#and he THEN said it was funny I was saying that people being disruptive was disrespectful when my definition of peaceful protest includes
jonathanstims · 1 year
wow wow wow one of the people I live with just compared peaceful protest with playing music out loud in public. as a gotcha for a statement of mine.
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featki · 3 months
Busy schedule !
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— pairing: 西村力 x reader — contains: angst, readers a lonely clingy loser, mean ki, fluff — now playing: 一子青葉
"She became a victim of my busy schedule though, and I know that it's not fair that don't mean that I don't care."
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Riki was always busy. He had a bunch of extracurriculars he did for school on top of dance, so you never really got the chance to see him anymore.
He'd always apologize, saying he knew it sucked never getting any of his attention but in the end, nothing ever changed. He was still busy and you still rode the train home alone every day.
Riding the train by yourself wasn't a new concept, lonely yeah but you got used to it eventually.
People on the train were usually either elders coming home from work or students huddling in groups of themselves, and it sounds depressing but beyond Riki, you didn't really have friends, which was okay. Until Riki joined a bunch of extracurriculars beyond his daily dance practice, which left him no time for you.
And it's bad to think about but the thought eventually got a hold of you and you started wondering if Riki enjoyed not being around you as often. You were clingy so it was understandable wanting some space from you, it still made you upset to think about though.
This thought alone has caused you to distance yourself from Riki subconsciously, which despite how busy he is he noticed because you're still his girlfriend after all.
The train was often packed with teenagers on the way home, you'd think you'd bump into someone and make friends for once but not once has it happened. You've begun to lose hope in talking to people.
Sure you could strike up a conversation but that's terrifying so you choose not to, which is probably one of the reasons you don't have any friends. How you started knowing Riki on the other hand was a grace from god.
In middle school, Riki came up to you rather then the other way around and asked to be friend's.
Spacing out on the train, thinking to yourself made you realize just how lonely you were when he was he wasn't around. Considering he's been your only friend since you guys were 12, being 18 in high school now. You've become slightly dependent on him, and it's another thing you've added to the long list of your lonely life.
Long lost in thought you feel a head hit your shoulder, you jump slightly cause it startled you but when you look to your right its a boy. Probably fell asleep, why else would he put his head on a stranger's shoulder.
Your body tensed up a bit, it was kinda hard to not be tense with someone resting on you.
You wanted to wake him and ask him to move but disrupting him wasn't in your best interest so you left him alone. On the plus side his hair smelled really nice.
The train came to an abrupt stop which shook the boy awake
Realizing he had fallen asleep on a stranger, he stood up and started apologizing profusely like a scolded child.
You followed in his steps and stood up, letting out shaky reassurance and telling him not to worry about it. It was overwhelming with people around looking at the two of you but eventually, he calmed down and explained himself "I really didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that, let me make it up to you!"
He was enthusiastic and energetic, especially for someone who was just freaking out.
"Oh oh no need! Really it's not a big deal." Still shaky you tried to convince him he was blowing it out of proportion. He wasn't taking no for an answer and he even managed to get your number so he could apologize more properly later.
After that he said goodbye and ran off the train, leaving you dumbfounded. You kind of just spaced out the rest of the way home, the whole situation was so dumb it was kind of funny.
So funny you wanted to tell Riki which you planned to do when you guys called tonight, you guys always called sometime before bed.
It was a point he made. No matter how busy he was and how little time he had for you, he'd always call.
You laid in bed waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
12am and no call. You weren't mad at him, you understood he couldn't always be there but you thought some notice would've been nice, instead of just laying there for hours on your phone.
Time passed and you gave up on waiting for a call. You placed your phone on your nightstand and got in bed.
Your mind started to wander, what was he doing that was so important? All of his activities end before 5 so why couldn't he call you? Was he okay? Was it a family thing? Did you do something?
In the midst of thinking you fell asleep.
In English the next day, during break time. It was your 4th period and Riki had yet to even mutter a word to you. As time passed, it was getting more upsetting and even more nerve-wracking.
You scanned over everything that's happened the past few days and you couldn't think of anything you've done.
You looked back at Riki to see him sitting at his desk analyzing his work, but you turned back around when you got a text.
Some random number that you didn't have saved.
"You're in English rn right?" The text creeped you out a bit, so you pressed to know who it was "Oh shit sorry! Just realizing I never gave you my name yesterday! It's Akio from the train. I wanted to come say hi if you were in English :)" Knowing it was him made it sorta less creepy feeling, he was still technically a stranger though.
You hesitated on replying but gave in "Ohh right haha, yeah I'm in English"
He liked the message but didn't actually say anything back.
Eventually, he came swinging in loudly with a booming "HI" as soon as he opened the door. It shocked not only you but everyone.
Riki who was staring at the boy in confusion.
Riki's eyebrows furrowed even more as he saw the boy walk up to you and hug you like you'd known him forever, slightly glaring at the boy. He sit's down in the chair next to you "What class do you have next?" His voice still much too loud for the atmosphere, the girl next to us shushed him, in which he apologized quietly and turned back to you.
"Uh math." You said quietly, shaken up by the boys incredibly friendly demeanor.
The boy started rambling on about how that was his next class too and how it's surprising you guys hadn't become friends sooner, all while you look back at Riki to see him still eyeing the boy down.
Riki got easily jealous, and he was possessive, but this looked more like confusion and annoyance then anything.
While on the other hand luckily for you the boy tended to talk more then he listened which was good as you were still too nervous to talk to him like a normal person.
Once Riki realized you weren't all that invested in what the boy had to say he finally took his eyes off of the boy and returned to his work.
After what felt like forever of Akio rambling and you silently smiling and nodding, it was time for Math.
Besides Math and English, you and the boy didn't have any other classes together, so the rest of the day went as normal, besides the fact that Riki seemed busier than usual and wasn't talking to you.
But the way home from school was different.
On the train ride home, you were walking to sit where you usually do when a familiar voice started to yell for you, you turned around, and it was Akio.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to a seat, exclaiming that now you had someone to ride the train with. Before you could get a word in, he continued, once again going on about anything and everything.
He was a bit over the top for you, but you had to admit, he was nice, and the company was nice too.
The train came to a stop, and you said your goodbyes, he offered to walk you home, but you declined. You told him you lived a bit from the station, and he left it at that. Getting home you got into some comfy clothes and passed out.
Asleep for about an hour and a half, you were awoken by a text from Riki
All it read was "I'm coming over" Don't get me wrong you were excited he was coming over; this was the first time in a while, but you were still upset with him for not only not calling you but also ignoring you all day. So you just texted back a simple "ok" and started your homework while waiting for him to arrive.
He didn't live very far so it didn't take long, as soon as he got there, he plopped on your bed and gave you a look.
You asked him what it was for, and he stayed silent for a few seconds followed by a contemplating hum, "Who was he? The guy in English that was acting all buddy-buddy with you?" He said it so calmly as if he didn't care if he got an answer.
"Ohh I met him on the train" You turned back to the homework on your desk "He fell asleep on me and asked for my number so he could apologize later!" his brows furrowed and his eyes creased a bit, "Seriously?"
You nodded and he continued "He gave you his number so he could 'apologize later'?" You again nodded at his very sarcastic question.
His tongue played with the inside of his cheek "Has he apologized yet?" He sounded almost annoyed
You chuckled nervously, his gaze was strong and intimidating.
"No, not yet.." He let out a 'psh' sound, he was clearly annoyed but not with you. More so with the situation. "He gave you his number cause he thought you were cute. Not cause he wanted to apologize." His voice was deeper
You didn't believe it so you rebutted "That's not true ki, I'm sure he'll apologize soon!" He continued to look at you, almost like he was trying to analyze what you were thinking. "Block him" He sits up on your bed
He repeats himself "Block him"
"Why Riki."
"Are you dumb? He clearly doesn't want to just apologize. Does he know you have a boyfriend?" He started to sound angry, almost a little sad sounding. "How do you know that? You've never met him."
"I've met guys like him and you didn't answer my question, does he know you have a boyfriend? Me? Does he know you have me?"
You opened your mouth but nothing came out for a second, "I don't know? I mean I didn't mention it" Before you can finish, he tsk's and looks away "But the only reason I didn't mention it was cause he didn't ask Riki. I really don't think he's trying to get with me."
He ignored you "What's so good about him anyway?" He was starting to get fed up "He's nice Riki. I mean he made time to see me in English today despite being busy himself." You emphasized the 'made time to see me' part which Riki took as a jab.
You didn't necessarily mean it as one but you were tired of never seeing your boyfriend and so it just kinda came out. "You know I try to make time for you." Instead of sounding annoyed, he sounded genuinely hurt and tired, he looked down a bit as he continued "And I know that you don't really have friends besides me but you shouldn't befriend the first person that talks to you." He gets off your bed and heads to the door, "It's stupid and pathetic." He finishes before he shuts the door, harder than he should have.
His voice was laced with venom, almost like the sadness from before completely desecrated. And it left you dumbfounded too.
You weren't one to cry, you didn't cry about anything.
Not that you couldn't, but you made a point not to. It's pathetic and embarrassing, but despite that, you felt your eyes well up. You wiped them before anything could come out and decided to head to bed early. Couldn't cry if you weren't awake!
Granted it took forever to get to sleep, but you kept replaying what Riki said non-stop. 'Stupid and pathetic' weren't new words to you, but when they came out of Riki's mouth they felt a million times worse.
Going to School was dreadful, more than before.
Riki was avoiding you and so you were avoiding him back. You continued to hang out with Akio, it probably wasn't the best idea but you rather hang out with someone Riki doesn't like than be lonely again.
A whole week of this pettiness has gone by, nightly phone calls have stopped, goodnight and good morning texts, walking you to and from school whenever he had the chance, all of it stopped.
You know you shouldn't totally blame Ki, it wasn't completely his fault. You said some mean stuff too, but you couldn't help but be so angry at him despite it all.
Of course, you guys have gotten into arguments, and of course, with those arguments came insults but he'd never said something so cruel to you, something you confided in him he used against you, which hurt the most.
Everything was too much to think about so you dove into your studies, more than you already were. Not only studies but other things too, anything to get your mind off of it. Throwing yourself into things isn't a new concept for you, you did it whenever you got overly anxious. It would cause you to eat less, go outside less, and socialize even less than you usually do. Now the difference between then and now is you'd usually have Riki to make you feel better, but you don't so sitting in your dark room all day will continue.
Riki on the other hand, doesn't know what he's feeling. Though he's noticed you not taking care of yourself properly which is making him feel crazy guilty, he knows it's because of him.
Riki's so mad at you for choosing some other guy but he feels so bad for the things he said.
He didn't mean it, he knew you knew that, at least he hoped.
He just wanted to apologize and make it all better but he couldn't. His pride mixed with not having a lot of time made it hard to talk to you so he just didn't bother. Plus he wanted to truly work out what he was going to say before he attempted to talk to you.
He'd catch your eyes in every class, in the lunchroom, in the auditorium, everywhere. He wanted to see your face, he wanted to see you and hold you but he just couldn't let himself be vulnerable and admit he misses you. He's hoping you'd do that but you were just as 'non-vulnerable' as he was, maybe even more.
Which meant he'd either have to make it up to you or lose you over some random boy you met a few weeks ago. Luckily for you, he's sickly in love with you whether he'd admit it or not so he chose the former.
It wasn't spontaneous, Riki thought it over.
He planned when it would happen, how it would happen, where it would happen, and what he thought the outcome would be. He wanted to start it all off by making sure to spend the whole day with you.
So he went to your house before school, he loved walking you to school but he rarely got to do it since he had to be at school so early. But the way you get all giddy when you see him at the door makes him happy so he canceled morning activities to walk you.
Seeing him at the door was a little surprising, especially cause he didn't knock, you opened it before he could and the walk to school was uneventful. Silent, but not awkward.
Riki didn't try to hold your hand. He didn't want to make you upset by acting like nothing was wrong, but when passing by a little shop he grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside.
At the rate you two were going you would've been early to school, and he saw something in the window he knows you've been eyeing so why not.
He didn't say anything as he pulled you through the shop up to where the display was.
A large stand with matching phone charms.
It was a niche interest you had, and you had tons of them at home but the thing about these ones is that they're matching.
Two long chains, decorated with beads that had small charms on the end. One with black beads and a white star on the end, the other with white beads and a black star on the end.
Riki knew you had been looking at them for a while, thinking it was cute considering his favorite color is black and yours is white.
He found matching things cute, he found it even cuter when you'd get a tint of rose on your cheeks and try to hide your smile as you showed him a new piece of matching items you bought for the two of you.
He thought about this as he walked to the register, making his own cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as he looked at you. You weren't looking at him but it didn't go unnoticed.
Walking out of the store, chains in hand, without letting go of your wrist Riki asks for your phone and puts the charm on.
He does the same for his phone and then holds them up together in his hand to show them off.
You tried to act non-cholent but your dumb little smile made its way onto your face and made Riki smile even harder as he handed you your phone back, and you guys continued walking.
You hated your smile. You felt it was too... cheeky. Too wide, and it made your cheeks all big.
But Riki adored it. The way your eyes would light up and close a little every time something made you happy, or how you'd cover your mouth if you felt you were smiling too much, just for him to pull your hand down and hold it in his. He loved your smile, he always looked for it everywhere he was, he especially loved it when it was he who was the one causing it.
He knew he couldn't always be the reason you were smiling but as long as you were happy it didn't matter to him.
He kept on glancing at you just to see you smiling and looking at the phone charm, you saw him doing it but didn't say anything. You thought it was cute how cheesy he acted when he thought no one was looking.
The rest of the school day was normal for the most part; the assigned seats of each class were fumbling with Riki's plans to be by your side all day, which he knew would happen.
Tables in your class were set in pairs of two, you were at the front of the class seated with a girl you barely knew and Riki was a few seats behind.
As break time started, Riki used his height to his advantage and threw a piece of paper above the guy in front of him and it landed perfectly on your desk. You looked back to see who it was, despite already knowing. You gave him a small smile which made him melt, and as you opened it you saw two stick figures holding hands in a flower field.
It was cheesy, yeah but it was cute. Cuter coming from Riki as he wasn't one for cutesy things.
He would write cute little notes and letters to stick in your locker but that was rare, so this act made you blush so bad you had to hide your face slightly.
You went to draw a cute photo back but before you could even get your pen out Akio spotted you and caught your attention.
Riki tried to ignore it, he didn't like the guy yeah but he also knew he was your first friend besides himself so he wanted to attempt to become friends with him for your sake.
Looking at Akio you saw Riki come up behind him. They had never stood side by side so you never realized how much taller Riki was in comparison and it shocked Akio too as he let out a child-like yelp when he turned around and saw Riki behind him.
You could tell Akio put his guard up a little.
During Riki and your petty silent treatment towards each other, you talked to Akio about how you were dating Riki and that you still wanted to be his friend but there needed to be a bit of distance.
He took it really well which was lucky for you as you had a hard time confronting people.
Akio backed up a little from Riki who was giving him a slightly annoyed-confused look, and bumped into your desk.
He wasn't scared of Riki per se, but Riki was intimidating. Tall, broad, cold stare, etc.
But in the moment of silence, Riki begrudgingly introduced himself.
Akio stood up a bit and introduced himself back, voice kinda shaky which made Riki chuckle. Akio, who has proved himself to make friends easily, quickly got comfortable with Riki and started talking about anything and everything.
As the conversation went on, Riki took the seat next to you as the girl had left a bit ago.
Riki grabbed your hand under the table, another thing he didn't often do as PDA wasn't something he enjoyed.
Eventually, the break was over, and it was time for the next class.
Akio said his goodbyes and ran off, Riki on the other hand wanted to walk you to your next class.
Walking to class, Riki had yet to let go of your hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth here and there.
And luckily the class was on the other side of the building which left you guys some time to talk, or more specifically some time for him to apologize.
He looked over at you almost nervously and squeezed your hand the tiniest bit before starting.
"I didn't mean it." He wasn't the greatest at starting apologies or apologizing in general, and although you were pretty sure you knew what he was talking about, you still asked. "Didn't mean what?"
He took a sharp breath in "When I said you were stupid and pathetic, just overall being a jerk..." he paused and looked at you before continuing.
"But that's not even all, I haven't been making any time for you, I was petty and ignored you, I got overly jealous and possessive, and I have just been a huge asshole." You were so focused on him apologizing that you hadn't even realized you guys weren't in the school building anymore, you were outside behind the school, in the small garden the school had created not too long ago.
"What are we doing out here?" You looked at him with confusion "I wanted to talk with you more privately."
"We're gonna get in trouble for skipping class, Ki."
"Don't worry about it, okay? I'll take all the blame." You looked at him, debating if you should stay out here or convince him to talk later but his eyes were almost pleading for you to stay out there, and so you listened. "Fine," you said with a slight smile.
He took a second to collect his thoughts and how he was going to go about this but eventually, he got it and started.
"I'm sorry I've left you alone so long. And I'm truly so sorry that I never made time for you, a busy schedule isn't an excuse to be distant, and I need to learn that."
"Rik-" You tried to cut him off and say it wasn't his fault but he didn't let you. "Wait just, wait okay." You shut up
"I care about you so much, you're truly the only one for me, and you mean the world to me. What I said during our fight was so fucked up, and I need you to know I didn't mean any of it. I want to be around you all the time, but I know I can't, and I'm glad you found someone you can be with when I'm not around.
I want you to know that I want to make all of this up to you. All the lost time, the phone calls I missed, the dates, just hanging out together, I want to make up for all of it. And I will, I promise.
I love you. A lot, and I'm gonna prove it this time. I'm going to be the best boyfriend you can ask for and I'm going to be your best friend again. Okay? I'm going to spend as much time as I possibly can with you. I love you so much. You don't have to forgive me now but I-"
"Riki." You successfully cut him off this time as he was starting to run out of breath and his cheeks were all pink.
He looks at you like a scolded puppy, catching his breath a little, Pure word vomit he thought.
"I love you too, so much. And I promise I'm not mad. It hurt never seeing you, yeah, and we definitely have distanced, ourselves as both a couple and friend but it's not your fault. You're busy and I understand okay?" He gave you an apologetic small smile before bringing you into a hug
It was warm and loving, just as all of Riki's hugs were.
He put his head into the crook of your neck, "I missed this so much" He mumbled, squeezing his arms around you tighter. "I'll do better. I promise." You smiled and softly caressed his hair. "I love you Ki."
"I love you too baby. So much."
Later throughout the day Riki walked you to every class, smiled at you whenever your eyes met, and was friendly with Akio whenever he came around.
After school, he came to your house and you guys just laid with each other. Something you hadn't done in ages, and although you knew he wouldn't be able to do this every day, you were just happy he was trying to make more time for you, and he was just happy to have his girlfriend back.
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@ featki
Note: Sorry if the ending is bad or rushed, iv been working on this for like 2-3 weeks now and just wanted it out. But this is definitely my longest fic and I hope u guys like it :)) also I think I made Akio seem like a bigger character than he actually was... srry
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warblogs17282 · 9 days
Hey a lot of Hellaverse critics on here and Twitter nowadays have been calling Stolas a “coercive rapist,” how do you feel about those claims?
Short Version: Stolas is not a coercive rapist.
Long Version:
Let's start at s1 e5: 'When this happens, it's not really something I fuss about...' and 'Well, I'm not a fan of someone I offered a job to about to off my easiest lengthy ticket to Earth behind my back.'
Notice how Blitz says 'easiest lengthy ticket' here, not 'only ticket', and Blitz knows about Asmodean Crystals, as evidenced by unhappy campers where Blitz forces someone to use it to create a portal to the living world, so the grimoire was never the only option Blitz could've used to run I.M.P.
Sure losing the grimoire would've disrupted business for a bit, but again, it was never Blitz's only option, so the coercion argument already falls flat there, but let's beat it up a bit further shall we?
Now let's look at s1 e7, at the ending of it Stolas never pressures or forces Blitz into having sex with him or quote 'We could talk, or… watch a movie, or… maybe cuddle?', Blitz turns Stolas down here, and Stolas never forces or pressures Blitz into doing said things with him, and you know what this also proves? It proves that Blitz has always had the self-agency to tell Stolas 'no I don't want to fuck you', which also shows that Blitz actually wanted to have sex with Stolas, which we can prove by the text messages Stolas and Blitz had after Ozzie's.
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These text messages show that Stolas is actively giving Blitz the option to not fuck him, which also tells us that Blitz always had the option to tell Stolas no, and hell, we can see in the All 2 U song that Blitz turned down Stolas most likely asking Blitz to stay after the sex, proving even further Blitz always had the self-agency to tell Stolas no, which shows that Blitz wanted to have sex with Stolas.
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I sure wish there was a funny little song showing Blitz wanting to fuck Stolas out of his entire own free will to just really drive in the point, -oh wait that actually exists.
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and now let's look at apology tour again, Blitz wants the arrangement back, to fuck Stolas again.
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Which tells us something that the people peddling the bullshit 'Stolas is a rapist' argument entirely ignore, Blitz is the one unhappy with the arrangement ending, not Stolas, Blitz.
Also, Blitz has the crystal by this point, Blitz could've easily have just told Stolas to fuck off and leave if Blitz was truly being coerced and raped by Stolas, but he chooses to stay because at this point he thinks this gesture is a farewell gift from Stolas, and it's been made very clear that Blitz has strong feelings for Stolas by this point despite his self-hatred, that he doesn't want to lose Stolas, which also helps to further prove that Blitz wanted to have sex with Stolas out of his entire free will.
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Blitz having sex with Stolas was a way for Blitz to be close to Stolas without having to be vulnerable, and when Stolas gets rid of the arrangement Blitz is scared because it would force Blitz to be vulnerable towards Stolas.
Is all of this really the behavior of a person who felt coerced into sex he didn't want to have? Because I think it's pretty fucking clear that Blitz at no point felt coerced into having sex with Stolas, and the antis/critics that claim otherwise I have good grounds to believe aren't even watching the same show anymore.
Thanks for the ask :)
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doodlenoodleboi · 2 months
Hello! I have a request for Sal Fisher! Can you please write something about him with a reader who suffers from anxiety and that leads to her eating a bit faster than other people? She feels really embarrased when someone points it out. Comments like "Are you done already?" get to her, but she doesn't say anything and instead ducks her head because she is too shy and non-confrontational to stand up for herself. Thank you! <3
Sal Drabble
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The vibe
It was a high school summer, these summers you could choose to either be a kid again or grow as an adult. We have a difficult time choosing these things. Why must we choose things that we don’t want to why not just live the moment?
“Hey! Hey! Bro, wake up!” I was Welcomed by the faces of my two best friends Sal and Larry, a rather interesting duo. The night before or rather shall I say a couple hours ago we had a sleepover at Larry’s house. I was tired and confused by the sudden disruption of my sleep.
“What?” I said, practically still asleep, rubbing my eyes from the crusty buildup of rheum.
“We’re leaving!” Sal said his smile evident in his voice, even though his prosthetic covered his face. I had never been out at night, especially with these two friends. Apparently it was a common thing amongst Larry and Sal. Sal even took off his prosthetic couple times. Nobody could see you in these dark streets, nobody was there to breathe in the air instead of that suffocating mask as Sal described.
Funny enough, Sal might dislike his appearance but the only thing that he truly appreciates about it, it is how it finds him real friends. Ones that couldn’t care less about his appearance. Those ones still tight, so now we’re strolling late at night down these streets I can’t remember. Soon I’ll never see the streets and will have to go away we have to be independent adults. Maybe even barely seeing each other and that sucked, just even the thought.”
The cold air braised everyone’s skin, obviously cool, but nothing close to freezing. Sal’s shoulder, blue hair covered his face for the most part. The way his face had been obscured as a child scared the creeps away but kept his friends closer. The way his right cheek torn reminded me of Mileena (MK reference).
The walk down the cold streets were quiet the only interruption being Larry every so often comments. And the sound of Sal’s skateboard against the road, streetlight and moonlight being to be only source of illumination.
I simply followed, along like a lost puppy going along with the flow, not wanting to ruin the vibe. It was uncomfortably quiet until Larry made his extroverted comment about being hungry. We stopped at a (insert place), probably close to our destination.
Larry ordered for everyone being the extrovert, he is of the group. Then we left, soon we made it to our destination. An abandoned skate park, right next to it was a building covered in graffiti. It was a comforting vibe about the place, because even if it was abandoned, I’m sure many people have still came here even though such information had been given.
I sat on the top of the Quarterpipe, a rather vacant area until Larry decides to sit next to me. I wasn’t fond of eating in front of people, maybe feel uncomfortable and watched. They could have absolutely no interest in me, but for some reason, I feel like all eyes on me. I am the best person in the world because I could be the absolute worst. I’m scared of people’s perception of me.
I started to eat next to Larry not wanting to confess that I am uncomfortable with the situation. I had been made fun of in the past because of my eating habits. As I ate my food, almost finished with it, Larry responded. (damn little lady you sure can pack it away. Jk) “Yo Bruh you look like Kirby right now, fucking that shit up.” in between the time of now and then, Larry was high, and that truly made me laugh forgetting about the previous situation given his state.
“Shut up Larry.” sal had said as he skated over to him. “He’s probably just high don’t mind him.” For a while, I would be dealing with a high Larry and a Sally who couldn’t care to do more than skate to get his mind off everything.
That night she realized she was surrounded by people. She wouldn’t have to worry about being embarrassed around. After all, they all are flawed.
(I am so sorry this was so rushed and so last-minute)
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generalfoolish · 7 months
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Into Your Arms
Summary: Your life is disrupted after a chance meeting with the 11th street kids, and despite your better sense you find yourself drawn to the chaos.
Pairing: Vigilante (Adrian Chase) x Fem!Reader
Warnings: *All of my works are M for mature so 18+ please; language, language, language, canon typical violence, sexual themes, canon-typical violence, gore descriptions, blood mentions, TW some PTSD related stuff
Word Count: 2.3k
Request: can I please request an Adrian Chase x fem!vet!reader...
a/n: I have the flu! Hope this makes sense 🙈 eep! edited to add the entire tag list
Master List | Tag List Form | Adrian Chase Master List
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With tears in your eyes, you stared down the barrel of a gun at the motley group in front of you. They were talking, their voices filling the small space, but you couldn’t make out their words over the roaring in your ears, over the man who was holding that gun and had said without an ounce of remorse that he was planning to kill you.
You’d been intubating an English bulldog when he came in with a busted up eagle–of all things. Your breath stuttered as he raised his voice, the force of it causing him to move the gun. It was funny. You were about to die and all you could think about was that dog in the back. 
Dr. Hurwitz had managed to keep the eagle alive, but it hadn’t been enough for the man in front. He’d kill you all because you’d seen his face. With blurry vision you looked away from the barrel of the gun and at the man himself. He was dorky–in that boy next door way. In a different life, you’d consider him handsome. He reminded you of the goofy labradors you saw each day at the clinic, with his big eyes and soft hair.
Fear gripped your chest, forcing your breath out in small, panicked puffs. You were only dimly aware of Greg, one of the other nurses, whispering at you to “get it the fuck together.” 
“Hey. What the fuck are you saying back there?” The man with the gun asked, looking between you and Greg. 
“Just trying to calm her down; she’s hysterical.” Greg told him, and as if you’d rehearsed it, another sob wracked through you. 
“Oh, god. Are you okay?” One of the women asked, her voice laced with concern.
“Of course not, she thinks she’s about to die.” The other man answered, the one who had come in the beginning with the eagle.
You felt worse than you had before, but now your brain was soaking up the visual information you’d missed. Despite his gun still trained on you, your eyes were drawn to Vigilante–that’s what they had called him. 
“What other choice do we have besides killing this veterinarian, this nurse, this nurse, and this male nurse?”
“You can just say two nurses, man.”
“If I just say “nurse,” I think people will imagine it as a woman.”
“He’s standing right there! We don’t have to imagine anything. 
“It must be weird, waking up every day and being a male nurse.”
“You’re a fucking busboy!” 
“Oh great! Now we definitely have to kill them, because you’re giving stuff away about my secret identity!”
“Do we really have to kill these people?”
The pause of silence was too much for you, the shared uncertain looks between the group. A small whimper left your lips, and you cursed the sound. 
You had higher hopes for yourself than this. You never imagined you’d be in this scenario, of course, but when it came down to it, you’d thought you would be able to handle yourself. Instead, you’d turned into a sobbing fool at the first sign of danger. You weren’t even begging. You just stood there, metaphorically pissing yourself and waiting to die.
You willed yourself to stand straighter, but kept your arms up in the air. You’d die with a bit of dignity, even if you’d had to summon every ounce of courage and self to do so. 
“No,” The blonde began and that was all you needed to deflate completely. The false bravado simply slipped from you as fast as you’d mustered it. The fleeting confidence roared in your ears, drowning the rest of the conversation. You let yourself be jostled around, ziptied, and left in the waiting room of the vet office.
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Your life gets simpler after that. You keep working at Dr. Hurwitz’s office; thanks to a considerable bump in pay, for not leaving (re: suing), you were finally able to drive a few hours to the coast for a little relaxation. You heal. The journey is as odd as the day that precipitated it. You settle back into your routine and can watch your regular procedurals–and don’t bat an eye at the guns, violence, and death. But a man talking too loudly at you in the office, his tone mean and cutting, and you’d crumple to tears in the staff room pawing at your phone for the speed dial number of your therapist. 
But it’s good, your life is good because it’s the one you didn’t expect to have. You take nothing for granted, and you spare yourself no criticisms. You learn to love yourself, and the inspiration of finally liking who you are seeps into every facet of your life. You take up photography as a new hobby, and you start going to the gym. It’s there you find a class in self-defense, and though you aren’t kidding yourself about your skill level against some supe, you figure you owe it to yourself to at least learn how to throw a punch.
You’re leaving class one night, taking a gulping sip from your water bottle, admiring the new ache you’d gotten from your sparring partner, when the street goes sideways. You hit your elbow hard, and barely register the clatter of your bottle and bag hitting the street. By the time you catch your breath, the attacker has made himself known. 
For a brief, blinding moment, you don’t move. Your chest is seized, your blood sluggish in your veins. You want to scream, run, fight, but you can’t move your stupid, useless body. A flash of blue, a great clap, and a spray of red followed by the kind of primal scream only the dying can make–and then you were being lifted up. 
Your elbow was a throbbing scream as your feet hit the pavement, right side up.
“You okay?” A man asked, though muffled from beneath a blue and black facial mask, you’d know that timbre and cadence of that voice anywhere. You want to scream, kick, spit–something to show this asshole that you aren’t the same scared girl anymore. But he’s lifted your arm to inspect the damage, and he’s taken his glove off. His touch is so gentle, the softest caress, that you actually answer his insane question.
“Yes.” Your voice is a hushed whisper, though not a scared, timid thing. 
“That was a sucker punch, by the way. You totally coulda kicked his ass.” You hissed as he pressed a particularly tender spot, and though he hadn’t seemed to be paying attention to you, his head snapped up. “That hurt? Oof, yeah. That’s a bitch. Let me take you to the hospital. We’ll take the Vigimobile.” He rambled off, nearly sing-song, and began to tug your other arm behind him. “I’m Vigilante, the car is mine, obviously. D’uh.” He paused only when I pulled back from him.
“What’s up?” He asked, looking around, like there might be a second thug.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” You told him, exasperated. 
“Why not?” His head cocked to the side, and you have to literally shake the image from your head as you remember thinking of him as a labrador.
“Why not?” You echo, your voice nearing hysterical.
“Your elbow is dislocated, at least. Worst case, fractured. I’m the only one here. Your phone is smashed, and you don’t have car keys in your bag.” He lists off items by raising a finger with each point. 
“You tried to kill me four months ago!” You scream at him, throwing your hands up to accentuate your point, remembering the pain in your elbow too late. The sharp pain that slices through your body leaves a fuzzy ring around your vision, and you see Vigilante take a step towards you as the world tilts sideways for the second time of the night. 
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You groan as you pull yourself from that inky abyss, and smack your lips against the paper dry feeling of your tongue. 
“Where the hell am I?” You manage to croak out, and the shuffle of feet is the only indication you get that other people are around.
“Hospital.” A man’s voice tells you, and you have the funniest feeling you know the voice. The gentle comfort of that wraps around your delirious mind and pulls you back down.
The next time you awake it’s because of the sun. The windows were left open, meaning that the bright rays of the morning hit you full force. You blink harshly against the intrusive light, and remember being attacked. Fearful of the state of your body, you gingerly begin testing your toes and slowly you work your way up your body. You’re twitching your fingers when a knock at the door startles you. 
You don’t know the person standing in the frame, but you wish you did. He’s holding a balloon, flowers, and a stuffed dog. Confusion paints your face, and he waves sheepishly.
“Hi, you up?” He asks, shuffling closer hesitantly.
“Just barely.” You murmur back, shifting in the bed.
“They gave you a lot of pain medicine last night.” The man tells you. You wish you knew more about this whole bizarre situation. You couldn’t remember anything over the pounding in your head.
“That’s right, because I…” 
“Your elbow. It was dislocated, which is better than a fracture. But you did tear a tendon, which means you’ll be in a sling for a few weeks.” He explains, fidgeting with the stuffed dog.
“Did I have surgery?” You push, figuring he’ll at least answer some questions.
“No, no. I asked them to monitor you overnight.” 
“You…you might not remember me, but we’ve met before. I’m Adrian, and I threatened to kill you once.” You blink at his deadpan, waiting for the punchline. But you know he isn’t joking, somehow. You know him. He’s the one from the vet clinic, the one who saved you from the guy last night.
“Are you stalking me?” You ask, wondering partially if he’s here to finish the job. He laughs, too loudly.
“A little bit. I feel horrible about it.”
“The stalking?”
“No. When I tried to kill you. It was a precaution. But I’ve changed my mind about that. About a lot of things, actually. Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry for all of that, and I hope you feel better soon. I brought you some stuff.” He explains before dumping the stuffed dog in your lap and putting the other stuff on the nightstand. You try not to gape at him.
“Okay, I’m going to head out.”
“You just got here.” You say, surprising both of you. 
“You want me to stay?”
“For some reason, yeah. Would you?” With his eyes wide, he nods and takes the chair beside your bed. 
“How’s the eagle?” You ask, voice soft and unsure. Adrian picks up the conversation easily though and is soon animatedly telling you all about the bird's latest antics. 
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You’re not sure how Adrian became such a regular part of your day, but you find yourself waiting for his visit all the same. He doesn’t have a pet, but he comes by the vet clinic and asks for your advice on all his potential pets everyday. He also tells you about his day, his night, and anything else he can think of. When he isn’t talking to you in person, he’s blowing your shit up with memes and weird emojis. 
The idea of seeing him every single day would have made you want to call your therapist before, but after he saved you, his choices began to make sense. Maybe you were making excuses, but he had become such a stable part of your life that you began to love his daily visits. When he missed one, which happened from time to time, you were miserable. He always made up for it, though.
“I’ve got a cinnamon chai for the apple of my eye!” His voice rang out, drawing you from your small cubicle to the front. Your smile grew when you took him in, and his own was full on beaming.
“Adrian, you didn’t have to get me a drink.” You scolded, secretly pleased as you sipped from the steaming cup. 
“Course I did, I wanna do that stuff for you.” He told you bashfully. You wanted those things too, even if it felt insane to consider.
“Actually, I had something I wanted to ask you.” He began, and you watched as his tongue darted out to lick his lips. “Would you wan…I mean, I would like to, if you want to, uhm. Dinner?”
“Sure, Adrian, I’d love to.”
“Sick. I’ll pick you up at seven?”
“Okay, seven, it is.” You agree, taking another sip of your drink, and watch as he leaves. He must think you’ve looked away because he fist pumps into the air. You stifle your laugh and go back to work, thinking very hard about what you were going to wear.
@michi-reads @strawberriesandknives @uncle-eggy @fictionlandslanddreams @uwiuwi @lostinwinderland314 @kidd3ath @maplefire18 @zekegorilla @hypnoash @greenxtea0 @myguiltypleasures21 @Goblynnrockz @racetrackheart @ticharluv @likeficsinthewnd
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the-barricade · 1 year
meaningful memories
Vil Schoenheit x reader
You were one of Vil’s costars back when you were both children, and when you meet again at NRC you remind him of the happier parts of his childhood.
All the rage recently was about the new transfer student that would be arriving at NRC today. Although it wasn’t obvious, Vil was excited to meet you, with all the gossip going around. Vil could be rather adverse to rumours, considering they usually weren’t the truest - and that prove itself quite quickly as many of the rumours surrounding you and your awaited arrival were contradictory.
However, one thing that did stay consistent was that you were apparently something of a celebrity, and that usually required some modicum of grace. Therefore, Vil wanted to keep a lookout for you, as it made you all the more likely to land yourself in Pomefiore. Which you did, unsurprisingly.
That didn’t mean you arrived without any surprises, however. After your dorm was confirmed, Vil had your introduction fully planned - he was going to meet you as soon as possible and make sure you understood the rules and weren’t going to disrupt the order of his dorm - that would be a disservice to the rest of his classmates.
After all, perfection takes work, and it’s hard to function in chaos.
And yet, that was exactly the state of his brain once he first saw you. He almost didn’t recognise you at first - you’d grown up and looked different now. But you had the unmistakable shine of a perfectly polished diamond, a beauty that mirrored on the inside out.
He forced himself to regain his composure, “Hello, it’s good to see you again.” He couldn’t help but smile as he said it.
You laughed at that, “Yeah, well I did say you wouldn’t be able to get rid of me, huh.” It was nice seeing him again.
That triggered a memory, so vivid, that even though his brain flicked through the image of it in a few moments, he felt like he was reliving the whole thing again.
It was the backstage of a set you two were filming a movie on, the first day of filming had just wrapped up. You could tell something was wrong with Vil, you’d become quite close to him if only by frequent proximity, so you followed him backstage. At first he didn’t notice you, you were being fairly quiet.
He practically slid down the wall and resigned himself to staring off at nothing in the distance. It seemed out of character for him, to say the least. He looked vulnerable, which was especially strange for the always on-guard perfectionist that was your co-star.
It was wrong to just stand there and watch him, without his knowledge, but you couldn’t just leave him like that either - so you did the best your young mind could think of at the time.
You’d rushed to turn the lights off and yelled “boo!” out as loud as you could. Safe to say you scared the lights out of him - and he wasn’t very amused. Thinking back on it, it was definitely silly, but it got his mind off of whatever he was thinking about.
“What on earth are you doing!”
“hi… um, sorry about that, you looked upset and I wanted to cheer you up?”
Honestly, Vil probably would’ve been upset at your actions in most other circumstances, but he found it so ridiculous that it was funny. He found it hard to even accuse you of being unprofessional as he greatly admired your talent whenever you were on set together - so instead he wondered how you could have both. How you could shine and be carefree at the same time.
He’d be mad at it, if it wasn’t what brought him back down to earth.
Clearly you realised something was wrong with him and wanted to help, that was more than what most people realised about him. Almost everyone thought that he was emotionless in his pursuit of perfection - despite being a child, so he appreciated your efforts.
“Why are you sad?”
He was hesitant to get into it, but you’d already seen him with his guard down, so he did. And he’s glad he did. So he told you all about the issues he had with people’s perception of him, his villainous typecast and his ongoing rivalry with Neige that the aforementioned actor was blissfully but frustratingly unaware of. He’d even told you about the group of boys that had tried to attack him just last week over a character he played.
It was awful, no one should have to experience that.
You were quick to envelope him in a startling hug, and he melted into it and the comfort it brought. Perfection came at a price, and you were one of the few people that not only saw him as human, but treated him so. It made him wish that he’d never have to let you go.
As you started to let loose on the hug, he held you just a bit tighter, sending a clear message.
“Hey… you know, I’m not going anywhere! In fact, you’re not even going to be able to get rid of me when you’re finally sick of me!” You were extraordinarily headstrong about it, feeling for the injustice Vil had been served before.
As the memory came to a close, Vil looked up at you with a brighter smile than before.
“Well, I’m glad you kept promise.”
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ synopsis: you and soobin had been best friends for as long as you could remember and during the course of your friendship you developed a crush on him. Could confessing be the right way to go?
pairing: choi soobin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, best friends to lovers au
word count: 1.3k
warnings: not proofread so there may be a few typos I didn't notice.
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Not failing to recognise the voice, your door was busted open as Soobin excitedly ran into your room and leaped on top of you disrupting your once peaceful relaxation in bed.
"Geez Soob, you're so heavy dude." you groan in pain feeling his weight on you as he laughed.
Choi Soobin had been your best friend for the past eight years and over the time you managed to developed a small, tiny, itsy bitsy HUMONGOUS crush on him.
I mean who could possibly blame you, Soobin was adorable, funny, had the cutest chubby cheeks, pretty eyes, tall, handsome and had such a caring heart.
Just perfect.
"I just missed my best friend." he said giving you a tight hug not moving in the slightest no matter how much you tried pushing him off of you.
"Okay, now get off before I tickle you." you tell him still attempting to use all your strength to get him to let go.
"Say it back now or I'm not moving," he interjected as he lifts his head sticking his tongue out at you teasingly.
Feeling your cheeks heaten up at the close proximity you were both in, you mentally debate whether or not to say it back but decide to rather stay quiet having secretly enjoyed this affectionate side of his.
"So we're just gonna stay and cuddle like this?" you ask shyly as he nods with his head laid between the crook of your neck.
"Not unless you say it back, unless you didn't miss me," he tells you.
"Well ofcourse I missed you... now get off," you admit to which Soobin chuckles holding onto you even closer.
"No I'm good, it's more comfortable this way," he teases you as you only sigh in response.
It was the things like this Soobin did that made your heart want to beat right out of your chest.
He wasn't even actively flirting with you and yet he had you wrapped right around his finger.
You then slowly reached out your one hand to gently massage his head since you knew how much he enjoyed those and you both stayed laying in bed that way enjoying the comfortable silence.
Using your other free hand to busy yourself on social media, you soon found yourself scrolling through Tiktok and came across one challenge in particular which caught your attention.
'Kiss your best friend challenge'
You had seen a few people doing this challenge all over your feed, some being successful whilst others... weren't.
What was crazy was the fact that you were actually considering trying this with Soobin.
I mean there's absolutely no possible way he would even kiss back, all you were to Soobin was his best friend of many years and despite being happy with that title, you knew you wanted more out of it too.
Seemingly lost in thought, you're brought back to reality feeling Soobin poke your cheek.
"You okay? You zoned out for a good minute there," he asks poking your cheek again playfully as he showed his infamous dimpled smile.
"Huh? Oh uh, yeah, I'm okay Binnie. Just thinking." you tell him smiling softly to not worry him.
Could you ever really confess to him?
This challenge could either make or break your relationship with Soobin and you weren't sure you were ready to take that grand leap of faith that could change everything between you both.
Be it for the good or bad.
Honestly the logical side of you was saying no but your heart and intuition was saying you had to take the risk to see results.
And that's what you were going to do.
"Hey Soobin?" you called out to him as he hummed in response.
"Could I try this Tiktok with you?"
"What's the challenge?" he asks curiously sitting up as you did the same.
Setting up your ring light to use as a tripod, you then set the phone in front of where he was seated.
"Don't worry. You just need to sit next to me and look pretty like always."
You proceeded to set the timer and countdown and waited for the music.
Making your way back to him, you sit down next to Soobin and he awkwardly smiled looking at you signalling to ask what is going on.
The music started playing and you held Soobin's hands placing them around your waist as he looked at you completely confused.
"Here we go," you mumbled under your breath.
When the timing was right, you gently placed your hands on his face and leaned in to kiss him.
Just as you were prepared to pull away and deal with the rejection you were left baffled when he kissed back!
Smiling into the kiss, you felt his grip tighten around your waist as he laid you down on the bed hovering over you to deepen the kiss.
You then realise what just happened and pull away and jolt up from your position in the bed as your eyes widen in pure shock.
"W-what in the world just happened..." you mumbled to yourself as your fingers gently touched your lips.
Looking over at Soobin who was turning as red as a tomato, you excitedly hug him as he hugged you back.
Pulling away, you let out a deep breath before confessing, "I like you Soobin... a lot."
"I like you too (Y/n)... a lot." he tells you shyly as you both laugh at the turn of events.
Maybe making the Tiktok wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"How about I take you out on a real first date soon? But before that, I have a suprise for you in the kitchen." He says sheepishly smiling as he looks down.
How can someone this big be so adorable, he's such a baby.
"Well what are we waiting for then, let's go."
He then crouched in front of you and usually someone would be suprised at this but Soobin sometimes enjoyed carrying you on his back.
You then hopped on his back holding on tightly and went on your way to the kitchen.
Soobin then sat you down on the counter as he proceeded to then open the oven and showed you the tray of bread rolls.
"You made those?" you ask as the whiff of the freshly made bread hit your nose
"Yep, and obviously it wouldn't be fun to eat them alone so I thought we could enjoy them together." he says looking proud of how his baked goods turned out.
He looked through one of the cabinets searching for plates and he got two out so you could both evenly share the rolls.
You both casually conversed enjoying the bread Soobin had made and before you knew it, your plate had been cleared.
In all fairness Soobin did an amazing job, it all tasted amazing.
Although it did seem like Soobin had one left...
Slowly maneuvering your hand onto the plate whilst he wasnt paying any attention, you stole his bread roll and ran into your bedroom as he chased closely behind you managing to catch up.
"Yah! I know you stole my last bread roll!" he yelled as he tackled you trying to tickle you in an effort to get his bread.
Finally giving in, you gave Soobin his bread as you laid in bed trying to calm yourself down from all the intense laughing.
He broke the bread in half giving you a piece and he playfully rolled his eyes as you thanked him.
Placing a quick kiss to his cheek you watched him redden in suprise and you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.
"I'm glad you did that Tiktok challenge." he says pulling you closer.
"Because now I can actually kiss you whenever I want."
Nodding in agreement you finally closed the gap between each other feeling his soft lips on yours once again.
This was a feeling you would definitely never get used to.
And it was all thanks to a Tiktok challenge.
All you had to do was kiss and tell
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wordsarelife · 2 years
Hey! I saw you opened requests for Lockwood&Co so I wanted to ask for some jealous Anthony Lockwood x reader if that's okay with you
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Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x reader
Summary: normally Lockwood can hide his feelings quite well. that talent seems to fade every time someone tries to flirt with his y/n
Translation: n/n = nickname
"I really think we can go home now" Anthony Lockwood said to you, while you were in the middle of a conversation with one of the boys, Noah Prentiss, from another agency.
"lockwood!" you scolded and send him a tired look
"no it's okay, n/n" Noah said smiling "I should probably leave as well. it was nice talking to you" he looked towards Lockwood "you too! Goodbye" then he went off
"n/n?" Anthony asked while he was walking next to you "I thought only I was allowed to call you that"
you reached for his hand and intertwined your fingers "its a quite common shortage for my name, also I don't mind" you smiled "actually I should be scolding you, you were the one to disrupt a peaceful conversation I was just having now."
"I didn't like the way he was looking at you"
"you didn't like the way he was looking at me?" you repeated mockingly "how did he look at me, then?"
"like he wanted to undress you"
"well, you look at me like you want to undress me all the time, even now"
"it's okay when I do it, I'm your boyfriend. that means I actually get to undress you" he muttered angrily, you would've probably felt for him, if what he was saying didn't sound so absolutely ridiculous, so you broke into full on laughter, you even had to stop and bend down at some point
"n/n!" Anthony cried out "why are you laughing at me?"
you had to wait for a few minutes, before you could answer, still not being able to catch your breath. "I'm sorry" you wheezed "it's just too funny"
"I don't know what could be funny about this" your boyfriend exclaimed and crossed his arms in front of his chest disapprovingly.
"oh, baby" you smiled, stepping in front of the boys and opening his arms, so you could step inside. Anthony didn't budge, still keeping his eyes above your head. you knew him quite well, and you knew when he was acting like this, it wasn't normally easy to gain his attention. well, you were his girlfriend for a reason
your hand slid up to his neck. still no movement from him. then you went to stand on your tiptoes, your lips only a few inches from his. "look at me, baby" you muttered and you could feel his hot breath on your face.
you could see in his features that he was trying hard to resist you, but the longer you were as close like this, the harder it got for him.
the final moment came when you stretched a bit higher and connected your lips. his hands immediately went to your waist to pull you closer and returning the kiss with as much passion as you were used to.
you broke the kiss slowly, stepping away from his body, which was harder than you had initially thought, considering he was holding you in a death grip.
"let's go home than" you smiled at how hot and bothered your boyfriend had gotten in the last minute
"by the way" you said, stepping closer and coming to a halt next to him. you stood on your tiptoes again so your mouth was in front of his ear. you placed a lingering kiss, just beneath and watched in satisfaction how his body shivered.
"I don't mind when you get jealous" you whispered in his ear "I think you are incredibly hot than"
Anthony watched as you stepped away from him and walked across the street, on your way to the door of the house you all lived in. it wasn't easy to shut up Anthony Lockwood, but you were one of the only people who was able to do just that. mostly because he found you breathtakingly beautiful and he was so in love with you, that he would've done anything if you just asked him to.
"seems like I do need to get drunk on jealously more often" Anthony muttered to himself, gaining back his ability to speak and putting on this signature smirk of his, before he took off after you
A/N: i'm sorry that it's so short and that I got a bit carried away omg
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malaierba · 3 months
God (may have been the devil) just blessed me with Benadryl that hits so I need to get out this thought about Maizuru and Toshiro quick:
Toshiro's conflicting and even hypocritical way of relating to Maizuru, the way he's pulled away emotionally and seems to be annoyed by her helicoptering, yet runs to her the moment he needed help with something (first time he ever asked for help with anything, too. Explicitly said by her, and isn't that something to hear from a mother figure? That her cared for someone who, unless given things directly, would just go without them), is difficult to grasp in fiction for many fsr but it's really not that odd a dynamic irl, right? Lots of people are disillusioned in their parents and still instinctively rely on them. Ryoko Kui makes sure this is one of the first things, and one of the main themes, that the readers internalise of Toshiro, as it's one of the main aspects that establish him as a foil to Laios (and a distorted mirror to Kabru, although less explicitly, but I digress)
But it's Toshiro's perspective, and since Toshiro is one of Laios' character foils his POV (as detached from it as Toshiro seems to be. Like, we'll see memories from his perspective, and his true feelings may be mentioned, but with the exception of the times when he's a child, he rarely acts in accordance with them He usually behaves as we assume is expected from him) his POV will always be a bit more visible. Obvious, even default.
It's always caught my attention how, despite Maizuru's POV being one of the main if not the dominant voice helping us catch a glimpse of Toshiro's childhood and upbringing, her own feelings for the situation are always subordinated to her role as a teacher and caretaker of Toshiro, with all the obvious affection she's poured into those.
(Like mother like son? Interesting how the roles they're meant to play structure the way they retell parts of their backstory)
And the question that's been on my mind is: WHY. Why did she come to love Toshiro so much? Was it motivation alone? I doubt it was vocation or anything, I think we can all agree after taking a look at how she raised/handled Toshiro, Izutsumi, even Tade, that she's not like. A natural at it, let alone trained in it.
So why, why, why. Was it empathy alone? Even though Maizuru's empathetic skills are OBJECTIVELY so bizarre they're funny? Did she see something of herself in him, from the very start? Did she pitty him? Was it THAT obvious, from the moment she met him, that (and bear with my dramatic wording) he was doomed to loneliness, neglect from the adults in his life, and that she was one of the few grown-ups who could change that for him a little bit? Did she just see a gentle kid, thrust upon a teen because it was convenient to the master of the household, and feared that he'd turn out like that exact master?
It feels very reductionist to ask 'why does this person love this other person' but these are characters, so it's not insane to try to seek a motivation. At the same time, I wonder if Maizuru's is obscured on purpose. It could be that Ryoko Kui didn't think it necessary in order to tell the story that she wanted to -- The household dynamic being dramatic enough without the extra details, probably.
Or maybe it's a way to hint at how much Maizuru sacrificed by staying with the Nakamoto (unclear how much agency she had in this decision, ofc, this is a theme with pretty much everyone that isn't Toshiro's dad. The Nakamoto web is difficult to escape, and Toshiro is disruptive in that he allows Izutsumi to leave, and is implied that he wishes Tade would realise that his dad aint shit so maybe she leaves too), where any feelings that aren't useful for the role she plays are... where are they? She has moments where she expresses frustration at how some things are handled by Toshitsugu, but she never says how SHE PERSONALLY feels about it. If she's not talking about the Nakamoto household in general, she's talking about the kids in her care in particular, and all the things she's done for them, but not, you know, how she feels about being saddled with those responsabilities.
It's not obvious but if this ^^^ is what's going on, then that's yet another thing that Toshiro picked up from her. Unexpectedly so, too. They have such different personalities after all. Whether the situation is that Maizuru is obscuring her less-compliant thoughts on purpose, or that she's repressing them in order to cope with the lack of control in her life, she's without a doubt waaaaay more succesful than Toshiro at making people think that she's fine with the hand she was dealt in life.
I wonder if Toshiro's wondered this, too, what the logic behind Maizuru's love is. How can she enable his dumbass dad, maybe even make him believe that she loves him, despite being so critical of him? When she seems to think that she did a great job with Toshiro because he's nothing like his dad, with so much conviction she can't see all the other ways in which Toshiro is messed up? Why would she love him? What inspired her to decide to get emotionally involved when they first met? Why wasn't he just another job to her?
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
Gold Dust Woman | V
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Unexpected does not always mean unwelcome, but just because it is welcome, does not always make it right.
Read part four here
Pairing: sam kiszka x f!reader, jake kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 10.7k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex (wrap it), fingering (f!receiving), oral (f!receiving), praise, dirty talk, teasing, slight male sub dynamic ig, begging, drinking, swearing, love triangle shit, you know the drill, sorry if I miss any!
hello lovely people 🤭 so happy to be back again. sorry this took so long, but i hope this meets your expectations. i love you all dearly and hope that you aren’t too upset with me for my small hiatus. i will say that thus far, I’ve kept the lyrics in chronological order mostly because they’ve always aligned with the chapter theme. now, they’re going to be mixed up a bit to fit a little better! anyway, without further ado, enjoy, don’t mind any grammar mistakes, and please be kind 🫶🏻
Of all the situations in the world, you figured this particular one would be at the top of the list for awkwardness. When Sam stepped into your home, the door latch loudly clasping shut behind him, you waited for the dread to seep in, for the whiplash of anxiety that so often accompanied the presence of the brothers. Instead, a bubble of anger formed in your chest. You were mad at him for not making a move sooner, and for only making one after Jake did. Upset at the fact he had no issue involving you in their twisted dynamic, or remorse for playing with your feelings. You were no longer blind, being strung along aimlessly by ignorance and emotion. Danny was right; you were in control of the situation, and you intended to prove that. No more guilt for a situation the two boys created, and long ago, at that. No more pain over a fate they chose for themselves.
Wordlessly, you made a move to the kitchen. He followed, unsure of how to verbally approach the thoughts he was having about you. You located another bottle of wine, calling to you with temptation greater than the one you had for the boy standing behind you. As you cracked the cap, sipping from the bottle with little care, you finally turned to face him. “Why are you here?” It took him a moment to process your blunt inquiry, curious about your sudden shift in perspective from the day prior.
“To see you.” He said, simple and to the point.
“Mmm,” you hummed, now much less embarrassed about your attire, or lack of, rather. It was a great head start to your course of action. “To see me, or to fuck me?” The alcohol was a violent instigator, disrupting any filter you would normally have on your thoughts.
“To see you.” He confirmed again, unwavering on his stance, but his gaze was drifting away from your face and settling on the parts of you he was previously so eager to discover. A smirk tugged at your lips, finding his loyalty to his answer funny. You could tell the truth was not within the words he spoke, and his curious eyes were giving him away.
“Okay, you’ve seen me. Want to leave, now?” The angry part of you had no sympathy for the boy you had been so desperately in love with. Although he was still the same person, the new perspective on him casted a different light, now. One that illuminated faults instead of solely positives. The love was the same, still craving his touch with a ferocity like no other, still so profound that it made your head spin and your chest ache. But, love was subject, because the idea of love in your mind was heavily dependent upon your imagination, reliant on the idea that Sam was perfect.
Your feelings were real, but no longer cemented with the notion that he could do no wrong. The pedestal was crumbling, cracking and falling more by the second, finally returning him back to common ground. He lost his ability to consume you entirely, his baggage weighing him down and giving you a chance to surface for some air. The angelic aura that surrounded him was laced with sin, but it made him all the more loveable. His imperfections lessened his ability, but made him more realistic than before. Perhaps your freedom to close the gap of the power imbalance worked more in his favour than anything else. Your momentary sense of control was exhilarating, allowing you to finally plant your feet firmly on the ground, but it only made you fall victim to him even further.
Love cannot be true without equality, and your new understanding of Sam gave you exactly that. The equal playing field resulted solely from the destruction of the barrier between idolization and acceptance. Harnessing control seemed like a way to regain your own power, but it was your biggest mistake thus far. Choosing to continue your dance with the devil only allowed you to shatter the world in which Sam could do no wrong, and learn to love him despite the flaws. It was only a matter of time before the realization seeped through the cracks of the false sense of control; the power did not belong in the hands of any of you, no matter the belief that it did.
Once again, the devil laughed loudly, remaining baffled at your inability to heed the warning.
“I can’t come see you unless I have a reason?” He asked, eyes still drinking in the way the red lace complimented you. “I like your company.”
“You can,” you nodded, showing him you weren’t contesting him on that specific point. “Just don’t think that’s why you came today.” You watched him, examining his face for any faltering expressions.
“Why do you think I’m here, then?” He asked, challenging you the same way you were challenging him. You didn’t respond right away, unsure of the correct answer to his question. You didn’t want to give yourself away, or let him know that you were aware of his history, but you had to make sure he knew you weren’t going to conform to his rules this time.
“To make sure I didn’t forget about our conversation, yesterday.” His eyes flickered to meet yours, curious that you caught on to his intent so quickly. “I didn’t forget, Sammy.” You whispered, voice barely breaking through the silence.
“You mean to tell me you had no intent when you opened the door like that?” His lips upturned in the corner, a smirk now painfully present. He was taunting you, begging for the upper hand to offset your head start. As much as he enjoyed your company, it did not make him completely willing to allow you control.
“I don’t think you want me to answer that, baby.” As you spoke, a flash of emotion crossed his eye, like a spark catching a fume of gasoline. As soon as it ignited, it burnt out in an instant. You weren’t sure if it was because he was covering his emotion, or if he was really that unbothered by the thought of you waiting for his brother. You were both well aware that the initial invitation inside was calling Jake’s name, rather than his. Still, that did not mean he was unwelcome, and he was planning to soak up every bit of hospitality you were willing to give him.
“So I am intruding?” He asked, expecting you to grovel for him to stay. You let out a small laugh, shaking your head at his question.
“You’re not going to leave, Sam. Don’t pretend you will, because we both know it’s not true.” Instead of focusing on the shocked expression he was giving you, you held the bottle of wine to him, silently offering him a drink. Rather than responding, he took the bottle from you and unscrewed the cap, taking a long drink to wash down his distaste for you calling his bluff. He wasn’t sure what to expect of you, but this certainly wasn’t it. The version of you he’d seen yesterday was much different, timid and lovestruck by him. Now, you almost seemed bored, like you were waiting for him to prove himself to you. He was scared that Jake had already won the race, but fear was second to intrigue; he was enticed by the idea of winning you back. He was enticed by you, standing and speaking with so much confidence, your beauty never shining quite as bright as it did in that moment.
He knew he was an idiot for waiting so long, stupid for giving his brother a chance to make an advance. He was stupid for not letting you know how he felt about you sooner, always keeping his admiration silent and making you second guess yourself. He felt, if anything, he owed it to you to to let you express your distaste for his actions. So he played along, allowing you to rid yourself of any ill feelings, knowing he was bound to enjoy the process, anyway. Any attention from you was worth more than the world in his eyes. He let you take the lead, believing that he was doing it willingly; as much as he convinced himself that it was voluntary, he knew that you had him wrapped around your finger. The nights events would only solidify the fact even further, making the entanglement all the more dangerous.
That was the funny thing about your relationship; you both felt the need to harness control, but were both fools for each other. Desperately searching for a sense of power, but willing to give in at the simplest request. The defensive nature that you both tried to maintain, one that radiated with cockiness and carelessness for each other was just for show. You were one misspoken word away from cracking; the weight of his stare was overwhelming, begging to disrupt your entire process.
“Are you sure about that?” He asked, placing the bottle on the table, freeing his hands in anticipation of an advance. You gave him a soft smile, finding his confidence charming.
“So sure that if the time comes, I’ll even hold the door open for you.” Your words struck a nerve in him, but he didn’t break. “But, I’ll leave it unlocked, because I know you’ll come back.” His eyes were burning into you, making the temptation to reach out and touch him overwhelmingly strong. Still, you stood with your feet firmly planted to the ground, imploring him to make the first move. His head tilted to the side, watching you with curiosity. When he realized your play, a smile crossed his lips.
“So sure of yourself, but you haven’t done anything to make me want to stay, princess.” The pet name shook you to your core, shattering all of your values and consuming your thoughts with anything but purity. Both brothers were so charming, perfect with their words but in different ways. Jake made it unable to think about anything other than him, leaving you without a choice in wanting him. He stole the air from your lungs and made the suffering pleasurable. Sam gave you freedom of choice, but ensured to bury himself in every available thought, making the decision of keeping him around easier than anything else. The idea of choice was false from either side, but the ignorance to the truth was fantastic, making you believe you really had a say in the matter and in turn, making you fall for him further on your own accord. They were both evil, no doubt about that, but you were just as bad for allowing them the power over you.
“So far you haven’t done anything other than give me a headache.” You said, almost as if you were bored with the banter. You weren’t sure what came over you; the back talk, the taunting, the confidence all seemed to be new, summoned at the idea of Sam believing he was winning the argument. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was your annoyance with his insufferable attitude. Whatever it was, you had dug just deep enough under his skin for him to throw the act to the side. He was eager to get the rest of your clothes off, and the conversation was giving nothing other than annoyance to both of you. Without a response, he stepped towards you and pulled you into him by your hips in one swift motion. Before you could comprehend the sudden movement, his eyes were busy casting the familiar spell over you, drawing you into him without a second thought. Within a few seconds, his lips were on yours.
Your hand snaked around his neck, eager and accepting of the new position. The kiss was heated, different than the ones you had shared before. The bitterness of the wine lingered on your lips, offsetting the sweetness of your satisfaction. The gratification that coursed through your veins was heavily accredited to his willingness to give in, making you think that for a moment you had won the battle. In turn, that was true in a sense, but it had only laid the foundation for a war to begin. Your personal needs were fulfilled, the agenda was almost to completion, but the nagging voices in your mind were screaming at you to recognize that they were achieved at a cost. You wished, with his hands on you, his lips distracting you, that the voices would cease to exist. No matter which path you chose, there was some moral dilemma begging to be heard above the sinister power of the little devil that was controlling your every move. As delightful as his touch was, some part of you finally begun to understand that it was not the answer to your questions, or the solutions to your problems.
But, you were never one to deny pleasure, and pleasure was nothing compared to what he was capable of giving you.
You felt like you were melting into him, completely immersed in his presence and one with every movement. His hands were steady, holding you to him to make sure you knew he wasn’t backing down. Your chest was burning, heart racing at the idea of finally having him so intimately. Months of tension spent waiting for a moment of relief, begging for him to notice, was finally coming to an end, but not in a sweet confessional. It was heated, passionate and hungry, both of you feeling no need for any sort of formalities. The lust was primal, and seemingly desperate. Whether that was for each other, or just to prove a point, was unclear. Despite his arrogance moments earlier, he didn’t seem to have a plan in mind to progress. He wanted you to take charge, to allow yourself the opportunity to rid yourself of any frustrations or fears that you may have been experiencing previously. You were in control, and he was willing to do whatever he could to please you.
You parted for a moment, lungs aching for a breath. Your hands drifted downwards, fumbling with the bottom of his shirt. He released his hold, allowing you to pull it over his head and expose his upper body. Your eyes washed over his bare torso, wanting to admire him, but your hands were already guiding him backwards to one of the kitchen chairs. You felt like you were in a frenzy, needing to know every part of him and appreciate the detail, but unable to slow down to allow yourself to do so. You wanted all of him, but you wanted it right away. Waiting was out of the question; your patience had withered away long before he showed up at your doorstep.
Before he sat, he took a second to remove his jeans, leaving you both in the same position. Minimal fabric concealing the most intimate details, details that you were both eager to explore. Once he kicked his pants to the side, he allowed you to guide him down on the wooden chair. Before he could even settle himself in the seat, you had taken it upon yourself to make yourself comfortable in his lap. With your legs on either side of him, you placed your hand on his shoulder as you guided yourself into the new position. His hands found your hips again, showing his appreciation for your advance. He held you down on him, the small friction providing relief only for a few seconds.
“How’s that?” He hummed, the warmth of his palms searing into you, branding you with his touch. You knew in that moment, there was no escaping Sam. He had permanently engraved his essence within you, his name knotted around your tongue, his presence making home in your heart and his touch burrowing under your skin. He was like a parasite, showcasing it with his ability to latch on to you and take control, to slowly leech all life from you. The certain death was the most comforting part; you would never have to live without him, to feel the ache if he disappeared. “Still giving you that headache?” He mustered out, almost distracted from his jab by the slow roll of your hips against him. The gentle movement was barely causing any friction, yet it was grand enough to completely break his focus. You knew just as well as he did that your effect on him rivalled the one he had on you, and you were using it to your advantage.
“Shut up, Sam.” You snapped, feeling his hands find the clasp of your bra. With expert precision he unhooked it, the tension releasing instantly and the straps drifting down your shoulders.
“Hey, now. No need to be like that.” He cooed, the soft sound of his voice sending a shiver down your spine. The difference in bed between him and his brother was astounding; if you had spoke to Jake with even an ounce of the disrespect you were giving Sam, chastising would have been for certain, and punishment would be expected. Instead, Sam took the gentle approach, coaxing you with kindness to do what he do badly wanted. There was no authority in his tone or his touch, only need that could not be described with such simple words. He was completely at your disposal, willing to do anything you wanted with little argument. The similarities you’d seen previously had finally begun to divide, branching off to show you the different sides of both boys. Even with the differences, you still found yourself falling further for each of them with every moment that passed.
In one sense, your adoration for Sam was growing larger with every second, faster with every touch he ghosted over your skin. In another, the surge of emotion snowballed into guilt, feeling like you were betraying Jake by encouraging Sam’s advances. You vowed to fight, to settle the score and finish their endless battle for them, but you were slowly beginning to understand that the peace would come at risk of casualties; the casualty being you. Still, you walked into your own demise with content, just happy to be loved in the process. Your willingness to sacrifice your own sanity stemmed from the fact that the feeling of being loved by both boys was too grand to deny. As much as you wanted to believe your intent was selfless, that it was to protect lovers from future conflict like such, it was not wholly true. The biggest force was solely the desire to be with them, to be needed by them. You were drowning in your own feelings, but the water was warm, more comforting than the thought of never swimming again.
His fingers drifted over your shoulders, begging you to move just enough so he could remove the red fabric from you. You adhered to his silent plea, moving back from him and allowing him to slip the straps from your arms. He lazily tossed the bra to the floor, not even bothering to notice where it landed. Instead, his eyes were focused only on you, engraving the memory into his brain forever. His curious hands drifted to where the bra had been previously concealing you, his thumb brushing over your nipple, soft enough that you could have missed it. He leaned forward, lips connecting with the sensitive skin on your neck. He familiarized himself with you, his movements slow but calculated.
When the first breathy moan slipped past your lips, he was sure he could die in that moment, more content than he’d ever been. His actions were seemingly genuine, like all he was doing was for the sake of your pleasure. It was partially true, and he was happy that he could give you what you wanted, but it was more than that; every touch, kiss, all of the silent encouragement was selfishly motivated. Much like his brother, he was determined to make you fall victim to him, just so you never wanted to leave. The game was natural to them, but losing you was not something he was willing to do. As much as he hated to sacrifice his brothers feelings for his own sake, he didn’t care. In the end, he wanted you no matter the sacrifice or strife, and he was certain of it. For the time being, he made it a mission to make your decision easy, to make you want to come to him, to fall in to his arms as if you’d always belonged there.
He lowered his mouth, capturing your nipple in his mouth. A soft flick of his tongue over the sensitive bud sent a shiver down your spine. Your back arched, allowing him easier access to your chest. As you did so, his erection pressed further into your heat, intensifying your arousal. His mouth focused on one breast while his hand found your other. The two different sensations created a whole new feeling for you, quickly realizing that he also had a touch of magic within him as well. As if it were your new mantra, you found yourself blaming it on the Kiszka charm once again. You felt as if you’d been reciting that in your head more than anything else, chalking up every moment to a universal aura all of the siblings possessed. Deep down, you knew it was likely because they knew you, that they’d studied you in attempt to understand what would win you over, and now they were using it to their own advantage. Still, ignorance was easier to choke down than truth, and the truth was that charm was part of the game.
You found your hips grinding into him more as his tongue moved with expert precision. He was growing more excited by the second, eager to get the rest of your clothes off and get a taste of the mess he’d created. His hand wandered down, tickling the soft skin of your torso as he searched for something more. Eventually, his fingers knotted through the side of your underwear, the lace tempting him too much to withstand. He let his fingers rest for a moment as he removed his mouth from your nipple, barely giving you time to process the loss before his free hand was guiding your head down to meet him in a kiss. It was a messy show of tangled lips and curious tongues, nothing desirable about the sloppiness, yet more inviting than anything else you could imagine.
Little by little, his parasitic nature began to suck the life from you, beginning with your own morality. The more you had of him, the more the cloud of guilt floated away. No thoughts of Jake, or his hands that you’d been begging for only moments before Sam’s arrival. The only thing that mattered was your growing impatience and how badly you wanted him inside you. When you parted from him, you were both fighting for a full breath, lungs burning with something bigger than just a lack of oxygen; overwhelmed by the pure desire surrounding you. “Stand up for me.” He managed out through a long exhale. You did as he pleased, but ensured that the process was drawn out, teasing him as you did so. Once you were planted on your feet, he took it upon himself to rid you of the red lace that left little to the imagination. Once they dropped to your ankles, he sucked in a long breath in attempt to cover the shock on his face.
He couldn’t hide the look of adoration his eyes were glistening with, overwhelmed at the thought of finally being with you so intimately. He would have told you that you were gorgeous, the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, but his words seemed to fail him. Seeing you fully exposed before him seemed to cause a short circuit in his brain, unable to comprehend the feelings he had for you in that moment. It was a slow build up, letting him believe he was in control of how hard he was falling for you, allowing him to think that you didn’t have any power over him. The bliss that he felt in that moment told him all he needed to know; he was in love with you, falling harder and faster than he ever had. There was no stoping it, no cushion to break the fall, and the only way to protect himself was to make you love him, too.
He was certain his brother felt the same pull, the same adoration and the same love. It was only then he realized that the world they had been living in was far more dangerous than it had ever been before. This time, the love was real, and catastrophic. Neither could bear the thought of losing, and they were pulling you in both directions as they fell opposite of each other. The cushion of protection that brotherhood provided only extended so far, and the truth of this heartbreak stretched far beyond covered ground. As he reached out for you, slowly turning you around and guiding you backwards to him, he tried to push the thought away. As your legs found home on either side of him, the warmth of your back searing into the skin of his chest, he knew it was here to stay. When his hand drifted between your legs, fingers dancing through the wetness and finding their way to your clit, he didn’t care. Your head fell back on his shoulder, eyes fluttered shut in bliss at the relief he was giving you.
“Oh, god.” You sighed, immediately causing him to close his eyes, too. The sound alone was enough to make him forget any worry in the world. His free hand returned to your breast, gently playing with your nipple as he focused on your clit. He was painfully hard, almost unable to hold himself back from fucking you right then, but he persevered. Getting you off was the only thing he cared about. In that moment, he was living for it. Your head turned inward towards his own, your forehead resting against his cheek, silently begging for more contact with him. He turned his head towards you, enjoying every bit of affection you would permit.
“Is that better, princess?” His voice was low, vibrating through you with an intensity you could barely comprehend. He was barely touching you, barely giving you anything at all, but he was driving you crazy. Every small touch or slight movement was a million times more powerful than they appeared. You worried that you were tangled in his web, too, your limbs tied down with no hope for freedom. Even with the restraint, the unwillingness to accept the inevitable consequence of being intertwined with him indefinitely, some part of you you knew you would be okay, because he would take care of you. He would always take care of you, and you knew that from the minute his hands touched you.
You thought it ought to be impossible, to be so intricately woven within both boys, to be tied down willingly even with the knowledge that there was no way out. After all, how could you be so immersed in two different worlds? The question hammered against your skull as his fingers danced through your cunt, pushing you to the brink of an orgasm without any effort. The words grew louder as the knot in your belly tightened, the stimulation of your nipple pinched between his fingers driving you even closer to the edge. As he turned his head and caught you in another kiss, you thought the pondering would be silenced, that the voice would fade into nothing. While his tongue danced with yours, sadistically paired with the expertise of his hands, the question was indefinitely answered. The web was the same, just much larger and complex than you originally understood. It was completely possible to be trapped by both brothers because their web was identical, and over years of playing their same disastrous games, they had intertwined and become one.
Danny was right in saying that it was impossible to fall for one and not the other, but not because of their similarities. Sure, they had lots in common, but that was not the driving force that made it so easy to love both. They were different in many ways, and you could tell just by how Sam was touching you, how he chose to love you in that moment. Different than Jake, but fantastic all the same. You loved both with the same intensity, but for all different reasons. In the struggle, it was easy to view the feelings as identical because you never had a moment to slow down and think of it any other way. It was possible to fall for both of them so intensely because they made it so; their whole exterior was a guise, perfectly crafted in retaliation to the feeling of insecurity and inferiority. Mistakes from their younger days led them to believe that the pattern was set in stone, rather than something they allowed. Instead of changing, working towards the common goal, they played into the idea that they were never going to escape the curse. You had fallen for both of them so quickly because they moulded into one mindset, mirroring each other in the worst ways.
The boys were different, much more than you had perceived before. You wished that with the realization, picking one over the other would be so much easier. As Sam coaxed you into an orgasm, sending a wave of pleasure through you so intense that you couldn’t catch your breath, you knew it wasn’t true. In the few short days they had spent trying to win you over, you’d fallen for them as individuals. Caught in the same web, but in love with two different versions of it. One side was not greener than the other, nor more promising, which made it all the more painful. As you came down, skin tingling with the ghost of pleasure, you clung to him for comfort. The warmth of his skin was inviting, so inviting that it was easy to ignore the warnings your brain wished you would adhere to. There was no hope for a brighter side, and it didn’t matter who you chose in the end, because they had both planted the seed of promise within your brain. Promise of love, happiness, comfort, and the thought of losing either was excruciating. Different as they may be, the euphoric feeling of being loved by them was all the same.
Suffering was a promise coated with momentary gain. Nobody was in control, and you were all finally beginning to understand.
Once you had regained your senses, Sam prompted you to sit up for a moment. You hovered above him, allowing him the chance to free himself from his boxers. He barely had the fabric out of the way before he was guiding you back down to him, lining his cock with your entrance as he did so. There was a slight moment of hesitancy from both of you, but it was quickly forgotten when he pulled you down on him fully, your ass meeting his hips as he bottomed out inside of you. A shared groan of relief sounded from both of you, as if it was something you’d been waiting for your whole lives. He pulled your upper half back to his chest, reaching around to find your clit again. Once you’d recovered from the overwhelming feeling of him inside you, you began to rock your hips. He didn’t move his fingers, letting you set the friction with the pace of your hips. It was a small injustice, one that drove you insane. His generosity weakened and he was silently telling you that if you wanted more, you had to work for it.
You sped your movements, finding your will to argue with Sam completely non-existent. Arguing with Jake was fun, because you knew you went into the conversation with no chance of coming out on top. With Sam, it was a ruthless battle. You could both scream until you were blue in the face and neither of you would give in. You could spend all night running in circles, or get yourself off on your own accord, and you chose the latter. Your only hope was that he felt the same about you, and when it was your turn for a command, he would oblige with the same enthusiasm. As you sunk back down on him, he was unable to hold back the sound of pleasure that slipped through his lips. It only served as motivation, telling you that he was just as crazy for it as you were.
He had one hand firmly on your waist, fingers decorating the soft flesh with enough pressure for you to notice, but not near enough to hurt you. His touch radiated caution and care, so unlike the hands you had on you the night before. “This is what you came over for, isn’t it?” You hummed, your head tilted back and his cheek pressed against yours. He refused to answer, but didn’t change his position. “Tell me, Sam.” You ordered, but the tone was gentle, coaxing it from him at his own pace rather than forcing it.
“Fuck, yes,” he finally said, hissing his answer through clenched teeth. Your eyes closed at the sound, pleased at his answer but not completely satisfied with him yet.
“Is it as good as you thought it would be?” You taunted, not changing your pace but coming down on him with more force each time. “Exactly what you dreamed of?”
“Yeah, baby.” He nodded against you, sucking in a sharp breath as you rolled your hips on him. “You feel so good, even better than I imagined.” His voice was strained, like he was trying to fight back a moan as he spoke. A smirk played at the corner of your lips, content to have him in such a mess below you.
“God, you do too.” You sighed, realizing that if he was willing to be so kind, you would, too. “I’ve wanted this for so long, Sammy.” The statement caused his fingers to tighten on you and his pressure on your clit to increase. A moan fell from you, content with his effort. He was just happy you were enjoying yourself. In a twisted turn of events, you understood that in that specific scenario, he was existing solely to please you. So many months wasted pinning after him, and he had been so eager to make you feel good the whole time. As if it were a silent apology from both of you, he was doing so now, and praising him only seemed right.
“Now you have me, princess.” He whispered, leaning down and placing a few kisses on your shoulder. The small act of love was heartwarming, but you didn’t let it deter you from the filthy things you wanted him to do to you. “I’m all yours.” You swallowed hard at the statement, not quite ready to bear the weight of it yet.
“Just like that, baby.” You gasped, shifting slightly in hopes that he would continue hitting the same spot inside you. The circles he was rubbing into your clit were steady, ruthless in their efforts to get you to another climax. You sped the pace, the tip of his cock hitting the most sensitive spot inside you from the new angle. “M’gonna cum,” you warned, praying he would keep his rhythm.
“Yeah?” He asked, his tone hopeful and anything but condescending. You let out a murmur of agreement, your eyes squeezed shut in anticipation. Your forehead was glistening with sweat, the position clearly taking a bit more energy than you anticipated. The strands of his hair that were in disarray were tickling the skin of your shoulders, a simple beauty in the mess of vulgarity. He was beautiful, and so was the way he was making you feel. It seemed as though he worshiped the ground you walked on, ecstatic that he even had the opportunity to please you. Like your words had changed his demeanour, morphed him into something you never expected from him. He was so witty and even snarky by times, and you fully expected that persona to carry over from every day life to the bedroom. Instead, he was almost a different person, desperate to make you feel good and even willing to be chastised in the process. Had you attempted to tease Jake, you would be met with nothing rewarding. The difference was astounding.
“Oh, fuck Sam!” You whined, the muscles in your abdomen tensing as a wave of pleasure washed over you. The pressure had reached its peak, leaving your legs shaking and hands gripping at him for support.
“There you go, princess.” He breathed, in awe at the elegance of you, even in such a dirty way. “Did that feel good?” Once again, the vibration of his voice resonated throughout your body, settling under your skin and igniting every nerve.
“Felt so good, baby.” You assured him. Without another word, he lifted you off him, keeping a hand on you to support you. With a swift motion, he cleared the clutter of the table with a swipe of his hand. Most items were pushed backwards, some toppling over and some papers floating to the ground with grace. You watched as the items settled in their new positions, a spark of intrigue filling you. He turned to you, picking you up with ease and settling you on the now empty spot on the kitchen table. “Hi,” you let out a small giggle, processing the change of position. As he nestled between your legs, you couldn’t help but feel a fleeting moment of innocent joy. The soft features of his face, beautifully crafted and meant to be admired. The hair cascading down his shoulders, framing every detail in the most elegant way. The dim overhead light and the sun from the window painting him with a bit of a golden glow. It was all too much to overlook, too profound to go unnoticed. He was perfect, unbearably compelling, and the tug on your heartstrings from the sight was irrefutable. You couldn’t help but take the moment, even if it broke the momentum of sex.
“Hi, gorgeous.” He smiled, eyes drifting over your face and admiring you in the same way. After a moment of silent appreciation, he pulled you into a kiss. It was sweet, but it didn’t last for long and the blame was shared between both of you. The need for more was obvious, and the tender action quickly turned messy, desperate, even. You felt him line himself up with you again, but you broke away and stopped him before he could advance. He looked at you with worry, wondering if he overstepped. You shook your head, placing a hand on his shoulder and gently guiding him towards the floor.
After a moment, he caught on to your demand. He sunk to his knees, almost embarrassed that he hadn’t thought of it himself. He was so worked up that he hadn’t even taken the time to fully grasp what was in front of him. He placed a few kisses to your thighs, gentle and loving, building up to what you so badly wanted. He hooked his arm under your leg and gently guided you to the edge of the table. He didn’t waste too much time, not wanting you to lose interest in the action. He ran his tongue through you, savouring the taste of your arousal. He let out a hum of pleasure, letting you know he was more than grateful to have you like that. Your hand found his hair, tangling in the locks of brown. You watched him, eyes glazed with lust, realizing how many times you wished you could have him exactly as he was. You didn’t have the chance to dwell for too long, his tongue quickly finding your already quite sensitive bundle of nerves.
Your head fell back, too focused on the feeling to watch him any longer. His initial exploration was long forgotten about, eager to get you to another climax. Part of it was selfish, not wanting to wait any longer to be inside you again, but most of it was desperation to make you feel such a way again. The knowledge that he could make you feel so good was worth more than the world to him. He was sure there was no greater motivator in the universe. His tongue was focused on your clit, relentless in its pursuit of an orgasm. His fingers were grasping your thigh, holding you to him like he was scared you would get away. Little did he know, that was the last thing you ever wanted to do. You wished you could stay like this with him forever.
After a moment, he added his fingers to you, pumping them in with a slight curl every time. The added stimulation made it impossible for you to hold back any moans. Your grip on his hair was tight, and if you weren’t so lost in the pleasure, you would be in fear of hurting him. It didn’t bother him, though. If anything, it drove him further, making him enjoy the experience even more. He was crazy for you, and he knew that in that moment, there was nothing he wouldn’t do to have you like this again. His previous concern about Jake and his feelings were obsolete. The need to be with you was greater than his worry of hurting his brother. Even if someone was bound to get harmed, he was just happy to have you for the time being. Even if you didn’t choose him. After all, having you for a brief moment was better than never having you at all.
“S-Sammy,” you whimpered, eyes squeezed shut at the pure ecstasy of his mouth. He hummed against you, acknowledging your exclamation without breaking away from you. “Fuck that feels so good.” You groaned, the words ripping from your chest in a violent manner. He used the praise as motivation, ensuring his movements were consistent to give you the most pleasure he could. Although his pace was slow, it did not mean it wasn’t impactful. He flattened his thumb against your cunt, pulling his mouth back only slightly so he could slip the digit just below his lip. The pause in movement took you for surprise, making you wonder what he was doing. After a few seconds, he continued on and answered your question immediately. A sharp gasp sounded, the slight change introducing you to a whole different type of pleasure.
With every upstroke of his tongue, he brought his thumb up under it, keeping it in time with his tongue. The new feeling made it so your clit was constantly stimulated, never giving him a chance to miss a beat. He continued pumping his fingers in you, the curl hitting your g-spot with ease. There was no doubt the brothers talent on their instruments had contribution to their skillful hands, but you had no idea to what extent it would be. Now, you were certain that every lifetime lived would only be worth it if it was spent with a guitarist. “Please don’t stop,” you pleaded, drawing in a long breath. The burning in the pit of your stomach was intense, easily telling you that he didn’t have to work for much longer. One last pump of his fingers was all you needed. When you came, it was more intense than the ones he had previously given you. You were clenched around his fingers, your legs shaking and your fingers knotted tightly in his hair. You struggled to catch your breath, your chest burning for air and your head swimming with nothing meaningful.
When he noticed your body relax, he slowly tapered his pace. When he fully removed himself from you, you felt disappointment at the lack of attention. He smiled up at you, noticing the look of displeasure on your features. Slowly, he rose back to his feet and made home between your legs again. “You taste so good, princess. Could do that all day.” He said, his words sincere and no hint of a lie in his expression.
“It was so good, Sammy. You make me feel so good.” You sighed, pulling his upper body into you. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. You weren’t sure if it was because you were craving the comfort after such an earth-shattering orgasm, or if you were craving him. Either way, the comfort that came from the feeling of his arms around you was unexplainable. He placed a kiss to the top of your head, flooding your body with a type of warmth you can only feel from another person. He held you there, feeling the same way that you were. He never wanted to leave, never wanted to let you go, and it was dangerous. Much like his brother, he had to face the reality that you weren’t his. At least, not yet.
“Can I fuck you, please?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper. It was an attempt to ward off the ache that settled within him, knowing he would walk out of the house with no promise of more.
“You want to fuck me?” You asked, pulling back to look up at his face. He met your eyes, giving you a nod. You watched his face, wondering if you wanted to allow him the opportunity so soon. There was a slight glimmer of hope in his eye, one that you couldn’t look past. “Since you did such a good job,” you teased, a small smile on your lips. “You can fuck me, baby.” You said, the permissive statement sparking him into action immediately. His hands shot to your hips, pulling you just a little closer to the edge. You leaned back slightly, allowing him easier access. His hand trailed to your thigh, landing on your knee and pulling your leg up and around him. You locked it there, drawing him in closer as he lined himself up with your entrance.
He pushed into you, both of you letting out a sigh of relief at the feeling. He thrusted his hips slow at first, giving you time to adjust to him again. You appreciated his patience, you were sensitive from the events that had already ensued, and him caring about your comfort more than his satisfaction meant a lot. After a moment, you were well acclimated and wanted more. You guided his body closer to you, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. He responded enthusiastically, happy for the new invitation. Your tongue danced over his bottom lip, driving him crazy and inevitably causing him to quicken his pace. The angle in which the position allowed was deliciously precise, the tip of his cock reaching your cervix as he thrusted. The small jolt of pain was immensely noticeable, but just as pleasant as every other sensation.
You were certain that anything would be delightful as long as Sam was the one doing it.
You let a moan slip into his mouth, unintentional but perfectly good for him. His fingers seared into your skin, tightening at the sound. You were having a hard time keeping your lips to his with the way he was pounding into you. Your leg that was locked around him attempted to pull him closer, even if it was impossible. You wanted to be immersed in him, for his being to suffocate you. You never wanted to leave the moment, never wanted him to stop touching you. Every nerve was ablaze with months of tension finally coming to an end. Your skin was on fire, not with heat, but with the pure electricity his body was giving off. It felt perfect, like this was exactly where you should be. The decision to be with Sam should have been easy, especially when you were feeling like such. Still, there was a little voice in your head telling you that something wasn’t right, and you couldn’t rely on the feeling because you felt the same way with Jake.
You felt despicable even thinking of his brother while engaging in such an act, but the thought was fleeting, never lasting for too long but always appearing when you least expected it. Much like poison slowly creeping into your veins and overthrowing your own body. It was killing you, but was so good, so similar to a drug. Both of the boy’s love was branded with toxicity and was dangerously volatile, but always left you wanting more. Left you believing that you couldn’t live without it. “I need you to cum again, princess.” He pleaded. The words cut through your thoughts like a blade, shattering any abstraction of anything other than him. He was close, begging you for one more climax before he reached his own.
He had done a fantastic job pleasing you, ridding you of any indignation you held for him in the previous hours. With the offer of his body alone, he’d managed to erase any ill feelings in an instant, and in such a selfless manner. You thought you could give in, allow him what he wanted at his request. If you wanted to, you could make him go all night, and you were sure he would oblige. You certainly wouldn’t mind, but you had a streak of sympathy for him in that moment, feeling generous enough to give him a break. His hard work was appreciated, and you had gotten far more than you originally hoped for. “Are you close, baby?” You asked, using your free hand to cup his cheek in your hand. He gave a nod, leaning forward to rest his forehead on yours. “You want to cum with me?” You pried, wanting a verbal answer from him.
“Fuck, yes.” He groaned. Seeing him in such a state was enough to drive you over the edge. His desperation was thrilling; you couldn’t help but feel your ego inflating at the thought. You’d spent so long desperate to have him, and now that the roles were reversed, you couldn’t help but revel in it for a while. “Please, y/n, want it so bad.” The begging was new to you, never having experienced it from someone else. You’d been on the other end of it before, but receiving it was a whole new level of gratification. You didn’t want to make him grovel for too long, but we’re certain to remember the feeling for next time, just to ensure you could experience it again. You didn’t have to make him wait, anyway, because your next orgasm was approaching fast.
“Oh, god.” You growled, the sound primal and your grasp on him feral.
“That’s it, princess.” He encouraged, his grip tightening again. Every feeling was euphoric, otherworldly, almost. You had yet to comprehend the truth of the situation, that you were actually with Sam, and not just in another daydream or fantasy. He was in front of you, inside you, with his hands all over your body and his name embedded into your tongue.
“Fuck!” You choked out, abdomen rigid as your muscles contracted. You uttered his name, a gentle allowance for him to cum, too. He pulled you into another kiss, silencing any further admissions. You couldn’t help but let a whimper out, muffled by his lips on yours. That was all it took for him to reach his peak, both of your orgasms crashing over you at once. His movement halted, his hands pulling you into him as he spilled his release into you.
You were a mess of tangled limbs, glistening with sweat and surrounded by muttered noises of pleasure. Long after the climax, even after your bodies were relaxed and recovered from the excitement, you were both still wrapped around each other with no sign of release. He rested inside you, fingers ghosting over the spot he’d been previously holding. Your palm was cupping his cheek, keeping him close with no intention of letting him go. His forehead was on yours, both of your eyes closed in bliss, basking in the comfort of each other for as long as you could. His lips were hovering over yours, tempted by the thought of kissing you again. You ended his internal debate, capturing him in a sweet kiss, wanting it just as bad.
Time passed, filled with kisses and whispers of adoration and appreciation for each other. It was tender, loving and inviting. It was a moment you wanted to live in forever without fear of ever losing it. His touch was gentle, like he was scared you were made of glass and he’d break you with one wrong move. He thought you were perfect enough to be framed, to be an exhibit in the most prestigious art museum, but even that wouldn’t do you any justice. He wanted to speak, to tell you everything he’d held back for so long, to show you that he felt the same for you and he was foolish for waiting so long. His silence was thick, heavy in the air. He’d fallen victim to his cowardice, the same way you and Jake had. So many feelings ready to burst at the seam, but never enough courage to speak them aloud. All three of you held the belief that if it was left unspoken, it would hurt less when the inevitable downfall occurred.
“Let’s get cleaned up?” He offered, but his chest ached at the thought of breaking from you. You gave a small nod, head heavy with exhaustion and intoxication. Instead of pulling away, he wrapped his arms around you with caution, carefully picking you up off the table. He carried you to the bathroom before he finally let you stand on your own.
You both cleaned up, ridding yourselves of the dirty act you had committed. An invitation of a shower bounced around your soul, but the fear of rejection was far too large to speak it into existence. Instead, when you were both ready, you led him to your bedroom. You searched for a moment, locating a t-shirt that hung down to your thighs. You slipped it over your head as Sam disappeared, likely in search of his own clothes. He returned a moment later clad in just his boxers, carrying the other articles of clothing in his hand. He discarded them on the floor again, not caring where they ended up. You were both caught in wordless comfort, not wanting to disturb the peace in fear of saying something wrong. You took a seat on the edge of the bed, holding a hand out for him to join. A small smile crossed his lips, happy at the idea that you wanted him to stay.
He disregarded your gesture, climbing in behind you and wrapping his arms around your torso. He gently pulled you back as he laid down, settling you in his arms, pressing you firmly against his chest. You let out a giggle of delight, content at the position. Even though your back was to him and you couldn’t see his face, you knew he had a grin plastered on his cheeks. He grabbed a fistful of blanket, carelessly pulling the comforter over you both. The warmth surrounded you with more welcome than you anticipated, the familiar feeling immediately prompting a wave of tiredness. The sound of slow breathing filled the room, heartbeats in sync and all worry subsided. Within moments, you’d both drifted into a slumber that not even an earthquake could disturb.
A little while later, you woke with a start. Shuffling behind you and the stab of cool air penetrated the aura of comfort you had created. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, groggy and disheveled from the deep slumber you had just been in. You looked up, noticing that Sam was cautiously climbing from the bed, trying not to disturb you. He didn’t notice your open eyes until he had pulled his shirt over his head and turned to check on you. “You’re leaving?” You asked, voice gravelly and laced with confusion.
“Oh, yeah. I have to get home.” He said, a note of sympathy ringing from him. It seemed like he wanted to disappear before any conversation could begin.
“Oh,” you said, trying not to let your disappointment show. Now that your eyes were fully open, your head was pounding from the hangover beginning. You cursed the wine for being so easy to drink, knowing you were in for a night of discomfort. “That’s okay. Thanks for coming over, it was nice.” You managed out, eyebrows furrowed from the pulse of pain beating against your skull. You tried to make the words sound as genuine as possible, not wanting any awkwardness to ruin the evening you shared. He pulled on his pants, then leaned down over you and placed a kiss to your lips.
“It was my pleasure.” He assured you, giving you a small smile. “I’ll see you soon?” You nodded, unable to fight back a smile in return.
“Yeah, text me later or whatever.” You tried to pass the comment off with nonchalance, but you were really hoping he would.
“Of course.” He said, kissing you once more. The temptation was just too strong to resist. With that, he straightened up, bidding a small goodbye and disappeared through your bedroom door. You pulled the blanket to your chest, feeling a fizzle of sadness spark in your heart. Perhaps the night you spent with Jake had conditioned you to believe that your entanglements were more than they actually were. In truth, they were nothing greater than messy hookups, even if you all had feelings buried deep below the surface.
You heard the front door shut followed by silence filling the home, screaming emptiness and seclusion again. You stayed stagnant for a moment, wondering if sleep was the best option to rid the looming sense of loneliness that made fast work at creeping back in. Instead of focusing on it, you crawled out of bed and faced the cool air. Your head ached as you stood, but you figured water and advil was the only sure way you would get any decent sleep. Plus, the thought of waking twice to the same violent hangover was too miserable to chance. So you trudged down the hallway, still slightly disoriented from the nap you couldn’t seem to pull yourself completely out of. When you saw the state of the kitchen, you felt the overwhelming urge to turn around and go back to bed.
There were papers strewn across the room, the table a mess of items that Sam had thrown into disarray. Your lingerie decorated the hardwood floor and the chair you and Sam had favoured was still a showpiece in the middle of the room. Your wine bottle that was barely broken into was begging you to take another sip, but you threw it in the fridge to fight the temptation. You grabbed a bottle of water, wasting no time chugging it down. The hydration felt nice, but it was no competition for the amount of alcohol you had consumed earlier that day. You searched the cabinet above your fridge for some painkillers, taking two and leaving the bottle out for the night.
You slowly picked up the mess of paper on your floor, neatly arranging it back on the table. You pushed the chair back in its place and collected the red lace that was taunting you with your bad decisions. Your focus fell back on the table, straightening some things up and making it look more presentable. As you finished the task, your eye caught sight of something laying underneath the stack of papers. You froze, eyes wide and heart thudding against your ribs. You reached out, slowly retrieving your phone from the mess. A sense of dread washed over you, scared to turn the screen on, realizing that you would likely be met by a plethora of missed messages from Jake. When Sam arrived, the whirlwind of events allowed for your previous arrangements with Jake to completely slip your mind. Or, perhaps you shoved them to the side intentionally. Either way, you were certain that the hours without a response hadn’t gone unnoticed, and you were certain he was not happy about it.
Part of you had a small thrill at the idea of him being pissed off, hoping the confrontation would turn into something quite enjoyable for you. There was a bigger, more imminent fear that he was genuinely just going to be angry at you, especially if he knew the reason as to why you were ignoring him. You were crushed at the idea of him being upset, even if his own game was the reason behind the hurt. As much as you hated to admit it, the feelings you had for him were very real and ran much deeper than lust. You tapped the screen, turning it on in an instant. When you registered the entirety of the missed notifications, your heart dropped. Two missed calls, and three texts.
You clicked the notification bars, nervous for the impact. The first two were light, mostly teasing you for the way he had ended the call. Then, when those went unanswered, he called. No voicemail, but you were sure he was tempted to leave one. Fifteen minutes later, he tried again. The second missed call really struck a nerve in him, because the third text came much later and was far heavier than the previous two. No loving undertone or lighthearted demeanour, just blunt and upfront.
Have it your way, angel. Two can play that game.
Your stomach churned with unease, unsure exactly what he meant by the statement. Your ignoring him was not intentional, but after your behaviour earlier, there was no way in hell that he would believe you, now. Even if he did, how could you explain yourself without making yourself sound even more like a villain. You collapsed in the kitchen chair, head hung low and shame washing over you once again. You thought you ought to take the loss, move on and realize you messed up. Apologize, even, and rectify the mistake so hopefully he would accept it. But, the little devil was louder still, begging you to answer, pretend nothing happened at all just to feel his touch again, or even just to get him to call so you could hear his voice. Instead of doing either, you set your phone down, realizing it was best left alone until the morning.
You trudged back to bed, trying to rid yourself of the ache that settled in your bones. Most of it was due to the regret you felt about doing such a thing to Jake, but the other part because you felt like nothing more than a forgetful hookup to Sam. He’d been so loving during sex that it was almost earth-shattering when he seemed to be in so much of a rush to leave. With Jake, he stayed all night, tangled in your blankets and your heart, playing house for as long as he could. The sex with him was far from sweet, but the aftermath was astoundingly different. Your head was swimming, unsure of how to feel or how to know which was better. You closed your eyes, once again stuck in the rut of falling in love with the Kiszka’s. You begged for sleep, wondering if the despondent feeling would ever subside.
Rulers make bad lovers
TAGLIST: @itsdannysworld @gretavansara @jaketlove @laneygvf @freefallthoughts
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sugarzandsweetz · 1 year
Wardrobe Malfunction (Miguel O’Hara x (y/n))
Lyla decides to mess with Miguel as he is talking to one of his colleague that he has some feelings for.
*inspired by a comic I saw on TikTok)
*Y/n is gender neutral
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Miguel may not posses spidey-sense as many of the spider people in Alchemex, but he does know when there are eyes on him.
“Why are you staring at me?” Miguel asked, not sounding bothered but a bit curious. The spider glances away from his many computer screen to the other spider in the room. He feels a bit warm in his cheeks as Miguel notices how they are eyeing his form.
“What kind of material is your suit made out of?” asked (y/n), the spider from Earth 0923. Their designation: the Wolf Spider.
Their pupils seem to narrow into slits as (y/n) studies Miguel’s form.
Due to being bitten by a radioactive wolf spider, (y/n) has developed the many attributes of one. Insane eyesight, good hunting skills, and amazing agility. They have become one of Miguel’s top spider people as (y/n) has proven to be loyal and quick at executing a mission.
But some people are wondering if there is another reason why Miguel always has (y/n) around.
Miguel looks down at his suit for a second before looking back at (y/n)
“Why?” he asked.
“Well, my suit is made out of a cotton blend mixed with some elastic component so that it’s comfortable and breathable.” (Y/n) said, pulling on one of their sleeves. The material snaps back onto their skin when (y/n) lets go. “The spiders here wear spandex, armor, robot suits, or fur—in that werewolf’s case.”
(Y/n) leans in to study Miguel’s body.
“Yet, I can’t see what your suit is made of.” (Y/n) said, pouting.
For some reason, Miguel feels a tad proud to tell them. “My suit is made of special nanotechnology.” he boasted, demonstrating by causing the sleeve of his right arm to disappear and reappear. “It’s like a hologram almost.”
“Don’t act so high and mighty! Like you know how to design it!” snipped Lyla as the AI flickers into thin air. “Do you know how hard it was to design nano tech that can’t be traced or hacked into?”
Miguel glares at Lyla for ruining the moment. “Are you serious right now? You designed the suit while I did the calculations!” he hissed, flashing his fangs at Lyla. “You nearly made me look like some multicolored clown!”
“Yes, and now you look like some scary crusader!”
“Tu poco—“
Before Miguel can finish his curse in Spanish, (y/n) speaks up.
“Does this mean it’s like some holo screen?” (Y/n) asked, suddenly revealing that they are right in front of Miguel.
Miguel takes a step back, startled by (y/n)’s close proximity. The Hispanic male is stuck staring into their eyes as they view him curiously.
“Uh, I guess if you put it like that.” Miguel said.
“Hmm.” (Y/n) said, making a funny face.
Seeing (y/n) make such a face gives Miguel the strong urge to grab their cheeks and squeeze them. (Y/n) always makes the most interesting faces. It’s what of the reasons Miguel likes them.
“Aren’t you worried it’ll fizz out? Like a broken computer cutting out suddenly?” (Y/n) asked curiously.
That question catches Miguel off guard.
“I don’t see that happening. Besides, how could something like that happen?” he asked, almost insulted at the idea.
This is 2099 technology. He’s perfected crossing into other dimensions without going through spontaneous disruption of his molecules. If he can’t handle putting together a high-tech suit, how can Miguel call himself a scientist.
“Oh, maybe like this!” Lyla spoke up before there is a clicking noise.
At first, Miguel doesn’t notice anything off. Not until he sees (y/n)‘a face turn a bright red.
“Spider-Man underwear?” (Y/n) said with a squeak.
Miguel looks down and squawks when he realizes his suit has disappeared and he is now in his underwear.
“LYLA!” Miguel roared, realizing what Lyla has done. The AI is laughing her ass off as she watches Miguel hide behind a chair.
“I’m going to go!” (Y/n) said quickly as they spin around and hurried out of the room.
“Dammit Lyla! Why did you do that?!” Miguel yelled as his suit returns.
“What? I thought showing off your body will help you get bonus points with (y/n)!” Lyla said.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 3 months
Personally, I'm going to need more than just one single scene between aegon and his son to be convinced that he's a good father, especially after what we learned about him and his bastards in s1. And no I don't care what Tom said about aegon not knowing he had bastards, one because I've only ever seen people say that he said it and when asked for actual links to the article or video in which he said it there's nothing but crickets. Secondly because even if he did say that, it makes no sense. You expect me to believe that erryk, or arryk whichever one it was, was aware that the child was aegon's child, but aegon himself didn't. When he took his brother to the pits he points out the child like he had seen the child before, he only attended the pits with aegon, so I don't believe for one second that aegon looked at that very targaryen looking child and didn't realise it was his, again especially when erryk did. The whole point of that scene was to show aegon's depravity. Erryk is telling his brother look not only does aegon enjoy watching brutal fights between children, but it's worse than that, look over there that's his own child that he let's participate in these fights. This loses any significance and weight if aegon doesn't know that's his child. Erryk wouldn't have pointed out that child as an example of how depraved aegon truly was if aegon didn't know it was his child. Sorry but the argument that aegon just didn't know sounds like nonsense to me.
OK so he doesn't care about his bastards so let's talk about his true born children. I keep seeing all this praise for aegon, talking about how he is such a good dad, how he is so much better than viserys and daemon etc. But like I said we only got one scene between aegon and his son and during this scene we see him smiling and laughing at jaehaerys, which yes had cute vibes about it.
But honestly, watching the scene, I think it was less he was laughing in happiness and pride at his heir and more because he thought it was funny that tyland was being annoyed. I saw posts talking about aww aegon loves his son so much that he knows he likes pony rides and wants tyland to give him one, and I'm just like ???
First off every child likes pony rides, aegon doesn't have to know his son really well to know that he might like a pony ride, secondly this scene wasn't about aegon's love for his son it was about aegon trying to humiliate tyland. It was supposed to show how unsuited he was to rule. He brought his too young son to a council meeting where the child proceeded to cause a distraction and then he tried to use that child as a way to humiliate a member of his small council causing the queen mother to step in. This was not some display of fatherly love, he was entertained by his son annoying tyland because he himself is very childish.
What we are shown in this episode when it comes to aegon's fatherhood was that he came to the children's quarters looking for his heir, approached his daughter then proceeded to ignore her when he realised she wasn't his son, didn't know where his son usually spends his time, doesn't know where he attends his lessons, takes him out of his lessons to attend a small council meeting, let's his son disrupt that meeting and laughs at his bad behaviour and also tried to use his son in an attempt to humiliate tyland, before he sends his son away again when he told this is no time for entertainment.
Don't get me wrong, as I said before, the scene between them was cute, but it doesn't tell me that aegon is a good father. I mean, if the standard for determining how good a parent a character is can be judged by having one cute scene with their child, then viserys is a top-notch father, he had several scenes with baby aegon where he was smiling and laughing at him after all, and daemon too has excellent parenting skills after all there was that adorable scene between him and baela where he was teaching her high valyrian and she kissed his cheek.
Point is people are judging whether a character is a good parent or a bad one based off of single scenes. Aegon is a good dad because in one scene he smiled at his son, daemon is a bad dad because in one scene rhaena said that he ignores her, etc. But I'm getting tired with seeing tg posts saying that tb don't want to accept that aegon is a good dad and we just want to villainise aegon, or maybe we just don't think one scene where he's nice to one of his children is enough proof that he is in fact a good dad. They'll say tb need to accept that daemon is a shitty dad and point out that one scene where rhaena, one of his children, said he ignores her and then get mad when tb say that one scene isn't enough to prove he's a bad dad and then give examples of other scenes that show him being a good father. For me it's the hypocrisy, they can take a single scene and base all their arguments for aegon being a good dad on it, but if tb point out that daemon has shown moments of being a good parent they get angry and return back to that one rhaena scene.
At the end of the day, personally I think they are all, aegon, daemon, viserys, corlys and even laenor, both good and bad fathers at times. Because they are all humans who are imperfect, they are going to have moments when they do things right, but they also all have flaws and moments when they fail as parents.
I am sure that aegon has love for his son, I'm sure he's going to be devastated by his death and feel anger and grief, just like daemon feels grief and anger at luke's death, like corlys felt grief and anger over his children's deaths. But the writers need to give me more than a 2 or so minute long scene of aegon in the role of a father if they want me to come to the conclusion that aegon is a good father myself. And that's my opinion on it.
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sarabethsilver · 2 months
I just want to say that I love your posts about the whole Luke/Jess dynamic!! In my opinion, you are spot on everything.👏
Because yes, Luke was a good father to April and a good father figure to Rory but that doesn't mean that he was that to Jess too…in fact I will say that most of the time he was a complete jerk to Jess by often yelling and being angry at him (there are very few episodes where Luke speaks with a normal tone to him), treating him like a criminal, never showing him any love and comfort, being occasionally physical abusive to him, stealing his car, kicking him out when he actually needed him the most and caring more about him (not) graduating than his feelings about meeting his father, sending him back to NY knowing that Liz “is a wack job”, not caring that “he travelled” aka was homeless for months and had to sleep in a car-and he cared more about Rory than about his nephew in that situation, not listening to him the few times he actually is open to speak about how he feels. On top of that, ignoring that, HE kicked Jess out.
And then blaming, yelling, and insulting him because he didn't want to go to his abuser’s fourth wedding.
Like, I’m not saying that Luke didn't love Jess, because yes, he did, but he wasn't good at showing it. And I understand that he also had traumatic experiences, and didn’t know how to handle a teenager, but in the end, he was just one more adult that rejected Jess. That’s why I don’t understand when people say: “Luke was the only one that was always there for Jess” or “Jess has to be thankful for Luke” like NO just because he let him live in an apartment where he had zero privacy doesn't mean that “he was always there for him,“ especially when he remembered Jess that he can only live there if he graduates. Even without the Walmart job, there is no guarantee that a traumatized teenager will graduate. I really hate how the writers want us to believe that Luke was such a hero here. And yes, I like that “hug scene,“ but Jess deserved and needed that hug so much sooner, and he never got it.
With that being said, I still enjoy their dynamic when I need a good laugh, seeing them both ranting, annoyed with people, being sarcastic. There are many good moments, and when I remember that these are all fictional characters😅 but if we are overanalyzing everything, I have to say that the older I get, the more I struggle with the character of Luke in his behavior towards Jess. 
Thank you! I appreciate this feedback, since I'm always trying (and failing) to tread lightly when I critically examine their relationship. Luke is beloved here, and I get it! I love him too! I enjoy Luke and Jess' relationship on a superficial level. I laugh at their funny moments, and my heart swells at their tender moments. But as soon as I look a little deeper, their relationship looks pretty fractured to me.
I get it, Luke was thrust into an impossible scenario when Jess showed up. I don't fault him for making mistakes along the way. But forget the complexities of "how do you build trust with a teenager who has never been able to trust adults"... Luke never even gets there. What about the basics? Jess needed kindness, safety, and stability. And he just doesn't get that from Luke. Constantly yelling, pushing Jess around, repeatedly mocking, threatening eviction, and then actually kicking Jess out isn't kind, safe, or secure. And those behaviors aren't the outliers - that's Luke's baseline behavior toward Jess. The moments of kindness are the rarities, and those moments are often surrounded with mocking or rejection.
S4 is, by far, the worst. Because at that point, Jess is no longer living with Luke. He's not disrupting Luke's daily life. He's not asking Luke for ANYTHING. But for some reason, Luke goes out of his way to be unkind to Jess... and for what? What's the moral of that story? Because it's CERTAINLY not to have us examine Luke's mistakes with Jess, the writers never go there. Am I meant to believe that Jess needed abandonment, heaps of anger, and continual mocking to... grow, or something? And this is the season I'm supposed to melt at the "reconciliation" between Luke and Jess?
Maybe we're both overanalyzing! Because, like I said, I enjoy their relationship at a superficial level. But also... Luke and Jess are not superficial characters. We see painful, vulnerable moments between them. Jess' arc is serious and evocative, and he's treated like an important character even when he returns as a guest star. So I can't just look at Jess and Luke's relationship on a superficial level. The writers wanted me to see Luke as the "hero" who saved Jess, and they gave me all these moments to supposedly demonstrate that, so I'm sure as hell gonna examine those moments!
EDITED because I'll add that I don't ever view Luke as abusive to Jess. And I think they DO have moments of kindness and comforting. Those are real, and that's what the audience is responding to when we fall in love with them. But imo the moments of kindness are few and far between, and they are not enough to balance out the baseline of irritability Luke puts out there.
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 3 months
Convenience Store Vampire, part 6
Part 1, Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Crap. If the exorcists glanced that way- I did not want to think of what would happen. I had to distract them, keep their eyes on me and the spirit.
“Look, if you want to interrogate me,” I said, butting into their conversation with a newfound urgency.  “You have to talk to my supervisor. We need someone to replace me. Gotta keep the shop running, you know. Smiley mart, service with a smile, selling all day all year!” The deadpan with which I delivered the line got a chuckle from the spirit, but no reaction from the exorcists.
Carter scrunched her nose up. “Alright, call her over. Boxely, deal with the wight.” 
The spirit gave me another aggressive shrug of the head, as though to warn me of something, but I could not turn around. Not now, when all eyes were on me. So instead I made an awkward little shuffle in the opposite direction, hoping to drag the exorcists' eyes away from the door, as I dialed my supervisor.
Mrs Vaceni, my supervisor, was a terrifying woman. Her voice boomed like thunder, and though she was half my size, she could easily make a giant (or a pair of exorcists) quake in their boots. “The hells is the issue, David? You're disrupting my beauty sleep,” she growled. “This better be good.”
“Oh, it is,” I assured her. “There's a pair of exorcists outside the shop. They're accusing us of having something to do with a traffic accident that one of their people got caught in, and they want to bring me in for interrogation.”
Mrs Vaceni paused. “Alright,” she said, and I heard the rustle of a jacket being pulled on. “I'll be there in five.”
I looked up at the exorcists. They both watched me intensely, the spirit still clasped in Boxely's hand. If I hung up now, they'd stop staring at me and start poking around, and then they'd find my leaking cupboard. I had to keep them focussed on me until Mrs Vaceni came. 
“No, please don't say that,” I began, praying Mrs Vaceni would realise something was off. “Look, keep walking all you want, but you have to stop by the shop. The exorcists are really on my back over this. Yeah?”
“What in good Ina's name are you talking about, Dave? I just told you I'll be there soon,” she replied, puzzlement creeping into her voice. “What's going on?”
“Mrs Vaceni, you need to trust me on this,” I began. “This is important, and-”
Boxely pulled my phone away from me. “Hello, Mrs Vaceni? Yes, your employee is wanted for questioning regarding a potential homicide. You will reach soon? Good.” He dropped the phone back into my hand.
Crap. Well, so much for getting them to stare at me talking for 5 minutes. I met the spirit's gaze again and gave him a desperate smile. He shrugged.
Boxely shook him roughly. “What do you two think you're doing, monsters? Don't try to talk to each other behind our backs. I'll be watching you while my partner does a once-over of this shop. Now, are either of you going to admit to killing the exorcist?”
I stared at him blankly. “No?”
Boxely did not find it amusing. “Tch. Carter, start checking this place for magical residue,” he announced.
“Already did,” she replied. “The fucking wight's stinking the place up. I can't tell where his aura ends and the surrounding magic starts.”
I felt a flicker of hope in my chest. Hash's plan worked. They still had no idea that the dead exorcist had spawned a ghost. 
“Guess we'll have to do a physical check, then,” Boxely replied. He tossed the spirit onto the floor. “Don't either of you think of trying anything funny.”
“Are all of your people so incapable of producing grammatically correct sentences? Trade-tongue is my twelfth language, and I appear to be more proficient in it than you,” the spirit jeered as he stood back up, brushing off the nonexistent dust on his clothes. He flicked his wrist at me, as though trying to signal something.
Was his plan seriously to just insult the exorcists? Though I had nothing better than that, it still seemed like a terrible idea. I shook my head slightly at him.
“Chise va,” the spirit whispered in response, soft enough that only my hyper-precise hearing could catch it. My Cescereli was terrible, but I understood his meaning: Trust/follow me.
I sighed and took a deep breath, suddenly regretting ever choosing to work at a convenience store. “Don't ask so much of them,” I drawled, anxious enough that my long-dead heart ought to have been pounding. “They're just puny humans, after all.”
Everyone in the room froze, even the spirit. Then, with terrible slowness, Boxely said, “The hells did you just say, fang-fucker?” His fingers rested on his stunner, itching to make me regret my words.
Not that I needed much encouragement. I already regretted everything that came out of my mouth, from the moment I had been turned until there and then. “I said: You're just a stupid little mortal,” I repeated loudly.
It was deathly quiet. I heard the slow pulses of the exorcists' heartbeats speeding up. “Oh, you are so dead,” Carter snarled, pulling out her gun and pointing it at me.
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chalkrevelations · 1 month
if you don't want to talk about this further, just ignore this of course, but have you seen pond's fucking instagram post about build? (without saying his name of course) i know automatic translations can be wonky, but overall, he is making it all about himself and his feelings, STILL "both sides" the whole thing, and throws in a "watch the new ep of our show" (you know... the one they took away from build) at the end. the audacity that man has is just beyond comprehension. i truly hope karma will do its thing and ruin the company and that man's life.
Hi, Anon. I. Hm.
I went back and forth a couple of times on whether I actually did want to respond to this. I have a lot of feelings and opinions about Pond and about BOC under his direction that I’ve rarely spoken about so publicly (although I have some suspicions, for Reasons, that some things I’ve said in semi-private spaces have been spread further than those spaces). I'm very aware that I'm at a cultural and linguistic disadvantage when I try to evaluate anything about Pond or BOC and that I'm therefore working with limited information. But I don’t think it’s a big secret I’m not a fan of Pond’s. From what I’ve seen, I think his behavior has been deeply problematic and unethical, and not just in relationship to Build’s situation - although the way he’s tried to portray himself as peacemaker during this whole debacle with Poi has certainly only exacerbated my negative impression. The best I can give him is that maybe he’s unaware of his own unctuous self-centeredness? So, while it would be gross and skeevy that he would 1) make something as serious as this all about himself and his own feelings, and 2) use it as a mercenary chance to flog his latest BOC property despite the fact that property no longer has anything to do with Build, I wouldn't be surprised by it.
Personally, I'm sorry that I gave him and his company the benefit of the doubt for as long as I did. Like many other people, I bought into the “big happy family” fan service for a while, before eventually accepting that it was just as much fan service as any branded pair, so, mea culpa on that front, right? But I think too many people didn’t and haven’t realized or accepted that, and that Build in particular has paid an out-sized price for it - including when people have put the blame on him for the cracks in the facade, especially in misplaced anger and outrage over the “leaked” DMs that threatened the happy found-family narrative BOC was selling and that fans want(ed) to believe.
I think Pond and BOC have been very good at manipulating fan sentiment into believing their self-imposed Hero Edit and self-promotion as industry disrupter, despite evidence to the contrary that goes back as far as the filming of KPTS, when Poi and Yok got away with sexually and otherwise harassing multiple cast members, including a teenaged Barcode. It extends through leveraging Barcode’s and other cast members' emotional response to Jeff’s departure to provide a show for a live concert audience, and forward to a reality show in which a bunch of young wannabe actors were pressured into exposing their worst moments, on television, for prurient viewer interest. Setting up Apo, of all people, to hawk skin lightener was a terrible thing to do and makes everyone involved a worse human being.
So, no, I wouldn't find this latest skeevy behavior surprising. I don’t know what Build’s hopes and plans are, as far as regaining a domestic career, and he's always seemed, publicly at least, to be far more forgiving of Pond than I would be in his position. I don't know if that's personal, cultural, or professionally rooted. But I personally hope Build has enough resources to allow him to avoid getting involved with Pond again, given the way Pond and BOC have treated him – from folding to a ginned-up harassment campaign so that Build was kept out of the public eye precisely when VP was airing/trending (funny, that), through leaving him to twist in the wind from the time of Poi’s first salvo of plagiarism accusations - which BOC apparently couldn’t be bothered to respond to, even though it was one of their properties at issue - to Pond standing around for a year and a half with his hands in the air like a bystander while Nong Poi publicly curbstomped someone who Pond claimed was a friend and part of his work "family," before sad-facing for the press about how hurtful it was that Build decided to leave the “family” that had publicly damnatio memoriae’d him.
Anyway, that's really more time and emotional spoons than I want to spend on Pond or his company - tbqh, they're one reason I'm semi-hiatusing at this point - so I'm likely done talking about them after this. But as usual, once I start, I talk forever, so here this is.
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tachvintlogic · 1 year
Mina and Jonathan refusing to voice their thoughts.
The Harker dynamic of being so open and trusting each other is so wonderful, and it is tailor made to receive maximum disruption when Gender Roles™ get reinstated to shut one of them out.
Mina, feeling so rejected, doesn't tell anyone about her nightmare or share her record of it because she fears being shut out more. Except she can't be shut out more than she already is because they're not telling her anything. She hoping for a chance at crumbs here, and doesn't want to confirm the suitors thoughts that she can't handle it and take that chance away.
Throughout October 1st, Jonathan keeps trying to convince himself that this is fine, telling her nothing is protecting her somehow, and real props to his voiceactor on Re: Dracula because he sounds so doubtful. He does not believe a word he's saying but he wants to so badly.
They're both just itching to get this over with so they can tell each other everything immediately after, which is funny because that's not the impression I got from Van Helsing.
Sure, he did say "We shall tell you all in good time." but I got the feeling that he imagined telling Mina years later after the Harkers have settled down and had kids, if at all. He doesn't understand how his decision to exclude Mina has disrupted the Harker dynamic that they both want to go back to.
And this disruption has also caused Jonathan, the man who is most connected to and comfortable with femininity, to hesitate voicing his own feelings.
Somewhere, looking out from the shadow, I seemed to see the high lights of the Count's evil face, the ridge of the nose, the red eyes, the red lips, the awful pallor. It was only for a moment, for, as Lord Godalming said, "I thought I saw a face, but it was only the shadows," and resumed his inquiry, I turned my lamp in the direction, and stepped into the passage. There was no sign of any one; and as there were no corners, no doors, no aperture of any kind, but only the solid walls of the passage, there could be no hiding-place even for him. I took it that fear had helped imagination, and said nothing.
Arthur thought he saw the Count, and so did Jonathan. If Jonathan had backed up Arthur's statement, then the fact that 2 people saw him suggests it wasn't just a trick of the light, that he might actually be there.
But Jonathan says nothing, and I think there are a lot of factors that caused this:
Jonathan recently had brain fever put upon by doubting his own recollection of what happened. This place reminds him of the castle, so it's no wonder he might suspect his mind is playing tricks again.
He's in the presence of 2 doctors, one who runs a lunatic asylum, and they just got back from rejecting Renfield's request to go home. He doesn't want to give the doctors any reason to doubt his sanity.
His wife has been excluded from the hunt. Van Helsing declared her work "finished" now that all the documentation has been gathered. He helped with that too. Van Helsing could also declare that Jonathan is similarly "finished" and he has no more part to play.
And so, we see very clearly in the October 1st entry how disrupting the Harker dynamic has worsened the open and honest communication that was vital to their initial investigation and gathering the papers, and has also worsened the communication between the Harkers and the rest of the crew.
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