#and excusing literal abusers and rapists
hopalongfairywren · 8 months
can people ever get it through their skulls that their experiences aren't universal and what's healing for them is not for others.
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theflorasdiary · 1 month
The problem with this show are not the characters or how the episodes are made,but the writers that decided to develop a literal masterpiece into a circus.
The campaign for season two literally started with making the audience choose between team black and team green:we had two trailers,two official posters and even the actors were “divided” to promote their teams.
So they basically told us to pick a side since the beginning.
Then they procede to turn team black in the saint team:making them the victims of the patriarchy,the heroes of the story.They showed us team black as if they are more Targaryen then the other team only because they know a prophecy and use this fact to excuse them from anything they do.
They made team black loved and worshiped by the small folks after Rhaenys killed hundreds of them during her dumb and useless girl boss scene and after Rhaenyra starved them.When in the book the small folks hates Rhaenyra and her incompetence,they will literally kick her out of the city and she has to run away or they will kill her just like they did with the dragons.The small folks instead loved team green,they loved Helaena as their queen and blamed and hated Rhaenyra for her death.
They forced use to like Rhaenyra just because she is one of the main characters,pushing on her the role of strong female character that is fighting a male society and then again just because she is a woman she is excused for everything that she does.We had to sit and watch two scenes of her giving birth and two of her weddings because we needed to empathize with her.We need to see her on her dragon constantly so that we can see Daenerys resemblance.They had to make her a saint,of course she wouldn’t want to kill a child she is too good,she would never hurt Helaena,everyone is loyal to her and she can do no wrong.They even took down Nettles to not show us Rhaenyra racism and the way she wanted to have a little girl killed because her pedo uncle-husband was rumored to be her lover.
On the other side we have team green that was completely dehumanized,stripped down of every good aspects they had in the book,changing and canceling everything.
We had never saw Alicent give birth to children that came to her out of marital rapes,we also did not see her getting married as a child bride to a man that will abuse her.Apparently the love of her life is Rhaenyra instead that her own children,she betrays them and her own side of the family in favor of her ex best friend that didn’t do anything to help her in the past and instead laughed in her face about her trauma.They keep telling that Alicent has never sacrificed anything when she has sacrificed her all life for duty and family unlike Rhaenyra.
Healena is totally marginal as the “weird bug girl” that just rants things out.She was a dragon rider that enjoyed being with her dragon Dreamfyre,yet in the show apparently she doesn’t like that.Even her dragon legacy was taken by team black,because now Dany dragon eggs comes from Syrax.In Viserys last days Helaena used to visit her father with her children but again this was taken from her and put on Rhaenyra instead.She was also stripped down of her coronation,of the way she was loved as a queen and how Aegon made sure that she was remembered as the true queen during the dance.They took from her the grief and mourning of her son one of the things that will literally drove her to death,because only Rhaenyra can cry her son and no one else.
Aegon was transformed into a rapist,because you can’t like him,you can only like Rhaenyra.There was no scene of him and Sunfyre beside the battle of Rook’s Rest,they have the strongest bond between a dragon and a dragon rider,he loved Sunfyre to the point he changed the family sigil to a golden dragon.They took down his will to fight,his family support and loyalty to him,his rage as a father that had lost his son.They took two of his sons,because Maelor do not exist and now he can’t have any more children because in the show he had lost his penis.They made him useless and pushed him on the sidelines in his own story.
I still don’t understand why they had to make Aemond betray his brother when in the book he was loyal to him,also in the book there was no indication of Aegon bullying him so again i don’t understand why choose this path.Daemon had a “redemption arc” after his betrayal one but of course Aemond can’t,only team black can.
Criston Cole is portrayed as an angry incel that still hates one woman that coerced him into having sex with her after he told her no multiple times.So much wasted potential in this character,when in the book he was one of the masterminds of team green,convinced Aegon to take the crown,took care of Sunfyre and served his king just right.
Daeron…sorry who?What do you mean that there is a third brother?I just know that his character will be completely destroyed,he probably will be a bastard with dark hair and we already won’t have the Maelor storyline for him,we definitely won’t see him making Ser Hugh and Ulf change sides or any of his victories with Tessarion.He will probably be marginalized like he already is,because again you can only like team black and only them can have the best.
How can you “pick a side” like they desperately want you to do,when they do shit like this?Literally forcing you to like team black because they are paint as the saints/good guys and assassinated every good thing about team green?
Keep telling me that this show is not team black propaganda and that’s is fair like this.
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etz-ashashiyot · 6 months
Okay today in: Things I never thought I'd have to explain to alleged leftists
There is literally never an excuse for rape. There just isn't.
Like torture, it is a crime with absolutely no valid purpose whatsoever; it is simply a way to cause extreme suffering to another human being. Rape is effectively a type of torture, especially when paired with physical abuse or other sadistic acts.
With most other kinds of violence (not all) there are at least some circumstances that might (regrettably) call for them. Hitting someone? Injuring them? Even killing them? In a life or death scenario, you might have to defend yourself or someone else, even to the death.
But rape and torture require a lot more intentionality and are never necessary. Torture is known to produce bad information. And rape? Well, rape is specifically and only a way to humiliate and dominate someone. There are no circumstances under which rape is the correct answer.
No personal trauma, no collective trauma, no cause — nothing is a valid justification for rape.
Worse — rape is often not even intended as a punishment for the person (most commonly a woman or girl) being raped, but actually as a proxy to wound the men in their lives, the fathers, the husbands, the brothers, the sons who aren't able to protect "their" women.
Not only does this line of thinking reject the pain of the actual survivor in favor of her relatives, but it actually totally dehumanizes her and reduces her to an object that the rapist has damaged to get back at the man he actually wants to hurt.
Justifying rape as a tool for any reason whatsoever makes you a cesspool, I don't care what your internal justification is.
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if you support team green, you’re a misogynist. it’s that fucking simple. you have literally no excuse - you support sexim and defend rapists and romanticise people who abuse children. hiding behind a show doesn’t excuse the fact that you hate women and yet you still lie to defend yourself, but the truth is plain simple: the dance would not have happened if rhaenyra were a man. team green thought they could steal the throne that was her birthright and she’d just lie there and take it and then got all surprised when she didn’t and tried to make her the villain for reclaiming what had always been hers. but then they all got killed stupidly - like they fucking deserve.
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showtoonzfan · 8 months
Ganna rant about Episode 4 of Hazbin again. For starters it has the same issue that Seeing Stars did for Helluva boss, that being Loona giving Octavia advice in comparison to Husk giving Angel advice. While the characters situations are different, both Loona and Husk were the wrong characters to pick to give advice, or simply just comfort the other character. I’ve already seen some people say that Charlie or Vaggie should have been the one to cheer Angel up, and that would have made more sense. They’ve known him longer and it’s in character for them to do that. For it to be Husk, not only does it feel forced as an excuse to just hook Angel up with a boyfriend and get the shipping fuel going, but it doesn’t make sense narratively.
In Loona’s case, her situation was flawed because she just MET Octavia, didn’t know a thing about her struggles and spouts to her about how she should be thankful just because her dad is “trying”, and the show tries comparing both girl’s situations when they’re not the same. This is practically the same situation with Angel and Husk. While Husk is aware of Angel, he barley knows him. He hasn’t been at the hotel that long considering the pilot took place only a week ago. On screen, all that Husk knew about Angel was that he was a porn star who constantly flirts with everyone, him especially, and we as the audience only see that and only that when the two interact. However episode 4 claims that Husk can see right through him and know that this is all part of his persona that he displays. If we had more time with these two characters outside of flirty banter scenes, this would make more sense, but instead it’s all tell and no show, being rushed with the little time we’re given. Husk even says that the hotel residents go to him to rant their sorrows while they’re drunk and even THAT happens off screen and that’s the problem, the audience has no reason to believe that Husk knows Angel deep down or even cares enough to want to help him, in our eyes, all Angel’s been doing is sexually harassing him.
There’s no reason why these two need to have an emotional scene together, it’s unearned and unwarranted because we haven’t had enough time with these characters, just like Loona and Octavia, there’s just no purpose or buildup. I also resort back to what I’ve said before: Husk selling his soul to Alastor is not the same as Angel selling his soul to Valentino. The show tries to compare Angel and Husk’s situations and it’s just not comparable because Alastor isn’t a rapist who’s trapping Husk to sell his body and be used like a rag doll constantly. Had it been something like “you’re a drug abuser and I’m an alcoholic”- THEN that would have worked, but that’s not what we get, and this leads me to talking about why “Loser Baby” isn’t good.
Some people have already misinterpreted my opinion, so here’s a few things. Is the song in character for Husk? Yes. Is the song about Husk telling Angel not to act and just embrace himself? Yes. On its own, the song is fine outside of some distasteful lines. The CONTEXT, execution, and placement of the song is the issue. Episode 4’s whole purpose is to see just how much Angel suffers. He’s forced to work like a dog at the studio day in and day out, and he gets abused and SA’d by his boss and other demons constantly. He doesn’t have a say in anything and can never say no because he’s under contract. He can’t Fizz his way out of this one and just go “I quit”, he’s literally forced to work in the porn industry wether he likes it or not, and we see all of that on screen. We also explore just how much this affects him. They reveal some pretty dark stuff here, how Angel doesn’t even want his position as a famous porn star and is so desperate to be numb from the pain and suffering he endorses that he’ll get high constantly and let people drug him for nefarious reasons, it’s his escape. They dump ALL of that info onto us, only for this bullshit to come up:
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So the writers slut shame him, call him a freak and an addict to laugh at because “haha he’s addicted to drugs and a slut”, even though we JUST got done with a scene that confirms HE DOES ALL OF THIS AS A TRUAMA RESPONSE. He said himself he does the drugs and is addicted to numb the pain, and his own flirting (while problematic) is shown to be an act of him hyper sexualizing himself due to what he goes through. It’s not excusable but it’s still a fact, and we’re supposed to LAUGH at him??? That’s what’s wrong with his character and what continues to be wrong, because Viv sees him as the butt of the joke. Every line of dialogue he has is always about sex and how we should laugh because he’s a slut, an it comes off as so distasteful and insensitive to not only people who have been abused/SA’d, but porn actors in general. We’re supposed to laugh when he talks about cock and sex, but the reason he’s doing it is so dark that we shouldn’t be laughing about it at all cause he’s a VICTIM, yet Viv thinks it’s funny. It’s so disgusting and makes my stomach twist. Angel is trapped being in a position he doesn’t even want to be in, yet his entire character revolves around comedic sex jokes, and once you figure out the reason behind said sex jokes, it feels so wrong.
And this is why Loser Baby doesn’t work. Aside from everything else I’ve already said, It doesn’t line up with what Angel is going through, it doesn’t line up with the rest of the episode. If you wanted Angel to have this arc about realizing he doesn’t need to stick to his persona, fine, but you should have done it in a different episode. This is why Husk comes off as telling him to just suck it up and stop whining rather than what he’s actually trying to say. It looks bad with how they executed it, it just looks like he’s telling an SA victim to get over it and stop whining and what’s worse is they compare their situations when it’s not the same. You literally have a scene of Angel telling Husk he lets people drug him, and not even a minute later Husk is calling him a loser. That’s the issue. The show doesn’t know how to read the room, build character relationships slower, is just so incredibly tone deaf and is hypocritical. We’re supposed to feel bad for Angel cause he’s sexualized to the maxes and is having trauma responses of that, but then we’re also supposed to laugh at him and his sex jokes while also finding him hot. Pick a fucking side Vivienne, the show wants to have its cake and eat it too and look where that’s gotten us. The writing is a fucking atrocious mess and yet it had so much potential if Viv actually cared enough to take Angel seriously, instead of just desperately wanting to give him a boyfriend, and a rushed arc where he magically feels better in the end.
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greatcheshire · 8 months
one more thing I have to say, since you'll hide the obvious goal behind your agenda, I'll say it for you, & I know you most likely won't publish this ask because of your lack of empathy, but if there's a soul in that sorry excuse of a man you are, use it.
Trans "women" aren't women, men cannot be women, what your cult is trying to do is mutilate yourself to the point of unrecognition like some kind of skin walker so you people can invade women & children's safe spaces & friend groups in order to rape & molest them & get off scot free.
Please, if anyone cares for what's right, spread this message. For the sake of women & children's safety everywhere.
hey sorry to ignore the rest of your essay or call for help or whatever it is but did you just say that women can’t rape because uhhhhhhh
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dukeofdelirium · 5 months
Why would Katara marry Aang if she didn't love him??
She's an impossibly strong woman. But they act like she's too weak and subservient to think for herself. Jesus.
She wouldn’t. But ZK shippers are so angry that she ended up with the “wrong” guy in their eyes, that they make up literally any excuse as to why she married Aang lol.
I’ve seen them claim that her choice to marry him was “practical” and a strategic move to protect her family ??? 😭 I’ve seen them say that she married Aang out of fear, I’ve seen them say she married him because it was arranged or because he forced her to, etc 😂😂😂😂
And they say the same thing about them having kids lol. He either forced her to have his kids because he’s a rapist or he coerced her somehow or she was just trying to please him etc etc
Like in their minds, Aang is an abusive super angry violent man 😂 and they want kataang to be this husband beats on wife scenario and it sends me every time cuz this is canon kataang
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I personally would not go that far, at least on most cases. I'd say that the trend of women insisting the Bad Boy type is actually far kinder and more respectful towards the Main Girl than the Good Guy is a combination of two things:
1 - The sexist belief that women who like the "wrong" kind of romance are too stupid to know that some things should be fantasy only and not a model for real life relationships.
2 - The annoying trend of the past decades of people having to pretend nothing about the things they personally like can be kinky, or even genuinely problematic, otherwise they'd be admiting to being bad people.
It's purity culture. It's the assumption of "I am capable of crytical thinking, you are not." Plain and simple.
Some people just get horny for villains/morally dubious characters, are aware that they will be judged for it - and instead of just going "Fuck you, you don't have the right to judge me because of a goddamn fantasy" they try to argue "Actually, YOUR fantasy is the one that is actually problematic, sexist, racist, elitist, heteronormative and panders to the EVIL Male Gaze, while MY fantasy is secretly empowering and subversive and designed to be enjoyed by enlightened girlbosses because it is made with the Wholesome Female Gaze in mind."
Zutarians, for all their talk of wanting a complicated, mature, adult romance for their ship, are actually fucking terrified of the more messy aspects of their own fantasies, and instead of getting over that complex (or removing them through AUs) and having their fun, they defend themselves from bad faith criticism by attacking people first.
That's why they deem Aang a rapist for the Ember Island kiss and call Kataang fans abuse apologists for it, but constantly sexualize the scene of Zuko tying Katara to a tree. That's why they complain that Katara was reduced to "Aang's trophy-wife and airbender breeder" but write AUs where Katara is literally Zuko's sex slave. Why they complain about the supposed "power imbalance" due to Kataang's two year age gap, but don't say a word about Zutara's two year age gap. Why they insist that Kataang fans are all males projecting onto Aang (because projecting onto a guy is inherently bad) while Zutara fans are all women "connecting" with Katara (because projecting onto a girl is inherently good). Why they label Aang as intolerant of Katara's culture for not liking the food, but will throw a fit if people point out that Zuko, and his entire family and nation, legit wanted wanted Katara dead, or at least subjugated, because of her race.
It's a CLASSIC cope and pure proejction. I like tons of Villain X Hero ships, and I see that bullshit all the time. People feel some kind of guilt or shame over being into a character that is a "bad person", even though that is a morally neutral thing, so they twist the narrative until it fits into a pseudo-feminist idea of an "empowering" fantasy for women.
Zutarians claiming that their ship, that only exists because of rape fics, is actually NOT based on highly kinky shit (namely Male Domination/Female Submission with bonus of dubcon/noncon and race play) but rather just on the vague/nonsensical concept of the "Female Gaze" is no different than a bunch of Game of Thrones/HOTD fans, and even the excutives and writers, pretending that 50% the rapes and 90% of the age-inappropriate and/or incestuous relationships aren't just George R.R. Martin (and themselves) having fetishes.
Both are morally neutral and should just be honest about when they are genuinely exploring a dark topic and when they're just getting off on a kinky fantasy. But being honest about it doesn't give zutarians an excuse to act morally superior, so they just stick to their double-standard and purity policing.
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bump-inthe-night · 8 months
The Hazbin Hotel fandom has serious problems with reading comprehension. I legit pointed out rapists are human, like how despite their evkl and that rape happens in the animal kingdom when someone tried saying even dogs don't do that, which is a lie.
I got called a rape apologia and people thought I was defending Val being a rapist. Like huh? I swear these people are children and if you dare disagree, you are defending rape as just drown people out by saying rape has no excuses which wouldn't be an issue if they didn't say murder have justifications.
These people do not know what justifiable homicide or self defense are and they keep misusing the word murder to describe situations where I'd be understandable to kill someone and reason gets drowned out by emotional appeals. Literally none of the characters in the cast are in Hell because they killed in someone in self defense, everyone we see clearly enjoys murdering people or at best are indifferent to it.
Vivziepop fans believe explaining that abusers, rapists and murderers have personalities and interests outside of harming people, you’re “defending” them and trying to excuse their actions.
If you want Valentino and Stella to be better written have actual personalities instead of one-dimensional abusers then you “must” support awful shit like this in real-life 🤦🏾‍♀️
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autumnteawithfriends · 5 months
TW: Mention of R@pe
Dear people who ship Valentino with Angel, disrespectfully stay the fuck away from me. I don’t want to hear your bullshit excuses to why you ship a RAPE VICTIM WITH HIS LITERAL RAPIST. Same with VoxVal, I don’t want to hear why you ship someone who’s simply a haughty jackass (Vox) with a rapist pimp who is abusive towards him.
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sammylvsfairys · 6 months
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
genre: fluff, angst, co-workers to friends???
warnings: this is literally a self indulgence fanfic i have the same personality as reader, she's kinda dramatic (a lot.), mentions of abuse, rape, murders, and domestic violence, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!, reader is kinda dumb (we love her tho), BASED ON S6 E7, english is not my first language !!
a/n: even though i wanted this to be more romantic, aaron is aaron and slow burn is his second name.
requests are currently open!
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when aaron finished his talk with the captain, he reached out in a gesture typical of an old friend who just shared some sincere advice before leaving the room. however, his sense of peace was disrupted when he heard a whistle behind him and found derek, with a playful smirk.
"she's mad," derek said. "very, very mad."
instantly, curiosity pricked aaron, who raised an eyebrow skeptically.
"who's mad?"
rossi, who had overheard the whole conversation, even y/n's anger, sighed in exasperation.
"y/n is furious because you shook hands with captain sanders."
aaron couldn't help but feel how absurd the situation was.
"sorry, y/n is mad? why?"
derek whistled again, with a grin.
"aaron, my man, you're gonna need a massive bouquet of flowers if you want her forgiveness."
y/n was famous for only accepting flowers as apologies, and the bigger the mistake, the bigger the bouquet. it was a thing that came handy and everyone used to remember whenever someone accidentally stained her white shirt with coffee.
the jet trip went on as usual, but aaron couldn't shake off his mistake.
when they returned to the office, y/n started gathering her things before being called into aaron's office.
"miss y/n, if you have any issue with me or my way of working, you should tell me," aaron said even before y/n could sit down.
"i'm not a mom to be educating stupid people," y/n replied furiously.
"excuse me?"
y/n clicked her tongue in frustration.
"respectfully sir, you..." she began. "not only did you give a speech defending a man who raised a rapist and murderer, but you also shook hands with a man who abused his wife! you said it yourself!"
"do you think a father deserves to be punished for his son's mistakes?"
"yes," y/n replied dryly. "he should be in jail alongside his son, not seeking ways to reduce that idiot's sentence," she added angrily as she rose from her seat and stormed out of the room.
rossi entered a few seconds later. "sometimes i'm glad to know she's just a media liaison and she doesn't have permission to carry a gun."
aaron stared at rossi. "what should i do now?"
"well, i know she loves roses," rossi wisely replied.
aaron sighed, mentally counting the bills in his wallet. he would need a big bouquet.
when y/n arrived at her desk, she noticed the bouquet of thornless roses and a note signed with a simple, cursive "a." she couldn't help but smile, knowing deep down that nearby florists didn't sell thornless roses.
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theoddest1 · 7 months
I think that no one should like Valentino and yes, that's also includes if you only like his design or don't condone his actions, that is not give an excuse for what he's done. But no one is ready for that conversation.
I think it's okay if you find the design alright or if you find him as a villain well done like "Oh man, this dude is absolutely riveting and conniving, that's pretty good for a villain" sorta deal. A lot of Disney Villains are loved for how great their roles as villains are (and also cause they find their charisma believable and entertaining), but this is also what leads to a slippery slope sometimes
Rapists come in different forms and hide in plain sight sometimes, so to make one the kind that's charismatic to lure or trap people in their abuse is an accurate portrayal as well, but if one makes that same character so charismatic or "heheh goofs cutely" that it begins to feel like we're SUPPOSED to find them charming, there is an issue.
That's where my issue lies with the way some fans treat Val, including Viv and some of her crew. Rather than find him gross and detestable, they find him and his personality "attractive" when his personality consists of manipulation and aggression. They romanticize the abuse of his victim and even straight up ship the victim with the abuser and the accomplice. They even ship him with people he has been straight aggressive with when angered, showing that he is NOT fit to be in relationships PERIOD (this should be obvious af, but Viv doesn't gaf.)
Not all who like Val like his actions. Some simply think he works well as a villain or thinks he has a neat design, but I def see what you mean! It's a very understandable stance considering what character he is. I, for one, hate this dude. Nothing about him is interesting outside of his role in the story and who he's affiliated with. He's the least interesting of the V's as a result. He's a literal man child.
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victoriadallonfan · 8 months
Defining Amy as a "rapist" for mentally altering Victoria non-consensually and then altering her body non-consensually seems extreme. That would mean Rachel "rapes" her dogs. That Victoria herself is a "rapist" when she uses her aura. I think what Amy did is extremely wrong and unforgivable, but calling her a "rapist" is incorrect. And the reading of her as being othered by her nuclear family is a pretty valid reading of her character. It also doesn't excuse what she did, but it does explain it and make her a more sympathetic character. Which is basically what Worm is all about - making "villains" sympathetic. Sure, you can decide that still doesn't make you feel sympathy for her but it doesn't make a person "immoral" if they do. Also, pointing out how she feels like a bad lesbian stereotype doesn't actually place any judgement on her actions or the actions of her victim - just on the writer and text itself.
There's a lot wrong with this Ask, but I choose to believe you are simply forgetting key details and misremembering others, so I will explain why this post is unfortunately incorrect.
Firstly, best to not start off with, "I think what X character did was bad but-" and then follow up with downplaying what the character did, because it sets the tone that you don't actually think what character did was bad. It's a common phrasing used by a lot of rape apologists, nazi dog-whistling, anti-lgtbq+ posts etc etc. Not just in fiction, but RL discussion.
(Spoilers below for Ward and Late-Worm)
Secondly, you quite literally admitted that Amy non-consensually violated Victoria's body, multiple times. She not only made Victoria fall in love with her, not only paralyzed Victoria to operate on her without consent, not only mind-controlled Victoria to use as a puppet, not only kidnapped her (twice), not only kept her as a play toy for 3-4 days...
But she admits to Carol, outright, that she saw Victoria "just lying there" and decided to "use her" for "closure" (aka pleasure), on and off for days, and then fucked with Victoria's memories so Victoria would not remember the details of what Amy did to her (raping her). Which we see of in more detail in Ward, as another mental power unlocked those memories in Victoria's mind.
Note that this was after Amy had already healed Victoria via the fucked-up sarcophagus (that Amy modeled after Victoria's body). Amy just couldn't resist Victoria's unconscious (and probably nude from the acid destroying the costume) body.
Amy raped Victoria several times in Worm, not just in power, but in every way possible. And then she molests Victoria again in Ward by making her love Amy and by kissing her while she's unconscious (and basically psychologically abuses her in arc 14). She also preys on a 14 year old child because she happens to somewhat look like Victoria, both in the hopes of manipulating Victoria to visit said girl (and be forced to thank Amy for "helping" her) and possibly even planning on grooming her into a surrogate Victoria figure.
Amy is rapist. End of discussion.
Thirdly, your use of Bitch's power as a comparison is flawed but still interesting to discuss. For one thing, we know from Brutus interlude that this transformation is not sexual in nature nor does it mentally assault the dog's mind; Brutus compares it to the good feeling of stretching in his limbs, like dogs do all the time. There is nothing said about this power altering their minds.
That being said, what Bitch does with her dogs can indeed be argued to be catalogued as abuse; there has been many a discussion where readers have pointed out that Bitch putting her dogs into these dangerous situations, attacking and crippling people, means that it is more likely for these dogs to be hurt or killed in them defending themselves. Armsmaster outright calls Bitch out on this, funny enough, telling her he doesn't want to keep hurting dogs for their owner's mistakes. One can even argue it's meant to be a dark irony that Bitch spends so much time busting up dog-fighting rings, yet she also constantly puts her dogs in danger.
Fourthly, Victoria's aura: A.) can be resisted just by being stubborn as we see with several characters like Lisa, B.) the idea that she is constantly blasting people with aura is pure fanon, with what we see in Worm and Ward being that she uses it for fights 99% of the time, and C.) the story actively points out that she has to be careful with aura use, and characters in story openly discuss when and when not to use it, or discuss with her how they feel she misused it. To which she often acknowledges them to be correct, tries to adjust herself to do better (with or without success depending on the situation).
It is in fact quite notable that Taylor - when comparing character powers to Heartbreaker (possibly the most well-known rapist in the world) - she compares Regent, Amy, and Gallant. Despite the fact that Taylor never met Gallant and has actively fought Glory Girl, Victoria never once enters her mind as a comparison. Because GG's power is not mind-control or even seen as mind-alteration in the setting; it's treated by those who feel it and fight it as a small obstacle to deal with, rather than anything that feels invasive or sexually exploitative.
That is not to say that they treat her aura use lightly, of course. The two most notable moments are the BBQ and Hard Boil aura use, where the aura is treated as a quite literal symbol of Victoria's PTSD: both times the person (Carol and Hanzo) are actively engaging in behavior that triggers Victoria's trauma (Carol lied to Victoria about Amy being around and make's Victoria paranoid about her being compromised by Amy; Hamza actively victim blames Victoria for not only the death of her boyfriend but also graphically detailing what Amy's molestations of Victoria did to her on live television).
(I also just remembered that Snag forcing Victoria to relive being in the Asylum as the Wretch caused Victoria to go into a screaming PTSD episode that had her blaring the aura as a defense mechanism)
In both these cases, the aura use is treated not as an attempt from Victoria as a means of violating a person's consent for her own pleasure, domination, or objectification of said individual, but rather as a defense mechanism she uses to try and regain mental/emotional footing as her PTSD episode briefly takes control of her actions (we also see this occur with the forcefield re: Valefor, but it occurs far less often). Even then, Carol is actively shocked that Victoria would use her aura like that (implying that Victoria doing so was a surprising faux pau AND also showcasing just how badly Carol fucked up), and Hamza and company are equally upset that Victoria would use her power on them (though Capricorn was quick to point out that this only happened because they triggered her PTSD and the crowd seemed split on blame). Sveta also point blank tells Victoria to not use the aura around her unless it's for emergencies, as it hurts her own power use/body autonomy (which Victoria does respect). In any case, comparing Victoria's aura to Amy is flawed in multiple ways: Victoria never used her power as a means of sexual exploitation, objectifying an individual for her own pleasure, nor as a means to mutilate/molest/aid in the rape of another human being.
Amy actively views and uses her power as a means of violating body autonomy as a means of gaining sexual pleasure, objectifying an individual for her own pleasure, and as a means to mutilate/molest/aid in the rape of another human being, and has done so multiple times throughout the franchise. Even when characters actively tell her that they do not consent to being touch or Amy invading their biology to discuss their sexual/mental health (see; Yamada), Amy instead views it as a means of gaining power over an individual for her own use.
Obviously, enjoying a character who is Evil does not make the reader evil by proxy. I doubt most Darth Vader fans really want to murder elementary school children or strangle pregnant women (though some people do get upset when you point out the Empire is a Fascist Regime, but that's a separate discussion).
Likewise, Amy being one's favorite character does not mean a reader must be a rapist themselves. I myself quite enjoy Amy as a character and have recommended one of the best Amy centric fanfics before (Wound by SprialHelix) on this site.
But there is a difference between liking a character and white-washing them to the point that it becomes victim blaming.
Finally: I have never once voiced an opinion on the "nuclear family" discussion.
The closest I ever came to that discussion was mocking some user for trying to defend Incest as being cool and claiming that Incest Supporters are being targeted unfairly and compared them to the LGTBQ+ defenders.
Which, I must say, is fucking insulting to compare the struggles of the LGTBQ+ to those who want to fuck their children/siblings/parents/cousins etc etc
I hope this clarification helps you understand the point I stand in regard to reminding people that Amy Dallon is a rapist, and how dangerous it can be to fall for those who wish to white-wash her actions in favor of demonizing her rape victim, rather than accept her characters as the actual character she is.
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vermillion-limerence · 9 months
More,Laito Sakamaki
Tw:child abuse/sexual abuse/trauma/laito sakamaki/assault
So I wanted to talk about Laito sakamaki in a bit more depth,specifically when he's a child/his childhood growing up
So we know that with the sakamaki brothers they all kinda grew up together,in the same house I'm pretty sure
We see this in the flashback in the anime of their childhood (I haven't played the game or read the comics)
It looks like to some extent they bonded,at least until a certain age
But in present day their relationship is strained,and I can guess it happened around their actual teenage years(before going into the hundreds)
Laito's relationship with his brothers is even more rifted when he started being molested by cordelia
Because his view of love was so tainted,mistaking lust and abuse for love he isn't exactly sure how to properly bond with his brothers now that cordelia has ruined his perception of what love is supposed to be and look like
I also read somewhere (and headcanon) that his brothers found out that he was in an incestuous relationship with their mother when they were still kids and feel guilty about
In present day its obvious the brothers don't bond and don't ever plan to,but even with all their trauma and misconceptions in life they can still feel horrified learning that cordelia was molesting and grooming their brother
As kids the rest of the brothers couldn't exactly do anything about the situation
I read that ayato found out by hearing laito sneak off to cordelias room late at night and feels tremendous guilt about it
Despite the abuse the brothers already endured I imagine it would still be extremely traumatic to acquire that information
I think that being sexually abused by his mother has (obviously) never felt truly good
In the comics,he says that love is something that feels good (referring to sleeping with cordelia,concluding that this is his perception of love)
Yet I think that it never truly felt because because it isn't natural nor okay
Of course his body responded naturally to sexual pleasure and adding on that he doesn't exactly know it's wrong,your brain still knows deep down is wrong
I think when he got older he realised it wasn't a normal thing to do but he refuses to acknowledge it because of how uncomfortable it is to think about
He isn't really in touch with his emotions
He just feels something and goes with it
But he hates being vulnerable
Which is why he chooses to make others vulnerable unstead (I'm in no way excusing this behaviour,simply bringing it to light in order to explain my thoughts on his abuse)
I also believe that cordelia physically forced sexual in counters on him multiple times,which could also explain his violent controlling,impulsive behaviour,because it was shown to him (I know he didnt have a choice as a child and was coerced,just saying that maybe he didn't comply at first so he was possibly literally dragged or hit/restrained)
He was also surrounded by adults who knew about it (karlheinz I'm convinced he knows everything that goes on at all times,richter),but didn't nothing,which was probably extremely suffocating
Knowing that you could be helped,but weren't
I don't like them (all sakamakis) though because of their history as notorious abusers,torturers,assaulters and most likely rapists,not to mention killing the brides
Remember that just because you were abused,it is not an excuse to abuse other,break the cycle
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
Re-reading Auramgold's "The Abuser's Guide to Transmisogyny" and oh boy does it have the pulse on how transmisogyny works, especially the kind common on this website.(as the title might tell you, It's a sarcastic guide to using callout culture to isolate and abuse transfems, so basically all the content warnings.)
I'm not talking about the more explicit kind from outright terfs or nazis, although that is of course bad. I'm talking about the more insidious kind, the kind who has "terfs/nazis dni" in their bio, and who is often (tme) trans themselves. The kind of transmisogynist who openly disavows transmisogyny, but has a growing roster of callout posts about supposed "pedos/freaks" who all happen to be transfems. Really you should read all of it, but like here are some choice selections, things I've seen being done to mutuals like right now.
"The main factor of going for a fast and hard strike is finding some Controversial point to grow a harassment mob around. Maybe your victim said something you can ship-of-Theseus into sounding racist, maybe she chose to associate with someone already considered "problematic", maybe she even just posted about some sort of kink or sexuality and you're gonna bend that into her being a rapist or a pedophile. The last approach works best of all of these, as society is always primed to see trans girls as pedophiles; the TERFs already did the work for you on that front. But even if any sexual allegations aren't your centerpiece seed, they can do wonders as an extra spice, a perfect excuse for "if you support my victim against me, you're supporting pedophilia" attacks."
"Many communities have self-ascribed "anti-pedophile crusaders," and these are a valuable resource considering how easy it is to make someone see a trans girl as a sex criminal. Recruit them by leaning into a narrative of how your victim "protects pedophiles in <community>," which works especially well in fandom spaces with the presence of their "anti" faction. If you construct a narrative of your victim puppeting the community from behind the scenes, you can lean right into the fascist playbook of portraying your vulnerable victim as the puppetmaster."
"Of course, you don't even need even a made-up "victim" to accuse your trans girl victim of sexual impropriety. If your victim is into any sexuality at all, she's likely to have some kink or another that is vaguely Controversial enough to accuse her on. Never mind that it's between consenting adults, if you frame it as thoughtcrime, if you frame it as sin, it's very difficult for your victim to actually defend against it. One particularly effective mode to attack with is any caregiver/little dynamics your victim might be into, as it is very easy to twist "your victim likes diapers" into "your victim likes fucking children" as a ship-of-Theseus argument. Targeting littleness works especially well because it is a kink that usually comes from parental abuse that manifests into fawn trauma, and you can take advantage of your victim's trauma making her try to appease anyone that hurts her to neutralize any ability she has to fight back.
While littleness is one of the best targets to base accusations of sexual abuse on, basically any kink can work well enough for that. If she draws CNC you can call her a "secret rapist," if she's into petplay you can call her a "zoophile", if she's into gore or sadomasochism you can claim she's physically abusive. Hell, you can get the antis on your side if she merely ships the wrong characters together or likes a "bad" character, as they're all too willing to join at the hint of anything like that they can attack someone for. Literally any kink or sexuality can be twisted into a slight against your victim, and this works very well for your attacks so that they may pull at the groundwork the fascists already set out for you."
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the-daily-dreamer · 2 years
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The fact that Alicent is even ON THIS LIST is just flabbergasting. Now, to their credit, she’s second to last on this list (somehow worse than JAMIE LANNISTER?!). But still. Most evil characters?!
So, for fun, I thought I’d take a look at her characterization according to the writer of this list and rebut.
For the sake of organization, I will post the whole paragraph below and then go point by point:
“This one is fairly low on the rankings as it's not quite clear how villainous Alicent could become, with her moral standing leaning toward "complicated" rather than straightforward good or evil. However, she isn't quite the most innocent character in House of the Dragon either, with her manipulation of the grieving and ailing King Viserys, covering up her son's sexual crimes and fiendish proclivities and politically maneuvering an underhanded coup from her former best friend raising more than a few eyebrows about how far she'll go to protect her family.”
“Her manipulation of the grieving and ailing King Viserys”
First of all: Alicent was a 15 year old girl, the same age as Viserys’s own daughter, and his daughter’s best friend. Viserys is a full grown man and also the most powerful person in the entire kingdom as, you know, the king. Grief is a powerful thing and can certainly cause us to act contrary to our characters; however, that is not an excuse to have sex with and marry a child you have watched grow up alongside your own child.
Second of all: Alicent was not the master manipulator in this situation. She tried to fight back against the plan as much as she was capable as a girl and child, against her father who is the second most powerful man in the kingdom. The blame should go solely on Otto for this.
Blaming Alicent for “manipulating” Viserys when: she was a child forced to do this by her father, she fought against the idea, she was 15 and Viserys was a full grown man, and most of all HE WAS THE FUCKING KING, is crazy. Alicent had no power in this situation, nor did she want it. It was Otto’s idea and Viserys’s fault. Y’all blaming a child and acting like she’s an insidious master manipulator instead of criticizing the full grown man who had sex with her is crazy. Grief is no excuse. The men in this situation took advantage of Alicent. Not the other way around.
“Covering up her son’s sexual crimes and fiendish proclivities”
Where is the accountability on the deadbeat dad? Everyone keep blaming Alicent for how awful Aegon is. But nobody utters a word on how the other parent in this situation has done absolutely nothing. Viserys is also Aegon’s father (though this may be a shock to even Viserys himself seeing how neglectful and abusive he is to his children by Alicent). Viserys is the king. He has the power to implement whatever he wants but sits back and does nothing. But sure, Alicent is to blame because she’s actually involved and therefor her son being ruined is only her fault.
Alicent does her best at parenting Aegon and dealing with the shit he generates. What exactly could Alicent do to Aegon, a prince of the realm, to rectify the situation? Y’all are never happy when she does anything. When she disciplines Aegon, you scream she’s “abusive”. When she tries to compensate and fix the situation to the best of her ability, you scream that she’s enabling and covering up crimes. She will never win. And btw, she didn’t cover up for Aegon. Alicent listened to Dyana and tried to compensate for the pain. There’s literally nothing else she could do.
Y’all will blame Alicent for all the actions of the men in her life. Why not hold Aegon, the actual rapist, accountable for the situation. Not Alicent for trying to fix it. Because guess who’s not on the fucking list…AEGON. How will you penalize Alicent for trying to help fix the situation her son caused, but not penalize the man who actually committed the sexual crime? It reeks of sexism.
“Politically maneuvering an underhanded coup from her former best friend”
Ok. Let’s get this out of the way. Alicent believes Viserys said it was Aegon who is the heir. Stupid or not she does. But even without that Alicent does not stage a coup in some sort of villainous attempt to seize power for herself and away from Rhaenyra. She does it to protect her family. She has seen what happens when one of them is harmed, nothing. There will be nothing stopping team black from killing her or her children. This is a fight for survival. Not villainy. Fear.
Also it’s worth reminding that Alicent is the only one defending Rhaenyra’s life. Otto and other greens are perfectly fine with murdering Rhaenyra. Alicent is the only one fighting to protect her and counseling Aegon not to harm her.
In the end, Alicent is not a villain. She is the personification of how the patriarchy has abused women and torn them down in every way. Alicent has done her best to make everyone in her life happy. She has tried desperately to satisfy the selfishness and power-hungry nature of all those around her and reconcile everyone in her life. Alicent is not malicious or evil. She’s not seeking war or bloodshed. She wants her children and herself to be safe. Nobody should have “raised brows” at her defending herself and her family after she has spent decades being abused and seen more than enough proof that she is not loved or protected.
Villainizing Alicent can only happen if you’re willing to admit all this as well:
Grown men can never be held liable for having sex with teenage girls.
Teenage girls are at fault for the feelings adult men have for them.
Women are responsible for how their children turn out and men have no accountability in raising children or how they grow up.
Deadbeat father’s are ok, and the women left with the children are at fault for anything bad their kids do because they didn’t do a good enough job at being both parents.
Teenage mothers need to be perfect parents and can never make mistakes or have no idea what they’re doing because they, themselves are children.
Parents (specifically mothers) are responsible for the crimes of their children
Men shouldn’t be held accountable for rape. It’s their mom’s fault
And most of all: women who experience consistent trauma and abuse for years must hold it all in, accept further abuse with a smile, and “keep to their place”
Go ahead black fans. Admit this all. Admit you hate women and have deeply sexist beliefs. Then I’ll let you call her a villain :)
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