#and also very stoned atm
deathandthemaiden23 · 1 month
bro psa sketchfab has free 3d rips of death's character model (and also puss and kitty) from the dreamworks racing game and my eyes are pissing tears of joy
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orcelito · 4 months
Yet again feeling guilty for not having written in weeks, but my brain is filled primarily with thoughts of "I can't wait to explore more in BG3" and "wow I miss my girlfriend I want to see her"[saw her literally 3 times last week & spent all Friday evening and Saturday morning with her] "wow if only I could see my girlfriend :("
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funniest disney history facts i can think of atm
literally EVERYBODY thought the lion king was gonna flop and pocahontas would be their greatest movie ever made. people begged to ditch lion king and work on pocahontas.
the reason robin hood ends so abruptly is that there was an actual ending planned and storyboarded but the crew spent too long arguing about everyone’s fursonas to finish animating it
madam mim was way less comedic in the original book but because her character was too similar to maleficent (who was in their latest film at the time), the sword and the stone crew decided to differentiate her by making her fucking hilarious
when making a goofy movie, jeffrey katzenberg (studio chairman at the time) told bill farmer to give goofy “a normal voice.” farmer, who had been voicing goofy for eight years at that point, including in the goof troop show that a goofy movie was a sequel to, was very confused. after making an attempt they decided to scrap that note completely.
as of march 2023, farmer is still voicing goofy, and tony anselmo has been voicing donald since 1986. the 2017 reboot of ducktales, which was slated as “wanting to do for donald what goofy movie did for goofy,” featured both actors as those characters; they had also been doing the voices for the original ducktales and goof troop/goofy movie. all the times goofy and donald interact in the 2017 ducktales however, donald was voiced by guest star don cheadle as a joke
current voice of mickey mouse bret iwan has stated that he has attempted to play kingdom hearts and did not do well
disneyland’s current world of color halloween overlay features a plot that is basically “the disney villains simultaneously adopt a goth kid” and i love it
people will make jokes about “well math says that the beast would’ve been 11 when he was cursed” well that was actually the original intent, but a flashback scene of baby beast was scrapped because he looked “too much like eddie munster”
when disney sent a representative to pixar to check on toy story production, she was like “this is all great! what style of music are you thinking” and they were like “for what” “for the songs” “we uh. we weren’t gonna have. any songs” and she went dead silent and then went “i have to make a call” and left the room
saludos amigos and the three caballeros were made as ww2 propaganda. the government commissioned disney to make movies to make latin america like them so that they wouldnt side with the nazis and provide them an in to invade, and latin america really liked donald duck so
saludos amigos was apparently the first time many usamericans realized that latin american people were like. people. film historian alfred charles richard jr said that the film “did more to cement a community of interest between peoples of the americas in a few months than the state department had in fifty years”
while latin america generally liked both films, chilean cartoonist rené rios boettiger fucking hated the chilean segment of saludos amigos, seeing the main character of pedro the plane as a weakass bitch, so in response he created condorito, the most popular comic character in all of latin america
disney wanted to adapt ts eliot’s old possum’s book of practical cats. his widow adamantly refused, and then sold the rights to andrew lloyd webber bc he wanted to make it sexy and she said “tom would’ve liked that”
in case you haven’t seen the defunctland, walt disney wanted epcot to be a futuristic utopia where he was basically the dictator. then he died so they just made it another theme park
speaking of defunctland the first defunctland video was on disneyworld’s alien attraction and please watch it. please it’s so funny
after the huge failure of the black cauldron disney was going to shut down its animation department. the department tried to convince them to keep them alive by showing them the one scene they had finished for the next movie– the mouse burlesque from the great mouse detective. it worked
the only attraction the black cauldron ever got was in tokyo disneyland where they put a tour under cinderella’s castle where everyone had to escape the disney villains trying to kill them, only to end at the horned king and the cauldron, who would try to sacrifice them to satan. this tour was popular but was closed in the early 2000s as the tunnels didn’t fit earthquake regulations and i want it in disneyworld so bad
walt disney once referred to his unionizing workers, led by goofy’s creator art babbitt, as “commie sons of bitches,” and i want a mickey build-a-bear that calls me a commie son-of-a-bitch whenever i squeeze its paw
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blkgirl-writing · 9 months
Hi I love your gale fanfics atm they're so absbabdnsnfn. I have this barbarian character in the game that has a pouch where she carries all the things she loves and would never trade and sell, which has a rock/gem collection, a stuffed animal and a music box... how would Gale react to finding Tav/reader on their own one night after a rough fight completely zoned out listening to a music box?
Also I have a headcanon that Tav/Reader and gale have rock collections-
This and you are adorable 😭🖤 I didn’t follow your ask exactly, blame my lack of sleep. I hope you love this as much as I love your request!!
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Gale can be a bit nosy so he did simply ask what you were doing
And you were hesitant because, well, you liked Gale enough, but you didn’t know him THAT well
But he’s really intrigued and interested, and asks tons of questions. He always wants to learn more. So if you know something about a gem or a stone he’ll ask more questions than you know answers to
“So, what in that little pouch of yours reminds you of me the most?” He’s ask, with his hands on his hips, and a little cocky smile
Gale will get offended very easily be very easy on the poor explosive man
If you actually showed him what you collect he’d go out of his way to find small things he thought you’d like
Like straight up he went missing twice and y’all were panicked
Nope really wanted that shiny thing 10+ ft away behind some bramble because he knew it would bring some good memories or just be a nice gesture to show he likes your interests
(If you’re a woman he’d always present it as “for you, my lady” and bow, unfolding his hand to reveal whatever small thing he found)
Gale might even keep a collection of cute or simple things. But mostly he’d write down small notes (probably nerd shit) and fold them up til teeny tiny and toss them in his own pouch
So If he found you alone with a fairly battered, barely working music box, he already knew you had one, (he took the time to listen and remember the song) he’d sit next to you and just him along to it
Eventually when you actually romance him and you’re partners, he’d ask if you can take both of your collections and share 😭
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factual-fantasy · 6 days
28 asks! Thanks ya'll!! :}} 🕸️
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Thanks to you anon I finally found a way to make the Mega evolution work! Which inspired me to make this post!
And an Enchantment Seed to induce mega evolution.. that's genius!!
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AW. I hadn't realized that each mega has a stone unique to their species! That adds an extra layer of difficulty 😔
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Ah? :0 My name is not Jana..
Also I'm going through a reaaaly hard season in my life rn 🫠🫠I'm hoping with all my heart that its over soon.. thank you for asking! <:D
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests! <:D
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That'd genius XDD Now to find the right stock images.. 🤔
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You make a good argument ngl XDD
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Bonnie probably has some dialogue lined up in the event he encounters a crying child. All relating to his own role as a Bowling coach no doubt.
He might try to comfort him with things along the lines of "You did great." "Don't worry, you'll get it next time champ." "Don't give up, you can do it!"
But if those phrases don't relate to what Gregory is upset about.. Bonnie might not know what to say. He's not intended to be the chatty type.. He might give Gregory a gentle pat on the shoulder. Maybe a "Its gonna be okay, kiddo.." Probably just subtle things like that until Freddy or Foxy show up to better help comfort him. :'(
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Indeed he is! I had my heart set on a Sylveon but I wasn't about to spend hours looking for a 12% spawn chance on a female Eevee <XDD
Plus drawing Sylveon to look more masculine is fun! And having his story be that he loved his friends so much that he evolved for them and they accepted him the way he was?? It makes the male Sylveon thing work for me XDD
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Thank you so much!! And aww!! She's adorable!!! :DDD
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I'm feeling better than I did yesterday, but still not great.. 🫠Thank you for asking though! :)) I hope you are well!
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I'm not familiar with any of the book animatronics.. though I'd like to imagine that Fazbear Entertainment was wise about the designs of the other glamrocks. It would make sense that each different location would have different themes. You know, to keep them from being same-y same-y.
What I mean by this- is while the Pizzaplex is very futuristic and space themes.. maybe other locations that have the Twisted wolf or Ella would be Ocean or Fantasy themed..?
Maybe the ocean themed place would be blue and have a lot of mermaids, pirates, boats, treasure, sea creatures, etc. The animatronics would be glittery and have long flowy designs perhaps?
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Thank you! I don't have a Patreon or anything.. but I have considered making one i the past.. 🤔
-- Also NOnononono, absolutely not- I don't draw NSFW 💀
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XDD Tuna just be standing over you like "..Is.. is it dead? Oh crap its dead isn't it- I gotta get Louis to help me dispose of this body-"
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Indeed he is! XDD
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ah? :DD You're welcome! (?) :00
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD That means a lot to me!! :}}] 💞💞
Now I'm taking a break from Octonauts atm- but I do have a headcannon I can share about the Vegimals at least! :00
So typically in Octonauts, we see only 5 vegimals total. These being, (from left to right) Barrot, Codish, Grouber, Tomminow and Tunip.
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But in this screenshot from.. I forget the episode, we see 3 extra vegimals. A blue one, (Halibeet) another big purple one, (Sharchini) and a little green one (Pikato)
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We almost NEVER see these vegimals. So I headcannoned that the main 5 Vegimals are all chefs and rather extroverted. While the missing 3 are rather shy and are the gardeners of the group. While you can go into the kitchen and easily find and talk to the 5 vegimals.. of you go into the garden pod you'll find the missing 3 all shyly humming together and gardening. :}
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Its gotta be this one here <XDD
(Also good on you for steppin out! Proud of you for that :}}} 💪💪✨)
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Huh? Oh nono I don't ever delete or purge my artwork- it must be a Tumblr problem not showing my posts..? <:00
Also my pronouns are they/them for anonymity XDD so you're totally fine!
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While he's in there can he eat all the insulation? I'm trynna let that cold rainy air, IN
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Oh to have a Gengar in this summer heat indeed.. 😔
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@chickenheadguy (Image is from this post)
The dude just loves his fwiends so much.. 🥺💞💞
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I have been laughing at this image for 25 minutes
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Fr?? That's sick!! After a quick Google search-
"Inside Rayquaza's body lies an organ that contains the same power as a Mega Stone. A Devon Corporation scientist named this organ the mikado organ (Japanese: ミカド器官). By consuming meteoroids as it flies through the stratosphere, the organ will be filled with enough energy to enable Rayquaza's Mega Evolution."
Turns out he's a hungry boi XDD
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Well Grimace isn't warm- Gengars steal the heat from their surroundings <XD But I'm sure he wouldn't mind a hug! :))
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I'd like to think he encountered an Espeon at some point, Mostly because that's the only eeveeloution I remember encountering in game--
But considering Espeon's whole friendship evolution thing... maybe a Leafeon or Vaporeon encounter would be more likely? I wonder how that would make him feel.. seeing what he could have been.. you just gave me a drawing idea! 👀👀
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lewkwoodnco · 6 months
Heyy:) I just wanted to request a George x fem!reader one shot :P I totally understand if you don't want to write it or if you don't like the idea or anything but I was thinking a fic inspired by "wildest dreams" by Taylor? Just some silly teen romance vibes you know🤭 (and please no Angst or anything, I can't take that shit atm😔)
Wildest Dreams - George Karim x Reader
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A/N: going to be taking a break from the requests in my inbox to work on my 12 days of fics series! (but will get back to them after im done heheh) I might have completely butchered this ask im so sorry BUT I made it as fluffy as I think it gets (w George at least), just had to do the 77 thing i have no self-restraint, also this poem is soso beautiful one of my absolute favesss but idk whats up with the formatting :(((, wc 3.3k!
Subtle Bridges
Walking with me, you'd once pointed to the fragility and ingenuity of a spider's web. Subtle bridges, you said, On bridges some men hang. A warning that has stayed While I read history traced in blood and tears of men. I was caught in the end with a nest of books. They burned anyway, and now I bend to build an emperor's endless wall. Like a thread of longing the border runs in loops and bends, and along it we root the gravestones of nameless men. A king's metaphor, This is, history raised from ash and bone -- a symbol Of its vast futility, or of eternity. Which it is I do not know, But since leaving home some things have come clear. No one literally breaks from loss, not even here. And some ties won't give. I sometimes dream of you, and walking, in gardens where love and knowledge hang.
By Yvonne Koh
She was at the Kensel Green Cemetery with the rest of her team from Fittes, after being called down by DEPRAC because of a robbery. They had spread out over the building, looking for any sign of the missing relic or the culprit, when she heard a slow, grinding noise from inside the hall. She quietly crept in to the silhouette of a shadowy figure bent over the casket.
"Can I help you?"
The boy's head snapped up immediately, painfully slamming against the stone shelf behind him. She let out an involuntary gasp, briefly wincing at the hollow thunk.
"Didn't do it," he groaned, steadying himself against the wall. "...whatever it was that...someone did."
She squinted at him using the little light spilling in from the corridor. He couldn't have been more than a year or two older than her. Against her better judgement, she kept her voice down.
"This is a crime scene!" she hissed at him.
"I - what?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm not a thief, or a relic man. I promise."
Her eyes swept his scruffy appearance critically. "Why would I think that?"
"Ms L/N?"
She turned, momentarily speechless, barely registering the rustle of the boy stealing away into the darkness. She blinked against the brightness of Inspector Barnes' torch, glancing back to check that he really was gone.
"Everything alright?"
She paused for a moment longer, as if willing him to rematerialise in the corner he had been crouching in just a moment ago. Nothing. Her eyes narrowed. Interesting. Very interesting indeed.
"Must have been the wind."
George was staring out the kitchen window glumly, lazily stirring his mug of tea. The weather was as pleasant as it got, and Lockwood had roused them all at the crack of dawn for a breakfast picnic, to 'boost morale.' Of course, George should have known better than to hold his breath, especially when loud angry voices had started to shake him awake when he had been halfway through groggily packing their picnic basket. Now, he sipped his cold tea through thin lips, listening to the slow, steady footsteps approaching the kitchen and the wan face belonging to them.
"Let me guess. You and Lucy are no longer in the mood for a picnic?"
Lockwood sombrely shook his head. George sighed, picking up the picnic basket. Seemed like a shame to let his slaving away go to waste. And he was still very much in the mood for the strawberries and cream he had packed inside. Which is why George had been heading out for a solo breakfast picnic with enough food for three when he heard a foreign voice stop him.
"George Casper Karim."
He looked up from the doorknob in alarm. It was the girl from Kensel Green Cemetery. He hesitated, trying to gauge her expression.
"Ex-employee of Fittes Agency, fired after six months for insubordination, currently a researcher at Lockwood & Co."
"Brilliant. Astonishing, really, how you've repeated my own job history back to me."
She frowned. He relished the stab of satisfaction. He'd had a shitty morning and was likely going to have a shitty day, so really, having a go at someone was probably going to be the highlight.
"There's no need to be rude."
"I think I'd know where I've been the past couple of years, thanks very much. Forgive me for not being more impressed."
Still looking a little disgruntled, she pressed on, firmly clutching the waist-high gate. "I've got a bone to pick with you, if you don't mind."
He eyed her warily, and decided against approaching her any further. "You can pick it just fine from over there."
She looked mildly peeved, but he didn't trust her as far as he could throw her. After a few long, tense seconds, she relented, not that she was happy about it..
"So...you were right. You're no relic man."
That was quick. "Thank you. Have a nice day." He closed the distance between him and the gate in a few quick strides, pushing against it, but she pushed right back with a steely look in her eye.
"Don't know about the other bit, though."
He didn't like the look in her eye; the look of someone knowing something he didn't. His mouth went dry.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Might be more convincing if your associate hadn't mentioned a talking skull. Awfully difficult to contain a visitor without a ghost jar, wouldn't you say?"
He swore under his breath. "Fucking Lockwood can't keep his mouth shut."
"I don't expect DEPRAC takes kindly to thieves or hooligans-"
He let out a bark of laughter. "Hooligan? Me?"
"-or strange boys who break into places they shouldn't be-"
"You can't prove it was me."
"Wanna bet?"
A challenge. A dare. His mouth was already open to call her bluff when the self-satisfied smirk curling at the corner of her lip gave him pause. Lockwood wouldn't be much pleased if he gave DEPRAC another reason to steer the agency dangerously close towards closing. He wasn't like Lockwood or Lucy - he was careful, very careful. Too late George wished he had been a little more careful all those years ago in covering his tracks - but, to be fair, he had no reason to think anyone at Fittes would have been capable enough to put two and two together.
Until now.
"Look, why don't we...talk about this, like civilised people? I've got strawb - you like strawberries and cream, don't you?"
She sneered again. George was beginning to think that was just how her face looked.
"You want to bribe me with...strawberries...and cream?"
"It's not bribery. Just...a friendly chat. Agent to agent."
Which was how they ended up on a grassy hill at one of the meadows at the outskirts of London. He had never been there before, but Lockwood had remembered it as a prime spot for cosy family picnics.
"So what else do you know about me?"
She chewed a bite of scrambled eggs thoughtfully before responding.
"You're obsessed with the Problem. An obsession that made you an asset, initially."
She had heard that he was the one who had identified the visitor, Edmund Bickerstaff, but what she had had difficulty wrapping her head around was how he had managed to do it with only the vast yet imprecise volumes of the Archives at his disposal. Imagine what he could do with the carefully curated library at Fittes. She stared at him, trying to figure him out. There was a gentle breeze blowing and the slight movement made him look marginally more affable but not any more comprehensible. She let out the breath she was holding.
"You must have really screwed up for Fittes to have let you go."
He shrugged. "It was a long time coming. Fittes never really was the type of company I was interested in working at, and I was never the type of employee Fittes was interested in keeping."
"What about now? Have you ever considered leaving?"
"Why would I?"
"I've taken a glance at Lockwood & Co's financial records. You can't be making much, if anything at all."
"And go from being broke to being broke and homeless?"
"Homeless? What about your parents?"
"I visit them, occasionally, but they're a right piece of work. Last time I saw them was my grandmother's 77th birthday. I think there was a row but I can't be completely sure because I was a little, er, sloshed. The party ended, and I expect the champagne went flat, and my aunt was the last to leave. She was sitting on the floor with a merlot in her hand, and her voice was ringing through the halls. The curtains were burnt, my parents didn't talk to each other for a week, and one of my brothers had broken his hand. But I could never forget sitting in that empty dining hall, holding those sodden, scorched curtains, listening to her saying nothing lasts forever, nothing lasts forever."
The sunlight had a diffused quality to it, at least the little of it that managed to pour through the layer of clouds blocking the sky. The ashy light threw a powdery glow on George's face, and for a moment she felt as though she was in that dining hall with him, listening to those same laments. He glanced at her, and she felt a sudden, foreign uncertainty grip her heart.
"Now I feel really bad about lying."
His hand slipped, missing his mouth by a good couple of inches, nearly sending the contents of his glass down his shirt.
"Lie? What lie?"
"I kind of haven't, not really...actually spoken to any of your associates."
He chokes on his laughter, and when he throws his head back she wonders if she's ever seen anyone laugh as freely as him. It's a ridiculously enticing sight.
"Touché. Touché."
He looks at her in the eye, unabashed, with an unnaturally casual intensity. It almost feels impolite.
"So...yeah. Maybe I was suited to be a Fittes agent, once upon a time, but not anymore."
"That's a pity."
He looks at her weird, and she hastily changes the subject.
"Do you do this often?"
"What, taking strangers out for breakfast?"
"No. Bring a girl out here, feed her some strawberries and cream, maybe a Shakespearean sonnet or two..."
"I don't set much store in Shakespearean sonnets. I'm not...I'm not much of a poetry person."
There's something reserved in his face that makes her feel terrible for asking.
"I've really only read one worth remembering. Subtle bridges, you said, on bridges some men hang. Some ties won't give. I sometimes dream of you, and walking, in gardens where love and knowledge hang."
He bites into a strawberry, which stains his lips a bright red. She looks away a second too late.
After reluctantly agreeing to keep the matter of the stolen ghost jar between the two of them, she never expected to see him again. And yet, as fate would have it, they crossed paths again roughly a week later. She and one of her teammates had been assigned to a Church to handle a relatively weak Type Two, when she heard a scuffling sound from one of the rooms whose door was ajar. Her teammate froze, and she didn't feel much braver either. They approached the room cautiously, rapiers at the ready.
"Hello? Anyone there?"
The glare from their flashlights blindly darted over the room before it settled on the floor, illuminating a bleeding George looking the worse for wear, hissing at the harsh florescent light.. She visibly relaxed.
"Oh. You again."
Lockwood and Lucy exchanged a look.
"Do you two know each other?"
A silence followed. George looked to be at a loss of words and she, too, couldn't quite find the right answer.
They helped George up while Lockwood smoothly explained the situation, and how they would never dream of intentionally From the derisive eye rolls of his remaining, uninjured associate, there was clearly more to their presence than he was letting on, but she wasn't paid nearly enough to go through the trouble of finding that out. Apparently, they had already dealt with the Type Two, so she filled out her report as vague as she dared to be, while they wandered out to flag down a cab.
George lingered behind briefly, dabbing at his nose experimentally while she put the finishing touches to her file.
"We can't keep meeting like this, you know."
"Like what?"
She shook her head, surprisingly having to bite back a smile. "You're incorrigible. If you keep sneaking around for much longer I'll have to report you one of these days."
He pulled his face into an exaggerated sulk and ducked as she tried to smack him with her case report.
"Alright, alright!"
True to his word, their less-than-ideal meetings came to an end. Instead, they continued to occasionally meet at that serene, refreshingly Edenic sloping hill. She'd return from a client meeting or from scoping out a location and the front desk would have a message waiting for her, from one vaguely snippy anonymous man. Sometimes he'd be waiting at the hill with snacks, which she'd ravenously dig into, though he was less generous on the biscuit front. He tells her about the happenings of 35 Portland Row and his research and bounces his latest theory on the origins of the Problem off of her. She tells him about her week, and the bothersome, inept people she works with, and on their joint cases he's snarky towards all the right people. It makes her feel special.
On one such evening, they were lazing on a picnic blanket, and a pleasantly warm breeze was toying with their hair. George was looking at the severe, fragile branches encroaching on the powdery blue sky through heavily-lidded eyes. She was absent-mindedly fiddling with his surprisingly soft fingers, distractedly breathing in the faint, antiseptic smell of ammonia that clung to his clothes. She was thinking about how sharp he was and how quickly he picked up on details on their joint cases. No matter how many times she saw him pick apart a case with a carefully perfected elegance, she felt like a part of her would forever be in awe of his beautifully intricate mind.
"Sometimes I feel like your talents are so wasted here. Imagine what you could do with access to all of Fittes' resources."
"i don't need Fittes's resources to be a good researcher."
She watches the yellow daffodils tossing their heads back just inches in front of them through her eyelashes.
"i know you don't. It can't hurt, is all I'm saying."
"Why do you care?"
She paused. Why did she care? She cared about him, sure, but it was no different from how she cared about her teammates, her friends, but with George...it somehow felt more personal. She sighs irritably, releasing the bubble of frustration lodged in her throat all week. She just wanted what was best for him. It takes her a minute to come up with her hesitant response.
"I...don't know. I don't care. But sometimes I can't help but wonder...what if this was what you needed to uncover the root of the Problem?"
He half-laughs, but stops short at the sight of her face as she lifts her head off his chest. "You can't be serious."
"Why not?"
"Y/N...statistically speaking -"
"All I'm saying is the answer could very well be in the Fittes library and you might be the only one who'd know where to look."
She lies down again, and whispers to the trees rather than George.
"Just...something to think about."
As time went on, their relationship began to bleed into more public spheres. She dropped by Portland Row occasionally, and they even had tea at her apartment once. On this particular afternoon, they were in George's room at Portland Row. She was looking through the titles on his alarmingly tall bookcases while he was at his desk, copying some runes from a book while telling her about his latest experiment with the skull. Her eyes roved over the titles restlessly, unseeingly, in a futile attempt to distract herself from her upcoming assignment. She let George's voice wash over her, pleasingly varied in tone and comfortingly familiar, soothing the itch in her brain. After a moment or two, she realises he's stopped talking, and looks up to see him staring at her with a frown on his face.
"Er, sorry. Drifted off there for a while."
"I guessed."
He studies her with an inscrutable expression and she's been caught too off-guard to come up with anything other than the letter burning a hole in her desk.
"You alright?"
She sits on a chair next to his and rests her chin on her knee, feeling oddly wooden. After getting to know George, she had taken the comfort of being able to somewhat predict his mannerisms for granted, and the thought of heading into this blind made her nervous.
"My team's been assigned a case outside of London."
"Oh. When?"
"We leave this weekend."
He looks too stunned to ask the question weighing on both their minds.
"It's for a month."
"A month," he echoes distantly, as if not quite sure what to make of that piece of information. His face remains impassive and she waits for a reaction which never comes. "What about that celebratory dinner?"
"We leave after it."
For someone who usually always had so much to say about anything and everything, his current conversational skills were desperately wanting. Say something. Be affected, she begs internally. She needs to hear him say it. She needs the sickness in her chest to be real, to be founded.
"It'll be...different without you." The careful look on his face makes her feel like he's picking out her emotions from her face and engineering an optimal response. "I'll miss you."
It doesn't comfort her in the way she expected it would. Suddenly, she can't even bear to look at him.
"You don't have to."
Either George had decided that she needed some space or he was just as pissed as she was, because she didn't see one sign of him over the next few days. Good. She hardly noticed. The thousand times a day he crossed her mind were only out of relief, and nothing else. But as much as she pretended otherwise, by the time the celebratory dinner rolled around, his absence had taken a toll on her. She couldn't tell if she was hoping or dreading seeing him again.
She was on a balcony on the upper floor, looking miserably into the radiant foliage of the gardens below, where unfamiliar faces flitted with a lightness of heart she envied. Their shadows are tall and intertwine ceaselessly, making her dizzy. Her bags were packed, her ticket was waiting on her mantle, and all loose ends were tied up. Even her one chance at happiness for the rest of her life.
There's a rustle behind her and she turns to see George standing a considerable distance away from her. He's only marginally closer than the first time they met, properly, when he was standing outside their front door and she was pacing behind the garden gate. She wants to cry in relief. Instead, she finds it in her not to look away. Maybe it's the confusing lighting, but there's a soft edge to his face.
"I thought I saw you come up here."
She doesn't say anything; she's too happy to. And yet, a part of her is still deeply unhappy with the sight in front of her.
"Have you...tried the food?"
"...it's not as good as yours."
"You must be leaving soon."
"Tomorrow." The thought makes her want to rip her face off.
"You'll be back in a month."
She drummed her fingernails against the marble railing, carefully choosing her words.
"What if things change in a month?" What if, she wanted to say, you meet someone else who loves you better than I can?
"It's only a month."
"A whole month."
"I don't understand. Why are you so afraid?"
"Because - because you'd forget me. You'd forget me, and our memories would sink six feet under, and you'd move on and my heart would break and...you wouldn't care."
She's never felt this way about anyone before, and she doesn't know how to express how badly she needs him to stay.
"I don't want to go back to not knowing you, George."
The setting sun burns into her neck and all of a sudden, she feels unbearably hot. Her hair is plastered to her forehead and her hands feel clammy. Her face is flushed and she feels ridiculous in her dress. But he's here, and she's said it, so she lets herself dream, if only for a moment.q
"I think about you every day. One month, two months, three months...I'll wait."
TAGLIST: @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @elenianag080 @mitskiswift99 @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits
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hauntedtotem · 1 month
I really like your hc on why the doppels look the way they do. Do you have any theories/headcanon as to why 42 looks like that? Or the Steven doppel with the taped on paper face? That one's my fave, he's so silly
Based on both the Sticky Note and Brain Steven doppelgangers, I hc that Steven has some extreme paranoia issues that he hides from the public, pretending to be fine.
More specifically, my Steven has undiagnosed schizophrenia (did that even have a diagnosis in the 1950s?)- but he can't open up about it to anyone because if people find out he's been seeing things, he'll get discharged from the Air Force immediately.
The Note doppelganger symbolizes how he wears a mask, not wanting anyone to know his sub-par mental state. "He is Fine :)" after all, because if he wasn't he would loose his career.
The Brain doppelganger symbolizes his paranoia, the way he sometimes gets stuck in his own head and how his eyes dart nervously to every corner or shadow where something could be hiding.
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Imo the hallucinations aren't anything too extreme, shadows flickering, and thinking he always sees someone behind him, or peaking around corners, stuff like that.
But in a world with doppelgangers lurking around, he has to be cautious, he can't just brush them off because "what if this one's real". The paranoia that comes with it is a blessing and a curse, it makes him keep his guard up almost 24/7
He's good at keeping a poker face, not letting it get to him too much, but there are definitely good days and bad days to it. Being a little jumpy isn't too suspicious, but if he reacts too obviously to a hallucination- he's scared people finding out, not just because the risk of losing his positIon but also the stigma that would come with it.
One of the reasons he likes being a pilot is there's very little places in the sky for something to hide and jump out at him, real or fake.
Also not to plug my ficlet 2 asks in a row, but there is an excerpt about Steven so I have a good excuse to lol
"a pilot who's mind races with endless possibilities and visions of death, who's witnessed carnage both of reality and illusion. Behind a stone faced facade and obscuring shades, paranoia clutches the mind and eyes dart nervously towards every shadow. The constant nagging of adrenaline and panic being held trapped behind an un-moving mask. An all consuming mind, seeing danger at every corner, only ever knowing peace while in the emptiness of the skies"
As for 42, I just see him as an Easter egg character so idk how to interpret him into the lore atm. 42 is simply the answer to Everything lol /ref
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thatadhdmood · 1 year
Hi, could you possibly explain time blindness and executive dysfunction, with how the latter is different from "being lazy"?
Thank you!
I will answer this in my words so it may be imperfect but if you wanted a textbook definition, you would google it. I am also stoned so take it for what it is
Time blindness
adhd experience time differently depending on their focus on the task atm. For example when they are engaged deeply in a task in hyperfocus time may feel like its been very little but it has been hours.
Time blindness is to do with adhd ppls difficulties with doing work before future deadlines because time is only now and not now. When work is due next week and it doesnt feel like it makes sense to do it now when its not now its due later so why do it now when i could engage with hyperfixation instead and get a dopamine hit that i desperately need due to my brain imbalance but rather im expected to do an exhuasting draining activitiy that i will experience no satisfaction or internal reward for doing. As the dread of the future now problems and putting them off is en-ending.
But yeah time is hard for adhd ppl to conceptualise in their head let alone act on in their daily lives effectively with heavy coping mechanism usage
Executive dysfunction
Executive dysfunction is the trait that all adhd people share and universally dislike the most as have been recorded in a poll recently. It rules ours lives without heavy coping mechanisms and support from our community.
Being lazy is when you are able to actually do the task but are choosing not too because you would rather rest or do not care about if the task is completed. When someone is experiencing executive dysfunction and want to complete an important task and cant because of paralysis about the task they feel incredibly anxious, guilty, and terrible about themselves and wish they could and they often feel to scared and ashamed to even ask for help with this task until too late.
Someone lazy would not be anxious or stressing at all or even wasting a moment thinking about doing the task and would be nonchalant towards it while people with executive dysfunction would wish for nothing more than to not have this "laziness"
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ballcrusher74 · 4 months
hello. are you. perhaps 👉👈 willing to talk about the inspector/faux. ive only seen cool arts and no context so im rather curious.
OK!!! I actually love rambling about my ocs so small questions like this make me day. I just get nervous LOL But! I will say, there's gonna probably be a bit I'm leaving out because it does involve my friends' characters and it's still an on-going thing atm (we tend to roleplay on lethal company as our guys. btw the oc group is called Cleanup Crew ! it explains the recent reblogs and new tags I've added on posts with this guy) AND this does also involve my own little interpretations of in-game mechanics and other things, but otherwise, I'll get the rest of him down!
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Inspector, also originally known by the name of Terrance Conroy (or Terry), was a typical scavenger working under 'The Company' after a couple rough times on his home planet. (This information isn't necessarily set in stone, but the idea of him being a washed-up rock star before quitting his passion to get a job that pays his rent has been bouncing around in my brain.) He used to be a normal guy, trying to find a little hope in his desperate situation, and was a social butterfly. He tend to bounce from crew to crew, sometimes staying in some for only a couple days, and some for months. He was a very careful man, and looked out for his fellow crew members.
And then, one day, his first death on the job happens.
But instead of being greeted by a bright white light at the end of a tunnel, or complete pitch darkness, he appears on the ship again- completely physically fine.
This.. confuses him at first, yet he continues on.
And then he dies again. And again, and again. Over and over, the more deaths he's endured, the more he comes to a morbid realization that he can't truly die, nor can those around him. He tries to keep this truth hidden away from the others, as they seem to not have mentioned it at all before. He remembers everything. Every time he was ripped to shreds by an eyeless dog, every time he blew up into pieces from a landmine, every time he was shot multiple times, every time he was left behind or ejected as part of the disciplinary process- He felt it all and remembered it all. This goes on for the course of years (around 8-10 roughly) and over that course of time, he begins to grow very careless. What's the point of saving someone if they'll just come back? What's the use of tears when you're only a couple dollars off quota with a shovel in hand?
What's the point of it all? And with that carelessness comes selfishness into the picture. With how long he's been stuck in the cycle, he has become a very manipulative person, putting up a playful and nice persona on the outside- almost sickeningly sweet- in order to help other's do his bidding. He believes that if he were to cause so much chaos, disorder, and disruption within a crew, to where it's like animals mauling each other apart, he'd be able to break free from it himself. He doesn't care anymore about leaving others behind. He's desperate at this point to find a way out. Faux, who is an alter ego / disguise for Inspector, ties more into the on-going events right now, but I can give a basic rundown on his personality. He's a klutzy and quiet man, typically only talking to others when it's just him and them, and nobody else around, playing himself off as a selective mute. Since this is just Inspector in a jazzy little jester outfit, he still possesses all the traits of that man, just hidden away as to not blow his cover. He's still tugging on the strings in some way, people just don't realize. Sure, he's off putting and just a tad bit strange, but how can a goofy man like that be terrifying?
WOOOW ok that's a lot more typing than expected, but here's also a couple fun facts about the guy !
He stands at 6 feet and 1 inch, and is a very lanky guy compared to others, but this wasn't always the case. He used to just stand at 5 feet and 6 inches, and had more normal human proportions. With how many times he has died and how long it's been of the cycle, it has fucked up his appearance a LOT. Other things include : his 'skin' being grey, his voice constantly sounding like it's coming from a walkie talkie, no visible neck, his face becoming the helmet itself (it still bleeds, but there's nothing in there), and inhumanly flexible.
The only thing left of him that represents his last strand of humanity, is a singular, dim eye behind the tape on his visor.
He is very much not a rational man anymore. He is quick to jump to things, and won't hesitant with his actions.
When waiting to return from death, he is able to manifest in someone's head as a disembodied voice, and will typically mock them, or try and manipulate them further. In this state, he can see everything through the eyes of the person he's haunting. ^ Fun fact about this! This was originally based off a stupid bit where my friend was streaming LC to me with other buddies on the game and I kept telling them to step on landmines and then kill someone for a promotion, and then Inspector was born!
and UH I think that's about it I have for the guy atm! If the rest of the cleanup crew gets dropped than I'll update this accordingly perhaps. As of right now, enjoy my oc slop 👍
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faejilly · 5 months
Hey it's Monday! Let's try that
I am definitely doing these more as an adulting accountability post I think, but regardless!
Finished The Hollow Places, highly recommended, deeply disturbing and yet ultimately wonderfully comforting/validating/humane. Can't quite think of the word I want? But it makes you glad to be a People on This World of Ours! (If also very glad that the specific adventures in the book are fiction and you do not have to worry about them spreading to anyone else 😅)
Am currently re-reading a series I recalled from when I was, idk, 10 or something, called The Time Keeper which holds up pretty well. I'm enjoying them... they're VERY 80s-SFF-Juvenile Fiction, though, if anyone is familiar with that niche of a sub-genre. 😄
My mother and I had a weird conversation awhile back: do you remember those books with the time travel and the stepping stones when I was a kid? and did eventually figure out the series with only that! Then she found the ebooks re-issued by the author and got them for me. 🎉
Murder by Numbers, which is a mystery VN plus a slew of those pictogram puzzle things, and I am enjoying it a lot. Though I got a low(er) score on the third case and am not sure what I missed, so it may be a bit before I go back to finish it... It goes gloriously hard with its 90s aesthetic/setting too, so that's fun.
I have not been making my bed or doing anything beyond the bare minimum of laundry, but the dishes are being held in check and I've been taking my meds and no one missed an appointment or starved, so that's pretty much a win, I think?
I did work on the Current Cross Stitch, but it's a bit of a slog atm (and I think I screwed up a color) so that didn't last long...
No writing either.
Instead I made a Crochet Kit Piggie!
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She's a little crooked, but I'm pleased by my first attempt. 💕 Next I'm trying an Elephant and they'll go sit on the picture book shelf with Thing 2's old Elephant & Piggie Books, since I still remember those pretty fondly myself.
And that's about it? We got a bit of snow today, which was nice, but otherwise it's been the same old around here.
What have you been up to, my dears & darlings?
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hushimstressed · 1 year
Ok ok I need to post this before I forget because I have a bunch of spiderman au concepts flying around my head and I can’t draw them all atm so here we go
Mariana and Slime both go to the same university and live together as roommates.
Mariana is a journalism student and Slime studies biology/ some chemistry and works in Oscorp as an intern
They hate each other (at first) (they find each other very handsome but would never dare admit it)
Mariana needs to report on something as part of his study, so he chooses Oscorp as part of his practice work (purely because the company is pretty sketch and NOT because his annoying roommate works there and he feels petty enough to hit two birds with one stone)
He gets in and joins the tour group walking around just outside the lab facility, noting down anything of importance unaware of an escaped lab experiment in the shape of a radioactive spider crawl onto his hand and bites
The next course of action is to obviously fight crime
Not too long later (like a week or two after Spider-Man’s debut) Slime sneaks into the secret project Oscorp has and encounters The Symbiote, a black green-ish substance that moves almost like it’s alive. Slime breaks the symbiote’s container like a dumbass. And with him being the closest vessel that would be “easy enough to control” gets possessed by the alien creature
Now Slime has to worry about eating people while his body is controlled by an alien on top of his other problems
After some time where Mariana and Slime clash both as their civilian and alter egos, they eventually grow closer and realise how much they care and love each other, perhaps they begin to fight crime together and call themselves a super-power couple or something equally as cheesey
They’re also freaks of nature but they’re in love
Aaaaaaa pls feel free to send any ideas over to my ask box I love hearing your thoughts :3
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salty-an-disco · 4 months
feel free to use this ask to talk about hero?? or contrarian or per chance both :? mayhaps about their hobbies?
*bounces excitedly*
(this is in the context of a general post-leaving the construct AU where the world is relatively modern)
I feel like Hero would get into carving. He really likes the movement of knife to wood, finds it relaxing, and likes getting to see a simple piece of wood slowly transform into a recognizable shape. Maybe not all that recognizable, at first, but he’s still getting the joy of creation! I think he’d especially enjoy carving all kinds of animals. He never saw any animals before, and now not only does he get to see them, he can try to replicate their shape! (I specifically made him take a carving knife in that crows cabin on my fic cuz of that; he took it for Hunted, at first, but Hunted will let him keep it after seeing how much he enjoys carving)
Contrarian would try out all kinds of things once outside, that’s for sure. They’d go bowling, try rollerblading, juggling, magic tricks, and just all kinds of stunts just to see what it’s like (Cold often tags along too, those two are a dynamic duo to me). As for what sticks, though, I think they’d really take to spray painting and performative dancing. I also hc them as really athletic and flexible, despite not having much in terms of physical strength, so I can also seem them taking gymnastics classes then dropping it once they get bored and trying something else.
As for both you say? OwO
Hero frequently goes along with whatever Contrarian’s into atm (it gives him a chance to try new things, and more time with Contrarian! win-win!), and even ends up taking to some of the things they try. I can see him really enjoying bowling too, actually. And everytime Contrarian sees some animal-themed object (mugs, toys, other wooden carvings, etc) he takes a photo to send it/show it to Hero. Hero has a whole collection of animal-themed mugs that are all a gift from Contra. Contra also keeps all of Hero’s carvings on a display shelf; Hero asked them to at least pu away his very first ones, but Contrarian insists it’s important for an artist to display all their stepping stones with pride (also, it kinda looks like a penis, and they find that hilarious).
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tigerkxt · 1 year
hello i have been a lurker since 2013 i think and no longer starting now i don’t care here are my aot music taste headcanons:
eren - pre time skip eren is a pop punk/emo guy (neck deep, waterparks, fireworks) and pt 4 eren is scarin the hoes™ (pouya, ghostmane, freddie dredd)
mikasa - mitski pilled femcel who’s not afraid to party (HAIM, sleigh bells, leikeli47, princess nokia)
armin - little alt/indie baby (hippo campus, bad suns, coin)
historia - feminine and poetic artists that have lyrics for captioning photos (big swifty, rina sawayama, caroline polachek)
ymir - dirty garage rock bands i can just see her at little shows i feel like trying - bully is her soul song (best coast, FIDLAR, SWMRS)
sasha - whatever is big on tiktok/online atm
connie - absolute hype beast (tyga, post malone, j cole, 21 savage)
jean - he has the same music taste as the very cool boy who u fell for when you were young but “wasn’t ready for anything serious” (the smiths, modern baseball, mac demarco)
marco - artsy unique and cute (remi wolf, lana, blood orange, frank ocean, BROCKHAMPTON)
bertholdt - top 40s ass bitch
reiner - listens to stuff he thinks “men” listen to and then stans women of pop in secret bc he thinks it’s embarrassing smh he loves drake, def a barb
annie - really beautiful and powerful pop beats and eloquent lyrics type shit to make ur chest hurt (tinashe, kelela, lorde)
erwin - y’all know he is your dad copy paste (guns n roses, led zeppelin, owns the entire beatles discography)
levi - i can’t see him as anything other than a rap guy sry (a$ap ferg, denzel curry, baby keem, tribe called quest)
hange - PRINCE, B-52s!!!!!! any new wave/early alt stuff but will also listen to anything they think is interesting i can def see them fw hyper pop
and bonus:
zeke - a man for the classics he’s def a stones guy and pretentious ab it but i’m also seeing him into reggae (the replacements, elton john, the strokes, third eye blind)
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milliemuus · 9 months
Forgot to mention I'm making an AI-ven AU (Arven but what if Ai Turo/Sada was lonely down in Area Zero so they made a prototype of Arven?) Or, maybe I could do a multiverse thing where he comes thru the time machine with Iron Jaws/Bear Brawler (Paradox Mabosstiff) when Juliana is trying to shut the time machine down?
Tbh I don't have a lot of things set in stone sadly, but here are like, two sketches from it! My two compadres were able to help with with AI-ven's design, which I'll probably sketch a full concept later.
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This is literally all I have art-wise atm, I apologize. But yeah, Ai-ven is very similar to Arven, but because he was built in the IMAGE of Arven via Turo and Sada's memories, he's very different, and much more ambitious, which makes him antagonistic. I...want him to be obsessed with Terapagos, maybe, or that one page in the Scarlet/Violet book about Terapagos and harnessing it's full potential. I also want him to bond with Juliana, but also there be signs in the overworld (during the game) that he is there, and he is attached to the player) and in Area Zero, Juliana mistakes him as Arven (who is alive and well) many many times.
AI-ven loves his parents very much, is also very work-ethical, more intelligent but too ambitious for his own good. Anything that gets in his way of thise ambitions, his self-defense protocols are switched on, sometimes by choice. He is also the reason Arven's Mabosstiff is critically injured, but that is not revealed.
Very loose plans and not a lot of finalization and I want a lot of twists and turns for the fic if I ever do make it (possibly on fanfic.net because i dont wanna go thru the months of waiting to make a new acc on ao3) so uh yeah! Also any advice for how to write fanfics or any ideas are welcome!
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xenderboyy · 2 months
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*Toby Headcanons*
Personally for YEARSS now I’ve just had the hc that Toby was 5 '6 or 5' 7 because he's a short king and I think its funny so obvi it’s canon in my AU. I think he is actually canonly that height at 19 but i forget XD
Toby is 19 in this AU at the start and 25 by where the story line is atm. Ik shocking he's old af lmfao. Tho in my UA he only gets as tall as 5’7 ½.
Appearance-wise he looks fairly like canon, with curly hair and well a more normal skin colour lmfao(Not grey as originally described). He wears his usual hoodie and whatever pants he finds half the time the other half it's a navy zip-up, white t-shirt, and a Mack Orville Black/Stone Trucker - American Needle.
Toby has manic episodes and depressive episodes and deals with psychosis, this lead to him being diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder (schizophrenia and bipolar) while also being diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. Though due to his paranoia symptoms, he refused treatment until later years in his life when he was under Slenderman control.
Toby remembers very little from his life before becoming a proxy though he does remember the fire as well as having a mother and sister though he doesn’t remember what they look like. When he tries to remember he becomes distressed and irritable.
Most of the time Toby is a sarcastic laid back guy with a sense of humour, though when manic he is irritable and hyper and when depressive he is quiet and avoids others.
He often tends to avoid being the one to kill if he's in a group, being fast and having a good upper arm he is usually the one to disable the victim's ability to get away and lets Masky finish them off or whoever he's with.
Though when alone He tries to get the job done as quickly as possible. Toby doesn’t feel bad but he doesn’t like doing it yk.
Toby likes to play video games but out of everything he plays COD the most. (call of duty)
He often is outside just walking around and in my AU he wasn’t caught since his house burnt down and they thought he did too so he goes out wearing a mask when he’s bored.
Because of the crash, Toby doesn’t like car drives, meaning he walks everywhere most of the time. The odd time though he will if he’s on his meds.
Toby can go days without sleeping and eating unintentionally because of his disorders so he is often complaining about being starving or exhausted.
Toby is friendly with most of the pastas though doesn’t really trust anyone but EJ, Clockwork, Maksy, Brian, and Jane. later he starts to warm up to BEN and Nina as well.
Like most the pastas, Toby has a phone he’s supposed to use for only communication, Though like most the others his age, he doesn’t. He often will go on pintrest and download memes just to send them to Masky just to annoy him. BEN and Toby will often send each other shit though and take the piss. (messing around for the non brits)
Thats all i can think of for now, any questions will be answered eventually. I might do either Jack or Masky next,
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we-love-morioh-cho · 5 months
I am........a little heated about how Jolyne's mother was treated in the story today esp in contrast to a certain ex husband of hers 🙃, so I decided to post some of my personal ideas and headcanons for her! This is partially based on what little we have of her, but is also very fanfic-y, self-indulgent and may be unkind to Jotaro lol
I have 3 main ideas for her name which I am very indecisive on -
Irene - based on Irene Rapona and alt. Jolyne's name. This would mean that Jolyne's parents put their names together to name her which is cringe but does happen. In the ending, alt. Jolyne now lives free from the Joestar curse (I think?) and so, symbolically, loses the 'Jo-' prefix and just inherits her mother's name whom she's always been closer with anyway.
Dolly - because of Dolly Parton who obvs wrote and sang 'Jolene'. A musical reference and also just a very cute name imo.
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Hanna - named after Hanna Thorn, the model who Araki based her design and the pendant photo off of. While Irene and Dolly are based on her relation to Jolyne, this is the only name I could think of more based on herself. I'm not the biggest fan of a female character being named based solely on her connection to someone else BUT we have nothing to work with for this woman and, between the two characters she's connected to, I would much rather her name tie into Jolyne's. I haven't chosen a specific name yet though, I like all 3 ideas atm.
Based on the above reference to a model, I like to think Jolyne's mother is a model or at least works with fashion in some way. While it is a non-canon AU, the 'Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI' one-shot written by Araki gives us some crumbs to work with. I haven't read it yet, but apparently Jolyne's mother has passed in this story and left Gucci clothing behind for her daughter. She's even customized them to fit Jolyne and, through wearing these clothes, Jolyne feels like she's connected to her mother again 🥺 So yeah, I head canon that she's maybe a fashion designer who models her own clothes.
We're told she's a 'crybaby' and is unwell with stress over Jolyne's situation, so I see her as having some type of anxiety disorder. I think that Jotaro's neglect and Jolyne's delinquency has puts a lot of stress on her along with her career. She's been left in a really difficult situation and it takes its toll on her. Sadly, I could totally see her as one of those women who had to give up on her career dreams due to the pressures of single parenthood, so maybe she's no longer a designer or model. This would add to Jolyne's anger at Jotaro - not just for his neglect of her but also the toll it's taken on her mother. Her not being present during Stone Ocean could be due to health issues to parallel Jotaro's condition and the Gucci one-shot. I think she's generally a quiet and graceful woman and hasn't always been able to stand up for herself much; creative and brilliant but also unsure of herself esp when she was younger.
I'm not gonna dwell on this point too long because it makes me angry, but I don't think her marriage to Jotaro was ever that good. They were both quiet and got along decently, but I don't see much emotional warmth or openness there. Tbh, I question why Jotaro decided to marry and have a child if he was just gonna neglect them due to 'dangers', but who fucking knows lol. Anyway, I think their marriage was distant and sad and Jotaro did not open up with a baby like Jolyne's mother hoped he would. Instead, he left her to do all the hard work, showing a real disregard for her and Jolyne 😒 You'd think he'd be more empathetic to single mothers with absent husbands and wouldn't want to put his own child through that but apparently not! 🙃 I think, before his neglect of Jolyne, she rarely challenged Jotaro and instead accepted whatever he wanted. But when his distance started to include Jolyne, an innocent child who needed him, she had had enough and started demanding better. I think him failing to show up while Jolyne was dying in a hospital was the final straw. She was the one who filed for divorce, and when she demanded custody he didn't contest it.
Moving on - she of course deeply loves her JoJo even with all the hardships and doesn't want her daughter to repeat her parents' mistakes. She's a very accepting mother, encouraging Jolyne to express herself and stand up for herself. She's relieved that Jolyne hasn't inherited her quiet and anxious personality, treasuring how bold and open she can be and always working hard to encourage that. She was always accepting of Jolyne’s emotions, letting her vent and making sure she didn’t repress her feelings. To keep up with her unruly and wild daughter, she became more confident and assertive over time. She had to be a strong woman to raise someone like Jolyne and she found her daughter inspiring during some of her lowest moments. And while she never got the chance to know this, Jolyne was inspired by her in turn.
Even with her anxiety, career and general stress - she does as much as she can to give Jolyne a great childhood. She's happy to dye Jolyne's hair and style it however her daughter wishes. While she's not use to the style in her own fashion, Jolyne's mother does her best to make cute little punk outfits that Jolyne adores and proudly shows off to everyone. She brought Jolyne to a shoot one time, curious if her daughter would be interested, but the girl only got up to trouble and pointed out how uncomfortable and uptight it all seemed. On the drive home, Jolyne expected her mother to be furious or upset but instead she just burst out laughing at her daughter's bold antics and comments. It was clear Jolyne was NOT gonna turn out like her mother and that brought the woman a lot of joy and relief.
Sorry to say, but I think she's a Disney adult 😞 While they don't get to visit too often, I think the duo absolutely go to Disney World when possible and I think Jolyne's mother styled Jolyne's buns to look like Mickey Mouse ears. She is a fanatic for the old princess movies, their dresses inspired her to get into fashion and she watched those films with her own mother so she repeats that tradition with Jolyne. She knows Jolyne doesn't really give a fuck about those old movies and that does make her a bit sad, but it means a lot that Jolyne at least tries to sit still and pay attention as best as a child can. Watching those movies and going to Disney World brings out a new side to her in Jolyne's eyes; her mother seems so giddy, is fine with the large crowds and becomes so emotional over the romances. While Jolyne doesn't understand why her mother likes these movies and does get embarrassed by her obsession sometimes, she usually agrees to go meet the princess actors so that her mother has an excuse to see them as well (plus the park is still a lot of fun and exciting). And yes, her mother does see the actual princesses when Bohemian Rhapsody happens and she cries lol
Jolyne has a phase where she becomes deeply interested in marine life, largely inspired by Jotaro's career and interests. Jotaro took her to an aquarium once or twice and got her a book - she then became obsessed. Part of this enthusiasm was that she wanted to impress Jotaro and connect with him, wanted to find a way to make him stay this time. So Jolyne immersed herself in marine biology and tried very hard to show off her knowledge, desperate for her dad's approval. But he still left and, not wanting Jolyne's genuine interest and enthusiasm to be soured, her mother took time off work to take the girl to an aquarium herself, asking questions so her daughter could tell her at least. Jolyne barely spoke the entire time, and the next day her mother found the marine life book in the trash.
The two are obviously very close, but an absent parent can still be disastrous for a child. That's why Jolyne's delinquency hurts her so much - she really wanted to be enough for Jolyne to stop her going down a bad path, but believes she isn't. She endlessly tries to get through to Jolyne but just doesn't know what to do. Eventually, the lectures and emotional turmoil makes Jolyne a bit distant, especially compared to when she was younger and almost seemed afraid to be away from her mother. She still loves her mother and their relationship isn't bad necessarily, but it is strained and her mother fears one day Jolyne will shut her out like Jotaro. Jolyne's mother holds onto far too much guilt over their family situation and her anxiety is affected terribly. She always did the absolute best that she could and was a fantastic mother even if she didn't always know what Jolyne needed and I will die on that hill.
I hate to even think about her experience during Made in Heaven. Surely, she would've known her ex and daughter were at the center of it - while Jotaro hid a lot from her, I think in that moment she just knew. I'm sure she tried for hours to contact either of them, the phone lines jammed and the roads a dangerous mess. How would anyone have felt during that whole event, let alone a mother worrying for her child? My headcanon is this - despite her condition, anxiety and the sheer risk of going outside, she set out on foot to find Jolyne. She had no direction or idea of where to go but she had to try. She knew the world was ending but she needed to find her daughter no matter what. And sadly, I think she died searching, hoping her JoJo would somehow be OK.
In the new universe, Jolyne's mother is still separated from Jotaro, but I think it ended on much better terms. Irene only mentions visiting her father on the trip, so I assume her mother lives elsewhere. She met another partner and her life is generally freer from hardship and stress. With a partner and Jotaro's help in raising Irene, I like to think she achieved her dreams that she had to give up on in the OG universe. Maybe it's sappy, but I really want to believe that life is just nicer to her in the new universe and that her and her daughter remain as close as ever ❤️
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