#and i couldnt figure out my log in
natjennie · 2 years
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graviticdeeds · 1 year
actually proud of my friend for starting to make fun mech builds, after starting out by steamrolling AC6 with a double zimmerman shotty build.
I just watched him melee-only the IB-01 fight and that was the legit coolest shit i’ve ever seen
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bitchimasnake-sss · 11 months
"stay, please" ft. the monster trio!
in which, nightmares plague them and you're the only remedy ft. luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader set-up: late night nightmares give way to very vulnerable boyfriends i see (i couldnt bring myself to pick sad gifs for them tho, idk use your imagination) warnings: none!! wholesome shit all day every day :) m.list
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- luffy is always a heavy sleeper - no, like quite literally - he sleeps on you like a log, unmoving until you're physically shoving him off and throwing him off the bed - so, in the dead of the night, when he pulled you closer against his chest and held you tighter, you simply assumed it was no big deal - but his hands are tightening around your waist, his breath seems laboured and as you throw him a glance over your shoulders, you see his brows furrowed together as if he was in pain - "yn, no. yn-" his voice sounds distraught, hands trembling against your figure "luffy?" you whisper, gently putting your arm over his, "luffy, hey?" - his breath seems more laboured, as if it hurts just to breathe - you were shaking him awake, "luffy, wake up, come on" - when he did, his eyes were teary and he buried his head into your hair. relief flooded his voice as he kept holding onto you, "you're okay right?" "ofcourse i am. are you?" "i-" he sneaks in a quick breath and then looks at you, "yeah" - you run your hand up and down his arm gently, other coming to rest on his cheek, "nightmare?" - he stays silent for a second, just looking at you. then he whispers, "i thought i lost you" "i'm right here" you flash him a small smile, chasing it with a small peck on his lips, "i promise" "you promise?" his features stay unmoving, still grim "i promise" you're rubbing soothing circles on his cheek - a second passes before either of you speaks up. it's him who does. - he presses his hands over yours and whispers slowly, "stay with me, please" "i wouldn't be caught dead anywhere else" - and then he's picking you up, "we're awake and im hungry so might as well-" - he made you help him raid the pantry and feed him emergency snacks to soothe him again - one of these days, sanji's gonna put a biometric scanner at the kitchen door and luffy's gonna go feral - that is your version of doomsday - what a menace i love him
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- it was a sickening routine as far as you remembered. you hated it to your very core and yet, you couldn't do anything as it played out - every once in a while, when the fates were a little too cruel, zoro would slip out of the bed, careful not to wake you up. - he'd slowly close the door behind him, stepping out onto the chilly deck - it wouldn't take you long to notice the abrupt coldness next to you where zoro should have been - and you would usually walk out and find him peering at the sea, tension etched into every muscle - your hands would wrap around his waist and you would press your face against his sculpted back. you would feel his body ease under your familiar touch, the tension fading away and leaving behind another young man "zo'" you would whisper, "'nother nightmare?" and he would just gave you a curt nod - that's how it usually went. he wouldn't elaborate, he would just hold onto you till all his worries slipped past him and then he'd carry you back to bed - he wouldn't bring it up again in the morning and it was a silent agreement that you wouldn't either - but today, his body shivered, trembling against your feather-like touches "zoro?" you're panicking, turning him to look at you, "zo' are you cry-" - he pulls you towards himself, his head on top of yours, "i thought i fuckin' lost you i-" you bury yourself against him, "i'm right here, look" "you wouldn't leave right?" his voice is gentle, "i- you'd stay by my side, right? please" - you look up at him, pressing a kiss on his cheek, "ofcourse i will. where else would i go?" he gives a small smile, "wherever you go, stay away from that shitty cook" "ah, don't worry. you can ensure that by showering for once" "oh, really?" he scoffs playfully, "only if you join me" - he carries your blushing figure into the room and you fall asleep with him tangled against you - you did take him up on the showering together offer tho, ur a slave to the temptations of the flesh it seems
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- honest to god, i believe he is the kind of guy who doesn't wake you up - but over the years, youve caught onto the pattern - it's always the days where he either sneaks off into the kitchen, saying that there's just some recipe he thought of that he needs to try or he sits in the bed, silently basking in the venomous thoughts - some nights, you feel his warmth pull away and he's sitting beside you, back against the headboard - his breath is laboured and his eyes are screwed shut as he tips his head backwards - your hand is on his knee, grounding him back to reality "sanji?" you mumble as you sit up, "you okay?" "did i wake you up?" he mumbles back with a look of concern, "im sorry, my love" - but you're already settling in between his legs, your back flush against his chest. you bring his hand and intertwine it with your own, bringing it to your lips to press a small kiss - it ends with you talking about something else to get his mind off the bullshit "what if we have like 4 moons and we don't know?" "i don't think that scientifically possible, darling" "anything's possible. never say never." - on nights you find him in the kitchen, you silently walk in there and sit on the kitchen counter, asking him what he's cooking - you entertain him with mundane bullshit as he cooks - 9/10 you fall asleep in the kitchen and he has to carry you back - cooks you the same dish later again cause while he was carrying you back, luffy stormed into the kitchen, ate whatever it was and fell asleep on the fucking kitchen floor. - sanji's considering putting a biometric scanner at the kitchen door now
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sanjuwrites · 1 month
wip wednesday
in honor of me meeting CMQ on their pairing tour soon, here's another snippet of my zahra backstory <3 (and some tarlos too i couldnt pick)
thanks to @heartstringsduet @bonheur-cafe @honeybee-taskforce @nancys-braids @paperstorm and
@carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @theghostofashton
zahra backstory
Zahra feels her heart break in her chest a little, and remembers all the ways that June shielded Alex from the brunt of the last year. She’s sure the kid feels lost at not knowing if his rock is okay. Before she realizes what she’s doing, Zahra beckons him over, letting Alex curl up into her as she hugs him. “June’s going to be just fine, Alex. She’s a strong girl, and she’s exactly where she needs to be, getting all the help she needs, okay? You don’t need to worry about anything but yourself.” She wraps her arms around him, giving him a hug, “Now, did you finish that math homework you need to turn in in the morning?”
Alex nods against her shoulder, and she smiles, safe in the knowledge Alex can’t see her face. “Good, because your mother would skin me if you missed it, you little shit.” A beat, and then, “don’t tell your mother I cursed around you, I can’t fill that swear jar up anymore.”
Alex smiles a little wobbly thing, “Can we watch a movie for a bit? I don’t wanna sleep alone up there.”
And, well, Zahra knows she shouldn’t, she should say no and send the kid back up to bed, but something in his voice won’t let her. “Okay, fine. But I get to pick the movie, you menace. Seriously, your mother is going to kill me and it’s gonna be all your fault.”
He giggles at that, snuggling into her side a little deeper, “Love you, Zee.”
“I love you too, kid.” She sniffles, “Repeat that shit and I’ll bury you, alright? I can’t have people knowing I’m going fu– freaking soft.”She feels Alex nod against her side and she smiles softly, letting the opening credits of Empire Strikes Back play on the TV.
aish fic
They’re both silent on the other end, and before Aish can add onto what she’s saying, the siren goes off on the other end. “Saved by the bell, Marwani. Be safe out there.”
“Yes ma’am. This conversation isn’t over though.”
She can hear TK shuffling in his room, and she sighs, starting to move through the kitchen and pulling tomatoes and cilantro out of the fridge to get started on lunch.
Aishwarya can’t force him to talk to Carlos, but maybe she can force him to leave his room. 
TK’s finger hovers over Carlos’s number in his call log, trepidation overwhelming him. 
It’s just Carlos, you know Carlos. He’s been dying to talk to you. He winces at the choice of words in his head, but powers through. He presses the call button, and brings it up to his ear with shaky hands. It rings out, and just as TK is getting ready to end the call, he hears Carlos’s breathless voice on the other end. 
The breath rushes out of TK, “Yeah.”
“I didn’t think you’d call, to be honest. Aishu made it kinda clear that you weren’t going to call…”
TK lets out the barest of chuckles, “Yeah, I figured it was time I dealt with this one head on – do you want to meet up somewhere?”
Carlos is silent on the other line for a second, “Do you want to come over? I can be at my apartment in twenty minutes.”
TK blinks in surprise, “You’re not at your apartment?”
“Oh, no I’m not. Ma wanted to keep an eye on me and Aishu agreed that I should stay here, so I did. I’ll be there soon, just let yourself in. I have your favorite water in the fridge, just please. Go over there and wait for me.”
i'm gonna tag @lightningboltreader, @reyesstrand, @liminalmemories21, and @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut!
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vsyrworld · 1 year
i rrly need a quick fluffy post monza charlos fanfic so here is my shot (turn out its not quick but anyway)
rated : m (bcs of they kiss a lot)
tags : sleepy cuddle and kisses, singapore as core memory, not beta read so sorry bout error.
♡ enjoy ♡
carlos is so so done. so freaking wasted as he could only sprawled on his bed, lying there like a death log. feet cramp, shoulder aching, body hurts everywhere. and finally after a dreadful weekend, enormous laps of attacking and defending rewarded by a worthy podium, is an ecstasy but not for long as he has to spare his social energy for boring long ass press interview and celebration. at least the last one is another reward.
he thought.
if isnt because of that stupid thieves out of nowhere, he already eating his dinner out, have a drink that charles had promised him through interview and the bad thing was charles also already texted him, "matee! lets have a drink together tonight!!", he read and left the chatroom opened, and then his watch accident, ran his breath out then the police -- oh merde, charles must be waiting him at bar or atleast his response and yet- carlos told rupert to skip a dinner and call it a day.
the other bad news is, if he is too tired. he couldnt sleep. and tifosi are still out there whatever the chantng or lullaby they are doing-- its actually nice and heartwarming-- but he needs sleeps. constantly nagging by the anonymous hands, scents, crowds making him dizzy. he lost sense of familiarness. then he remember this week, they didnt film anything about c2 challenges. carlos hadnt had a chance to annoy charles because they are cramped in a big crowd, people here people there --
his phone ringing stopping carlos from circulating haze thought
lazily, or more pricisely, fatiguely, reach his bed side stand and swipe the call without minding the caller id,
"carlos?! you okay? where are you now?" carlos stunned in silence but his lips form a smile, cahlos
"hey" he turned his body to lay down on his left side. the phone is on top of his right ear, as he dropped his own hand to matress, "sorry" he speaks slowly, his energy already depleted
"forget it, the important is you are ok." charles' voice smoothing right to his ear.
"hm" he hummed in agreement. already closing his eyes.
he heard a chuckled from other line, "do you want me ...um..."
carlos smiled as his hand mindlesly caressing the empty spot beside him,
"dont wanna get up. too tired" he said truthfully. the bed is already swallowed him half of his body and soul,
"okay" charles said. carlos didnt expect anything so he doesn't hang up the phone.
but he knows charles will come anyway,
thus when his hotel room door closed with a soft thuds, and his arms streched into a cold empty spot is finally, finally, now replaced by a slender warm figure.
carlos with eyes closed, instinctively wraps the body and pulling him so his chest against charles' chest, legs tangled each other, a warm laugh land on his sleepy face
"is this how you greet me, hm? mister ministary of defence? pole sitter? podium winner? or hm a superhero who chasing down the thieves around the street hmph--"
carlos shuts him with long deep kiss, with the very last energy he had. his hands welcoming him by smoothers down the softness of hoodie charles' wears. it is so warm and cloudy. charles fresh scents is a lily, musky vanilla. sweet and calming makes him dropped his lips into charles juncture neck.
"wrong," he replies and left a warm kiss on charles exposed skin. "it's your lover." finally. a familarness.
charles breathed out as his finger massaging carlos hair softly. "hi to you too, mi amor"
they take their own time respectively, trying to gain and mapping each other body again after a full weekend constantly dealing with stranger sweats, sticky skin.
"miss me?" charles said into carlos thick hair. he loves when charles does that.
he opens his mouth to answer but then his wicked mind does something else,
charles let a sudden moan as carlos nipped and sucking charles neck slowly, open mouthed, "ca- ah, carlos, wait" the way charles gripped carlos hair's is so addicting. its soft but firm, delicate but sensual. carlos cant get enough from it.
carlos grunts and continue licking the spot, "you said you tired, ah-" charles didnt even finished his sentence because their hards-on rubbing against each other and carlos circling his arm on charles wait, trying to get the friction
but carlos is tired, so the movement is painfuly slow thus creating a consistent gap of moan from charles. "you menance" charles said between moan as he chin up carlos so they are facing each other.
"open your eyes you idiota" carlos slowly blinking his eyes to find charles hazy gaze straight at him with such a fondness.
carlos breath into his face and decide to gives him a eskimo kisses. the one that he and charles likes to do. its ticklish but sweeter than lips kisses.
from carlos hooded eyes, he bring his palm to caressing charles' cheek, "tired. sorry" and eyes flutters to shutting again
charles laughs like a lulabby to him, "okay okay. so don't rub on me. let save it for the morning" he exchanged the kiss by rubbing his nose to carlos cheek and back again to carlos' nose, then he stayed there.
"charles" he said after a moment with, of course, the tifosi singing at outside
"tell your fans to shut up please"
charles giggled then smacked carlos biceps that hugs them close, "hey that's rude to say like that!" carlos didnt mean it but he really really need a quite and good sleep. really, he let out a dissapoint grunt
charles shifted his head to see beyond carlos shoulder, at the closed curtain window, luckily they couldnt be seen from outside. "they are not my fans, carlos"
another nose rubbing, "its ours"
carlos smiled at charles statement as his mind start day dreaming about monza podium celebrations. he is enchanted by the prancing horse.
"si, but i really need a quite moment." carlos hummed,
charles doesn't answered him, only shifted his head closer to him then flushing their forehead together. breath rising constantly with each other, trying the best to focusing their breathing rhythm and so the tifosi chant become a soft background sounds.
"charles" carlos said again between the time their chest expand.
"i'm here" a slow long exhale drawns out from both of them.
as both of them inhaling the oxygen, carlos closed the gap by placing himself to charles' lips with a soft kiss. charles , slow but reassuringly, sealed them with pulling carlos closer and they start to exchanged some languid kisses. it was a simple peck then turns into a french kiss somehow, back again to calmer one and ending it with their most favorite kisses all the time, the one long deep kiss.
to have charles lips against him, and their nose flushed into each other cheek. carlos kissing him raw and breathlessly until the air in his lungs sucked all out, charles not wanting to apart from carlos' lips, cluthed his hand to carlos' tshirt, and other one is settle down at spaniard cheek to trails carlos face up and down. thus, carlos answered it by tighting his waist grips.
they pulled out together in a loud exhale, "god i love when you do that" charles giggled and bring their nose kissed each other affectionately.
carlos grins widely with his eyes still closed. he rubs charles' in agreement.
"carlos i have an idea"
"what is that?"
"lets go to singapore a couple day quicker than others"
charles statement successfuly makes carlos' eyes open. he analyze charles expression but none other than a soft private smile he gives him and there is a longing, like a want feeling, a desire and a permission for spending a time together outside racing schedule
"you want to flight early?" he reassure charles again, afraid it's might his delulu scenario since his brain is not working properly.
"us. i want us to ..." charles dimples appear as he bites his lips nervously,
"to what?" carlos raised his eyebrows
"you know, do what couple do?" he said shyly
carlos swear he melted against the bed sheet ever more, "date then?" he gives charles a kiss on his dimples.
which create a soft giggle, "you can say that"
"yeah" carlos brings his hand into charles' nape and goes into his cheek where the dimple is rested. he really really want to feel him all.
singapore, a perfect runaway country. is not monza, is not charles' monaco and it is also not carlos' malorca. it's their singapore.
"yes, i like that" carlos said again this time between the kiss.
"yeah?" charles is caressing his eye bag. smoothing them like a butter, making carlos purrs
"yes and then we can make love there too" he grins teasingly and a hand smack on his chest making him laughed.
"you are really what max said, naughty" charles rolled his eyes, "but yes i guess we can"
"in the pool?" he pushed again, eyes glint with a mischieve, "pool sex?"
"oh my god cahlos, stop!" charles put his own hands to covered his well redden face.
he chuckled seeing charles flushtrated so he dropped a kiss on charles' hand, whispering a "carino" against the slender fingers.
"if is not singapore..." carlos trailed his voice down as charles opened his hand and settled it down into carlos' cheek. A circular hand motion drifting him to sleep,
"if is not because of singapore, i wouldn't be here with you" he said before closing his eyes
he doesn't have to see charles expression, he already know it by all of his heart
so he doesn't protest when charles tucked him down, resting his chin ontop of carlos head, wraping his arm protectively as carlos felt a drop of forehead kiss
"let's sleep and get out from here"
with that, carlos finally get his best sleep in that day.
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moss-sprouted · 2 months
something that kinda annoys me about the outer wild fandom is how insistant people are that you Shouldnt ask for help or look up guides, like ive actually had many people get mad at me for trying to help other people who ASKED for help or by looking up guides myself
yes i agree its good to try to experience the game how its meant to be played, and i think like the majority of people playing the game will figure things out eventually
however im not one of those people, and when you cant figure out a puzzle and you try everything, its going to ruin your experience if you Dont look up guides sometimes
like my memory and love of the game is not overshadowed by me looking up a guide a couple times, i have those wonderful memories regardless and dont even remember a lot of What i looked up
especially if something isnt available in your ship's log or the game doesnt directly teach you, i think its fine to look something up and it doesnt completely ruin your experience
maybe thats cause im someone who doesnt feel spoilers ever usually ruin an experience for me, or because im someone whos probably a little slow cognitively most of the time but like if you need help its okay to ask for it, there SO much of the game i experienced myself, but looking up how to enter the ATP which is something that has been patched a million times since i played BECAUSE of how many people just couldnt figure it out, or i think the other one was how the hell to get to the black hole forge, it didnt change how much i love this game and it Isnt purely the games fault either, im still a real fan and love the game
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pondermyorb · 6 months
You and I are walking in the woods when I wander off to go look at some interesting plants. You are standing then waiting for me, but I don’t come back after a while. You start calling my name and I say here. You look for me and I move. I can see you but you don’t know where I am. You call for me again and I’ve moved. You’re starting to get annoyed. You wanted to make it to the top by lunch time. I can see you’re getting annoyed but I want to play so I tell you to remove your shoes and socks. You question me instead of doing it immediately and then are grumbly and annoyed while you do it. I move. You still can’t see me but I’m closer and can see you clearly. I tell you to remove your shirt. You make huffs and puffs but I can see you’re starting to get hard in your cargo pants. Now I tell you to remove your pants and underwear. You get a ripple of goosebumps and do as I order with very little protest this time. You then notice my clothes and a small plastic bag on the other side of a log. You start calling my name but this time I don’t answer. I then tell you to kneel and sit back on your heels. You do, and you start feeling a little whoozy. Unbeknownst to you, I put half a sleeping pill in your water about 30 minutes ago. You are in the perfect spot and once you pass out I come over and tie your hands together and throw the rope over a very sturdy branch above you. I make a pulley and pull you up to standing but your toes barely touching the forest floor. I then tie your feet to a spreader bar. It took me much longer than expected to hoist you up, so you are already coming to. As you awaken you look at me and see me holding a knife and a birch branch. You try to ask me what that’s for, but you’re still too out of it to speak clearly . I start explaining anyway. The birch branch is for your disobedience and grumbling earlier. You get 5 swats per grumble or groan about removing your clothes. You earned 50 swats which is a perfect even number. You start to try and beg me not to. That that is way too many. I look you dead in the eye and you can tell by my face there is no getting out of it. You start to look around and see if you can figure out how you’re trussed up. You notice you can’t really move because your legs are spread and you’re on your tippy toes. You are looking at your hands and I ask if you still have good blood flow to your fingers. You look at me and nod taking a big swallow of fear and nervousness. I’ve shaved the branch down to an appropriate smoothness and go behind you. You feel as I lightly rub it on your ass cheeks and you know you will deeply regret the disobedience. I tell you to count out loud and thank me after each one. I start and you count “one, thank you mistress” “two, thank you mistress” and so on. By 50 you can barely get it out and are sobbing. The pain is so bad but it also clears the mind so well. I stop and you thank me profusely for the correction. I ask if I can now get to what I was planning on doing before you so rudely grumble and disobeyed me. You say “please mistress” and I get some lube and start stroking you. I bring you to edge after edge and tickle you in between. You get so overstimulated and mindless there’s nothing to do but hang there and moan. Then I let you down and you feel jarred out of sub space. I was not prepared to have to punish you so I didn’t bring anything to aid the healing of your ass. I give you your clothes and tell you to get dressed so we can finish our hike. We both have our clothes on and walk oof into the sun for lunch.
Ffuckk this wass an amazing read, couldnt help but touch as I read~
Absolutely loved the part with you spiking my drink, I’d let you have full access to all my food and drink if there was the slightest chance of you slipping me anything to fuck with my head or make me pliable for you~
Shittt broght myself to the esge just thinking about bein your free use free to drug fuck doll…
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definitelynotshouting · 8 months
Been super busy with school (my grades are SUFFERING) plus studying for the ACT, PLUS trying to figure out what i want to do with my life so thats.... fun :)
Logged on to Tumblr to discover the prequel oneshot hungerau thing and ENJOYED IT VERY MUCH! keep at it dude, we're all cheering you on <3
Hey bug anon!!! :D
Oh my gosh that sounds like so much on your plate dude 😭😭😭😭 GODSPEED BRAVE SOLDIER I AM ROOTING FOR YOU!!!!!! also im so glad you liked the oneshot!!! I worked really hard on it and i am treasuring every comment 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Also im hoping you dont mind a bit of unsolicited reassurance, but your comment about figuring out your life really vividly reminded me of when i was in high school trying to figure out college and my career and life in general, and just. Couldnt come up with anything. And i still remember how fuckoff scary that felt, so i just wanna reassure you, as someone who is a few years shy of 30 and never even ended up going to college, from the bottom of my heart you do not have to figure things out for yourself yet. I know there is so so much pressure surrounding that concept, but your life and priorities can drastically change as you grow. Sometimes you dont settle into what you want to do until you're far older, and thats okay!!! In fact thats genuinely the norm-- i didnt know i wanted to be a professional editor until about 6 years ago. And in the future i might decide i want to do something else, too, and pursue that instead!!
You never have to settle on One Path for yourself. Things change, people change, and everything is in constant fluid motion. Its okay not to know what you want out of your life-- genuinely, at this point in time youve barely even lived it. Ive barely lived mine-- im only just now hitting a point where i can really think about the longterm and put down lasting roots. Give yourself the space to figure it out organically, and i promise you as someone who has gone through this exact same thing, it will ultimately turn out okay❤️❤️❤️❤️ its a big learning curve, but you arent alone, and there are countless people out there who will be willing to help you as you go along :]
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solisaureus · 1 year
enough discourse robin what are your thoughts on the book!! thoughts on characterization? things you loved and things you’d change? your art is giving me life btw as always ♥️♥️♥️
i loved it i loved it i loved it i loved it I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was sobbing by the end like actually vocally wailing!!!!
my thoughts on nico’s characterization are that he was very different than he is in HOO and i think that’s a good thing — he has clearly done a lot of growing, and has allowed himself to express all the love that’s been inside him all this time. it was indescribably healing to read this character that has been getting tormented since 2007 finally laughing and smiling and kissing his boyfriend and giving him dumb nicknames and reaching out to piper and hugging chiron and feeding himself and refusing to give up his life. i am so proud of him and i love him so much
my thoughts on will’s characterization are that he was a lot more insecure than i thought he would be! again not a bad thing just surprising. i didn’t think he would be closeted at chb before nico came out, i didn’t expect him to have so much fear about nico leaving him behind. it was so heartbreaking and i wanted to hold him and cry and i loved that nico was there for him emotionally too. will is so good. he’s so good. i keep seeing people complaining that he was being insensitive about the underworld but i liked that he had that flaw and then came to understand he was speaking out of ignorance and apologizing to nico for hurting him and figuring out how to embrace the underworld and the darker sides of both nico and himself. it was a fantastic point of growth and a realistic representation of loving someone who has a lot of trauma
there’s not a ton i would change mostly because if everything i wanted was in this book it would be infeasibly long and the story would have pacing issues and etc. but here are a few things i would’ve changed (with the disclaimer that i loved the book as is):
- i would’ve liked to see reyna mentioned at all. even one single time. this was my biggest disappointment.
- i wish rick and mark had used some synonyms for bushy to describe will’s hair lol
- i would’ve liked it if will losing his siblings was brought up. it would’ve been interesting to see him discuss grief with nico and the death that he’s experienced personally. it was also nodded to that he’s lost patients but that would’ve been another morbid topic he could’ve talked about with nico. but i understand why the book never went there. that’s what fanfiction is for babey
- maybe unpopular opinion but i think they should’ve been separated longer haha
- this is halfway something i loved and halfway something i would’ve changed but when i saw on page 1 that will was seriously injured with gorgyra and then the plot map showed the drakon fight right before that i was like oh shit will’s gonna fight a drakon and get hurt doing it BUT NO HE FELL DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS AND PASSED OUT FOR THE WHOLE FIGHT SAKDHSHDKDHDH I LAUGHED SO HARD I COULDNT BE DISAPPOINTED. HE WAS DESCRIBED AS A FLOPPY LOG AHSHDKF I LAUGHED SO MUCH THERE WERE TEARS IN MY EYES GOD BLESS HIM
i wish this book had been longer, i want 900 more will pov chapters, there are so many things i would’ve liked to see expanded upon or included, but it satisfied so much for me and it was so special and healing and meaningful to me. i am so excited for the fanfiction that will come out of this lol. you will probably be seeing some from me tbh. i loved it i loved it i loved it i loved it i loved it
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Give us your best and worst feelings while experiencing being a game dev
some of the best feelings: working with my new teammate person (the one i mentioned was teaching me a while back! now we're a proper dev team!) and talking about and planning idaes with him
when something finally works
solving a probelm i couldnt figure out a few days ago
when its finally done
watching your characters come to life
COMMENTS HWEN SOMEONE COMMENTS :D ive only gotten one comment on my itch.io games so far but IT MADE ME SO HAPPY and i keep going back to look at it when i need motivation-
playing through with my friends over vc and us making up funny bits and doing voices while we're at it! We had one playthrough where the main character was named paperwork and all their diologue was just paperwork, by the time it was done i was struggling not to say paperwork in the middle of random conversations and frankly it was hilarious
when your friends like your game : ' )
that relatable feeling of playing a game or recalling an odd choice a game developer made in a game you loved once and being like oh I get it now. iiiiiget it now (*glances at pokemon in solemn understanding* i see why you didint do that now. I get it.
the loving feeling of you and your fellow programmer workign on a script and you putting your cursor next to theirs (it feels like a hug <3, its like, programmer cuddles, i am 99% that just an us thing) the utter TRIUMPH of getting something fully functional
when one of your friends decides to latch onto a specific character and loves them and its like YES PLEASE LOVE MY SON I WORKED HARD ON HIM HES A GIFT TO YOU YIPPIEEE
the worst feelings:
when something you worked really hard on doesnt get much attention
when you cant solve a weirdly specific problem (*Shakes fist at color wheels*) and you know its objectively making your game MUCH worse and harder on the player, but you just cant find the information you need to solve it
when youve tried to fix the same bug 10 times and the error log isint changing
thinking you got all the bugs only to find out your newest update is a buggy disaster and one of your characters has decided to become a nudist and preform mitosis which was NOT your goal whatsoever because your naming conventions were flawed
when you have too many files and its just overwhelming-
messing up ONE letter or the indentation on something
problems that take 3 days or more to figure out solutions to
and as the artist and one of the two main programmers: character creation. i understand now why its not more common in video games. this is hard. I definitely intend to do it but golly
trying to balance stats and things
when the game crashes while youre bugfixing-
trying to figure out what strange seemingly alien language your fellow programmer is using to get amazing results because you have to understand how it works so you can actually use the amazing system they made but if you COULD understand it very easily already you would have made it yourself so youre just crawling through it trying to reverse engineer it so you can avoid breaking what they made and add onto it lol
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richardsphere · 7 months
Leverage Log: The Rundown Job
Pig farm. (please dont be a serialkiller feeding his victims to his pigs. Please dont be a serialkiller feeding his victims to his pigs. Please dont be...) Angry farmer calls about rent. Guy stabs him with syringe gun. "know your sacrifice will save millions of lives." Probably not a serialkiller, either a conspiracy theorist, or a government agent part of a conspiracy.
--- Ok we've got a government hearing about a guy (not the same guy) doing "counterterrorism" (read: Murdering innocent civilians in Rome)
Oh no, we're doing one of those "cop who doesnt play by the rules is actually right" copaganda stories arent we? (but like, for US Blackop squads)
i already hate this episode with every fiber of my being. (and I eat a lot of fiber.) --- Oh, nice. The fight-scene in front of the elevator has a shot from below that lets us just see the overhead vent-passage Elliot just dropped behind the guard from. --- Not a fan of the Hardison HUD. It feels like we're stretching his already god-like hacking powers a bit too far. (like he's good dont get me wrong.) --- Parker definitly stole one of the diamonds. Those are way too many diamonds for any orphans to need and she is a legitimate kleptomaniac. (Like remember the 12 step job, she legitimately needs medication y'all.) --- Ok so this is our Elliot episode (already had a Parker one with the Broken Wing) Also this is probably happening simultaniously with the previous episode with the painting. Which means its three episodes in a row with the gang split. (that is... interesting. Either a scheduling thing or foreshadowing the season ending with the gang splitting up as Nate and/or Sophie retires and/or dies) --- "you stole a michelangelo with tinfoil and a chewing gum, Figure it out!" Nice callback to the Davids.
Oh disguise the sniper in a golfbag. Nice idea, unfortunately this means Elliot gets to practice his driverswing. --- They always were illegal, and I do not like that we're going the "US government black-ops are morally right to do their shit" angle on this story. --- "Better or worse, we change together", good line. simple. 9.5/10 Oh right, Parker is a dangerous driver. (i dont like that form of humor) Oh no, we're going for extremely racist bearded middle-eastern terrorist because god forbid the terrorists be anything but an affirmation of Bush era bigotry and propaganda. --- Ok old pre-CDC lab. (the pigs from the cold open are definitly of the Guinnea variety. Expect them to be dead if we ever see them again) Oh, we're dealing with the Spanish Flu. Well this episode definitly didnt age badly with an entire generation of people having suffered Plague-based traumatic experiences in the inbetween. (im not blaming Leverage for not knowing the future im just worried how this episode ends up handling such a now-sensitive topic)
--- 150 million, thats a big number.
Bro-trust moment between Elliot and Hardison. Hardison is so going to steal the "creepy spy truck" isnt he? I will not be satisfied if this episode does NOT relieve the US Government of 1 creepy ass violation of civil liberties and gives us a new Lucille. --- his name is Ahmed, because it couldnt just be Jim or Jordan or anything, had to be the most stereotypically propaganda name for a terrorist ever.
--- Oh thank god its just a white guy using xenophobia as a distraction to hide his real identity. (thank fuck)
Trailer is a trap. --- Ok good, well explained use of the hacking powers. (like the little detail about "always a little power, its how electric locks work") Tiny note: Usually an SOS means you are about to die. (either way it would've worked here. cause Vance could've turned around to find you and abandoned the trailer.)
--- Parker has stopped the train, Subject has cuffed himself to his briefcase (as if handcuffs are gonna stop Parker.)
--- Wow, this nutter actually managed to shoot Elliot. She kept the diamond, (I get its meant to be foreshadowing, but there is no way Parker doesnt regularly carry glasscutting equipment on her anyway. Im fairly certain its one of the first tools we saw her use back in the Nigerian Job)
And Parker with the little torch-thingy. (she is definitly the next Nate) --- Were Elliots eyes always this blue? (also how overlit is this scene? He's got like, no pupil)
But yeah, somehow this guy has been the most dangerous person Elliot ever had to fight. Even the guy they had to blow a Looney-tunes style hole in the ground around with C4 didnt hurt Elliot this much.
Ok on to adress the 2 concerns i mentioned with this episode: The plague thing was fine, everything was contained and the thing didnt explode. If anything the real pandemic made this episode age better by giving it an escapist value. The Islamic Terrorism as a fakeout was... insensitive. I didnt like it, felt bad but not as bad as it could have been.
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giiegue · 1 year
Tumblr media
GAMER LOG 00XX - XX/XX/20XX 04:27 Development of J-0019 appears mostly normal. One subject of note, the still-sleeping body of this clone exhibits much less reactive behavior to stimuli during stage 2 and stage 3 incubation than compared to healthy clones. I'll keep an eye on J-0019 as usual, but uh, this one is likely another dud. On a different note: J-0016 is still exhibiting its odd behavior, but now it has become obsessive over others as well as itself. Unfortunately, this includes myself; it enjoys watching me work for hours without losing interest. This wouldn't be much of a problem, if it didn't also constantly try to, uh, get involved. I am recording this log now that J-0016 is asleep. At this point, J-0016 is no longer in the ruling as a viable JULIAN-model clone. Filing for euthanization of J-0016 is in order before this mutation gets out of hand. I'll- [yawn] I'll get it done first thing in the morning. End log.
before i elaborate, lemme just say that this whole idea isnt mine. i tried looking for the creator's instagram before posting this, but i couldnt find an account; the last active username i was knew of is @/berrygutsbeta. if anyone knows the current username for this person, please let me know so i can credit properly.
now that that's all out of the way, welcome to my own little corner of an AU i discovered called the new horizons project! the central theme is that villagers are being cloned in order to provide every human with their ideal island life experience. the more a villager is cloned, the more likely it is to undergo various mutations. you can probably figure out the rest.
my sona's role in this is a clone maker who got dragged into the job after stumbling upon some things they shouldntve seen. it was either be killed or make clones and get house loan compensation for it. the choice has become less obvious over time.
my actual island has multiple popular villagers on it, namely julian, zucker, and a couple others i cant remember right now lol. the horrors write themselves.
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figula · 5 months
it was good bc it was WARM! and i went on a lil wander in the evening atl ike 8pm and it was still LIGHT oh my god! genuinely i feel the life returning to meeee i love it so much
cleaned my 3d printer resin tank, sans PPE bc it was all dry and cured so i just did it in the garden and it was chill and very satisfying. (actually it's still out there lol need to remember to bring it in before i sleep)
ordered new FEP sheets for resin printer. should arrive tmr, if it does, ill do some printing tehn if i can figure out how to replace the sheet. there are instructions but im always wary of doing things myself instead of making ben do it for me, which is actually quite a toxic and dangerous mindset i fear lol idk where it comes from bc im perfectly capable at anything ive ever attempted so i am trying to not lean on him too much for this. unless it's literally like for brute strength bc my arms are weak as fuck
sold two wigs (£140)
saw a cat outside
ben / ana / clare went on a walk this eve but i didnt go partly bc i dont really like walks in the country (i like walks with a goal not just seeing the green stuff) but also bc im still not very confident of my hip's ability to walk further than about 30 mins - will be testing this next week i think
did half my chess job (couldnt quite face the emails portion of it lol yesterday i logged in and there were almost 400 and i felt the urge to like, throw my computer out of the window)
replied to some wig DMs
omg i forgot to say this... but clare got a doll of her own... it's a little man... it's good having clare living 5 mins away... it's funny what happened there like we were casual friends in uni then didnt speak for 6y then ben/me (cant rmb who) sent her a message asking to reconnect and now shes one of our best friends and lives here lol
have another meal out at the weekend w/ ben's family... it never ends
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leftforthestars · 8 months
NEWJACK I WAS CRYING MY ASS OFF YESTERDAY WHEN HYPERDRAMA TOLD ME THE NEWS THAT YOU WERE LOCKED OUT OF JUMBLR. (justice tumblr) i just wanna say congrats. you are now a member of the otherkin community. watch out though! those kins can other
and im still kinda figuring out if im actually otherkin or not buuut . thank you nazareth !!
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thegeminisage · 8 months
as always i am transcribing the little notes i took on my phone during the experience
the three things i knew about this film before i started were 1. valeris secret villain? some kind of mind-meld forced on spock? 2. worf's grandpa 3. kirk and bones sentenced to hard labor on planet hoth. other than that i went in blind
im glad they opened with CAPTAIN!!! sulu. i feel like he couldnt be there during filming but im so relieved he got parts anyway <3
also quite shocked to see janice rand?! god bless. she was like, i've undergone so much unbelievable bullshit. lemme get that star trek money. and then she did <3
the ship shaking in this movie was VERY realistic. the m,ost realistic yet. idk why they would have glass tecups in this situation though...maybe they just like to watch them break dramatically
uhura is still so beautiful in this movie. i don't know how she gets more beautiful in every star trek thing she appears in but she did it 6 times in a row. queen
first cry of the evening was when spock showed up but it was a SHORT cry because i had just cried about him in tng two days ago.
loved his little domestic spat with kirk at the beginning. the giant space between them. doing it in public. the absolute death glares. who's in the woodshed NOW (sorry for saying woodshed)
kirk being racist was an unexpected detail but i get it. you gotta have somebody being racist to nail home this story's message or whatever. i just figured it'd be bones. then again the klingons didn't kill his kid
that one bald klingon who kept eyefucking everybody he looked at. king. i know the phrase eyefucking is out of date because we overused it but there is simply no other way to describe it. he was there to leer at men suggestively and recite a batshit amount of shakespeare. and he did a great job
i had so much fun playing spot the tng set. they kept those rooms SO dark so we wouldn't recognize them but i did anyway.
the anti-gravity scene was SO so so so cool and good. like, the 90s cgi purple pepto bismol blood took me out of it a little but we have been saying every time something fucked up their little ship "how is the gravity still on rn." and the answer, always, is "it's on bc no-grav scenes cost money." FINALLY we got a no gravity scene. such a profound sense of both awe and closure
the violence was shockingly gorey too. like we had severed arms and real blood flying everywhere. idk that any of the trek i've watched so far has been quite that explicit
the scene where bones tries to save the klingon high chancellor. 10/10. bones the healer begging to be allowed to save lives. him jumping straight up onto that table and straddlign that man. him digging his hands into all that klingon blood. what a fine moment. it was a little homoerotic of that guy to grab kirk in the spiderman kiss pose as he was dying too
sarek cameo <3 it felt weird to see him alive right after he died
i did wonder why they didn't just have saavik in this film instead of valeris...i guess that saavik fans would have been mad if the send-off for the character was to make her a backstabber. but it would have felt more believable that spock be blind to her passions because she was also his protege. it also would've made the mind meld (WHICH. WOW. GETTING TO THAT) all the more tragic. valeris does a great spock eyebrow but she's not as compelling as saavik and she doesn't have the backstory so even if i hadn't had the spoilers i would have suspected her
things i didnt like: that one colonel guy saying terrorism and mr scott saying bitch. watch your mouth, gentleman.
the trial was fine (i still have trial fatigue) but i find it hard to believe klingons dont have tear ducts. what if they get something in their eyes? i loved seeing worf. i loved bones's little arthritis joke. frail little old waif of a man <3
kirk getting his ass handed to him over his personal logs is why you don't make personal logs. even funnier: their thing where they were like yeah but he has a record of [lists 1000000 crimes kirk has committed]. that was funny because it was true.
i love when they put dogs in costumes
bones collapsing in that blizzard was my ONE AND ONLY HOPE for this movie. i needed him to do it so bad so i could round out my collection and he did not let me down. true consistency. authenticity. king behavior. me when i go north fr
unexpected: both the cigar and the hot alien lady. i don't know what either of them were even doing there. she literally macked on kirk right in front of bones's salad. idk if we can count this as a close encounter though considering how short it was
i loved kirk's little fight where he nutshotted the alien. and their little prison outfits. and them snuggling up on bed together to stay warm <3 also bones being like and one day PFFFT kobayashi maru, that's it! quintessential bones behavior.
mixed feelings about the shapeshifter. double kirks was great (once again: william shatner plays a woman) and hilarious especially when they smooshed poor bones. double especially when she was like yeah well i bet you always wanted to kiss yourself anyway. that little girl giving kirk a saucy wink was maybe less fun. it would have been a close encounter if they'd fucked i guess
spirk talking in the hall and their faces were soooo close together
spock's forced mind meld: i thought this was something done TO him, not something HE DID. imagine my shock. there's a little mirror spock in him after all. it was absolutely fucking ruthless. i have a little pet theory that everyone in the mirrorverse is really the same - it's only their circumstances that turned them into monsters. it's not always viable and it's not always as fun as them just being evil and edgy, but this does lend it evidence <3
spock "i've been dead before" absolute king.
the conference at khitomer!!!! the foreshadowing.........
spirk's conversation in spock's quarters in the dark...mwah. "the night is young" "i find that remark insulting" "i need you" i wish they had talked about valeris but this was still really good. bones should have been there.
TORPEDO SURGERY! IT'S AN AOS REFERENCE! aos bones is a damsel because he couldn't operate on the torpedo.
loved kirk's GET DOWN MRS OBAMA moment and he got to have one twice in a row and then pull the mask off that guy like he was a scooby doo villain. incredible.
you've restored my father's faith / you've restored my son's...wah. i didn't really care about david but i'm glad he got closure about it or whatever.
then the klingon slow clapping. incredible.
spock cussing and saying go to hell <3
"soon the enterprise will have a new crew" yeah a worse one. i did like the switch from no man to no one though during that final monologue. just subtle enough <3
I DID CRY AGAIN AT THE END.....................it was a very sweet ending. second star to the right and straight on til morning. i'm glad sulu got to say goodbye even on webcam he was such a g this film. i'm gonna miss them SO MUCH.
i now know spock's ENTIRE LIFE STORY except whatever happens in snw that i dont care about <3 if i wasnt busy it would have huge fanfic potential. give me time i guess.
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
So my brother introduced Brian the cat to our parents on zoom. And when he logged on and we were all able to see each other, he was holding up the cat, close to the computer like its Simba and just went ‘everybody, meet Brian.’ And then turned the cat to like “look” at me and went in a fake voice ‘we already know each other…however ‘ and then like maneuvered the cat to “look” at our parents and went ‘we however, dont. The name is Brian. Nice to meet you’ and he like fake shook his paw as if they were shaking hands. And then he held it like a baby while talking to our parents. And our mom went ‘brian? What happened to fluffy or mr fizzles? Or some other shit like that?’ And he goes ‘he came to me after an episode and we have been bros since. And its because i couldnt figure out a cool name with the word kinney. Plus Brian just sounds fancy. He sounds like he’s judging every other cat that lives on a street’ And then my dad just went ‘i cant believe that this is what i worked my ass off to raise for 18 years’ And my poor mom tried to be on my brothers side and went ‘could be worse, he could’ve been addicted to drugs’ and my dad goes ‘but instead he is addicted to a 20 year old tv show and in love with a man that doesn’t exist who is probably 60 at this point, who’d probably get a restraining order if he met him in real life. Thank God, it’s not drugs.’ (That was all said with extreme sarcasm) and then my brother goes ‘see, when you say it like that, it sounds like I’m either mentally ill or actually on drugs’ and my dad went ‘i think that’s the story you should start going with because nothing about this *waves his hands at my brother who is wearing TB shirt and holding the cat baby style* is normal’ and the whole time, I’m dying inside because none of them know about the chaos I’ve accidentally started on here (except my cousins and friends who find it hilarious) and how there’s a group of people that weirdly find this normal. So that was his human interaction for today. I hope. Oh and I can’t believe I almost forgot, we continued our normal family conversation and then my dad casually goes ‘naming a cat Brian, is dumb. Would’ve been better if you stuck with kinn-whatever the fuck the last name is’ and now there’s a big debate between them what’s a better name for a cat: Brian aka ‘fancy but judgmental of other stray cats’ (he even quotes the Noble quote) or Kinney aka ‘brian is a human name dumbass’
The perpetual debate - which is worse? Having a grown child get addicted to drugs or get mixed up in the world of fandom?
‘naming a cat Brian, is dumb. Would’ve been better if you stuck with kinn-whatever the fuck the last name is’ and now there’s a big debate between them what’s a better name for a cat: Brian aka ‘fancy but judgmental of other stray cats’ (he even quotes the Noble quote) or Kinney aka ‘brian is a human name dumbass’
Look, I obviously come down on the side of "Kinney" is a fabulous cat name. But the drawback is that it sounds a lot like "Kitty" and who wants to be thought of as someone who names a cat "Kitty?" I do love a human name for a pet - which is why my other pets are named Olivia (cat), Evelyn (dog), and Harvey (dog)... and Emmett (cat) for Emmett Honeycutt.
I do love the idea of Brian the cat looking at other strays and thinking "there's nothing noble about being poor." Kinney the cat would never, however.
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