#and found family is a must
If you are still taking requests, could we possibly see some tsumiki and Shoko bonding? 🥺 like Shoko helping Tsumiki with her hair, Tsumiki helping pick an outfit for Shoko to wear? 🥺
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utilitycaster · 10 months
I respect that post about "found family" being misused as a term because people overlay nuclear family structures but actually I rarely see that. It is far more frequent to see people trying to force speedrun a group of loosely connected characters into a lifelong bond so they can call it found family, OR getting mad that a genuinely tight-knit group still has their own separate lives outside just each other and don't all live in one big house. Found family can be great but sometimes characters are just friends or not even that, and that doesn't mean the story is any worse for it. And even if they are a found family that does not mean they will always get along nor constantly be within ten feet of each other until the end of time.
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xinyuehui · 2 months
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— "Maybe this ending isn't a bad thing for me after all."
冰雪谣 · Snowfall · 2024
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The WHOLE red dragon crew is now parents/family to lil baby Snapdragon. The little rascals was just born and is already collecting their found family like Pokémon cards.
Pitaya is their dragon parent.
Hollyberry is the cool mom.
Tarte Tatin is the cooler mom.
Royal Margarine is the funny uncle.
Wildberry is their big brother.
And Buttercream? Well…
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totallyradicalmucky · 4 months
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Lame ass stink family
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monotone-artist · 6 months
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the sonic fandubs mean everything to me
[id: a four-part comic with sonic and shadow:
in the first two parts, they're drawn in color in halfbody shots. shadow is solemnly gazing at the green chaos emerald that he has floating in his hands, his ears pinned back. sonic is looking upward at something, shading his eyes. he brightly says, "Shadow, Shadow you're an asshole man."
closing his eyes and gesturing with one hand, Shadow casually replies, "You are what you eat, Sonic." sonic stares at him blankly, taken off guard.
in the last two parts, the view is pulled back to see them as fullbodies shots, and they're single-colored (shadow red, sonic blue) and in a more basic stick figure art style. "What the- what the hell man? oh my god," sonic exclaims, surprised, while shadow just kind of looks at him.
then sonic leans forward a little, points at him, and cheekily says, "that was kinda sick!" with an awkward laugh, shadow puts a hand on a hip and replies, "thanks I worked hard on it." end id]
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radioroxx · 17 days
What do you think Odile does for a living? She feels teacher like to me. What do you think she would do post canon?
ive seen a lot of people hc her as a teacher / professor so i!! think that suits her pretty well. specifically as someone who studies + specializes in different types of craft (that would be why shes so proficient in multiple craft spells. also how she was able to figure out the loops stuff, AND to find something that could prevent siffrin from looping back).
post canon i am not sure… i am always torn between how the party would handle things post canon. obviously they would keep travelling for a bit, odile alongside her family without the stress of. constant sadness encounters + a king to kill lol. i think maybe she would get to take her time, reeaally get to know vauguardian culture when not within. a crisis. as was her original intention.
eventually. EVENTUALLY. when the family settles down somewhere (i am a “they all get a big house together” believer lol) she would get back into craft stuff. maybe go back into teaching too—surely people would be eager to hire a saviour. especially though i think it would be neat of her to try looking into wish craft etc, as a long forgotten form of craft. to satisfy her own curiosity, for siffrins sake, or just as a way of preserving the countries culture in whatever ways possible.
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oneluckydragon · 2 months
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"What do you remember of being human, Echo?" The question is out of the blue and unexpected. But Sora offers a patient smile and tilts her head in curiosity, just enough that one of her ears flops over. It's endearing, if anything.
But Echo wishes she hadn't asked.
"Not much. Distinct memories are cloudy." A tired tone says softly, a pained recollection in her eyes and an acrid haze in her soul that endures, endures, and endures, "But I remember the discomfort more than anything. My body always did feel wrong back then. Misshapen. Condensed. Like it was too small for everything buried underneath, and that ache went so deeply some days that it would make my skin crawl. I hated that part the most."
At that, Sora's expression falls. She looks inexplicably sad, as if she'd hoped for a different response, a gentler one despite knowing the harsh truth about the dark future and the struggles Echo must have suffered. "But you had Grovyle, right? I'm sure he took care of you."
"He did, Sora, of course he did." A sigh, a flick of an ear and claws clenched tightly into the churned earth pressed under her paws. "I doubt I deserved his attention, though. I was too busy being angry at the world to give any care back."
In my lore, Echo does not look fully human during their time in the dark future. Since they were Darkrai before becoming human, and as a result of Palkia's reckless shattering of the Dimensional Portal which distorted both time and space, Echo's transformation was broken and accidental. They ended up looking pretty messed up and definitely (not) human. A lot of their characteristics as Darkrai carried over but rather morphed into something else.
And Grovyle, growing up in a world where humans have been extinct for longer than any living pokémon has been alive, has no concept of what a "true" human looks like. The only thing he knows is descriptions of humans from glyphs and texts in old ruins. Thus, he mistakes Echo for an actual human. And Echo, not knowing what a human looks like themselves due to amnesia, accepts this identification with nothing better to use.
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kyouka-supremacy · 23 days
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These go in the photo album
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diwatakirsten · 20 days
**Urgent Appeal for Help: Support Ola and Her Children in Gaza**🚨🍉🇵🇸
Ola a mother from Gaza, is in desperate need of your help. The ongoing war has left her struggling to provide basic necessities for her children, including food, water, medicine, and milk for her baby girl. With no one to support the family during these incredibly difficult times, we ask for your urgent donation to help them survive. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a huge difference.
The campaign is Vetted By Femme intifada on telegram.
Thank you for your generosity and kindness.
hi tumblr! 🍉
Please excuse some odd tags -- I am only adding such, so it can reach other audiences.
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chairofchaos · 30 days
them: is this the hill you want to die on?
me: no, but it’s where I’ll leave your corpse
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margareturtle · 4 months
Oh are we not supposed to recommend aftg to friends??
Whoopsies 🤭
No but like hear me out…
I’m not gonna rec aftg to any random friend who wants a book rec
If you’re my friend in any or all of these three fandoms: The Raven Cycle, Six of Crows, and/or Marauders…
Then you best believe I’m getting you to read AFTG!!
You can’t escape it !!
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fridgrave2-0 · 6 months
some headcanons about max nerdification joining the nerdy prudes
i love to think about the nerds and max being friends is what they'll DEFINITELY make him play minecraft and watch max cry when he goes in his first cave and dies from a skeleton
richie would probably make max watch some dreamsmp shit but max will become a hermitcraft fan anyway. pete would prank max to sleep in the nether and then bond a little bit while they're gathering resources bc max's stuff was destroyed. ruth would be the only one to teach max the actual game while discussing nsfw stuff some theater things (bc they're both are theater kids)
tw mentioning sex?? idk it's npmd but okay // also max reads ruth's smut fics and gives her advices how to write realistic sex scenes because he knows how sex works. he's the only one who's pretty comfortable with her when it comes to her thirsty behavior and everything about it, even if she tried to make some moves on him in the beginning
richie ironically showed max hetalia when max said he has troubles with history. making max forget hetalia when he started to mention stuff from there in the class was not ironical
sometimes max gets breakdowns when he's overwhelmed by "smart shit" around him or when nerds accidentally ask him things he doesn't know and can't possibly know yet. he's more than okay with them, but he hates crying so he gets angry and it slightly scares the nerds even though he's not angry at them. still nerds comfort him with green tea (pete), fuzzy blanket (ruth), vids with puppies (richie) and a strong hug (steph)
max hangs out with steph even more since they've became a part of the group. they both are not that smart as the nerds and sharing a beer alone helps them process everything. they tell embarrassing storied about each other to the nerds since max and steph know each other for a while
richie made max play in genshin and it was a mistake. pete showed max the lord of the rings and the hobbit and it was a mistake. ruth showed him some gothic musicals and it was a mistake
once when steph was talking about her shitty dad max joined the conversation and for a whole hour and a half was describing why solomon lauter sucks as a mayor what he does wrong and how a good mayor should act with a bit of why the whole system is broken and should be changed. couple of times max was saying words what the nerds didn't even know and they collectively agreed what max is really a nerd too
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suspended-and-why · 1 year
Give me a fic where none of our beloved characters dies. Give me Merlin telling Arthur and the rest of the knights + Gwen that he is Emrys. Give me Morgana repairing her ties with Camelot, her brother Arthur, her bestfriend (or more ?) Gwen and her magical-can-relate-to-and-be-guided-by friend Merlin. Give me Merlin regaining the trust of Aithusa. Give me Merlin realising that Kilgarama was wrong, that he shouldn't trust him. Give me Merlin recognising that he treated Mordred unfairly and try to amend for his mistakes. Give me Aithusa fighting Kilgamamea. Give me the found family trope. Sprinkle that shit with some Merlin angst.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 5 months
Took me a long time but I just realised that Angel and Husk’s eyes are beelining towards each other 🥰
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However in the second frame Husk’s expression obviously changed when he saw Alastor is alive (but Angel’s is still the same if not a little more awed)
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5 times Julian watched Miles die (and one time he didn't)
When a bar fight goes horribly wrong, Julian does everything he can to save Miles. It's not enough. Miles dies, and Julian is left bereft and distraught. But this is a time loop fic, so when he wakes up the next day, Julian finds the universe has given him another chance to save his friend... And another... And another. There are many ways for Miles to die on a space station, and however much Julian tries -- furiously repressing his ever-increasing grief and dread to focus on this so-important task -- he just can't seem to stop the endless cycle. It doesn't help that, although his feelings are really too much to deal with, his friends keep pressing him to open up to them. He's fine, he insists, until he really isn't, and discovers that he does need a shoulder to cry on after all. Grief, hope, rage, hurt, comfort, despair, joy... A roller-coaster of emotions accompanies Julian through the most challenging six days of his life, and he is so, so tired.
Sound like your kind of story? Within the next few weeks, my fic 'Vision Awry' - a remix of the DS9 episode 'Visionary' - is going to start updating again, so now's the perfect time to go and read the first half! 😉 (while it's still a manageable 50k... :P )
From the end of September, I'll be resuming my regular posting schedule every week until the story reaches its conclusion - so if you're looking for a feels-y Julian WIP to subscribe to that will have both •definite updates, and •a definite end, may I shamelessly recommend that you give my fic a whirl? I am incredibly proud of it, and am so excited to be on the verge of sharing the rest of it with you all 🥰
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