#and how to live knowing that theres a little part of it still sleeping just underneath your skin
nobylite · 8 months
thinking about the ttyd peach and spm luigi parallels
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strangesem · 1 year
if you’re still taking requests.. can you do a Hobie x fem!reader 😟‼️❓
Can Hobie be really close friends, and the reader has a fat crush on him. Like following him like a lost puppy, doing sweet things for him typa crush.
And like, one day she goes over to his place and he’s all injured and in his Spider Suit, and she like freaks out?
apologies to everyone who’s request I haven’t gotten to yet; this ended up being a pretty long one because I just couldn’t stop writing lol
hobie brown x reader (reader finding hobie injured)
a/n: I changed it just a little bit and made reader and hobie roommates lol (as I’ve said previously I see hobie as 19-ish)
ps I need more spider-punk gifs theres like 3 total
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so you and hobie have been best friends since you were kids
and you’ve been crushing on him since you were like 14-
and when you got your own place, it was only natural to share that with hobie
because of his struggle with being unhoused, he spent a lot of time at your place, so it wasn’t much of a change anyway
and sure the apartment was a little small, and not in the greatest neighborhood, but it was home
or at least you thought so
as hobie started coming come later and later, you became unsure if he felt the same
even worse he consistently came home with bruises/marks littering his face and arms, and you’re sure if you could see the rest of his body it would be the same
he’d always hound you for being out late because of the type of people who hung around this part of town at night, but if you even try to ask him to be more safe? he i just shrugs it off.
“it’s different” or so he claims, but you fail to see how.
not to mention that, as far as you could tell, he didn’t even have a reason to be out so late.
and as his late nights bleed into early mornings, you eventually stop being able to stay up waiting for him every night, and that worries you even more;
what if he just doesn’t come back one day? and you wouldn’t even know until the next morning!!
but your school/work responsibilities, as irrelevant as they may seem compared to your concern for your best friend, necessitated you having a full nights rest
but tonight? you can’t sleep.
hobie had promised you he’d be home in time to watch the new horror movie you’d rented. and yet, he never showed.
you had actually gone to bed early, exhausted and knowing sitting on the couch waiting would only breed more anxiety as each hour passed; but you hadn’t slept
you couldn’t. not tonight.
and so, you decide to just get up and have something warm to drink; maybe that would help soothe you
you lazily drag yourself to the kitchen, spend a few moments debating between tea and cocoa, before delicately mixing together your drink of choice
it’s then that you realize you had apparently left the tv on? the volume is off but there’s clearly light coming from your living room
so, you quietly enter the living room to grab the remote to turn it off; only to see a body laying across the small couch you had recently bought, causing you to jump
“jesus christ hobie what the fuck- WHAT THE FUCK HOBIE”
you quickly notice the crimson blood dripping from his deep looking wounds, seeping into his clothes- wait no. spider-man’s suit???
one thing at a time y/n.
“‘m sorry, just kinda crashed here” his voice is hoarse as he grabs your hand and squeezes it in some weird plea to keep himself grounded
translation: omg hobie are you okay?? what happened- is this why you’re always out so late?? you’re bleeding like a lot shouldn’t we be doing something about that?????
you quickly stammer out before running to grab all the first aid supplies you had in the bathroom and heading back to a way too unbothered hobie
“calm down I’ve had worse”
“calm down.” he grabs you by the shoulders and makes you look him in the eye “I’m fine”
“people who are fine don’t bleed this much, hobie.” you began working on the worst looking wound, applying pressure with a cloth to hopefully stop the bleeding “why didn’t you tell me?”
“y’ worry too much; especially ‘bout me”
“of course I do! you’re my best friend.”
“we both know it’s more than that, love”
you freeze; you can’t look at him. you’re too embarrassed to let yourself admit that he’s right, because you had always been just friends. and you were terrified of ruining that.
“I’m sorry”
“look at me, y/n”
you can’t.
“feelings mutual y’know, if that’s what’s got ya all worked up” he laughs, shoving your shoulder a little in an effort to diffuse the tension you had built up within yourself “always has been; thought I made it pretty obvious. you always were pretty oblivious though”
“no I’m not!” he smiles; you always were defensive too
“pretty sure y’a are”
“I will literally let you sit here and bleed out”
“no you won’t”
no, you won’t.
you just go back to addressing his wounds, trying not to feel all giddy inside, but also doing your best not to overflow with anxiety.
what are you guys then? this changes EVERYTHING- is it weird that you live together now? is it weird-
“you’re worrying again. and don’t try to tell me you’re not; I know that face”
“it’s nothing. anyway, I’m all done; we should change the bandages in a few hours though, just to keep everything clean”
you get up to go wash your hands, and maybe heat up your long-forgotten drink, but you’re interrupted by hobie’s audible sigh
“you’re forgetting something, love”
“I am?? did I miss somewhere?” your voice gets progressively higher as you check him over, worry bubbling within you
“y’ did, yeah”
he pulls you closer to him, briefly cradling your face before allowing his lips to brush against yours
“stay? f’ me?”
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
Male Reader spanking zoro after he put himself in danger? But zoro is still defending himself so reader becomes actually angry at zoro for not thinking about himself (or reader and how reader would live without him) and leaves zoro in the middle of the punishment before he says something he regrets and avoids zoro the next few days until the crew is like "this can't go on" and traps them together for an entire day in a room. They both break easily and end up cuddling for the most part (after some creampies)
Roronoa Zoro x male reader
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I love Zoro so much, its not even funny anymore.
Punishing Zoro was a chore in an of itself, since hes such a tough guy used to most types of pain. This also leads to him being very into painplay, so most usual methods of punishments don’t work on him.
It would take a lot of spanking to get Zoro to buckle, which is why he easily talks back when you do end up spanking him as punishment. Normally you would do something more advanced, mixing it with something else, but this time you are so worked up about almost losing him that you don’t have the energy.
Even as you scold him and tell him what a dumb idea it was to jump into danger like that, Zoro stats resolute in his decision, just squaring his shoulders and stabilizing his stance, letting you take your hand or paddle or whatever you’re using on him.
It ends up having the opposite effect of what you’re going for, since Zoro is probably still running on adrenaline from the fight you just got back from. Instead of making him cry and apologize, it has him shuddering and moaning, eye clenching shut as he tries to push his hips back at you.
But even then, he still defends what he did, even when you say you could have lost him, since its his duty as the strawhats swordsman and first mate.
It makes you so angry and makes your heart hurt so much you know you just need to step back before you say or do something you’ll regret, so you just lift your hands, step back, and leave with an angry exhale.
After being left wanting and shuddering like that, Zoro probably starts to feel kinda petty and wronged too, cuz he doesn’t see why you are so worked up about what he did.
So, you two start avoiding each other, and the ship gets super tense for literally everyone, especially since neither you or Zoro will tell the rest of the crew what is up. They all just know you two probably had a fight, and a bad one at that with how you guys are acting.
It starts to take a toll on the rest of the crew when you guys’ won’t even be in the same room together, or even talk to each other. They know it’s especially bad when you guys stop sleeping in the room Franky built specifically for you two, when you became a couple.
The next time the crew needs to restock, its probably Luffy that ends up trapping you guys in your room together, as he doesn’t want his crew to fight, and cuz literally everyone has been walking on eggshells.
This results in you and Zoro being trapped inside your room the entire day as the crew it away getting supplies and whatever they do on new islands.
Theres a lot of tense silence as you both sit on either side of the room, not even looking at each other for a while. I’m not even sure who cracks first and starts talking, if you are just as stubborn as Zoro.
But one of you starts opening up about it, and you end up explaining how much it hurts that Zoro cares so little for his own safety, and that he would just leave you behind so easily. Zoro, whos never really thought about it that deeply, feels his heart break that you thought he didn’t love you enough to want to stay.
Cue Zoro saying some super heartfelt thing about how you mean so much to him, and one of the reasons he tries to hard to keep the crew safe is cuz he loves you so much. He isn’t the best with words, but he gets it out in a way that has your heart warming up.
It ends up with you guys actually talking about your emotions, and with you two tumbling into bed together, kissing like you haven’t seen each other in months. Its surprisingly soft from both of you, kissing and touching and being so loving.
The breath is completely knocked out of you when Zoro starts riding you, because how couldn’t it, having all 198 lb. of muscular swordman bouncing up and down on your cock, his callused hands gripping at your shoulders or chest.
Zoro takes riding you as serious as any of his other exercise, his eye serious and face flushed as he uses just his thighs to lift and lower himself, not even letting you help in thrusting up into him. You just end up holding his hips and groping his torso, going along with the ride.
You guys are probably lucky that the entire crew is off the ship, or else they’d hear how loud Zoro moans when you hit his prostate and take his pecs into your mouth at the same time. You’ll probably end up with a headache from how hard he pulls your hair though, he loses track of his strength sometimes when riding you.
You get exhausted much longer before Zoro does, overstimulation sending electricity through your entire body as Zoro keeps riding you, even when your first load is squelching right out of him around your shaft.
Hes a beast, but he’s your beast, and if being sucked dry like a juice box is what it takes, you’ll happily do it. It just ends up with you feel extra dehydrated and shaky legged. This is why you normally wring him out in the beginning, so you can keep up with his insane stamina.
After Zoro has had his fill and painted your torso white with his own spend, he flops down beside you and buries his face into your neck, just inhaling you and needing you close.
You would end up clinging to him too, mumbling something about how you don’t wanna lose him, to which Zoro replies that you wont if he has anything to say about it.
Cue lots of softer and loving kisses and caresses, sweet words mumbled just between lovers, before you guys fall asleep. Zoro most likely ends up asleep first, for once completely asleep instead of the type of half naps he normally takes.
When the crew returns later, some of them will be able to guess immediately what you guys were up too, especially if your knees are still feeling weak from how much Zoro drained you.
But you guys are talking and back to acting like you normally do, so that’s all that matters. I could see Nami teasing you guys about it though, whilst Robin just laughs a little to herself because its entertaining.
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cathartic-crypt · 1 month
im continuing my benny posting by sharing my benny hcs. in no particular order. and very quickly typed up. enjoy ^_^
- tattooed. he has lots and lots and lots of tattoos from when he was a boot rider. all kinds of tattoos. some desert themed, some things based around him, some others depicting things he just likes. he doesnt mind them much nowadays, hes so used to them that he sees them as part of his skin. although hes a little bit iffy about showing others his old tattoos. hes got an image to upkeep after all - speaking of boot riders. he got a canine knocked out by bingo during their fight. so he got a gold one fitted shortly after he became the leader of the chairmen. and it glints like hell - he wears lots of gold jewellery. especially pre-war rings. he prefers engraved ones, ones with little images etched into the metal or ones with short messages rather than ones with gems. he also wears a cross necklace under his shirt - despite his gun and necklace...hes not christian. like at all. he doesnt care for religion and hasnt read anything about the engraving on his pistol or the meaning of necklace. he just likes how flashy and elaborate the imagery looks - by the time the courier rolls around hes 31. he's also 5'5". - he has a dad bod. i will personally fistfight anyone who draws him muscular and dehydrated. living the cushy and comfortable life of a casino boss means hes not some lean bodybuilder - however...thats not to say he ISNT strong or that hes unhealthy. he has a really high endurance, and can last for a long while out in the desert. also he doesnt like admitting it but hes probably a fraction better at straight up punching someone than shooting them at point blank range - since he was always outside and always doing something, he used to have super calloused hands. but again, casino life means theyre much more pampered and soft now - however hes still got one hell of a grip. he can very easily grab you by your shirt and throw you out of the front door without even breaking a sweat - hes Bi. theres literally no way he isnt, fuck you. BUT he really isnt one for meaningful romantic connections, he much prefers something quick with zero extra baggage (i.e. one night stands, friends with benefits) - hes super nosy. and almost terrifyingly good at recognising and remembering faces. he sees a new face in the tops that he doesnt instantly match to a regular? he needs to know their name. and then he promptly loses all interest because the mystery is lost and the people turn out to be, by all things considered, really fucking boring - even further...anyone who doesnt fall for his charismatic charm (or, even worse, doesnt care about his reputation) becomes a nuisance and he NEEDS to at least form some sort of impression on them, be it good or bad. like full on “if you dont form an opinion about me i will pull my own hair out” - he used to have an absolute love for geckos. he didnt tame them, he was more so inclined to hunt than to nurture, but he would feed scraps to the younger ones - which meant they began to follow him around from time to time... not anymore though. he thinks theyre dirty and brutish and a reflection of what it was like to be a boot rider - hes called Benny Boots (mockingly) by people around the strip. at least by those who knows about the three families past. other than that his last name is Gecko. he also personally calls himself Benny 'New Vegas' sometimes as a sort of boastful title because he thinks hes the shining face (not the heart, mind you - thats House) of the strip - hes a huge morning person. its something he picked up, and cant get rid of, from the boot rider days. he wakes up super early in the morning, rising with the sun - and hates sleeping in because he feels like hes wasting time. he goes to sleep pretty late, since new vegas is awake at night, but he doesnt feel tired. a couple hours of sleep is good enough for him.
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fettuccin-e · 8 months
The Devil In Me
Kinktober Day 8: Rough Sex
Tags: Matt Murdock x Reader, afab!fem!reader, unprotected piv (pls wrap it irl guys dont be dumb), rough sex, degradation, slight sadism/masochism, black suit supremacy, matt is kind of violent but thats rlly just who he is yknow (w/c: 1.6K)
A/N: so like even though most of my shit has rough sex this is like a little rougher than i usually write. but theres fluff at the end because i literally cannot help myself lol (I have been using prompts from this list by flightlessangelwings!)
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When Matt comes home to you bloodied and battered, fists curled at his sides and jaw clenched, you aren’t afraid. He’s dangerous right now, a man at the end of a wire, teetering dangerously over the edge of insanity.
He’s been pushed and pushed, the devil within him restless and feral. You know that he’s still the man you love; he’s the same Matty that cooks your favorite foods and listens to audiobooks with you and takes you for walks through Central Park.
You love Matt, and the devil that lives within him. To love him is to accept them both, and you do, without hesitation.
So when he stalks toward you, every inch of him dangerous and volatile, you don’t flinch away. You smooth your hands over his scratchy cheeks, thumbing gently over his lips. Soothing an animal. He brings his hands up to grab your wrists, holding them still against his face. He’s practically vibrating with unshed energy, aching to be set free.
“Need you, please,” he rasps, his voice quiet and rough. It’s more of a question than anything else, you know it is.  He always asks, never wants to hurt you. You know that if you were to say no, he’d simply kiss your forehead. He’d tell you he loves you, like he always does, and would go out again. Distancing you from the devil. You’ve never considered saying no, after years of being beside him. These nights are for you as much as they’re for him. They’re brutal, sometimes painful, but you crave them, crave him.
“Yes,” you whisper back to him, and that’s all the confirmation he needs. He growls, and his hands move to grip your hips, hard enough to bruise. They likely will, and later, Matt will kiss them, murmuring little apologies. You’ll giggle at him, telling him that he shouldn’t apologize. You’ll press on them while staring at the mirror, relishing in the soft ache.
Matt kisses you hard, all teeth and spit and tongue, before turning you until your back presses flush against his chest. You let your head lay back against his shoulder as one of his hands snakes down your stomach and under your panties. He cups your pussy without any finesse, his hands rough and calloused against you. 
“So fucking wet,” he grunts, and you whine as his hands part your cunt to run a thick finger over your clit. Your hips jerk forward, chasing his touch, but Matt uses his other hands to shove your hips back against him again. You can feel the thickness of his cock through his clothes, pressing against your ass. Against your better judgment, you grind back against him. Testing, teasing. Something you should never do with a caged animal.
“Fucking-” he chokes out, sounding almost angry. “Bend over for me. Now.” You nearly trip over your own feet in your rush to get to the couch. You can feel how soaked you are, your pussy slick and ruining your panties. You slide them off, but as you reach to take off your sleeping shirt, an old Fogwell’s tee from Matt’s dresser, the devil is already upon you. 
“I said,” he murmurs, “bend over.” He grips your shoulders, shoving them over the back of the couch until you brace yourself with your hands on the cushions. The edge of the couch digs into your lower stomach, but you can barely feel it, your anticipation clouding your senses. Matt smooths a rough hand over your ass, you barely have a moment to breathe before he’s landing a rough smack against you. Pain radiates through you, and you can feel yourself leaking for him. You choke out a soft moan at the impact, and shake minutely as Matt chuckles darkly.
“Fucking slut. You like getting hit? Fuck, you’re soaked, you love it, baby. I know you do. I can fucking smell it.” You whine as Matt leans over you, his lips brushing against your ear. “You can’t run from me, sweetheart,” he whispers, and you swear that you could pass out from the mixture of anticipation and pure lust running through your veins. 
You can hear the rustle of fabric behind you; the undoing of a belt, the sound of a zipper. Your hips twitch minutely when you feel Matt’s hard cock press against you, sliding against your sensitive pussy. The thick head notches against your entrance, and suddenly, Matt is pushing in, in, strong and unyielding. The stretch borders on painful without any prep; Matt is big on a normal day, but he feels even bigger tonight, bullying into your clenching cunt without remorse.
“So fucking tight, shit,” he mutters behind you, and you can only whine in response. He doesn’t give you a moment to adjust, not like he usually does. He uses you, taking and taking without remorse, desperate for it. He pulls out roughly before plunging back in, making you feel every thick inch of him. He works himself in and out of your sopping pussy, clothed hips slapping against your bare skin, chafing it raw and red and aching. Your hips jerk with every unrelenting thrust, barely able to take it as Matt takes you like a fucking toy.
“Yeah, fucking take it. You little slut, my fucking slut. I own you, I own this fucking pussy, you hear me?”
“Yes, yes, God Matt, fuck, I’m yours. I’m yours, baby,” you slur out. You feel hazy, your vision blurry as Matt fucks you. He can barely ever miss the most sensitive part of your pussy in this position. His cockhead jams into your sweet spot again and again, unrelenting and nearly painful with how much pleasure rockets up your spine. One of his hands presses against the small of your back while the other reaches up to wrap his arm around your neck. He pulls you up, your hands leaving the couch cushions. You have no other choice but to grip onto the forearm pressing into your neck as Matt forces you to arch into the air. 
Matt’s thrusts get deeper, pulling out less and less, until he's simply humping into your cunt like an animal. Choked out whines of “Matt, yes, yes, fuck, oh my God, Matt,” escape unbidden from your throat.
“That’s right, sweetheart. I’m your God right now. I’m the only one who can fuck this pussy, I’m the only one that knows how much of a whore you are.” Matt’s voice is raspy, overwhelmed and absolutely primal. You nearly scream as the hand Matt has on your stomach snakes down to toy with your throbbing clit. “I’m the only one,” he mutters, “who can make you cum. Right?”
“Yes, Matt, yes, please, please make me cum.”
“Fucking cum, slut. Cum for your God.”
You really do scream as Matt pinches your clit, rough and painful, and suddenly, you’re clenching hard around his cock, your nails digging harshly into his forearm. Matt fucks relentlessly into your pussy as you ride out your orgasm, his thick cock bullying you open, breaking you apart. Your orgasm wanes, but Matt just keeps driving himself in. You’re sensitive, so sensitive; your pussy feels used and achy, but Matt just keeps going. Little tears are starting to leak down your cheeks, and fuck, Matt isn’t stopping. He isn’t stopping, isn’t slowing down.
“Matt, I’m so- I’m so sensitive, baby, you gotta-” you slur, but Matt cuts you off with a swift smack to your over-sensitive clit, your body trembling with the pleasure-pain of it all.
“I don’t have to do anything, you got that? You said I could take you, and I fucking will.” His cock keeps jamming into your pussy, and you can feel your wetness sliding down your shaking thighs. They try to clench themselves closed subconsciously, trying to run from Matt’s onslaught, but it’s a fruitless battle.
You can feel another orgasm building in your stomach, the knot within you clenching tighter and tighter. Matt chuckles from behind you, mocking you as your cheeks burn and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Can feel this fucking pussy clenching again. You really gonna cum again, sweetheart? Even when you’re trying to run, you’re still a fucking whore. I always give this pretty pussy exactly what she needs, right sweetheart? God, she’s sucking me in, like you don’t want me to leave, baby.” Matt’s fingers are still pressed against your achy clit, his thrusts shifting his fingers maddeningly up and down. You’re going to cum, you’re going to fucking cum.
“Give it to me, gorgeous,” Matt growls, and he lifts his hand away from your clit just to slap it back down again, sending stinging, glorious lightning straight up your spine.
You have the briefest thought about the unlikelihood of your survival before you’re screaming all over again, your pussy clenching like a vice. It’s nearly painful, your orgasm. You feel like you’ve been ripped apart, destroyed by Matt’s touch. 
Your chest is heaving, shaking, as Matt’s hips begin to stutter in their thrusts.
“Fuck, fuck this pussy’s so fucking good. So fucking tight, ah-” Matt groans, loud and unabashed as he presses himself as deep as he can into your cunt, filling you with his thick cum. You’re weightless, held steady only by Matt and his strong arms. He slips out of you, and you whimper softly at the feeling of his cum running down your slick, ruined pussy.
You barely feel it when Matt turns you in his arms, lifting you into the air to carry you into your shared bedroom. The silk sheets are comforting and cool on your overheated body as Matt lays you gently onto them. He lays next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. You can hear him vaguely, like you're underwater, cooing about how you are are, how perfect. You breathe against his warm, strong chest, relishing in the closeness.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Matt murmurs into the quiet of the room, and you press a kiss to his skin.
“Mhm,” you mumble. “Love my Matty, love my Devil too.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, nuzzling into his chest.
“Well,” Matt whispers, “If I’m your devil, you’re my angel, sweet girl.”
“Hm.” You say. You can already feel yourself drifting off, safe and warm and loved. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
“I know you are.”
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ghostieyanyan · 11 months
Is it ok if we can see more of rock musician MC with the Yandere pop music club or Pomefiore once they discover their secret musical talent?
im doing Pomefiore cause at this rate, im doing everyone xD i dont might, it rewally makes me happy that you guys enjoy this series/topic (idk what to call it)
ill likely do heartslabyul and Ignihyde and Diasomnia will likely be together and theres still savannaclaw (though idk how well that goes lol)
who do you guys want next?
Yan!Vil x mc
Yan!Rook x mc
Yan!Epel x mc
Warnings: yandere, manipulation, stalking, hints nsfw, hint of kidnapping?, the art is more on the fem!mc side but the fanfic parts should be gender-neutral (if not, im sorry and do tell me where so i can fix it qwq)
would you be surprised that rook found this little secret first? like he was the very first person to find out
the answer should be no and if not that no then you are sorely mistaken.
When did he find out? Who knows? But one thing for sure, he want to relish in the fact that he's the only one who knows. Other people might find out sooner or later but he has it in his head like you told him yourself. Like you held this important little secret close to your heart and in-trusted your heart to him. He lives in his own world.
He'll know when you sing. Its often when grim isn't present, like he messed with ace and deuce and getting collared by riddle. whatever grim did that had him busy, you often have your sweet alone time to sing our heart out.
Rook will help keep this talent of yours as secret as you want. if you want only a few to know, he'll accept it. if you don't want anyone to know, he'll make sure your secret is preserved for as long as you like. but honestly, if he had it his way, he'd be the only one to know. the only one that can hear your lovely voice.
Rook is a hunter and an active fan in the beauty department. hell take pictures of you and even record your voice. even when you're not singing. he has a recording of you sleep.. your sighs in the night, signaling if you have any discomfort or even pleasure in your dreams.
he'll take the moment in your dorm to look at your stuff. help here and there in your dorm. in the morning, you might find your clothes ready and prep for the next day. you might find your room less messy than you remembered the night before. you might see food that you don't remember when you've gotten it. you also find tea that states it "helps your voice"? did grim get this....?
Rook watches you like you were a bird. oh he wishes to capture you and hear you sing just for him alone but he also like you to be free. to watch your wings stretch into the sky as you sing with your heart and soul.
but he is a little curious on what would you do, if your wings were... clipped.
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he is furious when he found out. how dare you not tell him!? How dare you to just sit idly by when your potato friends did the VDC and not to mention, watching them lose like idiots!
but... that's in the past and now he has to face this issues with a level head. he needs to know how well you sing, both in when you aren't pressured (your free alone time) and with his guidance and lessons. now you see why Epel runs for the hills during Vil lessons.
here's the thing about vil, you cant be 100% mad at his overbearing behavior to watch you succussed. he just wants to watch you thrive. plus he knows what its like in the music industry. he had to work side by side with it when he was young after all. you cant get mad at him, even if his words like like hot burning knifes to your skin.
when you think that hes heartless and you just want to break down with how harsh hes being, he gets to your level and speaks smoothing words to make you feel better.
"hey hey! i know its difficult and i wont have been this harsh with you if i knew you you couldn't take it. but you can. this industry is very mean but you have the talents to make it big and ill help you through it~ every step of the way~"
isnt vil a great actor? i mean he works really hard to hone his skills but this is next level. he has you wrapped around his little fingers. he doesnt care if you want to be big or even small in the music industry but with you by his hip. with your voice, you could even riverly neige! Imagine it. beautiful model with a lovely song bird by his side. their love story is so cute. its like a fairy tale! celebrty with everything finds love with a common no body.
but honestly, he'd be lying if he said it was just for celebrity gain. Vil has been eyeing you awhile, you were a great help during vdc and maybe... he just wants you to keep helping... but just him this time..
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at first, epel thought he wouldn't care about that. in life he mainly wanted to be seen as the manly type. but with vil's lessons on beauty, makes him hate that whole aspect, entirely.
but when he first heard you... that changed everything.
he didn't mean to sneak up on you. it was late in the day, everyone was in their clubs but since hes been failing a class, vil forced him to improve his grades.
"leona would be fine without you for a day... but not for the rest of the year.so if you want to stay in in the magical shift club, get your grades up."
he decided to head to the library to study for a bit. a nice quiet place to read and study, or try to anyways. a few minutes passed and he wasn't feeling it with his textbook. epel just needed a quick walk around the library to help pump his blood flowing to his head, he thought.
and then, he heard you. you were doing a slight hum and soft singing mixture. but oh was it so sweet to his ears. he felt like he was with his grandma back in grade school when he would come home from school and she'll be making dinner for him. it reminded him of home, and how he missed it so much.
he'll likely not be the type to confront you about it, its your business and if you told him personally, he'd love that.
without realizing it, when he thought about you singing, he dreamed that you and him were married in his home town. he'll be coming home after a long days work and you'd welcome him home with a sweet smile. you might even ask if he wanted food, a bath, or even- oh shoot. Epel has to use the restroom NOW.
naughty boy.
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mariposa-writes · 1 year
The Assistant - Part 4
Travis Kelce x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: ???
A/N: I was gonna wait till this got more notes, but I figured since I made ya'll wait so long for the last one I should hurry up and get this one out. <3
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You groaned as a huge amount of pain shot threw your leg. It was completely dark when you woke, up and it took you a minute to figure out where you were. Since you didn't recognize the room when you woke up.
After remembering you were staying at Travis's, you turned on the lamp and got ready to find him. You couldn't remember anything past them taking you in for surgery and you were worried about what you might have said while being loopy on the drugs.
Your head hurt, and you could still tell whatever they gave you was still affecting you.
You grabbed your crutches that were resting on the ground, next to the bed and started to make your way to the kitchen.
You made it down the hall and into the kitchen, but when you didn't see Travis you continued onto the living room. You could now hear voices coming from there, as you hesitated thinking about just returning to your room.
You decided it was best to just go see Travis and entered the living room. You were surprised to see Patrick Mahomes and his wife Brittany sitting in the living room, with their little girl.
Patrick and Brittany saw you first, since they were facing where you entered from. Travis had his back to you, but turned when he realized that you had entered.
He immediately got of the couch and made his way over to you faster than your brain could process. One second you swear he was on the couch and the next he was right by your side. "What are you doing up?" He asked worriedly, checking you over to make sure everything was okay. "You should be resting in bed."
"I'm fine, but I didn't mean to interrupt I was just coming to find you." You gave Patrick and Brittany a sheepish wave, offering them a small smile.
Patrick spoke up, "You're not interrupting. We actually came here to see how you were doing. Travis told us about what happened, so we just wanted to stop by and see if you needed anything" Patrick explained.
You resisted the urge to raise your eyebrow and look at them suspiciously, instead opting for another small smile. "You guys didn't have to do that." You said, as you made your way to the couch, tired of standing on one leg.
You didn't really understand why they were here. It wasn't like you were friends with either of them. Yea, you knew them due to being Patricks assistant but you never had more than a few conversation with them.
You liked Patrick, since he was a pretty down to earth guy. Brittany on the other hand wasn't your favorite. She always seemed stuck up and acted like she was better than you.
"Nonsense." Brittany cooed, acting as if you were silly for saying they didn't have to come. "We also brought you a get well soon basket. I think Travis put it in the kitchen."
"Oh, thanks that really sweet of you." You didn't know what to think of them acting this way and were starting to think that maybe you were dreaming all of this. Maybe the drugs were affecting you more than you thought.
Their daughter, Sterling, was starting to get antsy clearly bored of being here. "Well we better get going, this ones ready for bed." Patrick pointed to his daughter.
They both gave you a quick hug, before saying their good byes and leaving. "That was weird." You mumbled to yourself, not wanting Travis to hear considering he was friends with them and did actually like them.
"How'd you sleep?" Travis asked, coming back into the room after walking the Mahomes family out.
"Good, I swear your bed is like the comfiest bed in the world." He laughed, heading into the kitchen.
"Are you hungry? I ordered food." He asked from the kitchen.
"Sure, what did you get?"
"Well theres pizza, Chinese, Mexican, and Italian." Travis said listing off everything you requested earlier.
"Oo, my favorites." You cheered, grabbing your crutches and making your way into the kitchen.
"Well, I would hope so considering you requested all of this." He grabbed a two plates from his cabinet and then two water glasses.
Your eyes widened, "I asked for all of this?"
"Yes," he laughed, just thinking about it. "You claimed you were starving and hadn't eaten in like 50 million years, so you need all this food. Then when I left you alone to order it you passed out."
You groaned, burying your face in your hands. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how embarrassing was I?" You asked, not even sure if you wanted to know.
"Maybe like a 4." You released a huge breath, happy with that number. "You weren't embarrassing, just funny."
You told Travis what you wanted as he loaded it onto a plate and heated it up in a microwave. He then did the same and put his plate in after yours was done warming up.
You waited for him by his dining room table, which happened to have the get better basket Brittany and Patrick brought over. You couldn't resist and started looking to see what put in there.
There was a blanket, tea, candles, fluffy socks, a few different snacks, and a Louis Vuitton bag that was worth at least two thousand dollars.
Travis came into the room and placed down your guy's plates. "Who puts a 2000 dollar purse in a get well basket?" You ask, holding it up for him to see.
"Apparently Brittany." He commented, also thinking it was a little outrageous.
"I can't accept this, I'll have to return it to her." You shook your head, dropping the purse in the basket. That purse could cover like 3 months rent for you.
Travis helped you into your chair and you guys started to dig in. "How's your knee?"
"It hurts." You answered truthfully.
"Do you want your pain medication? The doctor said we should stay on top of them, to keep your pain to a minimum." Travis said getting ready to stand up and grab them.
"No, I don't want them. I'm not planning on taking them." Travis was surprised. "I just don't want to get addicted to them or anything. You always hear those stories about people taking them and getting addicted to them." You rambled on. It was partially the truth, but you decided to leave out the fact that addiction ran through your family.
Your father was an alcoholic, while your mother was an drug addict. You did drink, but you were always pretty careful about how much you consumed and you'd never once tried anything drug related.
"Ok, it's your choice but if you decided you want them let me know."
"I don't" You assured. You guys ate in silence for a bit before you spoke up, "So I was thinking I could head home tomorrow and get out of your hair." Travis frowned, "or tonight it that would be better." You offered, worried that maybe he didn't want you here another night.
"How are you gonna drive home?"
"In my car."
"Its your right leg."
"I'm aware, but I'm pretty sure I can manage to drive. I'm not walking on it or anything." You didn't see why he was making a big deal about this.
"and how are you going to get up 3 flights of stairs? What happens if you fall and no ones there to help you? How are you going to go grocery shopping? How are you going to do basic things, while you can't walk?" Travis asked, seeming to grow more irritated with each question.
"I don't know, but I'll figure it out."
"Just stay here, until you can walk."
"That's 3 weeks, you start practice in one so I'll be here alone anyways."
"I already asked Maria to stay with you during the day, incase you need anything once practice starts up."
"I don't want to over stay my welcome." You were already so grateful for everything he's done and the last thing you wanted to do was become a burden.
"You're not. You're here almost all the time anyways when you are working, so what's the difference?" He asked.
"The difference is that I'd basically be living here."
He sighed, knowing how stubborn you were. "Just think about it. You can decide tomorrow, but I'll sleep better knowing you're here and not laying on your floor at home not able to get up."
"Fine, I'll think about it." You begrudgingly agreed.
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skatingbi · 5 months
Oh my god. Yall are insane. 700+ Notes for part one of this series alone is crazy (Crazy? I was- *gets shot*). So heres part 3. I'll probably have to publish all this onto AO3 soon bc shits getting outta hand, but I like posting on this silly little site so I'll still be posting on here.
Uhhh this was posted WAY later than I anticipated bc i had a gnarly depressive episode and had to enroll into uni, but there aint no way id abandon this series, its too fun and i love experimenting with my baby writing style as i call it.
Okay thats it, just thank u all sm for enjoying my silly little series :) u guys are so sweet!!
P.S. Constructive criticism is OKAY! I havent written fanfic in like...10 years so since middle school. Im a baby at this and I understand if I may have several errors so pls lemme know if theres grammar mistakes!
Sanji With Heterochromia Series Part 3 below 🔻
Sanji lied. He does like the idiot. More than he's willing to admit. A few days after their conversation, Zoro distances himself. It leaves a nasty feeling in his gut similar to nausea but different from actually wanting to throw up. It feels apprehensive. He's waiting for something, but he doesn't know what yet. Sanji hates it. He hates how confused he is and how much he actually wants Zoro to touch him again. He hates the burning linger of scarred knuckles on his cheekbone that follows him wherever he goes.
He hates these feelings because he never learned how to really process them. He doesn't know if he has to blame himself, his shitty excuse of a father, or Zeff. Well, maybe not Zeff. The old man had enough on his plate while raising him as it was. Sanji decides to blame it on Judge because honestly, the root of most of his issues stems from that shitty old man anyway. Placing the blame on someone does little to actually help, but it's a distraction from his growing realization of how much he cares for Zoro.
He cares for Zoro. No, he holds an unreasonable amount of affection for the scarred swordsman that haunts his thoughts now more than ever. Fuck questioning sexuality when it's undeniable that he's absolutely whipped for the big idiot. Theres no room for denial anymore, not when his touch had become branded across Sanji's skin for the foreseeable future.
Stress cooking does little to soothe him and it's the same with smoking. At least Luffy gets to enjoy snacks to his hearts content. Its the little things, he tries to tell himself. He also reflects on his conversation with Zoro. How he honestly felt afraid of what he felt when the swordsman confronted him. He felt afraid of someone genuinely caring for his emotional wellbeing. He's anxious over what that means, what it would do to him if Zoro truely meant what he said. All the things voiced about him and the implications that he's...handsome in the eyes of Zoro.
Sanji is emotional. It comes with him being sentimental as well. He's the black sheep of his biological family in every way. He loved too hard, and got hurt too fast. He loved even when it ended in betrayal. Secretly, he loves unconditionally. What would happen if he loved Zoro like that, and what if it already happened and he's too late to stop it? Would Zoro hurt him just like everyone else has? Would he be pushed away eventually after the thrill of their theoretical short lived relationship?
It keeps him up at night, that conversation replaying in his head as he stares at Zoro's sleeping silhouette. He falls asleep to his breathing, echoing throughout the room over everyone else's breath and snores. He wakes up every morning before the sun greets him and pretends nothing happened in his dreams where Zoro's gentle touch and admiration lingers softly over his mind.
Zoro knows. Well, not exactly. He's not a mind reader like how Luffy seems to be, but he knows that distancing himself from Sanji is actually doing the opposite of what he thought it would do. At this point, the swordsman isnt sure where to go from here.
Sanji's actions contradict his words. Sanji stares at Zoro. Not so much that it's s uncomfortable but it's enough to be noticeable. Sometimes he swears he can see Sanji's eyes dart across his face and down to his lips before looking away. It's confusing. Didnt Sanji hate Zoro's advances towards him? Because thats what they were in hindsight.
Zoro was unconciously flirting with the cook in his own weird way. And yeah, he's a little stupid for not realizing the implications behind his actions at first, but it all started as genuine curiosity. He didnt mean for it to affect their rivalry. Now, he's not sure where to go from here.
It's driven him between a rock and a hard place and unforfunately for him, Nami decides to intervene again. This time, Nami drags Zoro to her and Robin's shared room on the Sunny for privacy and possibly interrogation. He's certain that this time he wont be able to escape. Unfortunate.
"Okay, so heres how this is gonna go," Zoro and Nami are now seated across from each other, where theres two beds and enough room for decent sized dressers on each side. Zoro sits on what he assums is Robin's bed with his arms crossed, "You will tell me everything- And i mean it! I will know if youre lying -and I will help you. Im sick and tired of you both being miserable and gay! It's giving everyone second hand embaressment." She demands, narrowing her eyes with a challenge for Zoro to protest or say no.
Zoro is smart enough to know what is and isn't a losing battle. This is one of those. Nami can be terrifyingly persistent once she sets her mind on something, and today it seems to be resolving the weird and awkward tension between him and Sanji. The swordsman resigns himself to his fate quickly and prepares himself to be trapped here on Robin's bed for the foreseeable future.
"Fine witch," Zoro sighs, "But if you tell anyone I will not be responsible for my actions." He huffs out in acceptance for his inevitable interrogation.
"Oh please like that'll actually scare me. Plus besties never snitch." Nami rolls her eyes. She gets comfortable on her bed and look at zoro expectantly. He rolls his eyes and relaxes his posture a bit.
Zoro starts talking, beginning with the first instance of his realization of Sanji having dual colored eyes, leaving out a lot of "unimportant" details. He mentions the second, and the third instance, and their conversation from a few days ago and how he tried to respect Sanji's establishment of a boundary and how he's confused now that Sanji stares at him. Nami listens with her chin resting on her fist and nodding along the way, surprisingly not interrupting once. He finishes speaking and he knows his face is red with embaressment, but he feigns nonchalance and waits for Nami's input.
"Zoro," Nami sighs, "Youre the dumbest bitch I know." She says while giving the man a look of sympathy, but not one that actually means it. More like the look of someone who is so incredibly done with your shit that they have no choice but to tell you so.
"What the fuck, Nami!? Im not dumb!" The swordsman retorts loudly.
"Anyways," his best friend ignores his arguing in favor of getting to the task at hand, "Luckily, this is fixable. For making the entire crew feel awkward for two weeks, I'm adding a 200 percent tax increase to your debt." She smiles mischeviously, and thats when Zoro realizes that one, he's never getting out of debt, and two, he's been forced to accept Nami's help in unfucking up his unconcious attempts to flirt with Sanji.
"First order of business is that you have absolutely no game." Nami begins with a shit eating grin to match the absolutely insulting statement. Zoro briefly reconsiders their friendship.
"Shut the fuck up I obviously do." He rolls his eyes. Nami gives him the look. The one where her eyebrows are raised and her chin is tilted down slightly, matching the frown. It's that look she makes when she's trying to say 'Are you sure?' or 'Reconsider what you just said.' and it grates at Zoro's already increasing agitation.
He decides not to entertain her with a reply.
"Anyway," Nami sighs, massaging the space between her eyes with her thumb and forefinger to stave off a growing headache, "Im teaching you how to flirt. No, you cannot work out in front of Sanji- dont give me that look you muscle brained idiot!" She says while looking at Zoro's ever increasing looks of annoyance and audacity, because first of all, no he definitely was not going to do that, and second of all, it could hypothetically work. Probably.
"Fine," He huffs. He'll let the witch do whatever. It's not like theres anyone else he can talk to on the ship about this anyway, "No promises that I'll actually do what you tell me."
"Fucking- oh my god why am I friends with you?!" Nami complains before flopping down on her bed, groaning loudly at Zoro's malicious cooperation. Zoro basks in the momentary power he has in this situation.
For the next few hours, Nami allows Zoro to stay in the womens quarters for the sole purpose of learning how to actually flirt. He's not sure if shes a reliable source, being a lesbian and also having a girlfriend already, but if he voiced this opinion out loud the redhead would probably kick him out. He only restrains himself because this room is the only one so far where he feels the least amount of awkwardness regarding his situation with Sanji.
Robin stops by every now and then and gives him a smile. It doesnt make him feel very comfortable but it's the thought that counts. She doesnt say anything about him being there, anyway. He makes an effort to at least not lay on the bed he's sitting on, though. He may be lazy but he does hold enough respect for the women in the crew to not fuck with their shared safe space.
Suddenly, it's the evening and dinner is around the corner. Nami shoves a barely enlightened mossy swordsman out of the womens bedroom to finally be free of that headache. Also known as a crash course to flirting with your rival/friend/whatever the fuck else they got going on.
Zoro makes his way to the gallery, taking his time to look out and observe the oncoming sunset that bathes the sky in shades of pink, orange, blue, and yellow. It would be a pretty sight to fall asleep to, he thinks, but the cook would kick his ass off the ship if he decides to sleep through dinner again.
Entering the gallery, everyone except Nami is already there. She's right behind him a second later and taking her seat at the kitchen table.
Numerous conversations are heard as food is served. Franky and Usopp are wildly talking about different types of projectiles the sunny could use, Nami and robin are talking amongst each other in low voices, giggling in between sentences. Chopper and luffy are laughing together, and Zoro goes to sit next to luffy like he usually does. Just as he sits down, the cook lands a kick to his mid back, making Zoro scowl.
"The fucks that for!?"
Sanji rolls his eyes while placing plates of food down for the crew, "For being late, dumbass."
"Nami is late too!"
"And? She'd never be late on purpose, Marimo." as Sanji speaks, he dodges the hilt of Zoro's sword to his side instinctively and has the audacity to give a cheeky grin.
Dinner passes by normally. Everyone's loud conversations meld together gradually and soon everyone except Sanji and Zoro leave. Zoro takes his usual spot beside the cook, drying dishes and leaving them on a towel afterwards so they can both put them away.
Zoro has half the mind to bring up Sanji's staring, but decides against it. It leaves the air silent, neither him nor Sanji speaking up as they finish their side work for the night. Even then, Zoro's unable to speak when Sanji immediately leaves afterwards without a word.
The kitchen feels empty without their bickering, and Zoro is determined to bring that life back into it. He just needs to figure out how.
Despite Nami's advice, Zoro has an idea. If the idiot cook doesnt see what he sees (His pretty face first of all, but Zoro thinks of his strength too. How Sanji easiely brushes off conflict like it's nothing despite the injuries that'll heal far faster than his own), then he'll make him see it. Frilly words never were Zoro's style, anyways.
One night before they all go to sleep and Zoro takes night watch, he corners the blond in the bathroom. Nami would probably be kicking his ass because of his timing, but a mirror is needed for his plan to work and the bathroom is the only place with one other than the women's bedroom.
When Zoro enters, Sanji turns to look at him before going back to washing his hair, his back towards Zoro. "Leave me alone, Moss, I'm im not in the fuckin mood," He grumbles to Zoro, who stands there waiting for Sanji to stop talking.
"Nope, I need a mirror for this and for you to listen for five minutes." Zoro replies, and when Sanji turns to argue his protests are gone from his lips when he sees a look of determination. Confused, annoyed, and also curious, Sanji doesn't reply.
Zoro walks up to Sanji until he's standing right behind him. The swordsman moves to kneel so they're relatively at the same height, but the stool makes Sanji slightly taller as he sits there and eyes Zoro warily.
"Whats going on with you, Moss? I'm trying to wash my hair." Sanji says, and Zoro can tell an insult dies on his tongue when he places his hands on Sanji's shoulders.
Zoro turns Sanji in front of the mirrior in the bathroom, the stool Sanji is seated on creaking lightly and scratching against the tile. Sanji remains speechless, still unable to brush off Zoro's palms on his bare shoulders like how he'd usually do.
"Tell me what you see, cook" He says, uncharacteristically soft underneath the edge his voice always seems to have. Sanji flinches when the swordsman's calloused hands tuck his frings behind his ear, displaying his face to them both.
"What the hell is up with you? Did Luffy hit your head too hard?" Sanji furrows his eyebrows at the mirror and looks at Zoro. Zoro huffs and rolls his eyes.
"Just tell me what you see about yourself, shit cook, I'll leave ya alone after or whatever." He grumbles back, the baritone of his voice vibrates against Sanji's back. It reminds him of Zoro's compliment, his face too close to his while they stand on the deck of the Sunny just days ago. He chooses to ignore how it makes him shiver.
He looks at himself in the mirror, and his first instinct is to look away. Zoro, being the perceptive bastard that he is, notices and squeezes his shoulders in a way thats strangely reassuring.
"It doesnt have to be fancy, cook, I know you like to use big words 'n shit so don't make your brain fuckin explode." Sanji bristles a bit at that but bites back a nasty insult so he can entertain Zoro's weird exercise on his own self reflection.
In the mirror he always sees his mom at first, but with both eyes uncovered and his hair pushed back for once, he sees himself. The first thing he sees is his eyebrows and eyes. He decides not to bring up his eyebrows.
"Well, for your information I see my eyes, but you already know that."
Zoro stays silent, and Sanji shuffles in his seat. He's suddenly aware he was literally in the middle of rinsing his hair of shampoo a few minutes ago and the entire situation is both awkward and uncharacteristic of Zoro in multiple ways. It's out of character, and he should have kicked out the moss ball when he had the chance, but now in the too small bathroom of the Sunny he feels like it's only him and Zoro. It leaves a weightless feeling in his chest, settling in with the creeping anxiety of looking at his own reflection. The contrasting feelings make him hesitate before he speaks.
"I see.." He hesitates, not knowing exactly what Zoro is getting from this or what he wants to hear, "My eyebrows, I guess. Wait, you've never seen both at once." Sanji chuckles at that, because his eyebrows are certainly something. The curl points in the same direction, but it's unnoticeable with how he wears his hair.
"Yeah, they're weird as fuck." Zoro mumbles, and the blond has to laugh or else the swordsman's voice would get to his head.
"Okay, I also see freckles. Those are new. Only started showing up when I joined you all." And Sanji now notices how the freckles cluster on the bridge of his nose, his cheekbones, and his shoulders. They're scattered everywhere else on his body.
Sanji starts to realize the point of Zoro's questioning now. He looks at the fogged mirror, just visible enough to notice how his blush not only spreads across his cheeks but also down his neck. Embarrassing. This whole situation is embarrassing not only because of where they are but also because he's realizing that Zoro is trying to make a point that is too close to unearthing his insecurities. He would have expected this from Luffy, but sometimes he forgets how Zoro's intelligence is masked behind his swordsmanship and how much he sleeps during the day.
And he's naked, but honestly thats the least of his problems at the moment.
"I see my hair, I guess?" Sanji tries to only focus on his face. Its not easier, but it also sets up a mental boundary. Zoro hums, looking at Sanji through the mirror. Sanji hesitates before speaking again, "My hair is actually wavy," He thinks about his mom's wavy blonde hair, and how he always thought it looked pretty even before she passed, "Its damaged, though. Straightened to hell and back with one of those hot combs."
Sanji thinks back to the hot combs. They were old as shit, the kind that needed to be heated up with a flame. The memories make him chuckle a bit, and Zoro smiles back. The same smile he wore when they sparred on the deck, with his dimples visible yet again to confirm to Sanji that he does have them.
His smile makes his heart skip a beat, like drums he'd hear in one of those old instrumental CDs he kept in his room as a kid. Before he has the chance to back away, to push Zoro out the door and forget this ever happened, Zoro straightens his back again.
He turns in his stool to look up at Zoro and he's not sure what the swordsman sees right now, but he's afraid to ask as his gaze is soft. So damn soft as he looks at him and his hand reaches again to pull his hair hair back over his eye like it was before. Stringy strands of heat damaged locks fall back into place.
Then he leaves. He just...leaves. The damn idiot just turns around and walks out the door like nothing even happened.
Thats the second time this has happened yet the first where Sanji is the one on the receiving end of it, and it makes him grab his towel to bunch it up in his fists and let out a scream into it as he processes everything. He processes how he was forced to notice how Zoro looked at him, and it was Zoro's own weird fucking way of saying "You're beautiful".
"He's so fucking ridiculous oh my god.." Sanji mumbles into the towel. His hair routine is officially long forgotten.
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milk-ducts · 7 months
I'm so glad to have encountered a fellow Cecil stan. I freaking love coming up with headcanons for Cecil, platonic or romantic, because he's such an interesting character. For real though feel free to dump any Cecil headcanons (platonic or romantic) on me anytime.
AWAAAA!! YES HAII OTHER CECIL AFICIONADO !!! im so glad theres more of us sprouting out here. my wife is so underappreciated, you have no idea how much he means to me. i'd love to req n swap headcanons anytime !! I have so many thoughts on that morally ambiguous gilf.
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[messy, disorganized surface level autism rambling ahead. this will be just random scenes and characteristics i like of him]
BUT YES .. cecil's character is just so interesting to analyze. he does unethical, necessary things. But he doesn't subscribe to idealistic notions of "the greater good" or justifying his actions to make himself sleep better at night. He knows the harsh reality that someone has to make the difficult decisions, no matter how unethical. The psychological toll it takes to calculate how many civilian lives can be spared, and how many are inevitably lost in order to achieve the optimal outcome. He doesn't celebrate after victories like the other heroes do. After the dust settles, his mind is already racing - calculating, strategizing how to prevent future catastrophes. How to minimize casualties next time.
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his methods are...questionable,, as ive said,, but there's a hint of nobility to it that just makes you respect him, A SHADY GOVERNMENT CHAR that does the dirty work and takes in all the heat for it so no one else has to? SIGN ME TF UP! i love exploring his character and all the little glimpses of humanity we get to see from him,, especially with debbie, SO SOFT FOR HER, there's so much depth there. that old fuck would MOVE mountains for her if he could,, TRUST. EVEN though he doesnt deserve her .. <<
LETS CONTINUE TO CIRCLE BACK TO S1 with his confrontation w Nolan in the desert, the way he entrusted his survival to the skills of his team operating that teleporter watch (I'm aware he can control it himself, I think this was just my interpretation of it since the employees seemed directly involved here). The margin for error was nonexistent. One miscalculation, one millisecond too slow, and Cecil would have been reduced to a red smear across miles of sand. MY WIFE HAS BALLS ON HIM. (also love walton goggins breathy lil giggles here .. hwaghffhh)
All this, All the whilst Nolan could have ended him with a casual backhand, as easily as swatting a fly. And for what? For humanity's (mostly his) right to know the truth. For Debbie's right to understand what she had truly married because Cecil respects her that fucking much for her to have a part in all of this, and what fate may lay in store for her son.
AND what I particularly liked about that scene is that unlike most SHADY GOV CHARS ™.. Cecil isn't afraid to regularly place himself in life-threatening situations, and for that im just.. FKING obsessed. finally. a hyper competent gov char that gets shit done and occasionally by his own hands instead of always puppeteering in the shadows. Love u .. love u honey snooch, please stop putting yourself in danger for your crazy alien side-hoes .
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but ahem ... back to s2.. and some flaws of his that i'm not afraid to point out. the way he's been treating mark is killing me. manipulating my son by comparing him to his dad then keeping him on lock by saying he's not like him??? The breadcrumming definitely didn't work out at all, cuz Mark is too damn stubborn to continue to be swindled by fear tactics he does not give a shit for anymore (homegirl DEBBIE taught him better) hes not gonna listen to a cranky skullet-having side bitch of nolans who clearly has been tryna manipulate him since s1. i HATED how he went "ur broke tyrannical bitch father felt the same way" in the last minute when mark tried to leave earth and yet i still lobve ceci cause ough,,.. my bastard wife knew something was probably up.
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Him wanting to keep a short leash on MARKY could be summed up after all that has happened in s1. i'm not going to justify his scummy manipulations or paranoia,, especially after all the shit mark has done and endured to prove himself over and over again that he's not like his father BUT its somewhat understandable for cecil 2 be wary if you look from it in his perspective.
moving on from that, lets dive back into ep 2 ..
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Debbie was semi-right in her deduction in s2 ep2, that this is what it's really all about for Cecil - being in control. Not of any situation, but of Mark. To ensure history does not repeat itself in the form of Mark becoming another Nolan. imo He likely doesn’t actually view Mark as his father, Not saying the possibility of it being a part of Cecil's subconsciousness is out of the equation but the way I see it? He was just exploiting that one weakness, that one insecurity Mark has - the fear of becoming like Nolan. And it’s a fear Cecil seemed to prey upon to keep Mark under his thumb and in the fucking GAME.
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awaaaa :3 !!!! psychologically damaging teens by comparing them to their abhorrently shitty fathers !! FUCK YOJ STEDMAN (love you snookums..)
,,,,I'd also like to think in my warped deluded perception (aka hcs) that he sees Debbie in Mark, so he can't help but care for the kid too. IVE ALWAYS seen a lot of comparisons between Mark and his dad, plus the whole motif of this new season hasn't helped it allay. But Debbie and Mark share so many similar characteristics as well and i wish that was talked a bit more often &lt; 3 (I will go in depth about it at a later post.)
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n umm like ...,,, bck to cici in gen. I guess the safety of earth is one of Cecil's redeeming qualities along with his compassion for side characters like Debbie. His pragmatism and utilitarianism define him. He lacks normal morals but has his own code that cultivates to his character. this ramble could not do justice to him ughfglg..,, what a compelling jezebel.. how can u captivate me so !!
My inbox is always open to discuss this multi-faceted rat man. here's to more cecil content in s2..,... hopefully with more of his dynamic with Debbie because I LIVE for that shit. though its unlikely their interactions could range to anything positive now since they may be hinting to cecil becoming an antagonist and/or taking extreme measures w/ mark. soo.. i dont think debbie's scolding was enough for that slut 2 take in ..
in the mean time i'll be catching up on the comics/re-reading them, look up more of his backstory and hopefully create 10 novels worth of google docs of analysis' of his character < 3 cuz .. he means .. that much 2 me.. and i want to prod at every crevice n brain matter he has inside that megamind head of his .
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((hwaghhhhhh << hoping that one day the discord moots ive been keeping in my basement and most invincible fans fall victim to cecil stedman propoganda.. no one should be immune to my girlboss and his awful skullet.))
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mschimdt · 1 year
what some avatar characters would do if you were on your period
i need help sprrading my work and i would appreciate if you reblogged my post
i dont know if naavis have periods but for the sake of this post lets just say they do
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jake sully
you were laying in both you and jakes bed, we'll atleast thats what you considered it because you had no idea what the naavi call it, you were having severe cramps, worst than you had ever experienced, jake was on his ikran, bob, looking for food
he came back about 2 hours later and you were still suffering from period pains, just much worse, now your lower back hurt aswell as your abdomen
jake had a concerned look on his face when he saw you in a fetal position shivering, "hey y/n you okay?" he said while rubbing your shoulder in attempt to comfort you, since you were both living as naavis, it meant you had no technonoly to solve this pain or any medicine
the only thing jake could do was lay by your side while rubbing your lower abdomen in attempt to sooth your pain, it worked for the least and you fell asleep in eachothers arms
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colonel miles quaritch
you were laying in your shared bedroom back in bridge head, quaritch was on a mission and should be back in a few hours, you just started your period and you werent having any of it, so you skipped a day of work inorder not to approach annoying colleagus that were just going to make you worse, you were in pain anyways, its a valid excuse to stay in your room for thr day
you were looking forward to seeing quaritch, hes the only person that doesnt annoy you, its gotten to the point where even lyle makes u mad when he spits out a single word (not saying hes not annoying)
the door to your shared bedroom clicked amd quaritch walked inside, your face lit up in joy and you spoke " someones back early " quaritch smiled whike locking the door
suddenly your happy expression turned into one of pain, quaritch gave you a concerned look "you okay, sweetheart?"
"y-yea just a cramp" you said while it looked like you were fighting for your life, quaritch walked over and said "you're on your period?" with a little smirk
"oh i know something that'll help with your cramps" you knew exactly what he was talking about, theres a study that shows that sex while on your period relieves cramps and pain, you hesitated at first but you decided to agree
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recom Lopez
you and lopez were out eating in the cafeteria, he knew you were on your period and he didnt want to bother yoy because he didnt want to be the reason your mood switches
you were both having a conversation about how you think lyle and quaritch have something between them, it was late so no one could hear you
this topic was pretty funny to you and lopez, but theres no doubt that its true
suddenly you stoo talking and you gain a angry look on your face
ofcourse lopez decided you guys have been down here for enough "we've been here long enough, we should probably get ourselves some sleep, we really need it" "yea lets go" you replied
you made your way up the stairs and threw yourself onto the bed, you started crying, you didnt know why
lopez heard your sniffles and layed down next to you, carrying you into his lap "whats wrong baby?" then he started blabbing cute spanish names, you didnt reply you just cried, he held you in his arms for what seemed like hours till the sobs finally stopped and you were sound asleep on his chest
ill make a part two soon, itll include
lyle,mansk, ja ,prager
but for now youre stuck with this
would anyone like to see human jake sully x human reader?? idk i just find human jake attractive ash ngl
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satoruzlove · 2 years
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- festive season hcs
with a little twist;)
suna rin , kuroo tetsurou , atsumu miya, osamu miya , sakusa kiyoomi
! lots n lots of fluff, mentions of food / eating , curse words ,i think i said the word assault, probably time skip spoilers,spoilers as to whether santa is real or not, alcohol mention in both the miyas’ part!
r suna !
• honestly just does what u’d wanna do cus he isn’t suuuper into decorating or anything
•if ur like that too then your christmas is rly mellow. u guys put up the christmas tree and get eachother gifts, play in some snow n take cute pics but that’s pretty much it
•lots of christmas movie cuddles though ,, sees it as an opportunity to just be close with u
• he would want a fire place hang out session. u guys find every single pillow in the house n pile it in front of the flame ( safe distance . dw ) and make some hot coco. at first you guys are just in silence, then rin may start a conversation by saying something about how “ y,know, my sister would’ve loved this kinda thing, ‘wanna visit her soon,”
•honestly only holds it dear to him because he loved watching his sister grow up and open presents with a look of pure joy on her face </3
•gets u guys matching scratchy sweaters n urs has a little kitty w a santa hat on it
•his has a tree and a biiiiig star on the top with a smiley face on it
•if u suggest , he’d have a BALL making cookies w u . there’s flour everywhere, he’s flung the dough at u in little balls , he’s licking his lips to make sugar stick to it and then kissing you all over
• eventually when they’re made he eats them and then proceeds to look at u in the eye and say they taste like the sound of ur laughter cus u guys were having fun while making them
•keeps eating but then realises how fucking cheesy that was n looks at u, n ur just like 😦
•never ever lives it down
•his ig highlight of u has like +50 new pics of u guys making cookies, waiting for them to bake n then him eating them
•you had to slap him like three times to make sure he didn’t eat the dough
• “ idc about solomon or whatever is in the eggs, life is short”
•he doesn’t get ‘solomon’ thankfully
•the night before you come home from work to see this unreasonably large pile of gifts under the tree that wasn’t there when u left
•n of course u still had urs hidden cus rin is annoying and would open them if he so much as smelt the wrapping paper
•so he comes n finds u and goes “ before you say anything, i know i can’t wrap for shit “ and ur like??? but when u look closer you see it.
•the paper is crumpled beyond your wildest dreams, theres rips covered up with tape and a lot of tiny bows to cover the rest that were a little too big
•honestly , a for effort
• you guys go to sleep in the ugly sweaters and when you wake up rin isn’t there anymore
•you go downstairs n he’s doing smth in the kitchen
•you sneak up behind him and he’s making those cute santa head pancakes with the banana beard
•they were so good
•b4 u open gifts he stops u n he’s like i wanna give u one myself first
•n it’s this tiiiny little box. fits in ur palm
•u open it and there’s a fucking zip tie on it so u struggle for like five minutes b4 getting scissors to cut it
•and u open it up, and it’s a gorgeous little ring
•with sapphire ( to match his eyes, he later explains ) in the middle
• you inspect it and you see “ because we are my favorite gift i’ve ever received “ scrawled beautifully into the metal of the band
•he smiles at the stupid look on ur face and goes “ i know marriage isn’t a thing we want right now, so a promise ring is the next best thing.”
•he has a matching one with a stone that holds your eye colour too
•told u he was good at gifts 🤷🏽‍♀️.
t kuroo !
•oh my god
•the tree is up in mid november and he’s already humming along to christmas music as he’s making lunch for u
•BEGGED U to paint little christmas trees or bobbles ( what do u guys call them, ornaments, i have no idea ) on his nails- will tell everyone at the office about how , “ my baby did them for me, aren’t they so festive ?”
•if you tell him it’s early he’ll scoff directly at u and go “ it’s never to early to be festive , you little grinch incarnate”
•you don’t miss the way he smiles at u lovingly when ur whistle along to his corny , crappy christmas music
•cue kuroo attempting to hit a mariah carey high note in ‘ all i want for christmas is you ‘ and bowing when he’s done like he didn’t just assault your ears
•you clap anyway cus he looks proud
•buys peppermint sticks n sucks on them randomly and will stick them in ur face. his speech is slurred with spit and by the candy as he says ,” bite “ but he TRICKS U and keeps it in his mouth so u can kiss him
•buys u corny matching christmas shirts with the shittily printed words on them
• FORCES u to wear them too
•he has these rly cute reindeer sockies and he slides around on the hard wood floors when he hears ,” it’s a holly , jolly christmas !” come from the radio, he almost fell directly onto his ass. he says he saw his life flash before his eyes
•when christmas eve rolls around you guys leave out milk n ( shop bought ) cookies for santa . u pretend that u didn’t notice him out of ur arms at 3am, n that u didn’t hear him almost drop the cup trying to wash it
•when u wake up he’s STARING at u like the fucking weirdo he is and he’s like gm bae and ur like bro fuck off holy shit
•you guys brush ur teeth, shower ( he didn’t wanna ) and go down
•you both left the presents there beforehand but he’s still so excited lol
•you’re opening up a present with some clothes folded and you feel smth hard
•it was a round box of reddish velvet
•you glance at him with a raised brow and he takes it from u, asking u to stand up. u obviously tell him to piss off but he eventually convinces u to stand
•he’s now on one knee and ur like ??? TETSUROU
•he opens the box n it’s a pretty simple silver band with a diamond in the middle
• he takes in the way ur eyes well up and ur lip wobbles, eyes searching his to make sure this isn’t a joke. he assures u it isnt.
• “ but tetsu -“
“ i wanna spend my life with you, baby,” his voice lowers to a whisper,” if you’ll have me, god i’d love if you’d have me. i’m already so blessed to be with you, i can’t imagine what it’d feel like to have you forever.”
• you accept OBVIOUSLY
•you spend the rest of the day toying around with y’all’s gifts n making phone calls to his dad, grand parents, your parents and friends about the proposal
• “ damn, u fr stuck with him now ” - kozume , 2022 ( or whenever idc leave me alone )
•yalls fav christmas. he has a polaroid in his phone case from that day, the date messily written in sharpie and a lipstick stamp of your own on the side.
a miya !
•stop immediately
“ ,, thursday ?”
“ITS THE FIRST OF DECEMBER.”!!!3;£&:92;£&:2@!!!!!”
•the entire team knows that atsumu LOVES christmas because who doesn’t like a festive for gifts, good food and movies ? crazy people .
•never lets osamu breathe cus they have christmas dishes at the restaurant and “ as your brother, you gottaaaaa let me try it first .”
•drags u along too but samu doesn’t mind cus ur nice
•comes up to u randomly and goes “ there’s *insert number* days left til christmas, babes, can you BELIEVE IT???!”
•however if the topic sticks too long he starts getting emotional and saying how he’s already spent another year with you, and it still feels like a couple weeks because the relationship is ‘ so timeless’ , how he’s gonna spend the rest of his years with you
•he did cry until u calmed him down lol
•if ur into baking he will FLIP OUT and say how that’s so cool, and he’ll watch u baking. asks “ what’s that for? “ every few minutes n be your personal spoon licker
•lots of huggles by the fire and spilt hot coco
•gets extra clingy bcus it’s cold ):
•rly likes the smell of ginger bread n got u a lotion that’s scented like it so when u wear it he just
•clings to u
•takes out his snowman sleeping mask n wears it religiously even tho he ends up sliding it off in his sleep
•the days approaching christmas are absolutely mad because the malls n shopping centres r PACKED but tsum refuses to stay in the house
•begs u to sit on santa’s lap so he can take pictures and the person playing santa thinks it’s funny n play along
•he now has that picture on the fridge n looks at it for like an hour every day cus you look so cute
•on christmas eve you guys sit down and wrap up gifts for your friends and family, giggling and throwing balls of paper at eachother.
• he looks so proud when he wraps his first one with no mistakes lololol
•he did get a paper cut
• “ baby, i’m injured, kiss my finger ):”
“ no tsumu”
“ can’t believe it’s almost christmas and yer being so mean. where’s the holiday spirit ? yer like the grinch. “
“ what was that last bit ?”
• on the actual day you guys go to a party at hinata’s and he says he’s got plans for after
•most of the day is spent chatting to his guys, taking cute pictures with bokuto’s girlfriend, nearly throwing up seeing hinata and kags eyeing eachother
•when it’s all over you guys get in the car and you drive bcus tsum had eggnog
•he drowsily reminds you of his plans and tells you where to drive
• he’s gazing at you from behind his lashes as u drive, nodding when he gives u directions
• you end up at this park place with a lake, and it’s so shimmery in the moonlight
•he’s pretty sobered up, so he walks you to a tree with fairy lights on it and you’re a little confused - but happy
• “ baby, y’know why i brought you here?”
“ to fuck? to drown me?”
•he urges you to sit and you do, for a moment you guys are quiet . his hand around you as you watch the moons essence dance and lurch over the water of the lake
•he turns to you, eyes sparkling and hooded as he speaks to you. it’s almost like he’s sending you affection via his eyes
•” i love you, yn”, he starts, turning to you and hand dipping into his coat. “ i think i always have. loved you, been inlove with you, and i know you feel the same. i think that’s the killer ,” he chuckles, holding a box. you know what’s coming . you’re ready. you feel a bump in your throat and affection well up in your chest. “ the fact that you want me, as annoying and fuckin’ childish as i can be sometimes,” he fiddles with the box- embarrassed. you lift his chin to meet your eyes again. you see his brows crease in weakness at your actions. “ i love ya, miya. “
•you pause and you smirk at him like “ miya????” and that’s when he pulls out the box, angling himself into his knees and looking at you.
•” if you’d make me the happiest man on earth and be a miya, that is. “
o miya !
•likes the basics : decorating , some christmas music , likes holding a big christmas dinner with his family ( + tsumu’s partner bcus they’re family now )
• absolutely HAS to make a gingerbread house with u and he will teach u how to make everything from scratch
• u guys are constructing it , slathering on icing to stick the slabs of biscuit together and ur all focused
• he’s wearing the ‘ kiss me !’ apron that u got him, thick hands gently placing sweets to mimic bushes near the house, his grey eyes are on u the WHOLE time
• he thinks u look so pretty when ur not trying to be
•he’ll say ,” lover” and u look up, he’s just asking “ does this look funny ? the way i placed it?” but he knows it looks wonderful. he just wants u to say it cus it makes him feel fuzzy.
•when it’s done u stand back from it together, his arm around u and ur PROUD cus it’s so cute
•later he takes out some egg nog you two made together, sits down with u and u just chat about the years thats ( nearly ) passed. he’s running his hands up n down ur calves , laughing every so often , nodding , passing sarcastic comments
•it feels very home-y with the soft , jazzy christmas music in the back
•when he tells u about the dinner he’s planning he urges u to invite ur family too, and it’s kinda a big thing 4 u guys
• he was planning on holding it at the shop , since it’d be closed for christmas
•you guys prep together- making the food, planning a seating chart ( “ this feels so fancy, like a wedding ! “ wink wink ), he almost seems stressed.
• when you ask about it, you see his eyes glint softly and he reassures you that he just needs it to be perfect for your guys’ family
•so the prep goes on normally and he thinks he’s fallen for you all over again with how helpful, positive and over all amazing you are as a team
•the day comes and in the morning you guys unwrap the gifts you’ve gotten for eachother, and he seems spacy as HELL
• again, when asked about it he says he’s just thinking about the dinner
•so you show up to the restaurant and the families are THERE . shits getting real and you’re hella nervy
•him and atsumu are being absolutely chaotic- it’s so entertaining lol
•rest of the night consists of their grandma saying how pretty / handsome / good looking u are 😔
• at some point samu stands on a table and dings his glass with a fork , and ur kinda confused but ur smiling heavily at his durpy expression
• you can tell he’s had one too many beers- but you don’t stop him , he looks happy and he’s probably gonna say something sappy
• he starts speaking and throws his cap to the ground as he starts ,” family , friends , merry christmas,” he says, earning a ripple of claps from your loved ones and his. you cheer, and he smiles at you- his gaze doesn’t move as he continues. “ christmas has different meanings for everyone, but for me, i use it to be close to people i love. people that mean something- everything to me. “
• his arm raises to gesture to you, and your face is flushed red, “ my partner , yn, we’ve been dating since college. that’s , what? , 8 years ? and today i’m ending that.” his words cause your stomach to drop and tsumu looks up at him - confused and almost angry- looking. osamu only chuckles.
• you feel like you’re gonna fucking cry
• he steps down from the table , “ yn ln, i don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore,” he walks closer and you can tell that your family is becoming restless, tension beading up in the air and threatening to crush you.
• the man pulls something from his pocket , and before you know it hes on his knee. the room is full of gasps, cheers, mutters of ‘ oh my god!’ ,’ someone record !’ as he opens the box. a ring.
•” baby, “ he says, goofy smile on his face ,” can i be your husband instead?”
• everyone is SCREAMING.
• tsumu is crying , your mother is crying , YOURE FUCKING CRYING
• you nod your head and he picks u up, spinning you around and kissing u
•the ring is a perfect fit , and amongst all the screams he whispers ,” fits like a glove . just like us. forever .”
•now yk why he was so stressed out😔
k sakusa !
•he wants this to b over wdym
• he hates how busy and bustling everything gets, and to make matters worse his s/o wants to decorate the whole damn house. which means that they have to go out and get the deco.
•he’s all masked up and ready, n you prance out the room wearing a cute little christmas outfit. he’s pretending he dgaf but he’s smiling so hard behind his mask
•you guys get driving n you’re chatting up a storm, “ omi, do you think we should have a colour scheme ?” , “ ooo baby, what if we got a white tree hm?” , “ AHH OMI LOOK A SNOWWW MAANNN!!”
•he’s just smiling at you cus stfu ur such a sweet little baby
•when u get to the shop ur going so feral cus there’s everything u want n more
•u start with lights , then tinsel, little spray on snow for ur pretty glass doors at home, a couple reefs , some candles
• he keeps complaining about how cluttered the house is gonna be , but you’re shushing him and telling him it’ll be just fine
•so when it comes time to pick a tree , you make him pick
•he’s holding your hand, fingers laced and whenever he sees a pretty one he tugs on your fingers
• you hum a, ‘ ‘s your choice , omi ‘ and he groans because WHY CANT U CHOOSE
• he eventually comes across a tall, dark green tree and ur very pleased with him
• so u take it home, blah blah unpack blah
• u switch on some of that corny music he hates and when he’s walking up to you , you take his hands
• bro is confused until you start swaying , your hands finding his waist and his lacing behind your neck
•he’s blushing profusely, muttering how ,” i can’t believe you’re forcing me to slow dance to this bullshit “
•he allows you to though, and he can’t help the big grin on his face when you attempt to twirl him, when he dips you and especially when you draw him in real close
• you mutter the words of the song against his lips, and all of a sudden nothing matters. not the festive, the decorations, the world. it’s just you two- exactly how he likes it.
• the song fades away and you two stand like that for a bit , his lips pressing ghostly, gentle kisses onto the warm skin of your cheeks
• the decorating eventually starts 😔😔
•it starts fine
• but it doesn’t end fine
• the first annoyance was the needles getting everywhere and him complaining about it
•but you ignored it and he got over himself
•you’re placing the bobbles everywhere and you start ducking behind the tree whenever he glances at you
•he’s like ?? the fuck but you keep doing it and giggling . he feels challenged in his soul
•” i can see you, yn,” he says . you don’t reply , just going into the opposite side of the tree where you’re no longer in his line of sight
•he has an idea , and sneaks onto that side. he’s confused
• you’re not there
• before he can turn around , a loud THWACK is heard and a pillow is in his face
•you’ve done it now.
• he scoffs, tackling you into the carpeted floor of your luxurious house. he’s tickling your sides , your giggles and pleas music to his ears. his smile reaches those same ears - as he laughs he’s teasing you. “ you think you can whack me and get away with it, huh? huh??”
•you’re shaking your head vigorously, apologizing but he only tickles more and blows raspberries onto your neck. even he’s laughing uncontrollably now, your legs around his waist in attempt to push him a way
• he only stops when he sees tears form in your shiny eyes, pulling back. he breathes deeply, muttering about what a brat you are.
• his first mistake is turning his back to you, his second is not guarding his sides.
• you jump onto him, small fingers poking him and drawing a loud, girly yelp from kiyoomi. before he knows it he’s on the floor, begging for mercy as you tickling his sides- his neck- every part of him you can touch. his feverish giggles and attempts to grab your fast hands make you smile
“ hmmm? what was that omi ??”
•this is the first time you’ve ever seen him giggle so much.
• eventually you stop . and hes catching his breath on the floor
• absolutely red in the face. hes gone.
•he comes up behind you and you’re ready to throw hands again, but he stops you and raises his hands in surrender. “ we need to put up the star, neither of us are tall enough. i was gonna put you on my shoulders,” he laughs airily ,” unless you wanna carry me?”
• you shake your head, and he hoists you up on his broad shoulders. you position he star and he’s looking up to watch your expression
•you pat his mop of curls when you’re done, he smiles, bringing you down. he has to fight the urge to tickle you again when your wide smile etches into his brain again
• you step back from your work. you huff happily
• omi is just watching from the counter . he thinks ur so cute tbh
• later in the night, it’s quiet . no music, no volley ball matches in the background, just silence.
• you’re laying next to eachother with dimmed lights filling the room, the blankets are disheveled and your eyelids are heavy
•he glances over , and when he sees youre awake he rolls to meet your gaze
• he stares at you, eyes flitting over your features for a moment
• “ i love you, yn” he mutters softly
•you smile like an absolute goof and for a sec he feels his throat close up
• his mind is flooded with love, affirmations of his love for you, just you in his head on repeat
•” i love you, omi,” you say, brushing his overgrown fringe from his eyes and placing a kiss to his forehead
• glossy, black eyes meet yours and there’s another beat of silence. when he speaks its barely even audible- you think you hear him wrong when he does
• “ marry me , baby”
•you blink for a second. you know for a fact he didn’t just say that
• “ please, if we don’t get married i’m never gonna recover,”
•something about the way he says ‘ please’, the sincerity and emotion lacing his voice as he speaks - its so special. something you’ve never seen from omi.
• you kiss him. a kiss that’s soft, but it’s meaningful. his eyebrows knit together as his hands find solace on the curve of your hip.
• “ i’ll marry you, omi.”
• he smiles
• he’s never quite loved anyone the way he’s loved you before
• best early christmas gift ever
raines thots ୨♡୧
WAAAHH ITS FINALLY DONSIES!! i’m so proud of this!! i rly liked omi’s and kuroo’s !!! also why is omi’s dub voice so ugly i wanna cry. n e ways OH EM GEE TY FOR ALL THE LOVE ??? ily all . bYE MWAHHH<33
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httplilyyy · 2 years
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pairing: leah williamson x reader
summary: you get told about a career changing offer and theres only one person keeping you from taking it, what happens when those feelings change following a hidden secret?
warnings: fluff, teeny tiny bit of angst and the occasional swear word
word count: 2.2k
a/n: how about a little angst on my birthday? although, it’s not as angsty as i thought when i re-read it but oh well.
woso masterlist | next part
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You sat on the coach next to Leah as you were driven back down to London. You had just played a gruelling game against Everton, luckily winning 2-1.
You had come out of the match with a couple of bruises and one hell of a headache. Leaning your head against the coach window, you watched as the scenery went by.
Just as you were beginning to drift off, you felt Leah rest her head against your shoulder as her hands went to play with your fingers.
“You still wear it?” Leah mumbled as she played with the ring on your finger.
“Yeah, of course,” you replied softly, tilting your head away from the window, “I haven't taken it off.”
“Yeah, I don't plan too either.”
“How are you feeling?” Leah asked. “I know you were targeted quite a lot during the game.”
“A little sore, but nothing I can't handle.” You said.
“I’m surprised you kept your head.”
“Hey! I am the epitome of the three c’s”
“The three c’s?”
“Yeah, cool, calm and collected.”
“Absolutely not.” Leah chuckled. “In case you forgot, you got a yellow and were on the verge of getting a red.”
“I think you've got the wrong person.” You mumbled, pretending to look around the coach.
“Oh yeah? My bad.”
“I’m surprised McCabe didn't get a red.” You said just a little louder, knowing the woman sat in front of the two of you would hear you.
“Shut up, y/l/n!” Katie said as she turned to look back at the two of you.
You didn't say anything, just sending the Irish woman a cheeky wink along with a smile.
“Stop winding her up.” Leah chuckled as she gently slapped your thigh.
“Alright, mum.”
The journey back to London continued the same way, you winding up Katie in front of you along with teasing Beth and Viv. Leah kept her head resting against you in some way, drifting in and out of sleep.
Once you finally made it back, the team piled off the coach collecting their things before saying goodbye and heading home.
“I’ve got it.” You said as you took a hold of yours and Leah's bags.
“It's fine.”
“Nope, you’re tired so just get in the car. I’ve got the bags.”
“Thanks, y/n.”
You sent the defender a smile as you handed her your car keys before you went to get your things.
“You ever going to tell her?” Lotte questioned as she bumped her shoulder into yours.
“Tell who what?”
“That you’re madly in love with Leah.”
“Woah! What?”
“Come on, y/n. Surely you would’ve made a move by now.”
“No way! She's my friend.”
“You live together, how have you not tried anything?”
“Because I don't like her like that?”
“Whatever you say.” Lotte chuckled as she walked away and to her car, leaving you standing by yourself completely confused.
Were you in love with Leah? Surely not. Right?
Shaking your head, you stopped yourself from those type of thoughts and collected all yours and Leah's things before walking to your car.
Quickly placing the bags in the backseat, you sat in the driver's side before starting the car.
“Sorry, I-” You apologised, turning your head to Leah noticing she was already asleep.
You chuckled softly before driving your way back to your shared apartment. The drive wasn't long and since it was late at night, there was hardly any traffic.
Parking the car in your spot you turned off the engine and stayed seated, contemplating how you were going to get Leah and some bags back to your apartment.
“Leah,” you whispered as you gently shook her awake, “hey, we're back.”
The defender rubbed her eyes and let out a long yawn making you laugh a little.
“Want a piggyback ride up?” You asked and Leah nodded so you got out of the car, took a hold of both your bags before opening Leah's door. “Hop on.”
Leah slowly got out of the car and you knelt down in front of her so she could climb onto your back.
Once Leah was fully on and in a comfortable position you stood back up and closed your car, locking it, before walking up to your apartment.
Opening the front door was a struggle but you managed to do it. You placed both your things by the front door, deciding to get them once Leah was in her bed and asleep.
The defender was asleep on your back and you didn't want to invade her privacy so you decided to put her in your bed.
“How the fuck am I meant to do this?” You questioned yourself as you stood by your door, looking at your bed.
After a lot of trial and error, you had managed to get Leah onto your bed without waking her up. You draped your duvet over her and she snuggled into your pillows, finally getting the sleep she needed.
You let out a smile before collecting your pyjamas and gently closing your door, going back to the living room to sleep on the sofa.
It wasn't long after and you were asleep yourself. Although you were in a very uncomfortable position you managed to drift off and before you knew it you were being awoken by someone calling your phone.
“Hello?” You answered, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Good morning to you too.” Your manager's voice was heard through the other side.
“Ben, why are you calling me at..” You pulled your phone away from your ear to check the time before putting it back. “Five in the morning?”
“We got a transfer in for you.”
“Hold up? I was on the transfer list?”
“No, not necessarily.”
“You aren't on the transfer list, but a team wants you and are willing to pay more due to you having a few more years on your contract.”
“Ben, it's too early just to get to the point.”
“Barcelona wants to sign you.”
“Come again?” You said, completely shocked. Standing up you started walking around the living room. “Why?”
“You’re a world class player.”
“Oh Ben, you're too kind. Now tell me the actual reason.”
“I’m serious. If you accept this offer you’ll be the most expensive player in women's football.”
“How long do I have to decide?”
“A week, maximum, but I'd prefer an answer before then.”
“Yeah.” You trailed off, looking back towards your bedroom. “I’ll think about it.”
“Okay, make sure you really do think about it.”
“Will do. Bye.”
Ending the call, you sighed to yourself before sitting back on the sofa, placing your head in your hands.
“Hey, what's up?” Leah asked as she came out from your room and saw you on the sofa.
“Oh, hey.” You smiled, turning around to look at the defender.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, just tired.” You said, thinking it would be best to keep the transfer news to yourself.
“How come I was in your room?”
“Oh, I didn't want to invade your privacy so I thought-”
You were cut off by Leah letting out a small chuckle as she sat beside you.
“We’ve lived together for three years, you don't need to ask to go into my room.”
“It's cute.”
“Huh?” You questioned, tilting your head to the side a little.
“As for next time, you don't need to ask.”
“You also didn't need to sleep on the sofa.”
“I thought-”
“I know.” Leah smiled. “I’m going to make breakfast, you want anything?”
“What are you making?” You asked as you got up and followed Leah into the kitchen.
“Not sure, just going to have a look at what we have.”
“We need to go shopping.” You mumbled as you looked at the very empty cupboards.
“So cereal it is.” Leah chuckled as she pulled the cheerios box from the shelf
“I’ll go out later and get some shopping.”
“I’d come with you but I've got to go speak to Jonas.”
“That's fine, do you want me to drop you off?”
“I’m okay, thanks though. Actually I better go and get ready.”
Leah quickly finished off her breakfast before she placed her bowl in the sink and went into her bedroom to get changed.
You were scrolling through instagram when Leah came back out and you were still standing in the kitchen, this time drinking a cup of tea.
“Have you not moved at all?” Leah laughed as she saw you leaning against the counter top.
“Yeah, to make some tea.” You smiled as you took another sip before placing your cup on the side and passing Leah a thermos flask.
“What's this?” Leah asked as she took the flask.
“Some tea.” You said. “I hope I did it right.”
“Thanks, I'll see you later.” Leah said before grabbing her bag and keys, leaving you in your apartment alone.
Letting out a sigh, you finished your tea before you did some washing up. Once everything was done you decided to get ready for the day and to go get some shopping.
Due to the autumn weather you dressed up as warm as you could, throwing on a pair of joggers and a jumper as well as making sure you wore your trusty air forces.
Making sure you closed everything up in the apartment you grabbed your keys and made your way to your car.
Driving to a tesco that was close by, you parked in some random spot and made sure to get a trolly.
You walked through all the aisles multiple times you were sure you looked like a madman. Double checking you had gotten everything you needed you walked around one last time before going to pay.
Noticing you probably brought a little more than intended you cursed yourself for knowing it's going to be a pain to make one trip from your car to your apartment.
As you were placing your bags in the back of your car, you felt your phone ring in your pocket.
“Y/l/n!” The voice shouted on the other end.
“McCabe!” You replied.
“You made a move yet?”
“A move on what?”
“I’m guessing Lotte has something to do with this?” You sighed, placing the last bag in the car before closing the door and putting the trolly back.
“Yup, but never mind about her. When are you asking Leah out?”
“I’m not going to ask her out.” You said, turning on your car, waiting for your phone to connect so you could start to drive.
“Why not? The whole team is rooting for the two of you.”
“She doesn’t like me like that.”
“But you like her.”
“You should say something, before it's too late.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s waiting for you, she always has been. I just don't know how much longer she can do it for.”
“What do I do?”
“Tell her how you feel.”
“I swear to god if you're lying-”
“Just tell her!”
“Okay, okay. I can't believe you’ve roped me into this McCabe.”
“You’ll thank me later.”
“I hope so.”
“See ya tomorrow.”
You ended the call, focusing on the road in front of you and less on the multiple thoughts circling your mind.
Stopping at the traffic lights you managed to gain some train of thought back but the rest was all a jumbled mess.
When you finally got back to your apartment and parked your car you had gained a little confidence about what you were going to do.
Taking all the bags up in one go, you closed your car with your hip and locked it with the keys in your mouth.
You placed the bags outside your apartment so you were able to open the door and once the door was opened the lights were on signalling Leah was back.
You put the bags on the kitchen counter before running back to close the front door. You checked around the apartment trying to find a certain blonde defender until you stood in front of her bedroom door.
Psyching yourself up, you knocked on Leah's door, opening it up slightly.
“Leah- Oh shit- sorry!” You shouted as you quickly covered your eyes.
“Y/n!” Leah said aloud.
You stood at her door, one hand over your eyes as you tried to get the image of Leah and Jordan making out on her bed out of your mind.
“Sorry!” You rushed out as you closed her door and made your way back to the living room and onto the little balcony.
You grasped the cold glass railing, feeling a shiver go down your spine. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath you tried to ignore the thoughts running through your head. After a deep breath out you reopened your eyes and took in your surroundings.
“So much for waiting for me.” You said, lip quivering as you desperately tried to get rid of the tears streaming down your face. “Cheers McCabe.”
Pulling your phone from your pocket you found your manager's contact and clicked on it. Placing the phone next to your ear you waited for Ben to pick up and after a couple of rings he did.
“I’ll do it.” You said, somewhat emotionally as you wiped away a stray tear that fell from your eye.
“I’m sorry?”
“Accept Barca’s offer.”
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aristotlecoyote · 1 month
i'm sorry you aren't able to pay for watcher's new service. it was a tough decision for me too - i'm unemployed right now and had to look at my savings and decide to skip on buying a few things - but in the end i chose to support them. there are fans sharing accounts and gifting subs. some people in the fandom want to help with solutions but you can't hear them over everyone blaming watcher for suddenly being in the 1% somehow?? (they're not) this is still in beta mode so we all need to take a breath and see what they announce after seeing the feedback. but watcher didn't ruin the economy and make it so hard for people to get welfare and help - you need to contact some government officials for that - not shane's wife
You are fundimentally missing the point. And why are you feeding a problem when they have clearly show they dont respect their fans with their silence, and their employees and spouses snide comments.
The watcher hate train that you think is clouding my thoughts simply isnt. I look at other fans to see if i my perception is more then just automatic frustration. And its not. I think alot. I get heated when i feel theres injustice. But i think through every single thing in this situation for flaws in my own logic because i know people like you will say i am blowing out of proportion. dont patronize me with those arguements.
Yeah governement stuff isnt their fault but they know where the world is. Or atleast they should and they are choosing to bleeding their fans dry. I never said they were the 1% but they are rich. Being rich doesnt automatically put you in the 1 percent but it does give you a leg up to being safe.
I took a breath. I took a whole breath today and lived my life on an extremely small trip on a train. To get free samples from an event with a discounted ticket. I bought a single nice thing that i wanted and for the first time in three days i didnt think about this shit show.
I wanted to support them but seeing as they dont care that they are making
1. A bad decision that everyone except people like you can see
2. Using a base platform that is notoriously unfriendly to creators
3. Didnt respect their fans enough to do market research and give us a finished product or a timeline for things moving forward
4. Act like they are drowning while they are on a yacht. And show that yacht to the people they kicked out of a lifeboat. Then blame us for needing to get a slightly smaller yacht. (This is an analogy)
Its not the same.
3 shows i like is not worth. 6 dollars.
I dont want Sara rubin's fucking help. I am saying she is showing the reality. That these people dont care. Its a common fact of todays world that very few youtubers actually care. That you giving them 6 dollars for a thing that has never worked in the long term unless years of effort and research is put into it. And you are on unemployment? I dont know.
You are the ones that dont see the reality.
But like i said in my post. I respect that humans can do whatever they want. I just think you should think and ask questions and when you dont get clear answers. Wonder why.
All of this mess is something you need to watch before you jump.
I simply chose to step away from the cliff because i saw sharks in the water.
EDIT: some parts in this feel unfinished. I am tired and working on very little sleep because of how my brain has chosen to process this situation. I wont update this post with corrections unless someone can give me a hard reason to.
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24hlevi · 2 years
༄ Hayakawa Aki NSFW Alphabet
Hayakawa Aki (Chainsaw Man) X Gn!Reader
➸ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Smut
➸ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a NSFW alphabet w/ aki
➸ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: NSFW, language, choking, dacryphilia, mention of periods (no gender alligned)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) surprisingly, aki is pretty soft after sex. he will most likely light up a cigarette and cuddle with you until you fall asleep to which he then finally sleeps or until he has to get up for work. will get you water if you need it or anything else you ask for he's whipped
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) he loves his hair, he uses the best treatments for it and especially loves when you pull on it. call it cliché but he loves your eyes, even better when there's tears in them
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) he loves it when you wear his clothes, especially his button up, it takes all of his control to try and not bend you over the closest thing
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) i'd say aki is pretty experienced where he knows what he's doing and how to make you feel good but is far from some sort of sex god, he's great at what he knows and is a quick learner at that
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) cowgirl, aki lives for seeing you on top of him and going at your own pace while he smokes a cigarette and eventually just pounding up into you when he sees you're getting weaker
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) aki is more serious during sex, mostly because he cherishes you so much that a joke or something could easily ruin the moment for him, plus, if you tried to make him laugh while fucking he'd look at you like 😐
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) aki keeps everything pretty trimmed, theres a little bit of hair but not too much, he likes making sure it isn't too much because he hates how it feels against his skin
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) aki is very, very romantic and intimate when having sex, though sometimes when he's pounding into you like he doesn't care, everything he does is because he loves you so much, he'll even say it randomly, breathless so you know he still loves you and always will even if he's breaking your back
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) aki doesn't really jack off because at any random moment denji or power (or worse, both) find him and cause a whole fiasco he would rather die than talk about, but he will in the shower since it's the only alone time he gets
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) aki most definitely has a choking kink, he just loves seeing his hand perfectly wrapped around your throat and slowly tightening more and more until he knows you can barely take it or there's tears in your eyes which leads to the next kink. man definitely has a dacryphilia kink too, just the thought of him fucking you so good there's tears in your eyes makes him want to go crazy
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) a bed, whether it be his in the apartment or a hotel he buys for the night it doesn't matter he's old fashioned and will always rather do it in a bed, or the shower, he won't say no to the shower
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) when you wear his clothes is when aki gets turned on and just wants to fuck you right then and there or whenever you run your hands through his hair and lightly tug on it when kissing
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) anything with blood involved, if you're on your period for example he will literally tell you no, not because he thinks it's gross, but because he's worried of going too far and accidentally hurting you. another one is impact play, he'll slap your ass sure but anything else or a different thing hitting you he won't do it, again with worry of hurting you
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) aki is a fucking god at oral like 😵‍💫 his tongue is a mysterious wonder he just loooves going down on you, could sit there for hours if he wanted and make you cum over and over again. he does enjoy getting head but he would rather give than receive it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) it really depends on his mood and stress level. if he just came back from a stressful mission then he'll take it out on you and go hard but other times he'll just be so slow you have to beg him to go faster but he won't, cherishing every part of you and kissing everywhere to make sure you know you're loved
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) aki doesn't particularly like quickies, but usually if you both shower together it is because of denji and power still in the apartment most likely but really only in the shower, he has enough self control to not need a random quickie for no ultimate reason
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) aki is always up for experimenting, he'll try anything you want to at least once then decide if he wants to again or not. risks? eh, a little bit, not too much though, he knows anything could happen at any moment so he tries to avoid risks as much as possible
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) aki can last a pretty long time, maybe like 4 rounds tops but only because he'll drag out orgasming for as long as possible so he goes for longer than normal, can also keep a pretty fast pace up for a while
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) aki is pretty old fashioned, he doesn't really like using toys but will buy any you want to at least try out but prefers to just use nothing. would rather die than have a toy used on him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) this man is a mother fucking tease without even realizing it, just everything he does is so hot and can make your legs tremble, but he does be a little shit like stretching to the point where you can see a little of his stomach or purposefully tying his hair up slowly
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) aki isn't very loud but he definitely is a talker and groaner, he'll just whisper sweet nothings into your ear and his groans are just so fucking pretty like oml 🤧
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) he has a thing for being called "sir", that's all
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) it's pretty normal tbh, he's not like always horny but a normal amount
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) not very fast at all, he'll wait however long it is until you fall asleep then he will try to go to sleep, he wants to make sure you are safe and asleep before falling asleep himself
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mapliusoup · 7 months
some killjoys past headcanons part 2!!!! doing ghoul this time
last time i did the venom sibs and its my most popular post to this day so its time for my favourite little guy to be in the spotlight. i love him a lot okay
ghoul was born in a mexican family, who lived in the us close to the frontier. he had an older sister, a father and a mother.
ghoul was around four years old when BLI found them. his parents got killed but managed to get him and his sister to escape.
they catched them pretty quickly, though, and his sister got killed as well. they left him in the desert with some minor injuries, thinking he would die from dehydratation or get eaten by the rare animals that were still left in the desert at the time.
turns out he didnt. he somehow managed to stay alive. he barely knew how to talk, couldnt walk for long and had pretty much never interacted with people apart of his family.
he survived next years eating pretty much only trash, sleeping in the desert and running away from every people he saw from fear of being killed like his family. he got a lot of the scars he has to this day in thoses times
and one day, he met kobra.
if you didnt read my previous post and are too lazy to, kobra escaped gravel gerties (where he was living with party and jet and from where he had pretty much never gotten out) and got lost in the desert.
ghoul didnt know how to react when he saw kobra, but there was something about him- maybe the way he walked, slightly bent like he was scared of something, maybe the way his eyes darted from side to side like he didnt know where he was- he just knew kobra wasnt a threat.
ghoul treated human and animals the same way; and the best thing he thought of for making sure, completely sure that kobra wasnt dangerous was throwing an empty can down the hill, like for a dog, and when he saw that kobra actually went and got it, he got completely rid of any fear he had left.
ghoul didnt know how to talk. he remembered a few words of spanish, but all thoses years of being completely by himself made him forget pretty much everything.
kobra didnt really care, though. its not like he was good at talking either.
(also ghoul was around 14 at the time and kobra was 15)
they spent the next three months together, ghoul learning kobra how to survive (lots of the things he learned with ghoul saved his life later) and kobra learning ghoul how to do basic things like talk properly, act like a "civilized" person, etc
when kobra find his way back to gravel gerties, and found party and jet, ghoul thought he was going to be alone again. and weirdly, it terryfied him. because he had gotten used to kobras present, to the feeling of having someone watching your back, to the sensation of waking up and not being freezing cold, to have someone to hug. he didnt want to be alone.
and then kobra offered him to stay. and he just couldnt refuse, because he was tired, tired of having to worry about not being seen, tired to not know if you were going to eat next day, tired to not be able to really live.
and he accepted.
at first, ghoul was really startled by everything around- the people, mostly- but he got used to it. a lot was thanks to jet, who took special care of him, learning him to read and write and talk. and ghoul was happy, to have people who cared, people like party and jet and kobra.
he did have some troubles. he got in fights a lot, he has abandomnent issues and is scared of being alone. he has a lots of nightmares- and cant sleep in complete darkness.
he managed his anger by going to the zones fight ring. yes because i think theres a zone fight ring and if you disagree i will punch you
also he bites
(made this pretty quickly too so forgive me if theres mistakes)
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suffarustuffaru · 5 months
What do you think would’ve happened if Heinkel had been the one to fall into a coma instead of Louanna? I just think the potential of that is very juicy because like that completely changes the Astrea family dynamics!
oh i ADORE this idea so much!!! arghhh i love astrea family dynamics so much and i really really like each member - though of course i hope we learn more about louanna soon!!! im so curious about her and everyone in the family BUT her is at least decently fleshed out already!! but yes okay this idea is great and also Everyone in these reddit threads have brainstormed all kinds of ideas for Other Astrea Members Falling Comatose (heinkel, reinhard, theresia, or wilhelm) far far better than i could so if anyone seeing this hasnt seen those i highly recommend reading!! super fun ideas going on <3
but yeah my quick two cents on heinkel specifically going comatose is that, like people have mentioned in those threads that stuff would happen differently. marcos doesnt rejoin the royal guard, reinhard probably doesnt get the dp of mind changing, wilhelm might die to the whale instead since heinkel isnt around to get sent on a suicide mission and wilhelm Would Not Back Down from that, etc etc. or did theresia get sent to kill the whale right away while wilhelm like in canon went to deal with the royal family?? that sort of thing.
i think ultimately we dont 100% know what would happen on the louanna side of things just because. we dont know anything about how she was as a person hah so hard to predict!! but i think things would probablyy turn out a little better given everything i just mentioned. and also the bar for how canon went is super low anyway aljsdfl. but yeah i mean louanna seems like she might cope a little better (i mean. shes Probablyy not the type to fall into alcoholism right haha). or she might Also Cope Badly, depending on how you wanna interpret this. and depending on how louanna turns out to be as a person. and Someone is still gonna die to the whale probably. so things are Not That Great and also heinkel being comatose means he wont be head of the house. louanna in this situation either way would need to take charge - both in the sense that uh, in the end it'll just be her and one of reinhard's grandparents left around, and also in the sense that she is reinhards only parent left now. and also reinhard Might get a bit more pressure to hurry into the royal guard sooner. he'll get compared to his comatose MIA dad im sure :(( esp since heinkel is. frozen in time.
theres Always something chilling about how in canon, long term sleeping beauty syndrome victims are just. Stuck. in time. forever frozen. never aging a single day from the moment they were gone. thats Haunting. thats like living with a ghost thats still there. and in this au itd be heinkel!! heinkel whos still at his prime and hasnt truly had a permanent failure yet (losing his mom to the whale, losing louanna to a coma, etc etc), and of course like canon heinkel, louannas left to pick up the pieces which is always really sad to me :(( she and heinkel were young too when all of this started to go wrong T^T like Still Adults, of course, but still young!! like shes 21 and hes 22 T^TT wild stuff.
also i do agree with people who said that louanna might just wack reinhard over the head for kidnapping felt like that. 1000%.
anyway!!! astrea family drama still goes Wrong i think somehow, in another font, if heinkel or anyone else is the one that gets put into a coma :(( it might be better or worse depending on what happens!! and depending on who gets comatose and who Dies!! but yes i think everything goes a bit wrong either way :(( they can never win T^T but itd shift dynamics around every time which is the fun part!!
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