more plausible meaning of strength has to do with political strength of the monarch in question, and Andor in general seems to have a stronger central rule than most others.  There are not the divisions of power such as Tarabon and Illian have, or the fractious noble class as in Cairhien or Tear (which probably was some sort of crab-bucket situation that caused them to give up on anyone actually claiming the throne, even though kings had ruled from the Stone before the New Era), or other domestic rival interests that weaken the crown, as in Amadicia and Arad Domon.  The less said about Altara & Murandy in that regard the better.  The Ghealdanin aristocracy as well, seems quite ready to pounce at any sign of weakness in a ruler, though the era of Maseema’s reign of terror is admittedly a small sample size, and the Borderlands are a special case. But it does appear, especially given the relative mildness of Daes Daemar in Andor, that whoever does claim the Lion Throne is relatively secure in her authority.  On the other hand, Morgase’s position at the time seemed to be at a nadir, due in no small part to her adherence to the Tower, so it doesn’t seem like they should be taking the family’s level of power in Andor for granted, and blithely assume House Trakand can get away with whatever unpopular thing they want when it comes time to announce that Andor will be ruled directly by an Aes Sedai.
Another possibility is that they mean personal political strength and ability. It would seem that if the Tower wanted an Aes Sedai queen, Kiruna would have been a prime candidate, just get Paitar out of the way. But he seems to be quite well-respected, even seemingly primus inter pares among his fellow Borderland rulers, while Kiruna’s own personality and judgment would seem to be of less than the highest quality.  Bera is clearly the brains of that pair, and the Wise Ones seem to be hammering Kiruna the hardest of their apprentices.  Maybe in Elayne, they are seeing someone they won’t have to reluctantly concede should not be imposed on a country at the expense of a better claimant and more qualified ruler.
Also of interest is the implication that there have been queens in the New Era who hid their Aes Sedai status. Was that the plan with Moiraine, that she take the throne as Laman’s heir but not reveal she studied more than books at the Tower?  Strength did not play a part in the failure of that concept, unless it was that Moiraine’s strength in the Power gave her the gumption to defy the Tower’s plans, but then they might want weaker sisters who will go along with their agenda to take the thrones.  Come to think of it, White Tower customs of non-interference and deference means that future Amyrlins will have to keep trying to get Sharina, Talaan or Nynaeve (haha! good luck) on board when they want to oppose Elayne or make Andor & Cairhien cooperate with their agenda. 
It would seem that Moiraine’s openly operating as an Aes Sedai for a few years helped put paid to the possibility of the Tower forcing her on the throne against her will, since the Cairhienin monarchy seems to be historically weak (re: the lack of a core national military force possessed by nearly every other monarch who actually rules their country), and thus a Cairhienin queen couldn’t get away with being known to be a sister. 
So, tl;dr, yeah. No one outside the Tower and Morgase’s inner circle, and people present when a ta'veren inspires them to discuss the matter, knew that Elayne was going to train as an Aes Sedai, and it makes sense that this knowledge would have been kept close.
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goldguile-a · 5 years
headcanon: claude’s parents 2.0
 this is basically an update of this post! also i mentioned a bit of this here !!
alright since i’ve finally come to accept (reluctantly) that judith and nader aren’t actually claude’s parents, i decided today was the day i name the latter two and reshuffle some backstory things to make sense. 
claude’s mother is named helena von riegan to keep with the shakespeare theme the leicester alliance has going on-- though unlike much of the cast, helena’s name comes from a midsummer night’s dream rather than king lear. i’m repurposing much of the story i developed for judith for helena, which is as follows.
helena’s the only daughter of sovereign duke edgar von riegan, younger sister of godfrey von riegan. while godfrey was born with the minor crest of riegan, she was not. all the same, a daughter of a crest-bearing family is still worth quite a bit, as her marrying into a family presents that family with a chance to bear the crest themselves. this was to be helena’s lot in life while her brother succeeded edgar as the sovereign duke of the leicester alliance, and she was incredibly unsatisfied with it. at least she was good friends with judith von daphnel.
unfortunately for helena, she was indeed married off to a crestless noble house. while she didn’t mind her in-laws, her husband was... horrible, only seeing helena as a tool to raise his family’s standing. she dodged consummating their marriage at every turn, and eventually decided enough was enough. gathering her courage and her things, helena von riegan ran away from her husband’s estate with judith’s help-- she refused to call it home. 
the escape attempt would take her to the border of the goneril and almyran territory, in which a skirmish was breaking out. seeing her chance, helena picked her way through the forests of fodlan’s throat... only to be caught by nader the undefeated. after hearing her story, the almyran general offered to take helena back to almyra and start anew. it would be difficult-- his people thought the people of fodlan weak and cowardly and would likely not take well to her, but if she truly wished to get away from her life in leicester, he would help her. 
helena accepted without hesitation, and it was through nader that she would meet the man who fathered her only child. though the people of almyra didn’t take kindly to her, much as nader predicted, she stood strong all the same. when a letter from judith informed her that godfrey had passed away, she returned home alongside her son long enough to pay her respects at her brother’s grave before returning to almyra.
claude’s father is king hasan of almyra, (last name to be determined still rip) said to be the greatest warrior in the kingdom, even surpassing nader the undefeated. with a booming voice and kind, charming, but strong and capable personality, he’s captured the hearts of his countrymen with ease. though... nowadays, the people --and a good number of his siblings -- think his majesty is something of an odd duck for not only letting a fodlanese woman into his inner circle, but having a child with her. 
after hearing helena’s plight hasan was quick to offer her sanctuary and a new life in his kingdom, and they fell in love. that said they were not married before claude was conceived, cementing the boy’s status as a bastard. while it’s normal for the almyran royal family to consist of many children, claude is hasan and helena’s only child. after seeing the treatment their son received, they thought it best to quit while they were ahead.
despite very much having a love for battle and displays of strength, in recent years hasan has expressed interest in properly reconciling with fodlan. this is in part because of holst’s military prowess becoming a legitimate threat, but it is also because of his lover and son. had lambert lived, they likely would have gotten along. 
nader is hasan’s younger brother and the second eldest of their siblings, a high ranking general in the almyran army. he instructed claude in archery, flight, and swordplay as a child, and was one of the few family members outside of his parents that genuinely treated him well. he was present when claude and lear met, and was the first to offer to cross the border to assist his nephew under the guise of nardel in the years between the timeskip. 
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jedimordsith · 6 years
Because it’s Valentine’s Day, Have the Mandalorian Wedding I Cut From Gift
This is unedited and was summarily hacked from Gift when I cut out/replaced the arc in which Mara makes peace with her mother’s family and accidentally gets adopted by a handful of former Death Squaders. In this version of things, Mara inherited the title of Countess and her cousin Korkie Kryze, ruler of Mandalore insisted that he be allowed to officiate a proper wedding for her.
There was a dais at the center of the hall, ringed by concentric circles of people broken by two aisles directly opposite one another. The outer circle consisted of Alliance and Mandalorian guests, who parted as Luke came through. Luke entered from the left. Passing by the Alliance cohort to the middle ring, he found Rogue Squadron replete in its best service dress, pressed, polished and dripping with gleaming, rarely worn medals of honor. Every one of them wore at least one blaster prominently strapped hip or thigh, and their salutes were crisp as he passed into the inner ring, just at the edge of the dais.
Leia, Han, and Chewbacca waited. Mounting the wide, shallow steps, he stopped on the last one, just off the platform. He had no armor to remove, but took off his service jacket (heavy with his own medals) and handed it to Han. Pulling his blaster from his hip, he handed it to Han as well. Anakin's lightsaber he removed and gave to Chewie; his own, made under Mara's tutelage, he handed to Leia. Last, and with the most reluctance, he removed the wrist holster containing the hold-out blaster Mara had given him and relinquished that to Leia as well. Satisfied that he was unarmed, his family stepped aside and Luke took the final steps onto the dais and into its center to stand before Duke Kryze.
“I enter this place of union unarmored and unarmed, cognizant of my dependence on my clan for my protection and honor.” The Duke nodded affirmation, and they both turned toward the opposite aisle.
Your turn, Jade.
A moment later, Mara appeared, walking with an even, regal stride down the aisle toward him. Her eyes never left him as she approached. One hand went to the long skirt of her halter dress as she mounted the steps, passing first through her Mandoade, bristling with armor and weaponry, then reaching her family. She turned her back to him to face Corran, Mirax, and Madine, and Luke's jaw dropped. He felt ripples of amusement, but ignored them, transfixed by Mara's dress. Or rather the gloriously bare skin of her back where her dress should have been. Satin fell from the halter neckline and dipped deep into the small of her back, baring silky skin, and scars in an unprecedented display.
Nothing left to hide from, Farmboy.
Luke watched, transfixed, as she removed a wicked vibroblade from the top of her boot, a tiny blaster from her thigh, her purple bladed lightsaber, and – as reluctantly as he had – her hold-out blaster. The saber he had made for her, she held out, flat in her palm, toward Korkie.
“In keeping with the tradition of our people, my betrothed gave me this. Made by his own hands of parts precious and hard-won from shared enemies we vanquished together.”
She slid the blood-stone ring from her finger and handed it to Kryze as well. “In accordance with the ways of my father's people, he gave me this as well.”
Kryze examined the pieces solemnly. “You find these gifts, and their giver, acceptable and worthy of you, Mara Jade?”
Mara turned her head, meeting Luke's gaze firmly when she answered. “Yes. I find him worthy.”
Part of Luke sighed with a deep-seated relief, the words a balm to the hidden, wounded part of him that had despaired of ever hearing those words. The failed farm boy, child of a mother who did not live to raise him, the struggling Jedi – in that moment, Mara's limitless acceptance found it wholly healed.
Kryze nodded. “Who speaks for Mara's house?”
“I do,” Corran said, stepped forward.
“Do you also find her betrothed worthy?”
“House Halcyon is honored to bring Mara's beloved into our family. He shall be embraced as son and brother, blood of our blood, with pride and without reservation.”
“Who speaks for Luke's house?”
Leia stepped forward, alongside her brother. “I do.”
“Do you find his betrothed worthy?”
Luke felt Leia draw up her courage, but when she spoke her voice was clear and calm. “House Skywalker considers Mara one of our own already. We have shed our blood together, and will continue to love her with pride and without reservation.”
Leia felt her brother's startled gaze flick to her face, and felt the rush of emotion from him in the Force. Felt him staggered that she would, for him, align herself with the Skywalker name and all it carried with it in this moment. She smiled at him slightly before stepping back.
“Then it is time for the vows. Take note of where you stand, betrothed. Engrave it in your hearts as you do the Mand, for, within it, you will find everything you must know to meet the future with courage and honor. House Skywalker, begin.”
“You stand together,” Leia said, her voice clear and strong. “United in purpose. So should you face every day, until death takes you.”
“You stand unarmed and unarmored,” Mara’s Vod intoned next, as one. “Seeking neither to hide nor hurt - only to be, just as you are. So should you face one another every day, until death takes you.”
Corran stepped forward. “You stand among your kin, sharing your strength with us as we share ours with you. Whatever the future brings, Jorso'ran kando a tome - we shall bear its weight together.) So should all remain, until death takes us.”
Korkie lifted a hand. “With these truths held close to your hearts, you may speak your vows.” Mara reached out, taking Luke’s offered hands and clasping them tightly in her own. “Luke. Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde - and Jedi.”
“Mara, my heart.” It wasn’t part of the plan, but he lifted her fingers to his lips, needing a moment to gather his composure. “We are one when together, we are one when parted. We will share all. We will raise warriors and Jedi. Until death takes us. Together.”
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fellow-dovah · 6 years
Hello! This is more for them falling in love with you in Skyrim but you can change it up. It has backstories for each member and how you meet them as well as moodboards. (Each character is in love with you but only some have details about you. The rest is for you to decided.) Enjoy!
ᗒN A M J O O Nᗕ
||B A C K S T O R Y||
Coming from a small town in the hold of Falkreath. Kim Namjoon was born into a big family. Then bandits attacked killing his family. At the young age of 7, he made his way to Whiterun. There he found the companions and has been hailing with them ever since. Werewolf, part of the inner circle.
<M E E T I N G T H E D R A G O N B O R N>
Namjoon has been in contact with Delphine and has been helping her gather information about who you are and how to contact the dragonborn. He was the one who made the plan to steal the horn of Jurgen Windcaller.
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○S U G A○
||B A C K S T O R Y||
Small boy in Dawnstar. Min Yoon-gi was teased for being weak. He helped out at the mortar and pestle. Somebody put a dark brotherhood contract on his parents. When he came home, he saw two figures standing over his parents. He was blind with rage and unleashed a Lightning storm, killing the assasins but aswell as a few innocent bystanders. Fled to the college of winterhold using the alias Suga. Became a master necromancer and spell caster but was eventually caught so he ran away from the college. Wanted to this day.
<M E E T I N G T H E D R A G O N B O R N>
Spent a lot of time in the library. An expert on ancient dragon lore. Obsessed. Heard rumors about a group of people trying to find the dragonborn. Made his way to Riverwood where he threatened Orgnar to tell him where they are. Delphine came out and Suga told her about his obsession. Delphine reluctantly let him in. Was the one who knew the location of the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.
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♛J U N G K O O K♛
||B A C K S T O R Y||
No stranger to death. Lived in Falkreath. His dad left them at an early age. Lived with his mother and sister. Then one night, some drunk deadbeats snuck into their house. Jeon Jungkook heard them and hid under his bed. The deadbeats raped and killed his mother and sister before his eyes. Then he saw a knife on the floor next to him. He grabbed the knife and stabbed both of them through the heart from the back. The dark brotherhood heard of this and decided to take him in. Became a young prodigy of the dark brotherhood and soared through the ranks.
<M E E T I N G T H E D R A G O N B O R N>
Well somebody put a contract on your head. Jungkook was told to kill you for a pretty good sum of money. He saw you running towards whiterun and fell for your looks. He became curious as to what could make any living being want you dead. He went back to the person who gave him the contract and asked them why they want you dead. Turned out it was just a sleazy old man who wanted you for himself but you turned him down. Jungkook killed him and went off in the direction you left. In whiterun he heard talk about you being dragonborn and about a woman who was searching for the dragonborn. After finding out that Delphine wanted to work with you he joined her and her group.
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✧T A E H Y U N G✧
||B A C K S T O R Y||
Kim Taehyung lived with his little sister in Riften. Their parents abandoned them at a young age. Since he had no parents to support him, he joined the thieves guild using the nickname V. He became one of the best theives in the guild. Then one day Aringoth kidnaped his sister and took he to Goldenglow Estate just after he cut ties with the guild. Years later, Vex went in not only to steal the deed but to also try and save his sister. It turned out that his sister had already been killed. Taehyung couldn’t bare the thought, what could he do now, what was his purpose? Then when hope seemed loss, he heard travelers saying about a fair maiden who had the body of a mortal but the soul of a dragon. The dragonborn! He began his search and found a group of individuals also searching for you, he joined up with them and together they continued the hunt for the dragonborn.
<M E E T I N G T H E D R A G O N B O R N>
Tracking people and getting by unnoticed were things he had become great at. He tracked you down, getting information from innkeepers, talking to caravans, etc. Then he got a lead. Someone in Dragonsreach talked about a fair maiden on her way to High Hrothgar. He told Delphine about it. Then Namjoon and Suga came up with a plan to find you.
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♡H O S E O K♡
||B A C K S T O R Y||
His family has always been allied with the guild. Started his their training at the age of 7. One day his family took a trip to solitude. They were thought to be working with Ulfric Stormcloak. Mother and Father were executed unfairly in Solitude. Left the Theives guild honorably, steeling a magical dagger. He's a wanted man.
<M E E T I N G T H E D R A G O N B O R N>
After fleeing solitude, he began training harder. Years after he grew up into the skilled theif he is today. Curious he wanted to learn more about the dragons. Who better than Delphine and her ragtag group? After joining them he learned of you. Every time he saw you it was like a mother’s warm embrace.
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◍J I N◍
Lived in Winterhold ever since he was a baby. You could say he was born with a wand in his hand. His parents who called themselves “true nords” were horrified. They fled from Kim Seok-Jin and his powers. They got caught in a blizzard and froze to death. The College of Winterhold heard of this and thought it was preposterous. They accepted him and he became a master in the arcane arts.
<M E E T I N G T H E D R A G O N B O R N>
Just when all seems well, rumors of dragons spread across Skyrim. After reading almost all book on the dragons he fled the college in search of you and landed himself in Riverwood with Delphine.
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◎J I M I N◎
||B A C K S T O R Y||
Park Jimin, born into a forsworn camp in the reach. When he was 18, his parents were murdered while out hunting. He then became the leader of his camp. Then a few years later, the (Stormcloaks//Legion) attacked his camp. Only survivor of his camp. He despises the (Stormcloaks//Imperials)and seek revenge against any of them.
<M E E T I N G T H E D R A G O N B O R N>
Being born into a forsworn camp took him away from the worries of the common people. He stole some clothes and went to Whiterun, the trading center of Skyrim and heard rumors of dragons and a woman slaying them. Then a hooded woman came up to him and told him thar he could join them in their quest to find this dragon slaying maiden. Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn’t help but wonder what you would look like. He left with the hooded woman, joining Delphine and her group and never looked back.
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Hope you enjoyed! Like or reblog if you save the moodboards or use the backstories :)
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