#and he lied about his bros being alive
clone-whore-99 · 1 year
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The end of episode 2 got me thinking of this meme
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forellasket · 17 days
hi!! what about like a body swap w the jjk guys wouldnt that be fun. like a curse with a weird technique got to us and blah blah (you can wrote whoeverr but megumi would be nice <3)
JJK Boys React to:
Body Swap CT!!
ok first off i just wanna say that he would need a factory reset after realizing what happened
megumi would look at you, then down at himself, then back at you about a thousand times
it feels weird being in someone else’s skin, he would try not to let it show how uncomfortable he would feel
he really doesn’t know what to do with himself. it’s not even a matter of trying to respect your body since it’s his for the time being
he just loathes the feeling of invading it
that is…
until he notices that his— no, your body gets all hot and fluttery when he’s around you
it’s strange. why is he getting flustered by his own face? it’ll eventually click that it’s just your body’s instinct to get nervous around him
now he can only stand there and wonder what his body is doing to you
oh boy.
my only words of wisdom in this situation are good luck.
right off the bat when he realizes he’s not in his own body anymore, he loses his shit
if you’re a woman, he 100% feels the need to touch his chest. having boobs is crazy
he’s known for being a reckless dude so when he’s running around in your body, expect to have several unknown bruises
i feel like he’d try to do shit he normally does and forget that he doesn’t have his usual heightened abilities and then whine when he hurts himself, or technically you
he’ll apologize profusely for the damage done, and start going on and on about how you can beat him up when you guys switch back
he’ll just flirt with you/himself the whole time. that’s it. he’ll compliment your beautiful new blue eyes or how tall you’ve become over night.
he’s makes those “looking in a mirror” jokes and thinks he’s the funniest person alive.
spoiler alert; he isn’t.
this time it’s your turn to fuck up
he literally speaks in ingredients, and you don’t.
straight off the bat you start freaking out and talking like you usually do and the poor people around you suffer for it
also inumaki, his throat is gonna hurt REAL bad
but now he’s embracing his inner american with the freedom of speech!! 🦅🇺🇸🔥
he abuses the fact that he can talk normally for once without drawbacks and he YAPS
all day
to anyone willing to listen
that’s not to say he isn’t still quiet though, you’ll strain yourself trying to hear him
he gets real sad when you guys swap back
oh he’s so respectful about it.
keeps reassuring you all day that everything will be fine— although it’s a little awkward trying to comfort himself…
he’s definitely stiff as hell with everything he does, similar to megumi
bro goes into robot mode, and is so uncomfortable
literally doesn’t know how to take care of your body because anything and everything feels illegal
he can’t eat or drink because then he’ll have to go to the bathroom, and that’s an invasion of privacy
but he can’t let your body starve so then what
the man is stressed
he spends a lot of time silently panicking and trying to swap yall back
here lies nanami kento R.I.P 🪦
this one is solely for shits and giggles.
if you’re not a tall woman with a big ass, he spends the whole time complaining. that’s it pt. 2
i’m so deadass he whines the whole time about how he misses his body and that this sucks and he’d much prefer he’d gotten to swap with takada
and blah blah blah
he’s so nervous
it feels wrong
he’s not worried about his body, just yours
he’s not worried about how he feels, just how you feel
he’s trying to make sure you’re okay, but it’s weird talking to you when you’re wearing his face
and vice versa
you can’t really feel comforted when you’re looking down at yourself having a panic attack
you two feed on each other’s nervous energies and eventually descend into madness
i feel bad for everyone who has to take care of you during this
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dark-fics-4-you · 11 months
Ahhh you knocked it out of the park!!! Thank you for doing my request (somno step bro Rafe). Would love if you did more or some virginity loss or something :) I feel like reader would catch Rafe being hard around her accidentally and get innocently curious
Saving the spicy stuff for a main chapters but I was inspired by this ask so here’s a lil blurb 😏
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Rafe sat on the couch, scrolling through your instagram feed. Pic after pic of you at parties, past halloween costumes that were much too skimpy for you to be posting for just anyone to see, and photos of you posing with friends filled your profile.
He paused on a beach pic that you had posted a few weeks ago. Sarah was an excellent photographer, and you two frequently did little photoshoots together for each other.
You were in the sand, lying on your back on a blue beach towel, propped up by your elbows with your legs stretched out. The white bikini you were wearing barely covered anything, and Rafe could see your hardened nipples poking through the thin material.
His tongue darted between his lips, pants tightening as he grew hard. Rafe took a screenshot, saving the pic to his folder of his favorite pictures of you.
When he heard the door open behind him, he quickly pocketed his phone, glancing over his shoulder to see you bouncing in with a grin.
“Hey Rafey, I was looking for you!”
“C’mere bunny.” He gestured for you to come closer.
He wasn’t expecting you to climb into his lap for a hug.
You threw your legs over his lap, wrapping your arms around his chest and squeezing him in a hug.
Rafe tensed, trying to think about anything other than his adorable lil step sis sitting in his lap. Despite his efforts, he could feel himself getting harder as you squirmed.
“Do you think we could make a liquor run soon? I have that party with Sarah and John B and the other guys tonight!” You were clearly excited about the get together, a little too excited for Rafe’s comfort.
“You’re actually going to that?” Rafe asked in annoyance, trying to focus on something other than your bare thighs so close to him.
“I mean yeah, they’re my friends! I like hanging out with John B, Pope, Kie, and JJ!”
At the mention of JJ’s name, Rafe’s jaw tightened, jealously flashing through him.
He knew that JJ was just like all the other Pogues. No good trash from the Cut, who would steal and lie to get what they want. But Rafe’s qualms with JJ went beyond just Kook vs Pogue war.
Rafe knew that JJ liked you. It’s not like he had to be an genius to notice, he had seen JJ staring at you so many times that he had grown accustomed to hating the other blond even more than the rest of the Pogues.
JJ was nothing but bad news. The type of guy that slept around and broke new girl’s hearts weekly. The type of guy who would eat you alive if given the chance.
And the thought of JJ putting his hands on you, or even thinking about putting his hands on you, made Rafe want to explode with rage.
“You’ve been hanging around those pogues a lot recently,” Rafe spat out, jaw clenching.
“Ugh lighten up, Rafey. I’m here now, aren’t I?” You asked in annoyance as you rolled your eyes, shifting on his lap.
Rafe bit back a groan at the motion, passing it off as a cough.
“Damn Rafe, you gotta stop smoking, it’s already affecting your lungs,” you teased lightly, completely unaware of what he was hiding from you.
“Mm, hmm, you’re right bunny,” he said, distracted, mind somewhere much different than yours.
Suddenly, he remembered your plans for the night, and he was overwhelmed with the desire to keep you from going out, “you should stay in tonight, Y/N/N. We can watch a movie, one of your favorites. Plus I’ll make you all the drinks you want.”
“Mmm,” you considered his offer for a moment before making up your mind with an excited smile. “Okay! That sounds nice!”
When you shifted again, you noticed something poking at your ass.
“Rafeyy, do you have something in your pocket?”
“Oh uh, yeah, just my phone, Y/N/N,” Rafe lied.
And like the dumb, trusting little sister you were, you believed him.
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theroundbartable · 3 months
I still can't help but imagine Future Merlin inventing time travel like...
He's been to space, explored universes, established whole civilisations, has his own space ship and one day he invents time travel in between lunch and afternoon snack.
He completely forgets that he could go back to Camelot because he's 5000 years old and that story was ages ago. But then, randomly, he encounters a planet that IS still spreading the story of Arthur and Merlin decides:
"it's time to meet an old friend".
And he just DROPS into the right timeline with his giant space ship, in his space outfit and everything, walks into Arthur's Camelot and just waves: "heya, did you miss me?"
And no one understands a word because language has evolved so much and Merlin forgot most of it, but he eventually gets it.
Yet, Arthur, sitting on his throne, is just absolutely overwhelmed: "MERLIN? what the FUCK?"
Merlin: "yeah, okay, funny thing. I'm not going to stay for too long, I have a dinner reservation with Queen Graaanta of planet Xvaccen. I just wanted to drop by, see how it's going, meet an old friend."
Arthur: "you... Huh?"
Young Merlin: what on earth happened?"
Old Merlin: "didn't exactly happen on earth, tbf. But eh... Good news, Magic hasn't been illegal in over 5000 years. Great, huh? 😀"
Young Merlin: *ashens*
Arthur: "that's a GOOD thing to you?!?!?!"
Old Merlin: "bro, I'm the reason why."
Young Merlin: "what the HELL are you doing!!!! You shouldn't... "
Arthur: "you have magic?!"
Old Merlin: "no, I've lived 5000 years on a well balanced diet. Of course I have magic. I AM magic! Jesus Christ, I forgot how stuck up ya'all are about this."
Arthur: "you lied to me!"
Old Merlin: "hey, not fair. I came here and immediately told you. That's the opposite of lying."
Arthur: "I meant HIM"
Old Merlin: "Not fair either. He came here, TOLD you he could defeat you with less than a blow and also confessed to having magic at your father's court. That's not lying, that's you being demented. Now, can we skip your freaking out? I actually came here to see Gwen and Gwaine and oh jolly , Lancelot is still alive? Heck yeah, awesome!"
Arthur: ... "What about me?"
Old Merlin: "we can talk when you're less murdery towards me."
Arthur: ...
Young Merlin: ...
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
Can you pls write something like Miguel accidentally really hurts reader so she’s in Hospital or smth and Miguel goes to visit and apologise but Hobie’s really protective and doesn’t want him to see her?? and Miguel’s her dad bc I love angst thanknyouuu <3
Angst, fluff, Miguel gets no happy ending atm
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He didn’t even realize he had done it.
“Miguel! Be more careful!” She said, looking at him and back to your unconscious body.
“I’m trying!” He said, holding the tentacle doc ock was throwing at him. He said, not looking back.
Jessica shook her head, and entered the portal quickly. She quickly ran to the infirmary, when Hobie spotted her. He looked in her arms and went over, confused on who it was at first.
It wasn’t until he stopped and realized it was you.
He looked at Jess, and he looked at you.
“What the fuck happened?” He said, alarmed.
“It doesn’t matter right now, what matters is that she’s bleeding out in my arms!” She said, and quickly put her on the stretcher, and they quickly rolled her away.
Jessica sighed as Hobie followed you in, the doctors didn’t care too much about him entering and focused on you.
They took off your clothes, and stopped the bleeding first. Then they put you in a hospital gown, and quickly pulled up some machines, checking what was wrong.
Hobie was at your side the whole time, holding your hand and looking at the doctors while doing so.
They did their thing with Hobie in there, and they said there was nothing much else they could do except wait. You were in stable condition luckily. The doctors left after a while.
“Fuck. Knew I shoulda been there, fuckin’..” he paced around the room. The door opened slowly, and Gwen had some flowers and a card in her hand. Pavitr had a sad look on his face.
“Hey… we heard what happened.. you alright in here? They wouldn’t let us in at first.” Gwen said.
Hobie snapped his head to Gwen and Pavitr.
“Where’s Miguel? He should be here-“
“You don’t know…?” Pavitr said.
“Know what..?” Hobie asked.
“He’s the one that did this, bro. We were shocked too. But we went to go get something from him and he was talking to Jessica and Peter B, and we overheard them. He was mad as hell.”
Hobies face dropped, and he was just mad at him now.
“What?” Hobie said angrily.
They both stayed silent and Hobie groaned in frustration. Your own dad did this, and you hadn’t even realized.
“Sorry, man.” Pavitr pat his shoulder and gave him a small hug.
“Swear to God, I’m gonna fucking kill Miguel-“ he was interrupted when someone entered the room.
“How’d this happen?” Hobie asked him immediately.
“It was an accident-“
“This ain’t no fuckin’ accident you can brush off, you coulda fuckin’-“
“But I didn’t. She’s alive. She’s my daughter, Hobie. Let me in-“ he tried pushing Hobie.
“Nah, man. Can’t let you do that.”
You started to wake up and Miguels eyes widened at that.
“Y/n… I didn’t mean to, Y/n!” He said and was being held back by his own doctors.
“Sir, you need to calm down, this is an infirmary-“
“I created this fucking place. I know that.” He spat at the doctor
“Just please… you can come in when your calm.”
“One person in here at a time please.” The doctor said when they entered the room, they all left Hobie and you.
He looked at you and you gave him a small smile.
“Yeah, It’s me. You alright?” He said, caressing your cheek.
“What happened?” You asked.
“Well.. you were on a mission, and you got hurt. Don’t know how but..” he lied. He shouldn’t say something that might mess up you and your dad’s relationship.
“How are you feeling, Ms. O’Hara?” The doctor asked.
“I’m feeling… tired. Sore. It hurts.” You mumbled to her, looking at her.
“That’s expected. You took some heavy damage, we suggest that you don’t go on missions for a while. At least until you’re healed.”
You nodded and looked back at Hobie.
“Where’s my dad?”
“He’s outside.” The doctor said.
You sighed and looked at Hobie again.
“You okay?”
“I’m jus’ tired.. I missed you though.”
He laughed quietly “Well, don’t worry cause I’m not leaving your side anymore.”
Tag list:
Hobie- @enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorrxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @ @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh @freeingrebels @ken-zah @blustalker @cursedbitchboy @romanoffswoman
@chaoticevilbakugo @hobiebrainrot @anonima-2
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altf4d3lete · 23 days
Episode One this is single-handedly bringing back my obsession even though it never left
- its 2022. Why is everyone freaked out bc a girl wears all black. Like people do that on a daily basis nowadays
- “I want names” didn’t you JUST see them walking away from the locker
- Stop shoving him in a locker tied up is actually so mean wtf
- I see people use this piranha scene as justification that she’d be okay with murder, but really it’s justification that she wouldn’t be okay with people hurting her friends and those she cares about AT ALL. She’s trying to KILL these guys just for bullying their brother. Imagine what she’d do to Tyler for hurting Eugene and Enid.
- The intro is SO fucking cool
- Emma was so far down on the list of actors and now my girl is #3 behind Jenna and buscemi. She’s a main character now B)
- If I were Wednesday I’d be pissed too. I CANT with the parents. Like I love you but RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER 😭
- It’s five minutes in and I have so many notes
- Have to say again with the “terrible, they’d know I didn’t get the job done” that Wednesday is MORBID, not okay with murder unless she deems the person deserves it
- Ergh there is clearly so much discrimination against outcasts
- Weems and morticia r lowkey giving homoerotic rivalry…
- I genuinely can’t even like… I CANT WHY DID WEEMS PAIR HER WITH ENID 😭
- Guys Enid is SO cute holy fuck. She is UNPHASED bro, she’s just so excited to have a roommate she’s so cute I’m sobbing. She just wanted to accept Wednesday.
- Wednesday just lies about killing two kids to Enid and Enid just moved on like nothing happened.
- Also HELLO? THEIR BANTER? Enid takes NO shit 😭
- Hmm part of me wonders if those wolves howling were making fun of Enid.
- They’re literally leaning into each other wha
- “You better watch your back” and Wednesday is behind her that’s so funny
- How do you go from “cute but clueless” to “obsessed” enjax was lowkey forced whereas wenclair had chemistry from the beginning
- Wednesday being a housewife will NEVER make sense
- I know people hate the relationship between Wednesday and morticia but it’s very realistic. You can easily tell they still love each other despite the harsh words.
- YEESH THE HYDE TORE HIM APART (I think this works with my theory that the more Tyler is aware of the Hyde, the more controlled his attacks get. Which also means that he knew what he was doing when he killed Kinbott, leaving her alive to taste her fear. And he knew what he was doing in the forest when he tried to kill Wednesday and nearly attacked his father)
- when did Wednesday check out enid’s blog. How and why.
- THE LITTLE SCOFF BEFORE “you mean emojis?”
- Enid huffing is crazy girly is ANGRY
- The way they just stare each other down is crazy wenclair is SO full of banter I forgot how hilarious they are
- Bianca lowkey eating everyone up…
- Bianca is so aggressive in her fighting style, whereas Wednesday is precise. It’s really cool
- THE GASPING IN THE BACKGROUND AFTER “let’s see if you bleed in black and white.”
- Xavier scoffs so much in this show and every time he does it lowkey makes me hate him more
- “No good deed goes unpunished” okay elphaba
- Girly was smiling when she was about to die.
- “Call it instinct” shut up actually
- Bro she had NO clue who Xavier was 😭
- It bothers me that ppl think she cared Xavier was in the coffin. She just wanted to see the godmother come back to life fr
- I would be flabbergasted if my therapist read the equivalent of my journal before our sessions. She never should have been sent that.
- Ergh Tyler…
- The deep voice lowkey sounds really forced, idk what it is about Tyler’s voice but it bugs me. I think it’s the way his lines always kinda have the same delivery.
- Twenty bucks when he probably makes that in like half a day of work 😭
- The pilgrims look like such dorks bro who are they tryna scare 💀
- Why are they asking her if she’s “been with a normie” that’s so weird
- Her playing with the necklace means everything to me
- Damn the hiker was the third victim
- The sheet music doesn’t match what she was playing but that doesn’t rly matter
- Love that enid went from disgusted to things bff
- Their roof scene is so meaningful to me. They work so well together. Enid doesn’t need anyone but Wednesday and Wednesday doesn’t need anyone but Enid. Enid teaches her how to relate to others and feel empathy and Wednesday teaches Enid to unapologetically be herself.
- Nero :(
- Them bonding is so cute 😭 this is rekindling my obsession
- Notice the immediate disrespect from Tyler but Enid gets close with thing so quickly
- Damn Enid is suspicious. Bro has some killer instincts
- “Hint taken” and Xavier proceeds to KEEP talking to her
- So Wednesday gives Tyler a time and place and you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence that those three pilgrims show up at that exact time at place? Literally there WAITING? No way. Tyler had to have told them, sorry about it.
- I lowkey feel bad for Weems. She’s a little controversial but she was just trying to do her best for nevermore
- Nah man that was an absolute ploy. There’s no way they just happened to know where to be. Tyler was trying to keep her from leaving. He already knew who she was by then and that they needed her.
- Rowan was so conflicted he didn’t deserve to die. He was just trying to protect people
- The way she scrambled over to him even after he tried to kill her :(
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detshin · 2 months
uhm, how exactly will gosho develop the cousin thing in the manga.
I mean, I wouldn't know, honestly. What goes on in the mind of that man only he knows (and sometimes I doubt even that).
My opinion under the
Personally, I've already stated many times that it's a trope I've liked and headcanoned for a long while now, and it's not like it's COMPLETELY out of the blue. The whole "they look the same" is a big factor, there have been references to them having some sort of "ancestor" in common, the Toichi and Yusaku tease was already there in the childhood case of Shinichi (where Toichi appeared and called Shinichi big bro btw 👀) and there was a time long ago that Gosho said something about it in an interview and that it was going to be talked about.
Anyway, point is, I could see this going in different ways. I would LOVE to see this being explored and dealt with nicely and seriously, but my hopes for that are low. He'll either just have it mentioned and never more explored or talked about (like with akemi and akai), or maybe in the mk manga now to talk about Toichi, I don't know?
Because honestly, I feel like people are getting hung up on the cousins thing and are forgetting about the confirmation of what we all have been fearing and it's that Toichi is indeed alive and both of Kaito's parents suck ass. And what scares me is the possibility of it being comedic or Kaito being okay with it or something when he deserves to have that be explored. He became a criminal because of it! And his parents know and aren't doing ANYTHING!
I've said this before, MK is not as shits and giggles as it seems. Story is pretty darn dark if you think about it. Kaito is one of if not THE most solitary (lonely) character of the dcmk universe. He is not as the fandom tends to represent him sometimes. That's not Kaito. The over the top, flirty, pompous one is Kid. It's a mask. A facade. Kaito is not like that, he is just a teen who is struggling to make real connections with people and who is terrified of being found out as a criminal and cannot for the life of him let people IN because they'll see right through him and whose "dead" dad taught him NOT TO SHOW HIS EMOTIONS.
Kaito NEEDS some support. Jii alone is not enough. His own parents have lied to him his entire life and he's constantly alone, grieving for something that is not real. He has Aoko, but he CAN'T let her in completely for obvious reasons. Hakuba's there, but same thing. And I'm sorry but Akako I don't really think counts either, he actively seems not to really even like her or whatever...
MY POINT IS. If Kaito can get some new family members that could support him... Why refuse it, no? I'm not talking about Yusaku because he's also been keeping him in the dark and all and hasn't really seemed to do anything about it. But Yukiko (yes I'm choosing to believe she's also oblivious to Kaito being put in that situation) and Shinichi? Oh, those two could do wonders for someone like Kaito, in my opinion. Because Yukiko is Yukiko (she was born to be the cool aunt), and Shinichi is... Well... Shinichi. He could understand Kaito and actively show him support and help. They COULD be amazing as family.
Now it's all just a matter of... Does Gosho WANT to go that deep into this? Or is he going to continue to disregard Kaito's suffering and not give him anyone to lean on?
Anyway, cousins Kaito and Shinichi rule!
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Anti propaganda warning under the cut
V anti propaganda:
"- This man is so undatable, he's barely present in his own route or after end.
- The martyr complex this dude has is legitimately arrogant, taking blame for something you don't have control over isn't noble, it's just self-sabotaging. Taking blame for shit you do have control over and CHOOSING to change nothing makes the apology worthless. 🙃
-How does a man this rich have the balls to be so dumb? Bro, your bestie is also rich af and was gifted a fuckin island as a kid, why didn't you take the abused little ginger boys there for safety instead of shuffling one into a shady agency and the other to your increasingly unhinged gf who is waist-deep in setting up her cult?? Jumin would have had his back and V didn't even give him the chance to prove it!!
- This man chose to pursue a relationship with a woman who is mentally unstable and let himself become her whole world bc he felt guilty for treating his own disabled mother poorly. When you boil it down, this man chose a woman as a project and proposed to her within months instead of getting therapy for himself. 🫠
- V also lied to his and said gf's friends and family, telling them she committed suicide instead of turning her into the police for starting a cult, leading to the severe depression of her younger cousin and allowing her to continue drugging and brainwashing one of the twins he smuggled along with possibly hundreds of other people.
- When confronted over this, he still resists turning Rika into the police. For contrast, the younger cousin who idolized her immediately restrained her, stopped her from slipping party guests drugged wine and got the police on her. He is a 28 year old man and left the task to her 21 year old cousin who has had the emotional whiplash of finding out that not only was he right about V lying, but Rika is alive, AND she is very mentally unwell and has committed some major crimes.
- V is also mentally unstable af. In other routes, not just bad ends, he also returns to HELP HIS GF DO CULT SHIT.
- This is just subjective, but this wet mop of a man is also boring as shit which is why Cheritz kept him mostly vague and stuck to the background. If you want the fucked up relationship dynamics, just get one of the bad ends with Rika tbh, she at least serves lewks with her brand of crazy cunt.
- in short, you will never be in an equal partnership with this man and he won't be held accountable. The one time he tried, he said some pretty obviously triggering things to the crazy gf and got stabbed. He did not have the foresight to come with backup, announce where he would be, etc. He lived only because the gf that stabbed him calls you to come help him while she's still spiraling out of control.
I say this with full respect to the V fans, who are well aware that this man is an absolute mess and needs so much therapy before he's anywhere in the realm of salvaging his friendships, much less being dateable."
Baxter anti propaganda:
"baxter ward has a summer fling with you, which is fine because you agree to date only for the summer. however, when the time comes to break up, he does so in like the most brutal fashion possible. there was no need to be that much of a dick about it. he then proceeds to ghost you for five years.
five years later, when you meet once again, he opts to ignore you at best and continue being a dick at worst for the first half of step 4. there's no reason anyone should desire to get back together with the man. he needs therapy, not a partner."
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larkspurglove · 1 month
Wow 2.2 absolutely stuck the landing for the Penacony arc. Anyway spoiler heavy thought dump below
AVENTURINE’S ALIVE YIPPEE!!! He cannot catch a fucking break though, bro has a chance of being demoted or kicked out of the stonehearts, and then Boothill breaks into his room and aims a gun at him. Get my man a vacation please.
Anyway GOD I LOVE HOW THEY DID THE TWIST. Misha manifesting in reality has irked me since I first noticed that only the trailblazer sees him, because him being a memory zone meme made 100% sense except for that one little piece of info.
While it’s a bit sad that Boothill and Black Swan aren’t actually travelling with us, the fake ending felt weirdly jarring but also convincing enough that for a second I doubted myself and thought it was the real ending.
The use of end credits gives me a heart attack each time but it’s really funny, although there are a few things I noticed in there.
1) Gallagher’s actor is listed as Penacony???
2) ‘Dreammaster’ as Sunday’s servant, then Gopher Wood as Dreammaster. Like what does that mean
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This shit was terrifying. This was the moment that made me think ‘this is lowkey Sumeru all over again’ but this time instead of power hungry sages you have several OP people in one area and a sad Christian bird boy running the show.
(By the way this ALSO ALSO made me realise that Aventurine’s eyes are like Ena the Order’s one giant eye. What’s up with that)
Argenti showing up scared the shit out of me but it was kinda funny. However I don’t know if this happened to anyone else but he just didn’t have a voice when he showed up. As in there was just zero speech, just the text.
Also ACHERON’S NAME IS RAIDEN BOSENMORI MEI WAHOO!!! All we’re missing is a Kiana expy and then we have the hi3 trio in hsr.
As for Sunday and Robin doomed by the narrative siblings auahshshdhehsjshdh. When I’m more awake I’m going to write a ten page essay on Sunday’s characterisation and how his faith pulls from Christianity/Catholicism/etc. Like it’s genuinely such a good use of Christian-type belief I’m going insaneeeeee.
Boothill is so silly I adore him. Just a silly guy. Sure he is threatening to kill Aventurine but like he’s silly.
Gallagher being a History Fictionologist was unexpected but also makes so much sense. I’m still kinda concerned about how many people refer to him as a dog in a seemingly literal sense but we’ll unpack that later. Also it makes him showing up and saving Firefly from getting arrested even funnier tbh. Cause like, I thought the stowaway the Bloodhounds were looking for was Boothill, but since Gallagher’s a Fictionologist he just fucking lied and it came true. Iconic.
What interesting about Penacony and the Xianzhou is that they both deal with death, but the Xianzhou deals with the concepts of immortality and the consequences of trying to outlive your death, while Penacony’s messaging is that death and hardship is inevitable but life isn’t worth living if you’re not willing to withstand those tragedies.
By the way I’m 1000% sure that the ‘puppets’ during Sunday’s transformation into the Dominous thingy aren’t metaphorical stand ins for the hundred thousand something Oak Family members but literal stand ins. Unless proven otherwise I think Sunday killed those guys to power up the Order death machine. There’s another universe where Hoyo doesn’t have to worry about censorship and there’s just dead bodies being moved around like puppets, trust me I’m John Hoyoverse.
There’s still a lot of loose ends to wrap up and while I’m 100% certain that 2.3 is gonna be ‘oh fuck the IPC is on Penacony’ I really hope these are resolved. Off the top of my head some of them are
Sunday and Robin’s relationship
The consequences of Sunday’s actions
Where the fuck Aventurine was if he was just in the Reef place the entire time he was ‘dead’
What the IPC actually want with Penacony (it’s probably either for profit or for dead aeon remains)
How Gallagher ended up on Penacony/how he became a Fictionologist
Is Misha still around???
Whether the absence of Order followers scheming is gonna stop the dreamscape from collapsing or not
What the consequences of summoning a bunch of Galaxy Rangers to Penacony will be
Some of these might already be answered but this quest was like six hours long and that was with me speed-reading most of the dialogue and now it’s 1 am in the morning. I do not have enough brainpower for this shit.
I can’t wait for 2.3 the ‘Sunday goes to jail and the IPC get harassed by a Cowboy’ arc
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plantboiart · 1 month
Okay i have now finished relistening to all of blood in the bayou and I /didn’t/ cry (got close when rand hugged kian but i stayed strong) but here are some thoughts about the final episode!
The reveal with Rolan is still so fucking good. Like. Charlie did such an amazing job foreshadowing it without ever actually giving it away, which is exactly what you want from a plot twist, it’s phenomenal and makes so much sense in universe as well
Charlie describing the kian monster as “the thing that once was kian stone” numerous times is like… insane to me /pos. Because yeah, it really was. It was kian. It wasnt the original, but it was as much kian as rolan was rolan. And they couldnt forget that even if it would have been easier to
Okay sure focusing on keeperschampion for a second I GUESS (/silly i promise i love them) rolan jumping in front of rand? Rolan at 1 hp risking death to protect rand? He loves him so much and its so obvious and whether that’s platonic or romantic i DONT CARE they’re just so special
Kian’s corpse and coming back and shit… god i just so desperately need to understand how aware the corpses are. Because they’re not fully dead. Charlie makes that very clear, they pulse and move and even if they could never be described as alive anymore, they are not dead either. And him describing the sound kian makes as “pleading”? God fucking ow
Rand giving Kian his jacket… Rand hugging Kian… god ow ow OW /pos
Okay to be. Somewhat salty for a second. It genuinely feels like some bitb fans just did not actually listen to episode four with how they treat kian. Like its insane to me that people are able to reduce his character to just comedic relief rockstar or whatever when he lied to his friends for over a decade so they wouldnt think differently of him and you dont even need to read into that too deeply to see the self hatred and trust issues that clearly implies, and. Listen. Keeperschampion fans. I get you. I get it. But PLEASE give some attention to Kian still??? Like he’s 1. Canonically bisexual and 2. CANONICALLY HAS A THING FOR ROLAN. Like that’s not. How can you write a queer bitb story and ignore those facts? I dont get it. Like i just dont. Okay rant over i swear i love rand and rolan and i think keeperschampion is a wonderful ship im just so tired of kian being constantly overlooked
Anyways yes most of these will focus on kian what did you expect. Kian hoping to find some kind of answers or help from religion when everything is happening. Like yes he turner to brother niles (is that how you spell that name idk) was because he was like more stable than most others but /still/. That guy has NOT gotten over being raised by cultist parents and it absolutely still affects his worldview even if he probably wishes it didn’t
Also i use the above as proof that whatever cult kians parents are in is a christian one. Like. Obviously not very traditional since hippies but still. I also just really want to go with that since i feel like the default assumption for most people is that theyre like wicca or neo-pagan or something similar and im just. Im so tired of paganism being the default cult religion in media. Like. Please. I just want to worship aphrodite and finnish nature spirits in peace without my religion being constantly combined with cults and shit. Well shit i went on another rant. Sorry guys i swear i dont mean to be this negative all the time sometimes shit just happens
I want to write an extremely painful hurt no comfort fic of kian getting caught and killed by the creatures while escaping from the community house.. i want to write it so bad…
Rolan sacrificing himself for rand AGAIN. Like bro we get it youre suicidal and in love with your best friends fucking chill
The encounter with the queen… rand planning to fucking suicide bomb her, it pretending to be rachel (at least thats how I interpreted it) to manipulate rand, the hive just being a hivemind of ecofascists, kian just fucking exploding, Rolan sacrificing himself for rand AGAIN AGAIN, the end god the end rand and rachel “you changed” “you didn’t”… pain
Thats. Probably it. Yeah. Im feeling fine and will now go lie down for an hour to process things (and. Maybe. Afterwards. I will write something because i have way too much inspiration)
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arcadiabaytornado · 5 months
please tell me that i wasn't the only one being uncomfortable about chloe and david's relationship in lis 2.
like, i'm not saying their relationship is inappropriate, or that i don't think chloe would reach out if she found out he was alive, or that they wouldn't manage to form an emotional bond (being two of arcadia bay's only survivors and both losing joyce price do that to you) especially considering the fact that chloe is still grateful david saved max from jefferson and stuff.
i'm saying that i'm CONVINCED chloe would never see david as a father figure. imo they exagerrated their bond in lis 2. like, c'mon, the guy is calling her ''her daughter'', not to mention he said something like ''your old man doesn't fear the cold'' or whatever in the phone call. like— bro's acting like her actual father. and while i can totally see david desperate for chloe to consider him that way (i think we'd seen a hint of that in bts) i can't see chloe going that far. she can probably have a great relationship with him (after a lot of talking, mind me), but she's not gonna call him ''dad'' either.
(anyway that was longer than i thought lmao sorry for the ranting)
I have such complicated feelings on David and Chloe's Lis 2 relationship, and a lot of my thoughts line up with yours!
I'm not actually opposed to Chloe and David being on speaking terms after the storm. If you combine the facts that: A: They aren't living in the same house anymore and Joyce isn't around to enable David. Therefore, David has lost all the power he had over her. B: They were both one of the few survivors of the storm. I think it makes sense that they would reach out to each other after something so traumatic. C: They both share a grief for Joyce. D: Chloe seemed a little more open to David after she learned he saved Max. E: David seems to have pulled his shit together. Then...yeah I see why they would be in each others lives.
However, their relationship was a little much (at least in my opinion), considering a big issue in BTS and LIS is David trying to force himself into a Father role. That is a role Chloe has always been shown to hold for William, and while step-parents can be 100% a parental figure, the child in the situation needs to be open to that. And Chloe always been hesitant about the idea.
Personally, I would have preferred them to talk, but with David being more of an uncle figure than a father figure if that makes sense?? Like yeah, they're closer now, and they're a part of each other's lives, but David still isn't the Father figure he tried to force himself to be. I think it would have really shown his growth if he could have accepted that and rebuilt his relationship with Chloe outside of the "Dad" box.
That isn't what we got, but it's what I would have preferred! So, yeah, a lot of my thoughts align with yours. I'm not opposed to them speaking, but I do wish their dynamic was toned down a bit.
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g-xix · 3 months
will ALWAYS stand for danny aarons slander. guy plays fifa all day and cba to take care of a dog? and says wallahi when he doesn’t mean it??
HONESTLY. Danny's acc litr a microcosm for the entire population of 12 y/o boys' mentality. Him n Tennessee's thing, throwing his ex under the bus, that REALLY set me off initially, and now this is j so bad too...
Cuz like, i love this trope of YouTubers who are in relationships and are pretty certain they wanna stay together, but aren't ready to have kids yet - so their next stage of commitment is getting a dog.
Obvi, that's not related to Danny bc Danny got Silas (dog) b4 getting w Tennessee. But there's j such a cuteness about YouTubers who love their pets n allat. I mean, Simon n Mushu literally have me mentally smiling at my screen when i see those miniminter stories of them together.
But Danny's acc so foul for being down to even joke abt putting a dog down icl - i was mortified ab the thought of putting a guinea pig down last summer when it came to it - but the fact bro's so chill w talking ab that w a dog? Especially when it's 15k to do repairs, as if that's gonna ruin his life? If he's able to retire his dad, I don't think fixing his mum's garden will make his pockets hurt that much :/
That felt very judgemental. tbf, gotta acknowledge that he is ultimately the one who knows what's best for that dog, n it did sound like he was joking ab putting Silas down... So as long as that dog stays alive and in a loving home i suppose i can't complain as a viewer that isn't all that bothered if we're honest.
Right, i saw a comment on that last post of some1 saying that Danny said Wallahi and then lied to Tennessee ab something? That's fucking vile. Just because bro's not part of a religion doesn't mean u can just disrespect integral parts of their teachings???? I mean shit, if you're not a part of the religion, why are you even involving yourself in it so much, especially trying to use it as a funny bit?
Might be a bit snowflake-y from me but I'm not Muslim myself, i j find his usage of the religion rly weird since it feels like he's using it for jokes and content, which realistically isn't what a religion is meant for 😀
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Reid x brother!reader - my shield
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- Spencer Reid x Male! Twin or Husband - based after 7x01 where they found out Emily is alive. Spencer is upset and Reader comforts him - @mxacegrey 💜
You knew the death of his friend had hit him hard, you knew Spencer was struggling and you didn’t everything you could to help him.
When you weee finished with your shifts at the station you would go see him, you would let him sleep at your place whenever he needed it.
You were getting ready for work when your apartment door was thrown open and you grabbed your gun, walking around the corner.
Putting your gun back into the holster on your work belt, you finished tucking your shirt in before you walked over.
He had tears in his eyes and he was shaking his head, running his hand through his hair.
“Hey, hey come here.”
You quickly pulled him in for a hug, and he collapsed against you.
He sobbed into your shoulder, tears soaking the shirt of your uniform but you didn’t care, you had a spare in your locker at work.
You still had loads of time before you had to go in so you lead him over to the couch and sat him down.
“What’s up bro?” You asked softly.
He pulled away, taking a few deep breaths.
“I… I… they lied to me…”
“What? Who?”
He took a few minutes to calm down before he was able to talk to you, and he did, and he told you everything.
He told you about how he’d been going to Hotch and JJ when he couldn’t get ahold of you, he told you he nearly went back to the drug he managed to shake.
Then he told you about the meeting they had today, and the fact Emily was still alive.
“I… I don’t know what to do…”
“Look Spence, I’ve always been your big brother, I’ve always protected you, but this is your choice, you know that right?”
“I can’t forgive them…”
He looked up at you, wiping a few of his tears.
“I can’t…”
You nodded your head.
“I know Spence, and you don’t have to. Just take some time off, hang out here if you want, alright? I’ll stay with you when I can.”
Spencer looked up at you feeling a little bit lost, and you hated it.
You hated seeing him look like this, he didn’t know what to do.
“Give it some time, then go back, but remember what I told you when we were kids, right?”
“Never take your anger out on other people…” he mumbled.
You nodded and ruffled his hair.
“Yeah, I’ve gotta finish getting ready but I’ll be back in the morning.”
Spencer looked up at you and he followed you to your bedroom, standing in the doorway as he looked at your uniform laid neatly on the bed.
“Can I come…?”
You stopped at looked at him in the mirror before turning around, adjusting the radio on your shoulder.
“Course you can bro, but you have to stay at my desk if I’m called out.”
He nodded and waited for you to finish getting ready before he followed you out to his car.
His phone was blowing up with texts and calls, and he looked at you, holding it out and you looked at it.
Getting him to unlock it, you found his bosses contact and sent his boss a photo of you sticking up your middle finger. Sending a quick text telling him to leave your brother alone and you handed it back.
Spencer looked at what you had done and gave you a disapproving look.
“Hey, he can’t do anything to me.”
Spencer cracked a small smile and turned his phone off, stuffing it into his bag as he focused on the road while you drove to the station.
He didn’t really feeling like talking, or doing anything for that matter, but he needed to be with you.
You were his support, and being with you made everything seem a little less complicated for the time being, he could pretend it wasn’t real and he didn’t have to confront it right now.
Because that’s what he always did.
You were his older brother, his shield, and he always hid behind you when he was scared or upset, because he knew you would protect him
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crimeronan · 1 year
if caleb and the golden guard ghosts ARE real (as opposed to belos's unreliable projections) then there is something TRAGICALLY FUCKING HILARIOUS about all of them just hanging out tormenting belos together. cuz your initial instinct after being murdered would PROBABLY be more like "oh no, my murderer lied to and manipulated me and is going after another kid, i gotta protect this unfortunate-ass child with my life" like the mental image of tiny baby hunter just surrounded at all times by eighteen surly guardian angels while he's kicking up his legs reading banned books under his bedsheets. for all i know that's ALSO happening but i'm sure there's a sense of. like. learned helplessness?? they know there's no hope and that expending emotional energy is exhausting. there have been dozens of these guys and none have ever made it out alive. what is even the point. whenever a golden guard dies their ghost will be like "oh no, wtf, we gotta save the kid that belos just dragged out of the ground to replace me" while anyone who's been around for more than like two decades is just puffing on a ghost cigar and playing ghost cards at a ghost poker table feet kicked up not even looking up from their hand like "nah chill. we'll just fix him once he crosses over. trust me you do NOT want the drama oh my godddd. anyway do you wanna join the betting pool or what"
"the... what"
"yeah we've got even odds rn on whether he gets killed for being a jock or a nerd. you in??"
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pepmint-art · 1 year
Sooo, on my way to take care of Green Rejection Au as a good parent. Take care of one Au and stop producing hundreds of them and dropping them after one art.
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Season 1, but Lloyd doesn't really believe in anythink that isn't human.
Snakes that talk to you? Yeah, no. Like, why would animals talk to you? It's probably hallucinations or unfunny joke.
His father is evil lord with 4 arms? It was last time when he listened to Gene about trying drugs (first and last time).
Spinjitsu/elemental powers? Physics goes bro bro goo goo. You know, lights and stuff.
Dragons? Actually, he haven't seen any of them. That let's him think they doesn't exsist.
Santa-claus? He knew from beggining that everyone tried lie to him. He knew the truth and shared it with other kids, breaking everything in what they believed.
His first meeting with Pythor was well, not so great for Pythor. Lloyd went to search for some stuff to illegally display in museum (where he works part-time, thanks to Misako) and just found him, but instead of listening to him, he completely ignored Pythor, thinking that it's all in his head. When Pythor, ofc annoyed, get his attention and Lloyd realized that Pythor for sure is alive, he just thought that it's some random guy in high quality furry suit. He's not judging, but part about sitting in caves alone was for him "weirdos activitie".
No matter how random and crazy his explanations could go, he just believed in them.
In the end, he left with empty hands, but freed Pythor telling him to not listen to haters and that his suit is amazing.
But why Lloyd doesn't accept the fact that other being existing?
Well, in this au Lloyd is way older then canonically (and other kids from Darkley's are also older) and he was already understanding world around himself (in the kids way, but understood) when Garmadon still was there. He knew about everything abnormal and was accepting this. The world just was like this and elemental powers looked beautiful for him.
But one day, the day that Garmadon was banished, Lloyd was there and saw this. He not only witnessed losing his father, but also he saw into what horrible monster he turned.
Let's be honest, for a kid it would be drastic moment in life. And traumatic as well.
He was put into therapy (at first Misako and Wu tried to talk to him and explain this but when he started closing himself on everyone, Misako just choosed to ask for help someone who would know what to do), but he was just erasing from memory everything what happened. With age he started believing in lies he created, that Garmadon left because of his own choice, that everything he sees isn't real and that's why he has therapist. He has to be mentally ill, normal people doesn't see stuff like this.
Also in Darkley's no one talked about snakes, powers and other stuff. He had perfect way to separate himself from all this "bullshit". And in family there just was an unwritten rule that until Lloyd doesn't start talking about this stuff, no one talks about it with him. Misako didn't wanted to push him, not knowing how far it will go. Ofc rule was broke when it finally came out that Lloyd is a green ninja.
With time going on in season 1 and 2 he remindes himself about what happened and slowly understands and accepts the past and present, promising that he'll help but only this one time (and it becomes "only this one time" everytime).
Everything gets better, but somehow he cannot connect his father with Lord Garmadon. It just doesn't work for him.
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charliedawn · 1 year
I just remembered when I started reading and imurging into the series, I think I was asking that I wanted Yandere Five again.
Is it too late to ask now? While I'm at it, I'll try to catch up on the series so have this dancing cat
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Five wasn't one to hold a grudge, certainly not for something as small as being forgotten by his own siblings—or the whole world...
He hadn't held a grudge against his siblings for dooming the planet over and over again.
He hadn't held a grudge when he had realized the only reason he had been sent to St Louis was because his siblings had been too scared to rise against their father to come get him themselves.
However, there were things he couldn't forgive his sibling.
And one of them...was how they had lied about you.
He had asked about you the moment he was back, and they had all assured him that you were gone.
He had come to be at peace with that fact, even though it had taken him years to do so...
But then, Five had found a letter addressed to the family—an invitation.
You are invited to Y/N and Y/H's wedding.
The words had struck him like lightning.
Five stilled and it took a moment for him to realize why all of his siblings but him had suddenly things planned today.
They had lied to him. You were still alive and worst of all, you were getting married.
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Five's mind was suddenly flooded by memories of the both of you and it mixed with this dark smoke of utter rage and jealousy.
It clouded his mind and the corners of his lips curved upwards as he tear the invitation to pieces and threw them to the floor before storming out of the room.
He knew exactly what to do..
"You thought I would just let you go ? Oh, honey. You got another storm coming.." He brought his axe down from the wall and teleported to the address on the card.
"Time to crash the wedding."
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The doors of the ceremony were closed, but it didn't stop him.
He brought his axe down restlessly on the door until the lock was but a mere memory and he then kicked it open.
All of the guests froze and your eyes widened as you saw him stride in.
He tilted his head and sought out for you amongst the crowd, only to meet your eyes and he huffed a laugh of disbelief.
"This is officially worse than the apocalypse.", he muttered under his breath.
But then, he found his siblings there. They were all waiting for him.
As if they knew...As they had planned it all.
"YOU TRAITORS !", he screamed and couldn't hold back his anger any longer. He was tired. And felt betrayed.
"...It's over, Five. She knew you would try to stop it. But, we wanted to prove her wrong. Now, we know.", Victor said.
"Sorry, lil' bro. We can't let you ruin her anymore than you already did.", Klaus supported.
"You need to stop. Now.", Diego added with a frown and Five burst out laughing—a chill-inducing laugh that made you feel cold and dead inside.
"I'd like to see you try..Get out of my way, before I make you." It was no warning at this point, it was clearly a threat.
His siblings looked at each other worriedly before turning back towards him.
"Five...Can't you see that you're going too far ? You're not thinking straight.", Allison tried to reason with him, but he then spat hatefully.
"Oh..I've never been so clear-sighted, sister."
He then walked around the room, thrilled and spurred on by the fear and growing tension in the room.
"I just came back...I mourned you...I FUCKING cried for you !", he said—his eyes not leaving you and your breath hitched and you took a step back.
Five realized you were scared of him and threw his head back with laughter before raising his axe in the air, pointing it at you.
"...Now, know that all of THIS is on you."
You didn't understand, not until Five jumped in time and space and in the blink of an eye...Everyone was gone.
Your husband/wife.
The guests.
The other Hargreeves.
The only people remaining were yourself and Five.
He took a deep breath and looked up at you with a twisted smile and blood splattered everywhere..
You eyes lowered to the axe in his hand and you froze at the amount of blood dripping from it.
He dropped it and it made a loud noise as it hit the floor and made you jolt as you raised your tearful eyes at the boy you used to love.
"Now, dont look at me like that, sweetheart.", he told you with an insane glimpse in his eyes. "I told you I loved you...I told you to wait for me...Now imagine my feelings when I come back and realize the only person I ever trusted beside my own siblings, the only one who I have ever felt a genuine connection with, is getting married to someone else."
You closed your eyes as you hoped he wouldn't hurt you.
He seemed to understand and suddenly stopped to kneel in front of you. He sighed and took your hand.
"I didn't want to yell at you. I was just so upset when I learned the news and I...*pause* Can't you see ? We are made for each other."
He tried to make you look at him, but you then glared at him and pulled away from him.
"I wish you had never come back."
Your unforgiving words broke the last thread of humanity remaining in Five and he stayed silent for a second, but finally grabbed your hand again.
But this time, his grip on your hand neared painful and you let out a small whimper of pain.
He seemed to realize his mistake and quickly let go.
As soon as he released you, you soothed your wrist with your thumb and glared daggers at him.
"You're insane.", you told him and Five let out a small humorless laugh.
"You have no idea."
He then took out a gun and pointed it at the picture of your fiancé. Your eyes widened and you immediately shook you head before joining your hands together.
"No..Everything but that. Please. He/She is a good man/woman."
Five smirked maliciously before repeating.
"...Everything ?"
"Yes.", you said without hesitation and Five hummed thoughtfully before lowering the gun.
"Fine. Marry me then."
Your eyes widened at the command and you shook your head at the absurd idea.
"...You're physically a kid. I can't exactly go to the alter, or I'll get arrested.", you tried to reason with him—but he wasn't taking no for an answer.
He shrugged and replied confidently.
"I can wait. I will take you as my wife/husband the moment I am rid of this body."
He gestured to his own body with a disgusted grimace and you shivered. The nice little boy of your past was definitely gone. Only the monster remained..
He caught your eyes on him and his smile vanished, replaced by a disapproving frown.
"...Don't look at me like that.", he warned you, but you couldn't help it. You wanted your best friend back, the little boy you used to play with and tell everything to, the little boy who brought you flowers and told you he loved you when he didn't even understand the meaning yet...
"...Why are you doing this to me, Five ? I thought we were friends at least..", you said with tears in your eyes.
He tilted his head and something shifted in his eyes for a second—but it was quickly gone.
"Friends ?...Oh no...We're not friends."
He took a step forward, which made you step back and fall.
He then stood above you and made sure to make you understand how you were and shall always be beneath him.
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"You betrayed me. I may love you, but I won't ever forget it...So, until we get married ?"
He grabbed your jaw and his eyes looked you up and down in your lovely white dress/suit he wanted to soil..
He lowered his hand to trace patterns of blood on the offensive white material and suddenly grabbed you by the collar to pull you so close to him, there was no way to escape.
"You're mine. I own you. And it'll be so until you get back those feelings you pretend to have lost.."
His lips were so close to yours, you failed to breathe properly and you blinked your tears away as every gesture you made was observed very closely by Five.
You finally raised your hand to stroke Five's cheek and smiled weakly at him.
"I never pretended anything..I still love Five. I always will.."
His eyes softened and he gave you a genuine smile, but it was quickly wiped away by your next words.
"But, you're not Five. Not anymore..."
You lowered your hand and Five stayed still for a moment before letting out a small annoyed tssk before standing up again.
"You'll recognize me soon enough.."
He then teleported away. Not because he was tired, or he needed to do something else—but because he wasn't sure himself of who he was.
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