#and come on im gay I'm not saying no to you sitting on me because i have a boyfriend
mwydyn · 1 year
I don't really lie except when joking about but I can be good at skirting round the truth and implying something polite
But the other night we were in a club and a woman asked me if I thought her friend was fit
Not as a wingman (or she was shit at it), felt more like she was trying to make him feel better and I was like oh he's fine
But she doubled down and like ...
I'm so sorry but I'm drunk and autistic rn and he is not at all attractive to me what do you want me to say
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Post war/coma comic about Gai struggling with his recovery
Since tumblr hates long form comics, I have to split this into 2 bc its 36 images. This is the first part, part 2 i'll either do as a reblog or a separate post right after this, stay tuned! Links to support me in pinned post <3
tw: s*icidal thoughts, injury, a little blood
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Bisuke: Gai's Back!
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Kks: Im home Gai: Welcome back Kks: [wheels rolling] Hey,
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Kks: Ga-!? Gai: Im fine. The tile is cool on my face. Kks: Wanna go lay down in bed? Gai: I am so /sick/ of lying down. Kks: Ok. What do you want for supper?
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Gai: You're not going to comment? Kks: I already know what happened. You overdid it again. I should be able to keep up with chores, kakashi. Kks: You can. Just don' bull through it all in one go. Do you want to end up in the hospital again? Gai: Please don't. Kks: I know sitting still is hard for you, and "too much" is in your DNA, but you have to take this slow so you don't exacerbate your injuries, Gai. You went from hyper-aware to pretending your body limits dont exist. Gai: Like you haven't done the same.
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Gai: You've proved your point. Kks: It's not about that. And you've dragged me to bed and out of bed repeatedly when I needed it. You were burning alive from the inside. Tsunade told you your immune system is out of whack. You need to take it easy. /I/ know you're capable, but are you trying to prove to /yourself/ you are? Gai: You want me to admit my embarrassment? Kks: If something serioud happens, You'll be even more embarrassed then
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Gai: How could you possibly know how I FEEL?! How could you EVER KNOW HOW I FEEL?! Kks: I DON'T! But I've /been/ the one ouking and sobbing on your bathroom floor because I couldn't take living anymore! And I don't want that for YOU!
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Kks: I'm sorry, Gai. Gai: I'm sorry
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Kks: I can't stand knowing you're in pain, and I can't get you help. If there was a way, I'd do anything. Gai: You do so much to help me already.... And I yelled at you Kks: I've screamed at you so much, that was pretty tame. I wish I was like you with things like this. Not great with what to say...... But I can listen.
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Gai: I hate feeling so weak. I'm tired all the time, in constant pain, I can't even walk-..... I can tell tenten and the boys worry despite my efforts to appear positive. Kks: They're just not sure how to react. They know you hate being babied, but don't want to push you into hurting yourself. You hate being told you can't do something. They love you. You get stronger everyday, everyone is cheering you on.
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Gai: I know it's irrational, but... I feel like you gave up the Hokage position to take care of me. Kks: Haa!? I'm grateful if anything. I'd be retired too if I could. That'd be amazing. I'm dreading just helping Tsunade but as long as you're by my side, I'll be fine. We're still equals, rivals, friends, partners
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Gai: Even if I can't- Kks: /Always/ wil be, dickhead. Gai: You worry about me hurting myself? Kks: I know you think about it
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Kks: We're the same in that regard Gai: I would never act on this, please believe me, these thoughts are rare........... Kks: It's ok, Gai. Gai: Sometimes I think i should have just died. I feel so out of place on the streets I used to feel so at home at. I never asked to live. I didn't plan to. I just don't know how to-...
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Kks: I understand that. Though, dying didn't feel any better. Gai: I know I didn't fully pass like you did. I didn't see papa. Just for a moment, I wish I could have seen him.
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Kks: As much as I'm sure he wants to see you again, It's too soon. Dai'd slap the shit out of you for wanting to waste your youth just to see him. Gai: [chuckle] probably. Kks: I have those thoughts less and less now, but they're still there. "why am I the one who survives?" "Burden" "Gai will come to his senses eventually"
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Gai: FALSE!! None of my grief is with you! I love living here with you! My love for you only burns hotter each day! You're so lovely inside and out! Kks: Maa What did I do to deserve such praise from teh mouth of the hottest man in Konoha?? Gai: YOU STILL THINK I'M HOT?! Kks: YOU-! [CACKLE]
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Kks: Your bad taste is the only reason I had a chance before someone snatched you up. Gai: The worst. Kks: Thought we'd irritate eachother, but it's been pretty smooth. Even though you still get played by the dogs. Gai: You really wanna throw those stones?
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Gai: They play you just as easily. don't lie. Kks: My point is, whatever you need from me, you have it. No questions asked. Even if you yell and scream, i can take it. You held me together when I was unraveling, and I'll never forget it. Didn't trust anyone else to see me like that. Broken
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Gai: I never saw you as that. Kks: I'll never see you as that
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menlove · 3 months
one thing that adds to credibility of Paul being closeted imo, is that often he is thought of as having this internalised homophobia, if not homophobia itself, because he always mentions how un-gay he is whenever some gay subject comes up in interviews
but like, there are so many things that disprove him being homophobic, it's not even funny. going to Paris alone with gay men? Paul did that two times (three if we count John lol) and that Peter Brown story is incrediblyy suspect. what homophobic man, scared of gay, sits on the bed of his male employee and his male fling that casually late at night in his hotel room and chats them up?
most likely reason, combined with his incredibly suspect lyrics, is that he is so defensive about his sexuality because he has something to hide
THATS WHAT IIIIIM SAYING!!!! like he is so comfortable w gay people and gay culture which on its own isn't suspect but it Is when people insist he's homophobic as a Reason He's Repressed Not Closeted. and once again I must remind everyone that john nearly beat a man to death for calling him gay and was still undeniably queer.
it's just like. imagine for a moment. with me. everyone hold my hand. not claiming this is true but walk w me along this path to get to current paul that isn't "he's just repressed and stupid and doesn't even know he's bi" but is instead MY speculative timeline (somehow this turned into a mini fic or something god help me but I'M SO SERIOUS IM SO SERIOUS THIS WOULD MAKE THE MOST SENSE TO ME WALK WITH ME HOLD MY HAND)
you are born in the 1940s. you are raised by a strict man who was physically abusive & in a culture that hates gay people. you grow up watching people get killed for being queer and being bullied over your feminine features that people think make you queer. you hit puberty and Shit Gets Harder because you start finding other men hot. elvis, for one! when you're 15 you start seeing a boy around that you think is hot and it turns out he's in a band and you fall in love with his looks and his voice and then him. and he's just as insane about you. you start doing increasingly sexual things together. eventually, you're having a full blown sexual affair. while writing love songs together and growing up together. and then he gets his girlfriend pregnant. and marries her. and you lose him, a little bit. he goes off and has an affair with your gay manager & when he gets home he ruins your birthday party by nearly beating a man to death for bringing it up. you wonder what he'd do if anyone found out about the two of you too.
and then the insane happens and you end up The Most Famous Band In The World. the ENTIRE world is watching your every move. the entire world loves you. they wouldn't love you if they knew. you get a girlfriend and it's convenient because she's always gone and you're always alone. but you still have him. and other girls. through everything, you have each other. even when he says something stupid and the world wants all of your heads on a platter and he starts to fall into a depression, you still have each other. even if now you Know how bad it could be if they ever found out. and then your manager, your father figure, an openly gay man, dies. and it's not a suicide, but a lot of people think it is, and sometimes you wonder, and fuck it's terrifying, isn't it? the reality of your life, the reality of loving Him, the reality of being queer. what if that winds up being You? you start to lose Him a little bit more as you throw yourself into your work and push everyone way too hard. you propose to your girlfriend. and then you do lose Him. to a woman. which was sort of unthinkable because he was already married and never cared about her, just you. never cared about any women, just you. but he cares about Her. and you fucking lose your mind. lose yourself in drugs. blow up your engagement. propose to another girl and many more "jokingly". your one girlfriend says you had to try again or you would have gone "raving queer" and killed yourself. the whole time you're losing Him more and more. suddenly he's looking at Her like he used to look at you. you're no longer his world and what the fuck do you have? a bunch of girls you don't care about and a drug problem? and then you meet a woman who, according to you, is more woman than anyone else. she's a mother already, a family ready made when you've always wanted one. she's smart and she's funny and she's quick and you let yourself cling to her because you don't have Him and he has Her so you've got to have someone, don't you? and she winds up pregnant and that's great, that's wonderful, you're no longer in danger of dying alone and queer and sad. you've lost Him by now completely, even though you have about a month where things feel a little less awful again and you perform together one last time. you marry her and you ASK people, flat out, if they expected you to be a 26 year old unmarried queer. you fight the night before you're married for some unknown reason, so badly she almost leaves you. and then He marries Her, and everything is fine. and then it all falls apart completely. you at least had Him as your friend, your writing partner, the other half of you legally. and then he asks for a divorce. and the world ends. you don't have the band, you don't have Him, you don't have anything. you stay in bed all day, drinking, miserable. like a breakup, not just of the band.
eventually, your wife pulls you out of it. you survive. you start writing again. you write to him. you put two beetles fucking on the cover of your second album and he thinks a song you wrote about your wife's ex is about him (and maybe it is, a little) and he shoots right back. and you keep that up for a decade. writing to each other. seeing each other only in the news and in snatched moments together where nothing is the same as it was. you plead with him through your music: why do you hurt me so bad? call me, pretty baby. I'm waking up screaming over you. I can't tell you how I feel. you try and make things like they were, even a little, showing up to his house with your guitar like you're 15 again, but he sends you away. in all that time, he's basically gone to conversion therapy. he's with someone who makes disparaging remarks about his sexuality. for you, you've let yourself embrace being a bit campy, but you still can't bring yourself to be open about any of it. not with anyone but your wife.
and then you start talking again. you make up. things seem hopeful. it seems like he might still love you and he writes you a song about starting over with you. and then he's murdered. and it's senseless. it's so so senseless. and it's unfair. you lock yourself away for days listening to that song he wrote you. the media tears you apart for grieving wrong. they wish you died instead. they think you're cold. you never loved him, not like he loved you. you write a song, with tear marks on the page, telling him how much you DID love him. all the things you'd say to him if he were there with you. you write more songs about that, all centered around that theme. some of them you say are about him. others you don't. once, you say if anyone catches on you can just deny it. but he wrote you love songs too, apparently, for you, and you eventually record them with your old band
and the thing is, You are one of his widows. his name follows yours every time it leaves someone's mouth. he's all anyone ever talks about with you. he's all you want to talk about too. his legacy is your legacy. he's no longer here to tell people about his sexuality, he's no longer here to consent to everything that you were being told. he's not here. and how can you even begin to mention Your Own sexuality without bringing him up? you owe him more than outing him in death. you owe Her more than that too, because you were already cruel to her and so was the world. she's grieving just like you, you can't do that. your wife dies, and now you're her legacy too and you being queer would seem like a betrayal to her. your best friend dies, and now he's your legacy too. you aren't just you- you're Him, you're 1/2 of the living members of the most famous band to ever exist, you're Her, you're your dead wife
so when someone asks you about him. when someone asks you about being gay or calls him the love of your life. What Exactly Are You Supposed To Say?
I wouldn't say shit either
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normansnt · 8 months
Shitty day
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(Hazbin Vox x Fashionista!Male reader)
No warnings maybe some foul language.
To say Vox was annoyed was an understatement. Val was bitching about something again and Velvette was on phone calls the whole day yelling in every. single. one of them. And when the clients she was yelling too still didn't budge she went to whine to Vox.
All in all Vox had a headache the whole fucking day that even a reboot couldn't fix. He knew what he needed. He needed you.
You were one of the most valuable people at Velvette's fashion boutique second in command after her. And since you made a shit ton of money for the whole company Vox noticed you. Oh, he noticed you every time he visited Velvette he saw you delicately dancing in between shelves of fabric needles is your mouth needle pillow on your wrist and a thimble on your finger.
You moved so magnificently among the many unfinished pieces you started, he couldn't help but watch. It was like water flowing between rocks but you sometimes stopped here and there to make an adjustment on a dress or suit.
Velvette of course noticed this, she notices everything.
"Jesus fuck, just go talk to 'im he is gay if thats what you're wondering of course he is he works in fashion. Or what do I care just move your ogling elsewhere."
And that he did.
He flirted with you, and to his surprise you flirted back. Not because he didn't think he had a chance he knew he was a handsome fellow but most people seeing him cower in fear. You didn't.
He liked you. He liked you a lot.
This was about 4 months ago.
Now its a habit that he visits you almost every day after work. Since then, you have gotten your private office so you guys had privacy.
You're usually still working on a piece or two when he walks in back hunched smile gone and he falls face first into your couch.
Today was the same he was even massaging his temples.
You noticed that today was a particularly hard day for him so you left to get some coffee.
When you returned he was still in the same position. You chuckled to yourself quietly. You loved the relationship you two had. Now, you weren't exactly a couple (yet) but you were the one he trusted with opening up. You were his safe place, and even if his day was good you were the first one he would tell the good news, or if his day was not good nor bad just an average day he still came to you to calmly watch you work while you guys talked.
You lifted his screen up sat down on the couch and put it on your thighs. You two were very comfortable with each other this was nothing. He turned around so he could look up at you.
"I made you coffee" you lifted the mug while smiling at him. He smiled slightly. Fuck, he loved you so much.
"Please be my boyfriend."
Vox blurted out without sitting up. He was just laying in your lap looking up at you hopefully.
You chuckled quietly and instead of answering him just bent down to kiss him. Vox eagerly returned the favor.
"I'd love to be your boyfriend" you answered after you two parted. Vox sighed with contempt as you intervened your fingers with his. Even though it was a shitty day, and there will come shitty days, you'll be here with him. Those days don't even seem so shitty anymore.
I know its short but its sweet so I kinda love it.
I need to write much more for Vox cuz honestly I fucking love him but for some reason ideas usually hit me for Alastor😭
Also I'm a true believer that under that big-shot TV persona he is a broken little boy and actually really sweet so😎
I hope you enjoyed your reading, ladies gentleman and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
Ok, hear me out... Sevika×Stripclub owner
Imagine Sevika got dragged into going to the club with a couple of co-workers one night.
The music is bopping, the lights are moody yet energetic, and there are dancers everywhere. Cigars, snazzy drinks, glitz and glam, just the works. But the only person who caught her eye was the peeved owner talking numbers with an investor over at the bar.
I'm sorry if this is weird. Thank you!!!
gonna change this just a bit and make reader the club mom (basically the person who takes care of the strippers, provides dinner, supplies, makes sure nobody steals their cash while they're working, breaks up fights, helps them with hair/makeup etc. etc.) just because i know more about it than club owning-- i used to watch club mom vlogs lmaooo
men and minors dni
crystal comes running into the back room, a panicked look in her eye. you glance up from cherry's nails to look at her.
"what's goin' on crys?" you ask. crystal runs to her locker.
"silco and his crew just came in! i gotta put on something sexier... these fucks got big fuckin' money!" she explains as she strips out of her bikini top. you raise an eyebrow.
"oh yeah?" you ask, returning your focus to cherry's signature red nails.
"you got any nipple pasties for sale?" she asks. you nod and wave her over.
"blow on these for a sec." you say to cherry. she nods, holding her nails up to her mouth, and you grab your duffel bag, hoisting it up onto the table and rifling through it.
"got some bedazzled ones, a few hearts of different colors, then the normal black and flesh colored ones." you say.
"oooh, sparkles! and i can wear my glittery thong with 'em!" cherry says. you chuckle, pulling out a pair of matching pasties for her and handing them over. "thanks, mom, i'll pay you back tonight!" she says, running back to the mirrors lining the walls to put her new outfit on.
cherry snorts across from you. "what?" you ask her as you return to coating her nails.
"you got no fucking clue who silco is, do you?" she asks. you giggle and shrug.
"it's not my job to care about customers, it's my job to care about you guys." you say. "who is he?" you ask.
"some shimmer dealer. he's gay, he just comes to ogle the bouncers, but he's got a big crew who love the girls-- he brings 'em all in after successful raids and stuff. they're all big spenders. 'specially his number two." cherry explains. you curse as you accidentally get some polish on her skin, reaching for a cotton ball and some remover.
"who's his number two?" you ask as you fix your mistake. cherry reaches into your duffel to grab a piece of gum, and you glare at her. she winks at you.
"sevika." she says around a mouthful. "she's popular at babette's too." cherry says. you nod.
"well, your nails are all done-- ready for sevika." you say. cherry giggles.
"thanks mom." she says, kissing your cheek before she saunters out onto the floor.
you groan, stretching and working the kinks out of your neck before you leave the locker room to do a lap around the club.
it's much more lively than it was thirty minutes ago, and you can easily identify silco sitting at the bar, cringing as three of your girls try to flirt with him to get him to buy a dance. you chuckle, approaching star to whisper in her ear.
"easy on 'im, he doesn't swing your way." you murmur. star snorts, then giggles and repeats your message to candy and shelly.
you watch as they all chuckle awkwardly at silco and wave him goodbye, and he seems beyond relieved to watch them walk away, his gaze wandering over to look at jimmy standing behind the stage, glaring at the patrons who get a little too close to kelli where she swings on the pole. you chuckle, and continue your round.
"how's it goin' mom?" trinity asks from behind the bar. you shrug.
"pretty good, how's it goin' out here?" you ask. trinity sighs.
"silco's goons always drink us dry. good for tips, but i'm gonna be exhausted by the end of the night." she says. you hum.
"did you get some dinner?" you ask. trinity rolls her eyes at you, smiling.
"yes, mom." she says. you nod.
"good. come get me if you need a break, i can take over the bar for a few minutes if you need a second to yourself." you say. trinity smiles.
"thanks mom, love you!" she calls after you.
you chuckle and roll your eyes.
just as you're about to return to your perch in the locker rooms, a scuffle breaks out.
frosty and buttercup are fighting over patron, smacking and pulling at eachother's hair. you groan and run over to get between them, hooking an arm around buttercup's waist and pulling her away from frosty.
"this bitch was takin' my money, mom!" buttercup screams.
"i was not, i was here first!" frosty cries.
the woman on the chair between them holds up her hands in a placating gesture. "i got enough for both of you, relax!" she cries. she goes ignored as buttercup lunges at frosty again.
"she pulled my hair outta my head, and she broke two of my fuckin' nails, she owes me!"
"stupid bitch, we all know those are extensions!"
"oh my fucking god, shut up!" you cry.
the girls both stop yelling, huffing and puffing in anger. you take a second to clear your head, then look at the woman still sitting in the lounge chair beneath you. she looks shocked.
"who was here first?" you ask. she points at frosty. "did you buy a dance from her?" you ask.
"n-no ma'am." she says. you sigh.
"who'd you give money to?" the woman points at buttercup.
"and that bitch tried to steal it from me when i wasn't looking!"
"'cause you keep trying to steal my customers!" frosty cries.
you look at frosty and hold your palm out. "give it." you say.
frosty gasps. "mom, come on!" she cries.
"just give me the fuckin' money frosty." you plea. frosty rolls her eyes then pulls the folded bull from between her tits, smacking it in your open palm. you sigh. "thank you." you say. she just rolls her eyes and turns on her heel, stomping off to find a new customer. you turn to look at buttercup.
"you've gotta stop provoking her." you say. buttercup shrugs.
"she shouldn't've fucked my man." she says. you groan.
"you shouldn't've been with jimmy in the first fuckin' place! you know he's a slut!" you say. buttercup groans.
"am i gettin' my money or what?" she asks. you shake your head.
"no, fuck off. go find someone else." you say. buttercup scoffs and turns on her heel, storming in the opposite direction of frosty. you take a deep breath, then look at the woman sitting in front of you.
"here." you say, handing her her cash. she takes it, blinking up at you with wide eyes. "sorry about that. tell trinity at the bar there that mom says you get free drinks for the night. she'll take care of you." you say to the woman. she looks over her shoulder at the bar and then back at you.
"y-you're her mom?" she asks. you laugh.
"fuck no, shit, do i look that old?" you ask, looking down at yourself.
you're in your usual get up, a bedazzled black velour tracksuit one of the girls gifted you for your birthday and a club t-shirt beneath it. the woman in front of you chuckles and shakes her head.
"no, you look fuckin' amazing, i was gonna be shocked if you said yes. why do they call you mom?" she asks. you laugh.
"i'm the club mom. i take care of the girls, break up fights the bouncers are too scared to get between." you joke. the woman in front of you laughs.
"that makes more sense. i'm sevika." she says, reaching her hand out for you to take. you shake it.
"oooh, i've heard about you. big spender, huh?" you ask. sevika laughs and shrugs again.
"yeah, i... i've been trying to cut back a bit." she says. "thinkin' about settling down." you laugh.
"you're in the wrong place for that." you say. she laughs and nods. "well, have a good night." you say, waving over your shoulder as you walk back to the locker rooms.
trinity takes you up on your offer a few hours later, tapping out for fifteen minutes to lay down in the back while you mix up drinks for her behind the bar.
sevika comes to visit you as you work.
"single mom and a bartender, huh?" she asks. you roll you eyes and snort at her joke.
"what're you having?" you ask. she shrugs.
"whiskey, neat."
you quickly pour her a glass of whiskey from the top shelf. as you hand it to her she grins.
"top shelf, huh?" she asks. you shrug.
"it's an apology for my girls." you say. "hope tonight's scuffle won't affect your impression of the club."
"are you kidding? it was hot as fuck!" she says. you laugh.
"yeah, i guess it was a pretty good show for you huh? tits swinging in your face while they were throwing punches."
"no, fuck no, i wasn't talkin' about them, i was talkin' about you." sevika says. you freeze.
"me?" you ask. sevika grins.
"fuck yes. you jumped right between 'em-- even with their claws flyin'-- threw that one girl halfway across the club too."
you laugh. "i barely moved her a foot." you say. sevika shrugs.
"'m just sayin'. gotta break up a lotta fights at silco's bar, but i've never broken up a catfight. girls are scary when they get the claws out-- they don't fight like guys. they go straight for the weak spots-- hair, eyes, throats. best to leave 'em til they fizzle out. you didn't though. jumped right in-- broke it up in half a minute."
you scoff. "fuck off." you say, shaking your head. sevika smiles at you from across the bar.
"you don't believe me?"
"that you found me, the fully clothed woman, more attractive than the naked girls fighting for your attention? no, i don't." you say, laughing. sevika just smirks.
"i've had plenty of naked girls fighting for my attention." she says. you snort.
"i'm sure."
"never seen a girl with balls like yours, though." she says.
you consider her for a moment. she's grinning, a sparkle in her eye as she looks you up and down, biting her lip between her teeth.
trinity finds you to take over before you can do much more talking with sevika.
it's probably for the best. she's your type, sure, but you doubt she was serious about all that 'settle down' bullshit.
the night goes by relatively smoothly after that. there's a few broken nails you glue back together, a few wardrobe malfunctions, a couple of spats you have to break up, but nothing like buttercup and frosty's.
as you're helping the girls count and band their earnings for the night, cherry finds you again, sitting by your side, resting her head on your shoulder.
"what's wrong with you?" you ask.
"am i gettin' old?" she asks. you look over at her to scoff. cherry's barely a year younger than you.
"you better not be, because that means i'm gettin' old."
cherry laughs. "am i ugly? getting fat?" she asks. you gawk at her.
"fuck is goin' on with you?" you ask your redheaded friend. she shrugs.
"sevika barely looked at me tonight. i'm usually her favorite." she says.
"no shit, really? she didn't buy any dances from me tonight, either." star says from where she's changing into her sweats.
"you guys talkin' about sevika?" shelly asks as she enters the locker room. star nods. "my sister works at babette's. hasn't seen sevika in weeks. asked her about it tonight, she says she's cutting back."
"who sevika?" mandy asks. you all nod. "she didn't spend a fuckin' cent tonight. bitch."
the girls laugh, and you shake your head in faux admonishment.
by the time you're clocking out, you're exhausted. you groan as you step into the back alley, a joint between your lips, patting down your pockets in search for your lighter.
"there you are, mom." sevika says, shrouded in shadow.
you jump and whip around to glare at her. she chuckles. "sorry. need a light?" she offers. you sigh, leaning against the wall as sevika reaches forward and sparks her lighter at the end of your joint, before leaning against the wall beside you.
"you just lurk in alleys for fun?" you ask.
"nah. i asked one of the girls where i could find you after work. wanted to talk to you some more." she says. you chuckle.
"talk about what? how you spent the whole night loitering? not paying my girls?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"i told you i was trying to cut back."
"why the fuck would you come to a strip club, then?" you ask. she groans.
"silco insists we all come. team bonding, or some shit." she says. you laugh.
"it's common courtesy to tip your favorite girls if you spend the night in the club, even if you didn't buy a dance." you say. she nods.
"i know." she says. "i was planning on it, but kinda got distracted." she says.
"with the fight?" you ask, cringing as you remember the way buttercup and frosty acted earlier in the evening.
"no, with you." she says. your eyes snap up to look at sevika. she shrugs. "you still don't believe me?"
"i-i dunno." you say. she laughs.
"i--" she sighs, looking away from you and rubbing the back of her neck. "fuck this is embarrassing." she mutters. you blink at her as she struggles for her words, and then pass her your joint. "fuck, thank you." she says sincerely as she takes a big hit. she exhales and passes it back to you, then looks at her feet. "i'm-- i had a near death experience a few months ago and it got me thinkin' about my life. i figured i should start-- i dunno, takin' shit more seriously, you know?" she asks. you blink and nod at her.
"sure." you say, nodding.
"so i started cutting back. 'm down to a cigarette a day. try to drink only on weekends. haven't been to babette's in a while. and tonight, i figured i'd let loose a bit-- indulge. it's fucking boring getting your shit together and living healthy and shit. i was really hoping to get wasted and stare at tits all night." she says. you chuckle.
"so why didn't you?" you ask.
sevika blinks at you, a sparkle in her eye. "i met you instead." she says. you raise a skeptical eyebrow at her.
"so?" you ask. she grins.
"so... you're not fuckin' boring at all, are you?" she asks. you laugh.
"i wrangle a buncha girls for a living because i wasn't hot enough to be a stripper myself." you say. sevika chuckles. "when nights are slow, i sit in the back and read. when i'm off work, i sleep and read. i'm boring as shit."
"and yet, for some reason, i wanted to talk to you more than i wanted to stare at tits and get blasted tonight." she says.
you bite your cheek, trying to hold back your smile. sevika grins at you.
"fuck off." you say. she chuckles.
"are you free tomorrow?" she asks. you blink at her.
"for what?"
"a date?" she asks. you blink again.
"you're... serious?" you ask. sevika laughs, reaching up to gently cup your cheek. your stomach flips.
"you're starting to get it." she says, smiling. you blink. "so?" she asks.
"i'm free." you say. sevika grins.
"cool." she says.
"c-cool." you say. sevika's eyes dart down to your lips, and you gulp.
"it would be weird if i tipped you, right?" she asks. you burst into laughter, and sevika's smile widens. "i mean, you were the girl that caught my eye tonight-- it's common courtesy to tip you, right?" she asks, chuckling. you snort, smacking her shoulder.
"fuck off!" you exclaim. sevika giggles.
"so that's a no?" she asks.
"no." you say, shaking your head. "don't tip me."
"hm." sevika pouts. "well... is there any other way i could show you how fucking attractive and alluring i find you before our date?" she asks, her voice husky and low, her eyes pinned to your lips. you stop laughing, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"fuck off." you whisper. sevika smiles, and you slowly, slowly lean forward, until your lips are a breath away from sevika's. she shivers.
"please." she whispers. you smile, and then close the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips against hers. she sighs against you, her free hand coming up to grab your waist, and you shudder, grabbing her shoulders in your hands as you deepen the kiss.
sevika groans against you, stepping closer to you, pinning you to the wall as she runs her tongue over your bottom lip. you gasp, and she hums, and the back door to the club slams open.
"mom, do you know where the extra baby wipes-- oh shit!" cherry exclaims.
sevika clears her throat as she steps away from you, and you roll your eyes.
"top shelf in the closet." you say. cherry giggles.
"shit, get it mom!" she exclaims. you sigh, and sevika chuckles. "oh, the girls are gonna love this! hey candy! guess what?" cherry calls over her shoulder as she turns to enter the club again, a giddy grin on her face.
you groan, rolling your eyes. sevika smiles at you.
"so... tomorrow? she asks.
you sigh, then nod. "tomorrow." you agree.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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arsenal-womens-1 · 7 months
Im gay
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It has been a week since I kissed a girl for the first time. I couldn't get it out of my head. 
I only did it for a dare, if I'm being honest. I have wanted to kiss a girl for a long time now. 
I don't get what I'm feeling. I have had multiple boyfriends, but I've never felt in love. They have felt more like friends than a boyfriend, but when it comes to girls, I feel more attracted to them, and it's kind of scary to me because I can't be...
"Y/n!"" I snap out of my daydream and see a few of the team members at the door saying, "Come on, or we are going to be late to training." 
I get up and walk out. The few that were waiting at the door run out to the pitch to not get the wrong form. Emma I walk,
I know I probably should run , but my head is so loud and busy trying to figure shit out that I don't give a shit if I get shouted at, "y/n hurry up." I jog to the pitch, where everyone is sent off to do the stuff they have to do. 
But Emma asks to speak with me, "Lilly, are you okay? You normally are one of the first to be here, and you have been zoning out a lot." looking down at the ground, then pass Emma. "I'm good, all good, nothing to worry about." 
She looks at me a bit worried. "You can tell me anything if you want to; you know where to find me or one of the others." I nod my head and join the rest of the players. 
We have been out here for a bit now. We are in 4s and are passing the ball. I'm not really listening to them. I'm thinking about my life. I think no. I know I like women and not men. 
But I'm scared to say it out loud. I know I can trust the girls. I mean, I know they won't have anything to say because some of them are in relationships with each other.
I think it's because if I say it out loud, it makes it real. I don't know if I want it to be. 
3 days later 
We are on the bus to Manchester. We are playing at Old Trafford. I'm sitting in a seat next to Guro Magdalena Pernille, and to my left is Sam. Lauren Millie and Fran 
I have decided I was going to tell one of my teammates, but I was scared. What if my mom and dad fined out? 
They would kick me out of the family. I knew they would because they said if any of their kids were gay, they would 
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Guro snapping her fingers in my face. "Y/n, you ok?" 
I look at her, then out the window, . "Yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking about something, that's all." 
She looks at Pernille and Magda says, "What were you thinking about?" I lean my head back on the chair and look at them .
"Nothing interesting." looking out the window, putting my headphones on, and listen to music . 
We get to the place we are staying at. And go to our rooms. We were lucky to get one each.
I decided I'm going to tell somebody. Now I don't know who I am going to tell . I get up and go out of my room. walking to room 125. It was the room Magda and Pernille were staying in. Standing out there for about 5 minutes, then knocking on the door. 
I hear moving from inside as the door opens. Magda is standing in front of me. I must have looked sick. "Y/n, are you ok? You look sick." staying quiet for a minute. "Hey, err, can I come inside please? I need to tell you something." 
She looks worried and opens the door fully. going in and see Pernille sitting on the bed on her phone. She looks up and sees me. She must have got the feeling that I was here to say something. 
Magda sits next to her. I pace back and forth. letting a few tears fall. I hear one of them get up. "Y/n, what's wrong? What do you need to tell us?" 
The person who now I know is Magda. Sits me down on the bed. "All of this just because I went to a party.
There was silence for a minute. "What happened because of a party?" looking at them then I lay back on the bed
"I went to a party where we were playing truth or dare, and I picked dare, and I was dared to kiss someone. The person got to pick who I have had boyfriends in the past, and I've not felt anything from them; they felt more like a friend than a person I was meant to love. The person dared me to kiss a girl, so I did, but when I did, it hit me that the reason I didn't feel in love with the boys I dated was because I liked girls, but I don't want to because I will lose my family if I tell them or anyone else." 
I was having a full-blown panic attack. I can't believe I had just said that. Omg, I had actually told someone. No, I had told two people. I felt their arms wrap around me I just brack down. I knew my life would never truly be the same now. I know that I will be kicked out of the family. I know that new people were going to look at me differently. 
But I know I was definitely going to be happy. For the first time in my life .
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wands-natsthing · 11 days
Sunday Morning
This story was on my old acct @wandanatsthings I made a new one (aka this one) which will be the acct I use from now on.
HI, so this is my first fic and first time writing anything so stay with me lol. I love reading ALL of the wandanat x reader fics on here and I decided that I was gonna try myself. Now I know this isn't great or even good for that matter but it is the start of hopefully a great journey and as time goes on I'll continue to get better fingers crossed. So if you have any tips or feedback please feel free to comment and enjoy. :))
(P.s im dyslexic and grammar isn’t my thing)
Word Count: 960
Warnings: I don't think there are any? maybe religious beliefs but it does not go far in detail. It's really just fluffy.
Summary: Wanda and Natasha surprise you by going to church with you one Sunday.
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It was a Sunday morning when you heard the alarm you set the night before go off. The alarm told you It was time to get up and go to church. As you rolled over to turn the alarm off you realized something. Your girlfriends were nowhere to be found. Now I know what you may be thinking. "You're gay and are going to church?" I know that may seem a bit off to some people, but the church is somewhere I've always felt safe. It's where I grew up. Even when I was struggling with my sexuality and homophobia I always felt like I could go to church and feel safe and accepted. It was one of the only places you felt that way besides your girlfriend's arms. Speaking of you still had no idea where they were.
Now it wasn't super early. You weren't one of those people who got up to go to church at the butt crack of dawn. It was only 9 am. That meant Natasha should have been back in bed with you and Wanda from her early morning run by now but she wasn't and you had no idea where Wanda was. You decided to get up and go look for them. You had to get up and get dressed soon anyway so you wouldn’t be late. You listened to see if you heard anyone in the bathroom and you didn’t. So You decided to make your way downstairs.
The closer you got to the stairs you could hear lovers laughing together and the smell of Wanda's pancakes. The sound and the smell put a smile on your face.
You walked down the stairs into the kitchen and before they could see that you were there, you just admired them. Seeing them wrapped up in each other’s arms. Natasha had her arms wrapped around Wanda’s waist while Wanda was at the stove making sure the pancakes wouldn’t burn because Natasha couldn’t cook to save her life. You loved seeing them so domestic. You also took note that Natasha wasn't in her normal morning workout clothes and Wanda wasn't wearing the pajamas from the night before. You didn't have much time to think about it though, because your beautiful witch finally noticed you standing there.
She walk’s toward you with a smile on her face and open arms. “Good Morning detka how did you sleep?” she asked. “I slept okay, I woke up to an empty bed though,” you say pouting. Natasha then comes up behind you wrapping her arms around your waist “Good morning baby” she says with a kiss on your forehead. “I'm sorry you woke up alone, we wanted to make you breakfast and ask you something. Isn't that right wands?’ Wanda looks up at you and nods saying “that is right love.” You notice they're looking at each other the way they do when they have something planned. “ You two are up to something,” you say, giving them a look. “Yes but you will find out after breakfast now let's go eat,” says Wanda.
You all follow Wanda to the dining room table with plates of pancakes in hand, you sit down in the seat you always do with Natasha at the head of the table you to her left and Wanda across from you to her right. While you guys are eating you pay more attention to their outfits. Natasha had on a white dress shirt and black slacks. While Wanda had on about the same thing just with an added suit jacket. They both looked nice you thought but you couldn't help but wonder where they were going dressed like that. You couldn't remember them telling you that they had anything planned this morning. So you decide to ask them. “Hey guys are you going anywhere this morning? You look nice” You see them turn to look at each other with smiles on their faces. Wanda is the one to speak up. “Actually yes detka, we were wondering if we could accompany you today at church?” They both look at you with hopeful glints in their eyes.
Now neither one of them was religious in any kind of way but that didn't stop them from letting you go church at all, you never even really talked about it besides them asking you how it went every time you got home. You never invited them simply because you didn't think that they would want to come, but hearing that they were asking you to come made your heart melt. You loved that they were taking an interest in something that meant so much to you. In something that made you who you are. “Detka '' You hear them say in your midst of awing. You snap out of it and say “Yes, Yes I would love for you to come with me’ ‘But are you sure I know you guys aren't religious like that.” “We are so sure sweet girl, we want to see the place that makes you feel safe and the place that makes you, and that brings that smile to your face every Sunday” Natasha says. Wanda then goes on to say “ yes exactly what Tasha said we want the experience and would love to go with you.” You start to tear up at their words you couldn't believe it. “ You don't know how much this means to me. I love you guys so much " And we love you too,” they both say. You all get up and hug each other so tight with smiles on your faces. You look up at them and say “I thank God every day for the love that we share and I will forever cherish it."
What do you guys think? lemme know!
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primoppang · 3 months
hi. hi. here to request. a little seungmin fluff where we are kind of lonely and sad and he reminds us that he’s always there : )
HI HONEY TY FOR BEING MY FIRST EVER REQUEST <3333 ily and seungie so I got u bby ◡̈ mwah ur the best ( ˘ ³˘)♡
warning: swearing is inevitable with me sorry ¯\_(˶′◡‵˶)_/¯, fluff, like gross amounts of it, seungmin says "this is so gay but..." because he cringes at showing affection but refuses to let you forget how he feels about you fr, he's a tsundere ok? ok. he licks your face(?) , one (1) kiss, he joking threatens to fight you, and mentions of self doubt and anxiety, angst if you blink but I think it's mostly fluffy... anyways! lmk if I missed anything!!!
WC: a little under 500 :D
AN: this is the first drabble I've ever done in bullet point format so just pls lmk how it goes??? Im super nervous I hope it's at least an easy read :(
so the first time he realizes that you're feeling lonely he slaps himself internally because how DARE he make you feel that way, but he's not home rn and can't show you physically so he comes up with a Plan™️
you're literally the light of his life
so he just >:(
but not at u
he just wants to make you feel happy and loved and safe
so he starts brainstorming
but he's naturally a menace
so when you're texting with him while he's working and you're being kinda short
because yk
u just feel :(
he just sighs and texts back
"look, please don't feel sad. I know this is pretty fucking gay but I love you."
which makes u giggle
because that's YOUR seungie that YOU know and love so much
BUT whenever he's able to be physically with you and he can just feel your self doubt and anxiety creeping in and trying to swallow you, he once again uses his braincell.
so he just grabs ur hand
and leads u out of ur bed and to the living room
sits u down
and starts running around ur shared apartment grabbing every blanket and pillow that exists within the space
and I mean
E V E R Y. S I N G L E. O N E.
puppy zoomies moment hehe
and don't even think about trying to question him
he'll just say "shut up and wait while I set up a big ass fort for us to cuddle in, ok?? I love you but I wanna make u SEE THAT."
which u smile at
because him telling u to shut up
but then explaining why
and then also watching him move furniture and start building the fort, you tear up with happy tears
he's the sweetest and u love him so much
but when he hears u sniffle
he turns on Extra Puppy Mode™️
pops out from under some blankets and tackles you into the couch and holds your face
wiping ur tears
maybe even licked one because he's a freak and wanted to get a reaction
which u just squealed at bc wtf sir
but then he realizes
oh ur crying because ur so touched by this whole thing that he's doing
"... you dummy. stop crying... we gotta get snacks and stuff for our super awesome fort yk??? and you won't be able to see if you're cryi—"
you cut him off by giving him a little kiss on his pouty lips
as a silent thank you :(
which he realizes that oops maybe he got too serious and overwhelming
but you reassured him that you're just so glad to have him as your partner and best friend in one :(
"please just remember that I do love you, and I'm always here even if that brain of yours tells you otherwise, ok? or I'll have to fight you... affectionately."
and then he proceeds to smother you in kisses and cuddles :(
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weebsinstash · 6 months
could we get some valentino x male reader pls?
Bruh I've been actually on Valentino x male/intersex male Reader so hard lately (and I don't mention intersex for like fetish reasons but. I don't know what having a dick feels like and sometimes I'm like "well what if boy but. Vagine" and, shut up its my gender expression power fantasy, maybe I wanna have muscles and broad shoulders, leave me alone 💀)
Right off the top of my head, I've had ideas recently for:
-boy band lead vocalist! male Reader! Just. Ok. Imagine Reader and Angel having kind of a beef with each other and at some point it becomes a sort of "oh yeah, well I can XYZ better than you" kind of competition amd Angel says some shit like "you wouldn't know what it takes to come out here and strut for a bunch of perverts who look at you like you're a piece of meat" and you just hit him with some shit like "bitch I LITERALLY sucked FIVE DICKS so I could headline for the Superbowl, you fucking LOSER, you dont know ACTUAL music, i was AN ARTIST" and you start belting out something sexy with a choreographed dance that is clearly professional level skill
-male Reader with a little sister and you protect her from Valentino by offering to take her place. You've never sucked a single dick in your life and hell you might not even be gay but Valentino has your baby sister's life in his hands and, you've got to protect HER if not yourself
- ughhhhhh I'm probably gonna make this it's own post too but I've been ON my "unwilling red string soulmate" personal indulgence lately and. Just. Valentino who sees his red string appear and OBVIOUSLY he's gotta RUN to find his boo and he finds you and immediately thinks you're the most precious adorable sexy little thing, BUT. You just. Look straight at him and how HUGE he is and reply "i-im not... actually into men 😳" which is a LIE of course and, here's Valentino thinking, AW, his poor little baby gay! You've never had a boyfriend or gone to any clubs? TRAGIC! But also perfect because he is just TICKLED watching you get flustered beyond belief! So cute!
-I feel like. He would try and give you boners on purpose and think it's the cutest most erotic thing. He's got you sitting next to him and you're filled with liquor and he starts REALLY laying on the flirting, maybe even... places his palm on your upper thigh and BOOM. Hard as a rock and you can't even hide it because he makes you wear tight pants all the time. He's just over there, "what's going on amorcito? :3c you feeling a little hot under the collar?" as if he didn't just spend like 15 minutes talking about how he'd love to get you on your back and touch EVERY INCH of you, how he'd love to TASTE you--
-this is gender neutral but, convinced he eventually forces you to do some of those sexy pin-ups with him and one day you're walking around Vee Tower and he just has that shit HANGING UP. Poster You is just braced against his chest looking at the camera all demure and vulnerable while he's like. Got his guns out looking all tough like "mess with my pookie and you're through" and of course he makes you do. Sexy ones. Matching lingerie?
-I think of forced feminization with a male Reader sometimes actually. Like you wear boxy unflattering shit on purpose and one day Vals just like "you've got a small waist for a guy" and is checking you over. It starts off small. He starts wanting to style you. Then he wants you to update your skincare routine. Which is all fine right? But then he starts pushing his personal tastes. You've got such nice muscular thighs... which is why you would look so nice in some fishnets. He'd love to see your cute little butt in a thong while you cover your dick with your hands in MAJOR EMBARRASSMENT. You've got such pretty eyes; can Daddy put some mascara on you?
Valentino straight up punishing you by dressing you in full lingerie, your ass is in garters, heels, full glam makeup, and forcing you to pose for some cell phone pics
-still over here just mentally 🤌🤌🤌 at the idea of Valentino taking male Reader out with him and Angel and you've got matching outfits. You and Angel are in little skimpy, color matching fits while he's in a suit and gold chain, something that makes him feel powerful while he shows off his favorite toys
-I rllllly like the idea of like, a male Reader who is a honeypot assassin. You can be extremely charismatic and charming and seductive but it's all a front; you're an S tier actor and you take your targets down when they least expect it. The Vees are all at the club and some upstart wannabe new Overlord decides to attack and you just JOHN WICK THAT SHIT. Picture the Vees just sitting there, everything is peaceful, suddenly, in a flash, you move your serving tray in front of Valentino just in time to block a bullet. All three Vees are like wtf? How did you even know? What's going on? You proceed to totally wreck shit improvising weapons as the attacker and his goons charge forth and you even wind up grabbing a whip from a nearby dancer and using it as a WEAPON WEAPON and that shit looks like it HURTS. You're out here "Michelle Pfeiffer taking out 5 mannequin heads in one take"ing that shit. You're cutting people IN HALF (because having hell powers is cool leave me alone)
-i like the idea of male Reader who was a professional male model and a bit of a tailor himself, like a real kind of posh art student kind of type. You're with Valentino and Velvette notices how impeccably you're dressed and asks you where you bought it, you just, not so humbly brush yourself off. "Oh no, I made this myself. Nothing down here really fit my tastes" and suddenly you're like, custom designing wardrobes for ALL the Vees
Honestly just "Reader in XYZ Profession is exploited by Val/the Vees for their skills" is an idea I've had a lot. You have a hobby in baking so they always want food from you. You used to cook drugs so they make you work for them. You're a polyglot so youre taken along on business meetings to make sure none of the Vees business partners are planning shit in front of them. Like. Imagine just being the bitch who sits in the corner of the meeting room and shoots project/product ideas at them and it's like ACTUALLY successful and they're totally receptive and like you. You're just "Hey Valentino, what if you and Velvette did a collab on a waterproof mascara where you shot a porno in one continuous take so you can show the actor putting on the mascara, setting it down on the vanity, and then they start choking on a dick and their mascara doesn't run" like. They love you. Vox is just like "so, any new ideas today" and you're just using your VoxTek Premium Exclusive Black Card to cut coke into lines, "*snooooooort* uhhhhh.... I got some ideas for some stupid little mobile games you can put tons of micro transactions in? Like just before i died there was this one game that was getting really popular but it had a lot missing, we could-" and they could all just kiss you
-on God, Fs in the chat for virgin male Readers who have Valentino finally pop that cherry. I feel like he'd find out you've never had so much as fingers in your ass and within that WEEK you're being dosed with love potion and taking him balls deep
-Val's the kinda yandere where he tells you you're safe being closeted with him, he'll keep your secret, he'll let you stay on the downlow, but one day he so much as ASSUMES disrespect from you and he's immediately letting everyone know exactly who you belong you. You're arguing with him and you go completely silent and cross your arms or some shit and he just takes a hit from his cigarette, "you know you looked a lot more handsome when you were screaming on my cock the other night" and outs you just like that, either as gay or as fucking him or both. Imagine Angel not knowing you slept with Val and he immediately gives you this hurt expression BECAUSE HE TOTALLY DOESNT HAVE A THING FOR YOU TOO
-Valentino would absolutely make male Reader and Angel fuck while he watches and or films it, and also tbh I feeeeeeeel like. Angel would be ok with trans or intersex men tbh? Idk. It's not clear exactly what his taste in men is? He doesn't mind when men are shorter than him, so, like, is he a switch? He gives huge switch energy and let's face it, that's one TALL twink. I mean look at him holding Charlie! He's strong for his size too! Pole dancing takes a lot of upper body strength!
Oh no... not me suddenly thinking about a scarier yandere angel dust who is a lot stronger than you thought... Yandere Angel Dust who corners you and takes you completely by surprise and you get a GUTTING display of just how strong his arms actually are. You're thinking "oh he's just some lanky bottom twink, he couldnt overpower me, in fact I'm scared i might hurt him, he's delicate" but like HONEY HE CAN SUPPORT HIS ENTIRE BODY WEIGHT BY JUST HIS ARMS OR THIGHS. He's a FIT twink.
-ive said it before but uh once Angel Has It Bad Enough, like Bad Bad Bad, he's over here, "oh Daddy, I'm just soOoOo scared uxu ya know my buddy Reader, that one ya think is cute? Well, he was drinkin' earlier and he mentioned wanting to move FAR away and he wouldn't tell me WHERE 🥺 I'm just so worried he won't be able to take care of himself, you know, what, with all that trauma about his FATHER and-- oh he didn't tell you? He's really vulnerable to BIG. SCARY MEN and im wooooorrrrrriiiied, what if he gets hurt, talk to him Daddy PleeeeEEeEease? 🥺" like. He might still hate Val's fucking guts but he's high on coke and watching Valentino put some real inches in you and he's having the most explosive guilt-filled nut of his entire afterlife
-im sorry I'm just picturing Reader being like "I'm not fucking gay, fuck off, leave me alone" and Velvette just not even looking up from her phone, "I saw you using that $200 hand cream. You're so deep in the closet you're finding Christmas presents"
"I'm not fucking gay" "amorcito I've seen the pants you like to wear. No straight men wears those"
"I told you guys I'm not into men!!" "That's what I thought too until I met Al- VAL! Until I met VAL! [OuO']"
Then one night you're off work and none of the Vees or even Angel know where you're at and they wind up in a club and, there you are, getting absolutely fucking wasted, on top of one of the counters, you know those clubs that have random pokes everywhere, and you're dancing, you're getting real zesty with it, you're dropping your ass, and here's Valentino jumping to his feet pointing a finger, "so you DO know how to pole dance!!!" and your fate is sealed from there on in 💀💀💀
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wandanatsthings · 7 months
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
HI, so this is my first fic and first time writing anything so stay with me lol. I love reading ALL of the wandanat x reader fics on here and I decided that I was gonna try myself. Now I know this isn't great or even good for that matter but it is the start of hopefully a great journey and as time goes on I'll continue to get better fingers crossed. So if you have any tips or feedback please feel free to comment and enjoy. :))
(P.s im dyslexic and grammar isn’t my thing)
Word Count: 960
Warnings: I don't think there are any? maybe religious beliefs but it does not go far in detail. It's really just fluffy.
Summary: Wanda and Natasha surprise you by going to church with you one Sunday.
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It was a Sunday morning when you heard the alarm you set the night before go off. The alarm told you It was time to get up and go to church. As you rolled over to turn the alarm off you realized something. Your girlfriends were nowhere to be found. Now I know what you may be thinking. "You're gay and are going to church?" I know that may seem a bit off to some people, but the church is somewhere I've always felt safe. It's where I grew up. Even when I was struggling with my sexuality and homophobia I always felt like I could go to church and feel safe and accepted. It was one of the only places you felt that way besides your girlfriend's arms. Speaking of you still had no idea where they were.
Now it wasn't super early. You weren't one of those people who got up to go to church at the butt crack of dawn. It was only 9 am. That meant Natasha should have been back in bed with you and Wanda from her early morning run by now but she wasn't and you had no idea where Wanda was. You decided to get up and go look for them. You had to get up and get dressed soon anyway so you wouldn’t be late. You listened to see if you heard anyone in the bathroom and you didn’t. So You decided to make your way downstairs.
The closer you got to the stairs you could hear lovers laughing together and the smell of Wanda's pancakes. The sound and the smell put a smile on your face.
You walked down the stairs into the kitchen and before they could see that you were there, you just admired them. Seeing them wrapped up in each other’s arms. Natasha had her arms wrapped around Wanda’s waist while Wanda was at the stove making sure the pancakes wouldn’t burn because Natasha couldn’t cook to save her life. You loved seeing them so domestic. You also took note that Natasha wasn't in her normal morning workout clothes and Wanda wasn't wearing the pajamas from the night before. You didn't have much time to think about it though, because your beautiful witch finally noticed you standing there.
She walk’s toward you with a smile on her face and open arms. “Good Morning detka how did you sleep?” she asked. “I slept okay, I woke up to an empty bed though,” you say pouting. Natasha then comes up behind you wrapping her arms around your waist “Good morning baby” she says with a kiss on your forehead. “I'm sorry you woke up alone, we wanted to make you breakfast and ask you something. Isn't that right wands?’ Wanda looks up at you and nods saying “that is right love.” You notice they're looking at each other the way they do when they have something planned. “ You two are up to something,” you say, giving them a look. “Yes but you will find out after breakfast now let's go eat,” says Wanda.
You all follow Wanda to the dining room table with plates of pancakes in hand, you sit down in the seat you always do with Natasha at the head of the table you to her left and Wanda across from you to her right. While you guys are eating you pay more attention to their outfits. Natasha had on a white dress shirt and black slacks. While Wanda had on about the same thing just with an added suit jacket. They both looked nice you thought but you couldn't help but wonder where they were going dressed like that. You couldn't remember them telling you that they had anything planned this morning. So you decide to ask them. “Hey guys are you going anywhere this morning? You look nice” You see them turn to look at each other with smiles on their faces. Wanda is the one to speak up. “Actually yes detka, we were wondering if we could accompany you today at church?” They both look at you with hopeful glints in their eyes.
Now neither one of them was religious in any kind of way but that didn't stop them from letting you go church at all, you never even really talked about it besides them asking you how it went every time you got home. You never invited them simply because you didn't think that they would want to come, but hearing that they were asking you to come made your heart melt. You loved that they were taking an interest in something that meant so much to you. In something that made you who you are. “Detka '' You hear them say in your midst of awing. You snap out of it and say “Yes, Yes I would love for you to come with me’ ‘But are you sure I know you guys aren't religious like that.” “We are so sure sweet girl, we want to see the place that makes you feel safe and the place that makes you, and that brings that smile to your face every Sunday” Natasha says. Wanda then goes on to say “ yes exactly what Tasha said we want the experience and would love to go with you.” You start to tear up at their words you couldn't believe it. “ You don't know how much this means to me. I love you guys so much " And we love you too,” they both say. You all get up and hug each other so tight with smiles on your faces. You look up at them and say “I thank God every day for the love that we share and I will forever cherish it."
What'd you guys think? lemme know!
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pearl-likes-pi · 6 months
i honestly dont know hoe to say this, but you really had a hand in shaping my brai chemistry while i was growing up, no kidding. i remember when i was 13 or so and whenever you posted a pearl rap career chapter it would unironicaly make my day (specially when you dropped the peridot chapter i had a stomach infection or smth, so that video and the last one out of beach city episode were on replay for me for a few days). its really weird seeing that rebecca managed to make a safe space for lgbt folks (it was really hard for me to accept myself as gay, it seems really simple nowadays but back then it was so discomforting to even thinm about it so su and its fandom, and by some extent, your vids, helped me externalize some feelings or queernes i guess, do you remeber when someone said your video editing was raw and masculine? lol). anyways, its wild to think i was in 5th grade when i first watched laser light canon and now im finishing my journalism course in college and seeing how this show raised me in some way and helped me to be aware of my own mental health i only have good memories, thankfully, and its really sad to see that it ended, but i honestly wouldnt have had it any other way. its kind of a long rant but id like to thank you, mackenzie, your videos made me laugh a lot when i was a teen and they still make me now. this show was truly a gift, it made us connect to something bigger and magical. this was kind of a long rant since ive kinda forgotten that su existed and remined that it existed because of some dreams lol. i remembered back then when i was super anxious about the cluster episode, i remeber checking your tumblr everyday and seeing fanon content. i really dont know how to express myself since english is not my first language and i tend to ramble on a lot on my native one, but id like to say youve made me smile a lot, it was so cool seeing you present the su podcast and being an intern at CN. i honestly wish you the best.
Dude it means so much to hear that my lil shitposts have had an impact on people!!!! I completely understand where youre coming from re: SU's impact on your life (and acceptance of queer identity) and feel the same way!!! im so grateful for this show and everything it represents. in a world without Steven Universe my current life would be completely unrecognizable. like genuinely I dont think any single aspect of my life would be the way it is without SU. which is nuts but it's true!!!
I love engaging with this community and it gave me a lot of support when I was at a place in my life where I felt pretty isolated. I'm kind of rambling now too but this seriously has been sitting in my inbox for a bit now and I just knew i needed to respond and say thank you for sharing. <3
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libbys-braincell-loss · 5 months
i became inspired so heres a silly oneshot smg34 fic that also includes mario and meggy
This fic includes:
snowtrapped reference. Sorry yall </3
shitty grammar whenever mario speaks
SMG43 crush frustrations, a 2 1/2 part oneshot
Segment 1: SMG4 and Mario
SMG4 sits at his desk, making videos, as per usual. Working hard to appease the hell that is the YouTube algorithm, all that good stuff.
SMG4 is just focused on working on making a decent video, trying his hardest to work in peace.
Suddenly, the door breaks down for the 17th time this week (it's tuesday), and SMG4's idiot best friend Mario bursts in to disturb said peace.
"ES EM GEE FOUR" he yells, startling his friend.
SMG4 sighs. "Hey, Mario, what do you need?"
"I just wanted to see what you were doing :))" Mario replies.
"I'm just making videos, that's all," SMG4 says, attempting to regain focus on making the video. "I gotta finish as much as I can before I have to hang out with SMG3 later today"
"Ooooo, watcha gonna be doin?"
"3's just gonna be streaming the two of us messing around on Gmod. I think he wants to play prop hunt?"
"Mario played that one time with him. He's too good at it," Mario recalls.
"Heh, as if. He only won cuz he was against you," SMG4 exclaims. "He won't stand a chance going against me."
Mario peeks over the chair and observes SMG4 making his video.
"Can Mario help???" Mario asks.
"Hahaha, no," said SMG4. "You don't know shit about editing."
"Lol ur right, im just bored af and wanted to do something" Mario says, eyes crossing. "What video you makin"
"I'm remastering an old video called 'Charming Peach'; people seem to like when I make remasters of old videos," SMG4 responds.
"Oooooooooo" says Mario. "Can I suggest a video idea?"
"Y'know what, sure. Go ahead."
"Snowtrapped remaster :))))"
SMG4's eyes widen. He turns and looks at Mario in the crossed eyes and humongous mustache.
"Hell no!"
"Hell yeah :)"
"Why would you suggest that?! I'm not doing that!"
"Why not?"
SMG4 blinks. "Why do you think?"
Mario shrugs. "Because it's too cold?"
SMG4 face palms. "I forgot; you don't think."
"Awww :(" Mario frowns. "Thats mean :(("
"Dude, SMG3 and I literally have sex in that episode."
SMG4 blinks.
Mario blinks in return.
"AND WE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN REMAKE THAT? What do you want me to say?" SMG4 exclaims.
"You didn't enjoy it?" Mario asks.
SMG4's face turns bright red. "MARIO!! Why the hell would you ask that?!"
Mario blinks. He grins. "You're avoiding the question"
"I'm not answering the question. I'm not remaking Snowtrapped, period. SMG3 and I could never relive those events again."
Mario blinks one eye after the other, like a frog.
"Do you like him?" Mario asks out of the blue.
"Huh??" SMG4 says, red creeping on his face.
"Do you like SMG3?" Mario asks.
"I mean, yeah... as a... friend, of course."
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." Mario's eyes narrow, and his head widens as he stares directly into SMG4's soul. "Mario doesn't buy it."
"What? What do you mean?!"
"I think you are gay :)"
"No. Also can you stop talking in emoticons?" SMG4 sighs.
"Come on!! I'm pretty sure you like him in a gay way"
"Why do you have to say it like that?"
"...Nevermind. No, I don't like him like that." SMG4 chuckles, like he's trying to gaslight himself into believing the words he says. "Why would I? He berates me every day, I can't stand him sometimes... Why would I be in love with someone who constantly tries to do some bullshit to piss me off?"
"But when you do get along, what then?"
SMG4 opens his mouth to speak, but no words came out.
"I just... I..."
Mario smiles really wide. "Youuuu liiikkkeee himmmm!"
"Mario, quit it!"
"Youuu dooooo :)"
"Youuuu likeee yourr rivaaaaalll :)))))"
SMG4 sighs, tired of trying to convince Mario otherwise. "Fine, you caught me. Yes, I may or may not have developed a crush on SMG3..."
Mario gasps with the utmost glee in his eyes.
"Yeah, but you BETTER NOT TELL A SOUL!!" SMG4 puts a firm hand on Mario's shoulder and points at him aggressively.
Mario frowns. "you're no fun"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just don't want word to spread and for SMG3 to find out. Then he will really hate me, and not in the joking way he usually does."
"You think he hates you?" Mario tilts his head
"...Not really, but..."
"Then tell him!" Mario says.
"Haha, hell no. He is my rival, and even though we're able to... tolerate... each other for enough time, but SMG3 is very keen to remind me that we are 'rivals', and refuses to admit that we are friends, no matter how much we get close to admitting we are friends."
SMG4 looks down. "I do really like him, I just... I have no way of knowing if he does like me at all, and if he is being serious when he shit talks me. Maybe he thinks and talks about how stupid I am when I'm not hanging out with him. He probably hates me, with how much he berates me. Why would I want someone who hates me?"
Mario blinks. "You are dumping all this info on someone who has zero advice for you" he says.
SMG4 smiles sadly. "My bad. I just... it's been eating me up inside, I just wanted to vent about it."
"Its ok :) mario can try to give advice if you want!" Mario says.
SMG4 sighs. "Go ahead."
"Mario thinks that if SMG3 hated you so much, he wouldn't go out of his way to be around you"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"He frequently shows up to hang out with you, he saves you, he talks about you a lot..."
"Wait, he does?"
"Yeah! I was waiting to get a bomb at his coffee shop and he was in a corner writing in his journal again, and he was saying everything he was writing out loud; he was saying 'I'm excited to hang out with smg4 tomorrow, we gonna play some gmod together and im totally gonna beat his ass at prop hunt, hes gonna be so mad itll be so funny, seeing his face so angry is so entertaining-' and then he stopped writing cuz he saw me waiting for my bomb order and he shoo'd me out of there and i didn't get my bomb"
SMG4 blushes. "Huh. So, he does shit talk me outside of my earshot, but in a positive way..." He smiles ear to ear. "Mario, honestly, I cannot believe I'm saying this, but your advice actually helped. I think my intrusive thoughts were just trying to lie to me. I needed to hear that."
"Yay! Mario's glad he could help :)" Mario says, smiling. "This is my character development! I am therapist :)"
SMG4 chuckles. "Mario, I would not trust you as a therapist 100% of the time."
Mario smirks. "But you can trust SMG3 as your therapist-"
SMG4 punches Mario's arm "Shush. This stays between us, okay?"
"yeah B) i gotchu"
"Thanks, man."
Segment 2: SMG3 and Meggy
Meggy steps into SMG3's coffee shop, 3's Coffee and Bombs. The cafe was very empty, there was little to no people there.
"Hello? SMG3?" she calls out.
SMG3 pops out from the kitchen.
"Ah, Meggy! Welcome to 3's Coffee and Bomb's!" SMG3 exclaims with a grand flourish. "How may I serve you?"
"Hey dude, I came here two days ago," Meggy says, deadpan. "You don't need to make a grand spectacle everytime I show up."
"Yeah, yeah. What'll it be? Coffee or bombs?"
"I'd like some coffee today. I think I'm gonna go for some black coffee today."
"Daring today, aren't we?" SMG3 says, in a sarcastic tone.
"Look, I'm trying to expand my horizons. Try new things. Every time I drink coffee, it's sweet as hell. I'mma take something bitter for once."
"If you say so," SMG3 says.
SMG3 makes Meggy her coffee and Meggy gives him his money. SMG3's watch beeps.
"Oh! Looks like it's break time!" he says.
"Nice! Care to join me?" Meggy suggests.
"Sure, why not," SMG3 says, shrugging. He makes himself some coffee of his own and sits at a table across from Meggy.
"I heard you have plans on doing a stream collab with SMG4 today," Meggy comments. "You guys are playing Gmod, right?"
"Yeah!" SMG3 sips his coffee. "I'm gonna kick his ass in prop hunt. He will be so pissed."
"Haha, I see," Meggy says, taking a sip of her coffee. She spits it back into the cup.
"Rude," SMG3 frowns.
"It's not that you're bad at making coffee, it's that black coffee isn't the right coffee for me," Meggy responds, also frowninh. "Don't take so much offense to everything."
"Welp." SMG3 leans back in his chair. "I'm excited. I can't wait to absolutely destroy his ass in games I'm goated at."
"Aren't you just happy you get to hang out with 4?" Meggy remarks.
"...Hanging out with him to make him look like a loser on stream, yes!" SMG3 responds.
Meggy smirks. "I think you do enjoy his company."
SMG3 studies a speck on the ceiling. "Says who?"
"Says me. I know you like him."
SMG3's face immediately turns bright red.
"NUH UH!" SMG3 exclaims. "He's stupid and a moron and a loser! W-why would I be attracted to a- a loser like him?!"
Meggy looks him dead in the eye. "I was gonna say opposites attract, but you guys are both oblivious AND obvious dumbasses, so you guys have more in common than you like to admit."
SMG3 looks away. "I don't like him. He probably hates me, with how much I berate him. Why would I want someone who hates me?"
Meggy smiles.
"3, I think 4 is just as in love with you as you are with him."
"What makes you think I like him?" quizzes SMG3.
"Oh, you constantly talk about how excited you are to do anything with him, you pout when he's not around, and you're usually the first person to try to instigate helping him as soon as he's in trouble," Meggy recounts.
SMG3 blushes. "We're Meme Guardians; if one of us isn't around, our powers are very minimal. I'm just looking out for him because I don't know what happens to one Meme Guardian the moment his counterpart is dead, and I don't want to find out."
"Awww, you care about him!" Meggy smiles.
"Just talk to him, dumbass," Meggy said. "He usually functions better once people communicate their issues with him. If you ask if you take things too far, and if he feels hurt by your words, talking it out is the right thing."
"Shush. So what if I do? He would never like me back. He probably can't stand me. I berate and belittle him too much. I know, I know, it's bad, but... I don't know how to communicate appreciation to people I care about. Teasing is all I know, but I never know if I've pushed it's limit-"
"But that's so difficult! I'm no good at communication!" SMG3 complains.
"You're a therapist! This is the type of advice you give your patients!" Meggy responds.
"I'm a hypocrite!" SMG3 wails.
"Look, just talk to him at some point. Maybe after the stream is over, just take some time out of your day to figure out how SMG4 feels about your constant teasing, then go from there."
"Yeah. Y'know what, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Meggy."
"No problem! And, while you're at it, you should totally go for it!" Meggy exclaims, beaming.
"Meggy..." SMG3 sighs.
"I know you like him, you can't keep hiding."
SMG3 groans even louder.
"Yes, but you tell no one, okay?" SMG3 orders.
"Of course," Meggy says, smiling.
SMG4 and SMG3 are up in SMG4's office, playing and streaming Gmod shenanigans. Mario is sitting on the couch in the gaming room, watching TV. Meggy comes in and joins Mario on the couch.
"SMG4 and SMG3 can't be any more obvious, can they?" she remarks.
"they gay as hell," Mario agrees.
"3 confirmed he does like 4," Meggy says.
Mario laughs maliciously.
"What?" asks Meggy.
"mario also got SMG4 to confirm he likes 3 >:)," Mario says.
"Ha," Meggy says, "Cool. Do you think they'll ever actually get together?"
"hmmmmmm, Maybe!" Mario answers. "But if they don't, it's incredibly funny to watch their gay struggling, so we can keep watching it for a while"
"I like your thinking, Red," Meggy smirks. "Let's just let them be for the time being."
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ouchthathurts · 1 month
Hey, so I saw your comment on bloomingattorney's post. Might want to check out GBPatch's comments on reddit. She's doubling down on the biphobia.
See, now this is upsetting. What happened to Rose is understandably fucked up because being doxed and harassed like this is absolutely awful and never an okay or just thing to do.
It was disappointing hearing someone on the team had such amazing ideas such as the skin color chart but having a strict mindset on what it meant to be gay/pan and being trans. As someone who genderfluid, pan, and afro-latino, I was disappointed to see someone like me have such heinous views and be in a position be a hinder to the group.
My main problem comes from GPatch themselves and how they handled it, while being a face of a company and working with many others of the same community and having your audience also be a part of your community there's a responsibility you carry with such a position.
The people see how you're constantly pulling the "I trust them" card instead of listening to what people have to say and taking the time to look over Rose's actions under another lense such as trans people who share terri's experience, people who are bi/pan, people who happen to be male being into tam, and so on and so forth. rather than trying to understand the people and fix the problem which would be holding Rose accountable for what they said on the issue.
I read over the post that happened between blossoming and Rose and the way Rose handled it was not okay, even if it was before they were hired. If Rose has changed from that then that's great, that's amazing even, the problem comes from not doing a background check on someone who holds a view of a community that there in with such an awful mindset.
Rose can change for the better and be allowed another chance, the problem is that instead of holding Rose accountable, speaking about how this effected your fanbase and how Rose will be stepping down sounds a lot better than just releasing tons of statements and trying to paint with a pastel on black background.
GBPatch should've taken the time and waited for the situation, I've seen tons of people who release content immediately hurt themselves and their credibility by speaking on the subject too fast and ruining themselves in the eyes of the public.
Wait till the emotion dies down in you before responding and don't sit there and defend the person you know has done wrong with proof. I'm not talking about what Rose said about GBPatch, they hashed it out in dms and that's their business, my problem comes with what they had said how that reflects on a company's image if they're allowing someone with these views to speak on these issues for a community.
That's bad representation, and then defending them because you know them is a whole other can worms due to the fact you're not really listening to your audience. It's not about Rose as a person but about what was Rose said and how he's going to rectify it, there is no reason for him to be on a team where he represents a group, and he ruins the fun for everyone by policing and saying what should or should not be done to LGBTQ+ characters.
Rose doesn't have that experience to say that because of the mindset that shows he doesn't see it as a spectrum but instead a certain way people have to be once they've found what they are.
We understand Rose has changed and we understand that Rose is trying for the better, we understand. The problem is how you're addressing the people's concerns and instead of talking to them and hoping to get an expansion on how they feel from their favorite creator of their favorite game, you sit there and defend them just because you know them personally.
If Rose still held those views of pan/biphobia, eld those views that trans people have to dress a certain way after transition, and immaturely called everyone bigots who have a point in conversation.
Would you still be saying the same thing?
This isn't about Rose changing, or Rose being your friend, or whatever else.
This is about how Rose, as a BIPOC and member of the LGBTQ+ community, holds these disgusting views and how they should at least step down from the team until they've broadened their horizons with new people and different experiences before speaking out against something with a close mindset.
Talking about how Terri's clothes were sexual just because they hugged his body, and the many other things said in the tumblr post alongside the response was very something to behold and the response being more irritating because of how it makes communities look when trying to make a point because Rose's point was ignorant and their response only doubling down on such ignorance and using the idea of being a BIPOC and/or apart of LGBTQ+ to escape criticism is disgusting and a bad look on the community.
I get it if it was a joke but it clearly wasn't in this context.
With my final thoughts coming to mind
The main problem I had with final statement is that Rose left due to harassment, Rose should not have been harassed in the first place and doxed, what should've happened was Rose being fired or at least taking the time to learn more due to the negligence and ignorance of other people's, especially queer, situations.
The situation has definitely been thrown out of proportions, I understand people not wanting them to work on the team but doxing is never a good thing to do and harassment is never okay. My advice? Block them and report it to the creator about their worker's close minded views.
Alongside that, GBPatch in future controversies and dramas, taking a step back and reflecting on everting before making a statement instead of responding on emotion instantly. It makes it look like you're arguing with your fanbase, defending someone who is being held accountable for their actions and so on and so forth.
It's good you're calling out the awful people making the situation worse, those people should not be a part of the community to come and harm and put people's lives in danger. That's a good place to start following it with talking about what Rose did, I get the whole 'I know them' and 'They've changed' argument but save that until after you've discussed what happened.
You gotta understand that as a company, why you won't meet everyone's expectations of what they want, you have to try and salvage the part of your audience that really does want to stay and give them a reason to want to stay and that being letting Rose go and grow more as a person to come back with a wider horizon. There a people genuinely hurt and offended by what Rose said, they are are apart of the community and want to feel comfortable in this space made for all and with someone with a close mindset acting this way and publicly working alongside you it makes the game’s community not feel as good to be a part of
I get that Rose has done great things for the game, I’m more than thankful the skin color expansion, but Rose leaving the project for however long he decides was for the best, not under these disgusting circumstances of harassment and doxing, also the disgusting and childish behavior of a fan base to be jerks and bigots is not okay at all. There is a way to handle things and the situation should’ve been handled better by all sides.
That's all my thoughts, I'm open to discussions and other interpretations because everyone is different.
To qoute blossoming-attorney, "It's not about wanting them to feel bad about it. It's about how I feel this may affect the game. These close-minded (in my opinion) views on trans people's bodies are unacceptable. "
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7nessasaryevils · 3 months
We are back, my beloveds!!! Ep 8 what fresh hell awaits me??
- WE COMING OUT SWINGING SON OF A BITCH: yak's little smile and the immediate way he goes to take off the necklace cause he knows... his heart is someone else's now 😭😭
- bolster light effect my beloved... how I have missed you 🥺🥺🥹
- "if you take it back again, you're a dead man": tell me you're married without telling me you're married
- Dee taking accountability for how his words hurt Yak... ohhh emotional growth how wondrous you are
- man said "you broke up with me" SIR YOU WEREN'T EVEN DATING
- Dee leading Yak back home (count one of I'm so fucking fine)
- the Phadetsuk family is under my protection and if someone breathes on them wrong I'll sit on them NO ONE TOUCHES MY BABIES
- Yak's stomach growled and my dumbass thought it was my stomach growling....
- awwww family dinner time!
- Cher being fucking awesome as always
- Taem... darling... the sad glow in your eyes is hurting me 🥺 you had your chance with Yak...
- of course Yak didn't answer; he was too busy cuddling his Mho Dee ♥️
- Yak, sir... I see you... whatchu thinking in that pervy head of yours hmmmm? 🤨🤨🤨
- never mind... I know exactly what is going on in that PERVY head of yours 🤣🤣🤣
- gentlemen!!! Avert your gazes!!! 🤣
- awww Dee trying to understand more about Yak's world
- the most fashionable Grim Reaper is back.... and continues to scare the shit out of me
- Dee knows something's wrong!!! Yeah baby, get ready to call out your man!
- the fact that Dee knows about the hallucinations Yak saw... that means Yak told him!
- Ter... you lowlife dried up dog shit human turd crap being... may your scrubs always have a rip in them! May your phone never charge! MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE AN IN GROWN TOE NAIL!!!
- hehehehehegegege jealousy my beloved how wonderful you look upon Yoryak Phadetsuk 🥰🥰
- I don't know whether to be endeared about how excited Yak is to eat Dee's cooking... or fucking terrified because Yak is about to eat Dee's cooking
- the food is edible???
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- COSTUME FASHION SHOW (although Yak being unsure about the whole thing but still trying for Dee's sake 🥺🥺🥺 count two of I'm fucking fine)
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- the irony of Yak being able to coordinate fights but unable to dance in rhythm 🤣🤣🤣
- disappear comp- ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?
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- I'm about to commit violence... pretty sure Kao and Granmama would help me
- product placement... my goodness I forgot what you looked like 😅🤣
- nooooooooo cute product placement!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm suddenly violently thrown back to the Miscellar water scene from BBS
- "let's register for marriage" NO ONE FUCKING TOUCH ME (this show better end with Yei and Cher having rings on their fingers, that's all I'm saying)
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- you've never pro- oh gods oh gods is this happening is it it?!?!?
- speaking very honestly and seriously though: something in me breaks in the very best way watching Oyei ask Cher to marry him because they can. This is a thing that is very real for them. And it's beautiful.
- I love you Taem but girl.... you doing me a heckin annoyance- what is with that face???
- we're faking dat- sir when you start blow drying a dude's hair with that look in your eye YOU'RE FUCKING MARRIED!
- THAT'S A WEDDING GROOM OUTFIT YOU DUMB FUCKS WHY AM I SURROUNDED BY STUPID GAYS (all except Cher and Kao... they have all the brain cells)
- oh no... oh no no no no (remembers the scene from the trailer last week with Taem and Ohm) I do not like this nope nope no
- oh gods... the need in me to tell Yak to help Taem but also Dee's heartbroken face!!!
- fuck no fuck no fuck no go away Ter curses upon you you flip floppy cock
- just one word- here's TWO words: fuck you
- also, Ter is an absolute asshole because Kwan is the one he's here's with and yet he goes to Dee to essentially say "oh I'll drop her for you in a heartbeat"... tell me you're an asshole without telling me you're an asshole
- Ter and Ohm sitting in a tree, both being A S S H O L E!
- fuck yeah report his fucking ass!!!!
- WHY ARE THESE ASSHOLES TOUCHING PEOPLE- where's my machete I need to chop appendages
- push him away push him away push him away for fucks sake Dee push him away
- oh thank fuck (could have shoved him harder is all I'm saying)
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- Dee says it wasn't out of sarcasm... I don't care, I'm going to my grave with that broken look on Ter's face (honestly Dee, sweetheart, I'm so proud of you though; you know your worth)
- calling Ter pichai is perfect because Dee is finally distancing himself from this man; breaking the ties of familiarity and putting him where he belongs: in the trash as a fellow doctor
- if I had a quarter for every time I wanted to chuck my phone at a wall because a dickhead is touching one of my babies... I'd have a whole ass dollar... WHICH IS FAR TOO MANY QUARTERS!!!!
- Vivi.... remind me to erect temples for you too, my sweet desi wearing queen ♥️
- Kwan, you deserve better. The entire fucking hospital deserves better than that piece of shit quack doctor.
- wait is he.. he is... please let that be...
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- look at my princes dancing!!! My kings!!!
- do I take extra joy in watching Ter shoved off to the side? YOU FUCKING BET I DO
- ohhhhhh sir... sir are you gonna ask him to da- oh
- say it back Dee SAY IT BACK!!!!
- HPV info my beloved 🥰🥰♥️
- you're going all out to win him over: WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING BEFORE?!
- oh no oh no no no no that makes me scared...
Well, this episode had me wanting to bang my head into a wall thanks to two assholes but on the whole, a lovely episode!!! I cannot wait to see how next week fucks me up!
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So like
Everyone lives up north in the US like Ohio or some shit bc it's weird and that's a Remus vibe
Oh boy it's highschool ‼️ and this new kid moves to town and joins their school blah blah Virgil does NOT talk. Bro does not say one word to anyone. He sits there and does his work with headphones in and has not spoken all year. and Remus (much to everyone else's annoyance) has the fattest hallway crush on him. Everyone is annoyed by it. Like Remus you haven't even heard the man speak yet. Maybe he's a dickhead. But eventually. EVENTUALLY.
There is a class presentation. Virgil has to present.
He comes to the front of the class, panicking so hard he's Calm™, opens his mouth, and has the THICKEST SOUTHERN ACCENT—
Virgil is y'allternative. Someone asks a dumb question and he stares before saying no hesitation point blank "That 'bout the dumbest question I 'ad ever hear. You got rocks in your brain?" (Quoted from my Nana ty Nana)
Que Remus' crush getting so much bigger because HELLO?
That's my silly goofy funny low-key inspired by various points in my life idea that has had me in tears for about five minutes laughing at the surprise factor of everyone finding out and Remus falling worse head over heels
— 👑
Okay but I'm fucking cackling at this entire concept holy shit it's beautiful XD Ree makes it known loud and clear how Gay he is for an Emo he knows literally nothing about and the moment he hears the Southern Accent he's A W O O G A ing so hard to the point where he gets himself a Detention Speedrun XD
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
Unpopular opinion but this is also why I dislike so much behind the scenes content. (This kind of stuff not necessarily shots of the cast like we've gotten recently.) Because we usually get NO context for any of it. But we WANT to know the context without waiting for episodes months from now. So we spec about ~what it could mean~ and I feel like we as fans are more creative and meaningful than the writers (or give them too much credit sometimes.) Leading to all these ideas about this or that from pics/vids only to, like you said, end up disappointed or even angry by the end reality.
Spec can be fun and I'm not saying people shouldn't do it. But sometimes people take it too seriously or grasp onto these hopes/ideas that they or others come up with. And it only results in disappointment. (I feel like a lot of gay Eddie spec falls in this category right now)
i agree, the sheer amount of bts content posted by the crew drives me a little crazy… like i know it’s fun for them and they want to cause chaos bc that’s all stuff that brings in intrigue, but it’s stressful as fuck when you have one singular shot of a camera on a location as the only context and zero other information and people start acting like the first plausible theory is gospel truth.
i remember so much bts content from even s7 that either never even ended up in the show, or only ended up being in one shot yet was the cause of an insane amount of speculation (for example the fucking warehouse fire from the finale— people were convinced it was the 118 burning down and that someone was gonna end the season presumed dead and then it ended up only being used in a bit plot that had no actual narrative impact other than prolonging a black man’s pain but i digress)
i absolutely agree with you about the eddie thing too— it’s one thing for a bunch of queer people on the internet to see a mustache and go “omg it’s a freddie mercury reference” but no one is thinking about how wide of an audience this show reaches… most of the GA aren’t going to think about freddie mercury when they see that mustache on screen (hell, i don’t even think of freddie mercury when i see it) they’re just gonna see a macho man in a mustache which is the prevailing stereotype in a lot of places; not queer subtext. we are giving these writers too much credit when they’ve only ever put in surface level effort on queer characters by saying they’re trying to subtly tell us that this means queer eddie when this has just as much of a chance of eddie falling back onto toxic masculinity, or it just being a really bad stylistic choice (that we know they’re capable of making)
it’s okay if you want to participate in spec.
spec is fun but some people don’t want to participate in it and that’s okay.
they don’t deserve to have their valid concerns ripped apart and spat on just because you decided for everyone that the mustache obviously means he’s going to be gay when that’s very likely not the case. (im thinking of one popular blog in particular that has been doing this lately)
overall… im sitting out of s8 until something actually good happens. i’ve lost faith and trust in the writers and no amount of official 911 instagram videos are going to convince me otherwise especially after how hard we were clowned by abc in s7. they’ve proven that they only care about baiting us and until they actually go through with their own set ups within the narrative rather than backtracking at the last second, i will continue not to trust them with these characters.
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