#and gift them to hungry or cold people
cherry-shot · 2 years
girl help i don't want to work another day in my lifeee
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
Type of romantic gifts they'd give you
[Bg3, fluff, nb!reader]
[Wyll, Karlach, Gale, Shadowheart, Astarion, Laezel, Halsin, Minthara, Karniss]
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Flowers. Each bouquet conveys a different meaning and tells a hundred tales about his feelings for you. From the petal colours to the delicate ribbon holding the stems together, not a single detail was overlooked.
Enteries to both worlds. Invites to the most eloquent galas reserved for the noble class, elegent clothes and glittering jewellery. And warm heartfelt welcomes into the most popular tavrens for adventurers, even the dangerous ones greet you and Wyll with cold drinks and a warm meal.
A shoulder to lean on, someone to be your own hero. The royalty treatment becomes the norm for you, a quiet dance in your shared home, swaying slowly as the rain scatters against the windows outside.
Cheesy handmade coupons for hugs. Physical affection is a big part of the way she shows love, yet no hugs feel better than the ones she knows both of you want, rather than only her. These hand drawn coupons are to give her reassurance in a way that you also crave her embrace as much as she does.
Taking you out to her favourite spots. Introducing you to all her past and current friends. Absolutely involving you in every aspect of her inner circles and slowly integrating you into her world. She wants all the people that she loves to know each other, to be there, and to support each other. Friends, family, and neighbours, she craves a community.
Carrying your stuff. Be it your bags, equipment, or anything. She enjoys being strong for you, never letting you lift a heavy thing ever. Giving you her jacket if you get cold, even switching your shoes if yours are uncomfortable. Dress however you want, she knows how to fight after all.
Homecooked meals. Frozen soup in food containers. You'll never go hungry with him around. Love is a major ingredient in each dish he makes, recipes passed down from generations. Restaurants' food becomes dull in comparison. No bakery dessert can compare to his home baked pie.
A picnic near the sea side. It's windy, the air is refreshing and nice. Waves come crashing gently, almost brushing against your feet before retreating back. Tara purrs in your lap, her wings warming your hand underneath it as you scratch her fur. Gale is by your side, telling you about a new discovery he made in his research. Content in staying by your side despite the crown laying at the bottom of the ocean in front of you.
Constellations seeming brighter, the sky looks as if it held twice as many stars than usual. There's a sparkle in his eyes, wrinkles at their edges from his smile.
Wine/non-alcoholic drinks and sweets. She has a taste for delicacies and sharing them with you. Whatever she picks, it's always somehow very rich in flavour, melts against the tongue, and the aftertaste is an experience by itself.
Takes you to her home, visiting her parents who welcomed you as if you were another child of theirs. For the first time in her life, she has a family, and she wants to include you in it. You are a part of it, after all. A part of her.
Nursing your sickness away, sticking with you through thick and thin. Even at your most ill of states. She doesn't pat an eye at you throwing up, sneezing, or not having the energy to shower. She helps you through it. She never judges you over it, unconditional love in its purest forms as she ensures your recovery.
Precious poetry he wrote himself. As much as he scoffs over anything too chessy, he can't help using his mother tongue and spinning endless lines about you in elvish in his private journal. On the rare occasion, giving you a glimpse through it. Pretending to leave his journal open by pure coincidence in front of you, on the exact page of the peom with your name on it.
The both of you traverse the underdark. He takes you to a special spot he found under a sussur tree. The blue glow of the silver branches lights up the edges of his hair like a halo, and your eyelids feel heavy with your head on his lap.
Stiching the holes in your clothes. Maintaining them in his free time and making sure they are cared for. Each piece that might hold a sentimental value to you or a precious memory receives special treatment from him. Sometimes, he stiches a joke or two into your undergarments that you don't realise until much later on.
Gifts you a sharp and expertly smithed sword. Silver in colour with various ruby red stones decorating the handle, it feels at home in your grip, specifically made for your hands.
Takes you as her guide through Faerun, let's you introduce her to the places you love, the things you like. You can tell her interest is genuine, he curiosity is evident as she tries everything you recommend to her.
Reads to you, each night she'd indulge your curiosities and read one of the many githyanki literature disks you've accumulated. Her voice never tires, she pronounces each word with care and emotion. It's beyond soothing, even her comments inbetween narrating the story never fail to make you smile.
Blessings of nature extend to you as well. The birds don't fly away when you approach, the tree branches don't get caught in your clothes, and the bugs take a polite detour around you as they crawl. He shares the love he received with you.
You've never seen so many children rush to you before, look up to you with respect, and search for guidance. He grants you the opportunity to raise the ones who will hold the torch after us, to imped your wisdom upon them, and help shape a better future.
Never growing cold again, buried deep against his soft fur as gaint bear paws hold you so softly. Despite the pouring snow outside, you sink deeper into his warm embrace. Cute round ears flicker in the corner of your vision, and you can't help but rub them alongside his soft belly.
jewellery, each one is unique and more expensive than the last. Various earrings with pearls and necklaces with glittering diamonds. Even a special one that hugs your neck deliciously, with her name on it. Body accessories hugging your curves and wrapping around you. A pair of matching rings.
Takes you into her heart, behind the iron walls, behind the mazes of ice. Shows you her tender beating vulnerable flesh, the small kindness she protected so fiercely and hid from the world. Her true love, yours for the taking and yours alone.
The disembodied heads of your enemies in a gift box wrapped for you, everyone who has ever wronged you has their skulls displayed on the shelves. She becomes your blade, your sword and shield.
Prayers. Offers them to you as he kneels, talking in a hushed tone as he begs a greater being for your safety, for your heart, and for you love. For their blessings upon him to shield you from the darkness, his split mind making him seeth in anger and hatred at all those who dared hurt or question you.
Brings you to his nest, a small cave with tight webs shielding the entrance. He teaches you how to slip through them, holds you close as he lifts you in his arms and makes passage inside. You're a very welcome addition to his home, his sanctuary.
Gifts you his venom regularly. Whether it's a kiss as his fangs slip past your soft lips and bleed venom down your throat, or a bite into the soft flesh of your neck that injects it directly into your veins. He builds up your resistance slowly so he may protect you from himself and anyone who tries to steal your life away.
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airbendertendou · 9 months
you are in love! ♥︎
synopsis : various best friend!characters realizing they like you a lil more when they should  [including bonten!sanzu, draken, senju, izana, aiura, saiki, satan, leon kennedy, and tamaki suoh.]
no pronouns used / gender neutral ; [name] used in place of y/n ; reader makes filipino food in izanas, im not from the philippines so pls don’t expect it to b accurate ; friends w benefits situation in satans ; reader dresses as sophie in tamakis but w pants and a shirt instead of a dress
song inspo ; you are in love by taylor swift 
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked. 
“big, scary bonten man,” you mumble to yourself. sanzu peaks at you over his shoulder as he cleans his gun, eyes narrowing at your tone. “never mean around me though, hm?”
he pauses, head tilting and pink hair following with it. you scoot further up the bed, laying against his pillows as he thinks. “i’m nice to mikey.”
“…that’s your boss.”
sanzu makes a show of rolling his eyes as he clicks his gun back together, satisfied with its new shine. “do you want me to be mean to you or somethin’?”
“why not?” you speak with a grin. the edge of the bed lifts as he stands, putting all his weapons away. sanzu pauses at your words, scrunching his nose in confusion. “definitely don’t look so mean ‘nd scary.”
huffing, he settles back on the bed, still sitting on the edge but a little closer this time. “i kill people, [name]. that’s pretty scary.”
you shrug, sitting up. your feet knock against his knees at the movement. “c’mon, haru,” you tilt your head back so that your neck is fully accessible, “do your worst.”
the room stills and you’re afraid you’ve pushed too far — afraid he might actually take you up on the offer. but something soft is pressed to the left side of your neck within the next second, lifting and latching onto different spots.
you gulp, feeling his responding grin against the middle of your throat.
the right side is given attention now, multiple kisses being scattered randomly. sanzu lifts his lips once more and places them on the base of your neck, his tongue and teeth making an appearance—
“ow, fucker!” you pull away from his touch with a scowl, your hand covering the new bite mark you’ve been gifted with. haru is grinning widely, teeth flashing in the light — you’re surprised you don’t see blood hanging on them. “didn’t have to bite me, haru.”
he shrugs, “wasn’t even my worst.”
you eye him, slowly dropping your hand from your sore and pulsating neck. “i feel sorry for your one night stands, then.”
sanzu hums, his right hand sliding closer to your hip and his body following until you’re face to face. it makes your cheeks heat ; makes you focus on the movement of his lips as he grins. “they won’t matter much anymore, anyways. have someone new i’m seeing.”
“oh yeah?”
“yeah,” his lips brush against your neck once more. sanzu tugs at your waist, bringing you closer to him as his voice softens into a whisper and settles against your ear. “if you’ll have me.”
a towel is handed to you, followed by a hoodie you know isn’t yours. draken’s cheeks flush, “in case you get cold.”
with an awkward wave, he leaves you alone. the shower you take is needed, warming you up and calming you down at the same time. no matter how long you’d known him, it was still the first time you’d be with draken all night.
the rainstorm appeared suddenly and disappeared as abruptly. it’d drenched you just as you and draken left the cafe you met at. his place was closer, he’d said, and he asked so quietly for you not to say anything. 
it was weird until you got to his place — a brothel.
“alright in there, cutie?” you’d just stepped out of the shower when the voice followed you through the walls. “ken asked me to check on you.”
they were sweet, the women that surrounded draken. they made sure you weren’t hungry ; didn’t need any refreshments or anything as they led you to draken’s room. “have a nice night!” they leave with a giggle.
draken eyes the smile you’re wearing as you tug his hoodie comfortably around your neck. “somethin’ happen?”
“they’re nice,” is all you say in response. his cheeks heat up once more as he turns away from you, body stiffening. “are you ready for bed?”
“oh—“ he clears his throat and shuffles where he stands. “you can take the bed. i’ll have the floor.”
you shake your head, pulling the blanket back and patting the bed. “i don’t mind sharing. right or left side?”
that’s how you end up face to face with draken, staring absently into the dark as your combined body heat warms the comforter. you can feel and hear him let out a sigh, “you okay? all comfy?”
“yeah,” your voice is embarrassingly breathy. he lets out another huff before an arm is wrapped around your waist, pulling you to his chest. “oh— that’’s better, actually.”
draken lets out a laugh, “m’glad. goodnight, [name].” 
“on the count of three!” senju jumps out of the dressing room adjacent to yours. she pauses, wobbling where she stands before straightening up. her head tilts, “it’s... something, alright!”
you pause, “you hate it.”
“...a little.” senju struts off, grabbing two of everything that catches her eye. she looks over the cloth she’s picked out, nodding in approval. “here,” she stuffs the fabric into your arms, “try this instead.”
you take a bit to figure out what she’d even brought to you — figuring which was the top and which the bottom — struggling to squeeze yourself in. once situated and comfortable, you gaze into the mirror.
it’s cute, watch senju told you to wear. the color is nice and balances your skin out, brightening it and making it glow. the bottoms fit your legs nicely, shaping and enlongating them. you hum in satisfaction, peeking out of the dressing room to see if senju’s done.
“[name]! let me see your outfit!” senju spots you right away. she gestures for you to join her enthusiastically. you open the door fully, scooting out until you’re face to face with her.
you hold out your arms nonchalantly, “ta-da.”
her eyes widen, mouth falling open ever so slightly. snapping it closed, she gulps, looking away before her cheeks turned color. you tilt your head, “senju?”
“yeah,” her voice cracks. the outfit she’s wearing is the same as yours — a matching moment, she went with. senju giggles nervously, “yeah. you look... pretty.”
prettier than she’d ever tell you.
the smell of lumpia and fried chicken coats the room around you. ran had just rinsed the rice, moving to mix together the rice noodles and shrimp for the palabok. kakucho is to his left, slicing boiled eggs so they could go on top.
you let out a sigh, nodding your head at the impressive menu you’d whiped together. filipino food was a little out of your comfort zone, an unkown taste to you. however, today was an important day — a special one. the oven dings, indicating the cake you’d made was finished. 
fresh out of the oven, the simplistic chocolate cake looks and smells delicious. you slap your hands together, “jus’ needs to cool down and we’re ready to go!”
the front door opens suddenly, rindou’s voice calling out a warning as he enters. shion is right behind him, pink-faced and sheepish as izana steps in, hands crossed over his chest. he raises and eyebrow, “what’s this?” 
“uh—“ kakucho adjusts the apron he’s wearing. it matches the one you’re wearing — ran refused one. he looks around, “surprise?”
“rindou! you were supposed to keep him busy!”
the blond shrugs, “he got bored.”
you sigh, closing your eyes as the food you’ve made is thoroughly examined. izana meets your gaze and raises his eyebrow in question once again. “it was supposed to be a birthday surprise.”
“...it’s filipino food.”
“yeah,” you wring your hands nervously. “you haven’t had it in a while, so i thought i’d try making it.”
izana looks over the food again, stealing a bite here and there as he goes. his eyes close ; his chest expanding with the comfort the familiar dishes bring. when his eyes open, they’re brighter ; more tender than what you’re used to seeing. 
your left hand is raised, a kiss being placed on your knuckles as izana pulls you close. “thank you, [name]. this means a lot.”
you grin, “happy birthday, z.”
in the morning, right after she does her makeup and before her uniform is on, aiura looks to her crystal ball for guidance. just a way to know things will be okay ; the day won’t be weird.
through the crystalline sphere, she sees her hand clasped in someone else’s. giddy, aiura believes this means she’s found her chosen one. the one made for her ; the one who will love her endlessly.
“—has to be the one!” she’s ranting to an unlistening saiki, rambling about her peek into the future. kaidou slips from leaning against her desk at her words. aiura sighs happily, “i can’t wait to meet them.”
a faceless classmate interupts the moment. “some idiots are fighting outside.”
you go to look — aiura can’t even remember when you came into the room. you rub your eyes tiredly before they widen dramatically. “that’s our idiot! aren’s out there!”
people flood outside, pouring out to help their beaten and bruised classmate. aiura is frozen in her seat — how did she not see this? how did a fight just miraculously break out?
a touch breaks her out of her thoughts. you’re holding her hand — frowning and ranting as you lead her outside. aiura’s face heats — you’re her chosen one? her one and only happiness? 
she gulps as she looks up to your face. this changes things. 
the day starts normally. kaidou tells saiki he’d spent the night fighting agianst the dark reunion — he was studying all night. kuboyasu fought the urge to threaten an older boy in the school — just barely. nendou had already asked to eat ramen — they’d just gotten to school. 
saiki let out a sigh, eyes staring at the board in front of him. aiura had bought a new perfume that was clouding his nose, his thoughts — everything. she leans her head to the right so that she could meet his gaze. “what do you think, saiki?”
she’s met with silence. the chair behind him creaks as you sit down, a small laugh being let out as you do. aiura pouts your way, “[name], saiki’s ignoring me!”
you tap saiki’s shoulder lightly, just a brush of a touch, before turning to the blond. “don’t take it personal, aiura. you can just ask me what you want.”
“an angel,” she beams at you. aiura turns to face you fully, scrunching her nose at saiki as she goes. “i got some new perfume and nail polish recently,” she flashes her fingers at you. “cute, right?” 
you lean in closer, chin barely brushing against saiki’s shoulder as you go. you let out a small oooh! at the sigh of her glitzed up nails. “super cute, actually!”
she squints, leaning in a little closer as she does. “you’re wearing a new eyeshadow, aren’t you?”
“i am!” you close your eyes completely, relaxing your face so she can see the color. “like it?”
“looks... familiar for some reason.”
saiki peers at you sneakily from over his shoulder, only looking at you from the corner of his eye. he whips his head around before anyone can see. it is familiar — it’s his exact eye color. it takes everything in saiki to not light up in flames at the thought.
you had been an acquaintance of satan for months now. he’d come to you when he felt upset ; when the only feeling he could name was rage. when the world was burning and erupting inside of him, boiling and spilling out of his seams. he often took his anger out on you — with your consent, of course. he’s bruise you, scratch you and leave his mark lingering in any way he could.
today, though… today was the opposite. there was an emptiness inside of him ; a devoid and barren system that left him feeling nothing.
satan came to you, straggling and stone-faced as he locked his fingers into yours. you’d gotten close during your times together ; he knew every sigh you made and every face you held. you did the same to him ; made him feel comfort and freedom in ways he couldn’t around his brothers. that’s why he usually came to you when any feeling hit — you didn’t feel suffocating the way the house of lamentation always did.
“you okay?” you’re on his lap somehow, thighs sandwiching his own as his fingers dig into your hips. you brush his hair out of his eyes, “satan?”
he lets out a hum. you jostle slightly, hips meeting his torso — satan let’s out a small groan and let’s his forehead fall to your shoulder. “need me to help you relax?”
it starts off slow, your kissing. the usual upkeep is messy ; tangled and rushed as your clothes are ripped away and your bodies pressed tightly. this time, satan is careful to turn your head the way he wants it to, his hands on your cheekbones and guiding your head left and right.
you’ve just unbuttoned his shirt when you feel it. tears, dripping down your own cheeks. you pause, pulling away and letting your hands lift from his shoulders and settle on his cheeks. you tilt your head, “satan?”
his fingertips welted into your back, molding themselves onto either side of your spine like a pair of faded wings. satan breathes in, his chest stuttering with the feeling. he sniffs, nose and eyebrows curving in confusion as he pulls further away from you. “what’s going on?”
“you’re crying.” you wipe underneath his eyes gently, frown on your kissed, puffy lips. “why are you crying? what’s wrong?”
“i… i’m not sure,” his lower lip trembles. satan falls deeper into your hold, his arms looping around your waist and pulling you closer to him. “feeling too much.”
his fingers dip underneath your shirt, and pull it up until you’re bare and exposed. satan smiles tenderly and you grin back, your own hands crawling up his exposed chest. “sure you’re okay?”
“good with you,” it’s murmured against your neck. satan sniffs again before nipping at your throat, opened mouth kisses trailing down to your sternum. “always good with you.”
the bar you’ve found yourself at is starting to get boring. you leave after waving eagerly to your friends, shuffling on the sidewalk as you awkwardly pull your phone from its safe spot. a text from leon catches your eye — a mere thumbs up to the long paragraphs you’d sent his way. you scowl only to realize you’re closer to his apartment than you thought.
he wasn’t asleep — he never slept well — but he wasn’t fully awake either. hearing a tap on his door was strange, but leon let it be, assuming his neighbors had hit the wall on their way in.
until a long, drawn out whine of his name flew through the room.
swaying in his doorway was you ; eyes half-lided and your shirt falling down your shoulder. you grin his way, “hi, lee!”
“[name]. why’re you here?” he sounds gruff ; annoyed with the way you seem to always show up at his door. you know he isn’t, though, used to the tone his voice holds. leon holds his door open as you stagger inside, “been drinkin’ again?”
“mm,” you flop onto his couch, “birthday party. got bored. remembered you jus’ came home.”
leon quietly places your shoes by the door and grabs a blanket while you yawn. “missed me then?”
you let out another hum, pulling the blanket he’d given you further up your shoulders. slowly, your eyes peel open and you smile at him softly. “always miss you when you’re gone, lee. like when you’re home.”
home wasn’t something leon remembers. he moved around a lot now, going from city to city for his government affiliated job. home meant the presence of care ; of warmth. leon’s bare, empty apartment held nothing like that. crystal eyes fell to you when you let out a small hiccup, sagging to the right until your head fell on his shoulder.
“m’home for now, [name].”
haruhi adjusts the hat you’re wearing, making sure the blue blouse you’re wearing is tucked in properly. you shuffle in your spot nervously, fingers picking at your cuticles as she nods to herself. her eyes meet yours, “you’ll do fine, [name].”
“says you,” you frown. you stretch the neck of your blouse and clear your throat. “you guys are used to this stuff.”
haruhi swats your hands away, grabbing them in her own. “you will do fine. c’mon, it’s time to start.”
tamaki doesn’t have time to speak to you ; doesn’t have time to admire the outfit you’re wearing before they’re greeting guests. his eyes stray to you again and again, his attention on you and not the guests who surround him. you go to every table, dropping off sweet treats and teacups as you go.
“—lly cute.” a girl is saying to him. tamaki blinks back into reality as his shoulder is touched. “right, tamaki?”
“could you repeat that, princess?”
her cheeks flare a bright pink as she straightens up in her seat. “i said you and [name] match. howl and sophie, right? it’s really cute.”
tamaki’s eyes find you again as you drop slices of cake off at the twins’ table. they giggle with you, tugging on your hat playfully before you leave. “we do match, don’t we?”
orchid eyes stay focused on you for the rest of the day. even after the club’s activities are over, and you’re helping clean up — he still stares. you finally look back, placing your hat on a table as you go. “yes, tamaki? you’ve been staring.”
“we’re sophie and howl,” his voice is light, faraway as he speaks. “did you notice?”
“only after i saw you.” you smile gently, watching kyoya tally up any and every cost. “a nice surprise for us both, i suppose.”
tamaki stares at your reflection in the window in front of him, eyeing the way you portray your chosen characters. his cheeks barely heat, but he still feels like it’s obvious to everyone. haruhi meets his flustered gaze and grins.
——♥︎—— i know nothing abt cooking n even less abt filipino food so i hope izanas was okay </3 hope they were all okay tbh
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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A Year of You
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Hi guys!
This is a part 2 for "A Baby for Christmas" that I wrote months ago. It took me a long time to write because I wanted to have different ideas and not to write something to get over it.
So please enjoy this one ♥
Charlie being born on December 8, her first Christmas is naturally celebrated a little less than two weeks after her birth. It was normally up to you and Leah to throw the party, but Amanda seemed to think your daughter’s arrival gave you a valid excuse to skip your turn. It took a few years of adaptation, but you and Leah managed to find a twist between your two families, so that you could spend time with both of them. The Williamsons have invited your loved ones to come and celebrate with them several times, and that is the case today.
Usually you celebrate the 24th with Leah’s parents, her brother and girlfriend. On the 25th at noon with ALL Williamson and the 25th at night you are at your parents where you sleep and also spend the day after.
This year, however, to avoid complicated journeys, the two families are reunited and it suits you very well like that. You came home from the maternity ward after three nights, finding your bed and Leah’s arms to sleep with relief. Charlie is a rather calm child, it’s only when she is hungry that she gets angry and you don’t hesitate to tease Leah by pointing out that she already takes from her. She answered that if it was right, Charlie would only eat ham sandwich.
For sleep, she always has the rhythm of a newborn. That is, she falls asleep anywhere and anytime, waking up after four hours since her last meal. And since your daughter’s arrival in your lives, you’ve been wondering which dumbass invented the phrase "Sleeping like a baby" to mean you slept well.
"Is the most beautiful girl hungry?" coos Leah sitting next to you on the couch while you hold Charlie in your arms.
"No I'm okay, thank you" you answer with a sarcastic smile.
Leah laughs softly and puts a kiss on your cheek, although you had time to see a hint of guilt in her eyes. She nevertheless hands you the bottle that she has skillfully prepared for Charlie and you don't waste time before proposing it to her. She calms down quickly and you smile when you hear her gurgling with pleasure.
"I love you" Leah whispers to your ear, putting her two arms around your waist.
You leave Charlie’s face to look at your wife tenderly. With her elf headband and Christmas sweater, you find her particularly adorable. You answer her "I love you too" in the same way before kissing her tenderly, determined to enjoy a little of her. The world revolves around you, trying to digest the main course before tackling the army of desserts planned by your mother-in-law. Your parents are talking to Leah’s father about their last trip, the cousins have embarked on a game of Uno and the youngest enjoy the gifts they received.
"Oi, you just had a baby, maybe this is not the time to try to make another one"
The couch pops up next to Leah when her brother drops down next to her, interrupting your moment. If it amuses you, Leah gives him a cold glare.
"You better hurry up and make one, so my daughter has a cousin to play with."
Despite the fact that Alessia, Lia and Katie drove Leah to the maternity ward, none of them have had the chance to meet Charlie yet. It must be said that this little lady was born during the holidays, many people returned to their families. So, when Leah’s first practice of the year takes place, your decision to go surprise her and officially introduce Charlie to everyone was not hard to take.
Maybe a little helped too by the trouble Leah had leaving you both this morning. You almost had to throw her out, after promising to send her regular photos of Charlie.
"We’re here, Buba" you tell your daughter, using the nickname Leah gave her.
The baby has just eaten and slept almost all morning, so it’s relaxed and awake that she gets out of her car seat to get installed it in her stroller. With her fox onesie and her beanie with fox ears, you could eat her alive. Her eyes don’t leave your face when you go to the training field, the time of the lunch break being over since a few minutes.
Also, you didn’t expect to practically rush into Alessia who seems to be running to catch up. The shock of the almost collision passed, she gives you a big smile that gets even bigger when she realizes that you have Charlie with you. In two seconds she is leaning over the stroller.
"She’s so tiny" she whispers
You smile and look with amusement at your daughter looking at Alessia with a mixture of mistrust and skepticism.
"She inherited Leah’s glare and frown. It's kind of scary" mumble Alessia before getting up to look at you with hope. "Can I take her?"
You accept without hesitation, gently taking Charlie from her stroller to tender her to Alessia. You are perfectly confident, despite her chronic clumsiness you know that she will be very careful.
Alessia puts a kiss on Charlie’s cheek and looks at her smiling for a few minutes, before giving her back to you.
"Let’s go, we’re not gonna deprive Leah of a few extra seconds with you."
You follow her to the gym where the sports machines are, learning with joy that the girls will not return to the field until tomorrow. The training was adapted with the weather and it seems that snow is announced in the middle of the afternoon. You continue your chatter, until Alessia opens the door of the room.
"Late, Russo!"
You smile when you hear Leah’s voice sound, but Alessia is the first to speak again.
"I have a good excuse. Look who I’m bringing you"
Busy pedaling on a bike, Leah raises her head with curiosity, her face lighting up when seeing you. It only takes a few seconds for her to jump off her bike and join you, passing her arms around your waist to drop dozens of kisses all over your face, making you laugh.
"What are you doing here?"
"Charlie missed you" you maliciously pretexted.
"Ooooh is it right Buba? Did you miss me?"
Leah smiles softly and leans over the stroller, once again taking Charlie out to take her in her arms. She starts talking to her while rocking her. You smile softly, letting them have their moment and take the opportunity to greet the teammates of your blonde. After a few minutes they are all arguing about which one will have the chance to have Charlie first and you watch them do it while laughing softly.
You are not surprised to see Leah opting for Lia, the reassuring calm of the Swiss inspired as often trust. In the meantime, you’re sure of one thing, Charlie has an entire team to rely on in case of trouble.
Leah growls as she hears your daughter’s crying sound in the night, for what it seems to be the tenth time, turning on her stomach to hide her face in the pillow. For your part you sigh with despair, you have not even had time to fall asleep since her last awakening.
"What the hell is happening to her?"
Leah’s voice is muffled by the pillow and you rub your face as you get out of bed.
"I don’t know" you whisper, completely lost.
Usually, Charlie only wakes up once in the night to get a bottle, two if she ate not enough during the day. Which is more than reasonable for a three-month-old baby. But tonight, something doesn’t seem right and you don’t understand what. She ate well, had a good day and everything was fine yesterday. She fell asleep as usual except tonight, something’s wrong.
You checked her temperature, offered a bottle, water, changed her diaper several times and even undressed her from head to toe to make sure everything was okay. You had the misfortune of falling on the story of a baby who lost a toe because a hair had wrapped around it. Since then, you’ve been carefully examining Charlie’s ten toes several times a day.
Arriving in your daughter’s room, you take her out of her cradle once again to take her against you and rock her, installed on the armchair in her room. Like other times she finally calms down and looks at you at length with her blue eyes before finally letting herself go in sleep.
You realize you fell asleep too when you feel Charlie being gently removed from your arms. Your first reflex is to tighten her against you, but Leah’s whispered voice gently reassures you.
You watch her do it, dropping a kiss on Charlie’s forehead before turning to you to lift you from the chair and carry you a little bit the way she did with your daughter. Smiling tenderly, you put your arms around her neck and let her bring you back to your bed. She lies you on it and lies on you, her head in your neck.
"Don’t take this position for what it isn't, I’m too exhausted for anything to do with sex" Leah mutters against your skin.
You laugh softly, fondling her long blond hair tenderly.
"It was worth marrying a professional athlete" you point out by yawning.
"Tomorrow" answers Leah already half asleep.
You’re amused and close your eyes. Leah’s comforting warmth against you allows you to fall asleep faster than before and you are already almost gone when you hear your wife speak again.
"Love you"
"Love you more" you manage to whisper before sinking completely.
Becoming a parent has brought a lot of positive things into your life, you can’t say otherwise. Ever since Charlie was born, you’ve discovered a form of love you never knew existed. But you also have to admit that you miss spending quality time with Leah alone. So you took advantage of Leah’s birthday to ask your mother-in-law to look for your pretty princess for the night, to have the opportunity to offer Leah an evening.
Amanda obviously accepted without hesitation, idolizing her granddaughter. Leaving her at home wasn’t easy, however, especially for you. You never left Charlie for more than several hours, when Leah was looking at her for you to go for a medical appointment or a haircut.
"Will you let us know how it's going?" You whisper in Amanda’s ear saying goodbye, Leah covering Charlie’s laughing face with kisses next to you.
"Sure." Amanda smiles at you before fondly tapping your cheek. "Take good care of my daughter, I’ll take care of yours."
You can’t help but smile at her remark and you take a look in the direction of Leah and Charlie, to be once again invaded by a wave of love for the two human beings in front of you.
A few hours later, you enter the restaurant you booked. This is the first restaurant you shared with Leah and the smile on her face is enough to make you understand that she remembers it too.
"Very good choice of restaurant" teases Leah, once installed at your table.
"I thought it would be good to go back to basics"
Leah smiles and you thank the waiter who brings you the menu cards before taking your choice of drink. The beginning of the meal goes quietly, conversations passing from football to Charlie, to your work and the holidays you plan to do this summer.
"Do you remember what you said to me after our first date?" Leah suddenly asks while poking a French fry with her fork.
You have a full mouth and are therefore unable to give her an answer right away. Anyway, you have the impression that Leah wants to formulate the sentence herself.
"I’ve been warned of your flirtatious temper. I don’t want to be another scratch on your bedmarks. If you want something from me, it must be something serious."
You smile at that memory and Leah seems amused too. You quickly fell in love with the blonde, how could you have done otherwise anyway?
"You’ve been running your boat pretty well so far" you’re joking mischievously.
"And right after you threw yourself at me to kiss me"
That too, you remember perfectly well, obviously. Far from being calculated, this kiss had been intense. The first one you two shared.
"I was afraid you were less interested in me than I was in you. I wanted to leave you a little memory."
"By slamming the door of your apartment in my face right after?"
Leah’s face is laughing, amused at the thought of teasing you for your behavior. But you can’t blame her, you’re even laughing now.
"What do you want me to say? I just panicked."
Leah mixes her laughter with yours and you smile softly, still loving to hear her laugh. People sometimes define Leah as serious and narrow-minded, what she is. But she’s not just that. You love the gentle, relaxed, tender Leah.
"It didn’t prevent you from writing to me a little hour after actually" you point out while bowing an eyebrow.
"Contrary to what you seem to think, I’ve always been the most in love between the both of us"
Bowing your eyebrow at her, you point your fork in her direction. She is about to revive a long debate between you two. And her dirty kid's smile tells you she knows exactly what she’s doing.
"Don’t start here, Williamson."
Throughout the meal, you receive occasional news from Amanda to inform you of the evolution of Charlie’s evening. You received a photo of Charlie in her bath, a photo of Charlie with Amanda’s dog, a photo of Charlie with her uncle Jacob and a photo of Charlie deeply asleep in her bedroom at her grandmother. You’ve repeated several times that it’s not necessary to have a room made for Charlie at her place, but Amanda is as stubborn as Leah.
"Aren’t we going home?"
Leah’s surprise voice pulls you out of your thoughts, for once she’s the passager princess. You look at her quickly to stay focused on the road, smiling at her.
"Who do you think I am? It’s your birthday, we’re not going to end the evening with a chamomile in front of a soap opera"
You’re a little more relaxed than at the beginning of the evening, relieved to learn that Charlie fell asleep without being difficult to her grandmother. She has finally regained her sleep habits after a short spell.
"Where are we going?" Leah said, standing up on her seat and looking out, as if signs were going to give her the right answer.
You end up stopping your car at a palace in the Westminster district, in which you booked a suite with a balcony offering you a magnificent view of London. This is one of the few times you find yourself facing a silent Leah.
"What do you think?" you ask timidly after joining her on the balcony.
"I don’t know what I did to have the chance to have you in my life, but know that I don’t intend to let you escape one day" Leah whispers in response, putting her two arms around your waist to hold you tight.
"I really think that I'm the lucky one but never let me go" you mumble against her lips, passing your arm around her neck.
"Never let you go" she answers before kissing you hard, promise of a more than pleasant end of the evening.
The first time you took Charlie to see Leah play, it was primarily to support your wife who play today on her national team. To say that Charlie didn’t see much of the first half is an understatement, but she's now a great sleeper.
So that you can enjoy the game, your mother and Leah’s mother volunteered in turn to watch over Charlie who was peacefully napping inside the VIP corner, away from the cold in the bleachers. Awakened at halftime for her bottle, she is in your arms when Leah put the ball on the net, cheered whit the crowd around you. You gently take Charlie’s hand in yours and make her say hello to Leah who sends you a big smile.
Dressed in a panda jumpsuit on which you passed a jersey obviously flocked with Leah’s number and your last name, Charlie is particularly adorable. Well, you’re not impartial. But since you’ve had all the families of Leah’s teammates come to see Charlie, you don’t think you’re the only one who thinks so.
The game went great and the spring sun allows you not to be cold. You can’t tell what Charlie sees from the game, but her attention seems to be focused on the pitch. Even if sometimes she seems more attracted by the images that pass on the big screen. Charlie stays on your lap for the rest of the game and when the whistle rings to announce the end of the game, Leah goes straight to you.
"My Love" coos Leah taking Charlie in her arms immediately.
"Ouch. That hurts." you grumble in a low voice
Amanda next to you laughs and puts her arm around your shoulder. Leah gives you an apology smile while dropping kisses on Charlie’s cheeks making your daughter pat Leah’s cheeks. You can’t be angry for real obviously, especially when you feel your heart melt when you see the scene.
Leah is quickly joined by some of her teammates, Alessia at the top of the list. She’s taking Ella with her and you can see that Georgia isn’t following very far behind. If Charlie looks at Ella and Georgia with a scepticism that can only be linked to her genes, she smiles a big smile at Alessia.
"I’m her favorite" she proudly says, reaching out to Charlie.
Leah rolls her eyes and gently give her your daughter. Over time, Alessia seems to be more comfortable with Charlie. She developped a sweet spot for your daughter, asking you from time to time if she can join your afternoon stroll.
When Leah turns to you, you hurry to remove your smile from your face and look at her with an arch of an eyebrow.
"Are you sulking Williamson?" Leah mischievously pinched your ribs.
"Absolutely" you answer by wriggling to escape her attacks.
Leah smiles as you try to get away but doesn’t hesitate to put her arms around your waist to take you against her. You let it happen, of course. She understood that you're not really angry when you said you were. You smile in her arms, passing your arms around her neck.
"I’m proud of you, Lee" you say in the hollow of her ear.
You feel Leah’s smile against your skin and she puts a kiss in the hollow of your neck. The glance she throws at you and the caress on your cheek are largely enough to make you understand that you too are "Her Love". After releasing you, Leah turns to her mother and yours to exchange a few words. For your part, you turn towards Charlie who is still in Alessia’s arms.
"Beware the…" you begin, before Charlie grabs Ella’s hair in full hand to pull it, triggering Ella's cry of pain and Alessia's laughter. "…hair."
"Baby she's doing it again!"
Hiding your smile, you leave your work on your computer to go to Leah and Charlie in the kitchen. Your daughter started to eat vegetable puree and everything went great until Kyra came on time during Charlie's lunch and show her how to spit her food.
"I'm going to kill Kyra" Leah mumbles, giving you the little spoon and Charlie's vegetable.
"Alright but wash the carrots before, maybe" your smirk.
You hear Leah grunts before heading to the bathroom and you turn yourself in Charlie's direction. Arching an eyebrow, you look at your daughter with seriousness before pointing her with the plastic spoon.
"No spitting, baby Williamson!"
Charlie give your one of her toothy smile and you can't help yourself but smile too. She definitely have you wrapped around her little finger, but you still tries to set her boundaries and rules, not wanting Charlie to become one of those unbearable children who listens to nothing.
You carefully give her a spoon that she's swallow easily before opening her mouth again. You feel yourself relax as the spoon were eaten easily and some minutes after Leah is back in the kitchen with a new shirt.
"Thanks baby" she says, kissing your cheek before taking back the spoon and the bowl.
"You're welcome. Can I go back to my office now?"
"Yep" Leah says, popping the p of the word.
"Be wise with Mum, Baba" you say to your daughter before going in your office again.
After your pregnancy, you didn't start working again. It was to hard for you to leave Charlie for now, maybe you will start again after she start school. You had a long discussion with Leah about it, not wanting to be the one using the other's money. Leah was shocked that you thought that she can think about you that way, saying that she didn’t mind you taking care of your daughter for the first few months of her life.
In exchange, you offered to take care of all the administrative papers of your couple life and this is what you are currently working on.
At least you try, because five minutes later you clearly ear the characteristic sound of a baby spitting.
"What the... Charlie!"
You might have thought that having a child would take you and Leah away from your friends, but over the months you’ve found out that you were wrong. Charlie having the facility to sleep everywhere (you like to emphasize that she must take this from you), Leah and you have no difficulty in making her sleep anywhere and moving her without her waking up in her car seat, then in her bed. You know it can make some parents jealous, but it's your reality.
The proof again tonight, at the party organized by Viv and Beth at their home. Charlie is deeply asleep in her stroller, her cuddly llama tight against her, after taking her last bottle of the day. The temperature of the day allowed you to eat in the garden and this is still where you are. You rock Charlie’s stroller mechanically from time to time, despite the fact that Leah made you sit on her lap after the dessert.
"So when do you give us a second one?" asks Beth with a little a smirk.
"Clearly not right away" Leah replies immediately, making you smile.
It was a discussion you had a few weeks ago, to know if you wanted to have a second child and when. You were a little afraid to admit to Leah that you didn’t see yourself with a second child at the moment, but when Leah told you it was the same for her, you were very relieved. Charlie is adorable, easy and it’s a pleasure to have her by your side. But you want to enjoy it and honestly now that you have found a functioning that seems to suit to all three of you, you would be afraid that it would change if had a second child so quickly.
"Just make one yourself" you add with a mischievous smile.
Viv almost chokes on her drin, causing the amused laughters of the people around you.
"We have Myle, it’s going very well like this" Viv replies as Beth gives her little pats on the back.
"Did you just compare my baby princess to your dog or am I dreaming?" said Leah with a frown.
Feeling the argument getting ready when Beth in turn frowns and bends over to Leah to answer, Lia jumps on her legs and takes the blonde with her to help bring more water. Wise decision in your opinion and you mask your amused smile by laying a kiss on Leah’s cheek.
For your first summer family vacation, you and Leah decided to take off in the sun so that Leah could rest a little after a rather tiring season. You chose Spain and one of its islands. And the least you can say is that Charlie seems to acclimatize very well to the Spanish climate. Luckily for her, she doesn’t seem to have inherited Leah’s English skin, which is hard to tan.
You’re actually fighting with Charlie who hates sunscreen prodigiously and pushes your hands back every time you approach her face with it. She tolerates when you put it on her body, but on her face you have to arm yourself with patience. A distraction is however quickly brought by Leah, even if you would have done without it.
"What the hell are you doing with a giant inflatable llama?" you ask skeptically.
"He’s so handsome! And Charlie loves llamas"
That’s right. Her favorite to sleep is actually a soft, hairy llama that was given to her by Leah’s brother. You cowardly take advantage of Charlie’s distraction to quickly spread sunscreen on her face before letting her crawl to the llama. She skillfully climbs on it before sitting on it and applauding.
"See?" Leah smiled big before taking Charlie under one arm and the llama under the other.
"And where are you going?" you ask, with an amused smile.
"Having fun. Go back to your lame reading"
Leah pulls her tongue at you and you roll your eyes with an amused smile before sitting on the sun lounger decorated with sunscreen. But you don’t lie there, preferring to watch Charlie and Leah play in the water from afar. You make some photos and videos that you send to each of your mothers before deciding to join them.
The two blondes greet you with big smiles and you simply sit down next to her in the sand. It's impossible for you not to smile when you hear Charlie's laughter mixed with the laughter so recognizable and that you adore from Leah.
While you admire them both, you can’t help but wonder what you’ve done in your life to be so lucky. And you’re not just saying that because Leah’s swimsuit allows you to get a great view of her abs.
Your eyes are quickly intercepted by Leah, who addresses you her famous cocky smile.
"Haven’t you finished staring at me like that?"
"Never" you answer with a smile.
Leah laughs softly and you stand from the sand in which you sat, finally joining them in the water. One hand in Leah’s back, you kiss her. The blonde smiles tenderly, tightening against you but your moment is quickly interrupted by Charlie. Until then sitting on the llama, the little blonde seems to have suddenly decided to get on all fours and almost fall in the water.
"We’re going to have to work on your survival instinct, Baba" Leah says after preventing her from falling head first in the water.
Like every Sunday night, your meal consists of pizza since it's Leah’s cheating meal day. This lunch, also like every Sunday you don't have a football game, you went to eat at her parents' for the famous Sunday roast. When you got home, Charlie taking her last nap in the car, you bathed her before you ordered pizzas over the phone. Margarita for Leah and all cheese for you.
Meanwhile, Leah sat in the living room with Charlie and turned on the television to watch the Arsenal men’s football match. Dressed in her pajamas in the colors of Arsenal, Charlie is sitting next to her mat. Why sitting on something comfortable when you can have something cold? And she puts the shapes into her toy by lifting the plate rather than passing them through the holes, but nothing surprises you with this young lady anymore.
"Pizza orders" you tell Leah by sitting next to her
"Great baby" Leah says without leaving the screen.
You roll your eyes with a slight smile, watching Charlie continue to play. You enjoy watching your wife play with her teammates, but that’s not what made you want to watch other people play. Well, until you…
"Leah" you almost shout abruptly by grabbing her arm abruptly.
"What" jump the blonde.
You don’t answer, searching for your phone on the couch without leaving Charlie with your eyes. Leah quickly turns her gaze in the same direction as you, only to realize that Charlie has risen. And that she is walking.
Her first steps.
That you manage to immortalize with a "What the f…luff" from Leah in background. On the rest of the video, we see Charlie turning towards you with an interrogative look. But it's quickly erased by her big smile when you rush to take her in your arms.
"I can’t believe she’s already a year old" Leah whispers from behind you, her arms around your waist.
"I know" you sigh softly as you let yourself go against her.
You both watch Charlie sitting on the floor with Kyra and Alessia, playing with one of the toys she received as a gift. Even though she seems to have enjoyed the idea of tearing off the gift wrap more than anything else, the game finally seems to catch her attention.
You set up her first birthday party and probably exaggerated a bit about things, but Charlie seems to have enjoyed her day. Your close family was there, as were some of Leah’s teammates who eventually also play the role of aunties to Charlie.
Your daughter probably received too many gifts and seems to have taken a malignant pleasure in destroying the cake planned for the photo shoot. Photos you’ll cherish in a few months.
When you gently turn your face towards Leah to kiss her, you realize that tears are visible on her face.
"Are you crying?"
Well, maybe the question is stupid. Anyway, Leah is burying her face in the hollow of your neck before answering.
You smile softly, touched by your wife’s emotion. Leah’s breath is hot against your skin and it makes you shiver. Turning in her arms, you pass your arms around her.
"Come here, you big softy"
You lull her tenderly against you, happy that all the attention of others is on Charlie or on the remains of cakes that are still on their plates. If Leah likes to give an impression of mastery and distance in everyday life, her friends and family know that her sensitivity is one of her main characteristics.
"I love you" whispers Leah after a few seconds. "So much"
"I love you too" you smile tenderly.
When Leah pops her face out of your neck her eyes are dry but her cheeks still wet. You gently wipe them with your thumbs and kiss her tenderly, as you wanted to do at the base.
"And well done for the organization" Leah continues after your kiss. "That was perfect. Thanks for organizing that."
"Of course. But you helped me too"
Leah laughs at your amused smile. It’s true that she helped you a lot, especially when she learned that you had an appointment with a pastry chef to taste different mixes of tastes for Charlie’s birthday cake.
Your eyes turn to Charlie walking in your direction, leaving behind Alessia and Kyra who continue to play with her animal zoo. Since she took her first steps, the times you have seen her on all fours are counted on the fingers of the hand.
"Hi Baba" you smile as you lift her off the ground to take her in your arms.
You kiss her cheek and Charlie laughs when Leah does the same on the other side of her face.
"Photo!" cheerfully makes your mom when she appears suddenly in front of you.
You just have time to turn to her before your mother capture the moment. A photo that will end up enlarged above your television, then followed by many others when time will continue to offer you millions of other good moments and memories with them. All your life.
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luveline · 11 months
Omg jade hii <3 I know it's not shy friday yet but can I request maybe eddie with a shy best friend who's secretly in love with him? 👉👈 up to you wether he notices or is oblivious. I love your fics sm thank u any way❤️
omg hii thank u for ur request, I guess it is shy friday now!! i hope u enjoy! fem!reader, 1k
Eddie grabs your hand as soon as he gets close enough, his delight to see you completely unshielded. "Holy shit!" he says, forgetting your hand to throw his arms over your shoulders. "I missed you so fucking much, never ever go on vacation again." 
"Eddie," you murmur reproachfully, though your arms have a mind of their own, wrapping around his back. 
"You're not allowed to leave me. I hate everybody who isn't you the longer you're gone, it makes me a bad person." 
Eddie steps back but keeps your shoulders in his hands. His eyes are soft and brown, but his excitement to see you has his pupils like pinpricks. His cheeks are quickly chapped in the cold wind blowing in through the doorway. 
"I bet it was warmer there, we're knee deep in winter now," he says. "You look like you had a good time." 
"It was good," you agree, sliding the bag of presents from your elbow to your wrist, assuming he'll want to see them most. 
He begged for gifts, in person before you went and down the phone while you were gone, landline calls he insisted on. I worry about you, I wanna make sure you're okay when I’m not there.
You got him everything you could afford, a magnet, a bottle opener, a key chain, a teddy bear with a flag around his neck. Basically a bag load of candy on top. 
"I really missed you, sweetheart," he says. "Not to be sincere or anything, but I fucking love you. Next time you go away I'm gonna have to come with you." 
You laugh nervously. "I love you too," you say, averting your gaze to his collar, black double stitching against his neck. 
"Are you hungry?" he asks. 
"No," you lie. You hate being an imposition on him, even knowing that Eddie will tell anyone willing to listen that you're his best friend. 
"Seriously? You were on a plane for hours, and you came straight to see me, let me buy you pizza or something, yeah?" 
You lick your lips and nod. Eddie lifts your face to his, and it genuinely feels like a heart attack, that sudden realisation he could kiss you if he wanted to, the proximity of his face to yours. Instantly, you're wondering if your breath is okay, if you have eye crusties, if you smell good. 
"Are you okay?" he asks, concerned.
"I'm alright, I'm just tired," you say. 
"You don't look tired, you look cagey. Sorry, I forget that you get all shy again when we don't see each other." He talks brazenly but not without sympathy, patting your shoulder. "Come on, let's get something to eat."
"Can we order something? I'm sick of being in motion."
Eddie throws his car keys like a longshot into the bowl on the sideboard by his front door. "Yes. Absolutely. I'm sick of moving too, and this is the first time I've stood up today." 
"I brushed my teeth before you came over," he says, bearing them garishly as proof. He talks through gritted teeth, "Pearly white, no?" 
"Looking good." 
He beams. Eddie wraps a hand around your wrist like the touch means nothing and tugs you along to the living room. He pushes you down into the seat you always take, tosses your usual blanket at you, and whizzes off to the kitchen for coke and popcorn. He has the sweet stuff in a bucket that he eats a handful at a time, the lid sealed. 
"New one?" you ask. 
"Waiting for my best girl to get home," he says easily, collapsing down into the seat next to you, dropping the remote on your chest. "Shit, I missed this." 
"You didn't watch TV while I was gone?" you ask, confused. 
"I watched TV, it just wasn't good without you in my ear judging people." 
"I don't judge people… much." 
"Everybody judges people. I love when you judge people 'cos you say what I'm thinking." Eddie drops his head into your shoulder, his curls brushing your cheek. "I missed you so much." 
"You said that," you say quietly, a little breathless. 
Eddie looks up at you, something playful about him as he says, "I know. It's fucking true as all hell, too. What do you want from Marino's? I'll get you two if you promise not to go away again." 
"What am I gonna do with two pizzas?" you ask, the warmth of him seeping down into your shirt. 
Eddie digs a nail into the popcorn lid, face turned to you but gaze on the bucket. "Uh, eat them. Eat one tonight, take one with you tomorrow for breakfast." 
"I don't want two pizzas, just one is good. I'm gonna eat all your popcorn anyway, I won't have room." 
"Oh, yeah?" he asks, eyes flying to your face. "You think so, huh?" 
Your heart in your mouth, a shudder coursing down your chest, you have a moment where you think for sure he knows, he's found out, and he doesn't care —he looks like he wants you to confess. 
What a fantastically dangerous idea. You avert your gaze and thrust your bag of gifts and candy into his arms. "You'll be too full for popcorn after those." 
You can feel his gaze on your cheek for a little while longer, but eventually he moves from your shoulders, laughing quietly as he digs through his new things. 
"You're so awesome," he says, pulling out the keychain you got him. It's an electric guitar with an enamel body the same colours as the flag. "I'm putting this on my keys right now." 
Eddie kisses your cheek. "Thank you," he adds.
He stands and rounds the couch to go get his keys. You feel your cheek with a trembling hand. Eddie kisses you, he hugs you, he has a thousand affections and all of them set you aflame. Sighing, you let your cheek drop into your hand. It's hopeless. 
He watches from the doorway as you sigh. His smile can't be described any other way —he's infatuated. The sooner you realise, the better, but for now he's really enjoying the run up. 
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holylulusworld · 26 days
Every Breath You take (1)
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Summary: There is a shadow following you. He doesn’t know what he got himself into.
Pairing: Stalker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader, Bucky x Alpine (platonic)
Warnings: stalking, being stalked, loneliness, a man out of time, bitchy boss, secret admirer trope, voyeurism
A/N: We start slowly to get to know them and their backstory. In this part, we will get to know Y/N better.
A/N2: You all made me do it! Here’s the series to this random idea: Stalker Bucky & Crazy Reader
Catch up here: Every breath you take (Prologue)
Every Breath You Take Masterlist
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You’re chewing on your lower lip, humming at something your boss said. He’s boring as hell and so demanding. With his hands on his hips, he glares at your lunch as if he wants to turn it to ashes.
All you want to do is tell him to leave you alone during lunch break. You’re just too polite and nice to do so. 
He can bug you during work time, but not in the precious moments you use to catch up on the latest gossip on your phone. 
You were about to read about an affair Tony Stark had with an intern. Fake news, you’re fairly sure, but it’s still entertaining reading all the furious and stupid comments.
“Sure,” you nod and make a mental note, hopefully not forgetting about his next demand before you reach your desk to write it down. “Right after my lunch break.” You point out and give him a fake smile.
“You better hurry,” he snaps at you and storms off. “If not, you can look for a new job.”
He cannot fire you per se. Your boss is not as important as he thinks he is. One word to the HR and he can kiss his ass goodbye.
You’re just indifferent when it comes to your boss and his antics. You prefer to ignore his sometimes nasty comments.
The world is cold and unfriendly enough. You don’t want to be the kind of person adding more hatred to this world.
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Bucky aimlessly strolls through the streets. He prepared everything for tonight, and now he’s a little lost because you are still at work.
It became his obsession to make sure you came home safely. He’d kill the time, window shopping or imagining how’d feel to hold your hand.
Time. Bucky needs more time to prepare himself to meet you for real. 
He wants your first date to be perfect. Therefore, he must watch you a little longer to get to know you better. – At least that’s how he justifies he’s following you like a shadow for the better of three weeks.
Bucky stops in front of your favorite bookstore, he looks out the window, wondering if he should buy you a book and gift it to you this week, or wait a little longer. 
He shakes his head. No. Bucky will start with the usual gift. Flowers. He saw you carry flowers inside your apartment over the last weeks more than once.
You love flowers, and he will find out which ones you love the most. Bucky doesn’t want to gift you the wrong flowers and disappoint you.
He already has a plan. According to your schedule – which he knows by heart – you will go to the little café close to your home. The perfect opportunity to sneak inside your apartment and get to know you even better.
Bucky will take any chance to make you see he’s more than his bad reputation. To the people out there he’s still the Winter Soldier. He doesn’t want you to think the same about him.
All he wants is to keep you safe and happy. Bucky’s new mission is the most important one he ever had. 
For today, he will wait patiently to follow you home, making sure you’re safe. There are many dangerous people out there, wanting to hurt or take advantage of a lovely person like you.
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“Phew, home sweet home,” you sigh and plop down onto your sofa. You’re tired, and hungry and would kill to have someone to massage your shoulders. “What a shitty day.”
You hate to get back up, but you need a shower and search your fridge to find anything eatable. Your boss made sure you were working overtime, and you didn’t have the energy left to buy groceries.
Slowly getting back up, you sigh. You’d love to fall asleep right here on the couch, but it won’t do you any good.
Instead of sleeping, you walk out of the living room to have a shower. There’s still enough time left to watch your favorite show and eat leftovers from your fridge.
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“She looks tired,” Bucky worriedly watches you with his binoculars when you walk back inside your living room. You yawn and rub your tired eyes. “She’s wearing cute pajamas, Alpine.”
Your secret admirer swoons. “Isn’t our girl beautiful?” He dips his head to look at Alpine sitting on his lap. The white cat meows and rubs his cheek into Bucky’s shirt. “She’ll be such a good mommy for you.”
Bucky pats Alpine’s head, gently murmuring the cat’s name. Alpine is his only companion, and he wants the cat to love you too.
“Don’t worry,” he whispers while lifting the binoculars to his eyes again, “she’s a wonderful and kind person. Y/N will love you too.”
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Bucky inhales deeply as he presses your shirt to his nose. He’d love to take it with him, but for now, the top and panties he found under your bed must do. Bucky cannot risk taking more of your things right now.
In due time, he will take more of your things to bring them to the house he plans to buy for you and him. He’s already ahead of his plans, but Bucky never felt like this again. Not since Hydra turned him into a monster everyone still fears.
“Soon,” he hums and walks around your bedroom. Bucky takes his time, and even risks lying in your bed for a moment. He sniffs at your pillow, inhaling your scent deeply. 
Bucky sighs. He can’t risk leaving his scent on your sheets and must slip out of your bed too soon for his liking.
Time. He needs more time. Bucky tells himself all over again. He cannot risk scaring you off, or that you’ll be afraid of him.
He’s a protector, not a villain.
Bucky slowly walks out of your bedroom and inside your bathroom. He wants to know more about the products you like, and maybe sniff at your perfume too.
You’re still at work, and he has all the time in the world before he will pick you up from work and bring you home. In his mind. – He cannot turn up at your workplace and offer you a ride home. Not yet.
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Bucky lurks around the corner to watch you walk out of the building. You’re angrily wiping your eyes and even cussing. Something you never did before.
“Who hurt you, doll?” He asks himself, and the person delivers the answer on a silver plate.
Your boss storms after you, calling you a dumb bimbo while throwing a tantrum like a man-child. 
Bucky squares his jaw. He clenches and unclenches his metal fist, ready to beat your boss into a bloody pulp.
No—not now. Not here. He will bring you home first and come back. Bucky will avenge you, and make sure your boss will never dare to raise his voice around you again.
Every Breath You Take (2)
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nebbyy · 1 month
Hi! I'm not sure if you are currently taking requests, so feel free to ignore mine if you aren't! If you are taking them, however, would you please write something for King Baldwin IV overhearing reader sing and falling further in love with her because of her soft and sweet voice? Upon realizing that he's there, she becomes extremely flustered and apologizes for disrupting his peace and quiet. Thank you!
King Baldwin IV x reader - Sweetest of melodies
A/N: omg it’s been so long since I’ve received a request! I can’t lie, Baldwin is my supreme comfort character, I think I’ll never stop writing fro him because it gives me sooo much joy😩😩😩 I personally like to think of this piece as taking place a few months after Baldwin’s and reader’s wedding, so it could be considered a sequel for my first fic ever. Also, the song mentioned in this piece is a real song from the 12th century called "Can vei la lauzeta" (in English,"When I see the lark") by Bernart de Ventadorn, and the painting is "Lovers in a garden" by Charles Edward Perugini!!
Oh btw!! I’m working on a long ass series about him, based off of a prompt by @phantomsghoulette  which I absolutely LOVED. Sooo all the KoH fans stay tuned for future updates🤭
Warning: nothing really, just pure fluff. Maybe you could say that religious innuendos could be something triggering for some people but I don’t know. There might be ONE, SLIGHTLY spicy mention but only if you squint really really hard. Also, keep in mind that the historical accuracy in my fics is rather relative, I try to add some details here and there but I don’t have the knowledge (nor the skills) to write a piece 100% accurate to the real history. Also, reader’s gender is female and uses she/her pronouns!!
Word count: 2918
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Someone would say Baldwin's patience could already be put to test by only his illness, which she ruthlessly does not grant him a moment's respite, the eternal enemy of his body and his spirit. But no, to this perpetual torment of his had to be added the perilous duties of a king. And it was certainly not governing his people and lands that sucked what little energy he had left; this duty of his, given by his father and willed by divine design, he had long since embraced.
It was the nobles, the leeches who had drained him of his lifeblood lately. It was their endless demands, the insidious words that hissed behind his back, the languid bows and sleazy gifts designed only to gain some favor from him. Looking around him, he seemed to see only vices and sinners, power-hungry beasts just waiting for his moment of weakness so they could feed on what Baldwin had under his power.
In fact, not without reason in the past the young monarch had attempted to abdicate the throne and leave it in the hands of one of his sisters, rid himself of this burden and devote the rest of his short life taking care of his declining health and to nurture his mind away from so much corruption. At times he dreamed of retiring to France, experiencing for the first time that cold climate and verdant landscape of which his preceptors and advisors told him so much.
In fact, not without reason in the past the young monarch had attempted to abdicate the throne and leave it in the hands of one of his sisters, rid himself of this burden and devote the rest of his short life taking care of his declining health and to nurture his mind away from so much corruption. At times he dreamed of retiring to France, to experience for the first time that cold climate and verdant landscape of which his preceptors and advisors told him so much.
And he dreamed of taking you with him, imagined how sweet his life would be if his only concerns were taking care of his health and you, faithful wife, sole blessing in his life battered by such burdens. How he would wish that his days would revolve around you, that his first thought in the morning would be riding by your side through the flourishing meadows, and his last thought in the evening would be caressing your face as you lie slumbering in his arms.
It would have been a blissful fate his, if only Sybilla's husband had not died at the very moment when he would have needed him most. If only his mother had not convinced him that Guido de Lusignan was a good fit for his sister and had continued to seek a new consort for her, perhaps that fate would not have been snatched from him so early. Too late to repent now, for Baldwin would have preferred to die agonizingly on his throne rather than leave power in the hands of that bumptious and arrogant lord, who was noble only in title.
And so he found himself in this sort of hellish limbo, forced into a position that should never be required of a man in his condition, but prevented by his morality from abandoning his reign, impelled by faith in God's greater plan, that his suffering should not be in vain.
And his faith always seemed to strengthen when he had a way to escape the stifling air that characterized the throne room, always packed with knights and crusaders and nobles, when he had a way to retreat to the palace gardens, one of the few verdant places in all of Jerusalem.
With slow, swaying steps, Baldwin strolled slowly among the local palm trees and flower beds from the faraway lands, those where men speak Italian and the more distant ones, those from which his fathers came. Exotic fruits mingled with those more congenial to the French, who out of nostalgia for their lands and fields did what they could to bring the seeds of these plants with them to overseas.
His mind seemed to go out, shifting his attention from the constant buzz of court demands and duties to the chirping of birds perched on the roof, to the eviction of the soft branches that shielded him from the scorching sun. He enjoyed the refreshing air that reigned in that small oasis of greens, which was able to infiltrate the fabric of his white robes, crossing the bandages that covered much of his body and finally reaching his skin, numbed by leprosy. 
To tell the truth, of that refreshing sensation little reached his damaged nerves, if not for those few points that had been spared by the merciless disease, from which departed that unusual shiver that caused him a delicate smile of relief, enjoying the refreshing breeze. Then he closed his eyes and breathed in, discovering with satisfied surprise that that light gust was also a harbinger of an intoxicating perfume, a mixture of exotic and familiar.
How funny to think of the concept of "exotic", for an Angevin born and raised in the unknown lands of the east. For him it was exotic French fruit, exotic were the green plains and heavy clothing that brought his allies from the northwest, and equally alien to the snowy mountains and forest beasts that he saw drawn in detail in his childhood books. It was these changes of perspective that stimulated his mind in a myriad of thoughts and reflections, but in a pleasurable way for him, not as exhausting as his daily duties.
His reflections on exotic and local made his mind travel, wandering until he came to a subject very close to him: Muslims and Jews, reflecting well on the landscape in front of him, recognized that he could share with them the same concepts of what is foreign and what they can claim the original belonging. And he could not but reflect on how it must have been for the first inhabitants of Jerusalem to observe the Franks who came as conquerors, and filled their gardens with such foreign plants as those pale warriors who had taken possession of their dwelling... But after all, the French soldiers who were emissaries of God’s will needed something familiar to stabilize them as they fought to reclaim the Promised Land, ut Deus voluit.
But all his brooding over these matters of conquest and submission ended up in the background in his mind, when a colorful scarlet sphere caught his attention. An exquisitely red apple seemed to tempt him from a branch just above his head, beckoning him to be picked and savored by the king, that he might lose himself in the juicy sweetness of that fruit with origins so far removed from the Holy Land. But the king's modesty prevented him from yielding to that temptation, wanting to avoid exposing the advanced state of deterioration in which his mouth was.
And in fact if that temptation had been alive it would have pale in front of something much more captivating, a sound that echoed in the most melodious distance of the song of any nightingale. Baldwin was surprised to think that he had not realized before the melody that inibriated the atmosphere around him, so taken by the tribulations of his mind that he almost missed such an intoxicating song. He did not know what he felt once he arrived in Heaven, if he had ever arrived in spite of the unjust fate in Hell that the evil Saracens wished him. He didn’t know it, but if one ever had to imagine what Heaven sounded like, that song would come to mind.
When I see the lark beating 
Its wings in joy against the rays of the sun 
That it forgets itself and lets itself fall 
Because of the sweetness that comes to its heart
She sang in Occitan, the beautiful one in the distance. The voice of his people, of his lineage, that few in the palace can pronounce after so many years of distance from their homeland in Provence. Paying more attention to the echoing song, he would not even have had to approach it to give a face to that melodic voice: he knew how to recognize his wife’s voice.
Yet it was a new context in which he saw you, new facets of you that he had not yet had a chance to observe. Your voice, sweet as honey, venerable like all your other traits, he had never heard it except in speech, when you were proclaiming orders before your subjects with the authority fit for a queen, or when you laughed at the poems and performances of the court singers, or when you whispered in Baldwin’s ears sweet words, while you lay with bodies merged between the soft silk sheets. Always spoken, but never sung.
Alas! Such great envy then overwhelms me 
Of all those whom I see rejoicing,
But though he didn’t need to approach you to recognize you, the desire to see your face exceeded any of his other needs. As if mesmerized by the sound of a siren, Baldwin was advancing towards you, with steps so slow that it seemed a hunter about to catch a deer in the woods. He wanted nothing more than to hear you sing again, that you continue to bless him with that angelic melody. What worse sin would there be than to interrupt your song, more sacred than a prayer?
His stomach filled with butterflies and turned upside down like the beasts' jugglers, his breath seemed to stop in his throat, depriving him of the breath he no longer needed, as long as he could hear you sing a moment more. And her cheeks warmed, when finally she saw you among the white lilies, more beautiful than divine salvation.
I wonder that my heart, at that moment, 
Does not melt from desire.
Baldwin wondered if you sang with him in mind, if those words of love reflected your own emotional turmoil. 
Oh, if only it were so, and your singing equalled his own words inscribed in the sonnets and poems he composed in your honor, which he himself commissioned from your favorite singers to perform at banquets, only to steal an embarrassed smile and to see the blush of your cheeks, along with the glint in your eyes.
Whether it was or not, the outcome remained the same since he was at that moment in your proximity, in the same state mixed with adoration, love and wonder at the bold gesture. But if only he had confirmation from your words...
Alas! How much I thought I knew 
About love, and how little I know, 
Because I cannot keep myself from loving 
The one from whom I will gain nothing.
"My angel, your voice sounds like heaven but your words are false." Baldwin practically saw you blow up from your session, completely taken aback by his sudden appearance, unaware that your husband has been acting as a secret public all this time. Your initial surprise quickly turns into a laugh to mask your embarrassment for being caught in a moment like this, when you thought you were alone to be able to run the streets of music with your voice.
"I beg your pardon, I thought I was alone in the gardens," your eyes met his own only for a moment, before you turned your face to try and hide the blush of your face, "it was just a silly song I heard singing to the Provençal knights. I hope I did not disrupt your walk, my love..”
He laughed softly, trying to hide his amusement from having caught you off guard. He approached you more quickly than when he did just a few moments before, but with the same phlegm that managed to inspire a feeling of safeness in you. Sitting by your side on the bare rock, he raised his bandaged hand to gently cup your face and make you turn your eyes towards him. It was only then, when you had no choice but to look at Baldwin in the face that you noticed how his eyes, the only part of his face exposed to the outside world, formed two half-moons, and you came to find that it was because of how widely he was smiling, as you lowered the veil from his face. 
He was making fun of you, you realized. With that swagger in his manner, you understood that his amusement came from your embarrassment at that silly misunderstanding. Laughing softly, he gently shook his head before bringing both hands to your face, holding it as if it were the most sacred of relics. "As much as I would love to hear you sing of your affection for me, just to hear your voice echoing in the air is the sweetest of gifts. How could you deprive me of this blessing thus far, my dear?"
You could do nothing but giggle at his sweet words, bringing your hands to his wrists to feel him closer to you. "You flatter me, my king. My voice boasts nothing more than those sweet melodies that the singers in the palace sing. Mine is only a dabble."
His gaze softened, his playful spirit addicted to your presence. He took the floor again, in a tone as soft as cotton, "At least this once, my queen, allow me to disagree with your words. My life may be short and my reality small, but never have I heard such an angelic voice, singing such sweet melodies. And God may not yet have granted me the ability to predict the future, but in my heart I know well that never will any singer be able to hold a candle to your beautiful voice, never will any song be able to express the same feeling of ecstasy.
"You, my angel, have managed to make a simple ballad an absolute work of art through your voice. I think I should take you with me into battle next time, for with your mere voice you could addict Saladin and his entire army.
"And seeing you here, angelic and perfect like the lilies that surround you, singing so softly that it would make any bird jealous, that I realize that whatever toil, whatever challenges God has stored up for me, and all those that still await me in my life, are worth it, if at the end of each of them there is you, voice of an angel, to hold a place for me in your arms of heaven." 
You were sure you were on the verge of crying a flood of tears, the result of pure emotion at his sweet words. It was not new to you that Baldwin worshipped you as much as the God to whom his kingdom was consecrated, from the first moment he got to hear your voice and admire your face, and you knew at once that he had become yours, body and soul. But it was new to you to see him like that, completely entranced by your simple being-it was something new. A wonderful newness that made you feel like the most desired of women on this earth.
Taken by a rush of boldness, you practically jumped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck; you ended up on top of him, with his hands around your hips. You both laughed, like two little boys frolicking in the gardens. And you left a kiss on his left cheek, then on the bridge of his nose. A kiss again on his forehead, and then down on the side of his lips. When you were about to give him another kiss, just where he most yearned for your lips, against his, you stopped a few inches away, with a wide smile, before speaking again, "If so little is enough to make your happiness, then I will sing to you every day, whenever you ask. Let me be your nightingale, your morning song and your lullaby all at once!"
"I couldn't wish for anything else, my dear. Now, however, I beg you, sing one more melody for me, before my duties drag me back to the palace, and I shall consider myself a blessed man."
"With great pleasure, my love." Your voice was now little more than a whisper. With a languid movement, Baldwin moved his body to rest his head on your lap, and you eagerly greeted him. After slightly moving the hood that veiled his head, so that you could play with his golden locks, you began to sing a new melody, one that this time spoke of reciprocated love, of the joy of being able to hold your loved one in your arms. But the words you sang barely reached Baldwin before his sky-colored eyes closed softly, his mind giving him at least a moment's despite from his perilous life. You continued to sing, caressing his face, which from day to day appeared more and more mutilated by his disease, singing the sweetest of melodies so as to prolong this idyll in which you and your husband found yourselves in. 
For with you Baldwin had a way of putting the crown aside, and being nothing more than a foolish young man in love, whose only duty was to love you, to love you with all the love that an angel like you deserved.
@sweetworkoffiction hope you like it <3
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heartfullofleeches · 7 months
hungry for titus & executioner reader. insane even. i bet my left lung titus was lying nude in the table with his cock hard in all its glory. was it the anticipation of potentially being brutally defiled by his "angel" executioner? or was it the cold air hitting his body? who knows.
do you think his fantasies of being violated by executioner interfere with his work? or is he diligent enough to not let it get in the way? would he let down an entire nation/empire just for his darling? did he fall head over heels before or after employing his darling?
i also love the concept of executioner with HUMONGOUS amounts of bloodlust, it's as equal and if not more than titus' libido. just straight up sadistic executioner — who relishes the screams, the cries, and the whines of their victims — it's music to their ears. and you wanna know what? they're also hysterical & weird. laughing out of immense satisfaction of violating their prey, drooling at the thought of skinning & carving their next victim. and they giggle — so much — when they present their bloody gift to titus. "i got'cha a little gift, master!"
speaking of their master, they are eternally grateful for them — for granting them the liberty to fulfill their selfish desires. it's two birds with one stone to them, harming people in the name of their desires, and harming people in the name of titus. despite their gratification and loyalty to the great tyrant, their view of each other is still not equal. like our cold executioner, they will do anything for their lord, but titus' offer of allowing them to ravage them, it's over the line.
i love them a normal amount your honor
That's a fun idea, but I wanna stick with cold Executioner Reader for the time being. I'm all for sadistic darlings, but I like what Executioner has going on now. An emotional stunted, husk of a person. Killing comes as natural as breathing to them. They can't sleep without the sound of screams to keep them company, they can't eat or accept gifts without their prize feeling earned. They hold more loyalty to their post than their ruler which is why they willfully follow Titus after he slaughtered their previous employer.
Titus develops a bit of a savior complex when it comes to them as he hopes to break this mentality at least to the point where they are accepting of his love. Dresses them in the finest attire, feeds them foods that are probably a shock to their senses compared to the bland filth their former ruler fed them. Tried to give them their own bedroom, but after finding Titus in their bed one night they solely stick to the dungeon floors. Really only uses the autonomy he gave them to reject his advices.
did he fall head over heels before or after employing his darling?
I'd say he fell for them somewhere between their imprisonment and their eventual promotion to Executioner. While other members of their ruler's guard attempted to fight against Titus hostile take over, Executioner Reader sat back and watched as Titus beheaded their master. He found them a little dull, but upon being captured is where they got interesting. If there's one thing the Executioner despises it's being in chains. Took out a fair chuck of Titus' fleet for the crime of attempt to put them in chains.
Titus figured they'd be an excellent pet after realizing they'd follow along obediently on the condition they weren't strapped in iron. He began to fall for them after barring witness to their expertise with a blade and their closed off nature. He thought it'd be fun to break them out of their shell. The executioner's rejection was the first he faced in some time and while he'd normally have anyone who refused his generous offer killed - he saw them as a challenge. Overtime his kind gestures to get them to warm up to them became more genuine as his curiosity got the better of him. Had his Executioner ever truly smiled? Had they known the joy of laughter and other similar feelings? If they hadn't - he wanted to be the only one capable of giving them such wonders. That was a prize of its own. One of the greatest he could possibly obtain. It took him a while to realize and understand his love for them, but his guard caught on quick.
do you think his fantasies of being violated by executioner interfere with his work? or is he diligent enough to not let it get in the way? would he let down an entire nation/empire just for his darling?
This is Titus we're talking about. Bro will drop entire events so he can take care of himself because he got horny over a memory of Executioner Reader bringing him the heart of a traitor. If the matter had dire importance he'll try to hold off on his urges, but he'll be grump about it all the way through and immediately seek Executioner Reader's warmth afterwards. It's less of a matter of would he let down something else for them and more when he'll do it.
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Young Deity | Platonic Yandere Dōma x Toddler Reader
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Prior Installments 1, 2,
“Papa, I made a bookway for you!”
“Oh? Why thank you (Y/n)! Did you pick these flowers all by yourself?”
You nodded, gleefully watching as your rainbow-eyed father lit up with excitement. Scooping you up into his cold embrace, kissing your chubby cheeks as you beamed with pride. He took the gaggle of flowers and motioned for one of your maids to get a vase for your gift. While you waited for your father’s attention to return to you, you looked at the various people bowing within the room. Letting your own rainbow-flashing eyes roam over those in the room, no one seemed to stick out to you except for a younger woman’s eyes disappearing with her bowing head. You said nothing as you looked up to your father whose annoyed stare bore into your face until you met his gaze. Once you did your father gave you a fanged smile before snuggling against your head; easily dismissing the crowd. 
“That will be all for today. Leave us.” 
“Thank you Dōma-sama!” “Thank you, oh great one!” 
You watched as they all filtered out, especially the woman with the bright eyes; with two other followers flanking her sides. She was odd to you but you thought nothing of it when you buried your face into the cloth of your father’s robes. 
“What is it my precious? What’s bothering you?”
“...not’ing Papa…I jus’ wanna see ya.”
“Awww but of course! You know I’ll leave everything for you!” The demon lifted your tiny body up high bringing you back to his chest as he addressed your armed maids. 
“What’s next on (Y/n)’s schedule?”
Yun spoke up bowing deeply as she spoke. “First they will be having lunch than their evening nap. After that, they will have their economic instruction and then–”
“That’s enough Yun we’re skipping schooling today.”
“Yes, Dōma-sama.” If she wanted to protest she gave no sign, instead waiting to be dismissed as her leader cradled you as he walked away. Holding you up with ease he put his ear to your tummy nodding to nothing as he heard your giggles vibrate. 
“Oh my? Is that a hungry tummy I hear? Is it really time for us to feed it already?”
He cooed as you giggled at his antics. All but familiar with the urgency he made his demands for your food. In no time at all various trays were prepared with smaller chopsticks in your hand you sat on your father’s lap as you dove into your meal. 
You missed the way Doma’s eyes darkened when you smiled to yourself cheeks full of your meal. But he quickly brightened once more as you eagerly agreed to hid question-not that he would have let you refuse.
“Hey precious, why doesn’t Papa feed you? All you’ll have to do is sit there and Papa will do the rest. Sounds good, right?”
You sat comfortable in your father’s lap, letting your stomach weigh heavy as you let the spoon hover to your mouth with ample sizes. Dōma admired the little smile and the nonsensical tapping of your hands as you chewed on your food. He watched as your eyes began to droop and he had to prod at your lips for you to open them. When you no longer perked up to eat he hummed at the steady sound of your little breaths. Discarding the utensils and the tray of unfinished food he scooped you up leaving the conference room for your shared bedroom. Dōma didn’t need sleep but he would rather be slain then have you refuse to cuddle up to him as you fall asleep. Being the sole instigator of any emotions he refuses to let you sleep without him being there; whether its along with you or watching from afar. 
“...bright eyes…flow’r…”
Dōma’s rainbow gaze snapped to you as you mumbled in your sleep. It was something you did often but always with traits or names he recognized. Master was Muzan, Koku was Kokushibo, Soft lady was Daki, and you had plenty of other names you dubbed by those that you met. But bright-eyes was a new one. He fought the desire to tighten his hold on you. Wouldn't want you waking up or breaking your tiny little body. He planned to satiate the uncomfortable spike that the mere title brought him. Deciding it best to be patient for the time being.
“Bright eyes, huh? Well, I wonder what you're like?”
“Oh great young one! It is an honor to happen upon your presence!” 
The voice of a woman had you looking up from your figurines, your maid on staff already standing guarded. It was the woman you had spotted bowing to your father, what caught your attention were her eyes. Brightly green, with olive skin she was like no one you’d ever seen before. That and your eyes seemed to go to her every time she was in the room. Black hair curved around her face held up by an intricate flower that matched her kimono. 
She bowed slowly letting her gaze rise up to look at you as you stared at the flower. Tilting your head at the sight, you spoke with intention.
“That flower is it…a Dahlia?”
The woman snapped up with a smile on her face as she hovered her hand over the flower.
“Hah~! Your young grace even knows this?! How wise and powerful of you~!”
You rubbed at your eyes, an irritation building up as you pushed away a thought. What’s a Dahlia? Nonetheless, you continued. Not like you couldn't anyway.
“Do you own a flower…shop?”
“Hmmhmm~! Back home my father has a plantation that farms many things, I’ve recently come to bring some of his flowers here!” 
She happily informed which immediately spawned another question but you had your own.
“Is that…heallf’y?”
“Excuse me, your grace?”
“Fer da plants, da ones dat bewong he’r?”
Your maid preened as you asked such an informed question. She and her nurse counterparts had recently informed you about the intricacies of ecosystems. Any normal child wouldn't have understood, most definitely, but you of course were above them in every which way! She couldn't be more proud. Unfortunately, the heiress didn’t feel the same, letting a shadow fall over her face. But as quickly as it came it was gone back to her beaming visage, or it would have been had it not been for her twitching eye. That question burned in your head forcing you to ask with an intensity that made her nervous.
“Have you ever had a flower called the blue-spider lily?”
She faltered returning to bowing as she apologizes, “N-no, your greatness! B-but I can find it I’m sure!” 
You gave a look of disappointment turning back to your figurines, where you found that you weren’t as hurt as before. You refused to think about it anymore instead looking to your caretaker to take you away. You didn’t want to talk to this woman anymore, attempting to move to your caretaker’s open arms.
“Wait! Your grace could you offer me your divine word?!--”
The pull against your garbs was tight. You worried you'd lose them if she didn't stop.
“Please your grace! I’ve been having trouble with my business lately–”
“Pwease let–”
“--The donations! I can give greater if only you would–”
“Didn’t you hear them? They asked you to let them go.”
Dōma’s voice rang out with an audience of other followers watching in scorn. Your maid acted fast slapping the woman’s hand away from you. Everyone watched in silence as she stood frozen in place. Broken out of your stillness by the nudge from your maid, you ran to your father letting him scoop you into his arms to hold you close. 
“Yun, if you’d please.”
“Yes, great one.”
Your maid drew closer to her as Douma shielded your sight, turning away to walk to one of the many rooms meant for enlightenment. Over your father’s shoulder you peeked around to see the woman now in tears soon blocked by the followers gathering tightly around her. 
“It’s not a loss. she hasn’t been all that giving anyway.” Douma spoke in the empty room, letting you play with another set of figurines as he lounged about. 
“She…owns a fl’wr shop…” Douma snapped his gaze toward you, smiling pensively as he tilted his head.
“Oh is that so? Well I wonder…?” He left the question unfinished continuing the thought in his head as he thought of his master. He watched you fiercely rub your eyes with your little hands as you spoke in a low tone.
“She doesn’t know about it.” 
He smiled as he watched you sneeze before going back to playing with your figurines. Looking deeply into your own rainbow-shifting eyes he let out a dry laugh as he rubbed your head.
“Well isn’t that helpful?”
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keesdarlin · 5 months
☆// merry and bright (MDNI, 18+)
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info! 141 + könig + keegan / fluff, established relationship + gender neutral reader
cw! no CWs
prompt! their favorite christmas/holiday activities
notes! i'm not big on christmas usually, but this seemed cute so i thought i would do a little bit of writing for it. hope you enjoy :]
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könig's favorite holiday activity is going to see the lights. he'll take driving through the neighborhood in a car if he has to, but he really likes making a whole night out of it. to him, going to see the lights is an entire event. you'll dress up all warm and stop on the way out to grab some hot chocolate or tea or whatever it is you fancy along with some warm snacks. then you'll find a nice neighborhood, probably packed with all the other people who had the same idea as you, and just walk through it. it's a nice way to just get out for a little bit, to bask in the fresh air and that winter chill. a nice excuse for him to spoil you a little bit with some treats and sugar. he keeps a hand on you so that you don't get swept away in the crowd and is ridiculously attentive to you. asks if you want him to go get you more hot cocoa when your cup empties. pulls you closer into his side when you complain about how cold it is. looks at all the displays that you point out and smiles for every picture. it's all very sweet, really. he just loves seeing the way your eyes shine while you're looking at all of the pretty lights.
kyle loves taking you present shopping. he mostly likes it because you like it. window shopping, putting so much care and attention into choosing gifts for someone else, trying to figure out what you want for yourself. it's even more fun when you're doing all of the shopping in one place, preferably the mall. it's convenient and lively and full of energy. the lines are kind of a pain, but it's a little bit less annoying when he has you to talk to. he buys you whatever snacks you want while you're shopping. stopping for lunch is the best because that's prime time for people watching. you guys will just sit in the food court while listening to other people's conversations and commenting on them. makes sure that you're as comfortable as possible before you leave the house -- good shoes, comfortable clothes, hair tie on hand just in case you need it. he brings along band-aids in case you end up getting a blister. he also takes note of things that you like. he can't resist getting you a little gift or two to slip you when you're at home later.
soap really likes the parties. really he just likes any excuse to see you all dressed up, especially for a party. add in some alcohol and he's having a great time. in his defense, what's not to like about a good party? music, free food, and some scheduled time to hang out with all of your friends, maybe catch up with some people that you haven't seen in a little while. he likes how clingy you get at parties too, all in the spirit of cuffing season and everything. you guys are basically joined at the hip, you either hanging on his arm or his arm wrapped firmly around your shoulders or waist, keeping you pulled to his side. he likes the whole deal -- the themes, dressing up, having an excuse to dote on you a little extra, the coziness. he's super down to get lost in the moment of course, but he's always paying attention to you as well. all making sure your cup is full, making sure you have a plate of snacks if you're hungry or a sweater if you're cold, making sure you have someone to dance with if you feel like it. the whole event just gets him going.
ghost really enjoys the lazy days that the holidays allow for. he just likes having the time to just exist with you. of course he loves planning dates when your busy schedules allow the both of you to see one another, but that can get a little bit high-pressure from time to time. if you're lucky enough that he's home for the holidays when you also happen to have work off, he really prefers to stay in with you. his favorite part is probably getting to sleep in late with you pulled to his chest. there's no risk of him waking up to an empty bed because you had to run off to work or go buy milk before an appointment or whatever else life throws at you. even if he wakes up before you, he can just hold you to his chest and find comfort in the sound of you breathing (and you can do that same. just listen to the beating of his heart as he sleeps beside you). when you are both finally awake, the morning is still slow to start. you stay in bed for another hour or three and take your time convincing each other to get up and start the day. it's usually simon that caves first, getting up and dragging you out of bed along with him. you both trudge to the kitchen, enjoying the coziness of your little apartment as you make tea and scrape together a lazy breakfast. from there you spend the day in your pajamas, cuddling on the couch and watching movies under a few blankets, dozing off and on, occasionally grazing on snacks.
price usually enjoys being in the kitchen with you around the holidays. this usually consists of him being your little helper or leaning against the doorframe and rambling while you cook whatever you've set yourself to. he'll stand with you and make jokes or talk about random stuff while you roll out sheets of cookie dough or work on cooking something for dinner. to keep him occupied you'll assign him ingredients to dig through the cabinets for, really just so that you don't have to do it yourself. he'll probably find it with maximum efficiency too just so that you're not left waiting on him. he hands it to you, waits for you to measure it out, and then puts it back so that you're not losing any counter space either. and he's always bugging you for a taste of whatever you're making whether it's cookie dough or soup or whatever, but especially if it's some kind of sweet treat. if you're making cookies, you can guarantee that he'll sneak one off the cooling rack when you're not looking. would absolutely insist on making the most absurd gingerbread house with you (and would probably end up either painting you with frosting or eating it all).
i'd like to think that keegan's favorite part of christmas is the snow. anything to do with the snow, really. during the first snow of the season, he drags you out to see it. it doesn't matter if you're working or sleeping or what, but cue keegan shaking you as gently as his stifled excitement can muster to come out and see it. if he's not with you when it finally start snowing, he'll call you and leave a short but sweet message about it. he loves playing in it; it's one of the only times he lets his guard down. loves snow angels, building igloos and snow men, having snowball fights, sledding. the whole nine yards. he just has a blast with it. he also teaches you how to make snow creams when you guys have the time for it (firm believer here that keegan would like his snow creams with chocolate chips). sometimes he'll go outside by himself and just sit in the snow for a little bit or stick his hand in it and feel the way it melts on his palms. it helps ground him, helps clear his head. no matter the case, he's more than happy to be able to share it with you.
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bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
Kurapika Yandere Alphabet
warnings: brief nsfw(mention of Kurapika eating pussy), reader gets Stockholm syndrome, abduction, Kurapika forces reader to do things like take medicine when she’s sick or restrains her if she tries to hurt herself/escape, self harm, suicide/suicidal thoughts, restraint, isolation
A/N: I’m opening up requests for Yandere Alphabets!! Send your fav ADULT HXH/JJK character and I’ll make one :3
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Kurapika is very detail oriented, he shows his love by making sure the space you have is decorated exactly like your room in your home was. He spoils you with gifts and sweet treats, though he leaves them at your door or on your bed like a cat bringing you a dead mouse.
His love gets intense when you find out about his feelings and eventually return them. He’s the only other human being in your life, and you desperately need comfort and touch.
When you come to him for affection, he gets intense, he’ll hold you close, visibly trembling as he rubs soothing circles into your back. His eyes will flicker to your lips, hungry for kisses or even just to press his thumb into your soft lip.
When he comes home upset or goes through a depressive episode, he’ll want to hold you. Sometimes he holds you so tight his fingers leave imprints on whatever he’s gripping, be it your thighs sides, or back. He’ll kiss whatever mark he leaves on your skin, whispering apologies through tears.
“I’m such a hypocrite… I was supposed to protect you, but look… look at these marks on your pretty skin… I’m so sorry angel, please forgive me.”
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He’s willing to do next to anything to keep his darling safe and happy as possible. If that means killing masses of people that could potentially hurt you, he doesn’t mind baring that sin.
You are his angel, he would do anything for you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
After being abducted, he treats you probably the best any yandere could. He decorates your room to look as close to your previous one as possible, makes sure all of your needs are met and that you’re as spoiled as you can be.
He would never mock you, Kurapika wants his darling to love him. With all the lengths he’s gone to just to make you happy, he wouldn’t give that all up even if he was angry.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
No, besides abducting you, he’s not willing to do much against your will. If you’re trying to hurt yourself or escape, he’ll restrain you, but that’s it. Also, if you refuse to take medication when you’re ill or if he NEEDS you to do something for your own benefit he’ll make you do it, but he never makes you do something FOR him.
He would never force himself on you, ever. Kurapika loves his darling more than anything, and he’s still holding onto his morals.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
At first, he is very distant and even cold. Kurapika is more likely to have a darling he was friends with before abducting her, so they’d have to already be relatively close already.
After a few months with him, he’ll begin to relax around you again, like he did before he abducted you. For the first few months he’ll barely touch you, wanting to give you space and time to get used to your new life.
Once he’s comfortable, he’ll come to you when he’s upset searching for comfort and care. Just having you in the same house as him is enough to keep him from falling apart, but actually feeling your touch while he sobs after a nightmare is heavenly.
He’s happy to tell you how much he cares about you and how this is for your safety, but he’s hesitant to express his more romantic feelings. He’s already kidnapped you and taken you away from everyone and everything you loved, he doesn’t feel like he deserves you.
But when you return his feelings due to him being the only other human you have contact with, he is more than happy to shower you in love and affection. You’d be surprised at how cuddly and affectionate he is!
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Honestly? Betrayed and hurt. He’s given you everything you could ever want and need, and you’re still fighting him. Part of him understands that no matter what he does, he still kidnapped you and no gifts or privileges will make you happy to be imprisoned with him.
The selfish and delusional part of him, however, gets irrationally angry. He would never hurt you, and isn’t inclined to scream, but he gets so cold and distant, after a week of him taking away some privileges and barely speaking to you, you’ll be crawling back begging for his comfort and care. You’re only human after all. The boredom and loneliness would be enough to kill you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Absolutely not, he nearly has a heart attack when you attempt to escape. Your safety is his number one goal, so seeing you attempt something so dangerous terrifies him!
Hell: What would be their darling's worst experience with them?
Two things!
1. For the first few months, he’ll chain her when he leaves the cabin for longer than a few hours. Of course the chain will be long enough so she can walk to the bathroom and she’ll have enough food, but it’s heavy and inconvenient. After you’ve settled in and given up on escaping, he’ll stop chaining you. Good thing too, because those things were heavy, and chaffing!
2. If you’ve pissed him off somehow or have been bad, he will straight up isolate you. He’s the only other human being you have contact with, so imagine being deprived of all social interaction for months at a time. The first few days you’re almost relieved to have some time to yourself. He never bothered you too much, but you didn’t exactly enjoy his presence. But after a while, the loneliness will set in. You’ll be crawling back to him for forgiveness within a week.
Besides that he’s pretty tame for a yandere. He won’t hurt you or try to break you psychologically. He barely punishes you, so as long as you behave decently, you’re fine.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/ with their darling?
He wants to start a family with you! Due to his entire clan being wiped out, he’s the only one left. Kurapika wants you to have his children, desperately.
He knows it will take a while for you to get used to being kidnapped, so he won’t bring this up until after you’ve accepted your fate and fallen in love with him.
“Angel… dont you think… you’d be a great mother?”
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets incredibly jealous of anyone that gets too close to you. Before he took you, he would accompany you to little get together with your friends. You were pretty popular, getting hit on by multiple men and women.
“She’s not interested,” Kurapika would say, his eyes a sharp scarlet as he stood behind you, a protective hand on your shoulder. His eyes follow them as they leave, and once they’re gone he caresses your cheek. “Let’s leave, some of these people are creeps…”
He becomes a bit possessive of you over time, but you chalk it up to him being protective over his friends. You find it cute, not knowing how much of a red flag it is.
Once he takes you, his jealous and possessive tendencies dissipate, and it turns into a more protective nature. You don’t have any contact with other people, so he doesn’t feel the need to be jealous. The only contact you get is with Leorio when he comes to give you a checkup, and Kurapika watches him the entire time.
There’s no use trying to beg Leorio to get you out of there, he knows you’re being held against your will. Although he’s sympathetic, he cares about his friend more than you, and knows you being near Kurapika helps him relax. Kurapika also is more careful with his life, wanting to stay alive to protect and love you the rest of his days. So Leorio will just sigh, patting your back.
“Sorry, (Name), but I can’t help you. Kurapika needs you.”
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
In love, very sweet and soft. Although his darling might see him as a bit cold and stiff, he’s actually flustered, and trying to hide how much his heart is racing when you’re near.
He attempts to touch you as much as possible, even if it’s just lightly bumping you while passing you in the hallway. Kurapika knows you probably hate him now, and he won’t push you into being close with him, but he’ll take these little touches and use them for comfort.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
When he falls for you, he’s been your friend for a while now. At first he tries to distance himself, hoping those fuzzy feelings of love will go away, but when they don’t, they turn into almost an obsession.
He’ll buy you gifts and try to spend more time with you between missions, until he basically lives at your home. Before taking you, he becomes quite clingy, wanting to soak up all of your love and attention before you may hate him for kidnapping you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He acts pretty much the same, but he’s much more loving and sweet with you, doting on you a lot. Nothing is too good for his darling!
When around other people, he’s cold and distant, but as soon as you appear he’s brightening up a bit!
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He takes away the TV and other items used for entertainment, and if you’ve done something to hurt yourself he’ll chain you up. The restraint is less of a punishment, more of a way for his paranoid mind to relax knowing you can’t hurt yourself now that you’re chained to your bed.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He’s a very soft and forgiving yandere, and only takes away SOME privileges with very bad behavior. He’ll take away the TV, a few of your art supplies and maybe your switch. He’s very careful, leaving you with at least two things to keep you from going crazy with boredom, usually books and/or your journals to write in. After all, it’s a punishment, but it’s supposed to be for your own good. If he’s harming you, then it’s not working.
Kurapika would rather die than watch you become depressed and suicidal, so even when you haven’t been behaving, he tries to not be too upset with you and make sure he isn’t too harsh. Even if you made him angry, you’ll always be treated like a princess.
If you hurt yourself or attempt to end your life, he goes nearly insane with worry and guilt. Hadn’t he been providing you with enrichment and the best, most comfortable life possible? He knows he kidnapped you, but do you hate the life he’s given you so much that you’d rather die?
He’ll chain you up after this. It’s just a chain that attaches to your bed. He’ll unlock you for exercise and to take you to the bathroom, and be prepared to get used to him watching your every single movement. He WILL be watching you use the bathroom and shower. You won’t even be able to wipe yourself in peace, the embarrassment may just kill you. “Just ignore me. I’m simply making sure you don’t try anything.”
The worst thing he’ll do is ignore/isolate you. You’ll barely see him, and he won’t speak a single word to you until you’ve apologized and realized why he does what he does. “It’s for your own good. You can learn to accept that, or you can get used to being alone.”
Kurapika is perfectly content to just exist alongside you, he can wait forever.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Oh he’s almost endlessly patient. Kurapika may be a bit delusional in some aspects, but he is very aware that what he did to you is wrong. He won’t blame you for acting out or trying to escape, you’re human after all.
He’ll never expect you to fall in love with him, even if he desperately craves your touch. Kurapika will wait though, hoping you’ll see how much he cares for you, and maybe reciprocate his overwhelming feelings.
He only loses his patience when he’s already angry/stressed, and may yell a bit. He’s quick to apologize and remove himself from the room. Kurapika doesn’t want you to be afraid of him.
He’s only ever thrown a real tantrum once, ending up destroying the living room and scaring you half to death. Kurapika couldn’t apologize enough, and it was the first time he ever held you close to him and wouldn’t let you go. “God… please, please don’t be scared of me. I promise I would never hurt you, this isn’t your fault, fuck, (Name)… you’re shaking. I’m so sorry…”
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Nope. He would straight up kill himself after accomplishing his mission. If he can’t find you, he has no reason to keep living after he’s killed the phantom troupe and retrieved the scarlet eyes.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He feels extremely guilty, and on the first day of your capture, he keeps considering just taking you back before you wake up. The two of you were already friends, he’s terrified to see your opinion of him change.
But he pushes all of that away. He can never let you go, knowing that people want to hurt you because of your ties to him.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
I think it’s pretty obvious to say it was the massacre of his clan that made him like this. He doesn’t want to lose the person he cherishes most after losing all of his family and friends.
You’re so precious to him, someone that would hold him after his nightmares and smile while baking him a birthday cake. He knows taking you away may make you hate him, but he can’t stand the thought of losing you. He once thought humanity was doomed, but you’re the only other human he sees any light in.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Absolute agony. Although your safety always comes first, Kurapika desperately wants you to be happy as well. He’ll try everything to cheer you up. Gifts, renting your favorite movies, making your favorite dishes, ordering your favorite takeout food…
“Oh angel, please… please don’t cry. I know it’s scary and upsetting to be here, but I promise… that you’re safe. Look, I brought you some dinner!”
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Kurapika is hellbent on making you happy and comfortable, so he goes to great lengths to spoil you with gifts and comfort items. Unlike most yanderes that would use this as an attempt to get you to like them, Kurapika spoils you purely because of his undying love for you, and his need to see you happy.
He’d do anything for you besides let you free. His heart is yours, and so is whatever your heart wants. Stuffed animals, your favorite snacks, nice clothes and jewelry, anything. Nothing is too good for you, if it makes you happy, even for a SECOND Kurapika is more than happy to get it for you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He adores you through and through, so returning his affection and accepting his gifts will make him a lot more lenient. He’s willing to let you go outside, and if you build up his trust enough he might even let you go outside alone. There’s a fence surrounding your home, so he’s able to not worry too much…
If you’re able to climb that fence, you may have a chance at escaping! If he does catch you though, his heart will be shattered and he’ll have trouble trusting you for a long time. All the progress you both made will be gone.
Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No, he would not intentionally hurt his darling. Now, there is a chance he could grab her too hard and break a bone due to his strength, but this would absolutely shatter him. He’d be so much softer and lenient with you, healing your wound and holding you close as he sobs and begs for your forgiveness.
This is one of the times he considers letting you go. He’s supposed to protect you, and now he’s the cause of your pain… but his selfish heart refuses to let you free. He is more willing to let you go outside and explore though, as long as you hold onto his hand.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He worships the very ground you walk on. Kurapika is incredibly soft and sweet, and willing to give you endless affection and spoil you, if you would allow it. You’re the only thing keeping him from snapping, and you bring him so much happiness. He’s never been in love before, you’re all he has left.
He will buy anything, do ALMOST anything to win you over. Kurapika is the head of a mafia group, he has money to spend. Spoiling you is no problem for him, sometimes he’ll come home with his arms full of stuffed animals, new clothes, and sweets for you.
When you finally have sex for the first time, he spends the first hour between your legs, eating your pussy and cooing soft praise, telling you how much he loves you and how beautiful you are. It’s worship, for sure. He sees you as a perfect angel.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He pines over her for a good few months, then takes you when he realizes his enemies have caught wind of your existence. Kurapika wanted to get into a romantic relationship and have you come with him willingly, but life never seems to be fair to Kurapika.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Absolutely not. His darling is his everything, and he wouldn’t have gone through all the effort of making you happy just to break you. He wants you to be yourself, that’s who he fell in love with!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 month
Cant help but notice krubus stardew in the requests,,, so if i may,,,
How about a oneshot/headcanons, whichever ya think works better, for a farmer Reader who's roommates with Krobus, and Shane ends up visiting the farm, and accidentally finds Krobus and the reader is trying their best to calm the situation down or smthn? :]
Ofc you dont have to do this!!
Salt anon (have a good day also!!! always lovely to see ya on my dash :] )
Got carried away but I had so many ideas for this one
'I should check the coop. The void chicken could be hungry, and [y/n] may appreciate me stepping up. But...what if a human saw me? Oh Yoba...I hope there's no surprise visitors today..'
As Krobus paced around your cabin, he kept looking outside the window at the snowfall, the coop just within his sights. It was the second day of winter, and all of the animals you've been raising were huddled inside for the season, the hay keeping their bellies full.
But something told him that the void chicken you recently introduced to the farm felt lonely, a misfit among the "normal" chickens. She wasn't too sociable around them, and that worried Krobus.
Of course he, of all people, could understand why.
To this very day, the shadow monster couldn't fathom why you'd take him into your home..when his existence alone scared humanity and could damage your reputation with the town.
What would the villagers think if they learned you're housing a beast who once dwelled in the mines?
Many weren't anywhere near as brave as you were when it comes to venturing deep into shadow monster territory....and the few who had the guts to made it their personal mission to slay as many of his people as possible.
Or at least..what remained of them after the elemental wars.
Surprisingly enough, some of the brutes began visiting your farmland at night, and Krobus would see them hiding in the foliage, behind trees..or even rummaging through your crops, yet never taking anything for themselves.
He wishes he could greet them normally, ask what drew them to the surface, or try to reason that you're a good human who shouldn't be attacked.
Yet in the back of his mind...he feared being branded a traitor for siding with the species that hurt so many of his own people.
What would they do if they noticed his pendant and realized a human gifted it to him?
Surely they would freak out, coerce him into coming back to the mines where it was "safe"...or worse, they'd kill you and make him watch. He couldn't let his presence be known, lest they discovered you were housing him and destroyed the life you built here.
You would think he betrayed you and brought a siege upon your land--after all you've done to shelter him from the cruelty of the world.
Not even Yoba would forgive such a sin.
Even though he felt his connection with his people drifting with each passing week, he was content with his choice to live with you. He wouldn't trade your kindness and generosity for the world.
Plus, you've told him over and over that you knew what you were signing up for. You knew it when you first bought a void egg from him. You knew it when you and the wizard broke up his fight with Dwarf. You knew it when you created a space in your home that suited his environmental needs.
All he could offer you was a stardrop in return, but it was more than enough for you.
Krobus vowed to contribute to the farm's many tasks how ever he could..when it safe for him to step outside of course.
On this cold winter's day, he figured checking out the coop would be a great first step.
He peeked into your bedroom, discovering you to be sound asleep and looking rather peaceful.
Indeed, it was a stark contrast to how battered and bruised you were last night, having returned from the Skull Caverns at midnight. None of his people ventured there, considering the desert climate would be unbearable for them to live in, but while sharing meals he'd listen to your tales of serpents, mummies, and even dinosaurs living down below.
By comparison..the monsters in the mines seemed tamer and were somewhat civilized, and at his request you managed to avoid fighting them if you could.
The beasts you encountered in the Skull Caverns were brutal and unforgiving, and you had no choice but to defend yourself.
This trip in particular took quite a toll on your body, as you had to use a warp totem to get home...and even then, you were limping from sheer exhaustion. So much so Krobus had to assist you up the stairs and into your bed. He ran the the risk of being seen, yet his concern over your health took priority.
Sleep didn't easily come for him, but it only did after he prayed and thanked Yoba for bringing you home.
He didn't like the idea of you pushing yourself to work so early in the morning, so he decided he'll help lighten that load.
Starting with the coop.
Opening the door, he breathed in the crisp winter air, relieved to not see any humans in sight. There was your pet, who was initially frightened by his sudden arrival, but now warmly greeted him as they climbed the steps.
Krobus laughed softly, crouching down to pet them. "Good morning, little one." He whispered. "Enjoying the snow? I like it very much..but I can't say our chicken friends will agree."
He stood and continued on his way to the small building, eager to check up on your animals and see to it that they're fed.
But unbeknownst to him, a human arrived onto your farmland at that same moment, only seeing a dark figure creeping into the coop.
And he just so-happened to be the man who cared for chickens more than life itself.
Shane arrived at your farm, holding a small envelope with a letter inside. It contained a recipe for some dessert--not one that he made or discovered, of course, but rather one he tore out of a magazine.
His first thought was of you, knowing you liked gathering fresh produce and made your own meals..compared to him, a lazy bum who microwaves processed garbage in a plastic dish and called it "dinner."
It wasn't much, but it was the least he could do for a friend who pulled him out of such a dark place..
You were taking a shortcut to the sewer when you found him near the cliffs...where he was truly at his lowest. He doesn't remember much of what he said, but you told him that he considered ending his own life, yet changed his mind after you told him some comforting words.
All the strength you've gained down in the mines allowed you to drag him to the hospital, where you stayed by his side the entire night. Even when Harvey assured you he'll be okay, you refused to abandon him.
Shane never thought anybody in this town would care if he just up and disappeared, yet despite his rudeness towards you...you managed to break down his walls and show him that you cared.
And all it took were some peppers, pizza, eggs, and stupid amounts of persistence.
It really hit him that he almost did something he couldn't reverse..and he never wanted you, Jas, or Marnie to see him get that bad again.
So he promised to make some serious changes, see that counselor Harvey recommended to him, and cut back on the hours he spends at the saloon after work.
The last time you both talked, you mentioned Robin upgrading your coop's space, and Shane was thrilled. So he figured he'd come visit and see how the animals were doing in this cold weather.
He was also curious about that "void egg" you got from a merchant...and he wondered who it was if not Marnie.
Obviously he'd feel like a jerk if he came emptyhanded, or awkward if you weren't actually home right now, thus he decided to bring the letter and recipe just in case. A small surprise "gift" for you to come back to later.
As he approached your mailbox, however, he noticed a dark figure opening the door to your coop. He couldn't tell who it was as they quickly went inside, as though afraid of being seen.
Maybe it was the lack of sleep making him see things, but-
"Huh? What kinda tracks are these..?" He looked down, finding footprints in the snow that didn't belong to any human's.
In fact, they seemed to have clawed toes..
Just like a monster's.
At the saloon, you recounted tales of how you've encountered slimes, plant monsters, bats, and even shadow creatures on your farmland at night--as well as your adventures down in the mines with skeletons, ghosts, and more.
Most of the regulars were 99% certain you were drunk, but others believed your stories and were fascinated by them, as you'd show them gems as proof of your excursions. Sebastian in particular was intrigued by the frozen tear you discovered, flattered that you allowed him to keep it.
Shane, on the other hand, merely dismissed your tales with a "buh" and an eyeroll before sipping away at his beer. He was never a strong believer in the supernatural..convinced that only slimes, rock crabs, flies, and bats dwelled in the mines and nothing else.
Living Skeletons? Metal Heads?? Shadow Shamans???
You HAD to be either drunk, on drugs, or both at the same time.
Although he's become more open-minded to your stories since befriending you, he was still skeptical...yet the footprints he was seeing in the snow didn't match up to any animal he knew in the valley.
Whatever it was, it must've figured out that your coop was an all-you-can-eat-buffet.
That thought alone made him break out into a cold sweat, picking up a stone before rushing towards the building. He didn't hear any noise inside, and that made him all the more concerned.
You helped him when he needed it most, and now he'll repay you by defending your chickens...even though he knew nothing about fighting monsters.
Upon opening the door, he was stunned to find a shadowy humanoid creature holding your void chicken in its arms. It had a goopy smile on its face, looking down at the bird-
Before there was a furious shout.
"HEY! Put that chicken down!"
"HEY! Put that chicken down!"
Just as you were tuning into the Oracle's channel on TV, you were startled by the sound of Shane yelling at someone-
'What's Shane doing on my farm? And at this hour, too?? I thought he sleeps in all the time..' Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked around the house.
"Krobus? You in here? I may have a visitor."
No response.
You checked the monster's room, and sure enough didn't find him in there.
Normally he'd freak out and hide beneath your bed if he even caught a glimpse of a human outside. You'd always tell him ahead of time if a friend was coming to visit just so he knew when and how long to stay hidden.
Of course, you never liked having to keep Krobus a secret, yet you understood why he believed that was for the best. He was so, so afraid to go with you even after gifting him the void ghost pendant--a precious amulet from his culture, symbolizing unity and devotion to another.
His worst fear was you being shunned and getting hurt because of him. But you promised to make things work, and so far you've had no problems.
The only other place he'd go besides your cabin was the coop, having grown fond of the animals there and the void chicken you were raising. The winter allowed him to bond with them.
But if he's there right now..and you just heard Shane yell, then-
'Oh fuck.'
Throwing on your boots and jacket, you rushed out the door, damn near slipping on the pathway to the coop.
You opened the door, finding Shane staring down your terrified roommate with anger, ready to throw a stone at who he believed was a monster trying to eat your livestock.
But as he reeled his arm back, he was confused by your hand grabbing his wrist. "Huh?! Hey! Let go!" He grunted.
"Shane, what the hell are you doing?!"
For a moment, he blinked and stared at you as though you had several heads. "What does it look like? I'm....that thing was trying to eat your chickens!" He pointed to Krobus, who was now curled up in the corner, having let go of the void chicken long ago.
"That's one of the monsters you were talking about, right? Don't you have a sword or something that could-?"
"He's not a threat."
Shane froze. "..huh?"
"His name is Krobus. He's a shadow person I met in the sewers." Letting him go, you opted to stand between the two. Krobus immediately got up and latched onto your shirt, hiding behind you for protection.
"The sewers? Jas and Vincent said they saw a monster through the grates, but I thought it was some imaginary friend."
"Well news flash, he's real. And right now he's more scared of you." You huffed. "Now please..put the rock down."
After some hesitance, he complied and dropped the stone. "Fine..sorry. I thought it--he was trying to-"
"I would never harm one of Yoba's precious creatures!" Krobus snapped, despite his voice trembling. "Especially not one that [y/n] so lovingly raised."
"You...understand what I'm saying?" Shane looked astonished.
"Of course.." The shadow monster calmed down a little, but redirected his anger to you. "You..we had an agreement. You promised to tell me if someone was coming."
"I didn't know he was here at all." You frowned. "You could've told me you were checking out the coop."
"But you were so weary from last night, and I thought you'd appreciate sleeping in-!"
"Look..if it helps, I can just leave and pretend none of this ever happened."
Both of you looked at Shane, who was slowly making his way to the door, only for him to stop as you sighed.
There's no way you could hide this now..
"Stay. This isn't something you can "pretend" never happened. Let's all head back to my house and I'll explain everything. Maybe we can come to an understanding without any violence. Whatdya say, boys?"
Shane and Krobus briefly glanced at each other, before silently nodding.
"So basically...you got chased out of your home by Dwarves, had some great war with them, got cozy in the sewers...and [y/n] just...stumbled upon you?"
"Erm..slight correction, the local librarian had a key to the sewers, which [y/n] obtained. And only then they stumbled upon me-"
"After I donated like 60 artifacts to the museum, of course." You added on as you stood by the oven, watching the timer.
For a brief moment, you looked back at the two people sitting awkwardly at the table:
Shane, who was still wondering if the shadow monster sitting across from him was really a monster, a hallucination from his withdrawals, or just..someone in a SUPER convincing costume.
And Krobus, who stared at this scruffy, tired man who desperately needed a shave and a new jacket--the only other human he's spoken to aside from you and Rasmodius.
"Wow..I'd say I need a drink, but um..I'm in recovery right now. So I gotta cut back on those." Shane admitted, scratching awkwardly at his hair. "Do you like living on this farm with [y/n], Krobus?"
"It was...a difficult transition. Something I never expected to happen." He fidgeted with the pendant around his neck. "Our existence..terrifies humans. They attacked us when we came to the surface to make peace, so we stopped and hid back underground. We learned the world wasn't kind to those who were different. But [y/n] showed me that not all of them are like that...and I'm grateful for all they've done for me. I don't regret my choice.."
Then he looked to you, suddenly bashful. "A-As long as they don't regret it, of course..sometimes I feel like all of this is a dream. Or some foolish prank.."
"It's no dream or prank, Krob. I have no regrets becoming your friend." You smiled and patted the monster's head reassuringly, before glancing at Shane. "Just like I don't regret befriending this guy."
"Yeah..I was uh..in a pretty bad place myself." He mumbled, suddenly finding the weather outside more interesting.
"You said your name was "Shane", right?"
He blinked, looking back to Krobus. "Uh yeah?"
"Did you know that means "gift from Yoba"?" His eyes lit up, smiling from ear-to-ear as he clasped his hands together. "You should be proud of it! You are a blessed child of.....um...what's with that look?"
Shane's expression abruptly shifted to one of discomfort, and he couldn't help but shrink back. "Did..I say something wrong? W-Was I out of line?"
"No, no. I probably should've mentioned this sooner, but I'm actually atheist."
"....as in...you don't believe in Yoba?"
Reluctantly, Shane nodded and averted his gaze once more, expecting some kind of lecture or change in his friendly tone that would make this his first and last conversation with him.
Nobody liked it when he mentioned how he stopped believing in Yoba long ago, especially after what happened with Jas' parents and how his life just plummeted into a downward spiral since then. He feels like his name was cruel joke, and he had a pit in his stomach whenever he was reminded of it.
So now he was fully expecting this devout monster to spew something vile and call him a "horrible nonbeliever"-
"Why the guilty face?"
"..wha?" He did a double-take, seeing Krobus' smile return.
"I've observed humans long enough to understand their religious preferences, or lack thereof. We have our beliefs, and you have yours..and that is okay." He reassured. "No need to feel ashamed, Shane."
It took the man a few moments to process his words..before a small smile appeared on his face as well, shoulders less tense than before. "Whew..thanks. Seriously..you're somehow more understanding than all the people in my life." He chuckled dryly.
Krobus was about to respond, when the ding from your kitchen timer made the two pause their conversation, seeing you take something out of the oven.
It was a dessert that had a shimmering purple hue.
"Oh hey..you actually made it?" Shane blinked. "The infamous "Strange Bun"?"
"Yep! It actually looks pretty.." You smiled, setting it on the stove so it could cool down. "I almost don't wanna eat it...but I'm sure we can split it three ways."
"I recognize that dessert." Krobus gasped. "It's considered a delicacy among my people! How I've longed to taste it again....but how did you come to possess its recipe?" He looked to Shane, who simply dug out a crumpled magazine page from his pocket.
"Right here. It looked good, and [y/n] likes cooking stuff and finding the ingredients themselves..so I figured it's something new they could try."
"And it came out fantastic." You chuckled, bringing over plates of the strange bun and sitting down at the table, passing them to your friends. "Dig in, boys."
While Krobus was actively drooling and devouring it with his bare hands, you took a few bites and instantly felt rejuvenated....whereas Shane kept awkwardly poking at it with a fork, eyebrows furrowed.
"You sure this is safe to eat? Like..I'm not gonna keel over, am I?"
"...you're acting like Jas when she doesn't wanna eat her vegetables."
".....shut it." With a grumble, he rolled his eyes before finally taking a couple bites. You and Krobus watched him in anticipation, studying his reaction.
Only to be met with disappointment.
"Eh..I think I'll stick to frozen pizzas, but thanks. Here. It's all yours." He pushed the half-eaten bun towards Krobus, who gleefully finished it up.
"Thank you..this was delightful." The shadow monster swallowed, looking up at you both, frowning slightly. "But I do fear..now that one more person knows of my existence, word may spread to the town and-"
"I won't tell anyone."
"....really?" He looked at Shane, surprised.
"I used to not believe in "shadow people"..I actually thought you guys were just stuff of fiction. But no, you're actually pretty cool. And...I get that feeling of being stuck in a dark place, thinking you're a pest and a burden who has no future to look forward to. It sucks, but [y/n] here..." He paused and gestured to you with a smile. "They pulled me out of that funk, and it seems they'd pulled you out of one, too."
"They have..I-I find this hard to believe, but it seems we have more in common than I first thought." Krobus chuckled softly. "I'm glad we could come to an understanding, and that you embrace my existence, Shane."
"Yeah, uh...glad you can..embrace mine as well." He mumbled, already kicking himself mentally for how weird that sounded. "But tell me..you like caring for chickens, too? I saw that one with the black feathers and red eyes."
"Indeed, that is a void chicken! I've carried their eggs for ages, but the mines weren't suitable enough to raise chicks in. Then [y/n] showed me the coop, and now I know they're in good hands."
"Ah...did you wanna meet Charlie sometime? Or one of my blue chickens?"
"......chickens can be blue?" Krobus had such a starry-eyed look, as though he had just been told the secrets of the universe.
Meanwhile, you were just cleaning the dishes, listening to their conversation delve into chicken care, eggs, and more. And you could only smile, glad to see that your monster roommate was finally warming up to humans.
Only a select few will get to see him, as you didn't wanna compromise his safety...
But for now, Shane is the only one you could trust.
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strawberryblue-blog · 4 months
Goodbye, Ruben. —Ruben Dias.
summary: You see Ruben again after breaking up and you realize that you never got over him
warnings: none. depression, mention of alcohol and smoking, angst.
word count: +4k.
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The darkness of the night embraced you as you watched the group of people outside. You had arrived a few minutes ago at the restaurant where Jack's birthday was being celebrated but you were still outside, undecided if you really wanted to go in.
In your hands you held the present you had bought for your friend, Jack, your legs shivered in the cold of the city (or out of anxiety about facing your biggest fear). Manchester was a cold city in winter surrounded by small snowdrops that adorned the surroundings and the houses in the neighborhood. You liked Manchester, the neighborhood reminded you of your daily trips to the city center.
Many feelings crossed your mind when you saw the picture in front of your eyes, your closest friends, Jack and Sasha hugging each other while you could see the others chatting and laughing around the table. But you could especially see the new couple at the side of the table with their backs to you, chatting animatedly.
Disappointment and sadness gripped your heart and you sighed wistfully looking at them. The reason for your hesitation in coming had clearly been because of them. To think that a few months ago it was you who was under their arms in that same situation but now everything had changed.
You perked up when you saw the birthday boy get up from the table and see you standing out there. Jack smiled cheerfully inviting you in with his hand, which you had to obey taking all your thoughts away. You walked through the door and the warmth of the place greeted you, plucking up the courage to take off the jacket you were wearing and start walking towards the group of people partying.
"Hello Jack" you greeted with a smile to the man who opened his arms welcoming you in a warm embrace.
"I was just about to send someone for you" he said wrapping his arms around you.
"The subway had a delay, I apologize for making you wait" you apologized sincerely.
The truth that dealing with the tube in Manchester was a bit busy these days and after work, there were usually delays or lots of people trying to get home and it got complicated.
"The boys could have come through for you, I told you to let me know and I'd arrange everything" he continued as he broke off.
"I'm already here" you laughed and lifted the gift to reach for it. Jack shook his head with a big smile thanking you.
"Y/n!" you heard a shout behind him. Sasha appeared with her splendid aura and that gleaming smile.
She hugged you tightly and behind her you could see a few faces turning to look at you, as her scream had caught the attention of a few. Shyly you smiled a little towards them, stroking Sasha's back.
"We were waiting for you" she mentioned taking you by the hand.
You felt a little bad, they were probably hungry and tired after training but they had been kind enough to wait for you, even when you were making time out there not to come in. Sasha led you in and sat you down between Ines and Isabel, who greeted you kindly when you joined them.
You had known everyone for a few years, you had been friends with Jack since high school and Sasha always invited you to games, practices and anything that included fun. You were very grateful to them, because they had been your friends forever.
"How have you been?" asked Ines interested.
"We haven't seen you for a few months" Isabel followed her.
"Work has me busy and I'm also applying for a promotion, I have to work hard" you said trying to sound happy.
On one hand it was true, on the other it was a lie. You had already received the promotion at your job and now you were on another schedule, something you had to work hard for but you were no longer going out with them or going to see Jack for another reason.
A reason that only you knew.
"When you get the promotion, you'll have to come back and hang out with us, we miss you" Isabel mentioned and you nodded smiling.
They were very nice to you, they all were. Even the girls that you didn't have much contact with or didn't know but because they were friends with Sasha they sometimes hung out together. They always came up to you and included you even though you were nobody to them.
Your eyes met the pair of brown eyes a few feet away from you, you quickly dodged their gaze pretending to see something else. Your heart broke into a thousand pieces. The hollowness in your chest echoed and you wanted to run away but you forced yourself to keep your posture.
Ruben Dias, was sitting a few feet away from you. He looked different from the last time you had seen him a few months ago, his hair was longer not to say long, his beard was a little darker, he had even changed his style of clothing. He looked beautiful, just as you remembered.
But now he was a complete stranger.
You stirred in your seat, turning to the girls to stop feeling their presence. But it was impossible.
How were you going to pretend you didn't know him when he was all you thought about? How were you going to get over him when you guys had never had anything? How were you going to act like everything was okay when next to him was a young, beautiful woman?
You took a sip from your glass, wine was something you had never liked before but after so much sadness and loneliness, you had started to drink often when you had slumps. So you hoped that at least chatting with the girls would take the focus off their presence. The conversation became more bearable and you listened to Ines talk to you about her pregnancy, her excitement was admirable and you were happy for her. But you were starting to feel more anxious as you felt the stares on you and the pressure in your chest for not being able to get over it. So after a while of chatting you excused yourself to go outside for some air.
You put your coat back on and your bag, opening the door of the restaurant to go out into the silence. You walked down the sidewalk waving to them as they saw you smile and you reached into your purse. You grabbed the box of cigarettes and the lighter, bringing one to your mouth to light it. You had quit smoking a few months ago but lately your vices had returned and you blamed it on your depression and anxiety, something you were treating with your therapist but still couldn't quit.
The sensation of the nicotine in your system made you shiver and tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You quickly wiped them away as they slid down your cheeks.
Thoughts came snatching back against your mind when you heard Ruben's laughter above all others. Something inside you stirred and made you vibrate. He sounded just like you remembered, manly, strong and warm. And then you knew you weren't over him.
You weren't over Ruben Dias and you weren't sure if you ever could be.
How were you going to explain to your heart that you weren't who you used to be? How were you going to trick your heart into telling him that you never had anything serious? How could you believe that he could ever be in love with you? When you had clearly been a distraction to him.
Because that's how you remembered your relationship with Ruben. A distraction. Only for you it never had been.
It all started when he broke up with his last girlfriend, you already knew each other but you weren't really friends. Jack started to invite him more to your get-togethers, he even tried to get you two to go out but he was just getting out of a relationship and you weren't interested in going out at that time. But you began to grow closer with every time you saw each other, chatting animatedly and then meeting up to get to know each other. Coffee mornings, tea afternoons and delicious dinners. Which led to one thing leading to another and after so many outings together, you slept together.
You had both agreed not to tell your friends, it was obvious it had been a one time thing but then you kept doing it over and over again. Not once, not twice. You met when you could, two or three times a week, at his place or yours. Big mistake. You should have put a stop to it when you could but you decided to keep going and thought this would last.
And now you definitely regretted it.
You had really believed that Ruben would choose you. You had really believed that he would fall in love and you would be together forever. You had been deluded. You thought you guys would live in a princess fairy tale, that you had found your prince charming and all that crap.
You had never pretended that he saw you as a girlfriend, you weren't like that. But you didn't think he saw you as anyone else either. You knew he wasn't ready for that yet, he had come out of a relationship of years but at least you believed you had something real. He looked real next to you.
But now you were in a gray story, where there were no good mornings or good nights, only endless days where the only thing you wanted was to erase all your feelings for him and disappear.
Because you really fell in love with him. You had spent the whole summer seeing each other on the sly but when winter came, it was all over. Winter brought disappointment, sadness and coldness.
You hated to admit that you had fallen in love and that the idiot had been you, believing that you had something serious when you had only been a friend to Ruben. A friend he used when he needed and discarded when he found someone else. Because that's how you felt, abandoned and dirty, like you were the plague itself. There was no explanation, no reason, he couldn't even tell you to your face. He just sent a message saying you couldn't see each other anymore and then ignored any sign of you, leaving you to lie in wait with all your feelings.
But it was your fault.
You had made up this story all by yourself. There was no love, no reciprocity. You were just his fuck buddy, the one he had left with his heart on his sleeve and broke it when a week after ignoring you he showed up with his new girlfriend. A famous, gorgeous, brand name model, good body and emotional stability, everything you had been lacking. Definitely the perfect person he had replaced you with.
You were embarrassed and humiliated to come here tonight, knowing he would be here. That's why you had stopped going to games and dinners, excusing yourself with anything. You couldn't even look him in the eye without thinking how stupid you were to try to fix things between you. Which you couldn't do because he had never seen you otherwise, just his distraction when he needed it most. And you had really come to think that he was in love with you because of how he looked at you, how he pampered you, how he took you to fancy and nice places, because every morning he woke up next to you and made you breakfast, because you ran away from his friends and kissed behind his back. Because he knew everything about you, what made you strong and what made you weak, your pleasure, your personality, your essence.
You had given him your being. All of you, even though you didn't expect anything from him. And you didn't really get it. You got nothing but a harsh message and a terrible end for you.
Tears streamed down your cheek as you kept puffing on your cigarette, it was the second one you had lit and you had never been like this before but you couldn't calm your cravings. You weren't going back in there and it was heartbreaking to leave Jack and the girls but it didn't make sense anymore.
You had never really belonged to that world.
You were a simple young woman who worked for a living, barely made ends meet on her salary and didn't have many friends. You weren't pretty, you weren't slender, you weren't famous, you didn't even know if your personality matched. Maybe all this time you had been forcing something you knew wouldn't work but wished it would and it hadn't. How could you expect a top soccer player to fall in love with you? He was rich, famous and handsome. He had everything at his feet, including you.
That was what love was like. That was life. All that was left was to live.
You threw away the cigarette butt and lit your coat, determined to leave. Then you would find an excuse and tell them, it wasn't like they noticed your presence much either. The party was still going on in there and everyone was enjoying themselves happily but you were tired of pretending.
"Won't you say goodbye?" you stopped dead in your tracks when you heard the question.
You didn't want to lie down and let him see you like that. You didn't want to feel his pity or worse, for him to treat you indifferently. You couldn't feel it all over again, it was going to kill you. You didn't say anything, you just lifted your shoulders.
"Sasha won't let me go if I go back inside and it's already late, the last train is in ten minutes" you mentioned with a half smile, trying to sound polite.
Ruben nodded. "I can give you a ride, if you want" he said.
Your heart clenched in your chest. Of course you wanted, you wanted everything from him but you couldn't accept anything else.
"I don't mean to intrude, thank you for offering" you thanked him walking to continue your journey.
Every second that passed you ached to see him there.
"You know Jack would never forgive me if I let you go by yourself" he insisted following you and with every step behind you, you heard voices saying 'don't leave him'.
What the fuck did he care now? If he was trying to be polite and kind, he shouldn't. He'd hurt you enough without caring now. He hadn't even bothered to say why he was breaking up with you, he didn't have to care now when you were nothing anymore.
"Goodbye, Ruben" you said in a whisper.
You wanted to make it clear to him that you didn't need him and that this was goodbye, at least from you.
At least one of us knew how to say goodbye.
Your feet moved on their own, leading you away from the place. You weren't going to look back and sighed when you heard your name called but you walked away quickly. You crossed the empty street feeling the tears stinging in your eyes but they refused to come out as you were in a hurry to get to the subway. You needed to get home so you could cry in solitude and in your peace. Everything was empty, few people trying to get to their homes and you were one more as you sat in the lonely train car. You snorted as you felt the train start to move, soon you would be home and you wanted nothing more than that.
The reflection of the glass reflected your silhouette inside the carriage, outside, the cold Manchester night. The silence was intermittent, accompanied by your agitated breathing and the noises of the train. Through the reflection you saw the silhouette of someone walking behind you in the aisle, silently, sitting a few feet behind you. You didn't think much of it.
You didn't even want to look. The person's face was blurred by the lighting in the carriage but you could see a male figure. Your eyes imagined the unimaginable, your mind remembered what made you ache the most, you could smell his scent, hear his breathing, you even felt his presence. You denied noticing the illusion you were living.
You were really crazy. The lack of sleep, your depression and your mess were making you see things that weren't really there.
The lack of Ruben in your life was starting to hit you hard and you had never gone through anything like this before with a broken heart. Because you were really shattered, completely broken with an illusion that you yourself had created. Now you imagined him next to you, sitting there, holding your hand. Nothing was real, you didn't even know if your feelings were real anymore. It had happened so suddenly, you had let yourself be carried away by your love for him, you had lost everything.
It was silly to think you knew everything about him, his favorite food, his favorite perfume, you knew his tastes and pleasures, his dreams, his goals and his cons. You knew perfectly what he felt after losing or winning a game, every smile when he was called up or every cry when he was injured, you had been in his best moments and his worst. All in secret. Without telling anyone, being like friends all this time, only you were the one who acted.
He knew everything about you, or so you liked to think. You had come to think that he really knew you, that he really belonged to you, when he would pick you up after work or take you home after games, when he would knock on your door with your favorite ice cream flavors, when he would ask you every morning if you had rested well or how he encouraged you to apply for the promotion. Now you couldn't even tell him that if you got promoted, I'm sure he'd be proud, since he always said it. But nothing made sense anymore.
He wasn't here, he wasn't beside you, he wasn't behind you, he wasn't even thinking about you. It didn't matter anymore, you wanted to forget him.
What starts wrong, ends wrong. Many people used to say.
But you were going to forget him.
For your sake and his, you had to.
You closed your eyes and leaned against the window, trying to calm the tears that kept coming. You were tired, you just wanted to sleep. Maybe when you woke up it would all go away.
The sound of the loudspeakers announcing the stop made you jump out of your seat, you had closed your eyes for a few seconds and lost yourself in the feeling of warmth. You stood up from your place and turned around when you noticed everything empty, you had already arrived at your stop. You reached a little way out into the aisle when your eyes caught sight of a piece of paper on the empty seat next to you.
Confused you reached out to take it, you didn't remember if it had been there when you came anyway it was your responsibility as a citizen to throw it where it belonged. So you took it and opened it at least to see what it was about.
I don't expect you to be able to forgive me, i wouldn't do that. I just want you to move on, i don't deserve your pain. I am so sorry. R. D.
You read and were stunned.
You stood there in the aisle of the empty carriage with the note in your hands. How had it gotten there? Had Ruben really been sitting a few feet behind you? A tear spilled down your cheek, your heart turned over in pain. You hadn't imagined it then. You had sensed his scent, his aura, his being.
Why hadn't he told you more? What did that mean? Although you already knew perfectly well what that message was about.
It was a farewell. He was letting you go and he was asking you to let him go.
Maybe it was the right thing to do.
To let go of everything that dragged you down.
For you, for your heart.
You crumpled the paper and walked out of the car, dropping the note in the trash can.
Goodbye, Ruben.
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greenandsorrow · 30 days
I don't want to set the world on fire....
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It was a surprisingly beautiful day in Hell.
The day people on Earth celebrate that Jesus has risen. He died for humanity's sins and when the calendar shows that it's that day, Hell is... in a calm state. Sinners are less violent, the citizens of Cannibal town don't feel hungry and your love, Alastor, uses his phonogram. He never believed, if anything he hated Christianity because of the colonisers of his homeland. He has shared the stories his mother used to tell him. The way she had introduced him to the Voodoo practices of their people.... How Alastor had used them for harm.
A soft golden light fell against the windows of your adobe. Temperature in Hell was surprisingly normal. Not too hot and not too cold either. It could be spring. There could be flowers.
Alastor had been surprisingly emotional since the morning. It's like there was a hidden significance for him in the way the bells of Heaven could subtly be heard, as the angels announced the triumph of their Lord over Death.
He had made you coffee in the morning. He had combed your hair and gifted you a beautiful brooch. His big, doe eyes were on you as you had dinner together. Alastor enjoys cooking. Apron on, humming an old tune and tail picking through his untucked shirt... You would have never thought you'd find love in Hell.
Jambalaya was delicious as always. You were about to ask him why all this? Were you celebrating something?
But the phonogram started playing your favourite.
"I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim
I just want to be the one you love..."
Alastor took your hand and gracefully walked you to the balcony.
The soft light illuminated his features and you swear you could imagine him as a human. No razor sharp teeth, no antlers or unnatural height. Just an ambitious young man. Still you couldn't help but get lost in his red robs. Long and curled lasses framed his limpid eyes. They're large but soft... The eyes of a child even though they have witnessed such horrors... The eyes of naivety even though Alastor is far from naive.
He started to gently shift from hoove to hoove, his arms wrapping around your waist. You took the hint and wrapped your own around his neck. You spent a moment swaying in the rhythm of the song. You then looked up. He was staring at you intensely. Alastor's eyes were scanning over your features with subtle melancholy, with hidden longing. Eyes, nose, lips and back up.
"Mo linm twa."
The kiss that followed was slow and lasted for many seconds.
And then he was gone. For seven years.
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...I just want to start a flame in your heart.
masterlist || hazbin masterlist || to support me (paypal)
the idea isn't mine, I just put it into words, the mind behind this drabble is @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog 🤝
I know the song is from the 1940's but stfu, it fit perfectly
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st4rb3rr13s · 6 months
the lingerie one was just yeth😫 also another suggestion with old aot dilfs specifically Erwin and Levi and maybe a few others😏 you can do a whole fic or each of them diff…idk if that makes sense
Babes we have the same wave length 🤭🤭 it’s acc crazy bc I was just thinking abt them after I wrote the other 4 boys 😭😭
Levi, Reiner, and Erwin seeing their partners in linger!!
Warning: semipublic, fingering, head f!receiving, angst with Erwin.
Levi remembers the first time he met you. It was at a cafe, you were finishing up some homework when his friend, Isebelle, spilled coffee on your shirt. She apologized so much, even offering her own shirt. While you were annoyed, you weren’t mad. You stayed calm, reassuring she was ok. What drew Levi into you was your calmness, and found it a bit strange. After that interaction, you two kept seeing each other. Every time you saw each other, you two talked more, bits by bits, until you two talked all night.
When he finally asked you out, you were shocked he wanted you as much as you wanted him. He treated you so sweetly, giving you expensive gifts. When you met his friends, they were all nice. Hange, especially, was very friendly and made sure you felt included by asking you all these questions and dancing with you.
Levi was pretty happy, until after. All his friends wondered how he pulled you. You were gorgeous, having the perfect curves and style. He knew you were gorgeous, though. People always stared at you in awe, wondering if you were some type of model or actor. Although he knew this, he felt a bit hurt hearing it from his friends. Even meeting his nephew, Eren, and he was surprised Levi could pull someone so pretty. Although his nephew was a bit of a joker, the way Levi glared at him made you know he was serious.
He sat in your room, waiting for you to finish your makeup. One thing he realized when dating you, women take long to get ready. Although it was worth it in the end, he was hungry. His lips licked looking into his book. If it was for how good this book was, he’d cook something at home. He listened to the way you hummed as you sprayed your perfume. The homely smell synching through the whole room, making Levi’s eyes flood with want.
It was rare Levi ever initiated sex. As he’s gotten up there in age, he’s wanted more attention, not his dick. His eyes lifted, seeing the way your tits were nice and round, the arch of your pump ass, the curve in your stomach, the way your thighs were perfectly soft, everything. He wanted to kiss all up on you. You were just so perfect for him.
“Levi? You ok, hun?” You asked. His eyes catched yours, the softness that could help melt his cold gaze into a softer one. The beautiful face, staring right at him, a confused face settled in. He hummed softly, wanting to hear your voice. “I asked if you could help me put my necklace on.”
“Yeah, sure.” Levi spoke, getting up. His fingers lifted the necklace, seeing if it was better tighter or looser.
“I like it like that.” You muttered. He hummed, clipping the necklace. “I can’t wait for the surprise dinner, Levi. I feel like we never go on dates anymore.”
“We see each other everyday, why would we go on dates just as often?” Levi asked, holding your waist.
“Yeah, only for a bit though. We should do more things outside the house.” You disagreed. He hummed, smelling the fragrance better. His lips pressed on the soft neck before kissing your neck again. “Hm?”
“You just smell so good.” Levi muttered, planting another kiss on your neck. Your breath hitched as he nibbled on your neck. You felt your arousal getting the best of you. Your hips started to grind back into Levi, wanting him as much as he wanted you, But you two had plans and it was already 8. Levi planted another kiss on your neck before pulling apart from you. “Let’s go.”
“Levi.” You whined, pulling his hand. His eyes fell on your bra, or rather lacy bra? Was that lingerie?
You smiled, as his eyes were glued to your chest. The red lingerie you ordered had caught his eyes. You bought it to surprise him. Everyone told you, you weren’t going to catch his surprised eyes. With how hard he is to surprise, how could you do something different than most people? Although they were right most of the time, here you were standing, his widened eyes staring at the little peek of the lingerie. His eyes fell on yours, before walking up to you. His hands pulled up the front, hiding the peek.
“You need to make sure this isn’t showing.” He told you. You bit the inside of your lip, smiling as his cheeks were red. You put your hand on his, his cold fingers touching your chest. You let out a gasp, wanting him to touch your slick. Levi’s glared at you, starting to get a bit louder. “Love, let’s go get something to eat.”
“Levi, please.” You whispered into his ear. You felt his heavy inhale, his head turning to check the time. His hands wrapped around your ass, picking you up. You giggled, as you fell on the bed. He took off the top, seeing the lacy red lingerie, giving him sneak peaks of his dessert.
His finger pushed the lingerie out of the way, giving your clit a circle motion. You gasp, feeling the slick start to get wetter. He used this to his advantage, using it to play with your already soaked cunt. Your eyes closed, feeling your body shake.
Dating you for 5 years entitles Levi to know exactly your weaknesses. Like that one spot on your neck he softly kisses. The way his feverish hands plunge into your cunt but just as fast out of her. The soft strides he gives you neck, his breathing giving you relief.
Your eyes closed as you gasped, you knew what was about to happen. Your legs tightened as your hips shake against his. You were so close, so fucking close. You could feel the orgasm you were about to let out. Before the feeling in your stomach could pop, his hands stopped and his face backed away. Your eyes widened as you watched him get up.
“Wait til after dinner.” Levi spoke.
Reiner was country. What you meant exactly what you said. He was the type of boy who wore flannels and jeans with those big belts to places. He was the boy who owned a farm and had the build for it. So safe to say Reiner was to himself most of the time. He barely talked to his family so why would he talk to anyone else?
That was until his cousin introduced you two. You were the prettiest girl he had ever seen. You would give him a sweet smile while those adorable eyes stared at him. The way you laughed and gave him a light touch on his arm when he’d tell a joke. The sound of your voice as you asked him a question about his life, and he’d answer quickly. The way your intelligence allowed you to correct him or his cousin, it made him feel all sorts of things. You were just as sweet as the tea his momma made him when he was younger. So it was no surprise when he asked you out, in secret because you were still his cousin’s friend.
You two took your relationship slow, not wanting to rush into things too quickly. He remembered the first time he held your hand, your hand was as soft as softened butter. When you two hugged for the first time, he couldn’t get enough of your scent. He tried to find it in stores but could never. Your first sweet, slow, kiss. The kiss that took and gave the air he needed to survive. He knew he had to have you, and you were gonna be his wife.
So here you are now, bringing out 2 cups of lemonade and a sandwich, one lemonade for you and the sandwich and drink for him. He has been working all day, not taking any breaks because he wanted to be with you again. In your arms, listening to you talk about whatever. Although it was cute, you missed him so much. Your heart ached for your man, and his heart ached for you.
You put the two cups on the outside table, walking towards the man. Your hips seductively swayed with what you wore. Your hair was in a cute hairstyle you liked and knew Reiner would love. A tree branch snapped under your shoe, making the man jump as he turned to see you. You saw the love in his eyes as they softened, watching you stand there, smiling.
“Sweetheart, wanna come eat? You’ve been working nonstop and I miss you.” You muttered. His lips thinned, before looking at the farm animals who just got fed. The sounds of them oinking and chirping could make him go crazy if he hasn’t been working since he was just a kid.
“I have only a couple more tasks to do, then I’ll eat, promise my sweets.” Reiner told you, giving you a soft kiss on the forehead.
“Your drink will get warm, just take a 15 minute break.” You pout.
You were so spoiled. When you started dating Reiner he was the type to spoil you. Whatever you wanted you got, and it was something he had an ego about. His girl could get anything she wanted, and she did. Even seeing you sometimes made him feel himself, in the clothes and jewelry he bought. Hair he paid for, nails he sent you the money for. He knew you were spoiled, but was happy you were.
That was until you started your shit. The pouting that always made him feel bad. The whining that forced him to come to you. It always made his heart burn with ache, even if he knew you were being a little brat. It was something he couldn’t handle. His friends could always see that, and teased him for it. It’s not his fault he's weak for you. You're the air that flows through his veins. The poison he chose to release into his heart.
“Honey, I can just drink warm, uh, lemonade. It won’t be warm by the time I’m done, so please.” Reiner was cut off.
“Everytime you say that, it’s always late and the sun has gone down. You need to eat three meals a day, not one, not two, three. So you better get your ass over there and eat your sandwich and drink your lemonade.” You snapped, before turning away from him. His eyebrow went up when you started to walk away.
“Babe, I’m sorry, just give me 30 minutes and I’ll be done.” Reiner bargained.
“That’s a half of an hour! No.” You argued. Reiner’s eyes widened before turning, seeing the animals make their noises. His eyes fell on the sun that was still beaming its rays. Then finally, his eyes set on you.
The middle of the summertime was such a hot time in the south. It made folks feel sticky and uncomfortable while walking in the heat. He had been sweating since 9 am, but now he feels every drop coming down, soaking his white wife beater. His beard starts to feel itchy as he finally looks at you fully.
You wore these Jean booty shorts that were too damn tight to be wearing out to anyone else but him. If you bent over everyone could see the round ass that jiggled with each step you took. The tight white wife beater on you, was it a crop top? He could see your beautiful stomach and boobs he could just kiss and lick. The gorgeous body you had was one of the things he loved about you, but that isn’t what he’s looking at right now. The thong straps that say perfectly on your hips to the lingerie that showed from your tiny ass undershirt. If he wasn’t turned on just talking to you, he now was. He felt his erection start to stir.
“What?” You asked, the smile on your lips showing. You knew what you were doing, honestly nothing you wore was an accident. You wanted to impress the man in front of you, who worked oh so hard. He spoiled you to the point you have everything you could want and need, and he never asks anything in return except your love.
You bit your lips as he went closer to you. He was so damn close and so hot. His lips fell onto yours as you two stood next to the barn. His lips were soft, just like his kisses. He hummed into the kiss, before picking you up.
You two passed the food and drinks you put down, letting him guide you to the patio table. Once he put you down, you gasped, allowing his tongue to guide through your mouth. Your tongue twisted with his, humming as he grinded against you. The sensation made your pussy clam down onto nothing.
You knew you wanted him so bad, his dick so bad. You heard your button pop so you lifted your ass to help him take it off. The thong was a matching set that made him go crazy. You moaned out as his fingers fell into your lips. The slick helped him, as he groaned. He wanted to move your body up and down as your tits jiggled in his face. He wanted you to moan his name repeatedly as you came all over his dick.
He hummed, putting away from your mouth, going to attack your neck. The small pecks as his fingers moved faster in and out of your cunt had made a loud moan fall out of your lips. Reiner and you lived bits away from your neighbors, it was a walk away but an annoying 20 minute walk.
His teeth bit your neck before his thumb started to rub all over your clit. Your hips moved back and forth, wanting to cum all over his fingers. You wanted to let him control you, and fuck you into bliss. You were ready for the orgasm, you couldn’t even think about anything but that. As you felt your release start, it suddenly stopped. Your eyes opened as you saw Reiner suck his fingers off, savoring your taste before they came out with a loud pop.
“That was 5 minutes, need to get back to work, let’s continue this later.” Reiner told you.
Erwin Smith. There was so many things to call that man. Hard working, stubborn, arrogant, smart, patient, kind, egotistical, caring, loving, and so much more. He was one of the most hard working people you knew. Working from 7 to 5, taking extra shifts for people, taking on projects if people said it was too hard for them. So hard working, and caring. If his colleagues needed lunch, he’d share his own, so kind too. But if they tried paying him back he’d refuse, and asking if they wanted more, stubbornness. If someone quit and he’d take it on and was positive he was able to do it, so arrogant and egotistical. He showed love to anyone who needed it, someone who was in the pouring rain in trouble all the time.
That person was you, who never could hold a steady relationship and when you did the men always caused trouble. May it be illegal trouble or family trouble was all but a roll of dice. He met you when it was pouring out raining, your ex just kicked you out of your own damn house and wouldn’t allow you back in. This one had illegal trouble and you still loved him so you didn’t call the cops. Your outfit was soaking wet when Erwin offered you a coat. You took it, thanking him, before he saw the teary eyes you had, something the rain couldn’t make you do.
You two sat in a Chinese restaurant for hours, you talking about your troubles. He gave you good advice before paying for your food and driving you back. He watched as you knocked but your ex wouldn’t allow you to come in still, although it had been 5 hours. Erwin wasn’t one to get mad, but boy did he. He jumped out of his car, pounded on the door, telling them they had to let you come in or you’d call the cops, an empty threat on your part, but not in his. That definitely forced them to open the door before being kicked to the curb. Erwin stayed with you that night, making sure your ex didn’t bother you.
You knew Erwin for 2 years after that. The two of you would order food and sit and talk for hours. It wasn’t until one drunk night you two had sex was when you realized how much you liked him. That morning he made you breakfast, and you could’ve swore you fell in love. You couldn't fall in love with someone so quick but god did he show you wrong.
And yes you two did have your ups and downs, but when the ups were up, did it feel like you were floating on clouds. But your downs were bad. Since his new project, he hasn’t been home at all. Getting home late, being too tired to even talk to you. By the time you woke up he was gone.
But tonight he promised you a date night at 6. He would come home at 5, freshen up, before taking you out to a nice dinner with beautiful scenery. You two would walk on the beach, talking about what you two haven’t been saying for the past month. Then go home and watch a movie, maybe fuck a little, before going to sleep.
So you made sure to put in the perfume you know he loves. The hairstyle he couldn’t stop complimenting. The outfit his eyes couldn’t stop staring at. You were so excited for your date, your music blasting as you got even more excited, adrenaline pumping you didn’t even realize it was passed 5 and the door wasn’t opened.
The only reason you noticed was to change a song, seeing it was 5:20. Maybe he was late, you thought as you made sure to look sexy. He might be picking up something, maybe flowers or chocolate. You excitedly waited, sitting on the couch.
5:20 quickly turned into 6, and 7 fastly approached, but don’t let 8 stop you from waiting, and by 9 you started to take off your outfit. After texting him 20 times, you realized he either forgot or was too busy with the project. By 10 you were laying in bed, eating leftovers and chips.
Once 11 strolled by you finally heard the door that was supposed to open 6 hours ago. You heard as shoes were kicked off and keys jiggling. You listened as the footsteps slowly approached the bedroom, and the knob turned. He walked in, seeing you sitting on your shared bed, glaring before looking back at your show.
“Love, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be gone for so long.” Erwin sighed, before going to kiss you. You moved your face, dodging him away from you. His eyes widened, seeing the stubbornness come off of you. “I said I was sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t going to fix this, you know better than anyone we haven’t been able to see each other and you stood me up! You could’ve sent me a text or something, but no! You stood me up, and I was really excited for this.” You paused, feeling tears start to come up and the gunk in the back of your throat. Your nose starts to feel stuffy as your hands start to shake. “It isn’t fair, Erwin. I miss you.”
You felt tears start to fall. You remember when talking to your exs, they’d brush you off or call you sensitive. They wouldn’t care how you felt, and would leave you to cry while they continued their night. You felt your head pushed onto his shoulder. Erwin was different. He listened to you, and cared about your feelings. You knew that, and you knew he didn’t mean to be late. But it still hurts, especially when he promised he’d be here.
“I’m so sorry, princess.” He whispered as he smoothed your hair. Your tears softly strained his button up. His heart ached, he didn’t want to cause this much pain for you. He just wanted you to have everything you desired but he has to work to provide that. But he knows you just want to be with him.
His lips gave a kiss on your neck, making you gasp. You didn’t mean for it to come out, it just did. He looked at you, in question. You didn’t realize how long it had been since he’s given you at least his fingers. Your body was starting to feel it, your panties dampening.
Your eyes fell on his own, before leaning in. You gave him a soft kiss, before deepening it. You could hear the breaths he had while he went back and forth to kiss you. The small scent of cologne being able to smell. It drove you wild. You wanted, no, needed him.
You went on top of him, kissing him slowly. The slow but deep kisses showing how deeply you two missed and cared for each other. He made sure you felt it as his hands rubbed your ass. As you moaned, his tongue went into yours. It moved with yours, not wanting to be rough.
Erwin always puts your needs first, flipping you into bed. You gasped feeling his lips peck your neck, before looking at your sleeping t-shirt. He took it off, before seeing the beautiful lingerie making his eyes widened. His eyes fell onto yours. You felt small, compared to his demanding eyes staring right back at you.
“Erwin, please.” You muttered.
He kissed your breast, particularly the middle. Your eyes widened as you felt your clit pulse in your pants. His mouth sucked into one of your mounts before his hand rolled the nipple. You felt your eyes close and your cunt felt sensitive to this touch. He knew exactly how to touch you, and how rough or gentle he could be.
You mumbled as he gave you tits one more kiss before going down. He took off your sleeping shorts, before seeing the matching set. You knew this would drive him crazy, but the tent in his pants made you want to close your legs,
“All for me, my love?” Erwin asked. You nodded as you hummed. He pulled the panties to the side, getting a lick from your lick. You gasped as his lips kissed your clit. You didn’t know what was happening, but you knew the feeling in your stomach too well. Your eyes watered as he kept kissing your clit.
“Erwin, please, I’m gonna.” Before you could finish, his tongue started to suck your clit. The wet tongue kept sucking and licking, making your legs shake. You knew you were so close, so fucking
close. You moaned out, hips wiggling in his grasp.
He kissed your clit before pushing his tongue inside your pussy. Licking all the slick that came out. Your stomach snapped as you moaned out his name repeatedly, almost begging. You saw stars, having to get yourself to come down. Back down to Erwin, who was helping you ride out your orgasm. Your neighbors would know who he was by the end of the night as you came down from your high, you looked at him. He licked his lips, staring at you
“One more.” He muttered, before his thumb pressed on your clit.
Tags: @s3lfinvolvedh3athen @shadyruinskryptonite (ik you asked too sorry I couldn’t do 2 inboxes pooks 😭)
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cheynovak · 3 days
 Something fragile
Soldier Boy x F/Reader Y/N        
Warnings: Toxic masculinity, cursing, violence, alcohol drug use, cursing, mentioning of sex, I think that’s it? ... 
Side note: English isn’t my first language 
Words: 6600  
*Does not follow the boys storyline *
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Soldier boy just got out of Russia thanks to the boys. But his journey back to reality has been fucked up. Streets are filled with rainbow colours and new pussy looking heroes. Streets were even more crowded, nothing seemed the same anymore. And to top it all off he had some severe ptsd and a new superpower. 
After the explosion he ran to recover his blackout, meeting y/n a young woman on her way home from volunteering at the veteran shelter. Seeing how he looked confused, offering him help.  
Ben, known to the world as Soldier Boy, stumbled through the bustling streets of downtown New York. The sun was blinding after so many years in the dark, cold confines of a Russian facility.  
Forty years of captivity had left his mind in a haze, his body in a state of perpetual tension. Every sound, every face, was an assault on his senses. He blinked against the garish lights of electronic billboards and the incessant buzz of smartphones.  
People moved past him in waves, their faces buried in glowing screens, oblivious to the world around them. Ben felt like he had stepped into a dream, a strange, incomprehensible dream. As he walked, his eyes darted from one unfamiliar sight to another.  
Men holding hands, walking side by side with easy intimacy. Ben's lips curled into a reflexive sneer. He couldn't help it; the world he had known was gone, replaced by something that felt alien and uncomfortable.  
The 1980s had their problems, but this? This was beyond his understanding. He rubbed his temples, trying to stave off the headache building behind his eyes. The memories of his captivity were like shadows, lurking at the edges of his mind, ready to pounce the moment he let his guard down. He had to stay focused, had to keep moving.  
As he passed a café, the smell of coffee and pastries wafted out, mingling with the scents of car exhaust and city grime. Ben's stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten a decent meal in ages. He paused, glancing around warily, wishing he had a few dollars in his pocket.  
Lost in thought, a voice pulled his attention away from the widow. "Excuse me, are you okay sir?" Ben looked up to see a young woman with concern in her eyes. "Yeah" He wanted to walk on. “Are you eh, hungry or thirsty something?” Ben looked confused at her. “I can get you something if you want?” she added in a sweet voice. 
“Let a woman buy me a fucking coffee? What a fucking pussy would that make me.” and he walked on. 
Ben continued down the street, the sights and sounds of the modern world were overwhelming, a constant reminder of how much time had passed and how out of place he was. As he walked, a familiar melody reached his ears. It was faint, but unmistakable, the haunting strains of a Russian folk song that had played endlessly in the lab where they had experimented on him.  
The song was a cruel reminder of his years of suffering, a soundtrack to his nightmares. His pulse quickened, and his vision blurred. The world around him seemed to tilt, and he could feel the panic rising, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps.  
The radiation within him, the cursed gift of his captivity, began to stir, responding to his heightened emotional state. Suddenly, without warning, a burst of energy erupted from his chest. The street around him exploded in a violent flash of light and heat. The force of the blast shattered windows, sent cars flying, and threw pedestrians to the ground.  
Screams filled the air as chaos erupted. Ben staggered, disoriented and horrified by the idea what he had done. He had no control over this power, no way to stop it once it started. The destruction was immense, and he could hear the wails of the injured and the dying.  
His heart pounded in his chest. Y/N heard the explosion and felt the shockwave. She had been walking away from the café, thinking about the troubled man she had just met. When she saw the devastation and the panicked crowd, her first instinct was to help.  
She pushed her way through the throngs of fleeing people, her heart racing with fear and determination. She spotted him through the smoke and debris, standing in the centre of the chaos, looking lost and broken. She rushed to his side, her eyes wide with shock at the scene around her.  
"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, reaching out to touch his arm. The heat radiating from his body made her flinch, but she didn't back away. "I... I didn't mean to..." Ben stammered, over and over. Y/N looked around, her mind racing. She had to get him away from here, away from the people he might hurt.  
"We need to get you out of here," she said firmly. "Come with me." Ben nodded, dazed and compliant. He allowed her to lead him away from the scene of destruction, away from the horror he had unleashed. They ducked into an alley, where the noise of the city was slightly muffled, and Y/N took a moment to catch her breath.  
"Listen," she said, her voice urgent but calm. "I don't know what happened to you, but you're not alone, okay? I'll help you." Ben looked at her. "Why are you helping me?" "Because you need it," Y/N replied simply. "And because everyone deserves a chance."  
Ben nodded slowly, the weight of his guilt and fear still heavy on his shoulders. Y/N supported Ben as they walked through the quieter streets, her arm around his waist to steady him. His weight pressed heavily against her, but she didn't falter. She was determined to help him, no matter what it took.  
The path they took was familiar to her, one she had walked many times on her way to the veteran help centre where she volunteered. The centre was closed at this hour, but Y/N had a key. She glanced around to make sure no one was watching before unlocking the door and guiding Ben inside.  
The cool, dim interior was a stark contrast to the chaos outside, a sanctuary from the madness of the world. "Sit here," Y/N said softly, helping Ben into a chair in the small break room. She quickly moved to the kitchenette, grabbing a bottle of water and a granola bar from the cupboards.  
She handed them to Ben, who took them with trembling hands. "What's this shit?" he muttered, his voice barely audible. But still opening the drink. Y/N sat across from him, ignoring his muttering complains, watching as he opened the bottle and took a sip. She could see the exhaustion etched into his features, the lines of pain and weariness that spoke of years of torment.  
"You're safe here," she said gently. "Take your time. Eat something.” Ben’s eyes fixed on her. He unwrapped the granola bar and took a small bite, chewing slowly. The simple act of eating seemed to ground him, to bring him back from the edge.  
"Why are you helping?" he said after a moment. "You don't even know me."  
"I know enough," Y/N replied. Ben leaned back in the chair, the weight of his ordeal starting to lift, if only slightly. He looked around the room, taking in the posters on the walls, the pamphlets about support groups and therapy sessions.  
His expression hardened, and he scoffed. "What kind of shit is this?" he muttered, pushing the granola bar away. "A place for vets who have difficulties getting back to the real world." Y/N answered ignoring the disgusting look on his face. "For who can’t handle their crap? PTSD, trauma... that's for fuck-ups who can't cut it. Real men don’t need this kind of help."  
Y/N sighed, her patience unyielding. She had encountered this attitude before. She knew it was a defence mechanism, a way to mask vulnerability. "What's your name?" He didn't answer, "I'm Y/N..." she said hoping he would be willing to answer if she took the first step. "Ok doll." was all he said, she didn't push further.  
"PTSD is real. It doesn’t make you weak or a 'fuck-up.' It means you've been through something traumatic, something no one should have to face alone." Ben’s eyes flashed with anger. "I've faced plenty alone and survived. Don't need a bunch of pity and hand-holding to get by." " 
I’m not offering pity," Y/N said firmly. "I’m offering support. There’s a difference. Some have been through hell, and it's okay to need help coming back from that." Ben clenched his fists, the tension in his body palpable.  
"You don't get it," he snapped. "I was a soldier. I fought, bled, and survived on my own. This..." he gestured around the room “... this is for people who can't handle the easy world." Y/N met his gaze steadily.  
"Maybe you did survive on your own, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it alone. Needing help doesn’t make you less of a man. It makes you human." He looked away, the anger in his eyes giving way to something more vulnerable.  
"You don't know what it's like. What they did to me..." "No, I don't," Y/N admitted. "But I do know that what you're feeling is valid. And that this place exists because too many people try to do it alone and end up hurting themselves or others."  
Ben shook his head, "Bullshit" Y/N looked him in the eye. "Is it? Didn't you just blow up in the middle of the street? Literally?" He looked at her, his eyes searching hers for some kind of hate or reluctance, maybe even fear but all he saw was reassurance, patience. 
Ben stood up abruptly, the chair scraping loudly against the floor. His movements were restless, his mind clearly in turmoil. He began to walk toward the door, but Y/N called after him, her voice gentle but firm.  
"Wait. If you ever feel like talking, or just need a place to be... I'll be here on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Other days, there are other people who can help if you don't want to talk to me. You don’t have to go through this alone."  
He paused at the door, glancing back at her. For a moment, it seemed like he might say something, but instead, he just nodded curtly and walked out into the night. The next day, Y/N was cleaning up after a session, stacking chairs and tidying the break room. That day had been busy, and she was exhausted, but it was a good kind of tired, the kind that came from helping others.  
She was lost in thought, reflecting on the day’s work, when she heard the soft chime of the bell above the door. "We're closing," she called out over her shoulder. "The next session is tomorrow." There was a pause, and then a familiar voice responded. "It's me... Ben."  
Y/N turned around, surprised but not displeased. Ben stood in the doorway, looking uncertain but determined. He seemed a little more composed than the day before, but the haunted look in his eyes was still there. "Ben..." she said, offering a warm smile. "I'm glad you came back. Come on in."  
He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "I'm not sure what I'm doing here " he admitted. Y/N nodded, gesturing to one of the chairs. "Have a seat. I was just finishing up, but I’m here if you need to talk."  
Ben sat down, his movements still a bit stiff. "I don’t know where to start." Ben settled into the chair, looking around the room before finally meeting Y/N’s patient gaze. “Where you feel like.” He seemed to gather his thoughts, taking a deep breath.  
“Everything’s different now,” he began, his voice tinged with frustration. “The world... it’s nothing like what I remember. People, technology, everything’s changed. It's like I don’t recognize it anymore.”  
Y/N nodded, her expression encouraging him to continue. “I mean, look at the way people are glued to their weird portable phones,” Ben continued, gesturing vaguely. “No one talks to each other face-to-face. Back in my day, if you had something to say, you said it. Now, it’s all that small shitty thing. And the clothes people wear… men walking around in clothing, colours I wouldn’t have been caught dead in.” 
He paused, running a hand through his hair. “And don’t even get me started on the way people talk about feelings. PTSD? Trauma? In my time, you just sucked it up and got on with it.”  
Y/N listened attentively, her expression understanding. She knew better than to interrupt; sometimes, people just needed to voice their frustrations. “Even the food is different,” Ben continued, his tone a mix of incredulity and irritation.  
“Everything’s organic, gluten-free, plant-based crap. What happened to a good old-fashioned burger and fries? And the music… nothing like the rock ‘n roll I grew up with. It’s all electronic noise now.”  
He shook his head, his shoulders slumping slightly. “I feel like I don’t belong here. Like the world moved on and left me behind. I was a soldier once, a fucking hero. Now, I’m just...” Y/N waited a moment to make sure he was done before she spoke.  
"How long were you gone?" Ben's eyes locked on her, ignoring her question and stood up to leave. Y/N called after him. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?" He turned back to face her, his expression guarded.  
"No," he admitted. "I didn't need much sleep since I got back." Y/N frowned, concern etched across her features. "You need a place. There’s a motel nearby. I can arrange a room for you, but only if you agree to come to the sessions here every week."  
Ben laughed, a rough, humourless sound. "You’re really something, you know that? Since when are woman making deals like that. But alright, I need a place. I'll come to you for sessions. Only you, no one else."  
Y/N nodded without hesitation. "Of course. Deal. Every Friday?" Ben smiles looking her up and down while licking his lips. "Sure doll... I see you on Friday." "Tell the motel owner I send you." 
Next Friday 
Y/N waited anxiously at the centre for Ben to arrive. She checked the clock repeatedly, her concern growing as the minutes ticked by without any sign of him. Finally, she decided to head to the motel to check on him.  
When she reached his door, she knocked firmly. After a few moments, the door opened, and she was taken aback to see an elderly woman standing there, looking slightly embarrassed. "Excuse me," Y/N said, trying to keep her voice calm. "I’m looking for Ben. Is he here?"  
The woman glanced back over her naked shoulder, and Ben’s voice called out from inside. "Just in time doll, why don’t you join us." Y/N stepped into the doorway, seeing Ben sitting on the bed naked with a mirror filled with powder in his hand.  
“Oh my...” Y/N turned around covering her eyes seeing the woman quickly gathered her things, brushing past her as she left the room in a hurry. Y/N’s heart sank as she saw the mess inside and the unmistakable signs of a night spent with company.  
Ben sat on the edge of the bed, looking unrepentant. "To what do I own this suprise," he said with a smirk. “We had an appointment, remember?” She glanced over at him. “Can you please cover up?” He said looking up at the ceiling.  
"Yeah about that talk, I don’t need your help sweetheart. I just needed a good fuck and something to calm me down." Y/N felt a wave of disappointment and concern. "Ben, this isn’t the way to deal with what you’re going through. You said you’d come to the sessions."  
He scoffed, standing up and moving closer to her, putting on dirty sweatpants. "They’re for people who need a shoulder to cry on. I’m not one of them. But if you really want to make it up to me for scaring off my company, you could always... continue where she left off." He nodded to his crotch.  
"Stop right there," Y/N cut him off, her voice firm and filled with a mix of anger and sadness. "I’m here to help you, not to be manipulated or disrespected. You’re better than this, Ben. I know you are."  
He looked at her, a flicker of something, shame, maybe, crossing his face before it hardened again. "You don’t know anything about me."  
"I know you’re hurting," Y/N said, refusing to back down. "And I know you’re scared. But pushing people who want to help away isn’t going to help. You need to face what’s going on inside you. Literally!” 
Ben clenched his fists, his jaw tightening. "I don’t need your pity."  
"It’s not pity," Y/N said quietly. "It’s compassion. And it’s a lifeline, if you’re willing to take it. But you have to want to change, Ben. No one can force you." For a moment, the room was silent. Y/N took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.  
"Ben, if you're more comfortable, we can keep the sessions here in the motel room. But you have to promise I won't walk in on anything like this again." Ben's smirk widened as he walked closer to her, his eyes dark and intent.  
He reached out, his hands gripping her arms and pulling her closer to him. Y/N recoiled, anger and fear flashing in her eyes. "Ben, let go of me," she said firmly, her voice shaking slightly. He leaned in, his breath warm against her ear, feeling his beard softly scratching, as he whispered,  
"Don't take away my needs for women and drugs, or I'll take it out on you." Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, but she refused to let fear control her. She forced herself to stand her ground, her eyes meeting his with unwavering resolve.  
"This isn't a joke, Ben. You need help, and I'm here to offer it. But I won't be intimidated or manipulated by you." For a moment, Ben's grip tightened, his eyes searching hers for any sign of weakness. When he found none, his expression wavered, uncertainty flickering across his face.  
He released her abruptly, stepping back. "Fine," he muttered, his bravado faltering. "We'll have the sessions here. But you better not try to change me."  
"I’m not here to change you," Y/N said, rubbing her arms where his hands had held her. "I’m here to help you find a way to live with what you’ve been through. But you have to meet me halfway. See me as, i don’t know, a friend?" Ben looked away, his jaw clenching.  
"I don’t need a friend" he muttered, but his voice lacked its usual conviction. "Yes, you do," Y/N said softly.  
As Y/N turned to leave, her mind racing with concern and frustration. She reached the door, Ben called out, stopping her in her tracks. "Where are you going?" he asked, his tone a mix of annoyance and challenge.  
"I want the session now." She looked back at him, her eyes narrowing as he nodded toward the bed. Thinking this was process. "Sit," he said padding the bed next to him, but she hesitated, her gaze fixed on the rumpled sheets that were a stark reminder of what had just happened there. 
"No," Y/N replied firmly. "I'll sit over here." She moved to a chair by the small table, positioning herself as far from the bed as possible. "Let’s talk, go ahead." She said, Ben watched her for a moment, sitting on the bed, leaning back against the headboard.  
"Fine." He took a deep breath, his expression darkening as he began. "Back in the day, women knew their place. They knew how to treat a man. They'd do anything to please me, anything I wanted. They'd cook, clean, and make sure I was taken care of in bed. They’d do whatever it took to make me happy. They understood what real men need."  
Y/N's stomach turned at his words, but she kept her expression neutral, listening intently. "Nowadays, it’s different," Ben continued, a sneer in his voice. "Women think they can do whatever they want. They don’t respect men like they used to. They want to be equal, to have careers and opinions. It’s all bullshit. They don’t know how to take care of a real man. They think they're entitled to everything, without giving anything in return."  
He leaned forward, his eyes locking onto hers, trying to see her reaction. "The women I’ve been with since I got back... they don’t measure up. They’re too independent, too... modern. They don’t understand what a man like me needs. They just complain and whine, instead of doing their job."  
Y/N forced herself to stay calm, her mind racing as she processed his toxic words. "Ben, do you really think that’s what relationships are supposed to be like? One person serving the other without any mutual respect or partnership?" He scoffed. "Partnership? Respect? Those are just modern buzzwords. Real relationships are about roles. Men lead, women follow. It’s how it’s always been."  
"Does that make you happy?" Y/N asked quietly. "Do those kinds of relationships fulfil you? Or do they leave you feeling empty and alone after they leave?" Ben’s expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face before he masked it with anger.  
Y/N pushed his buttons just a little more, “Is that why you didn’t want me to leave? Because then you’ll be alone?” Ben’s lip twitched "You don’t know what you're talking about. You’re just another modern woman who thinks she can lecture me about life."  
"I’m not trying to lecture you, Ben," Y/N said softly. "I’m trying to understand you. But more importantly, I want you to understand yourself. These beliefs, this anger... it’s not just about the world changing. It’s about you feeling lost and trying to find control in a world that’s different from what you knew."  
He glared at her, but didn’t interrupt. "Let’s dig deeper," Y/N continued. "Why do you feel the need of control over women? What are you really afraid of?" Y/N’s question seemed to strike a nerve. Ben’s expression darkened, and he abruptly stood up, in two paces he stood tall, towering over her.  
His voice rose as he leaned in close, anger radiating from him. "Why do I feel the need to exert control? What am I afraid of? You don’t know anything about me!" Y/N didn't flinch. She met his gaze steadily, her calmness a contrast to his rage. This seemed to catch him off guard, and he paused, staring at her with a mix of curiosity and frustration.  
"Here she is, lecturing men but this little princess is just as big of a fuck up like the men she helps, isn’t she?" he demanded, his voice dropping to a harsh whisper. "Most people would be scared, what did you see that made you a stone-cold bitch?" 
Y/N took a deep breath, maintaining her composure, not willing to share her story with him just yet, but he needed something from her to build trust.  "I’ve faced fear before, Ben. I grew up as the daughter of a veteran. My father came back from war a different man. He was aggressive, a drunk. He’d beat me whenever he felt like it, accidently killed my mother in front of me while he was high and saw things there weren’t. So no, Ben, you don’t scare me."  
Ben’s eyes widened slightly, surprise flickering across his face, maybe even a little regret. He stepped back, his anger momentarily replaced by something else, perhaps respect, perhaps understanding, perhaps pity. "So, you have daddy issues, poor baby.”  
"I’ve had help" Y/N said softly. "But understand this, Ben: I've seen what anger and no control can do to a person. It doesn’t lead to happiness or peace. It leads to more pain.” Y/N stood up, stepping closed to him, toe to toe.  
Her eyes were unwavering, her voice firm. "I have patience, Ben. But lose your temper like this one more time, and you'll be alone. Understand?" Ben’s lip twitched in anger. He moved the chair aside, placed his hands against the wall behind her, leaning in close.  
"Maybe I should teach you some manners," he growled, his breath hot against her face. Y/N didn’t flinch. She looked him straight in the eyes, her voice steady and cold.  
"Go ahead, try it. But understand this: I’ve dealt with men like you my whole life. You think you can intimidate me? You’re wrong. And if you do this, you’ll lose the only person who’s trying to help you. Do you really want to go down that road?"  
For a moment, they stood there, locked in a silent standoff. Ben’s eyes were filled with rage, but beneath it, Y/N could see a flicker of doubt and confusion. Slowly, his hands dropped to his sides, and he stepped back, a mix of anger and frustration playing across his features. 
“Good," Y/N said. "Now, let’s get back to talking. We’re not done yet." - “Oh no, we’re done for today doll.” he said opening the door. She followed him. 
Y/N walked through the door Ben held open for her, her eyes briefly and unconsciously sweeping over his toned chest, noticing the small freckles scattered across his skin, similar to the ones on his face.  
She took a deep breath, focusing back on the conversation. "Ben," she said, her voice firm but kind, "see my advice as tough love. I'm a friend who wants to help you, not someone you can... fuck around with"  
Ben's smirk returned, a hint of genuine amusement in his eyes. "Tough love, huh? Never thought I'd hear that from you." Y/N raised an eyebrow, her expression unwavering. "Well, get used to it. I'm not here to cuddle you. I'm here to help you find a way to live in this new world, to help you become the person you want to be."  
He studied her for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, I get it. Tough love it is." She nodded back, feeling a small sense of victory. "Good. I'll see you next week. Same time." As she walked away, she felt his eyes on her, a mix of curiosity and respect in his gaze.  
It was a start, and for now, that was enough. She had made it clear that she wouldn't be pushed around, and Ben seemed to understand that. One step at a time, she reminded herself.  
In the following sessions, Ben was more composed. He wore clothing and there were no unexpected visitors, though Y/N could still smell the lingering scent of sex in the air and noticed the traces of cocaine on the mirror beside his bed. Despite these signs, he began to talk more openly, allowing her to glimpse the deeper layers of his pain.  
One evening, as they sat across from each other, Ben finally broached a subject he had been avoiding. "My team... they betrayed me," he said, his voice tight with suppressed emotion. Y/N leaned in slightly, encouraging him to continue.  
"Tell me more about that," she said gently. He took a deep breath, his eyes distant as he recounted the memories. "We were supposed to be a unit, a family. But they sold me out. They handed me over to the Russians.”  
He took his time to think about his next words. “Forty years, doll. Forty years in that hellhole because of them." Y/N nodded, her expression empathetic. "That must have been incredibly painful, feeling that betrayal from people you trusted."  
Ben's hands clenched into fists, his knuckles white. "It was more than painful. It broke me. I thought I could trust them, but they were just using me. And when I was no longer useful, they discarded me. Even my own girl."  
"It's understandable to feel angry and hurt," Y/N said softly. "But holding onto that anger will only continue to harm you. You need to find a way to process those feelings, to let go of the pain, if you want to move forward."  
He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and vulnerability. After weeks of sessions, Y/N felt they had made enough progress to broach a crucial topic. As they sat in the motel room, Ben seemed more relaxed, though the ever-present tension lingered beneath the surface.  
"Ben," Y/N began, her voice steady, "do you want to be Soldier Boy again?" He looked up, startled. "How do you...?" Y/N smiled, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "I've been listening, the pieces of your story. The details, the hints. I put them together."  
Ben's surprise turned into a wry smile. "You're smarter than you look." His eyes roamed her body like they did so often, at first, she felt uncomfortable by it, now she had learned the difference is his looks.  
This one wasn’t filled with heat, or not as much, no it was more an appreciation look. 
"Thanks, I think," Y/N replied, chuckling. "But seriously, do you want to go back to that life? To being Soldier Boy?"  
He leaned back, scratching his beard. "I don’t know. Part of me does. It’s all I’ve ever known. But another part of me wants to kill my old team and move on." Y/N ignored his lasts sentence.  
As they continued their conversation, Y/N felt a growing sense of optimism. Seeing Ben was starting to see beyond his past, to consider a future that wasn’t defined by his old identity. 
As Y/N ended their session she stood up and placed a hand on his arm. “You did good today Ben, I'm proud of you.” She could see the shock in his eyes, realising no one had ever told him they were proud of him. Not as sincerely like she just did. 
Ben’s eyes flickered to her lips and back a few times, so, before he could so something to ruin their bond she turned away. “See you next week.”  
Next week  
Ben paced the motel room, glancing at the clock every few minutes. Y/N was late. He tried to convince himself that maybe she was just held up, but as the minutes ticked by, anger began to simmer.  
Just when he had started to open up, to trust her, she didn't show up. The feeling of abandonment gnawed at him, intensifying his frustration. He threw the table a crossed the room, trying to let go of his anger.  
Deep down he knew she was like everyone else, thinking: “Maybe the fact that he was Soldier Boy pushed her away? Fucking pussy, you shouldn’t have told her about your fucking feelings. Man the fuck up!” 
By Saturday, his anger had turned into a determined need for answers. He decided to walk by the centre where Y/N volunteered, hoping to find her there, she told him the last weeks she had fulltime hours.  
He needed some explanation. As he approached, he saw her at the doors, but she wasn't alone. A man in a suit stood with her, and they were arguing heatedly. Ben's eyes narrowed as he watched the exchange.  
The man gestured aggressively, his face twisted in anger. Y/N flinched at his movement, just so slight that most people wouldn't notice, but Ben did. Knowing she doesn’t flinch just like that unless...  
His anger flared, a protective instinct kicking in. He strode up to them, his presence immediately drawing their attention. "Hey!" Ben barked, stepping between Y/N and the man.  
"What's going on here?" The man in the suit turned to face him, irritation clear in his eyes. "This is none of your business caveman, leave." Ben's gaze hardened. "It is my business if you're bothering her."  
“Oh...” the man looked at Y/N “This is one of your little projects!” Turning back to Ben. “I’m sorry buddy, but I need to talk to my girl.” Ben looked at Y/B seeing her face twitch at the words ‘my girl’.  
“Just go away Peter. We’re done I told you last night.” But then Ben noticed something he hadn't seen before: a faint bruise on Y/N's cheek, barely hidden by makeup. His eyes narrowed, and his chest tightened with anger.  
Ben glanced at Y/N, who noticed his eyes on her and looked away, clearly distressed. "Who is this guy, Y/N?" She hesitated before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper. "He's my ex-boss and... ex-boyfriend."  
The man's sneer grew. "We were just having a conversation. Nothing for you to worry about." Ben's eyes flicked back to the man, his anger simmering just below the surface. "A conversation that left a bruise on her face?"  
The man's expression turned smug. "She left me because of one little mistake. She needs to learn her place. I’m sure you understand." Ben's chest began to glow faintly, his rage manifesting physically. "You piece of shit."  
The ex-boyfriend didn't seem to notice the glow at first, but when Y/N placed her hand on Ben's chest, trying to calm him, she gasped in pain, pulling her hand back with a burn. "Ben, stop!" she cried, her eyes wide with fear and concern.  
The man took a step back, finally realizing he was pissing of a supe. "What the hell...." Before Ben could react further, Y/N stepped in front of him, her unburned hand on his arm, pleading.  
"Ben, please. Calm down. Don’t let him get to you. This isn’t the way." Ben's eyes met hers, and the glow began to fade as he struggled to control his anger. His fists unclenched, but his eyes remained fixed on the man.  
"You’re lucky she’s here. But if I ever see you near her again, I won’t hold back." The ex-boyfriend, now visibly shaken, took another step back. "So now you take care of freaks too?" he muttered. “I hope they can fix your issues.” he added before walking away. 
Ben looked at her, opening the door for her so she could get inside. ”Let me see your hand.” Y/N shook her head, “I can take care of myself.” But Ben thought differently, pushing her toward the table, his eyes demanding her to sit down.  
Ben searched around the kitchen for the first aid kit, his movements still tense from the encounter. When he found it, he brought it over to Y/N and carefully began treating her burned hand.  
"So, you slept with your boss," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of teasing scepticism. Y/N smirked, wincing slightly as the cool ointment touched her skin. "Never thought that was your kink," Ben chuckled, the tension easing slightly.  
"I though more in the line of, older man, calling them daddy, spanking your perfect little ass... Guess I’ve still got a lot to learn about you." He looked up at her, seeing her reaction, she tried to hide a smile, the humour lightening the mood.  
"It was a mistake," she admitted, her expression growing more serious. "We were together before he was my boss. Things were good at first, but then he had stress, started drinking more, and everything went downhill."  
Ben nodded, listening when she finally opened up to him. “I saw my father in him, determine to heal him before he could hurt anyone.” she said looking at his hands gentle as he wrapped her hand in a bandage.  
"And then he hit you?" Ben asked without joking about her ‘daddy issues’ - "Yeah," she said softly. "That was the last straw. I couldn’t stay with him after that." Ben finished wrapping her hand, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of concern and respect.  
"You did the right thing by leaving. No one deserves to be treated like that." She looked confused at him, he noticed "Just because I think a woman should be at home, cooking for her man, please him doesn't mean I would hit her... unless she likes a little spanking in the bedroom." He winks at her.  
She could feel the soft pink on her cheeks burning, "Thanks, Ben," she said, her smile returning. Ben looked at Y/N after taking care of her hand, a sense of resolve in his eyes. "I need to take care of a few things," he said, his voice gentle but determined.  
"You won't be seeing me for a while." Y/N nodded, understanding the weight of his words. Ben looked at Y/N, concern etched in his features. "Are you going to be okay being alone?"  
Y/N met his gaze, her expression softening. "Are you?" He chuckled, a hint of self-awareness in his laughter. "No, not really." She nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Me neither." 
Y/N looked at Ben, her expression turning serious. "What are your plans?" Ben hesitated, his gaze flickering away for a moment before returning to hers. "I... I'm going to visit an old friend," he admitted reluctantly.  
"Someone who can help me get my suit back." Y/N's brows furrowed in concern. "Your suit? Why do you need that?" He looked away again, the weight of his words heavy on his shoulders. "To... settle some unfinished business.” Her eyes widened in alarm. "Ben, you can't be serious.”  
"I have to," he insisted, his voice tight with determination. "They betrayed me, Y/N. They left me to rot in that hellhole for forty years. I can't just let that go." Y/N reached out, taking his hand in hers, her touch gentle but firm. "Please, Ben. Think about what you're doing. Revenge won't heal anything." 
As Ben and Y/N looked at each other, there was a palpable tension in the air. For the first time, they felt a stirring of attraction, a spark igniting between them. Y/N's gaze lingered on Ben in a way she hadn't before, truly seeing him for the first time.  
She noticed the depth of his green eyes, the curve of his full lips, the scattering of freckles across his skin. There was a ruggedness to him, a rawness that drew her in. Ben found himself captivated by Y/N in a way he hadn't expected.  
He couldn't tear his eyes away from her lips, imagining the softness of them against his own. He felt a pull towards her, a magnetic force that seemed to draw them closer with each passing moment.  
Slowly, almost instinctively, they began to close the space between them. The air crackled with anticipation as their breaths mingled, their hearts beating in sync. In that moment her hands moved to his cheek, a tender gesture as she pulled him closer and kissed him softly.  
He leaned into the kiss, savouring the moment, feeling the soft scratch of his beard against her skin. When he pulled back she kept her eyes closed, she could hear him moving. Knowing what he is going to do. 
She heard the door closing, reality crashed back in, and a single tear escaped, trailing down her cheek. In the quiet of the room, she couldn't help but wonder why it hurt so much. The sudden ache in her heart caught her off guard, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable. 
Her eyes where still closed, her fingers moved over her lips, trying to hold on to the lingering sensation of Ben's kiss. 
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