pandagirl45 · 11 months
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Pandagirl45 Bingo Space: O3-Coffee Rating: Image SFW Tags: Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Tony and Bucky in goth-type clothing Description: They are enjoying their time in a special little coffee shop when the days are slow and they have time to unwind be with each other.
Snacks and coffee, Tony heart is swooning at Bucky makeup and his attire, plus coffee date.
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marvelobsessed134 · 4 months
Bucky with a goth girlfriend headcannons
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A/n: idk if I used this picture already for another fic but it’s whatever
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Goth!Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of sex but that’s about it
* So obviously no one would suspect you and Bucky Barnes would be dating since the two of you are like polar opposite’s
* But you had ran into him at a coffee shop and the two of you got to talking
* Bucky was enamored by your style, he found it very interesting and cool
* You explained to him what goth was and how it’s a music based subculture but of course there’s also a style that goes along with it
* Of course you were in shock that the avenger even wanted to talk to you…he’s an avenger for Christs sake! He can have any girl he wants!
* So he took you out on a couple dates before the two of you made it official
* He listens to the goth playlist you made for him so he could get know your music and culture
* In return shows you songs from the 40s
* The two of you like to go thrifting together and finding new stuff to upcycle and make your own
* After hours of pestering Bucky finally let you give him a goth makeover
* You decided to do a more simple look for him and not as extreme
* He ended up liking it but was more comfortable in his regular style
* He does dress like it when the two of you go to goth clubs to dance
* And so, he’s become a goth himself he just doesn’t dress like it often (all that matters is if you listen to the music)
* He likes to help you do your makeup everyday (he’s watched endless tutorials to get it just right)
* He doesn’t fetishize you for being goth though of course he finds you sexy and you guys have lots of sex because who wouldn’t have lots of sex with this super soldier?
* All in all you guys are both very happy with each other and compliment each other very well
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Jason Todd comparisons to Deadpool,The Punisher and Bucky Barnes are certainly Takes and they show a very surface level understanding-if you can even call them that tbh-of Jason's character but also crossovers are ultimately irrelevant because Jason would hate all three of them lmao.Jason hates the character Wade was based on(Deathstroke),Frank is too much like Bruce for Jason to not wanna beat his ass onsight and Bucky's a military propaganda character and Jason canonically believes in acab even in his no kill rule days.Friendships or even just partnerships between them just wouldn't happen,sorry,and i know this since i've read every issue Jason's ever been in and watched/played almost all his adaptions rather than assigning him 'the mean manly alt guy' and calling it a day without even at least watching Under The Red Hood.Jason's actual Marvel Variant is and Marvel bestie would be Miles Morales(including G)btw
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z0mbie2b0y · 9 days
It's always punk steve and Robin but never GOTH STEVE AND ROBIN.
Imagine Steve and Robin meeting someone who's goth (idfk how but they do), and they basically guide them through the outfits and culture, and soon Steve and Robin are now the weird goth freaks (that's at least was someone gay awaking...) OH and Steve are robin are like opposites- like Steve wears more of a Romantic Goth look while Robin is more of trad goth look (don't fight on Steve harrington being Romantic Goth I said what I said.)
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corawithfanfiction · 2 months
The Next Step Is Evolution & White Wolf and Polaris
there's too much pain to come (Episode 5)
episode 4 - episode 6
Logan (Wolverine) and Lorna (Polaris) arrive at the mission. Once the password is revealed, nothing will ever be the same again.
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It was well past midnight and the streets of New York were quiet. Maybe a lot quieter than they should have been. Logan and Lorna hadn't spoken a word the whole way. As they approached the All - In Casino, Logan noticed that Lorna was breathing more frequently. A street away from the casino, he wanted to remind her of their plan to comfort the beautiful woman beside her.
Lorna didn't look at Logan as he cleared his throat, but she knew the man next to her was about to start a serious conversation. With a small smile, she turned her body a little from her seat to Logan.
"We're close-"
"I'm aware of that.
"Let's go over the plan one last time before we go in." Logan's jaw tightened with each word. Lorna was the last person he wanted to go on this mission with. Frankly, he didn't plan on going on any missions with Lorna for a while. What had happened was still weighing heavily on him. Of course he knew that none of it was Lorna's fault, but something was nagging at him. He didn't know what it was. That part was too fuzzy. For a man who couldn't remember his past, it was ironic that something in his mind was trying to warn him.
At Logan's words, Lorna nodded in the affirmative. Quickly recovering from his thoughts, Logan began to explain the plan again.
"We'll leave the car two blocks back. Somewhere secluded but easy to get to."
"Uh-huh." Lorna was once again listening with the same weariness to the plan she had listened to perhaps fifty-odd times since the morning.
"When we reach the door, you will let us in with your famous combination. You realize you still haven't told me the combination, right?"
"I don't need to." Lorna cut Logan off once again. Logan continued to explain the plan without getting angry, which was not uncommon.
"We're going to hang out at the casino for a while to keep a low profile. It's important they don't recognize you. We'll probably play a hand or two," Logan started to park the car as slowly and quietly as possible as they reached the street where he was going to park.
"Then we'll request a meeting with Bella, and after we talk, we'll grab Mama and get in the car quickly. We'll drive around before we get to the Academy, just in case. Once we're sure no one is after us, we'll make a quick trip back to the Academy." Logan glanced to the side for confirmation from Lorna, unbuckling his seatbelt at the same time.
"Logan," Lorna was still staring at him through the windshield.
"Yes?" Logan fidgeted uneasily where he was.
"Nothing is going to go as planned, you know that, don't you?" it certainly wasn't a question when she finally locked her eyes on Logan's. Lorna had been conflicted with the truths she knew from the moment they'd first made the plan, but she hadn't wanted to speak them in front of Charles or Legion.
"When we walked in," she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When her eyes met Logan's again, there was no expression on her face. "Everyone you see probably knows more about your past than you do. And when they realize who you are, and they will, Logan, stop looking at me like that!" Lorna's voice sounded angry at the lack of expression on her face. Logan couldn't make sense of it and wanted to say something to comfort Lorna, but she wouldn't let him.
"Don't, I'm not done yet!" she lowered her voice a little, but there was a distinct anger in it.
"When they realize who you are, they won't hesitate to rub it in your face. And if I know them at all, the last thing they'll do is lie to a man who can't remember his past. Logan, whatever you hear out there," Lorna swallowed and continued. "I want you to promise me that you will remain calm until the mission is over, no matter what they say to you, no matter what they say to me. You will stay calm! Promise?"
Logan's confusion grew with every word he heard. He couldn't make sense of it. When he thought he was thinking inwardly, he was actually thinking out loud.
"How could they possibly know about my past?" Logan tilted his head to the left. It was more of a self-interrogation than a question to Lorna, but Lorna didn't want to keep any more secrets. Especially not now.
Now was not the time.
"Because you're about to gamble at the same table as the men who experimented on you and erased your memories." There was an obvious calm in Lorna's voice. She was afraid of how Logan would react and what he might do. Or rather, what he might do to her.
"You, what? How - all this time," Logan's face showed disappointment, not anger, as he shook his head quickly to try to collect himself.
"I hid it all this time, yes." Lorna remained calm.
"Why?" Logan said with a silent scream.
"What did you expect me to say? For God's sake, turn to you in bed one night when we made love and tell you that I've done things to hate my life and self in the shithole I've had to live in for years, and the people I did them with are the people who did this to you?" Lorna tapped her index and middle finger against Logan's chest. There was no trace of calm in her voice. It wasn't angry, either. Just pure anger. As soon as he realized this, Logan became alert.
The old Lorna.
I guess it was more than just a pair of black leather boots and some weird eye makeup.
Logan wasn't sure if he was ready to meet her.
Logan wasn't ready to meet his own past either.
He had waited years for this day. Charles had made countless trips into his mind, trying to pick up clues.
But he wasn't ready for the past he couldn't remember to be shoved in his face a few minutes later by people he didn't know.
What if I did bad things?
What if I'm not who I think I am or who I'm trying to be?
Who am I!
Lorna slowed as they approached the door. She turned to Logan, two steps behind her, and saw him struggling with a past he wasn't ready to face.
After a silent sigh, she looked at Logan. By this time the two-foot distance between them had closed.
"Are you ready?" Lorna asked. She was worried about the man next to her. Never for herself.
Logan nodded in the affirmative. Then he began to examine his surroundings.
It was a dark and somewhat narrow street. Although there were luxury buildings, they looked neglected and abandoned. Most of the street lights on the street were not lit. There was not a single car. There was no light coming from any window. Logan started walking towards an old iron gate. But when he saw Lorna going in another direction, he stopped and followed her, though he couldn't make sense of it. The only solid door here was the one he had just stood in front of. It was obviously the entrance to the Casino. But Lorna continued down the dark alley. She seemed to be kicking harder with each step, ignoring the sound of her heels.
Finally, about five buildings away from the door she had just stood in front of, Lorna stopped in front of a neo-classical stone building on the corner. There were no windows and the whole building had been demolished. Many things had been scribbled on the walls with spray paint. Lorna climbed the only step in front of her to reach the door. She reached out her hand to the white door in front of her. Despite the dirty and neglected building, the door was too white and clean. It had the letter 'A' painted on it in red paint. In the center was a strange key-like symbol. Lorna turned to Logan as he tried to figure out what it was. She knew what he was looking at.
"Uh-huh." Logan was snapped out of his thoughts by Lorna's voice.
"It is an ancient Egyptian symbol represented by a cross bearing a key-shaped loop." In a calm voice Lorna explained to Logan what he was looking at.
"Ancient Egypt? You mean ancient Egypt where the pyramids were built, but that's beside the point." Logan began to study the symbol on the door more carefully.
"The key of life, also called the key of the Nile or the breath of life. It means eternal life. It supposedly unlocks the enigmas of heaven and earth." When Lorna finished with a tiny smile, Logan realized that the red paint on the door was not paint but blood and grimaced. He hadn't yet figured out the connection between eternal life, ancient Egypt and a casino with underworld criminals.
Nor did he yet understand why they were standing at the door of a building with no windows.
They had to get into the casino and get out with Anna. And quickly.
Lorna stepped closer to the door and extended her right hand toward it.
Logan continued to watch her in amazement.
She tapped first her ring finger and then quickly her middle and index finger on the door, making a sound.
Logan continued to watch in amazement.
The door opened with a high-pitched creak. A man's voice was heard through the ajar door. But there was no one in sight.
Lorna put a smile on her face that no one at the Academy had ever seen before.
This was very dangerous. This was the old Lorna.
And the old Lorna was no one known outside the Casino.
The hatred in her voice and the tone that made it clear she was going to take enormous pleasure in what was about to happen next frightened Logan.
Who was this woman?
Lorna pulled her gaze away from the door, fixed it on Logan's eyes and said those three words with great relish.
The dangerous smile on her face grew with each word.
As Logan tried to remember the word that sounded so familiar to his ears, he failed to notice the two men walking around the back of the building.
Two men, one white and one black, cautiously, stealthily, and nervously making their way toward the Casino. Logan was so caught up in the words that he didn't even notice the white man with a Vibranium on one arm, whose scent was too familiar. He knew they had met before.
But he was still trying to figure out how he remembered the words.
The meaning of the words that came out of Lorna's mouth and brought an indescribably dangerous smile to his face.
"En Sabah Nur!"
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pinup-pigeon · 6 months
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The last one in my alt styles series where I’m in charge of the What If…? show and I dare to ask questions like ‘what if Bucky’s winter soldier eyeliner was just goth makeup’ lol. Thanks for joining me on my silly alt style diatribe ❤️
Punk Steve here
Cybergoth Sam here
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little-reader · 1 year
My Big Boy
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Moving into a New town means New rules.
Warnings; Swearing, Death, violence, gore
Biker!Bucky Barnes x Rocker!Female!Reader
Authors Note; So the style for this character is very specific. It's between a trad goth and a Rock tomboy. So If you need me to start linking the clothes to get a better idea, just ask. Also, if you need any more facts or just questions about the character, submit them to me. Don't be afraid to ask.😘❤️
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The annoying chime each second from my phone pissed me off as I threw it in the passenger seat. My car was full of boxes and bags at 4:38 a.m. and driving down the interstate. I turned my music up to block out the sound around me. I was done with the people back at home. All judgy Know-it-all’s and had no taste or sense of fashion. Button-ups and white skirts or tan Kackis weren't fashionable, it was Boring and plain
I was made fun of for the dark clothes I wore, or the piercings and tights I dressed in. My heels made me as tall as most boys, sometimes taller, and my black colored nails and make-up made me look slightly paler than I was. Their personalities were all the same. The same faces were full of make-up and the same old clothes. My parents were the same, trying to dress me “Normally” like my other 100 siblings so they wouldn’t be the tale of the town. 
I let out a huff of relief as I turned the channels until I reached a rock channel. Then turned it down, pulling into a parking lot. I was planning on moving to the next state. Which, by the looks of it, I would be there soon.
I found a town with cheap rent and a job. The part of town where I found an apartment looked like shit, but I would fit in somewhat. It was only that part of town and only that neighborhood. I talked to some of the people there and they said they were still working on it. The rest of the town was more… homey. Quiet for the most part, but I was only there for two hours when looking for somewhere to live, so I wouldn’t know.
I pulled beside a gas pump and grabbed my wallet before turning off my car and stepping out. I held the pump until my tank was full and headed into the gas station, getting a quiet “Hello” when I went in and Left for the drinks. I looked down at my black vans as I opened the door to grab a soda and two waters. 
I wasn’t in the most approachable clothes. I wore a DAZY Mock Neck Ribbed Knit Tank Top with a silver chain around my neck, black bag jeans with chains attached, and a black belt. I dyed my hair black a month ago and just had mascara on with silver earrings. Tattoos were written on my arms and a small snake tattoo on my temple. So no, I was not the nicest-looking person.
I grabbed a big bag of potato chips and left it on the counter, leaning on it as I scrolled through my phone and waited patiently for the man to get off the store phone. I heard motorcycles park and the door chime from the other side of the store as the man finally got off the phone. “Uh, anything else?” He asked.
I didn't look up from my phone and nodded. “Number 9, Sweet fruity,” I said, pointing at a vape as I turned my phone off, hearing the laughs of men behind me. He nodded, glancing behind me a few times as I placed money on the counter and grabbed the bag from the man. “Thanks.” He nodded and stopped me before I could turn. 
“Be careful out there, sweetheart.” I raised an eyebrow but nodded and turned, moving past the other men who were waiting behind me. I heard a “Hey Richie” from one of them as I left and a crunch of some sort. 
I made It to the town in about an hour or so. I was given the key to my apartment days before and an extra hidden under the railing. I opened the door to the sad apartment and I dragged two boxes in. Thankfully the room came with an old bed and kitchen, so I didn’t have to sleep on the floor.
Once I had gotten all the boxes and bags in, I changed the sheets and pillows, put the others in the wash, and lay down to take a nap.
I did wake up a few hours later by the ringing of my doorbell. The landlord had left some papers by the door and neighbors came to greet me, some giving me looks like I didn't belong but still being nice about it. They were short visits and some left food behind. Which would last at least a week.
I chomped on a cookie as I pressed on my hair with a towel and picked out my clothes from a box. I grabbed a bowie shirt, smokey gray pants, and a belt. Adding on my dog tag necklace and a few rings on my fingers. I grabbed my vans and jacket and left for my car. 
I had found a job before I left home and told them I would be able to work in a week. My plan was perfect, graduate, army, save money. It took months to find somewhere to live where my family wouldn’t try to find me. I packed throughout the months, acting like I was getting rid of things, and stocked them in a storage unit. I then slowly took canned food out of the cabinets and made a few problems in the house for my parents to focus on while I left for hours to find places. 
Last night was my last step. Which was leaving. I took a few hours off of work to pack half of my boxes and waited till the end of my shift to pack the rest. Then I texted my dad that my car broke down And I towed it to the dealership, where I parked it behind trees at an abandoned parking lot. I left the things I didn't care about in my house and left later that night. Making sure everyone was asleep or occupied as I snuck out of my window with a bag and walked two blocks to my car. Then I drove out of town, blocking my dad and mom, and turned off my location.
If someone asked why I did all of that, It’s because my family would drag me down and back. I made sure no one could find me. And now the last part of my plan.
I pulled into an office and parked as I got out of the car and entered. “Hello, I’m looking for Mr. Henkins's office?” I asked, then led into a room where I displayed my files, birth certificate, and resume. The man placed a contract on one side and a sheet. I had already attended a court case to do what I was doing. So now all I have to do is finish it. I started to sign the papers and gave them back with a smile.
“Great! You were Y/n L/n, Now, your Y/n Miller.” He stated, then handed me a contract. “Ms. Miller, this is from another part of the office. Mrs. Kin told me to give it to you.”
It was a form for my bank account so that I could erase the old one and move all my money into a new one. I smiled and signed it. “Thank you,” I said, handing it back. 
I grabbed groceries before I reached home and hit a local bakery. It smells mostly of strong cinnamon and butter. I walked up to the counter, where a young woman looked up, looking nervous. 
“Did they send you? I’m sorry, I know Richie still needs to get the rest of the money, but we haven't had enough time, I- I swear!” She said, her eyes widened. I raised an eyebrow as I took out my wallet. 
“Uh… I just wanted a donut, Sweetheart…” I said awkwardly. “I just moved here…” I said, placing money on the counter the woman's eyes softened and she let out a sigh of relief but still with her guard up.
“So you're not with the “Wolves?” She asked, making a few people turn their heads.
I laugh. “Uh… no. I don’t even know who they are.” I said. “Strawberry donut and…. Two danishes.” I said, placing an extra $5 down as a tip. I could see her relax and nod.
As she gave me the box of treats, she spoke. “I apologize. Really. It’s just… You dress like one of them.” I only nodded and left. I popped a Danish in my mouth and got into my car before driving off.
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six-demon-bag · 2 years
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fsbc-librarian · 2 years
Ok, I’ve got another one for you @stucky-fic-idea-bank
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But, imagine, Bucky and Steve in these roles, and Steve is a total himbo, who’s been madly in love with the grumpy goth ever since he moved in, and every time someone comes looking for the witch in the woods, he’s really glad they go to Bucky’s door first, because more often than not, Bucky walks the person over to Steve personally so they don’t get lost (steve may have put a confusion spell on his gate for this very reason)..
Tell me it’s not a good idea 😊
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pandagirl45 · 20 hours
Tony: *in black lipstick* hello bucky
Bucky: *stares his water bottle crushed*....tony
Tony: >=D
Tony was not seen for a couple of hours. No worries, bucky has a little black on his cheeks for a bit too. :)
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livfastdieyoung69 · 19 days
me 🤝 imagining men w probably the most basic taste having an alt s/o that could mentally save them
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rjavenuru · 11 months
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Working on a bigger V. Poshifer (Voltaire/Poshe/Lucifer mash) piece, complete with minions. These are his minor minions: Bucky, Old Butt, Gobbly Goober Gobber, Otto (aka Little Shit), Slobber and Wittle Gobber Grabbie.
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I love to play and offer a passionate unrushed session. You will appreciate my alluring companionship -guarranteed text me and tell me your location am available at affordable price 🥵🥵👅
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psedoblob · 6 months
Need crystal-clear technical writing!
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I break down complex topics into easy-to-understand user manuals, training materials, or marketing content.
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corawithfanfiction · 1 month
The Next Step Is Evolution & White Wolf and Polaris
we stand, we rise, we give our lives (episode 6)
episode 5 - episode 7
Logan (Wolverine) and Lorna (Polaris) have entered the All In Casino. Logan learns the identity of the old Lorna, but old and unexpected friends have decided to join the party.
warnings: confrontation, swearing, explosion, fight, human trafficking, brutality.
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Logan did not know what these three very familiar words meant.
En Sabah Nur.
The only thing he knew was that it made him feel uneasy. It was a feeling that made it snow in Egypt and set fires in Russia.
Lorna continued to walk behind the man who had opened the door for them, clicking her heels on the concrete floor. Logan, on the other hand, was both following Lorna and looking around for anything suspicious or dangerous. Even though their senses and intuition were at their height, they had come here knowing all this.
Finally, the burly man they had been following opened the door to a large hall and led them into the main section. It was a space with high ceilings but a rather depressed atmosphere. The only lights on the ceiling were over the gambling tables. This was enough to make the atmosphere rather dim and gloomy. There were about fifteen round tables, surrounded by men, most of them in suits, or some strange characters who couldn't tell what they were wearing. Opposite the door was a large bar, and behind the bar was a section covered with curtains that were supposed to be red, although the color could not be determined. If it was a normal bar, this was an area that could be considered a VIP section. But Lorna knew very well that behind those curtains, death warrants and declarations of war were being issued.
A man with glass-blue eyes and extremely pale skin rose from his seat laughing and spread his arms wide. When Lorna took a deep breath, it didn't escape Logan's notice.
"Here we go," he whispered, and although she couldn't help but think that this was happening sooner than I had expected, she kept her composure and put a beautiful smile on her face.
"Welcome, princess! Welcome home!"
The sickly pale man embraced Lorna. Lorna could only nod her head in greeting. The man let his eyes linger on Lorna for a moment, then glanced briefly at Logan. When he turned back to Lorna, he focused on her as if he could see every thought in her head.
"Brothers! Look, look and see. See so that we may celebrate this blessed day together," the man said, his eyes darting around the other tables, sometimes looking up as he spoke. Logan glanced up at the dark ceiling and realized there were rooms there too.
"Our beloved Lorna is home! What a happy day! Our father, our father has been right once again. Those who doubt his greatness will see once again that he is never wrong! We are his children, we are his life force! The power in our blood is in the infinity of the wood!"
Logan looked at Lorna with a blank stare and then the young woman's face was as if to say 'I'm sorry'. He couldn't make sense of it. Then Lorna put that smile on her face. The smile when she knocked on the door. The smile when she said that name. She had that dangerous look on her face again. Like the old Lorna… Logan didn't know what that meant, but in a few seconds he would find out.
"Brothers and sisters! You can't imagine what an agony my every day has been! But as our Heavenly Father is my witness, I have dreamed of this day! Every day I spend with those losers who think that humans and mutants are one," Lorna laughed hysterically as the laughter from the tables joined her. Logan was horrified, but Lorna was so sure of herself that Logan wasn't sure what to do.
"I know you miss me," she winked confidently at the pale-skinned man. He was waiting with anticipation, curiosity and amusement for what she was about to say.
""So I thought, since I'm going home, it would be a shame to come back empty-handed, wouldn't it?"
Lorna sat down at one of the tables and put her feet up to the bald man in the chair next to his, overweight and burly, wearing a white jacket. The man was not very pleased with herself, but Lorna didn't care. She pulled her feet coquettishly out of his lap after tugging and straightening her boots in a fake manner. She leaned forward, placed her hands on his legs and lingered for a moment before rising from her seat, then slowly stood up and walked toward Logan, her back to him.
She placed her left hand on Logan's left cheek and began to play with his beard. She waved his right hand in the air, drawing more attention to herself.
"Brothers! It took me a long time to make him worthy of you, but it was well worth it. Isn't it?"
She planted a brief but extremely passionate kiss on Logan's lips. "This is James Howlett, or Logan as you know him."
She moved her left hand from Logan's cheek to the nape of his neck. Without removing her hand, she moved behind him. She was behind Logan now, but her hand was on his throat. Lorna could feel the veins contracting under her hand, but she tried to ignore it. Without leaving Logan's back, she turned her gaze upwards, to where the pale-skinned man was talking. If she had Logan's keen eyesight, she would have been eye to eye with the endless seas.
"The Wolverine!"
She left behind him and started walking around the room, "It has animal-like senses and reflexes, as well as the ability to heal itself, which is also called survival. This means that any wounds it may receive will heal on their own, and it ages much later than a normal human."
She turned away from her pacing and looked at Logan. Logan remained silent, but she was aware that his anger was rising. He wanted to believe Lorna, to trust her. He thought the woman he loved would never betray him. But the young woman, the old Lorna, was doing her best to make that impossible.
"Thanks to this healing ability, her entire skeleton has been encased in Adamantium, an almost indestructible metal, to make her a super soldier by Weapon-X."
Murmurs of satisfaction began to emanate from the Casino. Lorna continued without paying attention to anyone.
"During the operation, his sharp claws of bone were coated with adamantium, making Wolverine invincible - they can even cut through iron."
Turning around on her heels, she stared for a few seconds at the column in the far corner of the Casino, "The only known object its claws can't cut through is Captain America's shield, but we know that after being coated in alpha adamantium, it can cut through the shield as well."
No one noticed, but even as Logan couldn't get over the shock of what he had just heard, he saw where Lorna had been staring for a few seconds. He smelled the scent behind the column. So familiar that it was too familiar.
"He's also a master of hand-to-hand combat and swordplay." As she moved between the tables, Lorna continued her show. She flirted with the men she caught her eye, kissing some, sitting on others' laps for a few seconds.
"He is fluent in English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Native American languages and is familiar with the culture of many countries due to her nomadic background." He walked slowly across the tables, the heel of his boot clicking, to Logan's side.
Placing her hands on Logan's face, he whispered to no one in particular, "Trust me." Lorna continued to speak, her smile widening.
"Now tell me, Brothers! Who wants to rip the adamantium out of this old geezer with no past!"
"What the fuck are you doing, Lorna!"
Logan growled, but it was too late, it was darkness for the man after that. He was unconscious before he realized what had happened. When the pale man began to clap, he shouted loud enough for everyone to hear,
"Welcome home girl, we never doubted you!" But Lorna knew very well that she was the prime suspect from the moment she knocked on the door. Remy was still nowhere to be seen. The young woman made a great effort to keep her composure as the pale-skinned man's blues began to turn red. But this could not scare her.
What was on her mind was where Remy was and whether the person behind the column and on the upper balcony had gotten the message. Lorna hadn't seen who they were, but as soon as she focused there, the blood in her veins began to boil. It only happened when she touched Logan, or rather, when she hurt him. But this time the flavor was different. It was vibranium. She knew it. She didn't know how she knew it. But she knew, I guess my powers can distinguish between metals, she thought, and put the matter out of her mind. She tried as much as possible not to think about her powers, there might be a telepath around here somewhere and it certainly wouldn't do Lorna any good.
Meanwhile, the white-skinned, sea-eyed man on the upper balcony was fixated on one thing, the young woman's words. He'd kept quiet even though he knew they were hiding there, but Bucky wasn't thinking about that.
"He wants to rip the adamantium out of the old geezer with no past?" Sam, on the other hand, was obsessed with something very different from Bucky.
"The only known object that his claws can't cut is Captain America's shield, but we know that after being coated with alpha adamantium, they can cut through it."
Who was this woman?
And what did she want?
The two were so mesmerized by the young woman's words that they forgot why they had come here until a card at one of the tables began to glow and exploded.
The explosion took place in the middle of the Casino with a huge noise. And everyone knew who had done it.
Maybe no one heard the young woman's hoarse voice, but she was more than content, unlike the rest of the Casino. What was left of it.
"What courage, oh dear Remy!"
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driedupeyeballs · 6 months
Preserum stucky my one and only loves
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