#and cas is yet to be seen lmfao
so like, is supernatural not over? you keep posting about dean and heaven. i thought Castiel got superhell'd to superhell and dean got got by some clowns and a rusty nail. I've been following you for so many years and your reblogs make up 90% of what i know about this show. is it. not over?
it's literally not over until jensen ackles says it's over
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maggotwithanf · 5 months
2.5 DAYS TIL NEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just have to finish my Gladiator outfit!!!!!!!
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octazumi · 1 year
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Japanese: 鈴木 和泉 (スズキ・カズミ) (Suzuki Kazumi) English: Kazumi Suzuki (カズミ・スズキ) Nicknames: Harbor porpoise-chan (nezumi-iruka-chan) (Floyd), Monsieur introverti (Rook) (Idk French so I hope the grammar for that is right lmfao)
Date of Birth: September 4 (Virgo) Age: 16 (1st year)
Dorm: Octavinelle Class: Class A (No.9) Club: In the Mountain Lovers Club, but also frequently pops in to the Science Club if they're doing something fun. Best Subject: Biology and Alchemy Worst Subject: Swimming Favorite Subject: Animal Languages
Gender: Male (Trans FtM, technically genderfluid but he rarely has female days anymore) Pronouns: He/him or they/them (prefers he/him though) Orientation: Pansexual
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene Species: Human
Languages: English (fluent), Spanish (learning), Japanese (basically fluent) Height: 165 cm (5'5) Dominant Hand: Right (throws objects with either hand)
Hobbies: Watching anime, singing Pet peeves: People who walk slower than him Favorite Food: Ice cream or Japanese sweets Least Favorite Food: Any type of seafood Talent: Procrastination
Kazumi is a quiet individual that is often seen out and about rather than focusing on his studies. People either forget he exists or are friendly with him.
Kazumi is a boy of average height, with short black hair that is in an undercut style. He neatly puts himself together in his dorm uniform, disliking it when others have on their uniforms sloppily. He often is seen fixing others' uniforms and scolding them - after all, they wouldn't want to get yelled at by the tweels, Azul, or Riddle, would they? That would be embarrassing.
Kazumi is a very calm person, preferring to stop fights rather than instigate them. However, he shouldn't be trusted to always stop fights as he is amused by chaos and will let things go on as long as they aren't too dangerous.
He is very caring, though, liking to help others and make sure they're okay. Still, he isn't a teacher's pet, and wouldn't report much to the teachers (unless it is actually dangerous).
He dislikes studying, and can be seen wandering in to different clubs due to him trying to procrastinate.
He isn't super strong, preferring to be in the background and offer support. His magic is mostly fire magic (which is interesting as he's in Octavinelle). He enjoys fire magic the most so he often neglects the other magic types.
Signature Spell:
He hasn't figured out a signature spell yet.
Physical Power:
He is good at kicking. That's about it. He is pretty weak in all other aspects, and often gets yelled at by Vargas. He can't swim (which is fun again as he is in Octavinelle). He tries to avoid as much water as possible.
He came from a modest background, and was a gifted student (although he got worse at school as he got older). He's honestly stunned that he was able to get into Night Raven College. Although his grades are pretty good, he often does everything last minute.
He gets along fairly well with his family, but keeps a certain distance; they didn't accept him when he came out as genderfluid or trans (or pansexual, for that matter) so he isn't super happy to get in contact with them. However, he adores his dog, and would talk for hours about him if he could.
Sweets, animals, manga/anime, learning new languages, being online, Azul Ashengrotto.
Spiders, swimming, being forced to do work, not having electronics/Wi-Fi.
His nickname from Floyd is Harbor porpoise-chan(ネズミイルカちゃん (nezumi-iruka)) because they are shy (similar to Kazumi) and are mostly seen in groups of two or three. Kazumi only has a handful of friends that he is himself with, often putting up a false front in front of others so he doesn't get hurt. In addition, these creatures are known to be highly sensitive to noise; Kazumi is pretty sensitive as well, and he tends to not stay at parties for too long (and if he does, staying as far away as possible from the speakers as he can, especially if he doesn't enjoy the music). He also tends to be wary and doesn't approach new or strange people/things, similar to a harbor porpoise not approaching boats.
He often pops into the Light Music Club's practices to listen (he enjoys music) and tries to give helpful tips.
He also likes to take care of the horses for the horse-riding club (he loves animals) but he rarely has time. When he does take care of them, he is often seen talking or even singing to them.
Sometimes he walks with Malleus for the Gargoyle Research Society when they're walking the same way.
Kazumi sometimes skips around campus. He's gotten yelled at more times than he can count. He finds it fun though so- (he tries to do it in secret).
He can often be seen with earbuds in and listening to songs. He quickly turns the songs off though (and he won't tell you what music he was listening to most of the time).
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beauarlen · 3 years
I might be more of a Jared stan, but from my point of view the disrespect Jensen gets from his supposed fans are appaling. Jared gets disrespect and hate all the time, but at least his own fans treat him and his work with respect. Jensen deserves more fans like you. Level headed and kind. People who don't woobify him all the time and acts like he can't fucking speak for himself. He's a grown ass man. He just have an opinion hellers don't agree with, but instead of accepting that they act like he's a poor wee baby. These aren't fans. Just see the reaction from a so called fan on that thing you reblogged about hellers and shipper "fans" regarding Jensen. No intelligence in sight.
Actually you're correct!! It's so maddening. Jensen actually doesn't need enemies when he has those fake ass fans. like they //need// to stop projecting their thoughts onto Jensen it's just so ridiculous. just because Jensen has different opinions doesn't mean that he was "silenced by the CW" or whatever trash excuse they make for them to not to accept what he says. Not to mention how they constantly twist his words just to fit their strange narratives like don't piss me off? Why the desperation for Jensen's validation lmfao it's getting pathetic. I also think they twist his words and shove words in his mouth mostly because they don't wanna "lose" against "bibros" or "wincesties" like no? stop using Jensen for fandom wars he's not a puppet you absolute strange individuals?? Jensen is actually the main player in their fantasy, they've stripped him off his physical and mental autonomy to project their delusions into him so they can't hate him outright, but they jump to call him homophobe and punish him for not feeding into their fantasy. Hellers are absolutely disgusting they defamed Jensen and yet they still speak on him and use him for their C*ckles fantasies (since they lost with D*stiel) like y'all bunch of sad freaks lmfao and not to mention how they treat Danneel, using a woman as a cheerleader for your weird ass fantasies…it reeks of misogyny.
I also find it so insulting how they think Jensen can't stand up for himself and that he was forced to like the finale or cancelling destiel. Jensen is literally one of the most strong opinionated actors I've ever seen, he's literally been criticizing the show and cancelling destiel //Even// while the show was still airing, there's no reason for him to start "lying" now after the show ended.
Now don't get me started about Misha C*llins, he literally encourages hellers' delusional behavior, that man is getting more desperate every damn day and he went too far that he had to pander to those starving shippers at the expense of Jensen's work, like go employ yourself you attention seeking embarrassment??? Jensen literally doesn't want //Anything// to do with that ship? Wasn’t it enough that Jensen ignored Misha's massive cringe shippy tweets that he tagged him in? Wasn’t it enough that Jensen had to cancel D*stiel once again recently at Denver con? Misha get the fucking hint already and stop using Jensen for attention? Never speak on Jensen and his music you desperate clout chaser? Misha is well aware how his crazy ass fanbase works and yet he feeds into their delusions while not giving a single fuck about Jensen because All Misha cares about is staying relevant. My God, he's such an attention seeking individual, dragging Jensen into that shipping mess and riling up his crazies after Jensen. Sad behavior.
The thing is hellers wholeheartedly believe that Jensen and Steve wrote a song about Dean and Cas like y'all are so fucking delusional and a hopeless case buying into Misha's bullshit. It's insane for a group of people who claims they're so concerned about silencing others, they sure do like speaking over Jensen lmfao and it's so wild to me that Misha has been playing them all for a decade, y'all are really that lost lmfao
Jensen has been nothing but dedicated to the show and loving and gracious to the fandom, and he stayed true to Dean Winchester till the end. (and yes fuck the hellers who think they know Dean more than Jensen because, like it or not, whatever Jensen says about Dean is undebatable and you need to shut the fuck up and accept it <333333). I know there are Jensen fans out there but the thing is they're so hard to find because they're not even loud or mostly inactive, and it's sick that all those weird shippers are so fucking loud and wrong and delusional. Leave Jensen out of y'alls weird messes ffs.
As for Jared, I'm well aware of how he's being treated, hellers never stop talking about him or trashing him, they define more as Jared anti than extreme D*stiel shippers, and it's obvious why, mostly because they can't stand Jared being Jensen's closest friend, because Jensen is their prop for Cockles. so seeing Jared being important to Jensen and seeing how much Jared means to Jensen, like he always defends him and speaks up for him, they'll forever have each other's backs. like you can see why they're all jealous of Jared, basically they want Misha to be Jared so bad and it's so pathetic so they punish Jared for being Jensen's bestfriend by hating on him daily. I personally like Jared, I think he's a very nice and kind dude that genuinely loves him and supports Jensen, he deserves the fanbase that he has and I'm glad he has fans that loves and cares for him.
Lol sorry for the rant anon but anyway here's something sweet that kinda sums up Jensen's personality. he deserves better than this nasty fandom.
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touchstarvedsam · 4 years
I’ve seen hellers say that they won’t be be having a problem with this if spn hadn’t queerbaited them with so much subtext for their ship. And I’m like pleassse, there’s triple the subtext for Wincest. No, even more. To the point where wincest shippers find it confusing sometimes as to why they’re making it so blatant (s8 jealous!winchesters anyone?) Yet you don’t see wincest shippers complain about being baited into shipping the brothers.
Ugh, they're so dumb it's actually ridiculous. Supernatural never queerbaited ANYONE. There has never been any subtext for D*stiel at ALL. The only queerbaiting they got was from Mushy, and that was to sell merchandise! That man never cared about the ship, or his fans, just how much he could get out of their pockets.
But no, their overlord can do no wrong, he didn't queerbait them! The show did! Mind you, that psycho has been telling them since season fucking 8 that D*stiel would become canon while we had Jensen onstage at cons saying it never would. Yeah, sure, listen to the person who hasn't been on the show since the first episode, lmao. Listen to the person who does nothing but lie.
They let themselves get queerbaited, BLATANTLY, so they're beyond help. They chose to listen to Mushy say that Cas' confession was homosexual, while for YEARS Jensen has been saying Dean is straight. They chose to ignore Jensen and Mushy is the one they listen to? I love their selective hearing.
I don't feel bad for them. At first I did. But as they kept getting fooled over the years, my feeling bad turned into amusement at their expense. Because it's been 7 years since Mushy has been saying it'll be canon and D*stiel still isn't canon. Dean is still straight. And now they're taking a mistranslated dub as canon, so, yeah I'm going to laugh at them for the rest of my life.
They're pathetic.
Seriously, though, Wincest is canon in the platonic sense. Sam and Dean are soulmates. We were given that it season 5, and then we were given that in season 15. We didn't get queerbaited because we KNOW that Dean is straight. We know that there was never a potential for Wincest to become sexually canon.
I love when the hellers come at us like, "you say Dean is straight but ship Wincest?" Uh, yeah, because we know the difference between CANON and FANON. We're not delusional little teenagers who cry representation but ignore every other CW show that HAS representation because it's not in the form of two 40+ year old white dudes lmfao.
We don't actually want to SEE Sam and Dean making out on live TV. It would be nice, sure, but that's not what we're after. We understand the core of the show, which is the unbreakable bond between these two brothers, and we just wanted it respected. And the finale gave us the respect we deserve in the shape of that brother positive finale.
So let the hellers keep whining. They're not going to get the ending they want. Dean started the series straight, he met Castiel and remained straight, he died straight. And now he's in heaven as straight as he has been the past 15 years on the show (or 67ish years if we count the time between when Sammy showed up in heaven), and now he's cruising around with his little brother riding shotgun.
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timeisacephalopod · 4 years
My favorite things about Supernatural upon rewatch:
-Human!Castiel is The Saddest Sack
-Have y’all seen that post about fearing the fandom making a character liking a food their whole personality (a la Thor)? Well, the Supernatural writers beat the fans to it by making burgers (and meat more widely speaking) and pie personality traits for Dean.
-Dean is clearly bisexual. Like its shocking how weirdly accurate they were with writing a bisexual character and it was almost all because he acted Like That about the vaguely homophobic gay jokes the show is littered with. Anyway, they shouldn’t have been shocked the fans wrote him as bi when it was so fuckin’ obvious.
-Sam Winchester in any form where he isn’t really Sam: Soulless!Sam, Ezekiel-But-Turned-Out-To-Be-Gadreel!Sam, any Sam that isn’t Sam is my favorite Sam.
-On another note all The Flavors of Castiel that we get to enjoy. Endverse!Cas, Human!Cas, God!Cas, RegularAngel!Cas. I love a show that explores what characters would look like and be like in other universes, essentially.
-The world building is actually kind of cool once they get past their weird bible fanfiction phase. The Men of Letters thing in particular is a cool idea and I would have loved to see more of that world explored rather than the overwhelming Christianity.
-The toooooooooxic view of family this show has lmfao its such a running theme and its wild that the show seems to have a lasting Thesis of Family Is the Best And One Must Do Anything For Them Including Selling Your Soul And Bringing Them Back To Life Once A Season At Least. No joke, pals, this is legit.
-This show is fucking batshit wild with its plot and concepts and it does so shamelessly. This is actually my favorite thing about the show and something I think all television should adopt because its kind of a great blend of ridiculous and gritty.
-really plots from the show include: Sam having to reenact a commercial for genital warts because an angel trapped him and Dean in his crazy alternate universe where they also played roles a Japanese game show. Dean went to Christian hell where he tortured souls and while that sounds Not Good the concept is so fucking ridiculous that its laughable. The Wizard of Oz is part of the Supernatural universe. A character in the show writes a series called Supernatural and is confronted about it by Sam and Dean. Dean is vaguely a dog in one episode and he can also talk to animals. He checks out a fucking poodle. There is copious amounts of time travel. So much time travel.
-Hunters: witches are bad and we kill them! Also hunters: use spells and magic on a regular basis to do all kinds of shit without a hint of the irony.
-I’m sure you’ve all guessed I didn’t so much enjoy the Christianity in my Cheerios this morning but I will be damned if I don’t like Lucifer. Its actually kind of a Thing- if someone has The Devil or The Devil But Only In Metaphor in their work I like that character, its just Needed. I have yet to find a piece of media this isn’t true for and Lucifer from Supernatural is no exception.
-Sam fucking left his brother in purgatory, didn’t even look for him lmao. Anyway, I kept trying to pinpoint when I decided I thought Sam was a selfish pompous dick and it was then, but I only remembered that when I rewatched that part of the show.
-I didn’t actually really like Charlie that much the first couple times I watched the show, but I actually enjoyed her more this time around because I got past the overly flowery presentation of fandom in her life that always struck me as pandering to the audience. Charlie, beyond that pandering, is still a cool character that I like.
-”They ate my tailor!”
-Sam Winchester’s dick really is Cursed but no one ever mentioned that Dean is also Cursed, but in the opposite direction where he’s actually kind of good with a person and it could be a genuinely good match but then The Hunting Thing catches up with him and they all end up Fucked Over Severely in some way or another. Victims include Cassie, Lisa, Ben, and Benny to list a few.
-And finally, the fact that this show used to make gay jokes almost every episode about Sam and Dean, and it still remained a running joke throughout the series, and yet they seemed surprised both in the show and out that fans shipped wincest.
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thran-duils · 4 years
When the Truth Comes Out (P.2)
Title: When the Truth Comes Out (Part 2) Summary: Reader/Professor Novak. The reader is in graduate school and has fallen into a surreptitious relationship with her married professor. Professor Novak is educated, handsome, and fascinating. But he has an issue of drawing healthy boundaries for him and the reader. And it all comes to a head when their secret is found out and everything has to change. Words: 3,368 Warnings: Smut, ***ANGST***, infidelity, emotional abuse, eventual happiness(?idk if it’s super happy but lmfao)
Author’s Note: Another warning, the reader is far too dependent on him. And Castiel is very emotionally manipulative! If that is triggering, please don’t read on. I promise I’ll update the oh so much more healthy (lol) Bartender!Cas this week.
Part One || Part 3 || Fanfic masterpost || Masterpost (mobile)
You brought the bottle back to your lips. You were taking pulls straight from the bottle, sitting on your bed, covered in your blankets. Leaning your head back on the wall, you sniffled, threatening to sob all over again. You were thankful your roommate was over at her girlfriend’s, so she was not here to ask you questions and you were allowed to cry as loudly and as long as you pleased.
Castiel had texted you at five times since you had stormed out of his office last night. The first three had been pleading for you to speak with him. The last two you could tell he was losing patience.
Don’t do this to me. This is unfair and you know better.
The last one he had sent.
You had almost thrown your phone into the wall when you read that one. He was one to talk about things unfair. You had given him everything in the last two years and it was all in secret. It was exhausting keeping a relationship like yours private and you knew there was the potential of this happening. In all honesty, deep down, you knew he could not leave her, would not, not when everything was flimsy around his parent’s health. Not when he had a great job here, a nice house. This child was something to ground the two of them and give him some piece of happiness they had wanted for so long.
It was infuriating that he tried to talk you out of your anger, as if it was not warranted. You had left because there was the large possibility, he would have been able to; he had a way with words and breaking down your walls. It was safer to leave to avoid that. You needed time with your thoughts.
The bottle touched your lips again and you took another drink. Sniffling, tears fell down your cheeks. You hated that she was pregnant. You hated feeling sorry for her now – and not before – to the point that you were reluctant to pursue any further relationship with Castiel. And it made you angry you felt sorry.
But mostly you hated that you dreaded the fact that you knew eventually you would crumble in your resolve in giving him the cold shoulder. He was just too damn important to you; you basked in his praise and affection. What if you pushed him too far and he stopped reaching out to you at all? The thought terrified you. Yet did you deserve the way he was willing to treat you?
You just wanted to sleep. You had not been able to since you had left his office. It was now 3:00am. You were just sad and drunk, and you only wanted to sleep. You took another long drink before placing the bottle on the side table. You felt lightheaded as you snuggled down into your blankets, clutching your phone.
<> <> <>
Are you just going to keep ignoring me?
Y/N, if you’re planning to wreck me, at least have the respect to tell me.
You scoffed loudly. Of course he was worried about that. You threw your phone onto your bed, turning away to look at yourself in the mirror.
“You shouldn’t be texting me since she knows your password,” you muttered underneath your breath scornfully, pulling at the fabric of the dress. It was tight at your hips, cut just mid-thigh. You were contemplating going to the bar and finding someone. You had not had a one-night stand in years and you wanted to release some pent up anger and how better to do that than having a wild night with a guy?
A day had passed and Castiel was still texting and calling you. You had woken up hung over yesterday – not a surprise and texted him curtly back telling him you were vomiting and just wanted to sleep. You immediately regretted it because that caused him to change course, asking you if you needed anything that he could bring you. It only served to make you more upset because you knew he was sincere in the offer – how many times had he paid for your groceries for instance? – but you could see through the surface too; he had seen an avenue to get his foot back in the door and did not hesitate.
The guy you took home that night was the complete opposite of Castiel, long haired and lean. His hands were calloused, skin traced with tattoos. He gave you what you wanted though, freedom from your thoughts as you drowned in pleasure with him.
When he fell asleep next to you early in the morning, though, the thoughts crept back in. You had gone years without sleeping with anyone else and the realization you had broken the streak made you feel powerful more than anything. You were still desirable, and you had enjoyed the different way he handled you.
You picked up your phone, itching to confess to Castiel, to hurt him like he had hurt you. Maybe him seeing you with someone else would set a fire underneath his ass.
You giggled to yourself when the flash off, making sure it had not woken the guy up. You had only taken one of his back since he was facing away from you. The blanket was at his waist, exposing his back, his hair sprawled over the pillow.
I had a fun night. Did you? you sent attached with a picture.
<> <> <>
Castiel did not respond to your picture.
This was it; you had pushed him too far.
Too many times you had picked up your phone today, opening your texts to send him something. But there was nothing that came to mind that would suffice. There was some remorse, but you did not want to apologize… not really. The ball was in his court in how he wanted to proceed and that scared the shit out of you. You had relinquished the control you had been holding.
It was hard to focus but you needed to, you were behind on your work from the last few days. Everything your classmate was writing about seemed trite which made it all the harder to make notes and give them feedback in your peer review. You had turned on one of your playlists you used to help to make you hone in on your work; it was helping a little bit and a little was better than nothing.
Suddenly, your phone was ringing on your desk loudly over your music next to where you were typing causing you to jump. Leaning forward, you saw it was him. You let it go to voicemail, cursing under your breath. You were afraid of what he was going to say, you wanted him to just text you what you wanted to say so you could have time to think of a good response. But you would have a voicemail more than likely. He had left a few of those too.
The ringing came again, and you shot a look over, half surprised to see it was him again. He had refrained from calling back-to-back until now. But the game had changed had it not with your move last night? You picked the phone up, your finger hovering over the answer button. Before it went to voicemail, you answered, not saying anything.
“Y/N?” His voice was tight. He waited a beat. “Are you there?”
“Are you home? Your car is here.”
Confused to how he knew that you answered uncertainly, “Yes?”
“Come outside.”
“Come outside,” he repeated, with more force this time. “You know what my car looks like.”
You heard a click, indicating he had hung up. You stared down at your phone, dumbfounded at the exchange. Was he really outside waiting in his car? The sound of heavy rain outside found your ears and you swallowed sharply, turning in your chair to look at your closet. That was when your heart began to hammer in anticipation, your lips twitching from a smile. He was there; he had come to you. That he still wanted to despite what had happened… you dressed quickly, throwing on shoes and a raincoat, not bothering to change out of your leggings and sweatshirt.
He was parked down the street in his deep blue Chevy Equinox. You had never been inside the SUV, only seen it from the outside. You had peered through the windows once, taking in the interior. You had felt envy at the high-tech dashboard, wishing you could afford a better car than you had.
When you opened the door, you hopped in quickly to escape the rain. Shivering, you closed the door, avoiding eye contact. He took off without saying anything and you rushed to put your seatbelt on. You slowly pushed your hood back, adjusting in your seat, trying to relax. Where were you going?
It was silent, unbearably quiet as he drove through the city. You wondered if he was afraid of anyone seeing you in his car. Had something happened to remove that fear?
“You’re acting like a child,” Castiel scolded, breaking the silence. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel, he was gripping it so tightly. “I should not be surprised though because you still are one.”
“No, I expect too much of you sometimes,” Castiel cut you off, taking his eyes off the road only for a moment to shoot you a glance. “And I shouldn’t hold that against you.”
“I’m not a child,” you protested hurt, and you hated the way your voice sounded. You sure sounded like one whining the way you were, which was not helping your case.
Castiel shook his head as he turned onto the highway heading out of town. You furrowed your brow and asked where you were going. He by stepped your question and said, “Ignoring me. Storming out of the office like you did without having a mature conversation about it. Sending me pics of someone you no doubt picked up from a bar to fuck. Everything you did and continue to do is childish, Y/N. You might not be a child physically, but you certainly aren’t mature enough to handle what needs to happen if this is to continue. That is even if you want it to.”
“I do,” you blurted, wanting to remove any doubt from his mind. Shame licked at you for how quickly you were tossing your self-respect out the window, but he sounded like he was considering ending it completely with you. That was the complete opposite of what you wanted.
“It doesn’t sure seem like it. And can you blame me with your actions last night? What were you even thinking with that little stunt?”
You said nothing, choosing to avoid eye contact and shrink into yourself.
“And why are you not going to class?” Castiel demanded, shooting you another disproving look.
He knew your schedule; you had given it to him at the beginning of the quarter, so he knew when and when not to contact you. The thought of him waiting outside of your class to try to catch you the last couple of days only to find you not there made you tense.
“You’re paying a lot of money to just sit at home,” he continued chastising you. “I understand that you are hurt but, Jesus, Y/N. Don’t spiral like you tend to.”
That dig shot your wall right back up.
“Spiral?” you asked in disbelief about his choice of word, turning in your seat to look at him. “I’m am hurt! You are right! And I have a right to feel that way. You are asking me to put everything on hold while you get ready for your baby and try to repair things with your wife.”
“Not everything, don’t be overdramatic, Y/N. Just us.”
“Then what is this?” you asked, a mixture of anxiety and anger beginning to swirl in the pit of your stomach. “If we are were supposed to be putting things on hold, why am I here in your car? Driving to who knows where?”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. You really think it would be that easy for me to just stop caring?” Castiel asked you heavily. “I wanted to talk to you. Talk to you more about everything. And the car gives us privacy. Especially out at the river.”
At least he gave you answer now where the two of you were going.
“Isn’t she going to be suspicious?”
“It’s the middle of the day,” Castiel returned, taking the exit towards one of the backroads along the river. “I should be in the office.”
You wondered if he had cancelled office hours to come get you. He must have if he was not supposed to be teaching. You studied his profile, contemplating on how to progress in the conversation.
“What are you thinking about?” Castiel asked you. You shrugged, honestly. “That’s not helpful, Y/N.”
You shrugged again, sighing. “I don’t know. I don’t know what you want me to do here. I can’t just wait around. I knew, I knew, it would be like this if it ever came to light. And I was still surprised to hear you say it… that you were still going to stay. And then you have the audacity to ask me to just stay put. That’s wrong.”
Castiel let out a little chuckle and you glared at him. “’It’s wrong’. It’s wrong to ask you to hold out?”
“Yes! You get to rekindle your relationship and be cared for. And I, what? Just stay by myself? That is wrong, Castiel.” Tears stung your eyes explaining this to him. “If you are serious about trying to build things back up, then you need to let me try to find comfort somewhere too. Not leave me in the cold on a maybe.”
“It’s not a maybe—”
“Yes, it is! You could really fall back in love and this could be the thing that saves you two. And don’t even argue!” He had started to say something in retort, but you cut him off. He looked displeased but you had gained confidence to tell him how you were really feeling, despite how you were openly crying now. “You know that is a possibility. It’s a very real one. And then I would have just wasted my time being by myself when I could have been moving on.”
Castiel was quiet now as he turned onto the side road leading down to a spot by the river side.
“It’s not fair,” you muttered, crossing your arms, and staring out the window. You did not bother wiping the tears away, wanting him to see them.
The car came to a stop, Castiel putting it into park and kept it running to keep the heat on, you surmised.
Castiel turned to look at you, putting his arm across, resting his hand on the back of your seat. You risked looking out the corner of your eye at him as he sighed, “Fine. Fine, yes. It isn’t fair to ask that of you. You are right. You deserve better than that and I want to give you that. That being said, what you did really hurt me last night. It was petty. And I think you know that and you actually look remorseful, so… I’ll just have to get over it. In the future though, I hope you choose something more meaningful in someone. I don’t like it… the idea of you being with someone else, let alone...” He cleared his throat, trailing off. He seemed to be gathering his thoughts before he turned his gaze back to you, shaking his head. “But I can’t let you come to resent me; that would hurt worse. To lose you completely. We just… need to be honest with each other.”
You softened your posture as he spoke, more tears pricking your eyes. All you wanted was for him to take it back and apologize. You thought it was going to be harder than this considering how the conversation had been going.
His hand moved to come grasp you behind the neck, his thumb gently grazing your jawline. His touch was tender, and he was winning you over so easily. Had you ever had any real power at all?
“Can you be honest with me, Y/N? About anything that comes up relationship-wise? I’ve been honest with you.” Breathing shakily, you nodded. “Can you look at me?” You did as he asked, eyes glistening. He looked at you with adoration, a small smile on his face. “Thank you, love. I don’t like when you won’t look at me.” He brushed a tear away and you leaned into his touch. “I’m sorry that it came to this. I naively hoped it never would. I love you so much and don’t like seeing you hurt. I’m sorry.”
Leaning forward, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. He inhaled deeply before placing another slow kiss. You titled your head up in invitation and he accepted, his lips coming to rest on yours. He deepened the kiss, holding your face and you let him.
“How is this ‘fixing it’, Castiel?” you asked him, your foreheads together. “Are you just hoping it goes back to normal? It can’t. And this isn’t changing much, is it? We are still sneaking around.”
Shaking his head, Castiel told you as he pulled away to be able to look you in the eyes, “It’s not going to go back to normal. No more late nights. No more sex in the office. We’ve got to be more discreet, do what we are doing today. So yes, sneaking around still. But, during a time that it won’t draw suspicion. And it’s got to be less frequent.”
“How less frequent?” you fought to keep the whine out of your voice.
“We’ll determine that as we go along. Can we do that?” You nodded in affirmation and he smiled at you warmly. “Plus… I downloaded Snapchat. We can text there. I have the app hidden in an extra file on my phone. And we can still send pics and videos there in between. Does that sound okay with you?” You nodded again and he looked satisfied.
His eyes trailed down, and his hands followed his gaze, slipping up into your jacket to pull it off your shoulder. You reached up to stop him and he froze, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly.
“Don’t you have to get back?” you said.
“It’s only 2:00pm. Here is perfect.”
You looked around and despite the rain more than likely deterring people from walking, you were hesitant. “It’s… what if someone comes by?”
“So, what? This is the only way it’s going to work.” You did not move and Castiel pushed his hands further in, pulling your jacket down your arms. “Come on,” he coaxed you, tossing your jacket to the ground, and his hand moving back up to caress your cheek. “Crawl back there with me. I put down the seats just for us. Let me revel in you.”
Not knowing when the next time would be that you could be with him, you did as he asked, and he followed you into the back of the SUV. He had you undressed to your underwear swiftly, peppering your bare skin with kisses and soft sucks in visible places and harder where it would be safe for him to leave marks along your breasts.
He trailed soft kisses down your abdomen, keeping eye contact with you as he did so. Your breath hitched when he ran his fingers delicately up the crotch of your underwear. His fingers slipped underneath the band, entering your quickly wetting pussy. Bringing his fingers back up to his lips, he sucked earnestly.
“You taste so good,” he husked, his eyes blown black with lust. He tore your underwear off, tossing them aside. He buried his face, hooking your legs over his shoulders.
As your hands clenched into fists feeling his tongue lap at you, you pushed everything else from your mind, falling into feeling him worship you.
CASTIEL FOREVER TAGS: @willowing-love @perseusandmedusa @greenappleeyes @afanofmanystuffs @earthtokace @shikaros-blog @marisayouass @splendidcas @stixnstripesworld
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tturing · 4 years
4, 14, 25!
4. What's the worst season?
as a casgirl............s7. idk i just found it hard to stay focused and care about what was happening in my rewatch because. well where’s the gay angel. that being said i don’t hate it or anything. actually i am legally not allowed to because it gave us repo man, garth, and charlie. disclaimer i have not actually finished s13-15 yet because i had previously given up the show but. sigh. im almost there in my rewatch so we’ll see if things change
14. If there was a reverse French Mistake (actors go to canonverse), who would cope the best?
i would like to say misha because i feel like his weird girl energy would translate into viable survival skills somehow and also he arguably has the most experience with the “real world” out of the three? and by experience i mean. he was far from spoon fed his whole life whereas the other two. well
25. Endgame human!Cas or angel!Cas?
listen i am such a fucking sucker for human cas who gave up everything to be with dean and grow old together etc etc (grace necklace my beloved...) but i feel like that would just suck after a while lmfao. i like that he has cool powers and can do spectacular shit! and honestly (again, haven’t really seen the last couple seasons so i’m no expert on his development) i feel like he generally enjoys being an angel more anyway? i mean tell me if i’m wrong about that but. yeah. obviously dean loves him for who he is and he’s become more than just “the angel,” but it’s cool as hell when your husband can literally heal you by simply kissing it better
ask game
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midsummer, the intoxicant
Kimetsu no Yaiba | @giyushinoweek Day 5 | Moon or Angst Summary: Despite how businesslike they’ve made their relationship, there are always slip-ups. Notes: this one is lowkey spicy?? but also isn’t quite my forte, so pls help me out here and use your imagination to multiply the amount of UST between them during the crux of this LMFAO 
There are many things that Giyu and Shinobu are used to after being partners on extended missions so many times—foraging and hunting and cooking, setting up shelter, keeping watch while the other one is sleeping or bathing. They’ve seen each other at their most disheveled after several nights in the woods; they’ve seen each other covered in gore, and not smelling particularly pleasant.
They are too poised and used to this kind of thing for it to affect them, they think. But even despite how businesslike they’ve made their relationship, there are always slip-ups.
One balmy summer night, after they’ve slain the demon that they’ve spent the past two weeks hunting, they finally find a lake to stop by. Both are eager for a bath, and Giyu nods for Shinobu to go first while he takes watch. She accepts, handing him her sword for safekeeping. Were anything to happen, he could throw it to her—to leave their swords unreachable would be the worst mistake of all. He turns his back and walks a few steps away from the edge of the water—just far enough to give her some privacy, but close enough to take action in the even that it’s needed.
He hears the rustling of cloth as she strips, and the gentle swish of water as she steps in and walks further out into the lake. The moon is especially bright tonight, and Giyu notes that any sneaks attacks would be rendered impossible because of all the light. Good. Watch will be easier, with that.
The natural sounds of the forest fill the air, and there are no wrong presences, no unusual sounds. It’s a night like any other that they’ve stayed through before, and Giyu can almost relax, if he didn’t take his job so seriously.
But suddenly, Shinobu lets out a small yelp, and then there is a splash—Giyu turns, and he cannot see Shinobu anywhere. Surprise and panic fill him at once—what happened? Where did she go? How could he not have sensed an enemy?—and he crosses the remaining bit of land, running into the water until he is up to his knees.
Before he can go any further, Shinobu breaks the surface, rising out of the water like a mermaid of myth. She tosses her head back, gasping, and wipes the water from her face. Once she opens her eyes, she turns and they lock eyes, both of their expressions frozen in shock.
The moon is too full; there is too much light for him not to see.
He stands there, transfixed, knowing that if he has any common decency, he should look away. But the moment is ethereal and the world is suddenly only him, Shinobu, the lake, and the moon. He knows the moment has to break, yet he cannot bring himself to be the one to do so.
Shinobu moves first, putting her arms over her chest, half turning away to hide her front yet narrow her eyes at him.
“You could do me a favor and turn away, Tomioka-san,” she chides, but her voice is pitched a little too high for it to be properly scolding.
“You yelled,” Giyu says, finally turning his own body.
“Unfortunately, yes. The rocks here are more slippery than I had anticipated. It caught me off guard.”
“I see.”
There is silence again, the air ripe with embarrassment.
He can hear water splashing, Shinobu finishing up her bath. He sloshes towards the shore; he should go back to where he was positioned before, to return her privacy.
“So, Tomioka-san,” Shinobu says, and he halts. “Now that you’ve seen all of me, how exactly are you going to take responsibility?”
He pauses.
“…Bring you your clothes?” he ventures, and she laughs.
He stands there, waiting for her to say something else, and he hears the splash of water again. This time, he know Shinobu has swum closer, and now stands behind him.
“Please do, then.”
He goes, and hands back her haori first, since she still needs to dry off. She steps out of the water to take the rest of her clothes, draping them over her arm and holding them against her torso.
She steps back into his view.
She’s mostly covered now, but she isn’t wearing much—her haori is pulled more forward than usual, obscuring most of her front, but her legs are bare and he can still see the strip of skin between her breasts. He flicks his eyes back up to her face, and she has a smile on her face—a mischievous smile that has him stepping back.  
“It’s hardly fair,” she purrs, “That only one of us has to go through that, isn’t it?”
Shinobu crosses what little distance between them, a hand on his collar. She undoes the first button, then the second. He swallows, unable to move, partly in disbelief—surely she cannot go so far, can she?—and partly because she pins him with her gaze.
She undoes the third button. The fourth. The fifth. She brushes the uniform open, tugging it off his shoulders, sliding his haori back. She takes the swords from him, laying them on the ground next to her as she kneels, working on the belt to his pants.
His mind goes black. She can’t be. She ca—
She makes quick work of it, tugging the cloth down, and he stands there almost naked, only his underwear saving his modesty under the moonlight.
Shinobu looks up at him, stands, meeting his gaze once more. There is silence; the tension is so thick that he’s almost afraid of what might happen—but Shinobu punctures it before anything can.
“I’ll take that as being even, for now,” she hums, and turns away.
When she disappears from sight into the foliage, Giyu strips down completely and throws himself into the water, staying under for as long as he can humanly manage.
He could probably boil the lake with how hot his face feels.
A few meters away, Shinobu crouches down and buries her face in her hands, letting out a small, high-pitched noise of embarrassment. Even as retaliation, she had gone further than she thought herself capable.
Neither of them speak for the rest of the night. When they make it back into town to give their report, it’s all business as usual. Why would it be anything else?
Shinobu glances at him sidelong. He glances back.
They both look away.  
Right now, it’ll be a bit before their next joint mission, to allow them to rest and take care of their own affairs in between. Both are relieved; they won’t have to see the other for at least a few days. By the time they head out together, they should have their emotions back under control again.
They’d better have their emotions back under control again. If it all has to go downhill, then they’ll be damned if it goes any faster than they’ll allow it.
Regardless. Next mission will be a test.
Neither are confident that they’re going to pass.  
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retrouvel · 5 years
When you DO watch that episode, care to share your thoughts? I personally think special effects got worse and even blood looks unrealistic now but ths plot is pretty promising IF they explore it the right way. So I'd say don't be scared, give it a go! If you squint a little, it's not all that bad. And I noticed some good writing coming back – someone with a brain certainly got their hands on the way Castiel is written and god bless them for that
Hey! Okay, SO. This has been in my inbox for far too long, but I’ve only watched the first episode now, and man, do I have thoughts.
First things first, the writing. It has me feeling very mixed. The characters definitely feel better, Sam seems like Sam from the early seasons, which is really nice and gives me a little nostalgia, cause he may not be the same person but the quircks he should have always had, are now back. They did get a grasp on Cas, a little late but finally. And I really hope it stays that way. I’m liking the characters so far.
Speaking of characters, Belphegor is an interesting addition. Now whether it’s bad or not, I’ve no clue, cause he seems a tad bit out of place, but he’s likable (despite the odd dialogue we’re getting, which I’ll get into below)
The acting. Jared, Jensen and Misha all have crazy talent, we know that, we seen it, yet that single episode managed to make me question it here and there. It looked weird at times. Dare I say, unprofessional. And I highly suspect that stage direction and the way they are filming is completely at fault (I just made a post about it, but the camera work is very obnoxious, and some of the cuts are poorly timed. It really pulls you out of it). This is what has me mixed on the writing, cause we got the characters we all love back with their true characteristics and all. Yet even the dialogue seems off sometimes? I just hope the direction gets better as the show progresses, so we can see the actors at their best, before we have to say our goodbyes.
Now the blood had be laughing, because I swear cheap Halloween makeup blood looks more convincing than the red paint (it looks like) that they used. I have no idea what happened there and there’s literally no excuse for it so idk lmfao.
Same thing for CGI, there are scenes from 2005 where it looked better (and I went on youtube specifically to watch a few just to make sure) I mean come on, go and compare Bloody Mary’s hand sliding on the mirror in the new episode to when she hauled her ass out of one, back in the first season, and try to tell me the CGI is better now. I doubt they don’t have the money, so once again, I’ve no clue what’s going on there. (There’s a lot of other more petty points I could get into, like the high saturation we’ve been getting for a while now, which only seems to rise, and little things like that but eh)
Plot wise, I can’t say very much, I’ve only watched the first episode so far, but I’m liking where it’s going. And there are plenty of things I enjoyed, the infamous brother-to-brother talk we’ve seen thousands of times? The one we got this time? Loved it. Goosebumps. Idk about you but I’m never gonna get bored of the pessimistic Dean talk with optimistic Sam. I just won’t.
What I don’t like, is the constant, repetitive Dean and Cas feud. We’re always shown how much they care about each other and all the family love and stuff, so why on earth am I sensing more DRAMA and ARGUMENTS godDAMNIT either GET ALONG or STOP. Stop. Let Cas leave, idk, just s t o p. I want none of it.
I know that’s a lot of negatives, but none of it actually, personally bothers me? It’s a little funny, seeing almost pink blood and having to put up with weird camera angles and out of place dialogue, but I can’t be mad at it really. (This is very biased, obviously. I watched the show to get through some bad times, so it continues to bring me this nostalgia and sort of peace/escape, I couldn’t be mad if I wanted to. But it is absolutely justifiable for someone to be upset with it. It’s just not me.)
To sum it up: I want Crowley back.
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19tomholland96 · 6 years
The New Girl (part 1) reader x Peter Parker
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Around 1k words.
No warnings except it might be awful lmfao my writing is RUSTY.
It’s your first day at a new school. You would be nervous, except for the fact that you’ve been in this exact situation more times than you can count. Mom gets a new job offer, you move, get thrown into a new school for a few months, and then the cycle repeats itself. The only difference this time? You turn 18 soon, so you can stay wherever you want to, for however long.
You take your earbuds out of your ears as you approach the front steps of the beaten up building, taking a deep breath of air, you begin to step up when a voice calls out your name.
“y/n! you must be y/n, right?” 
You whip around, faced with a boy not quite taller than you. 
“Sorry to startle you, my name’s Ned. You ARE y/n y/l/n, right?” he says, a tiny bit out of breath.
“Y-yeah, I am. How’d you know that exactly?” you say, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, you just looked nervous and a bit scared. Plus I’ve never seen you here before. Anyways,��I'm supposed to show you where all your classes are, and where your locker is.”
“Ah, got it.” you start to go up the steps before turning around once again “sorry, what was your name again?”
“Ned! pleased to meet you” he extends his hand to shake yours, and you take it laughing.
“Yes, pleased to meet you Ned. Lets boogie”.
“...so that was your AP chemistry class, and right beside is your locker. Number 237″ Ned says, stopping beside it.
To be honest, you weren't paying too much attention to what Ned was showing you. You were more distracted about just moving and having to settle in AGAIN, but it was still nice having him show you around.
“Oh, and here’s my number just incase you need anything.” he hands you a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, a large grin on his face.
“Well, first thing you could do is let me sit with you at lunch? You’re the only person I know so far” you say, kicking your feet around hoping he’ll say-
“Of course! You can meet my friend Peter, and MJ, and we ca-”
“Sounds perfect Ned. But as I recall, I have AP calculus in a few minutes so I should probably go. Thank you for showing me around by the way!”
You start to walk down the hall to class, but Ned yells at you.
“y/n! AP calc is the other way!” he laughs.
“Oh, right, my bad”
You walk into the cafeteria, plastic plate filled with globs of food in hand, searching for Ned.
“y/n! over here!” 
You see Ned waving his arms, and head over.
“y/n, this is MJ...” 
You’re greeted with a “Sup” and a small nod from a girl at the very corner of the table.
“aaaaaand this is Peter!”
Peter gets up to shake your hand, but the second they touch and you make eye contact you both get caught in a trance. His brown eyes swallow you whole, and his sea of dark curly hair is making you spin. You catch yourself staring, and swallow hard.
“H-hi Peter, nice to meet y-you” you stutter. 
He has you speechless.
“Peter!” ned whisper yells.
Peter stops shaking your hand and looks around.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, hi I-i’m Peter. Parker”
“Parker? That sounds familiar..” you all sit down, and start eating.
“Uh really? You sure?” Peter laughs.
“Yeah, I'm pretty sure I read something about it in my moms prep file or whatever it was for her new job” you say, shoving a spoonful of what you can only guess is mashed potatoes into your mouth.
“Where does your mom work?” MJ pipes up, not looking up from what she was doing.
“She just got a job at Stark industries? She’s a physicist.”
“Stark industries? Peter is an intern there!” Ned practically yells. This gets a glare from Peter.
“Yeah, I got an internship there. Thats probably what it was about. It’s pretty cool actually, I got to meet spider-man a few times.”
“You got to meet spider-man??” you almost jump out of your seat. “He’s only like the coolest of the avengers ever!”
“Well he isn't technically an avenger, but he is pretty cool” he says the first part quietly.
“Well, he’s still my favourite, I hope I get to see him swinging around New York before I die”
The bell signalling lunch is over rings loud in the empty halls, and everyone starts to get up.
“What class do you have now, y/n?” Peter asks.
“She has AP chem!” Ned says for you, resulting in another look from Peter.
“Me too, want to walk together?”
“Yeah, sure!” you smile.
As you walk into the classroom with Peter, another boy about Peters height comes up in between the two of you.
“Hey penis Parker, who’s this?” he asks slicking his hair back.
You look him up and down and scoff. “None of your business”
You take a seat next to Peter.
“What’s his deal?”
“No idea.” 
“God I hate people like him. Everywhere I go, they’re always there. I hate it”
“People like him?” he asks questioningly
You look Peter directly in the eyes, and lean closer holding your breath.
Peter laughs “Hey, are you busy after school?” he asks.
“Yeah unfortunately... I still have a lot to unpack.” you pout.
“Well, would you like any help? I’m stronger than I look” he tries flexing, and you laugh.
“Sure, I could use the help.” you look him in the eyes, while putting your cheek in your hand “Thank you Peter”
“Oh don't thank me so soon, I haven't done anything yet!” you laugh, and the teacher begins the lesson.
“Meet me by the front steps after school, here’s my number just in case” he whispers in your ear, sliding you a piece of paper.
“Sounds like a plan, Parker”
0 notes
profound-boning · 7 years
Huge GTKM Game
I’ve been tagged in several of these over the past several months I know I’m a mess I’m sorry and I’m finally going to answer some of them!
Tagged by @thecuriouscrusader​ @blissfulcastiel​ @glowingdean​ @casbakespie​ @adoringjensen​
no I’m not tagging anyone else in this monstrosity lol
Relationship status: Taken, just celebrated five years!
Lipstick or Chapstick: I wore lipstick every day when I was in college but now that I’m living with Boyfriend it’d be a big ol waste of time and money and also messy
Last Song I Listened To: uhhh the Star Wars: The Force Awakens soundtrack because I watched that yesterday?
Last Movie I Watched: lol see above
Favorite Color: Pink
Top 3 Favorite Shows: Supernatural, SKAM, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine (I really need to get caught up on those last two damn)
If I had a cat what would I name it: Ooooh see that totally depends I’d have to meet them in person first
Height: 5 foot 3 and one half
Time right now: 17:09
Average hours of sleep: lmao like under 7 right now because I keep staying up late and then waking up early by force of habit??
Favorite number: 47
Last thing I Googled: ”where do psychiatrists work” for a fic
Fictional character you want as your younger sibling: I want this answer to be Charlie Bradbury except I’d want her to be my OLDER sibling... so let’s go with Rey (sw: tfa) or Isak Valtersen (SKAM)
Blankets I sleep with: Sheet and comforter
Favorite band/artists: Oh man lmao uh Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Adele, Ed Sheeran, twenty one pilots, the Arctic Monkeys, others?
Dream trip: GREECE I want to cruise around the islands and see all the history and art
What am I wearing right now: A Corgi crop top and my new THINX undies (all y’all menstruating folk I literally cannot recommend these highly enough)
When I made this blog: THIS blog was like September/October of 2015 I think? I’m too lazy to pull up my archive at the moment. But I’ve been on and off of tumblr since 2011.
How many blogs I follow: 330ish I believe? Again too lazy to open a new tab. It’s a mix of spn blogs and multifandom ones as well as a handful of lovely mutuals :)
What do I post about: On this blog, only supernatural, mostly destiel and brothers and my tears
Pick a word that starts with the first letter of your real name and ends with the first letter of your url: sap
Do I get asks on a daily basis: lmfao no
Why did I choose my tumblr url: I looove my url more than anything and tbh it happened because I came across a text post right when I got into spn (2015) about how dean and cas need to start profoundly boning and here we are :’)
My aesthetic: hot tea brewing in the kitchen, you can see the flowers on the balcony from where you’re standing at the counter, slouchy sweater brushing bare thighs, curls falling loose from your top knot. toes in the sand at the edge of the water, wide brimmed hat casting a shadow on your nose, smiling so big your eyes crinkle in the corners, licking ice cream from your fingertips. lipstick tacky on your bottom lip, eyelashes painted dark, skirt clinging to your ass, swaying your hips to the rhythm, the room is dark and smoky, never touching anyone but relishing that their eyes are on you.
Last show you watched: We don’t have cable so I don’t get to watch shows live on tv. Last time I watched any tv show I believe was Kitchen Nightmares on Hulu!
Last book you read: tbfh it’s been a long time, I’ve been reading mostly fanfiction for a while now. I just finished reading a two part series called “all the stars above and below” a finnpoe au by AndreaLyn on ao3 here
Last thing you ate: Applesauce
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?: This is strange question because I’m in my very nice bed and I don’t really want to be anywhere else at the moment but like in general Boyfriend and I are planning on moving to England so I’d like to be there? Kind of? Or like... sitting on a beach somewhere? Sitting next to my sister? I’m not really longing to be somewhere else so much as wanting some things to be a little different? But on the whole I’m extremely satisfied with where I’m at right now.
When would you time travel to?: lol fuck any time period before this one (modern medicine and some more rights are v nice) so I’ll say 3017 but that’s assuming tr*mp doesn’t get our entire goddamned planet fucking destroyed and also that people aren’t asshats to each other based on social constructions and institutions like gender and religion and identity and also ethnic backgrounds :’)
First thing you would do with lottery money: Pay for car repairs and for some of my sister’s university
Character you would hang out with for a day: Castiel or Poe Dameron
Pets: None because we move too much!
First Fandom I joined: Oh boy this is a good question. I was just talking to Boyfriend the other day about how Han/Leia was my first OTP before I really knew what that meant? Like watching the movies as a kid I felt in my heart like “yes they’re so good together please be happy together forever” I wasn’t on the Internet at all until 2008, and not on tumblr until 2011, and not on stan twitter until earlier this year lmao. When I started the tumblr, it was mostly disney and then avengers when it came out? This blog is my first like dedicated I’M IN A FANDOM venture.
Favorite book: I hate this question because I know someone out there will hate me for it *squints* but the honest truth is “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton it’s been my favorite since seventh fucking grade so fight me about it!!!1!
Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasted: Oh no this is horrible because I’m a fucking picky ass eater lmao uhhh I hate rice?? bad texture.
What class do you wish you paid more attention to in school? This is not the answer you’re looking for but I had some severe problems in my life when I was in high school so really I wish I had been able to pay more attention to everything in school. I would literally time travel back and redo it all if I could. I would have taken my government classes more seriously, gotten more into my history classes, and would have signed up for AP Art History because I fucking wanted to but I didn’t. If those problems hadn’t been there or hadn’t affected me so badly I would have gotten better grades and could have chosen something different for college. In college, I might have looked for something more like anthropology and focused more on language in a cultural and socio-historical context and not just language and teaching language. Similarly without those problems I would have been able to pay better attention in college and have gotten better grades, done more academic research, etc.
Just hypothetically, if you could get rid of one entire species and not have it screw up the ecosystem at all, what would it be? Humans :’) we’re the worst.
First foray into fanfic? How To Train Your Dragon on that fanfiction net website. I remember seeing the second film and feeling so, like, when are those two going to kiss and get married and live happily ever after? I needed that closure. Then I discovered AUs and ~lemons~ and then I was reading Frozen fic for a while(??) and finally Supernatural. Apple Pie Life by @heyacas​ was the first fic I read on ao3 after it was recced to me and I never looked back.
You can have unlimited anything from a magic cookie jar (item must fit in a standard sized cookie jar) with the caveat that you cannot monetarily profit from it. Like unlimited cash or things you would sell for cash. What’s in the jar? Firstly what the fuck is a standard sized cookie jar. Secondly this wording prompts me to say... cookies
What do you think about Bill Nye the Science Guy? President Nye 2020
That one book you will never read enough times? Other than the one I mentioned above I’ve read Princess Academy by Shannon Hale a million times and I love it so, so much
What’s something super popular that you just. don’t. get? This is the first thing that comes to mind because frankly there are several things that could go here but I’m answering Videos Of People Getting Hurt. Seriously. Why do I want to watch someone fall off of something or worse get pushed/tricked/otherwise manipulated into doing something I can see (or worse, hear) is painful for them? I can’t stand it.
What’s your super power? Not like telepathy (unless you really have telepathy…), but like. what’s the one thing that you’re known for? Uh... nothing probably? I’m not memorable
What’s that story you tell at parties or whatnot to impress people? I am literally the worst at parties? and impressing people? One story I like to tell is how Boyfriend and I met!
What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? Home is an extremely fluid concept. Right now I am about 825 miles from the house that I lived in for about 17 years, Boyfriend is at his work around 16 miles away, 5000 miles from Spain... I could go on.
Hobbies: Writing and reading fanfiction
Favorite place: Favorite beach: Lagos, Portugal. Favorite city: Barcelona, Spain. Favorite museum: the Louvre. Favorite church: Saint Mary of the Angels in Winona, Minnesota. Favorite restaurant: This brunch place we found while wandering in Paris, France. Alternate answers: Boyfriend’s snuggles.
Movie you are most excited about for next year: I haven’t seen Spiderman: Homecoming yet but I’m excited to do so! Also STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI
Beanies or Scarves? Scarves
Last person you texted? Boyfriend
Favorite food? Pasta
Favorite season and why? Summer! Because winter is the FUCKING WORST!
Left Twix or Right? Did you mean: belongs in the trash?
Who would win in a fight: Captain America OR Captain Kirk? Okay like Captain America because? superserum? But James T. Kirk is my precious babe I don’t want them to fight :3
Avengers or X-Men? Avengers
Dream Concert: Go back to my Favorite Artists answer and put all of them together in one show :’)
What fictional world/universe would you want to spend a week in: Either Harry Potter’s or Rick Riordan’s (but only if I’m friends with The Squad)
Last video game played: Okay on the real it’s probably Dance Dance Revolution from, like, 2006
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