#and automatically gives that one for himself and asks for a volunteer
crowned-clown-rising · 5 months
A little bit of me over-analyzing Nevra :) again
Something I've noticed about Nev in New era is that almost every time he is giving orders, he uses expressions like "I suggest…" "If everyone agrees…" "If it's okay with you…" and is open to new ideas and suggestions, which… I love of him.
I wasn't sure whether he did it just to give the people he's commanding a false sense of control and keep them appeased or bc he genuinely is being considerate, but now I'm inclined to say it's genuine. Because!! hear me out!! the moments when there is really no other choice he never asks for anyone's permission. He can be quite assertive like that. (Like when Erika complained he hadn't asked her opinion on flying on dragon back and he goes something like "Because I didn't ask lol. You just have to.")
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Never meant to be a secret
Abby Anderson x fem reader
Summary: you’ve been Abby’s best friend for a while now, and everyone can see there’s something between the two of you, hell even her dad can see it. They’re right though, you and Abby do have something going on but she doesn’t know how to tell her dad.
Warnings: cursing, secret relationship, friends to lovers, coming out, Jerry Anderson lives
Jerry saw your name on the board for medical tent duties and he just knew it was going to be a good day. He loved it when you volunteered to work med tents, your happiness was just infectious and in the trying times of the apocalypse that’s just what everyone needed. Also if you were here that automatically meant that Abby would most likely stop by to walk with you to the mess hall for lunch.
He couldn’t have asked for his daughter to befriend anyone better. You were just what Abby needed in her life, she was happier with you even he could see that.
Jerry stepped into the tent earlier than everyone else, he always showed up early he liked to take some time for himself and prep his station. It calmed him for the day ahead.
Though he realized he wasn’t alone, he could hear your voice from behind one of the closed curtains. He wasn’t surprised you were here early, it wasn’t uncommon for you to show up a few minutes after him snagging coffees for the both of you from the mess halls.
No what surprised him was hearing his daughters voice. Though it wasn’t unwelcome it was just surprising considering Abby usually spent early mornings in the gym usually coming in around noon to distract see you.
“Well maybe if you wouldn’t push yourself so hard you wouldn’t be here right now.” You softly scolded Abby
“Well maybe if you didn’t push yourself” Abby mocked jokingly
Jerry heard a soft smack from behind the curtain
“Ow woman I’m injured”
“Oh you’re fine it was your good shoulder”
Jerry chuckled to himself as he took count of all the supplies for the day
He heard the curtain open behind him
“Oh hi Jerry” you greeted him happily.
“Hey good morning” he replied turning to you with a smile.
“So what’d my daughter do now?” He asked his eyes filtering over to Abby
“I’m fine” she tried to say before you cut her off
“Well she decided that she wasn’t going to listen to me and after hurting her shoulder on patrol yesterday she went to the gym and hurt her shoulder further.”
“It didn’t hurt this morning”
“Well it hurts now doesn’t it?”
He watched you two banter back and forth, something he always liked to do was observe how you and Abby acted towards each other.
He may be older and he may not have been in a relationship in a very long time but he does have eyes.
He sees the way you both look at each other, the fleeting touches, it’s a game of Will they won’t they? And as much as he wanted to give Abby the push she needed to not be afraid and go for it because the only person that can’t see how much you loved her was Abby. Hell even Owen came up to him and asked him if you both were together. (He told him not yet but it was inevitable)
“I swear I’m just gonna have to tie you down so you can’t move, maybe then you’ll rest for once.” You told her as you looked in the medicine carts for the pain cream.
Abby’s face flushed at the comment and she suddenly found her boots extremely interesting. She could see her dad chuckling from the corner of her eye and silently raised her middle finger at him.
Jerry had to leave to check on an expecting mother, which left just you and Abby in medical tent.
She sighed, her body relaxing only to tense up with a kiss and soon as you started rubbing the cold pain cream on her shoulder.
“I know it’s cold I’m sorry” you apologized as you rubbed her shoulder gently not to Aggravate it further.
“It’s okay it’s starting to warm up.” She told you
“And there we go all done.” You told her as you kissed her forehead.
You washed the excess cream off of your hands and you felt her eyes on you.
“So what now doc? Ice it? No strenuous activity for 48 hours?” She asked you, repeating the instructions you gave her yesterday when she saw you after her accident on patrol.
“Oh wow you do listen?” You rhetorically ask her with a chuckle as you walk back to where she was sitting on the medical table.
You stand between her legs, your hand braced on the table as you lean up to peck her lips.
“Well maybe now you’ll follow my instructions.”
“Mmh I don’t know the hot chick at the med tent said she’d tie me up if i don’t do what I’m supposed to, and well that sounds like a mighty fine predicament.” She feigns uncertainty as she leans down to meet your lips with a sweet kiss.
“Dork” you mumble between kisses.
She chuckles into the kiss.
“How’s this for a mighty fine predicament, if you follow instructions when that 48 hour activity ban is over you and I can do a bit of strenuous activity of are own.”
“Oh I like the sound of that, I’ll start a timer right now.” She jokes pulling you into another kiss.
Her good arm had you pulled close to her with her hand in the back pocket of your jeans.
Her teeth graze your bottom lip, and before it can go farther than it already has, you put your hand on her good shoulder and back away. Your face flushed and you take a deep breath.
“Abby you have to tell him.” You tell her
She sighs
“I know. I will, I am. Tonight, tonight we’re going spend some time together and I’ll tell him- I just.” She takes a deep breath
“ I’m nervous I know I have nothing to be nervous or scared of but I am. I know he wouldn’t be upset but I don’t know it’s a big change. I’ve never felt like how I do about you ever before. And I don’t know I guess I’m just worried like what if things are awkward now like you’re going to be working with your girlfriends dad. I mean I know you already are but now he would know, what if-“
“Abby honey breath” you tell her cutting off her rant.
“Deep breaths baby, just like this.” You instruct her grabbing her hand and but it on your chest so she can feel you take a deep breath and she follows suit.
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath
“Thank you.” She says once she’s breathing normally.
“Babe you have nothing to be worried about, cmon it’s Jerry we’re talking about he just might be the nicest man alive, And it won’t be awkward you don’t have to worry about that. We’re all adults here, if you’re truly not ready we can wait-“
“No!” She cuts you off
“I’m sorry I’m just tired of hiding this, hiding us.”she tells you meeting your eyes
“I’m tired of acting like I’m not crazy about you”
Abby was nervous, she knows she shouldn’t be but holy shit she was. She could smell the popcorn her dad was heating up in the microwave from her place on the couch. She wiped her sweaty palms and her sweatpant clad thighs as she tried to prevent her leg from bouncing.
“Alrighty here we go.” Jerry said as he placed the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and sat next to Abby on the couch.
“Ready to start the movie?” He asked Abby reaching for the remote.
“Wait. Dad can we talk about something?” Abby asked anxiously messing with the zipper of the couch cushion cover.
“Of course kiddo, what’s up you’ve been awfully quiet tonight?” Jerry asked looking at Abby.
She couldn’t meet his eyes, she leaned with her elbows on her knees as she fiddled around with her fingers trying to find the words to say.
“Well uh it’s about me and [y/n] well we uh we’re kind of together. Not kinda no we are together we’re definitely together, it’s a bit new but we’ve been dancing around it for-“
“Finally!” Jerry exclaimed excitedly making Abby jump.
“What?” Turning her head to look at Jerry
“Finally, it’s about time. It’s been a year of you both circling around each other.”
“I -What?” Abby asked again confused, trying to figure out what was happening right now.
“Sweetheart”Jerry started placing a hand on Abby’s back
“You and her were the only people that couldn’t see how in love you both are.”
“W- really?” Abby has never sputtered this much, not even when she finally asked you out.
“Seriously.” Jerry confirmed
“Is that what had you so anxious today?” Jerry asked her
“Yeah” she confirmed nodding
“I know I didn’t have to be nervous but it’s just..” Abby trailed off trying to find the works to say.
“A big change?” Jerry questioned
“Yeah exactly” Abby agreed.
“Are you happy?” Jerry asked her
“She makes me the happiest I’ve ever been.” She told him meeting his eyes
“With her everything just feels right.”
“Y’know, I said the exact same thing about your mom.” Jerry admitted.
Abby could feel her eyes sting with unleashed tears. It wasn’t often her dad spoke of her mom but when he did she held onto every word.
They’re both quiet for a moment trying to gather themselves.
“She’s really good for you, she brings out the best in you.” Jerry says after a moment
“She makes me want to be better.” Abby told him unable to fight the smile that formed whenever she talked about you.
“At least now I don’t have to watch your painful pining, cause oof that was painful Abby.” Jerry laughed as he said
Abby groaned and hid her face in her hands laughing.
Abby went back to her room that night feeling lighter than she has in months, and that morning she kissed you in the mess hall before you and her went your separate ways for the day.
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Summer of Bad Batch 2024 | Week 13 | Prompt: "Stop touching me! / I'm not touching you!"
Summary: Tech has nerves of steel - well, most of the time. POV: Tech Rating: G (Word Count: 989)
Read on Ao3
            Tech felt something brush across his neck before a weight settled on his shoulder, and he sighed in annoyance.
            He and his squadmates were on their third assignment since graduating and being sent out to the field, and while all of them had gone through plenty of simulations to prepare them for survival in wilderness areas, this jungle planet in particular had made Wrecker more than a little jumpy – especially at night. And of course Wrecker somehow always ended up sleeping right next to Tech when not on watch duty, no matter how often Tech rearranged things when they set up camp for the night…
            “Wrecker,” he hissed in an undertone, “would you kindly refrain from touching… Oh.”
            Having turned his head to look at his shoulder, he cut himself off mid-sentence upon finding it was not the weight of Wrecker’s hand that he was feeling.
            Wrecker snorted sleepily. “What’d I do now?” he whined softly, clearly only half awake.
            Tech gingerly reached up to coax the creature onto his other hand before holding it up close to his goggled eyes for study. This must be what the natives called a tero spider, one of the species of Theraphosidae he had read about when researching the squad’s assignment. These in particular were non-venomous arachnids and by all accounts quite docile, though large and frightening enough in appearance that Tech knew Wrecker would never be able to sleep for the duration of the mission if he knew these could be scuttling around the campsite.
            “Nothing, Wrecker,” Tech replied as he tapped his goggles to capture some recordings of the creature now sitting contentedly in his hand. “Go back to sleep.”
            Tech, eyes narrowed in concentration as he studied his datapad while making his way along the path leading down to the shore, stopped when a hand gripped his arm, and gave a long-suffering sigh.
            To help Shep and the engineers on Pabu plan out the rebuilding efforts, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega had volunteered to scope out the extent of the damage the tidal wave had wrought on the docks and shoreline properties, with Phee opting to join them. Tech was well accustomed to the friendly punches on the shoulder Wrecker was wont to give him whenever Wrecker became overly enthusiastic or wanted to emphasize a point or draw Tech’s attention to something, and normally this didn’t bother Tech; but with all the recent excitement of being on Pabu and meeting so many new people, Wrecker had felt the need to emphasize and bring attention to so many things that Tech had just about reached his limit with his brother touching him.
            “What is it now, Wrecker… Oh,” he broke off in confusion as he looked up to discover it was Phee who was resting her hand on his forearm.
            He was suddenly grateful he hadn’t acted on the impulse to step back and shake off what he had thought was his brother’s grip, though it currently felt like his heart had leaped into his throat – a most peculiar sensation.
            “What’d’cha say, Tech?” Wrecker now asked as he came up from behind with Omega and Hunter.
            “Nothing,” Tech returned automatically as his siblings stepped around him to forge ahead on the path leading to the right. He now recognized he was feeling the same sudden rush of startled adrenaline he had felt forty-two hours ago when Phee had touched his shoulder while giving him the coordinates to Pabu; the fact that he had had the same reaction every time Phee had been in physical contact with him was a pattern lending to his current hypothesis that he felt more deeply about Phee than just as one of his family’s allies…
            “Something wrong?” Phee queried, raising one brow at him.
            “No,” he said, realizing he was in a quandary: he desperately wanted to move but instinctively knew that if he did, she would break contact, and so here he remained, frozen in place.
            “Okay then, just wanted to let you know we’re supposed to be heading this way,” she said, gesturing with her other hand to indicate that Tech had been about to take the wrong path. “You’re gonna get yourself lost with your attention on that datapad all the time,” she added with a small smile.
            His racing heart and the nervous heat building within him would soon manifest in a blush if he didn’t compose himself soon, and that would be humiliating. Research, constructing devices, and sharing his knowledge were the main non-combat areas in which he felt most comfortable; since there was nothing to engineer at the moment and Phee seemed to think he should put down the datapad for now, that left talking as his best option.
            “Since this datapad is equipped with various navigation and positioning systems, it would be nearly impossible to get lost while using it. Besides, all clones have an excellent sense of direction – it is part of our bioengineering.”
            Phee rolled her eyes at him but still smiled as she stepped away, letting her hand drop from his arm – to both his great relief and disappointment.
            Well, at least he could move now… though he found himself wondering when, if ever, he would be daring enough to initiate physical contact with her outside of life-and-death situations like tidal waves…
            “Are you suggesting I don’t know where we should be going?” Phee was saying lightly.
            “Well,” he said, still desperately trying to recover from the feeling that he had just had his feet knocked out from under him, “given that you are much better acquainted with the layout of this island than I am, I am inclined to follow your lead.”
            Phee chuckled now. “Let’s stick together, then, shall we?” she said, playfully shouldering him before starting back down the path.
            He was finally feeling more settled, though he couldn’t hide a small smile as he matched her pace. “Indeed we shall.”
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maggstar · 1 year
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𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐃𝐢𝐞
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 18+, mni DNI!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: when Y/N is moving to a new place, she asks for some help. To her luck, the handsome officer living nearby picks up her call to lend her a "hand".
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, sappy asf, cop!Hee, confession, kissing (tongue action yall know it), mutual touching, oral (f. and m.), 69.
𝐖𝐂: 3.2k
𝐀/𝐍: Hello my lovelies, I'm back (not for long). I have been promising a cop!Hee fic for so long that I've decided to feed yall with a prologue at least. Hope you like it!
Please leave any sort of feedback: reblogging and commenting is the best for me, so let me know!! ───────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────
 Summer 2022
"Oh, come on now, we're not even halfway there!" the lilting tone emancipated from afar, shifting through the rooms of the empty apartment to place the piles of carton boxes in their assigned spot. 
They were all different sizes, some possessing parts of old furniture or newly bought ones, decorations, and daily-life equipment, carefully packed and branded. It seemed as if the amount kept growing with each placement, countlessly checking the truck.
Moving shouldn't have been such a demanding process, yet Heeseung found himself sighing every minute, constantly puffing after successfully delivering a package. The sweat on his forehead kept amassing, bringing his gaze to the flaming orange star. As if the hot weather wasn't enough, the lack of clouds deprived him of cooling down a little. 
He regretted dressing up for the occasion because he only wanted to rip the beige Hawaiian shirt off him. It went well with the iceberg-pleated shorts, but he would have been better without it. At least the brown aviator sunglasses were somewhat helpful, giving off the cool vibe he dearly lacked. It was all an attempt at impressing the female whom he decided to help, postponing everything on his calendar. 
With a dramatic sigh, he looked back at the mentioned one, hopping from one leg to another, hips swinging to the sides at each jump.
There was a dazzling smile glowing amidst those moves, radiating bright energy, swaying her head from left to right. The wavy hair created a breathtaking shot in that lavender-colored jumpsuit, soaked in its splashy floral pattern. It all added to the sweet image, complemented by a charming personality. 
Heeseung didn't know what about her turned his insides upside down. There were too many factors about that breathtaking beauty to pinpoint one. From her looks to her brains, she was a flawless 10 out of 10. A woman every man could only dream of. 
He was one of those men, dreaming about her every night after hitting bed. At this rate, it was turning into a habit. His head would automatically wander to her curvy shape once he shut his eyelids. Her long and slender shoulders were a sight to see, and he imagined running his fingers on them. Sometimes he visualized her powerful thighs, hungering to feel them in his hands. His ultimate wish was to reach her back and squeeze her buttocks as much as possible. He was a pervert for fantasizing about her in such inappropriate ways. However, he couldn't help it. 
She was incredibly attractive, and even if he tried to look away, his vision still ended on her. It was unavoidable. She was gorgeous.
"Lee Heeseung! Stop being a baby and help me!" the bundle of joy reprimanded, looking back with knitted eyebrows. 
Nothing appeared better right then, content with the outcome of her decisions. It almost made the volunteer forget about the awaiting unboxing. He could sense the exhaustion steadily approaching from the corner, taunting the weary with its impact. 
She crouched down to organize the pieces in the corner, not anticipating a figure approaching from behind. 
"Oh, you did not just say that," he called out, hands stretching to the sides of her torso, ignoring the loud no's as he came closer to the desired location. At that moment, the secret weapon was released. The victim fought for air, their laughter overconsuming it all, hands trying to stop the intolerable torture. 
"Yah! Stop!" they yelled, slapping the boy's arms, squirming in his imprisonment. The imbalance in the position caused them to fall over, bringing the perpetrator with them and landing on the floor together. 
Heeseung stopped once his eyes locked with hers, staring into those beaming green orbs, casting rays of bliss. 
It was as if he was looking at pure euphoria, smearing its gilt palms on him, like a warm blanket on a cold day, whispering sweet nonsenses. He couldn't cease admiring the view, the corner of his mouth lifting unknowingly. It was immaculate, its face round as an apple, light brown dots etched around its Grecian nose, forsaking their presence at the plump upper lip, overshadowing the bottom half, completing the perfection.
He hoped this moment could last forever, with her beside herself with joy, grinning and holding onto him, pledging its eternity. It didn't have to be authentic, just the thought calming his anxious soul, questioning the length of this point before disintegrating in his grasp. 
Yet, staring into her almond-shaped eyes reassured the worried. His fingers ran through her silky hair, body slightly freezing in surprise, gasping at the unexpected gesture. The change in her breathing didn't miss his sight, caressing her head overfilled in worries and pang, hoping to divest them.
If only he could sweep away all of the trouble from her system and hold her close eternally to provide the oughted warmth and comfort. He appealed to the universe to provide her with the needed healing. To replace the bandages and plasters on her crushed soul with long-lasting stitches and disallow the wounds from ever opening up again. 
The universe found it amusing that he kept asking for something already there from the beginning, fulfilling all his requests without his knowledge. It was as snug as a bug in a rug, watching over the little one and protecting her in its embrace. It was all there, slanting over her with doe eyes, creating temporary crow's feet.
"You won't go, right?" she asked, swallowing the sudden change of emotions, the numbness and fear heckling to emerge. The despair on her brows drew in, transmitting through as her jaw pulled in. 
He shook his head, soothing away the dread with a peck on the rosy cheek, "No. I'll stay with you."
"Promise?" she held onto his collar, pulling him closer till their foreheads kissed. Oh, how much she wanted their lips to be the ones who connected and chafed against each other, devouring one another in ardor. She was foolishly hoping for the upcoming redness to evaporate, not embarrass her in front of the mighty male she so broadly adored. 
Was it the bambi eyes blanketing her in love or the warm palm holding her petite hand that made the girl swoon? She couldn't ignore the effects of this fine man in front of her. Her true intentions have been bottled up for so long that they began opposing. They wanted to shout and express the overgrowing desire evolving into a blooming garden of affection. 
"Promise," was all she needed to hear to pull him closer and make her dream come true without hesitating. To her surprise, nor did he.
It was like they'd both waited for this spectacular moment to happen, not getting enough of it. Their hands roamed on each others' backs, attempting to draw in the other as much as possible. They practically crushed their noses while doing so, forgetting about breathing for the upcoming seconds. The only thing they could focus on was the bliss it provided.
The ravenous act of love was so passionate that it almost made the woman collapse, holding on to Heeseung's T-shirt. He was in his world, experiencing the most pleasing kissing. 
No previous connection could match the intensity and perfection of this moment. It was such an anticipated fantasy that he struggled to fathom her soft lips brushing against his. The way they collided with his was sensational, relinquishing every thought in his brain. 
There was only this tingly feeling leading from his chest in between his legs. He was all over the place, but so was Y/N.
In her 21 years of living, she had never been French kissed before, and this was the first time she allowed someone to try it. Despite her strong resentment against the act due to finding it unhygienic, she let the man she dreamed of having for so long play with her tongue. For once, she ignored picturing bacteria transmitting through saliva and wrapped her arms around his neck.
And Heeseung made sure she wouldn't regret it. 
As soon as he gained access, he tenderly slipped inside her mouth with his warm and wet tongue. He painted her walls in adore, cupping her cheeks to bring them in. That way, he could also pull her closer and deepen the kiss. 
They both found the sounds of wet smacks bouncing off the empty room stimulating, letting out a few whimpers. 
"Heeseung, I want you," she started sucking on his bottom lip, voicing her frustration by occasionally biting. It didn't hurt, but it was enough to bring him back from the dazed state she left him in.
"I want you too," his fingers lightly slid down her arms, sensing the change in her heartbeat. It continued grazing over lower, barely touching her skin.
The teasing threw her over the edge. She just wanted him to tear off her clothing and wander his veiny hands all over her chest. To squeeze her breasts and pinch her nipples until she couldn't handle it. She wanted to become an utter mess underneath him. 
"Please, love me," She felt like an animal in heat, unable to think of anything else than the longing desire in her system. It repeatedly screamed his name in the most alluring way, gluing onto his mouth like it was the last time. 
The combination of his lustful gaze and comforting smile was an unbeatable experience. His eyes were the key to his soul, expressing love and appreciation with one beguiling look. 
"Can I?" he asked in her ear while playing with her earring, hooking onto the hems of the jumpsuit. 
"Yes, quick," she appealed, the urge intensifying each minute. Without having to ask, she began unbuttoning his cotton T-shirt, having a compulsion to rip it apart. 
His tongue was back trekking in her mouth, concealing her aching lips in the warmth of his saliva. Y/N couldn't properly focus on the cursed buttons when he delicately declared his delight in the kiss. It was impossible to do anything with him quietly moaning, stumbling over her consciousness.
"Fuck. Are all police officers this hot?" She exhaled at the mouthwatering view ahead. Her eyes rolled when her palms slid against his naked skin, the coldness causing them to flex. She knew about his exquisite physique before but never had the chance to see it up this close.
His muscles had always been visible through any piece of clothing, and Y/N found herself staring at every opportunity. Her hands couldn't stop touching his delicate skin, desperate to kiss and mark every spot. Just picturing him in purple love bites did wonders to her woman parts.
At this point, she was openly drooling over him. 
"You should look at yourself," He blushed at the compliment, pulling the piece of clothing off her. His leg pressed against her core right after, adding a log into the fireplace. She closed her mouth to conceal her needs, shutting her eyelids when his knee rubbed her clit. Was she too blatant with her thigh squeezing? Fuck. 
"You're fucking gorgeous," he leaned over, tracing her chest and torso with his nose. Seeing her in her undergarments and face scrunched in pleasure spurred his aching shaft even more. The addicting scent of shea butter absorbed every part of her, placing him under a spell with her features.
He placed delightful pecks on her stomach to ensure her comfort and safety, a feeling of happiness and contentment in his presence.
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," his moans wiped down her thighs, licking and kissing everywhere. Her insides began burning, and she found herself desperately gripping his hair. The compliment he just dropped on her head blasted through her ears, flushing her cheeks in a rosy pigment. 
He had to have a lot of adorers in his past, and she didn't doubt it was the same in the present. His visuals were better than the models on magazines, a mixture of soft masculinity. Looking at him made her gasp consistently, habitually admiring his breathtaking assets. He was a work of art, and she couldn't stop admiring it.
"Heeseung," her breath lingered, staring at the savory growth behind his sweatpants. The outline, which appeared immensely luscious, provoked her intrusive thoughts to yearn for it. To lick and suck on it like candy until reaching a sugar crash. 
"Please let me put it in my mouth," the desperation transferred, sitting up to flip sides. He stared at her in shock from the floor with hands above his head, having hers wrapped around his wrists. Her sudden revelation caught him off guard, sensing his friend wholly waking up at the lewd confession. 
If it wasn't obvious how much he wanted her to have him her way, he wasn't sure about anything anymore. His heart was merely beating for her, picking up speed in pumping blood around his body. It was inevitable, particularly when she circled her tongue around his teats.
He would lie if he said he had experienced such a dirty act before, twitching and squirming from the kitten licks. He wasn't sure if it being his first time caused such a mercurial reaction or her being the one suckling on them.
Either way, Heeseung wasn't complaining one bit. He permitted her to play with them as she desired. 
"You're all I've ever dreamt of," her breath skimmed lower and lower until it recoiled up on his crotch. Both sighed at the highly-awaited instant as if they had been waiting for it to happen forever.
Y/N took in the paradise and rested her face on it, massaging her cheek against it. She was roaming in a daze, omitting everything around and focusing on the growing element beside her. 
All these lascivious acts made Heeseung think Y/N was an expert, not having a second to figure out his methods. They were thrown out the window the moment she pulled down his shorts and Calvin Klein boxers in one go, uncovering his nudity all to herself. He goggled at her from the uncatchable pace, leaning against his elbows for balance. 
"God, Hee," she wrapped her hand around the leaking material, leisurely smearing the pre-cum on the head. 
"Y/N," he hissed, watching his thick cock twitch in her small hand, throwing his head back. Once her thumb circled his tip, his testicles drove in. They uncontrollably pulsated with each hoop, losing control over their equipoise.
Her sparkly orbs, gazing at him from below while gingerly kissing the base, pushed the filthiest groans out of him. He could cum from her lips polishing his member, the delicate touch reminding him of a feather. 
"No more teasing, please," his hips raised, pressing his thick cock against her rosy cheek. He couldn't hold his desire any longer, practically begging her to suck him dry. 
"Oh? So what do you want me to do then?" her lips entangled around his tip, turning into a feisty smirk.
"Put your tongue on it," he pleaded, his knees turning numb from the ecstasy. 
"Like this?" her eyes looked up at him between his legs, sticking out her tongue to draw perfect lines across his treasure. For an answer, she received a loud groan alongside a light thump into the ground. She was playing a dangerous game, but it was too amusing to miss. 
"Look at how your cock twitches when I do this," she snickered, licking him from the top to all the way down to his balls. They were also in need of attention, and Y/N didn't forget to engage them in her playtime. 
"Or barely lick your head," she demonstrated the act, causing Heeseung to shiver in her grasp. 
"It makes me wonder how it'll react if I decide to put it in my mouth," her last word got nearly swallowed as she answered her question, leaving Heeseung in utter disarray. His brain resigned, incapable of handling the sheer amount of pleasure. If it stayed any longer, it would go insane. 
"It's so soft," she furrowed her eyebrows upwards, her hands coming back to wander on his buttery skin. 
"So tasty."
"So beautiful."
"So perfect."
It hit the back of her throat, face entirely buried into his crotch, satisfied blusters opposing as a reaction. She found it adorable how he desperately held onto her hair, trying to shove himself even deeper. It was so incredible that he struggled to contain his growing lust, prompting him to unravel his aggression. 
He wanted to grab her silky hair into a ponytail and mercilessly guide his dick deep down her throat. To watch the lump in it growing and disappearing with each pulse while her eyes looked straight into his.
He couldn't hold it anymore. 
He had to taste her.
"Turn around and sit on my face," he conveyed, seductively running his tongue over his lips. 
"What?" the shyness transferred to the opposite side, goggling at the depicted request. 
"Come on, don't be shy and sit on my face, princess." 
Y/N hesitantly looked at the stripped man, who was calmly lying with his arms behind his head, lustfully eyeing her up. 
"Ride it until you come down my throat," the nasty invite slipped out his mouth carelessly, putting on a smirk to secure its impact. 
"You know I'll lick it all up."
The woman's jaw dropped at the proposition, heavily floundering with her senses. Her interiors thawed at his sensual words, screaming at her to turn around and do as he demanded. 
"I don't want you to suffocate, dumbass," she lightly punched his arm, trying to dissipate the butterflies piling in her stomach. She didn't want to seem like a nuisance with her subtle shots at the getaway. However, her confidence wasn't the biggest one out there. 
Being on top wasn't the issue, but being that exposed to Heeseung. She always found it uncomfortable to have guys looking at all of her. Relaxing in someone else's arms was a problematic obstacle.
Heeseung wasn't an ignorant person not to notice the modest hints, settling to act rather than unroll the tangle of unnecessary insecurities. 
With that determination, he lifted her and placed her on his face without warning to get her raw reaction. 
At the same time, he found it foolish to waste a minute arguing. 
Instead, he could use it to eat her out and show her immortal magnificence.
"You have no idea how good you look from here," both ended up facing each other's genitals, admiring the glorious piece of art. She stared at him covered in her saliva mixed with precum, its size managing to develop more with each touch. 
Heeseung was playfully running his finger around her slick hole. The amount she had produced was more than he could imagine, the sticky material creating squelching sounds. His index traveled upwards, smearing the juices on her swollen clit.
"I could just play with you all day without ever getting bored," his finger disappeared inside her, unweaving a beautiful whimper. 
"Just run my finger up and down your pussy until you can't handle it," he smoothly pushed another in, her fluids substituting lube. 
"So warm and tight. All just for me," his nose hit her clit, soaking up her scent in an instant. 
"Heeseung," she sighed, holding onto his legs for support. 
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you more, Hee."
...to be continued...
Taglist: @end-hyphen, @hee-pster, @jakeswifeyy, @gegeetime, @heerated, @jayked, @forjongseong, @enhastolemyheart
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! ^^
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tennessoui · 4 days
44. and 54. for the ship asks?
I hope you're having a good time ✨
ah thank you i am having a very good time (but also very busy) (but also very fun) (but also very stressful) (but also very - )
thank you for sending these in <3
[from this ask game]
44. Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
i think neither of them are predisposed to dancing in the kitchen making dinner (because i just can't see either of them expressing joy through dance) but the image is cute and if i had to pick, i'd say anakin would be more likely to dance in a very silly fashion as he cooks dinner (most probably because he thinks he's alone in their quarters)
only for obi-wan to spy him and lean up against the doorway to watch and anakin is a bit embarrassed but covers it with a "what, old man, don't want to join in?"/"haven't you ever danced before?" to which obi-wan obviously replies that of course he's danced before but that sort of dancing is certainly not the kind of dancing he's done in the past. does anakin want a demonstration?
and anakin thinks he's about to get pulled into a formal dance like the sort that obi-wan does at fancy balls on fancy missions so of course he says a very eager yes - only for obi-wan to pull him in for more like dirty club dancing from his padawan days
54. Who’s more likely to carry the other to bed?
once a master, always a master:
Obi-Wan lets out a full-bodied sigh the moment the doors to his quarters close behind him. It'd been a long day, stacked on top of another, longer day, which in turn was stacked upon a longer week. A longer month. A long war.
He leans against the wall to slip off his boots, though he finds that he's too tired to line them up at the door where he likes to keep them. Instead, he leaves them as they've fallen.
The Council meeting had ended with the decision to send Obi-Wan and the 212th out to the Mid-Rim to rendezvous with Mace Windu's troops. It was an understandable command, and one Obi-Wan himself had volunteered for. But now, in the privacy of his own quarters, he allows the weight of the new orders to rest heavily on his shoulders as guilty dread pools up in his stomach. He'd told Anakin that they'd be able to share a week of leave together, once the other returned to the Temple tomorrow. Now, it turns out that they'd have only a few hours at most.
On his way from the door to his room, the Force gives him a kind, gentle nudge, just stubborn enough that it makes Obi-Wan turn his head to see--oh.
He hadn't even realized he wasn't alone in his quarters. Perhaps because the boy sleeping on his sofa with one shoe still loosely clinging to his foot feels as if he belongs there.
Obi-Wan's feet move him forward automatically to look over the couch's back at Anakin's sleeping form. His Force signature wraps around Anakin's gently, an instinctual hello. For a moment, he's regretful at it--thinking that perhaps it would be enough to wake Anakin from his sleep.
But Anakin's Force signature only nuzzles back at his in return, leaving the boy asleep, as if it is the most natural thing in the galaxy for them to be twined together.
"Alright," Obi-Wan mutters, letting his fingers trail over Anakin's curls before stepping around the couch to kneel at its edge. "Foolish boy," he chides though Anakin cannot hear him. Though he doesn't even mean the words, not truly. Not in the face of Anakin's presence. He must have pushed his ship to the edges of its capabilities to arrive earlier than planned. He must have wanted as much time with Obi-Wan as he could get. "My foolish boy," Obi-Wan says.
Anakin sleeps on, undisturbed.
Obi-Wan's hands find their way to his hair once more, stroking down a piece of it before lightly touching his cheek, the edges of the scar over his eye. The war has aged him. The war has taken so much from him. Of course he is tired. Hopefully, despite Obi-Wan's own absence, he will be able to get the rest he so desperately needs in the coming week. It would be good for him, for Ahsoka as well.
Against his will, his eyelids droop even as his knees protest the position on the ground. He could fall asleep as he is, he thinks. A worshipper at Anakin's altar.
But his padawan would be upset to find him like this in the morning. As much as he thinks that Anakin needs rest, Anakin returns the opinion tenfold. He will not be pleased at the upcoming mission. He would not be pleased to find Obi-Wan asleep on the ground beside him.
But their week together has been shortened only to a night, and Obi-Wan will be damned if he leaves him alone on the couch.
So, carefully, he stands and slides his arms beneath Anakin's back and legs, lifting him up with some hidden well of strength only exhausted masters who must care for their padawans possess.
"This was easier when you were younger," he mutters to Anakin's sleeping form, adjusting his arms around the other man so that his head doesn't loll uncomfortably to the side. "And about a hundred and fifty pounds lighter."
Anakin snores in response, Force signature radiating such a sense of safe contentment that even Obi-Wan's grumblings die down into nothing. They can, of course, wait for an appreciative, awake audience.
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allzelemonz · 11 months
Flipped: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader X Kieran Duffy
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Fictober Prompt: Day 16, Gentle threesome, Double penetration Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: threesome, rimming, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, double penetration, fluff, smut, guys being dudes Summary: Sean’s big mouth ends up with you taking both he and Kieran at the same time.
On the average night, it’s you that’s paying them attention. Both needy, one a brat and the other well behaved. It can get hard to balance, so sometimes it’s nice to just let things happen.
“Who knew ya could get so desperate, love.” Sean smiles.
His mouth tastes like you, his slobber coating your rim where Kieran now presses his fingers. It was a stupid dare from Sean that brought this about. As usual, he was being a brat. He bragged that he could take both you and Kieran if he wanted to, you said he’d be a shivering mess the whole time.
Let’s see you do it then, big man.
Sean went at you with his tongue first, the man all too good at using his mouth in every situation. Now you're slicked and Kieran works you open with pomade for good measure while Sean distracts you and muffles the groans that escape when Kieran hits the right spots. It’s not that they haven’t fucked you before. In fact, Sean has a great love for both you and Kieran riding him. Kieran prefers being closer to you, intimate and cuddly fucking. But, both of them filling your ass concerns you. Despite your mocking, Sean might’ve been the better choice. He has much more experience as the taker, always the first to volunteer laying himself out or bending over for you or Kieran. But it’s too late to back out now.
“How… uh, how’re we doin’ this?” Kieran asks, pulling his fingers out to soothingly rub your thigh.
Sean chuckles, spit lingering between you as he pulls away from your kiss. “Ya lay on yer back, him on top a’ ya, the me on him. Easy.”
Kieran blushes a bit at the image. “Are ya ready, darlin’?”
You meet his eyes, though your vision seems blurry from all of the attention. “Y-Yeah, ready.”
“Go on then, Kiery.” Sean grins. “On yer back.”
Kieran flushes further at Sean’s silly nickname and lays back on his bedroll. Sean helps you move, getting you up onto Kieran like you’re about to ride him. Kieran’s hand automatically finds your hip, the other holding his aching dick still to help you move as you lower yourself onto him. You nearly collapse from the stimulation. All that buildup makes you think you’re not going to last very long.
“Ya alright, darlin’?”Kieran asks softly, holding you as you hunch down into him. “Ya wanna take a minute?”
You shake your head. “Just get it going.”
Sean’s hands find your legs, easing them to relax. “I good ta get in ya, love?”
“Go ahead.” You say through deep breaths.
He does it slowly, clearly giving you warning as he circles around where you and Kieran are connected. He presses his fingers alongside Kieran, trying to make room for himself. Slowly, they lift your hips up so they can press their dicks alongside each other, then they help you back down. Twice the stretch makes you need to muffle your noises in Kieran’s shoulder. It burns and aches and feels wrong for the first minute, but you adapt and the full sensation takes over. Stuffed full on your sweethearts’ dicks, both of them whispering praises and giving gentle touches, you’ve never felt better in your life.
“God, I love ya idiots.” Sean mutters, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
Kieran and you both laugh lightly, finding each other’s lips for a kiss.
“You can start now.” You say, burying your face back into Kieran’s shoulder. “Just start slow.”
“A’ course.” Kieran says, kissing your head.
Sean wiggles his hips a bit, making you groan. “Sorry, love. I’ll do my best.”
He’s the first to slide, rubbing your walls and Kieran’s dick in the process. Kieran’s head dips back against his pillow as you move your hips a bit, the three of you feeling all new sensations. Kieran’s hands steady on your hips so he can start moving himself. He thrusts up at the awkward angle as Sean tries to match him. The rhythm is messy and uncoordinated, but it doesn’t really matter. Being fucked so full feels amazing and the sounds your lovers make go straight to your dick
“Gimme yer hand, Kiery.” Sean mutters, reaching his hand out.
Kieran obliges, letting his hand leave your waist. Sean guides them both to your dick, stuck between you and Kieran. Their hands wrap around you and the noise you have to muffle makes you think you should’ve done this far out in the woods where no one could hear you.
All at once, Sean speeds up and guides both him and Kieran to pump you fast. Kieran thrusts with Sean, just not quite at fast. It still feels damn good. The full state of your ass and the hands gripping so nicely at your dick make you cry out as you cum. Sean picks up his pace, following you fast. Kieran fucks you through it all, trying to find his own end. His hands find your head, pulling you from his shoulder to give you a kiss as he lets go. Sean has slumped against your back and you feel more than spent by the time Kieran stills inside you.
“Christ alive.” Sean mutters. “We gotta do that again, boys. Tha’ was…” He groans, attempting to pull out but stopping. “Don’t think little Sean wants ta leave.”
Kieran catches his breath, smiling up at you. “Maybe if we get on our sides it’ll be easier.”
You nod, shifting slightly to let them both move with you.
Sean pulls out first, sliding with ease this time and collapsing back onto the bedrolls. Then Kieran, carefully pulling out and giving you a kiss and a smile.
“Ya feel alright?” Kieran asks, his hand cupping your cheek. “It hurt?”
“A little.” You wince, trying to find the right way for your legs to rest.
Sean shuffles behind you before holding a bottle in front of your face. “Thought I’d be the one needin’ it.”
He gives you a kiss on the cheek as you take the bottle from him, a painkilling tonic. It was great, but it’ll be a long time before the three of you do this again. And it’ll be Sean next, just to prove a point.
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beatricebidelaire · 3 months
101 ways to convince someone to buy a penthouse
When Beatrice fails to persuade Jerome to buy the penthouse of 667 Dark Avenue, the volunteers know it's time for Jacques to give it a try.
~2.9k. Jacques Snicket / Jerome Squalor.
rating: explicit
Jerome Squalor is non-confrontational, mild-mannered, and perhaps somewhat timid. Usually, he does not like to argue, finding it easier to just agree with the other person, to avoid arguments. But not wanting to argue doesn't necessarily mean that he'll automatically do whatever is asked of him - if it's a small, easy favor, then of course, but if it's something more complicated, something bigger, or, as often in Beatrice's case, something wild and adventurous, then he usually won't go with it. He won't argue, of course, because he doesn't like to, so he either resorts to attempting to change the subject to avoid confrontations, or making an excuse to leave to get himself out of the conversation, or agreeing to whatever is asked of him verbally but proceed to not follow through with it. While Jerome Squalor is a person who does feel guilty when he breaks a promise or goes back on his words, he generally does not let the guilt change his mind once he's decided that he simply isn't capable.
Case in point: Beatrice has been unable to get Jerome to come onto another of their mountain trips again after seeing Beatrice getting carried away by the eagles at his first one.
So far, Jerome's tried all three of his tactics on Beatrice. He's hastily diverts the topic when the subject is brought up, he's tried to make some excuses to leave the conversation, and he's agreed, reluctantly, to join one more trip, but then just did not show up that day, to Beatrice's disappointment and everyone else's relief. Jacques, of course, was both disappointed and relieved when Jerome didn't show.
Of course, Jerome's still fairly easygoing, and fairly easy to convinced to doing someone a favor, if it's within what he perceives as his own capability, and if it's not so big that it kind of frightens him. Purchasing things for Beatrice at the In Auction, financing certain VFD parties - those are all easy for him. In fact, he's eager to help in small ways whenever he feels like he's disappointed Beatrice in some other way, most often by not showing up on her adventures where he's previously agreed to.
Apparently, purchasing a penthouse at a top of a building on Dark Avenue - not only expensive but also crucial, because of the tunnel connections - is too huge a change. Too much money, that'll probably get his parents to ask questions. Too big a decision.
[continuing reading on squidgeworld] [ao3]
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windowlessatmosphere · 6 months
Reach Out and Touch
Summary: Despite asking him a million times, Prapai will never actually admit that he wishes Sky were more affectionate in public. Until he gets drunk one night and accidentally lets it slip. It’s fine, though. Sky has a plan.
“P’Payu,” Rain whined, disproportionately distraught at the fact that Payu’s gaze had left him for nearly a minute.
“Sorry, sorry,” Payu apologized, pecking him on the cheek in apology. He turned back around, scanning for their waiter in the crowded bar. Rain went back to pouting, and Sky rolled his eyes. Rain leaned into Payu’s side, brightening immediately when Payu put an arm around his shoulders.
The waiter appeared with Payu’s drink, apologizing for the delay and enduring Rain’s mistrustful gaze from over Payu’s shoulder. A moment later, Rain was practically climbing into Payu’s lap, his face buried in Payu’s neck.
Sky snorted, unable to help himself, and heard Prapai do the same. Rain always seemed to get like this when he was drunk, needy and whining if Payu diverted even a speck of his attention elsewhere.
“You never do this with me,” Prapai said in a low, teasing voice, leaning in close enough that Rain wouldn’t overhear. Sky rolled his eyes, aiming a light kick at Pai under the table and giving him a withering look. Prapai just beamed at him, swooping in to plant a kiss on Sky’s cheek and ignoring his offended squawk.
“P’Payu,” Rain whined, tilting his chin up for a kiss. Payu obliged him easily, and Sky wished, not for the first time, that he hadn’t volunteered to be the designated driver. Rain and Payu were really much more bearable when he was drunk.
“Skyyyy,” Prapai said in a perfect imitation of Rain, leaning into Sky’s space with a pout. Sky snorted at that, flicking Pai’s nose but pressing their legs together under the table anyway.
They ordered a few more drinks, Sky continuing to opt for water while wondering why he had agreed to do so. Prapai began scooting closer to him at some point, clearly aiming for subtlety and missing the mark spectacularly. Lucky for him, Sky could only find it endearing. When he had finally closed the distance between them, he snuck an arm around Sky’s waist, pulling it back hesitantly when Sky automatically tensed up.
It wasn’t intentional, just a leftover reflex from being with Gun, when getting pulled in by the waist had never meant anything good. Even so, it was obvious that Prapai was feeling wounded, his emotions all the more obvious given how much he’d had to drink. Sky felt a little stab of guilt and leaned into Prapai’s side, hoping he wasn’t feeling unwanted.
Of course, this meant that Pai took it as an invitation and immediately went in for a kiss. Sky turned his face instinctively, leaving Pai’s lips to land on his cheek instead. Prapai drew back, looking uncertain and hurt, and shifted in his seat.
Sky did his best to keep his expression neutral, noting sardonically that Rain and Payu had been far too wrapped up in each other to even notice. They were definitely going to have to talk about this when they got home.
He’d brought it up before, curious due to how affectionate Prapai was in private. Pai knew how Sky felt about PDA, and he usually didn’t push. Sure, he’d sneak in a peck or grab Sky’s hand every so often, but it had never become an issue. It still left him feeling uneasy, a prickling feeling in the back of his mind that Prapai wanted things to be different. That he wanted a boyfriend he could kiss anywhere.
He’d asked, of course, but that had gone nowhere.
“I love you just the way you are,” was the usual response, followed by a forehead kiss and a loving smile.
Sky didn’t doubt that, but he was also very much aware that Prapai was dodging the question.
So. They needed to talk.
“We need to talk,” Sky told Prapai, about twelve seconds after they entered Sky’s apartment.
Prapai’s expression instantly shifted from bleary-eyed and out of it to utter panic.
“Not like that,” Sky clarified immediately, and Pai relaxed.
“Okay,” he agreed, flopping down on the couch and making grabby hands at Sky. He followed Pai over to the couch, letting himself be pulled down and cuddled.
“I feel like I upset you earlier,” Sky began, choosing his words carefully. Prapai’s hands, which had been carding through his hair, froze for a moment before resuming their movement.
“Earlier?” Pai asked, trying and failing for an even tone. He wasn’t the best actor on a good day, let alone after a few drinks.
“You know what I mean,” Sky pressed, turning in Pai’s hold so they were facing each other. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” he added quietly.
Prapai’s expression shifted before he answered. “I know,” he reassured Sky, rubbing a soothing hand up and down his back. “It’s not a big deal.”
There was a moment of silence, and Sky wondered if he should leave it at that.
“Does it bother you?” he eventually asked, prepping himself for Prapai to dodge the question, as per usual.
“You never bother me,” Prapai informed him sternly before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Sky signed.
“You wouldn’t want that?” Sky questioned, holding Pai’s gaze. “For us to be affectionate around other people?”
“Of course I would.” Prapai shrugged, half-mumbling. Sky’s heart sank a little. “Who wouldn’t want that with you?” he added, his eyes closed at this point.
“Okay.” Sky let out a long breath. He glanced down at Pai, who looked to be minutes away from dropping off, and shook him by the shoulder. “Bed,” he instructed, trying to sound stern. It must have at least partially worked, as he managed to rouse Prapai from the couch and get him through most of his nighttime routine before they crawled into bed.
It took about thirty seconds before Prapai was breathing evenly, totally dead to the world around him. Sky wasn’t able to drift off so easily. He couldn’t stop thinking about Gun, as much as he wished otherwise. Memories kept coming back up, every time Gun had used him as a display, without caring at all about Sky’s comfort. Every time he had grabbed Sky in public, or let his friends do the same.
Early on, he’d had to remind himself constantly that Prapai wasn’t Gun. That he wasn’t anything like Gun. Those days were long gone, with Prapai’s presence and touch bringing nothing but comfort. Except when they were in public, apparently.
He rolled to one side, staring at Prapai’s sleeping face and making a deal with himself. He was going to try. Whatever that meant. Were they going to turn into Rain and Payu? Hopefully not. But he could at least see, at least find out if there was a way for him to stop flinching every time Pai touched him in public. He definitely deserved that much. And, fuck, Sky deserved it too, he decided.
He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Pai’s cheek before rolling over to go to sleep, a warm feeling in his chest from his decision.
The next morning, he woke up knowing it was a bad idea. Not in general, of course, but all he could do was imagine himself failing. Telling Prapai that he would be better, getting his hopes up, and then having them come crashing down again.
“So don't tell him,” Rain suggested, through a mouthful of eggs.
Sky blinked at him. “Don’t tell him?”
“Duh.” Rain rolled his eyes. “Just do it. If you succeed, he’ll be thrilled. If you fail, he won’t even know, and you can try again in a few months.”
Sky blinked at him again.
“What?” Rain asked, when it became clear that he wasn’t going to say anything.
“Is that…allowed?” Sky said, unable to come up with a better word.
Rain blinked at him.
“Allowed?” he finally asked, sounding incredulous.
“I mean, I can’t just be grabbing him in public unannounced,” Sky hissed, his cheeks flushing red at the thought.
“I’m pretty sure he would be cool with that,” Rain countered, snorting into his coffee.
Sky kicked him under the table and considered it. It would keep Pai from getting his hopes up. Plus, it had been clear from his demeanor that morning that he hadn’t remembered telling Sky anything. He didn’t really want to see Pai’s face when he realized he had insinuated that Sky should change something about himself. He was never particularly pleased whenever anyone else did so.
“Fine,” he decided. “I’ll try.”
“You could fuck him at his office again,” Rain suggested.
Sky kicked him under the table.
“Hey!” Pai called, half-running over before pulling him into a tight hug.
“Hey,” he echoed, his voice muffled from where his face was pressed into Pai’s neck. He pulled back an inch, meeting Prapai’s eyes for a split second before pecking him on the cheek. Pai looked pleasantly surprised, pulling him in even closer. Sky did his best not to blush, feeling a strange mix of uncertainty and pride.
For a moment, anyway. A second later, he glanced over at Payu, who had lifted Rain bodily off the ground and was kissing him soundly. Definitely not something he was comfortable with in front of other people, but especially at the race track.
He looked back at Prapai, giving him a distracted smile and straightening his jacket. He spared another glance at Rain and Payu, who looked like they were about two seconds away from absorbing into one another.
Whatever. Next time.
Prapai was waving enthusiastically, as though Sky wouldn’t have noticed him otherwise. He was on his bike, waiting to drive Sky home after his classes.
“See you later,” Ple told him, nodding in Pai’s direction.
“Bye!” Sig called as Sky left, waving over his shoulder.
“Hey,” Sky greeted his boyfriend, snorting when Pai pulled him in by his hand. He went easily, hesitating for a moment before he leaned in for a quick kiss. Pai looked surprised when he pulled back, and Sky hid a smile, ignoring his friends whistling at them in the background.
“Are we going?” he asked, climbing on the back of Pai’s motorcycle. “P’Pai?” he asked, after a moment of silence.
“Yep, we're going. We’re going!”
Holding hands was not stressful, Sky observed. Shocking.
No one had seemed to notice, either, which made him feel slightly odd for having been so trepidatious about going for it. Prapai hadn’t even reacted much, just taking his hand easily and running his thumb over the back of Sky's hand, the way he always did.
“What a cute couple!” the stall vendor, an older lady, gushed at them, a wide smile on her face.
“Thank you,” Prapai returned easily, beaming at Sky. “He’s the cute one,” he whispered conspiratorially, leaning in slightly. Sky did his best not to flush at that, and the woman laughed brightly.
Look at that. No big deal.
Some things were still a big deal, Sky realized a few days later. They were at a picnic with most of their classmates, Prapai and Payu having tagged along as usual. Rain was laying down with his head in Payu’s lap, eyes closed blissfully as Payu played with his hair. Sky, on the other hand, was leaning against Pai, his back pressed up against Pai’s chest, and doing his best to deal with it.
It would have been fine just the two of them, he thought, desperately trying to relax into the hold. Even if it had just been Rain and Payu, he might’ve been okay. He glanced over to see that Rain was now in Payu’s lap, their noses pressed up against each other. They barely counted as an audience, he decided, given how infrequently their attention was on anyone but each other.
He pushed back into Prapai’s arms, taking a deep breath and ordering himself to relax. Always an effective tactic. Pai leaned forward a little, pressing a soft kiss to his neck, and he did his best to ignore a shiver. That, along with the fact that he could practically feel everyone’s eyes on him had him pulling away. He grabbed a piece of fruit for plausible deniability, offering one to Pai as well. He took it happily, seemingly unaware of the miniature crisis Sky was having. That he’d been having for a couple weeks now.
It was fine, Sky reminded himself.
He was making progress.
He had made absolutely no progress.
That was all that was going through his mind as he watched Payu press Rain up against the bar, essentially devouring his face. Sky let out a small sigh, grabbing their drinks from the bartender and weaving his way back to their booth.
“Hey,” he said to Pai, trying to keep his tone bright as he slid him his drink.
“Hey,” Pai returned, pulling him into the booth by his waist. Sky pecked him on the cheek before taking a sip of his drink. He glanced back over at the bar to see that Rain and Payu showed absolutely no signs of moving anytime soon.
“You okay?” Pai asked, pulling him in closer so that Sky’s head was leaning on his shoulder. Sky just hummed an affirmative, closing his eyes and nuzzling further into Pai’s shoulder.
“I’m fine,” he added, when Pai didn’t say anything. He pulled back an inch, seeing the look of worry on Pai’s face and shook his head, laughing under his breath. “I’m fine,” he reiterated, more firmly this time, pressing a thumb to Prapai’s forehead to smooth out his worry lines.
“I’m allowed to ask,” Pai defended himself gamely, stealing a sip of Sky’s drink. Sky just rolled his eyes, actually relaxing into the moment and taking a swig of Pai’s drink.
Rain and Payu tumbled back over ten minutes later, popping Sky’s temporary bubble of optimism. He didn’t usually mind their PDA so much, but it was different when he was actively trying to be more affectionate with Prapai.
He probably hadn’t even noticed anything different, Sky thought glumly, watching Rain bully his way into Payu’s lap.
“Something’s different,” Prapai informed him. Sky blinked. “Is everything okay?” Prapai continued, when he didn’t get a response. “You seemed kinda upset at the bar.”
Sky opened his mouth, completely ready to respond that he was fine, before he closed it again.
“I’m…” he trailed off. Was he fine? Mostly.
“Sky?” Pai prompted, raising an eyebrow.
“I was a little upset earlier,” Sky allowed. Prapai waited for him to finish, and he went on, “I was trying to…you remember last time we were there?”
“Sure,” Prapai agreed, brow furrowing in slight confusion.
“We talked after,” Sky said. “You were drunk.”
A look of panic appeared on Pai’s face, and Sky hurried to explain. “Not like that! You just…said something.”
The look of panic reappeared.
“Not like that,” Sky insisted, pulling Prapai down onto the couch with him. The look of panic was gone, but it had been replaced by a look of worry, which wasn’t much better. “I’m not great with PDA,” he said bluntly. “You know that. And…you just said you wished things were different.”
“What?” Prapai asked, looking crestfallen.
“You just said…it wasn’t…” Sky sighed in frustration. “I asked,” he told Prapai sternly, “if you would want us to be affectionate around other people. And you said ‘who wouldn’t want that?’, that’s all,” he explained.
“I don’t want anything about you to be different,” Prapai doubled down, looking vaguely pissed at his past, drunken self.
“I want it too,” Sky said quietly. Prapai’s expression changed instantly, cycling through a few different emotions before ending on chagrined.
“And you should have everything you want,” Pai agreed, quickly changing direction. Sky let out a snort, leaning against Pai’s side.
“Well, I tried,” Sky said bitterly, thinking back on his somewhat pathetic efforts.
“And you succeeded,” Prapai pointed out, eyes narrowing at Sky’s tone of voice.
“I did not,” Sky argued, shaking his head with a half-laugh. “Did you see Rain and Payu tonight?”
“Do you want to be Rain and Payu?” Prapai returned immediately, raising an eyebrow.
“...okay, no,” Sky admitted. “But I still—”
“Still what?” Pai interrupted. “Still made an effort? Still made a lot of progress? Still were the best boyfriend in existence?”
Sky swatted him on the arm, appreciating the sentiment despite himself.
“I’m happy with anything,” Pai told him. “I’m happy with you, even if it means we can only hold hands in secret.”
“I held hands with you at a farmers’ market!” Sky defended himself. “And I am making progress.”
“And you’re doing a great job,” Prapai reassured him, kissing him quickly.
“Thank you,” Sky said.
“I could probably help out more,” Prapai pointed out.
“What do you mean?” Sky asked.
“I’m just saying,” Pai shrugged. “If you need me to grab your ass in public, I can. For you. If you think it would help.”
Sky threw a pillow at him and went to bed.
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callsignbaphomet · 7 months
A post about Jela and Dag in FO.
When Jela was 16 Loke had taken a job to rescue some captured kids from those Roman cosplaying slavers. One of them was a little girl who was afraid of strange adults but her parents lived outside of New Vegas so they were gonna take a while to get her. However, Loke arranged to meet them halfway with the kid so they wouldn't have to go that far into New Vegas. But Jelani volunteered to take the kid to Goodsprings 'cause he knew Loke was tired from that job which he refused to let Jelani go with him in case shit went sideways. Dealing with the Legion would've ended in either death or enslaved and Loke wanted to spare him either of those fates.
On top of that Lo realized the kid seemed more at ease around Jelani who was a teenager therefore she wasn't afraid of him. And honestly speaking it was a safe task so Loke sent both of them on their way.
Once at Goodsprings the parents were waiting and he handed her over to them. He was supposed to go back home but you know, a teenager off on his own unsupervised...he went straight towards the bar. Loke lets him drink but he always cuts him off at a certain point and since Loke wasn't there he could drink all he wanted so he went in.
This was when he first ran into Iain (the ranger that would end up shooting him later) and after an uncomfortable exchange of words Jelani left the bar to head back home.
On his way out of Goodsprings he saw something on the side of the road and when he got close he noticed it was a night stalker lying still. It was a lot smaller than the ones he'd seen.
*** Dagny was about 8 months old when Jelani found her and her size is due to her being a runt ***
Now, Jelani's an animal lover. Anything fluffy, scaly, feathery or whatever else he automatically likes. So he went over to her and checked to see if she was injured. She wasn't but he noticed she had all the signs of dehydration so he sat on the side of the road, moved her carefully and gave her water, he stayed up with her all night and gave her every drop of purified water he had on him. In the morning she seemed more lively and he shared some food with her and then left to go back home.
He noticed she was following him so at one point he turned around, picked her up, faced her in the other direction and told her to go home. She thought it was a game so she ran circles around him, swatting at him with her paws to get him to play with her and he couldn't help himself and ran after her to play for a bit. After he was tired he said his good byes and went on his way but she was still following him. He gave up and let her follow him.
Loke kind of freaked out and told him that if he wanted a pet he could get him a normal dog but Jela was already head over heels in love with her and started to beg and give him big sad puppy dog eyes and since Jela is Loke's kryptonite he couldn't bring himself to say no to him and allowed him to keep her but only if he promised to take care of her and clean up after her.
That same day he went to his, at the time, boyfriend's boyfriend and asked him to tell him all he knew about dog training and he did. So that same week Jelani started training Dagny. Jela got the idea to train her using commands in a different language, in this case Norwegian since he was fluent in both English and Norwegian, so she learned the basics like sit, down, stand, hold, stay, back up, heel, middle, close, touch and hold. Then he moved on to more cute but ultimately kinda useless skills like sit pretty, hide (cover face with paws), roll over, hop and dance. He loved to play tag, hide and seek, and fetch with her which in a way kinda tied into training sessions. After 5 months she was so well behaved and trained that Jelani took her out on jobs.
Loke was absolutely stumped as to how the hell Jela managed to tame a weird little snake-coyote-dog thing by just being nice to her and how he managed to train her that well.
It was obviously more than just being nice to her. She was dying on the side of the road and Jelani saved her life so ever since then both have been inseparable. Loke was confused but loved that she made him so happy and to be honest he thought she was cute. Uthorim was super amused and indulged her with lots of treats and tummy rubs. Dagny took to falling asleep on Loke whenever he took a nap.
A little later Jelani trained her to be more efficient while out on jobs. He taught her "lay low" which was used for her to take cover in case of gunfire, "get [insert item here like mag (short for magazine), gun, stim (short for stimpak)]. She can recognize up to 7 items. "Sneak" for when Jela needs to stealthily make his way from one spot to another. "Take down" she lounges at a target with her full body weight and speed to bring the target down to the ground. "Bite" is used to get her to bite and latch onto a target's arm to stop them from holding a weapon. "Release" is for her to let go of the target. "Guard" has her watch an area, item or person depending on what Jelani follows that up with.
She's been exposed to as many sounds and things as possible to socialize her and get her used to everything out there so she doesn't freak out. To say she's a very good and smart girl is an understatement.
When Jelani got you know what she was down there in that basement with him. She was tied up to some old pipes and had her snout taped shut. She heard Jelani crying and screaming all night long and could smell blood. She got loose long after they were gone and she went to find Loke and bring him back to get Jelani after she tried to wake him up but couldn't get him to move. After that she sort of took notice that Jelani had sort of changed. He was less energetic, quiet, panicky, nervous, guarded, jumpy and cried all the time and sometimes his crying was so bad he'd shake. Every time he started to cry or had a panic attack or a mental breakdown she'd lie across his lap or sit on his lap and lean on his chest to calm him down. She became really vigilant of him, whenever a stranger approached him she strategically placed herself between him and the stranger(s), sort of like checking to see what that stranger's intentions are while keeping an eye on Jelani's stress levels. She will never outright attack unless someone's attacking Jelani but she'll switch from being this super derpy critter to a highly vigilant and watchful beast in seconds.
She's also learned to recognize when something's wrong with Jelani. Like, REALLY wrong with him. Second time he tried to kill himself Angelus found her scratching at the door for him to let her in. Third time she went to get Angelus who found him before he bled to death, fourth time he started to press down on his throat with a knife so she grabbed his hand, pulled it away, sat on his lap and leaned on his chest while resting her head on his shoulder and didn't move until he calmed down.
Like I told Arcade last night I know I'm anthropomorphing her a lot with this angle but I don't actually care. Animals are a hell of a lot more intuitive than we give them credit for and Dagny's no different. She has been with him for almost three years now and the bond they have is really strong.
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proudzukaangblog · 2 years
uh, fav of all fav character headcanons cuz yes
X reader nsfw and sfw so yay-
Tobias Eaton
his hobby is.....BAKING. Just like, you'll walk into your kitchen after work to find it messy, flour and sugar everywhere. Then Tobias, stuffing chocolate cake/muffins in his mouth.
He loves cats. He doesn't like dogs mainly because of the aptitude test, but also because he finds them annoying. I adores cats, specifically Maine Coons, so if you buy him one, he'll love you forever no joke.
He is mainly tough around other people, but when you are both alone, he is a "goofy goober" according to my 10 year old neighbor
He doesn't like to share. Thank you, whoever made this (Uriah: oooo can i have some of that muffin Four: Tris: he would love to share Four: Four: sure Uriah: *reaches for the muffin* Four: *barks at him* Uriah: JESUS CHRIST WTF Tris: NO I SWEAR HE DID GOOD LAST TIME Tris: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT Four: my muffin Tris: Four: MY MUFFIN Tris: GIVE ME THAT MUFFIN) I love it
So far he has four cats. (oldest to youngest) Tiger, Cece, Pickle, and Bean. Cece, Bean, and Tiger are American Shorthairs, and Pickle is a Russian Blue. Uh, they're all rescues. Pickle was found in his apartment wall, Bean's Mother was found outside the Dauntless compound and he took one of her kittens, Bean, And Tiger was found at the control room so he took him in. Cece was his mother's cat, since Evelyn couldn't care for her anymore, Tobias volunteered to take her. Cece hates them all, Tiger hates them all, Pickle hates tiger, Bean hates Cece.
uhhhhh he's very gentle. He'll like- he'll go slow- but if you ask him so speed up he will. He just doesn't want to hurt you. Uhhhhhh he also compliments you so-
His love language is Words of Affirmation, and sometimes Touch
He has ADHD. I feel like the reason why he had the appearance of being Divergent without being one, was because he is Autistic. FIGHT ME. Anyways, he can't focus often so if he's writing something and starts thinking or can't focus, he drum his fingers or his pencil on the table to a specific beat he randomly makes up and it helps him focus. He also bounces his leg (only while sitting) when he's excited or focusing. His main stimming is the hand flaps. Uh, it's because I do it so-
He sings. Uh, and drums. Drumming is mainly because of his ADHD but his singing usually relieves him of any pain or distracts him. If he gets hurt and the pain is UNBEARABLE, he starts singing and he usually can't feel the pain anymore lmao
He is almost still mentally a child, because he'll beg you to chase him around (tag) or hide from him (hide and seek) and it'll make his day.
He's best friends with Michael Afton in my combined world for them. They just...automatically bonded.
If he's sad or grieving, he'll scratch his own skin. His theory is that if he causes himself enough physical pain, his mental pain will go away, which never works but it's become a habit now
He has major anxiety and depression. He has attempted suicide about twelve times now
He has an animatronic Michael made him if one of his suicides succeeded. It's a black leopard named T'challa
Michael Afton:
he uh, he has adhd like Tobias. He is very energetic and usually forgets everything you tell him.
He likes cats. He doesn't love cats nor hate them, he tolerates them. Thats why when Tobias and Michael got an apartment together, he was very annoyed most of the time, because he was surrounded by cats lmao
him and Tobias do stupid shit. They'll commit arson together or smthn and Jeremy would have to lie to the police
Michael has, like, five exes. With Tobias only having one, Tobias calls him a player, and Michael calls him a simp. Because Tobias hasn't given up Tris yet so-
Michael has stopped many suicides, a few of which were Tobias.
Michael uh.....okay so many people will probably yell at me for this but in my crossover au for fnaf and divergent, Tobias and Michael start dating and end up adopting a child together. I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS CUTE OK DONT JUDGE. Their daughter's name is uh...Tris. It was Michael's idea so when Mike introduced Tris to Tobias, Tobias broke out into tears. Tris is blonde with brown hair at her roots and blue eyes. She acts a lot like Tobias but has some Michael in her lmao
uhhhhh okay back to x reader headcanons, he's very rough. He loves to pound into you and bite your neck and all that, but then as he reaches his high, you get some ✨moans✨
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Berdly dose not need a redemption arc
I would like to prefix this by stating that I am NOT trying to excuse his actions. He is very much a prick and has a hard time listening to Noelle’s honest thoughts and opinion, but I don’t think these are good enough reasons to constitute a redemption arc for him, because outside of these flaws he has a lot more redeeming qualities. 
One of his prevalent traits is that he is diligent, hardworking, and honest. Across the two chapters we learn that Berdly has two jobs, a volunteer job at the library and a job with Ms. Boom, so far we’ve only seen him at the library but this shows that he isn't lazy and takes his job seriously.
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This also shows that he is quite an honest person. When it comes to other people he might misinterpret their intentions but his assessment of their personality and how they act aren’t wrong. He wasn’t lying about his motivations and although he makes excuses for why he sucks at everything he never gives up trying to overcome an obstacle or complete his objective.
Berdly misinterprets Kris pranks on him.
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Berdly making excuses for why he couldn’t solve the puzzle.
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When he keeps his limits in mind and is willing to help out with the group he can be pretty smart. He has a good memory which helps out with the plan he comes up with. A plan which actually got them farther than just brute forcing their way through.
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The plan fails but it does show that he isn't as dumb as he thinks he is.
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These traits don’t automatically make him a good person, villains can have similar traits as the heroes afterall, but Berdly is morally sound as well.
In the spamton sweepstakes, Berdly accidentally deletes his minecrap game and has to fix it with the help of Kris. Instead of boasting about how he fixed it all by himself he admits that he got help from them.
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And in chapter two when Berdly shows off the statue to Queen and Kris he specifically says to Kris to admire OUR artisanship (skill in a particular craft). 
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In the next room over we learn that Sweet cap'n cakes help make the statue.
This shows that Berdly is willing to give credit where credit is due even if he sees everybody as intellectually inferior.
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Throughout the entirety of chapter 2 Berdly is constantly trying to keep Noelle safe, that’s part of the reason he was working for Queen in the first place.
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The other reason was to make a happy world for the both of them by creating a dark fountain. Noelle even says this herself after the ferris wheel ride.
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He even pretended to have romantic feelings for Noelle so she wouldn't be sad.
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While he does misinterpret her feelings as being towards him Berdly doesn’t force a kiss on her. Outside of leading her on he never once tries to take control away from Noelle or make her uncomfortable. In his mind Noelle is the one who has to make the decision to admit her love to him, not the other way around. Even when he does have a crush on someone he doesn't force a kiss on them, the control is always in the other person's favor.
He puckers up but that’s as far as he goes and when it doesn’t work he backs off.
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All this shows that Berdly loves Noelle and wants to be supportive as much as possible. And while their friendship IS messy and could use some work, at the end of the day they ultimately care about each other.
If Berdly only cared about what Noelle could do for him, why does he ask Noelle how she’s getting stronger instead of why during the snowgrave route?
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It’d be counterintuitive of him to let her get stronger since it would mean she could stand up to him and call him out on his bullshit.
When she is assertive and expresses her true feelings on Berdlys idea during the normal route, he’s shocked but he accepts this side of her pretty quickly.
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When all is said and done Berdly comes off more as a well meaning but misguided character, far from somebody who needs a redemption arc. His intentions were never malicious and the flaws he does have are easily fixable. While in the light world it’ll take a bit of time to relearn everything, if his final few lines are anything to go by it probably won’t take that long.
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dearestones · 2 years
Death Note Matchup: Matsuda Touta #3
Warnings: Fluff. 
@best-cell Request: Can I have a matchup please?
My appearance; I have long dyed blonde hair, grey eyes, and I’m pretty short! 5 ft. My name is Rinu. My hobbies are volunteering at primary schools, animal shelters, and veteran homes, cooking, volleyball, and cosplaying sfw animes.
About the match can it be romantic? I’d prefer a death note matchup and being paired with a male character! I’m a non-binary femme who uses she/they pronouns and I’m 18. My favorite characters are Light and L! I find their dynamic stimulating to watch.
5 positive traits about me are (so I’ve been told) I’m very caring, introverted, balance both logic and emotions, I don’t accept anything lower than perfect (from myself), and I’m very generous.
5 negative traits about me are I can be overly sensitive and in return overthink, I hold myself to a high standards and beat myself up when I don’t meet them, I have some trauma so it impacts my mental health and makes me overly paranoid, sometimes I isolate myself on accident when getting carried away in doing things alone, and I have a hard time working with others, especially people I find boring.
After going through the information given, I believe that you are best paired with Matsuda Touta!
Touta is absolutely floored by your kindness. As a person who has to work with putting criminals behind bars and sometimes consoling the victims and their families, he finds it refreshing that you’re giving back to society by setting an example that many should follow. If he ever has time off of work, he would like to accompany you on these excursions for volunteering. After the both of you have worked to better your community, Touta will take you out to have some fun. (The first time he does this, he automatically thinks it’s a date, but if you tell him it’s not, he’ll laugh but be a little crushed. That’s okay, when you do start dating, you can redo your unofficial first date!)
Please cook for Touta. He’s not a bad cook, but he’s not a master chef either. He’s spent the majority of his day drinking coffee and reading files, please, he needs some good food in his system or he will pretty much faint from starvation. It doesn’t matter if you’re not the most wonderful cook in the world, either, he just wants something that’s made with love.
You cosplay? That’s such a cool hobby! Touta isn’t one for cosplaying himself, but he’s attended a few conventions back in the day. Plus, he likes to keep up with popular anime whenever he has the time. He’ll help with pictures and poses, but he will more than likely decline doing couples cosplay unless you ask real nicely and even then, he’s a little bit shy.
Touta likes that your kind and caring nature is tempered by an introverted and logical personality. It’s a good balance that even he has trouble incorporating into his dangerous lifestyle as a detective. More often than not, he appears to be a bumbling fool when compared to his colleagues, but with you, he feels comfortable being himself. He knows that you won’t be as quick to judge him. 
However, just because he knows that you aren’t going to judge him, that doesn’t mean that you should be so hard on yourself! Whenever he sees you trying to attain perfection, he’ll take you aside and help you relax. Depending on your decisions, maybe the both of you could talk it out or maybe he’ll prepare some tea to calm your nerves. Know that you’re perfect as you are for Touta, so don’t push yourself too hard, okay?
When Matsuda catches you isolating yourself, he’ll always be at your side or at the very least, remind you that he’s there for you. He knows that trauma is a touchy subject for some people, so he won’t pry about your mental health until you’re ready to confide in him. 
Furthermore, if you show signs of paranoia, he’ll ground you to reality by reminding you that your thoughts can be intrusive and to think things through. Don’t overthink! Just breathe and think logically. What you think may be a cause of harm for you, may be benign in real life. Take your time, Touta does not mind being you with if you ever regress into an episode. 
It’s okay if you want to work by yourself. Touta has had a fair share of working under superiors who would rather be left alone. What he’ll do is give you space when you need it most, but when he suspects that you may be overworking or unwittingly isolating yourself, he will intervene. Disturbing you at your work isn’t what he wants to do, but know that his actions are rooted in good intentions. 
Touta will do his best to understand you, but please know that you should also make the effort in making him comfortable in the relationship that both of you are trying to cultivate. Communicate, talk to each other about problems, and be there for each other even when things are at their most unbearable. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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euthanarexia · 23 days
sometimes i have very vivid dreams where i am my main oc (his name is Dorian) and it always feels so real that i can’t stop thinking about it when i wake up. he was created over a decade ago for some roleplay in the universe of the fable video games and he’s honestly not a great guy from the start, but he has his charm and his death is tragic as hell (he kills himself in the midst of addictions, after the syphilis he got from his fucking around gets too bad to go out in public).
in this dream however, he was different? instead of being polygamous and having 19 kids and counting, he was faithful and married to a woman named Cora, and they had a teenage son. and they lived in a huge mansion (he’s royalty in his original lore, but exiled himself sort of). i’m (in his body) just walking around my huge living room half naked and i get knocked out. i wake up strapped to my bed but not in a kinky way, there’s 2 strangers there and my wife has tears in her eyes. i’m automatically aware for some reason that i am sick and that i only have a few months left to live, but that these 2 people have a “cure” that will make sure i don’t die. they start injecting me with some stuff and Cora says “you can hold my hand if you want?” and i just tell her “Cora, if you touch me I will break your arm I swear” because i don’t want this, i didn’t want this, i don’t want to be cured with this. because whatever this is is like…experimental magic or something and it’s not only going to cure me of the illness i have. it’s making me into an immortal god.
time passes and i’ve gained like a foot in height and i look ripped as fuck. i’m drinking wine by the bottle and there’s one that’s spilled everywhere in the hallway. i asked my son if he can clean it up. he gives me a bottle of some strong liquor and i decide to explain to him why his dad is changing so much. that my wife decided to volunteer me as a guinea pig and that i’m turning into a monster. but i can’t get the words out. i stutter some words but ultimately just leave in a rage. there’s a bit where i tell my wife that i will always love her, but that the way she betrayed me, ruined me, took away my agency and body autonomy, means that i will never trust her again.
the last scene of my dream is some kid who’s my son’s friend confronting me and me chasing him. he tells me that one day my son will be bigger and stronger than me and that he’ll take revenge for how i treat my family and that i will die alone. i roar and scream that i still keep getting bigger and stronger, that i never wanted any of this, that i wanted to live my last few months peacefully with my wife and my son. i am fucking huge, we’re talking 8+ feet tall at this point. i know that i want to cry but i am completely unable to. i catch the kid, grab him by the hair, and then there’s like a close up shot of my face where i’m completely blank and then i just say “i can never die”.
and that’s when i woke up.
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floralseokjin · 2 years
⤑ 9 months to fall in love 11.
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It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
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pairing; kim seokjin x f reader au/genre; unplanned pregnancy, strangers to lovers, slow burn, romance (dare I say romcom in places), smut, angst, (melo)drama, dual pov words; 9,120
warnings/includes (!) Seokjin’s mom plays matchmaker 😬, as Yuna will say it’s one step forward, two steps backwards this chapter, but we still have cute moments, one (1) public erection, very mild angst(?) more like a little melodrama, a small mildly evil cliff hanger because it’s been a while 
⟶ ao3 link
*inspired by the manhwa ‘Positively Yours.’
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↪︎ series index
SEASON TWO ⇤ previous | next ⇥ 
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Seokjin paused reading, his eyes irritated and dry from staring at the computer screen all morning, and leaned back in his chair, automatically reclining slightly. Closing his eyelids, he rubbed his eyes with his fingers briefly before remembering he had eye drops in the top drawer of his desk. As he reached forward his cell phone started to ring, vibrating against his chest from its location inside his suit jacket pocket. He pulled it out, raising his eyebrow when he read the caller ID. 
“Mom,” he greeted curiously. She rarely called him in the day, knowing he was probably preoccupied with work. 
“Seokjinie,” she said, a musical lilt to her voice. 
Despite himself, his mouth lifted up at the childlike nickname. Although, on second thoughts, she only used it when she wanted something… He should probably start feeling suspicious. Instead, he asked, “How are you? Is everything all right?” 
“Everything is perfect,” she replied smoothly.  “I hope I’m not interrupting you.” 
“No, of course not,” he smiled. “You know I always have time for you.” 
“My youngest son, ever the charmer,” she gushed, continuing: “Any woman would be lucky to have him…” 
His stomach dipped a little then, something in the tone of her voice making him feel slightly apprehensive. “I guess so,” he forced himself to chuckle, and attempted to change the subject. “How’s dad?” 
She totally ignored him – or maybe she truly didn’t hear – and charged on. “Do you remember Mrs. Kang? She volunteers alongside me on Wednesdays. For the church luncheon club.” 
“I can’t say the name sounds familiar,” he admitted, now fully dreading what was to come next, because he knew exactly what it was. 
“You’ve met her at least once, Seokjin,” his mom chastised gently. 
“Have I?” 
His delaying got him nowhere. 
“Yes. Well anyway, she has a daughter. The prettiest little thing I’ve ever seen.” 
Seokjin inwardly groaned, tipping his head back to stare at the ceiling, looking for a miracle. 
“She’s lived abroad for the past few years. For work. She’s a food blogger. A nutritionist! Isn’t that amazing?” 
With his eyes scrunched closed, he responded as enthusiastically as he could manage. Which wasn’t very. “Yeah, amazing.” 
“Anyway, she’s back home now. For good. And her mother’s let it slip that she’s looking to settle down, find Mr. Right.” 
‘Let slip.’ He doubted that. His mom and this Mrs. Kang had obviously been conspiring. 
“That’s nice for her. I hope she finds someone soon.” 
“Seokjin.” His mother’s voice was now low with warning. 
He sighed in defeat, unable to keep acting clueless. “Mom, I can’t right now.” 
“Why not?” she exasperated. 
Because I have a pregnant… he started to respond in his mind, but then stopped. What could he even call you? 
Not that it mattered. He couldn’t tell her yet anyway. He wanted you by his side when he did, and until you were comfortable enough to let not only his family know, but yours too, that wouldn’t be happening. So now he had to try and get out of this date some other way. 
“I’m just so busy.” 
It wasn’t a lie. He spent his days in work and when he could, his evenings with you. 
“So busy you can’t even spare a few hours to have dinner with someone who could turn out to be your future wife?” 
Seokjin bit back a snort. “Yeah, that busy.” 
“I know that’s a lie, Seokjin. Hoseok already gave me your schedule for this week.” 
“Oh, he did?” 
He’d conveniently kept that quiet when Seokjin had played golf with him all day yesterday… 
In his ear, his mom sighed. “It’s been so long since I set you up on a date. I’ve been patient, haven’t I?” 
In her defence, yes, she had. For her. She hadn’t meddled in his love life (or more accurately, lack of love life) since last summer. She’d lasted almost a year. It was commendable – almost. 
He shook his head resolutely. “I can’t go on a date with anyone.” 
That determination must have been heard in his voice too because there was a beat of silence, and then his mother asked suspiciously, “Why?” Before he could think of a reason, she was squealing, the high-pitched noise piercing his eardrum. “Oh my—Seokjinie, are you dating somebody?” 
Still wincing from her assault, he tried to correct her. “No, mom—” 
“You are, aren’t you?” she cut in excitedly. 
“No, I’m not. Please,” he breathed, trying to calm her down, while simultaneously feeling frustrated because he couldn’t explain the truth. “I’m not dating anyone.” 
Technically though, it was the truth. What you and he were doing was more than that, yet at the same time, it could very well be less. If that made any sense at all. No, he shouldn’t think like that. Let his doubts take over yet again. You were both on the same page. This both meant something to you. You’d already cleared that up over a week ago after dinner with Yuna and Jimin. 
“I just…” Seokjin tried again, rubbing a palm over his temple. “I’m not in the right headspace right now. I have a lot going on.” 
Again, that was technically the truth. He did have a lot going on. 
“But Seokjin, this will be great for you. Suzie could be the one.” 
“Considering I know nothing about her other than she’s a nutritionist and Mrs. Kang from luncheon club’s daughter, I don’t think Suzie is.” 
“Enough.” His mom obviously hadn’t appreciated his sarcasm. “Me and your father just want you to be happy. Like your brother is.” 
“I am happy,” he laughed absurdly. Then, trying to back his own corner, he added, “You can’t deny it, mom. Even you said so yourself!” She’d commented a number of times over the weeks how Seokjin seemed lighter and more content than usual. 
“But it’s not because you’re in a relationship,” she said slowly, as if trying to understand. 
“No. I don’t need a reason like that to be happy.” 
However, while it was true, he felt a little like a fraud. He couldn’t deny his recent spike in happiness was because of you and the baby. In a few months he was going to become a father. Things with you, despite his insecurities, were becoming more promising as the days went by. 
And just like that, the guilt set in. It hadn’t felt like a secret until now, just a piece of information he’d neglected to mention. He wanted to tell his mom about you, knowing that she would adore you in no time. His mom was the sweetest person he knew. Of course, the initial shock would be a lot, he wasn’t stupid. This wasn’t how she’d imagined things to go for him, just like he had never imagined it either, but once the news had settled in, once she wrapped her head around everything, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she wouldn’t welcome you with open arms. 
“But Seokjin,” his mom was saying now, “it’s been so long since you’ve had a girlfriend. Like a serious, steady girlfriend. Remember Naeun?” 
“We weren’t that serious,” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, the face of the last women he’d dated properly appearing in his mind. 
“You took her to the beach house.” 
“Only because you wouldn’t stop begging.” 
And we broke up a couple of weeks later…
His mother sighed wistfully. “Whatever happened to her?”
“I don’t know. We haven’t spoken since we split up.” 
“Oh, that’s a shame.” 
Seokjin gave a noncommittal hum in response, opening his mouth to try and escape this phone call, but she beat him to it. 
“So, Suzie. Can I pass your number over?” 
“No,” he exclaimed with a frustrated laugh. “I’m not going on any dates.” 
“Please, Seokjin.” 
“No. Not right now.” 
She was like a dog with a bone when she got an idea inside her head. 
“Just say you’ll think about it,” she tried to wheedle. 
After a moment or two, he gave in, just for a brief respite. “Fine. I’ll think about it.” 
Think about how to get out of saying yes, that was…
She squealed happily. “That’s great. Let me know your answer tomorrow!”
“I’ve got to go. Me and your father are going out for lunch. I love you, bye! I’ll tell him you said hi.” 
Defeated, he let it go, telling her he loved her too before hanging up. Phone gripped in his hand, he leaned back in his chair again, closing his eyes. He could feel a migraine setting in. 
“What?” you asked, bemused by Seokjin’s playful smirk as you made your way back to him on the couch. 
It was Monday evening, and, just like you’d been doing for the past couple of weeks, you’d joined him over at his place to help share his grandmother’s leftovers. It was fast becoming the highlight of your week – that woman could cook! Food always tasted better when someone else made it, and seeing as you hadn’t joined your father and stepmom for dinner lately, this was all you’d been getting. 
“What kind of water jet was that?” he asked before barking out a laugh. “I thought you were going to come through my ceiling.” 
“Jin!” you cried, absolutely mortified. You’d been peeing more than usual lately, which was mainly due to you trying to drink more water, but you’d also read that your uterus had long started to push on your bladder, so when you needed to go, you needed to go… Sometimes the flow was urgent, forceful. You just hadn’t realised Seokjin might be able to hear it. 
When he continued to laugh like it was the funniest thing in the whole world, you stopped abruptly, an arm’s reach from him, brows pinched together. When he realised you were annoyed, his laughter softened, but it didn’t disappear altogether. He outstretched a hand.  “Come here, I’m only teasing.” His voice was gentle, wheedling. 
You crossed your arms. “No.” 
With a whine, he lunged forward, grabbing you by the waist. “I said come here.” 
Against your better judgement, a smile tugged the corners of your lips before you let out a squeal when you found yourself dropping into his lap. It wasn’t the straddling you’d once imagined. Instead, your butt found purchase just above one knee, your legs resting over the other. Still, it was nice, even if you had to try and seem indifferent. 
“I need to go home now,” you informed him, trying your best to keep your lips a firm line. 
“No, not yet.” Seokjin squeezed his arms around your waist, and frustratingly, your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, betraying you. 
You tried again. “It’s not your decision.” 
His eyebrows ticked up, his plump lips twisting. “Seeing as I’m the one driving, yes, it is.” 
“I’ll get an Uber.” 
“No, you won’t.” 
Instant warmth started to spread through you when his lips found yours, his smile widening when you pressed harder. He’d won, and he knew it. He was weaponising kissing, which was frustrating, especially considering kissing him was already dangerous enough. Ever since you’d agreed to take things slow, i.e., not have sex, you’d both been actively and obviously, avoiding temptation. If either tongue went even a millimetre too far, it was over. Done. You’d draw apart and awkwardly try to start conversation about something mundane like work or the weather. 
It was tough, don’t get you wrong. You wanted nothing more than to shove your tongue so far down his throat you felt his uvula – well, not really, but you got the picture. You wanted his hands on you, his mouth on you, his di­—Okay, time to stop. Yuna hadn’t been the best moral support at first. “You don’t have to have full sex. Maybe he can just finger you a bit,” she’d suggested unhelpfully the day after dinner. You both had known getting to second base would never be enough, nor could neither you or Seokjin stop at that. So, as much as you’d love to be reacquainted with those talented, long fingers, you held strong and hadn’t initiated anything. Seokjin was right, if you wanted this thing to become something concrete and definable, being careful was a must. 
Besides, you still had your imagination. And your small collection of sex toys. You’d recently upgraded. Your purple bullet vibrator had served you well, but the pink glittery dildo that had arrived at your door in an unassuming brown box last week, now served you even better. You had no clue why pregnancy made a person so aroused, but then again, not every pregnant person had Seokjin as their baby’s father. You doubted they were going through the same thing as you. It was torture, and you were living it day-in day-out. (You made a mental note to google whether or not pregnancy also made you highly dramatic, because right now you were channelling your inner Yuna. God, that was a thought. Yuna pregnant. She would be insufferable.) 
Mid-kiss, you felt Seokjin’s smart watch vibrate against the small of your back, signalling he had a message. You lamented the loss of his lips as he broke away and lifted his wrist up to check. His relaxed expression quickly hardened as he read whatever the text said, his jaw tightening. Then, as if by magic, or just with inspiring self-control, he smiled at you, wrapping his arm around your waist again. 
“Who is it?” you asked curiously, fingertips unconsciously stroking the back of his neck. Sometimes it was strange to think how natural it had become to touch Seokjin like this. You couldn’t pinpoint the exact time of change, which told you it had happened gradually, imperceptibly, and now it was just the norm. 
For a second, you thought he might not answer, his hesitation visible. “My mom.” 
“Aren’t you going to text her back?” 
You hadn’t been expecting that answer, just because his reaction to whatever her message had said was the complete opposite of his reactions whenever he spoke about her. It was glaringly obvious that Seokjin loved and adored his mother, which should be a given for every man but often wasn’t. His disgruntled expression made you think something must have happened today. Maybe they’d had an argument. 
“Later,” he brushed off, leaning into kiss you again, but you pulled back slightly. Something was wrong with him. You could feel how tense his shoulders were under your arms. Not even having to use words, he answered your silent question – albeit it reluctantly. “She’s, uh…” 
No, scrap that. Not reluctant, awkward. 
He sucked in a breath. “She’s trying to make me go on some date.” 
You blinked, caught off guard. This suddenly seemed like an odd conversation to have while you were sitting across his lap, Glob’s finally growing home butting against his stomach.  
“It’s what she does,” he sighed exhaustedly, rubbing a hand up and down your back as if he thought you needed comforting. You didn’t. “Every once in a while.” 
You raised both eyebrows, the revelation mildly amusing. “Your mom sets you up on blind dates?” When he nodded, you laughed. Now your fingers were running through the long strands of his thick, tousled hair. “That’s pretty adorable.” “Yeah?” He seemed uncertain. “Adorable isn’t the word I’d use.” 
You sensed his displeasure again, but your mouth was moving without much thought. “Well? What did you tell her?” 
He stared at you as if you’d grown two heads. “No, obviously.” 
Even though it was obvious, you still felt elated. 
Seokjin ran a hand over your back again, catching your bra, although he didn’t notice. In fact, he was talking again, fingertips absentmindedly playing with the clasp, totally clueless. Your body was lighting up, but you ignored his touch with every fibre of your being, close to straining. “Only, she’s not taking it well. She thinks I don’t have a good enough excuse.” 
“What, a secret pregnant woman taking up your time doesn’t cut it?” you joked, then saw the look of dismay on his face. “I’m kidding!” 
He still looked panicked. “I didn’t tell her. Should I have? I thought we were waiting.” 
“No, we are,” you reassured, feeling a little sick now with the reminder that still neither of your families knew about your pregnancy. 
A few weeks ago, you’d been happy enough for Seokjin to let his parents know, but then he’d gotten it into his head to tell them together and now you were stalling for time. You didn’t know why. Apprehension more than anything. But also, telling his parents also meant you had to tell your father and Yeonja… Right now, you and Seokjin were in your own happy little bubble, the company of your annoying friends (yes, that meant Yuna and Jungkook) enough. You didn’t want that to change. You didn’t want what you’d so carefully built to change…
“I said I was too busy,” Seokjin was carrying on, pulling you out of your doom spiral. “But she’d already gotten Hoseok to give her my schedule…” 
“She sounds…determined.” 
“That’s one word to describe her.” 
“So, how many of these dates have you been on over the years?” you asked, more than curious to learn more. 
He visibly racked his brains. “At least a dozen? I limit her to once or twice a year. If she had her way, it would be every week until it works and I’m madly in love and married.” 
Just the thought of Seokjin falling in love with someone and marrying them brought out something primal in you. Something possessive. You swallowed the feeling down. Thankfully that had happened yet, else you wouldn’t be here right now, giving him a dead leg as your butt cut off the blood flow. 
“You’ve never had a successful date?” you asked as he readjusted you. 
“Not set up by my mom, no. Then again,” he muttered, “I don’t go on dates any other way.” 
“So either your mom has terrible taste or you have secret high standards,” you accused, pointing a finger at his chest. 
“I don’t,” he said, a smile playing on his mouth as he wrapped his fingers around your reproachful one. “And the women she chooses are perfectly fine, I just…” He shrugged, trailing off. Then, as if he remembered something, his eyebrows lifted. “Well, there was one” 
That possessive feeling came back with a vengeance. 
“We dated for a couple of months, but it fizzled out.” 
You already knew that Seokjin hadn’t had much relationship experience in recent years. Not properly anyway, ever since a serious relationship ended not long after AGS started to take off. Similar to you. Only the end of your relationship wasn’t because you were fast on your way to becoming a multimillionaire with no spare time to concentrate on love. No, the end of your three-year relationship with Taehyung had ended because he’d wanted to get married and have children ASAP, essentially turning you into a stay-at-home mom – not that there was anything wrong with that, if it’s what someone wanted, but that was precisely the issue. You hadn’t wanted that. You’d only recently graduated, your career just starting. Marriage and babies were the last thing on your mind, even if you did eventually want that with him. But he hadn’t been willing to wait no matter how hard you’d begged him too… 
“A couple of years ago,” Seokjin replied to your question. 
“What was her name?” 
“Why did it fizzle out?”
You were practically interrogating him at this point. If he thought the same, he didn’t let on, answering you without hesitation. 
“Me. I was caught up with work, didn’t really make time for her.” He sounded regretful, embarrassed even, by his past actions. 
You on the other hand were puzzled. In these past few months, Seokjin had never once neglected you. Sure, he was insanely busy most of the time, but he always took time out of his day to text and call you, and when he could, see you in person. Like now. The guy could probably be catching up on some well-deserved sleep right now, but instead he’d invited you over. Then again, you were carrying his baby, so his responsibilities were different. Maybe if you were simply just dating, you’d end up like another Naeun… You mentally shook your head. Why were you thinking that? If it wasn’t for Glob, you and Seokjin would never have seen one another again. Dating wouldn’t have been an option. 
“Well, you never know,” you smiled playfully. “Maybe this next one could be the one.” 
He simply stared at you in response, unimpressed. 
You opened your mouth again. “You should go” 
Now you were truly certain that you had two heads. 
You shrugged, sliding your fingers from his hair. They’d somehow been tangled in there this entire time. “If your mom won’t take no for an answer.” You held his gaze, hating that your next question sounded so vulnerable. “It’s just dinner, right?” 
“Well, yeah,” he replied awkwardly. 
“Then, what does it matter?” You tried to sound unbothered. Inside, you were slapping yourself silly. Were you really sending him on a date? 
“It doesn’t, I guess,” he agreed after a moment. Then he sighed. “It just seems like a waste of my time, though. I could be doing something else with my evenings.” His eyes found yours and you tried to keep your mind out of the gutter. “And…well, I don’t want to waste hers, either. She’s looking for ‘Mr. Right’ or whatever.” You couldn’t explain why Seokjin using air quotes was so amusing. 
“You never know, that might be you.” 
“____,” he warned lowly. 
“Okay. I’m just teasing.” You laughed, but it sounded a little forced. Clearing your throat, you leaned in and rubbed his shoulders comfortingly. “I just thought… If you go on this date, your mom will be pacified for the rest of the year.”
He tilted his chin, thinking your words through. One of his hands slid to your stomach, rubbing your tiny bump. “We could just…tell her about…” He continued his movements, letting them do the talking. 
“I just…” You swallowed the lump in your throat, anxiety washing over you in waves. “She won’t be expecting it now.” 
“She’ll never be expecting it,” he said with a slight chuckle. 
“I know that, it’s just…” 
Rationally, you knew the longer you put it off, the worse this feeling would get. You’d been psyching yourself up ever since Glob’s 12-week scan, but tonight felt like you’d walked into a massive brick wall. You’d just learned his mom liked to set him up on dates in her free time. What type of women were they? Could you have ever possibly made the cut? You doubted it. They were probably all high-flying jet-setters, rich and beautiful. Just imagining his mother’s reaction when he turned up with you at her door, nearly four months pregnant to top it all off, made you feel physically sick. Then again, maybe that was your insecurities talking. Time and time again, Seokjin had reassured you his mother was a lovely, non-judgemental person. You had no reason to disbelief him. It didn’t make sense. 
“All right,” Seokjin said softly, obviously reading your torn expression. He surprised you by hugging you. “We don’t have to right now.”
You immediately felt guilty, pressing the side of your face into his chest. You could feel and hear his steady heartbeat. “Seokjin, I’m sorry.” At this point, he should have started feeling irritated at you, instead he was being nothing but understanding. “I don’t know why I’m so worried.” 
“I know it’s nerve-wracking. I’m nervous about it too.” 
His words reassured you. His next ones, not so much. 
“I’ll go on the date. You’re right, at least I’ll be free for the rest of the year after this.” 
You had been the one to suggest it, but you knew deep down it was a stupid idea. You lifted your head. “Are you sure?” 
“It’s just dinner,” he shrugged. “I’ll eat, be polite, then leave,’ he added simply. 
Despite your mood, that made you snort. 
“What?” he questioned, bewildered. 
“I’m starting to understand why your dates never work out… Your priorities are all mixed up.” 
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The next evening, you were at home. 
Work had been particularly demanding today, just one of those days you guessed, so as soon as you’d gotten in, you’d rushed straight for the bathroom. Emptying your bladder first and foremost, and then running yourself a bubble bath. Now, you were in your comfiest pyjama set, the elastic waistband stretchy enough as not to dig into your slowly protruding stomach. You needed to think about making something to eat, but you were in dire need of groceries, never getting a chance on the weekend with Yuna’s dress hunt. She’d finally found something promising on Saturday, a sleeved, classic white dress with a beautifully detailed lace overlay. You were going back this weekend to try it again, so fingers crossed it was the one. Hopefully the torture would be over soon, but then again, after the wedding dress, the bridesmaid dress hunt would begin and that was going to be just as bad. Especially with your developing body. You’d be unable to try anything on and would have to wing it come April. 
You were hovering inside your kitchen when your phone started to ring from its place on the couch. It was Seokjin, and you picked up as quickly as you could.
“Hey, angel,” he greeted, catching you momentarily off guard. He’d never actually said the word out loud – or at least, in that kind of context. As in, not joking around. 
You ignored the butterflies and asked a pressing question. “Why are you calling me so early?” 
He laughed. “Do I need a reason?” 
“No, but…” You trailed off. He didn’t need one, no, it was just he usually only called after 9pm. You’d catch up for twenty minutes, maybe slightly longer, and then you’d go to bed. Recently, you were already in bed when you picked up his call. Your energy had bounced back since you’d entered your second trimester but come the evenings you were exhausted and couldn’t wait to fall asleep. 
“I was just wondering if you’re at home?”
“Yeah, I’m at home,’ you smiled, wrinkling your nose in confusion. Where else would you be? 
“Have you eaten yet?” 
“I was just searching my fridge for the fourth time this hour,” you sighed, ready to complain about your lack of groceries before you heard a knock at the door. “Oh, wait. Someone’s at the door. Hang on.” 
You shuffled into the hallway, your feet not wanting to participate, as you wondered who it could be. Another delivery? Had you ordered an additional vibrator in a hazy orgasm-fuelled hunger? You didn’t think so, but last night after you’d gotten home had been a pretty wild night with Sergio – the fitting name you’d gifted your glittery dildo. 
When you opened the door, your curiosity soon turned to bafflement. Seokjin was stood in front of you, still in his work suit, phone to his ear, his other hand holding a bag, the name of a fried chicken place just down the street from you printed across it. He tilted his head questioningly. “Who you on the phone to?” His voice filled the entryway and buzzed in your ear at the same time. 
“What the hell, Seokjin,” you laughed, hanging up quickly. “What would you have done if I wasn’t home?” (Not really a possibility, but still.) 
He stepped inside, kicking off his shoes. “Good question. I don’t know.” 
You raised your eyebrows. “And if I’d already eaten?” But you were already eyeing up the hidden contents of the plastic bag, the aroma of fried chicken giving you hunger pangs. 
“Not the worst thing,” he shrugged. “I haven’t eaten properly all day, I’m sure I could manage all this.” He shook the bag, cruelly teasing you now, but then he was stepping closer, his sock covered toes practically butting yours. “Hey,” he smiled slowly, leaning in to kiss you. 
“Hey,” you smiled back once he’d pulled away. 
“I’ll get the plates. Go sit,” he ordered gently, his hand spreading over the small of your back to nudge you forward. 
What a lovely surprise. You were grinning like an idiot as you parked your butt down on the couch and waited. 
“Did you have a busy day?” you called to him, taking the bag of food Seokjin had left in the living room, beginning to pull everything out. You probably didn’t need plates. You were going to inhale everything immediately. 
“Meetings,” he groaned from the kitchen. “So many of them. How was your day?” 
You could hear a cupboard opening, plates and glasses clanking, then the tap running as he poured you some water. It made you unexplainably happy to know he knew his way around your kitchen. 
“Not amazing,” you replied. “The client I thought was perfectly normal is actually a pretty persistent, whiny bitch. He’s been emailing be constantly for the past two days.” 
Seokjin appeared in the gap between your kitchen and living room, plates in hand, a slight frown on his face. “He’s not being rude, is he?” 
“No, he’s just… He wants to be updated on every miniscule step.” It was exhausting, to be honest, and very, very annoying. If he carried on like this, it wouldn’t be long before you ended up telling him to stick his personal trainer logo where the sun doesn’t shine. You took the plates from Seokjin, placing them on the coffee table as he went back for the drinks.  
“He doesn’t understand that he’s dealing with a very hormonal pregnant woman,” you continued when Seokjin sat down beside you. You enjoyed eating on Seokjin’s coffee table so much at his place, you’d started doing it here too. 
“Sucks to be him when he finds out,” snorted Seokjin, leaning down to speak to your stomach, his fingers grazing you softly. “And hello Glob, how was your day?” It had become a habit now, eager for your baby to recognise both your voices. 
“They’ve been an absolute menace today,” you informed him, covering his hand with one of yours, while the other impatiently reached for a piece of chicken. “I had to excuse myself at least five times to go fart in the hallway.” 
Seokjin immediately burst into laughter, much to your chagrin.   
“It’s not funny,” you rebuked, mid-chew. “It’s embarrassing.” 
“Everyone has gas,” he reasoned, trying to be sympathetic but it wasn’t working when he had tears of laughter in his eyes. 
“Not everyone sounds like a motorcycle taking off,” you grumbled, licking your fingers after making short work of that chicken.
Seokjin reached over you, piling his plate high. “You haven’t been blessed with Jungkook’s company enough.” 
You were nearly done eating when Seokjin started to shift uncomfortably, fidgeting almost. 
“I, uh,” he spoke, itching the side of his neck. An irritated red patch started to appear. “I let my mom know I’ll go on the date.” A pause. “It’s happening tomorrow night.” 
You tried not to let your eyes bulge. Tomorrow? You thought you had at least until the weekend to prepare yourself. 
“She acts fast,” you heard yourself say. Then, forced a joke. “And I thought Yeonja was bad…” 
Seokjin’s mouth quirked slightly as he finished off his chicken. 
“Then again,” you continued. “I guess I’m not in her company enough for her to start setting me up with God knows who.” Your laugh in no way sounded natural, too high-pitched. “Where are you taking her?” 
You wondered what this mystery woman’s name was, but quickly stopped yourself from asking. The less you knew the better. 
Seokjin shrugged. “I just picked this random place I’ve been to a couple of times.” 
“Nice,” you said, nodding your head slightly, looking down at your lap. Suddenly things felt awkward. 
That feeling didn’t shift for the next hour. You grew less talkative, pretending you were really into a random TV show that you’d flicked onto. In reality, you kept thinking about tomorrow night. Seokjin dressed up nice, at a restaurant, on a date. While you’d be at home probably waiting for a bowel movement. 
When it was time for him to leave, you followed him to the door, practically trudging. 
“Do I get a kiss goodbye?” he asked hopefully. 
It had become something of a little joke between you now, Seokjin always saying it when you said goodbye to one another, but it failed to put a smile on your face tonight. Still, you lifted your chin in silent permission, but you hardly kissed him back when he leaned in. 
With a soft sigh, he stroked your cheek with his hand, his fingertips tickling the shell of your ear. “____, I don’t have to go on this date.” 
“No, it’s fine.” You shook your head. “I said for you to go. I’m just being…” With a frustrated groan, you went silent. You were frustrated at yourself. You had no right to feel like this when you had been the one to tell him to go. 
“I can literally text her right now and cancel,” he continued, pulling out his phone from his pants pocket. 
“No,” you burst out, wrapping your hand around his wrist. “Don’t.” You sighed, rubbing your forehead, trying to make sense of your emotions. “This is her first date looking for something serious, right? If you cancelled, it would only discourage her.” 
Suddenly you cared a lot about this nameless woman’s feelings too.  
Seokjin barked a laugh. “It’s not going to go anywhere, so won’t that discourage her too?”
You levelled your gaze at him. “A mediocre date is better than the date cancelling last minute.” 
At least, you thought so, but maybe your reasoning didn’t make sense. 
“It’s not last minute.” – Seokjin glanced at his watch – “It’s twenty-three hours to go.” When you groaned, he pointed out smartly: “The worst thing I could do is stand her up, and I’m not going to do that.” 
“Stop,” you sighed. 
“Stop what?’ he laughed in frustration. “This makes no sense. She’s going on a date with a guy who’s hiding a pregnant—” He closed his mouth quickly, awkwardly dropping his gaze to slip his phone back into his pocket. 
You ignored the way your skin prickled. You didn’t blame him for shutting up like that. What could he call you? You guys were in some kind of limbo. There wasn’t a suitable word to describe your situation, despite how natural it felt most times. 
“It’s not doing wonders for my conscience, that’s all,” he admitted reluctantly, and you felt a pang of sympathy for him.
That’s what this was about? He felt guilty for deceiving someone. You brushed your own apprehensions, wrapping your arms around his waist. In a couple of weeks her date with Seokjin would be a distant memory, at the end of the day it wouldn’t matter. 
“That’s because you’re a really great guy,” you smiled up at him reassuringly. 
He cocked an eyebrow, sceptical as hell. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” you insisted, fisting the back of his shirt and shaking him gently. 
Seokjin draped his arms over your shoulders, kissing you again. When he pulled away, his eyes still looked unsure. “Are you sure you’re okay with it?” 
“I’m fine,” you reassured. “Honestly.” 
“Okay,” he sighed reluctantly. 
“Okay,” you forced a grin, quickly kissing him once more. “Bye.” 
“Bye.” He crouched down, whispering to Glob too. “Bye baby.”
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The next morning, Seokjin surprised you by asking to meet for lunch. You didn’t think you’d be seeing him again until tomorrow, but you weren’t complaining, obviously. You took the time to find out a little more about his date. Last night before you’d gone to sleep, you’d called Yuna and filled her in on the latest revelations. She’d been uncharacteristically speechless, before admonishing: “It’s basically one step forward, two steps backwards with you two!” You understood why she thought that, but it wasn’t like that at all. This date was just saving Seokjin from his mom’s nagging while simultaneously buying you time before you had to tell her the truth. Although, telling Yuna about everything unfortunately didn’t save you from her nagging. She’d been in your ear for ten minutes; in disbelief you hadn’t demanded every single detail from Seokjin. Name. Occupation. The time of dinner. The name of the restaurant. Her list would have gone on, but you sternly put a stop to it. 
However, this morning you’d woken up with Yuna’s voice still ringing in your ears. On second thought, it did make sense to put a name to the stranger who was going on a date with your…baby’s father… It also made sense to know where they were going to eat, for you know, safety reasons…
At first Seokjin tried to pretend as though he couldn’t remember her name, but you knew he was lying in an attempt to save your feelings. Which was stupid, her name wasn’t going to do anything to you. (Even though yes, you would soon find out, Suzie would be buzzing around your brain all day, so who was the fool?) She was a food blogger, and the restaurant had some fancy name you couldn’t repeat, so you ended up forgetting it almost immediately. They had reservations for 8:30. If Seokjin was wondering about your newfound avid interest in tonight, he didn’t bring it up. Which you were thankful for. 
When he insisted on walking you back to work, you keenly accepted, taking his hand and tugging him down the alley between Artkive’s building and the dog grooming shop next door when you arrived. 
“Where are we going?” he wondered, expelling a shocked breath when you circled your arms around his waist, under his jacket, tugging him to you in an attempt to make him back you against the wall. You were losing your mind. 
“Woah—” He tripped, not expecting your force, and placed a hand out in front of him, practically slapping the brick with his palm. 
“I’m giving you a kiss goodbye,” you grinned up at him before lunging. 
He was so taken back, it took a few seconds for him to reciprocate, but when you pressed your mouth harder against his, your tongue pushing past the seam of his lips, he woke up. The hand not braced against the wall, gripped your hip, squeezing firmly as he tilted his head and kissed you with determination, making you sigh in delight. 
You fisted his shirt before letting your hands explore the expanse of his back, then you let one travel to his stomach, feeling the covered muscles ripple under your chest. He let out a muffled moan, his tongue moving deeper into your mouth, and you started to get a little too excited. You hadn’t made out like this since the whole romper-breastmilk fiasco, which he had been polite enough not to mention again. However, you were acutely aware you were outside in broad daylight. In an alleyway, yes, but still mere footsteps away from your place of work. Seokjin on the other hand was gone. 
The hand on the wall moved to your back, sliding down before it cupped your ass. If your eyes hadn’t been closed, they would be bulging in shock. You didn’t recall him ever doing this before, except for That Night of course. He pressed you flush against him, grunting, and that’s when you felt it. His dick was hard. Very hard. You needed to big up your kissing skills more. You might be terrible at flirting, but your lips knew what they were doing. Obviously. 
Needing to come up for air, you gasped for it like a fish out of water, all the while Seokjin’s mouth pressed and moulded against your cheek and jaw. You clung to him, legs close to collapse, thinking if he were to ask to have you right here, right now, you very well might agree. But mercifully, just before his lips glided to your neck, he stopped, practically tearing himself away. 
You stared at him wide-eyed, your chest heaving slightly, as he panted for breath. “You’re trying to kill me,” he accused weakly, before puffing out an incredulous laugh. 
No way. He was trying to kill you. 
You bit down on your lip, not trusting yourself to speak properly until you took a deep breath. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” you managed finally, your attempt at sounding unaffected failing miserably. 
He leaned in with a smirk, his mouth ghosting yours. When he replied his voice was low and far too sexy and devastating for 2pm on a Wednesday. “Oh, definitely.” 
Your eyebrows lifted. Should you take that as a warning? 
You lifted yourself off the wall, putting trust in your legs. The area between them was hot, pulsing erratically. “Okay,” you breathed, plastering a what you hoped was a relaxed smile on your face. “Then, bye.” 
Seokjin blinked, gathering himself together, and returned his own very tense relaxed smile. “Bye.” He leaned down. “Bye, Globby.” 
It would have been cute if he hadn’t followed it up with a subtle-not-so-subtle dick rearrangement. You looked down at his crotch, he wasn’t fooling anyone. He had an impressive enough bulge flaccid, so erect he was even more eye catching. In the end, a gave up and took off his jacket, draping it over his arm to conceal the issue. 
“Enjoy your date,” you winked, then immediately regretted it, but waved him off all the same. 
He lifted his hand, a small smile on his flushed face, and then he was gone. 
You stayed down the alley for a minute or two, cooling down before you walked into the building. Somehow, you’d both been overly affected by that kiss, even though you’d only wanted to give him something to think about at dinner. You know, just to remind him what he had at home. A pregnant woman who he was sort of dating, sort of wasn’t, who he couldn’t even have sex with because you were taking things slow. You were a catch, right? 
“Good afternoon,” you smiled warmly at the security guard, even though your knees were still knocking together. 
He gave you a slightly odd look before greeting you back. 
You realised why when you slipped into the restroom before entering the office, in need of an urgent pee. Looking in the mirror as you washed your hands, you found your lipstick smudged around your mouth. You’d reapplied it after lunch, which had obviously been a mistake. But then again, you hadn’t been expecting to jump Seokjin down an alleyway when you’d done it. 
You cleaned yourself up and quickly got out your phone. How neither of you had noticed afterwards was beyond you, but then again, you both hadn’t been the most lucid after that kiss. You rushed out a text, and by the time you’d gotten to your desk, slightly breathless, Seokjin had replied. 
You may need to wipe your mouth… Sorry! 
Seokjin 2:02pm 
I don’t want to. Do you think I can pull it off?
You smiled to yourself, laughing silently. 
You were no longer smiling or laughing a few hours later. 
“You literally sent him on his date horny! What were you thinking?!” Yuna cried, all bug-eyed. 
“What? No, I didn’t!” you exclaimed incredulously. “He had my lipstick all over his mouth and he said he didn’t want to wipe it off.” 
She snorted. “Flex.” 
You shot her a glare, beginning to regret inviting her over tonight. The need for distraction was at desperate levels by the time you got home from work, anything to just not think about Seokjin on a date with another woman. However, that was all Yuna seemed to want to talk about. She was still mad at you for your “dumb decision.” 
Speaking of dumb decisions. 
“Let’s look her up on Instagram.” Yuna was already grabbing her phone. 
“No, let’s not do that. It’s weird.” 
But not as weird as her idea for her and Jimin to spy on him at the restaurant. (In disguises of course – as if that made it any better.) Thankfully the name had been too complicated for you to remember because she’d already told Jimin to cancel his plans for the night. Although, the mental image of Jimin wearing a fake moustache and Yuna in a blonde wig brought a chuckle to you. 
“How so?” Yuna asked, already on Instagram. “She’s a blogger, she wants people to search for her!” 
“I guess…” 
If you were being honest, you’d rather not know what she looked like, but then there was a part of you that was curious… Yuna’s reasoning seemed logical. 
“I’m doing it. What was her name again?”
“I don’t remember,” you muttered, getting second thoughts. 
She was already typing, saying the woman’s name aloud and slowly as she did so. “…Su…zie…Kang…” 
“Why ask if you remembered?” 
Yuna didn’t respond, but you could hear her nails tapping away at her phone screen. You didn’t dare look, finding the strings of your hoody suddenly very interesting. 
“Oh, wow.” 
“What?” Your head snapped up, not liking the tone of your best friend’s voice. “What is it?” 
Yuna looked up and lifted an impressed eyebrow. “She’s hot.” 
“Let me see,” you snapped, snatching the phone from her hand. 
You scrolled, feeling your stomach sink immediately. She was hot. Beautiful, really. Had a body to die for, a smile that left you dazed. She looked like fun, if her photos hanging out with friends were anything to go by, the life of the party. You hated parties. They were your worst nightmare. To top it all off, she was obviously a kind, good person too, a frequent volunteer at an animal shelter. 
“Yeah, if that’s your type,” you shrugged indifferently, passing the phone back to Yuna and swallowing your bitterness. 
“She’s definitely mine,” Yuna replied, mouth opening, practically drooling. She scrolled back to the top of Suzie’s account, and you noticed she had 2 million followers. Great. 
“We could be looking at Glob’s future stepmom right now.” 
You stared at Yuna, unimpressed. “Why would you say that?” 
She was joking of course, you knew that, but it still didn’t make you feel any better. Although, it was your own fault. You’d been acting unbothered by this date ever since you told her. Inside, you were anything but. You were Bothered with a capital, bolded, italicised, underlined B. It had taken you this long to admit it to yourself fully. 
“Because my best friend’s an idiot who sends her man off on a date with someone else for no good reason!” Yuna criticised. 
She wasn’t wrong. But instead, you shook her away. “He’s not my man.” 
She made a loud noise of disbelief. “How else would you describe whatever the hell’s going on with you two?” She started counting on her fingers. “He’s the father of your baby, he spends all his free time with you, he kisses you, he feels your ass…” 
You knew she’d use this afternoon’s public make out session against you! 
“He’s yours,” she stressed slowly. Your chest felt warm all of a sudden. “He basically said you’re building a foundation right now, and you agreed. At least, I thought you did until you sent him into this Goddess’s arms!” She held up her phone, food blogger Suzie’s beaming face mocking you. 
You no longer felt warm. Your voice was small when you asked: “You don’t think I’m a Goddess?” 
Yuna’s face fell, finally realising that maybe you weren’t as okay as you claimed you were with all of this. “No. No, that’s not what I’m saying.” She dropped her phone to the side of the couch, looking beside herself as she clung to you. “You are the Goddess of all Goddesses. Especially with this pregnancy glow going on.” She waved her arms, gesturing over your slouched and very cynical form. “You’ve never been hotter. Seokjin would be a fool to get lured.” 
“You’ve changed your tune.” You were unsure why you suddenly felt so insecure. 
“He’s head over heels for you! I’ve been saying it since day 1!” 
“I don’t know,” you mumbled. 
Yuna rested her head on your shoulder. “Ignore me. I’m sorry,” she apologised softly. 
You managed a smile, taking her hand to give it a squeeze. It wasn’t Yuna you were mad at. It was yourself. Why the hell had you told Seokjin to go on a date?! It made no sense. Were you really that worried to let his family know? This was starting to feel like self-sabotage. 
“It’s dinner,” you heard yourself say, trying your best to reassure yourself. “What’s the worst that can happen?” 
Yuna lifted her head. “Well…” She paused, then rushed out: “He could have some unexplainable enigmatic connection with her, have mind-blowing sex with her at a hotel and end up getting her pregnant… Globby could get a sibling before they’re even born.” 
She just couldn’t help herself. But somehow it cheered you up. It was so ridiculous to hear out loud it was physically impossible not to start laughing. “You know Yuna, you don’t have to voice every single thought inside that mind of yours.” 
She grinned mischievously. “But would you love me the same?” Then she joined you in laughter.
Yuna went home around 9pm and you had a shower, taking the time to shave your legs before getting ready for bed. You busied yourself with various creams, even painting your toenails (while you still could) as you watched YouTube on your iPad, anything to take your mind off where Seokjin was. Around an hour later, you finally climbed into bed and turned off all the lights, but no matter how long you laid there with your eyes closed, you couldn’t fall asleep. At eleven, you realised why. Seokjin always texted you goodnight. Your phone hadn’t buzzed at all tonight. 
With that realisation, you began to imagine the worst. It was stupid, and you knew that, but lying in the dark, it was easy for your thoughts to run away with you. Not that you didn’t trust Seokjin. You did. You didn’t actually think something could happen between him and this woman tonight. It was more so what you feared he might realise because of this date. 
What if he was so determined to do things ‘right’ that he was just deluding himself? What if he was trying to build something between the two of you that wasn’t really there? Trying to be a potential family only for Glob’s sake? 
You groaned, flinging your head back against the pillows. You were doing it again. Overthinking, catastrophising. It was obvious Seokjin felt something for you. Even you could see that. But the circumstances you were in made little niggles of doubt appear. 
You should have never told him to go on that date. 
What had you been thinking?! 
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Sometime gone midnight, you’d finally managed to drift off into sleep. It hadn’t been the most rested, but you’d still managed to get in 6 hours according to the fitness app you used. You still weren’t feeling much better than you had the night before, and while still arguing with yourself to get out of bed, your phone pinged. Seokjin’s good morning angel did little to make you smile. In fact, you found yourself growing irritated with him. Unjustifiably, seeing as you’d been the one to send him to that stupid restaurant you still couldn’t remember the name of, but you couldn’t help it. 
That was it? No follow-up text? No phone call? He was just going to pretend as though last night didn’t happen? 
Frustrated at your emotions, you angrily got ready for work, not bothering to reply to him. When you got into the office and pulled out your phone from your purse, you saw you had another message from him and a missed call. Instead of reading it, or calling him back, you put your phone on silent and shoved it into your drawer. You had a busy day ahead of you no doubt, filled with more emails from your personal trainer friend… You’d call Seokjin at lunch. When hopefully you’d be in a better mood…
The morning went fast, despite keeping yourself to yourself the entire time. Twenty minutes before lunch, you heard Mari gasp your name excitedly. “Oh, ____! Look who’s here!” 
Your head shot up from your computer. She was over by the reception desk, talking to Yeeun, which meant she had a clear view of the glass door leading into the room. You knew who it was instantly. Only one person could induce such a reaction from Mari. 
“Seokjin’s come to visit you!” 
The entire office – Seokjin’s Fanclub – started to buzz. You darted out of your seat as quickly as your legs could carry you. For some reason guilt and agitation were whirling around your stomach. 
“Let me open the door,” Yeeun rushed, standing up to leave her desk. 
You got to her just in time. “No.” It came out a lot sterner than you’d intended. You tried again, forcing a smile. “No, it’s fine Yeeun. I’ll go to him instead of interrupting everyone.” 
As you walked towards the door, you saw him stood outside, in a rusty brown shirt with cream polka dots. You’d never seen him wear that before. It looked good on him. But then you remembered you were still mad at him…because of something you’d done. He’d looked worried you realised belatedly, when his expression relaxed as he saw you approach. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked (more like demanded) once you’d opened the door and closed it behind you. 
He automatically reached for you in relief, his hands on your upper arms. “I’ve been trying to call you all morning. I was worried. I thought something bad had happened.” 
“My phone’s been on silent,” you replied, regret washing over you rapidly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.” Of course he’d worry about you and the baby. You spoke every morning. 
Seokjin’s brows furrowed together, as if sensing something. “Is everything all right?” 
“Yeah,” you brushed off, feeling uncomfortable. God, this was a mess. 
“It’s just… Has your phone been on silent this entire time? I always message you in the morning.” He tilted his head, waiting for your answer. 
The words were out before you could stop them, sounding immature and accusing. 
“You always message me goodnight too.” 
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Written 2022. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2022
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Spencer Reid Trivia 1 (canon)
During my latest rewatch, I've decided to start keeping track of some commonly forgotten Spencer Reid trivia. My goal is for this to inspire fanfic writers, artists, and the fandom in general!
(Check under the cut at the end for fanfic prompts!)
Join me on memory lane to ask: How did I forget that?
Spencer coached basketball.
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S7E4, "Painless" Spencer discusses how his social standing greatly improved in high school when the basketball team started winning thanks to him breaking down the opposing team's shooting strategy. This implies that Spencer is actually very knowledgeable about at least one sport!
Spencer didn't own shorts (for at least one season).
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S8E6, "The Apprenticeship" Self explanatory. However, he does end up finding (and wearing) a pair in season nine.
Spencer has read an erotic novel.
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S10E17, "Breath Play" Spencer reads "Bare Reflections" for a case regarding asphyxiation and BDSM. The book didn't end up including erotic asphyxiation, but it did teach Spencer a surprising amount about BDSM, all of which he was ignorant of before reading.
Spencer has fish.
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S11E2, "The Witness" His automatic feeder lasts six weeks. He doesn't specify anything else about them, so let your imagination run wild.
Spencer loves road trips (and audiobooks).
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S3E13, "Limelight" Spencer is downright pleased at the prospect of a road trip with Rossi. Not only does he get to spend time with his newest mentor, he also got to enjoy his audiobooks of a popular sci-fi series written by Isaac Asimov in the 1940s-1990s.
Trivia Fanfic Prompts
(Please tag me if you write any of these! I'd love to read them!) * indicates a NSFW prompt; Minors DNI
Spencer helps someone who joined a fantasy sports league out of spite (bonus points if it is to spite Derek).
Spencer takes over volunteer coaching when Hotch goes into Witsec.
Spencer is very self-conscious about someone seeing him in shorts.
Spencer buys shorts in someone else's size because he wants to see them wearing his clothes.
Someone takes care of Spencer's fish while he's in prison.
Spencer and someone go to/meet at the aquarium.
Someone really hates road trips, but Spencer insists on making this one fun.
Spencer and someone argue about what makes the best road trip.
*The road trip is riddled with sexual tension.
*Someone asks Spencer for his opinion about Bare Reflections (make up the plot or base it on an existing fanfic!).
*Someone finds Spencer's hidden stash of erotic literature. Rather than confronting him, they just start referencing the books in greater detail until he outs himself.
*Someone mistakes Spencer's second-hand knowledge about BDSM for his involvement in the culture.
*Someone gives Spencer an audiobook to listen to on the jet. Small thing... They didn't tell him it was erotica.
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Choosing a puppy with Soobin would be so fun oml- Like just imagine his faceeee looking at all the cute doggies !!!
This is so damn wholesome 🌟
pawprint. | c.s.b.
contains: adorable little puppies hanging with the bunny himself, soobin and reader-chan are besties, implied roommates, just cute little animals doing what animals do, maybe one swear word...
author's note: I love writing this, This honestly makes me so warm and fuzzy on the inside. I drafted up something while I was on my lunch break, so I hope you love it ✨
@soobinshouseplant @plushpeeps @yungisstar1117 @star1117-archives @zitaosbadbaby @lee--felix
©taehyunscaramelfrappe , all rights reserved
"Y/N, look at him!” You heard Soobin say as he kneels down to look at the small Beagle whose name tag says “Binnie.”
You laugh at your best friend as you stroll toward him to see the dog. His ears are big and droopy, and his eyes are doe-like and chocolatey brown. Binnie runs up to the cage door and lays on his back, indicating that he wants tummy rubs.
Soobin laughs at the action, walk up to the volunteer and asks if you and he can play with him. And to think Soobin wanted to go to the pet store when there’s a whole shelter in the city…
The worker nods and reaches into their apron to grab the keys. As soon as he is released, he runs up Soobin’s legs, wanting to be held. Soobin happily picks him up, cradling him like a baby. He places his hand on his tummy, giving Binnie soft scratches. You can see his happiness when his head dropped into Soobin’s elbow, and his breathing slowed a little.
You giggle at the dog’s dramatics, and Soobin goes to put back Binnie. Binnie was a bit upset that his comfort was being disturbed. Still, he calmed down as soon as Soobin scratched behind his ear and looked at him with a face that said he would be returning to receive him.
Soobin went to explore more of the shelter, and he acquainted himself with three Huskies, four cats, a Pit Bull, a border Collier, and a Daschund. Why the weenie dog? Because it’s Soobin, duh…
You stayed a bit and played with Binnie. He is so damn sweet; it’s tooth-rottening. “ I just might take this one home,” you think simultaneously when Soobin calls for you.
“I need backup, Y/N! Help, I’m being mauled!” You turn around to see Soobin on the floor with a bunch of new pups, maybe like 11 or 12, on top of Soobin, just running over him, licking his face or sniffing him out of curiosity. The sight of a six-foot-tall man being overtaken by puppies was something you didn’t think you needed to see but a memory that should be digitally remembered.
You whip out your phone to open your camera and press record. You zoom in with so many angles, making sure to get all the puppies on screen.
Your favorite moment was when a puppy with a black fur spot over her eye went up to Soobin on his chest and stood on him as if she was the queen of the world. She then pounces on Soobin and licks his face from his top lip to the bridge of his nose. It took everything for Soobin not to push the puppy off. You catch it on camera and automatically think,
“So we know which ones are coming home today.”
Reblog if you enjoyed it, and I hope to take another order soon from you, Els @yungisstar1117 @star1117-archives 💟
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