#and i can’t beLIEVE crosshair said what he said
polestargios · 5 months
they really did have me going as long as possible tho like i thought one of those new special clones was gonna be tech
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havoc-7 · 5 months
I wasn’t a die-hard Tech Lives believer (more of a “I HOPE Tech Lives” believer) but the end of the show has me grieving hard all over again, so here’s my little ode to Tech based on things I’ve noticed about him from rewatching the show:
Tech LOVES his brothers, and he genuinely misses Crosshair. When he has his heart to heart with Omega in the ipsium cavern, the way that he mentions Crosshair—even though that wasn’t even really what they were discussing—shows how often Crosshair is on his mind, so much so that he can’t really talk about people leaving and changing without bringing him up. When they get the Plan 88 from Crosshair, Tech is vocal and insistent about doing whatever they can to bring Crosshair back—because “he is still our brother.”
Tech is incredibly moral. Not that he’s any more moral than I think generally TBB is, but he’s not afraid to speak up when he sees something that he disagrees with fundamentally. “The systematic termination of the Jedi is a big one for me.” “There’s a fundamental different between taking fire in battle and being used for target practice.” Even in just the first episode, we see how firm his opinions are, based on what he believes: that people are people, that HIS BROTHERS are people, that they deserve better, that there is such a thing as right and wrong.
Tech may be practical, but that doesn’t make him any less crazy than his brothers—in fact, I would argue he is one of the more unhinged members of the bad batch. His plans and ideas see everything factually, factoring in risk not as an emotional factor but as a numerical one. He knows their skills, and what they are capable of, and he pushes them to those capabilities, even if the resulting strategy is absolutely insane. The best part is, as insane as he may be, his brothers trust him, because, as Tech himself said, he is seldom wrong.
Tech has a beautiful sense of wonder and awe for the world around him. How many times do we see him go wide-eyed as he encounters something that absolutely fascinates him—even if that thing is a Zillo beast that just ate an entire Imperial crew.
Tech is INSANE. Not unhinged, like I said earlier, but skill-wise, ability-wise, he is an absolute powerhouse. I will forever be grateful to the writers of TBB who gave us a techy, intelligent character who is not your average scrawny computer guy that we get in action movies. You have to have a lot of guts to be the guy in your squad who turns your back on the fight to bend over a computer and hack into a file or break an encryption or alter the programming—already a delicate operation, but with the added risk of getting shot with your back turned. He frickin wields double blasters so that he can shoot more clankers more efficiently (if that’s not practical Tech, I don’t know what is). He DOESN’T WEAR LEG ARMOR SO THAT HE CAN CARRY HIS TOOLS WITH HIM INTO THE FIELD. In “Faster,” we see his hand inching towards his blaster, ready to defend and protect the second it’s necessary—and you know he would’ve beaten anyone to the draw. He fought a group of Imperial troopers!!! With a broken leg!!!!!
Tech was amazing, and I hate that he’s dead, that we never got to see him grow old, that he never saw Crosshair again. But WHAT A LIFE HE LIVED.
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techs-goggles9902 · 6 months
Soft!Crosshair and fem!reader please
Maybe with something about his hand tremors?
Why did you wait for me? - Soft!Cross x fem!reader
Word count: 767
Warnings: none? Lmk if I missed something
A/N: Hey, I really wanna know who these anons are or if they’re the same person so I can thank you for these requests!!!! Sorry if this feels rushed or anything. I will happily rewrite it next week if requested. I’ve been sick since Sunday and I feel like trash :P
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Ever since he came back, he’s been… off. His calloused fingers, his eyes, his voice, all once so familiar, now somewhat foreign.
But he’s your Crosshair, he always comes around. You’re his girl. This is no different. Right? And, he always comes back. It’s only been a few hours since the Marauder landed on Padu’s upper level, your home, at the crack of dawn. You were roused by that familiar chime on your comlink.
What the hell, Hunter, you thought when you woke. Couldn’t he wait a few more hours until your alarm went off?
He couldn’t, which you now know.
You met the batch while they were on leave a few years back, fell in love with that tall, lanky sniper of theirs. Once Order 66 happened, Hunter advised you to come with them since Crosshair wasn’t the man you met anymore.
You found Pabu, where you settled down while the boys didn’t. Could you blame them, though?
“Stop staring at me like that, Cross,” you say as you cook him breakfast in your warm kitchen, feeling his gaze dig holes in the back of your head as he sits at the island.
“I’m sorry… I just can’t…” he pauses, swallowing. “I can’t believe you actually waited for me.”
“How could I not? You’re you. No matter what Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum say,” You turn, about to scrape the eggs onto his plate when you see his watery eyes. Those dark irises that usually pierce into people’s souls now desperately gaze into your own.
“I… I did a lot of bad things. Why do you still love me?” He whispers as you slowly put down the pan of eggs. You step around the island to embrace the sniper, his face buried into your sternum.
“Shhh… You didn’t have a choice, back at Tantiss.” His shaky hands lock around the fabric of your shirt. He doesn’t make any sound, just lets the tears stream down his narrow face, catching on his stubble.
“That doesn’t answer my question, love.”
You sigh, cupping his tear stained face in your soft palms. “I loved you during the war, loved you when you left on missions, I loved you when you joined the Empire. This is no different. You’re mine, I’m yours.”
His eyes widen ever so slightly as he gazes up at you, for once.
“How ‘bout we get some food, real food, in you and then we’ll talk?” You softly ask, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.
“Yeah… Yeah, okay.” He nods and you let him go to slide the eggs onto his plate. Watching him eat, you see the muscles working in his jaw as he chews, his temporalis bulging with each bite.
You haven’t seen him since… Kamino. You begged, pleaded for him to join the batch. You remember how he declined and begged for you to join the Empire, they’ll understand, he said.
He finishes eating and you scoop up his plate, turning away to put it in the sink. When you turn around, he’s gone off to your bedroom. You follow, thinking, I bet he hasn’t slept in a while. I mean, really slept.
He stops in the doorway of your room, turning back to you. He quietly asks, “Can I…”
“You don’t need to ask me for anything. What’s mine is yours.”
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You sit against your headboard, his head in your lap. Before, you used to card your hands through his silver curls. Now… You make due with caressing his growing follicles, careful of his lumpy, dented scar.
His hands tremble as they lie against your knee. You tap his fingertip.
“Are you scared?” You ask.
“What? No, why?”
“Your hands.”
“Oh… It just came one day.”
“Tell me… What happened?” You tenderly take his shaking hand in your own and you run your fingers over his too-short nails. Hemlock must’ve had them cut so he wouldn’t claw someone’s eyes out.
Poor Cross… Hemlock’s dying for this.
“You remember the shadows?”
“Mmhmm. The clone assassins.”
“He… Hemlock tried to recondition me into one… I was tested…” He doesn’t have to finish his explanation.
You’re quiet for a beat before you say, “I’m sorry, Cross…”
“Don’t be. You couldn’t do anything.”
“You know, a friend of mine has tremors, too. We can try exercises to… help cope, if you’d like,” you say, pressing your thumb pad down onto his knuckles for a gentle massage.
“I’ll give it a shot, love,” Crosshair says, rolling onto his back to look up at you.
“I love you, Crosshair.”
“I love you too, riduur. You’re my girl.”
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Riduur = spouse in Mando’a
Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @dangraccoon @skellymom @hellhound5925 LMK IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED OR TAKEN OFF TAGLIST
Dividers by @ saradika
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kybercrystals94 · 3 months
Stolen Time
Read here on Ao3!
Summer of Bad Batch 2024 | Week 4 | "You really think you're going without me? Not going to happen."
Rated: G | Words: 4,213
Author’s Note: Is this idea unique? Nah. Did I write it anyway? Absolutely I did. *throws another Tech-lives fic into the fandom*
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The sensation of falling is not unfamiliar; however, the sensation of helplessness, of utter resignation, of a broken heart…these catch like a sob in Tech’s throat. Mere seconds stretch into an eternity. The devastated expressions of his siblings are seared behind his eyelids when he closes his eyes. He wishes they hadn’t witnessed him fall. It will haunt them, he knows. He never wanted that for them. However, he’d rather that they live with the trauma than die trying to save him. The price of his life for theirs is one he willingly pays. 
He just hopes that the impact kills him instantaneously.
He breaks the surface of consciousness with a breathless gasp. When he moves to sit up, a weight on each of his shoulders holds him back. A soothing voice speaks incomprehensibly and close, warm breath on his face. Tech continues to choke down gulps of air, his lungs greedily accepting the panicked doses. 
Words begin to take shape in the voice above him, and he hears his name, spoken so softly and gently that Tech knows that the speaker loves him. But he doesn’t recognize the voice, although his mind feels thick and muddled. Perhaps he simply cannot remember. 
“Easy, Tech, you’re safe. Shhh, you’re safe.” The weight on his shoulders lifts, and a heavier weight folds around him instead. It startles him until he realizes that it is an embrace, arms threaded behind him, pulling him close. “I missed you. We missed you. It’s alright. Shhh.” 
He doesn’t understand why the voice continues to hush him, as if he is making any noise at all. And then he hears it. Feels it. Shuttering sobs, hot tears, trembling limbs. But he doesn’t understand why. 
“Where am I?” he chokes out, “Why can’t I see?” 
“Your vision will come back,” the voice says, now close to his ear, “It’s a side effect of being in stasis. You were there for a long time.” 
“Who are you?” Tech asks next. “Why do I know you?” 
The voice does not answer for a long time, but the embrace holding becomes impossibly tighter. The face against his neck feels wet. “Oh, Tech. It’s me…It’s Omega.” 
“Omega?” Tech’s mind cannot reconcile the little girl of his memories with the woman’s voice speaking now. 
You were there for a long time. 
Years. Lost. Gone.
I missed you. We missed you.
His sister. His brothers. 
“We’re on our way back to Pabu,” Omega says. She pulls back, the weight of her embrace gone from his chest. It leaves an ache in its absence. Before he can despair, hands wrap around his, holding fast. “I haven’t told them that I’m coming…that we’re coming. They wouldn’t believe me unless they saw you with their own eyes.”
“Hunter,” Tech gasps out. “Wrecker?” 
“And Crosshair,” Omega adds. “They’re safe.” 
A knotted pain in his chest loosens, one he hadn’t recognized was there until Omega said the name. They’d found Crosshair. They’d brought him home. This time, Tech knows why he begins to cry, and knows that it is his little sister that gently comforts him. 
His vision comes back as Omega said it would; however, his sight remains impaired without his goggles to assist. Omega hands the lenses over, cracked and damaged from his fall, evidently, long ago. He doesn’t put them on. They won’t do much good in their dismal state.
Glancing up at the young woman sitting next to him, Tech experiences a strange and hollow grief. “You look older,” he says. “Much older than I remember you.” 
Omega smiles. “Wait until you see our brothers,” she tells him with a wink. It is meant to be humorous, but it just sends another wave of grief. That is what Tech is afraid of, if he is honest with himself. They will have aged while he has stayed the same. Having matured with them concurrently all his life, the reality that they have carried on without him is disheartening.
“Are they happy?” Tech asks, fingers tracing lightly over the broken glass of his goggles. 
Omega considers the question carefully. “Yes, they are,” she says at last. “They weren’t happy when I joined the Rebellion, but it was a different sort of sadness, I think. I might be older and stronger and wiser, but I’ll always be the little girl from Kamino, won’t I?” Omega chuckles. “Always my little brothers’ kid sister.” 
Tech can appreciate that sentiment. He releases a huffed chuckle. 
“But how are you feeling?” Omega asks. “It must be overwhelming.”
“It is,” Tech agrees. “It does not quite seem real. Like it might be an elaborate hallucination.” 
“If it would help,” Omega says, the edge of her lips quirking into a mischievous grin, “I can pinch you.” 
Tech snorts, rolling his eyes. “That is not necessary. I only said it doesn’t quite seem real.” 
Omega shrugs. “Just putting the offer out there.” 
“You have become quite adept at flying,” Tech says, shifting the subject away from himself. He hasn’t seen more than Omega’s little vessel hurtling through hyperspace, which does not take any sort of talent; however, the comment seems to shift something in Omega’s stance. She looks proud, as though he has just paid her the highest of compliments. 
Perhaps he has. 
Omega leans back in the pilot’s seat. “I hope so. That’s kind of my job now.” 
Omega spends the hours of hyperspace recounting to Tech everything he’s missed. While his sister is animated and entertaining in narrative, it is shared with a subtle detachment. After all, she is sharing her past, her history. He is catching up, trying to understand the circumstances which have shaped the future he has unceremoniously stepped into. 
And while he listens with rapt attention, it also breaks his heart.
Omega’s flying skills are fully demonstrated as they approach the familiar island on Pabu. Omega guides her ship toward the base of the island rather than the landing pad at the top. When Tech opens his mouth to ask, Omega answers before he can get a word out. “Oh, you’ll love this, Tech. Watch.” 
With the practiced ease of a veteran pilot, Omega brings them nearly to the surface of the ocean, steering the ship into the gaping mouth of a cavern, neither wings nor fin scraping any sort of stone. Deftly, she activates the landing sequence, bringing the vessel to rest on the floor of the cave.
“Where was this when the Marauder was destroyed?” Tech retorts. 
Omega sighs. “Hindsight is much clearer than foresight,” she says. “In our defense, we were trying to load the ship to flee Pabu at the time.”
Tech is fully aware; however, the sharp sting of loss is still persistent. 
“If we give them a minute, I’m sure they are on their way down from the house,” Omega says, standing and stretching, her spine and shoulders popping loudly in the now silent ship. “Hunter has a radar for incoming ships.”
Tech looks out the viewport. The cavern has been lit up with strategically placed light sources, likely activated by their arrival. The island is already dark, several hours into the night cycle, although the evening is young enough that their brothers would not have gone to bed yet. 
Omega walks back into the main hold and begins shoving items into a leather bag. Tech watches her, feeling unsure what to do with himself. He does not have anything, possession or otherwise. If Omega notices the awkwardness, she does not show it, and merely slings the strap of her bag over her shoulder before lowering the ramp. 
“And there they are,” she says softly, tossing him a grin over her shoulder before she descends the steps two at a time. 
Tech hears them, their voices familiar but strange. More conversational and emotive than he remembers them…with the exception of Wrecker, of course. He sounds exactly the same. They greet Omega cheerfully, questions about her wellbeing and health tangling over one another. Is she being careful? Has she been getting enough sleep? Enough to eat? Resting between missions? Omega patiently answers each one, and Tech can hear an indulgent smile in her voice. 
“You should have told us you were coming home,” Hunter admonishes lightly, with absolutely no heat in his tone. 
“I wanted to surprise you,” Omega says. “Because I found something…someone…and I brought him back just as soon as I could.” 
Tech knows that that is his cue. He inhales a deep breath, but it shudders weakly when he exhales. Stepping into the doorway, he finally sees his brothers. Without the benefit of his goggles, their expressions are smudged to his view, but they go completely still, frozen in place as they stare up at him. To his mind, it has only been a few short hours since he has seen them, and with Crosshair, long months.  
But to his brothers, it has been nearly a lifetime. They have mourned him, honored his memory by living as he hoped they would always be able to live: free and safe. He does not know how they will react to seeing that he is alive, preserved just as they last remembered him. A living, breathing ghost. Time has stopped once again when none of them move. Tech doesn’t know how to set the chrono ticking again.
To his relief, Omega breaks the silence. “We discovered a warehouse containing hundreds of cryo-cycle stasis pods. From the intel we’ve decrypted, it seems that Hemlock kept what he referred to as promising specimens that he thought might be useful in future projects. When Project Necromancer was shut down, the coordinates to the warehouse were lost. We recovered dozens of survivors, Tech being one of them.” 
Although Tech has already heard this news, Omega having shared the details of his rescue as soon as he was coherent enough to comprehend, he hears it anew from the perspective he might have if the roles were reversed.  
He imagines the shock alone is incomprehensible. Painful even.
“You mean he’s been alive all this time?” A voice asks, shattered with jagged edges. “We could have found him…Hemlock might’ve told us…” 
It takes Tech a moment to process that it is Crosshair speaking, his most severe and unyielding brother’s voice bloodied and raw.  
Omega shakes her head. “No. We can’t think like that,” she says firmly. “What matters is that he’s back now. We have our brother back now. Wondering what we might’ve done differently won’t change anything.” Her tone leaves no room for argument.
“I don’t remember anything after my fall on Eriadu,” Tech supplies weakly, stepping down from the ramp. “I…had no awareness until Omega found me.” 
He hopes that the knowledge is a small comfort; however, it seems to have the opposite effect. Tech desperately wishes for the lightheartedness of several minutes prior, when he was still out of view, and Omega’s presence had brought their brothers immense joy. 
But suddenly, the mood shifts again, an unruly tide determined to be unpredictable. Wrecker laughs, the sound reverberating off the uneven cavern walls, echoing back at them. He rushes forward and envelops Tech in a familiar, bone crushing embrace. It entirely dispels the air from Tech’s lungs, and he gasps for breath even as he smiles. 
“We missed you, Techie!” Wrecker tells him, lifting Tech bodily from the ground. 
Tech wheezes out, “I would say the same, but it only feels as though I took a prolonged sleep cycle.” 
“Let him breathe, Wrecker,” Omega says, but she is laughing too, the gentle chide ignored for several more moments before Tech is released to a looser hold, Wrecker’s arm still around him. 
Hunter comes forward next and puts his hands on Tech’s shoulders, dark eyes searching Tech’s face for something Tech doesn’t know. “You haven’t aged a day, have you?” his oldest brother asks. 
“Well, that is the design of the stasis pod,” Tech tells him. 
Hunter laughs and pulls Tech close, his embrace nearly rivaling Wrecker’s in its intensity. “And you haven’t changed at all, my brilliant little brother,” he says softly.  
Tech feels the irritating sensation of moisture gathering in his eyes at the gentle words, but he does not wish to cry in front of his brothers. He has done quite enough of that in front of his sister. 
With some effort and not a little regret, Tech disentangles himself from Wrecker and Hunter’s grasp. There is one brother he has not seen since the destruction of Kamino, has not directly spoken to since he stepped in to draw Wrecker away from Crosshair’s cruelty. 
“Let it go, Wrecker. Crosshair has always been severe and unyielding. It is his nature. You can not change that. He cannot change that.”
“Why are you defending me?” 
“I am not. Understanding you does not mean that I agree with you.”
If Omega’s stories are anything to go by and bear any weight of reliability, it seems that Tech was wrong. Crosshair could change, did change, has changed. Tech wants to see and speak to his returned brother for himself, apologize for not pushing to recover him sooner. 
But when Tech steps around Wrecker and Hunter, and they all turn to where Crosshair had stood, the space is empty, gone like a shadow banished by light. 
It takes much convincing, but Tech is finally allowed to search for Crosshair on his own. He suspects that their conversation is better done in private. Omega offers him a few places that their brother might have disappeared to, but Tech is fortunate enough to find Crosshair in the first one. It is a tree house near the top of the island, built by his brothers for Omega and any children who might enjoy it. This late in the night, the little structure is seemingly vacant, but Tech climbs the rungs of the rope ladder anyway. Crosshair sits across from the narrow opening in the floor, back against the short wall, one leg out and one drawn up with his arms crossed and propped on his knee. 
“Hello,” Tech says, pulling himself up and settling himself across from Crosshair. 
Crosshair’s face is turned down, and even if he lifted it, Tech could probably not read his expression in the dim light. “Omega already told you about all of our hiding spots?” Crosshair asks. 
Tech hums, glancing around. “Not all of them, I’m sure. She only gave me a brief summary of the most likely locations.”
“I’m surprised you snuck away,” Crosshair says. “I didn’t think Hunter would let you out of his sight for the next ten standard years.” 
“That is a gross exaggeration,” Tech muses, “and I did not sneak anywhere. I told them I was going, and they let me. You on the other hand…” 
Crosshair makes a scoffing noise. It is so achingly familiar that Tech feels a tight fist of emotion lodge in his throat. It does not take much effort to imagine that this is one of the many times that Tech has sought Crosshair out, sitting with him in the quiet of a supply closet until he was ready to return to the barracks. They had always been able to communicate in silent moments, a steady presence when words were inadequate. 
The silence between them now, however, is stilted and strained. A weight and a distance. 
Tech desperately wants to fill it. Before he fell, when he thought they were going to rescue Crosshair from the Empire, Tech had rehearsed what he might say. But now, against Tech’s will, with years passed, his practiced words have expired. Crosshair has come back, has changed, has grown older in both body and mind. A few months to Tech are now years and memories to Crosshair. 
Tech does not know what to say, does not know what reparations have already been made. What he could add, what he should add, what he should leave to rest. 
He wishes he had asked Omega for more insight rather than a basic history of events. 
To his surprise, it is Crosshair that fills the silence instead. “They told me it was you that first wanted to ignore my warning message.” 
“Only because it was I that found it first,” Tech says. 
“I told you to hide.” 
“We were never ones to follow orders, were we?” Tech asks with a grin. 
“You shouldn’t have died,” Crosshair says, voice thick. 
“And I didn’t,” Tech returns. “Merely an extended absence.” 
Crosshair growls at that. “Merely,” he sneers, but Tech recognizes the grief. It is a reflection of his own. 
“Not merely,” Tech amends. “I do not regret my attempted sacrifice. But since I did not perish, I regret that I have missed growing old with all of you, seeing Omega grow up.” 
“It’s my fault. If I hadn’t…if I had just come with you on Kamino…” Crosshair cuts himself off.
Tech sighs. “Do not try to shoulder the weight of shared blame, Crosshair. We might have all made different decisions with different outcomes. I am sorry we did not try to find you sooner.” 
Crosshair shakes his head, and Tech hears a sharp intake of breath. He is moving before he thinks better of it, sitting next to Crosshair on the rough, wood slat floor. He wraps an arm around Crosshair’s back, drawing him into his side. The former sniper resists at first, leaning away, but Tech takes a metaphorical page from Wrecker’s book and holds fast until Crosshair resigns to be held. 
“I know that I am late to say it; however, it is true nonetheless,” Tech says in a low voice. “I am most relieved you found your way home.” 
“It was Omega’s fault,” Crosshair huffs. He swallows audibly and adds, “She brought you home too.” 
Tech smiles. “She does have an uncanny aptitude for finding things that are lost.” 
“How is it that you can say something profound and make it sound like an understatement?” Crosshair chuckles brokenly. 
“It is one of my many talents,” Tech says. 
They sit for a long time in comfortable silence.
Omega announces that she can stay on Pabu for two weeks. What is exploring the island to Tech is reminiscing to his siblings as they share stories and memories associated with every place they go. 
This large rock formation on the west beach is where Crosshair and Hunter taught Omega how to dive. 
This little fishing boat is the one they built together during their first spring on Pabu. 
These tide pools are where they spent nearly every Benduday in the summer. 
This is where they built a sand castle so big that it took the tide nearly a week to smooth it back to nothing. 
This clearing is where they’d go camping to practice Omega’s survival skills. 
This is the street Omega was running down when she fell and broke her arm. 
This is the food stall where they’d get their decanting day treats every year. 
Countless memories excitedly shared. 
And he missed every single one. 
It is the last afternoon before Omega leaves that their brothers return to the house early. They do not say it, but Tech can see that they are tired, their stamina not the same as it was when they were soldiers and younger. So they leave Omega and Tech and Batcher down on the beach, telling them they’ll have fresh caf ready for them when they come home. 
Tech and Omega watch Batcher chase after the moon-yos, the little creatures chattering at the lurca hound as they scamper just out of reach. Omega chuckles sadly, poking at the sand with a piece of driftwood. “She's getting old,” she mutters. “The moon-yos are letting her keep up.” 
“Batcher does not seem to mind,” Tech observes. 
“She doesn’t know any better,” Omega says. “She doesn’t know that time is a thief. Sometimes, I wish I didn’t know either. Just enjoy each and every day without wondering when it will end.” 
That is a somber thought. Tech turns his gaze to the water, waves calmly lapping the shore, unperturbed by the bleak conversation. 
“You will leave tomorrow?” Tech asks. 
Omega nods. “At sunup.” 
Batcher starts barking at something she’s found, leaping and wagging her tail. Omega smiles and pushes herself to her feet, going to see what the beast has discovered. 
Tech knows why his brothers do not join Omega in the Rebellion. They have already fought a war, fought for the life they now have, the peace they’ve now embraced. He discussed it with them late one night after Omega had gone to bed. It was not a decision made lightly, especially Omega leaving to join the Rebellion on her own. Hunter admitted that her ambitions clashing with his fear had led to many heated arguments in the beginning, until Omega tried to slip away into the night without warning. Omega is a warrior, a rescuer, a fighter. She is restless and uneasy until she knows she has done everything in her power to help those in need.
Tech understands her drive deeply. But to watch her leave again, he does not think he can stand it. He’s already lost so much time…
“Perhaps,” Tech says, softly, almost inaudible over the noise of the surf, “I will come with you.” 
Omega doesn’t hear him, but he’s already made up his mind. 
Tech wakes before the sun rises, but Omega’s room is already empty. She said her goodbyes last night to each of them, and Tech did not say a word about his plan; however, he had hoped to catch her before she left the house. He does not have much, but he snatches the small bag he packed and bolts out the front door, not as quietly as he would have hoped. The path to the cavern has become familiar enough that even in the dim light of approaching dawn, he finds his way quickly. 
He only slows his pace when he sees his sister ahead of him, just entering the gaping mouth of the cave.
“If you are under the impression that you are going without me, that is not going to happen,” he says as he comes in behind her. 
Omega stops short and her shoulders drop subtly, before she turns to face him, dark eyes weary. “Tech, you belong here, with our brothers. We just got you back…we can’t - we won’t - risk losing you again.” 
“That is not for any of you to decide,” Tech declares. “You have chosen that your path is with the Rebellion, and I have chosen that my path is with my sister. So much of my time has been stolen. I did not see you grow up as our brothers did. I did not help teach you or raise you. I can make up for that now.”
“Tech,” Omega sighs, “You taught me so much–” 
“Please, Omega,” Tech cuts her off. “I have already decided. Do not try to leave me behind, because we both know I can and will find alternate means. It would be much simpler this way.” 
That makes his sister smile, a battle worn grin that looks far too old. “I suppose you’re right about that,” she concedes, shifting the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “But what will Hunter say?” 
“He’d probably say don’t take unnecessary risks, and watch out for one another,” Hunter’s voice calls out. 
Tech takes a steadying breath before he faces his brothers who have come in behind them. “Apologies, I did not mean to wake you when I left,” he says.
“If you hadn’t meant to wake us,” Crosshair says with a wry grin, “you wouldn’t have sounded like a herd of stampeding rancors as you ran out the door.” 
“Rancors do not move in herds,” Tech tells him. 
Crosshair groans. “It made my point, didn’t it?”  
“I was trying to catch up to Omega,” Tech explains, “I fully intended on returning to give my farewells before officially departing.” 
“You better have,” Wrecker says, scooping Tech up in his arms. “You keep an eye on little Meg. She’s a crazy pilot. Learned it from you.” 
“It’s called skill,” Omega retorts playfully. “But yes, I did learn it from Tech.” 
Tech wriggles out of Wrecker’s grip in time for Crosshair to sidle up and put a loose arm over Tech’s shoulder. “Make Omega come visit more often,” he says. 
Hunter nods. ���And make sure she calls us at least once a week.” 
Omega rolls her eyes. “Guys, Tech’s not coming to be my babysitter. If anything, I’m going to be reminding him we need to call.”
“In that case,” Hunter says, pulling Omega into his arms, “make sure Tech comes and visits his older brothers once in a while, huh?”
Omega leans into him. “Of course. We both will. I promise.” 
It is well past sunup before Tech and Omega board her ship. He waits for her to move to the pilot’s seat, but she hangs back, watching him with a smile. “You wanna get us out of here?” she asks. “Modified this beauty myself…well, Echo helped. But you can let me know how she handles.” 
Tech grins. He does not need to be asked twice. 
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
*slides $100 in a monopoly money over*
You got any sub!crosshair and Dom!reader smut in the back?
We Could Be More pt II
Summary: Recently defected from the Empire, you and Crosshair struggle to make ends meet while you cross the galaxy looking for a safe place to call home. At least you have each other.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1766
Warnings: Smut, oral M!receiving, Dom/Sub dynamics, reader is a gentle dom, Crosshair swears when getting laid
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: *accepts the money and slides this fic across the table* So, I decided to make this request a sequel to We Could Be More, since it seems to fit. I hope you like it! So this story (which is probably going to have a third part) is basically Crosshair and Reader falling in love and finding their happy ending. Why do I keep doing this to myself with Crosshair?
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“I can’t believe you managed to talk that hack into buying the tie fighter,” You say as you offer Crosshair half of the sandwich you bought from a nearby stand.
“I didn’t sell it,” Crosshair counters, taking the sandwich gratefully, “I traded it for a better ship.”
“Better how?” You ask, as you take a sip of your grape drink.
“Well it comes with a droid-”
You release a happy gasp.
“-a protocol droid.” Crosshair continues, a small grin crossing his face as you wilt, “It’s the ship's pilot. It also has a proper kitchen and a bedroom.”
“Oh thank kriff,” You mutter under your breath.
“What, you didn’t like sleeping in the chairs?”
You scrunch up your nose at him, “Not in the slightest.” You finish your  half of the sandwich, “I suppose we need to buy food now?”
“Already taken care of. That guy was way too happy to get his hands on a TIE fighter.”
“Mm, probably part of the rebellion.” You muse thoughtfully.
“Not our problem.” Crosshair warns, “We’re not getting involved.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” You toss your trash into a nearby can, and fold your arms over your stomach, “So, how are we going to afford to keep this ship?”
“Bounty Hunting.”
“I know, I know. But it’s what I’m good at. And at least this way I get to pick my targets.” He points out. Crosshair quickly finishes his sandwich and tosses his trash as well, “In any event, it’s time for us to get off this planet and move on.”
“Where to?”
“Salesman said Takodana. He said that we can get help there.”
“That’s what he said. I figure it won’t hurt to check it out.”
“Your call.” You shrug, “If you think it’s safe then it probably is.”
He smirks at you, before he kisses the tip of your nose, “You’re too trusting.”
“It’s you, Cross.” You counter with a roll of your eyes.
“Mm.” He glances at you, a sly smile on his lips, “I don’t suppose you want to spend one more night in the hotel? For a repeat of last night?”
“Maker, don’t you have an off switch?”
“Yeah, it’s located in my dick, you have to suck really hard-” You punch him in the shoulder and he laughs.
“You’re a pig.”
“You weren’t saying that last night.” He says smugly.
“I…don’t recall.”
“So my dick was so good that you have no memory of it. Sounds like you need a repeat.” Crosshair muses as he drapes his arm over your shoulder and directs you towards the port where the new ship is waiting.
“Sounds like wishful thinking on your part.”
“Ooh, I’m hurt.” His grip tightens around your shoulder.
“Cross-” You murmur, your gaze flickering to the Stormtroopers harassing a shopkeeper further down the street.
“I see them. Keep walking. They haven’t noticed us.”
“...so much for a repeat at the hotel,” You quip with a small smile as you lean against him.
“Eh, we have our own bed now.” Crosshair replies, he keeps the stormtroopers in his sights right up until you climb the ramp onto the new ship, and only then does he start to relax.
He heads into the cockpit to give directions to the droid, while you poke through the rest of the ship. The kitchen is fully stocked, and the bedroom is clean and the bed even has fresh linens on them. More surprisingly, the closet is full of clothes. Actual, properly fitting, clothes. 
You blink at him, “What’s all this?”
“The Fighter was worth a lot more than this ship. So with the extra I got all of this.”
“...how do you know what size bra I wear?”
“I spend a lot of time staring at your tits, kitten.”
You grin at him, “Honestly, it’s almost like you’re only using me for my body or something.”
“Eh, the rest of you isn’t terrible. But I really like your tits. And your ass.” Crosshair tilts his head to look at you, “That bother you?”
“Nope. I do have an amazing chest after all.”
“Alright, little miss modest,” Crosshair says, sounding deeply amused, “We’re taking off in the next fifteen.”
You hum a response as you pick through the clothes to see what he picked out for you.
“Does it all meet your approval?” He asks sarcastically.
“It does! Well done.” You pause when Crosshair inhales sharply, and you turn your speculative gaze towards him.
“Right, well…I’m going to go make sure the clanker doesn’t kark up our departure-”
You cross the room and lightly pinch the material of his shirt between two fingers, and Crosshair doesn’t pull away from you. “Cross,” Your voice is light, and he seems to curl in around you, “I want you to take this off, please.”
“...and why should I do that, kitten?” Crosshair asks, his voice low and raspy.
Your smile is small and peaceful, “Because I asked you nicely.”
He leans in slightly, “Maybe don’t ask so nice next time?”
Your eyes glitter with mirth, “Cross, take it off.”
“Because good soldiers follow orders,” You tease, “And you are a good soldier, aren’t you?”
Crosshair groans, “That shouldn’t be half as hot as it is.”
He steps further into the room and allows the door to slam shut behind him, before he peels his shirt off and tosses it to the side. You smooth your hands across his chest, lightly tracing the scars and tattoos that cover his skin. “Lay down please?”
It’s a soft request. Gentle. Just like everything else about you, but you have a feeling that Crosshair will treat it as an order.
And you’re right.
Crosshair settles himself in the middle of the bed, with his head resting on the pillows. His dark gaze trails over your body, and he tucks his arms under his head. “What’s the plan, kitten?” He asks. 
“I’m going to taste you,” You reply immediately, “And then I’ll go from there.” You settle yourself on the bed next to him, and slowly unfasten his pants, giving him the chance to refuse you. 
“You gonna take any of your clothes off?” He asks, as you lower his pants enough that his half hard cock bounces free.
“Hm…maybe. If you’re good.”
Crosshair watches you with half lidded eyes, “You don’t have to be so gentle, kitten. You’re not going to break me.”
You duck your head, a small smile on your lips, “I like being gentle with you, Cross.” You drag a single finger down the side of his cock, hard now that you’re touching him. “You deserve a little gentle.” And then you wrap your hand around him fully and give him a lazy stroke. 
“Kriff-” His hips twitch at your touch.
Gently, very gently, you press your free hand against his hip, “Lie still, Cross.” He releases a second curse but stills his hips. You favor him with a warm smile, “Good boy, you follow orders so well.”
His head falls back with a low groan, and you can see the muscle flexing in his arms, “Motherkarking…-how are you so good at this?” He demands.
You just smile at him, “Would you like me to stop?”
“No I do not want you to karking stop you-” He trails off when you slowly raise your eyebrows, “I’m not going to beg you, kitten.”
“I would never ask you to,” You continue to languidly pump your hand, “I just want you to feel good.”
He releases a shaky breath, “I assume there’s more to this than just ‘lie still’.”
“You don’t get to touch me until after I’ve made you cum. That’s the only other condition.”
“At all?”
“At all.”
He flashes a cocky smirk, “Easy.”
“Well, we’ll see won’t we?”
With that said, you turn your gaze back to his leaking cock. He’s long and thick, though you’re not sure how he’d compare to other men. Honestly, you don’t much care, because he’s perfect for you. 
You lower your head and lightly lick the precum from the head of his cock. His groan sounds like music to your ears, and you decide that you want to hear as many noises as he can make. 
You wrap your lips around him and slowly start bobbing your head.
There’s no need to rush, after all. Plus, you’re still new at this. 
He’s warm and heavy in your mouth, with a taste that you’ve come to associate with Crosshair over the last couple of days. Slowly you ease more and more of him into your mouth, using your hands to massage the part that you can’t quite take yet.
Above you he’s groaning, and alternating curses and praises.
You can feel the muscles of his thighs flexing under you, and you’re touched. Crosshair is so much stronger than you, the fact that he’s willingly going along with this is…incredibly empowering.
And incredibly arousing.
You pull back slightly when Crosshair groans your name, though you keep him in your mouth as you work him over with your hands. 
He groans low in the back of his throat as you push him over the edge. You make sure to swallow every drop, and you don’t pull away from him until he’s spent. 
“How was that?” you ask, a little shyly. 
Crosshair drops his arms from under his head as he starts to catch his breath, “Incredibly, incredibly hot.” He finally says. 
You smile slightly proud, “You didn’t mind?”
“If I did, it wouldn’t have gotten as far as it did, kitten.” He shifts and kicks his pants off the bed, and then turns his gaze towards you, “Come here.”
You slide up the bed so that you’re closer, and then you squeak when he quickly tugs you across his chest, his lips crashing against yours. He quickly tugs your clothes off and tosses them to the side, before immediately sliding one of his hands down to massage your ass, pulling a startled squeak from your lips.
“Kitten,” He murmurs as he breaks the kiss, “I want you to sit on my face-”
Your face flames with flustered embarrassment, and Crosshair smirks.
“And then I’m going to fuck you into the mattress.”
You pull away to press your flaming face against his chest.
“And after that, I’m going to show you how to be a proper Dom, Princess.” He coos in your ear, “Your way is very hot, I want to show you my way.”
You peek up at him, a small smile on your lips, “Okay.”
His smirk grows into a grin, “Good girl.”
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hugmekenobi · 4 months
S3: The Bad Batch (5)
Chapter Five: The Return
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Gif by @theworstbatch
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: Will a mission to an Imperial facility be the thing that allows you, Hunter and Crosshair to reconcile?
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, again we have my interpretation of headspaces, limited use of y/n, fluff, reference to past character death, angsty conversations, PDA (kissing and some brief spicy thoughts), brief innuendo, mentions/ references to scars and torture, reader, Hunter and Crosshair are all a lil mean to each other, me making up how the Force works, I give some of Crosshair and Hunter's past fights some more lore, fun family teasing dynamics
Word Count: 8K
Author's notes: Had a lot of fun incorporating reader into this one! Hope you like it too! And the work for Ch6 will begin today too!
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Omega released a content sigh as she opened her eyes upon feeling the warmth of the sun on her face. As she took in the familiar walls and gave Lula an affectionate squeeze, part of her still couldn’t believe she was really here again.
“Looks who’s awake!” Wrecker called out jovially.
“How’d you sleep?” Hunter enquired as she came down.
“Better than ever.” She replied. 
“Delivery from Shep and Lyana.” Wrecker chucked her a piece of fruit.
“Another one?” Omega remarked lightly as she caught it. It had been a few days since they’d returned to Pabu and Shep and Lyana had been incredibly accommodating in the provision of clothes and food since she’d been back.
“They’re happy you’re back.” You said cheerily as you handed Wrecker and Hunter their mugs of caf and sipped from your own. Since being back, you’d all slipped out of your armour and for you this had also meant allowing the warm Pabu sun soak into your skin so there’d been occasions where you’d removed your top layer and gloves. You’d stopped hiding the scars from your torture, but it had meant you needed to fill Omega in on certain events.
“And so are we.” Hunter added with a smile as he slipped an arm around your waist.
“Where’s Crosshair?” Omega asked as she looked around the ship.
“He wasn’t on the ship when we woke up.” Wrecker replied.
“He’s… still adjusting.” Hunter added.
“I’ll check on him.” Omega said breezily before she departed the ship.
The three of you shared a mildly concerned look as she left.
Crosshair watched his shot go wide yet again.
“Greetings, Omega!” AZ shouted with a cheery wave to the girl standing in the distance.
Crosshair glanced her direction but quickly went to focus on shooting the fruit out of AZ’s hand again but released a low groan as he saw that his hand continued to quiver, making his grip and aim unsteady.
Omega made her way down to the beach cove and gave Batcher a few dotting pats before she came to crouch beside Crosshair. She noted the bowl of fruits on the rock he was positioned behind. “Shep and Lyana found you then?”
“Their ability to do so is uncanny.” Crosshair responded dryly.
“I know what you’re doing, Crosshair, but you can’t keep hiding. You need to talk to them.” She advised, the ‘them’ referring to you and Hunter.
“I’m not hiding. I’m training.” Crosshair deflected as he readied his rifle and got the fruit in his sights, but his shot missed. He stared at his hand in anger and aggravation. What good was a sniper who couldn’t make a simple, unopposed shot?
“You know, I’m sure AZ could look at your hand for you.” Omega suggested.
Crosshair exhaled a sharp sigh. “I’m fine.”
Sensing his wall was well and truly up on the matter, she changed tact, “So what skills does this require, besides good sight?”
“Being a sniper is more than just looking scope. It’s about patience. Reading the environment.” He half-turned his head. “And knowing when you’ve got eyes on you.”
Omega looked up past his shoulder to see the three of you watching them from the top of the cliff edge.
“They don’t trust me.” Crosshair stated matter-of-factly.
“Give it time. But you will have to talk to them.” Omega reminded him with a soft pat on his back.
Crosshair only gave a non-committal hum before he went back to his rifle.
“Not sure it was a good idea to give Crosshair back his rifle.” Hunter commented.
“Omega trusts him. That’s good enough for me.” Wrecker replied. “And well, he hasn’t tried to kill you yet.” He added, looking to you.
“Oh, yes, that’s a great comfort, Wrecker. Thank you so much.” You replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Wrecker raised his hands in appeasement. “All I’m saying is that it might be an idea to talk things out again.”
“Cause that went so well last time.” You muttered.
The sound of a ship approaching interrupted further discussion.
Hunter glanced up to see Echo’s shuttle and he whistled down to the other two but as he got up to leave, he noticed the stare you were giving him. It was pointed but there was something else behind it that he couldn’t quite label, “What?”
“ ‘What?’ he asks like I can just give a simple reply as to how whistling is attractive.” You mumbled, avoiding his gaze as you rather hurriedly stepped past him.
Hunter smiled at your back and fondly shook his head in your direction before he caught up to you and Wrecker.
“It’s Echo!” Omega cheered as she saw the ship fly overhead.
“Perfect.” Crosshair grumbled.
“I have tabulated your shooting accuracy. Your target success rate was at 53%. Well below your average.” AZ helpfully informed him.
Hearing that only made his mood worse. Crosshair did not respond to the droid, instead he just trailed behind Omega as they made their way to the top of the island.
You grinned as you saw Echo and Omega share a brief hug.
“What? No hug for me?” Crosshair quipped as he approached.
Echo scoffed, “That depends how good your intel is.”
Crosshair grunted in return. At least that felt somewhat normal.
The sun was setting as the six of you took your seats around Shep’s table, the golden glow adding some much-needed softness and warmth to the atmosphere. He’d been kind enough to let you all use his residence as a place to gather and think- there had been numerous offers of setting up places of your own since you’d all returned but until this business with Tantiss had reached an official conclusion, it felt too much like tempting fate to accept.
“They were using clones for testing, taking samples. Most were held in the detention wing, but I never saw what was in the vault.” Omega told the rest of you. “Even Emerie wasn’t allowed access.”
“Emerie?” Echo repeated.
“She works for Hemlock. She’s a clone, like us. Like me.”
Echo reflected on that for a moment before he addressed Crosshair, “And what about you? Anything else to add?”
“I was a prisoner. Not much to tell.”
You and Hunter both narrowed your eyes at him. He was holding something back.
“We’ve been searching for this base for a long time. Accurate intel’s hard to come by. We need to know all we can before making any moves.” Echo said.
“We have Nala Se’s datapad, but it isn’t working anymore.” Omega slid the device over to Echo. “If we can get it online, we should be able to pull more intel on Tantiss.”
“It could have schematics, entry points.” Hunter theorised. “Maybe even the coordinates of the base itself.”
“Imperial encryption will be a problem, especially without Tech.” Echo said, his tone solemn.
The mood shifted and your eyes couldn’t help but drift over to the empty seat at the end of the table. Regardless of everything else, it was obvious the loss was felt by all of you.
“Plugging it into an Imperial terminal will bypass the encryption.” Crosshair stated after a moment of heavy silence.
“Where do we get one of those?” Wrecker asked.
“I know a facility. Remote, understaffed. It shouldn’t be a problem to infiltrate.”
Hunter debated the risks in his head, “Crosshair, Echo and I will go to this remote facility. You three will stay here.” He looked to you, Wrecker and Omega.
You frowned at him.
“We’re finally together and you want to split us up?” Omega argued.
“Yeah, I’m with the kid on this one.” You piped up.
“We just got you both back. I’m not going to risk either of you getting captured again.” Hunter replied firmly.
Your gaze softened, “Hunter, not that I don’t appreciate the concern, but there’s no way I’m letting you go to an Imperial facility with just two other people. No matter how understaffed it might be.”
“With me, you mean.” Crosshair muttered, the double meaning behind your words was not so subtle. “One of these days you’re going to have to trust me.”
“Give me a reason to.” You snapped back. Hunter’s gentle squeeze of your knee stopped you from saying anything more.
The others all shared in fretful looks of concern.
Omega spoke up to get her argument in before one started again between you, Hunter, and Crosshair. “And I left all those clones behind. I need to do this, Hunter.” Omega implored.
Hunter glanced between Wrecker and Echo who both nodded. He then faced you, and he could tell by the resolve in your eyes that he wasn’t going to win this one. He gave a resigned but agreeable nod of his head.
The tension between the two clones could be cut with a knife as they passed each other on the ramp.
“Don’t hold it against him. He’s only worried about you.” Crosshair explained to Omega as Hunter moved out of earshot. He picked up the next case of supplies.
“I know.” Omega said begrudgingly. “You think I should stay behind too?”
“You’re capable, but you are still a kid.”
Omega only scoffed, “I’m older than you are, little brother.” She taunted.
“Never going to quite get used to that.” You said to yourself, sliding your gloves on and long-sleeved top over your head before grabbing your limited pieces of armour from the pile of supplies. You reapplied it as you passed the two of them. But the smile and quiet laugh Crosshair allowed himself at Omega’s words wasn’t lost on you either. You boarded Echo’s ship but saw Hunter standing in the doorway watching as Wrecker walked towards the two of them. Is that-
Hunter offered a rigid nod by way of reply.
“I don’t know if this’ll still fit, but, uh, here.”
Crosshair turned to the sound of Wrecker’s voice and opened the case he held out for him, but he wasn’t expecting to see what he did. And whether he’d want to admit it or not, the meaning behind the fact that they’d kept it after all this time touched a part of him. “My old armour.”
“Yeah, it never felt right to get rid of it.” Wrecker admitted before he boarded the ship.
With all of you properly kitted up, the ship came out of hyperspace and entered the ice planet’s atmosphere.
“On approach. Reading minimal life signs, if any.” Echo announced.
The ship landed and the group of you got ready to disembark.
Echo gave the scanners one last preliminary glance, “No heat signatures inside of the depots, and nothing on comms. There’s no one here.”
As you followed the helmeted example of the others and pulled your hood and mask up, and made your way out, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d been here before. Something about it felt eerily familiar but you couldn’t fathom why. You dismissed Hunter’s questioning glance and continued further down the steps. Clearing your mind, you studied Tech’s datapad with Hunter.
“Hey, it does fit.” Wrecker said with a laugh as he half-turned and saw Crosshair come outside in the old black and red 99 armour.
You, Echo, and Hunter all looked too, and the sight automatically transported you back in time, but it was now clouded by a lingering darkness.
Crosshair grunted as he fiddled with it and his eyes caught the ice vulture screeching in the now clear and serene sky. This place certainly looked different in the sunlight and without the violent snowstorms, and he only wished the outcome from this mission would be more successful than last time. Your voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
“You said this outpost was remote, not abandoned entirely.” You didn’t bother to hide the element of accusation in your tone.
“Well, I didn’t get daily intel briefings in my cell.”
You rolled your eyes at the unsurprising uncooperative response and watched as Hunter moved past you and closer to his brother.
“I get the feeling there’s more to this place than you’re saying.” Hunter said, the distrust in his voice seeping through.
Batcher’s barking disrupted any potential reply and you all turned to see what had got her riled up.
Hunter pulled out his macrobinoculars, “The sensors are giving off a high-frequency tone. She must be reacting to it.”
“What are the sensors for?” You asked Crosshair.
“Perimeter detection against local raiders.” Crosshair responded, already fearing but knowing where this path of questions might lead.
“You didn’t think to warn us about these raiders before?” You countered heatedly.
“No, they were all dealt with.”
“And how do you know that?”
“Take a guess.” Crosshair snarked.
You only shook your head and scoffed.
The answer didn’t please Hunter either and he found himself standing opposite Crosshair once again only this time he felt himself feeling more confrontational than he’d been before, “Just following orders?”
“If you’re scared, why don’t you wait on the ship. I’m sure someone could offer you some… comfort.” He added with a barbed nod in your direction.
You glowered at him and found yourself uncaring if one of their typical fights ensued. You’d seen them both in hand-to-hand many times and you knew who would come out on top in that scenario.
Hunter took half a step forward after the comment, but Echo pushed them both back.
“Hey, kill each other later. We’re here for a reason. Let’s crack into the datapad and get out of here.”
Omega watched the rest of you head to the base, but Crosshair was yet to follow, “I said talk to them, not argue with them.” She chastised.
Crosshair only sighed and muttered, “They started it.”
Omega released an exasperated breath of her own at the lack of from all three of you and made her way to the base too.
As the group of you approached the doors, you saw that the doors were blocked by multiple layers of snow.
You couldn’t help but smile behind your mask as you saw the way Batcher excitedly joined Wrecker and Hunter in the digging process.
With Batcher’s assistance, enough snow was dissipated, and you were able to make your way to the doors.
Wrecker pulled them apart and you all entered the facility.
Omega made her way over to the sound of beeping and took up position by one of the consoles and turned the power and lights on, “The power to this outpost has been nearly depleted by the sensor beacons.”
“Then we need to divert all power to this depot.” Echo directed.
“On it.”
“No one else thinks that’s a risky idea?” You tugged your mask down. “We don’t know if there was more that they were meant to keep out.”
“Nothing showed up on the scans, we should be fine.” Echo replied casually before he signalled to Omega that she should keep going.
Echo took up position by another console and took off his helmet like the rest of his brothers.
“So why’d the Empire abandon this place?” Wrecker wondered aloud.
“I guess it served its purpose.” Crosshair said.
“Hmm. Sounds familiar.” Echo said flatly.
You and Hunter watched as Crosshair moved away from the rest of you towards a darkened section of the room.
Crosshair shone his torch around the space and saw the collection of discarded clone helmets and he remembered what it had been like when he’d first arrived here. He remembered the respect Mayday had shown him. A respect and understanding that he hadn’t experienced for a long time, and he knew he couldn’t leave them like this.
Hunter observed his actions. He knew his brother and he wouldn’t behave like that for no reason. Whatever had happened to him clearly held more significant than he was letting on.
You too studied Crosshair carefully as he respectfully but solemnly placed the helmets on the crates. Whatever you were sensing about his place was lingering around him. A quick tap on your shoulder brought your attention back to Hunter who jutted his head back towards the rest of the group.
“That should do it.” Omega said as the sensors officially powered down and the power diverted so now the entirety of the outpost was lit.
You all crowded around Echo’s position as he plugged the datapad into the system, “Ah it’s working.” He began to digest the copious amounts of information on the screen. “Look at this manifest. There are even more clone prisoners on Tantiss than we thought.”
You all simultaneously turned towards Crosshair who had emerged from the other room.
Crosshair didn’t say anything, instead he noticed Batcher’s agitated growls and the way she was looking outside.
“Where are you going?” Hunter queried as he saw Crosshair heading towards the exit.
“To check the perimeter.”
You and Omega both went to follow them out, but Echo stopped you both.
“Uh, let them work it out. We have to finish this data transfer.”
“But-” You began to object.
“You three rile each other up too much. This won’t be solved by you all looking for ways to score points.” Echo reminded you sensibly.
You may not like it, but you knew deep down that he was right. You watched the two of them fade into the distance before you turned back to help with the datapad.
“Are you going to be my shadow everywhere?” Crosshair asked, removing the toothpick from his mouth, and turning around to face Hunter.
“I know you. There’s more you’re not telling us, and I’m done waiting. Start talking, Crosshair. What did you do to finally get on the Empire’s bad side? Betray them, like you did with us?” The last words were said with particular feeling behind them.
Crosshair glanced down at his hand as the tremors started once more. He curled his hand into a fist and shook it out.
“Any schematics on there?” Omega asked Echo.
“None that I’m seeing. Just medical records. I think this is all we’re gonna get. At least it’s something.”
You registered a faint rumbling that reverberated around the outpost, and you noticed Batcher anxiously pacing and sniffing the floor. “Batcher?”
Omega turned upon hearing you and she recognised the unusually tense behaviour being exhibited by her dog. “Something’s wrong.”
When he’d been met with stony silence, Hunter had closed the distance between him and his brother, “You thought we’d take you back and not ask questions? I don’t think so. Tell me what changed.” The lack of reaction from his brother was infuriating and it got the better of him. He shoved Crosshair’s chest. “What happened, Crosshair?”
Crosshair avoided Hunter’s intense stare as he went through all the possible outcomes of this interaction, but it all came back to one key detail- he wasn’t able to avoid this any longer, “I killed an Imperial officer.”
Hunter was taken aback. It had been a growing suspicion in his mind, but hearing it be true was an entirely different matter.
“So, yes, I did betray them after they betrayed me.” Hunter may have gotten him to say it, but he wasn’t the only one who knew how to push the correct buttons. “Oh, don’t pretend like this is all about me. I tried to warn you, Hunter.” Crosshair turned his back to him. “I risked everything to send you that message. You ignored it.” He turned again so he could see his words finding their mark. “You let Omega be taken to Tantiss. She went through what she did because you failed.” His emotions started to take control as he shoved Hunter back, “You’re angry because she escaped with my help, not yours. And as for (Y/N)-”
“Don’t-” Hunter snarled.
But Crosshair was in full flow now and although part of him knew he’d regret saying them, he couldn’t help himself as the words spilled from his mouth in a way that he knew would cut his brother deeply, “She thought she hid them in time, but I’ve seen the marks around her wrists from binders that were secured too tightly. I’ve seen the scars on her back. Whatever hell she went through is on you too.”
Hunter clenched his jaw so hard that his teeth hurt. White hot rage coursed his veins and all he could see was red but before he could act, Batcher’s distant barking got his attention. It was then he felt the ice beneath them shaking. “Move.” He yanked Crosshair forward just as- what could only be described as a giant ice wyrm- erupted through the snowy ground.
The resulting impact of the ice cracking had seen to it that the ship collapsed further into the snow, but they couldn’t worry about that now, the two of them scrambled to their feet and sprinted back to the base.
You all watched anxiously as the other two made their way back with the creature hot on their heels.
When they got close enough, you all retreated further inside, and they managed to dive through doors just before Wrecker shut them.
There was a deep bellow and growl from the creature as it crashed against the doors.
“I guess we know what the perimeter sensors are meant to keep out.” Omega said agitatedly.
Echo felt your standard ‘I told you so’ stare being trained on him. “Not the time.” He groused.
“ ‘We should be fine’ I believe is what you said.” You remarked, raising your eyebrows at him whilst Hunter and Crosshair got to their feet. “I can’t get the ship-” There was another harsh growl and the entire base shook, bringing all of you to your knees.
“Great, what now?” Wrecker grumbled as he turned his torch on.
“I can’t get the ship out of the snow with that thing out there.” You finished your previous sentence as you stood up. “We have to restore power to the sensor beacons.”
Echo jogged over to where Omega had originally rerouted the power. “There’s a fuse box for the reserve energy grid in the back of this compound.”
“One of us needs to get over there and reset the grid manually.” Crosshair said.
“I’ll do it.” Wrecker volunteered immediately.
“And I can get the defense system reactivated once the power’s back.” Omega said.
“We’ll have to draw the creature beyond the sensors before they reboot, or we’ll be trapped inside the perimeter with that thing.” Hunter reminded everyone.
“I’ll do it.” Crosshair said to him.
“Not alone. We’ll do it together.” Hunter replied firmly.
“You sure about that?” Crosshair challenged.
Echo saw you getting ready to also volunteer to go so he placed a hand on your wrist to subtly tell you to stop, “We’ll spot you both from the tower.”
You shot Echo a questioning look but nodded all the same. Brotherly bonding? You guessed, although you wished it was under different and safer circumstances but then again, this felt pretty fitting for them.
Echo gave you a small nod.
Hunter gave you his macrobinoculars before addressing all of you, “Then let’s get to it before it tears the place apart.” Hunter ordered.
Helmets and coverings were back on as Wrecker opened the door and you all waited for Hunter’s signal.
Satisfied that the cost was clear, Hunter made the first move and all of you went to your decided positions.
“Three o’clock!” Crosshair shouted as he saw the wyrm angling towards Hunter who was a few metres ahead of him. He drew his rifle and opened fire, but they weren’t making contact, the ice was too good a cover.
Hunter turned his head to see the animal explode from the ground. He was able to dive out the way of its jaws but as he landed, he felt the ice crack beneath his feet, and he plummeted downwards.
You put down the binoculars and inhaled deeply before releasing a slow, calming breath. You tapped your comm. “Did you just fall through the ice?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
“I’m fine.” Came his reply.
He may have been fine, but you could hear the slight strain in his voice. A series of annoyed grumbles left your mouth- how many times was this man going to fall through/from things?
“Why? Why is there always a huge monster?” Wrecker’s voice said through the comms as he made his journey across the show. “Echo, (Y/N), do either of you see it?”
“An excellent question.” You muttered to yourself as you and Echo continued to scan the area for the creature. “We don’t have a visual.” You said into your comm in answer to Wrecker’s second question.
“Can you get outside the perimeter from down there?” Crosshair called down to Hunter through the hole in the ice.
Hunter scanned the tunnel ahead with his torch. “I’ll follow the tunnel north. Find out.”
“We’ll track you from up here.” Crosshair said. The ‘we’ now referring to him and Batcher who had joined the fray after seeing Hunter fall.
You and Echo continued to search for the creature from your posts.
“Target spotted. It’s right on your tail.” Echo said into the comm to Crosshair. “About a hundred meters and closing.”
“Got it.” Crosshair acknowledged. He came to a stop and drew his sniper. He fired at the oncoming shape in the snow, but the result was the same as before and his trembling hand wasn’t helping matters. He shook it out yet again and repositioned his stance just as the wyrm resurfaced. His shots kept hitting the creature’s shell until one of them finally hit the inside of the mouth, causing it to retreat back underground.
“I think I just made it angrier.” Crosshair mused into the comms.
“Fantastic.” Hunter replied dryly as he continued to run through the tunnel.
After finally digging through all the snow that had been blocking the entrance, Wrecker finally made it inside, “Okay, I’ve found the fuse box. What’s next kid?”
“Good. Now prime the breaker.” Omega instructed.
“You’re about 400 meters from the perimeter.” Crosshair said into his comms for Hunter’s benefit.
You kept your sights trained on Crosshair and the area around him, “No sign of that thing.” You said into your comm, but you weren’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.
As they passed the perimeter, Crosshair followed Batcher’s lead this time as she sniffed the ground before letting out an excited bark as she began to dig.
“We’ve found a weak point in the ice. We’ll try to break through.” Crosshair said to Hunter, giving Batcher a praising pat.
“You’ll try?” Both you and Hunter said together.
“Glad you two heard me properly.” Crosshair retorted.
“Crosshair, I swear if-”
“I’ve got him.” Crosshair reassured you with more sincerity than he’d anticipated as he and Batcher began to dig through the ice.
“Alright. Breaker’s primed. What next, kid?” Wrecker asked as the screen finally lit up.
“Cycle the navigator. That should be to the right of the main breaker.” Omega replied.
Wrecker did as she said.
“Things are getting close in here. Am I gonna have a way out or not?” Hunter asked as the sounds of growls and ice cracking echoed around him.
“If you end up where we hope you do.” Crosshair responded.
“Boom! Power’s online.” Wrecker interjected.
“Hunter, should I activate the beacon?” Omega asked, her hand hovering over the button.
“Wait! We have to make sure the wyrm is past the perimeter.”
Crosshair shot into the ice to weaken it and create a bigger opening.
The sound of falling ice and light shining into the tunnel grabbed Hunter’s eye and he made his way under the opening that Crosshair had caused.
“Get up here!” Crosshair urged.
“Not yet. Where’s the wyrm? I can’t find it.”
The sound of him refusing to get to safety sent a wave of anxiety through your body but you focused up and helped Echo look around but neither of you could see anything.
“It’s past the perimeter!” Hunter said into his comm as a deep bellow sounded in the tunnel and he saw the wyrm emerge ahead of him.
Crosshair pressed his own, “Omega, activate the sensors!”
“Bringing them online now.”
Once Crosshair saw the sensor activate, he reached the end of his rifle down into the tunnel for Hunter to grab onto to pull him out of there. He helped him to his feet just as the wyrm shattered through the ice and the three of them began the run back to the inside of the perimeter.
They dived across the boundary and were relieved to find that the wyrm refused to go any further. It let out an aggrieved howl before moving away from them.
You put the binoculars down with a deep sigh of relief as you saw them sitting within the safety of the perimeter.
Hunter joined Crosshair in taking off his helmet so as to allow more oxygen to enter his lungs after that rather strenuous task. He then glanced over to see a restrained but warm look on Crosshair’s face as he stroked Batcher.
It was then that something seemed to tentatively slide into place. This mission, weirdly enough, had helped to fill in the gaps. It had brought a sense of normality back and when it had truly come down to it, Crosshair had helped get him to safety.
Crosshair felt Hunter looking at him. He angled his head to meet his stare and as his brother offered a small but sincere nod of gratitude, he gave one back in return.
You tugged your hood and mask down and shielded your eyes from the sun as you saw the two oncoming figures and their animal companion.
Echo and Omega came to join you and the three of you watched as their return journey was interrupted by Wrecker running up to them and embracing them both in a needed- but rather one-sided- group hug.
You chuckled as you observed the scene ahead of you and, despite your own worries about Crosshair, it felt good to see that there was room for reconciliation- at least with his own brothers anyway. You weren’t sure how you fit into the equation yet.
“See? They always work it out. And I don’t even see in blood this time. That’s progress.” Echo stated light-heartedly.
“I think the worst I saw between them was after the stampede of Reeks. We wound up having to fix more injures than what we started with.” You reminisced with a smile. The stressful part memory of the incident was pushed to the back of your mind as you remembered that by then, you and Hunter were both experiencing the same feelings for each other. Of course, you hadn’t exactly known that at the time, that information had come out much later.
“Do you know what that was about?” Echo asked you.
You fully looked at him now. “No? I’d left to get more medical supplies. I’d assumed Crosshair just called him an idiot for coming down there after I fell in.”
“I mean, that phrase was certainly used but not in the way you thought.”
You didn’t like the teasing insinuation in his tone. “Then why?” You asked carefully.
“It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that he was the first one down there to get you out and took a horn to the rib for his troubles…”
A tossed your head back and humiliated groan left you, “No…”
“Crosshair saw a lot from you two, he always knew just what to say to get the reaction from Hunter that merely proved what we all already knew.” Echo chortled, “Well, almost everybody.”
“Are you kidding me?” Embarrassment graced your face.
“I mean it was so obvious by that point…”
“Yes, Echo.” You mumbled as you exhaled a short, sharp breath.
“The fact that a wounded Hunter still chose to have it out with Crosshair rather than admit it was something else that caused him to come to your aid without an ounce of strategic thinking…”
“Thank you, Echo.” You said through gritted teeth as you saw the delighted grin on Omega’s face as she heard all of this.
“Didn’t you put it together that after that moment you two started ending up in a lot more tiny spaces with conveniently ‘broken’ doors?”
“Alright, you’ve made your point.” You interjected hastily before he could carry on. The obliviousness and- quite frankly- idiocy that you two had conducted yourselves in for the longest time was an element of your relationship you’d rather forget.
Echo merely shot you a knowing smirk, “You never said I was wrong.”
“I’m moving away from you now.” You gave his shoulder a playful shove.
Omega watched you jog away from them but the emotions she was experiencing were far more conflicting. “Do you think the intel we recovered will help you and Rex?”
“We still don’t know the coordinates of Tantiss. But between the datapad and all you and Crosshair have told me, we’re closing to finding and freeing those clones.” Echo replied.
“I wished I could’ve done more to help them.” Omega reflected with regret.
“You did all you could, kid.” Echo laid a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “And you did exactly what you’re supposed to do. You got out of there.”
You managed to give Crosshair a genuine smile of thanks as he and Wrecker passed you by.
Hunter regarded you curiously, “You didn’t need to meet me, I was-”
You placed a hand on his chest and brought yourself closer to him. You didn’t know if your headspace was because things had gotten unnecessarily nerve-wracking or because you’d just been reminded of how much time the two of you had wasted but, in all honesty, you didn’t really care, “I’m going to be unprofessional right now.”
He was too busy getting carried away with the feeling of your body pressing against him to properly register your words, “What-” The rest of his question evaporated as he instantly found himself on his back in the snow with you straddling him and it was a position he didn’t mind being in one bit. His hands instinctively came to rest on your hips.
Stop falling through things. That’s four times now. You scolded affectionately as you traced your lips along his jaw and nudged the side of his nose with yours.
“Is that an order?” He rasped into your ear, teeth grazing the sensitive spot behind it.
“A very firm one.” You murmured before planting a brief but sensual kiss to his lips. You got to your feet, pulling him up with you at the same time. You feigned a look of seriousness and propriety, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Sergeant, I have a ship to recover.”
Hunter found himself not quite wanting to be revert back yet. He kept a hold of your hand and as you went to leave him, he tugged you back to him and kissed you passionately. His hands caressed your back and tangled themselves in the fabric of your top and he used your surprised gasp to deepen the kiss.
You parted from him when your lungs rather inconveniently insisted that they have some air. You stroked a hand through his hair as you saw the emotions behind his eyes. There was more behind that action than just a response what you’d just done. You couldn’t be sure as to what that could be but the only time, he hadn’t been around you was when he’d followed Crosshair outside the first time. “What did he say?” You asked, your voice quiet and soothing.
“Nothing.” Hunter replied quickly. They’d been words designed to strike a nerve and they’d been said and used in anger, he shouldn’t have let them resonate.
His relationship was on the mend with Crosshair, and he knew that process still had to start with you both. And… and he wanted that for you two. There’s be no sense in bringing it up and causing further strife when he’d already had your reassurance on the issue. “It’s nothing. Not really.”
You searched his eyes for any lingering hesitation or reluctance, “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” He confirmed. Hunter angled his head towards Echo’s ship “Go rescue the ship so we can get outta here.” He said with a fond grin.
“Sir, yes, sir.” You saluted him humorously before you stepped away and made for the ship.
Crosshair had watched the two of you from afar. What he had witnessed wasn’t wholly different to how things had been before Kaller but there was something more to it now. What he had seen between you both was pure and unfiltered. There was no hiding, there was no denial or deflection anymore. There was no question or doubt to be had in the intensity and genuine nature of the feelings- in the love- the two of you shared and if he had any shot of fitting back in, he needed to make things right with both of you.
He took a deep breath for courage and headed in your direction.
You gently lowered the ship onto more stable ground and released a few tired breaths.
“Not bad. Guess there’s some benefits to having you around.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Crosshair come to stand next to you, but you didn’t look at him yet, instead you nudged the toes of your boots through the snow. “Uh huh.” You answered distantly. “Surprised you’re wanting to stand so close to me.”
The way your posture tensed as he approached had not gone unnoticed, “I think we should talk.”
“Oh, do you?” You replied hotly.
Crosshair exhaled an irritated sigh, “Seriously? This is me trying here, can’t you meet me halfway?”
You breathed heavily and fully turned to face him. You crossed your arms as you signalled that he was to go first.
Crosshair cleared his throat before he started to speak, “Seeing that poster… seeing what you truly were and knowing that they all- that he- knew that day on Kamino… I was brought back to that time and all I could think about was how could he fall in love with a Jedi but not the Empire.”
“The two aren’t the same, Crosshair.” You replied sombrely.
“Believe me, I know that now.” Crosshair remarked wryly.
You uncrossed your arms and spoke to him candidly and kept your voice steady, “We can’t get past this if all you see when you look at me is that wanted image of me. If all you see when you look at me is the things that I’ve done. If all you feel when you look at me is hatred because you think my people committed treason.” You stopped as you felt the emotions rise in your throat as they threatened to overcome you. You swallowed roughly before going again, your voice still steady but it had dropped in volume, “If you think I should’ve died along with the rest of them that day… then- then the friend that I had is truly gone.”
Crosshair’s eyes flitted to the ground, then to your lightsaber before he looked back to you, “I really thought the Empire was the way forward… for all of us. I can’t- I can’t speak for how I would’ve acted back then. I wish I could, but I can’t.” He swallowed harshly, “But I can tell you how I will be now.”
“And?” You asked quietly.
“I- I might need some time to adjust but- but as far as I’m concerned, you’re still the same person we met on Devaron that got our asses out of a tricky spot and who fit in with us like you’d been a part of things since the beginning. I won’t turn on you.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly as you studied him but there was no deceit behind his words. No deception or trickery in his face. He meant what he was saying, and it filled you with hope. “Really?”
“Really.” He confirmed before half a smile tugged at him mouth, “Plus, even if I wanted to, I don’t fancy my chances with the rest of them if I tried something.” He joked.
You visibly relaxed. Being at odds with him was never something you wanted to be and if he was open to starting afresh then you could be too. “If it helps, since I chose to leave the Order, technically speaking, I’m probably not even counted as a Jedi anymore.”
Crosshair hummed out a short laugh, “It’s something, I guess.”
“Believe it or not, a wanted ad was not how I planned for you to find out so, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in the time after Devaron.”
He dipped his head in acceptance. “Probably did yourself a favour.” He mumbled sheepishly.
“Probably.” You agreed with a soft laugh.
There was a beat of mildly uncomfortable silence between you before Crosshair spoke in an attempt to ease some of the lingering awkwardness, “So, you and my brother…”
“Don’t start.” You said with an exasperated grin as you held out your hand to him.
Crosshair faltered for a second, but he willed his hand to stay steady as he mirrored your actions.
As you clasped it, you were hit and overpowered by the familiar sensation you had been questioning since arriving and it all connected to the clone in front of you. You withdrew your hand swiftly as the realisation hit you, “It was here.” You said with a shaky breath.
Crosshair was caught off guard by the intensity of your reaction and the words that followed. There’d been no way for you to hear his conversation with Hunter and he hadn’t said anything to anyone else. “I don’t know what you mean.” He denied uneasily.
But you knew now, he couldn’t lie to you about it, “What happened to you to get you to Tantiss. It was on this planet.” You said, titling your head at him, concern, and compassion in your gaze.
The certainty in your voice told him that there’s be no point in lying to you. Crosshair gulped. “How’d you know?”
“I felt it. Months ago, I felt it. I didn’t know that it was you, or what exactly was going on, but I sensed something.” You paused for a second, “I felt the cold and the isolation. And- and the pain. A lot of pain.” You said gravely as you fully comprehended how things had gone for him.
Crosshair avoided your stare. “Well, I made a lot of choices that led me to that.” He said with plenty of self-deprecation.
You laid a delicate hand on his shoulder, “Crosshair, you should never have to experience that type of pain. What you had to go through…” You trailed off with a knowing sigh before continuing, “I’m sorry, really I am.”
Crosshair looked at you with a different type of intensity, “You didn’t either.”
Your breath caught in your throat. You had not been as careful as you’d thought you’d been and it was your turn for denial to spill from your lips, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You may not be a Jedi, but you’re not the only one who can pick up or notice things people think they’re hiding. Sharpshooter, remember?”
You fidgeted with your gloves and found yourself unable to look at him. “They tortu- I did some things- made some choices that I-” You scrambled trying to find the words to explain what he’d seen.
Crosshair shook his head at you to get you to stop, “I’m not in a position to judge, I was wrong to do so when we left that moon.”
You saw the sincerity in his face and nodded gratefully.
You two shared in the quiet of a new mutual understanding before you puffed out a short breath to reset and you activated your comm, “The ship is good to go.”
“And, uh, everyone is still in one piece?” Came Wrecker’s tentative reply.
Crosshair shared in your eye roll. Evidently the others had been even more sceptical about this moment than he’d been.
“Yes, Wrecker. Civilised conversation is a possibility sometimes.” You kidded in return, “Now, can we please leave this planet?”
Crosshair waited for Hunter to emerge from the base as the rest of you boarded the ship. As he saw him getting ready to walk past, he called his name, “Hunter?”
Hunter paused and glanced back at him expectantly.
“I… thought I knew what I was getting into with the Empire. I thought I was being a good soldier.” Crosshair admitted, keeping his back to him in case the look on his face was the one that he feared he would see.
Hunter took a second to find the right words, “Nobody really understood what was happening back then.”
Crosshair lifted his head in surprise at the accepting tone in Hunter’s voice. Maybe there truly was a way forward. He turned around, “I’ve done things. I’ve made mistakes.”
“I have regrets too, Crosshair. All we can do is keep trying to be better.” He found his eyes being drawn to yours as you waited by the doorway, but he brought them back to his brother. “And who knows? There might be hope for us yet.”
Crosshair stole one last glance up at the ice vulture screeching in the sky. Hope? Not a sentiment he had been overly familiar with these past few months, but he needed it. He started to walk towards the ramp.
Hunter paused to stand by you as you leaned against the entry way. The supportive and loving way you were looking at him made his heartbeat that little bit faster but there was also a mischievous gleam in your eyes that sent warmth thrumming through his veins. “Stop that.”
“Am I not allowed to look at you, sir?” You queried, a teasing lilt to your voice. A delighted smirk graced your face as you saw the way his throat bobbed as he attempted to remain composed.
He caged you against the wall, “You can’t play that game right now.” He warned, his voice a low rasp.
Your own breathing hitched as his body pushed against yours. “What game?” You managed to murmur.
“Oh, well, if this behaviour is going to continue to be a running theme, you can just leave me here.” Crosshair said with light-hearted mocking. “I don’t know what’s worse, dealing with you two now or dealing with how you to were before all this became... official.”
“You get used to it!” Omega called from the belly of the ship.
“We hardly ever interrupt them now!” Wrecker added.
“Cut it out!” Hunter barked as he stepped away from you and gathered himself.
You also took a moment to straighten up and shake off the lingering anticipation in your veins.
“Yeah, plus he’s a lot more relaxed since they finally worked up the courage to actually make it real!” Echo’s voice entered the conversation.
“I’ll bet.” Crosshair remarked with a smirk.
“Get your ass on the ship.” You retorted with a good-humoured shove to his back.
Crosshair chuckled quietly to himself as he half-stumbled into the ship.
“Back to professionals?” Hunter advised as he shook his head in response to the antics of his family.
“Probably a good idea.” You agreed with a pleasant grin before the two of you fully entered the ship just as the ramp came up and it took off.
It may have been at your expense, but that small teasing moment had symbolised that the mending of the relationships you all had once was indeed possible. Finally, things were starting to feel more like the used to be.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @andreaaxy, @dominoeffectsworld, @arctrooper69, @nightmonkeysstuff, @notgonnaedit
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knightprincess · 5 months
No Matter What (Crosshair x Reader) - Platonic
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Words: 1.3k Warning: Fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort. Synopsis: After settling on Pabu with Clone Force 99, (Y/N) goes on a self-given mission with Crosshair to bring their lost brother home. Standalone Sequel: Silence
After the assault on Mount Tantis and the death of Hemlock, things had been different for Clone Force 99. Echo had refocused his efforts on helping the build Clone Rebellion, taking with him Emerie and some of the clones rescued from the Advanced Science Division, among them Comet. Omega had seamlessly adjusted to life on Pabu once more, happy to be just another kid, growing up peacefully until she was ready to join the fight once more if she did.
Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair would take care of Jax, Bayrn, Eva, and Sami until they could be returned to their families. Each had decided it was time to retire, to discover who they were outside of being soldiers, and to find out what adventures life had in store for them now. However, they’d always be on call if Echo ever needed them.
(Y/N) on the other hand, would use her skills as a bounty hunter to help provide for the people of Pabu and help clones across the galaxy find their way once they were freed from the empire. Although she loved the peace Pabu offered and the small family unit she had gained with Clone Force 99, she wasn’t ready to settle down completely. Not when she still had questions that needed answering. Not when she still needed to find closure.
“I miss him too,” said Crosshair, picking up Tech’s broken goggles from the dashboard of (Y/N)’s ship. Seconds later, a sigh escaped him, hidden within it, regret and grief. The last time he’d spoken to Tech was on Kamino; once again, they’d gone their separate ways. If only he’d chosen differently. “You have to let him go (Y/N). He wouldn’t want you to hold on like this.”
“I can’t,” whispered (Y/N), stopping what she was doing and allowing Crosshair’s words to sink in. “I have to bring him home, even if I have to say goodbye one last time,” she added, admitting she knew there was a chance Tech was truly gone, but she couldn’t allow herself to believe it, not until she found him. “He never gave up on me when I was lost. Neither of you did. I won't give up on him now until he’s home.”
“Then I’m going with you,” said Crosshair, putting the broken goggles back on the dashboard, moving to sleeping racks, and setting another up, if only to make his point clear.
“Omega and the kiddos need you here,” commented (Y/N), attempting to protest. Although she already knew it was pointless. Crosshair was one of the most stubborn people she knew. Once he made up his mind, there was little that could change it.
“Hunter and Wrecker can handle things here until we get back,” declared Crosshair, turning to face (Y/N) before crossing his arms over his chest. “Right now, you need me more,” he added, although he did not admit he’d thought about going out there to look for his brother. Something didn’t sit right with him, leaving Tech out there.
“I’m not going to win, am I?” asked (Y/N), sighing as she walked the length of her ship. Filled with memories of the past, her life as a Jedi Knight that felt like a lifetime ago, and her new life as a bounty hunter and protector.
“Nope,” simply responded Crosshair, “You’re stuck with me this time Shortfire.”
The moment Crosshair entered the cockpit, he pushed the red button, activating the com channel. He spoke to Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega there, informing them of his impromptu decision to join (Y/N) on her journey. Framing it to make sure she had backup and would come home again.
“It wasn’t your fault (Y/N),” said Crosshair when (Y/N) entered the cockpit, following the routine she’d once taught Tech, checking over all the systems. There’s nothing either of us could have done to stop him from using Plan 99.”
“If I was there, I could have stopped him from falling,” admitted (Y/N), finally opening up about the guilt haunting her. When her family needed her most on Eriadu, she was across the galaxy, hiding from her past and the Jedi Hunters that had seemingly appeared overnight.
“You were protecting them. No one could have predicted Saw being on Eriadu, and no one could have predicted Tech sacrificing himself. Blaming ourselves won’t change the past (Y/N). It will only prevent you from finding peace and happiness, whatever that looks like.”
“For what it’s worth, Fortune Cookie, I’m glad you’re coming with me,” admitted (Y/N), bestowing Crosshair with a new nickname, replacing the old one of Snarky Sniper. “I don’t think I could do this alone.”
“We’re family until the end,” Crosshair replied, pulling (Y/N) into himself and wrapping her in a warm embrace that seemed foreign but familiar to them both. “Where do we start?”
“Where our fight ended,” responded (Y/N) with a shakey voice, recalling when she’d gone to Eriadu, risking everything to follow the monorail track in search of Tech. She’d found the car's wreckage but no sign of Tech. If there was any blood, the rain had long since washed it away; there was no body to be found or any trace that he was even there, just what remained of the car.
“Tantis?” questioned Crosshair, confusion evident in his quiet voice as he took up the co-pilot’s seat.
“Hunter said Hemlock was the one to return Tech’s goggles; there’s got to be some trace, a lead to follow somewhere,” replied (Y/N), a slither of hope present in her otherwise whispered voice. She dared not speak louder in case her fears grew stronger and became her cruel reality.
“Setting course for Tantis,” worded Crosshair as (Y/N) piloted the ship safely away from the small island. As per tradition, the people waved goodbye, Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega among them.
“Take good care of them, Gonky,” spoke Omega through her com, receiving a simple gonk! in confirmation.
“We’ll see when you come home,” added Hunter, his voice filled with acceptance as if he knew the day would come when (Y/N) went in search of answers. As if he knew one day she’d go on the self-given mission to bring Tech home. “Stay safe out there.”
“You got it, Havoc #1,” replied (Y/N).
“I’ll make sure she comes home in one piece,” declared Crosshair, resting the stump of his wrist on his lap, grabbing onto the handle beneath his seat as he prepared for the rough climb out of Pabu’s atmosphere, “Our family’s been through enough. None of us can handle another loss.”
“We’re not losing anyone this time. We’re bringing our lost brother home,” replied (Y/N), determination alight in her voice. One way or another, the small family unit was going to be reunited again, no matter how long it took.
“Remind me again,” started Crosshair, fiddling with Tech’s broken goggles; now they’d left Pabu’s atmosphere. A smirk appeared across his lips as he remembered Tech’s hobby of recording everything—even the little things. “What you told us before we went into our first battle.”
“No matter what, I’ve got your back. I’d take a bullet for you if it comes to that. In the bitter end, we’re gonna be the last one standing.”
The holoclip appeared before the two, glowing blue and fuzzy. Of course, Tech had recorded it. They were so young back then, naive to what would happen when the war ended, unprepared for the cruel galaxy they lived in.
“Looks like Tech knew you were going to ask,” commented (Y/N); the smallest of grins appeared across her lips as she launched them into hyperspace. “Do you think Omega knows it?” she asked, curious if the boys would have shared the almost promise with Omega, the brave little girl growing up far too quickly, growing up to be a fighter no less—the best of all of them.
“She knows. Hunter would have made sure of it,” replied Crosshair, hope flooding his voice despite the uncertainty they both faced. “No matter what, Shortfire, I’ve got your back until the end.”
KnightPrincess Masterlist
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captainpains · 5 months
Wedding Vows (Wrecker x reader)
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For @autistic-artistech in the @cloneficgiftexchange. I had so much fun writing this and it helped me with my writers block. I hope you enjo💕💕
Prompt: I can’t believe this is happening
Warnings: fem reader, making shit up about wedding traditions, FLUFF, established relationship, Wrecker being adorable
You took a deep breath as you nervously pulled at your dress. You honestly never thought that you’d end up here, in a beautiful dress with a bouquet.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” you breathed as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You met the bad batch at the start of the war, when you were assigned as their team medic. You didn’t know that Wrecker would become so dear to you.
“Wow! You’re short!” The first words Wrecker said to you.
“Wow! You’re tall. I think everyone is short to you.” You replied, somewhat sarcastically, looking up at him.
Wrecker gave a hearty laugh, “I like this one!”
It was an odd way to start a job – or a friendship – but you really did like working with the batch. They were chaotic but (despite what they seem to think) reliably predictable. It was a weird dynamic that provided a bit of stability in such an uncertain time. Hunter was a very stoic and good leader. Tech was really smart, if a little arrogant and emotionally unavailable. Crosshair was terrifying but his sarcasm made him slightly less so. And Wrecker was very loud, but kind and sweet to you. He was the first one to accept you as a part of the batch. It probably helped that Wrecker was the one who needed the most regular medical attention. 
“Ya know I don’t think I need the bacta shot after all.” Wrecker nervously bargained as he eyed the needle in your hand.
“Oh, well the fact you’ve been moaning about how much pain you’re in is definitely not a reason to give you some bacta.” You sarcastically said, but you placed a hand on his large shoulder to help ground him. “And breathe in…”
You were always especially gentle when caring for Wrecker. None of the batch liked getting any medical attention, and you were weary of it. But if the others noticed that you gave Wrecker extra special attention, they never mentioned it.
You don’t quite know when your feelings towards Wrecker started to become amorous. Maybe it was when he started to talk to you more about topics not related to the missions. Or maybe it was when he started to sit much closer to you.
Or more likely it was when he’d defended you in the midst of a battle gone wrong.
“You really have to be more careful,” you scolded as you cleaned one of his wounds.
“But, I don’t want you to get hurt…” He mumbled, looking at his hands on the edge of his knees.
You stopped what you were doing and looked at him. He had a solemn look on his face that you’d seen him have before. You grabbed one of his hands, causing him to look at you.
“And I’m thankful for that…” You said, sincerely. 
Wrecker engulfed you in a hug. You gave a small smile and hugged him back. He placed his head on your shoulder. He took a few deep breaths before letting you go.
You continued to smile as you worked on wrapping one the wound on his arm. Wrecker was affectionate with you but this time it felt different. More meaningful. 
When you finally confessed your feelings for one another, it was in a very unconventional way. At the end of a mission, Wrecker had blown up a pirate hideout. You still had no idea how, but he managed to make the smoke from the explosion spell out your name. It was probably the sweetest and most Wrecker thing he could’ve done.
That one date obviously turned into many, many more. And when
A knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts.
“Hey…” Hunter said as he opened the door. “It’s time. Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You gave a nervous laugh.
Hunter nodded and offered his elbow. You placed your arm through his and walked together towards the balcony where the ceremony was taking place.
“You seemed a little out of it.”
“I was just thinking, is all.”
“Having second thoughts?”
You reached the top of the aisle and Hunter moved away from you, walking on the otherside of the chairs to stand next to Wrecker at the altar.
You took a deep breath and started to walk down the aisle. Wrecker stood at the end with a large smile, in his freshly painted armor. He didn’t consider himself a mandalorian, at least not as much as Hunter did, but that tradition he wanted to honor. 
When you reached the end of the aisle, you handed the bouquet to Omega and placed your hands in his. 
Shep was standing in the middle of the arch you two were under, ready to officiate the wedding.
“And we will begin…”
You smiled at your groom and he gave a large grin back. 
“We have gathered here today to join two souls together. Fate and love will now entwine these two forever more. And we celebrate their union and honor them as they deserve. Now for the vows. Both the bride and groom have decided to say their own vows.”
He gave a nod to Wrecker, the sign for him to start talking.
“I want to start by sayin’ thank you for helping my family. You are the best medic that we could’ve asked for. I’ve known since I first met ya that you were an amazing person, but you’re more than that. You are the kindest and funniest person that I’ve ever met. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, and I am excited to wake up with you everyday. I promise to love and care for you. I promise to be your friend and partner until the day I die.
“Wrecker, I love you more than anything, And would not trade this life for anything. I love your laugh and your smile. You are one of the best people I have ever met, and I promise to love and care for you, for the rest of our lives.”
“You may now kiss the bride.”
You ecstatically threw your arms around your husband and happily kissed him. Wrecker wrapped his hands around your waist and lifted you up into the air. You broke the kiss to squeal.
The attendees laughed. Wrecker put you down.
“Now it’s time to party!”
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levi-venn · 4 months
Accolades - Part Two
Timeline: A Year after the final escape from Mount Tantiss.
Summary: Hunter wants to make an Accolades Box for Omega, too, but he needs his brothers' help. Part One | Part Two | Part Three Available on AO3
Note: A special thank you to @dragonrider9905 @yeehawgeek and @cw80831 for requesting a sequel.
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A lot of changed after the war ended.
And the carefully decorated boxes Hunter had made for each of his brothers stopped collecting accolades and started collecting dust. 
He couldn’t bear to look at them when Crosshair joined the Empire. 
He thought about throwing them away when Tech fell.
In the end, he hid the lovingly painted boxes in his armor tote. Out of sight…but never quite out of mind.
A year went by.
Pabu was beginning to feel like home. Crosshair had returned to them. Omega was finally safe. Echo visited often. 
For the first time in Hunter’s life, he could think of those five boxes and not feel his heart cave in on itself.
It was time to add a sixth.
Omega and Phee left that morning for a treasure hunting trip and would be gone for the next week. A week longer than Hunter would like, but it was just enough time for four brothers to get together and figure out this whole...arts and crafts thing.
Hunter sent a message to his squad: [We got a Mission, boys . Come on over at 1300]
He quickly added: [A Fun Mission]
Then...he clarified: [It’s for Omega]
Echo replied first: [Roger that]
Wrecker next: [A mission for Omega? I’m in!]
Crosshair gave a thumbs up.
By 1302, the brothers sat in the middle of Hunter’s home, sitting in a circle on the floor, a box in front of each of them. 
Hunter placed Tech’s box in the center of the circle. They had all agreed to keep it closed.
For a long while, no one spoke, quietly looking at each medal and ribbon and the messages Hunter had etched into each.
Surprisingly, Crosshair was the first to speak. “I can’t believe you kept them. You kept mine.” He turned a medal over in his hand, reading the inscription Hunter had carved over the original accolade.
[The most WIZARD precision shot through a tank’s barrel while spitting a toothpick in a clanker’s eye]
“Heh, I remember this mission. I short circuited the droid’s OS with that toothpick.”
“Oh yeah! I remember that! ” Wrecker laughed, punching Crosshair’s arm, earning a quiet, amused hiss.
“I can’t believe you etched over these medals,” Echo said, looking through his pile of medals.
“Hope it's not too sacrilegious for you,” Hunter said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Not at all," Echo replied. "I think this is more appropriate than any awards we received on our missions. As an ARC trooper the more devastating our losses, the more medals we received. Really sours the award when its attached to so much death. Trust me, this is better.” Echo read one of his medals aloud.  "'[The most regulation codes recited in an hour]'" He laughed. "I would’ve had hundreds of these medals in Domino Squad.  Thank you for doing this, Hunter.”
“What’s in there?” Crosshair asked, nodding to the box with half a skull painted on top.
“...Nothin’.” Hunter said, scooting it closer to him.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing,” Crosshair sneered, pointing a toothpick at Hunter.
“C’mon, show us!” Wrecker said, and reached for the box.
Hunter snatched it from the circle and hugged it to his chest. “It’s none of your business.”
“Guys, he doesn’t want to-” Echo started, but Crosshair pushed past him to lunge at the box. He bumped Hunter’s arm instead and it slipped out of his hands into Wrecker’s lap.
Hunter dove forward! Wrecker rolled backwards! Crosshair slithered into the fray.
“Boys…” Echo sighed and collected the other boxes before they could get crushed by three grown men wrestling and giggling like shiny cadets.
When the dust settled, Wrecker had Hunter in a headlock while Crosshair perched on Wrecker’s back, gazing thoughtfully at the collection of medals.
“What’s in it?” Wrecker asked, ruffling Hunter’s hair as he kept him pinned.
Crosshair frowned and reached for another medal. And another. And another…
“I told you, it’s nothing,” Hunter grumbled, wriggling futilely in Wrecker’s iron grip.
“You…put the same message on each medal,” Crosshair said.
He didn’t read the inscription aloud.
[This medal is awarded to Hunter for being the proudest oldest brother in this Badass Batch. I love you guys.]
“Wrecker, let him go.” He hopped off his brother’s back and handed a medal to Echo and Wrecker to read. 
“It's the same message on each medal because I felt the same way after every mission," Hunter sighed. "So, go ahead and laugh.”
“You should’ve told us you were doing this,” Crosshair said, handing the box back to Hunter. 
“Yeah! We could’ve made you a medal, too!” Wrecker said, handing a medal back.
"Yeah...well..." Hunter shrugged and looked away. “I didn’t ask you here to make medals for me. I asked you here because I’d like to make some medals for Omega too.”
Wrecker gasped. “Ooh, that's a good idea!”
“So we write anything we want?” Crosshair asked.
“Anything you want,” Hunter said. “We’ll make them together, a daily project, as many medals as we can think of before she gets back. It ain’t a competition, but I’d like to fill it up.” He showed them the latest box with an energy crossbow and white skull painted on top.
“Let's hear our orders then, Sarge,” Echo said. 
“Right,” Hunter puffed up. “Alright, boys, here’s the plan. Wrecker, secure us some bundt cakes from Shep for this week’s end. Lemon for Omega, red velvet for me n’ you, dark chocolate for Crosshair, and confetti for Echo.”
“Roger that!” Wrecker said, and headed off to his solo mission.
“Echo, gather up some construction flimsy and ribbons from Feilo’s shoppe. Yellow and gray color scheme preferred. And we need adhesives, markers, paints, and a few rotary precision tools.”
“Sir, yes, sir,” Echo said, and was next to leave.
“Crosshair, you and I are on a scavenger hunt to the junkyard for any materials that look like our old medals. Metal plates, golden chains-”
“Those magnetic rectangular medals that never stuck on our plates quite right?”
Hunter laughed. “Heh, exactly.”
Crosshair got to his feet and extended his hand. “Let's go.”
Hunter clasped Crosshair's hand.
He expected to be pulled up…
…but he didn’t expect to be pulled into a hug.
It was a brief hug. It was a tight hug. And it was exactly what he needed. 
“Thank you,” Crosshair mumbled, releasing him and not looking his brother in the eye. “For keeping my medals, too.”
Hunter put a hand on Crosshair’s shoulder. “Thank you for coming back to us.”
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maidenvault · 6 months
I know we’re all distraught but if you think about it, of course Crosshair had to miss the shot. This is Omega’s final journey and she has to do it alone, just like Luke turning himself over to the Empire in RotJ was something he had to do on his own. But does it even need to be said? She has everything with her that she needs.
She has Tech. And she has the compassion and hope that’s made her a sort of guiding light for the batch this whole time, truly the big sister in a sense. We all know she’s going to do what she always does and try to reach out to the goodness in this person, probably even before she knows who he is, and then believe in him so hard that she’ll be the one saving one of her brothers again.
And I love how much this turn of events is going to push the rest of the squad to fully grow up in a way, too. We saw Omega leave behind Lula, the doll she still treasures but has grown out of, and the Marauder getting destroyed seems just as meaningful in an episode called “Point of No Return” in showing that they have to move on from their past now, too. Tech blowing it up feels like him killing both his mother and his baby. Practically Hunter’s whole identity has become about protecting Omega at all costs and it’s going to be especially difficult for him to deal with this, but I think being able to let that go and accept what Crosshair let her do could finally let the tension that’s always defined their relationship turn into more mature and understanding brotherhood. It’s gonna be so hard to watch but I can’t wait to see everyone challenged in this way.
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the-bi-space-ace · 8 months
So far I think we have all the makings for them being together by the end of the series. Maybe not all together all the time. But all alive and all at least orbiting around each other in some way. I think Echo and possibly even Crosshair will join the rebellion or at least help with Rex’s network. Pabu might end up being a place to settle or a home base for everyone else. Maybe not. Maybe it just shows us that peaceful places still exist. Maybe Tech goes back to racing.
I’m very doubtful of the everyone dies ending so many people are fearing. ESPECIALLY an ending where Echo ends up dead. Say what you want about the last domino falling but I don’t think Echo’s story is ending here. Because why? Bring him back from the dead to do nearly nothing with his storyline and then kill him off again??? No. I refuse. I know we’ve been fearing for Echo’s safety throughout the series but I’m so hopeful and optimistic about his survival. I don’t want all of us to be riddled with anxiety the entire time we’re watching.
Same with Crosshair. No way this man spends the entire run time in misery only to sacrifice himself in the end. That’s absolutely ridiculous and I refuse to believe that.
Wrecker is safe in my book. I can’t even fathom a situation where he’d get killed off. I’ve always seen him as safe so it’s hard for me to even think about him dying.
There’s no situation where Hunter ends up dead. They want him to be the favorite of the series and since he’s such a focal point I don’t see them killing him off. So to all the Hunter fans out there: I genuinely believe he’s making it. I’d be shocked if he didn’t.
Tech is alive. There’s no doubt in my mind. And if he was really dead then I’d have to question what this story is actually about because I’ve always had an idea of what it’s trying to say and I don’t think it could end with him not being there.
I’ve always thought this show was about breaking this family apart and then putting them back together. They’ve been through terrible shit and seeing them all come together in the end would be the perfect ending.
None of their stories would have an interesting end in season 3 if all they ended up doing was die. We’ve been complaining forever that clones get introduced to us, we love them, then they die. Why do that again?
If that’s what’s going to happen then what the fuck have we been watching for all this time then?? Certainly not the show I thought we were.
Mostly because I don’t think it would make any narrative or symbolic sense. What’s the point of this series then? That no matter what you do you still sacrifice yourself in the end? That fighting the empire is hopeless? That you’ll never be safe in this galaxy so give up now? Idk. I don’t think that’s the direction they’re going.
I think Tech’s return will put the ‘they’re all together in the end’ thing to good use. There’s so many fun things to be said about each of their paths. That healing is possible. That you can fight for what you believe in and do what you can. That there can be life outside of being a soldier and fighting a war. That there’s hope in this galaxy. That we aren’t alone. That the clones aren’t alone. I think that’s much more in line with what this show is attempting to say.
I’d be totally shocked if they end up killing off the batch. Not only do I think it’s a stupid decision but I’d call it lazy (and probably many other choice words while I’m at it.)
Plus. It is a kids show. I’d be more worried if this show was geared towards adults but I don’t think you’ll gain much love in the hearts of the young audience if your show ends with all that death.
I genuinely don’t think this show is ending in fire. And I will remain steadfastly optimistic and positive about it. It’s a fun show and I’m very excited about the new season and getting to discuss and interact with everyone again.
Take a breath. Enjoy the final season and have some fun with it. I’m certainly going to. I hope you all will too 🩶
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badbatchsprincess · 4 months
Heated ~ pt.18
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14 ~ Pt.15 ~ Pt.16 ~ Pt.17 ~ Pt.18
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Violence, gore, kidnapping, Tarkin is a creepy hoe, Crosshair being a dick, Dom!Crosshair, smut, orgasm denial, spanking, mate bonds, Pip is influenced by Crosshair’s presence
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
“I can’t believe she’s alive, sir.” You heard a woman’s voice echo in your mind. Her sound was unfamiliar to you. 
The second thing you noticed was the mechanical whirl of the cold floor below you, everything was cold. Except for the warm softness under your throbbing head. Staying entirely still, you waited for your body to catch up with your hearing. You recalled your trauma training, wiggling each toe inside your boot, then moving up each joint and muscle throughout your legs before testing the response in your other extremities. It helped get your mind grounded in your body again as you lay on the cold ship floor.
Based off the smells, you knew you were no longer with your pack. This was new territory which only means one thing….
You’re in imperial custody. 
You heard Crosshair’s familiar silvery voice mumble something back to the woman but decided you were going to try and figure out your situation first, listening before acting. He was close by you deduced, probably standing guard over your pallet on the floor. You were also aware that you had very limited time before you’d get to wherever they were taking you. 
Listening a little closer, you heard plastoid armor shuffling all around you, there must be soldiers in the jumpseats lining his transport vessel. You heard the whirl of the ship knowing the engines were located on the under belly making it a newer model. Tech told you about their engineering. Usually the engine cores are located on the back of vessels, but new military class ships with loading ramps build the engines into the floor. 
“What happened to her?” The woman asked again probably referencing the cut to your head and whatever sorry state you were currently found in. 
“She got injured from that helmet they had on her.” Crosshair said shuffling his boots, he was standing right above your head. 
You felt the air shift around you and sensed someone was coming near you, “She looks…stronger… than most omegas.” She said skeptically. You could feel the woman kneeling behind you as he observed your form. 
“She wasn’t like that the last time I saw her, but she has been running with mercenaries.” Crosshair put a toothpick back into his mouth. 
“That doesn’t seem normal for her kind.” You felt her lightly brush a curious finger tip over your collarbone but Crosshair’s snarl stopped her. 
That was when you decided to act. 
Crosshair’s second in command let out a startled gasp when you suddenly flew up off the pallet wrapping your legs around her neck in a vice grip making her claw at your legs as you squeezed the life from the soldier. 
“Kriff.” Crosshair shot up off the wall but you got up quickly knowing you’d have to keep your distance from him. The second in command rolled her side, heaving, trying to get oxygen back into her lungs. 
You sprung into action, taking the other storm troopers by surprise. You reached into your back belt where Hunter had put his blade and you gripped the handle firmly bringing it to your front. The first trooper that tried to grab you got his forearm slashed deeply making him scream and retreat. You then brought the knife down harshly into his neck kicking him away from you to bleed out. 
“Get her under control!” Crosshair barked out nearing you. 
You grabbed another trooper kicking him in the chest sending him backwards into Crosshair while you turned on the others using your blade to cut and slash your way through the mob. 
“What the fuck!” One of the soldiers exclaimed as you expertly kicked out his knees and brought him to the ground using the knife and your vast knowledge of the human body to end his life in an instant. 
“Omega!” Crosshair yelled but you ignored him. The severed bond seemed to have also prevented his alpha command from working. You were free from his influence.
Crosshair suddenly realized his one fatal mistake… you had been trained… by Echo. 
He watched you cut down his men like they were nothing more than canon fodder. It was shocking. More of his men came flooding into the blood bath hearing the commotion. 
You snarled at them flipping yourself through the air using your boots and beskar armor to bash them down into the durasteel floor with a harshness you were unaware you carried. When you reached down to grab a discarded blaster, Crosshair’s second raised her blaster aiming at you. 
“Do. Not. Kill. Her!” Crosshair pushed her weapon to the side watching the plasma bolt burrow into the side of the ship. You watched her miss, and you turned on them, aiming your own gun and pulling the trigger. They both dodged out of the way in time, but you unleashed your training on the other unsuspecting troopers. 
“I’ve never seen an omega do that!” You heard his second yell over the bangs. 
“She’s no average omega.” Crosshair pressed himself into the crate keeping himself out of your range, “Set it to stun.”
He peeked his head out from behind the crate to find you heaving, covered in crimson blood, taking a trooper down into a flurry on the ground. Hunter’s blade had gotten knocked from your hands in the fight but that didn’t stop you. 
If Crosshair wasn’t so set on his mission to detain you, he would have stopped to admire your work. He guessed all those months with his brothers, you had changed. No longer were you the meek little republic medic, but you had turned into a warrior. 
“She’s going to kill the whole company if we wait any longer.” His second, Wren looked anxious. She was the best solder coming out of the imperial military academy. She was specifically selected for this very delicate mission which seemed to go in a direction neither of them had anticipated. 
“We can’t hurt her,” Crosshair drilled into the two of them, “Nothing can hurt her!” 
“I got that, but she’s fucking feral!” Wren scrunched back against the crate as a bloody helmet went flying by, “She’s going to tear apart the ship.” 
And just like you had with Echo, it was like you got a whisper in your ear and you knew exactly what Crosshair had planned to do. He was between you and the cockpit of the ship. Mate or not, you were getting to that damn cockpit even if you had to kill the bastard to get there. 
Just as you sensed him and the female trooper emerge from behind the crates, you spun, grabbing one of the flailing troopers by the collar, using him as a human shield for Crosshair’s stun ray. The young trooper dropped like dead weight and you watched as the woman pulled her trigger in your direction. You just stepped out of the way letting the stun ray fly right past you into a trooper behind you. 
You used your boot to kick a discarded riffle up into your hands flicking off the safety. 
Wren and Crosshair aimed for a second shot, but you beat them to it. It was like your body was moving on its own accord. Like something took over you… 
You momentarily wondered if this is what it’s like being Crosshair. If so, you felt powerful. It was like nothing you’d ever experienced before. There was such cool collectedness. Such pure concentration.
Raising the weapon up and tucking it into your arm, you unloaded onto their crates missing Crosshair by, well, a hair. You heard him curse and duck while Wren threw herself down onto the ground to duck for cover. 
“You’re going to take me back to Bracca now!” You snarled with a voice that didn’t even sound like your own. It was something silvery and wicked. 
Crosshair’s voice was breathier than usual, “Learn some new tricks huh, omega?” 
“You have no fucking idea.” You fired a few more bullets reminding him you still had the gun. 
“I can’t take you back, Pip.” He said grabbing one of his plasma reflectors. He tossed it onto the wall watching you through the reflection. 
You crept closer stepping over the gargling troopers who had fallen victim to your blade. 
“Fine.” You smiled viciously, “Then I’ll kill youm and take the ship back myself.” 
“You can’t do that mesh’la.” He sounded cocky, “You forget… you’ll die too.” 
You smiled devilishly, “That’s no longer a concern.” 
He furrowed his brow as he very slowly reached for fire puncher. Wren watched him anxiously clenching her own blaster. What the hell did you mean by that?
“Our bond has been severed, alpha.” You taunted. 
Crosshair’s stomach knotted… what did you just say? 
“Notice how your commands no longer work on me?” You kicked one of the destroyed helmets forward making Wren flinch. Never had she ever seen an omega like you. 
You chuckled, “Your brothers made sure I’d be severed from you.” Bending down, you picked up the bloody knife holding it in your free hand. It was like Crosshair’s base instincts were flooding your entire being. It was thrilling. Having a peek inside his brain was like being dowsed in chilled spring water.
“Thats not possible.” He bit out watching you raise your weapon.
“But it is sweetheart.” You noticed the curve of his second’s back bowing out from behind the crate carelessly. 
You locked onto your target hoping to roust her out of her hiding spot to get a clean shot. 
Crosshair had to time his shot perfectly, or it would just be you and him. And while he was confident he could take you in hand to hand, you may not let it get to that point if you keep acting like a fucking ARC trooper. Fucking Echo maker kark it. 
He watched you tighten your grip and peer down the scope, “What? Nothing to say?” 
He remained silent, focusing on aiming his own shot perfectly through the reflector. Right as he sensed you squeeze the trigger, he quickly pulled his own. He heard both you and Wren shriek, as your bullet graze Wren’s back, while his bullet knocked the gun from your hands. He stood up in an instant ready to stun you when you threw Hunter’s knife with all your force, watching it soar through the air rotating at the speed of light. Crosshair just barely stepped out of the way to made his shot while the tip of the blade sliced through the side of his skull just missing his ear.
He watched you collapse into the puddle of blood with a thump as he pressed his palm to the side of his head feeling the blood pour.
He did it. 
He made the shot. 
Wren whined in pain and he set down his riffle to check on his second. He flipped her over seeing the angry red canyon you’d carved through her back all the way to her opposite rib. That was definitely going to leave a scar. The alpha screamed in agony as Crosshair maneuvered her to keep her off her back. 
Then he ran over to you. Your stunned body lay amongst your victims. He almost couldn’t believe the brutality in which you killed them. It was like you had been trained your entire life in combat. There was no way Echo could have conditioned you that quickly. He was stunned. He looked around at the ship seeing all the blood splatters and stray bullets. It looked like a butcher was in here. He just couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Has the target been detained?” The pilots asked from the cockpit.
Crosshair radioed back, “Yeah, but let command know we’re going to need a clean up team.” 
He stared down at your limp figure, you were covered head to toe in his men’s blood. He shook his head still shocked you had caused so much violence, Wren’s pained cries echos off the durasteel walls drawing his attention away from the slaughter. 
Crosshair had taken extra precaution and used a pair of binders to keep your wrists detained as he slung your body over his shoulder. You dangled limply as the landing ramp opened up to the comfortable warm Nabooan air. 
On the tarmac, a team of hazmat troopers arrived to carry away the deceased, and a squad of medics came to help Wren while the remaining two pilots exited the ship with Crosshair. He didn’t miss the way the entire garrison stared in absolute abject horror at the tiny bloody omega on his shoulder. 
He heard their murmurs and knew that they were discussing his infamous mate. 
You had become quite the conversation after Tarkin made it his upmost top priority to track you down and retrieve you with no expense spared. 
Crosshair had also torn apart the base when he first felt the bond sever. He knew his outburst had reached every corner of the imperial base with gossip. Of course everyone was beginning wondering who this important omega was, and why she was so important to Tarkin’s favorite soldier and the empire itself. 
Crosshair heard the whispers and the gasps at seeing you and the damage you had caused on the way over here. 
“Is that her?” 
“An omega did that?” 
“Is that her blood?” 
“Did he do that to her?”
The hushed comments continued as Crosshair crossed the landing pad carrying you inside. Tarkin was alerted immediately that you had been found and brought back to Naboo upon entry to Nabooan airspace. 
“Is this her?” Tarkin asked approaching the sniper curiously. 
“Yes.” Crosshair replied coldly. 
“What happened?” Tarkin observed the dripping blood on his pristine floors from your bound finger tips. 
“She killed the entire squadron.” Crosshair adjusted his grip on you. 
“Alone?” The admiral questioned. His skepticism was evident. 
“Yes.” Crosshair said plainly, “It appears my batch mates have been training her in close quarter combat.” 
“How many of your men?” 
“All of them. She nearly had the captain too.” Crosshair watched Tarkin circle the two of you looking very pleased, “She killed the medic that treated her on Bracca, but he insisted I get her to a bacta tank. She fell nearly two stories during an explosion.”
The admiral hummed in displeasure. He gestured for another medic who came running over to them, “Get a medical team prepared to treat her. She must make a full recovery.” Tarkin ordered. 
Crosshair watched the medic leave and return with a stretcher which Crosshair carefully set your body down on. The sniper and the admiral keeping a close pace behind the medic as he pushed you towards the medical wing. 
“Has she always been vicious?” Tarkin questioned bending down to get a look at your face. 
Crosshair noticed a small audience gathering in the halls trying to get a peak at his mate, “I’ve heard stories of her past, but I haven’t witnessed it myself until today.” Crosshair said, “Her violence had been instinctual… protecting pups.” 
“Very good.” Tarkin approved, “I want you to take good care of her. She’s a remarkable specimen. She must remain in optimal health.” 
“Sir?” Crosshair questioned. 
Tarkin gave him a tight lipped smile, “I want you to retire being a soldier and be her… Alpha. You may keep her, as I am sure you desire that now that you know she is in fact alive” 
“Just so I’m clear, you don’t wish for me to serve the empire any longer?” Crosshair was confused. Tarkin didn’t want him to be a sniper anymore?
Tarkin gestured for Crosshair to enter into the medical lab before him. 
“You will continue to serve the empire but you have a new purpose.” Tarkin explained as the two of them trailed towards the new residential sector. “Your mate is a very rare variant lupine. She is not to leave this facility as she is integral to our new project. She’s a very unique specimen indeed.” 
“Rare variant?” He questioned, watching the beta scientists carefully lift your limp body up into the bacta tank. They removed the binders and started peeling off your boots and outer layers before beginning the sequence to drop you in. 
Tarkin watched the process as well, “Her kind is not bound by monogamy like the rest of us. I was skeptical at first, I don’t believe she knows what she is either. Most of her kind have been hunted into extinction.” 
“May I ask what you need her for?” Crosshair felt a tinge of anxiety simmer in his stomach. His alpha instincts weren’t liking this. He just got you back, he wasn’t letting anyone take you from him. Not now.
Tarkin explained, “We are looking for the most effective way to replenish our military. Sure, mandatory conscription is convenient, but it has been made very obvious to us that the clones were and are superior soldiers. We wish to bring forward another generation of warriors made from clone DNA and…” He gestured to your limp body. Crosshair tensed and bit back a snarl.
Tarkin continued, “However, we understand that the omega picks her mates, as she has with you and other clones we discovered through some… interrogations.” 
Crosshair knew he was referring to Captain Howzer. His fists tightened slightly. The jealousy he tried so hard to repress was rearing its ugly head. 
“She has a natural disposition for attraction to clones, she’s extremely intelligent, and as we have now learned, she has a calling to violence. She’s the perfect candidate for our program, and due to her very rare genetic variation she isn’t bound to monogamy, which means more pups… my head scientists believes that she will be a remarkable specimen for a new cloning program.” Tarkin clasped his hands behind his back. 
Crosshair forced himself to take a silent breath. 
Tarkin wishes to clone you? 
He watched the blood caked to your skin dissolve in the bacta solution as you floated peacefully.  
Crosshair looked sideways at the Admiral, “You wish to clone her, then breed her clones with other clones?” Crosshair was trying to follow along. The empire wanted to create an entire generation of clone offspring… using you…
“Precisely.” Tarkin nodded curtly. 
Crosshair turned and looked to the admiral waiting for the catch. 
Tarkin just smiled and looked up at his favorite sniper, “Keep her happy and healthy, those are yournew orders.” 
Crosshair nodded. This has to be the strangest set of orders he’s ever received. He watched Tarkin spin on his heel and head for the door.
The Admiral was about to leave the medical bay before he angled his head looking over his shoulder back to Crosshair, “and I expect you to complete the mate bond, and pup her, as soon as possible.” Tarkin paused waiting for Crosshair’s response. 
Crosshair just nodded, trying to make himself speak “Yes, sir.” 
Tarkin gave a satisfied huff as he marched out of the facility. Crosshair just stared blankly at the empty walk-way trying to even begin to understand all the information he just received. 
This just got a lot more complicated. 
The sharp taste of bacta coated your mouth making you smack your lips together trying to clear it. Your mouth was unbearably dry and when you tried to open your eyes, you felt like they had been welded shut. You groaned rubbing at them trying to will your eye lids to obey but they were heavy.
When you were able to finally crack them open, you blinked a few times trying to adjust to the lights. You then realized you were perched on a squishy bed under a thick duvet cover. Never in your life had you ever felt such soft sheets. You ran your hand over the white cottons before forcing yourself to sit up. 
The disorientation came to a screeching halt when you noticed the looming dark figure in the corner of the room. 
There lay Crosshair, still as a statue, seemingly asleep upright in a lounge chair. 
You sucked in a breath going entirely still. You were suddenly afraid your movements would wake him. 
You couldn’t remember much, but all you knew was that you needed to get the hell out of here… where ever here is…
Slowly, you shimmied your legs out from under the duvet before hopping down onto the plushest carpet you’d ever felt. You realized you were in nothing but a silk slip as your bare legs were now exposed to the comfortable air. Nothing about this was making any sense, what the hell is this place?
You crept forwards keeping your feet light and a concentrated eye on Crosshair’s form. He hadn’t moved one bit as you crossed the massive bedroom. 
Just as you were about to open the door…
“Omega.” His voice made you freeze in place. 
He still hadn’t moved, nor opened his eyes. You could hear your heart beating in your ears feeling like a little prey animal under his predatory aura. 
“Go back to bed.” He said lowly. 
You remained frozen trying to weigh your options. Run and pray, or comply and wait. Neither were good. And this was Crosshair, he was abnormally agile like his brothers. He’d snatch you up like a nexu. 
When he realized you weren’t going to listen, he opened his eyes without moving a muscle. You felt yourself bite back a whimper as fear suddenly started to ebb its way into your nervous system. 
You watched him stretch as he stood up loosing up the tight muscles from sleeping in that padded chair. 
You backed up a step determined to run if he made any sudden movements. You also realized he wasn’t in his military kit either, he was wearing a loose black t-shirt and a pair of matching joggers. His feet were bare too. You hadn’t ever really seen him like this outside of your apartment. You suddenly began to wonder if you were back on Coruscant? 
Well, this was certainly no apartment of yours… 
“You need to rest omega.” He very slowly approached you. 
You shook your head starring to feel like a disobedient child the way he was scowling at you. 
“Y/N.” He snarled, “Wanna do it the hard way? Fine.” In a flash, he lunged at you and you scurried out of the way narrowly dodging his grasp. You screamed running from him as you crossed the room. 
“Omega!” He yelled chasing after you, swiping for your ankle as you jumped across the massive king size bed and took off running on the other side of the room flinging yourself into the adjoining closet before locking the door behind you. He might be significantly taller than you, but you were speedier. 
He growled pounding on the metal trying to figure out a way to open it. You quickly dismantled the locking mechanism giving yourself some time before he came barreling in. 
Your heart was racing as you looked around trying to figure out a way out of this before he inevitably came to retrieve you. 
“Be a good girl and open this fucking door omega.” You heard him from the other side of the door. 
Looking up, you tried finding an air vent or something that could help you but you couldn’t find anything. 
Remembering what Tech always said, you got down on all fours crawling around the clothes in the closet looking for a vent on the floor. When you noticed a difference in the wall, you pushed the clothes back revealing a grated vent. 
“Yes.” You sighed crawling forwards to rip it from the wall. But to your dismay, it seems someone had already thought two steps ahead of you. The vent just led to a smaller one that no human could crawl through. 
You heard the door panel whoosh open and spun around to see Crosshair marching towards you. 
You stood up, ripping the clothes from the rail and started throwing them at him. He just batted them away unbothered by your attempt to stop him. 
“Alpha please!” You whined backing up into the clothes clearly frightened. 
Something in him switched and he stopped in his tracks. Maybe it was the sound of your voice warbling with fright, or how small you looked in the sea of black clothes, but he came to a total stop staring at you. 
You were a lot less intimidating outside of the beskar his brothers adorned you with. You looked too small suddenly, not like the fierce warrior that took out his entire garrison with your rage just a few mere days ago. The owlish eyes that frantically searched for an out, made his skin crawl. You shouldn’t be reacting like this to him… he’s your alpha for kriff sake. 
“Please.” You whispered the beg seeming like you were searching for something in him.
He sighed, “You can’t be up running around yet. You fractured two ribs and your pelvis from the fall.” He was the one now pleading with you, “Please, go back to bed.” 
You took a deep breath trying to read him. Was this a trap? You couldn’t really tell, but you knew he wasn’t lying about your ribs. You could feel the ache with every breath. 
Slowly, you stood inching towards him. He didn’t move a muscle, instead he allowed you to pass him before he followed you out of his closet and into the main sleeping quarters. 
You saw him following you from the corner of your eye as you very tentatively crawled back up onto the bed settling back in the middle like you had beed previously. You kelt on the mattress watching him stand at the foot of the bed crossing his arms. 
He stared at you intensely making your squirm in the silence.
“How did you do it?” He asked sounding pissed. Your heart began to patter. 
You stared at him trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. 
He narrows his eyes, “The bond.” 
You looked down at your hands fiddling with the sheets, “I was dying. You brothers took me to a planet where force sensitive wolves severed the bond to save me.” 
He remained stoic as ever. It was unsettling.
“I thought you died.” He bit out harshly, “Nearly killed me.” 
You whined quietly with guilt. 
He bit at his lip missing his toothpick, “How are you fine right now? It feels fucking empty in here!” He jabbed a finger into his chest, “it’s torture!” 
You just stared at his chest feeling your heart break for the alpha. You had thought about the kind of pain he might be feeling, those dreams kept you up at night. The others tried to convince you he’d be fine and that he probably didn’t feel much of anything, but you knew deep down it was so much worse. 
His confirmation only made you feel more guilty. You studied his face better in the day light. He was skinnier than you remembered. It had been months running around the galaxy with your pack, while you had bulked up with muscles, your alpha across from you looked like he had been dragged through bantha shit for months on end. Even his hair was longer and mused from sleep. He looked so different.
He sighed seeming exhausted. 
He reached forward to touch your ankle but you flinched drawing your limb closer to yourself. The look in his eyes nearly made you cry on the spot. He looked… horrified? Guilty? Disgusted?
“Omega.” That wasn’t the reaction he wanted from you. He also seemed guilty?
You were about to open your mouth to say something… anything… when the door to the apartments chimed open and a small army of medical droids floated inside. 
He stood upright putting himself between you and the imperial doctor walking inside. The small beta man approached with his glasses and a data pad kind-of resembling Tech. You watched him hesitate in the doorway seeing Crosshair puff out his chest and cross his arms with a raised brow waiting for an explanation. There was no chance this man was stepping one more foot inside this room without Crosshair’s explicit permission.
Clearly, entering an alpha’s bedroom with his omega in bed wasn’t the smartest decision. 
You instantly recognized the uniform which only meant one thing… you were in imperial custody. That also meant that whatever this place was, it was also imperial.
You peeked out from behind Crosshair getting the doctor’s attention he looked at you before looking back at the alpha towering over him. 
You needed to start to devise a plan to get out of here. 
 “I-I uh, I uhm need to get new scans. If t-that’s okay?” The technician stuttered as Crosshair’s aura intimidated the hell out of the poor kid. 
You realized Crosshair had made some kind of reputation within this new empire… and it clearly wasn’t one of rainbows and butterflies.
You smiled suddenly realizing you could definitely use this to your advantage…You were his omega after all. The kid noticed your grin as you suddenly settled back into the thick covers. 
He slightly narrows his eyes watching your mischievous face turn sickly sweet as you opened your mouth to speak, “Alpha?” The tone of your voice was like a soft caress to Crosshair’s ears. You suddenly looked up at him mustering the most nervous look you could. 
When he turned his attention to you, you squirmed uncomfortably making worried eyes at the medical technician. Crosshair’s protectiveness kicked into hyperdrive and he turned back to the beta, “Get out.” 
“B-but!” He tried to explain. 
“Now.” Crosshair stepped forwards making all the droids and the medical tech nervously back out of the room.
You smiled and waved at the technician making the kid sputter as he darted out of the apartment. 
“The next person to walk in here without permission will not walk out, do I make myself clear?” Crosshair growled menacingly, locking the main door behind the kid. 
When he returned you were leaning against the headboard watching him cross the massive bedroom. He gave you a knowing look, like he knew exactly the game you were playing with him. You crossed your arms over your chest pushing up your breasts watching him approach the end of the bed once again. 
“You’re far more manipulative than the last time I had seen you.” He snipped and crossed his arms to match yours. 
You eyed him, “A lot has changed.” 
“Clearly.” He retorted. 
You steeled yourself, “You tried to kill me.” 
He stilled, taking a quick calming breath, “You defied direct orders.” 
“I am your mate Crosshair!” You snarled leaning forwards on the bed unable to keep your voice from raising. 
“Are you?” He narrowed his eyes. 
You took a breath trying to calm the anger raging inside. 
Maybe he didn’t view you as a mate anymore, not after the bond was severed. That thought hadn’t crossed your mind until now.
“Why am I here?” You lifted your chin trying to mimic his coolness. 
“You are, or were, my mate. I serve the empire. You are to remain here with me, as it should be.” He replied coldly. 
“And if we no longer have a bond?” You raised a brow. 
He blinked slowly, “You are to remain here under imperial custody.” 
“What do they want with me? They wouldn’t allow one soldier to send an entire garrison for one measly omega, now would they?” 
“You’re not just some measly omega now are you.” He pointed a finger at you, “You have some explaining to do, cyra’ika.” 
“I don’t have to explain anything.” You growled. 
He scoffed changing the subject, “Where are they?” 
You just stared at him. There’s no way you’d sell out his brothers to the empire. 
“Do they know?” He raised a brow, he was referring to your special designation, “I’d presume so, you begged them to fuck you all the same.” 
You felt your cheeks redden. 
“I bet they kept fucking you too, huh sweetheart?” He leaned forwards placing one hand menacingly on the bed started to crawl closer, “Once they thought I was gone and out of the picture, they had you all to themselves.” The jealousy in his tone was evident. You knew he never liked to share. 
“Did you know? All this time?” He was hovering over your covered legs making your heart race. The last time he looked at you like that, you had your nose pressed to his belly as you had taken him greedily down your throat. 
You felt a sudden rush of heat flow through you at the memory. 
“Know what?” You whispered. 
He smirked, “What you are?” 
“What am I, Crosshair?” You laid back on your back as he hovered over you keeping you pinned to the mattress beneath him. 
He watched you swallow and noticed the unmarred glad still in tact. He smiled wolfishly down at you. He knew what you were, after Tarkin was explained, all the pieces fit together perfectly. However, he couldn’t help but indulge his jealousy, “You’re mine.” 
He reached forwards gently making contact with your gland with his bare hand. Like a taught rubber band, you felt something snap violently into place making the two of you gasp violently and writhe on the mattress as an unbearable current zapped through your entire system like a lightening strike. 
“Kriff!” He grunted trying to keep himself up and not crush you as he gripped at his sternum. 
You wheezed pushing up at him suddenly feeling claustrophobic. You needed to get away. 
Forcing yourself up from under the covers, you weakly crawled to the side of the bed wobbling on your feet suddenly overcome with the sensation of Crosshair everywhere. 
His scent, his energy, his emotions… it was suffocating. You felt like there were two people inside you as you let out a cry feeling it all come to a freezing halt. 
You clutched the wall trying to catch your breath. You spun around to face him as he hunched over the mattress. He looked at you wildly. 
“The bond.” You breathed. It was intact. 
Then came the burning desire. 
You were suddenly possessed with the need to mate with your alpha.
You crossed the room practically jumping up into the bed crawling to him as he pulled you closer. You sighed feeling his skin against yours once again and you realized just now much you missed his touch. 
You wiggled underneath him yanking at his shirt, pulling it over his head revealing his chest and a spattering of new scars you didn’t recognize. You also didn’t care. All you wanted was him inside you. 
Like he could hear your thoughts, he smirked, nipping at your neck sending your nerves into overdrive. You were flustered everywhere and it was sending aching tingles down into the base of your belly. 
You used your feet to push the waist band of his joggers down revealing the lack of boxers. You smiled and reached greedily for his cock starting to pump him rhythmically. He thrust into your hand as his breathing deepened clearly desperate for your touch. 
“Omega.” He sighed almost silently. 
He pawed at your silk covered tits before frustratingly tearing the straps to get access to you. 
He kissed south, ignoring your squirming as he left your warm palm to lick and suck at your hardening nipples. 
You cried out as he latched on with his warm mouth making you start to drip between your thighs. 
“I’m still mad at you.” You whined pushing your chest up into his mouth. 
“I know.” He tore the slip dress even further until it was fully off your body. His free hand slithered down between your thighs. You parted them eagerly as his fingers traced tight circles around your clit. You mewled grinding your hips into his hand as he worked you open. 
You growled frustratedly wanting more, “Just fuck me Crosshair!”
He withdrew his hand and sat back on his heels before gripping your hips and flipping you over. He brought down a harsh slap against your ass making you scream. 
“So, fucking bossy these days.” He teased rubbing the reddening area, “My vod let you get away with that, huh?”
You pushed your ass up into him ignoring his comments. 
“Who died and made you empress?” He laughed sardonically. 
You huffed as he brought down another harsh slap. You inched up the mattress crying out at the sting. You felt him nudge up behind you, pressing his thighs into yours, then you felt the tip of his cock brush against your dripping cunt teasing you with his warmth. 
“Are you going to behave? Or are you going to be a little brat?” He spat at you pinching your welting ass making you squeal. 
You snarled and whipped your head around to see his evil smirk as he trust forward in one fell swoop wiping that nasty look off your face in an instant. 
You felt like the air was punched from your lungs as he filled you to the absolute brim. The stretch hurt, making you squirm, but Crosshair was merciless. He gripped your hips in a bruisingly tight hold as he pulled you back against his thrusts. You couldn’t recover from his brutal thrusts, all you could do was go limp and take what he was giving you. 
“Give up so soon?” He mocked. 
You could only relax, feeling yourself adjust to his presence while he abused your dripping pussy. 
Your moans reverberated off the walls as his powerful thrusts rocked the king size bed against the wall. You clawed at the mattress trying to find purchase and push back against his onslaught. He chucked at your weak attempt as he leaned forwards to grasp the back of your neck in his hand, pressing you to the mattress keeping you pinned beneath him. 
This felt so wrong but so damn good. Ugh. You mewled as he hit that perfect spot inside you, and suddenly the room was filled with the sound of your squelching cunt and his thighs smacking against yours. You couldn’t believe this was happening right now. It almost felt like a fever dream. 
You reached your hand down between your thighs wanting to cum so badly but Crosshair knocked your hand out of the way to replace it with his own. 
He rubbed soft circles edging you as he continued to thrust. You cried out feeling your climax approach and you squirmed around in his grasp trying to throw yourself over the edge. 
You felt your end coming when Crosshair fully stilled inside you. 
You let out a defeated whine feeling your climax slip further and further away. 
“No!” You cried trying to push his hand out of the way and finish yourself off yourself, but he wouldn’t budge. 
He leaned forwards pressing his mouth to your ear, “Where are they?” 
Your body thrummed with arousal and anxiety… so this was how he was going to torture the information out of you. 
He was seriously going to deny your orgasm until you cracked?
You whined pinching your eyes closed. 
You heard him chuckle as he straightened back up continuing to thrust with a slower pace keeping you just idling on the edge. 
You cried out desperately trying to push yourself back on him but he held you still. 
“You don’t get to cum until you tell me adi’ka.” He smirked. 
“Why?” You sobbed into the mattress. 
He continued to stroke you just right making you shake. Your orgasm was starting to ebb into your field again and he seemed to sense it through the bond bringing himself to stop. You let out a deflated grunt as your joints shook with the need for release. 
“Please Crosshair!” You begged. 
He remained stoically still. 
You felt tears pooling in your eyes, “Please let me cum alpha! Please!” You were on the brink of insanity. 
“You know the rules sweetheart.” He reminded petting the raised welt of his hand on your ass, “Tell me what I want to know, and I’ll give you as many orgasms as you can take.” He lightly toyed with your clit making you shudder.
You sniffled gripping into the covers. 
“I can feel you resisting.” He sounded curious, “I can feel it in the bond. Poor thing, you want to cum so badly don’t you little one?
You huffed trying to gather yourself. 
“I know you’re a stubborn one.” He smiled nipping at your shoulder, “Good thing I’m stubborn too.” 
You were karked. You were karked because you knew he wasn’t going to like your answer regardless. 
“Please.” You whispered rubbing your face into the bed. 
“Tell me little one, and I’ll make you cum.” He promised. 
“You won’t like my answer.” You whined clenching around his hardness. He rewarded you with a little slow thrust trying to egg you on. 
You sighed, “I don’t know where they are.” 
He hummed speeding up his thrusts slightly giving you a small taste of relief. 
“You know them alpha, they’re never anywhere too long.” You cried feeling him start to rub your under stimulated clit, “T-They were taking mercenary jobs for money. We were never anywhere longer than a day or two at most!” 
“Why were you on Bracca?” He started to rub faster making you moan. 
You stuttered, “T-the chips.” You sighed as he picked up this thrusts, “Wrecker’s chip was hurting him and I took them all out.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He slowed and you whined.
“I needed real surgical equipment. The old republic ships all had them!” You admitted. You were careful to leave Rex out of this. There was no reason for the empire to know he was alive and rescuing clone prisoners. 
“Good girl.” He praised bringing his pace back up to the brutal pace you craved, “Now, was that so hard?” He couldn’t help but tease you. 
You just groaned finally feeling your climax approach as he rewarded you for your confession. His skilled fingers brought you to the edge and swiftly threw you over and you came with a deafening scream. It was so powerful your entire body shuddered and convulsed as his thrusts got a little sloppy too before he came with a grunt. 
He continued thrusting through his orgasm until he couldn’t take the stimulation anymore and pulled out watching as your cunt fluttered and his spend oozed out of you in creamy droplets. He watched mesmerized as you collapsed onto the bed totally worn out. The edging had been rough on you, and he realized he probably should have been a little softer on you since you were supposed to be in recovery. 
He tried his best to catch his breath as he slid off the bed to hunt down a wash cloth. He came back to clean you up and then himself before he disappeared into the bathroom again. You curled up on your side pulling the sheets over you trying to still come down from your high. Your brain was laden with pleasure as you felt yourself drift off into peaceful sleep. 
You sighed, escaping Crosshair and this place would have to come later. 
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These next few chapters are going to be fucked ngl, dirty Crosshair smut to come, and angstttttt
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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lifblogs · 3 months
Not Just the Braid
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Bonus Prompt: “Can you braid my hair?”
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1068
Summary: Omega has a ridiculous request that Crosshair doesn’t know how to fulfill, and does not want to fulfill: braiding Omega’s hair.
“Can you? Can you? Can you? Pleeaassee?” Omega asked for the millionth time.
Crosshair knew more than anyone that she was persistent, but this had lasted through breakfast. Crosshair wasn’t even done with his caf yet!
He’d already tried, no, why don’t you ask someone else?, stop, and I’m sick today (he wasn’t, and being sick wouldn’t even impede what she wanted, in most cases). Now he sighed, putting his caf down and going with the honest response, “I don’t know how.”
“Neither do I,” Omega admitted.
“So you’re a girl…” Crosshair began as Omega took a seat up beside him at the counter.
“Mm hmm.”
“…whose hair is long enough for this…”
“Mm hmm.”
“…and you don’t know how to do it either?”
Omega gave a bit of a laugh, trying to take Crosshair’s caf to have a sip.
She wilted when he grabbed it from her, glaring as he took a sip himself.
“Where would I have learned? Prison?”
“You’re dramatic.”
Omega crossed her arms and settled her head on them, looking at him, and looking at him.
“What, you think I learned it in prison? Some experiment where clones all learned to braid each other’s hair, and—” He wasn’t liking this little joke anymore. “Never mind.”
“I’ll do my chores without complaining.”
“You like chores.” Strange kid.
Omega tried grabbing his caf again.
“Pick your battles,” he grumbled.
“Fine.” She sat up, and started walking away.
“Wait, what?”
Omega didn’t say a word. Crosshair paused, eyeing his caf. Maybe he should pick his battles too.
Omega had gone down the hall to the bedrooms where everyone was presumably getting ready for their day.
Crosshair cursed and hurried after her when he realized Omega was knocking on Hunter’s door.
“In a minute,” Hunter called.
“Omega, just because he was your dad first—”
“Shush,” she told him, waving a hand at him.
“Young lady.”
“I’ll do it.”
“No, you won’t.”
“I will.”
“I don’t trust you.”
Hunter opened the door, and Crosshair scowled (what was he supposed to do now that he was blushing and made to feel like a child?).
“What’s the problem?” Hunter asked.
“Crosshair won’t braid my hair.”
Hunter and Crosshair shared a look. Hunter’s expression seemed to say, This again? Crosshair gave a slight nod.
Hunter sighed, and Crosshair started feeling triumphant. Yes, he wouldn’t have to do this because—
“Crosshair, braid Omega’s hair.”
“That’s an order.”
Omega thanked Hunter, hugging him, and then raced back to the kitchen, for…
…Crosshair sighed…
…his caf. She was finishing his caf.
“Hunter, I don’t know how to braid hair.”
“Figure it out.”
“Why can’t you do it? You actually have hair.”
Hunter ran a hand through said hair. “As if I’d ever braid this.”
Crosshair gave him a light shove. “You’re annoying.”
Somehow word got out in the small house that Crosshair would be braiding Omega’s hair to help her get ready for the day because now Tech, Wrecker, and Hunter were sitting on the patio with them. Only Tech was pretending he wasn’t watching.
“Is the audience necessary?” Crosshair asked, tone as sharp as if he was accusing them of war crimes.
“Technically speaking, no,” Tech answered, “but I happen to find your current predicament amusing.”
“What he said,” Wrecker agreed.
Crosshair sighed and set his attention to the kid in front of him who did not want to sit still.
He put a hand on her shoulder. “Stop moving.”
“It’s the caf.”
“Why do you think you’re not supposed to have it?”
Crosshair took Omega’s brush from the table as Batcher came over and looked at it like it was a toy.
He did his best to start brushing her hair, but he had only ever seen this done, not done it himself.
Omega stilled, and leaned back into it. Was that a good sign? Was he doing good?
“I do believe wincing is a bad thing,” Tech said.
“No one asked for the backseat flier,” Crosshair bit out.
But he did his best to gentle his touch.
He found a tough knot near her bangs. This he paid attention to, and slowed down.
After his job with that seemed done he ran his hands through her soft hair to check for knots.
Batcher was resting her head in Omega’s lap, and giving her that big-eyed look that said she wanted treats.
“I’ll give you treats in a bit,” Omega promised.
“She just had breakfast,” Hunter said.
“Sorry, Batcher. No treats.”
Crosshair had seen braids before. He was trying to hold the picture in his mind, and figure out the different components that came together to make the braid. Maybe it was made from two sections?
He tried that, but her hair just ended up in a twist a gust of wind could undo.
“I don’t think that’s how you do it,” Wrecker said, now petting Batcher who had given up on Omega giving her treats.
“You don’t even have hair,” Crosshair argued.
Wrecker laughed. “Neither do you.”
Omega laughed, and some of Crosshair’s self-consciousness washed away. Any day he could hear Omega laugh was a good day, even if he was the butt of the joke.
“Point taken.”
“I suggest separating her hair into three sections,” Tech said.
They all stopped and glanced at him. It took a few seconds for him to notice.
“What?” he eventually said, eyes holding a rare bit of confusion.
“Are you saying you know how to braid hair?” Wrecker asked.
“Then why don’t you do it?” Hunter asked, leaning in towards him.
“Because Omega didn’t ask me to.”
“It’s okay,” she said. “Crosshair can do it.” She sounded so confident in her decision.
“At least let Tech offer some help,” he said.
So they all sat on the porch on a sunny, quiet morning on Pabu, Crosshair following Tech’s instructions to braid Omega’s hair.
The braid itself was messy and loose, but when Omega was shown herself in the refresher mirrors she seemed pleased. She hugged Crosshair tight, almost squeezing too hard with those archer’s arms of hers.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
Somehow her words carried the weight of not just the braid, but what he meant to her, what this home they’d fought to have meant to her.
Crosshair gently ran a hand over her head and the messy braid that had been the cause of so much mischief.
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Lightsaber Shenanigans
Part of @cloneficgiftexchange for @flyiingsly
May have changed the prompt a bit to better fit the dialogue
Warnings: fluffy, Crosshair being a litte shit, flying fruit
Echo only mentioned, he’s just away to decompress from his squad
Hunter x Reader
No matter where you looked, you could not seem to find your lightsaber anywhere. You could have sworn you left it on your bunk while you went to take a shower, but upon returning, it was nowhere to be found. You asked Crosshair, who was lounging in his bunk the entire time, but he decided to be unhelpful. As usual.
Letting out a frustrated sigh after combing the entirety of the Havoc Marauder for your lightsaber, you went outside to look for any of the other Batch members under your command.
You spotted Tech working on the hull of the Marauder and decided to ask him if he had seen your lightsaber.
“Hey Tech. Have you seen my lightsaber anywhere?” you asked the goggled clone. He turned his attention to you, surprised.
“You’ve lost your lightsaber?” he asked incredulously.
“No, I didn’t lose it. I had it on my bunk and I went to go take a shower. But when I came back, it wasn’t on my bunk. I checked everywhere, and even tried sensing it with the Force, but it’s nowhere I can sense,” you said, letting out a huff of frustration. “Crosshair was there the entire time, but he won’t help me.”
Tech nodded, pushing his goggles into place. “Yes, he is still rather bitter of having to have a Jedi General running with us. One would think that after nearly a year, he would have gotten used to it by now. Regardless, you should perhaps ask Hunter. He might be able to help you find it.”
A light blush rose to your cheeks at the mention of the Sergeant of the Bad Batch. You had grown rather fond of the dark and broody clone in a way that the Jedi would disapprove of, but lately, you cared less about what the Council wanted. Even before the war, you weren’t a big follower of the Jedi Code, and got into trouble for it, but you were still a very good Jedi. Now a days, the Code and the Council were less than favorable to you.
Thanking Tech, you turned to look for Hunter, finding him not much later sitting under the shade of a tree, looking out at the lake. The six of you touched down on this lovely planet to make urgent repairs to the Marauder and to get some much-needed R&R after the grueling mission you all were on.
You approached the sergeant who glanced up at you as you drew close and grew concerned as he sensed your frustration.
“What’s wrong, General?” Hunter asked, brows furrowed in concern.
“I can’t find my lightsaber anywhere! I left it on my bunk before I took a shower, but its not there anymore. Crosshair was no help even though he was there the entire time, I searched the entire Marauder, and not even Tech’s seen it!” You complained, running a hand through your hair in stress.
Hunter let out a sigh. “I’ll go talk to Crosshair. He should really get over his ego and help you,” he said, getting up and marching over to the ship. You went to protest, not wanting to agitated Crosshair further, but decided against it. Instead, you slowly trailed after the leader of the Bad Batch.
Hunter marched right into the Marauder, and you waited at the base of the ramp outside. Not even a minute later, Hunter returned.
“He’s not in the ship,” he reported. “Tech, have you seen where Crosshair went?”
Tech poked his head up from the hull, a frown on his face.
“No, I was unaware that Crosshair had left the ship,” he replied.
“Right, I’ll track him down,” Hunter said, turning to you with a nod. You let out a small sigh, now believing that Crosshair had nabbed your lightsaber and hidden it to annoy you.
“Right, lead the way,” you said to Hunter, who gave you a small smile that made your heart race.
The two of you walked through the nearby forest, Hunter pausing once in a while to check to see if you were still on the same track.
It wasn’t long before you heard the sound of Wrecker’s jubilant laughter, Crosshair’s snarky comments, and the unmistakable sound of your lightsaber.
Concern immediately took over, and you rushed to wear you heard the sounds coming from, Hunter right on your heels, and stopped short in a clearing, taking in the unbelievable sight in front of you.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Hunter barely managed to contain his laughter as he stopped next to you and saw what you did: Crosshair throwing fruit at Wrecker, who had your lightsaber and was slicing at the fruit as they came sailing towards him. They were playing Fruit Ninja with your lightsaber.
“You little liar,” you accused Crosshair, who smirked at you and chucked a large fruit at Wrecker, who sliced it with your lightsaber, laughing as he did.
“What? Are we not allowed to have a little fun?” the sniper asked, snark clear in his voice.
“Yes, but you cannot use my lightsaber for this kind of thing! Especially without asking me first!” You retorted.
Crosshair shrugged, still throwing fruit at Wrecker, who only now noticed that you and Hunter appeared. He froze, a fruit bouncing off his helmet, and said sheepishly, “oh, hey General.”
Letting out a deep, annoyed sigh, you pinched the bridge of your nose. “I swear, Echo and I are the only responsible ones on this team,” you muttered. Hunter gave you a brief annoyed look, paused, then looked away sheepishly, knowing he was just as much trouble as his brothers were.
“Fine, you can keep playing Fruit Ninja with my lightsaber. Just clean up afterwards, and don’t break my lightsaber,” you warned. Crosshair rolled his eyes but agreed with a grumble, and Wrecker gave a loud cheer.
“Yeah! Thanks, General!”
You turned and marched off, and heard Hunter trotting after you.
“Hey, sorry that Cross and Wreck took your lightsaber,” he apologized once he caught up with you.
“Don’t apologize for them, Sergeant. They’re adults, they should be able to do that themselves.”
“Yeah, good luck getting an apology out of Crosshair. Wrecker on the other hand… you’re his favorite nat-born. And that’s including General Skywalker, who let him blow up an entire warship.”
A smile tugged at your lips. “Aww, that’s actually sweet of him.”
“To be honest, you’re a favorite of all of us, including Crosshair.”
Now you were blushing, especially with how softly Hunter was looking at you.
“Thanks, Sergeant.”
Hunter stepped in front of you, causing you to stop. He gently grabbed your chin, and said with a soft, almost loving smile, which made your blush deepen.
“Call me Hunter. At least while we’re not on missions,” he insisted softly. “I think its about time we moved passed formalities.”
“As long as you do the same,” you countered. Hunter nodded, saying your name softly, and it sent chills up your spine at hearing him say your name in his deep, smoky voice.
You don’t know how long the two of you stood there, gazing at each other, when Hunter’s eyes dropped down to your lips, his thumb brushing lightly along the bottom of your lip. Your heart skipped a few beats, and Hunter noticed.
“May I?” He asked softly, shifting closer to you, so that your noses just brushed.
“Yes,” you breathed out, heart racing and Hunter closed the gap, his lips pressing softly against yours.
The kiss was brief, but it conveyed just how much love and yearning the two of you shared. When Hunter pulled away, you swallowed back a whine of disappointment.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Hunter rasped, his eyes staring into yours, his pupils dilated.
“I could say the same thing, Hunter,” you replied, and Hunter had to close his eyes for a moment.
When he opened them again, he asked, “can I please kiss you again?”
“Please,” you replied, not even waiting for him to close the distance again, meeting him half-way as you both kissed again, this time for much, much, longer, and far deeper and much more passionately.
From that moment on, your relationship with your Sergeant changed for the better.
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nahoney22 · 2 years
I Found You***
Crosshair X F!Reader
word count: 4.3k
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It had been a long time since you last saw Clone Force 99 - so how do you react when you tend to the new Imperial Crosshair? And how does Crosshair feel when you, his long-time crush aids him to health? Can you convince him to change or is it too late for this Solitary Soldier.
warnings: spoilers for episode 3 bad batch S2 - NSFW, 18+ ONLY explicit sexual content. Angst, mentions of malnourishment and injury as well as medical procedures but nothing gory or in full detail. Imperial Crosshair (obvs, the silly little bear). Soft smut, creampie, swearing, praises, p in v, fingering, comfort. Not proofread, a little messy.
Masterlist 🤍
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Despite the darkness of your quarters, your eyes still burned once they opened from your feeble attempt at sleep. Every night, your mind was occupied with the decisions you have made leading up to now - as if your brain was screaming at you but with no thoughts which left you feeling restless.
The shrill alarm sounded, making you flinch only momentarily before you sat up from your uncomfortable bed and got ready for the day.
Deciding it’s probably best to avoid breakfast today, since it made your stomach churn in disgust whenever the drool was dropped on your plate, you head straight to the Medbay, clocked in and prepared to see what the day had in store.
Whenever you got a break, you would move to the break room and mostly keep to yourself but when one of your colleagues came over, an insensitive and cruel medic with a smirk on her face you knew she had something to spill. “So, did you hear?”
You had pretended not to see her coming so look up at her from your spot on a stool and raise a brow. “Hear what?”
“About that Clone we picked up from Kamino? Fool was there for 32 rotations, something like that.” She said with a laugh as if it was any kind of funny. For you however, your heart panged in ache at the thought.
You worked for the GAR for many years and seeing how the New Galactic Empire took over, there was no mistaking that they were trying to burn out all the Clones for their replacements. The Clones in your mind were the true heroes of the war, although it seemed as if they have now failed. They were always so kind to you and it only made you think about those special Clones you used to see whenever they returned to Coruscant.
“That long, huh? That’s horrible. Is he doing alright?” You try to seem unbothered as showing weakness was seen as a bad thing when it came to working for the Empire. But you just can’t help but feel like you should sprint to him, tend to him hand and foot. Just any sign of comfort.
She shrugged, rolling her eyes. “Don’t know, don’t care. Think they said he was unconscious the last time I checked.” Although you hated it when you awoke, you’re pleased to hear that alarm blare so this so-called ‘medic’ can get out your face.
Seeing your rota, you knew that you and some time to spare before you checked back on your other clients so you made it your mission to go seek out this Clone.
You asked around, getting half-arsed answers in return but when you found his room, you could not believe your eyes.
You had seen him so many times before, always in the distance, always lurking around when you tended to his brothers but never him. There was no forgetting his tall, slender and lean frame and that recognisable tattoo. Although, it did not even look like him. Not at first glance anyway.
You stepped towards the bed, looking at his vitals and grimacing to see how dehydrated he was - no wonder there were several drips attached to him.
“Oh Crosshair… what happened to you?” You mumbled to yourself. His hair was buzzed, clearly the burn on the side of his head was a lot to answer for but his face was ragged with unkempt stubble. Cheeks were more gaunt than usual and his complexion was weak.
As you heard, he was unconscious for the time being or so placed in a small coma for the time being. And so you made it your duty to check back on him every day until he was up. You had wondered what happened to the unit before Order 66 came through and you had hoped for them to disobey it so… why was he alone?
You pondered it a little while more and decided to do some rooting. When you discover that he alone stood by the Empire whereas his brothers had ‘violated’ the Order, you feel sick. But, those feelings had to be put aside as a certain someone finally woke up.
The sound of him groaning got your attention foremost so you place down the datafile you were reading through and come to his side quickly. “Try not to panic. You are in safe hands.” You say in a calm voice, not wanting the sight of an unfamiliar(?) face to make him thrash around.
His eyes open slowly, adjusting to the blinding light that shone down on him. “Where… where am I?”
“You are on Daro. A squad had located you on Kamino and we discovered you had been there for a total of 32 rotations. So please, try to stay calm whilst I call in someone else for good measure.” He hears you, but he can’t see you. He feels your presence and your voice… so familiar yet so unrecognisable. It isn’t long until his eyes slipped back closed and let the feeling of rest and uncertain safety take care of him.
Few hours later, he wakes back up once more and this time more alert than the last. The light above him had dimmed so he could just about make out the room he was in. It was dark, a complete contrast to the medical facilities when he served in the Republic but not everything had changed.
His heart stills when his eyes land on you, a familiar face that could only mean that it was your voice he had heard. But, when he looks at you he can only think of them. His brothers.
You were stationed on Coruscant most of the time but it was always a nice surprise to see you on Kamino whenever they arrived back. Typically their med-checks were with you which became more frequent when Echo had joined since he didn’t want a droid scanning him. However, he wouldn’t let you near him most of the time. If he had no issues then he thought it was pointless seeing a medic so he would sit back and quite often sit in regret as he watched you care for his brothers. And now here we was, looking the worse he ever could with you by his side.
Feeling something burning into the side of your cheek, you look up from the datapad to see his eyes, narrowed and trained on you. “Oh, you’re awake!” You cross over to him, grabbing a small torch and look down over him. “How do you feel?”
As soon as you ask, his body cried out in a horrible aching pain and you see him wince as he tries to sit up but you reach out and place a hand to his shoulder and gently push him back down. “Please refrain from moving at the time being, I can get you some pain relief for the pain.”
You move away which gives him another chance to look at you, a bit in shock and awe that you were really here. When you return, he looks away and that’s when you administer him the relief.
“I’m going to shine a light into your eye to evaluate your responses so please follow my instructions.”
Your voice is soft, so different to the shouting and strict ordering he had been used to. Maybe that is why he would rather watch you at work with the others than talk to you. Kriff, he usually had something snarky to say but at this very moment, he was silent.
“Look up - very good. And now look to your left.” He follows your instructions and to his relief, his eyes appear fine. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if his enchantment would deteriorate.
“You,” he looks back at you with narrowed eyes, seeing a somewhat awkward yet soft smile on your lips as you pack things away, “you probably don’t remember me. But I used to be a medic for your old unit-.”
Then he said your name, low and somewhat made chills run down your arms and legs. “Oh, you do know me then. That’s good.” You move around to the other side of him, keeping your voice level.
“Why are you here?” He asks, with a hint of judgment. You didn’t miss his sharp tone but at the same time, you did.
You blink at him and laugh shortly. “Because you’re not well and I need to make sure you’re fit and healthy-.”
“No,” he cuts you off for the second time in the space of a minute, “what are you doing here? With the Empire?”
Suddenly you’re playing with the torch in your hands, indecisively thinking of your reply. Why were you here? You hated everything the Empire stood for but there was something, a little something that made you stay: the Clones.
“Money pays okay and I have a roof over my head.” You decide on, lying through your teeth but convincingly.
Crosshair stares at you a little while longer but closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh. “Perhaps rest for a while longer… I need to come up with a recovery report and preparation for you.”
“I need to carry on leading a squad.” He hissed.
“You’re definitely not in any shape or form to do so CT-9904.” When you say his number rather than his name, he looks at you and he almost looks insulted. You had said their names a thousand times before but why is it different now? Oh wait, everything is different now .
“Crosshair is fine.” He says sternly but there is a somewhat bitterness in your voice as you reply.
“Not anymore, remember? You’re only a number to the Empire.”
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Crosshair made a recovery and although it was not as quick as he would like, it was somewhat nice to see him being able to walk without stumbling and hold enough food in his stomach without feeling sick. You would go with him to training, watching him perform and when he made a seemingly good comeback, you would report it back to one of the Admirals.
“When do you think I’ll be ready?”
You’re both walking back to your own rooms, the evening drawing near. “Soon. I can’t give an exact date but you’re doing well.”
It had been a few weeks since he first saw you again and those strange feelings came flooding back. Your sweetness, good looks and quick-wit was always something he had liked and it was good to see that it hadn’t changed. But, there was something that you said that hung in the back of your mind. Truthfully, he did not believe you when you had the reason as to why you stayed with the Empire.
He is a soldier, trained for this and he stayed yet you weren’t that. He had hung back and watched you when he moved to a shared medical bay and saw how you interacted with each of the Clones and then their ‘replacements’ he had heard one of them call themselves. With the Clones, you were relaxed and tentative yet with the others, there was hostility.
“Tell me something, why do you act differently with me?” He finally asked, stopping outside his room and turning to you.
“Different how?” You ask, raising a brow.
“You’re unsympathetic to the others, yet with Clones you ain’t.” You try to avoid how strong his gaze was on you, his frame completely shrouding your view.
You find yourself looking down at your boots, fingers trembling just slightly. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Course you do.” He places his fingers to your chin, tilting your head up to look at him that makes your breath shudder. “You can tell me,” he looks around first before he leans down to you, forehead almost touching you, “I don’t bite.”
Your senses are overpowered now, your heart beating a little faster but with a stroke of somewhat unfortunate circumstances, an alarm starts to blare. He hums, almost amused and takes a step back. “See you in the morning.”
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You did see him the next morning, then the next, then the next until you didn’t. When you heard he had been assigned a mission, you felt rather bittersweet. You felt proud that you managed to nurse him back to his full health but then you thought about what he would have had to do.
When he came back, he seemed cold. Colder than usual. He would pass you in the hall but not say a word anymore. Something had changed when he got back to working and you needed to know what.
It’s 0000 hours and you have been staring at the ceiling of your room for the last twenty minutes, mind swirling with thoughts and those thoughts were mainly of Crosshair. Little were you aware however, his thoughts had consisted of you, too.
Sighing, you sit up and tie your hair back out of your face before standing and deciding a walk may be best for now - at least you could clear your mind. But as the door hissed open, you gasp audibly to see someone standing right outside.
“Kark you scared me!” You place a hand to your chest, heaving.
Crosshair looks at you, a little apologetic like but that’s not what he’s here for. “A word?”
His voice is quiet, hoarse and his eyes flickered from the right of the hall, then the left and then to you. All night he had been tossing and turning, replaying Commander Cody’s words in his mind.
“S-sure, uh, come in?” You step aside, ignoring the feeling of how his hand brushed against your arm as he stepped into your room.
“Nice room.” He comments sarcastically to which you humour him for a false laugh.
“Ha-ha. What do you want?” You fold your arms over your chest because truth be told, you were quite annoyed with him. After all this time you’ve helped him and now he just ignores you? Rude.
He senses your spite but doesn’t bite into it, instead, he answers your question. “I… I needed to talk to someone. For advice.”
“Advice on what, exactly?” He watches as you tilt your head and he can’t help but almost sigh dreamily at the sight of it. You’re cute, too cute for him anyway.
“Do the Clones speak to you about anything personal?” His question confuses you and your jaw slacks a little.
“I can’t discuss personal matters of others with someone else who is not in charge - that would be breaking confidentiality.”
“Not stuff like that,” he growls, shortly growing agitated but he should have known better and corrected himself first, “I mean do they speak about them questioning their orders?”
You pause and think for a moment before saying, “Yeah, some had mentioned that the Empire is questionable… What do you think, CT-9904?“
“Stop calling me that.” He snaps abruptly, crossing the threshold towards you that has you backing into a wall, a little shocked.
“But it’s your number, I can’t call you what you used to be called anymore. The Empire took away all that.” You say softly and for a moment, you see a certain plea in his eyes.
“Say my name.”
Stilling, your breath gets caught in your throat. That something you thought had changed within him was surfacing and so, you wanted to press him on. “Why?” You whisper.
His jaw clenched but not out of anger, somewhat out of sadness and despair. He couldn’t remember the last time he heard his name being said and it made his heart twist. Why did he miss it so? Why did he want you of all people to say it? Of course: familiarity.
“I’m not a number.” He breathes unsteadily, his gaze that was so often strong beginning to weaken and he looks away from you. “We’re not numbers.”
“Then who are you? Who have you become?”
He knows you're interrogating him in some regards and for some reason, he lets you. He is tired of saying ‘good soldiers follow orders’ and ‘we do what needs to be done’. He is so, so tired and so, so lonely. He had sought a somewhat mutual friendship - if he could call it that - with Cody but now he had gone AWOL, he felt alone again.
“I’m still… I’m still Crosshair.” He drawls quietly, looking up the second he feels something touch his cheek and his eyes widen briefly to feel your hand.
“Prove it, prove to me it’s still you and not some puppet. I found you again and I can’t bear the way things have changed.”
He leans into your touch and carefully, he places his hands to your waist. His fingers strum gently over your clothes. “You found me?” He says somewhat innocently.
“Yes, I found you… Crosshair.”
The way his name purrs from your throat makes him snap. He captures your lips in a messy, frantic state with your hands flying up to his cheeks and bringing him as inhumanly closer as possible.
“Please mesh’la, say my name. Maker, I need to hear it.” He begs against your lips, the broken solitary clone is begging you for just a touch of his old life again.
“Crosshair.” You whisper against his lips, repeating his name over and over when his lips leave yours and trail along your neck and up your jaw.
Pressing up against you, you feel his arousal and let out a small gasp at the sensation. He’s solid like a rock and as you gaze down, you see it aching against his confines.
He grabs at your chin, eyes searching yours with every emotion he could emit. “Do you want this? To help someone,” he almost chokes, “someone like me?”
Your heart breaks a little at his words, hating the feeling that he thinks he is nothing short of a monster.
“There’s still good in you.” You mumble, leaning up and kissing his lips. “I’ll help you.”
He sighs against you and carefully lifts you up and takes you to your bed, laying you down carefully. “What if I’m beyond that? What if this is all I’ll ever be?”
“Crosshair,” you look up at him through lust filled yet sympathetic hues, “I’ll help you find them.”
Tilting your head, you reach up to him and he allows your fingers to trace over the fine stubble along your jaw. “I think you know who.”
He’s conflicted. His eyes are flashing with mixed emotions at your words but the ache in his pants was getting too much for him. He adores you with how you want to help him but right now? He needs you to release this foul tension of ecstasy he had been craving for too long. And for it to be with you? Even better.
When he kisses you, it’s soft and delicate - not at all how you expected him to be. With every single movement he makes from undressing you and leaving kisses along the nape of your neck and down over your pebbled nipples, it’s gentle.
“Such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” He mutters to you, his hands roaming up and down your bare torso and caressing your breasts that makes your core pang with every touch.
“Only for you, Crosshair.”
He seethes a little as you say his name, getting more riled up than he would like to admit over somebody speaking his name but it sounded like pure liquid gold when you spoke.
His hands are down the front of your pants now, skilled fingers caressing over your warmth before he chuckles seeing you writhe beneath him. “Look at you, all wet and pretty.” His digits fall between your folds, gently massaging the skin. You knew you were wet - obviously. But the fucking sound of his fingers agaisnt you was lewd and pretty filthy. So filthy it bounced off the room's wall like a song.
“Crosshair…” you mewled, cupping your right breast as he pulls your pants down until they’re off before a finger curls into you. Your energy was leaving your body, eyes barely being able to stay open as he already managed to hit that spot inside of you.
He’s admiring you, humming at your responses to him fingering your little pussy. With your eyes half-lidded and back beginning to arch, he uses his free hand to free his cock from his pants and begins to stroke himself. “You like this don’t you? You like the way my fingers curl into that sweet cunt?” He purrs, a member thick in his grasp as he picks up the pace with both his pulsation and his pumping.
“M-more, please!” You’re a whimpering mess now, begging him for me that you know he can give. You lean up on your elbows and only just notice that he was touching himself, the tip oozing with pearly white cum that made your mouth water. “Fuck, you’re huge.”
His chuckle is dark and that’s when you feel not one but two fingers begin to stretch you out carefully, adding to the finger already inside you. “Am I? Let’s make sure you’re ready for me then. Don’t want to hurt you.” His words are soft at this point and his movements are slow. Gently, he would lean down whilst maintaining his rhythm and place a kiss to your naval and up to your breasts, dragging his tongue over your stiff peaks.
When he knows you are ready, his fingers leave your warm hole to much of your displeasure at the loss of contact. But when he slides between your legs, parting your thighs - you know you’re going to get stuffed with something greater.
His tip is breaching your deliciously soaked pussy, teasing you softly but the way he is looking at you almost made you sob in both pleasure and unfathomable awe. His head is tilted to the side, eyes soft with adoration as he slowly slides into you. He’s gauging your reaction, sighing through each inch he puts inside you. “Good girl… taking me so well. Perfect.” He’s talking to himself more than he is to you but you didn’t care.
You lay back on your bunk, looking up at Crosshair whose eyes fall shut as he begins to thrust into you. Both hands are on either side of your waist, holding you close as if you would slip away and it was just a dream.
Words inaudible, you let out soft whimpers as his cock pierces you so wonderfully and makes you feel full. “Oh Crosshair, s-so good.”
He whines at your soft admittance, eyes opening so he could look lovingly into your eyes. “Maker, I’ve always thought about fucking you, ahh fuck-.” He feels like he’s about to bottom out quickly so he slows down, maintaining his breathing before finishing off what you were very interested in hearing.
“Just can’t believe it’s happening like this.” He sighs, hands leaving your waist and placing on either side of your body to hoist himself up as he leans down for a kiss.
Your lips meet in a warm and needy embrace, his tongue diving and exploring the inside of your mouth as his hips roll slowly into you.
You could feel every inch of him from his velvety skin all the way to the veins along his cock as your walls tighten around him like a vice. Whimpering against his mouth spurs him on to pleasure you more, his hips thrusting faster and harder but his lips now gently kissing the warmth of your neck. “Mesh’la, so good to me.” Unsure if you heard him correctly, but you swore he was whimpering with every rut he gives you - severely coming undone in a matter of seconds.
You were glad the room was more or less sound proof because his breathing got heavier, your moans became a melody and the sound of his balls slapping against you were none short of filth.
“I-I think I’m about to cum, baby.” He pulls his head back, looking down at the motion of his length pulsing in and out of you.
“Me too, Crosshair. Please cum in me.”
“I-in you?” He stutters but is pleasantly surprised by your soft demand.
“Mhm, protected.” Your fingers grip onto your bed, nails digging in deep into the hard mattress that the Empire had to offer.
The next few moments were filled with soft whimpering and cursing as he filled you with his seed. That twang in your stomach burst as you too feel yourself cum all over his cock, causing him to almost melt into a puddle and collapse down next to you - both breathing heavy.
Never had a moment meant so much to him until just then. The girl he had longed for many rotations had come to him in his time of need was now spent and naked beside him but as his mind clears, he thinks back to what you said: ‘I’ll help you find them”.
Looking at him, you see he is in deep thought which was a dangerous thing for him. You never knew what he thought but a part of you knew he was thinking about his brothers. “I meant what I said.” You whisper softly, arms folding over your nude and sweating body.
His eyes closed and subtly, nods. “I… I appreciate that.”
It wasn’t enough to confirm if it was what he wanted and maybe, he may take you up on his offer but for now - he doesn’t mind just laying here beside you.
What if it was too late anyway? What if he was beyond saving? He remains conflicted on what was right and what was wrong however for you, you saw the vulnerability in him.
Hopefully, it would be you to reunite him with his brothers.
Hopefully, he finds them.
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More Crosshair Works
Tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @tinyreadersmur @agenteliix @the-good-shittt @myinnerwonderlandmind @kaminocasey @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp @photogirl894 @rintheemolion
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
Hi Mimi!!!! I can't believe I'm only seeing your fic Song Roulette now!!! If this is past your deadline you can totally disregard this, but I was wondering if you could do Return to Love by Andrea Boccelli with Hunter? I hope I'm within the rules? I couldn't find them (I'm tired so observation skills are low atm XD) if not I can submit a different one within the rules!
Can't wait to see what you do!!!! As always, your work is amazing 🥰
Hello my lovely @dragonrider9905!
Thank you for your lovely request: Return to Love by Andrea Boccelli
Love this song and him. Such a fantastic request. I hope you like my interpretation of it.
Love oo
Return to Love
Warnings: Longing, confession, gift giving, fear, apprehension, hugs, kisses, I think that's it if I miss anything please let me know.
Italics - flashback
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Hunter stood at the entrance of your village, it had been years since he set foot on your home planet. However, now that things had calmed down, Tantiss was no longer a worry. Hemlock was dead and gone. The Empire was no longer looking for Omega. Everything was peaceful. 
As he sat by the village tree, and he finally felt peace for the first time in his life, his mind kept going back to you. 
The way your smile always used to light up your face. 
The way your eyes would always look at him with so much love. 
The way your nose would scrunch up when you laughed. 
All those little moments, all those little quirks that he memorized, and had safely tucked away in his heart. Kept all those precious moments with you to himself, untainted and pure. 
Of course, he still remembered the day he left the village, the day the Separatists were chased off your planet. 
His brothers said their goodbye first, thanking you for allowing you to let them use your home as a base for them. 
You couldn’t help laughing at Wrecker’s wide eyes as you gave him Lula, it’d been a hobby of yours to make toys for the children of the village, and when you saw how much he kept looking at the kids with their toys. Well you couldn’t help but make one for him too.
You had asked Hunter in secret what colours Wrecker would’ve liked, and you were so happy that he loved it, as much as he did. 
Tech and Crosshair also were given presents, Crosshair you gifted him a stack of toothpicks, a habit he developed while being in your home. With Tech, you gave him the new strap for his goggles, it was a special leather that was guaranteed to never wear away. 
Hunter just stood off to the side as he watched how you doted on each of his brothers, his heart swelling with each moment. He couldn’t stop smiling when it finally was just the two of you. 
“We are very grateful for everything you did for us.”
“It was nothing, Hunter,” you looked into his eyes, smiling as the wind blew through his hair, it was getting in his eyes. You reached up and tucked his hair behind his ear. “I’m going to miss you.”
“So am I”
You held out a red fabric to him, “A little something to remember me by.”
“I can’t forget you regardless.”
“Either way” you smiled as he opened up the red fabric, looking at the necklace in his hand it was a simple ingot necklace. His eyes focused on the design, “It’s the symbol of our village. It’s not much … I’m sure you probably won’t wear it…”
“I love it.” Your eyes focused on each other, as Hunter reached up and put the necklace over his head and tucked it into his body suit. “I’ll wear it always.” He used the red fabric and tied it around his head keeping his hair out of his face.
“If you … any of you ever need a place to call home … my door is always open.” You reached out and held his hand, “Please stay safe.”
Hunter nodded, he wanted to say more, wanted to do so much more than offer a simple squeeze to your fingers. He longed to press his lips against yours. “If I come back, it won’t be for a long time.”
“Whenever you do come back …” you took a deep breath, as you offered one last smile, “my … my door is always open.” You wanted to say how he had your heart so it didn’t matter how long it would take, you wouldn’t forget him. You’d remember all those moments you two shared.
Hunter steeled himself as he stood in front of your house, your necklace nestled against his chest. His fist raised ready to knock, when he took a moment to steal himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He knocked, not backing away. It felt as though hours had ticked by as he stood there, when it’d really only been a few seconds. 
You wiped your hands clean, as you answered the door, “Sorry, my hands were …” your sentence vanished from your lips as your eyes focused on Hunter’s face. 
Your heart started pounding as he stood there, your eyes slowly roving over him, making sure he wasn’t injured, before your eyes went back to his own.
The fear and trepidation he’d been feeling from the moment he decided to come to you melted away. 
“Hi mesh’la”
You didn’t hesitate a second, throwing your arms around his neck as you pulled him closer, burrowing your face into his neck. He didn’t hold back wrapping his arms around you, burying his face in your hair, remembering your scent from so long ago. You still smelt like home. And now that he held you, you felt like home. 
Neither of you said anything as you both stood there holding on to each other. 
After you’ve had your fill, you pulled back, fighting back tears as you looked at him, “I’ve missed you.”
Hunter fought back his own tears, as his hand gently stroked your cheek, “I missed you, too. I’m sorry I’m late.”
“You’re not late. You’re never late.” You held his cheeks in your hand, smiling as he leaned in closer. You didn’t hesitate, as you closed the distance pressing your lips against his. 
Hunter pulled back after holding you in his arms, deepening the kiss like he’d been wanting to do for the past several years, “How do you feel about moving?”
“If it means being with you, I can go anywhere.”
“Ever heard of Pabu?”
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24
@firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121
@discofern @kavecika
@monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri
@theroguesully @furyhellfire66
@ciramaris @sprout-fics
@twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian
@littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee
@vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
@crosshair-is-the-superior-clone @totallyunidentified
@griffedeloup @leotatombs
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