#and casting delay blast fireball
one-in-a-nillion · 5 months
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Not related to todays Revenant Inclusa session (might draw stuff from that later) but. mwehehe
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Just don't tell your players that the Big Bad Evil Guy not only knew when the final battle in their throne would come, but was bored and spent and hour beforehand casting delayed blast fireballs saying, "goes off in one hour... Goes off in fifty nine minutes and fifty four seconds... Goes off in fifty nine minutes and forty eight seconds..."
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guiltygearconfessions · 4 months
dnd 5e builds for base strive cast (+ goldlewis!)
Sol: either an Artificer (Battlesmith) w a Barbarian (Totem) dip where his Steel Defender is his bike and Elk/Bear rage is dragon install OR a Wizard (Bladesinger) with a belt (headband) of giant strength and Tasha's Otherworldy Guise as his DI
Ky: Hexbalde Warlock w a Battlemaster Fighter dip since he seems charismatic and his patron cld be the Thunderseal. His manouevres: Trip (Stun Dipper), Lunge (Foudre Arc), Riposte (Vapor Thrust). Meanwhile, Eldritch Blast = Stun Edge, Booming Blade = Dire Eclat, can blow his limited spell slots on Lightning Bolt (Sacred Edge) or Hasted Booming Blades + Relentless Hex or just Thunder Step (RTL). Possibly take a sorc (Storm) dip or the Metamagic Adept feat to transmute spell and change his damage types to lightning + gain flying speed.
May: Ranger (Beastmaster) for sea animal shenanigans. Possible dips into Paladin (Devotion, to the Jellyfish Pirates) or Fighter (Cavalier) for mounted combat features and bonuses (e.g. Find Greater Steed)
Axl: Ranger (Horizon Walker) + Monk (Kensei)/Fighter (Battlemaster). The boring and "correct" answer here is pure bladesinger wiz using a flavoured whip for the Time Stop spell, but the teleportation offered by Horizon Walker and the idea of slipping between planes of existence seems flavourful. Ranger features also have a bit more trap laying flavour. Monk bonuses for movement speed + unarmoured defense to remain slippery while dressing casual.
Chipp: Monk (Shadow) with the Fey Touched and Shadow Touched feats for access to Shadow Teleport + Misty Step + Shadow Blade and maybe a small spellcaster dip into Sorcerer (Shadow) if only to get Quickened Spell for ninja flavour + Mirror Image (multiple Chipps!)
Potemkin: although a pure Fighter (Champion) is tempting, the 4 attacks per turn feels at odds w the slower, lumbering idea of Potemkin. Instead I propose DM fiat to allow smiting while Unarmed, then build Potemkin as a Variant Human (base feat used to learn Unarmed Fighting style) with full Paladin (Glory or Redemption). His devotion and larger than life presence give him moral power behind his blows which are weighty (big ass smites) but infrequent (2 per turn). The other athleticism, tanky abilities come from his Paladin subclass features. Spells like Command and Compelled Duel reflect his intimidating presence and ability to control the field. Spells like Thunderous Smite and Destructive Wave reflect his sheer terrain-altering strength. Feats could include Grappler, Tavern Brawler, Tough.
Faust: Pure Wild Magic Sorcerer or an even split btwn Wild Magic Sorc and Life Cleric. Dimension Door/Misty Step for teleports. Items could represent by: Meteors (Minute Meteors), Bomb (Delayed Blast Fireball), 100T Weight (Earth Tremor/Earthquake), Donut/Banana (Healing Word/Cure Wounds), Afro (reflavoured Web since its also a control debuff that turns into damage after fire exposure), Minifaust (so many summon spells but I like the idea of Guardian of Faith from Cleric), Trumpet (Insect Plague), Hammer (Catapult). And then Haste can be used with Quickened Spell to simulate item throw super. Tack on a couple fighter levels perhaps to Action Surge and emulate the 100 tension version + give some oomph to the occasional scalpel normal.
Millia: not base dnd but i think she fits a Blood Hunter (Lycan) pretty well. The flavour of undergoing a dangerous and forbidden procedure for power, the hair transformations... probably uses Rite of the Oracle (psychic) and Blood Curse of Binding (tandem top) to hold enemies in place for devastating up close "mixups" while still remaining highly mobile.
Zato: Fighter (Echo Knight) w a Monk (Long Death) dip (or, potentially, Undead Warlock). Fragile but frequently summonable puppet fighter w a Monk dip for the "unarmoured melee fighter" vibe + undying flavour or Warlock dip for more spell slinging vibe+ access to flight spells.
Ramlethal: taking a bit more from her Xrd incarnation, a mixed Cleric (Twilight) for access to Spiritual Weapon for the "remote/hovering sword" + a hover/fly movement rather than regular walking and a Warlock (Hexblade) with the Eldritch Smite invocation to burn spell slots for chunky damage that knocks enemies flat on their asses (Mortobato).
Leo: Rogue (Swashbuckler ) + Barbarian (Totem). Probably a Tiger/Elk Barb for the movement speed and the animalistic vibe, while the Rogue levels and Swashbuckler features give the idea of a speedy duelist who occasionally snipes out big damage hits from "converting" movement speed based mixups. (also Swashbucklers benefit from Charisma, which leo definitely has since hes led so many soldiers to their deaths 🥰)
Nago: Fighter (Samurai). I think a majority of Nago's features and design are reflected in this subclass- the idea of a fighter who takes a slow and measured approach while occasionally bursting into a flurry of sudden violence. The high level Samurai feature of taking another turn upon getting dropped also kind of feels like Nago blood rage- a last second gambit at the verge of defeat type of deal.
Gio: Monk (Astral Self). Gio's features as an unarmed, unarmoured, mobile fighter w a not-quite animal spirit are perfectly encapsulated in this subclass, down to her appearance transformations at high tension
Anji: Bard (Swords) with Fighter (Battlemaster) dip and the Dual Wielder feat. Swords Bard explains his armoured twirl (Defensive Flourish) and other more magical effects like the butterfly, koi, and his cinematic super. Battlemaster Trip (rekka low), Push (corner carry off fuujin), Sweep (spinny spins), Parry/Riposte (dedicated counters).
I-No: Oddly enough i dont think she's a pure bard. If anything, I think her style seems more offense oriented than support, so she probably has way more Sorcerer (storm) levels for flying and her other magic shit. For her Bard dip, probably a Whispers bard to play into her role as a mysterious and menacing antagonist figure.
Goldlewis: Paladin (Watchers) with a Warlock (GoO) dip. Watchers paladins already deal w abberations and aliens, and his smites could be flavoured as his big behemoth typhoons/down with the system. Warlock spells and blast reflect the gadgets stored by his alien.
Wow! Points for being so thorough! This is cool
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utilitycaster · 5 months
Level-up post: Bells Hells L13
girl help usually I draft these well in advance but I forgot about this one so it's going to be a little shorter and probably less pithy. Anyway as always: corrections on errors appreciated, but if I didn't list every single possible spell or feat someone could take then that's because I don't care. And, because we do the level-ups like this rather than at the end of a session, this will include L14 speculation. Without further ado:
Everyone's proficiency bonus goes up to +5, and the non-multiclassed full spellcasters (Imogen and FCG) get access to 7th level spells.
Chetney: Chetney took another level in Blood Hunter, granting him an ASI/Feat. On the one hand, his wisdom score is odd and so an ASI to that makes sense. On the other hand fuck WIS forever and ever amen; CON, STR, and INT are all way more important for him and for this party. Orym can perceive enough for everyone. L13 Blood Hunter is a nice one that grants him an additional use of blood maledict, as well as the Brand of Tethering which is both thematically appropriate for the campaign and could REALLY ruin Ludinus's day.
Laudna: Another sorcerer level, which grants her more metamagic, and Marisha said in the video she'd be taking Empowered Spell. She also learns another spell up to 5th level, and another cantrip. Frankly I have no idea for cantrips since between two casting classes with cantrips, her subclasses, and spell sniper, she is Cantrips Georg, but Seeming and Teleportation Circle are both pragmatic options that would help the party; Creation and Insect Plague are both aesthetically apt; and Dominate Person, while coming from her sorcery, does have that touch of Delilah. Looking forward I must admit that warlock is infinitely more useful and interesting but it's probably wiser to get 6th level spells.
FCG: FCG's main improvement here is access to 7th level spells; these are pretty great for clerics. I am personally a fan of Divine Word, and Plane Shift seems likely quite useful, but Regenerate and Resurrection are good to have available. L14 for clerics is quiet and simply improves their ability to destroy undead, as is 15, which grants them 8th level spells.
Fearne: Fearne took a 10th level in Druid, granting her another cantrip and another 5th level spell. She gets Cauterizing Flames, which is a little like Wither and Bloom or some of the Circle of the Shepherd features: when a small or larger creature dies within 30 feet of her or Little Mister, she can use a reaction to either heal a creature within 30 feet of the dead creature, or deal fire damage to it. This may become immediately useful if we're fighting Liliana or Otohan. I am hoping she levels up to 11 in Druid at the next level up, which would give her Transport via Plants and Wind Walk access, making the party a little less reliant on Keyleth. As for her cantrip, I'm thinking Druidcraft would be fun since she doesn't have it and it's been so useful on Ruidus.
Imogen: Imogen gets 7th level spells, of which Teleport is a clear winner, particularly since FCG can take Plane Shift, but there are some of my favorite damage/fuckery spells in there (Prismatic Spray, Reverse Gravity, and Delayed Blast Fireball). Level 14 gives her Revelation in Flesh. I must admit I'd be more psyched about this if she'd leaned into the slime aspects of the subclass, but I am interested in seeing how it gets modified because I don't think she should get the swim speed if she won't grow weird cilia and gills; the other features can stay though.
Orym: In addition to having the stupidest passive perception score on the moon, he also gains another use of indomitable. Level 14 gives him an ASI/Feat and really he can't go wrong here; because he got feats from his pact I'm thinking an ASI to CON to make him even more of a tank would be fun, but fighters get so many feats that he can really go nuts.
Ashton: Base barbarian ability of Brutal Critical goes up to 2 dice from 1, giving them the ability to do more damage when they crit. Eyes peeled for his next level-up, when he gets his final Path of Fundamental Chaos feature!
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nailsofvecna · 11 months
I feel like you'd have some interesting oppinions on this.
What do you think of spells having "prerequisites" to learn, and I mean besides being of the appropriate spell level and class. Like maybe you need to know "spell a" before you can learn "spell b", or something like that?
It's a good question. Narratively it makes sense, right - it'd be like real life where you have to know about certain concepts before you can understand ones that are built on top of them. And we already have rules to say you can't craft certain magic items unless you know the spells contained in them.
I think it's an idea that could work well, but the system would have to be designed to accomodate it. Assuming we're talking about 5th edition D&D, I think it runs into a couple of issues, which I'll explore below the cut.
Not to mention that it wouldn't work at all for clerics, druids or paladins.
I feel like there's a pretty high risk that this would act as a tax where you have to take spells you don't want in order to take ones that you do, which doesn't really serve any gameplay purpose and wouldn't be fun for players. Espeically considering that wizards can know basically as many spells as they want, while all other known-spell casters are already hard pressed for making their choices count. So it's not even a fair tax.
A key issue for me is that 5e lets you boost spells by casting from a higher level slot. That means there aren't any spells that are just direct upgrades of lower-level ones any more. The core rules only have a handful of 'spell Bs' that would warrant a prerequisite. Granted, quite a few of my own homebrew spells are just modified versions of canonical spells, but I don't think it adds much to them to say "you can't learn this unless you already know the vanilla version".
And again, most of the obvious candidates for needing a prerequisite are cleric spells (lesser restoration -> greater restoration, revivify -> raise dead -> resurrection -> true resurrection, cure wounds -> mass cure wounds).
The flavour we've been given about how spells are learned somewhat alleviates the lack of realism, too (i.e. "how can you know delayed blast fireball if you don't know how to cast a regular fireball?"). Wizards learn spells by rote by studying books and scrolls, with each spell's mechanics being essentially sui generis. Bards pick up secret tricks here and there on their travels and don't really know how their spells 'work'. Warlocks are directly gifted their spells by their patrons and also don't usually know how their spells work. In all of those cases, there's a built-in explanation for why you know the spells you know, which doesn't depend on knowing simpler versions. Meanwhile I don't think the ranger list has a single spell that would logically need a prerequisite.
That does leave sorcerers. It's harder to wave away the above delayed blast fireball question for a sorcerer. Plus you could say that any spell cast with metamagic is actually a different spell, so they're already kind of doing the whole 'know spell A in order to be able to cast other spells' thing. Unfortunately, sorcerer is the class that's hurting the most for spells known, so it'd be unfair to tell a player they can't learn a spell because they don't have it's prerequisite. I guess you could imagine that they did know how to cast the prerequisite spell, but just forgot it because they weren't using it any more? They can replace spells on level up, after all.
One thing I have done in the past as a DM is require a character to know a spell A in order to create their own custom spells (which I've then let them have without it taking up a 'spells known' slot). For example, I required Astra's player to learn haste before she was able to forumlate Astra's instant antique. I'd say something like that is reasonable and can lead to fun interactions, without running into the problems I've discussed above.
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fandom-panda · 8 months
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sageoffablesardowin · 8 months
What spell do you think has done the most change in Ardowin?
This is a question that truly has many answers, as there are many types of change that are difficult to quantify.
However, if I were forced to pick one singular spell, it may very well be the spell known colloquially as "charm person" (in High Sylvan, we call it "lustertongue"). Few other effects have warped the ways in which deals are brokered in both private and public forums. Most societies have defenses in place for such spells, but there was a time where nobody who displayed even the slightest proficiency with magic could be trusted. Some people distrust anyone with access to such charms to this day.
Other notable candidates include "alter self" for its role in allowing the development of magic that allows people to feel more comfortable in their forms, as well as "delayed blast fireball" and similar glyphs that represented the ability to cast devastating magic from afar.
And, of course, wishes are undeniably world-warping. There are many other supremely powerful magics typically beyond mortal ability to wield that have affected Ardowin's history, but only in the sense that they accomplished one major event and were abstained from ever since.
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ask-gale · 11 months
As a Warlock, we get very aesthetically congruent spells, what is your favorite WIZARD spell? I’m partial to Delayed Blast Fireball, which adds stakes to the surfacer game Hot Potato.
"You know, the longer we've been on the road, the more I wished I could cast Mordekainen's Magnificent Mansion. It would be nice if we all had a cozy place to stay for once, rather than cold and danger and... Having to sleep right next to a puddle. So right now I'd definitely consider that my favourite spell."
Gale sighs. He's not used to being in such a harsh environment for so long. He'd give anything for a cozy place to stay.
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niuttuc · 2 years
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Since yesterday’s was a bonus, today’s recent budget commander sleeper is a double feature... Mostly using the latter being recent to be able to talk about the former. Some underrated red board wipes!
Red has plenty of damaging board wipes, but the vast majority of them hit everyone equally. These two break the symmetry somewhat, and the cascade on them adds a lot of value.
I tend to prefer Volcanic Torrent, as it’s fully one-sided, letting your board through unscathed. Five mana, the floor on it is to draw a card, cast it for free, and then deal 2 damage to everything you don’t control, cleaning out tokens and utilty creatures. Since Cascade happens before the spell resolve, and it counts itself, it’ll never see you having cast less than two spells. If you can just cast a single spell before casting it, it gets into the really useful category. Before combat, it’ll also make blocks with larger creatures inconvenient and after combat it can clean off bigger creatures. And you get a free spell attached to it!
Let the Galaxy Burn is more expensive and will also hit your own board, but has the advantage that it’s more easily scalable without having to use more cards, since you can just pump more mana in. But otherwise it’ll do a fine job.
Being one-sided is kind of a huge deal for board wipes, just see how expensive and back breaking a In Garruk’s Wake or a Cyclonic Rift can be.There’s not many options for it that deal more than one measly damage, and if your deck is a typical casual deck, the cascade will often add an average of three mana worth of value onto them, making them much more appealing.
Of course, neither of them hold a candle to the most powerful of the recent one-sided red board wipes, Delayed Blast Fireball, but they’re a fraction of the monetary cost and good enough.
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I’d encourage you to try the fireball too though if you haven’t seen it yet and have the five bucks or so it’s currently worth. It’s pretty great in basically any deck, and if it isn’t reprinted, it might get very expensive in the coming years. Assuming they don’t print anything even stronger, of course. Surprise triple feature!
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usagi-zakura · 2 years
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I like to rename my spells in DnD... One of the earliest one was Leomund's Tiny Hut, which at first casting I described it as looking like a rabbit hole...then it was renamed to Hobbit Hole because reasons... (Remus is the name of my wizard btw) Recently I learned Mordekainen's Faithful Hound. But Remus already has quite a few familiars, and I had already reflavored Phantom Steed to be his almiraj familiar sized up to large, so I decided to make his rockhopper penguin Puffer into his Faithtful Hound, now named "Remus' Faithful Penguin".
He takes his job very seriously.
I know the RAW says the hound is invisible (also Puffer can’t talk), but I think its more fun to imagine just good ol' Puffer wearing classy sunglasses.
Other fun renames: 
Bye Bye- Misty Step Bye I’m gonna go a bit further- Dimension Door Mega Lily- Phantom Steed (Lily is his Almiraj) Telling the Enemy they're a bitch (Vicious Mockery) Dancing Lights (not renamed but it has the flavor-text: Remus Juggles. Its not cheating) Emergency Healing Word- Healing Word (also has the flavor text "For when Paddock (the cleric) is unconscious") Find Lily- Find Familiar. (Admittedly not always correct since he has more than one familiar... Lily is just his "main") Stage Workers- Unseen Servants (he's an entertainer) Tindres' Off Button- Sleep (Its kind of an in-joke...) Feed Lily Hot Peppers- Dragon's Breath. (At one point it was described as "Lily stress eats" The material component is a hot pepper btw) Magic Telephone: Sending FIREBALL!!- Fireball
SUPER MEGA FIREBALL!!!!- Delayed blast fireball Screw you guys I’m going home- Teleport Weak ass slapp- Not a spell, its his unarmed attack. 
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aumphloushemintyme · 12 days
i think all transfems should get to cast delayed blast fireball once per day. as a treat
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raeynbowboi · 3 years
Building Itachi Uchiha in DnD 5e (2021)
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I’ve built Itachi a few times, and I finally realized the reason why. The only realistic way to build Itachi in DnD would require more than the level 20 build cap. Itachi has the high level spells of a powerful Wizard, the slippery evasiveness of an experienced Rogue, and the composed discipline of a master Monk. There’s no way to perfectly fit all of his abilities within a measly 20 levels. So, with Itachi, we have to pick our battles. So, I’m going to offer two possible builds that stay within the level 20 cap, each of which sacrifices one thing in favor of another.
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Itachi is a Human, but he’s also an Anime Character. Anime characters are cooler and stronger than normal people, so we’ll say he’s a Variant Human. Variant Humans get +1 to two ability scores, and we’ll give Itachi +1 INT, +1 DEX. He also gets the Perception skill, as well as a free Feat. Alert adds +5 to Itachi’s initiative, making Itachi a quickdraw in combat, he can’t be surprised while he’s conscious, and enemies can’t hide from his eyes.
For his background, Itachi is a rogue ninja, and a wanted criminal. He’s part of the Akatsuki, which is a group of other, equally dangerous wanted criminals. It’s safe to say that Itachi would be a Criminal for proficiency in Deception and Stealth.
For his alignment, Itachi is willing to go to very extreme lengths of evil in pursuit of ultimate good, landing somewhere between Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil.
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As tempting as it would be to make Itachi an Illusion Wizard, Divination is better suited to Itachi’s all-seeing Sharingan eyes. With his Portents, high rolls can ensure successes, while low rolls can be used to avoid incoming attacks or spells. Illusion could work, as the Illusory Reality is a good stand-in for the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and Itachi is a master illusionist. But, Itachi himself never masters the Infinite Tsukuyomi while he’s alive. So, it wouldn’t be in-character to give him this ability in DnD.
You could take a 1 level dip into Rogue if you so choose for Itachi. He’d gain the Acrobatics skill from the Rogue skill list, along with Expertise in two skills, I’d go with Insight and Perception so that his senses can’t be fooled.
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STATS STR 10 DEX 20 CON 14 INT 20 WIS 12 CHA 8
COMBAT INFO HP: 122 AC: 15 Initiative: +10 Passive Perception: 17 or 23* Spell Attack Bonus: +11 Spell DC: 19
SKILLS Acrobatics* (+11) Deception (+5) Insight (+7) or (+13)* Investigation (+11) Perception (+7) or (+13)* Stealth (+11)
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Itachi’s Spell Book
C Fire Bolt, Mind Sliver, Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation Shape Water  1 Burning Hands, Disguise Self, Mage Armor, Shield, Silent Image 2 Arcanist’s Magic Aura, Blur, Crown of Madness, Flaming Sphere, Mind Spike, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Tasha’s Mind Whip 3 Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Enemies Abound, Fireball, Haste, Major Image, Slow, Tidal Wave 4 Confusion, Control Water, Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer, Raulothim’s Psychic Lance 5 Immolation, Mislead, Seeming, Skill Empowerment 6 Contingency, Disintegrate, Eyebite, Investiture of Flame, Mental Prison, True Seeing 7 Delayed Blast Fireball, Mirage Arcane, Project Image 8 Feeblemind 9 Foresight, Weird
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Arcane Recovery: Recover up to 10 spell slots of 5th level or lower on a short rest. Divination Savant: Halve the time and cost to copy Divination spells into your spell book. Expert Divination: Casting Divination spells restores weaker spell slots Greater Portent: Roll 3 d20s instead of 2 for your Potent feature. Portent: Roll 2 d20s, replace any roll with these numbers once per long rest. Signature Spell: Choose two 3rd level spells, these can be cast once without using a spell slot per long rest. Spell Mastery: Cast Shield and Mirror Image without requiring Spell Slots The Third Eye: As an action, gain either 60 feet darkvision, 60 feet Ethereal sight, read any language, or 10 feet invisible sight.
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The main reason this one isn’t a perfect fit is the low spell levels and slow grind to learn new spells. While it does let Itachi be a Rogue with some magic, it’s nowhere near as magically powerful as Itachi is as a pure Wizard. But the added evasiveness of the Rogue should hopefully make up for the loss of magical power. The Arcane Trickster can also steal the opponent’s spells for themselves, something the Sharingan is known to do.
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STATS STR 10 DEX 20 CON 14 INT 20 WIS 14 CHA 8
COMBAT INFO HP: 143 AC: 16 Initiative: +10 Passive Perception: 24 Sneak Attack: 10d6 Spell Attack Bonus: +11 Spell DC: 19
Acrobatics (+11) Athletics (+6) Deception (+11) Insight (+14) Investigation (+11) Perception (+14) Stealth (+17)
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Itachi’s Spells
C Firebolt, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver, Minor Illusion, 1 Disguise Self, Shield, Silent Image 2 Blur, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray, Tasha’s Mind Whip 3 Enemies Abound, Fireball, Major Image, Slow 4 Confusion, Phantasmal Killer
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Blindsense: You are aware of any hidden or invisible foe within 10 feet Cunning Action: As a bonus action, Aim, Dash, Disengage, or Hide. Elusive: Foes cannot attack you with advantage Evasion: Successful Dex Saves reduce damage to 0. Mage Hand Legermain: Pick pockets, open locks, and disarm traps from 30 feet away. Magical Ambush: While hidden, saving throws against your spells are made with disadvantage Reliable Talent: Proficient skills can’t roll lower than 10. Slippery Mind: Proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. Spell Thief: As a reaction, force a spellcasting modifier saving throw. On a failed save, negate the spell being cast on you, and for the next 8 hours, you can cast said spell with your own spell slots. The other creature can’t cast the stolen spell until the 8 hours has finished. Stroke of Luck: Turn a failed attack action or a failed ability check into a hit or a nat 20 respectively. Uncanny Dodge: As a reaction, reduce damage from a foe you can see by half. Versatile Trickster: You have advantage against a creature within 5 feet of your Mage Hand.
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Ultimately, which build you favor depends on what you see as more in-character for Itachi. The Wizard build makes Itachi a master of powerful ninjutsu and genjutsu, while the Rogue makes Itachi far more limited in his powers, but more slippery and elusive. One benefit Itachi has over most rogues is that with his Versatile Trickster ability, he can gain advantage even in a 1v1 encounter, something most rogues lack. So, even in a head-to-head fight, he can still get off his sneak attack damage. While Disintegrate doesn’t deal fire damage, the spell is a nice parallel to Amaterasu, as it can burn through most protective barrier spells. With his Spell Mastery, Itachi can always have mirror images on the field, giving him a little more breathing room despite his low health. 
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
Soulbound Raptor
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“Clockwerk (Sly Cooper)” © deviantArt user SacredRoses-Art, accessed at her gallery here
[Commissioned by @arachcobra​. Another boss monster from a video game I’ve never played, Clockwerk is the main boss of the first Sly Cooper game, and a recurring background presence in the rest of the series. Since his whole deal is that he turned himself into a robot in order to pursue revenge on the Cooper family, I wanted him to be sapient, rather than “just” a mindless clockwork construct, and I wanted some continuity of intelligence rather than the brand-new intelligence of a Pathfinder robot.
Like with Dream Lord Grimm, the size is something of a fudge to keep the feel of the fight similar from screen to tabletop. Since I haven’t played any Sly Cooper games, I’m not sure if the funny animals within are roughly human-sized as a default, or if Sly Cooper is actually supposed to be the size of a raccoon.]
Soulbound Raptor CR 15 LE Construct This creature appears to be an owl the size of a dragon, constructed from metal machinery. Despite its weight, it flies effortlessly, gazing dispassionately from luminous eyes.
The soulbound raptor is an improvement on the soulbound shell, granting its soul a body not in mimicry of the humanoid form, but a mighty and oversized bird of prey. Most soulbound raptors are designed as the destination of the creator’s own soul, and they are animated by the ritualized death of their creator as the work is finished. Thus, an ambitious construct maker can gain immortality without all the fuss of dealing with undeath.
A soulbound raptor is a beast in combat, exulting in the strength and physical power they lacked in mortal life. Their talons are tipped with adamantine claws, and they can shrug off most physical attacks. Soulbound raptors are subject to the same cemented minds as lesser soulbound constructs, but are adept at self-delusion to the point where they assume that the spells they have are the perfect tools for almost every occasion. In the cases where they need different abilities, they collect magic items to supplement their powers. A soulbound raptor is difficult to kill, and they often fight until death in denial of any possible failure.
Since soulbound raptors maintain their ability to create constructs, they often surround themselves with armies of automata to acts as minions and soldiers. As the years pass and they become more detached from mortality and morality, their goals tend to become monomaniacal. Small whims or grudges of their original lives become all-consuming, obsessive hatreds, to the point where a soulbound raptor would not hesitate to spend a fortune in treasure and lives in pursuit of a single enemy.
Constructing a Soulbound Raptor A soulbound raptor is made from steel and copper, adamantine worth 6,000 gp for the claws and a gemstone worth 5,000 gp as the soul focus. The soul of a willing 13th level or higher spellcaster is imbued into the raptor as part of the creation process.
Soulbound Raptor CL 13th; Price 86,000 gp Requirements Craft Construct, false life, geas/quest, magic jar, make whole, overland flight; Skill Craft (clockwork) DC 25; Cost 48,500 gp.
Soulbound Raptor  CR 15 XP 51,200 LE Huge construct Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +21 Defense AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 27 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +15 natural, +4 armor) hp 190 (20d10+60); fast healing 3 Fort +9, Ref +15, Will +12 DR 10/adamantine and magic; Immune construct traits; SR 26 Defensive Abilities resilience; Weakness cemented mind, susceptible to mind-influencing spells Offense Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee 2 claws +26 (2d6+8 plus grab), bite +26 (2d8+8) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks adamantine claws Wizard Spells Prepared CL 13th, concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively) 7th—delayed blast fireball (DC 26), waves of exhaustion 6th—chain lightning (DC 25), contagious flame, geas/quest 5th—cloudkill (DC 22), cone of cold (DC 24), telekinesis (DC 22), teleport 4th—ball lightning (DC 23), dimensional anchor, fire shield, scrying (DC 21), stone shape 3rd—arcane sight, blink, dispel magic, elemental aura (DC 22), fireball (DC 22), lightning bolt (DC 22) 2nd—blur, false life, make whole, scorching ray (x2), see invisibility 1st—floating disk, mage armor (already cast), magic missile (x3), unseen servant 0th—detect magic, mage hand, read magic, open/close Statistics Str 27, Dex 23, Con -, Int 25, Wis 12, Cha 16 Base Atk +20; CMB +30 (+32 sunder, +34 grapple); CMD 46 (48 vs. sunder) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Craft Construct (B), Greater Spell Focus (evocation), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation), Toughness Skills Craft (clockwork) +27, Fly +22, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana, engineering, history) +27, Perception +21, Spellcraft +33, Use Magic Device +23 Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal SQ soul focus Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Adamantine Claws (Ex) A soulbound raptor’s claws overcome damage reduction and hardness as if they were adamantine. Cemented Mind (Ex) A soulbound raptor can never change its known or prepared spells. Resilience (Ex) A soulbound raptor gains a +3 resistance bonus to saving throws. Soul Focus (Su) The soul bound to the raptor lives within a gem inside its head. As long as this soul focus remains intact, it can be used to animate another soulbound raptor, at the same cost as creating a new soulbound raptor, and retains its personality and memories. A soul focus has hardness 8, 12 hit points, and a break DC of 20. Spells A spellbound raptor casts spells as a 13th-level cleric, witch, or wizard, but does not gain any other class abilities. Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects (Ex) A soulbound raptor is not immune to mind-affecting effects.
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utilitycaster · 4 years
Level 14!
let’s go down the list except Fjord last because there are two paths he can go by but in the long run there’s still time to change the road you’re on
Jester and Caduceus: no additional spell slots, although they can prep an additional spell as they always can upon leveling up (both are now able to prep 19 spells). Eighth level spells show up at L15 and honestly it’s a short list (for those wondering: control weather is very handy but they might not get that in time to battle the takers, antimagic field will be good when they take on Trent at some point in the future but probably not yet, earthquake could be pretty nasty against enemies in the distance, and holy aura grants some great benefits but does require an extremely expensive relic and mostly I just want to know what a 1000 GP relic of The Traveler will be). They do however get improved Destroy Undead (up to CR 3 now), and a slightly better chance at divine intervention (not relevant for 7 days for Caduceus, but maybe Jester will be able to drag Artagan from the bar?)
Caleb: like the other full casters, no additional spell slots. He does get two new spells for free and personally speaking after looking into how antimagic fields interact with concentration I would love to see delayed blast fireball. I’m saving 8th level spell speculation for when they level up to 15 because the wizard list is huge, and more importantly, Caleb gets a subclass feature this level! He is now a master transmuter and can use his stone in four ways: he can transmute a nonmagical object no larger than a five foot cube into a different nonmagical object of similar size and no greater value; he can remove all curses, diseases, and poisons from one creature and bring them up to full HP; he can cast raise dead without a spell slot (diamond still required)(unless it’s Yasha); or he can restore youth, reducing a creature’s apparent age by a minimum of 13 years (3d10 or 13, whichever is higher), but with no lifespan extension. Any of these options will destroy the stone, and he’d need to create a new one, which takes 8 hours, after a long rest.
Veth: She learns a new spell, which can be up to 3rd level, and can be anything on the wizard spell list (as opposed to her usual limitation to the enchantment and illusion list). Also she hasn’t use mage hand to distract people, I don’t think, unless I missed it in last week’s battles, which is a L13 ability that Sam might review upon leveling up. As mentioned, she could take Leomund’s Tiny Hut, but also counterspell, blink, nondetection, remove curse, sending...it’s a good list. I would advise personally against major image just because that’s illusion, so she could take it at any level she gets to learn new spells or swap out an older spell for it.
Yasha: in addition to a zillion HP, she gets the most metal ability of all, Rage Beyond Death. If she is raging and is taken to 0 HP, she does not go unconscious. She still makes death saves as normal - and presumably, if she is hit she still takes a death saving fail (although not an auto-crit since she’s not unconscious) but she will remain conscious until her rage ends, and also she can, as far as I can tell from the wording, be healed despite failing 3 death saves and remain alive as long as her rage has been continuous. L14 is a fun in-between state because at L15 she gets persistent rage, which makes her very, very hard to kill as a result - it pretty much needs to be an insta-kill, like disintegrate or finger of death or being taken to -154 HP, since otherwise she just rages until healed. But at L14 she does have to maintain rage through attacks or damage.
Beau: Beau is now proficient in all saving throws, which means +9 to WIS and INT, +6 to CHA, and +8 to CON which will help a lot against Lucien next time (as she was rolling with just a +3 to CON last week). Her strength and dex saves are unchanged since monks have proficiency in those to start. She also can spend a ki point to reroll a failed save. And finally, her unarmored movement speed is now 55 feet per round, which means with step of the wind she can do 165 ft/round, which is 18.75 mph or about 30 km/h. (note: technically this is not superhuman; Usain Bolt’s record 100 m dash comes out to 37 km/h. However, that was for under 10 seconds. A rested Beau can do this for 14 rounds which is 84 seconds, covering about 700 meters. Using the 800m dash world record, the top speed is about 29 km/h; since it’s not a perfect comparison, Beau is at the very least matched with the (male) world record holder for that distance and possibly a bit faster).
Fjord: Fjord is currently at L10 Warlock/L3 Paladin.
Another level in Warlock gives him two major benefits: a third 5th level spell slot which like his other warlock spells refreshes on a short rest, and a mystic arcanum, which is essentially a once-per-day 6th level spell. The arcanum options are interesting and a few don’t seem very in line with his patron (somehow, create undead, mental prison, or soul cage don’t really seem like great choices) but arcane gate is highly on-brand - it’s basically Now You’re Thinking With Portals (and means that he could essentially allow the whole party to dimension door, with the restriction that it must be somewhere he can see). Conjure fey is sort of the same idea as conjure greater demon except fey, so I don’t really see the benefit; Eyebite is a solid debuffing option; Flesh to Stone lets him petrify people if he can maintain concentration and they fail their saves; Mass Suggestion is exactly what it sounds like (and lasts 24 hours without concentration, although there’s a save and it breaks if you attack the creatures affected); the various elemental investiture spells which could be handy in combat although would make it hard for the other melee fighters in the Nein; scatter, which is also very on brand in that it lets him teleport other people around; and we know True Seeing from the clerics and it’s probably not worth it since he’s got the sword and said clerics can do the same thing.
L4 in Paladin’s main benefits are: gets him closer to higher paladin levels, gets him an extra prepared L1 spell, and he finally gets the ASI/feat the rest of the party got two levels ago. For ASIs, bumping up strength and dex wouldn’t hurt - a higher AC and saves are always nice even if his attacks are with his maxed-out charisma - but the feats look better, honestly. Some that stand out to me are are inspiring leader (he’d have to do it twice to cover everyone, but it would give everyone +19 temp HP); mage slayer which is a feat I really like but also makes sense for Fjord, who is often in melee against spellcasters; spell sniper (which would give him a 240 range with Eldritch Blast, and a bonus cantrip, which he could take from any list although charisma casters are the smartest option); or prodigy, which Beau has and which would give him some extra skills and expertise.
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reanimationstation · 3 years
to start sammy has a liver so thats good but dear lord so much happened after. as in this all happened in the few hours after he got told he was going to be released from the hospital later that day. in no particular order:
sammys therapist betrayed us and ended up being evil and doing human testing (we do stan a mad scientist tho)
the poor little meow meow of a doctor that was assigned to sammy (hes so pathetic. sopping wet beast. love him. hate him. swaddling him in blankets as we speak) got inkfected due to him walking in on the therapist's experiments
therapist (her name is Kate) cast some fucking uhhh delayed blast fireball wHICH IS AS FUCKED UP AS IT SOUNDS. anyways the hospital was evacuated and the escape sequence had no right being that fun. Sammy ended up carrying dr meow meow (thats NOT his name i just can't remember it rn) out of the room too and just depositing him on the ground outside. not my circus, not my monkeys (it is my circus and my monkeys)
kate unfortunately got away but that doesnt matter rn because in the middle of calling Linda to tell her what happened at the hospital (linda and henry didn't even know sammy was BACK at the hospital, he didnt tell them because hes mad at henry etc etc) they were all tELEPORTED INTO THE STUDIO
and so was every other studio employee. back where they "spawned" in the studio, so sammy (since henry is ??? missing????) basically has been playing the game in order to collect everyone and bring them to the lost harbor to then figure out how to get out. also bendy is here. like, toon bendy. he also got teleported in. he's been vibing with sam and every time new lost ones employees spawn sammy has to quickly elaborate that hes not dangerous
anyways sammy hasnt slept in his own bed for like 4 months (because of being in the hospital and inkfection etc) hes gonna snap because of that if not everything else
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petrenocka · 3 years
Thanks to @hunniebunniebear for getting We don't talk about Bruno stuck inside my skull while I am hyperfixated on D&D. You owe me several hours of my life.
We don't talk about Bruno - A D&D Parody!
Only lyrics because I can't sing.
Full song under the cut.
But I don't know how to play!
Then you better figure it out, because this game is perfect for you.
Do you want to try D N D 5 E?
You should talk to the DM.
If was my session day (it was our session day)
We were getting ready and there weren't delays in the plans (we all were warned in advance)
DM walks in, with a mischievous grinn
Are you telling the story or I?
(Sorry comrade please go on)
DM said "it seems like a chest" (why did he say that?)
In doing so he scared our brains (druid even failed to nature)
Blasted chest with fireball! (Most of loot was fine but anyway)
You still want to try D N D 5 E?
You should talk to the DM.
Hey! Grew to live in fear of DM stuttering or stumbling,
I could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling,
I associate him with the sound of falling dice,
He's basically a god, and it isn't humbling.
Story leaves me and the patry fumbling,
Grappling with the plot we simply couldn't understand,
Do you understand?
Thousand word docs,
Hide being his screen.
We all throw math rocks,
But his are never seen.
Yea he sees your "roll-",
And feast on your "-play". (Heeeeeeey!)
Still want to try D N D 5 E?
You should talk to the DM.
He told me most wizards die,
The next day - Crit! (oh, no)
He told me the sword is cursed,
And just like he said! (oh, no)
He said that these rust monsters can eat cash,
Now look at my bank! (oh, no)
Your fate is sealed when dice are on the field!
He told me, power build of my dreams,
Will be promised and someday be mine.
He told me, that my power will grow,
Till tarrasques run away from my sight.
(Yes, this Minmaxer 's over buffed)
He told me that PC of my dreams would destroy his campaign,
Completely and fully!
It's like I hear him now...
"Hey, Guys,"
(it's like I hear him now) "I want a dex save out of you"
I can hear rocks fall!
Umm, DM,
Yeah, about that Campaign,
I'm kinda not sure about joining,
Can I play once and decide then DM?
"@All Players, the session's t'day"
Time for playing!
Thousand page docs, (it is my session day, it is our session day) (I can play, op build of my dreams)
Hide being his screen. (We are all so ready)
We all throw math rocks, (that was promised and now it is mine)
But his are never seen. (we were all warned, u still late) (He told me, now my spells start to scale)
Yea, he makes you roll, (till I can one shot a god) And feasts on your pain.
(Do you have initiative or do I?) Óye, Minmaxer you're op (sorry comrade you go first)
(You told me that PC just like this) (why did you cast that?) What's your AC?
(I should also get this feature) It's high, I'm fine, (blast it with a fireball!) it's fine, I'm fine
How did you like your first session?
How did I like my first session?
I really, really loved it!
OK, How do you even write lyrics for the last bit? I mean I can write them, just not together. There are like 3-5 lines sang simultaneously at all times! No matter how I try to portray that in a single text it just refuses to work how I want it to (I hope at least the vibe is there). I did the best I could manage, but I still failed to use the already existing lyrics in the part after DRAGON! (THUNDER originally), because my brain began melting down from listening that part a billion times.
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