#and here he comes like yep guy in eyeliner who is one of the best players and desprately wants his teammates number...
aesterblaster · 2 years
like just urgh.. we love to see it
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n-coma · 1 year
Naruto Fan Cast: Part One
I fear the day when Netflix will attempt to create anything Naruto-related. Still, I am curious about what it would look like. So, before Hollywood lays its hands on our beloved fandom, allow me to introduce you to my personal fan cast.
Before we begin, let's agree on two points: 1. These are just subjective ideas that you might disagree with! So feel free to respond with your own suggestions; 2. In my fanon, the Naruto universe includes different races and nationalities. For example, Uchihas, Hyugas, Naras, and Sai are completely Japanese in my head. Meanwhile, characters like Tenten, Guy, Lee, and Rock Lee are Chinese. And the list goes on. In this post, I will only cover European/American actors cast for non POC characters. The POC fan cast will be posted later; it requires a bit more time and attention.
Here we go.
Naruto — Rudy Pankow
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Look, he is a perfect Naruto for several reasons. He isn't overly 'Chad' nor too feminine. He has messy blond hair and exudes a chaotic energy (it radiates from him even in pictures). If you're still not entirely convinced, watch this YouTube video featuring him and his funniest moments. Those dimples! Blue eyes? I mean, hello?
Sasuke will be covered in the post with all the Asian characters.
Sakura — Piper America
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Big forehead? Check. Pink hair? Yep. She has that unpredictable look in her eyes where you don't know what to expect from her.
Ino — Hunter Schafer
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You might recognize her from Euphoria. She possesses this tall beauty combined with a flower-girl energy. Her red carpet look perfectly aligns with Ino's jutsu. The hair pieces are a perfect match, and have you noticed her nose? Ahhh!
Kiba — Dylan Obrien
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This was the easiest fan cast ever! Just look at him! He embodies that dog energy in the best possible sense. Also, we'd hire Tyler Hoechlin for motion capture as Akamaru *winks*.
Temari — Florence Pugh
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What I appreciate about Temari is her strong backbone and unapologetic character. Florence Pugh not only possesses those qualities, but she also has a broader facial structure that resembles Temari's. With her green eyes, dirty blond hair, and similar demeanor, what more could we ask for?
Gaara — Bill Skarsgård
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Hear me out! We can always color his hair and do some black eyeliner as well as red tattoo, but when it comes to capturing Gaara's haunting eyes, who could do it better than Bill Skarsgård himself?Who will have such a slim, prince-like bone structure? Your honor, I rest my case.
Kakashi — Robert Pattison
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We needed an actor with eyes that express this nostalgic, covered-in-ashes pain, hand in hand with melancholy and a 'not giving a fuck' vibe. Robert Pattinson or Robert Pattinson? After playing Batman, he has already learned how to portray a traumatized, tired orphan. What more do we need? I did not find his pictures with grey-colored hair, so let me include this black-and-white photoshoot.
Asuma — Hugh Jackman
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Charisma, beard, and a bit of spice. Kushina — Abigail Cowen
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Hollywood boasts around ten ginger actresses, and they all seem to cycle through fandoms like hand-me-down clothes. However, from among those ten, we had to choose the one who possesses a strong personality and a look that could intimidate. So, we're going with Abigail Cowen. She's already played a role with power struggles before, making her a good fit for depicting Kushina's struggle with Kurama.
Minato — Danny Griffin
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Golden Retriever energy! What more can I say? He is the real-life boyfriend of Abigail Cowen (Kushina) and my personal choice for the position of the 4th Hokage.
Tsunade — Elizabeth Olsen
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It was a hard choice between her, Scarlett Johansson, and Lady Gaga. But let's be fair — she has the mommy energy, she has a princes-like energy, and looks very much alike the character.
Jiraya — Anson Mount
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Okay, I guess this is it for now.
Get ready for my next post on the Akatsuki casting, and make sure to stick around for the upcoming Asian and African fan casts! 🌟
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katasstrophy · 2 years
Have funnnnn!! If you could bring a date, who would you it be??? or who suits your fit the best??
mentions of alcohol consumption. suggestive themes. low key narcissistic behavior lmao. bad dancing. river got carried away and it turned into rambling what’s new. choo choo all aboard the self indulgence train!!!
omg nonnie i had the most fun EVER (maybe even.. a little too much fun ehuhehu 🥴🥴 my lipstick was gone by the end of the night and i was violently hungover today but you know what I’D DO IT AGAINNNNN LOL pls stop me)
awe!!!! 🥹🥹🥹 i’m in love with you for asking this truly bc we stan being self-indulgent on this blog!!!! okay imma break it down for y’all 😎😎
if we’re talking from a purely aesthetic standpoint (yep TOTALLY just that. nothing else whatsoever swayed my decision on this matter teehee) my date for my uni ball would have to be one one of the itoshis and here’s why!!!!!! i put thought into this okay. my ball fit was this fantastic, obnoxiously green colored two piece suit that you bet ur ass i pulled off SPECTACULARLY yes i’m gonna be shamelessly hyping myself bc im very sexc. since the suit jacket had a pluuuuunging neckline, i just paired it with a skimpy neon green bralette underneath ( scandalous ) and some sleek, black leather platform boots that i somehow managed to dance in the entire night i was very impressed with myself actually 😎 but see this is perfect bc rin has green hair!!!!! (lmfao someone put me down right now) i feel like it would work. we would deffo match in a low key, subtle way. but honestly i’d hate to put my poor baby through that i just know rinnie’s antisocial ass would abhor the entire evening </333 he’d just stay back on his phone at the dinner table and do an occasional death glare when i’d point him out to people trying to come onto me on the dance floor what a babe. sae on the other hand 👀👀 bestie i am already SWEATING he picked up a few things from being dragged clubbing by his teammates in spain okay man knows how to dance and i will die on this hill. aesthetic-wise, we’d also be matching in a more subtle way, mostly our hair (since i dyed it red a couple months ago, even tho he’s canonically more.. mauve, but if you squint it works alright) plus i also went extra with my makeup and did a bunch of fancy stuff on my face with red eyeliner hehe <3 but sae would be a fantastic dance partner he’d get a little carefree and indulge in twirling me around, going down low (letting me grind my ass on his crotch PLSSSS i will pass out)
if we’re talking dates who would just be an absolute blast to go with i mean come on who could top shidou mf ryusei he’s so insane exactly what you need to spice up your night. i’d be like “hmm this wine isn’t really as bottomless as they promised should i get a tequila shot from the bar?” and he’d just grin like the bastard he is and say “only one? coward get three” he is actually the worst but drunk shenanigans with him yes pls absolutely. there’s like a 90% chance the staff would kick us out bc they found us basically on the verge of fucking in the bathroom but asskdhbebekd he’s a horndog it was to be expected. i feel like it would also be so hilarious to bring reo to one of these university balls bc yeah it’s still like— a formal event and stuff but absolutely nowhere near close to the posh charity balls he’s used to from his upbringing. you bring him as your date and he’s like “wait wdym you don’t have to do any networking???” he’d be so floored i’m crying. he’s a Pretty Intense Guy with An Image To Uphold so he’s never really had a chance to.. let loose and have fun like this? you’d kinda have to take initiative but he’d be so into it after a while (with the help of a little alcohol lol). he’d be like “this chicken is so fucking under seasoned” and you’d just nod your head “yeah babe it’s a university ball the budget is like 20 dollars what did you except” and he’d just go “amazing” and eat the whole thing he’s so precious i’m in love with him. the best worse dancer you’ve ever seen too but he’d be so giggly about it so it’s forgiven sigh what a king 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Please know that if we ever met in person, I would literally lift you off your feet and hug you for suggesting this. My afternoon was filled with adorable puppy videos because of this!
Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Can I have them?” Remus asked softly, staring at the person behind the camera with big, pleading eyes. “Please?”
“Do the introduction and then we’ll set ‘em loose,” Marlene said.
“Fine. Hey, everyone, welcome back to Lion Pride! I’m Remus Lupin and I’m here today to play with puppies.”
“And answer questions.”
“And answer questions,” he added. “Maybe, like, one or two in between snuggles.”
“You’re going to answer all of them,” Marlene said more firmly.
He rolled his eyes and took the lid off the jar of paper slips. “Can I have the puppies now?”
A door clicked open behind the camera and Remus lit up as four puppies tumbled into frame, racing straight for him. “Hello, babies!” he laughed as a tiny golden retriever jumped on his chest. “Oh, I love you so much. Come here, come here, let me give you kisses.”
“Question number one?” Marlene prompted as he began playing with them and rolling their toys around.
Remus sighed and pulled a question out. “What would I be doing if I didn’t become a hockey player? Physical therapy for su—ope, okay, you can have that one.”
The Irish Setter puppy growled playfully as they played a short game of tug-of-war until the paper tore.
“Oh no, it broke!” Remus exclaimed, giving the pup a scratch behind the ears while it chewed on the leftover scraps. “Yes, that’s all yours now. Next one: what is the best part about playing professional hockey? I get to do interviews like this.” One of the puppies, a medium-sized black one, began chewing on one of the laces of his Converse. “Excuse me—excuse me, young man, that’s my shoelace. Are you chewing it because it’s rainbow? Is this homophobia?”
“Sorry.” He lifted the puppy into his arms and kissed his head. “Okay, munchkin, what’s next? What’s next? You’re so fucking cute, I just wanna squish you. Um, what’s the most common thing fans say when they meet me?” He laughed and the puppy licked his cheek. “Usually they look at me and go, ‘god, you’re tall’, which surprises people because I’m always around these gigantic guys. Do these dogs have names?”
“If I tell you their names, you’re going to get attached.”
“We have crossed, salted, and burned that bridge, Marley.”
“The one you’re holding is Mercutio, the red one is Juliet, the retriever is Pip, and the fluffy one on your lap is Lucie, after Lucie Manette.”
Remus’ jaw went slack. “They’re named after book characters?” he asked in a small voice.
“Oh, no.” He reached out and pulled Juliet and Pip into his arms for a moment. “Oh, no, you all have to come home with me now. The next question is…would I ever do drag? Probably not, but I looked hot as fuck in eyeliner, so do with that what you will.”
“Which video was that?”
“It was the fear pong one, which I played with my fiancé and my friends James and Lily!” His voice pitched up as he turned to talk to Mercutio. “I did, buddy! It was so fun! Yes, it was!”
“Remus. Questions.”
“Right. What’s one of my weirdest or funniest fan encounters? There was this one lady, she was like forty-something, and she came up to me while I was at the post office and asks ‘are you Remus Lupin?’ and I said, ‘yes, that’s me’ and she’s like ‘from the Gryffindor Lions?’ and I said yes again and then she went—” He narrowed his eyes and nodded his head slowly. “—‘I knew you were gay. Good for you, kiddo’ and then left. It was the weirdest fucking thing, especially considering I had played, like, one game with the team by that point.”
“Are you serious?” Marlene asked.
“Totally honest. I never saw her again, either.” Juliet put her paws on the front of his Lions hoodie and began licking the edge of his jaw. “Hey, sweet girl, thank you for the kisses. Can I grab another question? No? Okay, we can stay here.”
Pip began yipping and Mercutio wiggled out of Remus’ hold, launching himself at the other dog with a tiny growl.
“Mercutio, no!” Remus gasped, scooting Juliet aside so he could put the two puppies under his arms. His hands were big enough to almost cover their whole bellies. “We’re not here to start fights, you two. Apologize.” They turned their heads to lick his cheeks. “I didn’t mean apologize to me, but okay. You’re so soft and warm, what the hell?”
“Next question?”
“What’s the craziest rumor I’ve heard about myself? A solid group of people thought I asked to be on the team, which isn’t true. I didn’t even know people were considering it until James and Lily’s wedding. Coach wanted it to be a surprise while he cleared it with the organization.” Remus shook his head and slowly petted Lucie as she napped on his thigh. “Is there a celebrity I’ve met that left me starstruck? Ha! Yes. There was a fundraiser a few months ago and Sam Neill was there, which I didn’t know until I turned around and he was about two feet away.”
“What did you do?”
Remus laughed and turned faintly pink. “Um, I made a sort of squeaking noise and he kinda chuckled, which was mortifying in and of itself. He goes, ‘hi, I’m Sam’ and I nodded because duh, he’s Sam fucking Neill, and then I mumbled something about Jurassic Park and he smiled and said, ‘son, you’re blocking the water’ and I just about died on the spot.”
“Did anyone see you?”
“Sirius was standing next to me the entire time and silently laughing his ass off. I saw them talking later, and when were about to drive home he hands me this napkin and it has Sam Neill’s autograph on it.”
“He didn’t,” Marlene gasped.
Remus nodded. “He did.”
“That’s the smoothest move I’ve ever heard of.”
“It was incredible.” Juliet waddled closer and nudged a red ball out from under Remus’ knee, which he picked up and tossed before taking out another question. “Do I appreciate when fans come up to me in public or is it annoying? Oh, it’s never annoying. It’s a little weird if I’m eating lunch somewhere or running errands and someone tries to sneak a picture, though. I love all the fans and it’s super fun talking to everyone, so please just come over and say hello instead of failing to be sneaky while I’ve got pizza grease on my face.”
“Even if you’re on a date?”
Remus snorted. “Okay, well, use some common sense. Pip—babycakes, stop trying to eat the questions. There we go.” He settled the puppy into his lap and rolled the ball for Juliet again. “In a movie about my life, who would I want to play me and Sirius?” He paused and looked at the camera. “I would want us to play ourselves, but only because neither of us can act and it would be so fucking funny to make the absolute worst movie.”
“Come on,” Marlene groaned.
“I’m being a hundred percent honest right now! I think it would be hilarious. We’d be terrible.” Juliet pawed at his arm insistently until he grabbed the ball, but she wouldn’t let it go and they ended up playing tug-of-war despite the fact that she had no traction on the floor and kept sliding around. “Aren’t you a feisty one, sweet girl! What is the most memorable moment of my life that I want to cherish forever? This. Right here, right now.”
“I have two dogs on my lap, one under my arm, and the other slobbering all over my hand. This is the best possible place to be. Wait, hang on a second.” Remus carefully lifted Lucie up and laid down, settling her on his abdomen as the other three clambered over to flop on him. “Oh, yeah, this is the peak of my entire life.”
“You’re not going to say your engagement? Maybe the day you started playing for the Lions?”
“Nope. The engagement was incredible and one of my favorite memories for sure, but I was shaking in my skates.”
“Just read the next question.”
“Okay! What’s my go-to karaoke song?” He hummed for a moment, then laughed as Lucie scooted up to rest her head under his chin. “I think it’s probably ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ by Whitney Houston. Lily and I did a duet of that a year or so ago, and it rocked.”
Pip began gnawing on the cuff of his sweatshirt. “Pip,” Marlene scolded; her foot appeared in frame until Remus waved her off with a smile.
“It’s okay, he can chew if he wants to. It’s an old sweater anyway, and it’s not even mine!” He scratched behind Pip’s ears. “No, it’s not, peach-a-keen! You can go nuts with that as long as you’re cozy. What is…my favorite behind-the-scenes Lions moment? Our groupchat, no contest.”
“Does it have the whole team?”
“Most of us, yeah. You have to earn your spot.” Remus looked over at the camera and Lucie put her head on his neck. “Looks like I’ve been banned from turning my head now, huh?”
“Are you comfortable?”
“Marley, there are very few things that would make me happier than I am right now. I’m being slowly crushed by puppies and I get to cuddle them for free.” He reached blindly into the question jar. “This is a two-part question. Do I prefer big dogs or small dogs, and how is Hattie doing? I love all dogs, but I think I prefer big ones because they’re always so much fun, and I don’t feel like I’m accidentally going to break them if I move wrong. Hattie’s doing well! She’s almost eighty pounds and she’s at home with Sirius right now, probably getting snuggled within an inch of her fuzzy little life.”
“That’s the dream right there.”
“Tell me about it. Alright, sorry ladies and gents, but I have to sit up to get to the questions.” All four puppies made noises of protest when he started sitting up and he sighed, eyebrows pitching upward. “I know, I know, it’s really hard. Here, how about we…” Remus carefully gathered them until he held all four against his chest; their tiny faces looked out over his forearms and he placed a kiss on each of their heads. “Much better.”
“Can you get to the jar?”
It took a bit of maneuvering, but he managed to reach in. “Do you want to read it?” he asked Mercutio as the puppy tried to bite the slip. “No? Okay. What is my favorite thing about playing on the same team as my fiancé? That is an excellent question. My favorite thing is that we finally have the same schedule, so we can build in time to hang out more easily. It was hard to do that when we were doing different things.”
Pip yawned and the entire camera crew ‘awww’ed; Remus made a soft noise and nuzzled his floppy ear.
“I adore you,” he murmured. “I really do. Last question: What is my advice to those who want to follow their dreams? Oh, jeez.”
“You can take a minute to think.”
Remus crossed his legs and lifted his knees up so he could hug all the puppies at once while still looking at the camera. “The only reason I got big and strong is so that I can hold four puppies at once. Just thought people should know that. Uh, my advice to those who want to follow their dreams is to persevere. I never in a million years thought that I would get to play on a professional hockey team, but I worked really hard to overcome my injury and stay connected to the sport because I love it. If there’s something you love, don’t be afraid to hold on to it.”
“Wise words,” Marlene remarked. “Do you want to tell the fans where they can find the puppies?”
“At my house,” Remus joked. “But if that doesn’t work, they are up for adoption at Friendly Paws Animal Shelter, which is just south of downtown Gryffindor and has tons of adorable friends like these guys. Can I call Sirius real quick?”
“Sure,” Marlene laughed.
Remus gingerly lowered Lucie into his lap and pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing a quick number before putting it on speakerphone and setting it down to pick her up again. “Re?” Sirius sounded confused. “Aren’t you still with Marlene?”
“…did something happen?”
“Nope, all good. Can we get another dog?”
There was a beat of silence on the other end of the line. “Marlene, what did you do?”
“It’s just an interview!” she called.
“What kind of interview?”
“Baby, they gave me puppies,” Remus said gleefully, burying his face in Lucie’s fluff for a moment. “Like, really good puppies.”
A long-suffering sigh came through the phone. “How many are you holding?” Remus hesitated. “Sweetheart, how many dogs are currently in your arms?”
“Holy shit, Marlene! You gave him four dogs?!”
“They named them, too,” Remus added. “Pip, Juliet, Lucie Manette, and Mercutio. Baby, they named him Mercutio.”
“This was a recipe for disaster.” Despite his protests, Sirius sounded intrigued. “How old are they?”
Remus glanced up at Marlene. “They’re all six to eight months old,” she said.
Sirius blew out a slow breath. “So they’re babies.”
“They’re all up for adoption.”
“We have Hattie already.” Sirius was wavering. “But…she might possibly need a friend. Maybe.”
“You already love these dogs and you haven’t even seen them,” Remus said with a grin.
“The names are perfect! What was I supposed to do?”
“I’m going to sign the video off and then call you back, okay?”
“Okay. Don’t let go of the dogs until I get there, please.”
“Wasn’t planning on it. Love you!”
“Love you, too.”
Once the call ended, Remus faced the camera with a smile. Juliet and Pip had already fallen asleep. “Thanks for tuning in, Lions! Be sure to like and subscribe for more content. Endless thanks to Marlene McKinnon for allowing me to spend an hour holding tiny dogs. Have a great day!”
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feral-dumbass · 4 years
Speak of the Devil
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James “Bucky” Barnes/ Female Reader
Summary: You tag along with Bucky to a undercover reconnaissance mission at a goth club. Smut ensues. 
Includes: Degradation, Choking, little bit of slut shaming, unprotected semi-public sex, hint of cockwarming, dirty talk, oral
Words: 4,307
A/N: This is my first fic I have ever posted on here. I hope I included all the warnings correctly. Not sure if I need to include fingers in mouth, but that happens. Title credit goes to the Misfits. Tagging @gagmebucky​ and @babybluestan​. Thanks for giving me the guts to post this! I am so thankful for you guys. 
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The bass of Molchat Doma vibrates the walls as you search for Bucky. When you stepped into the goth club on 66th street, you were more nervous than you liked to admit. The club had recently gone under new management and is rumored to be a place for arms trafficking. It is ingenious, actually. Under all the makeup and leather, anyone could hide their identity. Take Bucky for instance. Tight jeans, a black t-shirt, some eyeliner, and a leather jacket down to his calves, Bucky is unnoticeable. Also, helps that the most identifiable thing about him is covered under gloves. Don’t even get started on the leather band and silver chain wrapped around his neck. You need to fan yourself just thinking about it. 
You also look quite different from your usual lab coat and safety goggles and Bucky has certainly noticed. He could not keep his hand off your thick fishnet covered thighs the whole way here. 
With a kiss to your cheek, Bucky had left you at the bar to check out the area. That had been twenty minutes ago and sadly, people were starting to notice you too. 
You felt eyes on you as you mindlessly scrolled through the meme group chat. Peter and Shuri were having an entertaining fight on who sent the best memes. You couldn’t handle the creepy feeling anymore. You were ready to show this creep the pretty switchblade Bucky got you for your birthday. Chin raised, your eyes met with green ones across the bar. You tried to give your best resting bitch face with dead eyes, but he only smirked and took that as his cue to swoop in. You slammed cash on the table for your blood red drink and slipped into the crowd before he could make two steps in your direction. You went down a hallway in the back which led you to your latest predicament. Where the fuck is your thick ass boyfriend? 
You have enough PHDs under your belt to know not to yell out Bucky’s name. Searching for his wide frame under the neon lights is the only option you have left as you pass the restrooms. You think finding a 6’2” man would be easy, but apparently, every alternative person wears 5 inch platforms. Not like you can really blame them. If they weren’t so expensive, you’d be Bucky’s height too right now. 
As you fill with envy for people that can fit into knee high platforms, an arm wraps around you and yanks you into a unisex bathroom. “It’s me.” Bucky’s deep voice assures before you can even start going through the defense attacks he taught you. You slip out of his hold and turn around to face him. Ignoring the fact Bucky has taken off his jacket and his muscles are now stressing the seams of his long sleeve shirt, you cross your arms. 
“Where have you been?”
Bucky blinks confused before finding his answer. “Bugging this two floor building. Why? What’s wrong?” You will tell him sooner or later. Might as well do it now. 
“Nothing. It’s just, uh, a skeevy man was staring at me far too long. We made eye contact and he tried coming over.” 
“Did he hurt you because I will-” Bucky’s already heading for the door before you squeeze his arm. 
“Bucky,” you laugh astounded that he’s so ready to fight for you. You didn’t even give him a description. Bucky lets you pull him back to the center of the room. “I slipped through the crowd before he could try anything. I’m fine.” 
“I promise. I’m fine.” You stand on the tip of your toes to kiss Bucky’s cheek but he turns his head to kiss you instead. He kisses you deeply just long enough to leave you wanting more.
“You still have your knife right?” 
“Yes, you dork.” He visibly relaxes at the confirmation. You take a hold of his chin and turn his face towards you. “You do realize you have cut on your cheek right?” It’s not too bad. A medium cut surrounded by bruising. Super serum is probably at work already healing it, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful. It’s not like you’re left with the best of first aid in the bathroom. You head to the sink to wet a paper towel with soap and water. 
“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” You glare at Bucky through the mirror. “I don’t suggest going three doors down. A couple of guards are sleeping on the clock.” He walks over and cozies up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he kisses your shoulder. “Is that really necessary. I think there’s more pressing matters to attend to.” He rolls his hard on into your ass as he kisses across your shoulder and up your neck. 
“Really?” You pry as you wring out the paper towel.
“I have been hard since you walked out in the commons.” Your face gets warmer at his confession. “I mean-” Bucky groans as he looks down at your fishnet covered legs. 
“While we’re on the subject, the eyeliner is working for me.” You’ve piqued Bucky’s interest. He meets your eyes through the mirror again. “You should wear it more often. You look so much like-”
“If you say Chase from the Covenant, I’m leaving.” Life drains from his eyes as he speaks.
“Like a man who can get into my pants.” 
“Nice save.” 
“Anyways, I say fuck it. Let’s do it.” Bucky’s eyes light up with excitement. “But clean the blood off your face first.” Bucky takes the paper towel out of your hands, scrubs the line of dried blood off his cheek, and throws it in the trash can before you can blink. Bucky turns your face to meet his lips not even a second later. He kisses you even deeper than before slipping his tongue in your mouth. You lift your hand to thread through Bucky’s hair. At the feel of your hand in his hair, he breaks away. 
“No. No. Keep your hands on the sink. I think this could be fun.” He grabs both of your wrists and places your hands on the edge of the sink. He’s moving your hair off your neck before his lips connect with it. “So pretty, baby. Is this all for me?” He mumbles before placing a hickey on your neck. His hands squeeze your thighs before snaking up your torso and kneading your breasts through your top. Lost in the pleasure only Bucky can give, you assume his question is rhetorical. You learn it wasn’t as he stops his ministrations. “Is this mine?”
You scramble to find your words. “Yeah.” Your voice cracks. “Yes.”
“Good girl.” He looks directly into your eyes through the stickered mirror as he unzips the front of your top. Bucky brings his gloved hand up to your mouth. “Bite,” He mumbles before planting multiple kisses on your neck. 
You bite down on his index finger and he pulls his hand away, leaving the glove in your mouth. He quickly takes the glove, stuffing it in his back pocket, before his right hand is kneading one of your bare breasts. You sigh at the feel of his calloused hand on your soft skin. You get a moment to enjoy the feeling until Bucky is lifting his other gloved hand toward your mouth. You get the memo without having to be told. You help tear off his glove for his metal hand and he’s stuffing it in his back pocket again. Instead of going for your other breast, two of Bucky’s metal fingers tap on your bottom lip. 
It is not like you to deny him. You take his fingers in his mouth and suck on them, giving them the same attention you’d give his dick. Bucky leaves the growing patch of hickies on your neck to growl at the sight. “Such a fucking tease.” His metal fingers press down on your tongue making you take his fingers deeper. He let’s up when he knows you are about to choke. “Can’t wait to get inside you, but first I want to see you cum on my fingers. Would you like that, honey?” His right hand leaves your chest and plays with the hem of your short skirt. 
With his fingers still in your mouth,  you nod, widen your stance, and back your ass up into his crotch. He chuckles lowly right next to your ear before his right hand is yanking up your skirt. Your skin tight skirt barely budges with one hand. 
“You gotta be kidding me?” Bucky takes his metal hand out of your mouth and uses it to yank up your skirt. You pray to whoever’s listening that your horny boyfriend doesn’t rip your bottoms off. It’d make getting out of the club a lot more messier. “This skirt is annoying me. You’ll just have to be naked for a week to make it up to me.” Thankfully, your skirt moves up your body to bunch at your waist. You don’t have time for a witty retort or to even think about how you were airborne for a second before Bucky is digging his metal fingers into your sex. At the feel of fishnet over wet folds, he pauses. “Wait, are you-”
“Not wearing panties? Yep.” 
He lets out the longest groan to date. “You’re gonna kill me.” Bucky tears open a hole in your stockings at the apex of your thighs before massaging and digging into your sex with vengence. “That’s what you’re gonna do. Forget all the highrisks missions. The stupid fucking guards. I’m gonna die because my girlfriend can’t wear a fucking decent pair of underwear.” Bucky groans and he’s… he’s being unfair as two of his thick metal fingers slip into you. He knows how much you love it when he uses his metal hand. Bucky is using it against you to sear his touch into your brain. You throw your head back onto his shoulder as he reaches sensitive depths inside you. His right hand goes back to kneading your chest.
“Wearing panties makes it harder f-for… for you to fuck me. Need to be prepared for your horny ass 24/7.” You pant in between words. Bucky raises an unimpressed eyebrow. The speed of his pumping fingers quicken to the point where the both of you can hear how wet you are over the distant music. “W-when are you not… horny?”
“I’m not even going to entertain you with an answer when I have this wet pussy to play with. ‘Sides, I’m not the one who sounds horny right now. “ Bucky’s metal thumb rubs your clit. “I’m not the one desperate enough for my boyfriend’s cock that I'll spread my legs in a public bathroom. Honestly, you just went with it? No second thoughts?” You’re too overwhelmed with pleasure to even bother a response. Bucky clicks his tongue. “That’s not good girl behavior. More like slutty behavior.” Bucky’s eyes light up with an idea. “Be a good slut and cum for me.”
“Bucky,” you gasp pleadingly. 
“C’mon, you heard me. Cum for me. It’s the least you can do.” He’s sucking on a pulse point on your neck when you go rigid underneath him. You cry out as you reach your euphoric high. 
“God damnit, you’re so gorgeous when you cum.” Bucky makes you feel the full effect of your orgasm as he continues to pump his fingers and rub your clit. You have to practically tear his metal arm off you to get peace. Both of his hands leave you and you can hear the tell tale sound of his pants being undone. 
You get a small amount of reprieve before Bucky is rubbing his dick through your drenched folds. His thick cock stimulating your sensitive nerves. Bucky’s steel toed boot nudges your stance wider and he’s dipping into your entrance just enough for you to start to feel the intoxicating stretch of him. You’re arching your back at the burn when he pulls out suddenly. You sputter as you try to find your words. 
“I don’t think you really want my cock.” He goes back to spreading your folds over his cock. The tip runs across your sensitive, overworked clit every once in a while.
“I’m literally on display for your fucking dick right now.” 
“Then say it.” Bucky nuzzles your neck and blows cool air on the patch of hickies. 
“Bucky, please fuck me. I’ve been wet since you mentioned you had to wear a leather jacket. Let me have it.” 
Bucky snorts at that. “My sweet slut. Always so ready and willing for my cock.” 
“Only a s-slut-” Bucky slides into you slowly making you feel every massive inch of him  “- f-for you.” You whimper at the feel of him as your back arches. You're trapped in between Bucky and the sink. No choice but to feel all of him. 
Bucky rumbles right against your back. “My own little whore. I like the sound of that.” He tests the waters by thrusting shallow. You’re convulsing around his cock. It always takes a few to get used to the initial stretch. He groans. “Always so fucking tight. My own personal heaven.” He hasn’t been able to stop his little thrusts, addicted to the feel of you. 
“B-Bucky,” you gasp strained. “P-please, move. Do something.” 
“Look at you so desperate for my cock. I love it. Such a good whore.” He pulls out and you could cry until he’s thrusting back in, knocking the wind out of you. You gasp, collecting enough air for him to knock it out of you again. Again. And again. It’s not before long, Bucky is setting a brutal pace and all you can do is take it. You are going lax as the pleasure makes your extremities tingly. Bucky is pretty much the only thing holding you up as he brings three of his right fingers towards your mouth. He doesn’t even have to tap on your lips. You open your mouth for him to slip his fingers inside and suck on them. Bucky’s eyes zero in on your pretty lips wrapped around his fingers. 
“What a good slut. Such a good girl. I love you so much.” His metal hand gently wraps around the base of your neck. His index finger and thumb stroke the skin right underneath your choker causing goosebumps to break out. “This looks so pretty on you, baby.” He kisses the spot your jawline and neck connect before continuing. “I think we both know how much better my hand is wrapped around your neck though.” He gives a light squeeze, slightly cutting off your blood flow, and grins at you. A broken moan leaves you as drool pools around his fingers starting to drip down his hand and your chin. “So fucking stunning. Should have got out my phone before we started.”
A light, airy feeling starts to creep into your head, kind of like your floating. Bucky’s pace never lets up and you’re close. So, so close.  A few more thrusts and Bucky is reaching new depths. You’re knuckles strain as you grip the sink hard. 
“Shit.” He grunts. His fingers press down on your tongue not give a fuck if you gag. Your eyes widen as his warmth floods you. Bucky’s pace slows and he’s pumping his hips shallowly while he cums.
 As much as you love the bare feel of him, you’re pissed. You were so close to an orgasm and he stopped. It was without clittoral stimulation too. It was gonna be groundbreaking. You actually gag on the pressure of his fingers down your throat and smack his wet wrist. He quickly takes his fingers out of your mouth and apologizes. You can’t believe you're stomping your foot while still on your boyfriend’s dick, but there’s a first for everything. You’re actually pouting as you cross your arms over your bare chest and jut out your lower lip. 
“Bucky!” You wait for him to take his eyes off your ass and meet yours through the mirror. 
He smacks your ass, squeezes it, and hums, mildly distracted. “Yeah?” He glances up and does a double take. “You’re pissed?”
“Uh yeah. Do you know how close I was before you ruined it? I-” Bucky takes his hand off your throat and uses both to dig his thumbs in the dip of your back as he shushes you.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll make it up to you.” You’re frustrated and slightly on edge when Bucky slowly pulls out. “Don’t get more upset, but that was literally the hottest thing we’ve done. You have never looked hotter.” 
“Why would I get upset when I feel the same.” You begrudgingly agree. 
“Oh my god, you’re gonna hold not letting you come against me. You’re such a baby.” You open your mouth to defend yourself, but Bucky turns you around and lifts you on to the edge of the sink before you can start. Butterflies erupt in your stomach at that manhandling and you ignore it. While you avoid his eyes and glare at the wall over his shoulder, he wipes some of the drool off your chin. You melt on the inside and try not to show it. If you look in his eyes, you’re going to forgive him. If you look into his eyes, you’re going to forgive him. “This is ridiculous. When have I ever left you hanging? Don’t you think maybe I had a plan?” Your eyes slowly slide over to his. His eyes, still darkened by lust, bore into you. “I don’t want to see you cum on my cock through the mirror. I want you to face me, eyes rolled back, mouth gaping as I repeatedly reach all the sensitive spots inside you.” 
“You’re the one that’s the fucking tease.” You smack his broad chest. He takes your hand and kisses each knuckle. His hand then goes to knead your thighs dangling off the edge. 
“So, what do you say? Second round?” 
“I can’t believe I am saying this, but I’m sexually frustrated and still slightly mad. Fuck me before someone comes in.” He wedges himself between your thick thighs. Bucky leans down to kiss you and you thread your fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck, happy to get to touch him.  He eventually stops kneading your thighs, just feeling the texture of the mesh stretched across your skin. 
Bucky groans as you nip at his lips when he pulls away. His head drops down and shakes it in disbelief.  “You need to wear these more often.” He looks very serious at you and you would snicker if you weren’t about to fuck. You do smirk at him though and swirl his hair between your fingers. 
“You gonna fuck me in public more often if I do?” You wipe some of your burgundy lipstick off the edge of his bottom lip as you ask. 
Bucky’s Adam’s apple bobs as he gulps. “I-is that what you want?” He’s grabbing your ass and pulling you closer to the edge. You can feel his hardening cock against your hip. You’re so close to Bucky, you lean in just a few inches to press your chest against his and whisper sultry in his ear.
“I am constantly ready for your cock. Twenty four seven. Name a place and I’ll spread my legs. So fucking big. Feels so damn good.” You kiss right underneath his ear and then move a few inches down to suck hickey on a soft spot of his neck. With super soldier recovery rate, it won’t last long, but it sure does rile him up. He moans and it echoes off the linoleum poster covered walls. You love the vibrations underneath your lips as he tilts his head to the other side. You know his eyes are fluttering as you can’t help but to give him a few others hickies next to it. 
You lean back to admire your handiwork. Purple blotches litter his neck in between smudges of burgundy lipstick. You’re pretty sure you’ve wiped off all your lipstick on Bucky. His blown out pupils watch you like a hawk, hands digging into your ass. He’s rubbing his hard on into the crease of your stomach and thighs and he doesn’t even know it. “C’mon, I want to feel the ache of you tomorrow. Fuck me like the whore that I am.” You feel a chill run down his spine before he finally takes action. 
He rolls up his sleeves and of course, because your chest is now facing him, he needs to leave a few hickies on them. As he guides his dick to your entrance, you wrap your legs around his waist. Bucky momentarily ceases the hickies to watch your puffy folds easily accept his wide cock. Both of you are groaning at the feeling. 
“Your pussy’s so wet for me. Fuck.” Bucky’s too turned for a filter. You keep your edging comment to yourself and kiss his sweaty temple. The edging thoughts stewing inside are knocked out of you as Bucky fingers trace the place you two are joined. He uses the excess of your combined wetness to rub your clit. Pleasure makes your toes curl. 
“Not what I meant when I said fuck me, Bastard.” You can’t get Bucky to move his hips without falling on your ass. He seems perfectly fine to have you warm his hard dick as he kisses and leaves hickies along your collar bones. Your free hand grabs his bicep and you’re close to coming already. 
“Yeah. Your bastard.” You can feel him grin against your skin. You’d comment if you weren’t about to cum. 
“C-close. Please don’t stop.” You gasp out, begging as the rise of your orgasm hits. You’re squeezing Bucky while in your peak. He almost groans as loud as you’re moaning.
“You’re so gorgeous. Love when you convulse around my cock, honey.” He kisses your cheek momentarily before going back down to your chest. He starts pumping his cock in and out of you. This time literally knocking the wind out of you. You’re oversensitive from your orgasm and he never truly let you come down from it. Bucky is certainly making his promise. You’ll feel him in your guts for the next few days. Your hands run through his hair and pull on the ends. His mouth finally detaches from your chest as he moves with your hand. He lets out a full blown out moan that makes your heart pound. Bucky always lets out the filthiest moans when you pull his hair. You fucking love it. His metal hand leaves your ass. He grabs a hold of the edge of the sink as he pace picks up. 
As much as you love filling all your wet dreams with the hottest audio ever, you don’t have the strength to keep your arm up for long. Your hand drops to his back. His muscles ripple underneath your fingertips as you dig your nails into his back. Both of you panting into each other's ear. Your legs shake at the approaching orgasm. 
“I know you’re close. Be a good whore. Cum on my cock. I’ll wait for you.” He rubs your clit even faster. 
“FUCK.” You’ve never been happier for loud music blasting through the club’s speakers. An intense orgasm takes over you. White dots fill your vision as tears collect at your waterline. With how hard your gripping his cock, Bucky isn’t far behind. He can only get in a few more thrusts before he’s cumming again. He bites into your shoulder and groans. Shivers wreck down your spine as his warmth fills you for the second time tonight. Bucky lets the sink carry his weight as he grips it hard. 
There’s a groaning protest before a chunk of the sink falls off. You’re there to block him from falling. He pulls out and moves you closer to the other edge, away from the crime scene. You look over your shoulder. Thankfully, he didn’t break off any of the major plumbing parts. Water spraying everywhere would make looking yourself presentable a lot more harder, but maybe that could have been your excuse. Oh well. 
You turn back to Bucky. He’s still holding on to the broken piece of sink. Both of you break out into giggles as he throws it in the trash. 
“I can’t believe you did that.” You’re grinning ear to ear as he tucks himself back into his boxers. 
“I can.” Bucky shrugs. “I don’t think you get how tight you get when you cum. Me breaking things during sex is not new.” 
“My back. Our nice bed frame. The ottoman in the commons… Can’t forget the multiple tables. Shout out to Tony’s dented Acura hood.” You pull Bucky’s shirt to get him closer to you. You kiss him before he speaks. “Are you trying to seduce me?” 
“If you fuck me again, there won’t be a sink left.” 
He hums and rubs your thighs. He’s definitely addicted to the feel of the fishnets stockings. Good luck trying to get his hands off you for the rest of the day. “You have a point.” He drops to his knees. 
“What are you doing?” He’s spreading your thighs wide in front of his face.
“I can’t let my cum drip down your legs out there. That would be irresponsible of me.” That's all the explanation you get before he’s burying his face in between your legs, stubble scratching your inner thighs. You gasp as he licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit. Fuck what he said. You’re the one that’s gonna die. Bucky is truly your horny bastard. 
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calicocatwrites · 4 years
Ass, Titty, Or Thighs?
Word Count: 1,970
Warnings: Talk of titties and ass, kind of a given, a little bit of swearing in Bakugou and Shinso’s.
Headcanon: Do the BNHA boys prefer ass, titties, thighs, or magical answer number 4?
Characters: Iida, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, Midoriya, Shinso
Author’s Note: Just my take on this idea, of course you can have different opinions than me, this is just what I think!
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Tenya Iida:
This is a titty man.
Hear me out with this one.
He looks respectfully, obviously, this is Tenya Iida we’re talking about, but just the way they move has Iida in a different state of mind.
His favorite subject is jiggle physics (I will take myself out-).
Like, how do they move? Does it hurt? Fascinating, truly.
He doesn’t care what they look like, as long as they’re on you, the person he loves, he’s happy.
You’re watching TV in your dorm room when Iida furiously knocks on your door. Pausing your show, you get up and open the door for him.
“Hey, Iida! You need something?”
He quickly glances around your room, as if checking if someone is there, and stutters out his request.
“Ms. Y/N, i-is it ok if I may ask y-you a question I’ve prepared?”
Not seeing any harm in inviting him in, you gently crack open the door a bit more, gesturing for him to enter. Iida gladly takes the invitation and darts into your room. You sit back down on your bed, expecting him to do the same. However, Iida carefully stays standing, looking down at you. Silence starts to take its place in between the two of you, and you finally speak up.
“So, what is it you wanted to ask me?”
“U-uh, y-y-eah, right. I w-was just wondering if I could a-ask you a question about-”
He cuts himself off, almost as if choosing his follow-up words very carefully.
“A-about your… chest area.”
Now it’s your turn to blush, although not nearly as much as he is. At this point it looks like he’s melting from sweat.
“Uh, yeah, you can, is something wrong?”
“N-no! I-it’s just that I w-w-was wondering i-if they work as… comfort. The tissue in breasts is noted to be much more flexible than average, and I assumed that would lead to them being s-softer than average, but does that mean that they hurt? I’d like to test my theory, o-of course not with my hands or anything! That would be extremely disrespectful and as Kirishima would say, ‘unmanly’, but maybe there’s… another way?”
It finally clicks.
“Iida, are you trying to lay on my boobs?”
Laughing, you bring him over to lay down as he wanted, and unpause your show.
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Katsuki Bakugou:
So we all unanimously agree this is an ass man, right?
If we’re all in agreement, I’ll continue.
But yeah, Bakugou just screams ass man.
He always has a hand in your back pocket when you go places, or stares at your ass when you’re wearing shorts (or even when you aren’t-)
Just like Iida, it’s jiggle physics, astounding.
He’ll buy you clothes that are specifically to show off your ass-
You get ready in your outfit, Bakugou wanting to take you to a new restaurant close to campus. It wasn’t anywhere fancy, just a sushi place, so you didn’t get dolled up or anything, just some leggings and one of Bakugou’s hoodies. You call over to Bakugou, checking if he’s ready to go, and when both of you have your shoes on, you take off to try some sushi.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, Bakugou instinctively goes to put his hand in your back pocket, something he always does when you’re out. However, you opted to wear leggings, something comfortable and easy to throw on.
“Y/N, back pocket, not there, what the fuck?”
“I didn’t wear jeans.”
“Well how is everyone supposed to know you’re mine?!”
“Babe, I’m wearing your hoodie.”
“Other people don’t know that’s my hoodie.
“Katsuki, your hand is literally on my ass.”
“Well you didn’t wear something with back pockets, where else am I supposed to put my hand?!?!”
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Eijiro Kirishima:
t h i g h s
This man is the actual definition of a thigh man.
He lives for your soft thighs as opposed to his super muscular ones, you just balance him out perfectly, he loves you so much.
He loves laying on your thighs, in between your thighs, with his hand on your thighs, your thighs literally only exist to be perfect and for him.
Oh and the way certain pants compliment your thighs, he would literally buy you anything you want.
Constant thigh compliments, also little kisses on them.
You and Kirishima are just laying together in his dorm, you leaning on Kirishima's shoulder, watching videos pop up on Kirishimas For You Page. Suddenly, as if TikTok knew exactly who Kirishima was and what peaks his interest, a trend came up with a guy in between his girls thighs. Next video? Yep, a girl in between her girls thighs. As soon as the videos came up Kirishima looked at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes you or anyone else on Earth had ever seen.
“Babe! Pleaaaase???”
“Not right now, baby.”
“Y/N, I’m four times stronger than you, this isn’t really up for discussion anymore.”
Before you know it, Kirishima has pinned you face up on the bed, and laid his head in between your thighs, snuggled up like a little baby in a crib.
“Kiri, I want to have a blanket on my legs, y’know.”
“Then put one on, I can’t be suffocated by sheets if my breath is taken away by your beauty.”
He’s not budging, and will probably fall asleep like that.
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Shoto Todoroki:
The next three boys are ‘magical answer number 4’ boys.
This, my friends, is a hand man.
Ah ah ah, hear me out. He loves comparing hand sizes because it makes him feel loved, no matter if your hand is bigger, smaller, or the exact same size, he just likes the feeling of bonding in a loving way.
He loves hand-holding and painting nails (yes, he lets you paint his nails, he also likes painting yours), little hand actions.
He absolutely adores tracing your hands, the outline and any scars, freckles, or crevices. He likes his hands traced as well.
It’s just such a sweet, innocent action.
You and Todoroki are just sitting in his dorm, eating cold soba he got dropped off at the house. You have little trays and are eating on his bed, just talking about whatever comes to mind. Suddenly, Todoroki finds a fitting topic he wants to talk about.
“Your hands are really nice.”
It’s a weird thing to come up with out of the blue, so you just casually dismiss it, a quick ‘thank you’, and more bites of food. Todoroki isn’t really ok with you just ending the conversation like that though, so he takes a more forward approach.
“Y/N, can I hold your hand?”
“Shoto, I need my hands to eat.”
“No, you only need one hand.”
Realizing you aren’t gonna win this battle, you slowly place your hand near him, which he swoops in and takes almost immediately. He starts tracing the outline and shape of your hand, then your wrist, then any scars or freckles, then any little crack or crevice in your hand, sometimes going over your knuckles.
“Shoto, are you going to eat your food or just look at my hands all day?”
“My food will be fine, not like it’s going to get cold, it’s cold soba.”
Yeah, he goes for the later of your suggestions.
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Izuku Midoriya:
Ass? Nah. Titty? Nah. Thigh? Nah.
Midoriya loves your stomach, no matter what it looks like, no matter the size, or if there’s scars there, it doesn’t matter.
He likes to pepper kisses all over your belly, and holds you around your waist whenever he can.
He likes laying on your stomach, and falling asleep like that (more than he likes to admit-)
It’s just a beautiful thing, and he loves your belly so much.
You decided to wait for Midoriya in his dorm to surprise him, he went out training today, so you thought it would be nice to see him when he gets back, even if he is tired and desperately needs a shower. Finally, when he’s half an hour late and you’re about to call him to make sure he’s ok and safe, Midoriya stumbles through the door and into his dorm, where you lay on his bed, patiently waiting for his arrival.
“‘Zuku, you’re back, finally! I was getting worried.”
“Y-Y/N! Hey! Y-you should’ve told me you were here, I would’ve finished training faster.”
“Oh, it’s ok!”
Midoriya walks over to his bed, and, exhausted from training, gently flops onto his bed, placing his head on your belly.
“Um, baby, do you want me to move so you can lay on the bed and not… on me?”
“Hm? No reason to, I’ve got my favorite pillow right here, u-unless this bothers you! Then I can totally get up and relocate.”
“No no no, it’s fine, Izuku. Just go to sleep, you’re probably tired from training for such a long time.”
Midoriya gently closes his eyes, and you carefully play with his hair, petting it every so carefully, like it’s a glass vase tilting on an uneven surface, a wrong move and everything breaks. After a while, you hear soft snores coming from your boyfriend, and decide it’s probably best if you fall asleep too.
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Hitoshi Shinso:
Kind of a stretch, hear me out.
Eyes man.
This man absolutely loves your eyes. No matter the color, shape, whatever, he just loves eyes.
How they seem to light up when you’re excited, and how they look in that one specific kind of sunlight that makes the whole world shine like gold and bronze.
He loves holding eye contact and doing your eye makeup, even if it looks bad.
Eyes are the gateway to the soul, and Shinso strongly agrees with that.
You and Shino are out at the park. The sun hasn’t quite started setting, but it will soon, in about a half-hour. Shinsou took you out to have a picnic, where he bought ramen noodles and cake and sushi for you guys to eat. Unbeknownst to you, he also brought black eyeliner, makeup remover, and a little gold eye makeup product. Granted, he had no idea how to use them, but maybe today he could learn. After you’ve both eaten, the sun is starting to set, making the whole world almost as beautiful as you, he whips out the cosmetics and explains his plan.
“Y/N, I want to try doing your eye makeup. Can I?”
It takes a good amount of time to process his request, but you agree and let him give it a shot. Laying down, he carefully crawls on top of you, pulls out the eyeliner, and focuses only on your eyes. As much as he wants to pay attention to the eyeliner applicator, for a brief moment he gets caught up in how beautiful your eyes look in the light, and slips up.
“Shit, I messed up.”
“It’s ok! Just take some makeup remover on a Q-Tip and try again, babe.”
After a couple slip ups, he finally gets the eyeliner and the little gold shimmer on your eyes, and brings you up to your feet so you’re both standing.
“Wow, you look incredible.”
“Thank you, Shinso, you look great too.”
He pecks your cheek, packs up the picnic, and you two are on your merry way, Shinso excited to look at your eyes again and again, grateful to call you his significant other.
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keepmeinthedark · 3 years
To The Top || A Marauders Band AU
Chapter Two: You Gotta Not
Read here on A03
So Lily Evans brought a big asset to the band?
Only if you consider Remus Lupin to be a big asset, which I do.
Did Lily introduce them?
In time.
What happened in the meantime?
Before Remus joined the band there was just James, Sirius, and Frank. They lived together in this house called Maxwells house. It belonged to these twins Fabian and Gideon and they opened it up to anyone who needed a home. 
And what was Remus doing? What were you doing?
I was in Germany at the time, Remus was at university. But he had been friends with Lily since they were young and even though he was staying in a student accommodation he wasn't too far away for their friendship to change in any way.
Lily and Remus had spent New Year's Eve together. One of Remus' classmates held a party which they attended and stayed until the clock struck midnight. By the time they had made it back to his accommodation, it was three in the morning. They had both slept in Remus' bed without bothering to change their clothes or even take their make-up off, which then lead to one of the worst mornings in both of their lives.
It was eight in the morning when Remus's phone went off. He groaned when he saw his twin brother's name appear on the screen and held the phone to his ear.
"Re, where are you?"
"What do you mean?" he paused. "Am I supposed to be somewhere?"
He could practically feel Rom rolling his eyes. "You and Lily both promised Mum that you'd help with the fate. Remember? The fate? The one that Mum has been stressing over for weeks?"
"Ohhh yeah, yeah I completely remember god who do you take me for? Yeah me and Lils are on our way now, well be like five minutes tops I promise." and with that, he quickly hung up.
Shit Shit Shit Shit.
"Lily come on, we have to go," Remus said quickly as he shook his best friend awake.
Lily only groaned as she lifted her head off the pillow, she watched Remus rush around the room to grab the makeup wipes and cleaned off the smudged eyeliner he still had on. 
Lily didn't wait for an explanation, she just got out of the bed and found her way towards the nearest hairbrush.  It wasn't until they were waiting for the bus that Lily had asked where they were going.
"My mum's thing, remember? We said we would help."
Lily didn't look like she remembered but she nodded anyway. 
 "How long do you think we'll be?" 
Remus shrugged, "No idea. Why? Got somewhere to be?"
Lily rolled her eyes, "Got a hangover to cure is more like it."
 They had gotten to the fate twenty minutes later and immediately regretted not faking a sickness to get out of it.
Hope Lupin was a powerhouse and an amazing mum, she was loving and caring, and gentle. But she was a single mum who had raised three boys and was in the middle of raising another, which made her incredibly scary when she was stressed.
"There you two are!" she exclaimed when she saw Remus and Lily making their way down the field where the fate was being held. "I was about to send Petunia off after you guys, honestly why are you so late?"
Remus panicked, "Headache," he said.
Hope placed her hands to her hips and raised an eyebrow, "Is headache code for a hangover?" 
They both nodded.
Hope sighed, "There's coke, bananas, and water in that tent over there. Go and tip half of the water out of a bottle, fill the rest with coke, drink that, and eat a banana. I don't have time for this." she told them, quickly adding, "Its a hangover remedy," after seeing their confused faces.
"Where was this remedy all the other times we've been hungover?" Lily asked, acting offended.
Hope shrugged, "You never asked." 
"Still could've been useful." 
"How am I supposed to know that you're hungover if you never tell me!?" Hope exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air and turning her back on them in order to do other things.
"You're Mum!" Remus yelled back. "You know everything!"
"Two minutes! Get a move on!" was all that Hope yelled back.
 As Hope had promised the flat coke and bananas had helped their hangovers but unfortunately didn't make them any more prepared for the long day ahead of them. Remus' parents had divorced three years ago when Lyall had admitted that he had fallen for someone else. Remus doubts that his parents have ever been in love. They had his older brother, Lycus when they were in their twenties and before they were married. They did get married not long after he was born and three years after that they had Romulus and Remus, the twins also weren't planned. Neither was Macca, Remus' younger brother who was only 2 years old at the time of the divorce. 
His father's new girlfriend didn't last very long and got intimidated by the fact that he had four sons. Romulus has always said that he was certain that there was no girl, to begin with, they had never met her and their dad wasn't exactly someone who had luck when it came to romance. Romulus swears that he made her up to use as an excuse to get a divorce. Lycus believes him. Remus doesn't. 
Hope and Lyall still remained close friends and the boys are allowed to stay with either one of them as much as they like, but they spend the majority of their time with Hope, or at least Lycus, Romulus, and Remus do. Macca, who is now five, spends Monday to Thursday with Hope and Friday to Sunday with Lyall in hopes that he will grow up to have a close relationship with both parents.
Remus had nothing against his father, he was a good dad and never failed to make Remus feel loved. But he wasn't yet out to his dad yet and wasn't sure if it would go well if he did come out to him. He likes to think that his dad would try to be supportive but still doesn't want anything to change between them. Not only that but he preferred his mum's cooking.
Lyall worked as a teacher for a primary school near where he lived and Hope owned her own florist in town but would always pop into the other shops there to see if they needed any help when she had the time, which is what led to her helping out with the local coffee shops fate in order to help raise money for cancer research. This wasn't the first time Hope had dragged her children out of their usual routines to stand in a field in the middle of winter and most certainly won't be the last. But they always came, Remus would never admit it but he quite enjoyed these things. Hope had always wanted to help with certain school and church events and Remus was proud to have a mum who was so loved in the community, even if she was scary when she got into her boss mode.
By the time Remus had finished their drinks and properly woke up, there was already a crowd of people going around each stall, Remus had seen Romulus surrounded by little kids. He called them over when he saw them.
"Remus! Lily! You two are captains get over here!"
"Oh bloody hell," Remus said under his breath, noticing the football that he had in his hands.
  Sirius felt like his figures were going to fall off. It was January 1st, who set up an outdoor event on January 1st.
They had only just got there and he already wanted to desperately go home, he didn't dream his parents irrelevant and leave his whole family behind at the age of 22 just to play in the freezing cold, but James had insisted that this would be worth it and he seemed so excited for every gig Sirius could never say no.
It was during their first set that Sirius had seen her.
She had been all that James had talked about since their gig at the pub on Christmas eve, he could recite her description by memory.
Dark red hair that reached her chest.
Emerald green eyes.
Plus size
A smile that glows.
Exactly a head smaller than James.
Two piercings in her ear lobe and one in her cartilage.
A tattoo of a small tattoo of a wolf behind her ear.
And she was wearing white Doc Martens.
Yep, that was her. It had to be, she ticked every box (apart from the tattoo as she was too far away for Sirius to get a proper look. But she looked like a girl that would have one.)
Sirius' heart leaped. James was going to be so excited, all he could talk about throughout Christmas was how much he regretted not asking for her Instagram. He had to tell him.
He was going to tell him.
He had it all planned. He was going to give James that smile that only James got, the one that said "I know something you don't know," James always got so excited at good news. 
Then he was going to ask James once more how Lily Evans looked, and James would go on a ramble, giving out as much information about this girl that he could remember. Then he would spin James around and point her out and knowing James he would probably scream. Sirius couldn't wait, he was a hopeless romantic after all.
As they went through each song he couldn't take his eyes off her, he had to make sure that he knew where she was when he told James. And he was going to tell him, he was certain of it.
That is, he was certain of it until he saw him.
Now that's a sight that he will never be able to get out of his head.
Short blond curly hair.
Thin, yet still had a bit of muscle.
Crooked nose. 
Amber eyes.
And a large scar going across his face, from his right eye down through his nose and ending just before his lips.
God his lips!
As they played on Sirius began to notice more and more about this mystery boy. He seemed to be friendly with Lily, they were playing football with a group of kids and it was obvious that he was pretending to not be good for their sake. There was another boy with them who had similar features. Must be a brother, Sirius thought.
The boy was dressed in a Queen t-shirt, a white one with a long-sleeved black shirt underneath, and his jeans were ripped. He wore eyeliner, his nails were painted black and he had multiple rings on his figures.
Sirius had never been more turned on until he saw him take a five-minute break to smoke a cigarette.
Sirius could never date a smoker. James was enough trouble, Sirius had lost count on how many times he had told him that he ought to quit but he never listens. Smoking kills everyone knows this so why did some people think that by some miracle they could be the exception.
Sirius was about to give it all up then and there, make his eyes go back to following Lily around, or maybe even have his brain focus on what he was actually supposed to be going. But once the boy had put out his cigarette and rejoined the group of kids one of them had fallen over and hurt their knee. The boy crouched down to their level and talked to the boy until he laughed while Lily got a wet paper towel and a plaster.
Damit, Sirius thought. Why do guys with kids always have to be so damn attractive?
 For the rest of their set, the only thing Sirius could see was him.
He had forgotten all about Lily Evans until they had finished. When they had gotten off the stage James had been bouncing up and down. His smile was the widest he had ever seen it. 
"It's her," he said quickly.
"Whos her?" Frank asked, looking at the crowd confused.
"Her, her. That girl I met a the pub last week. She's here."
"Go talk to her then." And while you're at it get me her mate's number?
James began to pale, "I can't just go up and talk to her," he told them shaking his head. "What if she hates me?"
Frank raised an eyebrow, "Why would she hate you, I thought you hit it off?"
"We did!"
"So go talk to her!"
James looked at Lily and then back at Sirius and Frank. He had now started picking at his figure nails, slowly picking one off and throwing it onto the ground.
"What do I say?" He asked, desperately. 
Frank seemed very confident. "Mate, you've just played for the entire day she surly noticed that it was you at one point. She's probably begging for you to go and talk to her."
James looked confused, "Then why hasn't she come up to me?" His eyes suddenly widened. "What if she really isn't interested? I mean I know I didn't ask for her Snapchat or anything but she didn't ask for mine either!" he said in one breath. Sirius was sure he may faint if he thought anymore.
Both James and Sirius looked at Frank who rolled his eyes. "She's the girl. You're supposed to be the one to ask her out and make the first move. Most girls are scared to ask out guys cause guys suck." He said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Just take a deep breath, channel your confidence, and swipe her off her feet. You've got this."
James took a breath and nodded before making his way towards Lily who was having a conversation with a much taller boy. He looked a bit like Sirius' mystery boy but older, taller, and with darker hair and no scar. Maybe another brother.
Sirius and Frank both watched James approached Lily in silence. They watched him ask to talk to her, Sirius didn't miss the smile that appeared across her face. Unfortunately said smile began to slowly disappear once James began talking and before anyone could realize that this was indeed a bad idea, Lily had slapped James across the face and had begun to walk in the other direction. 
James all but stomped back towards Sirius and Frank, his glasses had fallen to the tip of his nose and his face had gone nearly bright red, though Sirius couldn't tell if it was from anger or embarrassment. 
He mumbled a "Let's go" and grabbed all of his belongings before making his way towards the van. All Sirius and Frank could do was stare at each other in disbelief.
"This is why we don't leave him alone unsupervised," Sirius mumbled. 
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red-daddy-riot · 4 years
Dazzle Me - Kirishima Eijirou
Overview: After meeting the new girl that’s transferred into class 2-A from Shiketsu High, Kirishima thinks it’s love at first sight and can’t seem to get her off his mind. Little does he know just how perfect she is for him...
Pairing: Kirishima x herocourse!reader
Warnings: none.
Author’s note: Hi lovelies! Even though this is my second fic, thank you to those who encouraged me to write it. As you can tell by my name I am head over heels for Red Daddy Riot and I couldn’t wait to write for Kirishima! Please let me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy!
Kirishima’s troubles all started the minute you walked though the oversized door of the newly minted class 2-A.
He was currently idly resting his head in the palm of his hand, tapping a pencil against his desk while trying not to think about the soreness in his arm and shoulder muscles from pummelling the punching bag in his dorm room last night. Having to wrangle Bakugou’s hot head into line all day could really do that to a guy. His musings were soon interrupted by their homeroom teacher.
“Alright class, listen up. We have a new student joining us today. She’s just transferred to U.A from Shiketsu High, so I expect you all to make her feel welcome.”
Aizawa concluded his speech by gesturing to the doorway, inviting the person hovering outside to take a step into the curious atmosphere of the homeroom.
At the sound of your hard leather shoes clacking across the floor Kirishima slightly ceased his mindless tapping, raising his eyes to take in the visual of you making your way across the front of the room.
The pencil dropped from his hand and rolled under his desk as he sat bolt upright in his chair, lips parted and eyes wide. Without a smidge of a doubt, you were the most beautiful girl Kirishima had seen in his mere 16 years of life. Small smile flickering on your rosy lips as you rolled your shoulders back, head held high in your determination to project a good first impression onto your new classmates.
Kirishima’s eyes ran up and down you slowly, taking in your crisp new uniform of white shirt, red tie cinched at your throat and black socks pulled up to your knees. In the back of his mind he knew it was unmanly to stare, and especially unmanly to think the thoughts that were flashing through his mind as he gazed at your legs, but damn he couldn’t help it. The good angel sitting on his shoulder could wait.
“Go on, introduce yourself” said Aizawa, nodding his head to the class of students gazing intently at you, expressions ranging from curious to eager.
“Hi everyone, my name is L/n Y/n. As you know I just transferred here from Shiketsu High, due to my parents moving to Musutafu for work. U.A is a lot closer for me to travel, so it was a no-brainer decision. Um” you hesitated then flashed a cheeky smile. “Just between us, Shiketsu and some of the students were a bit too intense. I’m a bit more laid back.”
Kaminari let out a whoop from the seventh seat “Right on!”
You smiled then quickly looked back at Sensei before facing the front again. “As for my quirk... well I’m sure you’ll get to see it in action later today.” Grinning, your eyes scanned the room before dropping a quick wink. Yep, Kirishima could already feel the butterflies start up in his stomach.
Aizawa directed you to your new seat at the back of the room before addressing the rest of his students. “Make sure to introduce yourself to L/n throughout the day. I’m sure she would like to get familiar with all of you.”
Why on earth was Sensei looking at him when he said that? Kirishima thought. Wait, was that a smirk playing on his lips too! Confusion set in.
As the day went on Kirishima couldn’t help but notice you wherever you went. Somehow his gaze was always drawn to you like magnet. He was even able to pick you out of the crush of students in the hallways, walking along with your books tucked under your arm while you were deep in conversation with Ashido and Yaomomo, both of whom had taken it upon themselves to act as your guides and new friends at the unfamiliar school. Kirishima hadn’t even noticed he had stopped dead in the corridor until a body bumped into his, shouldering past roughly then looking back.
“Oi! Shitty Hair! What the hell are you doing standing there like a loser?” Of course it was Bakugo who had jostled him. Never one for patience or to beat around the bush.
“Yeah dude! What are you looking at anyway?” That was Kaminari, popping into his eyeline as he trailed Bakugo down the gleaming halls. Positioning himself as best as he could next to Kirishima in the crowd, Denki angled his body until his gaze mirrored Kirishima’s point of view, the stun-gun hero scanning the crowd eagerly until his gaze landed on where you were stood at Ashido’s locker, head thrown back as you laughed at something she said. Immediately his face cracked into a grin.
“Ooooooh lookie here. Mr Red Riot can’t keep his eyes off of the new girl huh?” He laughed, throwing an elbow into Kirishima’s side teasingly. “Can’t blame you dude. She’s a knockout!”
“No! I wasn’t looking at her, I was...uh...never mind.” Kirishima’s hand came up to his neck as he looked down bashfully. There was really no point in arguing with Denki. Besides, it was true. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.
“Tch! Come on you extras. Quit standing around!” Bakugo said, his bellow loud enough to be heard over the din of the student body. Just as they were about to move to join him, Ashido let out a screech from across the hall.
“NO WAY! That’s incredible! Just like Ki-mmh!” Momo’s hand clamped across her mouth, muffling her next words as you frantically tried to shush her.
“Mina-chan! Everyone isn’t supposed to know yet. Besides, I want to see what everyone else can do! I want to be... dazzled.” You let out a giggle. “Pardon the pun.”
Kirishima hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but Ashido’s clamour had really caught his attention. His curiosity increased tenfold at the words he had managed to briefly catch. Just what was your quirk exactly? Dazzled? The sturdy hero’s head swam as a million possibilities flashed through his head. He was intrigued by you, there was no doubt about it. And hearing you giggle.... man. Those damn butterflies just wouldn’t get out of his stomach.
The rest of the day passed in a blur until it was finally time for 2-A’s practical Hero Studies class in the afternoon. An excited air crackled all around the hero students as they eagerly awaited not only for their most anticipated class, but to finally see the new girl’s quirk. The air of mystery had permeated the classroom for a good majority of the day, with many students musing over the possibilities of what you could do. Midoriya was practically vibrating in excitement as he couldn’t wait to quiz you on the elusive quirk you were hiding.
After collecting their costume cases and heading to the change rooms, all the students stepped out into Gym Gamma. You were the last one to finish getting changed as your hero costume had to pass inspection from the staff. Stepping into the gym to join everyone else, the girls crowded around you to examine your costume.
Clad in hues of bright white and icy blue, your costume bared an awful lot of skin. A cropped halter top covered your chest and most of your neck, rising high to encircle your throat but dipping low in the back. Tight white shorts exposed most of your legs, while a cord ran down the length of your stomach, connecting your top and shorts together. Heeled white boots completed the look. However, what was most startling about your outfit was the abundance of diamonds. Sturdy diamond cuffs circled your wrists while loose gems decorated the connecting points of your costume. As a finishing touch, a diamond circlet ran across your brow. Exclamations of delight arose from both Ashido and Aoyama, who were in awe.
“Tres magnifique ma cherie!” Aoyama said. “Your twinkingly could only be rivalled by moi!”
Mina agreed, looking at your outfit in delight. “Y/n chan you look super cute! Definitely a showstopper.” Uraraka and Asui nodded in approval.
Glancing over at you standing there in your costume, Kirishima privately agreed. He thought you looked beautiful even in your school uniform, but that was nothing compared to how you looked now. And with that much skin exposed.... Kirishima felt heat rise in his cheeks and he quickly looked away, now determined to control the not so decent thought that were raging in his mind. Oh yeah, he really needed that good angel now. Others weren’t so discreet though.
Kaminari was openly gawking at you, jaw hanging to the floor as he ogled your body. Even Sero, who was more controlled than most of them was looking in your direction with wide eyes.
“Bro!” Kirishima knocked Kaminari round the head. “It’s not very manly to stare.” Yeah he was a hypocrite all right.
“Dude can you blame us! LOOK at her!” Kaminari yelled back. Sero grinned sheepishly and looked away. “Well we still don’t know what her quirk is, but it must be something flashy. Look at all those gems” he said.
It was at that moment that All Might stepped into the gym. Sunken eyes gazed at the eager students assembled before him as they waited for what he had to say.
“Alright class, as you know Miss L/n has joined you all in 2-A and will be a permanent addition to the class. It was a decision made by myself and Mr Aizawa that her quirk be kept under wraps until now. She truly...ahem...shone at Shiketsu High, and I would like her to demonstrate her power in the practical lesson we will have right now. So, Miss L/n, if you would please take your position in the middle of the gym, I will select a student to spar with you for this practice match.
You smiled at your teacher before you walked to the centre of the field, turning to face your classmates on the side line. Just like Midoriya you were practically vibrating in excitement. You couldn’t wait to finally be able to demonstrate what you could do. You definitely didn’t class yourself as one of the best fighters, but with much encouragement from your mentors at Shiketsu, you had come a long way by developing your quirk.
“Bakugou. If you could please join L/n in the centre.”
Gasps arose from the students as they took in All Might’s request for Bakugou to spar with you. Kirishima’s heart immediately jumped into his throat as he looked on in disbelief. What did All Might think he was doing? Bakugou was ruthless. No way would you be able to take him down easily, if at all. Looking at you standing in the middle dressed in your blue and white costume, you suddenly appeared very fragile. Anxiety rolled off of him in waves.
Mutters filled the air as Bakugou strode cockily to the centre of the gym, stopping metres away from you in the middle. Many of the students clearly shared Kirishima’s feelings. How on Earth would you cope with the explosion hero? The only ones who looked calm apart from All Might were Ashido and Yaoyorozu. Both stood as close to the sidelines as they could get, eager smiles on their faces as they looked at you expectantly.
“You got this Y/n chan!” Ashido whooped.
“Guys! She’s going to get hurt! Not many people can stand up to Kacchan!” That was Midoriya, fretting over your safety. No one knew more than Midoriya Izuku about tangling with Bakugou.
“Let’s get this over with All Might. This will be easy” leered Bakugou, smirking at you.
All Might only stepped back, retreating next to the crowd and leaving you and Bakugou alone in the middle of the concrete gym. “Begin”.
At once Bakugou sprinted forward, lighting up his hands and blasting off into the air in an explosion of red and orange heat. Hanging in the air, a yell left his lips as gravity took over and he began his descent, angling his hand forwards towards where you stood on the field, not moving a muscle as you looked up at him.
Kirishima could hardly watch, hand gripping Kaminari’s arm tightly in anxiety. All he could focus on was your form, standing still and looking up at the incoming attack that was sure to send you directly to Recovery Girl. His heart was beating at a million beats a minute.
Finally, as Bakugou got closer and closer, you moved. Stepping forwards, you planted one foot behind you and held your arms out before crossing them in front of your chest in an upwards ‘X’, bowing your head and bracing yourself. Closer, closer, Bakugou’s hand was coming down, heat brewing at his palm again as he prepared another devastating blast.
Horrified gasps could be heard amongst the assembled students as it looked like you were toast. But then... you transformed.
Kirishima’s eyes were huge as he fixated on your skin, looking on in disbelief. Your entire body, from your legs to your face had become translucencent, textured all over in millions of facets that covered you from head to toe, throwing millions of rainbows in the air around you as you moved. Your skin had become diamonds.
The redhead’s pulse instantly quickened as he gazed at the way you dazzled. He couldn’t believe it. You were just like him, just like his pal Tetsutetsu. However, you and your quirk were way more beautiful. Taking in the incredible gleam as you stood there waiting for Bakugou’s explosion, he thought you were ethereal.
Bakugou’s crimson eyes had widened as he watched you transform your entire body into diamonds, but it was too late. He had already let the explosion loose from his palm. As the blast rocketed in your direction you stood firm, taking the brunt of the explosive force on your forearms, remaining unbothered by the sheer heat unleashed in your direction. Instead, you smiled as the bright light that engulfed your body from the blast reflected off your diamond skin, bouncing back into Bakugou’s path as he fell within range of the millions of piercing rainbows shattering into the air.
Blinded by the intense refractions from your diamond-hard body, Bakugou fell wildly back to the ground, no longer able to brace himself for the impact as his hands covered his eyes from the shocking gleam. “Thump!” He hit the ground hard and rolled over and over, coming to a stop on his back with his arms covering his face.
“Argh! What the hell shitty woman! What did you do to me!” Bakugou yelled, unable to see from the light that had reflected into his eyes. You raced over to him before crouching on the hard concrete to reassure him. “It’s okay, Bakugou. You’ll be fine. You’ll be able to see in a couple of minutes. I haven’t permanently blinded anyone... well not yet at least.” You looked sheepish.
All Might strode over, assisting Bakugou (despite his reluctance) in standing up and guiding him off the ground onto a nearby bench. The rest of the class looked on in pure shock. The exceptions were Mina and Momo. They were too busy trying to conceal their glee, looking at you in amazement and happiness.
Still in your diamond form, you walked back to the group, coming to a stop in front of the 21 pairs of wide eyes that took you in from head to toe. You smiled nervously, hands clasped behind your back as you waited for what they had to say.
“That... that was INCREDIBLE L/n!” Midoriya shouted excitedly, notebook already clutched in his hand ready to take notes on your quirk.
“You can turn to diamond! That is so cool! Kaminari yelled in his excitement, pushing to the front of the crowd and dragging Kirishima behind him.
“Not bad at all.” Shinsou, the quietest of the bunch murmured.
“Young L/n, do you want to introduce your quirk and hero name to your classmates?” All Might asked from where he stood next to a dazed Bakugou. “As well as briefly field any questions your fellow students may have about you.” He said.
“Sure.” You said, turning to face you classmates with a grin. “As you can see, my quirk is called diamond-skin. I can turn my entire body to diamond at will, taking on the properties of natural formed diamonds. As a result, my body can withstand high temperatures and is extremely durable, as diamonds are the hardest substance in the world.” You then looked down nervously, before shyly glancing back up. “Um, it took a while for me to become confident with my quirk. As a kid, everyone thought that it was just pretty, being able to turn my skin to diamond. Flashy for sure, but not really hero material. I obviously knew my body was super strong, which is what encouraged me to enroll into the hero course at Shiketsu. It wasn’t until my teachers started putting me through the paces and experimenting with both offensive and defensive strategies that I really saw how handy it could be, like that trick with the light.” You let out a giggle, rainbows dancing across your skin with the slightest movement.
A dopey grin played across his lips as Kirishima listened to your laugh. Damn, he had to admit it to himself. It was like his dream girl had come to life right before his eyes. You could fight, had an amazing quirk, an incredibly cute personality AND you were stunning? It was safe to say he was head over heels.
“And your hero name?” Jirou questioned curiously from the huddle.
“Oh right!” You said, taking a step back and placing your hands on your diamond-hardened hips, body dazzling in the light. “I’m the Million-Dollar Hero: Diamonde!”
Voices surrounded you in a wave, all agreeing with how perfect the name was.
One voice cut through all the rest though. “Hey L/n! Come meet my bro here! You’re like the female version of Kirishima!” Of course it was Kaminari, anxiously tugging on Kirishima’s arm to get you to look his way.
You looked up, lips stretching into another one of your cheeky grins as you pushed through the huddle until you were right in front of him. Kirishima chuckled, arm coming up to rub his neck shyly as he took in all your beauty. You glanced at them both, still grinning as you put your hand on his shoulder.
“I know. Sensei told me that there was a boy in this class with a similar quirk. I kind of wanted to surprise you. After all, I haven’t met anyone else with a quirk similar to mine. This is so exciting for me too!”
Ahhhh. Now the look Aizawa had given him that morning had made sense. He knew all along. Laughing, Kirishima met your gaze. Despite your face remaining diamond-hard, your eyes were filled with warmth.
“Well I must say, I was super shocked. Your quirk, and the way you took down Bakugou...” He looked away nervously before meeting your eyes once again. “You’re dazzling. Er... pun not intended.”
You giggled. “It’s okay. Not to sound conceited, but I get that a lot.”
You deactivated your quirk, diamond texture melting away until your skin was back to its normal smoothness. At the sound of All Might’s approach you turned to face your teacher as the class fell silent. Bakugou trailed in behind him, pushing his way though the crowd until he was on the other side of Kirishima, pausing to throw a reproachful glare at you before turning away.
“Well class now that we are all acquainted with L/n, please match yourselves up into pairs. Today you’re going to be working in partners to spar and take it in turns honing both the offensive and denfensive sides of your quirks. I’m taking it easy on you guys today, but I can’t say it will be the same next week. So pair up and let’s go.”
Kirishima hardened his right arm before raising it and placing it next to yours. ”Well since I know what you can do now, wanna spar for this lesson? I know one of your tricks now, so let’s see what you think of mine.” He grinned teasingly.
You looked at his arm before meeting his eyes, face breaking into a smile that was just as dazzling as the rest of you. Bouncing on the balls of your feet in excitement, you activated your quirk in your arm before lacing your hand with his and tugging him further into the gym.
Looking down at your entwined hands, diamond and rock together, Kirishima’s heart raced. Finding a space for yourselves in the massive gym you stopped, letting go of his hand and stepping back in preparation.
“Okay Kiri”- he blushed at the sound of the nickname rolling off of your lips before you gave him another wink. “Your turn to dazzle me.”
At the sight of that wink again, his knees felt weak. Oh yeah, he was in love.
Gazing intently at the redheaded boy across from you, you quickly reactivated your quirk, turning your face to diamond before he could notice the blush staining your cheeks. Smiling to yourself, you mused over your first day at U.A while preparing for his attack. You really couldn’t wait to get to know him more.
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booksarelife-stuff · 3 years
The Story of Us- Chapter 5
Jily (James Potter/ Lily Evans), minor wolfstar
Word Count: 3,999
Modern Muggle AU. When Lily Evans meets the man across the hall due to a fire alarm, she has no idea that a new chapter of her life has begun. Featuring a librarian Lily and sports journalist James.
Masterlist    Read on A03    Chapter 6
Chapter 5- but we were dancing
The options Mary presented to Lily were amazing. Lily didn’t think she could pull them off, despite Mary’s insistence that she would be stunning. In the end, Lily settled on an emerald green velvet dress that Mary insisted would look amazing on her and bring out her eyes. 
Lily had gotten Dorcas to come over to do her make-up because Lily was hopeless at eyeliner and she didn’t feel like winding herself up by re-doing it ten times before it only came out decent. 
“Can I see your dress?” Dorcas asked, lightly blending out the blush on Lily’s cheeks. 
“Sure,” Lily said, glancing at her analog clock on her bedside table. “We got time.”
“Do you know what James is wearing?” she asked. 
“Probably a suit,” Lily replied. Dorcas snorted. 
“Yes, probably,” she agreed. “I bet he is going to look dashing. Better than that walrus Petunia is marrying.”
Lily knew for a fact that James at his worst would look better than Vernon, but she didn’t even want to think about James and how dashing he’s going to look. 
“You’re all done!” she announced after putting some highlighter on the tip of her nose. She held out a mirror and Lily couldn’t believe how good she looked. The winged eyeliner and bright red lipstick were a bit much for the “natural” look Lily wanted, but Dorcas’s work was amazing. 
Lily told her as much as she went to her bathroom, the dress in the bag hanging from the door. Mary had already pressed it and made sure it fit her measurements, but Lily still hadn’t opened it. 
The dress was off the shoulder, so it exposed her collarbone and shoulders. There was a ruffle along the bust and sleeves to make her bust look bigger than it was.  There was a slit that opened up to her knee and Lily was thankful it didn’t climb higher.
When Lily looked in the mirror, she realized that Mary was right. The dress hugged her beautifully and her green eyes were shining. Her red hair stood out as well, even though Dorcas had pulled it up until an elegant knot on the back of her head, with a few pieces curled and framing her face. 
Dorcus gasped when Lily stepped out of the bathroom.
“You look drop-dead gorgeous,” she said, as Lily reached for her shoes. 
“It’s not too much, is it?” Lily asked. 
Dorcas shook her head. 
“No, but I don’t know how James is going to feel,” she said, a cheeky smile on her face. 
Lily spun around. 
“What does that mean?” 
“Oh come on Lily,” Dorcas said. “You have got to be joking.”
“I’m not.”
She sighed. 
“He couldn’t take his eyes off of you at the party,” she started. “You guys have lunch, what twice a week now? He watches Outlander with you! Outlander!”
Lily turned away and tried to focus on putting her heel on. She tried to ignore the implication of what Dorcas was saying because then that would cause her heart to start racing. 
“I’m just saying, if it isn’t into you, then I don’t know what he’s doing,” Dorcas said. 
“What if I’m not into him?” Lily whispered. 
Dorcas scoffed. 
“Then I’d be doubting your sexuality Lily,” she said. “I’m a lesbian and I think he is quite fit.”
“I don’t know yet,” Lily said. “I really like him but…”
“A little yeah.”
“I think you would regret not trying,” Dorcas said, a tone of finality in her voice. Lily didn’t say anything more as Dorcas began checking her face and seeing any final touches that needed to be made. 
It wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door. Lily felt butterflies erupt in her stomach as Dorcas went to go answer it.
“James! You clean up nicely,” she heard Dorcas say. Lily took a deep breath and walked out of the hallway towards her living room where her front door is located. 
When she stepped in, her breath caught as she got sight of him. He was wearing a grey suit, one that had to be tailor made because it fit perfectly on him. His hair was a little more tame, but artfully messy. When Lily met his eyes, he was looking at her with wide eyes and his mouth open a bit. 
“Hey,” he said, breaking the silence. 
“Hi,” Lily replied. 
“You look gorgeous,” he said. 
“Thanks. Mary and Dorcas really came through for me,” Lily said. “You look nice.”
Lily wanted to kick herself. That was the lamest thing she could have said. 
James didn’t seem to mind as he smiled back. 
“Well, I should get going,” Dorcas interjected. Lily looked at her, a little ashamed to admit that she had forgotten she was in the room with them. 
“Bye! Thank you for the make-up!” Lily said, giving her friend a quick hug. Dorcas patted James on the arm before leaving. 
“So, ready to go?” James asked. Lily nodded and grabbed her phone and her keyes. She realized that she didn’t have anything to carry them in, but James took them and put them in the inside pocket of his suit jacket. 
Lily liked that he offered his arm to her as they waited for the elevator. She also liked that he volunteered to drive them there after Remus told him that Lily was a tiny bit scared of driving. He helped her into the car and Lily thought her heart was going to burst. 
“So I made a road trip playlist,” he said. “I put some bangers on there. I hope you don’t mind.”
Lily turned to him and smiled. “No I don’t.”
The drive was fun and it alone almost made Lily thankful this night. She was surprised that James knew every lyric to the Taylor Swift songs he put on the playlist. They had just done a wonderful rendition of “Better than Revenge” when James pulled into the parking lot of the ballroom that not doubtedly, Vernon’s family rented out.
“So why did her sister decide to have a black-tie engagement party?” James asked, turning his car off. 
“To show that she's better and classier than the rest,” Lily replied, rolling her eyes. 
“If this is the engagement party, I wonder what the wedding will be like,” he replied. 
“Probably the most outrageous thing you’ve ever seen.”
“I don’t know about that,” James said looking at her. “Some of the kids I went to school with are having some crazy weddings. One of them had the whole bridal party on horses.”
Lily laughed. 
“Don’t tell Petunia that. She’ll get ideas.” 
James opened his door and stepped out. Lily went to open hers but James was too quick. He hurried over to her side and opened the door for her and offered a hand to help her stand. 
Lily didn’t expect to be jumped on by her mother the second they walked in. 
“Lily, dear!” Rose Evans yelled, making Lily jump. She barely had time to drop James’s arm before her mother’s arms were around her. 
“Hello, mum,” she said, hugging her tightly. Her mom pulled away and inspected Lily. 
Lily looked awfully like her mum, but in a slightly different font. Lily was a head taller and her dark red hair was the obvious difference, but other than that, they had the same nose that turned up and eyes. 
Mum was looking her up and down. Lily inspected her as well. She was still looking good in her willowy frame. She was wearing a light pink dress that was only fitting for the mother of the bride.
“You look beautiful, dear,” she said. She looked at James, and her eyes widened. Lily could see the excitement in her eyes. “You must be Lily’s boyfriend Tuney talked on the phone with!”
“Mum-” Lily started, purposely not looking at James. “He’s not-”
“You are dashing! What’s your name, dear?” Rose said, talking over Lily. Lily felt her stomach drop.
“James Potter, ma’am,” James said, not missing a beat. He flashed her a charming smile. 
“Lovely! It’s been awhile since Lily has brought anyone over to meet the family!” Rose said, looking like she was on cloud nine. 
“That’s because-” Lily started. 
“I’m a special one, what can I say?” James said. 
“Well, go get your seats! There’s gonna be a toast before the party kicks off,” Rose said, ushering them forward. 
James smiled and nodded and grabbed Lily’s hand. He laced their fingers together. 
“I did not tell Petunia you were my boyfriend,” Lily whispered as soon as Rose was behind them. 
“I know,” James said. “But I couldn’t dash your mum’s dreams.”
Lily snorted. 
“Was charming mothers a class at your posh boarding school?” she whispered. 
“Yes, actually. It was after ‘How to smile like a politician,’,” James remarked. 
Lily laughed a little as they walked to the main ballroom. 
Lily couldn’t believe how much Vernon had dished out for the engagement party. Lily knows there was no way Petunia could afford it with her career as a make-up saleswoman for that pyramid scheme she worked for. 
The centerpieces were huge, filled with roses that were painted gold. There were fancy name plates in a cursive that was barely legible. Petunia’s colors were an awful combination of hot pink and a bright orange. The table cloths were alternating between those colors. 
There was a live band that was setting up, composed of cellos, harps, and other instruments that indicated to Lily she was not going to be able to dance to the Cupid Shuffle tonight. 
“Wow, this is something,” James said. Lily could tell she was holding back laughter. 
“I think that pink is bright enough to burn my eyes,” Lily whispered. 
There was an usher, who guided them to their seats. Lily wanted to roll her eyes at her sister, placing her in the back corner and probably with Vernon’s cousin who they had deemed to be lesser than them. 
James pulled her seat out for her. Lily rolled her eyes at him. 
“What a gentleman, thank you,” she said. 
“My Mum would have my head if I didn’t act my best today,” he replied, sitting next to her. 
“Does your mum know you’re here?” Lily asked, looking over at him. He nodded, his black curls bouncing a little. 
“I tell my mum everything,” he said. Lily wondered what that must be like. “Speaking of which, you have been invited to an event of mine.”
Lily raised an eyebrow.
“Yep. Sirius and mostly likely Remus will be going,” he said. Lily hummed. 
“What kind of an event?” she asked. 
“It’s the Potter’s annual charity event and auction,” he said, like it wasn’t a big deal. “It’s more laid back than this, like a cocktail party if you will.”
Lily blinked at him. 
“How rich are your parents?” Lily asked. James glanced at her, smiling a bit. 
“My father is Fleamont Potter, Lily,” he said. 
“No offense, but am I supposed to know who that is?”
“I’d be surprised if you did. He invented hairspray,” James said. 
Lily laughed. 
“Okay, you got me,” Lily said. “What did he really do?”
James took a sip of his water, his eyes not leaving Lily’s. 
“You have got to be kidding.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, my pretend girlfriend.”
“Give me my phone.”
He handed it to her and did a Google search, only to see that James was absolutely right. 
“What the fuck?” she whispered. 
“Language Evans!” 
She handed her phone back to him, staring at him with wide, unblinking eyes. 
“Crazy, I know,” he said. 
“Why didn’t you mention this?” she asked. James shrugged. 
“Didn’t seem important.”
Lily rolled her eyes. Only James would think it wasn’t important that his father had invented the very product she had sprayed all over hair for most of her life. 
Turns out they were seated with Vernon’s cousins who they had deemed untowardly. Surprisingly enough though, they were the ones that Lily actually imagined having a shot at getting along with. 
James had so much charm, it was practically oozing out of him. He had charmed the socks off of Vernon’s cousin, Elizabeth with a simple tale from his uni days. 
Mingling was not one of her strong suits, but James made it a lot easier. 
Lily’s gut twisted when the speeches started to kick off the night. The first one to go was her sister’s best friend from secondary school, Makayla, who had assisted in making Lily’s life a nightmare. 
Her speech was fine until they started talking about the “good ol’ days.”
“One of my fondest moments from our friendship early on was when we found her sister eating alone outside,” Makayla started. Lily’s breath caught at the mention of this and she stiffened. 
She felt James grab her hand. He laced his fingers through her’s and squeezed once. 
“We felt so bad for her! So we decided to sit with her,” Makayla continued. “We knew it would damage our reputation, but that’s what you do for family.”
There were a few laughs.
“That was until Lily started to get smart with her mouth and Petunia dumped her lunch all over Lily!”
Lily remembers it like it was yesterday. She had been reading a book, when her sister’s hoard of girls descended over her. They were spewing fake compliments, Petunia’s backhanded ones as well, Lily had had enough and looked straight at her sister and fired back at her. 
Lily had beans in her hair for the rest of the day. 
No one laughed, but Makayla trucked on to the story of how she met Vernon. 
Lily’s pulse rate was up and she could feel her cheeks flush with anger. She almost wanted to leave the room, but James was holding her hand. She squeezed it and James leaned over. 
“I take it, that's not the whole story?” he whispered. Lily shook her head stiffly. 
She didn’t pay attention to anyone else’s speeches. She kept her eyes down and was content to staying in a bad mood until James started a thumb war on her lap. 
He had just won for the second time when everyone started standing. Lily looked around in confusion. 
“I think we can get up and mingle now,” James said. “Or maybe we’re supposed to go greet the bride and groom?”
There was a line forming in front of Vernon and Petunia. Lily’s eyes passed over them and on to the snack table that only a few others were at. Lily eyed the champagne. 
“Snacks?” she asked. 
“Lead the way.” 
James, once again, lended Lily his arm as they made their way through the crowd. 
“What kind of party doesn’t have a chocolate fountain?” James asked as they neared the snacks. 
“They probably thought it wasn’t posh,” Lily replied. 
“I’ve been to plenty of posh parties and there has always been a chocolate fountain,” James replied. Lily laughed a little. 
“What about a cheese fountain?” she asked. 
“That sounds disgusting.”
“You can grab a tortilla chip and cover it in cheese.”
“Nasty, Evans.”
James grabbed a plate and let Lily fill it with whatever she wanted. She made sure to grab enough for both of them, James only turning down champagne. 
“Well, I’m going to need a lot to get through this night,” Lily said, taking a sip. 
“I wish I could,” James said, sighing. 
“Thanks for driving,” she said, smiling at him. 
“You only use me, Evans,” James lamented before popping a strawberry into his mouth. 
Lily was about to reply when Makayla walked up. She was looking at James though, like Lily was completely invisible. Lily fought the urge to grab James and run but Makayla was quick. 
Lily wasn’t in the business of hating other women, though it was hard to fight the societal pressures that had been pushed upon her since she was a kid. She didn’t hate Makayla because she was pretty or because popular in school. She hated her because Lily had spent many days crying and fearing her presence. 
“I don’t believe we met before?” she asked, extending a hand to James. “Are you one of Vernon’s cousins?”
James almost snorted, but Lily could see he was fighting his prep school education. He shook her hand. 
“No, I’m Lily’s boyfriend,” he said, smiling widely. 
Lily didn’t miss how her face fell a bit. She took a big gulp of her champagne. James put his arm around Lily and brought her closer. 
“Oh! I didn’t know Lily had a boyfriend. Petunia failed to mention that,” she said.
“This is the first time I’m meeting the family,” James said, smoothly. “We haven’t been dating long.”
“Oh well, this is a perfect occasion for that,” Makayla agreed. She finally turned her gaze to Lily. “How have you been Lily?”
“I’ve been good, thanks,” Lily said, forcing herself to smile and keep her tone light. 
“Still in school?”
“Post-grad,” Lily replied, evenly. Makayla hummed and turned her eyes to James again. James quickly stuffed food in his mouth, avoiding having to answer another question. 
“This has been lovely, but we really should be queuing to see Petunia and Vernon,” Lily said. “See you later.”
James followed Lily as they walked to the back of the queue. 
“I’m offended,” James said when they stopped. “She thought I was related to Vernon.”
“I bet she didn’t,” Lily mused. “She probably used that as an opener.”
James scoffed. “That’s a bloody fucking horrible opener.”
Lily laughed. They shared the snacks and Lily told him about the people she was recognizing. She didn’t have any cousins and her aunt had passed sometime ago, so it was only Vernon’s family and she didn’t know much about them. 
The couple in front of them started talking, revealing them to be Vernon’s cousins who had been shunned because she had gotten a divorce. It was nice bonding by being the family outcasts. 
Lily didn’t feel nervous until she was staring at her sister. 
Petunia was wearing a dress that Lily could admit was very pretty, but the sneer on her face is what made her ugly to Lily. Vernon was wearing an black suit with an orange shirt that blinded Lily’s eyes. 
“Lily,” Petunia said, stiffly. “How lovely to see you.”
Lily was determined not to live up to Petunia expectations, no matter how much she wanted to yell at her. 
“Lovely to see you as well,” Lily replied. “And Vernon as well.”
Lily saw Vernon eyeing James. 
“I’m James,” he said, a posh smile on his face. “I’m Lily’s date.”
“Or boyfriend, as you had decided to call it,” Lily added. 
“What do you James?” Vernon asked, shaking his hand. 
“Oh, I’m a trust fund baby,” James said smiling. “I don’t really need to work. I may go get a job at a McDonalds though. It’ll keep me on my toes.”
Lily bit back a smile as Vernon started to turn red. 
“Really?” he gasped. 
“No, just kidding,” James said. “I’m a journalist.”
The way Petunia’s jaw dropped, Lily would think that someone had committed a horrible sin right in front of her. 
“Is this the company you’ve been keeping, sister?” Petunia hissed. 
“Yep. Every night. We live together now,” Lily said, knowing it would make Petunia blow a gasket. It worked. 
“Vernon and I aren’t even living together yet! And we’re engaged,” she whispered scandalized. 
“Hm, maybe we shouldn’t tell them about the pregnancy scare?” James said, turning to Lily. 
Lily pulled him away as Petunia let out a little shriek. Lily was holding in a laugh as they walked through the tables. 
“Too far?” James asked. Lily shook her head. 
“No, just far enough,” she said. “They’re going to think you’re a sinning vagrant like me.”
James rolled his eyes. “If anyone here is a vagrant, it’s me Evans.”
Lily’s mother was waiting for them by their table and Lily’s laughter stopped. She hoped her mother wasn’t going to be stern with her. She felt like a kid again. 
“What did you say to get Petunia so mad?” Rose asked, swirling her glass around in the cup. 
“Oh, normal stuff,” Lily replied. Rose smiled. 
“I can’t believe you found a willing accomplice,” Rose said, gesturing to James. 
“I prefer partners in crime,” James replied. 
Rose smiled. 
“I’m going to ask that you guys stay for about an hour before you sneak out,” she said. 
Lily huffed as she was just about to ask James if they could leave and go get McDonalds. 
With that Rose left, giving them a small smile. Lily and James some more snacks and soon the little band was playing. James stood up and offered his hand. 
“Uh,” Lily said, staring at it. “I don’t know how to dance.”
“Not a problem. I’ll teach you.”
The truth was that Lily could probably get the gist of it fairly quickly, but the issue was that she had never danced with anyone before. Like never, ever, danced with anyone before. Not even at the little dodgy dances that school threw. She went to one and no one had asked her. 
For some reason, it was nerve racking, being that close to James. Sure, she sat next to him on the couch, shoulders bumping, their legs touching. But this seemed intimate.
Too intimate for their friendly relationship. 
James squeezed her hand as he led her to the dance floor. He gave her his wide, easy smile. It made her feeling comfortable, knowing that he was going to be embarrassed by her as they danced. 
They ended up doing the stereotypical slow dance that wasn’t really a dance. Just swaying with their arms around each other. 
Petunia only seemed to have picked ballads for this occasion because not a single song went to an upbeat tempo. So their position was cemented, one hand with their finger’s threaded together, his other on her waist and her other resting in between shoulder blades. 
“I’ll teach you to properly dance,” he said. “One day.”
“When will I ever need that?” she asked, smiling a little. James smiled too. 
“If you are accompanying me to any and all Potter events, you’ll need to know.”
Lily groaned but she wasn’t bothered in the slightest. 
It fell silent between them. Lily looked up at him, taking in his jaw and the way the lights of the room reflected in his glasses. 
Another ballad started and Lily realized she liked this. A lot. She liked being this close to James, she liked grabbing his hand, she liked sharing laughs between them. 
She liked James. A lot. More than she ought to. She wondered how this snuck up on her like that. She didn’t know the exact moment she started feeling that way, but based on the intensity, it had to have been for a while. 
James glanced down at her and she averted her eyes, staring at his tie. 
He adjusted their position. He encouraged Lily to get closer and she obliged. Her arm went around him and she rested her head on his shoulder while his hand rested on her back. He kept their fingers threaded together though. 
Lily’s heart was thumping and she hoped James couldn’t feel it, as there was no room to speak of between their bodies. She could hear James’s thumping.. 
She could melt right there in that very spot, that’s how close they were. She wanted to be this way forever. 
Lily forgot that the back of her shoulders were bare from how the neckline of the dress was until she felt James’s hand gently trace a circle on her bare skin. It made her body start to tingle and long to feel his hands everywhere on her. 
The song changed and Lily realized she was going to have to do something about this. But not right now.
“I think it’s been an hour,” she whispered. 
“Wanna get out of here?” 
“Yes please.”
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denimbex1986 · 3 years
NOTE: This video will not play for those outside of the UK.
“Sebastian, you’re Bucky Barnes, AKA The Winter Soldier - how the heck did that happen?”
Sebastian: “I don’t know - I really don’t know. 2010 was definitely a turning point in my life, and it was getting this part. And it was all still speculative at the time because we had a lot of, uh, a lot of talks and meetings about the potential of this character and what he would become; whether or not he would ever be even explored as the Winter Soldier at the time. It was just more about the success of Captain America: The First Avenger and, and , and how much that story in itself worked. The fact that we were able to get it this far is, you know, a huge success, but it’s definitely something that’s attributed to many factors and, you know, I think there was always a plan there, but there were many times along the road I didn’t quite know how it was going to happen, or if it was gonna happen. It’s always kind of like an on-going discovery; I think people think we know a lot more about these things, but I think one of - one of the good things about Marvel is that the are always remaining very flexible and reflective of the times and what the fans respond to, and what’s the most interesting storyline, and what feels right, and then that’s kinda where decisions get made. So now we’re here - ten years later.”
“I’m loving it, yeah. So just to be clear; it started off as just Bucky. Apparently, the story goes that you only realised you were playing The Winter Soldier when the title was announced in 2013.”
Sebastian: “Yep; that - that also, uh, I think, I think the way I really learned about it was my, uh - a - I had a friend who texted me from Comic Con (interviewer laughs quietly) saying ‘Dude, they’ve just relay - the, the, the people your name’s in the title, and I was like ‘Oh. I mean that’s, I guess I’m, that’s - that’s good, that means that I’m in the movie, right? (interviewer laughs quietly) I mean -’ So, yeah, that’s very also true.”
“And talking of titles, was there ever any conversation about the show being called The Winter Soldier and The Falcon?”
Sebastian: “You know, first of all, I’ve already had my name in a title of a movie, you know - ”
“Ah, yes.”
Sebastian: “Arguably, Falcon we haven’t really ever learned his backstory period, I mean, you know, it’s - it’s a tough one to argue because I technically have had two movies dedicated to my character (laughs). So in a way I feel like, you know, it really should be about the Falcon, to be honest.”
“You gotta give him a leg up, that guy, Anthony Mackie.”
Sebastian: “Sometimes he might need a hell of a lot more than that. He’s got the legs covered, I’ll tell you that. (interviewer laughs) I mean the guy doesn’t skip leg day but - ”
“No Sir. And how happy are you now that you don’t have to wear the mask and the goggles anymore?”
Sebastian: (laughs) No, I kinda liked the mask. I, I - I was always a little bit hesitant of the goggles because when you have the goggles, you don’t have the, the eyes and so like as an actor, you wanna use the eyes, right? But the mask was kind of a cool thing because I knew what the Winter Soldier had looked like in the comic books, I knew - but any, you know and again, we had tried the eyeliner and, and that was sort of an interesting, bold choice and fortunately we decided to kind of maybe not use it, uh, so much, although it had made sense at one point that he had been - you know, he’d been using that; but it - that was just a - a nod to the comics, when he has the actual (motions across his eyes) you know, but again, the mask made the characters so much more brutal and sort of machine like and then that kind of informed a little bit of how, how I was gonna play that role at the time, so it was kind of a cool thing. I’m always a believer less is more and all that stuff, which is again why I was really worried this time around, I was like ‘ don’t, don’t give me, don’t give me too many - too many words (interviewer laughs quietly) because, (laughs) because I’ve been a lot better without a lot of words.’ So now if we’re gonna say something - what are we gonna say, you know?”
“What - who am I?”
Sebastian: ”Always the question, my friend. It never ends.” (laughs)
“You’ve worked with some utterly incredible people in these movies over the years. I was wondering who intimidated you the most because back in the day, you once told me this story of what happened to you when you first shot a scene with THE Robert Redford.”
Sebastian: “Oh man, that was such a good dream come true. All I wanted was to ask him about everything (interviewer laughs quietly) that he had ever experienced, and he was so kind. And yeah, I mean you work with these actors and you sort of kind of start to see how they do it, and I think I was always very lucky because I felt, you know, the Captain America trilogies and, and storylines were always very grounded, it’s really after like the most relatable storyline. Robert Redford got to be Robert Redford, with all that intensity, in our movie, um you know, that was the same guy from 3 Days Of Condor and stuff, and so like, you know, he really sort of was perfect in that part.”
“I - I know you’ve explained this a million times on a thousand different interviews, but indulge me. How does that metal arm work on set and how has that process evolved over the years?”
Sebastian: “Well the arm itself has changed. The first arm was really, really difficult to work with, in fact, it - we had to have like, it broken in two pieces because the one piece in itself, like the hero one, the particular material that shined and was the most - that looked the most metal was, was a really hard material so I couldn’t even like (motions moving arm) - just getting it to, to use it was like, extremely difficult. But again, that also informed sort of a kind of a behavior of the character in a way and I, and I remember refusing to, to wear the le - the, the the less shiny one. I wanted the hard, uncomfortable material because that was - was gonna look the best. And then as we went, obviously once he got a new arm, - every time they, they mold them again, based on your body; it’s all very specific to you. And then this particular one was the most flexible one, and again, it’s like one piece; obviously it can’t be a whole full on arm, right, ‘cos otherwise how are you going to get into it? - but it was the most, uh, comfortable one. But yeah, I still find myself sometimes catering to the old one, you know, ‘cos it just had such a specific shine to it and it was so iconic in the comic books so um -. But yeah, its, it’s a whole thing and, and it, it does do something to you after a while because you are essentially working your left arm more - ”
Sebastian: “ - I mean, it’s, it’s a very tiny, tiny difference, like your body knows when it’s saying ‘Hey, that’s working a lot more.’ So, (laughs) so physically, I’ve definitely, uh, had some love wounds from the - from, from my partner in crime - the, the left arm.”
“Now we know Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a favourite amongst the cast of the MCU - the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and I know that ‘cos they’ve actually told me so. And you’ve had some really special, emotional scenes over the years, like the ‘with you till the end of the line’ scene with Steve for example, and one of my favourites - ‘Who the hell is Bucky?’ And I love that your character is actually introduced in the very first film, your first scene, by knocking out a bad guy and then turning around and kicking him in the backside - I just love that. What are your standout moments over the movies?”
Sebastian: “As an actor you always want - you always want to do a movie that’s a period movie and a period movie in the 40′s was always really fun; the idea of it. I loved those, those scenes that he had with Steve Rogers in the first movie ‘cos they were so innocent but also in a way like really established their dynamic. And then of course The Winter Soldier movie was really incredible for me because I got to do so many cool things, and again it was not on a, on a green screen. We were really on a bridge - I was given a 35 pound thing to fire with. It was all very practical to be doing that kind of action.”
“The knife-stuff alone - ”
Sebastian: “The knife stuff. We had a good two months to get down to the hand-to-hand combat, so again, stuff I’d never done, so the character was really cool to me, and I loved all those, all those pieces. So there have been moments all throughout that kind of all add up i, in terms of really having enjoyed playing the character, From an acting perspective, you know, to play, uh, a character that seemingly could always go dark is interesting and fun, and it was a complex character like that. But then I think going forward it was more a good question of ‘What are we gonna really explore with him now?’”
Sebastian: “And finding a way to - to marrying both sides of this character and, and kind of having and witnessing how, how he’s able to accept the past and, and claim his sort of dark Winter Soldier past and side, and, and then evolve forward. Because he’s never gonna be the man he was back in the 40′s and he’s certainly not gonna be the guy that was this assassin. So what is he gonna be now, you know, and how is he gonna figure out a way to  - to grow from that?”
“For sure. I love the bits with the therapist in the first episode. It makes me think - you know the bit in Infinity War where you pick up Rocket and use him as like a moving machine gun?”
Sebastian: (with a laugh) “Yeah.”
“Are you bringing that up with the therapist? Surely there’s gotta be a moment where you go: ‘There were these alien dogs attacking me - and just -’ ”
Sebastian: “Well yeah, right? That, that would be a good thing to talk about. Because, I remember in, in that particular moment, which was a very cool moment, and it was fun, but we were sitting there with the Russo’s in Infinity War trying to figure out what his humor was and like, how does that character now respond to a talking raccoon, you know?”
“I’ll leave you with these two wrap-up questions. What do fans typically say to you in the street when the spot you? Do you get lines quoted back at you: ‘End of the line?’ Do you get people quoting: ‘Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, freight car?’”
Sebastian: (with a sigh) It happens quite often. (interviewer laughs) It happens at, uh you know, coffee shops and uh, it - it happens a lot, you know, and, and it’s always very, uh, it’s always very funny. And it’s a good, hon - honorable thing, you know, I guess. You know you’re, you’re very taken with it all - all the time but - it, you do have to sometimes look at people in the face and say ‘No, I will - I will not become The Winter Soldier’ as you say that, you know? (interviewer laughs quietly) You can keep saying it, and maybe you should say it, um, maybe that’s a moment we both need to have together, now, here. But, uh, but nothing crazy will happen, uh, you know?’”
“Er, I’d like to apologise and say goodbye, which is it was with me where we decided your fans were gonna be called The Winter’s Children, back in the day.”
Sebastian: “It was, wasn’t it? Well that really stuck didn’t it?”
“Yep. I can only apologise. And - ”
Sebastian: No, it’s all good. I’m glad - I’m glad that stuck around.”
“And obviously as the White Wolf, I should say ‘Wakanda Forever’, so thank you so much Sir.”
Sebastian: “Hey, thank you man.”
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cherryhanji · 4 years
tears and smudges
oneshot. bang chan x reader
genre: drama, angst, fluffy tones at the end
words: 4.3k
warning(s): foul language, super slight mentions of domestic abuse, mentions of degradation, themes of prostitution and sex, themes of violence, suggestive themes, mentions of drinking, lots of kissing at the end (lol)
alexa's note:
hello! this is my first time writing a scenario with those themes mentioned above. again, i'm not used with these kinds of themes but I tried my best to write this one. (But really, I can't write some scenes with explicit sex, graphic sexual content, as I've mentioned on my request guidelines)
If you're not comfortable with these kinds of stories, I do suggest to you that I have other works listed on my masterlist and most of them are fluffs (if it's your thing)
Sex work is the one that makes you stand on your own feet for almost five years. In this kind of living situation, you already met different kinds of people, and one of them is the person you really trust the most, the person that never judged you in all aspects. You met Chan at the bar you're currently working at, he is the kind of regular that never asks for sex unlike those grumpy old horny businessmen and horny college dudes in exchange of money.
Chan is a drunkard, tho. You'll never know about him if you didn't insist him to take you, a challenge you accepted from your coworkers who didn't charm their way into the man's heart. his looks are breathtaking, one thing that made your coworkers drool for him. But he didn't budge, saying that it's not his thing. This scenario continued until you gave up and decided to offer to be friends with him which he gladly accepted. That's when you knew he has respect for every woman, including you. That's why he always refuses to have sex either with you or your coworkers. That's when you knew he's the only guy you'll put your trusts into. And he never failed you. Always taking care of you after work. Listens to your rants about different clients you've encountered every work. He's the one who can bring out the inner you, the vulnerability that you always hide whenever you're at work. Showing him all the frustrations and judgments that you always, but despite that, he never, ever judged you. And you're beyond grateful for that.
"Hey, y/n. Is baby boy not coming tonight?" Your coworker asked when she didn't saw any traces of Chan on the bar stool.
"hey! Don't call him that! He has a name!" You said and chuckled.
"I think he's busy at work. It's not like he'll always spend the night here and drink until he becomes wasted as fuck." You said while putting on heavy makeup on your face. It's always been your routine before the clients went into the bar. Putting on those thick eyeliner and brick red lipstick that your regular clients like.
"Ladies! Listen up!" You're manager called all your attentions.
"This night is our biggest break! One of our biggest clients is here and you y/n" she pointed at you and you listened intently.
"You're the one he suggested tonight. Accept it, you'll have your big paycheck tomorrow after." She said and winked at you. You nod slowly as the thought sink in. Having a big paycheck means to you. But it also means that the client you're assigned tonight is quite tough, it's been five years since you started this kind of job but you still feel nervous about it. Shaking it off from your head, you prepare yourself as the bar finally opened its working hours now.
before you head out from the staff room, you checked first your phone if there are any messages on it, you smiled as you saw Chan's name on the notifications.
you chuckled as you read his message.
from: Chan
are there lots of people tonight? sorry I didn't go early. Work, you know.
to: Chan
yep. A lot, as usual, I got assigned to this biggest client of our bar. Good luck to me! Anyways, it's okay if u didn't come early tho, just focus on your work so you can have lots of money to spend on our booze.
your heart skips a beat as you read the familiar pet name he always calls you with, his princess. you shrugged and put back your phone inside your bag before starting to work.
from: Chan
I will princess, and I'll stop by later, I'll walk you home okay? Keep yourself from any harm. see you :>
as usual, the bar is now stuffed with people who don't do anything but to have some fun, drink with friends, people who are brushing off their stress and frustrations away with the help of alcohol. You were used to these kinds of scenarios. And you once experienced them. Being an orphan made you lonely, in and out of foster homes to find your own kind of "home", you were once adopted by a couple who can't have their own child. You decided to leave the couple when your foster father always hit you whenever you do something that isn't to his likings. Growing up without someone guiding you made you face all the struggles that a person will always encounter without any knowledge on how to properly deal with it. That's why alcohol is your only escape. Brushing it off with alcohol that you always throw on your system. Temporarily forgetting all the problems that you will still face when you're sober.
You met someone who you thought will never leave you and betray you. But it turns out he just used you for his own sexual needs. Leaving you wasted and a crying mess for believing his shit. That's when you started having trust issues. Struggling to trust someone for not wanting to be abandoned again. But ever since Chan came to your life, you never once contemplated bringing back your trust to a person again. And you're glad that you did the right thing.
"Hey! Y/N!" Your coworker called you as soon as you went out of the staff room
"Oh, what is it?" You asked as you wander your eyes on the bar.
"Your client is now waiting for you." Your coworker said and pointed out the man who you assumed is in his late 20's. he looks so young for a millionaire, you thought.
"He's hot, isn't he? Go now! If I were you, I would love to have him as my client, lucky you, he picked you." She said and winked before she pushed you towards the client. You glared at her before fixing yourself and went to your client.
The man can't hide his desires as soon as you approached him on his seat.
"You're y/n if I'm not mistaken," the man said and you nodded confirming him.
"I've never made a mistake in choosing you. Come, join me here beautiful lady," he said and tapped the side of the couch signaling you to sit beside him which you accepted.
"Being your new client, I guess you know already who am I." He said. you gasped slightly, completely forgetting to ask your manager the name of your client. Stupid you.
The man chuckled at your sudden silence. "Oh I guess Ms. Jang didn't tell you, I'm Lee Minho, you can just call me Minho." He said and offered his hands to you asking for a handshake. You accepted it and smiled shyly at him.
"I, I'm sorry M-minho, I forgot to ask Ms. Jang about you." You said and smiled sheepishly.
"It's okay, dear. As long as you came here, I'm beyond okay with it. Want some drinks?" He offered you the glass containing expensive booze from your bar and gladly took it. Looks like with his oozing expensive looks and wealth, you think he can also buy the entire bar you're working at.
After a couple of drinks and talks with Minho, you can now sense that he is nearly intoxicated with the alcohol he's been drinking. You decided not to drink too much so you can still be aware of what was happening to your surroundings. While your eyes wander at the people who were having fun, a hand slowly nestled on your thighs, which made your breath hitched at the cold feeling. Looking at the owner of the hand, you saw Minho cocked his head at the side while smiling at you, a hint of desire in his eyes.
"Uh, Minho... Is there anything you need?" You're already used to these kinds of scenes so you just brush it off by asking him. You surely saw that his eyes darken for a second. His jaw clenched, hands now near at your inner thighs before he pulled it off and fixed his tie.
"Is there any room we can occupy?" He asked you. You stand up from your seat and ask him to wait for you while you asked your manager about it.
You went straight to the staff room and quickly check your phone first. You saw a message from Chan and you opened it.
you decided not to reply to him and went straight to your manager to ask what room did Minho purchase.
from: Chan
10 minutes more and I'll be there. I'll wait for you later, princess.
You went back to Minho who is calmly drinking while waiting for you. He immediately stands up as soon as you went near him. Grabbing your hand, he lets you guide him to where the room is.
As soon as you closed the door, Minho's hands wander to the different parts of your body, satisfying himself by touching your smooth skin.
"You're so fucking sexy, you know that?" Minho said as you just nodded at him.
"You don't know how much I want to wreck you now," Minho grunted, hands still exploring your lower part.
Minutes later, the touches were slowly getting rougher, one that made you winced because of the aggressive touches Minho giving you.
Hearing your whimpers that he thought came from the pleasure he gives you, he aggressively grabbed your chin with his big hands forcing you to look at him.
"I knew it. You love it when someone's being hard on you, huh? You like it, slut?" He said making your eyes widen and shook your head.
"No? Isn't this enough for you? You want it a harsh way? Okay. I'd love to do it then." He said and pulled you towards the bed, hands still on your chin. He pushed you harshly on the bed. Removing his top, he climbed on the bed giving himself space between your legs and harshly dive into your neck. You cried because of the harsh bites he gave you, with zero pleasure, pure pain. You try to wriggle out from his hard grip but it's no help.
Annoyed by your actions, he stopped what his assaults to you and slapped your face hard. Making you cry out because of the pain.
"What do you think you're doing, slut? Do you think you can deny me? I already bought you, remember? I paid a high amount to have you as my property now. You can't do anything but to obey me, because you're just a little slut, hungry for money." He said and put his hands on your throat with such force making tears slowly flow out from your eyes because of the lack of air. Did your manager just sell you out to this man?
He removed his hands from your throat making you choke, gasping for some air to breathe in, while he continues doing all his assaults to you. This is one of the things you really hate in this job, giving them the pleasure they want is okay not until they lay off their abusive hands to you. And because of this kind of abuse you mostly encounter because of your job, you learned how to properly defend yourself from it. Adrenaline rushed into you as you kick his crotch very hard making him fall to the side of the bed.
"Fuck you slut! What do you think you're doing?!" Minho blurted out while wincing from the pain on his crotch. You quickly get up from the bed and ran out of the room. Rushing to the staff room looking for your manager. You've had enough.
"Y/N?! W-what are you— where is Mr. Lee?" Your manager asked you as soon as you enter the staff room. Shaking with anger, you question your manager, "How could you—" you stopped trying not to cry out of anger. besides Chan, Ms. Jang is the second person you gave your trust into, taking care of you like a real mother. You just can't believe that she will sell you out in exchange for a big fucking amount of money.
Trying to ask you again, you interrupted her, "Did you just let that man bought me for a big amount of money? how could you do that to me, I thought you care for me?" You said, not wanting to cry in front of her. You stopped her when she tried to go near you.
"No, please don't go near me." You said
"I'm, I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't plan to do that. It's just that he threatened me, he said that he will report our bar to the police if I didn't give him what he wants, he wants you, Y/N. I, I can't risk our business. That's--"
"So you decided to sacrifice me?" You nodded and continued. "I understand... Who am I to refuse, I'm just a wasted orphan you adopted, a new girl you added to your collection. You know what, Ms. Jang, thank you for taking care of me for the last five years, I felt the love that I thought was real. Thanks for letting me experience how to have a real mother. It's been a nice journey. But I've had enough, it's like I've ever wanted this kind of life anyway. Thank you, and please tell the others, I'm thankful for them, too. I need to go. I can't stand this place anymore." You said and grabbed all your things. Ms. Jang tried to stop you but you didn't budge, you want to get out of this life for so long, maybe now is the time. As soon as you stormed out of the room, you saw Chan peacefully sitting on the barstool, assuming that he's waiting for you. He smiled as soon as he saw you but quickly withdrew it as he saw your expression. He immediately went to you and held your arms gently, softly caressing it.
"Hey, what happened?" He asked, eyes glassed with worry. You faintly smiled at him and grabbed his hands in your arms and squeezed it.
"Let's get out of here?" You asked and he just nodded, still clueless with what was happening.
"Where do you want to go?" Chan asked you as soon as you went out of the bar. Because of the situation, you can't go straight to your home as it was also Ms. Jang's home.
"Can I stay at your place for a while?" You faced him. Examining your face first, he sensed that something's definitely wrong. So he just nodded and hailed for a cab.
"Wait for me here, I'll just get some water." You just nodded and hummed in response. You just fiddled with your fingers as you recall the happenings a while ago. Your trust had shattered again, making you feel devastated. Ms. Jang sacrificed you? Maybe Minho was right, you're just a worthless slut. You were never loved by anyone because you're just one of those existing trash here on earth. No one dared to love you, words are just words. People who say that they love you were never real. They meant nothing. People loathed sluts like you. You are a failure, a total failure. Thinking those thoughts, you didn't notice the tears that are now falling from your eyes, eyeliner mixing with your tears making it smudged on your face.
"Y/N! Shit! Why are you crying?" Chan immediately placed the glasses of water to the coffee table and sit beside you. Feeling his presence beside you, you quickly grabbed the hem of his shirt asking him for a hug which he immediately gave you. Chan shushed you, swaying your bodies side to side as he let you cry your heart out. You felt him kissed the top of your head and caressed it after, making you calm.
"What happened back there at the bar?" Chan asked when you finally calmed down. Grabbing the tissue box and wiped your face gently, also removing the smudges of eyeliner on your eyes.
"Ms. Jang just sold me to our biggest client. I... I trusted her, Chan. I thought that she'll take care of me. I just can't believe she betrayed me for a big amount of money." You told him what happened at the bar. Chan stayed silent before attempted to speak.
"What are you going to do now?" Chan asked you. Tucking in stray hair at the back of your ear.
"I'll stop working there. I want to change, Chan. I can't be stuck there forever. I need to improve myself." You said, tears slowly falling to your cheeks again. Thinking how will you start to change your life for the better. You're afraid, you're afraid of the changes. But you wanted this. And you know Chan will always be there for you. Chan smiled at you dearly. Hearing it from you makes his heart clenched. He never judged you because of your way of living. But he's glad that you wanted to change your life for the better. And he's willing to help you and guide you.
"Sssh... Don't cry, princess. I'll stay with you. You know that, right? You know you can rely on me." He said and you nodded at him.
"Thank you, Chan. For not judging me, for always taking care of me, for everything that you did for me. Thank you for coming into my life. You're my angel, Chan." You said and smiled at him. Hearing those words from you, his happiness jolted up. He's also beyond thankful to you coming into his life. And he'll never stop taking care of you, never stop protecting you, and will never stop giving you the love that you deserved.
Chan held your cheeks, which you leaned in. He slowly lowered his head, and kissed you. Your eyes opened out of shock, but quickly melted in as soon you felt his soft lips on yours. Realizing what he was doing, he quickly breaks the kiss. You opened your eyes, looking at his face mirroring regret. Also realizing what happened, you stayed silent. You always have a soft spot for Chan. But after he kissed you, it's like there's a place inside your heart you didn't know you that had only for him.
"I-I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to kiss you. Fuck." Chan said and cursed himself making you chuckle. He looked at you confused as to why you're laughing.
"It's okay. You like me, do you?" You teased him making his eyes widen at you, like a deer caught in the headlights.
"H-how did you know?" He asked, confirming that he does likes you.
You shrugged and shift from your seat. "Dunno, I just guessed." You said. He just facepalmed. Completely cursing himself for being stupid.
"Yes, Honestly speaking, I've been in love with you ever since we met." He continued.
"You caught my eye, and that made worse when we grew close with each other. I just learned each day that you're so special to me. I, I love you, Y/N." Chan said making you shut in silence. Slowly sinking in all the words that he confessed. You're never used to these kinds of things. You don't know the feeling of being truly loved by someone, and hearing this from Chan, made you realize that you've been truly loved for a long time, you've been truly loved by Chan. The moment is too much for you making you cry again. Chan saw you making him baffled and held your face slowly.
"Hey, don't cry. It hurts me." Chan said, wiping your tears away.
"It's just that, I've never been so loved before. I've been a failure, Chan. No one ever loved me the way you do Hearing this all from you, it's too much, making me cry." You said trying to stop from crying.
"Don't say that. you're not a failure, y/n. You're the best thing that happened to me."
"But I don't know how to love again. I mean, I don't know how to start loving again." You said.
"You don't have to, princess, Just let the time. Just let me love you, okay?" Chan said and kissed you once again. The feelings, the atmosphere is too much for you to handle, making you burst out again into tears as you felt the love Chan is giving you. You don't know what did you do to deserve this. But you just let the moment pass by and relish all the love this man was giving you.
You were the one to break the kiss because of a lack of air. Chan leaned his forehead on yours and chuckled. You felt his thumb on the corner of your lips. You looked at his thumb that obtained red stains from your lipstick.
You also looked at his lips, chuckling as you saw the visible lipstick stains, courtesy of you.
"Your lipstick made a mess, princess." He said and chuckled.
"You look sexy, Chan." You blurted out, grabbing a tissue to wipe the smudge of lipstick on his lips.
"Don't say that, princess. I know I am." Chan said, combing your hair gently. You finally wiped the smudges on his lips and yours.
"Promise me you'll never cry again, princess, I just saw how much of a crybaby you are." He said and you just smacked his chest lightly.
"It's because you made me cry." You said and pouted.
"But not because I hurt you. And don't do that, please. It makes me want to kiss you again." Chan said and pointed out your pouty lips.
"Then do it." You teased him making him grunt.
"We all have the time in the world princess, so take a shower first so we can have our dinner and we can do all the kissings later." He said and chuckled making you blush at his playful banter. He just pinched your cheeks and stand up.
"Take a shower, I'll prepare your clothes for now." He said.
"Shower with me?" You asked making him gasped with your suggestion
"W-what? Hell no!" Chan completely refused to make you chuckle
"Why? We're already dating." You teased making him rolled his eyes dramatically.
"That doesn't mean I will accept your offer." He said and slowly pushed you towards the bathroom.
"Okay, okay. Fine." You laughed and stuck your tongue out before closing the door of the bathroom. You just love how to make him blush on the spot, looking so cute.
You and Chan's bodies were comfortably slumped on the sofa while watching some movies after you ate dinner. You snuggled on his broad chest, while his arms encircled around you making you warm and comfortable.
"Y/N..." Chan called you softly. You hummed and lift your gaze to him.
"Now that you left the bar, when will you gather your things from Ms. Jang's house? You know I can help you with it." He said and combed your hair.
"I'll gather my courage to face them first. I need to clear my mind. I don't think I can face them for now. And I need to think of a place to live now I already left the bar." You said
"Live here with me?" Chan suggested making you look back at him.
"I might be a burden-"
"No. You'll never be, princess. At least you'll only have to think about looking for a job. Living here with me can lessen your problems. Besides, I love you being here." Chan said and smiled at you. Chan never failed to make you smile even at the smallest things he did and said to you
"Fine. But let me contribute to it. Let me have a share in paying other bills. I am also now living here. And I am consuming the things that you consume." You said.
"You sound like my future wife." He chuckled and pinched your nose.
"Do you want me to be?" You asked and he nodded.
"I'd love to. Mrs. Bang." He said making you both laughed at the thought.
"You're tired, Chan. You need to rest." You said pushing his face against you.
"But I'm serious!" He whined and you just nodded.
"Yes, I know. But that's not our priority for now. I know that you love me, I'll just be here with you." You said and give him a peck on his lips. You were about to move back when he grabbed your face and made you stay still, catching your lips with his. You smiled against his lips and soon gave in with the kiss.
"You're too much of a kisser huh? Maybe you waited for this time to come, did you?" You asked, gasping again for air after the breathtaking kiss
"Maybe yes, maybe no. You guess." He said and hugged you.
"I love you, princess. I love you." Chan said. Wanting to say those words to him, you contemplate as you still not yet completely have the confidence and assurance of those words. You still need to find the real meaning before you finally tell him. Sensing your uneasiness, Chan sighed and cupped your cheeks.
"You don't have to say it now, princess. Just what I've told you a while ago, just let the time, don't worry about me. Just let me love you. I won't force you tell to me." Chan said and smiled. Maybe what he said isn't that hard to do. Because you can see how much he loves you, you'll soon learn how to love him back. You know how much he also deserves the love that he always gives you. You just need to let the time do its thing.
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gothpanda · 4 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch. 34: Oakland
A/N: Finally. The scene I had in my head that started it all, is now in a chapter
TAGS: @madamsixx @emariehorror​
Read on Ao3
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June 15th, 1987
Los Angeles, California
"Are you nervous about leaving?" asked Sammi, right by Nikki's side with his arm loosely around her. The two sat at Nikki's house's front steps as the sun finished rising for a new day. It was a surprise to Sammi having Nikki wake her up so early to be told a mechanic was on his way. But there was the professional, examining the open hood of the old impala. Nikki kissed Sammi on her temple, hiding part of his face in her disheveled bedhead. Sammi wiped away the smudged black eyeliner she slept in that transferred to her under eyes.
 "Why would I be nervous about leaving? It's a tour like always," muttered Nikki, scrunching his brows together.
"No, it's not. You hate your singer, and you're trying to stay clean. You're not nervous by any measure?" asked Sammi.
Nikki cleared his throat and shifted as best as he could, running his hand through Sammi's scalp. "Vince and I have always been at each other's throats way before we tossed you in the middle. I'm not going to let him ruin my time on the road. If Vince wants to act like a spoiled princess, then that's his problem,"
"And what about 'that' drug?"
"Like I said last night, I kicked everyone who could bring it around me out. I'll be fine. You don't have to worry your pretty little head," smiled Nikki, reaching over and shortly kissing Sammi on the lips.
"My pretty little head will always worry about you, especially with my brother right by your side," said Sammi, running her hand over Nikki's morning stubble.
"Nice to know you'll always worry," teased Nikki, pinching Sammi's cheek. "How about I offer you a deal you can't refuse? One to show how great I'm doing,"
Sammi scrunched her brows together, giving an inch of space between her and Nikki. "What kind of deal?"
"We're going to be in Japan for December on my birthday. We'll be playing for about a week of shows to end the year. You should come with us," said Nikki.
"Japan?" smiled Sammi, wrinkling her brows in surprise. "Are you sure about that?"
"Well, if you don't want to go to Japan, there's Europe next year. You have options, Princess. I just think Japan would be nice since then we'll finally have that vacation I promised," said Nikki, smirking.
Sammi sighed out, pursing out her lips as she thought about the idea. "I don't know, Nikki. We're barely even together right now. I still don't even know what  this  is,"
" This is us trying, and what about wanting to work it out? It's a week, almost two, in a different county! We can stay in Asia and hop over to a different country. That's perfect to work on it! It can be great,"
"I'll think about it. It's not until December anyway, so I have time," said Sammi.
"Fine. I can agree with that. Just expect me to bug you over in Oakland," said Nikki, hanging his arm around Sammi's shoulders. Before Nikki or Sammi could say another word to each other, the mechanic came up to the couple, reading off his clipboard. Nikki stood on his feet, clearing his throat and crossing his arms in front of his chest. Sammi looked up at the men, wrapping her arms around her legs. "So what was the problem?" asked Nikki.
"The battery was dead. When was the last time you thought about changing it before it died?" asked the mechanic, frowning as he looked up at Nikki. Nikki didn't answer, only looking down at Sammi. She merely shrugged her shoulder, making Nikki scuff.
"I'm going to guess it's been a long time. Batteries only last three years, five years max," said the mechanic.
"I know, I know. You leave a lady in charge of a car, and she forgets to take care of it," teased Nikki with a smirk, earning a kick from Sammi.
"I know how to take care of my car!" objected Sammi, frowning at Nikki, who only giggled at her anger. He perceived it as cute.
"How much for the battery?" Nikki pulled out his wallet, counting the bills he had. For once, Nikki had cash on him that wasn't meant to pay off a dealer.
"50 for the battery and 60 for the service," said the mechanic writing down Nikki's receipt. They exchanged the two different kinds of paper, Nikki adding in an extra 20 as a tip for the house call. This made the mechanic a happy man as he drove out of the California valley. Nikki sat back down next to Sammi, handing her the yellow paper receipt. Sammi pouted to herself, almost glaring at Nikki.
Nikki raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"I could've done it," mumbled Sammi.
Nikki inched closer to Sammi's face, getting her to wrinkle her brows. "You could just say thank you and be nice," Sammi rolled her eyes, playfully shoving Nikki's shoulder.
"Thank. You. Nikki. For. Paying. Do you want to hear anything else?" sarcastically asked Sammi.
"Yeah, that you're going to miss me when I leave," said Nikki, wrapping his arm around Sammi again.
"Of course I'm going to miss you. You might drive me crazy, but I still like having you around me," said Sammi with a pout, resting her head on Nikki's shoulder. "What time are you leaving tomorrow?"
"Late at night in our new fancy jet. It looks so sick, Sammi. All black with the Motley logo on the nose. Maybe you can take a ride on it when we go to Oakland. Since it's fast, you'll have the luxury of a short fun trip,"
"Let's cool it with the idea of trips for a while. We're not all back on good terms," smiled Sammi, kissing Nikki on the cheek. "I think I should get going. I don't want Em and Sabrina to send out the search dogs,"
Nikki sighed out. "I guess. Do they even know you came out here?" asked Nikki, pulling Sammi on the feet.
"Yep. Sabrina's been on my ass to talk to you," said Sammi as the two walked hand in hand to the impala.
"Damn, have I mentioned how I love your friends? I love your friends. Way better than the last two I met," teased Nikki, snaking his arms around Sammi's waist, slowly pushing her to rest against the car.
Sammi chuckled, shaking her head. "Yeah yeah, I get it. You can thank Sabrina and Emma whenever you want," Sammi said.
"I gladly will. I'm guessing they don't hate me after everything?" asked Nikki.
Sammi shook her head. "Sabrina's been a way better 'older' sister with the advice than Athena ever could. Emma being there to show the silver linings to everything when I vent. They do like you. They've always liked you, Nik,"
"That's nice to hear. Don't tell them this, but I would look forward to seeing them when we'd all hang out. I missed it. They are nice girls," chuckled Nikki. Sammi only smiled and engulfed Nikki in a tight, comforting hug, arms around his neck. Nikki cradled Sammi's head, taking in the moment of warmth the two had. "I'm going to miss you," muttered Nikki.
"Please stay safe out there,"
"I promise," said Nikki, finally letting go of Sammi. Sammi balanced on the tips of her toes, kissing one last time until her birthday. Nikki didn't think to make the kiss more than it was, remaining romantic. As the two parted, Nikki opened the car and smiled sadly as Sammi sat in. "Get home safe,"
"I will," said Sammi, flashing a smile before driving out of the grand driveway and into the neighborhood. Nikki kept his eyes on the impala as it moved away, sighing out when he was left alone. He was bored already but knew he couldn't go to old habits just because Sammi wasn't around.
Even though it was well into the morning, almost afternoon, Sammi slowly opened the apartment door to not bring attention to her. It didn't matter how hard Sammi tried to be sneaky; Emma was already in the living room watching tv. "Shit," mumbled Sammi.
Emma turned her head like an alerted fox, relieved to see Sammi after an almost full 24 hours finally. "Sabrina! Sammi's home!" yelled out Emma, jumping onto her feet. Sammi sighed out, closing and locking the door behind her before Emma pulled her further into the apartment. "Where have you been? Your mother and I have been worried sick," joked Emma, sitting Sammi next to her on the sofa. Sabrina casually walked into the living room, keeping a calm demeanor in comparison to Emma. She smirked when seeing Sammi's makeup smudged and hair unkempt, wanting to poke fun at her as Sabrina sat down next to Sammi.
"I'm guessing the talk with Nikki went great?" asked Sabrina.
"Really great by the looks of it. Nikki couldn't have lent you a hairbrush for this rat's nest?" asked Emma, trying to tame Sammi's hair by using her fingers as a comb. Sammi rolled her eyes, pushing away Emma's hand. "Was it nice 'reuniting' with Nik?" Emma smiled mischievously.
"Shut up, we didn't do anything," said Sammi, chuckling.
"That has to be the biggest lie ever, Sammi. You leave to speak with your ex that you're still madly obsessed with only to come back the next day," said Emma, Sabrina giggling along.
"My impala was stubborn, and the battery died! That's why I stayed over," defended Sammi.
"In the same bed with Nikki?" asked Sabrina, raising an eyebrow.
"Nikki's other cars weren't enough for you to drive back home?" asked Emma.
"Or he couldn't bring you back on his motorcycle?" added Sabrina.
"Nikki lives far away from you guys, and it was late. I didn't want to drive anymore. And yes, we were in the same bed, but we seriously didn't do anything. Last night was too much for the chance of having makeup sex," muttered Sammi, dropping her head back onto the sofa.
"Well, what happened then? Was it a screaming match, a puddle of tears, or what? What happened?" asked Emma, like an antsy child.
"To cut it short, I heard how hurt Nikki was after I left. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but now I really regret it. He apologized for his mess as well then we went out to eat to talk it out more. He talked about wanting to work things out when he comes back,"
"How was that too much for the chance at sex?" asked Sabrina, scrunching her brows together.
"Oh, there's more!" Said Sammi. "Veronica was waiting for us at Nikki's, only for her to tell me that Nikki was her fiance," Emma and Sabrina's eyes shot wide, jaws almost dropping to the floor. "Before you guys freak out, it's not a real engagement. Nikki kicked her out. Veronica asked when they were both high, and Nikki's dumbass said yes. Which made me mad since he did the same thing to me, but it was still very different," Sammi rambled in one breath to fix the damage. She didn't want the high of a good thing to go away.
"How did Nikki tell you it was different if he did the same thing in Vegas?" asked Emma.
Before Sammi answered, a small smile crept upon her face, looking away as she almost blushed. "Because he said he could see us married when he asked," muttered Sammi, glancing to see Emma and Sabrina's reactions. Emma covered her mouth in shock while Sabrina smiled bubbly. "But I'm not going to think much on that,"
"As long as you and Nikki are on good terms, then that's great for you two. I'm sure Veronica will get the hint eventually that Nikki doesn't want anything to do with her," said Sabrina.
"And if she doesn't, there's always restraining orders on ex bitches!" joked Emma with a smile. "You just need to be happy and not worry about anything anymore,"
"I'm happy you talked to Nikki, Sam," said Sabrina.
"Oh, and so is Nikki," smiled Sammi. "Don't tell him I said this, but Nikki missed the four of us hanging out,"
"Awe! Nikki does have a heart!" said Emma, making the other girls laugh altogether.
August 30th, 1987
San Francisco, California
With a sleepy yawn and tired eyes, Sammi leaned back against her chair, hours of studying started to take a toll on her. The sun had already gone down in the San Francisco Bay area, the nightlife beginning to emerge throughout the city. College wasn't holding back on its difficulty; tests and projects planned already in full swing. It was only one more year of this for the young student, where Sammi could finally leave San Francisco to go back home and be a full-time adult, even though her life was unlike the average adult. Right when Sammi was about to dive back into the pile of books, the handheld phone beside her rang loud.
"Hello?" answered Sammi, hiding her tired voice with a polite one.
"Hi, Princess," said Nikki, sounding relaxed wherever he was across the country. Hearing Nikki's voice made Sammi's tired demeanor subdued, smiling as she rested against the table.
"Nikki!" exclaimed Sammi.
Nikki chuckled with slight glee from Sammi's voice. "It's good to hear your voice, Sammi. Sorry I haven't been calling recently. The days are starting to blur together," said Nikki, rubbing his developing dark eyes.
"It's okay. I get how pretty busy it can be. Where are you right now?"
"Somewhere in Virginia that has almost nothing. So I'm in my hotel room. We have the whole floor, which is pretty cool. What are you up to?" asked Nikki.
"Studying until my eyes bleed or I pass out. Whichever one will make me stop first," yawned Sammi. "How is everything on the road? Your Rolling Stone issue makes everything sound so crazy," said Sammi, smirking to herself.
"Oh, you got the magazine? I'm honored," teased Nikki.
Sammi rolled her eyes. "Of course I would get it. It's not everyday someone can say their brother and…" Sammi hesitated for a moment. Nikki bit his lip in a nervous habit to see how Sammi would finish that statement. "Boyfriend is on the cover of Rolling Stone. My parents are thinking about framing it,"
"That's sweet. Thank you for getting it," uttered Nikki, smiling to himself in the privacy of his hotel room. He cleared his throat, taking a swing of the beer by his side. "The craziness is kind of on pause. Right now, I'm currently bored out of my mind in my room alone because no one wants to hang out with me," grumbled Nikki. Sammi couldn't help but burst into a laughing fit, hiding her face in the palm of her hand. Nikki sulked in his bed, wishing he could pinch Sammi to get her to stop. "Why are you laughing at me?"
"Because you just sounded so cute, Nikki," giggled Sammi again, finally calming herself down. "Why doesn't anyone want to hang out with you, sweetheart?"
"Everyone has a chick! Tommy has Heather visiting. Vince has Hailey, Hedi, whatever her name is visiting too. Mick keeps sneaking off with stupid Emi. Then the tour crew is hiding with someone in their rooms," complained Nikki.
"I'm sorry, but would it kill you to be nice to Mick? He really likes that girl," frowned Sammi.
"She's a backup singer that we hired! You're not supposed to date or hook up with people you hired for your tour. Tommy and Vince agree with me on this one!" said Nikki, in a firm voice.
"But you and Vince have hooked up with someone that was a tour employee,"
Nikki curled his lip. "Please point out when Vince or I hooked up with someone on tour, Ms. Sammi. I would love to know!"
"You do remember I was Doc's assistant, right?" smirked Sammi.
Nikki rolled his eyes. "Hey, that doesn't count! Vince and I were trying before Tommy even got you that job! If we met on that tour, I wouldn't have tried anything. Until we were back home and you got a new job," objected Nikki, earning a laugh from Sammi.
"We had sex when I was already hired for the tour, Mr. Sixx. And Doc didn't hire me again after getting with my ex," Sammi said as a rebuttal.
"Don't try to argue this one. It doesn't count! I hit it when you were still just Tommy's little sister. Who is now getting on my nerves," grumbled Nikki.
Sammi snickered. "Okay, okay, I'll stop. Still Nikki, can you please lay off Mick and let him enjoy a relationship? For me?" asked Sammi.
"Fine. I'll lay off, but when I see you, I'm proving you wrong. I don't like her for Mick," mumbled Nikki.
"Speaking of seeing each other, I'm sorry you're left alone tonight. I can fly in next weekend if you need me to. We don't have to wait until October. I have no problem-" offered Sammi.
"No. No. No. You need to focus on school to graduate and get the hell out of stupid San Francisco. One of us has bigger things to worry about than if I'm lonely," said Nikki.
"That doesn't make me feel less bad, especially when the guys who have their wives or girlfriends visiting," pouted Sammi.
"Well, they don't have an intelligent girl by their side. No offense to your sister-in-law" smirked Nikki. "October will get here in no time,"
Sammi scuffed with flattery, smiling. "Thank you. I do really miss you, though,"
"I miss you too, Princess but stop worrying about me. I'm a big boy," said Nikki.
"You know you could pull a prank on everyone if they're all on one floor together," suggested Sammi. Like a lightswitch, Nikki's relaxed feeling turned intrigued, wanting to listen even more to what his intelligent Sammi had to say. "I'm not great with pranks. That was Tommy's department, but I'm sure you could think of something on the fly. You're clever," continued Sammi.
Nikki nodded to himself, narrowing his eyes at the wall as his brain began to plan. "Damn, do I love your ideas," muttered Nikki.
"Of course you do," proudly said Sammi.
"Listen, I have to go, Princess, if I wanna pull a prank. I'll call you at the next city, I promise," said Nikki, readying to jump out of bed. "Love you. Sweet dreams," Nikki added before hanging up.
Sammi only stayed quiet in her seat, slowly hanging up her phone and placing it down. With a few blinks, a smile crept on Sammi's lips. "Love you too," uttered Sammi to herself. She shook her head to get out of the little daze and back to the sea of books.
September 28th, 1987
The phone ring was the first thing Sammi heard as she unlocked the door to her apartment, rushing in to answer. On its last round, Sammi caught the phone in time to see who it was.
"Hello?" said Sammi, dropping a stack of mail and backpack on the kitchen bar, leaning against it.
"Hey Sam," said Athena. "How've you been?"
"Uh, hey Athena, I'm doing good. I just got out of class," said Sammi with a surprise in her voice. "What's up?"
"Well, I was wondering if you've watched MTV today or talked to Nikki recently since he's been on the road?" asked Athena, Sammi catching the tone as if something was wrong.
"Nope, I haven't watched tv all day or spoken to Nikki for months," said Sammi, only telling half a lie. She still couldn't tell Athena every little detail about her and Nikki. That would just cause more judgment from her again.
"In that case, I should probably let you know that Nikki's engaged. To Veronica," sadly said Athena.
Sammi almost chuckled from this, knowing it wasn't the truth. "What? What do you mean Nikki's engaged?" asked Sammi, playing along to the not so shocking news.
"It's got announced in the morning, and it's all over MTV and magazines. I wanted to make sure you found out from me before anyone else," said Athena. Sammi scrunched up her brows deeply, glancing down at her pile of mail. Scattering the pile, Sammi pulled out the only magazine from the bunch, seeing how Athena was right. In big, bold yellow letters read out,  'Motley Crue Bassist Nikki Sixx engaged to Dancer Veronica Andrews .' Sammi only stared at the words and photo for an extended period until Athena pulled back into reality. "Sammi? You okay?"
"Um yeah. Yeah, I'm good. I just didn't think he would ever propose to anyone," uttered Sammi with a deep frown, flaring nostrils out. Sammi crumpled the magazine in her hands, ripping the cover almost completely. "Is there anything else you know, Athena?"
"I haven't been able to reach Tommy, so no. Are you sure you're okay?" asked Athena one more time.
"Yeah. Perfectly fine. I'll call you later, Athena. I'm pretty tired from my walk. Bye. Love you," said Sammi, hanging up on her sister. With a fast thumb, Sammi punched in the numbers to the only number to reach the guys. It only took a short ring to get on the line. "Hey Doc, it's Sammi,"
"Oh, hi, Sammi. I haven't heard from you in a while. What's going on?" asked Doc.
"Nothing really. I wanted to see if you could get Mick for me. I need to ask him about something, and I didn't know how to reach him exclusively," said Sammi, sitting on the wooden dining chair.
"Of course. Hold on a minute while I get him," said Doc, a turning silence from his end of the line. Sammi anxiously tapped her fingers on the dining table, her frown getting deeper.
"Sammi? Are you okay? What's wrong?" asked Mick, almost in an anxious tone himself.
"I'm fine, Mick. I just needed to talk to you about something. Is Nikki around you?" asked Sammi.
"No, I don't know where Nikki went. I haven't seen him or Tommy. What did you need to talk about?" asked Mick.
"Please be honest with me, Mick. Has Nikki been speaking to Veronica?" asked Sammi, swallowing a hard lump in her throat.
Mick let out a sigh, mumbling a curse word under his breath. "It's not what you're thinking, Sammi. I can promise you that,"
"Then what is it?! Because right now, I just had to have Athena tell me about Nikki's apparent engagement being all over the news when he told me it wasn't anything,"
"And he's right. They aren't engaged. But after her little visit in July, Nikki stopped giving her any attention. I guess it pissed her off enough to run to the press,"
"She was with Nikki?" asked Sammi.
"Nikki didn't know she was coming. Veronica was able to get into his room at a hotel we were staying at in Arizona. He was pissed, but she stayed there," Sammi closed her eyes tight, inhaling deeply. "They didn't hook up,"
"How do you know that?" Sammi's voice almost cracked.
"I roomed right next to Nikki that night, and I had my connecting door open the entire time. There wasn't any moaning, but I did get to hear them talking about heroin again. Something about freebasing?"
"You've got to be kidding me? Nikki's been getting high again?"
"I wanna say yes. Nikki will hide in his room if we're in hotels sometimes and won't come at all. And now he knows not to use needles anymore, I guess. I'm sorry to tell you this, Little girl,"
Sammi shook her head and rubbed her temple as she listened. "It's okay, Mick. I knew you'd tell me the truth. Thank you," muttered Sammi. "You can't tell Nikki we had this conversation,"
"Of course I won't. I will say, though, if he does hurt you again, I will smack him," said Mick.
Sammi chuckled dryly. "I appreciate that. Stay safe out there and don't go too crazy,"
"I won't. Later, little girl," said Mick. Sammi hung up the phone, dropping her head down on the table. Nothing was ever a comfortable boat ride with the Crue.
"Hi, it's Sammi. Please leave a message, and I'll get back to you,"  Sammi stared at her answering machine as she laid on the loveseat, a bottle of half-empty wine in one hand.  "Hey-o sunshine, it's Nikki. I wanna talk. I'm sure you've seen MTV or something. Please, Sammi. I miss you. Call me back". The wine was Sammi's only response.
October 7th, 1987
Oakland, California
Sammi rested heavily against the red leather seats, watching passing city lights. The closer she reached the stadium, the more her anxious nerves ran through her body. Wiping away clammy hands on Sammi's black jeans, messing with the ends of Sammi's hair, nothing could calm the young woman down. It was considerate for the band to send a limo service for Sammi, but it didn't help with the anxiety. Sammi managed to keep a distance from Nikki without getting any form of questions from him. To Sammi, this was her form of validation. Validation of Nikki starting the disgusting habit that Sammi feared. As the limo slowed down, passing the colosseum, fans waited out in lines while paparazzi stood on the sideline. Sammi only let out a long sigh, waiting for the car to finally make a stop. It was a small surprise to Sammi when Doc would be the first familiar face, opening the passenger door for her.
"Hello Sammi, it's good to see you finally," said Doc with a smile.
"The feeling's mutual," said Sammi, stepping out of the limo, fixing any imperfections from her tied Motley tank she cut up. "How have you been? I'm hoping to hear something positive," Sammi asked Doc, the two walking through a dark alley to reach the infamous backstage.
Sammi heard a similar sigh come out of Doc, watching him dragging a hang down his face. "Personally, I'm alright. Professionally, I'm stressed beyond belief. It's unlike anything before from what's gotten into these boys,"
"Is it really that bad?" asked Sammi, halting under a dim streetlamp.
"I don't want you to get worried about them,"
"Doc, that's a little late for that. I'm always going to be worried about those four. Now, what's going on?" Sammi asked again, scrunching her brows together.
"To make a long explanation short, they're just wearing out. To the point I'm considering canceling Europe," said Doc, pressing his lips tightly together.
Sammi only shut her eyes, dropping her head back to groan out in annoyance. "So what am I walking into then? The last person I spoke to was Mick about Nikki," asked Sammi with a frown
"Vince's hand is in stitches. Nikki and Tommy are on benders. Mick doesn't care anymore. And there's a new band touring with us who think it's so cool, trying to match Motley. I'm sorry to tell you this, Sammi," said Doc, folding his arms against his chest.
"Whatever. Let's just get in there before I run back into the limo," mumbled Sammi, dragging her feet over to the backstage door. Doc gently rested his hand on Sammi's shoulder, showing a sign of reassurance. From the first steps of entering backstage, Sammi was hit with the familiar smell of cigarette smoke and almost sweat. The long curved hallways soon became louder when reaching the dressing room doors for both Motley Crue and the opening act. Sammi tossed her hair the other side, not wanting to hide away within it.
"Oh, look who it is!" exclaimed Tommy, arms wide open as he stood at the end of the hallway. Sammi matched the wide bright smile her brother had, running over to Tommy for a big hug. Tommy appeared sober to Sammi's eyes, a moment of letting her guard come down. He lifted Sammi in the air, twirling around in circles in complete happiness. "Happy birthday," said Tommy, setting Sammi back on her feet.
"And happy belated birthday to you," smiled Sammi. Before Sammi could say anything else, three men came behind Tommy, one with curly hair almost jumping on Tommy's back. Sammi stepped back from the bunch, turning her attention to see Doc had disappeared already. "Whoa," was all Sammi could say. The three men all perked their heads to Sammi, almost curious to see a new girl in front of them. The dark curly-haired man peeling himself off Tommy, straightening his shoulders. They were all different from the other in appearance, not mistaking one for the other.
"You guys know when the perfect timing is. I want to introduce to you three, my baby sister. Sammi, meet three of the Guns N' Roses guys!" explained Tommy.
"Hi," shyly said Sammi, waving shortly.
A redheaded man stepped in front of Tommy, smirking at Sammi. Sammi scrunched her brows in confusion to the redhead. "Hey, pretty thing, I'm Axl," said Axl. "I've heard about you, but I never thought you'd be this gorgeous," Sammi couldn't help but chuckle at Axl, smacking her hand over her mouth to stop. Axl looked shocked at Sammi, mouth ajar as Tommy and the other two chuckled. "Was it really that cheesy?"
"Axl dude, this is Sammi. As in also Sixx's girl," said the curly-haired man, smacking Axl playfully on the shoulder. "Hey, I'm Slash. It's cool to meet you finally," said Slash, extending out a hand.
Sammi wasn't shy anymore of accepting it, smiling at Slash. "I'm guessing Nikki talks about me?"
"Every time I ask why he keeps turning girls down, Blondie and I get a whole rant about you," said Slash, pulling the tallest man from the bunch, a shaggier blonde.
"Your brother also doesn't shut up about you and your other sister, but I got used to it," said the blonde, with a shy smile. "I'm Duff. It's your birthday, right?"
"Nice to meet you, Duff, and yeah, my birthday's tomorrow,"
"Happy birthday then!" said Duff in a gentle voice.
"Happy birthday," said Axl and Slash in unison.
"Thank you! And it's nice to meet you three finally. I've heard through the grapevine about you and your guys' band," said Sammi.
"I hope good things," said Duff jokingly, turning to Tommy.
"Well, I do know Slash might have partied too hard at Nikki's house," said Sammi, seeing Slash become a bit timid as Duff and Axl repressed their laughter.
"And unlike Nikki, I say great things about my friends, thank you very much!" said Tommy, putting his arm around Sammi. Tommy led Sammi to the nearest door, pushing it with all his force, opening up to a spacious dressing room that fit all of Motley. Axl, Slash, and Duff followed the Bass siblings' footsteps. "Guess who I just found!" yelled out Tommy in a singing voice. From the mirror vanity, Nikki jumped up from his seat almost like a prairie dog, instinctually knowing it was Sammi. Vince was unbothered to move from his spot on the long sofa, glancing over at Mick already on his feet.
"Sammi!" said Nikki, showing a bright smile that Sammi tried to replicate. He didn't seem to notice the thick facade, hugging his girlfriend lovingly with a kiss on the forehead. "Happy birthday," mumbled Nikki into Sammi's hair. Sammi melted into the hug, rubbing Nikki's back as insurance to him. "I was starting to get worried you were gonna flake out on us,"
"You know I wouldn't do that. Traffic was just hell on earth," lied Sammi, pulling away from Nikki. Sammi grazed Nikki's thin long sleeve shirt from the first impression, scrunching her brows at him. "You're not hot in this?" asked Sammi.
Nikki shook his head, cupping Sammi's cheek. "I'm fine," flashing a reassuring smile. Sammi only remained silent, stepping over to Mick. On a special occasion, the two gave each other a tight hug.
"Happy Birthday, Little Girl. We've missed you around here," said Mick, ruffling Sammi's hair with affection. Mick shoots a knowing look to Sammi, ready to have a conversation.
"I've missed you all too," sighed Sammi. She peeked over Mick's shoulder, spotting Vince sulk alone.
"Sixx, you were right about Sammi. She is pretty tiny," said Slash, snapping Sammi back to reality, shaking her head with his hand. The rest of the guys all chuckled with Slash, Sammi falling into the comfort of their shenanigans. "She makes Mick here look tall,"
"Okay, I get it," said Sammi, shoving Slash's hand away from her. "I'm short and small compared to all of you. Not all of us can be as tall as these three," Sammi gesturing to Duff, Nikki, and Tommy.
"Yo Vin, you're not gonna say hi to our guest," said Nikki over his shoulder, skillfully wrapping an arm around Sammi and pulling her into his side. Vince dragged his body off the sofa, shuffling his feet towards the small group. Sammi's eyes went straight to the cast on Vince's wrist, noting the discoloration around his fingers. Vince flashed a short smile to Sammi, folding his arms against his chest. Tommy would see the shit-eating smirk Axl had towards Vince, seeing how grumpy the singer was.
"Uh, the guys and I are gonna head over to our room. You four have fun with the girlie," snickered Axl, ushering Slash and Duff out with him.
"Hey, Sam,' said Vince.
"What the hell happened to your hand?" asked Sammi, her eyes only the cast.
"Ask your brother," accused Vince. Sammi wrinkled her brows to Tommy, seeing him roll his eyes.
"Dude, it wasn't Tommy's fault you had a temper tantrum," Nikki told off Vince, scowling at the singer.
"Again, what happened?" asked Sammi with assertiveness.
"Vince didn't like the fact that craft services put mayo instead of Miracle Whip for the condiments," said Mick, a monotone in his voice.
"So he threw it against the wall, and the glass bounced back, slicing open his hand," added Nikki, matching the monotone.
"And it's apparently my fault because I'm the one that put mayo on the tour rider," uttered Tommy, glaring at Vince. Vince curled his lip at Tommy, looking away from his band.
Sammi sighed out. "You guys do realize you have to put up with each other for two more months, right?"
"I don't care. I'm fucking done with these three after December," mumbled Vince, walking right past every, disappearing through the corridor. Nikki and Tommy both glared at each other, annoyed with the attitude of Vince. Before adding another word to the conversation, Tommy pulled Nikki by the shoulders, making him let go of Sammi. He whispered something in Nikki's ear, Sammi trying her hardest to listen but with no success.
"What are you two up to?" asked Sammi, raising an eyebrow at the Terror Twins.
"Nothing, babe," smiled Nikki. "T-Bone and I just need to get some things sorted out with GNR. We'll be right back," Nikki said, kissing Sammi on the cheek. Tommy flashed a quick smile to Sammi, the duo leaving the room as fast as they could. While this worried Sammi, it was the perfect chance for her and Mick to catch up. She closed the door for no one to listen, giving Mick a small repressed smile. The two sat down on the long black sofa, Sammi hugging a pillow to ease her nerves.
"Is there anything new you need to tell me?" asked Sammi, hesitancy in her voice.
Mick bit the inside of his cheek, remembering if anything has happened since they last spoke. "Besides Nikki hiding in that long sleeve, nothing. He hardly talks to me about anything unless it's busting my balls,"
"About Emerson?" asked Sammi, raising an eyebrow. Mick nodded. "I asked him to stop, Mick,"
"It isn't only Nikki. It's all three of them getting on my case about hooking up with Emi," groaned Mick. "They don't like her at all, but they don't even know her as I do,"
"Nikki said he doesn't think she's good for you, but if they still don't know her, then they're just assholes," comforted Sammi, gently squeezing Mick's shoulder. "I can try to talk to Tommy to knock it off,"
Mick scuffed with a small smile. "Thanks, Sammi. You can try, but I'm not going to hold my breath,"
"Doc told me how you guys are falling apart. Should I be worried?" asked Sammi. Mick didn't bother to respond, looking down at his feet and letting out a huff. Sammi sucked her front teeth, almost chuckling. "I'm going to take that as a yes," muttered Sammi under her breath, slouching further into the sofa.
Right as silence fell between the two, a loud shriek echoed in the hallway, Sammi and Mick shooting wide eyes at each other. Sammi sped over to the door, pulling it open to find the noise, Mick right behind her. It wasn't a crazy fan finding their way into the backstage area. Sammi laid her eyes on Veronica, hugging Nikki with a big smile and a giant floral bouquet of pink roses. Veronica showed everyone around the floors and her engagement ring, Tommy and Axl remaining silent. Tommy began biting on his nails, wanting to walk away. Sammi stood in the corridor, feeling her blood turn hot with anger to see the happy woman in front of her. Fortunately for Sammi, Veronica made no attention to her, almost giving the younger girl her back. Nikki didn't know what to do in his position, holding onto Veronica by the waist. When he glanced over his shoulder, Nikki frowned at Sammi, only for him to see the anger he caused Sammi. Sammi shook her head at Nikki, flipping him off without a care. She then stepped a few inches closer to the 'couple,' opening another dressing room to disappear in. Resting against the door, Sammi quickly realized who the dressing room belonged to.
"What was that screaming?" asked Duff, standing in the middle of the room, scrunching his brows together. Slash had the same expression, sipping his beer as he sat down on a smaller sofa.
"It was um," muttered Sammi, looking anywhere but Duff.
"You okay?" asked Slash. "Your cheeks are almost as red as your lipstick,"
"No, I'm not. The scream was Veronica… Nikki's fiance," said Sammi, walking over and dropping herself next to Slash. Slash and Duff exchanged confused looks at each other before responding to Sammi.
"I thought Nikki dumped that chick a while back ago? Who the hell let her back here?" asked Slash. Sammi shrugged her shoulders, sinking deeper into the sofa. Duff felt sorry for Sammi, passing her an open cold beer they had in an ice chest, earning him a smile. Duff sat down next to Sammi, sandwiching her between the boys.
"Clearly, that Veronica girl is crazy if she thinks she's going to marry Nikki. Especially if she's screaming for no reason," said Duff.
Sammi took a swing of the beer. "She screamed because Nikki got her flowers,"
"If the flowers were pink roses, they were meant for you. Nikki talked about you loving roses," said Slash, smiling sympathetically at Sammi.
"I figured that much. I don't care if Nikki got me flowers. The fact she's here ruins my mood. I had to hide in here so Veronica wouldn't see me,"
"You're going to hide away on your birthday in a smelly dressing room? Of a band you just met?" asked Slash, happy to earn a small smile from Sammi. "You're not staying in here, and besides, we have to get on stage in ten minutes,"
"We can sneak you past everyone. I'm tall enough to hide you completely just by standing behind you," suggested Duff, Slash nodding at the idea. Duff grabs Sammi's half-empty beer out of her hand, placing it on the floor. He hopped up on his feet, pulling Sammi up by her hands. "See, look in the mirror. I'll be behind you, and Slash can be in front," said Duff, grasping Sammi's shoulders as they faced one of the vanity mirrors. Sammi only playfully rolled her eyes to Duff.
Slash skipped over to the door, peeking his head out to check their surroundings. "Psycho bitch is gone. Actually, everyone is gone," said Slash. Duff guided Sammi in front of him, Slash staying near in front of her as they planned. The corridor was empty of Motley, only crew members walking up and down. The trio walked further until hitting closer to the stage.
"Hey guys!" said Duff to Axl and two other men Sammi hadn't met.
"We have a guest watching us from the sides," added Slash, stepping aside for the rest of Guns N' Roses to meet Sammi. "The quiet dude in black is Izzy, and that's Steven with the drumsticks," Slash told Sammi.
"Oh, wait! We know you!" exclaimed Steven, pointing his drumstick at Sammi with a goofy grin. "Your Tommy's little sister! Awesome to meet you!"
"It's nice to meet you all too. I thought I'd leave Motley for a bit to check out your band live," lied Sammi, Duff squeezing Sammi's shoulders before reaching out for his bass.
"Well, aren't you the sweetest," teased Axl, pinching Sammi's check as he inserted his earpiece for the night. Sammi perched herself upon a rolling storage crate with the perfect view of everyone on stage, legs dangling. She gave all five of the guys a thumbs up before they all ran out to begin their set. For a new up and coming band, the crowd of Oakland loved the feeling GNR showed from performing. Sammi herself found their music enjoyable, tapping her hands on the crate to the beat of Steven's drums. After twenty minutes of the Guns' set, Sammi felt a hand grip onto her forearm, tugging her in their direction. Sammi jumped off the crate with a scowl, pulling away to see Nikki was the culprit. Nikki bit his lip, lowering himself closer to Sammi's ear.
"Can we talk please," whispered Nikki. Sammi kept her scowl, walking past Nikki into the corridor, away from the loud music. Sammi folded her arms against her chest, back flat against the brick wall with a glare. Nikki shoved his hand in his jean pockets, head hanging low before speaking. "I'm sorry about Veronica. I swear I didn't know she was going to come. I don't even know who let her in here. You have to believe, Sammi," said Nikki, cupping Sammi's cheeks. By instinct, Sammi pushed Nikki away from her with all her focus, Nikki stumbling on his feet.
"Do not try to kiss me right now. Not when I look like the other woman in front of everyone," frowned Sammi.
"But you're not! She's a psycho that keeps telling people we're together!" explained Nikki with a sad frown. "I wanted to settle this last week after she ran her mouth to the press. Veronica only did it because I cut her off,"
"No, you didn't," uttered Sammi. "I know she visited you in Arizona. Mick told me everything. If you told her things were over, she wouldn't be taking  my  flowers as hers,"
"Mick doesn't know shit. We do anything. I kicked her out that night,"
"And if I go to the dressing room right now, you kicked her out already?" asked Sammi, inching closer to Nikki's face with a scowl. Nikki only looked away from Sammi, trying to calm his breathing.
"She's leaving as soon as I can get her to leave," whispered Nikki.
"All you have to do is kick her to the curb. You're just making this harder for yourself," said Sammi, walking away from Nikki. She let out a deep exhale, finding her seat back on the storage crate. Nikki wanted to punch the wall in front of him but knew out of everyone. He needed his hands.
Sammi stayed hidden in the small corner of the side stage, not even moving after Guns finished their set. With sweat all on his face, Duff walked closer to Sammi. "You okay?" asked Duff, wiping his face with a hand towel. Sammi nodded, remaining silent. "If you want now, you can chill in our space while Motley plays. Stay clear of the psycho,"
Sammi gave Duff a half-hearted smile. "Thanks, but Nikki said he's kicking her out already. I'll stay here to watch him,"
Duff shrugged his shoulder. "Whatever floats your boat, girly. Don't be a stranger,"
"I won't," muttered Sammi, watching the guys retreat into their dressing room. Sammi hung her head low, playing with her boots' laces as she waited for the boys.
Right as Motley was done with their set, Sammi cautioned her way down the corridor, watching out for Veronica to pop out of nowhere again. The afterparty had begun, everyone walking in and out of different places to get their fix of booze or coke. When Sammi peeked her head into the boys' spacious dressing room, it was like a punch in the gut to see Veronica still in the building. She continued showing off every groupie her engagement ring, boosting her ego to see girls jealous. Tommy was already passed out on the sofa throughout the party, very much unlike him after a show. This made Sammi worried for a moment before realizing Tommy was a grown-up. This is what he chose to do tonight. Mick was nowhere to be seen for Sammi, most likely with his girlfriend. In the corner, Vince stayed making out with a girl that wasn't his girlfriend back home, Sammi only rolling her eyes. She walked further down the corridor, halting when hearing Nikki speak to someone. Sammi looked into another hallway, catching Nikki exchange money for a crinkled paper bag. Nikki's back faced Sammi, giving her the chance to go unnoticed. In Sammi's gut, she knew it was more heroin Nikki bought. Sammi only sped away to the nearest exited door, in desperate need of fresh air.
To Sammi's surprise, Duff was outside as well, sitting down while blowing smoke into the air. "Hey, didn't think you'd be out here," said Sammi, sitting beside Duff. "Parties aren't your thing?"
Duff blew out more smoke into the air before answering. "No, I like them. It's just your dudes are pretty scary to party with," chuckled Duff. "I've already gotten tired of doing it after every show,"
"Yeah, I get what you mean. I was exhausted of it when I toured with them one time,"
"Doesn't also help. I'm not really a drug kind of guy," added Duff.
Sammi tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. "Really? You don't do coke with your band?"
"Once in a blue moon, I'll snort a line, but I'm more of a drinker. Slash is the one who won't say no to whatever is offered to him,"
Sammi scuffed. "He does a party with Nikki back in L.A. It would be surprising if it were his idea to be Motley's opening act," Duff nodded along, continuing to smoke his cigarette. Duff was almost entirely sober compared to every other man around Sammi, making her feel comfortable in wanting to question him. Maybe Duff could be what Sammi needed. "If I asked you something, would you be honest?"
Duff scrunched his eyebrows at Sammi, flicking his cigarette bud away from them. "Ask me what exactly?"
Sammi inhaled deeply, preparing for whatever could happen. "What do you know about Nikki and him doing more than just coke?"
Duff sighed out, dropping his head against the cold concrete wall behind them, staring out above him. "Listen, Sammi, I'm going to tell you everything I know because I think you're a lovely girl, so just be prepared," Sammi nodded, biting her nails. "From what Slash has told me, Nikki's been on heroin since August. He'll shoot up with Slash or smoke it or however they do it,"
Sammi let out a dry chuckle, shaking her head as she looked away from Duff. "And where is everyone else when they get high?" asked Sammi.
"You mean where's Motley?" Sammi nodded, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "Tommy's with them… trying it,"
"Fuck!" yelled out Sammi. "Tommy's shooting up?" pleaded Sammi.
"Not exactly, but Slash has told me Tommy's tried heroin as well. That's all I know from what Slash talks about when he goes and hangs out with Nikki alone. I'm sorry," said Duff. Sammi stared out into nothing, her mind running 100 mph. All of a sudden, she stood up and began stepping away from Duff. "Hey! Where are you going?" called out Duff, standing on his feet.
Sammi turned on her heels. "Tell anyone still conscious that I'm out of here," shouted Sammi, continuing to roam into the city.
After a short while of walking, Sammi could hear the footsteps of someone running behind her. She told herself to keep looking forward.
"Sammi!" called out Nikki. Sammi kept her eyes forward. "Sammi! Sammi, hold up!" Nikki called out again, finally getting close enough to grab Sammi's wrist. "Hey, where are you going? Slash told me you bounced,"
Sammi pulled away from Nikki, never looking him straight in the eye. "Home. I'm going home, Nikki," uttered Sammi, eyes on the sidewalk.
Nikki scrunched his brows and curled his lip. "What? Why?"
Sammi shook her head, finally looking at Nikki dead in the face. "Guess, Nikki. Guess as to why you think I want to get the hell out of here?"
"Listen, Veronica is already gone. Let's just get back and celebrate your birthday,"
"No!" shouted Sammi.
"Why not?"
"How do I know Veronica actually left? Huh? Your fucking fiance was showing off her ring to groupies,"
"She's not my fiance! I already told you!"
"No, you didn't! You lied! Like you always do! She's here and telling everyone you're engaged!"
"What? No, I didn't, come on. Let's just go back to the venue and keep arguing if you want. You can see she's fucking gone," said Nikki, grabbing Sammi again and pulling her towards him.
Sammi pushed Nikki away from her, scowling at him. "Oh fuck off, I'm done going anywhere with you. Just leave me alone!" said Sammi walking away.
"Sammi, what's bothering you? I know it's not just the shit with Veronica anymore," followed Nikki.
"Figure it out," mumbled Sammi.
Nikki rolled his eyes. "Sammi! Just blurt it out!"
"I know you're using it again!" shouted Sammi, halting to glare at Nikki. Nikki stopping in his tracks. I know you got your hands on heroin!"
"Admit it. After you told me you were off and finally wanted to stay off that shit!"
"It just happened," uttered Nikki, almost unable to look at Sammi.
"You've been saying that for a long time, Nikki. You getting high never just happens!"
"I'm trying not to make it bad again. You have to believe me,"
Sammi shook her head. "Why should I? You're just spewing anything you want me to hear,"
"No, I am not! I'm serious!"
"No, you're not. It never just happens. It's never been something that just happens! I just saw you fucking buy heroin almost right in front of me!"
"It was something else," lied Nikki.
"Really? I know what heroin looks like. I've had to flush down the toilet before, remember?" spat Sammi. "You know, I had to have a stranger tell me the truth! Out of everyone here,"
"Who? Who told you?"
"Duff. Duff told me how you like to help Tommy and Slash try some. My own brother,"
"Can you please cut me some slack? I've promised everyone that I will go to rehab and work it out as soon as this tour is over. I'm only having one last hit with junk,"
"You really think I'm going to believe that?
"Because you care about me. Why should you not believe me?"
"Well, let's see? You lie. All the goddamn time, you've been lying! Time after time, for the past four years since knowing you, you've lied to me. You've never given a shit about anyone but yourself. You only care about drugs, and I'm the idiot for putting up with it!"
"That's not true. You know I care about you. You're the only person I still give a shit about,"
"No, I don't, Nikki. You don't care about me anymore. You haven't a single shit about for two years or however long we've been doing this. This is why I wanted to stay away! From this!"
"You still feel that way? You still want to be far away from me?" asked Nikki, a sting in his heart.
"Yes. Yes, I do. And I should've kept it that way. I should've never gone to talk to you. Only to have you put fake hope in my head that we can be together,"
"You can't be mad at me for the drugs. Look at everyone around us. We all do it! You've even done it!" shouted Nikki.
"Because of you!"
"It wasn't because of me," Nikki shook his head.
"Yeah. Yeah, it freaking was. You've given EVERYONE drugs! And take some into that dark corner you love to hide,"
Nikki couldn't look at Sammi. He knew she was right in her arguments. "Sammi, let's just go back inside and talk,"
"No. And another thing, Tommy and Vince never even knew where to find hard drugs before you. They didn't need you mumbling in their ears. They were great before without you. Everyone was great without you!"
"Please don't say that," whispered Nikki, tightening his fists by his side.
"Why? Because you know it's true?" asked Sammi with sarcasm.
"Sammi, please," Nikki begged.
Sammi stared at Nikki with a coldness like never before. "Let me add another person to the list. You are a selfish person who can't even see that your friend is in bad shape health-wise. Do you even know how bad you treat Mick? I bet he'd be living a nice comfortable life if he never met you either. But instead, he just became a punching bag for your sad, pathetic life,"
"You don't mean it. Please tell me you don't mean it,"
Sammi cocked a smile that was never pleasant. "I do. Everyone would be so much better off if none of us met Nikki Sixx. I wish Tommy never met you. I wish I never got introduced to you. Because then I wouldn't have to keep the fantasy that you and I can ever be together. So how about you do one last favor and leave me the fuck alone? I'm done with your shit, and I don't care how many times I have to repeat it to believe it," fumed Sammi with venom, ready to keep walking away.
Nikki closed his eyes, feeling every word like a punch in the face. "Sam," muttered Nikki.
"If you want to go kill yourself off heroin, be my guest. I don't give a shit if you do. You're bound to do it anyway," Sammi added, finally walking away from Nikki. As she stepped further away from Nikki, Nikki wanted to run after her but only stayed frozen.
"Sammi!" Nikki yelled out. Sammi ignored him. "Please! Sammi!" Nikki yelled out again.
"What?!" answered Sammi, scowling at Nikki as she turned to him.
Nikki stepped closer to Sammi, still managing to keep a distance. "I… I love you," uttered Nikki, feeling his head spinning.
Sammi pressed her lips tightly, feeling tears almost spilling. "Don't. Do not do that,"
"Please, Sammi. I love you. I'm begging-"
"No!" yelled out Sammi, tears streaming down her face. "Forget it! Forget me! Forget us! Forget we were ever together. You and I never happened!"
"Princess. I'm begging you, please don't cut me out like this. Not again," said Nikki, almost able to touch Sammi.
Sammi remained silent, staring Nikki down. If there was one way to get to leave her alone, she knew how. "Go. Away. Frankie," said Sammi.
That was it. That was the final punch in the face for Nikki. Nikki froze from the sound of that name, never thinking to hear it from the one person he cared about. Sammi didn't need to say anything else, finally walking away from Nikki for good. Nikki could only watch Sammi disappear into the Oakland streets, feeling the wind send chills down his spine. A shaky breath was let out by Nikki, a tear rolling down his face. Nikki rubbed his eyes viciously, dragging his hands down his face. The only thing Nikki was able to do was to turn around and walk back alone to the venue. The other thing Nikki was able to do was to hide from everyone around him. Not caring when hearing people decided to speak to him.
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Survey #397
“you’re my religion, you’re my reason to live  /  you are the heaven in my hell”
Do you think that you’ll always love who you love now? Even if we're never together again romantically, I will ALWAYS love her at least as a best friend. Have you ever made out with a random person? Yeah, no. If you could do your first kiss over, would you? No. I'm lucky that my first kiss was honestly cute as hell. Do you like your country’s president or prime minister? Well I voted for him, so I obviously can't hate him. He seems to be doing fine so far, though take that with a grain of salt seeing as I don't keep up with politics. Even before voting for him, I just did a small bit of researching on his values. What color is your house? Yellow with white accents. Do you listen to Christmas music during the holiday season? No, I don't enjoy it. Man, Jason's mom sure did, though... I loved how in the spirit she'd get and always played Christmas music in the car during that time of year. I miss that woman and I sure as hell hope she rests easy now. Do you like ginger ale? Solely if I have a stomach bug, and I can only ever sip it. What are you listening to? "Electric Sugar Pop" by Jeffree Star. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? The TMS office has the TV on, and the woman who overlooks it (I have zero idea what her position is called) tends to have it either on a cooking channel or a home improvement one. Today was a cooking one. Is your favorite author the author of your favorite book? I don't have a favorite author. Describe someone you find really attractive: M-Mark Fischbach. *___* If you HAD to look like someone else, but could choose who, who would you choose? Hm... maybe my friend Alon. I've mentioned I feel like a million times that she is like, ethereal with how gorgeous she is. Have you ever seen someone get a tattoo done? If so, what was it? Did they cry or were they in a lot of pain? Yeah; it was a watercolor feather with "ohana" written below it. She didn't cry at all, but she grit her teeth a few times. Do you have anything you couldn’t go a day without? Some form of technology. Have you ever gotten caught doing something illegal? No. What’s your favorite flavor of Vitamin Water? I don't even think I've ever tried it. Is there someone you wanna date right now? Yeah. What first attracted you to the last person you kissed? If we're talking the very first, our vast similar interests. How many brothers does your father have? None. Does your best friend have any tattoos? No. Do you like Ben + Jerry’s? Yep. Man, I want their Phish Food ice cream now. Would you ever wish to be the opposite sex? Nah. Do you think you’re attractive? Nope. What is your favorite card game to play? Magic: The Gathering. I really miss my PS3 where I had Duel of the Planeswalkers installed on it, it was really fun. Do you own a globe? I don't think we still do. What is your favorite wild cat? Perhaps clouded leopards. If your bedroom had three portals to anywhere, where would they lead? South Africa, Sara's place, and maybe a nice little cabin in the mountains for when I'm feeling a peaceful getaway. You can ask any author one question about their story. What do you ask? I have zero idea. What’s a place you have a strong emotional connection to? The pond behind the local community college. Jason and I took our first prom pictures there. Do you take yoga classes? No, but I'm actually considering it since they offer those at the YMCA Mom and I now go to. What is a decision you’ve made that changed your entire life? To let Jason go. It's pretty great, my PTSD has been less of a bother lately! Have you ever made any money from a side-hustle? Could you consider being paid to take pictures once in a blue moon a "side hustle" when I don't even have a main job? Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you? Ugh... it's incredibly painful to wonder how life would be if Jason never left. If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose? Adele's or Amy Lee's, probs. What are your top 3 favorite genres of music? Metal, hard rock, alternative. Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime? No. Have you ever been homeless? If so, what led to your homelessness? Technically, yes, because Mom couldn't afford the rent. She, my little sister (who still lived with us at the time), and I each were accepted into the homes of willing, kind people, though. Have you ever been on a ship? No. Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? David. Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes? Heath Ledger's Joker is quoted all the time, so probably him. What do you think of the "Healthy At Every Size" movement/philosophy? Before I answer this, I want you to keep in mind that this is coming from someone who is obese, so I would positively love to agree with that for my own self-confidence, but I don't. I believe it's a very dangerous mentality. I think you should cherish your body unconditionally, like it's an amazing machine, but I firmly believe you should have an active interest in becoming what is physically healthy. You couldn't pay me millions to convince me that, say, a 300 lb. person is healthy. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them? I think my first *real* crush was this guy Sebastian my freshman year of high school. I thought he was very sweet, funny, caring, and attractiveness was a bonus. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Sashimi, caviar, raw eggs... Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Bindi Irwin, for one. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Hurricanes. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? No. Have you ever been bitten so hard that there teeth marks were there after? I mean I've had hickeys before if that's what you're asking. Ever gave one? Oh, I guess you were. Yeah. Do you think its weird if guys wear make-up like eyeliner? Not at all. Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest) Yes. Would you rather adopt or have your own child? IF I wanted kids, I'd rather have one myself because I'm well aware I personally need that special connection. Stepkids count, too, because they'd be my partner's and therefore very important for me too. What is the most personal question you have ever been asked? Probably TMI, so here's your fair warning, but I've been asked before if I "touch" myself and I was absolutely repulsed that someone would ask me that. Were you abused by your parents? No. If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara. Were you one of the smartest in your class? Up to finishing high school, modestly, I was. Where did you meet your first crush? Art class my freshman year of high school. Do you ever go places with wet hair? Yeah, idc. Who is your favorite little girl? My niece Aubree. She's such a wonderful girl. Does your best friend have kids? No. If you were pregnant, would you want a boy or a girl? Hypothetically, a girl. What place outside of your own home do you spend the most time at? Um, maybe my older sister's house? Have you ever participated in a medical study? No. Do you have any family members who are cancer survivors? Yes, including my mother. Twice. Are you allergic to any medications? None that I've tried. Do you have any licenses other than your driver's license? I don't even have that. If you’re atheist, would you raise you kids believing in God or not? No; I wouldn't intervene with their own spiritual (or lack thereof) journey. They'd learn what they'd learn and decide themselves what they believe. Do you like reading self-help books? No, I just can't get invested in those. What is your opinion on sex change? If you're unhappy with your body, you're more than free to surgically change that with no judgment from me. Do you have any goals for this summer? If so, what are they? Yes, to lose weight. Can you get a strike at bowling? I have before. There was one occasion where my first go was a strike RIGHT after saying I sucked at bowling, hahaha. Do you ever take pictures of negative moments? Well, I photograph roadkill, and that's one hell of a sad moment. I actually wouldn't mind broadening my horizons of photographing negative moments (with permission of course), because I actually find these very impactful and even builds empathy. I will never, ever forget this one picture I saw sometime of an emaciated boy huddled in the dirt with a vulture close by watching him... like fuck, it made me want to sob. No one should ever have to live like that, especially a child. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said, I just wouldn't be able to do it myself. Have you ever held a newborn baby? Once, when my last niece was born. I'm terrified of holding them because they're just so fragile. Do you know anyone who has twins? My friend just had triplets. What is your favorite country in Europe? Germany. Are you thriving in your life right now? BOY HOWDY- Do you remember to water plants? I don't keep plants. Name three YouTubers you aspire to be like. 1.) Markiplier in a vast plethora of ways; 2.) Jeffree Star for his incredible work ethic; and 3.) Shane Dawson for his incredible compassion. Yes. I know the controversy, but regardless, he cares a lot about people. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I wouldn't know, given I haven't read the books or seen the movies. Do you watch PewDiePie? Not anymore; his content doesn't interest me anymore. I watched him religiously back in the day when he was a serious let's player, though. Do you have a Steam account? Yes. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No, not personally. I like watching LPs of it and I find the story fascinating, but it's not the kind of game I'd enjoy playing. Have you ever tried Akinator? Yes. I don't think I ever beat it, except maybe once. Are you wearing socks right now? No; unless I'm wearing closed-toe shoes like sneakers, I never do. I hate the feeling of them. Can you twerk? Haven't tried, don't wanna. Do you like dabbing? No, it looks stupid. Do you like fishing? I honestly do think it's fun with all the anticipation and thrill of seeing how big the fish is, however I don't support it anymore unless, like hunting, you genuinely need it for food. The only case where I'd go again was if my dad asked me, because that's always been our bonding experience. Do you have a Spotify account? Yes. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? Well, they're the company behind World of Warcraft, so obviously. Do you like bananas? Yes, but only for a VERY short window of time. I am beyond picky with the ripeness of bananas. Are you addicted to anything? Caffeine and technology. Do you know your phone number? I actually don't. Do you swear in front of children? No.
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skyblue-ringpops · 4 years
Newsies in other time periods
If the Newsies characters weren’t in 1899, here’s the time periods I think they would best fit!
Jack: The Renaissance. To be more specific, probably the mid 1400s to early 1500s since that was around the time the more notable artists lived. I feel like he’d also be heavily involved in the art world, since he is an artist. He’d also have Michelangelo energy. I also feel like he’d be involved in philosophy, mainly focusing on independence and paving your own path rather than following the examples of others.
Davey: Ancient Greece. He has the scholarly vibes. He would be a philosopher as well as a writer and teacher. He would probably be heavily involved in all aspects of society, such as politics, education, philosophy, etc.. He seems like the guy that everyone would look up to and would go down in history for his knowledge and thoughts. He has Athena vibes
Katherine: I honestly don’t want to move her to a different period. She fits the times so well. However, if I have to choose, I’d pick the 1920s. She would be heavily involved in suffrage, of course. And she would still be a reporter. I don’t think she would be a flapper herself, but she would greatly admire their lifestyle and always write articles praising them.
Crutchie: America’s colonial times. I don’t know why, he just gives me colonist vibes. I feel like he’d be that kid that’s always pranking people, but nobody ever believed it was him because he’d seem innocent. Like, he’d happily agree to go to church with his parents, but would release a squirrel mid service. You know those ghost stories about colonial boys throwing stuff and making random noises just to bother people? That’s Crutchie.
Race: The 1930s. Race would probably be just like Bonnie and Clyde. He’d be a robber for sure. And he’d be good at it. However, he is dumb, and everyone knows it. So nobody thinks he’s guilty. He’s not smart enough to get away with robbery! But he is, and he’s amazing at it.
Spot: The 1960s. He just screams The Outsiders. He’s a greaser for sure. Big Dally vibes. He’s the cool kid that everyone looks up to, and they all want to be part of his “gang”. And yes, he does have a rival gang. His gang is basically the same energy as the Brooklyn newsies. 
Albert: American Revolution. He’s a kid, so he isn’t entirely sure about what’s going on. However, he is definitely anti-British, partially just to say he is. He’d get involved in everything he could, just to say he was there. He even watches the battles, which his father (who probably fights in the war) doesn’t appreciate. 
Sarah: The 1940s. She has movie star vibes for some reason. I feel like she’d be a famous actress, but humble. She wouldn’t use her money to buy fancy things...until she used it to help her family. She would live a more glamorous lifestyle later on, but family comes first.
JoJo: 1500s England. He gives Henry VIII vibes for some reason, so he was definitely alive during his rule. And he did idolize him. He loved how he just made his own rules and wanted to be like that. Well...maybe without the killing his wives part. Maybe. I do feel like JoJo would be the son of a noble and constantly pretend he’s a prince.
Les: I feel like he, like Crutchie, would be in Colonial America. He’d be like Crutchie’s partner in crime. Yes, they’d be friends. It’d be chaotic. They would always prank people together. When Crutchie grows up and stops with his mischief, everyone’s relieved...until they remember Les exists. And Les is much more chaotic, since he was trained.
Romeo: Shakespearean era. He would go see Romeo and Juliet’s debut, and he’d love it. He’d be Shakespeare’s biggest fan and see all his plays. He’d reenact them and dream of being in one. But he can’t act. He recites Shakespeare’s sonnets to every girl he meets. He dreams of being a playwright himself, but he isn’t very good at them. He also makes up his own words, names, and phrases, but they never catch on.
Smalls: Russian Revolution. Remember, she is very chaotic. So she just runs around spreading chaos. And she is very much an anarchist. She is invested in the Romanov story and wants to find and befriend Anastasia. She also idolizes Rasputin. I mean...can you blame her?
Tommy Boy: Modern. He just has modern vibes. I feel like he’d be an athlete. He has big tough guy vibes. He’d probably play football, maybe hockey. And he would be amazing at it. I don’t really know about sports though, so I won’t get into detail about it. He would also retire to be the coach of the top college team.
Mush: 1920s. He would be very involved in the culture of the time. He’d be dancing all the time and if you need him, he’s probably at the speakeasy. He’d probably become a performer as well. He just loves a good time.
Oscar Delancey: 2005. He’d be an emo. It’s true, don’t deny it. He loves MCR. He wears black eyeliner. And he is feral. He probably likes metal too. He always says he’s not like other boys and it’s not a phase. He wants to be Pete Wentz.
Morris Delancey: Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. Yep, the Salem Witch Trials. And he would be tried. He was probably accused for no reason, thought it was a joke, said something stupid during his trial, and executed. I have no idea why he gives me witch vibes, but he does.
Henry: Again, modern. He’d own a small deli. It’s a family business. He’d been working there for as long as he could remember, and knows he’ll inherit it someday. Eventually, it begins to grow in popularity. One day, it becomes a famous deli.
Specs: Early America. He feels like the type to look up to Ben Franklin. He loves his inventions and wants to be a famous inventor himself one day. He starts creating random things out of whatever he can find in his home. They’re not very good at first, but progressively get better and better. One day, he achieves his dream of becoming an inventor.
Buttons: 17th or 18th century. He’d be the son of the town’s tailor and would often help out. He ended up being an amazing tailor as well, and everyone loved his work. He liked to add his own twist to things, so many people could recognize his work at a glance.
Finch: World War II. I feel like he would fight, and he’d do it by choice. An older relative, maybe a brother or his father, would be drafted, and that would inspire him to join as well. He’s a good fighter, and he’s very passionate about the causes, but doesn’t enjoy the war and can’t wait for it to end.
Elmer: 1980s. He just gives me 80s vibes. He’d always go on little adventures with his friends and siblings and act out his favorite movies. He especially likes the ones about kids like him that lived much cooler lives. Think E.T. and Goonies. He doesn’t want to be an actor in those movies, he wants to be a character.
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bunnybunnyangel · 4 years
“Where’s Red Hood?” Nightwing asked as he landed on the roof of the building and looked over at the rest of the batfam.
    “He’s not coming.” Batman said as he crossed his arms and looked at Nightwing,
    “You’re late by the way.”
    “I know. I ran into some guys robbing a gas station.”
    “Good talk B.” Nightwing chuckled and walked towards his brothers.
    “Good afternoon baby birdies.”
    “Hey, Dick.
    “Do you know where Jason is?”
    “He said he was taking the night off and that Bruce can fuck off.”
    “That gives me an idea!” Nightwing beamed at his siblings and then ran over to Bruce,
    “Hey! B! If Red Hood can take the night off then we should go visit him!”
    “Come on Bruce. You know how Jason gets when he’s alone.” Tim said as he leaned on his bo staff,
    “No. We have patrol.”
    “Father. We should go see Todd.”
    “Yeah B!” Stephanie said as she bounced up and down. Cass smiled and stood silently behind Steph. Bruce looked at each of his kids and sighed. He knew when he was outnumbered and when he lost. Because when it comes to his kids he really couldn’t tell them no. So away they went to Jason’s apartment. Somehow halfway there Dick and Steph turned it into a race, Dick won of course.
    “Soooo front door or window?”
    “The front door is for normal people.” Dick said with a smile.
    “Window it is.” Tim said as he pried the window to Jason’s apartment.
    “....Do you hear music?”
    “Jason’s listening to music.”
The family slowly crept into the apartment. Only one light was on and that was to the living room. They walked towards the living room and they each froze. Jason was sitting in a rocking chair humming along to the soft music that was playing through the radio with knitting needles. Was he knitting a sweater, oh my god he was. Dick put his hand on the wall but ended up knocking something off the wall. Jason jumped off of the rocking chair and looked behind him. Damian and Tim both covered their mouths to not laugh. Jason was wearing a fluffy pink sweater with a cartoonish red bat. 
Jason’s face turned a very bright red,
    “We came to visit you. Oh my god, you’re adorable in that!”
    “Please stop.” Jason sighed and looked away. Stephanie squealed as she grabbed something out of a basket.
    “It has my name on it!” Jason looked over to Stephanie and sighed.
    “I made it for you. I uh..made everyone something.” As soon as those words left his mouth Steph grabbed the basket and dumped everything on the floor,
    “Oh come on Steph!” She gave everyone whatever had their names on it. Dick had a pair of black and blue gloves, Damian had a green scarf that had the Wayne family crest, Tim had a red and black hat, Cass had a hat with tiny bat ears.
    “Aww, Jay! Where did you learn how to knit anyway?”
    “When I was in France with the league I met an old woman who didn’t have any family willing to visit her. So I stayed with her when I was able too. We talked and she should me how to knit. She said I was the best grandson she knew. She uh..died shortly after. So whenever I’m missing her I knit.”
    “I’m sorry Jason.”
    “I-It’s ok. I swear it is.” He was tackled by all of his family in a giant hug.
    “Guys...can’t...breath..” They let go of him slowly.
    “So. Got any stories about the lady?”
    “Cecile Bisset. She was the sweetest old lady.”  That whole night was full of Jason telling stories about Cecile and knitting a sweater. Once the sweater was done he handed it to Bruce.
    “There you are.” Bruce stared at the sweater and smiled. It was black with pink cuffs and had “Best Bat Dad” on it.
    “Happy early father’s day.”Bruce sat the sweater to the side and hugged Jason.
    “I love you son.”
    “Love you too dad.”
2-Horse Back riding
    “Soo. Jason ran off.” Bruce sighed loudly as he turned the chair to look at his kids.
    “Why?” Dick shrugged at Bruce’s response.
    “I don’t know. He said he needed to leave Gotham for a bit.” Bruce sighed again and grabbed his phone. He went into his contacts and called Clark.
    “Clark. Is Jason either over at your place or coming over?.... We’ll come by in about an hour.” Bruce sat his phone on the batcomputers desk.
    “He’s at Clark’s?” Tim asked as he sat down in his swivel office chair and spun himself around
    “He’s at the Kent’s place in Smallville.” Tim stopped spinning in the chair and looked at Bruce,
    “Why’s he at the Kent’s?”
    “I don’t know. But we are going to go see.”
    “Cool. Let’s follow the Red Hood and see what he does on the weekend.” Damian said as he looked over at Stephanie who was standing on the t-rex’s head as she played with the stuffed knitted bear that Jason made for her.
    “He knits on the weekends Dami!” She said with a smile.
    “Steph get off the t-rex.”
    “Sure B.”
    “So...shall we go get our wayward birdy?” Dick smiled as he looked around at his family, Tim sighed loudly and got off his chair.
    “Fine.” Dick rolled his eyes while Bruce tried not to smack his face with his palm.
    It took them twenty minutes to get on the road and towards Smallville. Bruce really needed to talk to Jason about running off without telling them. They worry about Jason, they’re scared he’ll get hurt while they aren’t there with him. When they reach the Kent’s farm, Clark was waiting for them outside the farmhouse. He smiled at the Wayne’s.
    “Hey, guys! How was the drive over?”
    “Where’s Jason?” Bruce ignored the question, he only wanted to see his son. Clark smiled,
    “He’s in the back with Ma and Pa. Come on.” He seemed eager to show them something. And when they got to the back they realized why. Jason was riding in a circle with a beautiful black horse. They could see a bright smile on his face. Ma Kent walked over to them and offered them some lemonade.
    “Good to see you boys again.” She smiled at them.
    “I didn’t know Jason could ride horses.”
    “He’s really good at it. Cause he can’t really take the horses to Gotham he keeps them here. Thanks, Ma.” Clark said as he took a glass of lemonade from his mom. Jason noticed them and smiled at them, he pulled on the horse’s reins making the horse stop. He got off the horse and handed the reins to Pa Kent who gladly took it. Jason walked over to them and crossed his arms with a playful smile.
    “What’s going on guys?”
    “You can ride horses too?”
    “Let me guess, someone taught you when you were traveling?”
    “Oh yeah. I stayed with a nice family in Mongolia. They taught me how to ride horses. They also showed me how to shear sheep.”
    “Jesus Jason. Anything else you can do that we don’t know?”
    “Eh probably. But I’ll let you figure it out later.” Jason said as he put his hands in his pocket. Damian was staring at the horse with wide eyes,
    “What’s his name?”
    “I love him.”
    “I know you do Dami.”
    “No Damian.”
The Waynes joined the Kent’s for dinner that night, when they finished dinner the Waynes headed to the car.
    “How did you get here Jay?” Tim asked as he opened the car door.
    “My bike.”
    “You wanna come with us? It’s late.”
    “I’ll be fine dad. I’ll see you guys at the manor?” Bruce nodded
    “Oh yeah. We still gotta do movie tonight.”
    “Damn. I forgot about that.”
    3-Hair Braiding
    “Ow! Dick be careful!” Stephanie winced as Dick pulled her hair.
    “Sorry, Steph! I’m not really good at braiding.”
    “You don’t say.”
Jason watched them from the doorway fixing his tie.
    “Move out of the way Dickie.” Jason all but pushed Dick away from Steph,
    “What are you doing Jay?” Stephanie asked Jason as he gathered the middle of her hair,
    “Your hair has bee brushed right?”
    “Of course.”
    “Good.”  Jason split the hair into three sections and crossed the right section under the middle one. He took a thin section of her hair and added it to the right section before crossing it under the middle one. He did the same thing with the left side and kept doing it until he reached the nape of Steph’s neck, when he got to her nape he did a standard braid and loosened the outer strands of the braid to make it seem fuller.
    “There.” Jason took a step back and looked at his work with a proud smile.
    “Oh my god! I love it!” Steph squealed happily as she turned and wrapped her arms around Jason in a hug.
    “Let me guess...traveling?” Dick said with a smirk. Jason laughed
    “Oh yeah. I stayed with a woman in the Netherlands who really liked to braid hair, she should me how to do it.”
    “Thank you so much, Jay!”
    “I’m glad you do Steph. I gotta finish getting ready for the Gala.” He turned around and walked out of the room leaving Steph and Dick to talk about her hairstyle.
Jason headed to his room after he left Steph and Dick when he overheard Tim and Cass,
    “I’m sorry Cass, I’m not really good at makeup that’s not...cover up.” Jason looked in Cass’s room. Cass was sitting in front of her vanity mirror while Tim was brushing her hair. Cass pouted a bit.
    “Need help with some make-up Cassy?” Tim and Cass looked over at Jason,
    “What look were you hoping for?” She pointed to a picture in a magazine. Red and yellow mixed eyeshadow, butterfly looking hairclips, and matte pink lipstick. Jason nodded and got to work. He blended the red and yellow eyeshadow in the middle to make it orange, he used eyeliner and mascara. Once he finished her eye makeup he put her matte pink lipstick,
    “And you’re done.” Cass smiled at the reflection and then hugged Jason,
    “Thank you.”
    “No problem Cassy.”
    “I’m not even gonna ask where you picked that up.”
    “Believe it or not. Talia showed me how to do makeup.”
    “I don’t believe it.” Tim said as he grabbed his suit jacket off of Cass’s dresser,
    “So, you ready for the Gala Jay?”
    “I guess.” With that, the three siblings walked downstairs to meet their dad for the Gala.
    5-Belly Dancing
Dick really never expected to find Jason in the dance studio as an instructor. A Belly Dancing instructor. Dick, Cass, Steph, Tim, and Damian watched from the class door watching as Jason told the class what they were going to do.
    “Firstly we are going to make a big outer hip circle.” He said as he moved his hips in a big circle,
    “Our pelvic region is gonna stay in neutral, as we push and shift our weight from toes, heels, and the edges of our feet. As you can see I’m pushing my hips in a nice big counter-clockwise circle and making sure I keep it all equal. How far I go forward is how far I go backward. It probably won’t come naturally to any of you, but why not give it a try.” Jason watched the class as they tried to copy Jason.
    “Heather, don’t sway your hips like that. Keep it natural not club dancing. Good job Keira. A tip is to try and keep your pant line even with the floor. Don’t tip a hip up. Keep your spine straight guys. Don’t bend and don’t go so big you lose your balance.” He said as he kept making his hips go in a circle.
    “....I think we should leave Jason to his class.”
    “...I’m having him teach me this.”
    “Dick no.”
    “Dick yes.” Tim grabbed Dicks’s ear and the siblings walked out of the dance studio and away from Jason. Tim needed bleach in his eyes to get rid of the image of Jason moving his hips like that. It was not something he ever wanted to see. From Damian’s reaction, he agrees with Tim.
+1-The family surprises him
Jason yawned as he made his way up to the main door to the manor, he didn’t bother to knock. He just pushed opened the door, he took one step in and saw his family all trying to belly dance.
    “What in the..”
    “Ah, Master Jason. Would you like some tea?” Alfred walked up to him with a tray of tea
    “W..what’s going on?” Jason asked as he looked in horror as Bruce tried to sway his hips,
    “It seems Master Dick wanted the family night to be used to learn Belly Dancing.”
    “...Can I go to the kitchen...I don’t need to see Bruce swaying his hips anymore…”
    “Of course.” Jason walked into the kitchen, for the second time that night he froze. Talia and Selina were sitting at the table drinking coffee and talking. Like friends.
    “He came from nowhere and said ‘I’m Batman.’ Like it was supposed to mean something to me at the time.” Selina said as she took a sip of her coffee. Talia laughed and looked over at Jason.
    “Habibi, come sit with us.” Jason smiled and walked over to the table and sat with the two women.
    “So, we’re talking shit about Bruce?”
    “Of course we are.”
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Okay SO--
Since nobody wanted to answer me right now and I was dying to write, I wrote beginning's for BOTH of my ideas. God almighty I really hope I didn't just start two different stories running at the same time.....NO. NO I WILL NOT. You have to CHOOSE which one you get now, and which one you get later.
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The first one is called "Caught In The Storm" and the second one.....I can't think of a pithy title right now.
So...yeah. CHOOSE.
PS- For the first one, you really need to have heard or listen to "Caught In The Storm" By Katherine McPhee as heard on SMASH.
"Caught In The Storm"
“Okay I want you guys to be COMPLETELY honest, be brutally honest,” You instructed the group as Kelsey sat at the piano. They all agreed and yelled cheers as you began to sing:
You can push me away
I can take it
I can make you a promise
and break it
We know the way it goes by now
Running off just to see
if I chase you
I pretend I know how to replace you
Still we get tangled up somehow
You danced around the stage, singing happily to your “family”, that basically consisted to the entire NYC SVU squad and your two best friends, Kenneth and Kelsey.
Hear it thunder
And I wonder
How long can I hang on
I'm caught in the storm
I'm caught in the rain
I'm caught in the rush that hides this pain
I'm ready to drown
But it's coming down
But I feel so alive
Just let me go
Just walk away
If you love someone you never let them stay
Caught in the storm
You didn’t have the best family life growing up. Your dad was out of the picture, your mom worked 3 jobs just to keep a roof over your head, so you were alone a LOT of the time. You and your next door neighbor Kenny had become fast friends, and often his dad Fin would let you stay for dinner, even sometimes overnight if your mom was going to be really late.
As the bars on The Bowery are closing
You arrive at the door standing frozen
You say you thought you'd find me here
Tell me how I begin to forget you
When you keep coming back and I let you
Love me until you disappear
From then on, even when you went through high school and college, Fin was your “dad”. And when he became a detective at SVU, you’d often visit him because you didn’t live next door to him anymore and he seemed to ALWAYS be working.
I'm caught in the storm
I'm caught in the rain
I'm caught in the rush that hides this pain
You had quickly been “adopted” by Olivia Benson, and the other members of the squad. However, people began to shuffle in and out of the unit, the only consistency being your “mom” and “dad”. Currently, your “extended family” consisted of Nick Amaro, Sonny Carisi, Amanda Rollins and Rafael Barba, the ADA that often worked the SVU cases in court.
I'm ready to drown
But it's coming down
But I feel so alive
It had always been your dream to be a famous singer, but so far the closest thing you had to fame was being adored at Karaoke Nights at every club and bar you could find. But now, this was your big break. Someone at one of those karaoke nights owned a small up and coming bar/club, real nice and classy, and he wanted live music. A house singer, to be exact. Someone to sing there EVERY night, be adored ALL the time. Your big audition was tomorrow morning, and the “gang” had all agreed to come down and listen to your audition song at the club.
Just let me go
Just walk away
If you love someone
You never let them stay
Caught in the storm
You had been making sure you made eye contact with everyone during the song, dancing and twirling on the stage gleefully. You were losing yourself in the song, the lyrics speaking to you, as the bridge came up.
Let me wash away
You can find me after the flood
Let me wash away
The piano cut out for a moment after the crescendo, lightly dancing notes out of it now, leaving you in your head about the song’s meaning.
Caught in the storm
Caught in the rain
Caught in the rush that hides this pain
You didn’t even think, you just sang the last lines looking STRAIGHT into Rafael Barba’s eyes.
If you love someone
You find a way to stay
Caught in the storm
Suddenly you heard Kelsey clear her throat VERY loudly as she played the end of the song and you realized what you had been doing. You quickly looked down at the floor, praying to God no one noticed it.
You sang the last note to the floor, then looked up with the biggest fake smile you could and curtsied awkwardly while you turned to Kelsey and nodded for her to follow you as you bolted backstage.
“Tell me you didn’t notice anything at the end,”
“Oh you mean when you basically stared holes into the ADA’s eyes when you sang YOU LOVE SOMEONE?” She asked. “Oh yeah no, totally unnoticeable,” she added sarcastically.
“Y’all, WHAT was that?!” Kenny suddenly came from offstage to join the conversation. “Y/N, Girl were you drinking before this or just taking stupid pills?”
“I can’t...I’m not going to deal with this right now,” You waved them both away and walked out to face your “family”.
“Oooookay well, it’s totally getting late and I appreciate you guys hearing me out, get home safe!” You awkwardly spit out a million words a minute, looking around the room above everyone’s eyelines. It was like Stevie Wonder was giving them a goodbye spiel.
You quickly turned on your heels to bolt backstage and wait it out until they left, but the last voice you wanted to hear spoke up.
“Don’t you wanna hear our opinions, baby girl?”
You sighed and turned slowly to face all of them, their faces mostly super uncomfortable. You looked to Fin, who had made you stay.
“Yeah, sure-- go for it,” You threw your hand up dejectedly and waited for the drop.
“Well I’d say it was excellent, except for the part where you were eye fucking Barba,”
And there it was.
“FIN!” Olivia hit him, the rest of the squad squirming uncomfortably. You didn’t dare to see what Rafael was doing.
“Yep, there it is,” You rolled your eyes, starting to walk away.
“Where are you going Y/N, we’re gonna talk about this!” He started angrily walking after you.
“Talk about WHAT, Fin?” You spun around.
“Have you been screwing Barba behind my back?” He narrowed his eyes at you.
“WHAT?! NO!” You gasped in horror.
“NO,” Rafael added almost on top of you.
“He has nothing to do with it, Fin,” You assured him.
“Good because you and him, NEVER gonna happen,” He gestured between the two of you.
“Okay FIRST of all, I love you Fin but I’m a grown woman and you can’t tell me who to date!” You scoffed.
“Oh please Y/N you’re 22, you’re still my baby--”
“And SECONDLY,” You interrupted him. “I’m not ACTUALLY your daughter, so you don’t get an opinion,”
“And THIRDLY, I really, REALLY don’t want to have a long conversation with ANY of you about how I just professed my love for Rafael on--”
“Love? You’re in love with him now?” Fin interjected again, turning to Rafael. “What did you do?!”
“Oh my god, FIN,” You stood in between them. “He didn’t do anything, this is all on me,”
“This is insane, you are NOT--” Fin tried to start bitching at you once again, but Kenny came to the rescue.
“Dad, just let them be. She’s right this ain’t any of our business, no matter how angry you are right now okay? Just...let’s go, yeah?”
“Yeah alright…” Fin nodded to Kenny, then turned to you. “We’re going to talk tomorrow,”
“Can’t wait,” You muttered under your breath as they walked outside. Finally over that little debacle you started to make a beeline for the backdoor when you heard another voice you really didn’t want to.
“Y/N….Don’t you think we need to talk?”
You turned back to see Rafael standing there with a concerned look on his face. Awesome. You looked behind him noticing the rest of the squad waving goodbye at you and excusing themselves, leaving you and him alone.
“You know I really need to get some sleep before tomorrow, and--” You started to walk away, but Rafael grabbed your hand.
“What?!” You spun around again, now angry and tears in your eyes.
“What, Rafael? Unless the next words out of your mouth are ‘Gee you know what Y/N I didn’t realize it until this very second, but I’m in love with you too!’, then I REALLY don’t need to hear it, trust me,”
“Y/N come on, just talk to me,”
“Rafael I get it,” You bit back tears.
“You’re too old, or Fin’s too much of your friend, and I never should have said anything, but I did. But I’ve got the biggest audition of my LIFE tomorrow. So what I’d really like to do right now is go home, cry, drink and forget this night ever happened so that I can just focus on that, can I do that? Please?”
“I…” Rafael dropped your hand, but still looked at you with puppy dog eyes. “Yeah, I guess so,”
“Thank you,” You nodded to Kelsey who followed you out the back door, leaving Rafael alone in the dark and empty club.
"Role Model" or TBD
“Shit, he’s going to kill me,” You muttered as you glanced at your phone. You were already twenty minutes late to Kenneth's party, and you were still stuck in traffic about a block away.
“You know what, I can walk from here,” You nodded to your UBER driver and exited the car, running down to the bar. You finally made it, glancing at the neon sign: BUDDY’S. It was you and your best friend’s favorite bar, and now you were late for his party.
You quickly gave the doorman your name and he nodded you in. The place was packed, per usual. You didn’t see anyone you recognized so you headed up to the bar and ordered a Porn Star Martini while you texted Kenny to see where he was.
“Oh my God do you think she knows?”
“She showed up so I’m guessing not,”
You glanced over to see two classmates from your law school a few feet away. They were clearly drunk and speaking louder than they believed they were.
“I can hear you, morons,” You rolled your eyes as the bartender handed you your drink.
“Oh! Y/N,” The first one giggled as they both stumbled over. “Sorry, we didn’t see you there,”
“Right,” You gave them a sarcastic smile. “And what exactly don’t I know?”
“That--” The other one started, but someone tapped you on the shoulder.
“Kenneth! Happy birthday! I’m so sorry I’m late it’s--”
“Please don’t kill me,” He cut you off.
“...Shouldn’t I be saying that to you?”
“No, I’m saying it to you, and I’m saying it again. Please don’t kill me, and I’d like to add I had NO idea this was going to happen,”
“What are you talking about?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I, um-- I invited my dad,”
“You invited your dad, to a gay club?” You sipped your drink with a skeptical look.
“I mean I mentioned it to him, I didn’t think he’d actually show up,”
“Okay so, what? You think your dad’s gonna cramp our style or--”
“He brought his friends,” He added with a very serious tone.
“...What do you mean, he brought his friends?” Your heart started racing.
“What do you think I mean?”
“Hey Hey party people-- OH. Y/N! You came!” Your other best friend Gabi walked up with shots.
“Give me that,” You stole the shot and took it immediately, the familiar burn of vodka travelled down your throat.
“Nice to see you too,” She snorted, then noticed Kenneth’s face. “Oh you told her, didn’t you?”
“Told me what?” You asked, praying to God you didn’t know the answer already.
“I think you know,” Kenneth gave you another apologetic look.
“We’re in the back,” Gabi grabbed your hand and pulled you through the crowd.
“Who’s we--” You started to ask, but then you saw them. At the back of the club, in a small secluded area with plush couches and a table sat a couple of your mutual friends, his dad Fin Tutola, and the entire squad of NYC SVU.
“I’m going to--” You growled under your breath.
“Please don’t kill me,” He whispered back.
“I won’t if you tell me tweedle dee and tweedle ditz haven’t been running their mouths off back here,”
“NO,” Kenneth almost yelled. “I have kept those vultures away from here all night, but--” He glanced over at the two girls who were obviously failing at flirting with the very gay men at the bar. “You know they’re just waiting to take you down,”
“So we’ll just wait them out,” Gabi shrugged as she came back from the bar with more shots. “Or, y’know shuffle him out the back door,”
“Shut up,” You took another shot from the tray and downed it.
“Are you really sure you wanna--?” Kenneth asked as you downed a second one.
“If I’m about to come face to face with the man of my dreams for the first time ever, YEAH Kenny, I’m pretty sure I do,”
“Man of your dreams,” Gabi scoffed playfully behind you.
“Shut up!” You hit her again. “He’s beautiful, he’s perfect, he’s--”
“Sitting RIGHT there,” Ken gestured to the group of “adults” now very much staring at your trio.
“Show time,” Gabi giggled as you nervously followed Ken to their group.
“Dad, you remember Y/N,” Ken nodded to you.
“Yeah, the lawyer right?” Fin asked, making Rafael’s ears perk up; he stared right into your eyes while you swore up and down you would NOT pass out in front of a whole club full of people.
“Law student,” You nervously responded, trying to keep your eyes on Fin.
“Well this is Rafael, Barba, our ADA. Maybe you’ve heard of him?” As soon as Fin introduced Rafael to your group, Gabi let out a very loud laugh. You elbowed her so hard she almost fell over back into the crowd.
“Sorry…” She made a face at you.
“...Is that a yes?” Fin asked in confusion.
“Nick, Sonny!” Ken suddenly yelled at the two men sitting next to Fin and Barba. “This is my best friend Y/N!”
They both waved politely, but you caught them scanning your body up and down with approving smiles. Had Rafael done that? You had been too embarrassed to look. Did he approve?
“Boy you are so rude, we were in the middle of a--” Fin started again.
“This is Olivia and Amanda, our partners,” Nick suddenly interjected. “Just so you know, they’re not our girlfriends,” He emphasized.
“Subtle, Amaro,” Sonny snickered. “You’ll have to excuse him miss, he’s already had a few,”
“Are we all introduced now? Are we good?” Fin looked at each of his compadres who nodded and went back to their conversation, but you noticed Olivia looking between you and Barba.
“So I’m guessing you do know--”
“Y’know Fin, I think it’s pretty obvious she knows who he is,”
“Liv!” Rafael looked over at her with his mouth agape, shocked she was being so aggressive. “Annnnddd no more drinks for you,” He took the wine out of her hand.
“This cannot be happening…” You looked up at the sky and muttered to no one in particular.
“I’m going to get a refill,” You suddenly excused yourself, having downed your beverage in 2.5 seconds. As soon as you were gone, Kenneth hit his dad.
“Really, dad?”
“What? Does she not like him or something?” Fin was completely obtuse.
“Oh no she REALLY likes him--” Gabi started to laugh again but stopped immediately when she saw Kenneth’s death stare.
“I don’t understand how she even knows who I am?” Rafael looked between the two of them.
“Law school, term papers, I don’t know,” Kenneth shrugged, not entirely sure how you got your obsession with Rafael Barba started. “All I know is that she has a huge thing for you, and she told me that in confidence,”
“Barba?” Nick suddenly yelled, only hearing the last part of the conversation.
“She has a thing for Barba?!”
Were the first words to greet you as you rejoined the group, new drink in hand.
“Oh my GOD, Kenny?!” You screeched. “You--You TOLD them?”
Your eyes darted between Kenny, Amaro and Barba. You didn’t know what to do, or say. You wanted to scream, throw up and run away all at the same time.
“NO!!! No, Y/N look I--”
“Save it,” You threw your fresh drink in Kenny’s face and stormed back into the crowd.
“Thanks, Amaro,” Kenny sighed as he grabbed napkins to dry his face. Rafael looked to where you had run off to, then to Kenny, then to Fin.
“Should I--?”
“Oh good GOD no, please don’t,” Kenny assured him. “I’ll go get her, it’s my fault,” He sighed and ran through the crowd after you.
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