#and everybody knows those two idiots in love inspire me a lot
youchangedmedestiel · 26 days
I have 5 different fic ideas writing down in my phone memo. They all came to me in the space of a week.
I think I'm cursed with ideas and no time to explore them.
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
hi! so i've been binge watching spy x family because it's the greatest anime ever (thank you so much @loekas for making me watch it) and now loid forger has taken over my mind and he won't leave anytime soon. he just lives here now, let's just keep going with our lives.
so i had this little scenario of loid getting jealous and wanted to write it with a big smut at the end, but as i reached the end it didn't feel right anymore, so enjoy this non-smutty piece. i may write the smut and post it as a second part just because.
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(Loid Forger x Reader)
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📖 summary: while at a party, loid gets jealous when a man approaches you (and makes you laugh).
✒️ word count: 2.7K
⚠️ c.w.: jealous loid, confession of love, idiots in love, anya existing.
reader is a little inspired in yor just because, but not entirely yor;
not proofread, i'm sorry for the mistakes;
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your relationship with loid forger was nothing but strictly professional, and you knew that. he hired you to pretend to be his wife, the perfect stepmother for his daughter, and you knew that. it was only pretend. holding hands when outside, cute little compliments here and there, greeting you with a big smile and a kiss on your cheek, anya calling you "mama" - only pretend. and you knew that. you knew. which is why you were so mad at yourself.
how could you be so stupid and fall for him? oh god, the trouble! you should know better than that, honestly! loid never even touched you if you weren't in public. sure, you two talked a lot at home, and he was really sweet, and a great father, but you should know better than that.
but then again... can you really control these things?
the best you could do now was to keep pretending everything was fine, normal as usual and ignore how badly you wanted to run your fingers through his hair and kiss his entire body.
you took another sip of wine from your glass and watched as the group of men laughed at something loid said. you didn't hear, but it was probably really funny and charming - loid himself was funny and charming. more charming than funny. and handsome. god, was he handsome! you tighten your grip on the glass and finished it in one last gulp as if you could drown these thoughts on wine and make everything ok, but you knew that wouldn't happen. so you put the glass down, determined to not drink anymore because that was your second glass and you could not give the impression of having a drinking problem - specially at the people from anya's school. you had to look cultured, funny, smart, the greatest mother ever - you know, the job loid hired you to do.
fucking perfect loid forger.
"what is a pretty lady like you doing all alone?"
you lifted your eyes to find a man next to you, the same man you notice that had been watching you from the moment you entered the place with loid two hours ago in what was supposed to be a fun party for the parents of the school, to forget the responsabilties a little and have fun, but it was obviously just an excuse for people to judge each other beyond their parenting skills. loid insisted you went, so of course you did. you left anya with a baby sitter, put on one of the many beautiful dresses loid bought you and your best smile, and you were ready to go. you hated socials and being around shallow and superficial rich people who never had to work hard for anything in their lives, but you tried. for anya, you tried. for loid. and he was perfect at it. you know he told you he didn't like them any better than you did yourself, but he was a better actor.
"well, kind sir, i'm waiting for my husband to remember i came with him tonight, but he seems to be really into those gentlemen." you laughed at your own horrible joke.
"oh, so you are married."
"well, yeah! isn't everybody in this room?"
"not everybody. i'm sam, by the way. widow. nice to meet you."
"oh, i'm sorry! i didn't-"
"it's ok, it was a long time ago."
"i'm sorry anyway. it must be... hard. for your child specially."
"it was, in the beginning. things are better now."
"i'm glad to know. how old is your...?"
"daughter. her name is camilla. she's six."
"so is my anya." you smiled. "my husband's ex-wife passed away too... he raised his daughter by himself for a while."
"until he found you, i imagine. lucky him."
sam couldn't seem to take his eyes off of you, and you felt your cheeks burn a little, which you tried to hide by fixing your bangs.
"have you been married for a long time?" he asked, when the silence was too long.
"no, erm, for about four months i think."
"only four months? and he's already leaving you all alone at parties to hang out with his friends?"
"no, it's not like that, he-"
"all i know is that if you were my wife i would never leave you alone."
his gaze was intense and you felt breathless for a second. maybe you could have that - a normal life, with a real husband, and not just pretend. someone who found you attractive and would take you on dates not only to make people believe you loved each other, but because you actually did. but... where were guys like sam when you needed a boyfriend so that your brother would relax, knowing that you wouldn't die alone, or so that those mean women from work would shut up about how weird and unloveable you were?
it was loid's voice. your eyes met his blue gaze immediately, clearing your head. you felt your cheeks burn a little as your heart beat strongly in your chest. you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel guilty, almost as if loid caught you doing something extremely wrong.
"loid, hi!"
loid smiled charmingly, putting his eyes on the man standing beside you.
"hi, nice to meet you. i'm loid, the husband. and you are?" he introduced himself extending his hand to sam, emphasizing the word husband.
"i'm sam, the friend. glad to meet ya." sam joked, in the same tone loid used.
you laughed a little at the joke, and loid's eyes didn't miss that.
"are you ready to go, darling?" loid asked, offering you his arm, that you accepted.
"yes! sam, it was nice meeting you."
"you too, y/n. hopefully we get to see more of each other soon enough."
loid's arm was wrapped around your waist now, but you still smiled and nodded.
he guided you to the car in silence, opened the door for you in silence, and drove all the way to your house in silence. you turned on the radio to fill the uncomfortable silence. loid didn't usually like music on, but he didn't seem to bother today. you didn't dare to say a single word until you stepped inside the house.
"my feet are killing me!" you took off your heels the moment loid closed the door behind you. "you'd think these expensive shoes would be more comfortable."
you went straight to anya's bedroom while loid paid and dismissed the sitter. she was sleeping peacefully, hugging director chimera, not a care in the world. you tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead before making your way to your bedroom. as you grabbed the things you would need for a good shower before bed, loid came in, leaning on your door step.
"did you have fun tonight?" he asked.
"i suppose. though i can't really find these things entertaining. boring music, bad food, shallow people..."
"you seemed to like that sam guy. i saw you laughing a couple times."
"he's alright i guess. did you have fun?"
loid didn't answer, what made you look at him.
"he's alright?" he asked.
"i mean... we didn't get much time to talk, so i don't really have an opinion. i guess we'll have to wait and see."
"oh, so you plan on spending more time with him?"
ooh, that sounded like a tricky question. loid took two steps in your direction while waiting for your answer.
"no?" you tried. "i shouldn't? his daughter is the same age as anya, we'll probably see him a few more times. it may be nice to have a good relationship with him, just in case they become friends..."
"you're probably right."
there it was, that awkward silence again. you drew your attention back to the towel in your hands, but when you opened your mouth to tell loid you were going to take a shower he cut you off.
"you know, i don't care if you feel the need to flirt with other guys, just don't do it in places where people believe we're married. we have a reputation and image to protect. for anya."
"i know, i don't- oh!"
suddenly it hit you: loid was mad because he thought you were flirting with sam. but you weren't! right? or were you?
"i wasn't flirting."
"you obviously were! it was really embarrassing to see my wife melting for another man like that, when i was two feet away the whole time."
"that wasn't flirting! he was nice, he noticed i was alone and-"
"you weren't alone. i would never leave you alone."
"well, you weren't talking to me..." you muttered low enough so only you could hear it.
"it's fine, loid. i'm sorry! maybe i gave him the wrong idea, and i'm sorry it seemed like i was flirting with him, i wasn't. it wasn't my intention. i could never do that to Anya."
"y/n..." he said your name like it was a warning.
"and i'll make sure you're not around when i feel like flirting with someone."
before you could laugh at your own joke loid grabbed you by the arm and pulled you so close you had to look up to see him. he was furious - you could tell by the flames dancing in his eyes and the way his eyebrows almost met each other.
"it was a joke, i'm sorry!"
"i don't wanna hear it! you can't flirt with anyone besides me. i am your husband!"
"f-fake husband." you corrected, trying to lighten to mood, but completely out of timing.
"i have a paper that states otherwise. and the ring on your finger. you're my wife. my. wife."
you closed your eyes at the sound of those words, your whole body suddenly aware of how close loid was. when you opened them again loid had a confused expression on his face.
"yes. yes, i am, loid. i'm sorry, i really am."
loid's eyes wandered through your face, lingering on your parted lips more than he should, then back at your eyes.
"i am your husband." he repeated.
you simply nodded, not knowing exactly how to act. this was so unlike him. but you'd be lying if you said you weren't quite enjoying it - he was so close you felt inebriated by him. all you had to do was lean forward, at the tip of your toes and your lips would meet.
"please... please, don't flirt with anyone else."
you nodded again feeling your stomach agitated and getting your hopes ridiculously high with his words before you could even think about it rationally. he was probably asking you to not flirt with anyone because someone could see and that would ruin the image you've worked so hard to build, but maybe, just maybe... maybe he was jealous. maybe a little part of loid did thought of you as his wife and that's why he would hate if you flirted with other people. just maybe, but that was enough to make your heart race on your chest.
"i can't take it anymore, y/n. i can't."
what is it that he couldn't take it anymore? you? the fake marriage? anxiety washed over you while your mind raced through your memories trying to find where you could've gone wrong besides today, when he thought you were flirting with a complete stranger, but you couldn't find anything. maybe you really were unloveable, and that's why the only man who ever agreed to be with you only did it because he was desperate for a woman to pretend to be his wife to get his daughter in that fancy school, but even in that situation he couldn't stand you. you lived your whole life giving excuses as to why you were alone - your work, your brother, how shy you were, other priorities - but maybe it really was because no one wanted you.
"i-i'm really sorry, i promise i'll-"
"i love you." loid confessed.
his voice was so low and he spoke so fast you could've just imagined. you felt your cheeks burn and your heart seemed to want to get out of your chest. loid loosened his grip in your wrist and took a step back.
"i've loved you for some time now, you're all i can think about. it's maddening and i don't understand it, but i want to be close to you at all times. i can't pretend i don't care anymore and simply watch as other man hit on you when the mere thought of someone else holding you makes my whole body shivers. i can't be in the same room as you without wanting to take you in my arms."
loid's eyes never left yours, so he noticed when you froze. he thought you were panicking, completely terrified. you were panicking, alright, but definitely not terrified. you just didn't know how to act, what to say, what to do. loid took his eyes off of you and focused on the door.
"now i understand if you don't feel the same and want to leave, which is completely fine. we can figure out what to do with anya and the school, and your brother of course. i really didn't think this through, i wasn't counting on losing it today."
"loid, i-i love you."
loid looked back at you instantly, turning his body in your direction.
"you do?"
"yes!" you laughed. "i thought it was obvious because anya knows! i felt so pathetic. this wasn't part of the deal."
"no, it wasn't."
loid made his way back to you and stopped when he was close enough to touch, but far enough to give you space and an option in case you didn't want him that close. now that you both confessed your love it seemed you didn't know how to act with each other anymore, it felt a little awkward, but probably because you were so nervous.
"i'm going to kiss you now." he warned you.
"i may be terrible at it." he confessed. loid hasn't kissed many people in his life, he can actually count how many on one hand, and all of them were strictly for missions, never because he intended to. this was all new to him.
loid examined your face to make sure you were comfortable, and leaned forward, touching your lips with his. you felt energized, as if his lips released an electrical discharge through your body, and you wanted more. you wanted to be completely taken and filled by him, needed to feel him everywhere. your hands moved on their own to his shoulders and you pulled yourself closer to him. loid's tongue shyly brushed against your lips before you opened them and allowed his tongue to caress yours. a soft moan escaped you, which made him smile - apparently he was a good kisser after all. his hands cupped each side of your face as he deepened the kiss, then traveled down the sides of your body, landing on your waist and he pulled you impossibly close, fingers indenting their shape on your skin.
"mama..." anya called from her room.
loid broke the kiss, but didn't let go of you, instead resting his forehead on yours while you both panted.
"she'll go back to sleep, i'm sure." he only hoped he was right.
"she's been having bad nightmar-"
loid's lips captured yours in a passionate kiss before you could finish your sentence, only letting you breathe when anya called again.
"i better go see if she's ok." you said, collecting your hands for yourself.
he kissed your forehead and finally let you go. when your feet reached the doorstep, before you left to anya's room he called your name, making you look back at him.
"stay with me tonight. i'll wait for you in my bedroom."
"okay." you replied with a smile.
"but you don't have to go, there's no pressure. i just want to be close to you, nothing else."
"it's ok. i'll see you soon."
you swear you heard him chuckle before you left.
so you entered the room of your daughter to make sure she was okay before meeting your husband in his room. life can be really wonderful sometimes.
taglist: @obitovoir @smutteedreams @justmyownreality
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saiouma post game AU inspired by Taylor Swift music
a thread I started on twitter in March (2021) when I was listening to half of the evermore album ( and a bit of folklore) on loop
ironically, it starts with "closure", from Ouma's perspective who thinks that Saihara reaching out to him now is unnecessary and performatory only to solidify Saihara's good guy look in media's eyes, not out of care and that he only wants closure from him
the idea that Saihara just wants to tie loose ends, be told what he didn't understand and probably apologize for some things that are meaningless to Ouma as long as they ended the game anyway is repulsing to him, so he shuts him out, bc he doesn't want that sense of finality
next up is "gold rush", it's really loud about v3 cast everywhere he looks, but all the credit for HIS plan goes to Saihara and partially to Momota, while he gets the rep of "Komaeda type character" with "you tried" sticker and "are you insane?" looks pointed at him
Saihara totally hates the attention, but Ouma doesn't know that since they DON'T communicate at all, so he's really bitter about how much Saihara is loved, just collecting what Ouma worked for. On one hand, he predicted that Saihara would have to finish the game in his place
he left all those leads for him, because he knew he wouldn't be there for the final, and it's fine, Saihara carried it out the way he wanted him to, so why is he mad? and well, in this song there are so many lines that just... h
"I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick brush" bitch, you're jealous and distance yourself because you want to pretend you don't care
"Eyes like sinking ships On waters so inviting I almost jump in" hate to break it to you Ouma, but it doesn't sound like you don't like the gold eyes after all, I meant rush, gold rush Like "jump in"?! hold your horses, take him to a date first, dude
"I see me padding across your wooden floors" Literally fantasizing about living with him, I told you to hold your horses. "My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore" Wait, not like that-
So for him the moment he realizes he's into Saihara he immediately assumes that it'll never be, and he has a lot of anger at Team DR, at all the fans, at himself for being attracted to someone rn (while there are other things he should focus on),
and at Saihara for (what he only assumed is) an attempt to smooth over the problematic persona of Kokichi to get a good ending for the public view. So the *totally* reasonable thing for him to do next is to give Saihara HELL, obviously.
And so the next song is " 'tis the damn season" and I am so vibing with that one, y'all don't understand, it's like, soft violence, the longing, the "we can call it even", I am foaming at the mouth, this one gives me so many scenarios
"There’s an ache in you, put there by the ache in me" aka it's angst time, the pain when, ugh, when you're an idiot hurting your own feelings and messing with your crush's head, because you can't stop yourself from either flirting with him or pushing him away the very next second
(and this is where I said I am gonna take a break and then didn't come back to this until today)
okay, so I can't stress this enough - my post-game Kokichi continues to hide behind his in-game persona and dials it up whenever there's even a chance of publicity. I'd like him to quote "It's obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together" to Harukawa but really, he died for those people, he might do something like that in an interview for show, but the attitude from mad woman is directed at TDR and fans... for the most part. He acts like a spoiled celebrity and he's always having a scandal, whether it be getting into physical fights with fans or reporters, or saying something offensive or throwing a fit and trashing a place (like a hotel room or a store) because he got upset, being caught drunk or smoking, making crude comments about other participants of the game when asked at the events they're forced to attend because of their contracts (he won't answer anything if they get to him any other day tho) so in his " 'tis the damn season" era a lot of rumors is born
A lot of them centered around him and Shuichi, most of them having a bit of truth to them. There is something developing between them because deep down it's what both of them really want, but Kokichi is still playing with Saihara's feelings, making it a game of cat and mouse, pulling him along, being the one to seek him out, flirt, but also always the first to backpedal and leave him alone in a rush
but eventually it starts to get through to him that Saihara actually cares and that it's hurting him, so we enter with champagne problems when he realizes Saihara is being genuine with him and the "dropped your hand while dancing" is literal because it's one of the official parties, organized by one of the many anti-danganronpa organizations that ask Saihara to give speeches on their events like this one, and they're waltzing, having a quiet conversation, Ouma's tease backfiring on him and he runs away just like that
Cue him holing up god knows where to mope for weeks, agonizing over worst case scenarios, playing it over and over in his head, certain that he hurt Saihara with his playing and pushed their relationship beyond saving and that's when the last great american dynasty starts playing, because he uses that time to finally sort through his pre-game stuff too, and it turns out they were almost-not-really together back then too, so he blew it thrice and they won't be getting any more fresh starts therefore "Who knows if I never showed up what could've been. There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen. I had a marvelous time ruining everything :)" bc he read his diary and thinks it's his fault Saihara joined danganronpa (it isn't)
and there's no way to incorporate my tears ricochet smoothly with its literal message but I think about "I didn't have it in myself to go with grace" a lot and if you re-frame it from Momota killing him directly to their whole group scapegoating him and pushing him in the direction of becoming the villain they wanted him to be just to wonder why he doesn't come to group therapy and tell the press they have no idea why he's being hostile with them now that it's all over. It'd be simpler if they still hated him like they were always supposed, but now their eyes are suddenly open to bigger enemies, so they believe he can just... what, sit in with them like it's all sunshine and rainbows? Like his presence doesn't make things more painful? "Look at how my tears ricochet" in a sense of a realization, the same sentiment as "There’s an ache in you, put there by the ache in me", the way he's hurting affects everyone. When he separated himself from the group in game it was noble, but now it's borderline sabotage of their progress out of avoidance, he's withholding closure, denying healing that has to be done, it isn't just about whatever mind games he's been playing with Shuichi, Kokichi is stuck in his game mindset, creating a tear in their group by alienating himself from it. He needs to talk with Miu, Gonta... even Kaito
He has to work out his place in the group and spend some time with friends, doing some healing before he gets back to Shuichi and they actually, finally talk things out, get together.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 1 year
Haunted by Their Love
Haunted By Their Love by Scarlet Traveler
“You guys share clothes,” Kaminari finally broke the silence. “Bakugou's literally wearing your jacket right now, man.” Bakugou shoved his hands in said jacket's pockets. “Eijirou's clothes are warmer.” “You two cuddle like, all the time,” Mina said. Eijirou raised an eyebrow at her. “Meens, you've known me since middle school. You know I'm touchy with my friends.” “You guys use each other's given names,” Kaminari pointed out. “You guys can call me Eijirou too,” he said, “and I can call you by your given names.” “None of you better fucking dare call me by my given name,” Katsuki said with a glare. “That's okay. We weren't gonna use your family name either, Blasty.” Kaminari stuck his tongue out at him, making Katsuki swipe at him with a growl, but Kaminari just jumped out of range as he laughed. “Anyway,” Sero cut in, shaking his head at their antics. “Kiri, you literally kissed Bakugou on the forehead like, ten minutes ago.” ~ Kirishima and Bakugou have been dating for years, and everybody has noticed except for them. To make them realize, their friends take matters into their own hands.
Words: 11820, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina & Kaminari Denki & Sero Hanta
Additional Tags: not really for garaki but sorta, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Ghost Hunters, Inspired by Buzzfeed Unsolved, POV Alternating, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Oblivious Bakugou Katsuki, Oblivious Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki is Whipped, Kirishima Eijirou is Whipped, Soft Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, Idiots in Love, Established Relationship, Getting Together, yes there's both, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Cuddling & Snuggling, Kissing, Forehead Kisses, Forehead Touching, Late Night Conversations, Supernatural Elements, Paranormal, Haunted Places, Ghosts, Past Character Death, Implied/Referenced Torture, those last two are super vague and not for the squad, Bakusquad, Supportive Bakusquad, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Crack
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43836810
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lovinglylibelle · 2 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
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pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x reader
genre: fluff
description: 'stupid' confessions under the moonlight
requests: open
a/n: this is a post from my old blog, which i tweaked a bit. hope you like it<3 follows, reblogs and likes will be much appreciated and they will help me a lot. Have a good day, drink water and stay safe!!
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You hugged your sweater close as you watched the snow fall around slowly, the weather had warmed a bit but that was it. It was still chillingly cold everywhere. The winter had started only a week ago but at this rate it wouldn't be late for the city to freeze.
Taking a deep breath, you looked at the moon. It was round and bright, the craters visible at such a distance making you wonder just how big they were. The moon was truly wonderful and you were glad that it was there.
The sound of the door to the roof opening caught your attention, but you didn't turn back; too entranced by the moon.
"Want to get sick?" You heard a grumpy voice say, a voice you could recognise anywhere, Bakugo Katsuki. You turned to face him and gave him a polite smile, trying to calm your racing heart. He did that to you, sometimes even worse.
"It's a small price to pay." You replied, turning back to look back at the moon. The guy next to you and the moon were similar in many ways... Just like the moon he was so unique, one of a kind honestly and just like the moon standing out amongst the stars, he stood out amongst everybody. He had this constant atmosphere about him that just inspired everybody, including you.
"You really are an idiot." He said, shaking his head. Though it was an insulting name, there was something about the way he said it that made your heart skip a beat, you genuinely were hopeless.
"If admiring something makes me an idiot, then I will gladly be one." You replied, smiling yet again. Your answer was true, you would gladly be known as an idiot for admiring something you love be it the moon or him, in this instance.
"But if admiring something would lead you to something dangerous, you are just stupid." He said, looking at the celestial body with you.
"It's okay to be stupid sometimes." You said, turning towards him.
Hearing that made him turn as well, a serious expression on his face. Without the frown, you couldn't help but take in the sight in front of you. His blonde hair had snow in it as well as his lashes, his cheeks were red from the cold air making him look otherworldly. He was truly beautiful and those magical eyes of his, they were like the embers of a fire... burning bright and providing you warmth in the cold weather, they were dangerous if you got too close but oh did you want to get close...
"But is it worth it to be stupid?" He asked, taking a step towards you. You couldn't comprehend what he meant but you hoped that it was what you wanted it to be. His face was serious and yet confused. He looked nervous but you knew that wasn't it. Your breath picked up its pace, your heart pounding faster by the minute.
"You will have to be stupid to know that..." You took a step forward as well. You weren't sure of what you meant but you knew that you were able to say what you wanted to perfectly.
Caught in a trance, you reached out to move his hair out of his face. You were close. Too close. His eyes looked at yours. Full of emotions. You could see his breath forming in the air. Beautiful. Thats what he was. Wonderful. Thats what he was. You were in a daze. He had this effect on you. You liked it. You loved it.
You gently placed your hand his cheek. Taking a deep breath. Trying to figure out what this was. A dream. That has to be it. But no, it wasn't. This was real. He was real. And he was standing in front of you, looking at you the same way you looked at him. With want. With care. With love.
He slowly leaned in and before you knew it, his lips were on yours. They moved im sync with yours, caressing them. It fit. Just like two puzzle pieces, it fit. The missing piece that you never knew was there, was finally found. Your hand was on his chest, his heart beating under matching your own frantic one, while his were on your waist.
You felt perfect. The moment was perfect and he was perfect. Bakugo was perfect. You wanted to stop this moment. To freeze the time. To be with him just like this, forever if you could.
"Was that stupid?" You whispered, pulling back a little. Your eyes were still closed, letting the moment linger longer. Savoring it.
"Yeah..." He said, his forehead against yours. You opened your eyes to look at him. He was looking at you already, his lips red and swollen.
"Was it worth it?" You asked, referencing to his question.
"Shut up." He said looking away, making you chuckle. Yeah. You loved him. You loved Bakugo. You loved his antics. You loved his determination. You loved his smile. You loved his eyes. You loved him. You loved Bakugo.
"By the way, if that doesn't say it then just to be clear, I like you." You said, he didn't need to know about the love part yet. For his sake, you were ready to go as slow as he wanted and as far as he wanted.
"Yeah I know dumbass, me too." He said, mumbling the last part loud enough for you to hear it.
"You are cute" you whispered, a soft grin on your face as you leaned in yet again, capturing his lips again.
"You are an idiot."
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
Haunted by Their Love
Haunted By Their Love by Scarlet Traveler
“You guys share clothes,” Kaminari finally broke the silence. “Bakugou's literally wearing your jacket right now, man.” Bakugou shoved his hands in said jacket's pockets. “Eijirou's clothes are warmer.” “You two cuddle like, all the time,” Mina said. Eijirou raised an eyebrow at her. “Meens, you've known me since middle school. You know I'm touchy with my friends.” “You guys use each other's given names,” Kaminari pointed out. “You guys can call me Eijirou too,” he said, “and I can call you by your given names.” “None of you better fucking dare call me by my given name,” Katsuki said with a glare. “That's okay. We weren't gonna use your family name either, Blasty.” Kaminari stuck his tongue out at him, making Katsuki swipe at him with a growl, but Kaminari just jumped out of range as he laughed. “Anyway,” Sero cut in, shaking his head at their antics. “Kiri, you literally kissed Bakugou on the forehead like, ten minutes ago.” ~ Kirishima and Bakugou have been dating for years, and everybody has noticed except for them. To make them realize, their friends take matters into their own hands.
Words: 11820, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina & Kaminari Denki & Sero Hanta
Additional Tags: not really for garaki but sorta, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Ghost Hunters, Inspired by Buzzfeed Unsolved, POV Alternating, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Oblivious Bakugou Katsuki, Oblivious Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki is Whipped, Kirishima Eijirou is Whipped, Soft Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, Idiots in Love, Established Relationship, Getting Together, yes there's both, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Cuddling & Snuggling, Kissing, Forehead Kisses, Forehead Touching, Late Night Conversations, Supernatural Elements, Paranormal, Haunted Places, Ghosts, Past Character Death, Implied/Referenced Torture, those last two are super vague and not for the squad, Bakusquad, Supportive Bakusquad, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Crack
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43836810
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arcanadreams · 3 years
That time you and your demon boyfriend went viral
hi yes hello obey me fandom!! my name is Gabbi and i have never played a single second of the actual game but i have read enough fanon content for the past year to have this idea swimming around in my head and now i am finally letting this accursed thing out of my brain and putting it in yours
also i’m only doing the brothers because any more than that and i’d have an aneurysm probably. oh and shoutout to @obeythebutler and @beels-burger-babe for inspiring me with their works to feel brave enough to write for this fandom
You and Lucifer go viral on Asmo’s Devilgram story!
You’re in the kitchen helping Asmo with dinner duty and singing along to one of your playlists of human realm music that you like to show him.
Asmo starts filming your cute little dance while you stir the pot on the stove because you are just adorable!
About ten seconds into him filming, Lucifer appears in the doorway with quite the stern look on his face. You know, the one that comes right before a “MAMMOOOOOON” and strikes fear into the heart of all those with functioning eardrums. That one.
He opens his mouth, presumably to tell y’all to shut the fuck up, but then there’s a lull in the music and the eldest can hear your voice ever so slightly above the song’s vocalist and he freezes.
Man stops in his tracks like someone just smacked him in the face with a midair volleyball.
Asmo can be heard stifling a laugh behind his phone.
Lucifer’s face gets so soft and he almost, almost, loosens his metal-rod-through-the-ass posture before you notice him and give a little wave and ask if you and Asmo were being too loud like the considerate darling you are.
Lucifer clears and his throat and says something like, “No, you aren’t. I was just coming to check on how dinner is coming along,” and leaves, after which Asmo immediately presses the post button.
Screenshots of Lucifer’s heart eyes for you go absolutely viral because every demon on Devilgram goes absolutely feral for seeing the eldest demon brother lose his dignified composure. It becomes a meme template. “Get you someone who looks at you like Lucifer looks at MC” and “me at the delivery demon when he shows up with my spicy bat wings” posts become commonplace. (Asmo thinks the memes are totally worth getting strung up with Mammon for laughing at them.)
Much like Lucifer, you and Mammon end up going viral off Asmo’s Devilgram. (Noticing a pattern here?) 
He pulls a silly prank on your asses and honestly I don’t know how you fell for it. But hey, they say “idiots in love” for a reason, so...
You and Asmo are sitting in the common room of the House of Lamentation just chillin. Well, he’s chillin, you’re on the floor studying for an upcoming exam.
The video starts in the middle of a conversation you and the avatar of lust were having.
“No, Asmo,” you say. “Mammon and I don’t use pet names for each other.” Now that’s just a darn lie, and every demon and crow within ten miles of Mammon and you together knows it.
“Really? I find that very hard to believe, MC.~” 
You sigh in response to Asmo’s teasing. “Okay, he has a lot for me but I’m just not much of a pet name person, y’know?” The rest of the exchange goes like this:
“Oh, I totally get it.” *pause* “Hey MC, what do human world bees make again?”
Cue a sheepish Mammon sticking his head in the doorway at the bluntness of your tone when you answered Asmo.
“Yeah, babe?” he looks like a puppy left on the side of a highway oh my god hUG HIM-
Asmo turns the camera back to his smug ass face and in the background you can be heard tripping on the damn carpet trying to get up and hug your mans. (”MAMMON GET OVER HERE SO I CAN HUG YOU” “W-WHAT? I THOUGHT YA WERE MAD AT ME?!?!?!?!”)
Streamer Levi? Streamer Levi.
You guys go viral the first time you make an appearance on one of Levi’s weekly (insert cool Devildom streaming service name here) streams. 
It’s completely unintentional. You had been asking him for weeks to play with him on there, but he’s the avatar of envy after all. He doesn’t like sharing his partner, even if it’s with random strangers who have no real access to you.
However, he has his stream on a Thursday instead of a Friday one week, and you come into his room carrying dinner because 1) You didn’t realize he was streaming and 2) No matter what he was doing, the boy needed to eat. It wasn’t unusual for you to bring him dinner, so you had no idea why he was blushing and stammering even more than usual this time in particular. Boy was speaking in beached whale trying to tell you what was wrong.
Then you notice his screen. Oh! “Hi chat!” You wave, setting Levi’s food down on his desk in front of his keyboard. “M-MC!” He full-on whines, slamming a hand over his mouth afterwards when he remembers his viewers could hear that.
Honestly, they’d meme the fuck out of him if it weren’t for the fact that they are FINALLY SEEING HIS HENRY!!! THE MYSTERIOUS MC!!!
Chat is bombarding you with questions while you make Levi eat dinner. And by make him eat dinner, I mean literally feeding this man forkfuls/spoonfuls while he games because you love how flustered he gets when you do that. 
Does it impact his score? Absolutely. Does he care? Not really when you’re pampering him like that.
You start answering chat’s questions about you while he’s chewing so he can’t tell you to stop LMAO-
You’re a natural on stream. The VOD becomes the most popular on Levi’s account in a matter of hours and soon cute highlights compilations of you and him on that stream start making the rounds on Devildom Twitter.
There was buildup to Satan going viral, similar to Levi in a way. 
Satan does have a Devilgram, but it’s basically a white woman’s Instagram with added book reviews for variety. Unless you’re a reader his account is pretty boring: candles, books, fireplaces, and cats.
However, after you two started reading together fairly often he began posting pictures of your legs draped over his while you sat together. They’d always be captioned with vague ass pretentious literary criticism. 
This goes on for months, and he gains a lot of (horny) followers after the leg pics start up. He doesn’t really get why but you both joke that it’s because you have some damn nice legs and I mean neither of you are complaining about the new following.
You two go viral when he finally shows your face, entirely by accident.
The post is a video, which is already strange for him and grabs attention. In it, you’re scoffing and reading an excerpt of a book, mocking its understanding of female anatomy.
“I’m quoting here, Satan: ‘her breasts bouncing around like giant pacmen.’ I’M SORRY?? THAT ISN’T HOW BOOBS WORK SIR. WHY ARE MEN ALLOWED TO WRITE?” 
(fun fact that is a very real quote from a very real book I really read last month pls save me)
Originally the camera is focused on your body, with your head out of frame to protect your privacy, but your righteous anger made Satan laugh. Like, a real laugh. The one that makes you and everyone in earshot wonder if he truly was never an angel cause he sure as hell laughs like one but anyway-
When he threw his head back, his DDD angled up just a tad without him noticing, and your face was in view for like .2 seconds. Screenshots of it are making the rounds on Devilgram almost immediately: FINALLY THE LEGS’ OWNER HAS BEEN FOUND.
Satan apologizes profusely but you honestly find it funny and you two opt to just start taking selfies while reading with both of your faces in them from now on. 
I’m gonna be real with you: you and Asmo go viral all the time. Pretty much everything Asmo posts can be considered viral because of his social media following and his status as one of the seven avatars of sin.
However, there are some fairly cute highlights to be pointed out among the times you were both featured in a post that blew up.
Your favorite is probably that time Asmo livestreamed on of you guys’ ‘Nail Nites,’ as you call them.
You’re both on the floor, doing your nails and kicking your feet back and forth while talking to chat. A lot of the questions are about your relationship, and there’s a lot of flirting back and forth between the two of you.
A particular clip of the stream does blow the fuck up on Devilgram, though, when someone screen records it and posts it with a bunch of heart emojis edited over it.
“’What colors do you think best describe each other?’ Ooo, that’s a good one, chat!” Asmo claps his hands together excitedly, making sure to be  careful of his nails.
Pretty much everyone expected you to say pink, but you surprised both your boyfriend and your viewers when, after a pensive few moments, you replied with “Hmm...probably yellow or orange.”
“Can I ask why, darling?” Asmo tilts his head in confusion. I mean, yeah, those colors look good on him, but he doesn’t wear them often so he’s wondering about your thought process. 
“Well, in the human world those colors often represent happiness, optimism, and positivity. You’re always the cheerful presence I need in my life when things get hard, so you have the vibe of those colors.”
Asmo proceeds to burst into tears and hug you, messing up both of your nails and prolonging the stream since you both have to start over. But neither of you particularly care. 
Fun fact: Asmo has the clip that demon made of that portion of the stream saved on his DDD and watches it whenever he feels sad.
Beel and you probably go the most viral out of everybody. Like this moment is an entire phenomenon across the Devildom internet. 
It’s a video, or well, multiple videos, taken at the end of a Fangol game that Beel’s team had just won. Everyone is cheering and going crazy, yourself included, and you just really wanted to congratulate your boyfriend.
So, like the rational person you are, you elect to climb up onto the railing of the bleachers and wave to get his attention. 
You were absolutely fine up there, and sat all comfortably motioning Beel over to you. He notices, of course, and jogs over, standing right beneath you and looking up. (Back where you were sitting, Mammon is screeching like a hyena in heat and Belphie, who is laying down, has one eye open to glare at him. The youngest knows Beel would never let you hurt yourself; you’re fine.)
A bunch of assorted demons at the game has started filming while you were sat atop the railing since you were rather noticeable. Therefore, there’s a shit ton of different angles of the adorable events that follow:
You slide off the railing, landing right in Beel’s waiting arms bridal style. You’ve got this brilliant smile on your face as you pull his helmet off. None of the DDDs filming can hear it over the crowd noise, but Beel asks you why you just went through all that trouble and you tell him it’s because you wanted to tell him how proud you are.
Soft boy’s chest puffs up and he smiles this big cheesy smile at you reach up to run a hand through his hair. You feel him practically purr at the contact, and with a laugh you pull him in and plant a big ole smooch on him.
The crowd, at least those of them that can see, scream. Everyone is running high on adrenaline and happy emotions; something that cute causes a ruckus!! When you pull away Beel proceeds to put you on his shoulders and you celebrate with him and the rest of his team.
The videos of you two being adorable go completely viral and there are some threads dedicated to stockpiling every single angle taken of the event. Beel is completely oblivious to the attention but you have a lot of them saved on your DDD.
If you think Belphegor has any sort of social media presence whatsoever then you are sorely mistaken. (Well okay he actually does run some anonymous troll accounts to meme on Lucifer’s posts but that’s neither here nor there-)
Therefore, naturally, you two go viral off of Asmo’s Devilgram. 
Okay so someone in the obey me tag the other say headcanoned that Belphie will go out of his way to nap in ridiculous places and my brain really took that and RAN WITH IT.
So what happens is that Belphie will fall asleep in the fucking weirdest places. I’m talking on top of the fridge, underneath the dinner table, on top of bookshelves...you name it, he has slept there, no matter the effort it takes to get there in the first place. 
And, ever since you two started dating, you would join him. Sometimes it involved putting yourself at risk of great bodily harm, but the little smile he gave when you he saw you fucking scaling the countertop to reach him made it worth it.
So anyway, since Beel adores the both of you to no end, he takes pictures whenever he sees you two napping together, whether or not it is in a crazy place. He sends these to the family group chat because he thinks they’re adorable.
Over a span of weeks to months, Asmo has built up a stock of images of you and Belphie cuddles up in seemingly impossible places. Once he has about ten or so, he posts a compilation of them to his Devilgram with some cheesy ass caption like “The things we do for love <3″.
They become a meme SO QUICKLY. Like UNBELIEVABLY quickly. 
The picture of you and Belphie sleeping on top of a bookshelf, in particular, is a big hit. Memes abound.
“If my girl doesn’t climb up a bookshelf to cuddle my ass, she don’t love me.” “Get yourself a partner who scales bookshelves just to be with your ass.” Etc etc...Belphie doesn’t give a shit but you laugh at a lot of them so he sees that as a good outcome.
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
Requested: No
Paring: Shelby!Sister Reader x Isaiah
Words: 5624
Summary: For a year now, you had a secret relationship with Isaiah and even when he is still in the same room with you, you can’t stop feeling lonely. It’s not that you don’t love him anymore, it more about the weight of the secret you have to carry. But with Tommy as you big brother you can’t risk, telling the truth or your man might get shot.
I was in the mood for a Shelby!Sister reader x Isaiah and it turned out to be way longer than I expected it... and I even cut out dialog... So here it is!
It’s also flavored with Junior Peaky Boys fun at the beginning. And I was inspired by my homegirl’s one shot called star and my story is an addition to hers, it’s the same night, but Bonnie has some other adventures than the reader and Isaiah.
Somehow I feel like everybody is a little ooc, but I couldn’t correct it.
Requests and tag list are still open, feel free to dm me or send me an ask.
tagging: @bonniesgoldengirl​ @justalonelyslytherin​ @theshelbyclan​ 
Warning: swear words, drinking, binge drinking, gambling, a hinted smut and a sweet ending
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It was one of those nights, nothing special, just the usual fellows around the same table in the Garrison.  You had fun nevertheless. All your friends were right there, you had enough to drink and you had a luck hand today. The cards seemed to work in your fortune.
Deviously smiling you revealed your hand. You just had won this round and it gave you unholy amounts of satisfactions. “Ha”, you cheered: “Suck it up.”
Your friend shrugged and shoved his coins in your direction. All he said was a very grumpy “There you go”, but it pleased you.
You took the money and peaked around the corner. Where was Michael with the drinks? He was like a brother to you, but he was just your cousin. Maybe it was because you were born just two months before his older sister, Anna. Even though, she was gone Michael came back to his real family and now you were closer than ever. You cared for him, more than your siblings did.
But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t hit him, if he just left the bar to fuck with some random girl. It was not about him having sex, more about leaving without telling anybody. Especially when he was supposed to get drinks for the table. You moaned and said: “Where is Michael?”
“Probably doing somebody”, Isaiah joked and lit a cigarette. Then he offered you one and you took it gladly. Actually, you bit your lip and gave him the side-eye, but you had to hide your smile in front of the others. Bonnie and Finny weren’t the smartest boys in Small Heath, but you wouldn’t risk it.
You had so much fun with Isaiah that you didn’t even know when it started. Months passed by, while you were completely caught up in your little game with him. Nobody knew it. That was mainly Isaiah’s fault. At first it amused you to keep your relationship with him secret, but now you were ready to tell your family about it. Your boyfriend didn’t like the idea.
Somehow you thought Michael started to notice. He gave you the glace, which said: “I know, dear”, but maybe you were just getting crazy. You just had to be more careful around others now and everything was fine.
The night was still young and you were keen to make Bonnie lose all his money today. He had won the boxing match earlier and the bruises were still visible, but unfortunately for him, he couldn’t win against you. It was just a card game, but it filled you with gleeful joy. This and the fact that Isaiah was sitting next to you. Sometimes he would brush your thigh with his fingers, which made you giggle even more.
“There he is”, yelled Finny while being so fucking drunk, like you never had seen him before. Michael arrived with messy hair and his tie was undone, but he had your drink and that was all that you care for. “Finally”, you fluted and ripped the glass of his hand: “Thank you, babe.”
And the whiskey was still cold, which meant he fucked the girl first and ordered the drinks afterwards. “How was she? Good?” you asked before you took a sip from your whiskey. You weren’t a lightweight when it came to drinking, maybe not as well as Arthur and John, but you could tolerate much more than Ada and Finny. Your little brother was so drunk, he looked like his head was all empty and yet filled with bullshit.
Michael sat down next to you and answered: “Mhh, she was okay, but she talked too much.” Then you felt the weight of a hand on your thigh again. A shiver rushed down your spine, but it was the wrong side. Your cousin had put his hand on your knee. “Everything alright, Y/N?”
You nodded. “Yeah, everything is perfect”, you blabbered hoping he wouldn’t keep asking questions, but he did. “Don’t be so worried, every time I’m with a girl. I know you’re still a virgin, but you can get some too. Tommy wouldn’t be against it.”
How wonderfully wrong he was. Neither were you a virgin nor would Tommy be okay with this. After all, you were his little sister and he wouldn’t accept the guy, you were sleeping with. Of course, Isaiah was a friend of the family, but after the whole thing with Ada and Freddie you had something to worry about.
The best snarky comeback was right on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn’t say it without letting something slip. ‘What gives you the idea I’m still a virgin?’ And yet you were silent as the guy who fucked you, sat right next to you. You felt trapped and decided to go straight forward. “Yes, he would. You know it and everybody in Small Heath knows it.”
“Oh whatever”, Michael mumbled: “Just drink enough and you eventually forget about it.”
You grinned and emptied your drink. “Fuck it, let’s play some cards. I’m not done with Mr. Gold over here.”  Then you took the cards and dealt them to start the next round.
Much later that night when you brought Finn back home and went straight back to the pub, in front of the entrance, you stumbled into Bonnie. “Is there a reason why you’re smirking?” you asked him. He was gleaming red and smiling like an idiot.
Then you remembered. “The singer, right?” Bonnie nodded and his grin got even wider. “You talked to her?” Again he gave you a silent answer. You grabbed his arm and pulled him back inside. He was a lot heavier than you thought, but then again, you were just a girl and he was a boxer.
Sometime it was weird to only have male friends, it just happened. Maybe it was because of your brothers. Maybe that’s why you never acted like a proper girl. Of course you felt like a woman and you liked your body, but in your eyes it was so much easier to talk to guys.
“Eyy, where did you found him?” Michael slurred and helped you to put your friend on a chair again. With your hands finally free you had the chance to explain. “Found him outside. I don’t know what he did there, but he talked to the singer.”
Both, Isiah and Michael nodded. It was only logical for Bonnie to freak out after it talking to her. He was there every Friday night looking for the singer and now his brain seemed to melt, just because she said something to him. But neither of you knew, what she said exactly. Maybe this was a problem for another night. It didn’t look like Bonnie was able to answer.
So you ordered some more drinks and sat back down again. In this separate room, which was reserved for your family, it was almost too tempting to get close to your boyfriend again. Isiah looked so good that night and it hurt to be unable to touch him… or to kiss him. But you would be satisfied with just holding his hand now.
It was a curse; you knew it soon after you realized that you loved him. He was handsome, charming and a loyal friend. There was no better man for you, even though you wished you could be together in public. And again you bit your lip and moved your chair away from him.
But you couldn’t think about this anymore, it was too frustrating and luckily somebody else caught your attention. It was Bonnie who mumbled very quietly: “I think she kissed me, but it could be a dream as well. It felt so surreal.”  You padded his shoulder and nodded to underline your compassion.
It was just the same with Isaiah. Whenever you two were alone, it was amazing and beautiful. He was so soft and romantic and he just made you happy. But every time you woke up and he was gone, the sweet scenery shattered. And out in public it was getting annoying to find excuses to be with him or getting away, so you could spend some time alone with him and you had to lie to your whole family about your whereabouts. Slowly it became exhausting.
There was nothing you could do about it, so you just drank your whiskey and talked with the boys about Bonnie’s singer and the girl Michael had. It was so easy for them to display their relationship in the public, but of course you didn’t have this privilege as a girl. Apparently, you needed to be protected. Or so it has been explained to you. You wasn’t concerned for your safety but for your freedom. Tommy said it was his job as your big brother to care for you, even if it felt like he was controlling you. You have always been the wild one among your siblings and everything was fine, until your mum died and your dad left. Then Tommy was in charge and sometimes his opinions would vary from yours, which led to fights. And yet you feared what he might do, if he found out about your secret.
All the sudden Bonnie fell from his chair and you groaned. Now somebody had to bring him home as well. First Finn and now him… but why they couldn’t take the whiskey today? You weren’t nearly as drunk as them, but still.
Isaiah stood up and picked his friend up. “I’m taking him home. I’ll be right back”, he said, before leaving.
Now Michael and you were alone. It wasn’t what you wanted. The only thing you could think of was smooching the sweet lips of your boyfriend. You were caught up in your little fantasy, when your cousin woke you up again. “Isaiah is acting weird lately.”
“Oh… really? I didn’t notice”, you replied: “He seemed normal to me.” Your hand grabbed the fringe of your dress. Talking about him made you nervous.
Michael moaned and fumbled for his cigarettes. He put them out, you took one and he turned his between his fingers, when he added: “I don’t know, maybe I’m getting paranoid, but I think he is hiding something from us.” Then he lit his cigarette and took a drag from it.
You inhaled sharply and stared into the void for a second, before answering: “Don’t be silly, he is just as loyal as ever.” Then you laughed and Michael joined in. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I just needed to get this off my chest.”
The rest of the conversation went just like usual. You chatted, you bickered and you had fun. While the bell already announced the new day, Isaiah came back.
In this tiny glimpse of a moment you couldn’t hide your smile and he reciprocated. Actually, you were just waiting for Michael to leave now. It was your plan all along, but patience has never been your strong suit.
It took three more rounds for Michael to say goodnight. “Take care of her, will you?” Isaiah nodded. When Michael finally grabbed his jacket and headed to the door, you felt unbelievably excited. Your fingertips slapped a melody on the table, while you watched him leaving. The door shut and now you had what you longed for all night.
You turned around and looked at him. Gosh, waiting felt like an eternity. Now you were the one smiling like an idiot. Slowly Isaiah came closer and his hand pulled you to him for a kiss. “Finally”, you whispered against his lips, before giving him what he wanted.
After you two parted you rested your head on his shoulder. Now you were getting tired as well, but you didn’t want to go to your bed. “I was waiting the whole evening for this”, he moaned and stroked your hair.
The smell of his perfume made you realized how much you missed him too, even though he was with you since you went to Garrison tonight. You moved closer to him and wrapped your arms around him to give him a tight squeeze. Then you signed: “I wish we didn’t have to hide” and buried your face in his shirt.
“Babe”, he replied: “We already had this conversation. It wouldn’t end well. Let’s just enjoy what we have as long as we can.” It hurt, but Isaiah was right. There was no chance Tommy was getting you off the hook, once he knew about it. And no matter how you explained it to him, he would still be against it. You were too young for stuff like that, as if he didn’t fucked Greta, when he was the same age.
You leaned back to see his beautiful face again. There was something in his eyes, a twinkle or something like that, but it always made you feel comfortable. A lick of your lip was enough to purpose the idea of doing something nasty. He knew you since you were children and it was like he could read your thoughts, especially the dirty ones.
Isaiah started giggling and asked: “Hey, babe, I still can cheer you up, right?”
Maybe it was time for some fun, different to the fun you had before with your friends. The word pleasure would describe it well and with his knowing look he gave you so many ideas. You laughed and nodded. “I think it might help when you do the thing with your tongue.”
“Oh”, he responded amused: “Like this?” And then grabbed you for a kiss and god, what a kiss it was. His tongue brushed your upper lip just to enter your mouth and explore it as if it was your first kiss. He even bit your lip playfully and kept going until you couldn’t breathe no more. Your knees started shaking and it was needless to say, he was the best kisser you ever had.
It took you a while to catch a breath again, but then you answered: “Yeah, just like this… But maybe we could go to your place and do a little more?”
He didn’t seem to be so sure about this suggestion. His thumb stroked your shoulder as he held you in his arm. Because he was so quiet for a second, you knew, he thought about this backwards and forwards. “But right when the sun comes up, you have to go back home”, he argued.
Again, Isaiah was right. You should take too many risks. Otherwise you might get caught and neither of you wanted that. All you could do was to shrug and agree: “Just don’t shoo me after we fucked.” There was bitterness in your voice. What wouldn’t you give to wake up next to him every morning?
The pub was almost empty, when you left. You couldn’t hold his hand on the way out. Everybody in Small Heath was Tommy’s spy. Back on the streets a cold wind blew. Now you had an excuse to go near him and he shared his coat with you. Isaiah was always so sweet and caring. You knew you wanted to spend your future with him. There was no other man and you wouldn’t get over him, not now and not in five years.
You even took off your shoes before entering the Jesus household and followed him on your tiptoes to his room. It was completely dark in the house and the silence was haunting, but good for you, you knew the way by now. The excitement made your fingers tremble.
Finally you arrived where you wanted to be the whole day, in his room. Isaiah closed the door as quietly as possible and started smiling. You walked up to him and started to unbutton his shirt. Now you didn’t want to waste any time.
And neither did Isaiah. He was ripping down your dress, which only worked because the straps were so thin. His hands were all over your body and you couldn’t stop kissing every inch of his skin. It felt like magic whenever he touched you. You moaned, when he played with your bare breasts. To silence you he put his thumb on your lips, which you took as an invitation to suck it. Maybe it was mean to tease him like that, but you were desperate for his affection.
An hour later you laid next to him, your head on his chest as he stroked your hair. “You should leave, before we both fall asleep, babe”, he whispered, which caused you to sign. Leaving now was draining, even exhausting. After this wonderful sex, you were too tired to move anywhere, not to the bathroom and certainly not back to your cold bed.
You pouted your lips and tilted your head, so you could give him your puppy eyes and a pretty please with cream and a cherry on top. “Just ten more minutes. Your bed is way comfier than mine.”
He laughed and kissed your forehead. “That’s just because I’m in this bed and you like to use me as your personal giant pillow.” Your fingers hovered about his belly. Even though his muscles weren’t tense now, you could still feel the strength lying beneath his skin.
While your index finger drew circles around his bellybutton, you whined: “Maybe… just maybe that is true, but I still want to lay here for a bit. Otherwise I start to feel like a whore, who only comes for sex and leaves silently afterwards.”  It wasn’t a knock against Lizzie or her job, but you didn’t like the feeling, when you got home and had to find sleep in your own bed. Even though you had a relationship with him, you still felt lonely. Especially when the sun was rising and nobody was by your side.
“You’re not a whore and you know that”, he argued looking a little concerned.
Then you turned on your back and stared at the ceiling. “No, I’m a Shelby and that is probably worse”, you scoffed.
Now Isaiah was silent and had no witty comeback for that. Maybe, because it was true. If you weren’t part of the family, you could be with anyone, whoever you wanted. Carrying the name Shelby was the only reason, why you had to hide your relationship with Isaiah.
After a while he mumbled: “Okay, stay for a while, but you should be back before they open the shop.” By that time you were already half asleep and yet his words made you smile. He wrapped his arms around you, the little spoon and purred like a cat. Just in this position the both of you fell asleep.
Loud steps were coming near the door, but they wouldn’t wake you up. The screaming of Isaiah’s name did. It was a familiar voice and it took you a couple of minutes to notice, it was your brother Finn who shouted and ran down the hall. Suddenly you were wide awake. You startled up and looked around the room. The sun was already up and shining through the window. Then you saw Isaiah, who was just as frightened as you were.
If Finn came rushing through that door, your secret relationship was no longer secret. “I locked the door last night”, he whispered, which was relieving to you, but still no perfect solution for this problem.
Now Finn arrived at the other side of the door and was knocking on it like crazy. “Isaiah, wake up! Y/N is gone. Nobody can find her and Michael said you were the last one with her in the bar”, your brother yelled. You could hear the panic in his voice, but you couldn’t get caught. Not now.
You stumbled out of the bed and collected your clothes, when you heard Isaiah ask: “What are you going to do? You can’t go out there. He will find out.” And you knew your boyfriend wasn’t concerned about Finn, more about Tommy.
The tension in the room was immense. You had to come up with a plan or your brothers would shoot your lover in front of your eyes.
Suddenly you knew what to do. You pushed the pile of clothing to your chest and squeeze it thigh, when you explained in a lower tone: “I’m gonna hide in the wardrobe and then you open the door and go with Finn away. Afterwards I can come out and then I go to the betting shop and tell the others I have fallen asleep on a bench or something.” It was not the best plan, but yet your only option.
Isaiah nodded and you climbed into the cabinet where he stored his shirt and jackets. The second you entered the small wooden space, you knew it was all going down. Call it intuition, call it divination, call it whatever power Polly owned, but you felt it rushing through your body. He closed the door behind you and then you could hear him stumble into his pants.
Only half clothed he unlocked the door to let Finn in. Isaiah was still sleepy. He wasn’t the morning type of person and before he hadn’t had his breakfast he wasn’t really available. Finn strode up and down. You heard is nervous steps. “Everybody is freaking out right now. Polly thinks somebody kidnapped her or worse. I mean, she has always been unratable in her doings, but this time my sister is really going of the edge. It’s already past lunch and nobody has seen her”, Finn explained: “This morning her bed was empty and I thought I shouldn’t worry, but now I’m afraid I should have said something sooner.”
The cabinet was very uncomfortable and yet you tried not to move or to make a noise, which would cause Finn’s attention. However, being in Isaiah’s position didn’t seem to be pleasant as well. He had to lie to his best friend about the whereabouts of his missing sister, knowing she was sitting right here. Isaiah patted his friends shoulder and said nothing.
Finn didn’t calm down and seemed to be upset, Isaiah wasn’t panicking like him. “C’mon, get dressed. We have to look for her. She might be lying somewhere in the dirt. We shouldn’t waste even more time, standing around.” Then he walked to the closet and opened just the door where you had been hiding.
Butt-naked you fell down to the floor and looked up to your younger brother, who had the same face expression as the one time you told him where the babies were coming from. Some when later you would look back at this moment and would have a good laugh about this, but right now it felt like your world was collapsing.
He should have seen you like this and it took you a whole minute to gather the mental energy to get back up at your feet and greet him like it was the normal thing to do in a situation like this. “Hey, Finny, there I am.”
Your brother froze mid movement and stared at you as if you were the first pink elephant the world has seen or a bear riding a bike. Then he broke the silence. “What?”, he winced. There was no anger in his voice, just total confusion.
Finn looked to Isaiah and then back to you. “You screwed my sister?!”
There was no answer to this question.
“How long?” Finn asked: “How long did you hide that from me?”
You glared over to you boyfriend as if you were asking him for permission to say something. Isaiah signed and nodded. There was no point in denying this anymore. It was over.
Now you had to tell the truth. “A couple of months, maybe a year or so”, you croaked and your voice sounded strange. Like it was not your own and even though you dreamt about finally opening up, it shouldn’t have been like this.
Your brother yelled: “A year?! A whole fucking year? Damn, I should be proud because apparently you two are excellent liars with no moral issues… you two deserve each other.” You heard the disgust and disappointment, when he spoke and it broke your heart. Back then, when the whole thing started you though he might be the only one of your brothers to understand you. How wonderfully wrong you were.
“No”, you said under your breath: “Don’t fucking do this to me. I would have told you, if you wouldn’t have run straight to Tommy after you knew. Everybody knows you can’t keep a secret. So don’t act like it was my fault or my mistake, because it’s not. I would have gladly told everybody, I’m like him very much, but you and Tommy and Arthur and John made it impossible for me to even talk with a guy who is not part of the gang. You can’t turn this around and act like you are the victim in all this.”
It was time for you to stand up for yourself and your decisions… and time for you to get dressed. You didn’t seem as responsible as you were when you were still naked and in front of the closed you have been hiding in. Now you knew how wrong it was to lie and hide your relationship, because it wasn’t their concern. It was your life, your body and your choice. Nobody could take that from you and certainly not your brothers. You weren’t afraid of them. All your life you saw how your brothers treated women and you said nothing about it, but this should change right now.
So you stood there, furious and filled with rage, put on your dress and your shoes and said one last thing, before leaving: “This madness has to end.”
You stormed out of the room- not caring for Isaiah or Finn- and heading for the King of Small Heath to throw him out of his high throne. Your hair was a nest and you smelled like a bar after a dirty old night, when you entered the betting shop. Nobody was there, just the regular family members.
Everybody seemed to be relieved to see you again and then came close to hug you. Ada was right next to the door and the first to greet you. “Oh my god, you’re back, sweetie”, she muttered.
Next was Polly who examined your appearance for cuts and other injuries. Of course you had none, besides the hickeys Isaiah gave you. She tried to take a closer look of your neck, but you pulled away, which caused her to ask: “What happened? Where were you all night?”
Now Tommy was coming up to you. His steps were slow, but fierce and the glare in his eyes was pinching. “Just from the smell I would guess, she was with a guy this night”, he scoffed: “She probably had a lot of fun, but now she should say, who that guy was, so we can take actions.” You knew he was addressing you, even though he didn’t phrase it like that.
“I don’t think, this is your business”, you replied with a grin on your face. You wouldn’t back down. Not this time. “But yes, I was with a guy tonight. So you don’t need to worry. I’m completely fine.”
Your older brother led out a little laugh, pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. “Well, well, well, I don’t care what you think. I’m your brother and it’s my job to make sure you’re safe”, he explained: “And now you tell me who he was.” Ah, past tense, a hint of what was going to happen.
You crossed your arms and tiled your head to give him a dismissive look. “Who said it was your job?” was your comeback, but your brother wasn’t remotely impressed. Neither of you would let the other win. You were too stubborn for this gesture of insight.
Others, including Arthur and John, were somehow intimidated by Tommy’s behavior, but not you. Actually, you learned too much from him to take his shit.  He taught you to help your head up high and how to outsmart your enemies.  Now you could use the same strategies against him.
“Ever since our father left and mom died, you act like you are in charge, but you’re not. We are your siblings, not your pawn, waiting for your command”, you hissed: “I have my own life and I make my own decisions and who I meet shouldn’t concern you.” Slowly your anger grew. It was a boiling feeling in your gut, like you were fueled with fire.
Tommy was getting gleaming red. You had hit the right spot and you knew you would hurt him with your words, but otherwise he wouldn’t understand. The words were stuck in his throat as he killed you with his looks.
Patiently, you waited for his answer. He wouldn’t give you the satisfaction, but silencing your brother was the best thing ever, since he was the reason why you felt miserable lately. “No comeback? No arguments, dear?” You loved to poke his wounds and you did it with a huge smile on your face.
“As if you would listen to me… You even said it yourself. You wouldn’t take my advice”, he responded and bid his lip. “But I don’t need to talk to you to teach you a lesson. You’re too young to fuck around town and I’m going to find the bastard who did this and kill him.”
The door was opened behind you and soon Finn entered the room. You gave your little brother the death glare you were known for. He shouldn’t get the idea he was allowed to talk about what he found out.
You should be raging right now, but all you could do was laugh. His empty threats weren’t as daunting as he thought. With nothing but spite you whistled: “I would love to see you try. I kept this a secret for over a year now and you noticed nothing. And now I can wait another year for you to find him… or I could run away… whatever you prefer.”
Now you’re pushing your luck. Finn could ruin everything, if he just said one wrong word. The palms of your hands were sweaty. It was a dangerous game you played there, but it was not like you could back out of it now. This was road of no return.
Tommy seemed to be more surprised than fuming, when he asked: “You slept with some geezers for a year now?” He respected your talent to keep it under the radar. Everybody who could shirk his rules deserved acknowledgement for putting up with this risk. Maybe he was finally realizing how much you had grown. You weren’t his little kitten anymore.
“No, not geezers, just one guy”, you corrected him: “But yes, that is true.”
You watched Tommy as he walked around the table, heading for the whiskey, while he nodded understandingly. “Mh, so you would say it’s love?”
A sign came from your lips. You already knew the answer, but you weren’t so sure, if you should say this out loud. After all, you didn’t even have a proper talk about this with Isaiah. Silence was filling the room, while you calculated your risks. If you said, you loved him and Isaiah wasn’t as serious about the relationship, you would look like an idiot. Good for you, he didn’t come to the betting shop to witness the fight between you and your brother. Finally you decided to tell everybody: “Yes, I do.”
“Good”, Tommy mumbled while he poured his whiskey: “Then you should have my blessing. Just give us the name now.” He took a sip and seemed to be amused by your embarrassment.
Talking about Isaiah, while he wasn’t present, was weird, but you knew why he stayed in the comfort of his own room. You weren’t mad at him for not running after you. This was your fight and not his. And after all your brothers were a little scary, when it comes to stuff like this.
But you had Tommy’s word now and nothing should happen to your man. You shrugged and rolled with your eyes. The fuss they made about this was still annoying.
Ada patted your shoulder and encouraged you to speak. “Do we know him?” The answer was yes, but it was also the reason, why you struggled to say it out loud.
Even John chimed in and kept pushing: “Yeah, what’s up with this fella?” He was smiling to let you know the mood had changed. Nobody was against you anymore.
“It’s…”, you started and fumbled for the seam of your dress: “It’s Isaiah.”
At first it was dead silence, while the others processed the information, then Arthur and John burst out in laughter. Finn seemed to be relieved, because he would have hated it to keep a secret like this. Your older sister was hugging you a little too tight and even Polly was smiling.
Tommy had a smug on his face when he muttered: “If that’s the case, then you should have your happiness.”
“Isaiah is a fine fella. You will be alright”, hummed Arthur. Apparently everybody was happy with your choice. You just had to stand up for yourself.
It felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders and then you could laugh about it too. But suddenly you remember that Isaiah was still waiting for his death in his room. “I should go and let him of the hook”, you fluted and already went to the door when you heard Tommy said: “Don’t get pregnant or he has to marry you.”
533 notes · View notes
It started with a whisper
I originally wrote ‘Like I did with you’ as a one-shot but people wanted a sequel. This turned out to be waaaaay longer than expected (4.7k word count). Inspired by Everybody Talks by Neon Trees. I hope you lot enjoy!
(Also this is Mari’s new outfit, all credits go to the original artist)
Two teens stood upon the balcony of a large banquet hall, exposed to the midsummer night air. The sky was a lilac blanket that hung over the Parisian buildings, speckled with glowing stars. The moon, with it’s crescent smile, beamed down of the young couple.
Hey, baby, won't you look my way?
Marinette’s eyes were closed as she rested her head upon his shoulder, relaxing after the night’s rapid escalation. Tonight she had arrived at the ball with the intent to be there for her friends, but somehow she found herself within the arms of Gotham’s (and probably Paris’) Ice Prince. She had overheard his nickname from the Gotham students, one of which being Jon, who was in the middle of mocking the young Wayne. She had never considered that nickname as suitable; sure he was temperamental & had a tendency to snap, but icey to the core? No.
I can be your new addiction
Damian was calm. For the first time in his life he felt like he could take a breath. His exhale was carried off by a small gust of wind, the bush over hanging the stone railing rustled. With his inhale, the scent of Marinette’s perfume became present once more. Mixed with the crisp night’s air, her usual scent of pastries was mixed with what could only be described as ambrosia. His phone vibrated within his pocket, it was never on volume due to the potential risk it caused during his heroic activities.
“Shit.” Notifications covered his screen, multiple tweets, Instagrams and Tiktoks in which he had been tagged in. But the alert came from his family’s private messaging chat. The whole thread was a shit storm, Grayson and Todd’s messages were completely capitalised (he learnt years ago this meant ‘to yell’ in writing form) and both had multiple ‘keyboard spasms’. Drake, like the thorough detective he is, had combed through the images and videos, investigating their validity. His honorary sisters had replied with ‘awwwww’(s) and ‘Omg we MUST meet this girl! I need to know how she tamed the demon!’. He could practically hear Brown’s shrill voice from across the ocean.
Hey, baby, what you gotta say?
No reply from his father or Alfred. The two of them were the only semblance of ‘normal’ paternal figures he had within his life, after the sham of a relationship he had previously held with his grandfather. Their silence unnerved him.
Marinette had noticed his attention had shifted to his phone, her own mobile was buzzing away within her baby pink purse. Messages, notifications of account tagging and comments galore. A sigh left her lips when she saw her parents seemed to be none the wiser. Good, she didn’t need to deal with future adoration for ‘The boy who swept our daughter off of her feet’ (or something along those lines).
Her cheeks regained some of the warmth they held before as she thought of her parent’s reaction. Scrolling through her Twitter she saw her friends had posted multiple images of the night’s events, majority being her shared dance.
Chloé Bourgeois @TheBestBourgeois
what kind of Disney shit is this? (Insert video of two teens dancing around an mostly empty dance floor.)
Alix Kubdel @Sk8trGirl
Replying to @TheBestBourgeois
All you're giving me is fiction
She was thankful that they hadn’t tagged her but she hadn’t been spared by others in attendance. Her post thread had blown up, thousands had commented and even more had viewed the evidence. There was no way she would come out of this unscathed.
“Has anyone been on Twitter today?” The blonde of the family asked as she walked into the dining room. Her eyes focused on her scrolling screen, brows furrowed in confusion. “Actually has anyone seen what’s happening on any of our socials?”
It was early in the afternoon and the family had recently returned home after a straining stakeout. The Joker had broken out of Arkham and the Batfam had to deal with his minions. Dick’s arm was in a sling (sprained from a grapple gone wrong), Jason was icing his hand, Alfred was stitching Bruce’s chest wounds while Tim and the girls escaped without severe injuries. All were still recuperating and finally able to recharge.
Alfred always enforced a strict ‘no devices at the dinner table’ rule; no matter how urgent it was, it could wait until after sustenance was consumed. Tim strongly opposed this, but there was no arguing with Agent A. This all surmises that probably no one had seen the crap storm on social media.
I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time
Bruce sighed, bringing his free arm up to rub his eyes. Tilting his head back to look at Steph, “Who was it this time?” Barbara quickly took out her phone to see what Stephanie was talking about, all the while glancing accusingly at Dick and Jason. Both of whom held up their arms (or in Dick’s case arm), declaring their innocence.
“It wasn’t fucking me!”
“Jason! Language!” Dick shot a glare at Jason and was met with one in return. “It wasn’t me either.”
“Then who-“ Bruce started before being cut off by his most rambunctious daughter.
I found out that everybody talks
Stephanie with a squeal, exclaimed that it was Damian. Visions of what the Wayne brat could have done flashed through the heads of everyone in the room. He had been sent overseas before the quarantines and lockdowns hit. During Damian’s first month in France he had been forced into online schooling and then finally when he got to go to in-person classes he hated it. Described the class as a kindergarten with petty and vindictive toddlers.
Had he broken someone’s arm? Was that person of such importance that it had spread over multiple social media platforms? France’s government had announced on June 15th, that teens were now being inoculated so him having COVID-19 was doubtful. Had he insulted the wrong person? Had he taken over the government? He certainly had the potential.
Everybody talks, everybody talks
What they saw stunned them, even Steph as she watched it for the 7th time. Damian Wayne was dancing. But not only that, he was dancing with a girl.
It started with a whisper
“What is this shit?”
No one verbally objected to Jason’s outburst but he was sent a harsh glare from Alfred, Dick and Bruce. Their focus soon returned to the images and videos before them. Babs’ and Steph’s phones were returned to them as the others ran to grab their own devices. They all met back at the table, comparing the posts and comparing their notes.
I can hear the chitchat
“There’s no way this can be real.”
“Jesus Tim,” Barbara rolls her eyes, “have you seen the amount of posts there are? You’d be an idiot to think otherwise.”
Take me to your love shack
“I’m with Tim, how do we know this isn’t some skit. I mean, Demon Spawn almost looks normal. That’s a matter of concern.” He almost dry heaved when he agreed with Tim. Damian couldn’t be capable of naturally exuding that amount of humanity unless there was something in it for him.
Mamas always gotta backtrack
“I was just saying Babs, that we should check the credibility of these images. For all we know they could be gorilla glued together and trying to get unstuck.” Tim cringed at his own reasoning, he really needed to either sleep (probably not going to happen anytime soon) or find his favourite coffee brand (which had been one of the first to vanish after the covid hoarders appeared).
When everybody talks back
Dick was too busy freaking out and spam messaging the youngest Wayne, to defend Damian’s humanity. The family saw this and followed suit, wanting to get information from the source.
Chat name: Alfred supremacy
Babs: who knew the city of love would influence the brat
Blondie: they are so cuteeeeeee!
Blondie: We HAVE to meet her!
Silent-but-deadly: agreed.
Timbo: Apparently the videos are legit
Timbo: are you being blackmailed?
And it just devolved into more chaos from there, fueled by the fact that they saw Damian’s ‘Blood Son’ account appear online before vanishing once more. Dick shrieked, “I FOUND HER ACCOUNT!”
The family gathered around the eldest son, peering over his shoulder to view his iPhone 12max screen. They saw a young girl’s Instagram account. It was locked but they could see her profile pic, the girl had black hair and looked to be if Asian decent. They compared it to the videos but it was hard to see due to the hall’s lighting and the minimised facial features of the pfp. Alfred suggested that they search up her username and see who has tagged her, some might have other photos of her.
After research for awhile, the family began to get frustrated with lack of results.
Hey honey you could be my drug
You could be my new prescription
“Come on!” Jason complained, “What kind of teenage girl doesn’t post her life online?” He ignored the girls glares and went back to researching. How had the account by the name of ‘mariiiiinette’ to managed to prevent the entire Wayne clan from accessing it? Damn Instagram privacy settings. He groaned, dragging a hand down his face, “We are fucking stupid. Why don’t we just use the Bat-computer? It would be so much fucking easier.”
“It shouldn’t be used for civilian issues-“
Too much could be an overdose
“The girl could be a meta for all we know! We aren’t safe until we know who she is.” Jason points a finger at Tim, his paranoia flared up and even though he would never admit it, Jason would do anything to protect each member of his family (although Bruce is still debatable).
All this trash talk make me itching
Barbara and Tim took their usual positions as Oracle and Red Robin (who had been banned from patrol due to lack of sleep). The rest of the Batfam stood behind them either with arms crossed or still failing at researching.
Oh my my shit
“The account is owned by a girl called Marinette Dupian-Cheng. She is French-Chinese and her parents own a popular bakery. Also if it wasn’t already obvious, she goes to Collège Françoise Dupont, aka Damian’s French school.” Tim begun informing his nosy family, “But this account has been inactive for the past 6 months, which is strange due to her frequent posting schedule before hand. It seems she probably has a second account and this is her old one.”
Everybody talks, everybody talks
“Not only that,” Barbara interrupted. “There are unopened messages from other accounts that accuse her of being a bully. There is a whole Facebook page about this girl and how she has been hurting her old friends, but neither side seems reliable. The so called victims seem to be twisting the truth but there is barely any information about Marinette so we can’t disprove it either.”
“Read out some of the messages.” Bruce took a cup of coffee from Alfred and sipped it.
The main screen of the bat computer displayed a Facebook group with the banner picture being a photo of Marinette. “They are mostly complaints expected of teen girls when there is a girl they don’t like; ‘Marinette is such a know-it-all’, ‘She is constantly insulting Lila’s intelligence’. They go on to talk about how Marinette was briefly expelled from the Collège before being reinstated by the principle for a reason unknown to them.”
Everybody talks too much
“Her school reports up until this year were good. The newest one states, ‘While Marinette is a wonderful and bright student, I encourage her to settle her disagreements outside of class. This seems to only be a recent occurrence and I implore her to go to the guidance council if she is in need of help.’” A beat of silence echoes through the cave, Tim sighed. “Jason’s meta theory could be correct. She could have just recently started exhibiting her abilities and using them to get what she wants.”
“Bruce what do you want to do?”
“We’re going to Paris.”
She opened her eyes to the blaring morning light that streamed through the blinds. Her lashes still painted with mascara that refused to leave. She felt a pang of sorrow when she was removing her makeup and dress last night, she never wanted the night to end. She shuffled down the stairs to the kitchen, covering her mouth when she yawned. She greeted her mother as she entered the kitchen to get breakfast.
She glanced at her phone and there was the chaos that was started hours ago and it was still occurring. It was the weekend, she wouldn’t need to deal with her classmates until Monday. But she would still have to survive her parent’s interrogation. Out of the corner of her eye she caught her mother smirking at her.
Everybody talks
“Nadja told me some interesting news about last night.” Marinette held her breath, glaring at the toaster, willing it to hurry up so she could escape. “Well,” Sabine patted her shoulder before rubbing Mari’s back. “I know you didn’t want to go but I hope you had fun.”
With that she exited the kitchen, probably going to help her father in the bakery. The ravenette stared after her, eye widened in shock, jumping when the toaster went off. Buttering her toast she went over the conversation, her brows furrowed in confusion. She had expected a ‘When do I get to meet the oh so famous prince?’ or ‘Should I be expecting a new guest sometime in the near future?’ or at least a ‘Who was that young man, Bǎozàng (宝藏 it means treasure)?’ But she said nothing.
A small smile was plastered upon her face as she changed and went down to help her parents in the bakery. Her father didn’t say anything either, he gave her a knowing smile before continuing to kneed the dough. She sat at the the store front as the cashier whilst her parents were busy making ‘Paris’s Finest Pastries’.
Her musings slowly faded as she was brought back to reality by badly hushed whispers. Two young preteens were by the bread roll casing near the door. She had seen them come in before with their parents, the girls went to the prestigious international school over in the 16th arrondissement. The one with purple hair kept whispering to the brunette, both ‘subtly’ glancing towards her. Using her enhanced hearing she listened in on their conversation.
“That’s her, I swear that’s her in the video.”
The blonde’s face soured likes she sucked on a lemon. “No, it wasn’t good lighting there is no way he would dance with someone like her.”
Everybody talks
Marinette had tough skin but their words had an impact, only a small one due to her defence mechanism of repressing emotions. She stopped listening and went back to drawing in her sketchpad, she was in desperate need of a new school outfit.
The two girls eventually came up to the counter, goods in hand. Marinette rung up and bagged their items (paper because save the turtles sksksk) in a tired daze. A phone was shoved into her face, her eyes barely adjusted to view the screen before the blonde spoke.
“Is this your instagram?” She asked in a tone so snobbish that it should be illegal from a person her age. Marinette finally was able to view the screen that was barely an inch from her face. Her old Instagram ‘mariiiiinette’ was displayed on screen, she hesitantly nodded, gaze flicking back to the two in front of her.
The blonde’s nose scrunched up and the purple goth girl squealed in delight. They soon after left the store, their conversation had devolved into ‘See! I told you’ and ‘Yeah, yeah. You were right.’
Walking to school on Monday, she had finally come down from cloud nine. She still rode the tail end of her high as she rushed along her path to her campus, she wasn’t going to be late but she sure wasn’t going to be early. She had spent the better part of the weekend designing and sewing a brand new outfit. Her new look was composed of a black cropped singlet (L'amour gagne hemmed into it and it’s straps), paired matching peach plaid cropped overshirt and a-line miniskirt. Her hair was down, ballet flats were worn and her makeup was the usual with the added edition of a rose gold eyeshadow.
Even though her face was covered in a black and gold mask, she looked hot.
She reached the campus and the whispers started again, people were still buzzing from Friday night. Her classmates, the majority of her grade and the younger years seemed to gossiping before class about the formal’s events. She couldn’t spot any of her friends or the two Gotham transfers, so she was stuck listening the the chitchat. Why couldn’t she have been late like usual?
Damian had a fowl disposition and it showed in multiple icey glares (and that was before he even reached the collège). His family had made their appearance known in Paris at 1am Sunday morning. He could have used his dorm to escape but his family didn’t have the word ‘privacy’ within their vocabulary. He didn’t want to have to pay for a lock replacement due to his brothers’ (most likely Todd with Drake & Grayson laughing at him) lock picking habit.
The Ice Prince was back with full force. He had just been... influenced by all the other couples. Yes he did respect Dupain-Cheng and he appreciated her company & pleasant conversations. He would struggle to hide a small smile at the memory of the dance, even if he denied himself the happiness of normality, he felt content when reminiscing.
“Ooo the Ice Prince is here, did he have a fight with his princess or something?” The voice seemed to mock him.
“The Disney Magic is gone. The demon is back.”
Everybody talks
At the second jeer he shot a glare at the perpetrator. Jon held his hands up in an ‘I surrender manner’, laughing as he joined Damian at his side. The two entered the school’s large foyer and looked to see if any of the classes were open yet. Sadly they weren’t, before he was wrong and the his class was plain torture but this was truely hell.
He saw Dupain-Cheng sitting alone on the stairs, drawing within her sketchpad. He wondered how a girl like her, who always seemed to be involved in other’s lives (for the better) was ignoring all of the comments about her. She felt his focus centre on her, eyes flicking up to meet his, she provided him with a small wave before continuing to draw.
Jon nudged him with an elbow to his ribs and dragged him off to the side, into the boy’s locker rooms. Jon scowled at the door, “It’s a mad house out there. You’ve heard what some people are saying right?”
“Why would I care about these imbeciles?”
Jon jabbed Damian in the chest, causing the demon to stumble. Green eyes darted from blue eyes to the tan finger. “You care when lies hurt people you care about.”
The day began to rapidly decline once the two dance partners took their seats, next to each other. They had both been placed up the back of the class and them sitting together hadn’t been a problem until now apparently. She wasn’t even safe when the teacher started their lecture, whispers and glances were cast towards them. Once the two got to biology it was better, Ms Mendeleiev was a strict teacher and was able to control the class.
Everybody talks
But the recess came. When the bell rang she slowly started packing up her equipment, Alix and Max (who she shared biology with) waited for her; she watched as the Ice Prince left through the door. She knew she didn’t need to be concerned about her friends joining in with the gossiping, if anything they would dispel people and tell them to ‘Mind their own fucking business’ because this whole situations is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.
She did receive some slight teasing from Alix about being a Disney princess, but Marinette quipped back about the skater’s fairytale story being ‘Pinknette, the Geek and the Beast’. The three met up with the other two of their group, they had just come from geography. Kim was complaining that Argentina was a state in America.
“That’s Arkansas you idiot!” Chloe shrieked, lightly hitting his arm with her white handbag. Max held his head in his hand as he approached, how had his tutoring sessions failed so badly?
Chloe turned to Marinette, a smile forming from her glare. The blonde examined the designer’s clothing, nodding. “You look like you are about to have a hot girl summer.”
Marinette’s face burned, the tips of her ears coated in red. Alix chuckled and nudged her shoulder.
Everybody talks
“Look at her, she is so desperate for his attention that she probably copied those designs.”
“Why do you think he danced with her anyways? Maybe she has something on him? I mean, she forces him to sit next to her in class, who knows what else she has done.”
What. The. Fuck.
Chloe glowered towards Lila’s posy. “We have a fucking seating plan, those cretins-“ She made a motion to storm over but was caught by the ravenette, looking back to Mari, her rage decreased from a boil to a simmer.
“No Chlo. It’s fine, it’s not worth it.”
Everybody talks... back
The group walked out to the school’s front steps, it was a mad house... a mad courtyard? Students sitting on the stairs, on the grass and standing around mingling, all of them now were staring at her. She held her backpack close to her chest (she had swapped her signature coin-bag purse for the pastel pink bag), pretending its a shield. Her friends circled around her becoming an obstacle to prevent their stares. If people were afraid of a scowling Kim then they don’t know the scorn of Chloe or Alix’s bite. And Max, sweet quiet Max.... you better hope he doesn’t have blackmail on you (he probably does), he can dismantle your life with a single anonymous post.
Rushed footsteps approached them. The group was broken apart by a rude Wayne boy, he swept Mari away from the school and the gossip crowds within. Her four friends shouted at him and he kept walking, shooting a glare at them in response. He kept pushing Marinette forward with a hand placed on the small of her back, her backpack was now swung over his other shoulder.
They ended up in her favourite alcove. She had brought him here with the other Gotham transfers for a native’s tour of Paris. It had always been her safe place to be creative.
It started with a whisper (everybody talks, everybody talks)
“My apologises for our rushed departure but you seemed to want to get out of their anyhow.” His gruff tone danced through the silence, his head still peaking around the corner; watching for any unwelcome guests.
“Thank you.” She whispered, her voice almost being carried off by the gentle wind. A genuine smile illustrated upon her face.
“We weren’t able to converse after the events of the other night. I would like to formally apologise once more for my actions causing this adverse reaction. If I had kn-“
“You don’t need to apologise!” She squeaked, hiding her eyes behind her fisted hand. Her shoulders curled inwards as she tried to make herself seem as small as possible, a side effect of her common use of her secondary miraculous form: Multimouse.
“I chose to dance with you, you don’t need to apologise for my own actions.” He stared at her with confusion. He had taken the blame so she wouldn’t need to do so herself; but she had taken it anyways. He had given her an out. Why does she always take the blame, even for things out of her control?
“But if I hadn’t danced with you then you wouldn’t have been the focus of the entire school.”
Marinette stepped forward, her eyes hardened and blazing. “Damian Friday night I went there out of obligation to my friends, I didn’t want to be there. But dancing with you? That was the highlight of my week, probably my month too. I enjoyed our time together.” Her face softened, lips twitched downwards ever so slightly. “I don’t regret anything about that night, but do you?”
He was bad at comfort. Everyone in his family avoided him when they were in need, he plainly didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t visibly upset but he sensed that she is disappointed that he apparently didn’t share the same opinion of the night. The only thing he regretted about that night was letting Jon call him a coward, but then again if he didn’t he never would have danced with Dupa- Marinette.
He picked up her clenched hand, the tension in her body alleviated at his embrace. He remembered how Grayson would apologise to Kor’i or how his father interacted with Ms Kyle. He brought their hands up and placed a kiss upon her knuckles.
And that was when I kissed her (everybody talks, everybody talks)
“I do not regret anything either—“ he cleared his throat, “In fact, I’d appreciate if we would be able to interact more, especially outside of that cesspit.”
Was he...?
It didn’t matter.
She smiled the same dazzling smile she gave him at the dance. She nodded while laughing, “I’d love that.”
Everybody talks
The two stay talking, hidden within their secret alcove for the rest of the day. She texted her parents to say she was with a friend and would be back later that night. Damian didn’t bother texting his family, Marinette knew he had to be back soon due to his dorm’s curfew.
The sun was setting at they walked back together, he did the gentlemanly thing and dropped her off at her bakery door. She could see her mother behind the register inconspicuously looking over at the two of them. Damian’s lips quirked upwards, she was satisfied with his kinda-smile.
He walked back, hands in pockets and a neutral expression upon his face instead of a scowl. He reached his door and took his keys, he found that it was already open. Damn.
His family was splayed out within his two roomed dorm. Todd and Drake were fighting over a place to sit on his bed, whilst his father sat at his desk, watching the commotion. The three of them turned to him as he enter the room, they were the only family members able to attend on short notice; Cain had a ballet audition, Gordon & Brown had concert tickets for tomorrow, Grayson had to take care of Mar’i while Kor’i was on Tamaran and Alfred stayed to ensure no one died during their night time activities.
“We need to talk Damian.” His father stood, leaning onto the desk chair. “The school called and said you had an unexcused absence for half the day. Where were you Damian?”
Damian stared into his father’s eyes. He was fifteen, almost an adult, but was treated like he was ten again.
“I was with a friend.”
“Probably the girl from the dance. Marinette, right?” Todd mocked him. Damian snapped his head in the direction of his bed, glaring at both his brothers.
“That’s what I want to talk about with you Damian. Now I don’t know her personally but from what we’ve discovered through our investigation we have some concerns. What’s happened Damian?”
The youngest Wayne’s glare shifted off of his brothers to the floor, and then finally to his father; his family sitting in wait for his answer. Straightening his posture, his shoulders clicked as he rolled then back. His statement’s tone was sure and steady, “Everybody talks father.”
Everybody talks... back
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scotch or irish? tommy shelby x reader
warning/s: underage drinking, swearing, violence, and slight smut
 inspired by disco pigs (2001) 
A/N: I was really high when I came up this idea. Even wrote it while I was high, but I couldn’t find it the next mirning. Wasn’t sure if I really wrote it or if it was a dream. Either way, it’s here lol After like two weeks. Sowwyy 
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Tommy and y/n. y/n and Tommy. For as long as the pair can remember, that’s the way it has always been. Born only a few months apart, the two created an instant bond so strong that Aunt Polly said it would transcend through many lifetimes. And of course, Aunt Polly was never wrong in the matters of the heart. This was a friendship full of heart, romantic and platonic love for there was not one without the rest. Tommy’s mother would say to Polly, “That boy... it’s his cleverness that’ll kill him.” Martha found herself confiding in her more, so she continued, “As long as Tommy and y/n have each other... I am not worried.” And everyone knew. Everyone except Tommy and y/n.
The two had very similar minds. What one was thinking, the other was already mentally processing and vice versa. It would be almost adorable if it wasn’t so weird, as Arthur Sr. would call it. It was only weird because they were so smart. Against everybody else (even Polly at times, although she would never admit it), they were always two steps ahead.
From a young age the two understood their natural connection. For example, at the age of seven, Tommy and y/n planned to swear a vow of silence together that was planned to last a total of ten days. At first, y/n was met with slight worry from Tommy.
“We need code names! What should I call you if I need you?”
“You won’t have to need me, silly. That’s the whole point! I will already know, and so will you.” The logic was missing. They were both aware of this but none cared.
The goal was set for ten days. Not a single word was uttered between the kids or anyone else for that matter, aggravating the living hell out of those around them, especially Arthur who would’ve done anything to be a part of the joke. However, by day five, y/n broke the vow, rushing her feet as fast as they allowed a few houses down on Watery Lane.
That day she had heard a few of the older Lee boys, around Arthur’s age, speaking down on the Gypsy Shelby’s. y/n just had to tell Tommy or she was sure she would burst. It was also on day five Tommy came to two realizations: (1) He too would break their vow of silence. There was nothing worth doing if it meant he couldn’t do it with the person who understood him the most. (2) Tommy decided that same day that y/n, in her own right, was a Shelby too.
“Shelby,” he whispers to himself, only for him to hear.
At age 15, y/n was able to convince Tommy to steal a bottle of whiskey from the local pub. Her little hands shoved a piece of a paper with instructions in his direction. “Meet me here,” was all she told him with big eyes before he could even get a word in, running back to whatever held her short attention span. Unfolding the paper, Tommy could see a drawn out map of where to find the only girl who could keep young Tommy on his toes.
If anyone asked him, he would tell them all this was something he had to do. Many nights Arthur and Tommy had to go in all hours of the night looking for their father in pubs. One night in a drunken haze, Arthur Sr. takes his second born by the shoulders, causing him to be dragged onto the floor next to his father. He takes his boy by the face, shaking it a few times to show how serious he was trying to be.
“A man is meant to provide, always. Be a man, Thomas.”
y/n asked and Tommy planned to provide.
Seeing the large “X” marking the destination, it matched the location right before Tommy’s eyes. It was a beautiful far away, empty place from Watery Lane with lots of surrounding nature. It had just finished raining. y/n always did like the way the rain made the earth smell.
She notices her friend right away and runs up to him. y/n takes him by the hand. “I found my favorite tree here. Come on,” she says very nonchalantly.
Tommy shakes his head behind her. “Of course you did, Shelby. Of course you did.”
y/n often thought the world moved too slow for her liking. She always liked to be out and about. Always wild, never to be tamed. She figures that’s why she likes the Shelby’s so much. She was blessed to find a family early in her life that matched her soul. Except, she knows why she likes Tommy so much. He liked to be wild too. He moved just as fast as y/n, and he thought just as fast as her. So there was no doubt in her mind once she tasked her best friend with the alcohol that he'd deliver.
“I just took the first one I saw and ran like hell.” He presents y/n the bottle.
“Scotch whiskey,” y/n reads the label out loud before opening it. Tommy at this point began to see the trouble that she carried within her starting to stir. Confirming this intuitive feeling, y/n goes to make a quick toast like the kind she has seen her father make with Tommy’s. “To your Aunt Pol who would kill you if she ever knew, Thomas Shelby,” she groans out as she takes the first large swing with the most confidence. Even from when they were children, Tommy always wondered how so much confidence could fit in such a small body.
He takes the bottle from her to mimic her actions. “To my Aunt Polly who will find out by the week’s end.” They both laugh before Tommy takes his sip, but when he does, he takes it differently than y/n. “What the fuck, y/n. How can you even drink that shit?” He spits and coughs as he attempts to recover.
“What? I like it.” She shrugs while going for another.
At age 18, Tommy realized he loved y/n. By the time Tommy turned eighteen, it came to no surprise to anyone that he was already turning out to be a ladies man. Girls turning into young women were quick to notice his dark hair and hypnotic blue eyes. He was different than any of the factory worker boys that took after their fathers. He was ambitious. He wanted more to life than what dirty old Birmingham could offer, and the young women knew this so in some way, it even made it seem okay that his last name was Shelby. Almost as if Tommy was being pardoned for being a Shelby. And he hated that feeling.
y/n never made Tommy feel that way. She was always the first and the last one to defend her friend since birth. Crowned by Tommy all those years ago, she was Shelby. What else could have made her break her vow with Tommy all those years ago? Tommy didn’t realize exactly what he was realizing at the time. How could he? They were kids being kids. He couldn’t have known it was loyalty. If it wasn’t clear to Tommy then, it was now.
“You need to get out of here. Go get Arthur and John. This is no place for a woman,” Tommy warns y/n one night out, sensing trouble.
The two found themselves cornered by a group of boys around their age. The Peaky Blinders were gaining respect, notoriety, and fear from those around them. Things were changing for the Shelby’s, but not everyone agreed. Most certainly not the three boys looking for a fight. “Run!”
“No!” She hisses back. She tightens her fist and holds them up.
“There is no fucking way I’m letting you do this.”
“Either I leave to get the boys and we come back to your half-dead body, if we’re lucky or I stay and fight and we may actually win this.” Truth be told, y/n wished she could listen to Tommy and go get his brothers. But more than the fear she felt for herself, it was tenfold for Tommy.
“Damn you, Shelby.” he tells her as the fight breaks out.
No words were exchanged on the walk to The Garrison. It seemed like all of the day’s events were forcing Tommy to think about the vow they made when they were seven. Only this time, Tommy could see the logic she proposed. He did know what she was thinking because he was so sure she was thinking the same as him.
“Whiskey, Harry,” was all Tommy said, not bothering to spare the man a glance. y/n goes to sit at a table like they always do but was stopped by Tommy. He latches onto her hand, careful with the cuts and bruises that were beginning to form. “No,” he tells her, “We’ll be in the snug.” And no one protested. They may have wanted to but at the sight of blood on their clothes and on his razor blade, no one dared to speak out against the Blinder.
Not long after Harry delivers two glasses of whiskey through the snug’s window. “Give the toast, Shelby,” he gives the cup to y/n.
Her eyes never leave his. Even with exhaustion hijacking them, y/n could not name a more beautiful sight. “To you, Tommy. To the best and worst pal in the world.”
In his state of shock, Tommy failed to clink their glasses together, so y/n did it. The sound pulls him out of his own swirling thoughts, and they down their drink in an instant. Like the siamese twins they are, a look of disgust and twinge of horror overtake their faces.
They both spit out like venom but were quick to laugh it off. “You gave me the wrong cup, Thomas!”
“Hey, come on now. I’m still Tommy. I’m just a bloody idiot for not knowing the difference.”
Only a few moments later, the laughing winds down a bit. The atmosphere still remains light only to be shattered. “Why don’t you love me?” He blurts out to y/n. “Like the way I love you?”
y/n’s content smile never falters. “I believe you have been too busy to notice me, Tommy. I’ve been right here. Because if you would have just asked, I would’ve said I loved you too. And I do... love you too.”
He smiles at her. “The best and worst pal in the world.”
y/n could feel her heart begin to hammer against her chest. She no longer felt like she was sitting down but floating. With the adrenaline from the fight gone, she should have been able to feel her wounds mark their place on her skin. But that’s not true. All she could feel was a warm, tight feeling in her chest. The boy she loved, loved her back. And no amount of irish whiskey could ever compare.
“Do you trust me?”
“With my whole heart.”
Tommy’s eyes searched y/n’s for any trace of hesitance or fraud but found none. All he could see were the eyes of the girl he loved the most. And most importantly, the girl loved him back.
He stands up to speak to Harry through the snug’s window and comes back shortly after. “Come here, Shelby.”
“Because I want to kiss the only girl in all of Small Heath that I love.” At that, y/n had no protests.
Their kiss was nothing less of what the two expected. It wasn't awkward. Nerve wracking, sure, but not awkward. Many nights y/n dreamt about this very moment. She dreamt how Tommy’s lips would feel against hers. She often wondered what kind of lover he was. And now she knows, leaving her with no more thoughts to wonder about.
She is the first one to pull away. “I have loved you since we were seven and you called me “Shelby” for the first time.” She places desperate kisses onto his lips, cheeks, and neck. Anywhere they would fall, really, leaving traces of pure love behind.
Tommy feels like he is starting to lose control once her pillow soft lips attack his neck. “Tell me again, y/n. Let me hear you.”
“I love you,” She reminds him in between her kisses.
“Shelby... if you keep doing that, I’m not sure how much gentleman will be left in me.”
She looks up from the spot on his neck she was loving on, having found his sweet spot. “This one? Right here?” She asks, feigning innocence as she lightly bites down. When she hears his soft moan, her tongue laps at the spot relieving it only to finish off with a few kisses.
Before the last one can even land, Tommy’s hand finds her neck to take control once more. He doesn’t squeeze nor does he have a rough hold. He merely wraps his fingers around the neck he will one day dress in the biggest jewels. Tommy guides y/n to the edge of the table and pushes her to lay on it.
“Here, Tommy?” She giggles watching her best friends crawl on top of her
He shushes her with more wet kisses. “No one will come in. It’s just me and you.” His hands caress, squeeze, and tease whatever he can.
“It’s yours, Tommy, my heart. It’s all yours.”
He wraps his hand under her hair that was sprawled over the table into a makeshift ponytail. “Mine,” he proves when he finally feels all of her. His eyes never hers, wanting to sear the memory of the exact moment she became his. Pain overtakes her face but her hands on his lower back right above his ass lets him know she was okay. After a while, y/n signals Tommy to start moving once more and pain starts to transform into a pleasure y/n never thought was possible.
All the sounds the two were making were sure to be drowned out by the ruckus made by the drunk men just outside the snug. Tommy was sure to tell Harry that no one else was allowed in under any circumstances. In his moment of euphoria, Tommy was ready to wet his razor blade for the second time that night should anyone dare barge in and take a look at what belonged to him.
This wasn’t Tommy’s first time but it was the first time he realized all what sex could be. All the men in his life were wrong. He was wrong. It didn’t have to be all what they said it should. All he ever needed was y/n. Now that he had her, he had no intention of ever letting go.
Basking in the momentary afterglow of his best orgasm, he says, “You know what, Shelby? I don’t think I mind scotch whiskey all that much anymore,” his thumb traces y/n lower lip, even getting it slightly moist, “Not when the taste comes from your lips. My lips.”
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momota-kaiharem · 3 years
maybe this is just my kinnie speaking but i think a lot about the way that shuichi and maki interact with kaito. let me take an interaction from the talent development plan as an example.
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just rewatching this interaction made me pretty mad again FLKJDSLKFJ i love training trio and i freaking love their relationship, but god, the way that maki and shuichi treat kaito here just drives me absolutely crazy, so let’s break it down.
i think maki is the more egregious offender here (because shuichi is a simp with manners) but throughout the interaction she’s very dismissive towards kaito, asking why he brought them out there (when shuichi says it’s something they do a lot) and then saying he was useless when he went with them to the novoselic, and saying he didn’t need to go along at all. but up until here shuichi does defend kaito a bit, even if it’s in a bit of a patronisng way (remarking that kaito “does this a lot” but “isn’t it fun” and remarking that kaito’s use on the novoselic mission was to invite maki).
and then kaito says that when he goes to space, he wants to see if he can see shuichi and maki from up there, which is a really sweet sentiment, albeit unrealistic. maki shuts him down pretty fast saying he couldn’t see them from that far, and shuichi says that he might be able to see the general region, and then kaito says that he’d like to take them up to space, and THIS is the thing that really frustrates me.
kaito loves shuichi and maki. romantically, platonically, however you’d like to describe it, it’s obvious that he cares about them a LOT. i mean, he tries to convince kaede to become an astronaut too in his ftes with her, but you could argue that kaito was trying to convince her to go to space because he really respects her (as indicated by the way kaito was the only one to consistently stand up for kaede through chapter one, and the way he was willing to fight the exisals to keep monokuma from executing her, and the way he was crying after she got executed... also he asks her for hugs a lot and it’s really cute kaito you simp ilu) so again, it shows, kaito says he wants to take people to space because he loves them. space is what kaito has always been most passionate about. it’s his longest standing goal and something he wants to share with the most important people in his life.
obviously he’s being unrealistic here!! but maki and shuichi have been friends with kaito for three years by now, and they should be used to it-- they are used to it, actually, as shown by maki’s response-- but maki’s response is mean!!! it’s mean. kaito shared a sweet sentiment about wanting to share his most treasured thing with them and maki responded by calling him stupid-- which, if you remember, kaito really doesn’t like being called!!! i’d go grab screenshots, but i don’t want to go sit and watch trials until i can find it, but often when kaito is called an idiot he responds by yelling that he’s not, and that he doesn’t like being called that. i know with maki a lot of it is just banter, but still, the utter disregard for kaito’s feelings just because he’s a hahaha positive himbo man hee hee hoo hoo is... ugh. it happens a LOT throughout the game and it’s really upsetting to me.
and then shuichi’s response is what really upsets me. i know it’s just meant as a tease, but let’s think about everything that kaito has done for shuichi and maki for a moment, here. sure, his practical abilities might not be on par with theirs. he’s not a detective and he’s not an assassin, so he can’t solve murders or fight off danger, but his EQ is INCREDIBLY high. he saw maki and shuichi, and he saw that they were struggling, and he decided to take them under his wing and help them to grow. he didn’t have to do that!!! he didn’t owe them anything. maki and shuichi could’ve grown at their own paces, of course, i believe in them, but a large part of their becoming more comfortable with who they are was owed to kaito’s help and love and guidance that he showed them over the years.
so the implication that kaito, an ASTRONAUT, would need them to go to space to save him, is utterly ridiculous. and mean!! it’s really mean. it implies that kaito is useless without them, that he needs them to go up there to save him (like they’re always saving him or whatever, which i find really stupid because there are absolutely no tdp events where they help him even SLIGHTLY) when he’s literally been training to be an astronaut and go to space for the last three years!!! it’s his special interest, and it’s so invalidating, to take kaito wanting to share that with them and imply that he’s useless at it, and that he needs assistance that they’ve never offered him because of it.
and maki’s response is really gross to me too, like kaito doesn’t have any other friends, which is totally stupid. i’m sure kaede would jump to his aid if he needed her, and gonta, and any other members of their class-- i mean, kaito is a nice guy!!! he helps people!!! it was easy to rally everyone in chapter five to save kaito because he was inspiring them!!! kokichi took him because if he didn’t, kaito would be there making everyone want to keep going. maki saying that implies that kaito is so annoying that they’re the only ones who would put up with him, that they’re these two skilled people who are just there because they pity him-- which isn’t true at all, i mean they’re totally talented but ALSO i know for a FACT that maki and shuichi really appreciate kaito, so why don’t they just act like it??
actually, i have thoughts on the reason why they behave that way. it’s something that happens a lot when you get comfortable with people. kaito projects confidence, this really strong, self-satisfied demeanour. it’s clear (or at least it seems to be clear) that he has a lot of self respect. so the teasing, to maki and shuichi, feels harmless, because kaito has high self esteem, he can take it. besides, he clearly has an inflated ego, right? so he needs them to take him down a peg.
except that’s not true, and you can tell that kaito has low self esteem because of what happens in chapter four. all throughout that chapter people rag on kaito, calling him an idiot, saying he’s useless during trials, saying shuichi is the only smart one. kokichi calls him an idiot and antagonises him over and over and over and shuichi NEVER sticks up for him, never once sticks his neck out and says “hey, i really appreciate kaito, and i need you to stop talking bad about him”. instead he just lets kaito fend everyone off alone, and of course maki doesn’t stick up for him either. that’s part of what fuels kaito’s turn on shuichi in chapter five. sure, you could argue that it was about gonta-- but shuichi also turned the tables on kaede, who kaito showed more consistent affection/respect towards, and he didn’t hate shuichi for that. no, the problem was that shuichi was getting all the credit and appreciation from everybody (which was fine!!! he led the trials) and kaito was getting dumped on over and over and over and shuichi was just letting it happen, soaking in all the admiration and letting kaito be called useless.
and i mean, that’d be hard for anyone, being called stupid over and over, getting forcefully logged out of the simulation twice, once by your own sidekick who didn’t even bother asking you permission first, but it’s clear to me that kaito feels inadequate, especially as compared to shuichi, who is so intelligent and composed. kaito projects outwards, he puts on this big grin and calls himself a hero, and that must stem from a place of insecurity. there’s no way that someone who gave himself a dorky title like luminary of the stars is super secure in himself and his relationships. 
there’s another reason why maki and shuichi probably treat kaito that way, and that’s because when you respect and appreciate someone that much, and you struggle expressing it, struggle with vulnerability, it becomes... hard to express. maki hasn’t been close to someone like she’s close to kaito for as long as she remembers. she’s never had a freaking nickname before, i mean, her life is really sad. clearly some of the teasing comes from a place of love, of “i respect and admire you so much, you helped me come out of my shell, idk what i would’ve done without you” and not knowing how to express it. i’ve been there. we’ve all been there. when you love a person but don’t know how to say it, sometimes you just end up playfully ragging on them.
and that’s fine, if it’s two-sided. banter has to be mutual, it has to be something that everyone is enjoying and is comfortable with. you choose things that they’re not sensitive about, that they’re fine with you taking the piss out of them over-- that they take the piss out of themself over. but let’s think about kaito for a minute here, and whether this is really banter.
1. does kaito ever jokingly call himself an idiot? does he ever say he’s useless, or he needs people to save him, or he’s dumb? how does he react when other people do it to him? even when maki calls him a dumbass ingame he gets upset about it, but then he brushes it off, because genuinely being hurt over something like that requires vulnerability and kaito doesn’t really DO vulnerability lmao
2. how does kaito respond? does he tease them back? i think if this was a case of healthy banter, kaito would’ve gone with a jab of his own, like, “haha, you two are hilarious, you know you love me” sorta thing, and then moved on to talk about the moon like he does in his next line. he doesn’t, though, and you never really see kaito making fun of those two. he calls maki a coward in chapter three, but he’s just being honest with her, being blunt about her weaknesses to help her grow. kaito doesn’t sugar coat things, doesn’t hold your hand and walk you through your problems. he’s a tough love sort of guy and that doesn’t work for everyone but it does really work for shuichi and maki, to the point where both of them become pretty confident in themselves, owed at least in part to the way that kaito guided them through becoming the people they wanted to be. but he doesn’t really tease them, never calls shuichi out on wearing his hat (he doesn’t even notice it) and never makes fun of maki for being an assassin/having a kill count/whatever stuff they’re insecure about. of course he doesn’t! kaito is a good friend.
i think it’s important to mention here that kaito does respond with lighthearted indignation before he brushes it off, but i just don’t feel like this is healthy, two-sided banter. you see maki and shuichi acting dismissive of kaito a lot, despite everything that he does for them. he puts up with it, but if anything that just shows to me more how everything in the relationship flows one way. all the care, love, and respect goes from kaito to shuichi and maki. he takes care of them, he helps them, he doesn’t mock them. in return they tease him (even if their intentions are good!!!) and don’t ever really push him to open up, nor do they stand up for him when people put him down, nor do they particularly try and get him to be honest with his emotions. take chapter four, for example, after kokichi punches kaito and he doubles over, coughing up blood. maki and shuichi just buy that it’s a cold when kaito says that, they don’t push, even though they’re both clearly skeptical. respecting boundaries is important, but you NEED to push sometimes, you need to make people open up, because in that case kaito was literally dying, and he had to spend the rest of his life putting up a front.
i mean, even when he was dying he was holding back the urge to cough, acting brave and strong, putting on a hero face so that the two of them could go on to defeat the mastermind and focus on things that mattered. not on him.
i love training trio, i think these three work so well together and they can bring out each other’s strengths and weaknesses, but i just think that shuichi and maki do NOT treat kaito well, and unless he opens up and communicates about it, it’s going to lead to building resentments and an increased lowering of kaito’s self esteem. maybe this wasn’t intentional on the part of the game, but if it wasn’t, clearly it just shows that dr is incapable of writing healthy friendships. i’d love to write a character study someday about these guys, where kaito talks about his feelings and maki and shuichi realise they treat him like crap, but until then i guess i’ll just sit here and scream about it.
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letsunity · 3 years
The Lucky Batch ☘️
Cold Lullabies
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With the information that Raffle delivered, Kenlha wanted to hear their side of the story. However, she struggled to muster the gut to do so, knowing the pain they must feel.
Every day, Kenlha misses Morast, wishing that she’d never been their padawan. Maybe the Clawdite would still be alive if Kenlha was dumped with another master, someone like Kit Fisto or Ki-Adi Mundi, the latter being a sociopath. Mundi was better than Mace Windu, the prick.
She has an idea how they feel. Though instead of losing one, they’ve lost many. Not only their batchmates but prior mother-figure, Master Bastet. 
Master Fisto, Master Koon and Master Kenobi believed that she was best for this squad, they trusted her to care for them. In order to do that, she needed to know as much as possible.
Not only that, but share as well. They’ll be fully open to each other, no secrets between them. That’ll build trust and maybe make them almost competent. 
The twins, however, are crafty bastards. 
Foxy would direct the conversation in one of his many attempts to flirt. Thumbs would egg him on while Ballast laughed. 
Pepper, being the only medic, could say that he was busy with one of his idiot brothers. Given how often this lot gets injured, she can’t argue that he’s was a busy guy. 
It was a waiting game. She’d have to ambush one of them, get them comfortable with her. 
This togruta space witch is even craftier than these twins.
While trying to mentor Brisk and Luna, she’d wait. 
Eventually, Kenlha’s time came, just not how she wanted it to. 
On one of the missions, Pepper was hurt, the fool more focused on protecting Foxy. He got an infection from the wound, even contracting a virus. Foxy was adamant that they not go back to Kamino, leaving them to follow Pepper’s fevered orders. 
It inspired her to start practicing medicine, only for her to realise how complicated it was. 
With perseverance and a visit from a clone named Kix, Peps was on his way to getting back on his feet. 
Since he couldn’t run away, Kenlha would take advantage of the only moment she had. 
“Looking better by the day,” Kenlha complimented, sitting next to Pepper’s bed. “You’ll be giving out stickers any day, buddy.”
“Goose will be thrilled,” the medic continued, wondering how high it’s body count was now. “Ryder needs a new Nexu sticker. Then I can make the hot Cheetos dipped in mashed potatoes scratch and sniff for him.”
It was sweet to see the new Ryder bring such a gift to Pepper, he adored it. 
“Is it alright if I ask you something?”
“You can always confide with me, Ken. Doctor patient confidentiality ensures your secrets are safe with me.”
He was a soft boi, a good brother to her and an excellent doctor. When she looked into those mismatched eyes and his soft smile, it was easy to forget what he’d endured. What both twins went through together. 
“I’d like to know about before me and before Master Bastet. I’m a Jedi, I can sense your instinctive caution around me, even though you don’t show it. As your General, your sister, I want to be there for you as you are for me.”
Perhaps it was the fever, maybe it was exhaustion, but he gave somewhat of a summary of what transpired with Master Laverna. She could feel the trauma, especially regarding the force-choke.
He had to hold his neck, recalling the events as though he was re-living them again. 
Raffle forgot to mention that the Jedi’s death was an accident, but in her opinion, he deserved it. While she’s biased, being their sister, she can’t stand people mistreating the clones. 
Being so close with the twins, she’s disgusted by that dead Cathar.
“I... sometimes I don’t think Foxy should’ve gotten involved,” the medic sighed, like a weight was lifted from his chest. 
Understandably, Kenlha was surprised, though she wouldn’t voice it. He was sharing with her, she can’t ruin this. She can understand him more, and by doing that, she can be a better sister. 
“He had a padawan, a girl, possible 11 or so, named Teles. I cut off her leg, but didn’t cut high enough, and she died, likely septic shock. I held her hand as that light fell away. Nothing he could’ve done to me would compare to feeling her going limp and cold.”
He felt responsible for her. He did everything he could and she still died. It’s a pain that Kenlha empathised with more than she wished she did. Her eyes burned as salty water seeped through her ducts, dribbling down her yellow skin.
“I often feel that I killed my master, Morast Tane. They were strict, but they were better to me than anyone before. They tried to guide my energy onto something productive and constructive, kind of like a parent to me,” Kenlha started, recalling the events herself.
“It was on a hot planet called Nevarro, magma and volcanic ash littering the ground. While fighting an army of droids, some damned flyers shot from above, causing the ground to become unstable.
I didn’t think. I jumped into the air, slicing through those bastards. One that I bisected fell, crashing into that unstable ground and causing Master Morast to fall. I tried to pull them up, but they fell into the lava. 
The only word they could muster was Run before the cries started. Being outmatched, outgunned, we had to leave. There wasn’t even anything to bury them,” Kenlha sighed, the sensation of something clawing at her throat adding to the tears. “I know the pain of being responsible, even when others tell you it wasn’t your fault.”
The medic absorbed her tale, allowing her a few moments to recollect herself. The togruta held his hand, supporting herself and him in the emotional moment. 
There were days she wished it was her instead of Master Morast.
“Do you remember the Endeavour, that ship that crashed down, killing two-thousand troopers?” Pepper started, his voice trembling. “I... could’ve stopped that from happening.”
She waited, feeling his grip tighten around hers.
“At Geonosis, while Foxy, Mozzarella, Springer and Locke were fighting droids, I and a few others were sent back to look for surviving Jedi. Instead, I found someone with my face, only far younger.
I knew who he was, everybody did. The Maker’s chosen child, the payment for his involvement in making us. The one that he named Boba, raising as his own.
If I’d just taken him in or hell, even shot him, then all of those clones would still be alive. Master Windu and Master Skywalker wouldn’t have been hurt. Instead of that, I let him go, lying to my fellows that I didn’t find anybody.”
“While the Endeavour was a tragedy, I think you did the right thing. They were only a child, weren’t they? Even by Mandalorian standards, he was a kid, right?”
“Master Bastet said something similar. And she’s dead too. I tend to have bad luck regarding Jedi.”
He was afraid to get close to her in case she died. It’s an understandable fear, she was terrified of ever having a master again.
Kenlha was scared to even be a Master, worried that she’d never live up to Morast with her young girls. Brisk and Luna were outliers too, so she had an advantage there, but still. 
There are days where she wondered if Morast would’ve been better for them.
“I won’t promise that I’m not gonna die. We all die eventually, many earlier than they should. What I will promise, Peps, is that I’ll be here for every day that it gets hard. During the days it feels like there can’t be a tomorrow, I’ll be right here to listen. All of us, even Goose.”
“Foxy’ll need an ear, too. He’s an idiot, but he’s my idiot.”
“He was adamant that we steer clear from Kamino. Would I be pushing it if I asked why?”
She watched those green and brown eyes ponder, thinking over her question. As with before, he chose to share.
“Foxy and I aren’t just twins. There’re loads of twins, Echo and Fives from the 501st for example. We, however, are literal twins. Our clump of cells split and we grew attached at the shoulder,” he explained, motioning to his tattooed shoulder. “The Kaminoans, having not seen it often, experimented on us to prevent it from happening again. Our earliest memories have made us dislike them, especially the one named Nala Se.”
It made sense and she could agree with it.
“Then to ensure that we don’t go, I think I’ll have to learn some doctor lessons from you. I’ll be your, um, what’s that dumb thing Jackal says?”
“Yep, I’ll be your medic padawan,” she smiled, earning one from him as well. It was a beautiful thing, given his experiences. “Have a sleep, pal. We’ll give you a few minutes of peace.”
“There’s tape in Boots’ room,” he chuckled. She smirked, knowing that it would be for Ballast. “It... was good talking with you, Ken.”
“You too, Doctor Bro.”
Kenlha will talk with Foxy as well. She’ll talk with all of her siblings, assuring them that she’s there for ‘em. Not just her clones but her padawans, too. 
She wasn’t going to lie, it felt good talking to Peppy about her feelings as well.
Feelings aren’t accepted in the Jedi Order, so he made her feel valid. It was something she desperately needed from someone, and she was happy it was from Peps.
This is a good family she’s found.
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Love you guys!
Tags: @lynnpaper @just-another-dreamerr @maygalodon @radbatch @oo-hazel-oo @foxlock​ @lusiawonder @catboy-tech @cosmicghostie @monako-jinn-stories @namesmox @generaltano @lavenderstaars @mango-peachjuice 
I am evil, yis 😈😈
PS - it’s 3:23am lol brain is working overtime!
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Hi! I love your writing and how you manage to keep the characters realistic and believable. I would like an scenario in which Mr. Pink works with a reader who has the same terrible fashion sense as him (Hawaiian shirts 24/7) +bonus points if they arrive to a meeting with their shirts mixed up w/o noticing. Thank you and have a lovely day!!!
thank you!!! that means a lot babe 🥺💖 YES i love this request ahhh im so sorry it took me so long to get to! i’ve not really been writing lately but rn i have muse sooo here goes
i left it on a cliffhanger bc its funnier to me but yeah LMAO i hope its good enough babe!!! <3 also a bit of this is inspired by the office because i am a loser ok enjoy
content warning: bad language, homophobic slurs
“We look so cool,” you nod, a shit-eating grin plastered across your face. 
Pink returns the grin, hands on his hips-- you’re standing side-by-side admiring yourselves in the mirror. “Yeah.”
Dorks. Utter dorks. 
Two dorks that met in a thrift store shopping for those ugly Hawaiian shirts you wear pretty much every single day. Sometimes you even sleep in them (Pink’s, they’re bigger on you and comfier). You had approached him with a curious twinkle in your eye-- you’d frequented that very store for about year and spotted him once or twice. Pink was probably the only other person you’d seen there who actually bought the Hawaiian shirts. They were... a specific taste. Not many people liked them as much as you did. The man was a closed book at first (not much different to now, but that was Steve) but, after having a couple of coffee dates, he began to slowly show his feelings for you. 
You’ve been together a good year by now and, after struggling with money for most of your life, he decided to gently introduce you to a life of organised crime. Of course he had made sure you were absolutely certain you wanted this, and you were. It seemed exciting. Dangerous. Something new and different. “Honey, we can be real partners in crime now,” you’d told him, grinning. That had forced a smile out of him.
The Cabots had welcomed you in with open arms-- Steve had told you he’d known them since he was a kid, and the way they talked gave that away. Joe seemed to care deeply about his employees despite his hard exterior, and Eddie was a great laugh-- an all-around genuine guy. 
Fast-forward a couple of months and you’re now considered one of the Reservoir Dogs-- that’s what you call yourselves, anyway. Joe had decided on the name. He’d also decided not to elaborate on why the fuck he chose that name, but it sounded cool to you. So you weren’t fussed. But back to the Dogs-- there’s you, Mr. Purple, Steve, Mr. Pink. And the others are simply known as Mr. White, Mr. Orange, Mr. Blue, Mr. Brown and Mr. Blonde. You don’t know their real names. Perhaps in time you’ll get to know them better, but for now it’s for your own protection (and theirs). 
“Alright, gentlemen - lady - jeweller’s on 27th St. Easy job. You listenin’?” 
A collective hum from everybody, and Joe’s expression hardened. “I said, are you listenin’?”
“Stop fidgeting, you asswipe,” you mutter, giving your boyfriend a glare, which he quickly returns. 
“Can it, you two,” Eddie hisses. 
“It’s this fucking stupid shirt, it’s too tight,” Pink scowls defensively. 
“Hey-- it ain’t my fault you’re too fat for your fuckin’ clothes.”
Blonde chuckles. “You’re one to fuckin’ talk, Eds. You, uh, have a pack’a donuts for your breakfast this mornin’?”
“I’m warning you, asshole.”
“What is it with you and those ugly fuckin’ shirts, anyway?” Blonde questions, that general smugness about his face.
“I like your shirt, man,” Brown objects, earning an eyeroll from your boyfriend.
“That’s just what I wanted to fuckin’ hear. Mr. Faggot over here complimenting my dress sense.”
“Don’t be fucking rude, you little asshole!” you scowl, leaning over to flick him in the cheek. “He’s just being nice!”
He just ignores you, continuing to fiddle with his buttons. “I don’t know why I bought this fuckin’ thing. The buttons are on the wrong fucking side.” Well, that was it. As soon as he’d uttered those words, White began howling with husky laughter, followed by everyone else (although Brown didn’t know exactly what he was laughing at). Even Joe was snickering. Yep, he’s wearing your fucking shirt. And you’re wearing his.
Your hand finds your face, and you let out a defeated sigh. “Oh, you fucking idiot.”
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Tom being in love with your baby niece
Tom Holland x Female!Reader
Prompt: You meet Tom at a hospital and he’s immediately infatuated with the little girl in your lap (inspired by this video I found on tiktok)
Warnings: F L U F F, Tom being amazing with kids, mentions of alcoholic/drug addict mother, mentions of child abandonment, but overall fluff and feel good story
Word Count: 2379 words (this was supposed to be short but oh well)
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: me, sweating profusely: calm down, just finish writing this, you are stronger than your baby fever, you are too young to have a child CALM TF DOWN
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So, funny story, you met at the hospital
Tom had dislocated his shoulder while doing a backflip *dejected sigh*
And you were just trying to keep your baby niece calm while waiting for the nurse to come get you
You were sitting on the bed, Tom was right next to you, only a curtain separating you
But there was a tiny crack near the end from where it was pulled too far
And when you pressed Olivia closer to your chest, her head resting on your shoulder, she made eye contact with him
He saw her tear-filled eyes
(broke his heart)
So he started to make funny faces at her
Which made her start to giggle and coo and make grabby hands towards him
You turned around, visibly confused because hellooo she was just crying a second ago and now she’s???laughing???
And then you saw him
oh shit he’s hot
He smiled at you
You smiled back, cause what else are you supposed to do?
He got up and pushed the curtains back 
And sat on the chair instead
Still on his side of the curtain
But looking at you straight in the eye now
“So... what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a nasty place like this?”
Poor boy thought he was smooth
But he rested his weight on his injured arm
(that idiot) 
And it lead to him hissing in pain and cradling his shoulder with a pout while you laughed
“Fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle. You?”
“Dislocated my shoulder while doing a backflip.”
Meanwhile Liv was now resting on your lap
Looking at him with a smile on her face
And clapping while he smiled at made funny faces at her again
But then he noticed you were watching
And he was kinda making a fool of himself in front of you
(cue the blushing)
(so cute)
So you decided to help him out a little
"Thanks for putting her in a good mood again."
"No problem... is she yours?"
He didn't want to seem rude so he kept the judgment out of his voice, but you seemed a bit young to have a kid already.
"Nah, she's my niece"
"Oh, okay... Why'd you bring her to the hospital with you? It must be hard having to take care of a kid and get your ankle checked."
You looked a bit sad for a while.
"My sister left her with me as soon as I turned eighteen. My parents were never in the picture so it's been me and her for almost a year now."
"I'm sorry..."
"'S okay. Besides, at least I'm not alone all the time you now? I mean, it's hard to take care of a 13 month-old, but at least I know she won't grow up like I did... afraid... wondering if her mom was gonna come home drunk or half-dressed with another guy on her tail, wishing her sister would let her sleep on the bed instead of locking herself up with her boyfriend there."
He watched you smile as you looked down at the little girl in your arms that seemed to be a perfect reflection of you.
That was the moment he fell in love with you
Dark circles under your eyes and all
He got your number (yay!!) and had to work (read: pester you) for two weeks before you agreed to go out on a date with him.
Liv stayed with Harrison (after you checked that he was a good babysitter)
He took you to a nice little restaurant near the beach
They served giant burgers
Which you liked at lot
Conversation was easy 
He asked you what you were currently doing
"I'm working as a waitress in a little diner downtown."
He also found out you were doing online college to get your creative writing degree.
You told him about your family life. 
How your dad died in a car accident when you were three. 
How your mom was an alcoholic junkie and OD'd when you were fifteen.
How your nineteen-year-old sister had to take care of you for there on out. 
How she left soon after you graduated high school and left you with a three-month-old baby to take care of.
In turn, he told you all about his life
How he became an actor and got his big break as Spider-Man
He told you about his family and how much he misses them
How thankful he is to have Haz with him
You excused yourself to the bathroom just before dessert
And that bastard took advantage of that tiny window to pay the bill
You scolded him for that obviously
And tried to pay him back
He laughed and said no
Then he bought you a giant cotton candy
"Tom, seriously I can pay for my own stuff."
"I know but I like spoiling you."
You finished the cotton candy together while strolling down the beach
Then once it was done he threw out the cone and took your hand
The sun was just setting so it was like a picture-perfect moment
So he took advantage of that and kissed you
(so cliche)
You tasted like strawberry from your chapstick
The cotton candy you just had
You tasted like sweetness
And comfort
And home
You started dating officially not long after that
And that's when it all really started
You knew he was good with kids
That first day at the hospital told you as much
But you didn't expect him to be this good
Olivia was very much in love with him
They were practically glued at the hip
She constantly wanted hugs from him
He took her to the park and threw her up in the air while she squealed in delight
He picked her up and carried her while you were making dinner so she didn't feel left out
She sat on his back while he did push-ups
He'd kiss her nose every time he did a sit-up
They would have kissing contests
He kissed her cheek
She kissed his back 
Then he kissed hers again
And so on
Her first word was Tommy
You'd never seen him so happy
You, on the other hand, were not
"I raised you on my own ever since you were three months old and this is the thanks I get?"
They'd often fall asleep together on the couch
Your camera roll was full of photos of them sleeping
Her favorite thing to do was grab him by the sides of his head and kiss his curls
(a d o r a b l e)
He helped you plan the perfect birthday party for her
"Only the best for my best girl"
"I thought I was your best girl"
"Only the best for either of my best girls but in this case the youngest one"
She loved it
You're pretty sure he loved it more
But who can say for sure?
On your six month anniversary, he told you he loved you and that he had no plans on ever leaving you two.
He forced you to quit your job at the diner
"You're overworking yourself. I have more than enough money to take care of all of us and that way you'll be able to focus on your studies and travel with me since you do online college. Everybody wins."
So you went wherever he went
Including filming for Infinity War/Endgame
He took you to set one day
Everybody loved you
But as always, Olivia stole the show
They passed her around like a little doll
She loved the attention
It was quite funny seeing such a tiny baby being held by the mountain of a man that is Chris Hemsworth
She only referred to Chris Evans as 'Cap'
And Robert would forever be 'Tony'
But they didn't mind one single bit
"She just looks so cute when she says it, I can't be mad at her."
You met his family when the filming ended and he went back to London
Dom was ecstatic to finally have a little girl to take care of
"At least she laughs at my jokes, not like those idiots"
"You can leave her with us whenever you want"
Nikki was very happy to have one more girl in her corner
"I swear, if I hear one more second of golf talk, I'll go nuts"
Harry loved taking pictures of Liv
"She's just so photogenic, it's so easy"
You learned a lot of recipes from Sam
"Finally someone that won't wreck my kitchen and taint my food's good name"
Paddy liked playing with Liv and Tessa in the backyard
"It's nice to take care of someone for a change, I'm always the one being babied"
You made your relationship public while you were in London, a year and a half after you started dating
The public loved you
Because he just couldn't help but brag
And Tom with kids is the content the fans live for
tomhotland: omgggg they're so cuteee
spideysbae: the heart eyes thoooo
peterpprotectionsquad: i hereby declare that Olivia is the cutest baby to have ever existed and she must be protected at all costs
He took you to the Far From Home premiere
Your dress matched his suit
The fans went crazy
Olivia was living her best life in her little red and black dress
She'd gotten used to the flashes after Harry's numerous photoshoots
So she was just smiling and clapping a lot
The paparazzi loved her
The interviewers kept asking about you two
"(Y/N)'s the love of my life and Olivia's the sweetest baby I've ever known, I couldn't love her more if she was my own"
"So, do I hear wedding bells ringing?"
"Well, you never know"
That caught your attention for a second but you let it go in favor of posing with Liv after the paps all but begged you to
"Livvy say bye-bye"
She sent a kiss a said bye-bye in all her baby glory
They awed so much
His Instagram was filled with pictures of the three of you
Zendaya took a bunch of selfies with her as well
"Our dresses match, I have no choice"
She kept pretty quiet during the movie
But hugged Tom especially hard when she saw him cry on the big screen
The next morning, you were all over the headlines
"The sweetest little family in Hollywood"
On your third anniversary, he took you on a week-long trip to Bora Bora
Liv stayed with his parents
He took you on a walk to the beach
(déjà vu much?)
And proposed
Clumsily, but he proposed
How can a proposal be clumsy, you ask?
Well, he kneeled on a rock at first
"Ow! Fuck my knee, hold on a second"
Then he kept stuttering because he was so nervous
And in the end (after you said yes and he checked about five times cause "Wait seriously?") he started freaking out cause the ring didn't fit
But she wears the ring I used as a reference all the time!
"Um, Tom?"
"Yeah, babe?"
"The ring's supposed to go on my other hand..."
Ah, that explains it
The wedding was simple but beautiful
Livvy was the flower girl cause she wanted to throw petals in the air
Tessa brought the rings
His heart almost stopped when he saw you walk down the aisle
He was convinced you'd never looked more beautiful than that day at the premiere when your clothes matched 
But right now, looking at your smile and how gorgeous you looked in that dress, he realized he was wrong
He sniffled, trying to hold his tears, but Haz just handed him a tissue
"I came prepared"
You two adopted Liv
She was your daughter anyway, you just made it official
She started calling you 'mommy' and 'daddy'
"She called me 'daddy'."
Oh, the tears
To Tom's great delight, she started picking up a British accent, as she grew
It didn't help that she stayed at Nikki and Dom's all the time when you started teaching at a university in London
So they dialed they're British-ness up to eleven so she'd pick up on the accent
"Mummy, what's for pudding?"
Good Lord
After two years of trying, you found out Tom was unable to have kids
He cried a lot, and felt like he failed
You shut him up with a kiss and immediately mentioned adoption
"There are hundreds of children begging for a home and parents to love them."
You adopted an eight-year-old boy named Lucas and his five-year-old sister Cleo
Olivia loved having another girl her age
They had tea parties
And played dress-up
And forced Lucas to play the prince
You taught them to bake so they could have cookies for their tea party
And Tom found himself often ambushed in one of their games
"No, daddy, you gotta pretend that the big bad dragon took you so we can save you."
They rolled around on the floor and made 'pew pew' noises to imitate guns
Lucas was always quieter
He was your little angel
You two were very close
He shared your love for writing and literature
As well as cooking, to Uncle Sam's greatest delight
You often sat down on the couch, the five of you (and Tessa, obviously) and someone read a book out loud, while the others just laid back and listened
Cleo became very interested in Uncle Harry's camera and took a bunch of photos of her sister and her dad with the polaroid camera she got for her seventh birthday
Olivia still loved the attention and remained the bright and photogenic child she'd always been
She became a model, to no one's surprise
Cleo became a freelance photographer, which allowed her to fulfill her dream of traveling the world while taking pictures and earning good money
Lucas became one of Hollywood's best and brightest screenwriters
But everyone still made time for each other
Attending every single one of Liv's fashion shows
Every time Cleo showcased her pictures in a gallery, they were the first ones there
All of Lucas' films
Going to all of Tom's premieres and wearing matching clothes, per Liv and Cleo's request
"It's for the aesthetic"
Everyone was happy
And life was good
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i’m pretty happy now, ngl
i need a Tom in my life
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midnights-light · 4 years
Ladybug and the Hound
So before I begin I need to say a few things
This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic so it’s most likely going to suck and all that jazz
I do not own any characters in the DC or Miraculous universes (if i did everything would make little to no sense so yeah)
Can we all agree that  @ozmav is an amazing writer?
If you don’t like Daminette, don’t read it’s that simple
I am also going to use “Dogs are a Ladybug’s best friend” by @kelelamentia for some inspiration on this cuz I love that idea
All characters are going to be OOC so just be prepared
If ya’ll like it I might write more just let me know if I should write more or if I should never think about writing again (I have low self-esteem so if it look like I am hating on myself it’s because I am but I’ll get over someday but if you criticize me please at least try to be constructive criticism)
Now onto the terrible thing I decided needed to exist
CN- Chat Noir
The Meeting
It was a normal Tuesday, ya know? Birds are singing, the sun is shining, the Eiffel Tower collapsed, ya know the usual. Well usual for Parisians who had to deal with this for 4 almost 5 years now but for those who just wanted a vacation like the Waynes... well let’s just say they were unprepared to see the Eiffel Tower come crashing down just a few blocks ahead of them as they were walking to get some pastries from Tom and Sabine Boulangerie patisserie for a afternoon snack and to walk Titus (they brought Titus because Damian refused to leave him alone in the mansion for two weeks while they are on vacation so Bruce reluctantly agreed to bring him with them). So them being them ran towards the fallen tower and see a few people dead and some injured. They help the injured, but just as they are about to get the remaining few out of the wreckage a girl in a clearly ladybug themed suit comes crashing to the ground creating a few cracks to form on the ground. She gets up with a groan just as a dog in a fox themed costume came running up to her and helps her steady herself. “Thanks, Hound.” says the spotted girl and as the batfam are about to check if she’s okay a... IS THAT A GIANT BABY?! Well the giant baby comes walking towards the girl and the dog when a voice shouts “If you go on a date with me Ladybug I will come help you just accept your feelings for me already!” 
Damian's POV
As soon as the spotted girl heard that she looked towards the owner of the voice and low and behold it’s a guy in a leather cat suit and on the outside I look indifferent to what is happening but on the inside the only thing I can think is ‘What is going on in this city!’ because I was just expecting a boring two weeks of ‘required’ vacation in the ‘city of love’ I hate the nickname of the city because as Father has shown love is a weakness. But apparently the city of love is not as boring as I thought it would be. The girl (ladybug I think is her name) now has a look of murder in her eyes and the dog (hound is what she called him) growled at him as ladybug said “Chat, you can’t be serious! You just caused the Eiffel Tower to fall and kill and injure people!” CN-“Yes because you can’t realize that we are meant to be together!” LB-”No we are not now either help or shut up so I can focus on gigantitan!” CN-”Fine then i’ll just sit here and enjoy the show” That one interaction makes me question if this is how it is everything something like this happens.
*Time skip because i can’t write smart plans or fight scenes*
Dick’s POV
After ladybug got his watch thing off his wrist she and hound tore it apart which released a black butterfly and the giant baby was now back to a normal sized baby. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?1 I’M SO CONFUSED! After I stopped questioning reality I realized that ladybug was comforting the kid (HE COULDN’T BE OLDER THAN 4 YEARS OLD!) she picked him up and was about to throw her spotted thing up in the air for some reason but was interrupted by the cat boy saying ‘Pound it!’ and acting like he actually helped her and didn’t just sit there on a roof watching ladybug and hound do everything. What the heck? Ladybug walks over to me and asked if I could hold the kid for a sec and I said sure because she looks ready to murder. After she hands me the kid she walks over to cat boy and started yelling at him about how he can’t just be reckless like that but it seemed to just go over his head as he replied saying something about how she owed hit to him to date him but I quickly stopped listening when the kid started crying because of all the yelling going on so I started to talk and play with him to cheer him up until he pointed to ladybug as she yelled miraculous ladybug and tossed the spotted object into the sky. I was confused about what she was doing until I saw a swarm of ladybugs appear and start fixing the damage, healing the injured, and even bringing people back to life. Then she came back over and was about to ask something but then a shrill beeping noise came from her earrings causing her to ask if we could watch over the kid until his mom came and picked him up. Titus and Hound were playing until she called him over to her and then they jumped, yes JUMPED, up to the roof and left. “What the hell was all that and does anyone else want to kill a cat boy?”
Tim’s POV
“So that all really happened, huh? It wasn’t really just a coffee dream?” I say and then look at everyone else has a different reactions to what just happened: Jason is looking at where dead bodies had been but now they were alive, Bruce is trying to understand what just happened, Alfred looks concerned, Dick is keeping the kid happy, and Damian is trying to keep Titus from running after Hound. I notice other civilians just walking around like nothing just happened and I’m just thinking ‘How long has this been happening and how have we not noticed? WHAT IS LIFE!?’
Jason’s POV
I look at everybody that was dead just walk away like nothing happened and I am about to ask Bruce if he know what that was when I feel someone bump into me. I turn around to see a girl around Damian’s age on the ground picking up the stuff she dropped while rapidly apologizing while a dog, presumably hers, was sniffing her making sure she was ok and had what looked like a glare on his face when he looked at me. M-“I’m so so sorry Monsieur! I wasn’t looking where I was going.” J-”It’s alright little lady, but if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the rush?” M- “Well you see I’m supposed to be helping in my parents bakery after I finished walking Captain but we got caught up in the akuma attack so I’m running a bit late. My names Marinette by the way. I don’t think I’ve seen you before are you visiting?” What’s an akuma? I’ll file that away for later for replacement to look at but for now. J- ”Yeah we are here for a family vacation to take a break from work. Would you mind if me and my family follow you to your parent’s bakery? We were heading to one for a snack but it seems we got turned around during the attack.” M- “Sure just tell me your names first so I at least know you to some degree cause I’m not supposed to talk to people I don’t know. I hate life but I’m not ready to die just yet.” She laughs and I swear it feels like the world just got a whole lot brighter, J- “Of course where are my manners name’s Jason. I have a feeling my family is going to love you and your dog.” I say as I hold my hand out for Captain to sniff and after he does he stops giving me what I swear looks like a glare but he’s still standing near Marinette when I notice my family looking at me and Marinette and Alfred asks me, A- “Master Jason are you going to introduce us to the young miss?” J- “Oh right, guys this is Marinette, Marinette this is Alfred he’s our butler/ grandpa, the one who looks like he’s about to pass out is Tim, the one playing with the kid is Dick, the stern one is Bruce, and the  one with the dog is Damian.” I say.
Damian’s POV
I hear Todd talking to someone and introducing us and as soon as I turn to glare at Todd I see the most beautiful eyes in the whole world. they look like sapphires and her hair is like the midnight sky. She looks like an Angel... wait WHAT!?  I only zone back in as soon as Todd told the Angel my name so I did what not even I  was expecting, I took her hand, gave the back of it a kiss and said, D- “Nice to meet you Angel.” I was not smiling when I saw her blush and I for certain do not want to make her blush again... but if I have a chance to then I will take it. Then I hear a low growl and I then notice that she has a dog (yes she loves animals to!) that is looking at me like he’s going to rip me to shreds and I will forever deny that I was a little scared. M- “Sorry Damian, Captain’s just a little protective of me and doesn’t like strangers being around me.” D-”I understand.” I say then I hold out my hand for her dog (Captain I think it was) to sniff and after he does he still growls at me but doesn’t look ready to tear me to pieces so progress towards getting to know the Angel before me. And then my good mood is ruined by the sound of my idiot brothers and father, the traitor, snickering behind us. I turn and scowl at them but they don’t seem to care. Meanwhile Titus and Captain appear to have met and are now chasing each other around making me and the Angel laugh. Her laughter sounds amazing and her smile makes it feel like the world brightens up just a little. M- “So shall we start walking to the bakery?” A chorus of yes comes from my family and then we start walking. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
*Whispering* J- “Am I going crazy or did Demon Spawn just laugh and smile at Marinette?”
Di- “No I heard it to *gasp* do you think he has a crush?”
J- “Are we sure he’s capable of having a crush?”
T- “Well I’m sure she will be good for him, but what I’m confused about is how she doesn’t recognize who we are. I mean how does she not know us she didn’t even seem to recognize our faces.
A- “I think Miss Marinette will do Master Damian some good.”
And Bruce is just looking at his youngest son with pride. His first crush and he’s able to witness it.
So as I said in the beginning this is my first fanfic and It’s most likely terrible so let me know if I should never write again, if you want another chapter, or if I should just reevaluate my life choices.
Chapter 2
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
hello! first of all I absolutely love your work, thank you so much for all this geraskier content! so it's not really a prompt, but one of the tropes I'm obsessed with is definitely the first kiss. would you write some more of this? maybe in a modern au? (or not!! whatever inspires you) anyway, thank you again for your writing and have a good day :))
First kiss in a modern AU, you say? It’s almost like you reached into my heart and pulled out one of my weaknesses. Plus, I could never say no to such a sweet request. I hope you’ve having a good day, Nonnie!
When Jaskier signed the lease on his apartment, he was a little dubious but money was tight and something about the Kaer Morhen block of flats was appealing. The landlord lived on site, there was a promise of round the clock help for emergencies and issues with the flat. Sure, it was old and looked a bit shoddy but the flat itself was sturdy and the residents all seemed quiet judging by the couple of times Jaskier went to view the place before deciding to sign a year long contract.
Moving in was quite a mundane affair. He had Priscilla and Valdo helping move his boxes but Jaskier was moving from one furnished flat to another so other than boxes of books, trinkets, clothes and kitchen stuff, there wasn’t much else. Still, it would have been an ego boost to have a musclebound man or two gallantly offering to help. Or even for a new neighbour to stick a head out and greet him. Alas, Jaskier was going to have to live without either of those things happening.
What he did end up having was a knock on his door in the evening when he was staring at his boxes, willing them to magically unpack themselves while he drank his wine. He couldn’t fathom who it was, maybe Valdo had left his phone somewhere yet again. Idiot always had it on silent and kept putting it down in places. Last time, they’d found it in Priscilla’s bathtub. Opening the door, Jaskier blinked at the weathered, older man before him.
“Mr. Pankratz. I trust moving went smoothly. I’m Vesemir, your landlord and wanted to say hello. I trust the flat is to your satisfaction and moving went smoothly. Any issues, I’m on the second floor, feel free to knock.”
A personal call by one’s landlord while sweaty and dirty from a move and pleasantly buzzed from the wine that was clutched in one hand was not Jaskier’s idea of an ideal occurrence but he nodded gratefully. The flat was indeed to his satisfaction. It wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t the absolute shithole he’d fears things would turn out to be.
Of course things don’t go as stunningly well as Jaskier had hoped. Because while the flat was better than most, it was still cheap. Which meant that the washing machine broke down a few weeks into his life in his new home.
Knocking on the door on the second floor, Jaskier felt a little sheepish but Vesemir opened up with a gruff “yes?” that helped words come easier.
“My washing machine is giving me trouble, any chance you could have someone look at it please?”
“I’ll send Lambert this evening.” That was that. Jaskier nodded and returned back home, wondering whether Lambert was the handyman or someone Vesemir trusted.
It turned out, Lambert was one of the most terrifying people Jaskier had ever met. He was spiky and sharp, almost every sentence was punctuated by swearing. It only got worse when Jaskier showed him to the washing machine and left. Initially, it was just grunts and muttered curses but they progressively got louder and more inventive.
“Get to work you bucket of rust and bolts! Or I’m drop kicking your sorry corpse to the nearest tip!” The screaming was followed by loud banging, as if the machine was being punched repeatedly. After a minute of sudden silence, Lambert appeared. “It’s working,” he said and let himself out of the flat.
Almost hesitant to go into the bathroom, Jaskier was stunned to find that the washing machine was merrily chugging away as if it hadn’t been making a death rattle earlier that day. The fist shaped hole in the plaster behind the door was a whole different matter. It was going to be an awkward conversation to have in the morning with Vesemir and Jaskier dreaded to explain that his washing machine worked like a dream but now he had a hole in his wall. How he was going to get the old man to believe it wasn’t Jaskier’s doing was beyond him.
All worries were swept away when, first thing in the morning there was a knock on Jaskier’s door. He was suspicious, especially when he came face to face with a burly, scarred man who looked like he ripped the heads off dolls for living.
“Lambert mentioned you’ll need a bit of plastering. I’m Eskel.”
Too stunned to do anything other than step aside and let man in, Jaskier watched him walk into the bathroom. Half an hour later he was given an almost cheerful wave and the promise of coming back to paint it in a couple of days.
As promised, Eskel was back three days later. Jaskier felt a little braver and trailed after him. Strangely, Eskel seemed shy, he always twisted and turned so the scarred side of his face was hidden from Jaskier. Somehow, it seemed like a habit rather than a conscious decision and it made Jaskier wonder just what had happened to land Eskel with such habits, not to mention such scars. Then again, Lambert had scars as well. Maybe Vesemir had some kind of weird scar fetish he indulged with the handymen he employed.
It didn’t take long to paint the patch and Jaskier was impressed at how well it blended into the surrounding paint. He watched Eskel duck his head shyly at being praised. That was something to file away for later.
The later came a lot sooner than expected because not a month later, Jaskier’s tap gave up the ghost. First on the scene was, as before, Lambert. He looked at the tap like it was offending him on a personal level and Jaskier decided to leave him to it. A wise decision, especially when the clanging of a tap and sink having the ever loving shit beaten out of them started up.
“I could smack my cock and get more of a dribble from it than you piece of shit!” Lambert raged. 
It sounded like Jaskier’s whole kitchen was going to be collateral. Quietly, he just hoped the neighbours don’t think ill of him, surely they all knew Lambert’s unique style of DIY. There was a soft knock on the door and Jaskier was surprised to find a tired looking Eskel offering a soft apology.
“I’ll send Geralt up in a minute. He’s better at plumbing. Let me just get my little spark out of your hair.”
Silently, Jaskier stood aside and gestured for Eskel to make himself at home. He got to watch as there was zero hesitation in Eskel as he stepped into the kitchen with a soft “hey Sparky”. For a few minutes there were only soft murmurs from the kitchen. When the door finally opened again, Jaskier tried not to stare at the linked hands or worry about the fact Lambert seemed to be wearing the hoodie Eskel had arrived in.
A quick peek into the kitchen and it looked surprisingly intact. Deciding to leave it and opt for a delivery for food, Jaskier closed the door. Not half an hour later there was a firm knock on his door. Opening it, a few things flitted through Jaskier’s mind. One, Vesemir definitely had a thing for facial scars. Two, Jaskier had found his muse. Three, he believed firmly in lust at first sight.
“I’m here about your tap. Eskel said Lambert didn’t have much luck with it.”
This must have been Geralt. Jaskier trailed after him into the kitchen and ended up hopping onto the counter to watch him work. Not the most verbose of men but Jaskier found that beauty didn’t come from words.
“I couldn’t quite gather what’s wrong with the tap,” he began, trying to make small talk. “Lambert didn’t say much. Well, he said a lot but nothing of value.”
“That’s Lambert for you,” Geralt rumbled as he shimmied under the sink to look at a pipe. “He usually does electrics and machines, Eskel general decorating and odd jobs while I’m more for plumbing.”
Which was good to know because Jaskier wanted to see Geralt again. It took a couple of hours before water flowed from the tap again but Jaskier was happy to wait. It meant more time watching Geralt get sweaty in small, tight spaces.
From then on, Jaskier had a lot of plumbing issues. As many as he could make up and engineer. Nothing to actually damage the piped but enough to warrant calling Geralt out for them. It also meant he learned a lot about his landlord and the family who owned Kaer Morhen. They were an adoptive family and nothing to do with blood. Ex-army, all served together which explained the scars. While the three younger men called each other brothers, it didn’t stop Lambert and Eskel sharing a flat. It seemed to be a running joke that they all called it saving money and generating more income by freeing up another flat to rent out. However, Jaskier had seen just once how freely affectionate the two were with each other and there was no doubt that the jokes were an old habit while everybody and the world knew just how much those two were very much in love.
Despite all his attempts to draw Geralt out and spend more time with him with artificial problems, Jaskier still found his bathtub was clogging against his will. It was becoming impossible and he had to call Geralt out once more. This time, for a serious matter.
After half an hour of Geralt humming flatly at the issue, he straightened up and looked at Jaskier.
“You need to stop jerking off so much in the bathtub. Your jizz is clogging the pipes. Just use tissue, condoms or even a sock from now on.”
Flushing bright red, Jaskier gawped. “I have never! I mean-” Geralt gave him a half amused look. “Fine. But if you’re so worried about where my come lands, maybe you’d be a willing receptacle for it instead.”
He’d said it out of annoyance rather than anything else but it was too late to take it back. Especially when Geralt kept staring at him.
“I would prefer a dinner date first,” Geralt drawled and stepped closer. They were almost nose to nose.
“Tonight. What time do you finish work?” Jaskier was demanding but he had also had enough of pining from afar. Now was a moment for action rather than dillydallying.
“I have just one job for today. Very annoying resident who keeps calling out for problems he’s obviously created. Once I’ve finished with his bath’s plumbing, I’m off the clock.”
Grinning, Jaskier leaned in. “Well, make it a rush job and don’t be late. I have got my hopes up.”
There was no telling who leaned in first but it didn’t matter. The most important thing was that Jaskier was finally kissing Geralt.
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