#and he gets angry with her when she isnt into the stuff he is (mostly shows). even when she agrees to watch it with him he gets angry if
tinylittlebab · 2 years
bleh everything SUCKS
#sisters stupid freind/both our roommate is HORRIBLE#hes so controlling and decided hes in charge of of her#she bought a fish. something that doesnt affect him in the slightest. and hes furious with her#hes like. saying it will cause issues in their friendship if she doesnt get rid of it. hes not even saying that its a problem because he#doenst wanna deal with it bc he has acknowledged that it doesnt affect him. hes angry bc he thinks it was impulsive and irrisposible#which like 1. it wasnt and shes beentalking about getting one for years and can probably afford and take care of it and 2. even uf it was#its not a decision that affects him so he has no right. shes an adult who can make her own choices even if theyre are bad ones#hes so mean to her all the time and demands all her time. talks down all her friends. insults her for wanting a relationship. refuses to#listen to any of her problems or support her and refuses to let her talk about any of her interests he doesnt share either#talks down every hobby she has. calls all of it stupid and a waste of money even though he soends SO much money on clothes all the time#and he gets angry with her when she isnt into the stuff he is (mostly shows). even when she agrees to watch it with him he gets angry if#she isnt as into it as she is. hes just decided theyre in a relationship which means shes not allowed to pursue anyone but he is also not#interested in her in the way she wants. he insults her for wanting anything more out of a relationship bc hes content without it rn#hes awful. i hate him. i dont wanna live with him another year. i dont want her to lose him totally bc theyve been freinds for so long and#she really cares about him but fucking hell. they should NOT live together. gonna apply to some places. this lease ends in 3-4 months so#theres not much time for me to adjust but if im adjusted in time then maybe we will go get an apartment just us 2#and then maybe she can get a fucking support dog like she needs bc shes disabled but he refuses to let her get
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thesupernaturalhouse · 6 months
Right so- Emily's personality ir charlies design for the hazbins Fallen au?? Which should I talk about first??
Let's go with Emily-
Alright! So, Emily is still her cheery self but also due to the nature of the au defiantly isnt all niave and trusting and stuff
In this au, she's learning about seras lies from others, which I think would give her trust issues. I also made her more, angry
I imagine in the au she holds grudges a lot more, mainly against alastor, and has more of a silent anger type personality- here's a small snippet of the pilot for the au
Emily: alright so now we watch *Katie starts throwing insults* ...oookay- vaggie, spear, down *gently holding said spears tip down
Vaggie: wha- but, come onn
Emily: no 'come onn' I don't think you scaring people with you angelic spear is a good ide- *Katie says soenthifn homophobic* .....neveemind *releases spear* do whatever you want ant. I want that bitch to fear for her life
Or it'd go something like that, I'll work out any kinks when I start writing the story, first I wanna awake an episode layout whoch is harder then it loks- I have the ideas but I need it in a list so- jsut gotta sort through all that
Like she isn't like Vaggie, spear raised, but not like Charlie, easy to forgive.
I do imagine she bites her tounge however if you ask for her hienst's opinion, she will NOT hold back. I think once she and Husk become more of a father-daughter duo, he starts rubbing off on her, and she starts blurting some ruder things out
He is so proud of his little(200k year+) girl
It's probably the most evident when I have her tell of Alastor- which will also be one instance of her being super protective over her found family.....listen I know yall love Alastor i do to, but I think he fandom over hypes him, and so does he himself, and I want Emily to kinda call him out, and threaten him in this au
But that'll be another post :)
Remember how I said charlie and slaviathen are like Ron and Tammy 2 but without all the sex? Yeah, well, then Emily is Diane! Vaggie is to but vaggie mostly focuses on getting them out and stuff. Emily and slaviathen just have passive aggressive argument and comments thrown at each other
"Always a pleasure to meet you charlies friends" "*strained smile* always a pleasure seaweed hair stranger" "oooo-Kay let's go- and let charlie Dela with this"
Why vaggie is passive with sleviathan and Emily is the protective one? Honestly idk but I think it's funny :) maybe it's cause Vaggie knows Charlie doesn't tale shit from slaviathen one bit so lets her gaurd down more because she knows charlie has it, so she's more passive or smth
Emily meanwhiem can't STAND being talked down to so absurd bites back no matter what. Which is also why her breaking point would be Katie calling them a slur.
She hates being talk down to, which stems form her years in heaven being treated as a child by almost everybody, good intentions or not it was still always so condescending to her. Especially when it was from Sera or the other heaven born and elder/arch angles
So she definitely internalized that, remember how I said she was often referred to as 'lucifers replacement' by many elder angles?? Yeah, that's where it MOSTLY stems from
She'd also have resentment and hatred for lucifer because of it all, like "I never want to meet whoever the fuck lucifer is" kinds mentality, it's due to this that she refused to search him uo and relaize he was her girlfriends, one of them, DAD
So the dad beat dad episode is...fun!! Emily gets piss drunk with HER dad, husk after realizing the short man in the middle of the living room is lucifer
It's after that whole song at the beginning happens does she realize he's lucifer, cause charlies only referred to him as dad so-
......I should start drafting a psot for her and Peter's relationship- mlm and wlw solidarityyyy
She also be a lot more sexual active I think because liek heaven is restricted so being in hell with norestricrions she definitely is THRIVING on that freedom
I have a scene planned out for when Angle takes them to that bdsm club that involved her buying black silk stuff because why not-
Anyways, the finale change in Emily, I think, for her personality that is would be she absolutely take sfter a more Sloth like sin
"Screw both of you I'm sleeping in!" She absolutely HATES waking up early in the morning, especially if it's after a night of certain events. Vaggie will throw clothes at her and force her to get up. Charlie will already be downstairs full of energy-
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
I did see that you're getting a bit tired of TADC asks, so feel free to put this on the back burner or ignore it entirely. That said, the TADC cast w/ a reader who has anger issues. (The reader isn't mean or a jerk, they just have emotions that are difficult to control so they can be prone to lashing out.)
TADC cast x reader who has anger issues!
uuhuhuh! this post is mostly just a lot of the characters and the reader communicating and all that because we love a thriving relationship in this house!! so apologies if some of the segments come off as.... repeating.. written as neither romantic or platonic, up to you really
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very good at taking you away from the situation thats making you angry; i mean the dude can teleport, so getting you away from somewhere is not an issue for him... however, if you would rather he make up some excuse so its less.. embarrassing..? (this goes for other instances of intense emotion/overstimulation! bro is a king!) he will make up a scenario where youre needed elsewhere so it naturally look like you.... have to be needed... you know? basically a "mom can you say no to this so i can say you said no because i dont want to do this social thing with someone?" energy. or maybe im weird... probably defends himself if you lash out at him, but he wont lash out back. just pushing that hes not the reason youre upset (of course if this is a scenario where hes innocent) he cares about you a lot and he doesnt like seeing you this way, so its likely that hes going to power through it and help you calm down and find a solution... though if you need alone time, youre going to have to tell him as he might not be able to pick up on your body language and hints
probably a little intimated when you get heated about something. should stress that shes not scared of you but you can get a little intense. tries to make a list of things to help you with regulating your emotions... though given that pomni seems to be more of an anxious person rather than an angry on, some of her stuff may not work... maybe? breathing exercises definitely work, as well as detaching yourself from the scene... actually, i think pomni might be pretty solid with calming you down. as for lashing out, i dont think she would be able to stop herself from getting at least a little bit offended, especially if shes just trying to help. please be sure to apologize to her and make it up to her, lashing out at innocent parties isnt okay. hell, lashing out at guilty parties isnt okay too sometimes (this is more of a case by case thing, obviously)
very patient but i dont think she would stand for you lashing out at her when shes trying to help. very careful about not pissing you off and stresses communication between the two of you and is able to read when you need some alone time. to the lashing out thing, if you (verbally) attack her for no reason its definitely going to hurt but she knows better than to respond with anger... maybe... really depends on how shes doing and what you said. will either anger you further or make you see youre kind of being an ass to an innocent party, you know?
thinks... pretty good if you need someone to rant or vent to, very open and always offers an ear to you. tries to come up with solutions so you can avoid situations where you become angry, as well as coming up with stress relieving activities to calm you down. 10/10 love ragatha
honestly between all the characters hes going to be the one whos going to be pushing your buttons the most. sure he cares about you, but youre not totally immune to his bullshit, you know? like yeah hes less annoying when it comes to you, but he still acts like a douchebag most of the time and pranks you every now and then. i think thats an issue for another post, though, soooooo.... so basically you getting irritated and eventually totally pissed off with jax isnt that rare of an occurrence and since jax isnt the most emotionally mature hes probably going to make a joke of it until he kind of. realizes hes actually causing issues. then he finally drops it and leaves you be. smart enough to know that you need some time to cool off, will at least make an attempt to apologize or make it up to you. probably the worst out of the bunch to have as a partner since he hardly takes shit seriously or with care... this is all coming from someone who enjoys jax, buuuuuuuuuut yk?
honestly the king of comfort, and i think this still applies to non-sadness/anxiety emotions. would be taken aback when you lash out at him? yes, but he will try not to be offended. bros mind is clear when he notices youre so much as slightly upset and hes working on trying to find a solution. takes you to his pillow fort. i dont think he would ask for an apology if you lash out at him unless you say something truly horrible; feels as though you were vulnerable and werent in the right frame of mind... honestly really understanding about it because he cares about you a lot, you know? not much else to be said; tries to dethatch you from the thing thats setting you off, tries to calm you down, and takes verbal lashings with grace.. though i do think some of his patience may chip if its a constant thing. but i think thats a side thing because anyones patience and understanding can only go so far, and ultimately this is an issue the reader themselves is going to have to work on
the most likely to argue back with you if you needlessly lash out at them. zooble takes no bullshit, and if theyre trying to help you and you get onto them for trying to be a good partner/friend then they arent going to be nice about it. like i think they would say some stuff back, before sulking off. this one is definitely going to need to take a lot of time. its not so much that zooble does bad with conflict in the case of "they shut down" its more a "they can possibly instigate it due to them getting caught in their own emotions" soooooo.... you BOTH are going to need to talk about this and smooth it over if you want the relationship to last. communication and shit is key, guys. obviously this can get very heated and drawn out if zooble was innocent and just trying to help, even more so than if zooble was actually the problem. because in that case, then zooble can understand that they did something wrong and at least deserved it a little... but if they actually did nothing and were just trying to help you? no, thats not going to slide with them...
okay now gangle is the "freezes up and perhaps even flees" when there is conflict, so if you lash out at her shes probably going to get really upset (like sad and feel guilty) even if she knows that she has done nothing wrong and youre upset at something else. not so much as she SUCKS at offering a distraction or means of calming you down, but she.... isnt the best at calming down a really ticked off person.... might just wait for you to cool down... if you said something mean to her please remember to apologize because knowing gangle, shes not going to ask for one out of fear that she might be pushing, or she might outright believe she doesnt deserve one. though i think that might be self projection WHOOPSIE
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not only mine but the source of.. about 10-15 of us..
Keep in mind this is combined memories of many alters to form what we can about what happened sooo.. some things might seem funky or smth
OKAY SO! Let's start with episode 1! It plays out mostly the same, though the pod is actually more functional than in canon. Also instead of Veebee (V) and Jag (J) coming back, N slowly starts coming online himself so I bolt. Then after that, Khan is given the choice to shoot or leave me. He picks up the gun and attempts to aim, but Veebee comes in and breaks the gun. N decides at the last second to spare me, stabbing me in the arm and telling me to play dead. After that it plays out as canon again, except at the end I kinda just banish myself because I’m an angsty teen angry at my classmates (and Liynez ("Lizzy") was a bitch right before then).
Episode 2 plays out the same I guess..? Idk.. I don’t really remember much.. The holograms were a lot worse though and sometimes I would get false memories.
Episode 3.. Uhhh.. Dolly’s parents are still killed by Veebee, this unlocks Dolly’s solver and turns her into a disassembly drone, but her appearance is still that of a worker drone. Dolly instead of killing everyone does something worse… ruin everyone’s reputation. Liynez is one of her friends after all, they basically send Rebecca in to collect everyone’s secrets and stuff, Dolly then blackmails everyone into backing down. Veebee is chosen prom queen, and Dolly enacts her revenge. Me and N barge in though, helping out. Instead of N doing the dance fighting with me, it's N AND Veebee. Then episode 3 plays out the same, except for me eating a whole arm, until the end where I comfort Dolly a bit before she leaves.
Episode 4 is very confusing for me.. Though I remember I used Rebecca and Darren’s corpses to like- freakin’ play dolls or some shit. Like “Oh Mr. Darren let me kiss you!!” “Oh yes Rebecca save me from my entire hell with you sweet kiss of freedom” or something like that. DONT JUDGE ME!! I also.. ate the teacher.. :P N and Veebee’s argument is the same, and episode 5 continues as normal. Until Veebee knocks me down, instead of wanting to try and kill me like in source it's kinda like that part of Intermission. Veebee sees her solver self and wants to try and help me, but then it returns to how Episode 4 plays out originally. N tosses me into the air and scolds Veebee. Both N and Veebee fly down with me and talk to me :3, the ending is also the same, except I don’t try to hold N’s hand. I kinda just.. rub it comfortingly instead.
Episode 5, AKA manor shit! This is when it's a bit more different, N and Cyn are basically swapped. N is the main solver host who is kinda creepy and stuff. I at first try to get N’s attention but after realizing he’s like.. reeeaaaaally not who I should be trying to get the attention of, I try to get Cyn’s attention. It works and episode 5 basically plays out the same but with Cyn instead of N. After the solver does the manor massacre, and like sometime after Cyn gets turned into a disassembly drone, the solver hops into Cyn. So now Cyn is the main host and N isnt, like in canon.
Episode 6 I basically dont remember except being slammed into a desk, getting bootlooped, getting to talk to Beau, and Veebee’s sacrifice.
Episode 7 both me and N are heart broken, Tessa pretends to care but it's kinda obvious she doesn't. Yadda Yadda basically the same stuff except Dolly doesn't get killed. N meets Nori, they try to help me. Dolly did get decapitated but since she can regenerate she didn't die, so she eventually joins in to help Nori and N defeat the solver in me. Then episode 7 plays out normally but with me shoving both Dolly (who somewhere along the way I declared as my sister) and N out.
EPISODE 8… hm.. Basically the same..? EXCEPT ME AND N DON'T DO THAT CONFESSING THING EW!! It's kinda like that but me basically saying “you are my son” instead. Jag is working with the solver but she was emotionally manipulated with the fact Tessa IS alive, just working with the solver as well. Honey Dew is using a fake Tessa corpse the solver generated. Oh yeah! Instead of Cyn in Episode 8 it's Honey Dew for most of it. Things play out the same except there's only romance between me and Veebee, also we kiss mid fight. And to be honest..? I'm not so sure about the end.. I think it plays out the same as source..? I have no idea.. I know during this part Honey Dew peaced out and got replaced, but.. I don’t know. I did get a Cyn stuck in my tail though. Cynthia! :3 But uhh.. Theres post canon stuff too.
Yeva is alive and is a core who was bunkies with Nori! She joined in later episode 8 though, like whenever Khan, Thadd , Liynez, and Nori show up. Eventually Yeva and Nori get new bodies, and also Yeva joins in Khan and Nori’s relationship :3
UHHH but yeah idk
I could also rant about how our solver works and stuff since its different from source..?
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1tsjusty0u · 6 months
another quastion. how does zelda feel about the castle. pre and post calamity. have people gone into the castle after the calamity and could she sense them/how does her telepathy work/what can she see if anything
ok so. this had me rethink a Lot about my zelda because. trying to tie her into the story and/or give her thematically relevant motives/problems is Specifically Hard with the theme i chose (if you can even call it a theme). and also i had to go over what she would actually think in her situation and it. not really tying into how she thought of it beforehand. im still going over it honestly and canon botw makes this so much harder why did they Do That…. this especially complicates her father and hers relationship at least from normal fandom standards but at the very least i can deal with that
castle time ok!!! pre cal its mostly just her house. one that has stupid rules sometimes but otherwise shes doing pretty great!!! the sheikah tech are extremely abundant near the castle, both seen in the memories (including the champions dlc memory) but also makes sense given where the sheikah tech was buried to begin with. her relationship with her father gets. More Strained as time goes on. to be clear he does care for her and the whole reason he bans her from the tech in a memory is so she can prove to everyone how she isnt a failure. the problem with that though is that he prohibits her only real solution to her powers, the one tangible thing that Can stop the calamity. id also feel like at he end of conversations he would ask about her training which could lead to arguments. shes still able to infodump things to him (only really more towards the beginning though), which he takes more to heart once hes dead. and he kind of has to unban her from the sheikah tech at one point, nearing the calamitys arrival. it leads to a Hell of an argument from both of them because he Wants to keep her banned or grounded more than ever before, but well. circumstances have changed. but back on topic castle wise everythings chill. most of the knights or soldiers cant go into the castle having like. 2 rooms where they are allowed, and the guards are just like maids and such to her. theyre there and they dont intrude Too Much. gestures to the post she doesnt want to Not be a princess she doesnt want to be a Failure of a princess, and the castle doesnt really remind her much of that. her room might..? but theres no signs to that when you go into it when its broken and such. there isnt even a goddess statue in there. so. yeah! i may add that? BUT ANYWAYS.
post cal!!! mixed feelings. on one hand? Anger. anger that the calamity revived There, angry that it came early when she was so close, angry that the payoff she hoped for never came and she had to do all of that only for the castle to get destroyed and 100 years to pass and her friends to die. she doesnt think she did it for nothing, but shes Close to thinking that just by proxy of how events happened. she needs to go in there eventually to retrieve Her Stuff (plushies, printed photos that werent taken by purah, diagrams, books etc) and it just. messes a bit with her how everything is destroyed and how the grass and trees are all dead from malice and guardians. if she rebuilt the monarchy she’d likely leave the old castle in ruins, building another one in a different location, leaving the old one as a monument of sorts to What Happened. she wouldnt view everything as her or links failure she’d just view it as a stupid stupid moment that didnt have to happen but did anyways. especially because she Has Her Powers Now. she got to the springs she has her powers shes a Princess. she didnt fail at what she was supposed to do, its just her monarchy is a failure rather than her if that makes sense??????????? she has no place to Be a princess after she spent so long trying to be one. an ending that wasnt worth it. so the castle is generally unpleasant to be around. shes upset about everything being destroyed but also pretty mad about it. she keeps it there more to hurt herself than anything else. she thinks its a reminder and in part it is its just not a useful reminder of any kind . not to say the monarchy was good mind you just the circumstances in which it got destroyed, Especially For Her, werent great!
people have gone into the castle after the calamity!! or at least before link wakes up but during when zelda is still fending ganon off. that mostly aligns with canon surprisingly as npcs can tell you how they Used to be able to get into the castle for gear but now theres monsters all over the place. i think that ganons malice was still there and the cocoon was also still there he just was less actively fending off the castle because there was no need. priorities 🔥🔥🔥. i..! think she could sense them, but not really realize it was them for lack of a better word. like she knew someone was in the castle but she either was A not able to focus on it too much or at all or B could focus on it but had no idea What It Was. like it couldve just been a feeling when someone was in the castle but she’d have no idea thats what that feeling came from if that makes sense. once link wakes up shes able to focus on other things more outwardly but still focuses more on ganon. her telepathy i think works based on ganon and sheikah tech alerts :] like for example theres apparently a control unit for the towers underneath the castle. if ganon was using that accidentally then zelda would also have a tie to that just by proxy of being eaten by him. its like. she could visually see or audibly hear something change, and that goes for when the divine beasts yell when you come near them and she warns you of them if you havent talked to impa or when ganon yells when you come to the castle. she was able to wake you up to do the shrine of resurrection letting out an alert of some kind. how it works or even if its connected to the castle at all i dont know though. maybe a hivemind or a message system like the divine beasts? where the shr actually the shrine of resurrection Is Technically a divine beast so it could absolutely have a messaging/alert system. how it gets to the castle i have no idea. either the castle is also a divine beast or theres a main control unit under there. or the alerts from the SoR get broadcasted across the main tech that needs it, though i dont know why theyd do that… but the tower is more straightforward thats connected to the castle. the five minutes after playing she just has no idea what links doing and tells him to head there out of necessity . the divine beasts yells are just Loud and more loud to her specifically because ganon has a hand in that. ganon yelling is self explanatory. how shes able to talk to link telepathically to begin with ? no clue. it probably has something to do with whatever her powers are or how zeldas of the past were able to use telepathy, but its more likely just a result of her powers. i think she more or less found out via ganon though. either he can also do that or she just. kind of Had To after being eaten.
for what she sees….! thats tough. i saw a comic once that had zelda be able to see through hylia statues, which is cool however thats kind of bogging her down to being hylia 2.0 which. she isnt. and also considering her Issues with hylia i almost feels mean. she Could be able to see through the divine beasts possibly ? whether im doing that is up for debate though. Though it could make for some accidental horror? like having a divine beast constantly Facing Your Direction no matter how far away you are, or when its moving in a circle it suddenly just doesnt turn and either stands and stares at you or goes towards your direction. horrifying and i dont think zelda would be able to do that (more looking through them rather than controlling them) but i like divine beast horror. anyways considering the divine beasts have consciousness? i dont know if she’d be able to. do that. like hijack it just to see whats happening
inside ganon she can actually see things.! not from the outside mind you but its not just pitch black. whether its a different world, pure malice, just sheikah tech, is up to debate. or up to how i design it honestly i need to figure . that out. but yeag. i shall draw it once i have an idea of it
also please note how she feels about the castle is . Subject To Change. i feel like a conspiracy theorist trying to make her work here. but for now!!!!! yeah!!!!!! im going to try to expand her when i expand the champions. or when i decide how the relationships are going to work and what works better . 👍
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psych0ruinz · 3 months
Please tell me about your twd ocs I need to know everything abt them ♡♡♡
Dr. Constance "Connor" Hayes (She/Her) is a microbiologist in medical research in her late 50s- early 60s when everything first goes down. Because of this she helps work on a version of the "cure" and since they dont have any test subjects she gets it tested on herself. Sadly soon after they loose the lab to the outbreak. So she starts traveling around, trying to find somewhere safe. She ends up becoming a worker at the Sanctuary, mostly working in the gardens and keeping to herself. She goes by Connor and she can't let people know who she is. Especially here. Its when Eugene is sent to the Sanctuary she packs her things, ready to leave any moment. She can tell she shouldn't stay much longer. She finally leaves when Sasha breaks in. From there she focuses on her medical research, trying to stuff herself with as many homemade diy cures as she can. Using herself as her test subject. She knows she's too much of a coward to find out if any of them work. She doesn't want to know and deep inside she knows it wont matter. She could still be torn apart by walkers or killed by another person. But now it feels more sunk cost fallacy to her. So at the "end" point of her story its her being closed off and only moving when she needs to find a place that has at least a little power or gas to fill a generator. She's cold hearted and apathetic, fine with killing but when it comes to her medical research she is self sacrificing and wouldn't want to get anyone hurt from it. (by the time of the dead city time line she is old and still very much kicking) she has long grey hair which she keeps up in a messy bun and has big glasses which cover grey eyes, she kinda dresses like Milo from Atlantis with a tank top and pants tucked into boots. She uses a rifle and hatchet.
Fiona Gurro (She/They) is a teen from a private school where she was class president as well as president to the av club. she hid her bitterness and anger behind false smiles and the apocalypse really let her personality shine. She has become a radio host in the end of the world, mostly talking about whatever and playing music. She keeps track of the days and every so often during the day she will announce the date. She personally doesn't care but she knows other people do and the more people care about her radio station the more sway she has. The more likely people are to believe anything she says, if you cross her you will end up hunted. but she doesn't leave her station much, she only goes out for water and food. food is harder to find and she isnt a great hunter so her office is piled high with books on foraging. she also had to learn to take care of her solar panels, winters are hard for her as she has to keep them clear. She has no fighting experience but is quick and cautious. (blonde buzzed hair and covered in freckles with blue eyes)
Pomline Jones (She/Her) is an ex-catholic from an family who beliefs are more cult-like then actually religious. She is in her late twenties and was married to a abusive man about 15 years older than her. She didn't make these choices her family did, while she still has some religious beliefs they aren't so strict and cruel anymore. She kinda faux punk, half shaven head and all leather and always has a pickaxe on her belt. She's a loner and an angry violent one at that. All her bottled up emotions have made her volatile. She wont hesitate to threaten and kill. Like she did to her perfectly clean catholic husband. A big thing for her is making food taste good so she always has spices in her bag, people leave them behind so she finds that they are easy to get her hands on. (black hair with sharp green eyes and too much eye makeup)
Charlie "Creep" Andrews (He/It) is what some people call a stalker, he is always watching and quick on his feet. He can scale buildings swiftly and its all for his own gain. That gain is making people uncomfortable. He didn't choose to be called Creep it was just a nickname people called him because he wears a respirator and goggles with a hoodie and just watches. he is always just around every corner. waiting. for what, just for fun. If you ask him what he did before the apocalypse he will shrug and give a different vauge answer each time. But be careful because he is surprising quick in melee combat, he isn't strong but quite dexterous. He can put a screwdrivee through your eye the moment you glance away and he uses distractions as a boon while around others. (brown mousy hair with brown eyes, just some short guy who bites)
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skateisawesome · 6 months
i hate every aspect of my family!
but mostly i despise my selfish, rude, annoying anf disrespectful sister. i try so hard to be good to her and nice and everyone in my whole family just favourites her. they constantly choose her over me and she treats me in the meanest way ever.
she's my least favourite person ever and i hate that. i wanted so bad to have a good sister relationship and she just cant even be somewhat polite to me ever.
i really try so hard to be kind and nice to her, i include her in things and i share my stuff and i always think of her when i'm buying things or when i'm going somewhere. but not once ever has she returned that favour. ever. not in her fourteen years of life has she ever shown any form of kindness to me.
but its also my whole family. my parents buy her more things, they pay more attention to her. my parents actually love her more.
i hate her.
and my brother isnt around enough to make a difference to our family dynamics so of course he doesn't hate her.
i hate her.
i wish she could just once experience some of the horrible treatment that i get on the daily from my family.
so the story time as to why im particularly angry today is because its her birthday. i really dont like birthdays because mine is right around christmas and nobody can justify spending money when christmas is so close. all my presents are either combined or theyre shit. every year my parents ask what i want and every year they get me stuff i dont want or things that are nothing like me. then my sisters birthday rolls around and they get her everything she couldve ever wanted and then more.
plus my parents really love to get her things that i want. posters for my favourite tv show, records of my favourite singers and stuff like that. sure, she likes some of the same stuff but it's usually something that i love so so much and she only dabbles in.
it makes me so angry and upset. but its her birthday, i have to be polite and be kind to her. i want to scream and cry and yell at my parents "do you even know who the fuck i am? why the fuck can't you care about me"
these people are actually the reason i dont wanna be around anymore.
i hate this shit.
fucking hell i can't wait to move out.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
hie I've just been sitting here thinking about harutaka fighting I know the whole "I knew i was gonna die and didn't tell you" is prime material for them to fight But I like to think about like Long term how they deal with little inevitable conflicts Bc those are gonna happen when you wanna spend your life by someone's side I feel like Haruka's reaction is most often just To immediately apologize He wants to fix things He doesn't want anyone to be upset So he slaps a bandaid over it! Takane however Needs to experience her feelings even if they suck She needs to get mad She needs to get sad (and try to cover up that sadness with angry outburts) I think there's times Haruka apologizes to try and soothe a conflict and she gets upset because it's really not his fault and she wishes he'd get mad instead! I think eventually they kinda learn Takane needs her moment to run through her feelings and just because she's crying screaming punching a pillow doesn't mean it's personal And Haruka needs to learn that sometimes it's okay if things feel bad for a bit, it's better to talk things through than to bury them under panicked pacification. A tense afternoon isn't going to undo their pile of happy memories. Honestly I wanna see Haruka try to get mad about something. Restaurant got his order wrong or something. And Takane's just there like yeah!! Tell them!!! And he immediately deflates when he has their attention (also if this characterization is a little off I apologize!! I hadn't touched kagepro in a while and have just recently gotten sucked back into the hyperfixation but haven't freshly gone through all the material yet. I'm slowly making my way through it again I just really enjoy your blog asjshffj)
YEAH EXACTLY U GET IT SO WELL especially with takane wishing haruka would get mad. they run through emotions differently, takane gets mad/explodes because she cares about something so much, so haruka not matching her energy when she gets like that makes her feel like he doesn't care.
i think that could be a good way for them to learn how things work, like if takane told him its like you dont even care and haruka had the chance to say OF COURSE he cares. how could he not???!!!
so when she's blowing up about something admittedly silly and haruka isnt telling her Hey that's silly and instead he's like ok❤️sorry❤️dont be mad❤️ that makes her madder. but haruka is also capable of getting angry yknow (NOVEL 6 KANO MOMENT) (Still so funny kano is the 1 character that managed to make haruka angry) but i have a hard time seeing him angry At takane. maybe he could call her immature or something lol....
i think he could ask her to stop being such a tease??? haruka's too spineless to ask her to stop teasing him (over the dimension lost days I moment) but by post str i dont think this would be a problem. maybe he could manage to ask and takane would be like AWWWW IM JUST GOOFING cuz from his pov in lost days it REALLY seemed like haruka didnt realise takane was fucking with him. personally i didnt notice in my first read. once i read it again i noticed takane is described to have a mischievous smile and stuff and that just changed the whole context. it was haruka moaning and crying abt having an art block and takane being like girl ur being pathetic and she was right🙏
i mostly have a hard time imagining What theyd fight about. i think they could have arguments but it'd have to be something punctual for that to take place. i dont think couples just Have to argue to work out at all. that bit u said abt "thats gonna happen when u wanna spend ur life with someone" LIKE yeah there are disagreements and all but nothing that could cause An Argument of that nature yknow.
that's why haruka not telling takane abt his condition is like the best potential for it, otherwise more domestic stuff is like. haruka wanting the lights on while playing a horror game and takane wanting them off. thats like the most heated dispute they can have bc theyre both very serious about their stances💔(haruka is scared. takane wants the full horror game experience🙄)
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2, 14, 23, 25? <3
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
oh honestly im mostly looking forward to being done with writing rn hfjhjg ive been doing nothing but thasmissy for 2 months straight at this point and i need to finish like 2 more scenes. so i suppose the technobabble im doing in one of those scenes bc it's really fun to find words to put in it. even though it takes forever. and then i wanna take a little break. ive still got a series of like weird sex fics somewhere on the backburner i might go do that (it's like, 13/tardis, yaz getting off to gallifreyan anatomy textbooks, yaz with the hologram in 13x5, and another one i cant remember rn, oh yeah something with the robot master and shalka doctor, but i cant write them so idk. i think it would be fun to write robot sex though)
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
either when i hit post and ao3 tells me i forgot the title (bad titles). or else it just ✨Comes To Me✨ at some point during writing (better titles). not the question but these are my favourite titles: kerblam it!, wondering about the perspective of the person who confuses interbellum with no man’s land, auto-tromperie à deux, or: the double-slit experiment, and the thasmissy one which will be called playing doctor <3
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
s12 fic where yaz gets basically seduced by the master because the master is willing to give her answers the doctor wont. she finds the doctor's phone and they start texting. they both find something in each other that the doctor is unable to give them. the doctor when she finds out is So Mad. shes like hes dangerous!!!!1! but theres this possessive undertone you know? ive had scenes of that on my computer since like summer 2020. it's never gonna get finished but thats okay because i think most of what i thought was interesting about that fic i incorporated into thasmissy in some way. also i think it ended by yaz getting killed by a cyberman and the doctor beating the master to death for it so fkjghjkghgfjh too sad to finish tbh. it wasnt even the master's fault it was both their faults she was angry at herself so she killed him. and then sat with him until he regenerated. while yaz i think, stood there as a cyberman. anyway! fucked up! not my style
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
when im writing some weird gross visceral time stuff and looking in thesauruses and going on etymology dives and finding fun connections between words that i can use to make more subtext. and making up new ways to use words and sentences so i can make them hold more connections. increase the meaning/word ratio you know? thats the most fun
okay bonus found that fic. i had 2000 words. heres how it starts:
It starts with dying.
An endless dark. Without direction or sound or exit. Where air isn’t air and she doesn’t know how she’s still breathing. Where she can’t be alive because she can’t feel her heart beating.
“Okay, PC Khan. Nothing to worry about.”
It starts with dying.
It doesn’t end with it.
The Doctor pulls her out.
Its warm in australia. The heat crowds around her when she steps out of the glass cage, lapping at her hands, her face, curious, tentative, playful.
A Soft grip on her arms guides her to a chair, to reality, to being alive.
Someone presses a cup of tea into her hands. Large brown concerned eyes ask her if she's hurt.
She later learns his name is o. She later learns it isnt.
and this is how it ends:
His eyes switch to her as soon as he realises what this result of their actions is. Eyes big and hungry, apprehensive on the edges, mouth twitching but never reching a grin. Both stock still her eyes are still on the cyberman. One breath. Two breaths.
His eyes widen slightly when her attention shifts to him. Eyes dark and pushed too far like the chasm beyond the cliff. When she steps forward theres no delay in his step back.
Silence as the only witness of the last two children of gallifrey. The physical sounds of a body breaking and abody being broken.
Sound of breath and fists and one scream when she breaks his arm.
When she stumbles off of him, sitting where she lands, stopping moving further rather than sitting, silence still her only witness, he hasnt moved in a while, hasnt made a sound in a while. She watches until he starts glowing. Then she gets up and and without looking back walks away.
She finds the cyberman who was yasmin khan and says with a voice that is the oppoiste of what her hands just did, tender and regretful and soft, "yaz" because they were friends. And because no other words she will ever string together will be enough to make okay what she did to her. But the words press to her lips anyway. sorry doesnt change what she did. Sorry would be an insult.
"Your family will know"
Im sorry
"You wont be forgotten"
Im sorry
"You deserved better than you got"
Than i did to you. Im sorry
"Thank you yaz."
Im sorry
Im sorry
"And im sorry"
She zaps her sonic and the cyberman falls.
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 years
If it is alright if i ask, but what is Eenek's (they are the Galran kid right) relationship with the funky guys like?
oh i havent really had a chance to talk about Eenek yet!
their relationship w/ the clones is complicated - these people kept them safe and took care of them for years, and eenek slowly grew to see them as family - but the road to get there was long and winding.
at the beggining they were definetly distrustful and agressive, but also these weirdos were literally the only other people on this shithole of a planet, so they didnt really have a choice but to stick with them. (they tried very hard to look intimidating and serious but theyre literally the galran equivalent of 13. and also very small for a galran, so really they just ended up looking like an scared angry cat)
they are propably the closest with the other kids - Pal, Taks and Taka. technically pal is the oldest, but hes not a very responsible older brother(hes trying tho!!). neither is eenek but beggars cant be choosers, so they ended up as the oldest sibling.
beacuse of the language barrier pal was the only person they could have a real conversation with for years, and after a rocky start they became really great friends! they try to be responsible older siblings(with varying degrees of sucess), take turns rambling about random stuff and help each other process the trauma of growing up surrounded by people telling them to sacrafice themselves for the greater good :)
dont leave eenek and taks alone for too long or theyll wreck your shit and steal all your valuables. even though they couldnt freely communicate w/ each other for a big chunk of their relationship, they still manage to wreck havoc<3 seperately theyre smart young people but toghether they come up with the dumbest most recless ideas and execute them flawlessly. when taks saw eenek for the first time she decided shes going to befriend that cool purple alien no matter what and eenek could do nothing about it.
taka is The Baby TM and to be protected by all costs.
to say tashi was freaked out when he first saw eenek is a huge understatement - what the fuck?? is this??? an alien????? he barely knew how to aproach scared human kids, so a very scared, very confused purple alien teenager was not ideal. he did his best(as always) - made sure to give them space and patiently waited for them to get more comfortable. in the beginning eenek thought tashi was the worst choice for a leader, but he proved them wrong many times. they actually grew to respect him quite a lot beacuse of how he manages to keep everyone(mostly) under control not by force or threats, but rather by finding compromises and admitting when hes wrong. also hes funny and taught them how to sew!
at first eenek tried to avoid soup - shes imposing and can look threatning - but she would never hurt them. since theyre stuck on a wild planet they have to hunt for food, and soup is the main hunter of their little family. eenek helps her a lot, setting up traps and scaring the animals in her direction(they are a bit queasy though so they leave the kills and preparation to her and tashi). they also like just sitting toghether in silence to calm down :)
them and buddy have a really weird relationship. for the first weeks/months(before buddy explained the clone situation to everyone) eenek was terrified of him beacuse they knew who he was - the black paladin of voltron. they stayed as far away from them as possible... until they realised the only thing he was worried about was them talking about his past and other than that left them alone. later on, after buddy came clean, they started to try and convince eenek that maybe the galran empire isnt that cool after all - but theres only so much you can do when the person youre talking to is a kid desperately clinging to the remnants of their childhood and also spent the last few years of their life with 'vrepit sa' as their defining personality trait. buddy drops the topic eventually(for now. they havent given up, hes just waiting for the right opportunity). after that they actually start to get along pretty well! buddy helps them improve their fighting skills a lot, and also it turns out theyre both painfully stubborn dumasses(it gets even worse when you throw taks into the mix)
jesus fuck. thats a lot of words..
heres some drawing of them and taks! (these are a bit old tho, their design looks a little diffrent now)
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uhhh i also wrote like 4 paragraphs about eeneks childhood and motivations but this is long enough alreadyyyy(maybe ill edit it in later if anyone wants to read it)
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may-tine · 2 years
Someone who has never watched TMNT Rise reacts to the movie
@gauntletknight​ this is for you
so the last tmnt anything i watched was the 1990 live action film and the 2003 cartoon, when i was like 7? so we are off to a great start, but lets get into it
hey what, why are we in hell
okay wow Casey is here already i remember him
hey MIKEY??? WHAT im sorry does leo have a metal arm?
are we opening with time travel WHAT
I just watched a man die.
things keep happening and i cant put my thoughts down- oh i JUST WATCHED ANOTHER MAN DIE
alright pausing for half a sec to get thoughts down, this is a wild opening, tho i guess for a movie you need some higher stakes then a normal show. Im pretty sure the normal show is more classic turtle hijinks. aight back to it
actaully whats the krang? was that in the original? Are we going to see shredder?
oop yep classic teenage turtle hijinks
now i dont remember much but i remember Donnie and Leo being kinda hard to distinguish personality wise. Im glad they put some further characterization on them both
Mikey is somehow more childish?  but like in a babyish way
oh yeah Raph is the leader this time around.
okay so the magic thing is already established in the show, and Shredder has been dealt with?
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oh buddy
I think Donnie was always tech but was he always THIS tech? Damn son
music is super funky
Eyy foot clan! wait these are shredders guys arnt they?
Raph is still mostly angry but hes like, softer. and WHY IS LEO BEING SUCH AN ASS! is he always like this?
Rat dad! We Love splinter
this version of casey is so weird compared to what im used too, i dont hate him tho
yoo wait thats April? APRIL STEALS?
Yo  have they been training her as a ninja as well? good for her- APRIL DONT STEAL RANDOM CHEMICALS
Oh this is begging to go wron- yep
this entire interrogation scene is amazing
Okay i do adore this casey
shit is it really like, too late, too late?
god this krang thing is heking creepy why are they blocks
OH THE MAGICS OFF, right after i noticed April had magic too
oof Splinters out cold
Do they have a pod for casey? ok yeah- oh leo no
hey waat the fucK? RAPH?
oh god the you survived banner is about to NOT be funny
nooo hes turning on casey
oh god the powers are still gone
Raph isnt captured... is he?
oh he is captured, kinda surprised there
ah hostage situation got it- HEY WHAT THEY FUCKKKKK
AHHHHH?????? bye foot clan
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same mikey
oh caseys about to ruin the mood
or hype them up
oh no reveals are being delayed
GOD  this is horrifying isnt this a kids show?
APRIL HAS A MOTORCYCLE YESSSS (did she have that orginally? maybe?)
Im worried how single minded Leo is getting about this, but at the same time, i get it.
SOFT SHELL? oh your kidding
Oh god dont possess the tank
APRIL NO- oh, april yess
Ive never been so scared of a train in my life
Casey with the call out!- oh not like that kiddo no
yep like cops will do anything- WHY ARE THEY GOOP LIKE THAT, Its too fleshy my guy.
Casey what was that smirk?  Did you do this on purpose?
Mickey with the mystic hands stuff worries me cuase is LITERALLY KILLED HIM
oh the triangulation scene ive seen this
oh no
oh raph is not going to be raph once hes out of there is he
god krang raph is so spooky
HEEY FAM? HEY TMNT FANS??? ARE YOU GUYS GOOD??? i was not expecting such levels of cosmic horror 
wait why does a turtle have eyebrows?
god the krang possessed tech is the worst, horrific,OH GOD WHAT IF THE TURTLE TANK.
shout out to Donnie having a step counter, same buddy.
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i do enjoy the art style
oh why he sound like that
god the animation on krang raph is upsetting
I do adore this mikey as well, i was thinking i wouldnt liked this take on ‘immature’ but hes growing on me
OH NOOO DOnnie no dont do it oh god the goop
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guys WTF
Hello?? am i about to cry over turtles??
MYSTIC POWERS!!!!!! What about the power cancel?
oh yeah B team. Love that Aprils first idea is dropping a building on somthing
AHHH THATSD A BEAM THROUGH AN EYE AAA, like its an alien but ye
Oh this is so sick
yeee the anti power stuff or not? they still work?
Leo damn it dont do the self sacrificial shit YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT SCREWED YOU UP WHEN RAPH DID IT
hot moment to appreciate the Krang mechs, great monster designs
Casey my boy ; _ ;
oh god it ended on a portal chop
whats he holdin- NOOOOOOO DONT DO THAT TO ME
ive only been to new york once whats wrong with Staten island
Casey gets pizza!!!
WHo the hek is Cassandra- UH OH
oh this ending song is a banger
WELL That was a lot of fun and SUPER DARK WHAT. At least I get the hype now. I dont know if ill start the actual series but I will be rooting for a s3 for all the fans
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wiihtigo · 2 years
Kado 🌋 🎭 , Kite 📏☄️ ^_^
oc ask meme
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
kado doesnt care to hide his feelings so if he was really angry it would be an instant explosion but he is slower to anger than youd expect i think. surprisingly! maybe he doesnt look the type but he is. petty and random insignificant things can annoy him but he'll mostly deal with them with laughing at them, ridiculing them, etc instead of going in swinging....he loves to complain and be annoying and telling people straight up when he doesnt like them but i think its harder to make him like actually really mad (hes pretty much completely the opposite of kite in this way, who suppresses her anger until shes about to either faint from stress or actually kill someone)
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what’s different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
oh for sure he keeps up a persona of not giving a fack a lot of the time and doesnt consider the feelings of strangers because he doesnt plan on ever seeing them again. hes an asshole LOL but i think hes actually most vulnerable when hes with his mommy. sadly hes probably the most closed off with zell, his brother (at least for now). hes in similar situations where zell and kite, since theyve known him since he was a kid he doesnt want to see them anymore. HE DOESNT REALLY HAVE FRIENDS (ANYMORE)! id put dove and crow under this category maybe though. hes pretty much like his surface persona but he does actually try to consider that they are people with feelings because he does care about them this time. I mean i say "surface persona" but like i said previously ^ he doesnt care to hide exactly how hes feeling so if you dig deeper into his soul youd just find the same guy except i dunno, hes also crying sometimes. hes an open book but with hidden compartments inside cut into the pages to hide guns and stuff
📏 RULER - is your oc well educated? where did they get their learning from?
she comes from a rich family so shes had private tutors and expensive homeschooling growing up lol. she might have wanted to do something else with her life but after her parents died she inherited the family hotel business .... oh well theres other guys. shes very smart! she excels in physics, engineering and in the general area of science (written by a guy who isnt: ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
kado didnt go to school and sometimes when they were kids kite would try and teach him some things but he would always get frustrated and embarrassed and kite wasnt a very good teacher (shes good at doing the work but not explaining it in words)
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
i know i draw her going beast mode a lot cuz i always draw her in proximity to kado who activates her rage sleeper agent but shes actually usually pretty stoic and cold..so people would assume shes realyl stern and scary and like cold and emotionless but it is NOT true!!! shes actually very sensitive she just has a lot of trouble expressing herself and shes very very lonely. her only friend growing up was kado and with both him and her parents leaving her she doesnt have anyone to lean on ... becuse she was homeschooled and only had one really weird friend her social development is fucked and she has no guidance on how to go about being an adult so she subconsciously tries to emulate what she remembers of her parents and teachers who were strict (and emotionally distant so not the best role models but w/e) but you know. inside shes very lonely and insecure and doesnt have anyone to talk to. until haze comes allong everyone say thank you haze
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xanderxciv · 3 months
New Classics Challenge
Forces Of Nature
So, I'm going back to my Frozen What-If stuff, and re-do it so it can be its own thing. Honestly, the change is mostly no Disney stuff, but it doesn't affect my story.
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Itri, Iwa, Leon & Halim's stories still happen in that order. The source of their power are the sources of Nature itself: Nyambe(Fire), Tudi Gong(Earth), Jupiter(Lightning), Yel Ata(Wind), Cailleach(Snow) & Cliodna(Water). All created by The Light. And the 6 have Vital Reification now.
Pt.5 is now Polar Torrent, following two Irish sisters Faidh & Kear(their origins take place at the same time as Itri's). Royalty that were once separated shortly after birth, thanks to a threat named Icauna. Fiadh's the only one left in line, raised by her parent's most trusted soldier, and her power later started to emerge & when she learns what happened to her family. She uses that power to protect the Kingdom of Andrasta, which Icauna haunts & surrounding lands feared. Keara was taken in by a couple of Púca that live in small village next to the kingdom that everyone else thought that no human can cross. 18 years go by, Fiadh is a fierce and almost emtionless leader, Keara's hones her power, and Icauna destroys the Púca village.
Keara goes to the kingdom & meets her sister, whose power was starting to affect the kingdom because of her anger. The two briefly fight(after Keara called Fiadh a stócach soith), because Fiadh doesn't believe that her sister is alive. Keara shows her birth mark on her palm, which Fiadh also has. A passage way appears & the two find a shrine under the kingdom, which reacts to them. Icauna senses both of them, angry that theyre alive. The sisters form a barrier around the entire kingdom, but it wont hold for long. They entered the shrine, gained Vital Reification & their combined might are what finally defeats Icauna. Her last words were "What this kingdom endured, the entire world will suffer far greater". The two return to the shrine & see that there's 4 other symbols that they dont recognize.
Three years later, after Halim's events & learning of the Dark returning & that there are two others, the 4 sensed something familiar. They learn of the shrine in Andrasta & Itri insists on going alone, the others just agree to keep their distance. They get there, Itri enters the shrine & is in awe.
Fiadh & Keara fight him, not knowing who he is. Itri dodges all of their attacks, gets Keara out of the way, he & Fiadh fight, and hey see theyre evenly matched until Itri uses his blue flames to stop the fight. He explains who he is, the others arrive & the shrine reacts.
The sources all appear & explain that they all have full potential that isnt realized. They also learn the origins of The Dark:
Before life, there were two beings, Light & Dark. Light later created the 6 sources of nature: Fire, Water, Air, Lightnings & Earth, co-existing with all life. The Dark was jealous, it was the one that didn't co-exist with all life, due to never being a positive aspect of life, only the opposite(pain, fear, guilt, etc). So it vowed to wipe out life, while only darkness remained. The Light sealed the Dark, at the cost of dying. The six sources all kept the elements in check.
So only the 6 remnants of Light, can defeat the Dark, permanently. Which wasnt the case during the war where just Fire, Earth & Lightning were present.
They spend the next day training, mainly to help Keara because out of the 6, she's not as experienced. Itri insisted to spar & Keara tried to get back at him for the earlier fight. At night, the 6 bonded. Mainly Itri & Fiadh, the two knew the feeling of rage after losing family, Fiadh knew that Itri was trying carry this burden alone because he felt responsible for The Dark's return. She also knew what it was like trying to fight alone.
The Dark emerged the next day. Aimed to destroy Perchtia first & attempted to distract them but the team split up. With Itri, Halim & Fiadha going to the first source of darkness. Leon, Iwa & Keara went to Perchtia. Itri had a feeling the Dark would try to get to their heads by making them face dark versions of themselves that symbolized what they used to be. Itris was right, they won, and quickly regrouped with the others.
The six fought, but later were outmatched. With Itri & Fiadha taking the worst hits because The Dark was jealous of Fire & Snow the most, 2 forces that cause so much death. All seemed lost, but a glimmer of light appeared. It turns out the Light is in all six(Itris saw a bit of white flames back when he defeated Aladheid, before it went blue) & they all become one with their Sources.
To be eventually Concluded in the finale, Pt.6 - Remnants Of Light.
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chronicallyillphoenix · 8 months
My psych says that i am emotionally dissociated and this is the reason that in the past 6+ months i have actually felt a single emotion. The rest of the time i feel nothing. Absolute apathy. I get physical sensations of emotions (like tight chest when i would usually feel anxious, widespread tension/pain when i would feel angry, sinking chest and nausea when i would usually feel sad) but i dont actually *feel* the emotions. I have been explaining it like how it feels when getting a cavity fixed, the dentist numbs up the tooth so you dont feel the actual pain, but you still experience the physical sensations like the vibrations, smell, and scraping. She says its because i am still living with my ex and even tho we are friends, i still havent been given the chance to step back and actually let myself process all of my feelings.
Thats probably one of the reasons i am just now realizing im probably really depressed. Which would make A LOT of sense given a lot of the things that have happened in the past 6 months. Like. I broke up with my fiance the same day i got the money for a deposit for a wedding venue, i have lost not one, but three of my cats. And i never got to tell any of them bye because they live with my parents and even tho i didnt want them living outside, i didnt get a voice in the matter since i no longer lived there and the house went from my 2 parents, to 4 adults and a baby and they just didnt have room. Two of them were just really old and we think they did the animal thing and just went off somewhere to die alone and it *hurts* because the first one to go was my favorite because of how sweet he was and who i always slept with in my arms when i would visit (i have struggled so hard to spend the night there with him gone). But once he was gone the other two were gone within the next two months and none of them were expected (like we knew bandit and bunnie were old but we expected to them to pass away inside the cat pen where they stayed every night like every barn cat before them had and that way we could bury them up on the hill, but it didnt turn out that way). I have also developed more concerning health symptoms and have gotten no answers to them. And now my mom has broken her shoulder and isnt going to be able to work for the next 3 months and even tho shes getting workers comp, her pay is significantly less and shes my sole source of income right now. And so i am always already feeling guilty about spending any money but now i feel worse about it and am having panic attacks because i got fast food once this week because i was flaring too bad to make anything myself even tho my mom gives me money *specifically* so i can get food and stuff when i am in a flare.
But yeah i have realized i am almost certainly depressed and the funny thing is that the way i realized this was a tumblr poll. It was asking what peoples hobbies were and i couldnt answer it because in the past year i havent really had anything hobby wise. Ive mostly stopped reading, i am not doing pour paintings, not doing my paracord stuff, and anytime i decide im going to finally start knitting i just end up picking up the yarn and staring at it for a bit before setting it back down and going back to sitting on the couch with the tv on in the background for background noise.
Im going to see my psych on wednesday and i hope to talk to her about this but i also dont know what there is to do about it. Probably raise my antidepressant but idk. Im not even sad so i dont see the point in raising my antidepressant because idk what being not depressed would change because were pretty sure the apathy is because of current circumstances and not just because of depression idk. I just want everything to be normal again
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downtwngrl · 2 years
hey! i saw that your requests are open so could you do headcanons for mike with an equally grumpy gf? basically black cat bf x black cat gf because as much as i love mike with a cheery, lovely golden retriever gf i need him with an angsty s/o (she/her pronouns pls)
ofc bby <3 thanks for the ask!!
-mike is… well, he’s angsty teenage mike
-pubescent mike, if you will. so he’s going all emo (take this lightly) and “shut up mom im cool this isnt a phase” w karen
-first day of highschool and he sees you, and it’s like his mind shattered. you looked so cool with your silver rings and eyeliner and cold glare, he wanted needed to be your friend. so he sat right next to you
-tbh you were a bit confused, cause why the hell was the random dude suddenly next to you despite his friend’s dustin? was that his name? pleas, but you just rolled your eyes and looked at the board, impatiently waiting for class to start.
-the first time you had a full blown conversation was when he came to class in his hellfire club shirt, which you thought looked neat
-“hey, weirdo, i like your shirt.” “cool, i like your rings.” “thanks, i got them at-“
-boom, suddenly you guys were with each other everywhere. lunch? eating together (with hellfire). free period? definitely studying at the back of the library, trying to avoid everybody.
-the first time you went to his house (“WE AREN’T DOING THAT, STOP BEING WEIRD MOM!!”), you were blown away when he opened his bedroom door and all you saw was nerd stuff. but you liked it, it was cute.
-tbh, he was the reason you had some friends, since everybody assumed you were an angry piece of shit, but he made people realize that both of you weren’t so bad.
-one day, you guys were at your house and you were showing him all your new stuff (you went shopping and were super excited to show your new graphic tees!), and he blurted out how much he liked you. it was kinda awkward 💀
-“oh, weirdo, look at th-“ “i have major feelings for you, y/n, you’re so pretty and cool and awesome and pretty and you like the same stuff as me and your style is great and you’re pretty-“
-shut him up with a kiss, to which he immediately responded to by grabbing your hips and pulling you closer.
-when you finally pulled away, the first thing you said was “you said pretty three times, dumbass”
-“i know.”
-yk how i said that you guys were basically attached at the hip? well now you’re surgically attached (/j)
-movie nights are every friday, and you always get to choose. what can i say? he has a soft spot for you
-now we can talk about you guys dating!!
-you two are always lurking around school, trying to find quiet places to make out talk
-whenever someone tries to flirt with one of you two (mostly you, you’re so fine), the other person is quick to shut it down with a glare
-“hey there, princess, how you been? i was wondering if may-“ “she’s taken.”
-pet names are so lovely <3 he calls you dumbass and you call him weirdo or nerd
-you guys would sit in back of class to avoid attention, but then do something stupid that has all the attention on you
-like, mike would be leaning his chair back to pass you a note and then fucking fall, and everybody turns to you.
-“care to read that, ms. l/n?” “no.” (psst! it said: dumbass, meet me at the back of school when the bell rings, i found a spot for us c;)
-basically, you guys are super cute and chill, and even though you think you’re being super lowkey abt it, everybody knows by now (they either caught you guys eating each other’s faces off or it slipped out)
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oswald cobblepot (the penguin) hcs
I'm leaning towards asexual penguin but I feel like aceflux would also work. if you don't know what aceflux is, it just means your sexual attraction fluctuates on the asexual spectrum
ik most iterations of penguin involve him actually liking birds, even being RAISED by penguins but i feel for gotham penguin, he probably wouldn't like to get birds. sure, he uses the name penguin but only because he found power and intimidation in using it but it's still connected to his trauma of being made fun of.
he's unlabeled cause 1. robin has stated that there's no confirmation that oswald is specifically gay. he's just not straight. 2. is because it makes sense for his character not to rlly give thought to his sexuality or to put a name on it, however i do think he only likes men just isn't labeled. if someone were to ask him his sexuality, he'd whip around and go "that's not of your concern!" and storm off or something pfft
he gets sick often, especially during his umbrella boy days. like imagine standing in the rain but you have to give your umbrella to fish mooney of all people because its what you get paid for. he'd get sick often cause of the cold murky weather of gotham. he's also unhygienic, at least in the start of gotham and constantly shouts so he'd probably get sick rlly often and has sore throat. cuts back to his mom always helping him with her tea and how he has a raspy voice!!
when ed switches over to riddler all oswald does is "ed ed ed ed come back baby im sorry"
him being domestic can range from childish innocent things like singing songs to each other and having picnics to tracking down people to kill <3
probably only got a dog cause he wanted loyalty and a dog is known for being loyal. hes seems more like a cat person to me
learns asl for martin, (and teaches him it if he doesn't already know how). oswald will literally ONLY shut up for martin, he won't speak when he's signing or when martin is (ed is kinda different but THIS ISNT ABOUT HIM *proceeds to write mostly riddlebird hcs*)
oswald buys martin antique toys and lame stuff, like jack in the boxes. ed buys him extremely hard puzzles and 'educational toys'. uncle zsasz buys him music-related things, headphones, radios, etc. barbara buys him more of what a kid would want, like an xbox. (ik this isnt just oswald but idc)
actually back on the cat person oswald, im going to state how cats are attracted to HIM. he probably tried to pet a cat when he was a kid and got scratched and sobbed to gertrude. he'll immediately become upset when a cat doesnt like him but he'll eventually learn how to gain a cat's trust and suddenly theres six following him around, he teaches them to bring dead animals to his enemies.
he treats his maids and house employees extremely well. like olga was the one to like oswald and not ed. why?? because he pays her good!
sadly probably mistakes olga as his mom, he catches himself right when "mother" slips out of his mouth, he feels embarrassed and ashamed, he doesn't get mad at olga but he excuses himself and runs to his room. olga doesnt get angry, she just feels bad :(
oswald walks into gcpd. everyone stops what they're doing and are like "oh no", he just skips over to lucius and props his umbrella on his desk and is like. "make this into a gun or else." with two of his henchmen behind him. hes not even scared that hes surrounded by police PFFT
in MY gotham, oswald is still very close with ivy and other people like mr freeze and firefly.
he realizes how bad he was to them, apologizes and promises to be a better friend. everyone is skeptical besides ivy cuz she's naive but turns out he's not lying. he gets upset when ivy messes up or whatever but quickly apologizes and calms himself down, he learns to value his friends and their quirks as they have for him
oswald is autistic and has bpd, along with apd, maybe ptsd?
he usually gets driven around by others but he owns his own car which is a hearse. yes, coffin car.
doesn't know about ed's hallucinations but finds his pills and was like ???
he dropped out of school probably when he was a teen and when he did have school, i'd like to think that he had straight A's.
not only did he get bullied a lot but oswald is smart. it's only a matter of time before he snaps, so i imagine he'd put his smarts to use and would start a business where he'd write people's essays and tutor them for tests (explains why he wasn't surprised when ed asked for oz to mentor him)
gertrude would have boyfriends when oswald was younger, but oswald being the clingy mama's boy he is, didn't like them. he'd put bugs in their pillows and coffee, and other fucked up shit to scare them off. eventually, they'd break up with gertrude and yell at her about how fucked up her kid is. gertrude would get rlly upset and explains how her little oswald could do no wrong. after a while, getrude would stop dating entirely, much to oswald's approval.
his favorite holiday is christmas and thanksgiving
does not speak of either mothers day or fathers day
will disappear off the face of the earth on those days
hates the cold strangely, it reminds him of when he almost drowned, multiple times. he always has multiple layers on so when you see without all that or a suit in general its very 'woah'
he hates when people touch him, especially those who he does not trust. like did you see when sofia touched him that one time, EW. or when he first met ed, "you're standing too close", could be that he could strike at any moment but he also just doesnt like strangers
speaking of his touch aversion, oswald wouldn't trust ed to touch him after he, yknow tried to kill him. in s5, when oswald jumped to save ed was probably when he got over it and as we know they later hug (non-homosexually 😊)
ed is like the only one who can mention his mom (ofc in a good way) without oswald bursting out in tears or attacking them. partially because of their shared history, when ed nursed oswald back to health he used his mother's memory to gain his trust more.
when people insult him, depending on who you are he'll either dissociate or attack you. he's probably learnt to do that from when he was bullied as a kid
speaks rlly fondly of fish after her death, ppl would be like "but didnt she try to kill you?" "idk what you're talking about"
doesnt kiss ed unless ed goes in for the kiss first, hes afraid of somehow being rejected again, and also cause he's aceflux he doesn't crave a kiss like some ppl do but he does forehead kiss martin all the time. hes the parent who will drive martin in his limousine and be like 'wheres my hug 🥺🥺' before he gets out of the car to go to school
ok me needs to sleep hope this was enough to satisfy the penguin stans
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